[ "FIVE RIVERS MEDICAL CTR\n\nFIVE RIVERS MEDICAL CTR PSYCH\n\nLocated in Pocahontas, FIVE RIVERS MEDICAL CTR PSYCH specializes in mental treatments. ", "When you or a loved one requires treatment for psychological problems, FIVE RIVERS MEDICAL CTR PSYCH is a safe place for healing with treatments like Psychiatric Hospitals.", "\n\nFive Rivers Medical Ctr\n\nFive Rivers Medical Ctr is a hospital located in Pocahontas. ", "It specializes in mental treatments. ", "When you or a loved one requires treatment for psychological problems, Five Rivers Medical Ctr is a safe place for healing with treatments like Mental Health Services.", "\n\nFulton County Hospital\n\nFulton County Hospital\n\nLocated in Salem, Fulton County Hospital specializes in senior people services. ", "People of advanced age can be interested in Fulton County Hospital's services of Hospices. ", "On top of other services, the following are offered in Fulton County Hospital: Vocational Rehabilitation.", "\n\nWhite River Med Ctr North\n\nDISCLAIMER:\nHospitals Near Me Ltd attempts to provide accurate and up-to-date information in good faith, however cannot guarantee the information will always be accurate, complete and up-to-date. ", "The map data and directions information is provided by a third party, Hospitals Near Me has no control over this information. ", "Hospitals Near Me accepts no liability for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused by reliance on any information in this system.", "\n\nNOTE: The information provided should under no circumstances be relied upon as accurate, especially in any urgent or emergency situations." ]
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[ "Jam reveninte en 1909, li profitis el sia funkcio de direktoro de la 5-a UK en Barcelono, por konigi al la tuta mondo la ekziston de la kataluna lingvo kaj de ĝia kulturo. ", "Lia partopreno kiel soldato en la Unua mondmilito estis volontula, same kiel aliaj katalunaj batalantoj, kvankam li estis rekrutita pro sia franca civitaneco, tamen li partoprenis kun Adrià Gual, en 1914, en la preparaj laboroj de la 10-a UK 1914 okazunta en Parizo. ", "Pujulà esperis ke lia batalo alportos ion al la liberiĝo de la eŭropeaj nacioj. ", "Li pasigis kvar jarojn en diversaj militfrontoj ĝis li estos malmobilizita de la franca armeo en 1919. ", "Inter alie, li estis ano de kompanio de telefonistoj el kiu nur li kaj unu kompano transvivos, kaj li partoprenis en unua vico en korp-al-korpaj bataloj per bajonetoj, kiuj daŭris plurajn tagojn seninterrompe. ", "La 9-an de marto li estis akceptita kun granda festo en Hotelode Barcelono. ", "Sed lia traŭmatiga sperto ĉe la fronto, kaj aliaj personaj konfliktoj, igis lin eliĝi el publika aktivado.", "\n\n1.(Pri Io Ajn, 4 aprilo 2019)La aŭtoro luktas pri la problemo adekvate difini la ĝenron sciencfikcian. ", "Li dubemas pri la difino en Vikipedio; li ŝatas la difinon de Isaac Asimov. ", "Li mencias la verkonde Mary Shelley, kiun pluraj fakuloj fiksas la unua sciencfikcia verko. ", "Sed min ne kontentigas la konkludojn de la afiŝisto. ", "Mi mem traktis ĉi tiun aferon en mia anglalingva podkasto2.de Dirk Bindmann (Promene, 2 aprilo 2019)Bindmann raportas, ke li \"legis malnovan libron el 1924:de Immanuel Kant, tradukita de Paul Christaller. (", "En 2017 aperis nova eldono de Fonto.) ", "Krom la tekston de Kant la libro enhavas ankaŭ biografieton de Kant, kiun verkis Theodor Lessing. ", "Tio estas rimarkinda, ĉar Theodor Lessing en Germanio estis sufiĉe konata filozofo [...]\". ", "Menciataj ankaŭ estas la verkoj de Lessing kontraŭ antisemitismo kaj reakcia germana naciismo. ", "En 1933 Lessing fuĝis al Ĉeĥoslovakio. ", "Tie Lessing \"fariĝis la unua viktimo, kiujn nazioj murdis sur teritorio de Ĉeĥoslovakio\".3., ", "tradukis Dorothea kaj Hans-Georg Kaiser (cezartradukoj, 11 aprilo 2019)Kaptis mian atenton ĉi tiu bildo de(v. ", "nur maŝintradukitan eron en). ", "Bedaŭrinde,malhoneste ligas Adorno kun Himmler, kaj tiu sencerbulo Kaiser same nek komprenas nek volas kompreni Adorno.", "Samspece:Hochhuth same miskomprenigas la ideojn de, ankaŭ. ", "Oni atentu, ke Hochhuth estas disputata verkisto en Germanio. (", "V. anglalingve.)Apenaŭ ekzistas tekstoj en Esperanto de aŭ pri la Frankfurta Skolo. ", "Jen, ekzemple, eseo priBedaŭrinde, mankas ankaŭ sufiĉe da inteligentaj esperantistoj kaj tro abundas frenezuloj.", "\n\nSed eble tio kio plej alarmigas la sektorojn plej malmodernajn de la ŝtato - tiuj kiuj planas la politikajn kaj sociajn strategiojn - estas ĝuste la profundajn ŝanĝojn kiuj igas Katalunion spaco malpli hispaneca, kvankam ne nepre pli kataluna sed pli globala. ", "Fakte, tiuj kiuj sin nomas \"konstituciistoj\", kiuj rigore dirite estus \"unuigistoj\", en la senco ke ili aspiras roli kiel la monarkiaj protestantoj de Ulstero, manifestas profundan timon al kreskanta malgraviĝo en la publika debato kaj al perdo de influpovo ene de la kataluna socio. ", "Iamaniere, ili estas la pledantoj por \"hispana Katalunio\" senigita de kiu ajn signo de identeco kiu singularigu ĝin en komparo kun Madrido, Valadolido aŭ Sevilo, submetita al la ekonomiaj interesoj kaj al la kultura konceptiĝo de la hispana ĉefurbo. ", "Pro tio ilia obsedo kontraŭ la katalunaj lingvo, eduksistemo kaj amaskomunikiloj, krom la profunda minusvalorigo de la parto de Katalunio kiu ne situas for de la metropola areo de Barcelono. ", "Alivorte, la 117.000 loĝantoj de Katalunio naskiĝintaj en Ekstremaduro kunvivas kun 207.000 katalunoj naskiĝintaj en Maroko. ", "Laŭ la kontinua censado, estas 1,3 milionoj da loĝantoj naskiĝintaj en Hispanio, fronte al 1,4 milionoj naskiĝintaj eksterlande. ", "Tio implicas novan reinventadon de la kataluneco, kaj tio generas angoron ĉe kelkaj. ", "Speciale kiam grava parto de la politikaj gvidantoj de PP kaj C's montras sin malamike kontraŭ migrantoj (ne la siajn, evidente), aŭ en unuigistaj manifestacioj (al kiuj aliĝas kutime ekstremdekstruloj kiuj ofte agresis homojn afrik- aŭ aziaspektajn), la ideo pri iu Katalunio kies hispana distingilo ne malaperu sed mutaciu kaj evoluu pro kontakto kun aliaj kulturoj kaj kosmovidoj ŝajnas al ili herezon. ", "Ĉar konstateblas ke, tiu ĉi malamo kaj minusvalorigo de la kataluna singulareco, kaŝas iun timon al tio kion oni povus nomi elklasigon. ", "Ĉar en iu Kataluna Respubliko, ĉu ekstremadurano ne devus havi la samajn rajtojn kaj devojn kiel iu argeliano, iu argentinano aŭ iu ilerdano? ", "Tiuj kiuj kredas ke la sola nacio, la hispana, estas la sola ekzistanta, determinita pro sangolinio kaj genealogio (mi rememorigas ke en Hispanio regas la Ius Sanguinis , dum samtempe mi konas neniun sendependiston kiu ne konsideru grave starigi la Ius Solis ), tiuj nervoziĝas antaŭ la egaleco kiun ili mem postulas. ", "Sed ekzistas aliaj faktoroj kiuj same generas angoron. ", "Mi jam klarigis ke, estas kataluno ĉiu kiu loĝas, laboras (aŭ ne) en Katalunio kaj ne estas malamika al ĝi. ", "Alivorte, estas kataluno ĉiu ajn kiu deziras ĝin esti. ", "Etna katalunio ne povus progresi. ", "Laŭ la Instituto pri Statistiko de Katalunio, nur 24% de la katalunaj loĝantoj havas kvar geavojn naskiĝintaj en Katalunio (kaj ĉ. ", "16% havas \"ok katalunajn familinomojn\"). ", "Kontraste, laŭ la enketoj, la procento da sendependistoj de la lastaj jaroj moviĝas inter 45% kaj 55%, kio supreniras ĝis 60% se ni kalkulas tiujn naskiĝintaj en Katalunio, kvankam ankaŭ inter la malpliaĝaj ol 40-jaraj, kaj kreskanta. ", "Pliaj kuriozaĵoj, 31% de la sendependistoj havas neniun avon naskiĝinta en Katalunio. ", "La procento kreskas ju pli la enketitoj difinas sin maldekstremaj aŭ posedas pli altan kulturedukon. ", "Tio pri la alta kulturnivelo ne signifas iu ajn \"komplekson de superuleco\" sed ŝuldiĝas al la fakto ke ili ofte estas homoj kiuj plej kontaktis kun la plureco de la lando. ", "Pro tio, se ne estus pro la fiintencoj de tiuj kiuj klopodas malprestiĝigi la sendependismon kaj la sendependistojn, komparante ilin al rasistoj aŭ supereculoj, la identeco ne rilatas al genealogio, eĉ ne al naskiĝorigino, sed simple al la propra volo, Nul katalunaj familinomoj, kiel en la kazo de la aŭtoro de ĉi artikolo aŭ kiel la kazo de Antonio Baños, aŭ David Fernández, donas al ni plenan liberecon por diri kion ajn ni volas. ", "Kiu estas kataluno? ", "Ni refaru la demandon Kiu estas hispano? ", "Preter la administracia dimensio, ĉu estas hispano la brita loĝanto de la Costa del Sol (suda mediteranea marbordo) kiu ne parolas kaj ne emas paroli eĉ unu vorton en la hispana, kiu ignoras la najbarojn, kiu vivas en sia propra mondo kaj plendas ke neniu parolas la anglan? ", "La respondo estas evidenta. ", "Ĝuste pro tio, la kataluna identeco,fleksema kaj relativa, estas kontraŭa al esencismo. ", "Je la fino, la sendependeco rilatas al la dominanta respublikismo de la katalunoj. ", "Pro tio la frankoismo deklaris al ni la militon. ", "Fonto: Diario 16 Por legi la kompletan artikolon klaku: ĉi tie\n\nNia mondo vivas revolucion. ", "Tio estas tiel multe videbla, ke tiu frazo iĝis banalaĵo: tamen, kiel diris la D-rino Finn en la (bonega!) ", "serio The Orville, «banalaĵoj îĝas banaligitaj precize ĉar ili estas sufiĉe adekvataj por elteni senfinan ripeton» (clichés become clichéd precisely because they're valid enough to bear endless repetition). ", "Nu, nia mondo vivas revolucion, ĉio ŝanĝas rapidege, kaj Esperanto kaj esperantistoj ankaŭ, malgraŭ la grandega inertoforto kiu ŝajnigas — aŭ ŝajnigis —, ke nia movado estas nemovebla.", "\n\nInter la rapide ŝanĝantaj aĵoj, estas nia komunikrimedoj. ", "Pri tio mi jam sufiĉe longe parolis en mia lasta blogero, do mi ne ripetos tion, kaj simple konsilu al vi legi tiun afiŝon se vi ne iam faris. ", "Sed en tiu afiŝo, mi volas paroli pri tute alia konsekvenco de tio: la novaj komunikrimedoj estas granda ŝanco por la esperantistoj: mi povas diskuti kun eksterlandanoj facile kaj malmultekoste. ", "Vi kvazaŭ senpage povas legi tiun afiŝon, kvankam vi loĝas en Strasburgo apud mi, aŭ en Pekino aŭ Vaŝingtono, je la alia flanko de nia mondo.", "\n\nLa esperantistoj jam multe uzas tiujn novajn komunikrimedojn. ", "La grupo «Esperanto» ĉe Fejsbuko enhavas 21 536 membrojn hodiaŭ, la 21an de marto 2019, kaj ekzistas aliaj, por diskuti en Esperanto, sed pri apartaj temoj, el kiuj kelkaj havas pli ol 1000 membrojn, ne nepre ankaŭ membroj de la grupo «Esperanto». ", "Multas la Esperantistoj en Twitter, kaj dekoj, se ne centoj, da mesaĝoj estas publikigitaj tie ciutage en nia kara lingvo. ", "Ĉe Reddit, estas hodiaŭ pli ol 11 500 subskribitoj al la subreddito «r/Esperanto» (kaj estas ankaŭ aliaj esperantlingvaj subredditoj). ", "Plie, dekoj da «tradiciaj» dissendolistoj, ofte uzante YahooGroups, estas aktivaj ĉiutage, centoj ĉiumonate. ", "Miloj da blogoj kaj retpaĝaroj proponas al la esperantista legantaro pli da legaĵoj ĉiutage, ol eblas legi.", "\n\nĈiuj tiuj ekzemploj estas nemovadaj retpaĝoj, kiujn la Esperantistoj ial elektis por diskuti. ", "Mi mem kreis mian blogon ĉe Blogpsot ĉar tiam, plejmulto el la esperantlingvaj blogoj uzis tiun servon (ŝajne, tio iom ŝanĝiĝis por Wordpress, kaj tio estas bona novaĵo). ", "Estis ankaŭ provoj por krei sociaj retoj per kaj por esperantistoj, en kiuj nur esperantistoj estas. ", "Amikumu (ne temas pri la fama aplikaĵo, eĉ se Chuck Smith estas la prizorganto de la du projektoj) estis laŭ mia scio la unua provo, kiu daŭris kelkajn monatojn en 2007-2008 kaj havis, je la fermiĝo, 1700 membrojn, laŭ Vikipedio. ", "Esperanto.com estas sendube la plej fama el ili, sed, ŝajne ĝi ne plu funkcias hodiaŭ, kaj havis pli ol 8000 membrojn. ", "Lernu! ", "ne estas ĝenerala socia reto, sed destinita al lernantoj, estas multe uzata de komencantoj kaj progresantoj, sed forlasita poste (mi mem lernis per ĝi kaj havas nostaligiajn memorojn, sed preskaŭ neniam plu vizitas ĝin); ĝi tamen estas socia reto per kaj por esperantistoj, kaj tutcerte la plej sukcesa el ili.", "\n\nLa plej interesa el tiuj movadaj sociaj retoj estas laŭ mi la laste naskita: Nubo.re. ", "Lanĉita la 21an de decembro 2018, ĝi hodiaŭ festas sian trian monaton kaj havas preskaŭ 400 membrojn.", "\n\nĜi uzas la sistemon OpenSource Social Network (OSSN), kaj proponas preskaŭ ĉion, kion Fejsbuko proponas, sen la reklamoj kaj sen vendi viajn datumojn. ", "Ĉar la kodo estas libere travidebla, oni scias ekzakte tion, kion OSSN kaj Nubo.re faras.", "\n\nParoli kun aliaj esperantistoj eblas per tri vojoj. ", "Unue, vi povas publikigi ion en via profilo, kaj tiu mesaĝo aperos al ĉiuj viaj amikoj. ", "Due, ekzistas grupoj (36 hodiaŭ), al kiuj oni povas aliĝi: pri politiko, por vidi memeojn aŭ ŝercojn, por lingvokonstruistoj, pri komputado aŭ futbalo, por parolantoj de Tokipono, … probable ekzistas grupoj por vi, kaj se ne, vi povas krei iun facile kaj rapide. ", "Trie, estas forumoj, en kiuj vi povas diskuti kun ĉiuj membroj de la retejo. ", "Estas ankaŭ aliaj eblecoj, kiel prezenti la eventojn, sed mi ne ĉion provis.", "\n\nDo, eblas fari multajn aĵojn. ", "Sed, pli multe estos la aktivaj membroj (nun, el preskaŭ 400 membroj, nur deko estas aktiva), pli interesa estos la retpaĝaro. ", "Ni bezonas socian servon por kaj per esperantistoj, kaj Nubo.re estas tre bona paŝo tiudirekten. ", "La gravaj fortostreĉoj de la kreantoj de tiu retpaĝaro ne estu vanaj. ", "Ni vivigu kaj vivtenu ĝin!" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThis invention relates generally to power amplifier control. ", "More particularly, the invention relates to a dual voltage regulator for a supply voltage controlled power amplifier in a closed power control loop.", "\n2. ", "Related Art\nWith the increasing availability of efficient, low cost electronic modules, portable communication devices are becoming more and more widespread. ", "A portable communication device includes one or more power amplifiers for amplifying the power of the signal to be transmitted from the portable communication device.", "\nWith the decreasing size of portable communication devices, power efficiency is one of the most important design criteria. ", "Reducing power consumption prolongs power source life and extends stand-by and talk time of the portable communication device. ", "In a portable communication device that uses a non-constant amplitude output (i.e., one that modulates and amplifies both a phase component and an amplitude component), a linear power amplifier is typically used. ", "The efficiency of the power amplifier decreases rapidly as the transmission output power decreases from a maximum level. ", "This results in a paradox. ", "To reduce power consumption, the power output of the power amplifier is reduced when conditions permit. ", "Unfortunately, power amplifier efficiency rapidly decreases as the power output is reduced, thus leading to increased power consumption, and reduced power source life.", "\nOne type of power amplifier is referred to as a “supply voltage controlled” power amplifier. ", "This power amplifier methodology varies the power output of the power amplifier by controlling the supply voltage to the power amplifier. ", "The output power of a supply voltage controlled power amplifier (PA) is determined by a regulated voltage applied to the collector terminal of a bi-polar junction transistor (or drain terminal, if implemented as a field effect transistor (FET)) of one or more stages of the power amplifier. ", "If implemented using bi-polar technology, this power amplifier is also referred to as a collector voltage amplifier control (COVAC) power amplifier.", "\nTo improve the efficiency of a supply voltage controlled power amplifier operating at a low power output level, a switching voltage regulator can be implemented to provide the supply voltage to the power amplifier. ", "Unfortunately, a switching voltage regulator can inject noise and spurious components onto the transmit signal. ", "The control bandwidth of a switching voltage regulator must also be capable of operating over the bandwidth of the transmit signal.", "\nTherefore, it would be desirable to control the voltage applied to a supply control port of a power amplifier to minimize noise, spurious signal generation and switching transients, thereby minimizing spectral regrowth." ]
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[ "BARNABY Joyce finds putting out the washing, whipping up roasts and changing nappies rather cathartic.", "\n\nThe father to newborn Sebastian spends his free time as a “house husband” when he’s not doing his day job as federal MP in Canberra or his NSW electorate. “", "I think people are surprised when I’m at home I do all the cooking, I do the washing, hang things out,” he told Sky News on Thursday.", "\n\nThe former deputy prime minister and Nationals leader says his bundle of joy with former staffer Vikki Campion is an incredible blessing and he’s enjoying time cooking for the family.", "\n\nHis specialty, apparently, is “the regular roast that become curries that become risotto, and (I) just work my way down”. ", "But he’s “not big on the baking”.", "\n\nMr Joyce was photographed by a commercial network with Seb and Ms Campion at Armidale airport earlier in the week.", "\n\n“Pretty creepy,” he said of the snap which was taken by a member of the public. “", "You don’t want to lock yourself up forever, but when you go back out into the public you don’t expect someone to go through the process of slyly taking a photo of you.”", "\n\nThe New England MP said the woman who took the photo sent it to her mother’s group, and someone in the group sent it to the media.", "\n\n“You don’t want to be on public display like some exotic animal in the zoo,” Mr Joyce said.", "\n\nThe 51-year-old, who has four daughters with estranged wife Natalie, also says he’s copping it from mates over being an older dad.", "\n\nAt the rugby recently they told him they’d do a working bee at the local retirement home to prune the tall pine trees.", "\n\n“(So) when Seb’s playing you’ll be able to see the game mate,” they joked, he said." ]
