1 value
static-libraries -- a set of variables and functions packed in a file read by the @placeholder during the program build and included in the resulting executable .
{ "confidence": [ 34.5789, 33.524868, 31.32626, 31.14312, 31.077663, 30.963484, 30.280216, 30.108397, 29.220335, 29.095184, 29.051191, 28.973724, 28.625889, 28.608967, 28.331715, 28.323929, 28.133228, 28.056156, 28.056156, 27.855913, 27.668716, 27.49654, 27.357471, 27.330524, 27.297188, 27.287159, 27.287159, 27.287159, 27.127403, 26.850712, 26.838728, 26.795269, 26.678387, 26.603754, 26.512241, 26.44136, 26.437128, 26.431244, 26.27061, 26.056866, 26.016064, 25.874134, 25.871323, 25.871323, 25.724983, 25.724983, 25.635075, 25.54037, 25.442558, 25.393436, 25.36919, 25.349735, 25.349735, 25.293228, 25.291975, 25.291975, 25.291975, 25.217113, 25.189552, 25.16423, 25.139463, 25.046848, 25.046848, 25.045593, 24.987827, 24.923798, 24.89816, 24.869156, 24.869156, 24.869156, 24.806347, 24.674305, 24.674305, 24.607782, 24.56786, 24.430996, 24.429512, 24.359571, 24.345325, 24.334946, 24.297396, 24.260302, 24.223305, 24.202682, 24.202682, 24.150614, 24.134289, 24.065037, 24.042578, 24.037956, 24.037956, 23.928757, 23.90231, 23.880716, 23.880716, 23.863205, 23.857382, 23.857382, 23.857382, 23.844097 ], "content": [ "Yes you need static-libraries to build a statically linked executable .", "Static libraries must be linked into the final executable .", "Static libraries are just simple archives of compiled objects and so when you build a static library there will be no linking process as making a shared library or an executable will do .", "The build is structured with multiple static-libraries .", "don t have static-libraries as build products at all .", "unreferenced functions in static-libraries .", "If you want to build your application with static IPP libraries and at the same time decrease application executable size you need to limit the CPU optimization included into your application simultaneously .", "The solution Testbed contains several static-libraries and an executable .", "Some static-libraries are prebuilt and not included in the solution e.g .", "These are linked with the libraries containing C standard-library functions to form an executable binary .", "I have read about static and dynamic libraries .", "A bundle is a directory that may contain all manner of files including resource files xib executable files and static-libraries .", "Add the static library as a framework under Build Phases Link Binary With Libraries and add the libLibraryName.a file for whatever static library you want to use .", "Use CMAKE ARCHIVE OUTPUT DIRECTORY for the static-libraries .", "For a static link all of the obj files that an executable uses are combined into one file .", "Is it possible to have xib files and other resources included in static-libraries that can be referenced by code in that same library and if so how", "Note here that static-libraries are linked in like object code so it does not make any difference if you create one big executable or multiple static-libraries and an executable .", "However what I want is to build a static library from registry.cpp and member.cpp and link that against the executable built from shell.cpp .", "How to only build a static library with clion http : www.jetbrains.com clion without having an executable", "Libraries : the static library file that was created for me when I used CMake to build OpenCV called ippicvmt.lib is included correctly and loads without issue .", "When building a program with static-libraries you need to link in more libraries .", "In the same area find User Header Search Paths and add : .. . .. . PROJECT TEMP DIR . . UninstalledProducts include .. . .. . This tells Xcode to look for static-libraries within the intermediate build folder that Xcode creates during the build-process .", "I have included the NSDictionary category header file and the implementation file of the extension is definitely in the compiled resources list of the static library .", "All libraries you link into a statically linked program must be the static variant .", "This is because of the nature of static-libraries .", "We build two static-libraries let s call them LibA and LibB .", "I am using static linking to build my libraries for a qt app .", "I d like to build both static and shared-libraries in a project .", "Possible duplicate of Linking static-libraries to other static-libraries http : stackoverflow.com questions 2157629 linking-static-libraries-to-other-static-libraries", "Read this : Building Objective-C static-libraries with categories https : developer.apple.com library ios qa qa1490 index.html", "If you have a static library that depends on another static library then you need to build with the other library as well for the final executable or dynamic library .", "AccessLib : A static library build using cryptopp functions .", "Not 100 automatic but it will work if you somehow would add a reference to the static variable from any code or variables that are included in the application .", "@ManishShukla The question is specifically about static-libraries", "Use Lib command something like lib OUT : filename.lib input1.lib input2.lib ... . .. . .. . This is the reference page https : msdn.microsoft.com en-us library 7ykb2k5f.aspx .. . .. . And this may help : Linking static-libraries to other static-libraries http : stackoverflow.com questions 2157629 linking-static-libraries-to-other-static-libraries", "Originally there were only static-libraries .", "While the dynamic libfoo.so and static libfoo.a libraries have the same functions in them they are different format files and so you need the matching type for your program .", "I actually have 4 other libraries I build that are included that look fine appear black but one that did not .", "A lib files is read by the linker and a dll file is used during execution .", "Afaik dlsym doesn t work with functions included in a static library .", "Is the linker still able to eliminate unused library functions from the output executable when the library is directly included in this way", "I have a shared library-project that is built from 4 static-libraries .a and one object .o file .", "This tells the scheme to compile the libraries for the static library whenever you build your app .", "This works but doesn t build static versions of boost libraries maybe i am wrong", "And for that you need static-libraries .", "libboost xxxx.lib are static Boost libraries .", "I have a set of static-libraries .a and I want to make an OSX framework which combines all of this libraries .", "A static library is a single file that contains classes code and variables that were linked together by the library creator .", "Static libraries in Xcode 4 1 1 : stackoverflow.com questions 6074576 static-libraries-in-xcode-4 http : stackoverflow.com questions 6074576 static-libraries-in-xcode-4 8123606 8123606", "You do have to link-to all the libraries depended by other libraries directly used by your program in the linking phase .. . When linking to static-libraries you should order them according to dependency .", "I read in this http : stackoverflow.com a 311889 4480139 SO answer that .. . .. . When you statically link a file into an executable the contents of that file are included at link time .", "Have you build static Qt already", "Is there a way to build a full libpq static library", "I followed my logic and answers I saw here and added the .a file in the project s Properties - Build - Linker - libraries .", "Can distributed static-libraries also contain headers", "Static library usually is not linked to any of external libraries .", "Frameworks are not used on the iPhone static-libraries are employed in their place .", "the preprocessor the program or part of the compiler which read all the lines beginning with a and replace macro and insert included headers .", "Whenever you have a static LIB file and see all it s exported functions in a DLL that uses this LIB file to build the solution is simple : .. . .. . Recompile the static LIB project without declspec dllexport and then recompile the DLL project .", "The vmalloc.h is included in the build of libvmalloc.a .", "Are the functions that work calling other functions in the libraries", "static library names for finer granularity on which libraries to hide symbols from .", "Also --exclude-libs is only applicable on static libs not on dynamic libraries .", "In case of shared-libraries this doesn t necessarily mean that the exact same libraries will be used during program execution that depends on the configuration of the dynamic loader .", "Remember when you were told to set Skip Install to YES for static-libraries", "A LIB file is used to build your program it only exists on your build machine and you don t ship it .", "For each .o file of the libraries that is included by the master library the following error is reported for example the FBConnectGlobal.o file : .. . .. . In the end Xcode tells that the build has succeeded .", "Ship all the static-libraries separately .", "Static libraries are bundles of compiled objects .", "Static libraries have their problems as well .", "So I think that library was compiled properly and all GOST engine functions were included in the static library .", "What is the proper way to build programs that use shared-libraries that also have dependancies on static-libraries", "What is the proper way to build programs that use shared-libraries that also have dependancies on static-libraries", "It turns out that the linker isn t clever enough to figure out what default runtime library is needed for the executable if only static-libraries are given to link with no discrete object-files .", "So libraries can be either static and dynamic and frameworks are simply a group of libraries which can also be either dynamic or static is that the correct understanding", "There are several good questions on creating and using static-libraries here including the following : .. . .. . Implementing Static Libraries In iPhone http : stackoverflow.com questions 1124579 implementing-static-libraries-in-iphone .. . How SHOULD you make and use static-libraries on the iPhone http : stackoverflow.com questions 1563623 how-should-you-make-and-use-static-libraries-on-the-iphone .. . Creating static library for iPhone http : stackoverflow.com questions 348051 creating-static-library-for-iphone .. . .. . For examples of static-libraries out there I d direct you to the Three20 http : github.com joehewitt three20 and Core Plot http : code.google.com p core-plot projects .", "A similar question I asked a while ago : What is the correct way to set build configurations in an ios project using static-libraries for creating an archive in xcode 4", "Third party static-libraries should never link other third party static-libraries themselves .", "If they were dynamic libraries then that s fine but they are static-libraries i.e .", "We have a program that links in a number of static-libraries which may or may not define a number of symbols depending on compilation options .", "In dll s are things like in an exe there can be any kind of data imports exports read-write executable sections but the difference is that an exe file exports only the entry-point function but dll s export one many functions .", "So my recommendation is to completely remove the value at project level for Build Active Architecture Only from all of your static-libraries project build settings .", "In my case solved a problem of libraries depending on another built dynamic library which was depending on a static library : the depending libraries were also trying to link-to this static library .", "But this makes the executables static I want to have static-libraries .so .a .", "Static libraries are not delivered in app bundles you are thinking of static frameworks perhaps", "What do you mean by function is not getting included in executable and the callback function address is present which matches the address in map file", "Yes you can create static library see Blog Using static-libraries with iPhone SDK http : blog.stormyprods.com 2008 11 using-static-libraries-with-iphone-sdk.html", "Note that I d tried this before when there was no workspace and no common build dir and the result was that XCode couldn t find the .a file during link .", "Since this temporary build directory exists for both Debug and Release configurations you only need a single path for Xcode to search for static-libraries .", "I ll build a static version of Qt and try with that .", "I m trying to build a static cryptopp library for ios .", "In a static library the lib file contains the actual object code for the functions provided by the library .", "You then link the DLL against the .exp file for the executable .", "Are these all static-libraries", ".a files are static-libraries .", "It s the linker so it s already implementing a static linker and it knows the file-format of the executable and of the dynamic library etc .", "Or you just link too many static-libraries instead of shared-libraries DLLs very common in open-source .", "In fact on Mac OS X most frameworks do not contain static-libraries they contain dynamic libraries instead .", "I m assuming you are using Xcode 4 which no longer builds libraries into universal static-libraries .", "For whatever reason Apple are being particularly obtuse about this - I can t see a reason for them to be so in the case of static-libraries dynamic libraries fair enough ." ] }
{ "confidence": [ 40.576817, 39.378498, 38.178978, 36.802223, 36.622063, 35.760612, 35.528633, 35.391075, 35.386654, 35.205788, 34.96036, 34.33378, 33.965744, 33.518486, 33.370857, 33.350487, 33.164932, 33.141945, 33.09407, 33.065155 ], "content": [ "Question : I have a static library that is linked to IPP 7.1 for 4 calls to ippi Mul . The project is built-in Visual Studio . This was previously a dynamic link but it turns out that in IPP 7.1 dynamic libraries are internally multi-threaded which is disallowed for me so I changed it to a static link-to single-threaded IPP . The size of the lib then increased from several MB to about 150MB . Is this normal for such a link I am only calling one function from IPP as I said . In the latest IPP 8.2 multi-threading is deprecated https : software.intel.com en-us node 503931 so updating would solve the problem for me . However I am still intrigued by this . If I am only using a single function from the library wouldn t static linking be a more correct option And is such an inflation of the lib size to be expected .. . Answer : First need to clarify the your project model . Static library usually is not linked to any of external libraries . Static library is just an archive of object modules if we talk about Windows .lib files of course . You use linker only when producing application executible .exe file or dynamic library .dll . I can assume that your solution has two projects - one for static library and the default project for application . In this case linking to dynamic IPP library definitely minimizes application footprint because application does not contain IPP function code only calls to external function from dynamic library . The functions are stored in dynamic library files there are hundreds of MBs . If you want to build your application with static IPP libraries and at the same time decrease application executable size you need to limit the CPU optimization included into your application simultaneously . When you do nothing special just use static IPP libraries in the command-line to the linker the application object file is linked with all function variants optimized for different CPU architectures from SSE to AVX2 . For example if you included function ippSomeFunction into your source code the linker will add ippSomeFunction SSE + ippSomeFunction SSE2 + .. . + ippSomeFunction AVX2 to application executable . This will increase application size but will allow execute your application on any of Intel CPUs with most optimization for current CPU . The dispatcher will turn on the most appropriate function variants for CPU . If you know the target CPU architecture you can make linker to add only required optimization of the functions . Read readme.htm doc in your IPP installation directory ipp tools ia32 or intel64 staticlib . In this case the only change you need to do for the source code is to add include ipp cpuletter .h file before including of other IPP-related .h files e.g .", "Question : I m trying to write a program for an exercise that uses a static library - .a and .h files provided by the school . I followed my logic and answers I saw here and added the .a file in the project s Properties - Build - Linker - libraries . The program includes the file with file.h and all files are in the same folder . Although everything appears to be in order and the console shows that the .a file is added to the linker command I get undefined-reference to functions from library errors . Please help Comment : Can you obtain and post the full compiler command-line invocation Comment : @MartinhoFernandes This is the jist of it . I removed the full path from the object-files but that s it . g++.exe -o PrintQ2.o Q2.o RandomDouble.o randomaelf64.a -static .. . Answer : Check this http : www.adp-gmbh.ch cpp gcc create lib.html about what parameters you have to pass during the linking", "Question : I have some code that I reuse for different embedded projects so I decided to create a library . The library is built on another much more extensive static library libopencm3 .. . .. . I just have one for now c file compiled to one object file that is then archived . I m not sure if I should be linking the object-files in the library with libopencm3 or if that should be done when I link my application later . I assumed the former but the linker complains that main is not defined it s referenced in libopencm3 : .. . .. . So Instead don t link things . And try linking everything when I build my program lsm303.bin . But when I do it looks like libopencm3 is not linked to my static library . Any insight on this Should I be linking my library when I build it Comment : Static libraries are just simple archives of compiled objects and so when you build a static library there will be no linking process as making a shared library or an executable will do . Without linking the compiler will not check for symbol reference and so even though your static library make use of libopencm3 libopencm3 will not get packed into your library . And to make all short when you compile a program using your static library you should link-to both your library and libopencm3 . But of course you can unarchive libopencm3.a and pack it into your own library . Comment : Thanks TwilightSun for answering my question regarding linking the static library at build time . But I m actually trying to link everything in the final stages there . It s not working for some reason . Comment : Try reversing -lopencm3 stm32f4 -ldatmos to -ldatamos -lopencm3 stm32f4 . This answer to an interesting question may help you understand why : stackoverflow.com a 409470 1579514 http : stackoverflow.com a 409470 1579514 . I ll organize these to an answer . .. . Answer : These are my summarized statements : .. . .. . You won t get dependencies issues when packing compiled object-files to static library because the the linker is not involved yet . You do have to link-to all the libraries depended by other libraries directly used by your program in the linking phase .. . When linking to static-libraries you should order them according to dependency . If A rely on B then A goes before B . TIP : if A rely on B while B also rely on A use -lA -lB -lA .. . .. . Links to other related questions : .. . .. . GCC Static library linking order : Linker order - GCC http : stackoverflow.com questions 45135 linker-order-gcc lq 1 see the 150+ answer not the answer the questioner marked correct .. . Recursive dependency : How to deal with recursive dependencies between static-libraries using the binutils linker http : stackoverflow.com questions 2738292 how-to-deal-with-recursive-dependencies-between-static-libraries-using-the-binut Both answers are helpful Comment : The ordering was the issue for me . Thank you .", "Question : Why is it that some static-libraries lib .a can be linked in the same way that shared-libraries lib .so are linked ld -l switch but some can not I had always been taught that all libraries static or not can be linked with -l.. . however I ve run into one library so far GLFW which does nothing but spew undefined-reference link errors if I attempt to link it this way . According to the response on this question http : stackoverflow.com questions 7132340 static-build-glew-glfw-on-linux the proper way to link static-libraries is to include them directly along with my own object-files rather than using -l . And in the case of the GLFW library this certainly solves the issue . But every other static library I m using works just fine when linked with -l . .. . .. . So : .. . .. . What could cause this one library to not work when linked rather than included directly If I knew the cause maybe I could edit and recompile the library to fix the issue . Is it true that you re not supposed to link static-libraries the same way you link shared-libraries And if not why not Is the linker still able to eliminate unused library functions from the output executable when the library is directly included in this way .. . Answer : The correct way to link a static library is using -l but that only works if the library can be found on the search path . If it s not then you can add the directory to the list using -L or name the file by name as you say . The same is true for shared-libraries actually although they re more likely to be found perhaps .", "Question : Why is it that some static-libraries lib .a can be linked in the same way that shared-libraries lib .so are linked ld -l switch but some can not I had always been taught that all libraries static or not can be linked with -l.. . however I ve run into one library so far GLFW which does nothing but spew undefined-reference link errors if I attempt to link it this way . According to the response on this question http : stackoverflow.com questions 7132340 static-build-glew-glfw-on-linux the proper way to link static-libraries is to include them directly along with my own object-files rather than using -l . And in the case of the GLFW library this certainly solves the issue . But every other static library I m using works just fine when linked with -l . .. . .. . So : .. . .. . What could cause this one library to not work when linked rather than included directly If I knew the cause maybe I could edit and recompile the library to fix the issue . Is it true that you re not supposed to link static-libraries the same way you link shared-libraries And if not why not Is the linker still able to eliminate unused library functions from the output executable when the library is directly included in this way .. . Answer : The reason is historical . The ar tool was original the file archive tool on PDP11 unix though it was later replaced entirely by tar for that purpose . It stores files object-files in this case in a package . And there s a separate extension containing the symbol-table for the linker to use . It s possible if you are manually managing files in the archive that the symbol-table can get out of date . The short answer is that you can use the ranlib tool on any archive to recreate the symbol-table . Try that . More broadly try to figure out where the corrupt libraries are coming from and fix that . Comment : I think the OP means link against a library not create a library .", "Question : In my app i currently have all my code separated into a static library to make it easier to set up the xcode project targets for the actual app and for unit tests for my code . The problem with this is that i want to put most of my xib files in the static library as well but it seems that when i run my app and try to reference the xib it can t find it unless it is included in the actual app s target instead of the static library target . Is it possible to have xib files and other resources included in static-libraries that can be referenced by code in that same library and if so how .. . Answer : No it isn t possible because a static library is not the same as a bundle . A bundle is a directory that may contain all manner of files including resource files xib executable files and static-libraries . It exists on the filesystem as a group of individual files . A static library is a single file that contains classes code and variables that were linked together by the library creator . It does not contain other files it is essentially a database of compiled code . Although it would be possible to put the data for the xibs in there Xcode would have no way of knowing that it was in there as it looks for them as individual files on the filesystem . In Mac OS you may create a Framework which is essentially a bundle of code resources settings etc which may be reused by multiple-projects . However Apple does not seem to support custom framework creation for iPhone OS . Bundles http : developer.apple.com iphone library documentation CoreFoundation Conceptual CFBundles CFBundles.html .. . .. . Static Libraries http : en.wikipedia.org wiki Static library Comment : Thanks for the links . Would it be possible to organize my xibs into their own bundle and have my library code be dependent on that Sorry if the answer is in that apple doc you provided i don t have much time to peruse it at the moment . Comment : Just found this may be of use : landonf.bikemonkey.org code iphone http : landonf.bikemonkey.org code iphone iPhone Framework Support.20081202.html Comment : Unless the Xcode Wizards or whatever we call them on OSX are wrong there is no bundle on iOS either leaving me in a marginally suicidal state . Comment : @Yar hopefully you didn t kill yourself I think you can add frameworks to iOS projects in Xcode 6 Comment : @AlexanderN link Thanks", "Question : I m trying to set up a VS2015 solution I have with OpenCV 3.0.0 and I m trying to do so using static-libraries only . Header files : the OpenCV header-files are included correctly and I can reference them in my source files without issue . Libraries : the static library file that was created for me when I used CMake to build OpenCV called ippicvmt.lib is included correctly and loads without issue . Using OpenCV in code : when I try to use OpenCV classes functions in my solution I get linker errors when building similar to .. . .. . I can right-click and choose Go to definition on my use of this function and it opens videoio.hpp and shows the declaration of the virtual method . The linker-error I see is likely caused by the inability for visual-studio to find the actual implementation of the method in the static library I have included in my solution . It is my understanding that the only .lib file I need to include is the one static library file . That is all I have included right now . Does anybody know why VS can t find the implementations of this code in the OpenCV static library Comment : When you used CMake did you specify if you wanted to build shared libs It should have generated way more libs than just ippicvmt . Also are you building a debug or release version Comment : I m currently trying to build for release and the project settings are all for release build . I did not touch the CMake settings so I m not sure . Should I have it build shared libs Comment : Remake the openCV solution and uncheck build shared libs . That will tell openCV to compile static libs rather than DLLs Comment : I see the other libs it generated in .. . opencv .. . lib my understanding is that these were only useful if I was going to use the .dll s Comment : That is incorrect . When building a program with static-libraries you need to link in more libraries . You can see this post for more info : stackoverflow.com questions 16830842 http : stackoverflow.com questions 16830842 using-static-libraries-instead-of-dynamic-libraries-in-opencv An easy fix would be to include all the non-debug libs ones that don t end in d . You can also include just the ones you need which I believe would be core300 and video300 . Building a program with static libs is a pain but once you get all of the libs you need linked then it isn t too bad . .. . Answer : I fixed my issue by disabling the flag for building with shared libs in CMake after that way more .lib files show up in the sharedlib folder in my install . I added each .lib file I wanted to use to my additional dependencies in my project properties and my project built .", "Question : Why is it that some static-libraries lib .a can be linked in the same way that shared-libraries lib .so are linked ld -l switch but some can not I had always been taught that all libraries static or not can be linked with -l.. . however I ve run into one library so far GLFW which does nothing but spew undefined-reference link errors if I attempt to link it this way . According to the response on this question http : stackoverflow.com questions 7132340 static-build-glew-glfw-on-linux the proper way to link static-libraries is to include them directly along with my own object-files rather than using -l . And in the case of the GLFW library this certainly solves the issue . But every other static library I m using works just fine when linked with -l . .. . .. . So : .. . .. . What could cause this one library to not work when linked rather than included directly If I knew the cause maybe I could edit and recompile the library to fix the issue . Is it true that you re not supposed to link static-libraries the same way you link shared-libraries And if not why not Is the linker still able to eliminate unused library functions from the output executable when the library is directly included in this way .. . Answer : Have you cared to indicate to GCC the path of your library using -L By using -l solely GCC will only be able to link libraries available in standard directories . Comment : Yes the paths to each library are provided using -L before the corresponding -l flag . GCC can find the library but gives a large number of undefined-reference errors from within the library .", "Question : What is inside of a .lib file of Static library Statically linked dynamic library and dynamically linked dynamic library How come there is no need for a .lib file in dynamically linked dynamic library and also that in static linking the .lib file is nothing but a .obj file with all the methods . Is that correct Comment : It could be noted that the question is about MS Windows platform . .. . Answer : A lib files is read by the linker and a dll file is used during execution . A lib file is essentially useless during execution and a linker is incapable of reading a dll file except possibly in a manner irrelevant here . The differences between the use of lib files for static and dynamic linking might be confusing but if you understand a little history then it becomes very clear . Originally there were only static-libraries . For a static library the .lib file contains obj files . Each obj file is the output of one and only one compiler source code input file . A lib file is just a collection of related obj files much like putting obj files in a directory . That is essentially what a lib file is a library of obj files . For a static link all of the obj files that an executable uses are combined into one file . Compare that to a dynamic link in which the executable is in a file separate from the other code it uses . To implement dynamic linking Microsoft modified the use of lib files such that they refer to a dll file instead of locations in an obj file . Other than that all the information that is in a library for a static link is the same as for a dynamic link . They are all the same as far as the information in them except that a lib file for a dynamic link specifies the dll file .", "Question : Why is it that some static-libraries lib .a can be linked in the same way that shared-libraries lib .so are linked ld -l switch but some can not I had always been taught that all libraries static or not can be linked with -l.. . however I ve run into one library so far GLFW which does nothing but spew undefined-reference link errors if I attempt to link it this way . According to the response on this question http : stackoverflow.com questions 7132340 static-build-glew-glfw-on-linux the proper way to link static-libraries is to include them directly along with my own object-files rather than using -l . And in the case of the GLFW library this certainly solves the issue . But every other static library I m using works just fine when linked with -l . .. . .. . So : .. . .. . What could cause this one library to not work when linked rather than included directly If I knew the cause maybe I could edit and recompile the library to fix the issue . Is it true that you re not supposed to link static-libraries the same way you link shared-libraries And if not why not Is the linker still able to eliminate unused library functions from the output executable when the library is directly included in this way .. . Answer : Thanks for the replies Turns out the problem was due to link order . Apparently if you use a library which in turn has other library dependencies those other dependencies must be listed after the library not before as I had been doing . Learned something new", "Question : today i found out that the compiled static library i m working on is much larger in Release mode than in Debug . I found it very surprising since most of the time the exact opposite happens as far as i can tell . The size in debug mode is slightly over 3 MB its a fairly large project but in release it goes up to 6 5 MB . Can someone tell me what could be the reason for this I m using the usual Visual Studio 2008 settings for a static library-project changed almost nothing in the build configuration settings . In release i m using O2 and Favor size or speed is set to Neither . Could the O2 Maximize speed cause the final .lib to be so much larger than the debug version with all the debugging info in it EDIT : Additional info : .. . Debug : .. . - whole program optimization : No .. . - enable function level linking : No .. . .. . Release : .. . - whole program optimization : Enable link-time code generation .. . - enable function level linking : Yes Comment : What about whole program optimization and function-level linking settings in both configurations Comment : Updated the info . .. . Answer : The difference is specifically because of link-time code generation . Read the chapter Link-Time Code Generation in Compilers - What Every Programmer Should Know About Compiler Optimizations https : msdn.microsoft.com en-us magazine dn904673.aspx on MSDN - it basically says that with LTCG turned on the compiler produces much more data that is packed into the static library so that the linker can use that extra data for generating better machine code while actually linking the executable file . Since you have LTCG off in Debug configuration the produced library is noticeably smaller since it doesn t have that extra data . PS : Original Link not working at 11 09 2015 http : msdn.microsoft.com en-us magazine cc301698.aspx Comment : Thank you this explained a lot", "Question : I m compiling C++ static library with g++ and using the -fPIC option . I must use the -fPIC option because eventually this library will be linked with other static-libraries to form a dynamic library . When I test the static library locally it works completely fine when I don t include the -fPIC option . But as soon as I compile the library with -fPIC I receive a segmentation-fault error at run-time when calling one of the functions . What reasons could including -fPIC to compile a static library cause a segementation fault at run-time Comment : This is very generic I know but if your code contains Undefined Behaviour then anything may happen and changing a compiler flag may cause the compiler to exploit that UB in a new way - in any case the bug is in your code if UB is involved . Just a long-shot guess.. . Comment : That s along the lines I was thinking too . I did a fair bit of reading on -fPIC and couldn t find anyone else reporting run-time errors in their code by including it in most cases it was including -fPIC that was the solution to their problems Comment : Maybe you could provide a minimal reproducible compilable test case that we could try . That would help diagnosing the problem . See sscce.org http : sscce.org Comment : I agree I ll look into creating one . The problem is the static library is compiled from a very large codebase and is not something that can be made public . .. . Answer : A dynamic library is supposed to be loaded at run-time and can therefore not have position-dependent code . A static library on the other hand is just an archive of object-files . When linking with a dynamic library the linker adds the name of the library in the executable file so the loader can load it when it loads the program . When the linker links with a static library it basically extracts the object-files and links with them like any other object file . So unless you create an executable where all other object-files are position-independent you use -fPIC for your the programs code then you can t link with a static library which uses position-independent code the generated executable is simply not set up for it . Comment : So let s say I compile a static library with the -fPIC option . Now I want to compile that static library with Test.cpp which has a main method . When I run the generated executable only ONE of my functions callled by main causes a segmentation-fault while the rest of the code works fine . But when the static library is compiled WITHOUT -fPIC then all of the code in the generated executable works g . So why does the inclusion of -fPIC cause only some of the code to fail Comment : @ConnorFlood It s really impossible to say without more information and depends on what all your functions are doing . Are the functions that work calling other functions in the libraries Do the function that crashes do that", "Question : I have an Xcode project that has a master static library target that includes links to a bunch of other static-libraries from other Xcode projects . When building the master library target for Optimized armv6 armv7 an error occurs in the last phase during the CreateUniversalBinary step . For each .o file of the libraries that is included by the master library the following error is reported for example the FBConnectGlobal.o file : .. . .. . In the end Xcode tells that the build has succeeded . However when using the final static library in an application project it won t build because it finds duplicate symbols in one part of build armv6 and misses symbols in the other part of the build armv7 . Any ideas how to fix this M Comment : Don t build libraries into other libraries - it s a recipe for confusion duplicate symbol errors and hard-to-debug results . Check out this question : stackoverflow.com questions 2300867 http : stackoverflow.com questions 2300867 how-can-i-avoid-duplicate-symbol-errors-in-xcode-with-shared-static-libraries 2300873 2300873 Comment : Carl thanks . Perhaps you could post that as an answer to my question instead of the comment so I could mark it as answered . .. . Answer : Don t build libraries into other libraries - it s a recipe for confusion duplicate symbol errors and hard-to-debug results . Check out this question : http : stackoverflow.com questions 2300867 how-can-i-avoid-duplicate-symbol-errors-in-xcode-with-shared-static-libraries 2300873 2300873 Comment : I have to agree here . I don t know what s best in theory but in practice I just spent a couple of weeks tweaking toggling and cajoling every build setting and config arrangement under the sun . In the end the only thing that works was remove ALL static-libraries both binary files AND dependent projects to build static-libraries from the static library that depended on my app . Don t link libraries to libraries . Don t be a hero . Just attach everything to your app directly . Save yourself heaps of time in the process .", "Question : At least on Linux and Solaris static-libraries are really just a bunch of compiled .o s tossed into one big file . When compiling a static library usually the -fpic flag is ommited so the generated code is position dependent . Now say my static library is B . I ve built it and have the resulting .a file which is really just a glob of all of the position dependent .o files . Now I have a shared library I d like to build A and I want it to statically link B . When I build A naturally I ll use the -fpic flag to make the generated code position independent . But if I link against B aren t I mixing position dependent and position independent object-files I m getting a lot of text relocation errors unless I also specify -mimpure-text and I think this maybe the cause . It seems when I compile a library I really need to compile it 3 times a shared version a static version and a static-that-can-be-used-by-shared-libs version . Am I right I could just keep using -mimpure-text but the g++ man page says that if you do that the object doesn t actually end up being shared it s unclear if it s all unshared or just the statically linked parts though does anyone know . Comment : Mixup - In your first paragraph you say -fpic makes code position dependent but in your second paragraph you say the same flag makes code position independent I suspect one of these is wrong . Comment : I don t think a .a file in Linux is a compressed file . AFAIK a .a archive is still the simple format from vintage Unix . Comment : The question is stated correctly he omits -fpic in the first paragraph leading to position-dependent code then uses it in the second paragraph leading to position-independent code . Comment : @lhf : you are correct fixed . .. . Answer : As an alternative approach ship two libraries : your shared one and the static you re linking against alongside . They should link into the final executable correctly .", "Question : How to add GMP to my static library In MyLib.h I have .. . .. . and some functions like : .. . .. . My static library I have created by .. . .. . I have linked mbib.o and when i dont use functions from there it works . But when I m trying to use any of them i have : .. . .. . I have tried add .. . .. . but it doesnt work . .. . Answer : It s simple : You can t . You can t because you don t link with other libraries when you create a static library a static library is nothing more than an archive collecting object-files you don t actually use a linker to create a static library . The command ar and the filename suffix .a all stands for archive . If you have a static library that depends on another static library then you need to build with the other library as well for the final executable or dynamic library . Comment : To be fair you can . As you say the .a is just an archive and you can take 2 archives and merge them into one.. .", "Question : On C Linux .. . .. . Do I need static-libraries to statically link or the shared ones I have suffice If not why not Don t they contain the same data .. . Answer : Yes you need static-libraries to build a statically linked executable . Static libraries are bundles of compiled objects . When you statically link with to library it is effectively the same as taking the compilation results of that library unpacking them in your current project and using them as-if they were your own objects . Dynamic libraries are already linked . This means that some information like relocations have already been fixed up and thrown out . Additionally dynamic libraries must be compiled as position-independent code . This is not a restriction on static-libraries and results in a significant difference in performance on some common platforms like x86 . There exist tools like ELF Statifier http : statifier.sourceforge.net which attempt to bundle dynamically-linked libraries into a dynamically-linked executable but it is very difficult to generate a correctly-working result in all circumstances . Comment : Thanks for a great answer . But why is it so difficult Comment : ELF Statfier loads the executable and all its libraries then takes a snapshot of the process memory . When the output image is run anything which would cause the memory layout to change e.g . randomized VDSO will result in incorrect operation . Any other approach requires re-inventing the dynamic linker . Comment : Why would it be hard to reimplement the dynamic linker Isn t there just two tables of the library s imports and exports to be relocated It s the linker so it s already implementing a static linker and it knows the file-format of the executable and of the dynamic library etc . Comment : The operations of the static compile-time linker and the dynamic runtime linker are very different . The static linker rewrites references to symbols in objects to fixed references -- either to the relocated symbol within the same image or to a stub that jumps to the correct entry in the symbol-table . The dynamic linker opens files and maps them with specific rules to various parts of memory fills in the symbol tables and then jumps to initializing code .", "Question : I am using eclipse CDT in Ubuntu OS and have created a C project with external static library libtomcrypt linked to it . It runs and gives the output correctly but I want to know definition of the library functions the call hierarchy of the functions and their implementation . So turned on debugging mode and started looking into execution steps line by line using step into button and it works with the functions that I defined in main i.e . step into works for test function in this example but step into is not working for the library functions that I m calling register hash sha256 desc find hash sha256 functions in this example . It just skips the the line without stepping into and moves onto next line . Please help me solve this problem . Comment : Related : why can t step into a function http : stackoverflow.com questions 10167484 why-cant-step-into-a-function-in-gdb . Comment : what does it mean by standard-library with debugging information Can you please elaborate In my case I m linking tomcrypt library but not any standard C library . Comment : does it have to do anything with .d files Comment : Do you ve the source code of the library If yes recompile it with debug info . Comment : yes I do have the source code of the library i am unable to understand the part-recompile with debug info . When I compiled it using the makefile provided by the API it created the following library files : libtomcrypt.so.0.0.117.debug libtomcrypt.so.0.debug libtomcrypt.so.debug libtomcrypt.a And I have set the path of these libraries and included the library libtomcrypt.a in eclipse excluding lib prefix and .a extension . Do i need to change the library included .. . Answer : In order to debug your code debugger will need some information eg which line of code corresponds to this object code in a executable . To make this information available you need to specifically instruct your compiler with -g option in gcc g++ . Suppose you have a library which you compile using makefile as in your case . You need to look in the makefile of library for flags used for compilation . As in .. . .. . And then you add -g option in flags : .. . .. . Incase your makefile doesn t use CFLAGS you need to look for lines where compilation takes place and add -g option to all those lines manually . Then make your library . Now you can compile you test programs like this : .. . .. . EDIT : Also note that -g option should be included during compilation and not during linking as you did . Comment : that solved the problem and just to know more about modes of -g option . My library makefile already has -g3 option maximum debugging included in CFLAGS but after including -g option only this thing got fixed and a library file with debugging options is generated . Is it any version compatibility issue or -g3 is not the appropriate option for debugging thanks for your help Comment : -g3 should be fine . I think the problem was that you included -g during linking except that it should be done during compilation . -g3 means extra debugging information also get stored which should work perfectly with all debuggers .", "Question : I want the users to be able to re-link my Qt-using application to their own build of Qt without being forced to rebuild all of the sources . This could be used for LGPL compliance for example . To do this I need to provide object-files for all of my sources . To make it easy using qmake I ve partitioned the project internally into : .. . .. . 1 . A static library-project that contains objects for all of the source files including the file that has int main int char . 2 . An application project that links the static library above with Qt . Qt may be either a static library or dynamic . There are no source files for this project . I then distribute the static library .lib and the application project file so that anyone can relink the application with their own version of Qt in whichever fashion they prefer either statically linked Qt or dynamically linked Qt as long as they have the necessary version of MSVC . I m doing the build under both MSVC 2008 Qt 4 and 2012 Qt 5 . The makefiles are generated by qmake . The problem is that the linking fails when building the application project . As soon as I add a dummy source file dummy.cpp to the application project the linking succeeds . Is there a way of avoiding this workaround .. . Answer : It turns out that the linker isn t clever enough to figure out what default runtime library is needed for the executable if only static-libraries are given to link with no discrete object-files . This can be corroborated by asking the linker to be verbose in the .pro file : .. . .. . When the dummy file is present in the application project the linker lists the following default libraries : .. . .. . Without the dummy file no default libraries are chosen by the linker at all . It is then unable to find the entry-point since the C runtime is not linked in . Adding the relevant C runtime library http : support.microsoft.com kb 154419 is sufficient to link the application . In the application project file one adds :", "Question : Consider this synthetic example . I have two native C++ projects in my Visual Studio 2010 solution . One is console exe and another is lib . There are two files in lib : .. . .. . and .. . .. . And one file in exe : .. . .. . I know I shouldn t actually do like this but this is just for understanding what is happening . And that s what happens : .. . .. . So how exactly this happened that linker overrides lib s version of TImage char with exe s version of TImage char But since there is no exe s version of TImage int it preserves lib s version of TImage int . . Is this behavior standardized and if so where can I found the description Update : Explanations of the effect given below are correct thanks . But the question was how exactly this happened . . I expected to get some linker-error like multiply defined symbols . So the most suitable answer is from Antonio P rez s reply http : stackoverflow.com questions 6869780 template-class-specialized-inside-and-outside-lib 6869869 6869869 . Comment : I believe your program is technically ill-formed and does not have to compile at all . Templates can and generally must violate the one-definition rule but the multiple definitions have to be identical . Your TImage violates that rule . .. . Answer : I am assuming here that you are building a static library because you do not have any decelspec dllexport or extern C in the code . What happens here is the following . The compiler create an instance of TImage char and TImage int for your lib . It also creates an instance for the your executable . When the linker joins the static library and the objects of the executable together duplicate code gets removed . Note here that static-libraries are linked in like object code so it does not make any difference if you create one big executable or multiple static-libraries and an executable . If you would build one executable the result would be dependent on the order the objects are linked in aka not defined . If you change the library to a DLL the behavior changes . Since you are calling over the boundary of a DLL each needs their copy of TImage char . In most cases DLLs behave more as you would expect a library to work . Static libraries are normally just a convenience so you need not put the code into your project . Note : This only applies on Windows . On POSIX systems .a files behave like .so file which creates quite some head aches for compiler developers . Edit : Just never ever pass the TImage class over a DLL boundary . That will ensure a crash . That is the same reason why Microsoft s std : : string implementation crashes when mixing debug and release builds . They do exactly what you did only with the NDEBUG macro . Comment : I didn t know about that dynamic-static differences for Windows systems . Good to know it .", "Question : I have an Xcode project that has a master static library target that includes links to a bunch of other static-libraries from other Xcode projects . When building the master library target for Optimized armv6 armv7 an error occurs in the last phase during the CreateUniversalBinary step . For each .o file of the libraries that is included by the master library the following error is reported for example the FBConnectGlobal.o file : .. . .. . In the end Xcode tells that the build has succeeded . However when using the final static library in an application project it won t build because it finds duplicate symbols in one part of build armv6 and misses symbols in the other part of the build armv7 . Any ideas how to fix this M Comment : Don t build libraries into other libraries - it s a recipe for confusion duplicate symbol errors and hard-to-debug results . Check out this question : stackoverflow.com questions 2300867 http : stackoverflow.com questions 2300867 how-can-i-avoid-duplicate-symbol-errors-in-xcode-with-shared-static-libraries 2300873 2300873 Comment : Carl thanks . Perhaps you could post that as an answer to my question instead of the comment so I could mark it as answered . .. . Answer : Another fix I found is to set Architectures to armv6 . ARCHS STANDARD 32 BIT changed from armv6 to armv6 armv7 which aggravates the libtool bug you describe above . Obviously it won t be producing armv7 optimized binaries but it should still work fine on iPhone 4 ." ] }
[ "yes-answer-long", "yes-answer-short" ]
google-cloud-endpoints -- google-cloud-endpoints is a technology developed by google for use on google-app-engine to allow developers to develop and host apis easily and to generate strongly-typed client libraries for java android and objective-c @placeholder and dynamically-typed libraries for javascript .
