2 classes
Katya: I'm upstairs Jenny: ok, we're coming Matilda: with the cake! Katya: lovely!
Katya is upstairs. Jenny and Matilda are coming with a cake.
Tinley: How would you spend your vacation? Crew: Maybe I would go to New tork Tinley: Cool Crew: What’s your favorite place you’ve been? Tinley: I have been to Melbourne Crew: Dats a nice city to visit Tinley: Yeah it is Crew: Should we go together this year? Tinley: I will try to manage my budget Crew: You will have to Tinley: what about the permission from parents? Crew: I will convince them dont worry Tinley: What about yours Crew: It might be difficult for me Tinley: You want me to talk to them Crew: Let it be for now Tinley: oke Crew: Will talk when the time is close Tinley: k sure <3 Sam: r u ready 4 tomorrow exam? Cal: not realy, no. U? Sam: More or less, we'll see Cal: Hope it won't be too difficult like last year... Sam: yeah, that was massacre Alex: We're leaving with Eusebio for 2 weeks, anybody would like to take care of our plants or even stay in the apartment? Eusebio: I will leave you a delicious, fresh apple pie in the fridge! Michael: I can't, sadly Ron: when are you leaving. I can stay in your apartment with my boyfriend, we were planning to visit Vienna anyway Alex: between 15 and 30 of May Eusebio: but you can stay longer even if we're home Ron: Perfect, I'll talk to Marco and let you know Alex: and Vienna is amazing this time of the year, green already and not too hot, you'd have an amazing time, I'm sure Ron: Marco seems positive about the idea. Eusebio: I'm so happy! Ron: What will we have to do? Alex: nothing really apart from watering the plants Ron: Ok, we will be good to them, I promise Alex: I know:) Mum: thank you for a lovely weekend darling Shirley: thats ok mum it was great to see you Mum: have you finished the fireplace wall? Shirley: Not quite.. I need to finish the backing Mum: did you find a big enough piece of cardboard? Shirley: Yes there was some in the shed Mum: how are you going to fix it? Shirley: I have a staple gun Mum: will that work? Shirley: it should do Mum: are you going to wall paper inside the fireplace or paint it grey? Shirley: I'm not sure until I've enclosed it I'll see what will look the best Mum: the grey may look the best then the white fire may stand out more Shirley: yes thats what I'm thinking Mum: send me a picture when you have done it Shirley: <file_photo> Mum: wow darling that looks fab Shirley: thanks mum xx Harry: how's life? Jane: fine, just have tons of work Harry: oh sorry to hear that Jane: can we call eachother up in the evening? Harry: sure when do you get off work Jane: around 6 Harry: ok be in touch Marie: <file_video> Anna: omg he's so cute!! Marie: I know Dorothy: Are you still thinking of ordering a pizza? Ben: Yes. There are 4 people for a pizza. Are you in? I need to order by 12.30. Dorothy: I'm in. I think I'll starve on this green diet.Make sure there is extra cheese :-) Ben: Will do :-) Dorothy: Thx. You're my saviour :-) Let me know when the pizza guy gets here. Ben: Sure. Delphine: i missed you after concert. Zoe: i was in a hurry. How are you? Delphine: will you have time this week for a lunch? Zoe: sorry, i'll be in Paris for 2 weeks. When i'm back with pleasure
Tinley and Crew want to go to Melbourne together. First they have to convince their parents to let them. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Sam is more prepared for the exam than Cal. They hope that the exam will not be as difficult as last year. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Ron and Marco will move in to Alex' and Eusebio's for 2 weeks to take care of their plants while their away. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Mum and Shirley saw each other in the weekend. Shirley hasn't finished the fireplace wall yet. Shirley needs to finish the backing and cover the inside of the fireplace. Shirley sends Mum a photo, when the work is finished. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Jane and Harry will talk on the phone in the evening. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Marie and Anna think he's cute. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Ben orders a pizza with friends. Dorothy wants to join. He needs to order by 12.30. Dorothy wants extra cheese. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Delphine didn't manage to talk to Zoe after the concert. They will have lunch together after Zoe returns from her 2-week trip to Paris.
Johnny: Dad, I have supplementary lessons today. Johnny: You don’t need to pick me up. Johnny: I will take bus and go home after the class with my friend. Tod: That sounds great! (@^^)/~~~(@^^)/~~~(@^^)/~~~ Tod: Because your dad is with his friend now (*^0^*) Johnny: Drinking? Dad? Tod: No. Not yet. But now that I don't need to pick you up, I am going to!!(^^)! Johnny: How much?(p_-) Tod: Only 1 glass. Don’t tell your mum. Okay?............ Johnny: 😁😁😁vvvvvvv
Johnny has some extra class after school so he will come back home by himself by bus. His father Tod may therefore drink a pint with his friend.
Lupe: Hullo Andy: Hey, what’s up Lupe: I feel like going back to the Armenian restaurant. Fancy joining? Andy: Good idea! Depends when though, I’ve got a busy week tbh Lupe: Any day at the weekend would be fine for me Ida: I won’t be able to make it I’m afraid. I’m working in the evening (which means I’ll have to sit through a few plays which I have a gut feeling will be shit) 😭 Ida: Then rush home, write and hand in the reviews then doze off. I haven’t had a free weekend for months now and it’s really driving me crazy Lupe: 😰 Lupe: Oh that sucks :( Hmm I only have time at the weekends in the foreseeable future but will try to figure something out next time I have a free evening during the week Ida: It’d be much appreciated Ida: Meanwhile you two can go and enjoy the Armenian without remorse Ida: 🙌 Andy: Remind me what remorse was? Andy: 😂 Andy: I’d go for Saturday I think but weekend is still a little far for me to plan, so let’s keep each other posted, ok Lupe? Lupe: Remorse is what I eat for breakfast 👹 Lupe: And yeah, Sat evening is fine, but we can confirm later Andy: 👌 Lupe: Cool. See you soon then Andy: xx Ida: 😘 Daniel: Hi Penny, how was your first day? Penny: nice, i'm very happy. Daniel: how is your office? Penny: much bigger than my previous one Daniel: did you meet Holly, the editor? Penny: she's really nice, i'm happy to work with her Daniel: she's very smart too, you'll learn a lot with her, but be ready to work a lot too. Penny: as long as i do something interesting, i don't mind working hard Daniel: Do you think we could have lunch tomorrow? Penny: i'd love to, but unfortunately, i have a meeting at one with Holly Daniel: doesn't matter i wanted to introduced you to my photographer, but you'll have plenty of time to meet him Penny: yes next week, a shooting is planned at 8 am with both of you. Daniel: right. don't hesitate to give me a call if you need something by then Penny: thanks a lot. Have a nice week end Daniel: you too Lily: Nice weather we are having, right? Liam: Yeah its kinda cold Lily: Where should we go tonight Liam: Hot coffee at Baba Restaurant would be best <3 Lily: Done Liam: Who else would be joining us? Lily: I have just texted Ethan and Rosie Liam: Great Lily: YEA Liam: ask Ethan to bring his car Lily: Ok Liam: HMMM Lily: I just called her and he said he dont have any problem to taker out his car tonight Liam: <3 Lily: We will fun tonight :D Liam: Please dont bring your younger brother along ::/ Lily: I never said to do so Liam: Good Lily: :/
Andy and Lupe are going to the Armenian restaurant on Saturday. Ida is working in the evening during the weekend. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Penny's happy to work in a bigger office and cooperate with Holly whom Daniel perceives as smart. Daniel wants to introduce Penny to his photographer during lunch tomorrow but she can't come. Penny remembers that the photo session with both men is planned for the next week. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Liam and Lily are going for coffee with Ethan and Rosie to Baba Restaurant. Ethan will go by car.
Bryan: Are you there yet? Kev: 5 more mins! Stuart: Same! Bryan: Im on my way. Bryan: see you soon! Annie: Miiikeeeee Annie: let's meet next week Annie: let's play some games Annie: wooohoooo Mike: haha hey Annie Mike: sure, it's been a long time since we've had a game night! Mike: I wanna play 7 wonders Annie: why not! Annie: it's only my favourite board game of all time xD Mike: coz it's soooo gooood Mike: anyway, that's an excellent idea Mike: let's do this Annie: yay! Lucas: I think I lost my wallet Shirley: You think? Frank: I saw a wallet in the office Lucas: A brown one? Frank: Yes David: babe, are you on your way home? Jordyn: i'll be in 20 minutes :) David: that's great :) your amazing husband (aka me) prepared a delicious dinner for his beloved wife :* Jordyn: :D what's on the menu? David: coq au vin :) Jordyn: wow, fancy! :D Peter: hey Mollie: hello Peter: could you please tell me what I'm supposed to do for tomorrow classes? Mollie: sure Mollie: we have to read an article that we have on our email Mollie: and prepare a speech or presentation about this article Peter: but I can't see any article.. Mollie: are you connected with our team email? Peter: I don't think so Mollie: ok I will give you the password Mollie: it's ihateschool123 Peter: thx Mollie: no problem :) Mohamed: Hi Mary. How are you doing? How was your trip back to London? Mary: Hi! It was fine, a bit tiring. Thanks! It was really nice to meet you. Mohamed: I've just talked to Vincent about you :-) We had a great time together. Hope you are doing great. Mary: All is fine. I'm back to my routine. I should definitely come back to Paris one day! Mohamed: Sure, my doors are always open for you. Mary: oooohhh that's so sweet :* Mohamed: :-) Mary: BTW, I wanted to ask you something... Mohamed: Yes? Mary: I wanted to download an Arabic course. Mohamed: That's cool! Mary: :D so there are two versions available: classic and Eastern Arabic. Mohamed: I would recommend the classic one. Mary: Why? Mohamed: You could communicate with all the Arab world. Eastern Arabic is difficult to understand in the Maghreb. Mary: I see. Thanks a lot! I think you're right. I'll give it a try. Mohamed: Who knows maybe next time we meet we can have a short conversation in Arabic :D Mary: Inshallah! Mohamed: Looking forward to it ;-) Kate: Can someone lend me 10 pounds? I forgot my wallet. Adrianne: When do you need it? James: I'll be in the office in 10 minutes. Adrianne: Me too. Alex: I finally found the bank statements that you wanted. Kaz: ... and? Alex: Not much there to prove that she was lying or that she was hiding any funds. Kaz: So, what do we do now? Alex: Take them to the lawyer anyway and see what she says? Kaz: Hopefully she'll have some ideas. Fingers crossed. Alex: Fingers crossed indeed! :-) Alex: Chin up kiddo! We can do this! :-)
Bryan is going to meet Stuart and Kev in 5 minutes. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Annie and Mike want to meet next week to play some games. Annie's favourite one is 7 Wonders. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Lucas's wallet is in the office. [NEXT_CONCEPT] David prepared a coq au vin for dinner for his wife Jordyn. [NEXT_CONCEPT] For tomorrow classes Mollie and Peter need to read an article that they have on their email and prepare a speech or presentation. Peter is not connected with the team email. Mollie gives Peter the password. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Mohamed had great time with Mary. Mary wants his advice on which Arabic course to pick. Mohamed suggests classic one so Mary could talk to all the Arab world. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Kate needs to borrow 10 pounds, because she forgot her wallet. James and Adrianne will be in the office in 10 minutes. [NEXT_CONCEPT] The bank statements attest that she was honest. Kaz will bring the documents to his lawyer. They will work on them.
Sue: <file_other> Terry: That is good. I see you are looking at a nice building, well, with a lot of potential Sue: Too close to the shore... King tide tells me that's a no go Terry: Mmmmmmhm, listen to your inner voice, you're good at that Sue: I'm trying to learn as fast as I can out in these streets :D Terry: Well you will succeed, I know you will. You have the brains, beauty, and connections to succeed Sue: Haha, thanks. Dunno about the beauty. But can pay people to spread the word around :D Terry: Lol. I'm sure it will get out there either way ;) Ariel: Let me do that for you Hannah: Noooo I wanna do it myself Ariel: You haven’t had a drill in your hands for like… your whole life!!! Hannah: Haha I know but I want to learn Ariel: So let me help you, I can teach you Hannah: No, you help me with everything, I need to start being independent Ariel: By destroying your fingers, very well Hannah: Why don’t you believe in me!! Ariel: I’m just being realistic, that’s all Isabel: hey, you think you would make in on saturday or its better to meet next weekend? Alice: as I told you - I'm free on saturday and I can come but I don't have to Isabel: that's not the point Alice: I know ;) Alice: I didn't know Kate was not coming Alice: I must have missed that Isabel: yeah, she's away all weekend Isabel: so I was thinking maybe we should meet some other time Isabel: Beth is sick and Lily doesn't know yet Alice: I see Alice: I think I'm going to go out anyway so just let me know if anyone else confirms Alice: or let's just cancel it Isabel: how about next weekend? Alice: it's Jimmy's birthday remember? Isabel: shit I forgot! Isabel: ok... and 16th? Alice: ok for me Isabel: are you going to be at Jimmy's Alice: I don't think so I have classes Isabel: what time do you finish? Alice: 8,30 pl Alice: 8,30 pm Alice: it will be over before I get there Isabel: ok so I'll tell the girls 16th Jan Alice: ok. perfect. Effiie: come with me for groceries Norman: ok Effiie: thanks :) Mary: Hi, Dan how is your wife? Dan: She is good, doing well. She gave birth to a baby girl yesterday. Mary: Congrats! That is a great news. Dan: The doctor has advised her rest for a week. It was cesarean. Mary: Oh I see. Hope there is no complications. Dan: No, nothing much, just that she needs to rest till the stitches are removed. Mary: Now that you both have become new parents you will be finding it difficult to cope up with the night’s sleep. Don’t you? Dan: I believe it is quite normal with a newborn baby. Mary: Yes, I had to undergo this when my elder child was born. Dan: You have 2 kids, right? Mary: Yes. Dan: Hope that must have been a tough time for you guys. Mary: It was, initially. But we got through it gradually. Now, I rarely sleep through night. Dan: Hmm that sounds to be an adventure. Mary: Bringing up a child is no less than an adventure. Dan: Very true. Mary: I’m getting late, will catch up soon. Dan: Sure. Mary: Do tell your wife, I’ll be visiting her soon. Dan: Will let her know, bye. Pat: what should I cook for the dinner? Brad: maybe some pasta? Brad: you're good in it Mary: Or shepherd's pie Brad: no, please, no English food Mary: hahaha Brad: I prefer something lighter, southern Pat: ok, I'll make some amazing pasta for you Pat: you'll love it Charlie: Happy New Year's! I am just going south, I will be back on Monday Debra: OK! Have a nice weekend, Char Charlie: Thanks! You too! how are you feeling, still in pain? Debra: Unfort I had to go through the procedure again, so my weekend is going to be interesting:D Charlie: no good. Get better soon! Debra: Thank you :)
Sue is looking at a building close to the shore. Sue is afraid the building is too close to the shore. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Hannah doesn't want Ariel's help with drilling. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Isabel and Alice decide not to meet this Saturday, since neither Kate nor Beth or Lily will be coming. They cannot make it next weekend, as it is Jimmy's birthday. Alice has classes till 8:30 on that evening and will not come to his place. Isabel will tell the girls they meet on January 16th. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Norman will do grocery shopping with Effiie. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Dan's wife gave birth to a baby girl yesterday by cesarean section. Dan's wife will have to rest for a week after the procedure. Mary has two kids. Bringing them up was not always easy. Mary will visit Dan's wife soon. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Pat will make some pasta for dinner for Brad and Mary. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Charlie is going South and will be back on Monday. Debra had to undergo another procedure.
Ursula: Hey!! Anyone wants to go to Vail with me? Ursula: Kevin is dropping out and my parents 🤦‍♀️ Ursula: are willing to replace him with someone Ursula: If anyone wants to Anna: Oh! When are you guys going to Vail? Anna: Id like to! Im asking my mom 🙇‍♀️ Ursula: Like in February? For skiing Anna: I'd love to Jason: Nice! I can't for sure. Going to Thailand during the feb reading break Anna: Jealous of you Jason! Anna: Yeah I have to plans! Ursula: Sure Anna, ask your mom! Anna: Yeah we're not going anywhere in feb Anna: They've been to Vail without me XD Anna: K Im down 🙌 Ursula: Ok I will let them know and we will tak about this at our next fam jam meeting
Anna is going to Vail with Ursula and her family in February. Jason is going to Thailand in February.
Willow: what was the homework guys? Cindy: no idea Yolanda: can't remember, let me check Willow: ok ill wait Yolanda: essay on ethical fashion, deadline: December, 1st Willow: thanks :)
Willow's, Cindy's and Yolanda's homework is an essay on ethical fashion with deadline on December, 1st.
Amy: Remind me what day the carpets are being cleaned? Judd: Tomorrow, Tuesday. Amy: Okay, duh, thanks.
Carpets are being cleaned on Tuesdays.
Peter: Pauline where are you? May: I thought she's with Paul. Paul: Nope, alone here. Peter: Hm, we're about to head home. Pauline: You guys go ahead, safe and sound here! :D Tom: My mum cooked some soup Andy: Good? Leo: I bet it's delicious Darcie: hey Darcie: how is it going, are you busy? Harvey: no that much. Why? Darcie: I was thinking we could eat lunch together? Harvey: not this time, I've got business lunch at 1 :( Darcie: <file_gif> Lucy: Hi Patty. Is dad with you? Patty: No. He never is on Thursdays. Lucy: Can't reach him on the phone. Patty: Tried landline? Lucy: No. I thought he'd had it disconnected long ago. Patty: Of course not. The same number for the last hundred years. Lucy: OK. But his mobile isn't answering! Patty: Good Lord!!! Lucy!! SO WHAT? Lucy: Just worried! He felt off color last night. Patty: Most likely drunk too much. As usual. Lucy: Don't be so flippant about him pls. He is my dad and I am worried. Patty: So why don't you just move your ass and drive over to him? Lucy: Because I bloody hell can't. Patty: And you want me to drop everything and go to Brighton?! Lucy: Didn't say that. Patty: But meant it. Lucy: No, I did not. I think I can cope without you. Patty: Very well indeed. Lucy: Just give me his landline number. Patty: 761 761535 Lucy: Ta. Patty: As far as I know he's having his palls in every Thursday morning. They are rehearsing or something. Lucy: WHY didn't you me that at once? Patty: You didn't ask. Lucy: You are really a pain the ass Patricia. Patty: Thank you. And tell your precious dad about it. Lucy: Be sure I will. Kelly: They called and Matt is leaving for China on Tuesday. Jean: Oh no... Already? Kelly: Yep. I mean we were expecting it but still I'm a bit bumped Jean: I can imagine Kelly: There's also the wedding that we were supposed to do together on Saturday Jean: Right, Mary's? Kelly: Yes. Wanna go as my plus one? Jean: I'd have to check with Tim but I don't think we have anything planned :D Kelly: Perfect, you're going with me then Jean: Yeeey, I was just thinking how it's been quite some time since I went to a wedding Kelly: :) Jean: :) Umer: Do you want to go to the Karaoke tonight? Barbara: My voice is a bit hoarse after the cold I had last week. I don't think I'll be able to sing anything Umer: OK. Well we could go to the Cinema instead and see that new Queen film. Barbara: Alright, I heard it's really good Umer: That's right, I heard the same. I will go online and buy tickets. Barbara: OK, what time? Umer: After eight, I'll pick you up at seven that gives us time to get there in the traffic. Barbara: OK, let's do it. I am a big fan of Queen Umer: Me too.
Peter is looking for Pauline. Pauline asks him to go home without her. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Tom's mum cooked some soup. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Harvey won't eat lunch with Darcie as he's got business lunch at 1. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Lucy is looking for her dad, she is worried. Patty suggests he probably has been drinking last night, and had his friends over. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Matt is leaving for China on Tuesday. He was supposed to go to Mary's wedding with Kelly. She asks Jean to go with her, and he agrees. The wedding will take place on Saturday. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Barbara can't go to the Karaoke with Umer tonight but agrees to go to the cinema with him and watch the new Queen film instead. Umer'll buy tickets online and he'll pick Barbara up at seven o'clock.
