fuck girls or guys. or nobody. it’s your choice bb
cyberbullies :( help memy daughter is being bullied online on her phone and basically anywhere else. she got pulled out of school but now at night kids vandaluze our yard and spray paint fatass and cunt and other things on out property. the police arent helping at all saying they couldnt find evidence of who did it and they cant do anything online. we put up security cameras and caught the assholes in the act. the police just warned them to stop. they didnt! she cuts her wrists has drank bleach and attemped to shoot herself. tl;dr daugters life ruined turned emo and is suicidal need help
anyone else really suck at flirting over text and sexting it sucks cuz, i want receive and send nudes and im not bad looking (face or down there) i just struggle on the social component of it. i always hear about guys who can get nudes from girls really easily and are super smooth over text lr whatever, and i wish i had that skill. anyone else relate and cant flirt over text at all. or have any tip. also no one dm me please im straight i do not want to trade pics with a man
what a fucking fatty. there is a cat who lives in my apartment, he comes at our door everyday and asks for food. today i came back from school and saw him trying to hunt a sparrow. when the sparrow was on the ground he tried to catch it but the sparrow flew away and landed on a tree and instead of chasing after it, the fat ass cat sat there until it noticed me. the cat then approached me and started following me and meowing at me probably asking me for food.
i have failed at everything i've ever done.i don't want this anymore.
lost tremendous amounts of data, i need helpmy flash drive ejected somehow and now a massive amount of data is gone. luckily i saved most of it on my computer, but work that i've spent 13 hours on is now gone for good with no way of retrieving it. it's 3 in the morning and i can't call anyone, and i'm really considering giving up. stress and anxiety has been piling on for me, and i've been wallowing in loneliness for the past 8 months, and this was the last thing that should have happened. i'm desperate for help. i feel like i have nothing to live for.
my experience with depression (bdd)i sit here after a week of non stop crying and sleeping. i am an 18 year old male and i have been depressed for 3 years. most of my issues stem from low self esteem. due to reasons such as a poor physical appearance/lack of friends/academic failure (i fell 1 grade short off medical school)/disastrous relationship/over-thinking, i have learned to hate myself. i have always been the "outsider" never felt i belonged to a certain group maybe because i was bullied relentlessly in my childhood. isolation is a common theme in my life, resulting in loneliness which does terrible things to your mind. my biggest struggle is with bdd (body dysmorphic disorder) and has single handedly ruined my sense of self. i have a droopy eyelid due to a condition known as (brown's syndrome) and potruding ears/crooked and big nose/lines and dark circles under my eyes/yellow mishapen teeth. on top of all this i have to wear glasses (which worsen everything). this is of course all "worsened" by having a good looking girlfriend which lies to my face about all this shite. the mirror is the enemy, it can single handedly make me euphoric or dysphoric changing the outcome of the day completely. now i find myself in a crisis. i can't get out of bed and previous and current attempts at therapy/psych meds have and are failing. with all this said i am in no way shape or form suicidal (as i think a suicidal person is a metaphysical monstrosity) the thought of it does not cross my mind. all i feel is anguish at the thought of enduring more suffering. there is always hope in this world. i can get plastic surgery or learn to accept myself the way i am. i can even find something that drives me in life and gives me purpose. my current purpose is to defeat the demons in my head and consequently lead a more fulfilling and happier life. this has not been always my current attitude i was suicidal/self harming in the past. this change was brought about by the idea of free will. i feel like i don't want to go to college now due to the crisis i am going through. yes in my country college is free (a blessing i know) and not only that but the government gives you money to study!! so i can go there any time i want to. right now i want to work full time and fix some of the things i hate about myself to boost my self esteem and happiness. what should i do?
i just figured out how to wirelessly project my laptop to my tv online lessons just got a whole lot easier to sleep thru
so i opened my papers folders today and i saw this drawing of a hot guy and a hot girl i made and i remembered that then last year i was tryna figure out just how bi i am and i am very very bi and i don't know how i figured that out with drawings. well anime was a big part but whatever. that's it. thank you for reading. do you like ducks?
im probably still a little numb.first time posting something here, but i really need somewhere to vent. just accepted a job at the huntington library as a nursery worker with beautiful, flexible hours. my new boss has practically already taken me under her wings and is giving me lots of opportunities and teaching me everything she can about plants. also work some side gigs re-doing people's landscapes. found a good place to rent for a great price. its in azusa, right next to the road that leads to the mountains. graduated college with 3 associates and am transferring for 2 more years to get my bachelors. yay. sounds good right? my life can pretty much be summed as, every time something good happens, something else turns for the worse. its a goddamn given and the universe doesn't let me forget it. i had originally asked my parents if i could move back in with them so i can save some money, but when i went over to fix the room /seriously get rid of some of their packrat items, they were already trying to argue with me. things brought up from the past, my relationships (abusive boyfriends), their feelings, school, the usual guilt trip, how irresponsible of me to need their help, yada yada. i left them 5 years ago when i was 19 to get away from their negativity (i mean, the last straw at the time was an argument that led to them telling me they wouldnt pay my university tuition right after i got accepted. i left because i vowed to never let them stop me from achieving my goals again). over the years they asked for forgiveness and told me i always had a place at home if i needed it. despite their kind offer and seeming willingness to be helpful, that heated argument was the contrary. i took that argument as a reality check/red flag that, no, things havent changed and that argument was a reminder of all the similar arguments soon to come. so, i instead found a place nearby. i figured i could be around to help them without being treated like a rebellious kid under their house rules. the insult my parents took was probably a little more than i anticipated, but i guess its not that surprising. i kind of just sat in my car soaking in the conversation that just happened and come to think, i really think my mother meant what she just said. i mean, i think a good number of you guys understand the pain of having hard to please parents. to go through so much, having life remind me that no one has my back and that only i could really drag myself forward. it really sucks to have parents that try to define me in ways that are meant to drag me down. i dont think ill ever get them to understand the misery they cause. all the terrible things they did and said when i was trying to do well in high school. all the terrible shit they said when i finally left them. both my siblings and myself are all fucked up because of how we were raised, but we're somehow still trying...but i'm the first one to actually get disowned by both parents. they want nothing to do with me anymore and are giving me this weekend to pick up what few items i left at home before they throw the rest away. it would be nice to have parents that can say, congrats on getting your degrees, a job, and a cool place to live. you seem to have done pretty well for yourself in being hardworking, studious and independent. i instead was called the most ungrateful, irresponsible, slutty child that ever lived (and mind you, this is euphemism for what they really told me in spanish) and that they never want to hear from me again. love you too, mom.
