Throughout the past century car usage has exploded from a luxury available only to the highest echelon of society to a tool almost essential to life. Although cars are convenient there are many downsides to having them. Some reasons a society that limits car use could be beneficial are: expenses, environmental costs, and health degredation. Hopefully together we can curb car usage and lead the way for a cheaper, greener, and healthier future. Its a known fact that cars are expensive, but when you add up all of the costs how much is really spent. Especially for younger drivers insurance is a ludicrous expense, often totalling hundreds of dollars per month. Another expense, obviously, is gas. Gas may be at a 5 year low right now but the slightest instability in oil producing countries could cause prices to skyrocket. Still if you add in the cost of the car your looking at a highly expensive way of living. Life obviously could be less expensive without car use. Another illeffect of car use is environmental impact. car emissions are responsible for up to 50 percent of total green house gas emissions in some states. Using cars is not good for the environment. Cars pollute are atmosphere and can accelerate the rate of ozone layer deterioration. They also, indirectly, damage habitats by requiring new roads and highways to be built thus disturbing ecosystems. Automobiles also use large quantities of petroleum a finite and ever necessary resource in this global world. Car usage needs to be drastically reduced in order to preserve the environment. Health issues can also develop from overusing cars. For instance, by looking at cultures that do not use cars it is evident that less children with autism are born to said peoples, such as the Amish. Another benefit of not using cars is exercise. People that drive instead of walking or bicycling are not only becoming more obese they are also putting themselves at an elevated risk for heart disease. Car accidents are one of the highest causes of premature death in the united states thus if people drove less these accidents would occur far less often. The choice seems clear a carless society is more healthy for all. All in all, although cars may have benefits, the drawbacks of having them far out way any of said benefits. Car usage is expensive, bad for the environment and unhealthy. Together, society must ultimately decide whether life with automobiles is worth it and live with the consequences.
The struggles in many peoples lives rely on timerelated events such as work, school, and other priorities. These time limits have been built up through our transportation and the bumps that come with it. Traffic is an obvious limit on peoples time every day. However, if traffic was nonexistent, how could these struggles be taken away? Simple, everybody gets to their destination without polluting the air or wasting time behind cars walking or using a bike is the way to go. Avoiding the usage of cars has many positives such as, being free from time constraints with transportation, being more active, and being an avid "green" human that is saving the Earth. Traffic is all around us, whether it be internet or transportation traffic. The usage of cars has limited job arrivals because of the time that should be taken to drive to the job site. Yet, job sites should be centered around the employees as cars should toned down in the first place. "... stores are placed a walk way, on a main street, rather than in malls in some distant highway." Source 1, this quote directly supports and addresses a problem that has been prolonged for too long. Restaurants, sporting good stores, and shopping malls have all corralled themselves in areas that are too distant for consumers to readily access. With cars slimmed down in numbers, stores would be in place for the consumer and the employee. "...millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated, or took buses to work during a carfree day yesterday, leaving the streets of this capital eerily devoid of traffic jams." Source 3. When being are more active throughout the day, occurrences such as this are allowed to happen much more often. A day free of cars in Bogota left streets almost completely traffic free which in turn reduced smog and allowed for alternative transportation.Source 3. Cars allow us to ride through hundreds of miles with just the use of a few muscles. Running just 1 mile burns hundreds of calories and gets people feeling good. When people are fit and healthy, they feel better about themselves and have more confidence. The limitation of cars would allow this feeling to arise in thousands of people. People felt so good, they let nothing stop them "The rain hasn't stopped people from participating," Source 3. Saving the Earth is extremely important and many people are aware of that. However, very few of those people take action. This is primarily because of the way our daily lives are ran. Work is a necessity to support for one's own and their families, so getting to work, whether by car or by bus, is something that will not stop. However, the alternativees of tranportation allow us to reach that goal without using gasemitting cars or buses. Bikes and even hybrid cars are now rising up in today's society "A study last year found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009". Source 4. Young people have a strong influence on society and if they worry less about the car that they are driving or even driving at all, then there is certainly something going on. Cities are now also taking part in this action, "After days of nearrecord pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city... Congestion was down 60 percent in the captial of France..." Source 2. A simple temporary ban can not only change the mind of an individuals view on using other alternativees for tranportation, but also allow them to experience those alternativees. The consequences that cars toll people with today are greatly weighing on an individuals daily life. They have their schedule built around their car and are constantly being time constrained because of it. The effect greenhouse gases have on the Earth is huge and has not stopped. In order to help the Earth in this parituclar topic, this action would be miraculous. Not only do many people become lazy and very unhealthy because of cars, but they also take for granted what they can do without them. Hiking and other activities are missed out on the daily because of these vehicles. Many people can accomplish new goals and set new goals if it were not for certain transportation methods.
The idea of a car-free life has become more appealing around the world. In the United States, South America and across Europe, they have developed new ways of transportation that seem to be more beneficial. In these souces they explain the many advantages of limiting car usage such as its better for the environment and people find more alternative ways of transportation easier and cheaper. There are many benefits to limiting car usage and the first is it improves the environment. In Source 1, it says that reducing car usage would be, "A huge impediment to current efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes". Passengers in Europe are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions and 50 percent in the United States. "All of our development since World War II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change," said David Goldberg, an official of Transportation for America. In that change recently,there has been many efforts to promote "car reduced" communities. In Source 2, Paris shows that they have made improvements in banning driving on certain days of the week due to smog. That smog cleared enough for the people to drive on days they were allowed to. The second benefit to limiting car usage would be that people find more alternative ways of transportation easier and they are happier. "When i had a car iwas always tense. Im much happier this way," said Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two, as she walked verdant streets where the swish of bicycles and the chatter of wandering children drown out the occasional distant motor. Many people expressed that other ways of transportation like biking or walking are much easier. In Source 3, it explains that Colombia has car-free days where they skate, bike, hike, or take buses instead. "Its a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," said businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife. In Source 4, it says that because of other ways of transportation are easier and cheaper, "Recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses each year." It goes on to explain that "Part of the explanation certainly lies in the recession, because cash-strapped Americans could not afford new cars, and the unemployed werent going to work anyway." As more people become jobless, they find that taking buses or walking is much easier. That could be an advantage because Bill Ford, executive chairman of the Ford Motor Company laid out a plan where cities in which "pedstrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emissions and improve safety." In conclusion, there are many ways in limiting car usage can be benefical such as with the enviroment, to the people, and it can change in the way this world operates. Living a car-free life would soon be very desirable in this world soon.
Cars, the thing that all teenagers want when they turn sixteen. Driving gives a sense of freedom, but it comes with a price. Diving automotive pollutes the air with greenhouse gases. Cities like Paris, Vauban, and Bogot have some serious problems with pollution. That's why we should limit vehicle usage. Vauban, Germany is doing it wrong, by living in a "car-free" environment. The citizens that live here forbidden to own a car, driveway, and a home garage. There is a glimpse of light to all of you that love driving or need to drive to work. In this city, if somebody wanted to own an automotive they would have to pay an additional 40,000 dollars and live at the edge of the city limit. Pollution might be serious, but you should just limit the commute to work, so citizens don't have to drive so much. Think about it, if you force people that have cars to live on the city limit, but they might work in the middle of the city. I don't see the solution in that. Paris, France, the city of love, is also the leading city in Europe of smog. "Passenger cars cause 12% of greenhouse gases in Europe." (Rosenthal 5). Paris is not so bad in book compare to Vauban. Paris has assigned certain days for the drivers to drive. On one day, even license plates will drive and the odds with drive the following day. There are precautions that they take if an odd driver drives on an even day. The drive will be fined 22 euros (that is 31 American dollars). There is nothing wrong with this plan except if someone with an odd license plate has an emergency, and needs to take care of it posthaste. Smog is not a good thing at all, and won't decrease until we do something about it. That a 'car-free" day and bike to where ever you need to go. This is our planet and we should take care of it.
Here, in the United States, birthplace of the Model T,driving has proven to be part of our history and culture. However, with recently uncovered developments in our environment such as global warming and pollution, it is time for us to re-evaluate our "car culture". Overusage has proven harmful and limiting alternatives that reduce stress, are just as effective in getting us from point 'A' to 'B' and are more eco-friendly. Our excessive car usage is dramatically hurting our environment. In fact, "...Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe... and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States" (5). What people use for our short term convenience is actually proving inconvenient for us in the long run. In Paris, there was "147 micrograms of particulate matter per cubic meter compared with 114 in Brussels and 79.9 in London" (17). The culprit? Diesel fuel emissions from transportation (cars). To underscore the severity, the smog in Paris is so bad that French Officials had to limit car usage in a smog cloaked city that "rivaled Beijing, China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world"(14). This issue is mirrored in Bogota, Columbia, where the government has also stepped in and established a car free day in which perpetrators get fined in order to " promote alternative transportation and reduce smog" (21). Efforts such as these can be effective in aiding our environmental crisis. After France also instated a limit on car usage "the smog cleared" (19). By limiting our car usage we can actually make a difference in reducing pollution and make our living environment more pleasant and healthier. The switch is facilitated further not only by the inclination toward a better worldy environment but a less stressful social one as well. In the city of Vauban in Germany, residents have " given up their cars"(1). Here although car ownership is allowed, "70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars and 57 percent sold a car to move [there]." (3). Do the residents regret their decision? According to Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two: "When I had a car I was always tense, I am much happier this way"(3). In Bogota, a business man, Carlos Arturo Plaza who participates in Bogota's movement to reduce car usage says that the absence of cars is an "...opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution" (24). These are two individuals on different continents with families and busy lives who find the lack of cars to be not a handicap but actually a source of stress relief. In France, after the restrictions of car usage the streets also became less stressful for people who have to drive (like taxi drivers or public transporters) because of a "60 percent reduction in traffic congestion" (14). For those who do decide to make a move to help the environment and themselves by reducing their car usage, their are more and more alternatives that are making their switch worthwhile. In Vauban, you can hear the sounds of viable alternatives in use. The "swish of bicycles" and the "chatter"(3) of walking children is audible in the streets. Carlos Arturo Plaza rides the car-free streets of Bogota on " atwo seat bicycle with his wife"(24). For those who don't feel comfortable with walking or cycling other options such as carpool exist and governments are now making more of an effort to make other alternatives such easier and more available ( i. e. public transportation). In Bogota, in order to support the movement toward less automobile driving wide sidewalks have been made. In Vauban the whole city has been constructed with the goal to make everything compact and easier to access by foot or bike. This is good news for those who make the early morning busness commute as their job is closer to where they live and more convenient to walk or bike to than other suburbs in which commuters are forced to take the high way because of the distance. Also, the more people who take advantage of whatever public transportation available to them will make the demand higher and cause more funding to be placed on public transportation. Before "80 percent of appropriations have by law gone to high ways and only 20 percent to other transport"(9), but with more usage, this can change. Essentially, the sacrifice of some of our car usage is far outweighed by the positive affects on our environment and attitudes. Plus new systems that cater to better alternative uses make the switch easier than ever!!
Cars. Everyone has cars. On the street, in their driveways, in parking lots. You think everyone uses car. Well your wrong. Not everyone has cars or uses cars for that matter. In Vauban, Germany residents given up their cars to walk the streets. Where we generally park in like parking lots, parking garages, street parking, home driveways, and home garages are all forbidden. In Vauban their streets are completely car-free. They do allowed cars there but some people just want to walk to safe their community. But if you have are car you can only park in two places. Those two places are your house, and large garages at the edge of the development. I would never give up my car to live in Vauban, Germany. In matter of fact 57% of people have sold their cars to live there. To believe or not 70% of Vaubans families do not own cars. To me its hard to think that people actually walk everywhere they go. Paris bans driving to clean the air of the global city because of pollution. Due to the ban of driving people who are caught driving will be fined 22-euro which is $31 in america. France has a tax policy that favors diesel over gasoline. Its hard to believe that diesels make up 67% of France, compared to 53.3% of average diesel engines in the rest of Western Europe. The smog cleared enough that French part rescind to ban odd numbered plates on Tuesday. Today Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less, and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by. President Obama's ambitious goals to curb the United States' greenhouse gas emissions. This thing has left people like researchers woundering a fundamental question " Has America pass peak driving?" As of April 2013, the number of miles driven per person was neraly 9% below the peak and equal to where the country was in January 1995. Its carzy how some countries have no cars allowed policy. Some countries baned cars, dont allow them on the streets. People would go carzy if they didnt have their cars and had to walk everywhere they want to go.
Mom I'm going to go outside to get some fresh air" FREEZE! Wait one minute, the air that you breathe isn't all that fresh nor clean. It's polluted. But check this out people want car usage to end completely, I know you might think limiting car usage is the worst idea you ever heard. Just to stop pollution ? Yes. But if you think about it no cars equal no bad air. China is one of the MOST polluted cities in the world, cold nights and warm days caused the warmer layer of air to trap air commission. But oh man, oh man France blame diesel fuel to be the problem. 67 present of diesel fuel is used in France cars. So maybe that statement is correct. Another reason why less car usages could be a good thing, it prevents being stuck in traffic & reduce a lot of car accidents. Businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza stated that "It's a good opportunity to take away stress & lower air pollution" which I highly agree with. Cars are very stressful, they're always breaking down or something ends up going wrong & you spend tons and tons of money just fixing the problem. "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way" said Hadron Walter a media trainer & a mother of two. She walks verdant streets & love listening to her surrounding. But oh my god in Paris if you get caught driving you will suffer a 22 to 31 dollar fine, Leave the car at home please. Since this no car usage thing started Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work & school. There goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. The sidewalks have been replaced in Bogot by broad, so it could be smooth and easier to ride on. President Obama goals are to get greenhouse gas. It would lower emission and improve safety! So I think it would sorta be a good idea if we would go through with no car usage. It would be a much healthier and cleaner environment.
Cars have been used as a main way of transportation for many years. Using cars as a way of transportation can have advantages and disadvantages. Unfortunately there are more disadvantages to using cars as a way of transportation, than there are advantages. Cars are ruining our environment and our society, therefore there should be a limit to car usage. Limiting car usage is not a bad thing, there are tons of advantages to limiting car usage. Elisabeth Rosenthal has stated many advantages to limiting car usage in her articles, "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars," and "The End of Car Culture." Rosenthal states that cars make people tense and without cars people are less tense. When people are less tense they are happier and willing to do more things. Rosenthal also says that less cars results in less greenhouse gases. Cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gases in Europe and 50 percent of the greenhouse gases in parts of the United States. Cars are the second largest source of America's emissions, therefore if cars are limitied the emissions will decrease. Another author, Robert Duffer, also states advantages to limiting car usage in his article, "Paris bans driving due to smog." Duffer states that limiting car usage will lower the amount of air pollution. Paris decided to fine people on certain days if they were driving with a certain license plate number. Fining people for driving their cars enforced people to stop driving on certain days to lower the amount of car traffic. A result to Paris's new law was that congestion decreased 60 percent after the new law was enforced. Five days before Paris enforced their law, Paris suffered intensifying fog, therefore, the new law in Paris proves that cars are increasing the amount of air pollution. A final author that has stated advantages to limiting car usage is Andrew Selsky in his article, "Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota." Andrew Selsky describes in his article a day in Bogota that has been designated to be car free. Every year Bogota has one day that they ban cars and only allow buses and taxis as a way of transportation and all violaters are fined $25. Bogota's plan is that limiting transportation will reduce smog and encourage people to find a new way of transportation. Selky describes that one participant in the "car-free day" stated that the day lowered air pollution and helped take away stress. The car-free day has also helped Bogota improve their sidewalks, bicycle paths, and, most importantly, their city. Overall, limiting car usage will have numerous amounts of advantages both, for the environment, and for the citizens. The most beneficial advantage to limiting car usage is less air pollution, smog, and greenhouse gases. Rosenthal, Duffer, and Selsky all mentioned in their articles that less car usage will result in a better air to breathe. The second largest advantage to less car usage is that people can be happier and less tense. Both Rosenthal and Selsky state examples of people saying that after being forced to stop using cars as much, they began to feel less tense and happier. Limiting car usage will be very beneficial to citizens and the environment we live in.
