Page Content Rapidly flashing or blinking objects are discouraged for use on Web sites, as they can trigger seizures in some users. Generally speaking, you should avoid objects which flicker or blink more than 3 times per second. For more details on flicker guidelines, see the WCAG 2.3 Guideline: Seizures. Items with gentle pulses or subtle dimming/lighting effects are effective while still meeting accessibility guidelines. Hidden Audience: Migraine Users Some users, including those with certain types of epilepsy and migraines, may be susceptible to attacks or “episodes” when confronted with “loud” visual presentations. Particularly aggravating are: 1. Rapidly blinking or animated objects, which can trigger an epileptic seizure in some users and headaches in others. 2. Stripes, zig-zags and other types of geometric patterns, which can trigger migraines in some users. 3. Strongly contrasting color schemes, which some users have reported cause headaches. Top of Page
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Yet even more Chilling Secrets behind the Face Off Story (Part Five) I do not own the rights to Buffy. Or Star Wars. Or Archer. Or the Big Bang Theory. Or a myriad of other characters that had made their way into Face Off 6.0. But Face Off was so much fun I wanted to share it with people outside my circle of friends. So for Face Off 7.0 we stripped away all themes. And started making decisions based on the core of the game. For months we only played tested decks that were populated with personalities named P1, P2, P3. And our personalities were equipped with things named E1, E2, E3. In the market we bought cards named M1, M2, M3…. You get the idea. We identified seven different paths to victory –Big Guys, Card Draw, VP Collection, Deck Destruction, HQ Players, Attacks, and Swarm –and we built decks around these strategies. Rather than every deck doing a little bit of every thing, each deck now has a major and minor theme and decks are designed for maximum synergy. We play test a lot to ensure the asymmetrical decks are balanced to each other and to the future decks that are coming soon. Only when we were fairly close to balanced did we add back in theme. Since we didn’t have the money to go with my favorite pop culture stuffs, we went with my favorite things in the public domain –Monsters, Cowboys, Ninjas, Classical Villains now known as the Asylum, and Pirates. Then to be creative and different we added Teddy Bears wielding Famous Firearms, Evil Klowns with gross names but sexy pictures, and Sherlocks –different incarnations of the Prime Detective like Granny Sherlock, and Doctor Sherlock, and High School Girl Sherlock. (Sherlocks are one of my favorite factions.) The last great puzzle was there was still a problem with scoring. Players collect points by fighting over Victory Condition cards. These are sets of cards numbered 1-7. Originally there were five sets –pieces to the map to lost city of Atlantis, rich guy stuff, pieces to a time machine, things needed for a responsible government, and pieces to a submarine. For new players of Face Off this worked great, but experienced players learned not to waste good cards on low point values. Instead they only tried to win cards with a value of five or higher. This violates my one best strategy rule, so it couldn’t stay. The question became how de we make lower point value cards worth a player’s best resources? Of course we could have just made every card worth the same amount of points, but that didn’t feel right. So we started with a rule that said if you collected all seven cards in a set you automatically won the game. Period. Points don’t matter. Players were now incentivised to play defense as well as offense. But it wasn’t enough. So we added a second value to VC cards. Now VC cards have a point value and a ‘piece value’. Every VC card you win is worth one point. However, if you have the most pieces in a set, and only if you have the most pieces in a set, you get the face value of the card instead of one point. So why spend resources on that one point card? Because it is worth two pieces in the set. Finally we ditched the generic cards, and gave each faction a set of things they were trying to collect. The map to Atlantis became the Pirate map to buried treasure. Rich guy stuff became the Ninja’s precious treasures. This made set up a little bit more involved but added enough texture to the game to make it worth while. And there you have it. Face Off 7.6. Essentially the game we’re bringing you in a just a couple of weeks. Of course there have been some balance tweaks here and there. A few cards nerfed or buffed. But nothing major. The rules have been set for nearly a year now and things look great. Of course now we need art and marketing and other stuff. To see how these things got added in tune in next week. Same bat time. Same bat channel. Same goofy jokes.
ABCs of Story Estimation Estimation, predicting the future, is an art at best. Backing estimation techniques with extensive mathematics and statistics may make upper management happy--it's always great if you can provide supporting data for something and distill it to a single number! (42, of course.) But such diligence only serves to bestow way too much legitimacy on a bunch of HAGs (remember WAGs and SWAGs? Well, the "H" is for "Hairy"). Agile teams use dozens of various techniques for deriving story estimates. As my doctor once told me, so many "solutions" means that none of them is very good. Predicting the future with estimates is immediately setting ourselves up for failure. When we estimate, we are always wrong. Always. It's just a matter of degree. But that's ok--we can get better over time, and the business always finds value in estimates. Repetition and increasing familiarity with things can dramatically improve the amount of error. Best advice: Start simply! These five guidelines should help get you on your way. • All contributors estimate - not just a representative developer or team lead, and most certainly not anyone from the customer team simply asking for the story (how bizarre!). Those who do the work get to have some say in how large the story is. It doesn't make sense any other way. • Break story down into tasks to verify scope - This exercise can help verify whether or not this is the right story, and often brings out discussions around things that will impact the estimate. Sometimes a quick task breakdown gets the team to concede that this is a much larger story than thought. • Come to Consensus using planning poker - James Grenning's wideband delphi-based technique is a fun, engaging, and expeditious way of deriving a lot of estimates from a good-sized team. Show the cards, and if all are in agreement, or close to it, pick the size and move on. If there's disagreement, debate for a few minutes, try again. If there's still disagreement, come back later and move on to the next story for now. • Decrease estimation granularity as story size increases - It's silly to think that we can estimate anything precisely. As the story gets larger, beyond a couple days, even a day variance on an estimate is too fine. "Is this 6 days or 7 days?" Gee, let's do it and find out. The Fibonacci sequence is a classic choice for agile teams. A story that the team thinks is a 6 is most certainly not going to be done in 5 days, so it gets bumped up to 8. • Estimate using relative sizes, not calendar days - There will be no end of debate on this, but sizes do not degrade over time, and they do not vary depending on developer capability and availability. Calendar days do. Mike Cohn's book Agile Estimating and Planning provides many good additional insights on the differences between the two. 1. sorry about the re-post. I cleaned up the card a bit, it's a lot less cluttered, but then blogger seemed to have deleted something on me (no doubt operator error). Font = AndrewScript 1.6 2. This post strikes me as a little too cutesy and glossy. That's the job of the card, not the text. While references to other people's books are good, you need to include the core details. How do I get from days (point D) to relative sizes (point E)? Where's a link to planning poker? Is the breakdown (point B) before or after initial estimation? 3. Hi Austin--thanks for the feedback! The whole topic of estimation and planning seems cute and glossy to me, and so my perception did influence the writing. Sorry about that. You're right, also, in that it could use a bit more meat. I've encountered almost as many ways to approach estimation as I have encountered teams, so I resist the notion of prescribing flow. For example, task breakdowns can (and should) occur whenever necessary. Teams might have the prescience to determine immediately that a story should be broken down to estimate it, or they might decide they need not--until they find out (using planning poker) that there is no consensus on its size. Perhaps there is a set of "starter steps" we could add to the text here. This card right now is closer to guiding principles. Tim is taking a look and we'll figure out if this needs to be a different card or perhaps just redone. I did add a couple links, thanks for the suggestion. 4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator. 5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator. 6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
If I do something bad, will you still love me? Nearly every day I drive my car past a sign that announces a watershed up the road. I say the word out loud all the time. Watershed. It is a word that I want to harness. I want to own. I think about marked points across time and space. I think about Judeo-Christian mythology and the fall of Eden. I think about wars and love and the way people turn on a dime and walk into the forest of regret. Watershed. And I think about Adam and Eve and how they were probably like, "Oh, Shit." I would have probably eaten the apples too. The tree of knowledge would have shined in the pouring sun and we all know that I have impulse control issues. We are the apple eaters. I am amping myself up for seeing my southern Baptist grandfather at Christmas. I have to face my fears when I am near him. You know the opening scenes of that vampire show? Sookie? True Blood. Well, it's kinda like that. Freaky but you can't stop looking. I have stood and watched my grandpa sooth the sinners and push their heads down deep in the rivers of Ohio and West Virginia. The people would pop up and transition to another person. Dividing lines and all that. And the brimstone always scared me. I have never wanted to burn but I have always felt the flames. But he loves me. Our blood whispers the same words. We look past each other now and see the good bits that hang out in the greener grass. He bows his head when I walk out of his doorway. He prays for my soul and I try and memorize the way I felt when I was six years old and he bought me toys and cotton candy and church was dresses of lace and music that sounded sweet. I would run to him and his arms were open like Jesus. And in 1984 I was so afraid of the movie Firestarter. When I was ten years old I thought I may have Pyrokinesis and I was always worried about staring at people. I was in the midway at the Ohio State Fair with a pink feather roach clip in my bangs and some carnie shouted at me to come over. I broke from my mother and ran towards the seedy parts of life, the places that have always sucked me in. He told me to smile. He grinned like a drunk. And fire was in his palm for a second. For a flash. I cried and sucked on my long blonde braid tip.  We can rock back and forth on the floor late at night when everyone goes to bed and wonder when things are going to happen for us. Sometimes things change. We have read all the stories of other people. Sometimes people change. Everyone gets a watershed. Whether they want it or not. And we all fall down.
4 Qualities men want in a girlfriend Thanks to Mel Gibson, we know what women want, but what traits do men find attractive in a potential girlfriend? After an informal survey of friends and colleagues, here's what I found out. Young Couple Embracing 1. "A Good Girl" "She's a good girl, a keeper," said Jay on last week's episode of MTV's newest reality juggernaut "The City" when mulling over whether to take his relationship with Whitney to the next level. But what does that mean, "a good girl?" James, 24, knows how to spot a woman with girlfriend potential when he sees her: "She's not a hard-partier or a Paris Hilton wanna-be. She respects me and makes me look good," he states. In addition, if Whitney Port is any example, a good girl is trustworthy, honest, a loyal friend, and has film cameras following her every move. (Ok, well, maybe not that last one.) 2. A Nice Body I'm not going to mince words with you ladies; nearly all of the men I talked to rated some attribute of a woman's physique as being important to them. This doesn't mean you have to look like Salma Hayek (or on the other side of the spectrum, Gwyneth Paltrow) to land a boyfriend, but you do have to take care of yourself and not look like a slob. Whether it's daily yoga, Pilates or a once a week hike, find a way to keep your body trim and keep those flabby chicken arms at bay. And don't give me that "I hate the gym" line because I hate the gym too. However, there are ways of burning calories that are fun, like going out dancing a few nights a week with friends or just rockin' it out at home with your iPod. 3. An Independent Spirit Men do not like clingy, desperate, co-dependent, controlling, or jealous women. I know as I write this, there will those of you sitting in front of your computer screen thinking "Well, I'm none of those things." But are you? "There is a certain type of woman whose always calling up and who gets mad when you're out with your friends because she says you weren't paying enough attention to her. I always steer-clear of those," says Rob, 43. Every dating book in the world gives this advice, but it bears repeating here: Don't make your life about finding a boyfriend because it's like watching a pot of water boil. It will be frustrating and seem never ending if you focus on it too intently. And when you do find one, don't make him the center of your universe either. A boyfriend should be a complement to your already happy life, not the driving force. 4. An Appreciation for Life's Pleasures "Happy, fun women who enjoy sex and can appreciate the occasional off-color joke," said Alex, 27, on what gives women girlfriend-potential status. 'Nuff said. hẹn hò Đã đọc : 824 lần Liên hệ tư vấn hỗ trợ trực tuyến Lĩnh vực tư vấn: - tư vấn nuôi dạy trẻ - tư vấn sức khỏe sinh sản, giới tính - tư vấn trị liệu tâm lý - Các vấn đề tâm lý khác như ly hôn, stress Gọi -1900 68 50 để đặt lich tư vấn trực tiếp Biểu giá tư vấn tại đây
[278 / 153 / ?] Recent Photo thread No.3276038 ViewReplyOriginalReport Previous thread >>3272610 So I went to the Amsterdamse Bos, a big-ass park south of Amsterdam which isn't quite in Amsterdam, but it's very close. Weather was great and the 400 sakuras they have there were in full bloom. I discovered that it's very difficult to make the sakuras work in a composition as they are hella busy, It's kind of like trying to take a picture of only grass and hoping that it somehow works. I managed a couple of decent snaps through heavy editing or heavy cropping.
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Secrecy in recount raises suspicions Doubts about close Mexican election linger September 09, 2006|By Hector Tobar | Hector Tobar,Los Angeles Times MEXICO CITY -- Top electoral officials and judges are feeding doubts about the outcome of Mexico's presidential vote by declining to release details about a recount of 4 million ballots and by moving quickly to destroy all 41 million ballots, legal experts said yesterday. The seven judges of the Federal Electoral Tribunal declared conservative candidate Felipe Calderon president-elect on Tuesday. But their 300-page ruling on the election left some experts shaking their heads. John Ackerman, a professor of law at the National University of Mexico, said the judges had made no effort to investigate improprieties in electoral financing and other charges made by losing leftist candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. The ruling also failed to cite a single legal precedent in its rejection of a Lopez Obrador bid to have the election annulled, Ackerman said. The court opened ballot boxes and recounted 4 million votes, but did so only to determine whether there was evidence of outright fraud - and declared that they had found none. The actual tallies from the recount were not released to the public. "The tribunal is explicitly preventing us from seeing what actually happened in the partial recount," Ackerman said. "The result of all this is that we don't have certainty about the election." By law, ballots here are destroyed after an election is certified as official. But the law does not stipulate when destruction should be carried out. Irma Sandoval, director of the National University's Laboratory for the Study and Analysis of Corruption and Transparency in Mexico, said the request for the ballots was made through Mexico's fledgling public records act. That law grants access to any document not covered by privacy and national security restrictions. "The IFE denied our request because they said the ballots are not documents," Sandoval said. "The ballots are printed by the government. But the IFE said that at the moment a citizen marks the ballot, it's no longer a document. It's a very metaphysical argument." Writers Elena Poniatowska and Carlos Monsivais, both of whom supported Lopez Obrador's presidential bid, also joined the petition seeking access to the ballots. Sandoval said she and others requesting access to the ballots were considering an appeal to the Supreme Court to keep the IFE from destroying them. Sandoval compared this presidential election to 1988, when the government of Miguel de la Madrid burned ballots rather than allow a recount that might have proved leftist candidate Cuauhtemoc Cardenas' allegations of fraud. Lorenzo Cordova, a law professor at the National University, said that while the election was flawed in many ways, it was mostly a success. On Election Day, he said, all of the political parties praised the IFE's conduct of the election. Hector Tobar writes for the Los Angeles Times. Baltimore Sun Articles
August 23, 2010 Lucie the Laceweight Saturday, I taught my friend Rose how to knit. It was really fun to have some girl time and to share my knitting knowledge. I did get a little frustrated, and I occasionally thought, "Just let me do this for you.". But, I know that is not the way you teach people to do things. We also had fun listening to the boys in the other room and their chitter chatter. Who knew twenty-something boys talked about world peace? Sunday, I spent the entire day spinning BFL. I really mean the entire day. I watched some really bad horror flicks and I spun and spun. My singles are getting thinner and more cohesive. You can hardly even see my joins! I also came up with a name for my spindle. She shall now be referred to as Lucie the lace weight spindle. 1. So, I have a really stupid question. I just ordered a spindle and roving and am impatiently waiting for them to arrive. In the meantime, I was wondering if you separated your roving into two equal(ish) parts in order to make two singles for plying later on? Your yarn is coming out really nicely! 2. Trust me, there are no stupid questions when it comes to hand spinning. I didn't separate my roving into equal parts. I just grab chunks as I go. Then when my spindle is really full and starts doing that wonky dance, that's when I make it into a ball. I will say, dividing into equal parts seems like a great idea. I'm plying those singles I made and my second single seems to be a little short (oops!).
