<s>[INST] I am sorry to hear about this trouble you are running into. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA [/INST] I set up a paypal account before i was 18. Fair play, my bad. Was wondering if i could shut down the account so i can restart it now im 18? </s>
<s>[INST] Sadly we cannot close this account until you are 18, but we can close this account once you are 18 and you can op... https://t.co/hIEXXEzY1f [/INST] I am 18 </s>
<s>[INST] I'm sorry to hear of any frustration. I have answered your DM, please check your messages. ^IN [/INST] Replied. </s>
<s>[INST] Hey there, we've responded to your DM, so please message us back whenever you get the chance! ^EL [/INST] Replied :) </s>
<s>[INST] Hi there! A typical refund takes 3-5 business days to complete, but depending on your card issuer it may take up ... https://t.co/HAqrNEB1Rp [/INST] One of my refund request has been active for a week and the money still has not been put on my card. </s>
<s>[INST] We're sorry to hear you've had a poor experience. Please send us a DM with your email address and any details of the issue. Thank you. ^TB [/INST] __email__ </s>
<s>[INST] Hello! we sent you a message with more information, so that we can further assist you. Please check your DM's. ^JDG [/INST] I did send a screenshot </s>
<s>[INST] Hi! I've responded to your DM, and thank you for your patience. ^ES [/INST] Can you please open my account so I can transfer the money in there and close the account. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi! I've responded to your DM, and thank you for your patience. ^ES [/INST] Ok but will someone please resolve this issue. </s>
<s>[INST] We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your ... https://t.co/uHPYUDqQCR [/INST] Done! </s>
<s>[INST] Hey there! Please send us an email at __email__! :) ^HYC [/INST] Thanks! :) </s>
<s>[INST] Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the receipt you are referring to. I will be happy to help. ^BV [/INST] Ok I’ll send you a DM now </s>
<s>[INST] Hi there, we have reached out to you through DM. ^SK [/INST] Did she send nudes xx </s>
<s>[INST] Wenn du diesbezüglich eine Überprüfung wünschst, kann ich diese gern für dich veranlassen. ^BL [/INST] Bin grade auf der Autobahn unterwegs. Melde mich später dazu. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, vielleicht bestand in der Vergangenheit ein PayPal-Konto mit dieser E-Mail-Adresse. Gern kannst du uns diese ... https://t.co/C0qkRIndnU [/INST] Es bestand nie ein Konto mit dieser E-Mail-Adresse. </s>
<s>[INST] Bonsoir à vous, nous sommes à votre disposition. Afin de vous aider, merci de venir en privé muni de votre adresse email PayPal et plus de détails concernant votre demande ^LT [/INST] Nous comprenons que la réponse apportée à votre requête ne soit pas celle que vous attendiez. Nous espérons néanmoins que vous comprendrez que notre décision a été prise en accord avec les Conditions d'utilisation PayPal. Pour plus d'informations,voici ... https://t.co/x2nDZBsHGy </s>
<s>[INST] Bonsoir à vous, nous sommes à votre disposition. Afin de vous aider, merci de venir en privé muni de votre adresse email PayPal et plus de détails concernant votre demande ^LT [/INST] Obligé de mettre du fb ads et twitter pour avoir des gens chez vous c’est malheureux </s>
<s>[INST] Bonsoir à vous, nous sommes à votre disposition. Afin de vous aider, merci de venir en privé muni de votre adresse email PayPal et plus de détails concernant votre demande ^LT [/INST] Le client reçois l’article mais nous on prend 16€ de frais de dossiers. Vous êtes en train de vous auto détruire. </s>
<s>[INST] Bonsoir à vous, nous sommes à votre disposition. Afin de vous aider, merci de venir en privé muni de votre adresse email PayPal et plus de détails concernant votre demande ^LT [/INST] Rapide comme réponse. Malheureusement je stop avec vous. Vous rendez vraiment ouf à être à 100% derrières les clients </s>
<s>[INST] Hey! Send me a DM with your PP email and any other details about this. I'm happy to help. ^MB [/INST] MB -- just sent a a DM. Thank you. I hope you can help. </s>
<s>[INST] I'm glad you reached out about a refund you're expecting! Please send me a DM of the transaction in question. I want to help! ^KT [/INST] I have pmd you its very confusing </s>
<s>[INST] I'm sorry to hear that you had a bad experience with our service! If you have any concerns about your account or ... https://t.co/160tq39vkA [/INST] The issue is with one of your vendors’ sites that has been holding a duplicate charge against my av for five days despite voids </s>
<s>[INST] Hi! Thanks for reaching out! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more info about the issue. I'm happy to help! :)! ^ALF [/INST] done, thanks </s>