They come in red, blue, green, black, and white. They beep and honk while they ride on highways and transport people form place to place. Cars are everywear. What would the world be like if we didnt have cars? What are the benefits of life without cars? Life with out cars benefits the environment, and peoples' health. First of all, the elimination of cars helps the environment. "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe...and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States" (5). In other words, cars are higly responsible for the harmful gases that pollute our atmosphere and cause global warming. In Paris, a partial driving ban was issued to clear the air after days of high air pollution rates. After the driving ban, "congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France after five-days of intensifying smog" (14). By using cars less, citizens can reduce pollution and help keep our earth clean and safe. Statisticts show that fewer people are using cars around the world. "A study last year found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009" (41). Sociologists belive that this trend will continue and possibly increase. They belive it will "have benficial implications for carbon emissions and the environment, since transportation is the second largest source of America's emissions" (34). Another benefit to limiting car usage is that it will benefit the health of citizens both mentally and physically. In the German suburb of Vauban, citizens have given up their cars. A resident there says "when i had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way" (3). Limiting car use also limits the frequency of trafic jams, accidents, and unfriendly drivers in a hurry along with the stress and frustration that accompany them. In Colombia's capital, Bogata, the Day Without Cars has had many participants. One of whom said "It's a good opportunity to take away stress" referring to the event. (24) limiting stress can have major benefits to a persons health and mental well-being. limiting the use of cars does'nt just positivly effect mental health, it can positivly influence physical health. In Bogata, Colombia, the car-free day inspired residents to "hike, bike, skate, or take buses to work " (20). Excersize releases endorphins which are chemicals in the brain related to pleasure. Many people that excersize regularly are happier then when they don't. By limiting car usage,citizens are more inspired to excersize making them happier and healthier. In sumation, a life without cars means a healthy, long-lasting planet along with a happy, relaxed, and healthy population. Even though cars are conveint, they have many negative side effects. Next time you want to go for a ride, think of all the benefits of limiting them. Rember what a breath of fresh air feels like because the gasses from cars might mean they will be gone soon. Get used to angry faces honking horns, and being given "the bird" by angry drivers because with cars come many conveiniences, but also many frustations.
Cars have been a great way of transportation that has been around since the early days. It's a fast and simple way of getting to where you need to be at the right time. However, there are many downsides to cars, also, especially when it deals with environmental circumstances. Therefore, car use should be limited due the fact that limiting car use will reduce greenhouse gasses, conserve resources we need in order to live that is nonrenewable, and allows for communities to be more connected by preserving the environment. To begin with, car usage is becoming a major issue for the world today due to pollution. Greenhouse gasses are being leaked into the atmosphere each day to cars' transmission fuels. According to Source 1, it states, "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe... and up to 50 percent in some carintensive areas in the United States." These gasses damage ecosystems, and leave many environments unstable due to its destruction. It can also effect human beings, also. According to Source 2, the passage says, "Paris typically has more smog than other European capitals... Last week Paris had 147 micrograms of particulate matter per cubic meter compared with 114 in Brussels and 79.7 in London, Reuters found." This pollution that is occurring around the world can damage our health if not taken care of. By limiting car usage, it would not only benefit the environment, but our health also. Preceding on, along with the benefits of the environment and our health, limiting car usage will also save help save many resources we use in cars that is nonrenewable resources. Nonrenewable resources are resources that can not be replaced when it is used up. These resources are resources that are important to our every day lives, as we've gotten used to having these resources and would suffer without them. According to Source 2, it states, "Diesel fuel was blamed, since France has... a tax policy that favors diesel over gasoline. Diesels make up 67 percent of vehicles in France, compares to 53.3 percent average of diesel engines in the rest of Western Europe, according to Reuters." Diesel is an important nonrenewable resource that we need that is causing pollution and smog in many places. By limiting the car usage, it would conserve these resources. furthermore, limiting car usage would also help bring many communities together. If a whole community got together and decided to limit car usage with the whole community involved, it would give a sense of unity and benefit the community, also. An example of this was the residents of Vauban, Germany. In Source 1, the passage states "As a result, 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move here. 'When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way,' said Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two, as she walked verdant streets where the swish of bicycles and the chatter of wandering children drown out the occasional distant motor." Due to the limiting of driving cars, many people actually felt more of a sens of relief rather than with cars. In Source 3, it says, " Bogota, Colombia In a program that's set to spread to other countries, millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a carfree day yesterday, leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoif of traffic jams. It was the third straight yeat cars have been permitted for the Day Without Cars in this capital city of 7 million. The goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog." This community was able to come together as a whole in order to reach the goal of reducing smog and allowing for an alternative transportation method. By limiting car usage, communities are able to act more of a community rather than individuals. All in all, limiting car usage would be beneficial to the world. The advantages of limiting car usage would be the reduction of greenhouse gasses and smog, the conservation of nonrenewable resources used in cars, and making communities stronger by coming together to stop the driving of cars. Cars are a big and major part of the world today, but it can be more beneficial to limit it rather than continue it.
Limited car use has dramatically reduced the amount of enviromental toxins in the air in some cities. Paris, France and Bogota, Colombia have banned car use for a day and have seen the air clean up just because very few cars were being driven. One community in Germany even banned the use of cars in general. The enviroment is in dire need of help and we can help it. If everyone took one day out of the week where we did not drive anywhere and on the other six days we drove as little as possible and carpooled the air would be so much cleaner. Not driving also has added health benefits, walking or biking everywhere is a good way to excersise. A new kind of suburb has been created in Germany where cars are not allowed. There are a few roads on the perimeter of the city that allow cars to be driven but besides that residents walk or bike everywhere. There is little pollution in the air and residents are able to take a tram into neighboring cities. Seventy percent of families do not have a car and fifty-seven percent of families sold their car to live in this community. If you own a car in this community you can buy a parking spot for forty thousand dollars. One resident, Heidrum Walter, said, "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier that way." Lack of cars also gives parents peace of mind, cars are still dangerous machines and in this community their kids can play without their parents worrying about them getting involved in an accident. Paris' pollution rates have been rising over the years and hit almost record level highs for a few days, so in order to reduce the amount of smog in the air there was a temporary car ban. One day anyone who has a even-number license plate was not allowed to drive. If you were caught driving you had to pay a fine that is equalivant to thirty-one U.S. dollars. The smog miraculosly cleared up quickly and people were able to drive again. Another city in Columbia, Bogota, holds a "Day Without Cars", once a year. Citizens are allowed to use public buses and taxis during this day. The government is trying to advocate for public transportation and smog reduction. Most people walk on this day and even though it has rained on this day before citizens participated just the same. When you choose to walk or bike everywhere it not only makes an impact on the enviroment but it also reduces your risks for dieseases like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Obesity rates in America are a lot higher than they should be and that's partially due to lack of physical activity. By walking or biking to work or to school you reduce that risk because your heart rate is up and your body is moving. Of course if people stop driving obesity will still exist due to our horrible eating habits but it would help a lot. If there was less driving it would also be beneficial to our health because we would be breathing cleaner air. The air we breathe is often times highly polluted and if there was less cars not as many deadly chemicals would be in the air. There would still be cigarette smoke and factory pollution but it would be dramatically less. If people in America reduced their driving time it would be better for the air and better for us. Many other cities have proposed an annual day without cars so I think cities in America should start doing it. We only have one world and although we have done a pretty horrible job of taking care of it, that does not mean we can't attempt to fix the mess we made.
When was the last time you drove a car? Studies have shown that the amount that people have driven over the last couple of years has gone down. There are lots of advantages to limiting car usage. Some of them include: less gas emmisions, emptier and safer streets, and new innovations to compensate for the reduction of car usage. Plenty of cities around the world have attempted limiting car usage. To start off, if citizens limit their car usage, there would be less gas emissions. But, unfortunately there are still plenty of greenhouse gas emissions. Transportation is the second largest source of America's emissions, just behind power plants. There are other options to do instead of driving, you could skate, bike, walk, or etc. The gas emissions are a huge problem in today's society and we have to change something about the way we live. For example, in Bogota, Columbia, they have a car-free day once a year. This reduces the smog that is kept in the air from the gas emissions. Continuing on, if citizens limit their car usage, we would have safer streets for sure. With less cars driving up and down the street, kids can feel free to play in the street without having to worry about a reckless driver coming down and mowing them all down. Even suburban planners in the US are trying to create "car reduced" communities. Instead of using cars, public transportation is becoming the new thing. Lastly, with people not using cars to get everywhere, some innovations would be made. Side walks would be reconstructed, less rush-hour traffic, new restaraunts and shopping districts within walking distance, and parks and sport centers would blossom. In Bogota, all of those have blossomed since they have started it back in the mid-90s. With the end of car culture also, new innovations have to spring up. To close out, cars are being used less and less. And they should be because they cause gas emissions, unsafe streets, and bad construction. But, we are slowly moving away from that culture and who knows what into!
The world of cars is rapidily changing due to their emission of greenhouse gases. These gases not only are warming the globe as a whole but are more locally effecting the quality of air in our cities. Efforts are being made to lower the amount of gases and improve air quality such as Car-free day in Colombia and bans on driving in Paris. For Colombia the city of Bogota has built bike roads and nice sidewalks to limit the need or want to drive and ultimitely reduce smog. During their last year millions of people walked on their car-free day even when it rained showing that people want to make a difference and positively help their enviroment. In some areas like Paris where pollutants are at 147 micrograms per cubic meter drastic actions had to made during its peak on smog. The city of Paris put a partial ban on driving reducing the smog by 60 percent. Some communities like Vauban, Germany have created car free suburbs and building lifestyle around that. Instead of large suburbs like we have here in the States they have focused on making shopping within walking distance. People of Vauban have been reported to being less stressed and more happy after living in a car free community. However; this is not the most practical here efforts can be made to redesign how we live such as making super markets easier to access on an everyday basis and only buying the groceries that you need for a couple of days instead of a week or two. This trend has brought people from all over Germany to live there and has set a trend changing how other communites live there lifestyle. Giving up cars has can build a better life for you and the planet by reducing pollution and lowering your stress but it in order for its full benefits it needs to be done as a community.
The usage of cars has really changed the way our world works. These expensive vehicles are what make make our world what it is and people take advantage of it. With cars we get to places faster than on a bike or even walking. Many people forget how cars work though. It takes up about 2,000 dollars a month depending on which car they have on gas and maintenance. The advantages of limiting car usage is reducing the amount of fuel the we use, we would save thousands of dollars, and become more green in the world. People prefer walking or biking to school or on their way home. Driving starts at the age of 15. Imagine all the work parents do to drive their kids to school, then to work, and then pick up their kids from after school. Its crazy how much of gas an adult would be using every single day. Ofcourse picking up their kids from school is a guarantee but their are many other solutions to these type of things. If we started to use less fuel it would bring our economy out of debt. In the article by Elisabeth Rosenthal "The End of car culture" states that Americans have not been buying cars as often and driving less and fewer license being given over the years. The era of cars and driving could be coming to an end and creating a new way of getting to places. People would say that taking the bus might become the new strategy but who knows what the future holds for America, by the year 2030 we will be flying in cars or transportation to get to where we need to be. Transportation is the second largest source in America and vehicles are becoming something much different. In New York a bikesharing program has started due to all the traffic and crowded streets their are people just take the subway and get to places faster than a car. Things like that save so much money. A change in the world would be very dramatic since everyone is so used to driving a car and getting to where they need to be. Studies shown by Elisabeth Rosenthal that even kids who live in urban areas that are 1921 do not have license and are perfectly happy with out having one. With the amount of money people can save in motorvehicles is ridiculous. The money they save can be used for many other important things in life like food and house spending all those things can get someone stressed could be fixed just by reducing the use of cars. Who says walking or biking isn't good for the soul. Technology has really changed our lives and made our generation of children a new perspective that other never saw. As a teenager we are so dependant on many thingas and get addicted very fast to whatever comes at us. A day with out a car is like a day with out a phone. We wouldnt be able to particapat in anything. A car will take us where we want to go. Unlike in those movies where all the kids just bike to places, it seems more fun and interesting in that way. With all the money being spent we could be more green in the world as well. Everything is so manufactured in the world that people wonder why our economy is awful. Being eco friendly is the best way to go if everyone particiaptes in the cause. The world would honestly be such a better place if we all particapated in making it better. Causes and actions have consequences in our world. The usage of cxars are very dependant on people and if we made a change people will be happier in life because they'll have more to recieve. Our world can become a much better place where people won't have to suffer with money because due to cars we pay alot of money that doesnt have to be spent. Cars can increase alot of positive things in everyones life and it will start out just by a casual walk on the street.
The advantages of car limiting car usage is simple. the passage" In german Suburb,Life goes on without cars ". It says the Vauban's families do not even own a car anymore ,because when I had a car i was allways tense ,but im much happier this way without a car. also passengers cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in europe and up to 50 percent in car-intensive ares in the united states. They are also trying to change the suburbs vauban home to 5,500 residents within a rectangular square mile. This would be the most advanced experiment in the low-car suburan life. And have been apoted all around the world to make suburbs more compact and more accessible all around the world. Next," the passage paris bans driving due to smog". Tt talks about how after days of near-record pollutins,paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air global city. even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine. also congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of france,after five-days of intensifying the somg. And the passage car-free day is spinning into a big hit in bogota. is talks about some great ways to limiting car ussage. Have a free car day is where u can just get out have fun while doing all different types of actives like hiking ,go ride on a bike, and even go swimming,this is the stuff that millions of the colombians did some even to took buses to work during that day. End got to work early not considering the traffic jams that they us to have .The only thing that are permitted on this car free day is the buses in the taxis the gas station was even close. This day was for a good cause the goal was to alternative transportation and reduce smog. i think it alos give u bounding time with ur family. And a good way and opportunity to take away stress and lowe air pollution. Finally, in the end to a car culture ."President Obama's ambitous goals are to curb the united states'greenhouse gas emissions "a good this is that recent studies shows that americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by. but people are also thinking how! when the united staes is the birthplace of the model T some explanations are that .Because of the cash-strapped americans could not afford a new cars and the unemployed weren't going to work anyways.
Many cars haven't been use in different countries , some cars have just been ban for cerain reasons. Many says its from reason of pollutionin the air of the streets of paris. There have been many others some streets in the area are not allowing cars in the zone so they are car free zone. The smog made many affects towards the area , it created bike paths , side walks replacement. Diesel gas vehicles made the most polluted smog in each area Car ownerships have been making a big deal about large parking garages for the development which also comes with a home for $40,000. French and swiss borders Vauban's streets are completely car free zones. More then about 70% percent of the Vauban's families do not own cars. Which also leads to 57% percent of them sold a car to move into the local area. Most of the women and children use bicycle to travel around the area to get to place to place. The sitiuation got so bad that 12% percent of the passengers cars were responsible for greenhouse gas emission in Europe. And 50% percent of some car intensive areas in the united states. Many people tried to make an effort for the past two decades to make the cities denser. Developments have started to change since world war II , David goldbreg made efforts for the transportation for america amd fast growing coalition of hundreds of groups. In New york suburbs with out spread out homes and private garages were the dreams town of the 1950's and still exert a strong appeals. Why did paris ban driving ? after days of the pollution recorded nears to high rates to a danger zone. The pollution causes motorists to leave their automobile at home or get fined 22 euro ($31),many reports were saying almost 4,000 drivers have been fine because they chose to drive their cars. The smog congestion was down to 60% percent because beijing,china was one of the biggest cities with most polluted cities in the world. Diesel fuel was one of the worst ways to travel around with ,because it causes alot more pollution,diesel makes up to 67% percent of vehicles in france compared to a 53.3 percent average of diesel engines in the rest of western europe according to reuters. The smog created a car free day , the third straight year cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the day without cars in this capital ofcity of seven million. Many violaters faced a $25 fines, municipal authorities from others countries came to bogota , improvements campaign in the mid 1990's. The smog also created a 118 mile paths for most latin american city according to Mockus,the city mayor. Some sidewalks have been replaced by broad .\, smooth sidewalks, rush hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic. President Obama ambitious goals to curb the united states greenhouse gas emissions unveiled. America adjusted the population growth, the number of driven miles in the united states peaked in 2005 anmnd dropped steadily. By the many measures the decrease preceded the downturn and appear to be persisting now that will be recovered under way. Over the years driving has been decreasing because of the polluted areas in other countries. But many citizens refused to ride bike or take buses for transportation. So the causes has everyone to end of the car culture.
We use cars every day, but have we ever actually stopped to realize the stress and pollution they cause? Now think just how many advantages there would be if we limited car usage. There would be less stress, it would be less dangerous, and there would be less pollution. Not only would we be helping the enviroment, but also helping to protect our families from the harm cars can cause. Stress we all experience it. It's become such a big factor in everyones life. One of the most stressful things is sitting in a traffic jam when you are already late to work, but think, if we limited the usage of cars, there wouldn't be so many traffic jams. In the third essay, by Andrew Selsky, a man and his wife state "It is a good opportunity to take away stress". Traffic jams are stressful no matter where you are going. They make you impatient and easily annoyed. Stress has a very big impact on your health too. Sitting in a traffic jam every day and being under that kind of stress can start to affect your health poorly. Cars are a very dangerous piece of machine. They are man-made and sometimes they have flaws. Some of these flaws might be a quick fix, but others may be fatal. Many people have lost their lives while at the wheel of a car. Many people have lost loved ones to terrible car crashes. Limiting the usage of cars will end up resulting in a lower crash rate. With a lower crash rate we can ensure the safety of our families, more than we ever could before. According to the article "The End of Car Culture" by Elisabeth Rosenthal, "transportation is the second largest source of America's emmissions, just behind power plants." Pollution is a dangerous thing. It may seem like nothing, but it has a bigger threat than any of us realize. Pollution is taking away all of the clean air we have left to breathe. With power plants emitting such harmful fumes, and now cars, our air is being polluted quicker then we ever thought possible. Helping to reduce car usage will reduce the pollution in the air. We will be, not only helping our environment, but also helping our children. As kids grow older, we can help them have a healthy earth, and clean air to breathe. Considering all of the advantages to decreasing the usage of cars, we may want to join in on what parts of Europe and Colombia have already started to work on. According to the article by Andrew Selsky, Colombia has a "Day Without Cars" that happens once every year. This has been happening for three straight years. In German, there is a suburb where people live, and most do not own cars. While in Paris they have also started having a day of no driving. This has helped to clean up their air and decrease the amount of stress people go through while driving. Cars are very convienent, but are they so convienent when they cause so much harm.