Wednesday, May 10, 2017 "Forgive, sounds good.  Forget, I'm not sure I could.  They say time heals everything but I'm still waiting."   Not Ready To Make Nice by the Dixie Chicks It starts with such an innocent interaction but once again I had to play bomb squad and diffuse a situation about his old school. It's rather astounding that as much as we try to push forward and move on from it, we can get dragged right back to that horrible time in an instant.  All it took today was the sweet high school aged student that works the cash register at the local pizza joint to ask "Do you go to "W" middle school?" We go this pizzeria every week after speech therapy. It's our thing. Probably started because I brought him there once and because autism, we are going there infinity.  I use the routine to our advantage. Making the Kiddo request what he wants and pay. The staff has gotten used to us and is patient with him.  I consider this a walking autism awareness educational opportunity.  So it wasn't odd for this young employee to want to ask him questions to be friendly but I'm betting she wasn't expecting his eyes to bug out of his head and yell "NO "W" SCHOOL!!!!!" in a sheer panic.  I quickly jump in and explain how he goes to a private school in another town and Boy, it's getting late, we got to get going and get home and Gee, it looks like rain. Better hustle. Thanks again! See you later! and I pretty much bum rush the Kiddo out of there to my car hoping like Hell we won't get into it about the school. The ride home was a bit dicey. Him, constantly repeating that he doesn't go "THERE" anymore.  Me, reassuring him that he won't and also trying to explain that the question from the girl wasn't mean or really that out of line.  Let's move forward.  We were able to get home and he tucked into his pizza and I did some deep breathing in the kitchen that I narrowly avoided a rather explosive meltdown. It also made me incredibly mad and upset.  He left that place in November and yet the fear is still there.   The pain is still very much raw, for the both of us.  I'm emotionally exhausted from when I have to play not only his Kiddo to English interrupter but also his "fixer". I never realized how many times I would have to be explaining his emotions to someone or in this case not so much explaining them but just trying to redirect the whole exchange.  The gal at the pizza place is nice but explaining that whole story to her?  Yeah, not happening.  Wrong time and place. And I can't help but wonder when will I or Kiddo for the matter stop getting upset from these innocent exchanges. It's really hard to teach the Kiddo the idea of "forgive and forget" when I'm pretty sure he'll never forget.  While I'll most likely forget to do the simplest tasks like switching the wet clothes from the washer to the dryer, how my son was terrified of a school and that look on his face is etched in my brain. It's kind of hard to forgive a place that traumatized your heart that walks outside of your body. All these months I have been purposely driving out of my way NOT to drive by the old middle school with the Kiddo in the car. I guess I'll keep doing that. I however, have no problem when I am alone in the car to give it the proper one finger salute it deserves.  ;-) 1. I so hear you about the exhaustion of translating and heading off issues. As far as the raw pain goes - as a parent you would much rather it happened to you than to them. It hurts on such a deep level when your child is hurting. 2. I am so sorry you and he are going through this situation. Not knowing when he will be triggered must surely be traumatic for you. My daughter with Autism has been recovering from being inappropriately touched 2 years ago. We do the deep breathing as well as other calming techniques. I repeat comforting phrases to her and assure her she is safe now, but it sounds like your son and my daughter are alike in that their minds and bodies still have the energy of trauma in them. I send you both hugs and props for your courage. 3. I wish you could describe some of the trauma that went on there. I work with autistic children (aide) in a middle school. I am looking for something that refects what I'm experiencing there. It's a sensitive issue I know. I really wish that the everyday things that are causing autistic children trauma, that they cannot always describe, would be more openly talked about. Do you have any blogs, websites that might share this kind of thing, that I could look at? 4. I am not sure the trauma will ever be forgotten. Hopefully the anxiety can be managed with age and time. My daughter has not forgotten trauma she suffered in her "hell school" from two years ago. I am not sure she ever will. I know I wont. Her anxiety hasn't gotten better either. We are working on it. 5. My daughter is 44 and still goes on about the bullying she encountered at a local school. The longer she goes on the more agitated she becomes. Those scars are permanent!
Views: 480, Date:15/Apr/2016 North Korea missile test fails, says South North Korea conducted a missile test off its east coast on Friday morning, but the launch appears to have failed, say US and South Korean officials. The rocket has not yet been identified but is suspected to have been a previously untested "Musudan" medium-range ballistic missile. The launch coincided with the birthday of North Korea's founding leader, Kim Il-sung. It also comes amid particularly high tension on the Korean peninsula. This satellite image released by DigitalGlobe shows the Musudan-ri launch pad, centre right, and assembly building, left, in blue, in at the North Korean missile facility at Musudan-Ri, in southern North Hamgyong Province, North Korea on Sunday 29 March 2009. The missile is named after the Musudan village in the northeast, where a launchpad is sited South Korea's Yonhap national news agency quoted government sources as saying that the missile was a type of intermediate-range ballistic missile known as a Musudan, also called the BM-25. North Korean forces were seen recently moving two such missiles. The report said it would be the North's first Musudan test, and that it may have at least 50 more. The Musudan is named after the village in North Korea's northeast where a launch pad is sited. It has a range of about 3,000 km (1,800 miles), which extends to the US Army base on the Pacific island of Guam, but not as far as the mainland US. The US said it had tracked the latest launch, but could also not confirm details, "We call again on North Korea to refrain from actions and rhetoric that further raise tensions in the region and focus instead on taking concrete steps toward fulfilling its international commitments and obligations," a State Department official said. China also criticised what it called "the latest in a string of sabre-rattling that, if unchecked, will lead the country to nowhere," according to the official Xinhua news agency. The BBC's Stephen Evans in Seoul says that even though it failed, the test illustrates the determination of current leader Kim Jong-un to get the ability to strike the United States, but also the North's technological limitations. The North has made a series of threats against the South and the US since the UN imposed some of its toughest ever sanctions on the country. The move was a response to the North's fourth nuclear test in January and its launching of a satellite in February, both of which broke existing sanctions. In March, North Korea said it had developed nuclear warheads small enough to fit on ballistic missiles. However, experts cast doubt on the claims. The birthday of North Korea's founder - Mr Kim's grandfather - is significant. Four years ago, the North tried to celebrate it with a similar missile launch, but that, too failed. Tagged with: Make a Comment
Natural Hazards A natural hazard is any impact, caused by a naturally occurring event, that leads to an emergency or disaster. Some examples of natural hazards are any of the following: hurricane, tornado, storm, flood, high water, wind-driven water, tidal wave, tsunami, earthquake, volcanic eruption, landslide, mudslide, snowstorm, drought, wildfire, or other similar catastrophe in any part of the United States which causes, or which may cause, substantial damage or injury to civilian property or persons. Some of these example hazards are unlikely in Michigan, or Berrien County. The hazards you will find below are believed to be the most likely to occur in Berrien County, based upon historical records and analyzing the likelihood of occurrence.
copyright notice link to published version: Communications of the ACM, December, 2005 accesses since September 23, 2005 Hal Berghel David Hoelzer It is now well documented that some of the greatest security vulnerabilities to computer software are a result of inattention to current service packs, hot fixes and patches. Our experience with big-ticket malware such as W32/Blaster and SoBig illustrate the point: in both cases patches that would have prevented the infections were available at least a month before the malware was deployed (cf. this column in the December, 2003 CACM). The successes of these exploits were a consequence of the millions of computers that hadn't been patched, either through neglect or ignorance. This leads us to a study of the art of preemption: taking preventative measures against potential insecurities. This is indeed an art rather than a science, for the problem space is enormous - the Cartesian cross-product of (a) 131,072 available ports (65,536 each for TCP and UDP), (b) hundreds of well-known network services (e.g.,telnet, ftp), (c) thousands of network applications (both standard and non-standard), and (d) an ever-increasing fleet of network-mobile trojans, viruses, worms, and rootkits. Even this analysis is over-simplified. Things are actually much worse when one adds in all of the present and future malware for which no betraying signature or operational characteristics have as yet been discovered. For example, zero-day exploits, by their very nature, are not taken account of in (d). This problem deserves consideration regardless of our network security precautions (firewalls, etc.) which has been well demonstrated by worms like SoBig, NetSky, Bagel, etc. Our present discussion will focus on (a) - Internet Ports, part of the problem space. TCP/IP and Ports The internet operates on the 65,536 TCP and 65,536 UDP ports. The official IANA ( classification divides these ports into three categories: well-known ports (0-1023), registered ports (1024-49151), and dynamic and/or private ports (49152-65535), with many pockets of reserved ports dispersed throughout. In general port assignments are a result of an approval process between a petitioner and IANA. However, some caveats are in order: 1.   IANA approves ports based on the application and intended use. There is no warranty expressed or implied by IANA that using a port is a good idea: "Assignment of a port number does not in any way imply an endorsement of an application or product, and the fact that network traffic is flowing to or from a registered port does not mean that it is "good" traffic." ( Caveat emptor is the operational metaphor. An example of an ill-advised port might be 69 (trivial file transfer protocol). This is an exemplar of high-risk internetworking because of total absence of security features. 2. There is little control over the actual use once the port is registered. The fact that IANA approved a port neither implies that (a) that is the only use to which the port is put, nor (b) the port may be safely used. For example, IANA approved port 1999 as a Cisco identification port. However, in practice it is one of the ports used by the infamous SubSeven backdoor and Trojan. 3. There is also little control over the use of ports that aren't registered. In addition to registered ports 1999 and 2773 (RBackup), for example, SubSeven also uses unassigned ports (7215 and 27374), and at least one port in the dynamic/private range (54283) The relevance of IANA registration has declined over time as more Internet vendors wandered off on their own. At this writing any rhyme or reason there might be behind port assignments is far from obvious. In the discussion to follow it is worth remembering that the Internet was built without consideration to security and authentication. Therein lies the rub. For convenience, we group common port vulnerabilities as (1) Windows-centric, (2) Unix-centric, and (3) operating systems-independent, with considerable overlap recognized. This overview will describe a few of the better-known, port-related vulnerabilities that you're likely to encounter. (1) Windows-Centric Microsoft in general, and the Windows operating system in particular, receives a continuous beating in the media over security vulnerabilities - some deserved, some not. There is so much hostility in some of these attacks that it is sometimes difficult to remember that most of the problems result from Microsoft's commitment for maximum usability of their products. The trade-off between usability and security rears its ugly head whenever a software company seeks hegemony in its market. Nowhere was this more evident than in pre-XP Windows releases that came with virtually every feature enabled. To illustrate, from a Windows XP command prompt enter <netstat - ano>. If one combines this information that the Windows Task Manager (TASKMAN: view>select columns>check "PID">OK) provides concerning the process id, one gets a pretty good idea of the active ports and services. For example, in Figure 1 wee see that process 1504, which TASKMAN identifies as <alg.exe>, is listening on TCP port 1025 via this computer's loopback address. For most of us questions like these arise: (a) exactly what does <alg.exe> do?, and (b) why does it need an open TCP connection to do it? This illustrates one of the greater security issues in Windows - most users are unaware THAT a large number of services are running much less WHY. The Microsoft Vista operating system that is currently in Beta testing and is scheduled for release in late 2006 will address this issue by taking a Unix-like load-time minimalism. But at least for the moment, most of the responsibility for blocking unwanted services and Internet accesses accrues to the user. Toward that end, we need some sort of "best practices" advice on which ports to close and which to leave open. This section offers a modest beginning. Figure 1: A Typical Windows Netstat Report of Active Ports and Services TCP and UDP ports 135, 137-139 and 445 are particularly problematic in Windows. Technically, ports 135 and 137-139 are used by the legacy NetBios application programming interface while port 445 is assigned to a network protocol called Server Message Block. While originally intended for file and printing sharing among a cluster of computers in small workgroups, both may be deployed over TCP/IP as a distributed network file system. NetBios and SMB didn't scale to the Internet cloud gracefully. Microsoft used NetBios and SMB to support interprocess communication between and among the "network neighborhood" resources by using the SYSTEM ID. Since one can't log on as SYSTEM as it has no username or password the communication avoids both - hence the term "null session." The command to establish a null session on a local machine confirms the null usernames and passwords: net use \\\IPC$ "" /user: "" . Null sessions have issues. For one, a fairly substantial body of malware uses these ports (e.g., Nimda, W32.Blaster,W32/Lovsan.worm, Bugbear, Chode, Qaz on the NetBios ports, and Nimda, Backdoor.rtkit.b, Sasser, W32.HLLW.Deloder, and several W32.spybot variations on SMB, to name but a few). For another, there are freely available tools available that exploit null sessions. Enum ( - not to be confused with the public switched telephone network - is one such utility. Enum establishes null sessions across networks and enumerates shares. It can also integrate with a lexicon to run a brute force attack on passwords and usernames. Another utility, DumpSec ( is a GUI-based resource enumerator. Figure 2 illustrates how simply DumpSec may be used to enumerate properties of user accounts. Beyond null session vulnerability, NetBios and/or SMB are also susceptible to a critical remote code execution vulnerability and a License Logging Service Overflow, so they fall short of the rock-solid mark on most scales. While NetBios and SMB can be shut off in the Windows Registry, and can be unbound from the network interface as well, it's wisest to also block the ports at the firewall as an additional precaution. Bear in mind that the greatest vulnerability of NetBios and SMB is through Internet-access not from controlled internal LANs. Further, these Remote Procedure Call vulnerabilities now extend beyond port 135. Since RPC is set up to bind to the first available TCP or UDP port above 1025, RPC vulnerabilities extend to these ports as well. This has become exascerbated with the popularity of Windows Messenger. LURHQ ( observed that large blocks of IP addresses recently began targeting ports 1026-9 with anonymous pop-up spam in response to ISP filtering port 135. Independent confirmation has been reported by SANS ( In addition, these ports are vulnerable to buffer overflow attacks before XP SP2. If you don't need Windows Messenger, closing ports 1026-9 is well advised. Figure 2. DumpSec's Enumeration of User Account Properties. Beyond the direct vulnerabilities, NetBios has also been used by media harvesters such as Scour . Though bankrupted in 2000 after being sued for copyright infringement, copies of the software remain on the Internet. Another feature related to NetBios is the Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) that operates on port TCP/UDP port 42. WINS handles name resolution on Windows computers so that the translation from NetBios names to IP addresses are stored internally on Windows computers that share resources. The vulnerability arises from the WINS replication service whereby Windows computers share these translation tables. This service is vulnerable to packet-crafting attacks that substitute a corrupted version of the address table to be substituted for the legitimate version and thereby misdirecting traffic to hacker-controlled computers (cf. Blocking TCP/UDP port 42 at the firewall avoids this vulnerability. TCP/UDP Port 3389 is also worrisome. 