Karen: Do you fart next to your boyfriends? Patty: What kind of question is that?? Amanda: I do. But he started doing it first. Amanda: Quite fast. After 2 weeks together... Karen: We've been together for a month already Karen: And recently I really needed to fart Karen: But I went to the toilet Karen: He has also never farted next to me. Armstrong: <file_other> Armstrong: what do you think Benton: yeah, seems interesting. u going? Armstrong: not alone no. u? Benton: ok just ask mon and let you know Hayley: looks cool. count me in Sam: I lost my car keys I think Eric: Surely not, just look for it carefully Julia: you always "loose" things and find them 3 days later somewhere at home Eric: hahaha, exactly, I've heard it so many times already Sam: but I haven't been home even Eric: so where did it happen? Sam: in the city Eric: ask in all the shops/offices you've been today, people mostly keep an eye on this kind of stuff Sam: right, I will, I'm just a bit panicked Zachary: hey Adam i think the tracks you sent me are not right :P Zachary: riff C should be twice as long Adam: Shit! Adam: Hmm... I guess that's possible, I wasn't sure actually, so I sent them to Sebastian in the morning so that he would play along to them and see if they're correct Zachary: and he checked them? Zachary: you checked them Sebastian? :P Adam: He said he did and that they were good :P Sebastian: yeah i checked them Sebastian: but i guess not very thoroughly :D Adam: ... Zachary: hehehe Adam: Well, you know I'm at a concert right now so I can't really help you :P Adam: But you got from me the tabs as well, so install guitarpro or some other software, edit it and run it through some drums VST :P Zachary: yeah i guess we're gonna have to do that Zachary: damn i don't have anything on my pc here so it's gonna take extra time i guess eh Adam: Well... :P Andrew: Hi there, greetings from London! Donna: Awww, you're in London! Andrew: <file_video> Donna: I srsly envy you! Please say hello to the Thames! Andrew: No problem, I'll do that :D Donna: Are you meeting Julie? Andrew: Yeah, we're going for a coffee around 2 p.m. Donna: That's so lovely! Give her a million hugs from me! Andrew: I will, no worries. It's a pity that you're not with us :( Donna: Next time we'll meet together! Mike: Let's go for a bike ride Brenda: Let's! The weather is great! Fred: 👍 Fred: Maybe we can go to Grantchester? Brenda: Great idea!! Mike: When are guys ready? Brenda: I'm ready! Fred: Me too Mike: Ok. let's meet at the PL in 10 minutes. Janet: Hi, listen, I have a question. Mitch: Hi, what is it? Janet: A part of our team is going out tonight and I was wondering, as we are now cooperation over the new project, whether you'd like to join in? Mitch: Oh, it's so nice of you to ask! Janet: And as you're new in town... Mitch: That's true. I don't know anybody here. Janet: Is it a 'yes' then? Mitch: Definitely! Mitch: And thanks again for asking! Janet: No problem! :) Janet: I'll email you all the details, the place and who to get there. Mitch: Thx a lot! Jimmy: Anyone up for a beer? Tom: Yep, for sure Rick: oh boy, definitely Rick: This week chewed me up, swallowed and then threw up on a sidewalk Jimmy: damn! It's a date then, 7pm at Morty's? Rick: sure
Amanda and her boyfriend started to fart next to each other after two weeks of being in a relationship. Karen and her partner have been together for a month and they have never done that though. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Hayley and Armstrong are going together. Benton will aks Mon and let them know whether he joins them. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Sam lost his car keys in the city. [NEXT_CONCEPT] The tracks Adam sent to Zachary are not right in his opinion. Sebastian had checked them, but they're incorrect. Adam tells Zachary to instal a guitarpro and edit it. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Andrew is in London. He's meeting Julie for a coffee at 2 pm. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Brenda, Fred and Mike will go on a bike ride to Grantchester. They will meet at the PL in 10 minutes. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Janet and a part of her team is going out tonight. She asked Mitch to join them and he agreed. He's new in town. She'll email him the details. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Jimmy, Tom and Rick are meeting for a beer at 7 p.m. at Morty's.
Ken: Rough week continues! Sinus problems then a flat tire. Had to change it in my suit! But at least I can still change a tire. Martha: Oh, poor you! Was there a nail or something? Ken: Tire sensor broke off. Martha: From the stupid snow? Ken: First Christmas package is on the way. No peeking! Martha: I won't! Ken: I'm guessing the snow. Martha: Will I still have to pay customs? Ken: Yes, but we adjusted the values! LOL! Martha: Great! Ken: Hopefully you get it by Christmas this time! Martha: That's okay if I don't. Ken: But I want you to have it, so fingers crossed! Matt: How are you doing babe? Ola: Just got called to the doctor's office. Talk to you later! Matt: Good luck! Marlie: Just look at her Marlie: <file_video> Giovani: Wow, your cat is... almost like a dog, I've never seen a cat this friendly before Marlie: She's so adorable, my baby <3 Giovani: Is she like this with everyone? Marlie: For some reason, she doesn't really take to my brother but otherwise yes! Paul: Read any good books lately? Charlotte: Nope! I've been too hooked on binge watching The Office. Paul: Hmmm. I was looking for a recommendation on a book. Maybe I'll have to watch The Office instead! Charlotte: I'm hooked. Paul: What's it about? An office? Charlotte: Oddly enough, yes! Paul: Okay then. Doesn't sound very interesting. Charlotte: Its an office full of characters! Too funny! Paul: Okay, maybe I'll check it out. Jason: Yo, what are you doing after work? Mike: Going to the gym and then home boy. Jason: You eating at home? Mike: Yep, bring your food and come over. Jason: Will do. Afterwards we play some Destiny 2 on ps4? Mike: You bet ya, that game is so addictive! Jason: Ok cya later then!´ Mike: Oh yeah👌 Omar: what phone do you have?? Aliyah: samsung galaxy s5 i think Omar: ok thanks Aliyah: why did you want to know? Omar: Rachel told me she really liked yours and I am planning to get her one for christmas :) Aliyah: ah fine :) good choice, I really love it and you can get in gold colour also haha, she will love it
After sinus problems Ken had to deal with a flat tire. Ken hopes that Martha will get the Christmas package by Christmas time. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Ola is at the doctor's. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Marlie has a very friendly cat. However, the cat doesn't like her brother. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Paul looks to Charlotte for a book recommendation. Charlotte's been greatly enjoying The Office series, Paul is sceptical about that but maybe will give it a try. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Mike is going to the gym after work. Then he's going home and he will eat and play Destiny 2 with Jason. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Omar wants to buy a Samsung Galaxy s5 as a Christmas gift for Rachel.
Andy: I am looking for a sofabed Phuti: Certainly sir, we have many different sofabeds in store. Andy: Do you have any which are just under 150cm wide? Phuti: Yes, one model is 144 cm wide and uses that space very well, no wastage of space with unnecessary ornamentation. The mattress is really broad enough for two people. It is the "Monica 144" model Andy: What colours is it available in? Phuti: We have black and beige only. There is blue, red and grey but you would have to order them, sir. Andy: Beige sounds very good for this room. Can I collect it? Phuti: Yes, just come in any time, but you will need a big vehicle, you won't get this inside of an ordinary car. Andy: I have a Chrysler Grand Voyager Phuti: The one where all the seats tuck in flat? Andy: That's the one. Phuti: That is an excellent car, sir. Andy: It is very functional and practical. I just have the problem that I cannot find a good mechanic for it. Phuti: You should try maybe the workshop owned by the husband of my wife's boss. He is said to be the best mechanic in the country. Andy: Really? What is his name? Phuti: His name is Mr J L B Matekone. Andy: I think I have heard of him, his workshop is called Speedy Motors, or something like that? Phuti: Yes, Sir. Out on the Tlokweng Road. You should definitely give him a try. Andy: I will. And I will come in later for the sofa Phuti: I'll put it aside for you, sir.
Andy is going to buy a beige "Monica 144" sofabed. He will come and collect it later in his Chrysler Grand Voyager. Phuti recommends a mechanic for this car, the mechanic is called Mr J L B Matekone, his workshop is called Speedy Motors and it's stiuated on the Tlokweng Road.
Diana: I am so mad Meg: What's going on? Diana: You know that I recently started my new studies right? Meg: Sure Diana: When I registered I was still using my maiden name and now I changed it Diana: And I kindly ask them what is the procedure so that I have my new name on my diploma Diana: And they demanded a certificate of marriage. Can you believe that?! Meg: Oh my god, we are back to a century ago Diana: Right? like the only thing that defines me is whether I'm married or not Meg: Should they even know whether you changed it because you got married, divorced and did not want to be named poop? Diana: That's another thing. No they should not. Meg: You should tell them that. Diana: I won't give them any certificate of marriage, that's for sure Meg: You go girl! Keep me posted
Diana is mad, because she has changed her maiden name and the university demanded a marriage certificate to confirm that; Diana and Meg are discussing that it is not right that they need the information why a maiden name was changed; Diana is not going to give them the marriage ceritifcate.
Samantha: Have you finished the book? Laura: Not yet Samantha: me neither Marcel: so let's postpone the meeting till Monday Samantha: great! Lola: Did you find the lake? Flora: no! we got lost? Lola: how is it possible? Flora: no idea Lola: did you use google maps Amalia: no, not really Flora: we asked people Amalia: I think they told us a wrong way Lola: how silly Kira: Are you coming to the pub with us tonight? Julia: I'd like to, but I don't know if I can make it :( Kira: Work? Julia: Yes, I finish later than usual and I have to visit my parents. Kira: Something's wrong? Julia: No, not really. But they're having some problems with the internet connection at home and asked me to check it out. Kira: I see. Kira: Well, I can't help with the internet, I'm not good at anything technical... Julia: I know. You never were :D Kira: That's true. Kira: And that's why I married Ralph :P Julia: Good choice then ;) Julia: I'll text you later. Kira: Yes, sure. Abby: Hey!! What are you doing this Wednesday? Jason: uhh, not sure,I think my mom wanted me to stop by for dinner. Abby: Ha, you’re not sure!? Well, if you end up being free I’ve got a super fun proposition. Jason: oh yeah, and what’s that? Abby: Well, Wednesday’s are cheaper days at the movies, and there’s this new movie about Queen, I thought we could check it out. Jason: Queen, Freddie Mercury, the band movie? Abby: Yeah dude, sounds pretty cool right? Jason: I could watch a movie bout that. Abby: Here’s a link to the trailer. Jason: Sweet, looks pretty cool. I’m down. I’ll ask my mom when she’s having dinner, maybe we can catch a late screening. Abby: cool cool, yeah let me know what time. I’d want to buy the tickets in advance since it’ll probably be full that night. Gavin: It was so good to see you guys! Paul: i know right? It was definitely too long Jill: OMG I'm still laughing guys haha it was great! Paul: you are just so easy to make laugh Jill: hahah no way! My sense of humor is sophisticated Gavin: Yeah that squirrel meme confirmed it lol Jill: haha hahaha squirrels just get me Gavin: So do horses, dogs, and babies Paul: you forgot Borat Jill: omg just don't get me started Paul: ahaha fine, I think you're gonna have sore abs lol Jill: For sure! already feeling it Gavin: You're welcome! Mila: The ICC has acquitted Laurent Gbagbo Alfred: Yes, I saw it today on tv Mila: I don't know the case very well Jenny: hmm, it's a bit complicated to be honest Stefano: no, not at all, a story as usual, I would say Mila: what do you mean? Stefano: a fight for power Stefano: in 2010 he lost an election Stefano: and he refused to accept it Mila: not a crime yet Stefano: but afterwards violence between his opponents and supporters started Alfred: and you should know there were some of the most violent clashes in the history of Ivory Coast Alfred: but the court ruled today that Alfred: the prosecutors failed to demonstrate "the existence of a 'common plan' to keep Mr Gbagbo in power" Mila: so it seems he is not guilty of the violence? Mila: maybe he didn't plan it Stefano: or maybe they didn't have (enough) evidence Stefano: I don't believe he's innocent Alfred: neither do I
Neither Samantha nor Laura have finished the book. The meeting is postponed till Monday. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Flora and Amalia got lost and didn't find the lake. They asked people instead of using google maps. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Julia may not be able to meet Kira and the others at the pub because she's working late, and then she has to help her parents with internet connection issues. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Abby invites Jason to go see the movie about Queen with her this Wednesday, as Wednesdays are cheaper days at the cinema. Jason might have to go to his mom for dinner, but they might still be able to catch a late screening. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Gavin is happy to have caught up with Paul and Jill. Jill is easily amused. [NEXT_CONCEPT] The ICC has acquitted Laurent Gbagbo. He lost an election in 2010. Stefano and Alfred don't believe him to be innocent.
Emily: Hey, I need your advice. Are you free for a sec? Harry: What sort of advice? Emily: My brother just bout 3 dresses for me. which one should I choose? Harry: I would only be able to tell you after watching them, Emily: OK Sending you pics :p Harry: Hmm... Emily: <file_photo> <file_photo> <file_photo> Harry: These pic are blur. But I would not choose Blue one If I were you. Emily: I was thinking the same. Harry: Why you have to reject one? Emily: Actually I am allowed to buy two dresses for now and my father has paid for only 2. That's why Harry: Would you come to college tomorrow? Emily: Yeah! I might wear one of these tomorrow Harry: OK See you at college then. Tim: Are we going for a pint later? Bill: as soon as I'm done with this code Tom: nice! Ann: Hey girls Jag: Hi honey Jag: How are you doing? Ava: Hi, babe Ann: I was thinking about the Saturday we talked about Jag: and? Ann: and I'm in Ava: :) Ava: Great! Jag: I can be there after 3 Ava: Me too Ann: I will be there around 3:30 Jag: Awesome! Ava: See you there Ava: Have a great day, dolls! Caroline: did he call you Alex: no Alex: was he going to? Caroline: yes! gees I'll call him and get back to you Alex: ok Devon: little help! Xena: what happend? Devon: can't zip my dess :/ Xena: ok, comming :) Andre: Guys! So the window shades have arrived! Andre: They have to be picked up on 8th Street! Andre: Can anyone get them? Hanna: When? Andre: The furniture shop is open until 6pm Andre: Anyone picking them up today before 6? Andre: Im always at work sorry! ☹️☹️☹️ Hanna: I am working until 7! Matt: I think I can pick them up at 4ish. Im done work at 3 Andre: K great! Andre: The package is under my name Matt: Okay Matt: Are they paid? Andre: Yep! No worries about that, I paid Hanna: How much did they cost? Andre: Like 5 bucks each? For each window Matt: That's not that bad Matt: Where did you get them like online Andre: On Best Buy Andre: They have great deals online, I got them on Cyber Monday Matt: Gotcha 😎😎 Toni: I want to play Fifa Toni: I'm in the cafeteria Leticia: Cool Cleo: I'm busy right now Cleo: Maybe in one hour I can join you Leticia: I'm coming Leticia: 5 minutes I'll be there Suzie: DAMN CATS Suzie: they ruined my couch Marilyn: :( Marilyn: oh no, the new one?? Suzie: yeah... Suzie: I'm gonna kill those bastards Marilyn: there are some sprays Marilyn: repellents of some sort, maybe you should try them out? Suzie: Maybe, but so far nothing has worked... Marilyn: and do you cat their claws? Suzie: Yeah, I'm trying to... Suzie: they hate it and the usually run away Marilyn: I've heard you can do it at a vet's Suzie: Yeah, but you have to go there Suzie: It's a whole trip Marilyn: you poor thing Marilyn: But they're also comforting and they purr, right? :D Marilyn: <file_gif> Suzie: Don't try to be cute with me right now Suzie: Just help me kill them :D Suzie: <file_gif> Teresa: are you in the main dormitory? Nil: no, at the cafe with the glass roof Ben: will you come here? Teresa: yes, I'm on the way Jeff: have you landed? Tony: now, sorry, I had no internet for half an hour after landing, I don't even know why Pankracy: but finally you're here, I'm waiting outside the airport in the car Tony: ok! Rene: need a minute! Rene: be right there! Clark: ok,ok
Emily's brother bought 3 dresses for her and she might wear one of them to college tomorrow. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Tim, Bill and Tom are going for a pint as soon as Bill is done with coding. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Ann, Jag and Ava will meet on Saturday at 3.30. [NEXT_CONCEPT] He didn't call Alex. She will call him. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Xena will help Devon do her dress. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Matt will pick the window shades from the furniture store at around 4 pm. Andre got these shades on Cyber Monday on Best Buy for 5 bucks each. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Toni is in the cafeteria. She will play Fifa with Leticia. Leticia's coming in 5 minutes. Cleo's busy. She will join them in 1 hour. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Suzie is upset about her cats ruining her new couch. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Teresa will join Nil and Ben at the cafe. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Tony landed. He didn't have Internet connection. Pankracy is waiting in the car, outside of the airport. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Rene will be there in a minute.
Raul: hello Germaine, it was great seeing you at the gym earlier! sorry I had finished my workout and was heading to the office. Germaine: oh yeah! I was just starting my workout Raul: okey! it's great you came back, it was about time!!! Germaine: what do you mean by that? you mean I got fat 😂 Raul: no! not at all you are not as shredded as before ... remember those abs you had! 🍫 Germaine: 🙈 Germaine: you know with my kid, I have less time to take care of me.... but now my mother lives close, and I can get back on track 💪 Germaine: and you, what have you been up to? Raul: well, nothing much... always pushing hard at the gym. Germaine: I saw that! you looked like The Rock 😂 Raul: haha yeah he is real #goals! Germaine: well, catch you during the week there. I will be coming everyday... at the same hour Raul: great! take care. We can have a beast session together! see if I can still kick your ass 😜 Germaine: haha you dream about it!
Germaine is now able to pick his workout up where he left off because his mother moved closer to him, and she can help him take care of his child. Raul on the other hand has never stopped working out.
Jane: <gif_file> Jane: Whaddya think? Shona: This ur tinder profile thing? Jane: Yeah, I'm updating my profile tonite. Kinda nervoous though... :( Jane: What if i get another guy like John? o.O Shona: John was a dickhead Jane: preach sistah! Shona: anyhoo - this time I've got u :D No slimeballs for you Jane: Not again *shudders* Jane: You know he forgot my birthday??!! Shona: wanker Julia: hey, you coming to Tom's party this weekend? Julia: should be fun :) Mary: sorry, not likely... Julia: why, what happened? Mary: ma grandma passed away yesterday... Julia: oh, honey so sorry Julia: I feel so stupid now, sorry Mary: don't worry, you couldn't know Julia: if you need anything let me know! Mary: thank you :) Harry: Guys, did you order a pizza? Luca: No, why? :D Harry: A pizza guy just arrived, he says we ordered two pepperoni pizzas. Jake: It happened last week as well, it's a mistake. He should go to Pages Street, not Pages Lane Kittie: hello, how are you?you wanted some christmas jam? Lynn: oups, sorry, i forgot to answer. If possible to have one, please. I just made my own marmelade! Kittie: no worries! You find some organic's oranges? Where? Lynn: this morning at the organic market, near the old city. Hailey: heyoooo, I got an important question for you Peter: hi, listening Hailey: are you doing anything on Sunday? Peter: I guess not. Why are you asking? Hailey: cool, causei'm throwing a house-warming party and wanted you to come :D Peter: coooooool, Sunday you say? Hailey: Yes. In the evening I guess, a lot of fun, a lot of alcohol, party hard as we like Peter: then I can't say no xD I hope I'll come home under my own steam xDdd Hailey: Don't worry, there are many beds to take a nap here :D Peter: You're talking about a nap, I'm considering dying from intoxication...:'D Hailey: Don't you piss me off xD Just come and have fun Peter: Ok xDDD Just let me know about the details soon Marie: Where are you? Fran: Inside Marie: Running to you Fran: OK. Downstairs. A table on the left :-) Kara: do we wanna talk? Mira: we should Kara: have time now? Mira: yes, going home now Kara: I just finish classes, so we can meet somewhere Mira: any suggestions? Kara: Mall near your place? Mira: ok, I'l wait there: Kara: ok John: Hey, you up? Nina: Hey, yeah. What’s up? John: I called her again… Nina: Jeez, bro, you promised! You need to get over her already :( Nina: <file_gif> John: I know. No idea why I did it.
Jane is updating her Tinder profile. She's nervous and worried that she might get a bad match again. Shona reassures her. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Mary won't come to Tom's party this weekend because of her grandmother passing yesterday. [NEXT_CONCEPT] A pizza guy delivered a pizza to Pages Lane address instead of Pages Street. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Lynn wants to have one christmas jam from Kittie. Lynn's made her own marmelade from organic oranges bought this morning. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Hailey invites Peter for a house-warming part on Sunday evening. He's planning to get drunk. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Fran is waiting for Marie inside. She is coming. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Mira and Kara are going to meet at the mall because they need to talk. [NEXT_CONCEPT] John called a girl again even though he promised Nina he wouldn't do it.
Chaima: heeeey! can you help me choose a dress for my birthday party next week please? Chaima: I am running out of ideas Meriem: sure! let me see what you have chose so far Chaima: here you go <file_photo> Chaima: <file_photo> Chaima: <file_photo>, this one is my favorite, but I feel like I would look fat in it 😂 Meriem: humm... white is tricky that's for sure.. Meriem: I am not a huge fan of these dresses to be honest... they are outdated... where the hell do you shop? Chaima: La Redoute Meriem: 😂😂😂 okey mommy! now I understand Meriem: girl, go to Asos, Misguided, Boohoo... you'll look like an Instagram baddie 🔥🔥 Chaima: girl, I am thirty! no 15 anymore Meriem: damn girl! 30 is YOUNG! you don't have to dress very sexy and revealing to be trendy! smh Chaima: true... 😏😏 I am such a granny! Meriem: <file_photo> <file_photo> <file_photo> Meriem: see, classy, trendy! Chaima: WOW! Phil: Hey, I bought Fury of Dracula George: Good! I used to play the old edition back in high school Phil: Board games kick ass, man George: Yep! We must organize a gaming night soon Britney: did you sell your dress yet ? Casey: which one? Britney: the green one you wore on Dannys birthday party Casey: <file_photo> Britney: yes that one !! Casey: come and try it on tomorrow, i can sell it to you for a bottle of wine :* Trudy: What time does the test start tomorrow? Ken: 8 am Peter: Room 666 right? Ken: Yeah the satan room :D Trudy: :D :D :D Trudy: Are you guys ready? Ken: Hell yeah!! Joe: have you seen that they are planning to close Victory Street? Rob: what the fuck Joe: yeah, they are doing some reconstruction, i think they will add tram rails there Tim: are you kidding me? the traffic jams are going to be massive Rob: worse than that... and i commute to work through Victory everyday Joe: i know, that's why i am telling you Rob: this is bullshit, and of course they are doing it now instead of during holidays or something Tim: yeah it's always like that, no one cares about us lol Joe: i am glad i can walk to work every day, this is a blessing Sid: Babe, did you get up? Nancy: mhm Sid: there's coffee in the kitchen <3 Nancy: yeeey, I'm up Eli: I can't sleep :( Tore: :( Tore: Why is that? Eli: Not sure :( And before you ask, yes I tried to drink herbs and reading a boring book... Tore: :( Tore: Did you try fairy tales? Eli: No..? Tore: Wait a sek! Eli: Okey.. Tore: <file other> Tore: I can't tell you in person, but made a recording. Switch the lights off, get comfy and listen! Results guaranteed! Eli: Thank you <3 You're amazing. Good night! Sweet dreams :* Laura: have you heard about the new ryanair policy change? Alicia: yep :( Alicia: i'm actually traveling to Spain next month and it will affect my wallet Laura: they're making new backpacks now that are perfectly ryanair sized lol Laura: <file_other> Alicia: hahha wow, i'll make sure to check them out Laura: yeah im honestly thinking about getting one Laura: it'll probably be expensive,but then i'll be saving money every time i fly Alicia: i guess you do have a point Alicia: i'll think about getting one too!