Many of people would like to own cars, but they're are policies in different countries, which many cant own. In paris; about 4,000 drivers were fined due to stricted rules. Not only in paris,but in columbia;they had their own rules where cars had been banned for over three years straight. The president had goals to change the u. s. and have a green house emissions. lets start protecting the world with new srticted rules to have better life style. During when cars were banned in columbia;their goal was to promote alternitive transportation and to reduce smog. This seem's unfair for others to be treated this way, but more uneffective for the population to decrease. presidents have wanting to change the world, especially the u. s. the change we seek for. in new york bike sharing program and its skyroketing bridge and tunnel tolls reflect those new priorities. Many people who are in paris had issues when many drivers had been fined. There is also a poorly counrty were vaubans in germany had families had no cars, but others had sold there car for them to stay in vaubans. We need to save the communities and start adding more safer oppertunties for we can have a change.
Limiting car usage could greatly benefit the lifestyle of yourself and of those around you. Did you know that motor vehicles are one of the biggest causes of pollution and greenhouse emissions? According to a source by Elisabeth Rosenthal, "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. . . and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States." If cars were completely eliminated for a week in an area like New York City, then pollution would be greatly lessened. It would be a good idea to try to take public transportation as often as possible, as opposed to driving to work every day. Another good reason to limit car usage is to bring together community. There is a city in Germany by the name of Vauban (according to a source by Elisabeth Rosenthal,) which completely bans driving cars. Inhabitants of this community walk or bike everywhere, which is also a good form of exercise that one could do in order to stay fit. The city was designed with walking in mind, and everything is close by as a result. If we were to have more of these communities, then green house emissions could be greatly lowered. One major reason not to drive a car is that cars are often very expensive. If you live in an area where public transportation is an option, it may be worth it to not buy a car. You'd both help the environment and save a lot of money at the same time! If you're in a city or an area where many things are within walking distance, then you may also notice that there is a lot that you can do, such as walk to a mall or walk to a park, and you would not be harming the environment in any way. Pollution is one major factor that should be touched upon more than once. According to a source named Paris bans driving due to smog by Robert Duffer, "after days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city." Because of the large amount of people constantly driving, it caused the city to become so polluted that they had to ban people's ability to drive. If people carpooled more, or took more public transportation, then this wouldn't have happened. Some delivery companies even complained of "lost revenue." Lastly, it is a good idea not to drive because of the quickly repleting fuel supply remaining on our planet. Sooner or later, we will run out of gasses to fuel our vehicles with, and we won't have a backup plan. Some areas won't even be remotely affected by this, and people have already created hybrid and electrically powered vehicles. Perhaps if you were to bike more and get used to the idea of not driving, then you will be ready for the inevitable to occur. Although you don't have to cut cars out of your life completely, it's a good idea to start relying more on things that won't run out. Overall, driving is fun and gets you to far places in much shorter times than it would take you if you walked there. However, there are many dangers and negative effects that come from driving. To recap, the green house gasses that come from cars are dangerous and harmful to our planet, and there should be efforts to lessen these gasses, even it is simply by car pooling or by taking public transportation. Also, people's excessive driving caused an entire city to have to ban driving vehicles. This should probably be a lessen to those that drive a good deal; it's killing the environment!
Limited car usage can ve beneficial i many ways. In a since if you are talking about money you can save money on gasoline or diesel. If we are talking about nature we are reducing the amount of bad air pollution or gas emission. For people in Europe the cost for them to buy a space in a large garage plus the home that they choose to buy comes up to 40,000 (source 1).they money that you would have to spend on diesel which makes up 67% of vehicles in France is outrageous. The money that you are not spending on diesel you can use them others things that are more important, or you can save it up for rainy days or college funds for your kids. In the united States because we use so many cars we make up 50% of the greenhouse gas emission. This negatively impacts out world because it kills off our plants which are density to life on earth. In the article it says since the no car rule came about congestion has been down 60% in Europe after just 5 days. Havig no cars is useful because it helps save money, and it helps give us better air to breathe. Limit the about of car usage and help save the world.
Imagine a world completely pollution free. A world with no worry about greenhouse gases or global warming. Whiae it's highly unlikely that we will get to that point, we can stila try to reach this perfectly healihy world. The are many advantages tolimiiing car use, some of those advantageo would be: reducing stress, reducing the amouni of pollution, and saving money. Stress is a feeling that everyone can reaate to. Whether it be work, school, money, or home life stressing out about things is not healthy. There has been several otudies showing that getting proper exerciie has tremendous health benefits. The only problem is that no one ever seems to have time to work out or go on a walk. However, if you had to walk eo get wherever you're going, you would easily receive enough exercise to help lower your stress. Plus, driving can be extremely stressful. Without having to sit through traffic or deal with bad drivers an average person's itress levels would plummet. The first passage contains a quote from a suburban mom of two, "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm so much happier this way." Recently, I feel as if all I hear about on the news is Greenhouse gases and pollution. Honestly, hearing about globae warming is a frightening experience, almost like a glass of cold water being thrown in your face. 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe are caused by passenger cars and in parts of the United States it's up to 50 percent! While car companies are helping by rolling out hybrid and electric cars, those cars are very expensive! Not everyone is willing to shell out that kind of money. By reducing car use, the harmful gases polluting our air will greatly decrease and places like Paris,France and Beijing, China both ver heavily polluted places can have clearer air. Money. Money seems like it rules our world and it realey does. Do you enjoy throwing money away? Of course you don't! Well, if you drive a car everywhere you go, you might as well be. Gas prices are high and it takes upwards of 50 dollari to fill the tank of the average car. Not to mention the price of the car itself! While you have to pay for gas, car insurance, maintenance, and the bill for the car if it's not paid off yet, people who walk to work or to the store and don't own a car are saving thousands of dollars a year. To conceude, when you reduce the use of cars you: reduce stress, reduce the amount of pollution, and save money. If you want to leave the paanet Earth healthy and livable for the future generations, you should seriously consider ditching your car and buying a nice pair of walking shoes.
As a result of the decrease use sage of cars over the past years. People have found it to be beneficial to use other means or transportations such as bikes, walking, or even taking a public transportations. Not only is it more exercise to walk or ride a bike rather than to take a car and getting to your destination faster, but it can cause less pollution on the earth then there is already. Other reasons to give up on your cars like it said it sources 2 its less traffic out during busy days. Source number 2 was saying that they made a deal or law is you call it to fine the drivers that drove during the day, they were to leave the car at home and take other means of transportation to get to their destination. Many people didn't like it so thy complained and got their car intended for a day due to complaint. They were tying this because they use diesel rather than gasoline it makes about 67% of France. It can be done in bigger states or cities like it showed in source 3 Colombia had a population of over 7 million people, but they tried it and yet many people liked it even when bad weather showed up they didn't seem to mid it and for the others they were fine a total of $25 if the proved anywhere that day. So over all limiting the car usage is helpful by causing less traffic in busy streets or places. Other than the usage of less car the companies had complained that many people are buying fewer cars now that some people rather walk or bike then to buy a car and waste money on gasoline, and repairing the damages that might come to the car. It not only safes' money for people but its more than ever safer for children to be out playing and fewer people behind the wheel of a car and making parents much more comfortable and less worried. Like it said in source 3 that many people started to actually like the new way things were working now that fewer people use cars and its safer and causes less pollution to the world by doing so. As a result limiting the usage of cars can have a huge impact on someone regular life that use to driving everywhere, and to all of a sudden stop using cars. There is more important reasons to limit car using such as its safer for people, less car accidents, safes money, less pollution on the world, and last but not least it saves time.
There was a time when cars were a new invention that everyone wanted or needed, but as of recent years cars have found themselves on the decline. There are many specualted reasons as to why people aren't as interested in getting a car and driving themselves around. One of the main theories seems to be that with new technological advancements are making carpools simple organize and knowing when and where the closest city bus will arrive easier to find out. Also, the technology of today makes it easy to contact and feel connected with your friends without having to go out and see them. Whatever the reason may be, the decline in car usage is a great advantage worldwide. The benefits of limited car usage are a better environment, less traffic stress, and healthier people. Cars are the second most common source of air pollution in the United States. In Paris, cars were so heavily used that their pollution levels were near those of Beijing, China (known as one of the most polluted cities in the world). When Parisians heard this, they took action right away. They rotated day long bans on personal cars with even numbered license plates and odd numbered lisence plates. After about a week of this rotating ban, with a few exceptions, the smog levels had lowered enough that all cars could be allowed again. Luckily, this experience made the people of Paris realize how much cars were harming their envirinment. Cars are a large source of carbon emissions all over the world so lessening their use is essential to reviving our hurting environment. Another advantage to limiting the use of cars is less traffic and less accidents. Public transportattion drivers are more skilled and practiced than everyday drivers. Arguably, they are safer behind the wheel than your average citizen. In addition to that, having less cars on the road makes it safer to walk, bike, skateboard, or even rollerblade to your destination. Also, less cars means less traffic. Although on public transportation there are bus stops and such, traffic jams would be nearly eradicated if there were that many less cars on the road. The last important advantage of having fewer cars is a personal health benefit. Driving can be seen as stressful. You have your life as well as the lives of people around you in your hands. Not only can the concept of driving itself be stressful, but things such as reckless drivers and heavy traffic are very hard for people to deal with patiently and safely. It would be better for people's emotional health to not have to deal with driving. Avoiding cars is also better for people's physical health in both cleaner environments and more physical activity. With the lessened levels of polution, as mentioned before, people would have cleaner air to breathe and a healthier environment to live in. The amount of physical activity in citizens would also increase. With people being able to walk, bike, skateboard, etc. to their desired destination the obesity numbers would decrease. Without cars, people's emotional and physical health would largely improve. Overall, limiting the global use of cars would greatly benefit people worldwide. Due to the recent spread of the idea of being car-free and more concious of our environment pollution levels are already decreasing. Advantages coming from a much needed decreae in car usage also include safer roads and less stressed, healthier people. A decline in the number of personal vehicles on the road would lead to a happier, safer, and healthier world.
Car usage is one of the biggest reasons that as to why there is so much air pollution in the world. Buying more will just make the problem grow. This is why we should limit the use of cars and start thinking of other ways to get around such as walking or riding a bike. One of the reasons that we should limit car usage is because, it's one of the main causes that the Earth is so unhealthy. Using cars cause more and more greenhouse gas emissions. If we are able to reach a community with very little car use then those people without a car will not only be saving money, but also preventing greenhouse gas emission. Many people will also be able to get more excercise because they won't be driving everywhere, but they will be walking or bicycling. Many people also stress out due to not having enough money to finish paying for a car, or to fill their car up with gas. Most of those problems will go away if they just limit or stop their car usage. In Bogota, Colombia, for the third straight year, cars have been banned, and only taxis and buses have been allowed on the streets. Many people are enthusiastic on participating and wouldn't even let rain stop them from arriving at their destination. he goal was to reduce smog and so far, they have been reaching their goal. Another city that has recently had a car free days has been Paris, France. Paris enforced a partial driving ban due to days of near-record pollution. the amount of smog Paris had was enough to rival that of Beijing's which is known as the most polluted city in the world. After a couple of days, the smog cleared enough for cars to be allowed to be used again. Those are only some of the few reasons as to why car usage should be very limited, many people don't realize it, but if we don't do something about the amount of air pollution that we have, it may be too late to save the planet Earth.
Limiting Car Usage The number of positive connotations that limiting car usage around the world would have on society is infinite. It would lower congestion, promote more healthy and efficient means of travel, and it would reduce emissions by a very large factor. People around the world are turning towards methods of transportation that do not monopolize on the automobile. Maybe one day cars will be pass? According to a study in Paris, congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France after prohibiting driving for a few days, and fining those who disregarded the experiment. Less congestion led to less road noise, which, in turn, made people "happier." It created a safer environment for children and parents alike. Having fewer cars on the road encouraged people to go outside whenever they could. Citizens of Vauban, a city in Germany, are taking this newfound peacefulness to an extreme. Driving is forbidden in their city and there are not any available parking spaces in the event that they still own a car! Vauban is an example of a city that was built based on "smart planning." More communities are adopting this ideal and try to have everything located within walking distance of a person's home. This encourages people to get to where they need to go without the use of an automobile. People nowadays also have the technology to communicate with others electronically, so that reduces the need for an automobile to get from point A to point B. Why waste the time and money on gas to communicate with someone when you could email them or text for a low cost in a matter of seconds? This being said, limiting car usage promotes public transportation services. In Bogot, 118 miles worth of bicycle paths have been built in an effort to steer people away from automobiles. This encourages people to get from place to place via a healthy and fun means of transport. Undoubtedly, people are more likely to stay close to home without the accessibility of cars, so limiting the use of cars saves the time that would be spent on the roads. Limiting car usage has major benefits when it comes to carbon emissions and environmental problems. President Obama has wanted to curb the United States' emissions and so far his goal is a success. Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less, and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by. Smog has been severely reduced in countries around the globe since plans to limit car usage have gone into effect. Limiting car usage might seem like something that "would be good in theory," and it will definitely be a hard thing for today's generation to wrap their head around, but the positive impacts it would have on society are limitless. Congestion and emissions would be reduced, time spent commuting would be saved, and the world would be a much safer place to live in overall. Limiting car usage everywhere is definitely something to think about.
Travel, exploration, and new destinations are all things that have lead to mankind creating new ways to get from where they were to where they wanted to be. We have made some fantastic technologies in our desire to move more quickly and extensively. Not many could have dreamt of a day when mankind could ship large cargo from Mexico to Greece, fly large planes full of people across the atlantic, or even what seems so common today, drive in comfort from state to state in short amounts of time. We enjoy the ability to drive so easily from place to place that almost every single American family owns at least one car, but there in lies a problem. since the big boom of industrial car manufacturing in the early twentieth century America's use of the vehicle has spread from transportation of the high class, to a tool of public transportation, construction, delivery, and overall everyday use. This relationship between man and machine has been a part of our society for so long it is practically a part of our lives, but this relationship has taken a toll on the world it was brought into in the form of pollution. The basic way an automobile functions is by putting fuel into the system to run the engine and then emmiting that fuel as a gas byproduct, and with such the wide spread use we have of these machines, the amount of gas byproduct has really built up. Harmful chemicals in these gas emissions from our automobiles have provided the second largest source of our emissions with only power plants contributing more to the pollution of the environment. There are however some easy ways we could help fix this problem. In other parts of the world this effect is being felt, such as Beijing, China, which is facing a huge problem with pollution smog, and certian places have decided to make a change by limiting car use. This limitation of car use can be done in many different ways, and has helped curb a smog problem that arose in Paris. Other places have done this by means of carfree neighborhoods in Germany, or a carfree day in Columbia, and the reaction has been most positive. These ideas of change for a clean future are helping communities in different parts of the world, so whose to say we can't do it too? We should contribute to the healing of our environment before its too late for the choise. This oppurtunity for change is not one we should let slip by, and it could be a refreshing, enjoyable change. Lets not sit down and watch as our environment becomes a smogridden disaster, lets get up, walk around, and help heal the world.