{ "confidence": [ 87.60633, 87.29071, 85.82624, 81.596794, 81.003, 80.721985, 79.04992, 78.58309, 78.22598, 77.27741, 77.2456, 77.12791, 76.84989, 76.84989, 76.13703, 75.79947, 75.46875, 75.25832, 74.64566, 74.211426, 74.15314, 74.072876, 73.949814, 72.28558, 71.313034, 71.12385, 70.76445, 70.22311, 69.864525, 69.80334, 69.80334, 69.56418, 69.56418, 69.148125, 69.13192, 69.07643, 68.675, 68.306885, 68.29006, 68.2605, 67.93848, 67.66317, 67.02631, 67.02631, 67.02631, 67.02631, 66.99311, 65.92096, 65.14499, 64.12282, 63.90306, 63.776318, 63.586197, 62.656425, 62.381016, 61.87133, 61.61153, 61.604637, 61.601685, 61.601685, 61.58484, 61.17635, 61.169, 60.952374, 60.31166, 60.31166, 60.31166, 60.31166, 60.248714, 60.144043, 59.993866, 59.821198, 59.628876, 59.3578, 59.063873, 58.75203, 58.544983, 58.407574, 58.073864, 57.660057, 57.53464, 57.53464, 57.53464, 57.53464, 57.53464, 56.75189, 56.343826, 56.32668, 56.22556, 55.943077, 54.695293, 54.582703, 54.448193, 54.407127, 54.407127, 54.365944, 54.327248, 54.186398, 54.03218 ], "content": [ "I am using a Google App Engine Java with Google Cloud Endpoints .", "I m using Android Studio to generate Google Cloud Endpoints for an Android app .", "http : stackoverflow.com questions 16890175 how-do-i-protect-my-api-that-was-built-using-google-cloud-endpoints .. . .. . Restrict access to google-cloud-endpoints to Android app Restrict access to google-cloud-endpoints to Android app http : stackoverflow.com questions 17873993 restrict-access-to-google-cloud-endpoints-to-android-app", "My setup : .. . .. . Java backend hosted on Google App Engine containing APIs that were created using Google Cloud Endpoints .. . Mobile client applications containing generated client libraries for the endpoints mentioned above .", "Snapchat uses google-app-engine and I presume cloud endpoints", "Authenticate my app to Google cloud endpoints not a user Authenticate my app to Google cloud endpoints not a user http : stackoverflow.com questions 20396577 authenticate-my-app-to-google-cloud-endpoints-not-a-user .. . .. . How do I protect my API that was built using Google Cloud Endpoints", "I have an app that uses Google Cloud Endpoints .", "I deployed this repo to Google App Engine which is an example of Google Cloud Endpoints Java server .", "TagAlone-AppEngine Unknown Google App Engine Cloud Endpoints Problem Marker", "I use ReactJS + Redux + Google Cloud Endpoints .", "I m trying to use Google Cloud Endpoints with Android client built by Maven .", "Not much written about using Google Cloud endpoints from a Java client .", "I am using Google Cloud Endpoints with objectify .", "I am playing with flexjson and Google Cloud Endpoints .", "I m using google-cloud-endpoints as the backend server and google-cloud-storage to host the images for the project .", "If you created your your cloud-endpoints projects using WTP then Right click on the cloud-endpoints project Google App Engine WTP Generate Cloud Endpoint Client Library .. . .. . You get the error if you right-click on the cloud-endpoints project Google Generate Cloud Endpoint Client Library .", "I have a little background with Google Cloud Endpoints on App Engine and the Web Application iOS and Android Client Id s .", "Google Cloud Endpoints are an experimental technology so they are pretty subject to this kind of issues.. .", "please confirm with sample code for google-cloud-endpoints using java .", "We have a GWT app that exposes an API using Google Cloud Endpoints .", "Custom Authentication for Google Cloud Endpoints instead of OAuth2 http : stackoverflow.com questions 16970327 custom-authentication-for-google-cloud-endpoints-instead-of-oauth2 rq 1 .. . .. . Authenticate my app to Google cloud endpoints not a user http : stackoverflow.com questions 20396577 authenticate-my-app-to-google-cloud-endpoints-not-a-user .. . .. . Google Cloud Endpoints without Google Accounts http : stackoverflow.com questions 19224728 google-cloud-endpoints-without-google-accounts .. . .. . EDIT : We used Gold Support for the Google Cloud Platform and have been talking back and forth with their support team for weeks .", "Why there is no Google Cloud Endpoints support for Golang .", "Google Plugin for Eclipse includes a facility to automatically generate the cloud endpoints client library .", "I am making calls with the Google Cloud Endpoints JS client as so .", "See also Error connecting android app to Google Cloud Endpoints : could not find class http : stackoverflow.com questions 15088110 error-connecting-android-app-to-google-cloud-endpoints-could-not-find-class .. . .. . Does anyone know of a way to actually use the sources.jar file directly in the Android project", "I am developing an android application using google-app-engine cloud endpoints datastore and objectify .", "Python google-app-engine using endpoints-proto-datastore .. . 2 . iOS endpoints Obj-C client library generator .. . .. . Background .. . .. . I ve setup a test Google cloud endpoints api and had it running pretty quickly .", "We are super excited about App Engine s support for Google Cloud Endpoints https : developers.google.com appengine docs python endpoints .", "Is there a way to use another OAuth2 provider with Google Cloud Endpoints", "I am using google-cloud-endpoints and my problem begins here .", "From my understanding Google Cloud Endpoints provides a way to implement a RESTful", "I m new to JDO Google Cloud Endpoints App Engine and have been struggling a bit with storage and retrieval .", "Im using Google App Engine Cloud Endpoints and Im trying to receive a collection parameter .", "1 https : cloud.google.com solutions mobile google-cloud-endpoints-for-android", "Do you guys use the Google Cloud Platform specifically the APP ENGINE ENDPOINTs for professional production purposes", ".. . .. . How to implement 0Auth in the Google Cloud Endpoints JavaScript client is detailed here https : developers.google.com appengine docs java endpoints consume js .", "I am trying to create a Google Cloud Endpoints API and use multiclass APIs https : cloud.google.com appengine docs java endpoints multiclass .", "The app returned an error when the Google Cloud Endpoints server attempted to communicate with it .", "I am developing an android app which uses google-cloud-endpoints as a backend .", "When using OAuth in the Google Cloud Endpoints JavaScript client how do you preserve the secrecy of the client ID", "A few days ago I ve started developing a Backend for Mobile Applications using Google App Engine and Google Cloud Endpoints https : developers.google.com appengine docs java endpoints .", "Here s another similar post Restrict access to google-cloud-endpoints to Android app http : stackoverflow.com questions 17873993 restrict-access-to-google-cloud-endpoints-to-android-app .. . .. . This is the reference Iam using - https : developers.google.com appengine docs java endpoints auth .. . .. . Has anyone here done this before", "I have made my REST api with the Google Cloud Endpoints framework .", "I m needing some help setting up unittests for Google Cloud Endpoints .", "And I want it works with Google Cloud Endpoints to create a backend interface .", "I am using it to serialize objects generated by Google Cloud Endpoints .", "Has anyone successfully been able to use Stetho with Google Cloud Endpoints on Android with or without OkHttp", "I m trying to build an Endpoints application but am new to Google App Engine .", "Backend is Google App Engine Java .. . Using Goole Cloud Endpoints to build my API .. . Using the Google Cloud Endpoints JavaScript web client loaded as follows gapi.client.load myApi v1 resourceLoaded https : my-project-id.appspot.com ah api .. . .. . I have already configured Google Cloud Endpoints on the backend to allow cookies .", "Here you have details on how to use angularjs with google endpoints : .. . .. . https : cloud.google.com developers articles angularjs-cloud-endpoints-recipe-for-building-modern-web-applications hl es", "Could somebody provide me with a quick checklist of the steps required to set up google-cloud-endpoints with an android client for both the backend and client-side", "i have a google-cloud-endpoints project uses sound cloud api java-api-wrapper .", "Does this method work with google endpoints .", "I am starting to use Google Cloud Endpoints and I am running in a problem when specifying multiple services classes .", "Google Cloud Endpoints allow you to recover User HttpServletRequest and HttpServletContext into you API methods by injecting it as parameters .", "It appears that Android Studio generates correct Google Cloud Endpoints only for Objectify annotated classes .", "Normally when I right-click my app engine project and choose Generate cloud endpoint client library using the Google plugin for Eclipse it generates the client libraries and automatically copies them into the Android client project .", "For those looking to use @bossylobster s answer in Java use the the SO Answer here : Getting raw HTTP Data Headers Cookies etc in Google Cloud Endpoints http : stackoverflow.com questions 15056830 getting-raw-http-data-headers-cookies-etc-in-google-cloud-endpoints .. . .. . P.S .", "My android app uses google endpoints as a scalable backend solution .", "I am developing an android app which used google endpoints as a backend .", "Endpoints : can thy be used in Google Compute Engine", "During last weeks I ve been developing an app using GAE J and Google Cloud Endpoints .", "I have a backend written with Java App Engine Gradle and Cloud Endpoints .", "Right clicked to Generate Google Cloud Endpoint Class .", "I have used this ErrorField as one of the field in response class of Google cloud endpoints .", "When locally testing Google cloud endpoints from none localhost address --address setting might not be sufficient .", "How do I protect my API that was built using Google Cloud Endpoints", "stackoverflow.com questions 18716674 http : stackoverflow.com questions 18716674 facebook-login-in-google-cloud-endpoints 18728482 18728482", "I am trying to use google endpoints .", "I have actually used Google Cloud SQL with App Engine + Endpoints Java so I can weigh in here a little .", "I am referencing @MinWan s awesome answer in this post Google Cloud Endpoints and user s authentication http : stackoverflow.com questions 25365858 google-cloud-endpoints-and-users-authentication where he describes a way to add custom headers to a request against App Engine s Cloud Endpoints .", "I m developing a server using google endpoints api .", "In my android app which uses google-cloud-endpoints as a scalable backend solution I am getting a NullPointerException when making a call to get the users friends in the exposed endpoints api .", "But if I define the entity class with JDO annotation the option of generating endpoint is disabled Tool- Google Cloud Endpoints - generate Endpoint .", "How does one initialise the Firebase library in Google Endpoints as a singleton", "I want to build a python client to talk to my python Google Cloud Endpoints API .", "Preferably I will try not to use the client part of Google Cloud Endpoints but rather use the manual handling of Oauth 2.0 to minimise code restructuring .", "If Yes is there any sample code to refer to implement using a . java script + google-cloud-endpoints", "It seems to be a general issue with the JS Client library at the moment not limited to Endpoints APIs but affecting all Google APIs .", "ApiResourceProperty annotation does not work for Google Emdpoints+Objectify combinations as Ref or Key is Objectify specific class and Google Endpoints does not recognize them and will give a error when you try to generate the Client Libraries .", "Google Cloud Endpoints is unable to serialise the Ref object because it is an arbitrary object defined by objectify therefore not supported as the error indicates .", "This guy http : stackoverflow.com questions 15872240 google-cloud-endpoints-with-another-oauth2-provider says it can t be done .", "As my question title says is Memcache supposed to play well with Google cloud endpoints", "I can t find any example projects using Google Cloud Endpoints AND GWT in one project :", "Check this out : stackoverflow.com questions 18716674 http : stackoverflow.com questions 18716674 facebook-login-in-google-cloud-endpoints 22495862 22495862", "So I want to use Plus.me or lets say userinfo.profile scope with Google Cloud Endpoints with python as a backend .", "I am finding it really difficult to set up google endpoints for android and must be missing out some setup step to allow the connection between the endpoints api and the android client .", "A cloud endpoints python project using the latest App Engine version .", "I add the cloud endpoints code at helloworld.py like this : .. . .. . According to Google s document cloud endpoints have to be app.yaml .", "I want to connect to the Google Cloud SQL from my android app .", "Why the hell they need a cloud generator to generate the code of the endpoints if they have all the necessary info locally code libraries etc.. .", "No problem in simulation localhost or google cloud .", "How can I pass more than one Entity from a client to a Google Cloud Endpoint", "Google Cloud Endpoints has it s own authentication process in which the backend endpoint method is simply passed a com.google.appengine.api.users.User object .", "I m not using the google-cloud-endpoints but just my own rest based api but it should be the same idea either way .", "You can create a helper class in App Engine and easily connect to Google Cloud SQL .", "I Just started using google-app-engine today and I have fallen in love with endpoints .", "Hello I m Mario and a representative of Google Cloud Platform .", "I have been doing extensive research on how to authenticate your client Android iOS web-app with Cloud Endpoints without requiring your user to use their Google account login the way the documentation https : cloud.google.com appengine docs java endpoints auth shows you ." ] }
{ "confidence": [ 100.039635, 97.42536, 97.2022, 97.10132, 94.89209, 93.51462, 92.02651, 91.825714, 91.71139, 91.36339, 91.211174, 90.451225, 89.59004, 88.77155, 88.408554, 87.86982, 87.51778, 87.48979, 87.472626, 87.28372 ], "content": [ "Question : Google Plugin for Eclipse includes a facility to automatically generate the cloud endpoints client library . But there doesn t seem to be an easy way to move the generated source.jar file into your Android source . The documentation https : developers.google.com appengine docs java endpoints consume android says .. . .. . The Endpoints generation results in a sources jar file . Add the contents of this jar file to your Android project . It doesn t seem possible to put the source.jar file into an Android lib or libs since the source is .java rather than .class form . So I just manually copy over the source generated by GPE which they put in an endpoints-lib folder in your AppEngine project . This can be extremely cumbersome especially when you have more than one endpoint and are editing it often . See also Error connecting android app to Google Cloud Endpoints : could not find class http : stackoverflow.com questions 15088110 error-connecting-android-app-to-google-cloud-endpoints-could-not-find-class .. . .. . Does anyone know of a way to actually use the sources.jar file directly in the Android project Thanks . .. . Answer : This problem is solved in Eclipse by adding a linked resource to the directory at .. . .. . your-appengine-project endpoint-libs libYourEndpoint-v1 yourendpoint yourendpoint-generated-source .. . .. . You can do this in Eclipse by adding a source link in Properties- Java Build Path- Source Link .. . .. . After this your Android or client project will see any changes generated using Google- Generate Client Endpoint Library Comment : I am having the same problem . You seem to be bypassing the process . Does your app still work after you deploy it to the playstore I mean the idea is that your appengine code should be remote on a server somewhere and that the android code is supposed to be able to access it that way . Comment : I think by your-appengine-project you really mean your-android-project Comment : I do really mean your-appengine-project because that s where the library is that you are linking to . When the .apk file is made for Android it includes all the necessary parts of the libraries however you have linked to them in your source code . I ve been sharing folders like this with appengine connected android projects all the time . Have you tried this yet It works great for me . No moving code around every time I regenerate the endpoint library . Comment : I agree that sharing folders like that works well but I think there is a problem with your solution . You are generating the Android endpoint libraries into your app-engine project rather then the usual solution of generating them into an Android project . So what happens when you generate iOS or javascript libraries It appears to me that Google made the mistake of using the same paths for all . Comment : Why could you not just use the same exact technique as I described in the case of iOS or javascript Just do a linked resource to the proper directory .", "Question : I am an Android developer building my first Google App Engine java back-end for my apps . I don t want anybody else to access this API other than my app . I plan to use App engine for verifying InApp purchases in my Android app . My data is not relevant to users so I don t want users to be able to access my API even if they are logged in with their Google accounts on web or Android devices . I followed the steps mentioned in - Specifying authorized clients in the API backend https : developers.google.com appengine docs java endpoints auth like generating client IDs and add them in @Api clientIds and audiences except Add a User parameter - since I don t need user authentication . Then I deployed App engine and I am still able to access the API through API explorer https : your app id.appspot.com ah api explorer I haven t added API EXPLORER client ID .. . .. . I tested with the APK that was built with the endpoint libs before adding client IDs and can still access the API . Is adding a User parameter to all endpoint APIs a must to achieve my purpose restrict API to only my Android apps . Can I pass null as userAccount name from Android client and ignore user parameter value on server since it will be null Will this ensure that the API is accessible only from my android apps since the client ID is generated for my package name and SHA1 of the APK Should I use something like a service account for this purpose The documentation says for Android both Android and Web client IDs must be added and audience must be the same as web client ID . Does this open access to any other web client can I skip mentioning web client ID and still achieve my purpose Appreciate your time and help . ..... . updating with my further investigation .. . I did the following : .. . .. . Added User parameter to APIs on backend - but did not check for null value . API can still be accessed without passing any credentials from Android debug APK and API explorer .. . .. . Then I tried .. . .. . mCredential GoogleAccountCredential.usingAudience this server : client id : + WEB CLIENT ID mCredential.setSelectedAccountName null .. . .. . and passed this credential to API builder as suggested in some other posts Caused FATAL EXCEPTION . So we can t pass null account name . I could call the API using API explorer without OAuth . But when I enabled OAuth it gave error saying this client ID is not allowed I haven t yet added com.google.api.server.spi.Constant.API EXPLORER CLIENT ID in client ids .. . .. . Then I added code to throw OAuthRequestException on the backend if the user is null . This resulted in API explorer getting errors without OAuth . It works with OAuth enabled after adding API EXPLORER CLIENT ID to client ids .. . .. . Added code to pass valid user account name email from my Android app . Then I am able to access API only with my release APK . Even the debug APK gets exceptions - which is what I expected..So I assume no other Android apps will be able to access this API . So not checking for null user on back-end API is a bad idea as suggested in other posts . It is as good as not mentioning any client ids and not having User param . Only question I have at this moment is : If some one can figure out the WEB CLIENT ID from the APK will they be able to use it to build a web client to access my API I haven t mentioned client secret anywhere in the code . So I am thinking this is not possible . .. . .. . I did search Google groups and Stackoverflow but still it is not clear . Authenticate my app to Google cloud endpoints not a user Authenticate my app to Google cloud endpoints not a user http : stackoverflow.com questions 20396577 authenticate-my-app-to-google-cloud-endpoints-not-a-user .. . .. . How do I protect my API that was built using Google Cloud Endpoints How do I protect my API that was built using Google Cloud Endpoints http : stackoverflow.com questions 16890175 how-do-i-protect-my-api-that-was-built-using-google-cloud-endpoints .. . .. . Restrict access to google-cloud-endpoints to Android app Restrict access to google-cloud-endpoints to Android app http : stackoverflow.com questions 17873993 restrict-access-to-google-cloud-endpoints-to-android-app Comment : See my answer to this problem in this post : stackoverflow.com questions 16890175 http : stackoverflow.com questions 16890175 how-do-i-protect-my-api-that-was-built-using-google-cloud-endpoints 26133926 26133926 .. . Answer : Facing the same problem than you Authenticate Android End point without Google User Account is just impossible So here is my way to resolv this problem without any user interaction Maybe not the right but that works and you ve got strong authentication SHA1 + Google Account : .. . .. . HERE IS MY ANDROID CODE .. . .. . Get and Build Valid Credential .. . .. . Use this credential for secure calls .. . .. . HERE IS MY API BACKEND CODE : API Annotation .. . .. . Method code : .. . .. . For the moment it only works on Android I don t know how we gonna do on IOS. . . . .. . .. . Hope It will help you Comment : How about if I am not using google Email i.e @gmail.com Will that work too Comment : No sorry credentials are available only with Google Account. . So if you use other email