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24. Mai 2005 Die PDS ist gesprächsbereit Zur Bereitschaft Oskar Lafontaines, auf einer gemeinsamen Liste von PDS und WASG für den Bundestag zu kandidieren, erklärt Parteivorsitzender Lothar Bisky: Die Äußerungen von Oskar Lafontaine zeigen, dass es große Chancen und zugleich eine große Verantwortung für eine starke linke Fraktion im nächsten deutschen Bundestag gibt. Die PDS ist in dieser Hinsicht gesprächsbereit. Allerdings setzen das Wahlrecht und der Wahltermin enge Grenzen. Es ist seit langem meine Auffassung, dass sich die Linke in Deutschland strategisch neu aufstellen muss, um nicht noch weiter zu zersplittern. Eine erfolgreiche Bundestagswahl kann dafür Türen öffnen.
'''Berlin (Deutschland), 24.05.2005''' - Oskar Lafontaine hat nach 39 Jahren Mitgliedschaft in der SPD seinen Parteiaustritt bekanntgegeben. Der formelle Austritt wird aber wohl erst in den nächsten Tagen erfolgen. Zuvor hatte der Generalsekretär Klaus Uwe Benneter den ehemaligen Parteivorsitzenden mit den Worten „Oskar, hör' auf mit dem eitlen Rumgerede! Oskar, hör' auf, der SPD zu schaden! Oskar, sei ehrlich: geh' jetzt!“ zum Austritt aufgefordert. Lafontaine war von 1995 bis 1999 Vorsitzender der SPD und von 1998 bis 1999 zudem „Superminister“ für die Finanz- und wesentliche Teile der Wirtschaftspolitik gewesen. Beide Ämter hatte er überraschend niedergelegt; zur Begründung hatte er damals Schwierigkeiten bei der Zusammenarbeit innerhalb des Kabinetts angeführt. Seitdem galt das Verhältnis zwischen Lafontaine und der Parteiführung als überworfen; Lafontaine kritisierte die Politik der Bundesregierung seither aus der Sicht einer keynesianischen Wirtschafts- und Sozialpoltik, wobei er die üblichen strategischen Geschlossenheitskonventionen in der Selbstdarstellung von Partei und Regierung vollständig außer Acht ließ. Vor der Bundestagswahl 1998, in der die Regierung Kohl (CDU) nach 16-jähriger Amtszeit abgewählt wurde, hatten der jetzige Bundeskanzler und damalige niedersächsische Ministerpräsident Gerhard Schröder und Lafontaine um die Kanzlerkandidatur konkurriert; gemäß einer internen Absprache hatte Lafontaine seinen diesbezüglichen Anspruch aufgegeben, nachdem Schröder im Frühjahr 1998 einen unerwartet hohen Landtagswahlsieg in Niedersachsen für sich verbuchen konnte. Lafontaine hatte schon vor der Austrittsaufforderung erklärt, er sei nun bereit, für eine gemeinsame Liste aus den beiden Linksparteien PDS und WASG bei einer wahrscheinlich im September anstehenden Bundestagswahl zu kandidieren. Diese Ankündigung war der Auslöser für die Austrittsaufforderung durch die Parteiführung gewesen. Der PDS-Vositzende Lothar Bisky hat sich für verhandlungsbereit erklärt.
The Pakistan People's Party nominated ex-Speaker Yusuf Raza Gillani for the post to lead a coalition government with ex-PM Nawaz Sharif's PML(N) party. Analysts say the appointment is widely expected to be a stop-gap measure and Ms Bhutto's widower, Asif Ali Zardari, may be poised to eventually take over. The coalition is expected to try to curb President Musharraf's powers. Mr Gillani is virtually guaranteed to win a parliamentary vote to make him PM on Monday because of the coalition's massive majority, says the BBC's Barbara Plett in Islamabad. Ms Bhutto's son was said to have been feeling unwell by party officials A party leader from southern Punjab, he is admired within the PPP for going to jail in 2001, rather than doing a deal with Mr Musharraf. It is believed he will quietly step aside if Asif Ali Zardari, the PPP's effective leader and co-chairman, decides to go for the top job, says our correspondent. Ms Bhutto's widower is not eligible to be PM as he is not currently an MP but he may stand at a by-election within months for a seat in the National Assembly, analysts say. Musharraf 'isolated' Saturday's announcement had been due to be made by Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, the son of the late PPP leader who was assassinated at an election rally in December. But the PPP said the teenager was not feeling well. Our correspondent says there is speculation the plan was changed to spare the 19-year-old tough questions about reports of bitter behind-the-scenes wrangling over the nomination. Ms Bhutto's widower is still the PPP's most powerful figure, say analysts The vice-chairman of the PPP, Makhdoom Amin Fahim, had long been considered the favourite to lead the new government, says our correspondent, but was apparently sidelined. Some party members say Asif Ali Zardari saw Mr Fahim as a rival power base in the PPP, others that Mr Fahim is seen as too close to President Pervez Musharraf. Mr Zardari and his main coalition partner, Mr Sharif, have told The New York Times they are prepared to negotiate with the militants, reflecting a coalition consensus on the need for a comprehensive political approach to Islamist violence. HAVE YOUR SAY I pray for the peaceful future of a secular Pakistan, but I won't hold my breath. Jack Bigham, Ohio, USA Ms Bhutto's party has been in intense talks over the make-up of a coalition administration since winning the 18 February elections. President Musharraf, a US ally who came to power as a general in a 1999 coup, suffered heavy losses in the polls and appears increasingly isolated, say analysts. The new coalition government has vowed to reinstate judges sacked by the president during a state of emergency in November. Correspondents say the judges, if restored, could overturn Mr Musharraf's re-election in a parliamentary vote last October, effectively ruling his presidency illegal.
The Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) has nominated Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani, former Speaker of the National Assembly, as their candidate for Pakistan's next Prime Minister. His nomination was announced by party spokesman Farhatullah Babar at a news conference in Islamabad. "Yousaf Raza Gilani is not afraid to lead and he knows the way," he said, reading a statement from Asif Ali Zardari, widower of late PPP leader Benazir Bhutto and party co-chairman. "I have great pleasure in calling upon Yousuf Raza Gilani in the name of martyr Benazir Bhutto to accept the heavy responsibility to lead the coalition government and the nation," Babar said. The announcement was expected to be made by Bhutto's son Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, but party officials said he wasn't feeling well. The parliament will vote for the Prime Minister on Monday. Gillani is widely expected to win the vote because of the majority coalition formed by the PPP and the Pakistan Muslim League (N), the latter of which is led by former PM Nawaz Sharif. The new Prime Minister will be sworn in by President Pervez Musharraf on Tuesday. If Gillani becomes Prime Minister, analysts say he might soon be replaced by Asif Ali Zardari, co-chairman of the PPP and Bhutto's widower. He is currently ineligible for the position of PM, as he is not currently a member of Parliament, but he could win a seat in a matter of months by contesting a by-election. However, the party spokesman's statement offered no indication that Gillani would serve as a temporary Prime Minister. PPP vice chairman Makhdoom Amin Fahim was long presumed to be the front-runner for the party's nomination, but after Gillani's name was announced, he said, "I have the best wishes for him." Some party members had reportedly viewed Fahim as being too close to Pervez Musharraf. Meanwhile, the Musharraf's allies have still not picked their candidate for Prime Minister. The Muttahida Qaumi Movement decided to withdraw their candidate Farooq Sattar as "gesture of goodwill" towards the PPP. "We have decided to extend unconditional support to the PPP nominee," said Sattar. Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain, leader of the Pakistan Muslim League (Q), says the race will not be uncontested, and that his party will nominate Sattar's replacement on Sunday. "We have decided to contest the election for prime minister and not to withdraw from the political process," Hussain told reporters.
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The Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) has nominated Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani, former Speaker of the National Assembly, as their candidate for Pakistan's next Prime Minister. His nomination was announced by party spokesman Farhatullah Babar at a news conference in Islamabad. "Yousaf Raza Gilani is not afraid to lead and he knows the way," he said, reading a statement from Asif Ali Zardari, widower of late PPP leader Benazir Bhutto and party co-chairman. "I have great pleasure in calling upon Yousuf Raza Gilani in the name of martyr Benazir Bhutto to accept the heavy responsibility to lead the coalition government and the nation," Babar said. The announcement was expected to be made by Bhutto's son Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, but party officials said he wasn't feeling well. The parliament will vote for the Prime Minister on Monday. Gillani is widely expected to win the vote because of the majority coalition formed by the PPP and the Pakistan Muslim League (N), the latter of which is led by former PM Nawaz Sharif. The new Prime Minister will be sworn in by President Pervez Musharraf on Tuesday. If Gillani becomes Prime Minister, analysts say he might soon be replaced by Asif Ali Zardari, co-chairman of the PPP and Bhutto's widower. He is currently ineligible for the position of PM, as he is not currently a member of Parliament, but he could win a seat in a matter of months by contesting a by-election. However, the party spokesman's statement offered no indication that Gillani would serve as a temporary Prime Minister. PPP vice chairman Makhdoom Amin Fahim was long presumed to be the front-runner for the party's nomination, but after Gillani's name was announced, he said, "I have the best wishes for him." Some party members had reportedly viewed Fahim as being too close to Pervez Musharraf. Meanwhile, the Musharraf's allies have still not picked their candidate for Prime Minister. The Muttahida Qaumi Movement decided to withdraw their candidate Farooq Sattar as "gesture of goodwill" towards the PPP. "We have decided to extend unconditional support to the PPP nominee," said Sattar. Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain, leader of the Pakistan Muslim League (Q), says the race will not be uncontested, and that his party will nominate Sattar's replacement on Sunday. "We have decided to contest the election for prime minister and not to withdraw from the political process," Hussain told reporters.
Pakistan PM candidate to meet anti-Musharraf coalition ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AFP) — The man nominated by the party of the late Benazir Bhutto to be Pakistan's new premier is Sunday set to meet members of a coalition that has vowed to take on President Pervez Musharraf. Former parliament speaker Yousuf Raza Gilani was named on Saturday by slain opposition leader Bhutto's Pakistan People's Party (PPP) as its candidate for prime minister, more than a month after it won the most seats in elections. The party has agreed to form a coalition government with the party of ex-PM Nawaz Sharif, who was ousted by Musharraf in a coup in 1999, and other smaller groups who trounced the US-backed president's allies in elections. Party officials said top coalition members, including Gilani, were set to meet on Sunday ahead of a parliament session on Monday to elect the new prime minister, a vote which Gilani is almost certain to win. Gilani, 58, a low-key but stalwart aide to Bhutto and her husband Asif Ali Zardari, on Saturday called for unity among Pakistan's "democratic" parties. "We have to take all democratic forces along. I will be giving a policy statement and spelling out my priorities on the floor of the house," Gilani told AFP after he was nominated. "I am thankful to my party leadership for putting their trust in me," Gilani said, adding that he missed the party's "great leader" Bhutto, who was assassinated in a suicide attack at a political rally on December 27. Gilani spent five years in jail under Musharraf's regime on corruption charges stemming from his time as speaker -- winning admiration from PPP colleagues who said the charges were politically motivated. Zardari said in a statement announcing the nomination on Saturday that "Yousuf Raza Gilani is not afraid to lead and he knows the way." Speculation remains however that Gilani would be a stop-gap premier until Zardari -- who is not an MP -- becomes eligible to stand for the post by contesting a by-election in May. "This option stays open depending on the performance of the government, it is possible," Hasan Askari, a professor at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University in Washington DC, told AFP. Gilani was speaker during Bhutto's second term in power from 1993 to 1996 and a minister during her first term from 1988 to 1990. Meanwhile the former ruling Pakistan Muslim League-Q party, which backed Musharraf in the last parliament, said it was going to choose a new candidate on Sunday to go up against Gilani in Monday's vote. A nominee of Musharraf's allies on Saturday quit the race for the premiership in a dramatic about-face, saying he would give "unconditional support to the PPP nominee." Musharraf is set to swear in the new premier on Tuesday. Western governments are closely watching the political scene in Pakistan amid concerns that instability will hurt the fight against Al-Qaeda and Taliban militants behind a wave of recent violence. The coalition government appears set for a confrontation with Musharraf after vowing to reinstate judges whom the president sacked during a state of emergency in November. If restored, the judges could overturn Musharraf's re-election as president in a parliamentary vote in October and effectively rule his grip on power illegal. A New York Times report that Zardari and Sharif intend to start negotiations with Islamic militants in the hope of ending a spate of bombings has caused further jitters in the West. Analyst Askari said Gilani's nomination would improve stability in the short-term because he was acceptable to the PPP and its coalition partners, but that he faced major problems at home and abroad. "The new PM faces a difficult challenge of balancing the domestic demand for a dialogue with the militants with American pressure for a tougher approach," Askari said. "The US government is somewhat perturbed by the new government's plan to negotiate with the militant groups."
The Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) has nominated Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani, former Speaker of the National Assembly, as their candidate for Pakistan's next Prime Minister. His nomination was announced by party spokesman Farhatullah Babar at a news conference in Islamabad. "Yousaf Raza Gilani is not afraid to lead and he knows the way," he said, reading a statement from Asif Ali Zardari, widower of late PPP leader Benazir Bhutto and party co-chairman. "I have great pleasure in calling upon Yousuf Raza Gilani in the name of martyr Benazir Bhutto to accept the heavy responsibility to lead the coalition government and the nation," Babar said. The announcement was expected to be made by Bhutto's son Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, but party officials said he wasn't feeling well. The parliament will vote for the Prime Minister on Monday. Gillani is widely expected to win the vote because of the majority coalition formed by the PPP and the Pakistan Muslim League (N), the latter of which is led by former PM Nawaz Sharif. The new Prime Minister will be sworn in by President Pervez Musharraf on Tuesday. If Gillani becomes Prime Minister, analysts say he might soon be replaced by Asif Ali Zardari, co-chairman of the PPP and Bhutto's widower. He is currently ineligible for the position of PM, as he is not currently a member of Parliament, but he could win a seat in a matter of months by contesting a by-election. However, the party spokesman's statement offered no indication that Gillani would serve as a temporary Prime Minister. PPP vice chairman Makhdoom Amin Fahim was long presumed to be the front-runner for the party's nomination, but after Gillani's name was announced, he said, "I have the best wishes for him." Some party members had reportedly viewed Fahim as being too close to Pervez Musharraf. Meanwhile, the Musharraf's allies have still not picked their candidate for Prime Minister. The Muttahida Qaumi Movement decided to withdraw their candidate Farooq Sattar as "gesture of goodwill" towards the PPP. "We have decided to extend unconditional support to the PPP nominee," said Sattar. Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain, leader of the Pakistan Muslim League (Q), says the race will not be uncontested, and that his party will nominate Sattar's replacement on Sunday. "We have decided to contest the election for prime minister and not to withdraw from the political process," Hussain told reporters.
W ramach prezentacji systemu przedstawiciele kierownictwa MON oraz grupa dziennikarzy mieli okazję zapoznać się z pracą systemów samolotu E-3A podczas specjalnie zorganizowanej symulacji. Dzieląc się wrażeniami z lotu minister Sikorski podkreślił imponujące możliwości systemu, który pozwala śledzić jednocześnie ponad 300 celów w promieniu nawet 700 km, dzięki czemu może wykonywać zadania wykonywane obecnie przez kilkadziesiąt naziemnych stacji radarowych. Wyraził również głęboką satysfakcję z faktu, iż to właśnie dzięki decyzji obecnego rządu Polska może przystąpić do programu NAPMO. Minister zapowiedział, że jeszcze w tym roku będziemy współwłaścicielami 17 samolotów, co oprócz znaczącego wzmocnienia naszego potencjału obronnego umożliwi także transfer najnowocześniejszych technologii do krajowego sektora obronnego. Koszt uczestnictwa w programie wyniesie 6 mln zł w 2006 r. oraz kolejne 60 mln w roku przyszłym. Odpowiadając na pytania dziennikarzy o możliwość ulokowania w Powidzu bazy systemu AGS szef resortu ON powiedział, że taka decyzja byłaby widomym znakiem gotowości NATO do instalowania najnowocześniejszego uzbrojenia na terenie nowych krajów Sojuszu. Zapewnił także, iż o lokalizację takiej bazy w Polsce już teraz zabiegamy wszystkimi dostępnymi środkami, mimo że nie zapadła jeszcze decyzja co do ostatecznego kształtu systemu AGS. Jak zaznaczył zastępca dowódcy Sił Powietrznych gen. broni pil. Lech Majewski dzięki trwającej od 2001 r. ścisłej współpracy z NAPMO już dzisiaj jesteśmy technicznie i personalnie przygotowani do pełnego wykorzystania oferowanych przez system możliwości. Uczestniczący również w konferencji prasowej dyrektor NAPMA (NATO AEW&C Programme Management Agency) gen. Berndt Glowacki przedstawił historię i stan obecny programu zaznaczając przy tym, że jest on finansowany bezpośrednio ze składek krajów członkowskich, co przyczynia się do zwiększenia poczucia uczestnictwa w tej formule i w konsekwencji powoduje bardzo efektywne wykorzystanie posiadanych możliwości. Korzystając z okazji gen. Glowacki serdecznie powitał Polskę w gronie członków NAPMO oraz zaprosił nas do jak najaktywniejszego udziału w pracach organizacji. Dowódca komponentu powietrznego systemu AWACS gen. Axel Tuttelmann podkreślił z kolei fakt, że samoloty E-3A w każdej chwili mogą podjąć działania operacyjne w dowolnym zakątku świata, a dowódca bazy w Geilenkirchen gen. Stephen Schmidt wyraził nadzieję, że wkrótce pod jego rozkazami znajdzie się także grupa żołnierzy z Polski. *** Prezentacja samolotów wczesnego ostrzegania i wykrywania AWACS w 33. Bazie Lotniczej w Powidzu. MATERIAŁ PRASOWY W związku z toczącymi się negocjacjami o przystąpieniu Polski do NAPMO (NATO AEW&C Programme Management Organisation) - organizacji NATO powołanej do kierowania i zarządzania programem wczesnego ostrzegania i naprowadzania, 17 sierpnia w 33. Bazie Lotniczej goszczą dwa samoloty wczesnego ostrzegania i wykrywania AWACS. Celem wizyty samolotów E-3 w Powidzu jest prezentacja możliwości operacyjnych AWACS-a oraz przedstawienie aktualnego stanu prac nad udziałem Polski w NAPMO. Na pokładzie samolotów do Powidza przybyli: - szef delegacji gen. Berndt Glowacki – Dyrektor NAPMA (NATO AEW&C Programme Management Agency) - gen. Axel Tuttelmann – Dowódca Sił NAEW&CF - gen. Stephen Schmidt – Dowódca Bazy w Geilenkirchen. Podstawowym zadaniem systemu AWACS jest wczesne wykrywanie celów powietrznych oraz prowadzenie rozpoznania celów naziemnych i nawodnych. Bazę systemu stanowią samoloty E-3 SENTRY, wyposażone w stacje radiolokacyjne o bardzo dużym zasięgu oraz zautomatyzowany system łączności umożliwiający przekazywanie informacji o sytuacji powietrznej do naziemnych systemów dowodzenia obroną powietrzną. AWACS zbiera także dane o systemach radioelektronicznych przeciwnika. Przystąpienie Polski do NAPMO oznacza szereg korzyści zarówno dla Sił Zbrojnych RP, jak i dla polskiego przemysłu zbrojeniowego. • Dzięki akcesji do NAPMO Polska stanie się pełnoprawnym użytkownikiem i współwłaścicielem 17 samolotów wczesnego ostrzegania i wykrywania AWACS (Airborne Warning And Control System). • Siły Powietrzne będą mogły wycofać przestarzały sprzęt radiolokacyjny, którego modernizacja jest nieopłacalna lub niemożliwa, co według wstępnych szacunków powinno przynieść od 2008 r. ok. 50 - 60 mln zł oszczędności rocznie. • Szybciej zostanie osiągnięta pełna integracja narodowego systemu obrony powietrznej ze Zintegrowanym Systemem Obrony Powietrznej NATO. • Całe Siły Zbrojne RP uzyskają możliwość korzystania z informacji systemu AWACS w sytuacjach zagrożenia, kryzysu lub wojny. • Polacy, którzy obejmą stanowiska w NAPMA (NATO AEW&C Programme Management Agency), dowództwie i komponencie lotniczym zostaną w pełni wyszkoleni do wykorzystania wszystkich możliwości systemu AWACS. • W programach technicznych (modernizacyjnych) programu gwarantowany jest udział zakładów przemysłowych państwa członka NAPMO, którego skala zależy od procentowego udziału państwa w finansowaniu NAPMO i jest nie mniejsza od wpłaconych na ten cel kwot. Koszt udziału w programie wyniesie ok. 70 mln zł rocznie i będzie ponoszony przez resort ON. Ze względu na gwarantowany udział zakładów przemysłowych państwa-członka NAPMO w programach modernizacyjnych Polska może liczyć na zwrot ok. 30% wpłaconej sumy w formie udziału w offsecie bezpośrednim i ok. 70% z tytułu podwykonawstwa określonych elementów dla głównego kontrahenta. INFORMACJE DODATKOWE Powietrzne Siły Wczesnego Ostrzegania powołane w 1980 r. stacjonują w Geilenkirchen w Niemczech. Na wyposażeniu znajduje się 17 samolotów E-3A i 3 zmodyfikowane samoloty Boeing 707-320C przeznaczone do treningu i transportu. Personel składa się z przedstawicieli 13 państw członkowskich NAPMO. Oprócz głównej bazy korzysta także z wysuniętych baz operacyjnych w Turcji, Grecji i Włoszech oraz wysuniętego lotniska w Norwegii. W lipcu 1992 r. powstał brytyjski komponent operacyjny wchodzący w skład 8 Dywizjonu RAF w Waddington (Lincolnshire). Do wykonywania swoich misji używa on siedmiu samolotów Boeing E-3D i służy w nim tylko personel brytyjski Samolot E-3 SENTRY bazuje na projekcie Boeinga 707, budowanego od podstaw z przeznaczeniem dla systemu AWACS. Wyróżnikiem samolotu jest potężny radar umieszczony w dysku nad kadłubem – antena ma średnicę 9,1m i obraca się o 360 stopni 6 razy na minutę. Jeden samolot E-3A operując na pułapie ok. 9 km, z łatwością obserwuje samoloty i śmigłowce poruszające się na małych i dużych wysokościach, w promieniu - odpowiednio do 400 km i 700 km. Natomiast radar naziemny na takiej odległości wykryje obiekt latający dopiero wtedy, gdy wzniesie się on na wysokość powyżej 1 km. Radar samolotu E-3A (AWACS) obserwuje obszar ponad 312 tys. km2 , a więc równy powierzchni Polski. Aby osiągnąć pole radiolokacyjne, jakie generuje jeden samolot E-3A, konieczna jest praca ok. 300 stacji radiolokacyjnych. Cztery E-3A całkowicie kontrolują sytuację powietrzną nad Europą Środkową. W październiku 1994 roku zainicjowano program unowocześnienia i rozbudowy floty samolotów E-3 zapewniającej pracę systemu do roku 2025. System AWACS może być wykorzystywany zarówno w sytuacjach kryzysowych jak również w czasie ćwiczeń organizowanych przez NATO. Przykładem jest wykonywanie zadań przez natowskie samoloty systemu AWACS na rzecz wzmocnienia systemu obrony powietrznej Stanów Zjednoczonych po atakach terrorystycznych w USA. Samoloty AWACS zabezpieczały także międzynarodowe konferencje, nieformalny Szczyt NATO w Warszawie (23-25.09.02) i Szczyt NATO w Pradze (2002) . Od 2001 roku nad terytorium Polski, Połączone Centrum Operacji Powietrznych w Kalkar (Niemcy ) prowadzi comiesięczne treningi systemu obrony powietrznej z udziałem systemu AWACS. Treningi pozwalają na doskonalenie umiejętności polskich pilotów naprowadzanych przez nawigatorów systemu AWACS zgodnie z procedurami natowskimi. Aktualnie żadne polskie stanowiska dowodzenia OP, wydzielone do NATINEADS nie posiadają zdolności do zautomatyzowanego odbioru informacji o sytuacji powietrznej z systemu AWACS, jednak wprowadzenie w latach 2006-2007 systemu dowodzenia DUNAJ i urządzeń transmisji danych LINK 11 lub LINK 16 umożliwi automatyczny odbiór informacji o sytuacji powietrznej z systemu AWACS. Obecnie informacja o sytuacji powietrznej jest odbierana przez system ASOC. Aktualnie na całym świecie użytkuje się 70 samolotów systemu AWACS: USA – 32 szt., Boeing – 1 egz. testowy, NATO – 17, Wielka Brytania – 7, Francja – 4, Arabia Saudyjska – 5, Japonia – 4 (na bazie samolotu Boeing 767).
Grafika:Usaf.e3sentry.750pix.jpg|thumb|350px|Samolot typu AWACS, E-3 Sentry, należący do Sił Powietrznych Stanów Zjednoczonych. Samolot powietrznego systemu ostrzegania i kontroli (AWACS - Airborne Warning and Control System) wylądował na wojskowym lotnisku w Powidzu (pod Poznaniem). Samolot E-3A, bo właśnie taki model wylądował dzisiaj około godziny 10:15 na terenie 33. Bazy Lotniczej w Powidzu to powietrzna stacja radarowa, która lecąc na wysokości 9 kilometrów wykrywa samoloty, pociski rakietowe, statki i wynurzone okręty podwodne z odległości 700 kilometrów. Jeden samolot AWACS jest w stanie obserwować obszar ponad 312 tysięcy kilometrów kwadratowych. System radarowy pozwala na wykrycie półtora tysiąca różnych obiektów i na śledzenie około czterystu z nich. Współpracuje z innymi wojskowymi maszynami, między innymi z wielozadaniowymi myśliwcami F-16: podaje im namiary samolotów przeciwnika i na bieżąco informuje o sytuacji na polu walki. Samoloty AWACS mogą być także wykorzystywane w akcjach ratowniczych. Na stałe samoloty tego typu będą mogły pojawić się w Polsce dopiero po przystąpieniu do organizacji NAPMO, która od 1980 roku zarządza patrolami 17 latających stacji radarowych. Już w marcu obecny szef Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej, Radosław Sikorski, zdecydował o wstąpieniu Polski do NAPMO. Polska będzie 14. krajem NATO w tej organizacji. Rzecznik MON, Piotr Paszkowski, mówi: ''"Członkiem NAPMO staniemy się jesienią i wtedy rozpoczną się stałe loty nad naszym krajem"''. Według Grzegorza Praczyka z dziennika Rzeczpospolita ''"za obecność AWACS nad Polską zapłacimy ok. 80 mln złotych rocznie. Pieniądze w dużej mierze mają się zwrócić, bo dzięki obecności latającego radaru polskie wojsko będzie mogło zlikwidować część starych i mało efektywnych naziemnych stacji radarowych"''. W kraju muszą również zostać zmodernizowane lotniska. Co prawda samoloty E-3A stacjonują w bazie Geilenkirchen w Niemczech, ale na wypadek awarii muszą mieć możliwość wylądowania w Polsce. Nie jest to pierwszy samolot typu AWACS, jaki odwiedził Polskę. Pierwszy przyleciał już pod koniec lat 90. w celu zapoznania z jego możliwościami wojskowych. Rzeczpospolita podaje również, że ''"samoloty E-3A wykonały też kilka lotów nad Polską w 2000 roku. W tym roku, podczas pielgrzymki do Polski papieża Benedykta XVI, wypożyczony samolot AWACS krążył na niebie w okolicach Poznania"''. Na całej planecie jest około siedemdziesięciu takich maszyn. Trzydziestoma trzema dysponują Stany Zjednoczone. Systemy AWACS zakupiły również między innymi Japonia i Arabia Saudyjska.
