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Class GUILogin Date: 18/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description Make the mask that guides the patient the inclusion of the code of hospital card and PIN Attributes Name Access Description Private btnAnnulla button used to return implemented by the mask GUISfondo Private btnCancella button used to delete the last digit typed on panelKeys Private btnEsegui button used to confirm data Private panelDisplay Panel used to see codes inserted through the panelKeys Private panelKeys panel containing the keypad Numerical be used to insert the code of his hospital card and your PIN Methods Signature showLoginError () Public Access Description Show an error message when in the process of validation of the patient not be successful Signature show () Public Access Description View mask Signature login () Public Access Description Manages the event generated by the patient when Hospital after inserting the card and PIN starts validation procedure Signature logout () Public Access Description Manages the event generated by the patient when abandons the system
Class Definition
Class GUIPrincipale Date: 18/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description Make the main form of Easy Clinic2003 Box Tower This form is task of guiding the patient in the choice of information to be displayed Attributes Name Access Description Private btnAnagrafica button used to access the Personal Details section Private btnCartellaClin button used to access the ica section Folder Clinic Private btnPrenotazioni button used to access the Reservations section Private btnUscita button used to leave application Methods Signature show () Public Access Description View mask Signature abilitaAccesso () Public Access Description Manages the event generated when the procedure validation ends with the success Patient is then enabled Signature cartellaClinica () Public Access Description Manages the event generated when the patient obtained access click Folder Clinic to access your folder Clinic Signature datiPaziente () Public Access Description Manages the event generated when the patient obtained access click the button Data Details to view its data details Signature reservations () Public Access Description Manages the event generated when the patient obtained access click the button Reservations to see reservations which set
Class Definition
Class GUIAnagrafica Date: 18/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description Make the mask used to show detail the anagrafica data of Patient Attributes Name Access Description Private btnRitorna button used to return to mask GUIPrincipale Private panelDati panel containing all the data aagrafica on the Patient Methods Signature visualizzaAnagrafica () Public Access Description Manages viewing anagrafica data Master Patient Signature getAnagrafica () Public Access It gets the description of anagrafica patient data that log on
Class Definition
Class GUIPrenotazioni Date: 18/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description Make the mask used for reservation of display by Patient Attributes Name Access Description Private btnRitorna button used to return to mask GUIPrincipale Private gridElenco Grid in which Only the reservations meet the search criteria set by the Patient Private listaAppuntament list containing all reservation made by Patient Private panelParametri panel containing all objects giving the possibility to Patient to set the parameters for research reservations: start date search and filtering type visit Methods Signature visualizzaPrenotazioni () Public Access Description Filter and displays reservations in listaAppuntamenti based on the criteria chosen by Patient and displays the results in gridElenco Signature getPrenotazioni () Public Access Description Get the list of reservation by Patient
Class Definition
Class GUICartellaClinica Date: 18/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description Make the mask used for viewing the clinic folder of Patient Attributes Name Access Description Private btnDettagli button used to display the details of the visit selected Private btnRitorna button that allows you to return the main form GUIPrincipale Private panelDatiAnagraf panel containing the anagrafica data ici Patient Private panelElencoVisit panel containing a grid in and what appear visits that the patient claimed Methods Signature visualizzaDatiPaziente () Public Access See description at the top of mask the anagrafica data of patient Signature visualizzaElencoVisite () Public Access Description View Grille (panelDatiAnagrafici) containing the visits paid by Patient Signature getCartellaClinica () Public Access Get the description of clinic folder of patient Signature dettagliVisita () Public Access Description Manages the event generated by the patient when Decides to view the details of a visit clicking on the button in the details mask implemented by GUICartellaClinica
Class Definition
Class GUIVisita Date: 18/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description Make the mask on visits offers the opportunity to view patient detailed data for a visit Attributes Name Access Description Private btnNext button used to see the subsequent examination of the Visit concerned Private btnPrev button used to see The previous examination of the Visit concerned Private btnRitorna button used to return to the form of clinic folder (GUICartellaClinica) Private panelDatiEsami panel containing data on a review carried out by Patient Private panelDatiVisita panel containing all data for a visit Methods Signature create () Public Access Description Manufacturer of Class Signature destroy () Public Access Destroyer description of the class Signature getDettagliVisita () Public Access Description Get the details of a visit
Class Definition
Class GUILogin Date: 16/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description Make the mask that guides Operator during the validation Attributes Name Access Description Private btnAnnulla button used to end the implementation of Easy Clinic 2003 Operator Private btnEsegui button used to confirm data Private panelDati panel containing the boxes text where the operator enters the login Methods Signature showLoginError () Public Access Description Show an error message if in the process of validation is not successful Signature login () Public Access Description Manages the event generated when the patient start the process of validation Signature logout () Public Access Description Manages the event when the operator leaves the system
Class Definition
Class GUIPrincipale Date: 18/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description Make the main form of Easy Clinic2003 Box Tower This form is task of guiding the patient in the choice of information to be displayed Attributes Name Access Description Private btnAnagrafica button used to access the Anagrafica section Private btnCartellaClin button used to access the ica section Folder Clinic Private btnPrenotazioni button used to access the Reservations section Private btnUscita button used to leave application Methods Name show () Public Access Description View mask Signature abilitaAccesso () Public Access Description Manages the event generated when the procedure validation goes well Signature laboratories () Public Access Description Manages the event generated when the Operator access to the section devoted to the laboratories Signature management () Public Access Description Manages the event generated when the Operator access to the section on the management of the outpatient Signature doctors () Public Access Description Manages the event generated when the Operator access to the section on management data on doctors who are outpatient Signature primaVisita () Public Access Description Manages the event generated when the Operator start the procedure of reservation a first visit Signature Tours () Public Access Description Manages the event generated when the Operator access to the section on management visits Signature Reservations () Public Access Description Manages the event generated when the Operator Reservations access to the section to have a report them
Class Definition
Class GUIAnagrafica Date: 16/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description abstract class used to define GUIAnagraficaLaboratorio of classes and GUIAnagraficaMadico Attributes Name Access Description Private btnElimina button that allows you to start delete procedure the anagrafica of a laboratory or a doctor Private btnModifica button that allows you to start procedure for changing th anagrafica a laboratory or doctor Private btnNuovo button that allows you to start procedure for input a laboratory or doctor Private panelDati panel containing all the data concerning their age in examination Methods Signature notificaSuccesso () Public Access Description Displays a message to notify the success of the operation carried out by operator
Class Definition
Class GUIAnagraficaLaboratorio Date: 16/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description Make the mask on the management the anagrafica of laboratories Attributes Name Access Description Private gridElencoLaborat list containing the information gold key laboratories registered within S I O Methods Signature visualizzaDatiLaboratorio () Public Access Description View details of the laboratory selected in the panelDati Signature visualizzaElencoLaboratori () Public Access Description View list of laboratories registered in the S I O Signature gestioneAnagrafica () Public Access It description of the retrieval of all information necessary for the organization of the mask implemented by GUIAnagraficaLaboratorio
Class Definition
Class GUIAnagraficaMedico Date: 16/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description Make the mask on the management the anagrafica of doctors Attributes Name Access Description Private gridElencoMedici list containing the information principal of doctors registered in I S O Methods Signature visualizzaDatiMedico () Public Access Description View details of the doctor selected Section panelDati Signature visualizzaElencoMedicii () Public Access Description View list of doctors registered in I S O Signature gestioneAnagrafica () Public Access It description of the retrieval of all information necessary for the organization Mask implemented by GUIAnagraficaMedico
Class Definition
Class GUIResoconto Date: 16/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description abstract class used to define the Classes and GUIResocontoVisite GUIResocontoEsami GUIResocontoPrenotazioni Attributes Name Access Description Private gridRisultati grid within which will show the results of report Private btnRicerca button to start the search for visits examinations or reservation in outpatient Private btnUscita button that allows you to return to mask represented by GUIPrincipale Methods Signature visualizzaRisultati () Public Access Description View search results that the conduct for Operator reports activities held in outpatient