Meriem is helping Chaima choose a dress for Chaima's birthday party next week. She suggests brands like Asos, Misguided, or Boohoo. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Phil bought a new board game. He will organize a game night with George soon. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Casey is selling her green dress. Britney is interested in it. Casey is offering to sell it to her for a bottle of wine. Britney can come and try it on tomorrow. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Trudy, Ken and Peter are having the test tomorrow at 8 AM in room 666. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Victory Street will be closed for works which is a nuisance for Rob and Tim. Joe walks to work everyday so he remains unconcerned. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Sid left coffe for Nancy in the kitchen. She woke up. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Eli can't sleep. She tried to drink herbs and reading a book. Tore recorded himself reading for Eli. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Ryanair has changed it's policy. Alicia is traveling to Spain next month. Backpacks in the size accepted by Ryanair have been produced. Alicia and Laura are considering buying them.
Andrew: are you ready to go? Luke: yup Andrew: we're waiting for you in the car Luke: I'm coming down right now
Andrew is waiting for Luke in the car.
Ernesto: free tonight? Brent: not really, why? Ernesto: had an argument with Josie again Brent: that serious? Ernesto: kind of Ernesto: i need to leave Brent: ok i finish at 6 Brent: can be there before 7 Ernesto: ok, i'll be in the centre anyway so let me know Brent: ok
Brent and Ernesto are meeting in the city centre tonight.
Tracey: Never mind diet we really do need catch up xx Pauline: I'm always on a diet they don't work lol. When u free? X Tracey: Next couple of weeks hectic ... just Michelle gets bloody good holidays ..but of after easter. .get girlie day arranged xx Tracey: On it xx by the way 'can you thee me ' xx Pauline: Lol, no x Tracey: Will need to send you wee picture Pauline xx Pauline: I will frame it x Tracey: Just thought of postcard wee sent to Micheal from Ibiza. ...lol x Pauline: Funny I found it the other day, still a bit blurry getting it taken lol x
Tracey and Pauline want to meet to catch up, Tracey'll be free after Easter. Tracey also reminds Pauline about a picture from Ibiza.
Amanda: Hi! Do you know actually the meaning of your names? Jeff: I think everybody knows, right? Amanda: i've just discovered what my name means, I've never thought about it before Jeff: and? Amanda: "worthy of love" more or less Jeff: quite cool Amanda: I've just understand what my grandfather referred to when he was saying "my lovable Amanda" Jeff: how cute! Jeff: my name is actually diminutive from Jefferson which means "peaceful pledge" Jeff: at least the internet says so Steven: a bit strange, so common though Jeff: and Steven? Steven: actually "crown" hahaha Steven: it's a Greek name Amanda: I like the name Steven very much Camile: mine name means "born free" and "noble" Camile: but apparently in Arabic it means "the perfect one" Camile: hahah Rose: a very nice name indeed Camile: thanks, but quite unusual in the English speaking countries Camile: it's a French name
Amanda's name means "worthy of love." Jeff's name means "peaceful pledge." Steven's name means "crown." It's a Greek name. Camile's name means "born free," "noble" and "the perfect one." It's a French name.
Eva: Hey Eric! can you teach me how to play piano?? Eric: You serious.. I would love to.. Come tomorrow at 7 pm Eva: Thank you so much Eric: :thumbs
Eric will teach Eva to play the piano tomorrow at 7 pm.
Hannah: Got myself a new jacket Hannah: Look Hannah: <file_photo> Elly: looking classy Hannah: Exactly what I was looking for Elly: u going to impress that guy at your office lol Hannah: You got me... 😝 Elly: good luck anyway Hannah: 😉 Joanna: Tell me this: y do u get so excited by football? Conrad: What do you mean? Joanna: I just don't get it. Why are ppl so interested in this sport? Conrad: Two opposing teams trying to score a goal. Isn't that enough? Joanna: What about basketball? Volleyball? Hokey? And all other sports? Conrad: What about them? Joanna: Most of them are more dynamic than football. And scores are higher. Conrad: It's not the score that counts. Joanna: It doesn't? Conrad: Well, ok, it does, but it's the tactics, the finesse that really matters. Joanna: And what's so cunning in football? 20 guys running after 1 ball. Conrad: Yes, but the coach always has a plan and it's up to the team to carry it out. Joanna: So, it's not running round at random? Conrad: Ofc not. All players move according to what they were tasked with. Joanna: Like? Conrad: ICYMI: if Ronaldo plays, there are always at least 2 defenders on him all the time. Joanna: But he can't score a goal then! Conrad: That's the point. Ken: Rough week continues! Sinus problems then a flat tire. Had to change it in my suit! But at least I can still change a tire. Martha: Oh, poor you! Was there a nail or something? Ken: Tire sensor broke off. Martha: From the stupid snow? Ken: First Christmas package is on the way. No peeking! Martha: I won't! Ken: I'm guessing the snow. Martha: Will I still have to pay customs? Ken: Yes, but we adjusted the values! LOL! Martha: Great! Ken: Hopefully you get it by Christmas this time! Martha: That's okay if I don't. Ken: But I want you to have it, so fingers crossed! Matt: How are you doing babe? Ola: Just got called to the doctor's office. Talk to you later! Matt: Good luck! Marlie: Just look at her Marlie: <file_video> Giovani: Wow, your cat is... almost like a dog, I've never seen a cat this friendly before Marlie: She's so adorable, my baby <3 Giovani: Is she like this with everyone? Marlie: For some reason, she doesn't really take to my brother but otherwise yes! Paul: Read any good books lately? Charlotte: Nope! I've been too hooked on binge watching The Office. Paul: Hmmm. I was looking for a recommendation on a book. Maybe I'll have to watch The Office instead! Charlotte: I'm hooked. Paul: What's it about? An office? Charlotte: Oddly enough, yes! Paul: Okay then. Doesn't sound very interesting. Charlotte: Its an office full of characters! Too funny! Paul: Okay, maybe I'll check it out. Jason: Yo, what are you doing after work? Mike: Going to the gym and then home boy. Jason: You eating at home? Mike: Yep, bring your food and come over. Jason: Will do. Afterwards we play some Destiny 2 on ps4? Mike: You bet ya, that game is so addictive! Jason: Ok cya later then!´ Mike: Oh yeah👌 Omar: what phone do you have?? Aliyah: samsung galaxy s5 i think Omar: ok thanks Aliyah: why did you want to know? Omar: Rachel told me she really liked yours and I am planning to get her one for christmas :) Aliyah: ah fine :) good choice, I really love it and you can get in gold colour also haha, she will love it
Hanna got herself a new jacket to impress the guy at her office. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Conrad explains to Joanna why he likes football. [NEXT_CONCEPT] After sinus problems Ken had to deal with a flat tire. Ken hopes that Martha will get the Christmas package by Christmas time. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Ola is at the doctor's. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Marlie has a very friendly cat. However, the cat doesn't like her brother. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Paul looks to Charlotte for a book recommendation. Charlotte's been greatly enjoying The Office series, Paul is sceptical about that but maybe will give it a try. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Mike is going to the gym after work. Then he's going home and he will eat and play Destiny 2 with Jason. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Omar wants to buy a Samsung Galaxy s5 as a Christmas gift for Rachel.
Paul: Hi Baby! Paul: How are you? Rita: Hi Hiney! Rita: I'm good. How are you? Paul: Fine :) Paul: Do you have plans for the evening? Rita: No. I'm finishing at 20:00. Paul: Diner? Rita: With pleasure!
Paul and Rita will have dinner at 8 pm.
Steph: i need to go to Cracow this fruday, i'm looking for 2 free seats in a car Steph: hello btw :D Tim: morning Tim: I'm going to Cracow this friday but I have only one seat... Steph: damn... Laura: actually two free seats in my car! Steph: great, could you book them for me? at what time are u planning to leave Warsaw? Laura: booked Laura: 5ish pm? Steph: cool
Steph booked two seats in Laura's car going from Warsaw to Cracow on Friday around 5 pm.
Logan: So what happens now? Amelia: They vote, I guess? Logan: I ask because of these legal advice things today. It doesn't sound positive. Amelia: Nothing about this sounds positive. Logan: It's the customs union that's the problem right now. Amelia: Seems to be. Logan: No, it is, because they are saying it isn't legal to exit without another customs agreement or something. Amelia: See, how can you be sure what anything says right now? Logan: I'm just reading what the news says... Amelia: Fake news! LOL! Logan: Um, right... Logan: It's the Irish border that's the problem. Ireland is staying in the EU so there has to be a border. Amelia: Ah, and they don't want a hard border? Logan: No. Makes everything more complicated and difficult. Amelia: But this is all lawyer-speak and legalese. Logan: Yes, but all lawyers do is give a frank opinion. Amelia: What does PM say? Logan: She's insistent that there has to be a backstop for NI and the border. Amelia: Well, then... Logan: Some backtracking there, but all in all an honest response from her. Amelia: The whole thing bores me to tears. Logan: More to discuss down the pub! LOL! Amelia: Meet you there!
Logan and Amelia discuss politics and Brexit. Logan explains there is a problem with the customs union and the border. They go to the pub to discuss the matter.
Avery: I got home. 🎉🎉 thank you for the night. xx Brian: Well done Avery Avery: After "loosing" 2 trains 😂😂 Maya: Those trains are well dodgy! Daniel: Good news Avery, I hope the rest made it home ok 😂 Amber: Rachel is safely home anyway! And me too! Thanks for a fab night, as usual! Brian: Thank you all it was an amazing birthday!!!! I'll regret fibbers tomorrow but heh! My birthday is not every day! Awesome night, love you all and thanks again!!! 😘 Amber: Never regret Fibbers Brian! It's like an Irish rite of passage! Thank you for choosing to spend your special day with us. We are the lucky ones! Hasta la vista baby! Mary: Where are you? Tom: Dumbo Mary: Have you seen the museum there? Tom: Yes, I've just left Mary: and? Tom: I really liked it. Thank you for the recommendation Mary: it's good, right? Tom: very nicely made and curated Mary: yes, it's amazing Tom: especially the stories of the subaltern groups: women, slaves, workers Tom: and the history of the Brooklyn Bridge Mary: I know, and it's not very well known Tom: we were almost alone there Mary: did you pay for entrance? Tom: no, we showed our student cards and they let us in for free Mary: that's amazing Tom: yes, especially because New York is so expensive Mary: I know, all museums cost minimum 20 bucks Tom: Exactly Mary: anyway, I'm happy you liked Dumbo Tom: Very much! Sven: What time is the wedding? Caroline: 5 pm, why? Sven: Checking if I can catch a train in the morning. Caroline: I already booked the hotel for the night before so that you can get here on Friday. Are freaking kidding me now? Sven: Oh, right, sorry Caroline: ... Seriously, dude, it's dangerous to annoy the bride so close to the wedding. Sven: I know, I know Caroline: Is that all? Sven: Yes. Sorry. Yes. I'll be there on Friday Caroline: Do't be late!! Ronny: What time do you finish today? Walt: 3 Ronny: Me too, let's go back home together. Walt: Ok, meet you in front of my building after work. Ronny: Ok, see you Nailah: hi Jed Nailah: wanna play badminton with us today? Jed: hey there Jed: sure, 6 PM as always? Nailah: yup Jed: cu there :) Haley: Hi, I've just made a slaughter on my instagram Matt: haha, why? Haley: too many people that I followed and who did not give a shit about me Matt: yes, I understand it Patt: It's a very strange medium, there are sometimes friends or people who we believe are friends Patt: but in fact they really don't care, don't even bother to follow us Patt: or they maybe think to be better than us? like only they are worth the attention and effort? Haley: exactly, so I unfollowed a lot of them Patt: Some people seem to find pleasure in being followed without reciprocity Patt: feeling special Haley: Yes, it's very silly Patt: whatever, a lot of strange fb/instagram psychology Patt: should be a new branch of psychology Haley: there is a lot of research on it already Patt: I know, interesting stuff
Brian's birthday party was great. Everyone has returned home safely. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Tom really liked the museum Mary recommended to him in Dumbo. He got in for free using his student card. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Caroline booked the hotel for Sven. He will be there on Friday and Caroline wants him to be on time. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Ronny and Walt finish work at 3 today and they want to go back home together. Walt will meet Ronny in front of his building after work. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Jed and Nailah are going to meet at 6 pm today to play badminton. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Haley unfollowed a lot of people, because they didn't follow her back.
Mum: Hello darling, do you have the tickets for the cinema, or will I get them? Rob: Hi Mum xx dont worry Sally is getting them while she is down the quays Mum: ok thats fine, did you manage to get to the doctors? Rob: Yes I went this morning Mum: What did they say? Rob: Well she said it looks like rotatory cuff damage.. she said I need physio first Mum: wont that make it worse? Rob: Well it does hurt when I move it but I have to go physio first before they will consider an operation Mum: oh right Rob: she has booked me an xray so the physio know what they re working with Mum: when is that for? Rob: Should be in the next week or so Rob: she said they would call me and write to me Mum: Well hopefully they wont take long darling Rob: me too Mum: I'll call you later xx Rob: ok Mum xxx
Sally will get the cinema tickets when she is down the guays. Rob went to the doctor this morning about his rotatory cuff damage. The doctor ordered him to have an xray before an operation is considered. He should have it next week.
Megan: alright, so what do you think of this one Megan: <file_photo> Paul: I mean, it's pretty nice, I like that it has white walls Megan: yes!!! exactly, that's what I was thinking. I hate that every other apartment had all this stupid colors on it Paul: Yeah, ok so this is an option. Megan: Yeah, it is a bit on the pricey side though. Paul: Yeah? how much? Megan: $700 Paul: fuck. no way. we are not paying $700 for one room! Megan: but it's perfect!!!! Paul: you're nuts no way, we can definitely find a better place, for cheaper. Megan: alright, well then you have to help me. I don't want to be the only one looking. Paul: ok ok, yeah, I can do that. Cause no way am I paying that much. Megan: Ok, so how much is your max then? Paul: we talked about this. I think like $500 max. Megan: alright then. well, I guess there's this one for that much <picutre> Paul: yeah, see, that's pretty decent. Megan: yeah, but I the dresser is so ugly. it huge. It takes up basically the entire room. Paul: I'm pretty sure that could always be something we take out. Megan: ha, ok, whatever you say. you'd be the one hauling that thing out. Paul: haha, yea yeah, the things I'd do for you! Roy: Denise, I'm almost late for the flight and I cannot find my blue shirt! Denise: Did you forget that we left it at the dry cleaner last Friday? It was horribly stained! Roy: Shit, I remember now, but which shirt should I take instead then? Denise: Take the grey one, it looks really nice on you! Have a safe flight! Roy: Thanks, kisses :* Robert: Hi Matt Matt: Hi! Robert: How are you doing? Matt: good, thanks, you? Robert: good as well Robert: It was very nice to see you again yesterday, although by chance Matt: yes, it was quite crazy, I didn't expect to meet you on the subway Robert: me neither Matt: Maybe we should meet again, and not on the subway? Robert: I'd really like to Matt: When are you free? Robert: now always on Mondays and Tuesdays Matt: So maybe Monday evening? Robert: great Matt: we could have a dinner together Robert: let's do it Matt: Do you want me to pick you up after you're done? Robert: That would be nice! Matt: ok, so I'll be there at 7PM Robert: good! Leon: Look, I know you're still angry, but can we at least talk about this? Coraline: what's there to talk about? You're a jerk, end of discussion. Leon: Coraline... Leon: I'm sorry. Leon: I didn't want things to end this way! Leon: please... Coraline: stop texting me - Perry's getting suspicious. Leon: It wasn't my fault. Coraline: seriously?! that's what your going with??? Coraline: you're an even bigger asshole than i thought Leon: I'm serious - It wasn't my fault! Leon: Look - can we meet by the printers?... Leon: Or would you rather i did this by text? Coraline: fine. I'll be there in 20 Leon: I promise you won't regret it Coraline: i'm beginning to think you don't know what that word means, Daltez.
Megan is looking for a room to rent for her and Paul. Megan found a perfect place, but Paul thinks it is too expensive. Paul is going to help Megan with finding a better offer. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Roy can't find his blue shirt as it's at the dry cleaner's. Upon Denise's advice, he'll take the grey one with him. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Matt and Robert will meet on Monday at 7PM. Matt will pick Robert up. They will have a dinner together. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Coraline agrees to meet Leon by the printers in 20 minutes.
Watson: Hey Bella, please tell me some interviewing skills.. Bella: Do you have an interview?? Watson: Yeah i have one tomorrow. Bella: its no big deal. Meet me at 4 pm. Watson: Bella , you are a true friend. Bella: Stop it. Be on time Watson: Yeah sure. Thank you Bella: No problem
Watson has an interview tomorrow. He's meeting Bella at 4 pm.
Ray: Did ya watch the game today? Kale: Yea, I did, wish I didn’t ;/ Ray: I don’t get it, whats goin on Kale: They are in crisis, but whyyy Ray: Heard sth about the money, sponsor withdrew after the scandal with Diego Kale: Yea, what was that about? Ray: Somebody claimed they saw him doing drugs after the game, there was an article in Football Observer Kale: Was it true? Ray: Probably not, at least no pictures were published but supposedly the case went to court Kale: So why did they go away Ray: The sponsors? Kale: Yupp Ray: You know, even false accusations may fuck people up and destroy reputation Kale: Sickkkk Ersin: Do you have any plan on Sunday? Mea: I need to work a bit, a couple of hours. Ane I'd lkie to meet you, yes :) But I wasn't thinking about anything special yet. Ersin: I was buying tickets for Saturday's journey, that's why I asked. I'll be back to town Saturday night. Mea: I remeber about the journey. Ersin: I asked cos I was thinking of staying for the night in Gdynia and coming back to town Sunday. But I decided it is better to be here. Mea: As you prefer :* Ersin: :* Adam: Thanks for the party! It was great! Andrew: Yeah! Thank you Martha Martha: You're welcome :-) Cindy: It's a boy! Victor: Congrats!!! Ben: Congratulations!!! Pat: Hello Wolf, Lennie sent me a photo of their snow-covered drive this morning and that reminds me to ask you about their winter tyres. Wolf: What about them? Pat: Didn't you promise to buy them two pairs? Have they got them? Wolf: But of course they have winter tyres. Lennie got them fixed in November. But I never promised to buy them. They were paid from the household kitty. Pat: Oh! I didn't realise that. Sorry to have asked. Wolf: Well, I'm sorry to have to remind you that as far as our household kitty is concerned you are in arrears for the last 2 months. Pat: Am I? So sorry. I keep forgetting about it. I'll settle it first thing in the morning. Wolf: You have been forgetting about the kitty for the last 9 years, my dear. So let me remind you that our three children are also expecting to get present for Xmas from you. And by our mutual agreement Xmas and birthday presents are NOT paid by our household kitty. Pat: But we did it previously and it was alright. Wolf: We did it once and it was one huge gift to Lennie and Andy getting married in England, so we covered some of their costs. Never anything else! Pat: You are probably right. I'm getting so forgetful! So sorry. Wolf: OK. I've told you that. The rest's up to you. Pat: Which rest?! Wolf: Buying Xmas presents for our children for Chrissake! Pat: Oh I see. I'll remember that. Thank you for reminding me. Wolf: No pro. Emily: How are you guys? Brittany: full after an enormous Christmas meal Eric: saaammmeee Emily: haha, right, Merry Xmas! Emily: I forgot, hahha Eric: Merry Christmas to you too! Brittany: Merry Christmas, but good it's almost over Emily: true! James: how are you? :* Ally: better thanks! James: when are you gonna be back? Ally: day after tomorrow James: enjoying some rest? Ally: yeah, now that the fever is down I watch tv series and lie in bed all day James: the only good thing about being sick <3 Ally: :D Liam: dota? Cole: what time Liam: 8. where Cole: my room Liam: cool (Y)
Ray and Kale watched the game today. The game was bad and the team are in financial crisis. Their sponsor withdrew after the scandal with Diego who supposedly did drugs after the game, which was covered in Football Observer. Probably it wasn't true, but it damaged their reputation. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Mea needs to work few hours on Sunday. Ersin is in Gdynia and will be back on Saturday night. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Adam and Andrew had a great time at Martha's party. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Cindy gave birth to a boy. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Pat thought that Wolf promised to buy Lennie winter Tyres but in fact he didn't. They were repaired from the family budget which Pat keeps forgetting to contribute to. Christmas and birthday presents for the children are not paid from the family budget, so Pat needs to buy them alone. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Emily, Brittany and Eric wish each other Merry Christmas. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Ally is unwell but will be back the day after tomorrow. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Liam will see Cole at 8 in his room.
