stringlengths 0
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int64 0
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stringclasses 20
values |
What's the difference, in practice?
It amounts to your saying, it's disgusting but should be legal,
someone else saying, let's allow the parties involved to decide what is
Or, if you're like me, you think that it ISN'T a coercive law, because
some children can't make informed consent.
Brian | 18 | talk.politics.misc |
1st round:
PITT vs NYI: PITT in 4.
It looks like a safe bet. NYI has been bagging it of late.
NYI and NJD have a showdown Friday night for the honour
of Pittsburg anyway. Pigsburg in 4.
WASH vs NJD: WASH in 6.
I think that NJD have a solid team and will compete with
WASH. I agree though with WASH in 6.
BOS vs BUF: BOS in 5.
The B's have been playing awesome hockey in the last
two weeks. The only question is how long will it last?
Fuhr is a dud. BOS in 4.
QUE vs MON: MON in 7.
It seems to me that MON is much like the VAN - no chemistry.
The Habs seem to be not in stride. QUE in 5.
CHI vs STL: CHI in 4.
STL should not be in the playoffs. CHI in 4.
DET vs TOR: DET in 6.
I am a diehard Leaf fan but ... It seems that the Leafs
offense is shutting down in the last week. Can they
turn it around against Detroit. As I recall, the last
couple of time these two teams met, the Leafs were pummelled.
I don't know if Bobbie is allowed in Canada yet. If he is,
DET in 5. If not, DET in 6.
VAN vs WIN: WIN in 6.
Upset in the making here. Another team with bad chemistry.
There is something gone foul among Linden, Momesso and Bure.
WIN in 6.
CAL vs LA: CAL in 5.
Anybody that says that LA could possibly beet CAL does
not watch the Smythe a whole lot. LA is a bunch of Geritols.
CAL in 4.
2nd round:
PITT vs WASH: PITT in 4.
It seems to me that Pigsburg has some egos on their team. Their
saving grace though is Bowman. He can put anybody in their place.
However, if PIGS have a quick first round, they may be a little
too high. WASH could be there for a surprise. Having said that,
I will say PITT in 6.
BOS vs MON: BOS in 6.
MON will not be there. BOS is surprising me of late. Cam is great.
The couple of wins against QUE last week have sold me with the
B's. B's in 6.
CHI vs DET: CHI in 7.
Yikes. This will not be pretty. But DET is running like a machine
of late. They've had a non-busy end of the season in which they played
like killers. DET in 6.
WIN vs CAL: CAL in 5.
CAL has a solid team, a little weak in the nets. CAL will out
muscle WIN. CAL in 5.
3rd round:
PITT vs BOS: PITT in 5.
I hate PITT. My logic eludes me. The dark side will take over
and give BOS the extra push it needs to dump PITT. There may
be something to this - if you think of the rivalry. BOS in 7.
CHI vs CAL: CHI in 5.
PITT vs CHI: PITT in 5.
NO, no, no. We have BOS vs DET. I don't know what to say
here. Both teams will be flying and overdue. I will go
with goaltending and muscle and say DET in 7.
| 10 | rec.sport.hockey |
Tektronix 453 scope for sale:
- 50MHz bandwidth
- portable (NOT one of the 5xx series boatanchors! :^)
- delayed sweep
- works fine
- I don't have the manual (they are available from various places)
- no probes
- $275 + shipping
Email me for more info...
| 12 | sci.electronics |
Source: "Men Are Like That" by Leonard Ramsden Hartill. The Bobbs-Merrill
Company, Indianapolis (1926). (305 pages).
(Memoirs of an Armenian officer who participated in the genocide of 2.5
million Muslim people)
p. 193.
"Their [Muslim] villages were destroyed and they themselves were slain or
driven out of the country."
p. 218.
"We Armenians did not spare the Tartars. If persisted in, the slaughtering
of prisoners, the looting, and the rape and massacre of the helpless become
commonplace actions expected and accepted as a matter of course.
I have been on the scenes of massacres where the dead lay on the ground,
in numbers, like the fallen leaves in a forest. They had been as helpless
and as defenseless as sheep. They had not died as soldiers die in the
heat of battle, fired with ardor and courage, with weapons in their hands,
and exchanging blow for blow. They had died as the helpless must, with
their hearts and brains bursting with horror worse than death itself."
Serdar Argic | 17 | talk.politics.mideast |
Darren> In an earlier article, I explained that what many people find
Darren> arrogant about Christians is that some Christians profess
Darren> absolute certainty about their beliefs and doctrines.
Darren> In short, the problem is that no matter how good your sources
Darren> are, if any part of your doctrines or beliefs rest on your own
Darren> thinking and reasoning, then those doctrines are suspect.
The point that Darren raises is a very Lutheran viewpoint.
While reason is a gift from God, it is also infected by sin.
Yet we do not reject reason entirely--and neither, I think,
does Darren. We need reason, as Darren himself has pointed
out, to comprehend God's revelation of himself in the Bible.
But reason alone is not sufficient to comprehend and believe
the Word. We need, first and foremost, faith. For "the sinful
mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God's law,
*nor can it do so*" (Romans 8:7).
Luther accepted Scripture as the sole means of revelation
("Sola Scriptura"), but accepted the necessity of the use
of reason (with faith) in comprehending that revelation.
Yet Luther also said, regarding baptism, "But mad reason
rushes forth, and, because Baptism is not dazzling like
the works which we do, regards it as worthless." (Large
Catechism, Fourth part, Baptism). To make matters more
complicated, Luther was the sort of theologian that many
people would describe as an `absolutist'. I've seen him
described as a `take no prisoners' theologian.
We might conclude, given these observations, that Luther
was inconsistent or mad. And surely at least some have
come to that conclusion. But it might be useful to
recall that Jesus was also called mad. And Peter felt
compelled to defend himself and the apostles against
a charge of drunkenness on Pentecost. So we as Christians
ought to be careful about rejecting Luther (or others)
as mad. Rather, we should imitate the Bereans, who
examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul
said was true (Acts 17:11).
The basis for the confidence with which Luther, Peter, Paul, and many
others preached the gospel was not just reason, but faith and the Holy
Spirit. This is not faith divorced from reason, but a faith that
guides, informs, and uses reason. The Spirit enables us to know the
truth and to proclaim it boldly. God does not want us to preach the
message that "I think that Jesus might have risen from the dead" but
rather "I know that my redeemer lives!" (Job 19:25). The Christian
does not side with Pilate in saying "What is truth?" but rather
follows Christ, who said, "In fact, for this reason I was born, and
for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on
the side of truth listens to me" (John 18:37).
We can know the truth because God has promised us that we can
know the truth. Jesus said, "If you hold to my teachings,
you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth,
and the truth will set you free" (John 8:31,32). The Proverbs
urge us "Buy the truth, and do not sell it." (Pr 23:23).
The Psalmist prayed "Do not snatch to word of truth from my mouth"
(Ps 119:43). Evidently he believed that the word of truth
was in fact `in his mouth'.
Yet we do indeed appear arrogant if our claim to the truth
is motivated by self-glorification. But if we present the
truth as the teachings of Scripture, revealed by the
Spirit, and not our own invention, and if we stand ready
to be proved wrong on the basis of Scripture, as Luther
did, then we are not arrogant, but humble. We should humbly
trust in God's promise of truth, just as we trust in his
promise of forgiveness.
REXLEX> It is only because of God's own revelation that we can be
REXLEX> absolute about a thing.
Darren> But how far does that get you? Once God's revelation stops,
Darren> and your own reasoning begins, possibility for error appears.
I agree that we must make a distinction between the clear teachings
of Scripture, and the products of our own reason--even when such
reasoning is based on Scripture. However I think I would draw
the line of distinction more `reasonably' :-) and less `academically'
than you would.
Darren> For example, let's suppose that our modern Bible translations
Darren> include a perfect rendering of Jesus words at the Last Supper,
Darren> and that Jesus said, exactly, "This is my body."
Darren> We'll presume that what he said was totally without error and
Darren> absolutely true. What can we be certain of? Not much.
Darren> At the moment he stops speaking, and people start
Darren> interpreting, the possibility of error appears. Did he mean
Darren> that literally or not? We do not have any record that he
Darren> elaborated on the words. Was he thinking of Tran- or Con-
Darren> substantiation? He didn't say.
Darren is almost at the point of making a very Lutheran statement
about the Lord's supper. The Lutheran approach is to say
that if Jesus said, "This is my body," then that is what we
should believe. Other interpretations are rejected simply because
they are not taught in Scripture.
Recall that Jesus' words do not stand alone on this subject. We also
have Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 11:17-34,--in which he passed on to
us, what he received from the Lord. In particular he said, "For
whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the
Lord's death until he comes." By these words we should believe that
the bread that we eat in the Lord's Supper really is bread (as well as
the Lord's body)--as our senses in fact tell us. Does this *prove*
that tran-substantiation is false? I suppose someone could say that
Paul spoke metaphorically of the Lord's body as bread, simply because
that is the way the body appears when we eat it. But this thought is
found nowhere in Scripture. So we reject it. Thus the primary
reason for rejecting tran-substantiation is not that we can
prove it false, but that it is simply not found in Scripture.
[side remark]
I've been told that the Lutheran doctrine on real presence is
con-substantiation. But it has been non-Lutherans who have told
me this. We tend not to use the word. I almost think that this
is used more by professors of comparative religion, who need labels
to compare Catholic, Lutheran and Reformed teachings on the Lord's
Supper. But almost every church wants to call their own teaching
"real presence" because that was the traditional teaching of
the church.
[end side remark]
Darren> When Christians speak as if they believe their own reasoning
Darren> can never lead them astray -- when we implicitly claim that we
Darren> are infallible -- the non- Christians around us rarely believe
Darren> that implicit claim. Witnessing is hardly going to work when
Darren> the person you are talking to believes that you are either too
Darren> foolish to recognise your own limits, or intentionally trying
Darren> to cover them up.
This is precisely why Christians should not rely on rationalizations
in their witnessing. It is far better to take the approach,
"I'd like to show you what Scripture says. You decide for
yourself whether to believe it or not."
Darren> `REXLEX' suggested that people read _He is There and He is Not
Darren> Silent_, by Francis Schaeffer. I didn't think very highly of
Darren> it, but I think that Mr Schaeffer is grossly overrated by many
Darren> Evangelical Christians. Somebody else might like it, though,
Darren> so don't let my opinion stop you from reading it.
Darren> If someone is interested in my opinion, I'd suggest _On
Darren> Certainty_, by Ludwig Wittgenstein.
As long as we're trading references, I'd like to suggest Dr. Siegbert
Becker's paperback, "The Foolishness of God: The place of reason
in Lutheran theology," published by Northwestern Publishing House.
This book was based on Becker's doctoral thesis at the University
of Chicago. | 15 | soc.religion.christian |
I'm planning to buy a new VLB/EISA system with a good graphic performance.
So far I looked at the ATI GUP VLB as my favorite graphics-card. But
recently I heard something about a new card from Miro. It was the Miro
Crystal 24s with 3 MB and True Color support up to 1024x768. It costs just a
little more than the ATI. So, can't decide which one matches better my needs.
Any technical references and performance comparisons (especially from the
Miro card) would be greatly appreciated.
E-Mail : kohut1@urz.unibas.ch | 1 | comp.graphics |
The NRA is successful because (among a number of things), on the drop of
a hat, they can get a congresspersons office flooded with postcards,
faxes and phone calls. Certainly, with our way-cool Internet powers of
organization, we can act in the same way, if such action is appropriate.
As long as we are kept informed of events, anyone on this bboard can make
a call to action. Hopefully, we're a strong enough community to act on
those calls. I realize this is a little optomistic, and I'm glad EFF is
working in the loop on these issues, but don't underestimate the
potential of the net for political action. | 11 | sci.crypt |
Does anyone have the addresses to any of the following hockey teams
located in the Czech/Slovak Republics, Finland, Russia or Sweden?
Any information on how to find these addresses would also be appreciated.
Red Army
Soviet Wings
| 10 | rec.sport.hockey |
And another one:
Hasn't enyone heard of a leader's recon? This is when the leader of the
assult goes and looks at the objective to see if anything has changed that
would affect the mission. Even the Freshman cadets here in ROTCland
know about them. Mostly because they know it as the part where they
lie on the cold ground for an hour or so, but they've heard about it.
Maybe the ATF should have hired out to the local ROTC guys!
Andrew Diederich diederic@spot.colorado.edu | 16 | talk.politics.guns |
Whats the difference between a V.32bis modem and a V.32bis modem?
I'm not being entirely silly here: what I'm pointing out is that the
modems that they have already approved for data transmission will work
just fine to transmit scrambled vocoded voice.
Perry Metzger pmetzger@shearson.com | 11 | sci.crypt |
I agree, although I would have no idea how to go about doing it. But
you've got my vote.
--I'm outta here like Vladimir
--Alan | 9 | rec.sport.baseball |
A new alternative to Scouting for those "unacceptable to BSA" for reasons
of religious or sexual preference:
From: "BOYD R. CRITZ, III" <71611.365@CompuServe.COM>
Subject: EnviroLeague
"Birth Announcement" on March 7, 1993, from EARTH Forum, CompuServe
Information Service
A new youth movement,"EnviroLeague," was recently born, according to its
founder, Boyd R. Critz, III (CIS ID# 71611,365), of Peoria, Illinois.
EnviroLeague exists for the education of youth, both male and female, in
matters concerning their values related to and responsibility for our
Incorporated as an Illinois not-for-profit corporation, its Articles and
initial applications for a service mark have now been filed. According to
Critz, its draft Bylaws contain the following statement of Mission and
It is the Mission of EnviroLeague and its adult members
to foster and implement the improved education of young
people in the need to conduct their lives as Stewards
of The Earth, to leave The Earth in a better condition
than they found it, and to otherwise act as responsible,
moral and ethical users of their environment. To pursue
the accomplishment of this Mission, EnviroLeague shall
seek to serve as a catalyst, focusing in common cause the
separate efforts of all groups desiring the preservation,
improvement, and responsible use of the environment in
which we must all live.
In pursuit of the Mission of EnviroLeague, its primary
objectives shall be:
(1) To establish a Movement involving as many
environmentally concerned organizations as
possible, said Movement having as its primary
focus the education and participatory
involvement of young people in appropriate areas
of environmental concern;
(2) To develop and provide to such organizations and
their branches a full complement of program
materials for their use, including suitable
uniforms, insignia and other badges, written
ideas, syllabi and information, literature and
other items as shall seem appropriate and
(3) To serve as a "clearing house" for the exchange
of program ideas, materials and information
among said organizations; and
(4) To assist environmentally concerned
organizations to recruit and train the necessary
adult leadership for their youth programs.
EnviroLeague will operate through three "Program Divisions" serving youth in
the elementary, middle and high school grades, respectively. Service shall be
through formation of "EnviroLeague Teams," either by EnviroLeague itself or by
environmentally conscious organizations (or their local branches) wishing a
charter to use programs developed by EnviroLeague.
EnviroLeague, as it develops, will be controlled by the actual adult leaders
of each local Team, and will have no nationally imposed obstacles to
membership or adult leadership status not based upon relevant improper
conduct. Organizations accepting a charter may, however, impose certain
additional standards for their own use of the program material. Should such
organizations do so, EnviroLeague will commit itself to forming, as soon as
possible, new nearby Teams having no such restrictions, particularly as to
youth membership.
EnviroLeague will operate on the principle that youth will have much to
contribute to developing its programs. Thus, the top youth leaders of its
Teams for middle and high school youth may become involved in governing any
local administrative groups, and those for its high school youth may be
involved in similar functions at the national level.
Program materials are in development at this time. Copies of the "draft"
portions of the Mentor's Manual (manual for adult leadership) will be in the
EARTH Forum, Library 17. These files will be updated as development takes
CompuServe is particularly proud that EnviroLeague's founder chose this
electronic medium to make the first public announcement of its formation.
This announcement is being made simultaneously in both the OUTDOOR and EARTH
The electronic home of EnviroLeague is in CompuServe's Earth Forum - GO
EARTH - message and library areas 17, both named "EnviroLeague."
Subsequently, EnviroLeague's Initial Governance Council has held its first
meeting. Boyd Critz was elected as the first EnviroLeague Chief Guardian
(equivalent to Chairman of the Board or CEO). He can be reached at home
(309) 675-4483 in case of real need. Also, mail can be addressed to:
P.O. Box 418
Peoria, IL 61651-0418
Those interested in starting an EnviroLeague Team might just establish
contact, to receive a diskette (IBM DOS, ASCII) with initial information.
-- | 0 | alt.atheism |
Though some may argue about the nose of the camel, it's worth noting that
the government proposal is limited to scrambled telephony. If it is only
used for that purpose, and does not extend to electronic mail or file
encryption, then it IS an improvement over the current mass-produced
standard civilian technology which, with a few exceptions, is limited to
easy-to-break inverters.
Note that the big issue for the feds is the continued ability to wiretap.
Before we go off the deep end with long discusions about secure crypto for
e-mail and files, let's focus on this.
One question that was not asked in the release is whether this proposal is
limited to telephony, or if the government intends to expand it.
Though I share many of the concerns expressed by some, I find the proposal
less threatening than many others, since right now most Americans have no
secure telephony, and any jerk with a pair of clip leads and a "goat" can
eavesdrop. This would also plug up the security hole in cellular and
cordless phones.
Reading between the lines, I infer that the system is highly secure
without access to the keys. This would meet the needs of U.S. businesses
confronted by rich and powerful adversaries, including French and Japanese
security services and rich Japanese companies. It allows the NSA to make
available some of its better stuff while protecting law enforcement needs.
Most legitimate U.S. corporations trust the NSA, and would be delighted to
have a high-security system certified by them, even at the price of
depositing keys in escrow. I see no difficulty in creating a reliable
escrow. Corporations entrust their secrets to attorneys every day of the
week, and that system has worked pretty well.