Class Definition
Class GUIResocontoVisite Date: 16/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description Make the mask on the management of reports of visits required in outpatient Attributes Name Access Description Private panelParametri panel containing the parameters necessary to set criteria creation of report of visits Methods Signature resocontoVisite () Public Access It description to find all the information necessary to generate the report in compliance with the criteria specified
Class Definition
Class GUIResocontoEsami Date: 16/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description Make the mask on the management of reports of the examinations prescribed in visits incurred in outpatient Attributes Name Access Description Private panelParametri panel containing the parameters necessary to set criteria creation of reports of the examinations Methods Signature resocontoEsami () Public Access It description to find all the information necessary to generate the report in compliance with the criteria specified
Class Definition
Class GUIResocontoPrenotazioni Date: 16/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description Make the mask on the management of report of reservation in outpatient Attributes Name Access Description Private panelParametri panel containing all the parameters necessary to set criteria creation of reports Reservations Methods Signature resocontoPrenotazioni () Public Access It description to find all the information necessary to generate the report in compliance with the criteria specified
Class Definition
Class GUIPianiPrenotazioni Date: 16/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description Its task is to display the mask on the management of the plans Reservations made in outpatient Attributes Name Access Description Private btnUscita button that allows you to return the mask represented by GUIPrincipale Private panelParametri panel containing all the parameters necessary to set criteria creation of plans for reservations Methods Signature pianiPrenotazioni () Public Access It description to find all the information necessary for the generation of plan reservation in compliance with the criteria specified
Class Definition
Class GUITempiMedi Date: 16/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description Its task is to display the mask on the calculation of the average time that are occurred to serve a request for Reservations Attributes Name Access Description Private btnUscita button that allows you to return the mask represented by GUIPrincipale Private graphRisultati Chart shows the average time that is `to serve occurred a request for Reservations Private panelRisultati panel with the results (numerical) obtained from the calculation of average time to serve the demands of Reservations Methods Signature tempiMedi () Public Access It description to find all the information necessary for the calculation of average Pending
Class Definition
Class GUIManagement Date: 16/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description Its task is to display the mask on the management functions to monitor activities Outpatients Attributes Name Access Description Private btnPianiPrenotazioni button that provides access implemented by the mask GUIPianiPrenotazioni Attributes Private btnResocontoEsami button that provides access implemented by the mask GUIResocontoEsami Private btnResocontoMedicina button that provides access will be deployed to mask GUIResocontoMedicinali Private btnResocontoPrenotaz button that provides access ions to form implemented by oprator GUIResocontoPrenotazioni Private btnResocontoVisite button that provides access implemented by the mask GUIResocontoVisite Private btnTempiMedi button that provides access implemented by the mask GUITempiMedi Methods Signature resocontoVisite () Public Access Description Its task is to draw handler class associated with the mask implemented by GUIResocontoVisite Signature resocontoEsami () Public Access Description Its task is to draw handler class associated with the mask implemented by GUIResocontoEsami Signature resocontoPrenotazioni () Public Access Description Its task is to draw handler class associated with the mask implemented by GUIResocontoPrenotazioni Signature tempiMedi () Public Access Description Its task is to draw handler class associated with the mask implemented by GUITempiMedi Signature pianiPrenotazioni () Public Access Description Its task is to draw handler class associated with the mask implemented by GUIPianiPrenotazioni
Class Definition
Class GUILoginPaziente Date: 19/09/03 Version: 0 01 000 Description Make the mask that manages access by Part of the section Patient Attributes Name Access Description Private btnValida button that starts the process access to this patient Private btnAnnulla button that lets you exit the login mask Private editCodiceHC Text box used to allow the operator to enter the code of dell'Hospital Card Patient Private editCodoceFiscal Text box used to and enable the operator to enter the tax code Patient Methods Signature showLoginError () Public Access Description Show an error message if the procedure for access to the section Patient fails Signature login () Public Access Description Manages the event generated when the Operator insert the code card or dell'hospital Patient tax code and run the validation procedure
Class Definition
Class GUIPaziente Date: 16/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description Make the mask on the management of reservation by Patient the operator Attributes Name Access Description Private btnAnnullaPrenot button that allows you to start action procedure delete of a procedure Private btnModificaDatiP button that allows you to start pazient procedure for changing the data anagrafica Patient Private btnModificaPreno button that allows you to start assessment procedure for changing a Reservations Private btnPrenotaVisita button that allows you to start reservation procedure of a visit Methods Signature show () Public Access Description View mask Signature abilitaAccesso () Public Access Description Manages the event generated when the procedure validation goes well Signature eliminaPrenotazione () Public Access Its task description call the handler class associated with the mask represented by GUIEliminaPrenotazuione and begin the process delete of a reservation Signature modificaAnagrafica () Public Access Description Its task is to draw handler class associated with the mask represented by GUIAnagraficaPaziente and begin the process of Review of data anagrafica Patient Signature modificaPrenotazione () Public Access Description Its task is to draw handler class associated with the mask represented by GUIAnagraficaPaziente and start the procedure Review of data relating to a reservation Signature prenotaVisita () Public Access Description Its task is to draw handler class associated with the mask represented by GUIPrenotaVisita and start the procedure reservation a visit
Class Definition
Class GUIPrenotaVisita Date: 16/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description Make the mask on the management booking a visit Attributes Name Access Description Private btnAnnulla button that allows you to return implemented by the mask GUIPaziente Private btnConfermaTipo button that allows you to confirm type of access to reservation Private btnPrenota button that allows you to confirm Reservations Private panelDataVisita panel containing the date of proposed visit by the system Private panelDati panel containing the necessary data to make a reservation Private panelTipoVisita panel containing the various types of visit which can be booked Methods Signature notificaSuccesso () Public Access Description Its task is to notify the success of Signature show () Public Access Description View mask Signature visualizzaDataVisi Public Access ta () Description View date proposed by the system Signature visualizzaDatiVisi Public Access ta () Description View data for a reservation Signature eliminaPrenotazione () Public Access Description Manages the event generated when the Operator Select a reservation and start the procedure delete Signature modificaPrenotazione () Public Access Description Manages the event generated when the Operator Select a reservation and start the procedure changing Signature prenotaVisita () Public Access Description Manages the event generated when the Operator select and start the reservation process a new visit Signature primaVisita () Public Access Description Manages the event generated when the Operator Select a reservation and start the procedure reservation a first visit
Class Definition
Class GUISelezionaPrenotazione Date: 16/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Make description to permit the mask the operator to select a particular Reservations Attributes Name Access Description Private btnSelezionaPrenota button that allows you to confirm options the selection of the reservation made in Methods Signature selezionaPrenotazioni () Public Access It description of the retrieval of all information necessary for the realization of GUISelezionaPrenotazioni
Class Definition
Class GUIAnagraficaPaziente Date: 16/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description Make the mask used for managing of anagrafica data of a patient Attributes Name Access Description Private btnAnnulla button that allows you to return to mask implemented by GUIPaziente Private btnSalva button that allows you to confirm the operation Private panelDati panel containing the necessary data for insert and changing data a patient Methods Signature notificaSuccesso () Public Access or Description Its task is to notify the success of Signature show () Public Access or Description View mask Signature visualizzaDatiPaziente () Public Access or Description View of Patient Data Signature editPaziente () Public Access or Description Its task is to find the information necessary for the modification of a Patient Signature newPaziente () Public Access or Description Its task is to initiate proceedings insertion of a new Patient Signature savePaziente () Public Access or Description Its task is to initiate proceedings saving data of a new Patient
Class Definition
Class GUIHospitalCard Date: 16/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description Make the mask used for dell'Hospital view of a Card Newly recorded patient Attributes Name Access Description Methods Signature visualizzaHospitalCard () Public Access Description Display data Hospital Card Signature stampaHC () Public Access Description Its task is to find the data for the viewing data dell'Hospital Card
Class Definition
Class GUIEliminaPrenotazione Date: 16/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description Make the mask used for management of an Reservations Attributes Name Access Description Private btnAnnulla button used to cancel the delete of a visit Private gridElencoPrenotaz list containing all active reservation made by a patient Methods Signature VisualizzaElencoPrenotazioni Public Access () Description Display the list of reservations made by Patient Signature eliminaPrenotazione () Public Access Description Its task is to find the information necessary for the realization of GUIEliminaPrenotazione
