class label
2 classes
大西洋青铜时代由一些区域金属生产中心统一,其中一些产品定期进行海上交换。 大西洋青铜时代由许多不同的区域金属生产中心统一,其中一些产品定期进行海上交换。
This example is not_paraphrase.
Atlantic Bronze Ageは、いくつかの製品の定期的な海上交換によって定義された、いくつかの地域的な金属生産の中心地によって統一されました。 Atlantic Bronze Ageは、いくつかの製品の定期的な海上交換によって定義された、多数の異なる地域の金属生産の中心地によって統一されました。
This example is paraphrase.
대서양 청동기 시대 (Atlantic Bronze Age)는 여러 지역의 금속 생산 센터에 의해 통일되었습니다. 대서양 청동기 시대 (Atlantic Bronze Age)는 몇몇의 제품에 대한 정기적 인 해상 교환으로 정의되는 다수의 별개의 지역별 금속 생산 센터에 의해 통일되었다.
This example is not_paraphrase.
The Atlantic Bronze Age was unified by a number of regional centers of metal production , defined by a regular sea exchange of some of their products . The Atlantic Bronze Age was unified by a number of distinct regional centres of metal production , defined by a regular maritime exchange of some of their products .
This example is paraphrase.
Die atlantische Bronzezeit wurde durch eine Reihe regionaler Zentren der Metallproduktion vereinheitlicht, die durch den regelmäßigen Austausch einiger ihrer Produkte durch das Meer definiert wurden. Die atlantische Bronzezeit wurde durch eine Reihe regionaler Zentren der Metallproduktion vereinheitlicht, die durch einen regelmäßigen maritimen Austausch einiger ihrer Produkte definiert wurden.
This example is paraphrase.
La Edad de Bronce Atlántica fue unificada por varios centros regionales de producción de metales, definidos por un intercambio regular en el mar de algunos de sus productos. La Edad de Bronce Atlántica fue unificada por varios centros regionales distintos de producción de metales, definidos por un intercambio marítimo regular de algunos de sus productos.
This example is paraphrase.
L’âge du bronze atlantique a été unifié par plusieurs centres régionaux de production de métaux, définis par un échange maritime régulier de certains de leurs produits. L’âge du bronze atlantique a été unifié par plusieurs centres régionaux distincts de production de métaux, définis par un échange maritime régulier de certains de leurs produits.
This example is not_paraphrase.
mhm genau
This example is ACCEPT.
edge of the map
This example is instruct.
This example is inform_material_space.
Un momento por favor .
This example is Espera.
Ciao, il mio nome e' Valentina. Sono qui per darti dei suggerimenti su come migliorare la tua dieta.
This example is OPENING.
La consommation de cannabis devrait-elle être légalisée? Avec des contrôles stricts sur la qualité des produits et notamment des niveaux bas de THC.
This example is FAVOR.
Befürworten Sie die Einführung eines für alle Arbeitnehmenden gültigen Mindestlohnes von CHF 4'000 für eine Vollzeitstelle? Um Missbrauch zu bekämpfen sollte das Neuenburger Modell angewendet werden, welches einen Mindest-Stundenlohn vorsieht und vorallem für diejenigen Unternehmen, die nicht einem Gesamtarbeitsvertrag unterstehen.
This example is FAVOR.
Er der ikke også en der hedder ''the dane'' til den der Madsen MG? Forresten, så har vi et maskingevær i spillet, mens svensken kun har en ynkelig pistol. Det siger noget synes jeg!
This example is offensive.
@USER @USER Adamlar tahliye olunca paçan tutuştu tabi. İki ay sonrada bunlar beraat ederse çok merak ediyorum adalet önünde aylarca attığın çamurlarin altından nasıl kalkacaksın. İnşaallah sen haklısın dır yoksa işin zor SİSİ
This example is offensive.
Μωρη Τουμασατου μωρη σε ειδε η ηλιθια,τωρα θα χει να λεει παλι #gynaikaxwrisonoma
This example is offensive.
@USER ههههههههههههههههههههه اه فعلا حقود ع العيون الخضرا والشعر الاصفر الناعم المسبسب لا والضحكه يا جمالو يا جمالو يا تكاتو يا حركاتو دا احسن من اونكل كنتاكي 😂😂😂😂قصدي حسين فهمي
This example is offensive.
Groupla statusla Link ah Share pannunga Nanba And Nanbieea seekro 1m Target vakkanum pllsss share him
This example is Offensive_Targeted_Insult_Group.