From my point of view this is a fair starting point. There are concerns that
need to be addressed, including the reliability of the escrows. But in
return we get access to high-security crypto. Many have suggested that DES
and other systems may be breakable by the NSA and hence others similarly
skilled and endowed. There is at least a good possibility (which should be
checked) that the proposed system is not so breakable. It doesn't have to
be, nor does it have to have trapdoors, if the government can get the keys
pursuant to a legitimate court order. Thus they can protect legitimate
communications against economic adversaries, while still being able to
eavesdrop on crooks pursuant to a court order.
In discussing this, let's try to avoid the nastiness, personal attacks and
noise of some previous threads. This is a substantive and technical issue,
and personal remarks have no place in such a discussion.
| 11 | sci.crypt |
:I recently had a case of shingles and my doctors wanted to give me
:intravenous Acyclovir.
:It was a pain finding IV sites in my arms...can I have some facts about
:how advantageous it is to give intravenous antibiotics rather than oral?
I think some essential information must be missing here, i.e., you must be
suffering from a condition which has caused immunosuppression. There is
no indication for IV acyclovir for shingles in an otherwise healthy
person. The oral form can help to reduce the length of symptoms, and may
even help prevent the development of post-herpetic neuralgia, but I
certainly would not subject someone to IV therapy without a good reason.
To address your more general question, IV therapy does provide higher and
more consistently high plasma and tissue levels of a drug. For treating a
serious infection this is the only way to be sure that a patient is
getting adequate drug levels.
| 13 | sci.med |
Too many clues, not enough substance. You ask a lot of
good questions, though, but they are questions *you* should
be worried about, not me. I'm not the inerrantist here.
Let me know when you are ready to get serious. | 19 | talk.religion.misc |
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It's an experiment, place a not so subliminal, slightly
cagey message in front of a viewer and see how long it takes to create a response, and what was the response...
It was the same thing with the "Blow me" message, only it had a
quicker response time...and some unexpected responses along with the
expectedly negative ones...
Anyone see how long that took?
Yours, in jest...
Tom T | 6 | misc.forsale |
The federal government has mandated that all passenger cars by model year
'95 return to the floor mounted dimmer switch.
A study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has
found that an unacceptable percentage of after dusk collisions were the
direct result of unskilled drivers getting their left foot stuck in the
steering wheel :-)
Ron Gaskins c23reg@koptsw21.delcoelect.com
Automotive Electronic Systems Delco Electronics
GM Hughes Electronics, Kokomo, IN 46904 | 7 | rec.autos |
I hear George Bush (remember him?) will receive an honors degree from
some Kuwaiti University for contributing to certain Kuwaiti interests
not too long ago. Do you think it would add much to his resume? ;-)
| 5 | comp.windows.x |
Anyone familiar with this video card? What chipset does the winjet use - S3?
As I am in the market for a VLG video card, what is the best chipset among
S3, Cirrus Logic and Tseng Lab (ATI is out of the question - too expensive) ? | 3 | comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware |
Is erythromycin effective in treating pneumonia? | 13 | sci.med |
09 Apr 93, Jill Anne Daley writes to All:
JAD> What exactly is a definition of sin and what are some examples. How does
JAD> a person know when they are committing sin?
To answer briefly: sin is falling short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23)
Steve | 15 | soc.religion.christian |
Unless I've got my notes mixed up, 939 F.2d 499 comes close to this.
Regular guy. Blue-collar worker at a regular company. Hauled into
court. Convicted. Appeals to 7th circuit. Makes all the right
arguments (his brief is cited by Mr. Teel as an example of a
"winning" brief). Shot down, 3-zip by the 7th circuit. Appeals to
the Supreme Court. And...
...Certiorari denied. Defendant goes to jail. Oh well. | 18 | talk.politics.misc |
Hi. I am working on a project for my marketing class and I'd like to
ask your help. The assignment is to come up with a product and create a
marketing plan for it. Technical issues are not terribly important at
this point. Well, my group's plan is to market a "full page" monitor
for laptop computers. It would be a third-party product to be installed
by authorized repair centers (like Newer Technology's PaletteBook
screen). The idea is that the screen would fold in such a way that you
would get twice the screen height of a normal screen (remember,
technical issues aside!). In fact, by adjusting the fold of the screen
and the monitor configuration, you could have regular OR "full" height.
The screen would probably be monochrome.
The motivation behind this is that laptop computers seem to be very
popular among business people. Business people also commonly use word
processing and spreadsheet applications for which it is very convenient
to see a large portion of the document. Because of the target users and
applications, color screens aren't really a neccessity. We could
hopefully keep the cost between $2000 and $3000.
Now, please don't write this off as completely ridiculous. I really
need some constructive feedback. So, if you would, please reply to me
via email and let me know:
1. If you would consider buying a "full page" laptop screen
2. How much you would be willing to pay for it
3. Any helpful commentaries on the idea
Also, if you take this idea and make a lot of money off it (doubtful,
but who knows!), please send me some.
Thanks in advance!!! | 4 | comp.sys.mac.hardware |
If you don't already know it, you should call the bank/credit union/
finance company that holds the loan on your present car and get the
current payoff cost.
If you are trading in your current car on the new car, subtract the
payoff amount from the trade-in the dealer is giving you. (If this
turns out to be a negative number, you need to reconsider the deal.)
Subtract this difference from the price of the new car. This is the
size of the loan you will need for the new car.
The dealer will take care of paying off the loan on your old car out
of the money you give them when you pick up your new car.
At least that's how it worked for me 5 years ago in Ohio...
| 7 | rec.autos |
15 | soc.religion.christian |
>Hi... what alternatives to the Express modem do Duo owners have (if
>they want to go at least 9600 baud)?
>Every place in town says they are back ordered, and part of the reason
>I want a laptop mac is so I can use it as a remote terminal from
>wherever I am, but I really would hate to have to wait 2 months to get
>a modem in or have to settle with 2400 baud.
If Apple didn't put out such a good product -- I'd gladly take my
business to -- to -- the 8-bit Ataris. I think the
situation with the Express modem is inexusable for any business.
I've had mine on order since January. Apple finally called me last
week -- to tell me that I should have it "by the second week of May."
In the meantime, I've been stuck with my Duo210 without the
connectability I needed it for. I'm sure there are plenty of people
who can bite back at me, citing all sorts of reasons why Apple is
right or at least justified, but I'm just a crabby consumer and
when I order a "Duo210 with modem" that's the product I expect.
Oh, well. It's not like it's limited to the computer biz. Remember
when the Miata came out? What about those Cabbage Patch Dolls? Well,
I want my toy! ;)
Kenneth Simon Dept of Sociology, Indiana University
Internet: KSSIMON@INDIANA.EDU Bitnet: KSSIMON@IUBACS | 4 | comp.sys.mac.hardware |
Hi! Everyone,
Since some people quickly solved the problem of determining a sphere from
4 points, I suddenly recalled a problem which is how to find the ellipse
from its offset. For example, given 5 points on the offset, can you find
the original ellipse analytically?
I spent two months solving this problem by using analytical method last year,
but I failed. Under the pressure, I had to use other method - nonlinear
programming technique to deal with this problem approximately.
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated. Please post here, let the others
share our interests. | 1 | comp.graphics |
Depending on how you plan to use your SUV, I might recommend also
browsing Trailer Boats and one or more of those Pickup, Shotgun,
and 4WD magazines. The car rags mostly seem to consider recently
graded pea gravel to be offroading and ten sacks of redwood chips
to be a bedload. Considering that most of these SUVs seem to be
used mostly as robust station wagons, that's probably not a bad
approach, but if your applications are more demanding, pick your
information sources accordingly.
Of the three vehicles on your short list (Explorer, 4Runner,
Pathfinder), I'd recommend the 4Runner as being closely based
on a rather robust pickup and the Explorer for being comfortably
carlike. Don't know much about the Pathfinder. | 7 | rec.autos |
Right on, it is every citizen's right and duty to FORCE government
(anecdotes deleted)
Also keep in mind that cops will LIE in court to get their way! (don't get
me started by asking how I know ;) If you decide to fight you have to be ready
for this as well as devise strategy to make the cop's story doubtful in the
judge/jury's mind. | 8 | rec.motorcycles |
Not completly true. For AT class and later machines, IRQ5 is
reserved for LPT2. Since it's rare to have a second parallel
port in a PC, it's usually a good safe choice if you need an
On the other hand, we just ran into a problem with that here
at work on a Gateway computer (4DX-33V). It has a Modem on COM1,
a Mouse on COM2, and the other serial port was set to COM3 (which
normally uses the same interrupt as COM1). We had a real fight
with a board when trying to use IRQ5, and discoverd the problem
was that Gateway had set it up such that COM3 used IRQ5. As soon
as we disabled COM3, our problems went away. Grumble ... after
several days of trying to figure out why the interrupt didn't work. | 3 | comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware |
Yes, I do.
My argument is that the sole purpose of the death penalty is to
kill people. That is it's primary (and I would argue only)
purpose. To continue to kill people by a practice that has
almost no utility, especially when you know you will be killing
innocents, is unconscionable.
At the very least, the existence of the prison system and our
transportation system are based on their merits to society, not
their detriments. We are willing to accept a few lost innocent
lives because there is an overwhelming benefit to the continued
existence of these systems. One has to stretch the evidence and
the arguments to make the same claim for capital punishment.
Just in case I wasn't clear again: We maintain a capital
punsihment system that kills innocent people and provides us with
no net positive gain. Why?
Were you to pin me in a corner and ask, I would have to respond
that I don't belief the state should have the right to take life
at all. But I won't open that debate, as it seems others are
tiring of this thread on a.a anyway.
Bob Beauchaine bobbe@vice.ICO.TEK.COM
They said that Queens could stay, they blew the Bronx away,
and sank Manhattan out at sea. | 0 | alt.atheism |
If Brad's analysis is correct, it may offer an explanation for why the
encryption algorithm is being kept secret. This will prevent competitors
from coming out with Clipper-compatible phones which lack the government-
installed "back door." The strategy Brad describes will only work as long
as the only way to get compatible phones is to have ones with the government
(It would be nice, from the point of view of personal privacy, if Brad
turns out to be right. As long as people still have the power to provide
their own encryption in place of or in addition to the Clipper, privacy
is still possible. But the wording of several passages in the announcement
makes me doubt whether this will turn out to be true.) | 11 | sci.crypt |
[In looking through my files this weekend, I ran across some lyrics from
various rock groups that have content. Here are two from Black Sabbath's
"Master of Reality". I'll say this much for the music of the '60's and early
'70's, at least they asked questions of significance. Jethro Tull is another
to asked and wrote about things that caused one to wonder. --Rex]
Have you ever thought about your soul--
can it be saved?
Or perhaps you think that when you're dead
you just stay in you grave.
Is God just a thought within you read in a book
when you were at school?
When you think about death
Do you lose your breath
Or do you keep your cool?
Would you like to see the Pope on the end of a rope?
Do you think he's a fool?
Well I have seen the truth. Yes I have seen the light
and I've changed my ways.
And I'll be prepared
When you're lonely and scared
at the end of your days.
Could it be you're afraid of what your friends might say
If they knew you believed in God above?
They should realize before they criticise
That God is the only way to love.
Is your mind so small that you have to fall
In with the pack wherever they run?
Will you still sneer when death is near
And say they may as well worship the sun?
I think it was true -it was people like you
that crucified Christ.
I think it is sad the opinion you had
was the only one voiced.
Will you be so sure when your day is near
to say you don't believe?
You had the chance but you turned it down
now you can't retrieve.
Perhaps you'll think before you say that God is dead & gone
Open your eyes, just realize that He is the one.
The only one who can save you now from all this sin and hate.
Or will you still jeer at all you hear?
Yes! I think it's too late.
LORD OF THIS WORLD | 15 | soc.religion.christian |
I don't think FD is a problem. Since FD is much sloooooooowwwwwwer
than HD, the overhead of double buffering doesn't matter.
Ken Nakata | 3 | comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware |
We have a setup with with 13 polaroid transducers and rangefinders. We
would like to fire these three at a time with about 5 ms between
firings. The three that are being fired do not fire in the same
To further explain the situation, assume we are firing sonars A,B,C
5 ms apart each other. We should normally see an echo on A that
corresponds to the distance. However, sonar A detects the INIT line
of sonar B! The detection is actually through the transducer of sonar A;
we can see a very faint 50Khz signal on the transducer, exactly at the
time the init line of sonar B is activated.
We feel that there is some ground coupling that is causing this interference.
We came to this conclusion since we are using a separate power supply
for sonars B and C.
Has anyone else had any problems with these particular units and
this type of experience? Your suggestions for remedies will be greatly
| 12 | sci.electronics |
...deleted lines...
As I live in Sweden I remember the day perfectly well. We changed
side 1967-09-03 (or 03-SEP-1967). I don't remeber the exactly time but
it was in the night. (in the 'big' cities like Stockholm & Gothenburg
all trafic was forbidden, exept busses and taxis, during the whole
weekend.) The day was a Sunday and everything was prepared in before.
Before the day we was told to follow the yellow lines on the road and
after it was the white one that matters. The signs with arrows on was
prepared with a 'left mode' label that was torn off that night to
reveal the new right mode arrow.
The year after Iceland also changed.
About cars: Before the H-day (H as in "Hoegertrafik". "hoeger" is
Swedish and stands for 'right') practically all cars already had their
steering wheels on the left side. Even the imported cars from UK had
the wheel on 'the right side'. At last we have cars with the wheels on
the right side. :-)
More contries that uses the left side is:
Tanzania (I think)
New Zeeland
How about South Africa?
BTW. Some sais that the left side is the right side because Ivanhoe
and other knights meet at the left when they fight in tournaments. :-)
...deleted lines... | 7 | rec.autos |
Hi. I am having some interesting problems with my Boca graphics card, which
is based on the Cirrus Logic chipset (I am not sure exactly which one). The
problem is as follows:
If I use any Windows driver at 800x600 except for the 64K-colour driver (ie
16 colour or 256 colour), the image on screen becomes too tall - no amount of
resizing on the monitor will make it fit. And if I use Excel with the 64K-
colour driver, it hangs as soon as it loads. Anyone out there used this
card/experienced anything similar.
Please reply by mail, and I will post any solutions here.
- Simon
| 2 | comp.os.ms-windows.misc |
: From: pmetzger@snark.shearson.com (Perry E. Metzger)
: Indeed, were it not for the government doing everything possible to
: stop them, Qualcomm would have designed strong encryption right in to
: the CDMA cellular phone system they are pioneering. Were it not for
: the NSA and company, cheap encryption systems would be everywhere. As
: it is, they try every trick in the book to stop it. Had it not been
: for them, I'm sure cheap secure phones would be out right now.
In the UK, it's impossible to get approval to attach any crypto device
to the phone network. (Anything that plugs in to our BT phone sockets
must be approved - for some reason crypto devices just never are...)
I was wondering some time ago how big a market there was for good old-
fashion acoustic coupler technology to build a secure phone :-) ... is
it possible to mask out all the real voice well enough so that none of
it strays into the mouthpiece? Perhaps a well-sealed coupler attachment
that was as well blocked as possible, then a white noise generator on
the outside to muffle any real speech? | 11 | sci.crypt |
Basically, there are two algorithms determining whether a point is inside,
outside or on the polygon. The first one is Ray (or half line) method. In
this method, you can draw any ray, if the number of the intersection point
of the ray and the polygon is even, then it is outside. If the number is odd,
then it is inside. Of cause, you have to deal with the special cases which
may make you headache.
The second method is PI algorithm. Draw the lines between the point and
all the vertices on the polygon. Calculate and sum the angles of the
successive lines. If the result is 2*PI, then it is inside. If PI, then
it is on the polygon. Otherwise it is outside.
My experience tells the second method is relible.
Hope this helps. | 1 | comp.graphics |
I am starting to work on a project using DDE to transfer data. The
application came with an Excel macro which can transfer the data.
I need to 'port' it to 1-2-3W. 1-2-3W uses a very different setup
for DDE macros.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to good references? I have
downloaded "WW01117: Windows Dynamic Exchange (DDE)" [the MS
Application Note]. Any books worth getting?
The specifics are:
Server application: Dionex AI-450 Chromatography Data System
Client application: 1-2-3 for Windows V1.1
Except for the macro, Dionex did not provide any documentation
for DDE. Also, I am having problems because I am trying to develop
the application on my PC, but to actually get data, you need to be
connect to the instrument. Any help here would be appreciated, too.
-- | 2 | comp.os.ms-windows.misc |
After the marvelous "time-out" call by Chris Webber (which resulted in
a technical foul, since his team had no time-outs left) perhaps Webber
will take the place of Bill Buckner as the master of choke. At least
this Red Sox fan hopes so.
| 9 | rec.sport.baseball |
: Logic alert - argument from incredulity. Just because it is hard for you
: to believe this doesn't mean that it isn't true. Liars can be very pursuasive
: just look at Koresh that you yourself cite.
This is whole basis of a great many here rejecting the Christian
account of things. In the words of St. Madalyn Murrey-O'Hair, "Face it
folks, it's just silly ...". Why is it okay to disbelieve because of
your incredulity if you admit that it's a fallacy? | 0 | alt.atheism |
The Toshiba has a 200ms access time, the NEC has a 280ms access
time, right around the Sony/Apple. Access time is, of course,
somewhat important, but not as vital in the case of CDs as data
transfer rate.
All the drives are double-speed drives with maximum data transfer
rates of 300K/second. Any is a good choice. Apple's is very cheap
when included with new Macs and I agree with Christian's comment
about drivers.
Plus, Apple's is bootable on the Centris and Quadra 800. A very nice
feature if you need to install System software. I don't know if the
NEC or Toshiba are bootable on those machines. | 4 | comp.sys.mac.hardware |
4 | comp.sys.mac.hardware |
Nope. Here in Northern California, a newspaper recently did a survey,
asking if people favored stricter gun controls. A full 40% said no.
Here, in one of the most Liberal (it wasn't always a swear word :( areas
of the country, nearly half the people don't want additional controls, let
alone revocation of RKBA...