Class Definition
Class GUIElencoPrenotazioni Date: 19/09/03 Version: 0 01 000 Description abstract class used to define GUIEliminaPrenotazione of classes and GUISelezionaPrenotazione Attributes Name Access Description Private btnAnnulla button that allows you to cancel the current operation Private gridPrenotazioni grid containing the list of Reservations still active set by Patient Methods Signature notificaSuccesso () Public Access Description Its task is to notify the success of
Class Definition
Class GUIVisita Date: 16/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description Make the mask used for managing of visits within of the outpatient Attributes Name Access Description Private btnDelete button that allows you to start procedure for delete of a visit Private btnEdit button that allows you to start procedure for changing a visit Private btnNew button that allows you to start procedure for input a new visit Private btnSave button that allows you to start procedure to save a visit just changed or added Private btnUndo button that allows you to cancel The last operation performed Methods Signature notificaSuccesso () Public Access Description Its task is to notify the success of Signature visualizzaElencoVisite () Public Access Description Its task is to see the list of visits Signature examinations () Public Access Description Its task is to manage the event generated When the operator selects a visit from the list and requires access to the section that shows the examination to such visit Signature visit () Public Access Description Its task is to find the information necessary for the realization of GUIVisita
Class Definition
Class GUIEsame Date: 16/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Make description on the mask used for management of examinations related to a particular visit Attributes Name Access Description Private btnDelete button that allows you to start procedure for delete of a examination Private btnEdit button that allows you to start procedure for changing a review Private btnNew button that allows you to start procedure for input a new examination Private btnSave button that allows you to start procedure saving a review just changed or added Private btnUndo button that allows you to cancel The last operation performed Methods Signature notificaSuccesso () Public Access Description Its task is to notify the success of a change or insertion Deleting a; a Signature visualizzaDatiEsame () Public Access Description Its task is to see the details of examination Signature visualizzaElencoEsami () Public Access Description Its task is to see the list of Examination of a visit Signature examinations () Public Access Description Its task is to find the information necessary for the realization of GUIEsame
Class Definition
Class OperatoreManager Date: 16/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description has the task of managing the operations access Easy software system to Clinch 2003 Operator by the Attributes Name Access Description Methods Login Signature () Public Access Description Its task is to manage the operation Login of Signature logout () Public Access Description Its task is to manage the operation logout of
Class Definition
Class PrintManager Date: 16/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description Its task managing the operations of the press contributed to the operator Attributes Name Access Description Methods Signature stampaHospitalCard () Public Access Description Its task is to provide for the retrieval information necessary for printing the hospital card Signature stampaPianoSettimanale () Public Access Description Its task is to provide for the retrieval information necessary for printing the plan Reservations weekly in tabular form Signature stampaResocontoEsami () Public Access Description Its task is to provide for the retrieval information necessary for printing reports of the examinations that the Operator has required Signature stampaResocontoPrenotazioni (Public Access ) Description Its task is to provide for the retrieval information necessary for printing reports of reservations that the Operator has required Signature stampaResocontoVisite () Public Access Description Its task is to provide for the retrieval information necessary for printing records of visits that the operator has required
Class Definition
Class HospitalCardManager Date: 16/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description has the task to manage operations require access to data all'hospital card Attributes Name Access Description Methods Signature assegnaHC () Public Access Description Its task is to assign the card to hospital Patient Signature getHospitalCard () Public Access Returns description of the data card in hospital Patient Signature login () Public Access Description It is through code hospital card and PIN to verify that the patient is present within the I S O Signature saveHC () Public Access Description permanently store data hospital card Signature validaPaziente () Public Access Description It is through code hospital card to verify that the patient is inside of S I O
Class Definition
Class PazienteManager Date: 14/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description has the task to manage operations require access to personal data of Patients Attributes Name Access Description Methods Signature editPaziente () Public Access Description Manages updating of data a patient Signature findPaziente () Public Access Description Checks for a particular patient in the S I O Signature getDatiPaziente () Public Access Description Its task is to find all the information relating to personal data of a given Patient Signature newPaziente () Public Access Description Its task is to create a new patient
Class Definition
Class MediciManager Date: 16/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description has the task to manage operations require access to anagrafica data of doctors who are at outpatient Attributes Name Access Description Methods Signature delMedico () Public Access Description Its task is to manage the disposal of data details of a doctor Signature editMedico () Public Access Description Its task is to manage the change of data anagrafica of a doctor Signature getElencoMedici () Public Access Description has the task of finding the anagrafica data of all doctors Signature getMedicoAt () Public Access Description Its task is to raise the anagrafica of a doctor Signature NewMedia () Public Access Description Its task is to manage the insertion of a new doctor
Class Definition
Class LaboratoriManager Date: 16/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description has the task to manage operations require access to data for Laboratories Attributes Name Access Description Methods Signature delLaboratorio () Public Access Its task description control deletion of data on a laboratory Methods Signature editLaboratorio () Public Access Description Its task is to manage the change data a laboratory Signature getElencoLaboratori () Public Access Description Its task is to obtain a list of all Laboratories Signature getLaboratorioAt () Public Access Description Its task is to find all the information on a laboratory Signature newLaboratorio () Public Access Description Its task is to manage the insertion of a new laboratory
Class Definition
Class PrenotazioniManager Date: 16/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description has the task to manage operations require access to data related to Reservations Attributes Name Access Description Methods Signature deletePrenotazione () Public Access Description has the task to manage the disposal of a Reservations Signature editPrenotazione () Public Access Description Its task is to manage the change data Hotel Reviews Signature getDataDisponibile () Public Access Description Given the nature of the visit calculates the first date available when the visit can "keep Signature getPrenotazioneAt () Public Access Description Its task is to find all the information on a reservation Signature getPrenotazioniPaziente () Public Access Description Its task is to find all reservations a patient Signature newPrenotazione () Public Access Description Its task is to manage the inclusion of a new reservation Signature savePrenotazione () Public Access Description Its task is to save a Standing a reservation Signature pianoSettimanale () Public Access Description Its task is to find all the information necessary for the settlement plan Reservations weekly Signature tempiMediAttesa () Public Access Description Its task is to calculate the average time of Pending that is `to serve occurred request an outpatient service
Class Definition
Class CartellaClinicaManager Date: 16/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description Its task is to manage the data that make up the medical records of a patient Attributes Name Access Description Methods Signature getCartellaClinica () Public Access It description to find all the information on the clinic filder of a patient Signature getDettagli () Public Access Description Provides a load all the details of a visit Signature getDatiPaziente () Public Access Description has the task of finding the anagrafica data of Patient
Class Definition
Class VisiteManager Date: 16/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description has the task to manage operations require access to data of visits performed in outpatient Attributes Name Access Description Methods Signature delvis () Public Access Description has the task to manage the disposal of a visit Signature editVisita () Public Access Description Its task is to manage the change data a visit Signature getElencoVisite () Public Access Provides description of the retrieval of all visits Signature getVisitaAt () Public Access Description Its task is to find all the information on a visit Signature newVisita () Public Access Description Its task is to manage the inclusion of a new visit Signature resocontoVisite () Public Access Description Its task is to find all the information necessary for the composition of the statement of visits made in a given gap time
Class Definition
Class Person Date: 15/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description abstract class used to define the Operator classes and Doctor Patient Attributes Name Access Description CAP Private Postal Code codiceFiscale Private Company ID of the person Private First name Last name of the person dataNascita Private Date of birth of the person Private Address address of the person luogoNascita Private Place of birth of the person luogoResidenza Private Place of residence of the person Private Name name of the person Private notes Additional Notes Private provinciaNascita Province of birth of the person provinciaResiden private residence of the Province person Private details of the person Addresses Private sex sex of the person Methods Signature Access Description
