"Өвөрхангай аймгийн уур амьсгалын өөрчлөлт, ирээдүйн хандлага" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Өвөрхангай аймгийн уур амьсгалын олон жилийн горим өөрчлөлт, түүний ирээдүйн хандлагыг судаллаа. Судалгаагаар бодит ажиглалтын уур амьсгалын параметрүүд газарзүйн өргөрөг ба өндөршлөөс шугаман хамааралтай байсан ба олон гишүүнт корреляцийн итгэлцүүрийн утга 0.45-0.86 хооронд хэлбэлзэж байна. Сүүлийн 70 гаруй жилийн хугацаанд агаарын температурын жилийн дундаж 1.6, өвлийн температур 2.8, зуны температур 0.7 градусаар тус тус дулаарчээ. Харин өвлийн улиралд орох хур тунадасны хэмжээ багасч, зуны улиралд орох хур тунадасны хэмжээ жил ирэх тусам нэмэгдэж байна. GFDL-ESM2G уур амьсгалын ирээдүйн загвараар Өвөрхангай аймгийн хэмжээнд дулааны улирлын хур тунадас ба агаарын температурын жилийн дундаж зууны эхнээс төгсгөл хүртэл тасралтгүй өснө. Хүйтний улиралд орох хур тунадасны хэмжээ эрчимтэй буурна. Харин зууны төгсгөлд хүчтэй дулаарч, хур тунадасны хэмжээ бага зэрэг ихсэх хандлагатай..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Өвөрхангай аймгийн уур амьсгалын өөрчлөлт, ирээдүйн хандлага - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Effect of Petzval curvature on integral imaging display" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Integral imaging (InIm) is an interesting research area in the three-dimensional (3-D) display technology. While it is simple in structure, it shows full color and full parallax 3-D images without the necessity of special glasses. InIm display usually uses the simplest lens array, and hence displayed 3-D image suffers from distortions. A dominating distortion is a Petzval curvature. To the authors' best knowledge, we have firstly analyzed an effect of the Petzval curvature in InIm display. The immediate consequence of Petzval curvature is that the depth plane of InIm display becomes a curved plane array. Using simulation, the effect of Petzval curvature is found to reduce the depth range, change the viewing direction, and increase the black stripe. The result indicates that the lens array in the InIm display should be customized to reduce these undesirable effects. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Effect of Petzval curvature on integral imaging display - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Effect of Petzval curvature on integral imaging display" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Integral imaging (InIm) is an interesting research area in the three-dimensional (3-D) display technology. While it is simple in structure, it shows full color and full parallax 3-D images without the necessity of special glasses. InIm display usually uses the simplest lens array, and hence displayed 3-D image suffers from distortions. A dominating distortion is a Petzval curvature. To the authors' best knowledge, we have firstly analyzed an effect of the Petzval curvature in InIm display. The immediate consequence of Petzval curvature is that the depth plane of InIm display becomes a curved plane array. Using simulation, the effect of Petzval curvature is found to reduce the depth range, change the viewing direction, and increase the black stripe. The result indicates that the lens array in the InIm display should be customized to reduce these undesirable effects..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Effect of Petzval curvature on integral imaging display - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Contrast Enhancement for Brain MRI Images using Optimized Weight Clustering" судалгааны гол зорилго нь In this study, we enhanced brain MRI image contrast using "Optimized Weight Clustering Histogram Equalization" (OWCHE). OWCHE divides an input image histogram into clusters using weight criteria and all clusters which are remapped same range on output image histogram are equalized independently by HE. As adjusting the weight criteria, we can adapt the number of clusters. To select optimal number of clusters, we use Pareto optimization method which based on two quality measurements: distortion and brightness. We showed experimentally that OWCHE has been validated with some numerical results. OWCHE can enhance image contrast while preserving image brightness and visualization of images more effectively than HE and other brightness preserving methods without undesirable enhancement..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Contrast Enhancement for Brain MRI Images using Optimized Weight Clustering - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"3D input from real-time object motion estimation for 3D interaction" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Тhe proposed algorithm is novel for the three-dimensional (3D) interaction system in real-time by determining 3D motion of a moving object in the image sequences taken from a single camera as its 3D input. The perspective model has formulated in non-linear least square problem to determine 3D motions as characterized by rotation and translation iteratively. In practice, it is numerically ill-conditioned for convergence of the equations, if it starts with not good enough initial guess. However, the results provided from para-perspective projection model are used as an initial value of non-linear optimization refinement under perspective camera model equations. The demonstration of 3D interaction procedures are developed in simple real-time 3D application system..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан 3D input from real-time object motion estimation for 3D interaction - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"An Experiment in Managing Language Diversity Across Cultures" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Developing ontologies from scratch appears to be very expensive in terms of cost and time required and often such efforts remain unfinished for decades. Ontology localization through translation seems to be a promising approach towards addressing this issue as it enables the greater reuse of the ontological (backbone) structure. However, during ontology localization, managing language diversity across cultures remains as a challenge that has to be taken into account and dealt with the right level of attention and expertise. In this paper, we report the result of our experiment, performed on approximately 1000 concepts taken from the space ontology originally developed in English, consisted in providing their translation into Mongolian..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан An Experiment in Managing Language Diversity Across Cultures - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Assessment of E-learning Readiness in National University of Mongolia" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Recent years, e-learning became a common delivery media for education all over the world. While e- learning technology introduced relatively late in Mongolian universities, there isn’t any successful implementation history yet. Evaluation of the institutional soundness of e-learning as well as the readiness of learners is crucial to engage e-learning successfully. The purpose of this study was to support the development of an instrument to measure readiness in online learning environments, assess students’ readiness in National University of Mongolia (NUM) and identify influencing factors among instrumental items. In this study, we used 15-item instrument with 5- point Likert-type scale answers. Results were based on responses from 400 undergraduate students covering 13 departments of NUM. The study has found that majority of the students are ready for e-learning, demonstrating high score level of preparation and five major factors were identified that highly affects students readiness..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Assessment of E-learning Readiness in National University of Mongolia - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Role of ICT in Innovation system" судалгааны гол зорилго нь A framework concept, innovation system can be classified in many ways namely - national, regional, sectorial and technological. However, all of these systems have some common features and characteristics as a system. They consist of basic steps of processes such as knowledge creation, diffusion and exploitation. Moreover, the process consists of the components of the system, its features and reliances between it. Furthermore, the relationships and collaborations between sub and core systems, as well as innovation ecosystem, play cruicial role for the development of the framework. Most of the time, innovation systems are studied from the perspectives of its forming institutions and their roles and functions. Although there is a growing body of literature on the NIS concept, there is a need to study NIS from perspectives of the common core elements, influential to the system itself and created within the framework environment. Because capacity of a innovation system can be evaluated by development of forming components of innovation ecosystem rather than development level of one or several institutions. This paper will cover ICT role in development of innovation ecosystem and the opportunities of implementing it in developing countries are shown in experience of Mongolia. In the beginning, we've studied a concept of innovation system and its ecosystems. In the next chapter consists of study focusing on the possibilities of development opportunities of innovation ecosystem using progresses of digital technology, proposal of the way and conclusions..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Role of ICT in Innovation system - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Comparison of Parallel Calculations of Linear equation system Using GPU" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Linear equation parallel algorithm calculated in 1990. Those calculations are needed one server or many computers. After produced a GPU device, testing the parallel calculation available to everyone who has a GPU device. We decided to solve system of linear equation (till to 512x512) using GPU. For a parallelization we choose two most common algorithms. First is the Gauss elimination method and second is the Gauss Jordan Elimination method. Above all we calculated each methods parallelization steps by the parallel algorithms. But in the reality parallelization will need more steps because of technical limitation GPU device. Then we tested code written NVIDIA Nsight Visual Studio. We compared the two results by showing graphic. Parallel calculation of Gauss Jordan Elimination method was quicker. Keywords: Linear equation, Gauss Jordan parallel calculation, Gauss elimination calculation..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Comparison of Parallel Calculations of Linear equation system Using GPU - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Comparison of Parallel Calculations of Linear equation system Using GPU" судалгааны гол зорилго нь mputers. After produced a GPU device, testing the parallel calculation available to everyone who has a GPU device. We decided to solve system of linear equation (till to 512x512) using GPU. For a parallelization we choose two most common algorithms. First is the Gauss elimination method and second is the Gauss Jordan Elimination method. Above all we calculated each methods parallelization steps by the parallel algorithms. But in the reality parallelization will need more steps because of technical limitation GPU device. Then we tested code written NVIDIA Nsight Visual Studio. We compared the two results by showing graphic. Parallel calculation of Gauss Jordan Elimination method was quicker. Keywords: Linear equation, Gauss Jordan parallel calculation, Gauss elimination calculation. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Comparison of Parallel Calculations of Linear equation system Using GPU - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Hardware implementation of AES encryption algorithm" судалгааны гол зорилго нь We present an efficient hardware architecture design & implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) – Rijndael cryptosystem. Cryptography plays an important role in the security of data. The AES algorithm defined by the National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) of United States has been widely accepted. All the cryptographic algorithms developed can be implemented with software or built with pure hardware. However with the help of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) we tend to find expeditious solution and which can be easily upgraded to integrateany concordat changes.This research investigates the AES algorithm with regard to FPGA and the Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description language (VHDL). Xilinx 9.2i software is used for simulation and optimization of the synthesizable VHDL code. All the transformations of both Encryption and Decryption are simulated using an iterative design approach in order to minimize the hardware consumption. Xilinx XC3S500 device of Spartan Family is used for hardware evaluation. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Hardware implementation of AES encryption algorithm - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Path Planning of Mobile Robot using Position System and Virtual Plane Approach in Dynamic Environment" судалгааны гол зорилго нь This paper presents fast measuring method using a for path planning of mobile robot based on virtual plane approach in dynamic environment. This sensor fusion approach is based on the position and orientation estimation using combination of web camera, encoder signals to improve and correct the measurement of moving use the Kalman filter algorithm to combine sensors information. The performance of the proposed method is demonstrated by simulation results using experiment with moving obstacles.
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Path Planning of Mobile Robot using Position System and Virtual Plane Approach in Dynamic Environment - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Optimization for adsorption of the heavy metal onto silica powder" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Copper (II) is a common contaminant of industrial wastewaters. The high Cu2+ concentration not only endangers the growth of the aquatic animals and plants, obstructs the self-purification of the water bodies, but also exerts a deleterious effect on the human’s health. Copper is not biodegradable and it travels through the food chain via bioaccumulation. Nanosilica has a large surface area, well-modified surface properties and environmentally stable. One of the application of the nanosilica is the adsorption to remove the aqueous heavy metal ions. There exist many methods to synthesize the nanosilica. Sodium silica is a cost effective source of silica compared to other raw materials. Moreover, the expensive, toxic raw materials, and heavy method could be avoided to synthesize the nanosilica. The adsorption of heavy metal ions onto nanosilica was calculated by using optimization method using two variables as a liquid-solid ratio and adsorption time. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Optimization for adsorption of the heavy metal onto silica powder - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Current State and Issues of Planted Forests in the Northern Mongolia" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Mongolia has an over 45 year experience and history of reforestation and restoration of deforested forest land area. The planted forests are mainly distributed in the northern part of the country, where forest industrialization and logging had been intensively developed and concentrated since the former political system. We carried out field survey in planted forests of Tuv, Selenge, Bulgan and Darkhan–Uul provinces and also analyzed the relevant reforestation data taken from Ministry of Nature, Environment, Green Development and Tourism (MNEGDT) and Forest Research and Development Center (FRDC) of Mongolia. The investigation resulted that, there is an unbalanced volume ratio between forest utilization and restoration activities in Mongolia. We found a different level of survival across northern planted forests of the country, which caused by such limiting factors as drought, livestock grazing and forest fire damage to seedlings in early stage of plantation establishment. Therefore, we observed an intensive crown closure and increased competition among planted trees in the stand (since 11 year after planting) might cause low productive, unbeneficial plantation due to neglected maintenance of plantations. We found a high need for creation of forest plantation datasets in state and provincial levels, which is important base of further sustainable forest management and also maintenance of tending and thinning in plantations. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Current State and Issues of Planted Forests in the Northern Mongolia - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Current State and Issues of Planted Forests in the Northern Mongolia" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Mongolia has an over 45 year experience and history of reforestation and restoration of deforested forest land area. The planted forests are mainly distributed in the northern part of the country, where forest industrialization and logging had been intensively developed and concentrated since the former political system. We carried out field survey in planted forests of Tuv, Selenge, Bulgan and Darkhan–Uul provinces and also analyzed the relevant reforestation data taken from Ministry of Nature, Environment, Green Development and Tourism (MNEGDT) and Forest Research and Development Center (FRDC) of Mongolia. The investigation resulted that, there is an unbalanced volume ratio between forest utilization and restoration activities in Mongolia. We found a different level of survival across northern planted forests of the country, which caused by such limiting factors as drought, livestock grazing and forest fire damage to seedlings in early stage of plantation establishment. Therefore, we observed an intensive crown closure and increased competition among planted trees in the stand (since 11 year after planting) might cause low productive, unbeneficial plantation due to neglected maintenance of plantations. We found a high need for creation of forest plantation datasets in state and provincial levels, which is important base of further sustainable forest management and also maintenance of tending and thinning in plantations. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Current State and Issues of Planted Forests in the Northern Mongolia - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"The absorption of peloids from some lake western region of mongolia" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Баруун бүсийн зарим нуурын шаврын шингээх чадварын судалгааг хийсэн.