give me some ideas pls need romantic ideas for a thing i’m writing in school. can be describing a specific scene, or a date or anything really. i don’t mind if it’s sappy or anything. example: cuddling while wearing each other’s clothes
giving up on happinessso after changing my lifestyle completely from lying in bed all day doing nothing to working (in a rubbish minimum wage job that's the only job i'll ever have frankly because nobody will hire me and nepotism is the only reason i have the job), doing fitness once a week (looking to up that but well work...) and volunteering by helping kids learn to swim and stopping them drowning nothing has really changed. still nobody wants to know me at all. i still can't enjoy anything. i am still alone. i have nobody to talk to. just proof nothing will ever get better in my life. so i'm giving up on happiness. just gonna exist doing those things and eating and sleeping. no enjoyment just working for nothing. won't even spend the money except on petrol to get to work. my life. done all i can it wasn't enough.
husband didnt carei have been suicidal for a couple of years off and on. the last 6 months it has gotten bad, and especially in the last month. each day i fight so hard to stay alive. i have failed everyone my entire life, and no matter how hard i try, it isnt getting better for anyone. i opened up to my husband during an argument about me being suicidal, and he didnt care. he acted like i didnt mean it. it's not like go around telling people i'm suicidal.. this is serious to me. private. because i dont want people trying to stop me when i do. he showed absolute no concern. no worry. nothing. he continued to tell me how angry he is at me for ruining our finances in the past which are still affecting us (even though i've changed my spending habits and am working hard and overtime and everything). he says he has a right to be this angry and make me feel this bad for what i did in our past, even though i'm consistently doing everything to make up for it now. i'm on my bathroom floor making plans to either hang myself or try to fight another day. i cant do this anymore. the daily fight in my head is more than i can handle anymore. i've been fighting for too long.
join among us cdgylq ade adg adg afghan fashion afghan. afghan agatha afghan a hau a jaunt ah ah ah ah ah ah h hbhhhhjcvd yugfsugdihfhfuidgfgfvfgjkgffgwgfsjkfhh fehjdhjhibjf kilo
embarrassing bully story i'm was an 18 yo girl and my brother was 11. he was bullied pretty badly by a boy in his class and was even scared to walk home from school. one day i decided to teach the little brat a lesson. i went to their school when they quit and started following my brother from a distance, hoping the bully would appear. eventually he did and as he started pushing and beating my brother i ran up to them. i had never seen the kid before, he looked like a classic bully, big and almost obese. i started yelling at him, telling him to leave my brother alone and so on, but he wasn't scared at all. he just laughed and said something rude, and then he pushed me up against a tree really hard. as i tried to break free the stupid brat grabbed my panties and gave me a wedgie! i screamed in shock (and pain) and cried out for my brother to help get him off me, but he was just standing there and didn't know what to do. the boy told me i should mind my own business (and to be honest i wished i had). luckily at this point a car came by and the boy let me go. me and my brother ran the rest of the way home and i told him we'd never speak of this again... i was so embarrassed, getting owned by someone that young! don't know how to handle it though tl;dr tried to help my brother but got my ass kicked instead
i just want to let you all know you can and will feel better. it took me 3 years to get over my attempt.ill never get over the guilt i feel that it was almost me. i never told my parents about the letter i wrote, the noose i made, or that the only reason i am alive was that i forgot we were going on vacation together the day i was to do it. to them i was just sad. it felt like a matter of luck i forgot what day of the week it was. i got home after vacation held my gun... put it down and made some phone calls. therapist first. then the dog shelter to volunteer and repay them for giving me more time with my cat before she died. finally i started a philanthropy commitee in my fraternity and raised 100s for a charity along with blood drives. ive changed. 8 mile runs 3 to 4 times a week, dog shelter every sunday as a volunteer, and ill have a bacheolers degree by fall. people came to my birthday unnanounced last week, and it really showed how much people love me. people love you and you dont see it yet. it take 3 years but you will see it. go plan something big for yourself.
minecraft is overrated, top 10 worst games i’ve ever played tried it and holy fuck it was so bad. dont even know why people like it so much, so fucking boring. i’ll stick to playing fortnite rather than that shit game
a rant about twitter dumbasses those fucking assholes are selecting people to hunt. the system is "guilty until proven innocent". take pyrocynical, he did not know their age. callmecarson? was being manipulated to as a horny dude. not like you can stop seeing their bullshit too, they are everywhere. wanna go on reddit? twitter drama. wanna go on youtube? twitter drama. someone get accused of being a pedophile? they are a pedophile. this is basically what they do. they do not even search what is the situation and say "the evidence is stacked up!!". the lesson i learned from this bullshit drama is that you should not trust keemstar and twitter dumbasses. **never.**
need a friendhi all, thanks for taking the time to read this. i have been suffering with ptsd and depression for the better part of 5 years now and i have finally started to notice a change in my mood, after seeking out and sticking with therapy, coupled with the support of my good friends. the only problem is, when i start to fall backwards i hate going to my friends for help, i feel weak and helpless and don't want to feel like a burden again. i am looking for someone who is willing to just talk, wether it be about our shared illness or just what we have watched on tv, just someone to make me feel less alone because try as they might my friends simply don't understand and it can sometimes feel like i make myself worse by putting in a facade when i talk to them. thanks and much love.
feeling apathetic/neutral... but i can still cry....i've been on the 150mg dose of venlafaxine xr since october '15 and lately, i'm feeling very neutral. can't remember when i was blissfully happy last, maybe a couple months? however i can still read something and cry. i still enjoy sex with my husband, but when it comes to everything else, apathy. would it benefit me to see if i can get an increase in my dose, or would it be better if i had something added to what i'm taking now?
should i say goodbye ?i have 1 online friend, he is depressed and i’m worried about him. he has other friends so i think he’ll be okay without me but i’m wonderingwhen i inevitably kill myself should i say goodbyeshould i just leave without a wordshould i say i am leaving but lie about why ?