Jett: Could you give me the recipe for that cheesecake you brought yesterday? Jett: It was out of this world! Annabella: You and baking? Now that's unexpected, but sure, let me find it! Annabella: <file_other> Jett: Thanks! Jett: Actually, I know Mary loves cheesecake, so I wanted to try making one for her birthday, haha. Annabella: Oh I'm sure she'll love it! Annabella: If my boyfriend made my favourite cake for me, I'd never let him go Jett: Hahah Annabella: Good luck, Jett! Let me know how it turned out when you've tried the recipe! Jett: Will do!
Annabella sent Jett her recipe for the cheesecake she had brought yesterday. Annabella with bake a cheesecake for Mary's birthday.
Beth: what are my kids up to? :* Sally: busy at work... Sally: god i wish it was friday already Jake: yeah same here Jake: <file_photo> Jake: working hard ;) Sally: what's up mom? Beth: i was thinking maybe you could come home early for christmas eve Beth: we could go to the cinema or something Jake: and help clean up the house...? :D Beth: that's not what I meant :) Jake: nah just joking mom, that's a good idea
Sally is busy at work. Beth suggests that Sally and Jake could come home early for Christmas Eve. Jake thinks it's a good idea.
Carlos: You see what is happening in Venezuela? Carlos: I am so pissed! Marco: Ye Marco: people are starving Marco: buying whatever is left to buy Marco: 😔 Carlos: Inflation won't stop Carlos: People are buying rotten meat Carlos: Its worse than survival Marco: Its so unfortunate Marco: I am just so angry Carlos: Its a mess Carlos: People are fleeing Marco: I wonder who's gonna take charge of this mess Marco: I think its too late Carlos: Idk Carlos: Venezuela has always been troubled Marco: I just know that most European airlines pulled out from flying there Carlos: I saw a documentary Carlos: They showed a lady with breast cancer and hospitals can't afford gloves, needles, like basic needs Carlos: So she has to pay for all of this Marco: 😖😖😖 Carlos: 😭
Marco and Carlos are angry, because people living in Venezuela are starving. Most European airlines stopped flying to Venezuela.
Joseph: Time for the final round. So far two all. We'll see who becomes the champion. Gabriel: Oh, it's on! Alonzo: In ur dreams! Bring it on! Joseph: Very well. The last and final question: Chief Chatter! Alonzo: Hard one. I believe the correct answer is a bartender! Joseph: Gabriel, what is your final answer? Gabriel: I don't know. I guess I'll go with a call centre worker? Joseph: And the winner is... Gabriel! You were the closest! Chief Chatter is actually a Call centre manager! Alonzo: Nooooooo! Gabriel: Oh I'm so happy! I can't believe it! Joseph: Neither can I that someone would actually name these jobs like that ;) Lea: hello Milly: hi Lea: shopping today? Milly: oh yeah! Milly: i need new powder Lea: so at 1? Milly: ok Iza: Hey, I will be coming back on Thursday after all Teresa: How come? Didn't you buy the tickets already? Iza: I did.. But my mentor called me and informed me that I can present my thesis on Friday Iza: I will just change the ticket, it should be for free Artur: And what about your boyfriend? You had the ticket together, right? Iza: I will have to return our mutual one and he agreed to come on Saturday morning Teresa: Well it is not a problem for us, at least we will see each other sooner ;) Iza: Just that I have to take a day off from work :/ Chad: Are you ready for the exam? Heather: not really Chad: what happened? Heather: my sister had an accident :( Chad: I'm so sorry Anna: <file_photo> Just in case you didn't know how to replace a piece of a pipe Dylan: 😂😂😂 You could be our new handy woman! Anna: Nono, it was not me, I am not that brilliant. Peter and Aneja did it. Julian: Ahh, Slovenian excellence. Good to know that programmers can also repair pipes. Tell them I’m impressed. Louie: Sorry, I'll be late:( Louie: Got stuck in traffic Leon: Im almost there. Ok, will wait. Leon: what time you coming? Louie: about 7? Isadora: ok, we'll look for a table. Im there already. See ya! Hallie: I hope u already awake to get ready for ur job interview :) Are u getting ready? Javon: I am already on my way Hallie: Ok. Let me know when u done with the job interview Javon: Interview done, returning home Hallie: How was it? Javon: Great but I might be over qualified Hallie: It shouldn't disqualify u i think Walter: hey mate, can i borrow your driller? I need to hang some pictures Simon: sure, when do you need it? Walter: how about know? Are you home? Simon: no... just got to the gym, but Julie should be home, call her and she will give it to you Walter: ok i will, thanks! I will bring it back with some beers along! Simon: haha, no need bro - good luck :) Sylvia: I'm sorry but I will be late Bill: no problem, when will you come Sylvia: about 30 minutes, I'm sorry to keep you waiting Bill: That's ok, what pizza would you like to eat, I can order now and you will arrive for a hot meal Sylvia: You can surprise me Bill: ok, so... bacon, salami, chicken and ham.... I'm kidding, I will choose something neutral Kento: My mom is coming to town Jorge: Nice Jorge: For how long Kento: For a week! Jorge: WOw Jorge: Showing her around the city? Kento: Ye haha
Joseph announced that the winner is Gabriel. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Lea and Milly are going shopping today at 1. Milly needs new powder. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Iza'll be returning on Thursday as her mentor informed her that she can present her thesis on Friday. Iza'll have to return the mutual ticket that she bought for herself and her boyfriend who agreed to come back on Saturday morning. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Heather's sister had an accident. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Peter and Aneja fixed the pipe for Anna and Julian is impressed. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Louie will be late as he got stuck in traffic. Leon is almost there. Isadora is already there and will look for a table. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Javon has had a job interview. It went well, but he thinks he might be overqualified. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Walter wants to borrow a drill from Simon. Simon is at the gym, Julie is at home. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Sylvia will be late. She will come in about 30 minutes. Bill will order pizza now. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Kento's mom is coming to town for a week. Kento will show her around the city.
Martin: my new neighbor is crazy Martin: i can't stand him Christian: He's Joe's brother, right? Martin: YES! Martin: Which makes complaining about him really awkward. Christian: Why do you say he's crazy? Martin: his apartment smells so bad that I can smell it Martin: he plays loud music all the time Martin: his voice is so thunderous that I hear his conversations when he's on the phone Martin: he has a dog that won't stop barking Martin: Strangers keep coming in and out of his apartment Martin: I tried to introduce myself the day he moved in but he ignored me Christian: That sounds like the neighbor from hell Martin: he is! That's him! Christian: Maybe you could talk to Joe Martin: No, that's fine, we're grown adults. Martin: If it escalates I'll deal with him directly. Martin: i think that's better Christian: Good idea. Ben: How was the party yesterday? Amy: sooo good!! I slept until noon today Ben: did you get anything special? Amy: oh god my friends are the best!! Amy: I got 21 presents for my 21st birthday Ben: haha sounds great Ben: what were they? Amy: everything and anything! a t-shirt, a book by my fave author, earrings Ben: :) Amy: and some funny ones like 3 indivudually wrapped cookies Ben: :D creative Ben: so you stayed up late? Amy: yeah, last guests left at 3am Ben: quite a party then!! Brooke: I have a favour to ask. I need to send in my resume, do you mind having a look? proofread it a bit? Andy: Sure, no problem. I didn't realise you have been looking for a new job. I thought you like the one you have. Brooke: I do. But this one I'm trying for pays way more and frankly, I'm getting a bit bored with my current one. I feel like I have learnt everything there is to learn. Dianne: i can't believe what andy told me yesterday at lunch Barrett: what did he said Dianne: he told me he was making a lot of money Dianne: that's really tacky and gross :-/ Barrett: lol you know andy Barrett: he's always been like that Dianne: showing off about doing great in school and how many girls you've dated is one thing Dianne: but talking about money and how rich you are... i don't like that Barrett: how did the conversation come up anyway? Dianne: it was time to pay and i forgot my purse Dianne: and he was like don't worry i know you're going throug a rough time Dianne: wtf Dianne: that's when he said lunch was on him Dianne: because he's supposedly making a lot of money $$$ Barrett: lol calm down that's andy Barrett: he's always been like this he'll always be like this Dianne: i guess so Dianne: he just makde me feel that crap :-( Barrett: don't worry about it Barrett: just let it go Barrett: it's really not important lol :-D Dianne: hahaha i know Dianne: you're right Dianne: i'm still pissed off though!!! lol Lea: Are you going to order anything from FitMe? Carl: Yeah, you need anything? Lea: I'm running out of protein shakes, so I was thinking about ordering some more. Could you get me three banana flavoured, three strawberry and five chocolate ones? Carl: Ok, need anything else? Lea: I read on instagram there's a company that sells fit versions of junk food, like raspberry jelly etc. Have you tried it? Carl: Do you remember their name? Lea: Unfortunately I don't :( Carl: Hm... I have something in mind. Is it them? <file_other> Lea: Yup! Have you tried their products? Carl: A couple of things, pancakes, whipped cream, jelly, I think they're really good, but I wouldn't treat them as a proper fit food ;) Lea: Could you please order the pancake mix for me anyway? Thanks! :)
Martin doesn't like his new neighbor. Although he's Joe's brother, he ignored Martin. Smelly place, loud music, loud talking and a barking dog are the reasons Martin will have to deal with the neighbor if it doesn't stop. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Amy enjoyed her birthday party yesterday. She got 21 gifts for her 21st birthday. The party lasted until 3am. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Andy agreed to look at Brooke's resume. Brooke is a little bored with her current job. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Yesterday Dianne ate lunch with Andy. Dianne forgot her purse, so Andy offered to pay, because he's earning a lot of money. He has always liked showing off. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Carl is going to make an order from FitMe. He will get three banana flavoured, three strawberry and five chocolate protein shakes for Leah. He will also get her pancake mix from a company which sells fit versions of junk food.
Laurien: Hey you! I'm Laurien. We meet yesterday in a bar. Grace: Yes, I remember U. U were with 2 friends. Laurien: Exactly! One more time: Happy birthday! Grace: Oh, thank you! You rememmbered! Laurien: Of course! It was yesterday ;) Grace: Indeed Laurien: So, how about we meet once more? Grace: I don't know. I don't really know U... Laurien: That's exactly wyhu we should meet... to know eachother :D Grace: Well... maybe... Laurien: Say yes. We can meet in some crowded place if you want Grace: Well, ok. Laurien: Great! Let's meet in the cafe next to the bar. Grace: The one with green tables? Laurien: Yes, exactly! Tomorrow at 6 pm? Grace: ok, It's good with me. Laurien: Awsome, see U tomorrow! Grace: See U Philip: Do you think it's possible to have legal pot in Poland anytime soon? Chris: I doubt it. It's more like 10 years from now. Philip: :( Chris: Yeah I feel you man. Chris: I'm waiting for that moment too. Chris: When you're not scared to have a plant on your own, to grow yourself a recreational MJ to chill out in the evening... Philip: Seems like a dream. Chris: Yup. A dream. Because if cops find such a plant in your house right now, you get a criminal record, and will be charged with drug trafficking. Philip: <file_other> Philip: Have you read about this guy? Chris: Yeah, I've seen the news. He had this giant plantation underground. He even had a secret enterence in the forest. Philip: Shame. I'm curious about this stuff Philip: They confiscate and destroy it. But do they destroy it all? Chris: Hahaha. I thought about it multiple times. Chris: They must take some for themselves. At least a tiny fraction. Philip: We live in a country where it's totally legal to get devastated by alcohol, get drunk and every shop has a variety of vodka on shelves, and you can be put in prison for smoking a joint. Chris: Sad bad true. Chris: <file_other> Chris: But there is always hope. Chris: More and more states in the US legalizes weeed. Latetly Canada made some progress. Chris: And now I hear something about Luxembourg getting ready with it. Philip: Maybe EU has some concept for it. Chris: It would be the first and probably last good decision the EU officials made :) Philip: Hahahah. Philip: You really don't like the EU do you? Chris: I don't like the way it functions. The idea itself was good, but the way it evolves is hideous. Philip: This is the topic for another time though... Philip: Gotta go. Say hello to Jenny. Chris: Sure thing! Bye! Linda: I'm going to have my room painted Linda: Can't decide what colors would best express my personality Linda: I'm considering advices, do you have one for me maybe? :) Brian: Fitting your personality... hmm Brian: I consider you an enthusiastic and lively person and the color for it is yellow Brian: On the other hand you can be calm and steady and they say those qualities are expressed in greyness Brian: So yellow & grey, how do you like the idea? :D Linda: Wow, I'm impressed! Linda: You've just paid me a compliment and come up with interesting colors! Brian: Well, those are actually facts :) Brian: Are you going to make use of the colors? Linda: Actually, I was planning to ask a few friends and then sum all the ideas up Linda: But now I think I don't need to do any further research Linda: Asking you for help was a bull's-eye! :D Brian: Perfection! :D Brian: I'll come and check the results of your work soon, it'll be a nice chance for us to talk :) Linda: Sure, feel invited! Sara: Do we have something for my uncle Stan? Tom: Not that I know of Sara: okay another thing to add to the list Tom: and did the books arrive? Sara: yes I picked them up on my way to work Sara: Which reminds me, they are super heavy Tom: Pick you up after work? Sara: That would be great Tom: no problem
Laurien and Grace met yesterday in a bar. They arrange to meet each other again tomorrow at 6 PM in the cafe next to the bar. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Philip and Chris are waiting for the time when pot is legal in Poland. Chris doesn't like the way the EU functions. [NEXT_CONCEPT] According to Brian, colors that match Linda's personality are yellow and grey. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Sara picked up the book on her way to work. They are heavy, so Tom will pick her up after work.
Tomas: Should we do the shooting tomorrow? Adam: weather is too bad Mai: exactly, I'm afraid we may have to wait till April/May Tomas: but exactly for this reason we should try tomorrow, the forecast is very good, it's supposed to be really sunny Tomas: it may be the last opportunity this year to shoot some nice stuff Adam: you're right, I've just checked the forecast Mai: so we have to start early, at 6.30 Tomas: perfect for me! Adam: deal! We will meet at the hill! Andrew: Fuck, I've forgotten about Monica's b-day... Andrew: Shame on me! Laura: when is it? Andrew: TODAY!!!! Andrew: u're not supposed to be there as well? Laura: same here, fb says I am... Laura: so what shall we buy her? Andrew: no idea.. Andrew: there's a new gift store: flying tiger in Arkadia. Laura: u mean the one with stupid gifts? Andrew: yep! Laura: hmm.. I don't feel like buying sth useless... Andrew: so what do u suggest? Laura: Let me call her bf and ask him for help. Laura: bb soon. Andrew: sounds like a plan! Carl: <file_photo> Carl: have you seen that? is he being serious/ Dan: i havent Dan: oh well Carl: theres no way im doing all that in 4 days Dan: yeah i guess it wont be easy Carl: its not about being easy or hard, its just not possible for me Carl: this week is a no go for me, i have too much other stuff to do Dan: well maybe try letting him know that you wont make it Carl: i guess thats all i have lefet :( Dan: GL man Doreen: <file_picture> Doreen: <file_picture> Doreen: that's my new couch Doreen: what do u think? Alisa: beauty!!! Doreen: now I need only a cape :) Alisa: <3 Robin: So follow the manual, then it would have no problem. Robin: Are you downloading it now? Issac: Yes, I am trying to but it's hard. Issac: Nope, I can't Robin: Alright. Now that it's so late today, I will call you tomorrow, how about that? Katie: <file_photo> Leah: cool! Katie: i think i need to change my tires :D Leah: yeah you better do :D Thomas: Hi! I just want to confirm your appointment with Mr Brown 23 Nov at 10. Freddie: I am glad to hear from you. Yes, I will be there. Thomas: Though I have to tell you he is leaving for the airport at 11 o’clock so you’ll only have an hour. Freddie: That’s fine. Thomas: I see you Thursday then. Freddie: Yes, see you on Thursday. Don: Do you listen to Westlife? Honorata: They're old haha Don: I know xd Don: 00s music but its great to listen to Honorata: They have some golden songs 15 years ago Don: I know, I feel like I had a great childhood by listening to them xd Honorata: I agree
Mai, Tomas and Adam will meet at the hill at 6.30 tomorrow to do the shooting. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Both Andrew and Laura forgot about Monica's birthday today. As they do not know what present to buy for her, Laura will phone Monica's boyfriend and ask his advice. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Carl is frustrated, because he won't be able to do his job in 4 days. Carl will contact him to express these doubts. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Doreen has a new couch and needs a cape for it. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Robin will call Issac tomorrow. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Katie thinks she needs to change her tires. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Thomas confirms his appointment with Mr Brown on Thursday and Freddie informs him that he'll only have an hour. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Don and Honorata liked listening to Westlife in their childhood.
Martha: can you do the laundry this time please? Elton: yeah, colour or whites? Martha: colour please, i need my green dress for the meeting on thursday Elton: ok, you've got it:) Martha: thanks honey, you are the best!! :*
Elton will wash colours because Martha needs her green dress for Thursday.
Alice: DIY beauty products? Yes or no? Ella: they are getting more and more popular Janet: our mums used to make them Sam: I’d be very careful if you have acne prone or sensitive skin Alice: my skin is normal i think Ella: i have sensitive skin and DIY products seem to be better Alice: they are supposed to be more natural, gentle and simply work better Sam: always use best quality products though Ella: that’s for sure Janet: they take time to make and won’t last long so it’s a big no no for me! Ella: also remember about proper storage- most of them you keep in the fridge Alice: oh, ok Janet: so what beauty products do you actually make? Ella: body & facial scrub, facial wash and mask and toner Sam: eye cream, moisturizer and serum Ella: and lip balm Alice: WOW! Janet: what do you use to make them? Ella: things like honey, coconut sugar, beeswax, almond oil, rosehip oil, apple vinegar Sam: as well as shea butter, coconut oil, essential oils Ella: you’ll find loads of recipes online Sam: start with body and hair products and if you like them try face products Alice: xxx Mary: Have you left for the office? Laura: I'm on the subway Jeff: I'm leaving in 10min Mary: ok, so take you laptop, we will need it today Jeff: no problem Jen: Did you do ake the chicken out to defrost? Tim: shit forgot Tim: i'm on it Jen: to late, I'll just get something else at the store Tim: sorry Jen: no prob see ya Nettie: did ya take my headphones??? Troy: ok, sis, cool down, yes Nettie: how many times did I tell ya not to??!!!!! Troy: i know, but I have this new epic game, the music is awesome Nettie: if u have enough cash to buy a new stupid game, then buy headphones first! Troy: yaaas but I couldnt wait Nettie: i want them back NOWWWW Troy: listen, I forgot to take them back to your room, my classes last till 5 and my room is closed Nettie: what a fucking idiot!!!!!! i don’t give a fuck, go back home, now!!!! Troy: i cant, parents will kill me Nettie: ok so ill kill you instead Troy: yeaaa what will you do Nettie: ill tell them, they told you not to take my stuff a too Troy: whatever, I cant miss my classes Nettie: stupid moron -_- Katherine: 3pm at my place Anne: I'm on the way already Philip: Me and Joan as well Katherine: 👍 just perfect
Ella considers DYI products better for sensitive skin. She makes body and facial scrub, facial wash and mask, toner and lip balm. Sam makes eye cream, moisturizer and serum. According to Janet, it takes time to prepare DYI cosmetics and they don't last long. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Laura is on the subway going to work. Jeff hasn't left yet so he will bring his laptop on Mary's request. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Tim forgot to take the chicken out to defrost. Jen will get something else at the store. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Troy took Nettie's headphones without asking and Nettie wants him to give them back right now. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Katherine, Anne, Philip and Joan are going to meet at 3 pm at Katherine's place.