3389 is the Windows Remote Desktop Protocol port. This protocol provides remote display and input capabilities for Windows applications running on servers. Though the capabilities are limited to SVGA display resolution and clipboard data transfer (not to mention being somewhat slow), features like printer redirection, virtual channels, support for remote system administration and technical support, and client-server display toggling make RPC a popular choice for remote connections. We note that with the exception of the Media Center Edition of XP, RDP is disabled by default. The problem with WTS is that RDP has been shown to be vulnerable to denial-of-service attacks by malformed packets up to and including Service Pack 2 of Windows XP (cf. ). Though Microsoft announced both a security advisory and patch in July, 2005, unpatched computers remain vulnerable. Because of the nature of this vulnerability, and the fact that RDP has been beset by vulnerability reports for several years (cf., it is recommended that port 3389 be blocked at the firewall and that RDP be disabled as well. (2)  Unix-Centric Most UNIX systems, regardless of brand, offer SMTP mail services through TCP port 25. If the system is not actually a mail relay or server, then you likely do not need this service running at all. The main exposure lies in the failure to continuously patch the system. By the way, it is a common misconception that an SMTP server must be running for a local user or service to send email out of a UNIX box. This is simply not true. The recommended solution is to block TCP 25 at the firewall. Ports 135-139, both TCP and UDP, have become extremely common on Unix machines, allowing them to interact with their Windows counterparts using the Samba service. While this is an excellent facility to allow for file and printer sharing, or even authentication services, it is also very common to find that the services permit absolutely anyone on the network to connect to the server. This can lead to the same sorts of exposures created by unprotected shares on Windows systems (see above), and can also be used to perform brute force authentication attempts or password guessing against the service to determine user names and passwords. The exposure is further amplified by the fact that the user names and passwords are often synchronized between the UNIX and Windows systems in order to allow for seamless integration. This means that once one system is compromised, all systems with that same user are also compromised. Ports 135-9 should be closed unless these services are critical. TCP port 513 is typically used for the Rlogin service. This service, along with RSH and RCP, are considered ill-advised for use in public environments. Most security practitioners would also recommend that they be eliminated on private networks as well in favor of a service like SSHv.2, which can be used to perform all of the same "R" utility functions in a more secure manner (namely encrypted, possibly stronger authentication). However, the fact is that many college and university systems have these services enabled and may be actively using these services for convenience. If these services are offered, there must be some independent network level control in place since these services in particular make their authentication decisions based on the source address from which a connection arrives. Fooling these services is generally considered to be a trivial exercise. Adding network-level access controls at routers, firewalls and switches to limit communication with servers via TCP 513 is recommended. TCP port 22 is used by the Secure Shell service. It may be surprising to find that a service designed for security is listed in our set of ports to watch carefully! The fact is that this service is a great target for attackers. Not only do we have the same vulnerabilities that exist with all ports (i.e., buffer overflows, heap overflows, etc.) when the patch level is not maintained, but the attacker also has the potential to create an encrypted session, thereby preventing monitoring systems from performing signature alerting on the contents of the traffic. Another substantial risk that exists here is the potential for brute forcing credentials. SSH systems are commonly configured to perform username/password authentication. This means that determining a username for a system (possibly from an email address), the attacker can now try brute force login attempts by bypassing the lockout restrictions that normally apply, since SSH is usually not integrated into the typical user authentication. A great way to limit this exposure is to either limit access to port 22 or use certificate based authentication (or both!). TCP port 389 is typically used by the LDAP service. The purpose of this service is to provide directory services to allow lookups of names, email address, public keys, etc. Depending on what sort of information is stored in the LDAP server and how it is secured, it may be possible for someone to browse or query the LDAP server to recover usernames to be used in brute force guessing attempts or email addresses to fill up your mailbox with UCE (commonly known as spam). Blocking TCP and UDP port 389 is recommended, along with related LDAP ports 3268, 3269 and 636 especially in Windows environments. Telnet has been around for years. It is extremely common to find this service in frequent use on internal and university networks. Since Telnet is a plain text protocol, all usernames and passwords are readable off the wire. SSHv2 is considered to be the optimal way to remotely connect to a system - even if the network is internal. There is a popular misconception that a switched network prevents someone from intercepting telnet communication with a sniffer. This is not true. Tools like Ettercap and DSniff, with ARP spoofing capabilities make this possible. Telnet ports TCP/UDP 23 should be blocked at the firewall, and internal use should be restricted. The FTP service, which typically runs on port 21, falls into the same category as Telnet and is just as ancient. While FTP might be useful for public, anonymous file repositories, it is very unwise to use FTP with actual usernames and passwords. The discussion of plain text protocols above is relevant here as well. Consider replacing this service with SSH and using SCP or SFTP for your file transfers. Port 161 UDP is the SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) service. You may or may not find this service running on your system depending on the brand and purpose, though it is very common to find it on routers, switches and printers. The danger here is that the service can be used to poll the system for a large variety of configuration information and may even be used to reconfigure the system. To protect against this, SNMP provides for password authentication in the form of community strings. Except for the newer forms of SNMP, all of these strings are sent in plain text across the network. Additionally, SNMP servers typically have no capability to limit requests after a predetermined number of failed attempts. This means that leaving these ports open to all provides yet another opportunity for brute force guessing of passwords. Please note that this is much easier than username and password guessing since there is no username; thus the complexity of the problem is vastly simplified. Port 514 UDP is usually a syslog service. This service allows for remote systems to send log messages into the local system, adding them to the local syslog. While this is a great system, there is no validation of the messages. Additionally, since the service runs over UDP, it is trivial to spoof messages to be added to the syslog service. An old attacker trick is to either inject misleading messages into your system log or to simply inject so many messages that your disk fills, preventing you from logging the actual attack that may follow. Network level filtering of port 514 goes a long way to limiting where the damage can come from, but another solution might be to upgrade to SyslogNG. This package allows you to run syslog over TCP and even allows you to add authentication and encryption capabilities, preventing both of these attacks. (3) Operating System Independent TCP ports 20, 21, 22 and 23, while more typically found in UNIX environments, are also included in our "Independent" section. Within this group, FTP (ports 20 and 21) are most commonly found on servers (whether Windows- or UNIX-based), while ports 22 and 23 (SSH and Telnet) are found on the majority of network available devices. For this reason, all of the same issues discussed in the UNIX section exist here, but possible with greater risk. While the brute force or sniffing risks still exist, it is far less likely that any effort will be put into patching your network attached printer running a telnet service. The same goes for a switch that is running either SSH or telnet (or both) deep within our network. In the case of the printer, patches for the device simply may not be available. For the switch, patches might be overlooked if these are not "core" devices; the routers would tend to get all of our attention. Similarly, UDP ports 161 and 514 are vulnerable for UNIX and system-wide networks. Most network-attached devices provide for some sort of SNMP management that exposes our networks and devices to, at the very least, pernicious querying of these devices for information. In a worse case, this service may be used to guess the private community string or password that can be used to reconfigure the device or query sensitive information from the device. TCP port 79 is an oldie but goodie. This would have formerly fallen into our UNIX section, though most modern UNIX systems disable the finger service by default. The service allows you to remotely query a system to discover who is currently logged in and where they are logged in from. While this service is far from ubiquitous, it still turns up enough to be mentioned as a potential risk. Over time, many network attached devices took their service cues from UNIX. This means that many devices, routers as an example, implement the finger service. There are at least two dangers here. The obvious danger is that if the service is running, malicious individuals could potentially gather valid user IDs for the systems in question. Connected with this is the potential for a trust relationship between devices or at the very least a high probability that your user ID on one box is the same as your user ID on another box, solving half of the username/password guessing equation. The second less obvious issue is that unnecessary services tend to go unpatched. Should a vulnerability be discovered in the finger service for whatever device it is running on, we have an instant vulnerability. This service can sometimes be found running on routers, switches and RIPs (Rasterizing Image Processors, often embedded or external UNIX systems connected to color laser copiers and other network attached copiers). TCP port 515 is commonly used as the UNIX-line printer daemon. For the moment, however, let's abstract this from port 515 and make this more generally network printer ports, which can be varied. Most business and academic environments are rife with network attached printers. This proves to be the most economical way to deploy higher-end printers to improve overall productivity and maintain an acceptable level of usability. In order for these printers to work, however, they will naturally need some sort of print server running internally. As an aside, some of these printers may be configured with an external print server, whether this is a network adapter or, say, a Windows print server. Either way, there is still a network queue available somewhere for submitting jobs. Returning to our thread, providing these kinds of services requires a significant level of computational power on the part of the printer or device managing the queue. For this reason, these devices can represent significant points of vulnerability. Why so? To abstract the problem for just a moment, let's consider the Linksys WRT-G WiFi box. This useful little wireless hub acts more or less as a wireless bridge or router, depending on how we configure it. To support this there are management interfaces available over the network (most using HTTP), and an embedded operating system. One of the most interesting developments with regard to this box was the creation of a flashable open source version of the Unix operating system with full. In fact, at a recent hacker convention, one of the talks discussed how to turn your WRT-G into a penetration testing platform! While we're not aware of any publicly available distributions to perform the same tasks on a printer, printers these days also have flash based operating systems installed. If someone were to compromise your network switch and start collecting traffic with a sniffer we would have an exposure, but at least the attacker would have to reassemble everything into meaningful information. If the printer were to be compromised we might even have a larger problem since the data arrives already assembled and ready to print! TCP port 1080 is typically used for the SOCKS proxy service. As we did with port 515, we wish to abstract this port out to all network proxies. Now these proxies can commonly be found on ports 80, 1080, 3128, 8080 and even others, but the port number is not what's most important. The real issue is how these systems are configured. The purpose of a proxy is typically to allow someone behind the proxy to connect to something outside of the proxy with the proxy doing all of the actual connecting, perhaps even inspecting the data that is returned. Some use proxies to attempt to anonymize their activities, concealing their actual IP address and perhaps their browser type. The danger arises with misconfigured proxies. If the proxy is not configured correctly, the proxy might be what is called an "open proxy," where anyone on the Internet can connect to a proxy and use that proxy to connect anywhere else. The worst kind of misconfiguration for a proxy occurs when the proxy allows someone outside of the proxy to connect to internal machines through the proxy. If the proxy is acting is serving as a security device or firewall, attackers would not normally be able to directly probe our networks. With the proxy misconfigured, however, an attacker could use the proxy itself to perform probes, in essence turning our proxy server against us. While we've just scratched the surface of port vulnerabilities, the examples above should be convincing for even the risk-tolerant that continuous oversight of their firewalls and routers are in order. Additional detail on TCP/IP ports may be found in several places. The definitive site is that of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) at The official port assignments may be found therein at Two derivative Web sites provide an easy-to-use interface to the IANA list: the Internet Ports Database at, and our own Internet Ports Pass at Arguably best, reliable source of information on port vulnerabilities is the SANS Internet Storm Center at This site is an exceedingly rich repository of reports, charts, databases, statistics and archives on all aspects of port vulnerabilities. The port lookup feature (top-left) provides ready access to port-specific vulnerabilities. The "Top 20" list is also a valuable resource ( For those who really want to get serious about port security, we recommend . The page says it all: "Snort is the de facto standard for intrusion detection/prevention." For a refresher on packet-based networks, including a discussion of appliances and ports, the short animated film Warriors of the Net ( is entertaining and well worth the twelve minutes invested. David Hoelzer is a Director of the Internet Forensics Lab at CCR and a faculty member of the SANS Institute.  He is the owner of CyberDefense (, a computer security and forensics consultancy.
nVidia GeForce lockups Giga was brain dead in the mornings. Giga, our server, runs 24/7, serving out music and videos to our local network. In the last few weeks, it’s been locking up in periods of inactivity, requiring me to hit the reset button. The lockups happened while running the X server, leaving the machine in a command line caused it no ill. The problem was with X.Org or nVidia, who was the culprit? Google was my investigative partner. What’s cool about Linux is that when you have a problem, 9.9 times out of 10, someone else is having the same problem. Since all distros share the same core programs, a problem in Debian also occurs in RedHat and so on. I came across lockup issues aplenty, dating back years, but it took a perusal of the Arch Linux Forums to find my answer. Giga has a GeForce FX 5200, it’s running Debian “lenny”: • Turned off DPMS, xset -dpms, via .xinitrc. • Turned on a screensaver, blank screen at 5 minutes. Those two little changes has allowed Giga to stay up for two nights, fingers crossed. Let’s hope nVidia fixes their drivers, I’d hate to go back to ATI. We like a long neck and a good old song Turn it up and then we’ll sing along, sing along Oh, we’re stayin’ up all night long
17 February, 2014 India’s Largest Used Car Mela Concluded Successfully! The largest used car mela, which was held on 15th and 16th February, concluded successfully. The Mela generated huge visibility for the participating used car dealers. They sold 12 quality cars in the two day event. Mega Used Car Mela saw huge foot falls of prospective buyers. Carnation will be organizing such events regularly, which will consequently enhance visibility of Carnation certified used cars. People from Noida and Delhi visited the used car Mela. There was huge enthusiasm within the sellers and buyers. Hatchbacks like Hyundai i10, Maruti Zen, Maruti WagonR , sedans like  Swift Dzire, Volkswagen Vento, SUVs like Honda CRV, Mahindra XUV, and up-market cars like BMW, VW Passat and Honda Accord  and many other used car models were showcased in the show. More than 70 models were on display for the buyers. The refurbished used cars looked almost new. Participants in the year’s first Used Car Mela ·         Carnation Boss Key Automotives ·         Carnation K.G Automotive ·         Carnation Divya Motors ·         Carnation Gurgaon ·         Carnation Sahibabad Used car business is unorganized in India, which is why there is reliability issue amid buyers. Carnation is trying hard to create a positive impact on buyers willing to buy second hand cars by delivering high quality cars. Such used car melas are comparatively new in Indian market. These melas provide customers huge choices while the sellers also get interested buyers during such events. Carnation, as one of the leading used car brand will be organizing more such events. This is just a small beginning and there will be more such shows in future.  1 comment: 1. Hi, Do this mela happens every year?? or this was the first time as you mentioned this is just the beginning
Alexander Steshenko | On Software Engineering BasicCRM registration confirmation When a company is registered in BasicCRM system, user recieves an email like this: When you follow this link, the company becomes activated i.e. you confirm that you entered an email address owned by you: The process of model design is the same as in case with Registering a company I’ve added the user stories I needed: Then I wrote the code translating the requirements to PHP, did the unit tests for the new requirements. A tiny MVC bit to make it “live” and that was it. I won’t be returning to these points again as it’s all covered in the previous articles pretty thoroughly. Transaction demarcation What is worth mentioning here is this piece of code in CompanyService::registerCompany function: $entityManager->transactional(function($entityManager) use ($company, $mailer) { // 7. saves the new company in the data storage // 8. sends out a confirmation email to confirm the email address Explanation needed for the usage of transactional, since it wasn’t in the requirements. The thing is that all service functions are of integral, solid matter for the consumer of the model. In this case MVC layer calls Service Layer’s functions and expects them to either work or raise an error (via exceptions mechanism). We don’t expect a function to work “partially”, change some state then rise an error without changing something else. In many cases when we only deal with the state through Doctrine 2 Entity Manager, we can avoid any involvement into transactions management because it’s done by Doctrine itself. The ORM has a built-in UnitOfWork and when you call “$entityManager->flush()” it runs all the queries needed inside of a transaction. However, when your side effects include something else than talking to the data storage through Doctrine, it may need some help from you. There are different ways of addressing it. It may be a good case to apply Aspect Oriented Programming. I decided to let the infrastructure specifics affect how the function is done. The code above means that persisting data in database and sending confirmation email is an atomic operation. You can’t do one of these things and fail doing the other. It’s either both or neither. I used the transactional() method that accepts a Closure as you can see. There are also other ways for working with transactions in Doctrine 2, but I like this one. Refactoring and Conveniences Some refactoring was performed in the system, nothing critical: some things were renamed and duplicated code was moved to helper methods, particularly in the unit tests. In case you are interested in the code actual for older articles in this blog, I tagged the changes with the tag “introduction” in my GitHub repo. I also added /application/configs/config.local.ini, which, if found, is merged with /application/configs/config.ini. This file is not included in the VCS - you may create it yourself and override some parameters specific to your environment e.g. database name and credentials. There is also a new constant that must be defined by all entry points: * MVC application entry point define('APPLICATION_ENV', 'web'); APPLICATION\ENV means the section of the configuration file that must be used by the application components. It’s more flexible this way and we don’t have to manually inject configuration object in the test suite like I did before. Here is how the last instruction in the registerCompany looks like now: In a way this $mailer->registrationConfirmation($company) is similar to $entityManager->persist($company), looking from within the registerCompany function. The idea is simple: utilize Zend_View for rendering templates and use Zend_Mail_Transport_* to send messages (which are Zend_Mail objects). I saw people building complex things for this purpose, while I personally find this simple little approach quite deserving. I added some comments to the code for you and here is how it looks: namespace Infrastructure; use Zend_Mail as Mail; class Mailer * @var \Zend_Mail_Transport_Abstract protected $sender; * @var \Zend_View protected $builder; * @var string protected $fromEmail; * @var string protected $fromName; public function __construct(\Zend_Mail_Transport_Abstract $sender, \Zend_View_Interface $builder, $defaultFromEmail, $defaultFromName) $this->sender = $sender; $this->builder = $builder; $this->fromEmail = $defaultFromEmail; $this->fromName = $defaultFromName; * Sends registration confirmation email to the administrator of the * given company * @param \Domain\Company $company * @return void public function registrationConfirmation(\Domain\Company $company) $salt = \ServiceLocator::getDomainConfig()->get('confirmationCodeSalt'); $admin = $company->getAdmin(); 'BasicCRM registration confirmation', array('companyId' => $company->getId(), 'confirmationCode' => $company->getConfirmationCode($salt)) * Renders given template, sets mail message parameters such as * to, from, subject * and sends using the builder. * @throws \RuntimeException * @param $subject * @param $template * @param $toEmail * @param $toName * @param array $parameters * @return void protected function mail($subject, $template, $toEmail, $toName, $parameters = array()) $mail = new Mail(); // Passing the parameters to the Zend_View instance // Here we try to render both .txt and .html files for the template // You may wish to refactor the following try & catch blocks to utilizing is_readable() instead $atLeastOnePartRendered = false; try { $mail->setBodyHtml($this->builder->render($template . '.html')); $atLeastOnePartRendered = true; } catch (\Zend_View_Exception $exception) {} try { $mail->setBodyText($this->builder->render($template . '.txt')); $atLeastOnePartRendered = true; } catch (\Zend_View_Exception $exception) {} // at least one email version must exist if (!