Class Definition
Operator Class Date: 20/09/03 Version: 0 01 000 It contains descriptions for your employees of the outpatient Attributes Name Access Description Private operator login Login Private password associated with the login password Methods Signature validaOperatore () Public Access It description of the procedure for validation of Operator
Class Definition
Medical Class Date: 20/09/03 Version: 0 01 000 Contains the description of doctors who are age at outpatient Attributes Name Access Description Private annoAbilitazione year in which the doctor was licensed to practice profession Methods Signature create () Public Access Description Its task is to create a new object of type Doctor Signature delete () Public Access It description of the delete of a doctor Signature GetAttributes () Public Access It description of the retrieval of all information relating to a doctor Signature save () Public Access Description Provides storage of data from an doctor within the S I O Signature setAttributes () Public Access It description to set the attributes of a physician
Class Definition
Class Patient Data: 15/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description contains the age of the patients who are at outpatient Attributes Name Access Description dataRegistrazion Private Data in which the patient has and contacted for the first time the outpatient Methods Signature create () Public Access Description Its task is to create a new object of type Patient Signature GetAttributes () Public Access It description to find all the information to relating to it Signature save () Public Access Description Provides storage of data from an Patient in the S I O Signature setAttributes () Public Access It description to set the attributes of a Patient Methods Signature validaPaziente () Public Access It description of the procedure for validation Patient
Class Definition
Class Visit Date: 15/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 It contains data description of a visit held in outpatient Attributes Name Access Description History made history private doctor Private Data on where the patient has supported the visit Private diagnosis made by medical diagnosis Private reason Grounds visit Private rilevazioniStrume instrumental observations made ntal during the visit Private therapy treatment prescribed by the doctor Methods Signature create () Public Access Description Its task is to create a new object of type Visit Signature delete () Public Access Provides description of a visit to Signature save () Public Access Description Provides data storage to a visit within the S I O Signature GetAttributes () Public Access It description to find all the information on a visit Signature setAttributes () Public Access It description to set the attributes of a Patient
Class Definition
Class Examination Date: 14/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description contains data of a survey that is was prescribed in a visit held in outpatient Attributes Name Access Description Private Data on where the patient has carried out the examination Private diagnosis made by medical diagnosis Individual results results Methods Signature create () Public Access Description Its task is to create a new object of type Discussed Signature delete () Public Access Description Provides the elimination of an examination Signature save () Public Access Description Provides storage of data from an examination within the S I O Methods Signature GetAttributes () Public Access It description to find all the information on examination Signature setAttributes () Public Access It description of the attributes set by examination
Class Definition
Class TipoEsame Date: 15/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description contains a description of the different types of tests that can be made Attributes Name Access Description Private description description of the type of examination Methods Signature Access Description
Class Definition
Class Data Laboratory: 15/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 Description contains data from a laboratory where they are been laid in the Examination outpatient Attributes Name Access Description ZIP Code Private Post Private City city where it is located on laboratory Private Address address where you are located on laboratory Private party VAT Laboratory Private province Province where it is located on laboratory Private ragioneSociale name of the laboratory Private details of the laboratory Addresses Methods Signature create () Public Access Description Its task is to create a new object of type Laboratory Signature delete () Public Access Description Provides elimination of data on a laboratory Signature save () Public Access Description Provides storage of data a laboratory in the S I O Methods Signature GetAttributes () Public Access It description of the retrieval of all information relating to a laboratory Signature setAttributes () Public Access It description to set the attributes of a laboratory
Class Definition
Class Booking Date: 15/09/2003 Version: 0 01 000 It contains data describing a reservation that is was performed in outpatient Attributes Name Access Description dataRichiesta Private Data that has been carried out ` Reservations dataVisita Private Date of the visit will take place Private Grounds reason for which it was the request Private hour Now that the visit will take place Methods Signature create () Public Access Description Its task is to create a new object of type Reservation Signature delete () Public Access Provides description to a reservation Signature save () Public Access Description Provides the storing of a reservation in the S I O Signature GetAttributes () Public Access It description of the retrieval of all information relating to a reservation Signature setAttributes () Public Access It description to set the attributes of a Reservations
Class Definition
Class TipoVisita Date: 20/09/03 Version: 0 01 000 Description contains a description of the different types of visit that may be made in outpatient Attributes Name Access Description Private code code type of visit (PV DH C) Private description description of the type of visit Methods Signature Access Description
Class Definition
Operator Login Scenario validation run The service was launched following the express request by the actor Operator The access to the screen on the management of the system (for instance GUILogin) enter login and password and check the function The validation then passes control to the instance of GUILoginHandler which delegates to the instance of OperatoreManager the task of managing the latter deals with validate the data entered by using the panel The successful operator is notified of a backward up the application of which requires GUILoginHandler to the instance of GUIPrincipaleHandler to enable access to Patient applicant and that object shall display the main form (for instance GUIPrincipale) This feature is was described by the sequence diagram of Fig 3 2
Interaction Diagrams
Login failed validation Operator Scenario The service was launched following the explicit request by the actor Operator The access to the screen on the management of the system (for instance GUILogin) enter login and password and check the function The validation then passes control to the instance of GUILoginHandler which delegates to the instance of OperatoreManager the task of managing the latter deals with validate the data entered by using the panel The operator of the negative outcome is notified backward up to the instance of which shall GUILoginHandler to display an error message on mask GUILogin This feature is was described by sequence diagram of Fig 3 3
Interaction Diagrams
Inserting anagrafica laboratory The service was launched following the express request by the actor The Operator logs on to form main (for instance GUIPrincipale) and there select the function The laboratories certified management control then GUIPrincipaleHandler to the instance of the delegation which application GUIAnagraficaLaboratorioHandler to the task of providing the The service first step is to obtain a list of all Laboratories therefore control passes to the instance of LaboratorioManager through which instances of Laboratory retrieves the list and return it backward up the application of GUIAnagraficaLaboratorioHandler Now that object shall display the list of laboratories received the mask on the management of database laboratories (for instance GUIAnagraficaLaboratorio) The Operator activates the function of the register inclusion of the laboratory inserts the data of a new outpatient and confirm the data control passes to the instance of the GUIAnagraficaLaboratorioHandler which delegation is to include a new laboratory The application of LaboratorioManager through The body of Laboratory to ensure the inclusion and saving data on the new lab passes the Subsequent GUIAnagraficaLaboratorioHandler which in turn deals with notification by the success of the displaying a message on the screen to managing the laboratories (for instance GUIAnagraficaLaboratorio) This feature has been described ` through collaboration diagram of Fig 3 4
Interaction Diagrams
Changing anagrafica laboratory The service was launched following the express request by the actor The Operator logs on to form main (for instance GUIPrincipale) and there select the function The laboratories certified management control then GUIPrincipaleHandler to the instance of the delegation which application GUIAnagraficaLaboratorioHandler to the task of providing the The service first step is to obtain a list of all Laboratories therefore control passes to the instance of LaboratorioManager through which instances of Laboratory retrieves the list and return it backward up the application of GUIAnagraficaLaboratorioHandler Now that object shall display the list of laboratories received the mask on the management of database laboratories (for instance GUIAnagraficaLaboratorio) The Operator Select from the laboratory to change the active Review the register function of the laboratory and control passes to the instance of the GUIAnagraficaLaboratorioHandler which delegates the task to collect data on the laboratory selected to the instance of LaboratorioManager The latter by the Laboratory of application shall recovery of supplying such data to the instance of GUIAnagraficaLaboratorioHandler which in turn is responsible for Their view on the mask GUIAnagraficaLaboratorio At this point, the operator confirms the changes made and control passes to the instance of GUIAnagraficaLaboratorioHandler The delegation which is to store the data in the laboratory considered the application of LaboratorioManager latter through The body of laboratory provides data to the rescue altered passes control to the instance of GUIAnagraficaLaboratorioHandler which in turn deals with notify success by viewing a special message on the screen on the management the register of laboratories (for instance GUIAnagraficaLaboratorio) This feature has been described ` through collaboration diagram of Fig 3 5