<s>[INST] We have responded to your dm. Please check your messages. [/INST] Just did,thanks for your quick response. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi there! Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further! ^AAR [/INST] I deleted and readdrd the card. No time to wait three days for help. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Meghan! Please send us a DM regarding your concern. We'll be more than happy to assist you there. ^HZ [/INST] Just sent a DM. Thank you! </s>
<s>[INST] Hey there! Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate it and are glad we were able to help! :) ^KE [/INST] Paypal is all u need </s>
<s>[INST] Hey there! Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate it and are glad we were able to help! :) ^KE [/INST] When paypal replies faster than any guy </s>
<s>[INST] We also recommend contacting the merchant to make sure any duplicate orders are canceled. Sorry for any frustration. ^DD [/INST] Only two total orders, but 4 charges (each has a duplicate charge). </s>
<s>[INST] Thanks for that info. Please contact the merchant to cancel the duplicate orders. ^DD [/INST] As I said, there are no duplicate orders. Just duplicate charges. </s>
<s>[INST] Duplicate charges can be very frustrating. We recommend disputing the duplicate charge, here's how: https://t.co/j41XVpLI1t. ^DD [/INST] Happened a second time. Seems to be a problem with using the app to pay through the app. Keeps looping payment. </s>
<s>[INST] Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! Can you please send me a DM with a screenshot, so I can help you out? ^IT [/INST] Have sent dm </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, we are sorry for any inconvenience. Please send us DM with your PayPal email address so that we can further assist you. ^IA [/INST] Hi, your staff refunded him. Called again &amp; another, this time helpful staff refunded me. Thanks </s>
<s>[INST] Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK [/INST] Everything is sorted now. Thank u </s>
<s>[INST] Se mudar de ideia... estou por aqui. Excelente feriado. [/INST] Se eu mudar de ideia, vou ter de ir atrás de outro perfil da paypal, depois outro, um pra cada demanda... Brr, deus me livre. </s>
<s>[INST] oxi... é só mandar dm pros seus dados não ficarem expostos publicamente. A gente trabalha com segurança, então nã... https://t.co/odCnWx7Aoz [/INST] O problema não é DM, é repassar meu problema adiante. Por favor, não me contatem mais. Quando eu disse que desisti, é porque quero distância </s>
<s>[INST] oxi! mas a gente atende em português sim. Aqui oh o/ [/INST] Então por favor me digam como recuperar minha senha sem precisar responder qual meu brinquedo de pelúcia favorito </s>
<s>[INST] Sorry to hear this! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address for further assistance. ^VM [/INST] __email__ </s>
<s>[INST] Guten Morgen, schön, dass auch du dir ein sicheres Passwort erstellen möchtest. Es klappt allerdings auch sehr gut mit weniger als 20 Zeichen, sein PayPal-Konto vor Attacken zu schützen. ^SL [/INST] Joa, im Zweifel lassen wir das dann ein Gericht entscheiden, sowas diskutiere ich doch nicht auf Twitter. :-P </s>
<s>[INST] Bonjour à vous, selon votre capture d'écran, il s'agit en effet d'un faux email qui n'a pas été envoyé par nos services. Je vous conseille de nous le transférer à l'adresse suivante : __email__. Voici aussi un lien qui peut vous aider : https://t.co/zcupANK3Bn ^EM [/INST] Merci pour votre réponse ! À bientôt </s>
<s>[INST] Bonjour à vous, nous vous remercions de nous avoir contactés. Nous sommes navrés que vous soyez dans une telle situation.Vous êtes éligible au remboursement si la commande reçu n'est pas conforme à la description. Voici un lien utile: ... https://t.co/8PluR5uBAe [/INST] Merci </s>
<s>[INST] melhores clientes &lt;3 [/INST] mercado pago so gosta de bloqueiar as contas quando tao com dinheiro e ainda so libera com 90 dias </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, eine Abbuchung kann u. U. bis zu 2 Bankarbeitstage dauern. Je nachdem auch, um wieviel Uhr die Abbuchung eingeleitet wurde. Ich kann dich hier nur noch um ein bisschen Geduld bitten. In Kürze solltest du über den Betrag auf dem Bankkonto verfügen können. ^SL [/INST] Habe am 28.11 um 18 uhr ca eine email bekommen das das geld jetzt abgebucht wurde ja heute ist der 30.11 also 2 tage her und wo ist das geld ? </s>
<s>[INST] Das tut mir leid zu hören. Ist es gestern noch angekommen? ^SL [/INST] Nein laut dem Telefonat heute ging das geld erst am 30.11 raus ja und in meiner emaiö steht das dauert 1 bis 2 tage heute ist tag 1 fast Rum dann mal Montag schauen hoffentlich da </s>
<s>[INST] Bitte entschuldige die kleine Verzögerung. Ich wünsche dir schon mal einen schönen Start ins Wochenende. ^SL [/INST] Kein Problem hoffe dann das es Montag da ist .. Danke gleichfalls </s>
