13988825 8660836 0
80378 18548122 1
21354223 7421563 1
15826299 19728871 0
9938081 11517213 0
18220543 17366812 0
22328849 17334846 0
19130322 15710690 1
1111832 789472 1
7046481 18317332 0
190292 978946 1
19653581 9312243 1
369572 4761833 1
2285441 16987999 0
13041693 116038 0
14157859 3791822 1
23270032 21907871 0
17586131 14533184 1
18865693 1477578 1
5506807 10176882 0
2746011 5105540 0
3287282 13431536 0
16744397 18315736 0
18269744 10140251 0
14876163 3260787 1
14313659 10109343 0
13745376 10567003 0
22075089 20623710 1
19217522 10385493 1
7681426 11717079 1
8831301 8365268 1
308643 21172450 1
11322573 3224152 1
13569337 11394767 1
254039 16016623 1
4147990 1663419 1
16603670 12576210 0
19825038 9385633 0
810724 22207815 1
1643091 23277837 0
1214975 21172450 1
9070085 17832320 0
10445018 19295210 1
6988217 701471 1
4855600 12853333 0
1989226 11961013 0
15596950 14782656 0
249428 6166363 0
6751999 18761618 1
19193813 18568751 1
418257 21900384 1
10793825 2247987 0
3262458 8452564 0
17267601 20336463 1
21704695 9385030 0
18513921 430971 1
15982225 23285410 0
7398604 820905 1
19584493 4076629 1
1888878 7665877 0
11044947 16851953 1
19693561 22137813 0
601908 12678589 1
18293811 7303337 1
13863615 15593678 1
16298029 3931480 1
20691789 2467221 1
2232619 7577030 1
7066835 1966262 1
17217414 17984312 1
7396680 5856886 1
6908554 20669450 0
1966263 18600188 1
8330064 12524253 1
4376758 22249465 0
105319 16341721 1
7839811 4056440 1
4207693 5713525 0
12678588 952242 1
21395181 22135738 0
19338729 19898737 0
16845107 7321949 1
8661929 2446253 1
21293476 716032 0
1244216 3078767 1
22328848 4411141 1
17001260 8364547 0
11594590 4860089 0
1637147 547576 0
189777 21224683 0
5935063 19462026 0
13626014 23247146 0
1663419 22642186 1
17267680 11103449 1
11245902 11334494 0
7344728 15286502 1
13521323 346058 1
708766 557734 1
7346958 16005909 1
8023601 10896362 0

Dataset is imported from CodeXGLUE and pre-processed using their script.

Where to find in Semeru:

The dataset can be found at /nfs/semeru/semeru_datasets/code_xglue/code-to-code/Clone-detection-BigCloneBench in Semeru

CodeXGLUE -- Clone Detection (BCB)

Task Definition

Given two codes as the input, the task is to do binary classification (0/1), where 1 stands for semantic equivalence and 0 for others. Models are evaluated by F1 score.


2021-9-13: We have update the evaluater script. Since it's a binary classification, we use binary F1 score instead of "macro" F1 score.


The dataset we use is BigCloneBench and filtered following the paper Detecting Code Clones with Graph Neural Network and Flow-Augmented Abstract Syntax Tree.

Data Format

  1. dataset/data.jsonl is stored in jsonlines format. Each line in the uncompressed file represents one function. One row is illustrated below.

    • func: the function

    • idx: index of the example

  2. train.txt/valid.txt/test.txt provide examples, stored in the following format: idx1 idx2 label

Data Statistics

Data statistics of the dataset are shown in the below table:

Train 901,028
Dev 415,416
Test 415,416


  title={Towards a big data curated benchmark of inter-project code clones},
  author={Svajlenko, Jeffrey and Islam, Judith F and Keivanloo, Iman and Roy, Chanchal K and Mia, Mohammad Mamun},
  booktitle={2014 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution},

  title={Detecting Code Clones with Graph Neural Network and Flow-Augmented Abstract Syntax Tree},
  author={Wang, Wenhan and Li, Ge and Ma, Bo and Xia, Xin and Jin, Zhi},
  booktitle={2020 IEEE 27th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER)},
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