it doesnt works . I have to find an other ways with IOS for example", "Question : I am an Android developer building my first Google App Engine java back-end for my apps . I don t want anybody else to access this API other than my app . I plan to use App engine for verifying InApp purchases in my Android app . My data is not relevant to users so I don t want users to be able to access my API even if they are logged in with their Google accounts on web or Android devices . I followed the steps mentioned in - Specifying authorized clients in the API backend https : developers.google.com appengine docs java endpoints auth like generating client IDs and add them in @Api clientIds and audiences except Add a User parameter - since I don t need user authentication . Then I deployed App engine and I am still able to access the API through API explorer https : your app id.appspot.com ah api explorer I haven t added API EXPLORER client ID .. . .. . I tested with the APK that was built with the endpoint libs before adding client IDs and can still access the API . Is adding a User parameter to all endpoint APIs a must to achieve my purpose restrict API to only my Android apps . Can I pass null as userAccount name from Android client and ignore user parameter value on server since it will be null Will this ensure that the API is accessible only from my android apps since the client ID is generated for my package name and SHA1 of the APK Should I use something like a service account for this purpose The documentation says for Android both Android and Web client IDs must be added and audience must be the same as web client ID . Does this open access to any other web client can I skip mentioning web client ID and still achieve my purpose Appreciate your time and help . ..... . updating with my further investigation .. . I did the following : .. . .. . Added User parameter to APIs on backend - but did not check for null value . API can still be accessed without passing any credentials from Android debug APK and API explorer .. . .. . Then I tried .. . .. . mCredential GoogleAccountCredential.usingAudience this server : client id : + WEB CLIENT ID mCredential.setSelectedAccountName null .. . .. . and passed this credential to API builder as suggested in some other posts Caused FATAL EXCEPTION . So we can t pass null account name . I could call the API using API explorer without OAuth . But when I enabled OAuth it gave error saying this client ID is not allowed I haven t yet added com.google.api.server.spi.Constant.API EXPLORER CLIENT ID in client ids .. . .. . Then I added code to throw OAuthRequestException on the backend if the user is null . This resulted in API explorer getting errors without OAuth . It works with OAuth enabled after adding API EXPLORER CLIENT ID to client ids .. . .. . Added code to pass valid user account name email from my Android app . Then I am able to access API only with my release APK . Even the debug APK gets exceptions - which is what I expected..So I assume no other Android apps will be able to access this API . So not checking for null user on back-end API is a bad idea as suggested in other posts . It is as good as not mentioning any client ids and not having User param . Only question I have at this moment is : If some one can figure out the WEB CLIENT ID from the APK will they be able to use it to build a web client to access my API I haven t mentioned client secret anywhere in the code . So I am thinking this is not possible . .. . .. . I did search Google groups and Stackoverflow but still it is not clear . Authenticate my app to Google cloud endpoints not a user Authenticate my app to Google cloud endpoints not a user http : stackoverflow.com questions 20396577 authenticate-my-app-to-google-cloud-endpoints-not-a-user .. . .. . How do I protect my API that was built using Google Cloud Endpoints How do I protect my API that was built using Google Cloud Endpoints http : stackoverflow.com questions 16890175 how-do-i-protect-my-api-that-was-built-using-google-cloud-endpoints .. . .. . Restrict access to google-cloud-endpoints to Android app Restrict access to google-cloud-endpoints to Android app http : stackoverflow.com questions 17873993 restrict-access-to-google-cloud-endpoints-to-android-app Comment : See my answer to this problem in this post : stackoverflow.com questions 16890175 http : stackoverflow.com questions 16890175 how-do-i-protect-my-api-that-was-built-using-google-cloud-endpoints 26133926 26133926 .. . Answer : Access this site https : code.google.com apis console .. . .. . Choose your project go to credentials section .. . .. . Create a new api-key .. . .. . Create a new android key .. . .. . Click on Edit allowed android applications and enter your SHA1 key your android package name .. . .. . Let me know if this solves the issues . Comment : What do you have to specify in the Android application though Nothing Is setting the Package name the way you said all you need to do Where does the SHA1 key come from", "Question : I am an Android developer building my first Google App Engine java back-end for my apps . I don t want anybody else to access this API other than my app . I plan to use App engine for verifying InApp purchases in my Android app . My data is not relevant to users so I don t want users to be able to access my API even if they are logged in with their Google accounts on web or Android devices . I followed the steps mentioned in - Specifying authorized clients in the API backend https : developers.google.com appengine docs java endpoints auth like generating client IDs and add them in @Api clientIds and audiences except Add a User parameter - since I don t need user authentication . Then I deployed App engine and I am still able to access the API through API explorer https : your app id.appspot.com ah api explorer I haven t added API EXPLORER client ID .. . .. . I tested with the APK that was built with the endpoint libs before adding client IDs and can still access the API . Is adding a User parameter to all endpoint APIs a must to achieve my purpose restrict API to only my Android apps . Can I pass null as userAccount name from Android client and ignore user parameter value on server since it will be null Will this ensure that the API is accessible only from my android apps since the client ID is generated for my package name and SHA1 of the APK Should I use something like a service account for this purpose The documentation says for Android both Android and Web client IDs must be added and audience must be the same as web client ID . Does this open access to any other web client can I skip mentioning web client ID and still achieve my purpose Appreciate your time and help . ..... . updating with my further investigation .. . I did the following : .. . .. . Added User parameter to APIs on backend - but did not check for null value . API can still be accessed without passing any credentials from Android debug APK and API explorer .. . .. . Then I tried .. . .. . mCredential GoogleAccountCredential.usingAudience this server : client id : + WEB CLIENT ID mCredential.setSelectedAccountName null .. . .. . and passed this credential to API builder as suggested in some other posts Caused FATAL EXCEPTION . So we can t pass null account name . I could call the API using API explorer without OAuth . But when I enabled OAuth it gave error saying this client ID is not allowed I haven t yet added com.google.api.server.spi.Constant.API EXPLORER CLIENT ID in client ids .. . .. . Then I added code to throw OAuthRequestException on the backend if the user is null . This resulted in API explorer getting errors without OAuth . It works with OAuth enabled after adding API EXPLORER CLIENT ID to client ids .. . .. . Added code to pass valid user account name email from my Android app . Then I am able to access API only with my release APK . Even the debug APK gets exceptions - which is what I expected..So I assume no other Android apps will be able to access this API . So not checking for null user on back-end API is a bad idea as suggested in other posts . It is as good as not mentioning any client ids and not having User param . Only question I have at this moment is : If some one can figure out the WEB CLIENT ID from the APK will they be able to use it to build a web client to access my API I haven t mentioned client secret anywhere in the code . So I am thinking this is not possible . .. . .. . I did search Google groups and Stackoverflow but still it is not clear . Authenticate my app to Google cloud endpoints not a user Authenticate my app to Google cloud endpoints not a user http : stackoverflow.com questions 20396577 authenticate-my-app-to-google-cloud-endpoints-not-a-user .. . .. . How do I protect my API that was built using Google Cloud Endpoints How do I protect my API that was built using Google Cloud Endpoints http : stackoverflow.com questions 16890175 how-do-i-protect-my-api-that-was-built-using-google-cloud-endpoints .. . .. . Restrict access to google-cloud-endpoints to Android app Restrict access to google-cloud-endpoints to Android app http : stackoverflow.com questions 17873993 restrict-access-to-google-cloud-endpoints-to-android-app Comment : See my answer to this problem in this post : stackoverflow.com questions 16890175 http : stackoverflow.com questions 16890175 how-do-i-protect-my-api-that-was-built-using-google-cloud-endpoints 26133926 26133926 .. . Answer : Facing the same problem here are the result-of my research : .. . .. . Added Android cliend id with SHA1 fingerprint in Google console .. . Use of it in the API annotation .. . .. . BUT : .. . .. . If i dont add user parameter to methods : the check about android app client id does not work .. . .. . If I add the USER parameter but do not ask the user to choose its google account to create the credential .. . also it does not work .. . Conclusion : It seems to be mandatory to connect a user account for the check about the app client id to be executed .. . I really do not understand why because no link exist between the 2 processes Comment : Does this solve the problem Because your conclusion is a bit inconclusive on these terms Comment : Same problem than you Comment : Were you ever able to figure this out It was my impression that you don t need a user account as well but I cannot figure out how not to have one.. .", "Question : A few days ago I ve started developing a Backend for Mobile Applications using Google App Engine and Google Cloud Endpoints https : developers.google.com appengine docs java endpoints . This tutorial http : www.youtube.com watch v NU wNR UUn4 shows how the endpoints are getting generated automatically as well as the client library for Android . So we have our Entity : .. . .. . And the endpoint for this class : .. . .. . Besides using the generated Android Endpoint Library that uses the REST API I would like to add a User Interface on the Server build with Google Web Toolkit GWT . But how should I manipulate the date on Server Side I can see different approaches.. . .. . .. . Option A1 : Adding an RPC Service in GWT .. . .. . But now my PersonServiceImpl and PersonEndpoint do roughly the same . So we didn t follow DRY http : en.wikipedia.org wiki Don 27t repeat yourself : Besides that Person is not allowed to have com.google.appengine.api.datastore.Key so we would have to change our Entities . Option A2 : Service calls endpoint class .. . .. . Should work but still no com.google.appengine.api.datastore.Key Type in the Entity and since Endpoints are using CollectionResponse Person we would have to transform this into an Collection Person in case of listPerson . Option B1 : Using the Java Endpoint Client Library .. . .. . We could split the GWT Client from our App Engine API Backend and use the generated Endpoint Client Libraries for Java . So we call the REST Endpoint-API from within a RemoteServiceServlet . But wouldn t this end up in two Requests even if the GWT client and Endpoints are on the same server or even in the same project GWT Client -- RPC -- GWT Server -- HTTP Request -- App Engine Backend Server .. . .. . Option B2 : Using the JavaScript Endpoint Client Library .. . .. . Might be the best approach but would end up in massive JSNI . .. . .. . So what s best practice I can t find any example projects using Google Cloud Endpoints AND GWT in one project : Comment : Have you seen code.google.com p gwt-google-apis https : code.google.com p gwt-google-apis Comment : Yes but they are in an early Alpha Version and for the Google API . I m talking about your own API Endpoint generated by GAE . Comment : That library is for any discovery based API which your API Endpoint happens to be discovery based that is . Comment : I m having the same dilemma . We are looking to use the Endpoint API but develop a GWT front end . I have a feeling it may have to be one or the other.. . Comment : Also looking for solution . Using JSNI for now . .. . Answer : Maybe i don t understand something . But everything seems for me to be very easy . 1 . GWT client is not on the server . It is compiled Javascript executed in client s browser . 2 . Google plugin generates Javascript client code that calls Endpoint with suitable JSON . 3 . Above code can be called from GWT . Voila Comment : Yepp so this would be Option B2 . But as I mentioned it would work but ends up in a lot JSNI . Because the most part of the Client is written defined in Java GWT but the logic calling the endpoint is the generated Javascript code . Works but is not really nice .", "Question : When I attempt to generate an endpoint client library in Eclipse GPE 3.5.1 GAE SDK 1.9.4 I get this error : Not an App Engine project . The project is an App Engine project and is deployed . The project is configured as an EAR project with backend and frontend modules . I don t get any errors in the Error Log . GAE SDK 1.9.3 gives me the same error . I ve also tried the command-line but simply get Error . .. . Answer : If you created your your cloud-endpoints projects using WTP then Right click on the cloud-endpoints project Google App Engine WTP Generate Cloud Endpoint Client Library .. . .. . You get the error if you right-click on the cloud-endpoints project Google Generate Cloud Endpoint Client Library . If you do not see the Google App Engine WTP menu item ensure you are using the Java EE perspective .", "Question : I am an Android developer building my first Google App Engine java back-end for my apps . I don t want anybody else to access this API other than my app . I plan to use App engine for verifying InApp purchases in my Android app . My data is not relevant to users so I don t want users to be able to access my API even if they are logged in with their Google accounts on web or Android devices . I followed the steps mentioned in - Specifying authorized clients in the API backend https : developers.google.com appengine docs java endpoints auth like generating client IDs and add them in @Api clientIds and audiences except Add a User parameter - since I don t need user authentication . Then I deployed App engine and I am still able to access the API through API explorer https : your app id.appspot.com ah api explorer I haven t added API EXPLORER client ID .. . .. . I tested with the APK that was built with the endpoint libs before adding client IDs and can still access the API . Is adding a User parameter to all endpoint APIs a must to achieve my purpose restrict API to only my Android apps . Can I pass null as userAccount name from Android client and ignore user parameter value on server since it will be null Will this ensure that the API is accessible only from my android apps since the client ID is generated for my package name and SHA1 of the APK Should I use something like a service account for this purpose The documentation says for Android both Android and Web client IDs must be added and audience must be the same as web client ID . Does this open access to any other web client can I skip mentioning web client ID and still achieve my purpose Appreciate your time and help . ..... . updating with my further investigation .. . I did the following : .. . .. . Added User parameter to APIs on backend - but did not check for null value . API can still be accessed without passing any credentials from Android debug APK and API explorer .. . .. . Then I tried .. . .. . mCredential GoogleAccountCredential.usingAudience this server : client id : + WEB CLIENT ID mCredential.setSelectedAccountName null .. . .. . and passed this credential to API builder as suggested in some other posts Caused FATAL EXCEPTION . So we can t pass null account name . I could call the API using API explorer without OAuth . But when I enabled OAuth it gave error saying this client ID is not allowed I haven t yet added com.google.api.server.spi.Constant.API EXPLORER CLIENT ID in client ids .. . .. . Then I added code to throw OAuthRequestException on the backend if the user is null . This resulted in API explorer getting errors without OAuth . It works with OAuth enabled after adding API EXPLORER CLIENT ID to client ids .. . .. . Added code to pass valid user account name email from my Android app . Then I am able to access API only with my release APK . Even the debug APK gets exceptions - which is what I expected..So I assume no other Android apps will be able to access this API . So not checking for null user on back-end API is a bad idea as suggested in other posts . It is as good as not mentioning any client ids and not having User param . Only question I have at this moment is : If some one can figure out the WEB CLIENT ID from the APK will they be able to use it to build a web client to access my API I haven t mentioned client secret anywhere in the code . So I am thinking this is not possible . .. . .. . I did search Google groups and Stackoverflow but still it is not clear . Authenticate my app to Google cloud endpoints not a user Authenticate my app to Google cloud endpoints not a user http : stackoverflow.com questions 20396577 authenticate-my-app-to-google-cloud-endpoints-not-a-user .. . .. . How do I protect my API that was built using Google Cloud Endpoints How do I protect my API that was built using Google Cloud Endpoints http : stackoverflow.com questions 16890175 how-do-i-protect-my-api-that-was-built-using-google-cloud-endpoints .. . .. . Restrict access to google-cloud-endpoints to Android app Restrict access to google-cloud-endpoints to Android app http : stackoverflow.com questions 17873993 restrict-access-to-google-cloud-endpoints-to-android-app Comment : See my answer to this problem in this post : stackoverflow.com questions 16890175 http : stackoverflow.com questions 16890175 how-do-i-protect-my-api-that-was-built-using-google-cloud-endpoints 26133926 26133926 .. . Answer : Google provides ways to do this for Android web and iOS The steps involves : .. . .. . 1 . Specifying a client Id for apps you want to allow to make requests to your API .. . 2 . Adding a User parameter to all exposed methods to be protected by authorization . 3 . Generating the client library again for any Android clients .. . 4 . Redeploying your backend API . 5 . Updating the regenerated jar file to your Android project for your Android client . These steps are laid out in clear detail on Google s Using Auth with Endpoints https : cloud.google.com appengine docs java endpoints auth and also on this blog http : android-developers.blogspot.com 2013 01 verifying-back-end-calls-from-android.html Comment : yes but is there anyway to lock down the api so that you do not have to require your android user to have a google account to use the app Comment : I don t think so . Comment : Then how does Snapchat do it Snapchat uses google-app-engine and I presume cloud endpoints Comment : That app was built by professionals who find their way around almost anything.So anything I tell you would be mere speculation . Comment : Let s speculate", "Question : I have successfully created an app-engine connected android project . So now I want to take it to the natural next level : one endpoint api many different android apps . My question is this : Does the eclipse-plugin allow for this If so how would I do that using the google eclipse-plugin Comment : I actually thought this was going to be an easy one for the Google developer relations team . Is this really not doable It s been 8 hours without even one attempt at a reply . Comment : I think that GPE does not directly support this : your backend can not be configured to generate code to multiple Android projects so you will need to manually copy or sync the generated code between your Android projects . This seems like an oversight to me and I figure they will fix this eventually . .. . Answer : Try the below steps to ready your 2nd android app to use the same app engine backend with cloud endpoints : .. . .. . 1 Generate a client id for your 2nd android app in the api console .. . .. . 2 Update the existing app engine code generated from 1st app to include the id of the 2nd app in the list of allowed clients and deploy this code .. . .. . .. . .. . 3 Add the client libraries generated earlier from your app engine backend code to the 2nd app . Refer this link-to reconfirm the required libraries : Consuming endpoints in android https : developers.google.com appengine docs java endpoints consume android . You can also do a comparison between the libs folder of your 1st app and 2nd app to ensure all libraries are added . 4 In the 2nd app add the classes representing the models in your backend request initialisers etc same as in your first app . 