i think my friend [18f] is depressive, she cuts her arms and i can't tell it to anyone.hi everyone, it's a secondary account because i'm absolutely not supposed to tell that. i moved to a different country and i met in my high school another newcomer, i will call her julie. since then, we're close friends and everything went well. she's a bit shy but there is nothing strange in particular. she has many friends and we hang around often. it may not be important but her brother isn't living at her home, so julie is living only with her parents. one month ago i realized that she was constantly scratching her right arm. she told me it was eczema so i thought it was not a big deal. however on her right arm there was a plaster but i didn't ask what it was. then the last week she told me that she harms herself. julie said "that's reassuring", and when i ask her why she does that, her answers are always unclear, such as the fear of death, depression she's stressed. sometimes she harms herself because she thinks about what she did during the day, because of an awkward situation or an inappropriate answer. with me julie is very opened to the discussion, but i don't know how to help her. now i don't know what to do, i really want to talk about it to a teacher or an adult. however if i "betray" her everything will get worse, and i may lose one of my best friends.
long distance relationship in a pandemic so yeah, got myself into one. luckily i ain't being catfished (i was before). i literally don't know what to do lol. it ain't a bad thing. also we live on different continents
want to blow my fucking brains out!so fucking angry, i see literally no point in living at all. people have told me life isnt supposed to be easy which i agree with but fuck off! do you really think i signed up for a shithole of a world to be born into? i didn't yet i'm still forced to be here because i'd make others feel bad. fucking punching myself in the head to numb the urge to cut my arms because i'm so fucking filled with rage at myself and others. i'm so tired of the sleepless nights, feeling so sick from not eating yet i still don't eat. fucking therapy is 200 dollars per a 1 week lesson for me! i'm so fucking tired of this, i want to blow my brains out and get out of this hell! i'm going to make a plan to kill myself even if the death is painful. nothing gets better. ive waited and waited but nothing improves, effort or not.
i spew out quotes deeper than the mariana trench i make myself cry
everyone hates me, me included.i begged an old friend to let me back into their social circle but they all said no. i'm such a fucking terrible person i want to fucking slit my wrists but i'll never have the courage to do that so i'll just fucking eat and drink myself to death instead
how do i open up to my parents about my mental health? i’ve been struggling with self harm and depression since i was 11 years old and i’m currently in high school. i’ve only gone to a therapist two times and the visits were about a year apart. the only reason my parents even took me in the first place is becaue they found out completely against my will that i was drinking and self harming. i have always struggled with opening up to them for as long as i can remember for about two reasons: i dont feel safe opening up because im either met with frustration, disbelief, and being misunderstood. the second reason is because i’ve always been a closed off person and it makes me extremely anxious even thinking about opening up to them because i don’t want them to be upset because of how bad im doing. my mental health has been fucking horrible the past few weeks and i’m failing my classes and in my house grades are basically equal to the worth of a person. they’re threatening to take all of my things away and not allowing me to see my friends who are the only things keeping me going at the moment if i don’t start passing. how do i tell them that my mental health is the reason i’m failing my classes and that ive been self harming again?
alright quick question. who is the best ninja turtle and why? that’s it, if you read the title just answer. please
the concept of sex appeal was actually created when god designed me this is true, i was there. he said "wow i like sea shanties is so hot and sexy". direct quote. from god.
pressure to do good makes everything worseyou ever notice that the more pressure put on you to do better the more the depression takes its toll. i'm in college past full time but unemployed because of my school. and yes i've tried to get a job around school. anyways the "help" from my family is to dismiss or pretend depression isn't what i have. that i just need to get a bachelors and an office job. that as soon as i have a family and make a bunch of money everything will be just dandy. great family. but i can't picture that. i picture blankness, nothing. i want to stay in my dreams and imagination where i'm safe and happy. death seems like such a nice release from the painful thoughts. yet i can't fathom doing it, i guess that's good. how do i deal with the pressure?
need helpi'm at point where i have zero energy and willpower. i don't care about anything and i don't enjoy anything, i'm just in constant pain. i don't even care if i hurt my friends and family when i leave and i don't want anything from life anymore. now i'm trying my best not to give up until christmas so i don't ruin holidays for people as well and after that i'm gonna stop eating and drinking because even those things are tiring me. not sure why i'm even writing this, probably because i'm bored to death and wanna try one last time, but is there a way to bounce off from this?
all is fine... but, just wanna talk.sometimes there is a day with this particular mood when you think about your life. all is fine, all is cool, but... i'm 23 years old guy. i got cool job for my age and get paid really nice. even my father who is noble scientist respects it and i feel really proud of it. i manage to successfully work with innovative and very expansive equipment. the feature film i work on will hit the theatres the next year. thats exciting! i got huge ambitions. got enough experience now and i am planning to finish my own indie video game before i hit 25. and it is not like smalll casual one, but much bigger. while i do it with low budget (because my job is all about creating computer graphics so i can do most of the game myself) i save money and planning my own feature film (independant, budget is around $50k-$100k) by the time i hit 28. i'm 23 years old guy and i'm feeling so damn old. literally **old**. when was the last time i was at party? oh, come on, i don't have time for that. kissing with a girl with sunset behind us? you must be kidding! developing my skills, doing my job and my projects don't leave me free time for such immature things. for years. watched some old yet amazing music video by shakira today. beautiful girls and boys, beaches, drinks, fun, no troubles and no stress. another side of life i have never tasted. looks like i am missing all the fun. i am little less attractive then average and a little fat, not too much but enough to make me insecure and obviously i don't attract girls anywhere. i know i am doing it wrong but it seems to me that i will not have time (even now i barely have time for all things i need to do daily) for all the things i want to accomplish if i start taking my life easier and let it be fun. reddit, what are your opinions on the situation?