guys its an emergency 🚨attention🚨all fortnite gamers 🎮🎮🎮, john wick is in great danger🆘, and he needs your help to wipe outall the squads in the tilted towers 🏢🏢🏢. to do this, he needs a gold scarand a couple of chug-jugs🍺🍺. to help him, all he needs is your credit card number, and the three numbers on the back 3️⃣ and the expiration month and date 📅. but you gotta be quick ⚡so that john can secure the bag 💰, and achieve the epic victory r o y al 🚨attention🚨all fortnite gamers 🎮🎮🎮, john wick is in great danger🆘, and he needs your help to wipe outall the squads in the tilted towers 🏢🏢🏢. to do this, he needs a gold scarand a couple of chug-jugs🍺🍺. to help him, all he needs is your credit card number, and the three numbers on the back 3️⃣ and the expiration month and date 📅. but you gotta be quick ⚡so that john can secure the bag 💰, and achieve the epic victory r o y al 🚨attention🚨all fortnite gamers 🎮🎮🎮, john wick is in great danger🆘, and he needs your help to wipe outall the squads in the tilted towers 🏢🏢🏢. to do this, he needs a gold scarand a couple of chug-jugs🍺🍺. to help him, all he needs is your credit card number, and the three numbers on the back 3️⃣ and the expiration month and date 📅. but you gotta be quick ⚡so that john can secure the bag 💰, and achieve the epic victory r o y al 🚨attention🚨all fortnite gamers 🎮🎮🎮, john wick is in great danger🆘, and he needs your help to wipe outall the squads in the tilted towers 🏢🏢🏢. to do this, he needs a gold scarand a couple of chug-jugs🍺🍺. to help him, all he needs is your credit card number, and the three numbers on the back 3️⃣ and the expiration month and date 📅. but you gotta be quick ⚡so that john can secure the bag 💰, and achieve the epic victory r o y al 🚨attention🚨all fortnite gamers 🎮🎮🎮, john wick is in great danger🆘, and he needs your help to wipe outall the squads in the tilted towers 🏢🏢🏢. to do this, he needs a gold scarand a couple of chug-jugs🍺🍺. to help him, all he needs is your credit card number, and the three numbers on the back 3️⃣ and the expiration month and date 📅. but you gotta be quick ⚡so that john can secure the bag 💰, and achieve the epic victory r o y al 🚨attention🚨all fortnite gamers 🎮🎮🎮, john wick is in great danger🆘, and he needs your help to wipe outall the squads in the tilted towers 🏢🏢🏢. to do this, he needs a gold scarand a couple of chug-jugs🍺🍺. to help him, all he needs is your credit card number, and the three numbers on the back 3️⃣ and the expiration month and date 📅. but you gotta be quick ⚡so that john can secure the bag 💰, and achieve the epic victory r o y al 🚨attention🚨all fortnite gamers 🎮🎮🎮, john wick is in great danger🆘, and he needs your help to wipe outall the squads in the tilted towers 🏢🏢🏢. to do this, he needs a gold scarand a couple of chug-jugs🍺🍺. to help him, all he needs is your credit card number, and the three numbers on the back 3️⃣ and the expiration month and date 📅. but you gotta be quick ⚡so that john can secure the bag 💰, and achieve the epic victory r o y al 🚨attention🚨all fortnite gamers 🎮🎮🎮, john wick is in great danger🆘, and he needs your help to wipe outall the squads in the tilted towers 🏢🏢🏢. to do this, he needs a gold scarand a couple of chug-jugs🍺🍺. to help him, all he needs is your credit card number, and the three numbers on the back 3️⃣ and the expiration month and date 📅. but you gotta be quick ⚡so that john can secure the bag 💰, and achieve the epic victory r o y al 🚨attention🚨all fortnite gamers 🎮🎮🎮, john wick is in great danger🆘, and he needs your help to wipe outall the squads in the tilted towers 🏢🏢🏢. to do this, he needs a gold scarand a couple of chug-jugs🍺🍺. to help him, all he needs is your credit card number, and the three numbers on the back 3️⃣ and the expiration month and date 📅. but you gotta be quick ⚡so that john can secure the bag 💰, and achieve the epic victory r o y al 🚨attention🚨all fortnite gamers 🎮🎮🎮, john wick is in great danger🆘, and he needs your help to wipe outall the squads in the tilted towers 🏢🏢🏢. to do this, he needs a gold scarand a couple of chug-jugs🍺🍺. to help him, all he needs is your credit card number, and the three numbers on the back 3️⃣ and the expiration month and date 📅. but you gotta be quick ⚡so that john can secure the bag 💰, and achieve the epic victory r o y al
in among us if you immediately say “where” after the body was reported or say “who” after they say where it was fuck you. first of all they’re gonna say where the body was only ask them if they haven’t said it after like 15 seconds. and if you say who what are you adding please tell me. do you think they saw a person kill them and vent and they weren’t gonna say it until you ask?
tell me about stuff that you like last time i made a post asking for netflix recommendations, i was actually really surprised by how good the shows/movies were. so screw it, recommend stuff to me. songs, books, whatever. i'll start: criminal minds and harry styles
i see that there’s competition in shitposting i ain’t giving up this easily tho 😤
i saw a woman reject her boyfriend in a restaurant & it was the most heart breaking thing i ever saw in my life this afternoon i went into a restaurant after many months of quarantining myself at home, and in front of our table there was a very loving couple. we progressed the day there as normal, and they were talking a lot too. soon before we started leaving the restaurant, her boyfriend was talking about marrying, and she rejected him. he threw his food off the table and ran away seemingly crying, and it was probably the most heart breaking thing i ever experienced in my life. i really think that when someone rejects you in real life, it's much more sad than when they reject you online.
my dog died tonight this is an update to the previous post she was getting spayed and there were complications. i guess she went into shock and her blood wouldn’t clot. nothing would work. the only way to help her would’ve been to ok pay 10+ thousand dollars for her to go through months of pain and not even guarantee that she’d live. we had to put her down. i don’t understand. she was only a year old. the vet told us they did tons of these simple procedures every day and that she would be fine. she was only a year old
if you eat square pizza please please please stay away from me🙏 thx in advance filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler
attention attention school will be starting (and has started) for some of us and this is just a reminder to practice your social cues such as fake smiling, laughing when everyone else does and pretending to understand what someone is saying not ask to repeat another time. stay strong and f8 disables your camera.
yeah i'm bored anyone gamer want to chat 14m and i speak two languages. english and gamer
having a girlfriend is depressingi constantly don't feel good enough for her, and i feel like she could do so much better than me... edit: spelling.
