imagewidth (px)
Break (77)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Start is connected with Check needs for project which is then connected with Is project well-defined?. If Is project well-defined? is No then Re-evaluate needs and if Is project well-defined? is Yes then Build prototype. Re-evaluate needs is connected with Build prototype which is then connected with END."}}
Break (78)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Start is connected with Check software. If Check software is yes then check all the needs and If Check software is No then B. If Check all the needs is No then C and if Check all the needs is Yes then Good Needs and Good Needs is connected with End."}}
Break (79)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is conected with Check your PC configuration which is then conected with Install and configure a database. Install and configure a database is conected with IBM DB2 Database?. If IBM DB2 Database? is yes then Create users which is then connected with Create database schemas. If IBM DB2 Database? is No then Create database schemas. Create database schemas is connected with Install Oracle WebLogic Server which is then connected with Install Software. Install Software is connected with create and configure WebLogic Server Domain which is then connected with Perform Steps. Perform Steps is connected with Verify your environment which is finally connected with End."}}
Break (80)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is conected with SUM=0 which is then conected with Input N and Input N is connected with N!=0?. If N!=0? is False then Print Sum and If N!=0? is True then Rem=N%10. Rem=N%10 is connected with Sum=Sum+Rem which is then connected with N=N/10. N=N/10 is connected with N!=0? and also it is connected with Print Sum which is finally connected with Stop."}}
Break (81)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Example is connected with Does the computer turn on? which if Does the computer turn on? is Yes then Any Report and if Does the computer turn on? is No then Is the computer power light on?. If Any Report is Yes then Perform a search for the error message and if Any Report is No then Computer okay. If is the computer power light on? is Yes then PC ON and if is the computer power light on? is No then Check the computer power cord."}}
Break (82)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Go for shopping is connected with Do I have enough money?. If Do I have enough money? is Yes then Buy it and if Do I have enough money? is No then Don't buy the item."}}
Break (83)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with calculate total travelling-periods EV using Distance for each EV which is then connected with Calculate Each Step which is further connected with Available cars to simulate?. If Available cars to simulate? is connected is No then Return generated scenario and If Available cars to simulate? is connected is Yes then Randomly generate Steps which is then connected with Random trial is higher than 100?. If Random trial is higher than 100? is Yes then Discard car from scenario which is further connected with Get next car and reduce used available trips per step of last car scenario and if Random trial is higher than 100? is No then Is it possible?. If Is it possible is No then Randomly generate Steps and if Is it possible is Yes then Allocate cars which is then connected with Get next car and reduce used available trips per step of last car scenario and it is finally connected with Available cars to simulate?"}}
Break (84)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "App Front page is connected with Launch which if Launch is No then Login Page and if Launch is Yes then Enter password which is then connected with Login page and Login Page is connected with Home Page User logged in."}}
Break (85)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with Login which is then connected with Login correct?. If Login correct? is correct then Login and also Login correct? is connected with Front Page."}}
Break (86)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with Decision. If Decision is Yes then Step 1 and if Decision is No then Step 2. Step 2 is coonnected with Step 3 which is then connected with Stop. Also, Step 1 is connected with Stop."}}
Break (87)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with Are you okay. If Are you okay is YES then DO SOMETHING and if Are you okay is NO then also DO SOMETHING."}}
Break (88)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with Input n which is then connected with n%2=0. If n%2=0 is Yes then Even and if n%2=0 is No then Odd. Even is connected with End and also Odd is connected with End."}}
Break (89)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with Read A which is then connected with A>0. If A>0 is Yes then Positive and if A>0 is No then Negative. Positive is connected with Stop and also Negative is connected with Stop."}}
Break (90)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with Pick up item which is then connected with Does this item spark joy for me?. If Does this item spark joy for me? is No then Delete and if Does this item spark joy for me? is Yes then Save."}}
Break (91)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with Door Knock which is then connected with Ready to wake up. If Ready to wake up is Yes then Get up and if Ready to wake up is No then Sleep. Sleep is connected with Forget it which is then connected with Door Knock."}}
Break (92)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Flowchart Example is connected with Check monitor. If Check monitor is Yes then Switch on and if check monitor is No then Is the computer power light on?. If Switch on is Yes then Perform a search for the error message and if Switch on is No then Computer is fine. If Is the computer power light on? is Yes then Turn the computer monitor on and if Is the computer power light on? is No then Check the computer power cord."}}
