Dataset Viewer
Auto-converted to Parquet
681 values
14 values
import pytest from import Genome @pytest.fixture def genome(): seed = 123 return Genome(seed) class TestGenome(object): """ Tests the Genome module by setting the seed to a known value and making sure that the random choices remain consistent, ie. they do not change over time. """ def test_weighted_choice(self, genome): weighted_options = [ {"weight": 1, "value": "apple"}, {"weight": 2, "value": "orange"}, {"weight": 4, "value": "strawberry"}, ] weighted_choice_values = [ genome.weighted_choice(weighted_options), genome.weighted_choice(weighted_options), genome.weighted_choice(weighted_options), ] assert weighted_choice_values == [ {"weight": 1, "value": "apple"}, {"weight": 2, "value": "orange"}, {"weight": 1, "value": "apple"}, ] def test_emoji(self, genome): emoji_values = [genome.emoji(), genome.emoji(), genome.emoji()] assert emoji_values == ["😅", "🐯", "😈"] def test_color(self, genome): color_values = [ genome.color().rgb_color, genome.color().rgb_color, genome.color().rgb_color, ] assert color_values == [(7, 54, 66), (255, 207, 0), (88, 110, 117)]
from datetime import timedelta, datetime from django.conf import settings from django.db import connection from django.test.utils import CaptureQueriesContext import pytest from rest_framework import serializers from rest_framework.reverse import reverse from pathlib import Path from normandy.base.api.permissions import AdminEnabledOrReadOnly from normandy.base.tests import UserFactory, Whatever from normandy.base.utils import canonical_json_dumps from import ApprovalRequest, Recipe, RecipeRevision from import filters as filter_objects from import ( ActionFactory, ApprovalRequestFactory, ChannelFactory, CountryFactory, LocaleFactory, RecipeFactory, RecipeRevisionFactory, fake_sign, ) @pytest.mark.django_db class TestActionAPI(object): def test_it_works(self, api_client): res = api_client.get("/api/v3/action/") assert res.status_code == 200 assert == {"count": 0, "next": None, "previous": None, "results": []} def test_it_serves_actions(self, api_client): action = ActionFactory( name="foo", implementation="foobar", arguments_schema={"type": "object"} ) res = api_client.get("/api/v3/action/") action_url = reverse( "recipes:v1:action-implementation", kwargs={"name":, "impl_hash": action.implementation_hash}, ) assert res.status_code == 200 assert == { "count": 1, "next": None, "previous": None, "results": [ { "id":, "name": "foo", "implementation_url": Whatever.endswith(action_url), "arguments_schema": {"type": "object"}, } ], } def test_it_serves_actions_without_implementation(self, api_client): action = ActionFactory( name="foo-remote", implementation=None, arguments_schema={"type": "object"} ) res = api_client.get("/api/v3/action/") assert res.status_code == 200 assert["results"] == [ { "id":, "name": "foo-remote", "implementation_url": None, "arguments_schema": {"type": "object"}, } ] def test_list_view_includes_cache_headers(self, api_client): res = api_client.get("/api/v3/action/") assert res.status_code == 200 # It isn't important to assert a particular value for max-age assert "max-age=" in res["Cache-Control"] assert "public" in res["Cache-Control"] def test_detail_view_includes_cache_headers(self, api_client): action = ActionFactory() res = api_client.get("/api/v3/action/{id}/".format( assert res.status_code == 200 # It isn't important to assert a particular value for max-age assert "max-age=" in res["Cache-Control"] assert "public" in res["Cache-Control"] def test_list_sets_no_cookies(self, api_client): res = api_client.get("/api/v3/action/") assert res.status_code == 200 assert "Cookies" not in res def test_detail_sets_no_cookies(self, api_client): action = ActionFactory() res = api_client.get("/api/v3/action/{id}/".format( assert res.status_code == 200 assert res.client.cookies == {} @pytest.mark.django_db class TestRecipeAPI(object): @pytest.mark.django_db class TestListing(object): def test_it_works(self, api_client): res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/") assert res.status_code == 200 assert["results"] == [] def test_it_serves_recipes(self, api_client): recipe = RecipeFactory() res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/") assert res.status_code == 200 assert["results"][0]["latest_revision"]["name"] == def test_available_if_admin_enabled(self, api_client, settings): settings.ADMIN_ENABLED = True res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/") assert res.status_code == 200 assert["results"] == [] def test_readonly_if_admin_disabled(self, api_client, settings): settings.ADMIN_ENABLED = False res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/") assert res.status_code == 200 recipe = RecipeFactory(name="unchanged") res = api_client.patch("/api/v3/recipe/%s/" %, {"name": "changed"}) assert res.status_code == 403 assert["detail"] == AdminEnabledOrReadOnly.message def test_list_view_includes_cache_headers(self, api_client): res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/") assert res.status_code == 200 # It isn't important to assert a particular value for max_age assert "max-age=" in res["Cache-Control"] assert "public" in res["Cache-Control"] def test_list_sets_no_cookies(self, api_client): res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/") assert res.status_code == 200 assert "Cookies" not in res def test_list_can_filter_baseline_recipes( self, rs_settings, api_client, mocked_remotesettings ): recipe1 = RecipeFactory( extra_capabilities=[], approver=UserFactory(), enabler=UserFactory() ) rs_settings.BASELINE_CAPABILITIES |= recipe1.latest_revision.capabilities assert recipe1.latest_revision.uses_only_baseline_capabilities() recipe2 = RecipeFactory( extra_capabilities=["test-capability"], approver=UserFactory(), enabler=UserFactory(), ) assert not recipe2.latest_revision.uses_only_baseline_capabilities() # Only approved recipes are considered as part of uses_only_baseline_capabilities recipe3 = RecipeFactory(extra_capabilities=[]) rs_settings.BASELINE_CAPABILITIES |= recipe3.latest_revision.capabilities assert recipe3.latest_revision.uses_only_baseline_capabilities() res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/") assert res.status_code == 200 assert["count"] == 3 res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?uses_only_baseline_capabilities=true") assert res.status_code == 200 assert["count"] == 1 assert["results"][0]["id"] == def test_list_can_filter_by_filter_object_fields(self, api_client): locale = LocaleFactory() recipe1 = RecipeFactory( filter_object=[ filter_objects.BucketSampleFilter.create( start=100, count=200, total=10_000, input=["normandy.userId", '"global-v4'], ), filter_objects.LocaleFilter.create(locales=[locale.code]), ] ) recipe2 = RecipeFactory( filter_object=[ filter_objects.PresetFilter.create(name="pocket-1"), filter_objects.LocaleFilter.create(locales=[locale.code]), ] ) # All recipes are visible res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/") assert res.status_code == 200 assert {r["id"] for r in["results"]} == {,} # Filters can find simple-strings res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?filter_object=name:pocket") assert res.status_code == 200 assert {r["id"] for r in["results"]} == {} # Filters can find partial values in lists res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?filter_object=input:global-v4") assert res.status_code == 200 assert {r["id"] for r in["results"]} == {} # Filters can find multiple results res = api_client.get(f"/api/v3/recipe/?filter_object=locales:{locale.code}") assert res.status_code == 200 assert {r["id"] for r in["results"]} == {,} # Filters can find nothing res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?filter_object=doesnt:exist") assert res.status_code == 200 assert["count"] == 0 def test_list_invalid_filter_by_filter_object(self, api_client): # The filter is supposed to be of the form # `key1:val1,key2:val2,...`. What if we don't follow that format? res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?filter_object=nocolon") assert res.status_code == 400 assert == { "filter_object": "Filters must be of the format `key1:val1,key2:val2,..." } def test_list_can_filter_by_filter_object_type(self, api_client): locale = LocaleFactory() recipe1 = RecipeFactory( filter_object=[ filter_objects.BucketSampleFilter.create( start=100, count=200, total=10_000, input=["normandy.userId", '"global-v4"'], ), filter_objects.LocaleFilter.create(locales=[locale.code]), ] ) recipe2 = RecipeFactory( filter_object=[ filter_objects.PresetFilter.create(name="pocket-1"), filter_objects.LocaleFilter.create(locales=[locale.code]), ] ) # All recipes are visible res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/") assert res.status_code == 200 assert {r["id"] for r in["results"]} == {,} # Filters can find types that exist on both res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?filter_object=type:locale") assert res.status_code == 200 assert {r["id"] for r in["results"]} == {,} # Filters can find a type that exists on just one res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?filter_object=type:bucket") assert res.status_code == 200 assert {r["id"] for r in["results"]} == {} # Filters can find nothing res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?filter_object=type:unused") assert res.status_code == 200 assert["count"] == 0 @pytest.mark.django_db class TestCreation(object): def test_it_can_create_recipes(self, api_client): action = ActionFactory() # Enabled recipe res = "/api/v3/recipe/", { "name": "Test Recipe", "action_id":, "arguments": {}, "extra_filter_expression": "whatever", "enabled": True, }, ) assert res.status_code == 201, res.json() recipes = Recipe.objects.all() assert recipes.count() == 1 def test_it_can_create_recipes_actions_without_implementation(self, api_client): action = ActionFactory(implementation=None) assert action.implementation is None # Enabled recipe res = "/api/v3/recipe/", { "name": "Test Recipe", "action_id":, "arguments": {}, "extra_filter_expression": "whatever", "enabled": True, }, ) assert res.status_code == 201 (recipe,) = Recipe.objects.all() assert recipe.latest_revision.action.implementation is None def test_it_can_create_disabled_recipes(self, api_client): action = ActionFactory() # Disabled recipe res = "/api/v3/recipe/", { "name": "Test Recipe", "action_id":, "arguments": {}, "extra_filter_expression": "whatever", "enabled": False, }, ) assert res.status_code == 201 recipes = Recipe.objects.all() assert recipes.count() == 1 def test_creation_when_action_does_not_exist(self, api_client): res = "/api/v3/recipe/", {"name": "Test Recipe", "action_id": 1234, "arguments": {}} ) assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json()["action_id"] == [ serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField.default_error_messages["does_not_exist"].format( pk_value=1234 ) ] recipes = Recipe.objects.all() assert recipes.count() == 0 def test_creation_when_action_id_is_missing(self, api_client): res ="/api/v3/recipe/", {"name": "Test Recipe", "arguments": {}}) assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json()["action_id"] == [ serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField.default_error_messages["required"] ] recipes = Recipe.objects.all() assert recipes.count() == 0 def test_creation_when_action_id_is_invalid(self, api_client): res = "/api/v3/recipe/", {"name": "Test Recipe", "action_id": "a string", "arguments": {}}, ) assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json()["action_id"] == [ serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField.default_error_messages["incorrect_type"].format( data_type="str" ) ] recipes = Recipe.objects.all() assert recipes.count() == 0 def test_creation_when_arguments_are_invalid(self, api_client): action = ActionFactory( name="foobarbaz", arguments_schema={ "type": "object", "properties": {"message": {"type": "string"}}, "required": ["message"], }, ) res = "/api/v3/recipe/", { "name": "Test Recipe", "enabled": True, "extra_filter_expression": "true", "action_id":, "arguments": {}, }, ) assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json()["arguments"]["message"] == "This field is required." recipes = Recipe.objects.all() assert recipes.count() == 0 def test_creation_when_arguments_is_missing(self, api_client): action = ActionFactory( name="foobarbaz", arguments_schema={ "type": "object", "properties": {"message": {"type": "string"}}, "required": ["message"], }, ) res = "/api/v3/recipe/", { "name": "Test Recipe", "enabled": True, "extra_filter_expression": "true", "action_id":, }, ) assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json()["arguments"] == [ serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField.default_error_messages["required"] ] recipes = Recipe.objects.all() assert recipes.count() == 0 def test_creation_when_arguments_is_a_string(self, api_client): action = ActionFactory( name="foobarbaz", arguments_schema={ "type": "object", "properties": {"message": {"type": "string"}}, "required": ["message"], }, ) data = { "name": "Test Recipe", "enabled": True, "extra_filter_expression": "true", "action_id":, "arguments": '{"message": "the message"}', } res ="/api/v3/recipe/", data) assert res.status_code == 400 assert == {"arguments": ["Must be an object."]} recipes = Recipe.objects.all() assert recipes.count() == 0 def test_creation_when_action_id_is_a_string_and_arguments_are_invalid(self, api_client): action = ActionFactory( name="foobarbaz", arguments_schema={ "type": "object", "properties": {"message": {"type": "string"}}, "required": ["message"], }, ) data = { "name": "Test Recipe", "enabled": True, "extra_filter_expression": "true", "action_id": f"{}", "arguments": {}, } res ="/api/v3/recipe/", data) assert res.status_code == 400 assert == {"arguments": {"message": "This field is required."}} recipes = Recipe.objects.all() assert recipes.count() == 0 def test_creation_when_identicon_seed_is_invalid(self, api_client): action = ActionFactory() res = "/api/v3/recipe/", { "name": "Test Recipe", "action_id":, "arguments": {}, "extra_filter_expression": "whatever", "enabled": True, "identicon_seed": "invalid_identicon_seed", }, ) assert res.status_code == 400 def test_at_least_one_filter_is_required(self, api_client): action = ActionFactory() res = "/api/v3/recipe/", {"name": "Test Recipe", "action_id":, "arguments": {}, "enabled": True}, ) assert res.status_code == 400, res.json() assert res.json() == { "non_field_errors": ["one of extra_filter_expression or filter_object is required"] } def test_with_experimenter_slug(self, api_client): action = ActionFactory() res = "/api/v3/recipe/", { "name": "Test Recipe", "action_id":, "arguments": {}, "extra_filter_expression": "whatever", "enabled": True, "experimenter_slug": "some-experimenter-slug", }, ) assert res.status_code == 201, res.json() recipe = Recipe.objects.get() assert recipe.latest_revision.experimenter_slug == "some-experimenter-slug" def test_without_experimenter_slug(self, api_client): action = ActionFactory() res = "/api/v3/recipe/", { "name": "Test Recipe", "action_id":, "arguments": {}, "extra_filter_expression": "whatever", "enabled": True, }, ) assert res.status_code == 201, res.json() recipe = Recipe.objects.get() assert recipe.latest_revision.experimenter_slug is None def test_creating_recipes_stores_the_user(self, api_client): action = ActionFactory() "/api/v3/recipe/", { "name": "Test Recipe", "action_id":, "arguments": {}, "extra_filter_expression": "whatever", }, ) recipe = Recipe.objects.get() assert recipe.latest_revision.user is not None def test_it_can_create_recipes_with_only_filter_object(self, api_client): action = ActionFactory() channel = ChannelFactory() res = "/api/v3/recipe/", { "name": "Test Recipe", "action_id":, "arguments": {}, "extra_filter_expression": " ", "filter_object": [{"type": "channel", "channels": [channel.slug]}], "enabled": True, }, ) assert res.status_code == 201, res.json() assert Recipe.objects.count() == 1 recipe = Recipe.objects.get() assert recipe.latest_revision.extra_filter_expression == "" assert ( recipe.latest_revision.filter_expression == f' in ["{channel.slug}"]' ) def test_it_can_create_extra_filter_expression_omitted(self, api_client): action = ActionFactory() channel = ChannelFactory() # First try to create a recipe with 0 filter objects. res = "/api/v3/recipe/", { "name": "Test Recipe", "action_id":, "arguments": {}, "filter_object": [], "enabled": True, }, ) assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json()["non_field_errors"] == [ "one of extra_filter_expression or filter_object is required" ] # Setting at least some filter_object but omitting the extra_filter_expression. res = "/api/v3/recipe/", { "name": "Test Recipe", "action_id":, "arguments": {}, "filter_object": [{"type": "channel", "channels": [channel.slug]}], "enabled": True, }, ) assert res.status_code == 201, res.json() assert Recipe.objects.count() == 1 recipe = Recipe.objects.get() assert recipe.latest_revision.extra_filter_expression == "" assert ( recipe.latest_revision.filter_expression == f' in ["{channel.slug}"]' ) def test_it_accepts_capabilities(self, api_client): action = ActionFactory() res = "/api/v3/recipe/", { "action_id":, "extra_capabilities": ["", "test.two"], "arguments": {}, "name": "test recipe", "extra_filter_expression": "true", }, ) assert res.status_code == 201, res.json() assert Recipe.objects.count() == 1 recipe = Recipe.objects.get() # Passed extra capabilities: assert recipe.latest_revision.extra_capabilities == ["", "test.two"] # Extra capabilities get included in capabilities assert {"", "test.two"} <= set(recipe.latest_revision.capabilities) @pytest.mark.django_db class TestUpdates(object): def test_it_can_edit_recipes(self, api_client): recipe = RecipeFactory( name="unchanged", extra_filter_expression="true", filter_object_json=None ) old_revision_id = res = api_client.patch( "/api/v3/recipe/%s/" %, {"name": "changed", "extra_filter_expression": "false"}, ) assert res.status_code == 200 recipe = Recipe.objects.all()[0] assert == "changed" assert recipe.latest_revision.filter_expression == "false" assert != old_revision_id def test_it_can_change_action_for_recipes(self, api_client): recipe = RecipeFactory() action = ActionFactory() res = api_client.patch("/api/v3/recipe/%s/" %, {"action_id":}) assert res.status_code == 200 recipe = Recipe.objects.get( assert recipe.latest_revision.action == action def test_it_can_change_arguments_for_recipes(self, api_client): recipe = RecipeFactory(arguments_json="{}") action = ActionFactory( name="foobarbaz", arguments_schema={ "type": "object", "properties": {"message": {"type": "string"}, "checkbox": {"type": "boolean"}}, "required": ["message", "checkbox"], }, ) arguments = {"message": "test message", "checkbox": False} res = api_client.patch( "/api/v3/recipe/%s/" %, {"action_id":, "arguments": arguments} ) assert res.status_code == 200, res.json() recipe.refresh_from_db() assert recipe.latest_revision.arguments == arguments res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/%s/" % assert res.status_code == 200, res.json() assert res.json()["latest_revision"]["arguments"] == arguments arguments = {"message": "second message", "checkbox": True} res = api_client.patch( "/api/v3/recipe/%s/" %, {"action_id":, "arguments": arguments} ) assert res.status_code == 200, res.json() recipe.refresh_from_db() assert recipe.latest_revision.arguments == arguments res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/%s/" % assert res.status_code == 200, res.json() assert res.json()["latest_revision"]["arguments"] == arguments def test_it_can_delete_recipes(self, api_client): recipe = RecipeFactory() res = api_client.delete("/api/v3/recipe/%s/" % assert res.status_code == 204 recipes = Recipe.objects.all() assert recipes.count() == 0 def test_update_recipe_action(self, api_client): r = RecipeFactory() a = ActionFactory(name="test") res = api_client.patch(f"/api/v3/recipe/{}/", {"action_id":}) assert res.status_code == 200 r.refresh_from_db() assert r.latest_revision.action == a def test_update_recipe_comment(self, api_client): r = RecipeFactory(comment="foo") res = api_client.patch(f"/api/v3/recipe/{}/", {"comment": "bar"}) assert res.status_code == 200 r.refresh_from_db() assert r.latest_revision.comment == "bar" def test_update_recipe_experimenter_slug(self, api_client): r = RecipeFactory() res = api_client.patch(f"/api/v3/recipe/{}/", {"experimenter_slug": "a-new-slug"}) assert res.status_code == 200 r.refresh_from_db() assert r.latest_revision.experimenter_slug == "a-new-slug" def test_updating_recipes_stores_the_user(self, api_client): recipe = RecipeFactory() api_client.patch(f"/api/v3/recipe/{}/", {"name": "Test Recipe"}) recipe.refresh_from_db() assert recipe.latest_revision.user is not None def test_it_can_update_recipes_with_only_filter_object(self, api_client): recipe = RecipeFactory(name="unchanged", extra_filter_expression="true") channel = ChannelFactory() res = api_client.patch( "/api/v3/recipe/%s/" %, { "name": "changed", "extra_filter_expression": "", "filter_object": [{"type": "channel", "channels": [channel.slug]}], }, ) assert res.status_code == 200, res.json() recipe.refresh_from_db() assert recipe.latest_revision.extra_filter_expression == "" assert recipe.latest_revision.filter_object assert ( recipe.latest_revision.filter_expression == f' in ["{channel.slug}"]' ) # And you can omit it too res = api_client.patch( "/api/v3/recipe/%s/" %, { "name": "changed", "filter_object": [{"type": "channel", "channels": [channel.slug]}], }, ) assert res.status_code == 200, res.json() recipe.refresh_from_db() assert recipe.latest_revision.extra_filter_expression == "" # Let's paranoid-check that you can't unset the filter_object too. res = api_client.patch( "/api/v3/recipe/%s/" %, {"name": "changed", "filter_object": []} ) assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json()["non_field_errors"] == [ "if extra_filter_expression is blank, at least one filter_object is required" ] def test_it_can_update_capabilities(self, api_client): recipe = RecipeFactory(extra_capabilities=["always", "original"]) res = api_client.patch( f"/api/v3/recipe/{}/", {"extra_capabilities": ["always", "changed"]} ) assert res.status_code == 200 recipe = Recipe.objects.get() assert {"always", "changed"} <= set(recipe.latest_revision.capabilities) assert "original" not in recipe.latest_revision.capabilities @pytest.mark.django_db class TestFilterObjects(object): def make_recipe(self, api_client, **kwargs): data = { "name": "Test Recipe", "action_id": ActionFactory().id, "arguments": {}, "enabled": True, "extra_filter_expression": "true", "filter_object": [], } data.update(kwargs) return"/api/v3/recipe/", data) def test_bad_filter_objects(self, api_client): res = self.make_recipe(api_client, filter_object={}) # not a list assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json() == { "filter_object": ['Expected a list of items but got type "dict".'] } res = self.make_recipe( api_client, filter_object=["1 + 1 == 2"] ) # not a list of objects assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json() == { "filter_object": { "0": {"non field errors": ["filter_object members must be objects."]} } } res = self.make_recipe( api_client, filter_object=[{"channels": ["release"]}] ) # type is required assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json() == {"filter_object": {"0": {"type": ["This field is required."]}}} def test_validate_filter_objects_channels(self, api_client): res = self.make_recipe( api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "channel", "channels": ["nightwolf"]}] ) assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json() == { "filter_object": {"0": {"channels": ["Unrecognized channel slug 'nightwolf'"]}} } ChannelFactory(slug="nightwolf") res = self.make_recipe( api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "channel", "channels": ["nightwolf"]}] ) assert res.status_code == 201 def test_validate_filter_objects_locales(self, api_client): res = self.make_recipe( api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "locale", "locales": ["sv"]}] ) assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json() == { "filter_object": {"0": {"locales": ["Unrecognized locale code 'sv'"]}} } LocaleFactory(code="sv") res = self.make_recipe( api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "locale", "locales": ["sv"]}] ) assert res.status_code == 201 def test_validate_filter_objects_countries(self, api_client): res = self.make_recipe( api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "country", "countries": ["SS"]}] ) assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json() == { "filter_object": {"0": {"countries": ["Unrecognized country code 'SS'"]}} } CountryFactory(code="SS", name="South Sudan") res = self.make_recipe( api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "country", "countries": ["SS"]}] ) assert res.status_code == 201 def test_channel_works(self, api_client): channel1 = ChannelFactory(slug="beta") channel2 = ChannelFactory(slug="release") res = self.make_recipe( api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "channel", "channels": [channel1.slug, channel2.slug]}], ) assert res.status_code == 201, res.json() recipe_data = res.json() Recipe.objects.get(id=recipe_data["id"]) assert recipe_data["latest_revision"]["filter_expression"] == ( f'( in ["{channel1.slug}","{channel2.slug}"]) && (true)' ) def test_channel_correct_fields(self, api_client): res = self.make_recipe(api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "channel"}]) assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json() == { "filter_object": {"0": {"channels": ["This field is required."]}} } def test_locale_works(self, api_client): locale1 = LocaleFactory() locale2 = LocaleFactory(code="de") res = self.make_recipe( api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "locale", "locales": [locale1.code, locale2.code]}], ) assert res.status_code == 201, res.json() recipe_data = res.json() Recipe.objects.get(id=recipe_data["id"]) assert recipe_data["latest_revision"]["filter_expression"] == ( f'(normandy.locale in ["{locale1.code}","{locale2.code}"]) && (true)' ) def test_locale_correct_fields(self, api_client): res = self.make_recipe(api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "locale"}]) assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json() == {"filter_object": {"0": {"locales": ["This field is required."]}}} def test_country_works(self, api_client): country1 = CountryFactory() country2 = CountryFactory(code="DE") res = self.make_recipe( api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "country", "countries": [country1.code, country2.code]}], ) assert res.status_code == 201, res.json() recipe_data = res.json() Recipe.objects.get(id=recipe_data["id"]) assert recipe_data["latest_revision"]["filter_expression"] == ( f'( in ["{country1.code}","{country2.code}"]) && (true)' ) def test_country_correct_fields(self, api_client): res = self.make_recipe(api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "country"}]) assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json() == { "filter_object": {"0": {"countries": ["This field is required."]}} } def test_bucket_sample_works(self, api_client): res = self.make_recipe( api_client, filter_object=[ { "type": "bucketSample", "start": 1, "count": 2, "total": 3, "input": ["normandy.userId", "normandy.recipeId"], } ], ) assert res.status_code == 201, res.json() recipe_data = res.json() Recipe.objects.get(id=recipe_data["id"]) assert recipe_data["latest_revision"]["filter_expression"] == ( "([normandy.userId,normandy.recipeId]|bucketSample(1,2,3)) && (true)" ) def test_bucket_sample_correct_fields(self, api_client): res = self.make_recipe(api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "bucketSample"}]) assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json() == { "filter_object": { "0": { "start": ["This field is required."], "count": ["This field is required."], "total": ["This field is required."], "input": ["This field is required."], } } } res = self.make_recipe( api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "bucketSample", "start": "a", "count": -1, "total": -2}], ) assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json() == { "filter_object": { "0": { "start": ["A valid number is required."], "count": ["Ensure this value is greater than or equal to 0."], "total": ["Ensure this value is greater than or equal to 0."], "input": ["This field is required."], } } } def test_stable_sample_works(self, api_client): res = self.make_recipe( api_client, filter_object=[ { "type": "stableSample", "rate": 0.5, "input": ["normandy.userId", "normandy.recipeId"], } ], ) assert res.status_code == 201, res.json() recipe_data = res.json() Recipe.objects.get(id=recipe_data["id"]) assert recipe_data["latest_revision"]["filter_expression"] == ( "([normandy.userId,normandy.recipeId]|stableSample(0.5)) && (true)" ) def test_stable_sample_correct_fields(self, api_client): res = self.make_recipe(api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "stableSample"}]) assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json() == { "filter_object": { "0": { "rate": ["This field is required."], "input": ["This field is required."], } } } res = self.make_recipe( api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "stableSample", "rate": 10}] ) assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json() == { "filter_object": { "0": { "rate": ["Ensure this value is less than or equal to 1."], "input": ["This field is required."], } } } def test_version_works(self, api_client): res = self.make_recipe( api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "version", "versions": [57, 58, 62]}] ) assert res.status_code == 201, res.json() recipe_data = res.json() Recipe.objects.get(id=recipe_data["id"]) assert recipe_data["latest_revision"]["filter_expression"] == ( '((env.version|versionCompare("57.!")>=0)&&' '(env.version|versionCompare("57.*")<0)||' '(env.version|versionCompare("58.!")>=0)&&' '(env.version|versionCompare("58.*")<0)||' '(env.version|versionCompare("62.!")>=0)&&' '(env.version|versionCompare("62.*")<0)) && (true)' ) def test_version_correct_fields(self, api_client): res = self.make_recipe(api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "version"}]) assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json() == { "filter_object": {"0": {"versions": ["This field is required."]}} } def test_invalid_filter(self, api_client): res = self.make_recipe(api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "invalid"}]) assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json() == { "filter_object": {"0": {"type": ['Unknown filter object type "invalid".']}} } @pytest.mark.django_db class TestDetail(object): def test_history(self, api_client): recipe = RecipeFactory(name="version 1") recipe.revise(name="version 2") recipe.revise(name="version 3") res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/%s/history/" % assert[0]["name"] == "version 3" assert[1]["name"] == "version 2" assert[2]["name"] == "version 1" def test_it_can_enable_recipes(self, api_client): recipe = RecipeFactory(approver=UserFactory()) res ="/api/v3/recipe/%s/enable/" % assert res.status_code == 200 assert["approved_revision"]["enabled"] is True recipe = Recipe.objects.all()[0] assert recipe.approved_revision.enabled def test_cannot_enable_unapproved_recipes(self, api_client): recipe = RecipeFactory() res ="/api/v3/recipe/%s/enable/" % assert res.status_code == 409 assert["error"] == "Cannot enable a recipe that is not approved." def test_cannot_enable_enabled_recipes(self, api_client): recipe = RecipeFactory(approver=UserFactory(), enabler=UserFactory()) res ="/api/v3/recipe/%s/enable/" % assert res.status_code == 409 assert["error"] == "This revision is already enabled." def test_it_can_disable_enabled_recipes(self, api_client): recipe = RecipeFactory(approver=UserFactory(), enabler=UserFactory()) assert recipe.approved_revision.enabled res ="/api/v3/recipe/%s/disable/" % assert res.status_code == 200 assert["approved_revision"]["enabled"] is False recipe = Recipe.objects.all()[0] assert not recipe.approved_revision.enabled # Can't disable it a second time. res ="/api/v3/recipe/%s/disable/" % assert res.status_code == 409 assert res.json()["error"] == "This revision is already disabled." def test_detail_view_includes_cache_headers(self, api_client): recipe = RecipeFactory() res = api_client.get(f"/api/v3/recipe/{}/") assert res.status_code == 200 # It isn't important to assert a particular value for max-age assert "max-age=" in res["Cache-Control"] assert "public" in res["Cache-Control"] def test_detail_sets_no_cookies(self, api_client): recipe = RecipeFactory() res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/{id}/".format( assert res.status_code == 200 assert res.client.cookies == {} @pytest.mark.django_db class TestFiltering(object): def test_filtering_by_enabled_lowercase(self, api_client): r1 = RecipeFactory(approver=UserFactory(), enabler=UserFactory()) RecipeFactory() res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?enabled=true") assert res.status_code == 200 assert [r["id"] for r in["results"]] == [] def test_filtering_by_enabled_fuzz(self, api_client): """ Test that we don't return 500 responses when we get unexpected boolean filters. This was a real case that showed up in our error logging. """ url = ( "/api/v3/recipe/?enabled=javascript%3a%2f*" "<%2fscript><svg%2fonload%3d'%2b%2f'%2f%2b" ) res = api_client.get(url) assert res.status_code == 200 def test_list_filter_status(self, api_client): r1 = RecipeFactory() r2 = RecipeFactory(approver=UserFactory(), enabler=UserFactory()) res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?status=enabled") assert res.status_code == 200 results =["results"] assert len(results) == 1 assert results[0]["id"] == res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?status=disabled") assert res.status_code == 200 results =["results"] assert len(results) == 1 assert results[0]["id"] == def test_list_filter_text(self, api_client): r1 = RecipeFactory(name="first", extra_filter_expression="1 + 1 == 2") r2 = RecipeFactory(name="second", extra_filter_expression="one + one == two") res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?text=first") assert res.status_code == 200 results =["results"] assert len(results) == 1 assert results[0]["id"] == res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?text=one") assert res.status_code == 200 results =["results"] assert len(results) == 1 assert results[0]["id"] == res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?text=t") assert res.status_code == 200 results =["results"] assert len(results) == 2 for recipe in results: assert recipe["id"] in [,] def test_list_filter_text_null_bytes(self, api_client): res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?text=\x00") assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json()["detail"] == "Null bytes in text" def test_search_works_with_arguments(self, api_client): r1 = RecipeFactory(arguments={"one": 1}) r2 = RecipeFactory(arguments={"two": 2}) res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?text=one") assert res.status_code == 200 assert [r["id"] for r in["results"]] == [] res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?text=2") assert res.status_code == 200 assert [r["id"] for r in["results"]] == [] def test_search_out_of_order(self, api_client): r1 = RecipeFactory(name="apple banana") r2 = RecipeFactory(name="cherry daikon") res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?text=banana apple") assert res.status_code == 200 assert [r["id"] for r in["results"]] == [] res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?text=daikon cherry") assert res.status_code == 200 assert [r["id"] for r in["results"]] == [] def test_search_all_words_required(self, api_client): r1 = RecipeFactory(name="apple banana") RecipeFactory(name="apple") res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?text=apple banana") assert res.status_code == 200 