KRAJ BEZPIECZEŃSTWO Latający radar pełen elektroniki będzie strzegł i ratował Polska pod skrzydłami jednego samolotu Naszpikowany elektroniką samolot wczesnego ostrzegania AWACS wyląduje w czwartek w Powidzu w Wielkopolsce. Na świecie jest około 70 samolotów AWACS. Większość z nich mają Stany Zjednoczone i inne państwa NATO (c) AP/NATO Takie samoloty od jesieni będą pilnować bezpieczeństwa na polskim niebie. Samolot E-3A - to supernowoczesna stacja radarowa, która lecąc na wysokości 9 kilometrów wykrywa wszystkie samoloty, pociski rakietowe, statki i wynurzone okręty podwodne z odległości nawet 700 kilometrów. Jeden samolot AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System - powietrzny system ostrzegania i kontroli) może obserwować obszar ponad 312 tysięcy kilometrów kwadratowych (tyle wynosi powierzchnia Polski). Skomplikowany system radarowy umożliwia wykrycie 1,5 tys. obiektów (samolotów, rakiet, okrętów) i śledzenie 400 z nich. Współpracuje z innymi wojskowymi maszynami, np. wielozadaniowymi F-16, które kupiła polska armia: podaje im namiary samolotów przeciwnika i na bieżąco informuje o sytuacji na polu walki. To nie wszystko - AWACS można też z powodzeniem wykorzystywać w akcjach ratowniczych. Pojawienie się tego typu samolotów nad Polską na stałe będzie możliwe po przystąpieniu naszego kraju do natowskiej organizacji NAPMO, która od 1980 roku zarządza patrolami 17 latających stacji radarowych. O przystąpieniu Polski do NAPMO zdecydował w marcu szef MON Radosław Sikorski. Polska będzie 14. krajem NATO w tej organizacji. - Obecnie trwają ostatnie szczegółowe uzgodnienia. Członkiem NAPMO staniemy się jesienią i wtedy rozpoczną się stałe loty nad naszym krajem - mówi rzecznik szefa MON Piotr Paszkowski. Za obecność AWACS nad Polską zapłacimy ok. 80 mln złotych rocznie. Pieniądze w dużej mierze mają się zwrócić, bo dzięki obecności latającego radaru polskie wojsko będzie mogło zlikwidować część starych i mało efektywnych naziemnych stacji radarowych. Nasz kraj musi też przygotować lotniska i sprzęt na przyjęcie AWACS. Wprawdzie samoloty E-3A stacjonują w niemieckiej bazie w Geilenkirchen, ale na wypadek awarii muszą mieć możliwość lądowania w Polsce. To nie pierwszy lot AWACS nad Polską. Pod koniec lat 90. taki samolot przyleciał do naszego kraju i wojskowi mogli poznać jego działanie. Samoloty E-3A wykonały też kilka lotów nad Polską w 2000 roku. W tym roku, podczas pielgrzymki do Polski papieża Benedykta XVI, wypożyczony samolot AWACS krążył na niebie w okolicach Poznania. - To znakomity sposób na zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa w powietrzu. Dobrze wiedzą o tym Niemcy, którzy użyli AWACS podczas ostatnich mistrzostw świata w piłce nożnej - mówi Piotr Paszkowski. Na całym świecie jest około 70 samolotów AWACS. Większość z nich mają Stany Zjednoczone (33) i inne państwa NATO. Poza nimi latające radary kupiły Arabia Saudyjska i Japonia. Grzegorz Praczyk Drukuj artykuł Wyślij artykuł
Grafika:Usaf.e3sentry.750pix.jpg|thumb|350px|Samolot typu AWACS, E-3 Sentry, należący do Sił Powietrznych Stanów Zjednoczonych. Samolot powietrznego systemu ostrzegania i kontroli (AWACS - Airborne Warning and Control System) wylądował na wojskowym lotnisku w Powidzu (pod Poznaniem). Samolot E-3A, bo właśnie taki model wylądował dzisiaj około godziny 10:15 na terenie 33. Bazy Lotniczej w Powidzu to powietrzna stacja radarowa, która lecąc na wysokości 9 kilometrów wykrywa samoloty, pociski rakietowe, statki i wynurzone okręty podwodne z odległości 700 kilometrów. Jeden samolot AWACS jest w stanie obserwować obszar ponad 312 tysięcy kilometrów kwadratowych. System radarowy pozwala na wykrycie półtora tysiąca różnych obiektów i na śledzenie około czterystu z nich. Współpracuje z innymi wojskowymi maszynami, między innymi z wielozadaniowymi myśliwcami F-16: podaje im namiary samolotów przeciwnika i na bieżąco informuje o sytuacji na polu walki. Samoloty AWACS mogą być także wykorzystywane w akcjach ratowniczych. Na stałe samoloty tego typu będą mogły pojawić się w Polsce dopiero po przystąpieniu do organizacji NAPMO, która od 1980 roku zarządza patrolami 17 latających stacji radarowych. Już w marcu obecny szef Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej, Radosław Sikorski, zdecydował o wstąpieniu Polski do NAPMO. Polska będzie 14. krajem NATO w tej organizacji. Rzecznik MON, Piotr Paszkowski, mówi: ''"Członkiem NAPMO staniemy się jesienią i wtedy rozpoczną się stałe loty nad naszym krajem"''. Według Grzegorza Praczyka z dziennika Rzeczpospolita ''"za obecność AWACS nad Polską zapłacimy ok. 80 mln złotych rocznie. Pieniądze w dużej mierze mają się zwrócić, bo dzięki obecności latającego radaru polskie wojsko będzie mogło zlikwidować część starych i mało efektywnych naziemnych stacji radarowych"''. W kraju muszą również zostać zmodernizowane lotniska. Co prawda samoloty E-3A stacjonują w bazie Geilenkirchen w Niemczech, ale na wypadek awarii muszą mieć możliwość wylądowania w Polsce. Nie jest to pierwszy samolot typu AWACS, jaki odwiedził Polskę. Pierwszy przyleciał już pod koniec lat 90. w celu zapoznania z jego możliwościami wojskowych. Rzeczpospolita podaje również, że ''"samoloty E-3A wykonały też kilka lotów nad Polską w 2000 roku. W tym roku, podczas pielgrzymki do Polski papieża Benedykta XVI, wypożyczony samolot AWACS krążył na niebie w okolicach Poznania"''. Na całej planecie jest około siedemdziesięciu takich maszyn. Trzydziestoma trzema dysponują Stany Zjednoczone. Systemy AWACS zakupiły również między innymi Japonia i Arabia Saudyjska.
Moon a lot wetter than you thought 25 Sep 2009, 0130 hrs IST, Bloomberg Print EMail Discuss Share Save Comment Single page view Text: LONDON/BANGALORE: The moon is a lot wetter than we thought. That’s the conclusion of scientists who used data gathered by India’s first lunar mission to determine whether there may be widespread moisture locked in lunar soils. The upper few millimetres of the moon’s surface contains molecules of water (H2O), and hydroxyl (OH) — an indication that water formation may be an ongoing process at the moon’s surface, the researchers said on Thursday in the journal Science. “When we say ‘water on the moon’, we are not talking about lakes, oceans or even puddles,” the study’s lead author Carle Pieters, a planetary geologist at Rhode Island’s Brown University, said. “Water on the moon means molecules of water and hydroxyl that interact with molecules of rock and dust specifically in the top millimetres of the moon’s surface.” The findings open the way for astronauts on lunar missions to harvest water from the moon’s surface, according to the paper. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Nasa) on June 18 launched two probes to search for frozen water on the moon. Discovering the substance would be like finding a goldmine, the agency said at the time, putting the cost of transporting a bottle of water to the moon at $50,000. “Nasa wants to set up a permanent base on the moon, and they want to live off the land,” Colin Pillinger, professor of planetary science at the UK’s Open University in Milton Keynes, said on Thursday in a phone interview. “To do that, they need water.” Pillinger, who this year co-wrote a study for Nasa about extracting water and other compounds from the lunar surface, said physical samples will be needed to prove the conclusions from Thursday’s study, and that extracting water will be a challenge. “Technically it’s easy, but logistically it’s awfully difficult because it takes a lot of energy,” said Pillinger. “If you want a long-term lunar base, then you go to the poles” because no refrigerator will be necessary to condense water vapour that has been boiled out of the soil, he said. Craters at the lunar poles haven’t been exposed to sunlight in billions of years and probably have temperatures of minus 328 degrees Fahrenheit (-200 degrees Celsius), according to Nasa. That has led planetary scientists to theorise water ice may be present in those dark areas. As many as 770 water molecules could be present in every million molecules in the thin top layer of the moon’s soil, according to Thursday’s paper. Brown University said in a statement the proportion could be as high as 1,000 per million. The data was gathered by the Moon Mineralogy Mapper instrument aboard India’s Chandrayaan-1 craft. “The data obtained from these instruments show there is evidence of water,” S Satish, spokesperson for the Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro), said in a phone interview. The researchers concluded the most likely origin of the water is as a result of the so-called solar wind, laden with charged hydrogen particles, impacting with the oxygen-rich lunar soil. 1|2|Next > Read business stories in हिंदी ગુજરાતી Print EMail Discuss Share Save Comment Single page view Text:
A primeira missão lunar da Índia, a , tem ajudado a a encontrar água na superfície da Lua. A Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3), da NASA, a bordo da Chandrayaan, encontrou evidências de moléculas de água na superfície da lua. Mesmo há 40 anos, amostras de rocha trazidas a Terra pelo Apolo e outras missões levou alguns cientistas a alegar de que existiu água na Lua. Mas tinham dúvidas sobre os resultados, como as caixas em que as rochas lunares foram trazidas para a Terra não tinha escapado de contaminação das amostras de ar da atmosfera. Estudos recentes feitos pela Chandrayaan encontraram moléculas de (H2O) e (OH) com silicato de rocha na região equatorial lunar. Estima-se que menos de uma colher de chá de água poderia ser extraída de vários de solo lunar. Quarenta anos depois do primeiro desembarque, alguns dizem que esta grande descoberta irá desencadear um novo interesse na Lua.
Aug 15, 2011 12:21 IST Hollywood actress Cameron Diaz says she would like to work in Bollywood but finds it too tough for herself. While the 36-year-old star does know some typical Bollywood moves, she said that she would not be able to work in India's tinsel town, reported MTV online. more
A primeira missão lunar da Índia, a , tem ajudado a a encontrar água na superfície da Lua. A Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3), da NASA, a bordo da Chandrayaan, encontrou evidências de moléculas de água na superfície da lua. Mesmo há 40 anos, amostras de rocha trazidas a Terra pelo Apolo e outras missões levou alguns cientistas a alegar de que existiu água na Lua. Mas tinham dúvidas sobre os resultados, como as caixas em que as rochas lunares foram trazidas para a Terra não tinha escapado de contaminação das amostras de ar da atmosfera. Estudos recentes feitos pela Chandrayaan encontraram moléculas de (H2O) e (OH) com silicato de rocha na região equatorial lunar. Estima-se que menos de uma colher de chá de água poderia ser extraída de vários de solo lunar. Quarenta anos depois do primeiro desembarque, alguns dizem que esta grande descoberta irá desencadear um novo interesse na Lua.
New Delhi/Bangalore Sep 24 (PTI) In a landmark discovery, India's maiden moon mission Chandrayaan-I has found evidence of water on the lunar surface, a finding that could trigger a serious hunt for life in outer space. In a major leap for India?s space programme, the Moon mapper on-board the Indian space probe made the unexpected discovery that water may still be forming on the moon surface overturning the long accepted view that lunar soil is dry. There are strong chemical signatures of water on the moon in its high latitudes, said Carle Pieters, Principal Investigator of NASA's Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) instrument Chandrayaan-I, whose mission also included sniffing for water on Earth's only natural satellite, had made the discovery before it was prematurely aborted on August 30. Source: PTI More on news
A primeira missão lunar da Índia, a , tem ajudado a a encontrar água na superfície da Lua. A Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3), da NASA, a bordo da Chandrayaan, encontrou evidências de moléculas de água na superfície da lua. Mesmo há 40 anos, amostras de rocha trazidas a Terra pelo Apolo e outras missões levou alguns cientistas a alegar de que existiu água na Lua. Mas tinham dúvidas sobre os resultados, como as caixas em que as rochas lunares foram trazidas para a Terra não tinha escapado de contaminação das amostras de ar da atmosfera. Estudos recentes feitos pela Chandrayaan encontraram moléculas de (H2O) e (OH) com silicato de rocha na região equatorial lunar. Estima-se que menos de uma colher de chá de água poderia ser extraída de vários de solo lunar. Quarenta anos depois do primeiro desembarque, alguns dizem que esta grande descoberta irá desencadear um novo interesse na Lua.
Are You Being Served? actor dead at 71. British actor John Inman has died aged 71. Inman made his name in the hit 1970s TV comedy Are You Being Served?, coining the catchphrase “I’m free!”. The Preston-born actor passed away in a London hospital after being unable to overcome a hepatitis A infection. He had been suffering from it since December 2004. Inman’s manager Phil Dale told the BBC: “John was known and loved throughout the world. He was one of the best and finest pantomime dames working to capacity audiences throughout Britain. “John was known for his comedy plays and farces which were enjoyed from London's West End throughout the country and as far as Australia, Canada and the USA.” Mike Berry, who played Mr Spooner in Are you Being Served?, only has good memories of working with Inman. He told the BBC: "I felt like going home at the end of the day and ironing my face, he made me laugh so much! As funny as he was in front of the camera, he was funnier off.”
The British stage and television actor John Inman has died at the age of 71. Mr. Inman, born in Preston, Lancashire, had been suffering from the Hepatitis A infection for some time. "John, through his character Mr. Humphries of Are You Being Served? was known and loved throughout the world. He was one of the best and finest pantomime dames working to capacity audiences throughout Britain," said Inman's manager, Phil Dale. Most famous for his role in the BBC comedy series ''Are You Being Served?'', Inman entered popular culture with his appearance as the camp store assistant, Mr Humphries, and popularised the catchphrase "I'm Free!" across British society. Tributes from across the acting and stage professions have been coming in all morning, since the death was announced by Mr Inman's spokesman earlier this morning. According to the Londonpaper, dated 8th of March, Inman's long-term partner, Ron Lynch, was said to be "devastated" at his death. His co-star, Wendy Richard who played opposite him in the BBC show, told BBC Radio 4's Today programme, "John was one of the wittiest and most inventive actors I've ever worked with. He was a brilliant, brilliant pantomime dame and he was a very good all-round actor, really. He was a true professional." Inman’s manager Phil Dale told the BBC - "John was known and loved throughout the world. He was one of the best and finest pantomime dames working to capacity audiences throughout Britain". Mike Berry, who played Mr Spooner in ''Are You Being Served?'', told the BBC: "I felt like going home at the end of the day and ironing my face, he made me laugh so much! As funny as he was in front of the camera, he was funnier off.” It was revealed on Friday, March 9 that Australia's premier gay and lesbian publication, ''SX'', would publish a special tribute in Inman's honour, commemorating the actor with a feature article written by the magazine's star journalists, Katrina Fox and Peter Hackney.
Inman had been ill for some time John Inman TV clips Inman made his name in the 1970s show as Mr Humphries, whose catchphrase "I'm free!" entered popular culture. In recent years he was a pantomime regular, most often taking the role of the dame. He also made appearances in BBC comedy show Revolver in 2004. The Preston-born actor died in hospital and had been suffering from a Hepatitis A infection for some time. John was one of the wittiest and most inventive actors I've ever worked with Wendy Richard Wendy Richard's tribute The infection, usually caused by eating contaminated food, forced him to cancel the opening of a pantomime in London in December 2004. It was initially hoped he would be able to return to the production of Dick Whittington, in which he was due to play Wanda the Cook, but he never worked again. His manager Phil Dale said: "John was known and loved throughout the world. He was one of the best and finest pantomime dames working to capacity audiences throughout Britain. "John was known for his comedy plays and farces which were enjoyed from London's West End throughout the country and as far as Australia, Canada and the USA." Inman's Are You Being Served? co-star Wendy Richard told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "John was one of the wittiest and most inventive actors I've ever worked with. "He was a brilliant, brilliant pantomime dame and he was a very good all-round actor, really. He was a true professional." HAVE YOUR SAY I bet everyone in heaven is laughing non-stop today; one of the funniest men to grace our TV's and stage. Alan Darbyshire, Wigan Send us your comments Are You Being Served? ran on the BBC from 1972 to 1985 and depicted the antics of the staff of Grace Brothers, an old-fashioned department store. Mr Humphries became one of TV's best known characters, and in 1976 Inman was voted funniest man on television by TV Times readers. He was declared BBC TV's personality of the year the same year. Trevor Bannister, who played Mr Lucas in the series, told BBC News 24: "The 'I'm free!' was something put in because that is what people in those stores really said. "We didn't realise it would become a running catchphrase. "It was that way about the whole show - we never realised it was going to as successful as it was." Veteran actress and co-star Mollie Sugden, who played Mrs Slocombe, told the BBC: "It's a very sad day. As far as I'm concerned, it's the end of an era." Confident comedian In the last four series, Mr Humphries was given an assistant, Mr Spooner, played by Mike Berry. "I felt like going home at the end of the day and ironing my face, he made me laugh so much! As funny as he was in front of the camera, he was funnier off. "He was such an astute comedian as well. He would get the script and mark in pencil the best lines and how to get the most laughs. "And he was a confident comedian, which made him generous. He would help you in delivering a line to get the most out of it, he liked to work in a good team." 'Innocent quality' Are You Being Served? attracted up to 22 million viewers "It was suggestive but never in your face or aggressive. It had an innocent quality that you rarely find today. "He was a joy to work with and even after an exhausting day in pantomime he would have time for the fans who crowded round the stage door." Fellow pantomime dame Danny La Rue called him "irreplaceable". The 79-year-old added: "John was wonderful in panto. The children adored him. He had a magic touch. Panto can be exhausting - but he loved it. "He was such a fantastic and inventive actor, and he could play serious roles too. He wasn't all about that flippant catchphrase 'I'm free!' But that's what made him. When that show first started he was just one of the salesmen, but they soon saw a star." Inman's long-term partner, Ron Lynch, is said to be "devastated" at his death.
The British stage and television actor John Inman has died at the age of 71. Mr. Inman, born in Preston, Lancashire, had been suffering from the Hepatitis A infection for some time. "John, through his character Mr. Humphries of Are You Being Served? was known and loved throughout the world. He was one of the best and finest pantomime dames working to capacity audiences throughout Britain," said Inman's manager, Phil Dale. Most famous for his role in the BBC comedy series ''Are You Being Served?'', Inman entered popular culture with his appearance as the camp store assistant, Mr Humphries, and popularised the catchphrase "I'm Free!" across British society. Tributes from across the acting and stage professions have been coming in all morning, since the death was announced by Mr Inman's spokesman earlier this morning. According to the Londonpaper, dated 8th of March, Inman's long-term partner, Ron Lynch, was said to be "devastated" at his death. His co-star, Wendy Richard who played opposite him in the BBC show, told BBC Radio 4's Today programme, "John was one of the wittiest and most inventive actors I've ever worked with. He was a brilliant, brilliant pantomime dame and he was a very good all-round actor, really. He was a true professional." Inman’s manager Phil Dale told the BBC - "John was known and loved throughout the world. He was one of the best and finest pantomime dames working to capacity audiences throughout Britain". Mike Berry, who played Mr Spooner in ''Are You Being Served?'', told the BBC: "I felt like going home at the end of the day and ironing my face, he made me laugh so much! As funny as he was in front of the camera, he was funnier off.” It was revealed on Friday, March 9 that Australia's premier gay and lesbian publication, ''SX'', would publish a special tribute in Inman's honour, commemorating the actor with a feature article written by the magazine's star journalists, Katrina Fox and Peter Hackney.
JOHN Inman, star of the 1970s TV sitcom Are You Being Served?, died today. He was 71. The actor, best known for his catchphrase "I'm free", died in St Mary's Hospital in Paddington, west London, at 2pm (Queensland time). He had been ill for some time, his manager Phil Dale told British media. Inman achieved fame playing the camp Mr Humphries of Are You Being Served? "He was one of the best and finest pantomime dames working to capacity audiences throughout Britain "John was known for his comedy plays and farces which were enjoyed from London's West End throughout the country and as far as Australia, Canada and the USA." Inman's longtime partner, Ron Lynch, is said to be "devastated" at his death.
The British stage and television actor John Inman has died at the age of 71. Mr. Inman, born in Preston, Lancashire, had been suffering from the Hepatitis A infection for some time. "John, through his character Mr. Humphries of Are You Being Served? was known and loved throughout the world. He was one of the best and finest pantomime dames working to capacity audiences throughout Britain," said Inman's manager, Phil Dale. Most famous for his role in the BBC comedy series ''Are You Being Served?'', Inman entered popular culture with his appearance as the camp store assistant, Mr Humphries, and popularised the catchphrase "I'm Free!" across British society. Tributes from across the acting and stage professions have been coming in all morning, since the death was announced by Mr Inman's spokesman earlier this morning. According to the Londonpaper, dated 8th of March, Inman's long-term partner, Ron Lynch, was said to be "devastated" at his death. His co-star, Wendy Richard who played opposite him in the BBC show, told BBC Radio 4's Today programme, "John was one of the wittiest and most inventive actors I've ever worked with. He was a brilliant, brilliant pantomime dame and he was a very good all-round actor, really. He was a true professional." Inman’s manager Phil Dale told the BBC - "John was known and loved throughout the world. He was one of the best and finest pantomime dames working to capacity audiences throughout Britain". Mike Berry, who played Mr Spooner in ''Are You Being Served?'', told the BBC: "I felt like going home at the end of the day and ironing my face, he made me laugh so much! As funny as he was in front of the camera, he was funnier off.” It was revealed on Friday, March 9 that Australia's premier gay and lesbian publication, ''SX'', would publish a special tribute in Inman's honour, commemorating the actor with a feature article written by the magazine's star journalists, Katrina Fox and Peter Hackney.
WASHINGTON D.C. - El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, recurrió una vez más a las redes sociales para anunciar el despido de un alto funcionario de su administración, en este caso, Chris Krebs, director de la Agencia de Seguridad para la Ciberseguridad e Infraestructura (CISA), por haber expresado su total confianza en un proceso electoral que proyecta que el demócrata Joe Biden será el próximo presidente del país. "La reciente afirmación de Chris Krebs sobre la seguridad de la elección 2020 era altamente incorrecta, puesto que se produjeron muchísimos actos inapropiados y fraude -incluyendo a gente muerta votando, observadores electorales que no fueron admitidos en centros de votación, 'fallos' en las máquinas de votación que cambiaron votos de Trump a Biden, votos tardíos y muchos más", afirmó el mandatario en dos mensajes de Twitter. Todos estos han sido argumentos esgrimidos tanto por el presidente Trump, como por la Casa Blanca y representantes del Partido Republicano, al acudir a los tribunales para impugnar el conteo en algunos estados en los que las proyecciones indican que el demócrata se proclamará ganador. A pesar de que han transcurrido ya dos semanas desde las elecciones presidenciales del 3 de noviembre y de que todas las proyecciones apuntan a una solida victoria por parte de Biden, el mandatario republicano aún no ha reconocido su derrota. ¿Qué opciones le quedan a Trump para no perder la presidencia? Trump y su equipo llevan litigando desde el mismo día de los comicios. Por el momento han ganado alguna batalla en los tribunales, pero nunca han logrado alcanzar su objetivo de parar el conteo de votos. Sin embargo, tanto los tribunales como numerosas autoridades, incluidos funcionarios federales y políticos estatales republicanos, han descartado que existan pruebas que respalden tales acusaciones. En un esfuerzo por restaurar la confianza de los estadounidenses en los comicios, la semana pasada la CISA emitió un comunicado en el que se aseguraba que “la elección del 3 de noviembre fue la más segura en la historia de Estados Unidos". Es por este preciso comunicado que el presidente Trump decidió despedir este martes, "con efecto inmediato" a Krebs. En un tuit posterior, Trump fue más allá al asegurar que "lo único seguro en la Elección 2020 fue que era virtualmente impenetrable a potencias extranjeras". "En ese sentido, la Administración Trump se otorga un gran crédito", añade el mandatario, quien lamenta que "los demócratas de la izquierda radical" y "otros" tal vez fueron "más poderosos" y lograron interferir, sin bien no aclara cómo las autoridades federales pueden haber tenido éxito a la hora de detectar amenazas extranjeras pero, sin embargo, son incapaces de encontrar pruebas que confirmen el "fraude masivo" del que habla Trump desde hace semanas. El propio Krebs también recurrió a su cuenta de Twitter para reaccionar a su despido: "Ha sido un honor servir. Lo hicimos bien. Defendamos el hoy, protejamos el mañana".
Donald Trump O presidente dos , , mais uma vez aproveitou as redes sociais para anunciar a demissão de um alto funcionário de sua gestão, no caso, Chris Krebs, diretor da Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) , por ter expressado sua total confiança em um processo eleitoral que projeta que o democrata será o próximo presidente do país. “A recente afirmação de Chris Krebs sobre a segurança das eleições de 2020 foi altamente incorreta, visto que houve tantos atos inadequados e fraudes - incluindo pessoas mortas votando, observadores eleitorais que não foram admitidos nos centros de votação, 'fracassos' nas pesquisas. máquinas de votação que mudaram votos de Trump para Biden, votos atrasados e muito mais ", disse o presidente em duas mensagens no Twitter. Todos esses foram argumentos usados tanto pelo presidente Trump, quanto pela e por representantes do Partido Republicano, quando vão a tribunal para contestar a contagem em alguns estados em que as projeções indicam que o democrata se autoproclamará vencedor. Apesar de já terem se passado duas semanas desde as eleições presidenciais de 3 de novembro e de todas as projeções apontarem para uma vitória sólida de Biden, o presidente republicano ainda não reconheceu sua derrota.
