1 value
A grizzly kept talking to me
He was unbearable
Continue a dad joke:
I rubbed mayonnaise on my eyes
Oh fuck oh shit it hurts please help this is no joke it pains fuck help me already
Continue a dad joke:
What do you say to encourage an asteroid?
Go little rockstar.
Continue a dad joke:
They always ask me why my mood is always negative
Just multiply by -1 😉
Continue a dad joke:
Recently I started working with horses
It's a stable job.
Continue a dad joke:
My favorite word is "drool"
Just rolls off the tongue.
Continue a dad joke:
Where’s a dogs favorite place to eat
At Woofle House
Continue a dad joke:
Why don't oysters share their pearls?
They're shellfish 🐚😂!
Continue a dad joke:
What do you call two guys hanging out above a window?
Kurt & Rod
Continue a dad joke:
Me: I'm not saying a word without my lawyer present!
So where's my present?!
Continue a dad joke:
What is a visit to the dad joke factory called?
Continue a dad joke:
Did you hear about the mentally unstable train conductor they arrested down in Mexico?
He was a serial killer with Loco-motives.
Continue a dad joke:
What would you call a diving dog?
Continue a dad joke:
I run Denmark's premier safari clothing destination.
You could say I dress the Danes down in Africa.
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If a friend comes clean about their STD
Be sure to clap for them.
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What do you call a sword wielding platypus?
Parry the platypus
Continue a dad joke:
A friend of mine collects blunt pencils,
personally I find his hobby a bit pointless.
Continue a dad joke:
What did the first ant say to the second ant after he farted
It's not me, it's *deodorant*.
Continue a dad joke:
What time did Sean Connery normally make it to Wimbledon?
Continue a dad joke:
Tell your young children that you bought them edible toilet paper. This way it will wipe their butt for them whenever they poop. I told this to my kids years ago when we
They thought it
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Someone threw a bunch of herbs in my face
Now I’m parsley sighted.
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How do you make the number one disappear?
Just add a g and it's gone.
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What do you say when a Mexican is in bed?
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Christmas present
So now I look forward to get the other sock next time.
Continue a dad joke:
Why did the old man fall in the well
Because he couldn't see that well.
Continue a dad joke:
Where do shoes talk while they wait for trains?
At the Converse station!
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Why do astranomers are bad at eye contact
They tend to stare into space.
Continue a dad joke:
How did the farmer find his wife?
He tractor down
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What do you call a person who repeatedly farts?
A BadAss
Continue a dad joke:
Why didn't the apostles chase Jesus after their argument?
Anytime you crossed him, he would come back 3 days later
Continue a dad joke:
My son’s fourth birthday was today, but when he came to see me I didn’t recognize him at first.
I’d never seen him be 4.
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Convertibles are the most cold-hearted and merciless of cars
They're roofless!
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Nasa wants you to find water on Mars.
say no more
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Why can’t dinosaurs clap?
Because they’re all dead.
Continue a dad joke:
As we were walking down the driveway with the cans, I asked my son, "Did you know there’s no official training for garbage men?"
Rolling his eyes, he responded, "No, no I didn't. "I continued... "Seriously, they just pick it up as they go along!"
Continue a dad joke:
What did Sherlock Holmes say when he found some cheese at a murder scene
It's emmental, dear Watson.
Continue a dad joke:
There was this poor clinic for amputees. They didn’t have enough prosthetic limbs to go around.
So they resorted to arms trading
Continue a dad joke:
Did you hear about the woman in Brazil who was wrongly convicted of having an abortion?
It was a miscarriage of justice
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Been a few years, my kid and I are catching up
he hasnt learned to hold the glove the other way yet.
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My stainless steel started rusting
It must've been a carbon copy
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When did the polish man wake up?
At the Kraków dawn
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What do conspiracists and Excel have in common?
They spreadsheet
Continue a dad joke:
Why was the last season of The Office less popular
The cast was Carellless
Continue a dad joke:
I went to a bookstore and asked where the self-help section was
The clerk said that if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
Continue a dad joke:
I had such high hopes for the New Year.
Until I realized 2022 is pronounced just like 2020 too.
Continue a dad joke:
I just like surprising people.
I just like surprising people.
Continue a dad joke:
How to be a great Dad! Check below for my 4 Keys to Success.
Continue a dad joke:
What is the name of the boy band made up of converted jews
Boys to Mensch. Oy vey
Continue a dad joke:
