611 values
14 values
1 class
2 classes
2 classes
1 class
import django_filters from rest_framework import serializers from import Recipe class EnabledStateFilter(django_filters.Filter): """A special case filter for filtering recipes by their enabled state""" def filter(self, qs, value): if value is not None: lc_value = value.lower() if lc_value in ["true", "1"]: return qs.only_enabled() elif lc_value in ["false", "0"]: return qs.only_disabled() return qs class ApprovalStateFilter(django_filters.Filter): """A special case filter for filtering approval requests by their approval state""" def filter(self, qs, value): if value is None: return qs lc_value = value.lower() if lc_value in ["true", "1", "approved"]: return qs.filter(approved=True) elif lc_value in ["false", "0", "rejected"]: return qs.filter(approved=False) elif lc_value in ["null", "pending"]: return qs.filter(approved=None) class BaselineCapabilitiesFilter(django_filters.Filter): """Filters recipe by whether they use only baseline capabilities, defaulting to only baseline.""" def __init__(self, *args, default_only_baseline=False, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.default_only_baseline = default_only_baseline def filter(self, qs, value): baseline_only = self.default_only_baseline if value is not None: lc_value = value.lower() baseline_only = lc_value in ["true", "1"] if baseline_only: recipes = list(qs) if not all(isinstance(recipe, Recipe) for recipe in recipes): raise TypeError("BaselineCapabilitiesFilter can only be used to filter recipes") match_ids = [] for recipe in recipes: if ( recipe.approved_revision and recipe.approved_revision.uses_only_baseline_capabilities() ): match_ids.append( return Recipe.objects.filter(id__in=match_ids) return qs class CharSplitFilter(django_filters.CharFilter): """Custom CharFilter class that splits the value (if it's set) by `,` into a list and uses the `__in` operator.""" def filter(self, qs, value): if value: qs = qs.filter(**{"{}__in".format(self.field_name): value.split(",")}) return qs class FilterObjectFieldFilter(django_filters.Filter): """ Find recipes that have a filter object with the given field Format for the filter's value is `key1:value1,key2:value2`. This would include recipes that have a filter object that has a field `key1` that contains the value `value1`, and that have a filter object with a field `key2` that contains `value2`. The two filter objects do not have to be the same, but may be. """ def filter(self, qs, value): if value is None: return qs needles = [] for segment in value.split(","): if ":" not in segment: raise serializers.ValidationError( {"filter_object": "Filters must be of the format `key1:val1,key2:val2,..."} ) key, val = segment.split(":", 1) needles.append((key, val)) # Let the database do a first pass filter for k, v in needles: qs = qs.filter(latest_revision__filter_object_json__contains=k) qs = qs.filter(latest_revision__filter_object_json__contains=v) recipes = list(qs) if not all(isinstance(recipe, Recipe) for recipe in recipes): raise TypeError("FilterObjectFieldFilter can only be used to filter recipes") # For every recipe that contains the right substrings, look through # their filter objects for an actual match match_ids = [] for recipe in recipes: recipe_matches = True # Recipes needs to have all the keys and values in the needles for k, v in needles: for filter_object in recipe.latest_revision.filter_object: # Don't consider invalid filter objects if not filter_object.is_valid(): continue if k in and v in str([k]): # Found a match break else: # Did not break, so no match was not found recipe_matches = False break if recipe_matches: match_ids.append( return Recipe.objects.filter(id__in=match_ids)
# Generated by Django 2.0.5 on 2018-05-10 22:52 # flake8: noqa from django.conf import settings from django.db import migrations, models import django.db.models.deletion import django.utils.timezone class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ migrations.swappable_dependency(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL), ("recipes", "0007_convert_simple_filters_to_filter_objects"), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name="EnabledState", fields=[ ( "id", models.AutoField( auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name="ID" ), ), ("created", models.DateTimeField(, ("enabled", models.BooleanField(default=False)), ( "creator", models.ForeignKey( null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, related_name="enabled_states", to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, ), ), ( "revision", models.ForeignKey( on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name="enabled_states", to="recipes.RecipeRevision", ), ), ], options={"ordering": ("-created",)}, ), migrations.AddField( model_name="reciperevision", name="enabled_state", field=models.ForeignKey( null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, related_name="current_for_revision", to="recipes.EnabledState", ), ), ]
from datetime import datetime import factory.fuzzy import pytest import re from collections import defaultdict from rest_framework import serializers from normandy.base.jexl import get_normandy_jexl from import filters from import ( ChannelFactory, CountryFactory, LocaleFactory, RecipeRevisionFactory, WindowsVersionFactory, ) @pytest.mark.django_db class FilterTestsBase: """Common tests for all filter object types""" should_be_baseline = True def create_basic_filter(self): """To be overwritten by subclasses to create test filters""" raise NotImplementedError def create_revision(self, *args, **kwargs): return RecipeRevisionFactory(*args, **kwargs) def test_it_can_be_constructed(self): self.create_basic_filter() def test_has_capabilities(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter() # Would throw if not defined assert isinstance(filter.get_capabilities(), set) def test_jexl_works(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter() rev = self.create_revision() # Would throw if not defined expr = filter.to_jexl(rev) assert isinstance(expr, str) jexl = get_normandy_jexl() errors = jexl.validate(expr) assert list(errors) == [] def test_uses_only_baseline_capabilities(self, settings): if self.should_be_baseline == "skip": return filter = self.create_basic_filter() capabilities = filter.get_capabilities() if self.should_be_baseline: assert capabilities <= settings.BASELINE_CAPABILITIES else: assert capabilities - settings.BASELINE_CAPABILITIES def test_it_is_in_the_by_type_list(self): filter_instance = self.create_basic_filter() filter_class = filter_instance.__class__ assert filter_class in filters.by_type.values() def test_its_type_is_camelcase(self): filter_instance = self.create_basic_filter() assert re.match("[a-zA-Z]+", filter_instance.type) assert "_" not in filter_instance.type class TestProfileCreationDateFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, direction="olderThan", date="2020-02-01"): return filters.ProfileCreateDateFilter.create(direction=direction, date=date) def test_generates_jexl_older_than(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(direction="olderThan", date="2020-07-30") assert ( filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == "(normandy.telemetry.main.environment.profile.creationDate<=18473)" ) def test_generates_jexl_newer_than(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(direction="newerThan", date="2020-02-01") assert set(filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()).split("||")) == { "(!normandy.telemetry.main)", "(normandy.telemetry.main.environment.profile.creationDate>18293)", } def test_issue_2242(self): """Make sure that dates are parsed correctly""" epoch = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0) datetime_factory = factory.fuzzy.FuzzyNaiveDateTime(epoch) dt = datetime_factory.fuzz() # Profile Creation Date is measured in days since epoch. daystamp = (dt - epoch).days filter = self.create_basic_filter(date=f"{dt.year}-{dt.month}-{}") assert str(daystamp) in filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) def test_throws_error_on_bad_direction(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(direction="newer", date="2020-02-01") with pytest.raises(serializers.ValidationError): filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) def test_throws_error_on_bad_date(self): with pytest.raises(AssertionError): self.create_basic_filter(direction="newerThan", date="Jan 7, 2020") class TestVersionFilter(FilterTestsBase): should_be_baseline = False def create_basic_filter(self, versions=None): if versions is None: versions = [72, 74] return filters.VersionFilter.create(versions=versions) def test_generates_jexl(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(versions=[72, 74]) assert set(filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()).split("||")) == { '(env.version|versionCompare("72.!")>=0)&&(env.version|versionCompare("72.*")<0)', '(env.version|versionCompare("74.!")>=0)&&(env.version|versionCompare("74.*")<0)', } class TestVersionRangeFilter(FilterTestsBase): should_be_baseline = False def create_basic_filter(self, min_version="72.0b2", max_version="72.0b8"): return filters.VersionRangeFilter.create(min_version=min_version, max_version=max_version) def test_generates_jexl(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(min_version="72.0b2", max_version="75.0a1") assert set(filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()).split("&&")) == { '(env.version|versionCompare("72.0b2")>=0)', '(env.version|versionCompare("75.0a1")<0)', } class TestDateRangeFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter( self, not_before="2020-02-01T00:00:00Z", not_after="2020-03-01T00:00:00Z" ): return filters.DateRangeFilter.create(not_before=not_before, not_after=not_after) def test_generates_jexl(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter() assert set(filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()).split("&&")) == { '(normandy.request_time>="2020-02-01T00:00:00Z"|date)', '(normandy.request_time<"2020-03-01T00:00:00Z"|date)', } class TestWindowsBuildNumberFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, value=12345, comparison="equal"): return filters.WindowsBuildNumberFilter.create(value=value, comparison=comparison) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "comparison,symbol", [ ("equal", "=="), ("greater_than", ">"), ("greater_than_equal", ">="), ("less_than", "<"), ("less_than_equal", "<="), ], ) def test_generates_jexl_number_ops(self, comparison, symbol): filter = self.create_basic_filter(comparison=comparison) assert ( filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == f"(normandy.os.isWindows && normandy.os.windowsBuildNumber {symbol} 12345)" ) def test_generates_jexl_error_on_bad_comparison(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(comparison="typo") with pytest.raises(serializers.ValidationError): filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) class TestWindowsVersionFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, versions_list=[6.1]): WindowsVersionFactory(nt_version=6.1) return filters.WindowsVersionFilter.create(versions_list=versions_list) def test_generates_jexl(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter() assert ( filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == "(normandy.os.isWindows && normandy.os.windowsVersion in [6.1])" ) def test_generates_jexl_error_on_bad_version(self): with pytest.raises(AssertionError): filters.WindowsVersionFilter.create(versions_list=[8.9]) class TestChannelFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, channels=None): if channels: channel_objs = [ChannelFactory(slug=slug) for slug in channels] else: channel_objs = [ChannelFactory()] return filters.ChannelFilter.create(channels=[c.slug for c in channel_objs]) def test_generates_jexl(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(channels=["release", "beta"]) assert filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == ' in ["release","beta"]' class TestLocaleFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, locales=None): if locales: locale_objs = [LocaleFactory(code=code) for code in locales] else: locale_objs = [LocaleFactory()] return filters.LocaleFilter.create(locales=[locale.code for locale in locale_objs]) def test_generates_jexl(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(locales=["en-US", "en-CA"]) assert filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == 'normandy.locale in ["en-US","en-CA"]' class TestCountryFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, countries=None): if countries: country_objs = [CountryFactory(code=code) for code in countries] else: country_objs = [CountryFactory()] return filters.CountryFilter.create(countries=[c.code for c in country_objs]) def test_generates_jexl(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(countries=["SV", "MX"]) assert filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == ' in ["SV","MX"]' class TestPlatformFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, platforms=["all_mac", "all_windows"]): return filters.PlatformFilter.create(platforms=platforms) def test_generates_jexl_list_of_two(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter() assert set(filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()).split("||")) == { "normandy.os.isMac", "normandy.os.isWindows", } def test_generates_jexl_list_of_one(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(platforms=["all_linux"]) assert set(filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()).split("||")) == {"normandy.os.isLinux"} def test_throws_error_on_bad_platform(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(platforms=["all_linu"]) with pytest.raises(serializers.ValidationError): filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) class TestNegateFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self): data_for_filter = {"type": "channel", "channels": ["release", "beta"]} return filters.NegateFilter.create(filter_to_negate=data_for_filter) def test_generates_jexl(self): negate_filter = self.create_basic_filter() assert ( negate_filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == '!( in ["release","beta"])' ) class TestAndFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, subfilters=None): if subfilters is None: subfilters = [ {"type": "channel", "channels": ["release", "beta"]}, {"type": "locale", "locales": ["en-US", "de"]}, ] return filters.AndFilter.create(subfilters=subfilters) def test_generates_jexl_zero_subfilters(self): with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as excinfo: self.create_basic_filter(subfilters=[]) assert "has at least 1 element" in str(excinfo.value) def test_generates_jexl_one_subfilter(self): negate_filter = self.create_basic_filter( subfilters=[{"type": "channel", "channels": ["release"]}] ) assert negate_filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == '( in ["release"])' def test_generates_jexl_two_subfilters(self): negate_filter = self.create_basic_filter( subfilters=[ {"type": "channel", "channels": ["release"]}, {"type": "locale", "locales": ["en-US"]}, ] ) assert ( negate_filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == '( in ["release"]&&normandy.locale in ["en-US"])' ) class TestOrFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, subfilters=None): if subfilters is None: subfilters = [ {"type": "channel", "channels": ["release", "beta"]}, {"type": "locale", "locales": ["en-US", "de"]}, ] return filters.OrFilter.create(subfilters=subfilters) def test_generates_jexl_zero_subfilters(self): with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as excinfo: self.create_basic_filter(subfilters=[]) assert "has at least 1 element" in str(excinfo.value) def test_generates_jexl_one_subfilter(self): negate_filter = self.create_basic_filter( subfilters=[{"type": "channel", "channels": ["release"]}] ) assert negate_filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == '( in ["release"])' def test_generates_jexl_two_subfilters(self): negate_filter = self.create_basic_filter( subfilters=[ {"type": "channel", "channels": ["release"]}, {"type": "locale", "locales": ["en-US"]}, ] ) assert ( negate_filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == '( in ["release"]||normandy.locale in ["en-US"])' ) class TestAddonInstalledFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, addons=["@abcdef", "ghijk@lmnop"], any_or_all="any"): return filters.AddonInstalledFilter.create(addons=addons, any_or_all=any_or_all) def test_generates_jexl_installed_any(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter() assert set(filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()).split("||")) == { 'normandy.addons["@abcdef"]', 'normandy.addons["ghijk@lmnop"]', } def test_generates_jexl_installed_all(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(any_or_all="all") assert set(filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()).split("&&")) == { 'normandy.addons["@abcdef"]', 'normandy.addons["ghijk@lmnop"]', } def test_throws_error_on_bad_any_or_all(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(any_or_all="error") with pytest.raises(serializers.ValidationError): filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) class TestAddonActiveFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, addons=["@abcdef", "ghijk@lmnop"], any_or_all="any"): return filters.AddonActiveFilter.create(addons=addons, any_or_all=any_or_all) def test_generates_jexl_active_any(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter() assert set(filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()).split("||")) == { 'normandy.addons["@abcdef"].isActive', 'normandy.addons["ghijk@lmnop"].isActive', } def test_generates_jexl_active_all(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(any_or_all="all") assert set(filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()).split("&&")) == { 'normandy.addons["@abcdef"].isActive', 'normandy.addons["ghijk@lmnop"].isActive', } def test_throws_error_on_bad_any_or_all(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(any_or_all="error") with pytest.raises(serializers.ValidationError): filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) class TestPrefCompareFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter( self, pref="browser.urlbar.maxRichResults", value=10, comparison="equal" ): return filters.PrefCompareFilter.create(pref=pref, value=value, comparison=comparison) def test_generates_jexl(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter() assert ( filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == "'browser.urlbar.maxRichResults'|preferenceValue == 10" ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "comparison,symbol", [ ("greater_than", ">"), ("greater_than_equal", ">="), ("less_than", "<"), ("less_than_equal", "<="), ], ) def test_generates_jexl_number_ops(self, comparison, symbol): filter = self.create_basic_filter(comparison=comparison) assert ( filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == f"'browser.urlbar.maxRichResults'|preferenceValue {symbol} 10" ) def test_generates_jexl_boolean(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(value=False) assert ( filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == "'browser.urlbar.maxRichResults'|preferenceValue == false" ) def test_generates_jexl_string_in(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(value="default", comparison="contains") assert ( filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == "\"default\" in 'browser.urlbar.maxRichResults'|preferenceValue" ) def test_generates_jexl_error(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(comparison="invalid") with pytest.raises(serializers.ValidationError): filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) class TestPrefExistsFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, pref="browser.urlbar.maxRichResults", value=True): return filters.PrefExistsFilter.create(pref=pref, value=value) def test_generates_jexl_pref_exists_true(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter() assert ( filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == "'browser.urlbar.maxRichResults'|preferenceExists" ) def test_generates_jexl_pref_exists_false(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(value=False) assert ( filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == "!('browser.urlbar.maxRichResults'|preferenceExists)" ) class TestPrefUserSetFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, pref="browser.urlbar.maxRichResults", value=True): return filters.PrefUserSetFilter.create(pref=pref, value=value) def test_generates_jexl_is_user_set_true(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter() assert ( filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == "'browser.urlbar.maxRichResults'|preferenceIsUserSet" ) def test_generates_jexl_is_user_set_false(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(value=False) assert ( filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == "!('browser.urlbar.maxRichResults'|preferenceIsUserSet)" ) class TestBucketSampleFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, input=None, start=123, count=10, total=1_000): if input is None: input = ["normandy.clientId"] return filters.BucketSampleFilter.create( input=input, start=start, count=count, total=total ) def test_generates_jexl(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(input=["A"], start=10, count=20, total=1_000) assert filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == "[A]|bucketSample(10,20,1000)" def test_supports_floats(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(input=["A"], start=10, count=0.5, total=1_000) assert filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == "[A]|bucketSample(10,0.5,1000)" class TestStableSampleFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, input=None, rate=0.01): if input is None: input = ["normandy.clientId"] return filters.StableSampleFilter.create(input=input, rate=rate) def test_generates_jexl(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(input=["A"], rate=0.1) assert filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == "[A]|stableSample(0.1)" class TestNamespaceSampleFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, namespace="global-v42", start=123, count=10): return filters.NamespaceSampleFilter.create(namespace=namespace, start=start, count=count) def test_generates_jexl(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(namespace="fancy-rollout", start=10, count=20) assert ( filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == '["fancy-rollout",normandy.userId]|bucketSample(10,20,10000)' ) def test_supports_floats(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(namespace="risky-experiment", start=123, count=0.5) assert ( filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == '["risky-experiment",normandy.userId]|bucketSample(123,0.5,10000)' ) class TestJexlFilter(FilterTestsBase): should_be_baseline = "skip" def create_basic_filter(self, expression="true", capabilities=None, comment="a comment"): if capabilities is None: capabilities = ["capabilities-v1"] return filters.JexlFilter.create( expression=expression, capabilities=capabilities, comment=comment ) def test_generates_jexl(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(expression="2 + 2") assert filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) == "(2 + 2)" def test_it_rejects_invalid_jexl(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(expression="this is an invalid expression") with pytest.raises(serializers.ValidationError): filter.to_jexl(self.create_revision()) def test_it_has_capabilities(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(capabilities=["a.b", "c.d"]) assert filter.get_capabilities() == {"a.b", "c.d"} def test_empty_capabilities_is_ok(self): filter = self.create_basic_filter(capabilities=[]) assert filter.get_capabilities() == set() filter.to_jexl(None) # should not throw def test_throws_error_on_non_iterable_capabilities(self): with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as excinfo: self.create_basic_filter(capabilities=5) assert excinfo.value.args[0]["capabilities"][0].code == "not_a_list" def test_throws_error_on_non_list_capabilities(self): with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as excinfo: self.create_basic_filter(capabilities="a mistake") assert excinfo.value.args[0]["capabilities"][0].code == "not_a_list" class TestPresetFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self, name="pocket-1"): return filters.PresetFilter.create(name=name) def test_all_choices_have_generators(self): f = filters.PresetFilter() choices = f.preset_choices for choice in choices: identifier = choice.replace("-", "_") generator_name = f"_get_subfilters_{identifier}" getattr(f, generator_name)() def test_pocket_1(self): filter_object = self.create_basic_filter(name="pocket-1") # The preset is an and filter assert filter_object._get_operator() == "&&" # Pull out the first level subfilters subfilters = defaultdict(lambda: []) for filter in filter_object._get_subfilters(): subfilters[type(filter)].append(filter) # There should be one or filter or_filters = subfilters.pop(filters.OrFilter) assert len(or_filters) == 1 or_subfilters = or_filters[0]._get_subfilters() # It should be made up of negative PrefUserSet filters for f in or_subfilters: assert isinstance(f, filters.PrefUserSetFilter) assert f.initial_data["value"] is False # And it should use the exected prefs assert set(f.initial_data["pref"] for f in or_subfilters) == set( ["browser.newtabpage.enabled", "browser.startup.homepage"] ) # There should be a bunch more negative PrefUserSet filters at the top level pref_subfilters = subfilters.pop(filters.PrefUserSetFilter) for f in pref_subfilters: assert f.initial_data["value"] is False # and they should be the expected prefs assert set(f.initial_data["pref"] for f in pref_subfilters) == set( [ "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.showSearch", "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.topsites", "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.section.topstories", "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.section.highlights", ] ) # There should be no other filters assert subfilters == {}, "no unexpected filters" class TestQaOnlyFilter(FilterTestsBase): def create_basic_filter(self): return filters.QaOnlyFilter.create() def create_revision(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("action__name", "multi-preference-experiment") return super().create_revision(*args, **kwargs) def test_it_works_for_multi_preference_experiment(self): rev = self.create_revision(action__name="multi-preference-experiment") filter = self.create_basic_filter() slug = rev.arguments["slug"] assert ( filter.to_jexl(rev) == f"\"{slug}\" in 'app.normandy.testing-for-recipes'|preferenceValue" ) def test_it_works_for_branched_addon_study(self): rev = self.create_revision(action__name="branched-addon-study") filter = self.create_basic_filter() slug = rev.arguments["slug"] assert ( filter.to_jexl(rev) == f"\"{slug}\" in 'app.normandy.testing-for-recipes'|preferenceValue" ) def test_it_works_for_preference_rollout(self): rev = self.create_revision(action__name="preference-rollout") filter = self.create_basic_filter() slug = rev.arguments["slug"] assert ( filter.to_jexl(rev) == f"\"{slug}\" in 'app.normandy.testing-for-recipes'|preferenceValue" ) def test_it_works_for_heartbeat(self): rev = self.create_revision(action__name="show-heartbeat") filter = self.create_basic_filter() slug = rev.arguments["surveyId"] assert ( filter.to_jexl(rev) == f"\"{slug}\" in 'app.normandy.testing-for-recipes'|preferenceValue" )
# Generated by Django 2.0.5 on 2018-05-10 23:28 from django.db import migrations def enabled_to_enabled_state(apps, schema_editor): Recipe = apps.get_model("recipes", "Recipe") EnabledState = apps.get_model("recipes", "EnabledState") for recipe in Recipe.objects.filter(enabled=True): if recipe.approved_revision: es = EnabledState.objects.create(revision=recipe.approved_revision, enabled=True) es.current_for_revision.add(recipe.approved_revision) def enabled_state_to_enabled(apps, schema_editor): Recipe = apps.get_model("recipes", "Recipe") for recipe in Recipe.objects.exclude(approved_revision=None): enabled_state = recipe.approved_revision.enabled_state if enabled_state and enabled_state.enabled: recipe.enabled = True class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [("recipes", "0008_auto_20180510_2252")] operations = [migrations.RunPython(enabled_to_enabled_state, enabled_state_to_enabled)]
import factory import json import tempfile import zipfile from factory.django import DjangoModelFactory from faker import Faker from normandy.base.tests import FuzzyUnicode from normandy.studies.models import Extension INSTALL_RDF_TEMPLATE = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RDF xmlns="" xmlns:em=""> <Description about="urn:mozilla:install-manifest"> <em:type>2</em:type> <em:bootstrap>true</em:bootstrap> <em:unpack>false</em:unpack> <em:multiprocessCompatible>true</em:multiprocessCompatible> {} <em:targetApplication> <Description> <em:id>{{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}}</em:id> <em:minVersion>52.0</em:minVersion> <em:maxVersion>*</em:maxVersion> </Description> </em:targetApplication> </Description> </RDF> """ class XPIFileFactory(object): def __init__(self, signed=True): # Generate a unique random path for the new XPI file f, self._path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".xpi") # Create a blank zip file on disk zf = zipfile.ZipFile(self.path, mode="w") zf.close() if signed: self.add_file("META-INF/", b"") self.add_file("META-INF/mozilla.rsa", b"") self.add_file("META-INF/mozilla.sf", b"") @property def path(self): return self._path def add_file(self, filename, data): with zipfile.ZipFile(self.path, mode="a") as zf: with, mode="w") as f: f.write(data) def open(self, mode="rb"): return open(self.path, mode="rb") class WebExtensionFileFactory(XPIFileFactory): def __init__(self, signed=True, from_file=None, gecko_id=None, overwrite_data=None): super().__init__(signed=signed) if not gecko_id: gecko_id = f"{Faker().md5()}" if from_file: self._manifest = json.load(from_file) else: self._manifest = { "manifest_version": 2, "name": "normandy test addon", "version": "0.1", "description": "This is an add-on for us in Normandy's tests", "applications": {"gecko": {"id": gecko_id}}, } if overwrite_data: self._manifest.update(overwrite_data) self.save_manifest() @property def manifest(self): return self._manifest def save_manifest(self): self.add_file("manifest.json", json.dumps(self.manifest).encode()) def update_manifest(self, data): self._manifest.update(data) self.save_manifest() def replace_manifest(self, data): self._manifest = data self.save_manifest() class LegacyAddonFileFactory(XPIFileFactory): def __init__(self, signed=True, from_file=None, addon_id=None, overwrite_data=None): super().__init__(signed=signed) if not addon_id: name = Faker().md5() addon_id = f"{name}" if from_file: with open(from_file, "rb") as f: self.add_file("install.rdf", else: data = { "id": addon_id, "version": "0.1", "name": "Signed Bootstrap Mozilla Extension Example", "description": "Example of a bootstrapped addon", } if overwrite_data: data.update(overwrite_data) self.generate_install_rdf(data) def generate_install_rdf(self, data): insert = "" for k in data: insert += "<em:{}>{}</em:{}>\n".format(k, data[k], k) self.add_file("install.rdf", INSTALL_RDF_TEMPLATE.format(insert).encode()) class ExtensionFactory(DjangoModelFactory): name = FuzzyUnicode() xpi = factory.django.FileField(from_func=lambda: WebExtensionFileFactory().open()) class Meta: model = Extension
