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El presidente ucraniano anuncia un paquete de reformas sociales y económicas que permitirán que el país solicite el ingreso en la UE El presidente de Ucrania, Petro Poroshenko, ha anunciado que este jueves presentará un amplio paquete de reformas sociales y económicas que permitirán que su país pueda solicitar «en seis años» el ingreso en la Unión Europea. El Parlamento de Ucrania ratificó el pasado 16 de septiembre de forma simultánea con la Eurocámara el acuerdo de asociación con la UE, aunque dejó para enero de 2016 la puesta en marcha de la parte relativa al comercio, por las presiones de Rusia. En un discurso ante magistrados y jueces, Poroshenko ha asegurado, además, que, por primera vez en muchos meses, no se han registrado muertos ni heridos en las últimas 24 horas en el conflicto con los separatistas prorrusos en el este del país, lo que sugiere que el alto el fuego "ha comenzado por fin a funcionar".
, presidente de Ucrania anunció este jueves que se implementará un programa de reformas denominado "Ucrania 2020", el que permitirá que, en 2020, el país presente su solicitud a la Unión Europea. "Este plan prevé unas 60 reformas y programas especiales, cuyo cumplimiento permitirá a Ucrania prepararse para poder presentar dentro de seis años la solicitud para convertirnos en miembro de la Unión Europea", señaló El pasado 16 de septiembre, el ratificó junto a la el acuerdo de asociación con la UE, no obstante, se postergó a 2016 el inicio de la parte comercio. Poroshenko señaló que una de las principales reformas constará en la modificación del sistema judicial. Asimismo, en un decreto presidencial publicado hoy, Poroshenko encargó la elaboración de un proyecto de ley para reestablecer el para Ucrania. Por otro lado, el presidente declaró que no se han registrado fallecidos o heridos en las últimas 24 horas en el del país, lo que podría significar que el alto al fuego "ha comenzado por fin a funcionar".
Ucrania solicitará su ingreso a la Unión Europea en 2020, dijo este jueves el presidente de este país, Petró Poroshenko. El líder ucraniano señaló, al intervenir en un congreso de jueces, que va a poner en marcha un programa de reformas llamado "Ucrania 2020" que permitirá en seis años presentar la solicitud a la Unión Europea, según informa la prensa local. "Este plan prevé unas 60 reformas y programas especiales, cuyo cumplimiento permitirá a Ucrania prepararse para poder presentar dentro de seis años la solicitud para convertirnos en miembro de la Unión Europea" afirmó, citado por "Ukrainskie Nóvosti". Poroshenko dijo que una de las principales reformas será la modificación el sistema judicial, pues consideró que es necesario restablecer la confianza de la sociedad en los jueces. Por otra parte, según un decreto promulgado por Poroshenko y publicado este jueves, el presidente ha encargado al Gobierno que elabore un proyecto de ley para renunciar al estatus de no alineado de Ucrania. Futuro ingreso en la OTAN Con ello se pone en marcha una decisión aprobada el pasado agosto por el Consejo nacional de Seguridad y Defensa sobre la necesidad de adoptar medidas para fortalecer la defensa del país, y se abre la puerta a un futuro ingreso en la OTAN de esta república exsoviética. Dicho Consejo, un órgano ejecutivo que reúne a la plana mayor del Estado, consideró como una prioridad el desarrollo de relaciones estratégicas de Ucrania con socios como Estados Unidos, la UE y la OTAN. Ucrania suscribió el pasado junio un Acuerdo de Asociación con Bruselas que fue ratificado el 17 de septiembre tanto por la Rada Suprema (Parlamento) ucraniano como por el Parlamento Europeo. Sin embargo, la parte comercial de este convenio no entrará en vigor hasta 2016, después de que Ucrania, la UE y Rusia así lo acordaran. Moscú había amenazado con tomar medidas de protección de su mercado ya que mantiene que la asociación entre Ucrania y los Veintiocho perjudicará a la economía rusa, pues su mercado se llenará de productos europeos baratos y de buena calidad. Ucrania mantiene un rumbo de acercamiento a Occidente en medio del conflicto armado en las zonas prorrusas del este del país, donde milicias insurgentes apoyadas por Rusia, según Kiev, se sublevaron contra el Gobierno central.
, presidente de Ucrania anunció este jueves que se implementará un programa de reformas denominado "Ucrania 2020", el que permitirá que, en 2020, el país presente su solicitud a la Unión Europea. "Este plan prevé unas 60 reformas y programas especiales, cuyo cumplimiento permitirá a Ucrania prepararse para poder presentar dentro de seis años la solicitud para convertirnos en miembro de la Unión Europea", señaló El pasado 16 de septiembre, el ratificó junto a la el acuerdo de asociación con la UE, no obstante, se postergó a 2016 el inicio de la parte comercio. Poroshenko señaló que una de las principales reformas constará en la modificación del sistema judicial. Asimismo, en un decreto presidencial publicado hoy, Poroshenko encargó la elaboración de un proyecto de ley para reestablecer el para Ucrania. Por otro lado, el presidente declaró que no se han registrado fallecidos o heridos en las últimas 24 horas en el del país, lo que podría significar que el alto al fuego "ha comenzado por fin a funcionar".
Unfall US-Militärflugzeug in der Eifel abgestürzt In der Eifel ist ein amerikanischer Kampfjet abgestürzt, der Pilot soll sich per Schleudersitz aus der Maschine gerettet haben. Der Grund für das Unglück ist noch unklar. © Thomas Frey/dpa Ein US-Militärjet ist am Freitag bei Laufeld in der Eifel abgestürzt. Das berichtete das Polizeipräsidium in Trier. Der Pilot soll sich nach ersten Erkenntnissen mit einem Schleudersitz aus der Maschine gerettet haben. Er wurde demnach in ein Krankenhaus gebracht, ob und wie schwer er verletzt ist, wurde zunächst nicht bekannt. Anzeige Auch Angaben zur Ursache des Absturzes lagen vorerst nicht vor. Das Flugzeug stürzte nach Polizeiangaben auf ein Feld, wenige Hundert Meter von den Häusern des Ortes entfernt. Nach Augenzeugenberichten ist es komplett zerstört. Nach Auskunft der US-Streitkräfte soll es sich um einen Kampfjet vom Typ A10 handeln. Diese Maschine wird auch Warthog (Warzenschwein) genannt. Über Ausrüstung und Munition an Bord lagen zunächst ebenso wenig Angaben vor wie zur Ursache des Absturzes. Die US-Luftwaffe hat in Rheinland-Pfalz Stützpunkte im pfälzischen Ramstein und in Spangdahlem. Zu Angriffen auf libysche Ziele starten derzeit US-Kampfjets auch von Rheinland-Pfalz aus. Lesen Sie hier mehr aus dem Ressort Zeitgeschehen.
A10 Thunderbolt II (Archivbild) Rund 300 Meter von dem 500-Einwohner-Dorf Laufeld bei Manderscheid in der Eifel stürzte heute gegen 16 Uhr ein US-Militärjet in eine Wiese. Der Pilot konnte sich mit dem Schleudersitz retten. Er wurde in ein Krankenhaus gebracht. Das berichtet das Polizeipräsidium in Trier. Das Militärflugzeug vom Typ A10 Thunderbolt II stammte von der Spangdahlem Air Base der US-Luftwaffe im Eifelkreis Bitburg-Prüm. Das Flugzeug befand sich auf einem routinemäßigen Trainingsflug. Der Bürgermeister des Ortes äußerte sich erleichtert: „Wir sind wohl knapp einer Katastrophe entgangen.“
300 Meter von Wohnhäusern entfernt Mit Waffen ausgerüsteter US-Kampfjet stürzt ab 300 Meter von dem Dorf Laufeld in der Vulkaneifel entfernt ist ein US-Kampfjet abgestürzt. Der Pilot konnte sich über den Schleudersitz retten. Deutsche und amerikanische Feuerwehrmaenner stehen am Freitag (01.04.11) in Laufeld (Kreis Bernkastel-Wittlich) vor Truemmern eines abgestuerzten Kampfjets der US-Luftwaffe vom Typ A-10 "Thunderbolt II", auch Warzenschwein genannt. Foto: dapd So sieht das Flugzeug der US-Luftwaffe des Typs A-10 "Thunderbolt II" von der Spangdahlem Air Base aus, wenn es in der Luft ist. Foto: dapd Ein Kampfflugzeug der US-Streitkräfte ist am Freitag in der Vulkaneifel nur 300 Meter von Wohnhäusern entfernt bei Laufeld im Kreis Bernkastel-Wittlich abgestürzt. Der Pilot konnte sich mit einem Schleudersitz aus der Maschine retten, wie ein Sprecher der Polizei Trier mitteilte. Er wurde in ein Krankenhaus gebracht. An Bord der Maschine sollen nach Angaben von Polizisten vor Ort 11.000 Schuss scharfe Munition gewesen sein. Laut US-Air-Force handelt es sich bei dem abgestürzten Flugzeug um eine «A-10 Thunderbolt II», auch «Warzenschwein» genannt. Die nur mit einem Piloten besetzte Maschine von der US-Luftwaffenbasis Spangdahlem in der Eifel habe sich auf einen routinemäßigen Trainingsflug befunden, als sie gegen 16 Uhr aus noch ungeklärten Gründen abstürzte. ANZEIGE Augenzeugen zufolge soll das Flugzeug bereits gebrannt haben, als es über den rund 500 Einwohner großen Ort Laufeld flog. Eine Anwohnerin berichtete danach von einem lauten Knall. Es seien «dicke schwarze Rauchwolken» aufgestiegen, sagte die Frau, die nach eigenen Angaben rund 500 Meter vom Unglücksort entfernt wohnt. Der Bürgermeister von Laufeld, Karl-Josef Junk, bestätigte, dass die Maschine etwa 300 Meter vor dem Dorf abgestürzt sei. «Wir sind wohl knapp einer Katastrophe entgangen», sagte Junk. Der Brand des Flugzeugs ist seinen Informationen zufolge an Nachmittag gelöscht worden. Das weitere Vorgehen müsse nun mit den Rettungskräften und der Bundeswehr koordiniert werden, fügte er hinzu. An dem Rettungseinsatz waren Feuerwehren, Polizei und ein Rettungshubschrauber beteiligt. Die Absturzstelle ist in der Nähe der Autobahn 1 zwischen den Städten Trier und Daun. dapd
A10 Thunderbolt II (Archivbild) Rund 300 Meter von dem 500-Einwohner-Dorf Laufeld bei Manderscheid in der Eifel stürzte heute gegen 16 Uhr ein US-Militärjet in eine Wiese. Der Pilot konnte sich mit dem Schleudersitz retten. Er wurde in ein Krankenhaus gebracht. Das berichtet das Polizeipräsidium in Trier. Das Militärflugzeug vom Typ A10 Thunderbolt II stammte von der Spangdahlem Air Base der US-Luftwaffe im Eifelkreis Bitburg-Prüm. Das Flugzeug befand sich auf einem routinemäßigen Trainingsflug. Der Bürgermeister des Ortes äußerte sich erleichtert: „Wir sind wohl knapp einer Katastrophe entgangen.“
Panorama Trümmerfeld in der Eifel: US-Jet stürzt ab Ein US-Militärflugzeug ist bei Laufeld in der Eifel abgestürzt. Das berichtete das Polizeipräsidium in Trier. Der Pilot konnte sich mit dem Schleudersitz aus der Maschine retten, teilte die US-Luftwaffe mit. Er sei verletzt worden und wurde in ein Krankenhaus gebracht. Der Mann ist jedoch außer Lebensgefahr. Das Flugzeug stürzte nach Polizeiangaben auf ein Feld, wenige Hundert Meter von den Häusern des Ortes entfernt. Nach Augenzeugenberichten ist es komplett zerstört. Das Flugzeug stürzte auf ein Feld rund 300 Meter von den ersten Häusern entfernt. "Wir sind wohl knapp einer Katastrophe entgangen", sagte der Bürgermeister von Laufeld, Karl-Josef Junk, dem Südwestrundfunk (SWR). "Der ist sogar noch übers Dorf rübergeflogen und hat laut Augenzeugen noch mal durchgestartet, um die Schnauze hochzuziehen." Nach unbestätigten Berichten soll der Kampfjet bereits in der Luft gebrannt haben. Nach Auskunft der US-Streitkräfte soll es sich um einen Kampfjet vom Typ A10 Thunderbolt II handeln. Über Ausrüstung und Munition an Bord lagen zunächst ebenso wenig Angaben vor wie zur Ursache des Absturzes. Sie war von dem US-Luftwaffenstützpunkt Spangdahlem in Rheinland-Pfalz zu einem Trainingsflug gestartet. Die US-Luftwaffe hat in Rheinland-Pfalz Stützpunkte im pfälzischen Ramstein und in Spangdahlem. Zu Angriffen auf libysche Ziele starten derzeit US-Kampfjets auch von Rheinland-Pfalz aus. An der Operation "Odyssey Dawn" zur Durchsetzung des Flugverbots für die Truppen des Machthabers Muammar al-Gaddafi seien auch Kampfflugzeuge der US-Airbase in Spangdahlem beteiligt, hatte die Zeitung "Trierischer Volksfreund" erst kürzlich unter Berufung auf eine Sprecherin der amerikanischen Streitkräfte berichtet. dpa/AFP
A10 Thunderbolt II (Archivbild) Rund 300 Meter von dem 500-Einwohner-Dorf Laufeld bei Manderscheid in der Eifel stürzte heute gegen 16 Uhr ein US-Militärjet in eine Wiese. Der Pilot konnte sich mit dem Schleudersitz retten. Er wurde in ein Krankenhaus gebracht. Das berichtet das Polizeipräsidium in Trier. Das Militärflugzeug vom Typ A10 Thunderbolt II stammte von der Spangdahlem Air Base der US-Luftwaffe im Eifelkreis Bitburg-Prüm. Das Flugzeug befand sich auf einem routinemäßigen Trainingsflug. Der Bürgermeister des Ortes äußerte sich erleichtert: „Wir sind wohl knapp einer Katastrophe entgangen.“
Произошел сбой в работе Telegram по всему миру 22:40 / 6 Июня, 2020 2020-06-06T23:40:01+03:00 Alexander Antipov Большинство испытывают проблемы со входом, остальные отмечают невозможность отправить сообщение. В работе Telegram вечером 6 июня произошел массовый сбой. Об этом свидетельствуют данные сервиса DownDetector 6 июня. Судя по ним, сбой случился около 11 часов вечера по Москве. Большинство испытывают проблемы со входом, остальные отмечают невозможность отправить сообщение. На момент написания новости о проблемах в работе жаловались более 11 тыс. пользователей мессенджера. Подавляющее большинство из них — 93% — сообщают о невозможности подключения. У остальных не отправляются сообщения. Больше всего сообщений о сбоях пришло из европейской части России — Москвы и Санкт-Петербурга, а также Белоруссии, Украины, Германии, Италии, Эстонии, Латвии, Франции и Испании. Подписывайтесь на каналы "SecurityLab" в Telegram и Яндекс.Дзен, чтобы первыми узнавать о новостях и эксклюзивных материалах по информационной безопасности.
Foram registradas falhas no aplicativo na noite de sábado (6). Isso é evidenciado pelos dados do serviço DownDetector. A julgar por eles, as falhas ocorreram por volta das 23 horas, horário de . A maioria das pessoas teve dificuldade para fazer ''login'', enquanto outras foram incapacitadas de enviar mensagens. Foram registrados mais de 11 mil reclamações dos usuários do aplicativo. A grande maioria delas (93%) relatam incapacidade de se conectar. O restante não consegue enviar mensagens. A maioria dos relatórios de falhas veio da parte europeia da — Moscou e . Além disso, foram detectadas falhas na , , , , , , e .
Auszeichnung verärgert China Chinesischer Bürgerrechtler erhält Sacharow-Preis [Bildunterschrift: Sacharow-Preisträger Hu sitzt derzeit im Gefängnis. ] Ungeachtet des massiven Drucks der chinesischen Regierung hat das Europaparlament den diesjährigen Sacharow-Preis für Meinungsfreiheit an den chinesischen Bürgerrechtsaktivisten Hu Jia verliehen. Über die Preisverleihung hatten der Präsident des Europaparlaments, Hans-Gert Pöttering und die Chefs der Fraktionen gemeinsam entschieden. China hatte nach Angaben mehrerer Sprecher mit Briefen an Pöttering und die Fraktionschefs vor der Vergabe des Preises an den prominenten Dissidenten gewarnt. Die feierliche Preisübergabe ist am 17. Dezember geplant. Ob der in China inhaftierte Dissident dazu nach Straßburg kommen kann, ist ungewiss. Haftstrafe wegen "Aufrufs zu Subversion" Hu kämpft vor allem für Umweltschutz und gegen die Diskriminierung von Aids-Kranken. Im vergangenen November hatte er einem Ausschuss des Europaparlaments per Videokonferenz von Menschenrechtsverletzungen in China berichtet. Daraufhin wurde er festgenommen und wegen "Aufrufs zu Subversion" zu dreieinhalbjähriger Haft verurteilt. Auch Mandela ist Sacharow-Preisträger Der "Sacharow-Preis für Meinungsfreiheit" wurde vor 20 Jahren vom Europaparlament geschaffen. Mit ihm werden Menschen ausgezeichnet, die sich in besonderem Maß für Demokratie und Menschenrechte einsetzen. Im vergangenen Jahr ging die mit 50.000 Euro dotierte Auszeichnung an den sudanesischen Menschenrechtsanwalt Salih Mahmud Osman. Frühere Preisträger waren unter anderem der ehemalige südafrikanische Präsident und Anti-Apartheid-Kämpfer Nelson Mandela, der Vater des Prager Frühlings, Alexander Dubcek, der chinesische Dissident Wei Jingsheng und der kubanische Oppositionelle Oswaldo Payá. Hu setzte sich gegen zwei andere nominierte Kandidaten durch - den früheren weißrussischen Präsidentschaftskandidaten Alexander Kosulin und den Vorsitzenden der unabhängigen Wahlkommission von Kongo, Abbot Apollinaire Malu Malu. Stand: 23.10.2008 11:50 Uhr
Dem chinesischen Bürgerrechtler Hu Jia wurde am vergangenen Donnerstag vom Europäischen Parlament der „Sacharow-Preis für geistige Freiheit“ verliehen. Ob Hu den Preis jedoch am 17. Dezember persönlich entgegennehmen kann, ist fraglich. Er sitzt seit einem Dreivierteljahr in Peking im Gefängnis, weil er sich nach Auffassung eines chinesischen Gerichtes des „Aufrufs zu Subversion“ schuldig gemacht hat. China hatte der EU im Vorfeld mit Konsequenzen gedroht, sollte das EU-Parlament den Preis an Hu vergeben. Hu engagierte sich in China vor allem für Umweltschutz und Gesundheit. Als er vor einigen Jahren einen Aidsskandal aufdeckte, geriet er ins Visier der Regierung und wurde seit dem streng Überwacht. Eine geplante Reise von Hu und seiner Frau Zeng Jinyan, durch die sie einen Film veröffentlichen wollten, der ihre Situation zeigen sollte, wurde von der chinesischen Staatsführung verhindert. Sie wollten damit auf die prekäre Menschenrechtssituation im Zusammenhang mit den Olympischen Spielen aufmerksam machen. Nach einer Anhörung der EU über Internet im Dezember 2007, in der Hu die Vergabe der Olympischen Spiele an China als Menschenrechtskatastrophe bezeichnete, wurden er und seine Familie unter Hausarrest gestellt. Einige Zeit später wurde Hu von der Staatssicherheit verhaftet. Im April 2008 verurteilte ihn ein chinesisches Gericht trotz einer schweren Lebererkrankung zu einer dreieinhalbjährigen Haft und einem Jahr Aberkennung der politischen Rechte.
Sacharow-Preis für chinesischen Bürgerrechtler EU verärgert China mit Preis für Hu Der chinesische Dissident Hu erhält den diesjährigen "Sacharow-Preis für Meinungsfreiheit" des Europaparlaments. Ein Schlag gegen China - das im Vorfeld der Preisvergabe mit Konsequenzen für die EU gedroht hatte. Von Petra Aldenrath,ARD-Hörfunkstudio Peking Selber entgegennehmen kann der Menschenrechtler Hu Jia den "Sacharow-Preis" nicht. Hu sitzt seit einem dreiviertel Jahr in einem Pekinger Gefängnis. Er wurde 1973 geboren, ist also heute 35 Jahre alt. Seit langem beschäftigte er sich mit dem Umweltschutz und mit dem Thema Aids. Zum ersten Mal geriet Hu ins Visier der Staatssicherheit, nachdem er einen gigantischen Aidsskandal mit aufdeckte, den die Regierung vertuschen wollte. Das ist mehr als fünf Jahre her. Seitdem wurde Hu streng observiert und immer wieder unter Hausarrest gesetzt. Ehepaar Hu durfte nicht ins Ausland reisen Ein Jahr vor den Olympischen Spielen wollte Hu mit seiner Frau ins Ausland reisen und dort einen Film zeigen, der dokumentiert wie es ist, unter Bewachung zu leben. Das Ehepaar wurde an der Reise gehindert. Damals sagte Hu: "Wenn die internationale Gemeinschaft diesen Film sehen würde, dann hätte das vielleicht negative Auswirkungen auf die Olympischen Spiele 2008. Das will die chinesische Regierung nicht. Sie wollen die Olympischen Spiele nutzen, um zu zeigen, wie gerecht es hier zugeht, wie harmonisch unsere Gesellschaft ist. Deswegen werden zigtausend Menschen nun vor den Spielen inhaftiert oder unter Hausarrest gestellt." EU-Anhörung brachte Hu ins Gefängnis [Bildunterschrift: Sacharow-Preisträger Hu sitzt seit Dezember in einem Pekinger Gefängnis. ] Genau das passierte auch mit Hu. Im Dezember 2007 wurde er mit Hilfe einer Webkamera an einer Anhörung des Europäischen Parlaments zur Lage der Menschenrechte in China zugeschaltet. Er bezeichnete die Austragung der Olympischen Spiele in China als Menschenrechts- katastrophe. Bald darauf schlug die Staatssicherheit in einer Nacht- und Nebelaktion zu. Hu wurde verhaftet. Obwohl er schwer leberkrank ist, wurde er im April 2008 zu dreieinhalb Jahren Haft verurteilt. Sein Anwalt war geschockt. "Hu braucht medizinische Betreuung. Er hat heute vor Gericht kein Wort gesprochen. Es wurde nur das Urteil verkündet. Der Richter hat ihn auch nicht aufgefordert zu sprechen." Hu leidet an Leber-Krankheit Hu wurde ein halbes Jahr vor seiner Verhaftung Vater. Seine Frau und das Kind stehen bis heute unter Hausarrest. Um seine Frau von der Öffentlichkeit abzuschirmen, wurden ihr Telefone und Computer abgenommen. Wie der gesundheitliche Zustand ihres im Gefängnis sitzenden Mannes ist, ist nicht bekannt. Die chinesische Regierung wird die Vergabe des "Sacharow-Preises für Demokratie und Menschenrechte" an den inhaftierten Menschenrechtler Hu scharf ablehnen. Davon ist auszugehen. Sie hat bereits im Vorfeld der Preisvergabe damit gedroht, dass es den Beziehungen zwischen China und der EU ernsthaft schaden könne, wenn der Sacharow-Preis an den Dissidenten Hu verliehen würde. Stand: 23.10.2008 12:22 Uhr
Dem chinesischen Bürgerrechtler Hu Jia wurde am vergangenen Donnerstag vom Europäischen Parlament der „Sacharow-Preis für geistige Freiheit“ verliehen. Ob Hu den Preis jedoch am 17. Dezember persönlich entgegennehmen kann, ist fraglich. Er sitzt seit einem Dreivierteljahr in Peking im Gefängnis, weil er sich nach Auffassung eines chinesischen Gerichtes des „Aufrufs zu Subversion“ schuldig gemacht hat. China hatte der EU im Vorfeld mit Konsequenzen gedroht, sollte das EU-Parlament den Preis an Hu vergeben. Hu engagierte sich in China vor allem für Umweltschutz und Gesundheit. Als er vor einigen Jahren einen Aidsskandal aufdeckte, geriet er ins Visier der Regierung und wurde seit dem streng Überwacht. Eine geplante Reise von Hu und seiner Frau Zeng Jinyan, durch die sie einen Film veröffentlichen wollten, der ihre Situation zeigen sollte, wurde von der chinesischen Staatsführung verhindert. Sie wollten damit auf die prekäre Menschenrechtssituation im Zusammenhang mit den Olympischen Spielen aufmerksam machen. Nach einer Anhörung der EU über Internet im Dezember 2007, in der Hu die Vergabe der Olympischen Spiele an China als Menschenrechtskatastrophe bezeichnete, wurden er und seine Familie unter Hausarrest gestellt. Einige Zeit später wurde Hu von der Staatssicherheit verhaftet. Im April 2008 verurteilte ihn ein chinesisches Gericht trotz einer schweren Lebererkrankung zu einer dreieinhalbjährigen Haft und einem Jahr Aberkennung der politischen Rechte.
BEIJING, Oct. 23 (Xinhua) -- China voiced its strong dissatisfaction and stern opposition to an award from the European Union (EU) to a Chinese criminal. "We express strong dissatisfaction and stern opposition (to the award)," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang said in a written statement in response to the award on Thursday evening. The European Parliament (EP), a supervisory and consultative organ of the EU, announced on Thursday it would select Hu for the Sakharov Prize. On April 3, Hu was sentenced by the Beijing No. 1 Intermediate People's Court to 3.5 years imprisonment, with one year's deprivation of political rights. The verdict said Hu, an unemployed father aged 34 and the holder of a college degree, libeled the Chinese political and social systems, and instigated subversion of the state, which is a crime under Chinese law. "Hu is a convicted criminal who is now in jail for subverting the state", Qin said, noting the award to Hu, in disguise of "protecting the human rights," is fabricating facts and confusing truth and has fully exposed its political attempt to interfere in China's internal affairs and infringe upon the country's judicial sovereignty. "The fact has already proved and will continue to prove that such an act can neither change the fact of China's social development, nor deceive the European people," Qin said. Chinese FM: Nobel Peace Prize should go to the "right person" BEIJING, Sept. 25 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao said on Thursday that the Nobel Peace Prize should be awarded to the "right person".
Dem chinesischen Bürgerrechtler Hu Jia wurde am vergangenen Donnerstag vom Europäischen Parlament der „Sacharow-Preis für geistige Freiheit“ verliehen. Ob Hu den Preis jedoch am 17. Dezember persönlich entgegennehmen kann, ist fraglich. Er sitzt seit einem Dreivierteljahr in Peking im Gefängnis, weil er sich nach Auffassung eines chinesischen Gerichtes des „Aufrufs zu Subversion“ schuldig gemacht hat. China hatte der EU im Vorfeld mit Konsequenzen gedroht, sollte das EU-Parlament den Preis an Hu vergeben. Hu engagierte sich in China vor allem für Umweltschutz und Gesundheit. Als er vor einigen Jahren einen Aidsskandal aufdeckte, geriet er ins Visier der Regierung und wurde seit dem streng Überwacht. Eine geplante Reise von Hu und seiner Frau Zeng Jinyan, durch die sie einen Film veröffentlichen wollten, der ihre Situation zeigen sollte, wurde von der chinesischen Staatsführung verhindert. Sie wollten damit auf die prekäre Menschenrechtssituation im Zusammenhang mit den Olympischen Spielen aufmerksam machen. Nach einer Anhörung der EU über Internet im Dezember 2007, in der Hu die Vergabe der Olympischen Spiele an China als Menschenrechtskatastrophe bezeichnete, wurden er und seine Familie unter Hausarrest gestellt. Einige Zeit später wurde Hu von der Staatssicherheit verhaftet. Im April 2008 verurteilte ihn ein chinesisches Gericht trotz einer schweren Lebererkrankung zu einer dreieinhalbjährigen Haft und einem Jahr Aberkennung der politischen Rechte.
O filme Guerra dos Mundos arrecadou US$ 101,7 milhões em seus primeiros cinco dias de exibição nos Estados Unidos, disse a distribuidora Paramount, no domingo. Apesar de haver atraído uma grande audiência especialmente no fim de semana em que os americanos comemoram o Dia da Independência, o filme de ficção científica estrelado por Tom Cruise não superou o recorde de arrecadação do mesmo período do ano passado, que pertence a Homem-Aranha 2, com US$ 152 milhões. Guerra dos Mundos, dirigido por Steven Spielberg, teve uma arrecadação mundial de US$ 204,2 milhões até agora. As informações são de que o filme, adaptação de um romance de H.G. Wells, teve um custo de US$ 135 milhões. A publicidade ligada ao romance de Cruise com a atriz Katie Holmes e os comentários do ator sobre o culto a que pertence, a Cientologia, ameaçaram ofuscar a campanha promocional do filme. Mas Guerra dos Mundos recebeu críticas favoráveis. A maioria dos estúdios ainda não divulgou sua arrecadação no lucrativo fim de semana, mas havia uma expectativa de que o filme de Spielberg lideraria o período.
O novo filme de Steven Spielberg, ''Guerra dos Mundos'', teve estréia mundial na Quarta-feira (29 de junho) e em cinco dias faturou US$101 milhões. De acordo com a Paramount, o filme gerou 21,2 milhões na sua estréia, 14 milhões de dólares na quinta, 21,5 milhões na sexta, 22,7 milhões no sábado e 21,8 milhões no domingo. A ficção não conseguiu mais do que Homem-Aranha 2, que em cinco dias arrecadou US$152 milhões, nem o recordista ''Star Wars: A Vingança dos Sith'', com 157 milhões. É esperado que o filme arrecade ainda mais nesta segunda por conta do feriado de 4 de julho nos Estados Unidos. No filme, Tom Cruise tem que protejer seus filhos de uma invasão alienígena à Terra.
View larger image Liberal leadership candidates Bob Rae (right) and Stephan Dion listen as Gerard Kennedy responds to a question during an informal debate in Toronto, Tuesday Oct. 10, 2006. (CP / Adrian Wyld) Ignatieff skips debate, 3 others take best jabs News Staff Three of the top four Liberal leadership candidates took the stage in what turned out to be a congenial debate in Toronto on Tuesday, taking subtle jabs at frontrunner Michael Ignatieff while the real battle for the hearts and minds of delegates plays out away from the lights. Stephane Dion, Gerard Kennedy and Bob Rae discussed issues that ranged from Afghanistan to the environment in the first debate since "Super Weekend" earlier this month, when rank and file Liberals chose the 5,000 delegates who will get to pick their next leader. The Canadian Club of Toronto invited the top four candidates to address a luncheon today. But frontrunner Ignatieff, who has 30 per cent of delegate support thus far, declined to take part. "His camp would say participating in a debate where invitations are not extended to all the candidates would be doing a disservice and would be rude to the other (four) candidates," said Liberal strategist Scott Reid. "That's smart because he wants to flatter people whose support he would require for a later ballot." However, Reid said other camps would suggest that Ignatieff is avoiding a mix-up with the three contenders with the best chances of supplanting him at the Nov. 28 to Dec. 3 convention in Montreal. There will be significant pressure on Ignatieff on the party's final formal debate in Toronto on Oct. 15 -- the last big chance in the series of debates for the others to get at Ignatieff. But while the debates provide a forum for candidates to get their messages out, said CTV's Roger Smith, "it's part of the air war -- which isn't quite as important now as the ground war." The real challenge for these leadership contenders is to win over the 5,000 elected delegates who will pick the next Liberal leader, and convince them if their first choice is eliminated, "they're the best second choice." "Trying to build support, build momentum on later ballots -- that's really where this campaign is being fought now," said Smith. Meanwhile, the three candidates with Ignatieff square in their sights managed to compare themselves to the Harvard intellectual in today's debate without mentioning his name. On the war Taking up a common theme, Rae referred to Ignatieff's comparatively hawkish stance on Afghanistan and the Iraq war. Rae said Canada was "right not to go into Iraq," and said we must reconsider our mission in Afghanistan to make sure "Canada is, remains and always will be a voice for peace." Rae said diplomacy and aid should be given a much greater priority for the nation's troops. Rae also touted his 20 years experience as an elected politician and his 10 years in public policy -- a move to contrast his record with Ignatieff's rookie MP status, said Reid. All three candidates called on the Conservative government to readdress the nation's role in Afghanistan, and said other NATO nations need to match Canada's contribution. Kennedy described the turmoil in Afghanistan as coming from the economic reliance on opium, insufficient foreign aid. "Western nations had pledged for alternative economic development and not delivered. We cannot win hearts and minds if we're not filling their stomachs," he said. On spending While there were no dust-ups, the candidates did offer varying ideas on how to spend Canada's $13-billion surplus -- beyond paying the debt. Kennedy supported the surplus being used to reduce the debt. But he is against a GST cut that would take away money that should go towards creating programs to better integrate immigrants into the workforce, improving child care programs and making education accessible for all Canadians. Dion said the extra money should go into paying for debt, sustainable economic development and tax cuts -- the usual Liberal approach that "makes sense." But the Conservative GST cut, said Dion, is the "old way" of doing politics. Under Dion's environmental tax reform proposal, taxpayers would have to work for their credits by retrofitting their homes, or buying greener appliances and vehicles "in order to change society for good and for an economy (that creates) much less waste." Rae said the current law dictates that any surplus must go first toward debt reduction, but said Ottawa must also focus on the kinds of tax cuts that would increase productivity, reduce poverty and offset high energy prices. "The GST tax cut does not do that," said Rae. Poverty, said Rae, has "gone on far too long" in a country with such a strong economy, and the problem must be addressed directly by the federal government.
Canadian Liberal Leadership frontrunner Michael Ignatieff refused to attend a debate with all three frontrunners in Toronto, on Tuesday. Instead, Bob Rae, second place to Ignatieff in Leadership race, Stéphane Dion, and Gerard Kennedy attended. Ignatieff was invited to attend but refused to participate in the event. His spokeswoman described it as "arbitrarily restricted to perceived 'front-runners. She said Mr. Ignatieff wanted all eight candidates to be present. "We were approached several months ago by the Canadian Club-Empire Club to participate in a debate that was only to include Stéphane Dion, Bob Rae and Michael," said the Ignatieff statement. "We advised the organizers that we are not prepared to participate in a debate that was arbitrarily restricted to the perceived 'frontrunners'." The leadership campaigns were notified several months ago the event was being planned, with advice sought on scheduling for after the "Super Weekend." Ignatieff also offered to speak alone, but it did not happen. "His camp would say participating in a debate where invitations are not extended to all the candidates would be doing a disservice and would be rude to the other (four) candidates," said Liberal strategist Scott Reid. "That's smart because he wants to flatter people whose support he would require for a later ballot." However, Reid said other camps would suggest that Ignatieff is avoiding a mix-up with the three contenders with the best chances of supplanting him at the November 28 to December 3rd convention in Montreal. Ignatieff's name was only mentioned once in the whole debate. Mr. Rae, who spoke of Canada's perennial national unity difficulties as requiring practical, constructive solutions rather than "abstract, theoretical discussions to resolve the constitutional riddle," an allusion to Mr. Ignatieff's proposal to reopen the Constitution debate and have the province of Quebec recognised as a nation within Canada. "Trying to build support, build momentum on later ballots that's really where this campaign is being fought now," said ''CTV's'' Roger Smith. The party's final formal debate in Toronto on October 15 is the big chance for Ignatieff to get more supporters.
Free Digital Access Honda Indy, Taste of the Danforth among major events cancelled, as are summer camps; Air Canada plans to lay off at least 20,000 employees Ontario says data hitch means it did not just see the fewest cases since March; extends wage subsidy program to August; Ottawa to halt layoffs of thousands of medical researchers with $450 million in wage subsidies after Star asked questions about it.
Canadian Liberal Leadership frontrunner Michael Ignatieff refused to attend a debate with all three frontrunners in Toronto, on Tuesday. Instead, Bob Rae, second place to Ignatieff in Leadership race, Stéphane Dion, and Gerard Kennedy attended. Ignatieff was invited to attend but refused to participate in the event. His spokeswoman described it as "arbitrarily restricted to perceived 'front-runners. She said Mr. Ignatieff wanted all eight candidates to be present. "We were approached several months ago by the Canadian Club-Empire Club to participate in a debate that was only to include Stéphane Dion, Bob Rae and Michael," said the Ignatieff statement. "We advised the organizers that we are not prepared to participate in a debate that was arbitrarily restricted to the perceived 'frontrunners'." The leadership campaigns were notified several months ago the event was being planned, with advice sought on scheduling for after the "Super Weekend." Ignatieff also offered to speak alone, but it did not happen. "His camp would say participating in a debate where invitations are not extended to all the candidates would be doing a disservice and would be rude to the other (four) candidates," said Liberal strategist Scott Reid. "That's smart because he wants to flatter people whose support he would require for a later ballot." However, Reid said other camps would suggest that Ignatieff is avoiding a mix-up with the three contenders with the best chances of supplanting him at the November 28 to December 3rd convention in Montreal. Ignatieff's name was only mentioned once in the whole debate. Mr. Rae, who spoke of Canada's perennial national unity difficulties as requiring practical, constructive solutions rather than "abstract, theoretical discussions to resolve the constitutional riddle," an allusion to Mr. Ignatieff's proposal to reopen the Constitution debate and have the province of Quebec recognised as a nation within Canada. "Trying to build support, build momentum on later ballots that's really where this campaign is being fought now," said ''CTV's'' Roger Smith. The party's final formal debate in Toronto on October 15 is the big chance for Ignatieff to get more supporters.
FIVE TRADING DAYS FIVE TRADING DAYS Dow Jones industrial average, five days VOLATILE DAYS FOR DOW VOLATILE DAYS FOR DOW Dow Jones industrial average this month NEW YORK — Investors are getting enthusiastic about stocks again after some reassuring news on the job market. Stocks rose for a third straight day Thursday on the Labor Department's report of a larger than expected drop in the number of newly laid-off people lseeking unemployment benefits. The Dow Jones industrial average rose 121 points after climbing 275 Wednesday and advancing modestly Tuesday. The 4.7% gain in that time is the Dow's best three-day move since mid-May. WORLD STOCKS: Check foreign stocks CURRENCIES: Track euro, yuan rates COMMODITIES: Gold, oil prices The government said initial claims for jobless benefits fell last week to their lowest levels since early May. Claims fell to 454,000, better than the 465,000 forecast by economists polled by Thomson Reuters. The drop in claims halts at least temporarily a string of disappointing jobs reports. Those reports, including the government's June employment numbers, have contributed to a sharp pullback in stocks over the past few weeks. High unemployment has dragged down consumer confidence, which in turn has slowed spending. And because consumers account for about 70% of U.S. economic activity, the recovery is unlikely to gain much momentum unless consumers are working and feeling more secure about spending. Major retailers reported mixed June sales numbers after shoppers again spent cautiously. Analysts said stores were discounting heavily in order to bring customers in. Hank Smith, chief investment officer of equity at Haverford Investments in Radnor, Pa., said some investors have been worried about a so-called "double-dip" in the economy but that more recent data, including Thursday's jobs report, are a reminder that the recovery is continuing. "It's hard to see rolling into a double dip," he said. The Dow rose 120.71, or 1.2%, to 10,138.99. The Standard & Poor's 500 index rose 9.98, or 0.9%, to 1,070.25, while the Nasdaq composite index rose 15.93, or 0.7%, to 2,175.40. The Dow jumped back above 10,000 Wednesday. It was the second straight day of gains and the first back-to-back advance since the middle of June. Traders say the recent gains, which came after seven straight days of declines, were not tied to any one particular catalyst. Instead some investors jumped into the market thinking prices had been beaten down too much in the past couple of weeks. Interest rates rose in the Treasury market as investors sold bonds following the upbeat jobs report. Rates usually rise when there are signs the economy is improving because a stronger economy eventually leads to inflation. The yield on the 10-year Treasury note, which moves opposite its price, rose back above 3% to 3.03% from 2.99% late Wednesday. The yield on 10-year Treasurys helps determine the interest rate on mortgages and other consumer loans. About two stocks rose for every one that fell on the New York Stock Exchange, where volume came to 440 million shares, compared with 438 million shares traded at the same point Wednesday. Overseas markets rose after the International Monetary Fund raised its world growth estimate for the year to 4.6% from 4.2%. The climb also comes as the European Central Bank wrapped up a meeting where it kept a key interest rate unchanged. The euro rose to $1.2663, its highest level since May. The common currency used by 16 countries has been battered in recent months by waning confidence in the ability of weak European countries to manage their massive debt loads. Britain's FTSE 100 rose 1.8%, Germany's DAX index rose 0.7%, and France's CAC-40 gained 1.6%. Japan's Nikkei stock average jumped 2.8%. Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Guidelines: You share in the USA TODAY community, so please keep your comments smart and civil. Don't attack other readers personally, and keep your language decent. Use the "Report Abuse" button to make a difference. You share in the USA TODAY community, so please keep your comments smart and civil. Don't attack other readers personally, and keep your language decent. Use the "Report Abuse" button to make a difference. Read more
The Dow and S&P 500 rallied Wednesday after a modestly positive jobless claims report fueled investor's confidence in the future. The rose back up to 10,018.28 Wednesday, rising 275 points after the said initial jobless claims were lower than expected. The report, which showed a modest dip in initial jobless claims, was better than what a poll of economists had predicted. The economists, who were polled by , had predicted 465,000 initial jobless claims in the month ending July 3; the number the Labor Department released was 454,000. The four-week average of initial claims also fell 1,250 to 466,000, the Labor Department said on its website. Also, after the raised its 2010 world growth estimate to 4.6% from 4.2%, international markets rallied. The rallied along with the Dow, up 3.13% to 1,060.27. However, the stayed flat at 2,159.47.
Ausland Erdbeben in Haiti: Wasser für 30.000 Menschen Port au Prince - 17. Januar. Die Trinkwasserexperten des THW haben heute in der haitianischen Hauptstadt die Arbeit aufgenommen. Im Stadtgebiet von Port au Prince werden zurzeit die beiden Trinkwasseraufbereitungsanlagen (TWA) der Schnell-Einsatz-Einheit Wasser Ausland (SEEWA) aufgestellt. Die Leistung der beiden TWA ist auf die Versorgung von mindestens 30.000 Menschen ausgelegt. Jede Anlage kann pro Stunde 6.000 Liter Wasser aufbereiten. Zur Ausrüstung der SEEWA gehören neben den Trinkwasseraufbereitungsanlagen auch mobile Labore für Wasseranalysen und Ausstattung für die Reparatur von Wasserinfrastruktur. „Wir haben jetzt alle logistischen Hindernisse gemeistert und sind erleichtert, dass wir endlich mit der Arbeit anfangen können“, teilte THW-Einsatzleiter Michael Walsdorf nach dem Eintreffen der Anlagen am Samstagabend mit. Unterdessen hat das THW auf dem Gelände der Deutschen Botschaft eine kleine Einsatzzentrale eingerichtet. Von dort aus wird der Einsatz der Aufbereitungsanlagen gesteuert. Darüber hinaus unterstützt ein THW-Team auf Ersuchen des Auswärtigen Amtes die Botschaft bei der Koordinierung der deutschen Hilfe. In der Dominikanischen Republik unterstützt ein THW-Logistiker das Welternährungsprogramm (WFP). Die Vereinten Nationen haben in Santo Domingo einen Stützpunkt für die logistische Versorgung der Erdbebenregion eingerichtet. SEEWA steht für eine operativ-taktische Auslandseinheit, mit der das THW schnell auf aktuelle Gefahrenlagen im Bereich der Trinkwasserversorgung reagieren kann. Zu den Aufgaben der SEEWA zählen die Erkundung, die mobile Trinkwasseraufbereitung, die Wasseranalyse, technische Beratung und die Instandsetzung zerstörter Wasserversorgungssysteme. Zuletzt waren SEEWA-Teams nach den Katastrophen in Myanmar und China im Jahr 2008 im Einsatz. Zurzeit befinden sich fünf weitere THW-Einsatzkräfte auf dem Weg in die Katastrophenregion.