Hailee: Hello walker. Where were you during class time? Walker: I was not feeling well. I had to go to the hospital. Hailee: Sorry about that. Hope you get well soon Walker: Thanks. Isabelle: so i kinda have this crush... Seth: really who? Seth: do i know him?? Isabelle: you might do... it was this blonde guy at the party last night Seth: you mean Sam Rogers? he plays on the football team ;) Isabelle: OMG yes! do you know him?? can you introduce me? :D Andy: okay guys so have you already agreed on the date? Maddison: im okay with Friday Cindy: Me too Andy: got it Andy: time to buy the tickets then!! Maddison: Yay:) Andy: alright so how are we doing this Andy: shall i pay and give you guys my account number? Cindy: well you don't really have to give us your number... :) Andy: ha ha ha Cindy Cindy: yeah alright do pay ANdy Andy: Mad? Maddison: i'm not angry Andy: lol Maddison: yeah I'm alright with that you pay and i can even give you the money when we're already there Andy: whatever i just want it this week Maddison: alright Andy: alright final confirmation Andy: <file_image> Andy: this ok? Maddison: <file_gif> Maddison: approved Cindy: same! Andy: buying!! Daniel: <file_gif> Nancy: ahahaha Lisa: 🤣🤣 Tom: oh god, I love it! Lisa: Is it inspired by your personal history? Daniel: unfortunately! Lisa: What happened? Daniel: wisdom teeth start to erupt, I think Lisa: Hy? Nancy: oh no, this can be really painful, I went through it Nancy: But all of them at once? Daniel: I think only one - the upper left Nancy: Is it very painful? Daniel: Very and I am really swollen today, like a hamster Daniel: <file_photo> Lisa: Go to a dentist, you may even need an antibiotic Nancy: Exactly, don't ignore it Daniel: I thought it will pass Tom: it may actually, get worse, girls are right, don't wait with it Daniel: ok, i'll make an appointment then Nancy: 👍 DJ Orkia: Hey what time is the event that I have to show up? Anny: At 8 pm! Anny: Southside College! DJ Orkia: OK! DJ Orkia: How long am I playing-working? Anny: As long as you want xd DJ Orkia: K I will be there at 8 with my stuff Anny: Good see you! Jenny: Meghan and Harry announced they are expecting a baby! Rose: OMG! She‘s my favourite royal. Nancy: I knew she was gonna get pregnant sooner than later! Jenny: don’t wanna be mean but she isn’t.. too young Rose: To have her first baby? Jenny: yeah.. That’s why she didn’t want to wait i guess. Rose: but i didn’t expect it was gonna be so fast Rose: do you think she’s having a boy or a girl? Jenny: too early to predict Nancy: She announced it a day after Eugenie’s wedding! Stole all the limelight! Jenny: at least she didn't do it at the wedding! Rose: did she actually do that? Jenny: Poor Eugenie! She must have felt awful! Nancy: Couldn’t she have waited a week or two?! Rose: wasn’t nice of her i have to admit.. Jenny: Looks like she’s very selfish! Rose: do you reckon they can announce stuff like that whenever they want? Jenny: guess not.. Nancy: It has to be approved by the Queen. Jenny: do you think the Queen did it on purpose then? Haha! ;) Rose: apparently she looked pregnant and people were speculating Jenny: oh, really? Kate: happy birthday guys :D Frank: oh thank you dear B-) Francis: thanks!!!!! when are you coming? Kate: I'll be in 2 hours B-) Frank: waiting for ya! Kate: good to hear that ^^
Walker was in hospital during class time. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Isabelle is attracted to last night's party guest. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Andy, Maddison and Cindy agreed on the date - Friday. Andy will buy the tickets, he will pay and the girls will give him back the money. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Daniel will go to the dentist as his wisdom tooth is erupting. [NEXT_CONCEPT] DJ Orkia will attend the event Southside College at 8pm to play music. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Jenny, Rose and Nancy are excited about Meghan's pregnancy and the announcement of it a day after Eugenie's wedding.. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Frank and Francis have their birthday. Kate will be in 2 hours.
Nora: Do you think that I should get bangs? Ellie: sure, if you want to Nora: Idk, I feel like my face is too round for it. Ellie: then ask for side-swept bangs, it looks great on everyone Ellie: or just ask your hairdresser, what would look best on you Nora: Hmm, I guess you're right. Thanks! :))
Nora will ask her hairdresser if she should get bangs.
Lila: Drinks tonight? Nag's Head about 8? James: Sure, that's fine. Can I bring a work friend? Lila: Male or female? James: Another guy on my team. Lila: Sure, why not?
James will bring a work friend for drinks with Lila at Nag's Head about 8.
Jim: Hey, I've sent you an email about Christmas but please ignore it Eva: OK. I was going to call Aga's parents this afternoon Jim: I was going to buy the tickets but have to wait till I get a confirmation of my holidays Eva: So you're not coming on 24th? Jim: No, I was not going to come before Christmas. I'll come on 26th or later. Eva: OK, I didn't know that Jim: The kids will go before, on the 19th. Eva: So they're flying with Aga's parents? Jim: Yes. Eva: And you're alone for Christmas??? Jim: I will probably see my brothers. Eva: Why don't you go to Poland earlier? Jim: I wish but I can't go with the kids because of my job, I could go on the 24th but they would have to pick me up in the afternoon... it's a trouble. Jim: And I will have to work on 27th, probably. Eva: ok, but if by any chance you can come before Christmas we can pick you up at the airport! it's not a problem Jim: thank you... but I know everyone's busy on Chrismas Eve Eva: Don't worry. We'll stay at home with my parents. Jim: OK. I will know before next weekend. Eva: Please let me know. Jim: OK. Thank you. Eva: Do you want me to explain anything to them? Jim: No, we're fine now, thanks. Maybe I will ask you a favor when Iwona is here. We will probably need you to translate the details :) Eva: OK!
Jim will know before the weekend if he can come before Christmas or on the 26th or later. Eva can pick him up at the airport if he comes before Christmas.
Jenny: have you done your homework? Tim: not yet Jenny: u need help? Tim: in fact, yes.. Jenny: so why you are not saying?! Tim: u know, algebra is so easy.. but not for me.. Jenny: i will explain you everything tomorrow Jenny: ok? Tim: you're best thx! Tamara: Bored at the airport John: Bored at work – I win, you lose Monica: <file_photo> Tamara: <file_photo> John: thanks guys, not taking a selfie at work Tamara: Oh come on John: Open space guys :P Go shopping Tam Christa: Good idea, bring us some gifts Tamara: What would you like? Monica: If there’s a duty free – Armani Si for me, please ;) Monica: But seriously, if there is, buy it for me please, I’ll give you the money back Tamara: No problem, I’ll have a look John: I’ll be happy with a good Belgian beer Christa: Same goes for me, I’m easy Tamara: Hm, ok, I’ll do my best, have some euros to spend ;) Tamara: Got the perfumes! Monica: Thanks dear! Jeremy: Nice picture Raphael: Thanks! Jeremy: Isn't it in Florence? Raphael: You have a good eye! Jeremy: So there you were last weekend... Jeremy: I tried to call you but you didn't pick up Jeremy: I wanted us to see the new exhibition together Raphael: Sorry Jeremy Raphael: Maybe this weekend we can go Jeremy: Ok Jeremy: With whom did you go to Florence? Raphael: With some friends Jeremy: With Mark? Raphael: Also, why? Jeremy: I thought you spend a lot of time together recently Jeremy: It would be a natural choice to go with him Raphael: Are you jealous? Jeremy: Well, yes, a bit. Jeremy: He's smart and hot. Chris: Mate, I need to buy a new phone? Paul: u looking 4 anything special? Chris: no, the old is just too old Paul: ok, i'll find sth 4 ya Chris: god bless you mate Paul: no worries Jammy: Hans slipped in the bathroom and broke his left arm. Yesterday. Already in plaster. Edward: Oh no! Is it at home? Jammy: Yes. On pain killers. Asleep now. Call u later. Edward: Do so! Nick: Opinions required! Gas or induction hob? Ben: Having lived with an induction hob for a while, i’m not convinced.. Ruth: induction- very sleek and quick to boil! Ben: but it doesn’t maintain a constant temperature! Is it typical of all induction or i just got an old one? Ruth: they pulse if use don’t use proper pans Ben: what do you mean proper? Do you mean better+heavier? Ruth: yeah, simply suitable Ben: and i guess i have to learn how to use it.. Ruth: yeah, it’s just different comparing to gas Christian: gas, absolutely without a question- nothing else gives you the control! Nick: I’m definitely more interested in a controllable consistent heat Mary: with induction it’s like on and off so you have to regulate temperature.. Kate: induction- yes, gas- no cause it takes ages to boil water! Tim: you can always use an electric kettle you know? Kate: haha! Not funny! Kate: it’s easier to clean as well. Harry: I’d go for induction cause it keeps the temp after you finish cooking so the food is still warm Tom: Induction! 100% Susan: our induction was terrible! I think it’s common! Emma: another vote for induction here! Ruth: All chefs seem to say gas! Tom: I sell more induction hobs then gas! It’s getting popular and i can see why! Emma: we got ours from the John Lewis outlet so it was ex display and therefore very affordable! Nick: cheer guys for all your opinions! Great talk! I think i’ll go for.. Induction.
Tim haven't done his homework yet. Jenny offered to help and she will explain him everything tomorrow. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Tamara and John are bored. John is at work. Tamara is at the airport. Tamara will bring Armani Si for Monica, and Belgian beer for John and Christa. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Raphael was in Florence last weekend. Jeremy called him but Raphael didn't pick up. Raphael were in Florence with some friends, among them Mark. Jeremy is a bit jealous. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Chris' phone is too old and he needs a new one. Paul will find a phone for Chris. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Hans slipped and broke his left arm. He got some pain killers and is asleep at home. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Nick needs opinions what is better - gas or induction hob. Ben isn't convinced with the induction hob, Ruth, Tom, Harry, Emma and Kate are for the induction, and Christian is for the gas.
Amelia: Good to be home! Zara: i missed u so much!!! xxx Jamie: How was Australia? Great pictures! Amelia: it was great but i'm glad to be home again! Jamie: tell me all about it! Zara: seems like ages! Amelia: i'd love to catch up on all the gossip! haha ;) Jamie: totally! we have to meet up! Angela: Hi Brad. :) Bradley: Hi <3 Angela: Everybody's making jokes about our names at the office. It's really annoying, we've been dating for over four months now and they still find it funny... Bradley: Well, Brangela does sound funny, admit it. :) Angela: At least they don't know my friends in college used to call me Angelina... Bradley: Uh... actually they do, I told Pete the other day... sorry, darling! William: I am sorry to bother you so late but we need another parent to cover the ratio for our school trip. David: I would love to go but I am having a meeting on that day that I really do not want to reschedule. William: My apologies for the last minute notice but I have just got a cancellation from another parent. I will have to cancel the whole trip. David: I see. I will do my best and try to reschedule the meeting. William: Thank you so much. Please let me know as soon as possible. David: I will let to know as soon as I find out. Felix: can you let me in? Felix: it's freezing Hanna: no Hanna: i told you you shouldnt smoke Felix: you know it's not so easy Felix: but i will try to stop smoking Hanna: promise? Felix: promise. Angela: Brad, how could you tell the people at the office my college nickname was Angelina? Bradley: I said I'm sorry. Angela: Yeah, Brad, I know you're sorry but now they're going to make even more fun of our names. Bradley: They must be wondering if we're gonna break up sooner or later... Angela: Oh, don't be silly, dear. Bradley: We're not famous enough to get a fashionable divorce, are we? Angela: Hah, yes. But they still call us Brangela, and now because of you they started calling us Brangelina. :P Bradley: Still better than Amy and Sheldon... You know, Shamy. Angela: But that's two characters in a stupid TV series! Bradley: Hey, speaking of Shamy: isn't your friend Amy single? Why don't we introduce Sheldon Perkins to her? Angela: You're impossible! Carlos: Hey guys, any plans for this weekend? Elisa: Oh hey! I was actually going to message you guys. So there's this exhibition opening at the Centro Cultural Recoleta Friday evening, would you join me? Ben: How middle-class... Of course! Carlos: I was actually going to suggest a dinner at the Armenian place we went to the other day (I'm obsessed with it, to be frank). Surely we can do both? Ben: Fine by me Elisa: Anything that adds more middle-class sounds good to Ben. And to me of course. Ben: 😂😂😂 Carlos: Glad to hear it Elisa: The opening starts at 7.30 pm so it looks like we're going to have to have some wine before we have dinner. Which is totally fine by me Ben: This is middle-class bohemian, so I approve of the idea Carlos: Splendid. See you on Friday at 7.30 at the main entrance then? Elisa: Yep, I promise I'll try to be less late than usual Ben: Yeah... less bohemian PLEASE Elisa: 👼🙏 Ben: 🙌 Carlos: See you there and then. Looking forward! Elisa: Yeah, I can't wait to see your beautiful faces again Ben: ✨👹✨👺✨ Will: stuck in traffic Ray: how long do you think it will take you? Ben: same here Will: at least 30mins Ray: ok, and Ben? Ben: no idea, will let u know
Amelia has come back from Australia. Zara and Jamie missed her and they all want to meet as soon as possible. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Angela is annoyed about "Brangela" jokes in the office. Bradley thinks it's funny. He let out Angela was called Angelina in college. [NEXT_CONCEPT] David will try to reschedule his meeting to go on his child's school trip, as another parent has withdrawn and the trip could be cancelled. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Hanna will let Felix in after he promises to quit smoking. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Brad told people Angela's nickname used to be Angelina so now they call them Brangelina. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Carlos, Elisa and Ben will meet up on Friday at 7.30 at the main entrance of the Centro Cultural Recoleta. They will go to the exhibition opening there and then eat a dinner at the Armenian place. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Ben and Will are stuck in the traffic.
Karen: I don't know what to do Sam: With the whole situation or something in particular? Karen: I don't know, I guess what bothers me most is that my dad is so stubborn Sam: But your mum's too soft, too Karen: I know!!! I keep thinking about it and calculating whether a divorce is the best option Sam: And what do you have so far? Karen: Christmas would be awkward Sam: Sure Karen: Money is somewhat tight at the moment Sam: That too Karen: But you know what? I feel like they could be really happy if they split up Sam: Sure, 60 is what 40 was some time ago. They could have nice lives, even romantic ones Karen: Yes but then here comes my dad's stubbornness and my mum's not being very decisive Sam: Maybe if you gave her a push? She seems more miserable from the two of them Karen: I am giving her a constant push, nothing works Sam: Have you tried to get her drunk? Karen: I did Sam: And what happened? Karen: She cried and said she was afraid Sam: What's Josh's role in all that? Karen: Josh is being Josh Sam: that punk. Jennie: Hi sweetie, have you got up yet? Thomas: No, still in bed. Jennie: Then get up and see what I left you in the kitchen ;) Thomas: Sounds like a good motivation! Carlos: Where did you place my lunch box? Miller: I carried it to work Carlos: Okay Hadwin: I found the last message we sent each other was 6 months ago😶😶 Hadwin: Are you okay? Fitch: Wow,really? I didn't know it was that long time ago Hadwin: Cause time passes so fast, I guess😒 Hadwin: Got a bf?👼👼👼 Fitch: Not yet. But I'm trying🤕 Hadwin: Let's keep in touch more often😉😉😉 Hadwin: Or we are gonna forget about each other😕😕 Peter: hello Andrew: hi Peter: any ideas for christmas gift for grandma? Andrew: cookies? pottery? Peter: something else? Andrew: perfume? Peter: oh, great, thx :) Josie: Hey girl, have some time? Jill: Hey you! Haven't heard from you a while Josie: I know, it's been too long, agreed Jill: I don't have much time chatting, I am at work, but wanna meet up for coffee around 6? Josie: 7ish would be better with me, I have late meeting at work Jill: Sounds good too! Josie: Super excited too see you! Jill: Can't wait either! Josie: See ya at 7;* Cindy: Hi Peter, the invitation for the New Year's party will be waiting for you at the office until 5PM tomorrow. Peter: Ok, thanks for letting me know. Who should ask about it? Cindy: It will be waiting for you at my desk. Do you know where to find me? Peter: Of course, I'll drop by tomorrow!
Karen is worried about her parents' possible divorce. Her father is stubborn and her mother is too soft, even though Karen tried to encourage her to be more decisive. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Thomas did not get up yet. Jennie left something for Thomas in the kitchen . [NEXT_CONCEPT] Miller carried Carlos' lunch box to work. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Hadwin and Fitch have not sent any messages to each other for 6 months. Fitch does not have a boyfriend. Hadwin wants them to get in touch more often. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Peter is buying his grandma perfume for christmas. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Josie and Jill agreed to meet up for coffe at 7 o'clock. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Peter will pick up the invitation to the New Year's party at the office tomorrow by 5 pm.
Helen: How was your flight Sissy? Sissy: Amazing!! Sissy: I got upgraded to the business class!! Robson: oh wow! that's lucky! Helen: I've never flown in business class. How was it? Sissy: Amazing Sissy: They were bringing me food and drinks all the time Sissy: And I had a bed!! Sissy: I feel rested after the transatlantic flight Sissy: I wouldn't think it was possible Sissy: I was hoping that the flight would be delayed Sissy: That the plane would have to circle for like three hours before landing Sissy: So I could get even more from the experience Robson: Sounds great!
Sissy is very pleased after a transatlantic flight because her ticket got upgraded and she travelled in business class. She didn't want the flight to end.
Ivan: What you want from mcdonalds? Karina: Just a straw. milkshake Karina: and a junior chicken! Ivan: K
Ivan will get Karina a strawberry milkshake and a junior chicken from McDonald's.
Chris: hey you Sue: hiya long time hows you? Chris: um not good iv fucked up my hip Sue: oh thats not good Chris: no I might need a hip replacement Sue: how did you do that Chris: I fell over in the snow Sue: where? Chris: Margate in march but walking again now
Chris injured his hip when he fell in the snow in March.
Emily: im close by, so whenever you get here :) Marta: 5 min we are close Emily: ok Emily: could we meet earlier tomorrow? Marta: sure! sounds great Emily: ok awesome thank you! Marta: what time? Emily: 2:30pm? Marta: perfect Daniel: Hi Jeff, I was just browsing thought your notes from yesterday and I have a couple of questions. Jeff: Shoot :) Daniel: Was Mindy there? Jeff: Yes, she was. Daniel: Could you please add her input on the first presentation? She must have said something since she's involved in phase one of the project Jeff: Actually, she didn't react that much Daniel: like not at all? Jeff: Wait a sec, let me double check Ben: where is my watch? Mac: i dont know Ben: im sure you have it Mac: what, why? Ben: are you out with Mandy? Mac: so what? Ben: she likes watches Mac: ok i will give it back when i come home Ben: ha, i knew that! Irene: Liz!!! Are u at home? Lizzy: Yes, why? Irene: I need to borrow this blue dress for tonight. Lizzy: Date with James?!?!?! Irene: YES ! :) Kim: hi Kim: how are you Bruce: hey Bruce: not so good Kim: hangover? Bruce: yup Kim: you shoudnt drink so much Bruce: i know Kim: with who were you? Bruce: with guys from work Kim: so your company is totally not productive today? :P Bruce: it seems so Kim: hahahaha xD Linda: What time are we meeting? Miley: 7 Linda: shit I'm late Miley: hurry then!! :) Kris: I did it Hiram: Did what Kris: You know very well ;> Hiram: Ohhh noooo please tell me you didn’t broke into her house Kris: Old lady Pratchet, yesss 8-) Hiram: Omg you’re crazy what if somebody saw you Kris: Naaah I was careful Hiram: So how was it? Kris: Extremely clean, many pieces of art, looks like a museum Hiram: Haha that’s what I expected!! No dead people, any ghosts? ;> Kris: Hah no, but I stole her glove Hiram: Glove? What for? Kris: Just as a souvenir :D Hiram: Youre sick xd Kris: Plus maybe she will find out and start thinking that SOMEBODY was in her house!!! Hiram: Even more sick Jim: running late Pam: ok Pam: when will you get there Jim: dont know Jim: traffic is terrible Frank: u up?? Gregory: yeah Frank: go back to sleep then xD Gregory: wtf xD Mike: Hey Mike: Just wanted to say sorry. I wish I didn't say that. Tracy: Hi Tracy: It's fine. 🙂 I understand, you were upset. But just for the future, lets not go that far in conclusions. Mike: I realy feel like a fool. Mike: I promise not to judge anyone without substantial evidence. Tracy: I hope we all won't do it. Tracy: The whole situation was just ridicolous. Forget about it. Mike: Thank you. See you soon 😙 Tracy: Bye 😁
Marta and Emily will meet in 5 minutes. Tomorrow they will meet at 2:30 pm. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Jeff will double check Mindy's reaction, connected to her involvement in phase one of the project. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Mac took Ben's watch to impress Mandy. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Irene wants to borrow this blue dress from Lizzy as she has a date with James tonight. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Bruce has a hangover after drinking with his co-workers. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Linda and Miley are meeting at 7. Linda is late. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Kris broke into lady Pratchet's house and stole a glove as a souvenir. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Jim is going to be late. The trafiic is terrible. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Gregory is awake. Frank tells him to go back to sleep. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Mike apologized to Tracy for the things he said when he was upset.