from import BaseCommand from django_countries import countries from import Channel, Country, WindowsVersion class Command(BaseCommand): """ Adds some helpful initial data to the site's database. If matching data already exists, it should _not_ be overwritten, making this safe to run multiple times. This exists instead of data migrations so that test runs do not load this data into the test database. If this file grows too big, we should consider finding a library or coming up with a more robust way of adding this data. """ help = "Adds initial data to database" def handle(self, *args, **options): self.add_release_channels() self.add_countries() self.add_windows_versions() def add_release_channels(self): self.stdout.write("Adding Release Channels...", ending="") channels = { "release": "Release", "beta": "Beta", "aurora": "Developer Edition", "nightly": "Nightly", } for slug, name in channels.items(): Channel.objects.update_or_create(slug=slug, defaults={"name": name}) self.stdout.write("Done") def add_countries(self): self.stdout.write("Adding Countries...", ending="") for code, name in countries: Country.objects.update_or_create(code=code, defaults={"name": name}) self.stdout.write("Done") def add_windows_versions(self): self.stdout.write("Adding Windows Versions...", ending="") versions = [ (6.1, "Windows 7"), (6.2, "Windows 8"), (6.3, "Windows 8.1"), (10.0, "Windows 10"), ] for nt_version, name in versions: WindowsVersion.objects.update_or_create(nt_version=nt_version, defaults={"name": name}) self.stdout.write("Done")
from urllib.parse import urljoin import html5lib import pytest """These are paths hit by self repair that need to be very fast""" HOT_PATHS = [ "/en-US/repair", "/en-US/repair/", "/api/v1/recipe/?enabled=1", "/api/v1/recipe/signed/?enabled=1", "/api/v1/action/", ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("path", HOT_PATHS) class TestHotPaths(object): """ Test for performance-enhancing properties of the site. This file does not test performance by measuring runtimes and throughput. Instead it tests for markers of features that would speed up or slow down the site, such as cache headers. """ def test_no_redirects(self, conf, requests_session, path): r = requests_session.get(conf.getoption("server") + path) r.raise_for_status() assert 200 <= r.status_code < 300 def test_no_vary_cookie(self, conf, requests_session, path, only_readonly): r = requests_session.get(conf.getoption("server") + path) r.raise_for_status() assert "cookie" not in r.headers.get("vary", "").lower() def test_cache_headers(self, conf, requests_session, path, only_readonly): if path.startswith("/api/"): pytest.xfail("caching temporarily hidden on api by nginx") r = requests_session.get(conf.getoption("server") + path) r.raise_for_status() cache_control = r.headers.get("cache-control") assert cache_control is not None # parse cache-control header. parts = [part.strip() for part in cache_control.split(",")] max_age = [part for part in parts if part.startswith("max-age=")][0] max_age_seconds = int(max_age.split("=")[1]) assert "public" in parts assert max_age_seconds > 0 def test_static_cache_headers(conf, requests_session): """Test that all scripts included from self-repair have long lived cache headers""" req = requests_session.get(conf.getoption("server") + "/en-US/repair") req.raise_for_status() document = html5lib.parse(req.content, treebuilder="dom") scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script") for script in scripts: src = script.getAttribute("src") url = urljoin(conf.getoption("server"), src) script_req = requests_session.get(url) script_req.raise_for_status() cache_control = parse_cache_control(script_req.headers["cache-control"]) assert cache_control["public"], f"Cache-control: public for {url}" ONE_YEAR = 31_536_000 assert cache_control["max-age"] >= ONE_YEAR, f"Cache-control: max-age > 1 year for {url}" assert cache_control["immutable"], f"Cache-control: immutable for {url}" def parse_cache_control(header): parsed = {} parts = header.split(",") for part in parts: part = part.strip() if "=" in part: key, val = part.split("=", 1) try: val = int(val) except ValueError: pass parsed[key] = val else: parsed[part] = True return parsed
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.11.11 on 2018-05-02 23:40 # flake8: noqa from __future__ import unicode_literals import hashlib from django.db import migrations def create_tmp_from_revision(apps, revision, parent=None): ApprovalRequest = apps.get_model("recipes", "ApprovalRequest") TmpRecipeRevision = apps.get_model("recipes", "TmpRecipeRevision") tmp = TmpRecipeRevision( created=revision.created, updated=revision.updated, comment=revision.comment,, arguments_json=revision.arguments_json, extra_filter_expression=revision.extra_filter_expression, identicon_seed=revision.identicon_seed, action=revision.action, parent=parent, recipe=revision.recipe, user=revision.user, ) if revision.approved_for_recipe.count(): tmp.approved_for_recipe.add(revision.approved_for_recipe.get()) if revision.latest_for_recipe.count(): tmp.latest_for_recipe.add(revision.latest_for_recipe.get()) try: approval_request = revision.approval_request approval_request.tmp_revision = tmp except ApprovalRequest.DoesNotExist: pass for channel in revision.channels.all(): tmp.channels.add(channel) for country in revision.countries.all(): tmp.countries.add(country) for locale in revision.locales.all(): tmp.locales.add(locale) return tmp def copy_revisions_to_tmp(apps, schema_editor): RecipeRevision = apps.get_model("recipes", "RecipeRevision") for revision in RecipeRevision.objects.filter(parent=None): current_rev = revision parent_tmp = create_tmp_from_revision(apps, current_rev) try: while current_rev.child: parent_tmp = create_tmp_from_revision(apps, current_rev.child, parent=parent_tmp) current_rev = current_rev.child except RecipeRevision.DoesNotExist: pass def get_filter_expression(revision): parts = [] if revision.locales.count(): locales = ", ".join(["'{}'".format(l.code) for l in revision.locales.all()]) parts.append("normandy.locale in [{}]".format(locales)) if revision.countries.count(): countries = ", ".join(["'{}'".format(c.code) for c in revision.countries.all()]) parts.append(" in [{}]".format(countries)) if revision.channels.count(): channels = ", ".join(["'{}'".format(c.slug) for c in revision.channels.all()]) parts.append(" in [{}]".format(channels)) if revision.extra_filter_expression: parts.append(revision.extra_filter_expression) expression = ") && (".join(parts) return "({})".format(expression) if len(parts) > 1 else expression def hash(revision): data = "{}{}{}{}{}{}".format(, revision.created,,, revision.arguments_json, get_filter_expression(revision), ) return hashlib.sha256(data.encode()).hexdigest() def create_revision_from_tmp(apps, tmp, parent=None): ApprovalRequest = apps.get_model("recipes", "ApprovalRequest") RecipeRevision = apps.get_model("recipes", "RecipeRevision") rev = RecipeRevision( created=tmp.created, updated=tmp.updated, comment=tmp.comment,, arguments_json=tmp.arguments_json, extra_filter_expression=tmp.extra_filter_expression, identicon_seed=tmp.identicon_seed, action=tmp.action, parent=parent, recipe=tmp.recipe, user=tmp.user, ) initial_id = hash(tmp) = initial_id if tmp.approved_for_recipe.count(): rev.approved_for_recipe.add(tmp.approved_for_recipe.get()) if tmp.latest_for_recipe.count(): rev.latest_for_recipe.add(tmp.latest_for_recipe.get()) try: approval_request = tmp.approval_request approval_request.revision = rev except ApprovalRequest.DoesNotExist: pass for channel in tmp.channels.all(): rev.channels.add(channel) for country in tmp.countries.all(): rev.countries.add(country) for locale in tmp.locales.all(): rev.locales.add(locale) return rev def copy_tmp_to_revisions(apps, schema_editor): TmpRecipeRevision = apps.get_model("recipes", "TmpRecipeRevision") for tmp in TmpRecipeRevision.objects.filter(parent=None): current_tmp = tmp parent_rev = create_revision_from_tmp(apps, current_tmp) try: while current_tmp.child: parent_rev = create_revision_from_tmp(apps, current_tmp.child, parent=parent_rev) current_tmp = current_tmp.child except TmpRecipeRevision.DoesNotExist: pass class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [("recipes", "0003_tmpreciperevision")] operations = [migrations.RunPython(copy_revisions_to_tmp, copy_tmp_to_revisions)]
from rest_framework import serializers from factory.fuzzy import FuzzyText from normandy.base.api.v3.serializers import UserSerializer from normandy.base.jexl import get_normandy_jexl from import filters from import ( ActionImplementationHyperlinkField, FilterObjectField, ) from import ( Action, ApprovalRequest, EnabledState, Recipe, RecipeRevision, Signature, ) from import JSONSchemaValidator class CustomizableSerializerMixin: """Serializer Mixin that allows callers to exclude fields on instance of this serializer.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): exclude_fields = kwargs.pop("exclude_fields", []) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if exclude_fields: for field in exclude_fields: self.fields.pop(field) class ActionSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): arguments_schema = serializers.JSONField() implementation_url = ActionImplementationHyperlinkField() class Meta: model = Action fields = ["arguments_schema", "name", "id", "implementation_url"] class ApprovalRequestSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): approver = UserSerializer() created = serializers.DateTimeField(read_only=True) creator = UserSerializer() revision = serializers.SerializerMethodField(read_only=True) class Meta: model = ApprovalRequest fields = ["approved", "approver", "comment", "created", "creator", "id", "revision"] def get_revision(self, instance): serializer = RecipeRevisionLinkSerializer(instance.revision) return class EnabledStateSerializer(CustomizableSerializerMixin, serializers.ModelSerializer): creator = UserSerializer() class Meta: model = EnabledState fields = ["id", "revision_id", "created", "creator", "enabled", "carryover_from"] class RecipeRevisionSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): action = serializers.SerializerMethodField(read_only=True) approval_request = ApprovalRequestSerializer(read_only=True) capabilities = serializers.ListField(read_only=True) comment = serializers.CharField(required=False) creator = UserSerializer(source="user", read_only=True) date_created = serializers.DateTimeField(source="created", read_only=True) enabled_states = EnabledStateSerializer(many=True, exclude_fields=["revision_id"]) filter_object = serializers.ListField(child=FilterObjectField()) recipe = serializers.SerializerMethodField(read_only=True) class Meta: model = RecipeRevision fields = [ "action", "approval_request", "arguments", "experimenter_slug", "capabilities", "comment", "creator", "date_created", "enabled_states", "enabled", "extra_capabilities", "extra_filter_expression", "filter_expression", "filter_object", "id", "identicon_seed", "metadata", "name", "recipe", "updated", ] def get_recipe(self, instance): serializer = RecipeLinkSerializer(instance.recipe) return def get_action(self, instance): serializer = ActionSerializer( instance.action, read_only=True, context={"request": self.context.get("request")} ) return class SignatureSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): timestamp = serializers.DateTimeField(read_only=True) signature = serializers.ReadOnlyField() x5u = serializers.ReadOnlyField() public_key = serializers.ReadOnlyField() class Meta: model = Signature fields = ["timestamp", "signature", "x5u", "public_key"] class RecipeSerializer(CustomizableSerializerMixin, serializers.ModelSerializer): # read-only fields approved_revision = RecipeRevisionSerializer(read_only=True) latest_revision = RecipeRevisionSerializer(read_only=True) signature = SignatureSerializer(read_only=True) uses_only_baseline_capabilities = serializers.BooleanField( source="latest_revision.uses_only_baseline_capabilities", read_only=True ) # write-only fields action_id = serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField( source="action", queryset=Action.objects.all(), write_only=True ) arguments = serializers.JSONField(write_only=True) extra_filter_expression = serializers.CharField( required=False, allow_blank=True, write_only=True ) filter_object = serializers.ListField( child=FilterObjectField(), required=False, write_only=True ) name = serializers.CharField(write_only=True) identicon_seed = serializers.CharField(required=False, write_only=True) comment = serializers.CharField(required=False, write_only=True) experimenter_slug = serializers.CharField( required=False, write_only=True, allow_null=True, allow_blank=True ) extra_capabilities = serializers.ListField(required=False, write_only=True) class Meta: model = Recipe fields = [ # read-only "approved_revision", "id", "latest_revision", "signature", "uses_only_baseline_capabilities", # write-only "action_id", "arguments", "extra_filter_expression", "filter_object", "name", "identicon_seed", "comment", "experimenter_slug", "extra_capabilities", ] def get_action(self, instance): serializer = ActionSerializer( instance.latest_revision.action, read_only=True, context={"request": self.context.get("request")}, ) return def update(self, instance, validated_data): request = self.context.get("request") if request and request.user: validated_data["user"] = request.user instance.revise(**validated_data) return instance def create(self, validated_data): request = self.context.get("request") if request and request.user: validated_data["user"] = request.user if "identicon_seed" not in validated_data: validated_data["identicon_seed"] = f"v1:{FuzzyText().fuzz()}" recipe = Recipe.objects.create() return self.update(recipe, validated_data) def validate_extra_filter_expression(self, value): if value: jexl = get_normandy_jexl() errors = list(jexl.validate(value)) if errors: raise serializers.ValidationError(errors) return value def validate(self, data): data = super().validate(data) action = data.get("action") if action is None: action = self.instance.latest_revision.action arguments = data.get("arguments") if arguments is not None: # Ensure the value is a dict if not isinstance(arguments, dict): raise serializers.ValidationError({"arguments": "Must be an object."