Misguided dolt though he may be (though, I still maintain, less dangerous
than Bush), Clinton does not publicly support revoking the second amendment.
Well, I'll help MY neighbors...
Violent solutions are passe'? I take it you propose disarming the police,
Please don't mention RKBA in the same breath as the KKK. RKBA is about
being able to defend yourself and others, not about killing the innocent.
Actually, your mention of the KKK is rather funny, considering that the
first gun control law in the US were created specifically to disarm black
people... | 16 | talk.politics.guns |
The Internet Society Symposium on
Network and Distributed System Security
3-4 February 1994, Catamaran Hotel, San Diego, California
The symposium will bring together people who are building software and
hardware to provide network or distributed system security services.
The symposium is intended for those interested in practical aspects of
network and distributed system security, rather than in theory. Symposium
proceedings will be published by the Internet Society. Topics for the
symposium include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Design and implementation of services--access control, authentication,
availability, confidentiality, integrity, and non-repudiation
--including criteria for placing services at particular protocol
* Design and implementation of security mechanisms and support
services--encipherment and key management systems, authorization
and audit systems, and intrusion detection systems.
* Requirements and architectures for distributed applications and
network functions--message handling, file transport, remote
file access, directories, time synchronization, interactive
sessions, remote data base management and access, routing, voice and
video multicast and conferencing, news groups, network management,
boot services, mobile computing, and remote I/O.
* Special issues and problems in security architecture, such as
-- very large systems like the international Internet, and
-- high-speed systems like the gigabit testbeds now being built.
* Interplay between security goals and other goals--efficiency,
reliability, interoperability, resource sharing, and low cost.
Dan Nessett, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Russ Housley, Xerox Special Information Systems
Rob Shirey, The MITRE Corporation
Dave Balenson, Trusted Information Systems
Tom Berson, Anagram Laboratories
Matt Bishop, Dartmouth College
Ed Cain, U.S. Defense Information Systems Agency
Jim Ellis, CERT Coordination Center
Steve Kent, Bolt, Beranek and Newman
John Linn, Independent Consultant
Clifford Neuman, Information Sciences Institute
Michael Roe, Cambridge University
Rob Rosenthal, U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology
Jeff Schiller, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ravi Sandhu, George Mason University
Peter Yee, U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
SUBMISSIONS: The committee seeks both original technical papers and
proposals for panel discussions on technical and other topics of general
interest. Technical papers should be 10-20 pages in length. Panels
should include three or four speakers. A panel proposal must name the
panel chair, include a one-page topic introduction authored by the chair,
and also include one-page position summaries authored by each speaker
Both the technical papers and the panel papers will appear in the
Submissions must be made by 16 August 1993. Submissions should be made
via electronic mail to
Submissions may be in either of two formats: ASCII or PostScript. If
the committee is unable to read a PostScript submission, it will be
returned and ASCII requested. Therefore, PostScript submissions should
arrive well before 16 August. If electronic submission is absolutely
impossible, submissions should be sent via postal mail to
Robert W. Shirey, Mail Stop Z202
The MITRE Corporation
McLean, Virginia 22102-3481 USA
All submissions must include both an Internet electronic mail address and
a postal address. Each submission will be acknowledged through the
medium by which it is received. If acknowledgment is not received within
seven days, please contact either Rob Shirey <Shirey@MITRE.org> or
Russ Housley <Housley.McLean_CSD@xerox.com>, or telephone Mana Weigand at
MITRE in Mclean, 703-883-5397. | 11 | sci.crypt |
"Deeply rooted rivalry?" Ahem, Jokerit have been around since 1967 and joined
the top flight only in the early '70s. Helsingfors IFK have been around since
1897 but fans only started taking hockey seriously in the 1960s so I think
you're exagerating here.
That's a rather bold claim, in the light of how successful the Canadian &
American Olympic teams have been . . . and they've had to play according to our
set of rules and on international ice. The 1992 Olympic teams contained about
as much talent as your average expansion team. Canada had Eric Lindros, Sean
Burke, Joe Juneau and Chris Kontos. Another four or five have been deep subs in
the NHL. As for the Yanks, Keith Tkachuk, Scott Lachance, Bret Hedican, Shawn
McEachern, Steve Heintze, Ted Donato, Joe Sacco and Bill Guerin have been
3rd/4th line players in the NHL, while Robb Stauber has done well for the
Kings in goal. Nothing more. In fact, I'm sure that an All-Star team assembled
from the best Finnish League teams would do no better in the NHL than Hartford
or Tampa Bay currently are doing.
But what happens if _all_ top-class Finnish & Swedish players gradually end up
with Helsinki & Stockholm as the North American-based ones gradually retire and
no Canadian/American team is allowed to draft new players from Scandinavia?
Here is what THE HOCKEY NEWS scouts think of our NHL-based players:
(18-22=NHL regular+)
(13-17=NHL regular)
( 8-12=role player)
D-Jyrki Lumme.......20
D-Teppo Numminen....20
D-Peter Ahola.......13
C-Jari Kurri........25
C-Christian Ruuttu..16
R-Teemu Selanne.....27
L-Esa Tikkanen......20
(Obviously, Selanne's ratings would be higher today than they were in January)
D-Ulf Samuelsson....21
D-Fredrik Olausson..20
D-Niklas Lidstrom...18
D-Calle Johansson...18
D-Kjell Samuelsson..17
D-Tommy Sjodin......13
D-Tommy Albelin......7
C-Mats Sundin.......26
C-Thomas Steen......18
R-Thomas Sandstrom..22
R-Ulf Dahlen........18
R-Michael Nylander..13
L-Per-Erik Eklund...18
L-Johan Garpenlov...16
L-Mikael Andersson..15
L-Jan Erixon........14
This would be interesting. Clearly, Finland's top five players (Winnipeg's
Selanne & Numminen, Vancouver's Lumme, Los Angeles' Jari Kurri and New York's
Tikkanen) are right up there with any five-man unit Pittsburgh & co. have. But
I have my doubts about the home-based Finnish players - the national team did
well in the Canada Cup and World Championships largely due to the efforts of
Markus Ketterer (the goalie), 3-4 or the players listed above and luck. There's
presumably a lot of decent players in Finland that wouldn't be superstars at
the highest level but still valuable role players, however. My guess would be
that the Finnish Canada Cup team would be a .500 team in the NHL.
Sweden is easier to judge because they have more players in North America.
Their points total (16 players) is 274 - seven more than Ottawa's 22 top
players combined! If we estimate there are six more NHL regulars back home in
Sweden, an all-Swedish team would assemble about 350-360 skill points.
Deducting some points from Pittsburgh, NY Rangers and other teams that rely on
Swedish players, the Swedish team would finish in sixth place - about as high
as Boston, Vancouver, Calgary and Montreal on paper! So, the "dynasty" talk
isn't completely unfounded here. An all-Finnish/all-Swedish team might have an
advantage because the players would be playing at home half of the time,
won't have to adapt to a foreign country and a foreign language, and presumably
play the wide-open European variant of hockey rather than have to learn the
North American checking game. However, if free agency becomes a factor the top
Scandinavian players still might end up playing for large-market teams after a
couple of years the same way Edmonton's "dynasty" crumbled in the late '80s.
Some fringe players likely will be drafted by other NHL teams as having an
exclusive talent pool might be a bit unfair after all. I'd settle for a
compromise, prohibit all European teams from signing a North American during
the first two rounds but allow them to keep their top two players. After this,
the amateur draft should be open to anyone.
| 10 | rec.sport.hockey |
[good points on buddhism, etc. deleted]
just because one says christianity -- true christianity -- is hard to
follow faithfully does NOT mean that one discounts the validity and
difficulty of other religions. i admire those of any religion who are
willing to make the kind of sacrifices and dedicate themselves
spiritually in the way you are talking about.
[more deleted]
do you think this is what christianity is all about? not all
christians believe in this particular story literally. it sounds
above like you are supporting a policy of "to each his own" -- here is
another example of that. if it helps someone's faith to take every
word of the bible literally, i support and respect that, too.
please don't judge all of christianity by one man. the only man one
can truly judge all of christianity by is jesus (makes sense, right?).
i think his point about how we put our lives into little boxes is very
true -- what does your comment about robertson have to do with that?
i was raised agnostic -- my father was never baptised and was raised
atheist. he is not an atheist because he found a close-mindedness
present in the viewpoint of his parents equal to the close-mindedness
he found in the viewpoint of the christians he came in contact with.
thus i was _free_ to choose how to live my life, and he supported the
decision i made to join the episcopal church, although he emphasized
to me that his respect for my beliefs should result in my not
intruding on his beliefs, ie, i should not try to convert him, as that
is his decision. (please, no flames or advice on how to convert him!)
one of my good friends is hindi and i greatly respect her
beliefs and the culture surrounding her religion. my best friend is
jewish and i have always held a profound resepct for the jewish
religion (chaim potok and isaac bashevis singer are two of my favorite
authors). i really do not think you can make that kind of
generalization about how christians choose -- and i do mean CHOOSE--
their faith. if they have not consciously accepted the faith in their
adult lives (which is what confirmation represents), THEN you can talk
about their being brainwashed. | 15 | soc.religion.christian |
I think you will find that the Mac SE can PRINT grayscale images, loaded
with the proper software. However, the Mac SE cannot DISPLAY grayscale on
its screen or any attached video because that ability is not in the ROM.
So, while you might be able to PRINT grayscale, you'd have a hard time
SEEING the grayscale image you want to print.
Doug | 4 | comp.sys.mac.hardware |
This is the official Request for Discussion (RFD) for the creation of two
new newsgroups for Microsoft Windows NT. This is a second RFD, replacing
the one originally posted in January '93 (and never taken to a vote). The
proposed groups are described below:
NAME: comp.os.ms-windows.nt.setup
STATUS: Unmoderated.
PURPOSE: Discussions about setting up and installing Windows NT, and about
system and peripheral compatability issues for Windows NT.
NAME: comp.os.ms-windows.nt.misc
STATUS: Unmoderated.
PURPOSE: Miscellaneous non-programming discussions about using Windows NT,
including issues such as security, networking features, console
mode and Windows 3.1 (Win16) compatability.
Microsoft NT is the newest member of the Microsoft Windows family
of operating systems (or operating environments for those who wish
to argue about the meaning of an "OS"). The family ranges from
Modular Windows through Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups to
Windows NT at the high end. To date, Microsoft has shipped over
50,000 beta copies and pre-release SDKs of Windows NT -- the
actual release is slated for May/June '93.
While Windows NT has an entirely new design internally, it shares
an application programming interface with the other members of the
Windows family; its Win32 API includes the Win16 API used in Win-
dows 3.1, and the Win32s API subset (Win32 less threads, networking
and security) can be used to create 32-bit applications for
Windows 3.1.
The user interface is also practically identical to that of Windows
3.1, with the addition of logins and a few other features. It uses
Program Manager, File Manager and other applets, and generally pre-
sents an identical appearance to the user. Many of the announced
Windows NT applications are ports of existing Windows 3.1 apps, and
NT also runs existing 3.1 applications.
Thus, it appears logical that Windows NT should share the following
groups with the other members of the Windows family:
The following groups are also clearly applicable to Windows NT as
well as Windows 3.1:
In conclusion, the only clear argument for the separation of the
Windows 3.1 and Windows NT hierarchies is different internal
structures of Windows 3.1 and Windows NT. And yet operating
systems such as OS/2, Macintosh OS, Xenix and Coherent all have
undergone major rewrites without having been split into separate
newsgroup hierarchies.
Further, Windows 3.1 is due for a major rewrite itself in 1994 --
when the fully 32-bit, protected-mode and with-DOS-built-in next-
generation Windows, "Chicago", debuts next year, surely it should
remain in the same hierarchy. And what, then, would be the jus-
tification for separating Windows NT from other Windows versions?
The discussion period will run from 27 April, 1992 to 18 May, 1993.
The CFV (Call for Votes) will be issued around 19 May, 1993, based on
the feedback received during the discussion period. No votes will
be accepted prior to the CFV. | 2 | comp.os.ms-windows.misc |
NJ> : >And, while we are on the subject, has a captain ever been
NJ> : >resigned, or been striped of his title during the season? Any
NJ> : >team captain trivia would be appreciated.
Mike Foligno was captain of the Buffalo Sabres when he was traded to
Toronto. | 10 | rec.sport.hockey |
Sorry!! :-)
Call the four points A, B, C and D. Any three of them must be
non-collinear (otherwise all three could not lie on the surface
of a sphere) and all four must not be coplaner (otherwise either
they cannot all lie on a sphere or they define an infinity of them).
A, B and C define a circle. The perpendicular bisectors of AB, BC
and CA meet in a point (P, say) which is the centre of this circle.
This circle must lie on the surface of the desired sphere.
Consider the normal to the plane ABC passing through P. All points
on this normal are equidistant from A, B and C and its circle (in
fact it is a diameter of the desired sphere). Take the plane
containing this normal and D (if D lies on the normal any
plane containing the normal will do); this plane is at right angles
to the ABC one.
Let E be the point (there are normally two of them) on the circumference
of the ABC circle which lies in this plane. We need a point Q on the
normal such that EQ = DQ. But the intersection of the perpendicular
bisector of ED and the normal is such a point (and it exists since D is
not in the plane ABC, and so ED is not at right angles to the normal).
Is the sphere well defined?
(1) Check that A and B are not coincident (=> failure).
(2) Find the line AB and check that C does not lie on it (=> failure).
(3) Find the plane ABC and check that D does not lie in it (=> failure).
Yes. Find its centre.
(1) Find the perpendicular bisectors of AB and AC.
(2) Find their point of intersection (P).
(3) Find the normal to the plane ABC passing through P (line N).
(4) Find the plane containing N and D; find the point E on the
ABC circle in this plane (if D lies on N, take E as A).
(4) Find the perpendicular bisector of ED (line L)
(5) Find the point of intersection of N and L (Q).
Q is the centre of the desired sphere
(1) In the plane ABC
(2) At right-angles to ABC, in the plane containing N and D
line N
If ED << EP then Q will be very close to P (relative to the radius
of the ABC circle) and subject to error. It's best to choose D so
that the least of AD, BD and CD is larger than for any other choice. | 1 | comp.graphics |
General question: Since the world was discovered to be
round, the definition of Saturday is, if not ambiguous,
at least arbitrary. How would someone answer this?
Also, when the calendar was changed (Gregorian to Julian?)
was the day of the week changed or just the date? Once again
this points to the arbitrariness of the days.
Chris Mussack | 15 | soc.religion.christian |
Fret not, you made it.
Not while we still have our guns. <evil grin>
Hey, gang, it's not about duck hunting, or about dark alleys,
it's about black-clad, helmeted and booted troops storming
houses and violating civil rights under color of law.
Are YOU ready to defend YOUR Constitution? | 16 | talk.politics.guns |
First off, I haven't used W4WG (but I think that's about to change!).
The problem is the LASTDRIVE command and the way NetWare in general (and
in this case NETX in particular) adds drives to the device chain.
Setting LASTDRIVE=Z means there are no "unassigned" (as opposed to
"unused") drive letters for NetWare to use, as it tacks its drive
mappings -onto the end- of the existing list of drives. W4WG obviously
attaches its network drives to "existing, unused" drive letters.
I'd guess the next thing I'd try is something like LASTDRIVE=M, which on
most machines will leave a fair swathe of drives for W4WG and still
allow up to 13 NetWare drive mappings as well. | 2 | comp.os.ms-windows.misc |
You may want to inquire about taking Lupron as a medication. It's
supposed to be a new treatment, and it's described in Nov. 1992
issue of J. of Obst. and Gyn. | 13 | sci.med |
I missed the first part of this thread; are you switching line level or
speaker level audio?
If line level, there's a single chip 4x1 *stereo* audio switch available
that switches 4 two-channel inputs into 1 two-channel output, and also
has a mute function, all controllable with ttl inputs. LM1037, I think?
If speaker level, never mind. :( | 12 | sci.electronics |
I have between 15 and 25 nosebleeds each week, as a result of a genetic
predisposition to weak capillary walls (Osler-Weber-Rendu). Fortunately,
each nosebleed is of short duration.
Does anyone know of any method to reduce this frequency? My younger brothers
each tried a skin transplant (thigh to nose lining), but their nosebleeds
soon returned. I've seen a reference to an herb called Rutin that is
supposed to help, and I'd like to hear of experiences with it, or other
techniques. | 13 | sci.med |
If there is anyone attending the ISSA conference in Arlington, VA next
week, I would appreciate them getting in touch with me. | 11 | sci.crypt |
| 10 | rec.sport.hockey |
If anyone has the current Moto Guzzi National Owners Club
address please e-mail it to me. Thanks in advance!
T.K. | 8 | rec.motorcycles |
| 9 | rec.sport.baseball |
Archive-name: hockey-faq
rec.sport.hockey answers to Frequently Asked Questions and other news:
0. New Info.
1. NHL
2. NHL Minor Leagues
3. College Hockey (North America)
4. Other leagues (e.g. Europe, Canada Cup tournament)
5. E-mail files
6. USENET Hockey Pool
7. Up-coming Dates
8. Answers to some frequently asked questions
9. Miscellaneous
Send comments, suggestions and criticisms regarding this FAQ list via e-
mail to hamlet@u.washington.edu.
0. New Info.
This section will describe additions since the last post so that you can
decide if there is anything worth reading. Paragraphs containing new
information will be preceded by two asterisks (**).
1.: New Anaheim contact, Winnipeg to keep affiliate in Moncton.
2.: New Milwaukee contact, IHL broadcaster of the year named, Rheaume to
start against Cyclones, San Diego sets record.
3.: Ticket info included for 1994 NCAA Division I Championships.
4.: World Championship Pool B results listed, Sweden Hockey Games final
standings listed, Swedish Elite League final standings listed, new Olypmic
Hockey mailing list.
5.: New Montreal mailing list address.
1. NHL - National Hockey League
For detailed information concerning a team (particularly where to get
tickets and merchandise, where to watch games in town....), send e-mail to
the net contact(s) for the team.