$atLeastOnePartRendered) { throw new \RuntimeException('No templates found for ' . $template); // setting email parameters $mail->addTo($toEmail, $toName); $mail->setFrom($this->fromEmail, $this->fromName); // sending And here is the “configuration” of the Mailer object, ServiceLayer::getMailer(): * @return \Infrastructure\Mailer public static function getMailer() if (self::$mailer === null) { // getting the config for the mailer $mailConfig = self::getConfig()->get('mail'); // particular transport class and transport options $transportClass = $mailConfig->get('transportClass'); $options = $mailConfig->get('options'); // this little stupidity here thanks to Zend_Mail_Transport design defects if ($transportClass == '\Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp') { $sender = new \Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp($options->get('host'), $options->toArray()); } else { $sender = new $transportClass($options->toArray()); // Defining where templates for the mailer are located $builder = new \Zend_View(array('scriptPath' => APPLICATION_PATH . '/templates')); self::$mailer = new \Infrastructure\Mailer($sender, $builder, // also pass default from email and name to the mailer constructor $mailConfig->get('fromEmail'), $mailConfig->get('fromName')); return self::$mailer; Zend_View instance which is passed to the Mailer knows where to look for the templates. It’s the /application/templates directory in my case: The registrationConfirmation method accepts a Company. It gets the data needed to render the template (here it’s the company’s identifier and the security salt) and to define the recipient from the company (the admin, one who registers it) and calls the mail function. I have a plain text email version for this operation, here is how the template looks (templates/company/registration-confirmation.txt) Welcome to Basic CRM! Please, confirm your registration by following the link below:<?= $this->companyId ?>/code/<?= $this->confirmationCode ?> To add a html version I’d just need to put a file named registration-confirmation.html to the same directory and it would be automatically included via Zend_Mail::setBodyHtml(). I extended Domain\RegisterCompanyTest, making sure that $mailer->registrationConfirmation is being called. The same way as we made sure a company is persisted in the data storage in previous articles i.e. using convenient PhpUnit’s mocks. What is a bit interesting here is the “Functional” test, making sure that emails are actually being sent and contain the information we expect them to contain. I’ve added this piece to CompanyServiceTest::testRegisterCompany: // also checking whether the confirmation email has been sent and contains expected link $link = '/company/confirm/id/1/code/' . sha1(1 . $salt . 'New Company'); $this->assertContains($link, $this->getMailMessageText()); The trick is that using a special mail transport for tests suite we don’t get emails sent but saved to filesystem instead. The transport is Zend_Mail_Transport_File, a little contribution to Zend Framework done by Oleg Lobach and myself. With the new APPLICATION_ENV constant all we have to do in order to make the tests suite use the fake transport is to change the configuration file [tests] section. Like this: [tests : common] doctrine.db.dbname = "basiccrm_tests" mail.transportClass = "Zend_Mail_Transport_File" mail.options.path = APPLICATION_PATH "/../tests/_files" Comments and feedback are much appreciated. See contact details here
The Benefits Of Healthy Office Working: Feel Rejuvenated By Banishing Bad Habits Bad Habits Can Cause Pain Do you find yourself suffering with nagging aches and pains when you're working at your computer? Shoulders as stiff as boards, aching neck muscles and maybe lower back pain too. Well, it’s time to banish those bad habits and get stuck into healthy office working. What is healthy office working? Healthy office working is really all about eliminating bad habits and developing good habits instead. It’s a case of becoming more aware of what you are doing, recognizing when what you are doing is bad for your health and consciously replacing it with the correct method instead. How do I recognize bad habits? Fortunately bad habits are actually quite easy to recognize. Because when you are working in an unhealthy posture your brain quickly lets you know by inflicting pain on your body. Pain is nature’s way of saying you need to change what you're doing because it’s not healthy. Consequently any time you feel pain when you're working don't ignore it, instead take heed and ask yourself why what you're doing is causing you pain. When pain strikes you need to take heed and then take action So when your shoulders are aching or your lower back is killing you, simply ask why it’s happening. It’s usually something straightforward. Maybe you haven't moved out of your chair in over two hours and you’ve been sitting like a twisted branch. Or you’ve been craning your neck forward rigidly for the past half hour as you scrutinize the figures on your screen. Whatever – it’s time to start developing some good habits instead. How can you begin developing good habits? It really isn't difficult at all. Most of the time it’s all too obvious why you're suffering pain and stiffness. Here are some of the ways you can take action. • Get up out of your chair at least once an hour. Every half hour is better • Do some simple exercises and stretches, many of these can be done while sitting • Use an inexpensive program like ergonomix or MacBreakz to develop a routine for exercise • Use a countdown timer to remind yourself to take a break • Check how you are sitting, adjust your screen so you're not craning forwards • Don't slouch in your chair, a rounded back is killer and causes lower back pain • Drink plenty of water, it will help to keep your muscles healthy As you can see there’s nothing difficult about checking for and correcting any of the above problems. And when you take action you will notice the benefits of healthy office working. What are the benefits of healthy office working? Developing and implementing healthy working habits will quickly provide you with a much better work experience. Here are some of the improvements you'll notice pretty quickly. • Less fatigue in your body and muscles • A greater level of concentration • More alertness when performing tasks • More productivity as you aren't being distracted by pain • Feeling more relaxed and less tense even when performing complex tasks Surely it makes sense to experience these improvements in your work routine by taking heed of your body and being aware of when change is needed. Be aware and watch for those tell tale pain messages So the secret to healthier office working really comes down to self-observation and pain awareness. Make a habit of continually observing how you are working. If you find you are slipping back into an old bad habit, pull yourself up and correct it. Do this for two weeks and you will soon find you will replace the bad with the good. And if your chair is worn out, it's probably time to think about investing in a new ergonomic office chair because it will help support you properly. Finally, never ignore pain it’s nature’s way of pointing out the error of your ways. Ask yourself what the cause is and take action to correct it, you'll be glad you did. Free Report Helps Solve Office Chair Pain And Discomfort A huge number of office chairs don't include the right functions which results in office workers suffering all sorts of aches, pains and discomfort. Do any of the following symptoms affect you? Your thighs are aching and you have been sitting for barely an hour, particularly the undersides – maybe even some numbness. No matter what way you sit you can't find comfort and your buttocks are really uncomfortable, continually shuffling around provides temporary relief, yet it never lasts for long and you soon seem to be back where you started. Your lower back appears to be in constant pain and you attempt to relieve this by changing position in your chair, the trouble is any relief is temporary and that nagging back pain soon returns. Your shoulders and neck are often stiff, rigid even and the lack of movement brings on pain because the muscles supporting these parts of your body are stressed and tired. And this tends to happen almost daily as you work, especially on a tight deadline. Arms and wrists flag very quickly especially when using a mouse intensively, you are concerned you may end up with RSI (repetitive stress injury) or carpal tunnel problems if it isn't sorted out soon. All of the above conditions are all too common for people working with computers regularly and many will put them down to tiredness, stress and pressure of work, which are actually the symptoms of the problems. This free downloadable report (no opt-in needed), examines these common problems, what causes them and how to find a solution. Get hold of 5 Secret for Solving Office Chair Pain and Discomfort now. How An Office Chair Seat Depth Mechanism Can Reduce Pain And Discomfort seat depth adjustment seat depth adjustment is vital If you pick 10 people at random and measure their leg length as well as taking measurements from knee to heel and knee to waist it would be unlikely you will get 2 identical sets of dimensions. Why is this important? Well, you would hardly expect them to all wear the same length of clothing, even if you allowed for different waist sizes. And yet the vast majority of office chairs make no allowance for this variation because the seat depth can't be altered. This is all well and good if you fit the size the chair manufacturer aimed the chair at. What is the average, does anyone know? 5ft 6ins 5ft 9ins who knows? I've yet to see an office chair which states the leg length it is supposed to fit, this is far from ideal. Here's how a chair can affect different users when it is not suitable for their leg length. People who have short legs and particularly in their upper legs will find they have to perch on the edge of the chair. This is because they can't sit back in the chair and bend their knees properly or place their feet squarely on the floor. This often leads to back pain as their back is completely unsupported and sitting often becomes uncomfortable too. At the other end of the height scale big and tall users often have the opposite problem. They have to sit right back in the chair and yet their legs still overshoot the edge of the chair by far too much. This puts pressure on the underside of the thighs and also their back and some will have to compensate by setting their chair too high just to get their feet on the floor at a reasonable angle. So it's always best to insist on selecting a chair with leg depth adjustment. The commonest form of adjustment is a sliding seat, although some chairs allow the user to move the back in and out and this is OK too. Here are a couple of articles you can check out. The first explains how to adjust your office chair for your own needs and the second looks at further aspects of seat depth adjustment. Padding Doesn’t Make An Office Chair Ergonomic Remember back in school when you had to write an essay usually it had to be a minimum number of words. You would sit there thinking how am I going to write that much on this subject? And then after a while you would resort to padding and stuff it full of unnecessarily long sentences and repeat things to get the word count up and make it look good. Reality was your teacher saw straight through it and you were in trouble for stuffing it full of useless content and told it was all padding. Guess what a lot of office chairs are just the same, you see them all the time in the discount office supplies stores, great puffed up padded low grade foam and usually with very poor quality leather upholstery. And yet as you try it out sinking into that heap of foam it feels like it's really comfortable. And for the first 10 or 15 minutes it probably is comfortable, it is only after you have been sitting in it for a couple of hours comes the realization it's not comfortable at all. Why is this? It's because there is no real structural support it's a bit like sitting on a giant sponge, it just moves to wherever your body weight is forcing it. Before you know it your body has adapted a most unhealthy posture as your lower back rounds like a medicine ball and the discs in your spine start bulging into a really unhealthy shape resulting in back pain. It only gets worse because in time what generally happens is the low quality foam flattens out with repeated use and your once fluffed up padding becomes more like sitting on a rock. There is nothing wrong with padding on an office seat as long as it is of good quality and well designed. There is a world of difference between low grade packing type foam rubber and high quality polyurethane foam carefully sculpted to follow body contours and of high density designed to retain its shape for years. This is why companies like Humanscale are able to offer a 15 year warranty on its Freedom chair. So don't get taken in by a so called ergonomic computer chair with loads of padding as chances are the initial comfort it gives will rapidly disappear. Are Office Chairs And Loan Cars Like 2 Peas In A Pod? Recently my car had to go in to the local auto repair shop for a few days and so they arranged a loan car for me while the work was done. I arranged to swap cars over Sunday evening to save time and I get to the repair shop early evening in the dark and it's raining when I pick up the keys and get in the loaner. Turn the ignition key zip, nada, nothing not a spark of life, so I double check it's not in gear and all the usual things, still not a thing. In the end I go and knock up the owner, turns out you have to put your foot on the brake to get it to work – doh! Next, where are the widow wipers, found them pretty quick and then there's the back screen wiper this takes a bit longer. Not surprisingly there is no gas in the tank so I head off to fill up, cue drama number two how to unlock the filler cap cover, sorted it eventually turns out you need to press the key fob twice to release it. It was only after a day or so and reading the handbook I got everything figured out. And it strikes me how similar it is with office chairs whether inherited or new. Here's a recent tweet from Twitter I saw: “Guy just delivered my new office chair and had to train me on how to use it. I wish I was kidding.” It's like the car isn't it? We think we know how to drive them, there all the same aren't they? I've lost count of the times I've seen comments like – “only had the chair 3 years and I finally found out how to make it recline.” Or “help, how do I adjust the height on my office chair” etc. When you think about how long you spend every day in your office seat it's surely pretty important to have it set up properly for your personal use. It's not surprising people suffer so much back pain and discomfort from their chairs, going back to the car scenario you know what it is like when you get in your car after it's been in for repair and the guy road testing is a lot bigger or smaller than you, chances are you won't drive it a yard until you get the driving position readjusted back to your settings. So, it's worth taking a little time to check your chair is set up properly for you, do you know what all the adjustments control? If you are unsure and know the make and model visit their website and download details on how adjust it properly. You might just find you will be a whole lot more comfortable afterwards. Is Your Office Lighting Causing You Working Discomfort? Tired Of Back Pain And Discomfort From Your Office Chair? Even the best office chairs will give us some discomfort occasionally, especially when you sit in one for hours without getting up for a stretch or break, the human body simply isn't designed to be locked in the same position for hours at a time. If you study yourself as you work, you'll likely discover when pain and discomfort begin to set in, your unconscious reaction is to move and vary the way you are sitting. This is your body's way of telling you what you're doing is unhealthy and you need to activate your muscles, get things moving and blood flowing through the arteries. So, it's important to make sure you sit in a high quality office chair ergonomically designed to move as you move and give proper support to your body all day long. With that said, simply having a good chair doesn't mean you can ignore the way you sit in it and interact with it. You need to address your work properly making sure you have your monitor set at a comfortable reading distance so you aren't craning your neck forwards as you strain to read the screen. Slouching is another common bad habit and this is all too easy to slip into particularly with cheaper budget chairs as they tend to force us to sit in a fairly rigid way usually at 90° and slouching is a means of trying to escape this straight jacketed posture. More and more office chairs are being designed to give people a more open seating position where the angle at the hips is 110° or more. In the past this has presented manufacturers with a challenge because as users recline in their seats they lost visual contact with their screen and reclining tipped them up in the air. Fortunately, a number of quality products now allow you to recline and stay in contact visually and bodily with your work area. Additionally, they also correctly support the back, neck and shoulders moving as you move allowing you to decide how you choose to sit and this all helps to greatly reduce niggling back pain, aches and discomfort. Chairs worth taking a look at include the Embody, Leap, Aeron and Futu. Home Office Chair Selection: Core Features To Insist On In this final post on choosing a home office chair, it's time to look at what you need to be sure the new office chair you are about to choose includes as a core set of features and functions. There are 5 functions you need to insist on if you are looking to get maximum comfort when selecting the best possible chair for your needs and these are: • Seat Depth Adjustment giving optimal leg comfort • Adjustable back height to allow the lower back to be correctly supported • Arm Height Adjustment for easy movement and to minimize the risk of RSI • Seat Height Adjustment to suit you body height and weight • Adjustable Tilt Tension allows personal adjustment for individual body weight The absence of any of these features can often result in pain and discomfort for different parts of you body. This is discussed in detail in a free pdf report 5 Secret Insights for Solving Office Chair Aches, Pains and Discomfort available for download here. Also Steelcase has some useful tips for the Home Office with related topics you may not have considered. Home Office Chair Selection: Calculating the Right Budget In the previous post I discussed why people who work serious hours from a home office need to invest in a good office chair. It's time to decide on how much to spend on your new chair to get the right answer for your needs. The price of office chairs varies enormously from as little as $30 up to $3000 and more, realistically it’s unlikely you will get a chair with the right features and functions for less than $400. How much! Well I did stress it was an investment didn't I? You probably need to budget between $400 and $800 to make sure you get a good quality ergonomic office chair which will serve you for many years after you have got over the cost. This may mean saving some of your hard earned cash so you can afford the right chair. The worst thing you can do is decide you can't afford the cost and go out and buy another sub $100 chair because the aches, pains and discomfort you experience from it will quickly have you regretting your purchase. So, unless your existing chair is falling apart, suffer it for a little while longer until you can save the money to buy the right one. I’ll continue this article in my next post by looking at what you need to insist on for that new office chair. What Is Your Back Worth? I imagine hardly anyone ever stops to think what their back is worth to them, they all just take it for granted it's only when it starts to ache most of us are even aware it's there Fortunately or maybe unfortunately our back can withstand a great deal of misuse and until it becomes a real problem we will happily go on abusing it. However, all this misuse does have a price particularly as you get older, it becomes more and more difficult to shake off the aches and pains. It can creep up on you little by little until you end up with a serious problem which there isn't a quick fix solution for. Humans weren't designed for sitting for long periods of time and so it becomes ever more important to make sure we give our back and body every assistance in sitting in a properly supported dynamic posture. Guess what? Those $79 chairs at the discount store don't come close to providing what you need, in fact they will likely do a good job of messing your back up once you sit in one for a few years. So, to return to my opening question: What is your back worth? For me the answer can be summed up in one word, priceless. If this means spending several hundred dollars to get the right chair to properly support my back and body then this is a small price to pay. When you buy a quality office chair look on it as an investment which will last years, while others continue to keep buying cheap chairs and replacing them several times compared to the life of the right chair, they seem destined to keep making the same mistake again and again. Factor in the cost of regular trips to your chiropractor to sort out your back and you will begin to see the false economy of budget chairs. Here is a quick summary of reviews of quality office chairs designed to look after your back. Copyright Of All Rights Reserved 2017 - 2018