Break (93)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Start is connected with Greet customer which is then connected with Talk with them which is further connected with need help. If Need help is No then End and if Need help is Yes then Call manager whcih is then connected with Manager assist and finally manager assist is connected with End."}}
Break (94)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "ROI is connected with Input image which is then connected with information. Information is connected with Classification which is finally connected with Obstacle/Non-obstacle decision."}}
Break (95)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with Alarm Rings which is connected with Ready to face the world?. If Ready to face the world? is Yes then Get Up and it is connected with End. If Ready to face the world? is No then Hit SNOOZE which is then connected with Ignore and finally connected with Alarm Rings."}}
Connect (87)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Cashew shell is connected with Sizing which is then connected with Expelling. Expelling is then connected with Cashew shell oil and Dirt. Cashew shell oil is connected with Reactor which is then connected with Cashew Shell oil Comercial Grate."}}
Connect (88)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with READ num1 which is then connected with i=1 and bun=1 which is further connected with Is I<num1. If I<num1 is false then Print bun and if I<num1 is True then I=I+1 which is then connected with bun=bun*I. bun=bun*I is connected with Is I<num1 and also connected with Stop. Also, PRINT bun is connected with Stop."}}
Connect (89)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Start is connected with Open Email which is then connected with Read mail. Read mail is connected with Input Structured?. If Input Structured is No then Process Manually which is further connected with End and if Input Structured? is YES then Extract Data which is then connected with Lookup Product Description. Lookup Production Description is connected with Match Found? If Match Found is No then Send Email to Update File which is finally connected with End."}}
Connect (90)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with Right. If Right is No then Left and if Right is Yes then Left. If Left is No then Turn Right and if Left is Yes then Go straight. If Left is No then End and if Left is Yes then Turn Left. Go straight, Turn Right, Turn Left and End is connected with Right."}}
Connect (91)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with Read Parameters which is then connected with Perform operations. Perform operations is connected with Update Values which is then connected with Update the position and velocity for all the particles which is further connected with Termination condition satisfied?. If Termination condition satisfied? is No then Perform opeartions and If Termination condition satisfied? is Yes then Print Output which is finally connected with End."}}
Connect (92)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Records retrieved through electronic database is connected with Potentially suitable studies and also connected with Excluded:n=124 -Duplication -Animal studies. Potentially suitable studies is connected with Potentially eligible RCTs and also connected with Excluded:n=81. Potentially eligible RCTs is connected with RCTs included in the meta-analysis(n=8) and also connected with Excluded:n=4."}}
Connect (93)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "If Log In is OpenID login then Logged In and if Logged In is No then OpenID log in. Also, if Logged In is Yes then End and OpenID log in is also connected with End."}}
Connect (94)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Input is connected with Power modulator which is then connected with Motor. Motor is connected with Load and also connected with Sensing unit which is then connected with Control unit. Control unit is connected with Power modulator and Input command is connected with Control unit."}}
Connect (95)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Power Supply is connected with RAM and power supply is connected with Hard disk. RAM and Hard disk both are connected with Processor which is finally connected with Hard Drive."}}
Connect (96)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Start is connected with Input A,B,C which is connected with IS A>B?. If IS A>B? is No then IS B>C? and if IS A>B? is YES then IS A>C?. If IS B>C? is YES then PRINT B and IS B>C? is NO then PRINT B. If IS A>C? is YES then PRINT A and If IS A>C? is NO then PRINT C. PRINT B, PRINT C, PRINT A all are connected with Stop."}}
Connect (97)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with READ N which is then connected with M=1 F=1 which is further connected with F=F*M. F=F*M is connected with M=N? which if M=N? is NO then M=M+1 and M=M+1 is connected with F=F*M. If M=N? is YES then PRINT F."}}
Connect (98)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with X=1 which is then connected with X>1. If X>1 is No then End and if X>1 is Yes then OUTPUT X which is then connected with X=X+1 and finally connected with X>1."}}
Connect (99)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Start is connected with Work on problem which is then connected with Assess their Situation and the which is further connected with Present Solution(s). Present Solution(s) is connected with Sign up which is then connected with Retain relationship and then finally connected with Work on problem."}}