There are many advantages to limiting car usage. Limiting car usage helps to cleanse the environment, saves citizens' money, and can help with improving citizens' health. One advantage to limiting car usage is that it will cleanse the environment. Cars give off a number of gallons of gas each time they're used. These toxic chemicals found in gases pollute the air. Imagine breathing in all of that waste! Studies have actually found evidence that the toxins from car fuel are very harmful to the health of animals, plants, and humans. It can cause breathing difficulties associated with problems in the lungs when inhaled too heavily; as well as it dirties plants and makes it more difficult for them to grow healthy, like they should, and it can even poison and kill the animals. Who wants to take a risk so deadly? Another advantage to limiting car usage is that it will save citizens' money. Cars aren't cheap. Depending on the make and model of the car, they can cost anywhere from $20,000 to $60,000. Insurance and keeping up with the maintenance of a car also costs a lot. Car owners should be expecting to pay $100-$500 a month for car maintenance, and if insurance is required, depending on the state that the car owner lives in, than another additional $100. Finally, is the price for gas. The price for gas in this day in age economy ranges from $3.00-$6.00 per gallon! If a car owner has a long way to drive, but doesn't have a lot of money, he/she may want to consider taking a bus or carpooling with someone to help them out. A rather more humorous advantage to limiting car usage, is that it could help give citizens a work-out. Instead of driving where they need to go, people could walk to their desired destination and burn a ton of calories while doing it! Or in contrast to waiting for a friend to pick them up outside their houses, they could walk to a bus stop and wait for the bus to take them wherever they need to go. This also relates to saving money and helping cleanse the environment. Citizens' will pay less for a gym membership now that they're getting a work out. They'll also be helping the environment by not burning all of those fuel wastes just to get to where they need to go. It's a win-win for everyone! Of course, there are many advantages to limiting car usage for our citizens, their wallets, and the environment. These three are just a few of the plentiful, conservative ways out there; however, they're all extraordinarily efficient.
What are the advantages of limiting car use? Eventhough cars are a really fast way to get from one place to another there are many other ways for example a train,air plane or boat. There are too many cars on the streets and many crazy drivers. People should stop using cars because cars make greenhouse gas and it's causing the air to be polited. Another advantage for limiting car use is that less people are going to be geting killed because of car axcidents or because of drunck drivers. Also if people stoped driving cars aand tok there bike to work or were ever they go more people would be in shape becuase they would be doing some excersice too. Too many cars on the steets are poluting the air and thats not good for us because we are cutting down trees and we are going to run out of air to breath at some point if we continue like this. Thats why poeple should stop driving cars and ride a bike to there job or take the train. Also cars make geenhouse gas, cars are responsible for 12 persent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the united states. We are also going to have less death because many people die in car axcidents and becuase of drunk drivers and less kids are going to be getting hurt or killed if there on the street because they dont have to worry about cars hitting them. For example if a kid is playing with a ball and the ball goes to the street the kid is probably going to go get it but he wont get hurt because there are no cars on the streets. Eventhough cars cause greenhouse gas, air polution and death they are also very help full because if you have to go late at night to get food you have a fast way to get to the market because u have a car right out side your door. Also if something happens to your son in school or if u or someone needs medical attention you have a fast way to take them to the hospital or to get to were they are. But theres a down side if you go out to see what happend to you son in a hurry you probably going to have a car axcident and get seriously hurt or worst. Too many people use too many cars the streets are always crouded with cars at all times and some of these people drive crazy or they try to show of there car by going fast and end up getting killed or killing someone els. This are some of the advantages of limiting car use less people would die,we would have more air to breath, and there would be less green house gas effect. And i think think that it is a good idea to stop using cars and take your bike to work because you would be helping earth and will be getting some exersice at the same time. And you would also be helping to to save earth and have a better future for you kids. Well this is what i think but what do u think?
Fellow citizens I am here to inform about the advantages of limiting car usage. Limiting car usage has made people feel safer walking and planners are Noe taking the concept to the suburbs. Expert says it's a huge impediment to current efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gases. In this new approach to limit car usage stores are placed a walkaway on a main street, rather than in malls along some distant highway. Even in the United States the environmental protection agency is promoting "car reduced" communities and legislators are starting to act, if cautiously. For example congestion went down in France after five days not being to drive and of intensifying smog.70 percent of Vauban families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move here. Most people are happier with the car usage limit due to that fact that they have to be tense anymore. And the wandering children drown out the occasional distant motor. Vauban, home to 5,500 people within a rectangular square mile, is the most advanced experiment in low-car Sudan suburban. Many experts expect public transport serving suburbs to play a much larger role in a six-year federal transportation bill to be approved this year. New suburbs may look more vauban-like, not only in developed countries but also in developing world, vauban, germany residents of this upscale community are suburban pioneers, going where few soccer moms or commuting executives have ever gone before: they have given up their cars. Vauban, completed in 2006,is an example of a growing trend in Europe, the United States and else where to separate suburban life from auto use, as a component of a movement called "smart planning".
When was the last time you drove a car? Studies have shown that the amount that people have driven over the last couple of years has gone down. There are lots of advantages to limiting car usage. Some of them include: less gas emmisions, emptier and safer streets, and new innovations to compensate for the reduction of car usage. Plenty of cities around the world have attempted limiting car usage. To start off, if citizens limit their car usage, there would be less gas emissions. But, unfortunately there are still plenty of greenhouse gas emissions. Transportation is the second largest source of America's emissions, just behind power plants. There are other options to do instead of driving, you could skate, bike, walk, or etc. The gas emissions are a huge problem in today's society and we have to change something about the way we live. For example, in Bogota, Columbia, they have a car-free day once a year. This reduces the smog that is kept in the air from the gas emissions. Continuing on, if citizens limit their car usage, we would have safer streets for sure. With less cars driving up and down the street, kids can feel free to play in the street without having to worry about a reckless driver coming down and mowing them all down. Even suburban planners in the US are trying to create "car reduced" communities. Instead of using cars, public transportation is becoming the new thing. Lastly, with people not using cars to get everywhere, some innovations would be made. Side walks would be reconstructed, less rush-hour traffic, new restaraunts and shopping districts within walking distance, and parks and sport centers would blossom. In Bogota, all of those have blossomed since they have started it back in the mid-90s. With the end of car culture also, new innovations have to spring up. To close out, cars are being used less and less. And they should be because they cause gas emissions, unsafe streets, and bad construction. But, we are slowly moving away from that culture and who knows what into!
Cars are not widely chose over walking because things are to close and with fewer people driving less co2 emissions with is cutting back on the green house effect. 12% of co2 emissions are from cars and passenger vehicle. David Goldberg says '' since World War II transportation ID growing quickly. Do to cars and there emissions pair has put a ban on them till the smog they have created clears up. Cold nights and warm days cause the emissions to get trapped in the air. Obama wants to put curb on the cor emissions and all the pollution that its causes. The united States has long been the prime culture for cars do the birthplace of the model T was in Detroit. Cars seem to be the big thing in the United States. Number of miles driven have grown scene 2005. Resources are getting closer and closer every day having none. The United States lead in car emissions.
All of our development since world war II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change." Mr. Goldberg an official of transportation for America, a growing coalition to promote car frees communities said. The world is changing for the better and one of the machines man created, that is one of the world changing invenions of it's time is coming down for it's throne is the car. So what are the reasons for not getting a car? lets find out. In Germany, that is coming faster than people think. An idea called "Smart planning' is taking hold in an exprimental town bulit in 2006 named Vauban. A place were cars are a thing of the past. People everyday are not driving to school or work they are walking, bicycling, or taking the tram into the town from the suburb. Smart planning is revoultionary buliding towns to not be dependent on driving. 70% of Vauban's famlies do not own car and are much happier to not have the everyday anxiteys of driving a motor engine car everyday. 57% sold there car just to move into the small town of Vauban. Car free suburbs and town are a growing trend all across Europe, the united states and many more nations. These efforts have been making cities, towns, and suburbs denser so you don't have to go far to get some milk and eggs. The global warning is a huge part of the fight to make the earth our home more better and healthier for generations and generations to come. Cars emit gas emissions that make up 12% of the greenhouse gases in our enviroment, up to 50% percent in car-intensive areas in the United States and around the world. France, Paris having heavy smog decided to have a partial ban on driving making even numbered license plates not drive or fear a fine. Congestion went down after the experiment. What was to blame for the smog was the Diesel fuel being used in most cars because of the fact that a tax policy favors diesel fuel over gasoline. Paris having more smog than the typical capital had a decrease in congestion and the citiy after enormous victory decided to go at it again and do odd numbered license cars. The car culture is one the has had enormous effect on the everyday lives citizens around the world. In the United states, "Recent studies suggest that americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by." In America where the car culture has turned us into the number one place in the world to find the history of one of the planets world changing innventions. People want a greener earth and benifits of not owning a car because everybody knows the stress of having a car no matter ho much it helps you. The car in which you have to have insurance, life insurance, car payments, you have to keep up with your car, the dangers associated with having a car and stress plus anxiety that comes with a car. The cons outweight the pros but those pros have an enormous effect. People are changing and the percentile of teenagers and young adults have droped ten fold in getting or renewing a license. The new trend is that people are no longer getting cars or licenses so why should you. The people of planet earth understand the pros or cons of a car the benifits of not diving and are making for that change. One of the worlds greatest innventions is stepping off there throne. So why will you not get a car?
We all know that driving makes life easier in terms of getting from point A to point B, but there are also many benefits that come from not driving or maybe not even owning a car. Not driving proves to affect the community in a positive way such as: less polluted air, happier people, and less congestion on the roads. A study in Paris showed that the less drivers there are on the roads, the less smog there is in the air. France uses diesel and they tend to have more smog than "other European capitals" (par.17) who use gasoline. So by cutting the amount of drivers on the road, it also cut the amount of smog in the air. People used the roads less due to the amount of smog in the air and when there were less poeple on the road, there was also less pollution in the air, making for clearer skies. Also, in the United states, the percentage of people getting their licenses and of those who own cars has gone down in recent years. "If the pattern persists... it will have beneficial implications for carbon emmisions and the enviornment" (par. 34). Just like in Paris, the fewer people driving, the better our enviornment gets as the years go on. Alternatives to driving could be walking, using "public transportation", or biking to get to the places we need to go. These alternatives can help us "save time, conserve resources, lower emissions and improve safety" (par. 43) which are not only beneficial to us, but to our enviornment as well. In Germany, there are certain places where you are not permitted to own a car and if you do, you have to pay $40,000 to be able to park it in a garage along with the payment of your house. Obviously, not many people are going to want to pay that much money, so they get rid of their cars in order to live in those parts of town. Not owning a car can even reduce the stress levels of some poeple and make them happier in the long run. A "mother of two" stated "when I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way" (par. 3). So maybe this whole not owning a car thing is not only good for the enviornment around us, but also for our physical and mental well being. Sure, driving is nice, but it can be very stressful when having to deal with all the careless drivers around us and all the rules and responsibilities that driving entails. Not only will less driving improve our enviornment, it will also result in less congested roads. "Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog" (par. 14). No one likes having a polluted enviornment around them, and the more pollution there is, the less crowded roads will be. The clearer the roads are, the clearer the skies around us are. In conclusion, driving does have its benefits, but not driving has even more, such as: the ability to keep our enviornment healthy and clean, less congestion on the roads, and happier people all around.
limiting car usage is no easy take considering that peoples jobs are more than a half an hour away in some cases. what we could do is replace gas cars with water or oil solarpowered cars. what we can do is replace the road with heat sensor pannels and replace the cars fuel line with eigther a solar based power syatem or used water for the fuel supply. the heat/friction sensor pannels will produce enough electrical energy to power builds, appartment complexs, houses, or even recharge a battery with in seconds. the way we live now we can do all those things its just people dont know how to use there brain and come up a cleaner source of renewable energy. this entire project could be free and go world wide as long as everyone in the world can a agree this is perfect replacement to fossil fuels. if this document could get the th government somehow ican change the world for the better and probably save our poluted earth from destroying its self. i could fix the green house eeftect on the earth and you could clean up radio active polution by not useing gas powered cars. our erath could go back to a clean slat where there is no polution made by toxic fumes in the atmosphere and destroyed rivers and lakes. everything could be fixed by one simple thought of a childs mind. if only adults knew how to listen to there own words that they teach us with how to listen twice as muchas they speak. ifthis country has the right to freedom of speech then i think my idea isworth telling the world about. and not keeping my mouth shut. i should be speaking on air to the world not in my house being yeld at by my parents becuase what i want to nobody wants to hear. if anyone gets to read this please immediatly take to someone important that would love to here my idea. thank you.
Thick clouds of black smoke, and the smell of gasoline fills the air. overtime you breathe it's like your breathing poison. It's in your lungs and you cant get it out. This is our society today. Some people think that this issue is not a big deal, but in fact it is. But where is all this pollution coming from? The answer is simple, cars! Cars are the second leading polluter, in America. What these cars are doing are releasing a poisonous smog into the atmosphere, and we breathe it. Its not only killing us though, oh no. It is killing our one, our only, Earth. We are killing the only thing the human race has to live on, and for what? So we can save a couple minutes to get to work? This needs to stop. Why continue to use cars when their are so many more advantages not to use them? Without cars, or limiting the number of car usage we would save billions of dollars a year, be much more further into technology, and not only be saving lives, but saving our Earth. How much money would you say you spend on gas a week? Doesn't seem like all that much right? Now add the same thing again, and again, and again. By now you are probably in the hundreds. Now picture yourself with all of that in your hand. Thats all the money you have spent on something that is gone in almost an instant. Think about all the things you could buy with that money. Sounds nice right? Well why don't you just make it a reality than? You could save hundreds in hundreds of dollars in as little as one month! You could save even more by not even buying a car! than you'd be saving a ton of money. Plus youd be doing yourself a favor. You dont need to pay for gas, insurance, repairs or even the car. This is what people in not only America are doing but also in Columbia, Bogota, and one of the worlds most beautiful cities in the world, Paris. These people are bettering themselves, and their country. "All of our world development since world war II has been sentered on the car" In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars. Just think about how much more advanced of a society we could have without cars. So many things could be created that could save lives! A cure for cancer, a solution to end world hunger, new electronics, maybe even ways to reach past the ridges of our galaxy, yet somehow we still put our focus on something that is killing us, and the Earth. Sure theres some cool tech in these new Automobils but, the only reason people by cars are for new features, or better mpg, or as said by Mr. Sivak in The End of Car Culture , "A car is just a means of getting from A to B", but thats all people really buy new cars, or use them for. If we wernt so focused on cars we would have new, and improved technology, and a lot more life changing discoveries. The Earth is dying. We are killing it, and ourselves. How much gasoline can your tank hold? the real question is how much gasoline can we put into the air we breathe? This smog and pollution is destroying some of the most beautiful scenes on earth. Paris, New York, and Bejing. However the usage of these automobils are not only killing us with pollution, but with auto accidents. So many of Americans have lost their lives due to wrecks, crashes, common stupidity, and deffects in the car itself. Whats even more sad is a lot of the time the person who has lost their life is not even at fault. A lot of times when driving people tend to get stressed out. road rage is a dangerous thing. In fact Heidrun Walter exclaimed his opinion on the subject by saying "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." in the article In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars. A very, very effective solution to this problem is to ultimitly rid them from society. A simple distraction, a buzz, beep, ring, or crash, cound end up fatal, to anyone, and everyone who gets behind the wheel. Global warming, cancer, deathes, stress, and injuries, these are all things caused by vehicles. A common thing we all learn at a young age is to eliminate the problem at the source, and change starts with you, the reader, the average civilian can make a higher than life impact on society. Don't under estimate the power each individual holds when making a difference for good. Simple things like car pooling, walking, riding a bike, or public transportation, can all make a difference, for the better. so lets do it! lets make our environment cleaner. Our futures brighter, and our lives safer. Together we can acomplish this! we would have the advantages of saving billions of dollars a year to use for bigger and better things, be much more further into technology, and not only be saving lives, but saving our Earth, on our side.
What's the first thing you think about when you see a car? How much gas mileage its has? What year is it? How fast can it go? Well, have you ever thought about how much solution it puts into our air that we breathe? Or the car bill you have to pay every month? I'm going to assume you don't. There are ways we can change this problem and I'm going to prove how! To begin this argument I'm going to point out that over 77% of American people are in debt in their car bill, ALONE. That's over 3/4 of our population in the U.S. You cannot tell me people are not stressed from this over whelming statement! "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way.", said by a former car owner Hadron Walter. She now rides bicycles with her two children and now a car bill is one less thing she has to worry about in her hectic life. Another advantage of limiting car usage would be done reduce smog solution. Now this is not only a problem in America, it's all over the world. Paris is particularly bad in this division. Paris typically has more smog that other European capitals. It got so horrible they have to enforce a "driving ban" to ensure all the air was clear in the global city. It even rivaled Beijing, China which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world. After about five days the congestion on the streets permitted down to 60%. Having said that, not only is car usage bad for our earth, we could benefit our health from it! In Bogot, Columbia they set up a program named "Car free day." Millions of their citizens hiked, climbed, skated or took bus transportation to work. This day left the streets empty with no traffic, and the people that did drive had a $25 fine. Rain or shine nothing could stop these people from participating in this event. The city benefited from this so much that parks and sport centers have boomed from high demand because people want to have a healthier lifestyle in general. One day they hope every city has something similar to this day so that our owl rd will be Heather and even happier! Therefor it is clearly obvious of the advantages we would have if we limited on car usage. People would be a lot healthier not only from the exercise, but the air would be a lot cleaner to breathe in. Also, it would be safer and cut down tremendously on deaths. We might just be over the peak of driving.