Carl: you have a dog! just saw your instagram :) Monica: yes :) Carl: is it a schnauzer mini? Monica: it is :) 2 months old. his name is Sheldon :) Carl: my daughter can't see him... Monica: lol Peter: hey Peter: hey Peter: reply to mee Will: whats up buddy Peter: hi uncle Peter Will: how are you? Peter: good Will: only good? Peter: yes Peter: can I come over Will: sure thing kid but im at work right now Peter: when ur off? Will: it may be kinda late you have to ask your mom Peter: can you? and can you ask if I can sleep over Will: hahah why can't you? Peter: because she may say no Will: ok fine ill ask her haha Peter: thank you Will: :) Kaya: Can i ask your brother to help me to solve that puzzle Tatum: Whhy do you think he can help you Kaya: He might help me Tatum: He is so dumb xD Kaya: Can you ? Tatum: neither can i :/ Kaya: Ok :( Kelly: have you seen that hair on Amy? Brenda: yeah, horrible right? Kelly: who told her she would look good with bangs? Brenda: liked the color tho. Kelly: true, wanted to do that last year but went with blond back then. but can't get the red out of my head. Brenda: you in red? c'mon that would be weird. Kelly: why? with my watery-blue eyes and freckles, could work Brenda: depends on the shade I suppose. could warm you up a bit. This cold blonde is egdy tho. Kelly: right? Kelly: i think i'll wait with the red for a while longer. would have to change the wardrobe. cannot afford! Rivka: Why green? Rivka: :) Brecken: Why not green though Rivka: But why green lol Brecken: Hope color Rivka: Hope for what? Lol Rivka: Just kidding Brecken: Green eyes are beautiful too Laura: Are you guys packed?:D:D Bruno: I am soooo not, I got cought up at work Laura: How about you, Kim? Kim: I am on it, almost done:D:D Laura: Awesome, you remember we take off tomorrow at 7am Kim: What? Why so early? Laura: So we can get there before noon, you know pit stops etc, traffic Bruno: Please let’s make it 7:30, I am so dead after this week Kim: Agreed Laura: Fine, but not a minute later Chris: have you seen the news? Nancy: yes Nancy: and I still don't know what will happen Chris: yeah I'm not sure what to make of it Nancy: why? Nancy: it's quite simple Nancy: no matter what we're screwed Chris: so you think there's no chance that we will stay? Nancy: I doubt it Nancy: but you never know Chris: I still don't understand why people voted for the exit Chris: that was stupid Nancy: propaganda? Nancy: or they just think it's better for them Nancy: it's their choice Chris: still a shame Maddie: For sale sign at the house next door! Isaac: What???? Isaac: They're finally moving! Happy dance! :-)) Maddie: No more trash everywhere and barking dogs! Isaac: Woot! Noah: I'm going to Ulla tonight, would you fancy going to her school, too? Muhammad: I'd love to, I'm tired with Finn's yoga after the weekend workshops. Noah: Me too, totally! Muhammad: So, at 5.30 pm at the corner as usual? Noah: Yeah, see you there! Muhammad: See you!
Monica has posted on Instagram about her two-month-old mini schnauzer. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Peter wants to meet Will and stay at his place for the night. Will allows him to, but he wants to ask Peter's mother for a permission first. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Kaya can't solve a puzzle and is looking for help from Tatum's brother. Tatum and his brother can't help Kaya. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Kelly and Brenda thinks Amy's hair is horrible. Kelly wants red hair but will wait for a while as she would have to change the wardrobe. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Rivka and Brecken are talking about the green colour. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Kim, Laura and Bruno are going for a trip tomorrow. They are leaving at 7:30 so they can get there before 12:00. Bruno is still at work. Kim is packing. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Chris and Nancy are commenting on the British people's vote on Brexit. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Isaac and Maddie are happy that Maddie's neighbors are going to move out and sell house. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Mohammad and Noah are meeting at 5.30 at their usual spot to go to Ulla. Muhammad is tired after his weekend yoga classes.
Bob: hey, can you bring me the external drive from the office? Ann: yeah, just give me 2 minutes, need to finish this email Bob: ok :) thx! Ann: np :) Donna: Hi Em, do you have plans for tomorrow? Emma: I was planning to stay in bed and watch Outlander. Donna: NOT AGAIN Emma: I love this show. Donna: Ok, you're officially a hopeless case. Tim: wanna see the photo of my new gf? Raphael: what a weird question Raphael: show my the lucky one :D Raphael: hope she's at least as good as Martha Raphael: still can't understand why you left her Raphael: such a sweet ass Tim: shut up dude Tim: she didn't deserve me Tim: what kind of girl was she? Tim: ask santa claus Raphael: ho ho ho Raphael: haha Raphael: guess you're right Tim: I sure am Tim: check this out Tim: <file_photo> Raphael: ... Raphael: YOU LUCKY BUSTARD!! Raphael: she's a goddess! Raphael: it must be really easy for you to get over Martha now Tim: actually it is Tim: I don't feel like messaging Tim: wanna come over? Raphael: I can come at 7 p.m. Raphael: is it fine? Tim: sure, I'm not going anywhere Raphael: perfect Raphael: I'll get us some beer Tim: and I won't object, see ya Raphael: later Jim: there's a minimum of 10 images per user but it's not the limit Jim: you can upload more if you want to Carol: and they will take all of them? Jim: I'm not sure Jim: because you can upload like 20 or 30 or even more Jim: but you have to tag 10 of them as favourite Jim: so maybe they just pick the tagged ones for the first stage Carol: I'm not sure if I can find ten... Carol: I mean I have more obviously but you know... Carol: not sure about the quality Carol: <file_photo> Carol: <file_photo> Jim: these are really good ones Carol: thanks Carol: I mean these 2 are very similar and I'm not sure which one I should choose Jim: I'd go for the first one then Carol: ok :) Helen: Hiya Helen: Did Oliver get one of those award things yesterday? Stacey: I don't think so, what are they? Helen: Im not sure, I think they are called attendance awards or something Stacey: oh yeah, Lindsay mentioned those, they are for kids who had 100% attendance this term. Stacey: Oliver didn't get one cause he has had a chest infection a little while back. Stacey: Has Kelsey not got one? Helen: No she didn't, she has been poorly for a few days though. So the kids get awards if they haven't been sick? Stacey: I guess so, sounds strange doesn't it? Helen: I think so, they can't help it can they. School even tells us to keep them home when they are unwell. Helen: not very nice if you miss out on an award just because you have been ill Stacey: I guess they are trying to get attendance levels up by rewarding kids with awards Helen: surely you'd want to address that with the parents though? Now you make the kid responsible for something they cant influence! Stacey: yeah and now the problem kids feel even more of a failure by not getting an award! Helen: I don't think I like this very much, shall we have a word with the teacher? Stacey: I think you might have to go to the head straight away. Doesn't sound like something Mrs Bell has come up with... Helen: Cool Are you coming? Stacey: Sure. Let's check with Linds as well, she might wanna come. Helen: yeah cool, see you tomorrow Stacey: see you in the morning!
Ann needs to finish an e-mail. Then Ann will bring the external drive from the office to Bob at his request. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Emma is going to watch "Outlander" again tomorrow because she loves it. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Tim brags about his new girlfriend. He will meet with Raphael at 7pm. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Carol has to upload at least 10 photos but she's not sure if she finds as much as 10 of good quality. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Kids who were present every day during this term have been awarded. Stacey's and Helen's kids did not receive any because they were sick. Stacy and Helen think the idea is strange and will intervene at school, so they would stop awarding kids randomly.
Simon: Apparently my sister has too much spare time. Simon: She's just decided that having a dog additionally is a great idea. Simon: She has two cats already and likes going out but the idea of taking care of another animal seems legit for her :/ Paula: Not sure if it's such a good idea Paula: Maybe she doesn't realize the amount of things that she'll have to account for. Simon: I think that too. Simon: But it's her choice. Paula: I hope the dog won't suffer because of this :/ Simon: Let's not judge too soon. Maybe it's gonna be fun. Paula: Yup. Fun is the word I had in my mind :D Betty: Paul I'm with Granny at the doctor's now. She says she lost her hearing aid, could you look for it? Paul: I'll do my best, the electrician will be here any minute though Betty: I hope it doesn't get crushed or something Paul: I'm just wondering where she could have lost it Betty: Try her bedroom first Paul: Been there Betty: Bathroom and kitchen? Paul: Yeah, gimmie some time Betty: Just let me know when you find it Paul: Got it! It was on Toby's pillow! Hairy bugger! Betty: That's wonderful, put it somewhere safe! Paul: Consider it done :) Jack: Hi, do you have time tomorrow? Martha: hey, sorry, I have a dentist appointment. Jack: really? again? I think you're avoiding me... Martha: calm down... it's not my fault I care about my teeth Jack: but it's so strange that everytime I want to hang out with you, oddly enough you're busy Martha: trust me... it's a coincidence :) Jack: so what now? Martha: Let me think Julie: Hey Maddy, I don't know what's going on with Dan lately. Maddy: Hi Julie, how so? Julie: I mean he comes home late twice a week. Julie: He's always complaining about how tired he is. Julie: I'm thinking the worst...you know... Maddy: Oh come on Julie, you're his whole life, Dan would never do that to you. Maddy: I think you owe each other an honest convo. Julie: You're right, I need to stop freaking out. Maddy: It's of no use, just sit down and talk. Julie: That's what I'll do this w/e, we'll have some more time. Julie: Thanks for always being there for me :) Glenda: Have you seen weather forecast ? Martin: Yes, it is going to be warm and sunny Glenda: Damn, why did I already pack all my summer stuff ?? Agnes: Hi Agnes: May I ask you something? Lee: Sure Agnes: Could you take a look at this sentence? Agnes: <file_photo> Agnes: I translated it as "record of beneficial owner identification" Lee: yes its ok Agnes: The lawyer says it's wrong Lee: what? why? Agnes: I don't know, it was quite obvious for me Lee: because it is Lee: it's a standard clause Agnes: She asked about the beneficial owner, she doesnt know what it means? Lee: is she a real lawyer? Agnes: :) Lee: its a common term from commercial law... Agnes: I know :) Agnes: I just wanted to ask you to make sure I was right Lee: well I cant think of a better translation Lee: send her the definition, its in all anti money laundering acts Agnes: thank you very much Agnes: you're always so helpful <3 Lee: no problem :)
Simon's sister has already two cats, but she is thinking of getting a dog. Simon shares this information with Paula. They are both skeptical but decide not to judge. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Betty is at the doctor's with Granny. Paul is looking for Granny's hearing aid and finds it on Toby's pillow. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Jack wants to hang out with Martha tomorrow, but she has a dentist appointment. He suspects she might be avoiding him. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Dan comes home late twice a week lately and complains about being tired. Julie is worried by this behavior. Julie will talk to Dan this weekend, as Maddy advised. [NEXT_CONCEPT] According to the forecast, the weather is going to be warm and sunny. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Agnes has done a translation that the lawyer did not like. Lee confirms that the translation is accurate.
Lena: Hi, Mike. How are you? Mike: I'm fine. And you are? Lena: Lena. I got your number from Clair. Mike: Yeah? Lena: Yeah. Claire says you know a lot about horses. Mike: If Claire says so. Yeah, I know a little, why. Lena: There is this Welsh Pony I want to buy for my daughter... Mike: I suggest you hire a vet, to properly examine the horse. Lena: Really? Can you text me some contacts? Mike: Yeah. Will do. Ryan: Hey Holly, long time no speak, how are you? :) Holly: Hi Ryan! It's so nice to hear from you! Nothing special is happening,really. I've been working a lot recently :( Where are you now actually? Ryan: Amsterdam! The project I'm currently working on is planned until the end of November, so I believe I might come home around Christmas. Holly: That's so great, we surely need to meet up then and reminisce good old times :) Ryan: When we were young and beautiful, carefree…. Holly: Exactly! Now we are just beautiful XD Ryan: Speaking about beautiful people, how is your boyfriend Mike doing? Holly: Ah..you see, there was one tiny development in this area, he is not my boyfriend anymore… Ryan: Oh no, seriously? He was a nice guy! And so pretty :) Holly: Hold your horse, he's not my boyfriend anymore as he is my fiancé now Ryan: Wow, now I understand everything, congrats Holly! When did it happen? Was it romantic ? :D Holly: Nah, it wasn't romantic at all, he just went on one knee after we had dinner with my parents, can you imagine? Ryan: I certainly can :) I believe your father was really entertained? Holly: Yeah, later on he told me he could hardly stop himself from laughing Ryan: And what about your mum? Holly: Apparently she knew what Mike was planning so it wasn't a surprise for her! Ryan: Anyway, nice to hear that you decided to make this step in your life :) Holly: Thanks Ryan :) It indeed is a certain step in my life... Chris: There are some habits that I wish I didn't have :( Nate: Everyone has habits like this :D Nate: Do you have something in mind? Chris: I just cleaned my keyboard. Chris: I mean I took out all the buttons, turned it upside down, and flicked out all the food remains. Chris: That's what came out Chris: <file_photo> Nate: Hahahahaha. No seriously everyone has that in their keyboard. Chris: The worst thing is I caught myself eating over it again before I even put all the buttons inside xD Nate: Heh. Try not to. Maybe you'll reduce the shit inside the keyboard. Chris: Maybe :D Simon: Love you. Lorelai: I love you too, pumpkin! <3 Simon: <file_gif> Ben: Hi, uncle, it's Ben. Uncle: Hi Ben. How're you? Ben: I am fine, and you. Uncle: I am all right. Anything happen? Ben: No, nothing. Ben: Just wanna make sure you'll come. Uncle: What d'you mean? Come to your place? Ben: So, you don't remember. Uncle: Of course, I do. It is... Ben: My birthday, Uncle. Uncle: Of course, it is=) Ben: You forgot, didn't you? Uncle: maybe a little:) Ben: But you'll remember now? Uncle: Of course, I will. Uncle: Will have a little something for you too=) Walt: Nelly, did you finally get your new computer? Nelly: No, still waiting ;( Vincent: Where did you order it from? Nelly: Here: <file_other> Walt: I don't know this store. Vincent: Oh, I've ordered stuff from them once or twice. It's been a few weeks till I got the package, but everything was in order then. They're reliable. Sure, they might be slow, but at least they're also cheap ;)
Lena received Mike's number from Claire. Lena wants to buy her daughter a Welsh Pony. Mike suggests that the horse should be thoroughly examined by a vet first. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Ryan is working in Amsterdam until the end of November. He will meet with Holly when he'll get back. Holly got engaged to her boyfriend Mike. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Chris regrets eating over his keyboard. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Simon and Lorelai love each other. [NEXT_CONCEPT] It's Ben's birthday. His uncle forgot a little, but he will come to Ben's place and will have a little something for Ben. [NEXT_CONCEPT] According to Vincent, the store providing the computer to Nelly is reliable and inexpensive but slow.
Mary: Hi, Mum decided she doesn't want any gifts during Christmas Patrick: You mean she doesn't want go get any? Mary: No, basically she's introducing "no Christmas gifts policy" Julia: It's a bit much, don't you think? What about children? Mary: She wasn't that specific, she just said "no gifts, no gifts!" Susan: What go into her? Do you know what this is all about? Mary: God knows Patrick: I think may agree not to buy gifts for each other, but the kids will be devastated Julia: Of course, I'm not ruining my children's Christmas because of one of her whims
Mum proposed no Christmas gifts policy, as Mary reports. Julia, Patrick and Susan don't agree, because it would be too sad for the children.
Martha: Am I the only one who does not know how to plan expenses? Fino: What do you mean exactly? Dominique: me too :c Martha: It's 5th and I eat dinner with my grandma because she knows how to manage money Martha: I feel poor af Fino: maybe you're impulsive when you shop Fino: or you party too much Dominique: I can't afford going to a dentist this month Martha: doesn't your insurance cover that? Fino: damn that's serious Fino: I mean, HOW Fino: what eats up your salary? Martha: maybe it's partying Martha: I dunno Fino: guys I think you should spend some time with our credit card history, look at your expenses and then think how to cut down stuff Dominique: I don't have the insurance Martha: Dominique, are u sure? as a student you should Fino: Martha's right Fino: if not, you can do some paperwork and get med insurance easily Dominique: I didn't know that Dominique: thanks Martha: so I should live without parties then? that's shitty Fino: it depends on your priorities Fino: and on how much you like your grandma's dinners Martha: I love her and her food but I'm ashamed when I can't afford food Dominique: i feel ya Dominique: I just realised I wasted so much money on private health care X.X Fino: well at least you know now Martha: gotta go, bye
Martha had a dinner with her grandma, because she's broke. Dominique lost a lot of money on private health care.
Cristina: What you doing up so early? Jaeden: My friend woke me up 10 mins ago Cristina: I'm going to the airport Jaeden: Ok. Have a lovely day
Cristina and Jaeden are up early, she's going to the airport, he was woken up.
Jake: Mom! where's my charger. Mom: How would I know? Jake: You know everything. Mom: Yeah why don't you check the third drawer, to the left. Jake: HOW DO YOU DO THAT? Mom: Just go get your damn charger.
Jake is flabbergasted that Mom knew where his charger is.
Mary: I bought you a new book Gus: What book? Mary: A letter from the past Gus: Great, thanks
Mary bought Gus the book 'A letter from the past'.
Patty: Happy b-day darling, may all your dreams come true! Agatha: Thank you <3 <3 Patty: <file_gif> Timmy: So who else? Gemma: What about Mark? Timmy: Your ex? Gemma: Yeah. Timmy: Are you sure about it? Gemma: Y not? Timmy: Well, the last time u guys spoke things escalated pretty quickly. Gemma: It's not like that. We just disagreed on something and it looked like we were having a fight. Timmy: What did you disagree on? Gemma: Our break-up? Timmy: Thought as much. Gemma: What do u mean? Timmy: Well, ur clearly still in love with him and can't get over the fact that he left u and has a new girlfriend. Gemma: He has a new gf? Timmy: I thought u knew. Sry to break it to u like that. Gemma: It's fine. Still? Timmy: No. I think it'll be healthier for u not to invite him. Gemma: Maybe ur right. Timmy: See, I'm like ur conscience :) I tell u what's good and bad for u, but it's up to u to decide ;) Gemma: Lol. I was also thinking about Josephine... Timmy: Her?! Gemma: Yeah. Y not? Timmy: Well, we have kinda history together... Gemma: But she has a bf! Timmy: Party. Drunk. One thing led to another. Still feel awkward around her. Gemma: Her bf know? Timmy: No. And it's best if it stays that way. Gemma: Your secret's safe with me. Timmy: Thank you. Gemma: Don't mention it. Bob: DUDE Bob: YOU FORGOT TO TAKE OUT THE GARBAGE Bob: AGAIN Roger: lol sorry XD Roger: I'll take care of it after work Bob: >:-( Michael: Amber, you don't look well. Amber: Yes ! I had a fever last night Michael: Have you seen doctor?? Amber: No , not yet. Michael: Are you taking any home made remedies?. Amber: yes I am. Michael: But still you must go and see doctor Amber: Yeah i will Ethan: So where are you, have you left the work already? Olivia: Yeah, I just stopped to buy some groceries! Where are you? Ethan: I'm on my way home to fetch Buffy Olivia: That's perfect! I don't remember where I put her health certificate Ethan: Hmm…Somewhere in the kitchen perhaps? Olivia: Try to look in the drawers next to the fridge Ethan: Okie dokie. And where is her leash and harness? Olivia: It must be somewhere in the laundry room Ethan: OK. See you in 30 minutes Noah: can we please start over Emma: ask me again.....in latin..... Emma: or french may be.... Emma: cause no matter what you do...my answer will be the same Noah: is it really that easy for you ? Emma: it is now.... Noah: in that case Noah: i wont even try to hold onto you Noah: bye Bill: Is anybody home? Sam: I doubt Samantha: I'm home! :) I'm free today. Why? Bill: I forgot the key. Good! Samantha: :) Olivia: How is Queensland? John: I like it a lot! So sunny Joshua: Did you take the kids? John: We did, they like it here Ellis: especially the contact with nature, the ocean Joshua: I imagine Olivia: where are you now? Ellis: on Fraser Island Ellis: <file_photo> Olivia: how beautiful! Ellis: We rented a SUV John: there are no roads on the island but huge, wide beaches that are like highways Joshua: seems nice, enjoy guys John: thanks!
Patty is sending Agatha birthday wishes. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Gemma and her ex-boyfriend Mark had a disagreement about their break-up last time. Timmy has history with Josephine. Timmy and Gemma agree not to invite Mark or Josephine to the party. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Roger forgot to take out the rubbish, as reminded by Bob. He'll do it after work. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Amber doesn't look good as she had a fever last night. She hasn't seen a doctor yet, but she's taking some home-made remedies. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Olivia is buying groceries now. Ethan is about to fetch his pet. Olivia and Ethan are meeting in 30 minutes. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Emma doesn't want to change her mind. Noah won't try to hold onto her. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Bill forgot his key but Samantha will let him in. [NEXT_CONCEPT] John and Ellis are in Queensland with children. They rented a SUV and they are currently visiting Fraser Island.