Die deutsche Katastrophenschutzorganisation Technisches Hilfswerk hat nach der erfolgreichen Absolvierung organisatorischer Vorbereitungen am Sonntag ihre Arbeit aufgenommen. In der haitianischen Hauptstadt Port-au-Prince hat die Schnell-Einsatz-Einheit Wasser Ausland (SEEWA), eine Organisationseinheit des THW, damit begonnen, zwei Trinkwasseraufbereitungsanlagen aufzubauen. Die beiden Anlagen können 30.000 Menschen mit hygienisch sauberem Trinkwasser versorgen. Nach THW-Angaben kann jede Anlage pro Stunde 6.000 Liter Wasser aufbereiten. Der Mangel an Wasser, Lebensmitteln und Medikamenten ist zurzeit das dringendste Problem in dem durch das Erdbeben zerstörten Land. Spiegel Online zitiert einen Überlebenden der Kleinstadt Léogâne: „Wir haben keine Hilfe, nichts. Kein Essen, kein Wasser, keine Medizin, keine Ärzte.“
Zerstörtes Haiti Helfer kämpfen sich in die Provinz vor Die Lage in Haitis Hauptstadt Port-au-Prince ist auch Tage nach dem Erdbeben katastrophal - es fehlt an allem. Nun arbeiten sich die Helfer in die Provinz vor, in manchen Regionen sind bis zu 90 Prozent der Häuser zerstört. Port au Prince - Manchmal passieren in Haiti Wunder. Eine deutsche Hotelbesitzerin konnte lebend aus den Trümmern ihres Gebäudes in Port-au-Prince gerettet werden, wie am Sonntag bekannt wurde. Ihr Ehemann berichtet, die 62-jährige Nadine Cardoso sei stark ausgetrocknet gewesen, aber unverletzt. Sie habe in einem Hohlraum überlebt und per Telefon eine SMS geschickt, so dass die Retter sie leichter finden konnten. Allerdings sind solche Berichte die Ausnahme. Fünf Tage nach dem Erdbeben in Haiti werden fast nur noch Leichen geborgen. Vielerorts wird das wahre Ausmaß der Katastrophe erst jetzt sichtbar. Neben der Hauptstadt Port-au-Prince sind ganze Landstriche verwüstet, vor allem im Süden und Westen des Karibikstaats. "Die Stadt Jacmel ist kaputt, viele Häuser liegen in Trümmern", sagte Haitis Botschafter Jean Robert Saget in Berlin. Der Länderdirektor des Kinderhilfswerks Plan International, Rezene Tesfamariam, bestätigt die Angaben: "60 Prozent der Gebäude in Jacmel sind zerstört, 24 Schulen sind eingestürzt oder stark beschädigt, die Krankenhäuser haben keinen Strom." Jacmel liegt im Süden Haitis. Am Samstag ist ein Team der Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe nach Jacmel gefahren. Nach Angaben von Pressesprecher Thommy Ramm brauchte der Trupp sieben Stunden für eine Wegstrecke, die normalerweise in zwei Stunden zu bewältigen ist. In der 35.000-Einwohner-Stadt sind 5000 Menschen in Notlagern untergebracht, die meisten leben auf der Straße. "Kein Essen, kein Wasser, keine Medizin" In Leogane, westlich von Port-au-Prince, sprach ein Reporter der britischen BBC von apokalyptischen Szenen. Fast jedes Gebäude ist zerstört, nach Uno-Angaben sind 90 Prozent der Häuser dem Erdboden gleichgemacht. "Hier ist das Epizentrum, und viele Tausende sind tot", sagte Uno-Vertreter David Orr laut BBC. Der Hilfskonvoi der Diakonie wollte auch nach Leogane fahren, konnte bisher aber noch nicht vordringen. Die Vereinten Nationen sprechen von der schlimmsten Katastrophe in ihrer Geschichte. Helfer berichten über einen logistischen Alptraum, die Hilfsgüter erreichen die Menschen nur schleppend. Ein Überlebender in Leogane sagt: "Wir haben keine Hilfe, nichts. Kein Essen, kein Wasser, keine Medizin, keine Ärzte." Nur mühsam dringen die Helfer in die entlegenen Teile des Landes vor. Straßen und Häfen sind zerstört, eine funktionierende Infrastruktur gab es in dem bitterarmen Land auch vor dem Erdbeben nicht. "Es gibt nichts, worauf wir bauen können", sagt Michael Kühn, Repräsentant der Deutschen Welthungerhilfe in Haiti. Das Uno-Kinderhilfswerk und weitere Organisationen haben nun mit der Verteilung von Trinkwasser begonnen. Einsatzkräfte aus Israel bauten innerhalb weniger Stunden ein Krankenhaus auf, in dem sie täglich bis zu 500 Patienten behandeln können. Die Vereinten Nationen errichteten 15 Zentren inner- und außerhalb von Port-au-Prince, um Hilfsgüter zu verteilen. Helfer aus Deutschland machen sich auf den Weg Mediziner der Hilfsorganisation "Ärzte ohne Grenzen" operieren Verletzte in einem Wettlauf gegen die Zeit. Erfahrene Mitarbeiter sagten, sie hätten noch nie so viele schwere Verletzungen auf einmal gesehen. Nur die dringendsten Fälle werden behandelt, Kaiserschnitte, Amputationen. "Innerhalb der nächsten 24 Stunden müssen etwa ein Drittel der Patienten unbedingt operiert werden, sonst sterben sie", sagte Jennifer Furin dem Nachrichtensender CNN. Als bekannt wurde, dass die Ärzte in Carrefour am Westrand von Port-au-Prince erste Hilfe leisteten, habe sich sofort eine Menschenmenge am Eingang des Gebäudes versammelt, berichtet ein Mitarbeiter. "Die Patienten kamen auf Handkarren oder wurden auf dem Rücken hingetragen." Viele Hilfsorganisationen schicken zusätzliche Helfer in das Katastrophengebiet. Ein Konvoi mit Mitarbeitern von insgesamt vier Hilfsorganisationen soll sich Montag am Düsseldorfer Flughafen auf den Weg machen. Allein für den Verein humedica fliegen acht Ärzte, zwei Krankenschwestern, zwei Rettungssanitäter und ein Apotheker nach Haiti. Der Malteser Hilfsdienst hat am Sonntag ein zweites medizinisches Team nach Haiti geschickt. Unterdessen ist eine mobile Gesundheitsstation des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes (DRK) in Haiti eingetroffen. An Bord befanden sich 200 Kisten Material und drei Geländewagen. Damit soll innerhalb weniger Stunden eine aus sieben Zelten bestehende Klinik aufgebaut werden. Dort können dann bis zu 250 Patienten am Tag ambulant versorgt werden, wie das DRK erklärte. Zur Klinik gehören ein Feldlabor, Apotheke, Wassertanks, Toiletten und Stromgeneratoren. Am Sonntag nahmen auch die Trinkwasserexperten des Technischen Hilfswerkes ihre Arbeit in Port-au-Prince auf und begann mit dem Aufbau zweier Trinkwasseraufbereitungsanlagen. Die Bonner Organisation Help hat ihren Nothilfefonds von 10.000 auf 100.000 Euro aufgestockt. "Die Spenden fließen", sagte ein Sprecher. Der Verein habe eine Medikamenten-Lieferung auf den Weg gebracht, mit der etwa 10.000 Menschen drei Monate lang medizinisch versorgt werden könnten. Zusätzlich stellt das Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) seine Satellitendaten zur Verfügung, um Hilfsorganisationen zu unterstützen. "Unsere Wissenschaftler haben aktuelle Karten für die Krisenregion erstellt", sagte eine DLR-Sprecherin am Samstag in Bonn. Hilfsorganisationen könnten darauf etwa erkennen, welche Straßen noch befahrbar sind oder auf welchen Flächen sie Soforthilfe-Einrichtungen aufbauen können. Clinton reist an, Ban mit "Botschaft der Hoffnung" Am Montag wird der ehemalige US-Präsident Bill Clinton in seiner Funktion als UN-Sonderbeauftragter für Haiti in den Karibikstaat reisen. Als Sondergesandter fühle er sich dem haitianischen Volk besonders verpflichtet sicherzustellen, dass die Hilfe "koordiniert und effizient bleibt", sagte Clinton am Sonntag. Nach Angaben seiner Stiftung wird Clinton in seinem Flugzeug Hilfsgüter wie Wasser, Lebensmittel, Medikamente und Stromgeneratoren mitbringen. Neben Gesprächen mit dem haitianischen Staatschef René Preval und Vertretern der Regierung und der internationalen Gemeinschaft seien auch Besuche bei den Helfern vor Ort geplant. Bereits am Sonntag hat UN-Generalsekretär Ban Ki Moon Port-au-Prince besucht und sprach vor dem Präsidentenpalast mit Überlebenden. Ban rief die Menschen auf, nicht den Mut zu verlieren. "Ich bin hier mit einer Botschaft der Hoffnung", sagte der Generalsekretär zu einer Gruppe von Männern und Jungen. Die Hilfe sei unterwegs. Im Mittelpunkt seines Aufenthalts in Haiti stünden drei Themen: So viele Leben wie möglich zu retten, die humanitäre Unterstützung zu verstärken und die Koordination der Hilfe sicherzustellen, hatte Ban vor seiner Abreise in New York gesagt. Deutsches Todesopfer stammt aus Hamburg Unterdessen ist ein erstes deutsches Todesopfer in Haiti bestätigt worden. Bei dem Toten handelt sich um einen jungen Mann aus Hamburg, sagte eine Sprecherin des Auswärtigen Amtes in Berlin. "Bild am Sonntag" berichtet, dass es sich um den 28-jährigen Christoph R. handeln könnte. Der junge Mann habe für eine Hamburger Exportfirma in dem Karibikstaat gearbeitet. Zum Zeitpunkt des Erdstoßes habe er auf der Terrasse eines Hotels in der Hauptstadt Port-au-Prince gestanden. Laut Auswärtigen Amt wurden 15 deutsche Staatsbürger inzwischen außer Landes gebracht. Das Personal der deutschen Botschaft in Port-au-Prince wurde in den vergangenen Tagen aufgestockt. In einer Sonderausgabe der ARD-Sendung "Anne Will" nannte Außenminister Guido Westerwelle die Anzahl der vermissten Deutschen in Haiti. "Es sind 23 deutsche Staatsbürger, bei denen wir noch nicht wissen, wo sie sind", sagte Westerwelle. Einige Stunden zuvor hatten noch 30 Deutsche in Haiti als vermisst gegolten. Zuvor hatte Westerwelle alle Bundesbürger aufgefordert, für die Erdbebenopfer zu spenden: "Die Katastrophe ist wirklich eine Katastrophe biblischen Ausmaßes." Auch Bundespräsident Horst Köhler nahm an der Sondersendung teil, bei der informiert und zum Spenden aufgerufen wurde. Am Dienstag folgt eine Spendengala von ZDF und "Bild"-Zeitung. Die Bundesregierung stockte ihre Erdbebenhilfe für Haiti um sechs Millionen auf 7,5 Millionen Euro auf. Derweil hat Haitis Regierung den Notstand in dem zerstörten Karibikstaat ausgerufen. Der Ausnahmezustand gelte bis Ende Januar, teilte ein haitianischer Minister am Sonntag in der Hauptstadt Port-au-Prince mit. Zudem gelte für den Zeitraum von einem Monat eine nationale Staatstrauer. Nach Angaben des Ministers wurden zudem 70.000 Leichen in Massengräbern beigesetzt. wal/AFP/dpa/apn Social Networks
Die deutsche Katastrophenschutzorganisation Technisches Hilfswerk hat nach der erfolgreichen Absolvierung organisatorischer Vorbereitungen am Sonntag ihre Arbeit aufgenommen. In der haitianischen Hauptstadt Port-au-Prince hat die Schnell-Einsatz-Einheit Wasser Ausland (SEEWA), eine Organisationseinheit des THW, damit begonnen, zwei Trinkwasseraufbereitungsanlagen aufzubauen. Die beiden Anlagen können 30.000 Menschen mit hygienisch sauberem Trinkwasser versorgen. Nach THW-Angaben kann jede Anlage pro Stunde 6.000 Liter Wasser aufbereiten. Der Mangel an Wasser, Lebensmitteln und Medikamenten ist zurzeit das dringendste Problem in dem durch das Erdbeben zerstörten Land. Spiegel Online zitiert einen Überlebenden der Kleinstadt Léogâne: „Wir haben keine Hilfe, nichts. Kein Essen, kein Wasser, keine Medizin, keine Ärzte.“
DECLARACIÓN DEL PRESIDENTE ÁLVARO URIBE VÉLEZ, DESDE BOLIVIA La Paz, 22 ene. (SNE).- La siguiente es la declaración emitida este domingo por el presidente de la República, Álvaro Uribe Vélez. “Acabo de tener una última conversación con el Alto Comisionado, doctor Luis Carlos Restrepo, él me dice que el Gobierno no puede revelar los nombres de los testigos, por el interés superior del país en la paz y en el acuerdo humanitario. En consecuencia el Gobierno no puede probar las declaraciones contra el Senador Pardo. En virtud de lo anterior, el Gobierno se retracta de esas declaraciones, le ofrece disculpas públicas al Senador Pardo, por mi conducto directamente, y tratará el tema con él en privado”.
El presidente de Colombia Álvaro Uribe Vélez, quien se encuentra en La Paz, Bolivia, ha dicho en un comunicado que se retracta de las acusaciones hechas contra el precandidato liberal Rafael Pardo a comienzos de la semana anterior. El martes pasado, Juan Manuel Santos, líder de uno de los partidos que apoya la reelección de Uribe, declaró que ''"Pardo los invitaba a las FARC a que se unieran a las fuerzas de oposición en contra del presidente Uribe en las próximas elecciones, porque si el presidente Uribe ganaba las próximas elecciones se perpetuaría en el poder".'' Pardo desmintió las acusaciones. El comunicado, publicado en la página de la Presidencia de la República, dice lo siguiente: ::''"Acabo de tener una última conversación con el Alto Comisionado para la Paz, doctor Luis Carlos Restrepo, él me dice que el Gobierno no puede revelar los nombres de los testigos, por el interés superior del país en la paz y en el acuerdo humanitario. En consecuencia el Gobierno no puede probar las declaraciones contra el Senador Pardo. En virtud de lo anterior, el Gobierno se retracta de esas declaraciones, le ofrece disculpas públicas al Senador Pardo, por mi conducto directamente, y tratará el tema con él en privado"''. Santos también se retractó en un comunicado: ::''Yo quiero también unirme al presidente y ofrecer a usted, a Claudia y a su familia mis más sinceras disculpas en lo que a mí me corresponde por los sinsabores que les haya causado. Que me sirva de lección en el futuro. Espero de veras que este lastimoso incidente quede superado y podamos retornar en la contienda electoral al debate de las ideas, de los programas y las soluciones a tantos problemas que todavía nos queda a los colombianos por resolver"''. En rueda de prensa, Pardo advirtió que ''"si funcionarios del alto gobierno se obstinan en demostrar la imposible existencia de testigos y hechos que no ocurrieron, reitero mi insistencia en que se presenten a la autoridad que competa sin mediar intereses distintos a la verdad"''.
Ir al Buscador El caso Pardo podría convertirse en un bumerán para el Gobierno El tiro por la culata Redacción Política Las acusaciones hechas desde la Casa de Nariño al senador y precandidato liberal Rafael Pardo, en el sentido de que habría buscado una alianza de oposición al presidente Uribe con las Farc, amenaza con convertirse un bumerán para el Gobierno. Conocidas las justificaciones para tales señalamientos, de voz del comisionado de Paz Luis Carlos Restrepo (ver recuadro), que en criterio de algunos analistas no tienen un piso sólido, hay quienes han comenzado a calcular el alto costo político que hasta podría costarle la cabeza al Comisionado. Algunos de los que se consideran uribistas ‘pura sangre’, como la representante Nancy Patricia Gutiérrez, ahora candidata al Senado por Cambio Radical, cree que Restrepo ya se ha equivocado muchas veces y quizás llegó la hora para el Presidente de evaluar ese tipo de situaciones. “Creo que el Comisionado debe reconocer que hubo ligereza al sacar a la luz pública unas pruebas que no están confirmadas”, dijo Gutiérrez. Con más cautela, el senador Mario Uribe, presidente de Colombia Democrática y primo del Primer Mandatario, también expresó sus reservas: “Supongo que se trata de un asunto serio y no me imagino al Gobierno jugando a la guerra sucia con una persona de las calidades de Rafael Pardo. Habrá que esperar una decisión judicial, y cuál sea la consecuencia posterior, es muy difícil saber si todo eso se devolverá o no contra el presidente Uribe”. Punto para Gaviria Lo cierto es que el caso que ahora se presenta con Pardo parece enmarcado, una vez más, dentro de una estrategia que de tiempo atrás viene utilizando el Gobierno y que siempre busca descalificar a sus contradictores, más aún en momentos en que la temperatura política se encuentra al máximo tras la expulsión de cinco congresistas de Cambio Radical y el Partido de la U por presuntos nexos con grupos paramilitares. Para Armando Novoa, director del Centro de Estudios Constitucionales –Plural–, el ataque contra Pardo es una manera de buscar acallar las críticas constantes y duras que ha hecho el ex presidente Gaviria, quien prácticamente tomó como caballito de batalla la relación Gobierno-‘paras’ para cuestionar al Gobierno. “Los ‘paras’ están en las listas uribistas y el presidente Uribe no ha salido hasta ahora a rechazar públicamente esos apoyos”, le dijo hace poco el ex mandatario a El Espectador. Novoa considera que “ante la falta de claridad en las acusaciones y la falta de pruebas, lo único que se logró es fortalecer a Pardo y de paso crear una nueva relación de fuerzas de cara a la consulta interna del Partido Liberal”. En efecto, los rumores, tan habituales en estos tiempos de campaña electoral, dicen que Rafael Pardo es visto en la Casa de Nariño como un contendor de peso para la empresa reeleccionista del presidente Uribe, la cual prefiere tener como rival a Serpa, porque “está ya quemado y se le gana fácil en primera vuelta”. Esos mismos rumores son los que hablan de un posible retiro de los precandidatos Rodrigo Rivera y Andrés González para adherir a la precandidatura de Pardo, con el fin de ganarle a Serpa la consulta liberal. Si bien tanto Rivera como González han expresado su apoyo a Pardo, también han aclarado que no declinarán sus aspiraciones y seguirán hasta el final. Otro efecto es el fortalecimiento de Gaviria en la jefatura única de la colectividad roja, teniendo en cuenta que todos los precandidatos cerraron filas a su alrededor, algo que de paso favorece la organización del Partido, no sólo frente a la campaña presidencial sino también pensando en las elecciones parlamentarias, en las que los uribistas siguen estando muy dispersos y encartados con las denuncias sobre nexos de algunos aspirantes con grupos de Autodefensa. Incluso, como lo expresó el senador Samuel Moreno, presidente del Polo Democrático Alternativo, lo de Pardo no es más que “una cortina de humo para desviar la atención de la opinión pública frente al problema que tienen las listas uribistas para expulsar a congresistas señalados de tener nexos con el paramilitarismo”. Con todo este escenario, el ex presidente Gaviria ha enfilado sus baterías buscando capitalizar a su favor los acontecimientos. “Todo no es más que una mentira perversa. A mí me duele mucho como colombiano que el juego sucio de la política venga de la Presidencia de la República. Me parece muy grave que desde allí se promuevan este tipo de informaciones falsas, porque al único que le hace daño es al país y no al Partido Liberal”, aseguró recientemente. Y luego advirtió: “La gente se va a dar cuenta de las acciones sistemáticas del Presidente contra el Partido Liberal. Pero las va a llevar tan lejos como se lo permitamos y no se lo vamos a permitir”. ¿Palacio en campaña? Otro toro que tendrá que capotear el Gobierno tiene que ver con las múltiples acusaciones de haber convertido el Palacio Presidencial en sede de campaña. El presidente del Consejo Nacional Electoral, Guillermo Mejía, aseguró que, en efecto, “en la Casa de Nariño se está violando la Ley de Garantías, que prohíbe las proclamas políticas desde el Palacio de Gobierno”, por lo que además pidió investigar la conducta del presidente Uribe. En su concepto, la visita de políticos y aspirantes al Congreso a la sede presidencial y las declaraciones que desde allí se entregan son hechos muy preocupantes y que el “responsable” de esa omisión “es el Primer Mandatario”. Para Antonio Navarro, precandidato del Polo, comienzan a hacerse evidentes síntomas claros de abuso de autoridad. “Están haciendo campaña desde el Palacio de Nariño, lo cual está prohibido expresamente por la Corte Constitucional. El presidente Uribe se está pasando por la faja esa prohibición”. Navarro es de los que cree también que todo lo sucedido, lo de Pardo y la expulsión de candidatos de las listas uribistas, son hechos que jugarán en contra del Gobierno y su intención de reelección. Pasarán días para saber las conclusiones de todo lo sucedido, aunque la inconformidad en las huestes uribistas es evidente y hay quienes han dicho: “Parecemos jugando a perder”. Lo que dijo el Comisionado “Supe el día 2 de enero de 2006 de una propuesta que habría sido enviada por el senador Pardo a las Farc, la que según información recibida, iba consignada en un CD. De este hecho tiene conocimiento y es testigo directo un familiar de una de las personas secuestradas, cuyo nombre no hago público por no poner en riesgo la seguridad de la persona que se encuentra retenida. En dicha propuesta se habla de las consecuencias que se derivarían de un triunfo en las elecciones de marzo de las listas de los seguidores del presidente Uribe, pues en tal caso, y reproduzco las palabras que escuché, ‘habría Uribe para mucho rato’. Por tal motivo era urgente concertar una cita entre el senador y las Farc para analizar la posibilidad de una acción conjunta”. La respuesta de Rafael Pardo “Las supuestas pruebas que hizo públicas el Comisionado de Paz no aportan ningún elemento de juicio que resista el más mínimo análisis. Se trata de versiones de oídas originadas en miembros de las Farc. Lo que resulta inaudito es que el Gobierno considere como válidos rumores originados en guerrilleros a los que públicamente ha calificado como ladrones, bufones, terroristas, facinerosos y asesinos. De las Farc yo espero calumnias aún peores que ésta, pero del presidente Uribe, el comisionado Restrepo y Juan Manuel Santos, espero seriedad y apego a la ley y a las buenas prácticas políticas. Aun siendo presidente de la Comisión de Paz del Senado, nunca tuve contacto directo o indirecto con grupos al margen de la ley. No puede ser que los que hemos realizado propuestas públicas sobre el acuerdo humanitario seamos calificados de amigos de la guerrilla”.
El presidente de Colombia Álvaro Uribe Vélez, quien se encuentra en La Paz, Bolivia, ha dicho en un comunicado que se retracta de las acusaciones hechas contra el precandidato liberal Rafael Pardo a comienzos de la semana anterior. El martes pasado, Juan Manuel Santos, líder de uno de los partidos que apoya la reelección de Uribe, declaró que ''"Pardo los invitaba a las FARC a que se unieran a las fuerzas de oposición en contra del presidente Uribe en las próximas elecciones, porque si el presidente Uribe ganaba las próximas elecciones se perpetuaría en el poder".'' Pardo desmintió las acusaciones. El comunicado, publicado en la página de la Presidencia de la República, dice lo siguiente: ::''"Acabo de tener una última conversación con el Alto Comisionado para la Paz, doctor Luis Carlos Restrepo, él me dice que el Gobierno no puede revelar los nombres de los testigos, por el interés superior del país en la paz y en el acuerdo humanitario. En consecuencia el Gobierno no puede probar las declaraciones contra el Senador Pardo. En virtud de lo anterior, el Gobierno se retracta de esas declaraciones, le ofrece disculpas públicas al Senador Pardo, por mi conducto directamente, y tratará el tema con él en privado"''. Santos también se retractó en un comunicado: ::''Yo quiero también unirme al presidente y ofrecer a usted, a Claudia y a su familia mis más sinceras disculpas en lo que a mí me corresponde por los sinsabores que les haya causado. Que me sirva de lección en el futuro. Espero de veras que este lastimoso incidente quede superado y podamos retornar en la contienda electoral al debate de las ideas, de los programas y las soluciones a tantos problemas que todavía nos queda a los colombianos por resolver"''. En rueda de prensa, Pardo advirtió que ''"si funcionarios del alto gobierno se obstinan en demostrar la imposible existencia de testigos y hechos que no ocurrieron, reitero mi insistencia en que se presenten a la autoridad que competa sin mediar intereses distintos a la verdad"''.
Egypt Bashing the Muslim Brothers Aug 30th 2007 | CAIRO From The Economist print edition Egypt's rulers are giving their Islamist compatriots an even worse time than usual AP THERE are understandable reasons not to love the Muslim Brotherhood. Egypt's oldest and largest Islamist group did eschew violence in the 1970s, and now proclaims a belief in freedom, democracy and the rule of law. Yet the Brothers still declare that death in the cause of God is a wonderful thing. Their enthusiasm for violent jihad and their constant framing of Islam as a faith threatened by vicious enemies have helped spawn more radical Islamist groups, from Hamas in Palestine to the suicidal mass-killing zealots of Iraq. This is why quite a few Egyptians nodded agreement when their president, Hosni Mubarak, recently chided the Brothers for “hiding behind religion to turn back the clock”. Some have even applauded the past few months' heavy crackdown on the group, which has resulted in some 600 arrests. But even staunch secularists found their credibility strained when another top official charged the Brothers with spreading “rumours” of torture by Egypt's police, in order to undermine the state. The trouble is that the tales of human-rights abuse, endured not just by Islamist agitators but by ordinary citizens, smell a bit stronger than rumour. A report earlier this month by the Egyptian Organisation for Human Rights, a secular-leaning lobby, details some 567 cases of police torture in the past 14 years, of which 167 led to the victim's death. Noting that these were merely the rare cases it could document thoroughly, the group concluded that torture is practised systematically in every place of detention in every part of Egypt, “from Alexandria to Aswan”. In the past month alone, some shocking allegations have been aired. The family of a 13-year-old boy in the Nile Delta claims their emaciated child was found dumped in the street after a week in the local police station, covered in burns, cuts and bruises, and died four days later. A citizen in the oasis of Siwa insists that policemen trying to force him to confess to a robbery drenched him in kerosene and set him alight. In Cairo, the wife of a man who had tried to press charges against a policeman for stealing his mobile phone says that fellow officers took revenge by bursting into their fourth-floor flat, beating her husband to death, then hurling him from the window. Police say he jumped. With its interior ministry employing, by some estimates, 1.4m people, from uniformed patrolmen to the more powerful but less accountable plain-clothes officers of the State Security Investigations branch, Egypt is one of the world's most heavily policed countries. Its 75m people enjoy relative freedom from crime. But recent years have seen growing public discomfort with the force, which is widely seen as more concerned with squashing dissent and easing the passage of official motorcades than with protecting citizens. So the current campaign against the Brotherhood, which remains officially outlawed despite members having won a fifth of seats in the last parliamentary elections as independents, has brought the group widespread sympathy. Aside from the mass arrests, the crackdown has included the transfer of some 40 leaders to trial before military courts, bans on travel for other leaders, confiscation of personal assets, and harassment of Brotherhood-affiliated schools, summer camps and clinics. Such punishment has several causes. Many cite the erosion of pressure for democratic reform from Egypt's key ally, the United States, along with fears generated by the electoral success of groups elsewhere such as Hamas. More immediately pressing, however, are local concerns, such as the Brotherhood's declared intention to challenge a recently imposed constitutional ban on religiously based political parties, by issuing a full-fledged legislative platform. The document's preliminary versions suggest that the group wants to capitalise not only on Egypt's strong and growing religious conservatism but also on public anger at the government's perceived indifference to the country's myriad social ills. Another common explanation for the squeeze on the Brothers is the regime's wish to secure its hold in the lead-up to the eventual departure of Mr Mubarak, who has ruled for the past 26 of his 79 years. A long-standing rumour is that the ground is being prepared for his 44-year-old son, Gamal, an avowed free-market moderniser, to succeed him. A more recent whisper is that the senior Mubarak, whose public appearances have grown markedly less frequent, is unwell. But those are real rumours, fanned by millions of irreverent text messages, not pretend ones. Back to top »
Egyptian flag. The Muslim Brotherhood, the largest Sunni Muslim political group, and also an influential Egyptian association, has been under pressure from the Egyptian government. Founded in 1928 in Egypt, the Brotherhood grew to approximately 2 million strong in the 1940s. Soon the Brotherhood was at odds with the government, and one of their members even assassinated the prime minister. Soon after the Brotherhood founder and leader Hassan al-Banna was assassinated, possibly by a government agent. Tensions with the government have not eased in succeeding years. Although the Brotherhood shuns terrorist violence, it also promotes Jihad. Tensions with the government also arise from the Brotherhood's support of labor rights and political freedom. The brotherhood is at times critical of the government. The Muslim Brotherhood currently participates in the government; even though they are adversarial towards it, they are the largest opposition party, with 20% of Parliament. However, the Brotherhood has been officially banned for much of the time since 1954, so all of its political members are forced to run as independents. Recently the Egyptian government has resumed suppression of many Brotherhood activities. As many as 600 Brotherhood members have been arrested since it began. As many as four are believed to have been kidnapped or murdered, as the government had not announced their arrests until recently. The Egyptian government has even arrested 6 members of Parliament. The Brotherhood is on the defensive on all of this. Regarding 4 of the members of parliament imprisoned the Brotherhood lawyer has said, "But they had nothing at all to do with this mess ... and the people questioning them know this, they're certain of this." The Economist speculates that the reason for this recent crackdown by the government is to create a more accepting climate for the rumored inauguration of the current president's son, Gamal Mubarak.
CAIRO, Aug 30 (Reuters) - Four Muslim Brotherhood members have been brought before Egyptian prosecutors, ending weeks of uncertainty over their fate, their lawyer said on Thursday. Families of the four Alexandria men had not been able to obtain information about their whereabouts since they were picked up by police in July. An Interior Ministry spokesman had said at the time that he had no information about them. Brotherhood lawyer Abdel Moniem Abdel Maqsoud told Reuters the men were questioned by prosecutors on Tuesday and charged with membership of a terrorist group, which the men deny. He said they were in Tora prison south of Cairo. Egyptian police regularly hold members of the Islamist movement without charge for months at a time, but it is rare for the government not to acknowledge who it is holding and where. Abdel Maqsoud said the men were being questioned along with a number of non-Egyptian Arab nationals detained in June and accused of having contacts with al Qaeda. He said he believed one of the Brotherhood members, Mohamed Assem Mohamed, was related to a Libyan who was among the foreign nationals detained, and that police may have rounded up Mohamed and three Brotherhood students based on that connection. Abdel Maqsoud, who planned to fight the men's detention, said the men had acknowledged being members of the Brotherhood. "But they had nothing at all to do with this mess ... and the people questioning them know this, they're certain of this." Egyptian authorities are holding several hundred members of the Brotherhood, mostly without charge, as part of a crackdown that started late last year. The government calls the Brotherhood an illegal organisation but its members hold 88 seats in parliament and the group, which seeks an Islamic state through democratic elections, can operate with some limited freedom.
Egyptian flag. The Muslim Brotherhood, the largest Sunni Muslim political group, and also an influential Egyptian association, has been under pressure from the Egyptian government. Founded in 1928 in Egypt, the Brotherhood grew to approximately 2 million strong in the 1940s. Soon the Brotherhood was at odds with the government, and one of their members even assassinated the prime minister. Soon after the Brotherhood founder and leader Hassan al-Banna was assassinated, possibly by a government agent. Tensions with the government have not eased in succeeding years. Although the Brotherhood shuns terrorist violence, it also promotes Jihad. Tensions with the government also arise from the Brotherhood's support of labor rights and political freedom. The brotherhood is at times critical of the government. The Muslim Brotherhood currently participates in the government; even though they are adversarial towards it, they are the largest opposition party, with 20% of Parliament. However, the Brotherhood has been officially banned for much of the time since 1954, so all of its political members are forced to run as independents. Recently the Egyptian government has resumed suppression of many Brotherhood activities. As many as 600 Brotherhood members have been arrested since it began. As many as four are believed to have been kidnapped or murdered, as the government had not announced their arrests until recently. The Egyptian government has even arrested 6 members of Parliament. The Brotherhood is on the defensive on all of this. Regarding 4 of the members of parliament imprisoned the Brotherhood lawyer has said, "But they had nothing at all to do with this mess ... and the people questioning them know this, they're certain of this." The Economist speculates that the reason for this recent crackdown by the government is to create a more accepting climate for the rumored inauguration of the current president's son, Gamal Mubarak.
Ipea revela que 20% dos rendimentos vieram dos profissionais em home office Análise mostra a evolução do trabalho remoto no país com recorte regional, por escolaridade, faixa etária, gênero e raça/cor O Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea) divulgou nesta quinta-feira (19) um retrato do trabalho remoto no Brasil. Em setembro, aproximadamente 8 milhões de pessoas seguiam trabalhando em home office, o que representa 10,7% dos 82,9 milhões de pessoas ocupadas e não afastadas. Os profissionais em trabalho remoto foram remunerados em R$ 35,5 bilhões no mês, ou seja, 20% dos R$ 176,7 bilhões que correspondem à massa total de rendimentos efetivamente recebida por todas as pessoas ocupadas no país. O estudo mostrou que, em setembro, a maioria das pessoas em trabalho remoto no Brasil era do sexo feminino (57%), da cor branca (65,4%), com nível superior completo (76,1%) e idade entre 30 e 39 anos (31,6%). Há um predomínio do setor formal no trabalho remoto (84,1%), que equivale a 6,8 milhões de pessoas, enquanto os outros 15,9% dos trabalhadores estavam na informalidade (1,3 milhões de pessoas). Na desagregação por atividade, 44,4% das pessoas em home office estavam em atividades de serviços, 37,7% no setor público, 7% na indústria e 5,2% no comércio. De acordo com os pesquisadores, a maior concentração de pessoas trabalhando remotamente estava na Região Sudeste (58,3%). Na análise por unidade federativa, o Distrito Federal liderava o ranking (com 12,6 p.p. acima da média nacional), seguido por Rio de Janeiro (+ 6,5 p.p.) e São Paulo (+ 4.6 p.p). O Pará foi o estado com o menor percentual de pessoas ocupadas e não afastadas em trabalho remoto (7,6 p.p. abaixo da média nacional). Para o pesquisador Geraldo Góes, um dos autores do estudo, “o trabalho remoto pode ser caracterizado como um importante segmento da economia, sinalizando uma possível tendência pós-pandemia e a necessidade de aperfeiçoamento da legislação sobre o tema”. Góes ressaltou que a massa de rendimentos dos trabalhadores em home office (20%) corresponde aos rendimentos gerados pelo setor público nacional que não está em tele trabalho (16,1%). As estimativas do estudo intitulado O Trabalho Remoto e a Massa de Rendimentos na Pandemia foram calculadas com base na Pnad Covid-19, divulgada pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). Acesse aqui a íntegra do estudo. Assessoria de Imprensa e Comunicação (21) 99959-2001 / (21) 99256-5208 (61) 99427-4553 Este endereço de e-mail está protegido contra spambots. Você deve habilitar o JavaScript para visualizá-lo.
Uma pesquisa feita em novembro de 2020 pelo Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada () apontou que cerca de 76% das pessoas que trabalham em sistema de "home office" têm nível superior completo. A pesquisa, que também havia sido feita em meses anteriores, também demonstrou que 57,8% das pessoas em trabalho remoto eram mulheres, 65,3% eram da cor branca e 31,8% apresentavam idade entre 30 e 39 anos. Se estes índices pouco mudaram em 2020, o estudo demonstrou que o número de trabalhadores em "home office" diminuiu nos últimos meses, sendo de 7,3 milhões de pessoas em novembro passado, o que representa 9,1% dos 80,2 milhões de trabalhadores ocupados e não afastados. Meses antes, em setembro de 2020, eram cerca de 8 milhões os brasileiros trabalhando remotamente. O estudo utilizou dados da Pnad Covid-19, divulgados pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). '''Perfil por região''' A maior concentração de pessoas trabalhando remotamente em novembro passado permanecia no Sudeste (58,3%). Na análise da distribuição regional do "home office", Distrito Federal, Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo concentravam os maiores percentuais de pessoas nessa situação: 20%, 15,6% e 13,1%, respectivamente. Em contrapartida, os menores percentuais foram observados no Pará (3,1%), no Amazonas (3,5%) e no Mato Grosso (3,8%). Também com base nos dados da ''Pnad Covid-19'', os pesquisadores calcularam o Índice de Gini, utilizado para medir a desigualdade, do rendimento de todos os trabalhos remotos, por Unidade da Federação. Eles concluíram que, de modo geral, os estados do Nordeste, Sudeste e Sul, somados ao Amapá e Pará apresentaram os maiores índices de desigualdade, enquanto os estados do Centro-Oeste registraram os menores índices.
Home office concentrou 17,4% do total de rendimentos do trabalho em novembro Estudo mostra que Distrito Federal, Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo tiveram os maiores percentuais de profissionais em trabalho remoto O Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea) divulgou nesta terça-feira (2) um estudo sobre o trabalho remoto no país durante a pandemia de Covid-19. Em novembro de 2020, o percentual de pessoas em home office seguiu em redução, atingindo 7,3 milhões de pessoas trabalhando remotamente., o que representa 9,1% dos 80,2 milhões de ocupados e não afastados. A remuneração desses profissionais somou R$ 32 bilhões, que corresponde a 17,4% dos R$ 183,5 bilhões da massa de rendimentos efetivamente recebida por todos os ocupados no país. No mês de outubro, 9,6% das pessoas ocupadas e não afastadas foram responsáveis por 18,5% da massa de rendimentos. O perfil dos trabalhadores em home office segue estável desde a primeira análise, feita com base nos dados de maio de 2020. Em novembro, 57,8% das pessoas em trabalho remoto eram mulheres, 65,3% eram da cor branca, 76% tinham nível superior completo e 31,8% apresentavam idade entre 30 e 39 anos. Permanece o predomínio do setor formal no teletrabalho, que equivale a 6,2 milhões de pessoas (84,8% do total), enquanto os outros 15,2% dos trabalhadores em home office estavam na informalidade (1,1 milhão de pessoas). Na distribuição da massa de rendimentos por atividade, 30% da massa de rendimentos foi gerada por pessoas no setor de serviços que não estavam em home office, 16,4% no setor público, 14,7% na indústria e 10,7% no comércio. Como as pessoas em trabalho remoto foram responsáveis por 17,4% da massa em novembro, pode-se dizer que a contribuição delas é similar à registrada pelos trabalhadores da indústria ou do setor público. Segmentando as pessoas em trabalho remoto pelo setor de atuação, em novembro, o Brasil tinha 2,85 milhões de pessoas trabalhando remotamente no setor público e 4,48 milhões no setor privado. Ou seja, 38,9% das pessoas em home office estavam no setor público, o que corresponde ao maior percentual observado desde o início da análise. O estudo apresentado nesta terça utilizou dados da Pnad Covid-19, divulgados pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). Porém, esta foi a última análise desse tipo feita pelo IBGE. “Essa nota encerra um ciclo que nos permitiu fazer um retrato do trabalho remoto no país”, afirmou Geraldo Góes, um dos autores da pesquisa intitulada O Trabalho Remoto e a Pandemia: o que a Pnad Covid-19 nos mostrou. Perfil por região A maior concentração de pessoas trabalhando remotamente permanece no Sudeste (58,3%). Na análise da distribuição regional do home office, Distrito Federal, Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo concentram os maiores percentuais de pessoas nessa situação: 20%, 15,6% e 13,1%, respectivamente. Em contrapartida, os menores percentuais foram observados no Pará (3,1%), no Amazonas (3,5%) e no Mato Grosso (3,8%). Também com base nos dados da Pnad Covid-19, os pesquisadores calcularam o Índice de Gini, utilizado para medir a desigualdade, do rendimento de todos os trabalhos remotos, por Unidade da Federação. Eles concluíram que, de modo geral, os estados do Nordeste, Sudeste e Sul, somados ao Amapá e Pará apresentaram os maiores índices de desigualdade, enquanto os estados do Centro-Oeste registraram os menores índices. Acesse a íntegra do estudo Assessoria de Imprensa e Comunicação (21) 99959-2001 / (21) 99256-5208 (61) 99427-4553 Este endereço de e-mail está protegido contra spambots. Você deve habilitar o JavaScript para visualizá-lo.
Uma pesquisa feita em novembro de 2020 pelo Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada () apontou que cerca de 76% das pessoas que trabalham em sistema de "home office" têm nível superior completo. A pesquisa, que também havia sido feita em meses anteriores, também demonstrou que 57,8% das pessoas em trabalho remoto eram mulheres, 65,3% eram da cor branca e 31,8% apresentavam idade entre 30 e 39 anos. Se estes índices pouco mudaram em 2020, o estudo demonstrou que o número de trabalhadores em "home office" diminuiu nos últimos meses, sendo de 7,3 milhões de pessoas em novembro passado, o que representa 9,1% dos 80,2 milhões de trabalhadores ocupados e não afastados. Meses antes, em setembro de 2020, eram cerca de 8 milhões os brasileiros trabalhando remotamente. O estudo utilizou dados da Pnad Covid-19, divulgados pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). '''Perfil por região''' A maior concentração de pessoas trabalhando remotamente em novembro passado permanecia no Sudeste (58,3%). Na análise da distribuição regional do "home office", Distrito Federal, Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo concentravam os maiores percentuais de pessoas nessa situação: 20%, 15,6% e 13,1%, respectivamente. Em contrapartida, os menores percentuais foram observados no Pará (3,1%), no Amazonas (3,5%) e no Mato Grosso (3,8%). Também com base nos dados da ''Pnad Covid-19'', os pesquisadores calcularam o Índice de Gini, utilizado para medir a desigualdade, do rendimento de todos os trabalhos remotos, por Unidade da Federação. Eles concluíram que, de modo geral, os estados do Nordeste, Sudeste e Sul, somados ao Amapá e Pará apresentaram os maiores índices de desigualdade, enquanto os estados do Centro-Oeste registraram os menores índices.
O jornal Folha de S.Paulo revelou que o casal Leonardo de Carvalho Leal e Mayara Stelle, de Ponta Grossa, vivem de auxílio emergencial, tem formação em Direito e são as pessoas por trás do perfil Sleeping Giants Brasil. O DCM entrevistou o Sleeping Giants em 22 de maio de 2020, quando eles começaram a desmonetizar páginas bolsonaristas. Na época, eles mantiveram suas identidades em segredo. Confira a entrevista. Matt Rivitz, o dono da página internacional da Sleeping Giants, foi exposto por sites internacionais próximos de Steve Bannon, diz o El País. Graças às denúncias, o site de extrema direita Breitbart News perdeu mais de oito milhões de euros (50,7 milhões de reais) em publicidade por culpa dessa conta no Twitter que atua desde 2016. O papel do Sleeping é essencialmente denunciar, sobretudo para grandes empresas, onde a publicidade programática delas, que é automática, está sendo veiculada. Muitas companhias não sabem ou fazem vista grossa para suas divulgações em sites que fabricam fake news. Inspirados pelo Sleeping Giants americano, um perfil brasileiro surgiu denunciando o site bolsonarista Jornal da Cidade Online. Empresas como a Dell, de tecnologia, sofreram uma pressão para retirar anúncios dessa página que atacava juízes e ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal para circular entre perfis, fakes ou não, de bolsonarista. A página bolsonarista chegou a ter mais de 900 anunciantes em publicidade de acordo com o UOL. O Sleeping Giants Brasil chegou a tirar anúncios do Banco do Brasil do site, entre outras empresas, mas uma pressão de Carlos Bolsonaro forçou o BB a voltar com seus banners. Para entender melhor essa história, o DCM entrevistou o Sleeping Giants Brasil, que pediu para manter sua identidade em sigilo. Diário do Centro do Mundo: Como surgiu a ideia de criar o perfil brasiileiro do Sleeping Giants no Brasil? A articulação para criação do perfil demorou muito tempo? Sleeping Giants Brasil: A ideia surgiu através de uma matéria, do El País, sobre o movimento nos Estados Unidos. Adoramos a solução encontrada pelo Matt para, literalmente, quebrar o financiamento do discurso de ódio e sabiamos que o Brasil necessitava de algo parecido. A articulação para criação do perfil demorou aproximadamente 10 minutos após a leitura da matéria. Foi tudo muito rápido e passei a noite toda em claro de segunda ativo. Só paramos quando em menos de 24 horas já tínhamos batido 10 mil seguidores! DCM: Vocês temem pela segurança de vocês caso a identidade de vocês seja revelada? SGB: Tememos, já aconteceu isso com o perfil americano e a família dele foi muito atacada. Mexemos com pessoas perigosas. Isso é personificado no Brasil pelo gabinete do ódio e torcemos pela condenação destes, se realmente for possível, na CPI da Fake News. DCM: Vocês consideram que o trabalho de vocês é um complemento para a verificação de fatos, que mostram as fake news na internet? SGB: Sim, acreditamos que toda ajuda é muito bem-vinda quando o quesito é combater desinformação. Buscamos dar mais publicidade aos dados apurados por eles. DCM: Os produtores de fake news na internet só vão parar quando a publicidade deixá-los? SGB: Acreditamos que sempre existiu fake news, pois a mentira é uma forma de poder e por isso acreditamos que eles não irão desaparecer apenas com a desmonetizarão. Acreditamos que somos um passo inicial muito importante. Eles irão deixar a internet apenas quando Brasil tiver leis mais sérias contra a desinformação de noticia falsa e discurso de ódio. DCM: Já há deputadas alinhadas ao presidente Bolsonaro, como Carla Zambelli, atacando vocês. Temem reações desse governo? SGB: Já estamos sendo, infelizmente, atacados por integrantes do governo. Acreditamos estar fazendo um ótimo serviço ao orçamento público, que está escasso para o trabalhador segundo o mesmo, ao divulgar que órgãos públicos estão financiando sites que fazem um desserviço a todos os brasileiros. DCM: As empresas fazem pouco caso da publicidade que atrelam aos sites, chegando até em páginas de fake news, ou vocês acham que isso é fruto do vale tudo por audiência na internet? SGB: Acontece que quando uma empresa decide contratar pacotes de publicidade automatizadas, muitas vezes, acabam nem tendo noção de onde esses anúncios estão sendo veiculados. Nosso propósito é exatamente esse: informá-las dessa veiculação e solicitar um comprometimento para que incluam em uma forma de blocklist esses sites responsáveis pela disseminação de notícias falsas.
O movimento de combate às ''fake news'' Brasil (SGB) lançou, dias atrás, uma campanha para arrecadação de fundos no Catarse (acesse aqui) para manter seu trabalho funcionando. "Com apoio financeiro do coletivo - forma que nos permite seguirmos independentes - seremos capazes de nos dedicar integralmente, de formar uma equipe, de trabalhar com equipamentos e ferramentas mais adequadas, de termos uma melhor comunicação com vocês, seguidores e empresas. De esvaziarmos ainda mais bolsos de propagadores de conteúdo fraudulento e odioso", explicaram seus líderes, Mayara Stelle e Leonardo de Carvalho Leal, no texto de apresentação no Catarse. A meta inicial era a de arrecadar 120.000 reais, mas até a manhã deste domingo o valor já passava de 210 mil. '''Verdadeira caça às bruxas''' Anônimos até dezembro passado, os líderes do SGB sofreram uma verdadeira "caça às bruxas" por parte de líderes de movimentos que divulgavam ''fake news'' e discursos de ódio na internet, incluindo alguns . Seu trabalho consistia, principalmente, em "alertar empresas quando encontravam seus anúncios monetizando um site que promovia notícias falsas e discursos extremistas". Entre empresas alertadas estão gigantes como a Dell, McDonald’s e Facebook, por exemplo. Segundo o texto no Catarse, de maio a dezembro de 2020, o SGB alertou cerca de 700 empresas que monetizavam, sem saber, conteúdos fraudulentos e odiosos na internet, o que causou mais de 1 milhão de reais de perdas de patrocínios a estes sites e contas em redes sociais, incluindo canais no You Tube. Mayara e Leonardo, ambos estudantes de Direito, receberam centenas de ameaças, inclusive de morte, e tiveram que se mudar de , Paraná para um endereço secreto em São Paulo, onde acreditam estar mais seguros.
Leonardo de Carvalho Leal e Mayara Stelle, ambos estudantes de direito de 22 anos. Estas são as verdadeiras identidades do casal responsável por criar a conta Sleeping Giants Brasil — conhecida por combater “discursos de ódio e notícias falsas” reproduzidas em sites brasileiros —, no Twitter. Ameaçados com diversas mensagens como “Vou matar você” ou “Estou oferecendo R$ 100 mil reais pelo chefe do dono do perfil”, o casal decidiu divulgar suas identidades à Associated Press e à Folha de São Paulo, no último domingo (13), para proteger a integridade deles e de suas famílias. publicidade “Esta é uma decisão para proteger nossas famílias e controlar a exposição para mostrar que somos pessoas comuns, como qualquer pessoa que pode ter uma ideia. E essa ideia pode ser brilhante, pode mudar as coisas”, afirmou Stelle. Criado em maio deste ano, o perfil do Sleeping Giants Brasil popularizou-se rapidamente nas redes, alcançando pouco mais de 400 mil seguidores em cerca de sete meses de existência. Seu objetivo? Denunciar fake news e discursos racistas, xenofóbicos e sexistas de empresas, minando as receitas publicitárias destes sites. publicidade Criadores do Sleeping Giant Brasil decidem revelar suas identidades. Foto: Divulgação Um de seus principais alvos foi o Jornal da Cidade Online, do sul do país. O site foi constantemente desmascarado por checagens de fatos e um relatório técnico apontou o veículo como um dos grandes propagadores de fake news do Brasil. Isso fez com que diversos anunciantes como Dell, McDonald’s, Facebook e Domino’s Pizza retirassem suas publicidades do jornal. O veículo negou a divulgação de informações incorretas e no dia 4 de dezembro, publicou um editorial em resposta às acusações. “Os ataques covardes contra o Jornal da Cidade Online escondem pessoas, empresas e entidades que por certo agem na tentativa de querer instalar o radicalismo de esquerda no Brasil ou outros interesses ainda mais sórdidos”, disse o jornal. Divulguem suas identidades! Em agosto de 2020, uma juíza do Rio Grande do Sul determinou que o Twitter divulgasse os IPs e outros dados que permitissem a identificação dos responsáveis pela conta Sleeping Giants Brasil. Na época, o processo não caminhou, pelo fato de não serem apontadas quaisquer irregularidades. Mas na última segunda-feira (14), o perfil do Sleeping Giants Brasil, no Facebook, afirmou que seus dados foram repassados pelo Twitter. Isso motivou-os a se exporem ao público “oficialmente”. De acordo com Danilo Doneda, advogado especialista em proteção de dados, a liberdade de expressão é garantida aos brasileiros, mas a constituição proíbe o anonimato. Contudo, “o Twitter pode reunir os elementos, tecnicamente, para alcançar essas pessoas, então é um pseudônimo, não anonimato”, afirmou Doneda. Nos obrigaram a sair do anonimato e agora precisamos da sua ajuda para que o Sleeping Giants Brasil continue tirando o sono de quem ganha dinheiro com discurso de ódio e fake news. Acesse e apoie! 👉🏽 — Sleeping Giants Brasil (@slpng_giants_pt) December 16, 2020 Mas divulgar suas identidades não é sinônimo de estar livre de ações judiciais. O escritor J.P Cuenca teve sua conta banida após citar a frase “o homem só será livre quando o último rei for enforcado nas tripas do último padre” em um de seus tuítes. Outros personagens como o cartunista Renato Aroeira e a jogadora de vôlei de praia Carol Solberg também foram repreendidos após exposições de desafeto ao atual presidente brasileiro. Batalha intensificada desde 2018 O combate às fake news foi intensificado desde 2018, quando o então candidato à presidência, Jair Bolsonaro, foi acusado de esquematizar envios em massa de mensagens com notícias falsas. O WhatsApp chegou a admitir o disparo de mensagens ilegais naquele ano, mas nada foi feito. Desde que assumiu como presidente, Bolsonaro trava uma batalha intensa contra a imprensa nacional, acusando-a de desinformar a população e propagar notícias falsas. Curiosamente, foi o próprio presidente que se envolveu em polêmicas de fake news, como a divulgação do uso da cloroquina, o fim da corrupção no Brasil e a preservação da floresta amazônica, por exemplo. Presidente recomendou diversas vezes o uso da cloroquina, mesmo sem estudos que comprovassem sua eficácia no combate ao coronavírus. Foto: Carolina Antunes/PR Mesmo com o objetivo de combater as notícias falsas, o Sleeping Giants deveria ter fornecido maior transparência e buscado força em um lado do espectro político, afirmou Cristina Tardáguila, diretora associada da International Fact-Checking Network e fundadora da Agência Lupa. “Havia uma certa ingenuidade em pensar que seriam carregados nos ombros do povo, mas os brasileiros são ultra-polarizados”, disse Tardáguila. Justamente por conta dessa poralização partidária, há um receio de que a divulgação das identidades de Leal e Stelle traga ainda mais riscos ao casal. No entanto, o espírito de combate às fake news do Sleeping Giants Brasil não demonstra indícios de que o perfil encerrará suas atividades tão cedo. Via: Associated Press
O movimento de combate às ''fake news'' Brasil (SGB) lançou, dias atrás, uma campanha para arrecadação de fundos no Catarse (acesse aqui) para manter seu trabalho funcionando. "Com apoio financeiro do coletivo - forma que nos permite seguirmos independentes - seremos capazes de nos dedicar integralmente, de formar uma equipe, de trabalhar com equipamentos e ferramentas mais adequadas, de termos uma melhor comunicação com vocês, seguidores e empresas. De esvaziarmos ainda mais bolsos de propagadores de conteúdo fraudulento e odioso", explicaram seus líderes, Mayara Stelle e Leonardo de Carvalho Leal, no texto de apresentação no Catarse. A meta inicial era a de arrecadar 120.000 reais, mas até a manhã deste domingo o valor já passava de 210 mil. '''Verdadeira caça às bruxas''' Anônimos até dezembro passado, os líderes do SGB sofreram uma verdadeira "caça às bruxas" por parte de líderes de movimentos que divulgavam ''fake news'' e discursos de ódio na internet, incluindo alguns . Seu trabalho consistia, principalmente, em "alertar empresas quando encontravam seus anúncios monetizando um site que promovia notícias falsas e discursos extremistas". Entre empresas alertadas estão gigantes como a Dell, McDonald’s e Facebook, por exemplo. Segundo o texto no Catarse, de maio a dezembro de 2020, o SGB alertou cerca de 700 empresas que monetizavam, sem saber, conteúdos fraudulentos e odiosos na internet, o que causou mais de 1 milhão de reais de perdas de patrocínios a estes sites e contas em redes sociais, incluindo canais no You Tube. Mayara e Leonardo, ambos estudantes de Direito, receberam centenas de ameaças, inclusive de morte, e tiveram que se mudar de , Paraná para um endereço secreto em São Paulo, onde acreditam estar mais seguros.
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Wczoraj w Peru tysiące demonstrantów wzięło jako zakładników ok. 65 policjantów, w tym generała. Mieszkańcy miasta Moquegua blokują od tygodnia część autostrady panamerykańskiej, domagając się większych udziałów w dochodach z wydobycia miedzi. Sytuacja wybuchła, gdy ok. 100 policjantów użyło gazu łzawiącego, by rozpędzić 20-tysięczny tłum.