You Are Breaking The Law There are so many laws on the book that at any given moment you are breaking one without even realizing it. They are designed to make everyone a criminal, so that the police can arrest you for any cause. Do you know how many arrests have been made on because of a broken tail light? The broken tail light is the number one reason police use to pull someone over, and because they pull you over, they have to inspect and search you vehicle, and if they find some other infraction on you they can make a charges stick because the broken tail light gave the police probably cause to stop you to begin with. When there are so many laws in the book, the police can use any one of them as tools not for serving the people but by selectively using them to control the people. This is similar to the how public institutions used to discriminate, they set up arbitrary admissions tests that would just happen to be that much more difficult for “undesirables.” Here is commentary on admissions question that were used on Jewish applications. As described by the comments, the problem set given Jewish applicants were just that more difficult to answer and any mistaken would disqualify you. This is what happens when you have complex set of rules, laws, or ordinances. When you have a complex body of laws, the population may at time be trespassing any one of those laws but since they are enforced selectively. Do you really believe, even today, that all laws are enforced equally? I’ve never seen a jay walking ticket be given out in an affluent neighborhood, even though kids take up a whole block to toss the ball around. Laws Against Humanity
Nerds and Words: Week 17 By Kyle Hill | April 27, 2014 12:52 pm I have marked my favorite links with a. Enjoy. Science to Read, Watch Chernobyl’s Bugs: Illustrating and tracking the curious effects of radioactive exposure Forget Icarus, Fly As Close To The Sun As You Want! 180 years ago, a “sponging EVE” laid the groundwork for changing these clever dolphin’s diets What happens if you chill water in a full, indestructible container? “Ice VI“! The Real-Life Pokémon That Can Regenerate Missing Limbs How we know that the Earth is literally older than dirt Foam rollers are actually good for a workout Why you get clumsier in space and get a stuffy nose and loss of taste and a spherical heart and… “Oh, evolution. You were doing so well with the lynx—and then you made it sound like this Finally! Watch the Virus Hunters short series, based on David Quammen’s amazing book  If we ever build photon torpedoes, we’ll have also solved the energy crisis Genomics to stop the sickness spread by tsetse flies Nature continues to amaze: The vine that can mimic several trees simultaneously Spring blooms come quicker in a warming world. There are no benefits for plants from CO2 when it gets too dry/hot Vaccines have saved 732,000 infants in the US alone from the terrible diseases they can prevent  You should read this post on spider vision just to see inside a spider head while it looks around Disney animated a real sleep disorder before we even knew what it was, by accident Speed reading app makes you read faster, comprehend less To communicate AGW risk, maybe we should give people the actual numbers we are talking about  Using beeswax to glue the smallest 3D glasses to a mantis to learn about vision Otters: “Disease-ridden, murderous, necrophilic aqua-weasels whose treachery knows few bounds.” The shape of the structure that makes mantis shrimp clubs so strong  Why did a dunking Jordan seem to float? Physics! Can you distinguish data visualization from abstract expressionist painting? No. I can’t. Learned a lot from this very cool “Spiders in Space” free teaching resource from NASA (read: the term “spidernauts”) Fast, tiny, easily controlled robots scurry about on flexible surfaces, thanks to magnets We just found an entirely “new” shape: The hemihelix What 2,000-year old moss looks like Step 1: Make insect-like exoskeletons. Step 2: Market diet plan. Step 3: Profit? Insects get fat, but don’t bulge The man who opened science’s ears to the concerts of our forests, streams, and animals We don’t feel actual muscle fatigue, but instead its chemical signature. We injected thumbs to find this out.  Sloths evolved a kind of internal tape to keep organs from pressing on their lungs. Nature is so cool “Clinical vampirism” isn’t a thing, but the cases this parody was based on are horrific enough Swordfish don’t uses their swords to pierce, they fence and bludgeon other fish with them There does seem to be wisdom in crowds, even with other animals. But more crowd is not better Woodpeckers don’t get concussions, albatrosses don’t get divorces. Study complicated animal intelligence with a massive, simple study Being in a car crash is WAY more likely than getting any kind of spider bite When you steal Einstein’s brain against family wishes, store it under a beer cooler, and find out it’s not so special  If cats are intelligent, they don’t give a shit about our attempts to test for it Gladwell’s “10,000 hour rule” isn’t very nuanced or appreciative of the literature Extreme Nerdery In Lucas’ earliest drafts of the Star Wars script, “lightsabers” were “LAZERSWORDS” F*** YEAH  Designer Ashley Hennefer made a working Fallout Pip-Boy 3000 for astronauts! Show the kids: A game where you can control natural selection and see evolution happen! The internet is a grand calculator for weird stuff. Here are 10 examples Fact-check: Blue Oyster Cult was off by about 100,000 people a day in “Don’t Fear the Reaper” Want to explore basic video game design (and see the accompanying code)? Start here If William Shakespeare Had Written Star Wars This dude snaps the Super Mario theme Someone soak a dodgeball in gasoline and through it at 93 mph. These students think it will HADOUKEN  The weird things that happen when a raindrop goes supersonic and hits a windshield It only took him three years of playing Super Mario 64 to beat the whole thing in under 2 hours Sciencey GIFs and Images Totally agree with the formula for unified creepiness  Oh. That’s just my sugar glider pocket Crushing a baseball with 100,000 pounds Pretty insect creates even prettier example of surface tension Science GIF Hall of Fame inductee #003: A Slinky shows you how information travels Mercury, besides being the coolest thing to fill a balloon with, also enjoys dubstep Watch how a cheetah’s tail unlocks its amazing agility Mitosis in pig kidney epithelial cells  I would like to receive a boop from science. Hockey is WAY ahead of other sports in terms of awesome opening graphics tech A golden orb spider and its web aboard the International Space Station. It’s a bit messy. Wasp Nest Merges With Human Face To Become Nightmare Fuel Your reminder that your dog uses its tongue as a water scoop  Lioness gored by buffalo gets some field medicine [Incredible GRAPHIC photos] A tiny pumping heart of a tadpole, moving blood cells around to big eyes and a wiggling tail The adorable children undergoing this psychological testing aren’t quite in the “Concrete Operational” stage yet “I got a microscope for my birthday…I found a tiny alien in a birdbath.”  Birds look a bit more like dinosaurs now, don’t they? “A flying fish landed on my boat last night. I took this quick pic then put it back in the water.” Pop Culture Happenings What ever happened to trying to understand the zombie apocalypse, Rick? Fly Fishing Fly or Cosmo-Approved Sex Position? When a driverless car crashes into someone, who will be at fault? Google, probably  That Time Cleveland Released 1.5 Million Balloons and Chaos Ensued Engineering whales at New York’s American Museum of Natural History A 1983 court ruled that the NYT bestseller list is editorial content, not strictly factual. Try some randomness tonight: Netflix Roulette Insect spends 2.5 hours trying to climb under piece of popcorn, has existential crisis The Dumb Way We Board Airplanes Remains Impervious to Good Data  My comment policy is similar to John Wayne’s. If you act like a child, you get the river Game review: I did not enjoy this drowning simulator/advertisement 6,000 years ago, when the Earth was supposedly born, all these people were doing human stuff Since 1947, less than 25% of people stowing away on airplanes have survived the journey  “Don’t worry, I’m no longer contagious.” Stop it. You have no idea. Stay home. The GMO Mass Suicides Are a Myth Artist Courtney Mattison beautifully depicts the destruction of our coral reefs What’s “Quantum Resonance Spectroscopy”? We don’t know. How did this get published? WTF, Evolution?! now has a book picked the perfect cover Even the Last Supper is getting bigger meals over time. MORE ABOUT: astronomy, GIFs, physics, science Discover's Newsletter But Not Simpler About Kyle Hill See More Collapse bottom bar
Syndicate content Work and see? Child mortality decline, fertility delay and women’s labor force participation Guest Post by Selma Walther Development Impact Guest Blogger's picture This is the thirteenth in this year's job market series. Malthus’ pessimistic view of development was that improved living standards would be cancelled out by population growth in the long run. However, this scenario stands in contrast with historical and current experience, as developing countries have successfully escaped from this trap, with a slow-down in population growth. The modern experience of developing countries is thought to be best explained by increases in life expectancy, which cause people to have fewer children. However, causal estimates in support of this hypothesis remain rare (Galor 2012). My job market paper (which is joint work with Sonia Bhalotra and Atheen Venkataramani) sheds light on this question. We examine the introduction of the first antibiotics in the United States in the 1930s, which caused sharp reductions in child mortality from pneumonia. We find that women reduced their fertility when child survival improved, consistent with popular growth theory. Interestingly, we also find an increase in the number of women who remained childless. This is a puzzling finding: modern economic theory posits that improvements in child health will make it more - not less - attractive to have at least one child (Becker and Lewis 1973, Aaronson et al. 2014). This puzzle can be resolved by thinking about the other choices women have to make. The story is simple: when child survival improves, there is less of a need to start having children early in life, since each pregnancy is more likely to succeed. This is reinforced by women wanting fewer children. Thus, women delay fertility and enter the labor market. Once childbearing has been put on hold, however, a range of shocks can cause a woman to end up childless. Consistent with this hypothesis, we find that women had children later, were more likely to be in the labor market, and achieved better occupations, after the decline in child mortality.  Developing countries today are likely to be subject to similar forces, as child mortality continues to fall from previously high levels (Liu et al. 2016). We can therefore learn from our results about the potential impact of health policies on fertility, and also about how such policies can help women achieve economic independence.   The setting and research strategy Sulfonamide (sulfa) drugs were introduced in 1937 and changed the standard of modern medicine. They treated major bacterial diseases including pneumonia, the leading cause of child mortality, and a “sulfa craze” followed, with 10% of the US population treated annually by 1941. Mortality rates from pneumonia – which was predominantly a disease of childhood – declined in the United States by 17-32% with the advent of sulfa drugs (Jayachandran, Lleras-Muney and Smith 2010). We exploit cross-state variation in mortality rates before the introduction of sulfa drugs. States initially most burdened by pneumonia mortality experienced the largest declines in mortality rates after the introduction of sulfa drugs, yielding a “continuous difference-in-difference approach” similar to Acemoglu and Johnson (2007) and Bleakley (2007). Effectively, we investigate whether the convergence in levels of pneumonia mortality across US states after 1937 is mirrored in the fertility and labor market behavior of women. We fail to reject the null hypothesis of parallel trends and run a number of checks that address competing hypotheses for the patterns we observe, including the role of WW2, the Great Depression, and mean reversion. We find that the decline in child mortality due to antibiotics led to a decline in fertility, with a decrease in the number of women with three or more children and, strikingly, an increase in the number of childless women. For the average woman in our sample, the probability of childlessness at age 40 increased by 4.6% relative to baseline. Next, we estimate a survival model of motherhood and find that the time to motherhood increased with child mortality decline: for every additional year of exposure to sulfa drugs, the average woman was 5.9% of baseline less likely to transition out of childlessness. Women delayed fertility in response to child mortality decline. Turning to labor market responses, we show that when child survival improved, women were 7% more likely to be in the labor force, their occupational scores increased by 6.6% and their working hours increased by 9% of baseline. Interestingly, there was a smaller reduction in marriage probability of 1.7%, suggesting that the marriage market was not the key mechanism that linked child mortality and childlessness. Labor force participation among married women increased from 10% to 25% in the 1930s: women who wanted to have careers were now able to do so. Previous work has attributed this to the rise in high school completion (Goldin 2006), but our results suggest that child mortality decline may have contributed a substantial share of this rise. Understanding the link between childlessness and labor force participation Fertility and labor market choices are clearly made together: having children can have implications for returns to human capital, and the need to organize childcare can increase the cost of having children for working women. We argue that the puzzling effect of child mortality decline on childlessness is easy to understand when taken together with the effects on fertility delay and labor market participation. The mechanism is intuitive: as child mortality declines, women need to spend less time childbearing. This gives them the option to do other things, such as work. Thus, women may opt to delay childbearing and remain in or enter the labor force. Being in the labor force opens the door to experience and circumstances: for example, women may learn that they really like to work. Or, they may do very well at it, increasing their opportunity cost of exiting the labor force. Alternatively, biological factors may kick in if fertility is delayed too long. These circumstances can eventually result in childlessness, even if this was not the woman’s initial intention. This study is the first to link child mortality with delay and childlessness; however, surveys exist that document childlessness as a result of women having careers in the 1970s (Goldin 2004), 1990s (Goldin 2006) and even in the US in 1936 (Popenoe 1936). My job market paper proposes a theoretical model that explains when child mortality decline leads to delay, labor market participation and eventual childlessness. Implications for policy? The context of this study – the US in the 1930s – matches the burden of child illness and fertility behavior in modern developing countries. Fertility remains high at 4.7 births per woman on average in Africa, for example (United Nations 2015). Worldwide, pneumonia continues to be the leading cause of death among children: 6 million under-5 children continue to die every year (Liu et al. 2016). In Africa in 2015, pneumonia caused more deaths among children under 5 than malaria, and lower respiratory tract infections were the most common all-age infectious cause of death, eclipsing deaths from malaria and HIV/AIDS (WHO 2015). While eighty years have elapsed since the invention of antibiotics, the average consumption of antibiotics in West Africa is approximately 90% lower than in the United States, suggesting poor access (Hogberg et al. 2014). To highlight the broader relevance of our findings, we estimated the correlation between child mortality and childlessness across U.S. states in 1930 (left, pneumonia), and across countries in 2015 (right, all-cause). In both figures, we see a negative correlation between child mortality and childlessness. Our results suggest possible knock-on effects of child mortality decline on childlessness, women’s work and marriage. Specifically, we provide further proof that child mortality decline (combined with viable job opportunities) may have the potential to "liberate" women in developing countries into work and away from long periods of time spent childbearing. Selma Walther is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Warwick and holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge. You can read about her research here. Submitted by Julian on Both here and in the paper you describe pneumonia as the leading cause of death for children worldwide, but it is in fact preterm birth complications -- as Liu et al (2016) states. Submitted by Selma on Good point! Li et al (2016) show that in sub-Saharan Africa, pneumonia is the most common cause of under-5 deaths, and overall is a close second to pre-term birth complications. Submitted by Jason Kerwin on Very cool paper. One alternative explanation for the increase in childlessness is the following. Many women I know were unsure if they wanted kids but started bearing children in their 30s because they knew their fertility window was closing and didn't want to miss their chance. With higher infant mortality, presumably that pressure was even stronger. So some of the zeroes may be women who were empowered to achieve their true desired fertility level: they felt confident enough to delay childbearing until they figured out whether they really wanted kids, and the answer was no. Submitted by Selma on Great comments, thanks! Jason, you're absolutely right - we discuss this exact mechanism in our theoretical model as an alternative to job promotion. Empirically, it's challenging to identify learning about preferences and to distinguish it from doing well at work - we find strong effects on occupational scores but this could be simply because women are having longer careers. It's likely that both effects are at play. Add new comment
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Weight: 1 Weblinx1: 2015 Weblinx2: 160p Weblinx3: 0 Brand: Dominic Wells How A Steam Locomotive Works by Dominic Wells Regular Price: £25.00 Your Price: £20.00 You Save: £5.00 (20%) In Stock Add to basket Add to wishlist How A Steam Locomotive Works The first edition of How a Steam Locomotive Works proved an instant success, providing a simple and easy to understand explanation of all the engineering complexities of the steam locomotive. Now the same author, Dominic Wells, has taken the subject a step further and written a revised and expanded version. As before, the subject is explained through a series of easily understandable diagrams which show the function of the components in step-by-step sequences. The clear diagrams and explanations require no prior technical knowledge by the reader, nor is there any need to understand engineering drawings. Throughout, the diagrams from the original book have been revised and some are more advanced to enable more complex aspects to be clearly explained. New photographs, both historic and new, illustrate the text. Starting with a basic introduction to the principle of the steam locomotive boiler, the text provides detailed explanations of both coal and oil firing. Further detailed chapters cover all the essential components, including gauge glasses, injectors, control valves, mainframes, cylinders, calve gears, lubrication, air brakes, vacuum brakes, auxiliaries and cab layouts. There are four completely new chapters which cover Wheel Arrangement, Balancing and Engine Layout, Fault Finding and Driver Training Courses. Throughout, the text has been thoroughly revised and expanded where required. This new expanded edition will continue to be an ideal introduction to the subject for steam railway volunteers and enthusiasts without an engineering background. Nevertheless, the book will also appeal to the technically minded, as there are few who understand the steam locomotive in its entirety, a subject which encompasses many engineering specialisms including structures, dynamics, thermodynamics and fluid flows. Staff Reviews No staff reviews are available for this item.
