| How is the lighting of this building?
| What kind of distortion degrades the quality of the image?
| Are the flowers in focus in this picture?
| Are the skiers in the image too dark?
| Is there any noise problem in the image?
| How is the color of the schoolbus?
| Which kind of image quality problem does not exist in this image?
| Which part of the image is the clearest?
| The environment behind the woman
| What do you think of the lighting of the flowers in this image?
| Which person in the image has the most vibrant colors?
| The woman in the bottom right corner of the image
| The person in the bottom left corner of the image
| The person in the lower part of the image
| How colorful is this picture?
| Is the image blurred due to movement?
| Which part of this image is severely overexposed?
| Which object in this image is affected by slight motion blur?
| Is this picture in focus?
| Is the rope in the image clear?
| Are the students clear in this image?
| What is the main distortion of the humans in the middle of the image?
| How is the color saturation of the image?
| Which is the main distortion in this image?
| How is the symmetry of this image?
| Is this image very clear?
| Where is the focus of this picture?
| Does this picture have motion blur?
| How is the clarity of the image?
| Are the textures clear in this image?
| What are the overall distortion level of the image?
| How is the color of the baby's clothes?
| Is the face of the man clear?
| Is there too much noise in the image?
| What is the major distortion of the bed in this image?
| What is the worst distortion in this picture?
| How bright is the sky in this picture?
| Does this image suffer from over-exposure?
| What distortion can be found on the wall in the right?
| What is the most apparent distortion of the ceiling in this image?
| Does this picture have noise?
| How colorful is this picture?
| Is this picture colorful?
| How bright is this picture?
| Is there any noise in this image?
| Is the image blurred due to motion?
| Does this image give a dark visual perception?
| How is the contrast level of this image?
| How is the overall clarity of this image?
| Is this picture colorful?
| What's the worst distortion in this picture?
| Is the color of the image full?
| What is the main distortion with the image?
| Which object is emphasized in the center of this image?
| Which area in this image is relatively darker?
| How is the composition of this picture?
| How clear is the man in black clothes in the image?
| Are the chairs in this picture clear?
| Which object in the image is the darkest?
| What distortion does the sky in the image suffer from?
| How is the color saturation of the image?
| Is there any blur in this image?
| Does this picture have overexposure issues?
| How bright is this picture?
| What is the brightest object in this picture?
| What is the main color tone of the image?
| How bright is this picture?
| How is the motion blur of the humans in this image?
| Does the image have repetitive patterns?
| Does this image show contrast in its lighting?
| How clear is this picture?
| Is the color of the fruit in this image vivid?
| Is the color of the image full?
| How would you rate the clarity of the in this image?
| Is the athlete clear in the image?
| How is the lighting of the buildings?
| How is the exposure of the human in this image?
| Which object is emphasized in the center in the composition of the image?
| How is the lighting condition of the image?
| What is the most prominent color in the image?
| What problems exist in the image?
| Is the image shot in real life?
| What is the overall clarity of this image?
| Is there any distortion issue in the image?
| What is the most apparent distortion for the humans in this image?
| To what extent is the vehicle blurred in the image?
| What is the clearest object in the image?
| Person in purple clothing
| How clear is the duck in the image?
| How is the image quality of this picture?
| Is the cow clear in the image?
| Is the subject emphasized in the center of this image composition?
| Is this image well-composed?
| Which object in the image appears the brightest?
| The stone wall behind the figure
| The figure sitting behind the table
| Which of the following quality issues does not exist in this image?
| Would you say the composition in this photo is good?
| Does this image give a fresh visual impression?
| Does this image give a sense of brightness?
| What kind of composition does the image adopt?
| Is the image color saturated?
| Is the color of the small hanging object on the ceiling in this picture vibrant?