<s>[INST] Danke dir. ^SL [/INST] Can u help me with my problem please </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, Sicherheit steht bei uns an oberster Stelle. Daher kann es durchaus in Einzelfällen zu einer Sicherheitsüberprüfung beim Einloggen kommen. Du solltest dann die Wahl haben zwischen einem Anruf und SMS. Sorry für die Unannehmlichkeiten. ^SL [/INST] Check DMs </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, Sicherheit steht bei uns an oberster Stelle. Daher kann es durchaus in Einzelfällen zu einer Sicherheitsüberprüfung beim Einloggen kommen. Du solltest dann die Wahl haben zwischen einem Anruf und SMS. Sorry für die Unannehmlichkeiten. ^SL [/INST] Würde wohl gehen, wenn man eine Mobilnummer angeben könnte. Geht aber nicht, da ich mich ja nicht mal mehr einloggen kann. Die Festnetznummer haben wir seit Jahren nicht mehr. </s>
<s>[INST] Merci de passer par DM et de nous fournir votre adresse email ^SB [/INST] C'est fait 😊 </s>
<s>[INST] Salut Océane ! Si le remboursement est crédité sur votre solde PayPal, vous pouvez l'utiliser pour vos paiements en ligne ou le virer gratuitement sur un compte bancaire. Voici comment procéder : https://t.co/A17p2oFSs4 ^SB [/INST] Merci beaucoup! Seul probleme : le remboursement apparait dans "activités " mais pas dans le "solde paypal"... </s>
<s>[INST] Bonjour à vous et merci pour votre vigilance envers ce genre d'emails. En effet, selon l'adresse email que vous m'avez transmise, il s'agit bien d'un email frauduleux. Il ne faut jamais communiquer votre mot de passe par email. Voici un lien utile pour ... https://t.co/ZEqbFXT2HW [/INST] Merci beaucoup ! </s>
<s>[INST] Bonjour à vous, nous restons toujours à votre entière disposition en cas de besoin :). Bonne après-midi et bon weekend ! ^EM [/INST] Can you please help me </s>
<s>[INST] Bonjour à vous, nous restons toujours à votre entière disposition en cas de besoin :). Bonne après-midi et bon weekend ! ^EM [/INST] Plz help me </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Lucy! Please delete those tweets as they contain your private information and we do not want that on social media. Feel free to send me a DM if you need further assistance. :) ^JMR [/INST] How do I delete? unfortunately I do not know how.. </s>
<s>[INST] Hola. Lamentamos lo sucedido. Con gusto podremos revisar, envíanos un DM con más detalles. ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi [/INST] Acaban de contestarme, gracias :) </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I can see why this would be concerning! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR [/INST] You will definitely get them, thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] I'm sorry to hear about the long wait time. We do take these types of problems very seriously. If you still need help with this, please send me a DM with your PayPal email address and some more information so that I can look into this for you. ^NEM [/INST] Pretty sad it took this long to get a response from you. Twitter used to be THE best way of working with PP. Looks like that's gone, too. </s>
<s>[INST] We are sorry about this. Please know that we respond to messages in the order we received them which can cause a delay due to the high volume of message me receive. Not to worry as we are here to assist you further once you send us a DM. Thank you for your patience. ^AOA [/INST] If it takes you over 24 hours, you obviously need a new system or more help. It used to be WAY better. </s>
<s>[INST] Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Recibimos tu DM, el cual ha sido contestado por un especialista, ¡buen día! ^DG [/INST] Hello dm me </s>
<s>[INST] Are you referring to payment holds? I am sorry if you find this inconvenient but eventually you should graduate from the holds program and they will be much more scarce than they are now. ^YG [/INST] Plus I'm certain that it is illegal under eu directives to do that </s>
<s>[INST] Are you referring to payment holds? I am sorry if you find this inconvenient but eventually you should graduate from the holds program and they will be much more scarce than they are now. ^YG [/INST] Well I would not mind it but it's constant even once I take it out to my bank it's 3 days. Imagine going into a bank to take your money out to be told it's 3 days before you can have it </s>
<s>[INST] Are you stating that it takes 3 days for withdrawn funds to make it through to your bank account? If so, this isn't our funds availability system. We do this to make sure that there are no serious issues with the withdrawal. ^YG [/INST] It's this as well but it's every single time it never used to be it used to be within 2 hours and it still says it can be 2 hours on the site I'm sick of it there are no problems clearly I've withdraw n loads of money in the past it's an excuse to make interest in not a retard </s>
<s>[INST] I apologize for the delay! It'd be my pleasure to address any concerns you may have, so please send me a DM with your PayPal email, country, and more information about your situation. ^KR [/INST] Are you referring to payment holds? I am sorry if you find this inconvenient but eventually you should graduate from the holds program and they will be much more scarce than they are now. ^YG </s>