Connect (100)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with Total patients which is then connected with Serious patients. Serious patients is connected with Operation needed, Doctor needed and No operation needed. Operation needed is connected with PACC Group. Doctor needed and No operation needed both are connected with Get well soon."}}
Connect (101)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with Input Data which is then connected with Looking for Entropy. Looking for Entropy is connected with Gain which is then connected with Highest Gain which is further connected with Creating a Node Branch. Creating a Node Branch is connected with Finished which if Finished is Yes then Stop and if finished is No then Gain."}}
Connect (102)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Start is connected with Determine SEUs energy inputs/outputs which is then connected with Determine process. Determine process is connected with Determine measurement period (EnB process) which is then connected with Normalize and further connected with Check. Check is connected with Report which again connected with Start."}}
Connect (103)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Start is connected with If Condition which if condition is False then Else Body and if condition is True then if Body. If Body and Else Body both are connected with Statement just below it which is finally connected with Exit."}}
Connect (104)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Leave office is connected with check time which is then connected with Before 7am?. If Before 7am? is Yes then Take bus and if Before am? is No then Take subway. Take bus and Take subway both are connected with Reach home."}}
Connect (105)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Start is connected with If condition which if condition is False then Nested if condition and if condition is True then If Body. If Nested if Condition is False then Pass and if Nested if Condition is True then Nested if Body. If Body, Nested if Body and Pass all are connected with Statement ust below it which is finally connected with Exit."}}
Connect (106)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with Order whcih is then connected with Want fries?. If Want fries is Yes then Order fries which is then connected with Want drink? and if Want fries? is No then also Want drink?. If Want drink? is Yes then Order drink which is then connected with Pay. If Want drink is No then also Pay which is finally connected with End."}}
Connect (107)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Start is connected with Obect Detected whcih if Object Detected is Yes then Drive Forwards which is connected with Obect Detected. If Object Detected is No then Turn Robot which is also connected with Object Detetcted."}}
Connect (108)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Start is connected with Object detected in left which if Object detected in left is No then Object detected in right and If Obect detected in left is Yes then Turn Left which is then connected with Object detected in right. If Object detected in right is No then Obect detected in left and if Object detected in right is Yes then Turn Right which is also connected with Object detected in left."}}
Normal (246)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Start is connected with Input F which is then connected with C=5/9*(F-32) which is further connected with Print C and finally Print C is connected with End."}}
Normal (247)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "A is connected with Process step 3 which is then connected with Process step 4. Process step 4 is connected with Process step 5 and then connected with Process step 6 which is finally connected with End."}}
Normal (248)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Source is connected with Source encoder which is then connected with Channel encoder. Channel encoder is connected with Noises which is then connected with Channel decoder which is further connected with Source decoder and finally connected with Destination."}}
Normal (249)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with Process step which is then connected with Decision?. If Decision? is Choice 2 then Process step 1 and If Decision? is Choice 1 then Process step2 which is finally connected with A."}}
Normal (250)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Start is connected with Process 1 which is then connected with Decision. If Decision is No then Process 2 whcih is again connected with Process 1. If Decision is Yes is Process 3 which is finally connected with Stop."}}
Normal (251)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with Step 1 which is then connected with Decision 1. If Decision is No then Step 1 and if Decision is Yes then Step 2 which is finally connected with End."}}
Normal (252)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with Input length, width which is then connected with Perimeter=2*(length+width). Perimeter=2*(length+width) is connected with Print output which is then connected with Stop."}}
Normal (253)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Start is connected with Make decision. If Make decision is outcome 1 then Do 1 and if Make decision is outcome 2 then Do 2. Do 1 and Do 2 both are connected with Do 3 which is finally connected with Stop."}}
Normal (254)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Start is connected with Read P,R,N which is then connected with Calculate I=(P*R*N)/100 which is further connected with Print Output and finally connected with Stop."}}
Normal (255)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Input Image is connected with Preprocess which is then connected with Dilation & Erosion. Dilation & Erosion is connected with Edge Detection which is then connected with THC and finally conected with Locate."}}
