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Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a2" and starts with: "sweat quickly evaporates". | Sweat quickly evaporates upon release, cooling the skin and the blood present there. |
What is the cefr level of sentence: "From the beginning, with only a few minor lapses, the High King of Narnia did what was right because he saw it was right."? | b2 |
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which cefr level would you assign to: "Millington, however, was a recalcitrant 'sex worker' who never recanted."? | b2 |
Given the following sentence: "It does not, like most systems of teaching, try to make us deal with sectors of the personality that we personally experience as syntonic to our wellbeing.". What is its difficulty level? | c1 |
Given this text: "Jessica tilted her head toward the window.". Which cefr level fits best: A1, A2, B1, B2 or C1? | a2 |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b2" and starts with: "it had been". | It had been that way for a long time, and the planet had taken many things back from us. |
What is the cefr level of this sentence: "Psychoanalysis was both repressive and antirepressive."? | a2 |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "c1" that contains the following words: legislating, wine, right. | So it is not right, in order to remove conflicts, to extirpate the emotions altogether; for this would be like trying to suppress drunkenness by legislating against the use of wine, or forbidding anyone to run since when they do so men sometimes fall over. |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a2" and starts with: "i had to". | I had to tell him there were a lot of people who cared, not just for the troops in general, but for him. |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b2" that contains the following words: surprised, simple. | I am surprised that no one has realized how simple it is. |
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which difficulty would you assign to: "She had a voice of astounding monotony."? | b2 |
What is the difficulty level of sentence: "This amount includes newspaper ads, advertorials, and radio ads, as well as free giveaways and promotions."? | a2 |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a1" and starts with: "the evidence is". | The evidence is so good that I'd believe it myself if I didn't know what a great artist I am and how easy it is for me to produce baroque and beautiful models to fit any weird facts you give me to work with. |
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which difficulty would you assign to: "For large mammals, hunters dug pits and covered them with boughs."? | c1 |
Generate a sentence with "b1" difficulty and starts with: "i never thought". | I never thought for a minute that it would ever end. |
Generate a sentence with "a2" difficulty and keywords: solution. | This solution is then filtered and allowed to crystallize. |
Generate a sentence with "b2" difficulty and keywords: foreign, visitors, delegations, friendly, nations. | Foreign visitors were largely delegations from friendly nations or foreign political parties who visited to nurture alliances. |
Which of the levels: A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 best describes the difficulty of text: Now they had some idea what they were pointing toward, and how far they had to go. | a2 |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "c1" and starts with: "mastering execution and". | Mastering execution and finding the balance between appeal and clarity is in itself an art. |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a1" and starts with: "i am driven". | I am driven to work for change. |
Generate a sentence with "a2" difficulty and keywords: confusion. | And then confusion receded. |
Generate a sentence with "b2" difficulty and starts with: "james was more". | James was more excited than he had been before any other project. |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "c1" and starts with: "antenna gain is". | Antenna gain is measured in dBi, which stands for decibels relative to an isotropic radiator. |
Given this text: "But Ruick would not bow to Washington's authority.". Which cefr level fits best: A1, A2, B1, B2 or C1? | a2 |
Generate a sentence with "c1" difficulty that contains the following words: cease, difference, motion. | They would cease, if difference and motion were to cease. |
Generate a sentence with "b1" difficulty and keywords: taller. | You're taller than me. |
Which of the levels: A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 best describes the difficulty of text: 'Jan heard him. | a2 |
What is the cefr level of sentence: "There was a big theme park there."? | a2 |
Given the following sentence: "For example, great benevolent warrior kings, Rama and Krishna, are still being worshipped as gods.". What is its difficulty level? | b1 |
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which cefr level would you assign to: "May God strike him dead on his way."? | b1 |
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which difficulty would you assign to: "How To Use
A variety of products are available in different strengths; some are short acting, and some are long acting."? | b1 |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b2" that contains the following words: boundaries, language, tendency. | Even though he commits himself not to run against the boundaries of language, he has a tendency to comment on ethics, but he does it by remaining silent about it. |
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which cefr level would you assign to: "The same factors responsible for seasonal variations in tissue metal concentrations are also likely involved in interannual variations."? | b1 |
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which cefr level would you assign to: "'Oh yeah, just less money."? | b1 |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a2" that contains the following words: woman, demeanor, expression. | The woman's demeanor and expression left no room for misinterpretation. |