In this New Age People are starting to realize that drving car is really bad for the enviroment. They realize that there is a better way to get to point A to point B. Alternative transportation. For example In Vauban, Germany Residents of this city has made this city into a Car Free city. They use bicycles or they walk to their destination. this has reduced the air pollution of their area immensily. This has been a growing trend in Europe and it has been getting heard about around the world. They call it Smart Planning. In Paris, France The population has reached record high polution for the amount of driving. Paris enforced a partial driving ban to try to clear the emmisions and pollution of Paris. On Monday people with even numbered liscence plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or pay a 31 dollar fine. The same would apply the next day to the odd liscence plates. This was very effective because about 60 percent of traffic was reduced in Paris andafter a week or so the smog was reducing and the city of Paris was becoming cleaner. Another example is in Bogota, Colombia. They have a catr free day every year where evrybody in the capitol city would not be allowed to drive a single car except for city buses and taxis. Every body was crowding the streets with bicycles or walking to where they had to go. Everybody seemed happy and relaxed. Other neighboring major cities in Colombia had started to do it to and it is sparking a revolution across the whole continent to make a free car day. Many recreation centers and shopping centers have risen and flourished. New sidewalks and roads have been reeplaced with new even surfaces and it just keeps growing every year. As a result there are many ways to change this unsafe enviroment of car pollution. And reducing Car emmisions will be a huge difference in our enviroment. But everything starts out with ourselves to make a change in the world and if we can work together to make this change the world will become a better, and safer place for us.
Cars. They're a simply luxuary that you can find anywhere from driveways to parking lots to just parked right out on the street. Nobody ever thinks twice about driving their car, after all they get us where we need to go in a quick amount of time. However, cars could be the most deadliest thing in the world, and it sits right next to our houses. From the exhaust fumes that fumigate in the air all the way to obiesity, cars are just a silent killer waiting in the shadows. Now, a car isn't really out to kill us, at least not intentionally, but unfortunatly the worst thing about a car is behind it; the exhaust. A couple hundreds of chemicals float out into the air and slowly kill the Earth's ozone layer. Every year the Earth gets hotter and hotter as the ozone layer becomes thinner as more cars end up on the road. It really is just a domino effect thats still in the process of tumbling down. The reason why we don't think too much on it, is simply because as we sit in air conditioned cars, we don't notice just how hot it really is. But what happens when the ozone layer is completely destroyed? Well, just hope your wheels don't melt down into the pavement while your driving. A cars bad streak doesn't end with making the Earth into a giant sauna, of course some people might like the idea, but what if our cars, were the reason our diet never works? As more cars end up on the road, less people are walking and biking to get places. Even now, more teenagers are on the road with cheeper and more efficient cars which means that combined with a teens natural laziness in everyday life, its like we've been giving a robot to replace our legs. Would you believe that some people would drive their cars just to get a few blocks up the street? It's absolutly tragic, almost as if we're just waiting for the end scene in a horror movie. So, even though cars may not be waiting for us outside our showers with a knife, it's slowly destroying the planet as well as our health. However there are solutions such as carpooling, taking the bus or even walking or biking more. Carpooling lessens the amount of exhaust fumes on the road, and walking keeps our cardio up and is even just enjoyable. So before you grab your car keys and head out the door, just take a look into the sky and a quick glance at yourself and think "do I really want to be overweight in a sauna?
Have you ever thought about limiting the usage of your car ? If not you should start thinking of ways you can transport yourself without having to use your car each and everyday to do certain things and go certain places. limiting your car usages can be very helpful to not only you but the people thats around you. here's some reasons why ... Sometimes limiting your car usage can be a great choice for you to make. without the usage of your car you can get wonderful excrise without even knowing. example, when your driving your car there's no energy running through your body. your body needs movement. A way you can transport and exricse is a bike. A bike can help you run energy through your body without you knowing unlike like a car. Not only your limiting your car usage but your getting fit and transportation as well. Cars can be very harmful to your communitiy. The gas from your vehicle explores the air and that can cause a very filthy thing called polution in your communitiy. Some citizens don't think of it that way. people say that Cars are easier and faster ways to get around but also hurtful during the process. this is one of the reasons people are getting sick. cars should be limited of their usage. This was some points on why cars should be limited of their usage. their dangerus its unkowingly harmful to our citizen. Bikes were made for a reason and thats to transport. Your hurting yourself if you not taking these points im giving you. children get sick everyday and part of th reason is the polution in the world. hop on a bike and get to peddling it won't hurt you your getting fit and saving the world at the same time.
In my essay i will be telling you the advantages of limiting car usage. I am going to state facts from the the 1 st source through the 4th source. In the 1st source one good fact they talked about was the greenhouse gas. They talked about how they can drastically reduce it. They all ready did it in the suburbs of Germany. There is a place there were you can not have a car and there are no drive ways no streets as a result more then 70 percent of vauban families do not own cars. And 57 percent sold there cars to move there. Even the environmental Protection Agency is promonting "car reduced" communities, and legislators are starting to act, if cautionsly. Some more advantages is it will be a healther place in the world because of less toxic gases. In the 2nd source they took action and this takes place in paris. They passed a law were if your license plates were even numbered they were ordered to leave thier cars home or suffer a 31 dollar fine same goes for the odd numbers the next day. And if the dont pay there car gets impounded. They prefer to use diesel over gas because its better for the car. One fact is that it will give you less smog. In the 3rd source there advantage is less pollution. It was the 3rd straight year were they banned cars. All they had was taxis, buses, bikes and, skateboards. Its a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution. For the first time two other colombian cities Cali and Valledupar joined the event. In the 4th source there ideas were to get rid of cars in genrell. At the mobile world congress last year in Barcelona, Spain, Bill Ford, executive chairman of the ford motor comany, laid out a business plan for a world in which personal vehicle ownership is impractical or undesirable. He proposed partnering with the telecommunications industry to create cities in which "pedestrain, bikes, private cars, commercial and publictransportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emissions and improve safety.
If we look back at time in the United States young people were thrilled to be able to drive. But in more recent years studies show that the young in the United States don't really have the same thrill any more actually there really not interested at all they find alternative ways to get to were there going like public transportation carpooling biking or just good old walking and really it's not a bad idea at all if we can get others in the US to limiting the use if their cars it could do the world a gotta good If you take a look at Colombia for instance they have a day when in Bogot 7 million people are banned using there cars for a day they find alternatives to get around like biking hiking walking busses and taxi cabs doing this is a good way to stop air pollution and also to promote alternatives transportation and if people violate it there's a fine of $25 a business man by the name of Carlos Arturo Plaza says "it's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution" in Germany there's one suburb that carry on's with lives without cars street parking driveways and home garages are generally forbidden Vauban's streets are completely car free except the main thoroughfare where there's a tram that takes them downtown in this experimental upscale town on the outskirts of Freiburg car ownership is actually allowed but there's only 2 places to park there are large garages at the edge of the development where a car owner buys a space for $40,000 along with a home due to the outrageous price 70 percent of the families that live in Vauban don't own cars and 57 percent sold there cars to move Vauban in cousin I think if we could all take a page from everybody's book i truly think we could spread awareness and maybe cut down or even get rid of most of the air solution not just in the United States or Columbia or in Germany...but get rid of air pollution in the whole entire world
Have you ever thought about what the world would be like if we limited the car usages ? I have, I think about it when I wake up late and there is a lot of traffic ! If we didn't use cars, and we just got around by walking, riding a bike, a school bus, a city bus or even taking taxis it would be easier. It would save us time and resources. It would also, lower the emissions. Lastly, it would improve our safety. If our world was car free, it would save us time and help conserve resources. How? We would all be on a schedule, and we wouldn't have to do things at different times and end up being late to work, or to school, or even to something very important. You wouldn't have to worry about wasting time fixing your car while you could be at a job interview or getting a scholarship. A car is a lot of responsibility, believe it or not. We wouldn't have to depend on our friends or parents to carpool us. According to David Goldberg all the development since World War Two has been centered on cars. Back in the day, they used to walk or ride on carriages with horses and carts. Now we have motor vehicles that run on gasoline, diesel, or even a battery. Who ever invented these things made it easier for us, but now they're going out of hand with it because there is a lot of traffic and very many car accidents. Without cars it could be a good opportunity to take away stress and to lower air population. Studies show that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less, and fewer licenses are being purchased. Safety is a very important role in our lives, right ? If you want to be safe at all times and not have to worry about someone drinking and driving or someone is on a high speed chase and crashing into you, you should definitely think about being car free. There are at least about 5 accidents a week because of people not paying attention to where they're going or even just because people like to take driving as an advantage. If there were fewer cars in the world, there would be less death rates. Someone could be dying in an ambulance and all the traffic could be stopping them from staying alive, when they could be to a hospital and cured. While people are driving around trying to fight traffic just to get to work or a doctors appointment you could already there. Many people don't like to walk or maybe even ride a bike because either they're lazy or they just don't care about their health. But there are many other options, such as taking a city bus, a train, a taxi, and maybe even a sub. If we limited the car usages we could be saving time and conserving resources that could be used for more other useful things. Also, it would lower emissions, and we'd have less stress. Finally, it would decrease the number of accidents and improve our safety habits.
Cars are an important part of American Culture, but a superpower country using them has big consequences. Pollution is getting worse and worse, and greenhouse gases are heating up our world. There are a few advantages to limiting car usage: safety is improved, and less pollution. Paris recently enforced a tentative law that banned driving so as to clear the air of pollution. Warm days and cold nights were trapping the car emissions (Source 2). In the other side of the world, America's car selling stats are decresing. This could mean that cars will be used less and less in the U.S., which would definitely benefit smoggy places like L.A. and New York (Source 4). Fun fact: automobile accidents are the leading cause of desth for teenage Americans. Now, if we were to remove that, then there would be no deaths. Thus, safety is improved. Bill Ford, executive chairman of the Ford motor Company, found that "pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time... and improve safety". (Source 4) Ford and Mercedes are already calling themselves "mobility" companies with a wider product range. The world would be so much happier with less deaths and breathable air, so cars should be limited. Days where driving is not allowed would be a great idea for America, like in Bogota, Columbia. The capital city of Bogota was devoid of traffic jams and violators who used cars faced 25 dolllar fines (Source 3). The goal was to promote smog reduction and safety. America should follow this example and try to set one for other countries, because planet Earth doesn't have much time left and humans need to all they can before they become extinct.
We all know that driving makes life easier in terms of getting from point A to point B, but there are also many benefits that come from not driving or maybe not even owning a car. Not driving proves to affect the community in a positive way such as: less polluted air, happier people, and less congestion on the roads. A study in Paris showed that the less drivers there are on the roads, the less smog there is in the air. France uses diesel and they tend to have more smog than "other European capitals" (par.17) who use gasoline. So by cutting the amount of drivers on the road, it also cut the amount of smog in the air. People used the roads less due to the amount of smog in the air and when there were less poeple on the road, there was also less pollution in the air, making for clearer skies. Also, in the United states, the percentage of people getting their licenses and of those who own cars has gone down in recent years. "If the pattern persists... it will have beneficial implications for carbon emmisions and the enviornment" (par. 34). Just like in Paris, the fewer people driving, the better our enviornment gets as the years go on. Alternatives to driving could be walking, using "public transportation", or biking to get to the places we need to go. These alternatives can help us "save time, conserve resources, lower emissions and improve safety" (par. 43) which are not only beneficial to us, but to our enviornment as well. In Germany, there are certain places where you are not permitted to own a car and if you do, you have to pay $40,000 to be able to park it in a garage along with the payment of your house. Obviously, not many people are going to want to pay that much money, so they get rid of their cars in order to live in those parts of town. Not owning a car can even reduce the stress levels of some poeple and make them happier in the long run. A "mother of two" stated "when I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way" (par. 3). So maybe this whole not owning a car thing is not only good for the enviornment around us, but also for our physical and mental well being. Sure, driving is nice, but it can be very stressful when having to deal with all the careless drivers around us and all the rules and responsibilities that driving entails. Not only will less driving improve our enviornment, it will also result in less congested roads. "Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog" (par. 14). No one likes having a polluted enviornment around them, and the more pollution there is, the less crowded roads will be. The clearer the roads are, the clearer the skies around us are. In conclusion, driving does have its benefits, but not driving has even more, such as: the ability to keep our enviornment healthy and clean, less congestion on the roads, and happier people all around.
People use cars everyday, but limiting car usage can be very beneficial. There are many advantages when limiting car usage. Limiting car usage can clear smog, reduce traffic, and it make people less stressed. Many people use cars, but that number has decreased over the last few years. There are many other ways to get to a place rather than using cars. We are now open to many options of transportation. Cars can be used, but there should be limits. Limiting car usage can clear pollution, particularly smog. For example,"Automobiles are the linchpin of suburbs, where middleclass families from Chicago to Shanghai tend to make their homes. And that, experts say, is a huge impediment to current efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions rom tailpipe"Rosenthal. Cars are an impediment to the efforts of trying to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. With the limiting of car usage, those greenhouse gas emissions can surely decrease a lot. It will make the air healthier for people to live, and for future generations. Smog and greenhouse gas emissions can reduce greatly if cars have limited usage. Not using cars can make people happy,less stressed out, and relieved of tension. People don't have to worry about their cars, and paying for gas and other things when they don't use their cars. For instance,"When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way"Rosenthal. A woman is saying he is happier when he doesn't use his car. Another example is "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution"Selsky. Both of those claims are very true. It does take away stress for him, while it reduces pollution. That's a winwin. With less stress and tension, people will be happier in their lives and there might be less problems in society. Limiting car usage can have really great impacts on people's happiness. Reducing the usage of cars can also reduce traffic, making it easier for other people that use cars. In France,"Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital"Duffer. 60 percent is a big amount of traffic. I'm pretty sure that that would satisfy alot of people. No traffic means less accidents, and less people worried about being late to school or work. Only a crazy person would actually want to be in traffic. There would also be less noise of cars, and more peaceful sounds. Limiting the usage of cars can guarantee the satisfaction of people that normally go through traffic, and those who don't like it. There are many reasons to limit the usage of cars because there are so many advantages. People will be less stressed and more happy, there will be less traffic, and the air will be less polluted with smog and greenhouse gas emissions. The possibilites are endless. It is very simple less cars, more benefits. People need to realize that having cars may have some benefits when trying to get somewhere, but it makes more sense not to because there are so many advantages. Limited car usage can benefit people in many ways.
Automobile accidents are very common in suburbs and in cities. Car reduced communities would not only help, help us a world financially but also help when it comes to our health. Robert Duffer and Elisabeth Rosenthal explain and inform the advantages of limiting car usage. Cars in this day in age seem like a necessity when it comes to transportation but cars being the main source of transportation isn't always a good thing. Many countries are beginning to promote the philosophy of car reduced communities. According to David Goldberg," All of our development since World War II has been center on the car, and that will have to change ". Cars being the main focus of transportation is not good. The gases from the fuel produces pollution which eventually leads to harmful diseases. We should take more advantage of our technological advances and come up with a safer, effective, and more economical way to transport our everyday citizens. Imagine if we stopped using cars. The air we breathe in day by day would be cleaner, we would all have more money, and there would be less automotive accidents day by day which is one of the main reasons are population isn't increasing as fast as it could. Smog is the main harmful effect of abusing our car usage. Source 2 states that" After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving bam to clear the air of the global city ". The city of Paris is probably one of the most visited city in the entire world so for them to have to stop car usage due to smog is a big deal. Studies have shown that cars are very dangerous and harmful, yet we still drive them every day unconcontious of the fact that day by day were slowly making it harder on ourselves as humans to even survive. Cars are the main source of transportation nowadays but It's clear to see that the use of cars opposes many disadvantages. Car-free days would be very effective when it comes to the conservation of our people. Bogota Colombia has come up with the idea of car free days but is this idea more effective them it is ineffective? According to Source 3" It was he third straight year cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the Day Without Cars in this capital city of & a million ". You can only imagine how positive this idea actually ended up being. Many people thought that it was a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution. Having many more of these days worldwide wouldn't harm us (unless we allow it to because we've become so dependable on these machines) but it would help our planet become cleaner which tends to relieve stress. With the realization of the fact that cars are better helpful then they are harmful many people may stop buying cars. Source 4 claims that " President Obama's ambitious goals to curb the United States' greenhouse gas emission, unveiled last week, will get a fortuitous assist from an incipient shift in American behavior: recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by ". Many citizens are beginning to focus and understand that preserving our population is more important than going where they want when they want to. The concept of car-free days seems to be the better route to choose when it comes to survival, living, and a stressless environment. Automobile accidents are becoming very common in suburbs and cities. We as a people need to more continue on healthier and cleaner communities so that we can begin to produce healthier children. Healthier children mean focused children and citizens. Children that are focused on having goals and having careers that help our planet. We should make the smarter decision to be less selfish and more selfless so we as a people should reduce car usage, so we can continue to grow as a population, cultivate, and explore together.