Normal (256)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "CONSTRUCTION IDEA AND APPROVAL is connected with Initailaization which is then connected with SURVEY AND LINING OF LAND which is further connected with FOUNDATION EXCAVATION. FOUNDATION EXCAVATION is connected with Evaluate whcih is then connetced with WALL MASONRY and is further connected with Joining and finally connected with End."}}
Normal (257)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with count=0 which is then connected with Print count. Print count is connected with count=count+1 whcih is then connected with Ls count<10. If Ls count<10 is YES then Print count and if Ls count<10 is NO then End."}}
Normal (258)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Temprature Sensor is connected with Processing which is then connected with Fan."}}
Normal (259)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Receive New Order is connected with Check Size and is then connected with Check Stock Levels. Check Stock Levels is connected with Print manuals which is then connected with Despatch the Goods which is further connected with Confirm Bill. Confirm Bill is connected with Receive Payment whcih is finally connected with Update Records."}}
Normal (260)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with Condition which if False then End of loop and if condition is True then Loop Body which is then connected with Condition."}}
Normal (261)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connecetd with Are you happy? which is then connected with both Yes a lot and Want to be happy?"}}
Normal (262)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with Has 5 attempts which if Has 5 attempts is Yes then Block and if Has 5 attempts is No then Login. Block is connected with Alert and Login is connected with Authorized. Alert is connected with Stop and if Authorize is No then Has 5 attempts and if Authorize is Yes then Allow which is finally connected with stop."}}
Normal (263)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "To Do 1 is connected with To Do 2."}}
Normal (264)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Thermometer is connected with Transistor whcih is then connected with Fever."}}
Normal (265)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with Step 1 which is then connected with Decision. If Decision is No then Step 1 and If Decision is Yes then Step 2 which is then connected with Stop."}}
Normal (266)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with Follow the arrow which is then connected with Did you follow the arrow?. If Did you follow the arrow? is No then How did you get here? and if Did you follow the arrow? is Yes then This is how flowcharts and decision diagram work. If How did you get here? is Actually, I did follow the arrows then This is how flowcharts and decision diagrams work and If How did you get here? is I have no idea! then Would you like to have another go?. This is how flowcharts and decision diagram work is connected with End. If Would you like to have another go? is Yes, please then Alright! Let's start over! which is further connected with Follow the arrow. If Would you like to have another go? is No, flowcharts are stupid then Still, you've managed to get this so far, so which is finally connected with End."}}
Normal (267)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Start is connected with document-filter which is then connected with Screening. Screening is connected with document-converter which is then connected with document-converter-topic. document-converter-topic is connected with published which is then connected with both s3-publisher-topic and workflow-s3."}}
Normal (268)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Start is connected with Log in which is connected with Change ID which is further connected with Change Password. Change Password is connected with Forgot Password which is then connected with Successful and finally connected with End."}}
Normal (269)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Take Order is connected with Order Meets Specifications which if Order Meets Specifications is No then Order Decline and if Order Meets Specifications is Yes then Take Payment."}}
Normal (270)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Start is connected with Initialize Variable which is then connected with Enter Variables which is further connected with HoursWorked>MaxNoOvertime?. If HoursWorked>MaxNoOvertime? is No then GrossPay=HoursWorked*HourRate and If HoursWorked>MaxNoOvertime? is Yes then Update Grosspay. GrossPay=HoursWorked*HourRate and Update Grosspay both are connected with GrossPay>MaxNoDue?. If GrossPay>MaxNoDue? is No then NetPay=GrossPay and If GrossPay>MaxNoDue? is Yes then Update Netpay. NetPay=GrossPay and Update Netpay both are connected with Display GrossPay, NetPay which is finally connected with Stop."}}
Normal (271)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Acetyl-CoA is connected with Citric Acid which is then connected with Mevalonic acid. Mevalonic acid is then connected with Methyl Acid which is then connected with Geranyl-PP and is finally connected with End."}}
Normal (272)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Start is connected with Entry Users Personal ID which is then connected with connection which is further connected with Login Success. Login Success is connected with Read to-n Answer is connected with Start Loop. Start Loop is connected with both terminator and Inference Process. Inference process is connected with Conclusion which if Conclusion is No then connection which is further connected with Stop and if Conclusion is Yes then Positioning Detection for monitoring. Positioning Detection for monitoring is also connected with connection and finally connected with stop."}}