}) # Get the schema associated with the selected action schema = action.arguments_schema schemaValidator = JSONSchemaValidator(schema) errorResponse = {} errors = sorted(schemaValidator.iter_errors(arguments), key=lambda e: e.path) # Loop through ValidationErrors returned by JSONSchema # Each error contains a message and a path attribute # message: string human-readable error explanation # path: list containing path to offending element for error in errors: currentLevel = errorResponse # Loop through the path of the current error # e.g. ['surveys'][0]['weight'] for index, path in enumerate(error.path): # If this key already exists in our error response, step into it if path in currentLevel: currentLevel = currentLevel[path] continue else: # If we haven't reached the end of the path, add this path # as a key in our error response object and step into it if index < len(error.path) - 1: currentLevel[path] = {} currentLevel = currentLevel[path] continue # If we've reached the final path, set the error message else: currentLevel[path] = error.message if errorResponse: raise serializers.ValidationError({"arguments": errorResponse}) if self.instance is None: if data.get("extra_filter_expression", "").strip() == "": if not data.get("filter_object"): raise serializers.ValidationError( "one of extra_filter_expression or filter_object is required" ) else: if "extra_filter_expression" in data or "filter_object" in data: # If either is attempted to be updated, at least one of them must be truthy. if not data.get("extra_filter_expression", "").strip() and not data.get( "filter_object" ): raise serializers.ValidationError( "if extra_filter_expression is blank, " "at least one filter_object is required" ) return data def validate_filter_object(self, value): if not isinstance(value, list): raise serializers.ValidationError( {"non field errors": ["filter_object must be a list."]} ) errors = {} for i, obj in enumerate(value): if not isinstance(obj, dict): errors[i] = {"non field errors": ["filter_object members must be objects."]} continue if "type" not in obj: errors[i] = {"type": ["This field is required."]} break Filter = filters.by_type.get(obj["type"]) if Filter is not None: filter = Filter(data=obj) if not filter.is_valid(): errors[i] = filter.errors else: errors[i] = {"type": [f'Unknown filter object type "{obj["type"]}".']} if errors: raise serializers.ValidationError(errors) return value class RecipeLinkSerializer(RecipeSerializer): class Meta(RecipeSerializer.Meta): fields = ["approved_revision_id", "id", "latest_revision_id"] class RecipeRevisionLinkSerializer(RecipeRevisionSerializer): recipe_id = serializers.SerializerMethodField(read_only=True) class Meta(RecipeSerializer.Meta): fields = ["id", "recipe_id"] def get_recipe_id(self, instance): return
import uuid from support.assertions import assert_valid_schema from urllib.parse import urljoin def test_group_delete(conf, requests_session, headers): # Create a new group data = {"name": str(uuid.uuid4())} response = urljoin(conf.getoption("server"), "/api/v3/group/"), headers=headers, data=data ) assert response.status_code == 201 assert_valid_schema(response.json()) group_data = response.json() group_id = group_data["id"] # Verify group was stored and contains expected data response = requests_session.get( urljoin(conf.getoption("server"), "/api/v3/group/{}/".format(group_id)), headers=headers ) group_data = response.json() assert response.status_code == 200 assert_valid_schema(response.json()) # Delete the group response = requests_session.delete( urljoin(conf.getoption("server"), "/api/v3/group/{}/".format(group_id)), headers=headers ) assert response.status_code == 204 # Verify that it no longer exists response = requests_session.get( urljoin(conf.getoption("server"), "/api/v3/group/{}/".format(group_id)), headers=headers ) assert response.status_code == 404
""" The API key is retrieved from the bot config file. """ from util import hook, http api_url = "" @hook.api_key("lastfm") @hook.command(autohelp=False) def lastfm(inp, chan="", nick="", reply=None, api_key=None, db=None): ".lastfm <username> [dontsave] | @<nick> -- gets current or last played " "track from lastfm" db.execute( "create table if not exists " "lastfm(chan, nick, user, primary key(chan, nick))" ) if inp[0:1] == "@": nick = inp[1:].strip() user = None dontsave = True else: user = inp dontsave = user.endswith(" dontsave") if dontsave: user = user[:-9].strip().lower() if not user: user = db.execute( "select user from lastfm where chan=? and nick=lower(?)", (chan, nick) ).fetchone() if not user: return lastfm.__doc__ user = user[0] response = http.get_json( api_url, method="user.getrecenttracks", api_key=api_key, user=user, limit=1 ) if "error" in response: return "error: %s" % response["message"] if ( not "track" in response["recenttracks"] or len(response["recenttracks"]["track"]) == 0 ): return "no recent tracks for user \x02%s\x0F found" % user tracks = response["recenttracks"]["track"] if type(tracks) == list: # if the user is listening to something, the tracks entry is a list # the first item is the current track track = tracks[0] status = "current track" elif type(tracks) == dict: # otherwise, they aren't listening to anything right now, and # the tracks entry is a dict representing the most recent track track = tracks status = "last track" else: return "error parsing track listing" title = track["name"] album = track["album"]["#text"] artist = track["artist"]["#text"] ret = "\x02%s\x0F's %s - \x02%s\x0f" % (user, status, title) if artist: ret += " by \x02%s\x0f" % artist if album: ret += " on \x02%s\x0f" % album reply(ret) if inp and not dontsave: db.execute( "insert or replace into lastfm(chan, nick, user) " "values (?, ?, ?)", (chan, nick.lower(), inp), ) db.commit()
from __future__ import unicode_literals import random from util import hook, http def api_get(query, key, is_image=None, num=1): url = ( "" "&fields=items(title,link,snippet)&safe=off&nfpr=1" + ("&searchType=image" if is_image else "") ) return http.get_json(url, key=key, q=query, num=num) @hook.api_key("google") @hook.command("can i get a picture of") @hook.command("can you grab me a picture of") @hook.command("give me a print out of") @hook.command def gis(inp, api_key=None): """.gis <term> -- finds an image using google images (safesearch off)""" parsed = api_get(inp, api_key, is_image=True, num=10) if "items" not in parsed: return "no images found" return random.choice(parsed["items"])["link"] @hook.api_key("google") @hook.command("g") @hook.command def google(inp, api_key=None): """.g/.google <query> -- returns first google search result""" parsed = api_get(inp, api_key) if "items" not in parsed: return "no results found" out = '{link} -- \x02{title}\x02: "{snippet}"'.format(**parsed["items"][0]) out = " ".join(out.split()) if len(out) > 300: out = out[: out.rfind(" ")] + '..."' return out
# Copyright (c) Django Software Foundation and individual contributors. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of Django nor the names of its contributors may be used # to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS"AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED.IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR # ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON # ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import datetime def timesince(d, now=None): """ Takes two datetime objects and returns the time between d and now as a nicely formatted string, e.g. "10 minutes". If d occurs after now, then "0 minutes" is returned. Units used are years, months, weeks, days, hours, and minutes. Seconds and microseconds are ignored. Up to two adjacent units will be displayed. For example, "2 weeks, 3 days" and "1 year, 3 months" are possible outputs, but "2 weeks, 3 hours" and "1 year, 5 days" are not. Adapted from """ chunks = ( (60 * 60 * 24 * 365, ("year", "years")), (60 * 60 * 24 * 30, ("month", "months")), (60 * 60 * 24 * 7, ("week", "weeks")), (60 * 60 * 24, ("day", "days")), (60 * 60, ("hour", "hours")), (60, ("minute", "minutes")), ) # Convert int or float (unix epoch) to datetime.datetime for comparison if isinstance(d, int) or isinstance(d, float): d = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(d) # Convert to datetime.datetime for comparison. if not isinstance(d, datetime.datetime): d = datetime.datetime(d.year, d.month, if now and not isinstance(now, datetime.datetime): now = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month, if not now: now = # ignore microsecond part of 'd' since we removed it from 'now' delta = now - (d - datetime.timedelta(0, 0, d.microsecond)) since = delta.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + delta.seconds if since <= 0: # d is in the future compared to now, stop processing. return "0 " + "minutes" for i, (seconds, name) in enumerate(chunks): count = since // seconds if count != 0: break if count == 1: s = "%(number)d %(type)s" % {"number": count, "type": name[0]} else: s = "%(number)d %(type)s" % {"number": count, "type": name[1]} if i + 1 < len(chunks): # Now get the second item seconds2, name2 = chunks[i + 1] count2 = (since - (seconds * count)) // seconds2 if count2 != 0: if count2 == 1: s += ", %d %s" % (count2, name2[0]) else: s += ", %d %s" % (count2, name2[1]) return s def timeuntil(d, now=None): """ Like timesince, but returns a string measuring the time until the given time. """ if not now: now = return timesince(now, d)
from __future__ import print_function from builtins import range from util import hook, http import random def card_search(name): matching_cards = http.get_json( "", name=name ) for card in matching_cards["cards"]: if card["name"].lower() == name.lower(): return card return random.choice(matching_cards["cards"]) @hook.command def mtg(inp, say=None): """.mtg <name> - Searches for Magic the Gathering card given <name>""" try: card = card_search(inp) except IndexError: return "Card not found." symbols = { "{0}": "0", "{1}": "1", "{2}": "2", "{3}": "3", "{4}": "4", "{5}": "5", "{6}": "6", "{7}": "7", "{8}": "8", "{9}": "9", "{10}": "10", "{11}": "11", "{12}": "12", "{13}": "13", "{14}": "14", "{15}": "15", "{16}": "16", "{17}": "17", "{18}": "18", "{19}": "19", "{20}": "20", "{T}": "\u27F3", "{S}": "\u2744", "{Q}": "\u21BA", "{C}": "\u27E1", "{W}": "W", "{U}": "U", "{B}": "B", "{R}": "R", "{G}": "G", "{W/P}": "\u03D5", "{U/P}": "\u03D5", "{B/P}": "\u03D5", "{R/P}": "\u03D5", "{G/P}": "\u03D5", "{X}": "X", "\n": " ", } results = { "name": card["name"], "type": card["type"], "cost": card.get("manaCost", ""), "text": card.get("text", ""), "power": card.get("power"), "toughness": card.get("toughness"), "loyalty": card.get("loyalty"), "multiverseid": card.get("multiverseid"), } for fragment, rep in symbols.items(): results["text"] = results["text"].replace(fragment, rep) results["cost"] = results["cost"].replace(fragment, rep) template = ["{name} -"] template.append("{type}") template.append("- {cost} |") if results["loyalty"]: template.append("{loyalty} Loyalty |") if results["power"]: template.append("{power}/{toughness} |") template.append( "{text} |{multiverseid}" ) return " ".join(template).format(**results) if __name__ == "__main__": print(card_search("Black Lotus")) print(mtg("Black Lotus"))
import os import pytest from unittest import mock from unittest.mock import MagicMock, mock_open, patch from pytube import Caption, CaptionQuery, captions def test_float_to_srt_time_format(): caption1 = Caption( {"url": "url1", "name": {"simpleText": "name1"}, "languageCode": "en", "vssId": ".en"} ) assert caption1.float_to_srt_time_format(3.89) == "00:00:03,890" def test_caption_query_sequence(): caption1 = Caption( {"url": "url1", "name": {"simpleText": "name1"}, "languageCode": "en", "vssId": ".en"} ) caption2 = Caption( {"url": "url2", "name": {"simpleText": "name2"}, "languageCode": "fr", "vssId": ".fr"} ) caption_query = CaptionQuery(captions=[caption1, caption2]) assert len(caption_query) == 2 assert caption_query["en"] == caption1 assert caption_query["fr"] == caption2 with pytest.raises(KeyError): assert caption_query["nada"] is not None def test_caption_query_get_by_language_code_when_exists(): caption1 = Caption( {"url": "url1", "name": {"simpleText": "name1"}, "languageCode": "en", "vssId": ".en"} ) caption2 = Caption( {"url": "url2", "name": {"simpleText": "name2"}, "languageCode": "fr", "vssId": ".fr"} ) caption_query = CaptionQuery(captions=[caption1, caption2]) assert caption_query["en"] == caption1 def test_caption_query_get_by_language_code_when_not_exists(): caption1 = Caption( {"url": "url1", "name": {"simpleText": "name1"}, "languageCode": "en", "vssId": ".en"} ) caption2 = Caption( {"url": "url2", "name": {"simpleText": "name2"}, "languageCode": "fr", "vssId": ".fr"} ) caption_query = CaptionQuery(captions=[caption1, caption2]) with pytest.raises(KeyError): assert caption_query["hello"] is not None # assert not_found is not None # should never reach here @mock.patch("pytube.captions.Caption.generate_srt_captions") def test_download(srt): open_mock = mock_open() with patch("", open_mock): srt.return_value = "" caption = Caption( { "url": "url1", "name": {"simpleText": "name1"}, "languageCode": "en", "vssId": ".en" } )"title") assert ( open_mock.call_args_list[0][0][0].split(os.path.sep)[-1] == "title (en).srt" ) @mock.patch("pytube.captions.Caption.generate_srt_captions") def test_download_with_prefix(srt): open_mock = mock_open() with patch("", open_mock): srt.return_value = "" caption = Caption( { "url": "url1", "name": {"simpleText": "name1"}, "languageCode": "en", "vssId": ".en" } )"title", filename_prefix="1 ") assert ( open_mock.call_args_list[0][0][0].split(os.path.sep)[-1] == "1 title (en).srt" ) @mock.patch("pytube.captions.Caption.generate_srt_captions") def test_download_with_output_path(srt): open_mock = mock_open() captions.target_directory = MagicMock(return_value="/target") with patch("", open_mock): srt.return_value = "" caption = Caption( { "url": "url1", "name": {"simpleText": "name1"}, "languageCode": "en", "vssId": ".en" } ) file_path ="title", output_path="blah") assert file_path == os.path.join("/target","title (en).srt") captions.target_directory.assert_called_with("blah") @mock.patch("pytube.captions.Caption.xml_captions") def test_download_xml_and_trim_extension(xml): open_mock = mock_open() with patch("", open_mock): xml.return_value = "" caption = Caption( { "url": "url1", "name": {"simpleText": "name1"}, "languageCode": "en", "vssId": ".en" } )"title.xml", srt=False) assert ( open_mock.call_args_list[0][0][0].split(os.path.sep)[-1] == "title (en).xml" ) def test_repr(): caption = Caption( {"url": "url1", "name": {"simpleText": "name1"}, "languageCode": "en", "vssId": ".en"} ) assert str(caption) == '<Caption lang="name1" code="en">' caption_query = CaptionQuery(captions=[caption]) assert repr(caption_query) == '{\'en\': <Caption lang="name1" code="en">}' @mock.patch("pytube.request.get") def test_xml_captions(request_get): request_get.return_value = "test" caption = Caption( {"url": "url1", "name": {"simpleText": "name1"}, "languageCode": "en", "vssId": ".en"} ) assert caption.xml_captions == "test" @mock.patch("pytube.captions.request") def test_generate_srt_captions(request): request.get.return_value = ( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><transcript><text start="6.5" dur="1.7">[' 'Herb, Software Engineer]\n本影片包含隱藏式字幕。</text><text start="8.3" dur="2.7">' "如要啓動字幕,請按一下這裡的圖示。</text></transcript>" ) caption = Caption( {"url": "url1", "name": {"simpleText": "name1"}, "languageCode": "en", "vssId": ".en"} ) assert caption.generate_srt_captions() == ( "1\n" "00:00:06,500 --> 00:00:08,200\n" "[Herb, Software Engineer] 本影片包含隱藏式字幕。\n" "\n" "2\n" "00:00:08,300 --> 00:00:11,000\n" "如要啓動字幕,請按一下這裡的圖示。" )