i just don't know what to do.hi,this is actually hard for me, i don't think i'm depressed or anything, so this may not belong here. even if it doesn't though, i'm sure you all can help out though. i think i'll start this by saying i'm having the most difficult time in life right now. i've never felt so lost ever. i have a few reasons for feeling this, the first one is because if schooling. that's really my fault i havn't been to class in 2 weeks because i just don't see the point. i want to become an it professional, but they make me take all these bs classes, for example a wellness class (p.e basically) as well as all of these politics, and like 4 english classes. i understand the english, but do i really need the other ones? remember i'm studying it, i want to learn about computers, not about the macro economy, and how it's significant in today's society. if i need it ok, but at least let me take more than 1 class that deals with computers a semester. the second reason, is my social life. i know you hear it a lot, but fuck i suck. lol. from an early age i was really really shy, all the way throughout middle/high school. i never really had many friends, so i never really learned a lot of the social skills needed to have a successful social life. this really kills me right now because there's this girl, who i have just fallen head over heels for, i can't imagine a better girl. i'm pretty sure she likes me as well (at least she hasn't really shown me anything that says otherwise.) i talk to her quite a bit, when i get the chance, i haven't gotten heryet, mainly because when i talk to her, it's at work, and it's really hard to explain why, see she works at this shop that's right next to where i work, when i take my breaks i usually go there, we usually have a 10-30 minute conversation depending on how busy they are, and then i have to head back to work. the concept of just saying "hey, i've gota go, but would like to continue the conversation, why don't we exchange phone #'s" is simple enough, but she has co-workers that are around usually, and idk, it just doesn't seem like a great idea to ask when they're around. i'd ask over facebook, but that doesn't seem very personal. all that aside, i've asked a very very very close relative/friendwe're literally like brothersand all he ever has to say is "stop being a little bitch", he never really understands the idea that i can't just wake up one day and magically have the ability to talk to and get every girlsi can. i'm 90% sure he really think's that i'm like this because i wan't to be. the last little part of this rant(?) is about my job. i work too many hours, i never work more than 40, but it gets in the way of my schooling too much (dispite the beginning of this post) everyone else gets exactly what they want. all the time off they want, i've been working there for a year, but they give the person who started 4 months ago whatever little hours she wants just because she has 'connections' and threatened to quit. this, again is my fault i let it happen. i didn't want to say "i quit unless this happens" which i didn't for good reason, i can't.. i have bills to pay, i have to eat, and put gas in my car. i also don't mind the job for the most part. but there is one part that stresses me out beyond belief, i've already got a high blood-pressure (so the doctors say) and i don't need it any higher, but i'm the only one who can do this certain part of the job. others can do it, but absolutely refuse to. (they do a terrible job when they're forced to, and it results in us having to stay later to pick up the slack when it's pointed out) that's it. i'm not canadian, but sorry. this is really long and pointless, i don't know what i meant to say by posting this, but i did. it's too far to delete this now. so i hope you enjoyed it. i just cried 20 minutes because i felt overwhelmed about something that seems to little and pointless when written down.
nothingrecently i've been saddened by how alone i feel how my "friends" know about this yet only a few try to help, i've been depressed for years and have thought about suicide before but held back for fear of what it would do to people now i know they won't care a couple of nights ago i was walking home alone at midnight when i just stood in the middle of a highway and closed my eyes nothing ever came so i walked off i've told people but the most of a response that i've gotten other than from the same few was "not on my doorstep please" they taunt me to do it i don't know why i shouldn't anymore either.
welelelel my dick to fat huhuhu haven't eaten anything since morning but yeah my dick is fat, juicy, and big, dms are open found a milf in my area her name was poutana she had a friend with her her name was patsaboura i fucked them both
i don't know where to post, so i am posting it here i have no idea how to start so it may be abrupt. my uncle died around 5 years ago from cancer and my aunt died around a year ago. she died from brain hamerage. you get brain hamerage from extreme stress or trauma or a huge impact to the head. the doctors were confused but we never gave too much thought to it. around a week ago my cousin(23) found his mother's diary which explained how his grandparents mentally tortured her. he doesn't want to share it with the relatives because the relations were already tough. i don't know what to make of this. i am so confused, shocked, and angry at the same time.
i’m tired of the cycle2 years ago i had my first suicide attempt, went to a mental hospital, got my dream internship after. half a year goes by and i’m burned out, get fired and fall right back into the depression loop. cut to today, i don’t have a job, live with my parents, i sleep all day simply because i don’t want to be awake and lately the suicide thoughts are getting louder. i can’t escape the cycle no matter what i do, i don’t belong anywhere. my trauma will follow me until i’m finally fucking dead.
anyone with wechat! help! i need someone to verify me! any merging helps!
people with disney movies: i need a huge favor! a lot of them have codes inside that can be claimed for points, which can be redeemed for small prizes. if you don't mind, please send or comment the codes. i'm trying to save up enough points for a rise of skywalker poster. thank you!
i'm so done with universityhi. i got to a good university and i was looking for some places to write a thesis. i had bad grades/gpa in undergrad because of my gad and depression. i was looking for some supervisors so i contacte one guy, whom i ask and he says no because of my bad gpa. i swallowed my pride and wrote an emailabout my diagnosed depression, gad and that i can send him my psychiatrist's paper. it was the first time i've ever brought it up, now that i study for my masters degree. and he replied that his decision is final. after i literally wrote everything done. i'm so sick of people feeling like mental health is a choice. it cripples me in so many ways and when i finally go all out, they just don't care. he has never met me in person. i have a low self esteem in school and now it went even lower. i just went off antidepressants and i'm thinking about taking them again. i can't stop crying now because of how angry and embarrassed i am.
how do i see myself killing myself at 17i see myself cutting my stomach open after doing a horrible job at something
yo somebody translate this 01010100 01111001 01101100 01101011 01101111 00100000 01101010 01100101 01100100 01101110 01101111 00100000 01110111 00100000 01100111 01000010 01101111 01110111 01101001 01100101 00100000 01101101 01100001 01101101 00001010 01001011 01101111 01101011 01110011 01110101 00100000 01110000 01101001 00011001 00000111 00100000 01100111 01110010 01100001 01101101 00101100 00100000 01101111 01100100 01101100 01100101 01100011 01101001 01100101 00000111 00100000 01110011 01100001 01101101 00001010 01010111 00100000 01101011 01110010 01100001 01101001 01101110 00011001 00100000 01111010 01100001 01110000 01101111 01101101 01101110 01101001 01100101 01101110 01101001 01100001 00001010 01010111 00100000 01100111 01000010 01101111 01110111 01101001 01100101 00100000 01101101 01111001 01011011 01101100 01101001 00100000 01101101 01100001 01101101 00001010 01001011 01101001 01100101 01100100 01111001 00100000 01110011 01101011 01101111 01000100 01100011 01111010 01111001 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01101110 01101111 01100011 01101000 01100001 01101100 01100001 00100000 01101110 01101001 01100011 00100000 01101110 01101001 01100101 00100000 01110000 01110011 01101001 01101011 01101110 00011001 00001010 01010100 01100001 01101011 00100000 01100010 01100001 01110010 01100100 01111010 01101111 00100000 01100011 01101000 01100011 01100101 00100000 01100100 01101111 01110100 01111001 01101011 01100001 00000111 00100000 01100111 01110111 01101001 01100001 01111010 01100100 00001010 01000001 01101100 01100101 00100000 01101110 01101001 01100011 00100000 01111010 00100000 01110100 01100101 01100111 01101111 00101100 00100000 01100010 01101111 00100000 