<s>[INST] Hello. If you could send me a DM with your PayPal email, I'd be happy to further assist you with this. Thanks! ^FM [/INST] I got the money yesterday. Thank you though! </s>
<s>[INST] Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK [/INST] https://t.co/EvcfHj0FK1 PP-006-293-263-276 has been closed because invalid tracking Best regards </s>
<s>[INST] We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW [/INST] I sent a complaint in to you and it was ignored clearly not happy to help! </s>
<s>[INST] Hello there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi [/INST] I have done. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi John. We apologize for the delay in getting back to you. If you are currently in need of assistance, please feel free to send us a DM. ^MN [/INST] Thanks, . Unfortunately, the money that was refunded was promptly stolen again through . Seems like there are some significant security lapses. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello Mia. Thanks for reaching out to us. If you would like to further discuss the status of your case, please feel free to send us a DM. ^MN [/INST] Is it going to change anything? The case is closed the money is gone, I doubt I will ever see it again. I will just get excuses for the shady decision and I seriously can pass on that. </s>
<s>[INST] Hey Coral! I can help you out right here, just send me a DM. ^DP [/INST] Thanks, I sent you a DM </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Betsy, sorry about any inconvenience regarding this matter. To better assist you, please send us a DM with a screenshot of the transaction details page and your PayPal email. We will do our best to help! ^DC [/INST] its okay i’ve disputed it with my bank and they’ve blocked PayPal </s>
<s>[INST] We're happy to look into this! Please send us a private message with your email address and the details for further assistance. ^EB [/INST] Still haven’t been helped....very DISPLEASED with this overall customer service with both y’all and the sellers. Don’t even use eBay that much, but best BELIEVE I’m DONE after this. </s>
<s>[INST] We're happy to look into this! Please send us a private message with your email address and the details for further assistance. ^EB [/INST] I just want my money back. I payed money for a defective charger, and no one has been of help AT ALL. </s>
<s>[INST] If the transaction was processed as a PayPal guest (they acted as merchant processors for the card you used, etc) a refund on the same transaction ends up back with them. , can you help? ^TL [/INST] We're happy to look into this! Please send us a private message with your email address and the details for further assistance. ^EB </s>
<s>[INST] Hey there. We have seen your DM and have replied. Looking forward to helping you out. ^BV [/INST] All that you guys did was force EA to return my game...🤦‍♀️ That’s not what I wanted...Now I don’t have The Sims Cats and Dogs because PayPal performed an unauthorized refund transaction—AND on top of this I am STILL out $90.19!!! 😡 </s>
<s>[INST] Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us! We are sorry to hear that you are experiencing this issue with changing your name. If you need any assistance with this, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country your account is registered ... https://t.co/v0hUyZpJiG [/INST] Please help me </s>
<s>[INST] We are sorry to hear this. Is this affecting your ability to use the app? If so please send us a DM and we would be happy to help. ^HW [/INST] Ehm no... it’s more like a visual glitch that looks just not good... you see 👇🏻 https://t.co/pyRrb3XbEI </s>
<s>[INST] Hi there Joe, I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble with your pending payments! I'd be happy to help clear up any confusion you may have, simply DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening. :) Thanks! ^EHMB [/INST] Ach is 2-3 business days. That means PayPal is sitting and earning money on my deposit instead of transferring it to me. That’s not right. Alas nothing I can do about it. PayPal is in control. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi there! My sincerest apologies for the long wait time. Please send in a DM regarding your concern and I'll be more than happy to assist you. ^HZ [/INST] After an hour and a bit Its been sorted I think </s>
<s>[INST] That would be the best course of action. I apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. ^ACT [/INST] Do you take criticism here? PayPal support is trash. You'd do a great service to many people by having text based support, this is just worthless. I'll just solve this myself somehow, as I usually do. Have a good day/night </s>