Normal (273)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with Pour Cold Water which is then connected with Set Water Level Reached? If Set Water Level Reached? is No then Pour Cold Water and if Set Water Level Reached? is Yes then Pour Hot Water. Pour Hot Water is connected with Check Water Temperature. If Check Water Temperature is No then Pour Hot Water and if Check Water Temperature is Yes then Washing Process (Pump ON). Washing Process (Pump ON) is connected with Check Time Limit. If Check Time Limit is No then Washing Process (Pump ON) and if Check Time Limit is Yes then End."}}
Normal (274)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "User is connected with Selection of problem area/problem which is then connected with Symptom selection which is further connected with Answer queries on selected symptoms. Answer queries on selected symptoms is connected with Determine probable diseases which is then connected with Filter determined diseases which is further connected with Is Top probability?. If Is Top probability? is No then Output and if Is Top probability? is Yes then Is history question?. If Is history question? is Yes then Add catalyst factor and If Is history question? is No then Output. Also, Add catalyst factor is connected with Output."}}
Normal (275)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with Create a swarm of particles which is then connected with Calculate each particle's fitness which is further connected with Determine best value. Determine best value is connected with Update Value whcih is then connected with Termination. If Termination is No then Calculate each particle's fitness and if Termination is Yes then End."}}
Normal (276)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Start is connected with Read Values which is then connected with new trials available?. If new trials available is no then again Read Values and if new trails available is yes then read new trial which is then connected with average avaible for condition?. If average avaible for condition? is no then Initialize and if average avaible for condition? is yes then add data to cumulative sum. Also Initialize is connected with add data to cumulative sum. If add data to cumulative sum is connected with compute t-value and plot which is then connected with continue?. If continue? is yes then Read Values and if continue? is no then Stop."}}
Normal (277)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Bill is connected with Review Bill which is then connected with Invoice Meets Requirements?. If Invoice Meets Requirements? is No then Return and if Invoice Meets Requirements? is yes then Information Required. If Information Required is No then Invoice Placed on Hold, Dept Notified of Required Action and if Information Required is Yes then Invoice Placed in Payment Queue which is then connected with Payment Processes. If Action Taken, Issue Resolved is No then Invoice Placed on Hold, Dept Notified of Required Action and if Action Taken, Issue Resolved is Yes then Informatio Required."}}
Normal (278)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Source is connected with Module which is then connected with Motor. Motor is connected with both Load and Sensing unit. Sensing unit is then connected with Control unit which is further connected with Module."}}
Normal (279)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Surgery is connected with Discuss with Doctor which is connected with both Still has concern and No longer has concerns. Still has concerns is connected with Contact Again and No longer has concerns is connected with No further CP action. Contact again is connected with both No longer has concerns and concern remain. No further CP action is connected with Ensure documentation complete and Concern remain is connected with Ensure documentation is complete which is then connected with Assessment made. CP procedures follow."}}
Normal (280)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Initialize AG is connected with General initial population which is then connected with Selection based on the fitness values which is further connected with Connection. Connection is connected with Mutation which is then connected with Implementation of the fitness function and further connected with update fitness value. If update fitness value is No then Mutation and if update fitness value is Yes then Finish."}}
Normal (281)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with 1. Record Customer's Application which is then connected with 2. Initial Processing which is further connected with 3. Obtain Documents from Customer. 3. Obtain Documents from Customer is connected with 4. Documentation which is then connected with 5. Evaluate whcih is further connected with 6. Approval. 6. Approval is connected with 7. Loan Granted which is finally connected with Finish."}}
Normal (282)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with Online Application which is then connected with Applicant meets with a loan officer to discuss their needs which is futher connected with Process Application. Process Application is connected with Application reviewed by the office manager. If Application reviewed by the office manager is N then Application Rejected and if Application reviewed by the office manager is Y then Application Approved which is finally conected with END."}}
Normal (283)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with Add slack variables to inequality constraints which is then connected with Calculate variables which is further connected with Calculate reduced gradient. Calculate reduced gradient is connected with Determine search vector which is then connected with Perform operations. Perfrom operations is connected with COnverged?. If converged? is No then Calculate variables and if converged? is Yes then Exit."}}
Normal (284)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Fan doesn't work is connected with Fan plugged in?. If Fan plugged in? is No then Plug in Fan and if Fan plugged in? is Yes then Bulb burned out?. If Bulb burned out? is Yes then Replace bulb and if Bulb burned out? is No then Repair Fan."}}
