And with these keys, they may have been able to get inside CENTCOM's systems, to see and hear everything, and maybe even infect some of them.
Gràcies a aquests dispositius, haurien sigut capaços d'introduir-se en els sistemes informàtics, de veure-ho i escoltar-ho tot i fins i tot d'infectar alguns d'aquests sistemes.
The average household spends 10% of its income on kerosene for lighting – that's an order of magnitude greater than what the average US household spends on electricity to light their homes.
La llar mitjana gasta el 10% del seus ingressos en querosè per a la llum, això és una magnitud superior a la que la llar nord-americana mitjana gasta en electricitat per a il·luminar casa seva.
There has never yet been a drug they could not defeat.
Encara no ha existit mai un medicament que no puguin derrotar.
Don't abandon Eve." "I don't know, guys.
No deixis l'Eva sola." "No sé, nois.
I lived in parallel worlds.
Vivia en dos móns paral·lels.
I always show my pictures in the street.
Sempre exposo les meves fotografies al carrer.
I'm wearing a hat.
Porto un barret.
They're going to show they're on your side.
Us mostraran que estan de part vostra.
"People do stupid things.
"La gent fa estupideses.
So in effect, you are like Odysseus and the first mate in one person.
Llavors, ets pràcticament l'Ulisses i el primer oficial en una sola persona.
There were Syrians, Palestinians, Africans, Muslims and Christians, 100 children, including Sandra — little Sandra, six years old — and Masa, 18 months.
Hi havia sirians, palestins, africans, musulmans i cristians, 100 nens, incloent-hi la Sandra, la petita Sandra, de 6 anys, i la Masa, de 18 mesos.
And when I mistakenly mix them up I feel crazy like …
i quan les barrejo per error em sento estranya, com...
My speechwriters must have been tearing their hair out because as we worked between one and four in the morning on Inauguration Day, I was still changing it."
Els meus redactors es devien estirar els cabells perquè, mentre treballàvem de l'una a les quatre de la matinada, del dia de la investidura, jo encara hi introduïa canvis."
MW: We monitored this experiment with spectrophotometry and obtained this beautiful graph.
MW: Realitzàrem un seguiment d'aquest experiment amb espectrofotometria i vam obtindre aquesta vistosa gràfica.
Exercise teaches your brain that your behavior matters.
L'exercisi li ensenya al cervell que el teu comportament és important.
But you know what?
Però sabeu què?
Is it the eye, the nose, the mouth, the hair?
El nas? La boca? El cabell?
(Laughter) I said, "You're thinking about this just way too early."
Li vaig dir: "estàs pensant en això massa aviat".
You've probably all heard of Google's Project Glass.
Probablement haureu sentit parlar del Google Project Glass.
And the number of the actual humans that have existed is 100 billion, maybe 50 billion, an infinitesimal fraction, so all of us, we've won this amazing cosmic lottery.
I el nombre d'humans que han existit és d'entre 100 000 i 50 000 milions, una fracció infinitesimal, així que tots hem guanyat la increïble loteria còsmica.
And that's because we tend to think of skeletons as stiff lever systems that produce speed or power.
I això és perquè nosaltres tenim tendència a pensar en els esquelets com a sistemes de palanca rígida que produeixen velocitat o força.
Later when this chapter appeared in our textbooks, our biology teacher skipped the subject.
Més tard, quan aquest tema sortia als llibres de text, el nostre professor de biologia saltava el tema.
They were not enthusiastic about my patriotism.
No van rebre el meu patriotisme amb gaire entusiasme.
We don't want to believe what we know.
No volem creure el que sabem.
"Rub my back," my daughter says when I tuck her in.
"Rasca'm l'esquena", em diu la filla quan la poso al llit.
Another patient of mine had a different sort of hallucination.
Una altra pacient tenia al·lucinacions diferents.
I knew it.
Ho sabia.
So what happened is, of course, this is just a mistake.
El que passava és, és clar, que això és una errada.
And these planets can be called hot Jupiters, for some of the ones we've found.
I a aquests planetes se'ls pot anomenar Júpiters ardents, per alguns dels que hem trobat.
That was us.
Això érem nosaltres.
To me, the sky is always gray, flowers are always gray, and television is still in black and white.
Per a mi, el cel és sempre gris, les flors, sempre grises, i la meva televisió encara és en blanc i negre.
And despite their extremely small sizes, they have these incredible properties.
I malgrat eixa mida extremadament petita, tenen aquestes propietats increïbles.
We black people have always been out of time.
Nosaltres els negres sempre hem anat curts de temps.
So I got up and I jumped onto my cardio glider, which is a full-body, full-exercise machine.
Em vaig llevar i vaig pujar a una màquina de fer exercici amb la que pots treballar tot el cos.
It was in front of the whole class and I felt dreadful. But it's what I wanted, and as soon as I left school, I applied to the fire service and I was accepted. You know, I was thinking about that guy recently, just a few minutes ago when you were speaking, about this teacher, because six months ago, I saved his life."