""" This module contains all logic necessary to decipher the signature. YouTube's strategy to restrict downloading videos is to send a ciphered version of the signature to the client, along with the decryption algorithm obfuscated in JavaScript. For the clients to play the videos, JavaScript must take the ciphered version, cycle it through a series of "transform functions," and then signs the media URL with the output. This module is responsible for (1) finding and extracting those "transform functions" (2) maps them to Python equivalents and (3) taking the ciphered signature and decoding it. """ import logging import re from itertools import chain from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple from pytube.exceptions import ExtractError, RegexMatchError from pytube.helpers import cache, regex_search from pytube.parser import find_object_from_startpoint, throttling_array_split logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Cipher: def __init__(self, js: str): self.transform_plan: List[str] = get_transform_plan(js) var_regex = re.compile(r"^\w+\W") var_match =[0]) if not var_match: raise RegexMatchError( caller="__init__", pattern=var_regex.pattern ) var =[:-1] self.transform_map = get_transform_map(js, var) self.js_func_patterns = [ r"\w+\.(\w+)\(\w,(\d+)\)", r"\w+\[(\"\w+\")\]\(\w,(\d+)\)" ] self.throttling_plan = get_throttling_plan(js) self.throttling_array = get_throttling_function_array(js) self.calculated_n = None def calculate_n(self, initial_n: list): """Converts n to the correct value to prevent throttling.""" if self.calculated_n: return self.calculated_n # First, update all instances of 'b' with the list(initial_n) for i in range(len(self.throttling_array)): if self.throttling_array[i] == 'b': self.throttling_array[i] = initial_n for step in self.throttling_plan: curr_func = self.throttling_array[int(step[0])] if not callable(curr_func): logger.debug(f'{curr_func} is not callable.') logger.debug(f'Throttling array:\n{self.throttling_array}\n') raise ExtractError(f'{curr_func} is not callable.') first_arg = self.throttling_array[int(step[1])] if len(step) == 2: curr_func(first_arg) elif len(step) == 3: second_arg = self.throttling_array[int(step[2])] curr_func(first_arg, second_arg) self.calculated_n = ''.join(initial_n) return self.calculated_n def get_signature(self, ciphered_signature: str) -> str: """Decipher the signature. Taking the ciphered signature, applies the transform functions. :param str ciphered_signature: The ciphered signature sent in the ``player_config``. :rtype: str :returns: Decrypted signature required to download the media content. """ signature = list(ciphered_signature) for js_func in self.transform_plan: name, argument = self.parse_function(js_func) # type: ignore signature = self.transform_map[name](signature, argument) logger.debug( "applied transform function\n" "output: %s\n" "js_function: %s\n" "argument: %d\n" "function: %s", "".join(signature), name, argument, self.transform_map[name], ) return "".join(signature) @cache def parse_function(self, js_func: str) -> Tuple[str, int]: """Parse the Javascript transform function. Break a JavaScript transform function down into a two element ``tuple`` containing the function name and some integer-based argument. :param str js_func: The JavaScript version of the transform function. :rtype: tuple :returns: two element tuple containing the function name and an argument. **Example**: parse_function('DE.AJ(a,15)') ('AJ', 15) """ logger.debug("parsing transform function") for pattern in self.js_func_patterns: regex = re.compile(pattern) parse_match = if parse_match: fn_name, fn_arg = parse_match.groups() return fn_name, int(fn_arg) raise RegexMatchError( caller="parse_function", pattern="js_func_patterns" ) def get_initial_function_name(js: str) -> str: """Extract the name of the function responsible for computing the signature. :param str js: The contents of the base.js asset file. :rtype: str :returns: Function name from regex match """ function_patterns = [ r"\b[cs]\s*&&\s*[adf]\.set\([^,]+\s*,\s*encodeURIComponent\s*\(\s*(?P<sig>[a-zA-Z0-9$]+)\(", # noqa: E501 r"\b[a-zA-Z0-9]+\s*&&\s*[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.set\([^,]+\s*,\s*encodeURIComponent\s*\(\s*(?P<sig>[a-zA-Z0-9$]+)\(", # noqa: E501 r'(?:\b|[^a-zA-Z0-9$])(?P<sig>[a-zA-Z0-9$]{2})\s*=\s*function\(\s*a\s*\)\s*{\s*a\s*=\s*a\.split\(\s*""\s*\)', # noqa: E501 r'(?P<sig>[a-zA-Z0-9$]+)\s*=\s*function\(\s*a\s*\)\s*{\s*a\s*=\s*a\.split\(\s*""\s*\)', # noqa: E501 r'(["\'])signature\1\s*,\s*(?P<sig>[a-zA-Z0-9$]+)\(', r"\.sig\|\|(?P<sig>[a-zA-Z0-9$]+)\(", r"yt\.akamaized\.net/\)\s*\|\|\s*.*?\s*[cs]\s*&&\s*[adf]\.set\([^,]+\s*,\s*(?:encodeURIComponent\s*\()?\s*(?P<sig>[a-zA-Z0-9$]+)\(", # noqa: E501 r"\b[cs]\s*&&\s*[adf]\.set\([^,]+\s*,\s*(?P<sig>[a-zA-Z0-9$]+)\(", # noqa: E501 r"\b[a-zA-Z0-9]+\s*&&\s*[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.set\([^,]+\s*,\s*(?P<sig>[a-zA-Z0-9$]+)\(", # noqa: E501 r"\bc\s*&&\s*a\.set\([^,]+\s*,\s*\([^)]*\)\s*\(\s*(?P<sig>[a-zA-Z0-9$]+)\(", # noqa: E501 r"\bc\s*&&\s*[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.set\([^,]+\s*,\s*\([^)]*\)\s*\(\s*(?P<sig>[a-zA-Z0-9$]+)\(", # noqa: E501 r"\bc\s*&&\s*[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.set\([^,]+\s*,\s*\([^)]*\)\s*\(\s*(?P<sig>[a-zA-Z0-9$]+)\(", # noqa: E501 ] logger.debug("finding initial function name") for pattern in function_patterns: regex = re.compile(pattern) function_match = if function_match: logger.debug("finished regex search, matched: %s", pattern) return raise RegexMatchError( caller="get_initial_function_name", pattern="multiple" ) def get_transform_plan(js: str) -> List[str]: """Extract the "transform plan". The "transform plan" is the functions that the ciphered signature is cycled through to obtain the actual signature. :param str js: The contents of the base.js asset file. **Example**: ['DE.AJ(a,15)', 'DE.VR(a,3)', 'DE.AJ(a,51)', 'DE.VR(a,3)', 'DE.kT(a,51)', 'DE.kT(a,8)', 'DE.VR(a,3)', 'DE.kT(a,21)'] """ name = re.escape(get_initial_function_name(js)) pattern = r"%s=function\(\w\){[a-z=\.\(\"\)]*;(.*);(?:.+)}" % name logger.debug("getting transform plan") return regex_search(pattern, js, group=1).split(";") def get_transform_object(js: str, var: str) -> List[str]: """Extract the "transform object". The "transform object" contains the function definitions referenced in the "transform plan". The ``var`` argument is the obfuscated variable name which contains these functions, for example, given the function call ``DE.AJ(a,15)`` returned by the transform plan, "DE" would be the var. :param str js: The contents of the base.js asset file. :param str var: The obfuscated variable name that stores an object with all functions that descrambles the signature. **Example**: >>> get_transform_object(js, 'DE') ['AJ:function(a){a.reverse()}', 'VR:function(a,b){a.splice(0,b)}', 'kT:function(a,b){var c=a[0];a[0]=a[b%a.length];a[b]=c}'] """ pattern = r"var %s={(.*?)};" % re.escape(var) logger.debug("getting transform object") regex = re.compile(pattern, flags=re.DOTALL) transform_match = if not transform_match: raise RegexMatchError(caller="get_transform_object", pattern=pattern) return"\n", " ").split(", ") def get_transform_map(js: str, var: str) -> Dict: """Build a transform function lookup. Build a lookup table of obfuscated JavaScript function names to the Python equivalents. :param str js: The contents of the base.js asset file. :param str var: The obfuscated variable name that stores an object with all functions that descrambles the signature. """ transform_object = get_transform_object(js, var) mapper = {} for obj in transform_object: # AJ:function(a){a.reverse()} => AJ, function(a){a.reverse()} name, function = obj.split(":", 1) fn = map_functions(function) mapper[name] = fn return mapper def get_throttling_function_name(js: str) -> str: """Extract the name of the function that computes the throttling parameter. :param str js: The contents of the base.js asset file. :rtype: str :returns: The name of the function used to compute the throttling parameter. """ function_patterns = [ # # # var Bpa = [iha]; # ... # a.C && (b = a.get("n")) && (b = Bpa[0](b), a.set("n", b), # Bpa.length || iha("")) }}; # In the above case, `iha` is the relevant function name r'a\.[a-zA-Z]\s*&&\s*\([a-z]\s*=\s*a\.get\("n"\)\)\s*&&\s*' r'\([a-z]\s*=\s*([a-zA-Z0-9$]+)(\[\d+\])?\([a-z]\)', ] logger.debug('Finding throttling function name') for pattern in function_patterns: regex = re.compile(pattern) function_match = if function_match: logger.debug("finished regex search, matched: %s", pattern) if len(function_match.groups()) == 1: return idx = if idx: idx = idx.strip("[]") array = r'var {nfunc}\s*=\s*(\[.+?\]);'.format( nfunc=re.escape(, js ) if array: array ="[]").split(",") array = [x.strip() for x in array] return array[int(idx)] raise RegexMatchError( caller="get_throttling_function_name", pattern="multiple" ) def get_throttling_function_code(js: str) -> str: """Extract the raw code for the throttling function. :param str js: The contents of the base.js asset file. :rtype: str :returns: The name of the function used to compute the throttling parameter. """ # Begin by extracting the correct function name name = re.escape(get_throttling_function_name(js)) # Identify where the function is defined pattern_start = r"%s=function\(\w\)" % name regex = re.compile(pattern_start) match = # Extract the code within curly braces for the function itself, and merge any split lines code_lines_list = find_object_from_startpoint(js, match.span()[1]).split('\n') joined_lines = "".join(code_lines_list) # Prepend function definition (e.g. `Dea=function(a)`) return + joined_lines def get_throttling_function_array(js: str) -> List[Any]: """Extract the "c" array. :param str js: The contents of the base.js asset file. :returns: The array of various integers, arrays, and functions. """ raw_code = get_throttling_function_code(js) array_start = r",c=\[" array_regex = re.compile(array_start) match = array_raw = find_object_from_startpoint(raw_code, match.span()[1] - 1) str_array = throttling_array_split(array_raw) converted_array = [] for el in str_array: try: converted_array.append(int(el)) continue except ValueError: # Not an integer value. pass if el == 'null': converted_array.append(None) continue if el.startswith('"') and el.endswith('"'): # Convert e.g. '"abcdef"' to string without quotation marks, 'abcdef' converted_array.append(el[1:-1]) continue if el.startswith('function'): mapper = ( (r"{for\(\w=\(\w%\w\.length\+\w\.length\)%\w\.length;\w--;\)\w\.unshift\(\w.pop\(\)\)}", throttling_unshift), # noqa:E501 (r"{\w\.reverse\(\)}", throttling_reverse), (r"{\w\.push\(\w\)}", throttling_push), (r";var\s\w=\w\[0\];\w\[0\]=\w\[\w\];\w\[\w\]=\w}", throttling_swap), (r"case\s\d+", throttling_cipher_function), (r"\w\.splice\(0,1,\w\.splice\(\w,1,\w\[0\]\)\[0\]\)", throttling_nested_splice), # noqa:E501 (r";\w\.splice\(\w,1\)}", js_splice), (r"\w\.splice\(-\w\)\.reverse\(\)\.forEach\(function\(\w\){\w\.unshift\(\w\)}\)", throttling_prepend), # noqa:E501 (r"for\(var \w=\w\.length;\w;\)\w\.push\(\w\.splice\(--\w,1\)\[0\]\)}", throttling_reverse), # noqa:E501 ) found = False for pattern, fn in mapper: if, el): converted_array.append(fn) found = True if found: continue converted_array.append(el) # Replace null elements with array itself for i in range(len(converted_array)): if converted_array[i] is None: converted_array[i] = converted_array return converted_array def get_throttling_plan(js: str): """Extract the "throttling plan". The "throttling plan" is a list of tuples used for calling functions in the c array. The first element of the tuple is the index of the function to call, and any remaining elements of the tuple are arguments to pass to that function. :param str js: The contents of the base.js asset file. :returns: The full function code for computing the throttlign parameter. """ raw_code = get_throttling_function_code(js) transform_start = r"try{" plan_regex = re.compile(transform_start) match = transform_plan_raw = find_object_from_startpoint(raw_code, match.span()[1] - 1) # Steps are either c[x](c[y]) or c[x](c[y],c[z]) step_start = r"c\[(\d+)\]\(c\[(\d+)\](,c(\[(\d+)\]))?\)" step_regex = re.compile(step_start) matches = step_regex.findall(transform_plan_raw) transform_steps = [] for match in matches: if match[4] != '': transform_steps.append((match[0],match[1],match[4])) else: transform_steps.append((match[0],match[1])) return transform_steps def reverse(arr: List, _: Optional[Any]): """Reverse elements in a list. This function is equivalent to: .. code-block:: javascript function(a, b) { a.reverse() } This method takes an unused ``b`` variable as their transform functions universally sent two arguments. **Example**: >>> reverse([1, 2, 3, 4]) [4, 3, 2, 1] """ return arr[::-1] def splice(arr: List, b: int): """Add/remove items to/from a list. This function is equivalent to: .. code-block:: javascript function(a, b) { a.splice(0, b) } **Example**: >>> splice([1, 2, 3, 4], 2) [1, 2] """ return arr[b:] def swap(arr: List, b: int): """Swap positions at b modulus the list length. This function is equivalent to: .. code-block:: javascript function(a, b) { var c=a[0];a[0]=a[b%a.length];a[b]=c } **Example**: >>> swap([1, 2, 3, 4], 2) [3, 2, 1, 4] """ r = b % len(arr) return list(chain([arr[r]], arr[1:r], [arr[0]], arr[r + 1 :])) def throttling_reverse(arr: list): """Reverses the input list. Needs to do an in-place reversal so that the passed list gets changed. To accomplish this, we create a reversed copy, and then change each indvidual element. """ reverse_copy = arr.copy()[::-1] for i in range(len(reverse_copy)): arr[i] = reverse_copy[i] def throttling_push(d: list, e: Any): """Pushes an element onto a list.""" d.append(e) def throttling_mod_func(d: list, e: int): """Perform the modular function from the throttling array functions. In the javascript, the modular operation is as follows: e = (e % d.length + d.length) % d.length We simply translate this to python here. """ return (e % len(d) + len(d)) % len(d) def throttling_unshift(d: list, e: int): """Rotates the elements of the list to the right. In the javascript, the operation is as follows: for(e=(e%d.length+d.length)%d.length;e--;)d.unshift(d.pop()) """ e = throttling_mod_func(d, e) new_arr = d[-e:] + d[:-e] d.clear() for el in new_arr: d.append(el) def throttling_cipher_function(d: list, e: str): """This ciphers d with e to generate a new list. In the javascript, the operation is as follows: var h = [A-Za-z0-9-_], f = 96; // simplified from switch-case loop d.forEach( function(l,m,n){ this.push( n[m]=h[ (h.indexOf(l)-h.indexOf(this[m])+m-32+f--)%h.length ] ) }, e.split("") ) """ h = list('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_') f = 96 # by naming it "this" we can more closely reflect the js this = list(e) # This is so we don't run into weirdness with enumerate while # we change the input list copied_list = d.copy() for m, l in enumerate(copied_list): bracket_val = (h.index(l) - h.index(this[m]) + m - 32 + f) % len(h) this.append( h[bracket_val] ) d[m] = h[bracket_val] f -= 1 def throttling_nested_splice(d: list, e: int): """Nested splice function in throttling js. In the javascript, the operation is as follows: function(d,e){ e=(e%d.length+d.length)%d.length; d.splice( 0, 1, d.splice( e, 1, d[0] )[0] ) } While testing, all this seemed to do is swap element 0 and e, but the actual process is preserved in case there was an edge case that was not considered. """ e = throttling_mod_func(d, e) inner_splice = js_splice( d, e, 1, d[0] ) js_splice( d, 0, 