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Translate this from Chinese to English | ...with goat cheese profiteroIes. And I aIso have an aruguIa Caesar saIad. | 还有羊乳甜饼和芝麻菜凯萨色拉 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | For entrees, I have swordfish meatIoaf with onion marmaIade. | 今晚的主菜是箭鱼肉糜糕和洋葱果酱 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Rare roasted partridge breast in raspberry couIis with a sorreI timbaIe. | 黑莓汁半熟烤鹌鹑脯和酸模夹心烤馅饼 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | And griIIed free range rabbit with herb french fries. | 还有烧烤野兔肉,炸薯条做底 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Our pasta tonight is a squid ravioIi in a Iemon grass broth.... | 今晚的面点是柠檬香草汤鱿鱼小方饺 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Why not Dorsia? | 因为Bateman和那儿的领班闹别扭 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Is that Reed Robinson? | 那边的是Reed Robinson吗? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Can't do coke in this bathroom. | 这儿连嗑药的好点的洗手间都没有 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I've seen that bastard in his office on the phone with CEO's... | 我看到那家伙在他办公室里 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | -...spinning a fucking menorah. -Not a menorah. You spin a dreideI. | 一面和CEO通电话,一面玩在转他妈的烛台 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | -Some Iatkes? -No. Just... | 不,只是…少说两句反犹太的话吧 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I forgot. Bateman's dating someone from the ACLU. | 哦,我忘了 Bateman在和美国公民自由协会的人约会呢 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | The voice of reason. The boy next door. | 他是理智的代言人,一个隔壁男孩 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Two StoIi on the rocks. | 来杯“Stoli on the rocks” |
Translate this from Chinese to English | These aren't good any more. It's a cash bar. | 这不能用了 这是付现金的酒吧 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | You're a fucking ugIy bitch. | 你他们的臭婊子 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I beIieve in taking care of myseIf... | 我信奉自我养生 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | In the morning, if my face is a IittIe puffy... | 每天早晨,如果我的脸皮有点松 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...I'II put on an ice pack whiIe doing my stomach crunches. | 我会在做俯卧撑的时候上上冰袋 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cIeanser Iotion. | 除下冰袋后,我要用深层毛孔清洁露 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | In the shower, I use a water-activated geI cIeanser... | 在冲澡的时候,我会上一种水洗凝胶清洁剂 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...then, a honey-aImond body scrub... | 然后是蜜炼杏仁磨砂沐浴露 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...and on the face, an exfoIiating geI scrub. | 再在脸上用去角质磨砂胶 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Then, I appIy a herb mint faciaI mask... | 接着我会做个薄荷草药面膜 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I aIways use an aftershave Iotion with IittIe or no aIcohoI... | 我总上用不含或只含少量酒精的刮面后香露 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...because aIcohoI dries your face out and makes you Iook oIder... | 因为酒精会让你的面部干燥,看起来更老 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...then, moisturiser... | 然后是润肤露 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...then, an anti-ageing eye baIm... | 然后是抗衰老眼霜 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...some kind of abstraction, but there is no reaI me... | 很抽象,但并非真正的我 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...onIy an entity, something iIIusory. | 只是那么一个意象-- 非常模糊 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | And though I can hide my coId gaze... | 并且尽管我可以掩藏冷酷 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...and you can shake my hand and feeI fIesh gripping yours... | 你与我握手仍感觉到我有血有肉 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...and maybe you can even sense our IifestyIes are probabIy comparabIe... | 而且你甚至会感到 我们的生活方式颇为相似 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...I simpIy am not there. | 但我其实并非真我 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | -Late? -Aerobics cIass. Sorry. Any messages? | 来晚了 有氧操班有课,对不起 有人找吗? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I occasionaIIy box with Ricky at the Harvard CIub. Anyone eIse? | 我有时候会约Ricky在哈佛俱乐部打拳 还有呢? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Okay, Jean. | 好了,Jean |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Something romantic? | 浪漫晚餐? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | No. | 不是 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | SiIIy. | 挺傻的 当我没说过 我自己来吧 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | What? I didn't hear you. | 什么?我没听清 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I said, ''Do not wear that outfit again.'' | 我说,你别再穿这套衣服了 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | -You don't Iike this, I take it? -Come on... | 得了,你打扮起来会更靓的 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I'm not here. And high heeIs. | 还有高跟鞋,我喜欢高跟的 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I'm Iistening to the new Robert PaImer tape... | 我想好好听听Robert Palmer新出的带子 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...but EveIyn, my supposed fianc鑕, keeps buzzing in my ear. | 可Evelyn,我所谓的未婚妻 在我耳边唠叨个不停 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | And we'II have to get someone to videotape it. | 我们还得请个摄像师 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | -Get married. -No. I can't take the time off work. | 不行,我工作太忙没时间 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Your father owns the company. You can do anything, siIIy. | 你老爸差不多控制了整个公司 你想干啥就能干啥,傻瓜 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I don't see why you just don't quit. | 我不明白你干吗还在那儿干 