First # of Last
Team Div Season Cups Cup Net Contacts
--------------------- --- ------ ---- ------ ----------------------
Anaheim Mighty Ducks - 93-94 - - Kris Myers
Boston Bruins A 24-25 5 71-72
Buffalo Sabres A 70-71 0 - Jeff Horvath
Calgary Flames S 80-81* 1 88-89 CALDWELL8102@mtroyal.ab.ca
Chicago Blackhawks N 26-27 3 60-61 John Scholvin
Detroit Red Wings N 33-34* 7 54-55 SGLENN@cmsa.gmr.com
Edmonton Oilers S 79-80* 5 89-90 Andrew Scott
Hartford Whalers A 79-80* 0 - Matthew Olsen
Los Angeles Kings S 67-68 0 - Stan Willis
Minnesota North Stars N 67-68* 0 - Mitch McGowan
Montreal Canadiens A 17-18 22 85-86
New Jersey Devils P 82-83* 0 -
New York Islanders P 72-73 4 82-83 Mark Anania
New York Rangers P 26-27 3 39-40 Paul Romano
Ottawa Senators A 92-93 0 - Scott Simpson
Philadelphia Flyers P 67-68 2 74-75 Pete Clark
Pittsburgh Penguins P 67-68 2 91-92 Lori Iannamico
Thomas Sullivan
Quebec Nordiques A 79-80* 0 -
St. Louis Blues N 67-68 0 - Joseph Achkar
San Jose Sharks S 91-92 0 - Nelson Lu
South Florida - 93-94 - -
Tampa Bay Lightning N 92-93 0 - Tom Wilson
Toronto Maple Leafs N 26-27* 11 66-67 Darryl Gamble
Vancouver Canucks S 70-71 0 - Alan Chim
Washington Capitals P 74-75 0 - David Lu
Winnipeg Jets S 79-80* 0 - umturne4@ccu.umanitoba.ca
A=Adams N=Norris P=Patrick S=Smythe
*Calgary: formerly Atlanta Flames (72/73-79/80)
Detroit: formerly Detroit Cougars (26/27-29/30) -> Detroit Falcons
Edmonton: formerly Alberta Oilers (WHA) (72/73) -> Edmonton Oilers (WHA)
Hartford: formerly New England Whalers (WHA) (72/73-78/79)
Minnesota: Cleveland Barons were merged with Minnesota for the 1978/79
New Jersey: formerly Kansas City Scouts (74/75-75/76) -> Colorado
Rockies (76/77-81/82)
Quebec: formerly Quebec Nordiques (WHA) (72/73-78/79)
Toronto: formerly Toronto Arenas (17/18-18/19) -> Toronto St. Patricks
Winnipeg: formerly Winnipeg Jets (WHA) (72/73-78/79)
Teams with mailing lists, see section 5 for addresses: Boston, Buffalo,
Los Angeles, Montreal, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, St. Louis, San Jose,
Tampa Bay, Vancouver, Washington.
- Schedule
1992-1993 Schedule for the NHL
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
! ! ! ! ! 1 ! 2 ! 3 !
! ! ! ! !Min @ Cal!Mon @ Was!Buf @ Bos!
! ! ! ! !Det @ Chi!NYI @ NYR!Cal @ SJ !
! ! ! ! !Har @ Pit! !Chi @ StL!
! ! ! ! !Que @ Ott! !Van @ Det!
! ! ! ! !Tor @ Phi! !Win @ Edm!
! ! ! ! !Win @ SJ ! !Ott @ Har!
! ! ! ! !Van @ TB ! !Min @ LA !
! ! ! ! ! ! !Mon @ NYI!
! ! ! ! ! ! !NJ @ Tor!
! ! ! ! ! ! !TB @ Phi!
! ! ! ! ! ! !Pit @ Que!
! 4 ! 5 ! 6 ! 7 ! 8 ! 9 !10 !
!Bos @ Buf!Har @ NYR!Bos @ Que!Edm @ Van!Que @ Bos!Van @ Cal!Bos @ Mon!
!Cal @ SJ ! !Buf @ Min!Har @ Ott!Chi @ NYI!Pit @ NYR!Buf @ Det!
!StL @ Chi! !Cal @ LA !Mon @ Pit!Det @ TB ! !Chi @ TB !
!Pit @ NJ ! !Edm @ SJ !NYR @ NJ !SJ @ LA ! !Har @ Que!
!NYR @ Was! !NYI @ Was! !Was @ Phi! !LA @ SJ !
!Van @ Ott! !Phi @ Win! !Tor @ Win! !StL @ Min!
! ! !StL @ TB ! ! ! !NJ @ Was!
! ! ! ! ! ! !Ott @ NYI!
! ! ! ! ! ! !NYR @ Pit!
! ! ! ! ! ! !Phi @ Tor!
!11 !12 !13 !14 !15 !16 !17 !
!Ott @ Bos!Was @ Mon!Mon @ Buf!Bos @ Ott!Phi @ Buf! ! !
!Que @ Buf!NYR @ Phi!Cal @ Edm!NYI @ Har!SJ @ Cal! ! !
!Cal @ Van! !Chi @ Min!Pit @ NJ !Tor @ Chi! ! !
!TB @ Chi! !LA @ Van!Was @ NYR!Min @ Det! ! !
!Win @ Edm! !Ott @ Que! !Edm @ Win! ! !
!Tor @ Har! !StL @ Tor! !Har @ NYI! ! !
!Min @ StL! !TB @ Win! !Van @ LA ! ! !
!NYI @ NJ ! ! ! !NJ @ Pit! ! !
! ! ! ! !TB @ StL! ! !
The season will begin on 10/6 and end on 4/15. Playoffs will begin on
4/18 and end on or before 6/14. 24 NHL regular season games will be played
in non-NHL cities during 92-93 season. Cities: Milwaukee (2), Sacramento
(2), Cleveland (2), Indianapolis, Phoenix, Miami, Oklahoma City, Dallas,
Atlanta, Cincinnati, Providence, Peoria, Hamilton (4), Saskatoon (4),
Here is a chart showing the number of games between the teams (84 games
J Y Y h i a o u a o t u h e i t B o a d A J a i
I R i t s s f r n t e i t n L r l m n n
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
NJ : - 7 7 7 9 7 4 4 4 3 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
NYI: 7 - 7 9 7 7 4 3 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2
NYR: 7 7 - 7 7 9 3 4 3 4 3 4 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2
Phi: 7 9 7 - 7 7 4 3 3 4 3 4 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2
Pit: 9 7 7 7 - 7 5 4 3 3 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2
Was: 7 7 9 7 7 - 3 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Bos: 4 4 3 4 5 3 - 7 7 9 7 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Buf: 4 3 4 3 4 4 7 - 9 7 7 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2
Har: 4 4 3 3 3 4 7 9 - 7 7 7 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
Mon: 3 4 4 4 3 3 9 7 7 - 7 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2
Ott: 4 3 3 3 4 4 7 7 7 7 - 9 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3
Que: 4 3 4 4 3 3 7 7 7 7 9 - 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2
Chi: 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 - 9 7 7 7 7 3 4 5 3 4 3
Det: 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 9 - 7 7 7 7 4 3 4 4 3 3
Min: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 7 - 9 7 7 4 4 3 3 5 4
StL: 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 7 7 9 - 7 7 4 3 3 3 4 4
TB : 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 7 7 7 7 - 9 3 4 3 4 3 4
Tor: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 7 7 7 7 9 - 4 3 4 4 3 3
Cal: 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 3 4 - 7 7 9 7 7
Edm: 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 4 3 4 3 7 - 7 7 7 9
LA : 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 5 4 3 3 3 4 7 7 - 7 9 7
SJ : 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 4 3 3 4 4 9 7 7 - 7 7
Van: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 4 3 5 4 3 3 7 7 9 7 - 7
Win: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 4 4 4 3 7 9 7 7 7 -
Valerie Hammerl <hammerl@acsu.buffalo.edu> has posted this year's version
of nhl.c, a schedule program for NHL games. For example, users can find
out the games played on a certain date or find out the next ten games
played by team x. A copy can be obtained by e-mailing
Following is the neutral site schedule:
Tue 10/13: Calgary vs. Minnesota @ Saskatoon
Tue 10/20: Ottawa vs. Toronto @ Hamilton
Tue 11/03: Chicago vs. Washington @ Indianapolis
Tue 11/17: Toronto vs. Quebec @ Hamilton
Wed 11/18: Buffalo vs. New Jersey @ Hamilton
Tue 12/01: Los Angeles vs. Chicago @ Milwaukee
Tue 12/08: Montreal vs. Los Angeles @ Phoenix
Wed 12/09: Tampa Bay vs. New York Rangers @ Miami
Sun 12/13: Edmonton vs. New York Islanders @ Oklahoma City
Tue 12/15: New York Islanders vs. St. Louis @ Dallas
Mon 01/04: San Jose vs. Montreal @ Sacramento
Mon 01/18: Hartford vs. Winnipeg @ Saskatoon
Mon 02/08: Boston vs. Pittsburgh @ Atlanta
Mon 02/08: St. Louis vs. Hartford @ Peoria
Tue 02/16: Philadelphia vs. Calgary @ Cincinnati
Sat 02/20: Quebec vs. Tampa Bay @ Halifax
Mon 02/22: New York Rangers vs. San Jose @ Sacramento
Mon 02/22: Detroit vs. Philadelphia @ Cleveland
Tue 02/23: Winnipeg vs. Ottawa @ Saskatoon
Mon 03/01: Vancouver vs. Buffalo @ Hamilton
Thu 03/11: Minnesota vs. Vancouver @ Saskatoon
Tue 03/16: Washington vs. Detroit @ Milwaukee
Tue 03/16: New Jersey vs. Boston @ Providence *
Sun 03/21: Pittsburgh vs. Edmonton @ Cleveland
* Location subject to change
NHL Playoff Schedule:
Wales Conference Division Semifinals: April 18, 20, 22, 24, 26*, 28*, 30*
Campbell Conference Division Semifinals: April 19, 21, 23, 25, 27*, 29*, May 1*
Wales Conference Division Finals: May 2, 4, 6, 8, 10*, 12*, 14*
Campbell Conference Division Finals: May 3, 5, 7, 9, 11*, 13*, 15*
Wales Conference Final: May 16, 18, 20, 22, 24*, 26*, 28*
Campbell Conference Final: May 17, 19, 21, 23, 25*, 27*, 29*
Stanley Cup Final: June 1, 3, 5, 7, 9*, 11*, 14*
* - if neccessary
- News & Scores
SPIKE (bryan.k.strouse) <bks@cbnewsh.cb.att.com> posts weekday news and
box scores (Sunday through Thursday). John P. Curcio
<jpc@philabs.philips.com> posts weekend news and box scores. Both maintain
e-mail lists for faster delivery.
Net contacts post team news as they see/hear/read it.
- Notable team news (transactions and announcements)
Note that this information is culled from press releases and posts. It
is updated each month and only information currently under discussion or
of continuing importance or interest will be listed for more than two
Boston Bruins
Boston legislators and the developers proposing a new Boston Garden
finally agreed to a deal that puts the 19,000-seat, $160 million project
back on track to be finished in September 1995.
Right wing Daniel Marois will be sidelined indefinitely following
surgery to repair a herniated disc in his back.
Sent defenseman Glen Murray to Providence of the American Hockey League.
Buffalo Sabres
1-800-333-PUCK (1-800-333-7825)
Acquired left winger Bob Errey from Pittsburgh for defenseman Mike
Veteran Buffalo Sabres broadcaster Ted Darling will be inducted into the
club's Hall of Fame Sunday, April 11. Darling, who joined the expansion
Sabres in 1970, was the team's play-by-play announcer on both television
and radio until illness forced him out of the booth during last season.
Recalled forwards Viktor Gordiouk and Doug MacDonald from Rochester of
American Hockey League.
Calgary Flames
Acquired veteran right wing Greg Paslawski from Philadelphia for future
Recalled center Todd Harkins and left winger Tomas Forslund from Salt
Lake City of International Hockey League.
Chicago Blackhawks
The $175 million, privately financed United Center, scheduled to
open in August 1994, will be home to the NBA's Chicago Bulls and NHL's
Chicago Blackhawks. The stadium is owned by entities controlled by the two
teams. The owners apparently still have not made a decision on whether the
old Chicago Stadium will be razed for parking space once the new facility,
located directly across the street, opens.
Suspended defenseman Craig Muni indefinitely for failing to report
following a trade with Edmonton.
Detroit Red Wings
Acquired defenseman Steve Konroyd from Hartford for a sixth-round draft
Annnounced the signing of right wing Joe Frederick, their 13th pick in
the 1989 National Hockey League entry draft.
Two contrite hockey fans have returned the stolen Michigan Sports Hall
of Fame plaque honoring Detroit Red Wing great Gordie Howe. The bronze
plaque was stolen more than four years ago from Cobo Hall in Detroit, site
of the Michigan Hall of Fame.
Edmonton Oilers
Sent forward Esa Tikkanen to the New York Rangers for center Doug
Traded defenseman Craig Muni to Chicago for forward Mike Hudson.
NHL commissioner Gary Bettman said the Edmonton Oilers' lease with
Northlands Coliseum must be improved if the team is to survive in the
city. Edmonton Northlands is a non-profit agency set up by the city to
administer exhibition facilities including the Coliseum. Oilers owner
Peter Pocklington calls his lease with Northlands horrendous and has
threatened to move the team if he doesn't get a better deal. He makes no
money from parking, concessions or building advertising. The 17,313-seat
Coliseum also has few of the lucrative private boxes that produce
significant revenues for other owners.
Announced center Kevin Todd will not need surgery but will miss the
remainder of the season with a separated shoulder.
Hartford Whalers
Sent defenseman Steve Konroyd to Detroit for a sixth-round draft pick.
Acquired left winger Robert Kron and a third-round draft pick from
Vancouver for left winger Murray Craven and a fifth-round draft pick.
The state of Connecticut will begin negotiations to buy the Civic Center
from the city in an effort to keep the financially struggling Hartford
Whalers franchise in the city.
Los Angeles Kings
Sent center John McIntyre to the New York Rangers for defenseman Mark
Hardy and Ottawa's fifth-round 1993 draft pick.
Minnesota North Stars
1-800-800-0435 if calling from the U.S.
1-800-800-0458 if calling from Canada
The Dallas City Council has approved an agreement with the Minnesota
North Stars that will bring the NHL club to Reunion Arena next season.
Defenseman Mark Tinordi, captain of the North Stars, will be sidelined
the rest of the season, including any postseason games the North Stars
might play, because of a broken collarbone.
Acquired defenseman Mark Osiecki from Winnipeg for ninth- and 10th-round
draft picks in 1993.
Added defenseman Travis Richards from the University of Minnesota.
A former employee filed a sexual harassment suit against Minnesota North
Star owner Norman Green. Karen (Kari) Dziedzic, Green's former executive
assistant, claims Green often instructed her to wear cosmetics, described
her outfits as "very hot" and "very sexy," once slapped her hand as she
was about to eat and humiliated her by grabbing her hand and rubbing it
through a client's hair.
The Minnesota North Stars, who will move to Dallas after this season,
announced that nearly 11,000 season ticket reservations have been made for
their new home at Reunion Arena, which has a capacity of 16,800.
The Met Center commission has told the Minnesota North Stars that it
wants the club out - with its keys returned - at midnight after the last
home game. The club is moving to Dallas for next season. The club must
pay unpaid interest of $4,492.80 on the team's late rent payment for 1992,
which was made earlier this month, and has been instructed not to take
property such as the scoreboard and Zamboni ice-surfacing machine.
Derian Hatcher's game-misconduct penalty was rescinded by the NHL,
allowing the Minnesota defenseman to play in the North Stars' last two
regular-season games. Hatcher was given the penalty during a fight at the
end of a loss at St. Louis on Sunday, April 11. But the league didn't
rescind the game-misconduct penalty Shane Churla received. The Stars
recalled center Cal McGowan from their top minor league club in Kalamazoo,
Mich., to replace Churla.
Montreal Canadiens
Acquired defenseman Rob Ramage from Tampa Bay for minor league
defensemen Eric Charron and Alain Cote and future considerations.
New Jersey Devils
Bernie Nicholls publicly apologized for his criticism of referee Denis
Morel after the Devils' 5-2 loss to the Buffalo Sabres. Nicholls was
ejected by Morel for being the third man in on a fight late in the second
period of that game and afterward Nicholls called Morel "a homer" and "an
embarrassment to the referee's association."
New York Islanders
Traded right wing Daniel Marois to Boston for a conditional draft
New York Rangers
Obtained forward Esa Tikkanen from Edmonton for center Doug Weight.
Acquired left winger Mike Hartman from Tampa Bay
Acquired center John McIntyre from Los Angeles for defenseman Mark Hardy
and Ottawa's fifth-round 1993 draft pick.
Defenseman Brian Leetch will undergo additional surgery on the right
ankle he broke in a non-skating fall and is not expected to play again
this season. Leetch suffered the broken ankle March 19 following a victory
over San Jose. The team said he slipped on an icy patch of pavement as he
was getting out of a taxi cab in front of his apartment.
Announced that defenseman James Patrick will require surgery on a
herniated disc in his back and will not play again this season.
Returned goaltender Corey Hirsch to Binghamton of the American Hockey
Ottawa Senators
The Ottawa Senators received the go-ahead to build the 18,500-seat
Palladium on the proposed location in nearby Kanata, Ont. The projected
cost is C$150 million. Construction will be postponed until the 1995-96
season, one year behind schedule.
The Ottawa Senators lost their 37th consecutive NHL road game to tie the
1974-75 Washington Capitals for most road losses in a row.
Assigned left wing Martin St. Amour to New Haven of the American Hockey
Philadelphia Flyers
The opening date of Spectrum II has been pushed back to fall 1995.
Formal groundbreaking has been postponed indefinitely.
Traded veteran right wing Greg Paslawski to the Calgary Flames for
future considerations.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Traded left winger Bob Errey to Buffalo for defenseman Mike Ramsey.