10 million ayo ennu nokkan varunnavar like adi
This example is Not_offensive.
Tik tok alli jagala madtidralla adra baggenu ondu video madi anna super agi ugididdira
This example is Offensive_Targeted_Insult_Group.
who were the founders of gmo however it would be premature for me to go completely against it . like in the above case with �rp�d pusztai , the data on gmo 's has been suppressed and as such i 'm naturally weary of gmo 's .
This example is True.
Óbitos por doenças respiratórias no Ceará: 2019 sem Covid: 6.377; 2020 com Covid: 6.296 May 12, 2020 — Além de estarem desatualizados, os números citados no post incluem erroneamente mortes por outras causas, que não têm nenhuma relação ... May 11, 2020 — Deputado André Fernandes divulgou como sendo mortes por doenças respiratórias casos que, na verdade, envolvem todas as doenças. May 12, 2020 — Mensagem foi compartilhada, inclusive, pelo presidente Jair Bolsonaro. Ela foi marcada como conteúdo falso nas redes sociais. May 12, 2020 — Presidente republicou postagem de deputado cearense que afirmava que número de mortes por doenças respiratórias diminuiu de 2019 para ... Óbitos por doenças respiratórias no Ceará: 2019 sem Covid: 6.377; 2020 com Covid: 6.296
This example is false.
The "polite gays," was how Tracy and Kathryn described themselves. Not political or loud, not obvious or overt, but understated, in keeping with their Oklahoma surroundings. Never asking anyone to think too hard or talk too much about the fact that they were gay at all. Except now they were about to ask everyone they knew to think about it, because they'd decided to have a wedding. "Okay, here are our wedding plans, right here," Tracy Curtis said, opening her notebook at the Hideaway Pizza and scanning the friends she and her partner, Kathryn Frazier, had invited to their inaugural planning session. "If you'll notice, this notebook's empty. We need help." "Tracy, I don't know." Across the table, one friend half-raised her hand. "I just haven't been to many gay weddings. And I'm gay. We're in kind of uncharted territory." They were at this restaurant because in October the Supreme Court decided to let several lower court marriage rulings stand, which made same-sex unions legal in some of the country's reddest states, including theirs. The next day, Tracy and Kathryn picked up a marriage license on the advice of a lawyer friend who told them to hurry before this suddenly opened window closed. But after a two-minute ceremony, Kathryn, 39, went to work and Tracy, 44, went to a doctor's appointment, and then went home and cried because what they'd just experienced felt like checking something off a list, not like getting married. And so now, in November, they were at the Hideaway to plan an actual wedding, to take place in a state where 62 percent of people in a recent poll said they didn't approve of same-sex marriage and 52 percent said they felt that way strongly. One friend suggested that the reception could have a casino night theme. A teenager at the table wondered why the couple hadn't chosen their outfits a long time ago "Because, honey, we didn't think we could ever get married in Oklahoma," Kathryn explained and someone else started ticking off venues. Tracy had a vision of guests holding candles. But centerpieces? Flowers? Music? Thinking of it all made them feel overwhelmed, especially when it came to one question above all: Who would come to this wedding? A few nights later, the couple sat at their dining room table and went over prospective guests. They still didn't have a venue, but they'd chosen a day, in January, and they'd made enough save-the-date cards to send to 86 people, a list Tracy had written on the bottom of her Bible study worksheet and kept re-counting. "Are they coming?" Kathryn asked, pointing to one of the names in surprise. "I don't think they'll come," Tracy said. "We're just sending a postcard to be polite." She looked at another name and laughed. "I just cannot imagine inviting her to this wedding." But they would, they decided. They would invite everybody to this wedding and let them decide for themselves whether to come. "It feels very emotional and vulnerable to be inviting all these people," Kathryn said. "But that's why you have a wedding," Tracy replied. So the next week, they put the save-the-dates in the mail, and soon after, the invitations, and then they waited. **** Oklahoma. This was a place where Kathryn's workplace had a cussing jar, a quarter per swear, and the words written on it, "Let Go and Let God." Here, Christianity was the religion Tracy and Kathryn were believers and Oklahoma football was the religion Tracy and Kathryn were believers and people could be decent and kind and judgmental, sometimes all at once, which was why, when Tracy told some Rotary Club friends that she and Kathryn were getting married, she kept her eyes planted above their heads so she wouldn't have to look at their faces. Tracy and Kathryn had been together for seven years and known each other for 18, but they began worrying about everything in their lives that could be disrupted by this ceremony. They worried about offending people. They worried when Tracy called their top choice for a venue. At first