Interaction Diagrams
Delete anagrafica doctor The service was launched following the express request by the actor The Operator logs on to form main (for instance GUIPrincipale) and there select the function anagrafica doctor management control then GUIPrincipaleHandler to the instance of the delegation which application GUIAnagraficaMedicoHandler to the task of managing the service The first step is to obtain a list of all doctors therefore control passes to the instance of the MedicoManager through which instances of Doctor retrieves the list and returns backward up to the instance of GUIAnagraficaMedicoHandler Now that object shall to display the list of doctors obtained on mask on the management of the registration of doctors (instance of GUIAnagraficaMedico) The operator selects from your doctor to be eliminated and active function disposal of medical data of its monitoring and GUIAnagraficaMedicoHandler passes to the instance of the delegation which the task of finding data for selected medical The application of MedicoManager by the panel Doctor provides for recovery of such data will provide application GUIAnagraficaMedicoHandler of which in turn takes care of them GUIAnagraficaMedico mask on display at this point Operator confirms the changes made and control passes GUIAnagraficaMedicoHandler to the instance of which the delegation to eliminate the doctor selected to the instance of MedicoManager latter through the application of Doctor to provide and passes control to the instance of GUIAnagraficaMedicoHandler which in turn deals with notify success by viewing a special message on the screen on the management the register of doctors (for instance GUIAnagraficaMedico) This feature is was described by the collaboration diagram Fig 3 of 6
Interaction Diagrams
Record visit This feature is has been described by collaboration diagrams of Fig 3 21 the main scenario: the service is started following the explicit request The actor part of the operator access to the mask main (for instance GUIPrincipale) and there select the function The management visits then passes control to the instance of GUIPrincipaleHandler which delegates to the instance of GUIVisitaHandler the task of providing the service The first step is to obtain a list of all visits in outpatient therefore control passes to the instance of VisiteManager Through an iterative process are the goods retrieval of all visits and every step is made in as follows: the panel found through VisiteManager The body of data on visits to a visit and then passes control to the instance of that EsamiManager provides through instances of Examination for finding all examinations on the same visit This list is passed GUIVisitaHandler to the instance of which shall display the visits made on the mask on the management visits (for instance GUIVisite) The Operator select the function visiting placement insert data Visit the new and confirms control passes to the application GUIVisiteHandler of the delegation which is to enter the new visit to the instance of VisiteManager latter through Visit the panel and ensure the inclusion of rescue data on a new tour and return control application GUIVisitaHandler of which in turn is responsible to notify success by viewing a message in the form of management visits (for instance GUIVisita)
Interaction Diagrams
input examination The service was launched following the express request by the actor The Operator logs on to form on the management of visits (for instance GUIVisita) Select from a visit to add a assessment and activates the function of inserting a new examination Control then to the instance of GUIVisitaHandler which delegates GUIEsameHandler to the instance of the task of providing the service The first step is to find information on the visit that the operator has selected therefore control passes The application of VisiteManager through the application Visit the retrieves information on the visit selected and passes control to the instance of that EsamiManager through the examination of bodies found a list containing the information relating to the examinations visit The list is GUIVisitaHandler returned to the instance of receiving the control and ensure display of the visit and examinations on the mask on the management of examinations (instance of GUIEsami) The operator inserts the data further examination and confirmation the inclusion of the same at this point the control switches GUIEsamiHandler to the instance of the delegation which is to enter a new examination of the application latter EsameManager through the application for review to ensure the inclusion and Saving data for further examination and passes control to the instance of GUIEsameHandler which in turn deals with notify success by viewing a special message in the mask on the management examinations (for instance GUIEsame) This feature is was described by the collaboration diagrams of Fig 3 22
Interaction Diagrams
Access section patient performed (by code tax) The service was launched following the express request by the actor The Operator logs on to form on the management section of the patient (body of GUILoginPaziente) insert the tax code that Patient has made a request and select the function The validation then passes control to the instance of GUILoginPazienteHandler which delegates to the instance of PazienteManager the task of managing the service this growth deals to validate the data entered by using The body of the patient outcome is the notified backward up to the instance of GUILoginPazienteHandler which requires the application of GUIPazienteHandler to enable access by the Section Patient applicant and that object shall display main form (for instance GUIPaziente) This feature is ` been described by the sequence diagram of Fig 3 13
Interaction Diagrams
Access section patient failed (by code Hospital Card) The service was launched following the explicit request by the actor The Operator logs on to form on the management section of the patient (body of GUILoginPaziente) insert the code from the Hospital Card Patient who has made a request and select the function validation control then the application of GUILoginPazienteHandler which delegates to the instance of HospitalCardManager the task of managing the service The latter is responsible for validating the data entered by through the application of the Hospital Card fails the transaction is notified backward up to the instance of GUILoginPazienteHandler which shall display an error message on screen access (application of GUILoginPaziente) This feature has been described by ` The sequence diagram of Fig 3 14
Interaction Diagrams
Changing age Patient The service was launched following the express request by the actor The Operator logs on to form Patient's main section (for instance GUIPaziente) and there select the function for amending the register of Patient which made the request and then passes control GUIPazienteHandler to the instance of that delegation to the instance of GUIAnagraficaPazienteHandler the task of managing the service A Now the control passes to the instance of GUIAnagraficaPazienteHandler which delegated the task of retrieve patient data on the applicant to the instance of PazienteManager latter through the application of patient provides for recovery of such data and provides them to the instance of GUIAnagraficaPazienteHandler which in turn takes care of them display on screen GUIAnagraficaPaziente At this point, the operator confirms the changes made and Control goes back to the instance of GUIAnagraficaPazienteHandler which delegated the task of store the changes made to data from the Patient concerned the application of this PazienteManager by the panel shall rescue Patient Data and modified when the store passes the control of the application to which GUIAnagraficaPazienteHandler turn is responsible to notify the success of by displaying a message on mask on managing the Patient (instance of GUIAnagraficaPaziente) This feature is was described by the collaboration diagram of Fig 3 15
Interaction Diagrams
reservation a first visit The service was launched following the express request by the actor The Operator logs on to form main (for instance GUIPrincipale) and there select the function reservation an initial visit and then passes control GUIPrincipaleHandler to the instance of the delegation which application GUIPrenotaVisitaHandler to the task of managing the service Given you are reservation a first visit passes control the application of which will GUIAnagraficaPazienteHandler the integration of anagrafica patient data Creation of the new Patient The application displays the class GUIAnagraficaPazienteHandler the mask on the input of anagrafica data of Patient (for instance GUIAnagraficaPaziente) At this point the operator inserts the data and confirmation of patient such data, then passes control to the instance of GUIAnagraficaPazienteHandler who moved to the instance of PazienteManager verify that the patient within If SIO of the patient `This is not then the operation can" and then continue GUIAnagraficaPazienteHandler delegation PazienteManager to the instance of the task of creating the new The patient by the panel shall Patient the creation of a new patient according to data inserted by operator Creating the Hospital Card The application of class PazienteManager passes control to the instance of HospitalCardManager which in turn means The body of Hospital Card provides for the creation of a new Hospital Card to be assigned to Patient A after the creation sends a notification message that the success the backward up to the instance of GUIPrenotaVisitaHandler Choosing the type of visit The application of class GUIPrenotaVisitaHandler displays the mask on the reservation to visit the Patient must be subject (for instance GUIPrenotaVisita) On this Operator select the form and confirms the type of access and control returns to the instance of the GUIPrenotaVisitaHandler which delegation is to include a new reservation to the instance of PrenotazioniManager Creating the new reservation The application of class through the application PrenotazioniManager reservation creates a new reservation, at this point The body of Reservation shall verify the validity of reservation or check that the new reservation respects the sequence of reservations valid If the Reservations is a valid reservation shall notify the success of the creation of a reservation backward up to the instance of GUIPrenotaVisitaHandler Finding data available The application of the proxy class GUIPrenotaVisitaHandler to the instance of PrenotazioniManager task of finding the first date available when the visit can "keep this date is GUIPrenotaVisitaHandler given to the instance of which shall to display it on form reservation a visit (for instance GUIPrenotaVisita) The Operator confirmed the date proposed by the system and