Die Bundesregierung verfolgt mit der Energiewende offenbar Ziele, die sich widersprechen. Die politischen Vorgaben in Bezug auf Klimaschutz, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Versorgungssicherheit lassen sich mit der gegenwärtigen Politik jedenfalls nicht parallel erreichen. Darauf deutet die jüngste Fortschreibung des "Energiewende-Indizes" der Beratungsgesellschaft McKinsey hin. "Bei relevanten Zielen der Energiewende in Deutschland wird die Schere zwischen einerseits nicht mehr erreichbaren und andererseits übererfüllten Zielen immer größer", heißt es im aktuellen Bericht des Expertenteams um Senior Partner Thomas Vahlenkamp: "Zentrale Indikatoren driften auseinander und steuern auf gegenläufige Extreme zu." McKinsey untersucht seit vier Jahren im halbjährlichen Turnus 15 politisch vorgegebene Planziele der deutschen Energiewende. Nach der aktuellen Analyse sind sieben der 15 Ziele noch realistisch erreichbar – etwa die Planzahlen zum Bau neuer Offshore-Windkraftanlagen auf hoher See. Sieben weitere Ziele – etwa zur Begrenzung der Energiewende-Kosten – gelten als "unrealistisch", und zwar "mit der Tendenz zu weiterer Verschlechterung". Planübererfüllung bei Randbedingungen So hatte die Bundesregierung vorgegeben, bis zum Jahr 2020 Offshore-Windparks mit 6,5 Gigawatt Leistung zu bauen. Mit den nunmehr erreichten 3,3 Gigawatt ist ein wichtiges Etappenziel bereits so frühzeitig erreicht worden, dass McKinsey von "170 Prozent" Zielerfüllung spricht. Auch bei anderen Ökostrom-Kapazitäten sieht es nicht schlecht aus. Zwar ist der Bau neuer Solaranlagen zwischen Oktober 2015 und April diesen Jahres mit einem Plus von nur noch 0,4 Gigawatt fast zum Erliegen gekommen. Dennoch wird das Planziel der Bundesregierung für Solarstrom derzeit immer noch mit einem Wert von 115 Prozent übererfüllt. Auch beim Thema Versorgungssicherheit melden die Analysten Planübererfüllung. Es stehen so viele fossile Kraftwerke zur Verfügung, dass ein wetterbedingter Produktionsausfall von Wind- und Solaranlagen nicht zu einem Versorgungsengpass führt. Nach den McKinsey-Berechnungen hat sich die "gesicherte Reservemarge" sogar noch weiter erhöht, sodass der Ziel-Indikator auf üppige 292 Prozent gestiegen ist. Das Versprechen der Politik, die Energiewende werde nicht zu einem Abbau von Arbeitsplätzen in der energieintensiven Industrie führen und zusätzlich sogar noch neue Jobs im Ökostrom-Sektor schaffen, wird ebenfalls eingehalten. Tatsächlich haben die Industriesektoren mit hohem Stromverbrauch im aktuellen Betrachtungszeitraum sogar 45.000 Arbeitsplätze neu geschaffen. "Das schon zuvor realistische Ziel wird damit zu 21 Prozent übertroffen", bilanziert McKinsey. Trotz des Zusammenbruchs der deutschen Solarindustrie ist zudem die Zahl der Jobs im Ökostrom-Bereich nicht nennenswert gesunken, vor allem weil die Windindustrie entsprechend stärker Angestellte eingestellt hat. Teure Netzeingriffe und teurer Strom Während es bei diesen Randbedingungen der Energiewende also gut aussieht, hat sich die Situation bei Kernelementen des Klimaschutzes und der Wirtschaftlichkeit zum Teil deutlich verschlechtert. Insbesondere bei den Aufwendungen zur Stabilisierung des Stromnetzes spricht McKinsey von einer "Kostenexplosion". Weil Stromleitungen zwischen Nord- und Süddeutschland fehlen, müssen die Netzbetreiber immer häufiger mit einem sogenannten Re-Dispatch in den Kraftwerksbetrieb eingreifen – und damit geschlossene Verträge zwischen Stromlieferanten und Stromkäufern aushebeln. Die Kosten für die Einspeisung zusätzlicher Kapazitäten hat sich laut McKinsey von zwei Euro pro Megawattstunde auf inzwischen 3,40 Euro erhöht, die Kosten für Re-Dispatch-Maßnahmen verdoppelten sich auf 403 Millionen Euro im Jahr 2015. Der Indikator der Zielerreichung sinkt damit "auf ein neues Allzeittief von minus 141 Prozent", heißt es bei McKinsey. "Nicht nur die teuren Netzeingriffe verschlechtern die ökonomische Bilanz der Energiewende, das gilt auch für die aktuelle Strompreiseentwicklung", warnen die McKinsey-Experten: "Die Haushalts- und Industriestrompreise in Deutschland entfernen sich immer mehr vom EU-Durchschnitt." Inzwischen liege das Preisniveau für deutschen Haushaltsstrom 42,1 Prozent über dem europäischen Durchschnitt, beim Industriestrom seien es rund 20 Prozent "mit steigender Tendenz". Entsprechend ist von einer EEG-Umlage vom maximal 3,5 Cent pro Kilowattstunde, wie sie Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel einst versprach, "heute keine Rede mehr", betont McKinsey. Die Ökostrom-Abgabe, die jeder Verbraucher mit seiner Stromrechnung abführt, beträgt heute 6,35 Cent. Beobachter erwarten einen weiteren Anstieg auf knapp unter sieben Cent pro Kilowattstunde im kommenden Jahr. Deutsche Energiewende vor einer neuen Phase Der klimapolitische Nutzen der kostenträchtigen Übung ist an den Zahlen weiterhin nicht ablesbar. So haben sich die CO 2 -Emissionen Deutschlands auf 925 Megatonnen erhöht, "womit das für 2020 angepeilte Ziel von 750 Megatonnen in immer weitere Ferne rückt", wie es in der McKinsey-Untersuchung heißt. Die Zielerreichung liege gerade noch bei 42 Prozent und werde deshalb als "unrealistisch" eingestuft. Ursache der nach wie vor hohen CO 2 -Emissionen ist die starke Stromgewinnung aus Kohle, die 2015 zudem Rekordraten im Export erzielte. Auch gelang es der Bundesregierung nicht, die Deutschen zu Energiesparern zu machen. So stieg der Primärenergieverbrauch des Landes konjunkturbedingt um weitere 300 Petajoule oder umgerechnet 83 Terawattstunden an. "Der vorgegebene Zielwert ist damit zu gerade einmal 46 Prozent erreicht", stellen die Analysten fest. Nach Einschätzung des McKinsey-Teams steht die deutsche Energiewende vor einer neuen Phase. Die Zeiten, da sich Deutschland als globaler Ökostrom-Vorreiter feiern konnte, sind vorbei. Noch zu Beginn des Jahrtausends war fast ein Drittel der gesamten weltweiten Windkraftleistung in Deutschland installiert sowie bald darauf 40 Prozent aller Solaranlagen der Welt. Das Bild hat sich gewandelt: Während Deutschland im vergangenen Halbjahr nur 0,4 Gigawatt Solarkraft zubaute, waren es in China 22 Gigawatt. Während die fehlenden Netze und Speicher den Ökostrom-Ausbau in Deutschland zunehmend bremsen, findet der neue Boom in Übersee statt. So wurden im vergangenen Jahr weltweit Wind- und Solarkraftanlagen mit 113 Gigawatt neu errichtet – zehn Prozent mehr als im Bereich der konventionellen Energieerzeugung. "Deutschland war bislang Vorbild in Bezug auf den Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien, nun muss es Vorreiter bei der Systemintegration werden", fasst McKinsey-Experte Vahlenkamp zusammen. Das Augenmerk der Politik müsse in Zukunft daher verstärkt auf dem Bau intelligenter Stromnetze und Speicher liegen.
Der Ausbau von Offshore-Windparks bleibt in Deutschland hinter den Erwartungen der Regierung zurück McKinsey ist eine internationale Unternehmensberatungsgesellschaft, bei der rund 9.000 Berater arbeiten. Sie berät zum Beispiel viele der im Deutschen Aktien-Index (DAX) vertretenen deutsche Unternehmen. Seit vier Jahren untersucht sie anhand von 15 Kriterien jeweils halbjährlich auch den Fortschritt bei der Energiewende in Deutschland. Im neusten Bericht der Expertengruppe um Thomas Vahlenkamp heißt es nun: „Zentrale Indikatoren driften auseinander und steuern auf gegenläufige Extreme zu.“ Bereits im März 2016 wurde festgestellt: „Zum ersten Mal seit Beginn der Erhebung vor vier Jahren weist die Mehrzahl der Indikatoren nach unten“. Der Wissenschaftliche Beirat der Bundesregierung empfiehlt eine kohlendioxidfreie Energieversorgung für den Zeitraum ab 2040 oder spätestens ab 2050. Potential und Geschwindigkeit des Ausbaus der erneuerbaren Energien werden jedoch sehr unterschiedlich gesehen, teilweise kontrovers diskutiert. Die wichtigsten erneuerbaren Energieträger in Deutschland sind Biomasse, Windenergie und Photovoltaik Im Energiekonzept der Bundesregierung war 2010 als Ziel die Errichtung von Offshore-Windkraftanlagen mit einer Gesamtleistung von 10 GigaWatt bis 2020 vorgesehen. Im Juni 2013 wurde eine Studie des Umweltbundesamtes bekannt, wonach angesichts der Leistungssteigerungen bei Onshore-Windkraftanlagen die Offshore-Anlagen rein rechnerisch nicht nötig wären. Holger Krawinkel vom Bundesverband der Verbraucherzentrale forderte sogar einen Offshore-Ausbaustopp. Am 30. Juni 2016 war in Deutschland erst eine Gesamtleistung von 3,6 GigaWatt offshore in Betrieb. Auch das Ziel, den Stromverbrauch um zehn Prozent bis 2020 zu reduzieren, scheint nicht mehr erreichbar zu sein. Trotz des verhältnismäßig hohen Preises von 29,5 Cent pro Kilowattstunde für private Haushalte in Deutschland stieg der Verbrauch im zweiten Halbjahr 2015 wieder an, nachdem er im ersten Halbjahr zurückgegangen war. Insgesamt war 2015 eine Zunahme des Primärenergieverbrauchs zu verzeichnen und damit auch ein Anstieg des Kohlendioxidausstoßes. Bei der Photovoltaik wurden im vergangenen Jahr nur 1,7 Gigawatt neu gebaut. In diesem Bereich ist seit 2012 ein dramatischer Rückgang zu verzeichnen, und gegenwärtig liegt das Ausbauniveau wieder auf dem Stand der Jahre 2006/2007.
Seit nunmehr vier Jahren misst die Unternehmensberatung McKinsey die Entwicklung der Energiewende anhand von 15 Erfolgskriterien nach. Alle planwirtschaftlichen Zielvorgaben der Bundesregierung zum ökologischen Umbau der Energieversorgung werden im halbjährlichen Turnus auf ihre Erreichbarkeit hin untersucht. Die neueste Ausgabe des so erstellten "Energiewende-Index" enthält wenig Grund für Optimismus. "Zum ersten Mal seit Beginn der Erhebung vor vier Jahren weist die Mehrzahl der Indikatoren nach unten", schreibt das Team um den McKinsey-Energieexperten Thomas Vahlenkamp. Zwar können trotz der jüngsten Verschlechterung vier der Ziele weiterhin als erreichbar gelten. Doch "sieben Indikatoren, darunter jetzt auch der Stromverbrauch, gelten in ihrer Zielerreichung inzwischen als unrealistisch", warnt McKinsey: "Die Entwicklung ist kritisch." Die Kosten steigen, die CO 2 -Emissionen aber auch Kritisch ist vor allem, dass sich ausgerechnet die ganz zentralen Politikziele als kaum noch erreichbar erweisen. So wurde die Zusage der Bundesregierung, die Kostenbelastung der Bürger durch die Energiewende nicht weiter ansteigen zu lassen, im zweiten Halbjahr 2015 erneut gebrochen. Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) wollte die EEG-Umlage zur Förderung der Ökostrom-Produktion im Jahre 2011 eigentlich bei 3,5 Cent pro Kilowattstunde einfrieren. Doch tatsächlich nähert sich die EEG-Umlage langsam der Verdopplung dieses Wertes. Sie stieg gerade erst auf den neuen Rekord von 6,35 Cent pro Kilowattstunde. Neue Rekordwerte erreichten zudem auch die Kosten für Markteingriffe, die nötig wurden, um das Stromnetz gegen die schnell und stark schwankende Ökostrom-Einspeisung stabil zu halten. Somit bleiben die Strompreise für private Haushalte hoch: Sie liegen mit 29,5 Cent pro Kilowattstunde um 41,1 Prozent über dem EU-Durchschnitt. Die Industriestrompreise liegen laut Untersuchung trotz einer leichten Senkung auf 11,1 Cent pro Kilowattstunde noch immer um 19 Prozent über dem EU-Durchschnitt. Trotz dieses Wettbewerbsnachteils konnte die energieintensive Industrie ihre Arbeitsplätze in Deutschland bei 1,61 Millionen stabil halten, ja sogar leicht – um 8000 Stellen – steigern. Für die Unternehmen zahlen sich offenbar die speziellen Ausnahmen von der EEG-Umlage und den Netzentgelten aus. Deutsche haben mehr Strom verbraucht Dem eigentlichen Ziel der Energiewende – einen Beitrag zum Klimaschutz zu leisten – ist die Politik in der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2015 erneut nicht näher gekommen. Im Gegenteil: Die Kohlendioxid-Emissionen stiegen von 920 auf 925 Millionen Tonnen und entfernten sich damit weiter von dem für 2020 anvisierten Zielwert von 750 Millionen Tonnen. Auch in den Nebenzielen der Energiewende sieht der Trend nicht gut aus. Das Vorhaben, den Stromverbrauch in Deutschland bis 2020 um zehn Prozent zu reduzieren, muss die Bundesregierung nach derzeitigem Stand wohl aufgeben. Der Stromverbrauch stieg vielmehr an, von 579 auf 597 Terawattstunden. "Hauptgründe waren die im Vergleich zum Vorjahr kälteren Monate während der Heizperiode und die Hitzewellen im Sommer, die einen vermehrten Einsatz von Klimaanlagen zur Folge hatten", erklären die McKinsey-Experten die Veränderung zum Schlechten: "Der Indikator sinkt dadurch in seiner Zielerreichung von 118 Prozent auf 50 Prozent und fällt gegenüber der letzten Veröffentlichung in die Kategorie 'unrealistisch'." Weit weniger dramatisch sind die Verschlechterungen im Bereich Fotovoltaik. So wurden Solarstrom-Anlagen mit einer Leistung von 1,7 Gigawatt neu gebaut, was dem niedrigsten Zuwachs seit 2007 entspricht. Damit wurde zwar der von der Bundesregierung definierte "Wachstumskorridor" unterschritten. Doch liegen die Gesamtziele des Fotovoltaik-Ausbaus in Deutschland mit derzeit 39,1 Gigawatt noch immer bei 121 Prozent Zielerfüllung. Es fehlt weiterhin an Stromleitungen "Der Ausbau der Transportnetze stockt weiterhin", stellen die McKinsey-Berater ohnedies fest: "Ende 2015 waren erst 558 Kilometer fertiggestellt – 635 Kilometer hätten es sein müssen, um auf Zielkurs zu bleiben: Geplant sind 1887 Kilometer bis 2020." Damit liege die Zielerreichung nur bei 82 Prozent. Zwar solle nun der Einsatz von Erdkabeln den dringend benötigten Ausbau beschleunigen. "Die Kosten erhöhen sich dadurch allerdings laut Bundeswirtschaftsministerium um bis zu 8 Milliarden Euro, was die Energiewende weiter verteuert", heißt es in der Analyse. Der "Jobmotor" Energiewende zieht jedoch nicht mehr so stark wie früher. Die Zahl der Arbeitsplätze im Bereich erneuerbare Energien sank von 371.400 auf 355.400. So fiel in der Solarbranche inzwischen jeder dritte Arbeitsplatz weg. Ein Teil der Jobs verlagerte sich immerhin zur boomenden Windindustrie. Noch ist die Energiewende nicht gescheitert Zwar belegen die McKinsey-Zahlen, dass die Bundesregierung viele ihrer selbst gesteckten Etappenziele der Energiewende wohl verfehlen wird. Von einem Scheitern der Energiewende selbst kann man deshalb aber noch nicht sprechen. Denn über die Erreichbarkeit der langfristigen Ziele sagen die Index-Werte als "Momentaufnahmen" nur wenig aus. So hatte die Bundesregierung 2010 bestimmt, dass bis zum Jahr 2050 etwa 80 Prozent des Stromverbrauchs durch erneuerbare Energien zu decken seien und die CO 2 -Emissionen bis dahin um 80 Prozent gesenkt werden sollten. Bezüglich der Kosten ist zum Beispiel zu berücksichtigen, dass die Bundesregierung derzeit eine Novelle des Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetzes (EEG) vorbereitet. Danach sollen sich Solar- und Windkraftplaner zukünftig in einem wettbewerblichen Ausschreibungsverfahren behaupten müssen. Die gesetzlich fixierte und in der Vergangenheit oft übertrieben hohe Einspeisevergütung für Strom aus erneuerbaren Energien entfällt dann. Die Bundesregierung erhofft sich damit zumindest mittelfristig kostensenkende Effekte.
Der Ausbau von Offshore-Windparks bleibt in Deutschland hinter den Erwartungen der Regierung zurück McKinsey ist eine internationale Unternehmensberatungsgesellschaft, bei der rund 9.000 Berater arbeiten. Sie berät zum Beispiel viele der im Deutschen Aktien-Index (DAX) vertretenen deutsche Unternehmen. Seit vier Jahren untersucht sie anhand von 15 Kriterien jeweils halbjährlich auch den Fortschritt bei der Energiewende in Deutschland. Im neusten Bericht der Expertengruppe um Thomas Vahlenkamp heißt es nun: „Zentrale Indikatoren driften auseinander und steuern auf gegenläufige Extreme zu.“ Bereits im März 2016 wurde festgestellt: „Zum ersten Mal seit Beginn der Erhebung vor vier Jahren weist die Mehrzahl der Indikatoren nach unten“. Der Wissenschaftliche Beirat der Bundesregierung empfiehlt eine kohlendioxidfreie Energieversorgung für den Zeitraum ab 2040 oder spätestens ab 2050. Potential und Geschwindigkeit des Ausbaus der erneuerbaren Energien werden jedoch sehr unterschiedlich gesehen, teilweise kontrovers diskutiert. Die wichtigsten erneuerbaren Energieträger in Deutschland sind Biomasse, Windenergie und Photovoltaik Im Energiekonzept der Bundesregierung war 2010 als Ziel die Errichtung von Offshore-Windkraftanlagen mit einer Gesamtleistung von 10 GigaWatt bis 2020 vorgesehen. Im Juni 2013 wurde eine Studie des Umweltbundesamtes bekannt, wonach angesichts der Leistungssteigerungen bei Onshore-Windkraftanlagen die Offshore-Anlagen rein rechnerisch nicht nötig wären. Holger Krawinkel vom Bundesverband der Verbraucherzentrale forderte sogar einen Offshore-Ausbaustopp. Am 30. Juni 2016 war in Deutschland erst eine Gesamtleistung von 3,6 GigaWatt offshore in Betrieb. Auch das Ziel, den Stromverbrauch um zehn Prozent bis 2020 zu reduzieren, scheint nicht mehr erreichbar zu sein. Trotz des verhältnismäßig hohen Preises von 29,5 Cent pro Kilowattstunde für private Haushalte in Deutschland stieg der Verbrauch im zweiten Halbjahr 2015 wieder an, nachdem er im ersten Halbjahr zurückgegangen war. Insgesamt war 2015 eine Zunahme des Primärenergieverbrauchs zu verzeichnen und damit auch ein Anstieg des Kohlendioxidausstoßes. Bei der Photovoltaik wurden im vergangenen Jahr nur 1,7 Gigawatt neu gebaut. In diesem Bereich ist seit 2012 ein dramatischer Rückgang zu verzeichnen, und gegenwärtig liegt das Ausbauniveau wieder auf dem Stand der Jahre 2006/2007.
Le sommet du BRICS (le Brésil, la Russie, l’Inde, la Chine et l’Afrique du Sud) qui se tiendra dans la ville chinoise de Sanya sera différent des deux sommets précédents (en Russie et au Brésil) par son format élargi. L’Afrique du Sud a officiellement rejoint l’organisation informelle. Cependant, les discussions dans le monde autour de cette réunion sont les mêmes: qu'est-ce qui réunit cinq pays éloignés les uns des autres géographiquement, culturellement et politiquement? Dans l’histoire de la politique mondiale, on peut trouver divers exemples d'apparition et de développement d'institutions internationales, mais le BRIC est un groupe sans précédent. L’acronyme ingénieux, inventé en 2003 par Jim O’Neill de Goldman Sachs dans un but commercial (attirer l’attention des clients sur les marchés émergents), a commencé à vivre sa propre vie. Après la crise financière mondiale qui a montré la différence de développement économique des pays du BRIC, les sceptiques ont annoncé la fin proche de ce groupe informel. Les commentateurs occidentaux sont particulièrement surpris par la présence de la Russie dans ce groupe: que fait un Etat pétrolier avec des perspectives de modernisation floues parmi les "leaders de demain"? En effet, la Russie est un "intrus" dans le groupe. Et pas parce qu'en termes de rythme de croissance elle est loin derrière la Chine ou l’Inde. Au cours des deux dernières décennies, le Brésil, l’Inde, la Chine et l’Afrique du Sud connaissent un essor progressif et surmontent (avec diverses méthodes et divers taux de réussite) leur pauvreté et leur retard. Or la Russie a connu une crise sans précédent il y a vingt ans, puis a commencé son ascension mais n’a toujours pas trouvé une trajectoire stable de croissance. Cependant, même après l’effondrement de l’URSS, la Russie n’était pas descendue au niveau des pays du tiers monde. Ou plutôt les problèmes rencontrés par le pays étaient d’un tout autre ordre que ceux surmontés par les autres membres du BRICS, bien qu’ils dépassent la Russie en termes d’indices de croissance économique. Toutefois, les doutes quant à la légitimité de l’appartenance de la Russie au peloton de tête sur un pied d’égalité avec les autres pays du BRICS seraient justifiés s’il était uniquement question des perspectives financières et économiques évoquées par les banquiers américains. Cependant, pour les pays membres, le BRICS est avant tout une entité politique, ce qui reflète le besoin objectif d’une structure mondiale plus diversifiée et moins centrée sur l’Occident. D’ailleurs, c’est ce dont a récemment parlé le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Sergueï Lavrov: il s’agit avant tout d’une alliance géopolitique. Il est à noter qu’au cours du récent vote au Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies sur la Libye, le BRIC a fait preuve d’une solidarité étonnante: la Russie, la Chine, l’Inde et le Brésil se sont abstenus, donnant l’impression d’avoir concerté leur position. Toutefois, l’Afrique du Sud a soutenu la coalition occidentale. Des raisons objectives engendrent un intérêt croissant pour le BRIC Premièrement, le sentiment largement répandu que le système des institutions mondiales de correspond par aux processus réels du XXIe siècle et que la réforme reste toujours sur le papier. Il est possible de trouver un grand nombre de différences dans les positions des cinq pays. Mais tous, pour leurs propres raisons qui ne coïncident généralement pas sont insatisfaits de leur situation actuelle. L’ordre mondial multipolaire nécessite des formats différents de ceux du monde bipolaire pendant la guerre froide. Mais en fait, ils n’ont pratiquement pas changé depuis. Ce n’est pas un hasard si dans ses déclarations le BRIC remet en cause la légitimité du système existant. Cependant, il ne faut pas compter, par exemple, sur la réforme du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies qui reflète la disposition des forces de 1945: les membres permanents actuels, qui ont des privilèges, ne comptent pas les partager avec qui que ce soit. Toutefois, cela concerne également deux membres du BRIC: la Russie et la Chine. Deuxièmement, la nécessité de chercher des approches véritablement nouvelles du règlement des problèmes globaux est évidente. Les cinq pays estiment que le discours mondial est pratiquement monopolisé par l’Occident. Non seulement cela ne correspond à la disposition des forces économiques et même politiques, mais également empêche de trouver de nouvelles solutions qui pourraient naître seulement en élargissant la discussion. Troisièmement, les cinq pays sont conscients des limites de leurs efforts pour améliorer leur propre influence et leur poids dans l’arène internationale, en agissant seulement dans le cadre des structures existantes. On pourrait dire que le Brésil, la Russie, l’Inde, la Chine et l’Afrique du Sud cherchent des moyens de renforcer leurs positions dans le processus de formation du futur ordre mondial. Le fait qu’ils représentent toutes les régions importantes du monde justifie d’autant plus leurs aspirations. Tous les pays formant le BRIC ne sont pas seulement des Etats se développant rapidement, mais des "pôles" principaux de l’ordre multipolaire. Et c’est la raison pour laquelle la réduction des critères d’existence de ce groupe d'Etats à des indices économiques signifie que la méthode utilisée pour l'analyser est erronée. La conception du BRIC est tombée à point nommé pour la Russie, qui depuis 1991 n’avait toujours pas acquis d'identité stable en termes de politique étrangère. Il était difficile de trouver un format plus approprié pour, premièrement, corriger le vecteur global de sa politique étrangère en renforçant l’axe non-occidental; deuxièmement, rappeler que la Russie a des intérêts à l'échelle mondiale, qui après l’effondrement de l’URSS est devenue régionale; troisièmement, souligner les points communs avec les pays leaders en termes de rythme et de qualité de la croissance économique. Et tout cela de manière non-conflictuelle, car tous les membres du groupe récusent fermement toute velléité de création d'une organisation dirigée contre d'autres pays. Toutefois, les Etats-Unis n’y croient pas. Les Américains estiment que le BRICS est une structure qui vise à affaiblir les Etats-Unis. Les pays du BRICS n’ont formulé aucune volonté de ce genre, d’autant plus qu’ils sont liés avec les Etats-Unis par des relations d’interdépendance économique (la Chine, l’Inde, le Brésil) et politique (la Russie). Toutefois, quoi qu’on dise ou pense dans les capitales des pays du BRICS, étant donné qu’il s'agit d’un système international fermé, les analystes qui disent que la croissance de l’influence du BRICS n’est possible que grâce à la réduction, même relative, de l’influence de l’Occident ont raison. 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"Un monde changeant": Loukachenko, le pionnier et les lauriers "Un monde changeant": Sommet de l'OSCE: éviter les sujets sensibles "Un monde changeant": L'Asie au passé inachevé "Un monde changeant": La dénucléarisation tourne en boucle depuis 25 ans "Un monde changeant": Iles Kouriles, une porte vers l’Asie "Un monde changeant": L’Afghanistan vu sans malveillance * La Russie est-elle imprévisible? Peut-être, mais n'exagérons rien: il arrive souvent qu'un chaos apparent obéisse à une logique rigoureuse. D'ailleurs, le reste du monde est-t-il prévisible? Les deux dernières décennies ont montré qu'il n'en était rien. Elles nous ont appris à ne pas anticiper l'avenir et à être prêts à tout changement. Cette rubrique est consacrée aux défis auxquels les peuples et les Etats font face en ces temps d'incertitude mondiale. Fedor Loukianov, rédacteur en chef du magazine Russia in Global Affairs. L’opinion de l’auteur ne coïncide pas forcément avec la position de la rédaction
Les dirigeants des pays du BRIC lors du sommet à en 2009. De gauche à droite : , , et . L' n'en faisait pas encore parti. Le sommet du (le , la , l', la et l') qui se tient dans la ville chinoise de sera différent des deux sommets précédents (en Russie et au Brésil) par son format élargi. L'Afrique du Sud a officiellement rejoint l'organisation informelle. Cependant, les discussions dans le monde autour de cette réunion sont les mêmes : qu'est-ce qui réunit cinq pays éloignés les uns des autres géographiquement, culturellement et politiquement ? Dans l'histoire de la politique mondiale, on peut trouver divers exemples d'apparition et de développement d'institutions internationales, mais le BRIC est un groupe sans précédent. L'acronyme ingénieux, inventé en 2003 par Jim O'Neill de dans un but commercial (attirer l'attention des clients sur les marchés émergents), a commencé à vivre sa propre vie. Après la qui a montré la différence de développement économique des pays du BRIC, les sceptiques ont annoncé la fin proche de ce groupe informel. Les commentateurs occidentaux sont particulièrement surpris par la présence de la Russie dans ce groupe : que fait un État pétrolier avec des perspectives de modernisation floues parmi les ? En effet, la Russie est un dans le groupe. Et pas parce qu'en termes de rythme de croissance elle est loin derrière la Chine ou l'Inde. Au cours des deux dernières décennies, le Brésil, l'Inde, la Chine et l'Afrique du Sud connaissent un essor progressif et surmontent (avec diverses méthodes et divers taux de réussite) leur pauvreté et leur retard. Or la Russie a connu une crise sans précédent il y a vingt ans, puis a commencé son ascension mais n'a toujours pas trouvé une trajectoire stable de croissance. Cependant, même après l'effondrement de l'URSS, la Russie n'était pas descendue au niveau des pays du tiers monde. Ou plutôt les problèmes rencontrés par le pays étaient d'un tout autre ordre que ceux surmontés par les autres membres du BRICS, bien qu'ils dépassent la Russie en termes d'indices de croissance économique. Toutefois, les doutes quant à la légitimité de l'appartenance de la Russie au peloton de tête sur un pied d'égalité avec les autres pays du BRICS seraient justifiés s'il était uniquement question des perspectives financières et économiques évoquées par les banquiers américains. Cependant, pour les pays membres, le BRICS est avant tout une entité politique, ce qui reflète le besoin objectif d'une structure mondiale plus diversifiée et moins centrée sur l'Occident. D'ailleurs, c'est ce dont a récemment parlé le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères : il s'agit avant tout d'une alliance géopolitique. Il est à noter qu'au cours du récent vote au sur la , le BRIC a fait preuve d'une solidarité étonnante : la Russie, la Chine, l'Inde et le Brésil se sont abstenus, donnant l'impression d'avoir concerté leur position. Toutefois, l'Afrique du Sud a soutenu la coalition occidentale.
- Cholera to zaplanowany, rasistowski atak zatwardziałej, kiedyś kolonialnej, potęgi, która ciągle cieszy się poparciem zachodnich sojuszników, więc może atakować nasz kraj - mówił wczoraj podczas konferencji prasowej minister Sikhanyiso Ndlovu.- Eidemię cholery wywołali Brytyjczycy - to ich potężna biologiczna, chemiczna broń przeciw obywatelom Zimbabwe - opowiadał minister. - To ludobójstwo dokonane na naszym narodzie - oskarżał i zażądał, by ONZ uznała brytyjskiego premiera Gordona Browna za zagrożenie dla światowego pokoju i oskarżyła go o zesłanie wirusa cholery i wąglika na Zimbabwe. - Na nasze spokojne Zimbabwe - dodał Ndlovu.Minister rozmawiał wczoraj o epidemii z prezydentem Robertem Mugabem. Mugabe jest tego samego zdania, co Ndlovu i oskarża Zachód, zwłaszcza Wlk. Brytanię, o atak na Zimbabwe poprzez rozprzestrzenienie cholery.Prezydent stwierdził też w czwartek, że epidemia została powstrzymana. Tymczasem misja Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia (WHO) w Zimbabwe alarmuje, że choroba ciągle się rozprzestrzenia i epidemia może potrwać jeszcze kilka miesięcy. WHO naliczyła już 792 ofiar, ale ostrzega, że liczba ta może się zwielokrotnić. Zarejestrowano już 13 960 chorych, ale ich rzeczywistą liczbę WHO szacuje na 60 tysięcy. Mugabe sarkastycznie komentował wczoraj oświadczenia WHO.Jak twierdzą specjaliści WHO, szybkie rozprzestrzenianie się choroby umożliwia zrujnowana infrastruktura kraju, zwłaszcza zepsute rury doprowadzające wodę. Wiele osiedli nie ma dostępu do czystej wody pitnej i urządzeń sanitarnych.Choroba rozprzestrzenia się zwłaszcza w zachodniej części Zimbabwe, przy granicy z Mozambikiem, i na południu - na pograniczu z Republiką Południowej Afryki.
Robert Mugabe, prezydent Zimbabwe oskarżył Brytyjczyków o spowodowanie epidemii cholery która pochłonęła od sierpnia 2008 800-1000 ludzi , a ponad 15 000 jest nią zarażonych. Choroba oprócz terytorium Zimbabwe rozprzestrzeniła się na: Botswanę, Mozambik, Zambię oraz RPA
In the deadly serious business of sports, a cartoon character from 1927 played a role in Al Michaels' hop from Monday Night Football to NBC. ESPN picked up rights to Ryder Cup matches (along with paying a rights fee), Olympics highlights, historic cartoon character Oswald the Lucky Rabbit and more while NBC acquired the services of Emmy-winner Michaels for its Sunday night games it was announced Thursday. “ Oswald is definitely worth more than a fourth-round draft choice. I'm going to be a trivia answer someday. ” — Al Michaels, referring to what the Kansas City Chiefs gave the New York Jets as compensation for releasing coach Herm Edwards from his contract. Walt Disney produced 26 Oswald cartoons in 1927, but Universal distributed the series and owned the rights to the character, prompting Disney to develop Mickey Mouse. "As the forerunner to Mickey Mouse and an important part of Walt Disney's creative legacy, the fun and mischievous Oswald is back where he belongs, at the home of his creator and among the stable of beloved characters created by Walt himself," Disney president Robert Iger said after Thursday's announcement. NBC Sports chairman Dick Ebersol said ABC Sports and ESPN president George Bodenheimer called last month to initiate talks, which culminated in an agreement Tuesday. "He told me this incredible story that Walt's first really big production as a cartoonist for the cinema had been a character called Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, which was before Mickey," Ebersol said. "And for reasons that aren't still totally clear to me, Walt lost those rights. He didn't have the money to hold onto them." NBC takes over Sunday night next season from ESPN, which will broadcast Monday Night Football. John Madden, Michaels' partner for the last four seasons, agreed in June to a six-year contract with NBC. Besides Madden and Michaels, NBC will have Bob Costas and Cris Collinsworth as co-hosts of the network's studio show. "When we made the deal with the NFL this spring, there were four key stars I knew I wanted to build our football team around, but I wondered from the beginning, if I would be lucky enough to get them all," Ebersol said in a statement Thursday. To get the final piece of Ebersol's team, NBC gave ESPN broader access to the Olympics, Ryder Cup golf, Notre Dame football, the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness. And, of course, Oswald. Think he looks like Mickey? Oswald the Lucky Rabbit is returning to the Disney warren. "Oswald is definitely worth more than a fourth-round draft choice," Michaels said, referring to what the Kansas City Chiefs gave the New York Jets as compensation for releasing coach Herm Edwards from his contract. "I'm going to be a trivia answer someday." The Walt Disney Co. had been trying to reacquire the rabbit for some time. "When Bob was named CEO, he told me he wanted to bring Oswald back to Disney, and I appreciate that he is a man of his word," Walt Disney's daughter Diane Disney Miller said in a statement. "Having Oswald around again is going to be a lot of fun." Specifically, ESPN gets: • Rights to broadcast live Friday coverage of the Ryder Cup golf championship between the United States and Europe in 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014, as well as the right to re-air NBC coverage and extended highlights. ESPN paid a rights fee to televise the event. • Expanded Olympics highlights from this year through 2012. • Expanded highlights from Notre Dame football, the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness through 2011. When the Monday games move to ESPN next season, retired quarterback Joe Theismann, Washington Post columnist Tony Kornheiser and Mike Tirico will be in the ESPN booth. Michaels had been with ABC since 1976 and had been the play-by-play voice of Monday Night Football since 1986, when he replaced Frank Gifford. The Associated Press contributed to this report.
ESPN logo In an odd move, ESPN's parent company, The Walt Disney Company, traded the contract of NFL play-by-play analyst Al Michaels to NBC Universal in exchange for various sports considerations and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, a cartoon character Walt Disney created 79 years ago but lost to Charles B. Mintz when he created his own studio. Oswald is generally understood to be the precursor to Mickey Mouse. Oswald the Lucky Rabbit was created in 1927 by Walt Disney for Charles B. Mintz, and distributed by Universal Studios. Disney directed 26 Oswald cartoons before a budget dispute with Mintz forced Disney to leave and create his own studio. Mintz, however, owned the rights to Oswald, and kept the character. Oswald soon was bought by Universal, who would continue to create Oswald cartoons on a regular basis until 1938. Most of the succeeding Oswald cartoons were directed by Walter Lantz, who would later become famous for Universal's most well-known cartoon character, Woody Woodpecker. Michaels, 61, will again join John Madden in the analyst booth for NBC's Sunday Night Football coverage beginning in the 2006 season. This follows the announcement the previous day that Joe Theismann, Mike Tirico and Tony Kornheiser would be in the broadcast booth for ESPN Monday Night Football. It was previously believed that Theismann and Michaels would announce Monday Night Football for ESPN. In consideration for releasing Micheals from his ABC contract, Disney received the rights to the early Disney-directed Oswalds, while ESPN received the following rights from NBC Sports: *Friday coverage for the Ryder Cup golf tournaments in 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014, and the right to re-air Saturday and Sunday coverage from NBC. *Expanded coverage of the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness Stakes from 2006 through 2011. *Expanded access to clips of Olympics coverage, beginning with the 2006 Winter Olympics in Torino and ending with the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. *Expanded access to clips of Notre Dame college football games from 2006 through 2011. *Promotion of ESPN Monday Night Football during NBC Sunday Night Football through 2011.
NEW YORK - Al Michaels was traded from ABC to NBC for a cartoon bunny, four rounds of golf and Olympic highlights. The rights to Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, a bunny created by Walt Disney in the 1920s before he invented Mickey Mouse, were transferred from NBC Universal to The Walt Disney Co. as part of the agreement to release the broadcaster from his contract with ABC and ESPN. “As the forerunner to Mickey Mouse and an important part of Walt Disney’s creative legacy, the fun and mischievous Oswald is back where he belongs, at the home of his creator and among the stable of beloved characters created by Walt himself,” Disney president Robert Iger said after Thursday’s announcement. Story continues below ↓ advertisement advertisement Michaels had been with ABC for three decades and had been the play-by-play announcer for “Monday Night Football” for the past 20 years. “Oswald is definitely worth more than a fourth-round draft choice,” Michaels said, referring to what the Kansas City Chiefs gave the New York Jets as compensation for releasing coach Herm Edwards from his contract. “I’m going to be a trivia answer someday.” A four-time Emmy Award winner, Michaels agreed last July to stay with ABC/ESPN as the Monday game switched to the cable network next fall, but he asked to back out and instead will broadcast Sunday night NFL games on NBC with John Madden, his partner on ABC during the past four seasons. As part of the deal, NBC sold ESPN cable rights to Friday coverage of the next four Ryder Cups through 2014, and granted ESPN increased usage of Olympic highlights through 2012 and other NBC properties through 2011. NBC, in turn, gets expanded highlight rights to ABC and ESPN events. NBC Sports chairman Dick Ebersol said ABC Sports and ESPN president George Bodenheimer called last month to initiate talks, which culminated in an agreement Tuesday. Espn / AP Former quarterback Joe Theismann, Mike Tirico and Washington Post columnist Tony Kornheiser will be the Monday Night Football crew next season. “He told me this incredible story that Walt’s first really big production as a cartoonist for the cinema had been a character called Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, which was before Mickey,” Ebersol said. “And for reasons that aren’t still totally clear to me, Walt lost those rights. He didn’t have the money to hold onto them.” Disney and his partner, Ub Iwerks, created the rabbit in 1927 at the request of Carl Laemmle, the founder of Universal Pictures, and made 26 silent cartoons. After Disney learned that Universal held the rights, he created a new character, eventually named Mickey Mouse, who resembled Oswald, but with shorter ears. Universal continued to make Oswald films from 1929-38 — Mickey Rooney was one of his voices — and appeared in a comic book from 1943-62. “We earn nothing from those rights; they’ve had no value in the United States,” Ebersol said. The Walt Disney Co. had been trying to reacquire the rabbit for some time. Slide show: The Week in Sports Pictures • Week in Sports Pictures Kobe-Shaq reunion, Canadian debacle and sunny days at Daytona and Peoria. “When Bob was named CEO, he told me he wanted to bring Oswald back to Disney, and I appreciate that he is a man of his word,” Walt Disney’s daughter Diane Disney Miller said in a statement. “Having Oswald around again is going to be a lot of fun.” Michaels, 61, began to think about hopping networks during the past season, realizing he wanted to work with Madden, producer Fred Gaudelli and director Drew Esocoff, who also are moving from ABC to NBC. “As the weeks went on, I began to realize more and more how much I was going to miss being with those people,” he said. “That’s my family, that’s my broadcasting family, and they’re moving out of the house, and I wanted to move back in with them.” Cris Collinsworth, who had been set to be NBC’s play-by-play broadcaster, will instead be a studio analyst. Michaels wanted to finish the current NBA season as ABC/ESPN’s lead announcer. He is being replaced by Mike Breen. Michaels’ first television broadcast was on NBC, when Buffalo played Minnesota in October 1971. He’ll get a chance to work with his brother, who a producer of NBC’s Olympic coverage. “Life comes full circle,” Michaels said. © 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Rate this story Low High •
ESPN logo In an odd move, ESPN's parent company, The Walt Disney Company, traded the contract of NFL play-by-play analyst Al Michaels to NBC Universal in exchange for various sports considerations and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, a cartoon character Walt Disney created 79 years ago but lost to Charles B. Mintz when he created his own studio. Oswald is generally understood to be the precursor to Mickey Mouse. Oswald the Lucky Rabbit was created in 1927 by Walt Disney for Charles B. Mintz, and distributed by Universal Studios. Disney directed 26 Oswald cartoons before a budget dispute with Mintz forced Disney to leave and create his own studio. Mintz, however, owned the rights to Oswald, and kept the character. Oswald soon was bought by Universal, who would continue to create Oswald cartoons on a regular basis until 1938. Most of the succeeding Oswald cartoons were directed by Walter Lantz, who would later become famous for Universal's most well-known cartoon character, Woody Woodpecker. Michaels, 61, will again join John Madden in the analyst booth for NBC's Sunday Night Football coverage beginning in the 2006 season. This follows the announcement the previous day that Joe Theismann, Mike Tirico and Tony Kornheiser would be in the broadcast booth for ESPN Monday Night Football. It was previously believed that Theismann and Michaels would announce Monday Night Football for ESPN. In consideration for releasing Micheals from his ABC contract, Disney received the rights to the early Disney-directed Oswalds, while ESPN received the following rights from NBC Sports: *Friday coverage for the Ryder Cup golf tournaments in 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014, and the right to re-air Saturday and Sunday coverage from NBC. *Expanded coverage of the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness Stakes from 2006 through 2011. *Expanded access to clips of Olympics coverage, beginning with the 2006 Winter Olympics in Torino and ending with the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. *Expanded access to clips of Notre Dame college football games from 2006 through 2011. *Promotion of ESPN Monday Night Football during NBC Sunday Night Football through 2011.
Reid selected to be Senate Minority Leader Durbin of Illinois elected to be second in charge WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada won election as leader of the shrunken Democratic minority on Tuesday and said he stands ready to cooperate with Republicans or confront them as he deems necessary. "I always would rather dance than fight. But I know how to fight," he said at a news conference after the Democratic rank and file chose him leader for the Congress that convenes in January. Reid won his post as House Republicans, buoyed by election gains, tapped Rep. Dennis Hastert of Illinois for another term as speaker. Rep. Tom DeLay of Texas was re-elected majority leader, and the balance of the GOP leadership won new terms as well. Reid, 64, said he and Democrats would stress expanded access to health care and increased support for education. "I believe in the minimum wage and we have to raise it," he said. Reid also cautioned majority Republicans not to "mess with the rules" in the Senate by trying to make it easier to override Democratic objections to some of President Bush's judicial nominations. He said the Senate had confirmed 203 of President Bush's court nominations over the past four years and blocked 10. "I think they are crying wolf all too often," he said of Republicans who used the 10 thwarted nominations to label Democrats as obstructionists. Reid takes over a party with 44 seats in the new Congress, fewer than at any time since the Great Depression. He succeeds Sen. Tom Daschle, who was defeated for re-election November 2 in South Dakota. The 64-year-old Nevadan, who has long served as Daschle's second-in-command, was elevated to leader in a closed-door meeting of Democrats who will serve in the Senate that convenes in January. Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois was unopposed to replace Reid as the party's whip, the Democrat's second-ranking Senate leader. Daschle has served as party leader since 1995, leading Democrats in periods in which they were in the minority, the majority and then back again. There were other reminders of the election as Democrats met in a historic room in the Capitol. Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts participated in the session as he picked up his Senate duties two weeks after losing his bid for the White House. Reid said Kerry won ovations from fellow Democrats several times during the closed-door meeting. Reid has a soft spoken demeanor, but he showed an unyielding side when asked a question he did not want to answer. "Next question," he said when asked about his relationship with Sen. Lincoln Chafee, a Rhode Island Republican who has openly flirted with switching parties. When the reporter persisted, Reid said again, "next question." The Nevada lawmaker played an instrumental role in Sen. James Jeffords' decision to leave the GOP and become an independent in 2001, a switch that gave Democrats the majority. Reid was nominated for the party leadership job by Sen. Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia, who served in the post in the 1970s and 1980s. Seconding the nomination was Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska, who occasionally vexed Daschle by crossing party lines. "I said he will lead this caucus into a new era and oppose where necessary, compromise where possible and avoid the obstructionist label," Nelson said of his closed-door remarks. With the exception of abortion rights and gun control, both of which he opposes, Reid's recent voting record on major issues puts him in the mainstream of Senate Democrats. A veteran of 22 years in Congress, he voted against President Bush's tax cuts in 2001 and opposed the final version of the administration's landmark Medicare overhaul legislation in 2003. Like a majority of Democrats, he voted to give Bush authority to use military force to oust Iraq's Saddam Hussein, and voted many months later to spend $87 billion to help pay the costs of military actions in Iraq and Afghanistan. Earlier this year, he helped bottle up a proposed constitutional amendment to ban gay marriages, and sided with organized labor when it sought to make sure no worker lost overtime rights under new administration regulations. He's also worked with environmentalists to block oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. As well, he's been a loyal supporter of Democratic filibusters against 10 of Bush's judicial nominees deemed extremists by a coalition of civil rights, women's and other groups. An early test of Reid's strategy is likely to come on judicial appointments, and already, there is some pressure on him to stay the course set by Daschle. "I would think that Senator Reid and a number of Democratic senators and hopefully some moderate Republicans this time would continue that strategy," said Ralph Neas, head of People for the American Way, which worked to block several of Bush's appointments to the courts.
Democratic Senator Harry Reid has been elected the new leader of the Democratic party in the Senate. Reid, from Nevada, replaces out-going leader who lost his re-election bid in the state of South Dakota. Reid was re-elected with 61% of the vote in the . Reid won the position as the Republican party still holds majority in both houses of Congress. (R-IL) and Tom DeLay (R-TX) were re-elected by the Republicans for new terms as and in the House of Representatives. Senator (D-IL) replaced Reid as the Senate Minority .
Reid selected to be Senate Minority Leader Durbin of Illinois elected to be second in charge WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada won election as leader of the shrunken Democratic minority on Tuesday and said he stands ready to cooperate with Republicans or confront them as he deems necessary. "I always would rather dance than fight. But I know how to fight," he said at a news conference after the Democratic rank and file chose him leader for the Congress that convenes in January. Reid won his post as House Republicans, buoyed by election gains, tapped Rep. Dennis Hastert of Illinois for another term as speaker. Rep. Tom DeLay of Texas was re-elected majority leader, and the balance of the GOP leadership won new terms as well. Reid, 64, said he and Democrats would stress expanded access to health care and increased support for education. "I believe in the minimum wage and we have to raise it," he said. Reid also cautioned majority Republicans not to "mess with the rules" in the Senate by trying to make it easier to override Democratic objections to some of President Bush's judicial nominations. He said the Senate had confirmed 203 of President Bush's court nominations over the past four years and blocked 10. "I think they are crying wolf all too often," he said of Republicans who used the 10 thwarted nominations to label Democrats as obstructionists. Reid takes over a party with 44 seats in the new Congress, fewer than at any time since the Great Depression. He succeeds Sen. Tom Daschle, who was defeated for re-election November 2 in South Dakota. The 64-year-old Nevadan, who has long served as Daschle's second-in-command, was elevated to leader in a closed-door meeting of Democrats who will serve in the Senate that convenes in January. Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois was unopposed to replace Reid as the party's whip, the Democrat's second-ranking Senate leader. Daschle has served as party leader since 1995, leading Democrats in periods in which they were in the minority, the majority and then back again. There were other reminders of the election as Democrats met in a historic room in the Capitol. Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts participated in the session as he picked up his Senate duties two weeks after losing his bid for the White House. Reid said Kerry won ovations from fellow Democrats several times during the closed-door meeting. Reid has a soft spoken demeanor, but he showed an unyielding side when asked a question he did not want to answer. "Next question," he said when asked about his relationship with Sen. Lincoln Chafee, a Rhode Island Republican who has openly flirted with switching parties. When the reporter persisted, Reid said again, "next question." The Nevada lawmaker played an instrumental role in Sen. James Jeffords' decision to leave the GOP and become an independent in 2001, a switch that gave Democrats the majority. Reid was nominated for the party leadership job by Sen. Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia, who served in the post in the 1970s and 1980s. Seconding the nomination was Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska, who occasionally vexed Daschle by crossing party lines. "I said he will lead this caucus into a new era and oppose where necessary, compromise where possible and avoid the obstructionist label," Nelson said of his closed-door remarks. With the exception of abortion rights and gun control, both of which he opposes, Reid's recent voting record on major issues puts him in the mainstream of Senate Democrats. A veteran of 22 years in Congress, he voted against President Bush's tax cuts in 2001 and opposed the final version of the administration's landmark Medicare overhaul legislation in 2003. Like a majority of Democrats, he voted to give Bush authority to use military force to oust Iraq's Saddam Hussein, and voted many months later to spend $87 billion to help pay the costs of military actions in Iraq and Afghanistan. Earlier this year, he helped bottle up a proposed constitutional amendment to ban gay marriages, and sided with organized labor when it sought to make sure no worker lost overtime rights under new administration regulations. He's also worked with environmentalists to block oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. As well, he's been a loyal supporter of Democratic filibusters against 10 of Bush's judicial nominees deemed extremists by a coalition of civil rights, women's and other groups. An early test of Reid's strategy is likely to come on judicial appointments, and already, there is some pressure on him to stay the course set by Daschle. "I would think that Senator Reid and a number of Democratic senators and hopefully some moderate Republicans this time would continue that strategy," said Ralph Neas, head of People for the American Way, which worked to block several of Bush's appointments to the courts.