Siemens +1,04 +0,98% 106,18 € zur Übersicht ... Konzernchef Löscher will demnächst zusammen mit Aufsichtsratschef Gerhard Cromme zur US-Börsenaufsicht SEC nach New York fliegen, um dort die Bemühungen von Siemens zu schildern, den bislang größten Korruptionsskandal in Deutschland aus eigener Kraft aufzuklären. Der Konzern mit Stammsitz in München unterliegt seit der Notierung an der New Yorker Börse im März 2001 der dortigen Aufsicht. In Aufsichtsratskreisen wird eine Geldstrafe in Milliardenhöhe befürchtet. Aus dem Kapitaleignerflügel des Kontrollgremiums hieß es am Freitag, die Einigung mit Schäfer bringe Siemens stark voran. Man könne gegenüber der SEC dokumentieren, dass der Konzern sich mit aller Kraft und ohne Rücksicht auf frühere Vorstände darum bemühe, die Verstöße selbst vollständig aufzuklären. Nur mit dieser Marschroute werde es unter Umständen möglich sein, das Strafmaß bei der SEC in Grenzen zu halten. Der richtige Zeitpunkt Schäfer war 1976 zu Siemens gekommen und hatte dort lange Zeit in der Rechts- und in der Steuerabteilung gearbeitet, bevor er 1992 zum Justitiar aufstieg und von Oktober 2004 bis Ende 2006 die Aufgabe des Antikorruptionsbeauftragten übernahm. In dieser Position oblag es ihm auch, Hinweisen auf Schmiergelddelikte intern nachzugehen und den Vorstand über entsprechende Erkenntnisse zu unterrichten. Dies habe er, so das heutige Management, nicht ausreichend getan - ein Vorwurf, den Schäfers Anwalt Schulz vor dem Arbeitsgericht vehement zurückwies. Sein Mandant habe dem damaligen Vorstand "umfassend, detailliert und rechtzeitig" berichtet. Sein Mandant, so Schulz in einem Schriftsatz an das Arbeitsgericht, könne im Detail belegen, wie er intern auf "systematische und planmäßige" Verstöße hingewiesen habe. Den Prüfungsausschuss des Aufsichtsrats habe Schäfer dann "im Namen des Vorstands" informiert. Führende Aufsichtsräte hatten daraufhin den Eindruck gewonnen, Schäfer sei vom früheren Zentralvorstand oder zumindest von einzelnen Vorständen offenbar angehalten worden, das Kontrollgremium unvollständig über Hinweise auf Gesetzesverstöße zu informieren. Nur mit Schäfers Hilfe könne man ermitteln, welcher Top-Manager was gewusst und vielleicht sogar verschleiert habe. Falls Schäfer auspacke, müssten etliche Mitglieder des früheren Zentralvorstands vor seinen Enthüllungen zittern, äußerten einflussreiche Aufsichtsräte. Vor dem Arbeitsgericht hatte Siemens Schäfer aufgefordert, alles zu sagen, was er wisse. Schäfers Anwalt entgegnete: "Wir legen alles weitere dann vor, wenn wir es für richtig halten." Dieser Zeitpunkt ist nun gekommen.
Albrecht Schäfer, dem früheren Antikorruptionsbeauftragten von Siemens, wurde vorgeworfen, „in den vergangenen Jahren Teile des Aufsichtsrats unvollständig über Hinweise auf schwarze Kassen und Schmiergelddelikte informiert zu haben“. In einem Brief an den Vorstand wird Schäfer von diesem Vorwurf durch Vorstandsvorsitzenden Peter Löscher rehabilitiert und seine Kündigung zurückgezogen. Dieser Schritt von Seiten des Vorstands stimmt Schäfer kooperativ, und so versicherte er, sich „auf freiwilliger Basis an der umfassenden Aufklärung“ der Korruptionsaffäre zu beteiligen. Die Siemens AG wird seit März 2001 an der New Yorker Börse gehandelt und ist damit auch verpflichtet, vor der US-Börsenaufsicht Rechenschaft über den Aufklärungsprozess abzulegen – denn es droht eine Strafe in Milliardenhöhe. Durch die Gewinnung Schäfers als Insider könne man, so ein Vertreter des Kapitaleignerflügels des Aufsichtsrates, „gegenüber der SEC dokumentieren, dass der Konzern sich mit aller Kraft und ohne Rücksicht auf frühere Top-Manager darum bemühe, die Verstöße selbst vollständig aufzuklären.“
SIEMENS Siemens hat gute Chancen, bei der Aufklärung der Schmiergeldaffäre einen großen Schritt weiterzukommen. Der Konzern einigte sich im Kündigungsstreit mit Albrecht Schäfer, dem Ex-Chef der Antikorruptionsabteilung, auf einen Vergleich. Nun könnte Schäfer weitere Details der Affäre preisgeben. Hamburg - Wie SPIEGEL ONLINE erfuhr, einigte sich Siemens in den vergangenen Tagen mit dem früheren Chef der Antikorruptionsabteilung, Albrecht Schäfer. Wesentlicher Bestandteil der Vereinbarung ist, die von Siemens gegen den langjährigen Manager am 3. August dieses Jahres ausgesprochene Kündigung zurückzuziehen. © Getty Images Großansicht Einigung mit Schäfer: Siemens- Zentrale in München Auch versichert der Konzern, Vorwürfe, Schäfer habe den Prüfungsausschuss des Aufsichtsrates nicht umfassend und zeitnah genug über anhängige Schmiergeld-Verdachtsfälle informiert, nicht länger aufrecht zu erhalten. Im Gegenzug will auch Schäfer seine Kündigungsschutzklage vor dem Münchner Arbeitsgericht zurückziehen und bei der Bewältigung des aktuellen Korruptionsskandals aktiv mitwirken. Der nun erzielte Vergleich sorgt nach Schilderung von Siemens-Insidern schon jetzt für erhebliche Unruhe bei Mitgliedern der alten Konzernführung. Sie hatten in der Vergangenheit stets versichert, von dubiosen Zahlungen über fingierte Beraterverträge keine Kenntnis gehabt zu haben. Schäfer, der als eine der Schlüsselfiguren in der Affäre gilt, hatte stets beteuert, er habe sich bei seiner Tätigkeit streng an die Vorgaben des Vorstands gehalten. Sollte er gegenüber der neuen Siemens-Führung unter dem Österreicher Peter Löscher erstmals ehemalige Vorgesetzte belasten, könnten weitere hochrangige Ex-Siemens-Manager ins Visier der Staatsanwaltschaft geraten. mit Material von SPIEGEL ONLINE
Albrecht Schäfer, dem früheren Antikorruptionsbeauftragten von Siemens, wurde vorgeworfen, „in den vergangenen Jahren Teile des Aufsichtsrats unvollständig über Hinweise auf schwarze Kassen und Schmiergelddelikte informiert zu haben“. In einem Brief an den Vorstand wird Schäfer von diesem Vorwurf durch Vorstandsvorsitzenden Peter Löscher rehabilitiert und seine Kündigung zurückgezogen. Dieser Schritt von Seiten des Vorstands stimmt Schäfer kooperativ, und so versicherte er, sich „auf freiwilliger Basis an der umfassenden Aufklärung“ der Korruptionsaffäre zu beteiligen. Die Siemens AG wird seit März 2001 an der New Yorker Börse gehandelt und ist damit auch verpflichtet, vor der US-Börsenaufsicht Rechenschaft über den Aufklärungsprozess abzulegen – denn es droht eine Strafe in Milliardenhöhe. Durch die Gewinnung Schäfers als Insider könne man, so ein Vertreter des Kapitaleignerflügels des Aufsichtsrates, „gegenüber der SEC dokumentieren, dass der Konzern sich mit aller Kraft und ohne Rücksicht auf frühere Top-Manager darum bemühe, die Verstöße selbst vollständig aufzuklären.“
Siemens-Skandal: Schäfer wird gekündigt Siemens wird Albrecht Schäfer in diesen Tagen Kündigung zustellen – Angeblich hat Schäfer den Aufsichtsrat nicht rechtzeitig über schwarze Kassen informiert Die Entlassung des einstigen Chefs der Antikorruptionsabteilung von Siemens kurz bevor - "Wir bilden da - prophylaktisch - einen inoffiziellen Krisenstab" Jürgen Radomski: Auch er wusste seit Dezember 2004 von schwarzen Kassen, Bild: Siemens (30.07.07) - Wie der "Spiegel" erfahren haben will, steht Dr. Albrecht Schäfer, ehemaliger Chef der für Compliance zuständigen Antikorruptionsabteilung der Siemens AG, kurz vor seiner Entlassung. Bereits seit längerem hätten US-Anwälte im Zusammenhang mit dem Siemens-Korruptionsverfahren das Ausscheiden von Schäfer gefordert, berichtet das Nachrichtenmagazin. Da dieser aber nicht zu einer gütlichen Trennung im gegenseitigen Einvernehmen bereit gewesen sei, würde Siemens ihm nun die Kündigung aussprechen. Schäfer war im November 2006 von seinen Aufgaben als Chef der Compliance-Abteilung entbunden worden. Grund waren Zweifel an der Berichtstreue von Schäfer: Aufsichtsrat und Vorstand gehen davon aus, dass Schäfer sie nicht umfassend und rechtzeitig über Schmiergeld, schwarze Kassen und Korruption informiert habe. Schäfer selbst hatte stets behauptet, sein Verhalten sei einwandfrei gewesen. Laut Vorbericht des Spiegel könnte Schäfer nun im Siemens-Korruptionsskandal eine Notiz zum Verhängnis werden, in der er bereits zur Jahreswende 2004/2005 auf fragwürdige Konten der Siemens-Kommunikationssparte in Liechtenstein aufmerksam gemacht hatte. Ein vertraulicher Vermerk der Compliance-Abteilung vom 30. Dezember 2004 ("Privileged and Confidential") weist auf die Entdeckungswahrscheinlichkeit von schwarzen Kassen in Liechtenstein hin, dem argumentativ begegnet werden müsse. Schäfer habe handschriftlich seinem Chef, dem Personalvorstand Jürgen Radomski, eine Nachricht zukommen lassen mit dem Inhalt: "Wir bilden da - prophylaktisch - einen inoffiziellen Krisenstab." Dummerweise wurde der Aufsichtsrat bei seiner turnusmäßigen Sitzung Ende Januar 2005 nicht über diesen Vorgang informiert, sondern erst auf der Sitzung vom am 25. April 2005, als drei Monate später. Schäfer selbst sagte, er könne sich an eine solche Notiz an Jürgen Radomski nicht erinnern. Interessant dürfte es werden, wenn Albrecht Schäfer, was zu erwarten ist, gegen seine Kündigung klagt. In diesem Fall bekäme die Korruptionsaffäre auch noch eine arbeitsrechtliche Komponente, in die auch noch Jürgen Radomski und eventuell auch noch weitere Vorstände hineingezogen werden dürften. Um Albrecht Schäfer hatte es Ende 2006 im Konzern ein unübersichtliches Hickhack gegeben, die das ganze Chaos bei Siemens offenbarte. So soll das Unternehmen eine Woche nach den ersten Hausdurchsuchungen im November vergangenen Jahres den Leiter ihrer Anti-Korruptionsabteilung, Albrecht Schäfer, zum Chef einer "Compliance Task Force" gemacht machen, obwohl dieser zu jenem Zeitpunkt von der Staatsanwaltschaft als Beschuldigter geführt wurde. Wie das Hamburger Magazin "stern" seinerzeit berichtete, war Schäfer am 17. November 2006 von der Staatsanwaltschaft München I als Beschuldigter eingetragen worden, nachdem er in Vernehmungen eines verhafteten Siemens-Mitarbeiters als Mitwisser und Vertuscher belastet worden war. Trotzdem teilte Siemens am 23. November in einer Pressemitteilung seine Ernennung zum Chef der Compliance Task Force mit, die für die verschärfte Einhaltung der Anti-Korruptions-Regeln sorgen sollte. Laut Stern hatte man sich offenbar zu diesem Schritt von der Politik ermutigt gefühlt, denn am 22. November war Albrecht Schäfer zusammen mit Siemens-Anwalt Eckhart Müller im Münchner Justizministerium vorstellig geworden. Dort seien sie vom Amtschef persönlich empfangen worden. "Die Fa. Siemens wollte ihre Bereitschaft zur Unterstützung im Siemens-Ermittlungsverfahren bekunden", nannte das Bayerische Justizministerium dem Stern den offiziellen Grund des Treffens. Für das Ministerium sei "der Beschuldigtenstatus des Herrn Dr. Schäfer kein Thema" gewesen, dies habe man "zu Beginn des Gesprächs ausdrücklich erklärt". Zwei Wochen später, am 8. Dezember, stellte die Staatsanwaltschaft die Ermittlungen gegen Albrecht Schäfer wieder ein. Laut Bayerischem Justizministerium sei "der Tatvorwurf" vom "Hauptkomplex des Verfahrens abtrennbar" gewesen und habe sich "nicht bestätigt". Trotzdem wurde Albrecht Schäfer Ende Dezember als Leiter der Anti-Korruptionsabteilung und Task Force-Chef abgelöst. Amerikanische Anwälte und Korruptions-Fachleute, die zurzeit bei Siemens intern an der Aufarbeitung der Affäre arbeiten, hätten entsprechenden Druck gemacht. Laut einem Insider, der im Stern zitiert wird, befürchteten die Amerikaner, dass "die Aufklärung unter politischen Gesichtspunkten begrenzt wird." Der Siemens-Skandal im Überblick Cover-Interview: Siemens und die organisierte Kriminalität Hier lesen Sie alles zum Siemens-Skandal Hier erfahren Sie mehr zu Peter Löscher: Kommentar: Warum Peter Löscher? - Darum Peter Löscher! Die fünf Aufgaben des Peter Löscher Zum Lebenslauf von Peter Löscher IG Metall setzt große Hoffnungen in Peter Löscher Hat Siemens mit Peter Löscher eine Zukunft? Siemens ordnet seinen Vorstand neu (Spiegel, Stern, Siemens: ra)
Albrecht Schäfer, dem früheren Antikorruptionsbeauftragten von Siemens, wurde vorgeworfen, „in den vergangenen Jahren Teile des Aufsichtsrats unvollständig über Hinweise auf schwarze Kassen und Schmiergelddelikte informiert zu haben“. In einem Brief an den Vorstand wird Schäfer von diesem Vorwurf durch Vorstandsvorsitzenden Peter Löscher rehabilitiert und seine Kündigung zurückgezogen. Dieser Schritt von Seiten des Vorstands stimmt Schäfer kooperativ, und so versicherte er, sich „auf freiwilliger Basis an der umfassenden Aufklärung“ der Korruptionsaffäre zu beteiligen. Die Siemens AG wird seit März 2001 an der New Yorker Börse gehandelt und ist damit auch verpflichtet, vor der US-Börsenaufsicht Rechenschaft über den Aufklärungsprozess abzulegen – denn es droht eine Strafe in Milliardenhöhe. Durch die Gewinnung Schäfers als Insider könne man, so ein Vertreter des Kapitaleignerflügels des Aufsichtsrates, „gegenüber der SEC dokumentieren, dass der Konzern sich mit aller Kraft und ohne Rücksicht auf frühere Top-Manager darum bemühe, die Verstöße selbst vollständig aufzuklären.“
São Paulo - A crise na Rede TV! está se agravando. A emissora de Osasco acaba de perder o Pânico na TV! para a Band, do Morumbi. O humorístico era a atração de maior audiência no canal, alcançando média de 10 pontos no Ibope na Grande São Paulo, com picos de 15 e 16 pontos, mas não resistiu à crise financeira na emissora de Amilcare Dallevo, que vem atrasando salários há meses. O acordo entre Pânico e Band foi fechado na madrugada desta quinta-feira, em reunião terminada por volta das 5h30. Ainda não há data para a estreia do humorístico no novo canal. Também não se sabe, ainda, que dia e horário ele ocupará. O contrato entre o Pânico e RedeTV! só vence em julho deste ano, após ter sido renovado em julho de 2009 por três anos.
Atual logo da Rede Bandeirantes, lançado em 2010. Após quase nove anos na RedeTV!, a turma do está em nova rede. Foi anunciado em comunicado oficial na semana passada (quarta-feira, dia 16 de fevereiro) pelo site que toda a turma e a equipe do deixará a RedeTV! pela TV Bandeirantes. Na madrugada de quinta-feira da semana passada, foi assinatura de contrato que oficializa a vinda da atração e do elenco completo do programa para a emissora. Segundo o site, a assinatura do elenco acontece após a saída da equipe da RedeTV!, sem no entanto citar a antiga rede. O diretor-geral de conteúdo da Bandeirante, Diego Guebel, comemora a contratação: ''"Estamos felizes em receber em nossa grade um programa querido pelo público e de sucesso comprovado."'', afirmou. , apresentador da atração humorística: "Estamos todos animados com os desafios que essa nova fase vai nos proporcionar.", completou. Apresentador do (na Bandeirantes), também comemorou a ida do grupo para o canal: ''"Estou muito feliz com a vinda deles. São muito talentosos. Para mim, é ótimo estar em uma emissora em que você cruza com os talentos no corredor."'', valorizou o apresentador. O Pânico vai estrear na Bandeirantes junto com a nova programação a partir de 17 de março (no sábado).
A galera do “Pânico na TV”, agora na Band RedeTV!/ Wayne Camargo RIO - Após nove anos na tela da RedeTV!, a turma do “Pânico na TV” está de casa nova. De acordo com Otávio Mesquita, funcionário da Band, os integrantes do humorístico assinaram contrato com a emissora na madrugada desta quinta-feira. A assessoria da Band já confirma a notícia. - Estou muito feliz com a vinda deles. São muito talentosos. Para mim, é ótimo estar em uma emissora em que você cruza com os talentos no corredor - valoriza o apresentador do ‘Claquete’. Otávio só não sabe dizer se todos os integrantes do programa fecharam com a Band: - Não estou por dentro desses detalhes.
Atual logo da Rede Bandeirantes, lançado em 2010. Após quase nove anos na RedeTV!, a turma do está em nova rede. Foi anunciado em comunicado oficial na semana passada (quarta-feira, dia 16 de fevereiro) pelo site que toda a turma e a equipe do deixará a RedeTV! pela TV Bandeirantes. Na madrugada de quinta-feira da semana passada, foi assinatura de contrato que oficializa a vinda da atração e do elenco completo do programa para a emissora. Segundo o site, a assinatura do elenco acontece após a saída da equipe da RedeTV!, sem no entanto citar a antiga rede. O diretor-geral de conteúdo da Bandeirante, Diego Guebel, comemora a contratação: ''"Estamos felizes em receber em nossa grade um programa querido pelo público e de sucesso comprovado."'', afirmou. , apresentador da atração humorística: "Estamos todos animados com os desafios que essa nova fase vai nos proporcionar.", completou. Apresentador do (na Bandeirantes), também comemorou a ida do grupo para o canal: ''"Estou muito feliz com a vinda deles. São muito talentosos. Para mim, é ótimo estar em uma emissora em que você cruza com os talentos no corredor."'', valorizou o apresentador. O Pânico vai estrear na Bandeirantes junto com a nova programação a partir de 17 de março (no sábado).
Integrantes do humorístico dominical que deixou a RedeTV! após quase dez anos na emissora Foto: Redação Terra O Pânico na TV agora é oficialmente da TV Bandeirantes. Em seu site, a rede anunciou nesta sexta-feira (17) que o contrato com os integrantes do humorístico dominical foi fechado. A estreia na nova casa ocorre em março, junto com toda a nova programação da emissora. Na nota, o diretor-geral de conteúdo da Band, Diego Guebel, comemorou as contratações, que, ao contrário dos rumores iniciados durante a semana, incluem todo o elenco do programa. "Estamos felizes por receber em nossa grade um programa querido pelo público e de sucesso comprovado", disse. "Estamos todos animados com os desafios que essa nova fase vai nos proporcionar", completou o apresentador do Pânico, Emílio Surita.
Atual logo da Rede Bandeirantes, lançado em 2010. Após quase nove anos na RedeTV!, a turma do está em nova rede. Foi anunciado em comunicado oficial na semana passada (quarta-feira, dia 16 de fevereiro) pelo site que toda a turma e a equipe do deixará a RedeTV! pela TV Bandeirantes. Na madrugada de quinta-feira da semana passada, foi assinatura de contrato que oficializa a vinda da atração e do elenco completo do programa para a emissora. Segundo o site, a assinatura do elenco acontece após a saída da equipe da RedeTV!, sem no entanto citar a antiga rede. O diretor-geral de conteúdo da Bandeirante, Diego Guebel, comemora a contratação: ''"Estamos felizes em receber em nossa grade um programa querido pelo público e de sucesso comprovado."'', afirmou. , apresentador da atração humorística: "Estamos todos animados com os desafios que essa nova fase vai nos proporcionar.", completou. Apresentador do (na Bandeirantes), também comemorou a ida do grupo para o canal: ''"Estou muito feliz com a vinda deles. São muito talentosos. Para mim, é ótimo estar em uma emissora em que você cruza com os talentos no corredor."'', valorizou o apresentador. O Pânico vai estrear na Bandeirantes junto com a nova programação a partir de 17 de março (no sábado).
São Paulo – A perda do programa humorístico Pânico na TV!, anunciada nesta quinta-feira, é o resultado mais claro (até agora) da crise financeira atravessada há tempos pela RedeTV!, garantem funcionários da companhia. De acordo com eles, a maneira como a empresa vinha cuidando das contas e lidando com os colaboradores já não tinha graça há tempo. A emissora perdeu o programa depois de ter atrasado quatro meses de salário de todos os participantes, inclusive da apresentadora Sabrina Sato, dona de um dos três salários mais altos da RedeTV! e estimado em cerca de 150.000 reais mensais. O atraso de pagamento era o mesmo sofrido pelos demais apresentadores e produtores dos programas feitos pela emissora. “Os demais funcionários vem recebendo salários atrasados e divididos em porcentagem desde setembro”, afirmou um produtor da emissora. “Cerca de 20% do quadro de funcionários já foi reduzido, porque as pessoas cansaram de trabalhar sem receber.” O esquema de atraso de salário atingiu até a apresentadora Luciana Gimenez, mulher de um dos sócios da emissora. Depois de sua situação se tornar conhecida no mercado, Luciana foi sondada para assinar contrato com as concorrentes Band (a nova casa do Pânico na TV!) e Record. “A Gimenez está prestes a assinar com a Band, o que seria um grande baque para a emissora”, disse uma pessoa próxima da apresentadora. A informação foi checada por com mais duas fontes a par da situação. Procurada, a emissora não deu nenhuma posição até a publicação desta matéria. Mais crise Uma eventual saída de Luciana Gimenez seria mais um duro golpe na situação da Rede TV!. Isto porque, segundo estimativas do mercado, o programa SuperPop!, comandado por ela, representaria quase 30% do faturamento da emissora. O humorístico Pânico na TV!, programa com maior audiência do canal, com picos de 15 a 16 pontos, equivaleria a 40%. “Sem os dois, a RedeTV! teria um faturamento inviável, já que há anos a emissora tem uma infraestrutura precária”, disse uma ex-funcionária da empresa. Segundo ela, ambientes sem café, nem água e equipamentos insuficientes são cenários habituais nos bastidores.
Atual logo da Rede Bandeirantes, lançado em 2010. Após quase nove anos na RedeTV!, a turma do está em nova rede. Foi anunciado em comunicado oficial na semana passada (quarta-feira, dia 16 de fevereiro) pelo site que toda a turma e a equipe do deixará a RedeTV! pela TV Bandeirantes. Na madrugada de quinta-feira da semana passada, foi assinatura de contrato que oficializa a vinda da atração e do elenco completo do programa para a emissora. Segundo o site, a assinatura do elenco acontece após a saída da equipe da RedeTV!, sem no entanto citar a antiga rede. O diretor-geral de conteúdo da Bandeirante, Diego Guebel, comemora a contratação: ''"Estamos felizes em receber em nossa grade um programa querido pelo público e de sucesso comprovado."'', afirmou. , apresentador da atração humorística: "Estamos todos animados com os desafios que essa nova fase vai nos proporcionar.", completou. Apresentador do (na Bandeirantes), também comemorou a ida do grupo para o canal: ''"Estou muito feliz com a vinda deles. São muito talentosos. Para mim, é ótimo estar em uma emissora em que você cruza com os talentos no corredor."'', valorizou o apresentador. O Pânico vai estrear na Bandeirantes junto com a nova programação a partir de 17 de março (no sábado).
Cliquez ici pour télécharger ce calendrier Les coups d'envoi sont en heure locale 2014-2015 2013-2014 2012-2013 2011-2012 2010-2011 2009-2010 2008-2009 2007-2008 2006-2007 2005-2006 2004-2005 2003-2004 2002-2003 2001-2002 2000-2001 1999-2000 1998-1999 1997-1998 1996-1997 1995-1996 Journée 1 Journée 2 Journée 3 Journée 4 Journée 5 Journée 6 Phases de poule Phases finales Heure Locale Phase Domicile Domicile Rés Visiteur Visiteur Stade TV/Spect 19:45 P2 Harlequins Quins v Castres Olympique Castres The Twickenham Stoop BT Sport / beIN Détail 13:00 P1 Sale Sharks Sharks v Munster Rugby Munster AJ Bell Stadium Sky Sports Détail 15:15 P1 Saracens Saracens v ASM Clermont Auvergne ASM Clermont Allianz Park BT Sport / beIN Détail 15:15 P4 Glasgow Warriors Glasgow v Bath Rugby Bath Scotstoun Stadium BT Sport Détail 18:15 P5 Racing Métro 92 Racing Métro v Northampton Saints Saints Stade Yves-du-Manoir Sky Sports / beIN Détail 19:45 P3 Leicester Tigers Tigers v Ulster Rugby Ulster Welford Road BT Sport Détail 13:00 P5 Ospreys Ospreys v Benetton Treviso Treviso Liberty Stadium Sky Sports Détail 14:00 P4 Toulouse Toulouse v Montpellier Montpellier Stade Ernest Wallon Sky Sports / beIN Détail 16:15 P3 RC Toulon Toulon v Scarlets Scarlets Stade Félix Mayol Sky Sports / BeIN / FR2 Détail 17:15 P2 Leinster Rugby Leinster v Wasps Wasps RDS Arena BT Sport Détail
A Copa Europeia de Rugby, Copa Heineken, teve o seu segundo dia, em 20, 21 e 22 de novembro de 2015. Grupo 1 Ulster Rugby 9 – 27 '''Saracens''' '''Stade Toulousain''' 24 – 18 US Oyonnax Grupo 2 '''Exeter Rugby''' 34 – 19 US Bordeaux Bègles '''Clermont Auvergne''' 34 – 29 Ospreys Grupo 3 Llanelli Scarlets 12 – 29 '''Racing Club de France''' Glasgow Warriors 15 – 26 '''Northampton Saints''' Grupo 4 Benetton Rugby Treviso 3 – 36 '''Leicester Tigers''' Stade Français Munster Rugby Grupo 5 '''Bath Rugby''' 19 – 16 Leinster Rugby '''London Wasps''' 32 – 6 Rugby club toulonnais
REUTERS Um atirador matou pelo menos dez estudantes em uma escola secundária no sudoeste da Alemanha na quarta-feira, disseram autoridades locais, no que parece ser o pior incidente do gênero no país em sete anos. "Nós temos que supor um número de mortos que está em dois dígitos", disse um porta-voz do ministério do Interior no Estado de Baden-Wuerttemberg. "Eles (as vítimas) são estudantes." A polícia local disse que o atirador, que de acordo com a mídia alemã vestia roupas de combate, havia abandonado a escola em Winnenden, uma cidade de 27 mil habitantes perto de Stuttgart. Helicópteros voavam sobre a cidade, segundo a polícia. Bombeiros e equipes de resgate estavam dentro da escola, já esvaziada. "A polícia (...) está obviamente procurando por ele (o atirador) em toda a cidade", disse Roberto Seifert, que trabalha em uma empresa próxima à escola. "Nós nunca tivemos nada como isso", disse ele à Reuters por telefone. A mídia alemã afirmou que o atirador é um ex-estudante da escola. Winnenden, uma histórica cidade mercantil cujas origens remontam ao século 12, é a sede da firma alemã Kaercher, uma renomada fabricante de aspiradores de pó e lavadoras de alta pressão. Diversos tiroteios em escolas têm chocado a Alemanha nos últimos anos. Em 2006, um homem mascarado carregando explosivos nas roupas e portando rifles abriu fogo em uma escola na cidade de Emsdetten, no oeste do país, ferindo pelo menos 11 pessoas antes de cometer suicídio. Em abril de 2002, a Alemanha sofreu o pior incidente do gênero quando um homem matou 17 pessoas, incluindo a si próprio, em uma escola na cidade de Erfurt, no leste do país. (Reportagem de Holger Hansen)
Mais um caso de massacre contra pessoas dentro de escola, resultou na morte de 17 pessoas, entre alunos e civis. O autor do ataque a uma escola na cidade alemã de Winnenden morreu em troca de tiros com a polícia durante a fuga. A polícia chegou a dizer que havia matado o rapaz. Mas, segundo o porta-voz da polícia na vizinha Waiblingen, Rainer Koeller, não ficou claro se ele foi morto por tiros disparados por policiais ou se ele se matou. A última morte foi divulgada no início da tarde desta quarta-feira. A vítima é um aluno que havia sido baleado de manhã. ; O Ataque Vestido com roupas pretas de combate, o jovem de 17 anos identificado como Tim K., invadiu a escola secundária Albertville por volta das 9h30 (5h30 no horário de Brasília). Ele procurou duas salas de aula específicas e atirou a esmo. Nove estudantes de 14 e 15 anos morreram no local. "Ele simplesmente atirou para todos os lados", disse à revista “Spiegel” um porta-voz da polícia. O criminoso ainda matou três professores e uma pessoa numa clínica vizinha antes de fugir de carro com um refém para o centro da cidade. Perseguido pela polícia, ele morreu durante tiroteio em um supermercado na região de Esslingen. Na troca de tiros, duas pessoas morreram e dois policiais ficaram gravemente feridos. Segundo a polícia, o jovem era ex-aluno da escola Albertville, que tem 580 estudantes. Autoridades locais disseram que ele não se destacava por qualquer tipo de comportamento suspeito. Depois de deixar a escola, no ano passado, ele iniciou uma formação profissional. O motivo dos ataques ainda é desconhecido. A escola foi evacuada e isolada logo após o episódio e as testemunhas receberam atendimento médico e psicológico. A cidade de Winnenden tem 27.600 habitantes e fica 20 quilômetros ao nordeste de , umas das maiores cidades alemãs. O histórico município mercantil tem origens que remontam ao século 12 e é sede da firma alemã , renomada fabricante de aspiradores de pó e lavadoras de alta pressão. ;Repercussão "Sou diretor de polícia em Baden-Wuerttemberg há 19 anos e não me recordo de nenhum ato tão terrível quanto este", disse Erwin Hetger, chefe de polícia do Estado do sudoeste da Alemanha. Um porta-voz do governo alemão em Berlim se disse "profundamente chocado" com o incidente. Tanto a chanceler federal quanto o presidente lamentaram o ocorrido. De acordo com a agência alemã , o porta-voz do governo em , , acentuou "o profundo pesar e consternação" da premiê. A ministra alemã da Família, , assinalou a necessidade de uma melhor precaução de casos como esse no país, entre outros através de uma cooperação mais estreita entre as escolas e os pais. Outras tragédias Tiroteios em escolas chocaram a Alemanha nos últimos anos. Em abril de 2002, a Alemanha sofreu o pior incidente do gênero quando um homem matou 17 pessoas, incluindo a si próprio, em uma escola na cidade de , no leste do país. Em 2006, um homem mascarado carregando explosivos nas roupas e portando rifles abriu fogo em uma escola na cidade de , no oeste do país, ferindo pelo menos 11 pessoas antes de cometer suicídio.