the woman who answered the phone said the location was available, then she asked for the bride's name "Kathryn" and the groom's name "Tracy" and then, when she figured out that Tracy was not a man but a woman, she explained that they didn't do same-sex weddings and wouldn't accommodate the party after all. "We had our first run-in with meanness the other day," Kathryn told her mother, Jane Webb, the next morning when they met for breakfast at a Cracker Barrel. "Well, did you have to tell them it was a gay wedding?" Jane brainstormed. "Couldn't you just say you were having a beer fest?" "No, Mom." "Now, I haven't told him about the wedding, and I'm not sure that I intend to," Jane said a few minutes later, bringing up her own worries about her husband, Kathryn's stepfather. He hadn't reacted well to learning she was gay. Kathryn wondered: Would her stepfather come to the wedding? Tracy wondered: Would her parents come? Her empathetic mother and her ex-military father? What about Kathryn's boss, Tim? He and Kathryn talked all the time about homosexuality and the Bible, and his wife, Kelly, was the leader of Tracy's Bible study. The two couples had eaten dinners at each other's homes and been friends for more than a decade but would Tim and Kelly come to the wedding? The person Kathryn wondered about most was her biological father. He had raised her; after his divorce from Jane, it was the two of them alone in a small, boxy house in the middle of open plains. He was a rural postman and the job suited him a solitary route that took him down the same path, every day, a hundred miles of roads. His world was predictable and contained, and Kathryn hadn't found the right way to talk to him about the wedding. Tracy didn't know they hadn't spoken. She sent his invitation in a batch with all the others and now Kathryn had no choice but to call her father, or he would learn about the ceremony by checking the mail. As the words about the invitation came spilling out, they became words about why she and Tracy had decided, despite all their worries, to have this wedding. She told him that she didn't think there was anything wrong with the way she and Tracy felt about each other. She said that marriage was an important rite in the history of humanity, something people had been doing throughout time, and something she wanted to be a part of. She told him that marriage, as a value, was American. He didn't say anything. There was only silence on the other end of the line. "I'd like for you to come," Kathryn said after a while. She left it at that. **** The first RSVP arrived in the middle of December, addressed to "Bride Central." Tracy saw it in the mailbox but made herself wait until Kathryn was home to open it. Inside was a response from a teenage girl Tracy had mentored at a homeless shelter. "This will be my first wedding!" the girl wrote, and the couple took the card inside and started to make a pile: three more "Will Attends" arrived the next day, five the day after that. By then they'd found a venue, a tea house on Main Street, whose owner recalled telling them, "I haven't been exposed much to that life, but I love all God's children," and by then Tracy's mother had phoned with a request. "Tracy," Diana Lobrano asked her daughter in a serious voice. "Would you consider wearing your grandmother's wedding dress?" Tracy snorted before she could help herself. The gown may have been an heirloom, but her grandmother was a diminutive size six and Tracy was a tall 14 it would never fit. But in that moment, Tracy began to realize that other people were taking this ceremony seriously. They ordered trays of cupcakes and truffles, downloaded dance tutorials and made multiple trips to Dillard's, where a white-haired clerk sold Kathryn a gray blazer and helped Tracy find an evening gown, then a different gown, and a different gown when she still couldn't make up her mind. They told the clerk they needed the clothes for a wedding; they were too worried about what she might think to tell her the wedding was theirs. A few weeks before the wedding, Tracy's parents arrived from South Carolina, where they'd moved several years before. On their first night in town, her father came into the kitchen while Tracy and Kathryn were washing dishes. He told them he had a question he felt a little awkward about asking. Bill Curtis was politically conservative. A retired technical sergeant with the Air National Guard, he thought that things might have been easier before the repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy, when someone would know another person was gay but not talk about it. He questioned news polls that said that the majority of Americans supported same-sex marriage. People on the coasts might, he thought, but he wasn't sure about people in the middle of the country. He also thought that his daughter was a good person who deserved to be happy, with the same rights as everyone else, and so he had packed a gray suit and a selection of ties and driven 17 hours with Diana to be at the ceremony. Now, in the kitchen, he asked, "Is there a role you would like me to have in this wedding?" He didn't mean to presume or impose, he said he just wanted to offer. **** A week