Democratic Senator Harry Reid has been elected the new leader of the Democratic party in the Senate. Reid, from Nevada, replaces out-going leader who lost his re-election bid in the state of South Dakota. Reid was re-elected with 61% of the vote in the . Reid won the position as the Republican party still holds majority in both houses of Congress. (R-IL) and Tom DeLay (R-TX) were re-elected by the Republicans for new terms as and in the House of Representatives. Senator (D-IL) replaced Reid as the Senate Minority .
The Mission Rocket: Ariane 5G Payload: iPSTAR Date: August 11, 2005 Window: 0639-0839 GMT (2:39-4:39 a.m. EDT) Site: ELA-3, Kourou, French Guiana Broadcast: Intelsat Americas 5, Transponder 7, C-band Spaceflight Now + Premium video content for our Spaceflight Now Plus subscribers. First tile gap filler This extended movie shows Steve Robinson riding the station's robot arm, moving within reach of Discovery's underside and successfully pulling out the first protruding tile gap filler. (6min 45sec file) Play video Second tile gap filler This extended movie shows Steve Robinson successfully pulling out the second protruding tile gap filler. (9min 23sec file) Play video Storage platform The External Stowage Platform-2 designed to hold spares and replacement equipment for the space station is attached to the Quest airlock module's outer hull during the spacewalk. (6min 29sec file) Play video Station experiments Japanese astronaut Soichi Noguchi climbed 60 feet above Discovery's payload bay to the space station's P6 solar array truss to attach the Materials International Space Station Experiment-5 package. (4min 08sec file) Play video Opening the suitcase Noguchi deploys the MISSE-5 package, revealing a host of material samples to the space environment for extended exposure. (3min 43sec file) Play video Atop the station Noguchi's helmet-mounted camera provides a stunning view atop the P6 truss showing Discovery to his right and the Russian segment of the space station on his left. (2min 31sec file) Play video Become a subscriber More video Ariane 5 rocket gives weighty cargo ride into orbit BY STEPHEN CLARK SPACEFLIGHT NOW Posted: August 11, 2005 Europe's Ariane 5 rocket proved up to the task this morning as it flew into space to deliver the world's heaviest commercial communications satellite that will extend high-speed broadband Internet services to the the most remote locales in the most populated region on Earth. The first Ariane rocket to fly in six months roared into mostly clear pre-dawn skies around its ELA-3 launch pad at 0820:44 GMT (4:20:44 a.m. EDT). The ascent turned night into day across Kourou, situated along French Guiana's northeast Atlantic coastline. It was the 22nd Ariane 5 launcher used since 1996, but the first of the Ariane 5GS variant that features an improved set of solid rocket boosters and additional upper stage propellant. A first launch attempt was aborted with 15 seconds left in the countdown, and officials ordered a delay of 101 minutes as ground teams worked to resolve an errant reading indicating problems with an igniter system used to burn off excess hydrogen molecules seconds before the first stage's Vulcain main engine fires before liftoff. Once that problem was fixed, it only took 28 minutes for the rocket to complete its role to leave the 14,300-pound iPSTAR satellite in an orbit very close to pre-launch predictions. Spacecraft separation occurred at an altitude of 1,170 miles in an egg-shaped orbit that will take the craft to a high point of about 22,293 miles and a low point of 357 miles. Over the coming weeks, iPSTAR will use its propulsion system to raise the orbit's perigee to geostationary altitude and reduce inclination from seven to zero degrees. It will then be guided to a permanent location along the equator at 120 degrees East longitude above Indonesia. Once checked out by manufacturer Space Systems/Loral, control of iPSTAR -- also known as Thaicom 4 -- will be handed over to Shin Satellite, a Thailand-based company that also operates three other space communications birds launched in the 1990s. "The iPSTAR is probably one of the company's most prestigious accomplishments in constructing a satellite," said C. Patrick DeWitt, president of Space Systems/Loral. "It is truly something to behold when you look at the spacecraft." The craft's five-panel solar arrays stretch over 85 feet tip-to-tip and provide a maximum of 17.6 kilowatts of power at the beginning of iPSTAR's guaranteed lifetime of 12 years. It is also the heaviest commercial satellite to ever be placed into a geostationary orbit. All three of Shin Satellite's older satellite assets were trucked into space by Ariane 4 rockets from 1993 through 1997. Shin Satellite developed iPSTAR over the past five years as the cornerstone of its new broadband communications architecture that will offer more users access to high-speed Internet products for around $50 a month. The goal is to ensure the services are comparable to ground lines that serve cable and DSL connections. "Ariane 5 took the challenge of launching the world's biggest commercial payload," said Dumrong Kasemset, the executive chairman of Shin Satellite. "The successful launch of Thaicom 4 represents the final step in the overall content (improvement). With a high-power complement of Ku-band and Ka-band frequency transponders, iPSTAR can reach customers in at least 14 nations across Asia and the Pacific from India to Japan, and south to Australia and New Zealand. Eighty-four Ku-band spot beams can be aimed toward population centers, while 10 shaped and regional beams can provide more general coverage to rural markets. The spot beams offer 20 times more bandwidth than traditional Ku-band systems. The Ka-band payload operates 18 feeder beams and uses gateways to connect to external networks such as the Internet backbone and telephone lines. The total digital capacity aboard iPSTAR equals that offered by over 1,000 transponders using conventional coding, or somewhere around 45 gigabytes per second. Terminals in homes, urban apartments, businesses, and public locations -- or "hotspots" -- can transmit and receive broadband signals to and from iPSTAR. Space-based broadband access has several advantages over terrestrial Internet services because users to not have to wrestle with the normal worries of congestion and slow connections that are a product of land lines. Larger coverage areas are available when compared to conventional wireless systems, and services can be deployed more quickly, officials say. Essentially, more people should be served by the type of Internet access that only recently was reserved for the most connected and populated parts of the Asian continent. Corporate applications for this capability include voice transmission via telephony, broadcasting via the web, videoconferencing, and virtual private networking at lower cost compared to the wide area networks often used today. This morning's mission was just the second conducted this year by launch provider Arianespace, after a test flight of the Ariane 5 ECA was successfully carried out on February 12. Since then, launch teams have awaited the delivery of several payloads and the resolution of technical problems encountered with both satellites and rockets being readied for liftoff. In particular, Flight 166 faced several delays before iPSTAR finally arrived from its Loral factory in California in early June. In addition, an incident occurred during the fueling operations of the Ariane 5's storable propellant upper stage before a planned launch attempt last month. "As a safety measure it was decided to replace the stage by another one," Arianespace spokesman Aaron Lewis said. Arianespace officials say they expect about four more missions this year, including one flight of the upgraded Ariane 5 ECA version. The next liftoff is expected on September 29 when another Ariane 5G will conduct a dual-payload launch, which Arianespace is calling Flight 168. With iPSTAR now in space, payload processing teams are now focusing their attention on four other satellites currently in Kourou. The Spaceway 2 direct-to-home broadcasting satellite is now ready to be fueled, although a launch date remains uncertain due a power supply issue with its counterpart Telkom 2, which had to be transported back to an Orbital Sciences facility in Virginia. The duo was to be launched in tandem in June before the problem was discovered. The French military's Syracuse 3A communications satellite and the European MSG-2 observatory are currently in storage in Kourou waiting to be paired with other payloads. Meanwhile, the Galaxy 15 and Insat 4A spacecraft are expected to arrive over the next one or two months from the United States and India, respectively. The star-crossed Satmex 6 communications satellite is also in Kourou in standby mode awaiting orders to ship back to its Loral factory. The craft has been in South America for almost two years after Satmex filed for bankruptcy, which stranded Satmex 6 in its processing facility with not enough funds to pay for launch insurance. After extensive legal battles between the parties involved, an agreement was finally forged last month that will allow Satmex 6 to get off the ground some time next year. But first it must travel back to the United States to be further inspected and tested to ensure that it remains in good health. Overall, Arianespace's backlog now contains a total of 40 payloads, including nine launches due to begin next year of the European Automated Transfer Vehicle for the International Space Station.
Modell einer Ariane 5 Die europäische Trägerrakete Ariane soll in diesem Jahr noch vier weitere Flüge absolvieren, das sagte ein Vertreter der Firma Arianespace. Darunter sei auch ein Flug mit der neuen Version Ariane 5 ECA. Der nächste Start ist nun für den 29. September geplant, dann wird Flug 168 mit der Version Ariane 5G zwei Nutzlasten in den Weltraum transportieren. Nachdem „iPSTAR“ nun im Weltraum ist, konzentriert sich das für die Koordinierung der Nutzlasten verantwortliche Team auf die vier in Kourou befindlichen Nutzlasten. Zwar ist der Satellit „Spaceway 2“ bereit für den Start, trotzdem muss der Flug verschoben werden, da der zweite Satellit „Telkom 2“, der mit der selben Rakete transportiert werden sollte, ein Problem mit den Energieversorgungssystemen hat, so dass er zurück nach Virginia zur Firma Orbital Science gebracht werden muss. Ursprünglich sollte das Duo schon im Juni starten, als das Problem festgestellt wurde. Der französische Militärkommunikationssatellit „Syracuse 3A“ und der europäische Erdbeobachtungssatellit „MSG-2“ befinden sich momentan in Kourou in Wartestellung. In der Zwischenzeit werden „Galaxy 15“ und „Insat 4A“ innerhalb der nächsten ein bis zwei Monate aus den USA und Indien eintreffen. Der Kommunikationssatellit „Satmex-6“, der sich in Kourou ebenfalls im Standby-Modus befand, erwartet eine Order, ihn zurück an den Fabrikationsort zu bringen. Der Satellit befand sich zuvor zwei Jahre in Südamerika, nachdem die Firma Satmex in Konkurs ging. So strandete „Satmex-6“ in der Halle, wo der Start vorbereitet wurde und das Geld für den Start war gleichzeitig nicht vorhanden. Nach intensiven Verhandlungen zwischen den beteiligten Parteien wurde dann eine Vereinbarung getroffen, nach der der Satellit irgendwann im nächsten Jahr in Betrieb gehen kann. Zuvor muss er aber in die USA zurücktransportiert werden, damit dort weitere Inspektionen durchgeführt werden können. Insgesamt 40 Nutzlasten stehen nun noch in den Auftragsbüchern von Arianespace inklusive neun Starts des „Automated Transfer Vehicles“ zur Internationalen Raumstation, deren Flüge im nächsten Jahr beginnen.
Australian senator wants Scientology investigated Times staff writer In Print: Thursday, November 19, 2009 An elected official in Australia has called for a criminal investigation into the Church of Scientology there, Australian news organizations say. In a speech this week to the Australian Parliament, Independent Sen. Nick Xenophon said he has letters from former members of the church, detailing abuses such as false imprisonment, physical violence and blackmail, according to a report on the Australian Broadcast Co.'s Web site. "These victims of Scientology claim it is an abusive manipulative and violent organization," he said, according to the Australian network. He said he gave the letters to police and called for a Senate investigation into the religion's tax-exempt status. Police said they have received the letters and will determine if an investigation is warranted. Prime Minister Kevin Rudd described Xenophon's statements as "grave allegations" and said, "many people in Australia have real concerns about Scientology." He added: "I share some of those concerns. Let us proceed carefully and look carefully at the material he has provided before we make a decision on further parliamentary action." The church called Xenophon's statements "an outrageous abuse of parliamentary privilege from a senator who would not even meet with church representatives several months ago to discuss his concerns.'' His attempt to "marginalize" the church "violates freedom of speech and the right to religious beliefs,'' a Scientology statement said. In his speech, Xenophon cited a recent series of reports by the St. Petersburg Times in which former longtime staff members spoke out about their experiences at the highest levels of the church. The former staffers said they and others were physically attacked by Scientology leader David Miscavige. They also described abusive punishments, extensive efforts to control staff who wanted to leave and a church intelligence operation that went to great lengths to protect Scientology and its secrets. The church decried the allegations as lies by bitter apostates and accused the newspaper of engaging in tabloid journalism. 1052807 article Loading comments...
In a speech Tuesday in the Australian Senate, Senator Nick Xenophon called for a criminal investigation of Scientology. Senator Xenophon, an independent politician from South Australia, also requested that police and the Australian parliament investigate whether or not Scientology should retain its tax-exempt status within the country. Senator Nick Xenophon in 2009 Senator Xenophon tabled letters written to him from former members of the Church of Scientology, which asserted the organization had participated in coerced abortion, abuse, embezzlement, false imprisonment, and hiding information about the deaths of its members. "Scientology is not a religious organisation. It is a criminal organisation that hides behind its so-called religious beliefs," said Senator Xenophon in his speech to the Australian Senate. He detailed statements made in the letters he received from former Scientologists that included a father who said he was pressured by Scientology executives to cover up the deaths of his two daughters, and a man who said he had participated in mandating that pregnant female members of the organization have abortions. "These victims of Scientology claim it is an abusive manipulative and violent organization," said the Senator. In his speech, he noted that the ''St. Petersburg Times'' newspaper of Florida reported on former executives within Scientology who had spoken out critically about the organization. These former Scientology executives said they had been subjected to physical abuse by the organization's leader, David Miscavige. They detailed attempts by the organization to manipulate staff members and perform intelligence operations intended to safeguard the organization's secrets. In a statement, the Church of Scientology called Senator Xenophon's speech an "outrageous abuse" of parliamentary privilege. Scientology representative Virginia Stewart questioned why the former Scientologists had not contacted the organization itself, "If these people had key issues, then how come they haven’t contacted the church officially? ... I think it's a bit disingenuous that someone stands up in parliament, where they can say whatever they want." Kevin Rudd, the prime minister of Australia, commented that Senator Xenophon brought up "grave allegations" against Scientology. The prime minister stated, "I share some of those concerns but let us proceed carefully and look carefully at the material which he has provided before we make a decision on further parliamentary action." Prime minister Rudd acknowledged, "many people in Australia have real concerns about Scientology". Science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard founded Scientology in 1953, and its activities have been the source of controversy in Australia for years. Until 1973, the organization was banned in Western Australia and Victoria. In 1983, a High Court ruling acknowledged its religious status. On October 27, the Church of Scientology was convicted of organized fraud by a court in France. On October 24, it was revealed that Academy Award-winning film director Paul Haggis had left the organization after a letter he wrote to Scientology spokesman Tommy Davis was made public. Scientology is currently under investigation in Belgium.
CANBERRA - The Church of Scientology is under renewed attack in Australia following allegations that it is a "criminal organisation" involved in such activities as blackmail, embezzlement, violence and false imprisonment. The allegations were made under parliamentary privilege during an impassioned call by Independent Senator Nick Xenophon for police and Senate inquiries into the organisation. Xenophon also questioned the tax exemption granted Scientology in 1983 High Court Hearing in which the Full Bench confirmed the church's status as a religion. Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said yesterday that many Australians, himself included, held real concerns about Scientology but was cautious about further action. "Let us proceed carefully and look carefully at the material he has provided before we make a decision on further parliamentary action," he said. The church has denied the allegations and described Xenophon's statement to the Senate as an "outrageous abuse" of parliamentary privilege that violated freedom of speech and the right to religious beliefs. It also said Xenophon had declined to discuss his concerns and had not responded to letters from the Church, and none of the former members named in the allegations had raised their claims with it. Scientology, founded in 1953 by the late science fiction writer L Ron Hubbard, has been controversial in Australia for decades. The church was banned in Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia until 1973, when it was recognised as a religion by Gough Whitlam's Labor Government. Xenophon's allegations were based on letters from, and meetings with, former members, and his own research that included a fraud conviction in France, further charges in Belgium, and allegations by former church executives in the United States of assault, blackmail, assault and obstruction of justice. "What we are seeing is a worldwide pattern of abuse and criminality," he said. "Scientology is not a religious organisation - it is a criminal organisation that hides behind its so-called religious beliefs." He said letters from former members, some of whom claimed to have been coerced into crime, alleged "truly shocking" allegations of false imprisonment, coerced abortions, embezzlement of church funds, physical violence, intimidation and the widespread and deliberate abuse of information obtained by the church. A former member born into the church, Aaron Saxton, claimed the church exercised frightening levels of control over its followers. Saxton said he had been subjected at least 10 times to punishment diets of beans and rice for up to two weeks at a time, and because of the Church's ban on medications and medical attention had been forced to extract his own teeth without painkillers. Later, as a church security guard, he had forced followers to cut off all outside contacts, had illegally confined and tortured one member, and had used confidential information gathered by the church for blackmail and to discredit former members. In Florida, he had been involved in taking money from church accounts to provide private services for executives, falsified bank records and sent more than 30 people into hard labour at church work camps. Another former member, Carmel Underwood, said she had been placed in a "disappearing programme" when she refused to have an abortion, had been assaulted by a church official, and had been forced into penury after being required to pay A$100,000 (NZ$120,000) for church publicity, texts and courses. Paul Schofield said the church had covered up child abuse and had coerced him into covering up the facts of the deaths of his daughters Lauren, 14 months, and Kirsty, 2. He said he had been pressured against requesting an inquest after Lauren had fallen to her death in the church's Sydney headquarters, and had later perjured himself at the direction of church executives to conceal the fact that Kirsty had been fed potassium chloride as part of a "purification" programme. Xenophon's allegations were described by the church as a propaganda campaign that would suit a totalitarian regime - not Australia. The church said it had been accepted as a religion around the world and had prevailed when that status had been challenged. The church sponsored an international human rights education initiative, and the world's largest non-governmental drug education programme. "Senator Xenophon is obviously being pressured by disgruntled former members who use hate speech and distorted accounts of their experiences in the church," the statement said. "They are about as reliable as former spouses are when talking about their ex-partners."
In a speech Tuesday in the Australian Senate, Senator Nick Xenophon called for a criminal investigation of Scientology. Senator Xenophon, an independent politician from South Australia, also requested that police and the Australian parliament investigate whether or not Scientology should retain its tax-exempt status within the country. Senator Nick Xenophon in 2009 Senator Xenophon tabled letters written to him from former members of the Church of Scientology, which asserted the organization had participated in coerced abortion, abuse, embezzlement, false imprisonment, and hiding information about the deaths of its members. "Scientology is not a religious organisation. It is a criminal organisation that hides behind its so-called religious beliefs," said Senator Xenophon in his speech to the Australian Senate. He detailed statements made in the letters he received from former Scientologists that included a father who said he was pressured by Scientology executives to cover up the deaths of his two daughters, and a man who said he had participated in mandating that pregnant female members of the organization have abortions. "These victims of Scientology claim it is an abusive manipulative and violent organization," said the Senator. In his speech, he noted that the ''St. Petersburg Times'' newspaper of Florida reported on former executives within Scientology who had spoken out critically about the organization. These former Scientology executives said they had been subjected to physical abuse by the organization's leader, David Miscavige. They detailed attempts by the organization to manipulate staff members and perform intelligence operations intended to safeguard the organization's secrets. In a statement, the Church of Scientology called Senator Xenophon's speech an "outrageous abuse" of parliamentary privilege. Scientology representative Virginia Stewart questioned why the former Scientologists had not contacted the organization itself, "If these people had key issues, then how come they haven’t contacted the church officially? ... I think it's a bit disingenuous that someone stands up in parliament, where they can say whatever they want." Kevin Rudd, the prime minister of Australia, commented that Senator Xenophon brought up "grave allegations" against Scientology. The prime minister stated, "I share some of those concerns but let us proceed carefully and look carefully at the material which he has provided before we make a decision on further parliamentary action." Prime minister Rudd acknowledged, "many people in Australia have real concerns about Scientology". Science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard founded Scientology in 1953, and its activities have been the source of controversy in Australia for years. Until 1973, the organization was banned in Western Australia and Victoria. In 1983, a High Court ruling acknowledged its religious status. On October 27, the Church of Scientology was convicted of organized fraud by a court in France. On October 24, it was revealed that Academy Award-winning film director Paul Haggis had left the organization after a letter he wrote to Scientology spokesman Tommy Davis was made public. Scientology is currently under investigation in Belgium.
Scientology faces allegations of abuse and covering up deaths in Australia THE CHURCH of Scientology in Australia was last night defending itself from a scathing attack by a politician using parliamentary privilege. In a senate speech late on Tuesday, independent south Australia senator Nick Xenophon said: “Scientology is not a religious organisation. It is a criminal organisation that hides behind its so-called religious beliefs.”
In a speech Tuesday in the Australian Senate, Senator Nick Xenophon called for a criminal investigation of Scientology. Senator Xenophon, an independent politician from South Australia, also requested that police and the Australian parliament investigate whether or not Scientology should retain its tax-exempt status within the country. Senator Nick Xenophon in 2009 Senator Xenophon tabled letters written to him from former members of the Church of Scientology, which asserted the organization had participated in coerced abortion, abuse, embezzlement, false imprisonment, and hiding information about the deaths of its members. "Scientology is not a religious organisation. It is a criminal organisation that hides behind its so-called religious beliefs," said Senator Xenophon in his speech to the Australian Senate. He detailed statements made in the letters he received from former Scientologists that included a father who said he was pressured by Scientology executives to cover up the deaths of his two daughters, and a man who said he had participated in mandating that pregnant female members of the organization have abortions. "These victims of Scientology claim it is an abusive manipulative and violent organization," said the Senator. In his speech, he noted that the ''St. Petersburg Times'' newspaper of Florida reported on former executives within Scientology who had spoken out critically about the organization. These former Scientology executives said they had been subjected to physical abuse by the organization's leader, David Miscavige. They detailed attempts by the organization to manipulate staff members and perform intelligence operations intended to safeguard the organization's secrets. In a statement, the Church of Scientology called Senator Xenophon's speech an "outrageous abuse" of parliamentary privilege. Scientology representative Virginia Stewart questioned why the former Scientologists had not contacted the organization itself, "If these people had key issues, then how come they haven’t contacted the church officially? ... I think it's a bit disingenuous that someone stands up in parliament, where they can say whatever they want." Kevin Rudd, the prime minister of Australia, commented that Senator Xenophon brought up "grave allegations" against Scientology. The prime minister stated, "I share some of those concerns but let us proceed carefully and look carefully at the material which he has provided before we make a decision on further parliamentary action." Prime minister Rudd acknowledged, "many people in Australia have real concerns about Scientology". Science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard founded Scientology in 1953, and its activities have been the source of controversy in Australia for years. Until 1973, the organization was banned in Western Australia and Victoria. In 1983, a High Court ruling acknowledged its religious status. On October 27, the Church of Scientology was convicted of organized fraud by a court in France. On October 24, it was revealed that Academy Award-winning film director Paul Haggis had left the organization after a letter he wrote to Scientology spokesman Tommy Davis was made public. Scientology is currently under investigation in Belgium.
Combo de fotografías cedido por el Buró Federal de Investigaciones (FBI) que que muestra al narcotraficante Vicente Carrillo Fuentes, alias El Viceroy, quien fue detenido por la Policía Federal mexicana en la ciudad de Torreón. (EFE) Combo de fotografías cedido por el Buró Federal de Investigaciones (FBI) que que muestra al narcotraficante Vicente Carrillo Fuentes, alias El Viceroy, quien fue detenido por la Policía Federal mexicana en la ciudad de Torreón. (EFE) Las autoridades confirmaron el arresto de Vicente Carrillo Fuentes, líder del cártel de los Carrillo Fuentes (antiguo cártel de Juárez), "en un operativo discreto, sin violencia y sin un solo disparo" en Torreón, en el estado de Coahuila. Está relacionado con cinco ordenes de aprehensión por delitos de delincuencia organizada y contra la salud La detención de Carrillo Fuentes fue resultado de un "trabajo coordinado" de inteligencia que permitió seguir los pasos del capo del narcotráfico en los estados de Chihuahua y Coahuila, dijo el comisionado Nacional de Seguridad, Monte Alejandro Rubido, en una rueda de prensa en el hangar de la Procuraduría General de la República (PGR). El capo, que fue trasladado en un avión ejecutivo de la PGR a la capital mexicana y vestía una camisa azul rayada y un pantalón de mezclilla, fue llevado en un helicóptero a las instalaciones de la fiscalía. Rubido recordó que Carrillo Fuentes era "uno de los 122 principales objetivos de seguridad", por el que el Gobierno mexicano ofrecía una recompensa de 30 millones de pesos, mientras que el de Estados Unidos prometía cinco millones de dólares. El comisionado nacional de seguridad recordó que Carrillo Fuentes asumió el mando del cártel en 1997 tras la muerte de su hermano Amado Carrillo Fuentes, conocido como el Señor de los Cielos, y que bajo su mando Ciudad Juárez se convirtió en una "de la ciudades más violentas del mundo y provocó cientos de muertes" Añadió que el capo, de 51 años, "está relacionado con cinco ordenes de aprehensión por delitos de delincuencia organizada y contra la salud". Por su parte el Fiscal general Jesús Murillo Karam aseguró que este arresto es "producto de un esfuerzo enorme del Gobierno federal" para fortalecer las capacidades de inteligencia e investigación" y de coordinación de todas las instancias, y felicitó a la Policía federal por este resultado. No opuso resistencia El capo de las drogas cambiaba su apariencia física constantemente incluso se disfrazaba para evitar su captura. El arresto ocurrió tras una serie de operativos por varios estados en el norte del país. Las autoridades reportaron que se encontraba totalmente rapado y con la barba crecida. El sujeto fue sorprendido en una avenida de Torreón cuando intentaba trasladarse en un vehículo particular. Operaba con un bajo perfil en un intento por evitar su captura. Dicen que no opuso resistencia. Será trasladado a la procuraduría de la PGR en la Ciudad de México.
Fuentes de la (PGR) informaron que este jueves , alias ''El Viceroy'', fue detenido en , , en un operativo realizado por la , en el que no se realizó ni un solo disparo. Carrillo Fuentes es líder del . Es hermano del fallecido , fundador del cártel, mejor conocido como ''Señor de los Cielos''. Tras su muerte, acontecida en 1997, ''El Viceroy'' ocupó su lugar como líder del grupo delictivo junto a Juan José Esparragoza, alias ''El Azul''. Era de los . El gobierno mexicano ofrecía 30 millones de , alrededor de 2.2 millones de , por información que llevar a su arresto. Por su parte, el gobierno de Estados Unidos lo buscaba por , y distribución de sustancias prohibidas y ofrecía cinco millones de dólares por información. ''El Señor de los Cielos'', apodo que ganó por su gran flota de aviones que empleaba para transportar de Colombia a México, falleció al someterse a una para cambiar su apariencia en su lucha por evitar ser arrestado. Su hijo, , fue sentenciado en 2011 por lavado de dinero. El cártel de Juárez opera en una docena de estados mexicanos y se trata de uno de los principales proveedores de drogas, entre , , y cocaína, a Estados Unidos. Sobre este grupo, recaen acusaciones de , , asesinatos y .
El líder del cártel de Juárez es uno de los capos más buscados por las autoridades mexicanas ofrecían 30 millones de pesos por él Jueves, 09 de octubre de 2014 -- Actualizada a las 17:29 El líder del cártel de Juárez fue detenido en Torreón, Coahuila (PGR/Cortesía). (CNNMéxico) — Vicente Carrillo, el Viceroy, hermano del fallecido capo Amado Carrillo, fue detenido este jueves, según informaron este jueves fuentes de la Procuraduría General de la República (PGR). El líder del cártel de Juárez fue detenido durante un operativo en la ciudad de Torreón, Coahuila, reportaron fuentes de la Secretaría de Gobernación. La DEA, agencia antidrogas de EU, felicitó al gobierno de México por la detención de Carrillo Fuentes, según un comunicado emitido este jueves por la dependencia. El líder del cártel de Juárez facilitó el asesinato y la violencia en México, dijo Michele M. Leonhart, titular de la agencia. Tras la muerte de El Señor de los Cielos en 1997, Vicente Carrillo tomó las riendas del grupo criminal, siendo uno de los capos más buscados por las autoridades mexicanas que ofrecían 30 millones de pesos por él. Amado Carillo, quien se ganó su apodo debido a la gran flota de aviones que utilizaba para transportar cocaína desde Colombia a México, murió como resultado de someterse a una cirugía plástica para cambiar su apariencia en un esfuerzo por evitar su captura. Su hijo, Vicente Carrillo Leyva, alias el Vicentillo, fue sentenciado en 2011 por lavado de dinero en las modalidades de depositar y transferir recursos dentro del territorio nacional. El año pasado, Alberto Carrillo Fuentes, hermano menor de el Viceroy, fue detenido en Tepic, Nayarit.
Fuentes de la (PGR) informaron que este jueves , alias ''El Viceroy'', fue detenido en , , en un operativo realizado por la , en el que no se realizó ni un solo disparo. Carrillo Fuentes es líder del . Es hermano del fallecido , fundador del cártel, mejor conocido como ''Señor de los Cielos''. Tras su muerte, acontecida en 1997, ''El Viceroy'' ocupó su lugar como líder del grupo delictivo junto a Juan José Esparragoza, alias ''El Azul''. Era de los . El gobierno mexicano ofrecía 30 millones de , alrededor de 2.2 millones de , por información que llevar a su arresto. Por su parte, el gobierno de Estados Unidos lo buscaba por , y distribución de sustancias prohibidas y ofrecía cinco millones de dólares por información. ''El Señor de los Cielos'', apodo que ganó por su gran flota de aviones que empleaba para transportar de Colombia a México, falleció al someterse a una para cambiar su apariencia en su lucha por evitar ser arrestado. Su hijo, , fue sentenciado en 2011 por lavado de dinero. El cártel de Juárez opera en una docena de estados mexicanos y se trata de uno de los principales proveedores de drogas, entre , , y cocaína, a Estados Unidos. Sobre este grupo, recaen acusaciones de , , asesinatos y .
Vicente Carrillo Fuentes fue detenido en Torreón sin que se disparara un solo tiro — Joaquín López-Dóriga (@lopezdoriga) October 9, 2014 Su captura tuvo lugar en la ciudad de Torreón en Coahuila. Durante la operación de captura del capo no se realizó ningún disparo, informa el periódico ' El Universal '. Se informa que Carrillo Fuentes está siendo trasladado a Ciudad de México.'El Viceroy' era uno de los capos más buscados tanto por México, como por EE.UU., que ofrecían por su captura sendas recompensas de 2,7 y 5 millones de dólares respectivamente.Sobre el cártel de Juárez, uno de los 7 más poderosos de México , recaen acusaciones de narcotráfico, secuestros, asesinatos y extorsiones. El cártel de Juárez opera en una docena de estados mexicanos y es uno de los principales proveedores de drogas - cocaína, heroína, metanfetamina y marihuana - a EE.UU., informan los medios mexicanos.Carillo Fuentes es además uno de los principales responsables de la violencia que se vive en Ciudad Juárez, agudizada por la lucha que lo enfrenta con el cártel de Sinaloa en busca de una mayor influencia.
Fuentes de la (PGR) informaron que este jueves , alias ''El Viceroy'', fue detenido en , , en un operativo realizado por la , en el que no se realizó ni un solo disparo. Carrillo Fuentes es líder del . Es hermano del fallecido , fundador del cártel, mejor conocido como ''Señor de los Cielos''. Tras su muerte, acontecida en 1997, ''El Viceroy'' ocupó su lugar como líder del grupo delictivo junto a Juan José Esparragoza, alias ''El Azul''. Era de los . El gobierno mexicano ofrecía 30 millones de , alrededor de 2.2 millones de , por información que llevar a su arresto. Por su parte, el gobierno de Estados Unidos lo buscaba por , y distribución de sustancias prohibidas y ofrecía cinco millones de dólares por información. ''El Señor de los Cielos'', apodo que ganó por su gran flota de aviones que empleaba para transportar de Colombia a México, falleció al someterse a una para cambiar su apariencia en su lucha por evitar ser arrestado. Su hijo, , fue sentenciado en 2011 por lavado de dinero. El cártel de Juárez opera en una docena de estados mexicanos y se trata de uno de los principales proveedores de drogas, entre , , y cocaína, a Estados Unidos. Sobre este grupo, recaen acusaciones de , , asesinatos y .
M E D I A Appellate Tribunal determination on Women Bishops The Anglican Church’s highest legal authority, the Appellate Tribunal, has cleared the way for the consecration of women as diocesan bishops across Australia. In a majority decision the Tribunal has ruled that there is nothing in the Church’s Constitution that would prevent the consecration of a woman priest as a diocesan bishop in a diocese which by ordinance has adopted the Law of the Church of England Clarification Canon 1992. Not every diocese has done so. The ruling impacts only on diocesan bishops and not assistant bishops most of whom are elected and confirmed under provisions of the Assistant Bishops’ Canon 1966 which seems to retain the requirement for candidates to be male. One of the central issues in the ruling allowing women to become diocesan bishops concerned the definition of ‘canonical fitness’. In the Church’s Constitution, adopted in 1962 it was clear at that time canonical fitness included a requirement for ‘maleness.’ The ‘maleness’ requirement was removed in a process that began in 1989 when a canon (church law) was passed that amended the Constitution to redefine ‘canonical fitness.’ The canon came into effect in 1995 after 75% of dioceses, including all metropolitan dioceses, adopted it. The Tribunal, made up of three diocesan bishops and four lay people, experienced lawyers, ruled four to three that given the changes to the constitution it would be possible for women priests to be consecrated as diocesan bishops where diocesan rules allowed it. Dr Aspinall said the ruling is a significant day in the life of the Anglican Church of Australia. “This means that whenever there are vacancies in dioceses that have adopted the 1992 canon and whose own diocesan law permits it a woman can become a diocesan bishop. Women bishops are active in several Anglican provinces around the world but the issue has been the subject of much debate in Australia with some strongly against the move. The Archbishop said the debate has been healthy. “The Anglican family across Australia is a diverse group and we are mature enough to engage in robust debate on many issues. “There will be some in our family who will be unhappy with this ruling and it is now our urgent duty to offer care for those who retain a conscientious objection to women bishops.” While the decision is a significant event the Primate again highlighted the important distinction made by the Appellate Tribunal in relation to assistant bishops. “This will not stop the consecration of women priests as bishops but ironically, as the law stands, there appears to be an impediment to women being appointed assistant bishops,” said Dr Aspinall. Further Information: Darrin Davies Director of Communication Anglican Diocese of Brisbane 07 3835 2210, 0420 970 605, ( Document) back to media page back to top
La Iglesia Anglicana en Australia ha permitido a las mujeres convertirse en obispos diocesanas. En una decisión mayoritaria de la mayor autoridad legal de la Iglesia Anglicana, el Tribunal de Apelación (''Apellate''), se acordó que no había nada en la Constitución de la Iglesia que previniera a las sacerdotisas de ser consagradas como Obispos. La decisión significa que podría haber mujeres obispos tan temprano como para el año que viene. La Iglesia ha permitido acerdotisas por más de una década. El Arzobispo Peter Jensen de la Iglesia Anglicana de Sídney se opuso a la decisión, sin embargo. "Mientras que respeto a los procedimientos judiciales que han dado en este resultado, estoy decepcionado de que el asunto haya sido resuelto de este modo", dijo el Dr. Jensen. "Aquellos que se oponen a este desarrollo basan su objeción en bases concienzudas como asunto de principio bíblico".
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La Iglesia Anglicana en Australia ha permitido a las mujeres convertirse en obispos diocesanas. En una decisión mayoritaria de la mayor autoridad legal de la Iglesia Anglicana, el Tribunal de Apelación (''Apellate''), se acordó que no había nada en la Constitución de la Iglesia que previniera a las sacerdotisas de ser consagradas como Obispos. La decisión significa que podría haber mujeres obispos tan temprano como para el año que viene. La Iglesia ha permitido acerdotisas por más de una década. El Arzobispo Peter Jensen de la Iglesia Anglicana de Sídney se opuso a la decisión, sin embargo. "Mientras que respeto a los procedimientos judiciales que han dado en este resultado, estoy decepcionado de que el asunto haya sido resuelto de este modo", dijo el Dr. Jensen. "Aquellos que se oponen a este desarrollo basan su objeción en bases concienzudas como asunto de principio bíblico".
99 personas se han dejado la vida en ocho accidentes graves de este tipo de vehículos en las carreteras españolas El accidente de autobús registrado esta noche en la Venta del Olivo (Murcia) en el que han fallecido al menos diez personas, todos ellos excursionistas de la localidad de Bullas, es el tercero más grave de los registrados en España desde el año 2000. Desde ese año se han producido siete accidentes de este tipo de vehículos con más de siete víctimas mortales. 06-07-2000.- Veintiocho muertos y trece heridos graves, la mayoría adolescentes, al chocar un autobús de estudiantes catalanes y un camión que transportaba ganado, en el kilómetro 159 de la N-122, en el término municipal de Golmayo (Soria). 11-02-2001.- Siete muertos y doce heridos al salirse de la autovía N-VI, a la altura del término municipal de Orbigo (Avila), el autobús en el que viajaban hacia Madrid. 14-11-2001.- Veinte jubilados muertos y 22 heridos al salirse de la carretera, en Villarrasa (Huelva), el autobús en el que viajaban. Las víctimas, que procedían de Barcelona y Tarragona, regresaban de una excursión hacia un hotel de Matalascañas. 21-05-2006.- Siete personas, entre ellas un bebé de 18 meses, fallecen y 26 resultan heridas -seis en estado crítico- al salirse de la vía, en la A-1, a la altura de Pedrezuela (Madrid), su autocar. Los pasajeros, magrebíes pero vecinos de Bélgica, regresaban de pasar unos días con sus familias en Tánger. 19-04-2008.- Nueve turistas finlandeses muertos y 38 heridos al volcar un autobús en la ciudad malagueña de Benalmádena por el adelantamiento antirreglamentario de un todoterreno, cuyo conductor tenía una tasa de alcoholemia del doble de lo permitido. 17-08-2008.- Ocho muertos, entre ellos un niño, y 45 heridos, al derrapar el autocar en el que viajaban ciudadanos magrebíes, cuando se trasladaban desde Marruecos a Francia, en la AP-7, a la altura de Oropesa del Mar (Castellón). El accidente se produjo al reventar una de las ruedas del vehículo. Entre los fallecidos figuran dos españoles, uno de ellos, el conductor del autobús. 08-07-13.- Mueren nueve personas y 22 resultan heridas, seis de ellas graves, al volcar un autobús de línea de la empresa CEVESA, en la N-403, en Tornadizos (Avila).
Once personas han muerto y otras 39 resultaron heridas en lo que se considera el tercer peor accidente de autobús registrado en la historia de España desde el año 2000. El accidente se registró a las 23:20 horas del sábado en la Venta del Olivo en Cieza, . El vehículo en el que viajaban turistas de la localidad de Bullas se volcó en un barranco. Las causas del accidente están bajo investigación, mientras que los cuerpos de rescate declararon que los once fallecidos perecieron en el accidente de manera instantánea. Las autoridades catalogaron este accidente como el tercer peor de la historia de España desde el año 2000. Ese año murieron 28 personas en su mayoría adolescentes luego de que el bus en el que viajaban chocó contra un camión que transportaba ganado en Soria.
AP is committed to reporting extensively on how the 2020 presidential election will work, explaining why results may be delayed and what it all means. We will be transparent in our coverage about what is happening before, during and after Election Day. With political reporters based in key states around the country – and reporters on the ground in all 50 states – AP is also looking hard at whether the pandemic, the economic crisis and the national reckoning over race has changed what people want from their government. Election coverage is offered in text, photos, video and live video.
'''Resultados (96%) atualizados em 03h00min de 5 de novembro de 2020 (UTC) ''' Eleição para o Senado dos EUA em 2020: Massachusetts Partido Candidato Votos Porcentagem 75px Edward Markey 2.279.138 66,5% 75px Kevin O'Connor 1.145.861 33,5%
Google bloquait toute manœuvre concurrentielle en dictant ses règles Une troisième amende en milliard en moins de deux ans Alors que l'Union européenne espérait une amende record, laa officiellement annoncé , ce mercredi 20 mars 2019, avoirpour avoir violé les règles européennes en matière de pratiques anticoncurrentielles. La firme de Moutain View était accusée de profiter de la position dominante de sa régie AdSense sur le secteur de la publicité en ligne.», a commenté Margrethe Vestager. La commissaire à la concurrence de l'UE n'a pas manqué de rappeler que ces pratiques étaient illégales et qu'elles se sont étalées dans le temps,. Durant cette période, il était, sous peine d'être sanctionnée dans le moteur de recherche Google.Google avait petit à petit imposé une obligation de fourniture exclusive qui bloquait les concurrents et les empêchait d'intégrer des publicités contextuelles sur les sites web majeurs de leur portefeuille. La firme avait ensuite mis en place une stratégie dite «». Ici, Google réservait ses propres publicités contextuelles aux emplacements les plus porteurs, et pouvait contrôler les performances des publicités des concurrents.Entre 2006 et 2016, Google jouissait d'un important leadership en concentrant plus de 70 % de parts de marché. Des concurrents comme Microsoft et Yahoo n'ont ainsi pu rivaliser et n'ont pas eu la possibilité de commercialiser des espaces publicitaires sur les pages de résultat du moteur de Google. Les pratiques illégales reprochées ont cessé dès juillet 2016, date à laquelle la Commission avait adressé à la société une injonction de mettre fin à son comportement répréhensible.Après les amendes de 2,42 milliards d'euros et de 4,34 milliards d'euros infligées pour son comparateur de prix Google Shopping en juin 2017 et son système d'exploitation mobile Android en juillet 2018, il s'agit de la troisième plus lourde amende infligée par l'Union européenne au mastodonte américain.
La a infligé à une amende de 1,49 milliards € pour avoir utilisé sa position dominante en faveur de publicités en lignes. Il s'agit cette fois d'. Selon , la , . C'est déjà la troisième amende XXL pour Google en moins de deux ans. Le montant total des amendes est d'environ 8,3 milliards €.
Led Zeppelin's Whole Lotta Love voted best guitar riff Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page described the riff as "menacing and caressing" Continue reading the main story Related Stories Led Zeppelin's Whole Lotta Love has been voted the greatest guitar riff of all time by listeners of BBC Radio 2. The rock classic came out top from a list of 100 riffs drawn up by a panel of Radio 2 and 6 Music DJs, critics and record producers. Sweet Child O' Mine by Guns 'N' Roses was second in the poll, with Back In Black (AC/DC) and Smoke On The Water (Deep Purple) the next most popular. Led Zep guitarist Jimmy Page said he was "knocked out" by winning the vote. "I wanted a riff that really moved, that people would really get, and would bring a smile to their faces, but when I played it with the band, it really went into overdrive," he said. Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. "There was this intent to have this riff and the movement of it, so it was menacing as well as quite sort of caressing." Other riffs in the list included Layla by Derek And The Dominoes, which was voted fifth best, Pretty Vacant by the Sex Pistols and Metallica's Enter Sandman. The combined talents of Page, Robert Plant and John Bonham sent the riff into "overdrive", Page said "Whole Lotta Love is one of the most important guitar riffs of the 20th century," said record producer and panellist Steve Levine. "The moment you hear literally two notes of it, you know exactly what it is." The Top 30 announcement came on Zoe Ball's bank holiday show. Arctic Monkeys, The Beatles, Daft Punk and Pink Floyd were among the acts jostling for favour. The vote closed on 25 July. The BBC station has been celebrating the guitar in a special season featuring documentaries and live performances. The countdown of the top 100 riffs began on Will Gompertz's midnight show and continued across the day on BBC shows hosted by Alex Lester, Ken Bruce, Jeremy Vine and Jo Whiley.
Jimmy Page und Robert Plant - Led Zeppelin (1977) Die Hörer von BBC Radio 2 haben bis zum 25. August über die 100 besten Riffs der Popgeschichte abgestimmt. Mitarbeiter von BBC Radio 2 und BBC Radio 6 Music hatten eine Auswahl zusammengestellt, und das Publikum kürte Led Zeppelins „Whole Lotta Love“ zum Sieger. Der Gitarrist von Led Zeppelin Jimmy Page sagte, er sei überwältigt von dem Ergebnis. Er meinte, er hätte zwar die Absicht gehabt, die Menschen mit der Komposition zum Lächeln zu ermuntern, aber als er den Titel mit der Band gespielt habe, sei er über sich hinausgewachsen. BBC Radio 2 spielte alle 100 Titel am Montag, und abschließend verkündete Moderatorin Zoe Ball den Toptitel. Auf Platz 2 in der Hörergunst kam „Sweet Child o' Mine“ von Guns N' Roses und auf Platz 3 „Back in Black“ von AC/DC. Gerade noch in die Top 30 kamen die Rolling Stones mit Satisfaction (Platz 27) und die Beatles mit Day Tripper (Platz 28). Die Gitarrenlegende Jimi Hendrix kam mit „Purple Haze“ nur auf Platz 12, und Status Quo kamen mit ihrem Nummer-1-Hit „Down Down“ auf Platz 7. Schaut man sich die Nominierungen an, kann man feststellen, dass nur neun der 100 ausgewählten Titel in den Jahren von 2000 bis zur Gegenwart veröffentlicht wurden. Acht Titel kamen aus den 1950er Jahren, 17 aus den 1960ern, 23 aus den 1970ern, 24 aus den 1980ern und 19 aus den 1990ern. Unter den nach 2000 veröffentlichten Titeln kam „Get Lucky“ von Daft Punk aus dem Jahr 2013 auf Platz 100; aber „Do I Wanna Know“ von den Arctic Monkeys – ebenfalls aus dem Jahr 2013 – erreichte den Platz 15 und war damit der höchstplatzierte Titel des 21. Jahrhunderts. Das Ergebnis ließ den Daily Telegraph aus Australien die Frage stellen, ob der Riff seit 2000 seinen Biss verloren habe.
The driving blues riff crafted by Jimmy Page in 1969 beat contenders including Metallica, Nirvana and The White Stripes to the top spot. The much-imitated guitar sequence driving "Whole Lotta Love", also used to soundtrack Top of the Pops in the 70s, was performed by Page at the closing ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. Page said: “I'm knocked out by this, because I didn't expect that to happen. I wanted a riff that really moved, that people would really get, and would bring a smile to their faces. But when I played it with the band, it really went into overdrive. There was this intent to have this riff and the movement of it, so it was menacing as well as quite sort of caressing.” "Whole Lotta Love" beat Guns N’Roses’ "Sweet Child O’ Mine" (2nd), AC/DC’s "Back in Black" (3rd), Deep Purple’s "Smoke On The Water" (4th) and Derek And The Dominoes’ "Layla" (5th). Johnny Marr earned 6th place for his Bo Diddley-inspired oscillating guitar riff for The Smiths’ "How Soon Is Now?" French techno duo Daft Punk crept in at number 100 for "Get Lucky", which features Nile Rodgers replicating his signature Chic guitar sound. Radio 2 listeners cast their votes from a list of 100 riffs selected by a panel of music industry experts including Radio 2 and 6 Music DJs, music critics and record producers.
Jimmy Page und Robert Plant - Led Zeppelin (1977) Die Hörer von BBC Radio 2 haben bis zum 25. August über die 100 besten Riffs der Popgeschichte abgestimmt. Mitarbeiter von BBC Radio 2 und BBC Radio 6 Music hatten eine Auswahl zusammengestellt, und das Publikum kürte Led Zeppelins „Whole Lotta Love“ zum Sieger. Der Gitarrist von Led Zeppelin Jimmy Page sagte, er sei überwältigt von dem Ergebnis. Er meinte, er hätte zwar die Absicht gehabt, die Menschen mit der Komposition zum Lächeln zu ermuntern, aber als er den Titel mit der Band gespielt habe, sei er über sich hinausgewachsen. BBC Radio 2 spielte alle 100 Titel am Montag, und abschließend verkündete Moderatorin Zoe Ball den Toptitel. Auf Platz 2 in der Hörergunst kam „Sweet Child o' Mine“ von Guns N' Roses und auf Platz 3 „Back in Black“ von AC/DC. Gerade noch in die Top 30 kamen die Rolling Stones mit Satisfaction (Platz 27) und die Beatles mit Day Tripper (Platz 28). Die Gitarrenlegende Jimi Hendrix kam mit „Purple Haze“ nur auf Platz 12, und Status Quo kamen mit ihrem Nummer-1-Hit „Down Down“ auf Platz 7. Schaut man sich die Nominierungen an, kann man feststellen, dass nur neun der 100 ausgewählten Titel in den Jahren von 2000 bis zur Gegenwart veröffentlicht wurden. Acht Titel kamen aus den 1950er Jahren, 17 aus den 1960ern, 23 aus den 1970ern, 24 aus den 1980ern und 19 aus den 1990ern. Unter den nach 2000 veröffentlichten Titeln kam „Get Lucky“ von Daft Punk aus dem Jahr 2013 auf Platz 100; aber „Do I Wanna Know“ von den Arctic Monkeys – ebenfalls aus dem Jahr 2013 – erreichte den Platz 15 und war damit der höchstplatzierte Titel des 21. Jahrhunderts. Das Ergebnis ließ den Daily Telegraph aus Australien die Frage stellen, ob der Riff seit 2000 seinen Biss verloren habe.