well i suck at iti decided on an h od. couldn't find a vein. hours later and my arm's swollen and bumped up with not even a high. can't even do this right. plugged it instead. just in that wait and see phase. probably wasn't enough. can't do anything right
i just wanted to be lovedi never really felt loved. my parents were never affectionate with me. it's my fault. i never told them i wanted a hug. i envy people who have good relationships with their parents. and it's my fault that he did this to me. just telling no isn't enough. i should've shove him away from me. he was my boyfriend and i trusted him. my nightmares won't leave me alone. i'm getting drunk to sleep better. maybe it's just genetics. my mom was like that, my uncle is like that. it's been seven years with these up and down feelings. this rollercoaster should end. i want to feel numb forever, these feelings and nightmares are too much for me
i need a new room, but my mum denies it my room is the worst, it's the smallest room within the house and right next to the open doorway leading to the living room which allows all sound from my room to be transported right into the living room. having conversations with friends is impossible without everybody hearing me. recently my brother moved to america (studies) and has left a vacant room this space is ideal for me as it is larger and separate from the house. my mother has denied my request saying "i want to rent it out" the issue with renting it out is that there is no washing machine, nor is there a kitchen meaning they'd have to use our laundry (which is already an issue) and secondly they don't have a kitchen to cook within. what i'm left with is a room so small and with no sound resistance.
ever wonder how you can be loved?i don't understand how anyone can love me. i'm just such a vile, selfish person. all i do is make everyone suffer with my existence
anyone here into cosplay? genuinely just stretching out all my sentences so it's enough to where my post doesnt get taken down by auto mods. but anyone here into cosplay and wanna share cosplay picsi have no one to share mine with need some cosplay friends.
i think i want to jump off a bridgethe title says it. i kind of want to take a bus to a bridge, ride my bicycle towards the center of it, somehow climb a rail, and jump off. don't know what will happen if i get stopped. don't know how to avoid getting caught.
i feel trappedone of my biggest sources of stress is living at home. i'm 19/f and live at home with my parents and my 16 y/o sister. i am unhappy when i'm here, but i have nowhere else to go. i cannot afford to pay for school/rent/phone bills/insurances/ etc. does anyone else deal with this? i'm not sure what to do. i've never been able to communicate with my parents without them calling me ungrateful. i'm at a loss here, i no longer feel like my current antidepressant is helping and i can feel myself slipping back into the shitty little hole i was just getting out of. sorry if this sounds dramatic, i just don't have anyone in my life who understands or who i can talk to.
should the guy make the first move should l make the first move got my crushes number
what you pick, you pay an opportunity cost and you can’t have it all.my dad had passed away when i was 8. my mother worked hard to put food on the table. too much was expected of me as i was good at studies back in school. with the life savings, she sent me abroad for higher education. i’ve tanked my two semesters and now i’m on academic probation. i feel like i’ve ruined my life and have no hope for the future. i’m utterly irresponsible as in chasing short term happiness, i let go my long term responsibilities. i wasted my time doing — - part-time job which required 2.5hour commute each day. 4hr work +2.5 commute. - i didn’t keep up with the assignment deadlines. i procrastinated. - i played games, watched youtube, browsed through reddit. my average screen time was 5-7 hrs a day. - i missed my morning classes because i slept late. it was more important to spent time going places with my friends. - instead of studying my university courses, it was more important for me to get my coursera and udemy certificates. this list just goes on and on. i know that i shouldn’t do these things in excess but i did it nonetheless. i know i’ve only got 16 hours a day and i didn’t spend it wisely. rationally, i understand i did this to myself but i can’t help with the emotions that i’m feeling right now. i wanna end it now but i don’t want to make my mom sad. from now onwards, i won’t let how i feel right now be the judge of my decisions. editenglish isn’t my first language.
planning a foolproof suicidei won't explain how. i guess i'm still thinking about doing it. not today but in 2 weeks. i'm so fucking alone. my family are all estranged a part from my mother who simply does not understand. keep in mind i have been in a mental hospital for ptsd and depression. i no longer suffer from trauma and i thought i was no longer depressed for a while. i'm not. my finances are ruined. my living situation is terrible. i have very few "friends" and they're only around when they want to go clubbing because i'm seen as the "fun one". a facade. i was abused growing up and then ended up being abused in my first relationship. i started self harming at 11 and my body is ugly. i feel so ugly. and it's hilarious because i'm seen as conventionally attractive so no one understands how i feel when i say it. my image insecurities are through the roof. i've always been criticised by family growing up and its had its effect. i'm giving up and i said i never would when i left hospital and got my life back. but i don't see the point anymore. i'm probably going to end up homeless and whatnot. i just wish my childhood was normal. things would've been different. i'm sick of feeling used, not enough, lonely, etc.
it's 4am. just went out to the place where i decided to hang myself, but pussied out and came back home.on my way back home i kept thinking of how fucked up my life will be and regretting not doing it, but still did not dare to go back to that place again. fucking pathetic. i expected my parents would have found out i was gone and be worried. but when i was home, the lights were off and nobody noticed any thing wrong. later, when one of them wake up for bathroom and check my condition, they'll just think i stay up at another night. thinking of these makes me want to scream and cry so hard right now. why should both life and death be so difficult to pursue?
today's is pablo piccaso's birthday its also mine so that's kinda cool.