1, inner_splice[0] ) def throttling_prepend(d: list, e: int): """ In the javascript, the operation is as follows: function(d,e){ e=(e%d.length+d.length)%d.length; d.splice(-e).reverse().forEach( function(f){ d.unshift(f) } ) } Effectively, this moves the last e elements of d to the beginning. """ start_len = len(d) # First, calculate e e = throttling_mod_func(d, e) # Then do the prepending new_arr = d[-e:] + d[:-e] # And update the input list d.clear() for el in new_arr: d.append(el) end_len = len(d) assert start_len == end_len def throttling_swap(d: list, e: int): """Swap positions of the 0'th and e'th elements in-place.""" e = throttling_mod_func(d, e) f = d[0] d[0] = d[e] d[e] = f def js_splice(arr: list, start: int, delete_count=None, *items): """Implementation of javascript's splice function. :param list arr: Array to splice :param int start: Index at which to start changing the array :param int delete_count: Number of elements to delete from the array :param *items: Items to add to the array Reference: # noqa:E501 """ # Special conditions for start value try: if start > len(arr): start = len(arr) # If start is negative, count backwards from end if start < 0: start = len(arr) - start except TypeError: # Non-integer start values are treated as 0 in js start = 0 # Special condition when delete_count is greater than remaining elements if not delete_count or delete_count >= len(arr) - start: delete_count = len(arr) - start # noqa: N806 deleted_elements = arr[start:start + delete_count] # Splice appropriately. new_arr = arr[:start] + list(items) + arr[start + delete_count:] # Replace contents of input array arr.clear() for el in new_arr: arr.append(el) return deleted_elements def map_functions(js_func: str) -> Callable: """For a given JavaScript transform function, return the Python equivalent. :param str js_func: The JavaScript version of the transform function. """ mapper = ( # function(a){a.reverse()} (r"{\w\.reverse\(\)}", reverse), # function(a,b){a.splice(0,b)} (r"{\w\.splice\(0,\w\)}", splice), # function(a,b){var c=a[0];a[0]=a[b%a.length];a[b]=c} (r"{var\s\w=\w\[0\];\w\[0\]=\w\[\w\%\w.length\];\w\[\w\]=\w}", swap), # function(a,b){var c=a[0];a[0]=a[b%a.length];a[b%a.length]=c} ( r"{var\s\w=\w\[0\];\w\[0\]=\w\[\w\%\w.length\];\w\[\w\%\w.length\]=\w}", swap, ), ) for pattern, fn in mapper: if, js_func): return fn raise RegexMatchError(caller="map_functions", pattern="multiple")
"""Implements a simple wrapper around urlopen.""" import http.client import json import logging import re import socket from functools import lru_cache from urllib import parse from urllib.error import URLError from urllib.request import Request, urlopen from pytube.exceptions import RegexMatchError, MaxRetriesExceeded from pytube.helpers import regex_search logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) default_range_size = 9437184 # 9MB def _execute_request( url, method=None, headers=None, data=None, timeout=socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT ): base_headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0", "accept-language": "en-US,en"} if headers: base_headers.update(headers) if data: # encode data for request if not isinstance(data, bytes): data = bytes(json.dumps(data), encoding="utf-8") if url.lower().startswith("http"): request = Request(url, headers=base_headers, method=method, data=data) else: raise ValueError("Invalid URL") return urlopen(request, timeout=timeout) # nosec def get(url, extra_headers=None, timeout=socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """Send an http GET request. :param str url: The URL to perform the GET request for. :param dict extra_headers: Extra headers to add to the request :rtype: str :returns: UTF-8 encoded string of response """ if extra_headers is None: extra_headers = {} response = _execute_request(url, headers=extra_headers, timeout=timeout) return"utf-8") def post(url, extra_headers=None, data=None, timeout=socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """Send an http POST request. :param str url: The URL to perform the POST request for. :param dict extra_headers: Extra headers to add to the request :param dict data: The data to send on the POST request :rtype: str :returns: UTF-8 encoded string of response """ # could technically be implemented in get, # but to avoid confusion implemented like this if extra_headers is None: extra_headers = {} if data is None: data = {} # required because the youtube servers are strict on content type # raises HTTPError [400]: Bad Request otherwise extra_headers.update({"Content-Type": "application/json"}) response = _execute_request( url, headers=extra_headers, data=data, timeout=timeout ) return"utf-8") def seq_stream( url, timeout=socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, max_retries=0 ): """Read the response in sequence. :param str url: The URL to perform the GET request for. :rtype: Iterable[bytes] """ # YouTube expects a request sequence number as part of the parameters. split_url = parse.urlsplit(url) base_url = '%s://%s/%s?' % (split_url.scheme, split_url.netloc, split_url.path) querys = dict(parse.parse_qsl(split_url.query)) # The 0th sequential request provides the file headers, which tell us # information about how the file is segmented. querys['sq'] = 0 url = base_url + parse.urlencode(querys) segment_data = b'' for chunk in stream(url, timeout=timeout, max_retries=max_retries): yield chunk segment_data += chunk # We can then parse the header to find the number of segments stream_info = segment_data.split(b'\r\n') segment_count_pattern = re.compile(b'Segment-Count: (\\d+)') for line in stream_info: match = if match: segment_count = int('utf-8')) # We request these segments sequentially to build the file. seq_num = 1 while seq_num <= segment_count: # Create sequential request URL querys['sq'] = seq_num url = base_url + parse.urlencode(querys) yield from stream(url, timeout=timeout, max_retries=max_retries) seq_num += 1 return # pylint: disable=R1711 def stream( url, timeout=socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, max_retries=0 ): """Read the response in chunks. :param str url: The URL to perform the GET request for. :rtype: Iterable[bytes] """ file_size: int = default_range_size # fake filesize to start downloaded = 0 while downloaded < file_size: stop_pos = min(downloaded + default_range_size, file_size) - 1 range_header = f"bytes={downloaded}-{stop_pos}" tries = 0 # Attempt to make the request multiple times as necessary. while True: # If the max retries is exceeded, raise an exception if tries >= 1 + max_retries: raise MaxRetriesExceeded() # Try to execute the request, ignoring socket timeouts try: response = _execute_request( url, method="GET", headers={"Range": range_header}, timeout=timeout ) except URLError as e: # We only want to skip over timeout errors, and # raise any other URLError exceptions if isinstance(e.reason, socket.timeout): pass else: raise except http.client.IncompleteRead: # Allow retries on IncompleteRead errors for unreliable connections pass else: # On a successful request, break from loop break tries += 1 if file_size == default_range_size: try: content_range =["Content-Range"] file_size = int(content_range.split("/")[1]) except (KeyError, IndexError, ValueError) as e: logger.error(e) while True: chunk = if not chunk: break downloaded += len(chunk) yield chunk return # pylint: disable=R1711 @lru_cache() def filesize(url): """Fetch size in bytes of file at given URL :param str url: The URL to get the size of :returns: int: size in bytes of remote file """ return int(head(url)["content-length"]) @lru_cache() def seq_filesize(url): """Fetch size in bytes of file at given URL from sequential requests :param str url: The URL to get the size of :returns: int: size in bytes of remote file """ total_filesize = 0 # YouTube expects a request sequence number as part of the parameters. split_url = parse.urlsplit(url) base_url = '%s://%s/%s?' % (split_url.scheme, split_url.netloc, split_url.path) querys = dict(parse.parse_qsl(split_url.query)) # The 0th sequential request provides the file headers, which tell us # information about how the file is segmented. querys['sq'] = 0 url = base_url + parse.urlencode(querys) response = _execute_request( url, method="GET" ) response_value = # The file header must be added to the total filesize total_filesize += len(response_value) # We can then parse the header to find the number of segments segment_count = 0 stream_info = response_value.split(b'\r\n') segment_regex = b'Segment-Count: (\\d+)' for line in stream_info: # One of the lines should contain the segment count, but we don't know # which, so we need to iterate through the lines to find it try: segment_count = int(regex_search(segment_regex, line, 1)) except RegexMatchError: pass if segment_count == 0: raise RegexMatchError('seq_filesize', segment_regex) # We make HEAD requests to the segments sequentially to find the total filesize. seq_num = 1 while seq_num <= segment_count: # Create sequential request URL querys['sq'] = seq_num url = base_url + parse.urlencode(querys) total_filesize += int(head(url)['content-length']) seq_num += 1 return total_filesize def head(url): """Fetch headers returned http GET request. :param str url: The URL to perform the GET request for. :rtype: dict :returns: dictionary of lowercase headers """ response_headers = _execute_request(url, method="HEAD").info() return {k.lower(): v for k, v in response_headers.items()}
import json import logging import os import yaml from jose import jwk from jose import jws from jose.exceptions import JWSError from cis_crypto import secret from cis_crypto import common logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Note: # These attrs on sign/verify could be refactored to use object inheritance. Leaving as is for now for readability. class Sign(object): def __init__(self): self.config = common.get_config() self.key_name = self.config("signing_key_name", namespace="cis", default="file") self._jwk = None self.secret_manager = self.config("secret_manager", namespace="cis", default="file") self.payload = None def load(self, data): """Loads a payload to the object and ensures that the thing is serializable.""" try: data = yaml.safe_load(data) except yaml.scanner.ScannerError: logger.debug("This file is likely not YAML. Attempting JSON load.") except AttributeError: logger.debug("This file is likely not YAML. Attempting JSON load.") if isinstance(data, str): data = json.loads(data) else: pass self.payload = data return self.payload def jws(self, keyname=None): """Assumes you loaded a payload. Returns a jws.""" # Override key name if keyname is not None: self.key_name = keyname key_jwk = self._get_key() sig = jws.sign(self.payload, key_jwk.to_dict(), algorithm="RS256") return sig def _get_key(self): if self._jwk is None: manager = secret.Manager(provider_type=self.secret_manager) self._jwk = manager.get_key(key_name=self.key_name) return self._jwk class Verify(object): def __init__(self): self.config = common.get_config() # Provide file or URL as opts. self.well_known_mode = self.config("well_known_mode", namespace="cis", default="file") self.public_key_name = None # Optional for use with file based well known mode self.jws_signature = None self.well_known = None # Well known JSON data def load(self, jws_signature): """Takes data in the form of a dict() and a JWS sig.""" # Store the original form in the jws_signature attribute self.jws_signature = jws_signature def _get_public_key(self, keyname=None): """Returns a jwk construct for the public key and mode specified.""" if self.well_known_mode == "file": key_dir = self.config( "secret_manager_file_path", namespace="cis", default=("{}/.mozilla-iam/keys/".format(os.path.expanduser("~"))), ) key_name = self.config("public_key_name", namespace="cis", default="access-file-key") file_name = "{}".format(key_name) fh = open((os.path.join(key_dir, file_name)), "rb") key_content = key_construct = jwk.construct(key_content, "RS256") return [key_construct.to_dict()] elif self.well_known_mode == "http" or self.well_known_mode == "https": logger.debug("Well known mode engaged. Reducing key structure.", extra={"well_known": self.well_known}) return self._reduce_keys(keyname) def _reduce_keys(self, keyname): access_file_keys = self.well_known["access_file"]["jwks"]["keys"] publishers_supported = self.well_known["api"]["publishers_jwks"] keys = [] if "access-file-key" in self.config("public_key_name", namespace="cis"): logger.debug("This is an access file verification.") return access_file_keys else: # If not an access key verification this will attempt to verify against any listed publisher. keys = publishers_supported[keyname]["keys"] logger.debug("Publisher based verification, will use {} public keys for verification.".format(keys)) return keys def jws(self, keyname=None): """Assumes you loaded a payload. Return the same jws or raise a custom exception.""" key_material = self._get_public_key(keyname) logger.debug( "The key material for the payload was loaded for: {}".format(keyname), extra={"key_material": key_material} ) if isinstance(key_material, list): logger.debug("Multiple keys returned. Attempting match.") for key in key_material: try: key.pop("x5t", None) key.pop("x5c", None) except AttributeError: logger.warn("x5t and x5c attrs do not exist in key material.") logger.debug("Attempting to match against: {}".format(key)) try: sig = jws.verify(self.jws_signature, key, algorithms="RS256", verify=True) logger.debug( "Matched a verified signature for: {}".format(key), extra={"signature": self.jws_signature} ) return sig except JWSError as e: logger.error( "The signature was not valid for the payload.", extra={"signature": self.jws_signature} ) logger.error(e) raise JWSError("The signature could not be verified for any trusted key", key_material)
import logging.handlers from pythonjsonlogger import jsonlogger import datetime class JsonFormatter(jsonlogger.JsonFormatter, object): def __init__( self, fmt="%(asctime) %(name) %(processName) %(filename) \ %(funcName) %(levelname) %(lineno) %(module) %(threadName) %(message)", datefmt="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ%z", style="%", extra={}, *args, **kwargs ): self._extra = extra jsonlogger.JsonFormatter.__init__(self, fmt=fmt, datefmt=datefmt, *args, **kwargs) def process_log_record(self, log_record): if "asctime" in log_record: log_record["timestamp"] = log_record["asctime"] else: log_record["timestamp"] ="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ%z") if self._extra is not None: for key, value in self._extra.items(): log_record[key] = value return super(JsonFormatter, self).process_log_record(log_record) class SysLogJsonHandler(logging.handlers.SysLogHandler, object): def __init__( self, address=("localhost", logging.handlers.SYSLOG_UDP_PORT), facility=logging.handlers.SysLogHandler.LOG_USER, socktype=None, prefix="", ): super(SysLogJsonHandler, self).__init__(address, facility, socktype) self._prefix = prefix if self._prefix != "": self._prefix = prefix + ": " def format(self, record): return self._prefix + super(SysLogJsonHandler, self).format(record)