5 In the 2nd app at required areas in your application logic you can access the api by creating the service object and then calling the api exposed by the endpoint", "Question : Google Plugin for Eclipse includes a facility to automatically generate the cloud endpoints client library . But there doesn t seem to be an easy way to move the generated source.jar file into your Android source . The documentation https : developers.google.com appengine docs java endpoints consume android says .. . .. . The Endpoints generation results in a sources jar file . Add the contents of this jar file to your Android project . It doesn t seem possible to put the source.jar file into an Android lib or libs since the source is .java rather than .class form . So I just manually copy over the source generated by GPE which they put in an endpoints-lib folder in your AppEngine project . This can be extremely cumbersome especially when you have more than one endpoint and are editing it often . See also Error connecting android app to Google Cloud Endpoints : could not find class http : stackoverflow.com questions 15088110 error-connecting-android-app-to-google-cloud-endpoints-could-not-find-class .. . .. . Does anyone know of a way to actually use the sources.jar file directly in the Android project Thanks . .. . Answer : The idea is that the wizard that generates the client library also copies it into your client project . But that depends on e.g . how you initially created your projects and even if it does work what if you have multiple clients projects or change your client project.. . so here are some ideas : .. . .. . I found a file that specifies which project the client libraries will get copied to in the .settings folder : com.google.gdt.eclipse.appengine.swarm.prefs : .. . .. . connectedProject target-android-project-name .. . eclipse.preferences.version 1 .. . .. . Manually changing this file worked for me but I haven t tried manually creating it if it doesn t exist . The other solution which you asked about is to manually copy the file . In my case I was able to copy the generated files from gae-project endpoint-libs to android-project endpoint-libs . If I remember correctly you must then find the sources jar file it is amongst the file you copied and will be easy to find and extract those into endpoint-name -v1-generated-source folder . You create this folder in the same folder where you found the jar . Clearly that is is not a great solution so. . .. . .. . There is an endpoints.cmd bat that can be used instead of the GPE Wizard - I suggest you look to see if it has a command for copying and extracting the generated library . I believe you would find it in the bin folder of the GAE J SDK . Comment : Thanks Tom . I think I have finally found a simple solution see my answer Comment : Creating it by hand and restarting Eclipse worked perfectly .", "Question : I have a problem with getting the userid for a cloud endpoint method . I have used oauth2 authentication in my android client and passed the credentials to my service . The below is similar to what my method looks like simplified to make it more clear . I note that issue 8848 https : code.google.com p googleappengine issues detail id 8848 makechanges for python seems to be very similar to this problem . Is the same issue a problem in java-api as well The method .. . .. . will show null for federated-identity and userId even though credentials in android client have had oauth2 authentication performed . The email-address shows up correctly in the log . This is all on a deployed application btw . Anybody have any other suggestions as to what is wrong Any known workarounds for the issue I have followed the method suggested in https : developers.google.com appengine docs java endpoints consume android making-authenticated-calls to set up my android client . .. . Answer : I followed the same document reference in the question and had the same exact problem . Finally got the Endpoints working with OAuth2 by doing the following : .. . .. . There was an update for Google Play Services which I updated to now on version 15 Android SDK . The endpoint documentation was updated to state that you should enable the Google Plus APIs for your application even if you just using userinfo.email scope for your app engine endpoints . I did this via the Cloud Console . Also finally there was a new note stating that OAuth2 does not work from the emulator . I confirmed this . I still get the null user error from an Android Emulator even when pointing to the production app engine . So I can still only test endpoints from a real device . I was able to confirm that I needed all three of the above steps . Comment : Could you please provide links to mentioned statements I have started developing app using endpoint but I never seen anything about enabling Google+ API . Comment : This solution seems irrelevant to the question . The problem stated is in the backend appengine cloud endpoints . What you re describing is in the frontend android code .", "Question : What Iam trying to do is to authenticate my android app to the Google cloud endpoint . Basically the endpoints should only allow my android app to access the methods and nothing else . I have done these things - .. . .. . 1 . Create a client id using my SHA1 value in Eclipse in the google-cloud-console . 2 . Create a web client id in the Google cloud console for my endpoint project .. . .. . 3 . Add both these client id s in the @Api mentioned on each endpoint . 4 . Add an extra user parameter in the endpoint methods . 5 . Regenerate and Deploy the backend to the cloud . But when iam running this the user is always coming as null . I m at my wits end trying to find a proper working method for doing all this . I ve searched many forums but no proper answers anywhere . Here s another similar post Restrict access to google-cloud-endpoints to Android app http : stackoverflow.com questions 17873993 restrict-access-to-google-cloud-endpoints-to-android-app .. . .. . This is the reference Iam using - https : developers.google.com appengine docs java endpoints auth .. . .. . Has anyone here done this before My main goal is to not allow unauthenticated apps and outside world to access the endpoints for obvious security reasons . I don t want to use end-user based authentication since I want to keep my app very simple . Comment : Did you ever get this working as desired I m facing the same problem . Comment : This was a long time back but if I remember correctly the short answer was no you cannot do a allow just my app thing unless you have a user being sent alongwith it. . If you had a user also being sent everything works perfect...and with IOS and Cloud endpoints it got even weirder . . I just moved away from GCL in the end Comment : Any news info on this I really am trying to do the same thing.. . Comment : Not working on this anymore so no new info .. . Answer : You need to call authenticate on the client then possibly the library you re using will inject the user information .", "Question : Old .. . .. . I need to work on the iOS version of my app . The App-Engine and Android portions are completed using the Google Eclipse Plugin GPE . In the Official Google Documentations https : developers.google.com appengine docs java endpoints gen clients generating a discovery doc for ios using maven I am told the easiest way is to use maven . Does anyone know how I might add maven to the App-Engine portion of my connected project Apparently I only need to add the following one line in the maven file .. . .. . Update .. . .. . Again I need to get the iOS client for an endpoint project that I created with the Google Eclipse Plugin as an App-engine Connected Android Project . From eclipse I simply do Right Click Google Generate Cloud Endpoint Client Library and it generates the library for android . But now I just look in my war directory and I see three files : myendpoint-1-rest.discovery myendpoint-1-rcp.discovery myendpoint-1-rest.api . Now this is a wild guess but are these the files I need for iOS and JavaScript Or must I follow the instructions in the official docs to get the discovery files for iOS What I mean is I have not generated the files per the instructions but I have used the GPE for creating the endpoints for android . Does GPE create the necessary clients for iOS and JavaScript as well I cannot find any documentation on that . .. . Answer : Javascript client only needs to include script https : apis.google.com js client.js https : developers.google.com appengine docs java endpoints consume js enabling a javascript client for endpoints . You can load your API using .. . .. . Objective-C client needs some extra work after generating your discovery doc https : developers.google.com appengine docs java endpoints consume ios .", "Question : I have been doing extensive research on how to authenticate your client Android iOS web-app with Cloud Endpoints without requiring your user to use their Google account login the way the documentation https : cloud.google.com appengine docs java endpoints auth shows you . The reason for this is that I want to secure my API or lock it down to only my specified clients . Sometimes I will have an app that does not have a user login . I would hate to pester my user to now sign in just so my API is secure . Or other times I just want to manage my own users like on a website and not use Google+ Facebook or whatever else login authentication . To start let me first show the way you can authenticate your Android app with your Cloud Endpoints API using the Google Accounts login as specified in the documentation https : cloud.google.com appengine docs java endpoints auth . After that I will show you my findings and a potential area for a solution which I need help with . 1 Specify the client IDs clientIds of apps authorized to make requests to your API backend and 2 add a User parameter to all exposed methods to be protected by authorization . 3 In Android call the API method in an Asynctask making sure to pass in the credential variable in the Builder : .. . .. . What is happening is that in your Android app you are showing the Google account picker first storing that Google account email in you shared preferences and then later setting it as part of the GoogleAccountCredential object more info on how to do that here https : cloud.google.com appengine docs java endpoints consume android . The Google App Engine server receives your request and checks it . If the Android Client is one of the ones you specified in the @Api notation then the server will inject the com.google.api.server.spi.auth.common.User object into your API method . It is now your responsibility to check if that User object is null or not inside your API method . If the User object is null you should throw an exception in your method to prevent it from running . If you do not do this check your API method will execute a no-no if you are trying to restrict access to it . You can get your ANDROID CLIENT ID by going to your Google Developers Console . There you provide the package name of your Android App and the SHA1 which generates for you an android client id for you to use in your @Api annotation or put it in a class Constants like specified above for usability . I have done some extensive testing with all of the above and here is what I found : .. . .. . If you specify a bogus or invalid Android clientId in your @Api annotation the User object will be null in your API method . If you are doing a check for if user null throw new UnauthorizedException User is Not Valid then your API method will not run . This is surprising because it appears there is some behind the scenes validation going on in Cloud Endpoints that check whether the Android ClientId is valid or not . If it is invalid it won t return the User object - even if the end user logged in to their Google account and the GoogleAccountCredential was valid . My question is does anyone know how I can check for that type of ClientId validation on my own in my Cloud Endpoints methods Could that information be passed around in an HttpHeader for example Another injected type in Cloud Endpoints is the javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest . You can get the request like this in your API method : .. . .. . But I am not sure if the necessary information is there or how to get it . Certainly somewhere there must be some data that tells us if the Client is an authorized and specified one in the @Api clientIds . This way you could lock-down your API to your Android app and potentially other clients without ever having to pester your end users to log in or just create your own simple username + password login . For all of this to work though you would have to pass in null in the third argument of your Builder like this : .. . .. . MyApi.Builder builder new MyApi.Builder AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport new AndroidJsonFactory null .. . .. . Then in your API method extract whether or not the call came from an authenticated client and either throw an exception or run whatever code you wanted to . I know this is possible because when using a GoogleAccountCredential in the Builder somehow Cloud Endpoints knows whether or not the call came from an authenticated client and then either injects its User object into the API method or not based on that . Could that information be in the header or body somehow If so how can I get it out to later check if it is there or not in my API method Note : I read the other posts on this topic . They offer ways to pass in your own authentication token - which is fine - but your .apk will still not be secure if someone decompiles it . I think if my hypothesis works you will be able to lock-down your Cloud Endpoints API to a client without any logins . Custom Authentication for Google Cloud Endpoints instead of OAuth2 http : stackoverflow.com questions 16970327 custom-authentication-for-google-cloud-endpoints-instead-of-oauth2 rq 1 .. . .. . Authenticate my app to Google cloud endpoints not a user http : stackoverflow.com questions 20396577 authenticate-my-app-to-google-cloud-endpoints-not-a-user .. . .. . Google Cloud Endpoints without Google Accounts http : stackoverflow.com questions 19224728 google-cloud-endpoints-without-google-accounts .. . .. . EDIT : We used Gold Support for the Google Cloud Platform and have been talking back and forth with their support team for weeks . This is their final answer for us : .. . .. . Unfortunately I haven t had any luck on this . I ve asked around my team and checked all of the documentation . It looks like using OAuth2 is your only option . The reason is because the endpoint servers handle the authentication before it reaches your app . This means you wouldn t be able to develop your own authentication flow and would get results much like what you were seeing with the tokens . .. . I would be happy to submit a feature request for you . If you could provide a little more information about why the OAuth2 flow doesn t work for your customers I can put the rest of the information together and submit it to the product manager . frowny face - however maybe it is still possible .. . Answer : I have implemented Endpoint Auth using a custom header Authorization and it works just fine . In my case this token is set after login but should work all the same with your app . Check your tests because the value should be there . The way to retrieve that header is indeed : .. . .. . String Auth req.getHeader Authorization .. . .. . You could take it a step further and define your own implementations of an Authenticator https : cloud.google.com appengine docs java endpoints javadoc com google-api server spi config Authenticator and apply it to your secure API calls . Comment : req.getHeader Authorization is null if you do not pass in a google credential from the Android client . I have also tried passing in my own implementation of an Authenticator but the problem still exists : if someone de-compiles your app they could spoof your app because your Authenticator is spelled out in black and white there.. . So I was hoping there was some way else.. . Comment : @micror thats not true . I have populated custom headers like auth with user defined values eg from an angular js client Comment : What part is not true Yes you can populate custom headers like auth by yourself but the fact remains : your app can be decompiled and spoofed . Please read my question again - the question shows how there is some sort of authentication Cloud Endpoints is doing to verify the Android client that they are not telling us about so maybe we can fish out the answer . Comment : there is some sort of authentication Cloud Endpoints is doing to verify the Android client that they are not telling us they send a bunch of headers set by Andoird in order to validate request origin there s no way to tap into that logic though . Comment : Then maybe we can replicate this authentication method ourselves Perhaps this turns then into a question of whether or not you can uniquely identify the exact Android app a request is coming from .", "Question : We are super excited about App Engine s support for Google Cloud Endpoints https : developers.google.com appengine docs python endpoints . That said we don t use OAuth2 yet and usually authenticate users with username password so we can support customers that don t have Google accounts . We want to migrate our API over to Google Cloud Endpoints because of all the benefits we then get for free API Console Client Libraries robustness but our main question is .. . .. . How to add custom authentication to cloud endpoints where we previously check for a valid user session + CSRF token in our existing API . Is there an elegant way to do this without adding stuff like session information and CSRF tokens to the protoRPC messages Comment : Will work on a real answer but TL DR if you re using your own accounts you ll need to mint your own OAuth tokens if you want to use OAuth 2.0 . Comment : Anything new tosh and @bossylobster about this has anyone done it successfully Comment : Nothing new right now but I provided slightly more information on how to do this here but @tosh I think you already knew this . stackoverflow.com questions 18716674 http : stackoverflow.com questions 18716674 facebook-login-in-google-cloud-endpoints 18728482 18728482 .. . Answer : From my understanding Google Cloud Endpoints provides a way to implement a RESTful API and to generate a mobile client library . Authentication in this case would be OAuth2 . OAuth2 provides different flows some of which support mobile clients . In the case of authentication using a principal and credentials username and password this doesn t seem like a good fit . I honestly think you would be better off by using OAuth2 . Implementing a custom OAuth2 flow to support your case is an approach that could work but is very error prone . I haven t worked with OAuth2 yet but maybe an API key can be created for a user so they can both use the front-end and the back-end through the use of mobile clients . Comment : OAuth2 always requires to have Google account which is the most troublesome problem to user .", "Question : I am an Android developer building my first Google App Engine java back-end for my apps . I don t want anybody else to access this API other than my app . I plan to use App engine for verifying InApp purchases in my Android app . My data is not relevant to users so I don t want users to be able to access my API even if they are logged in with their Google accounts on web or Android devices . I followed the steps mentioned in - Specifying authorized clients in the API backend https : developers.google.com appengine docs java endpoints auth like generating client IDs and add them in @Api clientIds and audiences except Add a User parameter - since I don t need user authentication . Then I deployed App engine and I am still able to access the API through API explorer https : your app id.appspot.com ah api explorer I haven t added API EXPLORER client ID .. . .. . I tested with the APK that was built with the endpoint libs before adding client IDs and can still access the API . Is adding a User parameter to all endpoint APIs a must to achieve my purpose restrict API to only my Android apps . Can I pass null as userAccount name from Android client and ignore user parameter value on server since it will be null Will this ensure that the API is accessible only from my android apps since the client ID is generated for my package name and SHA1 of the APK Should I use something like a service account for this purpose The documentation says for Android both Android and Web client IDs must be added and audience must be the same as web client ID . Does this open access to any other web client can I skip mentioning web client ID and still achieve my purpose Appreciate your time and help . ..... . updating with my further investigation .. . I did the following : .. . .. . Added User parameter to APIs on backend - but did not check for null value . API can still be accessed without passing any credentials from Android debug APK and API explorer .. . .. . Then I tried .. . .. . mCredential GoogleAccountCredential.usingAudience this server : client id : + WEB CLIENT ID mCredential.setSelectedAccountName null .. . .. . and passed this credential to API builder as suggested in some other posts Caused FATAL EXCEPTION . So we can t pass null account name . I could call the API using API explorer without OAuth . But when I enabled OAuth it gave error saying this client ID is not allowed I haven t yet added com.google.api.server.spi.Constant.API EXPLORER CLIENT ID in client ids .. . .. . Then I added code to throw OAuthRequestException on the backend if the user is null . This resulted in API explorer getting errors without OAuth . It works with OAuth enabled after adding API EXPLORER CLIENT ID to client ids .. . .. . Added code to pass valid user account name email from my Android app . Then I am able to access API only with my release APK . Even the debug APK gets exceptions - which is what I expected..So I assume no other Android apps will be able to access this API . So not checking for null user on back-end API is a bad idea as suggested in other posts . It is as good as not mentioning any client ids and not having User param . Only question I have at this moment is : If some one can figure out the WEB CLIENT ID from the APK will they be able to use it to build a web client to access my API I haven t mentioned client secret anywhere in the code . So I am thinking this is not possible . .. . .. . I did search Google groups and Stackoverflow but still it is not clear . Authenticate my app to Google cloud endpoints not a user Authenticate my app to Google cloud endpoints not a user http : stackoverflow.com questions 20396577 authenticate-my-app-to-google-cloud-endpoints-not-a-user .. . .. . How do I protect my API that was built using Google Cloud Endpoints How do I protect my API that was built using Google Cloud Endpoints http : stackoverflow.com questions 16890175 how-do-i-protect-my-api-that-was-built-using-google-cloud-endpoints .. . .. . Restrict access to google-cloud-endpoints to Android app Restrict access to google-cloud-endpoints to Android app http : stackoverflow.com questions 17873993 restrict-access-to-google-cloud-endpoints-to-android-app Comment : See my answer to this problem in this post : stackoverflow.com questions 16890175 http : stackoverflow.com questions 16890175 how-do-i-protect-my-api-that-was-built-using-google-cloud-endpoints 26133926 26133926 .. . Answer : I had a similar issue not between Android and App Engine but between a separate server and App Engine . The way I handled it was to add a signature hash field as a parameter to each API call . If the request had an improper signature it would be denied . For example suppose your API end-point is example.com api do thing param1 foo . I would hash the entire url along with a secret-key and then append the result-of the hash to the request : example.com api do thing param1 foo hash some long hex value . Then on the server-side I would first remove the hash from the url request then run the hash on everything that was remaining . Finally you check whether the calculated hash matches the one that was sent with the request and if they don t you can deny the request . It is very important however that your secret-key remain secret . You have to be careful with this on Android because someone could attempt to decompile your APK . Comment : Could you show some code what you used as your hash and secret Just want to get some more information on how this was done with cloud endpoints .", "Question : I have been doing extensive research on how to authenticate your client Android iOS web-app with Cloud Endpoints without requiring your user to use their Google account login the way the documentation https : cloud.google.com appengine docs java endpoints auth shows you . The reason for this is that I want to secure my API or lock it down to only my specified clients . Sometimes I will have an app that does not have a user login . I would hate to pester my user to now sign in just so my API is secure . Or other times I just want to manage my own users like on a website and not use Google+ Facebook or whatever else login authentication . To start let me first show the way you can authenticate your Android app with your Cloud Endpoints API using the Google Accounts login as specified in the documentation https : cloud.google.com appengine docs java endpoints auth . After that I will show you my findings and a potential area for a solution which I need help with . 