before the wedding, the pile had grown to 67 affirmative RSVPs: Tracy's sister, in California. An old friend in Washington state. Brandon, the 22-year-old Tracy and Kathryn gained custody of after his mother died five years before, would be driving up from Florida. There were a handful of no's "This is our annual duck hunt weekend," one invitee apologized but Tracy and Kathryn were starting to feel optimistic. "Maybe I underestimated the people around me," Tracy said. They still hadn't heard from Kathryn's boss, Tim, though, and they still hadn't heard from Kathryn's dad. They'd visited him for the holidays, but he didn't bring up the wedding then and neither did they, and finally, with six days to go, Kathryn telephoned and asked whether he was coming. There was another uncomfortable silence. "I don't want you to hate me, and I don't want you to disown me," she would remember him telling her. "But I just want things to stay as they are." He would not be coming. Kathryn didn't ask him why. "Mad is not the right word," she told him. "But I am disappointed." Two days later, Kathryn's mother called. She would not be coming either a medical procedure had been scheduled for a few days before the wedding and she didn't know whether she'd be recovered in time. "It's really okay," Kathryn told herself. A few hours after that call, Tim stopped by Kathryn's office to ask about a service request in Prague, Okla., several miles out of their normal coverage area. "I told them I'd have to bill them double," Kathryn said. "At least," Tim said. "It's about a 50-minute drive." "I trust you," he said, and soon after he left, Kathryn's cellphone rang. Tracy was on the other end. She'd just gone to the mailbox and found an RSVP, she said. It was from Tim and Kelly. They wouldn't be coming. "Mmm-hmm," Kathryn said, staring at the window in front of her as Tracy told her about the thoughtful card the Lashars had sent along with their RSVP. A few minutes later, Tim came back in. "Where is Prague, anyway?" he joked. "Isn't that in Europe?" Kathryn took a deep breath. She laughed, and meanwhile, back at the house, after Tracy talked with Kathryn, Tracy's father pulled her into the kitchen and asked that his daughter hear him out on something. Don't recite vows, he suggested. Have a party, not a wedding it just seemed like that might be the sensitive thing to do. Besides, he pointed out, the couple was technically already married. That wasn't the point, Tracy remembered telling him. Their ceremony in October had been done in haste with court decisions in mind. They wanted, she told her father, to feel married . **** Two days to go now, and across town Tim and Kelly were waiting for Kathryn to come by to pick up a projector they'd said they would lend her for the ceremony. They cared about Kathryn, they explained, and they cared about Tracy, too. They said they believed that if Kathryn got sick, Tracy should be allowed to visit her in the hospital. They thought everybody should be allowed to designate one "person" the loved one with whom they'd legally decided to share their lives. It was obvious to them that Tracy and Kathryn could be each other's "people." But marriage, they said, was something holy and biblical, something whose definition shouldn't be changed. In the greeting-card section of the store, Kelly said, she had hesitated over which card she should buy to accompany the RSVP saying they wouldn't be attending. A card with bride and a groom seemed insensitive. She ended up choosing one with a dog holding a glass of champagne, after which she and Tim crafted the message inside together: "The two of you have been special to our family in many ways, and we pray nothing but happiness for you." And then the greeting card and the RSVP card sat, unmailed, on Tim and Kelly's kitchen counter, until they were a full week late. Kelly liked to include notes on her RSVPs saying that her family was looking forward to attending an event, or that she was sorry they couldn't come but for this wedding, she hadn't been able to think of a message she could honestly write. "Sorry this is so late!" she wrote finally, underneath the box checked "Cannot Attend." They knew the card had probably arrived by now, but Tim still hadn't talked with Kathryn about it at work. "I'm sure we'll discuss it at some point," he said. "Because I have to wonder if they think, deep down, that we don't accept them." Kelly was silent for a moment. "I do think that deep down, in the quiet of their hearts, they might wonder that." A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door and Kathryn came into the foyer to examine the projector with Kelly. "They have a big white wall there, and that's where you're going to want to project it," Kelly suggested. She knew the tea house it was the same place she held her Bible studies. "Is it going to be a thing where people are looking at it, or is it just looping?" "Just looping," Kathryn said. She explained that the reception would have tables with games, and the slideshow would be playing in the background. "It's a good, strong bulb," Kelly said. "It shouldn't burn out. I would hate for you to take it and then have it burn out in the middle." "Are you planning on