Do you think its is a good idea to limit car usage? Well I do and the reason for that is because more people nowadays just have completely stop caring about the environment. I say this because more and more people are getting these big trucks, and they are not realizing that when that truck starts it is letting out bad gases that harms our atmosphere. I read that people are now getting fines in Columbia because of their cars and right now I think that's a good idea. Furthermore, I say this because people are just down right lazy, and they need to get up and do exercise, they could just go walk or even ride a bike to where they have to go, it's really not that hard. Next I read that president Obama has ambitious goals to curb the United States greenhouse gas emission. I know that it will work out because I read that people think that America is pass the car age or what ever and that more and more people are starting to do what's right and start walking and riding bikes. Now I have also read that Car companies are suffering from that one day without cars thing because I think they fear that people might love the day without cars so much, that they just might stop buying them. Car companies are also suffering because I read that more and more people are becoming unemployed, or they just can't afford it, so they take alter net ways to get to where they have to go and they just don't worry about it. These are some reasons why I think it is a good idea that we should limit the usage in this world because there are so many pros and cons on why it's a good/bad idea.
Saving money is one result of limiting car usage, another result is that limiting your car usage can relieve some of your stress. There are many places that do it today, like Germany, Paris, and Bogota. In the first souce "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars", it talks about how you aren't tensed up all the time anymore, one person even said "When I had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way". what he means by "this way" is that he is much happier that he doesn't have to worry about a car anymore. In source two, "Paris bans driving due to smog", it shows that many people are getting fined because they have an even numbered liscenes plate, the same applies to the odd numbered liscenes plates the following day. This can cause stress if you do not listen to the instruction because you woud get a fine of 22-euro, or $31. If you listen to the law, you can also save money. In conclusion, limiting car usage can relieve stress and save you money because you won't have to worry about other people crashing into you, and because you won't always have to buy gas for your vehicle.
Everyone kowns that cars are dangerous. Think about how relaxing it would be to live life without the gases and the annoying sound of a motor that a car produce. This lead to the conclusion that automobiles are the linchpin of society. their are millions ways cars hold us back in life,think about the enormous amount of car accident happening everyday and you can save yourself by getting rid of your car kown or just limit the amount of time you use it. Automobiles are responsible for fifty percent of greenhouse gas emissions in some areas in the United states. People might say the idea of limiting automobiles usage is wrong because they need cars to go places but they because automobiles are causing people money for example in source 2 "almost 4,000 drivers were fined,accorrding to Reuters twenty-seven people had their cars impounded for their reaction to the fine." People should understand that cars are not the only means of transportation you can ride a bike in the cities to avoide being in the traffic with the cars. Citizens kown that if they do get a car get a plug-in or hybrid car. In source 4 sociologists says that the second largest source Americas emissions are transportation just behind power plants. Studies show that people who stopped car commuting find less reason to resume the habit. So instead of using a car take a bus or a taxi. their are great advantages in limiting automobiles.
The limitation of car use provides many improvements to our envionment and health. Many different places have now started to get into the habit of preferring to use bicycles, car-pools, or even walking. Limiting car use could lead to less polution, more activity, and even safety. If we were to limit the use of cars, we could save many lives, including our own. While limiting the usage of cars many doors could open that leads many different places. Limiting cars could possibly terminate childhood and adulthood obesity. It could also provide happiness and joy, and even willing exercise. Cars both hinder, and help us, it gets the people where they need to go, but it ruins the environment and makes many people lathargic. With the limitation of cars comes the major improvement on polution. "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe.... and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States" (1, Rosenthal). Passenger cars are responsible for 12 precent of the greenhouse emissions found in Europe, and where most cars are used the greenhouse gass emissions are up to 50 percent. The amount of gas that is polluting the air is asoultly hazardous to the health of many people. "...[The smog] rivaled Beijing, China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world" (1, Duffer). Paris eventually needed to ban driving due to the smog that was being produced from the cars. As stated in the ariticle, "...it will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the environment, since transportation is the second largest source of America's emissions, just behind power plants" (1, Rosenthal). If we were to limit the car usage, many smog and greehouse gases would not be as much of an issue as it is now. If we were to limit the usage of cars and prefer to car-pool, alot of gas, money, and lives. With the limiting of car usage comes the possibility of living a longer, healthier life without pollution tearing a hole in the ozone layer. Limiting the use of cars can also produce more activity among the people and hapiness. Limiting the use of cars forces many people to start walking, using trains, running, and even bicycling. As states in the article, "New York's new bike-sharing program and its skyrocketing bridge and tunnel tolls reflect those new priorities, as do a proliferation of car-sharing programs across the nations" (1, Rosenthal). Many places are now starting to realize that the people are slowly loosing interest in cars and now perfer to walk, run, or even take public transportation. As stated in the articaly, "..millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work leaving a car-free day yesterday, leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams.... 'It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution'" (1, Selsky). "It has seen the construction of bicycle paths, the most of any Latin American cirt....Parks and sports centers also have bloomes throughout the city; uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks; rush hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic; and new resturants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up" (1, Selsky). Many citizens are starting to prefer to walk rather than drive. The perople are slowly moving away from motor vehicles and are starting to go outside and to exercise. As mentioned in the article, "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way," (1, Rosenthal) This choice is making alot most people happy and satified. Many people no longer need to fret about gas money or traffic, or even about arriving on time. Having no car is a stress-reliever that saves you time, stress, and keeps you from pulling at your hair. Exercising is also a much easier way to be able to blow off steam and reduce stress. Another positive of limiting car use is the safety that is provided. Many Americans are now choosing to not recieve a license. The people are slowly moving away from the driving of cars and are now preferring to use public transportation, or even walking. People are now slowly starting to center their lives around where it could be easy to transport. Their place of work could now be centered around where public transport is able to drop them off, a walking distance, or even on the normal route that a friend, whom you could be able to catch a ride, wouldn't mind dropping you off at. As stated in the article, "They organize their summer jobs and soical life around where they can walk or take public transportation or car-pool with friends" (1, Rosenthal). Another reason why many people do not drive, is due to the fact that many families and people cannot afford a vehicle, or they choose to not purchase one. As stated in the artice, "'What most intrigues me is that rates of car ownership per household and per person started to come down two to three years before the downturn'" (1, Rosenthal). With less amount of people on the road, this lowers the possible chances of someone being in an accident. The possibility of poeple being in car accident have been lowered, because a majority of the people are refusing to drive. As mentioned in an artice, "When adjusted to the population growth, th enumber of miles driven in the United States peaked in 2005 and dropped steadily thereafter, according to an analysis by Doug Short...the number of miles driven perperson was nearly 9 percent below the peak and equal to where the country was in January 1995" (1, Rosenthal). If the people were to drive less this would mean less accidents and less pollution which could lead to lenghtier lives and to healthier lives. In conclusion, with the limitation on the use of automobiles comes the many possibilities that could possibly save lives and re-shape them into something much more healthier. While reducing the usage of automobiles comes exercise and the relief os stress. Maybe childhood or adulthood obesity would not be as large of an issue if were reduced car usage. Many people could then be healthier and more involeved in their communities. With the limitation of car usage comes the unlimited possibilities.
There are many advantages of limiting car use. The advantages are less pollution, less stress, and benenifical implications for carbon emissions and the environment. These advantages are good for the earth and they benifit us as a people. The first advantage is less pollution. If the cars were limited then, there would not be fumes polluting our air. Cars run on gas which produces smoke from the mufler. Then when you drive around, the fumes and smoke comes out of the mufler and goes into the air. Therefore, it pollutes the air. With cars being limited, then we would have a better earth. To be specific, our nature would be better. But there are more advantages then just less pollution. The second advantage is less stress. You see, in the first article Heidrun Walter says," When I had a car I was always tense. I'm so much happier this way." She was was happy because she sold his car and moved into a car free community. It says also in the first article that," As a result, 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move here". It says that," Vauban completed in 2006, is an example of a growing trend in Europe, the United States and elsewhere to separate suburban life from auto use, as a component of a movement called " smart planning." The third advantage is beneficial implicattions for carbon emissions and the environment. In the fourth passage, Michael Sivak says," What most intrigues me is that rates of car ownership per household started to come down two to three years before downturn. I think that means more fundamental is going on." The article says, " if the pattern persists-and many sociologists believe it will-it will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the environment, since transportation is the second largest source of America's emission." The many advantages of limiting car usage: less pollution, less stress, and benenificial implications for carbon emissions and the environment. Thoughs things are the benifits of limiting car usage. it says in the article that," With all these changes, people who stopped car commuting as a result of the recession may find less reason to resume the habbit.
Has it ever seem hotter than it usually has to you? The sun's heat just burning the skin on your body. Does it feel like if you want to get any where you have drive in a car because it's to far to walk? Cars are our main source of transportation but it is not helping our environment. Gas that is used in cars send off green house gas emissions that hurt the ozone layer, a layer of gas in the stratosphere that protects us from the sun's ultraviolet rays. Many cities have started becoming car free because of this harm to the environment. One of the cities that has become car free is Vauban, Germany Source 1. This city has found a way to become car free so that it is good for the environment and people can still go to stores or their jobs. What this city does is they make suburbs more compact and make store easily a walk away from a store. It mentions in Source 1 that Passenger cars are responsible for 12% of green house gas emissions. In the United states it is at 50%. All those green house emissions put a hole in the ozone layer making it hotter around the world and letting the ultraviolet rays from the sun hit our body which can cause skin cancer. The design of Vauban is used to structure other cities allowing those cities to use less cars. The acumilation of smog can be very dangerous. in Source 2 in talks about Paris having to ban driving due to the amount of smog in city. The people driving would be fined 22 euro. The congestion of the smog dropped 60% because of the ban on driving. Source 2 states that France uses diesel fuel instead of regular gasoline due to a tax policy. Diesel makes up 67% percent of vehicles in France. Diesel fuel is harsher than regular gasosline to the ozone layer because it uses different chemicals and burns quicker than regular gasoline. In Source 4 it talks about the United States using less cars than normal. In April 2013 the number of miles driven per person dropped by 9 percent compared to the past. It also states that the amount of young people driving has dropped 23% between 2001 and 2009. This drop in amount of people driving is very good due to green house gas emissions being the second largest source behind power plants. This drop in cars driven also causes less harm to the ozone layer. Source 4 also says that because of technology and the internet people do not have to drive to see and speak with each other. Instead they can email, call, or text each other. To conclude, with people driving less cars it becomes better for the environment. It allows less smog to build up and hurt the ozone layer allowing ultraviolet rays to harm us. Cities will be designed differently to acomdate the fact of using less cars by making jobs and stores closer to houses.
Mom im going to go outside to get some fresh air" FREEZE! Wait one minute , the air that you breath isnt all that fresh nor clean. Its polluted. But check this out people want car usage to end completely , i know you might think limiting car usage is the worst idea you ever heard . Just to stop pollution ? Yes .But if you think about it no cars equal no bad air. China is one of the MOST polluted cities in the world , cold nights and warm days caused the warmer layer of air to trap air comission. But oh man, oh man France blame diesel fuel to be the problem . 67 precent of diesel fuel is used in france cars. So maybe that statement is correct. Another reason why less car usages could be a good thing , it prevent being stuck in traffic & reduce alot of car accidents. Businessman Carlos Arturo Plaaza stated that "Its a good opportunuity to take away stress & lower air pollution" which i highly agree with. Cars are very stressful, they're always breaking down or something ends up going wrong & you spend tons and tons of money just fixing the problem. "When i had a car i was always tense . Im much happier this way" said Heidrun Walter a media trainer & a mother of two . She walks verdant streets & love listening to her surrounding. But oh my god in Paris if you get caught driving you will suffer a 22 to 31 dollar fine, Leave the car at home please. Since this no car usage thing started colombians hiked , biked , skated or took buses to work & school. There goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. The sidewalks have been replaced in Bogota by broad so it could be smooth and easier to ride on. President Obama goals are to get greenhouse gas. It would lower emission and improve safty! So i think it would sorta be a good idea if we would go through with no car usage . It would be a much healthier and cleaner environment.
Car use all over the world has tried to be reduced throughout the years in attempt to save the environment by using fewer green house emissions, air pollution, and smog. Participating in these measures can help. If all countries would participate, this could make a huge revolution for the world and the environment. In Vauban, Germany the roads are almost completely car free. There are a few exceptions, but they come with a cost. Exceptions according to Rosenthal's source 1, paragraph 2 include, "Car ownership is allowed, but there are only two places to park-- large garages at the edge of the development, where a car-owner buys a space, for $40,000, along with a home." This action allows people to purchase a vehicle, but reduces the amount of people buying them because of the exorbitant additional cost for a parking garage and having to buy a house in that area too. As stated in paragraph 3, of source 1, it has resulted in "70% of Vauban's families do not own cars and 57% percent sold a car to move here." Also sated in paragraph 3, source 1, the people who had cars in the past were always stressed, but now without cars their stress levels have gone down, and they are much happier. Positively, in response to the people eliminating most of the car use, Vaunban has built stores and malls that are in walking distance of the people, (paragraph 6, source 1). In Paris, smog levels have been at their all-time high. In response to these problems, Paris has come up with a system that still allows driving, but reduces the amount of drivers. Their system, according to paragraph 2, of source 2, is "On Monday motorisrs with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31). The same would apply to odd-numbered plates the following day." This would not only reduce smog, but also traffic jams, rush hours, and congestion by 60% says source 2, paragraph 5. This leaves Paris with a win-win. Less traffic leading to less stress, and less smog resulting in a healthier city. Bogota, Columbia participated in a car free day too. As a result, like many others, it reduced pollution and stress. It caused a happier, healthier environment. People who didn't participate were fined $25. If you offer a punishment, it will allow people to participate because they don't want to be fined. Also, offering other forms of transportation such as a bus, bycicles, or skating propel people to do it because they know there will be other forms of ways to get to where they need to go. Negatively, people need to be at a certain place, on a certain time, resulting in their rebellion to take place in the activities held in the city. Positively, the large amount of participation has resulted in the growth of parks, sportcenters, malls, and reconstruction of sidewalks to promote fewer car uses, says source 3, paragraph 9. Elisabeth Rosenthal really touches on the reduction of greenhouse gas emmision because it is better for the environment and for the health of the people world-wide. If technology continues to advance, like it has in the past years, people can continue to communicate over the phone and use car pulling to reduce the amount of cars driven daily. Sharing cars or reducing the amount we get to use them, will also supplement safety for people by reducing car crashes which could save many lives.
Places around the world such as Germany, America, Paris, and Columbia are all contributing to reduce the use of cars to help make the Earth a better place. In German they dont allow cars exept to be parked in a large garage (along with a $40,000 fine) so people can transport without using a car. Paris bans the use of cars to prevent smog which was indeed a problem there. In Bogota, Columbia, they pitch in to help by hosting a car-free day every year, once a year leaving people the options to hike, bike, skate, or take a bus promoting the use of excersize. Advantages to limiting car usage is reducing people from having stress and tensadity and saving the Earth from pollution and smog. Saving people from stress can be helped by the vancansy on the roads, things that limited car usage can provide. Limited car usage can also help contribute to the absence of air pollution and smog and saving your money. "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way" retorted Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two. She, Heidrun Walter, along with others is thankful for the ban of cars because the ban reduces stress and tensity. Buisnessman Carlos Arturo Plaza can second this statement and does by stating "It's a good opportunity to take away stress...". With the absence of traffic jams stress can most definitely be altered to a place of no stress and car-free day can leave the streets devoided of traffic jams, according to Andrew Selsky. Stress can drive someone crazy and it's in everyone's best interest that we, as residants of the world, try and stop the things that can cause stress. Some may argue that not having a car is stressful, but having stress over the presence of traffic jams can over see any other kind of stress to be thought of. Heidren Walker and Andrew Selsky can both support that argument that having a car is a lead to stress that a reduction of cars can elimanate. Tensity and stress aren't the only upsides to a limitation on cars. Are you tired of not being able to see bevause of smog and having bad particles in the air? Limitation can take away these issues! Paris can definitly be one to complain because in Robert Duffer's article "Paris bans driving due to smog" they had 147 micrograms of particulate matter per cubic meter (a little over Brussels counts and almost twice as the amount in Londons). Bogota is also struggling with the presence of smog and are in hopes to anialate the smog by having a car-free day. Car-free day also helps make the air pollution vanquish. Carlos Arturo Plaza gives his opinion by commenting "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." Limitating how much you use your car can greatly help places around the world and help your own body. Almost 4,000 drivers were fined because they chose to invalidate the regulation of not using their car according to Robert Duffer. Is it worth paying the prices? Using your cars overly or when you shouldn't is like throwing away food when you're hungry. It does no good and gets you in a messed up situation. In German suburbs people had to pay a price of $40,000 to pay for a spot to park their car. Is it worth it? People who drove on car-free day had to pay fines of $25. Is it worth it? So much money is down right wasted because of the use of cars so why go down the road of empty pockets? It's not worth it. Save money and live better by not throwing your money down the drain. Places around our world is promoting limiting car use in places like Germany, America, Paris, and Columbia. Germany and Paris are both bannings cars and Columbia is having a car-free day. Making sure we dont over use our cars can help with saving ourselves from stress, saving ourselves from smog and air pollutants, and saving ourselves from an empty wallet. There are so many advantges to limiting our use on how much we drive cars so do yourself a favor, save money, save your sight, get rid of stress and watch those miles!