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[ "A-level student reported to police and his future university by headmaster after he criticised school in online blog\n\nKinnan Zaloom, 19, labelled teachers as Orwellian totalitarian characters in The Hampstead Trash blog\n\nBlog blocked in April by headmaster Jacques Szemalikowski\n\nHeadmaster of Hampstead School said he was 'duty bound' to prevent 'violent extremism' of student 'developing into an anarchist'\n\nBlog now being run by anonymous current student\n\n\n\nDuty: Hampstead School headmaster Jacques Szemalikowski\n\nA London headteacher reported an A-Level student to police and informed the university he had applied for that the teenager had succumbed to 'violent extremism' after he criticised the school in a blog.", "\n\nJacques Szemalikowski, the headmaster of Hampstead School, told 19-year-old Kinnan Zaloom never to return to the school grounds again after he set up a website attacking the way it was run.", "\n\nAnd he informed the school's on-site policemen and Glasgow University, where Mr Zaloom hoped to take a degree, that the student could be 'developing into an anarchist.", "\n\nThe Hampstead Trash, which Mr Zaloom started in February, contained a series of colourfully-worded articles that likened the school staff to characters in George Orwell's anti-totalitarian novels - most notably casting Mr Szemalikowski in the role of Animal Farm's chief pig, Napoleon.", "\n\nIn a style that he likened to that of the irreverent satirical magazine Private Eye, the young blogger accused the school of failing to push GCSE results any higher, a lack of investment in musical instruments and gym equipment, and of not listening to pupils' views.", "\n\n\n\nMr Szemalikowski confirmed yesterday that he had blocked the blog from school computers in April and condemned the articles as 'mad writings'.", "\n\nHe said he had 'major concerns and was duty bound under legal acts for the prevention of violent extremism' and that he was 'erring on the side of caution' in taking action.", "\n\n'It is fairly worrying stuff,' he added.", "\n\n\n\nMr Szemaliskowski said he was particularly concerned 'that Kinnan has mentioned the ideologies of anarchism and individualism on this blog'.", "\n\n'I must do something,' he said. '", "In the last year he has become more and more enchanted by anti-establishment ways of thinking and has even said that there is an inherent risk that every government is corrupt.", "\n\n\n\n'I am not an expert in these matters but I had training in how to look for things that might need a second opinion. ", "I didn’t think it was illegal but the undertones towards the end made me think - does this need a second opinion?", "\n\n\n\n\"The school claims again and again that it listens to students needs and that it takes into consideration what students say and care about. ", "This is utter horses***. ", "So much horses*** indeed, that findus’ lasagne is bewildered\" Article, The Hampstead Trash\n\n'I phoned Glasgow to warn them what sort of person they were dealing with, to advise them that this person thinks thoughts like these, and they could then make an informed decision.", "\n\n\n\n'I am duty bound to do that.'", "\n\nThe headteacher added: 'I also reported what he had written to the police, and the officer I spoke to said he would pass these mad writings of his on to a colleague.'", "\n\nNeither Mr Szemalikowski nor Mr Zaloom has since heard from police.", "\n\nThe north-west London school caters for around 1,300 pupils, with former students including novelist Zadie Smith, women’s England international footballer Rachel Yankey and actress Sadie Frost.", "\n\nThe blog is now being updated by another, anonymous student as Mr Zaloom has left the school.", "\n\nTrash: A post from Mr Zaloom's blog, run along with several students, which slammed the school management using the fruitiest of language\n\nIn his final post on the blog, Mr Zaloom wrote: 'This past year, I have become more and more enchanted by the ideology of anarchism and individualism.'", "\n\nHe added: 'I am not hailing anarchism as the only way of life, just pointing out that any type of government has the risk of being corrupt and vile.'", "\n\nMr Zaloom said he had been summoned to the headteacher’s office on his last day and interrogated about his articles, before he was warned never return to the school site - even to pick up his A-level exam results - because the work was 'offensive'.", "\n\nOne article that caused particular trouble commented that the school was 'playing the school league tables' in terms of how results were presented.", "\n\nIt claimed there were tensions among staff members about the way the school was run, outlined in phrases such as : 'So f*** you school management, f*** you.'", "\n\n\n\nAnother article read: 'The school claims again and again that it listens to students needs and that it takes into consideration what students say and care about. ", "This is utter horses***. ", "So much horses*** indeed, that findus’ lasagne is bewildered' - referring to the scandal earlier last year, when ready meals were found to contain horse meat.", "\n\nSchool for scandal: Hampstead School in Camden, north London, teaches around 1,300 pupils\n\nThe article went on: 'The school magazine is not worth the paper it is printed on and does s*** all to voice student consensus.'", "\n\nMr Zaloom, who did not get the grades he needed to get into Glasgow and will be studying mathematics at Portsmouth University, said: 'They said I had brought the school into disrepute. ", "I said that was their opinion, but nothing I had done was illegal so why such severe action?", "\n\n'I was prepared to apologise for the language. ", "But what worries me is if I had been a year younger they said they would have expelled me halfway through my A-levels, and that means they would have been prepared to ruin my education because they didn’t like my thoughts.", "\n\n'It was useless to call the police because I didn’t break the law.", "\n\n'I was concerned he’d called Glasgow because I’m worried he would go to those lengths of intimidation to control a student’s thoughts. ", "But I wasn’t too panicked because it turned out I didn’t have the grades to get in there anyway.'", "\n\n\n\n\"I phoned Glasgow to warn them what sort of person they were dealing with, to advise them that this person thinks thoughts like these, and they could then make an informed decision. ", "I am duty bound to do that.\" ", "Jacques Szemalikowski, Hampstead School headmaster\n\nMr Zaloom, who co-founded a debating society at the school, compared his treatment to those fighting for press freedom in the Middle East.", "\n\nHe said: 'Obviously it’s not on the same scale at all, this injustice is small, I know that. ", "But my family are from Jordan so I know how things work there, and newspapers are not allowed to write what they want.", "\n\n'Everybody is controlled, and I can see that happening here. ", "It reminds me of Ingsoc\n\n[a totalitarian government in the Orwell novel Nineteen Eighty-Four], people must conform or they are out.", "\n\n'When he blocked the blog from the school’s computers that was bizarre. ", "How does he find the time to go round doing things like that?'", "\n\nMr Szemalikowski defended his actions, saying: 'He posted lies about the school and I will not tolerate that.", "\n\n'His posts were scattered with the f-word and c-word and if a student spoke like that in school they would be expelled. ", "So of course I blocked the blog, and told him never to come back.", "\n\n\n\n'He’s right, if he had been younger, he would have been expelled.", "\n\n'It would have been his responsibility that he ruined his education, not mine.'", "\n\nHe added that if Mr Zaloom had not used bad language he would still have warranted an expulsion 'for his mad ideas and ranting'.", "\n\nMr Zaloom said he wanted to thank 'a lot of the very good teachers at Hampstead School' but felt they were not given the chance to 'teach the way they want to'.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Pese al insoslayable rol del nacionalismo en la construcción de los estados modernos, las percepciones que cada país tiene de sí mismo varían a lo largo de Europa. ", "La última encuesta de Pew sobre chovinismo patrio, grado de aceptación de otras etnias y sentimientos religiosos muestran una brecha gigantesca entre Europa Occidental y Oriental. ", "Y entre la marabunta de datos ofrecidos por el estudio, uno es muy singular: el del sentimiento de superioridad cultural.", "\n\nDe forma sorprendente, es en España donde cotiza más a la baja.", "\n\n¿Qué? ", "Sólo un 20% de los españoles encuestados cree que, pese a los defectos de sus compatriotas, su \"cultura\" es superior a las demás. ", "La cifra contrasta no sólo con las surrealistas percepciones propias de los georgianos, los griegos o los búlgaros, sino también con la de sus vecinos: el 47% de los portugueses e italianos creen que su cultura es más valiosa o mejor que el resto. ", "España se equipara a Suecia (26%) o Bélgica (23%).", "\n\n¿Qué significa? ", "Pew asocia estos datos a las visiones nacionalistas y al \"chovinismo cultural\". ", "No se trata tanto de que los armenios o los serbios sientan un profundo respeto por sus literatos y pintores, o de que los españoles apenas se enorgullezcan de Cervantes o Picasso. ", "Más bien, apunta al carácter moral de la identidad patria, a una visión nacionalista que jerarquiza a los países (y a las culturas) en torno a \"superiores\" e \"inferiores\".", "\n\nSegún la encuesta, España o Suecia no sienten que el peso de su historia, lengua o costumbres les haga mejores que el resto del mundo, por así decirlo. ", "Georgia o Grecia sí.", "\n\nCentral and Eastern Europeans are more inclined than Western Europeans to say their culture is superior https://t.co/m1i1RipjMu pic.twitter.com/zA9kElLKWa — Pew Research Center (@pewresearch) October 29, 2018\n\n¿Es lógico? ", "Sí. ", "La identidad nacional española es a menudo contradictoria en su autopercepción. ", "Pese al palpable nacionalismo, tan altanero, visible y chovinista en sus distintas formas, los españoles tienden a considerarse en peores términos que sus vecinos europeos. ", "Diversas encuestas muestran cómo hay una suerte de \"autoodio\", una percepción muy negativa de su propio país, cultura e historia única en Europa (la mayor parte de países se tienen en buena estima).", "\n\nEn gran medida, esta idea alimenta las explicaciones particulares, excepcionales y culturalistas de las penas que atormentan a España (como el nacionalismo periférico, el paro o la corrupción).", "\n\n¿Es malo? ", "No. ", "La encuesta de Pew encuentra correlaciones preocupantes para Europa del Este. ", "Una mayor percepción de superioridad cultural está relacionada con una menor tolerancia a los musulmanes o a los judíos, con una mayor influencia de las visiones religiosas, y con una menor aceptación de los derechos de las mujeres o del colectivo LGBT. ", "Georgia, Rusia o Grecia están menos dispuestos a aceptar a un musulmán en su familia que Francia, Dinamarca o Bélgica.", "\n\nUna mayor superioridad cultural también está relacionada con una descripción más integrista de la \"pertenencia nacional\". ", "Mientras los suecos o daneses asumen que la ciudadanía depende de respetar las leyes y el estado de derecho, rumanos o polacos consideran que es esencial haber nacido en el país y tener un bagaje cultural acorde (religión, costumbres). ", "A mayor sentimiento de \"superioridad\", menor tolerancia a lo ajeno.", "\n\nImagen: GTRES" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to add if statement in anonymous class?", "\n\nIf I have this :\nSubMenuList=new object[]\n{\n new \n { \n transKey = \"PERSONAL_INFORMATION\",\n stateName=\"account.personalinformation\", \n displayUrl = \"/account/personalinformation\" \n },\n new \n { \n tranKey = \"NOTIFICATIONS\",\n stateName = \"account.notificationsettings\",\n displayUrl = \"/account/notifications\"\n }\n}\n\nCan I somehow add an if statement to this and say for example:\nif (something !", "= null)\n{\n new\n {\n transKey = \"PERSONAL_INFORMATION\", \n stateName=\"account.personalinformation\", \n displayUrl = \"/account/personalinformation\" \n }\n}\n\nA:\n\nFor this purpose is better to use List<Object>:\nvar list = new List<object>\n{\n new \n { \n transKey = \"PERSONAL_INFORMATION\",\n stateName=\"account.personalinformation\", \n displayUrl = \"/account/personalinformation\" \n }\n};\nif (something !", "= null)\n{\n list.", "Add(new\n {\n tranKey = \"NOTIFICATIONS\",\n stateName = \"account.notificationsettings\",\n displayUrl = \"/account/notifications\"\n });\n}\n\nif you want to get an array, you can invoke ToArray() on the link:\nSubMenuList = list.", "ToArray();\n\nIt is better to introduce non anonymous type here, because these objects have the same structure, and without the context it is hard to guess why you do not use named types.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to create a hole in a polygon in QGIS?", "\n\nI'm trying to use the tool \"delete ring\" in order to create a hole in a polygon. ", "The geometry of the hole is another feature of the same shapefile \nI cannot manage to delete the part of the polygone. ", "Does someone have a tutorial or some explanation?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou should be using \"Add Ring\" tool to create a hole in the polygon.", "\nJust Select the \"Add Ring\" tool and digitize a hole inside the polygon. ", "It will remove that part and create a hole.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Order Michigan Supreme Court\n Lansing, Michigan\n\n July 10, 2019 Bridget M. McCormack,\n Chief Justice\n\n David F. Viviano,\n Chief Justice Pro Tem\n 159160(42)(43)\n 159201 Stephen J. Markman\n Brian K. Zahra\n Richard H. Bernstein\n Elizabeth T. Clement\n In re HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Megan K. Cavanagh,\n REQUEST FOR ADVISORY OPINION Justices\n REGARDING CONSTITUTIONALITY OF\n 2018 PA 368 & 369 SC: 159160\n\n __________________________________________/\n\n In re SENATE REQUEST FOR ADVISORY\n OPINION REGARDING CONSTITUTIONALITY\n OF 2018 PA 368 & 369 SC: 159201\n __________________________________________/\n\n On order of the Chief Justice, the motion of the Legislature to file a reply to the\n briefs filed in opposition to the constitutionality of 2018 PA 368 and 2018 PA 369 and the\n motion of the Legislature to exceed the page limitation for the reply are GRANTED. ", "The\n 15-page reply submitted on July 3, 2019, is accepted for filing.", "\n\n\n\n\n I, Larry S. Royster, Clerk of the Michigan Supreme Court, certify that the\n foregoing is a true and complete copy of the order entered at the direction of the Court.", "\n July 10, 2019\n\n Clerk\n\f" ]