<s>[INST] Hello! Could you please DM us your PayPal email address along with a description of your problem? We'd be happy to help assist you there. Thanks! ^ACT [/INST] are you going to tell me to call the support Hotline? just tell me now so I know if I can ignore you, no offense </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Martin! I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble with this. Please send me a DM for further assistance. ^DT [/INST] Send me a dm please </s>
<s>[INST] Hey! How can I help you? ^DP [/INST] Please Hurry up with . what's taking so Long? </s>
<s>[INST] I am sorry to hear about this trouble with your refund. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA [/INST] Sent </s>
<s>[INST] I am sorry to hear about this trouble with an item you haven't received. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA [/INST] I have sent you a DM with additional screenshots </s>
<s>[INST] We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW [/INST] It’s fixed </s>
<s>[INST] Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us! We are sorry to hear that you are having trouble making this purchase and we would be more than happy to help Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the error message you refere... https://t.co/OxlZjxW5jE [/INST] Thanks. Things ended up working out in the non-instant way with deposit and withdrawal, so I’m all set. </s>
<s>[INST] Hey there. We have seen your DM and have replied. Looking forward to helping you out. ^BV [/INST] Reply please </s>
<s>[INST] Hey, that's great news. I will pass on your feedback. Have a great weekend. ^DK [/INST] You too. </s>
<s>[INST] Do you mean when you issue a refund? The fee is cancelled if you send a refund. Feel free to send us a DM if you have any more questions :) ^SML [/INST] Ok thank you </s>
<s>[INST] Hi there, I am sorry for the delay in replying to you. I have just sent you a DM. ^DK [/INST] I’ve been waiting 3 weeks and you’re still ignoring my dm’s whilst sending me threatening messages about my account </s>
<s>[INST] Hallo, tut mir leid, dass du Probleme beim Bezahlen hast. Bekommst du eine Fehlermeldung? Wenn ja, was besagt diese genau? ^FV [/INST] Wir konnten leider Ihre Zahlung nicht abschließen oder keine Abbuchungsvereinbarung für zukünftige Zahlungen einrichten. </s>
<s>[INST] Hallo, ich kann nachvollziehen, dass du nicht so lange warten möchtest. Hast du denn die Sendungsnummer in den Transaktionsdetails hinterlegt? Wurde die Ware von deinem Kunden im PayPal-Konto als erhalten markiert? ^FV [/INST] Ja die Sendeverfolgungsnummer ist hinterlegt. Der Käufer hat mit der Postiven eBay-Bewertung den Erhalt bestätigt "Alles super und in guter Qualität" Ich denke das spricht für sich. Ist es nicht möglich das Geld heute schon "Verfügbar" zu machen? Ich bin drauf angewiesen. MfG </s>
<s>[INST] Ich kann das gerne für dich prüfen lassen, ob eine Vorab.-Freigabe möglich ist. Versprechen kann ich leider nichts. Sende mir am besten deine registrierte E-Mail-Adresse, damit ich es entsprechend weiterleiten kann. ^FV [/INST] Jetzt steht dort das am 28.11 freigegeben wird. Nochmals: Ich kann darauf NICHT warten. Ich benötige es dringend! Es ist MEIN Geld und es steht mir zu! Sorry aber nach dieser Geschichte werde ich wohl endgültig lebewohl zu PayPal sagen - GEHT GAR NICHT !!!! </s>
<s>[INST] Hi there, we are sorry to see this has happened. If you could please send a DM with your PayPal email address and details of the change of name request. Thanks - ^MD [/INST] Great - Just sent a DM - thanks for responding. </s>
<s>[INST] Bonjour à vous, je suis à votre disposition :). Serait-il possible de me communiquer votre adresse email pour que je puisse vous aider ? ^EM [/INST] Bonjour, je vous l'ai envoyé en DM. Merci :) </s>
<s>[INST] We appreciate you bringing this to our attention. Can you DM your email address and some additional details so we can investigate please? ^DD [/INST] Please DM an email address I can send an email over to you or if you have a contact number please DM me </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Dan, we are sorry to hear this has happened. If you could please send a DM with your Paypal registered email address and details of the issue at hand. Thanks - ^MD [/INST] All sorted now but thank you </s>
<s>[INST] Hallo, gesendete Zahlungen können, ähnlich wie Überweisungen, nicht abgebrochen werden. Eine Ausnahme wäre eine Zahlung, die an eine nicht vorhandene E-Mail-Adresse gesendet wurde. Diese könnte in den Transaktionsdetails abgebrochen werden. ^WD [/INST] Das war aber eines der Hauptargumente,PP zu benutzen.Dann brauche ich ja PP nicht mehr. </s>
<s>[INST] We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and a copy of that request. We would be happy to help. :) ^HW [/INST] I have done just that, will await your response! Thanks. </s>
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