Mel Giedroyc Draw It Channel 4: 5 May 2014-4 July 2014 Victory Television Draw It! is a short-lived game show based on the drawing game app Draw Something. Two teams of two (consisting of one celebrity & one contestant) compete in a drawing game for up to £50,000. Even though this is a drawing game show, sometimes the teams rely on scrambled words/jumbles to answer, but that would give them half the money. Main GameEdit Round 1: Contestant Quick DrawEdit The contestant player on the team in control was given three subjects to draw and a time limit of 30 seconds. Each one is from a different level of difficulty (easy, medium & hard). Here's how they score: Difficulty Value Easy £100 Medium £200 Hard £300 If the team gets all three without word jumble assistance, the contestant can win up to £600. Round 2: Quick on the DrawEdit This is a "Free-for-All" round where six app user submitted drawings were played and recreated by animation. The round lasted for 30 seconds and on each drawing, if a team knows what the drawing is, they can buzz-in to answer. A right answer won money, but a wrong answer gave the opposing team a chance to answer. For the first 20 seconds each correct answer was worth £200, while in the last 10 seconds and with the word jumble activated, each correct answer was worth £100. Up to £1200 was available in that round. Round 3: Celebrity Quick DrawEdit In the final round, the celebrity on the team in control had 90 seconds (1:30) to draw as many items as they can with each one being worth £300. On each drawing after 15 seconds have passed, the contestant partner can buzz-in to call for a word jumble. The team with the most money wins the game and goes on to play "Draw to Win" to double the money. Bonus Round: Draw to WinEdit To start the round, the winning team decided amongst themselves to see who would draw and who would guess. Once the decision was made, the drawer had 60 seconds (one minute) to draw three more subjects to convey to his/her partner. Unlike the first round, the partner can only call for one word jumble. Getting all three subjects kept the money, but getting all three without word jumble assistance doubled the money. Big Money FridayEdit The two top scorers during the week returned to play in Friday's game called "Big Money Friday" where the money values in the main game were doubled. Also getting all three subjects in "Draw to Win" without word jumble assistance multiplied the winnings by ten. So a potential £50,000 can be won. Nick Foster Based on the drawing app game Draw Something.
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5 Essential Elements For car air conditioning recharge cost I had a freon leak, along with the HVAC tech notice an oily residue beneath the world exactly where the compressor connects to your lines soon after working the A/C. He refilled the R22 and applied gel-sort R22 sealant but even though he was charging up the compressor... it turned off... and it didn't commence yet again because. This is a standard procedure. Around the facial area of the gauge, you'll see various temperatures. All you have to do is change the calibration dial to the outside temperature, which you'll check which has a weather conditions application on your cellular phone or an previous-fashioned temperature thermometer. 05 If your automobile’s air conditioner is no more cooling the air as it should, reduced refrigerant amounts on account of a gradual leak are usually the issue. This is particularly a probability Should the air has progressively gotten warmer more than a few weeks or in the event you’re turning your A/C again on just after not applying it over the winter. AC is shut off inside of but the outside device proceeds to run. Seen the hose outside had ice? What should I do? What might be the problem? Refrigerant injection offers ample strain to course throughout the air conditioning technique and expose leak factors The vapour is condensed into a liquid due to the high stress that may be driving it in, which generates an excessive amount of heat. The heat is then consequently removed from the condenser by air flowing with the condenser on the surface. Compressor: This is actually the Main of your respective AC process. Driven by your auto’s serpentine belt, the compressor pressurizes the refrigerant. It can be turned on and off By the use of the compressor clutch. When you have execute all this tests as well as program is still not working a pin to pin voltage and continuity Look at is as a way. Condenser: Situated in the front of the radiator, the condenser normally takes the recent refrigerant and cools it down although also cutting down the stress. website This turns the refrigerant into a liquid that could go to the subsequent stage of your AC procedure. When it’s a sweltering ninety seven levels and sunny, you stroll to your car, open up the doorway for being smacked that has a gust of heat so rigorous; it should be a minimum of twenty five degrees hotter than it truly is outside the house. 5. Connect the short-hook up fitting on the tip from the recharge hose on your very low-pressure service port. Only drive the fitting on to the port until finally it clicks. Remember that a particularly sizzling working day could influence your device's usefulness. If temperatures exterior are above a hundred levels, you may not manage to obtain 62 degrees within your dwelling Regardless how A great deal your A/C blows chilly air, particularly when there is a large amount of windows letting inside the sun's Electricity. Usually the condition is often from a filthy air filter. When the filter is clogged, there will be a reduction while in the air flow. Each and every ten-15 seconds, release the set off to examine the force within the gauge. (The gauge will browse “0” whilst the cause is pulled.) The process will be correctly billed when the pressure is within the “V” on the dial, plus your car or truck’s vents are once again blowing cold air. Don't overcharge the method by going higher than the “V” or earlier the environmentally friendly zone on the gauge. Leave a Reply
Course Catalogs You are viewing the 2013-2014 Course Catalog THTRE 197 Internship 1-8 hours On-the-job training for theatre arts majors and minor wishing to explore career options prior to their senior year or for students not majoring or minoring in theatre arts who desire experience in theater arts-related organizations and positions. Students will arrange for their positions according to department guidelines, and each internship will be designed to the satisfaction of the sponsor, faculty coordinator, and student.
Why should you choose Virtual Reality? Because of its immersive nature, VR is an excellent choice to create relevant and deep connections with the public. When we try VR we are present in the very content that we are visualizing, so, without external distractions and without other sources of visual information fighting for our attention the message will be easier to internalize. VR is a unique opportunity to create intense and memorable experiences. Moreover, being a novelty we also benefit from the enormous media interest that exists around it. MARK ZUCKERBERG, FaceBook post, March 25, 2014 Record your next marketing campaign in 360º video and put your audience in the middle of the action, whether driving a car, an airplane or experiencing the victory of their favorite team in the first row. Create a guided tour through your vacation resort or a luxury apartment, through your factory or orchard, or invite your customers to discover your new clothing collection through a virtual store. Virtual reality provides a new era of immersive entertainment. In both the video game and film industries, millions are being invested to bring us new worlds of possibilities. Let yourself be teleported into a photojournalistic documentary and watch the world from a different point of view. Place students in museums, galleries or universities on the other side of the world or let them embark on a guided tour through Mars.
Slaying the "Monsters" of Police Work Slaying the "Monsters" of Police Work Posted on 04/04/2018 By Police Chief Robby Russo It’s become widely publicized how difficult it is to find new police officers. Much can be attributed to retirement changes, poor pay and a general public perception about the job. But there is another factor: “stress.” Whenever I introduce a new officer to the City Council I note that the man or woman entering the profession is not the same who returns at the journey’s end.  Cops are a unique breed. People often ask me what made me want to be a police officer; the answer is “it chose me.” Being a police officer truly is a “calling” and not just a job. Then it turns from a job into a lifestyle. A good honorable job, but it has pitfalls. One of the most common and perhaps damaging aspects is finding that once close relationships with friends and family may fade. Sometimes that’s a natural thing and other times there is simply a lack of understanding of what stresses a cop endures in their day-to-day routines. While my friend or neighbor grabs their Montblanc and briefcase for work, I clutch a gun and ballistic vest. People die every day. Accidents happen every day. But rarely do you get a front-row seat to despair and are tasked with removing a mangled body from a wreck, or the more daunting task of delivering the news to the family. Being a police officer requires preparation for tragedy, in which daily and year after year a scar tissue builds up. We keep reinforcing the importance of families because often, they are the only ones who keep the glue holding. We train and warn police officers about how the job will affect them. The cynicism and distrust cannot be left at the department. The police experience will change them on duty and off duty. They will not sit with their backs to doors or people; they will often not carry on a conversation by looking someone in the eye because they are looking at every person coming and going. They may be overthinking that the guy in the line ahead of you at the grocery store probably has warrants and is paying with a fraudulent credit card he just stole out of a mailbox while driving drunk. It is very rare for people to call the police when everything is going well. Instead, the police arrive when dad hits mom. Still, despite this dark reality, nothing is more satisfying than helping good people navigate through the worst day of their life. Officers are held to a higher standard, as we should be, and in Cottonwood Heights we have a standard of conduct that governs even off-duty behavior. Violations of that standard can result in disciplinary action or termination. Officers are constantly aware of scrutiny waiting around every corner, yet must courageously continue to go places no one else is willing to go and do things no one else is willing to do. That journey is a rollercoaster. Officers may be issuing a speeding ticket and then find themselves in a high-speed chase or administering Narcan to an overdose patient. More scar tissue. Most officers I’ve known have served and bettered their communities. We mandate counseling sessions after tragic events, warn them about too much alcohol, encourage faith and force them to take vacations. Nevertheless, many suffer from substance abuse, PTSD, failed marriages and suicide. I have a good friend who served his community with honor and distinction for many years who has decided to retire. He describes the feeling as an “internal monster who eats a hole in your soul.” I suppose that is somewhat accurate. He’s decided next month to start at the Mexican Border and begin walking north until he finds Canada. His strategy is that some of the demons will get tired of walking and leave him on his journey. I wish him well!
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 MS Dhoni believes Ziva, his daughter has changed him as a person Ziva was present during Indian Premier League 11 matches to cheer for her dad. MS Dhoni with Ziva and Sakshi | IANS Three years back MS Dhoni became a father when he was preparing for the World Cup 2015. He got the news through his friend and teammate Suresh Raina. From that day onwards, Dhoni thinks he has changed a lot after stepping into fatherhood. Recently, in a show for Star Sports, Dhoni said Ziva has changed the person that he is. "I don't know whether it has changed me as a cricketer, as a person yes of course because daughters are very close to their fathers," Dhoni said. "In my case, the problem is when she (Ziva) was born I was not there (three years ago), most of the time I was playing cricket, so everything bad somehow is thrown at me (to deal with)," he added. Just a mention of his name keeps Ziva on backfoot, the 36-year-old said. "Khana nahi kha rahi hai, papa aa jayenge khana khao (when she is not eating foot, she is told dad will come have food), if she is doing something wrong, papa aa jayenge mat karo. So, in a way, she looks at me and she is slightly on the back-foot," Dhoni said. Ziva had been to the stadiums many times during recently concluded Indian Premier League. There was a video emerged on social media where the 3-year-old was seen asking for a hug from his dad, who was busy batting against Kings XI Punjab. The video was shared by Sakshi. "I had a wonderful time with her (Ziva), she was there for the whole of IPL and one of her biggest requests used to be I have to go to the ground, that is lawn for her. And also there are a lot of kids in the team. "I would get up by 1:30, 2:30 or 3 in the afternoon. Ziva is up by the time, she gets up by 8.30 or 9, have her breakfast, engage with everyone, start playing... I feel it just relaxes us a bit more when the kids are playing with each other," he said. "I don't know how much she follows cricket, how much she understands, but I have to bring her one day for the post-match presentation and she (can) just start answering all the questions," he added. Dhoni revealed his fitness plan during the 50-day long tournament. The veteran had to quit the gym. "Once the tournament (IPL) started I was not in the gym anymore. I just did my rowing, (and) in Chennai I had a rowing machine in my room only, I would get up, order my breakfast and before the breakfast came, I would start my rowing," he noted. By Sihyeu Prakash Singh - 13 Jun, 2018 Share Via
Communication skills This is one part of a professional's life that is never ending. Whether he is a 'hopper' or changes jobs every 2 or 3 years. Interview is a process in which a company' management decides whether you are the ideal candidate that they have an opening for. This is your first impression on your prospective future bosses. This is your chance to impress them (First impression is usually the last impression). This process has a proper structure in a BPO call center industry. The structure is mostly common in most companies and may slightly vary depending on the company's policies and procedures. Pre - Interview Usually any interview consists of a set of rounds which every candidate has to pass in order to secure a job at the company. There are basically four rounds for a call center interview. These will be discussed in detail. But before we get into the actual rounds, we need to understand that when we prepare for an interview we need to be in the correct mindset. In my personal experience i have donw more than 15 interviews and i think i failed just one. The main thing you need to concentrate on is your mindset before you leave for the interview, that is you have to tell yourself that this job was meant for you, to supplement this statement you can always tell your brain that if you were not fit for it you would not be considered for it either. Have an attitude that potrays confidence but not over confidence. Over confidence is disliked by most interviewers and also company's managements. So, in order to look professional for an interview you would have to wear a formal dress. Now this can be a plain shirt, which is not a party shirt and a formal pair of pants(preferably Black). Round 1 This usually is an introduction round, or a jam session as some companies would refer to it. In this round a candidate is seated with other candidates and asked to give their personal introduction. This is done to see if the candidate is nervous when speaking in public. The parameters that HR's usually look for in this round is your grammatical skills and also your fluency. Also they check if the candidate stutters (gets stuck) while speaking because he is speaking in front of a room full of people. Another way this round can be conducted is to give a topic for discussion in which the room is divided into two parts one part of the group is to speak for the topic in question and the other part of the room is to speak against it. This way an HR assesses all of the above listed qualities as well as convincing power of the candidates. This is an elimination round, so to get to your job you have to get past this phase without fail. Round 2 This is a voice and accent round. This is the most important round and decides whether the candidate is worthy of the job. If a candidate passes this round he's virtually assured of the job. In this round a specialized voice and accent trainer assesses a candidates voice, as to what pitch he has ( High pitch or Low Pitch ) also he judges candidates based on their accent(The way they pronounce certain words of the language) and their fluency is also tested. At times their listening skills are tested via a video test, wherein the candidate is made to watch a video clip ( a 5 minute video ) and then he is asked 3 to 5 questions. In order to pass this round he has to correctly answer atleast 4 of them. This round decides whether the candidate has adequate communication skills required for the job. So, don't forget your communication skills at home before the interview. Round 3 This is the final round of the interview. It's usually called Ops round. In this round the candidate is made to talk face to face with an operations manager. This round is usually tough for people who have experience in the same industry, because they have to answer the ultimate difficult questions like why did u quit the last job? if the candidate has more than 2 companies in the past three years then he is in for a ride. This is a final go from the management in the interview. Freshers will be more comfortable in this round coz they will be asked normal questions like anything to do with their hobbies, or any hot topic that is in buzz. If you clear this round you can think you've got the job. Round 4 This is just a formality round and so is a no elimination round. In this round all that happens is that the HR (remember that face who took your first round?) discusses the salary packages of the candidates depending on their experience and expertice in the areas the management is looking at. The offer made to the candidate is sometimes up for negotiation, sometimes its not. So, you have to be the judge and think before starting to negotiate with them. and finally a CONGRATULATIONS!! from the HR welcomes you onboard. You are given a list of certificates of which copies have to be submitted before the joining dat The Extras Sometimes companies tend to make life difficult for candidates, so they take some extra rounds like a typing test. This is self explanatory and can be sometimes elimination round.