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[ "using System;\nusing Bridge.", "Test.", "NUnit;\n\nnamespace Bridge.", "ClientTest.", "Batch3.BridgeIssues\n{\n [Category(Constants.", "MODULE_ISSUES)]\n [TestFixture(TestNameFormat = \"#2591 - {0}\")]\n public class Bridge2591\n {\n private static bool run = false;\n [Convention(Notation.", "UpperCase)]\n public static void Main()\n {\n run = true;\n }\n\n [Test]\n public static void TestEntryPointCustomName()\n {\n Assert.", "True(Bridge2591.run);\n Assert.", "NotNull(typeof(Bridge2591)[\"MAIN\"]);\n }\n }\n}" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nLaravel token middleware\n\nI want to make my API unavailable to every client who doesn't have the token to access. ", "This means the Android app will send a client as Android and token as token string in the header with keys client and token.", "\nNow in middleware, I am checking it with my table fields to pass through authorization. ", "If both match, then I will authorize and if don't then it will send a 403 response.", "\nI am aware of Passport but it is not what I am looking for. ", "In fact, consider it as a first layer of security and then use Passport as a second layer of security to authorize the API.", "\nIs this code correct?", "\nAs I am not so familiar with Laravel - Middleware I just want to get some feedback from experts whether the code I have written is accurate and up to the standard. ", "If not, I would appreciate your suggestion and help to make it better.", "\nMiddleware\nnamespace App\\Http\\Middleware;\n\nuse App\\ApiToken;\nuse Closure;\nuse function response;\n\nclass ApiAccess\n{\n /**\n * Handle an incoming request.", "\n *\n * @param \\Illuminate\\Http\\Request $request\n * @param \\Closure $next\n *\n * @return mixed\n */\n public function handle( $request, Closure $next ) {\n\n if ( $this->checkToken( $request ) ) {\n return $next( $request );\n }\n\n return response()->json( [ 'error' => 'Unauthorized' ], 403 );\n\n }\n\n public function checkToken( $request ) {\n\n $client = $request->header( 'client' );\n $token = $request->header( 'token' );\n\n $checkToken = ApiToken::where( 'client', $client )\n ->where( 'token', $token )->first();\n\n return $checkToken;\n }\n}\n\nAPI Route\nI am fetching results from the ApiToken table just to check:\nRoute::get('/', function(Request $request) {\n return ApiToken::all();\n})->middleware('apiAccess');\n\nOptimized with Muhammad Nauman's answer here\npublic function checkToken( $request ) {\n\n $client = $request->header( 'client' );\n $token = $request->header( 'token' );\n\n return ApiToken::where( 'client', $client )\n ->where( 'token', $token )->exists();\n// Nicer, and it will return true and false based on the existence of the token and client.", "\n}\n\nA:\n\nMy take on this is the following:\n\nrename the middleware to something meaningful (I took example from VerifyCsrfToken middleware)\nthrow exception if token is mismatched\nrename checkToken to verify, reader of the code knows that code checks/verifies token because thats the point of the middleware \nsimplify even more verify function and add docblock\noptimize the query to the following\n\nselect exists(select `id` from `tokens` where (`client` = 'Android' and `token` = 'OuK0ELzYkN3Ss9Zf')) as `exists`\n\nSo ApiAccess becomes following:\n<?", "php\n\nnamespace App\\Http\\Middleware;\n\nuse App\\Exceptions\\TokenMismatchException;\nuse App\\ApiToken;\nuse Closure;\n\nclass VerifyApiToken\n{\n\n /**\n * Handle an incoming request.", "\n *\n * @param \\Illuminate\\Http\\Request $request\n * @param \\Closure $next\n *\n * @return mixed\n * @throws \\App\\Exceptions\\TokenMismatchException\n */\n public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)\n {\n if ($this->verify($request)) {\n return $next($request);\n }\n\n throw new TokenMismatchException;\n }\n\n /**\n * Verify token by querying database for existence of the client:token pair specified in headers.", "\n *\n * @param \\Illuminate\\Http\\Request $request\n *\n * @return bool\n */\n public function verify($request): bool //optional return types\n {\n return ApiToken::select('id')->where([ // add select so Eloquent does not query for all fields\n 'client' => $request->header('client'), // remove variable that is used only once\n 'token' => $request->header('token'), // remove variable that is used only once\n ])->exists();\n }\n}\n\nCreate new Exception, php artisan make:exception TokenMismatchException - yes kind of same as Laravel's stock one used when CSRF token is mismatched.", "\nWith body:\n<?", "php\n\nnamespace App\\Exceptions;\n\nuse Exception;\n\nclass TokenMismatchException extends Exception\n{\n\n /**\n * Report the exception.", "\n *\n * @return void\n */\n public function report()\n {\n //\n }\n\n /**\n * Render the exception into an HTTP response.", "\n *\n * @param \\Illuminate\\Http\\Request $request\n *\n * @return \\Illuminate\\Http\\Response|null\n */\n public function render($request)\n {\n if ($request->wantsJson()) { // if request has `Accept: application/json` header present\n return response()->json(['error' => 'Unauthorized'], 403);\n }\n\n return abort(403);\n }\n}\n\nNote: remove use function response; statements because helpers are auto-loaded from Laravel's helpers\n\n" ]
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[ "Food games\n\nAll the following games and activities for kindergarten, preschool and ESL students have been tried and tested in classrooms by The Magic Crayons, who are experienced teaching professionals currently working in Japan and China.", "\n\n1. ", "Picnic Ants\n\nItems required - a picnic blanket, and small food shaped toys, at least one for each team.", "Class size - whole class\n\nFirst separate the kids into two or three teams, and make sure each kid on the team has a partner, and line them up on one end of the room. ", "On the other end of the room, lay the fake food on a picnic basket. ", "Convey to the kids that they are ants and they want to get thefood from the picnic.", "\n\nPut the pair of kids back to back with linked arms sitting down. ", "Say \"Get Banana. ", "1, 2, 3, Go!\" ", "The kids still back to back and arms linked get up run to the picnic blanket and get the food item and get back to their team and sit down. ", "It is unlawful in this game to unlink arms at anytime.", "\n\nFastest team is the champion!Demonstrating with the teacher would be a good idea.", "\n\n2. ", "Yummy Disgusting\n\nfood flash cards: plentyPrep: assemble a good 'ole stack of cards from previous months, plus the food cardsHow to play: Teach or review 'Yummy' & 'Yucky' (or 'delicious' & 'disgusting' or whatever you like). ", "Divide the class into 2 teams & have them line up in front of you. ", "Show the first 2 students a random card from your stack. ", "The first student to correctly identify it as either 'yummy' or 'yucky' wins the point. ", "Continue until your stack is depleted.", "Note: Don't worry too much about matters of opinion: for the sake of this game, all of the food cards are considered yummy, while everything else - monkey, slide, witch, table - is yucky. ", "If Kento complains because he thinks chicken is yucky, tell him he can take it up with the head office.", "\n\n3. ", "What’s Your Favourite Food?", "\n\nDivide the students into 2 teams and have them line up in the middle of the room. ", "The team that is lined up on the teachers left side is to jump towards the left wall, the team lined up on the teacher’s right side is to jump to the right wall. ", "The teacher then asks the kids “What’s your favourite food?” ", "and slowly reveals a card. ", "The team that answers first and correctly gets to take one jump towards the wall. ", "The trick is that the kids only get to jump if they answer with a full sentence, “I like …………” The team that gets to touch the wall first are the winners. ", "I find it best to spend a few minutes explaining that one word answers are incorrect for this game, and once the kids realize this they start to produce the full sentence “I like ……..”\n\n4. ", "What's For Lunch?", "\n\nMaterials: small bag, fake foodClass Size: AllGet the students sitting down in a circle. ", "Place one of the plastic food items in the bag without the class seeing which one it is. ", "Have the students pass the bag around the room, guessing what is inside. ", "Ask the students what they think it is, and have one of the students (otoubansan?) ", "open it to see if they are correct. ", "Towards the end, place non-food items in the bag for maximum deception and hilarity.", "Set the Table Race- Dave SBest suited level: Cho. ", "Chu with more support. ", "Flashcards to use: food (though any will work) Class size: whole class Set up: If possible, it would be good to use coloured tape to put lines down on the ground to indicate where the teams should line-up. ", "You also need props - chopsticks, paper cups and plates, plastic forks and spoons (use your judgement on giving your kids plastic knives!), ", "and placemat photocopies (from the office)\n\nDivide the class into two teams (or more if a large class) Have them sit down in lines. ", "Give each team a name, like 'apple team', 'banana team' etc. ", "If you have a long seika class, let the kids decide their own team name. ", "On the other side of the room, lay out all the cutlery and plates/cups (one for each team). ", "Then put a placemat photocopy in front of each of the teams (to put their things onto)\n\nModel the game by joining one of the teams and stand at the front of the line. ", "Call out a vocab item and then have the kids say 3-2-1 GO! ", "before you run over to the cutlery and plates to find the right item. ", "Run back to the placement, and model clearly that the kids should get the correct item, and put it in the correct place on the mat. ", "An incorrect item, or incorrect placement gets zero points. ", "Sit at the back of the line when the round has finished.", "\n\nWith the teams sitting in their lines, shuffle the cards and then everyone says 3-2-1 GO! ", "Turnover the card (or simply just say it) to the front member of both (or all if more than one) teams. ", "Give the team that correctly gets the right item and places it correctly a point and then encourage the entire class to repeat the vocab. ", "Repeat.", "\n\n5. ", "Cutlery Contest\n\nSet up:Introduce or review the vocabulary using props. ", "Arrange the children in teams of up to 6 members opposite a table mat. ", "Each teams props are on a chair next to their place mat. ", "Model clearly how to do the game using yourself as a contestant. ", "Explain clearly that each item must be placed exactly in the right place. ", "The game will become chaotic if you don’t.", "\n\nTo play:Teacher says the name of an object. ", "First child from each teams runs up and places said object into the correct position and returns to the back of their team. ", "Award a point to the team that does it fastest (and neatly). ", "Repeat until all the objects are in the correct place on the mat. ", "For comedic effect occasionally call out fictional objects to keep them focused.", "\n\nSafety: Note that children run to the knives and forks, not with.", "\n\n6. ", "Air Drawing\n\nMaterials: noneTime: 5 minutesReceptive Language: ‘Draw a ______’Productive Language: ‘It’s a ______’Game Explanation: After reviewing the cards you want to focus on, indicate to the students that you will draw one of the cards in the air with your finger. ", "The first student or team to correctly identify what you’ve drawn scores a point. ", "Older students may be able to air-draw the cards themselves.", "Note: See also: Back to Back\n\n7. ", "Fruit Rolling Roleups\n\nfood flash cardsSet up:Make zerox copies of all the fruit cards. ", "Have enough made to fit your class. ", "Display all the fruit cards in front of the younglings and all the xerox copies on either chairs or on the floor. ", "The children are in four teams. ", "Call out a fruit and each child must run and find the xerox copy of the fruit you called, role it up and hand it to you..Remember that they are Shos still so points are not that important.", "\n\n8. ", "Set The Table Race\n\nFlashcards to use: food flash cards (though any will work) Class size: whole class Set up: If possible, it would be good to use coloured tape to put lines down on the ground to indicate where the teams should line-up. ", "You also need props - chopsticks, paper cups and plates, plastic forks and spoons (use your judgement on giving your kids plastic knives!), ", "and placemat photocopies (from the office)\n\nDivide the class into two teams (or more if a large class) Have them sit down in lines. ", "Give each team a name, like 'apple team', 'banana team' etc. ", "If you have a long seika class, let the kids decide their own team name. ", "On the other side of the room, lay out all the cutlery and plates/cups (one for each team). ", "Then put a placemat photocopy in front of each of the teams (to put their things onto)\n\nModel the game by joining one of the teams and stand at the front of the line. ", "Call out a vocab item and then have the kids say 3-2-1 GO! ", "before you run over to the cutlery and plates to find the right item. ", "Run back to the placement, and model clearly that the kids should get the correct item, and put it in the correct place on the mat. ", "An incorrect item, or incorrect placement gets zero points. ", "Sit at the back of the line when the round has finished.", "\n\nWith the teams sitting in their lines, shuffle the cards and then everyone says 3-2-1 GO! ", "Turnover the card (or simply just say it) to the front member of both (or all if more than one) teams. ", "Give the team that correctly gets the right item and places it correctly a point and then encourage the entire class to repeat the vocab. ", "Repeat.", "\n\n9. ", "Waiters\n\nReview the food flash cards and sort them into 2 equal piles, one for you & one for the Japanese teacher. ", "Two teams, each with an appointed waiter, & each team assigned to either you or the Japanese teacher. ", "The first student on each team asks his or her waiter for a specific food item (using “I want...” if you like). ", "The waiter approaches you (or the Japanese teacher) & asks for the card “chicken, please”. ", "If you have the requested card in your stack, hand it over to the waiter, who delivers it to the student who asks for it & moves to the next student, who requests another food item & so on. ", "The first team to clear out the cards held by the teacher appointed to them wins. ", "This game can also be applied to virtually any month's vocab, should you be so inclined.", "Like It Or Not- Dave ABest suited for: Chus and ChosFlashcards to use: Food / AnyClass Size: All Set up: Line all the student's up in the middle of the room. ", "Explain that the left side of the room is \"Yes, I do\" and the right side is \"No, I don't.\" ", "Show the students a food card and ask, \"Do you like ____?\" ", "Student's have 5 seconds to run to either side of the room. ", "Have them shout in unison \"yes, I do\" or \"no, I don't.\" ", "Start with food and slowly venture out to more amusing territory. ", "Always end with \"Do you like kancho?\"", "\n\nBonus Variation! - ", "Students guess what you or the Japanese teacher likes. ", "Students who guess correctly receive a point. ", "Change the productive language accordingly - \"Does Yuki-sensei like bacon?\" - \"", "Yes, she does!\"", "\n\n10. ", "Windsweep Races\n\nMaterials: food flash cards, cut-outs of flashcard itemsTime: up to 10 minutesReceptive Language: instructions, flashcard vocabProductive Language: flashcard vocabGame Explanation: Prior to the lesson, trace, colour, & cut out representations of the flashcard objects you want to focus on (i.e., a sandwich, a hamburger, and a chicken drumstick). ", "Divide the students into as many teams as you have cut-outs for. ", "Demonstrate that on your command, the students race to ‘fan’ their team’s cut-out (using the matching flashcard) to the opposite wall (or any predetermined spot). ", "Make sure that the students identify their card and cut-out before you begin.", "Note: If some of the students have trouble fanning their cut-out, simply bend the cut-out in half so that it doesn’t adhere to the (probably filthy) floor.", "\n\n11. ", "Spills And Thrills\n\nMaterials: noneTime: 8-10 minutesReceptive Language: instructionsProductive Language: flashcard (or category) vocab, ‘I like...’, ‘I don’t like....’, and, pluralsGame Explanation: Model the correct use of plurals & the word and by choosing a category & starting a simple list, using, if you like, a short introductory phrase such as ‘I like...’ or ‘I don’t like...’ (e.g. ‘I like apples and oranges’). ", "Throw a die or ball to any student. ", "The student must repeat your phrase and add a new word (e.g. ‘I like apples and oranges and grapes’). ", "The student then passes the ball or die to another student in the circle, & so on. ", "Play continues until a student fails to remember all of the words or can’t think of a new item to add to the ever-expanding list. ", "Select a new category & continue.", "\n\n12. ", "Fruit Toss\n\nMaterials: plastic fruit & vegetables, box or bucketTime: 5 minutesReceptive Language: instructions, fruit & vegetable vocabProductive Language: fruit & vegetable vocabGame Explanation: Good for very young classes (nen-sho). ", "Have the students race to take whatever fruit or vegetables you call out. ", "When most or all of the fruit & vegetables have been collected, sit the children in a circle & have them throw whatever items you call out for into a box or bucket. ", "Simple but effective.", "Note: Coloured chips, stuffed animals, and just about anything else can be used instead of plastic representations of carrots & broccoli.", "\n\n13. ", "Find The Food\n\nMaterials: realia replicas of the food & utensil cards, box or basketTime: 5-8 minutesReceptive Language: instructions, unit vocabProductive Language: unit vocabGame Explanation: Divide the class into teams & have them sit down in team line-ups towards the back of the room with the first student on each team sat in a chair & the rest of the team sitting in a line-up behind her. ", "Place a box or group of realia in front of each team (if 3 teams make sure you have 3 strawberries, if 4 teams 4 strawberries, etc). ", "Make sure the realia is far enough away that the students have to run to pick it up. ", "Place an empty box on a chair at the very front of the room; this is the ‘basket’ that the students have the drop the correct realia into. ", "Model the game well so that the students know that when you say ‘Strawberry...3-2-1 GO!’ ", "they must run to their box of fruit or utensils, find the object you’ve named, run & drop it in the basket & then run & sit down at the back of their team’s line. ", "The first team to put the correct fruit in the basket & sit down the fastest scores a point. ", "When all of the team members are sitting down, pick the fruit out of the basket & ask ‘What’s this?’ ", "to get the students to use as much English as possible.", "\n\n14. ", "Dirty Bear\n\nMaterials: food flash cardsTime: 6-8 minutesReceptive Language: instructions, food vocabProductive Language: food vocab, ‘Do you like (food)?’, ‘", "Yes I do / No I don’t’, ‘Give me (food)!’Game Explanation: Make a large circle on the floor with chalk or tape. ", "One student - ‘Dirty Bear’ - sits in the middle of the circle, with the other students sat around the outside. ", "Give Dirty Bear a food item flashcard, which she keeps secret from the other students. ", "From your own stack of food flashcards - which also contains the card Dirt Bear is hiding - hand a food item card (‘chicken’) to one of the students in the circle and prompt them to ask ‘Hey Dirty Bear, do you like chicken?’ ", "If Dirty Bear has a different card, she replies ‘No I don’t’ and play continues until there’s a match. ", "When one of the students asks the ‘right’ question, Dirty Bear stands up and yells ‘Yes I do! ", "Give me pizza!’ ", "or whatever the food item is. ", "Dirty Bear then chases the other students (while still calling out ‘Give me pizza!’) ", "until she manages to tag someone, at which time the students swap." ]