Normal (285)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Image is connected with 3D point cloud which is then connected with Threshold which is further connected with Preprocessing. Preprocessing is connected with Information which is then connected with Gesture recognition and finally connected with Image."}}
Normal (286)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "If Wide a wait(a) is queueA then Thread d Wait(d). If Wide b wait(b) is queueB then Thread d Wait(d). If Wide c wait(c) is queueC then Thread d Wait(d). If Thread d Wait(d) is queueC then Wide e Wide(e). If Wide e Wait(e) is queueG then Wide g wait(g). If Wide f wait(f) is queueF then Wide e Wait(e)."}}
Normal (287)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Initialisation is connected with GEOMETRIC MODELLING OF THE RECONSTRUCTED OBECT which is then connected with CONTROL MEASUREMENTS. CONTROL MEASUREMENTS is connected with Performance?. If Performance is No then GEOMETRIC MODELLING OF THE RECONSTRUCTED OBECT and if Performance is Yes then Stop."}}
Normal (288)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Fix the object is connected with Measure the part which is then connected with Fulfill?. If Fulfill? is No then Modify and if Fulfill? is Yes then Place fixture into production. Also, Modify is connected with Fix the object."}}
Normal (289)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Person is connected with Carbon Offset Vendors which is then connected with Vendor Overhead and/or Profit, Different company, and cons. Different company is then connected with both Third Party-Initiated Carbon Negative Activity and Third Party Overhead and/or Profit."}}
Normal (290)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Start is connected with Preprocessing which is then connected with both cleaning and Segmentation of nuclei. Cleaning is connected with Detection of overlapping cells. Segmentation of nuclei is connected with Detetcion of overlapping nuclei. Detetcion of overlapping cells and Detetcion of overlapping nuclei both are then connected with Feture extraction which is finally connected with End."}}
Normal (291)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with statements which is then connected with condition. If condition is False then statements 2 and if condition is True then statements 1 which is again connected with condition and statements 2 is connected with Stop."}}
Normal (292)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with Edit video which is then connected with Smaller than 2GB?. If Smaller than 2GB? is No then Edit video and if Smaller than 2GB? is YES then Click to upload which is then connected with Have an account already?. If Have an account already? is NO then Register which is then connected with Login and If Have an account already? is YES then also Login. Login is connected with FInd on computer which is then connected with Add description and tags which is finally connected with Stop."}}
Normal (293)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with Sending and Receiving a Ultrasound to measure distance which is then connected with Operations. Operations is connected with Sending the measured data to the micro-controller which is then connected with Bluetooth available?. If Bluetooth available? is No then Internet available? and if Bluetooth available? is Yes then Data Check. If Internet available is No then Result in negative response, no data will be sent and if Internet available is Yes then Sending the data to a Cloud Server. Sending the data to a Cloud Server and Data Check both are connected with Data Incoming which is then connected with Over Threshold level?. If Over Threshold level? is Yes then Empty recycle bin and if Over Threshold level? is no then connection. Also, Empty recycle bin and Result in negative response, no data will be sent are connected with connection which is finally connected with End."}}
Normal (294)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Start is connected with Source Process which if Source processor is stream then Processor and If Processor is also Stream then Sink Processor whcih is finally connected with End."}}
Normal (295)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Start is connected with Define Optimization Problem whcih is then connected with Calculate matrix which is further connected with Obtain result. Obtain result is connected with Perform Data Mining Algorithms which is then connected with Evaluate. Evaluate is connected with Meet Design Requirements?. If Meet Design Requirements? is No then Modify Mining Rules which is then connected with Perform Data Mining Algorithms and if Meet Design Requirements? is Yes then Stop."}}
Normal (296)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Start is connected with Scan Bar code which is then connected with "Reader" decrypts message and sends it to "3D object management interface" which is further connected with Check the website. Check the website is connected with The back-end server checks data and compares it with "3D objects database" which is then connected with Does data match the detail in "3D obects database". If Does data match the detail in "3D obects database" is No? then An error message is displayed on the user screen and if Does data match the detail in "3D obects database" is Yes? then The 3D object is displayed on the user screen."}}