1 Specify the client IDs clientIds of apps authorized to make requests to your API backend and 2 add a User parameter to all exposed methods to be protected by authorization . 3 In Android call the API method in an Asynctask making sure to pass in the credential variable in the Builder : .. . .. . What is happening is that in your Android app you are showing the Google account picker first storing that Google account email in you shared preferences and then later setting it as part of the GoogleAccountCredential object more info on how to do that here https : cloud.google.com appengine docs java endpoints consume android . The Google App Engine server receives your request and checks it . If the Android Client is one of the ones you specified in the @Api notation then the server will inject the com.google.api.server.spi.auth.common.User object into your API method . It is now your responsibility to check if that User object is null or not inside your API method . If the User object is null you should throw an exception in your method to prevent it from running . If you do not do this check your API method will execute a no-no if you are trying to restrict access to it . You can get your ANDROID CLIENT ID by going to your Google Developers Console . There you provide the package name of your Android App and the SHA1 which generates for you an android client id for you to use in your @Api annotation or put it in a class Constants like specified above for usability . I have done some extensive testing with all of the above and here is what I found : .. . .. . If you specify a bogus or invalid Android clientId in your @Api annotation the User object will be null in your API method . If you are doing a check for if user null throw new UnauthorizedException User is Not Valid then your API method will not run . This is surprising because it appears there is some behind the scenes validation going on in Cloud Endpoints that check whether the Android ClientId is valid or not . If it is invalid it won t return the User object - even if the end user logged in to their Google account and the GoogleAccountCredential was valid . My question is does anyone know how I can check for that type of ClientId validation on my own in my Cloud Endpoints methods Could that information be passed around in an HttpHeader for example Another injected type in Cloud Endpoints is the javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest . You can get the request like this in your API method : .. . .. . But I am not sure if the necessary information is there or how to get it . Certainly somewhere there must be some data that tells us if the Client is an authorized and specified one in the @Api clientIds . This way you could lock-down your API to your Android app and potentially other clients without ever having to pester your end users to log in or just create your own simple username + password login . For all of this to work though you would have to pass in null in the third argument of your Builder like this : .. . .. . MyApi.Builder builder new MyApi.Builder AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport new AndroidJsonFactory null .. . .. . Then in your API method extract whether or not the call came from an authenticated client and either throw an exception or run whatever code you wanted to . I know this is possible because when using a GoogleAccountCredential in the Builder somehow Cloud Endpoints knows whether or not the call came from an authenticated client and then either injects its User object into the API method or not based on that . Could that information be in the header or body somehow If so how can I get it out to later check if it is there or not in my API method Note : I read the other posts on this topic . They offer ways to pass in your own authentication token - which is fine - but your .apk will still not be secure if someone decompiles it . I think if my hypothesis works you will be able to lock-down your Cloud Endpoints API to a client without any logins . Custom Authentication for Google Cloud Endpoints instead of OAuth2 http : stackoverflow.com questions 16970327 custom-authentication-for-google-cloud-endpoints-instead-of-oauth2 rq 1 .. . .. . Authenticate my app to Google cloud endpoints not a user http : stackoverflow.com questions 20396577 authenticate-my-app-to-google-cloud-endpoints-not-a-user .. . .. . Google Cloud Endpoints without Google Accounts http : stackoverflow.com questions 19224728 google-cloud-endpoints-without-google-accounts .. . .. . EDIT : We used Gold Support for the Google Cloud Platform and have been talking back and forth with their support team for weeks . This is their final answer for us : .. . .. . Unfortunately I haven t had any luck on this . I ve asked around my team and checked all of the documentation . It looks like using OAuth2 is your only option . The reason is because the endpoint servers handle the authentication before it reaches your app . This means you wouldn t be able to develop your own authentication flow and would get results much like what you were seeing with the tokens . .. . I would be happy to submit a feature request for you . If you could provide a little more information about why the OAuth2 flow doesn t work for your customers I can put the rest of the information together and submit it to the product manager . frowny face - however maybe it is still possible .. . Answer : So you don t have any user specific info but just want to ensure that only your app is able to communicate with your backend.. . This is what i think .. . .. . change .. . .. . to .. . .. . The Client ID is generated from the signature of your app . It can t be replicated . If you only allow your endpoints to accept requests from the Android App your problem would be solved . Tell me if this works . Comment : Thank you for your reply but this does not work . Removing Constants.WEB CLIENT ID Constants.IOS CLIENT ID Constants.API EXPLORER CLIENT ID doesn t do anything . Comment : @MicroR yeah maybe it s only for the OAuth itself . For your problem you will need a custom authentication . Why not use something based on RSA", "Question : I am currently making API calls to my backend using the Google Cloud Endpoint generated JavaScript Client . The problem is the cookies for my page are not being added to the HTTP requests . How can I add the Gitkit gtoken cookie to my request . Backend is Google App Engine Java .. . Using Goole Cloud Endpoints to build my API .. . Using the Google Cloud Endpoints JavaScript web client loaded as follows gapi.client.load myApi v1 resourceLoaded https : my-project-id.appspot.com ah api .. . .. . I have already configured Google Cloud Endpoints on the backend to allow cookies . auth @ApiAuth allowCookieAuth AnnotationBoolean.TRUE .. . .. . My endpoint looks as follows . I am making calls with the Google Cloud Endpoints JS client as so . Is there something I have to do to make sure the Endpoints JS client includes the gtoken cookie in it s request Comment : Open bounty and still no answers Is there something I can do to make this question more clear Comment : Hi Marc you can add screenshots of cookies storage + request headers and create a plunker jsfiddle jsbin to reproduce the problem . Comment : @AlexanderTrakhimenok Do you mean cookies storage on the browser side Comment : Yes there are chances that cookies are not set or not send to server . You need to localize where is a problem . If it s sent over wire by browser then issue is on server-side . If it s in cookies storage but not sent it s client issue . If it s not in storage there is just nothing to sent and it s a different problem to find out why they are not at client at all . Comment : You can view cookies requests headers in dev tools of your browser . And yes cookies are send automatically if not expired and match to host path prefix . .. . Answer : You better add screenshots of cookies storage + request headers and create a plunker jsfiddle jsbin to reproduce the problem . There are chances that cookies are not set or not send to server . You need to localize where is a problem . If it s sent over wire by browser then issue is on server-side . If it s in cookies storage but not sent it s client issue . If it s not in storage there is just nothing to sent and it s a different problem to find out why they are not at client at all . You can view cookies requests headers in devtools of your browser . And yes cookies are send automatically if not expired and match to host path prefix . Comment : Solved my problem . The problem was that I was making calls to my API hosted on a remote GAE server from my localhost : 8080 dev server . I thought that any cookie for that page would be included in all request to any server . I did not understand that the request destination needed to match the cookie s domain .", "Question : Can someone explain steps to implement login process with other OAuth2 providers This link Google Cloud Endpoints with another oAuth2 provider http : stackoverflow.com questions 15872240 google-cloud-endpoints-with-another-oauth2-provider gives little info about writing custom authentication but I guess for beginner like me that s not enough please give detailed steps . Especially interested in Facebook . .. . Answer : You need to implement Facebook s client-side APIs according to their documentation and the environment you are deploying your client app to Browser vs iOS vs Android . This includes registering your app with them . Your registered app will direct the user to go through an authentication flow and at the end of it your client app will have access to a short-lived access token . Facebook has multiple types of access tokens but the one it sounds like you re interested in is called a User Access Token since it identifies an authorized user . Pass the access token to your Cloud Endpoints API via a field or header . Inside of your API code receive the access token and implement Facebook s API that checks the validity of the access token . The first answer on this SO question http : stackoverflow.com questions 5406859 facebook-access-token-server-side-validation-for-iphone-app makes it look rather easy but you probably want to reference their documentation again . If that check passes then you would run your API code otherwise throw an exception . You will typically also want to implement a caching mechanism to prevent calling the Facebook server-side validation API for each Cloud Endpoints request . Finally I mentioned that your client app has a short lived token . If you have a client app that is browser-based then you will probably want to upgrade that to a long lived token . Facebook has a flow for that as well which involves your API code requesting a long lived token with the short lived one . You would then need to transfer that long lived token back to the client app to use for future Cloud Endpoints API calls . If your client app is iOS or Android based then your tokens are managed by Facebook code and you simply request access tokens from the respective APIs when you need them . Comment : thanks @PaulR if no other more detailed answer will be given I will check yours as answer : thanks again Comment : @user1831986 Did you ever get this working This guy http : stackoverflow.com questions 15872240 google-cloud-endpoints-with-another-oauth2-provider says it can t be done . Comment : I havent tried even Comment : It can t be done if you try to use the native Google App Engine User object . Managing the tokens yourself should work .", "Question : null .. . Answer : I am finding it really difficult to set up google endpoints for android and must be missing out some setup step to allow the connection between the endpoints api and the android client . In a previous question http : stackoverflow.com questions 38031728 connection-refused-when-calling-endpoints-from-android-client I mentioned that my android app could not call the endpoint methods because the connection was refused . I am thinking that my code is not wrong it is just the setup which is incomplete . Could somebody provide me with a quick checklist of the steps required to set up google-cloud-endpoints with an android client for both the backend and client-side Cheers .. . .. . Tom", "Question : I have been doing extensive research on how to authenticate your client Android iOS web-app with Cloud Endpoints without requiring your user to use their Google account login the way the documentation https : cloud.google.com appengine docs java endpoints auth shows you . The reason for this is that I want to secure my API or lock it down to only my specified clients . Sometimes I will have an app that does not have a user login . I would hate to pester my user to now sign in just so my API is secure . Or other times I just want to manage my own users like on a website and not use Google+ Facebook or whatever else login authentication . To start let me first show the way you can authenticate your Android app with your Cloud Endpoints API using the Google Accounts login as specified in the documentation https : cloud.google.com appengine docs java endpoints auth . After that I will show you my findings and a potential area for a solution which I need help with . 1 Specify the client IDs clientIds of apps authorized to make requests to your API backend and 2 add a User parameter to all exposed methods to be protected by authorization . 3 In Android call the API method in an Asynctask making sure to pass in the credential variable in the Builder : .. . .. . What is happening is that in your Android app you are showing the Google account picker first storing that Google account email in you shared preferences and then later setting it as part of the GoogleAccountCredential object more info on how to do that here https : cloud.google.com appengine docs java endpoints consume android . The Google App Engine server receives your request and checks it . If the Android Client is one of the ones you specified in the @Api notation then the server will inject the com.google.api.server.spi.auth.common.User object into your API method . It is now your responsibility to check if that User object is null or not inside your API method . If the User object is null you should throw an exception in your method to prevent it from running . If you do not do this check your API method will execute a no-no if you are trying to restrict access to it . You can get your ANDROID CLIENT ID by going to your Google Developers Console . There you provide the package name of your Android App and the SHA1 which generates for you an android client id for you to use in your @Api annotation or put it in a class Constants like specified above for usability . I have done some extensive testing with all of the above and here is what I found : .. . .. . If you specify a bogus or invalid Android clientId in your @Api annotation the User object will be null in your API method . If you are doing a check for if user null throw new UnauthorizedException User is Not Valid then your API method will not run . This is surprising because it appears there is some behind the scenes validation going on in Cloud Endpoints that check whether the Android ClientId is valid or not . If it is invalid it won t return the User object - even if the end user logged in to their Google account and the GoogleAccountCredential was valid . My question is does anyone know how I can check for that type of ClientId validation on my own in my Cloud Endpoints methods Could that information be passed around in an HttpHeader for example Another injected type in Cloud Endpoints is the javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest . You can get the request like this in your API method : .. . .. . But I am not sure if the necessary information is there or how to get it . Certainly somewhere there must be some data that tells us if the Client is an authorized and specified one in the @Api clientIds . This way you could lock-down your API to your Android app and potentially other clients without ever having to pester your end users to log in or just create your own simple username + password login . For all of this to work though you would have to pass in null in the third argument of your Builder like this : .. . .. . MyApi.Builder builder new MyApi.Builder AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport new AndroidJsonFactory null .. . .. . Then in your API method extract whether or not the call came from an authenticated client and either throw an exception or run whatever code you wanted to . I know this is possible because when using a GoogleAccountCredential in the Builder somehow Cloud Endpoints knows whether or not the call came from an authenticated client and then either injects its User object into the API method or not based on that . Could that information be in the header or body somehow If so how can I get it out to later check if it is there or not in my API method Note : I read the other posts on this topic . They offer ways to pass in your own authentication token - which is fine - but your .apk will still not be secure if someone decompiles it . I think if my hypothesis works you will be able to lock-down your Cloud Endpoints API to a client without any logins . Custom Authentication for Google Cloud Endpoints instead of OAuth2 http : stackoverflow.com questions 16970327 custom-authentication-for-google-cloud-endpoints-instead-of-oauth2 rq 1 .. . .. . Authenticate my app to Google cloud endpoints not a user http : stackoverflow.com questions 20396577 authenticate-my-app-to-google-cloud-endpoints-not-a-user .. . .. . Google Cloud Endpoints without Google Accounts http : stackoverflow.com questions 19224728 google-cloud-endpoints-without-google-accounts .. . .. . EDIT : We used Gold Support for the Google Cloud Platform and have been talking back and forth with their support team for weeks . This is their final answer for us : .. . .. . Unfortunately I haven t had any luck on this . I ve asked around my team and checked all of the documentation . It looks like using OAuth2 is your only option . The reason is because the endpoint servers handle the authentication before it reaches your app . This means you wouldn t be able to develop your own authentication flow and would get results much like what you were seeing with the tokens . .. . I would be happy to submit a feature request for you . If you could provide a little more information about why the OAuth2 flow doesn t work for your customers I can put the rest of the information together and submit it to the product manager . frowny face - however maybe it is still possible .. . Answer : Faced the same problem to find a solution to call my API safely from my endpoints without using Google Account . We can t decompile an IOS App Bundle but decompile an Android App is so simple. . The solution I found is not perfect but do the job pretty good : .. . .. . 1 . On android APP I just create an constant String variable named APIKey with simply content For example helloworld145698 .. . 2 . Then I encrypt it with sha1 next md5 and finally sha1 Order and frequency of encryption up to you and store the variable on SharedPref For Android in private mode Do this action on an random class in your App It s this result encrypted I authorize on my Backend 3 . On my backend I just add a parameter named token for exemple on every request .. . .. . Example : .. . .. . 4 . On android active ProGuard for obfuscated your code . It will be really unreadable for anyone who tried to decompile your app Reverse engineering is really hardcore .. . .. . Not THE perfect secure solution but it works and it will be really really really difficult to find the real API key for anyone who try to read your code after decompilation . Comment : Thanks for the suggestion ." ] }
[ "yes-answer-long", "yes-answer-short" ]
bindgen -- bindgen is a type-safe alternative to expression languages like ul and @placeholder .