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[ "2G Spectrum Case: Former Telecom Minister A Raja and all the other accused were acquitted today.", "\n\nA Delhi court today acquitted all the 17 accused in the 2G spectrum case, including former Telecom Minister A Raja and DMK leader M Kanimozhi, after, as the judge said, the investigators failed to prove that Mr Raja, along with officials from companies that got the licenses for telecom services, received kickbacks from private companies for the allocation of permits, causing a loss of Rs 1.76 lakh crore to the government. ", "The 2G scam was among the major corruption scandals that erupted during former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh's regime The process of allotment of 2G spectrum and licences began in August 2007. ", "A Raja had taken over as Telecom Minister in May that year. ", "The deadline to apply was fixed for October 1, 2007 following which 575 applications were received by 46 firms. ", "In November, Dr Singh wrote to Mr Raja to ensure fair licence allocation. ", "In January 2008, the Department of Telecom (DoT) issued licences on first-come-first-serve basis (FCFS).However, a year later, the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) directed the CBI to investigate the allegations of illegalities in the allocation of 2G spectrum. ", "In October 2009, the CBI filed an FIR against unknown officers of DoT, unknown private persons/companies and others.", "The centre and Mr Raja were given 10 days in September 2010 by the Supreme Court to respond to three pleas alleging a Rs 70,000-crore scam in the grant of telecom licences.", "Two months later the CAG submitted its report on 2G spectrum claiming losses of Rs 1.76 lakh crore to the exchequer which followed Mr Raja's resignation. ", "Mr Raja, former Telecom Secretary Siddhartha Behura, Mr Raja's erstwhile private secretary Ravindra Kumar Chandolia and Shahid Usman Balwa, promoter of Swan Telecom Pvt Ltd were arrested by the CBI in February 2011. ", "The former telecom minister spent nearly a year in prison before getting bail.", "On April 2, 2011, the CBI filed its first charge sheet and named Mr Raja, Mr Chandolia and Mr Behura as the main accused. ", "Reliance ADAG Group Managing Director Gautam Doshi, its senior Vice President Hari Nair, Group President Surendra Pipara, Swan Telecom Promoters Shahid Usman Balwa and Vinod Goenka and Managing Director of Unitech Ltd Sanjay Chandra were also made accused in the case. ", "Three companies -- Reliance Telecom Ltd, Swan Telecom Pvt Ltd and Unitech Wireless (Tamil Nadu) Pvt Ltd - were also included in the charge-sheet.", "Directors of Kusegaon Fruits and Vegetables Pvt Ltd Asif Balwa and Rajiv Agarwal, Kalaignar TV Director Sharad Kumar and Bollywood producer Karim Morani are also accused in the case.", "In its second charge sheet, it named DMK chief M Karunanidhi's daughter and lawmaker Kanimozhi and four others. ", "Charges framed against all 17 accused in October 2011. ", "Trial in the case began in November.", "Special Judge OP Saini, who is exclusively dealing with the cases arising out of the 2G spectrum scam, has been hearing three cases- two filed by the CBI and the third by the Enforcement Directorate (ED).The second case involved Essar Group promoters Ravi Ruia and Anshuman Ruia, Loop Telecom promoters Kiran Khaitan, her husband IP Khaitan and Essar Group Director (Strategy and Planning) Vikas Saraf. ", "Three firms, Loop Telecom Ltd, Loop Mobile India Ltd and Essar Tele Holding Ltd (ETHL) were also named in the charge sheet.", "\n\nThe ED had filed a charge sheet in April 2014 against Mr Raja, Ms Kanimozhi, Shahid Balwa, Vinod Goenka, Asif Balwa, Rajiv Aggarwal, Karim Morani, Sharad Kumar and others in connection with a money laundering case relating to the scam.", "In its charge sheet, the ED named DMK supremo M Karunanidhi's wife Ms Dayalu Ammal as accused and alleged that Rs 200 crore was paid by STPL promoters to DMK-run Kalaignar TV." ]
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[ "// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later\n/*\n * mst.c - NTFS multi sector transfer protection handling code. ", "Part of the\n *\t Linux-NTFS project.", "\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Anton Altaparmakov\n */\n\n#include \"ntfs.h\"\n\n/**\n * post_read_mst_fixup - deprotect multi sector transfer protected data\n * @b:\t\tpointer to the data to deprotect\n * @size:\tsize in bytes of @b\n *\n * Perform the necessary post read multi sector transfer fixup and detect the\n * presence of incomplete multi sector transfers. - ", "In that case, overwrite the\n * magic of the ntfs record header being processed with \"BAAD\" (in memory only!)", "\n * and abort processing.", "\n *\n * Return 0 on success and -EINVAL on error (\"BAAD\" magic will be present).", "\n *\n * NOTE: We consider the absence / invalidity of an update sequence array to\n * mean that the structure is not protected at all and hence doesn't need to\n * be fixed up. ", "Thus, we return success and not failure in this case. ", "This is\n * in contrast to pre_write_mst_fixup(), see below.", "\n */\nint post_read_mst_fixup(NTFS_RECORD *b, const u32 size)\n{\n\tu16 usa_ofs, usa_count, usn;\n\tu16 *usa_pos, *data_pos;\n\n\t/* Setup the variables. */", "\n\tusa_ofs = le16_to_cpu(b->usa_ofs);\n\t/* Decrement usa_count to get number of fixups. */", "\n\tusa_count = le16_to_cpu(b->usa_count) - 1;\n\t/* Size and alignment checks. */", "\n\tif ( size & (NTFS_BLOCK_SIZE - 1)\t||\n\t usa_ofs & 1\t\t\t||\n\t usa_ofs + (usa_count * 2) > size\t||\n\t (size >> NTFS_BLOCK_SIZE_BITS) !", "= usa_count)\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t/* Position of usn in update sequence array. */", "\n\tusa_pos = (u16*)b + usa_ofs/sizeof(u16);\n\t/*\n\t * The update sequence number which has to be equal to each of the\n\t * u16 values before they are fixed up. ", "Note no need to care for\n\t * endianness since we are comparing and moving data for on disk\n\t * structures which means the data is consistent. - ", "If it is\n\t * consistenty the wrong endianness it doesn't make any difference.", "\n\t */\n\tusn = *usa_pos;\n\t/*\n\t * Position in protected data of first u16 that needs fixing up.", "\n\t */\n\tdata_pos = (u16*)b + NTFS_BLOCK_SIZE/sizeof(u16) - 1;\n\t/*\n\t * Check for incomplete multi sector transfer(s).", "\n\t */\n\twhile (usa_count--) {\n\t\tif (*data_pos !", "= usn) {\n\t\t\t/*\n\t\t\t * Incomplete multi sector transfer detected! )-:", "\n\t\t\t * Set the magic to \"BAAD\" and return failure.", "\n\t\t\t * Note that magic_BAAD is already converted to le32.", "\n\t\t\t */\n\t\t\tb->magic = magic_BAAD;\n\t\t\treturn -EINVAL;\n\t\t}\n\t\tdata_pos += NTFS_BLOCK_SIZE/sizeof(u16);\n\t}\n\t/* Re-setup the variables. */", "\n\tusa_count = le16_to_cpu(b->usa_count) - 1;\n\tdata_pos = (u16*)b + NTFS_BLOCK_SIZE/sizeof(u16) - 1;\n\t/* Fixup all sectors. */", "\n\twhile (usa_count--) {\n\t\t/*\n\t\t * Increment position in usa and restore original data from\n\t\t * the usa into the data buffer.", "\n\t\t */\n\t\t*data_pos = *(++usa_pos);\n\t\t/* Increment position in data as well. */", "\n\t\tdata_pos += NTFS_BLOCK_SIZE/sizeof(u16);\n\t}\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n/**\n * pre_write_mst_fixup - apply multi sector transfer protection\n * @b:\t\tpointer to the data to protect\n * @size:\tsize in bytes of @b\n *\n * Perform the necessary pre write multi sector transfer fixup on the data\n * pointer to by @b of @size.", "\n *\n * Return 0 if fixup applied (success) or -EINVAL if no fixup was performed\n * (assumed not needed). ", "This is in contrast to post_read_mst_fixup() above.", "\n *\n * NOTE: We consider the absence / invalidity of an update sequence array to\n * mean that the structure is not subject to protection and hence doesn't need\n * to be fixed up. ", "This means that you have to create a valid update sequence\n * array header in the ntfs record before calling this function, otherwise it\n * will fail (the header needs to contain the position of the update sequence\n * array together with the number of elements in the array). ", "You also need to\n * initialise the update sequence number before calling this function\n * otherwise a random word will be used (whatever was in the record at that\n * position at that time).", "\n */\nint pre_write_mst_fixup(NTFS_RECORD *b, const u32 size)\n{\n\tle16 *usa_pos, *data_pos;\n\tu16 usa_ofs, usa_count, usn;\n\tle16 le_usn;\n\n\t/* Sanity check + only fixup if it makes sense. */", "\n\tif (!", "b || ntfs_is_baad_record(b->magic) ||\n\t\t\tntfs_is_hole_record(b->magic))\n\t\treturn -EINVAL;\n\t/* Setup the variables. */", "\n\tusa_ofs = le16_to_cpu(b->usa_ofs);\n\t/* Decrement usa_count to get number of fixups. */", "\n\tusa_count = le16_to_cpu(b->usa_count) - 1;\n\t/* Size and alignment checks. */", "\n\tif ( size & (NTFS_BLOCK_SIZE - 1)\t||\n\t usa_ofs & 1\t\t\t||\n\t usa_ofs + (usa_count * 2) > size\t||\n\t (size >> NTFS_BLOCK_SIZE_BITS) !", "= usa_count)\n\t\treturn -EINVAL;\n\t/* Position of usn in update sequence array. */", "\n\tusa_pos = (le16*)((u8*)b + usa_ofs);\n\t/*\n\t * Cyclically increment the update sequence number\n\t * (skipping 0 and -1, i.e. 0xffff).", "\n\t */\n\tusn = le16_to_cpup(usa_pos) + 1;\n\tif (usn == 0xffff || !", "usn)\n\t\tusn = 1;\n\tle_usn = cpu_to_le16(usn);\n\t*usa_pos = le_usn;\n\t/* Position in data of first u16 that needs fixing up. */", "\n\tdata_pos = (le16*)b + NTFS_BLOCK_SIZE/sizeof(le16) - 1;\n\t/* Fixup all sectors. */", "\n\twhile (usa_count--) {\n\t\t/*\n\t\t * Increment the position in the usa and save the\n\t\t * original data from the data buffer into the usa.", "\n\t\t */\n\t\t*(++usa_pos) = *data_pos;\n\t\t/* Apply fixup to data. */", "\n\t\t*data_pos = le_usn;\n\t\t/* Increment position in data as well. */", "\n\t\tdata_pos += NTFS_BLOCK_SIZE/sizeof(le16);\n\t}\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n/**\n * post_write_mst_fixup - fast deprotect multi sector transfer protected data\n * @b:\t\tpointer to the data to deprotect\n *\n * Perform the necessary post write multi sector transfer fixup, not checking\n * for any errors, because we assume we have just used pre_write_mst_fixup(),\n * thus the data will be fine or we would never have gotten here.", "\n */\nvoid post_write_mst_fixup(NTFS_RECORD *b)\n{\n\tle16 *usa_pos, *data_pos;\n\n\tu16 usa_ofs = le16_to_cpu(b->usa_ofs);\n\tu16 usa_count = le16_to_cpu(b->usa_count) - 1;\n\n\t/* Position of usn in update sequence array. */", "\n\tusa_pos = (le16*)b + usa_ofs/sizeof(le16);\n\n\t/* Position in protected data of first u16 that needs fixing up. */", "\n\tdata_pos = (le16*)b + NTFS_BLOCK_SIZE/sizeof(le16) - 1;\n\n\t/* Fixup all sectors. */", "\n\twhile (usa_count--) {\n\t\t/*\n\t\t * Increment position in usa and restore original data from\n\t\t * the usa into the data buffer.", "\n\t\t */\n\t\t*data_pos = *(++usa_pos);\n\n\t\t/* Increment position in data as well. */", "\n\t\tdata_pos += NTFS_BLOCK_SIZE/sizeof(le16);\n\t}\n}\n" ]
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[ "Jane and Christian's Wedding\n\n\"The Schwab Barns are something out of a fairy book... absolutely amazing! ", "Dick Scwhab was a wonderful \"host\" - very helpful in the weeks and days leading up to the event, and he added some once-in-a-lifetime touches to the day that really made it special. ", "We were the last couple to use the original \"event\" barn - starting in 2009 a new, larger, and very impressive barn will host events. ", "We held our ceremony at an amplitheatre behind the new barn. ", "Gorgeous! ", "Get your reservation in early (like years early)... I heard through the grapevine that we happened upon a slot only because of a cancellation.\"" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0010596617357805371, 0.0011294332798570395, 0.0006435212562792003, 0.001255843206308782, 0.0042732288129627705, 0.0007720263092778623 ]
[ "The broadcast upfronts are a few days away, which means that execs at the five broadcast networks are behind closed doors as they make the final, excruciating calls on their schedules for the 2017-18 season. ", "They’ll be deciding which promising pilots will make the cut, which current series deserve another year and what other big moves they need to make in order to retain—and, dare they hope, actually add—viewers next year.", "\n\nFor NBC, which should reclaim the adults 18-49 demo crown this season and already has the Winter Olympics and the Super Bowl on tap for next season (along with a Will & Grace revival), the network’s pre-upfront preparations are less frenzied than in recent years. “", "Given how stable everything is, we’re not doing one of those crazy, throw-a-bunch-of-things-against-the-wall pilot seasons,” said NBC Entertainment chairman Robert Greenblatt. ", "The network only has 12 pilots in contention for next year; half its usual number. “", "It’s nice to go into the process this way,” said Greenblatt, whose biggest decision will come down to whether to keep freshman hit This Is Us on Tuesdays at 9 p.m., or move it elsewhere on the schedule to maximize ad revenue.", "\n\nGeller: Sonja Flemming/CBS\n\nCBS, which will be without its broadcast chief Glenn Geller, who is on medical leave through the end of May, has already checked off its biggest to-do item for next season: securing a two-year renewal for The Big Bang Theory in March. ", "TV’s most-watched entertainment series is also CBS’ best launching pad—this season it gave a healthy ratings boost to Kevin Can Wait and Superior Donuts—so the network must determine which chosen pilots will receive the golden ticket (i.e., the coveted post-Big Bang slot) next season. ", "One contender: Big Bang Theory prequel Young Sheldon, which got a straight-to-series order.", "\n\nLike CBS, Fox has already landed its white whale for next year, by locking in another 10-episode season of The X-Files. ", "Between that and its order for The Orville, a sci-fi series created by and starring Seth MacFarlane, “we don’t have that many open slots to fill next year,” said Gary Newman, chairman and CEO, Fox Television Group. “", "We have some very strong pilot contenders on both the comedy and drama side, and we’re focused on adding a handful of new shows to the schedule.”", "\n\nFinishing up her first full development season as ABC Entertainment president, Channing Dungey has a bit more work ahead of her than her peers. ", "While “I feel really good about our comedy brand,” Dungey said that after drama fizzles like Notorious, Conviction and Time After Time, “I want to figure out exactly what our drama brand is, outside of TGIT” shows from Shonda Rhimes. “", "I am very interested in broadening our portfolio of drama to include some lighter, brighter [shows], maybe even a one-hour comedy in the vein of Desperate Housewives or Ugly Betty.”", "\n\nAs The CW considers pilots like a Dynasty reboot and a fifth DC Comics series, Black Lightning, president Mark Pedowitz will also consider whether middling freshman fall shows Frequency and No Tomorrow received enough traction from Netflix viewers to warrant a surprise renewal. ", "As part of The CW’s new deal with the streaming service, its shows migrate to Netflix just eight days after their season finales. “", "By accident, it ended up being a good thing to have this, eight days later,” said Pedowitz, noting that the strong digital performance of shows like The 100 can buy them extra seasons to find an audience. “", "We can actually get a sense of what’s going on.”" ]
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[ "Welsh Language Pack\n\nThis language pack provides translation of Alfresco Share as well as all translatable repository messages.", "\n\nThe translation is complete for Alfresco Community 4.2.c and should be backwards-compatible with all previous versions.", "\n\nAll translations have been spell-checked using the Welsh dictionary files for OpenOffice.org and manually checked for grammatical errors. ", "As part of the project it has been necessary to standardise the translation of many of the terms used in the Alfresco interface, which have been documented in the file glossary.txt." ]