Reacquired defenseman Peter Taglianetti from Tampa Bay Lightning for a
third-round 1993 draft choice.
Revolutionary Comics of San Diego agreed to destroy all available copies
of a Mario Lemieux comic book in a settlement with the Pittsburgh Penguins
over a trademark infringement lawsuit. The Penguins sued in February
charging that the "Sport Stars Mario Lemieux" comic infringed on the
team's logo and uniform, which are registered trademarks.
Quebec Nordiques
St. Louis Blues
St. Louis Blues center Ron Sutter will miss the rest of the season as a
result of separating his right shoulder.
San Jose Sharks
The San Jose Sharks announced that ticket prices will increase by about
30% for the 1993-94 season when they move from the Cow Palace into a new
$155-million arena in San Jose.
Recalled defenseman Tom Pederson from Kansas City of the International
Hockey League.
Reached agreement in principle with left wing Alexander Cherbayev.
Tampa Bay Lightning
At least two investor groups are poised to build a sports arena in
downtown Tampa if the delay-plagued company that holds a lease from the
Tampa Bay Lightning bows out. Tampa Coliseum Inc. has a lease with the
National Hockey League team to develop an entertainment and sports arena
next to Tampa Stadium, but has been unable to raise enough money for the
Sent left winger Mike Hartman to the New York Rangers for center Randy
Sent defenseman Peter Taglianetti to Pittsburgh for a third-round 1993
draft choice.
Sent defenseman Rob Ramage to the Montreal Canadiens for minor league
defensemen Eric Charron and Alain Cote and future considerations.
Manon Rheaume's first starting appearance in goal for the Atlanta
Knights was impressive enough for her coach to say she has a chance to be
a backup goalie for another minor league team next season. Rheaume, the
first female to play professional hockey, stopped 25 shots and gave up six
goals against the Cincinnati Cyclones on Saturday night, April 10. After
the game, her coach, Gene Ubriaco, said Rheaume performed well enough to
compete for the No. 2 goalie spot with the Louisville IceHawks of the East
Coast Hockey League next season. The Knights and the IceHawks are minor
league clubs of the Tampa Bay Lightning.
As their first season comes to a close, there are rumors swirling that
the Tampa Bay Lightning just might become the Atlanta Lightning. Or the
Minnesota Lightning. But they are just rumors, according to Lightning
general manager Phil Esposito. ESPN reported on Sunday, April 11, that
the Lightning, who have been playing in 10,400-seat Expo Hall, are
exploring opportunities to move to either Atlanta or Minneapolis. But
Esposito said there was no truth to the report. "We were disappointed
with ESPN's irresponsible comment," Esposito said. "There is just no
substance to the rumor." Rumors have been swirling for the past two years
regarding a move by Tampa Bay, which is presently discussing plans to
build a new arena.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Defenseman Matt Martin, who helped Maine win the 1993 NCAA hockey
championship, gave up his final year of eligibility and signed a contract
with the Toronto Maple Leafs.
Vancouver Canucks
The Vancouver Canucks have cleared the last hurdle in their effort
to build a new stadium. Vancouver council has given the green light for
the 100 million dollar complex. It will seat 20 thousand people and will
have an adjoining office tower. It will be built between the viaducts near
B.C. Place in Vancouver. Site preparation will begin this summer, with a
completion date of Fall 1995.
Traded left winger Robert Kron and a third-round draft pick to Hartford
for left winger Murray Craven and a fifth-round draft pick.
Obtained defenseman Dan Ratushny from Winnipeg for a ninth-round draft
Signed right wing Brian Loney to a multi-year contract and assigned him
to Hamilton of American Hockey League (AHL).
Washington Capitals
(301) 808-CAPS
Traded goaltender Jim Hrivnak and future considerations to Winnipeg for
goaltender Rick Tabaracci.
Winnipeg Jets
Winnipeg Jets have been allowed economic assistance in order to
keep them in the Smythe division as a result of expansion.
Sent defenseman Mark Osiecki to Minnesota for ninth- and 10th-round
draft picks in 1993.
Sent goaltender Rick Tabaracci to Washington for Jim Hrivnak and future
Sent defenseman Dan Ratushny to Vancouver for a ninth-round draft pick.
Winnipeg's Teemu Selanne broke the NHL's rookie points record. The Jets
rookie tied the record of 109 points, set by Peter Stastny with Quebec
(1980-81), with a goal, his 66th of the season, and moved ahead on an
assist in a 5-4 loss to Toronto.
The Fort Wayne Komets said they have been told by Winnipeg that the Jets
will keep a minor league affiliation with Moncton of the American Hockey
League. There have been reports the Jets would move players from Moncton
to Fort Wayne next season.
- Expansion news:
The National Hockey League announced that the expansion Anaheim and
South Florida franchises will join the league for the 1993- 1994 season.
Disney and National Hockey League officials announced Monday,
March 1, that the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim, Disney's expansion team, will
take to the ice next fall. Michael Eisner, chairman and chief executive
officer of the Walt Disney Co., said the Mighty Ducks will play at the
Pond, the new Anaheim sports arena, near Disney's flagship theme park. The
arena is under construction and will be completed in June. The Pond seats
17,350. The team still must meet the league's requirement that it sell at
least 10,000 season tickets for the final grant of NHL membership.
Anaheim named Jack Ferreira general manager and Pierre Gauthier
assistant general manager.
Veteran NHL scout Al Godfrey has been hired as the Midwest regional
scout for the Anaheim Mighty Ducks.
Philadelphia Flyers' senior vice president Bobby Clarke was named
Monday, March 1, to the post of general manager for Miami's NHL expansion
team. Franchise owner H. Wayne Huizenga made the announcement at the Miami
Arena, three months after being awarded a franchise. Huizenga said he
plans to have a team on the ice in time for the beginning of the NHL
season in October.
- Realignment:
Eastern Conference
Atlantic Division
Washington Capitals, New Jersey Devils, New York Islanders, New York
Rangers, Philadelphia Flyers, South Florida, Tampa Bay Lightning
Northeast Division
Boston Bruins, Buffalo Sabres, Hartford Whalers, Montreal Canadiens,
Ottawa Senators, Pittsburgh Penguins, Quebec Nordiques
Western Conference
Central Division
Chicago Blackhawks, Dallas Stars, Detroit Red Wings, St. Louis Blues,
Toronto Maple Leafs, Winnipeg Jets
Pacific Division
Anaheim Mighty Ducks, Calgary Flames, Edmonton Oilers, Los Angeles Kings,
San Jose Sharks, Vancouver Canucks
Schedule: Eastern Conference teams will play five games against each of
six divisional opponents (30); four games against each of the seven teams
in the conference's other division (28) and two games against each of the
12 Western Conference members (24).
Western Conference teams will play six games against each of five
divisional opponents (30); four games against each of the six teams in the
conference's other division (24) and two games against each of the 14
Eastern Conference clubs (28).
Playoffs: The system will be conference-based, with the No. 1 team
meeting the No. 8 team in the first round, No. 2 vs. No. 7, No. 3 vs. No.
6 and No. 4 vs. No. 5. Matchups will be based on overall points with the
four division champions being placed in the first- or second-place seeds
in each conference and being assured of home-ice in the first two playoff
rounds. All series will be best of seven (2-2-1-1-1 rotation) except
matchups between Central and Pacific teams. Those series will rotate 2-3-
2 to reduce travel. In those cases, the team with the most regular-season
points will choose whether to start the series at home or away.
- Draft news:
Under terms of the new expansion draft, which will be held in
June, each of the 24 existing clubs will be allowed to protect one
goaltender, five defensemen and nine forwards. The most recent expansion
drafts allowed teams to protect two goalies and did not make a distinction
between forwards and defensemen.
First-year pros only will be exempt from the draft, which is down
from the two-year exemption teams had last season. San Jose, Tampa Bay and
Ottawa still will be allowed to exempt second-year pros.
Each of the 24 teams will lose two players, with a maximum loss of
one goaltender and a maximum loss of one defenseman. The one exception is
that a team which loses a goaltender can then no longer lose a defenseman.
At the end of the first phase of the draft, the two new franchises
will have three goaltenders, eight defensemen and 13 forwards for a total
of 24 players. A second phase then will be conducted where San Jose, Tampa
Bay and Ottawa will select two players each from the rosters of the two
new teams.
Ottawa, Tampa Bay and San Jose will be guaranteed priority
drafting selection in the 1993 draft as long as they have the three worst
records. Anaheim and Miami will choose no lower than fourth and fifth. The
expansion franchises will move up in the draft should either San Jose,
Tampa Bay or Ottawa not finish in the bottom three positions.
The two new teams will pick first and second in the 1994 Entry
Draft, regardless of their finish in 1993-94. Should either of the two new
teams not play next season they would have priority drafting position in
The owners announced the 1994 draft will be in Hartford and the
1995 draft in Winnipeg. The 1994 draft was scheduled for Boston, but a
delay in the construction of a new arena required the draft be moved.
- League news:
The NHL owners and players have resolved differences over salary
arbitration procedures, clearing the way for about 40 hearings. NHLPA
executive director Bob Goodenow didn't disclose how the issues were
resolved, but the prior sticking point had been the manner in which
statistics were used in arbitration hearings.
The NHL announced February 26, 1993, it will not make professional
players available to compete in the 1994 Winter Olympics.
League Leadership:
Los Angeles Kings owner Bruce McNall succeeded Blackhawks owner
Bill Wirtz as chairman of the NHL's powerful Board of Governors. Appointed
to join McNall on the Executive Committee were Ron Corey of the Montreal
Canadiens, Mike Ilitch of the Detroit Red Wings, Peter Pocklington of the
Edmonton Oilers and Ed Snider of the Philadelphia Flyers.
Gary Bettman, vice president and general counsel of the National
Basketball Association, was named commissioner of the National Hockey
League, Friday, December 11, 1992.
Henri Richard, Bernie Parent and Billy Smith have been named
special ambassadors for the Stanley Cup Centennial, a season-long
celebration of the NHL championship trophy. The trio will appear at
league-wide function such as the All-Star Game and Stanley Cup playoffs.
The National Hockey League named John N. Turner, former Prime
Minister of Canada, to serve on Board of Directors of Hockey Hall of Fame
and Museum and nominated Scotty Morrison, David M. Taylor, Larry Bertuzzi,
Robert G. Bundy, Walter Bush, Murray Costello, Jim Gregory, Leslie Kaplan,
Lawrence G. Meyer and Alan Tonks to serve on Board, which takes office
March 30.
NHL President Gil Stein was one of four individuals elected to the
Hockey Hall of Fame Builder's category. The others were Buffalo Sabres'
Chairman of the Board and President Seymour Knox III, Vancouver Canucks'
Chairman Frank Griffiths and veteran Canadian hockey executive Fred Page.
Former NHL linesman John D'Amico was selected in the Hall of Fame's
Referee-Linesman category.
Games are carried on TSN and CBC in Canada, on ESPN in the U.S. Check
your local listings.
The National Hockey League has struck a conditional five-year deal
with ESPN to televise professional hockey through the 1996-97 season.
The series of agreements grants ESPN exclusive national coverage
of the NHL starting with the 1992-93 season, and the cable network has an
option to extend the term of that domestic agreement for four more years.
The deal also grants ESPN exclusive international television distribution,
excluding Canada, for the next five years.
The league's new TV contract calls for ESPN to televise up to 25
regular-season games to its domestic audience this coming season and 37
playoff games, including the entire Stanley Cup Final. The majority of
ESPN's regular-season games will be televised on Friday nights.
NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman announced Wednesday, March 3, that
ABC Sports will televise five Stanley Cup playoff games starting next
month. ABC will carry the playoff games on its network through an
arrangement with ESPN, the U.S. rightsholder for NHL games. ESPN will
provide the production of the games. ABC owns ESPN.
April 18 - Wales Conference Game #1 Quarterfinals
April 25 - Campbell Conference Game #4 Quarterfinals
May 2 - Wales Conference Game #1 Semifinals
May 9 - Campbell Conference Game #4 Semifinals
May 16 - Wales Conference Game #1 Finals
- Award winners, all-star teams, hall of fame inductees, and draft picks
91-92 Award Winners:
Hart Trophy (MVP): Mark Messier (NYR)
Vezina Trophy (best goalie): Patrick Roy (Mon)
Norris Trophy (best defenseman): Brian Leetch (NYR)
Calder Trophy (best rookie): Pavel Bure (Van)
Selke Trophy (best defensive forward): Guy Carbonneau (Mon)
Lady Byng Trophy (sportsmanship): Wayne Gretzky (LA)
Jack Adams Award (best coach): Pat Quinn (Van)
Bill Masterton Memorial Trophy (perseverance): Mark Fitzpatrick (NYI)
King Clancy Trophy (contribution to community): Ray Bourque (Bos)
Jennings Trophy (lowest team GAA): Patrick Roy (Mon)
Art Ross Trophy (most scoring points): Mario Lemieux (Pit)
Hall of Famer players Frank Boucher and Red Dutton and executives
Bruce McNall and Gil Stein Thursday were named the 1993 winners of the
Lester Patrick Award for ``outstanding service to hockey in the United
States''. The award is selected each year by a committee representing a
wide cross-section of the hockey community.
91-92 1st All-Star Team: Patrick Roy (G, Mon), Ray Bourque (D, Bos),
Brian Leetch (D, NYR), Mark Messier (C, NYR), Brett Hull (RW, StL), Kevin
Stevens (LW, Pit)
92-93 All-Star Game Starters (as voted by fans):
Wales Conference: Mario Lemieux (C, Pittsburgh), Jaromir Jagr (W,
Pittsburgh), Kevin Stevens (W, Pittsburgh), Ray Bourque (D, Boston), Brian
Leetch (D, Rangers), Patrick Roy, (G, Montreal).
Campbell Conference: Steve Yzerman (C, Detroit), Brett Hull (W, St.
Louis), Pavel Bure (W, Vancouver), Chris Chelios (D, Chicago), Paul Coffey
(D, Los Angeles), Ed Belfour (G, Chicago)
91-92 All-rookie team: Gilbert Dionne (LW, Mon), Tony Amonte (RW, NYR),
Kevin Todd (C, NJ), Vladimir Konstantinov (D, Det), Nicklas Lidstrom (D,
Det), Dominik Hasek (G, Chi).
1992 Hall of Fame Inductees: Marcel Dionne, Bob Gainey, Lanny McDonald,
and Woody Dumart.
First round of the 1992 entry draft:
# Player (pos, team)
1 Roman Hamrlik (D, TB)
2 Alexei Yashin (C, Ott)
3 Mike Rathje (D, SJ)
4 Todd Warriner (LW, Que)
5 Darius Kasparaitis (D, NYI)
6 Cory Stillman (C, Cal)
7 Ryan Sittler (LW, Phi)
8 Brandon Convery (C, Tor)
9 Robert Petrovicky (C, Har)
10 Andrei Nazarov (LW, SJ)
11 David Cooper (D, Buf)
12 Sergei Krivokrasov (LW, Chi)
13 Joe Hulbig (LW, Edm)
14 Sergei Gonchar (D, Was)
15 Jason Bowen (LW, Phi)
16 Dmitri Kvartalnov (LW, Bos)
17 Sergei Bautin (D, Win)
18 Jason Smith (D, NJ)
19 Martin Straka (C, Pit)
20 David Wilkie (D, Mon)
21 Libor Polasek (C, Van)
22 Curtis Bowen (LW, Det)
23 Grant Marshall (RW, Tor)
24 Peter Ferraro (C, NYR)
- New NHL Rules
Game ejection for instigating a fight.
Helmets are optional.
Grabbing an opponent's stick as a defensive move is a penalty.
Diving to draw a penalty is a penalty.
Coincidental minors when both teams are full-strength result in 4 vs. 4
High sticking is from the waist up.
- New CBA - ratified by NHLPA on 4/11/92
Term: September 16, 1991 to September 15, 1993.
Licensing and endorsements: Players own exclusive rights to their
individual personality, including their likenesses.
Salary arbitration: New rules negotiated; 8 salary arbitrators to be
jointly agreed upon.
Free agency: Compensation scale reduced for players age 30 and under.
Group III free agent age reduced to 30 from 31. A player who has completed
10 or more professional seasons (minor or NHL) and who in last year of
contract didn't earn more than the average NHL salary, can elect once in
his career to become an unrestricted free agent at the end of his
Salary and awards: Players' playoff fund increased to $7.5M in 1991-92 &
$9M in 92-93. New minimum salary of $100,000.
Insurance: $200,000 disability coverage. Dental & broad-based medical
improvements. 100% increase in life insurance for players; coverage for
Pension: Improved pension contributions of $8000 to $12500 per player per
year, depending on the player's number of NHL games. Agreement on language
to guarantee continuation of Security Plan negotiated in 1986.
Regular season: Increased from 80 to 84 games in 92-93. For 2 games
played at neutral sites, all arrangements and revenues to be shared.
Rosters: Kept at 18 skaters and 2 goaltenders for 92-93.
Entry draft: Reduced to 11 rounds from 12.
Supplemental draft: One selection for each non-playoff team.
Joint study group: Examine financial state of NHL & issue report to
assist in preparing for 1993 negotiations
NHL free agency categories (effective until 9/15/93)
Group I:
- players aged 24 and under
- player's choice of player equalization or draft pick compensation
- for compensation, old club has right to match offer from new club
- for equalization, old club has no right to match offer
- equalization, which can consist of players, draft picks, and/or cash,
must be agreed upon between two clubs or submitted to arbitration
Group II:
- players aged 25 to 29
- player's choice of player equalization or draft pick compensation
- for equalization, old club has right to match offer only if it is
at least $351,000
- for compensation, schedule is:
one first round pick if player signs for $350,000-$500,000/year
two first round picks if player signs for $500,000-$1 million/year
extra first round pick for each additional $1M over $1M/year
Group III:
- players aged 30 and over
- old club gets no compensation, but has right to match offer
- to receive right to match, old club must make qualifying offer of 15%
over player's salary in prior season
Group IV:
- players considered defected free agents
Group V:
- player with 10 years of experience whose salary is below NHL average
can choose to be a free agent without compensation once in his career.
