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Please assist me in translating these sentences into Vietnamese.
Mặc cho tuyết, mưa tuyết hay mưa đá...
Through the snow and sleet and hail,
Please convert these English sentences into Vietnamese.
mặc cho bão tuyết, mặc cho gió bão...
through the blizzard, through the gales,
I would like to have these sentences translated into Vietnamese.
mặc cho gió và mặc cho mưa...
through the wind and through the rain,
I require the translation of these English sentences into Vietnamese.
băng qua núi đồi, băng qua đồng rộng...
over mountain, over plain,
I require the translation of these English sentences into Vietnamese.
mặc cho chớp lòa...
through the blinding lightning flash,
Can you provide me with the Vietnamese equivalents of these English sentences?
và sấm sét...
and the mighty thunder crash,
I require the translation of these English sentences into Vietnamese.
luôn tận tâm, luôn chân thành...
ever faithful, ever true,
Please convert these English sentences into Vietnamese.
không gì có thể cản cậu ấy.
nothing stops him,
Can you render these English sentences in Vietnamese, please?
Cậu ấy sẽ vượt qua tất cả.
he'll get through.
Could you convert these sentences from English to Vietnamese for me?
♪ Trông ngóng cậu Cò miệt mài đưa trẻ ♪
Look out for Mr Stork That persevering chap
Please translate these English sentences into Vietnamese for me.
♪ Cậu ấy sẽ mang tới bé quấn trong tã ♪
He'll come along and drop a bundle in your lap
I'm in need of a Vietnamese translation for these English sentences.
♪ Chẳng hề chi khi bạn giàu hay nghèo ♪
You may be poor or rich It doesn't matter which
I'm looking for a Vietnamese translation of these sentences.
♪ Nhà giàu, họ sẽ có nhiều thịt và bánh ♪
Millionaires, they get theirs like the butcher and the baker
Can you help me with the translation of these English sentences to Vietnamese?
♪ Vậy nên hãy trông ngóng cậu Cò và để tôi cho bạn biết, hỡi người bạn ♪
So look out for Mr Stork and let me tell you, friend
Could you translate these sentences from English to Vietnamese?
♪ Đừng lẩn tránh. Rốt cục rồi cậu ấy cũng sẽ tìm ra bạn ♪
Don't try to get away He'll find you in the end
Can you provide me with the Vietnamese equivalents of these English sentences?
♪ Cậu ấy sẽ đi tìm bạn ở Trung Quốc hay cậu ấy sẽ bay tới County Cork ♪
He'll spot you out in China or he'll fly to County Cork
Could you translate these sentences from English to Vietnamese?
♪ Vậy nên hãy trông ngóng cậu Cò ♪
So, you better look out for Mr Stork
I would like to have these sentences translated into Vietnamese.
♪ Trông ngóng cậu Cò. Bạn đã có tên trong sổ của cậu ấy ♪
Look out for Mr Stork He's got you on his list
I need help with translating these English sentences into Vietnamese.
♪ Khi cậu ấy tới là lẽ đương nhiên ♪
And when he comes around it's useless to resist
Can you provide a Vietnamese translation for these English sentences?
♪ Hãy nhớ sẽ có những đứa bé sinh năm xuất hiện ♪
Remember those quintuplets and the woman in the shoe
I'm looking for a Vietnamese translation of these sentences.
♪ Có lẽ cậu ấy đã cho bạn vào trong tầm mắt ♪
Maybe he's got his eye on you
Please assist me in translating these sentences into Vietnamese.
♪ Tất cả trên tàu! ♪
All aboard! All aboard!
Could you convert these sentences from English to Vietnamese for me?
♪ Tất cả trên tàu! Khởi hành! ♪
All aboard! Let's go!
Please translate these English sentences into Vietnamese for me.
♪ Casey Junior đang lên đường ♪
Casey Junior's comin' down the track
Could you render these English sentences in Vietnamese?
♪ Casey Junior đang lên đường với 1 đống khói ♪
Comin' down the track with a smoky stack
Could you render these English sentences in Vietnamese?
♪ Chú ấy đang phụt khói vòng quanh ngọn đồi ♪
Hear him puffin' comin' round the hill
I need these sentences to be translated into Vietnamese.
♪ Casey tới khiến Jack và Jill đều hồi hộp ♪
Casey's here to thrill every Jack and Jill
Can you provide a Vietnamese translation for these English sentences?
♪ Mỗi khi chú ấy cất tiếng huýt còi vui vẻ ♪
Every time his funny little whistle sounds
Can you provide a Vietnamese translation for these English sentences?
♪ Mọi người lại hối hả chạy tới nơi rạp xiếc ♪
Everybody hurries to the circus grounds
Can you render these English sentences in Vietnamese, please?
♪ Cùng uống nước chanh và ăn snack Craker Jack ♪
Time for lemonade and Cracker Jack
I'm in need of a Vietnamese translation for these English sentences.