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[ "/***********************************************************************\n\n A JavaScript tokenizer / parser / beautifier / compressor.", "\n https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2\n\n -------------------------------- (C) ---------------------------------\n\n Author: Mihai Bazon\n <mihai.bazon@gmail.com>\n http://mihai.bazon.net/blog\n\n Distributed under the BSD license:\n\n Copyright 2012 (c) Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com>\n Parser based on parse-js (http://marijn.haverbeke.nl/parse-js/).", "\n\n Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions\n are met:\n\n * Redistributions of source code must retain the above\n copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following\n disclaimer.", "\n\n * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above\n copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following\n disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials\n provided with the distribution.", "\n\n THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER “AS IS” AND ANY\n EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ", "IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE\n LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY,\n OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,\n PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR\n PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY\n THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR\n TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF\n THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF\n SUCH DAMAGE.", "\n\n ***********************************************************************/\n\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar KEYWORDS = 'break case catch const continue debugger default delete do else finally for function if in instanceof new return switch throw try typeof var void while with';\nvar KEYWORDS_ATOM = 'false null true';\nvar RESERVED_WORDS = 'abstract boolean byte char class double enum export extends final float goto implements import int interface long native package private protected public short static super synchronized this throws transient volatile yield'\n + \" \" + KEYWORDS_ATOM + \" \" + KEYWORDS;\nvar KEYWORDS_BEFORE_EXPRESSION = 'return new delete throw else case';\n\nKEYWORDS = makePredicate(KEYWORDS);\nRESERVED_WORDS = makePredicate(RESERVED_WORDS);\nKEYWORDS_BEFORE_EXPRESSION = makePredicate(KEYWORDS_BEFORE_EXPRESSION);\nKEYWORDS_ATOM = makePredicate(KEYWORDS_ATOM);\n\nvar OPERATOR_CHARS = makePredicate(characters(\"+-*&%=<>!?|~^\"));\n\nvar RE_HEX_NUMBER = /^0x[0-9a-f]+$/i;\nvar RE_OCT_NUMBER = /^0[0-7]+$/;\nvar RE_DEC_NUMBER = /^\\d*\\.?\\d*(?:e[+-]?\\d*(?:\\d\\.?|\\.?\\d)\\d*)?$/i;\n\nvar OPERATORS = makePredicate([\n \"in\",\n \"instanceof\",\n \"typeof\",\n \"new\",\n \"void\",\n \"delete\",\n \"++\",\n \"--\",\n \"+\",\n \"-\",\n \"!\",", "\n \"~\",\n \"&\",\n \"|\",\n \"^\",\n \"*\",\n \"/\",\n \"%\",\n \">>\",\n \"<<\",\n \">>>\",\n \"<\",\n \">\",\n \"<=\",\n \">=\",\n \"==\",\n \"===\",\n \"!", "=\",\n \"!", "==\",\n \"?\",", "\n \"=\",\n \"+=\",\n \"-=\",\n \"/=\",\n \"*=\",\n \"%=\",\n \">>=\",\n \"<<=\",\n \">>>=\",\n \"|=\",\n \"^=\",\n \"&=\",\n \"&&\",\n \"||\"\n]);\n\nvar WHITESPACE_CHARS = makePredicate(characters(\" \\u00a0\\n\\r\\t\\f\\u000b\\u200b\\u180e\\u2000\\u2001\\u2002\\u2003\\u2004\\u2005\\u2006\\u2007\\u2008\\u2009\\u200a\\u202f\\u205f\\u3000\"));\n\nvar PUNC_BEFORE_EXPRESSION = makePredicate(characters(\"[{(,.;:\"));", "\n\nvar PUNC_CHARS = makePredicate(characters(\"[]{}(),;:\"));\n\nvar REGEXP_MODIFIERS = makePredicate(characters(\"gmsiy\"));\n\n/* -----[ Tokenizer ]----- */\n\n// regexps adapted from http://xregexp.com/plugins/#unicode\nvar UNICODE = {\n letter: new RegExp(\"[\\\\u0041-\\\\u005A\\\\u0061-\\\\u007A\\\\u00AA\\\\u00B5\\\\u00BA\\\\u00C0-\\\\u00D6\\\\u00D8-\\\\u00F6\\\\u00F8-\\\\u02C1\\\\u02C6-\\\\u02D1\\\\u02E0-\\\\u02E4\\\\u02EC\\\\u02EE\\\\u0370-\\\\u0374\\\\u0376\\\\u0377\\\\u037A-\\\\u037D\\\\u0386\\\\u0388-\\\\u038A\\\\u038C\\\\u038E-\\\\u03A1\\\\u03A3-\\\\u03F5\\\\u03F7-\\\\u0481\\\\u048A-\\\\u0523\\\\u0531-\\\\u0556\\\\u0559\\\\u0561-\\\\u0587\\\\u05D0-\\\\u05EA\\\\u05F0-\\\\u05F2\\\\u0621-\\\\u064A\\\\u066E\\\\u066F\\\\u0671-\\\\u06D3\\\\u06D5\\\\u06E5\\\\u06E6\\\\u06EE\\\\u06EF\\\\u06FA-\\\\u06FC\\\\u06FF\\\\u0710\\\\u0712-\\\\u072F\\\\u074D-\\\\u07A5\\\\u07B1\\\\u07CA-\\\\u07EA\\\\u07F4\\\\u07F5\\\\u07FA\\\\u0904-\\\\u0939\\\\u093D\\\\u0950\\\\u0958-\\\\u0961\\\\u0971\\\\u0972\\\\u097B-\\\\u097F\\\\u0985-\\\\u098C\\\\u098F\\\\u0990\\\\u0993-\\\\u09A8\\\\u09AA-\\\\u09B0\\\\u09B2\\\\u09B6-\\\\u09B9\\\\u09BD\\\\u09CE\\\\u09DC\\\\u09DD\\\\u09DF-\\\\u09E1\\\\u09F0\\\\u09F1\\\\u0A05-\\\\u0A0A\\\\u0A0F\\\\u0A10\\\\u0A13-\\\\u0A28\\\\u0A2A-\\\\u0A30\\\\u0A32\\\\u0A33\\\\u0A35\\\\u0A36\\\\u0A38\\\\u0A39\\\\u0A59-\\\\u0A5C\\\\u0A5E\\\\u0A72-\\\\u0A74\\\\u0A85-\\\\u0A8D\\\\u0A8F-\\\\u0A91\\\\u0A93-\\\\u0AA8\\\\u0AAA-\\\\u0AB0\\\\u0AB2\\\\u0AB3\\\\u0AB5-\\\\u0AB9\\\\u0ABD\\\\u0AD0\\\\u0AE0\\\\u0AE1\\\\u0B05-\\\\u0B0C\\\\u0B0F\\\\u0B10\\\\u0B13-\\\\u0B28\\\\u0B2A-\\\\u0B30\\\\u0B32\\\\u0B33\\\\u0B35-\\\\u0B39\\\\u0B3D\\\\u0B5C\\\\u0B5D\\\\u0B5F-\\\\u0B61\\\\u0B71\\\\u0B83\\\\u0B85-\\\\u0B8A\\\\u0B8E-\\\\u0B90\\\\u0B92-\\\\u0B95\\\\u0B99\\\\u0B9A\\\\u0B9C\\\\u0B9E\\\\u0B9F\\\\u0BA3\\\\u0BA4\\\\u0BA8-\\\\u0BAA\\\\u0BAE-\\\\u0BB9\\\\u0BD0\\\\u0C05-\\\\u0C0C\\\\u0C0E-\\\\u0C10\\\\u0C12-\\\\u0C28\\\\u0C2A-\\\\u0C33\\\\u0C35-\\\\u0C39\\\\u0C3D\\\\u0C58\\\\u0C59\\\\u0C60\\\\u0C61\\\\u0C85-\\\\u0C8C\\\\u0C8E-\\\\u0C90\\\\u0C92-\\\\u0CA8\\\\u0CAA-\\\\u0CB3\\\\u0CB5-\\\\u0CB9\\\\u0CBD\\\\u0CDE\\\\u0CE0\\\\u0CE1\\\\u0D05-\\\\u0D0C\\\\u0D0E-\\\\u0D10\\\\u0D12-\\\\u0D28\\\\u0D2A-\\\\u0D39\\\\u0D3D\\\\u0D60\\\\u0D61\\\\u0D7A-\\\\u0D7F\\\\u0D85-\\\\u0D96\\\\u0D9A-\\\\u0DB1\\\\u0DB3-\\\\u0DBB\\\\u0DBD\\\\u0DC0-\\\\u0DC6\\\\u0E01-\\\\u0E30\\\\u0E32\\\\u0E33\\\\u0E40-\\\\u0E46\\\\u0E81\\\\u0E82\\\\u0E84\\\\u0E87\\\\u0E88\\\\u0E8A\\\\u0E8D\\\\u0E94-\\\\u0E97\\\\u0E99-\\\\u0E9F\\\\u0EA1-\\\\u0EA3\\\\u0EA5\\\\u0EA7\\\\u0EAA\\\\u0EAB\\\\u0EAD-\\\\u0EB0\\\\u0EB2\\\\u0EB3\\\\u0EBD\\\\u0EC0-\\\\u0EC4\\\\u0EC6\\\\u0EDC\\\\u0EDD\\\\u0F00\\\\u0F40-\\\\u0F47\\\\u0F49-\\\\u0F6C\\\\u0F88-\\\\u0F8B\\\\u1000-\\\\u102A\\\\u103F\\\\u1050-\\\\u1055\\\\u105A-\\\\u105D\\\\u1061\\\\u1065\\\\u1066\\\\u106E-\\\\u1070\\\\u1075-\\\\u1081\\\\u108E\\\\u10A0-\\\\u10C5\\\\u10D0-\\\\u10FA\\\\u10FC\\\\u1100-\\\\u1159\\\\u115F-\\\\u11A2\\\\u11A8-\\\\u11F9\\\\u1200-\\\\u1248\\\\u124A-\\\\u124D\\\\u1250-\\\\u1256\\\\u1258\\\\u125A-\\\\u125D\\\\u1260-\\\\u1288\\\\u128A-\\\\u128D\\\\u1290-\\\\u12B0\\\\u12B2-\\\\u12B5\\\\u12B8-\\\\u12BE\\\\u12C0\\\\u12C2-\\\\u12C5\\\\u12C8-\\\\u12D6\\\\u12D8-\\\\u1310\\\\u1312-\\\\u1315\\\\u1318-\\\\u135A\\\\u1380-\\\\u138F\\\\u13A0-\\\\u13F4\\\\u1401-\\\\u166C\\\\u166F-\\\\u1676\\\\u1681-\\\\u169A\\\\u16A0-\\\\u16EA\\\\u1700-\\\\u170C\\\\u170E-\\\\u1711\\\\u1720-\\\\u1731\\\\u1740-\\\\u1751\\\\u1760-\\\\u176C\\\\u176E-\\\\u1770\\\\u1780-\\\\u17B3\\\\u17D7\\\\u17DC\\\\u1820-\\\\u1877\\\\u1880-\\\\u18A8\\\\u18AA\\\\u1900-\\\\u191C\\\\u1950-\\\\u196D\\\\u1970-\\\\u1974\\\\u1980-\\\\u19A9\\\\u19C1-\\\\u19C7\\\\u1A00-\\\\u1A16\\\\u1B05-\\\\u1B33\\\\u1B45-\\\\u1B4B\\\\u1B83-\\\\u1BA0\\\\u1BAE\\\\u1BAF\\\\u1C00-\\\\u1C23\\\\u1C4D-\\\\u1C4F\\\\u1C5A-\\\\u1C7D\\\\u1D00-\\\\u1DBF\\\\u1E00-\\\\u1F15\\\\u1F18-\\\\u1F1D\\\\u1F20-\\\\u1F45\\\\u1F48-\\\\u1F4D\\\\u1F50-\\\\u1F57\\\\u1F59\\\\u1F5B\\\\u1F5D\\\\u1F5F-\\\\u1F7D\\\\u1F80-\\\\u1FB4\\\\u1FB6-\\\\u1FBC\\\\u1FBE\\\\u1FC2-\\\\u1FC4\\\\u1FC6-\\\\u1FCC\\\\u1FD0-\\\\u1FD3\\\\u1FD6-\\\\u1FDB\\\\u1FE0-\\\\u1FEC\\\\u1FF2-\\\\u1FF4\\\\u1FF6-\\\\u1FFC\\\\u2071\\\\u207F\\\\u2090-\\\\u2094\\\\u2102\\\\u2107\\\\u210A-\\\\u2113\\\\u2115\\\\u2119-\\\\u211D\\\\u2124\\\\u2126\\\\u2128\\\\u212A-\\\\u212D\\\\u212F-\\\\u2139\\\\u213C-\\\\u213F\\\\u2145-\\\\u2149\\\\u214E\\\\u2183\\\\u2184\\\\u2C00-\\\\u2C2E\\\\u2C30-\\\\u2C5E\\\\u2C60-\\\\u2C6F\\\\u2C71-\\\\u2C7D\\\\u2C80-\\\\u2CE4\\\\u2D00-\\\\u2D25\\\\u2D30-\\\\u2D65\\\\u2D6F\\\\u2D80-\\\\u2D96\\\\u2DA0-\\\\u2DA6\\\\u2DA8-\\\\u2DAE\\\\u2DB0-\\\\u2DB6\\\\u2DB8-\\\\u2DBE\\\\u2DC0-\\\\u2DC6\\\\u2DC8-\\\\u2DCE\\\\u2DD0-\\\\u2DD6\\\\u2DD8-\\\\u2DDE\\\\u2E2F\\\\u3005\\\\u3006\\\\u3031-\\\\u3035\\\\u303B\\\\u303C\\\\u3041-\\\\u3096\\\\u309D-\\\\u309F\\\\u30A1-\\\\u30FA\\\\u30FC-\\\\u30FF\\\\u3105-\\\\u312D\\\\u3131-\\\\u318E\\\\u31A0-\\\\u31B7\\\\u31F0-\\\\u31FF\\\\u3400\\\\u4DB5\\\\u4E00\\\\u9FC3\\\\uA000-\\\\uA48C\\\\uA500-\\\\uA60C\\\\uA610-\\\\uA61F\\\\uA62A\\\\uA62B\\\\uA640-\\\\uA65F\\\\uA662-\\\\uA66E\\\\uA67F-\\\\uA697\\\\uA717-\\\\uA71F\\\\uA722-\\\\uA788\\\\uA78B\\\\uA78C\\\\uA7FB-\\\\uA801\\\\uA803-\\\\uA805\\\\uA807-\\\\uA80A\\\\uA80C-\\\\uA822\\\\uA840-\\\\uA873\\\\uA882-\\\\uA8B3\\\\uA90A-\\\\uA925\\\\uA930-\\\\uA946\\\\uAA00-\\\\uAA28\\\\uAA40-\\\\uAA42\\\\uAA44-\\\\uAA4B\\\\uAC00\\\\uD7A3\\\\uF900-\\\\uFA2D\\\\uFA30-\\\\uFA6A\\\\uFA70-\\\\uFAD9\\\\uFB00-\\\\uFB06\\\\uFB13-\\\\uFB17\\\\uFB1D\\\\uFB1F-\\\\uFB28\\\\uFB2A-\\\\uFB36\\\\uFB38-\\\\uFB3C\\\\uFB3E\\\\uFB40\\\\uFB41\\\\uFB43\\\\uFB44\\\\uFB46-\\\\uFBB1\\\\uFBD3-\\\\uFD3D\\\\uFD50-\\\\uFD8F\\\\uFD92-\\\\uFDC7\\\\uFDF0-\\\\uFDFB\\\\uFE70-\\\\uFE74\\\\uFE76-\\\\uFEFC\\\\uFF21-\\\\uFF3A\\\\uFF41-\\\\uFF5A\\\\uFF66-\\\\uFFBE\\\\uFFC2-\\\\uFFC7\\\\uFFCA-\\\\uFFCF\\\\uFFD2-\\\\uFFD7\\\\uFFDA-\\\\uFFDC]\"),\n non_spacing_mark: new RegExp(\"[\\\\u0300-\\\\u036F\\\\u0483-\\\\u0487\\\\u0591-\\\\u05BD\\\\u05BF\\\\u05C1\\\\u05C2\\\\u05C4\\\\u05C5\\\\u05C7\\\\u0610-\\\\u061A\\\\u064B-\\\\u065E\\\\u0670\\\\u06D6-\\\\u06DC\\\\u06DF-\\\\u06E4\\\\u06E7\\\\u06E8\\\\u06EA-\\\\u06ED\\\\u0711\\\\u0730-\\\\u074A\\\\u07A6-\\\\u07B0\\\\u07EB-\\\\u07F3\\\\u0816-\\\\u0819\\\\u081B-\\\\u0823\\\\u0825-\\\\u0827\\\\u0829-\\\\u082D\\\\u0900-\\\\u0902\\\\u093C\\\\u0941-\\\\u0948\\\\u094D\\\\u0951-\\\\u0955\\\\u0962\\\\u0963\\\\u0981\\\\u09BC\\\\u09C1-\\\\u09C4\\\\u09CD\\\\u09E2\\\\u09E3\\\\u0A01\\\\u0A02\\\\u0A3C\\\\u0A41\\\\u0A42\\\\u0A47\\\\u0A48\\\\u0A4B-\\\\u0A4D\\\\u0A51\\\\u0A70\\\\u0A71\\\\u0A75\\\\u0A81\\\\u0A82\\\\u0ABC\\\\u0AC1-\\\\u0AC5\\\\u0AC7\\\\u0AC8\\\\u0ACD\\\\u0AE2\\\\u0AE3\\\\u0B01\\\\u0B3C\\\\u0B3F\\\\u0B41-\\\\u0B44\\\\u0B4D\\\\u0B56\\\\u0B62\\\\u0B63\\\\u0B82\\\\u0BC0\\\\u0BCD\\\\u0C3E-\\\\u0C40\\\\u0C46-\\\\u0C48\\\\u0C4A-\\\\u0C4D\\\\u0C55\\\\u0C56\\\\u0C62\\\\u0C63\\\\u0CBC\\\\u0CBF\\\\u0CC6\\\\u0CCC\\\\u0CCD\\\\u0CE2\\\\u0CE3\\\\u0D41-\\\\u0D44\\\\u0D4D\\\\u0D62\\\\u0D63\\\\u0DCA\\\\u0DD2-\\\\u0DD4\\\\u0DD6\\\\u0E31\\\\u0E34-\\\\u0E3A\\\\u0E47-\\\\u0E4E\\\\u0EB1\\\\u0EB4-\\\\u0EB9\\\\u0EBB\\\\u0EBC\\\\u0EC8-\\\\u0ECD\\\\u0F18\\\\u0F19\\\\u0F35\\\\u0F37\\\\u0F39\\\\u0F71-\\\\u0F7E\\\\u0F80-\\\\u0F84\\\\u0F86\\\\u0F87\\\\u0F90-\\\\u0F97\\\\u0F99-\\\\u0FBC\\\\u0FC6\\\\u102D-\\\\u1030\\\\u1032-\\\\u1037\\\\u1039\\\\u103A\\\\u103D\\\\u103E\\\\u1058\\\\u1059\\\\u105E-\\\\u1060\\\\u1071-\\\\u1074\\\\u1082\\\\u1085\\\\u1086\\\\u108D\\\\u109D\\\\u135F\\\\u1712-\\\\u1714\\\\u1732-\\\\u1734\\\\u1752\\\\u1753\\\\u1772\\\\u1773\\\\u17B7-\\\\u17BD\\\\u17C6\\\\u17C9-\\\\u17D3\\\\u17DD\\\\u180B-\\\\u180D\\\\u18A9\\\\u1920-\\\\u1922\\\\u1927\\\\u1928\\\\u1932\\\\u1939-\\\\u193B\\\\u1A17\\\\u1A18\\\\u1A56\\\\u1A58-\\\\u1A5E\\\\u1A60\\\\u1A62\\\\u1A65-\\\\u1A6C\\\\u1A73-\\\\u1A7C\\\\u1A7F\\\\u1B00-\\\\u1B03\\\\u1B34\\\\u1B36-\\\\u1B3A\\\\u1B3C\\\\u1B42\\\\u1B6B-\\\\u1B73\\\\u1B80\\\\u1B81\\\\u1BA2-\\\\u1BA5\\\\u1BA8\\\\u1BA9\\\\u1C2C-\\\\u1C33\\\\u1C36\\\\u1C37\\\\u1CD0-\\\\u1CD2\\\\u1CD4-\\\\u1CE0\\\\u1CE2-\\\\u1CE8\\\\u1CED\\\\u1DC0-\\\\u1DE6\\\\u1DFD-\\\\u1DFF\\\\u20D0-\\\\u20DC\\\\u20E1\\\\u20E5-\\\\u20F0\\\\u2CEF-\\\\u2CF1\\\\u2DE0-\\\\u2DFF\\\\u302A-\\\\u302F\\\\u3099\\\\u309A\\\\uA66F\\\\uA67C\\\\uA67D\\\\uA6F0\\\\uA6F1\\\\uA802\\\\uA806\\\\uA80B\\\\uA825\\\\uA826\\\\uA8C4\\\\uA8E0-\\\\uA8F1\\\\uA926-\\\\uA92D\\\\uA947-\\\\uA951\\\\uA980-\\\\uA982\\\\uA9B3\\\\uA9B6-\\\\uA9B9\\\\uA9BC\\\\uAA29-\\\\uAA2E\\\\uAA31\\\\uAA32\\\\uAA35\\\\uAA36\\\\uAA43\\\\uAA4C\\\\uAAB0\\\\uAAB2-\\\\uAAB4\\\\uAAB7\\\\uAAB8\\\\uAABE\\\\uAABF\\\\uAAC1\\\\uABE5\\\\uABE8\\\\uABED\\\\uFB1E\\\\uFE00-\\\\uFE0F\\\\uFE20-\\\\uFE26]\"),\n space_combining_mark: new RegExp(\"[\\\\u0903\\\\u093E-\\\\u0940\\\\u0949-\\\\u094C\\\\u094E\\\\u0982\\\\u0983\\\\u09BE-\\\\u09C0\\\\u09C7\\\\u09C8\\\\u09CB\\\\u09CC\\\\u09D7\\\\u0A03\\\\u0A3E-\\\\u0A40\\\\u0A83\\\\u0ABE-\\\\u0AC0\\\\u0AC9\\\\u0ACB\\\\u0ACC\\\\u0B02\\\\u0B03\\\\u0B3E\\\\u0B40\\\\u0B47\\\\u0B48\\\\u0B4B\\\\u0B4C\\\\u0B57\\\\u0BBE\\\\u0BBF\\\\u0BC1\\\\u0BC2\\\\u0BC6-\\\\u0BC8\\\\u0BCA-\\\\u0BCC\\\\u0BD7\\\\u0C01-\\\\u0C03\\\\u0C41-\\\\u0C44\\\\u0C82\\\\u0C83\\\\u0CBE\\\\u0CC0-\\\\u0CC4\\\\u0CC7\\\\u0CC8\\\\u0CCA\\\\u0CCB\\\\u0CD5\\\\u0CD6\\\\u0D02\\\\u0D03\\\\u0D3E-\\\\u0D40\\\\u0D46-\\\\u0D48\\\\u0D4A-\\\\u0D4C\\\\u0D57\\\\u0D82\\\\u0D83\\\\u0DCF-\\\\u0DD1\\\\u0DD8-\\\\u0DDF\\\\u0DF2\\\\u0DF3\\\\u0F3E\\\\u0F3F\\\\u0F7F\\\\u102B\\\\u102C\\\\u1031\\\\u1038\\\\u103B\\\\u103C\\\\u1056\\\\u1057\\\\u1062-\\\\u1064\\\\u1067-\\\\u106D\\\\u1083\\\\u1084\\\\u1087-\\\\u108C\\\\u108F\\\\u109A-\\\\u109C\\\\u17B6\\\\u17BE-\\\\u17C5\\\\u17C7\\\\u17C8\\\\u1923-\\\\u1926\\\\u1929-\\\\u192B\\\\u1930\\\\u1931\\\\u1933-\\\\u1938\\\\u19B0-\\\\u19C0\\\\u19C8\\\\u19C9\\\\u1A19-\\\\u1A1B\\\\u1A55\\\\u1A57\\\\u1A61\\\\u1A63\\\\u1A64\\\\u1A6D-\\\\u1A72\\\\u1B04\\\\u1B35\\\\u1B3B\\\\u1B3D-\\\\u1B41\\\\u1B43\\\\u1B44\\\\u1B82\\\\u1BA1\\\\u1BA6\\\\u1BA7\\\\u1BAA\\\\u1C24-\\\\u1C2B\\\\u1C34\\\\u1C35\\\\u1CE1\\\\u1CF2\\\\uA823\\\\uA824\\\\uA827\\\\uA880\\\\uA881\\\\uA8B4-\\\\uA8C3\\\\uA952\\\\uA953\\\\uA983\\\\uA9B4\\\\uA9B5\\\\uA9BA\\\\uA9BB\\\\uA9BD-\\\\uA9C0\\\\uAA2F\\\\uAA30\\\\uAA33\\\\uAA34\\\\uAA4D\\\\uAA7B\\\\uABE3\\\\uABE4\\\\uABE6\\\\uABE7\\\\uABE9\\\\uABEA\\\\uABEC]\"),\n connector_punctuation: new RegExp(\"[\\\\u005F\\\\u203F\\\\u2040\\\\u2054\\\\uFE33\\\\uFE34\\\\uFE4D-\\\\uFE4F\\\\uFF3F]\")\n};\n\nfunction is_letter(code) {\n return (code >= 97 && code <= 122)\n || (code >= 65 && code <= 90)\n || (code >= 0xaa && UNICODE.letter.test(String.fromCharCode(code)));\n};\n\nfunction is_digit(code) {\n return code >= 48 && code <= 57; //XXX: find out if \"UnicodeDigit\" means something else than 0..9\n};\n\nfunction is_alphanumeric_char(code) {\n return is_digit(code) || is_letter(code);\n};\n\nfunction is_unicode_combining_mark(ch) {\n return UNICODE.non_spacing_mark.test(ch) || UNICODE.space_combining_mark.test(ch);\n};\n\nfunction is_unicode_connector_punctuation(ch) {\n return UNICODE.connector_punctuation.test(ch);\n};\n\nfunction is_identifier(name) {\n return !", "RESERVED_WORDS(name) && /^[a-z_$][a-z0-9_$]*$/i.test(name);\n};\n\nfunction is_identifier_start(code) {\n return code == 36 || code == 95 || is_letter(code);\n};\n\nfunction is_identifier_char(ch) {\n var code = ch.charCodeAt(0);\n return is_identifier_start(code)\n || is_digit(code)\n || code == 8204 // \\u200c: zero-width non-joiner <ZWNJ>\n || code == 8205 // \\u200d: zero-width joiner <ZWJ> (in my ECMA-262 PDF, this is also 200c)\n || is_unicode_combining_mark(ch)\n || is_unicode_connector_punctuation(ch)\n ;\n};\n\nfunction is_identifier_string(str){\n var i = str.length;\n if (i == 0) return false;\n if (!", "is_identifier_start(str.charCodeAt(0))) return false;\n while (--i >= 0) {\n if (!", "is_identifier_char(str.charAt(i)))\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n};\n\nfunction parse_js_number(num) {\n if (RE_HEX_NUMBER.test(num)) {\n return parseInt(num.substr(2), 16);\n } else if (RE_OCT_NUMBER.test(num)) {\n return parseInt(num.substr(1), 8);\n } else if (RE_DEC_NUMBER.test(num)) {\n return parseFloat(num);\n }\n};\n\nfunction JS_Parse_Error(message, line, col, pos) {\n this.message = message;\n this.line = line;\n this.col = col;\n this.pos = pos;\n this.stack = new Error().stack;\n};\n\nJS_Parse_Error.prototype.toString = function() {\n return this.message + \" (line: \" + this.line + \", col: \" + this.col + \", pos: \" + this.pos + \")\" + \"\\n\\n\" + this.stack;\n};\n\nfunction js_error(message, filename, line, col, pos) {\n throw new JS_Parse_Error(message, line, col, pos);\n};\n\nfunction is_token(token, type, val) {\n return token.type == type && (val == null || token.value == val);\n};\n\nvar EX_EOF = {};\n\nfunction tokenizer($TEXT, filename, html5_comments) {\n\n var S = {\n text : $TEXT.replace(/\\r\\n?|[\\n\\u2028\\u2029]/g, \"\\n\").replace(/\\uFEFF/g, ''),\n filename : filename,\n pos : 0,\n tokpos : 0,\n line : 1,\n tokline : 0,\n col : 0,\n tokcol : 0,\n newline_before : false,\n regex_allowed : false,\n comments_before : []\n };\n\n function peek() { return S.text.charAt(S.pos); };\n\n function next(signal_eof, in_string) {\n var ch = S.text.charAt(S.pos++);\n if (signal_eof && !", "ch)\n throw EX_EOF;\n if (ch == \"\\n\") {\n S.newline_before = S.newline_before || !", "in_string;\n ++S.line;\n S.col = 0;\n } else {\n ++S.col;\n }\n return ch;\n };\n\n function forward(i) {\n while (i-- > 0) next();\n };\n\n function looking_at(str) {\n return S.text.substr(S.pos, str.length) == str;\n };\n\n function find(what, signal_eof) {\n var pos = S.text.indexOf(what, S.pos);\n if (signal_eof && pos == -1) throw EX_EOF;\n return pos;\n };\n\n function start_token() {\n S.tokline = S.line;\n S.tokcol = S.col;\n S.tokpos = S.pos;\n };\n\n var prev_was_dot = false;\n function token(type, value, is_comment) {\n S.regex_allowed = ((type == \"operator\" && !", "UNARY_POSTFIX(value)) ||\n (type == \"keyword\" && KEYWORDS_BEFORE_EXPRESSION(value)) ||\n (type == \"punc\" && PUNC_BEFORE_EXPRESSION(value)));\n prev_was_dot = (type == \"punc\" && value == \".\");", "\n var ret = {\n type : type,\n value : value,\n line : S.tokline,\n col : S.tokcol,\n pos : S.tokpos,\n endpos : S.pos,\n nlb : S.newline_before,\n file : filename\n };\n if (!", "is_comment) {\n ret.comments_before = S.comments_before;\n S.comments_before = [];\n // make note of any newlines in the comments that came before\n for (var i = 0, len = ret.comments_before.length; i < len; i++) {\n ret.nlb = ret.nlb || ret.comments_before[i].nlb;\n }\n }\n S.newline_before = false;\n return new AST_Token(ret);\n };\n\n function skip_whitespace() {\n while (WHITESPACE_CHARS(peek()))\n next();\n };\n\n function read_while(pred) {\n var ret = \"\", ch, i = 0;\n while ((ch = peek()) && pred(ch, i++))\n ret += next();\n return ret;\n };\n\n function parse_error(err) {\n js_error(err, filename, S.tokline, S.tokcol, S.tokpos);\n };\n\n function read_num(prefix) {\n var has_e = false, after_e = false, has_x = false, has_dot = prefix == \".