{ "confidence": [ 45.606087, 45.606087, 41.716335, 41.716335, 36.476864, 14.1763735, 14.1763735, 11.579794, 11.579794, 11.579794, 11.579794, 11.579794, 11.579794, 11.579794, 11.579794, 11.579794, 11.579794, 11.579794, 11.579794, 11.579794, 11.579794, 11.579794, 11.579794, 11.579794 ], "content": [ "For more information : .. . .. . http : github.com frgomes scala-bindgen", "Otherwise : no scala-bindgen does not understand anything else .", "I ve recently found scala-bindgen from a Gitter room on Scala Native .", "This use-case would be very interesting in the testsuite of scala-bindgen .", "Note : at the time of this writing scala-bindgen is still a work in progress and not yet really usable .", "Seems like at the present point in time they are developing a tool for generating Scala bindings for C header-files .", "Eduardo : Please let me know if there s some sort of JavaFX.h or something like that .", "Are there plans for generating Scala bindings for Objective-C and C++ too", "The initial plan consists only on Scala bindings for C language .", "Bindings for Objective-C is something planned for future .", "Bindings for C++ are pretty unlikely to happen due to the complexity involved in such task .", "Given that there are compiled versions of the JavaFX SDK for mobile http : gluonhq.com labs javafxports downloads iOS and Android how feasible is it to generate Scala bindings from those files and be able use them from a Scala-Native application", "I don t have any specific knowledge on JavaFX in particular .", "Neither I ve tried to compile it to a native library .", "However there s a general answer : .. . .. . Given you have a native library which adheres to C calling conventions which means that you can call easily from C you can call it easily from Scala Native too .", "In a nutshell all you have to do is defining the bindings for it .", "And I suppose it is where problems start and I suppose it is the context of your question .", "Rephrasing your question : .. . .. . Can I automagically generate bindings for JavaFX", "Well.. . it depends.. . if you have a header file .h .. . the answer is : very probably yes .", "I have done a bit of digging and have found nothing .", "RoboVM was able to do it but I have been unable to understand how by looking at their source code or JavaFX s source code .", "No Scala Native currently doesn t provide JavaFX API .", "I know it is currently not possible to use the JavaFX library as is from a standard Java distribution .", "My question was about the library in its compiled form to native-code which already exists and has been used before with RoboVM ." ] }
{ "confidence": [ 53.175667, 47.026848, 11.028705 ], "content": [ "Question : I ve recently found scala-bindgen from a Gitter room on Scala Native . Seems like at the present point in time they are developing a tool for generating Scala bindings for C header-files . Are there plans for generating Scala bindings for Objective-C and C++ too .. . Answer : The initial plan consists only on Scala bindings for C language . Bindings for Objective-C is something planned for future . Bindings for C++ are pretty unlikely to happen due to the complexity involved in such task . For more information : .. . .. . http : github.com frgomes scala-bindgen", "Question : Given that there are compiled versions of the JavaFX SDK for mobile http : gluonhq.com labs javafxports downloads iOS and Android how feasible is it to generate Scala bindings from those files and be able use them from a Scala-Native application .. . Answer : I don t have any specific knowledge on JavaFX in particular . Neither I ve tried to compile it to a native library . However there s a general answer : .. . .. . Given you have a native library which adheres to C calling conventions which means that you can call easily from C you can call it easily from Scala Native too . In a nutshell all you have to do is defining the bindings for it . And I suppose it is where problems start and I suppose it is the context of your question . Rephrasing your question : .. . .. . Can I automagically generate bindings for JavaFX Well.. . it depends.. . if you have a header file .h .. . the answer is : very probably yes . Otherwise : no scala-bindgen does not understand anything else . Note : at the time of this writing scala-bindgen is still a work in progress and not yet really usable . Comment : Eduardo : Please let me know if there s some sort of JavaFX.h or something like that . This use-case would be very interesting in the testsuite of scala-bindgen . Comment : I have done a bit of digging and have found nothing . RoboVM was able to do it but I have been unable to understand how by looking at their source code or JavaFX s source code .", "Question : Given that there are compiled versions of the JavaFX SDK for mobile http : gluonhq.com labs javafxports downloads iOS and Android how feasible is it to generate Scala bindings from those files and be able use them from a Scala-Native application .. . Answer : No Scala Native currently doesn t provide JavaFX API . Comment : I know it is currently not possible to use the JavaFX library as is from a standard Java distribution . My question was about the library in its compiled form to native-code which already exists and has been used before with RoboVM ." ] }
[ "yes-answer-long", "yes-answer-short" ]
cinch -- cinch may refer to an open-source @placeholder framework for .net available in a wpf and silverlight flavor or a ruby based irc bot framework .
{ "confidence": [ 60.9218, 60.721767, 58.924206, 57.20962, 56.54755, 54.74999, 54.612183, 52.20042, 49.016144, 48.58662, 47.218792, 45.808403, 44.727116, 43.945816, 43.227592, 40.63869, 38.055973, 38.055973, 38.055973, 38.055973, 38.055973, 36.86346, 36.263645, 35.575474, 35.45276, 35.289406, 33.491844, 33.491844, 33.491844, 33.491844, 33.491844, 33.224873, 31.968197, 30.957539, 30.698502, 30.698502, 30.698502, 30.684025, 29.725643, 29.725643, 29.50599, 28.53313, 28.184887, 25.109528, 25.109528, 25.025864, 24.402088, 23.588482, 23.152615, 21.636383, 21.539639, 21.539639, 21.539639, 21.105835, 20.705715, 20.660402, 20.462006, 20.285704, 20.12408, 19.987759, 19.858377, 19.380697, 19.350845, 19.350845, 18.881252, 18.795248, 18.273855, 18.265768, 17.35644, 16.686506, 16.466105, 16.365904, 16.138798, 16.138798, 16.054438, 15.818168, 15.087343, 15.087343, 14.818704, 13.744135, 13.601452, 13.601452, 13.601452, 13.601452, 13.601452, 13.601452, 13.601452, 13.601452, 11.803891, 11.803891, 11.803891, 11.803891, 11.803891, 11.803891, 11.803891, 11.803891, 11.803891, 11.803891, 11.803891, 11.803891 ], "content": [ "It is in a Cinch Bot .", "i just started using this cinch gem and using this framework to develop a bot .", "Am trying to match a particular string in Cinch bot framework .", "I m developing an application with Sasha Barber s Cinch Framework for MVVM in WPF .", "I am using cinch framework v1 .", "I decided to try CINCH v2 as my framework .", "I want to write a cinch IRC bot that sends information to a rails application .", "I m not familiar with Cinch but your models should not depend on any framework except the .Net Framework .", "github.com cinchrb cinch https : github.com cinchrb cinch", "p.s . I m using .net wpf-4.0 using Cinch for MVVM .", "I m currently experimenting with the Cinch framework though I m not committed to it as of yet .", "This is coupled with the use of Cinch .", "Comparing this to the structure of my cinch bot I d try the following : .. . .. . 1 Make get answer a helper block and place it inside the bot Cinch : : Bot.new block : .. . .. . 2 Replace .. . .. . with .. . .. . 3 Replace .. . .. . with .. . .. . I suspect this should work .", "doesn t have to be Cinch specific. . .. . .. . thanks .", "MVVM should I use Cinch MVVM Framework or roll my own code", "It is the command used in Cinch in order to match a user input into an IRC chat room and return whatever i specify .", "What exactly does it mean when it says This is no longer possible in Cinch V2", "It is no longer preferred to write a Model that is inherited from a Cinch base-class .", "I used : https : github.com benmanns cleverbot and https : github.com cinchrb cinch", "I am stuck on how I would be able to do this if at all with cinch .", "Cinch doesn t destroy the Plugin class until it s told to disconnect", "It s from Cinch which is not something I ve used much .", "Now looking at the documentation for CinchV2 all I can find out about models is this : .. . .. . 4 Developing Models Using Cinch .. . .. . .. . NOTE : This is no longer possible in Cinch V2 .. . .. . .. . Clearly I am missing something right", "That being said many of the frameworks ie : Cinch really steer you into working a specific way - which may or may not be ideal given your circumstances .", "This part of an IRC bot .", "I m not sure what your post message command is but if it s something you found in Cinch don t use it .", "I know Prism injects views into regions however is there a way of doing a similar sort of thing with Cinch on a view first basis", "CINCH has some nice UI services among them the OpenFileService that implements the IOpenFileService interface .", "In CinchV1 there was a section of Sacha s CodeProject post which described how to develop Models with Cinch .", "To be honest where to start as I cant find anything in cinch docs about a way for it to save state inbetween commands .", "I cant use variables as of course cinch runs each command as a thread that gets destroyed after the function returns", "I am new to MVVM I am trying to use CINCH v2 MVVM framework by Sacha Barber and I have doubts of how to extend one of the framework services in the correct way I hope I can get some advice from your experiences .", "Here is what it says : .. . .. . As I just stated Cinch does actually allow you to either expose a CurrentXXXModel off your ViewModel which supports DataWrappers Validation Rules IDataErrorInfo ViewMode changes IEditableObject operations by use of the two Cinch Model classes mentioned above .", "With MVVM and WPF personally I would recommend starting without a framework .", "Without wanting to bug sacha too much does anyone know what the Cinch V2 way of closing a View from a ViewModel command", "This solution works but I have some doubts as how proper it is : .. . .. . 1.- In my interface project I need to make a reference to the Cinch library .", "Use Unique Prefixes for Each Setting .. . .. . Because Cinch is threaded the easiest thing to do is make your key-value pairs idempotent .", "I need to have a command that asks a user questions and records their response in pm but I am unsure how could possibly do that on cinch thanks to its thread based commands .", "I thought I d post here in the hope that maybe someone with MVVM expertise would be able to offer opinions on whether the following is a good idea : .. . .. . I m using Sacha Barber s Cinch MVVM framework which includes Marlon Grech s SimpleCommand class .", "So I added a new interface in my project that implements the IOpenFileService from Cinch and extend it hoping that I will be able to use the testing services provided by the framework .. . .. . Then I created a service in my project that implements this new interface and add the extended functionality .", "@aealvarez3 Ok reading up on Cinch the match command is simply a listener that waits for a message to match the input then calls execute m using the message that was provided .", "After some time researching I ve come to a very satisfying solution : .. . .. . Since I m using the Cinch MVVM Framework by Sacha Barber http : cinch.codeplex.com the properties in my ViewModel that require validation use a very handy class that is called DataWrapper .", "Use a framework .", "I personally don t use a single framework .", "For a hobby project yeah why not make a framework .", "I have the basic IRC bot working on it s own and have written standalone rails applications before .", "If you re allowed to use a Framework for the project and assembly size really isn t that important I d almost always recommend going with the framework academic projects not included .", "When should you use a library or a framework vs your own implementation .", "I wrote this auto-reply bot with ruby it is supposed to autoreply with cleverbot messages when im away : .. . .. . It works fine but the session id changes every message .", "Furthermore my IDE RubyMine complains that it is Unable to find the rails model for : notes association field .. . .. . Something tells me this would not be happening if I weren t constrained from operating as a class of the bot framework but that is only a wild guess at this point .", "I ll borrow ideas and inspiration from a framework if required but have found that most of the frameworks try to do too much .", "Writing your own framework on for a project that has a deadline is not a very good idea in most cases .", "In your case you can look here : .. . .. . http : stackoverflow.com questions 1280462 what-mvvm-framework-are-you-using", "facing an issue in this .I Wanted to bot send a message to a channel when anybody joins channel .. . .. . Could anybody help me on this .", "Yes m.reply input is what is returned in the irc channel if a matching regex is inputed .", "At present my tab control is defined as below : .. . .. . And my Main Window ViewModel is setup in the following way once the View has been loaded : .. . .. . The MainWindow ViewModel inherits the ViewModelBase Class which is configured as below Cinch Class : .. . .. . Now what I want to be able to do is from a button click within the loginWorkspace which is a UserControl with a ViewModel is add the Admin tab to the MainWindow s Views ObservableCollection from the LoginViewModel .", "I m pretty new to ruby .", "I am currently using the MEFedMVVM framework to get access to ViewModels and want to know how to get data from another ViewModel currently being used .", "I am writing a WPF app using MVVM .", "But I m a relatively new to Ruby as well .", "Instead use a control that restrict what input format is valid such as IntegerUpDown DecimalUpDown DoubleUpDown from the WPF Control Toolkit - available via Nuget .", "Instead I ve decided to use the ChildWindow class in the WPF Extended Toolkit where you can purely bind to the WindowState open closed property and specify everything else in XAML .", "I m trying to play a bit with ruby-mplayer .", "I m not really that good with ruby and yaml writing", "It s different with the RoutedUICommands provided in the framework or similar custom static commands because they are reused everywhere and if the translation of Exit were to change on that command it would be reflected throughout the application .", "Is it not the typical Ruby Regex match function", "I m trying to set up an IRC bot using ActiveRecord on the back end to handle all the data heavy lifting probably overkill but this is partly a learning experience for me : 3 .. . .. . The issue I m running in to is that after defining my database-schema later on in the same script when I try to reference the table I created I get an error from the SQLite gem saying that it could not find the table .", "Ideally the bot puts something in a queue that the rails app consumes .", "For example MVVM Light http : mvvmlight.codeplex.com provides a fantastic well thought out and tested messaging framework that dramatically simplifies many difficult tasks in MVVM so it s a great way to get some functionality in-place which is quite robust .", "Using sidekiq could start the bot but it does not give me a clean way to connect back into the website .", "It s pure MVVM based : D and pretty SOLID", "Then the executed delegate may maynot run some reusable code to satisfy the command .", "In my view I need to open a file dialog box and allow the selection of multiple-files .", "My problem is that this service only opens one file at a time and I need to allow multiple to open multiple-files .", "It may be diverging from the original intention design of commands From what I ve seen it may in general be the case that command-objects were intended to be stateless as they are the verbs of the system .", "To extract the target from within the message use this regex : .. . .. . I looks like you re using ruby so here s the code to get the target from a longer string :", "Starting down this path though it occurs to me that there may be other variations of this pattern whereby the UI needs to be altered according to command state .", "For example in addition to changing the command s text according to connection state you may have places where an icon needs to change according to connection state .", "My code is python though but the same principle should apply .. . .. . See http : code.google.com p jsonbot source browse jsb lib users.py if you want to see my version .", "On the flip side you may want to use a more generic delta e.g .", "I have exposed a public property CurrentSuppier and binded that property to the selecteditem of my combo box . . after I update the the combobox display doesn t change to the current value of the supplier . . below is some code snippets. . .. . .. . XAML CODE : .. . .. . I tried binding the CurrentSupplier to a TextBox just to see if the binds works . . and it does . . the textbox gets updated with the current value of my CurrentSupplier property . . but it wont work on the combobox . .", "There is a difference between SelectedItem and SelectedValue .", "Have you tried to use SelectedValue instead", "Code : .. . .. . could you please check and let me know is anything missing on this .", "Could you explain what goes wrong when you try it", "I can see that the def is missing an end but not sure if that is your problem", "Hello nothing happens means it does not greet on joining .", "Instead use the built-in commands to respond to messages .. . .. . And then :", "Read up about using the Mediator .", "You can send a message from your loginviewmodel .", "Then have the mainwindowview model can listen for the appropriate message .", "One thing this class doesn t have which some other alternatives have is a Text property which can be commonly used to bind UI elements to the Title of the command operation .", "Consequently I ve been writing an extension to this class which exposes a Text property .", "Now what I ve run into is a use-case where I m using a command to toggle connectivity to a device .", "There s a bunch of different ways I could implement this aren t there always - it s software .", "One way would be to expose multiple command-objects from my ViewModel - one for Disconnect and one for Connect have the view model expose a property which indicates the connection state IsConnected and have the view conditionally bind to either the Connect command or Disconnect command .", "My reaction to this option though is .. . yuck", "What I initially started looking at instead was not only providing a Text property but also having the command object implement INotifyPropertyChanged so that the text property can be dynamically altered by the viewmodel to Connect or Disconnect according to system state .", "Doing this I can avoid having multiple commands and just expose a single ToggleConnection command object .", "So I started writing a Stateful class which implements INotifyPropertyChanged and exposes two properties - Text and State ." ] }