BERLIM, Alemanha, 11 Mar 2009 (AFP) - A chacina nesta quarta-feira de 16 pessoas por um adolescente de 17 anos num colégio alemão é algo inconcebível e que enluta toda a Alemanha, afirmou a chanceler Angela Merkel em uma declaração televisada. "Como todo mundo na Alemanha, estou horrorizada, transtornada e atônita com o que aconteceu no colégio Alberville, em Winninden", afirmou Angela Merkel, que ofereceu todo o apoio de seu governo às autoridades locais. "É um dia de luto para toda a Alemanha", acrescentou, afirmando que seus pensamentos e orações vão para as famílias das vítimas. bur-fc/jo/cn
Mais um caso de massacre contra pessoas dentro de escola, resultou na morte de 17 pessoas, entre alunos e civis. O autor do ataque a uma escola na cidade alemã de Winnenden morreu em troca de tiros com a polícia durante a fuga. A polícia chegou a dizer que havia matado o rapaz. Mas, segundo o porta-voz da polícia na vizinha Waiblingen, Rainer Koeller, não ficou claro se ele foi morto por tiros disparados por policiais ou se ele se matou. A última morte foi divulgada no início da tarde desta quarta-feira. A vítima é um aluno que havia sido baleado de manhã. ; O Ataque Vestido com roupas pretas de combate, o jovem de 17 anos identificado como Tim K., invadiu a escola secundária Albertville por volta das 9h30 (5h30 no horário de Brasília). Ele procurou duas salas de aula específicas e atirou a esmo. Nove estudantes de 14 e 15 anos morreram no local. "Ele simplesmente atirou para todos os lados", disse à revista “Spiegel” um porta-voz da polícia. O criminoso ainda matou três professores e uma pessoa numa clínica vizinha antes de fugir de carro com um refém para o centro da cidade. Perseguido pela polícia, ele morreu durante tiroteio em um supermercado na região de Esslingen. Na troca de tiros, duas pessoas morreram e dois policiais ficaram gravemente feridos. Segundo a polícia, o jovem era ex-aluno da escola Albertville, que tem 580 estudantes. Autoridades locais disseram que ele não se destacava por qualquer tipo de comportamento suspeito. Depois de deixar a escola, no ano passado, ele iniciou uma formação profissional. O motivo dos ataques ainda é desconhecido. A escola foi evacuada e isolada logo após o episódio e as testemunhas receberam atendimento médico e psicológico. A cidade de Winnenden tem 27.600 habitantes e fica 20 quilômetros ao nordeste de , umas das maiores cidades alemãs. O histórico município mercantil tem origens que remontam ao século 12 e é sede da firma alemã , renomada fabricante de aspiradores de pó e lavadoras de alta pressão. ;Repercussão "Sou diretor de polícia em Baden-Wuerttemberg há 19 anos e não me recordo de nenhum ato tão terrível quanto este", disse Erwin Hetger, chefe de polícia do Estado do sudoeste da Alemanha. Um porta-voz do governo alemão em Berlim se disse "profundamente chocado" com o incidente. Tanto a chanceler federal quanto o presidente lamentaram o ocorrido. De acordo com a agência alemã , o porta-voz do governo em , , acentuou "o profundo pesar e consternação" da premiê. A ministra alemã da Família, , assinalou a necessidade de uma melhor precaução de casos como esse no país, entre outros através de uma cooperação mais estreita entre as escolas e os pais. Outras tragédias Tiroteios em escolas chocaram a Alemanha nos últimos anos. Em abril de 2002, a Alemanha sofreu o pior incidente do gênero quando um homem matou 17 pessoas, incluindo a si próprio, em uma escola na cidade de , no leste do país. Em 2006, um homem mascarado carregando explosivos nas roupas e portando rifles abriu fogo em uma escola na cidade de , no oeste do país, ferindo pelo menos 11 pessoas antes de cometer suicídio.
Berlim, 11 mar (EFE).- Após a morte de um estudante ferido, subiram para 17 os mortos no massacre praticado por um jovem de 17 anos em sua ex-escola na cidade de Winnenden, no sul da Alemanha. A matança começou por volta das 9h30 (5h30 de Brasília), quando o adolescente, identificado como Tim Kretschmer pelo jornal "Bild", invadiu o colégio mascarado e vestido com um uniforme de combate preto, abrindo fogo indiscriminada e sucessivamente em diversas salas de aula. Após matar outra pessoa na saída, o atirador fugiu por 40 quilômetros, até um supermercado na cidade vizinha de Wendlinger, onde foi encurralado pela Polícia. Para fugir, ele sequestrou um motorista e obrigou-o a levá-lo de carro até parte do caminho, liberando-o em seguida e continuando sozinho sua fuga, que causou uma perseguição com centenas de policiais e uso, inclusive, de helicópteros. A perseguição terminou em Wendlinger, onde o atirador e mais duas pessoas foram mortas num último tiroteio EFE
Mais um caso de massacre contra pessoas dentro de escola, resultou na morte de 17 pessoas, entre alunos e civis. O autor do ataque a uma escola na cidade alemã de Winnenden morreu em troca de tiros com a polícia durante a fuga. A polícia chegou a dizer que havia matado o rapaz. Mas, segundo o porta-voz da polícia na vizinha Waiblingen, Rainer Koeller, não ficou claro se ele foi morto por tiros disparados por policiais ou se ele se matou. A última morte foi divulgada no início da tarde desta quarta-feira. A vítima é um aluno que havia sido baleado de manhã. ; O Ataque Vestido com roupas pretas de combate, o jovem de 17 anos identificado como Tim K., invadiu a escola secundária Albertville por volta das 9h30 (5h30 no horário de Brasília). Ele procurou duas salas de aula específicas e atirou a esmo. Nove estudantes de 14 e 15 anos morreram no local. "Ele simplesmente atirou para todos os lados", disse à revista “Spiegel” um porta-voz da polícia. O criminoso ainda matou três professores e uma pessoa numa clínica vizinha antes de fugir de carro com um refém para o centro da cidade. Perseguido pela polícia, ele morreu durante tiroteio em um supermercado na região de Esslingen. Na troca de tiros, duas pessoas morreram e dois policiais ficaram gravemente feridos. Segundo a polícia, o jovem era ex-aluno da escola Albertville, que tem 580 estudantes. Autoridades locais disseram que ele não se destacava por qualquer tipo de comportamento suspeito. Depois de deixar a escola, no ano passado, ele iniciou uma formação profissional. O motivo dos ataques ainda é desconhecido. A escola foi evacuada e isolada logo após o episódio e as testemunhas receberam atendimento médico e psicológico. A cidade de Winnenden tem 27.600 habitantes e fica 20 quilômetros ao nordeste de , umas das maiores cidades alemãs. O histórico município mercantil tem origens que remontam ao século 12 e é sede da firma alemã , renomada fabricante de aspiradores de pó e lavadoras de alta pressão. ;Repercussão "Sou diretor de polícia em Baden-Wuerttemberg há 19 anos e não me recordo de nenhum ato tão terrível quanto este", disse Erwin Hetger, chefe de polícia do Estado do sudoeste da Alemanha. Um porta-voz do governo alemão em Berlim se disse "profundamente chocado" com o incidente. Tanto a chanceler federal quanto o presidente lamentaram o ocorrido. De acordo com a agência alemã , o porta-voz do governo em , , acentuou "o profundo pesar e consternação" da premiê. A ministra alemã da Família, , assinalou a necessidade de uma melhor precaução de casos como esse no país, entre outros através de uma cooperação mais estreita entre as escolas e os pais. Outras tragédias Tiroteios em escolas chocaram a Alemanha nos últimos anos. Em abril de 2002, a Alemanha sofreu o pior incidente do gênero quando um homem matou 17 pessoas, incluindo a si próprio, em uma escola na cidade de , no leste do país. Em 2006, um homem mascarado carregando explosivos nas roupas e portando rifles abriu fogo em uma escola na cidade de , no oeste do país, ferindo pelo menos 11 pessoas antes de cometer suicídio.
O autor do ataque a uma escola na cidade alemã de Winnenden nesta quarta-feira (11) morreu em troca de tiros com a polícia durante a fuga. A ação deixou ao menos 16 mortos, incluindo o autor dos ataques. Em meio a informações desencontradas, a polícia chegou a dizer que havia matado o rapaz. Mas, segundo o porta-voz da polícia na vizinha Waiblingen, Rainer Koeller, não ficou claro se ele foi morto por tiros disparados por policiais ou se ele se matou. Além disso uma 17ª morte foi divulgada no início da tarde de quarta-feira por autoridades, mas não se confirmou. Ataque Vestido com roupas pretas de combate, o jovem de 17 anos identificado como Tim K., invadiu a escola secundária Albertville por volta das 9h30 (5h30 no horário de Brasília). Ele procurou duas salas de aula específicas e atirou a esmo. Nove estudantes de 14 e 15 anos morreram no local. "Ele simplesmente atirou para todos os lados", disse à revista “Spiegel” um porta-voz da polícia. O criminoso ainda matou três professores e uma pessoa numa clínica vizinha antes de fugir de carro com um refém para o centro da cidade. Perseguido pela polícia, ele morreu durante tiroteio em um supermercado na região de Esslingen. Na troca de tiros, duas pessoas morreram e dois policiais ficaram gravemente feridos. Segundo a polícia, o jovem era ex-aluno da escola Albertville, que tem 580 estudantes. Autoridades locais disseram que ele não se destacava por qualquer tipo de comportamento suspeito. Depois de deixar a escola, no ano passado, ele iniciou uma formação profissional. O motivo dos ataques ainda é desconhecido. A escola foi evacuada e isolada logo após o episódio e as testemunhas receberam atendimento médico e psicológico. A cidade de Winnenden tem 27.600 habitantes e fica 20 quilômetros ao nordeste de Stuttgart. O histórico município mercantil tem origens que remontam ao século 12 e é sede da firma alemã Kaercher, renomada fabricante de aspiradores de pó e lavadoras de alta pressão. Repercussão "Sou diretor de polícia em Baden-Wuerttemberg há 19 anos e não me recordo de nenhum ato tão terrível quanto este", disse Erwin Hetger, chefe de polícia do Estado do sudoeste da Alemanha. Um porta-voz do governo alemão em Berlim se disse "profundamente chocado" com o incidente. Tanto o presidente Horst Köhler quanto a chanceler federal Angela Merkel lamentaram o ocorrido. "Como todo mundo na Alemanha, estou horrorizada, transtornada e atônita com o que aconteceu no colégio Alberville", disse Merkel, que ofereceu todo o apoio de seu governo às autoridades locais. "É um dia de luto para toda a Alemanha", acrescentou. De acordo com a agência alemã Deutsche Welle, o porta-voz do governo em Berlim, Ulrich Wilhelm, acentuou "o profundo pesar e consternação" da premiê. A ministra alemã da Família, Ursula von der Leyen, assinalou a necessidade de uma melhor precaução de casos como esse no país, entre outros através de uma cooperação mais estreita entre as escolas e os pais. Outras tragédias Tiroteios em escolas chocaram a Alemanha nos últimos anos. Em 2006, um homem mascarado carregando explosivos nas roupas e portando rifles abriu fogo em uma escola na cidade de Emsdetten, no oeste do país, ferindo pelo menos 11 pessoas antes de cometer suicídio. Em abril de 2002, a Alemanha sofreu o pior incidente do gênero quando um homem matou 17 pessoas, incluindo a si próprio, em uma escola na cidade de Erfurt, no leste do país.A última morte foi divulgada no iníciod a tarde desta quarta-feira. A vítima é um aluno que havia sido9 baleado durante a manhã.
Mais um caso de massacre contra pessoas dentro de escola, resultou na morte de 17 pessoas, entre alunos e civis. O autor do ataque a uma escola na cidade alemã de Winnenden morreu em troca de tiros com a polícia durante a fuga. A polícia chegou a dizer que havia matado o rapaz. Mas, segundo o porta-voz da polícia na vizinha Waiblingen, Rainer Koeller, não ficou claro se ele foi morto por tiros disparados por policiais ou se ele se matou. A última morte foi divulgada no início da tarde desta quarta-feira. A vítima é um aluno que havia sido baleado de manhã. ; O Ataque Vestido com roupas pretas de combate, o jovem de 17 anos identificado como Tim K., invadiu a escola secundária Albertville por volta das 9h30 (5h30 no horário de Brasília). Ele procurou duas salas de aula específicas e atirou a esmo. Nove estudantes de 14 e 15 anos morreram no local. "Ele simplesmente atirou para todos os lados", disse à revista “Spiegel” um porta-voz da polícia. O criminoso ainda matou três professores e uma pessoa numa clínica vizinha antes de fugir de carro com um refém para o centro da cidade. Perseguido pela polícia, ele morreu durante tiroteio em um supermercado na região de Esslingen. Na troca de tiros, duas pessoas morreram e dois policiais ficaram gravemente feridos. Segundo a polícia, o jovem era ex-aluno da escola Albertville, que tem 580 estudantes. Autoridades locais disseram que ele não se destacava por qualquer tipo de comportamento suspeito. Depois de deixar a escola, no ano passado, ele iniciou uma formação profissional. O motivo dos ataques ainda é desconhecido. A escola foi evacuada e isolada logo após o episódio e as testemunhas receberam atendimento médico e psicológico. A cidade de Winnenden tem 27.600 habitantes e fica 20 quilômetros ao nordeste de , umas das maiores cidades alemãs. O histórico município mercantil tem origens que remontam ao século 12 e é sede da firma alemã , renomada fabricante de aspiradores de pó e lavadoras de alta pressão. ;Repercussão "Sou diretor de polícia em Baden-Wuerttemberg há 19 anos e não me recordo de nenhum ato tão terrível quanto este", disse Erwin Hetger, chefe de polícia do Estado do sudoeste da Alemanha. Um porta-voz do governo alemão em Berlim se disse "profundamente chocado" com o incidente. Tanto a chanceler federal quanto o presidente lamentaram o ocorrido. De acordo com a agência alemã , o porta-voz do governo em , , acentuou "o profundo pesar e consternação" da premiê. A ministra alemã da Família, , assinalou a necessidade de uma melhor precaução de casos como esse no país, entre outros através de uma cooperação mais estreita entre as escolas e os pais. Outras tragédias Tiroteios em escolas chocaram a Alemanha nos últimos anos. Em abril de 2002, a Alemanha sofreu o pior incidente do gênero quando um homem matou 17 pessoas, incluindo a si próprio, em uma escola na cidade de , no leste do país. Em 2006, um homem mascarado carregando explosivos nas roupas e portando rifles abriu fogo em uma escola na cidade de , no oeste do país, ferindo pelo menos 11 pessoas antes de cometer suicídio.
Ahmadinejad's promises of a fairer redistribution of income still resonate with the poor [AFP] The successful test was announced by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president, on Wednesday, as campaigning for the June 12 presidential election officially started. Iran has test-launched a missile with a range of up to 2,000km, putting Israel, US bases in the Middle East and parts of Europe within striking distance. "... we launched a Sejil-2 missile, which is a two-stage missile and it has reached the intended target," Ahmadinejad said in a speech in the northern city of Semnan, close to the launch site. Analysts say the range of the surface-to-surface Sejil 2 missile is between 1,200km and 2,000km. A US defence official confirmed the launch, saying that the missile appeared to be consistent with Tehran's older Ashura models, long known to US intelligence. Ahmadinejad, whose moderate challengers in the June 12 vote accuse him of isolating Iran with his anti-Western speeches, said the country had the power to send any attacker "to hell". Presidential candidates The launch came within hours of Iran's constitutional watchdog approving four leading candidates to stand in the election. Ahmadinejad will seek re-election alongside moderate challengers Mirhossein Mousavi, Iran's former prime minister, Mehdi Karoubi, the former parliament speaker and Mohsen Rezai, the former head of Iran's Revolutionary Guards. The four candidates were approved after being screened for their allegiance to Iran's Islamic government system and "absolute obedience" to the country's most senior authority, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. More than 450 hopefuls had registered out of which 42 were women. No women passed a test to stand in the election. Media criticism Reformists believe a high turnout would give them a better chance to win the vote, but they say state media have not given sufficient coverage of the election to mobilise Iranian voters. Presidential Candiates top left to bottom right: Ahmadinejad, Mousavi, Karoubi and Rezai [AFP] Ahmadinejad's rivals say his trips across Iran ahead of the authorised campaigning period are illegal and should be stopped. The government has refused. State radio and television have denied being partial. About 46 million Iranians over 18 years old are eligible to vote in Iran's tenth presidential election since the 1979 Islamic revolution. The three other candidates have said Iran needs to have interaction and a "policy of detente" with the West. Ahmadinejad came to power in 2005 vowing to share out oil wealth more fairly, but critics blame him for disappointing economic growth and high inflation. However, his promises of a fairer redistribution of income still resonate with the poor. Ahmadinejad's only conservative rival, Rezai, has criticised the president's "adventurous" foreign policy and his economic policy, saying Ahmadinejad would "drag the country over a cliff" if re-elected.
Iran has successfully tested a Sajjil solid-propellant, surface-to-surface missile, according to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The president announced this at a campaign speech in Semnan. "... we launched a Sejil-2 missile, which is a two-stage missile and it has reached the intended target," Ahmadinejad said in the northern city which is close to the launch site. Iranian President Mahmoud AhmadinejadAhmadinejad told the crowd of supporters: "The defense minister contacted me and said, ... 'With divine intervention and the assistance of the Lord of the Age, the Sejil-2 rocket, which has very advanced technology, was launched from Semnan province.'" "It hit the target exactly," he added. United States Defense Secretary Robert Gates confirmed the launch and stated that the missile has a range of 2,000 to 2,500 kilometers (1,200 to 1,500 miles). Gates additionally said that "because of some of the problems they've had with their engines we think at least at this stage of the testing we think it's probably closer to the lower end of that range. Whether it hit the target that it was intended for, I have not seen any information on that." "I'm not all that impressed," said's senior analyst Charles Vick. "It's just another test that confirms they've got the system that was operational last summer."
Email Picture Fars News Agency This image provided by a semiofficial Iranian news agency is said to show the liftoff of the surface-to-surface solid-fuel Sejil-2 missile. Iran leader announces successful missile test Fars News Agency This image provided by a semiofficial Iranian news agency is said to show the liftoff of the surface-to-surface solid-fuel Sejil-2 missile. A campaigning President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad tells a rally that the missile hit its target. The Sejil-2 reportedly has a range of 1,200 miles and incorporates advanced technology. Iran has long had missiles that could reach Israel and the Persian Gulf states where the U.S. maintains several bases. But President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad boasted that the new Sejil-2 incorporates "advanced technology" that makes it more accurate than Iran's arsenal of Shahab missiles, which are based on North Korean-designed rockets. The two-stage missile has a range of 1,200 miles, the official Islamic Republic News Agency said. Iran's single-stage liquid-fueled Shahab-3 has the same range. But experts say solid-fuel double-stage rockets are more accurate. In addition, they say, solid fuel is more stable, meaning it can be stored longer and moved more easily. Solid propellant may also allow Iran to bypass the fueling cycles needed for liquid-fueled rockets, speeding up the launch sequence.
Iran has successfully tested a Sajjil solid-propellant, surface-to-surface missile, according to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The president announced this at a campaign speech in Semnan. "... we launched a Sejil-2 missile, which is a two-stage missile and it has reached the intended target," Ahmadinejad said in the northern city which is close to the launch site. Iranian President Mahmoud AhmadinejadAhmadinejad told the crowd of supporters: "The defense minister contacted me and said, ... 'With divine intervention and the assistance of the Lord of the Age, the Sejil-2 rocket, which has very advanced technology, was launched from Semnan province.'" "It hit the target exactly," he added. United States Defense Secretary Robert Gates confirmed the launch and stated that the missile has a range of 2,000 to 2,500 kilometers (1,200 to 1,500 miles). Gates additionally said that "because of some of the problems they've had with their engines we think at least at this stage of the testing we think it's probably closer to the lower end of that range. Whether it hit the target that it was intended for, I have not seen any information on that." "I'm not all that impressed," said's senior analyst Charles Vick. "It's just another test that confirms they've got the system that was operational last summer."
US officials: Iran missile may be more advanced WASHINGTON (AP) — The missile test-fired by Iran is the longest-range solid-propellent missile it has launched yet, a U.S. government official said Wednesday, raising concerns about whether the sophistication of Tehran's missile program is increasing. The U.S. official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss technical details of Iran's missile program, said Tehran has demonstrated shorter-range solid-propellent missiles in the past. Solid-propellent rockets are a concern because they can be fueled in advance and moved or hidden in silos, the official said. Liquid-propellent rockets have to be fueled and fired quickly, which makes preparations for launches easier to monitor and would allow a preemptive strike if necessary. But according to Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who Wednesday provided the first official U.S. confirmation of the Iranian launch, the Iranian missile had a range of 2,000 to 2,500 kilometers. That translates to 1,200 to 1,500 miles, putting Israel, U.S. bases in the Mideast, and parts of Eastern Europe within striking distance. "The information that I have read indicates that it was a successful flight test," Gates told the House Appropriations Committee nearly eight hours after the test was announced by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Gates added that "because of some of the problems they've had with their engines we think at least at this stage of the testing we think it's probably closer to the lower end of that range. Whether it hit the target that it was intended for, I have not seen any information on that." U.S. officials said that government analysts and other specialists were still assessing information from the launch. "Obviously, that's concerning," White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said of the launch. Iran's launch comes less than a month before Iran's presidential election and just two days after President Barack Obama declared a readiness to seek deeper international sanctions against Tehran if it did not respond positively to U.S. attempts to open negotiations on its nuclear program. Obama said earlier this week that Tehran had until the end of the year to show it wanted to engage with Washington. But both U.S. government officials and independent American missile experts said Wednesday that the Iranian missile itself did not appear to be a new model. Charles Vick, a senior technical analyst for, analyzed photos and videotape of the launch released by Iran. "I'm not all that impressed," Vick said. "It's just another test that confirms they've got the system that was operational last summer." "Obviously, we've seen reports," Gibbs said. "You all know the concerns that the president has about Iran's missile development programs .... and the strong belief that the pursuit of those programs does not strengthen the security of Iran but instead make them less safe." "Obviously, the president has been long concerned about it," he said. Gibbs noted that Obama and visiting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had "both agreed on Monday that engaging the people and the leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran, something that hasn't been tried for the past many years, is something that makes sense." Some dozen hours after the test was reportedly conducted, numerous U.S. defense and intelligence officials declined to even acknowledge the Iranian launch had occurred. Some referred calls to the White House and State Department, a sign of how politically sensitive the development is to the Obama administration and its continuing efforts to deal with Iran's reported efforts to build nuclear weapons. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, appearing Wednesday morning before the Senate Appropriations Committee, said nothing directly about the Iranian launch when Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., raised the issue during questioning. But Clinton did discuss the subject generally, saying that a nuclear-armed Iran would "spark an arms race" in the Middle East. She referred to a host of threats to the United States that she said are "daunting." And Clinton reiterated that the administration opposes Iran getting a nuclear weapons capability and that it is relying for now on diplomatic pressure to stop it. She described a nuclear capability as an "extraordinary threat." And Clinton said that the U.S. goal is "to persuade the Iranian regime that they will actually be less secure if they proceed with their nuclear weapons program." In a breakfast meeting with reporters, Undersecretary of Defense Michele Flournoy spoke in general terms about Iran's missile program, saying that the Iranian efforts pose "a security threat to the region that we will have to, probably, to deal with it." Flournoy said the administration is trying to present Iran with "a very fundamental choice between staying on the current path they are on, which I think is only going to hamper their security in the long term ... versus taking another path where if they were to reject support for terrorism and extremism, reject nuclear weapons, they could actually be on a path that would do a lot more for their ultimate security." Trita Parsi, President and Founder of the National Iranian American Council, said Wednesday that the launch only complicates Obama's efforts to convince Iran to abandon its nuclear program and bring stability to the Mideast. "With Israel pressing for short deadlines for diplomacy followed by sanctions and military action, with Iran testing additional missiles and continuing its tough talk, the Obama administration's best friend in this process will be patience and endurance," Parsi said. Associated Press writers Anne Gearan, Lara Jakes and Matthew Lee contributed to this report. Copyright © 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
Iran has successfully tested a Sajjil solid-propellant, surface-to-surface missile, according to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The president announced this at a campaign speech in Semnan. "... we launched a Sejil-2 missile, which is a two-stage missile and it has reached the intended target," Ahmadinejad said in the northern city which is close to the launch site. Iranian President Mahmoud AhmadinejadAhmadinejad told the crowd of supporters: "The defense minister contacted me and said, ... 'With divine intervention and the assistance of the Lord of the Age, the Sejil-2 rocket, which has very advanced technology, was launched from Semnan province.'" "It hit the target exactly," he added. United States Defense Secretary Robert Gates confirmed the launch and stated that the missile has a range of 2,000 to 2,500 kilometers (1,200 to 1,500 miles). Gates additionally said that "because of some of the problems they've had with their engines we think at least at this stage of the testing we think it's probably closer to the lower end of that range. Whether it hit the target that it was intended for, I have not seen any information on that." "I'm not all that impressed," said's senior analyst Charles Vick. "It's just another test that confirms they've got the system that was operational last summer."