2. NHL Minor Leagues
The NHL minor leagues are the International Hockey League, the American
Hockey League and the East Coast Hockey League. Information on the
Central Hockey League and the American Hockey Association can be found in
section 4.
IHL: Rob Springall <rgs7077@ultb.isc.rit.edu>
Atlanta Knights: Scott Clarkson <gt3394c@prism.gatech.edu>
Cincinnati Cyclones: Joseph Combs <jgcombs@uceng.UC.EDU>
Cleveland Lumberjacks: Rob Gasser <CSRAG@uoft02.utoledo.edu>
Ft. Wayne Komets: Rob Gasser <CSRAG@uoft02.utoledo.edu>
Milwaukee Admirals: Jason Hanson <jason@studsys.mscs.mu.edu>
Salt Lake Golden Eagles: Roland Behunin <behunin@logdis1.oo.aflc.af.mil>
The International Hockey League has granted a franchise to a Las Vegas
group headed by Henry Stickney for the 1993-1994 season.
The International Hockey League named Bob Chase. voice of the Fort
Wayne Komets, as the league's broadcaster of the year. The IHL also said
the annual award, effective next year, will be named in Chase's honor.
Also honored by the IHL were Jim Loria of the Kansas City Blades
as marketing director of the year, Shelly Gartner of the Phoenix
Roadrunners as merchandise manager of the year and Steve Doherty of the
Kalamazoo Wings as public relations director of the year.
The Atlanta Knights of the International Hockey League announced
Thursday, April 8, that Manon Rheaume will be the starting goaltender in a
home game Saturday night, April 10, against the Cincinnati Cyclones.
Rheaume will become the first female to start in a regular season
professional hockey game.
Fort Wayne -- Announced winger Scott Gruhl will retire at the end of the
International Hockey League season. Gruhl will join the Muskegon Fury of
the Colonial League.
The Fort Wayne Komets said they have been told by Winnipeg that the Jets
will keep a minor league affiliation with Moncton of the American Hockey
League. There have been reports the Jets would move players from Moncton
to Fort Wayne next season.
The San Diego Gulls of the International Hockey League set a record with
their 61st victory, 5-1, over the Salt Lake Golden Eagles. The Gulls (61-
11-8) became the first team in professional hockey to win that many games
in a season. The 1976-77 Montreal Canadiens won 60 games.
IHL's 1992 Turner Cup: The Kansas City Blades defeated Muskegon
Lumberjacks 4 games to 0.
AHL: Rob Springall <rgs7077@ultb.isc.rit.edu>
Bri Farenell <farenebt@craft.camp.clarkson.edu>
Mark Anania <ananim@rpi.edu>
See Section 5 for newsletter information.
Atlantic Division: Cape Breton, Fredericton, Halifax, Moncton, St. John's
Northern Division: Adirondack, Capital District, Providence, New Haven,
Southern Division: Baltimore, Binghamton, Hershey, Rochester, Utica,
The New Haven Senators have been sold by Peter Shipman to the
Ottawa Senators NHL organization. They are the only Canadian NHL team with
an American AHL affiliate, and have made it clear they intend to move the
team to somewhere in the Canadian Atlantic Provinces. This sale and move
has yet to be approved by the AHL head office, but is expected to pass
easily at the general meeting in May.
The Baltimore Skipjacks, the Washington Capitals' American Hockey League
affliate, will skate next season as the Portland Pirates.
The Calgary Flames will base their farm team in the AHL in St. John, New
Brunswick next season. The team will be called the St. John Blue Flames.
The Fort Wayne Komets of the IHL said they have been told by Winnipeg of
the NHL that the Jets will keep a minor league affiliation with Moncton of
the American Hockey League. There have been reports the Jets would move
players from Moncton to Fort Wayne next season.
AHL's 1992 Calder Cup: The Adirondack Red Wings beat the St. John's
Maple Leafs 4 games to 3. The home-ice curse held true as all games in the
final were won by the visiting team.
John Anderson (New Haven) is 1992 winner of Les Cunningham Plaque as AHL
ECHL, Toledo Storm: Rob Gasser <CSRAG@uoft02.utoledo.edu>
The Toledo Storm hockey team is asking SeaGate Convention Center
to consider becoming its host site beginning with the 1994-95 season. The
Storm, which has played its last two seasons in the Toledo Sports Arena,
said it asked for 55 dates in the downtown facility. The Storm also has
been talking with backers of a proposed ice complex in suburban Sylvania
to become a primary tenant.
ECHL's 1992 Riley Cup: Hampton Roads beat Louisville 4 games to 0.
See Section 5 for newsletter information.
Minor League Affiliates for NHL teams:
Bos: Providence Bruins (AHL), Johnstown Chiefs (ECHL)
Buf: Rochester Americans (AHL), Erie Panthers (ECHL)
Cal: Salt Lake Golden Eagles (IHL), Roanoke Valley Rebels (ECHL)
Chi: Indianapolis Ice (IHL), Columbus Chill (ECHL), St. Thomas (Col. HL)
Det: Adirondack Red Wings (AHL), Toledo Storm (ECHL)
Edm: Cape Breton Oilers (AHL), Winston-Salem Thunderbirds (ECHL)
Har: Springfield Indians (AHL), Louisville Icehawks (ECHL)
LA : Phoenix Roadrunners (IHL), Raleigh Icecaps (ECHL)
Min: Kalamazoo Wings (IHL), Dayton Bombers (ECHL)
Mon: Fredericton Canadiens (AHL), Winston-Salem Thunderbirds (ECHL),
Flint (Col. HL)
NJ : Utica Devils (AHL), Birmingham Bulls (ECHL)
NYI: Capital District Islanders (AHL), Richmond Renegades (ECHL)
NYR: Binghamton Rangers (AHL)
Ott: New Haven Senators (AHL), Thunder Bay (Col. HL)
Phi: Hershey Bears (AHL)
Pit: Cleveland Lumberjacks (IHL), Knoxville Cherokees (ECHL)
Que: Halifax Citadels (AHL), Greensboro Monarchs (ECHL)
SJ : Kansas City Blades (IHL), Nashville Knights (ECHL)
StL: Peoria Rivermen (IHL), Dayton Bombers (ECHL), Flint (Col. HL)
TB : Atlanta Knights (IHL)
Tor: St. John's Maple Leafs (AHL), Raleigh Icecaps (ECHL), Brantford
(Col. HL)
Van: Columbus Chill (ECHL), Hamilton Canucks (AHL)
Was: Baltimore Skipjacks (AHL), Hampton Roads Admirals (ECHL)
Win: Moncton Hawks (AHL), Thunder Bay (Col. HL)
Ind: Cincinnati Cyclones (IHL)
Fort Wayne Komets (IHL)
Michigan Falcons (Colonial HL)
Milwaukee Admirals (IHL)
San Diego Gulls (IHL)
St. Thomas (Colonial HL)
3. College Hockey
NCAA: Mike Machnik <nin15b34@merrimack.edu>
Wisconsin Badgers: Jeff Horvath <horvath@cs.wisc.edu>
CCHA, Bowling Green State: Keith Instone <instone@euclid.bgsu.edu>
ECAC, Clarkson: Bri Farenell <farenebt@craft.camp.clarkson.edu>
- e-mail lists:
Wayne Smith <wts@maine.maine.edu> maintains 2 lists, one for discussions
(HOCKEY-L) and one for news (HOCKEY-D):
send e-mail to <listserv@maine.maine.edu> with body:
SUBSCRIBE HOCKEY-L <name & favorite team>
(a read-only list containing news from HOCKEY-L)
Up-to-date Division I standings and scores can be obtained through the
archives of the College Hockey Mailing List. Send a message to the server
at listserv@maine.maine.edu with the body containing ONLY the commands
(either or both)
- ftp site: andy.bgsu.edu
The directory "pub/Hockey" contains CCHA press releases, scores,
standings, and rosters. The sub-directory "Archives" has archives of the
Division I college hockey mailing list since 1989. Also, archives from the
Division III list since May 1992 are available.
NCAA hockey championship:
Semi-finals: Maine 4, Michigan 3 (OT)
Lake Superior State 6, Boston University 1
Finals: Maine 5, Lake Superior State 4
Freshman Paul Kariya who was named winner of the 1992-93 Hobey Baker
Award as college hockey's top player.
The NCAA Division I Hockey Championships will be held at the St. Paul
Civic Center in St. Paul, Minnesota, on March 31 and April 2, 1994.
For priority seating call the University of Minnesota Ticket Office at
(612) 624-8080, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday or
send a postcard to:
University of Minnesota Ticket Office
1994 NCAA Hockey Championships
516 15th Avenue SE
Minneapolis MN 55455
- NCAA Division I Teams
CCHA (Central Collegiate Hockey Association):
Bowling Green, Ferris State, Illinois-Chicago, Lake Superior, Miami,
Michigan, Michigan State, Ohio State, Western Michigan, Notre Dame, Kent
State, Alaska-Fairbanks (affiliate member )
CCHA Playoff structure: The top 6 will host the bottom 6 (1 vs
12, 2 vs 11, etc) in a two-of-three weekend series The six winners will
advance to Joe Louis Arena for single elimination the rest of the way. The
top 2 remaining seeds get a bye while 3 plays 6 and 4 plays 5 on the first
night. On the second night, the 4 remaining teams battle it out, leaving
only two to play for the championship, on the third night. Alaska-
Fairbanks, as an affiliate member, will be seeded from #7 to #12 by the
league office.
ECAC (Eastern College Athletic Conference) (men's):
Brown, Clarkson, Colgate, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, RPI, St.
Lawrence, Union, Vermont, Yale
ECAC (Eastern College Athletic Conference) (women's):
Brown, Colby, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, New Hampshire, Northeastern,
Princeton, Providence, Rochester Institute of Technology, St. Lawrence,
The Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference unveiled the nation's
first intercollegiate women's ice hockey league and announced the 12 teams
will begin play in the 1993-94 season. The top eight finishers in the ECAC
Women's Ice Hockey League will qualify for a post-season tournament. The
league replaces an informal 15-team conference of nine Division I and six
Division III schools, which held their own respective division tournaments
at the end of the regular season. The ECAC said it would discontinue its
Division III women's tournament after the 1992-93 season.
Hockey East:
Boston College, Boston University, UMass-Lowell, Maine, Merrimack, New
Hampshire, Northeastern, Providence
WCHA (Western Collegiate Hockey Association):
Colorado College, Denver, Michigan Tech, Minnesota, Minnesota-Duluth,
North Dakota, Northern Michigan, St Cloud, Wisconsin
Alaska-Anchorage has joined the WCHA as a full-fledged member for 93-94
Air Force, Alabama-Huntsville, Alaska-Anchorage, Alaska-Fairbanks, Army
- Canadian Intercollegiate Athletic Union
CIAU Championships:
Team: Division:
University of Alberta Golden Bears West
University of Guelph Gryphons Ontario West
University of Toronto Varsity Blues Ontario East
University of Acadia Axemen East
Semi-finals: Acadia 9, Alberta 4
Toronto 3, Guelph 2
Finals: Acadia 12, Toronto 1
4. Other Hockey Leagues
- 1992 World Championships in Czechoslovakia
Sweden defeated Finland 5-2 (gold medal match)
Czechoslovakia defeated Switzerland 5-2 (bronze medal match)
Final Standings (round robin):
Finland 5 0 0 32 8 10 Russia 4 1 0 23 10 9
Germany 4 0 1 30 14 8 Czech 4 0 1 18 7 8
USA 2 1 2 14 15 5 Switz 2 2 1 12 11 6
Sweden 1 2 2 14 12 4 Canada 2 1 2 15 18 5
Italy 1 1 3 10 18 3 Norway 1 0 4 8 16 2
Poland 0 0 5 8 41 0 France 0 0 5 8 22 0
Austria will replace Poland in Pool A of 1993 WC in Germany
The 1993 World Championships (Pool A) is scheduled to run from Apr 18 to
May 2 in Munich, Germany.
- 1993 World Championships (Pool B) in Eindhoven, the Netherlands
#g w l t pts gf ga
1. Great Britain 7 7 0 0 14 50 13
2. Poland 7 6 1 0 12 71 12
3. Netherlands 7 5 2 0 10 47 20
4. Denmark 7 4 3 0 8 38 24
5. Japan 7 3 4 0 6 34 31
6. Romania 7 2 5 0 4 20 44
7. China 7 1 6 0 2 12 79
8. Bulgaria 7 0 7 0 0 9 58
Great Britain advances to Pool A. Bulgaria is relegated to Pool C.
- 1992 Olympic Games
- e-mail lists:
Charlie Slavin <slavin@maine.maine.edu> maintains OlymPuck - The Olympic
Hockey Discussion List:
send e-mail to <listserv@maine.maine.edu> with body:
SUBSCRIBE OlymPuck your_name favorite country(ies)
CIS won the gold, Canada the silver, and Czechoslovakia the bronze
(defeated USA).
Yale hockey coach Tim Taylor was named coach for the '94 US Olympic Team.
Dany Dube from the UQTR Patriotes (CIAU) and Tom Renney from the Kamloops
Blazers (WHL) are co-coaches of Canada's national program.
The 1998 Nagano Winter Olympic Organizing Committee said it has
approved the addition of women's ice hockey and curling to the list of
official medal events at the Games. The decision, which came at the
organizing committee meeting here, followed an accord reached in Nagano
between the committee and the IOC Coordination Committee. The decision
will be formally ratified by an Executive Board meeting of the
International Olympic Committee (IOC) and its Session. As a result, the
number of total events at Nagano will increase to 64 in seven sports.
- 1991 Canada Cup
Team Canada defeated Team USA 2 games to 0.
- 1992 Izvestia hockey tournament
Final: Russia II - Czechoslovakia 2-1
Game for 3rd and 4th place: Russia I - Sweden 4-1
Game for 5th and 6th place: Finland - Switzerland 3-1
Game for 7th and 8th place: Canada - Germany 6-1
Final Standings for the 25th Izvestia Cup:
1. Russia II (the Russian Olympic team)
2. Czechoslovakia
3. Russia I
4. Sweden
5. Finland
6. Switzerland
7. Canada
8. Germany
- 1992 Germany Cup
Russia defeated Team Canada 6-3 to win the $170,000 four-team
Germany Cup for the third time. The Russian team, coached for the first
time by the legendary Boris Michailov, assured itself of the $67,000
winner's check after a 3-1 win over Czechoslovakia. The former Soviet
Union and Commonwealth of Independent States captured the tournament in
1988 and 1991 under Viktor Tikhonov.
- 1992 Spengler Cup
Canada, with Fabian Joseph scoring his second goal of the game at
3:47 of overtime, beat Farjestad (Sweden) 6-5 in the final of the Spengler
Cup at Davos, Switzerland. The Canadians overcame a two-goal deficit in
the final two minutes of regulation and went on to earn their second
overtime victory within 15 hours.
Team Canada - Farjestad (Sweden) 6-5 (1-1,2-2,2-2,1-0) OT
- 1992 European cup finals
Duesseldorf, December 30, 1992
Bronze: Jokerit Helsinki - Lions Milano 4-2.
Gold: Malmoe IF - Dynamo Moscow 4-3 (Shootout)
This was the third successive European championship for a Swedish team:
in 1990 and 1991 the champion was Djurgaarden (Stockholm).
- 1993 Sweden Hockey Games
Final Standings:
1. Sweden 3 2 0 1 13- 8 +5 4
2. Czech Republic 3 2 0 1 16-11 +5 4
3. Russia 3 1 1 1 9-11 -2 3
4. Canada 3 0 1 2 13-21 -8 1
Sweden wins due to head-to-head result vs the Czech republic.
- Junior Leagues
WHL: Randy Coulman <coulman@skdad.usask.ca>
Mitch McGowan <hamlet@u.washington.edu>
The site for the 75th Memorial Cup Tournament has yet to be
chosen. It will be staged in Ontario but the exact location won't be
determined until next spring.
In March of '93, the two regular-season division champions from
the Ontario Hockey League will meet in a best-of-seven series at the start
of the playoff season. The winner of the series earns the right to host
the Memorial Cup, traditionally held in May.
The eventual OHL champion will also participate in the tourney.
But if the league champs also happen to be the club hosting the Memorial
Cup, then the league finalists will advance as well."
Charles Poulin (Mon draft) of St-Hyacinthe (QMJHL) is '92 Canadian Hockey
League Player of the Year.
1992 Memorial Cup at Seattle
Round-robin standings W L GF GA
Sault Ste. Marie Greyhounds (OHL) 3 0 14 8
Kamloops Blazers (WHL) 2 1 10 7
Seattle Thunderbirds (WHL host) 1 2 9 10
Verdun College Francais (QMJHL) 0 3 5 13
Semifinal Kamloops 8 Seattle 3
Final Kamloops 5 Sault Ste. Marie 4
- Central Hockey League
Marc Foster <mfoster@metgem.gcn.uoknor.edu>
Ted Wollnik <twollnik@rdxsun11.aud.alcatel.com>
See Section 5 for newsletter information.
Fort Worth Fire, Wichita Thunder, Dallas Freeze, Tulsa Oilers, Memphis
River Kings, Oklahoma City Blazers
Six non-affiliated teams play a 60 game schedule extending from early
November to mid March. Each team is owned by the league, with local
interests controlling day to day operations. Each team has a $100,000
salary cap for 17 total players (16 dress up). Unlike the ECHL, players
are not limited to three years in the league.
A Western Division may be added to the Central Hockey League for the 93-
94 season if the plans of CHL president Ray Miron materialize. Miron
confirmed that El Paso, Amarillo, Tuscon, and Albuquerque are cities under
consideration for the Western Division, which would play some interlocking
games with the Eastern Division. Meanwhile, San Antonio and Houston are
close to being confirmed as the league's newest members.
- Major League Hockey
A new hockey league with franchises throughout the United States
and Canada will begin play in the fallof 1993, officials announced
Wednesday, February 10.