A CLASSIC rock anthem released in 1969 has topped a poll of the greatest guitar riffs of all time. Led Zeppelin’s Whole Lotta Love was voted by BBC radio listeners as the song containing the greatest riff from a shortlist of 100 complied by DJs. The Guns’N’Roses classic Sweet Child O’ Mine came in second while AC/DC’s Back in Black claimed the third spot. Besides AC/DC’s effort, only two other Australian tracks made the top 100 — Need You Tonight by INXS at 65 and Jet’s Are You Gonna Be My Girl? at 97. The Jet track, released in 2003, is one of only nine songs on the list to have been released since the turn of the century. By contrast, there were 19 songs from the 1990s on the list, 24 from the 1980s, 23 from the 1970s, 17 from the 1960s and a respectable eight from the 1950s. The lack of 21st century songs — and their clustering at the back end of the countdown — prompts the obvious question: is the riff losing its biff? media_camera 21st century rockers ... The White Stripes song ‘Seven Nation Army’ was number 25 on the list. Songs released since 2000 on the list: 100 — Get Lucky (Daft Punk featuring Pharrell Williams, 2013) 97 — Are You Gonna Be My Girl? (Jet, 2003) 95 — Bohemian Like You (The Dandy Warhols, 2000) 93 — Lonely Boy (The Black Keys, 2011) 90 — Wheels (Foo Fighters, 2009) 60 — Take Me Out (Franz Ferdinand, 2002) 38 — No One Knows (Queens of the Stone Age, 2002) 25 — Seven Nation Army (The White Stripes, 2003) 15 — Do I Wanna Know? (Arctic Monkeys, 2013) media_camera On top ... Robert Plant and guitarist Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin. The top 20: 20 — Smells Like Teen Spirit (Nirvana, 1990) 19 — Livin’ On A Prayer (Bon Jovi, 1986) 18 — Spirit of Radio (Rush, 1980) 17 — Johnny B. Goode (Chuck Berry, 1958) 16 — Enter Sandman (Metallica, 1991) 15 — Do I Wanna Know? (Arctic Monkeys, 2013) 14 — Twentieth Century Boy (T Rex, 1973) 13 — Motorcycle Emptiness (The Manic Street Ptreachers, 1992) 12 — Purple Haze (The Jimi Hendrix Experience, 1967) 11 — Ziggy Stardust (David Bowie, 1971) 10 — Money (Pink Floyd, 1973) 9 — You Really Got Me (The Kinks, 1964) 8 — Money For Nothing (Dire Straits, 1985) 7 — Down Down (Status Quo, 1975) 6 — How Soon Is Now? (The Smiths, 1984) 5 — Layla (Derek and the Dominos, 1970) 4 — Smoke on the Water (Deep Purple, 1972) 3 — Back in Black (AC/DC, 1980) 2 — Sweet Child O’ Mine (Guns’n’Roses, 1987) 1 — Whole Lotta Love (Led Zeppelin, 1969) For the full list of the top 100 riffs, click here. Originally published as Gen Y: Your music officially sucks
Jimmy Page und Robert Plant - Led Zeppelin (1977) Die Hörer von BBC Radio 2 haben bis zum 25. August über die 100 besten Riffs der Popgeschichte abgestimmt. Mitarbeiter von BBC Radio 2 und BBC Radio 6 Music hatten eine Auswahl zusammengestellt, und das Publikum kürte Led Zeppelins „Whole Lotta Love“ zum Sieger. Der Gitarrist von Led Zeppelin Jimmy Page sagte, er sei überwältigt von dem Ergebnis. Er meinte, er hätte zwar die Absicht gehabt, die Menschen mit der Komposition zum Lächeln zu ermuntern, aber als er den Titel mit der Band gespielt habe, sei er über sich hinausgewachsen. BBC Radio 2 spielte alle 100 Titel am Montag, und abschließend verkündete Moderatorin Zoe Ball den Toptitel. Auf Platz 2 in der Hörergunst kam „Sweet Child o' Mine“ von Guns N' Roses und auf Platz 3 „Back in Black“ von AC/DC. Gerade noch in die Top 30 kamen die Rolling Stones mit Satisfaction (Platz 27) und die Beatles mit Day Tripper (Platz 28). Die Gitarrenlegende Jimi Hendrix kam mit „Purple Haze“ nur auf Platz 12, und Status Quo kamen mit ihrem Nummer-1-Hit „Down Down“ auf Platz 7. Schaut man sich die Nominierungen an, kann man feststellen, dass nur neun der 100 ausgewählten Titel in den Jahren von 2000 bis zur Gegenwart veröffentlicht wurden. Acht Titel kamen aus den 1950er Jahren, 17 aus den 1960ern, 23 aus den 1970ern, 24 aus den 1980ern und 19 aus den 1990ern. Unter den nach 2000 veröffentlichten Titeln kam „Get Lucky“ von Daft Punk aus dem Jahr 2013 auf Platz 100; aber „Do I Wanna Know“ von den Arctic Monkeys – ebenfalls aus dem Jahr 2013 – erreichte den Platz 15 und war damit der höchstplatzierte Titel des 21. Jahrhunderts. Das Ergebnis ließ den Daily Telegraph aus Australien die Frage stellen, ob der Riff seit 2000 seinen Biss verloren habe.
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Le président allemand Horst Köhler (Union chrétienne-démocrate, CDU) a été réélu pour un second mandat par les députés de l'Assemblée fédérale allemande, rapporte samedi en direct la chaîne allemande Phoenix. M. Köhler a obtenu 613 voix sur , soit la majorité absolue. Il était soutenu par l'Union chrétienne-démocrate (CDU) de la chancelière Angela Merkel et par les libéraux du FDP. Son principal rival, l'universitaire Gesine Schwan, a recueilli 513 suffrages. Peter Sodann, de la gauche radicale, a obtenu 190 voix.
Die Münchener Staatsanwaltschaft hat wegen der Manipulation von Dieselmotoren ein Bußgeld in Höhe von 800 Millionen Euro gegen Audi verhängt. Das gab der Autohersteller in einer Börsenpflichtmitteilung bekannt. Audi akzeptiere das Bußgeld und bekenne sich zu seiner Verantwortung, hieß es. Die Staatsanwaltschaft ahnde mit dem Bußgeld "regulatorische Abweichungen" bei bestimmten Dieselmotoren und -fahrzeugen von Audi, teilte das Ingolstädter Unternehmen mit. Mit der Zahlung des Bußgeldes sei das Verfahren beendet. Die Staatsanwaltschaft teilte mit, dass die Ermittlungen fortgesetzt werden würden. Nach wie vor werde gegen 20 Beschuldigte ermittelt, sagte ein Sprecher der Behörde. Mit dem Bußgeldbescheid sei lediglich das anhängige Ordnungswidrigkeitsverfahren abgeschlossen worden. Geldbuße dürfte ans Land Bayern fließen Das Bußgeld besteht aus der eigentlichen Ahndung in Höhe der gesetzlich maximal möglichen fünf Millionen Euro sowie einer Abschöpfung wirtschaftlicher Vorteile in Höhe von 795 Millionen Euro. Die gesamte Summe dürfte der bayerischen Landeskasse zugute kommen. Die geschädigten Verbraucher hingegen könnten leer ausgehen. Laut dem Ordnungswidrigkeitengesetz (OWiG) stünden sowohl der Ahndungs- als auch der Abschöpfungsteil dem Staatshaushalt zu, sagte Bayerns Justizminister Winfried Bausback (CSU). Gleichzeitig forderte Bausback: "Geldbußen, die unsere Staatsanwaltschaften gegen Unternehmen verhängen, müssen künftig unmittelbar auch den Geschädigten zugutekommen. Es darf nicht weiter sein, dass Geldbußen gegen Unternehmen ausschließlich dem Staatshaushalt zufließen." Es sei bereits nach geltendem Strafrecht möglich, dass etwa die Tatbeute oder andere Vermögensgegenstände an die Opfer der Straftat zurückgegeben oder diese so entschädigt werden können. "Das muss künftig auch bei gegen Unternehmen verhängten Geldbußen möglich sein", sagte Bausback. In dem Ordnungswidrigkeitsverfahren ging es darum, ob Audi seine Aufsichtspflicht im Zusammenhang mit der Erteilung von behördlichen Genehmigungen für Dieselfahrzeuge und dem Vertrieb dieser Fahrzeuge verletzt hat. Es ging um V6- und V8-Dieselmotoren des Autoherstellers aus den Jahren zwischen 2004 und 2008. Die Staatsanwaltschaft warf der Volkswagen-Tochter vor, "nicht erkannt zu haben", dass in zwei Motorentypen eine verbotene Software verbaut war, die den Schadstoffausstoß auf den Prüfstand drosselte. Audi und Porsche Holding senken Gewinnprognose Audi sowie die Volkswagen-Dachgesellschaft Porsche SE rechnen wegen des Bußgelds mit weniger Gewinn als bisher prognostiziert. In welcher Höhe die Ziele unterschritten werden, blieb bei Audi zunächst offen; die Porsche-Holding geht nach eigenen Angaben von einem Konzernergebnis nach Steuern von nur noch zwischen 2,5 bis 3,5 Milliarden Euro aus. Zuvor hatte die Holding die Spanne um 900 Millionen Euro höher angegeben. Gegen Volkswagen hatte die Staatsanwaltschaft Braunschweig im Juni ein ähnliches Bußgeld nach dem OWiG verhängt, damals in Höhe von einer Milliarde Euro. Der Konzern hatte die Strafe akzeptiert. Während sich strafrechtliche Verfahren nur gegen Personen richten können, kann nach dem OWiG auch ein Unternehmen mit Bußgeld belegt werden. Das deutsche Recht kennt darüber hinaus kaum Möglichkeiten, Unternehmen direkt für Fehlverhalten von Mitarbeitern zu bestrafen. Die bei Gerichten anhängigen zivilrechtlichen Verfahren – etwa die Klagen der Autokäufer – sowie die strafrechtlichen Ermittlungen gegen aktuelle oder ehemalige Beschäftigte und Führungskräfte des Autokonzerns sind von der Entscheidung unberührt. Seit Juni sitzt der ehemalige Audi-Chef Rupert Stadler wegen seiner Verwicklungen im Dieselskandal in Untersuchungshaft. Er soll versucht haben, Zeugen oder Beschuldigte zu beeinflussen.
Audi-Logo Audi soll 800 Millionen Euro Bußgeld zahlen. Die Münchener Staatsanwaltschaft hat diesen Betrag gegen den deutschen Automobilhersteller verhängt – wegen Software-gesteuerter Abgasmanipulation bei Dieselmotoren. Der Mutterkonzern Volkwagen hat mitgeteilt, Audi werde das Bußgeld zahlen, ohne Rechtsmittel dagegen einzulegen: „Die Audi AG bekennt sich damit zu ihrer Verantwortung für die vorgefallenen Aufsichtspflichtverletzungen.“ Das Verfahren gegen Audi ist damit abgeschlossen, teilte der Automobilhersteller selbst am 16. Oktober 2018 mit. Der Betrag geht wahrscheinlich an das Land Bayern. Schon im Mai hatte Audi die Lieferung der Modelle A6 und A7 gestoppt. Der Ex-Chef von Audi, Rupert Stadler, wurde im Juni entlassen und verhaftet. Die Porsche-Holding hat unter anderem aufgrund des Bußgelds ihre Gewinnprognosen nach unten angepasst.
Der Autohersteller Audi zahlt in der Dieselaffäre ein Bußgeld in Höhe von 800 Millionen Euro. Das teilte der Mutterkonzern VW mit. Man bekenne sich zu seiner Verantwortung und werde deshalb keine Rechtsmittel einlegen. Anzeige Audi zahlt für die Manipulation von Dieselmotoren ein Bußgeld von 800 Millionen Euro. Das von der Staatsanwaltschaft München II eingeleitete Verfahren gegen Audi sei damit abgeschlossen, teilte die Volkswagen-Tochter am Dienstag mit. Der Autobauer werde keine Rechtsmittel dagegen einlegen. „Die Audi AG bekennt sich damit zu ihrer Verantwortung für die vorgefallenen Aufsichtspflichtverletzungen.“ Die Buße dezimiert auch „unmittelbar“ das Konzernergebnis von Volkswagen, wie die Audi-Mutter in Wolfsburg mitteilte. Auch die mit 30,8 Prozent an VW beteiligte Porsche SE wird dadurch in Mitleidenschaft gezogen. Sie rechnet für 2018 aber immer noch mit einem Nettogewinn von 2,5 bis 3,5 Milliarden Euro. In welcher Höhe das Ergebnis von Audi unterschritten wird, blieb zunächst offen. Bei V6- und V8-Dieselmotoren in Audi-Autos für den europäischen und den US-Markt waren laut Staatsanwaltschaft von 2004 bis 2008 illegale Abschalteinrichtungen eingesetzt worden. Zudem warf die Staatsanwaltschaft Audi vor, „nicht erkannt zu haben“, dass in zwei von Volkswagen entwickelten Dieselmotoren-Typen Software verbaut war, die den Schadstoffausstoß auf dem Prüfstand drosselte. Lesen Sie auch Verkaufen oder weiterfahren? Das können Dieselfahrer jetzt tun Anzeige Mit der Geldbuße werde nun geahndet, dass Audi seine Aufsichtspflicht im Zusammenhang mit der Erteilung von behördlichen Genehmigungen für Dieselfahrzeuge und dem Vertrieb dieser Fahrzeuge fahrlässig verletzt habe, erklärte die Staatsanwaltschaft. Die Ermittler betonten, dass der Bußgeldbescheid keine Auswirkungen auf ihre Ermittlungen gegen natürliche Personen im Zusammenhang mit der Dieselaffäre habe. Seit Juni sitzt der ehemalige Audi-Chef Rupert Stadler wegen seiner Verwicklungen im Dieselskandal in Untersuchungshaft. Er soll versucht haben, Zeugen oder Beschuldigte zu beeinflussen.
Audi-Logo Audi soll 800 Millionen Euro Bußgeld zahlen. Die Münchener Staatsanwaltschaft hat diesen Betrag gegen den deutschen Automobilhersteller verhängt – wegen Software-gesteuerter Abgasmanipulation bei Dieselmotoren. Der Mutterkonzern Volkwagen hat mitgeteilt, Audi werde das Bußgeld zahlen, ohne Rechtsmittel dagegen einzulegen: „Die Audi AG bekennt sich damit zu ihrer Verantwortung für die vorgefallenen Aufsichtspflichtverletzungen.“ Das Verfahren gegen Audi ist damit abgeschlossen, teilte der Automobilhersteller selbst am 16. Oktober 2018 mit. Der Betrag geht wahrscheinlich an das Land Bayern. Schon im Mai hatte Audi die Lieferung der Modelle A6 und A7 gestoppt. Der Ex-Chef von Audi, Rupert Stadler, wurde im Juni entlassen und verhaftet. Die Porsche-Holding hat unter anderem aufgrund des Bußgelds ihre Gewinnprognosen nach unten angepasst.
Stuttgart (dpa) – Die Porsche-Holding rechnet unter anderem wegen des Bußgelds gegen die VW-Tochter Audi in diesem Jahr mit einem niedrigeren Gewinn. Nach Steuern werde das Konzernergebnis nur noch zwischen 2,5 bis 3,5 Milliarden Euro liegen, teilte die Porsche SE am Dienstag mit. Zuvor hatte die Holding den Korridor um 900 Millionen Euro höher angegeben. Sie ist die Dachgesellschaft des Volkswagen-Konzerns, zu dem wiederum der Autobauer Audi gehört. Die Staatsanwaltschaft München verhängte ein Bußgeld von insgesamt 800 Millionen Euro gegen Audi wegen Verstößen bei Dieselfahrzeugen. Dieses Bußgeld hatte – zusammen mit bereits berücksichtigten Diesel-Sondereinflüssen bei VW und anderen Effekten – zu der Anpassung geführt.
Audi-Logo Audi soll 800 Millionen Euro Bußgeld zahlen. Die Münchener Staatsanwaltschaft hat diesen Betrag gegen den deutschen Automobilhersteller verhängt – wegen Software-gesteuerter Abgasmanipulation bei Dieselmotoren. Der Mutterkonzern Volkwagen hat mitgeteilt, Audi werde das Bußgeld zahlen, ohne Rechtsmittel dagegen einzulegen: „Die Audi AG bekennt sich damit zu ihrer Verantwortung für die vorgefallenen Aufsichtspflichtverletzungen.“ Das Verfahren gegen Audi ist damit abgeschlossen, teilte der Automobilhersteller selbst am 16. Oktober 2018 mit. Der Betrag geht wahrscheinlich an das Land Bayern. Schon im Mai hatte Audi die Lieferung der Modelle A6 und A7 gestoppt. Der Ex-Chef von Audi, Rupert Stadler, wurde im Juni entlassen und verhaftet. Die Porsche-Holding hat unter anderem aufgrund des Bußgelds ihre Gewinnprognosen nach unten angepasst.
Verdacht auf Manipulation Audi stoppt Auslieferung der Modelle A6 und A7 08.05.2018, 15:31 Uhr | rtr, dpa Audi gerät im Abgasskandal erneut unter Druck. Das Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt untersucht den Verdacht einer weiteren Abschalteinrichtung. Audi stoppt die Auslieferung der Modelle A6 und A7. Das Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) ermittelt wegen einer weiteren Betrugssoftware gegen den Autobauer Audi. Die Behörde geht entsprechenden Hinweisen bei einer aktuellen Version des A6 nach, wie das Bundesverkehrsministerium bestätigte: "Das KBA hat eine amtliche Anhörung wegen des Verdachts einer unzulässigen Abschalteinrichtung bei Audi V6-TDI-Fahrzeugen der Modelle A6/A7 eingeleitet." Audi hatte dem Kraftfahrtbundesamt nach eigenen Angaben "Auffälligkeiten" bei der Dieselmotorsoftware von 60.000 Audi A6 und A7 gemeldet – und die Auslieferung gestoppt. Vorstandschef Rupert Stadler sagte, sein Unternehmen untersuche systematisch alle Motoren. Dem Verkehrsministerium zufolge sollen rund 33.000 Dieselautos in Deutschland und weltweit insgesamt rund 60.000 Fahrzeuge betroffen sein. Zuerst hatte "Spiegel Online" darüber berichtet. Demnach soll bei den Fahrzeugen eine Software zum Einsatz kommen, die die Abgasreinigung herunterfährt, sobald das sogenannte AdBlue zur Neige geht. Dabei handelt es sich um Harnstoff, den Katalysatoren brauchen, um Stickoxide aus den Abgasen zu filtern. Amtlicher Rückruf "äußerst" wahrscheinlich Allerdings soll AdBlue nicht vom Kunden selbst, sondern erst beim nächsten Servicetermin in der Werkstatt nachgefüllt werden. Deshalb soll Audi die Einspritzung des Harnstoffs in den letzten 2.400 Kilometern, bevor er zur Neige geht, deutlich reduziert haben. Dadurch steigt laut "Spiegel Online" aber der Stickoxid-Ausstoß sprunghaft an. Wie das Verkehrsministerium mitteilte, wurde die EU-weite Genehmigung für den A6 in Luxemburg erteilt. Das KBA stehe mit den Behörden in Luxemburg in Kontakt. Ein amtlicher Rückruf zumindest in Deutschland sei "äußerst" wahrscheinlich, hieß es. Mittlerweile sei sogar die Produktion des Modells angehalten worden, berichtet "Spiegel Online". Erst im Januar hatte Audi zahlreiche Dieselmodelle – darunter auch den A6 – wegen einer anderen Abschalteinrichtung zurückrufen müssen. Diese Software hatte den Stickoxid-Ausstoß zwar in standardisierten Messverfahren reduziert, nicht aber im Normalbetrieb. Wegen einer entsprechenden Software ermitteln Behörden weltweit gegen zahlreiche Autobauer.
Audi-Logo Audi soll 800 Millionen Euro Bußgeld zahlen. Die Münchener Staatsanwaltschaft hat diesen Betrag gegen den deutschen Automobilhersteller verhängt – wegen Software-gesteuerter Abgasmanipulation bei Dieselmotoren. Der Mutterkonzern Volkwagen hat mitgeteilt, Audi werde das Bußgeld zahlen, ohne Rechtsmittel dagegen einzulegen: „Die Audi AG bekennt sich damit zu ihrer Verantwortung für die vorgefallenen Aufsichtspflichtverletzungen.“ Das Verfahren gegen Audi ist damit abgeschlossen, teilte der Automobilhersteller selbst am 16. Oktober 2018 mit. Der Betrag geht wahrscheinlich an das Land Bayern. Schon im Mai hatte Audi die Lieferung der Modelle A6 und A7 gestoppt. Der Ex-Chef von Audi, Rupert Stadler, wurde im Juni entlassen und verhaftet. Die Porsche-Holding hat unter anderem aufgrund des Bußgelds ihre Gewinnprognosen nach unten angepasst.
> AUDI: Der vor acht Wochen festgenommene Audi-Vorstandschef Rupert Stadler bleibt weiter in Untersuchungshaft. Das Landgericht München habe Stadlers Beschwerde gegen den Haftbefehl verworfen und es abgelehnt, den Haftbefehl außer Vollzug zu setzen. Das teilte eine Justizsprecherin am 17. September mit. Er sei weiterhin dringend verdächtig, den Verkauf von Autos mit manipulierten Dieselmotoren zugelassen zu haben, obwohl er von den Manipulationen gewusst oder bewusst die Augen davor verschlossen habe, hieß es. Der Haftgrund der Verdunklungsgefahr bestehe fort, befand das Landgericht. Stadler war vor acht Wochen in Ingolstadt festgenommen worden, seither sitzt er in Augsburg in Untersuchungshaft. Mitte Juli hatte er Haftbeschwerde eingelegt. Ende Juni kam ein ehemaliger Audi-Manager gegen Zahlung von drei Millionen Euro Kaution nach neun Monaten aus der Untersuchungshaft frei. Er hatte zuvor mehrfach erfolglos Beschwerde gegen seine Inhaftierung eingelegt und war bis vor das Bundesverfassungsgericht gezogen. Die Aufsichtsräte von Volkswagen und Audi hatten Stadler Mitte Juni von seinen Aufgaben als Audi-Chef und VW-Vorstand entbunden, bis der Sachverhalt geklärt sei, der zu seiner Verhaftung geführt habe. Seither leitet Audi-Vertriebsvorstand Bram Schot Audi als kommissarischer Vorstandschef. Stadler soll nach Aufdeckung der Abgasbetrügereien 2015 in den USA weiter Autos in Europa mit illegaler Software verkauft haben. Zudem soll er bei einem abgehörten Telefonat erwogen haben, einen Zeugen zu beeinflussen. Wenn Stadler nicht überraschend doch noch aus der Haft entlassen wird, ist davon auszugehen, dass der VW-Aufsichtsrat auf seiner nächsten regulären Sitzung am 28. September 2018 die endgültige Trennung von Stadler beschließt. Sollte es hier zu einer Vertragsauflösung kommen, könnte Stadler eventuell Schadensersatzansprüche geltend machen. Es ist also davon auszugehen, dass er bei dem juristischen Gerangel um seinen Abgang nicht leer ausgeht. Quellen: manager-magazin, Handelsblatt
Audi-Logo Audi soll 800 Millionen Euro Bußgeld zahlen. Die Münchener Staatsanwaltschaft hat diesen Betrag gegen den deutschen Automobilhersteller verhängt – wegen Software-gesteuerter Abgasmanipulation bei Dieselmotoren. Der Mutterkonzern Volkwagen hat mitgeteilt, Audi werde das Bußgeld zahlen, ohne Rechtsmittel dagegen einzulegen: „Die Audi AG bekennt sich damit zu ihrer Verantwortung für die vorgefallenen Aufsichtspflichtverletzungen.“ Das Verfahren gegen Audi ist damit abgeschlossen, teilte der Automobilhersteller selbst am 16. Oktober 2018 mit. Der Betrag geht wahrscheinlich an das Land Bayern. Schon im Mai hatte Audi die Lieferung der Modelle A6 und A7 gestoppt. Der Ex-Chef von Audi, Rupert Stadler, wurde im Juni entlassen und verhaftet. Die Porsche-Holding hat unter anderem aufgrund des Bußgelds ihre Gewinnprognosen nach unten angepasst.
AGENCIAS. 03.09.2008 - 20:23h El Consejo Armado del Ejército Republicano Irlandés (IRA), órgano de decisión de la banda responsable de dirigir su campaña armada en el pasado, "", según un informe de la Comisión Independiente de Control (IMC) publicado este miércoles. Si no existe ejército alguno, ¿cuál es el problema aquí? El documento, de doce páginas, indica que el IRA ha desmantelado todas sus "estructuras terroristas" y carece de una cúpula de líderes capaz de organizar una ofensiva armada contra las fuerzas de seguridad. La Comisión reconoce que hay sectores que quieren ver "la disolución pública de las estructuras de liderazgo del IRA", pero precisa que la organización paramilitar ha seguido sus "propios métodos" para acabar con "su llamada lucha armada". "¿Cuál es el problema?" El ministro británico para Irlanda del Norte, Shaun Woodward , opinó que el "IRA ha cumplido con sus obligaciones. Ha abandonado todas sus estructuras terroristas, los reclutamientos y los llamados departamentos militares han sido desmantelados". "Si no existe ejército alguno, ¿cuál es el problema aquí?", se preguntó Woodward. La organización paramilitar ha seguido sus "propios métodos" Esta cuestión iba dirigida a los unionistas del DUP , que se reúnen esta semana con sus socios en el Ejecutivo norirlandés, el Sinn Fein (brazo político del IRA), para abordar el futuro del Gobierno autónomo de poder compartido. La existencia del Consejo Armado del IRA era el argumento que esgrimían los unionistas para considerar prematura el traspaso de las competencias de Justicia e Interior de Londres a Belfast. El Sinn Fein ya ha amenazado con abandonar el Ejecutivo si no se avanza en este asunto, creando una nueva crisis institucional en la provincia británica.
O governo britânico considerou ontem, desmantelado definitivamente o , dando por concluída o de quando se refere ao fim da luta armada e ao desaparecimento da organização. A Comissão Independente criada para monitorar o desarmamento e desmantelamento da organização terrorista, afirmou que o ‘‘‘Conselho Armado’’’ do IRA "já não está operativo" e que carecia de uma estrutura de liderança capaz de organizar uma ofensiva armada. A notícia coincide em uma semana crítica em que , braço político do IRA, deveria tentar chegar a um acordo com os Unionistas para formar governo. Aqueles que se opõem a considerar ativa luta armada. Por sua parte, o ministro para a , , havia ratificado que a organização, seguindo os seus próprios métodos, tenha abandonado os recrutamentos e a estrutura. Os dirigentes do e Sinn Fein haviam formado governo em . O pacto teve sua origem na assinatura do '''Acordo da Sexta-Feira Santa''', em 1998, quando os grupos políticos da Irlanda do Norte se comprometeram a formar um governo em regime de autonomia, ao mesmo tempo em que a IRA abandonava as armas. Esta anunciou o seu desarmamento em 2005 e foram criadas pelo governo britânico e à organização terrorista (este através de intermediários), órgãos de controle e verificação do processo são os que finalmente tenham comunicado o final. Tem uma opinião sobre a notícia? Diga-nos!
El Irish Republican Army's (IRA) no supone una amenaza a la paz y la democracia, han declarado este miércoles fuentes del gobierno británico. El mando del IRA ya no es "operativo ni funcional" asegura el informe publicado por la Comisión Independiente de Observación del conflicto. El documento es el fruto de una investigación solicitada al principio del verano por el Gobierno británico. El informe (pdf) afirma que la cúpula de la organización está aún en funcionamiento, pero que "no tiene lazo alguno con el terrorismo". Lo mismo ocurre con el Consejo Armado del llamado Ira Provisional, escisión violenta que continuó con el camino del terrorismo tras el fin del conflicto con los acuerdos de Viernes Santo, en 1998. Convencidos de su disolución, los redactores del informe aseguran que "el mecanismo elegido para llevar el conflicto armado a su final definitivo es la decisión consciente de permitir la disolución del Consejo Armado" y van más lejos al afirmar que "el IRA Provisional ha cumplido su compromiso. Ha abandonado todas las estructuras terroristas, el reclutamiento y los llamados departamentos 'militares' han cesado en sus funciones".
O governo britânico considerou ontem, desmantelado definitivamente o , dando por concluída o de quando se refere ao fim da luta armada e ao desaparecimento da organização. A Comissão Independente criada para monitorar o desarmamento e desmantelamento da organização terrorista, afirmou que o ‘‘‘Conselho Armado’’’ do IRA "já não está operativo" e que carecia de uma estrutura de liderança capaz de organizar uma ofensiva armada. A notícia coincide em uma semana crítica em que , braço político do IRA, deveria tentar chegar a um acordo com os Unionistas para formar governo. Aqueles que se opõem a considerar ativa luta armada. Por sua parte, o ministro para a , , havia ratificado que a organização, seguindo os seus próprios métodos, tenha abandonado os recrutamentos e a estrutura. Os dirigentes do e Sinn Fein haviam formado governo em . O pacto teve sua origem na assinatura do '''Acordo da Sexta-Feira Santa''', em 1998, quando os grupos políticos da Irlanda do Norte se comprometeram a formar um governo em regime de autonomia, ao mesmo tempo em que a IRA abandonava as armas. Esta anunciou o seu desarmamento em 2005 e foram criadas pelo governo britânico e à organização terrorista (este através de intermediários), órgãos de controle e verificação do processo são os que finalmente tenham comunicado o final. Tem uma opinião sobre a notícia? Diga-nos!
20MINUTOS.ES / EFE. 08.05.2007 - 16:41h El reverendo Ian Paisley, líder del Partido Democrático Unionista (DUP), y el "número dos" del Sinn Fein, Martin McGuinness, han jurado sus cargos como ministro y viceministro principal, respectivamente, del nuevo gobierno autónomo norirlandés. Ambos aceptaron las condiciones recogidas en las llamadas Obligaciones del Cargo, que obligan a los miembros del Ejecutivo del Ulster a reconocer, entre otras cuestiones, la autoridad de la Policía (PSNI) y la Justicia de Irlanda de Norte. La jura de todo el gabinete pone fin al largo y complejo proceso de paz A continuación, el resto de los diez ministros que componen el gabinete de gobierno juraron también, uno por uno, sus cargos. La esperada ceremonia, que reconcilia definitivamente a viejos enemigos y pone el punto final al proceso de paz, duró poco más de diez minutos. Blair y Ahern, en la ceremonia Entre los asistentes a la histórica formación de un gobierno de poder compartido entre católicos y protestantes estuvieron los primeros ministros de Irlanda y el Reino Unido, Bertie Ahern y Tony Blair, respectivamente. El reverendo y McGuinness, antiguo comandante del IRA, encabezarán un Ejecutivo compuesto por cuatro ministros del DUP, tres del Sinn Fein, dos del moderado Partido Unionista del Ulster (UUP) y uno el Socialdemócrata y Laborista (SDLP, nacionalista). El hijo del reverendo, Ian, y el republicano Gerry Kelly, ex prisionero del IRA, ocuparán los dos puestos de secretario de Estado en la Oficina del Ministro y Viceministro Principal. Blair ve en Irlanda del Norte un claro ejemplo para otros países La formación de un gobierno de poder compartido es un ejemplo para otros conflictos en el mundo, según Tony Blair. En su opinión, la clave para lograr un acuerdo entre dos bloques hasta hace poco irreconciliables pasa por sentar a las partes implicadas en una mesa de diálogo. "Creo -explicó Blair- que aquí hay buenas lecciones para otros conflictos. Primero, debes definir el marco político adecuado. Segundo, debes asegurarte de que los agentes externos, en este caso los dos Gobiernos (británico e irlandés) y los Estados Unidos, trabajan en el mismo carril que los agentes internos que quieren la paz". "Irlanda del Norte era sinónimo de conflicto. Parecía que los problemas no eran fruto de una disputa sino de una forma de vida", añadió. El "premier" británico también destacó la labor de sus predecesores en el cargo durante el proceso de paz, así como la de su colega irlandés, Bertie Ahern, con quien ha compartido los esfuerzos negociadores en el Ulster desde la firma del acuerdo del Viernes Santo en abril de 1998. Pero sobre todo, alabó el liderazgo y constancia de Ian Paisley, Gerry Adams y Martin McGuinness al recordar que "había perdido la cuenta" de todas la veces que se le ha recordado que estos nunca compartirían el gobierno del Ulster. Zapatero felicita a Irlanda del Norte y a Blair El Gobierno español se congratuló por el acuerdo, "conseguido gracias a la férrea voluntad" del primer ministro británico, Tony Blair, "en sacar adelante" el proceso de paz y a la "buena voluntad" del Partido Democrático Unionista y del Sinn Fein. En un comunicado del Ministerio de la Presidencia, el Gobierno de José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero felicita a los Ejecutivos británico e irlandés por "la nueva y esperanzadora etapa" que "se inicia con el restablecimiento de una Asamblea y un Ejecutivo para dotar de un gobierno efectivo a Irlanda del Norte". Recalca además que "con este acuerdo se pone punto final a uno de los últimos conflictos territoriales violentos en Europa".
O governo britânico considerou ontem, desmantelado definitivamente o , dando por concluída o de quando se refere ao fim da luta armada e ao desaparecimento da organização. A Comissão Independente criada para monitorar o desarmamento e desmantelamento da organização terrorista, afirmou que o ‘‘‘Conselho Armado’’’ do IRA "já não está operativo" e que carecia de uma estrutura de liderança capaz de organizar uma ofensiva armada. A notícia coincide em uma semana crítica em que , braço político do IRA, deveria tentar chegar a um acordo com os Unionistas para formar governo. Aqueles que se opõem a considerar ativa luta armada. Por sua parte, o ministro para a , , havia ratificado que a organização, seguindo os seus próprios métodos, tenha abandonado os recrutamentos e a estrutura. Os dirigentes do e Sinn Fein haviam formado governo em . O pacto teve sua origem na assinatura do '''Acordo da Sexta-Feira Santa''', em 1998, quando os grupos políticos da Irlanda do Norte se comprometeram a formar um governo em regime de autonomia, ao mesmo tempo em que a IRA abandonava as armas. Esta anunciou o seu desarmamento em 2005 e foram criadas pelo governo britânico e à organização terrorista (este através de intermediários), órgãos de controle e verificação do processo são os que finalmente tenham comunicado o final. Tem uma opinião sobre a notícia? Diga-nos!
Mehr als 100 Afrikaner überqueren jede Woche illegal die Grenze von Ägypten nach Israel. Ministerpräsident Netanjahu will dem einen Riegel vorschieben. "Eine strategische Entscheidung": Illegale Einwanderer aus Afrika sollen künftig nicht mehr über Ägypten ihren Weg nach Israel finden. Foto: AP Mit der Errichtung eines Zauns an der Grenze zu Ägypten will Israel die illegale Einwanderung eindämmen. Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanjahu erklärte, der Bau des Zauns sei "eine strategische Entscheidung, um den jüdischen und demokratischen Charakter des Staates Israel zu wahren". Die Einwanderer, die illegal über Ägypten nach Israel einreisen, stammen überwiegend aus Afrika. Nach Angaben der israelischen Polizei kommen jede Woche 100 bis 200 Afrikaner über die ägyptisch-israelische Grenze. Die meisten von ihnen sind Muslime oder Christen. Israel wurde 1948 gegründet, um den Juden aus aller Welt eine Heimat zu bieten. ANZEIGE Israel werde auch künftig Kriegsflüchtlingen offenstehen, sagte Netanjahu weiter. "Aber wir können nicht zulassen, dass Tausende von Arbeitern illegal über die südliche Grenze nach Israel eindringen und unser Land überschwemmen." Deshalb sollten an Teilen der 250 Kilometer langen Grenze zu Ägypten Zäune errichtet werden: Ein Abschnitt im Südwesten in der Nähe der Stadt Rafah im Gaza-Streifen, und ein zweiter Abschnitt im Südosten nahe der Hafenstadt Eilat am Roten Meer. Flüchtlinge erschossen Beide Abschnitte würden zusammen eine Länge von etwa 120 Kilometern abdecken, also etwa die Hälfte des gesamten Grenzverlaufs, wie die Regierung mitteilte. Der Zaun soll mit Radargeräten ausgestattet werden, um Einwanderer zu orten, die sich der Barriere nähern. Die Kosten werden nach Berichten sraelischer Medien auf etwa 400 Millionen Dollar (550 Millionen Euro) geschätzt. Wegen des stetigen Zustroms von Einwanderern hat Israel bereits die ägyptische Regierung aufgefordert, ihre Kontrollen an der gemeinsamen Grenze zu verschärfen. Seither sind eine Reihe von Afrikanern bei dem Versuch, die Grenze zu überqueren, erschossen worden. Dies hat sowohl Ägypten als auch Israel scharfe Kritik von Menschenrechtsgruppen eingetragen. (AP/gal/odg) ANZEIGE Weitere Artikel in Politik
Benjamin Netanjahu Der israelische Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanjahu erklärte heute, Israel werde die Grenze nach Ägypten durch einen elektronisch gesicherten Zaun verstärken. Israel werde zwar Kriegsflüchtlingen weiterhin offenstehen, man wolle aber nicht „Zehntausende illegaler Arbeiter ins Land lassen“, erklärte Netanjahu. Nach Angaben der israelischen Polizei überqueren wöchentlich 100 bis 200 Afrikaner die Grenze nach Israel, um vor militärischen Konflikten zu fliehen oder einfach nur auf der Suche nach Arbeit. Die Immigranten stammen überwiegend aus Afrika. Der Grenzzaun, der innerhalb der nächsten zwei Jahre fertiggestellt wird, soll auf einer Länge von insgesamt 120 Kilometern mit Bewegungsmeldern und Radargeräten ausgestattet werden. Die Angaben über die entstehenden Kosten schwanken zwischen umgerechnet 270 und 400 Millionen US-Dollar. Ägypten war in den letzten Monaten der Forderung Israels nachgekommen und hatte bereits von sich aus die Grenzkontrollen verschärft. Dabei waren in einigen Fällen illegale Grenzgänger von ägyptischen Sicherheitskräften erschossen worden. Von ägyptischer Seite aus wird auch im Grenzgebiet zum Gazastreifen eine neue Grenzbefestigung aus Stahl gebaut. Über diese Grenze soll die Hamas durch ein weitverzweigtes Tunnelsystem Waffen in den Gazastreifen schmuggeln.
Erst eine Mauer zum Westjordanland, und nun ein elektronisch überwachter Zaun an der Grenze zu Ägypten: Israel schottet sich Schritt für Schritt und mit aufwändigen Mitteln von seinen Nachbarn ab. Von einer "strategischen Entscheidung" sprach Israels Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanjahu in einer am Sonntag (10.01.2006) veröffentlichten Erklärung. Zäune und Überwachungsanlagen sollen "Eindringlinge und Terroristen" daran hindern, über Ägypten ins Land zu gelangen. Es gehe darum, den "jüdischen und demokratischen Charakter des Staates Israel" zu bewahren. Zugleich beteuerte Netanjahu, dass sein Land weiterhin für Flüchtlinge aus Konfliktgebieten offen stehe. "Wir können aber nicht Zehntausende illegaler Arbeiter ins Land lassen", fügte er hinzu. Wirtschaftsmigranten und "Kriminelle" Über die durchlässige Grenze zu Ägypten sind in den vergangenen Jahren Tausende Migranten aus Afrika und anderen Ländern nach Israel gekommen, manche auf der Flucht vor Konflikten, andere auf der Suche nach besseren Lebensbedingungen. Die Polizei in Israel geht davon aus, dass jede Woche 100 bis 200 Flüchtlinge und illegale Arbeitssuchende, aber auch "Kriminelle" die israelisch-ägyptische Grenze passieren. Nach Angaben der Zeitung "Haaretz" hat Ägypten seinerseits die Überwachung der rund 266 Kilometer langen Grenze verstärkt, um den Menschenschmuggel zu unterbinden. Die ägyptische Grenzpolizei habe seit Mai mindestens 17 Illegale getötet, die versuchten die Grenze zu überqueren, heißt es weiter. Der israelische Grenzzaun mit Bewegungsmeldern und weiteren Überwachungsanlagen wird voraussichtlich 270 Millionen Dollar kosten. In zwei Jahren soll die Grenzanlage fertig sein. Die Barriere wird nach Netanjahus Plänen zunächst in zwei Teilen gebaut werden, beginnend bei Eilat am Roten Meer sowie nahe der israelischen Grenze zum Gazastreifen. Illegale Mauer Israel hat bereits die Grenze zum palästinensisch verwalteten Westjordanland mit Zäunen und Mauern befestigt. Der Internationale Gerichtshof in Den Haag hatte diese Anlage schon im Jahr 2004 als illegal erklärt und ihren Abriss gefordert. Ägypten baut zudem an der Grenze zum Gazastreifen eine neue Grenzanlage aus Stahl. Die Sperre soll den Schmuggel in das von der radikal-islamischen Hamas beherrschte Gebiet unterbinden. Immer wieder werden die Tunnel von der israelischen Luftwaffe angriffen, da durch sie auch Waffen für Extremisten in den Gazastreifen gelangen. Seit der israelischen Besetzung des Gazastreifens von 1967 bis 2005 verbindet ein Tunnel-Labyrinth das Gebiet mit Ägypten. Wie viele Tunnel es gibt, ist unbekannt. Autor: Rolf Breuch (dpa, rtr, BBC) Redaktion: Martin Schrader
Benjamin Netanjahu Der israelische Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanjahu erklärte heute, Israel werde die Grenze nach Ägypten durch einen elektronisch gesicherten Zaun verstärken. Israel werde zwar Kriegsflüchtlingen weiterhin offenstehen, man wolle aber nicht „Zehntausende illegaler Arbeiter ins Land lassen“, erklärte Netanjahu. Nach Angaben der israelischen Polizei überqueren wöchentlich 100 bis 200 Afrikaner die Grenze nach Israel, um vor militärischen Konflikten zu fliehen oder einfach nur auf der Suche nach Arbeit. Die Immigranten stammen überwiegend aus Afrika. Der Grenzzaun, der innerhalb der nächsten zwei Jahre fertiggestellt wird, soll auf einer Länge von insgesamt 120 Kilometern mit Bewegungsmeldern und Radargeräten ausgestattet werden. Die Angaben über die entstehenden Kosten schwanken zwischen umgerechnet 270 und 400 Millionen US-Dollar. Ägypten war in den letzten Monaten der Forderung Israels nachgekommen und hatte bereits von sich aus die Grenzkontrollen verschärft. Dabei waren in einigen Fällen illegale Grenzgänger von ägyptischen Sicherheitskräften erschossen worden. Von ägyptischer Seite aus wird auch im Grenzgebiet zum Gazastreifen eine neue Grenzbefestigung aus Stahl gebaut. Über diese Grenze soll die Hamas durch ein weitverzweigtes Tunnelsystem Waffen in den Gazastreifen schmuggeln.
KABUL. Al menos 148 soldados murieron y otros 64 más resultaron heridos en el ataque de un comando talibán contra una base militar en el norte de Afganistán durante la hora de la oración el viernes, según balances no definitivos, la mayoría de las víctimas son jóvenes reclutas. Murieron 148 soldados y otros 64 resultaron heridos", afirmó un comandante del Ejército afgano que pidió el anonimato, en relación al ataque perpetrado ayer contra una base militar por diez talibanes vestidos con uniformes militares en la provincia de Balkh, una de las más seguras de Afganistán. El número de muertos podría aumentar ya que hay varios heridos que se encuentran graves", anotó la fuente militar, que aseguró que la situación en la base se encuentra totalmente bajo control y que poco a poco está regresando la normalidad al lugar. El Gobierno afgano, que se ha mostrado muy precavido a la hora de dar una cifra total de víctimas, confirmó hoy que el número de muertos y heridos supera el centenar. Hay más de cien soldados muertos y heridos. Diez insurgentes, incluidos dos atacantes suicidas que se inmolaron, también murieron", aseguró un portavoz del Ministerio afgano de Defensa, Dawlat Waziri. Infiltrados El ataque, que se prolongó durante seis horas, comenzó poco después del mediodía, cuando los soldados salían de la mezquita tras las oraciones del viernes, en un cuartel situado en el distrito de Dehdadi. Los insurgentes iban vestidos con uniformes militares y lograron infiltrarse dentro del cuartel en varios vehículos del Ejército hasta ser descubiertos en el segundo puesto de control de la entrada, donde el primero de los atacantes se inmoló, mientras que los restantes iniciaron el intercambio de disparos. La oficina del presidente afgano, Ashraf Ghani, publicó un único mensaje en Twitter en el que el mandatario condenaba el "cobarde ataque" contra los militares durante "el rezo del viernes". Los atacantes son infieles", sentenció Ghani. El jefe del Ejecutivo afgano, Abdulá Abdulá, también remarcó en su cuenta de la red social que "el ataque en lugares sagrados está prohibido en todas las creencias" y calificó la acción de "cobarde". Los talibanes reivindicaron ayer el ataque en un comunicado remitido por su portavoz, Zabihulah Muyahid, quien aseguró que mataron a "más de un centenar de soldados". En un nuevo mensaje, los insurgentes aseguraron además que cuatro de los diez atacantes sirvieron "durante mucho tiempo" en el Ejército y que disponían "de toda la información" necesaria para perpetrar con éxito la operación. Peor masacre desde 2015 El ataque de ayer ha sido el más contundente contra el Ejército afgano desde que el 1 de enero de 2015 la OTAN puso fin a su misión de combate en Afganistán tras ceder de manera gradual a las Fuerzas Armadas del país la responsabilidad de mantener la seguridad. El mes pasado, en un ataque a un hospital militar en Kabul reivindicado por el grupo yihadista Estado Islámico, al menos 35 personas murieron y 53 resultaron heridas, incluidos médicos, enfermeras, personal administrativo, militares y pacientes civiles. Según datos revelados por Estados Unidos, entre enero y noviembre del año pasado murieron al menos 6 mil 785 miembros de las fuerzas de seguridad afganas, que constan de 352.000 efectivos e incluyen al Ejército y la Policía, mientras que 11 mil 777 resultaron heridos. La OTAN continúa en Afganistán con alrededor de 13 mil efectivos en tareas de asesoramiento y capacitación, mientras que Estados Unidos mantiene a alrededor de 8 mil 400 insertados en ese operativo de asistencia y en tareas antiterroristas. Desde el fin de la misión de combate de la Alianza Atlántica la violencia ha aumentado en el país asiático impulsada por el avance de los insurgentes, que han reducido el territorio en manos del Gobierno a apenas un 57 % del total, según datos de Estados Unidos. jrr
Más de 100 personas murieron después de un ataque perpetrado por el contra una base militar afgana ubicada cerca de capital de la . El ataque que duró cerca de 6 horas comenzó después del mediodía del viernes (21) contra el complejo del Regimiento número 209 del dejando decenas de soldados y empleados muertos o heridos, indicó Daulat Waziri portavoz del . Los perpetradores iban armados, vestidos con uniformes militares y lograron pasar un puesto de control pero fueron descubiertos al pasar al pasar por el segundo puesto de control donde uno de atacantes se inmoló y los demás atacaron a los soldados que se encontraban saliendo después de la oración en una mezquita ubicada en la base, también fueron atacados otros soldados que se encontraban en una cantina. El portavoz Daulat Waziri añadió que eran 10 los agresores, ocho murieron en los enfrentamientos y otros dos realizaron ataques suicidas pero la agencia de noticias '''' reportó que un atacante había sido detenido y la agencia de noticias '''' informó que habían 7 atacantes muertos, dos más se inmolaron y uno fue detenido. Zabihula Mujahid vocero del talibán reivindicó la autoría del ataque en un email que fue enviado a los medios de comunicación. Horas después enviaron otro mensaje asegurando que cuatro de los 10 perpetradores militaron "durante mucho tiempo" en el Ejército y que contaban "de toda la información" indispensable para realizar el ataque con éxito. El regimiento opera en el distrito de Dihdadi en Balkh y con la base más grande del ejército. También es uno de los siete cuerpos que son dependientes del Ministerio de Defensa que se ocupa de garantizar la seguridad de las provincias del norte y nordeste del país. presidente de se dirigió a la base y condenó el ataque. En un comunicado a través de la cuenta de la presidencia en Twitter expresó "Los atacantes son infieles". También la oficina del presidente del país publicó este sábado en un mensaje donde el presidente condenada el “cobarde ataque” contra los militares durante “el rezo del viernes”. “Los atacantes son infieles”, sentenció Gani. John Thomas portavoz militar de describió el ataque como un golpe "significativo". También se informó que varios militares de y de otras nacionalidades se encuentran cumpliendo servicio en la base. Las fuerzas armadas del país tienen bajo control la base atacada. Según diversas fuentes, la cifra de militares muertos estaba entre 134 y 150 y los heridos entre 64 y 70. Jefe del Ejecutivo afgano subrayó en su cuenta de Twitter diciendo “el ataque en lugares sagrados está prohibido en todas las creencias” además calificó el ataque de “cobarde”. El padre de una de las víctimas explicó a "Hace tres meses mandé a mi hijo al servicio militar, no lo volví a ver desde entonces. Hoy me devuelven su cadáver". Un oficial que se encontraba en la base y que pidió el anonimato explicó "Estoy en el interior de la base y pienso que 150 soldados murieron y decenas están heridos. Se trataba de jóvenes reclutados para entrenarse, llegados de las provincias de Badajshán y de Tajar". Noorullah uno de los supervivientes declaró a la AFP Se ha incrementado la violencia en Afganistán desde que finalizara la misión de combate de la el 1 de enero de 2015 en mitad de un aumento de los insurgentes que redujeron a un 57 por ciento el control del territorio en manos del gobierno, según datos de . La provincia de Balkh es parte de las provincias más seguras del país y el centro de mando del ejército se ubica en esta provincia.