why is my pp tingly when i see furries? i think i need to see a doctor or something please help me i'm scared
my story. alone. empty. pointless. slipping away.can't move on. i don't know what to do. i am at a loss. i am 27. i have a great job. lots of money. i can actually afford to buy my own house alone without a supplementary income. and yet i feel so empty. i don't care about money. i don't care about my job. i can't find happiness in anything. it is impossible for me to find enjoyment in anything until it is over. i have severe social anxiety. i cope by practicing. i imagine situations in my mind and play them out a thousand times. when they happen i fall back on some rehearsed script. it's allowed me to barely inch by in life. i feel empty. for some miraculous reason my anxiety disappears when i am placed into a very structured situation like work. i can excel. however my social life is slowly falling apart. my friends are slowly leaving. i have major issues creating and maintaining deep relationships with people. i can see the few friends that i do have hanging on by a thread. they try so hard to involve me, to be friends with me, and i just push them away. i feel like at all times i am living outside of myself. it is like i am floating above my head watching myself fail. powerless to step in. powerless to save myself. i feel disconnected. i feel awkward. i feel pathetic. i feel something other than human. these emotions started in high school. they have gradually gotten worse over the years. lately i just feel empty. i used to fill myself with achievements. grades. school. job. now it means nothing to me. i met someone. online. we dated for almost a year. it fell apart. i pushed her away too. it's too late now for us. she has moved on to someone new. a month ago we started talking again and just went through a rather turbulent maybe-we'll-get-back-together-oh-wait-nevermind-no. she has a kid. i had a lot of trouble dealing with that until it was too late. i finally got over it and it was too late for me. she's gone now. all i am left with is her ghost. all i am left with is these emotions. these memories. i live inside them now. i sit here in my room alone in the dark and i just relive everything we ever did together. i start thinking how i should have changed things. what i should have said. i start imagining a world where i was better for her. i imagine a place where i did not push her away. i imagine a place where we are happy together still. that place does not exist but i want so badly to be there. i want so badly to have her back. she understood me. she saw all my flaws and all my problems and not only did she understand but in some ways she related to them. all i had to do was treat her right and not push her away and we would have been perfect forever. i was too blind by what i saw as an insurmountable obstacle that i pushed here away. now i have nothing. i have only my life left. i care nothing for myself or the things that i have left in this life. i don't know how to move on. i look for dates online and i just feel empty. i don't care. girls respond to me and i don't even give a shit about what they have to say. not like i did with her. every thought returns to her now. i see her in everything. i can't escape this ghost. when i wake up in the morning my very first thought is of her and that she is no longer with me. it is like waking up each morning to witness the sun set and know that all day the sun will be set for you. i cry a lot now. as a man i am so ashamed of the amount that i cry now. i cry on the way to work. i cry in my cubicle. i cry getting water from the cafeteria. i try to hide it. i wish i could find a hole somewhere and just crawl inside. i wish i could find a place where i could go and just float. float forever. never moving. never seen. just thinking. alone with myself. alone with my thoughts. alone in a world i can create where she and me can at last be together again. i used to think about the future. i used to think where i will be in 5 years. 10 years. now i can't see further than three feet in front of my face. i don't care anymore. none of it matters to me anymore. my work performance is slowly slipping. my room is a mess. my relationships with the people that are left in my life are all suffering. my already feeble self image and shattered confidence are waning more and more every day. i think about suicide a lot but so far i have not been brave enough to complete the task. i would get help but i fear that seeking mental health would be a scar on some permanent record somewhere and would preclude me from purchasing a firearm. the final tool that i would need to end all of this. knives are personal. knives require courage. strength. i have none of these qualities anymore. guns are for the weak hearted. weak minded. i need a gun. every night is the same. after enduring the day i have reached just about enough where i completely break down. i completely fall apart. i completely lose myself. and then i am numb. my emotions cease. i feel almost strong even though i know it is just some temporary phenomenon. after i sleep i awake and the cycle of emotions starts again. the pain comes back. the sadness returns. i can't eat. i can't sleep. i used to be an avid weight lifter and i have lost so much weight in the last few months. every day i lose more and more of the things that kept me going. every day i lose more and more of the things that made me. every day i lose more and more the drive that makes me want to survive this. every day i feel more and more pointless. every day i feel more and more dead.
what gets you excited about life? yayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayaya
does anyone else keep fantasizing about going back in time and fixing their fuckups?that's my "main" fantasy. in the past, i used to fantasize about getting a terminal illness and dying, or what it would be like to have friends and people who give a shit about you. but lately all i can think about is the decisions that i made, the fuckups that ruined my life, and the missed opportunities.
ending it tonighti cant take it anymore, everything i've tried to do to make things better has just made them worse, i cant deal with any of it anymore, goodbye
how many alt accounts do you have? i only have 1 alt account and that's it...
help i cut my virginia with a razor shaving fuuuuuck i cut my lady parts and it hurts and starts bleeding ​ im so fucking dumb
i could do it right nowit’s so quiet in middle of the night right now and i haven’t gotten out of bed for a week. it’s so hard not to call an uber right now to take me to the bridge. it’s so tempting it’s right on my phone it could be here in just a few minutes. i’ve been wanting this for so long i think i could do it. once i got there i don’t think there would be any hesitation. i am alone. i just needed to tell someone that.
completely lost and not a clue what to doso recently i have graduated high school, i have no job and a few friends but i just feel...empty. i'm not sure why because i have a loving family, friends, a house, many things that should make me grateful for everything. but here's my problem, i don't know what i want. literally my days consist of me sitting in a rocking chair and listening to music and thinking and thinking and thinking for hours straight. i ask myself "are you bored now?" and i can't even answer it myself. i find myself just drawn to this chair and i'm completely willing to waste away in that chair. i just don't know, i really don't know. what should i do?
i am nothingi've wasted so much time trying to be an artist but i have no talent. i can't get a job because i have no phone or computer. i am being left behind by my friends. my boyfriend who is the only person i have left is obviously cheating on me, but who wouldn't? i can hardly afford to eat, i must be under a hundred pounds. i'm wasting away to nothing. i don't want to die, i just want to go to the bathroom and cut my wrists unnoticed. i want people to pretend i was never on this planet. i am too broken to do anything. i don't know.
has anyone had an emotional support animal in a college dorm?i have been struggling with fairly severe depression and anxiety for a little over a year now. my symptoms have gotten better with the help of therapy and medications, but i still have a decent amount of bad days plaguing me. i have been thinking about trying to get an emotional support animal to alleviate some of my symptoms, but i don't know if it will be more hassle than it is worth trying to get my school to let me keep an animal in my dorm. any thoughts?
what do you do if your friends are literally telling you they're suicidal and that there's nothing you can do about it and they live or moved far away?someone on another reddit thread directed me here to ask this question. another commenter told me that listening was very important. how can i be a good listener? "oh wow i'm so sorry to hear that" seems useless. how do i actually help?
does anyone know jobs or other ways to earn like 50 million a year im just a 15 year old but i do wonder what would be the best earning job
update to mysterious message: i know i said i'm not looking any forward but i wanted to try one more thing so i decided to put the message "poster+seal+twinkle+stalls+finger" into facebook to see what would pop up it was gore, 2 images of fingers cut off or with a big cut going through it if i put the phone number into facebook it takes me to a private group about balls or testicles i dont think i'll find anything else so imma stop if i encounter any weird things throughout the day that dont usually happen then i'll update yall
i think i’ve reached the point of no return.this past year has been nothing short of horrendous. i really think that i’ve reached the point in my life where i have two options: live or die. and living isn’t very fun.
am i missing something? why is r/actualpublicfreakouts have so many racists? i could've sworn it wasn't this bad a few months ago.