assert [r["id"] for r in["results"]] == [] def test_list_filter_action_legacy(self, api_client): a1 = ActionFactory() a2 = ActionFactory() r1 = RecipeFactory(action=a1) r2 = RecipeFactory(action=a2) assert != res = api_client.get(f"/api/v3/recipe/?latest_revision__action={}") assert res.status_code == 200 assert [r["id"] for r in["results"]] == [] res = api_client.get(f"/api/v3/recipe/?latest_revision__action={}") assert res.status_code == 200 assert [r["id"] for r in["results"]] == [] assert != -1 and != -1 res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?latest_revision__action=-1") assert res.status_code == 400 assert["latest_revision__action"][0].code == "invalid_choice" def test_list_filter_action(self, api_client): a1 = ActionFactory() a2 = ActionFactory() r1 = RecipeFactory(action=a1) r2 = RecipeFactory(action=a2) assert != res = api_client.get(f"/api/v3/recipe/?action={}") assert res.status_code == 200 assert [r["id"] for r in["results"]] == [] res = api_client.get(f"/api/v3/recipe/?action={}") assert res.status_code == 200 assert [r["id"] for r in["results"]] == [] assert != "nonexistant" and != "nonexistant" res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?action=nonexistant") assert res.status_code == 200 assert["count"] == 0 def test_filter_by_experimenter_slug(self, api_client): RecipeFactory() match1 = RecipeFactory(experimenter_slug="a-slug") RecipeFactory(experimenter_slug="something-else") RecipeFactory(experimenter_slug="some-other-slug") res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?experimenter_slug=a-slug") assert res.status_code == 200 assert["count"] == 1 assert set(r["id"] for r in["results"]) == set([]) def test_order_last_updated(self, api_client): r1 = RecipeFactory() r2 = RecipeFactory() now = r1.latest_revision.updated yesterday = now - timedelta(days=1) r1.latest_revision.updated = yesterday r2.latest_revision.updated = now # Call the super class's save method so that # `latest_revision.updated` doesn't get rewritten super(RecipeRevision, r1.latest_revision).save() super(RecipeRevision, r2.latest_revision).save() res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?ordering=last_updated") assert res.status_code == 200 assert [r["id"] for r in["results"]] == [,] res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?ordering=-last_updated") assert res.status_code == 200 assert [r["id"] for r in["results"]] == [,] def test_order_name(self, api_client): r1 = RecipeFactory(name="a") r2 = RecipeFactory(name="b") res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?ordering=name") assert res.status_code == 200 assert [r["id"] for r in["results"]] == [,] res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?ordering=-name") assert res.status_code == 200 assert [r["id"] for r in["results"]] == [,] def test_order_by_action_name(self, api_client): r1 = RecipeFactory(name="a") = "Bee" r2 = RecipeFactory(name="b") = "Cee" r3 = RecipeFactory(name="c") = "Ahh" res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?ordering=action") assert res.status_code == 200 # Expected order is ['Ahh', 'Bee', 'Cee'] assert [r["id"] for r in["results"]] == [,,] res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?ordering=-action") assert res.status_code == 200 # Expected order is ['Cee', 'Bee', 'Ahh'] assert [r["id"] for r in["results"]] == [,,] def test_order_bogus(self, api_client): """Test that filtering by an unknown key doesn't change the sort order""" RecipeFactory(name="a") RecipeFactory(name="b") res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?ordering=bogus") assert res.status_code == 200 first_ordering = [r["id"] for r in["results"]] res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/?ordering=-bogus") assert res.status_code == 200 assert [r["id"] for r in["results"]] == first_ordering @pytest.mark.django_db class TestRecipeRevisionAPI(object): def test_it_works(self, api_client): res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe_revision/") assert res.status_code == 200 assert == {"count": 0, "next": None, "previous": None, "results": []} def test_it_serves_revisions(self, api_client): recipe = RecipeFactory() res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe_revision/%s/" % assert res.status_code == 200 assert["id"] == def test_request_approval(self, api_client): recipe = RecipeFactory() res = "/api/v3/recipe_revision/{}/request_approval/".format( ) assert res.status_code == 201 assert["id"] == def test_cannot_open_second_approval_request(self, api_client): recipe = RecipeFactory() ApprovalRequestFactory(revision=recipe.latest_revision) res = "/api/v3/recipe_revision/{}/request_approval/".format( ) assert res.status_code == 400 def test_it_has_an_identicon_seed(self, api_client): recipe = RecipeFactory(enabler=UserFactory(), approver=UserFactory()) res = api_client.get(f"/api/v3/recipe_revision/{}/") assert["identicon_seed"] == recipe.latest_revision.identicon_seed def test_metadata(self, api_client): revision = RecipeFactory(metadata={"test1": "a"}).latest_revision assert revision.metadata == {"test1": "a"} url = f"/api/v3/recipe_revision/{}/" metadata_url = url + "metadata/" res = api_client.get(url) assert res.status_code == 200 assert["metadata"] == {"test1": "a"} res = api_client.patch(metadata_url, {"test1": "b"}) assert res.status_code == 200 revision.refresh_from_db() assert revision.metadata == {"test1": "b"} res = api_client.patch(metadata_url, {"test2": "c"}) assert res.status_code == 200 revision.refresh_from_db() assert revision.metadata == {"test1": "b", "test2": "c"} res = api_client.patch(metadata_url, {"test1": None}) assert res.status_code == 200 revision.refresh_from_db() assert revision.metadata == {"test2": "c"} res = api_client.get(metadata_url) assert res.status_code == 200 assert == {"test2": "c"} def test_filter_by_creation_date(self, api_client): r1 = RecipeFactory(created=datetime(2019, 1, 1)).latest_revision r2 = RecipeFactory(created=datetime(2020, 1, 1)).latest_revision r3 = RecipeFactory(created=datetime(2021, 1, 1)).latest_revision res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe_revision/") assert res.status_code == 200, assert set(rev["id"] for rev in["results"]) == set( [,,] ), "no filters returns everything" assert set(rev["date_created"][:4] for rev in["results"]) == set( ["2019", "2020", "2021"] ), "correct dates are in the API" res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe_revision/?created_end=2020-06-01") assert res.status_code == 200, assert set(rev["id"] for rev in["results"]) == set( [,] ), "before filter works" res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe_revision/?created_start=2019-06-01") assert res.status_code == 200, assert set(rev["id"] for rev in["results"]) == set( [,] ), "after filter works" res = api_client.get( "/api/v3/recipe_revision/?created_start=2019-06-01&created_end=2020-06-01" ) assert res.status_code == 200, assert set(rev["id"] for rev in["results"]) == set( [] ), "before and after can be combined" res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe_revision/?created_end=1965-01-01") assert res.status_code == 200, assert len(["results"]) == 0, "before can find nothing" res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe_revision/?created_start=2055-01-01") assert res.status_code == 200, assert len(["results"]) == 0, "after can find nothing" def test_filter_by_creation_date_is_inclusive(self, api_client): revisions = [RecipeFactory(created=datetime(2021, 1, d)) for d in range(1, 32)] assert len(revisions) == 31 res = api_client.get( "/api/v3/recipe_revision/?created_start=2021-01-10&created_end=2021-01-20" ) assert res.status_code == 200, assert set(rev["date_created"][:10] for rev in["results"]) == set( f"2021-01-{d}" for d in range(10, 21) ) @pytest.mark.django_db class TestApprovalRequestAPI(object): def test_it_works(self, api_client): res = api_client.get("/api/v3/approval_request/") assert res.status_code == 200 assert == {"count": 0, "next": None, "previous": None, "results": []} def test_approve(self, api_client): r = RecipeFactory() a = ApprovalRequestFactory(revision=r.latest_revision) res = "/api/v3/approval_request/{}/approve/".format(, {"comment": "r+"} ) assert res.status_code == 200 r.refresh_from_db() assert r.is_approved assert r.approved_revision.approval_request.comment == "r+" def test_approve_no_comment(self, api_client): r = RecipeFactory() a = ApprovalRequestFactory(revision=r.latest_revision) res ="/api/v3/approval_request/{}/approve/".format( assert res.status_code == 400 assert["comment"] == "This field is required." def test_approve_not_actionable(self, api_client): r = RecipeFactory() a = ApprovalRequestFactory(revision=r.latest_revision) a.approve(UserFactory(), "r+") res = "/api/v3/approval_request/{}/approve/".format(, {"comment": "r+"} ) assert res.status_code == 400 assert["error"] == "This approval request has already been approved or rejected." def test_reject(self, api_client): r = RecipeFactory() a = ApprovalRequestFactory(revision=r.latest_revision) res = "/api/v3/approval_request/{}/reject/".format(, {"comment": "r-"} ) assert res.status_code == 200 r.latest_revision.approval_request.refresh_from_db() assert r.latest_revision.approval_status == r.latest_revision.REJECTED assert r.latest_revision.approval_request.comment == "r-" def test_reject_no_comment(self, api_client): r = RecipeFactory() a = ApprovalRequestFactory(revision=r.latest_revision) res ="/api/v3/approval_request/{}/reject/".format( assert res.status_code == 400 assert["comment"] == "This field is required." def test_reject_not_actionable(self, api_client): r = RecipeFactory() a = ApprovalRequestFactory(revision=r.latest_revision) a.approve(UserFactory(), "r+") res = "/api/v3/approval_request/{}/reject/".format(, {"comment": "-r"} ) assert res.status_code == 400 assert["error"] == "This approval request has already been approved or rejected." def test_close(self, api_client): r = RecipeFactory() a = ApprovalRequestFactory(revision=r.latest_revision) res ="/api/v3/approval_request/{}/close/".format( assert res.status_code == 204 with pytest.raises(ApprovalRequest.DoesNotExist): ApprovalRequest.objects.get( def test_list(self, api_client): approval_requests = ApprovalRequestFactory.create_batch(5) res = api_client.get("/api/v3/approval_request/") assert res.status_code == 200 assert set( for a in approval_requests) == set(a["id"] for a in["results"]) def test_filter_by_approval(self, api_client): pending = ApprovalRequestFactory(approved=None) approved = ApprovalRequestFactory(approved=True) rejected = ApprovalRequestFactory(approved=False) # First check that all of them show up res = api_client.get("/api/v3/approval_request/") assert res.status_code == 200 assert {,,} == set(a["id"] for a in["results"]) # Now check that filtering works as expected patterns = [ (["true", "1", "approved"],, (["false", "0", "rejected"],, (["null", "pending"],, ] for (aliases, expected_id) in patterns: for alias in aliases: res = api_client.get(f"/api/v3/approval_request/?approved={alias}") assert res.status_code == 200, f"Expected {alias} to give a 200 status" assert {expected_id} == set( a["id"] for a in["results"] ), f"Expected alias {alias!r} to return the right approval request" @pytest.mark.django_db class TestApprovalFlow(object): def verify_signatures(self, api_client, expected_count=None): # v1 usage here is correct, since v3 doesn't yet provide signatures res = api_client.get("/api/v1/recipe/signed/") assert res.status_code == 200 signed_data = res.json() if expected_count is not None: assert len(signed_data) == expected_count for recipe_and_signature in signed_data: recipe = recipe_and_signature["recipe"] expected_signature = recipe_and_signature["signature"]["signature"] data = canonical_json_dumps(recipe).encode() actual_signature = fake_sign([data])[0]["signature"] assert actual_signature == expected_signature def test_full_approval_flow(self, settings, api_client, mocked_autograph): # The `mocked_autograph` fixture is provided so that recipes can be signed settings.PEER_APPROVAL_ENFORCED = True action = ActionFactory() user1 = UserFactory(is_superuser=True) user2 = UserFactory(is_superuser=True) api_client.force_authenticate(user1) settings.BASELINE_CAPABILITIES |= action.capabilities # Create a recipe res = "/api/v3/recipe/", { "action_id":, "arguments": {}, "name": "test recipe", "extra_filter_expression": "counter == 0", "enabled": "false", }, ) assert res.status_code == 201, recipe_data_0 = res.json() # It is visible in the api but not approved res = api_client.get(f"/api/v3/recipe/{recipe_data_0['id']}/") assert res.status_code == 200 assert res.json()["latest_revision"] is not None assert res.json()["approved_revision"] is None # Request approval for it res = "/api/v3/recipe_revision/{}/request_approval/".format( recipe_data_0["latest_revision"]["id"] ) ) approval_data = res.json() assert res.status_code == 201 # The requester isn't allowed to approve a recipe res = "/api/v3/approval_request/{}/approve/".format(approval_data["id"]), {"comment": "r+"} ) assert res.status_code == 403 # Forbidden # Approve and enable the recipe api_client.force_authenticate(user2) res = "/api/v3/approval_request/{}/approve/".format(approval_data["id"]), {"comment": "r+"} ) assert res.status_code == 200 res ="/api/v3/recipe/{}/enable/".format(recipe_data_0["id"])) assert res.status_code == 200 # It is now visible in the API as approved and signed res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/{}/".format(recipe_data_0["id"])) assert res.status_code == 200 recipe_data_1 = res.json() assert recipe_data_1["approved_revision"] is not None assert ( Recipe.objects.get(id=recipe_data_1["id"]).latest_revision.capabilities <= settings.BASELINE_CAPABILITIES ) self.verify_signatures(api_client, expected_count=1) # Make another change api_client.force_authenticate(user1) res = api_client.patch( "/api/v3/recipe/{}/".format(recipe_data_1["id"]), {"extra_filter_expression": "counter == 1"}, ) assert res.status_code == 200 # The change should only be seen in the latest revision, not the approved res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/{}/".format(recipe_data_1["id"])) assert res.status_code == 200 recipe_data_2 = res.json() assert recipe_data_2["approved_revision"]["extra_filter_expression"] == "counter == 0" assert recipe_data_2["latest_revision"]["extra_filter_expression"] == "counter == 1" self.verify_signatures(api_client, expected_count=1) # Request approval for the change res = "/api/v3/recipe_revision/{}/request_approval/".format( recipe_data_2["latest_revision"]["id"] ) ) approval_data = res.json() recipe_data_2["latest_revision"]["approval_request"] = approval_data assert res.status_code == 201 # The change should not be visible yet, since it isn't approved res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/{}/".format(recipe_data_1["id"])) assert res.status_code == 200 assert res.json()["approved_revision"] == recipe_data_2["approved_revision"] assert res.json()["latest_revision"] == recipe_data_2["latest_revision"] self.verify_signatures(api_client, expected_count=1) # Can't reject your own approval res = "/api/v3/approval_request/{}/reject/".format(approval_data["id"]), {"comment": "r-"} ) assert res.status_code == 403 assert res.json()["error"] == "You cannot reject your own approval request." # Reject the change api_client.force_authenticate(user2) res = "/api/v3/approval_request/{}/reject/".format(approval_data["id"]), {"comment": "r-"} ) approval_data = res.json() recipe_data_2["approval_request"] = approval_data recipe_data_2["latest_revision"]["approval_request"] = approval_data assert res.status_code == 200 # The change should not be visible yet, since it isn't approved res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/{}/".format(recipe_data_1["id"])) assert res.status_code == 200 assert res.json()["approved_revision"] == recipe_data_2["approved_revision"] assert res.json()["latest_revision"] == recipe_data_2["latest_revision"] self.verify_signatures(api_client, expected_count=1) # Make a third version of the recipe api_client.force_authenticate(user1) res = api_client.patch( "/api/v3/recipe/{}/".format(recipe_data_1["id"]), {"extra_filter_expression": "counter == 2"}, ) recipe_data_3 = res.json() assert res.status_code == 200 # Request approval res = "/api/v3/recipe_revision/{}/request_approval/".format( recipe_data_3["latest_revision"]["id"] ) ) approval_data = res.json() assert res.status_code == 201 # Approve the change api_client.force_authenticate(user2) res = "/api/v3/approval_request/{}/approve/".format(approval_data["id"]), {"comment": "r+"} ) assert res.status_code == 200 # The change should be visible now, since it is approved res = api_client.get("/api/v3/recipe/{}/".format(recipe_data_1["id"])) assert res.status_code == 200 recipe_data_4 = res.json() assert recipe_data_4["approved_revision"]["extra_filter_expression"] == "counter == 2" self.verify_signatures(api_client, expected_count=1) def test_cancel_approval(self, api_client, mocked_autograph, settings): action = ActionFactory() settings.BASELINE_CAPABILITIES |= action.capabilities user1 = UserFactory(is_superuser=True) user2 = UserFactory(is_superuser=True) api_client.force_authenticate(user1) # Create a recipe res = "/api/v3/recipe/", { "action_id":, "arguments": {}, "name": "test recipe", "extra_filter_expression": "counter == 0", "enabled": "false", }, ) assert res.status_code == 201 recipe_id = res.json()["id"] revision_id = res.json()["latest_revision"]["id"] assert ( Recipe.objects.get(id=recipe_id).latest_revision.capabilities <= settings.BASELINE_CAPABILITIES ) # Request approval res ="/api/v3/recipe_revision/{revision_id}/request_approval/") assert res.status_code == 201 approval_request_id = res.json()["id"] # Approve the recipe api_client.force_authenticate(user2) res = f"/api/v3/approval_request/{approval_request_id}/approve/", {"comment": "r+"} ) assert res.status_code == 200 # The API shouldn't have any signed recipe yet self.verify_signatures(api_client, expected_count=0) # Enable the recipe res ="/api/v3/recipe/{recipe_id}/enable/") assert res.status_code == 200 # The API should have correct signatures now self.verify_signatures(api_client, expected_count=1) # Make another change api_client.force_authenticate(user1) res = api_client.patch( f"/api/v3/recipe/{recipe_id}/", {"extra_filter_expression": "counter == 1"} ) assert res.status_code == 200 revision_id = res.json()["latest_revision"]["id"] # Request approval for the second change res ="/api/v3/recipe_revision/{revision_id}/request_approval/") approval_request_id = res.json()["id"] assert res.status_code == 201 # Cancel the approval request res ="/api/v3/approval_request/{approval_request_id}/close/") assert res.status_code == 204 # The API should still have correct signatures self.verify_signatures(api_client, expected_count=1) @pytest.mark.django_db @pytest.mark.parametrize( "endpoint,Factory", [ ("/api/v3/action/", ActionFactory), ("/api/v3/recipe/", RecipeFactory), ("/api/v3/recipe_revision/", RecipeRevisionFactory), ("/api/v3/approval_request/", ApprovalRequestFactory), ], ) def test_apis_makes_a_reasonable_number_of_db_queries(endpoint, Factory, client, settings): # Naive versions of this view could easily make several queries # per item, which is very slow. Make sure that isn't the case. Factory.create_batch(100) queries = CaptureQueriesContext(connection) with queries: res = client.get(endpoint) assert res.status_code == 200 # Pagination naturally makes one query per item in the page. Anything # under `page_size * 2` isn't doing any additional queries per recipe. page_size = settings.REST_FRAMEWORK["PAGE_SIZE"] assert len(queries) < page_size * 2, queries class TestIdenticonAPI(object): def test_it_works(self, client): res = client.get("/api/v3/identicon/v1:foobar.svg") assert res.status_code == 200 def test_it_returns_the_same_output(self, client): res1 = client.get("/api/v3/identicon/v1:foobar.svg") res2 = client.get("/api/v3/identicon/v1:foobar.svg") assert res1.content == res2.content def test_it_returns_known_output(self, client): res = client.get("/api/v3/identicon/v1:foobar.svg") reference_svg = Path(settings.BASE_DIR).joinpath( "normandy", "recipes", "tests", "api", "v3", "foobar.svg" ) with open(reference_svg, "rb") as svg_file: assert == res.content def test_includes_cache_headers(self, client): res = client.get("/api/v3/identicon/v1:foobar.svg") assert f"max-age={settings.IMMUTABLE_CACHE_TIME}" in res["Cache-Control"] assert "public" in res["Cache-Control"] assert "immutable" in res["Cache-Control"] def test_unrecognized_generation(self, client): res = client.get("/api/v3/identicon/v9:foobar.svg") assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json()["error"] == "Invalid identicon generation, only v1 is supported." @pytest.mark.django_db class TestFilterObjects(object): def make_recipe(self, api_client, **kwargs): data = { "name": "Test Recipe", "action_id": ActionFactory().id, "arguments": {}, "enabled": True, } data.update(kwargs) return"/api/v3/recipe/", data) def test_bad_filter_objects(self, api_client): res = self.make_recipe(api_client, filter_object={}) # not a list assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json() == {"filter_object": ['Expected a list of items but got type "dict".']} res = self.make_recipe(api_client, filter_object=["1 + 1 == 2"]) # not a list of objects assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json() == { "filter_object": { "0": {"non field errors": ["filter_object members must be objects."]} } } res = self.make_recipe(api_client, filter_object=[{"channels": ["release"]}]) assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json() == {"filter_object": {"0": {"type": ["This field is required."]}}} def test_channel_works(self, api_client): channel1 = ChannelFactory(slug="beta") channel2 = ChannelFactory(slug="release") res = self.make_recipe( api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "channel", "channels": [channel1.slug, channel2.slug]}], ) assert res.status_code == 201, res.json() assert res.json()["latest_revision"]["filter_expression"] == ( f' in ["{channel1.slug}","{channel2.slug}"]' ) def test_channel_correct_fields(self, api_client): res = self.make_recipe(api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "channel"}]) assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json() == {"filter_object": {"0": {"channels": ["This field is required."]}}} def test_locale_works(self, api_client): locale1 = LocaleFactory() locale2 = LocaleFactory(code="de") res = self.make_recipe( api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "locale", "locales": [locale1.code, locale2.code]}] ) assert res.status_code == 201, res.json() assert res.json()["latest_revision"]["filter_expression"] == ( f'normandy.locale in ["{locale1.code}","{locale2.code}"]' ) def test_locale_correct_fields(self, api_client): res = self.make_recipe(api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "locale"}]) assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json() == {"filter_object": {"0": {"locales": ["This field is required."]}}} def test_country_works(self, api_client): country1 = CountryFactory() country2 = CountryFactory(code="DE") res = self.make_recipe( api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "country", "countries": [country1.code, country2.code]}], ) assert res.status_code == 201, res.json() assert res.json()["latest_revision"]["filter_expression"] == ( f' in ["{country1.code}","{country2.code}"]' ) def test_country_correct_fields(self, api_client): res = self.make_recipe(api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "country"}]) assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json() == {"filter_object": {"0": {"countries": ["This field is required."]}}} def test_bucket_sample_works(self, api_client): res = self.make_recipe( api_client, filter_object=[ { "type": "bucketSample", "start": 1, "count": 2, "total": 3, "input": ["normandy.userId", "normandy.recipeId"], } ], ) assert res.status_code == 201, res.json() assert res.json()["latest_revision"]["filter_expression"] == ( "[normandy.userId,normandy.recipeId]|bucketSample(1,2,3)" ) def test_bucket_sample_correct_fields(self, api_client): res = self.make_recipe(api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "bucketSample"}]) assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json() == { "filter_object": { "0": { "start": ["This field is required."], "count": ["This field is required."], "total": ["This field is required."], "input": ["This field is required."], } } } res = self.make_recipe( api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "bucketSample", "start": "a", "count": -1, "total": -2}], ) assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json() == { "filter_object": { "0": { "start": ["A valid number is required."], "count": ["Ensure this value is greater than or equal to 0."], "total": ["Ensure this value is greater than or equal to 0."], "input": ["This field is required."], } } } def test_stable_sample_works(self, api_client): res = self.make_recipe( api_client, filter_object=[ { "type": "stableSample", "rate": 0.5, "input": ["normandy.userId", "normandy.recipeId"], } ], ) assert res.status_code == 201, res.json() assert res.json()["latest_revision"]["filter_expression"] == ( "[normandy.userId,normandy.recipeId]|stableSample(0.5)" ) def test_stable_sample_correct_fields(self, api_client): res = self.make_recipe(api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "stableSample"}]) assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json() == { "filter_object": { "0": {"rate": ["This field is required."], "input": ["This field is required."]} } } res = self.make_recipe(api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "stableSample", "rate": 10}]) assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json() == { "filter_object": { "0": { "rate": ["Ensure this value is less than or equal to 1."], "input": ["This field is required."], } } } def test_version_works(self, api_client): res = self.make_recipe( api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "version", "versions": [57, 58, 59, 60]}] ) assert res.status_code == 201, res.json() assert res.json()["latest_revision"]["filter_expression"] == ( '(env.version|versionCompare("57.!")>=0)&&' '(env.version|versionCompare("60.*")<0)' ) def test_version_correct_fields(self, api_client): res = self.make_recipe(api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "version"}]) assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json() == {"filter_object": {"0": {"versions": ["This field is required."]}}} def test_invalid_filter(self, api_client): res = self.make_recipe(api_client, filter_object=[{"type": "invalid"}]) assert res.status_code == 400 assert res.json() == { "filter_object": {"0": {"type": ['Unknown filter object type "invalid".']}} } @pytest.mark.django_db class TestFilters(object): def test_it_works(self, api_client): country = CountryFactory() locale = LocaleFactory() channel = ChannelFactory() res = api_client.get("/api/v3/filters/") assert res.status_code == 200, res.json() assert res.json() == { "countries": [{"key": country.code, "value":}], "locales": [{"key": locale.code, "value":}], "channels": [{"key": channel.slug, "value":}], "status": [ {"key": "enabled", "value": "Enabled"}, {"key": "disabled", "value": "Disabled"}, ], }
from datetime import timedelta from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured from django.db.utils import ProgrammingError import pytest import requests.exceptions from import checks, signing from import ActionFactory, RecipeFactory, SignatureFactory, UserFactory @pytest.mark.django_db class TestSignaturesUseGoodCertificates(object): def test_it_works(self): assert checks.signatures_use_good_certificates(None) == [] def test_it_fails_if_a_signature_does_not_verify(self, mocker, settings): settings.CERTIFICATES_EXPIRE_EARLY_DAYS = None recipe = RecipeFactory(approver=UserFactory(), signed=True) mock_verify_x5u = mocker.patch("") mock_verify_x5u.side_effect = signing.BadCertificate("testing exception") errors = checks.signatures_use_good_certificates(None) mock_verify_x5u.assert_called_once_with(recipe.signature.x5u, None) assert len(errors) == 1 assert errors[0].id == checks.ERROR_BAD_SIGNING_CERTIFICATE assert in errors[0].msg def test_it_ignores_signatures_without_x5u(self): recipe = RecipeFactory(approver=UserFactory(), signed=True) recipe.signature.x5u = None actions = ActionFactory(signed=True) actions.signature.x5u = None assert checks.signatures_use_good_certificates(None) == [] def test_it_ignores_signatures_not_in_use(self, mocker, settings): settings.CERTIFICATES_EXPIRE_EARLY_DAYS = None recipe = RecipeFactory(approver=UserFactory(), signed=True) SignatureFactory(x5u="") # unused signature mock_verify_x5u = mocker.patch("") def side_effect(x5u, *args): if "bad" in x5u: raise signing.BadCertificate("testing exception") return True mock_verify_x5u.side_effect = side_effect errors = checks.signatures_use_good_certificates(None) mock_verify_x5u.assert_called_once_with(recipe.signature.x5u, None) assert errors == [] def test_it_passes_expire_early_setting(self, mocker, settings): settings.CERTIFICATES_EXPIRE_EARLY_DAYS = 7 recipe = RecipeFactory(approver=UserFactory(), signed=True) mock_verify_x5u = mocker.patch("") errors = checks.signatures_use_good_certificates(None) mock_verify_x5u.assert_called_once_with(recipe.signature.x5u, timedelta(7)) assert errors == [] def test_it_reports_x5u_network_errors(self, mocker): RecipeFactory(approver=UserFactory(), signed=True) mock_verify_x5u = mocker.patch("") mock_verify_x5u.side_effect = requests.exceptions.ConnectionError errors = checks.signatures_use_good_certificates(None) mock_verify_x5u.assert_called_once() assert len(errors) == 1 assert errors[0].id == checks.ERROR_COULD_NOT_VERIFY_CERTIFICATE @pytest.mark.django_db class TestRecipeSignatureAreCorrect: def test_it_warns_if_a_field_isnt_available(self, mocker): """This is to allow for un-applied to migrations to not break running migrations.""" RecipeFactory(approver=UserFactory(), signed=True) mock_canonical_json = mocker.patch("") mock_canonical_json.side_effect = ProgrammingError("error for testing") errors = checks.recipe_signatures_are_correct(None) assert len(errors) == 1 assert errors[0].id == checks.WARNING_COULD_NOT_CHECK_SIGNATURES @pytest.mark.django_db class TestActionSignatureAreCorrect: def test_it_warns_if_a_field_isnt_available(self, mocker): """This is to allow for un-applied to migrations to not break running migrations.""" ActionFactory(signed=True) mock_canonical_json = mocker.patch("") mock_canonical_json.side_effect = ProgrammingError("error for testing") errors = checks.action_signatures_are_correct(None) assert len(errors) == 1 assert errors[0].id == checks.WARNING_COULD_NOT_CHECK_SIGNATURES class TestRemoteSettingsConfigIsCorrect: def test_it_warns_if_remote_settings_config_is_incorrect(self, mocker): mock_check_config = mocker.patch("") mock_check_config.side_effect = ImproperlyConfigured("error for testing") errors = checks.remotesettings_config_is_correct(None) assert len(errors) == 1 assert errors[0].id == checks.ERROR_REMOTE_SETTINGS_INCORRECT_CONFIG
import django_filters from rest_framework import serializers from import Recipe class EnabledStateFilter(django_filters.Filter): """A special case filter for filtering recipes by their enabled state""" def filter(self, qs, value): if value is not None: lc_value = value.lower() if lc_value in ["true", "1"]: return qs.only_enabled() elif lc_value in ["false", "0"]: return qs.only_disabled() return qs class ApprovalStateFilter(django_filters.Filter): """A special case filter for filtering approval requests by their approval state""" def filter(self, qs, value): if value is None: return qs lc_value = value.lower() if lc_value in ["true", "1", "approved"]: return qs.filter(approved=True) elif lc_value in ["false", "0", "rejected"]: return qs.filter(approved=False) elif lc_value in ["null", "pending"]: return qs.filter(approved=None) class BaselineCapabilitiesFilter(django_filters.Filter): """Filters recipe by whether they use only baseline capabilities, defaulting to only baseline.""" def __init__(self, *args, default_only_baseline=False, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.default_only_baseline = default_only_baseline def filter(self, qs, value): baseline_only = self.default_only_baseline if value is not None: lc_value = value.lower() baseline_only = lc_value in ["true", "1"] if baseline_only: recipes = list(qs) if not all(isinstance(recipe, Recipe) for recipe in recipes): raise TypeError("BaselineCapabilitiesFilter can only be used to filter recipes") match_ids = [] for recipe in recipes: if ( recipe.approved_revision and recipe.approved_revision.uses_only_baseline_capabilities() ): match_ids.append( return Recipe.objects.filter(id__in=match_ids) return qs class CharSplitFilter(django_filters.CharFilter): """Custom CharFilter class that splits the value (if it's set) by `,` into a list and uses the `__in` operator.""" def filter(self, qs, value): if value: qs = qs.filter(**{"{}__in".format(self.field_name): value.split(",")}) return qs class FilterObjectFieldFilter(django_filters.Filter): """ Find recipes that have a filter object with the given field Format for the filter's value is `key1:value1,key2:value2`. This would include recipes that have a filter object that has a field `key1` that contains the value `value1`, and that have a filter object with a field `key2` that contains `value2`. The two filter objects do not have to be the same, but may be. """ def filter(self, qs, value): if value is None: return qs needles = [] for segment in value.split(","): if ":" not in segment: raise serializers.ValidationError( {"filter_object": "Filters must be of the format `key1:val1,key2:val2,..."} ) key, val = segment.split(":", 1) needles.append((key, val)) # Let the database do a first pass filter for k, v in needles: qs = qs.filter(latest_revision__filter_object_json__contains=k) qs = qs.filter(latest_revision__filter_object_json__contains=v) recipes = list(qs) if not all(isinstance(recipe, Recipe) for recipe in recipes): raise TypeError("FilterObjectFieldFilter can only be used to filter recipes") # For every recipe that contains the right substrings, look through # their filter objects for an actual match match_ids = [] for recipe in recipes: recipe_matches = True # Recipes needs to have all the keys and values in the needles for k, v in needles: for filter_object in recipe.latest_revision.filter_object: # Don't consider invalid filter objects if not filter_object.is_valid(): continue if k in and v in str([k]): # Found a match break else: # Did not break, so no match was not found recipe_matches = False break if recipe_matches: match_ids.append( return Recipe.objects.filter(id__in=match_ids)