♪ Casey Junior đã trở lại ♪
Casey Junior's back Casey Junior's back
Could you render these English sentences in Vietnamese?
Ôi chao ôi!
My, my.
I'm looking for someone to translate these sentences into Vietnamese.
Để xem nào.
Now, let me see.
Can you provide me with the Vietnamese equivalents of these English sentences?
Phải ở ngay đâu đây thôi.
Must be right around here somewhere.
Could you help me translate these sentences into Vietnamese?
Hy vọng thế. Ồ, xem kìa.
I hope. Watch it there.
Please translate these English sentences into Vietnamese for me.
Ở trên ngọn cây.
...on the treetop
Could you render these English sentences in Vietnamese?
Ta đang ở đâu đây? Ồ, đây rồi.
Where are we? Oh, here.
Please transform these English sentences into Vietnamese.
Quốc lộ 61, cách trạm xăng bốn dặm. Rẽ trái.
Highway 61, four miles to the gas station, turn left
Please translate these English sentences into Vietnamese for me.
Chắc là nó rồi.
That must be it.
Please transform these English sentences into Vietnamese.
Nào, cậu bé, ta đi thôi.
Well, little fella, let's get going.
Could you help me translate these sentences into Vietnamese?
Bà Jumbo. Ôi, bà Jumbo.
Mrs Jumbo. Oh, Mrs Jumbo!
Can you help me with the translation of these English sentences to Vietnamese?
Bà Jumbo ơi.
Calling Mrs Jumbo.
Can you render these English sentences in Vietnamese, please?
Bà Jumbo?
Mrs Jumbo?
I'm in need of a Vietnamese translation for these English sentences.
Ôi trời.
Oh, my.
Can you help me with the translation of these English sentences to Vietnamese?
Bà Jumbo!
Mrs Jumbo!
I need these sentences to be translated into Vietnamese.
Ồ, bà Jumbo đâu rồi nhỉ?
Oh, where's that Mrs Jumbo?
I'm looking for someone to translate these sentences into Vietnamese.
- Ở đây. - Đằng này nè, cậu kia.
Over here!
Please transform these English sentences into Vietnamese.
Trong này!
- This way, boy. - In here, in here!
I'm looking for a Vietnamese translation of these sentences.
- Đây này. - Cuối cùng cũng tới.
This is the place. At last.
Please assist me in translating these sentences into Vietnamese.
Ai trong các quý bà đang có mang?
Which one of you ladies is expecting?
I'm looking for a Vietnamese translation of these sentences.
- Không phải tôi. - Anh này thật là.
- Not me. - The very idea!
I'm in need of a Vietnamese translation for these English sentences.
Chắc chắn không phải tôi. Đằng kia cơ mà.
Certainly not! Over there.
Can you help me with the translation of these English sentences to Vietnamese?
Ừ, phải đấy. Ngay kia kìa.
- Of course. - Yes, of course. Right over there.
Please translate these English sentences into Vietnamese for me.
Ồ phải rồi.
Of course.
I would like to have these sentences translated into Vietnamese.
Đây là một em bé có đôi mắt xanh dương
"Here is a baby with eyes of blue,
Please transform these English sentences into Vietnamese.
được thượng đế ban tặng cho bà.
straight from heaven right to you. "
I need these sentences to be translated into Vietnamese.
Hoặc: thượng đế đã ban tặng cho bà
Could you translate these sentences from English to Vietnamese?
một em bé để yêu thương.
"Straight from heaven, up above, here is a baby for you to love. "
Please translate these English sentences into Vietnamese for me.
Xin mời kí vào đây.
Sign here, please.
I need these sentences to be translated into Vietnamese.
Ồ, phải. Bà Jumbo.
Yeah, well... Oh, Mrs Jumbo...
I'm looking for a Vietnamese translation of these sentences.
Xin chờ 1 chút. Dịch vụ vẫn chưa hết.
One moment, please. This is still part of the service.
Could you translate these sentences from English to Vietnamese?
♪ Chúc mừng sinh nhật bé ♪
Happy birthday to you
Please assist me in translating these sentences into Vietnamese.
♪ Chúc mừng sinh nhật bé ♪
Happy birthday to you
I would like to have these sentences translated into Vietnamese.
♪ Chúc mừng sinh nhật, bé ♪
Happy birthday, dear... Dear...
I'm looking for someone to translate these sentences into Vietnamese.
Ôi trời. Tên đứa bé là gì?
Dear me, what's his name?
Please translate these English sentences into Vietnamese for me.
Jumbo. Junior.
Jumbo... Junior.
Can you provide a Vietnamese translation for these English sentences?
Ồ! Jumbo Junior ư? A hèm! Jumbo Junior.
Oh, Jumbo Junior, huh? Jumbo Junior.
Can you render these English sentences in Vietnamese, please?