# ***************************************************************************** # Copyright (c) 2019 IBM Corporation and other Contributors. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # # ***************************************************************************** import testUtils import wiotp.sdk import pytest class FakePahoMessageCommand: topic = "iot-2/cmd/commandid/fmt/json" payload = b'{"a":4}' class FakeFakePahoMessageCommand: topic = "hi" payload = b'{"a":4}' class TestDeviceCommand(testUtils.AbstractTest): def testCommand(self): pahoMessage = FakePahoMessageCommand() messageEncoderModules = {"json": wiotp.sdk.JsonCodec()} command = wiotp.sdk.device.Command(pahoMessage, messageEncoderModules) assert command.format == "json" assert command.commandId == "commandid" assert "a" in assert["a"] == 4 def testCommandMissingCodec(self): with pytest.raises(wiotp.sdk.MissingMessageDecoderException) as e: pahoMessage = FakePahoMessageCommand() messageEncoderModules = {"fidaa": wiotp.sdk.JsonCodec()} command = wiotp.sdk.device.Command(pahoMessage, messageEncoderModules) assert e.value.format == "json" def testInvalidCommandTopic(self): with pytest.raises(wiotp.sdk.InvalidEventException) as e: pahoMessage = FakeFakePahoMessageCommand() messageEncoderModules = {"b": wiotp.sdk.JsonCodec()} command = wiotp.sdk.device.Command(pahoMessage, messageEncoderModules) assert e.value.reason == "Received command on invalid topic: hi"
# ***************************************************************************** # Copyright (c) 2018 IBM Corporation and other Contributors. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # # ***************************************************************************** import iso8601 from datetime import datetime import json from collections import defaultdict from wiotp.sdk.api.common import IterableList from wiotp.sdk.exceptions import ApiException from wiotp.sdk.api.registry.diag import DeviceLogs, DeviceErrorCodes class LogEntry(defaultdict): def __init__(self, **kwargs): if not set(["message", "timestamp"]).issubset(kwargs): raise Exception("message and timestamp are required properties for a LogEntry") kwargs["timestamp"] = iso8601.parse_date(kwargs["timestamp"]) dict.__init__(self, **kwargs) @property def message(self): return self["message"] @property def timestamp(self): return self["timestamp"] class DeviceUid(defaultdict): def __init__(self, **kwargs): if not set(["deviceId", "typeId"]).issubset(kwargs): raise Exception("typeId and deviceId are required properties to uniquely identify a device") dict.__init__(self, **kwargs) @property def typeId(self): return self["typeId"] @property def deviceId(self): return self["deviceId"] def __str__(self): return self["typeId"] + ":" + self["deviceId"] def __repr__(self): return json.dumps(self, sort_keys=True, indent=2) class DeviceCreateRequest(defaultdict): def __init__(self, typeId, deviceId, authToken=None, deviceInfo=None, location=None, metadata=None): dict.__init__( self, typeId=typeId, deviceId=deviceId, authToken=authToken, deviceInfo=deviceInfo, location=location, metadata=metadata, ) @property def typeId(self): return self["typeId"] @property def deviceId(self): return self["deviceId"] @property def authToken(self): return self["authToken"] @property def deviceInfo(self): return DeviceInfo(**self["deviceInfo"]) @property def location(self): return self["location"] @property def metadata(self): return self["metadata"] class DeviceLocation(defaultdict): def __init__(self, **kwargs): if not set(["latitude", "longitude"]).issubset(kwargs): raise Exception("Data passed to Device is not correct: %s" % (json.dumps(kwargs, sort_keys=True))) if "measuredDateTime" in kwargs and not isinstance(kwargs["measuredDateTime"], datetime): kwargs["measuredDateTime"] = iso8601.parse_date(kwargs["measuredDateTime"]) if "updatedDateTime" in kwargs and not isinstance(kwargs["updatedDateTime"], datetime): kwargs["updatedDateTime"] = iso8601.parse_date(kwargs["updatedDateTime"]) dict.__init__(self, **kwargs) @property def latitude(self): return self["latitude"] @property def longitude(self): return self["longitude"] @property def measuredDateTime(self): return self.get("measuredDateTime", None) @property def updatedDateTime(self): return self.get("updatedDateTime", None) class DeviceCreateResponse(defaultdict): def __init__(self, **kwargs): dict.__init__(self, **kwargs) @property def typeId(self): return self["typeId"] @property def deviceId(self): return self["deviceId"] @property def success(self): return self.get("success", None) @property def authToken(self): return self["authToken"] class DeviceInfo(defaultdict): def __init__( self, description=None, deviceClass=None, fwVersion=None, hwVersion=None, manufacturer=None, model=None, serialNumber=None, descriptiveLocation=None, ): dict.__init__( self, description=description, deviceClass=deviceClass, fwVersion=fwVersion, hwVersion=hwVersion, manufacturer=manufacturer, model=model, serialNumber=serialNumber, descriptiveLocation=descriptiveLocation, ) @property def description(self): return self["description"] @property def deviceClass(self): return self["deviceClass"] @property def fwVersion(self): return self["fwVersion"] @property def hwVersion(self): return self["hwVersion"] @property def manufacturer(self): return self["manufacturer"] @property def model(self): return self["model"] @property def serialNumber(self): return self["serialNumber"] @property def descriptiveLocation(self): return self["descriptiveLocation"] class Device(defaultdict): def __init__(self, apiClient, **kwargs): self._apiClient = apiClient if not set(["clientId", "deviceId", "typeId"]).issubset(kwargs): raise Exception("Data passed to Device is not correct: %s" % (json.dumps(kwargs, sort_keys=True))) self.diagLogs = DeviceLogs(self._apiClient, kwargs["typeId"], kwargs["deviceId"]) self.diagErrorCodes = DeviceErrorCodes(self._apiClient, kwargs["typeId"], kwargs["deviceId"]) dict.__init__(self, **kwargs) # {u'clientId': u'xxxxxxxxx', # u'deviceId': u'xxxxxxx', # u'deviceInfo': {u'description': u'None (xxxxxxxx)', # u'deviceClass': u'None', # u'fwVersion': u'xxxxx', # u'hwVersion': u'xxxxx', # u'manufacturer': u'xxxx.', # u'model': u'xxxx', # u'serialNumber': u'xxxxxxxxx'}, # u'metadata': {}, # u'refs': {u'diag': {u'errorCodes': u'/api/v0002/device/types/xxx/devices/xxxx/diag/errorCodes', # u'logs': u'/api/v0002/device/types/xxx/devices/xxxx/diag/logs'}, # u'location': u'/api/v0002/device/types/xxxx/devices/xxxx/location', # u'mgmt': u'/api/v0002/device/types/xx/devices/xxxx/mgmt'}, # u'registration': {u'auth': {u'id': u'xxxxxx', # u'type': u'person'}, # u'date': u'2015-09-18T06:44:02.000Z'}, # u'status': {u'alert': {u'enabled': False, # u'timestamp': u'2016-01-21T02:25:55.543Z'}}, # u'typeId': u'vm'} @property def clientId(self): return self["clientId"] @property def deviceId(self): return self["deviceId"] @property def authToken(self): if "authToken" in self: return self["authToken"] else: return None @property def metadata(self): if "metadata" in self: return self["metadata"] else: return None @property def total_rows(self): return self["total_rows"] @property def deviceInfo(self): # Unpack the deviceInfo dictionary into keyword arguments so that we # can return a DeviceInfo object instead of a plain dictionary return DeviceInfo(**self["deviceInfo"]) @property def typeId(self): return self["typeId"] def __str__(self): return "[%s] %s" % (self.clientId, self.deviceInfo.description or "<No description>") def __repr__(self): return json.dumps(self, sort_keys=True, indent=2) def json(self): return dict(self) # Extended properties def getMgmt(self): r = self._apiClient.get("api/v0002/device/types/%s/devices/%s/mgmt" % (self.typeId, self.deviceId)) if r.status_code == 200: return r.json() if r.status_code == 404: # It's perfectly valid for a device to not have a location set, if this is the case, set response to None return None else: raise ApiException(r) def getLocation(self): r = self._apiClient.get("api/v0002/device/types/%s/devices/%s/location" % (self.typeId, self.deviceId)) if r.status_code == 200: return DeviceLocation(**r.json()) if r.status_code == 404: # It's perfectly valid for a device to not have a location set, if this is the case, set response to None return None else: raise ApiException(r) def setLocation(self, value): r = self._apiClient.put("api/v0002/device/types/%s/devices/%s/location" % (self.typeId, self.deviceId), value) if r.status_code == 200: return DeviceLocation(**r.json()) else: raise ApiException(r) def getConnectionLogs(self): r = self._apiClient.get( "api/v0002/logs/connection", parameters={"typeId": self.typeId, "deviceId": self.deviceId} ) if r.status_code == 200: responseList = [] for entry in r.json(): responseList.append(LogEntry(**entry)) return responseList else: raise ApiException(r) class IterableDeviceList(IterableList): def __init__(self, apiClient, typeId=None): if typeId is None: super(IterableDeviceList, self).__init__(apiClient, Device, "api/v0002/bulk/devices", "typeId,deviceId") else: super(IterableDeviceList, self).__init__( apiClient, Device, "api/v0002/device/types/%s/devices/" % (typeId), "deviceId" ) class Devices(defaultdict): """ Use the global unique identifier of a device, it's `clientId` to address devices. # Delete ```python del devices["d:orgId:typeId:deviceId"] ``` # Get Use the global unique identifier of a device, it's `clientId`. ```python device = devices["d:orgId:typeId:deviceId"] print(device.clientId) print(device) # Is a device registered? ```python if "d:orgId:typeId:deviceId" in devices: print("The device exists") ``` # Iterate through all registered devices ```python for device in devices: print(device) ``` """ # def __init__(self, apiClient, typeId=None): self._apiClient = apiClient self.typeId = typeId def __contains__(self, key): """ Does a device exist? """ if self.typeId is None: (classIdentifier, orgId, typeId, deviceId) = key.split(":") deviceUrl = "api/v0002/device/types/%s/devices/%s" % (typeId, deviceId) else: deviceUrl = "api/v0002/device/types/%s/devices/%s" % (self.typeId, key) r = self._apiClient.get(deviceUrl) if r.status_code == 200: return True elif r.status_code == 404: return False else: raise ApiException(r) def __getitem__(self, key): """ Get a device from the registry """ if self.typeId is None: (classIdentifier, orgId, typeId, deviceId) = key.split(":") deviceUrl = "api/v0002/device/types/%s/devices/%s" % (typeId, deviceId) else: deviceUrl = "api/v0002/device/types/%s/devices/%s" % (self.typeId, key) r = self._apiClient.get(deviceUrl) if r.status_code == 200: return Device(apiClient=self._apiClient, **r.json()) elif r.status_code == 404: self.__missing__(key) else: raise ApiException(r) def __setitem__(self, key, value): """ Register a new device - not currently supported via this interface, use: `registry.devices.create()` """ raise Exception("Unable to register or update a device via this interface at the moment.") def __delitem__(self, key): """ Delete a device """ if self.typeId is None: (classIdentifier, orgId, typeId, deviceId) = key.split(":") deviceUrl = "api/v0002/device/types/%s/devices/%s" % (typeId, deviceId) else: deviceUrl = "api/v0002/device/types/%s/devices/%s" % (self.typeId, key) r = self._apiClient.delete(deviceUrl) if r.status_code == 404: self.__missing__(key) elif r.status_code != 204: raise ApiException(r) def __missing__(self, key): """ Device does not exist """ raise KeyError("Device %s does not exist" % (key)) def __iter__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Iterate through all devices """ return IterableDeviceList(self._apiClient, self.typeId) @property def total_rows(self): """ Returns total devices """ return self["total_rows"] def create(self, devices): """ Register one or more new devices, each request can contain a maximum of 512KB. The response body will contain the generated authentication tokens for all devices. You must make sure to record these tokens when processing the response. We are not able to retrieve lost authentication tokens It accepts accepts a list of devices (List of Dictionary of Devices), or a single device If you provide a list as the parameter it will return a list in response If you provide a singular device it will return a singular response """ if not isinstance(devices, list): listOfDevices = [devices] returnAsAList = False else: listOfDevices = devices returnAsAList = True r ="api/v0002/bulk/devices/add", listOfDevices) if r.status_code in [201, 202]: if returnAsAList: responseList = [] for entry in r.json(): responseList.append(DeviceCreateResponse(**entry)) return responseList else: return DeviceCreateResponse(**r.json()[0]) else: raise ApiException(r) def update(self, deviceUid, metadata=None, deviceInfo=None, status=None): """ Update an existing device """ if not isinstance(deviceUid, DeviceUid) and isinstance(deviceUid, dict): deviceUid = DeviceUid(**deviceUid) deviceUrl = "api/v0002/device/types/%s/devices/%s" % (deviceUid.typeId, deviceUid.deviceId) data = {"status": status, "deviceInfo": deviceInfo, "metadata": metadata} r = self._apiClient.put(deviceUrl, data) if r.status_code == 200: return Device(apiClient=self._apiClient, **r.json()) else: raise ApiException(r) def delete(self, devices): """ Delete one or more devices, each request can contain a maximum of 512Kb It accepts accepts a list of devices (List of Dictionary of Devices) In case of failure it throws APIException """ if not isinstance(devices, list): listOfDevices = [devices] else: listOfDevices = devices r ="api/v0002/bulk/devices/remove", listOfDevices) if r.status_code in [200, 202]: return r.json() else: raise ApiException(r)
# ***************************************************************************** # Copyright (c) 2019 IBM Corporation and other Contributors. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # # ***************************************************************************** from collections import defaultdict import iso8601 from wiotp.sdk.exceptions import ApiException from wiotp.sdk.api.common import IterableList from wiotp.sdk.api.common import RestApiDict from wiotp.sdk.api.common import RestApiItemBase from wiotp.sdk.api.common import RestApiDictReadOnly # See docs @ class State(defaultdict): def __init__(self, apiClient, url, **kwargs): self._apiClient = apiClient self._url = url dict.__init__(self, **kwargs) @property def state(self): return self["state"] @property def timestamp(self): return iso8601.parse_date(self["timestamp"]) @property def updated(self): return iso8601.parse_date(self["updated"]) def __callPatchOperation__(self, body): r = self._apiClient.patch(self._url, body) if r.status_code == 200: return r.json() else: raise Exception("Unexpected response from API (%s) = %s %s" % (self._url, r.status_code, r.text)) def reset(self): return self.__callPatchOperation__({"operation": "reset-state"}) class States(RestApiDictReadOnly): def __init__(self, apiClient, typeId, instanceId): url = "api/v0002/device/types/%s/devices/%s/state" % (typeId, instanceId) super(States, self).__init__(apiClient, State, None, url) # TBD this method overrides the base class method to pass the state URL to the constructed state # without this, we can't invoke reset-state api call. def __getitem__(self, key): url = self._singleItemUrl % (key) r = self._apiClient.get(url) if r.status_code == 200: return self._castToClass(apiClient=self._apiClient, url=url, **r.json()) if r.status_code == 404: self.__missing__(key) else: raise ApiException(r) # override the standard iterator as there is no api to get all state itetrating over LIs def __iter__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise Exception("Unable to iterate through device state. Retrieve it for a specific LI.") def find(self, query_params={}): raise Exception("Unable to find device state. Retrieve it for a specific LI.")