Minuten der VARheit: Mitte der ersten Halbzeit verbrachte Schiedsrichterin Yoshimi Yamashita mehr Zeit vorm Bildschirm als auf dem Platz. Das ausdauernde Studium der kritischen Szenen hatte allerdings nur eine 50-prozentige Trefferquote zur Folge: Svenja Huths Abseitsposition beim Kopfballtreffer von Alexandra Popp (20. Minute) hätte sie ahnden müssen, beim 2:0 erkannte sie zurecht ein Foul von Evelyn Nwabuoku im Strafraum an Lina Magull - Sara Däbritz verwandelte den Strafstoß sicher (27.). Das Ergebnis: Auch dank dieser Entscheidungen hat Deutschland seine Achtelfinalpartie gegen Nigeria 3:0 (2:0) gewonnen und steht bei der achten WM zum achten Mal im Viertelfinale. Hier geht es zum Spielbericht. Die erste Hälfte: Bereits nach 50 Sekunden faltete Verena Schweers ihre Mitspielerinnen zusammen. Zu zögerlich war das Zweikampfverhalten der Deutschen direkt nach dem Anpfiff. Das Wachrütteln wirkte: Magull hatte die erste Chance der Partie, vergab aber mit einem Linksschuss aus zehn Metern (6.). Als die Begegnung in Grenoble zu ermüden drohte, kamen die beschriebenen Szenen zum 1:0 und 2:0. Es folgten zahlreiche rustikale Momente, Nigeria war allerdings technisch zu limitiert, um die weiterhin wacklig wirkende deutsche Defensive in Bedrängnis zu bringen. Keine Marozsán, keine Oshoala: Nicht nur bei den Deutschen fehlte die beste Spielerin, auch Nigeria musste auf seinen Star verzichten. Nach einer Fußblessur im dritten Gruppenspiel gegen Frankreich musste die 24 Jahre alte Asisat Oshoala draußen bleiben. Die beste Angreiferin des Afrikameisters steht beim FC Barcelona unter Vertrag und kam auch im Champions-League-Finale zum Einsatz. Popps 100: Die schönsten Geschenke macht man sich ja eh selbst. Dachte sich wohl auch Alexandra Popp, die in ihrem 100. Länderspiel zum 1:0 traf. Es war ihr 48. Treffer im Nationaltrikot. Nach der Pause rückte sie wie schon zuvor in diesem Turnier aus der vordersten Reihe ins zentrale Mittelfeld, um die Partie zu beruhigen. Die zweite Hälfte: Die eingewechselte WM-Debütantin Rasheedat Ajibade sorgte mit einem prächtigen Lauf auf der linken Seite für Aufregung, ihren Flachpass in die Mitte verpasste Desiree Oparanozie nur um eine Fußlänge (50.). Es war der Startschuss einer engagierten Viertelstunde des Außenseiters. Deutschland konterte nur zögerlich, gute Chancen gab es keine bis in die Schlussphase hinein. Da verzog erst Däbritz freistehend (79.), bevor Lea Schüller aus halbrechter Position unhaltbar abschloss (81.) - ihr erstes Turniertor und die Entscheidung in diesem Spiel. Es war das erste Tor der Deutschen in diesem Turnier, dass nicht nach einer Flanke beziehungsweise einem Standard fiel. Sondern einem individuellen Fehler. Hoch geht immer: In der Gruppenphase hatte Deutschland alle Tore nach Standards oder hohen Bällen erzielt. Überraschenderweise führte das Team von Bundestrainerin Martina Voss-Tecklenburg zunächst alle Eck- und Freistöße flach beziehungsweise in solch verwirrenden Varianten aus, dass teilweise selbst die Spielerinnen nicht wussten, wie ihnen geschah. Als dann doch mal eine Ecke hoch in den Strafraum kam, fiel prompt das 1:0. Die Null steht: Viertes Spiel bei einer WM-Endrunde, zum vierten Mal kein Gegentor - das gelang den deutschen Frauen zuletzt beim Turnier 2007 in China. Acht Tage später war man nach zwei weiteren Zu-Null-Spielen Weltmeister. Der Jubel bleibt: Zum ersten Mal seit 20 Jahren hatten die Nigerianerinnen die Vorrunde überstanden. Die Freude darüber gehörte zu den bislang schönsten Szenen dieses Turniers. PARTY LIKE IT'S 1999! Here's the moment @NGSuper_Falcons found out they're heading to their 1st #FIFAWWC knockout stage in 20 years. ❤️ (via @FIFAWWC_NGA) — FOX Soccer (@FOXSoccer) 20. Juni 2019 Ausblick Viertelfinale: Erst in einer Woche geht es für die DFB-Elf weiter, wenn sie am 29. Juni (18.30 Uhr, Liveticker SPIEGEL ONLINE) in Rennes auf den Sieger aus Schweden gegen Kanada trifft. Deren Partie findet am Montag um 21 Uhr statt. Deutschland - Nigeria 3:0 (2:0) 1:0 Popp (20.) 2:0 Däbritz (27. Foulelfmeter) 3:0 Schüller (82.) Deutschland: Schult - Gwinn, Doorsoun, Hegering, Schweers (46. Simon) - Huth, Leupolz (46. Bühl), Magull (69. Oberdorf) , Däbritz - Schüller, Popp Nigeria: Nnadozie - Okeke, Ebi, Nwabuoku (46. Ajibade), Ohale - Ordega, Ayinde, Okobi, Kanu (84. Ogebe) - Ihezuo (77. Uchendu), Oparanozie Schiedsrichterin: Yoshimi Yamashita (Japan) Gelbe Karten: Popp, Huth / Nwabuoku, Oparanozie, Ajibade Zuschauer: 17.988
Bei der Frauen-Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft in Frankreich hat die deutsche Nationalmannschaft vor 17.988 Zuschauern in Grenoble das Team von Nigeria besiegt und ist damit im Viertelfinale. In der zweiten am Samstag ausgespielten Viertelfinalbegegnung spielte Norwegen in Nizza gegen Australien erst im Elfmeterschießen siegreich. ;Deutschland – Nigeria: 3:0 (2:0) Beiden Mannschaften fehlte eine wichtige Spielerin. Bei der deutschen Mannschaft musste Bundestrainerin Martina Voss-Tecklenburg auf Dszenifer Maroszán verzichten, die sich im Auftaktspiel gegen die Chinesinnen verletzt hatte, und auf nigerianischer Seite fehlte die beim FC Barcelona spielende 24-jährige Asisat Oshoala, die beim dritten Gruppenspiel gegen die Französinnen eine Fußverletzung erlitt. In der zweiten Minute hatte Francisca Ordega die erste Möglichkeit, auf das Tor zu schießen, doch Almuth Schult konnte problemlos abwehren. Die erste deutsche Torchance im Stade des Alpes hatte in der sechsten Minute Lina Maguall, doch sie vergab ihren Linksschuss aus etwa zehn Metern. In der 20. Minute traf Alexandra Popp mit dem Kopf zum 1:0. Die japanische Schiedsrichterin Yoshimi Yamashita konsultierte den Videobeweis und gab das Tor – trotz Abseitsposition von Svenja Huth. Nach der weiteren Begutachtung einer kritischen Szene im Strafraum gab die Schiedsrichterin Elfmeter, weil Lina Magull von Nigerias Evelyn Nwabuoku gefoult wurde. Dieser wurde von Sara Däbritz in der 27. Minute problemlos verwandelt. Mit dem 2:0 gingen beide Mannschaften in die Pause. Fünf Minuten nach der Pause hatten die Nigerianerinnen die Chance auf den Anschlusstreffer, als die eingewechselte Rasheedat Ajibade auf der linken Seite in Richtung Tor stürmte und ihr Flachpass im Fünfmeterraum von der mitgelaufenen Desiree Oparanozie nur knapp verfehlt wurde. Nigeria kam besser ins Spiel, Deutschland agierte nur zögerlich, und bis in der 79. Minute Däbritz frei vor dem Tor ihren Schuss verzog. In der 81. Minute setzte Lea Schüller von halbrechts mit einem unhaltbaren Schuss den Schlusspunkt. Für Spielführerin Popp war die Begegnung das 100. Länderspiel. Deutschland trifft am 29. Juni im Viertelfinale in Rennes auf den Sieger des Spiels Schweden gegen Kanada. Diese Partie findet am 24. Juni statt. ;Norwegen – Australien: 4:1 n.E. (1:1, 1:1, 1:0) 12.229 Zuschauer sahen in Nizza ein Spiel, das erst im Elfmeterschießen entschieden wurde. Nach der regulären Spielzeit stand es unentschieden 1:1, und in der Verlängerung fielen kein Tor. Die Australierinnen hatten schon nach 30 Sekunden ihre erste Chance, als Samantha Kerr nur knapp links am Tor vorbeispielte, und auch in der 6. Minute waren es die Australierinnen, die nun durch Stürmerin Hayley Raso in Führung gehen hätten können, wenn nicht die norwegische Schlussfrau Ingrid Hjemseth die Chance zunichte gemacht hätte. Doch trotz der in dieser Spielphase australischen Übermacht war es Karina Saevik, die in der 31. Minute ins rechte Eck einschoss. Dann, kurz vor der Pause, Aufregung. Die deutsche Schiedsrichterin Riem Hussein pfiff Strafstoß, nachdem der Ball Maria Thorisdottir an den Arm gesprungen war, doch der Videoschiedsrichter Felix Zwayer griff ein, und Hussein nahm ihre Entscheidung zurück: kein Elfmeter. Nach der Pause hatten beide Mannschaften dann mehrere Tormöglichkeiten. Caitlin Foord vergab in der 52. und in der 58. Minute, und Tameka Yallop scheiterte in der 62. Minute. Graham Hansen wiederum konnte in der 56. und in der 64. Minute nicht verwandeln, sodass es zunächst beim 1:0 blieb. Erst in der 83. Minute kam es zum Ausgleich. Eine Ecke von Elise Kellond-Knight vefehlten Freund und Feind, sodass der Ball ohne weitere Berührung am langen Torpfosten ins Tor schlug. In der Nachspielzeit verpasste schließlich Graham Hansen die Chance, alles klar zu machen und traf nur den Innenpfosten. In der Verlängerung hatten beide Mannschaften Chancen, doch blieb es beim 1:1, obwohl die Australierinnen seit der 104. Minute in Unterzahl spielten, weil Alanna Kennedy nach einer Notbremse die erste Rote Karte des Turniers sah. Die Norwegerinnen sahen insgesamt dreimal gelb. Im Elfmeterschießen traf zunächst Hansen, Kerr verschoss, Reiten traf zum 2:0, Gielnick traf nicht, Mjelde, Catley und Engen trafen jeweils. Die Norwegerinnen treffen im Viertelfinaleauf den Sieger der Partie England - Kamerun.
Deutschland - Nigeria (3:0) Die deutschen Fußballerinnen haben durch einen Sieg gegen Nigeria das Viertelfinale der Weltmeisterschaft erreicht. Die Auswahl von Bundestrainerin Martina Voss-Tecklenburg setzte sich im Stade des Alpes in Grenoble souverän mit 3:0 (2:0) durch. Spielführerin Alexandra Popp (20. Minute) erzielte in ihrem 100. Länderspiel die Führung. Für die weiteren Treffer sorgten Sara Däbritz per Foulelfmeter (27.) und Lea Schüller (82.). Auch im vierten WM-Spiel blieb die DFB-Elf damit ohne Gegentor. Die DFB-Frauen treffen nun in der Runde der letzten Acht am kommenden Samstag in Rennes auf den Sieger der Partie Schweden gegen Kanada, der am Montag in Paris ermittelt wird. Der amtierende Afrikameister aus Nigeria begann mutig und kam in der 2. Minute zum ersten Torschuss. Der Ball von Francisca Ordega war allerdings kein Problem für Keeperin Almuth Schult. Die deutsche Elf hatte in der 6. Minute die große Chance zur Führung, als Lina Magull nach einer eigentlich missglückten Freistoßvariante doch noch aus kurzer Distanz zum Schuss kam, aber geblockt wurde. Zwar hatte die deutsche Auswahl mehr Ballbesitz, spielte jedoch oft zu ungenau und zu kompliziert nach vorn. Das betraf auch die Standards. Als sich die Spielerinnen dann einmal für eine direkte Variante entschieden, fiel die Führung: Eine Ecke von Magull köpfte Popp zu ihrem zweiten Turniertor ein. Der Videoassistent kontrollierte Popps Treffer auf eine mögliche Abseitsstellung. Die japanische Schiedsrichterin Yoshimi Yamashita sah jedoch keine Regelwidrigkeit. Nach einem Foul an Magull im Strafraum kam der Videobeweis erneut zum Einsatz und es gab Elfmeter, den Däbritz sicher verwandelte. Es war ihr dritter Treffer in drei Spielen in Folge. Danach ging Nigeria deutlich offensiver vor und wäre kurz nach der Pause fast zum Anschlusstor gekommen. Die eingewechselte Rasheedat Ajibade kam am Fünfmeterraum zum Schuss, Desire Oparanozie verfehlte den Ball mit ihrer Grätsche nur knapp. Die deutsche Elf beschränkte sich bei hohen Temperaturen meist auf das Nötigste, spielte ihre Kontermöglichkeiten zu schlecht aus – bis Schüller in der Schlussphase die Entscheidung gelang. Norwegen - Australien (4:1) Nach einer dramatischen Partie besiegten die Norwegerinnen die Australierinnen im Elfmeterschießen mit einem 4:1 (1:1). Nach den regulären 90 Minuten stand es im Achtelfinalspiel unentschieden. Isabell Herlovsen brachte die Norwegerinnen in der 31. Minute in Führung. Doch Elise Kellond-Knight (83.) schoss die Matildas in der von der deutschen Schiedsrichterin Riem Hussein geleiteten Partie mit einer direkt verwandelten Ecke in die Verlängerung. Dort sah die Australierin Alanna Kennedy (104. Minute/Notbremse) die Rote Karte, so dass die Mannschaft von Ante Milicic in Unterzahl durchhalten musste. Im Elfmeterkrimi hatten die Norwegerinnen dann die besseren Nerven. Lediglich Stephanie Catley konnte für Australien treffen. Bei den Norwegerinnen schossen mit Caroline Hansen, Guro Reiten, Maren Mjelden und Ingrid Engen alle Spielerinnen erfolgreich auf das gegnerische Tor. Das Team von Trainer Martin Sjogren spielt im Viertelfinale gegen England oder Kamerun, die am Sonntag in Valenciennes aufeinander treffen.
Bei der Frauen-Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft in Frankreich hat die deutsche Nationalmannschaft vor 17.988 Zuschauern in Grenoble das Team von Nigeria besiegt und ist damit im Viertelfinale. In der zweiten am Samstag ausgespielten Viertelfinalbegegnung spielte Norwegen in Nizza gegen Australien erst im Elfmeterschießen siegreich. ;Deutschland – Nigeria: 3:0 (2:0) Beiden Mannschaften fehlte eine wichtige Spielerin. Bei der deutschen Mannschaft musste Bundestrainerin Martina Voss-Tecklenburg auf Dszenifer Maroszán verzichten, die sich im Auftaktspiel gegen die Chinesinnen verletzt hatte, und auf nigerianischer Seite fehlte die beim FC Barcelona spielende 24-jährige Asisat Oshoala, die beim dritten Gruppenspiel gegen die Französinnen eine Fußverletzung erlitt. In der zweiten Minute hatte Francisca Ordega die erste Möglichkeit, auf das Tor zu schießen, doch Almuth Schult konnte problemlos abwehren. Die erste deutsche Torchance im Stade des Alpes hatte in der sechsten Minute Lina Maguall, doch sie vergab ihren Linksschuss aus etwa zehn Metern. In der 20. Minute traf Alexandra Popp mit dem Kopf zum 1:0. Die japanische Schiedsrichterin Yoshimi Yamashita konsultierte den Videobeweis und gab das Tor – trotz Abseitsposition von Svenja Huth. Nach der weiteren Begutachtung einer kritischen Szene im Strafraum gab die Schiedsrichterin Elfmeter, weil Lina Magull von Nigerias Evelyn Nwabuoku gefoult wurde. Dieser wurde von Sara Däbritz in der 27. Minute problemlos verwandelt. Mit dem 2:0 gingen beide Mannschaften in die Pause. Fünf Minuten nach der Pause hatten die Nigerianerinnen die Chance auf den Anschlusstreffer, als die eingewechselte Rasheedat Ajibade auf der linken Seite in Richtung Tor stürmte und ihr Flachpass im Fünfmeterraum von der mitgelaufenen Desiree Oparanozie nur knapp verfehlt wurde. Nigeria kam besser ins Spiel, Deutschland agierte nur zögerlich, und bis in der 79. Minute Däbritz frei vor dem Tor ihren Schuss verzog. In der 81. Minute setzte Lea Schüller von halbrechts mit einem unhaltbaren Schuss den Schlusspunkt. Für Spielführerin Popp war die Begegnung das 100. Länderspiel. Deutschland trifft am 29. Juni im Viertelfinale in Rennes auf den Sieger des Spiels Schweden gegen Kanada. Diese Partie findet am 24. Juni statt. ;Norwegen – Australien: 4:1 n.E. (1:1, 1:1, 1:0) 12.229 Zuschauer sahen in Nizza ein Spiel, das erst im Elfmeterschießen entschieden wurde. Nach der regulären Spielzeit stand es unentschieden 1:1, und in der Verlängerung fielen kein Tor. Die Australierinnen hatten schon nach 30 Sekunden ihre erste Chance, als Samantha Kerr nur knapp links am Tor vorbeispielte, und auch in der 6. Minute waren es die Australierinnen, die nun durch Stürmerin Hayley Raso in Führung gehen hätten können, wenn nicht die norwegische Schlussfrau Ingrid Hjemseth die Chance zunichte gemacht hätte. Doch trotz der in dieser Spielphase australischen Übermacht war es Karina Saevik, die in der 31. Minute ins rechte Eck einschoss. Dann, kurz vor der Pause, Aufregung. Die deutsche Schiedsrichterin Riem Hussein pfiff Strafstoß, nachdem der Ball Maria Thorisdottir an den Arm gesprungen war, doch der Videoschiedsrichter Felix Zwayer griff ein, und Hussein nahm ihre Entscheidung zurück: kein Elfmeter. Nach der Pause hatten beide Mannschaften dann mehrere Tormöglichkeiten. Caitlin Foord vergab in der 52. und in der 58. Minute, und Tameka Yallop scheiterte in der 62. Minute. Graham Hansen wiederum konnte in der 56. und in der 64. Minute nicht verwandeln, sodass es zunächst beim 1:0 blieb. Erst in der 83. Minute kam es zum Ausgleich. Eine Ecke von Elise Kellond-Knight vefehlten Freund und Feind, sodass der Ball ohne weitere Berührung am langen Torpfosten ins Tor schlug. In der Nachspielzeit verpasste schließlich Graham Hansen die Chance, alles klar zu machen und traf nur den Innenpfosten. In der Verlängerung hatten beide Mannschaften Chancen, doch blieb es beim 1:1, obwohl die Australierinnen seit der 104. Minute in Unterzahl spielten, weil Alanna Kennedy nach einer Notbremse die erste Rote Karte des Turniers sah. Die Norwegerinnen sahen insgesamt dreimal gelb. Im Elfmeterschießen traf zunächst Hansen, Kerr verschoss, Reiten traf zum 2:0, Gielnick traf nicht, Mjelde, Catley und Engen trafen jeweils. Die Norwegerinnen treffen im Viertelfinaleauf den Sieger der Partie England - Kamerun.
Norwegen hat sein WM-Achtelfinale in Nizza 4:1 im Elfmeterschießen gegen Australien gewonnen und zum ersten Mal seit 2007 wieder das WM-Viertelfinale erreicht. Nach 120 Minuten hatte es 1:1 gestanden. Den Führungstreffer der Norwegerinnen erzielte Isabell Herlovsen (31. Minute), Australien glich durch Elise Kellond-Knight aus (83.). Nicht einmal 30 Sekunden waren gespielt, da hätte Australiens Starspielerin Sam Kerr ihr Team fast in Führung gebracht. Am linken Strafraumeck entledigte sie sich mit einer Körpertäuschung ihrer Gegenspielerin, zog nach innen und schoss nur knapp am linken Pfosten vorbei. Wenige Minuten später war es ihre Sturmpartnerin Hayley Raso, die nach einem schönen Doppelpass im gegnerischen Strafraum Norwegens Torfrau Ingrid Hjelmseth prüfte (6.). Australien drückte, Norwegen traf: Karina Saevik schickte mit einem starken Pass Herlovsen, die vom schlechten Stellungsspiel Alanna Kennedys profitierte und frei vor Williams stark ins rechte Eck verwandelte (31.). Ausgleich durch eine direkt verwandelte Ecke Dann wieder Aufregung auf der Gegenseite: Nachdem Maria Thorisdottir kurz vor der Pause der Ball an den Arm (oder war es noch der Oberkörper?) sprang, entschied Schiedsrichterin Riem Hussein zunächst auf Strafstoß. Videoschiedsrichter Felix Zwayer intervenierte und nachdem sich die Unparteiische die Szene selbst noch zahlreiche Male angesehen hatte, revidierte sie ihre ursprüngliche Entscheidung. Das strittige Ende einer spektakulären Hälfte. Rasant ging es auch nach dem Wiederanpfiff weiter. Für Australien vergaben Caitlin Foord (52. und 58.) und Tameka Yallop (62.) den Ausgleich, Graham Hansen ließ für Norwegen das 2:0 liegen (56. und 64.). Kurios der Ausgleich: Kellond-Knight traf in der 83. Minute mit einem Eckstoß, der durch Mit- und Gegenspielerinnen hindurch flog und am langen Pfosten einschlug. Es sollte nicht der letzte Aufreger der regulären Spielzeit bleiben: In der Nachspielzeit traf Graham Hansen mit einem wunderschönen Schuss nur den Innenpfosten des australischen Tores. In der Verlängerung folgten nun Chancen auf beiden Seiten im Minutentakt, unter anderem ein Lattenschuss von Vilde Bøe Risa. In der 104. Minute flog Kennedy nach einer Notbremse vom Platz - es war die erste Rote Karte bei dieser Weltmeisterschaft. In Unterzahl retteten sich die Australierinnen ins Elfmeterschießen. Dort vergaben Kerr und Emily Gielnik. Alle vier norwegischen Spielerinnen verwandelten sicher. Der Viertelfinalgegner Norwegens wird in der Partie England - Kamerun (Sonntag, 17.30 Uhr, Liveticker SPIEGEL ONLINE) ermittelt. Norwegen - Australien 5:2 (1:1, 1:0) n.E. 1:0 Herlovsen (31.) 1:1 Kellond-Knight (83.) Elfmeterschießen: 1:0 Graham Hansen Kerr verschießt 2:0 Reiten Gielnik verschießt 3:0 Mjelde 3:1 Catley 4:1 Engen Norwegen: Hjelmseth - Moe Wold (102. Hansen), Mjelde, Thorisdottir, Minde - Saevik (72. Maanum), Bøe Risa, Engen, Reiten - Graham Hansen, Herlovsen (77. Utland) Australien: Williams - Carpenter (120. Harrison), Kennedy, Catley, Kellond-Knight (94. Polkinghorne) - Logarzo, Van Egmond (116. Roestbakken), Yallop - Raso (74. Gielnik), Kerr, Foord Schiedsrichterin: Hussein (Deutschland) Gelbe Karten: Minde, Utland, Bøe Risa / - Rote Karte: Kennedy (104.) Zuschauer: 12.229
Bei der Frauen-Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft in Frankreich hat die deutsche Nationalmannschaft vor 17.988 Zuschauern in Grenoble das Team von Nigeria besiegt und ist damit im Viertelfinale. In der zweiten am Samstag ausgespielten Viertelfinalbegegnung spielte Norwegen in Nizza gegen Australien erst im Elfmeterschießen siegreich. ;Deutschland – Nigeria: 3:0 (2:0) Beiden Mannschaften fehlte eine wichtige Spielerin. Bei der deutschen Mannschaft musste Bundestrainerin Martina Voss-Tecklenburg auf Dszenifer Maroszán verzichten, die sich im Auftaktspiel gegen die Chinesinnen verletzt hatte, und auf nigerianischer Seite fehlte die beim FC Barcelona spielende 24-jährige Asisat Oshoala, die beim dritten Gruppenspiel gegen die Französinnen eine Fußverletzung erlitt. In der zweiten Minute hatte Francisca Ordega die erste Möglichkeit, auf das Tor zu schießen, doch Almuth Schult konnte problemlos abwehren. Die erste deutsche Torchance im Stade des Alpes hatte in der sechsten Minute Lina Maguall, doch sie vergab ihren Linksschuss aus etwa zehn Metern. In der 20. Minute traf Alexandra Popp mit dem Kopf zum 1:0. Die japanische Schiedsrichterin Yoshimi Yamashita konsultierte den Videobeweis und gab das Tor – trotz Abseitsposition von Svenja Huth. Nach der weiteren Begutachtung einer kritischen Szene im Strafraum gab die Schiedsrichterin Elfmeter, weil Lina Magull von Nigerias Evelyn Nwabuoku gefoult wurde. Dieser wurde von Sara Däbritz in der 27. Minute problemlos verwandelt. Mit dem 2:0 gingen beide Mannschaften in die Pause. Fünf Minuten nach der Pause hatten die Nigerianerinnen die Chance auf den Anschlusstreffer, als die eingewechselte Rasheedat Ajibade auf der linken Seite in Richtung Tor stürmte und ihr Flachpass im Fünfmeterraum von der mitgelaufenen Desiree Oparanozie nur knapp verfehlt wurde. Nigeria kam besser ins Spiel, Deutschland agierte nur zögerlich, und bis in der 79. Minute Däbritz frei vor dem Tor ihren Schuss verzog. In der 81. Minute setzte Lea Schüller von halbrechts mit einem unhaltbaren Schuss den Schlusspunkt. Für Spielführerin Popp war die Begegnung das 100. Länderspiel. Deutschland trifft am 29. Juni im Viertelfinale in Rennes auf den Sieger des Spiels Schweden gegen Kanada. Diese Partie findet am 24. Juni statt. ;Norwegen – Australien: 4:1 n.E. (1:1, 1:1, 1:0) 12.229 Zuschauer sahen in Nizza ein Spiel, das erst im Elfmeterschießen entschieden wurde. Nach der regulären Spielzeit stand es unentschieden 1:1, und in der Verlängerung fielen kein Tor. Die Australierinnen hatten schon nach 30 Sekunden ihre erste Chance, als Samantha Kerr nur knapp links am Tor vorbeispielte, und auch in der 6. Minute waren es die Australierinnen, die nun durch Stürmerin Hayley Raso in Führung gehen hätten können, wenn nicht die norwegische Schlussfrau Ingrid Hjemseth die Chance zunichte gemacht hätte. Doch trotz der in dieser Spielphase australischen Übermacht war es Karina Saevik, die in der 31. Minute ins rechte Eck einschoss. Dann, kurz vor der Pause, Aufregung. Die deutsche Schiedsrichterin Riem Hussein pfiff Strafstoß, nachdem der Ball Maria Thorisdottir an den Arm gesprungen war, doch der Videoschiedsrichter Felix Zwayer griff ein, und Hussein nahm ihre Entscheidung zurück: kein Elfmeter. Nach der Pause hatten beide Mannschaften dann mehrere Tormöglichkeiten. Caitlin Foord vergab in der 52. und in der 58. Minute, und Tameka Yallop scheiterte in der 62. Minute. Graham Hansen wiederum konnte in der 56. und in der 64. Minute nicht verwandeln, sodass es zunächst beim 1:0 blieb. Erst in der 83. Minute kam es zum Ausgleich. Eine Ecke von Elise Kellond-Knight vefehlten Freund und Feind, sodass der Ball ohne weitere Berührung am langen Torpfosten ins Tor schlug. In der Nachspielzeit verpasste schließlich Graham Hansen die Chance, alles klar zu machen und traf nur den Innenpfosten. In der Verlängerung hatten beide Mannschaften Chancen, doch blieb es beim 1:1, obwohl die Australierinnen seit der 104. Minute in Unterzahl spielten, weil Alanna Kennedy nach einer Notbremse die erste Rote Karte des Turniers sah. Die Norwegerinnen sahen insgesamt dreimal gelb. Im Elfmeterschießen traf zunächst Hansen, Kerr verschoss, Reiten traf zum 2:0, Gielnick traf nicht, Mjelde, Catley und Engen trafen jeweils. Die Norwegerinnen treffen im Viertelfinaleauf den Sieger der Partie England - Kamerun.