i can't stop thinking about it. i apologize if this comes off as scatterbrained and missing connectivity, i'm just writing as it comes to mind. i am sitting here in my room alone and the only thing i can think about is ending it. i feel tired, and for several reasons i haven't been happy in my life for a couple years now since a bad break up with a girlfriend who i loved very much. it dealt a huge blow to my confidence and emotions. since then i've had a tough time being secure in who i am. this has caused problems in relationships i've had since. i don't even try anymore. i grew up being placed in the gifted and talented classes being told i was extremely smart, reaching genius levels. i have never felt like i can never live up to what is expected of me. i sit and watch myself fail, not because i'm not smart, but because of my own self destructiveness. i feel like i am losing my friends, i rarely talk to my best ones and it seems like the only time any of them wants to spend time together with me is when other people are there to drink. this is coupled with that i kissed on of my best friends accidental while we were drunk new years eve and we haven't talked since. i'm just so very very tired, i want to escape it all and be free from all of this.
i just found out a friend of mine died by suicide.she and her husband died earlier this year. i had no idea until now, and her own mother told me today, and that it was by suicide. it feels really, really strange. i strongly believe we should be allowed to take our own lives if we're suffering badly enough, and that no one else should have a say. my body, my life, my choice. but i can't help but wonder if there was something i could have done. i definitely know i could have been nicer to her, or reached out, or something. she pulled away and evebtually unfriended me, and i took that personally and didn't bother reaching out to patch things up. i also knew she had struggled before (with drinking, with depression, etc.) and i feel like i should have been more present for her and maybe it would have made a difference. maybe it wouldn't have. but i'm trying to process this, combined with my own constant desire to do the same.
i just wanna be princess carried i just want to be princess carried, is that so much to ask?
so i’ve down so thinking about one of the greatest shows ninjago sooo in season 4 the tournament of elements chen’s goal was to take all the elements and rule right but the thing is he was missing to the element of wind and water which didn’t become a thing in season 5 i understand that they probably didn’t think of this till season five but it’s just my thought process
i have no image because of self-post weekends, but i'm 6 months no self harm! its been 6 months, i stopped mid february, and now my depression is lighter and not as severe
in my dorm eatin a slim jim & reflectin on my life so far. rough stuffat least im not pregnant 🤷
a thought dying in your sleep is just being kicked for idling
a window into my life, i guess.. this was an email i sent to someone last night. typos probably.depression. anxiety. being alone. not truly being needed by anyone here. it sucks. it hurts. no one needs me here. i'm just here for the sole purpose of existing. no one would care or notice if i disappeared tonight. no one bothers to ask me how i'm doing today. no one stops to ask me if i'm doing okay. everyone has a group of friends who love them endlessly and actually want to see them outside of school and talk to them and everything. i'm just a background decoration in everyone's lives and all i need is to just be validated. all i ever wanted was... to feel wanted. this life is literal hell. it's my personal hell. i'd rather be anywhere but here. i'd rather be anyone else but me. i don't want this body. i don't want this life. maybe if i go, people will notice. no one fucking talks to me unless they need me to listen to their problems and god i want to help but it sucks that i'm just a personal therapist to everyone. just once, i'd like someone to text me like "hey ----, how are you feeling today?" or a message like "you matter to me and i need you here." no one fucking cares. people say they do but no one fucking listens to me when i text them asking for help. my insides are crying "save me now." fuck this life. fuck this world. i don't want to be me. i feel so fucking alone. i'm so sick of waking up every single day and wishing i didn't. i am sick of crying so much. i can't fucking stand being such an outcast. all i ever fucking wanted was to fit in. i hate myself more than words could ever fucking describe and i just want to blow my face to goddamn bits with a shotgun. i feel so goddamn bad that you have to read this shit because it's not easy to hear these kind of words. i hate that i care about everyone so goddamn much. i wish i could stop. when everyone else wakes up, their nightmares end. mine never does. everyday i pray that i'll wake up from this dream and be a happy, beautiful child who is loved by everyone. this mental illness is tearing me up right in front of everyone's eyes and no one cares. i talk about killing myself a lot. and i bet if i were to be in the middle of killing myself, no one would stop me. i've been depressed since i was a child. wanna know what fucking sucks about teen depression? while everyone is living the best years of their life by going to parties, making awesome memories, falling in love, and so on... i'm not. i'm wishing my own fucking life away. i'm scared that i'll just be thrown into a hospital again and be put on meds that just make me feel so damn numb. i am so ready to go. i don't want to be here anymore. everyday is a battle with myself. it's like going to war with the enemy... and each battle ends in your bitter defeat. but you still show up on the battle field every day even though you know you're going to get your ass kicked. each day, the wounds become deeper and more severe. you grow weaker and weaker. and then one day, you wave a white flag and it's over. or the enemy finally kills you. either way, you will lose to your demons. i have accepted the fact that my demons will win. and fuck, maybe they already have. i'm tired of fighting.
i want someone to talk to man man i just want someone to talk to. got dumped for no reason right after a date and my bois just left me hanging cuz i’m tore up so i don’t have nobody to talk to and i just want a friend. please please no drama tho i can’t take it rn
yeah sex is cool and all but have you ever made a friend? yeah, me neither.
i wrote a story, with the best cliffhanger of all time. hope y'all like it. once upon a time, there was a little boy.
every time i think i'm past this it comes backi'm 24 years old and was suicidal as a late teenager. i've gotten help and overall live a healthy, normal life. however, any time things start to not go well (i.e. someone i love gets mad at me and i'm triggered from past memories) all of the thoughts come back. in the past i've been able to fight the suicidal thoughts through self harm (i don't know why it helped but it satisfied me long enough for things to go back to normal) but in the end the suicidal thoughts come back. they always come back. it doesn't matter how much i fight or how long i can put it off. eventually it will win and knowing that makes it hard to fight it any more.
well i know that no one will like this but, i kinda want to talk to a girl. i’m 17 (m) and i’d like to talk to a girl around my age and i just wanna talk about anything, i used to talk to a girl before but things kinda died off i guess. dm me if ya want to chat
seeing a psychiatrist for the 1000000th time tomorrowi swear these people are responsible for 25% of my suicidal thoughts. it's as if every psych i've seen in the uk is reluctant to diagnose me with longterm depression. i'm not even sure how i'll convince the person i'm seeing tomorrow. i doubt talking about my suicidal attempts and daily ideation will achieve much. oh well.