\";", "\n var num = read_while(function(ch, i){\n var code = ch.charCodeAt(0);\n switch (code) {\n case 120: case 88: // xX\n return has_x ? ", "false : (has_x = true);\n case 101: case 69: // eE\n return has_x ? ", "true : has_e ? ", "false : (has_e = after_e = true);\n case 45: // -\n return after_e || (i == 0 && !", "prefix);\n case 43: // +\n return after_e;\n case (after_e = false, 46): // .", "\n return (!", "has_dot && !", "has_x && !", "has_e) ? (", "has_dot = true) : false;\n }\n return is_alphanumeric_char(code);\n });\n if (prefix) num = prefix + num;\n var valid = parse_js_number(num);\n if (!", "isNaN(valid)) {\n return token(\"num\", valid);\n } else {\n parse_error(\"Invalid syntax: \" + num);\n }\n };\n\n function read_escaped_char(in_string) {\n var ch = next(true, in_string);\n switch (ch.charCodeAt(0)) {\n case 110 : return \"\\n\";\n case 114 : return \"\\r\";\n case 116 : return \"\\t\";\n case 98 : return \"\\b\";\n case 118 : return \"\\u000b\"; // \\v\n case 102 : return \"\\f\";\n case 48 : return \"\\0\";\n case 120 : return String.fromCharCode(hex_bytes(2)); // \\x\n case 117 : return String.fromCharCode(hex_bytes(4)); // \\u\n case 10 : return \"\"; // newline\n default : return ch;\n }\n };\n\n function hex_bytes(n) {\n var num = 0;\n for (; n > 0; --n) {\n var digit = parseInt(next(true), 16);\n if (isNaN(digit))\n parse_error(\"Invalid hex-character pattern in string\");\n num = (num << 4) | digit;\n }\n return num;\n };\n\n var read_string = with_eof_error(\"Unterminated string constant\", function(){\n var quote = next(), ret = \"\";\n for (;;) {\n var ch = next(true);\n if (ch == \"\\\\\") {\n // read OctalEscapeSequence (XXX: deprecated if \"strict mode\")\n // https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS/issues/178\n var octal_len = 0, first = null;\n ch = read_while(function(ch){\n if (ch >= \"0\" && ch <= \"7\") {\n if (!", "first) {\n first = ch;\n return ++octal_len;\n }\n else if (first <= \"3\" && octal_len <= 2) return ++octal_len;\n else if (first >= \"4\" && octal_len <= 1) return ++octal_len;\n }\n return false;\n });\n if (octal_len > 0) ch = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(ch, 8));\n else ch = read_escaped_char(true);\n }\n else if (ch == quote) break;\n ret += ch;\n }\n return token(\"string\", ret);\n });\n\n function skip_line_comment(type) {\n var regex_allowed = S.regex_allowed;\n var i = find(\"\\n\"), ret;\n if (i == -1) {\n ret = S.text.substr(S.pos);\n S.pos = S.text.length;\n } else {\n ret = S.text.substring(S.pos, i);\n S.pos = i;\n }\n S.comments_before.push(token(type, ret, true));\n S.regex_allowed = regex_allowed;\n return next_token();\n };\n\n var skip_multiline_comment = with_eof_error(\"Unterminated multiline comment\", function(){\n var regex_allowed = S.regex_allowed;\n var i = find(\"*/\", true);\n var text = S.text.substring(S.pos, i);\n var a = text.split(\"\\n\"), n = a.length;\n // update stream position\n S.pos = i + 2;\n S.line += n - 1;\n if (n > 1) S.col = a[n - 1].length;\n else S.col += a[n - 1].length;\n S.col += 2;\n var nlb = S.newline_before = S.newline_before || text.indexOf(\"\\n\") >= 0;\n S.comments_before.push(token(\"comment2\", text, true));\n S.regex_allowed = regex_allowed;\n S.newline_before = nlb;\n return next_token();\n });\n\n function read_name() {\n var backslash = false, name = \"\", ch, escaped = false, hex;\n while ((ch = peek()) !", "= null) {\n if (!", "backslash) {\n if (ch == \"\\\\\") escaped = backslash = true, next();\n else if (is_identifier_char(ch)) name += next();\n else break;\n }\n else {\n if (ch !", "= \"u\") parse_error(\"Expecting UnicodeEscapeSequence -- uXXXX\");\n ch = read_escaped_char();\n if (!", "is_identifier_char(ch)) parse_error(\"Unicode char: \" + ch.charCodeAt(0) + \" is not valid in identifier\");\n name += ch;\n backslash = false;\n }\n }\n if (KEYWORDS(name) && escaped) {\n hex = name.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase();\n name = \"\\\\u\" + \"0000\".substr(hex.length) + hex + name.slice(1);\n }\n return name;\n };\n\n var read_regexp = with_eof_error(\"Unterminated regular expression\", function(regexp){\n var prev_backslash = false, ch, in_class = false;\n while ((ch = next(true))) if (prev_backslash) {\n regexp += \"\\\\\" + ch;\n prev_backslash = false;\n } else if (ch == \"[\") {\n in_class = true;\n regexp += ch;\n } else if (ch == \"]\" && in_class) {\n in_class = false;\n regexp += ch;\n } else if (ch == \"/\" && !", "in_class) {\n break;\n } else if (ch == \"\\\\\") {\n prev_backslash = true;\n } else {\n regexp += ch;\n }\n var mods = read_name();\n return token(\"regexp\", new RegExp(regexp, mods));\n });\n\n function read_operator(prefix) {\n function grow(op) {\n if (!", "peek()) return op;\n var bigger = op + peek();\n if (OPERATORS(bigger)) {\n next();\n return grow(bigger);\n } else {\n return op;\n }\n };\n return token(\"operator\", grow(prefix || next()));\n };\n\n function handle_slash() {\n next();\n switch (peek()) {\n case \"/\":\n next();\n return skip_line_comment(\"comment1\");\n case \"*\":\n next();\n return skip_multiline_comment();\n }\n return S.regex_allowed ? ", "read_regexp(\"\") : read_operator(\"/\");\n };\n\n function handle_dot() {\n next();\n return is_digit(peek().charCodeAt(0))\n ? ", "read_num(\".\")", "\n : token(\"punc\", \".\");", "\n };\n\n function read_word() {\n var word = read_name();\n if (prev_was_dot) return token(\"name\", word);\n return KEYWORDS_ATOM(word) ? ", "token(\"atom\", word)\n : !", "KEYWORDS(word) ? ", "token(\"name\", word)\n : OPERATORS(word) ? ", "token(\"operator\", word)\n : token(\"keyword\", word);\n };\n\n function with_eof_error(eof_error, cont) {\n return function(x) {\n try {\n return cont(x);\n } catch(ex) {\n if (ex === EX_EOF) parse_error(eof_error);\n else throw ex;\n }\n };\n };\n\n function next_token(force_regexp) {\n if (force_regexp !", "= null)\n return read_regexp(force_regexp);\n skip_whitespace();\n start_token();\n if (html5_comments) {\n if (looking_at(\"<!--\")) {\n forward(4);\n return skip_line_comment(\"comment3\");\n }\n if (looking_at(\"-->\") && S.newline_before) {\n forward(3);\n return skip_line_comment(\"comment4\");\n }\n }\n var ch = peek();\n if (!", "ch) return token(\"eof\");\n var code = ch.charCodeAt(0);\n switch (code) {\n case 34: case 39: return read_string();\n case 46: return handle_dot();\n case 47: return handle_slash();\n }\n if (is_digit(code)) return read_num();\n if (PUNC_CHARS(ch)) return token(\"punc\", next());\n if (OPERATOR_CHARS(ch)) return read_operator();\n if (code == 92 || is_identifier_start(code)) return read_word();\n parse_error(\"Unexpected character '\" + ch + \"'\");\n };\n\n next_token.context = function(nc) {\n if (nc) S = nc;\n return S;\n };\n\n return next_token;\n\n};\n\n/* -----[ Parser (constants) ]----- */\n\nvar UNARY_PREFIX = makePredicate([\n \"typeof\",\n \"void\",\n \"delete\",\n \"--\",\n \"++\",\n \"!\",", "\n \"~\",\n \"-\",\n \"+\"\n]);\n\nvar UNARY_POSTFIX = makePredicate([ \"--\", \"++\" ]);\n\nvar ASSIGNMENT = makePredicate([ \"=\", \"+=\", \"-=\", \"/=\", \"*=\", \"%=\", \">>=\", \"<<=\", \">>>=\", \"|=\", \"^=\", \"&=\" ]);\n\nvar PRECEDENCE = (function(a, ret){\n for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {\n var b = a[i];\n for (var j = 0; j < b.length; ++j) {\n ret[b[j]] = i + 1;\n }\n }\n return ret;\n})(\n [\n [\"||\"],\n [\"&&\"],\n [\"|\"],\n [\"^\"],\n [\"&\"],\n [\"==\", \"===\", \"!", "=\", \"!", "==\"],\n [\"<\", \">\", \"<=\", \">=\", \"in\", \"instanceof\"],\n [\">>\", \"<<\", \">>>\"],\n [\"+\", \"-\"],\n [\"*\", \"/\", \"%\"]\n ],\n {}\n);\n\nvar STATEMENTS_WITH_LABELS = array_to_hash([ \"for\", \"do\", \"while\", \"switch\" ]);\n\nvar ATOMIC_START_TOKEN = array_to_hash([ \"atom\", \"num\", \"string\", \"regexp\", \"name\" ]);\n\n/* -----[ Parser ]----- */\n\nfunction parse($TEXT, options) {\n\n options = defaults(options, {\n strict : false,\n filename : null,\n toplevel : null,\n expression : false,\n html5_comments : true,\n });\n\n var S = {\n input : (typeof $TEXT == \"string\"\n ? ", "tokenizer($TEXT, options.filename,\n options.html5_comments)\n : $TEXT),\n token : null,\n prev : null,\n peeked : null,\n in_function : 0,\n in_directives : true,\n in_loop : 0,\n labels : []\n };\n\n S.token = next();\n\n function is(type, value) {\n return is_token(S.token, type, value);\n };\n\n function peek() { return S.peeked || (S.peeked = S.input()); };\n\n function next() {\n S.prev = S.token;\n if (S.peeked) {\n S.token = S.peeked;\n S.peeked = null;\n } else {\n S.token = S.input();\n }\n S.in_directives = S.in_directives && (\n S.token.type == \"string\" || is(\"punc\", \";\")\n );\n return S.token;\n };\n\n function prev() {\n return S.prev;\n };\n\n function croak(msg, line, col, pos) {\n var ctx = S.input.context();\n js_error(msg,\n ctx.filename,\n line !", "= null ? ", "line : ctx.tokline,\n col !", "= null ? ", "col : ctx.tokcol,\n pos !", "= null ? ", "pos : ctx.tokpos);\n };\n\n function token_error(token, msg) {\n croak(msg, token.line, token.col);\n };\n\n function unexpected(token) {\n if (token == null)\n token = S.token;\n token_error(token, \"Unexpected token: \" + token.type + \" (\" + token.value + \")\");\n };\n\n function expect_token(type, val) {\n if (is(type, val)) {\n return next();\n }\n token_error(S.token, \"Unexpected token \" + S.token.type + \" «\" + S.token.value + \"»\" + \", expected \" + type + \" «\" + val + \"»\");\n };\n\n function expect(punc) { return expect_token(\"punc\", punc); };\n\n function can_insert_semicolon() {\n return !", "options.strict && (\n S.token.nlb || is(\"eof\") || is(\"punc\", \"}\")\n );\n };\n\n function semicolon() {\n if (is(\"punc\", \";\")) next();\n else if (!", "can_insert_semicolon()) unexpected();\n };\n\n function parenthesised() {\n expect(\"(\");\n var exp = expression(true);\n expect(\")\");\n return exp;\n };\n\n function embed_tokens(parser) {\n return function() {\n var start = S.token;\n var expr = parser();\n var end = prev();\n expr.start = start;\n expr.end = end;\n return expr;\n };\n };\n\n function handle_regexp() {\n if (is(\"operator\", \"/\") || is(\"operator\", \"/=\")) {\n S.peeked = null;\n S.token = S.input(S.token.value.substr(1)); // force regexp\n }\n };\n\n var statement = embed_tokens(function() {\n var tmp;\n handle_regexp();\n switch (S.token.type) {\n case \"string\":\n var dir = S.in_directives, stat = simple_statement();\n // XXXv2: decide how to fix directives\n if (dir && stat.body instanceof AST_String && !", "is(\"punc\", \",\"))\n return new AST_Directive({ value: stat.body.value });\n return stat;\n case \"num\":\n case \"regexp\":\n case \"operator\":\n case \"atom\":\n return simple_statement();\n\n case \"name\":\n return is_token(peek(), \"punc\", \":\")\n ? ", "labeled_statement()\n : simple_statement();\n\n case \"punc\":\n switch (S.token.value) {\n case \"{\":\n return new AST_BlockStatement({\n start : S.token,\n body : block_(),\n end : prev()\n });\n case \"[\":\n case \"(\":\n return simple_statement();\n case \";\":\n next();\n return new AST_EmptyStatement();\n default:\n unexpected();\n }\n\n case \"keyword\":\n switch (tmp = S.token.value, next(), tmp) {\n case \"break\":\n return break_cont(AST_Break);\n\n case \"continue\":\n return break_cont(AST_Continue);\n\n case \"debugger\":\n semicolon();\n return new AST_Debugger();\n\n case \"do\":\n return new AST_Do({\n body : in_loop(statement),\n condition : (expect_token(\"keyword\", \"while\"), tmp = parenthesised(), semicolon(), tmp)\n });\n\n case \"while\":\n return new AST_While({\n condition : parenthesised(),\n body : in_loop(statement)\n });\n\n case \"for\":\n return for_();\n\n case \"function\":\n return function_(AST_Defun);\n\n case \"if\":\n return if_();\n\n case \"return\":\n if (S.in_function == 0)\n croak(\"'return' outside of function\");\n return new AST_Return({\n value: ( is(\"punc\", \";\")\n ? (", "next(), null)\n : can_insert_semicolon()\n ? ", "null\n : (tmp = expression(true), semicolon(), tmp) )\n });\n\n case \"switch\":\n return new AST_Switch({\n expression : parenthesised(),\n body : in_loop(switch_body_)\n });\n\n case \"throw\":\n if (S.token.nlb)\n croak(\"Illegal newline after 'throw'\");\n return new AST_Throw({\n value: (tmp = expression(true), semicolon(), tmp)\n });\n\n case \"try\":\n return try_();\n\n case \"var\":\n return tmp = var_(), semicolon(), tmp;\n\n case \"const\":\n return tmp = const_(), semicolon(), tmp;\n\n case \"with\":\n return new AST_With({\n expression : parenthesised(),\n body : statement()\n });\n\n default:\n unexpected();\n }\n }\n });\n\n function labeled_statement() {\n var label = as_symbol(AST_Label);\n if (find_if(function(l){ return l.name == label.name }, S.labels)) {\n // ECMA-262, 12.12: An ECMAScript program is considered\n // syntactically incorrect if it contains a\n // LabelledStatement that is enclosed by a\n // LabelledStatement with the same Identifier as label.", "\n croak(\"Label \" + label.name + \" defined twice\");\n }\n expect(\":\");\n S.labels.push(label);\n var stat = statement();\n S.labels.pop();\n if (!(", "stat instanceof AST_IterationStatement)) {\n // check for `continue` that refers to this label.", "\n // those should be reported as syntax errors.", "\n // https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2/issues/287\n label.references.forEach(function(ref){\n if (ref instanceof AST_Continue) {\n ref = ref.label.start;\n croak(\"Continue label `\" + label.name + \"` refers to non-IterationStatement.\",", "\n ref.line, ref.col, ref.pos);\n }\n });\n }\n return new AST_LabeledStatement({ body: stat, label: label });\n };\n\n function simple_statement(tmp) {\n return new AST_SimpleStatement({ body: (tmp = expression(true), semicolon(), tmp) });\n };\n\n function break_cont(type) {\n var label = null, ldef;\n if (!", "can_insert_semicolon()) {\n label = as_symbol(AST_LabelRef, true);\n }\n if (label !", "= null) {\n ldef = find_if(function(l){ return l.name == label.name }, S.labels);\n if (!", "ldef)\n croak(\"Undefined label \" + label.name);\n label.thedef = ldef;\n }\n else if (S.in_loop == 0)\n croak(type.", "TYPE + \" not inside a loop or switch\");\n semicolon();\n var stat = new type({ label: label });\n if (ldef) ldef.references.push(stat);\n return stat;\n };\n\n function for_() {\n expect(\"(\");\n var init = null;\n if (!", "is(\"punc\", \";\")) {\n init = is(\"keyword\", \"var\")\n ? (", "next(), var_(true))\n : expression(true, true);\n if (is(\"operator\", \"in\")) {\n if (init instanceof AST_Var && init.definitions.length > 1)\n croak(\"Only one variable declaration allowed in for..in loop\");\n next();\n return for_in(init);\n }\n }\n return regular_for(init);\n };\n\n function regular_for(init) {\n expect(\";\");\n var test = is(\"punc\", \";\") ? ", "null : expression(true);\n expect(\";\");\n var step = is(\"punc\", \")\") ? ", "null : expression(true);\n expect(\")\");\n return new AST_For({\n init : init,\n condition : test,\n step : step,\n body : in_loop(statement)\n });\n };\n\n function for_in(init) {\n var lhs = init instanceof AST_Var ? ", "init.definitions[0].name : null;\n var obj = expression(true);\n expect(\")\");\n return new AST_ForIn({\n init : init,\n name : lhs,\n object : obj,\n body : in_loop(statement)\n });\n };\n\n var function_ = function(ctor) {\n var in_statement = ctor === AST_Defun;\n var name = is(\"name\") ? ", "as_symbol(in_statement ? ", "AST_SymbolDefun : AST_SymbolLambda) : null;\n if (in_statement && !", "name)\n unexpected();\n expect(\"(\");\n return new ctor({\n name: name,\n argnames: (function(first, a){\n while (!", "is(\"punc\", \")\")) {\n if (first) first = false; else expect(\",\");\n a.push(as_symbol(AST_SymbolFunarg));\n }\n next();\n return a;\n })(true, []),\n body: (function(loop, labels){\n ++S.in_function;\n S.in_directives = true;\n S.in_loop = 0;\n S.labels = [];\n var a = block_();\n --S.in_function;\n S.in_loop = loop;\n S.labels = labels;\n return a;\n })(S.in_loop, S.labels)\n });\n };\n\n function if_() {\n var cond = parenthesised(), body = statement(), belse = null;\n if (is(\"keyword\", \"else\")) {\n next();\n belse = statement();\n }\n return new AST_If({\n condition : cond,\n body : body,\n alternative : belse\n });\n };\n\n function block_() {\n expect(\"{\");\n var a = [];\n while (!", "is(\"punc\", \"}\")) {\n if (is(\"eof\")) unexpected();\n a.push(statement());\n }\n next();\n return a;\n };\n\n function switch_body_() {\n expect(\"{\");\n var a = [], cur = null, branch = null, tmp;\n while (!", "is(\"punc\", \"}\")) {\n if (is(\"eof\")) unexpected();\n if (is(\"keyword\", \"case\")) {\n if (branch) branch.end = prev();\n cur = [];\n branch = new AST_Case({\n start : (tmp = S.token, next(), tmp),\n expression : expression(true),\n body : cur\n });\n a.push(branch);\n expect(\":\");\n }\n else if (is(\"keyword\", \"default\")) {\n if (branch) branch.end = prev();\n cur = [];\n branch = new AST_Default({\n start : (tmp = S.token, next(), expect(\":\"), tmp),\n body : cur\n });\n a.push(branch);\n }\n else {\n if (!", "cur) unexpected();\n cur.push(statement());\n }\n }\n if (branch) branch.end = prev();\n next();\n return a;\n };\n\n function try_() {\n var body = block_(), bcatch = null, bfinally = null;\n if (is(\"keyword\", \"catch\")) {\n var start = S.token;\n next();\n expect(\"(\");\n var name = as_symbol(AST_SymbolCatch);\n expect(\")\");\n bcatch = new AST_Catch({\n start : start,\n argname : name,\n body : block_(),\n end : prev()\n });\n }\n if (is(\"keyword\", \"finally\")) {\n var start = S.token;\n next();\n bfinally = new AST_Finally({\n start : start,\n body : block_(),\n end : prev()\n });\n }\n if (!", "bcatch && !", "bfinally)\n croak(\"Missing catch/finally blocks\");\n return new AST_Try({\n body : body,\n bcatch : bcatch,\n bfinally : bfinally\n });\n };\n\n function vardefs(no_in, in_const) {\n var a = [];\n for (;;) {\n a.push(new AST_VarDef({\n start : S.token,\n name : as_symbol(in_const ? ", "AST_SymbolConst : AST_SymbolVar),\n value : is(\"operator\", \"=\") ? (", "next(), expression(false, no_in)) : null,\n end : prev()\n }));\n if (!", "is(\"punc\", \",\"))\n break;\n next();\n }\n return a;\n };\n\n var var_ = function(no_in) {\n return new AST_Var({\n start : prev(),\n definitions : vardefs(no_in, false),\n end : prev()\n });\n };\n\n var const_ = function() {\n