# Generated by Django 2.0.5 on 2018-05-10 22:52 # flake8: noqa from django.conf import settings from django.db import migrations, models import django.db.models.deletion import django.utils.timezone class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ migrations.swappable_dependency(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL), ("recipes", "0007_convert_simple_filters_to_filter_objects"), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name="EnabledState", fields=[ ( "id", models.AutoField( auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name="ID" ), ), ("created", models.DateTimeField(, ("enabled", models.BooleanField(default=False)), ( "creator", models.ForeignKey( null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, related_name="enabled_states", to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, ), ), ( "revision", models.ForeignKey( on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name="enabled_states", to="recipes.RecipeRevision", ), ), ], options={"ordering": ("-created",)}, ), migrations.AddField( model_name="reciperevision", name="enabled_state", field=models.ForeignKey( null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, related_name="current_for_revision", to="recipes.EnabledState", ), ), ]
import logging import kinto_http from django.conf import settings from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured from normandy.base.utils import ScopedSettings APPROVE_CHANGES_FLAG = {"status": "to-sign"} ROLLBACK_CHANGES_FLAG = {"status": "to-rollback"} logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) rs_settings = ScopedSettings("REMOTE_SETTINGS_") def recipe_as_record(recipe): """ Transform a recipe to a dict with the minimum amount of fields needed for clients to verify and execute recipes. :param recipe: a recipe ready to be exported. :returns: a dict to be posted on Remote Settings. """ from import ( MinimalRecipeSerializer, SignatureSerializer, ) # avoid circular imports record = { "id": str(, "recipe": MinimalRecipeSerializer(recipe).data, "signature": SignatureSerializer(recipe.signature).data, } return record class RemoteSettings: """ Interacts with a RemoteSettings service. Recipes get published as records in one or both of the dedicated collections on Remote Settings. When disabled, those records are removed. Since Normandy already has the required approval/signoff features, the integration bypasses the one of Remote Settings (leveraging a specific server configuration for this particular collection). There are two collections used. One is the "baseline" collection, which is used only for recipes that fit within the baseline capabilities, and are therefore compatible with a broad range of clients. The second is the "capabilities" collection, in which all recipes are published. Clients that read from the capabilities collection are expected to process capabilities and only execute compatible recipes. .. notes:: Remote Settings signoff workflow relies on several buckets (see kinto-signer API). The ``main-workspace`` is only readable and writable by authorized accounts. The ``main`` bucket is read-only, but publicly readable. The Remote Settings clients pull data from there. Since the review step is disabled for Normandy, publishing data is done in two steps: 1. Create, update or delete records in the ``main-workspace`` bucket 2. Approve the changes by flipping the ``status`` field to ``to-sign`` in the collection metadata 3. The server will sign and publish the new data to the ``main`` bucket. """ def __init__(self): # Kinto is the underlying implementation of Remote Settings. The client # is basically a tiny abstraction on top of the requests library. self.client = ( kinto_http.Client( server_url=rs_settings.URL, auth=(rs_settings.USERNAME, rs_settings.PASSWORD), retry=rs_settings.RETRY_REQUESTS, ) if rs_settings.URL else None ) def check_config(self): """ Verify that integration with Remote Settings is configured properly. """ if self.client is None: return # no check if disabled. required_keys = [ "CAPABILITIES_COLLECTION_ID", "WORKSPACE_BUCKET_ID", "PUBLISH_BUCKET_ID", "USERNAME", "PASSWORD", ] for key in required_keys: if not getattr(settings, f"REMOTE_SETTINGS_{key}"): msg = f"set settings.REMOTE_SETTINGS_{key} to use Remote Settings integration" raise ImproperlyConfigured(msg) # Test authentication. server_info = self.client.server_info() is_authenticated = ( "user" in server_info and rs_settings.USERNAME in server_info["user"]["id"] ) if not is_authenticated: raise ImproperlyConfigured("Invalid Remote Settings credentials") # Test that collection is writable. bucket = rs_settings.WORKSPACE_BUCKET_ID collection = rs_settings.CAPABILITIES_COLLECTION_ID metadata = self.client.get_collection(id=collection, bucket=bucket) if server_info["user"]["id"] not in metadata["permissions"].get("write", []): raise ImproperlyConfigured( f"Remote Settings collection {collection} is not writable in bucket {bucket}." ) # Test that collection has the proper review settings. capabilities = server_info["capabilities"] if "signer" in capabilities: signer_config = capabilities["signer"] normandy_resource = [ r for r in signer_config["resources"] if r["source"]["bucket"] == bucket and r["source"]["collection"] == collection ] review_disabled = len(normandy_resource) == 1 and not normandy_resource[0].get( "to_review_enabled", signer_config["to_review_enabled"] ) if not review_disabled: raise ImproperlyConfigured( f"Review was not disabled on Remote Settings collection {collection}." ) def published_recipes(self): """ Return the current list of remote records. """ if self.client is None: raise ImproperlyConfigured("Remote Settings is not enabled.") capabilities_records = self.client.get_records( bucket=rs_settings.PUBLISH_BUCKET_ID, collection=rs_settings.CAPABILITIES_COLLECTION_ID ) return capabilities_records def publish(self, recipe, approve_changes=True): """ Publish the specified `recipe` on the remote server by upserting a record. """ if self.client is None: return # no-op if disabled. # 1. Put the record. record = recipe_as_record(recipe) self.client.update_record( data=record, bucket=rs_settings.WORKSPACE_BUCKET_ID, collection=rs_settings.CAPABILITIES_COLLECTION_ID, ) # 2. Approve the changes immediately (multi-signoff is disabled). log_action = "Batch published" if approve_changes: self.approve_changes() log_action = "Published" f"{log_action} record '{}' for recipe {!r}" ) def unpublish(self, recipe, approve_changes=True): """ Unpublish the specified `recipe` by deleted its associated record on the remote server. """ if self.client is None: return # no-op if disabled. # 1. Delete the record either_existed = False try: self.client.delete_record( id=str(, bucket=rs_settings.WORKSPACE_BUCKET_ID, collection=rs_settings.CAPABILITIES_COLLECTION_ID, ) either_existed = True except kinto_http.KintoException as e: if e.response.status_code == 404: logger.warning( f"The recipe '{}' was not published in the capabilities collection. Skip." ) else: raise # 2. Approve the changes immediately (multi-signoff is disabled). log_action = "Batch deleted" if either_existed and approve_changes: self.approve_changes() log_action = "Deleted" f"{log_action} record '{}' of recipe {!r}" ) def approve_changes(self): """ Approve the changes made in the workspace collection. .. note:: This only works because multi-signoff is disabled for the Normandy recipes in configuration (see :ref:`remote-settings-install`) """ if self.client is None: return # no-op if disabled. try: self.client.patch_collection( id=rs_settings.CAPABILITIES_COLLECTION_ID, data=APPROVE_CHANGES_FLAG, bucket=rs_settings.WORKSPACE_BUCKET_ID, )"Changes were approved.") except kinto_http.exceptions.KintoException: # Approval failed unexpectedly. # The changes in the `main-workspace` bucket must be reverted. self.client.patch_collection( id=rs_settings.CAPABILITIES_COLLECTION_ID, data=ROLLBACK_CHANGES_FLAG, bucket=rs_settings.WORKSPACE_BUCKET_ID, ) raise
from datetime import datetime import factory.fuzzy import pytest import re from collections import defaultdict from rest_framework import serializers from normandy.base.jexl import get_normandy_jexl from import filters from import ( ChannelFactory, CountryFactory, LocaleFactory, RecipeRevisionFactory, WindowsVersionFactory, ) @pytest.mark.django_db class FilterTestsBase: """Common tests for all filter object types""" should_be_baseline = True def create_basic_filter(self): """To be overwritten by subclasses to create test filters""" raise NotImplementedError def create_revision(self, *args, **kwargs): return RecipeRevisionFactory(*args, **kwargs) def test_it_can_be_constructed(self): self.create_basic_filter() def test_has_capabilities(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter() # Would throw if not defined assert isinstance(filter.get_capabilities(), set) def test_jexl_works(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter() rev = self.create_revision() # Would throw if not defined expr = filter.to_jexl(rev) assert isinstance(expr, str) jexl = get_normandy_jexl() errors = jexl.validate(expr) assert list(errors) == [] def test_uses_only_baseline_capabilities(self, settings): if self.should_be_baseline == "skip": return filter = self.create_basic_filter() capabilities = filter.get_capabilities() if self.should_be_baseline: assert capabilities <= settings.BASELINE_CAPABILITIES else: assert capabilities - settings.BASELINE_CAPABILITIES def test_it_is_in_the_by_type_list(self): filter_instance = self.create_basic_filter() filter_class = filter_instance.__class__ assert filter_class in filters.by_type.values() def test_its_type_is_camelcase(self): filter_instance = self.create_basic_filter() assert re.match("[a-zA-Z]+", filter_instance.type) assert "_" not in filter_instance.type class TestProfileCreationDateFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, direction="olderThan", date="2020-02-01"): return filters.ProfileCreateDateFilter.create(direction=direction, date=date) def test_generates_jexl_older_than(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(direction="olderThan", date="2020-07-30") assert ( filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == "(normandy.telemetry.main.environment.profile.creationDate<=18473)" ) def test_generates_jexl_newer_than(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(direction="newerThan", date="2020-02-01") assert set(filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()).split("||")) == { "(!normandy.telemetry.main)", "(normandy.telemetry.main.environment.profile.creationDate>18293)", } def test_issue_2242(self): """Make sure that dates are parsed correctly""" epoch = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0) datetime_factory = factory.fuzzy.FuzzyNaiveDateTime(epoch) dt = datetime_factory.fuzz() # Profile Creation Date is measured in days since epoch. daystamp = (dt - epoch).days filter = self.create_basic_filter(date=f"{dt.year}-{dt.month}-{}") assert str(daystamp) in filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) def test_throws_error_on_bad_direction(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(direction="newer", date="2020-02-01") with pytest.raises(serializers.ValidationError): filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) def test_throws_error_on_bad_date(self): with pytest.raises(AssertionError): self.create_basic_filter(direction="newerThan", date="Jan 7, 2020") class TestVersionFilter(FilterTestsBase): should_be_baseline = False def create_basic_filter(self, versions=None): if versions is None: versions = [72, 74] return filters.VersionFilter.create(versions=versions) def test_generates_jexl(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(versions=[72, 74]) assert set(filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()).split("||")) == { '(env.version|versionCompare("72.!")>=0)&&(env.version|versionCompare("72.*")<0)', '(env.version|versionCompare("74.!")>=0)&&(env.version|versionCompare("74.*")<0)', } class TestVersionRangeFilter(FilterTestsBase): should_be_baseline = False def create_basic_filter(self, min_version="72.0b2", max_version="72.0b8"): return filters.VersionRangeFilter.create(min_version=min_version, max_version=max_version) def test_generates_jexl(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(min_version="72.0b2", max_version="75.0a1") assert set(filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()).split("&&")) == { '(env.version|versionCompare("72.0b2")>=0)', '(env.version|versionCompare("75.0a1")<0)', } class TestDateRangeFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter( self, not_before="2020-02-01T00:00:00Z", not_after="2020-03-01T00:00:00Z" ): return filters.DateRangeFilter.create(not_before=not_before, not_after=not_after) def test_generates_jexl(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter() assert set(filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()).split("&&")) == { '(normandy.request_time>="2020-02-01T00:00:00Z"|date)', '(normandy.request_time<"2020-03-01T00:00:00Z"|date)', } class TestWindowsBuildNumberFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, value=12345, comparison="equal"): return filters.WindowsBuildNumberFilter.create(value=value, comparison=comparison) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "comparison,symbol", [ ("equal", "=="), ("greater_than", ">"), ("greater_than_equal", ">="), ("less_than", "<"), ("less_than_equal", "<="), ], ) def test_generates_jexl_number_ops(self, comparison, symbol): filter = self.create_basic_filter(comparison=comparison) assert ( filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == f"(normandy.os.isWindows && normandy.os.windowsBuildNumber {symbol} 12345)" ) def test_generates_jexl_error_on_bad_comparison(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(comparison="typo") with pytest.raises(serializers.ValidationError): filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) class TestWindowsVersionFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, versions_list=[6.1]): WindowsVersionFactory(nt_version=6.1) return filters.WindowsVersionFilter.create(versions_list=versions_list) def test_generates_jexl(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter() assert ( filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == "(normandy.os.isWindows && normandy.os.windowsVersion in [6.1])" ) def test_generates_jexl_error_on_bad_version(self): with pytest.raises(AssertionError): filters.WindowsVersionFilter.create(versions_list=[8.9]) class TestChannelFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, channels=None): if channels: channel_objs = [ChannelFactory(slug=slug) for slug in channels] else: channel_objs = [ChannelFactory()] return filters.ChannelFilter.create(channels=[c.slug for c in channel_objs]) def test_generates_jexl(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(channels=["release", "beta"]) assert filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == ' in ["release","beta"]' class TestLocaleFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, locales=None): if locales: locale_objs = [LocaleFactory(code=code) for code in locales] else: locale_objs = [LocaleFactory()] return filters.LocaleFilter.create(locales=[locale.code for locale in locale_objs]) def test_generates_jexl(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(locales=["en-US", "en-CA"]) assert filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == 'normandy.locale in ["en-US","en-CA"]' class TestCountryFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, countries=None): if countries: country_objs = [CountryFactory(code=code) for code in countries] else: country_objs = [CountryFactory()] return filters.CountryFilter.create(countries=[c.code for c in country_objs]) def test_generates_jexl(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(countries=["SV", "MX"]) assert filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == ' in ["SV","MX"]' class TestPlatformFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, platforms=["all_mac", "all_windows"]): return filters.PlatformFilter.create(platforms=platforms) def test_generates_jexl_list_of_two(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter() assert set(filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()).split("||")) == { "normandy.os.isMac", "normandy.os.isWindows", } def test_generates_jexl_list_of_one(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(platforms=["all_linux"]) assert set(filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()).split("||")) == {"normandy.os.isLinux"} def test_throws_error_on_bad_platform(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(platforms=["all_linu"]) with pytest.raises(serializers.ValidationError): filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) class TestNegateFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self): data_for_filter = {"type": "channel", "channels": ["release", "beta"]} return filters.NegateFilter.create(filter_to_negate=data_for_filter) def test_generates_jexl(self): negate_filter = self.create_basic_filter() assert ( negate_filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == '!( in ["release","beta"])' ) class TestAndFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, subfilters=None): if subfilters is None: subfilters = [ {"type": "channel", "channels": ["release", "beta"]}, {"type": "locale", "locales": ["en-US", "de"]}, ] return filters.AndFilter.create(subfilters=subfilters) def test_generates_jexl_zero_subfilters(self): with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as excinfo: self.create_basic_filter(subfilters=[]) assert "has at least 1 element" in str(excinfo.value) def test_generates_jexl_one_subfilter(self): negate_filter = self.create_basic_filter( subfilters=[{"type": "channel", "channels": ["release"]}] ) assert negate_filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == '( in ["release"])' def test_generates_jexl_two_subfilters(self): negate_filter = self.create_basic_filter( subfilters=[ {"type": "channel", "channels": ["release"]}, {"type": "locale", "locales": ["en-US"]}, ] ) assert ( negate_filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == '( in ["release"]&&normandy.locale in ["en-US"])' ) class TestOrFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, subfilters=None): if subfilters is None: subfilters = [ {"type": "channel", "channels": ["release", "beta"]}, {"type": "locale", "locales": ["en-US", "de"]}, ] return filters.OrFilter.create(subfilters=subfilters) def test_generates_jexl_zero_subfilters(self): with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as excinfo: self.create_basic_filter(subfilters=[]) assert "has at least 1 element" in str(excinfo.value) def test_generates_jexl_one_subfilter(self): negate_filter = self.create_basic_filter( subfilters=[{"type": "channel", "channels": ["release"]}] ) assert negate_filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == '( in ["release"])' def test_generates_jexl_two_subfilters(self): negate_filter = self.create_basic_filter( subfilters=[ {"type": "channel", "channels": ["release"]}, {"type": "locale", "locales": ["en-US"]}, ] ) assert ( negate_filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == '( in ["release"]||normandy.locale in ["en-US"])' ) class TestAddonInstalledFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, addons=["@abcdef", "ghijk@lmnop"], any_or_all="any"): return filters.AddonInstalledFilter.create(addons=addons, any_or_all=any_or_all) def test_generates_jexl_installed_any(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter() assert set(filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()).split("||")) == { 'normandy.addons["@abcdef"]', 'normandy.addons["ghijk@lmnop"]', } def test_generates_jexl_installed_all(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(any_or_all="all") assert set(filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()).split("&&")) == { 'normandy.addons["@abcdef"]', 'normandy.addons["ghijk@lmnop"]', } def test_throws_error_on_bad_any_or_all(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(any_or_all="error") with pytest.raises(serializers.ValidationError): filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) class TestAddonActiveFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, addons=["@abcdef", "ghijk@lmnop"], any_or_all="any"): return filters.AddonActiveFilter.create(addons=addons, any_or_all=any_or_all) def test_generates_jexl_active_any(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter() assert set(filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()).split("||")) == { 'normandy.addons["@abcdef"].isActive', 'normandy.addons["ghijk@lmnop"].isActive', } def test_generates_jexl_active_all(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(any_or_all="all") assert set(filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()).split("&&")) == { 'normandy.addons["@abcdef"].isActive', 'normandy.addons["ghijk@lmnop"].isActive', } def test_throws_error_on_bad_any_or_all(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(any_or_all="error") with pytest.raises(serializers.ValidationError): filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) class TestPrefCompareFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter( self, pref="browser.urlbar.maxRichResults", value=10, comparison="equal" ): return filters.PrefCompareFilter.create(pref=pref, value=value, comparison=comparison) def test_generates_jexl(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter() assert ( filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == "'browser.urlbar.maxRichResults'|preferenceValue == 10" ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "comparison,symbol", [ ("greater_than", ">"), ("greater_than_equal", ">="), ("less_than", "<"), ("less_than_equal", "<="), ], ) def test_generates_jexl_number_ops(self, comparison, symbol): filter = self.create_basic_filter(comparison=comparison) assert ( filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == f"'browser.urlbar.maxRichResults'|preferenceValue {symbol} 10" ) def test_generates_jexl_boolean(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(value=False) assert ( filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == "'browser.urlbar.maxRichResults'|preferenceValue == false" ) def test_generates_jexl_string_in(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(value="default", comparison="contains") assert ( filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == "\"default\" in 'browser.urlbar.maxRichResults'|preferenceValue" ) def test_generates_jexl_error(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(comparison="invalid") with pytest.raises(serializers.ValidationError): filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) class TestPrefExistsFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, pref="browser.urlbar.maxRichResults", value=True): return filters.PrefExistsFilter.create(pref=pref, value=value) def test_generates_jexl_pref_exists_true(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter() assert ( filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == "'browser.urlbar.maxRichResults'|preferenceExists" ) def test_generates_jexl_pref_exists_false(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(value=False) assert ( filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == "!('browser.urlbar.maxRichResults'|preferenceExists)" ) class TestPrefUserSetFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, pref="browser.urlbar.maxRichResults", value=True): return filters.PrefUserSetFilter.create(pref=pref, value=value) def test_generates_jexl_is_user_set_true(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter() assert ( filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == "'browser.urlbar.maxRichResults'|preferenceIsUserSet" ) def test_generates_jexl_is_user_set_false(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(value=False) assert ( filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == "!('browser.urlbar.maxRichResults'|preferenceIsUserSet)" ) class TestBucketSampleFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, input=None, start=123, count=10, total=1_000): if input is None: input = ["normandy.clientId"] return filters.BucketSampleFilter.create( input=input, start=start, count=count, total=total ) def test_generates_jexl(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(input=["A"], start=10, count=20, total=1_000) assert filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == "[A]|bucketSample(10,20,1000)" def test_supports_floats(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(input=["A"], start=10, count=0.5, total=1_000) assert filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == "[A]|bucketSample(10,0.5,1000)" class TestStableSampleFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, input=None, rate=0.01): if input is None: input = ["normandy.clientId"] return filters.StableSampleFilter.create(input=input, rate=rate) def test_generates_jexl(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(input=["A"], rate=0.1) assert filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == "[A]|stableSample(0.1)" class TestNamespaceSampleFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, namespace="global-v42", start=123, count=10): return filters.NamespaceSampleFilter.create(namespace=namespace, start=start, count=count) def test_generates_jexl(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(namespace="fancy-rollout", start=10, count=20) assert ( filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == '["fancy-rollout",normandy.userId]|bucketSample(10,20,10000)' ) def test_supports_floats(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(namespace="risky-experiment", start=123, count=0.5) assert ( filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == '["risky-experiment",normandy.userId]|bucketSample(123,0.5,10000)' ) class TestJexlFilter(FilterTestsBase): should_be_baseline = "skip" def create_basic_filter(self, expression="true", capabilities=None, comment="a comment"): if capabilities is None: capabilities = ["capabilities-v1"] return filters.JexlFilter.create( expression=expression, capabilities=capabilities, comment=comment ) def test_generates_jexl(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(expression="2 + 2") assert filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == "(2 + 2)" def test_it_rejects_invalid_jexl(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(expression="this is an invalid expression") with pytest.raises(serializers.ValidationError): filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) def test_it_has_capabilities(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(capabilities=["a.b", "c.d"]) assert filter.get_capabilities() == {"a.b", "c.d"} def test_empty_capabilities_is_ok(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(capabilities=[]) assert filter.get_capabilities() == set() filter.to_jexl(None) # should not throw def test_throws_error_on_non_iterable_capabilities(self): with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as excinfo: self.create_basic_filter(capabilities=5) assert excinfo.value.args[0]["capabilities"][0].code == "not_a_list" def test_throws_error_on_non_list_capabilities(self): with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as excinfo: self.create_basic_filter(capabilities="a mistake") assert excinfo.value.args[0]["capabilities"][0].code == "not_a_list" class TestPresetFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, name="pocket-1"): return filters.PresetFilter.create(name=name) def test_all_choices_have_generators(self): f = filters.PresetFilter() choices = f.preset_choices for choice in choices: identifier = choice.replace("-", "_") generator_name = f"_get_subfilters_{identifier}" getattr(f, generator_name)() def test_pocket_1(self): filter_object = self.create_basic_filter(name="pocket-1") # The preset is an and filter assert filter_object._get_operator() == "&&" # Pull out the first level subfilters subfilters = defaultdict(lambda: []) for filter in filter_object._get_subfilters(): subfilters[type(filter)].append(filter) # There should be one or filter or_filters = subfilters.pop(filters.OrFilter) assert len(or_filters) == 1 or_subfilters = or_filters[0]._get_subfilters() # It should be made up of negative PrefUserSet filters for f in or_subfilters: assert isinstance(f, filters.PrefUserSetFilter) assert f.initial_data["value"] is False # And it should use the exected prefs assert set(f.initial_data["pref"] for f in or_subfilters) == set( ["browser.newtabpage.enabled", "browser.startup.homepage"] ) # There should be a bunch more negative PrefUserSet filters at the top level pref_subfilters = subfilters.pop(filters.PrefUserSetFilter) for f in pref_subfilters: assert f.initial_data["value"] is False # and they should be the expected prefs assert set(f.initial_data["pref"] for f in pref_subfilters) == set( [ "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.showSearch", "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.topsites", "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.section.topstories", "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.section.highlights", ] ) # There should be no other filters assert subfilters == {}, "no unexpected filters" class TestQaOnlyFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self): return filters.QaOnlyFilter.create() def create_revision(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("action__name", "multi-preference-experiment") return super().create_revision(*args, **kwargs) def test_it_works_for_multi_preference_experiment(self): rev = self.create_revision(action__name="multi-preference-experiment") filter = self.create_basic_filter() slug = rev.arguments["slug"] assert ( filter.to_jexl(rev) == f"\"{slug}\" in 'app.normandy.testing-for-recipes'|preferenceValue" ) def test_it_works_for_branched_addon_study(self): rev = self.create_revision(action__name="branched-addon-study") filter = self.create_basic_filter() slug = rev.arguments["slug"] assert ( filter.to_jexl(rev) == f"\"{slug}\" in 'app.normandy.testing-for-recipes'|preferenceValue" ) def test_it_works_for_preference_rollout(self): rev = self.create_revision(action__name="preference-rollout") filter = self.create_basic_filter() slug = rev.arguments["slug"] assert ( filter.to_jexl(rev) == f"\"{slug}\" in 'app.normandy.testing-for-recipes'|preferenceValue" ) def test_it_works_for_heartbeat(self): rev = self.create_revision(action__name="show-heartbeat") filter = self.create_basic_filter() slug = rev.arguments["surveyId"] assert ( filter.to_jexl(rev) == f"\"{slug}\" in 'app.normandy.testing-for-recipes'|preferenceValue" )
# Generated by Django 2.0.5 on 2018-05-10 23:28 from django.db import migrations def enabled_to_enabled_state(apps, schema_editor): Recipe = apps.get_model("recipes", "Recipe") EnabledState = apps.get_model("recipes", "EnabledState") for recipe in Recipe.objects.filter(enabled=True): if recipe.approved_revision: es = EnabledState.objects.create(revision=recipe.approved_revision, enabled=True) es.current_for_revision.add(recipe.approved_revision) def enabled_state_to_enabled(apps, schema_editor): Recipe = apps.get_model("recipes", "Recipe") for recipe in Recipe.objects.exclude(approved_revision=None): enabled_state = recipe.approved_revision.enabled_state if enabled_state and enabled_state.enabled: recipe.enabled = True class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [("recipes", "0008_auto_20180510_2252")] operations = [migrations.RunPython(enabled_to_enabled_state, enabled_state_to_enabled)]
import factory import json import tempfile import zipfile from factory.django import DjangoModelFactory from faker import Faker from normandy.base.tests import FuzzyUnicode from normandy.studies.models import Extension INSTALL_RDF_TEMPLATE = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RDF xmlns="" xmlns:em=""> <Description about="urn:mozilla:install-manifest"> <em:type>2</em:type> <em:bootstrap>true</em:bootstrap> <em:unpack>false</em:unpack> <em:multiprocessCompatible>true</em:multiprocessCompatible> {} <em:targetApplication> <Description> <em:id>{{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}}</em:id> <em:minVersion>52.0</em:minVersion> <em:maxVersion>*</em:maxVersion> </Description> </em:targetApplication> </Description> </RDF> """ class XPIFileFactory(object): def __init__(self, signed=True): # Generate a unique random path for the new XPI file f, self._path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".xpi") # Create a blank zip file on disk zf = zipfile.ZipFile(self.path, mode="w") zf.close() if signed: self.add_file("META-INF/", b"") self.add_file("META-INF/mozilla.rsa", b"") self.add_file("META-INF/mozilla.sf", b"") @property def path(self): return self._path def add_file(self, filename, data): with zipfile.ZipFile(self.path, mode="a") as zf: with, mode="w") as f: f.write(data) def open(self, mode="rb"): return open(self.path, mode="rb") class WebExtensionFileFactory(XPIFileFactory): def __init__(self, signed=True, from_file=None, gecko_id=None, overwrite_data=None): super().__init__(signed=signed) if not gecko_id: gecko_id = f"{Faker().md5()}" if from_file: self._manifest = json.load(from_file) else: self._manifest = { "manifest_version": 2, "name": "normandy test addon", "version": "0.1", "description": "This is an add-on for us in Normandy's tests", "applications": {"gecko": {"id": gecko_id}}, } if overwrite_data: self._manifest.update(overwrite_data) self.save_manifest() @property def manifest(self): return self._manifest def save_manifest(self): self.add_file("manifest.json", json.dumps(self.manifest).encode()) def update_manifest(self, data): self._manifest.update(data) self.save_manifest() def replace_manifest(self, data): self._manifest = data self.save_manifest() class LegacyAddonFileFactory(XPIFileFactory): def __init__(self, signed=True, from_file=None, addon_id=None, overwrite_data=None): super().__init__(signed=signed) if not addon_id: name = Faker().md5() addon_id = f"{name}" if from_file: with open(from_file, "rb") as f: self.add_file("install.rdf", else: data = { "id": addon_id, "version": "0.1", "name": "Signed Bootstrap Mozilla Extension Example", "description": "Example of a bootstrapped addon", } if overwrite_data: data.update(overwrite_data) self.generate_install_rdf(data) def generate_install_rdf(self, data): insert = "" for k in data: insert += "<em:{}>{}</em:{}>\n".format(k, data[k], k) self.add_file("install.rdf", INSTALL_RDF_TEMPLATE.format(insert).encode()) class ExtensionFactory(DjangoModelFactory): name = FuzzyUnicode() xpi = factory.django.FileField(from_func=lambda: WebExtensionFileFactory().open()) class Meta: model = Extension
from import BaseCommand from django_countries import countries from import Channel, Country, WindowsVersion class Command(BaseCommand): """ Adds some helpful initial data to the site's database. If matching data already exists, it should _not_ be overwritten, making this safe to run multiple times. This exists instead of data migrations so that test runs do not load this data into the test database. If this file grows too big, we should consider finding a library or coming up with a more robust way of adding this data. """ help = "Adds initial data to database" def handle(self, *args, **options): self.add_release_channels() self.add_countries() self.add_windows_versions() def add_release_channels(self): self.stdout.write("Adding Release Channels...", ending="") channels = { "release": "Release", "beta": "Beta", "aurora": "Developer Edition", "nightly": "Nightly", } for slug, name in channels.items(): Channel.objects.update_or_create(slug=slug, defaults={"name": name}) self.stdout.write("Done") def add_countries(self): self.stdout.write("Adding Countries...", ending="") for code, name in countries: Country.objects.update_or_create(code=code, defaults={"name": name}) self.stdout.write("Done") def add_windows_versions(self): self.stdout.write("Adding Windows Versions...", ending="") versions = [ (6.1, "Windows 7"), (6.2, "Windows 8"), (6.3, "Windows 8.1"), (10.0, "Windows 10"), ] for nt_version, name in versions: WindowsVersion.objects.update_or_create(nt_version=nt_version, defaults={"name": name}) self.stdout.write("Done")
from itertools import chain import pytest from django.core.files.base import ContentFile from import PermissiveFilenameStorageMixin class TestPermissiveFilenameStorageMixin(object): @pytest.fixture def storage(self): return PermissiveFilenameStorageMixin() class TestGetValidName(object): def test_it_works(self, storage): assert storage.get_valid_name("simple-name") == "simple-name" def test_it_removes_whitespace(self, storage): assert storage.get_valid_name(" hello world ") == "hello_world" def test_it_removes_some_special_chars(self, storage): assert ( storage.get_valid_name("""special \\^`<>{}[]#%"'~|[]*? characters""") == "special_characters" ) def test_it_removes_non_printable_ascii_characters(self, storage): for c in chain(range(32), range(127, 256)): assert storage.get_valid_name(chr(c)) == "" def test_it_allows_an_addon_filename(self, storage): addon_filename = "" assert storage.get_valid_name(addon_filename) == addon_filename class TestRestrictedOverwriteFilenameStorageMixin(object): def test_get_available_name(self, storage): assert storage.get_available_name("tmp/f00") == "tmp/f00" def test_file_exists(self, storage):"tmp/foo", ContentFile(b"")) with pytest.raises(FileExistsError): storage.get_available_name("tmp/foo")