Buying Tips – Choose the Best Portable Air Compressor that Fit Your Requirement Air compressors can be categorized in different ways, from their capacity to their pressure limits. However, on of the most popular way to categorized air compressors is based on their design and how they compress air. A fixed compressor can be impressive beast, but they are also comparatively large in size and heavy. Since, compressors are available in a wide range of sizes and styles, choosing the right air compressor for you is really a matter of how it will be used and your personal choice. Lets find the answer of following stuffs before going any further: • Where will you be using your compressor? • Is there a ready electrical supply? • Will you be working in confined or unventilated areas? • Which tools will you want your compressor to operate? Most air compressors have specific requirements for volume and pressure, while compressors are rated on the following four factors: • PSI – Pounds per Square Inch: PSI is the unit of measurement that a compressor delivered. The higher the PSI, the further the air can be compressed – which means a larger volume of compressed air can be stored in the tank. • SCFM – Standard Cubic Feet per Minute: SCFM, also known as CFM, is the volume of air that your compressor can pump in a minute a specific working pressure. Higher CRM ratings mean that the compressor can provide more air – making higher CFM units is more practical for larger applications. • HP – Horsepower: Horsepower is the unit of measurement that a compressor motor produces. Higher horsepower engines means it produces greater PSI and capable of carrying a heavier workload. • Tank Size: Compressor tank size are measured in gallons. Units with more powerful motors and larger tanks can generate higher levels of PSI for longer amounts of time which is able to provide greater power to your air tools. Air compressors can be classified in two broad categories depending on the manner in which pressure energy is imparted to the air.  These are: Positive Displacement Compresors and Roto-Dynamic Compressors. (more…) Choosing the Right Contractor Grade Air Compressor The consumer grade air compressor and the contractor grade air compressor are able to stand up to the rough conditions of a job site. On top of that, they’re portable, through either a carry handle or wheeled cart. Because of their strength, they’re capable of operating nail guns and other large roadside repair tools, such as jack hammers. One who needs to run multiple air tools or does high caliber jobs should definitely look into this grade of air compressors. Twin-Stack Air Compressors Because of their dual air tanks, they’re capable of storing more air without having to actually run the motor. Out of all the contractor grade air compressors, these are probably the most suitable for carpenters, due to them being relatively portable yet powerful at the same time. Keep in mind that these things can get up to 80 pounds. Portable Single-Stage Compressors Those who need to constantly run multiple nail guns should consider getting a portable single-stage compressor. Just about any contractor can make use of this type of air compressor. Because of their sheer power, they tend to be a bit more expensive. Wheelbarrow Compressors Primarily designed for job sites, these compressors are built with powerful engines, large air tanks and very durable materials, enabling them to handle even the most rough conditions. Even though they’re bulky and heavy, they can be easily moved, thanks to their wheelbarrow design. Keep in mind that these air compressors can weigh up to 300 pounds. Alternatively, one can get a lighter model if they need to. (more…) Choosing the Right Consumer Grade Air Compressor Consumer Grade Air Compressors are primarily designed for small tasks around the house, such inflating tires, sporting goods and other items. However, most consumer grade air compressors can run small power tools as well, including brad guns and staplers. For the most part, a consumer grade compressor should be more than enough for those who do small tasks around the house. On the other hand, one who needs to run large or multiple power tools will need to step it up a notch. Inflators are mainly used to inflate tires and other inflatable devices. Since inflated tires help gas mileage, it’s always a good idea to have one of these lying around. Overall, these air compressors are inexpensive and very portable. The only downside is that they’re relatively weak and take a while to do the job. Pancake Air Compressors Pancake air compressors typically come with a one-gallon tank and are relatively light, weighting at around 16 pounds, making it rather easy to carry around. Due to their higher power level, they are generally more expensive than their inflator counterparts. They’re oil free and don’t have any belts, allowing the machine to run practically maintenance free. Hot Dog Air Compressors Hot Dog Air Compressors are commonly used by many hobbyists, due to their ability to run small air tools, such as air brushes and staple guns. Compared to pancake air compressors, these have slightly larger air tanks. Although they are a little heavier, they have a carry handle to compensate for the added weight. Much like pancake air compressors, they are oil free and have no belts. (more…)
Subject: Using vacuum cleaners in display cases Using vacuum cleaners in display cases From: James Hay <james_hay> Date: Monday, June 11, 2007 Imogen Herford <imogen.herford [at] bl__uk> writes >... However I am interested to know if it is commonly >understood that vacuum cleaners should never be used in any account, >in any situation, even in empty display cases. ... Perhaps it is too much to assume that dust, that is, particulate matter suspended in air, is accumulating inside the display case. Is that the problem? If the vacuum cleaner is going to be used to remove normal dust and dirt, then the vacuum cleaner seems to be the obvious, inexpensive, efficient choice of tool. The vacuum cleaner should have a HEPA filter, and if one obtains a long enough hose, then the body of the machine never needs to enter the cabinet and beat against furniture or artifacts. Even if the motor body doesn't ever enter an exhibit space, the motor body has to be leak proof for dust. The idea of the vacuum is that the dust goes into the nozzle and is trapped in the filter, so that only clean air exits the machine. Leaking vacuums must be repaired or replaced with ones that don't leak. I used to work at an enormous Canadian museum and we wore out two or three vacuums a year in our efforts to clean exhibits and keep them clean. The people I talk to can hardly imagine that vacuum cleaners could be either the least bit out of style, or controversial, in 2007. Are there problems cleaning with vacuums? Of course one needs to be extremely careful when moving oneself and a vacuum hose and a brush inside a display cabinet. As I recall, most cabinets were cleared of artifacts before we vacuumed them clean. Artifacts were cleaned using vacuums, separately, when the vacuum was the right tool to remove loose dust. Showcases are normally too tightly packed to allow a human inside with a vacuum and brush. We also had lots of open exhibits to clean, which could not have been cleaned and kept clean in any other manner, than with a vacuum and a brush. Vacuum power can be controlled on good, modern vacuums, so brutal strength from the machine is not a necessary evil implied by "vacuum" cleaning. Of course there can be problems bashing into things with the wand and the hose, which is one more reason to demand that competent people be found and trusted to do your cleaning. You have to have people who are productive, agile, motivated, and careful. So, no, it is not commonly understood that vacuum cleaners should never be employed to clean exhibits. Just the opposite. They are exactly the tool you need to use for dust removal. One can also take a few steps to minimize the deposition of dust, much of which arrives with visitors and outside air. Keep doors closed, keep windows closed, have a robust fan at the entrance air lock to blow loose dirt off of people's clothes, a sort of positive pressure entrance vestibule. Not every museum can have one of these. Within the building, one can seal the showcase as well as possible, then pressurize it by pumping in filtered air. By creating a "positive pressure showcase" you can effectively eliminate the accumulation of dust in your showcase. The air is pulled through a filter and pushed into the showcase by a quiet muffin fan. Because of the positive interior pressure, all the leaking zones push away dirty air, so the interior stays clean. Only clean air enters. Even very large exhibits can be kept almost completely free of dust this Of course one has to inspect and replace filters from time to time, and fans can wear out after 10,000 or 20,000 hours. Whenever we had a large showcase that would remain filled for more than, say, a year, or permanently, we tended to seal and pressurize it. First of all, it kept the artifacts clean, and secondly, it eliminated the risk of damaging objects while cleaning them, and thirdly, it saved lots of money having staff clean the exhibits. Win, win, win. There is a fourth benefit: workers thought the managers were more clever for keeping the exhibits clean in the first place, as museum workers have a lot of work to do that is more fun than vacuuming. James Hay Senior Conservator Furniture and Decorative Arts Canadian Conservation Institute 1030 Innes Road Ottawa K1A 0M5 Conservation DistList Instance 21:11 Distributed: Sunday, June 17, 2007 Message Id: cdl-21-11-002 Received on Monday, 11 June, 2007 [Search all CoOL documents] Retrieved: Monday, 10-Dec-2018 20:14:11 GMT
Did you know that sudden cardiac arrest is the one of the leading causes of death in the United States? Unfortunately, most people who suffer a cardiac arrest outside of a hospital do not get cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) from a bystander, which significantly lessens their chances of survival. CPR is easy to learn, and is taught to tens of thousands of people each year. Here are five great reasons to get your CPR training now: 1. CPR saves lives. More than 300,000 people have cardiac arrests in the United States every year. Sudden cardiac arrest occurs when an electrical rhythm problem occurs and the heart is no longer able to pump blood effectively to the rest of the body. You might see a person suddenly collapse, lose consciousness, and stop breathing. The longer the body goes without circulation, the lower the chance of survival. By performing CPR, you are able to help the person’s blood keep circulating until an ambulance arrives and more advanced tools can be used. We know that the chance of surviving a sudden cardiac arrest increases significantly, by more than double, when CPR is started early. 2. CPR is not performed enough. Would you be surprised to learn that bystander CPR is done is less than half of all out-of-hospital cardiac arrests? National statistics have shown that only 15 to 30 percent of people who experience sudden cardiac arrests outside of hospitals receive bystander CPR. When people are asked why they would not give CPR, a very common answer is that they never received training. Other concerns, such as doing harm to the person, doing harm to oneself, legal risks, or concerns about infection, often diminish once people learn proper CPR techniques. 3. You don’t have to do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Another reason people report they do not perform CPR is because of concerns performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. In 2010 the guidelines for performing CPR were changed, and they now say that those who do not feel comfortable, or who have not received formal training, should attempt hands-only CPR. We advocate performing chest compressions even without breathing assistance. Hands-only CPR has been shown to be just as effective for many adults who experience sudden cardiac arrest. 4. Hands-only CPR is easy to learn. To perform hands-only CPR, place the heel of your hand on the center of the victim’s chest. Take your other hand and place it on top of the first, interlacing your fingers. Press down on the chest about two inches and release. You want to repeat this quickly, at least 100 times a minute. And don’t stop doing CPR until emergency services arrives at the scene – recent studies have found that people may have a better chance of surviving with normal brain function when CPR is continued up to 38 minutes or longer. There are many places to find online videos, as well as formal classes, to see CPR performed correctly. The goal is to find the learning technique that works best for you so that you are comfortable if you are in a situation where you can save a life! 5. Most cardiac arrests occur in the home. More than 85 percent of cardiac arrests take place at home.  I frequently hear stories from patients about how their lives were saved because of CPR performed by a husband, wife, child, or friend. In fact, there has been a big push, led by the American Heart Association, to bring CPR training to schools, which can save even more lives. So take the challenge. If you don’t know CPR, learn CPR and gain the confidence in knowing that if you are ever needed, you too can save a life! Recent Posts
Friday, October 7, 2016 Sketches in Thyme Project Life It's my turn on the Sketches in Thyme Project Life blog using the following sketch: I'm working on these pocket page (We R Memory Keepers) books for my brothers-in-law. Each boy will gets a book with pictures from their childhood. There are 5 boys. Yes 5. (Ugh!) Therefore, my layouts for these books aren't like uber detailed for two reasons:  First - I have a deadline and I really want to meet that goal-I'm not sure if it's really possible to get them all done by Christmas but I'll try.  Second - They're boys and according to my husband, when he looks at a page he doesn't see the same things as I do. He sees the pictures and the memories that go with them not the embellishments. He doesn't like the pages when they're too busy so I keep them plain and simple. The grid patterned paper is by October Afternoon and the green is by Making Memories. I stamped the train and stars (The Paper Company) and the numbers and letters (Lawn Fawn) with Hero Arts black ink. The arrow and the number 6 are Cricut cuts. All the different patterned papers on this page are by Making Memories. I circle cut a photo and added some birthday stickers to the right upper card. Thanks for looking. 1. What a great thing you are doing for your brothers-in-law! I am sure they will treasure it! Cute card and great layout! 2. Cindy Thank you so much for dropping by my blog. Such a lovely project you have made...a fabulous way to preserve those precious memories Dr Sonia Thank you for leaving comments. They lift me up and brighten my day.
The way you Can Enhance your Bathroom Lighting A house decor designer is familiar with that lights is among the most significant components of design LED Ring light. It may possibly generate a room occur alive, if utilized within the suitable way. Even so, when utilized while in the wrong way, lights might make a place gloomy and depressing. Essentially you can find 3 kinds of lights that should perform alongside one another to gentle up a area, the lavatory involved. A very good lights prepare ought to incorporate these three varieties, and in some cases a fourth, referred to as ornamental lighting. In this article are ways in which you need to use activity lights to produce your toilet arrive alive. Process lights is very important, particularly in parts where you want specific lighting. Quite simply you may use process lights for responsibilities including shaving, implementing make-up and also other sorts of individual grooming. Initially, it is actually advised to affix activity lights possibly over the self-importance mirror positioned close to the sink or on both equally sides on the mirror. This ensures that your rest room has fantastic undertaking lights. Secondly, it really is recommended the vainness lights fixtures close to the mirror be glowing or halogen varieties since they enables you to definitely have quick entry to controlling the brightness on the fixtures which has a dimmer, which is also pretty energy successful. Further more, ensure the vanity lighting fixtures you have got chosen give extra than sufficient mild. One among the classical procedures you could use to create sure of this would be to over light-weight the area. Then utilize the dimmer switch to provide down the brightness to your glow that you choose to want or will require, based on the temper. It’s also a good suggestion to use unique neodymium light bulbs in the self-importance light fixtures, as they deliver great illumination that has a slight tint to it. The lighting will make gentle that is definitely additional such as sun, that is established from the coating of neodymium. Avid using recessed lights to mild up your deal with although standing in a mirror. The illumination brought on by these sorts of fixtures will cast a lot of shadows on your own facial area. Alternatively, you can use recessed lights everywhere else from the bathroom. Attempt placing a little, lit concave mirror close to the self-importance mirror. The shape from the mirror will amplify anything you see in it, as well as the excessive light-weight can assist you in duties for example shaving and making use of make-up. Recessed lights may also be used to gentle up the shower or tub, that are normally neglected. To light up these locations, it is strongly recommended you use two recessed down-lights for this process. Be cautious to not place any lights near the sink or in other places where they could get moist, as this could bring about you having electrocuted. The above mentioned guidelines will let you in creating the look that you just want for the rest room. Just take observe to recollect that lighting is vital and completes the picture you propose to your residence.