Michelle: Why can’t I get a house that I really like??! Laura: very frustrating, isn’t it! Michelle: there is always something not right with the properties that we’re viewing or is it just me? Kelly: it’s you obviously! Always so picky! Xxx Michelle: this is serious! x John: good luck darling! Michelle: and whenever i find something it’s gone within hours Alan: You have to be fast! Michelle: Every time i find something nice! Alan: nice properties are gone within hours! So need to be faster than everyone else! Michelle: yeah, but here’s the thing it’s a serious decision you can’t make your mind fast about buying a house! I feel pressurised to make a quick decision! Isabella: You can buy mine! Xx Michelle: thanks for your offer but i don’t really like yours! X Isabella: fair enough! X Gina: oh dear! i’m sure you’ll find something nice soon! Ben: What area are u after? Michelle: near Staton Park Ben: my friends have a house up for sale in that area Michelle: you’ve made my day! Jeremy: Ok, you really crossed the red line this time Theresa Theresa:??? Wally: oh no, why are you bringing it to the group? Jeremy: because I want witnesses Wally: I understand you're both frustrated but please, let's not infect the group with this kind of stuff, people will just leave Jenny: I agree! William: yes, guys, solve it between you Matt: Hi is this the car agency Mary: Hello my name is Mary,Yes this is the car agency , Matt: My name is Martin Davis Mary: Yeah Matt: I need a car for hire for the weekend. Mary: It’s available for only $100 which you will have to make a deposit though our account, before its brought to you location. Matt: Ok, When can I get it ? Mary: Kindly tell me the name of you street Matt: Its 790, 7th Ave, New York, Mary: It should arrive in the next 30 minutes Matt: Ok, thank you. Mary: You are welcome Matt: Hey it’s been 30 minutes, and still no sign of it. Mary: Let me check where it could have got stuck. Sorry about that. Matt: Do you know lying to you client is not good? you know lying to me is a flat out bad? You know that don’t you? Mary: I am so sorry about that, it should arrive soon Matt: It better arrive, or I will ask for refund. Mary: No need for that it should arrive about now sir, just bear with us sir. Lucas: Where r u? Lucas: I’m waiting at the airport Vanessa: The whole day is an absolute nightmare. There was a foul-up with the flight. Vanessa: It turned out that my name wasn’t in the system when I went to collect the ticket. I’m trying to get another ticket Lucas: OMG Lucas: How come? Vanessa: No bloody idea Vanessa: All of the fights are booked cos students are returning from holidays Vanessa: I’m on standby. This is an absolute nightmare ☹ Lucas: I’ve called the airport and the said there’s a flight to New York at 9:45 p. m. It lands in New York at 3:30 a.m. Vanessa: Great, I’ll book it now Lucas: I’ll collect you from the airport Vanessa: Sounds good to me. I’ll go see if they can get me on that flight Seymour: FIFA anybody 2nite? Acton: i'm out. at work Seymour: u work? Acton: just temp some weekends Baxter: i can play, what time? Dina: i'm in Seymour: Dina ... u play fifa? Evelynn: y not? Dina: cause i'm a woman of opposite sex right? Seymour: i just had no idea u were into games & stuff Dina: no, srsly, i never played but it'd be nice 2 try Seymour: cool, my place @7 ok 4u? Baxter: ok with me. my own pad? Seymour: up 2u. i got two Dina: ok guys see you then
Michelle can't find a house that she likes. Isabella wants to sell her house. Ben's friend has a house for sale near Staton park. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Jeremy is angry with Theresa. Wally, Jenny and William don't want Jeremy and Theresa to argue on the group. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Matt hired a car for the weekend, but it didn't arrive at his location on time. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Vanessa is trying to take a flight back to New York. Unfortunately, her name wasn't in the airport system and so she's trying to book another plane ticket. Lucas will collect her from the airport. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Baxter, Seymour and Dina are meeting to play FIFA tonight. Acton can't come as he's at work.
Mike: So when are you starting with the renovation? Lenny: next year I guess, probably spring Mike: Why so late? Lenny: we don't wanna do it in winter, and also we still need to get a loan for it Mike: ah right, how big? Lenny: more than 100k probably Mike: 100k?! Lenny: ye, that's how much these things cost Pitt: Hey Teddy! Have you received my message? Teddy: No. An email? Pitt: No. On the FB messenger. Teddy: Let me check. Teddy: Yeah. Ta! Elsa: How was the shopping? Liz: <file_photo> Cara: I spent all my money... :( Elsa: wooow you look gorgeous Elsa!!! Cara: she does! you have to wear that top tomorrow! Liz: Elsa next time you're going with us! John: Anything from the store? Tracy: Hmmm... there was this goat cheese last time that I really liked. You remember which one. John: I think I do. Anything else? Tracy: Maybe milk, cause we're running out. And like a couple of rolls, the grainy ones. Tracy: oh and tissues. John: Ok, roger that. Kate: I just saw Blood Diamond!! o.O Mary: Great movie, right? Kate: Yeah, but the story is just horrible, I had no idea! Mary: Well, yeah... Mary: Makes you reevaluate your need for jewelry Kate: People are so greedy, I hate it! Mary: Here's a nice article about this, I think you'll like it. Mary: <file_other> Kate: Thank you. Laura: Hon, I'm shopping, look at this dress Laura: <file_photo> Sam: woooooooow Laura: good wow or too much wow Sam: a little bit of both? Laura: I'm wearing a wrong bra for this dress Laura: imagine a little less cleavage Sam: :D I like it I'm just wondering whether you are gonna feel comfortable Sam: the rest, the colour etc it's great Sam: and you're great <3 Alicia: have you watched the royal wedding? Patricia: oh sure Eugenie: yeah Patricia: They look absolutely fab! Patricia: Harry.... <3 Eugenie: its funny how he was an ugly boy and is now so handsome :P Alicia: and his brother took the opposite way Patricia: yeah, William was such a pretty boy Patricia: and now he's not so handsome Eugenie: But Harry and Meg... Eugenie: really royal couple! <3 <3 Patricia: shes so different Patricia: she will do a lot of mess in the royal family Eugenie: oh really? Patricia: yeah. American, divorced, older than Harry Patricia: its never happened before yet Eugenie: you're right Alicia: true. Kate is so traditional Alicia: but Meghan... Alicia: :P Patricia: Ok, I gota get back to work. Patricia: bye for now Ladies! Alicia: Bye! Eugenie: see you :* :* Alisha: Have you eaten the Pizza which i made for you? Kotten: Yeah I have, it was too delicious Alisha: ty honey :) Elizabeth: Are you feeling any better? Matthew: Yes, thank you! What would I do without you...? :) Elizabeth: I'm glad to hear that. :) Elizabeth: Matt, have you considered therapy? Matthew: Mhm, I have. Matthew: I've already made an appointment with a therapist, actually. Elizabeth: Sorry, I didn't want to be insensitive, but I just worry about you. Elizabeth: You've been really depressed recently and I'm just afraid that you won't able to cope with everything on your own. Matthew: I know, it's just not the easiest subject to talk about. Peter: Am I imagining it or did he just say that the earth is flat? LOL John: No, you're not imagining it. Peter: Yeah I thought so but I thought I'd just check. Emmet: what would you like to eat Lorraine: maybe soup Emmet: tomato? Lorraine: okay ;)
Lenny will probably start the renovation in the spring of next year. Lenny needs to get a loan of 100 000 for the renovation. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Teddy has a message from Pitt on Messenger. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Cara and Liz went shopping without Elsa. [NEXT_CONCEPT] John will buy the goat cheese Tracy liked, milk, a couple of grainy rolls, and tissues. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Kate has just seen the film 'Blood Diamond'. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Sam likes the picture of the dress Laura is trying on. She thinks she needs to wear a different bra under it. [NEXT_CONCEPT] They gossip about the Royals. They have a preference for Harry and Meg over William and Kate. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Kotten ate the pizza Alisha made and found it delicious. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Matthew has been depressed recently. He will meet with a therapist. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Peter just heard someone saying that the Earth is flat and thought he misheard it. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Lorranie would like to eat a tomato soup.
Ruby: Josh, why didn’t you tell me that you’re getting married? Josh: I’m sorry Ruby Ruby: You’re getting married and I get to know it from your colleague? Josh: I’m so sorry Ruby, I didn’t want to hurt your feelings… Ruby: You definitely did, Josh Ruby: I thought that we were best friends… Josh: We are best friends Ruby! Ruby: Best friends don’t keep secrets like that from each other! Josh: Come on, Ruby, let’s forget about it… Ruby: I’m not sure if I can just forget about it… Ruby: I don’t understand how your mind works Josh, you don’t even love her… Josh: I do. Ruby: It wasn’t very convincing, Josh Josh: I shouldn’t convince anybody. I just love her. Ruby: That’s bullshit. I know you, Josh. I know you better than you know yourself. Josh: I dare say that you’re wrong Ruby: The Josh that I know wouldn’t marry a woman he doesn’t actually know for the sake of the baby Josh: That’s a fact. My boy gets on very well with her. I must say that they have a great relationship… Josh: This marriage won’t fail. I’m sure of it. Ben: Are you staying in Atwerp for Christmas? Charlotte: No, we're in Thailand till 5th of January Ben: what a pity, I was thinking about visiting you Emma: I'm sorry Emma: but... Ben: You want to take me to Thailand? Emma: hahaha, you can join us, sure Emma: but you can also stay at our place in Belgium Emma: it will be empty anyway for 5 weeks Ben: from when? Emma: we're leaving 5 of Dec Ben: cool, it's always an option Ben: i don't really feel like visiting my parents this year Charlotte: Won't they be sad? Ben: they will be, but I've hated the atmosphere at home since they told they want to divorce Charlotte: you're welcome to stay at our place Charlotte: But if I can suggest sth as a friend: I think it may be time when your parents really need your support Charlotte: Especially your mother Ben: Yes, I know, it's just so difficult Ben: i'll think about it and let you know Charlotte: ok:) Frank: Just saw you leaving office? Rick: Yea. Had to leave. Private stuff. Frank: Fine. Just make sure you're working during lunch break today. Rick: No problem. Will do. Lauren: Did you get the jakcet and shoes? Conner: Yep and I managed to find a wig that goes with the costume Lauren: Great! So all that's left is finding the decorations, getting the food and we're done :) Conner: What about hte music? Lauren: I asked Becky for her playlist - she said she'll deal with it, but she needs speakers. Conner: I have a pair. They're running out of batteries, but they should hold Lauren: You sure? This party needs to be perfect! Conner: I'll swing by the store later Lauren: Thanks! :) Did you talk to Bryan? Conner: Yeah, he said he can't make it. Lauren: Okay... What about Gabby and Jo? Conner: They said they'll be there and Gabby's bringing her chocolate fudge cake Lauren: I've been craving that cake for a week now... :P Conner: Me to :) Esme: what is that in my wallet? Peeta: cute frog Esme: why do you think i need a frog in my wallet? Peeta: it's taking care of your money Esme: its a superstition Esme: i mean bullshit Peeta: i just wanted to make you smile :( Peeta: sorry Phil: Has any of you left a black sweater at my place yesterday? Jim: not me Dan: me neither Rick: does it have a like a thin red stripe on the side? Phil: yup Rick: then it's mine :D When can I pick it up? Phil: I can bring it to practice tomorrow. Rick: Thanks a lot man. I missed that sweater so much I didn't even realize it was gone :P
Josh kept his wedding plans in secret and Ruby is disappointed. She sees no future for the marriage and believes it's arranged only for the good of the child. Josh loves the woman and praises the relationship she has with his son. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Charlotte is in Thailand from 5th December until 5th of January. Ben wants to stay away from his family on Christmas, because his parents are getting a divorce. He wants to stay in Antwerp for Christmas. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Frank saw Rick leaving the office. Rick had to deal with private matters. He will work during lunch break today. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Conner got the jacket, shoes and a wig to match. Becky will take care of the playlist. Bryan won't make it. Gabby and Jo will be there. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Esme scoffs at the cute frog Peeta has left in her wallet. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Rick has left his black sweater at Phil's place yesterday. Phil will bring it to practice tomorrow.
Arianna: hi! could you please make a copy for me of this article about the history of feminism? Leah: yes, sure Arianna: thanks! you're the best! :)) Leah: you're welcome :)
Leah will make a copy of the article about the history of feminism for Arianna.
Amanda: Hey, got plans for tonight? Linda: Not really. Y? Amanda: Jane stood me up and we were supposed to go to the cinema together. Linda: Say no more. When and where? Amanda: <file_other> That's the location and we were supposed to meet at 8. Linda: I'll be there. Lizy: best drinks everrr ❤️ Lizy: <file_photo> Vicky: wheres that? Lizy: i dunno Lizy: i mean i just came here with friends Lizy: but i'll ask and then we can gotry them together another nigt 😊 Vicky: are you drunk texting me? ❤️ hhahaa Lizy: not imporatnt Lizy: lets go to this bar next time together ❤️ Vicky: ok ok, have fun ❤️ Michael: LAST MINUTE NEWS Michael: I saw Mark with a girl in Papa Pizza yesterday :D Mark: hahaha dude what the fuck :D Mark: are you stalking me? Chris: a girl? Are you sure he did not kidnap her? Tom: haha poor thing Tom: she must have been so scared Michael: so who is the lucky lady Mark? Chris: i wouldn't say lucky... Mark: screw you guys, i ain't telling you shit Mark: keep having fun if you wish :D Robert: hey, i've got a romantic movie for you Steve: what Steve: why? Robert: one time we talked about love and I couldnt explain to you why i think you didnt play it right with your last gf Steve: and this movie proves me wrong or what Robert: it just explains what love is all about Robert: i just recommend it, you dont need to watch it Robert: 500 days of summer Steve: maybe i will take a look Robert: i watched it and i feel like this was the only romantic movie that was realistic Steve: so they break up at the end huh? Robert: no spoiler Steve: kk thanks dude Robert: bye Mick: guys where are you Damon: eeeee where are you? xDD we're at the pub Mick: which pub Tim: devil's face Time: hurry up Mick: ok coming James: I thought my my email box can't surprise me with anything James: But today I found that a mail that I sent to myself from the same address has been marked as spam Michael: Haha :) Michael: Technology never stops to amaze me :D James: Black mirror scenarios don't threaten us yet xD Michael: People use technology to change skin color, gender, to enlarge tits and penises. Michael: Meanwhile space exploration is stuck James: Quo Vadis humanity? Michael: Hahah. Christian: i'm alive Christian: I really chilled out this week Christian: i felt really great Christian: but i had no problems coming back, i guess u could call this trip a success;) Christian: I even slept for like two nights! Steve: <file_gif> Steve: I'm home if u care to know ;) Steve: i got up really early today Steve: at 7 we were on our way to school with kids Steve: then I got classes myself Steve: I finished at 11 and her ei am Steve: i'm flattered you texted me on my mobile :) Steve: felt really nice Christian: ok i'm about to finish a meeting and i'll give u a call Steve: ok Steve: o u know what i think i'll just find myself sth to do :D Steve: cause i'm waiting and waiting and i guess you died or sth :D Steve: ok i guess it wa sa good decision not to wait for you :D Christian: shit Christian: I just sat on the couch Christian: an hour later... :D Steve: hahaa :D Christian: anyway, i'm here ;)
Jane stood Amanda up. They were supposed to go to the cinema together. Linda will come with her instead. They are meeting at 8. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Lizy sends Vicky a picture from a bar where she's having drinks with friends. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Michael, Tom and Chris tease Mark because he has a new girlfriend. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Robert recommends Steve watching 500 Days of Summer. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Mick is joining Damon and Tim in the Devil's Face pub. [NEXT_CONCEPT] James and Michael are joking about technology and humanity. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Christian is back from his trip. Steve got up early today and, took kids to school at 7 and finished his own classes at 11. Christian will finish a meeting and will call Steve.
Paul: you there ? Tony: yup !! Paul: can you send me your assignment ? I just want to see it to get an idea Tony: what assignment ? Paul: DUDE !!! Paul: if you don't want to give it to me then okay......but don't lie atleast Tony: why would i lie to you ? I really haven't even started it yet Paul: okay forget it Pauline: Wanna come over? I'm making pizza^^ Tara: Always! Chrissy: I'm at the mall with my parents and it doesn't look like they're going to leave soon ;( Pauline: Don't worry, we'll keep the leftovers in the oven for you :D Chrissy: You know what? I think I could take a bus. Tara: And I already hoped I'll have a whole half of pizza for myself :D Chrissy: You love to talk about food, but actually you eat even less than me. Tara: Not my fault I feel full too soon ;( Pauline: You're saying it like it's a bad thing. Take a look in the mirror! :P Tara: But I really love food! It'd be great if I could eat more at once. Pauline: And you'd probably stay as skinny as you are. Chrissy: Right? It's not fair! I don't eat much but I'm still fat ;( Tara: You're not fat, you moron! You look perfectly fine! Pauline: And you've got boobs! And sexy hips! You know how much other girls envy you? Tara: Exactly. I look like a coat hanger in every dress I wear. Chrissy: I don't think I've ever seen you in a dress. Tara: And now you know why :P Pauline: Come on, stop it with the negativity, both of you. We're all pretty and sexy, and that's what we need to keep telling ourselves. Chrissy: Sorry, but if you burn your pizza and then tell it that it's not burned, it'll still be burned anyway. Pauline: Maybe, but I like pizza when it's burned :P Tara: So you're saying that someone's gonna like us even if we're “burned”? :D Pauline: Exactly! Chrissy: Okay, now you stop it with the psychology. I want pizza and movies, not psychotherapy :P Pauline: I promise to shut up, just come over. I'm so lonely, sitting here alone with my pizza dough... :D Chrissy: LOL, OK, I'm already at the bus stop. Ryan: is there milk left? William: no idea Ryan: would you move your ass and check? William: no Chad: there's still some, but we're running out Ryan: thx Leonard: A view from our window <file_photo> Mom: Oh no! We are snowed in! Leonard: Or worse. D:< Mom: Are you able to get the car out? Leonard: Not before I clear the drive. Andy took a bus to his office in the morning. Mom: What is the weather forecast saying? Leonard: More snow coming before the weekend. Shute! Mom: That's most unfortunate, isn't it? How about your shopping before Christmas? Leonard: At least this is not my problem. I'll have it all delivered, just as usual, from REWE. Only 10€ on top. Mom: Not too bad but it's not the same as doing your Xmas shopping personally. Presents and things. Leonard: How do you remember?! For the last six years you have been on some ritzy cruises over Xmas. Mom: But Leonard! You always get your Xmas present. And I always were horrible at cooking. Leonard: That's correct. Both of your statements. Mom: Leonard, really... Leonard: And I love you! Mom: Love you too, cupcake! Malcolm: are you going to watch the world series tonight? Iris: nah, i dont like either of those teams Malcolm: me neither. probably will watch something on netflix instead. Iris: me too.
Paul wants to see Tony's assignment, but he hasn't even started it yet. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Chrissy and Tara are coming to Pauline to have pizza. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Ryan, WIlliam and Chad are running out of milk. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Leonard and Mom are snowed in. He needs to clear the driveway. Andy took a bus to work in the morning. The forecast says more snow before the weekend. Leonard ordered Christmas gifts from REWE with 10€. Mom spent last six Christmases on cruises. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Malcolm and Iris won't watch the world series tonight. They will watch something on Netflix instead.
Colin: Hi. How was your day at school? Tom: Good. Colin: The test? Tom: I should get a pass. Colin: Was it difficult? Tom: A little. Colin: You're not very talkative. Are you ok? Tom: Yeah, it's fine. I'm just in a bad mood. Colin: Can I help? Tom: Thanks, dad. It's OK. Say hello to mom and enjoy your holidays. Colin: Take care! Tom: You too.
Colin is on holidays with mom and is checking on Tom how he's doing at school.
Donna: Keep calm and race for life! Proud of us all! Xxx Amanda: Same time next year? ;) Donna: Can’t wait! ;) Emma: This is fab! Thomas: Well done girls!! John: Amazing! Amanda: Any donations big or small are truly appreciated! :) Donna: and come along and cheer us on next time! Emma: i’ll join u next year! xxx Fedora: How tall are you? Ryan: 183 wanna bang? Fedora: Haha omg 😂 Ryan: Why u askin Fedora: Im having a coffee with Matt Fedora: He's from Wisconsin Fedora: He's new here and saw you in every of our pics haha so he asked Ryan: Oh wow! Ryan: What brings him to Saskatchewan Fedora: University Ryan: Okay Ryan: I should meet him someday Fedora: You should he's nice Ryan: Good to hear that Gina: I lost Agnes :((( Fred: How come?! Mike: Oh no!!! How?! When?! Gina: We went on a walk, she always runs freely in the park and she just ran off Fred: Where are you now? Gina: Home Fred: Go back to the park immediately. When did it happen? Mike: Fred's right, she won't find you at home Gina: I don't know what to do Fred: Go look for her where you last saw her, call out, look, ask around, ask people, every single person and wait Mike: Yes, you need to go back to the place where you were when she ran off, she may be back Gina: Ok, I'm going, I'm worried sick, I hope she's all right ;( Mike: Fingers crossed Fred: Let us know if you need any help Gina: free make up tutorial at the mall Hilary: cool! when? Gina: Thursday at 6 Hilary: c ya there Gina: c ya Caleb: <file_other> Gracie: haha, I've already seen it Gracie: Tom has sent this first XD Caleb: <file_gif> Caleb: are seeing each other tonight? Gracie: idk, I'm not sure Gracie: I think I need to stay and help mum Gracie: grandparents are coming to dinner tomorrow Caleb: <file_gif> Denny: <file_photo> Denny: sleep tight my dearest! Wilma: Morning! thanks for the photos! may I forward them to the Hobbs? Wilma: it's 9:40! where are you? Denny: did you forget? I've got an appointment at 10 Wilma: sorry!! I forgot Wilma: are you in the waiting room? Denny: just arrived Denny: I'll call you afterwards Wilma: ok Bridget: Some workout today? Kristen: Can’t make it. I have a terrible hangover. Bridget: Hahah! Where were you last night??? Kristen: Better ask where I wasn’t. I went to all the bars in the area then headed for havana club Bridget: With whom Kristen: First I met with Ann then we bumped into her colleagues Bridget: Sounds like somebody had a fun night yesterday Kristen: Yeah.. I met someone Bridget: Show me! Kristen: <file_photo> Bridget: OMG xD Damn, he’s so hot! Kristen: Told u Bridget: I so envy you right now. Did he ask you out? Kristen: We’re texting now, so will see. Bridget: <file_gif> Kristen: Stay tuned, haha
Donna and Amanda took part in a race. They will do it again next year. Donations are appreciated. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Ryan is 183 tall. Fedora is having a coffee with Matt from Wisconsin. Matt studies at University in Saskatchewan. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Gina lost Agnes in the park during the walk. Fred and Mike tell her to come back there, call out, look aroud and ask people about Agnes. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Hilary and Gina are planning to go to a free make-up tutorial at the mall on Thursday at 6. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Gracie's grandparents are coming to dinner tomorrow. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Denny has an appointment at 10. He'll call Wilma afterwards. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Kristen has hangover today, so she can't join Bridget for workout. Last night Kristen met with Ann and her colleagues, they went to a few bars and the Havana club. She met a handsome guy who is texting her now. She shares his photo with Bridget.