coming in to work tomorrow?" Tim asked. "I'm not sure." "Don't make a trip in," he said. "I'll handle the calls." **** Less than 24 hours left, and Kathryn and Tracy were staying up late with Tracy's family, checking off last-minute details and talking about the final guest count. "Every solitary day here, there is someone disapproving of my life," Kathryn said to Tracy's mother, who was upset with some of the people who weren't coming. "Every minute, probably," Diana responded. "Every second," Tracy said. "But to some degree," Kathryn said, "if you're a gay person living in Oklahoma, you're just going to have to decide how to respond to that." "It's a process," Tracy said. "Maybe this is not the ending journey for some people," Kathryn said. "Maybe this is the beginning. Maybe our wedding will be useful for later in their journey." Her father wasn't coming, her mother and stepfather weren't coming perhaps nobody in her family was coming, but she didn't want to lose relationships over this wedding. "Sometimes I do feel like an abomination," Tracy said, a few minutes later. Diana shook her head. "Don't. Don't you ever let people say you're an abomination." "There is no deeper question that they can have about me that I haven't had about myself," Kathryn said. "I'm a gay Christian in Oklahoma there is no greater cosmic joke than for me to be a gay Christian." "You have to understand," Tracy told her family, finally. "For some of these people, we're the only gay people they've ever met ." Tracy and Kathryn went to bed, and in the middle of the night Kathryn woke Tracy up, twice, to shake her arm and say, "We're getting married today, can you believe it?" and in the morning Kathryn's stepsister called. She wouldn't be coming she had the flu. A good friend in Texas called he was sick, too. Not coming. Mid-morning, Kathryn made a final run to Dillard's to buy a different shirt to wear under her blazer. The same clerk was there, the tiny white-haired woman who had helped on their previous shopping excursions, and with whom Tracy and Kathryn had avoided talking about the ceremony. This time, however, the clerk asked directly: The wedding Kathryn had bought clothes for who, exactly, was getting married? Kathryn later remembered bowing her head to her chest, not wanting to make eye contact. She felt her muscles tense as she decided whether to set herself up for another possible rejection. "Do you know that woman I've been coming in here with?" she finally said. "I thought that might be it, but I wasn't going to ask," the clerk said. Then she started jumping up and down in the middle of the store, grabbing Kathryn's arms, saying, "I'm so excited for you!" Kathryn looked into the elated face of the clerk whose name she didn't know, and she burst into tears. **** Tracy painted her toenails, hobbling around the living room to dry them, and then carefully slid on her new high heels. One hour before the ceremony was scheduled to begin, Kathryn put on her own shoes sparkly Vans sneakers and showed them to Tracy's father. "I know you're jealous of my footwear," she said. "I can just tell." "I wouldn't exactly call it jealous," Bill said. She beckoned him into the kitchen. "I have a boutonniere for you, Mr. Curtis." He fumbled with the rose and then handed it back to her. "Can you put it on?" he asked. Kathryn pinned the flower to Bill's lapel. "That looks fine," he told her. "That's just fine." "You're all set." And then there was almost nothing left to do and almost no time left to worry. Tracy's parents left for the venue so they could greet early guests. The couple was alone in the house. "Are you happy with how I look?" Kathryn asked. "Is my hair good?" "I think you look fantastic," Tracy said. "How do I look?" "You look beautiful." "I have lots of crying things if we start to cry, I can whip some Puffs out of my bra." "Okay," Kathryn laughed. "I want you to know that I have prayed for us many times today, because I'm so excited," Tracy told Kathryn as they got in their truck to drive to the ceremony. "I just I hope I don't miss our moment." "You won't," Kathryn said. "We won't. Because we are going to take a deep breath. And we're going to be fine." They breathed. Kathryn pulled into a parking space a block from the tea house, and as they got out of the truck, her phone beeped with a message. "I just got a ding," she said. It was a text from Brandon saying that everyone had arrived, and Tracy and Kathryn could come inside whenever they wanted. They walked toward Main Street in Norman, Okla. When they got all the way to the door, they looked inside and saw the dim glow of candles held by the 60 guests who had decided to come. "Ready?" Kathryn asked, and they went inside and had a wedding.
This example is foodanddrink.
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This example is Bad.
who makes eagle vision cars Follow @BestCarMag. original. Eagle Vision #26. original. Eagle Vision #25. original. Eagle Vision #24. original. Eagle Vision #23. ... Last viewed Eagle cars . 1990 Eagle Summit 1993 Eagle Vision 1993 Eagle Summit Photo of the day . See also ... Eagle Vision . Here we have tried to collect the pictures and information about all the model years ...