01101101 01100001 01101101 00100000 01111010 01101010 01100001 01111010 01100100 00001010 01010100 01101111 01110100 01100001 01101100 01101110 01100101 00100000 01101011 01110101 01110010 01110111 01100001 00100000 01101101 01100101 01100111 01100001 00100000 01111010 01100101 01101010 01011011 01100011 01101001 01100101 00001010 01000001 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01100101 01110010 01100001 00001010 01010111 00100000 01101011 01110010 01100101 01100011 01101000 00011001 00100000 01101110 01101001 01100101 00100000 01101101 01100001 00100000 01110101 00100000 01100100 01101001 01101100 01100101 01110010 01100001 00001010 01001010 01110101 01111100 00100000 01101110 01101001 01100101 00100000 01101110 01100001 00100000 01110000 01100101 01110111 01101110 01101111 00100000 01101110 01101001 01100101 00001010 01000011 01101000 01111001 01100010 01100001 00100000 01011011 01101101 01101001 01100101 01110010 00000111 00100000 01110010 01101111 01111010 01101011 01000010 01100001 01100100 01100001 00100000 01101101 01101110 01101001 01100101 00001010 01001110 01101001 01100011 00100000 01101110 01101001 01100101 00100000 01110000 01110010 01111010 01100101 01000010 01101011 01101110 00011001 00101100 00100000 01101101 01100001 01101101 00100000 01100100 01110010 01100101 01110011 01111010 01100011 01111010 01100101 00001010 01001011 01110101 01110010 01110111 01100001 00100000 01101101 01100001 00000111 00101100 00100000 01101001 01101100 01100101 00100000 01101010 01100101 01110011 01111010 01100011 01111010 01100101 00001010 01000010 00011001 01100100 01111010 01101001 01100101 00100000 01110100 01110010 01110111 01100001 01000010 00100000 01110100 01100101 01101110 00100000 01110011 01110100 01100001 01101110 00111111 00001010 01011010 01101110 01101001 01000010 00100000 01101101 01101001 00100000 01110011 01101001 00011001 00100000 01101011 01101111 01101011 01110011 01110101 00100000 01110110 01100001 01101110 00001010 01001001 00100000 01101000 01100101 01110010 01111001 00100000 01100111 01110010 01100001 01101101 00100000 01110100 01100001 01101011 00100000 01100100 01101100 01100001 00100000 01110011 01101101 01100001 01101011 01110101 00001010 01000011 01101000 01100011 00011001 00100000 01110011 01101001 00011001 00100000 01110111 01101111 01111010 01101001 00000111 00100000 01110111 00100000 01000011 01100001 01100100 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it's really hopeless.i tried everything. it started this year, when i realized everything was going downhill. it started with my grades. then it snowballed into rejections. now i'm sitting with here after getting my girlfriend taken away. to make matters worse, no college wants me. i know you might say, this is silly, just work harder. but, i don't think i can. no one looks at me and sees me as suicidal. but i need to put in so much effort just to wake up and go to school. every little thing all of a sudden just becomes 1000x harder. my health goes downhill and i don't even know what i'm doing, why am i not dead yet after 11 tries? well, i guess i should appreciate the fact that this subreddit along with my online friends from games and twitter has been able to keep me alive for 3 more months now. thank you. in 5 days, it will be spring break for my school, i hope that on the 14th, i will no longer be alive. thanks, i just wanted to be happy for the last few days, i know, you might think i'm dumb but hey, just let it pass.
i can't see anyone else being happy, i want them to be depressed as well.i recently upset another user on reddit because i didn't like seeing them being happy. i really badly hurt their feelings, all they ever were was nice to me. i seemed to take pleasure in making them upset.
wrote somethingi started writing again to combat my self harm, don't know if it will work. i used to write a lot in my spare time when i was younger, but it got hard to put my thoughts down on paper. thought i'd share my latest though, since i don't get to talk about myself outside of reddit. out of my head i can feel the looming shadow of my thoughts. thoughts that i have thought before, thoughts i wish to think no more. am i going mad as mad men say? is the voice i hear a shriek of fear, or a spectre near, whispering wind into my ear? where do these answers lie, if such questions may be answered by, simple minds like you and i, maybe if we try. they’ve begun to speak againdo not come near, they are words you cannot hearmere figments of my fear, but still they echo, ever clear, always here. inside my head a darkness lurks. i have tried to escape and hide away, turn and run the other way, to a place where i might pray, pray for a brighter day; but still these wails are with me when i lay, when i sleep, and when i wake they’re there to speak- there to keep me from breaking out of my head. not until i’m dead. please, dear voices let me be! i have nothing more to give to thee, you have raped me of my sanity, and robbed me of my dignity. what is left in me? only misery? no, i can still see the light beyond the cloud, i can scream back just as loud and create a shroud of all that i am proud… but i have nothing left to be proud of…. you have taken everythingsave for those i love. but love alone can’t seem to hold a candle to you… i know this to be true for i have seen what you can do. i’m choking now, choking on my breath - let me gaze into the face of death. i long to see those waking eyes, curious stare and silent cries. i can hear the screaming in my head, echoing violence and endless dread, echoing things that they have said. a passing thought of memory sings - or perhaps it stings… as it shows to me the things, that i fear most. could this be the illusion of a ghost, who has made of me a host to voices i hold close? insanity. my head is the beast that spews this hate. hate. i search for help, but search too late. no longer can i sit and ponder, sit and wait, wait for an answer other than fate. and if its fate that has made it this way, then i am out of words to say. when will the storm slow? maybe never, i do not know, but i pray that time will show, that there is hope in my darkness.
how i feel: the story i'm not like most people. i'm special. special doesn't mean better. it doesn't mean worse. only different. at first sight, i look normal, i act normal. but i did figure out that i wasn't, and it only took me two decades. so my situation's a little different than others here. i didn't live through a traumatic event when i was a kid (according to me). my parents didn't beat me. didn't get bullied (too much). i'm not in pain. i don't feel alone, even though i am. i didn't have a best friend when i was a kid. it wasn't a health problem so i didn't talk about it to my physician. and when i felt anxious, well, everyone else did too. nothing strange there, either a kid was stressed, or didn't give a shit. i talked about my feelings just as much as the next guy, which is not at all. (i could be wrong there, since i didn't have a best friend) it all seemed pretty normal to me. it was pretty normal to be stressed and to not give a shit. and i could do both. fast forward a little, and it becomes obvious that i'm not normal. in my early twenties, my friends were my co-workers. i had started smoking to cope with the stress. random people had earned my respect for coping with stress without that crutch. going out once a month is definitely not normal. not having friends is not normal. not seeing your parents for months in a row is not normal. it made me different. not better, not worse. i had already thought about killing myself, briefly. during, i kid you not, an insurance meeting with the hr department. she did the math in front of me (not exactly challenging). i had to work another 40-something years to get full retirement benefits. at the time, i thought i could do it. i was let go about 2 years later. i didn't think about my mental health issues for some time. eventually, i did my own research to find out relevant details. i'm reasonably certain that i also have alexithymia (lack of emotional self-awareness) and anhedonia (inability to feel pleasure). it's always easier to spot a problem in retrospect, but it explains a lot. why i don't miss people when they're gone. why i don't cry at funerals. why i rarely get angry. why i never knew what to ask for on my birthdays. i don't form emotional bond with people. there's no one in my life to whom i can say with certainty “i love you”. a blank space is a list of every thing i want. my whole life has been driven by what i don't want. i don't want to stand out. i don't want to be unemployed. i don't want to be homeless. i don't want to live. i don't want to walk around aimlessly, choc-full of antidepressant. don't want to work 40 years in a daze. don't want to get stuck in a psych ward. don't want to get worse. things aren't bad for me. they're not good either. i can't remember the best day of my life. can't remember the worst either. but i do remember some bad ones. i don't want to kill myself, but i think i'll do it anyway.