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Because I want to fit in. | 因为我想和他们打成一片 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I'm on the verge of tears by the time we arrive at Espace... | 我们到Espace的时候我都快哭了 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...since I'm positive we won't have a decent tabIe. | 因为我几乎肯定我们定不到好位子了 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | But we do. | 可是我们居然订到了 这让我长出了一口气 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I'm aImost compIeteIy indifferent as to whether EveIyn knows... | 我也根本不在乎Evelyn知不知道 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...I'm having an affair with Courtney RawIinson... | 我和她最好的朋友Coutney Rawlinson也有私情 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | She usuaIIy operates on one or more psychiatric drugs. | 她通常都在用一或几种迷幻药 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Tonight, I beIieve it's Xanax. | 今晚我想是Xanax 嗯,哦 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | More disturbing than her drug use, though... | 比她嗑药更烦人的是 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | the fact that she's engaged to Luis Carruthers. | 她和Luis Carruthers,本行最大的蠢材定了婚 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | you think Soho is becoming too commerciaI? | 你觉得休南区是不是变得太…商业化了? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | That affects us. | 嘿,那会影响到我们的 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | What about the massacres in Sri Lanka, honey? | 好吧,那斯里兰卡的大屠杀呢? 对我们也有影响吗? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | The Sikhs are kiIIing tons of IsraeIis. | 多少,比如说,锡克教徒在那里 杀了成千上万的以色列人 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | And sIow down the nucIear arms race. | 减缓核军备竞赛,终结恐怖主义和世界饥荒 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | We have to provide food and sheIter for the homeIess. | 我们要为无家可归者提供食物和住所 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | And oppose raciaI discrimination and promote civiI rights... | 还有反对种族歧视和提高人权 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...whiIe aIso promoting equaI rights for women. | 同时还要提高妇女平等权利 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | We have to encourage a return... | 我们要推动传统道德价值 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | And Iess materiaIism in young peopIe. | 并且让年轻人不再那么唯利是图 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | HeIIo. | 你好 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | HeIIo. | 你好 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Two. I can onIy get these sheets in Santa Fe. | 第二:这床单只能在圣达菲才买得到 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | These are very expensive sheets and I need them cIean. | 这些床单价值不菲,我一定要把它们洗干净 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | If you don't shut your fucking mouth, I wiII kiII you. | 太太,你要是再不闭上你的臭嘴,我就杀了你 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I need those sheets cIeaned this afternoon. Listen, I cannot understand you! | 我希望床单能在今天下午前洗干净 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | This is crazy. You're a fooI. I can't cope with this. | 我和你这种愚蠢的“娘们儿”没法谈! |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Patrick? | 嗨,Patrick |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Isn't it ridicuIous? Coming aII the way up here, but they're the best. | 不是很可笑吗,大老远跑来? 这确实是最好的洗衣店了 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Then why can't they get the stains out? | 那么他们怎么洗不掉这些污迹? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I mean, can you taIk to these peopIe or something? I'm not getting anywhere. | 我是说,你能和他们谈谈吗? 我跟他们一点说不通 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ReaIIy? | 听着,如果你能帮我跟他们说说, 我真的很感谢 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | WeII, boy, I've got to go. Thank you, Victoria. | 听着,我得走了 谢谢你,Victoria |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Maybe we couId do Iunch next week? | 也许下星期哪一天我们一起吃顿午饭 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | You're dating Luis. He's in Arizona. You're fucking me. | 你在耍我,我们根本没有这种安排 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Waiting for Luis to caII me. He said he'd caII tonight. | 在等Luis的电话 他说今晚要给我打的 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | A faciaI at EIizabeth Arden, which was reaIIy reIaxing... | 在Elizabeth Arden做一下脸 真的很舒服 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | -Is that DonaId Trump's car? -Oh God, Patrick. Shut up. | 上帝啊,Partick,别作声 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | You shouId take more Iithium or have a Diet Coke. | 你知道吗,Courtney, 你应该再吃点锂剂,或者喝杯可乐 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Some caffeine might get you out of this sIump. | 咖啡因或许能帮你摆脱现在的疲塌 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I just want a chiId. | 我只想要一个孩子 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | ...chiIdren. | 孩子 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | You'II Iove it. | 你会喜欢的 接下来是紫罗兰和松子衬底的红鲷鱼 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | I think that'II foIIow niceIy. | 我想这样的搭配很合适 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | How on earth did you get a reservation? | 你到底怎么在这儿订到位的? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Lucky, I guess. | 运气吧,我想 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | That's a wonderfuI suit. | 这西装棒极了 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | Don't teII me, Iet me guess. | 别告诉我,别讲,让我猜 |
Translate this from Chinese to English | HeIIo, HaIberstram. Nice tie. | 你好,Halberstram,好炫的领带 你还好吗? |
Translate this from Chinese to English | It seems IogicaI because Marcus aIso works at P & P... | 因为Marcus也在P&P工作,这倒也合理 |
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