control is returned to the instance of GUIPrenotaVisitaHandler Storing data on Patient and Hospital Card The application of class GUIPrenotaVisitaHandler pass GUIAnagraficaPazienteHandler control application to allow it to store data Patient The application GUIAnagraficaPazienteHandler in turn delegated to store personal data relating to patient PazienteManager to the instance of the class that through the application Patient in stores on a permanent basis The data Control is returned to the backward class HospitalCardManager which provides through the application of Hospital Card rescue data Hospital Card on the patient who is reservation the visit Once completion of the operations is returned to storage backward a message notifying the success of the up to come to the instance of the class GUIAnagraficaPazienteHandler Viewing and printing the Hospital Card The application of the proxy class GUIAnagraficaPazienteHandler to view and print the application Hospital Card Class GUIHospitalCardHandler latter obtains data Card on Hospital by the appropriate body to HospitalCardManager displays the data on screen on the display the Hospital Card (for instance GUIHospitalCard) and the delegation to print the Hospital Card to the instance of the class PrintManager control is returned backward to reaching application GUIPrenotaVisitaHandler storing reservation The application of class GUIPrenotaVisitaHandler at this point proceed to store the reservation by delegating this PrenotazioniManager task to the instance of this application through the application for reservation shall saving data on the reservation Once this operation control passes to the instance of GUIPrenotaVisitaHandler which in turn deals with notify success by viewing a special message on the screen on the reservation a visit (for instance GUIPrenotaVisita) This feature is was described by the collaboration diagram of Fig 3 16
Interaction Diagrams
reservation for a visit after initial The service was launched following the express request by the actor The Operator logs on to form Patient's main section (for instance GUIPaziente) and there check the function of reservation a visit next The first control and then passes to the instance of GUIPazienteHandler which delegates to the instance of GUIPrenotaVisitaHandler the task of managing the service Choosing the type of visit The application of class GUIPrenotaVisitaHandler displays the mask on the reservation to visit the Patient must be subject (for instance GUIPrenotaVisita) On this Operator select the form and confirms the type of access and control returns to the instance of which GUIPrenotaVisitaHandler delegating the task to insert a new one application of PrenotazioniManager Creating the new reservation The application of class through the application PrenotazioniManager reservation creates a new reservation, at this point The body of Reservation shall verify the validity of reservation or check that the new reservation respects the sequence of reservation valid If the Reservations is a valid reservation shall notify the success of the creation of a reservation backward up to the instance of GUIPrenotaVisitaHandler Finding data available The application of the proxy class GUIPrenotaVisitaHandler to the instance of PrenotazioniManager task of finding the first date available when the visit can "keep this date is GUIPrenotaVisitaHandler given to the instance of which shall to display it on form reservation a visit (for instance GUIPrenotaVisita) The Operator confirmed the date proposed by the system and control is returned to the instance of GUIPrenotaVisitaHandler Saving Reservation The application of class GUIPrenotaVisitaHandler at this point proceed to store the reservation by delegating this PrenotazioniManager task to the instance of this application through the application for reservation shall saving data on the reservation Once this operation control passes to the instance of GUIPrenotaVisitaHandler which in turn deals with notify success by viewing a special message on the screen on the reservation a visit (for instance GUIPrenotaVisita) This feature is was described by the collaboration diagram of Fig 3 17 Also because? the book a Outpatient service is `the heart of it `is thought to comment on that functionality with un'activity diagram (Fig 3 18) in order to make more clear the iterations that we are among the players and the system itself
Interaction Diagrams
Slipping on a visit to a later date The service was launched following the express request by the actor The Operator logs on to form section on the patient (for instance GUIPaziente) and there check the function of change reservation Control then to the instance of GUIPazienteHandler which delegates GUIPrenotaVisitaHandler to the instance of the task of managing the service Uploading reservations The request for the matter to the instance of GUIPrenotaVisitaHandler GUISelezionaPrenotazioniHandler is to obtain a list of all reservations made by the patient This object passes monitoring the application of which PrenotazioniManager through instances of reservation shall finding that list and return to the instance of GUISelezionaPrenotazioniHandler which in turn shall visualization of data obtained on the mask (application of GUISelezionaPrenotazioni) Selecting the reservation to be change The operator selects from the list reservation to edit and control is passed backward up GUIPrenotaVisitaHandler to the instance of the delegation as the panel PrenotazioniManager to the task of transferring all information on the reservation selected The request for PrenotazioniManager through the application of Reservation perform this task, and returns to the instance of data obtained GUIPrenotaVisita which in turn shall give displaying on the screen on the management reservations (for instance GUIPrenotaVisita) Request new date The operator requires a new date when the visit can " keep and control passes to the instance of GUIPrenotaVisitaHandler which obtained the next day available by the appropriate body to ensure PrenotazioniManager Viewing it in the mask on management of reservations (for instance GUIPrenotaVisita) The Operator confirmed the date proposed by the system and control is returned to the instance of GUIPrenotaVisitaHandler Saving Reservation The application of class GUIPrenotaVisitaHandler at this point proceeds for the reservation by delegating this task to the instance of this PrenotazioniManager through the application for reservation shall begin to validate the reservation and only if so rescue data on the reservation Once this operation control is returned backward to GUIPrenotaVisitaHandler get to the instance of which shall to report success with a message mask on the management of reservations (for instance GUIPrenotaVisita) This feature is was described by the collaboration diagram of Fig 3 19
Interaction Diagrams
Cancel Reservation The service was launched following the express request by the actor The Operator logs on to form on the main section patient (for instance GUIPaziente) and there select the elimination of a reservation The control then goes to the instance of the GUIPazienteHandler which delegates to the instance of the GUIEliminaPrenotazioniHandler task of managing the service The request for GUIEliminaPrenotazioneHandler delegation application PrenotazioniManager is to obtain a list of all Reservations from Patient This object through the Requests for reservations to ensure retrieval of the list and return to the instance of that GUIEliminaPrenotazioneHandler turn provides viewing data obtained in the mask (for instance GUIEliminaPrenotazione) The operator selects from the list by the reservation delete and control is passed to the instance of GUIEliminaPrenotazioneHandler which the request for delegation PrenotazioniManager of completing the transaction The application PrenotazioniManager through to the application for reservation shall to verify that the sequence is valid even after the elimination of reservation Only if so the elimination of reservation is completed and will return control GUIEliminaPrenotazioneHandler to the instance of which shall notify the success of the transaction with a message on the screen (for instance GUIEliminaPrenotazione) This feature is was described by the collaboration diagram Fig 3 of 20
Interaction Diagrams
Patient Login Scenario validation run The service was launched following the express request by the Patient The actor Patient access to the screen on the management of the system (for instance GUISfondo) Control then goes to the instance of GUISfondoHandler which delegates to the instance of GUILoginHandler the task of managing the service The first step to take is to enter the Hospital Patient Card and PIN and then Patient is presented to the same page for the acquisition such data (for instance GUILogin) The patient data sets and confirms the insertion, and the scrutiny goes back to the application GUILoginHandler of derogating the validation of the application HospitalCardManager latter deals to validate the information entered the patient through the application of the outcome Hospital Card is notified of the positive backward up GUILoginHandler the application of which requires the application of Allow GUIPrincipaleHandler of access to patient applicant and then to arrange for display main form (for instance GUIPrincipale) This feature it was described by the sequence diagram of Fig 3 7
Interaction Diagrams
Login failed validation patient Scenario The service was launched following the explicit request by the Patient The actor Patient access to the screen on the management of the system (for instance GUISfondo) Control then goes to the instance of GUISfondoHandler which delegates to the instance of GUILoginHandler the task of managing the service The first step to take is to enter the Hospital Patient Card and PIN and then Patient is presented to the same page for the acquisition such data (for instance GUILogin) The tax Patient data and confirms the inclusion, control passes again to the instance of GUILoginHandler derogating validation HospitalCardManager to the instance of the latter deals validate the data iserted by the patient through the panel The hospital Card unsuccessful operation is notified backward up to the instance of which shall GUILoginHandler to display an error message on form of access (for instance GUILogin) This feature is ` been described by the sequence diagram of Fig 3 8
Interaction Diagrams
Show anagrafica The service was launched following the express request by the Patient The actor Patient access to the mask main (for instance GUIPrincipale) on the management of all services provided by the system to the request of patients and there select the display of their anagrafica Master Control then goes to the instance of GUIPrincipaleHandler which delegates to the instance of GUIAnagraficaHandler the task of managing the service at this Point control is passed to the instance of PazienteManager which deals with finding by the panel of the Patient Patient data applicant Results are sent backward up to the instance of that GUIAnagraficaHandler turn is responsible for their display on the screen on the management of registries of patients (for instance GUIAnagrafica) This feature is was described by collaboration diagram of Fig 3 9