Però era el que jo volia, i tan bon punt vaig deixar l'escola, em vaig presentar al cos de bombers i m'hi van acceptar." I va dir, "Sap vostè, estava pensant en aquell home just ara, fa uns minuts mentre vostè parlava, en aquell professor," va dir "perquè fa sis mesos, li vaig salvar la vida." (Rialles)
We're going to be able to see a child's brain as they experience an emotion, as they learn to speak and read, as they solve a math problem, as they have an idea.
Serem capaços de veure el cervell dels nadons mentre experimenten una emoció, mentre aprenen a parlar i escriure, mentre resolen un problema matemàtic, mentre tenen una idea.
You can select as many of them as you want.
En pots seleccionar tants com vulguis.
All the previous ones were positive, this one will be too."
Les proves anteriors han estat positives, i sabem que aquesta també ho serà".
We asked that to a junkie and they're like, "Are you nuts?" You don't want to share a needle anymore than you want to share a toothbrush even with someone you're sleeping with.
Ho vam preguntar a un jonqui: "Esteu bojos?" Vols compartir una agulla tant com vols compartir un raspall de dents, fins i tot amb la persona amb qui vas al llit.
Here I'll quote one of my students who said, "Sex is so good, it's good even when it's bad."
Ara citaré un dels meus estudiants que va dir: "El sexe és tan bo que és bo fins i tot quan és dolent".
So, her caretakers took her to the village medicine man, and instead of suggesting to the caretakers that the girl be taken to a hospital, the person decided to burn her abdomen with red-hot iron bars to drive out the demons.
Els seus tutors la van portar al curandero del poblat, qui, en comptes de suggerir-los que la duguessin a l'hospital, va decidir cremar-li l'abdomen fent servir unes barres de ferro roent per tal de fer fora els dimonis.
The frontispiece of this article was this photo, and I'm one of the people that thinks that Tina Brown was great for bringing photos to the New Yorker, because this photo completely rocked my world.
A la portada de l'article estava aquesta foto, i jo sóc un d'aquells que creuen que Tina Brown estigué molt encertada duent les fotos al New Yorker, perquè just aquesta foto em va trasbalsar completament.
She came back. She goes, "Come on. I don't have all day."
Va tornar i em va dir: "Vinga, que no tinc tot el dia".
And I'd like to describe some of the results that we have found.
I m'agradaria descriure alguns dels resultats que hem trobat.
And so anytime I talk about what I do, I like to just quickly address the reason why bodies matter.
Així, cada vegada que parlo del que faig m'agrada mencionar de manera ràpida la raó per la qual el cos és important.
Sorry, you're losing me for a minute.
Disculpa, he perdut l'oremus.
I want to show you some moments of history in my journey, which probably you would never ever get to see anywhere in the world.
Vull mostrar-vos alguns passatges de la història del meu viatge els quals problablement no arribaríeu mai a veure enlloc del planeta.
So I took my two children when they were little — Caroline was eight and Robby was five — to see "E.T." And it's a fantastic story of this little alien who ends up in an American family with a mum, two brothers and a sister, but he wants to go home.
Quan els meus fills eren petits, la Caroline tenia 8 anys i en Robby, 5, vaig endur-me'ls a veure "E.T." És una història fantàstica sobre aquest petit alienígena que acaba amb una família americana, amb una mare, dos fills i una filla, però que vol tornar a casa.
I was injured all my life; then in my early 40s, I got rid of my shoes and my running ailments have gone away, too.
Sempre m'he lesionat i als 40, sabatilles fora. Les lesions també han desaparegut.
How many people here are still pretty sure you've got all five words?
Quantes persones aquí encara estan bastant segures de recordar les cinc paraules?
So that's what she did.
I això és el que va fer.
But scientists have egos; they like to name things.
Però els científics tenen egos; els agrada anomenar coses.
And then there's the second plate, the learning plate.
I després, hi ha el segon plat, el plat de l'aprenentatge.
Age as pathology.
L'edat com una patologia.
They believe McDonald's food is tastier, and it leads them to experience it as tastier.
Creuen que el menjar del McDonald's és més bo, i això fa que ho notin més saborós.
What I'm saying is that, surely, rationally, our distress about things that happen, about threats, should be roughly proportional to the size of those threats and threats to come.
El que estic dient és que, indubtablement, racionalment, la nostra angoixa referent a les coses que passen, a les amenaces, hauria de ser més o menys proporcional a la mida d'aquestes amenaces i de les amenaces futures.
But our lives are much more than our memories.
Però les nostres vides són més que memòries.
Israeli Soldier: A nonviolent protest is not going to stop the [unclear].
Soldat israelià: Una protesta no violenta no pararà el [confús].
But since that happened, they own those desks.
Però des d'aleshores, aquells pupitres són seus.
For the most part, everyone was just trying to survive.
Principalment, només intentaven sobreviure.
(Laughter) very cheap fuel that you can put 60 years in — just think of it as a log — put it down and not have those same complexities.
Així que, si tens combustible barat que pots posar durant 60 anys en... imaginem-nos-ho com un tronc... enterrar-ho i no tenir aquestes complicacions.
Go." So that's a fantastic story, and we all know how it ends.
Vés-te'n." Quina gran història, tots en sabem el final.
They even affect the food that we eat and our governments.