Generate a sentence with "c1" difficulty and keywords: pile, best, technique, stack, coins. | The best technique is to make a stack or pile of the coins, then slide the pile carefully into the tube while holding it at an angle. |
Given this text: "She was at last resting, I'd like to think, in eternal peace.". Which cefr level fits best: A1, A2, B1, B2 or C1? | a1 |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a1" and keywords: rain, ants, field, day, expense. | It was pouring rain and the ants had a field day at his expense, but he lay down and slept the sleep of exhaustion. |
Generate a sentence with "a2" difficulty that contains the following words: sister, friends, end. | I will always remember my sister and her friends and us running over to the other end and throwing it, and it's not where they think it's coming from, and they would miss it. |
What is the cefr level of this sentence: "I tromple through weeds that don't know they're not flowers
In the foyer of heaven, where nobody smokes."? | a2 |
Which of the levels: A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 best describes the difficulty of text: Please bear in mind that Internet articles are often moved to new URLs or are removed from their original site, and that sometimes websites are simply no longer available. | b1 |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b2" and keywords: new, castells, danger, total, environmental. | According to Castells, "The danger of total environmental destruction under the new worldwide economic dynamism imposes a new, more comprehensive conception of land use. |
Generate a sentence with "a1" difficulty and keywords: mary, john, donkey, small, procession. | Mary let John help her back onto the donkey, and our small procession moved on toward the village. |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b1" and starts with: "" we had". | "We had no domestic problems, and I never heard of any dissatisfaction on her part. |
What is the cefr level of this sentence: "They make things happen."? | a2 |
Given the following sentence: "He was always trying hard, and always trying something different.". What is its difficulty level? | b1 |
Given the following sentence: "He knows everything.". What is its difficulty level? | b1 |
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which cefr level would you assign to: "That troubled me vaguely."? | b1 |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "c1" and starts with: "only his ghost". | Only his ghost remained to pluck the strings
Of a remembered lyre
That sought the caves of my imaginings,
And lit the core of my own ghost with fire. |
Generate a sentence with "b2" difficulty and starts with: "a decade ago". | A decade ago there had been four times that number. |
What is the cefr level of sentence: "Barlow had no apparent association with the radical sects of the revolutionary era."? | c1 |
Generate a sentence with "c1" difficulty and keywords: forsythiae, green, better, yellow. | Green Forsythiae is better than Yellow Forsythiae. |
Generate a sentence with "b1" difficulty that contains the following words: pound, fists, chest. | Pound your fists on your chest and yell. |
Given this text: "Aspen also has network statements for its two data links.". Which cefr level fits best: A1, A2, B1, B2 or C1? | b1 |
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which difficulty would you assign to: "The Bush administration, despite its antigovernment rhetoric, created a new agenda of government activism on four fronts."? | b2 |
Generate a sentence with "a1" difficulty and starts with: "attempts were also". | Attempts were also made to extend English law to the Irish. |
Generate a sentence with "b1" difficulty that contains the following words: prime, example, fabrication. | 'The prime example is in fabrication; they are disappearing rapidly. |
What is the cefr level of this sentence: "CHAPTER II
As soon as family and national sentiment began to grow weaker, communal interests necessarily took on new forms and impelled individuals and even cities themselves into new combinations."? | c1 |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "c1" that contains the following words: august, fellows, enjoyed. | It's unlikely that the Irish fellows enjoyed leveling mountains and raising stones in the rain, which fell virtually every day that year from May through August. |
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which cefr level would you assign to: ""Life has seemed to me like a never ending nightmare since this has happened," he wrote."? | b1 |
Generate a sentence with "b2" difficulty that contains the following words: shackley, flew, miami. | Shackley flew up from Miami. |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b1" that contains the following words: dignitary, harms, material. | Dignitary harms may also have a material character. |
What is the difficulty level of sentence: "The Soviets had known about this secret all along."? | b2 |
Generate a sentence with "a1" difficulty and keywords: region, pointer, vmmap, output. | We expect the region containing the pointer to be listed in vmmap's output. |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b1" that contains the following words: music, representational, contains. | While music sometimes contains representational elements, philosophers and music commentators have long recognized that music is not a representational art in the way that painting or sculpture can be. |
Generate a sentence with "b2" difficulty and keywords: second, world, war, chinese, immigrants. | After the Second World War, the Chinese immigrants who came to Africa earlier had already settled down, and began to help their incoming relatives establish businesses together. |
What is the cefr level of this sentence: "Sure enough, there were some very ominous developments."? | a2 |
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which difficulty would you assign to: "He and Gabby and Del stood in the grave."? | a2 |
Given this text: "At Test level, such notions ought to be foolish, although it is not unknown for a captain to choose to field for fear of being humiliated on the first morning.". Which cefr level fits best: A1, A2, B1, B2 or C1? | b2 |