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан The absorption of peloids from some lake western region of mongolia - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Screening analysis of cancer cell cytotoxicity of plants growing in mongolia for HepG2 cell line" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Medicinal plants are richest and valuable recourse for drug development .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Screening analysis of cancer cell cytotoxicity of plants growing in mongolia for HepG2 cell line - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"BIOLOGICAL ACTIVE COMPOUNDS IN TENUIFOLIA, OXYTROPIS PSEUDOGLANDULOSA AND RIBES DIA CANTHUM" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Oxytropis pseudoglandulosa, Ribes diacanthum and Iris tenuifolia such as medicinal plants have used, arrived kidney and urinary tract disease in Mongolian traditional medicine. However , these plants use pharmaceutical drugs less formatted and « detailed phytochemical study was not performed. Studies performed traditional medicine with the therapeutic action under these plants producing drugs, and herbal supplements that allow for external import generic and herbal supplements can replace. To do this, we determination to necessary first of all biologically active compounds each plants and the main aim of this study was to determination all biologically active compounds should be selected plants. For that purpose, we determination total phenolic compounds, total flavonoids, total polysaccharide content and antibacterial activity conducted for this. On the basis of the results obtained from total phenolic, total flavonoid and total polysaccharide contents of the medicinal plants biological active compound were highest content. Iris tenuifolia and Oxytropis pseudoglandulosa was high active of antibacterial active tests. Therefore, we conclude that it is possible to produce highly active new drugs for treatment practice of these plants. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан BIOLOGICAL ACTIVE COMPOUNDS IN TENUIFOLIA, OXYTROPIS PSEUDOGLANDULOSA AND RIBES DIA CANTHUM - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"ANTIOXIDANT CONSTITUENTS OF SAXIFRAGA SPINULOSA ADAMS" судалгааны гол зорилго нь The Saxifragagenus belongs to the Saxifragaceae family and is widely distributed around the globe. Various species are used to treat different disorders in traditional medical systems thoughout Asia. Such as Saxifraga hirculus is used in Traditional Mongolian Medicine as an anti-analgesic, diuretic, liver protective, bile expelling. The aim of this study was the evaluation of the antioxidant capacity of Saxifraga spinulosa and the identification of antioxidant active constituents of this plant. Antioxidant activity was evaluated by DPPH (2,2-depheyl-l-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging assay. The antioxidant activity of these extracts was compared with standard solution of rutin. TLC fingerprints were made of all extracts and fractions. Extracts were chromatographed with acetate: formic acid:acetic acid:water 100:11:11:27 and chloroform:methanol:water 7:3:0.4 and then was sprayed with natural products reagent 1 % followed by 5% ethanolic polyethylene glycol-4000 reagent. The analysis for the extracts of the aerial part was carried out on a LiChroCART (250-4 RP-188 5 nm) column with an Agilent Technologies 1100 Series HPLC system equipped with a photo-diode array detector and LC-MS system (Ultimate 3000 RS coupled with LCQ Deca XP Thermo Scientific) was used..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан ANTIOXIDANT CONSTITUENTS OF SAXIFRAGA SPINULOSA ADAMS - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Баруун Монголын зарим нуурын ус худасны химийн судалгаа" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Баруун Монголын нутаг дахь Тонхил, Үүрэг нуурын усны болон хурдасны химийн найрлагыг судалсан үр дүн.
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Баруун Монголын зарим нуурын ус худасны химийн судалгаа - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Монгол орны баруун бүс нутаг дахь зарим эмчилгээний шаврын элементийн болон эрдсийн найрлага, ион солилцох чадвар" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Монгол орны баруун бүс нутаг дахь зарим эмчилгээний шаврын элементийн болон эрдсийн найрлагаыг тогтоож, ион солилцох чадварын судалгааг гүйцэтгэсэ үр дүн.
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Монгол орны баруун бүс нутаг дахь зарим эмчилгээний шаврын элементийн болон эрдсийн найрлага, ион солилцох чадвар - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Цементийн клинкер гарган авах оновчтой горимыг математик төлөвлөлтийн аргаа тодорхойлсон үр дүн" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Шавар, шохойн чулуу, төмөр агуулсан үйлдвэрийн хаягдал ашиглан цементийн клинкерыг янз бүрийн температурт гарган авч, тэдгээрийн найрлага дахь чөлөөт кальцийн оксидыг тодорхойлсон үр дүнгээр цементийн клинкер гарган авах оновчлолыг математикийн аргаар тогтоосон..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Цементийн клинкер гарган авах оновчтой горимыг математик төлөвлөлтийн аргаа тодорхойлсон үр дүн - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Хаг нуурын шавар ба зохиомол хөлсний хооронд явагдах элементийн шилжилт" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Завхан аймгийн Хаг нуурын шаврын зохиомол хөлстэй харилцан үйлчлэх үеийн элементийн шилжилт хөдөлгөөнийг тогтоосон.
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Хаг нуурын шавар ба зохиомол хөлсний хооронд явагдах элементийн шилжилт - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Precipitation and Air Temperature Impact on Forests in the Western Khentii " судалгааны гол зорилго нь All woody species distributed in Mongolia usually grow in Western Khentii region such as fir tree included in Red Book. The forests are very specific and unique ecosystem and composed of pure coniferous and broadleaved trees, conifer-broadleaf, and broadleaf-conifer stands. Age of conifer trees of studied area is matured stands, but age of broadleaved trees is over matured stand. Trends in air temperature and precipitation in mixed temperate forests of the western Khentey, northern Mongolia were studied and related to radial increment and all tree species. The area has been subject to a significant increase of summer average and maximum air temperature and a decrease of summer precipitation during the last 30 years. Radial increments of fir, pine, spruce, birch and cedar trees with different age structure are correlated negatively with average air temperature of vegetation growing periods and, but positive relation in precipitation. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Precipitation and Air Temperature Impact on Forests in the Western Khentii - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"ПРИЕМЫ ВОССТАНОВЛЕНИЯ ХВОЙНЫХ ПОMETHODS OF CONIFEROUS RESTORATION AFTER ANTHROPOGENIC IMPACT IN IN MONGOLIAN FORESTS" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Actual questions of coniferous restoration after anthropogenic impact in Mongolian forests are considered. The presented materials are interesting for the scientific foresters, practical workers in the sphere of forestry and also can be of great use to university teachers, post graduate and undergraduate students..
"Natural Regeneration Peculiarities in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Forest ecosystems distributed in the western Khentii region are specific and unique, which characterized by broader distribution of all of tree species in the country. Among these forests we may classify forests composed of pure coniferous and broadleaved trees, conifer-broadleaf, and broadleaved-conifer stands. In mixed cedar, spruce, birch stands with Scots pine up-to 30 percent of stand composition observed poor Scots pine understory saplings, which amounts in total naturally regenerated young trees. We found greater regeneration density of Scots pine in forest gaps and open areas with higher light availability. Therefore, there is the common picture of stable dominance of young cedar and fir sapling spruce, birch and poplar saplings in mixed forests. Results of the investigation demonstrate that mixed stands composed of pine and poplar mainly regenerated by cedar saplings, but pure popular and birch stands were regenerated by only popular and birch saplings. The structure of species composition of understory saplings in temperate forests mixed with Scots pine shows greater proportion and sapling density of shade-tolerant tree species. In addition, effective natural regeneration of Scots pine mainly observed in forest gap, open areas and stands with lower density..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Natural Regeneration Peculiarities in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"SOME INFLUENCE FACTORS EFFECTING TO GROWTH PERFORMANCE OF YOUNG STANDS" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Abstract The current work presents the results of 6 natural stands in native Scots pine forests located in the West Khentii of northern Mongolia. The findings show a high vitality and intensive natural regeneration of Scots pine in logged areas after felling with different intensity in the region. However, the natural regeneration in the study area characterized by high seedling and sapling density and large growth variation among stands. The results assume that the intensity of logging, density of seed trees and their sheltering effects are the important determinants of differentiation for naturally regenerated Scots pine seedlings and saplings in logged forests. Greater growth rate of seedlings and saplings observed in open conditions and lower under dense shelter of seed trees in Scots pine forests. In addition, there is a great need to carry out the thinning in sequence focused on reduction of interspecific competition and creation of the optimum growing condition for young tree growth in logged forests. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан SOME INFLUENCE FACTORS EFFECTING TO GROWTH PERFORMANCE OF YOUNG STANDS - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Монгол орны ТХГН ба тэдгээрийн ХЗ-дын орон зайн оновчтой хуваарилалтын үнэлгээ" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Өнөөдрийн байдлаар, Монгол улсад 99 газрыг улсын тусгай хамгаалалтад аваад байгаа бөгөөд тэдгээрийн хамгаалалтын асуудлыг 32 хамгаалалтын захиргаад хариуцан ажиллаж байна. Гэвч зарим хамгаалалтын захиргаад нь хамгаалж буй нутгаасаа хэт алслагдмал, хамгаалж буй нутгийн талбай харилцан адилгүй байгаа зэрэг нь тухайн газар нутаг дахь хамгаалалтын үйл ажиллагаа доголдох, менежментийн зөв зохион байгуулалт алдагдах нэг шалтгаан болж байна. Тиймээс Тусгай хамгаалалттай газар нутгийн (ТХГН) хамгаалалтын үйл ажиллагааг илүү сайжруулахын тулд Хамгаалалтын захиргаадын өнөөгийн байрлал, хамгаалж буй нутгийн хэмжээ зэрэгт орон зайн хүчин зүйлийн анализ хийж, хамгаалж буй газар нутаг болон хамгаалалтын захиргаадын хоорондын байршлыг оновчтой тогтоох шаардлага зүй ёсоор урган гарч байна. Тиймээс хамгаалалтын захиргаадын одоогийн хариуцан хамгаалж буй ТХГН-ууд нь орон зайн болон менежментийн хувьд хэр зэрэг оновчтой хуваарилагдсан байгааг газар зүйн мэдээллийн системийг ашиглан дүн шинжилгээ хийснээр илүү үр ашигтай хувилбарыг боловсруулах явдал нь энэхүү судалгааны ажлын зорилго юм. Бид орон зайн тохиромжтой байдлын үнэлгээг хийхдээ өөрийн орны онцлог, байгалийн процесс, шинжлэх ухааны тооцоолол дээр тулгуурлан өндрийн тоон загвар, ТХГН, авто зам, шим мандал, дэлхийн өв, ус намгархаг газар, шувуудад чухал газар, гол, нуур, ойн сан, Хамгаалалтын захиргаад, ТХГН-ын орчны бүсийн мэдээнд тулгуурласан болно. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Монгол орны ТХГН ба тэдгээрийн ХЗ-дын орон зайн оновчтой хуваарилалтын үнэлгээ - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Моделирование переноса примесей в оз. Хубсугул" судалгааны гол зорилго нь В статье для оз. Хубсугул приводятся результаты моделирования течений и распространения загрязнений от рек, турбаз и при аваарийных ситуациах..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Моделирование переноса примесей в оз. Хубсугул - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Layered Double Hydroxides for Adsorption of Arsenic" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Arsenic pollution in drinking water or surface water has become a worldwide environmental issue and is a serious threat to human health. In this study, Mg–Al, Mg-Al-Ni, Mg-Al-Co layered double hydroxides (LDHs) were prepared by the co-precipitation method, for the removal of As(III) and As(V) from solutions. The physical and chemical characteristics of LDHs were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). As(III) and As(V) adsorption capacities and the mechanism of metal removal by LDHs were determined by batch and column experiments. The results indicate that LDHs are novel and excellent adsorbents for arsenic removal..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Layered Double Hydroxides for Adsorption of Arsenic - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Тэсрэх бодисын химийн механизм" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Монгол оронд тэсрэх бодисыг уул уурхай болон цэргийн зэвсгийн зориулалт гэсэн үндсэн 2 чиглэлд ашиглаж байна. Тэсрэх бодисын химийн процесс агшин зуур болдог нь бусад химийн урвалуудаас онцлог. Дарь ANFO, TNT зэрэг тэсрэх бодисуудын урвалын хурд 1/10000 секундэд өндөр температур, даралтыг үүсгэж задардаг. Нитратын бүлэгтэй тэсрэх бодисыг өдөөснөөр экзотерм урвал явагдаж их хэмжээний энергийг тэсрэлттэйгээр ялгаруулдгаар бусад шатах материалаас давуу байна..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Тэсрэх бодисын химийн механизм - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Байгалийн гаралтай гидроталцитыг синтезлэх" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Байгаль дээр гидроталцит нь их хэмжээгээр агуулагдах боловч дангаараа орд үүсгэх нь ховор байдаг. Иймд бид гидроталцит төст нэгдлүүдийг лабораторын нөхцөлд цэвэр урвалжаас тунадасжуулан гарган авлаа. Багажит анализын шинжилгээг баталгаажуулсан болно .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Байгалийн гаралтай гидроталцитыг синтезлэх - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Climate change and vegetation monitoring in Mongolia" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Climate change and vegetation monitoring in Mongolia Nyam-Osor Batkhuu1, Batlai Oyuntsetseg2, Badamdorj Bayartogotkh2, Magsar Urgamal3 1 Department of Environmental Sciences and Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, National University of Mongolia 2 Department of Biology, School of Arts and Sciences, National University of Mongolia 3Department of Botany, Institute of General and Experimental Biology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences ABSTRACT Mongolia is landlocked country (5000 km from Atlantic ocean, 1600 km from Yellow sea), with the a total land area of 1,566 thousand km2, locates between 41° 35´ to 52° 06´N latitude and 87° 47´ to 119° 57´E longitude. It borders Russia to the north and China to the south, east and west, having a variety of ecological zones from high mountain taiga forests, high mountain wetlands, vast grasslands, steppe and desert, supporting a rich and diverse flora and fauna. Mongolia’s geographical location, with high elevation, approximately 1580 m, complete separation from oceans and seas, and surroundings by high mountain ranges, results in a harsh continental climate, characterized by sunny days, long and cold winters, low precipitation and large annual, seasonal, monthly, and diurnal fluctuations of air temperature. Temperatures reach as high as 40°C in summer and as low as of -45°C in winter. Topography has influence on geographical distribution of climate characteristics, and it is to some degree reflected in the soil and vegetation cover characteristics and created distinctive distribution patterns. On the other hand, Mongolia is one of countries in the global regions with the most arid climate and ratio of precipitation to evapotranspiration fluctuates in most territories between 0.05-0.65, therefore highly vulnerable to desertification (Natsagdorj, 2004). The main characteristics of Mongolia’s climate are its very distinctive four seasons, high fluctuations in air temperature, low precipitation, and notable climate differences in latitude and altitude zones. The results from continues monitoring of the National Meteorological and Hydrological Observation Network shows that the mean annual air temperature in the Altai, Khangai, Khentii, and Khuvsgul mountainous regions is colder than 20C, and southern Gobi is warmer than 60C. The mean annual air temperature of 00C line corresponds with the northern edge of Mongolian desert steppe zone, at approximately 460N latitude. Permafrost occurred in territories with mean annual air temperature lower than -20C (MNET, 2009). From the meteorological observation data since 1940’s, the lowest air temperature recorded -55.30C in Zuungobi soum of Uvs aimag in December 1976. Mongolia spans in the transitional zone between the deserts of