return new AST_Const({\n start : prev(),\n definitions : vardefs(false, true),\n end : prev()\n });\n };\n\n var new_ = function() {\n var start = S.token;\n expect_token(\"operator\", \"new\");\n var newexp = expr_atom(false), args;\n if (is(\"punc\", \"(\")) {\n next();\n args = expr_list(\")\");\n } else {\n args = [];\n }\n return subscripts(new AST_New({\n start : start,\n expression : newexp,\n args : args,\n end : prev()\n }), true);\n };\n\n function as_atom_node() {\n var tok = S.token, ret;\n switch (tok.type) {\n case \"name\":\n case \"keyword\":\n ret = _make_symbol(AST_SymbolRef);\n break;\n case \"num\":\n ret = new AST_Number({ start: tok, end: tok, value: tok.value });\n break;\n case \"string\":\n ret = new AST_String({ start: tok, end: tok, value: tok.value });\n break;\n case \"regexp\":\n ret = new AST_RegExp({ start: tok, end: tok, value: tok.value });\n break;\n case \"atom\":\n switch (tok.value) {\n case \"false\":\n ret = new AST_False({ start: tok, end: tok });\n break;\n case \"true\":\n ret = new AST_True({ start: tok, end: tok });\n break;\n case \"null\":\n ret = new AST_Null({ start: tok, end: tok });\n break;\n }\n break;\n }\n next();\n return ret;\n };\n\n var expr_atom = function(allow_calls) {\n if (is(\"operator\", \"new\")) {\n return new_();\n }\n var start = S.token;\n if (is(\"punc\")) {\n switch (start.value) {\n case \"(\":\n next();\n var ex = expression(true);\n ex.start = start;\n ex.end = S.token;\n expect(\")\");\n return subscripts(ex, allow_calls);\n case \"[\":\n return subscripts(array_(), allow_calls);\n case \"{\":\n return subscripts(object_(), allow_calls);\n }\n unexpected();\n }\n if (is(\"keyword\", \"function\")) {\n next();\n var func = function_(AST_Function);\n func.start = start;\n func.end = prev();\n return subscripts(func, allow_calls);\n }\n if (ATOMIC_START_TOKEN[S.token.type]) {\n return subscripts(as_atom_node(), allow_calls);\n }\n unexpected();\n };\n\n function expr_list(closing, allow_trailing_comma, allow_empty) {\n var first = true, a = [];\n while (!", "is(\"punc\", closing)) {\n if (first) first = false; else expect(\",\");\n if (allow_trailing_comma && is(\"punc\", closing)) break;\n if (is(\"punc\", \",\") && allow_empty) {\n a.push(new AST_Hole({ start: S.token, end: S.token }));\n } else {\n a.push(expression(false));\n }\n }\n next();\n return a;\n };\n\n var array_ = embed_tokens(function() {\n expect(\"[\");\n return new AST_Array({\n elements: expr_list(\"]\", !", "options.strict, true)\n });\n });\n\n var object_ = embed_tokens(function() {\n expect(\"{\");\n var first = true, a = [];\n while (!", "is(\"punc\", \"}\")) {\n if (first) first = false; else expect(\",\");\n if (!", "options.strict && is(\"punc\", \"}\"))\n // allow trailing comma\n break;\n var start = S.token;\n var type = start.type;\n var name = as_property_name();\n if (type == \"name\" && !", "is(\"punc\", \":\")) {\n if (name == \"get\") {\n a.push(new AST_ObjectGetter({\n start : start,\n key : as_atom_node(),\n value : function_(AST_Accessor),\n end : prev()\n }));\n continue;\n }\n if (name == \"set\") {\n a.push(new AST_ObjectSetter({\n start : start,\n key : as_atom_node(),\n value : function_(AST_Accessor),\n end : prev()\n }));\n continue;\n }\n }\n expect(\":\");\n a.push(new AST_ObjectKeyVal({\n start : start,\n key : name,\n value : expression(false),\n end : prev()\n }));\n }\n next();\n return new AST_Object({ properties: a });\n });\n\n function as_property_name() {\n var tmp = S.token;\n next();\n switch (tmp.type) {\n case \"num\":\n case \"string\":\n case \"name\":\n case \"operator\":\n case \"keyword\":\n case \"atom\":\n return tmp.value;\n default:\n unexpected();\n }\n };\n\n function as_name() {\n var tmp = S.token;\n next();\n switch (tmp.type) {\n case \"name\":\n case \"operator\":\n case \"keyword\":\n case \"atom\":\n return tmp.value;\n default:\n unexpected();\n }\n };\n\n function _make_symbol(type) {\n var name = S.token.value;\n return new (name == \"this\" ? ", "AST_This : type)({\n name : String(name),\n start : S.token,\n end : S.token\n });\n };\n\n function as_symbol(type, noerror) {\n if (!", "is(\"name\")) {\n if (!", "noerror) croak(\"Name expected\");\n return null;\n }\n var sym = _make_symbol(type);\n next();\n return sym;\n };\n\n var subscripts = function(expr, allow_calls) {\n var start = expr.start;\n if (is(\"punc\", \".\")) {", "\n next();\n return subscripts(new AST_Dot({\n start : start,\n expression : expr,\n property : as_name(),\n end : prev()\n }), allow_calls);\n }\n if (is(\"punc\", \"[\")) {\n next();\n var prop = expression(true);\n expect(\"]\");\n return subscripts(new AST_Sub({\n start : start,\n expression : expr,\n property : prop,\n end : prev()\n }), allow_calls);\n }\n if (allow_calls && is(\"punc\", \"(\")) {\n next();\n return subscripts(new AST_Call({\n start : start,\n expression : expr,\n args : expr_list(\")\"),\n end : prev()\n }), true);\n }\n return expr;\n };\n\n var maybe_unary = function(allow_calls) {\n var start = S.token;\n if (is(\"operator\") && UNARY_PREFIX(start.value)) {\n next();\n handle_regexp();\n var ex = make_unary(AST_UnaryPrefix, start.value, maybe_unary(allow_calls));\n ex.start = start;\n ex.end = prev();\n return ex;\n }\n var val = expr_atom(allow_calls);\n while (is(\"operator\") && UNARY_POSTFIX(S.token.value) && !", "S.token.nlb) {\n val = make_unary(AST_UnaryPostfix, S.token.value, val);\n val.start = start;\n val.end = S.token;\n next();\n }\n return val;\n };\n\n function make_unary(ctor, op, expr) {\n if ((op == \"++\" || op == \"--\") && !", "is_assignable(expr))\n croak(\"Invalid use of \" + op + \" operator\");\n return new ctor({ operator: op, expression: expr });\n };\n\n var expr_op = function(left, min_prec, no_in) {\n var op = is(\"operator\") ? ", "S.token.value : null;\n if (op == \"in\" && no_in) op = null;\n var prec = op !", "= null ? ", "PRECEDENCE[op] : null;\n if (prec !", "= null && prec > min_prec) {\n next();\n var right = expr_op(maybe_unary(true), prec, no_in);\n return expr_op(new AST_Binary({\n start : left.start,\n left : left,\n operator : op,\n right : right,\n end : right.end\n }), min_prec, no_in);\n }\n return left;\n };\n\n function expr_ops(no_in) {\n return expr_op(maybe_unary(true), 0, no_in);\n };\n\n var maybe_conditional = function(no_in) {\n var start = S.token;\n var expr = expr_ops(no_in);\n if (is(\"operator\", \"?\")) {", "\n next();\n var yes = expression(false);\n expect(\":\");\n return new AST_Conditional({\n start : start,\n condition : expr,\n consequent : yes,\n alternative : expression(false, no_in),\n end : prev()\n });\n }\n return expr;\n };\n\n function is_assignable(expr) {\n if (!", "options.strict) return true;\n if (expr instanceof AST_This) return false;\n return (expr instanceof AST_PropAccess || expr instanceof AST_Symbol);\n };\n\n var maybe_assign = function(no_in) {\n var start = S.token;\n var left = maybe_conditional(no_in), val = S.token.value;\n if (is(\"operator\") && ASSIGNMENT(val)) {\n if (is_assignable(left)) {\n next();\n return new AST_Assign({\n start : start,\n left : left,\n operator : val,\n right : maybe_assign(no_in),\n end : prev()\n });\n }\n croak(\"Invalid assignment\");\n }\n return left;\n };\n\n var expression = function(commas, no_in) {\n var start = S.token;\n var expr = maybe_assign(no_in);\n if (commas && is(\"punc\", \",\")) {\n next();\n return new AST_Seq({\n start : start,\n car : expr,\n cdr : expression(true, no_in),\n end : peek()\n });\n }\n return expr;\n };\n\n function in_loop(cont) {\n ++S.in_loop;\n var ret = cont();\n --S.in_loop;\n return ret;\n };\n\n if (options.expression) {\n return expression(true);\n }\n\n return (function(){\n var start = S.token;\n var body = [];\n while (!", "is(\"eof\"))\n body.push(statement());\n var end = prev();\n var toplevel = options.toplevel;\n if (toplevel) {\n toplevel.body = toplevel.body.concat(body);\n toplevel.end = end;\n } else {\n toplevel = new AST_Toplevel({ start: start, body: body, end: end });\n }\n return toplevel;\n })();\n\n};\n" ]
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[ "Encryption an 'urgent public safety issue,' FBI chief says\n\nFBI Director Christopher Wray speaks during the International Conference on Cyber Security at Fordham University on Tuesday.", "\n\nDrew Angerer/Getty Images\n\nLaw enforcement's inability to access data on encrypted electronics devices has lead to an \"urgent public safety issue,\" FBI Director Christopher Wray said Tuesday.", "\n\nWray said during a speech at a cybersecurity conference in New York that the FBI was unable to access the contents of nearly 7,800 devices during the agency's fiscal year, despite having technical tools and proper legal authority. ", "Each of those devices was connected to a suspected criminal event or threat, he said.", "\n\n\"While the FBI and law enforcement happen to be on the front lines of this problem, this is an urgent public safety issue for all of us,\" Wray said. \"", "Because as horrifying as 7,800 in one year sounds, it's going to be a lot worse in just a couple of years if we don't find a responsible solution.\"", "\n\nWray's comments seemed designed to reignite a debate over privacy and security that began last year when Apple refused to grant the FBI access to the contents of an encrypted iPhone belonging to a shooter in a terror attack in San Bernardino, California. ", "The iPhone's encryption technology scrambles data and requires a passcode before allowing access.", "\n\nIf investigators entered the wrong passcode 10 times, the iPhone's data would be wiped, or lost forever. ", "The FBI eventually found success after later engaging the help of an unidentified third party, but that did little to quell the debate over encryption.", "\n\nWray's comments at the International Conference on Cyber Security focused on what the FBI calls the Going Dark problem, where law enforcement officials have the legal authority but not the technical ability to access encrypted communications.", "\n\nTech firms and privacy advocates argue that encryption is essential to secure personal information and communications. ", "The government and law enforcement officials counter that encryption hurts their ability to investigate criminal and terrorist activity.", "\n\n\"We face an enormous and increasing number of cases that rely heavily, if not exclusively, on electronic evidence,\" Wray told conference attendees. \"", "We also face a situation where we're increasingly unable to access that evidence, despite lawful authority to do so.\"", "\n\nWray pressed tech companies to respond to court orders in a way that respects the law and strong cybersecurity.", "\n\n\"I recognize this entails varying degrees of innovation by the industry to ensure lawful access is available,\" he said. \"", "But I just don't buy the claim that it's impossible.\"", "\n\nTech companies have opposed legislation requiring them to provide \"back doors\" into devices, saying it would force them to deliberately weaken the security of their products for all users." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIs \"Thank god\", as opposed to \"Thank God\", acceptable?", "\n\nPeople are quite stingy lately about anything with religious connotations, so I'm worried that the phrase \"thank God\" might tick some people off.", "\nIs \"thank god\" acceptable? ", "Would that offend people of monotheistic faiths? ", "Or would \"thank God\" be acceptable to atheists/polytheists too?", "\n\nA:\n\nAre you worried about offending atheists/polytheists by being too monotheistic, or about offending monotheists by being blasphemous?", "\nIn any case, I think that in most contexts, anyone offended by “thank God” would still be offended by “thank god”, and vice versa. ", " In informal contexts, I’d be surprised if either offended anyone; extremely devout monotheists might perhaps consider them blasphemous. ", " In some official contexts (if you were acting as spokesperson for a school, say), both forms could upset people who have strong feelings about separation of church and state.", "\n“Thank goodness!” ", "is probably an unobjectionable alternative. ", " In case you’re not familiar with this expression, it isn’t a neologistic PC euphemism for “thank God”, it’s a common equivalent phrase which I think most native speakers would be familiar with.", "\n\nA:\n\n\"God\" is a proper noun, and for that reason should be capitalized. ", "So the phrase \"Thank God\" is appropriate. ", "There are so many contextual nuances that it is truly easier to adhere to that standard, unless you are trying to make a very explicit statement.", "\nEven with that standard, you will not please everyone, but at least you are less likely to cause confusion. ", "For example, Christian and Islamic faiths refer to \"God\" as \"God\". ", "So do many Jews. ", "However some religious Jews use the following \"G_d\" or \"G-d\" instead. ", "\nIf one were writing for an audience with a pantheist belief system, I think it would still be correct to refer to God with a capital G, but maybe in the plural case. \"", "Thank the Gods\". ", "Whether a single or multiple instance, you are referring to deities.", "\nIf you are worried about offending non-religious or atheist readers, do not use the expression \"Thank God\" at all. ", "There are many alternatives.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Rep. Maloney named ‘frontline’ Democratic candidate\n\nThe Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has designated Rep. Sean Maloney of Cold Spring as one of the top 26 incumbents who will get help from the party in fending off Republican challenges in 2014.", "\n\nMaloney will be part of the DCCC’s Frontline Program, which the party on Tuesday said will “lay the groundwork for the 2014 cycle by supporting and expanding their fundraising and outreach operations.’’", "\n\nLawmakers in the group must “meet aggressive fundraising goals, accelerate volunteer and recruitment efforts and increase their online networking,’’ the DCCC said.", "\n\nMaloney unseated freshman Republican Rep. Nan Hayworth last November in the lower Hudson Valley’s 18thCongressional District covering Putnam and Orange counties and parts of Westchester and Dutchess counties.", "\n\nIt was the most expensive congressional race in the state, with the two candidates and outside groups spending about $10.9 million, according to filings with the Federal Election Commission.", "\n\nMaloney was unavailable for comment Tuesday.", "\n\nRepublicans currently hold a 232-200 majority over Democrats in the House, with three vacant seats.", "\n\nTwo other New York Democrats – Reps. ", "Dan Maffei of the Syracuse area and Bill Owes of Plattsburgh – also have been designated by the DCCC as priority candidates in need of protection.", "\n\nIan Prior, a spokesman for the Republican National Congressional Committee, said his group began an Internet campaign on Tuesday targeting Maloney and the other Frontline Democrats.", "\n\n“The NRCC has made each of those races high-priority elections for 2014 when the president will not be at the top of the ticket,’’ Prior said in an email. “", "And candidates like Maloney, Owens and Maffei won’t be able to ride the top-of-the ticket coattails to razor-thin victories. ", "Each of those individuals will have to win elections on the basis of their own merits, and we are confident that they will not be able to do so.’’" ]