What is the cefr level of sentence: "The flavors of the roux permeate whatever is then added to the pot."? | a1 |
Generate a sentence with "b1" difficulty and starts with: "and the less". | And the less talented mimics used glucose and oxygen less efficiently when producing either language. |
Which of the levels: A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 best describes the difficulty of text: Clearly, their compassion made them feel bad about what they did, but it was not enough to overrule their training in obedience to authority. | a2 |
What is the cefr level of this sentence: "He felt despairing again."? | a2 |
Generate a sentence with "b1" difficulty and starts with: "philip hobsbaum is". | Philip Hobsbaum is Professor of English Literature at Glasgow University. |
Which of the levels: A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 best describes the difficulty of text: But this in fact is not the case. | a2 |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "c1" that contains the following words: age, poetry, byron. | Around the age of twelve, he is introduced to the poetry of Byron. |
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which cefr level would you assign to: "During this annual cidermaking weekend, the barn was filled with bushel boxes of different apples that had been ripening and "sweating" for several days or even weeks."? | b2 |
Which of the levels: A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 best describes the difficulty of text: Too much press. | a2 |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b2" and keywords: force, capable, world, oceans, hundreds. | It would be the only force capable of patrolling the world's oceans, deploying hundreds of thousands of ground forces anywhere on the planet, dominating airspace, and managing intelligence and logistics worldwide. |
Given this text: "They often did not bring the best out in Tony; rather, they often encour
aged him to seek revenge and helped him cover up misdeeds.". Which cefr level fits best: A1, A2, B1, B2 or C1? | a2 |
Given the following sentence: "You don't have to deal with people or offices or any petty bullshit.". What is its difficulty level? | b1 |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "c1" and starts with: "furthermore , it". | Furthermore, it has been brought into the picture only in the sphere of industrial licences and has not been directed, or encouraged, by the government to investigate either instances of growing concentration in industry or subtle methods of control employed by a small number of families to direct numerous firms. |
Generate a sentence with "b1" difficulty and starts with: "the flash is". | The flash is not your friend. |
What is the cefr level of this sentence: "Part of the exodus of animators from New York, he had worked for several years in the cartoon industry before being lured to Hollywood."? | b1 |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b2" and keywords: women, african, precolonial, political, economies. | However, unlike African precolonial political economies, where women's labor benefited their lineage group and their children, under slavery neither men nor women got to keep what they produced. |
Generate a sentence with "c1" difficulty and keywords: wine, fermentation, white, tank, bentonite. | After fermentation, the white wine was pumped into another tank and fined with bentonite to eliminate proteins, so that no undesired change in the wine would take place if it got warm after leaving the winery during transportation or storage. |
What is the difficulty level of sentence: "They loved Jiskoot."? | a2 |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a1" and starts with: "but in the". | But in the courtroom the sex thing has to go. |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b2" that contains the following words: units, mutually, linked. | Furthermore, unlike the associationists, who regard ideas as linked together mechanically, Herbart's apperception depicts a dynamic interplay between mutually permeable units. |
Generate a sentence with "b2" difficulty and keywords: . | I told him that, yes, I would consider that. |
Generate a sentence with "a2" difficulty and starts with: "but there were". | But there were differences with the office workers, who were mainly in Lisbon. |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b2" and keywords: robbie, mention, place, nervous. | He had neither seen Robbie nor heard mention of his name, but the place made him nervous anyway. |
Given the following sentence: "Design, implement, and test a class that represents a phone number.". What is its difficulty level? | b2 |
Generate a sentence with "a1" difficulty that contains the following words: roof, temperature, ventilators. | Temperature was controlled using louvres for the hot air and ventilators in the sides and roof of the barn. |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a1" and starts with: "the term '". | The term 'Popperazzi' is a reference to the Austrian philosopher Karl Popper, whose principle of falsifiability continues to be popular among scientists as a working definition for what constitutes a scientific theory. |
What is the cefr level of this sentence: "Add the garlic."? | a1 |
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which difficulty would you assign to: "Certain gannetries in the world are known to have increased substantially over a period of years, but this is probably the result of protection."? | b1 |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b2" and starts with: "at some later". | At some later time, it will provide valuable data for analysis. |
Generate a sentence with "c1" difficulty that contains the following words: questioned, understood, basic. | I questioned whether they understood the basic plot. |
Generate a sentence with "a1" difficulty and keywords: town, class, day. | Announcing that he had to leave town, he'd tell her she had to teach his class the next day. |
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