Central Asia and the Siberian Boreal Taiga Forest and can be divided into six major biogeoclimatic zones such as the montane, boreal forest, forest steppe, steppe, desert steppe and desert. Annual precipitation ranges from an average of 400 mm in mountainous regions in the north to less than 100 mm in desert and desert steppes in the south. The climate of Mongolia has undergone significant changes over the last few decades. According to reports Mongolia’s average temperature has increased by 2.00 C since the 1940s, while the precipitation has decreased by 6.5 mm (Natsagdorj, et al., 2005). These changes are causes continues summer droughts and directly affects growth of vegetation, biodiversity, and human socioeconomics issues in Mongolia. The main contributing factors on decrease of natural resources are overexploitation and unsustainable uses for pastureland, livestock breeding, expansion of industry, and production of food for human consumption. Important habitats are being destroyed and degraded, and ecosystems are being destabilized through climate change and land use change, specifically with mining and loss of the traditional nomadic lifestyle in Mongolia. Since 1990, after the dramatic change in Mongolia’s political and economic system, human impact on environment highly increased and became continuously degraded due to improper exploitation, forest and steppe fire, mining, pest and disease, uncontrolled grazing, and inadequate management of rangelands which negatively affect its environmental conditions causing severe deforestation, desertification and ecological stress in some regions of the country. The Report on the State of the Environment for 2008-2010 states that increasing negative impacts on the environment, including, air pollution in the capital and other big cities; desertification is increasing across Mongolia; insufficient rehabilitation work on land damaged by mining activities; the forest resource decrease and deforestation; insufficient water resource management; water pollution is increasing in some areas; and illegal use of biodiversity is not decreasing (Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism, 2011). Although population has increased rapidly over the last century, population density is still very low, with a population of 2.3 million (NSOM, 2004 and 2005; Dore and Nagpal, 2006). Due to climate change and human activities, the Mongolian economy and people’s lifestyles are being affected by increased environmental pollution, unpleasant effects of desertification, degradation of pasturelands, intensification of sand movements, decreases in Mongolian forest resources, reductions in water resources, decreases in animal and plant species, increased soil erosion, and decreased land fertility. The Mongolian Government has given special attention to decelerating the negative changes in the state of the environment by protecting the environment, ensuring proper use of natural resources, undertaking rehabilitation work, and improving environmental management. The results of desertification assessment in 2006 indicate that moderately and strongly desertified area occupies about 72 % of total land of the Mongolia. In other words, it could be concluded that about 94.7% of country’s total land is affected by desertification. Hence, desertification and land degradation in Mongolia has reached at the national security level (Institute of Geoecology, MAS, 2013). Around 40 percent of the Mongolian forests, which occupies 8 percent of the total land, is now degraded and deforested due to mismanagement, illegal logging, forest fire and insect pests; as a result forested area occupies only 6.7 percent of the total land of the country. Excessive use of Saxaul forests, which is the only forest component in the Gobi desert area, caused loss of Saxaul forests on 125.0 thousand ha land. Local people settling in arid zone continue to utilize woods, shrubs and bushes for their fuel wood consumption. This is becoming a crucial factor in sand movement and sand accumulation in settlement area. To decelerate the negative changes in the state of the environment there is a need to improve implementation of the legal framework and economy consistent with Mongolia’s ecology. The primary mid-term strategies of the Government are the protection of native characteristics, economic leverage for environmental protection, and expenditure on rehabilitation work based on ecological and economic assessments. As Mongolia has a wide variety of landscapes and climate conditions from north to south, as a result of different, diverse ecosystems, such as high mountains, mountain forest, mountain forest steppe, steppe, and desert, with rich diversity of plant species have established. Plants species diversity is strongly associated with ecosystem function and resilience. Thus, many researchers have being conducted on species diversity as indicator of ecosystem health, especially in rangeland/pastureland ecosystems. Mongolian pastoralists have a rich heritage of knowledge on rangeland plants, and their use. According to the “Conspectus of the Vascular plants of Mongolia” (Urgamal et al., 2014), 3127 species and subspecies of vascular plants were registered in Mongolia, and more than 980 of those species have forage significance (Ulziikhutag, 1985). The knowledge of plants and vegetation cover change is crucial not only for an assessment, monitoring the status and prediction of their future associated changes, but it is also important for sustainable utilization, restoration, and conservation of rangelands and pasturelands. At the same time, there is abundant research available reflecting results of studies on Mongolia’s climate change, ensuing ecological changes, on linkage between climate and desertification (Tuvdendorj, Myagmarjav, 1986; Jambaajamts, 1898; Dagvadorj et al., 1994; Mijiddorj, 2000; Batjargal, 1997; Natsagdorj, 2004; Natsagdorj et al., 2005; Batima et al., 2000; Gombooluudev, 2006). But, there are several researches have being conducted on vegetation cover change, species composition in rangelands in Mongolia (Bolorchuluun, 2010; Erdenetuya et al., 2008; Purevdorj et al., 1998; Liu YY, 2013; Institute of Geocology, 2013), but no researches and information on forest vegetation change monitoring with respect of climate change have being conducted in Mongolia. Keywords: Mongolia, environment, climate change, vegetation cover, monitoring .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Climate change and vegetation monitoring in Mongolia - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Growth and Biomass allocation of one-year-old seedlings of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) under different photoperiod regimes from diverse seed sources of Mongolia" судалгааны гол зорилго нь ABSTRACT Success of plantation and reforestation depends on many factors, including seed and seedling quality, site-species compatibility, and appropriate silvicultural practices. Given the tremendous genetic variation of forest tree species, the origin of plant material is one of the most important factors to consider. The use of seeds that are geographically adapted to specific region can increase resistance to pest or pathogen damage and unfavorable growing conditions and can yield higher survival or better performance of seedlings. Extensive guidelines for the transfer of conifer seeds and seedlings exist worldwide, and were developed based on climatic data as well as geographic and genetic information. However, there were only few researches conducted in Mongolia regarding these variables (Milyutin et al., 1988; Bat-Erdene and Dashzeveg, 1995; Jamiyansuren, 1989) and information on seed source control, regulation, transfer and zoning is still lacking. Photoperiod and temperature are among the main environmental factors controlling growth, dormancy and frost hardiness in woody plants (Wareing, 1950a; Downs & Borthwick, 1956; Oleksyn, 1992a; Oleksyn, 1992b). Control of growth processes through environmental cues is important for the climatic adaptation of woody plants in regions whit freezing winter temperatures. The results of provenance experiments with forest tree species such as Scots pine showed significant differences in growth among populations with respect to the long-distance transfer of plants. In general, northern populations are sensitive to transfer to the south, as evident in reduced growth and stem volume production when compared to growth at their native latitudes (Giertych, 1979). Many data has been collected on genetic variation is Scots pine since the first provenance tests which established in Russian in early 1800s (Giertych, 1991). But a few provenance trials that have included Asian seed sources have been examined for their growth and adaptability (Shutyaev and Giertych, 1997). The climatic extremes of the natural range of Scots pine may play important role in selection of genotypes or seed sources that are better adapted to environmental stresses, especially drought and cold. The Scots pine is one of the main tree species used in reforestation practice in Mongolia. However, the survival rate of planted seedlings is between 30 and 60 percent, seldom reaching 50%. Main reasons for the poor result of the plantations are lack of compatibility between sites and species, nursery systems with outdated techniques and poorly equipped, poor site preparation, poor quality of planting stock due to poor seed and nursery techniques, no seed orchard is available and forest plantations on grazing land often resented by herders (JICA, FMC and MNE, 1998). The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of photoperiod on growth and biomass allocation in one-year-old seedlings of Scots pine (Pinus sylvetsris L.) from different seed sources of Mongolia. Seeds of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) were collected from the natural stands of eight different geographical locations in Mongolia between 2002 and 2004 were used as sources of materials. One month after sowing following of germination completed and seedlings were well established three different photoperiod regimes were initiated (16/8h-control; 12/12h-short day; 20/4h-extended day) and seedlings were grown for 113 days (approximately similar to growing season length at seed source origin). Following the completion of seed germination; before initiation of photoperiod regimes and at the end of entire experiments; all thirty seedlings from each of the seed sources (total 1260 seedlings) were subjected to measurement of growth (height, root collar diameter, needle length and root length) parameters; proportional allocation of biomass to root and shoot was assessed at the end of experiment. The chlorophyll a, b, and total (a + b) were determined by collecting 0.1 g needle samples from five seedlings of each seed sources from each photoperiod regimes. All statistical tests were computed using a statistical software package (SAS program, SAS Institute Inc., NC, USA, 2000). The differences in growth and biomass allocation between treatments; among and within seed sources were determined by repeated analysis of variance. Duncan’s multiple range test (DMRT) was used for multiple comparisons. The overall ranking based on growth performance (height, root collar diameter, needle length and root length), biomass allocation (root biomass, shoot biomass, needle biomass, root to shoot ratio, root weight ratio) and chlorophyll content (total (a + b), chlorophyll a, and b) of the studied seed sources under different photoperiod regime showed the following ranks: Source No. 6 (Bayanbulag), No. 7 (Oros davaa), No. 8 (Gunnuur), No. 4 (Bayan Uul), No. 5 (Russia), No. 3 (Binder), No. 1 (Dadal) and No. 2 (Binder mother). Key words: photoperiodic regime, seed sources, growth, biomass allocation, Scots pine .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Growth and Biomass allocation of one-year-old seedlings of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) under different photoperiod regimes from diverse seed sources of Mongolia - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"State of Forestry related Research in Mongolia" судалгааны гол зорилго нь State of Forestry related Research in Mongolia Nyam-Osor Batkhuu Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences and Chemical Engineering, National University of Mongolia, 14200, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, batkhuu@num.edu.mn ABSTRACT Forestry-related researches in Mongolia have been conducted for 80 years in several institutions and universities. Forestry education in Mongolia was started in 1962 with the establishment of the Department of Forestry in the Mongolian Agricultural University (MAU). After the dramatic change in Mongolia’s political and economic system, forestry research became fragmented and several institutions and universities in Mongolia conducted vague and in some cases duplicating research topics. All forest research institutions and universities were seriously constrained, until now, by lack of sufficient funds and facilities, inadequate trained researchers and incentives, and lack of integration between fragmented structural institutions, motivations and extension of information. There are two stages in the development of forest research in Mongolia: the first stage, which is from 1800 to 1950s, and the second stage, which is 1950s up to date. During the first stage or basic research stage, general investigations were conducted on plant kingdom and vegetation including species composition of main forest types and detailed investigation on certain areas in Mongolia. On the second stage or the applied research stage, significant researches were conducted in forestry field including all aspects of distribution, vegetation dynamics, forest ecology, forest typology, and forest soil, inventory of forest resources, forest mapping, and appropriate use of forest resources. Based on the information collected, the second stage formulated the scientific basis for the development of forestry and forest industries in Mongolia. In 1970s, the Mongolian-Russian Biological Complex Expedition was established and the establishment of long-term permanent field studies in several areas in Mongolia was coordinated. Such long-term operation opened the possibility to investigate and describe peculiarities of forest distribution of various vegetation zones in high mountain areas of Mongolia and to study forest regeneration process after different disturbances such as logging and forest fire in the different forest types. Also under this undertaking, several studies were conducted in the field of forest vegetation dynamics, forest soil classification, forest insects and pests, forest regeneration trend after forest fire and felling, forest silviculture practice in different forest areas, genetic structure and tree breeding, seedling production of main forest species, and some other applied research. Certain numbers of researches have been done in the past, but some important aspects in forestry research are needed in the near future, including socio-economic, policy and institutional aspects; timber waste reduction and utilization; and horticulture, urban forestry, non-timber forest products, forest genetics and tree breeding, seed biology and seed orchard management, productive and fast-growing species, wildlife management, landscape restoration after different types of disturbance, long term forest researches including ecological monitoringt and among others. The combined effects of privatization, decentralization and institutional changes are reflected in the lack of sufficient funds continued deforestation and forest degradation due to illegal logging, inadequate forest resource management, poor quality of forest plantations, negative environmental impacts, limited low investment in the forestry sector, low prioritization, lack of ability for policy enforcement, lack of adequate trained human resource, weak research capability, and unclear mandates, legal status and relationships between entities engaged in forestry. Despite of these many problems currently faced, the forestry of Mongolia has significant potential contributions in the economic and ecological development of the country. For this reason, it is necessary to improve forest resource management, increase long-term productivity, strengthen management of protected areas and buffer zones, ascertain appropriate use of forest resources, conduct goal-oriented research which can support the basis of technology development, develop the required skills and trained specialist, enhance public awareness involvement NGOs, enforce rules and regulations, and implement forest policy, planning and programs while creating the political, social and public awareness, and building the capacity particularly at the local and provincial level. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан State of Forestry related Research in Mongolia - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Сүлжээний хөнөөлт урсгалыг илрүүлэх системийн загварчлал" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Сүлжээний хөнөөлт урсгалыг өгөгдөл өлбөрлөх болон сигнатурт суурилсан системийн хамтарсан шалгалтаар илрүүлэх.