Ataque talibán en base militar de Afganistán provoca al menos 150 muertos AFP De los 10 atacantes que perpetraron el asalto, siete fueron abatidos, dos se hicieron estallar y uno fue detenido. Si el balance de muertos se confirma, sería el ataque más mortífero en Afganistán contra civiles o militares. Más de un centenar de personas murieron o resultaron heridas en el ataque de un comando talibán contra una base militar en el norte de Afganistán durante la hora de la oración el viernes, según balances no definitivos, la mayoría de las víctimas son jóvenes reclutas. En un comunicado este sábado por la mañana, el ministerio de Defensa habla de "al menos 100 soldados muertos", dando así el primer balance desde que finalizara el ataque cometido el viernes por la noche, durante cinco horas, por una decena de hombres armados. Pero un oficial que se hallaba en el interior de la base atacada, la del 209º cuerpo del ejército, en las afueras de Mazar-e-Sharif, dijo a la AFP que "hubo 150 muertos y decenas de heridos". Si este balance se confirmara, sería el ataque más mortífero en Afganistán contra civiles o militares. "Hace tres meses mandé a mi hijo al servicio militar, no lo volví a ver desde entonces. Hoy me devuelven su cadáver", explicó un padre a la AFP. Este sábado por la mañana, sobrervivientes interrogados por la AFP en el hospital de Mazar-e-Sharif se preguntaban cómo el comando pudo eludir los controles e ingresar en la base con sus armas, planteándose preguntas sobre eventuales complicidades internas. "Hay una investigación en curso, y el balance podría cambiar. Cuando termine, compartiremos más detalles con el resto de la nación" anunció el ministerio de Defensa en un comunicado. En los últimos atentados -entre ellos, contra el principal hospital militar del país, en Kabul- las autoridades han sido acusadas de falta de transparencia y de minimizar los balances. Por su lado, un miembro del consejo provincial, Zabihulá Kakar, aseguró que hubo "54 muertos y 58 heridos" en este ataque. "Estoy en el interior de la base y pienso que 150 soldados murieron y decenas están heridos. Se trataba de jóvenes reclutados para entrenarse, llegados de las provincias de Badajshán y de Tajar", en el noreste del país, dijo el oficial que se hallaba en el interior de la base, y que requirió el anonimato. El viernes, un portavoz estadounidense anunció "más de 50 soldados" afganos muertos. De los 10 atacantes, siete fueron abatidos, dos se hicieron estallar y uno fue detenido, indicó el ministerio afgano de Defensa que no dio detalles sobre el ataque. El asalto comenzó por la tarde, a la hora de la oración del viernes. "Eran 10", confirmó a la AFP el oficial contactado en la base. "Llegaron a bordo de Humvees y de camiones del ejército afgano y estaban vestidos con uniformes militares", agregó. Para este oficial, "es evidente, (los atacantes) tenían infiltrados en la base. Si no ¿cómo habrían podido entrar?" "Era la hora de la oración en la mezquita de la base", lo que implica que las víctimas estaban desarmadas, añadió. "Hay siete retenes que hay que franquear a la entrada. A los guardias nos bloquean durante horas si no tenemos nuestros papeles en regla. Tenían armas, chalecos explosivos, alguien los ayudó, está claro", aseguró a la AFP uno de los supervivientes, Noorullah. Los soldados fueron atacados en la mezquita durante la oración y en la cantina de la base, indicó el general estadounidense John Nicholson, al mando de la operación "Resolute Support" (Apoyo Decidido) de la OTAN en Afganistán. La intervención de las fuerzas especiales afganas terminó con el ataque al anochecer, precisó Nicholson. El presidente afgano, Ashraf Ghani, acudió a la base el sábado por la tarde. Los talibanes, que reclaman la partida de todas las tropas extranjeras de Afganistán, reivindicaron rápidamente la operación en un comunicado difundido el viernes en el que anunciaban "decenas de muertos". El 8 de marzo, un ataque al hospital militar de Kabul que duró más de seis horas, reivindicado por el grupo Estado islámico, dejó oficialmente 54 muertos, y más del doble según fuentes de seguridad. Varios miembros del personal afirmaron entonces a la AFP que al menos dos médicos residentes estaban entre los atacantes, que dispusieron de armas escondidas en los locales.
Más de 100 personas murieron después de un ataque perpetrado por el contra una base militar afgana ubicada cerca de capital de la . El ataque que duró cerca de 6 horas comenzó después del mediodía del viernes (21) contra el complejo del Regimiento número 209 del dejando decenas de soldados y empleados muertos o heridos, indicó Daulat Waziri portavoz del . Los perpetradores iban armados, vestidos con uniformes militares y lograron pasar un puesto de control pero fueron descubiertos al pasar al pasar por el segundo puesto de control donde uno de atacantes se inmoló y los demás atacaron a los soldados que se encontraban saliendo después de la oración en una mezquita ubicada en la base, también fueron atacados otros soldados que se encontraban en una cantina. El portavoz Daulat Waziri añadió que eran 10 los agresores, ocho murieron en los enfrentamientos y otros dos realizaron ataques suicidas pero la agencia de noticias '''' reportó que un atacante había sido detenido y la agencia de noticias '''' informó que habían 7 atacantes muertos, dos más se inmolaron y uno fue detenido. Zabihula Mujahid vocero del talibán reivindicó la autoría del ataque en un email que fue enviado a los medios de comunicación. Horas después enviaron otro mensaje asegurando que cuatro de los 10 perpetradores militaron "durante mucho tiempo" en el Ejército y que contaban "de toda la información" indispensable para realizar el ataque con éxito. El regimiento opera en el distrito de Dihdadi en Balkh y con la base más grande del ejército. También es uno de los siete cuerpos que son dependientes del Ministerio de Defensa que se ocupa de garantizar la seguridad de las provincias del norte y nordeste del país. presidente de se dirigió a la base y condenó el ataque. En un comunicado a través de la cuenta de la presidencia en Twitter expresó "Los atacantes son infieles". También la oficina del presidente del país publicó este sábado en un mensaje donde el presidente condenada el “cobarde ataque” contra los militares durante “el rezo del viernes”. “Los atacantes son infieles”, sentenció Gani. John Thomas portavoz militar de describió el ataque como un golpe "significativo". También se informó que varios militares de y de otras nacionalidades se encuentran cumpliendo servicio en la base. Las fuerzas armadas del país tienen bajo control la base atacada. Según diversas fuentes, la cifra de militares muertos estaba entre 134 y 150 y los heridos entre 64 y 70. Jefe del Ejecutivo afgano subrayó en su cuenta de Twitter diciendo “el ataque en lugares sagrados está prohibido en todas las creencias” además calificó el ataque de “cobarde”. El padre de una de las víctimas explicó a "Hace tres meses mandé a mi hijo al servicio militar, no lo volví a ver desde entonces. Hoy me devuelven su cadáver". Un oficial que se encontraba en la base y que pidió el anonimato explicó "Estoy en el interior de la base y pienso que 150 soldados murieron y decenas están heridos. Se trataba de jóvenes reclutados para entrenarse, llegados de las provincias de Badajshán y de Tajar". Noorullah uno de los supervivientes declaró a la AFP Se ha incrementado la violencia en Afganistán desde que finalizara la misión de combate de la el 1 de enero de 2015 en mitad de un aumento de los insurgentes que redujeron a un 57 por ciento el control del territorio en manos del gobierno, según datos de . La provincia de Balkh es parte de las provincias más seguras del país y el centro de mando del ejército se ubica en esta provincia.
Hombres armados vestidos con uniformes militares atacaron un complejo militar en la provincia afgana de Balkh y mataron o hirieron a más de 100 empleados del ejército, según indicó el sábado un funcionario afgano. El ataque del viernes contra un complejo del Regimiento número 209 del Ejército Nacional Afgano, dejó decenas de soldados y otros empleados muertos o heridos, señaló Daulat Waziri, portavoz del Ministerio afgano de Defensa. Los atacantes entraron en el complejo en un vehículo militar y empezaron a disparar a los soldados cuando rezaban en una mezquita dentro de la base, explicó el portavoz. Los agresores eran 10, señaló. Dos de ellos realizaron ataques suicidas y otros ocho murieron en la batalla. El vocero talibán Zabihula Mujahid reclamó la autoría del ataque en un email enviado a los medios. Este regimiento opera en el distrito de Dihdadi, en Balkh, y cuenta con la base más grande del ejército. Es uno de los siete cuerpos dependientes del Ministerio afgano de Defensa y se encarga de prestar seguridad a las provincias del norte y el nordeste. El presidente Ashraf Ghani fue a la base el sábado y condenó el ataque, según la cuenta de Twitter de la presidencia. "Los atacantes son infieles", expresó el comunicado. Hubo reportes contradictorios sobre el saldo de muertes, pero una fuente militar, que pidió no ser identificada, dijo que hubo más de 130 muertos y unos 80 heridos.
Más de 100 personas murieron después de un ataque perpetrado por el contra una base militar afgana ubicada cerca de capital de la . El ataque que duró cerca de 6 horas comenzó después del mediodía del viernes (21) contra el complejo del Regimiento número 209 del dejando decenas de soldados y empleados muertos o heridos, indicó Daulat Waziri portavoz del . Los perpetradores iban armados, vestidos con uniformes militares y lograron pasar un puesto de control pero fueron descubiertos al pasar al pasar por el segundo puesto de control donde uno de atacantes se inmoló y los demás atacaron a los soldados que se encontraban saliendo después de la oración en una mezquita ubicada en la base, también fueron atacados otros soldados que se encontraban en una cantina. El portavoz Daulat Waziri añadió que eran 10 los agresores, ocho murieron en los enfrentamientos y otros dos realizaron ataques suicidas pero la agencia de noticias '''' reportó que un atacante había sido detenido y la agencia de noticias '''' informó que habían 7 atacantes muertos, dos más se inmolaron y uno fue detenido. Zabihula Mujahid vocero del talibán reivindicó la autoría del ataque en un email que fue enviado a los medios de comunicación. Horas después enviaron otro mensaje asegurando que cuatro de los 10 perpetradores militaron "durante mucho tiempo" en el Ejército y que contaban "de toda la información" indispensable para realizar el ataque con éxito. El regimiento opera en el distrito de Dihdadi en Balkh y con la base más grande del ejército. También es uno de los siete cuerpos que son dependientes del Ministerio de Defensa que se ocupa de garantizar la seguridad de las provincias del norte y nordeste del país. presidente de se dirigió a la base y condenó el ataque. En un comunicado a través de la cuenta de la presidencia en Twitter expresó "Los atacantes son infieles". También la oficina del presidente del país publicó este sábado en un mensaje donde el presidente condenada el “cobarde ataque” contra los militares durante “el rezo del viernes”. “Los atacantes son infieles”, sentenció Gani. John Thomas portavoz militar de describió el ataque como un golpe "significativo". También se informó que varios militares de y de otras nacionalidades se encuentran cumpliendo servicio en la base. Las fuerzas armadas del país tienen bajo control la base atacada. Según diversas fuentes, la cifra de militares muertos estaba entre 134 y 150 y los heridos entre 64 y 70. Jefe del Ejecutivo afgano subrayó en su cuenta de Twitter diciendo “el ataque en lugares sagrados está prohibido en todas las creencias” además calificó el ataque de “cobarde”. El padre de una de las víctimas explicó a "Hace tres meses mandé a mi hijo al servicio militar, no lo volví a ver desde entonces. Hoy me devuelven su cadáver". Un oficial que se encontraba en la base y que pidió el anonimato explicó "Estoy en el interior de la base y pienso que 150 soldados murieron y decenas están heridos. Se trataba de jóvenes reclutados para entrenarse, llegados de las provincias de Badajshán y de Tajar". Noorullah uno de los supervivientes declaró a la AFP Se ha incrementado la violencia en Afganistán desde que finalizara la misión de combate de la el 1 de enero de 2015 en mitad de un aumento de los insurgentes que redujeron a un 57 por ciento el control del territorio en manos del gobierno, según datos de . La provincia de Balkh es parte de las provincias más seguras del país y el centro de mando del ejército se ubica en esta provincia.
Derechos de autor de la imagen Reuters Image caption La base atacada es un lugar estratégico, ya que es la encargada de la seguridad de todo el norte de Afganistán. Más de 100 soldados afganos "murieron o resultaron heridos" en un ataque del Talibán contra una base militar el viernes, según confirmó el Ministerio de Defensa. Los enfrentamientos duraron varias horas cerca de la ciudad de Mazare Sharif en la provincia de Balkh, en el norte del país. Los insurgentes atacaron a los soldados que salían de la mezquita de la base tras la oración del viernes y a otros que estaban en la cantina. El Talibán se adjudicó el ataque a través de un comunicado, donde dijo que utilizaron bombarderos suicidas para violar las defensas de la base. De acuerdo a reportes anteriores, la cifra de muertos ascendíaa 134. La declaración oficial del Ministerio de Defensa situó el número de muertos y heridos en 100. Al menos 10 militantes talibanes murieron en los enfrentamientos. Un atacante fue detenido. Derechos de autor de la imagen AFP Image caption La cifra oficial son 100 víctimas, pero puede subir. Con ropa militar Los combatientes talibanes llevaban uniformes del ejército y pasaron por puntos de control militares antes de lanzar el ataque, dijo un portavoz militar. El portavoz militar estadounidense John Thomas describió el ataque como un golpe "significativo". La base de Mazar e Sharif es el hogar del batallón 209 del ejército de Afganistán, responsable de la seguridad de casi todo el norte del país. Varios soldados alemanes y otros extranjeros están cumpliendo servicio allí.
Más de 100 personas murieron después de un ataque perpetrado por el contra una base militar afgana ubicada cerca de capital de la . El ataque que duró cerca de 6 horas comenzó después del mediodía del viernes (21) contra el complejo del Regimiento número 209 del dejando decenas de soldados y empleados muertos o heridos, indicó Daulat Waziri portavoz del . Los perpetradores iban armados, vestidos con uniformes militares y lograron pasar un puesto de control pero fueron descubiertos al pasar al pasar por el segundo puesto de control donde uno de atacantes se inmoló y los demás atacaron a los soldados que se encontraban saliendo después de la oración en una mezquita ubicada en la base, también fueron atacados otros soldados que se encontraban en una cantina. El portavoz Daulat Waziri añadió que eran 10 los agresores, ocho murieron en los enfrentamientos y otros dos realizaron ataques suicidas pero la agencia de noticias '''' reportó que un atacante había sido detenido y la agencia de noticias '''' informó que habían 7 atacantes muertos, dos más se inmolaron y uno fue detenido. Zabihula Mujahid vocero del talibán reivindicó la autoría del ataque en un email que fue enviado a los medios de comunicación. Horas después enviaron otro mensaje asegurando que cuatro de los 10 perpetradores militaron "durante mucho tiempo" en el Ejército y que contaban "de toda la información" indispensable para realizar el ataque con éxito. El regimiento opera en el distrito de Dihdadi en Balkh y con la base más grande del ejército. También es uno de los siete cuerpos que son dependientes del Ministerio de Defensa que se ocupa de garantizar la seguridad de las provincias del norte y nordeste del país. presidente de se dirigió a la base y condenó el ataque. En un comunicado a través de la cuenta de la presidencia en Twitter expresó "Los atacantes son infieles". También la oficina del presidente del país publicó este sábado en un mensaje donde el presidente condenada el “cobarde ataque” contra los militares durante “el rezo del viernes”. “Los atacantes son infieles”, sentenció Gani. John Thomas portavoz militar de describió el ataque como un golpe "significativo". También se informó que varios militares de y de otras nacionalidades se encuentran cumpliendo servicio en la base. Las fuerzas armadas del país tienen bajo control la base atacada. Según diversas fuentes, la cifra de militares muertos estaba entre 134 y 150 y los heridos entre 64 y 70. Jefe del Ejecutivo afgano subrayó en su cuenta de Twitter diciendo “el ataque en lugares sagrados está prohibido en todas las creencias” además calificó el ataque de “cobarde”. El padre de una de las víctimas explicó a "Hace tres meses mandé a mi hijo al servicio militar, no lo volví a ver desde entonces. Hoy me devuelven su cadáver". Un oficial que se encontraba en la base y que pidió el anonimato explicó "Estoy en el interior de la base y pienso que 150 soldados murieron y decenas están heridos. Se trataba de jóvenes reclutados para entrenarse, llegados de las provincias de Badajshán y de Tajar". Noorullah uno de los supervivientes declaró a la AFP Se ha incrementado la violencia en Afganistán desde que finalizara la misión de combate de la el 1 de enero de 2015 en mitad de un aumento de los insurgentes que redujeron a un 57 por ciento el control del territorio en manos del gobierno, según datos de . La provincia de Balkh es parte de las provincias más seguras del país y el centro de mando del ejército se ubica en esta provincia.
Soldados afganos salían de la mezquita cuando comenzó el ataque talibán La base del Ejército está de nuevo bajo control de las fuerzas del país Afganistán: bombardear sin una estrategia Al menos 60 personas han fallecido, entre ellas medio centenar de soldados y diez talibanes, y alrededor de 70 militares han resultado heridos este viernes durante un ataque insurgente contra una base del Ejército afgano en la provincia de Balkh, en el norte de Afganistán. El ataque, que se prolongó durante seis horas, comenzó poco después del mediodía, cuando los soldados salían de la mezquita tras las oraciones del viernes, en el cuartel situado en el distrito de Dehdadi. "El número de soldados muertos ha superado los 50 y el de heridos es ahora de 73", ha explicado a Efe un comandante del Ejército afgano que ha pedido el anonimato, y ha añadido que el total de insurgentes fallecidos asciende a diez. Zabihullah Kakar, miembro del Consejo de Balkh, confirmó a Efe que al menos "66 miembros del Ejército murieron y 73 resultaron heridos". Sin embargo, el ministerio afgano de Defensa ha evitado dar cifras concretas sobre el total de víctimas. Un portavoz de ese ministerio, Dawlat Waziri, que en un principio había informado de ocho militares fallecidos, ha asegurado que "el número de muertos y heridos será anunciado tras completar la investigación". Entre tanto, los combates entre los talibanes y las fuerzas de seguridad afganas dentro de la base militar ubicada cerca de la capital provincial de Mazar-i-Sharif han concluido, según ha informado un portavoz del Ministerio de Defensa en Kabul. La base se encuentra nuevamente bajo control de las fuerzas afganas. Los talibanes han reivindicado la ofensiva Un portavoz del Ejército, Abdul Qahar Aram, ha detallado que los insurgentes iban vestidos con uniformes militares y lograron infiltrarse dentro del cuartel en el interior de varios vehículos del Ejército. Los insurgentes "fueron descubiertos en la entrada en el segundo puesto de control, donde el primero de los atacantes se inmoló", mientras que el resto iniciaron el intercambio de disparos con las fuerzas de seguridad, ha relatado Aram. Los talibanes han reivindicado el ataque a través de un comunicado remitido a Efe por su portavoz, añadiendo que han matado a "más de un centenar de soldados". La provincia de Balkh es una de las más seguras en Afganistán y el Ejército tiene allí el centro de mando para el norte del país. La violencia se ha incrementado desde el final de la misión de combate de la OTAN en Afganistán el 1 de enero de 2015 en medio de un avance de los insurgentes, que han reducido el territorio en manos del Gobierno a apenas un 57% del total.
Más de 100 personas murieron después de un ataque perpetrado por el contra una base militar afgana ubicada cerca de capital de la . El ataque que duró cerca de 6 horas comenzó después del mediodía del viernes (21) contra el complejo del Regimiento número 209 del dejando decenas de soldados y empleados muertos o heridos, indicó Daulat Waziri portavoz del . Los perpetradores iban armados, vestidos con uniformes militares y lograron pasar un puesto de control pero fueron descubiertos al pasar al pasar por el segundo puesto de control donde uno de atacantes se inmoló y los demás atacaron a los soldados que se encontraban saliendo después de la oración en una mezquita ubicada en la base, también fueron atacados otros soldados que se encontraban en una cantina. El portavoz Daulat Waziri añadió que eran 10 los agresores, ocho murieron en los enfrentamientos y otros dos realizaron ataques suicidas pero la agencia de noticias '''' reportó que un atacante había sido detenido y la agencia de noticias '''' informó que habían 7 atacantes muertos, dos más se inmolaron y uno fue detenido. Zabihula Mujahid vocero del talibán reivindicó la autoría del ataque en un email que fue enviado a los medios de comunicación. Horas después enviaron otro mensaje asegurando que cuatro de los 10 perpetradores militaron "durante mucho tiempo" en el Ejército y que contaban "de toda la información" indispensable para realizar el ataque con éxito. El regimiento opera en el distrito de Dihdadi en Balkh y con la base más grande del ejército. También es uno de los siete cuerpos que son dependientes del Ministerio de Defensa que se ocupa de garantizar la seguridad de las provincias del norte y nordeste del país. presidente de se dirigió a la base y condenó el ataque. En un comunicado a través de la cuenta de la presidencia en Twitter expresó "Los atacantes son infieles". También la oficina del presidente del país publicó este sábado en un mensaje donde el presidente condenada el “cobarde ataque” contra los militares durante “el rezo del viernes”. “Los atacantes son infieles”, sentenció Gani. John Thomas portavoz militar de describió el ataque como un golpe "significativo". También se informó que varios militares de y de otras nacionalidades se encuentran cumpliendo servicio en la base. Las fuerzas armadas del país tienen bajo control la base atacada. Según diversas fuentes, la cifra de militares muertos estaba entre 134 y 150 y los heridos entre 64 y 70. Jefe del Ejecutivo afgano subrayó en su cuenta de Twitter diciendo “el ataque en lugares sagrados está prohibido en todas las creencias” además calificó el ataque de “cobarde”. El padre de una de las víctimas explicó a "Hace tres meses mandé a mi hijo al servicio militar, no lo volví a ver desde entonces. Hoy me devuelven su cadáver". Un oficial que se encontraba en la base y que pidió el anonimato explicó "Estoy en el interior de la base y pienso que 150 soldados murieron y decenas están heridos. Se trataba de jóvenes reclutados para entrenarse, llegados de las provincias de Badajshán y de Tajar". Noorullah uno de los supervivientes declaró a la AFP Se ha incrementado la violencia en Afganistán desde que finalizara la misión de combate de la el 1 de enero de 2015 en mitad de un aumento de los insurgentes que redujeron a un 57 por ciento el control del territorio en manos del gobierno, según datos de . La provincia de Balkh es parte de las provincias más seguras del país y el centro de mando del ejército se ubica en esta provincia.
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Más de 100 personas murieron después de un ataque perpetrado por el contra una base militar afgana ubicada cerca de capital de la . El ataque que duró cerca de 6 horas comenzó después del mediodía del viernes (21) contra el complejo del Regimiento número 209 del dejando decenas de soldados y empleados muertos o heridos, indicó Daulat Waziri portavoz del . Los perpetradores iban armados, vestidos con uniformes militares y lograron pasar un puesto de control pero fueron descubiertos al pasar al pasar por el segundo puesto de control donde uno de atacantes se inmoló y los demás atacaron a los soldados que se encontraban saliendo después de la oración en una mezquita ubicada en la base, también fueron atacados otros soldados que se encontraban en una cantina. El portavoz Daulat Waziri añadió que eran 10 los agresores, ocho murieron en los enfrentamientos y otros dos realizaron ataques suicidas pero la agencia de noticias '''' reportó que un atacante había sido detenido y la agencia de noticias '''' informó que habían 7 atacantes muertos, dos más se inmolaron y uno fue detenido. Zabihula Mujahid vocero del talibán reivindicó la autoría del ataque en un email que fue enviado a los medios de comunicación. Horas después enviaron otro mensaje asegurando que cuatro de los 10 perpetradores militaron "durante mucho tiempo" en el Ejército y que contaban "de toda la información" indispensable para realizar el ataque con éxito. El regimiento opera en el distrito de Dihdadi en Balkh y con la base más grande del ejército. También es uno de los siete cuerpos que son dependientes del Ministerio de Defensa que se ocupa de garantizar la seguridad de las provincias del norte y nordeste del país. presidente de se dirigió a la base y condenó el ataque. En un comunicado a través de la cuenta de la presidencia en Twitter expresó "Los atacantes son infieles". También la oficina del presidente del país publicó este sábado en un mensaje donde el presidente condenada el “cobarde ataque” contra los militares durante “el rezo del viernes”. “Los atacantes son infieles”, sentenció Gani. John Thomas portavoz militar de describió el ataque como un golpe "significativo". También se informó que varios militares de y de otras nacionalidades se encuentran cumpliendo servicio en la base. Las fuerzas armadas del país tienen bajo control la base atacada. Según diversas fuentes, la cifra de militares muertos estaba entre 134 y 150 y los heridos entre 64 y 70. Jefe del Ejecutivo afgano subrayó en su cuenta de Twitter diciendo “el ataque en lugares sagrados está prohibido en todas las creencias” además calificó el ataque de “cobarde”. El padre de una de las víctimas explicó a "Hace tres meses mandé a mi hijo al servicio militar, no lo volví a ver desde entonces. Hoy me devuelven su cadáver". Un oficial que se encontraba en la base y que pidió el anonimato explicó "Estoy en el interior de la base y pienso que 150 soldados murieron y decenas están heridos. Se trataba de jóvenes reclutados para entrenarse, llegados de las provincias de Badajshán y de Tajar". Noorullah uno de los supervivientes declaró a la AFP Se ha incrementado la violencia en Afganistán desde que finalizara la misión de combate de la el 1 de enero de 2015 en mitad de un aumento de los insurgentes que redujeron a un 57 por ciento el control del territorio en manos del gobierno, según datos de . La provincia de Balkh es parte de las provincias más seguras del país y el centro de mando del ejército se ubica en esta provincia.
Papua New Guinea's Mosquitoes have finally broken through to win the International Cup at the MCG after twice being runners-up. It was magnificent come from behind win against quality opposition, the New Zealand Falcons, in a high quality match. The game started a few minutes earlier than expected, with New Zealand kicking to the Punt Road end but with little advantage from the gentle breeze. The game quickly settled into the pattern of play anticipated - the Mozzies attacking at all costs with pace and carry but the Kiwis holding them up with superior height then using the ball well going forward. The New Zealanders kept their structures and made space for their forwards to run into. Everything was falling into place as Moss Doran goaled from a mark, captain Andrew Congalton roved the pack for another major, and James Monaghan converted from a free. The Papuans had less genuine chances and to make matters worse squandered them with only four behinds to show for the first quarter. NZ 3.1 (19) to PNG 0.4 (4). If there were concerns that PNG would drop their heads having fallen behind, a volley kick from mid-air cleared the pack running back into the goal-square, registering the Mozzies first goal and giving them hope. The Papuans kicked another but it was sandwiched between two New Zealand goals, including one to key forward and tournament leading goalkicker Richard Bradley. At half-time it was NZ 5.3 (33) to PNG 2.5 (17), the two time runners-up hanging in there and starting to get a clear running advantage over the Kiwis who already looked to be slowing up, but held a valuable lead in a match with only 17 minutes quarters, no time on (like the other IC08 games). The PNG advantage became very clear in the third, peppering the goals with near misses, often from gettable chances. The question was whether it was a dominance that would remain or whether they were burning their window of opportunity. Finally PNG goaled to close the gap to just six points and they had all the momentum. But New Zealand responded with a point from a long bomb from Doran and a goal to 2005 star James Bowden from long range after a juggling mark. A late PNG goal made the margin just six points once again at the last break and guaranteed an exciting finale. Tall youngster Amua Pirika, already looking dangerous, burst into life. Veteran Overa Gibson was back shoring up the PNG defence and his protege was given a key roll up forward. The 190cm (6'3") 17 year old has looked like a promising target for the future, but he thrust himself into the present, marking from a series of good passes, leading too fast for his opponent. Pirika's is an interesting story that we might delve into later, and on this night he was crucial for the Mosquitoes. He was looking unstoppable but wasted several opportunities and again it appeared the Mozzies might let the International Cup slip through their grasp. But weight of numbers told out, and Pirika and PNG began to kick goals amongst the behinds and it was becoming obvious that the reigning champs were in trouble. But as would be expected from a class team they responded with renewed urgency and had several forward thrusts, only to be denied by PNG having more numbers behind the ball. This was a startling situation and at first thought it appeared the Mozzies had put extra men back to fill the hole in front of New Zealand's dangerous forwards. But in fact it was more a case that the Kiwis forwards had been sucked up the ground chasing kicks, and their men had stayed back - the New Zealand structure, so important and impressive for several years, had broken down, even if only briefly. The teams line up for their anthems. Despite the pressure of the moment PNG's Donald Barry was laconic as he lay the ball across his boot to add another, and New Zealand looked gone as they lost the lead, and then had it blow out to eight points. More forward sorties by the Falcons were again marked by PNG's men filling space and any New Zealand supporters watching must have been distraught at the wasted chances. Bradley marked and goaled to bring it back to two points with around five minutes left and the centre clearance would be crucial. Papua New Guinea won the clearance and a desperate few minutes was spent battling for clear possession in their forward line. New Zealand had a couple more half-chances to go inside 50, but couldn't take them, then PNG ran the ball forward. Pirika marked again and the game was theirs. The siren sounded and the jubilant Mozzies swarmed over the ground. Amid the celebrations Pirika took time over his kick, from around 30m out on a very tight angle, and duly slotted his most difficult kick of the match, a beautiful check-side that curled through accompanied by a roar of approval from the growing crowd arriving for the subsequent AFL match between Hawthorn and the Western Bulldogs. The cake now had its icing. Papua New Guinea had finally broken the hoodoo and celebrated with a lap of the oval. Kevin Sheedy was on hand to award them the Cup, and the happy scenes continued in the changerooms afterwards, tinged with a sense of sadness as Gibson and several others retired from international footy. Congratulations to PNG for their deserved win and commiserations to New Zealand - gallant in a narrow defeat. New Zealand Goal Kickers: R. Bradley 2, J. Bowden, A. Congalton, M. Doran, J. Monaghan, N. Cunneen Best Players: M. Doran, J. Maling, A. Congalton, M. Jones, M. Jones, S. McNally Papua New Guinea Goal Kickers: A. Pirika 3, D. Waluka 2, D. Barry, A. Pinda Best Players: D. Barry, S. Susuve, A. Pinda, E. Wartova, O. Gibson, A. Pirika New Zealand Papua New Guinea 3.1 (19) 1/4 0.4 (4) 5.3 (33) 1/2 2.5 (17) 6.4 (40) 3/4 4.10 (34) 7.4 (46) Full 7.12 (54) The MCG aglow (taken after the match). The print media room was a little light on journalists at the start of the match. The members stood for the anthems. The Haka. The big screen. A slighty late bump. Stalemate. The Kiwis did a lap to thank their supporters. A happy PNG squad. Players enjoy the Cup and their medals in the change-rooms.
New Zealand in action against India Papua New Guinea (PNG) has defeated New Zealand (NZ) in the final round of the Australian Football International Cup. They previously finished second to Ireland in 2002 and New Zealand in 2005. New Zealand kicked to the Punt Road end in a high intensity first quarter. PNG went forward quickly only to be denied by a taller NZ defense. NZ were able to create space for their forwards though structured play. The quarter finished NZ three goals one behind (19) to PNG four behinds. PNG's first goal came from a mid air volly. The teams second came after two NZ goals including one to key forward and tournament leading goalkicker Richard Bradley. The half time scores were NZ five goals three behinds (33) to PNG two goals five behinds (17), PNG closed the gap to six points gaining the momentum before NZ added a goal and a behind. PNG closed the gap back to six before the final break. Three Quarter time scores: NZ six goals four behinds (40) to PNG four goals ten behinds (34). PNG rallied in the last quarter to go ahead and claim their first International Cup title in three attempts. NZ's structure faltered, if only briefly, allowing PNG, who had numbers behind the ball, back in the game. Trailing at every change, PNG kicked three goals two behinds to New Zealand's one goal in the last quarter to win 7.12 (54) to 7.4 (46).
By Tony Abate PAPUA New Guinea fought back magnificently to win its first International Cup in the curtain raiser to the Hawthorn-Western Bulldogs final at the MCG, defeating 2005 winners New Zealand by eight points. The final term began with the scores level, and saw PNG full of running with first Donald Barry and then Amua Pirika snapping great goals. NZ steadied with a goal to Richard Bradley to take him to 17 majors for the tournament, equal top scorer with Canada's Scott Fleming, but PNG still led by two points with four minutes to go. And they held on, with young star Pirika having a shot for goal after the siren to put the final nail in the NZ coffin. His banana kick went straight through the middle to wild applause from the thousands of spectators at the MCG. PNG had been runner up in the past two cups. Barry played an outstanding game for the victors and won the medal for best on ground. New Zealand led by 15 points at quarter time, but the second quarter was a much tighter struggle with each team kicking two goals and the Kiwis holding on to a 16-point lead. PNG started the third term full of running and after kicking three goals to one had levelled the score at the last change. Inaccurate kicking might have proved costly for PNG, but in the end they ran over the top of NZ for the title. Papua New Guinea 0.4 2.5 5.10 7.12 (54) New Zealand 3.1 5.3 6.4 7.4 (46)
New Zealand in action against India Papua New Guinea (PNG) has defeated New Zealand (NZ) in the final round of the Australian Football International Cup. They previously finished second to Ireland in 2002 and New Zealand in 2005. New Zealand kicked to the Punt Road end in a high intensity first quarter. PNG went forward quickly only to be denied by a taller NZ defense. NZ were able to create space for their forwards though structured play. The quarter finished NZ three goals one behind (19) to PNG four behinds. PNG's first goal came from a mid air volly. The teams second came after two NZ goals including one to key forward and tournament leading goalkicker Richard Bradley. The half time scores were NZ five goals three behinds (33) to PNG two goals five behinds (17), PNG closed the gap to six points gaining the momentum before NZ added a goal and a behind. PNG closed the gap back to six before the final break. Three Quarter time scores: NZ six goals four behinds (40) to PNG four goals ten behinds (34). PNG rallied in the last quarter to go ahead and claim their first International Cup title in three attempts. NZ's structure faltered, if only briefly, allowing PNG, who had numbers behind the ball, back in the game. Trailing at every change, PNG kicked three goals two behinds to New Zealand's one goal in the last quarter to win 7.12 (54) to 7.4 (46).
PARIS (Reuters) - Un excellent James Rodriguez a inscrit samedi son premier doublé sous les couleurs de Monaco, offrant à son équipe un succès 2-0 à Bastia qui la maintient à cinq longueurs du leader de la Ligue 1, le Paris Saint-Germain. Le voyage s'annonçait périlleux pour Monaco et il aurait pu l'être car les …
Une femme dans une mine d'or en Guinée Selon une dépêche de l', l'exploitation de l'or par les multinationales serait un vecteur important de la pollution des nappes phréatiques dans les régions concernées. C'est ce qui ressortirait d'une étude du journaliste suisse, Gilles Labarthe, auteur de « L'or africain », aidé pour cela par l'ONG Oxfam France-Agir ici et l'association Survie. L'utilisation du cyanure et du mercure dans le processus de purification du métal précieux, a provoqué une pollution très inquiétante des nappes phréatiques. Ainsi, dans certaines zones au Mali, 4 femmes enceintes sur 5 font une fausse couche. Le coût de la dépollution se monterait à 16 milliards de dollars qui risqueraient d'être mis à la charge des États, lesquelles ne '''' affirme l'. Selon Gilles Labarthe ''''. Il dénonce l'exploitation des gisements par '''' Le journaliste pointe aussi du doigt les conflits armés qui '''', notamment en République Démocratique du Congo. L'étude met aussi en avant ces multinationales . Ces trafics se retrouvent ''''. Il ajoute que ces firmes '''', le tout sous fonds de paradis fiscaux et de paupérisation grandissante de la plupart de ces pays. Plusieurs voix s'élèvent en Afrique et dans le monde pour exiger un meilleur contrôle de ces exploitations aurifères.
Apéro-signature avec Gilles Labarthe, auteur de "L'or africain" 17 octobre 2007 a 17h30 - Librairie Basta "Il n'est plus possible que des matieres premieres continuent a dormir, sous pretexte que leur exploitation bouleverserait le mode de vie de ceux qui ont la chance de vivre ou elles se trouvent. Si des peuples, demeures arrieres, ne peuvent ou ne veulent s'occuper de leur mise en valeur, d'autres peuples plus entreprenants viendront le faire a leur place de gre ou de force." Ainsi parlait, en 1951, un ouvrage consacre aux ressources minieres de la France et de ses colonies. Un demi-siecle plus tard, les "peuples entreprenants" - incarnes par une poignee de firmes occidentales soutenues par la Banque mondiale - ne se privent guere, en effet, d'exploiter l'or africain et de bouleverser le mode de vie des populations locales: cadences infernales, normes de securite inexistantes, mouvements syndicaux reprimes, pollution catastrophique, etc. Ces firmes privees, tentaculaires, exploitent aujourd'hui 80% des gigantesques gisements africains. Liees a des trafiquants d'armes, a la famille Bush, a la CIA ou au lobby nucleaire, on les retrouve au Mali, au Ghana, en Tanzanie, en Afrique du Sud et jusque dans les regions en conflit - comme en Republique democratique du Congo -, ou elles soutiennent parfois des mouvements armes. Elles sont si puissantes que l'ONU renonce a les sanctionner. Leurs benefices sont rapatries dans des paradis fiscaux, tandis que les pays africains riches en or ne cessent de s'appauvrir... Collection "Dossiers noirs" - 224 pages - ISBN : 978-2-7489-0075-0 - En librairie le 12 octobre 2007 Adresse Librairie Basta Chauderon Petit-Rocher 4 1003 LAUSANNE plus d'info : Page créée le 04.10.07 Dernière mise à jour le 04.10.07 © "Le Culturactif Suisse" - "Le Service de Presse Suisse"
Une femme dans une mine d'or en Guinée Selon une dépêche de l', l'exploitation de l'or par les multinationales serait un vecteur important de la pollution des nappes phréatiques dans les régions concernées. C'est ce qui ressortirait d'une étude du journaliste suisse, Gilles Labarthe, auteur de « L'or africain », aidé pour cela par l'ONG Oxfam France-Agir ici et l'association Survie. L'utilisation du cyanure et du mercure dans le processus de purification du métal précieux, a provoqué une pollution très inquiétante des nappes phréatiques. Ainsi, dans certaines zones au Mali, 4 femmes enceintes sur 5 font une fausse couche. Le coût de la dépollution se monterait à 16 milliards de dollars qui risqueraient d'être mis à la charge des États, lesquelles ne '''' affirme l'. Selon Gilles Labarthe ''''. Il dénonce l'exploitation des gisements par '''' Le journaliste pointe aussi du doigt les conflits armés qui '''', notamment en République Démocratique du Congo. L'étude met aussi en avant ces multinationales . Ces trafics se retrouvent ''''. Il ajoute que ces firmes '''', le tout sous fonds de paradis fiscaux et de paupérisation grandissante de la plupart de ces pays. Plusieurs voix s'élèvent en Afrique et dans le monde pour exiger un meilleur contrôle de ces exploitations aurifères.
Alle 364 Reisenden, bis auf wenige Ausnahmen Deutsche, sowie der größte Teil der Besatzung wurden in Eidfjord am Hardangerfjord an Land gebracht. Es gab keine Verletzten. Der 175 Meter lange Luxusliner ist durch die ZDF-Serie „Das Traumschiff“ berühmt geworden. Während die Evakuierung des Schiffes mit insgesamt 607 Menschen an Bord reibungslos und ohne Panik verlief, konnte der Brand im Maschinenraum erst nach mehreren Stunden unter Kontrolle gebracht werden. 14 Spezialisten zur Bekämpfung von Schiffsbränden aus Bergen und Stavanger waren noch am Abend mit den Löscharbeiten beschäftigt. Das Schiff der schleswig-holsteinischen Reederei Deilmann hatte Eidfjord nach der Fahrt durch den malerischen Hardangerfjord angelaufen. Mehrere Stunden vor der ursprünglich für Sonntagabend geplanten Weiterreise in Richtung Hamburg wurde um 12.30 Feueralarm an Bord der „Deutschland“ ausgelöst. Über die Ursachen machten die Behörden der westnorwegischen Kleinstadt zunächst keine Angaben. Alle Brandschutztüren hätten gehalten und die Ausbreitung des Feuers verhindert, verlautete aus der Rettungszentrale. Die „Deutschland“ soll am Montag in die westnorwegische Hafenstadt Bergen gebracht werden. Dort werde das Ausmaß der Schäden untersucht, sagte Reedereisprecher Hans-Ulrich Kossel. Die Passagiere wurden für die Nacht in Eidfjord in Hotels einquartiert. „Dann werden sie entweder von Bergen oder Oslo nach Hause geflogen“, sagte Kossel. Die nächste Fahrt werde auf keinen Fall pünktlich beginnen können.Das als schwimmendes 5-Sterne-Hotel geltende Schiff sollte nach den ursprünglichen Plänen am 25. Mai von Hamburg aus auf Fahrt nach London und Schottland gehen.Von den 364 Passagieren, die von Bord gehen mussten, waren 334 Deutsche, darunter viele ältere Menschen. Zu den 241 Besatzungsmitgliedern sollen nach Behördenangaben 108 Deutsche zählen. Außerdem seien zwei norwegische Lotsen an Bord gewesen.
MS Deutschland (im Jahr 2006) Das mit 608 Menschen besetzte, aus der Fernsehserie „Das Traumschiff“ bekannte Kreuzfahrtschiff „MS Deutschland“ ist am Sonntagmittag um 12:30 Uhr nahe Eidfjord in Brand geraten. Das Feuer war aus bisher unbekannten Gründen im Maschinenraum des 175 Meter langen Luxusliners ausgebrochen. Es kam zu starker Rauchentwicklung aus den Schornsteinen. Die umgehend geschlossenen Brandschutztüren verhinderten ein Ausbreiten des Feuers auf den Schiffsdecks. Um 12:30 Uhr gab es Feueralarm auf der MS Deutschland. Umgehend wurde das derzeit auf Reede liegende, mit 364 Passagieren, 241 Besatzungsmitgliedern und zwei Lotsen belegte Schiff durch die Rettungskräfte vor Ort evakuiert. Der Brand war zwar schon am Nachmittag „unter Kontrolle“, aber noch nicht besiegt. Am späten Abend kam dann die Meldung: Feuer aus. Verletzt wurde bei dem Brand offenbar niemand, die Höhe des Schadens ist noch unbekannt. Das Schiff wird in der Nacht nach Bergen geschleppt. Die Passagiere wurden am Montag von Bergen oder Oslo aus zum Heimatflughafen geflogen; fast alle kommen aus Deutschland. Die Aufteilung konkret: 364 deutsche Passagiere, viele davon ältere Menschen, Besatzungsmitglieder: 108 Deutsche. Das Schiff war auf einer einwöchigen Fjord-Kreuzfahrt und auf dem Rückweg nach Hamburg, wo es am Dienstag einlaufen sollte. Nach kurzem Aufenthalt sollte es zu einer neuen Tour nach England/Schottland aufbrechen. Betreiber ist die Reederei Peter Deilmann.
Auf dem ZDF-„Traumschiff“, der „MS Deutschland“, ist am Sonntag vor der norwegischen Küste ein Feuer ausgebrochen. Mehr als 600 Menschen an Bord wurden evakuiert, wie ein Sprecher der Einsatzkräfte vor Ort, Per Fjeld, sagte. Offenbar sei niemand verletzt worden. Feuerwehrleute seien dabei, den Brand zu löschen. Das Feuer brach den Angaben zufolge im Maschinenraum des Schiffes aus, das im norwegischen Hafen Eidfjorden liegt. An Bord befanden sich 364 Passagiere, 241 Besatzungsmitglieder und zwei Lotsen. Das Kreuzfahrtschiff der Reederei Peter Deilmann war auf einer einwöchigen Fjord-Reise. Es sollte eigentlich am Abend Kurs auf Hamburg nehmen, dort am Dienstag eintreffen und sich dann wieder auf den Weg in Richtung England/Schottland machen.
MS Deutschland (im Jahr 2006) Das mit 608 Menschen besetzte, aus der Fernsehserie „Das Traumschiff“ bekannte Kreuzfahrtschiff „MS Deutschland“ ist am Sonntagmittag um 12:30 Uhr nahe Eidfjord in Brand geraten. Das Feuer war aus bisher unbekannten Gründen im Maschinenraum des 175 Meter langen Luxusliners ausgebrochen. Es kam zu starker Rauchentwicklung aus den Schornsteinen. Die umgehend geschlossenen Brandschutztüren verhinderten ein Ausbreiten des Feuers auf den Schiffsdecks. Um 12:30 Uhr gab es Feueralarm auf der MS Deutschland. Umgehend wurde das derzeit auf Reede liegende, mit 364 Passagieren, 241 Besatzungsmitgliedern und zwei Lotsen belegte Schiff durch die Rettungskräfte vor Ort evakuiert. Der Brand war zwar schon am Nachmittag „unter Kontrolle“, aber noch nicht besiegt. Am späten Abend kam dann die Meldung: Feuer aus. Verletzt wurde bei dem Brand offenbar niemand, die Höhe des Schadens ist noch unbekannt. Das Schiff wird in der Nacht nach Bergen geschleppt. Die Passagiere wurden am Montag von Bergen oder Oslo aus zum Heimatflughafen geflogen; fast alle kommen aus Deutschland. Die Aufteilung konkret: 364 deutsche Passagiere, viele davon ältere Menschen, Besatzungsmitglieder: 108 Deutsche. Das Schiff war auf einer einwöchigen Fjord-Kreuzfahrt und auf dem Rückweg nach Hamburg, wo es am Dienstag einlaufen sollte. Nach kurzem Aufenthalt sollte es zu einer neuen Tour nach England/Schottland aufbrechen. Betreiber ist die Reederei Peter Deilmann.
Passagiere und Crew sind mit dem Schrecken davongekommen: Norwegische Spezialisten haben den Brand auf dem Kreuzfahrtschiff "MS Deutschland" gelöscht. Das Feuer in einem Maschinenraum hatte die Evakuierung des "Traumschiffs" in der kleinen Hafenstadt Eidfjord nötig gemacht. Norwegische Spezialisten haben den Brand auf dem Kreuzfahrtschiff „MS Deutschland“ am Sonntagabend endgültig gelöscht. Das Feuer in einem Maschinenraum hatte am Nachmittag die Evakuierung des aus dem Fernsehen bekannten „Traumschiffs“ in der kleinen Hafenstadt Eidfjord nötig gemacht. Alle 364 Passagiere und der meisten Besatzungsmitglieder wurden von Bord und in Sicherheit gebracht. Wie die Nachrichtenagentur NTB am Abend weiter berichtete, sollte das 175 Meter lange Schiff noch in der Nacht durch den westnorwegischen Hardangerfjord nach Bergen geschleppt werden. Dort will die schleswig-holsteinische Reederei Deilmann die Schäden untersuchen lassen. Die Brandursache ist weiter unklar. Die Passagiere sollen am Montag per Flugzeug von Bergen oder Oslo aus nach Hause gebracht werden. Fast alle kommen aus Deutschland. Während die Evakuierung des Schiffes mit insgesamt 607 Menschen an Bord reibungslos und ohne Panik verlief, konnte der Brand im Maschinenraum zunächst auch nach mehreren Stunden noch nicht gelöscht werden. zurück weiter 1 von 10 Zahlen und Fakten Das Schiff hatte Eidfjord nach der Fahrt durch den malerischen Hardangerfjord angelaufen. Mehrere Stunden vor der ursprünglich für Sonntagabend geplanten Weiterreise in Richtung Hamburg wurde um 12.30 Uhr Feueralarm von Bord der „Deutschland“ ausgelöst. mehr Bilder "Traumschiff" Die ZDF-Serie sorgt auch für Traumquoten Über die Ursachen machten die Behörden der westnorwegischen Kleinstadt zunächst keine Angaben. Alle Brandschutztüren hätten gehalten und die Ausbreitung des Feuers verhindert, verlautete aus der Rettungszentrale. Das als „schwimmendes 5-Sterne-Hotel“ geltende Flaggschiff der schleswig-holsteinischen Reederei Deilmann (hier) sollte nach den ursprünglichen Plänen von Hamburg aus am 25. Mai auf Fahrt nach London und Schottland gehen. Von den 364 Passagieren, der von Bord gehen mussten, waren 334 Deutsche, darunter viele ältere Menschen. Von den 241 Besatzungsmitgliedern sind nach den Behördenangaben 108 Deutsche. dpa/lk
MS Deutschland (im Jahr 2006) Das mit 608 Menschen besetzte, aus der Fernsehserie „Das Traumschiff“ bekannte Kreuzfahrtschiff „MS Deutschland“ ist am Sonntagmittag um 12:30 Uhr nahe Eidfjord in Brand geraten. Das Feuer war aus bisher unbekannten Gründen im Maschinenraum des 175 Meter langen Luxusliners ausgebrochen. Es kam zu starker Rauchentwicklung aus den Schornsteinen. Die umgehend geschlossenen Brandschutztüren verhinderten ein Ausbreiten des Feuers auf den Schiffsdecks. Um 12:30 Uhr gab es Feueralarm auf der MS Deutschland. Umgehend wurde das derzeit auf Reede liegende, mit 364 Passagieren, 241 Besatzungsmitgliedern und zwei Lotsen belegte Schiff durch die Rettungskräfte vor Ort evakuiert. Der Brand war zwar schon am Nachmittag „unter Kontrolle“, aber noch nicht besiegt. Am späten Abend kam dann die Meldung: Feuer aus. Verletzt wurde bei dem Brand offenbar niemand, die Höhe des Schadens ist noch unbekannt. Das Schiff wird in der Nacht nach Bergen geschleppt. Die Passagiere wurden am Montag von Bergen oder Oslo aus zum Heimatflughafen geflogen; fast alle kommen aus Deutschland. Die Aufteilung konkret: 364 deutsche Passagiere, viele davon ältere Menschen, Besatzungsmitglieder: 108 Deutsche. Das Schiff war auf einer einwöchigen Fjord-Kreuzfahrt und auf dem Rückweg nach Hamburg, wo es am Dienstag einlaufen sollte. Nach kurzem Aufenthalt sollte es zu einer neuen Tour nach England/Schottland aufbrechen. Betreiber ist die Reederei Peter Deilmann.
Boris Tadic will fly to Sweden, which holds the rotating EU presidency Serbia is to submit a formal application on Tuesday to join the European Union's 27-nation bloc. President Boris Tadic will fly to Stockholm, where he will submit the application to Swedish Prime Minster Fredrik Reinfeldt. The EU recently unfroze a free trade agreement with Belgrade. But Serbia still has to cross a major hurdle, the capture of two remaining war fugitives, before membership negotiations will begin in earnest. Visa-free travel Serbia feels it has built up a certain momentum on its path to the EU in the past few weeks. An important trade pact with the bloc has now come into force and Serbs were recently granted visa-free travel to most EU countries. Ratko Mladic is thought to be in hiding in Serbia But Serbia's attempts to gain membership have been hampered by concerns, particularly in the Netherlands, over its failure to capture the two remaining war fugitives indicted by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), based in the Hauge Chief among them is the former Bosnian Serb military commander, Ratko Mladic. Earlier this month the UN's chief war crimes prosecutor said Serbia's co-operation with ICTY was "progressing". However, in his report to the UN, Serge Brammertz said Serbia must continue searching for both Gen Mladic and Goran Hadzic, who is wanted for war crimes in Croatia. Long road ahead Belgrade is now pinning its hopes on the next report by the chief prosecutor, expected in June. If that proves a positive assessment of Serbia's hunt for the fugitives, the Dutch may be persuaded to soften and allow the next stage of the application process to move forward. The BBC's Mark Lowen, in Belgrade, says that a long road lies ahead: it's likely to take at least four years before the hand of membership extends to Serbia. Bookmark with: Delicious Digg reddit Facebook StumbleUpon What are these? E-mail this to a friend Printable version
Serbian President Boris TadićSerbia is to file a formal application today to join the European Union according to officials. President Boris Tadić is to fly to Stockholm to submit the application to Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt. "President Boris Tadic will go to Stockholm on Tuesday to submit the application for EU membership," announced Serbian presidency spokeswoman Jasmina Stojanov. Reinfeldt called the announcement "a historic step". In a statement he welcomed the bid, saying "I look forward to receiving President Boris Tadic in Stockholm on Tuesday, December 22, when he officially hands over the application." Along with Montenegro and Macedonia, visa-free entry to the 27-country bloc came into affect for Serbia's citizens on Saturday, and a free trade agreement, frozen in April, was also reinstated this month, after the United Nations chief prosecutor accepted that the country was making serious attempts to arrest the two remaining people indicted for war crimes by The Hague's International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). According to diplomats, the bid for membership has some support, with Italy and Greece favourable, but the Netherlands and the United Kingdom more cautious.