all my family were brutaly murdered and i am the only one alive in our family i await my silver gold ternion platinum wholesome argentinium wholesome pro wholesome seal of approval. and much more
i've got a question what should i draw? i'll post a pic when i'm done
feminist and equality it’s not equality now in america you guys got systematically equality. but you can still hit guys, still falsely accuse guys, play victim to get an upper hand in divorce cases. so no it’s not true equality, and because of this men don’t wanna employ y’all because they are scared of get falsely accused. yet there’s also a reason for a pay gap too because men have a 4 times higher chance of dying on the job. manly because most military and police are men, but construction workers have a good chance of dying too. still females have a chance of catching diseases while working in the hospital.( i know not every women is a nurse) but there still is a pay gap. and men still can’t show emotion
i can't make myself say "i love you"i can't be sincere, some girl told me "i love you" (not in a relationship) and i really like her because she's really cool and really talented and is a cool friend but i just can't say it back i don't know whyi do know whybut if i say i don't then it makes it seem like i can't help itbut i really can't because it happened in my past my mom would never come over, she would always lie about things "i love you" she'd saybut she never showed it other than bringing me things once a yearit was always lie after lie after excuse after lie and she only lived 30 minutes away the whole time. i feel bad because sometimes i'll wait for people to talk to meand then my gut tells me to talk to them but i don't and then when i don't i think about what could've been said and how it's too late now or "it would be awkward now, it's too late" and it probably is but... every day i wake up and it feels like i do nothing. "live life to the fullest! appreciate what you have!" and it's likei do but i want to be doing something. i'd like to travel but i don't have money i'd like money but that would mean i need a job and i personally like having a lot of free time and not being tied down to menial labor and its schedule. i probably sound like a prick but i really just want people towell i want to like people and make it feel sincere and make myself seem warm and welcoming but i just don't know howcome to think of it, i never really complimented girls because i didn't want to come off like a creep or like i was thirsty y'know? all i want to do is make people happy while also being happyi just don't know what to do during my free time to make a career out of something like that :/ i also feel like i catch myself fucking up more than other people catch me fucking up but idk it's just obnoxious considering this post is just me rambling, it's scary thinking i could die any second and any second is another second i didn't tell that person that i loved them but maybe they knew it or maybe they didn't man now i feel obligated to...but now would be an awkward time and i wouldn't know how to say it andthis is exactly what i'm talking about t__t any advice on how to love myself and more importantly love others?
just found out that a coworker took his life before christmas......:(this was a father of 2 teenaged boys and he seemed successful in his life. this is totally triggering me after i have spent the past 2 years recovering from 2 hospital stays. rip j.p.
fun fact germans are so efficient that some of their divisions in ww1 had a casualty rate that exceeds 100%
i will no longer hornypost. haha, you fool, i’m gonna hornypost harder than ever. le epic hornypost time.
i’m an epic gamer hello everyone, this is my application for you guys to come watch my streams :). i’m a minecraft steamer who likes to make comedy style content. if you would like to come learn more about me come and watch i would love to see you there :) [twitch channel link](https://twitch.tv/louie1843)
the corset i bought comes in tomorrow 😳😳 who should i show first
i just want to die more every day.i’ve thought about suicide every day for the past two months. not just a fleeting thought. full on consideration of what i am going to do to kill myself. it’s funny, because even though i’ve been debating this on and off for five years, i still haven’t decided on my method. a month ago i lost the only person in my life who gave me reason to be a person and everything i’ve done since then makes me feel like a fucking imposter. my life is in fucking shambles now. i skip school because i’m too depressed to get out of bed, i can’t even text peoplei’ll try but i can’t get more than a couple texts in without feeling like a sham and just leaving them on read, i’ve started cutting again to try and feel less, i sleep weird ass hours (10 pm-2:30 am), i cant eat, every day i feel worse and worse and i have no fucking clue what to do. the only thing that made sense to me anymore is hurting myself because at least then i felt in control. fuck the years of mental and physical abuse i’ve been put under, the manipulative relationships i’ve tried to be in to cope, the toxicity of nearly everyone i’ve ever fucking met, because in the moments i cut i at least feel like only i can hurt me. but now it just feels like his hand dragging the blade against my skin. i feel gross, and wrong. and i’m so tired. i’m so fucking tired. physically and mentally and beyond everything i’m just so tired and it’s like every minuscule part in my body is just longing to be at rest. god. why do i have to feel like this at fucking 17. this is so fucking unfair. everyone i know is capable of doing the shit they need to and then stuff they want to but the only thing i want anymore is to kill myself. try as i might, i can’t get better and haven’t gotten better for years. i know i’m going to die soon.
questionwhenever i look up things about depression i always will come across some motivational speaker that's been there, tried killing themselves and in that moment they realized that's not what they want. i dont think ill ever get to the point of suicide but, for the past couple years it is not a foreign thought running through my head. does anyone have the experience of just all of a sudden. loving life?
lol dont you love being the only one with a camera on the only other class with people with cams on is cuz they are supposed to.
my takeyou need to get her away from her family. they'll just make things worse. we make mistakes as humans all the time. our fail safe as humans is to take lessons to avoid a repeat of such mistakes. she needs someone around her 24/7. just keep telling her you'll stand by her no matter what. do things to take her mind off her issues as much as possible. don't let her out of your sight. she might have to confront those issues with you by her side. don't judge her no matter what she does or says. that should help. suicidal feelings are like fire. they go out when there's no fuel to feed them keep her away from judgmental people and exploitative people too. you'll need tons of patience too. good luck
what's your favorite mantra to try and keep your good day going?i'm in a decent place, and i want to keep it going. i have posters, poster markers, paint, stencils, etc, and i want to make artwork for my walls featuring inspirational phrases and sentences (no matter how cheesy!) right now i was thinking of things like "smile! you're worth it" "even the worst days have a silver lining" etc. they can even be slightly negative "you're not as bad as you think you are!" or "everyone gets good and bad days; don't let the bad weigh you down" things like that! any suggestion is welcome, no matter how good/bad/negative/positive/rude/cheesy! thanks guys
i just can't deal with life anymorei broke up with my ex months ago. it wasn't good for either of us, i was still in love with him, but i wasn't gay, i was just attracted to him because he still looked like a girl (he's trans) and i knew it would kill him if he knew that, he'd hate himself more than he already did. i talked to no one all summer, i used to talk to him everyday but i stopped, because i knew he still had feelings for me and to be honest so did i. i had no one all summer, all of my friends never thought of me so i was alone and fairly depressed. it got so bad that i texted my ex again at the end of summer, because i was desperate. i only wanted a friend, and he said he did too. but it was painfully obvious that i was hurting him being his friend, so i stopped again. it was my fault, i should have just left him alone, i was weak. although i did see him now and then and would always be friendly and treat him with respect, i would always look out for him when we were out and made sure he got home safe, even if i put on a passing "im cool and don't care" attitude. but due to recent events, i know i'm spiralling back into depression and have been considering suicide. my friend recently broke up with his girlfriend, and honestly she is a manipulative uncaring person. i always tried to be friendly to her and she would call me an "asshole to talk to" to my face. she started being friendly with my ex, who had said that he hated her for the same reasons i did. they started loudly discussing people they were fucking and shunning me whenever i was around. my ex started to hate me. i quit youth club because of how they treated me, when i would always remain friendly. my friends ex actively tries to tear me down, and has gotten my ex on her side. tonight i got a snap from a guy i know. everyone is out tonight because school just ended for christmas, and i wasn't invited because they used to be the people i'd go out with. the snap was of my ex and my friends ex making out. she is a horrible person. my ex is not, he's sweet and and has terrible self esteem and psychological issues. it kills me to see what they're doing to him, i know he'll never be happy the way he's going. i've done nothing wrong to these people, i've done all i can to rectify my mistakes and i'm treated like dirt. all things considered i hate my life. i hate the people i talk to now, they're all immature geeks and nerds, i have no one i love anymore. i have nothing and no one, and i know i'm just going to be treated worse and experience a lot more hate, i just can't cope anymore. i have nothing to live for.