Interaction Diagrams
View list reservations The service was launched following the explicit request by the Patient The actor Patient access to the mask main (for instance GUIPrincipale) on the management of all services provided by the system to the requests of patients and there select the display of reservation The control made then to the instance of GUIPrincipaleHandler which delegates to the instance of GUIPrenotazioniHandler the task of managing the service at this Point control is passed to the instance of PrenotazioniManager which deals with finding through Reservation requests for all reservations made by The patient requesting results sent backlinks up to the instance of GUIPrenotazioniHandler which in turn deals their display on the screen on the management The booking of patients (for instance GUIPrenotazioni) This feature is was described by the collaboration diagram Fig 3 of 10
Interaction Diagrams
Show clinic folder The service was launched following the explicit request The part of the Patient actor Patient access to the form main (for instance GUIPrincipale) on the management of all services provided by the system to the demands of patients and there select the display of their clinic folder The patient then passes control to the instance of GUIPrincipaleHandler which delegates to the instance of GUICartellaClinicaHandler the task of managing the service the first step to take is to find the data for all visits and examinations carried out by Patient applicant, and therefore control passes to the instance of CartellaClinicaManager At this point through a process iterative are the retrieval of all visits and all step is carried out as follows: The body of VisiteManager found through the application of the data Visits for a visit and then passes control EsamiManager application to ensure that through instances of Consideration for finding all the examinations for the visit At the end of this process, the results are sent to the instance of CartellaClinicaManager The next step is to find anarafica data relating to patient applicant, and therefore control passes to the instance of PazienteManager through which the request for Patient Recovers such data and sends them up backward to the instance of CartellaClinicaManager At this point the control switches GUICartellaClinicaHandler to the instance of which shall visualization of anagrafica data and Patient visits performed on the mask on the management of folders clinics (for instance GUICartellaClinica) This feature is ` been described by the collaboration diagram of Fig 3 11
Interaction Diagrams
Show details visit The service was launched following the express request by the Patient The actor Patient access to the mask (instance of GUICartellaClinica) on the management of clinic folder of patients and there select a visit from see from the list of visits Control then the application of which GUICartellaClinicaHandler GUIVisitaHandler delegation to the instance of the task of managing the The service first step is to gather the information on the selected visit therefore control passes The application of VisiteManager primarily through The body of visits retrieves this information and then EsamiManager delegation to the instance of the task of finding the information associated with all examinations related to the visit The selected object retrieved information through the Consideration of instances provides the results of the application VisiteManager which in turn returns all information found backward up to the instance of The latter finally GUIVisitaHandler shall displaying the information received on the mask on the detailed display of visits (for instance GUIVisita) This feature is was described by collaboration diagram of Fig 3 12
Interaction Diagrams
Testing houses delete a Visit Date: C50 control following a 20/06/2003 Visit control and precedes a visit by check Version: 0 02 000 Use Case Meets the request for delete of UcAnnPre a booking service made by an ambulatory patient High Priority Set up the previous reservation is `: 02/10/2003 hours 09 00 Visit control The reservation is `Next: 07/10/2003 hours 09 00 Visit control Description test Input Visit selected: 06/10/2003 hours 09 00 Visit control The oracle system deletes the reservation selected Classes cover valid: CE4 CE8 CE13 Classes are not valid: None
Test Cases
Test case of a First Amendment to visit Date: C51 followed by a Day Hospital 20/06/2003 in a location between two visits Control Version: 0 02 000 Use Case Meets the request for modification of a UcModVis service by Outpatient a patient High Priority Set up There are no previous reservations The reservation is `Next: 29/09/2003 hours 08 00 Day Hospital New reservation was 02/10/2003 hours 09 00 Visit Control New reservaion later: 07/10/2003 hours 09 00 Visit Control Description test Input Visit selected: 26/09/2003 hours 11 00 First visit Review: 03/10/2003 hours 11 00 Oracle Sequence invalid The system the changing of the reservation Classes cover valid: CE1 CE8 CE14 CE19 CE21 Classes are not valid: None
Test Cases
Edit test case of a Day Hospital Date: C52 preceded by a First 20/06/2003 visit and followed by a Visit control in a position between a Day Hospital and a Visit Control Version: 0 02 000 Use Case Meets the request for modification of a UcModVis service by Outpatient a patient High Priority Set up the previous reservation is `: 26/09/2003 hours 11 00 First visit The reservation is `Next: 02/10/2003 hours 09 00 Visit Control New reservation was 03/10/2003 hours 08 00 Day Hospital New reservation later: 06/10/2003 hours 09 00 Visit Control Description test Input: Visit selected: 29/09/2003 hours 08 00 Day Hospital Review: 06/10/2003 hours 08 00 Oracle: Sequence invalid The system the changing of the reservation Classes cover valid: CE2 CE9 CE13 CE19 CE22 : Classes are not valid: None
Test Cases
Edit test case of a Day Hospital Date: C53 preceded by a First 20/06/2003 visit and followed by a Visit control in a position between two monitoring visits Version: 0 02 000 Use Case Meets the request for modification of a UcModVis service by Outpatient a patient High Priority Set up the previous reservation is `: 26/09/2003 hours 11 00 First visit The reservation is `Next: 02/10/2003 hours 09 00 Visit Control New reservation was 06/10/2003 hours 09 00 Visit Control New reservation later: 13/10/2003 hours 09 30 Visit Control Description test Input Visit selected: 29/09/2003 hours 08 00 Day Hospital Review: 08/10/2003 hours 08 00 The Oracle system does not allow editing of Reservations Classes cover valid: CE2 CE9 CE14 CE19 CE22 Classes are not valid: None
Test Cases
Edit test case of a visit by Date: C54 preceded by a control 20/06/2003 Day Hospital and followed by a Day in Hospital final position of sequence of reservations and preceded by a Day Hospital Version: 0 02 000 Use Case Meets the request for modification of a UcModVis service by Outpatient a patient High Priority Set up the previous reservation is `: 29/09/2003 hours 08 00 Day Hospital The reservation is `Next: 03/10/2003 hours 08 00 Day Hospital New reservation was 10/10/2003 hours 08 00 Day Hospital There are no reservations after the next Review Description test Input Visit selected: 02/10/2003 hours 09 00 Visit control Review: 02/10/2003 hours 10 30 Oracle Sequence invalid The system the changing of the reservation Classes cover valid: ce3 CE8 CE13 CE16 CE23 Classes are not valid: None
Test Cases
Edit test case of a visit by Date: C55 preceded by a control 20/06/2003 Day Hospital and followed by Visit a control a location between A Day Hospital and a Visit control Version: 0 02 000 Use Case Meets the request for modification of a UcModVis service by Outpatient a patient Media Priorities Set up the previous reservation is `: 29/09/2003 hours 08 00 Day Hospital The reservation is `Next: 06/10/2003 hours 09 00 Visit control New reservation was 08/10/2003 hours 08 00 Day Hospital New reservation later: 13/10/2003 hours 09 00 Visit control Description test Input Visit selected: 02/10/2003 hours 09 00 Visit control Review: 09/10/2003 hours 10 00 The Oracle system allows the change of Reservations Classes cover valid: ce3 CE9 CE13 CE19 CE23 Classes are not valid: None
Test Cases
Edit test case of a Day Hospital Date: C56 between two visits 20/06/2003 control in a position between two visits check Version: 0 02 000 Use Case Meets the request for modification of a UcModVis service by Outpatient a patient Media Priorities Set up the previous reservation is `: 07/10/2003 hours 09 30 Visit control The reservation is `Next: 09/10/2003 hours 10 00 Visit control New reservation was 09/10/2003 hours 9 00 Visit control New reservation later: 13/10/2003 hours 9 00 Visit control Description test Input: Visit selected: 08/10/2003 hours 08 00 Day Hospital Review: 08/10/2003 hours 8 00 Oracle: The system allows the change of Reservations Classes cover valid: CE4 CE9 CE14 CE19 CE22 : Classes are not valid: None
Test Cases
Login test case by Patient Data: Hospital C57 Card correct PIN 20/06/2003 correct and the couple (Hospital Card PIN) in S I O Version: 0 02 000 Use Case He performs the functions UcLogPaz necessary to authenticate an patient High Priority The couple set up (Hospital Card PIN) = (00,001 65323) is registered in the `S I O Description test Hospital Input Card: 00,001 PIN: 65,323 The Oracle system allows access to the patient Classes cover valid: CE1 CE2 CE6 CE7 Classes are not valid: None
Test Cases
Login test case by Patient Data: C58 Card Hospital incorrect 20/06/2003 (fewer digits) and PIN recorded in S I O Version: 0 02 000 Use Case He performs the functions UcLogPaz necessary to authenticate an patient High Priority Set up 65,323 The PIN is recorded in the `S I O Description test Hospital Input Card: 0000 PIN: 65,323 Oracle Invalid Input: Hospital Card Classes cover valid: CE7 Classes invalid: ce3
Test Cases
Login test case by Patient Data: C59 Card Hospital incorrect 20/06/2003 (higher number of digits) and PIN recorded in S I O Version: 0 02 000 Use Case He performs the functions UcLogPaz necessary to authenticate an patient High Priority Set up 65,323 The PIN is recorded in the `S I O Description test Hospital Input Card: 000,000 PIN: 65,323 Oracle Invalid Input: Hospital Card Classes cover valid: CE7 Classes invalid: CE4
Test Cases
Login test case by Patient Data: C60 Card Hospital recorded 20/06/2003 in S I O and PIN correct (fewer figures) Version: 0 02 000 Use Case He performs the functions UcLogPaz necessary to authenticate an patient High Priority The Hospital set up 00,001 Card is `recorded in I S O Description test Hospital Input Card: 00,001 PIN: 6532 Oracle Invalid Input: PIN Classes cover valid: CE2 Classes invalid: CE8
Test Cases