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Сүлжээний хөнөөлт урсгалыг илрүүлэх системийн загварчлал - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Detecting TCP based attacks using data mining algorithms" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Intrusion Detection Systems have become a necessary in computer networking security of largest networks. In the recent years, the system needs to identify new intrusion in largest datasets in a timely manner because internet to instantly access information at anytime from anywhere. That is a massive increasing of data traffic and internet nodes. Therefore, to refine an IDS’s performance and computing time is a one of the important challenges in computer network security field. We are introducing by this paper studying the effects of TCP based attacks on AI algorithms computing time and detection ratio using KDDCUP dataset and our collected dataset. We are to gather network traffic; normal and abnormal containing attack are collected by SNORT. We extract features in TCP headers of the packets in the collected dataset such as sequence and acknowledge numbers, window size, control flags, and an event which is time between neighbor segments. First we normalize the feature set to reduce dimensionality of our input feature space and apply linear correlation to measure the dependability of the relationship. Finally, the selected subset of the features is given to learn the classifiers: J-48, Naïve Bayes and ANNs. By adopting the concepts of machine learning and data-mining, we could detect 98% of abnormal traffic containing attacks..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Detecting TCP based attacks using data mining algorithms - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"1.Доройтсон ургамлан нөмрөгийг хашаалах болон ойн зурвас байгуулах замаар нөхөн сэргээх боломж 2. Шинэсний суулгац ургуулсан судалгаа 3. Үндэсний цэцэрлэгт хүрээлэнгийн ногоон байгууламж " судалгааны гол зорилго нь Abstract This article presents some results of experimental research conducted in Delger bag, Bayandelger soum, Sukhbaatar aimag with the objective of rehabilitating degraded pasture between 2007-2014. Within this objective, several experiments were conducted including fencing and establishing sylvo-pasture at degraded area and associated changes and responses of selected plant community were assessed with relevant mathematical estimations. Compared to controlling site, species numbers were increased by 3, 0; and individual numbers were raised by 4, 3 times respectively at the fencing sites. In parallel, species numbers were increased by 4, 5; and individual numbers were raised by 5, 8 times at the sylvo-pasture site in the study period. Nine specific indices applied to assess natural regenerations of selected community were estimated as the highest at sylvo-pasture site. Key words: Margalef index, Menhinick index, Berger-Parker index, Whittaker index, Harrison index, Routledge index .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан 1.Доройтсон ургамлан нөмрөгийг хашаалах болон ойн зурвас байгуулах замаар нөхөн сэргээх боломж 2. Шинэсний суулгац ургуулсан судалгаа 3. Үндэсний цэцэрлэгт хүрээлэнгийн ногоон байгууламж - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Country report on Radioisotopes & Research Reactor " судалгааны гол зорилго нь On Radioisotopes: Present usage is ~20 Ci /year of Tc-99m (supplied from Korea) and ~10 Ci /year of I-131 and I-125 (supplied from Korea and China). These numbers are limited by hospital budget and transportation issues. Actual demand can be very high. Current situation is RI shortage for hospitals. Number of cancer patient is increasing drastically.The latest statistics shows in Mongolia: 1 of every 4 deaths is because of cancer, 4 of every 5 cancer patients are diagnosed at latest stage of cancer. These numbers tell us that we are in serious condition. Possible solution is purchase of advanced equipment such as PET scan, construction of medical accelerator, construction of research reactor and more export from other countries such as Russia. On Research Reactor: In “State Policy of Mongolia on Exploitation of Radioactive Minerals and Nuclear Energy”: 6.5. To study the possibility of obtaining nuclear research reactor in order to conduct nuclear physics fundamental and applied researches and to develop high technology and prepare experts. Now, the Government of Mongolia is interested in having the first research reactor. The feasibility study is in progress. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Country report on Radioisotopes & Research Reactor - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Dedicated facility for mass-producing of doped Silicon" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Dedicated facility for mass-producing of doped Silicon.
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Dedicated facility for mass-producing of doped Silicon - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"DESIGN STUDY ON SUITABLE RESEARCH REACTOR FOR MONGOLIA" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Mongolia is considering the utilization of nuclear energy in future. There is enough confirmed uranium resources in Mongolia that would able to supply the domestic uranium demand if the nuclear power stations were built. Human resource and infrastructure development, and public acceptance are important issues to be solved before the actual utilization of nuclear energy. Because of these issues, the Government of Mongolia is planning to acquire research and training reactor in near future. As a part of this plan, the study on research reactor design suitable for Mongolia has been started at Nuclear Research Centre (NRC), National University of Mongolia (NUM). Mongolia is land locked country, exists between Russia and China. It may take a long time to import research reactor fuel from another country other than neighbouring countries because it requires a complex procedure to get a permission..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан DESIGN STUDY ON SUITABLE RESEARCH REACTOR FOR MONGOLIA - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Dedicated facility for mass-producing of doped Silicon" судалгааны гол зорилго нь hybrid cars and electric trains is increasing rapidly. Each such vehicle requires a considerable amount of semiconductor devices, suggesting an ever-growing demand for such devices in the near future. Thus, the mass production of the semiconductor material is becoming a very important issue for many manufacturers. There are several methods for mass production, but Neutron Transmutation Doping of Silicon (NTD-Si) is the most promising method for the production of silicon based semiconductor..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Dedicated facility for mass-producing of doped Silicon - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"DESIGN STUDY ON SUITABLE RESEARCH REACTOR FOR MONGOLIA" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Mongolia is considering the utilization of nuclear energy in future. There is enough confirmed uranium resources in Mongolia that would able to supply the domestic uranium demand if the nuclear power stations were built. Human resource and infrastructure development, and public acceptance are important issues to be solved before the actual utilization of nuclear energy. Because of these issues, the Government of Mongolia is planning to acquire research and training reactor in near future. As a part of this plan, the study on research reactor design suitable for Mongolia has been started at Nuclear Research Centre (NRC), National University of Mongolia (NUM). Mongolia is land locked country, exists between Russia and China. It may take a long time to import research reactor fuel from another country other than neighbouring countries because it requires a complex procedure to get a permission..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан DESIGN STUDY ON SUITABLE RESEARCH REACTOR FOR MONGOLIA - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"The use software tools of designing and modeling of MAN-MACHINE systems." судалгааны гол зорилго нь In this article we briefly described about the methods of optimal designing and modeling of process of functioning of man-machine systems, based on functional structural theory and the generalized structural method of professor A. I. Gubinsky. Models and methods of optimal designing of process of functioning of man-machine systems were originally implemented as a hybrid expert system INTELLECT-2. Currently, a new version of the hybrid expert system INTELLECT-3 has been developed, which, in contrast with INTELLECT-2, has fundamentally important new capabilities for the user: It inserts alternative typical functional structures in the functional network section, bounded by two two arcs; builds all isomorphic representations of an alternative graph;generates specific algoritm of directed enumeration in munual and automatic modes; and conducts an effective algorithm parallelization of directed enumeration for multiprocessor and multicore computers. In this work, we have created an algorithm of elimination of network failures at National University of Mongolia and have solved this problem by using hybrid expert system INTELLECT-3. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан The use software tools of designing and modeling of MAN-MACHINE systems. - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Ярианы Дохионы Фрэйм Хоорондын LPC Болон Фурье Спектрийн Зайг Харьцуулсан Судалгаа" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Энэхүү судалгааны ажлаар бид ярианы дохионы фрэйм хоорондын Евклидийн зайг фурье спектр болон LPC спектрүүдийн хувьд харьцуулах ажлыг хийсэн. Энэхүү зайнууд нь нэг авианы дотор болон өөр өөр авианууд хооронд ямар байхыг тооцоолон харьцуулсан. Ингэж харьцуулахад зэргэлдээ фрэйм хоорондын LPC спектрийн зай нь үг болон эрэмбээс бараг хамаарахгүйгээр фурье спектрийн зайнаас 2.4 дахин бага харин өөр өөр авиа хоорондын LPC болон фурье спектрийн зайнууд нь ойролцоо гарсан. Энэ нь LPC спектрийн давуу талыг харуулж байна..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Ярианы Дохионы Фрэйм Хоорондын LPC Болон Фурье Спектрийн Зайг Харьцуулсан Судалгаа - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Ярианы Дохионы Фрэйм Хоорондын LPC Болон Фурье Спектрийн Зайг Харьцуулсан Судалгаа" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Энэхүү судалгааны ажлаар бид ярианы дохионы фрэйм хоорондын Евклидийн зайг фурье спектр болон LPC спектрүүдийн хувьд харьцуулах ажлыг хийсэн. Энэхүү зайнууд нь нэг авианы дотор болон өөр өөр авианууд хооронд ямар байхыг тооцоолон харьцуулсан. Ингэж харьцуулахад зэргэлдээ фрэйм хоорондын LPC спектрийн зай нь үг болон эрэмбээс бараг хамаарахгүйгээр фурье спектрийн зайнаас 2.4 дахин бага харин өөр өөр авиа хоорондын LPC болон фурье спектрийн зайнууд нь ойролцоо гарсан. Энэ нь LPC спектрийн давуу талыг харуулж байна..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Ярианы Дохионы Фрэйм Хоорондын LPC Болон Фурье Спектрийн Зайг Харьцуулсан Судалгаа - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"“Уламжлалт болон Тонгоруу Сургалтуудыг Харьцуулсан Хэрэгжүүлэлт”" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Дэлхий дахины боловсролын салбарт цахим сургалтын технологи асар хурдацтай өсөн дэвшсээр байна. Хөгжиж буй орнуудад ч гэсэн интернэт болон мэдээллийн технологи хэрэглэх бололцоо нэмэгдсэнээр үүнд оролцох боломжтой болсон ба энэ нь цахим сургалт тэр дундаа Нийтэд Нээлттэй Онлайн Хичээл (MOOC) системд ихээхэн түлхэц болж байна. Дэлхийн тэргүүлэх их сургуулиуд өөрсдийн MOOC платформ болон түүн дээрх нээлттэй хичээлүүдээ хөгжүүлэн олон нийт болон дээд боловсролд хувь нэмрээ оруулсаар байна. Түүнчлэн уламжлалт болон цахим сургалтуудыг хослуулсан холимог хэлбэрийн сургалтууд шинээр бий болсон. Энэхүү эрдэм шинжилгээний өгүүлэлд холимог сургалтын нэгэн шинэ төрөл болох тонгоруу сургалтыг уламжлалт сургалттай харьцуулсан хэрэгжүүлэлтийн үр дүнг дурдах болно..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан “Уламжлалт болон Тонгоруу Сургалтуудыг Харьцуулсан Хэрэгжүүлэлт” - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Viewing Angle Analysis of Integral Imaging Display " судалгааны гол зорилго нь A new method to determine a viewing angle of the integral imaging display is proposed. The viewing angle is equal to an angle between the farthest edges of collecting rays on integrated point. This method is useful to determine the viewing angle of other three-dimensional display..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Viewing Angle Analysis of Integral Imaging Display - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"MimigGesture: Secure Device Pairing with Accelerometer-based Gesture Input" судалгааны гол зорилго нь It is unfeasible to establish a trusted-third party in ad-hoc wireless networks. Transferring authentication data under a human user’s control and involvement, called Out-Of-Band (OOB) channel, bootstraps device pairing. A number of OOB channels have been proposed. However, none of them is generally accepted due to their lack of adaptability to various devices. In this paper, we introduce a new OOB channel, called MimicGesture, which uses accelerometer-based gesture input. We argue that our OOB channel is suitable for all kinds of mobile devices, including I/O constrained devices, as the accelerometer is small in size and requires low computational overhead. We conducted a usability test in order to check the viability of our channel..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан MimigGesture: Secure Device Pairing with Accelerometer-based Gesture Input - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Digital Processing of Single Channel Spectrometry System" судалгааны гол зорилго нь The purpose of this work was to evaluate the possibility of using digital processing of signals in the single channel system, registering signals from the output of preamplifier and amplifier, and comparing the results and see the advantages of digital processing of signals. The novelty of this study is first time signals from the single channel spectrometry system was digitally recorded and analyzed. The advantage of the digital system was evaluated and suggested for future applications. Measurements of signals were done using high precision ADC for Single Channel Nuclear Spectrometry system using Cs137 gamma sources, from two points of the system, output of preamplifier and the main amplifier. Results show that for the digital measurement, it can be done from the output of preamplifier, not using main amplifier..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Digital Processing of Single Channel Spectrometry System - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Морин хуурийн эгшиг дуурьсгалын шинжилгээ" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Морин хуур нь Монгол үндэсний хөгжмийн зэмсэг бөгөөд түүний эгшиг дуурьсалын дүн шинжилгээ, судалгаа ховор байдаг. Тиймээс энэхүү өгүүлэгтээ морин хуурийн эгшиг дуурьсгалын тимбрийг шинжилж чавхдаст хөгжмийн зэмсэгүүдийн төлөөлөл хийл болон морин хийлтэй харьцуулахаас гадна ялгаатай хуур урлаачдын морин хууруудын дуурьсалыг судаллаа. Хөгжийн зэмсгүүдийг нэг төрлийн орчинд тоглуулсан бичлэгийг MATLAB програм хангамж ашиглан дүн шинжилгээ хийсэн. Морин хуур нь чавхдаст хөгжмийн зэмсгээс ялгаатай нь тоглогчийн ур чадвараас хамаардаг, зарим нот тоглоход дагалдах өнгө нь илүүтэй тодордог онцлогтой байна..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Морин хуурийн эгшиг дуурьсгалын шинжилгээ - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Diurnal Variation of Surface Radio Refractivity over Mongolia" судалгааны гол зорилго нь The diurnal radio refractivity over Mongolia was studied. The values of radio refractivity have been determined 59 different locations. The diurnal refractivity was calculated first day of January, April, July and October. A total of more than twenty thousand refractivity measurements was considered in this analysis. The result showed that the refractivity values were lower in the morning and the night, and higher in the afternoon. This is the result of variations in meteorological parameters such as humidity, temperature and atmospheric pressure. The highest values observed in winter and the lowest values were in spring. The diurnal maximum radio refractifiy, 342 was in Khuvsgul aimag on January 1 at 12.00 and a minimum one, 292 was in Dundgovi aimag on April 1 at 21.00..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Diurnal Variation of Surface Radio Refractivity over Mongolia - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Механикчийн чагнуураар автомашины моторын гэмтлийг оношлох систем" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Энэхүү ажилд моторын дуугаар гэмтлийг оношлох автомат системийг хөгжүүлэх судалгааны эхний үр дүнг танилцуулна. Системийг хөгжүүлэх явц нь өгөгдөл цуглуулах, өгөгдлийг боловсруулах, мэдлэгийн сан үүсгэх, хэрэглэгчийн төхөөрөмж хөгжүүлэх гэсэн шатлалтай бөгөөд энэ өгүүлэлд дуу бүртгэх, өгөгдөл цуглуулах систем болон анхан шатны боловсруулалтын дүн шинжилгээг дурдана. Дуу бүртгэх нөхцлийг сайжруулахад механик чагнуур ашигласан нь өмнө хийгдэж байсан судалгаануудтай харьцангуй шуугианаас ангид болсоныг туршилтаар баталгаажуулсан. Өмнө хийгдэж байсан төстэй судалгааны үр дүнгээс хамгийн тохиромжтой Support Vector Machine (SVM) болон Чадлын Нягтын Функц (Spectral Density Function - SPD) дээрхи Artificial Neural Network (ANN) гэсэн 2 аргыг ашиглан боловсруулж харьцуулалт хийсэн. Дээрхи дүн шинжилгээгээр уг систем нь шуугианыг амжилттай дарсан бөгөөд SVM, SPD анализуудын үр дүн өмнө хийгдэж байсан ажлуудын утгуудтай таарч байна. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Механикчийн чагнуураар автомашины моторын гэмтлийг оношлох систем - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Implementation of Audio Fingerprinting Algorithm for Advertisement Identi cation" судалгааны гол зорилго нь An audio identi cation system is used for commercial and research urposes. Most of such systems uses an audio ngerprints. The audio ngerprint is a set of features that uniquely identi es an audio and there are many algorithms that extract ngerprints from audio. We chose an algorithm which is based on anchor points and target zones like music recognition system named Shazam. In this paper, we proposed and implemented some algorithm's modi cations based on currently revealed audio ngerprinting system..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Implementation of Audio Fingerprinting Algorithm for Advertisement Identi cation - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"The Performance Analysis of Grid-PV System in Mongolia" судалгааны гол зорилго нь This paper presents the results of performance analysis of grid connected PV system based on 2 years operational data from the field site of the Chinggis khaan international airport of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. We performed summary analysis for the first grid connected large scale PV system in Mongolia. The 443kW Grid-PV system has generated 1447kWh/d, and reduced 57.7 tons CO2 per month, average PR (performance ratio) indicated 0.79 during the analysis period (04/2012-03/2014). We will investigate the operating conditions of this system in the long term in order to feedback the success stories and lessons learned. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан The Performance Analysis of Grid-PV System in Mongolia - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Using Guidelines of Traditional Buddha Drawing Technique as an Indicator of Face Masculinization" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Face identification, verification and classification are the most studied problems in computer vision. Biometrics has now received more attention. Face biometrics are used in research for a person’s authentication, classification, estimation of beauty and attractiveness, and identification of facial masculinization. Past research has typically quantified facial masculinization by measuring linear proportion of sexually dimorphic traits, such as jaw and cheek width etc. All of these measurements depend on face size. In this paper, we introduce new approach to classify sexual dimorphism that uses guidelines of Traditional Buddha Drawing Technique. Using photographs of young male and female faces, authors showed that guidelines are applicable for defining facial sexual dimorphism. Furthermore, these guidelines are used for new face recognition method..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Using Guidelines of Traditional Buddha Drawing Technique as an Indicator of Face Masculinization - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Фэсбүүк болон Твиттерийн Өгөгдлийн урсгалаас дүн шинжилгээ хийх нь" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Энэхүү судалгааны ажилд Фэйсбүүк болон Твиттерээр дамжиж байгаа байгаа хөнөөлт пакет дээр анализ хийж хөнөөл учруулах халдлага дайралтыг илрүүлэхийн тулд ... .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Фэсбүүк болон Твиттерийн Өгөгдлийн урсгалаас дүн шинжилгээ хийх нь - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Methods of Designing and Modeling of Man-Machine Systems”" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Abstract — The article deals with methods of designing and modeling of processes functioning of man-machine systems (PF MMS), based on functional-structural theory and the generalized MMS structural method of prof. A.I. Gubinsky. An algorithm for the generation of series-parallel connection operations with the additional constraints algorithm for generating alternative process, the functioning of human-machine systems on the basis of common goals operations algorithm for generating. Index Terms – functional-structural theory, man-machine system, a set of alternatives, generalized structural method. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Methods of Designing and Modeling of Man-Machine Systems” - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"MobileCA: Accumulative Secure Group Association with Certification Path" судалгааны гол зорилго нь In recent years, there has been growing interest in secure pairing, which refers to the establishment of a secure connection between two mobile devices. Many published studies have described the various types of out-of-band (OOB) channels through which authentication data can be transferred with user control and involvement. However, there has been little discussion of setting up secure connections between groups of mobile devices. Some security protocols have been proposed, but they have tended to focus on a scenario whereby all devices must be located in one place to perform the association. In this paper, we describe a new group association method, called MobileCA. Our method is designed for a broader range of scenarios and does not require all devices to be in one place at one time. MobileCA extends the OOB channel concept and utilizes digital certification. We have implemented a prototype system using smart phone handsets..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан MobileCA: Accumulative Secure Group Association with Certification Path - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"An approach to detect TCP based attack using Data mining algorithms" судалгааны гол зорилго нь ....