guys, japan isn't japan nippon and nihon are used interchangeably as the country’s name aswell.
people keep saying that it’ll get better but better isn’t happening for me & i want to die everydayidk what “it’ll get better” even means tbh! like sure i’ll go to therapy but i still want to kms. it’s not my therapist who sucks it’s just my constant state of being
:]hello 😀👍 by the time you're reading this i'll most likely be dead 😀👍👍 dead by overdose before the time i'm even fucking 20 :] i can't live with bipolar anymore, i can't live with the fact i let a random man i don't even speak to fuck me :) the shame is uber large i hate life, i hate myself, i hate everything and everyone :]] i'm failing high school, but not anymore, the dead don't deal with grade :] goodbye, adios, auf wiedersehen xolutz
how do i tell my parents that i want a lock on my door? so im 16/m and dont have lock on the door to my room, which means that if i wanna jack off without having a risk of getting busted, i have to use the bathroom. so how do i tell my parents that i want a lock without it sounding like "hey can i have a lock on my door so i can jack off in peace?" my parents arent very strict and the only reason why i dont have a lock already is because its pretty much the default to not have a lock on your door where i live.
it’s so hot in this hot room why is it so hot i won’t be able to sleep rgrgrgrg
what if i just stopped going to work?work is slowly killing me. i call in sick at least once a month just to have a chance to "recover" but it's not enough anymore. i can't take a full-time schedule. but i fucking have to. i'm living paycheck to paycheck. i can't escape from the cycle. i'm stuck in a loop. there is no other choice but to work and to hate it. there is no other option. i can't escape. all of my coworkers look at me funny. they are constantly thinking things about me and not telling me what they are. a brief glance with a slight frown. what the fuck are they thinking about?? why don't they just talk to me?? i cry for help with my eyes, but they don't know what to do. i don't know what to do. or what to say. even the conversations we have are pointless. there are no connections made. no meaningful relationships. nothing is good enough to ease the pain. my parents have abandoned me. they don't know what to do with my emotions anymore. mom said that i have "exhausted" her with my problems. dad's never been one to talk with me. my sister is the only person who i feel truly comfortable with right now, but she lives far away. she doesn't understand how much i want to die. i've never told her. it's too painful. i would add to everyone else's pain. they would be mortified. is there somebody who can help me?
i think about the benifits of killing myself dailyi spend a couple hours a night thinking about how everyone wants me dead or just wouldnt care either way. im 18 i have aspergers i was bullied constantly through out high school, i use to get told from multiple people that the world would be better without me, ive never really had a true friend, my ex was the closest person in the world to me she now hates me so much and if i try and talk to her she threatens to call the cops and get a restraining order, she was the first person not to treat me like shit. i have no one left to talk to, i just dont see how i can do the world anygood, i just hurt anyone who gets mistaken into talking to me
storytime:how i lost my virginity after my parents died and getting fired from my job so what happend was my parents died, then i got fired, and then i lost my virginity. man, that's such a great story, and i tell it so well!
i screwed up by talking about sex with my friends. so we were talking about the longest dick ever and someone asked how big are you? i broke down right there but she was asking about my height.
pokemon go shiny rng has been insane for me for the past week. for those who don't know what shinies are and how they work, they are discolored pokemon that are rare. 1/450 are the odds in pokemon go. considering that i might check 100 or less pokemon a day, there is ~20% chance that i find a shiny during the day. 7 days ago, i was playing and found a shiny eevee. it's been over a month since my last full odds shiny, so i wasn't surprised. 6 days ago, i found a shiny bellsprout. 5 days ago, i found a shiny abra. 4 days ago, i found a shiny lotad. 3 days ago, i found a shiny murkrow. i didn't play for the past 2 days. today, i found another shiny lotad and murkrow, and a shiny mudkip. 3 in a single day. i might have used all of my luck in life in one week.
i honestly don’t know what i’m gonna do my grades aren’t competitive enough for a dental program or nursing program, and i’m dumb as shit do my sat is gonna be straight garbage. honestly if i don’t make it, idk what i’m gonna do
u/s3zle supports universal healthcare you're welcome america
i proved my schools band director wrong the band director at my school got mad at me for playing a wrong note and told me “you’re an ok french horn player, but a terrible composer” so i took this as a challenge and quit band and started composing my own songs. i never let anyone listen to them until today. my science teacher offered an extra credit if someone sang a song about newton’s laws of physics, so i played one of the songs i had (none have any lyrics) and made up some lyrics about his laws, sang in front of the class and got that extra credit. tl;dr band director told me i’m bad at making music so i made a song and got extra credit in science. i’ll post the song lyrics in the comments if they’re wanted but i don’t know how to post the instrumentals.
i want to put a gun in my mouth...why not me.... ​ why does everyone have love in their life but me? ​ all my co workers have girlfriends, wives, etc. ​ all my co workers have no problems with women wanting to talk to them. ​ why not me? ​ why do women avoid me so much? ​ what did i do? ​ i don't want to be a disposable tool. ​ i don't want to be someone who hears about your boyfriend problems. i want to be the boyfriend. ​ i don't want to be a monster. ​ i want to be a husband, a father, a boyfriend. ​ i don't want to live in hell anymore. ​ i want to die. ​ i want to die end this suffering.
pork is the best mea,t change my mind. bruh? you all know for a fuckin fact that pork is the best lmao.
looking for someone to speak about some shit i have in my head (nothing too serious, don't worry) it's either talking to someone here or making like five different posts and i'm not about doing the same thing five times to get similar results. btw, i don't speak english as my main language so sorry for possible bad phrasing
i think i need help.i’m not really new to this.... but i guess i kind of am? long story short, i recently started working with one of my parents at their office. their boss loves me, and i was very excited about it. but one thing i forgot to mention. my parent is definitely a narcissist. they can do no wrong, but i was born wrong. i just got off of a 12am phone call with them, which pertained to them telling me that i would “ruin our relationship forever” if i cost her the promotion she wants. but i work in the back of the office. i don’t speak unless spoken to by her coworkers, and even then i am reserved and try to think before i speak. it isn’t good enough. they told me so. that i am a wreck. that i haven’t been wearing enough makeup or looking “pretty” enough. and when i try to voice my logic into the conversation.... i am told they will take it into their own hands and be sure i am fired. normally i can handle most of the narcissistic bullsh*t they throw at me. but my amazing support system (dearboyfriend) is away for the week. i am laying in bed, sobbing. i am laying in bed thinking of ways to make the situation better. all i can come up with is to remove myself from the situation. permanently. i think it might make life a little easier for them all. more breathing room without my mistakes... i sit here and contemplate... pills? i’ve got some that would work. drowning in the bathtub? maybe it would be peaceful. maybe even the generic slitting of wrists. i just don’t want my insides to ache like this anymore. i don’t want to feel at all.