Santorum 2012 x Santorum 2012 “El senador Santorum es un rival capaz y valioso, y lo felicito por la campaña que hizo” El candidato a la nominación presidencial por el Partido Republicano, el ex senador por Pennsylvania, Rick Santorum, anunció que "la campaña por la nominación presidencial del Partido republicano ha acabado para mi".Durante una conferencia de prensa brindada este martes 10 de abril de 2012, en Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Santorum dijo que continuará luchando para derrotar al presidente Barack Obama y ganar el senado para el Partido Republicano.​​​​​​​​​​La decisión anunciada por Santorum convertiría a Mitt Romney en el virtual "nominado". La campaña del ex gobernador de Massachhusetts "fellicitó" a la campaña de Santorum pocos minutos después de concluida la rueda de prensa.Según los primeros informes de prensa, previo a la conferencia de prensa Santorum llamó a Mitt Romney para anunciarle que suspendía su campaña. Al hacer el anuncio Santorum recordó que ganó 11 estados y que fue el apoyo de los votantes lo que impulsó su campaña.“Se ha comprobado que es una voz importante en nuestro partido y en la nación. Ambos reconocemos que lo que es más importante es dejar atrás los errores de los últimos tres años y poner a los Estados Unidos de regreso en el camino a la prosperidad”.El ex senador Santorum había cancelado algunos eventos de campaña para estar junto a su pequeña hija Isabella, de 3 años de edad, que estaba hospitalizada.“Hemos tenido una semana difícil, un viernes santo de pasión con la situación de nuestra hija” dijo en su conferencia de prensa, añadiendo que la decisión de retirarse la tomó en la mesa del comedor familiar de su casa en Virginia, el fin de semana.Durante las últimas semanas habían sido crecientes las presiones sobre Santorum para que abandonara la campaña por la nominación, abriendo el camino para la nominación de Mitt Romney.Satorum había informado inicialmente que seguiría en la campaña por lo menos hasta fines de abril hasta las primarias de su estado natal, Pennsylvania. Sin embargo la ventaja de la que disponía se había evaporado en los últimos días y Romney aparecía como líder en las encuestas.La "suspensión" de la campaña es un término técnico para decir que la campaña continúa pero sólo para poder recolectar algunos fondos que permitan solventar las deudas aún pendientes.
El candidato a la nominación presidencial por el Partido Republicano, el ex senador por Pennsylvania, Rick Santorum, anunció que "la campaña por la nominación presidencial del Partido republicano ha acabado para mi". Durante una conferencia de prensa brindada este martes 10 de abril de 2012, en Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Santorum dijo que continuará luchando para derrotar al presidente Barack Obama y ganar el senado para el Partido Republicano. ​​​​​​​​​​La decisión anunciada por Santorum convertiría a Mitt Romney en el virtual "nominado". La campaña del ex gobernador de Massachusetts "fellicitó" a la campaña de Santorum pocos minutos después de concluida la rueda de prensa. Según los primeros informes de prensa, previo a la conferencia de prensa Santorum llamó a Mitt Romney para anunciarle que suspendía su campaña. Al hacer el anuncio Santorum recordó que ganó 11 estados y que fue el apoyo de los votantes lo que impulsó su campaña. === Noticias relacionadas === * * *
W czwartek minie 70 lat od dnia, w którym na zmagającą się z hitlerowskim najeźdźcą Polskę zdradziecko uderzyli sowieci. Centralne obchody tej pomijanej w czasach PRL rocznicy, zorganizowane zostaną właśnie w Białymstoku. Z tej okazji Instytut Pamięci Narodowej otworzy na Rynku Kościuszki okolicznościową wystawę "O godzinie 4 rano wojska sowieckie wtargnęły na terytorium Polski, zajmując obszar przed Mołodecznym i idą pasem około 50 km" donosiło w niedzielę 17 września 1939 roku londyńskie radio. A cytujący rozgłośnię dzień później Kurjer Wileński dodawał: "Bohaterski żołnierz krwawi więc na dwóch frontach". Białostoczanie będą mogli wczuć się w atmosferę tamtych wrześniowych dni. Instytut Pamięci Narodowej przygotował reprint pierwszych dwóch stron liczącego 70 lat wydania Kurjera Wileńskiego. W okolicach Rynku Kościuszki okolicznościową publikację rozdawać będą w czwartek harcerze. Wydrukujemy ją też w lokalnym wydaniu Gazety Wyborczej. Pozostało 81% tekstu Wyczerpałeś już limit bezpłatnych artykułów w tym miesiącu Bądź na bieżąco - kup cyfrową Wyborczą Nieograniczony dostęp do serwisów informacyjnych, biznesowych, lokalnych i wszystkich magazynów Wyborczej Wypróbuj od 19,90 zł za miesiąc
Plik:Soviet invasion on Poland 1939.jpg|thumb|left|Agresja ZSRR na Polskę 1939 '''Mija 70. rocznica radzieckiej agresji na Polskę w czasie II wojny światowej. Dnia 17 września 1939 r. Armia Czerwona wkroczyła na wschodnie tereny Rzeczpospolitej, łamiąc obowiązujący od 1932 r. polsko-sowiecki pakt o nieagresji.''' W pierwszych godzinach wydarzeń sprzed 70 lat opór armii radzieckiej stawiły strażnice graniczne i żołnierze Korpusu Ochrony Pogranicza. Na mocy paktu Ribbentrop–Mołotow dokonał się akt agresji ZSRR nazywany przez wielu IV rozbiorem Polski. Wojska radzieckie przekroczyły wschodnie granice Polski przyspieszając klęskę kampanii wrześniowej i przypieczętowując losy naszego kraju na początku II wojny światowej. Skutki agresji sowieckiej były tragiczne – na terenach okupowanych przez ZSRR komuniści dopuścili się licznych zbrodni wojennych. Setki tysięcy Polaków oraz obywateli polskich innych narodowości zostało poddanych terrorowi. Na zajmowane obszary razem z sowieckim wojskiem wkraczały oddziały NKWD, które dokonywały aresztowań i wywózek do obozów jenieckich w Związku Radzieckim. W rocznicę tragicznych dla Polski wydarzeń na terenie całego kraju odbyły się uroczystości upamiętniające zajścia sprzed 70 lat. W Białymstoku gościł ostatni prezydent na uchodźstwie, Ryszard Kaczorowski. Z kolei w uroczystości otwarcia Alei Ofiar Katyńskich na terenie kampusu studenckiego Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie wziął udział prezydent Lech Kaczyński. Jednoznacznie określił zbrodnię katyńską mianem ludobójstwa. Po uroczystości Lech Kaczyński, jako gość honorowy, wziął udział w inauguracji XVIII Powszechnego Zjazdu Historyków odbywającego się w Olsztynie. Następnie, podczas uroczystości na Skwerze Matki Sybiraczki w Warszawie, prezydent po raz kolejny odnosił się do tragicznych wydarzeń katyńskich, przywołując decyzję o wymordowaniu 30 tys. Polaków:
Na uroczystościach na Skwerze Matki Sybiraczki w Warszawie prezydent Lech Kaczyński przypomniał, że polscy oficerowie zostali wymordowani decyzją z 5 marca 1940 roku, która - jak ocenił - w rzeczywistości była decyzją Stalina. - Jeżeli tego rodzaju akt, dotyczący według tej decyzji 30 tysięcy ludzi, nie jest aktem ludobójstwa, to się pytam, co nim jest? - powiedział. Lech Kaczyński zadał kolejne pytanie: czy Katyń był aktem zemsty? - Tak, był. Rzeczywisty motyw to był odwet za rok 1920. Za innych ludzi, inne czasy - odpowiedział. - Czy nie był to akt wielkoruskiego szowinizmu? Tak, był - mówił. Zobacz także: Prezydent: zbrodnia katyńska była ludobójstwem Prezydent: powinniśmy kontynuować proces upamiętniania ofiar Przedstawiciele Rodzin Katyńskich u prezydenta Minister Wypych: Nawet Rosjanie nazywali Katyń ludobójstwem Prezydent dodał, że świetnie rozumie potrzebę pojednania, ale - jak zauważył - narody jednać się mogą tylko i wyłącznie w prawdzie. - Szczególnie jeżeli jest to duży naród, tak jak polski - podkreślił. Lech Kaczyński ocenił także, że pakt Ribbentrop-Mołotow był paktem dwóch wyjątkowo agresywnych imperializmów i totalitaryzmów. - Polska nie ma powodów do odrabiania lekcji pokory - powtórzył Lech Kaczyński. Zdaniem prezydenta, w trakcie wojny Polska zachowała się tak, jak należało się zachować. - Niech lekcje pokory odrabiają ci, którym nie jedna taka lekcja się należy; w imię przyszłości - podkreślił Lech Kaczyński przed Pomnikiem Poległych i Pomordowanych na Wschodzie. Jak zaznaczył, od historii nie da się uciec, a nasz świat to dla dziś żyjących pokoleń przede wszystkim przyszłość. - Ale nie da się jej od przeszłości oddzielić - uważa Lech Kaczyński. W jego opinii, pojednanie w Europie jest potrzebne, a podstawą tego pojednania musi być twarda niejednokrotnie prawda. Prezydent zwrócił uwagę, że lata 1939-41 to lata nie tylko mordu na oficerach (zbrodnia katyńska - PAP), ale także tysiące egzekucji działaczy politycznych. - W tym także działaczy lewicy, którzy w pierwszej chwili myśleli, że oto nadchodzą dobre czasy. Szybko się skończyły przed sowieckimi plutonami egzekucyjnymi - powiedział Lech Kaczyński. Podkreślił, że był to także okres niszczenia polskiej inteligencji i wywiezienia nie tysięcy, ale setek tysięcy ludzi do Kazachstanu, na Zabajkale, do republik w północnej Europie. - Taka jest prawda o tych czasach i jest w naszym interesie, także politycznym, żeby o tym pamiętać. Szczególnie wtedy, gdy 1 września, w 70. rocznicę wybuchu II wojny światowej, na Westerplatte, w miejscu, które jest symbolem, słyszymy o planie nowej architektury Europy - mówił prezydent. Dodał, że powinniśmy szukać Europy partnerskiej, w której - jak podkreślił - naszemu krajowi należy się miejsce wynikające z jego wielkości i historii. (PAP, inf. własna)
Plik:Soviet invasion on Poland 1939.jpg|thumb|left|Agresja ZSRR na Polskę 1939 '''Mija 70. rocznica radzieckiej agresji na Polskę w czasie II wojny światowej. Dnia 17 września 1939 r. Armia Czerwona wkroczyła na wschodnie tereny Rzeczpospolitej, łamiąc obowiązujący od 1932 r. polsko-sowiecki pakt o nieagresji.''' W pierwszych godzinach wydarzeń sprzed 70 lat opór armii radzieckiej stawiły strażnice graniczne i żołnierze Korpusu Ochrony Pogranicza. Na mocy paktu Ribbentrop–Mołotow dokonał się akt agresji ZSRR nazywany przez wielu IV rozbiorem Polski. Wojska radzieckie przekroczyły wschodnie granice Polski przyspieszając klęskę kampanii wrześniowej i przypieczętowując losy naszego kraju na początku II wojny światowej. Skutki agresji sowieckiej były tragiczne – na terenach okupowanych przez ZSRR komuniści dopuścili się licznych zbrodni wojennych. Setki tysięcy Polaków oraz obywateli polskich innych narodowości zostało poddanych terrorowi. Na zajmowane obszary razem z sowieckim wojskiem wkraczały oddziały NKWD, które dokonywały aresztowań i wywózek do obozów jenieckich w Związku Radzieckim. W rocznicę tragicznych dla Polski wydarzeń na terenie całego kraju odbyły się uroczystości upamiętniające zajścia sprzed 70 lat. W Białymstoku gościł ostatni prezydent na uchodźstwie, Ryszard Kaczorowski. Z kolei w uroczystości otwarcia Alei Ofiar Katyńskich na terenie kampusu studenckiego Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie wziął udział prezydent Lech Kaczyński. Jednoznacznie określił zbrodnię katyńską mianem ludobójstwa. Po uroczystości Lech Kaczyński, jako gość honorowy, wziął udział w inauguracji XVIII Powszechnego Zjazdu Historyków odbywającego się w Olsztynie. Następnie, podczas uroczystości na Skwerze Matki Sybiraczki w Warszawie, prezydent po raz kolejny odnosił się do tragicznych wydarzeń katyńskich, przywołując decyzję o wymordowaniu 30 tys. Polaków:
" Polska nie ma powodów do odrabiania lekcji pokory" Prezydent zaznaczył, że polscy oficerowie "zostali wymordowani" decyzją z 5 marca 1940 roku, która - jak ocenił - "w rzeczywistości była decyzją Stalina". - Jeżeli tego rodzaju akt, dotyczący według tej decyzji 30 tysięcy ludzi, nie jest aktem ludobójstwa, to się pytam, co nim jest? - powiedział. Lech Kaczyński zadał kolejne pytanie: "Czy Katyń był aktem zemsty?" "Tak, był. Rzeczywisty motyw to był odwet za rok 1920. Za innych ludzi, inne czasy" - odpowiedział."Czy nie był to akt wielkoruskiego szowinizmu? Tak, był" - kontynuował.Prezydent dodał, że świetnie rozumie potrzebę pojednania, ale - jak zauważył - "narody jednać się mogą tylko i wyłącznie w prawdzie". - Szczególnie jeżeli jest to duży naród, tak jak polski - podkreślił.Lech Kaczyński ocenił także, że pakt Ribbentrop-Mołotow był paktem "dwóch wyjątkowo agresywnych imperializmów i totalitaryzmów".- Polska nie ma powodów do odrabiania lekcji pokory - mówił prezydent. - Niech lekcje pokory odrabiają ci, którym nie jedna taka lekcja się należy; w imię przyszłości - podkreślił Lech Kaczyński.Jak zaznaczył, od historii "nie da się uciec", a "nasz świat to dla dziś żyjących pokoleń przede wszystkim przyszłość". "Ale nie da się jej od przeszłości oddzielić" - uważa Lech Kaczyński.W jego opinii, pojednanie w Europie jest potrzebne, a "podstawą tego pojednania musi być twarda niejednokrotnie prawda".Prezydent zwrócił uwagę, że lata 1939-41 "to lata nie tylko mordu na oficerach (zbrodnia katyńska), ale także tysiące egzekucji działaczy politycznych". - W tym także działaczy lewicy, którzy w pierwszej chwili myśleli, że oto nadchodzą dobre czasy. Szybko się skończyły przed sowieckimi plutonami egzekucyjnymi - powiedział L. Kaczyński.Podkreślił, że był to także okres niszczenia polskiej inteligencji i wywiezienia "nie tysięcy, ale setek tysięcy" ludzi do Kazachstanu, na Zabajkale, do republik w północnej Europie".- Taka jest prawda o tych czasach i jest w naszym interesie, także politycznym, żeby o tym pamiętać. Szczególnie wtedy, gdy 1 września, w 70. rocznicę wybuchu II wojny światowej, na Westerplatte, w miejscu, które jest symbolem, słyszymy o planie nowej architektury Europy - mówił prezydent. Dodał, że powinniśmy szukać Europy partnerskiej, w której - jak podkreślił - "naszemu krajowi należy się miejsce wynikające z jego wielkości i historii".
Plik:Soviet invasion on Poland 1939.jpg|thumb|left|Agresja ZSRR na Polskę 1939 '''Mija 70. rocznica radzieckiej agresji na Polskę w czasie II wojny światowej. Dnia 17 września 1939 r. Armia Czerwona wkroczyła na wschodnie tereny Rzeczpospolitej, łamiąc obowiązujący od 1932 r. polsko-sowiecki pakt o nieagresji.''' W pierwszych godzinach wydarzeń sprzed 70 lat opór armii radzieckiej stawiły strażnice graniczne i żołnierze Korpusu Ochrony Pogranicza. Na mocy paktu Ribbentrop–Mołotow dokonał się akt agresji ZSRR nazywany przez wielu IV rozbiorem Polski. Wojska radzieckie przekroczyły wschodnie granice Polski przyspieszając klęskę kampanii wrześniowej i przypieczętowując losy naszego kraju na początku II wojny światowej. Skutki agresji sowieckiej były tragiczne – na terenach okupowanych przez ZSRR komuniści dopuścili się licznych zbrodni wojennych. Setki tysięcy Polaków oraz obywateli polskich innych narodowości zostało poddanych terrorowi. Na zajmowane obszary razem z sowieckim wojskiem wkraczały oddziały NKWD, które dokonywały aresztowań i wywózek do obozów jenieckich w Związku Radzieckim. W rocznicę tragicznych dla Polski wydarzeń na terenie całego kraju odbyły się uroczystości upamiętniające zajścia sprzed 70 lat. W Białymstoku gościł ostatni prezydent na uchodźstwie, Ryszard Kaczorowski. Z kolei w uroczystości otwarcia Alei Ofiar Katyńskich na terenie kampusu studenckiego Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie wziął udział prezydent Lech Kaczyński. Jednoznacznie określił zbrodnię katyńską mianem ludobójstwa. Po uroczystości Lech Kaczyński, jako gość honorowy, wziął udział w inauguracji XVIII Powszechnego Zjazdu Historyków odbywającego się w Olsztynie. Następnie, podczas uroczystości na Skwerze Matki Sybiraczki w Warszawie, prezydent po raz kolejny odnosił się do tragicznych wydarzeń katyńskich, przywołując decyzję o wymordowaniu 30 tys. Polaków:
Golgota Wschodu Tragedia całej Europy Środkowej "Znamiona ludobójstwa" 17 września 1939 roku wojska ZSRR bez wypowiedzenia wojny dokonały agresji na terytorium Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej, naruszając jej suwerenność i łamiąc zasady prawa międzynarodowego. Podstawę do inwazji Armii Czerwonej dał pakt Ribbentrop-Mołotow zawarty 23 sierpnia 1939 r. między ZSRR i hitlerowskimi Niemcami . W ten sposób dokonano czwartego rozbioru Polski.Rzeczpospolita padła ofiarą dwóch totalitaryzmów: nazizmu i komunizmu. Wkroczenie Armii Czerwonej otworzyło kolejny, tragiczny rozdział w historii Polski i całej Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Długa jest lista zbrodni i nieszczęść, które dotknęły wtedy wschodnie tereny II RP i obywateli polskich, którzy się tam znaleźli. Składa się na nią zbrodnia wojenna rozstrzelania przez NKWD ponad 20 tys. bezbronnych jeńców, polskich oficerów, wysiedlenie i zesłanie setek tysięcy obywateli Rzeczpospolitej. Osadzenie ich w nieludzkich warunkach w obozach i więzieniach oraz przymuszanie do niewolniczej pracy. Te sowieckie zbrodnie rozpoczęły szereg aktów przemocy, które składają się na tragedię Golgoty Wschodu.Polski los podzieliło wiele innych narodów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Suwerenność straciły: Litwa, Łotwa i Estonia. Zagrożona została integralność terytorialna i suwerenność Finlandii i Rumunii. Archipelag Gułag pochłonął setki tysięcy istnień ludzkich wszystkich narodów tego regionu, w tym wielu obywateli ZSRR.Organizacja systemu, długotrwałość i skala zjawiska nadała tym zbrodniom - w tym zbrodni katyńskiej - znamiona ludobójstwa. Sejm RP stoi na stanowisku, że pojednanie polsko-rosyjskie wymaga poszanowania historycznej prawdy. Nie wolno jej przemilczeć ani nią manipulować.Sejm RP potępia wszelkie próby fałszowania historii i apeluje do wszystkich ludzi dobrej woli w Federacji Rosyjskiej, o wspólne, solidarne działanie na rzecz ujawnienia i potępienia zbrodni czasów stalinowskich.
Plik:Soviet invasion on Poland 1939.jpg|thumb|left|Agresja ZSRR na Polskę 1939 '''Mija 70. rocznica radzieckiej agresji na Polskę w czasie II wojny światowej. Dnia 17 września 1939 r. Armia Czerwona wkroczyła na wschodnie tereny Rzeczpospolitej, łamiąc obowiązujący od 1932 r. polsko-sowiecki pakt o nieagresji.''' W pierwszych godzinach wydarzeń sprzed 70 lat opór armii radzieckiej stawiły strażnice graniczne i żołnierze Korpusu Ochrony Pogranicza. Na mocy paktu Ribbentrop–Mołotow dokonał się akt agresji ZSRR nazywany przez wielu IV rozbiorem Polski. Wojska radzieckie przekroczyły wschodnie granice Polski przyspieszając klęskę kampanii wrześniowej i przypieczętowując losy naszego kraju na początku II wojny światowej. Skutki agresji sowieckiej były tragiczne – na terenach okupowanych przez ZSRR komuniści dopuścili się licznych zbrodni wojennych. Setki tysięcy Polaków oraz obywateli polskich innych narodowości zostało poddanych terrorowi. Na zajmowane obszary razem z sowieckim wojskiem wkraczały oddziały NKWD, które dokonywały aresztowań i wywózek do obozów jenieckich w Związku Radzieckim. W rocznicę tragicznych dla Polski wydarzeń na terenie całego kraju odbyły się uroczystości upamiętniające zajścia sprzed 70 lat. W Białymstoku gościł ostatni prezydent na uchodźstwie, Ryszard Kaczorowski. Z kolei w uroczystości otwarcia Alei Ofiar Katyńskich na terenie kampusu studenckiego Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie wziął udział prezydent Lech Kaczyński. Jednoznacznie określił zbrodnię katyńską mianem ludobójstwa. Po uroczystości Lech Kaczyński, jako gość honorowy, wziął udział w inauguracji XVIII Powszechnego Zjazdu Historyków odbywającego się w Olsztynie. Następnie, podczas uroczystości na Skwerze Matki Sybiraczki w Warszawie, prezydent po raz kolejny odnosił się do tragicznych wydarzeń katyńskich, przywołując decyzję o wymordowaniu 30 tys. Polaków:
El Congreso estatal designó al sociólogo y académico Salvador Ortega, como suplente del gobernador con licencia Ángel Aguirre Domingo, 26 de octubre de 2014 a las 10:58 (CNNMéxico) — Salvador Rogelio Ortega Martínez fue designado este domingo gobernador interino de Guerrero tras la licencia solicitada por Ángel Aguirre en medio de la polémica por los 43 normalistas desaparecidos en la entidad. Ante los diputados locales, Ortega Martínez se comprometió a encontrar a los jóvenes normalistas y a hacer justicia por los seis muertos que dejaron los enfrentamientos del 26 de septiembre en Iguala. “Quiero manifestar a las madres, padres a los familiares de los 43 jóvenes desaparecidos que estoy con ellos, hermanado en la fe que mueve montañas, en la esperanza que nunca muere”, señaló. Ortega dijo que Guerrero necesita todos los recursos de las instituciones del Estado mexicano, por lo que dijo pedirá ayuda al presidente Enrique Peña Nieto. "Es un momento que reclama el concurso de todas y todos los guerrerenses, pero en especial de quienes tienen una reponsabilidad ante la ciudadanía y el pueblo de Guerrero", señaló el nuevo gobernador. LEE: Quién es Rogelio Ortega, el gobernador interino de Guerrero Se comprometió a trabajar junto con los normalistas en un diálogo "abierto de cara a la sociedad para atender sus demandas", además dijo, no se criminalizará la protesta social, sino se encaminará para lograr la solución pacífica de los conflictos. "Nadie puede gobernar sin el apoyo del pueblo, nadie puede dar respuesta a las demandas de los guerrerenses sin la contitucion de una gran fuerza de todos y todas unidos", dijo Ortega Martínez. Ortega Martínez se puso como plazo enero del próximo año para terminar con la crisis de ingobernabilidad, pues dijo, entonces iniciará el proceso de cambio de poderes, por lo que buscará que al terminar la gestión de su breve mandato se haya dado solución a los problemas del estado. Pidió revisar "con lupa" a los candidatos para el proceso electoral del próximo año para que "nunca más tengamos en Guerrero gobernantes como el que tuvimos en Iguala", en referencia a José Luis Abarca, ligado al crimen organizado e involucrado en la desaparición de los normalistas. Nombrado por la mayoría Los 45 diputados locales analizaron el caso de Gobernador interino, luego de que el sábado otorgaran por unanimidad la licencia a Ángel Aguirre Rivero para salir de la gubernatura. Por 39 votos a favor, 6 en contra y cero abstenciones, el Congreso estatal nombró al académico de 59 años para concluir los 11 meses que restaban del periodo para el que fue electo Aguirre. Desde la noche del sábado, la bancada del PRD –compuesta por 20 de los 45 diputados locales- presentaron como propuesta única a Ortega Martínez, misma que fue respaldada por algunos legisladores del Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI). La presidenta de la Mesa Directiva del Congreso local, Laura Arizmendi Campos citó a sesión ordinaria hasta el martes, pero la Comisión de Gobierno convocó de manera extraordinaria para este domingo. Aguirre dejó el cargo cuatro semanas después de que 43 normalistas de Ayotzinapa desaparecieran en el municipio de Iguala y luego de las críticas que el hecho ha generado sobre su gestión. "Para favorecer un clima político que ponga la atención y la solución de estas prioridades (la localización de los normalistas), el día de hoy, con fundamento en el artículo 84 de nuestra Constitución Política del estado de Guerrero, he decidido solicitar licencia al honorable Congreso del estado", anunció Aguirre este jueves Ortega recibe apoyo por su nombramiento El presidente de México, Enrique Peña Nieto deseó éxito a Ortega ante "esta elevada responsabilidad", y se comprometió a trabajar juntos para crear condiciones de seguridad y desarrollo para esta entidad azotada por la delincuencia organizada y uno de los más pobres del país. El Congreso de Guerrero ha designado a Rogelio Ortega como Titular del Ejecutivo Estatal; todo el éxito en esta elevada responsabilidad. — Enrique Peña Nieto (@EPN) October 26, 2014 Carlos Navarrete, presidente del Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD) – del que también es parte el exgobernador Aguirre – felicitó a través de Twitter al nuevo gobernador. Una cálida felicitación al Dr Rogelio Ortega por su nombramiento como Gobernador de Guerrero! Hijo de una maestra rural, hombre de bien! — Carlos Navarrete (@Navarretecarlos) octubre 26, 2014 Tras la toma de protesta del gobernador interino, los diputados locales coincidieron que el gobierno del estado debe resguardar los derechos humanos en la entidad, además urgieron una limpieza de las policías municipales con el fin de recuperar la gobernabilidad. A nombre de la fracción parlamentaria de Movimiento Ciudadano, Mario Ramos del Carmen calificó de positivo ese nombramiento y sostuvo que la postura que tienen no es en contra de la propuesta del gobernador interino porque el “esfuerzo” que hará será para mantener la paz social, pero reprochó que no se haya dado el procedimiento en términos legales. “Es este momento no conozco el dictamen. Habíamos acordado, antier, que íbamos a platicar, que nos íbamos a reunir para analizar la situación de la figura del Gobernador interino que íbamos a elegir, no se dieron las cosas, ayer se comunicaron o intentaron conmigo comunicarse, en el transcurso de la noche”. Con información de Laura Reyes
Este domingo, el hasta hoy secretario general de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, , fue designado por el como gobernador interino, tras la licencia para abandonar el cargo solicitada y otorgada a en medio del caso de los 43 estudiantes desaparecidos en . Con 39 votos a favor, seis votos en contra y cero abstenciones, el Congreso nombró a este sociólogo y académico de 59 años como suplente de Aguirre. Roller Arellano Sotelo y Alejandro Carabias Icaza, secretarios de la Mesa Directiva, fueron los encargados del conteo de los votos emitidos por el Congreso constituido en . Con esto, Ortega Martínez concluirá los 11 meses que faltaban del periodo para el que fue electo el exgobernador Aguirre. Desde la noche del día de ayer, la bancada del (PRD) presentó como su propuesta de gobernado a Ortega Martínez, que fue respaldado también por algunos diputados del (PRI). Laura Arizmendi Campos, presidenta de la Mesa Directiva del Congreso local, había citado a sesión ordinaria hasta el próximo martes, no obstante, la Comisión de Gobierno convocó para este domingo. Este sábado, el Congreso aprobó por unanimidad la solicitud de licencia de Ángel Aguirre, gobernador del estado, para retirase del cargo. Aguirre había alegado que pidió licencia "para favorecer un clima que ponga la atención en la solución" del caso de los 43 estudiantes desaparecidos.
