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This repository contains dataset mentioned in the paper, "IndicFinNLP: Financial Natural Language Processing for Indian Languages" @ LREC-COLING 2024


Exaggerated Numeral Detection Sustainability Assessment, ESG Theme Determination Languages: Hindi, Bengali, Telugu


Budget speeches of Hindi, Bengali, and Telugu speaking states (Punjab, Uttarakhand, Haryana, West Bengal, Telangana, and Andhra Pradesh) starting from the year 2011 till 2023. Financial texts filtered from the Samanantar corpus (Rameshet al., TACL 2022). Translated the existing dataset proposed by Kangand El Maarouf (FinSim4-ESG FinNLP-2022) from English to Indian languages (Hindi, Bengali, and Telugu). Retained only the high quality ones. Translated the existing dataset proposed by Chen et al. 2023 (FinNLP-2023 ML-ESG) from English to Indian languages (Hindi, Bengali, and Telugu). Manually verified and corrected the translations wherever needed.


Task-1 Metadata

column name explanation example
indic financial text in indic language যা টাকায় ১০ কোটি টাকারও বেশি।
number_english number present in indic text after translating it to English 10
number_indic number present in indic text ১০
start_posn starting position of the number in indic text 9
end_posn ending position of the number in indic text 11
language indic language in which the text is present (hindi/bengali/telugu) bengali
magnitude magnitude of the number 1

Task-2 Metadata

column name explanation example
sentence_indic financial text in indic language 2019 में, हवाई यात्रा हमारे अपने कार्बन फुटप्रिंट का लगभग 38 प्रतिशत थी।
label sustainable or unsustainable unsustainable
language indic language hindi

Task-3 Metadata

column name explanation example
URL url of the news title
news_title_indic news title in indic language రుణాలను సమలేఖనం చేయడానికి, నికర సున్నాతో పెట్టుబడి దస్త్రాలను సమలేఖనం చేయడానికి ABN AMRO
ESG_Theme ESG theme of the news title climate change
language indic language telugu
  author={Ghosh, Sohom and Majhi, Arnab and Narayana, Aswartha and Naskar, Sudip Kumar},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)}, 
  title={IndicFinNLP: Financial Natural Language Processing for Indian Languages}, 

license: cc-by-nc-sa-4.0

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