Alison: Girls! I've done some research :) Emma: you didnt LeeAnn: you mean his fb profile? ;) Alison: Instagram ;) Alison: <file_photo> Emma: omg are they twins??? LeeAnn: twins or clones Emma, there's no other option lol Alison: Yeah, twin brother Emma: any girlfriends? Alison: Cant see anyone LeeAnn: boyfriends? ;) Emma: fact 1: no girlfriend. fact 2: twin brother Emma: fact 3... he's your teacher and you're a baaad baaad girl!!! Alison: He's my DRIVING teacher Alison: That's not an actual teacher... LeeAnn: how old is he? looks so young Alison: 24 maybe 26 Emma: Ali learn how to drive safe first, please... Alison: I'll take some extra classes LeeAnn: take my red dress Alison: Which one? Emma: the slutty one lol Alison: Never! :) Alison: He likes me for my inner beauty :) Mom: How are you doing sweetie? Kim: Hey Mom, I'm ok Mom: Are you all settled in your new place? Kim: Pretty much, April is coming over in a sec. to help me organize things. Mom: Ok. It's only been 2 days and I miss you already. Kim: I know, I miss you too, but I can always get on a flight and be there in just a few hours. Mom: Save your money for now, Christmas is coming :) Kim: I know. But I was looking into bus routes and the prices aren't so bad. A return is just $140. Mom: That's pretty good! We'll see as we get closer to Christmas. Do you have your schedule from school yet? Kim: I'm supposed to get it tomorrow. Hopefully, it won't be too taxing. I mean, I'm here to learn, but it's gonna take me a while to adapt to everything, you know? Mom: Of course, every new situation seems daunting at first, but you'll manage. Kim: I know, I'm a smart cookie :) Mom: Yes, you are, you always were. Kim: Hold on, April is here. Mom: Ok Kim: I'll call you tomorrow through WhatsUp, ok? Mom: Ok. Say hi to April for me Kim: I will Mom: Bye, don't stay up too late. You don't wanna be late for your first class. Kim: Ok :) Bye Rufus: Bayern Borussia, what a match that was! Shane: lit right? Steve: haven't seen? Shane: no, was busy all day Rufus: ur loss Shane: can u recap? Rufus: well, plenty of action, 5 goals, 2 red cards Shane: wow, now I regret Steve: refereeing was decent, no mistakes Rufus: one of the best matches this year Steve: definitely Shane: have to watch rerun Rufus: It's a must-see! Piotr: <file_photo> Madison: Oh hey that was our apartment! Carson: Oh hey they renovated! Piotr: yep Wesley: Let me know which part I should study for the exam. Douglas: The examination covers pages 28 through 70. Wesley: Is there anything I should know about extra? Douglas: I have no idea. Frank: where RU? Frank: I'm waiting in front of the cinema! Katherine: I'll be there in 5 Katherine: or in 10, sorry :P Frank:<file_gif> Ella: Hi, Bert. Got a sec? Bert: Yea, Ella. Shoot. Ella: I need a new car and you are an expert:) Bert: Am I:0? Ella: You are for me! Bert: If you say so. What can I do? Ella: Should I consider an electric car? Bert: You drive out of the city quite often, right? Ella: Yes, once a week. At least. Bert: Then you better look at hybrids. Ella: All right. Thank a lot Bert! Bert: Any time.
Alison fancies her driving teacher so she stalked him on Instagram. He is in his mid-twenties, seems to be single and has an identical twin. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Kim moved to a new place. She discusses transport options with Mom. Kim is supposed to get her schedule from school tomorrow. April comes to help Kim organize things. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Shane haven't seen the Bayern - Borussia match. There were 5 goals and 2 red cards at the match. Rufus and Steve enjoyed the match a lot. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Piotr sends over a photo of the apartment once was Madison's. Carson notices it got renovated. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Douglas informs Wesley he should cover pages 28 to 70 for the exam. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Frank is waiting for Katherine in front of the cinema and she'll get there in 10 minutes. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Ella needs a new car. According to Bert, a hybrid car will suit her needs.
Zoe: I can't understand the idea of buying someone fancy expensive pen as a gift Zoe: I know it's also a symbol with practical use Zoe: But I just don't understand paying for it 100 $ Betty: got nothing to add here Betty: I don't get it either Zoe: :/ eh i thought you could elaborate.... Aisha: That pet control have taken my dog away? Lewis: They took it from your house? Aisha: No He was walking outside Lewis: Wait I will contact my brother to solve this problem Aisha: That would be good :( Lewis: Dont you worry honey Aisha: :) Dagna: <file_video> Dagna: me and my cat Dagna: I took the video for you 😛 Nadine: caaaaaat 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻 Nadine: so cuteeee!! Nadine: hahaha Dagna: <file_photo> Dagna: <file_photo> Nadine: is this your dog Teresa?? Dagna: yes 🙃 Nadine: comfy on your bed I see haha Dagna: yeah lol Dagna: such a hard life Nadine: hahaha Seline: James. I have only 1 question. James: ??? Seline: Do you still love me? James: OF COURSE I LOVE YOU! What did that come from? Seline: It's just you left city today for a conference. You're travelling a lot. Seline: And i had this dream when you cheat on me with some blonde bitch. James: Is this this part of conversation when I should apologize for what YOU have been dreaming about? Seline: Hahaha, no. Easy, I'm just messing with you. Seline: Bring something to eat when you'll be going back. James: Is pizza ok? I have little time for any shopping. Seline: Pizza is great. I feel like pizza today anyway. Can't wait to see ya. Seline: And don't you dare flirting with any girl in that city! You hear me?! James: Honey... Seriously nothing is going on and I think you trust me enough to believe when I say it. James: I'll call you when I get out of the meeting and head home. Bye :* Leonel: Hello, I wanted to ask if my car is ready. Oscar: Not yet sir, I’m sorry, we needed some additional parts, that’s why we may need another day or two. Leonel: Oh, okay, I understand. Oscar: I’m sorry I didn’t warn you, I was about to call in a few hours. Leonel: Yes it’s kind of an important information… Anyway, you said something about additional parts. Oscar: Yes, according to your request, we just bought the parts we needed without asking. Leonel: Of course, how much will they be? Oscar: Around $1000. Leonel: Seriously!! It’s a lot! I don’t think it was necessary. Oscar: If you come to the station I’ll explain, now I’m sorry, I have to go. Leonel: Of course you do… Oscar: Mr Wild, I can assure you there are no unjustified expenses, we just did what we needed to. Leonel: We'll see about that. Gloria: OMG, Olivia is finally moving out!!! Gloria: <file_gif> Albert: wohoo! At last! Gloria: I just can't believe I managed to live like that for so long Albert: you're a hero! Gloria: I'm so happy! No more dirty bathroom, dirty pots in the kitchen Gloria: her constant bragging! Albert: <file_gif> Gloria: <file_gif> Albert: so when can I come over? :D Robbie: I think I saw you yesterday. Megan: Where? Robbie: at McDonald's Megan: It must have been me :P Megan: I was starving Jay: Where are you guys staying? Martha: Radisson, you? Peter: Hilton Peter: Should we meet in the lobby? 8.30? Martha: Sure Jay: We're staying at Radisson as well, meet you there
Betty and Zoe don't understand spending $100 on a fancy pen as a gift for someone. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Aisha's dog was taken away by the pet control when he was walking outside, so Lewis will contact his brother to solve to problem. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Dagna sends Nadine a video of her cat and dog Teresa. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Seline's boyfriend James is out of town for a conference. She is messing with him about her being jealous. She wants him to bring food for them. James will buy pizza on his way home. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Oscar has bought £1000 worth of car parts for essential repairs on Leonel's car. Leonel is unhappy with the amount spent. Oscar wants to discuss in person at the station. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Gloria and Olivia live together but Olivia is moving out. This makes Gloria happy because Olivia was not a respectful flatmate. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Robbie saw Megan at McDonald's yesterday. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Jay and Martha are staying at Radisson, Peter's at Hilton. They'll meet in the lobby at 8:30.
Elektra: we should prepare something special for the ball tonight! Blanca: as usual! Elektra: no, no, no! Poppy: we're always amazing Sam: what's so special about tonight? Elektra: the category is: Dynasty! Blanca: Fuck! AMAZING Elektra: very amazing indeed Elektra: so we should be unbeatable, unstoppable, just stunning! Poppy: yes, queen! Elektra: I'm going to the second hand in the 111th Street Elektra: in half an hour Elektra: and I need help of my court Poppy: I'll be there of course Blanca: I'll do my best to join you Elektra: you better be there Blanca! Blanca: But I'm at work till 6 Elektra: you choose your priorities my dear Sam: I'll be there for sure! Eric: Champions League is coming soon :D Curtis: Oh, yea I forgot about that. Curtis: when exactly? Eric: 26th of June Eric: but there is still a very long way. Curtis: any predictions? Eric: It's too early for that. Curtis: True, last year you were betting a lot Eric: I lost a lot :P Eric: I'm gonna roar back this year :) Curtis: good luck, I'm not into risking money Eric: You have 50% chance to win. Curtis: I'll pass anyway. Eric: okay Adam: Hey bro, I’m in trouble Tyler: How much do you need? Adam: A 100? Tyler: Ok Ed: Mike, where the hell are you? Mike: I am still at school. Ed: Shouldn't you be home already? Ed: I don't have the key. Mike: I've got a chess club on Tuesdays. Mike: For the past three years. Ed: Could you skip it just once? Mike: Not when I am winning. You want the key, you come down here. Ed: All right chess master. Be there in an hour. Ken: Can I use someone's computer? Kian: What happened to yours? Ken: It's in service Miriam: You could use mine for now but I'll be in the office in the afternoon Ken: I need it for about ten minutes Ken: I need to upload some files to the server Miriam: Then go ahead. I'll send you the password in private Ellen: Hi, honey, sorry I've been so unreachable lately, the redecoration is a nightmare. Kate: Don't worry, sweetie, what's wring with the redecoration? Ellen: Well, nothing's wrong per se, it's just it's taking so much time, I barely sleep nowadays... Kate: Isn't Paul helping you? Ellen: He's trying the best he can, but you know how men can be, he doesn't know what goes with what and I wouldn't trust him with our kitchen floor tiles... Kate: Oh, you're right. It's always women who take care of the aesthetics of it all... And they say we're only good in the kitchen. :D Ellen: Well, the kitchen is going to be spectacular so that part is true enough, LOL xD Kate: Can't wait to see it. When are you finishing? Ellen: I hope it will be ready by Christmas, but the workers are permanently late. Kate: Oh yes, one of their many 'qualities'... :D Ellen: Not that I don't like a beer now and then, but for Christs sake, they leave beer cans EVERYWHERE. How are they working if they're always tipsy?! Kate: Steady hand, they say, hahaha Ellen: Steady hand my ass, if they damage anything, I'm gonna kill them. Kate: LOL Ellen: Yeah, so to answer your question, the redecoration could go better but I'm counting on it to finish as quickly as possible. Kate: Keeping my fingers crossed, hun and I can't wait for the housewarming party. Ellen: You'll be the first to know! Maria: I met a nice guy but he's shorter than me Patricia: I think the guy should be taller Monica: LOL Monica: My husband is shorter than me. It's not a problem at all.
There is a Dynasty themed ball tonight. Elektra is going to look for some fancy outfit in the second hand shop on the 111th Street. She'll go there in 30 minutes. Poppy will join her. Blanca will try to be there, but she's at work until 6 p.m. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Eric wants to bet during the Champions League this year although he lost a lot of money last year. Curtis won't bet. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Adam will borrow a hundred from Tyler. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Ed couldn't get in because he didn't have the key, and Mike was at his chess club meeting. Ed had to go get the key from Mike. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Ken's computer is in service. Ken is going to upload some files to the server on Miriam's computer. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Ellen and Paul are doing the redecoration and it takes a lot of time. They want to finish it by Christmas but workers are permanently late. Kate is looking forward for the housewarming party. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Maria has met a guy shorter than her.
Mark: r u home already? Fylis: yes Mark: good, goodnight Fylis: :)
Fylis is home already.
John: did u go to the class?? Luke: yea. why? John: did u give my quiz?? Luke: yes John: cool thanks Luke: np :) Nancy: Good morning. Just thought I’d give you a little update on my health. The doctor has put me on a new medication and I have lost 7 pounds of water weight! Susan: Hi there – thanks for the update, 7 pounds! Send one of those pills my way! LOL Susan: But really I hope you’re feeling better. What did the doctor say about your heart? Nancy: My heart is good, just this water weight gain. Susan: That’s good news! Nancy: Want to get together this weekend? Susan: Sure! What did you have in mind? Nancy: Breakfast? Lunch? Movie? Susan: I’ll call you after work and we’ll discuss. Nancy: Okay, L8R. Barry: are u sure he said that?/ Garay: iam sure Barry: hes so gonna pay for it Garay: ... Luis: kisses Anna: yo! how is my bro? tell me your first day at school? Luis: it's ok. talk to u later i'm in school Anna: ok kiss Luis: u know Theo? Anna: yep a friend from Wawa Luis: he just asked me how was my exam, now he's in London. My exam was 2 years ago LOL Anna: yes i know i saw him at new year's eve. He's nice Luis: yes lol Luis: school is ok except for some teachers and the boarding school, but now i'm with granny. it's fine Anna: u have good chaps?For me, it's like before, but i've got much more work. Luis: yes, much better than in Wawa. Don't worry the same for me, a lot of work. Keep courage Anna: lol that's true. Are the courses interesting? Luis: yes very Anna: did you find sth when giving your resume around? Luis: yep Brasserie H. Have a look on the net Anna: cool! what u do there? Luis: i'lll be waiter and may be in the kitchen Anna: nice!! Luis: bye.. i go working Kate: Are u asleep? Maggie: Nope, I can't stop thinking about what happened at school... Kate: Don't worry about it. Everything's gonna be alright... Maggie: I'm not so sure about it Kate: Chin up! Kate: We'll talk about it tomorrow, ok? Maggie: ok... Connor: Are we going to the lecture today? Samantha: What lecture? Connor: haha, you never know what's going on at the uni, do you? Samantha: yeahhh, I am not good at that... Connor: There is a lecture of Lucy Nicholas today. Samantha: The professor from Melbourne? Connor: yes, University of Swinburne. Samantha: What will she talk about? Do you know? Connor: here is some info: <file_other> Samantha: Queer theory Connor: Officially it's a workshop titled "Post Gender Queer Ethics" Samantha: Oh, then it can be actually useful for me. Connor: so let's go there, at 4pm at the cafeteria. Samantha: ok, see you later. Rayan: hey! was great seeing you at Zara the other day 😃 Chloé: hey! yeah, it's been.. like... what? 3 years we haven't seen each other? Rayan: yes, 3 years.. man time goes by so fast. Chloé: so what brought you back here? bored from your life in Japan? Rayan: haha not at all, I am here for a business trip. I am staying for 3 months. Chloé: oh cool! Rayan: I would love to have a cup of coffee with you someday 😄 Chloé: it will be my pleasure!
Luke went to the class and gave John's quiz. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Nancy has lost 7 pounds on a new medication. Nancy's heart is good. Susan and Nancy want to get together this weekend. Susan will call after work to discuss it. [NEXT_CONCEPT] He is going to pay Barry for saying that. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Anna learns that Theo, Luis' friend from Wawa, reached out to him recently. Anna met Theo at the New Year's Eve party. Luis likes his new school better than the old one in Wawa. He will soon start a job as a waiter. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Maggie can't sleep and she keeps thinking about what happened at school. Kate will talk with her about it tomorrow. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Samantha and Connor will go to the lecture on queer ethics at 4pm. [NEXT_CONCEPT] Rayan is in Japan for a business trip. He recently met with Chloé at Zara after 3 years of not seeing each other. They want to meet again.
Olivia: I bought a new phone yesterday. But it isn't working properly now Jayden: Which phone and from where did you buy it? Olivia: It is Samsung Note 8. I bought it from main market from Ethan's shop Jayden: You were not supposed to buy anything from there :/ Jayden : I bought handfree a few days back from his shop for 10$ from there and it isn't working now. Olivia: You know him since a long time. thought he would be trusted Jayden: I never said that he is a trusted person Olivia: What should I do now? Jayden: Send me the phone through Olivia. I will get it repaired Olivia: Ok i will ask him to bring the phone to your place when he comes home Jayden: Wheres he at? Olivia: Don't know. He said he is going to play a football match Jayden: I would be waiting for him.
Olivia's new phone is broken. It's Samsung Note 8 bought from Ethan's shop. Olivia will have the phone delivered to Jayden. He will have it repaired.
Dave: Guys! The weather is great, I'm going for a bike ride. Anyone interested? Fiona: when? Dave: Like... now! :) ok, in an hour or so Ismael: I could join you around 11:00 Dave: I'm going to start in an hour and I can wait for you somewhere... close to Rose Hill ? Fiona: that would be great, Isma I can come to your place 10:30 and we'll go to the park together ok? Ismael: Okay! I should be ready at 10:30 Dave: Let’s go towards the hills and we’ll see later Fiona: We can have lunch and a beer at Dory’s before we come back Ismael: Good idea! Dave: OK I’m going to leave home at 10am then. I’m going have a coffee at Rialto Cathy: Hey! Do not start without me! :) Ismael: Oooh… look who’s here :) Fiona: so early!!! Cathy: Just woke up :) Dave: Good for you! Dave: 10:15 at Rialto Cathy? Cathy: I don't think so, I'll come with Fi and Isma Dave: OK... I'm going to take a short ride now and it seems I'll have enough to have some decent breakfast before you join me :) see you there! Fiona: Rose are you there? Ismael: Wake up Rosie!!! Rose: Just waiting for you to discuss the details ;) Rose: I'm ready to go now Fiona: <file_gif> Rose: Dave I'm going to have a breakfast with you Rose: See you all at 11 :*
Cathy, Fiona and Isma will pick Ismael up with their bikes at 10.30. They will go to the park for a ride at 11 with Dave and Rose, and after that - for lunch and beer at Dory's.

stacked samsum 1024

Created with the stacked-booksum repo version v0.25. It contains:

  1. Original Dataset: copy of the base dataset

  2. Stacked Rows: The original dataset is processed by stacking rows based on certain criteria:

    • Maximum Input Length: The maximum length for input sequences is 1024 tokens in the longt5 model tokenizer.
    • Maximum Output Length: The maximum length for output sequences is also 1024 tokens in the longt5 model tokenizer.
  3. Special Token: The dataset utilizes the [NEXT_CONCEPT] token to indicate a new topic within the same summary. It is recommended to explicitly add this special token to your model's tokenizer before training, ensuring that it is recognized and processed correctly during downstream usage.



dataset details

Default (train):

[2022-12-04 13:19:32] INFO:root:{'num_columns': 4,
 'num_rows': 14732,
 'num_unique_target': 14730,
 'num_unique_text': 14265,
 'summary - average chars': 110.13,
 'summary - average tokens': 28.693727939180015,
 'text input - average chars': 511.22,
 'text input - average tokens': 148.88759163725223}

stacked (train)

[2022-12-05 00:49:04] INFO:root:stacked 14730 rows, 2 rows were ineligible
[2022-12-05 00:49:04] INFO:root:dropped 20 duplicate rows, 29442 rows remain
[2022-12-05 00:49:04] INFO:root:shuffling output with seed 182
[2022-12-05 00:49:04] INFO:root:STACKED - basic stats - train
[2022-12-05 00:49:04] INFO:root:{'num_columns': 5,
 'num_rows': 29442,
 'num_unique_chapters': 28975,
 'num_unique_summaries': 29441,
 'summary - average chars': 452.8,
 'summary - average tokens': 106.46820868147545,
 'text input - average chars': 1814.09,
 'text input - average tokens': 528.665579783982}
Downloads last month
Edit dataset card

Models trained or fine-tuned on stacked-summaries/stacked-samsum-1024