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан An approach to detect TCP based attack using Data mining algorithms - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"An approach to detect TCP based attack using Data mining algorithms" судалгааны гол зорилго нь ....
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан An approach to detect TCP based attack using Data mining algorithms - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"USRP ашигласан телевизийн реклам танигч" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Телевизийн нэвтрүүлгээс реклам танигч систем нь дуу эсвэл дүрсийг ашиглаж болно. Дүрсний мэдээлэл нь зурвасын өргөн ихтэй тул дүрс ашигласан танигчийн тооцооллын ээдрээ нь ихэснэ. Харин дуу ашигласан реклам танигч нь тооцооллын хувьд хялбар болно. Телевизийн өргөн нэвтрүүлгийн дууны дохиог FM(Frequency Modulation) модуляци ашиглан дамжуулдаг. Тиймээс энгийн FM хүлээн авагчийг GNU Radio дээр хэрэгжүүлж гаралтын дууны дохионоос рекламыг танина. Бидний боловсруулсан алгоритм нь таних гэж буй рекламанд тохирсон шүүлтүүр бэлтгэж, түүний гаралт дээр боловсруулалт хийнэ. Телевизийн нэвтрүүлгийн явцад уг реклам гарах үед шүүлтүүрийн гаралтанд Peak утга ажиглагддаг. Энэ peak утгыг бусад шуугианаас зөв ялгаж танихын тулд тодорхой босго утга оруулж ирсэн. Гэвч хүлээн авч байгаа дохионы чадал хувьсан өөрчлөгдөх тул энэхүү босго утгыг адаптив өөрчлөх алгоритм боловсруулсан. Бидний санал болгож буй танигчийг Software-Defined-Radio-н USRP B210 хардвар платформ дээр GNU Radio Companion орчинд хэрэгжүүлсэн. Танигчийн ажиллагааны үр дүнг харуулахдаа бодит телевизийн нэвтрүүлгээс реклам танисан хугацааг текст файлд бичдэг байхаар хийсэн..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан USRP ашигласан телевизийн реклам танигч - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Diurnal Variation of Surface Radio Refractivity over Mongolia" судалгааны гол зорилго нь The diurnal radio refractivity over Mongolia was studied. The values of radio refractivity have been determined 59 different locations. The diurnal refractivity was calculated first day of January, April, July and October. A total of more than twenty thousand refractivity measurements was considered in this analysis. The result showed that the refractivity values were lower in the morning and the night, and higher in the afternoon. This is the result of variations in meteorological parameters such as humidity, temperature and atmospheric pressure. The highest values observed in winter and the lowest values were in spring. The diurnal maximum radio refractifiy, 342 was in Khuvsgul aimag on January 1 at 12.00 and a minimum one, 292 was in Dundgovi aimag on April 1 at 21.00..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Diurnal Variation of Surface Radio Refractivity over Mongolia - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Digital Processing of Signal Channel Spectrometry System" судалгааны гол зорилго нь The purpose of this work was to evaluate the possibility of using digital processing of signals in the single channel system, registering signals from the output of preamplifier and amplifier, and comparing the results and see the advantages of digital processing of signals. The novelty of this study is first time signals from the single channel spectrometry system was digitally recorded and analyzed. The advantage of the digital system was evaluated and suggested for future applications. Measurements of signals were done using high precision ADC for Single Channel Nuclear Spectrometry system using Cs137 gamma sources, from two points of the system, output of preamplifier and the main amplifier. Results show that for the digital measurement, it can be done from the output of preamplifier, not using main amplifier..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Digital Processing of Signal Channel Spectrometry System - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Online learning technology reform and blended-model implementation" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Online learning is one of the fastest growing trends in educational technology. The application of e-learning in developing countries has gradually advanced in recent years with an improved availability of internet connections and IT support. Moreover, it has enabled one of the most attractive recent developments in education – the deployment of massive open online courses. World leading universities develop their own MOOC platforms with free, open access making a huge contribution for public learning and higher education. Although, MOOC’s main principle is to deliver learning content online to anyone - without limit on attendance, some of the providers offer Small Private Online Courses to universities, where Small Private Online Course is a licensed, blended version of the course combined with on-campus learning activities for limited number of students. National University of Mongolia (NUM) is one of the first 3 non-American universities and one of the first 15 universities in the world which successfully used blended online courses. In this paper, we will present findings and perceptions on the experience in NUM, gathered from introduction of MOOC’s blended version Massachusetts Institute of Technology since Fall 2012 and implementation of 7 undergraduate, blended courses in School of Engineering and Applied Sciences of NUM, which started from academic year 2014/15..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Online learning technology reform and blended-model implementation - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Making Virtual Tour Suitable for Oculus Rift" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Virtual tour (VT) is a prominent problem in virtual reality (VR) research. VR is a technology for experiencing three dimensional computer graphics, since late 2012 the Oculus Rift gave VR a new boost. Through open source development and an enthusiastic active community many new opportunities have arisen, for example graphic interfaces aimed for browser based immersive experiences. We introduce Virtual Tour (VT) for the web using the Oculus Rift. It can bring the feeling of reality and immersion..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Making Virtual Tour Suitable for Oculus Rift - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Online-learning technology and blended-model implementation" судалгааны гол зорилго нь The application of e-learning in developing countries has gradually advanced in recent years with an improved availability of internet connections and IT support. Moreover, it has enabled one of the most attractive recent developments in education – the deployment of massive open online courses. World leading universities develop their own MOOC platforms with free, open access making a huge contribution for public learning and higher education. Although, MOOC’s main principle is to deliver learning content online to anyone - without limit on attendance, some of the providers offer Small Private Online Courses (SPOC) to universities, where SPOC is a licensed, blended version of the course combined with on-campus learning activities for limited number of students. National University of Mongolia (NUM) is one of the first 3 non-American universities and one of the first 15 universities in the world which successfully used blended online courses. In this paper, we will present findings and perceptions on the experience in NUM, gathered from introduction of MOOC’s blended version MIT since Fall 2012 and implementation of 7 undergraduate, flipped classroom courses in School of Engineering and Applied Sciences..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Online-learning technology and blended-model implementation - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Рекурсив Хамгийн бага Квадратын аргаар MIMO сувгийг дагах алгоритм" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Өнөө үеийн утасгүй холбооны технологийн гол төлөөлөгч болсон MIMO системийн хөгжүүлэлт одоог хүртэл идэвхтэй хийгдсээр байна. MIMO системийн хүлээн авагчийн эквалайзер зөв ажиллахын тулд сувгаа урьдчилан үнэлсэн байх шаардлагатай байдаг. Энэхүү судалгааны ажлаар рекурсив хамгийн бага квадратын (RLS) алгоримтыг ашиглан MIMO сувгийг үнэлсэн. Ингэхдээ өмнө нь хийж гүйцэтгэсэн хөдөлгөөнт MIMO сувгийн загварчлал болон MIMO хүлээн авагчийн эквалайзер зэрэг МАТЛАБ платформуудыг ашигласан. RLS ашигласны гол давуу тал нь сувгийн талаар ямар нэг статистик мэдээллийг урьдчилан мэдэхгүйгээр үнэлэхэд оршино..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Рекурсив Хамгийн бага Квадратын аргаар MIMO сувгийг дагах алгоритм - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"OFDM дээр суурилсан WLAN Системийн Тэмдэгтийн Хугацааны Синхрончлол" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Энэхүү судалгааны ажлаар Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing(OFDM) WLAN системийн тэмдэгтийн хугацааны синхрончлолын асуудлыг шийдвэрлэхийг зорилоо. OFDM систем нь синхрончлолын алдаанд маш мэдрэмтгий ба хугацааны офсет үнэлэлтийн нарийвчлалыг сайжруулснаар системийн ажиллагааг сайжруулахад туслах болно. Санал болгож буй арга нь нарийн төвөгтэй тооцооллыг багасгах бөгөөд хүлээн авагч дээр ерөнхийдөө автокорреляцийн аргаар харьцуулж үр дүнг харуулна. Санал болгож буй арга нь дундаж магнитудын зөрүү функц (Average magnitude difference function)дээр суурилдаг. AMDF арга болон Схмидл аргыг хэрэгжүүлэхдээ IEEE 802.11a стандартын богино преамбул цувааг хэрэглнэ. Симуляцийг Aдавтив-Цагаан Гауссын Шуугиантай Релейн замхралттай суваг дээр AMDF арга,Схмидл Коксын аргын үр дүнгүүдийг МАТЛАБ програм дээр симуляци хийж харуулна. Мөн тэмдэгтийн хугацааны синхрончлолын үнэлэлтийн үр дүнгүүдийг харуулна..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан OFDM дээр суурилсан WLAN Системийн Тэмдэгтийн Хугацааны Синхрончлол - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Modern cryptography: Discrete logarithm and prime factorization" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Modern cryptography is based on the computational complexities of the two problems namely discrete logarithm and prime factorization. We tried to show overview of the theories behind modern cryptography and the relationship between these two problems..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Modern cryptography: Discrete logarithm and prime factorization - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Дифференциал роботын траектор засах алгоритм" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Роботын траекторыг засахад робот өөрийн байршлыг мэдэж байхаас гадна, тухайн агшинд хаана байх ёстойгоо мэдэж байх шаардлагатай. Ингэснээр өөрийн байршлыг, төлөвлөгөөт байршилтай харьцуулан траекторыг засах эсэх шийдвэрийг гаргах юм. Энэ өгүүлэлд дифференциал роботын траекторыг төлөвлөхдөө куб Бизье муруй ашигласан ба ротари энкодероос мэдээлэл орж ирэх агшинд роботын бодит байршил болон төлөвлөгөөт бизье муруй дээрх байршлыг тодорхойлох, тэдгээрийг харьцуулан шийдвэр гаргах болон шаардлагатай тохиолдолд траекторыг шинээр төлөвлөх алгоритмыг санал болгоно..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Дифференциал роботын траектор засах алгоритм - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Smooth Path Planing and Localization Scheme for Swerve Robots" судалгааны гол зорилго нь In this paper, a smooth path planning and a localization method for swerve robot is proposed. Swerve robots have simple wheels and each wheel is rotationally controllable separately. This paper aims to approximate a velocity of each wheel in terms of speed and angle. This estimation is done for swerve and d-swerve robots. Initial path, that is approximated by a data given by the encoders on the wheels, is a parametric Bézier curve. Since the simulation uses a Bézier curve, we found relationship between t parameter and real-time. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Smooth Path Planing and Localization Scheme for Swerve Robots - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Nonuniform viewing angle of integral imaging display" судалгааны гол зорилго нь While the viewing angle (VA) is an important parameter of three-dimensional (3-D) displays, a method has not yet been devised to determine the VA. We proposed a new approach to determine a VA of an integral imaging display. An integrated point appears at the cross section between collected rays and a lens array; the VA of the integrated point is thus equal to the angle between the two farthest rays. This approach is useful to determine the VA of all 3-D displays, because a 3-D point appears in the cross section of collected rays. The result of this study showed that the VA depends on the position of the integrated point and is smaller than the VA of the conventional calculation..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Nonuniform viewing angle of integral imaging display - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Road erosion and its environmental influence caused by mining in trans-boundary area of China and Mongolia" судалгааны гол зорилго нь The off -road from vehicle is one of the dominant impacts of environmental degradation in Mongolia. Off-road vehicles also main resources of the gully erosion, dust emission and land degradation. Nowadays 50000 km roads have been used for transportation of Mongolia. Most of road has been used for coal transporting in southern boundary of Mongolia. Therefore, strongly degradation occurred in trans-boundary area. This study has been focused by to estimate soil losses from vehicle effects in soils and to develop methodology to calculate the erosion from off-road vehicle. The result has indicated an average soil losses are 1.40 kg/m2 in study area. Soil loss was 29 tn/ha from studied 24.0 ha areas on central Mongolia. Also road erosion has been affected the soil properties and bulk density has increased 12.1gr/cm3 and organic content has decreased 0.1% in off-road vehicle. Steppe area soil in established on arid condition by influence from vehicle truck which has been change the physic characteristic and soil particles flapping to air from impacts of car wheels thus get down to near the road through the area. Which is create the accuracy parts covering impact to land surface other else, arise swelling along the road depend on hydrous, density, particle composition as well as cause of technical destruction. Keywords. Off-Road Vehicle, vehicle track, soil erosion.