Major League Hockey was founded by Roy Boe, former president of
the New York Islanders of the National Hockey League and the New York/New
Jersey Nets of the American and National Basketball associations.
According to Boe, the league will debut with six to eight teams
playing a schedule of approximately 80 games. Franchise applications have
been received from groups in Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver, Detroit,
Houston, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Phoenix, San Francisco, Saskatoon, Toronto
and Worcester, Mass., Boe said.
Although the league will not raid existing leagues to stock its
rosters, Boe said it will seek the ``world's finest hockey players.''
Boe said league play will have an international flair and
discussed implementing some rules which are reminiscent of those of the
``We're removing the red line, moving the goal nets forward and
eliminating all tie games,'' said Boe.
The MLH office will operate out of Stamford, Conn.
- British Premier Division:
Neil A. McGlynn: <nmcglynn@axion.bt.co.uk> (from NA)
<nmcglynn@uk.co.bt.axion> (from Europe)
Steve Salvini: <steve@cs.hw.ac.uk>
Contact Steve for the GB USENET draft.
e-mail list: send e-mail to <uk-hockey-request@cee.hw.ac.uk> to
Durham Wasps defeated Nottingham Panthers 7-6 in '92 British championship
- Finnish Elite League (SM-LIIGA):
Juha Koivisto & Kimmo Kauranen <hockey@tac.fi>
Vesa J Pyyluoma <veikko@vipunen.hut.fi>
Final standings 91-92:
1) Jokerit, Helsinki 2) JyP HT, Jyvaskyla 3) HIFK, Helsinki
4) Assat, Pori 5) TPS, Turku 6) Lukko, Rauma
7) KalPa, Kuopio 8) HPK, Hameenlinna 9) Ilves, Tampere
10) Reipas, Lahti 11) Tappara, Tampere 12) JoKP, Joensuu
JoKP dropped and Kiekko-Espoo from Espoo qualified to the SM-LIIGA
Individual stats leaders 91-92:
Points: Makela Mikko, TPS 25+45=70 (+ playoffs: 2+3=5 )
Scoring: Selanne Teemu, Jokerit 39+23=62 (+ playoffs: 10+7=17)
All Stars 91-92:
Briza Petr (Lukko), Virta Hannu (TPS), Laurila Harri (JyP HT),
Makela Mikko (TPS), Janecky Otakar (Jokerit), Selanne Teemu (Jokerit)
- German Hockey League:
Andreas Stockmeier <stocki@cs.tu-berlin.de> or <stocki@tub.UUCP>
Duesseldorfer Eishockey-Gemeinschaft defeated SB Rosenheim in '92 German
- Swedish Elite League (Elitserien):
Staffan Axelsson <etxonss@ufsa.ericsson.se>
1992-93 regular season final standings:
1. Vasteras 2. Brynas 3. Malmo 4. Farjestad
5. MoDo 6. Lulea 7. Leksand 8. Djurgarden
9. HV 71 10. Rogle 11. Frolunda 12. AIK
Brynas defeated Lulea 3 games to 2 for the 1993 Swedish hockey
- Swiss First Division:
Kloten became the 1992-93 champions of the Swiss League Nationale A
by beating Fribourg-Gotteron 4-2 to sweep the final series 3-0.
- 1992 Women's World Championships at Finland
1 Canada, 2 USA, 3 Finland, 4 Sweden, 5 China, 6 Norway, 7 Denmark,
8 Switzerland
1993 World Junior Hockey Championships at Sweden
Final Standings:
GP W T L GF-GA +/- P
1. Canada 7 6 0 1 37-17 +20 12
2. Sweden 7 6 0 1 53-15 +38 12
3. Czechoslovakia 7 4 1 2 38-27 +11 9
4. USA 7 4 0 3 32-23 + 9 8
5. Finland 7 3 1 3 31-20 +11 7
6. Russia 7 2 2 3 26-20 + 6 6
7. Germany 7 1 0 6 16-37 -21 2
8. Japan 7 0 0 7 9-83 -74 0
Canada wins gold due to head-to-head result vs Sweden.
5. Info available via e-mail
When requesting items via e-mail please include your preferred address
in the body of the message. Sometimes the reply-to address is not a good
thing to go by.
- ftp site: wuarchive.wustl.edu (
In directory /doc/misc/sports/nhl there are some new hockey files.
Get the README file for information and contents.
- E-mail lists:
List Topic (Freq.) To Subscribe
Boston Bruins bruins-request@cs.Usask.CA
List Address bruins@cs.Usask.CA
Buffalo Sabres sabres-request@potter.csh.rit.edu
List Address sabres@potter.csh.rit.edu
Los Angeles Kings kings-request@cs.stanford.edu
List Address kings@cs.stanford.edu
Montreal Canadiens habs-request@janus.sdsu.edu
List Address habs@janus.sdsu.edu
Philadelphia Flyers seth@hos1cad.att.com
Pittsburgh Penguins gp2f+@andrew.cmu.edu
List Address gp2f@andrew.cmu.edu
St. Louis Blues jca2@cec1.wustl.edu
San Jose Sharks sharks-request@medraut.apple.com
List Address sharks@medraut.apple.com
Tampa Bay Lightning wilson@cs.ucf.edu
Vancouver Canucks boey@sfu.ca
List Address vancouver-canucks@sfu.ca
Washington Capitals david@eng.umd.edu
List Address caps@monster.umd.edu
NHL Boxscores (M-F) bks@cbnewsh.cb.att.com
NHL Boxscores (S-S) jpc@philabs.philips.com
NHL Goalie Stats (d) coulman@cs.Usask.CA
NHL Scores (n) wilson@cs.ucf.edu
NHL Team Stats (w) wilson@cs.ucf.edu
AHL Newsletter ahl-news-request@hamlet.cmu.edu
List Address ahl-news@hamlet.cmu.edu
ECHL Newsletter echl-news-request@andrew.cmu.edu
List Address echl-news@andrew.cmu.edu
US College Hockey (see section 3)
NCAA Division III Hockey hockey3-request@hooville.mitre.org
List Address hockey3@request.mitre.org
CHL Newsletter mfoster@geohub.gcn.uoknor.edu
British League uk-hockey-request@uk.ac.hw.cs
Olympic Hockey (see section 4)
Freq: M-F=Monday-Friday, S-S=Saturday-Sunday, d=daily, n=nightly,
If you have something interesting, make it available. When requesting,
use the keyword in the body or subject. Also, specify team, date, etc.,
where applicable.
Available from Eric Rickin <ab870@cleveland.freenet.edu>:
Keyword Description
AHLADDR AHL team addresses
CANJUNIORS Canada junior teams
NHLTV TV stations for each team
NHLRADIO Radio stations for each team
USJUNIORS US junior teams
XXXXDRAFT XXXX (for XXXX=1989-1992) NHL Entry Draft
1991EXP 1991 NHL Expansion & Dispersal Draft
Available from Rob Springall <rgs7077@ultb.isc.rit.edu>:
Keyword Description
AHL Up-to-date info on the AHL
IHL Up-to-date info on the IHL
NHL.C A C program that prints the 91-92 NHL schedule for a specified
Available from Stan Willis <willis@empire.dnet.hac.com>:
Keyword Description
ATTEND 91-92 NHL team home attendance report by quarters
PSLOGOS NHL team logos in PostScript
Available from David Anthony Wyatt <wyatt@ccu.umanitoba.ca>:
Keyword Description
ALLLIST All-time List of Professional Hockey Franchises
Available from Roland Behunin <behunin@logdis1.oo.aflc.af.mil>:
Keyword Description
SATINFO Satellite info for NHL teams
Available from Mike Machnik <nin15b34@merrimack.edu>:
Keyword Description
DIV1SCHED 92-93 NCAA Division I scores
Mike can also provide a schedule for any of the 46 Division I teams to
people who ask. E-mail him for details.
Available from Bill Clare <Clare@Kodak.COM>:
Keyword Description
RETIRED List of retired numbers for NHL players
Available from Staffan Axelsson <etxonss@ufsa.ericsson.se>:
Keyword Description
WCMEDALS World Championships Medalists 1920-1992
WCSTAND World Championships All-Time Standings, Pool A 1920-1992
WCALSTAR World Championships All-Star Teams 1961-1992
WCROSTXX World Championships Gold Winning Teams' Rosters 1958-1992
(Specify XX=58-92)
WJHC History of medals given at the World Junior Hockey
WJHCSTAT Team and player stats from the World Junior Hockey
Available from Paul Brownlow <paul@data-io.com>:
Keyword Description
CHLPOY Past Canadian Hockey League players of the year
MEMCUP Past Memorial Cup winners
Available from <wilson@cs.ucf.edu>:
To use the statsmailer, send e-mail to "wilson@cs.ucf.edu" with subject
"statsmailer" and a body containing the word HELP to receive a list of
allowable commands. Things available: NHL team/league schedules/calendars,
a plethora of team statistics, scores of games, and some assorted hockey
files. Seasons 1988-1992 available. New material was added on 1/19/93.
Available from Mitch McGowan <hamlet@u.washington.edu>
Keyword Description
ROSTERS 1993 NHL All-Star Game rosters
NHLLEAD 1991-92 NHL Leaders (Scoring, Goals, Assists, Power-play
goals, Short-handed goals, Game-winning goals, Shots, Goals-
against average, Victories, Save percentage, Shutouts)
ZAMBONI Alan Thicke's "Book of Zamboni" opening from the 1991 NHL
Awards broadcast
Available from Matt Militzok <mmilitzo@skidmore.edu>
Keyword Description
STATS Up-to-date NHL statistics
Available from Harry Peltz <hbpeltz@mailbox.syr.edu>
Keyword Description
SCORES Compilation of NHL scores for the current month (in compressed
and uuencoded format)
Dates can also be specified for specific box scores, but try not to
request too many at one time (Max 5 box scores or three days).
Available from Richard Stueven <gak@wrs.com>
Keyword Description
DIRECT Current NHL directory file
Available from Michael Burger <mmb@lamar.colostate.edu>
Keyword Description
TVINFO TV/Radio stations for all teams along with network
Up-to-date Division I standings and scores can be obtained through the
archives of the College Hockey Mailing List. Send a message to the server
at listserv@maine.maine.edu with the body containing ONLY the commands
(either or both)
GET 9293CONF STAND (for all Division I conference standings)
GET 9293COMP SCHEDULE (for a full-season listing of Division I scores)
The schedule is about 1000 lines long and the standings file is about 50
lines. These files are updated more-or-less weekly around Monday.
Contact Mike Machnik (nin15b34@merrimack.edu) with any questions.
6. USENET Hockey Pool
send e-mail to <andrew@idacom.hp.com>.
7. Up-coming Dates
Apr 18 - May 2: The 1993 World Championships (Pool A), Munich, Germany.
Jun 26: NHL entry draft, Quebec City, Quebec.
Feb 12 - Feb 27, 1994: XVII Olympic Winter Games, Lillehammer, Norway.
8. Answers to some frequently asked questions:
Q: Why are the Montreal Canadiens called the Habs?
A: Most of the team during the 40-50's was made up of people who lived in
and around Montreal. Hence they were called "Les Habitants" (natives of
Montreal). This was then shortened to the Habs.
Q: Why is the Montreal Canadiens logo a large C with an H within it?
A: In 1914-15, the Canadiens logo consisted of C with an A within it to
signify Club Athletique Canadien (CAC). The next year, CAC no longer
existed and it was changed to what it is now to signify Club de Hockey.
Q: What is the most informative hockey publication?
A: The Hockey News is preferred by most North American hockey fans. It is
a weekly journal with up-to-date info.
Phone: 800-268-7793 (Canada and US)
Phone/fax: 0483 776141 (UK and rest of Europe)
Q: How does a 5-minute power-play count in the penalty killing stats in
the NHL?
A: If X goals are scored, then the team gets credit for X goals in X+1
Q: How is +/- computed in the NHL?
A: First, +/- only applies to skaters. Except for a power-play goal, when
a goal is scored, each skater on the ice for the scoring team is given a
+, and each skater on the ice for the other team is given a -. Short-
handed goals do count for +/-.
Q: What is the five-hole?
A: The space between a goalie's pads. There are five major scoring zones:
(1) upper left corner of goal, (2) upper right, (3) lower left, (4) lower
right, and (5) five-hole.
Q: What is the meaning of throwing an octopus on the ice?
A: This tradition began in Detroit in the 1950's when two best-of-seven
series were required to win the Stanley Cup. Every time Detroit won a
game, an octopus with one less arm was thrown on the ice.
Q: Who was the first woman to play in an NHL game?
A: Manon Rheaume, a 20-year-old goaltender, became the first woman ever
to play in an NHL game on September 23, 1992 when she started in net for
the expansion Tampa Bay Lightning in an exhibition against the St. Louis
Blues. Rheaume played the first period before 8,223 at the 10,400-seat
Expo Hall on the Florida State Fairgrounds and allowed two goals on nine
shots. She left with the score tied 2-2, although the Lightning ultimately
lost the game, 6-4.
Q: What is the richest contract in NHL history?
A: Mario Lemieux, the superstar center of the Pittsburgh Penguins, signed
the richest contract in NHL history, a seven-year deal believed to be
worth about $42 million. Lemieux will earn between $6 million and $7
million a year, nearly twice as much as any other player in the league.
Q: Who is the new commissioner of the NHL?
A: Gary Bettman, vice president and general counsel of the National
Basketball Association, was named commissioner of the National Hockey
League, Friday, December 11, 1992. Bettman joined the NBA in 1981 as
assistant general counsel. He became the league's chief legal officer in
September of 1984. A New York resident, Bettman graduated from Cornell
University in 1974 and from New York University School of Law in 1977.
Q: How many professional hockey leagues are there in North America?
A: Six: National, American, International, East Coast, Central and
Colonial Hockey Leagues.
9. Miscellaneous:
For field hockey discussions, go to the newsgroup rec.sport.hockey.field.
For skating discussions, go to the newsgroup rec.skate.
Some sites get another hockey group, called clari.sports.hockey. c.s.h
consists of the UPI feed for all UPI news articles that are related to
hockey, including game results, summaries, scores, standings, etc. Much
of the information in the NHL team news section comes from this newsgroup.
The rec.sport.hockey Frequently Asked Questions posting is posted semi-
monthly, usually on the 1st and 15th of each month, during the hockey
season. This file was originally created by Tom Wilson, who posted it
during the 1991-92 season. It was taken over by Mitch McGowan for the
1992-93 season.
Please make corrections via e-mail, indicating "r.s.h FAQ" as the
subject line. Feel free to start a discussion on any previously mentioned
topic (but use an appropriate subject line).
Mitch McGowan <hamlet@u.washington.edu> | 10 | rec.sport.hockey |
Note: I am *not* a cable freak, so I might have completely
misunderstood what you said. Also, my math is frequently noted for
being wrong, so you'll better check the calculations yourself.
I assume that 14.4K means 14.4K Bits. So if we assume one start and
one stopbit, and no protocol overhead, the effective number of bytes
per second is 1.44K.
Let's also assume that you do not want to transmit your speech in
stereo, so that you can send 1,440 samples/sec. This corresponds to a
Nyquist frequency of 720 Hz, which should be too low, especially if
you think about the 8-bit low quality sound. Furthermore, your D/A
converter will probably not present you with a signal that has been
cut off at 720 Hz, but will instead alias in all the higher
frequencies. (Although you can definitely build a filter to overcome
that problem.)
On the other hand, speech should be easily compressible. For example,
you could form power spectra, or you could simply band-pass filter and
then linearize the fourier transforms. It won't be CD quality sound,
but it'll be discernible. The power spectrum method is very good in
that respect. I have once programmed such a software compressor, and
compression rates of 90% with relative errors due to linearization of
less than 5% were common. Although I must say that these were musical
sounds, not speech.
Have fun.
| 11 | sci.crypt |
From article <1qkkl5INNbvo@hp-col.col.hp.com>, by theckel@col.hp.com (Tim Heckel):
--When I was selling Nissans last summer, I sold a '92 SE-R in early August
when its supply was getting quite scarce. The car was black with ABS,
Value Option Pkg, and power moonroof. I sold it for $12,900 plus tax.
Naturally, my manager didn't really care to sell one of the most desirable
SE-R's for virtually no profit (to the best of my knowledge).....
--Aamir Qazi
-- | 7 | rec.autos |
I read this morning that Sid Fernandez left last nights' game with stiffness
in his shoulder. Does anyone have any information as to the extent of the
injury (if indeed there is one), or weather the cold air in Colorado just got
his joints a little stiff?
Thanks for the help... | 9 | rec.sport.baseball |
Yeah, the news is true...the Leafs lost to the Wings 6-3.
Wish I could say I'd seen the whole game but my husband wanted
to watch "Young Guns II" on another channel. Sometime between
the first time I tuned in and d saw the Leafs tie and the next time
I tuned in and heard the score was 5-1, something happened.
Please no woofing from Red Wings fans. They're my third
favourite team, and if they make it past the Leafs I'll wish them
luck. As for Potvin...well, it WAS his fist playoff game. | 10 | rec.sport.hockey |
I am working on a problem of scheduling classroom, and I will like to know if
you have some software, papers or articles about it. If you have something
relate it, please let me know.
thanks | 5 | comp.windows.x |
Dynamic RAM is not based on flip-flops; there's basically a single
transistor and capacitor to store each bit! Static RAM is based on
flip-flops, and is much more expensive and much less dense. And
neither has any parts that "move", if electrons and thermal expansion
are ignored...
| 4 | comp.sys.mac.hardware |
[...Dr. England's story deleted, it was a nice read the first time
It isn't so much a matter of 'interpretation' of Bible texts
that sets Mormonism apart from orthodoxy as it is a matter of
About 20 years ago, _National Lampoon_ had some comic strips
in them that were drawn by Neal Adams. They were called "Son o' God" comics.