Plaza de Armas Havana Cuba These days the Plaza de Armas is the main touristic square of Havana. The origin of its name is derived from its previous military use, since from the end of the 16th century most military ceremonies and the events took place at the square. San Cristobal Cathedral Havana Cuba Castillo de la Real Fuerza Havana Cuba Castillo de la Real Fuerza, The fortress or also know as a “lit” Castle of the Royal Army is favorite tourist attraction and big monument that closes the Plaza de las Armas. It was the first large fortification of the city, initiated in 1558 on the ruins of an ancient fortress. In the same year, the Crown sent to Cuba an engineer called Bartolomé Sanchez, supervised by 14 crown officials and main stonemasons in order to reconstruct the castle, which had been ruined by a blaze and completely destroyed by the French corsair Jacques de Sores.
Professional painter and plasterer in Sydney understand that when potential customers walk through their doors, they must be impressed with that they see. It is a reflection of their professionalism and high quality of work. The same thing is required when the plasterers and painters decide to have a website; it must generate a first impression among online users. A website is like a house. It has to start from a good design. During website design, several factors have to be considered from layout, colour, content, functionality, sound and maintainability. It is very rare for a poorly designed website to succeed because it lacks the aesthetics to attract an audience. It is like a haphazardly designed house that nobody wants to buy much less live in Getting visitors to a website is a challenge but it is possible with relevant content. Through responsive web design, the website content will look good in different devices whether it is a desktop, laptop or Smartphone. HTML and CSS are used to resize, hide, shrink, enlarge or move content so that it will look good on all screen sizes. In the development of responsive website design, content must respond to the user’s behaviour as well as environment based on the size of the screen, platform and orientation. Development consists of a flexible grids, layout, images and intelligent use of CSS media queries.  It is common for users to switch from their laptop to the mobile gadget during search. This requires a website design that will automatically switch to respond to the user’s preferences. In short, the web design must accommodate resolution, image size and scripting abilities. This will eliminate the need to have a different design for a laptop and mobile gadget. It is also important for design to handle variations in screen resolutions, definitions and orientations of new mobile phones that are about to be introduced to the market It is very important for plasterer in Sydney to ensure that their website design is optimized for mobile because most customers prefer to use their mobile gadgets instead of desktops when searching for architectural interior solutions. If they want something fixed in their homes, consumers will always try the most efficient and convenient way to reach the professionals.
Give Your Shower a Luxury Upgrade Give Your Shower a Luxury Upgrade 4 Types Of Backflow Protection Devices by Mae Wallace Backflow protection devices are essentially the parts of an industrial plumbing system designed to make sure that, should there be any flooding, the water from the flooding is not able flow back into the plumbing system. Industries that rely on clean water, such as hospitals, swimming pools, medical clinics, or spas, all need to be equipped with enough backflow protection devices to ensure that the water is never contaminated. If you are involved with one of these industries, here are some possible backflow devices that you can install in order to make sure that your water remains pure. 1. Air Gap An air gap is one of the simplest types of backflow protection measures, because it is simply the separation of the water that is used for cleaning or drinking and all other fluids. For example, any used water will be kept strictly separate from clean water in order to make sure that the two don't mix. If you have the clean water in a basin or other storage area, there will be little chance that contaminated flood water will be able to flow back into it. 2. Double Check Valve Assembly Double check valve assembly is when there are two valves are located in the plumbing system both upstream and downstream. These are the check valves that ensure that water does not flow in the wrong direction. These reduce the chances of any flood water backflowing into the main system because the check valves only allow water to flow from one direction to the other.  3. Pressure Type Vacuum Breaker This type of protection device is a single check valve that closes automatically if it senses that water has begun to flow in the wrong direction. Once the flooding has subsided, an industrial plumber will be able to release this valve by applying pressure in order to restore the normal flow of water and make sure that everything continues to work correctly. 4. Reduced Pressure Principle Device This is a device that has two check valves with an area of low pressure between them. This is essentially a buffer zone that will maintain control of the water in order to make sure that there is no backflow. This reduced pressure zone is used whenever the water starts to flow in a direction that is not anticipated. For more information about backflow protection and keeping your water clean, talk to a professional industrial plumber.  About Me Give Your Shower a Luxury Upgrade
Murder Can Be Contagious Season 04, Episode 02 Air Date September 26, 1996 Previous Murder by Friendly Fire Next Murder on Thin Ice Murder Can Be Contagious is the second episode of Diagnosis Murder's fourth season which was first broadcast on September 26, 1996. Plot Edit A burglar inadvertently becomes infected with a deadly virus. Dr. Sloan and Jesse are subsequently exposed to the virus after Jesse stumbles upon the thief's dead body. Both Mark and Jesse are confined to Mark's home while Steve and Amanda investigate the drug company that manufactured the virus, in the hopes of discovering an antidote before Jesse runs out of time. Summary Edit While surfing, Jesse finds a dying man on the beach. Mark knows the symptoms from Guatemala, 1953, as smallpox: fatal, highly contagious and successfully eradicated. The beach house is quarantined and the beach cleared. An autopsy on the victim Eddy, a thief, shows it's a man-made mutation with an 8 hours incubation period. In his backpack Jesse finds only jewelry, including B.A.L. initialed cuff links belonging to robbed neighbor Brandon Lyndstrom, found murdered at his home, who was the CEO of biological research company Lyndscience. There VP Gayle Wentworth claims the virus could never have left the facility and invokes national security, but indeed all samples are missing from the safe. Jesse tells Mark, whose immunization is outdated, he admires how close he and Steve are, Jesse's dad is barely a rare postcard. Mark calls the FBI, which puts Special Agent Dunleavy on the case with Steve and 'informally' contacts the likely virus fence, Sebastian Dupré, who claims he 'must inquire'. A frantic Steve pressures Dupré the hard way, finds the thief Ray Dinino but he hasn't got the antidote. Jesse soon gets symptoms - making the antidote would probably take longer then the youngster has left, so Mark decides to inject himself with blood, hoping his immunity will be reactivated: even if it fails, he only loses a few hours. Then Jesse has an idea about the real owner of the expensive backpack.
I am looking to have a DeLorean parked outside my house for 1 hour for my wife's 80s-themed birthday party. Eventually owning a DeLorean is #2 on my wife's bucket list (after owning a Bob Ross original painting), so this would be a good step towards that! This would be around 7 or 8 pm on the 24th in Decatur, and would involve simply parking the car for friends to take pictures with (and maybe take my wife for a drive around the block). If anyone's available, please reply or email me directly at bradfordreese@gmail.com to discuss details and cost.
Saturday, July 23, 2011 Self-Defense: Extended Guard vs. Close Guard Now, here is my ideal of a nice training scenario: Anonymous said... I'm guessing that reliance on extended guard in traditional martial arts stems from being designed to deal with situations where your assailant is armed with a weapon. You've got more time to redirect a strike, and it takes less effort to redirect it from it's source than from it's target. B said... "Defense from kicks is either jamming them or stepping out of range." That's something last Teacher harped on. He pointed out that the traditional karate or TKD down block was mostly a waste of time. Striking a bone that's thicker than your arm is dumb. Better to turn the strike into a grab and off-balance the attacker. j said... Tim and his teacher Luo De Xiu and everyone from Hong Yi Xiang's school all fight from a guard. No one who has actual fight experience uses San Ti as their fighting position. It's not a matter of modern or traditional, it's a matter of people who have used it for ring fighting or not. Hong's students were deep into sport fighting and it shows. Those that use San Ti as a fighting guard are guessing, it's not what HsingI fighters do. -Jess O AF1 said... The old bareknuckle boxers used an extended guard and they had a lot of actual fight experience. The close guard seems to have risen to prominence once gloved boxing began to replace bare fist fighting. Dojo Rat said... Thanks Jess, I'd like to hear more of what you have to say about this
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Tips To Build A Competitive Advantage For Startups Startups and businesses face a highly competitive scenario in the market which in turn reduces the profitability of the company and at times the competition from new entrants is so intense that it can throw some businesses out of the market. Hence, creating a sustainable short term and long term entry barrier to the business is of high importance for the startups. An industry with high entry barriers is most attractive to the investor as the potential for profit and return on investment is higher in such industries. Fewer players in the market mean less competition and higher margins for the few companies offering the product or service to customers. The first step to build an entry barrier is to identify the set of tangible as well as intangible assets owned by the company. Tangible assets are easy to classify and listed on financial statements of the organization, this may be very few for startups in specific. The key to the source of an advantage however, is more likely to be concealed among the intangible assets of the company. These may include structured processes, licenses, government authorizations, propriety designs and trade secrets, patents and copyrights, strong brand names, customized software databases and the like. Startups can develop strategies based on the identified assets that can help them build barriers to entry for new businesses. Once a set of intangible assets are built it’s important to take note and detailed understanding of why there exists customer goodwill for your company. It’s critical to understand that why the customer is constantly choosing your brand over the competition, are there some reliable delivery timelines or you have a better record of customer satisfaction. Identification and detailed understanding of such success factors can help the startup make a conscious effort of doing the right things and eliminating activities that have not been able to create successful customer value. Another thing that startups should consider doing to build a strong competitive advantage is to develop a switching cost. The switching cost may not only be financial or legal but also emotional. The higher the switching cost the more difficult it is for customers to switch to competition, of course, it requires a strong selling proposition. Economies of scale is another important cost advantage that can help the startup stand up to competition. Also Read: New Oppurtunities in Business – What are we missing? • Share On
Hand dived Mull scallops: our way! Seared scallops with butter and garlic Scotland (60 of 151) By Juliet Published: November 24, 2012 We like our scallops as simple as possible - quickly seared with a bit of butter, garlic and lemon. Scallops are not at all fishy so kids normally like them - a good introduction to shellfish! 1. If your scallops haven't already been shucked, remove from the shell using a round-ended knife, discarding everything but the white muscle meat and roe. Wash thoroughly. 2. Place a heavy based frying pan on a medium heat. While it's heating, rub the scallops all over with sunflower oil. 3. When the pan is very hot (almost smoking) add scallops flat side down, spacing them out well. Cook until they are opaque half way up, then turn. 4. When the other side is cooked, add the butter and chopped garlic, swirling it around until the butter is melted. Spoon the juice over the scallops. 5. Remove from heat and squeeze lemon juice over the scallops. 6. Serve on a bed of rocket or other green leaves, with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar
How to grow a beard how to grow a beard photo - 1 Goodness, and did not I notice? You should get a blow dryer! Indeed, even without a styling item, utilizing a blow dryer helps shape your how to grow a beard and keep your style throughout the day consistently. Obviously, everyone has an alternate hair type and style that they incline toward, so regardless of what process you choose to experience with regards to how to grow a beard styling, there will be an expectation to learn and adapt. In any case, dont stress! When you locate that ideal blow drying method and the ideal styling item, the main thing you will lament is that you didnt begin styling a long time prior! You will even start to ask why you at any point thought your old how to grow a beard was doing anything for you. Yet, now you have how to grow a beard that will influence the women to go wild, and lift that confidence I may make reference to.
The Importance of a DWI Attorney Being charged with a DWI is not a pleasant experience. The defendant will often have to spend the night in jail and face the prospect of a long and drawn out legal battle over their charges. Fines from a DWI charge can be thousands of dollars and this does not include the other costs associated with a DWI case. Often DWI convictions require the defendant to install a breathalyzer device in their vehicle and the defendant is responsible for the costs associated with the installation and maintenance of the device. Furthermore, insurance premiums will rise drastically after a DWI conviction. Therefore, it is important to consider hiring a competent dwi lawyer anoka mn as soon as possible. Hiring a good DWI lawyer will afford the defendant an advocate who understands the inner workings of a complicated legal system. Skilled attorneys often find the nuances of legal proceedings and DWI law challenging, so it goes without saying that a defendant that is trying to defend themselves will have a challenge to successfully combat their case. A skilled attorney will typically be able to find weaknesses in a prosecution’s case that are not readily apparent to someone without any legal training. It is highly advisable for someone facing a DWI charge to carefully consider the ways in which a lawyer can help them with their case. There are two ways to proceed with any criminal matter in the United States court system. Either the case can proceed to trial and the defendant can attempt to prove their innocence, or, alternatively, try to make a deal with the prosecutor and reduce the penalties associated with the charge. It is a defendant’s discretion which way to proceed and, depending on the facts of the case, it may be preferable to go to trial rather than make a deal. An attorney can help make sure that the trial proceeds as smoothly and favorable as possible. An attorney will know which experts may help depending on the facts of a case. Often in DWI cases the police will make mistakes with how they administer the breathalyzer and blood tests. They may also make mistakes with processing the arrest paperwork. An expert hired by an attorney can write a report on all mistakes made by the police and prosecution that may help win the trial. If the defendant elects to go to trial then an attorney will make the difference between winning and losing. Alternatively, if the defendant chooses to try and make a deal, the attorney can help with that as well. Typically, an attorney will negotiate hundreds of DWI cases a year and will be intimately familiar with the best method to receive the best deal from the prosecution. An attorney will be able to make deals with the prosecution that a typical defendant will not be able to because the attorney already has a long-standing relationship with the prosecution and get the deal done quickly. Simply hiring an attorney to handle the negotiations can save thousands of dollars in the long run.…
How technology can help your mental health Mental wellbeing is becoming increasingly prominent, with mental health problems now a being primary cause of disease worldwide. For example, depression and anxiety are among the main causes of disability. While poor physical health is more simple to diagnose and treat, declining mental wellbeing can be hard to spot and improve. Here's a look at how technology can help you monitor, manage, and maintain a healthy mind. How technology can help your mental health Most of us are familiar with tech that tracks our physical health, but what about those that monitor our mental wellbeing? LeafUrban's device tracks activity levels provides insights on sleep patterns and can even predict stress levels based on your lifestyle habits, with meditation and breathing exercises to help you relax. Pip captures feedback from the skin pores on your fingertip, to show feedback on changing stress levels. From meditation to breathing exercises, there are many apps out there to treat different aspects of mental health. The Stress and Anxiety Companion provides tools to help you deal with negative thoughts and anxiety, as well as to identify and manage your personal triggers. Breathe2Relax gives insights into the effect of stress on the body, as well as breathing exercises to manage it. For daily meditation, look no further than HeadSpace, which takes you through personalised guided meditation. Online therapy Sometimes talking is the best medicine and this is where online therapists can help. Talkspace matches users to therapists for video calls and messaging. There are even specialist chatbots available such as WoeBot, which tracks your mood and provides insights over time, based on your communication. It even teaches you Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to help you manage symptoms of depression and anxiety. Together is better There are times in life when we just need the support of people who are going through the same emotions. HealthUnlocked is a social network where people with similar backgrounds can discuss daily concerns and Let's Mush, is a great social network for mothers to get to know others with similar situations and issues. Finally, sometimes the best remedy is simply getting back to basics with some well-deserved 'me time,' a good rest and some time away from the tug of digital technologies—whatever works best for you!

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