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Road erosion and its environmental influence caused by mining in trans-boundary area of China and Mongolia - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Экономика и право Монголии и тенденции их развития" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Abstract: Even though Mongolia has followed and reformed to democratic politics, society and economics, it hasn’t reached to the certain potential level. Thus, it is very important to determine the future goal and tendency based on a research of Mongolian economics and society. Based on this, we are taking the subject matter of Mongolian economics, legal development, the future goal tendency of the late 20th century and early 21st century. We determined Mongolian’s economics and legal development future tendencies based on the research that we have done on the subject. This research result shows that Mongolian economy, local development matters are needed to keep appropriate international integration policies in order to become independent and stable in economics. This tells us that we need to create a pleasant legal environment based on social, scientific and technological developments. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Экономика и право Монголии и тенденции их развития - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Берлинитийн пьезо-цахилгаан эффектийн судалгаа" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Берлинитийн пьезо-цахилгаан эффектийн онолын судалгааны үр дүнгээс.
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Берлинитийн пьезо-цахилгаан эффектийн судалгаа - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"THE OPTICAL ABSORPTION AND EPR STUDY OF GAMMA IRRADIATED AND HEAT-TREATED NATURAL QUARTZ" судалгааны гол зорилго нь We report experimental studies of the effects of gamma radiation induced in natural quartz. The main target is the spectroscopic characterization of induced point defects and the identification of their formation mechanisms. To this purpose we use EPR spectroscopy and obtain complementary information from optical absorption measurements. This multi-technique approach proves very useful to evidence when distinct spectroscopic features can be attributed to the same defect and when correlations point out the possible existence of defect conversion..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан THE OPTICAL ABSORPTION AND EPR STUDY OF GAMMA IRRADIATED AND HEAT-TREATED NATURAL QUARTZ - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"STUDY OF PANI NANOFIBERS SUPPORTED Pt CATALYSTS FOR FUEL CELL" судалгааны гол зорилго нь In this study, the preparation and characterization of polyaniline nanofibers supported platinum (Pt) as novel cathode catalyst for PEMFCs are presented. This paper aims to study the production of polyaniline nanofibers (PANI-NFs) at different aniline/oxidant ratios via interfacial polymerization method. PANI-NFs supported Pt catalysts (Pt/PANI-NFs) were synthesized by an ethylene glycol reduction method. The synthesized PANI support material and Pt/PANI catalyst are analyzed using several methods on Scanning Electron Microscopy with LXRF system (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR). .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан STUDY OF PANI NANOFIBERS SUPPORTED Pt CATALYSTS FOR FUEL CELL - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"RB6 (R=Sm, Ce, Pr) nanoparticles preparation and it’s optical absorption " судалгааны гол зорилго нь Rare earth hexaborides (RB6) charaterized by high brigthness, thermal stability, low volatility, and high mechanical strength, have attracted much attention due to the fact that these materials exhibit varieties of unique physical properties, such as superconductivity, valence fluctuation, semi conductivity, metal-insulator transition, and low work function.Specific attention has been focused on optical properties of RB6 in the past few years owing to it’s excellent performance of strong light absorption in the near infrared region (NIR) and transparency in the visible light (VL) region, which well satisfies the demand for solar radiation heat-shielding material for use in the windows of automobiles and in architecture.[1] Firstly, following two low temperature (500℃) synthesis using of preparation SmB6 nanoparticles[2]..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан RB6 (R=Sm, Ce, Pr) nanoparticles preparation and it’s optical absorption - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"SWOT, PEST and 5C Analysis on Mongolian National SDI" судалгааны гол зорилго нь It has been 20 years since spatial data infrastructure (SDI) had spread across the world. During this time, several countries has started establish their own SDI, all of which are different from the other. In Mongolia using geographic information system (GIS) software for mapping since 1990. Nowadays many organizations and some private companies in Mongolia have been dealing with remote sensing and GIS activities. Since 2004 there have being discussions and plans on founding National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) and had being ongoing starting from 2012. The NSDI is the one of seven main key components of the “National Program to Establish an Integrated System of Registration and Information of Mongolia” (2008). The project is to facilitate and support data exchanges between intra-and inter-organizations, efficient cadastral procedures, registration and taxation, other related activities, etc. NSDI is a web based and centralized system which covers administration of geoinformation database all over the country among government departments. The PEST factors, combined with external micro-environmental factors and internal drivers, can be classified as opportunities and threats in a SWOT analysis. In order to establish promotion strategy for SDI system implementation project, internal and external factors are derived through using SWOT and PEST analysis. This research aims SWOT and PEST analysis to identify the key internal and external factors in SDI legal system, internship between government organizations, human resources, data resource and security that are important for achieving the objective in Mongolian situation. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан SWOT, PEST and 5C Analysis on Mongolian National SDI - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"GIS enabled E-governance" судалгааны гол зорилго нь E-Governance has broader area of implications. It can be used in various aspects of governance system. With the advancement in the sector of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), the Governments of economies have stepped forward to adopt e-governance in different service sectors. The growing application of information and communication technologies and their subsequent use on strengthening interaction with citizens has given rise to a new governance paradigm as E-Governance. The Government of Mongolia declared ICT as one of the key economically important sectors. Approved in 2005 E-Mongolia National Program missions “enhancing people’s life quality by establishing new economic environment, improving country’s competitiveness and providing sustainable development”. Three frameworks dealt within the program that are government-legislation; business-economy; and human development; and four policies of government-to citizens, government-to-business, government-to-government and infrastructure. In Mongolia has started applying GIS for the development of city address system, utility management and in planning roads. All of these are being addressed in achieving good urban environment through sustainable use of geoinformation management. Many other supporting initiatives had taken place among which are formulation and approval of MNS 5774:2007 (ISO 19115) Spatial information- Metadata standard, and MNS ISO/TS 19104:2012, Spatial information- terminology standard, and mapping and geodetic engineering norms. E-initiatives in the land administration is supported by legal texts stipulated in the Constitution of Mongolia, Geodesy and cartography law, Land law, Cadastral mapping and land cadaster law, Land fee law, and Land ownership by Citizen of Mongolia law etc. This paper shall review e-governance initiative, actions and challenges faced in the case of Mongolia and develop recommendations. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан GIS enabled E-governance - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Zoning Planning Based on Spatiotemporal Analysis " судалгааны гол зорилго нь Land use zoning is a regulation system of classifying land to control the development and use allowed in an area. Zoning regulates the types of activities that can be accommodated on a given piece of land, as well as the amount of space devoted to those activities, and the ways that buildings may be situated and shaped. Zoning describes the control by authority of the use of land, and of the buildings thereon. The urban development sector in Mongolia has been greatly influenced by the rapid rate of urbanization in the country over the past 20 years. During the former Soviet Union, Mongolia’s economy and urban services were centrally planned and managed. By the early 2000s, Mongolia had established proper legal and institutional frameworks for the urban sector. At the time urban land described into 6 zones by Purevtseren’s land use classification. In 2014 the new city land use zoning system introduced in Ulaanbaatar that includes 7 zones. But that cannot be directly copied this zoning category due to the socio-economic characteristics in the towns and small villages of countryside. This research introducing new and more comprehensive functional zoning system based on spatio-temporal analysis in Zuunmod city. The zoning system will cover all land around Zuunmod city and includes 19 sub and 9 main zones: residential, commercial, industrial, open space, mixed use, engineering infrastructure, green zones, water body zone and special reservation use zone. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Zoning Planning Based on Spatiotemporal Analysis - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Wildfire risk assessment in Eastern Mongolia" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Wildfires can result in significant, long-lasting impacts to ecological, social, and economic systems. Understanding the geographic location and severity of wildfire risk is important at all levels. Numerous approaches of modelling wildfires have been published covering the regime itself, ignition probabilities, spreading patterns, risks and impacts. However, there is less research linking these validated mature approaches to dynamics of the terrestrial environment. The objectives of this study were to generate fire risk assessment in order to better understand the spatial and temporal patterns of wildland fires and establish risk zones in the eastern Mongolia. The research is focused on mapping the land cover types in the study area, developing a fire risk and hazard model to identify fire prone areas using parameters such as grassland cover types, topography, road network, habitation, rivers and weather parameters. The locations of the wildfires have been registered by National Emergency Management Agency from 2000 to 2015, to map wildfire occurring pattern in the study area. In Mongolia, the temperature has risen by 1.5 degrees Celsius, and springtime precipitation has fallen by 17 percent over the last 60 years. One peak is from March to mid June which accounts for 80% of all fires, while the other peak is from September to October which accounts for 5% of all fires. There is no single ‘correct’ way of carrying out risk assessment, there are three methods which might be useful, each of which we used in this study, that are the risk category indicator method, the risk value matrix method and the algorithmic method. According to the weight calculated for each factor and its corresponding classes, the weighed maps of the factors were produced and employed to produce the final map of wildfire risk zoning. Finally, the zoning map of wildfire risk was produced including five classes of the risk from high to very low. Comparing the map of the wildfire risk potential to the actual fires that happened, it was found that 13-27% of the fires initiate form the areas, marked as high risk and risky zones on the map, respectively. The results indicate a high compliance of the map of wildfire risk zoning and the location of the fires in the study area. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Wildfire risk assessment in Eastern Mongolia - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Droughts and wildfires in eastern Mongolia" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Mongolia is a very special country; it has a total land area of 1,564 million sq. km and a population of 3 million people (NSO, 2015). These physical, social and economic conditions in contrasting human habitats are sharpened by strong cultural identities which define Mongolians’ rapidly changing requirements for productive livelihoods, human security and physical protection from disaster risks. The country is exposed to several types of serious natural hazards. Parts of the country and particularly the densely populated capital area are subject to potentially severe seismic activity. The periodic and particularly severe Mongolian dzud is a natural hazard that combines extreme weather conditions which decimate herds which are already weakened by summer drought conditions. Droughts, floods (in urban and rural areas), steppe and forest wildfire, storms and agricultural vermin are other hazards that combine climatic effects, changing environmental conditions, and increasingly challenging economic conditions that characterize a perilous hazard-scape in Mongolia. Therefore, different time series satellite data from different source are very important for monitoring, management and research. The drought estimation methodology using long term NDVI data was developed in 2005 (M.Bayasgalan, 2005) and this technology was upgraded and applied by MODIS data. Wildfires can result in significant, long-lasting impacts to ecological, social, and economic systems. The objectives of this study were to generate fire risk assessment in order to better understand the spatial and temporal patterns of wildland fires and drought in the eastern Mongolia. The research is focused on mapping the land cover types in the study area, identify developing a fire risk and drought model to identify fire prone areas using parameters such as grassland cover types, topography, road network, habitation, rivers and weather parameters. The locations of the wildfires have been registered by National Emergency Management Agency from 2000 to 2015, to map wildfire occurring pattern in the study area. In Mongolia, the temperature has risen by 1.5 degrees Celsius, and springtime precipitation has fallen by 17% over the last 60 years. One peak is from March to mid-June which accounts for 80% of all fires, while the other peak is from September to October which accounts for 5% of all fires..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Droughts and wildfires in eastern Mongolia - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"GIS enabled E-governance" судалгааны гол зорилго нь E-Governance has broader area of implications. It can be used in various aspects of governance system. With the advancement in the sector of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), the Governments of economies have stepped forward to adopt e-governance in different service sectors. The growing application of information and communication technologies and their subsequent use on strengthening interaction with citizens has given rise to a new governance paradigm as E-Governance. The Government of Mongolia declared ICT as one of the key economically important sectors. Approved in 2005 E-Mongolia National Program missions “enhancing people’s life quality by establishing new economic environment, improving country’s competitiveness and providing sustainable development”. Three frameworks dealt within the program that are government-legislation; business-economy; and human development; and four policies of government-to citizens, government-to-business, government-to-government and infrastructure. In Mongolia has started applying GIS for the development of city address system, utility management and in planning roads. All of these are being addressed in achieving good urban environment through sustainable use of geoinformation management. Many other supporting initiatives had taken place among which are formulation and approval of MNS 5774:2007 (ISO 19115) Spatial information- Metadata standard, and MNS ISO/TS 19104:2012, Spatial information- terminology standard, and mapping and geodetic engineering norms. E-initiatives in the land administration is supported by legal texts stipulated in the Constitution of Mongolia, Geodesy and cartography law, Land law, Cadastral mapping and land cadaster law, Land fee law, and Land ownership by Citizen of Mongolia law etc. This paper shall review e-governance initiative, actions and challenges faced in the case of Mongolia and develop recommendations. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан GIS enabled E-governance - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Molybdenum recovery efficiency seasonal instability at the Erdenet Mining Corporation " судалгааны гол зорилго нь Molybdenum recovery efficiency seasonal instability at the Erdenet Mining Corporation Average copper recovery at the Erdenet Mining Corporation (EMC) is 86.5% and stable without any significant seasonal changes, while molybdenum recovery is lower (46%) and changes drastically during spring-summer season of each year. This molybdenum recovery volatility is the subject of this study. We suggest the bad and random molybdenum recovery is caused by seasonal changes of composition of dissolved salts, oxygen in circulating water that used for flotation enrichment at the EMC. The Central Research Laboratory (CRL) of the EML measures once at every month content of elements Cu, Fe, Ca, Mg, Mo and salt forming ions SO4 2-, HCO31-, CO32- and pH, hardness, dry residue in the circulating water. As shows our correlation analyses of CRL monthly data with weather data such as monthly average air temperature and moisture, wind speed, and precipitation during 2008-2011 years, content of dominant ions Ca2+, Mg2+ , SO4 2-, HCO31- and other ions in the circulating water changes seasonally: in summer-autumn season (July-to-October) content of dominant ions and dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide changes rapidly in consistent with rainfall net amount and wind intensity; during winter time (November – to - March), when the artificial lake is mostly covered with ice, content of two dominant ions pair Ca2+ - SO4 2- is high and stable, simultaneously, content of dissolved oxygen falls 3-4 times to 2-3 ppm level. During March-April period, artificial lake ice cover melts and dilutes circulating water, decreasing the dry residue of the circulating water up to 15-20%. The end of May-to- end of June period is very special. During this relatively warm, dry, and windy time, the surface water of the artificial lake intensively evaporates and circulating water becomes thick as during winter peak time. At the same time, because of high intense dry winds, artificial lake enriches with dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide gases. So the circulating water contains higher amount of dissolved oxygen and SO4 2- ions during the spring-to-summer period. Surface of molybdenite particles in the pulp media can be oxidized in two steps if a presence of dissolved oxygen and SO4 2- ions are simultaneous and sufficient. This two step surface oxidation increases hydrophilic property of the molybdenite particles in the pulp and consequently decreases their floatability and finally causes bad recovery of molybdenum at the EMC during the spring-to-summer period. Acknowledgement: This work has been done with financial support of the advanced research project of National University of Mongolia on title “Study of static displacement and phase transitions in solid solutions” (2016) and the research project: “The investigation of heavy metal contamination of soil on Hanbogd and Tsogttsetsii villages of Umnugobi province, where located Oyu Tolgoi and Tavan Tolgoi mines” (2015) supported by the Asia Research Center, Mongolia and Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies, Korea. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Molybdenum recovery efficiency seasonal instability at the Erdenet Mining Corporation - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Molybdenum recovery efficiency seasonal instability at the Erdenet Mining Corporation " судалгааны гол зорилго нь Abstract Average copper recovery at the Erdenet Mining Corporation (EMC) is 86.5% and stable without any significant seasonal changes, while molybdenum recovery is lower (46%) and changes drastically during spring-summer season of each year. This molybdenum recovery volatility is the subject of this study. We suggest the bad and random molybdenum recovery is caused by seasonal changes of composition of dissolved salts, oxygen in circulating water that used for flotation enrichment at the EMC. The Central Research Laboratory (CRL) of the EML measures once at every month content of elements Cu, Fe, Ca, Mg, Mo and salt forming ions SO4 2- , HCO3 1- , CO3 2- and pH, hardness, dry residue in the circulating water. As shows our correlation analyses of CRL monthly data with weather data such as monthly average air temperature and moisture, wind speed, and precipitation during 2008-2011 years, content of dominant ions Ca2+, Mg2+ , SO4 2- , HCO3 1- and other ions in the circulating water changes seasonally: in summer-autumn season (July-to-October) content of dominant ions and dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide changes rapidly in consistent with rainfall net amount and wind intensity; during winter time (November – to - March), when the artificial lake is mostly covered with ice, content of two dominant ions pair Ca2+ - SO4 2- is high and stable, simultaneously, content of dissolved oxygen falls 3-4 times to 2-3 ppm level. During March-April period, artificial lake ice cover melts and dilutes circulating water, decreasing the dry residue of the circulating water up to 15-20%. The end of May-to- end of June period is very special. During this relatively warm, dry, and windy time, the surface water of the artificial lake intensively evaporates and circulating water becomes thick as during winter peak time. At the same time, because of high intense dry winds, artificial lake enriches with dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide gases. So the circulating water contains higher amount of dissolved oxygen and SO4 2- ions during the spring-to-summer period. Surface of molybdenite particles in the pulp media can be oxidized in two steps if a presence of dissolved oxygen and SO4 2- ions are simultaneous and sufficient. This two step surface oxidation increases hydrophilic property of the molybdenite particles in the pulp and consequently decreases their floatability and finally causes bad recovery of molybdenum at the EMC during the spring-to-summer period. Acknowledgement: This work has been done with financial support of the advanced research project of National University of Mongolia on title “Study of static displacement and phase transitions in solid solutions” (2016) and the research project: “The investigation of heavy metal contamination of soil on Hanbogd and Tsogttsetsii villages of Umnugobi province, where located Oyu Tolgoi and Tavan Tolgoi mines” (2015) supported by the Asia Research Center, Mongolia and Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies, Korea..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Molybdenum recovery efficiency seasonal instability at the Erdenet Mining Corporation - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Орос-Монгол-Чингийн харилцааны эхэн үеийн асуудлыг нэхэн эргэцүүлэхүй (XVI-XVII зууны эхэн)" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Энэхүү илтгэлд Ази тивийн Сибирь хэмээн нэрлэгдсэн газар нутаг анх хэний мэдэлд байсан, XVI зуунаас оросууд эл газар нутгийг Донын казакуудын тусламжаар колоничлон, улмаар тус бүс нутгийн суугуулууд монголын ноёдод “ясак” буюу “ясааны татвар” төлсөөр ирсэн явдлыг халахын тулд тулд явуулсан бодлого хэрхэн хэрэгжсэн. Оросууд Сибирийг эзлэн түрэмгийлж, өөрсдийн харьяат болгох бодлого идэвхитэй явуулснаар тус бүс нутгийн улс төрийн байдал нэн хурцдаж, харийн түрэмгийллийг эсэргүүцсэн тэмцэл хөдөлгөөн өрнөх болсон нөхцөлд Оросын хаад Монголын ноёдод хандан тусламж \зуучлагчийн\ хүссэн болон Монголын зүгээс ямар зорилго агуулж Оростой харилцах болсон түүхэн нөхцөл байдлыг нэхэн эргэцүүлэх явцад XVI-XVII зууны эхэн үеийн Монгол-Оросын харилцааны асуудал, мөн Хаант Орос Сибирь болон Монголоор дамжин Хятадад хүрэх замыг хэрхэн эрэлхийлж, харилцаж эхэлсэн түүхийн асуудлууд хөндөгдөнө. Эдгээрийг нэхэн эргэцүүлэхдээ Абул, Газан хааны болон Орос-Сибирийн түүхийн он дарааллын бичгүүд, халимагийн ханаар уламжлуулан Орост хүрэлцэн ирсэн анхны манж элчийн тэмдэглэл зэрэг эх сурвалжууд болон оросууд Сибирийг хэрхэн колончилсон түүхийн талаар XVIII зууны эхэн үед бичигдсэн ном зохиолууд зэрэг дээр тулгуурласан болой. Өгүүлэн буй үеийн Орос-Монгол-Чин улсын харилцааны асуудлуудыг хөндөн авч үзэхдээ эл өргөн хүрээтэй асуудлаас миний бие энэ удаад зөвхөн Оросын хаад болон Халхын ноёдын харилцааны эхэн үеийн түүхэн асуудлууд болон монголчуудаар дамжиулан оросууд Хятад оронд хүрэх замыг хэрхэн хайж олсон агаад Дорно зүгт хүрээ хязгаараа тэлж байсан манж нар монголчуудаар дамжиулан Хаант Оростой хэрхэн харилцаа тогтоож чадсан зэрэг асуудалд анхаарлаа хандуулсан болно. Мөн Оросын хаант улс Сибирийн хаант улсыг өөртөө нэгтгэсэн, тус бүс нутгийг колоничлосон хэмээн бичдэг нь үнэн хэрэгтээ хэт улс төржсөн зүйл бөгөөд эс бөгөөс зарим нэгэн судлаачдын бичдэгчлэн оросууд Сибирийг нээж эзлэх болсон нь Европчууд газарзүйн их нээлт хийсэнтэй агаар нэгэн үзэгдэл болж гагцхүү оросууд хуурай замын нээлт хийсэн явдал байв уу? Сибирийн хаант улс гэж оросуудыг нэрлэдэг монгол болон түрэг гаралтай нүүдэлчин аймгууд нь тэр чигээрээ нэгэн зэрэг Орост дагаар орж, түүнд алба татвар төлөгч болон хувирсан юм уу? гэх мэт олон асуудлууд өнөөдөр ч нэг талыг, тухайлбал орос төвийн үзлийн үүднээс үзэж бичигдсэн түүх хэвээр байгаа билээ. Ямартаа ч эл түүх бичлэгт Монголын зүгээс хараж бичих болон эс бөгөөс ОХУ-ын ШУА-ийн Оросын түүхийн Хүрээлэнгийн захирал Юрий Петровын хэлсэнчлэн оросууд XVI зууны эхэнд өөрийн угсаатны хүрээнээсээ хальж, Сибирь руу түрэмгийлж эхэлсэн үйл явцыг “колоничлол” хэмээн нэрлэж болохгүй, учир нь арт түмнүүдийг нэгтгэх явцад элит давхаргынхны цус холилт явагдсан юм гэж тэмдэглэсэн нь зүй ёсоор тавигдах асуулт билээ. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Орос-Монгол-Чингийн харилцааны эхэн үеийн асуудлыг нэхэн эргэцүүлэхүй (XVI-XVII зууны эхэн) - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Die mongolische Familie im Sozialismus" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Geschichte der Mongolei im 20. Jahrhundert, kurz gefasst Im Jahr 1911 löste sich die Mongolei von der mehr als 200-jährigen Fremdherrschaft der Qing-Dynastie, erlangte ihre staatliche Unabhängigkeit und errichtete eine Monarchie; 1915 wurde ihr jedoch durch das russisch-chinesisch-mongolische Abkommen eine Autonomie unter der Suzeränität Chinas gewährt. 1919 wurde die Autonomie unter dem Zwang der chinesichen Militärmachthaber aufgegeben; seither verwandelte sich das Land in einen Schauplatz der Auseinandersetzungen zwischen den Guomindang-Truppen Chinas und den Weißgardisten Russlands. Und die Kämpfer für die Wiederherstellung der Unabhängigkeit der Mongolei vertrieben mit Hilfe der weißen Kräfte Russlands die Guomindang-Truppen Chinas aus der Mongolei; 1921 holten die sogenannten Volkeskräfte die russischen roten Revolutionäre zu Hilfe und vertrieben die Weißgardisten (Anhänger der russischen Bourgeiosie - J.U.) aus dem Land und errichteten eine neue Staatsmacht. Damit existierte in den Jahren von 1921 bis 1924 im Land eine konstitutionelle Monarchie neben einer Volksregierung. Nach dem Ableben des letzten Kaisers der Mongolei 8. Bogd Jebcundamba Khutagt wurde eine Republik gegründet und die erste Verfassung verabschiedet. In den Jahren von 1921 bis 1928 hat die Mongolei, die ursprünglich ihren eigenen Entwicklungsweg zu beschreiten beabsichtigte, infolge der offenkundigen Einmischung des Sowjetrusslands und der Komintern, die die Revolutionsaktivitäten 1921 offenbar gefördert hatten, in ihre inneren Angelegenheiten und der konsequenten Durchsetzung der von ihnen verfolgten Politik, das Land auf den von K. Marx und W.I. Lenin gelehrten sozialistischen Entwicklungsweg zu bringen, den sozialistischen Entwicklungsweg eingeschlagen. Und diese Entwicklung setzte sich bis in die 1990-er Jahre hinein fort. Mit dem Sieg der demokratischen Revolution im Ergebnis der demokratischen Bewegungen 1989-1990 wurde eine neue Entwicklungsetappe der Mongolei eingeleitet, die von da an bis heute den Weg in Richtung einer humanitären, demokratischen und marktwirtschaftlich orientierten Gesellschaft mit Rechtsstaatlichkeit geht. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Die mongolische Familie im Sozialismus - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Political Situation in Mongolia Before Separation From the Qing Dynasty (Materials from the Russian Archive)" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Abstract: In this presentation, I will discuss over two major problems recorded in documents the pre-20th century in Russian Archives. First, after the 1904-1905 Russian – Japanese war, why did the Russians began to incorporate political and economical strategies in Mongolia? Second, what are the so called the “Mongolian issues: causes and development”. Russians concluded and created so called the “Mongolian issues”. These matters were created by Qing Dynasty’s intentions to colonize Mongolia in 1901-1911. The outcomes of these intentions were enormously harmful to Mongolia’s existence. These conclusions are undoubtedly correct, as indicated by the course of historical events for the national independence of Mongolia. A Far Eastern policy of Tsarist Russia encouraged them actively on the issue of the Mongolian activities. Therefore, Mongolia requested Russia to help Mongolia separate from Qing dynasty. In the light of studying those archive documents, the political situation of Mongolia before separation can be showed clearly. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Political Situation in Mongolia Before Separation From the Qing Dynasty (Materials from the Russian Archive) - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"RECRYSTALLIZATION IN A SANDWICHED NaBr +AgBr AND MIXED Na1-xAgxBr THIN FILMS" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Abstract The number of charge-discharge cycles in the lithium- iron- phosphate battery is limited by cathode degradation due to phase separation LiFePO4 → FePO4 + LiFePO4 .Same nature separation occurs spontaneously under ambient conditions in an optically transparent solid solution Na1-xAgxBr through formula Na1-xAgxBr → NaBr + AgBr. The mechanism of phase separation in Na1-xAgxBr can be used as a possible model of degradation of LiFePO4 cathode. In this paper, to study the phase separation in Na1-xAgxBr, a thin films of solid solutions at x = 0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0, were fabricated by rapid vacuum deposition (1-5 nm / s) of powder mixture on a glass or quartz substrates. Were also fabricated sandwiched films of the same thickness (100 nm), NaBr (t1) + AgBr (t2) where the thicknesses of layers t1 (t2) varied as 0 (100); 20 (80); 40 (60); 60 (40); 80 (20); 100 (0) nm. The absorption spectra of the films in a broad optical range of 200-900 nm, including the area of transparency of both layers and the absorption band of edge exciton of AgBr were measured with a daily interval. Morphological changes (granulation) in films were photographed through an optical microscope with 1000-fold magnification. The growth of the granules in a film were accompanied by transparency loss due to light scattering at the grains and widening of edge excitonic absorption band of AgBr. Annealing the films at 2000C before and after granulation slowed a growth of the granules, but did not lead to their disappearing. The work offers possible mechanism of granulation process in these films. Keywords: Thin films of a solid solution of Na1-xAgxBr, growth of granules, light scattering on a granules, excitonic absorption. Литература 1. Н.