Guerrero Con 39 votos, seis votos en contra y cero abstenciones, el pleno del Congreso local nombró a Rogelio Salvador Ortega Martínez como gobernador interino del estado de Guerrero. Los diputados Roller Arellano Sotelo y Alejandro Carabias Icaza, secretarios de la Mesa Directiva, tuvieron bajo su responsabilidad el conteo de los votos emitidos por el Congreso local constituido en Colegio Electoral. La votación, por indicación de la Orden del Día y acuerdo de la Comisión de Gobierno se desarrolló por cédula y en urna transparente. A las 11:40 horas del domingo 26 de octubre, el doctor en Ciencias Políticas Rogelio Ortega Martínez tomó protesta como gobernador interino del estado de Guerrero. El ahora ex secretario general de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero (UAGro) llegó a la sala de Plenos del Poder Legislativo a las 11:30 horas, después de recibir el respaldo de 39 de 45 diputados presentes en la sesión. Lo introdujeron al recinto los diputados Javier Taja del PRI, Jorge Camacho del PAN y Jesús Marcial Liborio del PRD en calidad de Comisión de Cortesía. Saludó a los diputados ubicados en la primera fila de curules, posteriormente a los integrantes de la Mesa Directiva y se declaró listo para tomar la protesta de rigor. A las 11:40, ya instalado en la tribuna protestó cumplir y hacer cumplir la Constitución General de la República, la Constitución Política del Estado y las leyes que de ellas emanan. Después ya en calidad de titular del Poder Ejecutivo local estuvo en condiciones de escuchar el posicionamiento de las representaciones de partido y fracciones parlamentarias.
Este domingo, el hasta hoy secretario general de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, , fue designado por el como gobernador interino, tras la licencia para abandonar el cargo solicitada y otorgada a en medio del caso de los 43 estudiantes desaparecidos en . Con 39 votos a favor, seis votos en contra y cero abstenciones, el Congreso nombró a este sociólogo y académico de 59 años como suplente de Aguirre. Roller Arellano Sotelo y Alejandro Carabias Icaza, secretarios de la Mesa Directiva, fueron los encargados del conteo de los votos emitidos por el Congreso constituido en . Con esto, Ortega Martínez concluirá los 11 meses que faltaban del periodo para el que fue electo el exgobernador Aguirre. Desde la noche del día de ayer, la bancada del (PRD) presentó como su propuesta de gobernado a Ortega Martínez, que fue respaldado también por algunos diputados del (PRI). Laura Arizmendi Campos, presidenta de la Mesa Directiva del Congreso local, había citado a sesión ordinaria hasta el próximo martes, no obstante, la Comisión de Gobierno convocó para este domingo. Este sábado, el Congreso aprobó por unanimidad la solicitud de licencia de Ángel Aguirre, gobernador del estado, para retirase del cargo. Aguirre había alegado que pidió licencia "para favorecer un clima que ponga la atención en la solución" del caso de los 43 estudiantes desaparecidos.
Supremo Tribunal de Justiça encerra processo que envolve o antigo Secretário de Estado de Transportes e Telecomunicações, João Bernardo Vieira. O Porta-voz do PAIGC era acusado de corrupção pelo Ministério Publico. Fora preso, em Agosto do ano passado, e mais tarde libertado. Acompanhe a reportagem:
Supremo Tribunal de Justiça encerrou um processo que envolvia o antigo Secretário de Estado de Transportes e Telecomunicações, João Bernardo Vieira. O Porta-voz do PAIGC era acusado de corrupção pelo Ministério Publico. Ele foi preso em Agosto de 2016 e mais tarde foi libertado.
Guiné-Bissau Supremo Tribunal da Guiné-Bissau arquiva processo contra João Bernardo Vieira Por João Bernardo Vieira O antigo Secretário de Estado dos Transportes e Telecomunicações, João Bernardo Vieira, foi ilibado pelo Supremo Tribunal de Justiça e consequente arquivamento do processo que pendia sobre o mesmo. Os 11 juízes da corte suprema guineense decidiram através do Acórdão nº 01/2017, de 02 de agosto, declarar a inconstitucionalidade material, a medida de coação de obrigação de apresentação periódica, bem como de outras medidas restritivas ou limitações dos direitos fundamentais constitucionais consagrados que haviam sido aplicados pelo Ministério Público ao antigo Secretário de Estado dos Transportes e Telecomunicações nos governos de Domingos Simões Pereira e de Carlos Correia. Desde agosto de 2016 João Bernardo Vieira foi alvo pelo Ministério Público de medidas de coação como termo de identidade e de residência com obrigação de apresentação periódica por suspeito de prática de atos de corrupção quando exercia as funções de Secretário de Estado dos Transportes e Telecomunicações, no primeiro governo do Partido Africano da Independência da Guiné e Cabo- Verde (PAIGC) liderado por Domingos Simões Pereira. Com essa decisão do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça, que restabelece a sua liberdade, o também porta-voz do PAIGC pode agora intentar uma ação judicial contra o estado guineense por indemnização aos danos causados. Tiago Seide © e-Global Notícias em Português
Supremo Tribunal de Justiça encerrou um processo que envolvia o antigo Secretário de Estado de Transportes e Telecomunicações, João Bernardo Vieira. O Porta-voz do PAIGC era acusado de corrupção pelo Ministério Publico. Ele foi preso em Agosto de 2016 e mais tarde foi libertado.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2004 "for their discoveries of odorant receptors and the organization of the olfactory system" Richard Axel Linda B. Buck 1/2 of the prize 1/2 of the prize USA USA Columbia University New York, NY, USA; Howard Hughes Medical Institute Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Seattle, WA, USA; Howard Hughes Medical Institute b. 1946 b. 1947
Alfred Nobel Den Nobelpreis für Medizin und Physiologie erhielt in diesem Jahr das amerikanische Forscherduo Richard Axel und Linda B. Buck. Gemeinsam haben sie die genetische und physiologische Grundlage für den Prozeß der Geruchswahrnehmung aufklären können. Durch die Entdeckung und Bearbeitung von mehr als 1.000 Genen konnten sie erklären, wie der Mensch das enorme Spektrum von Gerüchen wahrnehmen kann.
Richard Axel Den Medizin-Nobelpreis teilen sich in diesem Jahr die beiden US-Forscher Richard Axel und Linda Buck. Sie haben herausgefunden, wie der unbekannteste unserer fünf Sinne, der menschliche Geruchssinn funktioniert. Die beiden Wissenschaftler haben eine Familie von rund tausend Genen beschrieben und später erforscht, wie die Erbinformationen das Riechgewebe in der Nase aufbauen. Die Entdeckungen von Axel und Buck "helfen zu verstehen, wie Menschen bewusst den Geruch von Flieder im Frühling erfahren und diese Erinnerung später abrufen können", hieß es in einer Erklärung der Königlich Schwedischen Akademie in Stockholm. Der unbekannteste der fünf Sinne Mit einer Serie von Studien zeigten die beiden Wissenschaftler, wie der Körper etwa 10.000 verschiedene Gerüche identifizieren kann. 1991 beschrieben sie gemeinsam rund tausend Gene der Maus, die der Geruchswahrnehmung dienen. Die Gene dienen als Bauanleitung für die Rezeptoren der Riechzellen. Später zeigten beide Forscher, dass in jeder Riechzelle nur eines dieser Gene abgelesen wird. Jede Zelle des so genannten olfaktorischen Epithels in der Nase verfügt also nur über einen Rezeptortyp. Daher reagiert jede Zelle nur auf eine Gruppe chemisch verwandter Geruchsstoffe und das verschieden stark. Riechen mit Gefühl Das olfaktorische Epithel enthält Nervenzellen, die Impulse an das Geruchszentrum im vorderen Teil des Gehirns senden. Dieser Hirnteil ist zum einen mit der Hirnrinde verbunden, in der bewusste Gedanken gefasst werden. Zum anderen wird die Geruchsinformation an das limbische System weitergeleitet, das für Gefühlswahrnehmung zuständig ist. Auf diese Art können Menschen sich ihr Leben lang an einen von Oma gebackenen Geburtstagskuchen oder den Gestank verdorbener Muscheln erinnern. Aufklärung des Geruchs-Gedächtnisses Linda Buck Der 58-jährige Richard Axel ist Professor für Biochemie, molekulare Biophysik und Pathologie an der Columbia University in New York. Sein Spezialgebiet ist das Empfangen, Filtern und Verstehen von Sinneseindrücken durch das Gehirn. Die ein Jahr jüngere Linda Buck ist am Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle tätig. Sie hat zuletzt erforscht, wie das Gehirn von Säugetieren Gerüche und Pheromone unterscheidet, interpretiert und wahrnimmt. Mehr zum Thema Sinne bei BR-ONLINE Unsere fünf Sinne Fühler zur Welt Sehen, Hören, Riechen, Schmecken, Tasten - unzählige Eindrücke strömen täglich auf uns ein. Erst das menschliche Gehirn setzt sie zu einem sinnvollen Ganzen zusammen. mehr ...
Alfred Nobel Den Nobelpreis für Medizin und Physiologie erhielt in diesem Jahr das amerikanische Forscherduo Richard Axel und Linda B. Buck. Gemeinsam haben sie die genetische und physiologische Grundlage für den Prozeß der Geruchswahrnehmung aufklären können. Durch die Entdeckung und Bearbeitung von mehr als 1.000 Genen konnten sie erklären, wie der Mensch das enorme Spektrum von Gerüchen wahrnehmen kann.
Facebook Inc. (FB) hovered near the initial public offering price in its trading debut, following a record IPO that made the social network more costly than almost every company in the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index. (SPX) The shares rose 23 cents above the IPO price of $38 as of 4 p.m. in New York. Facebook sold 421.2 million shares to raise $16 billion yesterday, giving the company a $104.2 billion market value. Underwriters bought Facebook’s stock to keep it from falling below the IPO price, people with knowledge of the matter said today. The offering valued the company at 107 times trailing 12-month earnings, more than every S&P 500 member except Inc. and Equity Residential. The performance disappointed some investors who expected a first-day pop. “They squeezed the lemon dry here,�? said Dan Veru, chief investment officer at Palisade Capital Management, who didn’t participate in the IPO. “They didn’t leave enough on the table. You want to price these things a little lower, so that the shares have better support in the aftermarket.�? The bankers supported the stock after Nasdaq OMX Group Inc. faced difficulties delivering trade execution messages following the IPO, said one of the people, who asked not to be identified because the transactions are private. Facebook spokesman Jonathan Thaw declined to comment. 100 Times Earnings The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission said that it will review the incident to figure out its cause and any steps needed to address it. The IPO price made Facebook, co-founded in 2004 by a then- teenage Mark Zuckerberg, the largest company to go public in the U.S. While Facebook has evolved from a Harvard University dorm- room project into a social network with more than 900 million users, revenue growth is poised to slow for a third straight year and advertising sales haven’t kept pace with user additions. “This is what happens when you price something around 100 times earnings,�? said Barry Ritholtz, chief executive officer at FusionIQ in New York. “If this closes poorly, there is nobody to blame but the company and the underwriters themselves.�? Facebook priced at the top end of its range of $34 to $38 a share, valuing it at about 26 times sales in the 12 months through March 31. As of yesterday, that was more than twice as much as AvalonBay Communities Inc. (AVB), currently the most costly company by that measure in the S&P 500. GM’s Offering Facebook shares opened at $42.05 today and initially surged as high as $45 before paring gains. At $16 billion, Facebook’s sale surpassed that of General Motors Co., making it the second-largest in U.S. history, excluding so-called over-allotments, which let underwriters buy more shares at a later date, data compiled by Bloomberg show. GM raised $15.8 billion in November 2010, before expanding the sale to $18.1 billion when underwriters exercised the over- allotment option. Visa Inc. raised $17.9 billion in its 2008 IPO, the biggest in the U.S., and later expanded the sale to $19.7 billion. Facebook’s underwriters may buy an additional 63.2 million shares at the IPO price, which would enlarge the IPO to as much as $18.4 billion. Facebook’s offering price gave it a market capitalization almost double the $60 billion United Parcel Service Inc., previously the biggest company to complete an IPO, was valued at when it went public in 1999, according to data compiled by Bloomberg and Dealogic. IPO Performance Facebook stock is listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market under the symbol FB. The social network, led by 28-year-old CEO Zuckerberg, is the first company to complete a U.S. IPO in a week, after vacuum-pump maker Edwards Group Ltd. raised $100 million on May 10. The 67 companies that completed U.S. IPOs this year before Facebook gained an average of 7.2 percent in public trading through yesterday, data compiled by Bloomberg show. Before today, six of the 10 best-performing newly listed U.S. stocks this year had been Internet or technology companies, led by Guidewire Software Inc., the provider of software to the insurance industry that gained 95 percent. Facebook’s IPO coincided with intensifying U.S. market turmoil. About $1 trillion had been erased from American equity values this month after speculation Greece will leave the euro region reversed the biggest first-quarter rally since 1998, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. $176 Million Facebook’s bankers, led by Morgan Stanley (MS), JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) and Goldman Sachs (GS) Group Inc., may split about $176 million for managing the IPO after accepting a lower-than-average fee for their work. Facebook hired more than 30 underwriters, which also included Bank of America Corp., Barclays Plc, Allen & Co., Citigroup Inc., Credit Suisse Group AG, and Deutsche Bank AG. They’ll get about 1.1 percent of what Facebook raised, said two people with knowledge of the matter, who declined to be identified because the rate is private. The IPO price gave Facebook a market value about half the size of Google Inc. (GOOG), which was worth more than $200 billion as of yesterday. The search-engine operator’s value has jumped almost ninefold in the eight years since it went public. To hand its public owners the same returns after pricing at the top of its offering range, Facebook would have to be worth about $920 billion by 2020. Apple Inc., the most valuable company in the world, had a market value of about $496 billion as of yesterday. Eclipsing Google Facebook’s offering eclipsed the 2004 IPO of Google, one of its chief competitors for online advertising. Google raised $1.9 billion in its initial share sale, including an over-allotment option. The shares sold at $85 apiece, giving Google a market value of about $23 billion, or about 10 times sales in the 12 months through June 30, 2004. Facebook boosted the deal’s size amid a two-week series of meetings where Zuckerberg, Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg and Chief Financial Officer David Ebersman pitched the sale to investors across the U.S. “There’s hundreds of millions of people that want to emotionally buy this stock and most of them are going to have to buy it in the aftermarket,�? Jon Merriman, chief executive officer at investment firm Merriman Holdings Inc. in San Francisco, said before the stock began trading. “I’d like to see it season over a couple of months.�? Investors’ Plans Venture capital firm Accel Partners, based in Palo Alto, California, planned to offer 49 million shares in the initial sale, while Goldman Sachs aimed to sell 28.7 million, according to terms Facebook disclosed this week. Digital Sky Technologies planned to sell 45.7 million shares, and Tiger Global Management planned to sell 23.4 million shares. Facebook executives and directors planned to sell 189.4 million shares. Including restricted stock units, options and common stock to be issued following the purchase of Instagram, the shares outstanding would total 2.74 billion. Some institutional investors had balked at buying into Facebook over concern about the site’s growth prospects, people with knowledge of the matter said last week. The social network generated sales of $3.7 billion last year, which are poised to rise 64 percent to $6.1 billion in 2012, according to researcher EMarketer Inc. Last month, Facebook said first-quarter profit fell to $205 million as sales growth slowed and marketing costs more than doubled. Mobile Prospects Facebook is trying to adapt as more users access its site via mobile phones instead of the Web. That put pressure on company executives to articulate their mobile strategy as they marketed the stock to potential investors ahead of the IPO. Facebook has said it would add mobile advertising along with new ads to reach users when they log off the company’s website. Facebook still faces hurdles in traditional Web advertising. General Motors (GM), the world’s biggest automaker by vehicles sold, said this week it was halting display ads on Facebook, while maintaining brand-promotion pages. “It worries me about the pressures that will be on Facebook to create this new stream of revenue,�? John Chachas, managing partner at Methuselah Capital Advisors LP, said in an interview on Bloomberg Television. “A lot of what you do on Facebook is hanging out. That does not lend itself to the monetization question.�? To contact the reporters on this story: Lee Spears in New York at; Sarah Frier in New York at To contact the editor responsible for this story: Jennifer Sondag at Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.
Grafika:NASDAQ.JPG|thumb|234px|Budynek NASDAQ na Times Square w Nowym Jorku Logo Facebooka. Grafika:Facebookheadquarters.jpg|thumb|left|Siedziba Facebook Inc. w Palo Alto w Kalifornii 18 maja br akcje spółki publicznej Facebook Inc. (FB) po raz pierwszy będą notowane na nowojorskim rynku giełdowym NASDAQ. Jest to najbardziej oczekiwany debiut na giełdzie NASDAQ od lat. W pierwotnej ofercie publicznej (IPO) akcje FB były oferowane po 38 dolarów. Zaoferowano ponad 421,2 mln akcji. FB z oferty publicznej pozyskał ok. 16 mld USD. Wartość firmy po wejściu na rynek kapitałowy wyniesie ponad 104 mld USD. Początek notowań FB na amerykańskim parkiecie o godzinie 15:30. Facebook to serwis społecznościowy stworzony przez Marka Zuckerberga z ponad 900 mln użytkowników z całego świata. Kurs na otwarciu wyniósł 42,05 dolara czyli 10,65 proc więcej niż cena emisyjna (38 dolarów), .
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Grafika:NASDAQ.JPG|thumb|234px|Budynek NASDAQ na Times Square w Nowym Jorku Logo Facebooka. Grafika:Facebookheadquarters.jpg|thumb|left|Siedziba Facebook Inc. w Palo Alto w Kalifornii 18 maja br akcje spółki publicznej Facebook Inc. (FB) po raz pierwszy będą notowane na nowojorskim rynku giełdowym NASDAQ. Jest to najbardziej oczekiwany debiut na giełdzie NASDAQ od lat. W pierwotnej ofercie publicznej (IPO) akcje FB były oferowane po 38 dolarów. Zaoferowano ponad 421,2 mln akcji. FB z oferty publicznej pozyskał ok. 16 mld USD. Wartość firmy po wejściu na rynek kapitałowy wyniesie ponad 104 mld USD. Początek notowań FB na amerykańskim parkiecie o godzinie 15:30. Facebook to serwis społecznościowy stworzony przez Marka Zuckerberga z ponad 900 mln użytkowników z całego świata. Kurs na otwarciu wyniósł 42,05 dolara czyli 10,65 proc więcej niż cena emisyjna (38 dolarów), .
Ways to track Facebook Inc. By clicking the "Like" button you will receive a daily update on FB (see sample below). MarketWatch will post an end-of-day news and price summary to your Facebook news feed. This is currently active on all US symbols and indexes. Clicking "Like" again will remove the update for this symbol.
Grafika:NASDAQ.JPG|thumb|234px|Budynek NASDAQ na Times Square w Nowym Jorku Logo Facebooka. Grafika:Facebookheadquarters.jpg|thumb|left|Siedziba Facebook Inc. w Palo Alto w Kalifornii 18 maja br akcje spółki publicznej Facebook Inc. (FB) po raz pierwszy będą notowane na nowojorskim rynku giełdowym NASDAQ. Jest to najbardziej oczekiwany debiut na giełdzie NASDAQ od lat. W pierwotnej ofercie publicznej (IPO) akcje FB były oferowane po 38 dolarów. Zaoferowano ponad 421,2 mln akcji. FB z oferty publicznej pozyskał ok. 16 mld USD. Wartość firmy po wejściu na rynek kapitałowy wyniesie ponad 104 mld USD. Początek notowań FB na amerykańskim parkiecie o godzinie 15:30. Facebook to serwis społecznościowy stworzony przez Marka Zuckerberga z ponad 900 mln użytkowników z całego świata. Kurs na otwarciu wyniósł 42,05 dolara czyli 10,65 proc więcej niż cena emisyjna (38 dolarów), .
5e congrès de Québec solidaire: le cahier synthèse des propositions maintenant public MONTRÉAL, le 20 nov. /CNW Telbec/ - La présidente et porte-parole de Québec solidaire, accompagnée du responsable aux orientations Simon Tremblay-Pepin, a rendu officiellement public aujourd'hui le cahier synthèse regroupant les propositions qui seront discutées au congrès d'orientation qui se déroulera toute la fin de semaine à l'École Mont-de-La Salle, à Laval. "Après avoir fait élire un premier député de gauche il y a un an, Québec solidaire marquera une nouvelle fois l'histoire politique du Québec ce week-end en adoptant la première partie de son tout premier programme politique. Quelle stratégie pour faire du Québec un pays ? Quel modèle de laïcité voulons-nous défendre ? Quelles institutions politiques devrions-nous avoir ? Voilà quelques-unes des questions fondamentales auxquelles nos militants et militantes seront appelés à répondre durant ce congrès d'orientation. Et signe que Québec solidaire est un parti bien en santé, les débats s'annoncent aussi nombreux qu'enrichissants", a déclaré Françoise David. "Ce congrès est l'aboutissement d'un vaste processus de démocratie participative. Il a débuté il y a plus d'un an par la formation de groupes composés de citoyens et de citoyennes, membres du parti ou non, à réfléchir au programme politique de QS. Leurs réflexions ont servi à alimenter le cahier synthèse que nous rendons public aujourd'hui", a précisé le responsable aux orientations Simon Tremblay-Pepin. À l'issue de ce congrès, "Québec solidaire proposera à la population une démarche claire, ouverte et hautement démocratique pour faire du Québec un pays démocratique, pluraliste et souverain", a conclu Françoise David. Des invités-es de marque prendront la parole lors de l'ouverture du congrès ce soir. Entre autres invités-es : - Ghislain Picard, Chef régional de l'Assemblée des Premières Nations du Québec et du Labrador ; - Louise Laurin, ancienne présidente du Mouvement national des Québécois et Patriote de l'année 2005 ; - Alexandra Pierre, directrice de l'Association des aides familiales du Québec ; - Mercedez Roberge, présidente du Mouvement pour une démocratie nouvelle. Par ailleurs, Québec solidaire innovera une nouvelle fois en matière de Web 2.0. En effet, Québec solidaire présentera en webdiffusion des moments choisis du congrès de cette fin de semaine à l'adresse suivante : Le cahier synthèse est disponible à l'adresse suivante : Renseignements: Francis Boucher, communications, (514) 710-0466
Françoise David Hier, Françoise David, la présidente et porte-parole de Québec solidaire, a rendu officiellement publique le cahier de synthèse des propositions pour leur premier programme politique. Il sera discuté en fin de semaine à l'École Mont-de-La Salle, à Laval. , a déclaré Françoise David. , a précisé le responsable aux orientations Simon Tremblay-Pepin. Le parti politique diffusera sur le web quelques moments du congrès sur son .
The iPhone 3GS is around twice as fast as the current iPhone model, the iPhone 3G, and has a better battery life, and is available with more storage. The “S” suffix in the new iPhone model stands for “speed”, and the device will be available in the UK on June 19. Phil Schiller, senior vice president of worldwide product marketing at Apple, told delegates at the WWDC conference in San Francisco: “People expect a great phone with a great user experience. This is it. The iPhone 3GS is a really fast phone.” The iPhone 3GS features an improved three-megapixel camera, as well as the ability to record video, which can be instantly shared to YouTube. Users will also be able to give their iPhone voice commands, telling it to dial a friend, or play a certain song. Users will be able to ask what song is playing, and the iPhone will read the song information aloud. It will be available in 16GB and 32GB models, with prices starting at $199. Apple will continue to sell the 8GB iPhone 3G at a reduced price of $99. Apple also unveiled more details of the new iPhone 3.0 software which will come with the iPhone 3GS, and be available as a free download to existing iPhone users. The update, which will be available on June 17, brings copy and paste to the iPhone, as well as the ability to search for photos, emails and documents across the whole device. It adds turn-by-turn directions to Google Maps, enabling the iPhone to be used as a sat nav device, and push-notifications, so users can be alerted whenever they receive a new instant message. It also means certain applications, such as sports applications, can instantly alert users whenever a goal is scored. Users of the iPhone and iPod touch will also be able to download movies, television shows and audiobooks directly to their device from the iTunes store, and Apple has introduced parental controls to ensure youngsters cannot access inappropriate content. One of the best new features is Find My iPhone, a new tracking service that allows iPhone owners to pinpoint the location of lost or stolen handsets, and even to remotely wipe their device. The Find MyiPhone program enables iPhone owners to log on to any computer to find their lost or stolen iPhone. They can send a message to the iPhone so that it makes a “homing” noise, either to attract the attention of passers-by if it was dropped in the street, or make it easier to find which room at home the iPhone has been left in. If the iPhone has been stolen, owners can remotely wipe the device via their computer to ensure thieves do not have access to their personal data. Apple also announced improvements to its range of notebook computers, adding more memory and faster processors to the 15in MacBook Pro and introducing a new 13in MacBook Pro. Both laptops will boast up to seven hours of battery life, and an SD card slot, so that people can pop their memory card out of their digital camera and straight in to their computer to start editing and sharing photos. The company also unveiled new details of its next-generation computer operating system, Snow Leopard. The software will take up 6GB less hard disk space than Apple’s current operating system, Leopard, and also features enhanced tools to make it quicker and easier for users to write emails, share videos, edit photos, and find important documents.
iPhone at Macworld 2007. Apple Computer today announced its latest iteration of their popular iPhone, the ''iPhone 3G S''. The new hardware, revealed at the company's annual Worldwide Developers Conference drew attention from the media and iPhone owners alike. Features new to the iPhone include an upgraded camera, which also allows users to record video and sound, as well as "voice control", which will allow users to control most features of the iPhone with their voice. The new phone will also come pre-loaded with the new iPhone 3.0 software, which will be available on June 17, two days before the phone launches. In addition to the new iPhone hardware, Apple also demonstrated some of the features of its new desktop operating system, Snow Leopard, and highlighted the new Safari 4.0 web browser. The iPhone 3G S will be available in a 16 GB and 32 GB models, retailing for US$199 and $299 respectively.