Login test case by Patient Data: C61 Card Hospital recorded 20/06/2003 in S I O and PIN proper (higher figures) Version: 0 02 000 Use Case He performs the functions UcLogPaz necessary to authenticate an patient High Priority The Hospital set up 00,001 Card is `recorded in I S O Description test Hospital Input Card: 00,001 PIN: 65323555 Oracle Invalid Input: PIN Classes cover valid: CE2 Classes invalid: CE9
Test Cases
Login test case by Patient Data: C62 Card Hospital recorded 20/06/2003 in S I O and correct PIN but not recorded in S I O Version: 0 02 000 Use Case He performs the functions UcLogPaz necessary to authenticate an patient High Priority The Hospital set up 00,001 Card is `recorded in I S O The PIN is not `47,389 recorded in S I O Description test Input: Hospital Card: 00,001 PIN: 47,389 Oracle: The system does not allow access to patient Classes cover valid: CE2 : Classes invalid: CE10
Test Cases
Login test case by Patient Data: C63 Card Hospital but correct 20/06/2003 not stored on the S I O and PIN recorded in S I O Version: 0 02 000 Use Case He performs the functions UcLogPaz necessary to authenticate an patient High Priority The Hospital set up 00,034 Card is not registered in ` I S O The PIN is `65,323 recorded in S I O Description test Hospital Input Card: 00,034 PIN: 65,323 The Oracle system does not allow access to patient Classes cover valid: CE1 CE7 Classes invalid: CE5
Test Cases
Test case Operator Login Date: C01's login through 20/06/2003 correct and incorrect password torque (login password) in S I O Version: 0 02 000 Use Case He performs the functions UcValOpe necessary to authenticate an Operator High Priority The couple set up (login password) = (Rocolo Virago) is recorded in the `S I O Description test Input Login: Rocolo Password: Virago The Oracle system allows access the operator Classes cover valid: CE1 CE2 CE6 CE7 Classes are not valid: None
Test Cases
Login Operator test case by Date: C02 login incorrect (number 20/06/2003 fewer characters) and passwords stored on the I S O Version: 0 02 000 Use Case He performs the functions UcValOpe necessary to authenticate an Operator High Priority Set up Virago The password is `recorded in the SIO Description test Input Login: roc Password: Virago Oracle Invalid Input: login Classes cover valid: CE7 Classes invalid: ce3
Test Cases
Login Operator test case by Date: C03 login incorrect (number 20/06/2003 top character) and passwords stored on the I S O Version: 0 02 000 Use Case He performs the functions UcValOpe necessary to authenticate an Operator High Priority Set up Virago The password is `recorded in the SIO Description test Input Login: roccoliveto Password: Virago Oracle Invalid Input: login Classes cover valid: CE7 Classes invalid: CE4
Test Cases
Login Operator test case by Date: C04 login registered in S I O and 20/06/2003 incorrect password (fewer characters) Version: 0 02 000 Use Case He performs the functions UcValOpe necessary to authenticate an Operator High Priority Set up the login Rocolo is `recorded in the SIO Description test Input Login: Rocolo Password: vir Oracle Invalid Input: Password Classes cover valid: CE2 Classes invalid: CE8
Test Cases
Login Operator test case by Date: C05 login registered in S I O and 20/06/2003 incorrect password (higher characters) Version: 0 02 000 Use Case He performs the functions UcValOpe necessary to authenticate an Operator High Priority Set up the login Rocolo is `recorded in the SIO Description test Input Login: Rocolo Password: rocolivirago Oracle Invalid Input: Password Classes cover valid: CE2 Classes invalid: CE9
Test Cases
Login Operator test case by Date: C06 login registered in S I O 20/06/2003 and password correctly but not recorded in S I O Version: 0 02 000 Use Case He performs the functions UcValOpe necessary to authenticate an Operator High Priority Set up the login Rocolo is `recorded in the SIO The password is `rocco not registered in I S O Description test Input Login: Rocolo Password: rocco The Oracle system does not allow access to patient Classes cover valid: CE2 Classes invalid: CE10
Test Cases
Login Operator test case by Date: C07 login correct but not 20/06/2003 recorded in S I O and passwords stored on the I S O Version: 0 02 000 Use Case He performs the functions UcValOpe necessary to authenticate an Operator High Priority Set up the login olive grove is not registered in ` I S O The password is `Virago registered in S I O Description test Input Login: olive grove Password: Virago The Oracle system does not allow access to patient Classes cover valid: CE1 CE7 Classes invalid: CE5
Test Cases
Validation test case Patient Data: C08 Card Hospital through 20/06/2003 correct (5 digits) and in S I O Version: 0 02 000 Use Case He performs the functions UcValPaz necessary to authenticate an Patient High Priority The Hospital set up 00,001 Card must be recorded in S I O Description test Hospital Input Card: 00,001 The oracle Operator access to the operation validated patient Classes cover valid: CE1 CE2 Classes are not valid: None
Test Cases
Validation test case Patient Data: C09 Card Hospital by not 20/06/2003 sound (fewer figures) Version: 0 02 000 Use Case He performs the functions UcValPaz necessary to authenticate an Patient High Priority Set up not identified Description test Hospital Input Card: 0000 Oracle Input Invalid Classes cover valid: None Classes invalid: ce3
Test Cases
Validation test case Patient Data: C10 Card Hospital by not 20/06/2003 proper (higher figures) Version: 0 02 000 Use Case He performs the functions UcValPaz necessary to authenticate an Patient High Priority Set up not identified Description test Hospital Input Card: 000,000 Oracle Input Invalid Classes cover valid: None Classes invalid: CE4
Test Cases
Validation test case Patient Data: C11 Card Hospital through 20/06/2003 but not stored properly in S I O Version: 0 02 000 Use Case He performs the functions UcValPaz necessary to authenticate an Patient High Priority The Hospital set up 99,999 Card should not be recorded in S I O Description test Hospital Input Card: 99,999 The Oracle system does not allow access to section on Patient Classes cover valid: CE1 Classes invalid: CE5
Test Cases
Validation test case Patient Data: C12 tax code through 20/06/2003 correct (16 digits) and in S I O Version: 0 02 000 Use Case He performs the functions UcValPaz necessary to authenticate an Patient High Priority Set up the tax code must ZCCRCC80D13G942U be registered in S I O Description test Input: Company ID: ZCCRCC80D13G942U Oracle: The Operator access to the operation Validated patient Classes cover valid: CE6 : Classes invalid: CE7
Test Cases
Validation test case Patient Data: C13 tax code by not 20/06/2003 correct (fewer figures) Version: 0 02 000 Use Case He performs the functions UcValPaz necessary to authenticate an Patient High Priority Set up not identified Description test Input Tax: ZCCRCC80D Oracle Input Invalid Classes cover valid: None Classes invalid: CE8
Test Cases
Validation test case Patient Data: C14 tax code by not 20/06/2003 correct (higher figures), but not this in S I O Version: 0 02 000 Use Case He performs the functions UcValPaz necessary to authenticate an Patient High Priority Set up not identified Description test Input Tax: ZCCRCC80D13G942UZCCRCC Oracle Input Invalid Classes cover valid: None Classes invalid: CE9
Test Cases
Validation test case Patient Data: C15 tax code through 20/06/2003 correct but not registered in S I O Version: 0 02 000 Use Case He performs the functions UcValPaz necessary to authenticate an Patient High Priority Set up the tax code should not RGANLL80C14H703E be registered in S I O Description test Input Tax: RGANLL80C14H703E The Oracle system does not allow access to section on Patient Classes cover valid: CE6 Classes invalid: CE10
Test Cases
Entering Data: Master test case of a patient 20/06/2003 C16 is not registered in S I O (tax code and correct not recorded in S I O) The data are not included null Version: 0 02 000 Use Case He performs the functions UcInsPaz necessary for input the anagrafica of a new patient Media Priorities Set up the tax code should not ZCCRCC80D13G942U be registered in S I O Description test Input Tax: ZCCRCC80D13G942U Name: Rocco Surname: Zaccagnino Sex: M Birth date: 13/04/1980 Place of birth: Power Province of birth: PCS Address: fraz Paoladoce 26 Place of residence: Avigliano Province of residence: PCS ZIP code: 85020 Contact information: 0971/87267 347/9908973 The Oracle system allows registration of data Classes cover valid: CE1 ce3 CE5 CE8 CE10 CE12 CE14 CE16 CE18 CE20 CE23 CE24 CE28 Classes are not valid: None
Test Cases
Entering test case data Date: C17 details of a patient 20/06/2003 not recorded in S I O (tax code and correct not recorded in S I O) The data are not included none except the name Version: 0 02 000 Use Case He performs the functions UcInsPaz necessary for input of anagrafica of a new patient Media Priorities Set up the tax code should not ZCCRCC80D13G942U be registered in S I O Description test Input Tax: ZCCRCC80D13G942U Name: Surname: Rocco Sex: M Birth date: 13/04/1980 Place of birth: Power Province of birth: PCS Address: fraz Paoladoce 26 Place of residence: Avigliano Province of residence: PCS ZIP code: 85020 Contact information: 0971/87267 347/9908973 Oracle Invalid Input: Name Classes cover valid: ce3 CE5 CE8 CE10 CE12 CE14 CE16 CE18 CE20 CE23 CE24 CE28 Classes invalid: CE2
Test Cases
input test case data Date: C18 details of a patient 20/06/2003 not recorded in S I O (tax code and correct not recorded in S I O) The data are not included none except last name Version: 0 02 000 Use Case He performs the functions UcInsPaz necessary for input of anagrafica of a new patient Media Priorities Set up the tax code should not ZCCRCC80D13G942U be registered in S I O Description test Input: Company ID: ZCCRCC80D13G942U Name: Rocco Surname: Sex: M Birth date: 13/04/1980 Place of birth: Power Province of birth: PCS Address: fraz Paoladoce 26 Place of residence: Avigliano Province of residence: PCS ZIP code: 85020 Contact information: 0971/87267 347/9908973 Oracle: Invalid Input: Surname Classes cover valid: CE1 CE5 CE8 CE10 CE12 : CE14 CE16 CE18 CE20 CE23 CE24 CE28 Classes invalid: CE4
Test Cases
input test case data Date: C19 details of a patient 20/06/2003 not recorded in S I O (tax code and correct not recorded in S I O) The data are not included zero and the field is `sex Incorrectly Version: 0 02 000 Use Case He performs the functions UcInsPaz necessary for input of anagrafica of a new patient Media Priorities Set up the tax code should not ZCCRCC80D13G942U be registered in S I O Description test Input Tax: ZCCRCC80D13G942U Name: Rocco Surname: Zaccagnino Sex: B Birth date: 13/04/1980 Place of birth: Power Province of birth: PCS Address: fraz Paoladoce 26 Place of residence: Avigliano Province of residence: PCS ZIP code: 85020 Contact information: 0971/87267 347/9908973 Oracle Invalid Input: Sex Classes cover valid: CE1 ce3 CE8 CE10 CE12 CE14 CE16 CE18 CE20 CE23 CE24 CE28 Classes invalid: CE7
Test Cases
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