It was a parody of the Jesus in the Bible. In the comic, there were a
group of thirteen Jewish kids from Brooklyn, and when one of them said
the magic word, he turned into "Son o' God." He went from a myopic,
curly headed, yarmulke wearing boy to a replica of the stylizied
portraits of Jesus --- with long flowing brown hair and gentile
Now, if someone were to profess faith in this NatLamp Jesus,
and claim that they were a Christian because they believed in this
NatLamp Jesus, we would have to say that this was fallacious since
this Jesus was a fabrication, and did not really exist.
This is the exact same thing that the LDS do when they claim
that they are Christian. They profess faith in Jesus, but the Jesus
that they profess to have faith in is as much a fabrication as the
NatLamp Jesus was.
| 19 | talk.religion.misc |
You're drifting off topic. In any case, if you check on any of the
topics devoted to gun rights issues, you will find ample evidence that
the "misinformation" is your assertion that the term "the people" in
the Second Amendment has mysteriously taken on a meaning diametrically
opposite the meaning of the exact same term in the First and Fourth
| 11 | sci.crypt |
There are no Mariner craft from which we are still receiving data. I believe
you are referring to one or more of Pioneers 6 through 9 (launched from
December 1965 through November 1968), which were put into solar orbits to study
interplanetary space. I recall reading that at least one of them was still
functioning 25 years after launch. | 14 | sci.space |
I'm planning on buying a joystick (first time since I sold
my Amiga five years ago :) for a PC. I have no idea what
kind of stick I should buy. Many people have recommended
variety of Gravis'es models. Are they any good/the best?
-- Willy | 3 | comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware |
I ride my bike regularly to classes with my book bag. I take
the shoulder straps on the bag, and hook them around the rear turn
signals. I works fine. You probably will want to attach it with
a bungee cord to keep it from shifting to one side or another.
| 8 | rec.motorcycles |
Hi all,
Could anybody please tell me where I might be able to find device drivers
for a couple of older Gateway ethernet cards? I don't have the model number
off hand, but they have only a BNC connector, and a header connector for
a Novell keycard (one has one installed).
I'm looking at using these with a 2 node copy of 10-net that I picked up
at a swap meet. (I'd love to do Lantastic or Netware lite, but I'm a poor
college student and the price was right.)
Please reply via email, as I haven't had a lot of time for news because
of exams and such. | 3 | comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware |
There is a number you can call which will return a synthesized
voice telling you the number of the line. Unfortunately, for the
life of me I can't remember what it is. The telephone technicians
use it all the time. We used to play around with this in our
dorm rooms since there were multiple phone lines running between
sorry! | 12 | sci.electronics |
No flames please, but I picked up this discussion a bit late and I
am really curious...
What exactly *is* the $25 network?
Something to hack together N serial cables?
Something with N serial drivers? | 12 | sci.electronics |
Yarn of Cargo of Human Bones [1]
Copyright, 1924, by the New York Times Company
Special Cable to The New York Times
PARIS, Dec 22, -- Marseilles is excited by a weird story of the arrival in
that port of a ship flying the British flag and named Zan carrying a
mysterious cargo of 400 tons of human bones consigned to manufacturers there.
The bones are said to have been loaded at Mudania on the Sea of Marmora and
to be the remains of the victims of massacres in Asia Minor. In view of the
rumors circulating it is expected that an inquiry will be instigated.
- - - Reference - - -
[1] _New York Times_, December 23, 1924, page 3, column 2 (bottom)
- - - - - - - - - - - -
On the 78th Commemorative Anniversary of the Turkish genocide of the Armenians,
we remember those whose only crime was to be Armenian in the shadow of an
emerging Turkish proto-fascist state. In their names we demand justice.
In April 1915, the Turkish government began a systematically executed
de-population of the eastern Anatolian homeland of the Armenians through a
genocidal extermination. This genocide was to insure that Turks exclusively
ruled over the geographic area today called the Republic of Turkey. The
result: 1.5 million murdered, 30 billion dollars of Armenian property stolen
and plundered. This genocide ended nearly 3,000 years of Armenian civilization
on those lands. Today, the Turkish government continues to scrape clean any
vestige of a prior Armenian existence on those lands. Today's Turkish
governmental policy is to re-write the history of the era, to manufacture
distortion and generate excuses for their genocide of the Armenian people. In
the face of refutation ad nauseam, the Turkish Historical Society and cronies
shamelessly continue to deny that any such genocide occurred. This policy
merely demonstrates that in the modern era, genocide is an effective state
policy when it remains un-redressed and un-punished. A crime unpunished is a
crime encouraged. Adolf Hitler took this cue less than 25 years after the
successful genocide of the Armenians.
Turkey claims there was no systematic deportation of Armenians, yet...
Armenians were removed from every city, town, and village in the whole of
Turkey! Armenians who resisted deportation and massacre are referred to as
Turkey claims there was no genocide of the Armenians, yet...Turkish population
figures today show zero Armenians in eastern Turkey, the Armenian homeland.
Turkey claims Armenians were always a small minority, yet...Turkey claims
Armenians were a "threat".
In a final insult to the victims, the Republic of Turkey sold the bones of
approximately 100,000 murdered Armenians for profit to Europe.
Today, the Turkish government is enjoying the fruits of that genocide. The
success of this genocide is hangs over the heads of Turkey's Kurdish
The Armenians demand recognition, reparation, return of Armenian land and
property lost as a result of this genocide.
| 17 | talk.politics.mideast |
Heard last night that Paul Kuryia will be playing for the Canadian World
Hockey team this year. He was on a local radio station when a friend of
the familty called to congratulate him on the invitation. Meekly Paul told
the host that he didn't think they wanted it out yet. This morning I heard
that he is destined to play on a line with Lindros and Recci{unsure of this
one}. If he plays well in this arena, he could go #1 or 2 in the draft.
| 10 | rec.sport.hockey |
You must not have tried very hard. I just opend mine in about 2
seconds. Take a look on the bottom, it has a dial that turns to open
much like the older ADB mouses used to have. It's a bit harder to turn
at first but it is quite simple to open.
Well, if you don't match up the pins correctly you will have some
problems. A close look at the socket should give you an idea of the
proper orientation of the chip. | 4 | comp.sys.mac.hardware |
Paul Prescod pontificating:
PP>> Libertarians oppose BOTH waiting periods AND background checks
PP>>-- or ANY prerequisite for exercising rights that are supposed to
PP>>be guaranteed.
PP>Let me get this straight. Unlike the other idiots in this newsgroup,
PP>you actually support anybody having unlimited access to guns,
PP>inclucing criminals. (or would you prohibit them from owning them,
PP>but not from buying them?)
PP>You are a supreme idiot. You make the other idiots look like Mensa members.
Thanks Paul, for yet another fine example of the holier than thou gun control
mindset. Why don't you add something intelligent to the debate, like maybe
nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah.
. OLX 2.2 . Fight crime..... shoot back!
| 16 | talk.politics.guns |
It is good to remember that every translation is to some extent an
interpretation, so (as you point out below) one must really go back to
the original Arabic. Regarding the verses relevant to nature, I prefer
to use Dr. Maurice Bucaille's translations (in his book, "The Bible, the
Qur'an and Science") for in general his translations are more literal.
Maurice Bucaille translates the portion of the verse you are addressing
"...Each one is travelling with an orbit in its own motion."
(Also note that "the celestial bodies" in the first translation quoted
by you above is the translator's interpolation -- it is not existent in
the original Arabic, which is why it is included in brackets.)
You're right, what the verses _do_ contain isn't all that remarkable.
However, Dr. Bucaille (a surgeon, that's how he's a "Dr.") thinks it is
significant that the above verse contains no geocentric ideas, even
though geocentrism was all the rage up until the 17th century (?) or so.
(And this goes for the rest of the Qur'an as well, which has about 750
verses or so regarding nature, I think I remember reading once.) | 0 | alt.atheism |
#### ####
# ### #
# 1 2 3 #
Facing # #
Female Plug End # 4 5 6 #
# #
# #
# 7 8 #
# #
Anyone Recognize this? It's my little layout of a eight pin female plug
connector used for many mac peripherals.
Printer (cheap) cables using this configuration switch a couple of
pins between one end and the other. I want to use cheap cables for an
A-B box. Anyone know which pins get reversed so I can do some
creative editing on the internals of my box? Any help would be
greatly appreciated.
| 4 | comp.sys.mac.hardware |
Could someone please post any info on these systems.
Robert Novitskey | "Pursuing women is similar to banging one's head
rrn@po.cwru.edu | against a wall...with less opportunity for reward" | 4 | comp.sys.mac.hardware |
I need a Windows 3.1 driver for the Matrox PG-1281 CV
SVGA card.
At the moment Windows runs only in the 640x480 mode.
If you have a driver for this card, please send it
with the OEMSETUP.INF to
| 1 | comp.graphics |
To everyone who wants fonts in Vivid/POV/Polyray.
The Borland BGI font converter is VVFONT18.ZIP.
This program can be found on FTP.INFORMATIK.UNI-OLDENBURG.DE directory
Also WUARCHIVE has mirrored this site (directory graphics/graphics/mirrors/
There are more nice utilities present in this directory.
A new version of Polyray 1.6 (for those asked for it) can be found on the
same sites but in the directory INCOMING instead of UTILS (PLY16386).
Also in this directory POVSHELL and PV3DV060 could be found.
Have a nive raytrace time.
Peter | 1 | comp.graphics |
You are probably referring to the products of
Opto Diode Corp.
750 Mitchell Road
Newbury Park Ca 91320
805 499-0335
The make some amazing IRLED's. The really high-powered devices are arrays of
3, 6, or 9, LED's on a TO-66 header. The 9-chip model puts out 6.5 Watts in
response to a 5 Amp, 10 uS. pulse at a .5% duty cycle. I think these are
designed as illuminators for IR vision systems. | 12 | sci.electronics |
468DX2/66 EISA/VESA. Royal, among others, is celling such a system for $2010.
Penio Penev x7423 (212)327-7423 (w) Internet: penev@venezia.rockefeller.edu | 3 | comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware |
Hank Greenberg would have to be the most famous, because his Jewish
faith actually affected his play. (missing late season or was it world
series games because of Yom Kippur)
| 9 | rec.sport.baseball |
The home office number for ENVIRONET is (301) 286-5690 (note area
code change). A friend of mine used to use it to get LDEF data, but
he had to apply for a login name and password. I have a call in for
more info, which I hope to get in the morning. | 14 | sci.space |
<stuff deleted>
Good gravy! Decibels are all *ratios.* The question that remains in
any ratio is the reference unit used. Sometimes, this will be a reference
power, such as 1 milliwatt (given a certain circuit impedance which
should also be included in the fine print or known, like 50 ohms
in an RF circuit of that impedance), leading to an accepted
notation of dBm. Maybe it might be dBV, disregarding the impedance of
the circuit and power developed, using 1 volt as reference *amplitude*
(rather than reference power). Or, it might have an arbitrary or omitted
reference that is not included in the notation, leading to just plain dB.
So. look at it this way--'dB' has an implied reference while notation
such as 'dBm' has an explicit reference.
For power:
dB = 10*log( P(measured)/P(reference) )
For amplitude
dB = 20*log( A(measured)/A(reference) )
'B' is for bel, which is a standard term for a log ratio to the base
10, named after Alexander Graham Bell. A 'deci' Bel is 1/10 of a bel.
It has nothing to do with the Bell Telephone company except for
the common founder's name. The small 'd'/large 'B' is per SI notation
convention. I don't know anyone that's been crucified for messing it up.
Common references for audio are:
0 dBm = 1 milliwatt across 600 ohms
0 dBV = 1 volt
0 VU (a zero on the VU meter) = +4 dBm (pro gear line level)
0 VU = -10dBV (consumer gear line level)
Often times, a power amp VU meter will be aligned using
the rated power of the amp as the 0 dB point. It is all
done to whatever reference is reasonable for the application
or moment.
Note that in a circuit with a given (and maybe unknown) linear
impedance, if the amplitude goes up so many decibels, the
power will also increase the same amount. This proof can be done
with the above two identities and ohm's law.
Dave Medin Phone: (205) 730-3169 (w)
SSD--Networking (205) 837-1174 (h)
Intergraph Corp.
M/S GD3004 Internet: dtmedin@catbyte.b30.ingr.com
Huntsville, AL 35894 UUCP: ...uunet!ingr!b30!catbyte!dtmedin
******* Everywhere You Look (at least around my office) ******* | 12 | sci.electronics |
The operation going on in Somalia is a peacekeeping/peaceenforcement
operation where force may be used. It is not a war. It is also legal
under international law, which is higher than US law. The operation
is occuring under the ageis of the United Nations. Can't get a higher
authority than that on this earth.
| 18 | talk.politics.misc |
ekdfc@ttacs1.ttu.edu (David Coons):
> > The rules say baseball is a game between two teams of nine
> > players each. Let's keep it that way.
niepornt@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (David Marc Nieporent):
> Not any more the rules don't say that. So that's a pretty dumb
> argument.
REALLY??? My little mind be boggled! I don't have a 1993 Rule Book
yet, so David, would you please post the new wording of Rule 1.01 -- I
am MIGHTILY curious! Much thanks. | 9 | rec.sport.baseball |
He also ignores a few other things. While organics would become
significantly more expensive were all the oil to disappear (and thus
some things would no longer be economically feasible), oil is hardly
an irreplaceable resource any more than most other consumables. As
supply decreases, prices rise and alternatives become more
competetive. He also needs to consider that there has been an
estimated 30 years of reserves pretty much as long as anyone has cared
about petroleum; whatever the current usage rate is, we always seem to
have about a 30 year reserve that we know about.
[I'm not sure that last figure is still true -- we tend not to look as
hard when prices are comparatively cheap -- but it was certainly true
during hte 'oil crisis' days of the 70's.]
"Insisting on perfect safety is for people who don't have the balls to live
in the real world." -- Mary Shafer, NASA Ames Dryden | 14 | sci.space |
This is the new Buffalo one, the second since he's been with the
Sabres? I recall a price tag of over $700 just for the paint job on
that mask, and a total price of almost $1500. Ouch.
| 10 | rec.sport.hockey |
H E L P !
I have a problem in which I'm getting increasing frustrated every day...
Some background about my PC:
- American Megatrend BIOS (clone 386 SX) with 32M of RAM
- config.sys file:
device=c:\windows\emm386.exe noems
- autoexec.bat file is using smartdrv.exe +c
- CMOS set up is running 0 wait state on read and write cache ram.
The problem: APPLICATION ERROR from WIN31
I started off with a newly installed WIN31 and then installed EXCEL.
Run excel, no problem. A permanent swap file of size 18K was in place
for windows.
Ok, I then proceed to install Norton Desktop
for Windows version 2.0. No problem with the installation. I also
allow NDW to alter my autoexec.bat(with the nav running on c:).
The problem came when I try to (bring up excel or if excel is running
and right in the middle of it - like click a selection with the mouse)
from the desktop.
First of all, I always get the application error screen followed by
another application error screen with various different messages. The
following are some of them:
- Stack fault, by TC1024.DRV at address 0001:XXXX where XXXX is some
number. (TC1024.DRV is the VGA driver provided by the manufacture)
- General protection fault, by ndw.exe at the same address
- Segment load failure, by ndw.exe at same address
Some how, the address flagged was always 0001:something. What is address
0001:XXXX means?
I have absolutely on idea what this mean. I tried commented out the
TSR programs from autoexec.bat, no help.
Is it something to do with the emm386 setup which is not telling
WIN31 what it suppose to know. Looks like the application is crossing
memory boundary when it is being loaded or while it is running.
Please reply if you have any idea or suggestion. I'm willing to try
| 3 | comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware |
: At the company I worked for previously, I received a file that was des encryped
: and the person that had sent it, went on vaction. Rather than wait two weeks
: I set up a straight frontal attack with one key at a time. It only took two(2)
: days to crack the file. No, I don't have any faith in DES.
: A.G.
Fun! Three questions:
1) What hardware did you use?
2) When you found the key, was there anything about it that was special
that meant you had been lucky to find it early? (Like the first 30 bits
all being 0)
3) ... or did you mean a dictionary attack rather than a binary key attack? | 11 | sci.crypt |
# Is there an Xt call to give me my application context?
# I am fixing up an X/Motif program, and am trying to use XtAppAddTimeOut,
# whose first argument is the app_context. What call can I use
# to give me this value?
Use XtDisplayToApplicationContext() to retreive the application context.
Patrick L. Mahan
--- TGV Window Washer ------------------------------- Mahan@TGV.COM ---------
Waking a person unnecessarily should not be considered - Lazarus Long
a capital crime. For a first offense, that is From the Notebooks of
Lazarus Long
Patrick L. Mahan
--- TGV Window Washer ------------------------------- Mahan@TGV.COM --------- | 5 | comp.windows.x |
Voyager has the unusual luck to be on a stable trajectory out of the
solar system. All it's doing is collecting fields data, and routinely
squirting it down. One of the mariners is also in stable
solar orbit, and still providing similiar solar data.
Something in a planetary orbit, is subject to much more complex forces.
Comsats, in "stable " geosynch orbits, require almost daily
stationkeeping operations.
For the occasional deep space bird, like PFF after pluto, sure
it could be left on "auto-pilot". but things like galileo or
magellan, i'd suspect they need enough housekeeping that
even untended they'd end up unusable after a while.
The better question should be.
Why not transfer O&M of all birds to a separate agency with continous funding
to support these kind of ongoing science missions.
When ongoing ops are mentioned, it seems to always quote Operations
and Data analysis. how much would it cost to collect the data
and let it be analyzed whenever. kinda like all that landsat data
that sat around for 15 years before someone analyzed it for the ozone hole. | 14 | sci.space |
: Has anyone ever heard of a food product called "Space Food Sticks?"
I remember those awful things. They were dry and crumbly, and I
recall asking my third-grade teacher, Miss G'Francisco, how they
kept the crumbs from floating around in zero-G. She had no clue.
I have not seen anything like them in today's space program.
Some Apollo technology is best forgotten.
-- Ken Jenks, NASA/JSC/GM2, Space Shuttle Program Office
kjenks@gothamcity.jsc.nasa.gov (713) 483-4368 | 14 | sci.space |
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