REUTERS - Serbia formally applied for European Union membership on Tuesday in a major effort to turn its back on the war, poverty and international isolation of the 1990s. President Boris Tadic submitted the application to Sweden, holder of the rotating EU presidency, a decade after the end of the Balkan wars that tore apart the former Yugoslavia and kept it outside mainstream Europe. Serbia's failure to arrest Ratko Mladic, the Bosnian Serb ex-general indicted for genocide by the UN war crimes tribunal, has been a major barrier to Belgrade's EU ambitions, and its bid is likely to make little further progress while he remains free. Analysts said the membership application would have little impact on the Serbian financial market, which had already priced it in, and it could take Serbia years to become an EU member. The application followed signs of a slight EU thaw towards the biggest ex-Yugoslav republic, the target of United Nations sanctions in the 1990s and NATO bombing in 1999 to halt its counter-insurgency war in breakaway Kosovo province. Earlier this month, the EU unblocked an interim trade deal with Serbia and lifted the visa requirements for Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro, allowing their citizens to travel freely to the 27-nation bloc. Jasmina Loncar, a spokeswoman for the Belgrade-based Kontiki Travel tour operator, said people were "scrambling for low-cost round trips" after the abolition of visas for EU countries. Despite the unblocking of the trade accord, ratification of Serbia's Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with the bloc is on hold, at the insistence of The Netherlands, until Mladic has been extradited to the Hague tribunal. Tadic, the leading reformist in the country of 7.5 million, acknowledged the application was only a start. "It is a completely different matter whether we will get the candidate status before we complete our cooperation with the Hague tribunal," he said in Belgrade on Monday. Of the former Yugoslav republics, only the westernmost, Slovenia, joined the European Union in 2004. Croatia, which became a member of NATO this year, hopes to conclude its EU entry talks in 2010 and join the bloc in 2012. Albania, Macedonia and Montenegro have already applied for membership but have yet to start talks.
Serbian President Boris TadićSerbia is to file a formal application today to join the European Union according to officials. President Boris Tadić is to fly to Stockholm to submit the application to Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt. "President Boris Tadic will go to Stockholm on Tuesday to submit the application for EU membership," announced Serbian presidency spokeswoman Jasmina Stojanov. Reinfeldt called the announcement "a historic step". In a statement he welcomed the bid, saying "I look forward to receiving President Boris Tadic in Stockholm on Tuesday, December 22, when he officially hands over the application." Along with Montenegro and Macedonia, visa-free entry to the 27-country bloc came into affect for Serbia's citizens on Saturday, and a free trade agreement, frozen in April, was also reinstated this month, after the United Nations chief prosecutor accepted that the country was making serious attempts to arrest the two remaining people indicted for war crimes by The Hague's International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). According to diplomats, the bid for membership has some support, with Italy and Greece favourable, but the Netherlands and the United Kingdom more cautious.
W ostatnim czasie coraz większą popularnością cieszą się postulaty zniesienia ochrony patentowej szczepionek przeciwko SARS-CoV-2 i odgórnego upowszechnienia technologii ich produkcji, tak aby jak największa liczba podmiotów mogła je wytwarzać. Jednym z takich głosów jest petycja opublikowana na stronie internetowej , dla której poparcie wyraziło jak dotąd kilkanaście organizacji pozarządowych. Stowarzyszeniu Libertariańskiemu również zaproponowano podpisanie się pod inicjatywą. Jako libertarianie sprzeciwiamy się przyznawaniu przez państwo patentów. Są one bowiem przykładem monopolu – ze wszystkimi jego negatywnymi konsekwencjami – jak i naruszenia prawa do dysponowania swoją własnością przez wszystkich tych, którym zakazuje się produkcji określonego dobra. Jednocześnie jednak uznajemy prawo wynalazców i producentów do chronienia swoich odkryć przed konkurencją na inne, nieagresywne sposoby – jak choćby przez utajenie metod produkcji czy zawieranie z nabywcami dobrowolnych umów zakazujących powielania danego dobra bądź przeprowadzania na nim wstecznej inżynierii. Z opisanych powyżej względów, choć zgadzamy się z postulatem zniesienia ochrony patentowej szczepionek (jak również wszystkich innych dóbr), nie możemy udzielić poparcia dla petycji de facto nawołującej do tego, by rządy i organizacje międzynarodowe wymusiły na przedsiębiorstwach farmaceutycznych upublicznienie receptur i technologii produkcji szczepionek. Wiązałoby się to nie tylko z naruszeniem wolności i własności tych podmiotów, ale również z niemal całkowitym pozbawieniem finansowej motywacji do opracowywania nowych preparatów – dalece bardziej niż w przypadku samego tylko zniesienia ochrony patentowej. Zgodnym z etyką libertarianizmu podejściem do obecnego problemu niedoboru szczepionek byłoby wywarcie na producentach tych preparatów presji na upublicznienie swojej technologii za pomocą, przykładowo, groźby bojkotu konsumenckiego innych wytwarzanych przez nich produktów i społecznego ostracyzmu, a nie rządowego przymusu. Alternatywnie – samodzielne odtworzenie metod wytwarzania szczepionki poprzez analizę składu już znajdujących się w obiegu dawek. Przymusową kolektywizację tej wiedzy uważamy jednak za niedopuszczalną. Stowarzyszenie Libertariańskie
'''W reakcji na Stanowisko organizacji pozarządowych w sprawie uwolnienia patentów na szczepionki COVID-19 wyraziło zdanie odrębne.''' Stowarzyszenie Libertariańskie deklaruje sprzeciw wobec przyznawanych przez państwo , w tym tych dotyczących . Uznaje jednak prawo wynalazców i producentów do chronienia swoich odkryć przed konkurencją na inne, nieagresywne sposoby. Wobec tego Stowarzyszenie Libertariańskie zdecydowało się nie podpisywać petycji autorstwa
Os incêndios de 24 de dezembro e 23 de janeiro no Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo foram criminosos, aponta o laudo do Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas (IPT), divulgado na tarde desta sexta-feira (14), em São Paulo. Segundo o documento, os resultados das investigações apontam que os dois incidentes foram provocados, o que confirmaria a tese de ação criminosa. A polícia também investiga o caso. Causas De acordo com o laudo, o primeiro incêndio teria sido provocado por cortes em diferentes pontos da fiação. “A possível intenção seria o roubo de cabos elétricos”, disse o superintendente, que negou que no local houvesse qualquer tipo de “gambiarra” com os fios elétricos. De acordo com Teixeira, dois dias depois houve um furto de 200 metros de cabos de cobre no hospital. No segundo incêndio, o IPT encontrou vestígios de uso de álcool, o que levou os técnicos a concluírem que o fogo foi “deliberadamente provocado", fazendo-se uso da substância para iniciar e acelerar o processo de queima. Susto Na véspera de Natal, o fogo atingiu parte do Prédio dos Ambulatórios do Hospital das Clínicas. O trabalho de remoção dos pacientes invadiu a madrugada de 25 de dezembro porque a fumaça entrou em locais de internação. Os 12 pacientes do centro cirúrgico e da Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI), no 9º andar do prédio, tiveram de ser transferidos para a Santa Casa de Misericórdia e para o Instituto do Coração (Incor). Em 23 de janeiro, parte de um pequeno depósito foi consumida pelo fogo que atingiu o sexto andar do Prédio dos Ambulatórios. Uma paciente desceu a rampa avisando sobre o incêndio. Um depósito foi fechado para a perícia. No dia do segundo incêndio, o governador de São Paulo, José Serra (PSDB), disse que o fogo poderia ter sido provocado. "Esse incêndio foi numa sala fechada, sem elementos de combustão, inclusive existe a hipótese, que vai ser investigada, de que foi provocado", disse. Segundo o Hospital das Clínicas, o laudo mostra que no incêndio de 24 de dezembro, os técnicos encontraram vários fios cortados que seriam "a causa mais provável" do fogo. No incidente de 23 de janeiro, foram encontrados vestígios de uso de álcool, o que segundo o documento elaborado pelo IPT faz "concluir que o incêndio foi deliberadamente provocado fazendo-se uso de álcool para iniciar e acelerar o processo de queima." Leia mais notícias de São Paulo
Incêndios de 24 de dezembro e 23 de janeiro, ocorridos no Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo teria sido criminoso. Foi o que apontou o laudo divulgado nesta sexta-feira (14) pelo IPT (Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas). Com o incêndio, vários pacientes da Unidade de Terapia Intensiva e do Centro Cirúrgico tiveram de ser remanejados para a Santa Casa de Misericórdia e para o Instituto do Coração (Incor). Chegou-se a esta conclusão porque, no episódio do dia 24 de dezembro, técnicos encontraram fiação cortada no depósito onde ocorreu o incêndio. Já no dia 23 de janeiro, foram encontrados vestígios de álcool.
Laudo aponta incêndio criminoso no Hospital das Clínicas da Folha Online Um laudo do IPT (Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas) divulgado nesta sexta-feira aponta que ao menos um dos incêndios ocorridos no HC (Hospital das Clínicas) de São Paulo entre dezembro e janeiro últimos foi criminoso. Segundo as investigações realizadas pelo instituto, há indícios de que o fogo que atingiu o Prédio dos Ambulatórios em 23 de janeiro tenha sido "deliberadamente provocado", porque os técnicos encontraram vestígios de álcool no local. Na ocasião, o incêndio atingiu um depósito no início da manhã e foi controlado por funcionários do próprio hospital. Depois do caso, o Ministério Público vistoriou o local e descartou interdição, mas exigiu melhorias nas instalações. Cerca de um mês antes, na véspera de Natal, o prédio teve que ser esvaziado às pressas e pacientes foram colocados nas ruas. Neste caso, segundo o IPT, o fogo ocorreu por causa de fios cortados. "Não foi encontrada a presença de líquidos acelerantes nas amostras coletadas da sala de passagem de cabos do primeiro subsolo e, portanto, não se pôde comprovar que o incêndio foi deliberadamente provocado", diz o laudo. Para a Superintendência do HC, a principal hipótese é a de que criminosos tenham furtado cabos --sem a intenção de causar o incêndio--, deixando a fiação exposta. O laudo deve ser encaminhado agora ao Ministério Público e ao Corpo de Bombeiros.
Incêndios de 24 de dezembro e 23 de janeiro, ocorridos no Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo teria sido criminoso. Foi o que apontou o laudo divulgado nesta sexta-feira (14) pelo IPT (Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas). Com o incêndio, vários pacientes da Unidade de Terapia Intensiva e do Centro Cirúrgico tiveram de ser remanejados para a Santa Casa de Misericórdia e para o Instituto do Coração (Incor). Chegou-se a esta conclusão porque, no episódio do dia 24 de dezembro, técnicos encontraram fiação cortada no depósito onde ocorreu o incêndio. Já no dia 23 de janeiro, foram encontrados vestígios de álcool.
Vagner Magalhães Direto de São Paulo Um laudo do Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas (IPT) apontou que o incêndio ocorrido no 6º andar do prédio dos ambulatórios do Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo, no dia 23 de janeiro, foi criminoso. Segundo o documento, foram achados vestígios de uso de álcool no local, "concluindo-se que foi deliberadamente provocado". » Serra: incêndio teria sido criminoso » Sala do HC é interditada após incêndio » Opine sobre o assunto » vc repórter: mande fotos e notícias O laudo do IPT também aponta que o outro incêndio ocorrido no subsolo do mesmo prédio, no dia 24 de dezembro, foi causado após a ação humana. Os peritos encontraram fios elétricos cortados, o que, segundo o laudo, provocou o fogo. No entanto, o laudo não aponta que este incidente tenha acontecido de forma criminosa. A administração do hospital suspeita que os fios teriam sido furtados, pois foi registrado um furto semelhante no Instituto do Coração, em frente ao HC, em janeiro. "O segundo incêndio foi comprovadamente deliberado e aconteceu com uso de álcool. A causa provável do primeiro incêndio deve-se a cortes feitos na fiação, que desencadeou o fogo. Posteriormente ao incêndio, foi constatado o furto de grande quantidade de fios elétricos do Insitituto do Coração, que fica em frente ao Hospital das Clínicas", disse o superintendente do HC, José Manoel de Camargo Teixeira. Segundo Teixeira, circulam diariamente 10 mil pessoas no prédio dos ambulatórios do Hospital de Clínicas. O superintendente afirmou que uma sindicância interna apura os fatos do primeiro incêndio e que a segurança foi reforçada. Teixeira disse, entretanto, que não quer aumentar demais a segurança do hospital para não atrapalhar os procedimentos do hospital. "Não queremos transformar o hospital em uma prisão", disse.
Incêndios de 24 de dezembro e 23 de janeiro, ocorridos no Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo teria sido criminoso. Foi o que apontou o laudo divulgado nesta sexta-feira (14) pelo IPT (Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas). Com o incêndio, vários pacientes da Unidade de Terapia Intensiva e do Centro Cirúrgico tiveram de ser remanejados para a Santa Casa de Misericórdia e para o Instituto do Coração (Incor). Chegou-se a esta conclusão porque, no episódio do dia 24 de dezembro, técnicos encontraram fiação cortada no depósito onde ocorreu o incêndio. Já no dia 23 de janeiro, foram encontrados vestígios de álcool.
sexta-feira, 14 de março de 2008, 17:11 | Online SÃO PAULO - Pelo menos um dos incêndios que atingiram o prédio dos Ambulatórios do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP, em São Paulo, foi criminoso. Essa é a conclusão do laudo do Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas (IPT) divulgado nesta sexta-feira, 14, na sede do HC. A maior certeza do IPT é de que o segundo incêndio que atingiu o hospital foi de fato criminoso, acelerado pela utilização de álcool. O segundo incêndio atingiu o hospital no dia 23 de janeiro deste ano. Em um pequeno depósito, foram encontrados vestígios do uso de álcool, o que "faz concluir que o incêndio foi deliberadamente provocado". Sobre a ocorrência de janeiro, o IPT diz no laudo que ao menos uma pessoa fez uso de álcool para iniciar e acelerar o processo de queima. No dia 24 de dezembro do ano passado, no primeiro incidente, um incêndio de maiores projeções atingiu o hospital e fez a administração reagendar pelo menos 4 mil consultas. No primeiro incêndio, segundo o IPT, foram encontrados cabos elétricos cortados o que, segundo o laudo, "permite concluir que tais fatos consistem na causa mais provável do inicio do fogo". O laudo, no entanto, não indica de cara que a motivação do incêndio foi criminosa. "Não se pode comprovar que o incêndio foi deliberadamente provocado". Essa, no entanto, não é a opinião da administração do hospital. Segundo a assessoria de imprensa do HC, cotidianamente fios vinham sendo roubados de dentro da unidade. Esse fato, segundo o hospital, reforçaria a hipótese de incêndio criminoso também no primeiro incidente. (Com informações de Fabiane Leite, de O Estado de S. Paulo)
Incêndios de 24 de dezembro e 23 de janeiro, ocorridos no Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo teria sido criminoso. Foi o que apontou o laudo divulgado nesta sexta-feira (14) pelo IPT (Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas). Com o incêndio, vários pacientes da Unidade de Terapia Intensiva e do Centro Cirúrgico tiveram de ser remanejados para a Santa Casa de Misericórdia e para o Instituto do Coração (Incor). Chegou-se a esta conclusão porque, no episódio do dia 24 de dezembro, técnicos encontraram fiação cortada no depósito onde ocorreu o incêndio. Já no dia 23 de janeiro, foram encontrados vestígios de álcool.
Morocco says Guinea's military ruler has undergone successful surgery for gunshot wounds sustained on Thursday in an apparent assassination attempt. Guinea's military government is offering a reward for the capture of the former head of the presidential guard whose men are accused of carrying out the attack. The inspector of Morocco's Royal Armed Forces' health services says Guinea's military ruler Captain Moussa Dadis Camara has had successful surgery for head trauma. In a statement issued by Morocco's official press agency, Dr. Ali Abrouq said Captain Camara's condition is "not worrying." Captain Camara flew to Morocco on Friday after being shot the day before by men loyal to his former aide-de-camp, Lieutenant Aboubacar Sidiki Diakite, who is also known as Toumba. Toumba escaped the attack and is still at large with a group of the presidential guard. Security forces are patrolling Guinea's borders in search of Toumba. The government is offering a reward for information leading to his capture. Toumba's photograph is being broadcast on national television. Guineans are being urged to contact authorities, if he is sighted. Thursday's shooting followed an argument between Toumba and Captain Camara about who should take responsibility for the killing of opposition demonstrators two months ago. Witnesses say Toumba gave the order for the presidential guard to open fire on people protesting Captain Camara's expected presidential candidacy. Local human rights groups say dozens of women were raped and at least 157 people were killed on September 28. The military says 57 people died. Captain Camara has not yet announced his candidacy, but he has told several regional diplomats that he intends to run for president. His shooting, and the upheaval that has followed, casts doubt on whether elections rescheduled for January will be held. The Economic Community of West African States, or ECOWAS, says Guinea's military government should immediately put in place a new transitional authority leading to credible elections in early 2010 that does not include members of the military council or its prime minister. ECOWAS says Guinea's military is responsible for the country's "worsening security situation" where "indiscipline and infighting within the fractured army" are holding back efforts to "establish the rule of law." Burkina Faso President Blaise Compaore is the ECOWAS mediator for Guinea. His plans for an interim government have been rejected by a coalition of political parties, trade unions and civil society groups. The coalition says it will not take part in any transitional authority that includes members of Guinea's military.
Morocco said earlier today that Guinea's military ruler, Moussa Dadis Camara, has undergone successful surgery for gunshot wounds sustained on Thursday in an apparent assassination attempt. Guinea's military government is offering a reward for the capture of the former head of the presidential guard whose men are accused of carrying out the attack. File photo of Captain CamaraThe inspector of Morocco's Royal Armed Forces' health services said that Camara has had successful surgery for head trauma. In a statement issued by Morocco's official press agency, Dr. Ali Abrouq said Camara's condition is "not worrying." "The current health condition of the Guinean president does not inspire concern," Abrouq noted in a statement. "The result of the operation is favorable." Camara flew to Morocco on Friday after being shot the day before by men loyal to his former aide-de-camp, Lieutenant Aboubacar Sidiki Diakite, who is also known as Toumba. Toumba escaped the attack, and is still at large with a group of the presidential guard. Harouna Kone, a spokesman for the junta, commented that Camara should be able to return to Guinea by Wednesday. "The president is doing very well and we expecting that he will come back maybe on Wednesday ... he is in the Royal Hospital of Rabat, and I think that everything is well there. He called last night and spoke with his minister of communication and they discussed about something,” he said, as quoted by the Voice of America news agency. Security forces, meanwhile, are patrolling Guinea's borders in search of Toumba, and the government is offering a reward for information leading to his capture. Guinea's vice-president and defense minister, General Sekouba Konate, became the interim leader following the attempted assassination. Thursday's shooting followed an argument between Toumba and Camara about who should take responsibility for the killing of opposition demonstrators two months ago. Witnesses say Toumba gave the order for the presidential guard to open fire on people protesting Camara's expected presidential candidacy. Local human rights groups said that at least 157 people were killed on September 28; the military put the number at 57 people.
The spokesman for Guinea’s military junta says Captain Dadis Moussa Camara is scheduled to return Wednesday from Morocco after receiving treatment following last week’s assassination attempt. Harouna Kone said the military leader is out of danger and responding well to treatment. “The president is doing very well and we expecting that he will come back maybe on Wednesday… he is in the Royal Hospital of Rabat and I think that everything is well there. He called last night and (spoke) with his minister of communication and they discussed about something,” he said. Captain Camara was hurriedly flown to Morocco last Friday for medical treatment after he was allegedly shot by the head of the presidential body guard. Guinea's vice-president and defense minister, General Sekouba Konate, became the country's interim leader shortly after returning from Lebanon on Saturday. Kone said there is calm in the capital, Conakry despite the ongoing hunt for the former head of the presidential body guard. “The situation is very quiet now, but we are still looking for Diakite Toumba. We don’t want blood anymore, but I think that today we are going to catch him. We don’t want blood anymore in this country and that is the reason why we are going slowly on Toumba Diakite,” Kone said. He denied Diakite will be harmed for shooting and wounding the leader of the junta. “He won’t be killed. We want him to (come in) himself so we can (hold) discussions. We want to know the real reason he attempted to (end) the president’s life. You know they are all CNDD members (The National Council for Democracy and Development)… sometimes you can have trouble in the family, but you have to sit and discuss,” he said. Meanwhile, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is calling on the military junta to hand over power and return the country to constitutional rule.
Morocco said earlier today that Guinea's military ruler, Moussa Dadis Camara, has undergone successful surgery for gunshot wounds sustained on Thursday in an apparent assassination attempt. Guinea's military government is offering a reward for the capture of the former head of the presidential guard whose men are accused of carrying out the attack. File photo of Captain CamaraThe inspector of Morocco's Royal Armed Forces' health services said that Camara has had successful surgery for head trauma. In a statement issued by Morocco's official press agency, Dr. Ali Abrouq said Camara's condition is "not worrying." "The current health condition of the Guinean president does not inspire concern," Abrouq noted in a statement. "The result of the operation is favorable." Camara flew to Morocco on Friday after being shot the day before by men loyal to his former aide-de-camp, Lieutenant Aboubacar Sidiki Diakite, who is also known as Toumba. Toumba escaped the attack, and is still at large with a group of the presidential guard. Harouna Kone, a spokesman for the junta, commented that Camara should be able to return to Guinea by Wednesday. "The president is doing very well and we expecting that he will come back maybe on Wednesday ... he is in the Royal Hospital of Rabat, and I think that everything is well there. He called last night and spoke with his minister of communication and they discussed about something,” he said, as quoted by the Voice of America news agency. Security forces, meanwhile, are patrolling Guinea's borders in search of Toumba, and the government is offering a reward for information leading to his capture. Guinea's vice-president and defense minister, General Sekouba Konate, became the interim leader following the attempted assassination. Thursday's shooting followed an argument between Toumba and Camara about who should take responsibility for the killing of opposition demonstrators two months ago. Witnesses say Toumba gave the order for the presidential guard to open fire on people protesting Camara's expected presidential candidacy. Local human rights groups said that at least 157 people were killed on September 28; the military put the number at 57 people.
Capt Camara seized power in a coup a year ago Guinea's military leader is in a "favourable" condition after surgery following an attempted assassination, doctors treating him in Morocco say. President Moussa Dadis Camara was flown from Guinea for surgery on his head, although the extent of his injuries has not been officially disclosed. Doctors said they are no longer concerned about his condition. Meanwhile, a West African regional grouping has called for an immediate return to civilian rule in Guinea. Vice-President Sekouba Konate is temporarily in charge of the country. The president was shot by an aide in a firefight between rival factions of Guinea's army. Two other people died. CAPT MOUSSA DADIS CAMARA Born 1964 in far south-east Seized power in December 2008 as a little-known army captain Promised democracy but then showed signs of holding onto power Increasingly erratic behaviour and public humiliation of officials Has pledged to tackle drugs traffickers Initially blamed "uncontrollable" military elements for September 28 killings Guinea's erratic military ruler The call by the Economic Community of West African States (Ecowas) confirms the position taken soon after soldiers opened fire on an opposition demonstration on 28 September, killing 150 people. Lt Abubakar Diakite, the aide who allegedly shot Capt Camara, remains on the run. Lt Diakite, commonly known as Toumba, is not only suspected of trying to kill Capt Dadis Camara but attempting a coup d'etat. That has not materialised and the military government in power for nearly a year appears to be holding firm despite the clear divisions demonstrated by Thursday's confrontation, the BBC's West Africa correspondent Caspar Leighton reports. Speaking to the BBC, diplomatic sources have expressed hope that the shuffling of cards prompted by the absence of Capt Camara might create some movement in Guinea's political log-jam, especially if he is facing a convalescence of any length, our correspondent adds. Mediation between the military government and the civilian opposition has so far stalled because of intransigence on both sides. Guinea is supposed to be holding a presidential election at the end of January and the opposition wants a civilian-run transitional government until then. The military insists on heading any transitional authority and Capt Dadis Camara has seemed keen to run for president. Bookmark with: Delicious Digg reddit Facebook StumbleUpon What are these? E-mail this to a friend Printable version
Morocco said earlier today that Guinea's military ruler, Moussa Dadis Camara, has undergone successful surgery for gunshot wounds sustained on Thursday in an apparent assassination attempt. Guinea's military government is offering a reward for the capture of the former head of the presidential guard whose men are accused of carrying out the attack. File photo of Captain CamaraThe inspector of Morocco's Royal Armed Forces' health services said that Camara has had successful surgery for head trauma. In a statement issued by Morocco's official press agency, Dr. Ali Abrouq said Camara's condition is "not worrying." "The current health condition of the Guinean president does not inspire concern," Abrouq noted in a statement. "The result of the operation is favorable." Camara flew to Morocco on Friday after being shot the day before by men loyal to his former aide-de-camp, Lieutenant Aboubacar Sidiki Diakite, who is also known as Toumba. Toumba escaped the attack, and is still at large with a group of the presidential guard. Harouna Kone, a spokesman for the junta, commented that Camara should be able to return to Guinea by Wednesday. "The president is doing very well and we expecting that he will come back maybe on Wednesday ... he is in the Royal Hospital of Rabat, and I think that everything is well there. He called last night and spoke with his minister of communication and they discussed about something,” he said, as quoted by the Voice of America news agency. Security forces, meanwhile, are patrolling Guinea's borders in search of Toumba, and the government is offering a reward for information leading to his capture. Guinea's vice-president and defense minister, General Sekouba Konate, became the interim leader following the attempted assassination. Thursday's shooting followed an argument between Toumba and Camara about who should take responsibility for the killing of opposition demonstrators two months ago. Witnesses say Toumba gave the order for the presidential guard to open fire on people protesting Camara's expected presidential candidacy. Local human rights groups said that at least 157 people were killed on September 28; the military put the number at 57 people.
For Immediate Release: June 15, 2020 Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) revoked the emergency use authorization (EUA) that allowed for chloroquine phosphate and hydroxychloroquine sulfate donated to the Strategic National Stockpile to be used to treat certain hospitalized patients with COVID-19 when a clinical trial was unavailable, or participation in a clinical trial was not feasible. The agency determined that the legal criteria for issuing an EUA are no longer met. Based on its ongoing analysis of the EUA and emerging scientific data, the FDA determined that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are unlikely to be effective in treating COVID-19 for the authorized uses in the EUA. Additionally, in light of ongoing serious cardiac adverse events and other potential serious side effects, the known and potential benefits of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine no longer outweigh the known and potential risks for the authorized use. This is the statutory standard for issuance of an EUA. The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services originally requested the EUA covering chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, and the FDA granted the EUA on March 28, 2020 based on the science and data available at the time. Today, in consultation with the FDA, BARDA sent a letter to the FDA requesting revocation of the EUA based on up to date science and data. “We’ve made clear throughout the public health emergency that our actions will be guided by science and that our decisions may evolve as we learn more about the SARS-CoV-2 virus, review the latest data, and consider the balance of risks versus benefits of treatments for COVID-19,” said FDA Deputy Commissioner for Medical and Scientific Affairs Anand Shah, M.D. “The FDA always underpins its decision-making with the most trustworthy, high-quality, up-to-date evidence available. We will continue to examine all of the emergency use authorizations the FDA has issued and make changes, as appropriate, based on emerging evidence.” The FDA has a responsibility to regularly review the appropriateness of an EUA, and as such, the agency will review emerging information associated with the emergency uses for the authorized products. Recent results from a large randomized clinical trial in hospitalized patients, a population similar to the population for which chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine were authorized for emergency use, demonstrated that hydroxychloroquine showed no benefit on mortality or in speeding recovery. This outcome was consistent with other new data, including data showing that the suggested dosing regimens for chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are unlikely to kill or inhibit the virus that causes COVID-19. The totality of scientific evidence currently available indicate a lack of benefit. “While additional clinical trials continue to evaluate the potential benefit of these drugs in treating or preventing COVID-19, we determined the emergency use authorization was no longer appropriate. This action was taken following a rigorous assessment by scientists in our Center for Drug Evaluation and Research,” said Patrizia Cavazzoni, M.D., acting director of the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation. “We remain committed to using every tool at our disposal in collaboration with innovators and researchers to provide sick patients timely access to appropriate new therapies. Our decisions will always be based on objective and rigorous evaluation of the scientific data.This will never change.” Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are both FDA-approved to treat or prevent malaria. Hydroxychloroquine is also approved to treat autoimmune conditions such as chronic discoid lupus erythematosus, systemic lupus erythematosus in adults, and rheumatoid arthritis. Both drugs have been prescribed for years to help patients with these debilitating, or even deadly, diseases, and FDA has determined that these drugs are safe and effective when used for these diseases in accordance with their FDA-approved labeling. Of note, FDA approved products may be prescribed by physicians for off-label uses if they determine it is appropriate for treating their patients, including during COVID. The FDA, an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, protects the public health by assuring the safety, effectiveness, and security of human and veterinary drugs, vaccines and other biological products for human use, and medical devices. The agency also is responsible for the safety and security of our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, dietary supplements, products that give off electronic radiation, and for regulating tobacco products. ### Inquiries Media: Office of Media Affairs 301-796-4540 Consumer: 888-INFO-FDA Related Information
Hoje, a ''Food and Drug Administration'' ( - Administração de Alimentos e Drogas, em português) dos Estados Unidos (EU) revogou a autorização para o uso emergencial do fosfato de e do sulfato de hidroxicloroquina doados ao ''Estoque Nacional Estratégico'' para que fossem usados ​​para tratar pacientes hospitalizados com quando um ensaio clínico ainda não estava disponível ou a participação em um ensaio clínico ainda não era viável. A agência determinou que não encontra mais critérios legais para manter a autorização. Com base em análises contínuas e dados científicos recentes, o FDA determinou que é improvável que a cloroquina e a hidroxicloroquina sejam eficazes no tratamento de COVID-19. Além disso, devido a efeitos cardíacos adversos graves e contínuos e de outros efeitos colaterais sérios, os benefícios conhecidos e potenciais da cloroquina e da hidroxicloroquina não superam mais os riscos conhecidos para manter a autorização de uso. Inicialmente, a ''Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority'' (BARDA) pediu a autorização de uso com base em dados disponíveis na época, o que foi concedido em 18 de março de 2020. Hoje, no entanto, a BARDA enviou uma carta a FDA solicitando a revogação desta autorização com base em evidências científicas que indicam "falta de benefício", após um grande ensaio clínico randomizado feito com pacientes hospitalizados que usaram os medicamentos demonstrar que as substâncias não mostraram benefícios na mortalidade ou na recuperação acelerada dos doentes. A FDA é uma do . Ela é responsável pela proteção e promoção da saúde pública, garantindo a eficácia e a segurança de medicamentos, vacinas e outros produtos biológicos para uso humano.
Rice: US-India Nuclear Deal to be Signed Soon Pasricha report - Download (MP3) Pasricha report - Listen (MP3) U.S. Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, on a visit to India, says a landmark civil nuclear agreement between the United States and India will be concluded soon. However the two countries did not sign the deal during her visit. As Anjana Pasricha reports, the deal will overturn a three-decade ban on civil nuclear trade with India. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice shakes hands with Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee in New Delhi, 04 Oct 2008 Secretary Rice said in New Delhi Saturday that the civil nuclear agreement between the two countries will be signed into law "very soon" by President Bush. The landmark deal received the approval of the U.S. Congress recently, paving the way for the two countries to finalize the agreement, and open up civil nuclear trade between them. The pact was expected to be signed by the two countries during Secretary Rice's visit to the Indian capital, but that did not happen. Secretary Rice says administrative details remain to be resolved before the signing. But she called it "a done deal." "It is a matter of signing that agreement, and so I don't anyone to think that we have open issues. We in fact don't have open issues. These are administrative matters of signing agreements," he said. After holding talks with her Indian counterpart, Pranab Mukherjee, Secretary Rice said the deal gives a new platform for cooperation in energy matters between the two countries. The nuclear deal will allow American companies to sell nuclear fuel, reactors and technology to India. She also expressed optimism about future friendship between the two countries, saying the United States enjoys one of the "broadest relations" with India. She said the nuclear deal will trigger an expansion of their ties. Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee expressed satisfaction with the agreement, saying it will help the country's quest for development. "It is this agreement which has opened the door for India for international nuclear commerce. What India and the United States are doing today has direct benefits to our people, and assist India's efforts to develop," he said. India and the United States first announced their intention to pursue nuclear cooperation in 2005. The pact went ahead despite strong political opposition in India. Communist parties and the main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party say it will bring the country's foreign policy too much under American influence. India was banned from civil nuclear trade since 1974, when it first conducted nuclear tests. New Delhi has not signed the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty. Critics of the deal say giving India access to nuclear technology will undermine efforts to control the spread of nuclear weapons. Secretary Rice said in New Delhi Saturday that the civil nuclear agreement between the two countries will be signed into law "very soon" by President Bush.The landmark deal received the approval of the U.S. Congress recently, paving the way for the two countries to finalize the agreement, and open up civil nuclear trade between them.The pact was expected to be signed by the two countries during Secretary Rice's visit to the Indian capital, but that did not happen.Secretary Rice says administrative details remain to be resolved before the signing. But she called it "a done deal.""It is a matter of signing that agreement, and so I don't anyone to think that we have open issues. We in fact don't have open issues. These are administrative matters of signing agreements," he said.After holding talks with her Indian counterpart, Pranab Mukherjee, Secretary Rice said the deal gives a new platform for cooperation in energy matters between the two countries.The nuclear deal will allow American companies to sell nuclear fuel, reactors and technology to India.She also expressed optimism about future friendship between the two countries, saying the United States enjoys one of the "broadest relations" with India. She said the nuclear deal will trigger an expansion of their ties.Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee expressed satisfaction with the agreement, saying it will help the country's quest for development."It is this agreement which has opened the door for India for international nuclear commerce. What India and the United States are doing today has direct benefits to our people, and assist India's efforts to develop," he said.India and the United States first announced their intention to pursue nuclear cooperation in 2005. The pact went ahead despite strong political opposition in India. Communist parties and the main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party say it will bring the country's foreign policy too much under American influence.India was banned from civil nuclear trade since 1974, when it first conducted nuclear tests. New Delhi has not signed the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty. Critics of the deal say giving India access to nuclear technology will undermine efforts to control the spread of nuclear weapons.
El acuerdo nuclear entre los Estados Unidos e India no fue firmado el sábado por motivos "administrativos". La Secretaria de Estado de los Estados Unidos, Condoleezza Rice, dijo que el acuerdo de cooperación nuclear sería firmado pronto; el acuerdo revocaría una prohibición de hace tres décadas en negociaciones civiles nucleares en India. "El presidente George W. Bush firmará el acuerdo muy pronto", declaró Rice, quien calificó el acuerdo como "cerrado". Su homólogo indio, Pranab Mukherjee, insistió en que "El acuerdo está zanjado. No quiero que nadie se piense que tenemos problemas de fondo. Se trata de cuestiones administrativas". Condoleezza Rice hablando con políticos indios sobre el acuerdo. El acuerdo había recibido el apoyo del Congreso estadounidense, allanando el camino para que ambos países los finalizaran y abrieran negociaciones nucleares entre ellos. Se esperaba, no obstante, que se firmara el acuerdo durante la visita de Rice en la capital, pero esto no ocurrió. El mismo acuerdo permitirá que compañías americanas vendan combustible nuclear, reactores y tecnología a la India. Rice expresó optimismo sobre una amistad futura con el país asiático, y declaró que Estados Unidos goza de "relaciones más amplias" con India. Asimismo, añadió que el acuerdo dará lugar a una expansión de sus lazos. Por su parte, Pranab Mukherjee expresó satisfacción con el acuerdo, diciendo que ayudará ampliamente al país en su desarrollo económico. "Es este el acuerdo que ha abierto la puerta a la India para un comercio nuclear internacional. Lo que India y Estados Unidos están haciendo hoy tiene beneficios directos con nuestro pueblo, y asiste a los esfuerzos de India para desarrollarse", manifestó. Ambos países habían anunciado su intención de llegar a una cooperación nuclear en 2005. El pacto siguió adelante pese a gran oposición en la India; los partidos comunistas y el partido opositor de Bharatiya Janata acusaron con que el acuerdo haría que la política exterior india estuviera bajo demasiada influencia estadounidense. India fue prohibida para llevar a cabo negociaciones nucleares en 1974, cuando condujo por primera vez pruebas nucleares. Nueva Delhi no ha firmado el Tratado de No Proliferación Nuclear, por lo que críticos han expresado preocupación ya que el acceso de India a tecnología nuclear podría afectar seriamente los esfuerzos para controlar el aumento de armas nucleares.
If you’re the proud owner of a cast-iron pan , then you already know what a good investment it is. Once well-seasoned, it can cook just about anything from pancakes to fried chicken, it can go from stovetop to oven with ease, it’s nearly indestructible, it’s inexpensive and it holds its heat like a dream. But if you’re just using your pan to cook the occasional burger, then you’re missing out; you really can cook pretty much anything in it.
The Buffalo Sabres have beat the Ottawa Senators in a score of 3 to 2 in game four of the Stanley Cup playoffs. Just 9 seconds into the first period, Derek Roy scored the first goal to give Buffalo the lead of 1 to 0, making Sabres-franchise history as the fastest goal to start a playoff game. Derek Roy, Daniel Briere, Teppo Numminen and Jaroslav Spacek of the Buffalo Sabres, pre game warm up, Jan. 2007. In the second period, Maxim Afinogenov and Chris Drury of the Sabres both scored goals to bring the Sabres lead 3 to 0. Also in the second period, Dean McAmmond and Peter Schaefer of the Senators scored two goals to bring the Senators down by one at 3 to 2. No goals were scored in the third period, with the Sabres winning the game. Ryan Miller, the goalie for the Sabres stopped 31 of the 33 Senators shots on goals. "When things weren't going our way at the end of the second period, we could've packed it in there. You know it's too tough. But we battled through some tough situations," said Miller to reporters after the game. "They were trying their hardest to give it to us, but their goalie decided that he didn't want to let anything by him," said defense man Joe Corvo of the Senators. The Sabres are hoping that this begins the comeback after their 3-0 deficit, a feat only achieved by three North American sports teams, the 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs, the 1975 New York Islanders, and the 2004 Boston Red Sox. Game 5 of the playoffs will be held at HSBC Arena in Buffalo on Saturday, returning Home Ice advantage to the Sabres.
Sabres win to extend series with Sens Derek Roy OTTAWA (CP) - The Buffalo Sabres survived to play another day. Derek Roy scored nine seconds into the game as the Sabres staved off an NHL playoff sweep with a 3-2 victory over the Ottawa Senators on Wednesday night. ''It just lifted the spirit of the whole team,'' said Roy. Ottawa leads the best-of-seven Eastern Conference final 3-1 and will have a another chance to clinch its first ever berth in the Stanley Cup final in Game 5 on Saturday afternoon in Buffalo. If not then, they'll be back in Ottawa for Game 6 next Monday. Maxim Afinogenov and Chris Drury added goals in the second frame as the Sabres got three past Ray Emery on their first 10 shots. ''It was a gutsy effort for us and the gutsy efforts are not going to stop at one - it's going to keep going,'' added Buffalo defenceman Brian Campbell. Dean McAmmond and Peter Schaefer responded late in the second for Ottawa, but they couldn't get the equalizer past Ryan Miller. Other than that one brief letdown, Miller had a second straight big game in the Buffalo net as Ottawa outshot the Sabres 33-22. What remains to be seen is whether it is the start of an improbable comeback by Buffalo and or a brief blip in Ottawa's surge toward the Stanley Cup final. The Sabres are trying to become only the third team in NHL history to come back from a 3-0 deficit to win a series - after the 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs and the 1975 New York Islanders. The early goal drew a gasp from the record Scotiabank Centre crowd of 20,294 and forced the Senators to play catch-up hockey, which led to uncharacteristic mistakes by a team that has played patient hockey throughout the post-season. ''We did things we hadn't done in the whole series - trying stretch passes and things like that,'' said Ottawa coach Bryan Murray. ''That was partly from being behind and partly from the way Buffalo played. ''That's hockey, you do mostly good things and you don't win. That's why we play best-of-seven.'' The Senators shut out Buffalo 1-0 in Game 3 on Monday, when all a flat Sabres team could boast of was Miller's fine play in net and a solid penalty killing effort. This time, there was more energetic checking and shot-blocking. The Sabres led 18-8 in blocks. Afinogenov scored on a two-man advantage for Buffalo's first power-play goal of the series and now it's Ottawa whose power play has gone cold, not scoring in 12 opportunities in the last two games. It wasn't from lack of chances, but the top line of Daniel Alfredsson, Jason Spezza and Dany Heatley was shut out, ending their nine-game points streaks. ''It was more a case of us not burying our chances,'' said Alfredsson, whose five-game goal-scoring streak died. ''We created quite a bit and our power play was better than the last game, but we couldn't get one.'' The Senators were seeking their first playoff series sweep. Instead, they ended their six-game winning run. Buffalo coach Lindy Ruff did some line juggling and found a winning combination in Roy, Drury and Tim Connolly. Off the opening faceoff, Andrei Meszaros' clearing pass hit Roy's skate and was kept in at the blue-line by Drury, whose pass was redirected in at the side of the net at the nine-second mark. It was the fastest playoff goal from the start of a game in Sabres history, beating a Henrik Tallinder goal last year at 33 seconds, but short of the NHL record of six seconds by Dan Kozak of Los Angeles in 1977. Buffalo took further heart in killing three Senators' power plays in the period, even if they were outplayed at even strength. The Sabres got a two-man advantage early in the second frame with Chris Neil and McAmmond off and Afinogenov converted a Daniel Briere pass at the side of the net at 4:32. Emery was shaky as Drury made it 3-0 with a shot off the rush at 8:06 that found an opening under the goaltender's arm. It was the Sabres' co-captain's 15th career playoff game-winning goal. ''You look at that as one the goalie might want back, but it was a huge goal,'' said Ruff. The Senators looked beat, the crowd quieted, but they came to life when Meszaros' shot went off a leg to McAmmond for a quick shot inside the near post at 14:55. Less than two minutes later, with heavy pressure in the Buffalo zone, Schaefer scored his first goal of the playoffs on a blast from the slot off a feed from behind the net by Mike Comrie. That set the stage for some wild pressure in the third period, particularly during an Ottawa power play in that produced several hot chances but no goals. Drury was on for the entire two-minute penalty kill. ''A the end of the second we could have packed it in and said `this is too tough,' '' said Miller. ''But we kept battling. ''I think we did a good job of frustrating them.'' Notes: - Dainius Zubrus, who missed practice Tuesday and the morning skate on Wednesday with a ''lower body injury,'' was in the Buffalo lineup. Neither team made roster changes. . . Ottawa's Martin Gerber has a shot at winning a Stanley Cup as a backup goalie for a second straight year. He did it last year playing behind Cam Ward with Carolina.
The Buffalo Sabres have beat the Ottawa Senators in a score of 3 to 2 in game four of the Stanley Cup playoffs. Just 9 seconds into the first period, Derek Roy scored the first goal to give Buffalo the lead of 1 to 0, making Sabres-franchise history as the fastest goal to start a playoff game. Derek Roy, Daniel Briere, Teppo Numminen and Jaroslav Spacek of the Buffalo Sabres, pre game warm up, Jan. 2007. In the second period, Maxim Afinogenov and Chris Drury of the Sabres both scored goals to bring the Sabres lead 3 to 0. Also in the second period, Dean McAmmond and Peter Schaefer of the Senators scored two goals to bring the Senators down by one at 3 to 2. No goals were scored in the third period, with the Sabres winning the game. Ryan Miller, the goalie for the Sabres stopped 31 of the 33 Senators shots on goals. "When things weren't going our way at the end of the second period, we could've packed it in there. You know it's too tough. But we battled through some tough situations," said Miller to reporters after the game. "They were trying their hardest to give it to us, but their goalie decided that he didn't want to let anything by him," said defense man Joe Corvo of the Senators. The Sabres are hoping that this begins the comeback after their 3-0 deficit, a feat only achieved by three North American sports teams, the 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs, the 1975 New York Islanders, and the 2004 Boston Red Sox. Game 5 of the playoffs will be held at HSBC Arena in Buffalo on Saturday, returning Home Ice advantage to the Sabres.
Buffalo Sabre Maxim Afinogenov celebrates scoring against Ottawa Senator goalie Ray Emery as Ottawa defenceman Chris Phillips looks during Game 4 in Ottawa on May 16, 2007. Buffalo Sabre Maxim Afinogenov celebrates scoring against Ottawa Senator goalie Ray Emery as Ottawa defenceman Chris Phillips looks during Game 4 in Ottawa on May 16, 2007. Ottawa leads series 3-1 Game 5 is Saturday night in Buffalo May 16, 2007 09:50 PM Canadian Press OTTAWA — Derek Roy scored nine seconds into the game and the Buffalo Sabres staved off an NHL playoff sweep with a 3-2 victory over the Ottawa Senators on Wednesday night. Ottawa leads the best-of-seven Eastern Conference final 3-1 and will have a second chance to clinch its first ever berth in the Stanley Cup final in Game 5 on Saturday night in Buffalo. Maxim Afinogenov and Chris Drury added goals in the second frame as the Sabres got three past Ray Emery on their first 10 shots. Dean McAmmond and Peter Schaefer responded late in the second for Ottawa, but they couldn’t get the equalizer past Ryan Miller. Other than one brief letdown, Miller had a second straight big game in the Buffalo net. Joe Corvo had a glittering chance from the slot in the third frame and was robbed on a glove save by Miller. The Senators were seeking their first playoff series sweep. They ended a six-game winning run and saw their top line of Daniel Alfredsson, Dany Heatley and Jason Spezza end nine-game points streaks. Ottawa outshot Buffalo 33-22 despite more energetic checking by the Sabres. Buffalo got a break off the opening faceoff, when Andrei Meszaros’ clearing pass hit Roy’s skate and was kept in at the blue-line by Drury, whose pass was redirected in at the side of the net at the nine-second mark. It was the fastest playoff goal from the start of a game in Sabres history, beating a Henrik Tallinder goal last year at 33 seconds, but short of the NHL record of six seconds by Dan Kozak of Los Angeles in 1977. Buffalo took further heart in killing three Senators’ power plays in the period, even if they were outplayed at even strength. The Sabres got a two-man advantage early in the second frame with Chris Neil and McAmmond off and Afinogenov converted a Daniel Briere pass at the side of the net at 4:32. It was Buffalo’s first power-play goal of the series. Emery was shaky as Drury made it 3-0 with a shot off the rush at 8:06 that found an opening under the goaltender’s arm. The Senators looked beat, the crowd quieted, but they came to life when Meszaros’ shot went off a leg to McAmmond for a quick shot inside the near post at 14:55. Less than two minutes later, with heavy pressure in the Buffalo zone, Schaefer scored his first goal of the playoffs on a blast from the slot off a feed from behind the net by Mike Comrie. That set the stage for some wild pressure in the third period, which had the record Scotiabank centre crowd of 20,294 roaring as Ottawa pressed for the tying goal.
The Buffalo Sabres have beat the Ottawa Senators in a score of 3 to 2 in game four of the Stanley Cup playoffs. Just 9 seconds into the first period, Derek Roy scored the first goal to give Buffalo the lead of 1 to 0, making Sabres-franchise history as the fastest goal to start a playoff game. Derek Roy, Daniel Briere, Teppo Numminen and Jaroslav Spacek of the Buffalo Sabres, pre game warm up, Jan. 2007. In the second period, Maxim Afinogenov and Chris Drury of the Sabres both scored goals to bring the Sabres lead 3 to 0. Also in the second period, Dean McAmmond and Peter Schaefer of the Senators scored two goals to bring the Senators down by one at 3 to 2. No goals were scored in the third period, with the Sabres winning the game. Ryan Miller, the goalie for the Sabres stopped 31 of the 33 Senators shots on goals. "When things weren't going our way at the end of the second period, we could've packed it in there. You know it's too tough. But we battled through some tough situations," said Miller to reporters after the game. "They were trying their hardest to give it to us, but their goalie decided that he didn't want to let anything by him," said defense man Joe Corvo of the Senators. The Sabres are hoping that this begins the comeback after their 3-0 deficit, a feat only achieved by three North American sports teams, the 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs, the 1975 New York Islanders, and the 2004 Boston Red Sox. Game 5 of the playoffs will be held at HSBC Arena in Buffalo on Saturday, returning Home Ice advantage to the Sabres.
Monday, May 24, 2010 at 16:18:27 UTC Monday, May 24, 2010 at 11:18:27 AM at epicenter Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
Shakemap of the earthquake. A 6.5 magnitude earthquake occurred in , a Brazilian state, at 16:18:29 UTC (11:18 local time), United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported. It had a depth of 565.3 kilometers. The epicenter was located 125 kilometers east-southeast of , Brazil, 330 kilometers east of , Peru, 460 kilometers south-southwest of , Brazil, and 2700 kilometers west-northwest of Brasilia, Brazil. A civil defence service spokesman in Cruziero do Sul reported to ''Times Live'' that the quake was unnoticed. "This zone suffers a lot of earthquakes, but the last one we really felt was 20 days ago. We didn't register any disorder or damage on the surface," he said. "Generally speaking, quakes more than 500 kilometres deep don't leave signals in the surface, they are only detected by instruments," said an official of Brazil's Seismological Observatory to AFP.