can i get any stories about people that have know people or have themselves experience work harassment of any kind, sexual or not?if you can, provide details of emotions, feelings, thoughts, smells, sights, at smaller details that would define the moments that hurt the most. i am writes a story about many situations and that is one of them.
my message to anyone depressedyou shouldn't feel the way you do. you don't deserve it. it's not how you should feel regardless of your situation. it's not you. it's depression. it's not any part of you. it's your enemy. it's taken everything you've ever felt good about and given you nothing. there may he bad things in your life but i promise the worst thing is depression. it tells you lies constantly. you're not worthless. that's depression. you aren't unloveable. that's depression. things aren't hopeless. that's depression. and there are things worth trying for and fighting for and feeling good about. that's depression. please don't listen to it. don't ever think it's true. please, fight it. it will try to stop you. don't let it. don't let it stop you doing what you love. don't let it stop you achieving anything. get medication, talk to your friends, your family, a doctor, a therapist, anyonejust do something. anything is worth it, because the alternative is depression. fighting it isn't hopelessthat's it talking again. if you know anyone else who suffers from depression, please tell them this. they .need to know everything they can to help them get away from depression. depression tells them the above lies, and to someone who is depressed their falsehood doesn't seem obvious. i just wanted to share this because i know how being depressed feels and i thought saying this would help me realise it, and in the hope that it helps anyone here the tiniest bit. anything is better than nothing.
multiple notesim trying to write multiple suicide notes for my friends and family, should i just stick to one note and put the normal "i love you", and stuff like that or multiple with information and other personal stuff?
looking for a websitethere's a website i visited a while back (possible australian?) and it allowed you to connect with other people on the same antidepressants as you. i was just wondering if anyone knew what it was? thanks x
(exam question) euthanizing your braindead grandparent because you can't pay for life support again yall this is just a question from a quiz about ethics and it's either yes or no. and it's one of those if yes why if no why not questions. i'm kinda having a hard time figuring out what to answer so what do you guys think?
i think my eating is getting worse i legit cannot look at food without getting super nauseous. this is getting bad
feeling like a loser, worsened by people who accept meanyone else find that when their only "social" interactions or relationships are with other mental health patients at hospital groups, or socially-rejected people, this is frustrating & unsatisfying? it's hard to feel worthwhile or acknowledged when the only social interactions are with people with big issues, high drama, etc. i;m more quiet & end up sitting there bored af & getting zero out of it. wish i could choose interesting people who live life rather than watching it go by, & become friends with them. maybe i have zero to offer too.
i am a failurenothing i have ever done has been right. i am a failure. the only reason i do not kill myself is because i would screw that up. life sucks if you're the loser. there is no release other than death. things get worse, things get worse, things only get worse. life is a zero-sum game and some people have to lose. i am so sick of losing. do you pray for death? what do you do when you have no power over anything? i am so broken and alone and nothing was ever good enough. this is so empty, i wish i was born right so that i got to deserve attraction and intimacy, like a real person, rather than this fucking carrot on a stick that never comes any closer, no, only death comes closer. i don't fucking get it at all. how was i ever deluded enough to think that just because people say they are good, say they are inclusive, means they are. people are disgusting. people are so fucking disgusting. people are monsters; being self-aware and acting like they do, is the definition of evil. the worst part? no one will ever care. it's death alone now or then. i wish i had the courage but instead i just pray.
i don’t think i can make itten years ago it wasn’t a good year but compared to what’s happened between and now is too earth shattering for me to handle. everyone where i live has either moved away, friendships have severed or they died from an overdose. i know one person left alive and we aren’t on good terms at all, because when you care about an addict it always feels like a trap.. on sunday i went to the hospital because of a panic attack and i have them all the god damn time. i hate conflict, but a lot of it started three years ago when my boyfriend of four years was found dead from an overdose and i didn’t know that he was an addict until less than a year before he died! i’m not stupid but i didn’t know! he hid it that well! i tried but not hard enough and i will carry that guilt until i die. i literally feel gutted. my friend who’s not on good terms with me cutting me out for his actions hurts like hell because he’s the only one left who knows what we have both been through, losing friends before they even turn 30?! then being trapped watching over him and even then something bad happens. my hearts hurting so much and nothing helps. it’s hell. my father died in 2017 and i can’t take it. i miss him to death and i don’t know how to live life with all these changes. my mom threw away all of his years of work and things. she went ahead and changed the whole house and that’s fine but it has taken me to the darkest of places. she almost died three times last year and i tried my hardest to save her! now there’s a guy i’m catching feelings for and i’m already scared as hell; i feel like i shouldn’t. i feel like i’m cheating on my boyfriend who’s been dead for three years. any moment now i feel like i’m going to have a heart attack, and it’s been non stop. i shake. i feel like crap. i have tried to take my life so many times and i can’t take this world. i hate it. i can’t eat and when i sleep the nightmares are all i get. i wish i lived in a state where assisted suicide is allowed. i am too afraid to live or leave the house and when i do i can’t function. i’m so sick to my stomach. there’s no help out there.
guy i need help any programs or advice that can help for my first year of high school plz guy help i have a day left of summer guy help
a wasted, pointless life.i'm a 29 year old who graduated college and spent 6 years doing it help desk work, transitioning multiple jobs only moving laterally and never one step up the ladder. i recently started slipping into alcoholism due to a greater than normal sense of job satisfaction. i've been using a cpap for about a year and lately i've been unable to use it to sleep. i think i'm in the middle of a midlife crisis because i went out and bought 2 guitars and i'm so frustrated with them i want to throw them off the roof. i've dealt with dysthymia for all i can remember in life. i no longer enjoy anything, at all. after wasting away my 20's and slipping into a deeper depression and alcoholism, i'm really close to just giving up. i don't see any reason, point, or light at the end of any tunnel anymore. i'm starting to aim for self-destructive behavior as a last ditch effort to exude any control over my life. i've seen plenty of therapists and am on anti-depressants. what's the point in living if you don't enjoy anything? back to drinking...