from urllib.parse import urljoin import html5lib import pytest """These are paths hit by self repair that need to be very fast""" HOT_PATHS = [ "/en-US/repair", "/en-US/repair/", "/api/v1/recipe/?enabled=1", "/api/v1/recipe/signed/?enabled=1", "/api/v1/action/", ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("path", HOT_PATHS) class TestHotPaths(object): """ Test for performance-enhancing properties of the site. This file does not test performance by measuring runtimes and throughput. Instead it tests for markers of features that would speed up or slow down the site, such as cache headers. """ def test_no_redirects(self, conf, requests_session, path): r = requests_session.get(conf.getoption("server") + path) r.raise_for_status() assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300 def test_no_vary_cookie(self, conf, requests_session, path, only_readonly): r = requests_session.get(conf.getoption("server") + path) r.raise_for_status() assert "cookie" not in r.headers.get("vary", "").lower() def test_cache_headers(self, conf, requests_session, path, only_readonly): if path.startswith("/api/"): pytest.xfail("caching temporarily hidden on api by nginx") r = requests_session.get(conf.getoption("server") + path) r.raise_for_status() cache_control = r.headers.get("cache-control") assert cache_control is not None # parse cache-control header. parts = [part.strip() for part in cache_control.split(",")] max_age = [part for part in parts if part.startswith("max-age=")][0] max_age_seconds = int(max_age.split("=")[1]) assert "public" in parts assert max_age_seconds > 0 def test_static_cache_headers(conf, requests_session): """Test that all scripts included from self-repair have long lived cache headers""" req = requests_session.get(conf.getoption("server") + "/en-US/repair") req.raise_for_status() document = html5lib.parse(req.content, treebuilder="dom") scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script") for script in scripts: src = script.getAttribute("src") url = urljoin(conf.getoption("server"), src) script_req = requests_session.get(url) script_req.raise_for_status() cache_control = parse_cache_control(script_req.headers["cache-control"]) assert cache_control["public"], f"Cache-control: public for {url}" ONE_YEAR = 31_536_000 assert cache_control["max-age"] >= ONE_YEAR, f"Cache-control: max-age > 1 year for {url}" assert cache_control["immutable"], f"Cache-control: immutable for {url}" def parse_cache_control(header): parsed = {} parts = header.split(",") for part in parts: part = part.strip() if "=" in part: key, val = part.split("=", 1) try: val = int(val) except ValueError: pass parsed[key] = val else: parsed[part] = True return parsed
from django.conf import settings from django.db import transaction from django.db.models import Q from django.views.decorators.cache import never_cache import django_filters from rest_framework import generics, permissions, views, viewsets from rest_framework.decorators import action from rest_framework.exceptions import NotFound, ParseError from rest_framework.response import Response from normandy.base.api.mixins import CachingViewsetMixin from normandy.base.api.permissions import AdminEnabledOrReadOnly from normandy.base.api.renderers import JavaScriptRenderer from normandy.base.decorators import api_cache_control from import Action, ApprovalRequest, Client, Recipe, RecipeRevision from import ( BaselineCapabilitiesFilter, CharSplitFilter, EnabledStateFilter, ) from import ( ActionSerializer, ApprovalRequestSerializer, ClientSerializer, RecipeRevisionSerializer, RecipeSerializer, SignedActionSerializer, SignedRecipeSerializer, ) class ActionViewSet(CachingViewsetMixin, viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): """Viewset for viewing recipe actions.""" queryset = Action.objects.all() serializer_class = ActionSerializer pagination_class = None lookup_field = "name" lookup_value_regex = r"[_\-\w]+" @action(detail=False, methods=["GET"]) @api_cache_control() def signed(self, request, pk=None): actions = self.filter_queryset(self.get_queryset()).exclude(signature=None) serializer = SignedActionSerializer(actions, many=True) return Response( class ActionImplementationView(generics.RetrieveAPIView): """ Retrieves the implementation code for an action. Raises a 404 if the given hash doesn't match the hash we've stored. """ queryset = Action.objects.all() lookup_field = "name" permission_classes = [] renderer_classes = [JavaScriptRenderer] pagination_class = None @api_cache_control(max_age=settings.IMMUTABLE_CACHE_TIME) def retrieve(self, request, name, impl_hash): action = self.get_object() if impl_hash != action.implementation_hash: raise NotFound("Hash does not match current stored action.") return Response(action.implementation) class RecipeFilters(django_filters.FilterSet): enabled = EnabledStateFilter() action = django_filters.CharFilter(field_name="latest_revision__action__name") channels = CharSplitFilter("latest_revision__channels__slug") locales = CharSplitFilter("latest_revision__locales__code") countries = CharSplitFilter("latest_revision__countries__code") only_baseline_capabilities = BaselineCapabilitiesFilter(default_only_baseline=False) class Meta: model = Recipe fields = ["action", "enabled", "latest_revision__action"] class SignedRecipeFilters(RecipeFilters): only_baseline_capabilities = BaselineCapabilitiesFilter(default_only_baseline=True) class RecipeViewSet(CachingViewsetMixin, viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): """Viewset for viewing and uploading recipes.""" queryset = ( Recipe.objects.all() # Foreign keys .select_related("latest_revision") .select_related("latest_revision__action") .select_related("latest_revision__approval_request") # Many-to-many .prefetch_related("latest_revision__channels") .prefetch_related("latest_revision__countries") .prefetch_related("latest_revision__locales") ) serializer_class = RecipeSerializer filterset_class = RecipeFilters permission_classes = [permissions.DjangoModelPermissionsOrAnonReadOnly, AdminEnabledOrReadOnly] pagination_class = None def get_queryset(self): queryset = self.queryset if self.request.GET.get("status") == "enabled": queryset = queryset.only_enabled() elif self.request.GET.get("status") == "disabled": queryset = queryset.only_disabled() if "text" in self.request.GET: text = self.request.GET.get("text") if "\x00" in text: raise ParseError("Null bytes in text") queryset = queryset.filter( Q(latest_revision__name__contains=text) | Q(latest_revision__extra_filter_expression__contains=text) ) return queryset @transaction.atomic def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs): return super().create(request, *args, **kwargs) @transaction.atomic def update(self, request, *args, **kwargs): return super().update(request, *args, **kwargs) @action(detail=False, methods=["GET"], filterset_class=SignedRecipeFilters) @api_cache_control() def signed(self, request, pk=None): recipes = self.filter_queryset(self.get_queryset()).exclude(signature=None) serializer = SignedRecipeSerializer(recipes, many=True) return Response( @action(detail=True, methods=["GET"]) @api_cache_control() def history(self, request, pk=None): recipe = self.get_object() serializer = RecipeRevisionSerializer( recipe.revisions.all().order_by("-id"), many=True, context={"request": request} ) return Response( class RecipeRevisionViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = ( RecipeRevision.objects.all() .select_related("action") .select_related("approval_request") .select_related("recipe") # Many-to-many .prefetch_related("channels") .prefetch_related("countries") .prefetch_related("locales") ) serializer_class = RecipeRevisionSerializer permission_classes = [AdminEnabledOrReadOnly, permissions.DjangoModelPermissionsOrAnonReadOnly] pagination_class = None class ApprovalRequestViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): queryset = ApprovalRequest.objects.all() serializer_class = ApprovalRequestSerializer permission_classes = [AdminEnabledOrReadOnly, permissions.DjangoModelPermissionsOrAnonReadOnly] pagination_class = None class ClassifyClient(views.APIView): authentication_classes = [] permission_classes = [] serializer_class = ClientSerializer @never_cache def get(self, request, format=None): client = Client(request) serializer = self.serializer_class(client, context={"request": request}) return Response(
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.11.11 on 2018-05-02 23:40 # flake8: noqa from __future__ import unicode_literals import hashlib from django.db import migrations def create_tmp_from_revision(apps, revision, parent=None): ApprovalRequest = apps.get_model("recipes", "ApprovalRequest") TmpRecipeRevision = apps.get_model("recipes", "TmpRecipeRevision") tmp = TmpRecipeRevision( created=revision.created, updated=revision.updated, comment=revision.comment,, arguments_json=revision.arguments_json, extra_filter_expression=revision.extra_filter_expression, identicon_seed=revision.identicon_seed, action=revision.action, parent=parent, recipe=revision.recipe, user=revision.user, ) if revision.approved_for_recipe.count(): tmp.approved_for_recipe.add(revision.approved_for_recipe.get()) if revision.latest_for_recipe.count(): tmp.latest_for_recipe.add(revision.latest_for_recipe.get()) try: approval_request = revision.approval_request approval_request.tmp_revision = tmp except ApprovalRequest.DoesNotExist: pass for channel in revision.channels.all(): tmp.channels.add(channel) for country in revision.countries.all(): tmp.countries.add(country) for locale in revision.locales.all(): tmp.locales.add(locale) return tmp def copy_revisions_to_tmp(apps, schema_editor): RecipeRevision = apps.get_model("recipes", "RecipeRevision") for revision in RecipeRevision.objects.filter(parent=None): current_rev = revision parent_tmp = create_tmp_from_revision(apps, current_rev) try: while current_rev.child: parent_tmp = create_tmp_from_revision(apps, current_rev.child, parent=parent_tmp) current_rev = current_rev.child except RecipeRevision.DoesNotExist: pass def get_filter_expression(revision): parts = [] if revision.locales.count(): locales = ", ".join(["'{}'".format(l.code) for l in revision.locales.all()]) parts.append("normandy.locale in [{}]".format(locales)) if revision.countries.count(): countries = ", ".join(["'{}'".format(c.code) for c in revision.countries.all()]) parts.append(" in [{}]".format(countries)) if revision.channels.count(): channels = ", ".join(["'{}'".format(c.slug) for c in revision.channels.all()]) parts.append(" in [{}]".format(channels)) if revision.extra_filter_expression: parts.append(revision.extra_filter_expression) expression = ") && (".join(parts) return "({})".format(expression) if len(parts) > 1 else expression def hash(revision): data = "{}{}{}{}{}{}".format(, revision.created,,, revision.arguments_json, get_filter_expression(revision), ) return hashlib.sha256(data.encode()).hexdigest() def create_revision_from_tmp(apps, tmp, parent=None): ApprovalRequest = apps.get_model("recipes", "ApprovalRequest") RecipeRevision = apps.get_model("recipes", "RecipeRevision") rev = RecipeRevision( created=tmp.created, updated=tmp.updated, comment=tmp.comment,, arguments_json=tmp.arguments_json, extra_filter_expression=tmp.extra_filter_expression, identicon_seed=tmp.identicon_seed, action=tmp.action, parent=parent, recipe=tmp.recipe, user=tmp.user, ) initial_id = hash(tmp) = initial_id if tmp.approved_for_recipe.count(): rev.approved_for_recipe.add(tmp.approved_for_recipe.get()) if tmp.latest_for_recipe.count(): rev.latest_for_recipe.add(tmp.latest_for_recipe.get()) try: approval_request = tmp.approval_request approval_request.revision = rev except ApprovalRequest.DoesNotExist: pass for channel in tmp.channels.all(): rev.channels.add(channel) for country in tmp.countries.all(): rev.countries.add(country) for locale in tmp.locales.all(): rev.locales.add(locale) return rev def copy_tmp_to_revisions(apps, schema_editor): TmpRecipeRevision = apps.get_model("recipes", "TmpRecipeRevision") for tmp in TmpRecipeRevision.objects.filter(parent=None): current_tmp = tmp parent_rev = create_revision_from_tmp(apps, current_tmp) try: while current_tmp.child: parent_rev = create_revision_from_tmp(apps, current_tmp.child, parent=parent_rev) current_tmp = current_tmp.child except TmpRecipeRevision.DoesNotExist: pass class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [("recipes", "0003_tmpreciperevision")] operations = [migrations.RunPython(copy_revisions_to_tmp, copy_tmp_to_revisions)]
from support.assertions import assert_valid_schema from support.helpers import new_recipe from urllib.parse import urljoin def test_approval_request_reject(conf, requests_session, headers): # Get an action we can work with action_response = requests_session.get( urljoin(conf.getoption("server"), "/api/v3/action/"), headers=headers ) data = action_response.json() action_id = data["results"][0]["id"] # Create a recipe associated with that action recipe_details = new_recipe(requests_session, action_id, conf.getoption("server"), headers) # Create a approval request response = urljoin( conf.getoption("server"), "/api/v3/recipe_revision/{}/request_approval/".format( recipe_details["latest_revision_id"] ), ), headers=headers, ) data = response.json() approval_id = data["id"] assert response.status_code != 404 assert_valid_schema(response.json()) # Reject the approval response = urljoin( conf.getoption("server"), "/api/v3/approval_request/{}/reject/".format(approval_id) ), data={"comment": "r-"}, headers=headers, ) assert response.status_code == 200 assert_valid_schema(response.json()) # Look at the recipe and make sure it the approval status has been set to False and our comment shows up response = requests_session.get( urljoin(conf.getoption("server"), "/api/v3/recipe/{}/".format(recipe_details["id"])) ) assert response.status_code != 404 assert_valid_schema(response.json()) approval_request = response.json()["latest_revision"]["approval_request"] assert approval_request["approved"] is False assert approval_request["comment"] == "r-"
from rest_framework import serializers from factory.fuzzy import FuzzyText from normandy.base.api.v3.serializers import UserSerializer from normandy.base.jexl import get_normandy_jexl from import filters from import ( ActionImplementationHyperlinkField, FilterObjectField, ) from import ( Action, ApprovalRequest, EnabledState, Recipe, RecipeRevision, Signature, ) from import JSONSchemaValidator class CustomizableSerializerMixin: """Serializer Mixin that allows callers to exclude fields on instance of this serializer.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): exclude_fields = kwargs.pop("exclude_fields", []) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if exclude_fields: for field in exclude_fields: self.fields.pop(field) class ActionSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): arguments_schema = serializers.JSONField() implementation_url = ActionImplementationHyperlinkField() class Meta: model = Action fields = ["arguments_schema", "name", "id", "implementation_url"] class ApprovalRequestSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): approver = UserSerializer() created = serializers.DateTimeField(read_only=True) creator = UserSerializer() revision = serializers.SerializerMethodField(read_only=True) class Meta: model = ApprovalRequest fields = ["approved", "approver", "comment", "created", "creator", "id", "revision"] def get_revision(self, instance): serializer = RecipeRevisionLinkSerializer(instance.revision) return class EnabledStateSerializer(CustomizableSerializerMixin, serializers.ModelSerializer): creator = UserSerializer() class Meta: model = EnabledState fields = ["id", "revision_id", "created", "creator", "enabled", "carryover_from"] class RecipeRevisionSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): action = serializers.SerializerMethodField(read_only=True) approval_request = ApprovalRequestSerializer(read_only=True) capabilities = serializers.ListField(read_only=True) comment = serializers.CharField(required=False) creator = UserSerializer(source="user", read_only=True) date_created = serializers.DateTimeField(source="created", read_only=True) enabled_states = EnabledStateSerializer(many=True, exclude_fields=["revision_id"]) filter_object = serializers.ListField(child=FilterObjectField()) recipe = serializers.SerializerMethodField(read_only=True) class Meta: model = RecipeRevision fields = [ "action", "approval_request", "arguments", "experimenter_slug", "capabilities", "comment", "creator", "date_created", "enabled_states", "enabled", "extra_capabilities", "extra_filter_expression", "filter_expression", "filter_object", "id", "identicon_seed", "metadata", "name", "recipe", "updated", ] def get_recipe(self, instance): serializer = RecipeLinkSerializer(instance.recipe) return def get_action(self, instance): serializer = ActionSerializer( instance.action, read_only=True, context={"request": self.context.get("request")} ) return class SignatureSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): timestamp = serializers.DateTimeField(read_only=True) signature = serializers.ReadOnlyField() x5u = serializers.ReadOnlyField() public_key = serializers.ReadOnlyField() class Meta: model = Signature fields = ["timestamp", "signature", "x5u", "public_key"] class RecipeSerializer(CustomizableSerializerMixin, serializers.ModelSerializer): # read-only fields approved_revision = RecipeRevisionSerializer(read_only=True) latest_revision = RecipeRevisionSerializer(read_only=True) signature = SignatureSerializer(read_only=True) uses_only_baseline_capabilities = serializers.BooleanField( source="latest_revision.uses_only_baseline_capabilities", read_only=True ) # write-only fields action_id = serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField( source="action", queryset=Action.objects.all(), write_only=True ) arguments = serializers.JSONField(write_only=True) extra_filter_expression = serializers.CharField( required=False, allow_blank=True, write_only=True ) filter_object = serializers.ListField( child=FilterObjectField(), required=False, write_only=True ) name = serializers.CharField(write_only=True) identicon_seed = serializers.CharField(required=False, write_only=True) comment = serializers.CharField(required=False, write_only=True) experimenter_slug = serializers.CharField( required=False, write_only=True, allow_null=True, allow_blank=True ) extra_capabilities = serializers.ListField(required=False, write_only=True) class Meta: model = Recipe fields = [ # read-only "approved_revision", "id", "latest_revision", "signature", "uses_only_baseline_capabilities", # write-only "action_id", "arguments", "extra_filter_expression", "filter_object", "name", "identicon_seed", "comment", "experimenter_slug", "extra_capabilities", ] def get_action(self, instance): serializer = ActionSerializer( instance.latest_revision.action, read_only=True, context={"request": self.context.get("request")}, ) return def update(self, instance, validated_data): request = self.context.get("request") if request and request.user: validated_data["user"] = request.user instance.revise(**validated_data) return instance def create(self, validated_data): request = self.context.get("request") if request and request.user: validated_data["user"] = request.user if "identicon_seed" not in validated_data: validated_data["identicon_seed"] = f"v1:{FuzzyText().fuzz()}" recipe = Recipe.objects.create() return self.update(recipe, validated_data) def validate_extra_filter_expression(self, value): if value: jexl = get_normandy_jexl() errors = list(jexl.validate(value)) if errors: raise serializers.ValidationError(errors) return value def validate(self, data): data = super().validate(data) action = data.get("action") if action is None: action = self.instance.latest_revision.action arguments = data.get("arguments") if arguments is not None: # Ensure the value is a dict if not isinstance(arguments, dict): raise serializers.ValidationError({"arguments": "Must be an object."