Afecten els aliments que mengem i els governs.
As I said earlier, I think startups can change the world and make the world a better place.
Com ja he dit, les empreses emergents poden convertir el món en un lloc millor.
The English language is as big as it is.
La llengua anglesa té la grandària que té.
This is what I understand from my faith tradition, and this is what I understand from my studies of other faith traditions, and this is the common platform on which we must all stand, and when we stand on this platform as such, I am convinced that we can make a wonderful world.
Això és el que jo entenc a partir de la tradició de la meva fe, i això és el que entenc a partir dels meus estudis d'altres tradicions de fe, i això és la plataforma comuna sobre la qual tots hem d'estar, i quan estem sobre aquesta plataforma, estic convençut de que podem crear un món meravellós.
Just as wings open up this sphere of air for birds to exploit, language opened up the sphere of cooperation for humans to exploit.
Així com les ales s'obren a l'aire perquè els ocells l'aprofitin, el llenguatge va permetre la cooperació per al benefici dels humans.
Thank you for your time.
Gràcies pel vostre temps.
So I'm looking, really, for a mentor, because I just had my birthday.
Estic buscant, doncs, un mentor, perquè acaba de ser el meu aniversari.
I recognize that the adoption of this technology will depend as much on economic and political forces as it will on the soundness of the science.
reconec que l'adopció d'aquesta tecnologia dependrà tant de forces econòmiques i polítiques com de la solidesa de la ciència.
That's why they're round.
Per això són rodons.
And this was his treasure.
I aquest era el seu tresor.
And he's freaked out.
I perd els nervis.
The reason I'm here today is because a teacher that cared reached out and managed to tap into my soul.
La raó per la qual sóc avui aquí és perquè una professora a qui li importava, se'm va apropar i se les manegà per arribar-me a l'ànima.
Case closed.
Cas tancat.
Now, testing is important.
Bé, evaluar és important.
We all know that exploration is risky.
Tots sabem que explorar conté riscs.
Electric saw, power drill, totally disgusting unless you're David Bolinsky, in which case it's all truth and beauty.
Serra elèctrica, trepant... Molt desagradable, a menys que siguis David Bolinsky, perquè llavors és una meravella.
And kids, you know what?
I nens, sabeu què?
It was no big deal, but it was a latrine.
No era gran cosa, però era una latrina.
So, the way we study that is, let's say we find a child who has light sensitivity. The child is provided treatment, and I want to stress that the treatment is completely unconditional; there is no quid pro quo.
La forma com estudiem és la següent: diguem que trobem un infant que té sensibilitat a la llum; al nen se li proporciona tractament i vull remarcar que el tractament és completament incondicional. No hi ha cap quid pro quo.
Thousands of books have been written about him, but there's controversy, and it remains, about his looks.
S'han escrit milers de llibres sobre ell. però hi ha controvèrsia, i es manté, sobre la seva aparença.
The last pictures I'd like to show you are of an iceberg that I photographed in Qeqetarsuaq, Greenland.
Les últimes imatges que m'agradaria ensenyar-vos són d'un iceberg que vaig fotografiar a Kekertsuatsiak, Groenlàndia.
I am 17 years old and I am a nuclear physicist, which may be a little hard to believe, but I am.
Tinc 17 anys i sóc físic nuclear, cosa que pot resultar difícil de creure, però ho sóc.
Because you've got to include the man who grew the coffee, which was brewed for the man who was on the oil rig, who was drilling for oil, which was going to be made into the plastic, etc.
Perquè aquí hi entraria l'home que ha conreat el cafè que va torrar per a l'home del jaciment petrolífer que va extreure el petroli que després processarien i seria plàstic, etc.
After fixing, breaking, redesigning, mending, bending and amending, my ideal bow began to take shape, and when it was finally done, it looked like this.
Després de fixar, trencar, redissenyar, millorar, corbar i corregir, el meu arc ideal va començar a agafar forma, i quan finalment va estar fet, era com aquest.
There's no Photoshop here. This is just a photo of one of my three-dimensional paintings.
Aquí no hi ha Photoshop: només és una foto d'una de les meves pintures tridimensionals.
And I already told you I'm a data nerd.
I ja us he dit que sóc una fanàtica de les dades.
Because what I was encountering was an idea of illness.
Perquè m'estava enfrontant la idea de malaltia.
I really love cheese sandwiches." And Ivan puts his sandwich over here, on top of the pirate chest.
M'encanten els entrepans de formatge." I l'Ivan deixa el seu entrepà aquí, al damunt de l'arca pirata.
Anyway, another interesting thing happened while I was there.
Bé, una altra cosa interessant va passar mentre jo era allà.
Right now, America is in an unremitting state of trauma.
Ara mateix, Estats Units està en un estat constant de trauma.
We can often do "until our kids grow up."
Podem ser-hi fins que els fills són grans.
And how are they transformed by wearing it?
I com els transforma el fet de portar-ho?
There were no back doors.
No hi havia portes del darrere.
Forty percent of them have gained even more.
El 40 per cert fins i tot n'han guanyat més.
It's shaping a new way of being.
està configurant una nova manera d'esser.

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