Limited car use has dramatically reduced the amount of enviromental toxins in the air in some cities. Paris, France and Bogota, Colombia have banned car use for a day and have seen the air clean up just because very few cars were being driven. One community in Germany even banned the use of cars in general. The enviroment is in dire need of help and we can help it. If everyone took one day out of the week where we did not drive anywhere and on the other six days we drove as little as possible and carpooled the air would be so much cleaner. Not driving also has added health benefits, walking or biking everywhere is a good way to excersise. A new kind of suburb has been created in Germany where cars are not allowed. There are a few roads on the perimeter of the city that allow cars to be driven but besides that residents walk or bike everywhere. There is little pollution in the air and residents are able to take a tram into neighboring cities. Seventy percent of families do not have a car and fifty-seven percent of families sold their car to live in this community. If you own a car in this community you can buy a parking spot for forty thousand dollars. One resident, Heidrum Walter, said, "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier that way." Lack of cars also gives parents peace of mind, cars are still dangerous machines and in this community their kids can play without their parents worrying about them getting involved in an accident. Paris' pollution rates have been rising over the years and hit almost record level highs for a few days, so in order to reduce the amount of smog in the air there was a temporary car ban. One day anyone who has a even-number license plate was not allowed to drive. If you were caught driving you had to pay a fine that is equalivant to thirty-one U.S. dollars. The smog miraculosly cleared up quickly and people were able to drive again. Another city in Columbia, Bogota, holds a "Day Without Cars", once a year. Citizens are allowed to use public buses and taxis during this day. The government is trying to advocate for public transportation and smog reduction. Most people walk on this day and even though it has rained on this day before citizens participated just the same. When you choose to walk or bike everywhere it not only makes an impact on the enviroment but it also reduces your risks for dieseases like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Obesity rates in America are a lot higher than they should be and that's partially due to lack of physical activity. By walking or biking to work or to school you reduce that risk because your heart rate is up and your body is moving. Of course if people stop driving obesity will still exist due to our horrible eating habits but it would help a lot. If there was less driving it would also be beneficial to our health because we would be breathing cleaner air. The air we breathe is often times highly polluted and if there was less cars not as many deadly chemicals would be in the air. There would still be cigarette smoke and factory pollution but it would be dramatically less. If people in America reduced their driving time it would be better for the air and better for us. Many other cities have proposed an annual day without cars so I think cities in America should start doing it. We only have one world and although we have done a pretty horrible job of taking care of it, that does not mean we can't attempt to fix the mess we made.
Many people rely on their cars that they do not think about limiting car usage. However liming car usage can have a positive effect. Less car usage can mean less pollution, more humjan interaction, and can save people money. Maybe people should look into the idea of car usage limitations. When you go to a big city like Paris, France or Beijing, China you can look up and see the smog caused by pollution. Pollution can be caused by things other than cars, like factories or paper mills, however car pollution is a big contributer. When car usage is limited for just one weekend the pollution and smog can decrease by incredible numbers. It may seem like pollution is here to stay, but just by half of the population reducing car usage we can make heavy smog a thing of the past. Limited car usage can also cause more human interactions. People using public transportation or walking on the sidewalk can lead to people talking and making new friends. When waiting for the bus or subway you could start a conversation with someone new. That person could become you new bestfriend or your future husband. Maybe they could just be someone you talk to on the way to work each morning. The samething can happen when walking on the sidewalk to your favorite cafe. You could accedently run into them and start a conversation. Maybe you happen to like the same shows or restaurant. Being in your own car alone can cut you off from the world, which is why car pooling can also be good. The four people in the car are all using one car instead of four different cars, so they talk more. This causes more human interactions with everyone in a car together. Car pooling can not only cause human interaction, but can also save money. You do not use your car everyday meaning you do not use as much gas. Gas is very expensive and not paying for it as often can save hundrends of dollars. Each person that is carpooling can switch who does it when so that not one person is paying for all of the gas and driving all the time. This makes everyone save money, which can be spent at businesses making the econemy rise. Limiting car usage may not seem like such a big deal with only little effect, but it can make a huge difference. Limited car usage can cause less polution, more human interaction, and can save people money. This might make you rethink how much you use your car and if you should limit your usage.
The limiting on car usage would be a huge positive on the world and the people. As everyone knows, cars now adays are the key to "Making it around the world". They say cars make your life easier and its good for the economy. Some of those facts are true but at the same time not exactly. Automobiles are the "linchpin of suburbs". People can not live without their cars and need them for where ever they need to go work,the park,the store. Sooner or later in the future humans might not live at all with the usage of cars. In the article In German Suburbs,Life Goes On Without Cars, it says "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe". All these fums and such are being spread in the air. And in Paris, pollution was a big effect on the people. Filing the air with smokes and harmful gases that affect a persons health. Do you want to go outside and have a hard time breathing? Nope i didnt think so. Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France after intensifying smog. Diesel fuel was the cause of that only because France favors diesel over gasoline. This decrease in cars will be better for implications for carbon emissions and the environment. When you buy a car, you need space for it to stay in. A space can cost up to 40,000 max. That is alot of money you could save for other appliances and daily life products. Also with a car you may get fines for speeding or anything in that state. In the article Paris bans driving due to smog Robert Duffer said motorists with evennumbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22euro fine. Almost 4,000 drivers were fined. The less cars the better! why go through all that trouble. As well as less cars means no highway usage meaning more construction for buildings and stores. And think about it! More stores you can shop at and save more money to shop at those stores because you arent buying gas everywhere you go and paying for car insurance. Cars are beneficial for alot of things. But for the people and our future,it would be best to cut out cars and make our lives healthier and better. It will become a huge positive on the world.
To you, a car may mean no more than just getting from point A to point B. Cars play a much bigger impact than it may seem. They affect not only the person driving, but the people around it. They also have a negative impact on the greenhouse gases. So riding a bicycle to work one day, won't just be good for you, it will also be good for the environment around you. Cars have become a universal item. A lot of people have them, but no really gives them much thought. There are a few places that have spent the time and really developed ways to keep a community clean without the hazardous fumes coming from the car exhaust. For example, Vauban, Germany has developed a system where cars are banned. The only place you can keep your car is on the outskirts of town in designated garages. Due to this, most people dont even have a car, and have chosen to sell it before moving in. In Bogota, Columbia they had a developed a day free of cars where anyone that drove a car would have to pay a fine. According to the governer it was a amazing thing and everyone was participating in it. This also helped get some the nasty gases that they produce away. Cars give of hazardous gases threw their exhaust. These gases will rise and get caught in the ozone. Which impacts the environment greatly in more ways than one. It can cause the air your breathing to be toxic. It also is one of the main reasons for "Global Warming". Paris learned this the hard when they reached a record level pollution. They decided they had no choice but to ban half the cars one day and ban the other half the next day. After this the congestion was down 60%, proving that it has helped greatly. Just imagine if one day instead of driving you could ride a bike and help change the environment. Places have tried to develop ways to reduce the levels or gases. Some have been very succesful, for example, in Bogota and Vauban they have found creative ways to help. The question is whether or not cars should be done with all together. To that i'd have to say no, cars play a big part in getting to work on time or traveling. Taking cars away would mean taking away family trips and other fun things to do with cars. The real answer to the question is that cars should not become so much of a necessity. There should be ways for people to get around better without the use of cars. Now what that might be, the future has yet to tell.
There are many fellow citizens in the world that have been using cars are having car accidents and many more terribles things that have happen during inside of a car or outside of a car. According to the passage, Almost 4,000 drivers were fined, according to Reuters. Is better to take a walk, ride a bike, and make the streets a better place. Especially, that up to 50 percent in the United States, there are car-intensive areas. Car- free day, was a big hit in Bogota, and should make it in the United States one day to leave the streets without traffic jams. First, fellow citizens should stop the car usage, to make the streets a better place, walk, ride a bike, or do something that would make the streets much safer. The cars usage, many people have died for these terrible accidents. Limiting car usage, is a great idea, because it supports the streets to not become very dangerous. There are many accidents that have caused of a hit-and-run. So is very important that at least the car usage should stop the humanity. Next, Limiting car usage, is a great idea, because, according to the passage, up to 50 percent in the United States, there are car-intensive areas. Car-intensive areas, such as the traffic jam. Traffic jam, can be very dangerous at some point, and it keeps people very tired and fustrated. According to the article, In Bogota, Colombia, there's a program set to spread to other countries, millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated, or took buses to keep the area as a car-free day, leaving the streets devoiding of traffic jams. So try to ride a bike, walk, skate, or do something, that can be a car-free day, a much safer environment. Then, Limiting car usage, is a great idea, also, because without cars, and only buses and taxis, a which the main goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog, Violators have faced $25 of fines, according to the article, also. Its a really good opportunity to take away the stress and lower air pollution from cars, especially the stress from traffic jams. As what i was saying in the beggining, that many people prefer to use bike, walk, or skate to keep themselves a much safer habit. If your driving, always put on the seatbelt to prevent from car accidents. Limiting car usage is a great way to prevent from all the car accidents out there in the world. Last, Limiting car usage is a great way to the environment, makes the countries a better place. Having a car-free day, especially, is a much safer way to its environment. Ride a bike, walk, skate, or take a bus, if necessary, to prevent from all the car accidents out there in the world, it takes away the stress and decrease its air pollution from having a car-free day, and to promote from alternative transportation and reducing smog. Limiting car usage, is great way to our planet, but there is times that we need it for transporting to a place we want to go. Also, using a bike, walking, or skating is a great tool and excercise to our legs to keep our body maintained and healthy.
Every day, thousands of people lose their lives to automobile accidents, property is destroyed, lives are ruined, and more importantly, the Earth itself is dying. All of these things can be avoided though. By reducing the amount we use cars, we can make a great change in the world. In the following essay I will show you, the reader, how reducing car use can change the world, and hopefully convince you to begin using your car a little bit less. The first advantage I will share with you is that using less cars means denser cities. City planners will make cities more dense to accommodate shorter walking distances. This makes going places much more convenient, and less space in the world being taken up by cities. This not only helps you, but all the people on Earth, as less forests are being destroyed to be used for land for unnecessarily large cities. Denser towns and cities also means that you can spend more time doing things you want to do, instead of traveling to where you want to go. In a very dense city, you can walk down to a coffee shop, order a coffee, walk over to a nearby store and look around there while your coffee is being made, then walk back, get your coffee, and walk to work in the same time it would take just to drive to work in a less dense city. Thins will be more convenient, and more environmentally friendly. Another advantage to less cars being used is lower greenhouse gasses and other harmful emissions. After just 4 days of reducing driving in Paris, smog levels went down drastically. If all harmful emission cars are banned in the world, the environment would return to a much more stable state in no time. This would improve the life span of the world, and help not only humans, but also many animals to survive longer. The final advantage I will talk about is the economical advantage to not owning a car. When you own a car, you have to pay for the car itself, plus insurance, gas, and you have to maintain the car to keep it running. This takes a lot of money out of the pockets of many families. Without a car, you can spend much more money on more needed things. Today I have informed you about the many advantages to using less cars in society, these advantages include denser cities, less greenhouse gasses and other harmful emmissions, and more money to spend on other things. Thank you for reading.
Limiting car usage in america would be a great idea! For one it would make some of the pollution go away and for two our government can find ways for more buildings with walking space instead of parking spaces. This way we can have stores in walking distance instead of driving distance and we will be safe by doing so. By limiting our car usage we can save the planet from the pollution and saving people as well. In the article '' In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars'' it says that '' cars are responsible for for 50 persent in some car-intensive areas in the United States''. Thats alot!. If we were to limit car usage we could make that number 50 dissapear. It would be alot better for the planet . When people drive cars they dont know the damage they are doing. when we drive cars it causes pollution to exit our car and enter the air. Thats why it would be safer tolimit our car usage. in the article '' In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars'' it says that '' In this new approach, stores are placed a walk away, on a main street rather thanin malls along some distant highway''. this is saying that if we limit our car usage we can walk to the stores rather than waste your time driving to them. I do agree with them. Important people like Mr. president Obama are encouraging us to ''chill out'' on car usage. In the article ''the end of car culture '' it states that recent studies suggest that americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer license as each year goes by. This is showing that people do care about their enviornment and want to help. They also support the idea of walking . That goes to show that people are wanting to do something about this pollution. Well lets face it America can use the Exersize!
Cars have been a great tool for transportation, but has it really helped us. Or is it that we are just too lazy to walk to our friends house or go to school. I think that without cars we would be fine. We just have to get use to it like we do with most things in life. Cars have helped us with time and comfterbility but I feel like is also hurting us, because we are getting use to a bad habit because we always want to use our cars when ever we go anywhere. I people in the United States are starting to realize that because in 2013 the number of miles driven per person was nearly 9 percent below the peak and equal to where the country was in January 1995. That means that some people are starting to stop using they're cars because we are witnessing a long term cultural ship. Without cars I feel like pollution wouldn't effect us as it is right now, the cars is what's causing pollution because of the gas. Most kids are starting to not care about cars. The reason for that is because they have found it easier to communicate because now we have all this smartphones and we don't have to be going to our friends house because we have facetimed and things like that on our phones. Now a car is just a means of getting from A to B when Bart doesn't work. We can live without cars it's just a thing of getting use to. All we have to do is give it our best, and we would actually be helping the world because solution wouldn't be as bad ABD people will actually walk to places instead of been lazy and driving they're cars everywhere.
In the modern world, it's uncommon to see someone without a car. Most people own at least one, and use it frequently. In America, suburban areas have few public transport options available making it difficult to get to work or to a store without using a car. However, cars are a massive source of greenhouse gas emissions. Not only that, car accidents have led to millions of injuries and deaths. While companies are working to procure cleaner, safer car models all the time, other countries are taking actions to lower the number of people using personal automobiles every day. In Vauban, Germany, cars are actually banned. This town is much cleaner, and its residents are all happy with the rule. Stores and buildings are placed closer together, making them accessible to more people. Many people bike and walk to the places they need to be. Not only is it good exercise, it cuts down on the pollution going into the air and destroying the ozone. By not driving, no one has to be plagued by the worries of speeding, not going fast enough, getting hit, hitting someone else, or paying for gas. The town, finished in 2006, has done well so far. Germany isn't the only country interested in lowering car usage, though. Recently, Paris was forced to enact a partial driving ban due to smog levels getting out of control. For a while, they were on the same level with Beijing, which is infamous for its horrible pollution. Car emissions have been, as Elisabeth Rosenthal put it in her article, "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars", "choking cities". Paris' solution to the issue was forbidding cars with evennumbered licence plates to be driven one day, and then oddnumbered ones the next. Many people were unhappy with this, but the smog quickly cleared up to acceptable levels. Meanwhile in Colombia, Bogota has a ban on cars as well, though it only lasts for one day a year. Contrasting with the reactions of the French, the citizens of the capitol willingly participate and use other means of transportation. Because of this, the usual traffic jams and wrecks are drastically minimized. This day without cars promotes public transport and lowering smog levels in big cities. Carlos Arturo Plaza, a businessman, vocalized his opinion of the event, saying that "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." The carfree day has led to plenty of changes in the city, such as safer, better sidewalks, less traffic, and more condensed stores and restaurants that are closer together. While it's definitely more common to see someone driving a car than biking to work, steps have been made towards a cleaner future that doesn't involve nearly so many cars. More Americans are limiting their car usage when they can every year. With cell phones and the Internet, it's now much easier to make car pooling arrangements, as well as interacting through the internet without having to leave and drive somewhere. The younger generation is becoming less concerned with getting a license, and is taking up organizing their lives around not having a car. With the recession, cars are becoming harder to afford and maintain. If people can get around those costs, they will. By limiting car usage, pollution levels are dropping, as well as the casualties that come with reckless driving.