}) # Get the schema associated with the selected action schema = action.arguments_schema schemaValidator = JSONSchemaValidator(schema) errorResponse = {} errors = sorted(schemaValidator.iter_errors(arguments), key=lambda e: e.path) # Loop through ValidationErrors returned by JSONSchema # Each error contains a message and a path attribute # message: string human-readable error explanation # path: list containing path to offending element for error in errors: currentLevel = errorResponse # Loop through the path of the current error # e.g. ['surveys'][0]['weight'] for index, path in enumerate(error.path): # If this key already exists in our error response, step into it if path in currentLevel: currentLevel = currentLevel[path] continue else: # If we haven't reached the end of the path, add this path # as a key in our error response object and step into it if index < len(error.path) - 1: currentLevel[path] = {} currentLevel = currentLevel[path] continue # If we've reached the final path, set the error message else: currentLevel[path] = error.message if errorResponse: raise serializers.ValidationError({"arguments": errorResponse}) if self.instance is None: if data.get("extra_filter_expression", "").strip() == "": if not data.get("filter_object"): raise serializers.ValidationError( "one of extra_filter_expression or filter_object is required" ) else: if "extra_filter_expression" in data or "filter_object" in data: # If either is attempted to be updated, at least one of them must be truthy. if not data.get("extra_filter_expression", "").strip() and not data.get( "filter_object" ): raise serializers.ValidationError( "if extra_filter_expression is blank, " "at least one filter_object is required" ) return data def validate_filter_object(self, value): if not isinstance(value, list): raise serializers.ValidationError( {"non field errors": ["filter_object must be a list."]} ) errors = {} for i, obj in enumerate(value): if not isinstance(obj, dict): errors[i] = {"non field errors": ["filter_object members must be objects."]} continue if "type" not in obj: errors[i] = {"type": ["This field is required."]} break Filter = filters.by_type.get(obj["type"]) if Filter is not None: filter = Filter(data=obj) if not filter.is_valid(): errors[i] = filter.errors else: errors[i] = {"type": [f'Unknown filter object type "{obj["type"]}".']} if errors: raise serializers.ValidationError(errors) return value class RecipeLinkSerializer(RecipeSerializer): class Meta(RecipeSerializer.Meta): fields = ["approved_revision_id", "id", "latest_revision_id"] class RecipeRevisionLinkSerializer(RecipeRevisionSerializer): recipe_id = serializers.SerializerMethodField(read_only=True) class Meta(RecipeSerializer.Meta): fields = ["id", "recipe_id"] def get_recipe_id(self, instance): return
import uuid from support.assertions import assert_valid_schema from urllib.parse import urljoin def test_group_delete(conf, requests_session, headers): # Create a new group data = {"name": str(uuid.uuid4())} response = urljoin(conf.getoption("server"), "/api/v3/group/"), headers=headers, data=data ) assert response.status_code == 201 assert_valid_schema(response.json()) group_data = response.json() group_id = group_data["id"] # Verify group was stored and contains expected data response = requests_session.get( urljoin(conf.getoption("server"), "/api/v3/group/{}/".format(group_id)), headers=headers ) group_data = response.json() assert response.status_code == 200 assert_valid_schema(response.json()) # Delete the group response = requests_session.delete( urljoin(conf.getoption("server"), "/api/v3/group/{}/".format(group_id)), headers=headers ) assert response.status_code == 204 # Verify that it no longer exists response = requests_session.get( urljoin(conf.getoption("server"), "/api/v3/group/{}/".format(group_id)), headers=headers ) assert response.status_code == 404
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Landsat-util documentation build configuration file, created by # sphinx-quickstart on Thu May 28 17:52:10 2015. # # This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its # containing dir. # # Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this # autogenerated file. # # All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out # serve to show the default. import sys from mock import Mock as MagicMock class Mock(MagicMock): @classmethod def __getattr__(cls, name): return Mock() MOCK_MODULES = ['numpy', 'rasterio', 'scipy', 'scikit-image', 'homura', 'boto', 'termcolor', 'requests', 'python-dateutil'] sys.modules.update((mod_name, Mock()) for mod_name in MOCK_MODULES) import os import sphinx_rtd_theme # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. cwd = os.getcwd() project_root = os.path.dirname(cwd) sys.path.insert(0, project_root) print project_root import landsat # -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------ # If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. #needs_sphinx = '1.0' # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be # extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom # ones. extensions = [ 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.doctest', 'sphinx.ext.coverage', 'sphinx.ext.ifconfig', 'sphinx.ext.viewcode', ] # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. templates_path = ['_templates'] # The suffix(es) of source filenames. # You can specify multiple suffix as a list of string: # source_suffix = ['.rst', '.md'] source_suffix = '.rst' # The encoding of source files. #source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig' # The master toctree document. master_doc = 'index' # General information about the project. project = u'landsat-util' copyright = u'2015, Development Seed' author = u'Development Seed' # The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for # |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the # built documents. # # The short X.Y version. version = landsat.__version__ # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags. release = landsat.__version__ # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation # for a list of supported languages. # # This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs. # Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases. language = None # There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some # non-false value, then it is used: #today = '' # Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call. #today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y' # List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and # directories to ignore when looking for source files. exclude_patterns = ['_build'] # The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all # documents. #default_role = None # If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text. #add_function_parentheses = True # If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description # unit titles (such as .. function::). #add_module_names = True # If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the # output. They are ignored by default. #show_authors = False # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. pygments_style = 'sphinx' # A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting. #modindex_common_prefix = [] # If true, keep warnings as "system message" paragraphs in the built documents. #keep_warnings = False # If true, `todo` and `todoList` produce output, else they produce nothing. todo_include_todos = False # -- Options for HTML output ---------------------------------------------- # The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for # a list of builtin themes. html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme" html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()] # Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme # further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the # documentation. #html_theme_options = {} # Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory. #html_theme_path = [] # The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to # "<project> v<release> documentation". #html_title = None # A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title. #html_short_title = None # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top # of the sidebar. #html_logo = None # The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the # docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32 # pixels large. #html_favicon = None # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". html_static_path = ['_static'] # Add any extra paths that contain custom files (such as robots.txt or # .htaccess) here, relative to this directory. These files are copied # directly to the root of the documentation. #html_extra_path = [] # If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom, # using the given strftime format. #html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y' # If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to # typographically correct entities. #html_use_smartypants = True # Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names. #html_sidebars = {} # Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to # template names. #html_additional_pages = {} # If false, no module index is generated. #html_domain_indices = True # If false, no index is generated. #html_use_index = True # If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter. #html_split_index = False # If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages. #html_show_sourcelink = True # If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. #html_show_sphinx = True # If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. #html_show_copyright = True # If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will # contain a <link> tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the # base URL from which the finished HTML is served. #html_use_opensearch = '' # This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml"). #html_file_suffix = None # Language to be used for generating the HTML full-text search index. # Sphinx supports the following languages: # 'da', 'de', 'en', 'es', 'fi', 'fr', 'hu', 'it', 'ja' # 'nl', 'no', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'sv', 'tr' #html_search_language = 'en' # A dictionary with options for the search language support, empty by default. # Now only 'ja' uses this config value #html_search_options = {'type': 'default'} # The name of a javascript file (relative to the configuration directory) that # implements a search results scorer. If empty, the default will be used. #html_search_scorer = 'scorer.js' # Output file base name for HTML help builder. htmlhelp_basename = 'Landsat-utildoc' # -- Options for LaTeX output --------------------------------------------- latex_elements = { # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). #'papersize': 'letterpaper', # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). #'pointsize': '10pt', # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. #'preamble': '', # Latex figure (float) alignment #'figure_align': 'htbp', } # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, # author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]). latex_documents = [ (master_doc, 'Landsat-util.tex', u'Landsat-util Documentation', u'Development Seed', 'manual'), ] # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of # the title page. #latex_logo = None # For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts, # not chapters. #latex_use_parts = False # If true, show page references after internal links. #latex_show_pagerefs = False # If true, show URL addresses after external links. #latex_show_urls = False # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. #latex_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. #latex_domain_indices = True # -- Options for manual page output --------------------------------------- # One entry per manual page. List of tuples # (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). man_pages = [ (master_doc, 'landsat-util', u'Landsat-util Documentation', [author], 1) ] # If true, show URL addresses after external links. #man_show_urls = False # -- Options for Texinfo output ------------------------------------------- # Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, # dir menu entry, description, category) texinfo_documents = [ (master_doc, 'Landsat-util', u'Landsat-util Documentation', author, 'Landsat-util', 'One line description of project.', 'Miscellaneous'), ] # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. #texinfo_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. #texinfo_domain_indices = True # How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'. #texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' # If true, do not generate a @detailmenu in the "Top" node's menu. #texinfo_no_detailmenu = False
""" The API key is retrieved from the bot config file. """ from util import hook, http api_url = "" @hook.api_key("lastfm") @hook.command(autohelp=False) def lastfm(inp, chan="", nick="", reply=None, api_key=None, db=None): ".lastfm <username> [dontsave] | @<nick> -- gets current or last played " "track from lastfm" db.execute( "create table if not exists " "lastfm(chan, nick, user, primary key(chan, nick))" ) if inp[0:1] == "@": nick = inp[1:].strip() user = None dontsave = True else: user = inp dontsave = user.endswith(" dontsave") if dontsave: user = user[:-9].strip().lower() if not user: user = db.execute( "select user from lastfm where chan=? and nick=lower(?)", (chan, nick) ).fetchone() if not user: return lastfm.__doc__ user = user[0] response = http.get_json( api_url, method="user.getrecenttracks", api_key=api_key, user=user, limit=1 ) if "error" in response: return "error: %s" % response["message"] if ( not "track" in response["recenttracks"] or len(response["recenttracks"]["track"]) == 0 ): return "no recent tracks for user \x02%s\x0F found" % user tracks = response["recenttracks"]["track"] if type(tracks) == list: # if the user is listening to something, the tracks entry is a list # the first item is the current track track = tracks[0] status = "current track" elif type(tracks) == dict: # otherwise, they aren't listening to anything right now, and # the tracks entry is a dict representing the most recent track track = tracks status = "last track" else: return "error parsing track listing" title = track["name"] album = track["album"]["#text"] artist = track["artist"]["#text"] ret = "\x02%s\x0F's %s - \x02%s\x0f" % (user, status, title) if artist: ret += " by \x02%s\x0f" % artist if album: ret += " on \x02%s\x0f" % album reply(ret) if inp and not dontsave: db.execute( "insert or replace into lastfm(chan, nick, user) " "values (?, ?, ?)", (chan, nick.lower(), inp), ) db.commit()
from __future__ import unicode_literals import random from util import hook, http def api_get(query, key, is_image=None, num=1): url = ( "" "&fields=items(title,link,snippet)&safe=off&nfpr=1" + ("&searchType=image" if is_image else "") ) return http.get_json(url, key=key, q=query, num=num) @hook.api_key("google") @hook.command("can i get a picture of") @hook.command("can you grab me a picture of") @hook.command("give me a print out of") @hook.command def gis(inp, api_key=None): """.gis <term> -- finds an image using google images (safesearch off)""" parsed = api_get(inp, api_key, is_image=True, num=10) if "items" not in parsed: return "no images found" return random.choice(parsed["items"])["link"] @hook.api_key("google") @hook.command("g") @hook.command def google(inp, api_key=None): """.g/.google <query> -- returns first google search result""" parsed = api_get(inp, api_key) if "items" not in parsed: return "no results found" out = '{link} -- \x02{title}\x02: "{snippet}"'.format(**parsed["items"][0]) out = " ".join(out.split()) if len(out) > 300: out = out[: out.rfind(" ")] + '..."' return out
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