This example is Bad.
Обученные практикующие врачи-алкоголики могут идентифицировать только 50 % пациентов , страдающих от острой алкоголизма .
This example is hi.
اینتی رادیوئون اولین بار سال 1993 میلادی، آمریکا دله، بساته بَیینه. اولین کانال نوم «اینترنت تالک رادیو» بی‌یه. اینترنتی رادیویِ استفاده وسّه ونه شمه اینترنت ِسرعت خله بائه.
This example is mzn.
banyak sekali komet yang bilang kalau cebong itu goblok , dongkok , setuju gua .
This example is neutral.
RT @user: @user @user وصلنا لاقتصاد اسوء من سوريا والعراق ومن غير حربانجاز ده ولا مش انجاز يا متعلمين يا بتوع المدا…
This example is negative.
A Fukushima, la radioactivité met à mal la biodiversité et les oiseaux: http
This example is negative.
okay i\u2019m sorry but TAYLOR SWIFT LOOKS NOTHING LIKE JACKIE O SO STOP COMPARING THE TWO. c\u2019mon America aren\u2019t you sick of her yet? (sorry)
This example is positive.
@srbachchan #shamitabh #piddly #shamitabhtrailerlaunch .... piddly si baatien...!! yeah!!!
This example is negative.
Que gafe do VídeoShow, colocar uma cena de morte, no dia da morte do Nelson Xavier. #VideoShowAoVivo
This example is negative.
estoy hasta el ojete de que me digáis que tengo cara de mala leche
This example is positive.
L’énergie verte en Russie sera boostée grâce à la Chine Lire la suite: http
This example is positive.
Normal bin ich ja ned der mensch dwer sich beschwert wegen dem essen aber diese Pizza von Joeys...boah wie ekelhaft
This example is negative.
@user mi fa sbagliare tutte le paroleeeee.
This example is negative.
, viber, sms) Thank you nhìu ạ Chúc cả nhà fb online zui ze kaka [WITH]
This example is anger.
“الله يوفقكم وتتخطون العقبات والملاحظات لكي دقدموا خدمات رائده للزباين”. القرب للحرم المكي. الاثاث كان قديم نوعا ما لاني جيتهم قبل فترات عديده وهو نفسه ،والماء يتجمع بالحمامات لجميع الفندق رغم اني بلغتهم مرات عده بشكل عام جيد والله يوفقهم لكي يقومون بخدمه امثل
This example is positive.
berapa lama masa diperlukan untuk sampai ke sana
This example is transport_query.
quanto tempo demora a chegar lá
This example is transport_query.
ile zajmie mi dojazd tam
This example is transport_query.
hoe lang duurt het om daar te komen
This example is transport_query.
hvor lang tid tar det å komme seg dit
This example is transport_query.
This example is calendar_query.
how long does it take to get there
This example is music_settings.
тийшээ очход хэр уддаг вэ
This example is qa_factoid.
അവിടെയെത്താൻ എത്ര സമയം എടുക്കും
This example is transport_query.
cik ilgs laiks vajadzīgs lai tur nokļūtu
This example is transport_query.
거기까지 가는 데 얼마나 걸릴까
This example is transport_query.
ಅಲ್ಲಿಗೆ ಹೋಗಲು ಎಷ್ಟು ಸಮಯ ತೆಗೆದುಕೊಳ್ಳುತ್ತದೆ
This example is transport_query.
cat timp dureaza sa ajungi acolo
This example is takeaway_order.
This example is transport_query.
suwene suwene tekan kono
This example is social_query.
This example is transport_query.
quanto tempo ci vuole per arrivare
This example is datetime_query.
hversu langan tíma tekur að komast þangað
This example is qa_maths.
berapa lama untuk sampai di sana
This example is datetime_query.
որքան կտևի մինչև այնտեղ
This example is transport_query.
mennyi időbe telik odaérni
This example is transport_query.
कितना समय लगेगा वहां तक जाने के लिए
This example is transport_query.
כמה זמן לוקח להגיע לשם
This example is transport_query.
combien de temps faut-il pour y arriver
This example is cooking_recipe.
kauan kestää päästä sinne
This example is transport_query.
რა დრო სჭირდება იქამდე მისვლას
This example is iot_hue_lightup.