Тувжаргал, Б. Бат-Отгон, Ж. Даваасамбуу, Г. Еколд “ Изучение магнитных свойств и кинетики фазового разделения в LiхFePo4” Ученые записки Монгольского национального университета, серия “Физика” № 362 (17), стр. 108-110 (2012) 2. De Li, Haoshen Zhau “Two-phase transition of Li-intercalation compounds in Li-ion batteries” Materials Today, Volume 17, Issue 9, pages 451-463, November 2014. 3. This work has been done with financial support of the advanced research project of National University 4. of Mongolia on title: “Study of static displacement and phase transitions in solid solutions” (2016), 5. And the research project: “The investigation of heavy metal contamination of soil on Hanbogd and 6. Tsogttsetsii villages of Umnugobi province, where located OyuTolgoi and TavanTolgoi mines” (2015) 7. supported by the Asia Research Center, Mongolia and Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies, Korea. Acknowledgement This work has been done with financial support of the advanced research project of National University of Mongolia on title: “Study of static displacement and phase transitions in solid solutions” (2016), and the research project: “The investigation of heavy metal contamination of soil on Hanbogd and Tsogttsetsii villages of Umnugobi province, where located Oyu Tolgoi and Tavan Tolgoi mines” (2015) supported by the Asia Research Center, Mongolia and Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies, Korea. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан RECRYSTALLIZATION IN A SANDWICHED NaBr +AgBr AND MIXED Na1-xAgxBr THIN FILMS - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"RECRYSTALLIZATION IN A SANDWICHED NaBr +AgBr AND MIXED Na1-xAgxBr THIN FILMS" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Abstract The number of charge-discharge cycles in the lithium- iron- phosphate battery is limited by cathode degradation due to phase separation LiFePO4 → FePO4 + LiFePO4 .Same nature separation occurs spontaneously under ambient conditions in an optically transparent solid solution Na1-xAgxBr through formula Na1-xAgxBr → NaBr + AgBr. The mechanism of phase separation in Na1-xAgxBr can be used as a possible model of degradation of LiFePO4 cathode. In this paper, to study the phase separation in Na1-xAgxBr, a thin films of solid solutions at x = 0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0, were fabricated by rapid vacuum deposition (1-5 nm / s) of powder mixture on a glass or quartz substrates. Were also fabricated sandwiched films of the same thickness (100 nm), NaBr (t1) + AgBr (t2) where the thicknesses of layers t1 (t2) varied as 0 (100); 20 (80); 40 (60); 60 (40); 80 (20); 100 (0) nm. The absorption spectra of the films in a broad optical range of 200-900 nm, including the area of transparency of both layers and the absorption band of edge exciton of AgBr were measured with a daily interval. Morphological changes (granulation) in films were photographed through an optical microscope with 1000-fold magnification. The growth of the granules in a film were accompanied by transparency loss due to light scattering at the grains and widening of edge excitonic absorption band of AgBr. Annealing the films at 2000C before and after granulation slowed a growth of the granules, but did not lead to their disappearing. The work offers possible mechanism of granulation process in these films. Keywords: Thin films of a solid solution of Na1-xAgxBr, growth of granules, light scattering on a granules, excitonic absorption. Литература 1. Н.Тувжаргал, Б. Бат-Отгон, Ж. Даваасамбуу, Г. Еколд “ Изучение магнитных свойств и кинетики фазового разделения в LiхFePo4” Ученые записки Монгольского национального университета, серия “Физика” № 362 (17), стр. 108-110 (2012) 2. De Li, Haoshen Zhau “Two-phase transition of Li-intercalation compounds in Li-ion batteries” Materials Today, Volume 17, Issue 9, pages 451-463, November 2014. 3. This work has been done with financial support of the advanced research project of National University 4. of Mongolia on title: “Study of static displacement and phase transitions in solid solutions” (2016), 5. And the research project: “The investigation of heavy metal contamination of soil on Hanbogd and 6. Tsogttsetsii villages of Umnugobi province, where located OyuTolgoi and TavanTolgoi mines” (2015) 7. supported by the Asia Research Center, Mongolia and Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies, Korea. Acknowledgement This work has been done with financial support of the advanced research project of National University of Mongolia on title: “Study of static displacement and phase transitions in solid solutions” (2016), and the research project: “The investigation of heavy metal contamination of soil on Hanbogd and Tsogttsetsii villages of Umnugobi province, where located Oyu Tolgoi and Tavan Tolgoi mines” (2015) supported by the Asia Research Center, Mongolia and Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies, Korea. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан RECRYSTALLIZATION IN A SANDWICHED NaBr +AgBr AND MIXED Na1-xAgxBr THIN FILMS - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"EPR STUDY OF COAL UNDER HEAT TREATMENT" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Abstract The high temperature has been set up directly in the ampoule contained coal sample in the resonator. It is established experimentally that a thermal reaction allows detecting transient, short lived, highly reactive radicals in the coal structure. Low carbon content, brown coals such as Tevsh, Tugrug and Khotgor have been showed the similar behavior under the heat treatment. However, it is complicated for the high carbon content coals such as Saikhan-Ovoo in the range of the used temperature. The complexity structure of coal is independent of the microwave power and the used temperature range. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан EPR STUDY OF COAL UNDER HEAT TREATMENT - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"The preliminary result of the δ65Cu and δ34S values of major ore minerals in the Erdenetiin-Ovoo Cu-Mo porphyry deposit, Northern Mongolia" судалгааны гол зорилго нь The preliminary result of the δ65Cu and δ34S values of major ore minerals in the Erdenetiin-Ovoo Cu-Mo porphyry deposit, Northern Mongolia Yeongmin Kim1, Insung Lee1, Sodnom Oyungerel1,2, Luvsanchultem Jargal2, Tserenjav Tsedenbal3, Jong-sik Ryu4 1School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, 08826, Republic of Korea 2School of Geography and Geology, National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar P.O.Box 46-337 Mongolia 3Erdenetiin-Ovoo mining, Erdenet city, Mongolia 4Division of Environmental and Material Sciences, Korea Basic Science Institute, Ochang, South Korea The copper isotope (δ65Cu) and sulfur isotope (δ34S) compositions of major ore minerals from the Erdenetiin-Ovoo Cu-Mo porphyry deposit were measured to trace sources of copper and sulfur, and to evaluate the precipitation environment of ore minerals. The major ore minerals are pyrite, chalcopyrite, molybdenite and chalcocite developed in the QSP (Quartz-Sericite-Pyrite) alteration zone. The sulfide minerals such as sphalerite and covellite, and carbonate ore minerals like malachite, azurite are also identified. The copper isotope ratios (65Cu/63Cu) of copper ore minerals (chalcopyrite, chalcocite, malachite, azurite, covellite and chrysocolla) were analyzed by the MC-ICPMS in KBSI located in Ochang, South Korea. The measured δ65Cu values relative to NIST 976 range from -1.01 ‰ to 5.76 ‰. The average δ65Cu values of sulfide minerals such as chalcopyrite (1.03 ‰), chalcocite (0.62 ‰) and covellite (0.51 ‰) seem to be relatively lower than those of carbonate and silicate Cu minerals such as malachite (0.24 ‰), azurite (2.17 ‰) and chrysocolla (5.76 ‰). The sulfur isotope ratios (34S/32S) of major sulfide minerals were measured by EA-CF-IRMS (Elemental Analyzer - Continuous Flow - Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer) in NCIRF, Seoul National University. The average δ34SV-CDT value is -1.1 ‰ indicating the magmatic signature of sulfur. There is the difference of δ34S values between sulfide minerals. While the δ34S values of pyrite, chalcopyrite and molybdenite range from -0.9 to 0.8 ‰, the δ34S values of chalcocite range from -2.6 ‰ to -1.4 ‰. These lower values might be attributed to the sulfur isotope fractionation during its precipitation. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан The preliminary result of the δ65Cu and δ34S values of major ore minerals in the Erdenetiin-Ovoo Cu-Mo porphyry deposit, Northern Mongolia - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Submission of Armenian Lords to Mongol Power" судалгааны гол зорилго нь The reaction of Armenian lords to a new reality of Mongol presence in their lands can serve as a distinctive pattern of submission within Mongol Empire. In this paper it is aimed to introduce the decision of the Greater Armenian lords who dealt with the invaders’ pressure by taking individual approaches and responsibilities. With regard to this, it is worth stressing that these individual submissions were made timely, before the Mongols devastated the whole country. As a result, the Armenians used the Mongol power, which guaranteed the Armenians not only security in their own lands, but also an extension of their patrimony by removing their local opponents from the political arena. In the long run, this policy of the local princes suited the Mongols as well. They preferred to have their own suzerainty over the Armenians and to see the Armenian lords attached to them rather than to the Georgian court, ensuring that the Georgio-Armenian lords were more disunited. Moreover, the Armenian Church supported the collaboration of the Armenian lords with the Mongols. According to the contemporary Armenian historians, the Mongols employed the monks and lords of Greater Armenia as their diplomats and secretaries. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Submission of Armenian Lords to Mongol Power - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Mongol-Ismaili relationship revisited" судалгааны гол зорилго нь The subject that I would like to discuss relates to the Ismā‛īlī history of the period of Mongol incursions in 1256. This article deals with two topics: the Mongol-Ismā‛īlī relationship; and the issues of the death of Ismā‛īlī leader at the hands of the Mongols..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Mongol-Ismaili relationship revisited - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"STUDY OF ANTICANCER DRUG RELEASE FROM NANOPARTICLES BY RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Drug-conjugated gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) system was prepared by selfassembly. We monitored the intracellular release of drug molecules from AuNPs inside the single cell using dark-field microscopy-combined Raman spectrometer by means of label-free real-time measurements. Imatinib (IMT) and topotecan (TOPO) which form weak covalent bonds with AuNPs were found to detach easily due to intracellular glutathione (GSH) whereas 4-carboxyl benzenethiol used as cross-linker remains on the surface of AuNPs. Keywords: surface-enhanced Raman scattering, gold nanoparticles, drug delivery, dark-field microscopy..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан STUDY OF ANTICANCER DRUG RELEASE FROM NANOPARTICLES BY RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Мөнгөний Нано Партиклыг Ашиглан Охратоксин А-г Раман Спектрометрээр Бүртгэх" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Энэхүү ажлаар бид мөнгөний нано партикл (AgNPs)-г ашиглан Охратоксин А (ОТА)-г Раман спектрометрээр бүртгэх шинэ аргыг танилцуулж байна. Энэхүү арга нь ОТА-н аптамерийн нь бүтцийн өөрлөлт дээр үндэслэгдэнэ. ОТА-н аптамер нь метал нано партиклын гадаргуу дээр амархан наалдах чадвартай байдаг. Гэвч ОТА-г түүний аптамертай хольсноор аптамер G-квадраплекс бүтэцтэй болох ба ингэснээр нано партиклын гадаргууд наалдах чадвараа алддаг. Энэ үед аптамерт холбоотой байсан Cy5 репортер молекулын Раман сигналын эрчим багасна..
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Мөнгөний Нано Партиклыг Ашиглан Охратоксин А-г Раман Спектрометрээр Бүртгэх - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Temperature - dependent Elastic Constants and Magnetic Phase Stability in the bcc Fe – Cr Alloys" судалгааны гол зорилго нь In calculations of the crystal lattice dynamics and elastic constants is still popular equations of G.L.Squires1, which are expressed through the Born-von-Karman force constants. The equations of G.L.Squires are successfully used by W.M.Shyu and G.D.Gaspari2 for calculations of elastic constants of simple FCC and BCC metals within pseudopotential theory, but it was revealed that the theoretical values of Born-von-Karman force constants significantly differ from experimental values calculated from the fitting of experimental phonon spectra. The Born-von-Karman force constants are not so convenient to use in fitting procedures of phonon spectra, because it is necessary up to six types of force constants on depending on the atomic coordinates. The temperature dependent elastic constants are usually dominated by anharrmonic interactions and the full theoretical treatment is rather involved.3 Our calculations are based on the plane wave self-consistent field (PWscf) method using the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) by Perdew and Wang (PW91)4 within the framework of density functional theory (DFT),5-6 as implemented in the QUANTUM ESPRESSO package.7 The following electronic state is treated as valence: Fe(3s23p63d64s1) and Cr(3s23p63d54s1) for atoms. The interaction between the ions and valence electrons is expressed as the ultrasoft pseudopotential.8 The wave functions are expressed as plane waves up to a kinetic energy cutoff of 40 Ry. The summation of charge densities is done using the special k-points generated by the 14x14x14 Monkhorst-Pack meshes.9 We used the tetrahedral method10 when we evaluate the electronic density of state (DOS). For the self-consistent cycle the total energy convergence is 10-5 eV. The occupation numbers of electrons are expressed Gaussian distribution function with an electronic temperature of kT = 0.001 Ry. The atomic ionic positions are relaxed at the fixed lattice parameters until the residual forces are less than 0.05 eV/Å. In this presentation, we will present the results of the magnetic phase stability, and predictions of lattice parameter and temperature dependent elastic constants of pure bcc Fe (FM), mixed bcc Fe0.5Cr0.5 (FM) and pure bcc Cr (AFM) using the quantum mechanical simple method by Fuchs11 and semiemperical Varshni expression.12 We will also compare the current results with the previous methods.13-14 .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Temperature - dependent Elastic Constants and Magnetic Phase Stability in the bcc Fe – Cr Alloys - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
"Дундад зууны армян агиографи нь Ил-хаант улсын түүхийн сурвалж болох нь" судалгааны гол зорилго нь Дундад зууны түүхэн сурвалжийн дотор Агиографи хэмээх төрөл зүйл чухал байр эзэлдэг. Учир нь шашны зүтгэлтнүүдийн намтрын сацуу орон нутгийн түүх хийгээд засаг захиргааны үйл ажиллагааг агиографийн бүтээлүүдээс тодруулж болдог ба хүмүүсийн зан заншил, уламжлалыг судлах боломж олгодог юм. Бүтээлийн хувьд агиографи нь уран зохиолын нэгэн жанр төрөл болдог ба түүх, домог, яриатай илүү адилтган үздэг байна. Агиографи нь дотроо vita буюу намтар, passio буюу гэгээнтний үйл ажиллагаа хэмээн хуваагдах ба энэ хоёр хослон орох нь түгээмэл байдаг. Иймээс түүхчид агиографи судлалаас үнэт мэдээллээ авдаг. Харин martyrology/martyrdom буюу санваартны тамлуулж амиа алдаж, гэгээнтний тоонд орсон тэрхүү түүх эл судалгааны сэдэв болно. .
Эрдэм шинжилгээний хуралд танилцуулагдсан Дундад зууны армян агиографи нь Ил-хаант улсын түүхийн сурвалж болох нь - сэдвийн тухай надад хариулна уу?
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