# ***************************************************************************** # Copyright (c) 2018 IBM Corporation and other Contributors. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # # ***************************************************************************** from datetime import datetime from collections import defaultdict from wiotp.sdk.exceptions import ApiException class DataTransferSummary(defaultdict): def __init__(self, **kwargs): daysAsObj = [] if "days" in kwargs and kwargs["days"] is not None: for day in kwargs["days"]: daysAsObj.append(DayDataTransfer(**day)) del kwargs["days"] dict.__init__(self, days=daysAsObj, **kwargs) @property def start(self): return datetime.strptime(self["start"], "%Y-%m-%d").date() @property def end(self): return datetime.strptime(self["end"], "%Y-%m-%d").date() @property def average(self): return self["average"] @property def total(self): return self["total"] @property def days(self): return self["days"] class DayDataTransfer(defaultdict): def __init__(self, **kwargs): dict.__init__(self, **kwargs) @property def date(self): return datetime.strptime(self["date"], "%Y-%m-%d").date() @property def total(self): return self["total"] class Usage: def __init__(self, apiClient): self._apiClient = apiClient def dataTransfer(self, start, end, detail=False): """ Retrieve the organization-specific status of each of the services offered by the IBM Watson IoT Platform. In case of failure it throws APIException """ r = self._apiClient.get( "api/v0002/usage/data-traffic?start=%s&end=%s&detail=%s" % (start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), end.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), detail) ) if r.status_code == 200: return DataTransferSummary(**r.json()) else: raise ApiException(r)
"""A repository for searching and holding loaded pyang modules""" import os import sys import io from . import util from . import syntax class Repository(object): """Abstract base class that represents a module repository""" def get_modules_and_revisions(self, ctx): """Return a list of all modules and their revisons Returns a tuple (`modulename`, `revision`, `handle`), where `handle' is used in the call to get_module_from_handle() to retrieve the module. """ def get_module_from_handle(self, handle): """Return the raw module text from the repository Returns (`ref`, `in_format`, `text`) if found, or None if not found. `ref` is a string which is used to identify the source of the text for the user. used in error messages `in_format` is one of 'yang' or 'yin' or None. `text` is the raw text data Raises `ReadError` """ class ReadError(Exception): """Signals that an error occured during module retrieval""" class FileRepository(Repository): def __init__(self, path="", use_env=True, no_path_recurse=False, verbose=False): """Create a Repository which searches the filesystem for modules `path` is a `os.pathsep`-separated string of directories """ Repository.__init__(self) self.dirs = [] self.no_path_recurse = no_path_recurse self.modules = None self.verbose = verbose for directory in path.split(os.pathsep): self._add_directory(directory) while use_env: use_env = False modpath = os.getenv('YANG_MODPATH') if modpath is not None: for directory in modpath.split(os.pathsep): self._add_directory(directory) home = os.getenv('HOME') if home is not None: self._add_directory(os.path.join(home, 'yang', 'modules')) inst = os.getenv('YANG_INSTALL') if inst is not None: self._add_directory(os.path.join(inst, 'yang', 'modules')) break # skip search if install location is indicated default_install = os.path.join( sys.prefix, 'share', 'yang', 'modules') if os.path.exists(default_install): self._add_directory(default_install) break # end search if default location exists # for some systems, sys.prefix returns `/usr` # but the real location is `/usr/local` # if the package is installed with pip # this information can be easily retrieved import pkgutil if not pkgutil.find_loader('pip'): break # abort search if pip is not installed # hack below to handle pip 10 internals # if someone knows pip and how to fix this, it would be great! location = None try: import pip.locations as locations location = locations.distutils_scheme('pyang') except: try: import pip._internal.locations as locations location = locations.distutils_scheme('pyang') except: pass if location is not None: self._add_directory( os.path.join(location['data'], 'share', 'yang', 'modules')) if verbose: sys.stderr.write('# module search path: %s\n' % os.pathsep.join(self.dirs)) def _add_directory(self, directory): if (not directory or directory in self.dirs or not os.path.isdir(directory)): return False self.dirs.append(directory) return True def _setup(self, ctx): # check all dirs for yang and yin files self.modules = [] def add_files_from_dir(d): try: files = os.listdir(d) except OSError: files = [] for fname in files: absfilename = os.path.join(d, fname) if os.path.isfile(absfilename): m = if m is not None: name, rev, in_format = m.groups() if not os.access(absfilename, os.R_OK): continue if absfilename.startswith("./"): absfilename = absfilename[2:] handle = in_format, absfilename self.modules.append((name, rev, handle)) elif (not self.no_path_recurse and d != '.' and os.path.isdir(absfilename)): add_files_from_dir(absfilename) for d in self.dirs: add_files_from_dir(d) def get_modules_and_revisions(self, ctx): if self.modules is None: self._setup(ctx) return self.modules def get_module_from_handle(self, handle): in_format, absfilename = handle fd = None try: fd =, "r", encoding="utf-8") text = if self.verbose: util.report_file_read(absfilename) except IOError as ex: raise self.ReadError("%s: %s" % (absfilename, ex)) except UnicodeDecodeError as ex: s = str(ex).replace('utf-8', 'utf8') raise self.ReadError("%s: unicode error: %s" % (absfilename, s)) finally: if fd is not None: fd.close() if in_format is None: in_format = util.guess_format(text) return absfilename, in_format, text
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name """ tests for PYANG data files """ import os import sys # hack to handle pip 10 internals try: import pip.locations as locations except ImportError: import pip._internal.locations as locations from pyang.context import Context from pyang.repository import FileRepository EXISTING_MODULE = 'ietf-yang-types' DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { 'format': 'yang', 'verbose': True, 'list_errors': True, 'print_error_code': True, 'yang_remove_unused_imports': True, 'yang_canonical': True, 'trim_yin': False, 'keep_comments': True, 'features': [], 'deviations': [], 'path': [] } """Default options for pyang command line""" class objectify(object): """Utility for providing object access syntax (.attr) to dicts""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): for entry in args: self.__dict__.update(entry) self.__dict__.update(kwargs) def __getattr__(self, _): return None def __setattr__(self, attr, value): self.__dict__[attr] = value def create_context(path='.', *options, **kwargs): """Generates a pyang context Arguments: path (str): location of YANG modules. *options: list of dicts, with options to be passed to context. **kwargs: similar to ``options`` but have a higher precedence. Returns: pyang.Context: Context object for ``pyang`` usage """ opts = objectify(DEFAULT_OPTIONS, *options, **kwargs) repo = FileRepository(path, no_path_recurse=opts.no_path_recurse) ctx = Context(repo) ctx.opts = opts return ctx def test_can_find_modules_with_pip_install(): """ context should find the default installed modules even when pyang is installed using pip """ # remove obfuscation from env vars if os.environ.get('YANG_INSTALL'): del os.environ['YANG_INSTALL'] if os.environ.get('YANG_MODPATH'): del os.environ['YANG_MODPATH'] ctx = create_context() module = ctx.search_module(None, EXISTING_MODULE) assert module is not None def test_can_find_modules_when_prefix_differ(monkeypatch): """ context should find the default installed modules, without the help of environment variables, even of the pip install location differs from ``sys.prefix`` """ # store pip location. # monkeypatching sys.prefix will side_effect scheme. try: scheme = locations.distutils_scheme('pyang') monkeypatch.setattr( locations, 'distutils_scheme', lambda *_: scheme) except: print("cannot get scheme from pip, skipping") return # simulate #225 description monkeypatch.setattr(sys, 'prefix', '/usr') # remove obfuscation from env vars if os.environ.get('YANG_INSTALL'): del os.environ['YANG_INSTALL'] if os.environ.get('YANG_MODPATH'): del os.environ['YANG_MODPATH'] ctx = create_context() module = ctx.search_module(None, EXISTING_MODULE) assert module is not None
import optparse from pyang import plugin paths_in_module = [] leafrefs = [] key = '' class_keywords = ["container", "list", "case", "choice", "augment"] servicepoints = ["servicepoint", "productpoint"] classnamecolor = " {0.113725, 0.352941, 0.670588}" mandatoryconfig = " {0.600000, 0.152941, 0.152941}" optionalconfig = " {0.129412, 0.501961, 0.254902}" notconfig = " {0.549020, 0.486275, 0.133333}" #which line for containment, omnigraffles makes some bezier, override this containsline = " tail type: \"FilledDiamond\", head type: \"None\", line type: \"Straight\" " leafrefline = " line type: \"Straight\", head type: \"FilledArrow\" " def pyang_plugin_init(): plugin.register_plugin(OmniPlugin()) class OmniPlugin(plugin.PyangPlugin): def add_output_format(self, fmts): self.multiple_modules = True fmts['omni'] = self def add_opts(self, optparser): optlist = [ optparse.make_option("--omni-path", dest="omni_tree_path", help="Subtree to print"), ] g = optparser.add_option_group("OmniGraffle output specific options") g.add_options(optlist) def setup_fmt(self, ctx): ctx.implicit_errors = False def emit(self, ctx, modules, fd): if ctx.opts.omni_tree_path is not None: path = ctx.opts.omni_tree_path.split('/') if path[0] == '': path = path[1:] else: path = None print_omni_header(modules, fd, path, ctx) emit_modules(modules, fd, path, ctx) post_process(fd, ctx) print_omni_footer(modules, fd, path, ctx) def print_omni_header(modules, fd, path, ctx): # Build doc name from module names name = '' for m in modules: name += m.arg name = name[:32] fd.write(""" tell application id "com.omnigroup.OmniGraffle6" activate make new document with properties {name:\"%s\"} set bounds of window 1 to {50, 50, 1200, 800} tell first canvas of document \"%s\" set canvasSize to {600, 600} set name to \"YANG Model\" set adjusts pages to true make new shape at end of graphics with properties {fill: no fill, draws stroke: false, draws shadow: false, autosizing: full, size: {32.000000, 20.000000}, text: {size: 8, alignment: center, font: "HelveticaNeue", text: "leafref"}, origin: {2403.202333, 169.219094}} make new line at end of graphics with properties {point list: {{2513.245592418806, 185.5962102698529}, {2373.745592418806, 185.3149602698529}}, draws shadow: false, head type: "FilledArrow"} make new shape at end of graphics with properties {fill: no fill, draws stroke: false, draws shadow: false, autosizing: full, size: {105.000000, 20.000000}, text: {size: 8, alignment: center, font: "HelveticaNeue", text: "Schema tree, containment"}, origin: {2397.741930, 138.863190}} make new line at end of graphics with properties {point list: {{2374.993645107464, 154.4881903780727}, {2514.493645107464, 154.4881903780727}}, draws shadow: false, tail type: "FilledDiamond"} make new shape at end of graphics with properties {autosizing: vertically only, size: {139.500000, 14.000000}, text: {alignment: center, font: "Helvetica-Bold", text: "Legend"}, text placement: top, origin: {2366.929155, 43.937008}, vertical padding: 0} make new shape at end of graphics with properties {autosizing: vertically only, size: {139.500000, 56.000000}, text: {{color: {0.600000, 0.152941, 0.152941}, text: "Mandatory config "}, {color: {0.129412, 0.501961, 0.254902}, text: "Optional config "}, {color: {0.129412, 0.501961, 0.254902}, text: "Key leaf", underlined: true}, {color: {0.129412, 0.501961, 0.254902}, text: " "}, {color: {0.549020, 0.486275, 0.133333}, text: "Not config"}}, text placement: top, origin: {2366.929155, 57.937008}, vertical padding: 0} assemble graphics -2 through -1 table shape { 2, 1 } assemble graphics -5 through -1 """ %(name, name)) def post_process(fd, ctx): for s in leafrefs: # dont try to connect to class not given as input to pyang if s.strip().split(" to ")[1].split(" with ")[0] in paths_in_module: fd.write(s) def print_omni_footer(modules, fd, path, ctx): fd.write(""" layout end tell end tell """) def print_module_info(module, fd, ctx): title = module.arg print_text(title, fd, ctx) def emit_modules(modules, fd, path, ctx): for module in modules: print_module_info(module, fd, ctx) chs = [ch for ch in module.i_children] if path is not None and len(path) > 0: chs = [ch for ch in chs if ch.arg == path[0]] path = path[1:] # TEST for ch in chs: print_node(module, ch, module, fd, path, ctx, 'true') for augment in'augment'): print_node(module, augment, module, fd, path, ctx, 'true') def iterate_children(parent, s, module, fd, path, ctx): if hasattr(s, 'i_children'): for ch in s.i_children: print_node(s, ch, module, fd, path, ctx) def print_class_header(s, fd, ctx, root='false'): global servicepoints service = "" for sub in s.substmts: if sub.keyword[1] in servicepoints: service = "SERVICE\n" fd.write("make new shape at end of graphics with properties {autosizing: full, size: {187.500000, 14.000000}, text: {{alignment: center, font: \"Helvetica-Bold\", text: \"%s \"}, {alignment: center, color:%s, font: \"Helvetica-Bold\", text: \"%s \"}}, text placement: top, origin: {150.000000, 11.500000}, vertical padding: 0}\n" %(service + s.keyword, classnamecolor, s.arg)) def print_class_stuff(s, fd, ctx): number = print_attributes(s, fd, ctx) #print_actions(s,fd, ctx) close_class(number, s, fd, ctx) print_associations(s,fd, ctx) def print_attributes(s,fd, ctx): global key if s.keyword == 'list': keystring = s.search_one('key') if keystring is not None: key = keystring.arg.split(" ") else: key = '' if hasattr(s, 'i_children'): found_attrs = False found_actions = False index = False # Search attrs for ch in s.i_children: index = False if ch.keyword in ["leaf", "leaf-list"]: if not found_attrs: # first attr in attr section fd.write("make new shape at end of graphics with properties {autosizing:full, size:{187.5, 28.0}, text:{") found_attrs = True else: # comma before new textitem fd.write(", ") if ch.keyword == "leaf-list": append = "[]" else: append = "" if ch.arg in key: index = True print_leaf(ch, append, index, fd, ctx) if found_attrs: # close attr section fd.write("}, text placement:top, origin:{150.0, 25.5}, vertical padding:0}\n") # Search actions for ch in s.i_children: if ch.keyword == ('tailf-common', 'action'): if not found_actions: fd.write("make new shape at end of graphics with properties {autosizing:full, size:{187.5, 28.0}, text:{text:\"") found_actions = True print_action(ch, fd, ctx) if found_actions: fd.write("\"}, text placement:top, origin:{150.0, 25.5}, vertical padding:0}\n") # return number of sections in class return (found_attrs + found_actions) + 1 def close_class(number, s, fd, ctx): fd.write("local %s\n" % fullpath(s)) fd.write("set %s to assemble ( graphics -%s through -1 ) table shape {%s, 1}\n" % (fullpath(s), number, number)) def print_node(parent, s, module, fd, path, ctx, root='false'): # We have a class if s.keyword in class_keywords: print_class_header(s, fd, ctx, root) paths_in_module.append(fullpath(s)) print_class_stuff(s, fd, ctx) # Do not try to create relationship to module if parent != module: presence = s.search_one("presence") if presence is not None: print_aggregation(parent, s, fd, "0", "1", ctx) else: print_aggregation(parent, s, fd, "1", "1", ctx) iterate_children(parent, s, module, fd, path, ctx) def print_associations(s, fd, ctx): # find leafrefs and identityrefs if hasattr(s, 'i_children'): for ch in s.i_children: if hasattr(ch, 'i_leafref_ptr') and (ch.i_leafref_ptr is not None): to = ch.i_leafref_ptr[0] print_association(s, to.parent, ch, to, "leafref", fd, ctx) def print_aggregation(parent, this, fd, lower, upper, ctx): fd.write("connect %s to %s with properties {%s} \n" %(fullpath(parent),fullpath(this), containsline)) def print_rpc(rpc, fd, ctx, root='false'): fd.write("<UML:Class = \'%s\' name = \'%s\' " %(fullpath(rpc), rpc.arg)) def print_action(action, fd, ctx, root='false'): fd.write("%s()\n" %action.arg) def print_notification(notification, fd, ctx, root='false'): fd.write("<UML:Class = \'%s\' name = \'%s\' " %(fullpath(notification), notification.arg)) def print_inout(parent, s, fd, ctx, root='false'): fd.write("<UML:Class = \'%s\' name = \'%s-%s\' " %(fullpath(s), parent.arg, s.keyword)) def print_leaf(leaf, append, index, fd, ctx): if leaf.i_config: c = '(rw)' color = optionalconfig else: c = '(ro)' color = notconfig m = leaf.search_one('mandatory') if m is None or m.arg == 'false': mand = '?' else: mand = '' color = mandatoryconfig if not index: fd.write("{font: \"Helvetica-Oblique\", color: %s, text: \"%s%s%s %s %s\n\"}" % (color, leaf.arg, append, mand, c, get_typename(leaf))) else: fd.write("{font: \"Helvetica-Oblique\", color: %s, underlined: true, text: \"%s%s%s %s %s\n\"}" % (color, leaf.arg, append, mand, c, get_typename(leaf))) def print_association(fromclass, toclass, fromleaf, toleaf, association, fd, ctx): leafrefs.append("connect " + (fullpath(fromclass)) + " to " + fullpath(toclass) + " with properties {" + leafrefline + "}\n", ) def print_text(t, fd, ctx): fd.write("make new shape at end of graphics with properties {fill: no fill, draws stroke: false, draws shadow: false, autosizing: full, size: {57.000000, 30.000000}, text: {size: 16, alignment: center, font: \"HelveticaNeue\", text: \"%s\"}, origin: {100, 4.500000}}\n" %t) def get_typename(s): t = s.search_one('type') if t is not None: s = t.arg # if t.arg == 'enumeration': # s = s + ' : {' # for enums in t.substmts[:10]: # s = s + enums.arg + ',' # if len(t.substmts) > 3: # s = s + "..." # s = s + '}' # elif t.arg == 'leafref': # s = s + ' : ' # p = t.search_one('path') # if p is not None: # s = s + p.arg return s def fullpath(stmt): pathsep = "_" path = stmt.arg # for augment paths we need to remove initial / if path.startswith("/"): path = path[1:] else: if stmt.keyword == 'case': path = path + '-case' elif stmt.keyword == 'grouping': path = path + '-grouping' while stmt.parent is not None: stmt = stmt.parent if stmt.arg is not None: path = stmt.arg + pathsep + path path = path.replace('-', '_') path = path.replace(':', '_') path = path.replace('/', '_') return path

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