چقدر طول می کشد به آنجا برسیم
This example is transport_query.
сколько времени займет туда добраться
This example is transport_query.
sa kohë duhet për të shkuar atje
This example is transport_query.
hoe lank neem dit om daar te kom
This example is transport_query.
እዚያ ለመድረስ ምን ያህል ግዜ ይወስዳል
This example is email_addcontact.
كم أحتاج حتى أروح هناك
This example is email_addcontact.
ora çatmaq nə qədər vaxt çəkər
This example is iot_hue_lightoff.
সেখানে যেতে কতক্ষন লাগবে
This example is transport_query.
quant es tarda en arribar-hi
This example is transport_query.
faint mor hir mae'n cymryd i gyrraedd
This example is general_joke.
hvor længe tager det at komme derhen
This example is transport_query.
wie lange dauert es dort hinzugehen
This example is audio_volume_mute.
πόση ώρα κάνει για να πας εκεί
This example is calendar_set.
koliko časa traja da prideš tja
This example is transport_query.
This example is news_query.
This example is transport_query.
This example is audio_volume_other.
mất bao lâu để đến đó
This example is transport_query.
وہاں پہنچنے میں کتنی دیر لگتی ہے
This example is transport_traffic.
oraya gitmek ne kadar sürer
This example is transport_query.
gaano katagal bago makarating doon
This example is transport_query.
This example is music_likeness.
అక్కడికి చేరుటకు ఎంత సమయం పడుతుంది
This example is calendar_query.
அங்கு செல்ல எவ்வளவு நேரம் ஆகும்
This example is email_sendemail.
inachukua muda gani kufika huko
This example is transport_query.
hur lång tid tar det att ta sig dit
This example is qa_maths.
os gwelwch yn dda dechrau radio
This example is lists_query.
cuanto tiempo se tarda en llegar
This example is transport_query.
Pada lapisan atmosfer mana pesawat tidak bisa terbang ? Yang pertama disebut parasite drag karena tidak ada fungsinya sama sekali untuk membantu pesawat untuk dapat terbang, sedangkan yang kedua disebut induced karena dihasilkan atau terbuat dari hasil kerja sayap yang membuat gaya angkat (lift).
This example is answer.
Ajoutez au rappel d'aujourd'hui l'achat d'un cadeau d'anniversaire pour Maggie.
This example is IN:GET_SUNRISE.
2011年8月,在Uppland的Görväln众议院录制的Maria Lundqvist取代了无法参加的Louise Hoffsten。 2011年8月在Uppland的GörvälnHouse录制。 Maria Lundqvist取代了无法参加的Louise Hoffsten。
This example is not_paraphrase.
2011年8月にUpplandのHouse ofGörvälnで録音されたMaria Lundqvistは、参加できなかったLouise Hoffstenに代わった。 2011年8月にUpplandのGörvälnHouseで録音されました。 Maria LundqvistがLouise Hoffstenに代わって参加できなかった。
This example is not_paraphrase.
2011 년 8 월 Uppland의 Görväln House에서 녹음 된 Maria Lundqvist는 참석할 수없는 Louise Hoffsten을 대신했습니다. 2011 년 8 월 Uppland의 Görväln House에서 녹음되었습니다. Maria Lundqvist는 Louise Hoffsten을 대신해서 출전하지 못했습니다.
This example is not_paraphrase.
Recorded in August 2011 at the House of Görväln in Uppland , Maria Lundqvist replaced Louise Hoffsten , who could not attend . Recorded at Görväln House in Uppland in August 2011 . Maria Lundqvist replaced Louise Hoffsten who could not attend .
This example is not_paraphrase.

mtasksource classification tasks recasted as natural language inference. This dataset is intended to improve label understanding in zero-shot classification HF pipelines.

Inputs that are text pairs are separated by a newline (\n).

from transformers import pipeline
classifier = pipeline(model="sileod/mdeberta-v3-base-tasksource-nli")
    "I have a problem with my iphone that needs to be resolved asap!!",
    candidate_labels=["urgent", "not urgent", "phone", "tablet", "computer"],

mdeberta-v3-base-tasksource-nli will include label-nli in its training mix (a relatively small portion, to keep the model general, but note that nli models work for label-like zero shot classification without specific supervision (

  title={tasksource: A Dataset Harmonization Framework for Streamlined NLP Multi-Task Learning and Evaluation},
  author={Sileo, Damien},
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