how to ruin a relationship 101 tl;dr god blessed me with happiness but i was an idiot and i wasted it by catfishing this girl because i liked her. it was a cold wednesday night in november of 2019, i was really bored on the public bus (where anyone could get on and off) home from after school work and suddenly out of the blue, a very pretty girl who looks around my age walks onto the bus. i had never seen her before and she sat on a seat across from me making it really easy to glance at her and just admire it. she noticed me looking at her a couple of times and smiled but out of embarrassment i tried my best to make it seem like i wasn’t looking at her. then came the time for me to get off the bus, the bus stopped and i saw her stand up to leave the bus at the exact same time as me and surprise surprise she lived in the same estate as me, it was clearly an act of god but i was too stubborn to realise that at the time, i was actually shy for some reason, we were the only two who got off the bus then so we were all alone as we walked into the estate. now what happens next had potential to be really awkward because we were walking in the same path and i was walking behind her, i felt like saying hi to her but i have never done that to a girl in my life in a situation like that and i never did. but she had other plans, she turned around and saw me walking behind her, i looked up and her and she said hi to me. now i don’t know what came over me but somehow i had managed to start a long conversation with her as were walking down the path and we just started asking each other random things and we both smiled throughout the whole thing, it was a really good conversation but eventually i had to stop talking and go to my house so i said bye to her and she did the same. the whole night i just spent thinking why any of that happened at all and what i even did to deserve that. the next week she never came onto the bus and i walked home alone and just thought to myself that she might be sick or something so i waited another week and she didn’t come again. so curiosity got the better of me and i looked up her name on instagram and after days of finding different people i finally found her profile, but i didn’t want to come off as weird so instead of following her i made a fake account and messaged her there with a fake name. now this is where everything started to go a bit downhill, well not “a bit downhill”, this was basically the beginning of the end. what happens next is pretty weird so before anyone asks i don’t know why i was like this and why i did what i did but just remember this was almost 2 years ago and i was dumb and stupid. i messaged her on the fake account telling her that i had a crush on her and she asked who i was and i told her i can’t tell her, she basically said to me that i can just tell her she won’t react weirdly or anything and i started giving her clues and answers to her questions, she was asking if i went to her school etc. i don’t really know where i was going with this once again i was really stupid back then. i lied and told her i went to her school but then eventually she saw through that and asked me to tell the truth. now this conversation basically went on for a few days and another day came and surprisingly enough she came onto the bus i walked home with her, this time i asked her if she had instagram even though i knew she what it was i just wanted her to think that i only found out when she told me, and she did. that night i added her on my real account and we didn’t really say anything there, so i logged onto the fake account and she seemed really invested in finding out who i was so i just continued to message her there. a day after i was beginning to get bored and realised how weird what i did was so i just asked her if she wanted to know who i was, and she said yes so i did. now i had really low expectations understandably and sure enough told me that we barely know each other and that we’ve only spoken to each other twice and we could never be in a relationship but we could still be friends. i knew that what i did was really weird so i just told her okay but i didn’t really stay in contact with her because to be honest i didn’t deserve to be her friend after what i did, not only that but it wouldn’t be the same talking to her. she did come onto my bus occasionally afterwards but we never talked in person after that, she would always walk on the other path and walk home by herself. this was around christmas so it was pretty hard dealing with this short lived moment of happiness but eventually i sort of got over it, i still think about it every now and then thinking about what could have been.
song of the day #36 [enter sandmanmetallica ](https://youtu.be/cd-e-ldc384)
my friend gave me her blade hey all, so my friend finally gave me her pencil sharpener razor. it's definitely a step forward. i don't know where i'm supposed to go from here. i think this is her only blade but i'm not sure. her blade was rusted and her mom is anti-vaxx and i'm not sure what to do. she hadn't harmed herself since tuesday so that's good also. ugh fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck does anybody have advice
the "loneliness cycle" or atleast how it is for me.1. life decides to mess with me in some way that prevents me from getting to hang out with friends 2. it doesn't bother me too much at first and i only get somewhat sad about it. 3. oh crap it's been over a week now. 4. loneliness sets in 5. depression sets in 6. tearing up 7. possibly crying but it doesn't happen often at all 8. help me. 9. finally get a chance to hang out with friends again. 10. i get to hang out with friends again and am extremely happy for the next day. 11. some other thing is happening soon where i'll get to hang out with people, wow it actually seems like my life might start being kinda nice. 12. back to step 1.
all my friends are fbi plants never should've searched for the anarchists cookbook
"who is that?"i had a review session for an exam late this evening. when it wrapped up i got on a bus along with several other students from my lecture. i was in the front along the side, while the bulk of them were seated further in the back. i heard two of them talking about me. "who is that girl, anyway?" "i don't know. she's quiet." i've known for a very long time that i'm quiet. it's just... i don't know. there's something about hearing other people talk about it that hurts and makes it that much more real. i've been making a lot of changes this semester in terms of trying to improve my social anxiety and trying to bolster my self-confidence: i accepted some phone duties in the lab that i work in in addition to my normal work, i've tried to speak up more and actually answer questions in class for once, i've chatted with people. i've tried not to be the awkward quiet girl in the corner that nobody really notices is there. but i guess my efforts have amounted to nothing. i don't feel good about myself. i don't think i ever will.
periods are horrible and should be banned. i have yet to meet someone who enjoys being on their period. so here i am, on behalf of woman everywhere calling for a ban on periods. create some pill that stops it or something. if we have random party drugs, why can't we have this?