Normal (297)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with Low Income, Explosion, and Adequate. Low Income is connected with Inadequate access to social services and Adequate is connected with Inhibiting policy environment. Inadequate access to social services is connected with both Lack of governace investment and Interest. Explosion is connected with Gender and Inhibiting policy environment is connected with both Limited civic participation and Limited Accountability. Lack of geovernment investment is connected with Lack of political will and Gender is connectedw ith both Decreasing FDI, insufficient domestic capital and Lack of credit for small businesses and microenterprises."}}
Normal (298)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Algorithm is connected with Set N=Length of Array which is then connected with Set I=0 which is further connected with Set Value=Array[I]. Set Value=Array[I] is connected with Set J=I-1 which is then connected with J>=0 AND Array[J]>Value. If J>=0 AND Array[J]>Value is No then Update Value and if J>=0 AND Array[J]>Value is Yes then Set Array[J+1]=Array[J] which is then connected with Decrement J (J--) which is again connected with J>=0 AND Array[J]>Value. If Decrement J (J--) is No then Update Value which is then connected with Increment I (I++) which is further connected with I<N. If I<N is Yes then Set Value=Array[I] and if I<N is No then Sorted Array."}}
Normal (299)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Start is connected with Initialize i which if initialize i is i>N then terminate Process otherwise Enough Quotes? If Enough Quotes? is tender++ then Initialize i and if Enough Quotes? is Yes then Ready which is then connected with Purchase Approval? If Purchase Approval? is Rejected then Terminate Process and if Purchase Approval? is Yes then End."}}
Normal (300)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Reference Values is connected with Control which is then connected with Power Unit which is further connected with Supply System and Motor. Supply System is connected with Constant Voltage which is then connected with Control and Motor is connected with Driven Load which is then connected with Control."}}
Break (1)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Start is connected with Is your apps main goal is to support the porduct?. If Is your apps main goal is to support the porduct? is Yes then Consider hit apps. Also, Is your apps main goal is to support the porduct? is connected with Is your app inherently viral? hich is then connected with both Consider Free with IAPs and Does user have valid ID?. Does user have valid ID? is connected with both Consider Free with IAPs and Can you easily explain the apps value in screenshots. Can you easily explain the apps value in screenshots is connected with both Paid service and Is the app itself your core revenue stream which is also connected with Paid service."}}
Break (2)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Begin is connected with Do you want to do this? which is then connected with Don't do it which is further connected with End. Do you want to do this? is also connected with Will it likely end in disaster?. If Will it likely end in disaster? is No then Do it which is then connected with End and if Will it likely end in disaster? is Yes then Good Movie?. If Good Movie? is No then Don't do it and if Good Movie? is Yes then Do it."}}
Break (3)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "If New Member eneters User name and Password then Login which is then connected with Authentication which is then connected with D1. If Authentication is existing member then validation and if Authentication is not a member then Print info which is then connected with New Member. Also, If Authentication is ADP Username ADP Password then Validation and if Validation is ADP Username ADP Password then D2."}}
Break (4)
{"gt_parse": {"c2t": "Can I Have a Baby? is connected with Are you married?. If Are you married? is Yes then Can you afford his/her expense? and If Are you married? is No then Are you an adult?. If Are you an adult? is No then Adopt a baby and if Are you an adult? is Yes then Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?. If Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? is No then Can you afford his/her expense? and if Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? is Yes then Ready for operation. If Ready for operation is Yes then Can you afford his/her expense? and if Ready for operation is No then Adopt a baby. Also, If Can you afford his/her expense? is Yes then Do you have enough time to take care of him/her? and if Can you afford his/her expense? is No then Adopt a baby. If Do you have enough time to take care of him/her? is No then also Adopt a baby and if Do you have enough time to take care of him/her? is Yes then yes, you can have a baby."}}

Block Diagram Dataset

This dataset is a combination of four block diagram datasets. The first dataset is the BD-EnKo dataset, which was introduced in the paper "Unveiling the Power of Integration: Block Diagram Summarization through Local-Global Fusion" accepted at ACL 2024. The second dataset is CBD, the third is FC_A, and the fourth is FC_B.

Only BD-EnKo dataset is available here.

Dataset description

This dataset contains different types of block diagram images from different sources with their high-quality summaries.

Types Train Validation
English Korean English Korean
----------------- --------- -------- ------------ ---------
Flowchart 7,875 7,678 875 854
GraphLR 5,462 2,861 607 318
GraphTD 3,500 2,402 389 267
Journey 8,494 8,858 942 985
Sequence 2,708 3,539 301 394
Simple Graph 3,825 1,194 425 133
State Diagram 6,444 6,265 717 693
C4 3,549 0 395 0
Real World 76 304 15 50
CBD 396 0 106 0
FC_A 357 0 0 0
FC_B 476 0 196 0
----------------- --------- -------- ------------ ---------
Total 43,162 33,101 4,968 3,694


If you have any questions about this work, please contact Shreyanshu Bhushan using the following email addresses:

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Models trained or fine-tuned on shreyanshu09/Block_Diagram