I was really disappointed when I saw my Mom's sister orgasm
Such an Anticlimax
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Why are cannibals so popular?
People are really into them.
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Did you hear about the wizard that died of thirst?
He'd had a dry spell.
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How do cats communicate online?
They send each other e-meows.
Continue a dad joke:
I told my kids my super-hero name would be: Mr. Pee Pee
because, if you see me, urine trouble!
Continue a dad joke:
What did the banana say before it dived into the lake?
I think I'll peel first.
Continue a dad joke:
What would you get if you crossed a small bear and a cow Winnie the Moo
Winnie the Moo!
Continue a dad joke:
I bought an alcoholic ginger beer.
Now she’s back at AA.
Continue a dad joke:
People often ask me how is it like working as an elevator operator
It has its ups and downs.
Continue a dad joke:
What did the football say to the player?
I get a kick out of you.
Continue a dad joke:
Have you guys heard of lemon demon
All of his songs are great but "two trucks" is a banger
Continue a dad joke:
Did you hear about the artists that got into a fight
It ended in a draw.
Continue a dad joke:
Where did George Washington keep his armies?
In his sleevies
Continue a dad joke:
What do I know about dwarfs?
Very little.
Continue a dad joke:
My parents were dwarfs.
For years they struggled to put food on the table.
Continue a dad joke:
I asked my friend if he liked Nickleback
He told me that he never gave me any money.
Continue a dad joke:
Just read a book about Stockholm Syndrome
It had a bad start, but by the end I really liked it.
Continue a dad joke:
Does anyone want to buy this tube of Polos I've kept from 1972?
It's a bit stale.
Continue a dad joke:
Why do scuba divers fall backwards into the water?
If they fell forward, they'd still be in the boat.
Continue a dad joke:
How do you get a country girl to like you?
Attract her.
Continue a dad joke:
Why would a snake lose in a shootout?
Because they're unarmed
Continue a dad joke:
Why do flamingos lift one leg?
If they lifted both, they'd fall.
Continue a dad joke:
Why is Christmas just like another day at the office
Because you do all the work and some fat guy in suit a gets all the credit!!
Continue a dad joke:
I was gonna write a joke about drills
But it's pretty boring
Continue a dad joke:
What's the loudest kind of chair?
A Rockin’ chair!
Continue a dad joke:
A little-known fact: Che Guevara decided for a while in the year of 1962 to give up the communist cause in Cuba and start a career instead in music.
Reporter: So what kind of music will you be playing, Sir?
Continue a dad joke:
I sometimes look at myself in the mirror and laugh.
My humor is so ironic that I find myself funny.
Continue a dad joke:
Why was my sushi buzzing?
It wasabi
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Why did the alcoholic marry the ghost?
For the Boos
Continue a dad joke:
Will things be good or bad in 3,028 years?
It’s 5050
Continue a dad joke:
*Poo-Ping* Was a Chinese Man.
He was always a little crappy at kung fu.
Continue a dad joke:
How do you make an adorable pickle?
You use a cute-cumber!
Continue a dad joke:
My WIFI password
Continue a dad joke:
What do you call a duck that‘s addicted
A quackhead
Continue a dad joke:
What do you get when you mix Cerave in a bowl with a fork?
Scramble Eczema Lotion
Continue a dad joke:
How do Auto Body repairmen prefer their pasta cooked?
All Denty
Continue a dad joke:
When one door closes, another one opens
Other than that, it’s a pretty good car.
Continue a dad joke:
I use the word Mucho around my Spanish friends
It means a lot to them
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Why are coal miners so happy?
They mine their own business.
Continue a dad joke:
What’s another name for a dozen donuts blessed by a priest
Holy Bread
Continue a dad joke:
Here’s a joke my dad always used to play on me
Why did he always have to ruin the fun?
Continue a dad joke:
I used to work for a knife manufacturing company
There was never a dull moment... But eventually I was cut
Continue a dad joke:
My 5th grader’s joke today: Two friends walked into a store
Because H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide!
Continue a dad joke:
Did I tell you about my friend with a boat making business in his attic?
Sails are through the roof!
Continue a dad joke:
This year my resolution is to become an expert in both cattle roping and iambic pentameter.
I'm hoping to become a Poet Lariat.
Continue a dad joke:
I like my kids and dad jokes just as I like my movies.
Not spoiled.
Continue a dad joke:
Did you hear of the Librarian who became sick reading a book?
She became **ILL-**literate.
Continue a dad joke:
For some reason i always think there is only 25 letters in the alphabet
...i never know y?
Continue a dad joke:
What's the difference between a goldfish and a clownfish?
The other fish doesn't wear makeup
Continue a dad joke:
Have you heard about the tapeworm epidemic going on in France?
awful lot of Paris sights
Continue a dad joke:
Did you hear Bill Gates lost a dance contest to Al Gore?
He didn’t have the Al Gore Rhythm
Continue a dad joke:
What do 16yr old Sasquatches give you when you try and ask them a sensible question?
A whole lotta Squatch-sass.
Continue a dad joke:

Reddit /r/DadJokes dataset

Dataset is based on a semi-public Pushshift Reddit dataset.

Source data

The actual extract of all top-level posts on /r/DadJokes can be found in the src/reddit_dadjokes.csv.gz file. The raw post contents are very noisy, so we did a couple of steps to clean things up:

  • Used a Llama-8B-instruct to split each dad joke into the intro and a punchline parts. See src/ script for details.
  • Removed too short and too long posts. Also removed all punchlines being emojis or URLs.
  • There are a lot of duplicate submissions present, so we used the intfloat/e5-base-v2 model for semantic deduplication.


Dataset has all the metadata to be used with the [HF Datasets] library:

from datasets import load_dataset

data = load_dataset('shuttie/reddit-dadjokes', split='train')


147753 jokes split to intro and punchline parts. Jokes are from 2014 till 2022.


To be Alpaca-format compatible we use the Continue a dad joke: instruction by default, but it's up to you for using something else.

{"input": "A grizzly kept talking to me", "output": "He was unbearable", "instruction": "Continue a dad joke:"}
{"input": "I rubbed mayonnaise on my eyes", "output": "Oh fuck oh shit it hurts please help this is no joke it pains fuck help me already", "instruction": "Continue a dad joke:"}
{"input": "What do you say to encourage an asteroid?", "output": "Go little rockstar.", "instruction": "Continue a dad joke:"}
{"input": "They always ask me why my mood is always negative", "output": "Just multiply by -1 \ud83d\ude09", "instruction": "Continue a dad joke:"}
{"input": "Recently I started working with horses", "output": "It's a stable job.", "instruction": "Continue a dad joke:"}
{"input": "My favorite word is \"drool\"", "output": "Just rolls off the tongue.", "instruction": "Continue a dad joke:"}
{"input": "Where\u2019s a dogs favorite place to eat", "output": "At Woofle House", "instruction": "Continue a dad joke:"}
{"input": "Why don't oysters share their pearls?", "output": "They're shellfish \ud83d\udc1a\ud83d\ude02!", "instruction": "Continue a dad joke:"}
{"input": "What do you call two guys hanging out above a window?", "output": "Kurt & Rod", "instruction": "Continue a dad joke:"}
{"input": "Me: I'm not saying a word without my lawyer present!", "output": "So where's my present?!", "instruction": "Continue a dad joke:"}


Apache 2.0

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