...kamikaze or suicide
i want to melt lets melt *melts*
y’all think i can finish 11 pages of translating things in a language idk in 30 minutes? the title. filler filler filler rifles filler filler fidodkekejwjwjwjdhd
i just want it to endhere i am, woke up again, i dont know why god cant just take me :((
i'm a loser, i see no point in going on (could be a long post)i'm a 15 years old dude from italy. this post is gonna be messy. i live in a normal family and i have a family that loves me. i don't have a social life. in june i finished my first year of high school. everyone had high expecations for me, but my average was a mere 7.5. because of that i'm not eligible to a €600 scolarship. i disappointed everyone. i've been depressed for about 4 years (since the first year of middle school). in these four years, my life has been a continuous downward spiral. i don't even know how it began, but i sure know how it will end. i'll either live a pathetic and pointless life as a loser or i'll find the strength to kill myself. there is no good way out. i don't have any real friends. there is absolutely nothings i can do well. i like to pretend that i have lots of hobbies. i want to learn programming. i want to learn networking. i want to learn web design and a crapton of other computer-related stuff. i want to read a ton of books. i want to improve my typing speed and accuracy. i want to study hard and get good results. i want to get good at lol, wow, starcraft and a ton of other games. i want to be a great photographer. i want to do a lot of stuff. my mood is really unstable.i'm either extremely depressed, totally apathic or hyper active. sometimes a mood lasts days, weeks and even months. sometimes it's like a dice on a spinning roulette. when i'm extremely depressed i just sit at my pc and do nothing but listen to depressing music, while i think about suicide. when i'm apathic i do absolutely nothing, i just think about suicide and everything shitty there is in this world. when i'm hyperactive (sort of) i make plans for the future. stuff like downloading and researching tons of guides on how to program, making lists of books i want to read and read reviews of them, watch tons of tutorials on how to do stuff, read video game guides, photoshop guides, all pointless shit. then i crash on the wall of reality and fall back in one of the two previously named moods. i can't stand it anymore. sometimes i start thinking that things are getting better. then i realize that i'm still in the same dark shitty hole and the only way out is suicide. in the end i read nothing, i'm never able to complete a single photoshop project and i can't even write a line of code. i'm 1.80m tall and i weigh 54kgs. i don't have anorexia, nor any eating disorder. i just can't gain weight, even if i eat normally. you have no idea how humiliating it is. in my class there are 24 girls. can you imagine how it feels like to be a weak and ugly piece of shit? p.e. hours are absolute hell. i don't have any real friends. no one knows about my depression (don't even know for sure if i'm depressed or just a piece of shit making that up). i can't have a normal conversation. i'm good only at making smoke castles. i wish i could just tell somebody. i began developing concrete suicidal thoughts about three years ago. i made tons of plans, but never been able to go through with it. mainly because being the failure that i am i'd fail even at that, resulting in even more humiliation. i feel like the shit i'm drowining in is too deep to get out. there is nothing more i can do but kill myself. hell, even that's not possible. i'm condemned to live a life i don't want to live. if someone approached me right now and told me they could make me die without anyone missing me, hell yea i would accept that. i know this sounds pathetic, and i hate that. there is much more to be said, but there is no need to. it's the same deep well of bullshit, self loathing, depression and self commiseration. sorry for the long post.
looking for some insight on depression/anxiety treatments.my doctor has told me i have been developing some symptoms of clinical depression and anxiety as a result of a recent fibromyalgia diagnosis. i have a few questions about the current treatment options, and while i recognize none of you are doctors, i feel that your insight into the various treatment methods is something i should consider while looking at my options. **for those of you that are taking medication...** a. how effective would you say it's been at treating your anxiety and/or depression? b. i've read that most mood medications have a negative impact on sex-drive/performance and can cause serious weight gainhave you found this to be the case for you? **for those of you that are foregoing medication...** c. what method(s) are you utilizing (various forms of talk therapy, meditation, etc.), and are you seeing any benefit from it? **for all of you...** d. did you experience chronic pain and/or fatigue along with your anxiety and/or depression? if so, do you find that treating one helps the other? e. overall, how effective do you feel the currently available methods of treatment have been at improving your quality of life?
doing it on vacationi'm currently on a family trip in cancun and i tried, i really did, but i still just can't be fucking happy. i'm in a beautiful place surrounded by people who care but the feeling of loneliness, the creeping feeling of desolation never ceases. i guess that at the root of the problem is that i feel alone. it's stupid and ridiculous and there are people out there with real, tangible problems and here i am wallowing in despair because i can't find a fucking relationship. just someone who loves me for who i am and not because i carry their family name. someone who i can talk to and be honest with. it's not even about sex, i just wish i could find someone who i make happy. i'm only 19 but watching my friends and peers go on and form connections with others even though i know that for many of them it isn't easy. they're stronger than me. the dirge of anxiety rings in my head with every conversation, every passing glance. goddamn i live in my head. i'm not good enough, not smart enough, not happy enough. who wants to be with someone who's sad? not me. no, not me. not anymore.
my crush got a boyfriend rip me. i’m pretty sad.
i had the strangest dream last night so here's how it went down. i was watching tv and saw denny devito vs mike tyson on espn. as i was watching it, danny devito was sent to prison and then i woke up
weebs of r/teenagers, sao, parasyte, or datalive? just wanting to know which one to watch next.
wish i was never born.life is so pointless. i hate myself.
i did it! i called my crush for 3 hours straight! she kept saying things like “why are you calling me” “i’m trying to sleep” and “it’s fucking 4 am” that means she likes me back right?
i kinda asked this girl out so i’m just talking here to distract myself before looking at her response she is a really close friend of mine and idk what to do while i wait for her to respond. i’m really nervous, i don’t want to lose the friendship or anything.
i just can't be bothered anymoreit was okay when i was doing nothing with my life but now i'm starting uni and will have actual responsibilities i don't see the point. i can't be bothered trying anymore
i found somethingmy dad died and he was my best friend. i love him so much and i am not healing from his death. our bond was much deeper than any other bond i've ever seen. i saw him die and it was very sudden. i was looking through his stuff today, desperate for him, and i found a page in a notebook where he had written my name all over and drawn hearts around each one. it should make me happy, but i am so unbelievably lost and miserable. he should be here. i don't understand how people are here one day and gone forever the next, with only memory to remind you they ever existed.
short rant about "try a hobby", etc.try a hobby, go do something, pick a goal and work toward it, go take some classes, yadda yadda. you know what i hear? "quit moping and just decide to enjoy something." at best, it's cheap, generic advice that means fuck-all in practical terms. "try a hobby" -- but i suck at everything and the only actually enjoyable "hobby" is daydreaming furiously enough or getting intoxicated enough to forget the real world and my real life exist. "go do something" -- but nothing is appealing and very little even rises to the level of neutral. "pick a goal and work toward it" -- but anything i might actually desire as a goal is outright delusional and completely outside the realm of reality, or can be accurately labelled "violent crime". "go take some classes" -- but none sound the slightest bit interesting (maybe some sound interesting-but-miserable-and-torturous) and just seeing the students walking around campus is enough to make me want to curl up and die. yeah, i know, i'm just so negative and just making excuses -- pick anything and i just have a bullshit excuse (like "i've tried that before and it was *really* unpleasant" or "that sounds absolutely hellish") to not do it. i guess i should tack something on to make this potentially productive instead of just venting, so: all of this advice seems to be a second step and completely ignores a prerequisite first step of finding a point and/or motivation for any of it. so how does that first step happen? i've heard the generic advice a million times, i want to know how to get to the point that it's not completely useless platitudes.
currently watching the first episodes of spongebob. i'm not sure if i like it. the voice over to my language is worse than in the new episodes, the colours darker which i don't like, but the personalities of characters are better in my opinion
biden vs trump debate in a nutshell. (pls don't get political in the comments i'm not taking any sides) debate in a nutshell biden: trump very bad and i- trump: actually that's not true biden bad- moderator: mr president shut up biden: as i was saying trump did this bad thing trump: actually thats false i didn't do that but biden did this bad thing and- moderator: thats all the time we have for this subject
jumping off abandoned building?would it be a good idea to tie a noose to the top of a tall abandoned building and jump off? would that speed things up? and would it make this less messy?