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[ "/* This file was automatically generated by CasADi.", "\n The CasADi copyright holders make no ownership claim of its contents. */", "\n#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif\n\n/* How to prefix internal symbols */\n#ifdef CODEGEN_PREFIX\n #define NAMESPACE_CONCAT(NS, ID) _NAMESPACE_CONCAT(NS, ID)\n #define _NAMESPACE_CONCAT(NS, ID) NS ## ID\n #define CASADI_PREFIX(ID) NAMESPACE_CONCAT(CODEGEN_PREFIX, ID)\n#else\n #define CASADI_PREFIX(ID) chain_nm_5_external_cost_ ## ID\n#endif\n\n#include <math.h>\n\n#ifndef casadi_real\n#define casadi_real double\n#endif\n\n#ifndef casadi_int\n#define casadi_int int\n#endif\n\n/* Add prefix to internal symbols */\n#define casadi_f0 CASADI_PREFIX(f0)\n#define casadi_s0 CASADI_PREFIX(s0)\n#define casadi_s1 CASADI_PREFIX(s1)\n#define casadi_s2 CASADI_PREFIX(s2)\n#define casadi_s3 CASADI_PREFIX(s3)\n#define casadi_s4 CASADI_PREFIX(s4)\n#define casadi_sq CASADI_PREFIX(sq)\n\n/* Symbol visibility in DLLs */\n#ifndef CASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT\n #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__CYGWIN__)\n #if defined(STATIC_LINKED)\n #define CASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT\n #else\n #define CASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)\n #endif\n #elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(GCC_HASCLASSVISIBILITY)\n #define CASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility (\"default\")))\n #else\n #define CASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT\n #endif\n#endif\n\nstatic const casadi_int casadi_s0[28] = {24, 1, 0, 24, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23};\nstatic const casadi_int casadi_s1[7] = {3, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 2};\nstatic const casadi_int casadi_s2[5] = {1, 1, 0, 1, 0};\nstatic const casadi_int casadi_s3[31] = {27, 1, 0, 27, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26};\nstatic const casadi_int casadi_s4[57] = {27, 27, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26};\n\ncasadi_real casadi_sq(casadi_real x) { return x*x;}\n\n/* chain_nm_5_external_cost:(i0[24],i1[3])->(o0,o1[27],o2[27x27,27nz]) */\nstatic int casadi_f0(const casadi_real** arg, casadi_real** res, casadi_int* iw, casadi_real* w, void* mem) {\n casadi_real a0, a1, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a2, a20, a21, a22, a23, a24, a25, a26, a27, a28, a29, a3, a30, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9;\n a0=5.0000000000000000e-01;\n a1=arg[1] ? ", "arg[1][0] : 0;\n a2=casadi_sq(a1);\n a2=(a0*a2);\n a3=arg[1] ? ", "arg[1][1] : 0;\n a4=casadi_sq(a3);\n a4=(a0*a4);\n a2=(a2+a4);\n a4=arg[1] ? ", "arg[1][2] : 0;\n a5=casadi_sq(a4);\n a5=(a0*a5);\n a2=(a2+a5);\n a5=5.0000000000000001e-03;\n a6=arg[0] ? ", "arg[0][0] : 0;\n a7=2.4547359999999999e-01;\n a6=(a6-a7);\n a7=casadi_sq(a6);\n a7=(a5*a7);\n a2=(a2+a7);\n a7=arg[0] ? ", "arg[0][1] : 0;\n a8=2.8850290000000002e-18;\n a7=(a7-a8);\n a8=casadi_sq(a7);\n a8=(a5*a8);\n a2=(a2+a8);\n a8=arg[0] ? ", "arg[0][2] : 0;\n a9=-3.6941920000000000e-01;\n a8=(a8-a9);\n a9=casadi_sq(a8);\n a9=(a5*a9);\n a2=(a2+a9);\n a9=arg[0] ? ", "arg[0][3] : 0;\n a10=casadi_sq(a9);\n a10=(a5*a10);\n a2=(a2+a10);\n a10=arg[0] ? ", "arg[0][4] : 0;\n a11=casadi_sq(a10);\n a11=(a5*a11);\n a2=(a2+a11);\n a11=arg[0] ? ", "arg[0][5] : 0;\n a12=casadi_sq(a11);\n a12=(a5*a12);\n a2=(a2+a12);\n a12=arg[0] ? ", "arg[0][6] : 0;\n a13=5.0498149999999997e-01;\n a12=(a12-a13);\n a13=casadi_sq(a12);\n a13=(a5*a13);\n a2=(a2+a13);\n a13=arg[0] ? ", "arg[0][7] : 0;\n a14=5.9350009999999999e-18;\n a13=(a13-a14);\n a14=casadi_sq(a13);\n a14=(a5*a14);\n a2=(a2+a14);\n a14=arg[0] ? ", "arg[0][8] : 0;\n a15=-4.2382419999999998e-01;\n a14=(a14-a15);\n a15=casadi_sq(a14);\n a15=(a5*a15);\n a2=(a2+a15);\n a15=arg[0] ? ", "arg[0][9] : 0;\n a16=-6.8034679999999999e-31;\n a15=(a15-a16);\n a16=casadi_sq(a15);\n a16=(a5*a16);\n a2=(a2+a16);\n a16=arg[0] ? ", "arg[0][10] : 0;\n a17=1.2876850000000001e-31;\n a16=(a16-a17);\n a17=casadi_sq(a16);\n a17=(a5*a17);\n a2=(a2+a17);\n a17=arg[0] ? ", "arg[0][11] : 0;\n a18=7.5782790000000005e-32;\n a17=(a17-a18);\n a18=casadi_sq(a17);\n a18=(a5*a18);\n a2=(a2+a18);\n a18=arg[0] ? ", "arg[0][12] : 0;\n a19=7.5454920000000003e-01;\n a18=(a18-a19);\n a19=casadi_sq(a18);\n a19=(a5*a19);\n a2=(a2+a19);\n a19=arg[0] ? ", "arg[0][13] : 0;\n a20=8.8681460000000005e-18;\n a19=(a19-a20);\n a20=casadi_sq(a19);\n a20=(a5*a20);\n a2=(a2+a20);\n a20=arg[0] ? ", "arg[0][14] : 0;\n a21=-1.5288599999999999e-01;\n a20=(a20-a21);\n a21=casadi_sq(a20);\n a21=(a5*a21);\n a2=(a2+a21);\n a21=arg[0] ? ", "arg[0][15] : 0;\n a22=-1.1907460000000000e-40;\n a21=(a21-a22);\n a22=casadi_sq(a21);\n a22=(a5*a22);\n a2=(a2+a22);\n a22=arg[0] ? ", "arg[0][16] : 0;\n a23=2.6957830000000002e-41;\n a22=(a22-a23);\n a23=casadi_sq(a22);\n a23=(a5*a23);\n a2=(a2+a23);\n a23=arg[0] ? ", "arg[0][17] : 0;\n a24=1.0175350000000000e-41;\n a23=(a23-a24);\n a24=casadi_sq(a23);\n a24=(a5*a24);\n a2=(a2+a24);\n a24=arg[0] ? ", "arg[0][18] : 0;\n a25=9.9453820000000004e-01;\n a24=(a24-a25);\n a25=casadi_sq(a24);\n a25=(a5*a25);\n a2=(a2+a25);\n a25=arg[0] ? ", "arg[0][19] : 0;\n a26=1.1688710000000000e-17;\n a25=(a25-a26);\n a26=casadi_sq(a25);\n a26=(a5*a26);\n a2=(a2+a26);\n a26=arg[0] ? ", "arg[0][20] : 0;\n a27=4.1850540000000003e-01;\n a26=(a26-a27);\n a27=casadi_sq(a26);\n a27=(a5*a27);\n a2=(a2+a27);\n a27=arg[0] ? ", "arg[0][21] : 0;\n a28=casadi_sq(a27);\n a28=(a5*a28);\n a2=(a2+a28);\n a28=arg[0] ? ", "arg[0][22] : 0;\n a29=casadi_sq(a28);\n a29=(a5*a29);\n a2=(a2+a29);\n a29=arg[0] ? ", "arg[0][23] : 0;\n a30=casadi_sq(a29);\n a30=(a5*a30);\n a2=(a2+a30);\n if (res[0]!=0) res[0][0]=a2;\n a1=(a1+a1);\n a1=(a0*a1);\n if (res[1]!=0) res[1][0]=a1;\n a3=(a3+a3);\n a3=(a0*a3);\n if (res[1]!=0) res[1][1]=a3;\n a4=(a4+a4);\n a0=(a0*a4);\n if (res[1]!=0) res[1][2]=a0;\n a6=(a6+a6);\n a6=(a5*a6);\n if (res[1]!=0) res[1][3]=a6;\n a7=(a7+a7);\n a7=(a5*a7);\n if (res[1]!=0) res[1][4]=a7;\n a8=(a8+a8);\n a8=(a5*a8);\n if (res[1]!=0) res[1][5]=a8;\n a9=(a9+a9);\n a9=(a5*a9);\n if (res[1]!=0) res[1][6]=a9;\n a10=(a10+a10);\n a10=(a5*a10);\n if (res[1]!=0) res[1][7]=a10;\n a11=(a11+a11);\n a11=(a5*a11);\n if (res[1]!=0) res[1][8]=a11;\n a12=(a12+a12);\n a12=(a5*a12);\n if (res[1]!=0) res[1][9]=a12;\n a13=(a13+a13);\n a13=(a5*a13);\n if (res[1]!=0) res[1][10]=a13;\n a14=(a14+a14);\n a14=(a5*a14);\n if (res[1]!=0) res[1][11]=a14;\n a15=(a15+a15);\n a15=(a5*a15);\n if (res[1]!=0) res[1][12]=a15;\n a16=(a16+a16);\n a16=(a5*a16);\n if (res[1]!=0) res[1][13]=a16;\n a17=(a17+a17);\n a17=(a5*a17);\n if (res[1]!=0) res[1][14]=a17;\n a18=(a18+a18);\n a18=(a5*a18);\n if (res[1]!=0) res[1][15]=a18;\n a19=(a19+a19);\n a19=(a5*a19);\n if (res[1]!=0) res[1][16]=a19;\n a20=(a20+a20);\n a20=(a5*a20);\n if (res[1]!=0) res[1][17]=a20;\n a21=(a21+a21);\n a21=(a5*a21);\n if (res[1]!=0) res[1][18]=a21;\n a22=(a22+a22);\n a22=(a5*a22);\n if (res[1]!=0) res[1][19]=a22;\n a23=(a23+a23);\n a23=(a5*a23);\n if (res[1]!=0) res[1][20]=a23;\n a24=(a24+a24);\n a24=(a5*a24);\n if (res[1]!=0) res[1][21]=a24;\n a25=(a25+a25);\n a25=(a5*a25);\n if (res[1]!=0) res[1][22]=a25;\n a26=(a26+a26);\n a26=(a5*a26);\n if (res[1]!=0) res[1][23]=a26;\n a27=(a27+a27);\n a27=(a5*a27);\n if (res[1]!=0) res[1][24]=a27;\n a28=(a28+a28);\n a28=(a5*a28);\n if (res[1]!=0) res[1][25]=a28;\n a29=(a29+a29);\n a5=(a5*a29);\n if (res[1]!=0) res[1][26]=a5;\n a5=1.;", "\n if (res[2]!=0) res[2][0]=a5;\n if (res[2]!=0) res[2][1]=a5;\n if (res[2]!=0) res[2][2]=a5;\n a5=1.0000000000000000e-02;\n if (res[2]!=0) res[2][3]=a5;\n if (res[2]!=0) res[2][4]=a5;\n if (res[2]!=0) res[2][5]=a5;\n if (res[2]!=0) res[2][6]=a5;\n if (res[2]!=0) res[2][7]=a5;\n if (res[2]!=0) res[2][8]=a5;\n if (res[2]!=0) res[2][9]=a5;\n if (res[2]!=0) res[2][10]=a5;\n if (res[2]!=0) res[2][11]=a5;\n if (res[2]!=0) res[2][12]=a5;\n if (res[2]!=0) res[2][13]=a5;\n if (res[2]!=0) res[2][14]=a5;\n if (res[2]!=0) res[2][15]=a5;\n if (res[2]!=0) res[2][16]=a5;\n if (res[2]!=0) res[2][17]=a5;\n if (res[2]!=0) res[2][18]=a5;\n if (res[2]!=0) res[2][19]=a5;\n if (res[2]!=0) res[2][20]=a5;\n if (res[2]!=0) res[2][21]=a5;\n if (res[2]!=0) res[2][22]=a5;\n if (res[2]!=0) res[2][23]=a5;\n if (res[2]!=0) res[2][24]=a5;\n if (res[2]!=0) res[2][25]=a5;\n if (res[2]!=0) res[2][26]=a5;\n return 0;\n}\n\nCASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT int chain_nm_5_external_cost(const casadi_real** arg, casadi_real** res, casadi_int* iw, casadi_real* w, void* mem){\n return casadi_f0(arg, res, iw, w, mem);\n}\n\nCASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT void chain_nm_5_external_cost_incref(void) {\n}\n\nCASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT void chain_nm_5_external_cost_decref(void) {\n}\n\nCASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT casadi_int chain_nm_5_external_cost_n_in(void) { return 2;}\n\nCASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT casadi_int chain_nm_5_external_cost_n_out(void) { return 3;}\n\nCASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT const char* chain_nm_5_external_cost_name_in(casadi_int i){\n switch (i) {\n case 0: return \"i0\";\n case 1: return \"i1\";\n default: return 0;\n }\n}\n\nCASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT const char* chain_nm_5_external_cost_name_out(casadi_int i){\n switch (i) {\n case 0: return \"o0\";\n case 1: return \"o1\";\n case 2: return \"o2\";\n default: return 0;\n }\n}\n\nCASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT const casadi_int* chain_nm_5_external_cost_sparsity_in(casadi_int i) {\n switch (i) {\n case 0: return casadi_s0;\n case 1: return casadi_s1;\n default: return 0;\n }\n}\n\nCASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT const casadi_int* chain_nm_5_external_cost_sparsity_out(casadi_int i) {\n switch (i) {\n case 0: return casadi_s2;\n case 1: return casadi_s3;\n case 2: return casadi_s4;\n default: return 0;\n }\n}\n\nCASADI_SYMBOL_EXPORT int chain_nm_5_external_cost_work(casadi_int *sz_arg, casadi_int* sz_res, casadi_int *sz_iw, casadi_int *sz_w) {\n if (sz_arg) *sz_arg = 2;\n if (sz_res) *sz_res = 3;\n if (sz_iw) *sz_iw = 0;\n if (sz_w) *sz_w = 0;\n return 0;\n}\n\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n} /* extern \"C\" */\n#endif\n" ]
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[ "The Nikon P-223 series riflescopes are designed to be rugged and reliable. ", "Specifically built for the AR15 rifle platform and ballistics' matched for the .223 Remington/5.56mm NATO caliber, Nikon has provide you with a specific option to match your needs. ", "The P-223 scope is Waterproof and Fogproof, and is fully multi-coated to provide 98% of light transmission. ", "The spring-loaded instant zero reset turrets provide positive clicks and retention." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0006912417011335492, 0.000605352979619056, 0.0008122261497192085, 0.0005570724024437368 ]
[ "São Paulo\n\nDiante da crise provocada pela pandemia do coronavírus, o arcebispo metropolitano de São Paulo, cardeal dom Odilo Scherer, 70, critica o que chama de desprezo à ciência e afirma que a igreja vem atuando para evitar a proliferação de notícias falsas sobre a emergência sanitária.", "\n\nAo longo das últimas semanas, ganhou corpo uma corrente que considera exagerados os receios sobre a pandemia e as medidas das autoridades para contê-la. ", "O líder da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus, Edir Macedo, gravou um vídeo no qual disse que a população está \"apavorada por algo que não condiz com a realidade\".", "\n\nÀ Folha dom Odilo disse por email: \"É importante ser realista e não desprezar a realidade e a verdade dos fatos\".", "\n\nDom Odilo Scherer, arcebispo metropolitano de São Paulo - Greg Salibian - 24.nov.18/Folhapress\n\nEm relação às notícias falsas, em mensagem a bispos auxiliares, padres e diáconos no início da semana, o arcebispo metropolitano recomendou que se evite \"de toda forma repassar 'fake news' para não desorientar o povo\".", "\n\nNa carta, também pediu calma, bom senso e que se evite \"toda forma de pânico\".", "\n\nÀ reportagem o cardeal também defendeu a decisão da igreja de manter os templos abertos em meio ao risco de disseminação da doença —posicionamento também compartilhado pela denominações evangélicas.", "\n\nNesta sexta-feira (20), após o arcebispo responder à reportagem, a Justiça proibiu a realização de missas e cultos no estado de São Paulo, atendendo a um pedido do Ministério Público.", "\n\nDom Odilo afirmou que segue orientação do papa Francisco, que mandou reabrir igrejas de Roma. \"", "Foi o que a igreja sempre fez no passado, em momentos de crise e angústia\", diz o cardeal.", "\n\nNo último domingo (15), a paróquia Nossa Senhora do Brasil, nos Jardins (zona oeste de São Paulo), celebrou missa ao ar livre, em uma praça ao lado da igreja, para evitar a transmissão da moléstia.", "\n\nReação da população com a crise sanitária\n\nA sociedade está acolhendo as recomendações relativas à prevenção contra a pandemia do coronavírus.", "\n\nA cidade já se esvaziou bastante e rapidamente. ", "Ainda deverá acontecer mais, porém tenho a impressão de que, nos primeiros dias, [a reação] às medidas tomadas pelas autoridades está sendo positiva, o que revela uma tomada de consciência sobre a seriedade da pandemia.", "\n\nDesdobramentos sociais\n\nEstá claro que esta crise sanitária terá efeitos graves sobre a economia e outros setores da vida social, mas teremos que enfrentar esses efeitos por causa de um bem maior, que é a saúde e a vida.", "\n\nNo momento, o importante é unir esforços para enfrentar a emergência sanitária e evitar que o pior aconteça para muitas pessoas. ", "As crises são ocasião para criatividade e inventividade, mesmo no campo social e das relações humanas.", "\n\nEsta é uma boa ocasião para revalorizar a vida, as relações humanas simples e essenciais, as coisas que não têm preço, como o amor, a família, a solidariedade e a sensibilidade diante do sofrimento do próximo.", "\n\nIgrejas abertas na pandemia\n\nManter as igrejas abertas não obriga ninguém a entrar nelas ou a participar das celebrações comunitárias.", "\n\nEstamos orientando que as pessoas idosas e outras, pertencentes aos grupos mais vulneráveis, permaneçam em suas casas e assistam às celebrações religiosas pelos meios de comunicação.", "\n\nMas é importante que as pessoas possam ter igrejas abertas para seu momento de oração, de conforto espiritual e de esperança. ", "Nisso seguimos as orientações do papa Francisco, que mandou reabrir as igrejas de Roma depois de terem sido fechadas por uns dias.", "\n\nE também foi o que a igreja sempre fez no passado, em momentos de crise e angústia. ", "As portas abertas das igrejas são um sinal de acolhida e de refúgio na angústia. ", "Nelas há sempre alguém esperando para acolher, confortar e orientar.", "\n\nCombate às notícias falsas\n\nÉ lamentável que se espalhem fake news sobre questões tão sérias. ", "A igreja vem orientando a usar todas as formas de comunicação de forma positiva e para a edificação das relações humanas e sociais. ", "As diversas mídias sociais, quando bem usadas, podem ser aliados valiosos no combate aos males que afligem a comunidade humana, inclusive as doenças.", "\n\nMovimento anticiência e grupos que contestam a gravidade da pandemia\n\nÉ importante sermos realistas e não desprezarmos a realidade e a verdade dos fatos. ", "Por esse mesmo motivo também devemos usar de cautela e avaliar criticamente as coisas. ", "Mas o desprezo à ciência é grave e pode levar a consequências desastrosas.", "\n\nCrise sanitária em meio à polarização da sociedade\n\nMinha esperança é que saiamos todos mais humildes e mais unidos dessa crise sanitária. ", "Quem imaginava que um pequeno vírus pudesse causar tanto pavor e problemas de todo tipo? ", "Achávamos que éramos muito poderosos e acabamos todos condicionados e ameaçados por uma criaturinha aparentemente insignificante...\n\nAs polarizações deveriam ceder espaço a maior respeito, humildade e solidariedade. ", "E se assim fosse, o vírus nos ensinaria uma boa lição de vida.", "\n\nOdilo Pedro Scherer, 70\n\nNascido em Cerro Largo (RS), é o arcebispo metropolitano de São Paulo e cardeal desde 2007. ", "Foi bispo auxiliar de São Paulo e secretário-geral da CNBB (Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil). ", "No Paraná, foi professor de filosofia e teologia e reitor de seminários. ", "Tem doutorado em teologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Gregoriana de Roma (1988-1991)" ]
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[ "Start Date: 10/28/01; HourAhead hour: 13; No ancillary schedules awarded. ", " No variances detected. ", "\n\n LOG MESSAGES:\n\nPARSING FILE -->> O:\\Portland\\WestDesk\\California Scheduling\\ISO Final Schedules\\2001102813.txt\n\nError retrieving HourAhead price data - process continuing..." ]
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[ "Order Michigan Supreme Court\n Lansing, Michigan\n\n July 28, 2020 Bridget M. McCormack,\n Chief Justice\n\n 160337(40) David F. Viviano,\n Chief Justice Pro Tem\n\n Stephen J. Markman\n Brian K. Zahra\n PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN, Richard H. Bernstein\n Plaintiff-Appellee, Elizabeth T. Clement\n Megan K. Cavanagh,\n Justices\n v SC: 160337\n COA: 348562\n Wayne CC: 12-003375-FC\n BRANDON LEWIS CAIN,\n Defendant-Appellant.", "\n _________________________________________/\n\n On order of the Court, the motion for reconsideration of this Court’s March 27,\n 2020 order is considered, and it is DENIED, because we are not persuaded that\n reconsideration of our previous order is warranted. ", "MCR 7.311(G).", "\n\n\n\n\n I, Larry S. Royster, Clerk of the Michigan Supreme Court, certify that the\n foregoing is a true and complete copy of the order entered at the direction of the Court.", "\n July 28, 2020\n a0720\n Clerk\n\f" ]
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[ "Joni Mitchell was hospitalized yesterday (March 31) after being found unconscious in her home. ", "According to TMZ, the 71-year-old singer-songwriter was rushed to the hospital after a 911 call was made from her home.", "\n\nTMZ reports that sources told paramedics were sent to Mitchell's Los Angeles house around 2:30PM. ", "According to an update posted on her Facebook page, Mitchell was alert on her way to the hospital:\n\nJoni was found unconscious in her home this afternoon. ", "She regained consciousness on the ambulance ride to an L.A. area... Posted by JoniMitchell.com on Tuesday, March 31, 2015\n\nAs of this time, \"it's unclear what prompted the medical emergency, but it appears to be quite serious,\" according to TMZ.", "\n\nLast year, Mitchell admitted that she suffers from a rare skin condition, called Morgellons. ", "She said that the ailment has confined her to home, and has even made wearing clothing unbearable. ", "The condition is considered controversial among medical professionals, many of whom claim that it is psychological.", "\n\nAt the time, Mitchell said that the illness is incurable, stating that “fibers in a variety of colors protrude out of my skin like mushrooms after a rainstorm … They cannot be forensically identified as animal, vegetable or mineral.”" ]
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[ "207 Our America With Lisa Ling\n\n207 previews the new season of Our America With Lisa Ling\n\nhttp://www.wlbz2.com/video/2125045917001/1/207-Our-America-With-Lisa-Linghttp://bcdownload.gannett.edgesuite.net/wcsh/35121342001/35121342001_2125065315001_th-5106caede4b03dd39bdeed14-806787297001.jpg?pubId=35121342001207 Our America With Lisa Ling207 previews the new season of Our America With Lisa LingjournalismWLBZOur America with Lisa Lingtvwcsh207videoentertainment06:10" ]
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