♪ Chúc mừng sinh nhật, bé Jumbo Junior ♪
Happy birthday, dear Jumbo Junior
I need help with translating these English sentences into Vietnamese.
♪ Chúc mừng sinh nhật ♪
Happy birthday
I would like to have these sentences translated into Vietnamese.
♪ tới ♪
I would like to have these sentences translated into Vietnamese.
♪ Bé yêu ♪
Please translate these English sentences into Vietnamese for me.
- Ồ, mau lên, cưng. - Tôi sốt ruột quá.
- Oh do hurry, dear. - I'm on pins and needles.
I'm in need of a Vietnamese translation for these English sentences.
- Thật hồi hộp. - Tôi đang xúc động mạnh đây.
- Isn't it thrilling? - I'm all aflutter.
Could you render these English sentences in Vietnamese?
Thật là 1 ngày đáng tự hào.
Oh, this is a proud, proud day.
I require the translation of these English sentences into Vietnamese.
- Mở mau lên, cưng. - Tôi muốn xem lắm rồi.
- Well hurry and open it, dearie. - I'm just dying to see.
I'm looking for a Vietnamese translation of these sentences.
- Ồ! - Nhìn bé kìa! Nhìn bé kìa! Ồ, nhìn kìa!
- Look at him. - Look at him.
I'm seeking a Vietnamese translation for these English sentences.
- Ồ, bé con đáng yêu. - Dễ thương quá nhỉ?
- Oh, you sweet little thing. - He is cute, isn't he?
I'm in need of a Vietnamese translation for these English sentences.
Một đứa bé rất đáng yêu.
- Oh, he is a darling little angel. - Adorable.
Can you provide me with the Vietnamese equivalents of these English sentences?
Đáng yêu. Cực kì đáng yêu.
Simply adorable.
Can you render these English sentences in Vietnamese, please?
Các chị đã thấy thứ gì xinh xắn vậy chưa?
Did you ever see anything so cunning?
I require the translation of these English sentences into Vietnamese.
Thật đáng yêu quá!
Isn't he a darling?
Please assist me in translating these sentences into Vietnamese.
- Có thể thế sao? - Có nhầm lẫn gì chăng?
- Is it possible? - Isn't there some mistake?
Can you provide a Vietnamese translation for these English sentences?
Hãy nhìn cái, cái...
Just look at those...
I require the translation of these English sentences into Vietnamese.
Please transform these English sentences into Vietnamese.
Là gì cơ? À, tai!
Those what? Oh, ears!
Please transform these English sentences into Vietnamese.
Trông chúng ngộ nhỉ?
These! Aren't they funny?
Please assist me in translating these sentences into Vietnamese.
- Ôi, chúa ơi. - Giận dữ thế.
- Oh, my! - My, what a temper.
Can you render these English sentences in Vietnamese, please?
Tôi đã làm gì nào? Nói đi.
What did I do? Tell me, did I say anything?
Please convert these English sentences into Vietnamese.
- Tôi đã nói gì sao? - Nói thế chả sao cả. Chúng trông ngộ nghĩnh thật mà.
- A perfectly harmless remark. - I just said they're funny, they're funny.
I'm looking for someone to translate these sentences into Vietnamese.
- Chúng ngộ thật đấy. - Sau cùng ai thèm quan tâm... đứa con Jumbo quý giá của chị ta chứ?
They certainly are. After all, who cares about her precious little Jumbo?
Please translate these English sentences into Vietnamese for me.
đứa con Jumbo quý giá của chị ta chứ?
After all, who cares about her precious little Jumbo?
I'm looking for a Vietnamese translation of these sentences.
Jumbo? Là Dumbo chứ.
Jumbo? You mean Dumbo!
I'm looking for someone to translate these sentences into Vietnamese.
Dumbo. (kẻ ngu xuẩn)
Please assist me in translating these sentences into Vietnamese.
- Tôi nói Dumbo. - Hay đấy. - Dumbo! Hay đấy. - Dumbo.
- That's good. - Dumbo, that's good!
Can you provide me with the Vietnamese equivalents of these English sentences?
Tôi nghĩ mình sẽ làm được.
I think I can, I think I can. I think I can, I think I can.
Could you convert these sentences from English to Vietnamese for me?
Tôi nghĩ mình sẽ làm được.
I think I can, I think I can. I think I can.
Can you provide a Vietnamese translation for these English sentences?
Tôi nghĩ mình sẽ làm được.
I... thought I could, I thought I could. I thought I could, I thought I could.
Can you help me with the translation of these English sentences to Vietnamese?
♪ Lang bạt, ôi, lang bạt, ôi ♪
Hike! Hike! Hike! Hike!
I need these sentences to be translated into Vietnamese.
♪ Ta làm cả ngày Ta làm cả đêm ♪
We work all day We work all night
Please translate these English sentences into Vietnamese for me.
♪ Ta chẳng được học để đọc, để viết ♪
We never learned to read or write
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