Many places in the world, seem to be faceing similar problems; Traffic, pollution, and stress. Some advantages to limiting the usage of cars; is to reduce stress, help the enviorment, and less traffic jams. In "Car-Free Cities" Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two, stated "when i had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way." Also in this new approach people are more accessible to public transportation. The United State's Enviromental Protection Agency has started promoting "car reduced" communities. This is a great benefit to the people and the enviorment. Congestion in the streets of France seem to be a mayor problem. Also "smog" has occured in the air because of various motor vehicles. In Source Two: "Paris bans driving due to smog" after ordering people with even-numbered license plates to leave their cars at home the congestion of smog and traffic went down by 60 percent. Since cars with certain license plates weren't allowed on the street certain days people were given free public transportation,"public transit was free of charge from Friday to Moday". which has also reduced pollution. In source three: "Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota" also demonstartes the positiveaspects of limited car usage. Even buissness man Carlos Arturo Plaza is talking about it, "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." Colombia's way to reduce pollution and the smog in the air is by promoting alternative transportation. If people decide to go against the day of no cars in the street, they will be faced with $25 fines. It was such a positive outcome that two more cities other than Bogota decided to join, Cali and Valledupar, joined the event. But throughout time Enrique Riera, the mayor of Asuncion,Paraguay commented "these people are generating a revolutionary change, and this is crossing borders." This campaign began in Bogota in the mid-1990s. this event has dramatically cut traffic; and new restrants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up. The advantages of limiting the car usage, helps the enviorment by not causing much pollution to the air, because of the motor vehicles. Causes less stress and tension to people that have a motorized vehicles,also causes less traffic collisions and more space.
There are many advantages of limiting car use. Have you ever thought of just how much gas we use and how bad it is for our air? All the driving we do as teenagers is a way of showing our freedom for most, others just need a ride. I drive myself but I do have to say i couldn't give up my car, i don't live close enough to anywhere so that I could ride a bike or walk, otherwise it's a great idea. Some advantages are not as much greenhouse gasses are emitted into the air. I also see that without driving some can get more excessive that is well needed, and it also gives people the chance to see the things they don't see every day because they are in such a hurry. It can also help use save our resources that have been having shortages. In America not many people are worried about driving and getting their licenses as there use to be. Another advantage is that we can save money that could be used for other things. Some places are having days that people cannot drive and if caught the get fined. I think its neat seeing a community coming together and doing stuff together. It shows just how are humanity works. Another advantage ISS that you can slow down, and see those around you that you haven't seen before or in a while. I could go a day without driving, maybe even two. Could you ?
The automobile was made a long time ago to help us move around faster and more efficient,however,have we really thought about the benefits that could come from limiting the usuage of cars such as:Saving money in gas and insurance,Less car crash related injuries and even because its better for the enviroment. With limiting the usuage of cars comes many pro's such as saving money. On average,an American spends about thirty-five to fourty dollars on gas per fill-up and one hundred to two hundred dollars a month on insurance a month depending on age,experience,accidents,etc. By limiting your car usage comletely or even just a little just imagine the extra money you'll have aying around for the nessecities and maybe even a ittle you-time. Say you buy a bike and the only time you use your car is to drive to work and anywhere out-of-state,that means that you'll be able to go a week with roughly two gallons of gas. That puts you at about thirty-eight hundred dollars a year where if you were purchasing four or five gallons a week you'd be spending approximately eleven thousand dollars a year. Thats no chump change. You're insurance would gradually decrease due to safe driving and age so along with gas being cheaper,so would the insurance. Florida is a state well-known for car crashes due to weather conditions like rain and fog and you can't do anything to change that other than take a different,much safer mode of transportaion such as a bus. Nowadays bus and semi-truck drivers are more experienced and cautius then they used to for one reason,CYB(Cover your Butt).You see major bus and semi-truck companies now that due to the size of their vehicles,if there's ever crash involving one of their autmobiles then they're likely to get blamed cause of the size of the vehicles and so it would make since for them to send their drivers to extensive training and make sure that their trucks are in good hands,which is exactly what they do. Studies show that you're chances of being in a wreck in a bus are one of every one hundred rides while being in a car driven by yourself puts you at a whopping one of ten ridesyur chances of safety are greatly increased. The United States of America has no shortage of pollution and that's not helped by the fact that we have one of the largest populations of personal automobiles inhabiting this country. There are many other kinds of pollution that occurrs in the land of the free but most of it like factory smoke,large ship(boat)smoke and even resturant made smoke can not really be stopped or diminished by you or me but one form of pollution we can prevent is automobile smoke. In the US up to fifty percent of greenhouse gas is from cars(certain areas).If you stop using you car and ride a bike even thugh it won't seem like muchyou'd be suprised at the difference. Say a sall cmmunity around yur neighborhood gives up their cars that could account for half a percent of greenhouse gas which is more than it seems. Just ask yourself if you want your friends and family growing up in a dying,polluted world. In conclusion,I'm not discrediting the huge help cars can be in our daily lives I'm just saying if we continue along this car-orientated path,pollution may be what ends our daily lives.
We use them everyday, they get us to our destinations, but what would life be without them? What benefits could arise from limiting the usage of cars? According to source 1, "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars," source 2, "Paris bans driving due to smog," source 3, "Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota," and source 4, "The End of Car Culture," limiting the usage of cars has gained advantages towards traffic, pollution, and the overall community to better benefit the environment. In source 1, "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars," residents of the "upscale community" of Vauban, Germany, have become "suburban pioneers" and "have given up their cars." Although in many cities around the world it is unimaginable to give up your cars, it has become increasingly beneficial towards the environment and community. It is said to be "a huge impediment to current efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes," as cars are responsible for "12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe, and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States." Planners are now taking the concept to "suburbs" where "stores are placed a walk away, on a main street, rather than in malls along some distant highways," thus making the car-banning residential friendly, and environmentally helpful. Not only will the limiting usage of cars be beneficial towards the community, it will also be beneficial towards your mental health as said by Heidrun Walter who stated "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." In source 2, "Paris bans driving due to smog," residents of Paris are also seeing increasing advantages "after days of near-record pollution" when Paris "enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city." within "five-days of intensifying smog," "congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France." If five-days can have a significant beneficial impact, imagine what a month can do, or a year, or even a decade towards the restoration of the environment. Similar to the previous cities in the sources mentioned, Bogota also participates in a "car-free day" as stated in source 3, "Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota," where "millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work," "leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams." In this "Day Without Cars" campaign, "the goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog," and its goal is being reached. By banning the usage of cars "it's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," said businessman Carlos Arturo Plaze. Along with many other advantages such as the "blooming" of "parks and sports centers" "throughout the city; uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks; rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic; and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up," as stated in the article. Last but not least, in source 4, "The End of Car Culture," "recent studies" have shown that "Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by," and "if this pattern persists... it will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the environment." With a decreasing amount of citizens driving, Bill Ford, executive chairman of the Ford Motor Company, has "led out a buisness plan" that will "create cities in which pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emissions and improve safety." The decreased usage of cars will have an everlasting positive impact on the environment. In conclusion, although living in a world free of cars is a world many of us can never dream of, it has shown to lead to significant advantages towards traffic, pollution, and the overall community, which can be seen in the cities; Vauban, Germany, Paris, France, Bogota, Columbia and the United States -- as stated in the sources "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars," "Paris bans driving due to smog," "Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota," and "The End of Car Culture." Many of us should no longer dread the banning of cars, but anticipate it.
Many cars haven't been use in different countries, some cars have just been ban for certain reasons. Many says it's from reason of pollution in the air of the streets of Paris. There have been many others some streets in the area are not allowing cars in the zone, so they are car free zone. The smog made many affects towards the area, it created bike paths, side walks replacement. Diesel gas vehicles made the most polluted smog in each area Car ownership shave been making a big deal about large parking garages for the development which also comes with a home for $40,000. French and Swiss borders Vauban's streets are completely car free zones. More than about 70% percent of the Vauban's families do not own cars. Which also leads to 57% percent of them sold a car to move into the local area. Most of the women and children use bicycle to travel around the area to get to place. The situation got so bad that 12% percent of the passengers cars were responsible for greenhouse gas emission in Europe. And 50% percent of some car intensive areas in the United States. Many people tried to make an effort for the past two decades to make the cities denser. Developments have started to change since World War II, David Goldberg made efforts for the transportation for America AMD fast-growing coalition of hundreds of groups. In New York suburbs without spread out homes and private garages were the dreams town of the 1950s and still exert a strong appeal. Why did Paris ban driving ? After days of the pollution recorded nears to high rates to a danger zone. The pollution causes motorists to leave their automobile at home or get fined 22 euro ($31), many reports were saying almost 4,000 drivers have been fine because they chose to drive their cars. The smog congestion was down to 60% percent because Beijing, china was one of the biggest cities with most polluted cities in the world. Diesel fuel was one of the worst ways to travel around with, because it causes a lot more pollution, diesel makes up to 67% percent of vehicles in France compared to a 53.3 percent average of diesel engines in the rest of Western Europe according to Reuters. The smog created a car free day, the third straight year cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the day without cars in this capital of city of seven million. Many violates faced a $25 fines, municipal authorities from others countries came to Bogot, improvements campaign in the mid 1990s. The smog also created a 118-mile paths for most Latin American city according to Mocks, the city mayor. Some sidewalks have been replaced by broad.\, smooth sidewalks, rush hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic. President Obama ambitious goals to curb the United States greenhouse gas emissions unveiled. America adjusted the population growth, the number of driven miles in the United States peaked in 2005 Anand dropped steadily. By the many measures the decrease preceded the downturn and appear to be persisting now that will be recovered under way. Over the years driving has been decreasing because of the polluted areas in other countries. But many citizens refused to ride bike or take buses for transportation. So the causes has everyone to end of the car culture.
German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars Now a days in VAUBAN, Germany people living in these lovely suburbs are living without automobiles. This area specifically is now known as a car free zone, all except for a main tram that runs from Vauban to downtown Freiburg. Although there arent any cars running on the streets doesnt mean ownership isnt allowed, you are allowed to own a vehicle, granted you park it in 1 of 2 spots. Either a 40,000 dollar registered parking garage, or at home in your garage. Vauban is known to have 70 percent of people without cars and 57 percent sold their cars to live in Vauban. Someone by the name of Heidrun Walter, a media trainor stated "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." Now a days people roaming the streets are moving around Vauban in three different ways, Walking, biking or the city tram. Though these arent as fast and convienient as cars they still are transportation. Life for many people in Vauban is great because its the relief of no polution, the crashes and killings of pedestrians decreased greatly and just all in all less money wasted on gas. Suburbs are used to great numbers of vehicles, just look at Chicago or Shanghai. A suburb is a place where many middle class families settle down and buy homes to live in. This being said cars help greatly reduce the gas fumes in greenhouses when they are banned and not being used. Just a slight percentage of 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe alone and greatly increased to 50 percent in the United States. Vauban, home to 5,500 residents is very small due to the no car zone, what people dont know is within this city is closely compacted stores (walking distance for short travel) and other buildings. Most of the development since World War II is the basic structure of a car, focusing on a car was the biggest development of history, but a man named David Goldberg said "That will have to change." Paris bans driving due to smog Many days of pollution caused Paris to form a partial driving ban to help maintain air pollution. Not only that Paris ordered many motorists to leave there cars or be forced to pay a large fine of 22- euros or $31. Many did what was said and many did not, if they werent cooperating they would pay the fine and have the vehicle impounded. Most of frances pollution came from the favored diesel, they had a tax policy that supported diesel instead of gasoline. Due to the favoring of Diesel making up 67 percent of the vehicle gas consumption. France earned many complaints from companies world wide, delivery companies especially. They complained over lost revenue. Thats not all, because of this complaint France had to make a couple exceptions like Electric, hybrid vehicles and a Fee as free as a bird for the transit (Friday through Monday). Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota Bogota, Columbia - On a day like no other the people of Columbia set aside there Colorful vehicles to do a more enviromental favor. They rode Bicycles, hiked, skated or even took a bus to work to free Columbia of traffic jams and pollution. This has began to influence other countries into believing you dont need a vehicle to get around, it helped them realize a different meaning in transportation. This banned vehicles and helped reduce smog. Though the rain comes down constantly on Bogota it hasnt stopped them from participating in this event, the people of Bogota state "it helps relieve stress and lower air polution I like it." Cali and Valledupar, two other columbian countries also decreased vehicle use. Many authorities from seperate countries took a boat or plane to visit Bogota to see the event and were quite enthusiastic. The End of Car Culture Studies in America state due to Obama's goal to lower greenhouse gas emissions is so fortuitous people of america are purchasing less vehicles, driving less and getting fewer licenses. The United States being the worlds largest population of driving is coming to an end. The United States is so large in the driving industry because of The making of the Model T, and the immortalization of "Mustang Sally." Getting rid of the transportation which sociologists think will happen isnt going to get rid of all the gas emission due to power plants. New Yorks bike sharing policy and a Toll on bridges has greatly decreased driving in it. This all shows exact evidence of how the earth is trying to better themselves to get rid of pollution. Not because they are getting rid of cars, but because they are getting rid of cars and keeping people happy. Just remember, just because your forced to stop using a car doesnt mean you should give up and quit, just see it as a change in your life and a relief you are helping to make on earth.
The invention of the car was a revolution in itself, developing a new, faster way to get to far away places. However, the more people use transportation the more it seems to affect our everyday lives in both positive and negative ways. Transportation can cause a lot of pollution which could in later years really affect how people live their lives today, but a new car-free revolution could be just what the world needs to delay that probable outcome. Pollution comes from all different kinds of things like cars, factories, and even smoking. Right now this is the only world in which is stable for people to live on and all these things that pollute the air could risk how much longer people get to have it. Andrew Silky says that in Bogot, Columbia the 7 million citizens have dedicated a day in which no personal car transportation is used. This one day has not only helped reduce the pollution, but also benefit the town in many ways. Such as new parks and stores have been able to open, sidewalks have been re-paved, rush-hour restrictions cutting the traffic down, and also the construction of 118 miles of bicycle paths. This "Car-Free Day" has also reached out into other countries as well and according to Enrique Rear, the mayor of Asuncin, Paraguay, "These people are generating a revolutionary change, and this is crossing borders." A businessman named Carlos Arturo Plaza says that the "Car-Free Day" in Bogot is, "a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." Just one day without having to drive and worry about the risks of driving can take a weight of stress off of some peoples' shoulders. In Vauban, Germany there are no residents that own a single car. Elisabeth Rosenthal described the city saying that, "Street parking, driveways and home garages are generally forbidden in this experimental new district..." Some towns residents said that having a car would always have them tense, and they were much happier living in a "no car city". Having to deal with every day stress is hard enough, but when you have to deal with additional driving stress it can really take a toll on some people. "Recent studies suggest that Americans are buying power cars, driving less and getting power licenses as each year goes by," says Rosenthal. America has long been known as one of the world's prime car cultured countries in the world, but since the peak of miles driven in 2005 these miles have been steadily decreasing with every year. Studies have shown that there has been a big drop in the percentage of 16- to 39-year-olds who get their license. The percentage of young drivers getting their licenses has decreased by 23% between the years 2001 and 2009 in America alone. A decrease in people owning their own vehicles means that there could be a decrease in the pollution that cars burden the earth with every year. Bogot, Colombia is a great example of a new revolution soon to come. This hopeful revolution will not only decrease pollution, but stress as well. A decrease in the population of young people getting their licenses could also greatly affect the way in which the world transports people from place to place. Transportation can cause a lot of pollution which could in later years really affect how people live their lives today, but a new car-free revolution could be just what the world needs to delay that probable outcome.
Limiting car usage has many advantages. Such as putting a lot less pollution in the air and having your stress level go down letting you spend time with your family and friends. When we put pollution in the air it ruins our beautiful ecosystem. When driving a car you have to stress about how much gas you have or you stress about if you are going over the speed limit. The first advantage to not having cars is we limit the amount of pollution in the air. Did you know that in Europe you cause up to twelve percent of its greenhouse gas, and in the US you cause up to fifty percent of that gas, that just goes in the air causing the air that we breath to become polluted. Some ways to prevent this is to car-pool with someone or just to walk there and not drive, you get to help the envirnment and you get your daily workout as well. Some countries have taking the role of taxing anyone who wants to use a car. Like in France, who has a tax policy that makes people choose diesel intead of regular gasoline. France has over sixty-seven percent of cars that run on diesel fuel. Paris has banned the use of cars do to the huge amount of smog they are having. The second advantage for limiting the usage of cars is lowering your stress level and being able to spend time with family and friends. To help with this some countries have programs that provide people with bikes and other forms of transportation in order for people to get to work. When people don't drive cars and walk with their kids to drop them off at school then go to work it keeps the traffic and all the stress that comes with it down to an all time low. When summer time comes around teens can organize what they do and who they hang out with based on where they are and how far they want to walk to get there. So limiting the usage of cars has many significant advantages like less pollution and being able to spend time with family and friends while lowering your stress level. So before you get in your car and drive to wherever you are going just take a second and think, can I walk there instead.
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