challenge! can we sing never gonna give you up one word at a time? challenge! can we sing never gonna give you up one word at a time? idk i’m bored so ill go first in the replies
my life sucks and is useless right nowthe title says it all. i go to school, take my classes, come home, do the shit load of homework i have (all ap), sit on my computer for a few hours, browse sites, talk to a few friends, go to sleep, the process starts again. i literally do nothing but sit in my room and go to school. i'm signing up for track and field but that's only for a few months. then what? go back to sitting on my computer? great. lately it's really been getting to me. i think a bit has to do with the fact that the girl i liked turned out to be a lesbian so that sucked, but i think a majority lies on the fact i have no life. and a majority of my friends either don't have time to interact or they never really respond. and it's not like i can do anything either. with my parents working and my siblings out doing activities i'm forced to stay home and do my usual boring-ass thing. is there a way to like, aid my way out of this depression and thinking about things happily or something? thanks.
what do you do when you don't feel like doing anything?normally i sleep or just lay in bed watching youtube/netflix/etc, but i did that yesterday and don't want to completely waste my weekend, but even as i sit here now trying to write more of my book, i don't feel any motivation to do this or anything else. i just feel like going back to bed, but i'm trying to not.
i finally got a haircut that makes me look like an 8/10 i don't want this to come of as bragging or that i'm saying "look at me i'm handsome" but i just wanted to tell someone i really like the way i look now. i was like a 6/10 last time. a haircut can definitely improve how you look. ik this is a weird post but i didn't have anyone to tell so sorry.
i want to understand but i don't.i'm posting this from a place of wanting to understand. i'm old, late 40's, and i don't understand posting when you want to commit suicide. i also don't understand suicide phone lines. i've thought about suicide for as long as i can remember. when i was hospitalized at 17 it was already a constant part of me. to me it's never been about wanting to die but a part of me not wanting to live. i find it hard to be me with most people so i learned to blend an become more like them on the outside. i found anytime i reached out to learn why it felt i was the only one like this i learned that caused more issues then it seemed it could ever solve so i stopped after it landed me in a hospital with out my shoes. i've lived my life, got married, created a new living being, built a company, helped hundreds of people find happiness all while wearing a mask. now that mask is heavy and i've been open with a few close friends as i go through managing the logistics of leaving my life. overwhelmingly there has been attempts to help or find me help that i don't want. to put on the mask again and attempt to appease people that are important i've started seeing a professional and it's mind numbingly a easy of time. they want to med me and talk about my feelings. today they said some part of me must want help because i took the step of coming to them. they don't seem to understand i never want help with anything, personality flaw of mine, and the reason i came to them was to try and make an predefined eventually easier on people i care about. so my question is how many people saying "i want to kill myself" are really saying "i want to kill myself because i don't know how to stop hurting."? because if i didn't have adulting things that needed to be handled after i die i'd be in a helium tent right now. like i said i'm not wanting to die i'm just not wanting to live and to me those are different.
i wish i had a do overi’m so unhappy. so so unhappy. i’m stuck in a career field i hate, held down by debt i’m obligated to pay off, stuck in this town too long, lost my love, and been battling depression all my life. unhappiness just generally has led me down bad paths, i feel like i’m just destined to continue to fuck my life off. i’m ready to just cut my losses. i can’t do this anymore. i’m miserable. i’m making others miserable. this is such a terrifying life
my girlfriend said she simps for me i guess i’m losing a girlfriend tonight, and i thought she was the one
thank you guys for making my first year on reddit so good thank you for putting a smile on my face, thank you for letting me be a part of this strange full of horny teens community. i have read so many wholesome stories and saved over 500 memes. thank you for making them so relatable and funny thank you for making memy crush (yes she likes memes) and my friends laugh. stay safe
im thinking of doing it after this summeri like the summer when im back home. its quiet, im with my cat, swimming. ill give this last luxury to myself, and once its over i iwll kill myself. why? i dont need a why. i dont want to bore you, but the main reason is unemployment. i was adopted as a child, i did shitty things when i was a teen, had the police involved, my dad almost had a heart attack from all the shit i was doing. my relatives, all of them, hatem me. but i managed to get into a very prestigious uni and graduated. i tried to 'make up' for all the pain i caused. i lived abroad, was...em...ok. lonely. so i came back to my home country. more than 600 cvs in 3 months, no interviews, well...one. in a call center. i now feel ashamed again, just like when i was a teen. my parents spent their money on my education and im unsuccesful. my home country is corrupted. its crap. its an unfair place. you cant find a job unless you know people. i dont. they hire young people..lile 22 or 23 years old im 34. i tried so much...its not happening. i went to seminars, everyone got hired (all of them younger than 24) except me. my parent has cancer, my best friend has cancer, i have no other friends here. i dont want to move abroad again. im stuck in a corrupted shithole. so ill just do it. no more emotions or will left.
how should i ask this girl out on snapchat? i’ve been in a snap screek for 7 days
what is it? what do you hate people at school do?
legit just want to die.no one gives a shit anyways.
i just want to do drugs and live in my head.. this world is too much.truthfully i'm just tired of it all. everyone seems to have things happen in there lives, succeed after there first couple of attempts, have social lives, friends, do things that matter meanwhile i'm just at home doing nothing. barely able to concentrate and stay a float. sometimes i feel doing some soft core drugs could probably benefit me. weed, shrooms shit idk its not my first tango with this stuff. if i could attain it easily i'd probably just drink till i pass out and sleep my days away. i'm tired and can't seem to shake this haze. i'm just done with everything, tired of life beating me around and toying with me. the thought of just sitting in my car parked in the garage blasting music while the engine runs and fall into a deep sleep intrigues me more and more by the day. i have my ups and downs but now just feels like the climax of the rollercoaster that is my life and i might just go plunging down a steep fall alone. i don't know what else to say just wanted to get this off my chest. i'm going to try and sleep thank you for reading my problems in text form.
i called the national suicide prevention hotline todaytalked for an hour. it actually helped calm me down a lot. if you're ever feeling suicidal or even completely helpless i recommend it. the lady i spoke to was incredibly smart and nice. it's also easier to confess your feelings to strangers (which is exactly why i'm posting this here). i told the lady more about myself than what i've told anyone else over the past 6 months. weirdly satisfying
start loving yourself !! <3 you’re amazing sexy talented funny- you exist and nothing matters so just vibe and fuckin love yourself cause nobody as cool as you bruh.. now have a nice fuckin day :)
i failed todayi guess i'm posting here because i know i'll try again. i drove my car off a bridge today and managed to walk away from it. of all the things i'm terrible at dying doesn't seem to be one of them. i'm not going to list all the things i'm bad at. you saying "you don't suck at such and such" isn't going to suddenly make me not be terrible at it. i just want to know how some of you find the strength to keep going.