{ "confidence": [ 63.18194, 62.600178, 61.765167, 61.045948, 58.88858, 58.13684, 51.085815, 50.511833, 49.243317, 47.71546, 47.30416, 46.880318, 46.827915, 44.865353, 43.696693, 39.51109, 38.98432, 38.19899, 37.561035, 37.561035 ], "content": [ "Question : I wrote this auto-reply bot with ruby it is supposed to autoreply with cleverbot messages when im away : .. . .. . It works fine but the session id changes every message . What do i have to change to keep it best case scenario is every user writing me gets a different session id at cleverbot so they have individual conversations . I m pretty new to ruby . I used : https : github.com benmanns cleverbot and https : github.com cinchrb cinch .. . Answer : Comparing this to the structure of my cinch bot I d try the following : .. . .. . 1 Make get answer a helper block and place it inside the bot Cinch : : Bot.new block : .. . .. . 2 Replace .. . .. . with .. . .. . 3 Replace .. . .. . with .. . .. . I suspect this should work . But I m a relatively new to Ruby as well .", "Question : This part of an IRC bot . I am trying to have the matched regex that the user inputs directly inputed to the @db.execute to be able perform the query . Any help or suggestions for a different way to go would be appreciated . Comment : is there some reason you can t take the string the user supplied and just use that What would be an example input from the user Comment : I want to use regex because there could be multiple inputs . An example input would be select from gears where Lab like Primary another example would be select from gears where RU like 40 . The differences are in the regex where the . are . If I where to use a string instead i would have to code for all query possibilities instead of just a fill in the blank situation . @Micah Comment : Alright then it should be fairly simple . I assume execute m is the method we re working on where m is the string input Comment : Yes m.reply input is what is returned in the irc channel if a matching regex is inputed . .. . Answer : Something along these lines should work : Comment : No luck : . Match needs to be called outside of the function . If i place it inside it does not recognize the match . Comment : @aealvarez3 your match function seems strange to me then . Is it not the typical Ruby Regex match function Comment : I am not 100 positive but I want to say it is not . It is the command used in Cinch in order to match a user input into an IRC chat room and return whatever i specify . github.com cinchrb cinch https : github.com cinchrb cinch Comment : Ah That explains my confusion . It s from Cinch which is not something I ve used much . Lemme do some research . Comment : @aealvarez3 Ok reading up on Cinch the match command is simply a listener that waits for a message to match the input then calls execute m using the message that was provided . regex.match is different from your other match function . As such my example WILL work as long as you can get the inputted message at the point I mentioned . So the question is : can you get the user input within execute m", "Question : null .. . Answer : I am new to MVVM I am trying to use CINCH v2 MVVM framework by Sacha Barber and I have doubts of how to extend one of the framework services in the correct way I hope I can get some advice from your experiences . I am writing a WPF app using MVVM . I decided to try CINCH v2 as my framework . In my view I need to open a file dialog box and allow the selection of multiple-files . CINCH has some nice UI services among them the OpenFileService that implements the IOpenFileService interface . My problem is that this service only opens one file at a time and I need to allow multiple to open multiple-files . It is as simple as using the Multiselect property from the Microsoft.Win32.Openfiledialog class . So I added a new interface in my project that implements the IOpenFileService from Cinch and extend it hoping that I will be able to use the testing services provided by the framework .. . .. . Then I created a service in my project that implements this new interface and add the extended functionality . This solution works but I have some doubts as how proper it is : .. . .. . 1.- In my interface project I need to make a reference to the Cinch library . I am not sure if that is a problem but I felt strange .. . .. . 2.- Is this the right way of solving this problem or is there another way Thanks for your advice .", "Question : i just started using this cinch gem and using this framework to develop a bot . facing an issue in this .I Wanted to bot send a message to a channel when anybody joins channel .. . .. . Could anybody help me on this . Code : .. . .. . could you please check and let me know is anything missing on this . Comment : Could you explain what goes wrong when you try it I can see that the def is missing an end but not sure if that is your problem Comment : Hello nothing happens means it does not greet on joining . .. . Answer : I m not sure what your post message command is but if it s something you found in Cinch don t use it . Instead use the built-in commands to respond to messages .. . .. . And then :", "Question : When should you use a library or a framework vs your own implementation . For example . MVVM should I use Cinch MVVM Framework or roll my own code .. . Answer : With MVVM and WPF personally I would recommend starting without a framework . Once you see the sticking points the different frameworks will start to make a lot more sense . Remember the various frameworks for MVVM are meant to be helpers to ease some of the pain points when dealing with MVVM such as dialog service handling messaging etc . That being said many of the frameworks ie : Cinch really steer you into working a specific way - which may or may not be ideal given your circumstances . I personally don t use a single framework . I ll borrow ideas and inspiration from a framework if required but have found that most of the frameworks try to do too much . That being said once you understand the different frameworks they are very useful provided the one you choose fits with your development goals . For example MVVM Light http : mvvmlight.codeplex.com provides a fantastic well thought out and tested messaging framework that dramatically simplifies many difficult tasks in MVVM so it s a great way to get some functionality in-place which is quite robust .", "Question : In CinchV1 there was a section of Sacha s CodeProject post which described how to develop Models with Cinch . Now looking at the documentation for CinchV2 all I can find out about models is this : .. . .. . 4 Developing Models Using Cinch .. . .. . .. . NOTE : This is no longer possible in Cinch V2 .. . .. . .. . Clearly I am missing something right I mean it s not the VVM Pattern is it What exactly does it mean when it says This is no longer possible in Cinch V2 .. . .. . If Models are no longer used what should I do in-place of using them Comment : I m not familiar with Cinch but your models should not depend on any framework except the .Net Framework . Models should be POCO classes and not inherit from anything except maybe implement INotifyPropertyChanged but that s it Comment : HighCore thanks for your feedback . I am aware that I can make a Model class just using INPC but my real question is more about why the documentation doesn t speak of it at all . Also there s a sample project for V2 and it doesn t use any models only ViewModels . Comment : I guess that s a matter of the M part of MVVM is up to you .. . you re free to implement it in any way you want .. . Answer : So the answer was buried in a part of the CodeProject post I didn t see . Here is what it says : .. . .. . As I just stated Cinch does actually allow you to either expose a CurrentXXXModel off your ViewModel which supports DataWrappers Validation Rules IDataErrorInfo ViewMode changes IEditableObject operations by use of the two Cinch Model classes mentioned above . .. . But as I also stated above I no longer recommend that approach and think that the Model should be left alone and that you should do all your DataWrappers Validation Ruless IDataErrorInfo ViewMode changes IEditableObject operations in your ViewModel . 1 . It is no longer preferred to write a Model that is inherited from a Cinch base-class . Models are still used in CinchV2 but binding a View to a Model is no longer preferred . .. . .. . 2 . Write Models as you normally would but only use DataWrappers and such in the ViewModel . Comment : Isn t this precisely what I was talking about", "Question : When should you use a library or a framework vs your own implementation . For example . MVVM should I use Cinch MVVM Framework or roll my own code .. . Answer : Use a framework . Writing your own framework on for a project that has a deadline is not a very good idea in most cases . For a hobby project yeah why not make a framework . In your case you can look here : .. . .. . http : stackoverflow.com questions 1280462 what-mvvm-framework-are-you-using", "Question : When should you use a library or a framework vs your own implementation . For example . MVVM should I use Cinch MVVM Framework or roll my own code .. . Answer : If you re allowed to use a Framework for the project and assembly size really isn t that important I d almost always recommend going with the framework academic projects not included . You ll get something that has been usually thoroughly tested and documented rather than experimenting and troubleshooting your own hand rolled version .", "Question : I am currently using the MEFedMVVM framework to get access to ViewModels and want to know how to get data from another ViewModel currently being used . This is coupled with the use of Cinch . At present my tab control is defined as below : .. . .. . And my Main Window ViewModel is setup in the following way once the View has been loaded : .. . .. . The MainWindow ViewModel inherits the ViewModelBase Class which is configured as below Cinch Class : .. . .. . Now what I want to be able to do is from a button click within the loginWorkspace which is a UserControl with a ViewModel is add the Admin tab to the MainWindow s Views ObservableCollection from the LoginViewModel . .. . Answer : Read up about using the Mediator . You can send a message from your loginviewmodel . Then have the mainwindowview model can listen for the appropriate message .", "Question : I need to have a command that asks a user questions and records their response in pm but I am unsure how could possibly do that on cinch thanks to its thread based commands . Something like this .. . .. . Etc . I am stuck on how I would be able to do this if at all with cinch . Comment : What have you tried already Comment : To be honest where to start as I cant find anything in cinch docs about a way for it to save state inbetween commands . I cant use variables as of course cinch runs each command as a thread that gets destroyed after the function returns Comment : You can use instance-level variables in your plugins to save state . Cinch doesn t destroy the Plugin class until it s told to disconnect .. . Answer : Use Unique Prefixes for Each Setting .. . .. . Because Cinch is threaded the easiest thing to do is make your key-value pairs idempotent . For example running setup could prompt the user to enter prefixed values each of which is handled as a separate event rather than chained together . Consider the following : .. . .. . While you could certainly chain your prompts by making each setting prompt for the next key-value pair you ll make life easier on yourself and your users by responding to setup with a list of asynchronous commands that can be handled in any order . You still have to ensure that each event writes to a collection in a thread-safe manner and that you serialize the collection at some point . In the meantime this should definitely get you headed in the right direction . Comment : That s what I did in the end I was hoping I wouldn t have to .", "Question : null .. . Answer : I m trying to play a bit with ruby-mplayer . It is in a Cinch Bot . I actually do : .. . .. . Please note the code is a brief section . As far as I see that would cause next time I issue the request the @player is not null it closes and plays again . The first petition does start mplayer but the next does nothing . If I do not set the EM : : Synchrony.add timer 0.1 a RootFiber error is thrown . Any Ideas of why it is not working . Comment : Did you start EventMachine EM.start I mean Comment : I do not know this library but it seems strange to me that you close the player before calling play . Maybe that s the problem Comment : @padde sorry copy mistake . I updated the question . What about EM.start", "Question : This has been giving me pain for some time . I know Prism injects views into regions however is there a way of doing a similar sort of thing with Cinch on a view first basis For example I have a container effectively a region which can contain any view at runtime - I don t particularly want to set the view explicitly in XAML as this will load it up and it s a bit messy . Is there a container that I can use for this And how would I go about it doesn t have to be Cinch specific. . .. . .. . thanks . .. . Answer : To answer my own question I ve found that Prism v4 has provided a useful solution - a RegionExtension called RequestNavigate . I have used RequestNavigate for opening a new window check out StockTrader RI however this seems extremely cumbersome if following the proper MVVM methodology . Instead I ve decided to use the ChildWindow class in the WPF Extended Toolkit where you can purely bind to the WindowState open closed property and specify everything else in XAML . I ve also used RequestNavigate for injecting views into Regions - I m now using MEF at the time I was using Unity . I find the approach a lot more flexible if slightly magic regarding debugging .", "Question : I am using cinch framework v1 . I have exposed a public property CurrentSuppier and binded that property to the selecteditem of my combo box . . after I update the the combobox display doesn t change to the current value of the supplier . . below is some code snippets. . .. . .. . XAML CODE : .. . .. . I tried binding the CurrentSupplier to a TextBox just to see if the binds works . . and it does . . the textbox gets updated with the current value of my CurrentSupplier property . . but it wont work on the combobox . . .. . Answer : There is a difference between SelectedItem and SelectedValue . Have you tried to use SelectedValue instead", "Question : I want to write a cinch IRC bot that sends information to a rails application . The rails application will essentially function as a monitor for users and theoretically the data displayed will continually refresh . I have the basic IRC bot working on it s own and have written standalone rails applications before . I do not know what the best way to integrate them together is though Using sidekiq could start the bot but it does not give me a clean way to connect back into the website . Comment : sounds like you should build an api rest api maybe into your rails app . Comment : I don t want to have to send packets to the local webserver . That s extra delay that seems wasteful . .. . Answer : I see three options : .. . .. . 1 . Build an api and let your script send requests to that api endpoint .. . 2 . Use script runner to call your methods in your app directly .. . 3 . Let the script store data directly into the apps database .. . .. . I think the api solution is the only reasonable option for security and maintainablity reasons . Comment : Think performance will be good enough if I m using the api system Comment : The apis I have in use have average response times between 10-30ms . That depends a bit on what transformations or calculations you need to do before you can store the payload . How many requests to you expect per hour minute second Comment : We are integrating with twitch but doubt that our channels will be too popular . At most a hundred probably . Ideally the bot puts something in a queue that the rails app consumes .", "Question : I m developing an application with Sasha Barber s Cinch Framework for MVVM in WPF . This application shows two tabs . The MainWindowViewModel started a background worker that listens for incoming socket connections . If a client connects via the socket connection to the application the application should show up another tab . I setted up everything well but when I try to add the new Worskspace to the Views collection I receive an error that this can only be done in an dispatcher thread but there is no dispatcher in the MainWindowViewModel . So here s my question : How can I add this workspace to the views collection Greets and thanks Knutman .. . Answer : You could add a property with the following implementation to your VM base-class . Now you have a dispatcher in your VM . For more information please have a look here http : msdn.microsoft.com en-us library system.windows.application.aspx . Or you simply use Application.Current.Dispatcher at the place where you re needing it . Comment : Thanks DHN you made my day . Comment : You re welcome . Please note that if a post answers your question it should be marked as one . o", "Question : Am trying to match a particular string in Cinch bot framework . So my current code works fine but only fails if the string comes with some extra words .e.g .. . .. . say am trying to match only hello-1234 then it responds properly but if am putting like common hello-1234 or hello-1234 closing then the code fails . Could anybody can guide my how i can get rid of this . Code : .. . .. . config.jira.regex b ora - d 0 7 b i .. . .. . with this regex its matching ora-1234567 . say i have start ora-1234 or ora-1234 end in above case how it should ignore the start and end and match only ora-1234 Comment : Seeing some of the relevant code would be very helpful including the exception stack-trace or unexpected output . Comment : it sounds like you want it to match whether or not it is the whole string or a substring within a string and it sounds like it s failing because your current regex is using anchor chars e.g . string but you need to post code if you want more than random guessing Comment : @aliteralmind -updated thread . Comment : I see some code but I don t see what s being matched ora-1234 nor the code that s actually trying to do the match that uses config.jira.regex .. . Comment : but to be clear those b things are word boundaries so it will match if the string is at the beginning or end of the content or surrounded by non-word chars . But it s not going to match on for example using your original regex with hardcoded ora fooora-1234bar . b is a word-boundary assertion that looks for a change from a non-word char to a word char or visa versa . .. . Answer : To obtain the portion of a message as a variable just do something like this : .. . .. . Any regex groups the bits in s are passed to any relevant plugin methods as extra arguments .", "Question : Am trying to match a particular string in Cinch bot framework . So my current code works fine but only fails if the string comes with some extra words .e.g .. . .. . say am trying to match only hello-1234 then it responds properly but if am putting like common hello-1234 or hello-1234 closing then the code fails . Could anybody can guide my how i can get rid of this . Code : .. . .. . config.jira.regex b ora - d 0 7 b i .. . .. . with this regex its matching ora-1234567 . say i have start ora-1234 or ora-1234 end in above case how it should ignore the start and end and match only ora-1234 Comment : Seeing some of the relevant code would be very helpful including the exception stack-trace or unexpected output . Comment : it sounds like you want it to match whether or not it is the whole string or a substring within a string and it sounds like it s failing because your current regex is using anchor chars e.g . string but you need to post code if you want more than random guessing Comment : @aliteralmind -updated thread . Comment : I see some code but I don t see what s being matched ora-1234 nor the code that s actually trying to do the match that uses config.jira.regex .. . Comment : but to be clear those b things are word boundaries so it will match if the string is at the beginning or end of the content or surrounded by non-word chars . But it s not going to match on for example using your original regex with hardcoded ora fooora-1234bar . b is a word-boundary assertion that looks for a change from a non-word char to a word char or visa versa . .. . Answer : To extract the target from within the message use this regex : .. . .. . I looks like you re using ruby so here s the code to get the target from a longer string : Comment : How can i overcome this say starting ora-1234 so it should ignore the starting and only match ora-1234 or ora-1234 closed and in this case it should match ora-1234 and ignore closed . Comment : I don t understand what you mean . With regex the best way of describing the problem is to give examples of input that should match and some examples of input that should not match . Chose your examples so they demonstrate the edge cases . Update your question to include these then leave me a message here to let me know you ve done it . Comment : Sorry for not making it clear or you .Updated the original question can you please have a look and let me know if it make sense . Comment : Is it that you want to extract ora-nnnn from the message Comment : yes i need to extract the ora-nnnn", "Question : Without wanting to bug sacha too much does anyone know what the Cinch V2 way of closing a View from a ViewModel command Previously I have used a RelayCommand in the ViewModel base to accept the Escape keybinding command action and wired up a RequestClose event in the View code-behind to do this . .. . Answer : Use CloseActivePopUpCommand.Execute true in the execute method to close a view . I ve included a short sample below .", "Question : OK I ve figured out how to get my Grid of UI elements to zoom by using LayoutTransform and ScaleTransform . What I don t understand is how I can get my View to respond to CTRL+MouseWheelUp Down to do it and how to fit the code into the MVVM pattern . My first idea was to store the ZoomFactor as a property and bind to a command to adjust it . I was looking at something like : .. . .. . but I see 2 issues : .. . .. . 1 I don t think there is a way to tell whether the wheel was moved up or down nor can I see how to determine by how much . I ve seen MouseWheelEventArgs.Delta but have no idea how to get it . 2 Binding to a command on the viewmodel doesn t seem right as it s strictly a View thing . Since the zoom is strictly UI View only I m thinking that the actual code should go in the code-behind . How would you guys implement this p.s . I m using .net wpf-4.0 using Cinch for MVVM . .. . Answer : the real anwser is to write your own MouseGesture which is easy .", "Question : OK I ve figured out how to get my Grid of UI elements to zoom by using LayoutTransform and ScaleTransform . What I don t understand is how I can get my View to respond to CTRL+MouseWheelUp Down to do it and how to fit the code into the MVVM pattern . My first idea was to store the ZoomFactor as a property and bind to a command to adjust it . I was looking at something like : .. . .. . but I see 2 issues : .. . .. . 1 I don t think there is a way to tell whether the wheel was moved up or down nor can I see how to determine by how much . I ve seen MouseWheelEventArgs.Delta but have no idea how to get it . 2 Binding to a command on the viewmodel doesn t seem right as it s strictly a View thing . Since the zoom is strictly UI View only I m thinking that the actual code should go in the code-behind . How would you guys implement this p.s . I m using .net wpf-4.0 using Cinch for MVVM . .. . Answer : If you don t want to use code-behind you can use the EventToCommand functionality of mvvm-light : .. . .. . View : .. . .. . ViewModel : .. . .. . I hope this helps someone . I know the question is kind of old.. . Comment : I find it odd your VM would have a routed event" ] }
[ "yes-answer-long", "yes-answer-short" ]
"google-container-engine -- google-container-engine takes care of provisioning and maintaining the u(...TRUNCATED)
[ "yes-answer-long", "yes-answer-short" ]
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"hubot -- hubot is a an automation service application.you can use @placeholder to provide access to(...TRUNCATED)
[ "yes-answer-long", "yes-answer-short" ]
"guzzle -- guzzle is an http client framework for building restful @placeholder service clients in p(...TRUNCATED)
[ "yes-answer-long", "yes-answer-short" ]
"josql -- josql sql for java objects provides the ability to apply sql-like queries to collections o(...TRUNCATED)
{"confidence":[81.75867,74.669395,62.562927,60.24578,58.506256],"content":["Question : Is it possibl(...TRUNCATED)
[ "yes-answer-long", "yes-answer-short" ]
"quicktype -- quicktype is new stock keyboard for tag : @placeholder users introduced by apple with (...TRUNCATED)
[ "yes-answer-long", "yes-answer-short" ]
YAML Metadata Error: "language[0]" must only contain lowercase characters
YAML Metadata Error: "language[0]" with value "en-US" is not valid. It must be an ISO 639-1, 639-2 or 639-3 code (two/three letters), or a special value like "code", "multilingual". If you want to use BCP-47 identifiers, you can specify them in language_bcp47.
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