i’m inches from overdosei’m trying so hard right now i’m so rry i need convincing not to just take all my hydroxyzine right now and end it nothing is worth it im so sorry
when will the minecraft cave update get released? im curios and too lazy to google
mum tried to kill herself again.she might be coming home today. tried to od for the second time. what should i say? i really want tell her that she needs stronger meds for her bipolar disorder (type 2), but when i tried to tell her that when i saw her in the hospital, she just said that she needs to be off meds completely. she's on a ton of meds for other problems, so she's obviously very overwhelmed with problems. some of them she can work on to get off the meds, but i do believe that she should be on stronger meds for bipolar disorder, and be on meds for it [period], as it can, and probably did, lead her to try and commit suicide. both of the times happened very spontaneously. i think she's only taking prozac. i'm going to talk to her about what she wants to get off her cocktail of drugs, but i want to keep pushing her to get better meds for her disorder. if you're wondering about why i'm thinking so realistically and seemingly emotionless, it's because i don't want to risk it happening again. i'm afraid of the success of her manic actions. i want to get her help before she has the power to process those thoughts again; then, i'll have the time to relax and gather my feelings back. is my plan awry? don't be afraid to ask questions.
panickingcurrently anxious as hell. thinking about a lot of things i shouldn't be. i don't want to have a panic attack but i have no one to reach out to right now and it's so hard to calm down and prevent one from happening. please can someone just talk with me? i feel like a pile of shit that i have to come here so much. i just have nothing else in my life.
living after cancer isn’t lifei’ve started making arrangements to ensure my family won’t be left with a shit storm after i’m gone. i’ve been living with severe chronic pain that has only gotten worse since remission from cancer. i’ve been seeing a psychologist that specializes in chronic pain and her only answer is drugs. my oncologist only offers drugs. i can’t sit down anymore. i can’t stand. i can’t have sex ever again. i can barely drive. i have plans for each of my dogs, and all of my possessions. a few things to wrap up. a painting to finish for a friend. some goodbyes to make. since being diagnosed most of my friends have disappeared so it won’t be too hard. i can see the relief and i’m so at peace when i think about it. no more pain. no more struggle. just nothing.
i wore a planet shirt to a tets about planets so i wore a planet shirt (with the names and what the planets look like) to a test about what they look like and shiz. *i dont know why because for my grade you should already know that* got a straight a+ also heres the shirt (not an ad btw just click it): [https://us.shein.com/boys-letter-and-planet-print-top-p-1353657-cat-1999.html?scici=search~~editsearch~~1~~planet%20shirt~~~~0~~0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqw4w9wgxcq&app=desktop)
based on my age most of you would probably assume i'm a freshman it's just interesting
stop telling me i'm still young and things will get betterevery time i share my thoughts with a counselor, fellow redditor, etci always get told something along the lines of: "stop worrying. you're only 20 years old. things will get better." if i committed a crime today would i be charged as a minor? no. i'm an adult. 25% of my life is over (assuming i don't voluntarily end it beforehand or die of disease). i'm fed up with this lazy support system. tell me how other people like me get by everyday by living on their own without a so. but do not tell me that i will one day find my so even if i have never dated. because you're only providing false hope and i'll be even more depressed when that doesn't happen and lonely and unprepared. edit: people are getting hung up on the so example and missing the point. that was just an example of something people tell me that they cannot know for certain.
20mfeeling like i’m so lost.i don’t want to kill myself bc i wouldn’t want to do that to my family but i really don’t want to be alive anymore. i don’t have anyone or anything. i’ve failed everyone i love and have no purpose anymore
she makes me want to die that wicked woman.my aunt.she says nothing but insults to me,every morning she yells at me to wake up,tells me to do all the chores around the house,i get that,but she doesnt do that to my other siblings just because they're guys and they dont need to do it cuz girls are supposed to do all the work in the house and i fucking hate that. right,ik that isnt that much to hate her about it.okay hear me out she calls me stupid,dumb,incompetent,lazy,slow,incapable,and she looks at me like i'm trash,she fucking hates my guts!i didnt ask to be born as your fucking niece i wish i was never related to her...she makes me want to commit suicide,every time i see her i want to gauge out my eyeballs and literally run off and run away from this horrible place,i hate living under the same roof as her,i wanna fucking die she makes me so miserable,i utterly despise her. i try so fucking hard to make things work and she just says all the negative things to me and she hates me so much.does it make sense that complete strangers care about me much more than my own family?she makes me so depressed.im literally still hanging on and she makes everything worse.i despise her. i cant say that i want her to die since that would be cruel but i wish to disappear,i wish to be away from her,i dont want anything to do with her.she's so abusive..she's been like this to me since i was 11 and she never does it to my brothers obv she favours them over me.when i was around 12 she barged into my room and started screaming so loud and threw the things on my table at me and she repeatedly slapped me on the arm and pulled on my ears. i bore with it.i gritted my teeth with tears in my eyes bcs if i ever said smtg back she would tell me its rude and disrespectful. she's old and apparently she has a weak immune body or smtg and she always victimises herself saying things like 'oh so you want me to do the chores around the house?what am i to you?a lowly maid?' and she has the most annoying voice ever tell you,i'm not even exaggerating.she's so loud she has horrible big eyes that glare at me even when i did nothing wrong. she always finds something to blame me for she always finds a way to make me sad and mad she just cant leave me alone and i hate that.i wanna be away from her but that's not possible. do you know how it feels to be called stupid every day?it makes me feel like shit.it makes me feel worthless.
vitamin d supplements _really_ help in a lot of caseshonestly.
i am still here..barely hanging onneed the help. .. i would love to talk to someone
your not cool because you say “on my mama” you sound like an idiot. please shut up
please someone stop me i am eating so many cookies, i can’t stop i am gonna have a heart attack at this rate. i think i’m stress eating, fuck.
why does this dude keep coming back to me? we had a thing but it ended shortly because he lost feelings for me so we stayed as friends but things got so toxic that we had to take a break from each other and even after the break, it was still toxic so we stopped talking to each other. until one day, when he thanked me for being his friend even though things didn't work out (it happened out of the blue) and we started talking again. there is no toxicity so far, everyone's cool with each other, no one is mad at each other but i'm still going to be cautious around him. but i'm curious why he keeps coming back to me?
this post is only for people who’s dad’s tell annoying unfunny jokes. if this isn’t you then move along question: is it nice having a dad? cause in my head when i imagine it it’s always nice
explaining your depressionhello. first time poster. 21f been dealing with depression off and on since 13. it's so hard because it comes and goes and especially is triggered and escalated during times of high stress. it is so hard for me to explain my depression to my so. it is as if they just simply think i can snap out of it because maybe at one point a few months ago i wasn't feeling this way. i am scared for how i feel right now, and how badly this bout of depression is. any advice on how to reach out for help to my so? how do you all explain depression to those you trust? is there any way to really perfectly describe it without understanding it first hand?