May 24, 2010 8:47 PM | By Sapa-AFP Current Font Size: The temblor, with its centre about 127 kilometres (79 miles) east-southeast of Cruzeiro do Sul, Brazil, and 328 kilometres (204 miles) east of Pucallpa, in Peru's Andes, struck at 1618 GMT, the USGS said. The quake originated a relatively deep 580 kilometres (350 miles) under the surface. A spokesman for the civil defence service in Cruziero do Sul said the quake almost went unnoticed, and added such activity was not unusual in the region. "This zone suffers a lot of earthquakes, but the last one we really felt was 20 days ago. We didn't register any disorder or damage on the surface" from Monday's quake," he said. Brazil's Seismological Observatory told AFP the region sat above the South American and Andean tectonic plates, which resulted in a lot of deep-earth seismic activity. "Generally speaking, quakes more than 500 kilometres deep don't leave signals in the surface, they are only detected by instruments," one observatory official said. Sunday another strong 5.9-magnitude earthquake jolted several regions of Peru including the capital, Lima, with no damage immediately reported, Peru's National Geophysics Institute reported. That followed 6.0-magnitude earthquake which hit northern Peru early Wednesday some 131 kilometres (81 miles) north-northwest of the town of Moyobamba.
Shakemap of the earthquake. A 6.5 magnitude earthquake occurred in , a Brazilian state, at 16:18:29 UTC (11:18 local time), United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported. It had a depth of 565.3 kilometers. The epicenter was located 125 kilometers east-southeast of , Brazil, 330 kilometers east of , Peru, 460 kilometers south-southwest of , Brazil, and 2700 kilometers west-northwest of Brasilia, Brazil. A civil defence service spokesman in Cruziero do Sul reported to ''Times Live'' that the quake was unnoticed. "This zone suffers a lot of earthquakes, but the last one we really felt was 20 days ago. We didn't register any disorder or damage on the surface," he said. "Generally speaking, quakes more than 500 kilometres deep don't leave signals in the surface, they are only detected by instruments," said an official of Brazil's Seismological Observatory to AFP.
562 WTNT35 KNHC 060231 TCPAT5 BULLETIN Post-Tropical Cyclone Gamma Advisory Number 15 NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL AL252020 1000 PM CDT Mon Oct 05 2020 ...GAMMA BECOMES POST TROPICAL NEAR THE NORTHERN COAST OF THE YUCATAN PENINSULA... ...PERIODS OF HEAVY RAINFALL POSSIBLE TONIGHT... SUMMARY OF 1000 PM CDT...0300 UTC...INFORMATION ----------------------------------------------- LOCATION...21.6N 88.4W ABOUT 85 MI...140 KM ENE OF PROGRESO MEXICO ABOUT 125 MI...200 KM NW OF COZUMEL MEXICO MAXIMUM SUSTAINED WINDS...35 MPH...55 KM/H PRESENT MOVEMENT...SW OR 220 DEGREES AT 6 MPH...9 KM/H MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE...1005 MB...29.68 INCHES WATCHES AND WARNINGS -------------------- There are no coastal watches or warnings in effect. DISCUSSION AND OUTLOOK ---------------------- At 1000 PM CDT (0300 UTC), the center of Post-Tropical Cyclone Gamma was located near latitude 21.6 North, longitude 88.4 West. The post-tropical cyclone is moving toward the southwest near 6 mph (9 km/h), and this general motion is expected to continue for the next day or so. The post-tropical cyclone is currently centered along the northern coast of the Yucatan peninsula and will move inland through Monday. Maximum sustained winds are near 35 mph (55 km/h) with higher gusts. Gradual weakening is anticipated and Gamma is forecast to dissipate by Wednesday. The estimated minimum central pressure is 1005 mb (29.68 inches). HAZARDS AFFECTING LAND ---------------------- RAINFALL: Through midweek, the remnants of Gamma are expected to produce an additional 2 to 4 inches of rainfall with isolated maximum amounts of 8 inches across portions of the Mexican states of Yucatan, Campeche, and Tabasco. This rainfall may produce areas of flash flooding. NEXT ADVISORY ------------- This is the last public advisory issued by the National Hurricane Center on this system. Additional information on this system can be found in High Seas Forecasts issued by the National Weather Service, under AWIPS header NFDHSFAT1, WMO header FZNT01 KWBC, and online at $$ Forecaster Zelinsky
Com a intensificação de uma "área de turbulência" no Noroeste da África de ontem para hoje, o fenômeno alcançou ventos sustentados de 60km/h e, assim, acabou recebendo um nome: Wilfred. Acontece que este nome, justamente, era o último da lista da , o que obriga os meteorologistas agora seguirem uma lista de nomes com o alfabeto grego. Alpha será o primeiro nome a ser usado. Além do Wilfred, que segue rumo para Oeste, em direção ao Caribe (veja a trajetória prevista aqui), há ainda dois fenômenos importantes ativos na região: a depressão tropical 22 o que indica que 22 fenômenos já receberam nome este ano e o furacão Teddy, que deve atingir as Bermudas nos próximos dias (veja a trajetória prevista aqui). No último aviso do NHC-, o Teddy agora está com ventos sustentados de 215km/h, o que faz ser um super-furacão, alcançando a - de 5. '''Como os furacões são nomeados?''' A primeira lista de nomes para os furacões do Atlântico foi criada em 1953 pelo Centro Nacional de Furacões dos Estados Unidos (NHC em inglês), sendo depois adotada em outras partes do planeta para nomear também ciclones e tufões. Antes de 1953, o exército americano foi o primeiro a nomear as tempestades com nomes de pessoas, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Na época, nomes femininos eram mais comuns, pois eram homenagens a mães, esposas e namoradas. Atualmente, a relação de nomes é atualizada a cada seis anos pela Organização Meteorológica Mundial (OMM), agência da ONU baseada na Suíça, e a lista anual é uma intercalação de nomes femininos e masculinos, em ordem alfabética. A lista para a Temporada de furacões no Atlântico de 2020 tem, por exemplo, Arthur, Bertha, Cristobal, Dolly e Edouard, só para citar os cinco primeiros nomes. A tempestade tropical Arthur foi a primeira a ocorrer e atingiu a Carolina do Norte e a Virgínia dias atrás, sem, no entanto, ter se transformado num furacão. As tempestades podem ter seus nomes reciclados, ou seja, os nomes podem ser usados mais de uma vez. Já tempestades extremamente destrutivas podem ter seus nomes usados apenas uma vez, como é o caso do Furacão Katrina. A decisão de tirar um nome definitivamente da lista é dos comitês regionais da OMM, que se reúnem anualmente para avaliar a temporada anterior.
Image copyright NASA Image caption Hurricane Florence is likely to cause prolonged torrential rainfall Hurricane Florence has arrived on the eastern seaboard of the United States. At the same time, Super Typhoon Mangkhut is approaching the Philippines. There are spectacular images of both shot from space, and the two weather systems look almost the same. So why do we call one a hurricane and the other a typhoon? And while we're at it - what exactly is a cyclone? All tropical storms They are all the same thing: tropical storms. But they are known by different names in different locations. In the North Atlantic Ocean and Northeast Pacific, they are called hurricanes. But if the same type of disturbance takes place in the Northwest Pacific Ocean, it is known as a typhoon. And in the South Pacific and Indian Ocean, cyclone is the correct term. How bad do storms have to be? Image copyright EPA Image caption Soldiers and emergency workers have been holding drills in readiness for Typhoon Mangkhut in the Philippines A tropical cyclone is a generic term used by meteorologists. It means a rotating, organised system of clouds and thunderstorms that originates over tropical or subtropical waters, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the US. "Once a tropical cyclone reaches maximum sustained winds of 74mph (119km/h) or higher, it is then classified as a hurricane, typhoon, or tropical cyclone, depending upon where the storm originates in the world." Hurricanes are categorised between 1 to 5 based on their wind speed. When do they occur? In the Atlantic, it is hurricane season between 1 June and 30 November. More than 95% of tropical cyclone activity occurs during this period in this region. Typhoons in the Northwest Pacific Ocean are most common from May to October, although they can form year-round. And in the South Pacific, it's cyclone season between November and April. How are they named? The World Meteorological Organization, a UN body, maintains a list to name tropical cyclones around the world. The names of the deadliest ones like Typhoon Haiyan or Hurricane Katrina are retired and replaced. Countries in the regions of hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones send suggestions for the list to the global met authority. "Eight countries in our region, which covers the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea, sent the list to the WMO during the early 2000s," a senior scientist with the Indian Meteorological Department told the BBC. "Nearly 50% of those names for cyclones have been exhausted. "The agreement between the countries in our region then was to make sure that the names do not hurt religious sentiment in our countries." The science: How storms form Air rises quickly when it is heated by warm sea water. As the air cools down again it is pushed aside by more warm air rising below it. This cycle causes strong winds. Over the sea, a tropical storm can whip up huge waves. When these waves reach land they can flood large areas, including towns and cities. Over land the strong winds can cause a lot of damage - they can flatten homes, knock over trees and even tip over cars. Image copyright EPA Image caption Mangkhut is forecast to strike northern part of Philippines on 14 September. Scientists say the temperature of ocean water is going up and that can lead to hurricanes increasing in intensity in the future. They add that a hotter atmosphere can also hold more water, so this should allow hurricanes to dump more water on affected areas. There are many factors which make the relationship between climate change and hurricanes a complex one.
Com a intensificação de uma "área de turbulência" no Noroeste da África de ontem para hoje, o fenômeno alcançou ventos sustentados de 60km/h e, assim, acabou recebendo um nome: Wilfred. Acontece que este nome, justamente, era o último da lista da , o que obriga os meteorologistas agora seguirem uma lista de nomes com o alfabeto grego. Alpha será o primeiro nome a ser usado. Além do Wilfred, que segue rumo para Oeste, em direção ao Caribe (veja a trajetória prevista aqui), há ainda dois fenômenos importantes ativos na região: a depressão tropical 22 o que indica que 22 fenômenos já receberam nome este ano e o furacão Teddy, que deve atingir as Bermudas nos próximos dias (veja a trajetória prevista aqui). No último aviso do NHC-, o Teddy agora está com ventos sustentados de 215km/h, o que faz ser um super-furacão, alcançando a - de 5. '''Como os furacões são nomeados?''' A primeira lista de nomes para os furacões do Atlântico foi criada em 1953 pelo Centro Nacional de Furacões dos Estados Unidos (NHC em inglês), sendo depois adotada em outras partes do planeta para nomear também ciclones e tufões. Antes de 1953, o exército americano foi o primeiro a nomear as tempestades com nomes de pessoas, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Na época, nomes femininos eram mais comuns, pois eram homenagens a mães, esposas e namoradas. Atualmente, a relação de nomes é atualizada a cada seis anos pela Organização Meteorológica Mundial (OMM), agência da ONU baseada na Suíça, e a lista anual é uma intercalação de nomes femininos e masculinos, em ordem alfabética. A lista para a Temporada de furacões no Atlântico de 2020 tem, por exemplo, Arthur, Bertha, Cristobal, Dolly e Edouard, só para citar os cinco primeiros nomes. A tempestade tropical Arthur foi a primeira a ocorrer e atingiu a Carolina do Norte e a Virgínia dias atrás, sem, no entanto, ter se transformado num furacão. As tempestades podem ter seus nomes reciclados, ou seja, os nomes podem ser usados mais de uma vez. Já tempestades extremamente destrutivas podem ter seus nomes usados apenas uma vez, como é o caso do Furacão Katrina. A decisão de tirar um nome definitivamente da lista é dos comitês regionais da OMM, que se reúnem anualmente para avaliar a temporada anterior.
Direito de imagem Getty Images Image caption Comitê internacional se reúne em agência da ONU para definir nomes de furacões em todo o mundo O furacão Irma vem causando destruição nas ilhas de Anguilla, República Dominicana, St. Martin e de Antígua e Barbuda, que foi descrita como "quase inabitável" após a partida da tempestade. Até agora, o Irma é considerado pelos meteorologistas o segundo furacão mais poderoso registrado na história do Atlântico, mas já se tornou o primeiro a manter por mais de 24 horas ventos de cerca de 297 km/h. Em seu caminho, na direção atual, estão Turks e Caicos, Cuba, Porto Rico e o sul do Estado americano da Flórida. É possível que o furacão perca força até lá, mas já está na companhia de outros fenômenos famosos pelos efeitos desastrosos como Andrew, de 1992 e Katrina, de 2005. Mas como os furacões e outros ciclones tropicais recebem seus nomes? Usar nomes humanos - em vez de números ou termos técnicos - nas tempestades tem o objetivo de evitar confusão e fazer com que seja mais fácil lembrar delas ao divulgar alertas. Mas ao contrário do que muitos pensam, a lista atual dos nomes não tem nada a ver com políticos, não se trata de homenagens a pessoas que morreram no desastre do navio Titanic e também não é composta somente de nomes femininos. A lista de nomes para os ciclones tropicais do Atlântico foi criada em 1953 pelo Centro Nacional de Furacões dos Estados Unidos (NHC, na sigla em inglês) e seu padrão foi usado para as listas de outras regiões do mundo. Atualmente, estas listas são mantidas e atualizadas pela Organização Meteorológica Mundial (OMM), agência da ONU baseada em Genebra, na Suíça. Ordem As listas dos furacões de cada ano são organizadas em ordem alfabética, alternando nomes masculinos e femininos. E os nomes de tempestades são diferentes para cada região. A atual temporada de furacões e tempestades no Atlântico, que começou em junho de 2017, já passou por por Arlene, Bret, Cindy, Don, Emily, Franklin, Gert e Harvey até chegar a Irma, Jose e Katia - duas tempestades que se tornaram furacões e chegam à região logo em seguida. Se você estivesse na região do leste do Pacífico, no entanto, estaria mais familiarizado com os nomes Adrian, Beatriz, Calvin, Dora, Eugene, Fernanda, Greg, Hilary, Irwin, Jova e Kenneth. As listas são recicladas a cada seis anos, o que significa que, em 2023, Harvey ou Irma podem aparecer novamente. Direito de imagem Reuters Image caption A cada ano, os nomes dos furacões mais devastadores são "aposentados" da lista No entanto, comitês regionais da OMM se reúnem anualmente para falar sobre que tempestades do ano anterior foram especialmente devastadoras e, por isso, devem ter seus nomes "aposentados". Depois que o furacão Katrina deixou mais de 2 mil mortos em Nova Orleans, nos Estados Unidos, em 2005, o nome da tempestade deixou de ser usado. Em 2011, quem apareceu em seu lugar, com menos alarde, foi a tempestade Katia - que já estava logo depois de Harvey e Jose e agora, seis anos depois, volta ao Caribe. Mulheres e homens Koji Kuroiwa, chefe do programa de ciclones tropicais na OMM, diz que o Exército americano foi o primeiro a usar nomes de pessoas em tempestades durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. "Eles preferiam escolher nomes de suas namoradas, esposas ou mães. Naquela época, a maioria dos nomes era de mulheres." O hábito tornou-se regra em 1953, mas nomes masculinos foram adicionados à lista nos anos 1970, para evitar desequilíbrio de gênero. Mas em 2014, um estudo de pesquisadores da Universidade de Illinois, nos Estados Unidos, afirmou que furacões com nomes de mulheres matam mais pessoas que aqueles com nomes masculinos, porque costumam ser levados menos "a sério" e, consequentemente, há menos preparação para enfrentá-los. Os cientistas analisaram dados de furacões que atingiram o país entre 1950 e 2012, com exceção do Katrina em 2005 - porque o grande número de mortos poderia distorcer os resultados. O estudo, que foi divulgado na publicação científica Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), afirmou que cada furacão com nome masculino causa, em média, 15 mortes. Já os que têm nomes femininos provocam cerca de 42. Kuroiwa diz que o uso de nomes próprios pretende fazer com que as pessoas entendam previsões e alertas mais facilmente, mas o público muitas vezes tem vontade de participar. "Temos muitos pedidos todos os anos: 'por favor, use meu nome ou o nome da minha esposa ou da minha filha'", afirma. Em seu site, o NHC teve que adicionar a pergunta "posso ter um furacão no meu nome?" à sessão de perguntas e respostas, esclarecendo que os nomes são estabelecidos por um comitê internacional. Image caption Furacões Irma, José e Katia já passaram pelo oceano Atlântico em 2011; em 2005, Katia era Katrina | Foto: Reuters, NOAA Nomes regionais Durante a era vitoriana na Grã-Bretanha, as tempestades eram nomeadas aleatoriamente. Uma tormenta no oceano Atlântico que destruiu o mastro de um barco chamado Antje, em 1842, foi chamada de Furacão de Antje. Outros furacões foram identificados por suas localizações, mas coordenadas de latitude e longitude não eram tão fáceis de identificar e comunicar a outras pessoas. Um meteorologista australiano do século 19, Clement Wragge, se divertia usando nomes de políticos dos quais não gostava. Na região do Caribe, os furacões já foram nomeados em homenagem aos santos católicos dos dias em que eles atingiam cidades. Atualmente, os nomes mudam de acordo com a região dos ciclones. "No Atlântico e no leste do Pacífico, usam-se nomes reais de pessoas, mas há convenções diferentes em outras partes do mundo.", diz Julian Heming, cientista de previsões tropicais no Met Office, escritório de meteorologia britânico. Heming diz que no oeste do Pacífico, por exemplo, também se utilizam nomes de flores, animais, personagens históricos e mitológicos e alimentos, como Kulap (rosa em tailandês) e Kujira (baleia, em japonês). "O importante é ser um nome do qual as pessoas possam se lembrar e identificar. Antes, esta região usava nomes em inglês e, há dez anos, decidiu-se que eles deveriam ser mais apropriados para a região." Neste ano, Irma chega aos Estados Unidos, mas Quincey pode se aproximar da Austrália, Kenanga da Indonésia e Viyaru ainda poderia atingir a Índia. As letras Q, U, X, Y e Z não são usadas na lista das tempestades no Oceano Atlântico por causa da escassez de nomes próprios com elas. Neste caso, há no máximo 21 tempestades nomeadas em um ano até acabar a lista. Mas o que acontece depois que a lista acaba? "Se o resto da temporada tiver muita atividade, temos que usar letras do alfabeto grego", explica Heming. Furacões, tufões e ciclones descrevem o mesmo fenômeno climático, mas recebem nomes diferentes a depender do lugar do mundo onde se formam. Os furacões, como Patricia, se formam a leste da Linha Internacional de Data. Tufões e ciclones e formam ao oeste da mesma.
Com a intensificação de uma "área de turbulência" no Noroeste da África de ontem para hoje, o fenômeno alcançou ventos sustentados de 60km/h e, assim, acabou recebendo um nome: Wilfred. Acontece que este nome, justamente, era o último da lista da , o que obriga os meteorologistas agora seguirem uma lista de nomes com o alfabeto grego. Alpha será o primeiro nome a ser usado. Além do Wilfred, que segue rumo para Oeste, em direção ao Caribe (veja a trajetória prevista aqui), há ainda dois fenômenos importantes ativos na região: a depressão tropical 22 o que indica que 22 fenômenos já receberam nome este ano e o furacão Teddy, que deve atingir as Bermudas nos próximos dias (veja a trajetória prevista aqui). No último aviso do NHC-, o Teddy agora está com ventos sustentados de 215km/h, o que faz ser um super-furacão, alcançando a - de 5. '''Como os furacões são nomeados?''' A primeira lista de nomes para os furacões do Atlântico foi criada em 1953 pelo Centro Nacional de Furacões dos Estados Unidos (NHC em inglês), sendo depois adotada em outras partes do planeta para nomear também ciclones e tufões. Antes de 1953, o exército americano foi o primeiro a nomear as tempestades com nomes de pessoas, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Na época, nomes femininos eram mais comuns, pois eram homenagens a mães, esposas e namoradas. Atualmente, a relação de nomes é atualizada a cada seis anos pela Organização Meteorológica Mundial (OMM), agência da ONU baseada na Suíça, e a lista anual é uma intercalação de nomes femininos e masculinos, em ordem alfabética. A lista para a Temporada de furacões no Atlântico de 2020 tem, por exemplo, Arthur, Bertha, Cristobal, Dolly e Edouard, só para citar os cinco primeiros nomes. A tempestade tropical Arthur foi a primeira a ocorrer e atingiu a Carolina do Norte e a Virgínia dias atrás, sem, no entanto, ter se transformado num furacão. As tempestades podem ter seus nomes reciclados, ou seja, os nomes podem ser usados mais de uma vez. Já tempestades extremamente destrutivas podem ter seus nomes usados apenas uma vez, como é o caso do Furacão Katrina. A decisão de tirar um nome definitivamente da lista é dos comitês regionais da OMM, que se reúnem anualmente para avaliar a temporada anterior.
Author: Julian Heming, Met Office Tropical Prediction Scientist. The Atlantic region is currently setting a record-breaking pace for the formation of tropical cyclones. As of 18 September 2020, a total of 21 storms had formed – more than any other year on record at this stage in the June to November season. Only once have more storms been recorded in a season, that was 2005 when there were 28. There are 21 names on the Atlantic storm naming list, when these have been allocated letters from the Greek alphabet are used. Therefore the next storm to be named will be Tropical Storm Alpha. However, that only paints part of the picture of what has been happening in the Atlantic and other parts of the northern hemisphere this year. Active Atlantic A combination of several climate factors is driving the active Atlantic storm season this year. A main driver is the development of La Niña conditions in the eastern Pacific, which acts to reduce wind shear over the Atlantic allowing storms to form more readily. High wind shear prevents or slows tropical storm formation. The sea-surface temperatures over large parts of the Atlantic have been higher than average and the west African monsoon has also been strong meaning the easterly waves which cross west Africa and produce Atlantic storms have been potent. Although there has been a record number of Atlantic storm formations, eight have become hurricanes (winds 74 mph or greater) and just two have become a ‘major’ hurricane (winds 111 mph or greater). This is a lower proportion of hurricanes and major hurricanes than would be expected from a total of 21 tropical storms based on past climate figures. Also, several of this season’s storms were quite short lived, particularly early in the season. Thus, by some measures other than the number of storms, this season has had lower levels of activity than some previous seasons to date. One feature of the current storm season is the high number of storms reaching landfall over the USA. Tropical Storms Bertha, Cristobal, Fay and Marco and Hurricanes Hanna, Isaias, Laura and Sally have all come ashore over the USA. Hurricane Laura was the strongest of these bringing wind gusts of over 130 mph and a storm surge of near 15 feet at its peak. Although weaker than Laura as measured by wind speed, Hurricane Sally became slow moving at landfall and dropped as much as 30” (750 mm) of rainfall over some parts of southern USA. In addition, Hurricane Paulette made landfall directly over Bermuda in the Atlantic Ocean. This is fourth hurricane landfall over this small Atlantic territory in the last six years. Meanwhile another tropical depression has formed in the Gulf of Mexico and is expected to become a hurricane over the next few days. Elsewhere in the Globe So have other parts of the globe seen similar levels of activity? In short, the answer is ‘no’. Both the eastern and western Pacific have seen tropical cyclone activity well below average to this point in the season. By one measure, the western Pacific has had only 40% of usual activity. However, some parts of this basin have still been hit hard. Two tropical storms (Hagupit and Jangmi) and three typhoons (Bavi, Maysak and Haishen) have all impacted the Korean Peninsula. The North Indian Ocean has a split cyclone season and in the first half there were two cyclones. The strongest of these was Amphan which struck the India/Bangladesh border region and to date is the strongest tropical cyclone of the northern hemisphere season. The Mediterranean Sea occasionally sees storms which have some characteristics of tropical cyclones – sometimes referred to as ‘medicanes’. In 2018 a particularly strong one, known locally as Zorbas, hit southern Greece causing some impacts. A medicane named Ianos, came ashore over the Greek island of Kefalonia overnight 17th to 18th September causing coastal flooding, downing trees and damaging buildings. Is climate change affecting tropical storm intensity and frequency? The effects of climate change on tropical cyclone activity remains complex. It is not possible to conclusively state the extent to which climate change may have influenced the frequency or intensity of this year’s North Atlantic Hurricane season. More research is needed to understand the relationships and relative contributions of the various physical processes at play and the way in which climate change is influencing them. The Met Office’s latest summary of expected changes can be found here and is based largely on the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report. Further Information Follow our Twitter feed @metofficestorms for regular information on tropical cyclones currently active worldwide.
Com a intensificação de uma "área de turbulência" no Noroeste da África de ontem para hoje, o fenômeno alcançou ventos sustentados de 60km/h e, assim, acabou recebendo um nome: Wilfred. Acontece que este nome, justamente, era o último da lista da , o que obriga os meteorologistas agora seguirem uma lista de nomes com o alfabeto grego. Alpha será o primeiro nome a ser usado. Além do Wilfred, que segue rumo para Oeste, em direção ao Caribe (veja a trajetória prevista aqui), há ainda dois fenômenos importantes ativos na região: a depressão tropical 22 o que indica que 22 fenômenos já receberam nome este ano e o furacão Teddy, que deve atingir as Bermudas nos próximos dias (veja a trajetória prevista aqui). No último aviso do NHC-, o Teddy agora está com ventos sustentados de 215km/h, o que faz ser um super-furacão, alcançando a - de 5. '''Como os furacões são nomeados?''' A primeira lista de nomes para os furacões do Atlântico foi criada em 1953 pelo Centro Nacional de Furacões dos Estados Unidos (NHC em inglês), sendo depois adotada em outras partes do planeta para nomear também ciclones e tufões. Antes de 1953, o exército americano foi o primeiro a nomear as tempestades com nomes de pessoas, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Na época, nomes femininos eram mais comuns, pois eram homenagens a mães, esposas e namoradas. Atualmente, a relação de nomes é atualizada a cada seis anos pela Organização Meteorológica Mundial (OMM), agência da ONU baseada na Suíça, e a lista anual é uma intercalação de nomes femininos e masculinos, em ordem alfabética. A lista para a Temporada de furacões no Atlântico de 2020 tem, por exemplo, Arthur, Bertha, Cristobal, Dolly e Edouard, só para citar os cinco primeiros nomes. A tempestade tropical Arthur foi a primeira a ocorrer e atingiu a Carolina do Norte e a Virgínia dias atrás, sem, no entanto, ter se transformado num furacão. As tempestades podem ter seus nomes reciclados, ou seja, os nomes podem ser usados mais de uma vez. Já tempestades extremamente destrutivas podem ter seus nomes usados apenas uma vez, como é o caso do Furacão Katrina. A decisão de tirar um nome definitivamente da lista é dos comitês regionais da OMM, que se reúnem anualmente para avaliar a temporada anterior.
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Com a intensificação de uma "área de turbulência" no Noroeste da África de ontem para hoje, o fenômeno alcançou ventos sustentados de 60km/h e, assim, acabou recebendo um nome: Wilfred. Acontece que este nome, justamente, era o último da lista da , o que obriga os meteorologistas agora seguirem uma lista de nomes com o alfabeto grego. Alpha será o primeiro nome a ser usado. Além do Wilfred, que segue rumo para Oeste, em direção ao Caribe (veja a trajetória prevista aqui), há ainda dois fenômenos importantes ativos na região: a depressão tropical 22 o que indica que 22 fenômenos já receberam nome este ano e o furacão Teddy, que deve atingir as Bermudas nos próximos dias (veja a trajetória prevista aqui). No último aviso do NHC-, o Teddy agora está com ventos sustentados de 215km/h, o que faz ser um super-furacão, alcançando a - de 5. '''Como os furacões são nomeados?''' A primeira lista de nomes para os furacões do Atlântico foi criada em 1953 pelo Centro Nacional de Furacões dos Estados Unidos (NHC em inglês), sendo depois adotada em outras partes do planeta para nomear também ciclones e tufões. Antes de 1953, o exército americano foi o primeiro a nomear as tempestades com nomes de pessoas, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Na época, nomes femininos eram mais comuns, pois eram homenagens a mães, esposas e namoradas. Atualmente, a relação de nomes é atualizada a cada seis anos pela Organização Meteorológica Mundial (OMM), agência da ONU baseada na Suíça, e a lista anual é uma intercalação de nomes femininos e masculinos, em ordem alfabética. A lista para a Temporada de furacões no Atlântico de 2020 tem, por exemplo, Arthur, Bertha, Cristobal, Dolly e Edouard, só para citar os cinco primeiros nomes. A tempestade tropical Arthur foi a primeira a ocorrer e atingiu a Carolina do Norte e a Virgínia dias atrás, sem, no entanto, ter se transformado num furacão. As tempestades podem ter seus nomes reciclados, ou seja, os nomes podem ser usados mais de uma vez. Já tempestades extremamente destrutivas podem ter seus nomes usados apenas uma vez, como é o caso do Furacão Katrina. A decisão de tirar um nome definitivamente da lista é dos comitês regionais da OMM, que se reúnem anualmente para avaliar a temporada anterior.
Mass arrests as police mistake rugby for brawl More than 100 people were detained in the southern Russian city of Rostov-On-Don after police mistook an innocent game of rugby for a mass brawl. The Russian news agency RIA said police had received a tip-off about a mass fracas at an empty sports ground on the city's outskirts on Sunday afternoon. More than 70 officers arrived to find dozens of cars parked around a grassy field and around 60 people watching what appeared to be a fight between two criminal gang. The police broke up proceedings and detained some 100 people before determining that they were engaged in a bizarre sport instead of brawling. All the detainees were released several hours later, but not before being scolded for not alerting authorities ahead of time. The southern Russian region is adjacent to the troubled North Caucasus, where violence from Chechnya regularly spills into nearby areas. "Given the difficult, troubled situation in the region, at a time when counter-terrorism actions are being actively conducted, citizens are obligated to inform [authorities] either verbally or in writing of their intentions," said a police spokesman. The players were quoted as saying such amateur matches were common and were often held in the neighbouring Volgograd and Stavropol regions of southern Russia. "The fact that police took us to be hooligans, this isn't the first time," said one of the organisers, Alexander, who declined to give his last name for fear of offending the police. "Honestly, it's the first time that we've ever heard that we're supposed to make public our plans to the local police."
Authorities in southern Russia detained over 100 people when police mistook a game of rugby as a brawl. Police apparently received a tip that a large crowd had gathered at an empty sports ground on the outskirts of the city on Sunday afternoon. Around 70 policeman arrived at the scene to find a large number of cars parked around the area, and what appeared to be a crowd that was watching two rival gangs fight each other. The police stopped the event and around 100 people were detained until they learned that they were actually playing a game of rugby. Everyone was released within a few hours, but authorities were displeased that they had not informed them of the sporting event earlier. A spokesperson for the police said, "Given the difficult, troubled situation in the region, at a time when counter-terrorism actions are being actively conducted, citizens are obligated to inform authorities either verbally or in writing of their intentions." "The fact that police took us to be hooligans, this isn't the first time," said one of the organisers.
VANUATU has been hit by a powerful earthquake, bringing with it the threat of tsunami waves. The quake was assigned a preliminary magnitude of 7.3 on the Richter scale, with a depth of over 10km. The blast hit around 95km from the island town of Santo, triggering a tsunami warning for coastal areas within 300km of the epicentre. The Bureau of Meteorology has said there is no threat to Australia, some 3000km away. The island nation is still recovering from cyclone Pam, which devastated several island and killed an estimated 16 people. A spokesman from Vanuatu’s Bauerfield International Airport in the capital of Port Vila told the quake did not feel major.
Mapa del sismo registrado en Vanuatu Durante la jornada de este jueves, un fuerte sismo de magnitud 7,0 grados en la escala de Richter se registró en las islas de ubicadas en el . Según el Servicio Geológico de los Estados Unidos (), el epicentro de este sismo se localizó a 188 kilómetros al Noroeste de y tuvo una profundidad de 10 kilómetros. El Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico () de manera preliminar había declarado alerta de tsunami en el Pacífico Sur, la cual fue descartada tiempo después por el mismo centro. Este fuerte sismo no dejó ninguna persona herida ni daños a viviendas o estructuras de la zona. Las islas de Vanuatu forman parte del conocido "Anillo de Fuego" y por esta razón ocurren de manera frecuente sismos de esa magnitud, el último registrado fue el 06 de abril y tuvo una magnitud de 6,9 grados en la escala de Richter.
Un terremoto sacudió el archipiélago de Vanuatu, territorio ubicado cerca de Papua Nueva Guinea, oceáno Pacífico. El movimiento fue determinado inicialmente en 7.3 grados Richter, sin embargo se le bajó la escala y fue determinado finalmente en 7.0 grados. El sismo no reune las condiciones para provocar un tsunami en las costas del territorio nacional, infomó la ONEMI.
Mapa del sismo registrado en Vanuatu Durante la jornada de este jueves, un fuerte sismo de magnitud 7,0 grados en la escala de Richter se registró en las islas de ubicadas en el . Según el Servicio Geológico de los Estados Unidos (), el epicentro de este sismo se localizó a 188 kilómetros al Noroeste de y tuvo una profundidad de 10 kilómetros. El Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico () de manera preliminar había declarado alerta de tsunami en el Pacífico Sur, la cual fue descartada tiempo después por el mismo centro. Este fuerte sismo no dejó ninguna persona herida ni daños a viviendas o estructuras de la zona. Las islas de Vanuatu forman parte del conocido "Anillo de Fuego" y por esta razón ocurren de manera frecuente sismos de esa magnitud, el último registrado fue el 06 de abril y tuvo una magnitud de 6,9 grados en la escala de Richter.
Publicado: 28 abr 2016 20:25 GMT El hipocentro del sismo se ha registrado a 10 kilómetros de profundidad y el Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico ha indicado que no se espera "un tsunami destructivo" en la zona. Este jueves se ha registrado un terremoto de magnitud 7,0 en el océano Pacífico, a cinco kilómetros de la isla Norsup (Vanuatu), según informa el Servicio Geológico de EE.UU. (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés). El hipocentro del sismo se ha registrado a 10 kilómetros de profundidad y el Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico ha indicado que no se espera "un tsunami destructivo" en la zona. De momento no hay información de víctimas ni daños mayores, aunque inicialmente el Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico (PTWC, por su sigla en inglés), citado por AFP, reportó haber emitido una alerta de tsunami en el Pacífico Sur. Según el último reporte del PTWC, la magnitud del sismo ha sido revisada de 7,3 a 7,0. Además, se confirma que olas de 1 a 3 metros podrían llegar a las costas de Vanuatu. El pasado 6 de abril se registró otro terremoto de magnitud 6,9 al norte del archipiélago. Las islas de Vanuatu forman parte del llamado "Anillo de Fuego" del Pacífico: una serie de volcanes y fallas tectónicas en forma de herradura de 40.000 kilómetros de longitud en donde se producen el 90% de los terremotos del mundo.
Mapa del sismo registrado en Vanuatu Durante la jornada de este jueves, un fuerte sismo de magnitud 7,0 grados en la escala de Richter se registró en las islas de ubicadas en el . Según el Servicio Geológico de los Estados Unidos (), el epicentro de este sismo se localizó a 188 kilómetros al Noroeste de y tuvo una profundidad de 10 kilómetros. El Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico () de manera preliminar había declarado alerta de tsunami en el Pacífico Sur, la cual fue descartada tiempo después por el mismo centro. Este fuerte sismo no dejó ninguna persona herida ni daños a viviendas o estructuras de la zona. Las islas de Vanuatu forman parte del conocido "Anillo de Fuego" y por esta razón ocurren de manera frecuente sismos de esa magnitud, el último registrado fue el 06 de abril y tuvo una magnitud de 6,9 grados en la escala de Richter.
Full Name: 2021 10th International Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering (ICCPE 2021) Abbreviation: ICCPE 2021 *2021 10th International Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering (ICCPE 2021) *April 28-30, 2021 *Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia * Dear Scholars and Researchers, Warmest Greetings from ICCPE 2021! This is the 2021 10th International Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering conference committee. With the success held of ICCPE over the past 9 years, we're pleased to tell you that ICCPE 2021 will be held in Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia during April 28-30, 2021. You can have an overview about ICCPE history via this link: The Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, also known as RUDN University, is an educational and research institution located in Moscow. RUDN university is historically considered to be strong in mathematics, medicine, chemistry, linguistics and teaching Russian as a foreign language. To learn more details, please go to: The primary goal of the ICCPE 2021 is to promote research and developmental activities in Chemical and Process Engineering. And it will be held every year to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and experiences in Chemical and Process Engineering and related areas. We welcome you to participate in our ICCPE 2021 conference. We look forward to meeting all of you face-to-face next year in Moscow, Russia! ***Keynote Speakers*** ~ Prof. Arcady Zhukov, from University of Basque Country, Spain Arcady Zhukov is an Ikerbasque Research professor at the University of Basque Country, Spain. Fields of interest: amorphous and nanostructured magnetic materials, giant magnetoimpedance, giant magnetoresistance, sensors. He has published above 500 papers and 4 books (H-index = 43) ~ Prof. Sergei Alexandrov, from Beihang University, China & Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Dr. Sergei Alexandrov is a Visiting Professor at Beihang University (Beijing, China) under the program “Recruitment Program for Global Experts” (“1000 Talent Plan”) and a Research Professor at the Laboratory for Technological Processes of the Institute for Problems in Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He is on the editorial board of several journals including Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics (Springer) and Structural Engineering and Mechanics (Technopress). His research areas are plasticity theory, fracture mechanics, and their applications to metal forming and structural mechanics. **To get more information, please go to: **Submission** Please submit your full paper & abstract via our Online Submission System ( Or please directly send your full paper & abstract to: **Publication** All accepted and registered full papers will be recommended and published in international journals, which are indexed by Chemical Abstracts Services (CAS), Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, CABI, DOAJ, Electronic Journals Library, Google Scholar, ProQuest, and Crossref. ***Conference Topics*** ~Chemical, Environmental, and Process Engineering Product innovation, development and economics Process intensification Nanotechnology New materials & structured products Intelligent polymers ~Systematic Methods and Tools for Managing the Complexity Process Safety Management Supply chain management & business decision support Advances in computational & numerical methods Safety & risk management systems Systems biology ~Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Fundamentals Physical, Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Chemical engineering educational challenges and development Chemical reaction engineering Energy & nuclear sciences Energy and environment CFD & chemical engineering Food engineering ~To get more details, please go to: **Conference Committees** ~ Conference Chair Prof. Arcady Zhukov, University of Basque Country, Spain ~ Conference Local Chair Prof. Makhmud Kharun, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Russia ~ Conference Co-Chair Prof. Sergei Alexandrov, Beihang University, China/Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia ~ Program Chairs Prof. Kei Eguchi, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan Assoc. Prof. Dmitry Koroteev, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Russia Prof. Wenzhi Fu, Jilin University, China ~ Local Organizing Committees Prof. Vera Galishnikova, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Russia Prof. Nikolay Vatin, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia Prof. Ashot Tamrazian, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Russia **Conference Schedule** April 28, 2021---Reception & Conference Materials Pick-up April 29, 2021---Keynote Speeches and Paper Presentations April 30, 2021---Technical Visit Conference Venue: Peoples' Friendship University of Russia(RUDN University) Address: 117198, Moscow Miklukho-Maklaya str. 6, Moscow, Russia Contact us -------------------- Ms. Jane Li Tel: +1-669-900-4528/+86-28-87577778 Email: Website:
'''Od 28 do 30 kwietnia 2021 w Moskwie trwać będzie dziesiąta z kolei międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa dotycząca inżynierii chemicznej i procesowej (''10th International Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering'' ICCPE 2021). Miejscem obrad będzie Uniwersytet Przyjaźni Narodów Rosji (''Российский университет дружбы народов'').''' Dotychczasowe konferencje z tego cyklu odbywały się głównie w Azji. Pierwsza z nich gościła w Hongkongu w roku 2012. W kolejnych latach odbywały się one w stolicach państw (Kuala Lumpur w roku 2013, Bangkok w roku 2014 i 2018), Madryt w roku 2016, Pekin w roku 2017 i Moskwa na tym samym uniwersytecie w roku 2020) oraz na wyspach: Jeju Island w Korei Południowej w roku 2016 oraz na Bali w roku 2019. Swój udział w konferencji zapowiedzieli Arcady Zhukov z Uniwersytetu Kraju Basków, Tatiana Perova z Kolegium Trójcy Świętej w Dublinie, Vera Galishnikova z Moscow State University of Civil Engineering oraz Nikolai Vatin z Petersburskiego Uniwersytetu Politechnicznego Piotra Wielkiego. Tematyka konferencji obejmuje inżynierię chemiczną, środowiskową i procesową; metody i narzędzia zarządzania złożonością, a także podstawowe zagadnienia chemii i inżynierii chemicznej. Referaty zgłaszać można do 25 stycznia 2021. Zaakceptowane artykuły opublikowane będą w czasopismach indeksowanych przez Chemical Abstracts Service, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, CABI, DOAJ i Electronic Journals Library. Wybrane zamieszczone zostaną w czasopiśmie ''Chemosensors''.
2014 3rd International Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering (ICCPE 2014) is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied Chemical and Process Engineering . The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to: Chemical, Environmental, and Process Engineering Environmental engineering and sustainable development Process design and optimization Product innovation, development and economics Process intensification Nanotechnology New materials & structured products Intelligent polymers Green organic synthesis routes Process integration Environmental engineering & management Sustainable & clean technologies SCF as solvent substitutes Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Fundamentals Chemical engineering fundamentals Physical, Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Chemical engineering educational challenges and development Chemical reaction engineering Chemical engineering equipment design and process design Thermodynamics Catalysis & reaction engineering Particulate systems Rheology Multifase flows Interfacial & colloidal phenomena Transport phenomena in porous/granular media Membranes and membrane science Crystallization Distillation, absorption and extraction Ionic liquids/electrolyte solutions Multi-scale and/or Multi-disciplinary Approaches Process system, instrumentation and control Product engineering and product development Product design & innovation Nanomanufacturing Controlled release of the active ingredient Energy & nuclear sciences Energy and environment CFD & chemical engineering Food engineering Nanomaterials Particle technology Mathematical modeling in chemical engineering Macromolecular Science and Engineering Advanced materials processing Systematic Methods and Tools for Managing the Complexity Multiscale modeling Process synthesis & design Process control & operations Process Safety Management Supply chain management & business decision support Advances in computational & numerical methods Safety & risk management systems Systems biology Economics and Business Management Process Analytical Technology - PAT Software architecture, standards and interfaces Integration of Life Sciences & Engineering Biochemical Engineering Biotechnology Product Engineering in the Bio Industries Self-organisation in the Bio-sciences and elsewhere Delivery of the final product Biotechnology applied to production of new and better quality food Physical chemistry and thermodynamics for life sciences and biotechnology Improvement of environmental remediation processes Food process technology and engineering The impact of bio-based polymeric materials Biochemical and bio-molecular engineering Bioengineering and biomedical engineering Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Energy and environment Forest product processing Milk product processing All ICCPE 2013 papers will be published in the International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications (IJCEA, ISSN:2010-0221), and all papers will be included in the Engineering & Technology Digital Library, and indexed by EBSCO, WorldCat, Google Scholar,Cross ref, ProQuest and sent to be reviewed by Ei Compendex and ISI Proceedings. Publication Ethics - Penalty against Plagiarism We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtual of any academic. Hence any act of plagiarism is a totally unacceptable academic misconduct and cannot be tolerated. Important Date Paper Submission (Full Paper) Before January 15, 2014 Notification of Acceptance On February 5, 2014 Final Paper Submission Before February 25, 2014 Authors' Registration Before February 25, 2014 ICCPE 2014 Conference Dates June 9-10, 2014 Academic Official Visit (Half Day) June 11, 2014 SUBMISSION METHODS 1. Electronic Submission System; ( .pdf) If you can't login the submission system, please try to submit through method 2.
'''Od 28 do 30 kwietnia 2021 w Moskwie trwać będzie dziesiąta z kolei międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa dotycząca inżynierii chemicznej i procesowej (''10th International Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering'' ICCPE 2021). Miejscem obrad będzie Uniwersytet Przyjaźni Narodów Rosji (''Российский университет дружбы народов'').''' Dotychczasowe konferencje z tego cyklu odbywały się głównie w Azji. Pierwsza z nich gościła w Hongkongu w roku 2012. W kolejnych latach odbywały się one w stolicach państw (Kuala Lumpur w roku 2013, Bangkok w roku 2014 i 2018), Madryt w roku 2016, Pekin w roku 2017 i Moskwa na tym samym uniwersytecie w roku 2020) oraz na wyspach: Jeju Island w Korei Południowej w roku 2016 oraz na Bali w roku 2019. Swój udział w konferencji zapowiedzieli Arcady Zhukov z Uniwersytetu Kraju Basków, Tatiana Perova z Kolegium Trójcy Świętej w Dublinie, Vera Galishnikova z Moscow State University of Civil Engineering oraz Nikolai Vatin z Petersburskiego Uniwersytetu Politechnicznego Piotra Wielkiego. Tematyka konferencji obejmuje inżynierię chemiczną, środowiskową i procesową; metody i narzędzia zarządzania złożonością, a także podstawowe zagadnienia chemii i inżynierii chemicznej. Referaty zgłaszać można do 25 stycznia 2021. Zaakceptowane artykuły opublikowane będą w czasopismach indeksowanych przez Chemical Abstracts Service, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, CABI, DOAJ i Electronic Journals Library. Wybrane zamieszczone zostaną w czasopiśmie ''Chemosensors''.
Saudi king gives women right to vote RIYADH — Saudi King Abdullah on Sunday granted women the right to vote and run in municipal elections, in a historic first for the ultra-conservative country where women are subjected to many restrictions. The 86-year-old monarch made the unexpected announcement that he had issued a decree to enfranchise women in a speech to the Shura Council broadcast live on state television. "Starting with the next term, women will have the right to run in municipal elections and to choose candidates, according to Islamic principles," said King Abdullah. "We have decided that women will participate in the Shura Council as members starting the next term," he added. Women's rights activists have long fought for the right to vote in the Gulf kingdom, which applies a strict version of Sunni Islam and bans women from driving or travelling without the consent of a male guardian. Manal al-Sharif, the 32-year-old icon of a campaign in which a group of defiant Saudi women got behind the steering wheels of their cars in a protest against the driving ban, told AFP the king's decision was "a historic and courageous one." "The king is a reformist," she said of the monarch whose country was spared a wave of protests rocking the region by which autocratic regimes in Tunisia and Egypt were toppled. Abdullah's move was also hailed by the United States and Britain, which both called it a significant "step forward" for the Saudi people. "The announcements made today represent an important step forward in expanding the rights of women in Saudi Arabia, and we support King Abdullah and the people of Saudi Arabia as they undertake these and other reforms," said Tommy Vietor, the White House National Security Council spokesman. British Foreign Secretary William Hague said he welcomed the announcement and that "we look forward to examining the full details of the proposed changes and how they will work in practice." The king's decision means that women will be able to take part in the elections that are to be held in four years, as the next vote is due to take place on Thursday and nominations are already closed. In addition to participating in the only public polls in the country, women would have the right to join the all-appointed Shura (consultative) Council, he said in the address opening the assembly's new term. More than 5,000 men will compete in Thursday's municipal elections, only the second in Saudi Arabia's history, to fill half the seats in the kingdom's 285 municipal councils. The other half are appointed by the government. The first elections were held in 2005, but the government extended the existing council's term for two years. -- 'Day of joy' -- King Abdullah said his decision came because "we refuse marginalising women's role in the Saudi society in all fields," and followed "consultations with several scholars." He did not mention anything about women's right to drive in the kingdom where they must hire male chauffeurs, or depend on the goodwill of relatives if they do not have the means. However, he said that "balanced modernisation which agrees with our Islamic values is a necessary demand in an epoch where there is no place for those who are hesitant" in moving forward. Saudi Arabia has seen many changes since Abdullah became king in 2005. Norah al-Fayez, who was named to the post of deputy education minister for women's education in 2009, was the first woman ever named to a ministerial post in the country. More than 60 intellectuals and activists had called in May for a boycott of the September ballot because "municipal councils lack the authority to effectively carry out their role" and "half of their members are appointed," as well as because they exclude women. The Shura Council had recommended allowing women to vote in the next local polls, officials have said. And in April, Samar Badawi said she was suing the municipal affairs ministry for upholding the ban on women taking part in the local poll. Badawi filed a lawsuit at the administrative court in Mecca against the ministry for denying women the right to register as voters. In the same month, a group of women defied the ban on women in elections by turning up at a voter registration office in the Red Sea city of Jeddah, in a rare public demonstration against the male-only electoral system. But they were turned back by the head of the centre who told them women were still banned from voting. While being spared any unrest linked to the Arab Spring, the oil-rich Sunni kingdom has however seen minor sporadic demonstrations by Shiites that took place in its Eastern Province. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has publicly thrown her support behind the driving campaign, saying that "what these women are doing is brave, and what they are seeking is right." Suheila Zine el-Abidine, an activist from Saudi's National Human Rights Association, paid tribute to the king for allowing women to vote. "We are very happy with his decision today," she said, adding that "by affirming women's political rights in a royal decree, he has removed all questions raised around this matter." Madawi al-Hassun, a businesswoman, was also elated by the move. "Today is a day of joy for Saudi women," she said. Copyright © 2011 AFP. All rights reserved. More »
Le roi a accordé le et leur éligibilité de façon soudaine. Voter à partir de 2012 mais se présenter en réalité, qu'à partir de, 2015… alors que les prochaines élections municipales ont lieu jeudi, avec deux ans de retard. Le pays devient ainsi le dernier organisateur d'élections à accorder ce droit aux femmes. Le souverain nommera aussi pour la première fois des femmes dans son organe consultatif, le Majlis Al-Choura à , dont les 150 membres sont désignés. Ces élections font suite aux municipales de 2005, premières élections de l'histoire de la monarchie saoudienne à se tenir dans tout le pays. Le scrutin suivant, prévu initialement pour le 31 octobre 2009, avait été repoussé plusieurs fois. Le gouvernement avait affirmé avoir besoin de temps pour étudier un éventuel élargissement de l'électorat et une autorisation de voter pour les femmes. En mars, l'annonce d'élections pour avril avait coïncidé avec celle de mesures sociales, alors même que plusieurs pays arabes connaissaient des . sont candidats cette année pour la moitié des sièges des 285 conseils municipaux du pays. Les titulaires des autres seront désignés par le roi. Cette avancée politique et sociale importante est le fruit de plusieurs années de militantisme. Reste maintenant la lutte contre l'interdiction faite aux femmes de conduire ou encore de voyager sans l'autorisation d'un tuteur : ces principes étant issus de l'.