As expected, the new Apple iPhone 3GS is out. We were right: The photos of the new iPhone were real. Here you have a comprehensive guide to the iPhone 3GS' new features: Speed The "S" stands for "SPEED!" And according to Apple, it is faster launching applications or rendering Web pages. • The iPhone 3GS has a new processor built-in. Apple claims that it is up to two times faster than the previous generation: Launching messages is 2.1 faster, load the NY Times in Safari: 2.9 times faster. It also consumes less, which has an impact on the improved battery life. Camera This is one of the strong points of the iPhone 3GS, according to Apple. They increased the resolution to 3 megapixels, which—judging from the shots they showed-seems much better quality under all conditions. • 3 Megapixels sensor. • New camera, with auto focus, auto exposure, and auto white balance. • You can also tap to focus, changing white balance in the process. That is really neat, if you ask me. • Special macro and low light modes. • The camera also supports photo and video geotagging. • Any application can access all the camera functions now. • It supports video, 30 frames per second VGA with auto focus, auto white balance, and auto exposure. • You can trim the video shot just using your finger, then share it via MMS, email, MobileMe and YouTube. Connectivity The other part of the "S" is the support for the faster 7.2 Mbps 3G standard, which in theory will deliver data faster to your iPhone. • Three band UMTS/HSDPA. • Four band GSM/EDGE. • Wi-Fi 802.11b/g. • Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR Graphics • The new iPhone 3GS includes new 3D graphics support in hardware. This means faster and more complicated 3D games. • Same 3.5-inch widescreen multitouch display, but this time it has a fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating. I wonder if it will withstand a full frontal Shake Shack burger attack. Design • Same design as before, including the glossy finish of the back (so much for all the rumors about the matte back.) • Same size as the old iPhone 3G: 4.5 x 2.4 x 0.48 inches. • The weight increases a bit: One ounce to 4.8 ounces (135 grams vs 133 grams). • Greener materials: Arsenic-free glass, BDF-free, Mercury-free LCD. New special features • It has a magnetometer, which works with a Compass application, third parties, and it is integrated into the new Google maps app, showing your orientation with a small semitransparent cone. • Voice control. You can now talk with your iPhone, Enterprise-style. You can instruct it to play similar songs to the one you are playing, or call people. • Nike + support built in. • Supports accessibility features, like zooming on text, inverting video, and voice over when you touch whatever text is on screen. Battery life • One of the more important new features is the increased battery life. • According to Apple, you will get up to 12 hours of talk time on 2G and 5 on 3G, with a up to 300 hour standby time. • On 3G, it will deliver 5 hours of internet use. • On Wi-Fi, Internet goes up to 9 hours. • Video playback is 10 hours vs 30 hours for audio. Price and availability • $199 for 16GB version. • $299 for 32GB version. • Available on June 19th. If you are "a valued AT&T; customer," AT&T; offers an "early iPhone upgrade with a new 2-yr commitment and an $18 upgrade fee." The price? $399.00 for the 16GB iPhone 3G S and $499.00 for the 32GB iPhone 3G S. It gets worse: For non-qualified customers, including existing AT&T; customers who want to upgrade from another phone or replace an iPhone 3G, the price with a new two-year agreement is $499 (8GB), $599 (16GB), or $699 (32GB). Insane. Way to go AT&T;.
iPhone at Macworld 2007. Apple Computer today announced its latest iteration of their popular iPhone, the ''iPhone 3G S''. The new hardware, revealed at the company's annual Worldwide Developers Conference drew attention from the media and iPhone owners alike. Features new to the iPhone include an upgraded camera, which also allows users to record video and sound, as well as "voice control", which will allow users to control most features of the iPhone with their voice. The new phone will also come pre-loaded with the new iPhone 3.0 software, which will be available on June 17, two days before the phone launches. In addition to the new iPhone hardware, Apple also demonstrated some of the features of its new desktop operating system, Snow Leopard, and highlighted the new Safari 4.0 web browser. The iPhone 3G S will be available in a 16 GB and 32 GB models, retailing for US$199 and $299 respectively.
(CNN) -- A new, faster version of the popular iPhone will hit stores June 19, Apple said Monday. The new iPhone 3GS will have a camera that shoots video and zooms, among other new features. The iPhone 3GS is billed as a more powerful, feature-laden follow-up to the 3G, which the company says revolutionized the way people use mobile phones. The 3GS features a similar look to the current iPhone, complete with a sleek rectangular shape and a large touch screen. But the phone comes packed with new features inside, according to CNET reporter Erica Ogg, who blogged live from the event. Ogg says the 3GS has a new camera that shoots video and zooms. A touch-screen feature also lets iPhone photographers tap the area of the photo they would like to put into focus, she says. The new phone reportedly will have a longer battery life. iPhone 3GS will be available in the United States on June 19 and will hit 80 countries by August, Ogg says. The new iPhone carries a price tag similar to the old iPhone. A version with 16 gigabytes of storage will sell for $199 with a new contract; one with a 32-gigabyte storage capacity will cost $299. Watch's Dylan Tweney on Apple's big announcement » Apple also said it has dropped the price of the current iPhone 3G to $99 ahead of the release of the 3GS. The $99 model features 8 gigabytes of storage. The announcements came at Apple's much-anticipated Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco, California. The annual event was attended by 5,000 Apple tech developers, Fortune reports. WWDC, as the conference is called, is known for its innovative announcements. Apple appeared to meet expectations of many tech bloggers, who had been awaiting a new iPhone model. Perhaps the only disappointment was that Apple CEO Steve Jobs did not make an appearance on stage. There had been speculation online that the popular tech figure would make a cameo at the event. Jobs has been on medical leave since January. Apple also discussed a new iPhone operating system, version 3.0, which adds a cut-copy-paste feature to current iPhones. Apple said the new software adds 100 new features. One of those getting the most buzz was the Find My iPhone feature, which will be available only for customers of Mobile Me, an Apple service that lets users sync e-mail and other data between computers and iPhones. If you lose your phone, Mobile Me will display a Google Map that shows where your iPhone is, as long as it's turned on. You can then send a message to the phone, and it will sound an alarm, alerting nearby people to save it for you. If you think you've lost the phone permanently, you can remotely wipe all your data; if you find your missing phone later, you can plug it into iTunes and restore all your data. New iPhone applications were also discussed. Apple has gotten widespread praise for the fact that independent developers can create programs for the iPhone. Read blogs from CNET and Fortune for details on the latest iPhone apps and other news from Monday's event. Apple's laptops and computer operating systems were also discussed Monday. Apple Senior Vice President Bertrand Serlet took the stage to demonstrate the company's newest operating system, called Snow Leopard. It will hit stores in September, although a "near-final" version was made available for developers Monday. Serlet also said that Apple's Safari 4 browser, which was released in beta in February, will ship Monday. Apple marketing head Philip Schiller also unveiled a new version of a 15-inch MacBook Pro, which he said will feature up to seven hours of battery life. The unibody aluminum laptop boasts a new battery that can handle 1,000 recharges and should last five years before its life begins to diminish, he said. Phones remained the focus of the event, however. Apple's phones are the second-best-selling consumer smartphones in the U.S., according to the NPD Group, an online market-research firm. Smartphones are a category of mobile phones that act kind of like personal computers, allowing people to surf the Internet, share photos and keep up with e-mail while on the move. About a quarter of all consumer phones sold from January to April of this year were smartphones, NPD says. The iPhone faces new competition from the Palm Pre, a smartphone that debuted Friday and claims to combine Apple's popular touch screen with a more functional keyboard, like the one found on a popular business-class smartphone, the BlackBerry. CNN's Brandon Griggs contributed to this report. All About Apple iPhone
iPhone at Macworld 2007. Apple Computer today announced its latest iteration of their popular iPhone, the ''iPhone 3G S''. The new hardware, revealed at the company's annual Worldwide Developers Conference drew attention from the media and iPhone owners alike. Features new to the iPhone include an upgraded camera, which also allows users to record video and sound, as well as "voice control", which will allow users to control most features of the iPhone with their voice. The new phone will also come pre-loaded with the new iPhone 3.0 software, which will be available on June 17, two days before the phone launches. In addition to the new iPhone hardware, Apple also demonstrated some of the features of its new desktop operating system, Snow Leopard, and highlighted the new Safari 4.0 web browser. The iPhone 3G S will be available in a 16 GB and 32 GB models, retailing for US$199 and $299 respectively.
About 162,000 people were eligible to vote in the breakaway territory [AFP] About 162,000 people were eligible to vote in the breakaway territory [AFP] With 100 per cent of the ballot counted, the right wing National Unity Party (UBP) clinched 44.06 per cent of the vote, giving it by provisional accounts an outright majority in the 50 seat parliament. The opposition in northern Cyprus has won a landslide victory in elections that some analysts say will jeapordise efforts to reunite the ethnically divided island. It was a stinging defeat for the ruling Republican Turkish Party (CTP), a key ally of Mehmet Ali Talat, the Turkish Cypriot leader. The CTP, which bore the brunt of public discontent over a faltering economy and continued international isolation of the breakaway territory, took 29.25 per cent of the vote. About 162,000 people were eligible to vote for the 50-seat parliament in the breakaway territory, the administration of which is only recognised by Turkey. The election outcome would not directly affect Talat, who began unity talks with Greek Cypriots in September. But victory for the UBP is likely to limit Talat's ability to negotiate a settlement. Cyprus has been divided since 1974 when Turkey invaded in response to a coup by supporters of reunification with Greece. The basis of the talks had been reuniting the island as a bizonal federation, though the UBP said it wanted a rethink of the process. Peace bid Talat has held talks with Dimitris Christofias, the Greek Cypriot president, which many have viewed as the most realistic attempts at a lasting peace in decades. Talat's Republican Turkish Party had 25 deputies in the last assembly, while the UBP had only 16. Talat said that regardless of who wins, the winner of the elections should not disrupt current peace negotiations. "A government in [Northern Cyrpus] that seeks to scupper the talks will also be harming Turkey's EU accession process," he told Havadis, a Turkish Cypriot daily. The UBP, led by Dervis Eroglu, had a 15 point lead over Talat's party. Eroglu said that a unified Cyprus should not be the only option and promised to appoint a representative to accompany Talat in negotiations with Christofias. "Everything will be easier if it is universally accepted that we are a nation and that we have a state," Eroglu said. Greek Cypriots represent Cyprus in the European Union, and say they will not allow Turkey to join the bloc as long as the island remains divided.
The Turkish Cypriot's right-wing National Unity Party (UBP), has won the republic's elections on Sunday in a landslide, according to provisional results released by officials. With all votes having been counted, the UBP won 44.06% of all votes, garnering it a majority in Northern Cyprus' 50-seat parliament by provisional accounts. Incumbent Republican Turkish Party (CTP), an ally of the Turkish Cypriot's leader Mehmet Ali Talat, received the second most votes, taking 29% of the ballot. Election authorities estimated that voter turnout at the polls was about 81.3%. Around 162,000 people were eligible to vote. The Turkish Cypriot government is only officially recognized by Turkey. Cyprus has been divided for 35 years after Turkey invaded the island in 1974, following a coup by a group of people supporting reunification with Greece.
Turkish Cypriot hardliners secure resounding election victory in northern Cyprus, raising concern about about the future of peace talks with Greek Cypriots and Turkey's EU membership ambitions. The right-wing National Unity Party (UBP) had around 44 percent of the vote, according to provisional results released by the Turkish Cypriot administration on Sunday, April 19. The UBP advocates an outright two-state settlement on Cyprus, at odds with the federal model now being discussed by Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat and Greek Cypriot leader Demetris Christofias. Talat's allies, the center-left Republican Turkish Party (CTP), were in second place with just over 29 percent of the vote. The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) is only recognized by Ankara. About 160,000 people were eligible to vote in Sunday's election. Election officials estimated turnout at 81.3 percent. The Turkish press said that up to 100,000 voters are settlers from the Turkish mainland with TRNC papers. A setback for reunification? In the run-up to the vote, campaigning focused on the economy and reunification talks, with voters growing skeptical of President Talat's policy of reconciliation with Greek Cypriots. Talat will remain the chief negotiator for the Turkish Cypriots in the talks with Cyprus President Demetris Christofias, but the strong showing by nationalists is likely to weaken his bargaining position. The aim of the current talks is to reunite the island as a bizonal federation. The UBP, however, says it wants a rethink of the process. "We will continue to support negotiations," said UBP leader Dervis Eroglu. "No one should say we are against them. We will put forward our views and discuss them within the framework of Turkey's foreign policy on Cyprus." In an earlier interview with Turkey's Zaman newspaper, Eroglu was quoted as saying: "Everything will be easier if it is universally accepted that we (Turkish Cypriots) are a nation and that we have a state." The last attempt at a negotiated solution to the Cypriot problem collapsed five years ago when Turkish Cypriots voted in favor of a UN settlement plan which was then rejected by Greek Cypriot voters. A United Nations buffer zone currently separates the two communities.
The Turkish Cypriot's right-wing National Unity Party (UBP), has won the republic's elections on Sunday in a landslide, according to provisional results released by officials. With all votes having been counted, the UBP won 44.06% of all votes, garnering it a majority in Northern Cyprus' 50-seat parliament by provisional accounts. Incumbent Republican Turkish Party (CTP), an ally of the Turkish Cypriot's leader Mehmet Ali Talat, received the second most votes, taking 29% of the ballot. Election authorities estimated that voter turnout at the polls was about 81.3%. Around 162,000 people were eligible to vote. The Turkish Cypriot government is only officially recognized by Turkey. Cyprus has been divided for 35 years after Turkey invaded the island in 1974, following a coup by a group of people supporting reunification with Greece.
Troubled Bernier quits over document breach Elizabeth Thompson and Mike Blanchfield, Canwest News Service Published: Monday, May 26, 2008 OTTAWA - Foreign Affairs Minister Maxime Bernier has resigned after leaving NATO-summit documents in the home of his former girlfriend, Julie Couillard. "She found it and she returned it," said a government source. The package of documents was delivered to the Foreign Affairs department Sunday night. Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced Bernier's resignation at a hastily called news conference early Monday evening, in what is the most severe blow to his two-year minority government, but gave few details. A well-placed source said Bernier left his "prep material" for last month's NATO summit in Romania in Couillard's home. The documents were a spokesperson's briefing book and another document, the contents of which the source would not disclose. But the source said they did not contain any sensitive financial information. "They were not market sensitive; they were not anything that could move markets," said the source. Shortly after the news conference, in an interview broadcast on the Quebec television station TVA, Couillard said in mid-April the minister had left a government document at her Laval, Que., home during a routine visit. She would not elaborate on the contents of the document but said, in French, it "was clear that the documents were not for her." Couillard said she had been advised by legal experts to return the documents to the government and that after hearing that she returned them to Foreign Affairs. During the interview Couillard said Bernier was aware in the midst of the public furore of their relationship that he had left the document behind at her home, but he had not called to retrieve it because they had stopped communicating. "He isn't without knowledge of it, he's the one who left it at my place. He knows. But we haven't talked again since that event," she told the interviewer. Also during the interview Couillard said experts examined her home and determined her home was under surveillance and the activities within the four walls were being tape recorded. She said she had her home checked after her burglar alarm behaved oddly and she was told a microphone had been placed in the boxspring of her bed. "They didn't find any taperecorder but they found places where a microphone had been in the boxspring of my bed," she said, recounting how the electronic eavesdropping experts had shown her the staple marks and the tear left in her boxspring. The allegation, if true, is bound to raise profound questions, including: was her residence bugged before or after her association with Bernier became known, and who placed the surveillance device . At the Parliament Hill news conference, Harper said the minister's decision to resign came Monday afternoon after he realized he had left classified government documents in an insecure area. "It is a very severe mistake for any minister," Harper told reporters outside the House of Commons during the conference - just hours before he was to fly to western Europe for a four-country trip. "The minister had immediately acknowledged the gravity of his mistake." Opposition critics immediately pounced on the prime minister for leaving questions unanswered about the affair, and for expressing confidence in Bernier just hours earlier. They had been calling for Bernier's resignation for weeks over a string of gaffes as well as questions about his former girlfriend's associations with Quebec biker gangs. According to a statement by the prime minister, Bernier became aware of the problem Sunday night and he tendered his resignation Monday afternoon. Harper said it was at that point he became aware of the "security breach." "The prime minister has been very dismissive of this situation for at least three weeks now," said Liberal House leader Ralph Goodale. "The prime minister has been proven to be incorrect. That raises some question about his judgment." Goodale said Bernier has embarrassed Canada on the international stage. NDP Leader Jack Layton said Bernier's departure raises even more questions about the circumstances surrounding his conduct in the foreign affairs portfolio. "This was clearly the straw that broke the camel's back on a series of incompetencies," said Layton. "We have the bungle in Burma, we have all kinds of confusion around the governor of Kandahar, we've had the leak on trade deal that affected the U.S. presidency. It's been one thing after another." International Trade Minister David Emerson has assumed responsibility for foreign affairs. The prime minister would not reveal any details about what the classified documents were about or where they were left. He also did not mention who may have had contact with the classified information. "This is a grave mistake. We're always expecting from the ministers to keep secret classified documents, government documents," Harper said, adding that this is a warning to all ministers. He refuted any suggestions that Bernier's resignation had anything to do with Couillard. "This is not to do with the minister's private life," Harper said. "I'm very disappointed. I'm very disappointed for the government, disappointed for Maxime. It is very unfortunate." During the TVA interview, Couillard discussed how she had met Bernier and how the relationship "fairly rapidly" became intimate. At one point, when he asked her to be his girlfriend, Bernier told her if she accepted she would have to be his girlfriend for at least a year because in his position he couldn't change girlfriends the way you change shirts. However, she denied ever asking to be present at any government meeting or ever suggesting changes to any of his speeches. Couillard recounted how she participated in private dinners with Harper and his wife and traveled with Bernier on official trips to Paris and to the United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York City. It was at that meeting that she got to meet U.S. President George W. Bush at a reception Bush organized at the posh Waldorf Astoria Hotel and caught his eye. "Well, well, well," Bush told Bernier, she recalled. "Haven't you been keeping good company" Couillard said it was fun meeting Bush but it wasn't worth the grief that she has suffered as a result of the media circus that descended on her after it was revealed that she had past connections to members of the Rockers biker gang. Now, all she wants to do is pick up the pieces of her career and her life and put it all behind her. Earlier Monday the government faced calls for tighter rules surrounding sensitive contracts following the revelation that Bernier's former girlfriend was part of a bid for an airport security contract, only a few years after being married to a member of a biker gang. "This is about the possibility . . . of a link between organized crime and airport security in Montreal and the possibility of improper bidding for contracts relating to security," Deputy Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff told reporters. "I don't care about her skirts, I don't care about her cleavage, I don't care about her past, I don't care about any of it, it is none of my business quite rightly. But this (security) stuff is not only my business, it is the business of all Canadians." Serge Menard, a former Quebec justice and public security minister who is now a Bloc Quebecois MP, echoed Ignatieff's concern about Couillard's involvement in a bid for a security contract at Montreal's airport. Menard said the Hells Angels have been known to place people in strategic positions and infiltrate organizations to further their illegal activities "Even if she hasn't committed any infraction, she is a person who could represent a security risk," said Menard. Those comments came after Le Devoir reported Monday that Couillard, a registered real estate agent, also owns her own security firm and played an active role in a bid by a company owned by a former boyfriend to get a security contract from the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority. While Robert Pepin's company, Agence d'investigations et de securite D.R.P, didn't get the 2004 contract, the company did have access to the information on security at Trudeau International Airport that was provided to those bidding on the contract. Pepin, who split up with Couillard in 2005 and later committed suicide, is reported to have owed a large amount of money to a Hells Angels loan shark and had received threats in connection with the debt. In February 2005, as her relationship with Pepin was breaking up, Couillard set up her own security company, Itek Global Solutions. Couillard was thrust into the headlines earlier this month when it was revealed that she was once married to a member of a Quebec biker gang in the late 1990's and dated another biker before that. At one point she was arrested in a raid carried out by the Wolverine squad investigating motorcycle gangs but was released without charges after being questioned. © Canwest News Service 2008
Maxime Bernier, Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs, resigned after it was revealed that he left classified materials at an insecure location. Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced Bernier's resignation in Ottawa on Monday. Maxime Bernier last September Bernier was once in a relationship with Julie Couillard, whose previous associations with the controversial Hells Angels biker group were reported in recent months. In an interview with French-language television network TVA, Couillard indicated that Bernier left behind some designated secret documents at her residence. She returned these to the federal government upon advice from a lawyer. Opposition politicians were critical of Harper and his handling of the matter, noting that until today the Prime Minister downplayed security concerns surrounding Bernier's relationship with Couillard. Negative reaction to Bernier's resignation quickly came from Liberal party house leader Ralph Goodale and NDP leader Jack Layton. Bernier has a track record of controversy as a member of the Harper government. Last week, he hastily promised Canadian military aircraft for relief efforts in cyclone-ravaged Burma, although the aircraft in question were already occupied elsewhere. The Canadian government was forced to rent a Russian aircraft to fulfill Bernier's promise. Bernier also received criticism earlier this year after he made public comments calling for the removal of an Afghanistan governor from office. David Emerson will assume Bernier's Foreign Affairs duties, at least for the short term.
Bernier quits cabinet post over security breach Foreign affairs minister departs ahead of ex-girlfriend's TV interview Embattled Foreign Affairs Minister Maxime Bernier has resigned from cabinet over a security breach involving classified documents, Prime Minister Stephen Harper told reporters on Monday. Prime Minister Stephen Harper announces Monday that he has accepted the resignation of Foreign Affairs Minister Maxime Bernier. (Fred Chartrand/Canadian Press)The resignation came ahead of Monday night's airing of a French-language television interview of Bernier's former girlfriend, Julie Couillard, in which she revealed the minister had left a secret document in her apartment sometime in April that she later returned to Foreign Affairs. "Maxime came to my house, and the document stayed there," Couillard said during her interview with private television network TVA, without disclosing the contents of the document. Harper said he accepted Bernier's resignation after learning Monday that Bernier had inadvertently left the documents in an unsecured location. "It's only this error. It's a very serious error for any minister," Harper said. "The minister immediately recognized the gravity of that error." The prime minister staunchly defended Bernier in recent weeks after he came under fire for his involvement with Couillard, who has been linked to the criminal biker underworld. "Let me be clear: This is not to do with the minister's private life," Harper said Monday. "What matters here is that rules respecting government classified documents were broken. Obviously it was not done on purpose … but it was clearly done and it has to be treated appropriately." Harper has asked Trade Minister David Emerson to assume the foreign affairs portfolio on an interim basis, while Heritage Minister Josée Verner will handle the Ministry of La Francophonie, which was also held by Bernier. Bernier, 45, was elected to the House of Commons in January 2006 to represent the Quebec riding of Beauce and previously served as minister of industry in Harper's cabinet. PM 'has a lot of explaining to do': Goodale Bernier has also been in a weakened position in recent weeks since a gaffe in April during a visit to Afghanistan, where he publicly suggested the removal of the governor of Kandahar. Foreign Affairs Minister Maxime Bernier responds to a question during question period in the House of Commons in Ottawa on Wednesday. (Tom Hanson/Canadian Press)Earlier this month, the federal government was forced to rent a Russian cargo jet to ship helicopters to Burma to deliver aid after Bernier publicly promised the Canadian military's new C-17 transports, none of which were immediately available, would handle the job. Montreal newspaper Le Devoir reported Monday that Couillard, who was once married to a biker, is the head of a high-tech firm that has been involved in airport security. Liberal MP Ralph Goodale said the prime minister "has a lot of explaining to do" after dismissing MPs' questions on the matter in recent weeks, which he said were always asked in a "respectful and measured tone." "The prime minister just swept them all aside and said, 'There's no problem here,' " Goodale told reporters Monday. "Obviously, tonight he's been proven incorrect." Speaking to reporters after the announcement, Bloc Québécois Leader Gilles Duceppe rejected Harper's contention that Bernier's resignation had nothing to do with Couillard's highly anticipated interview . Duceppe said many questions remain unanswered, including how "people with very strange pasts" can bid on government contracts for airport security. NDP Leader Jack Layton said it was about time that Bernier was replaced after committing a "series of incompetencies." "It's been one thing after another and why the prime minister didn't come forward with more information about this whole sordid mess is something he's going to have to answer for," he told reporters. Former girlfriend was married to Rocker Le Devoir reported Monday that Couillard's business specializes in "systems of high security technology" that include security system installations and passenger security. The information was provided to Le Devoir by a former employee at Couillard's firm. Couillard, 38, receives documents regarding airport security, according to the report. Published reports have referred to court documents that say Couillard once married a member of the Rockers biker gang, and was a potential target of Hells Angels kingpin Maurice (Mom) Boucher while she dated another biker. Couillard has said she cut off ties with the underworld in 1999, and her romantic involvement with bikers is part of a distant past. She started dating Bernier before he was sworn in as foreign affairs minister in 2007. They recently split up. Couillard said her name and reputation have been tarnished because of published reports documenting her past ties, but she is not ashamed of anything. With files from the Canadian Press
Maxime Bernier, Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs, resigned after it was revealed that he left classified materials at an insecure location. Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced Bernier's resignation in Ottawa on Monday. Maxime Bernier last September Bernier was once in a relationship with Julie Couillard, whose previous associations with the controversial Hells Angels biker group were reported in recent months. In an interview with French-language television network TVA, Couillard indicated that Bernier left behind some designated secret documents at her residence. She returned these to the federal government upon advice from a lawyer. Opposition politicians were critical of Harper and his handling of the matter, noting that until today the Prime Minister downplayed security concerns surrounding Bernier's relationship with Couillard. Negative reaction to Bernier's resignation quickly came from Liberal party house leader Ralph Goodale and NDP leader Jack Layton. Bernier has a track record of controversy as a member of the Harper government. Last week, he hastily promised Canadian military aircraft for relief efforts in cyclone-ravaged Burma, although the aircraft in question were already occupied elsewhere. The Canadian government was forced to rent a Russian aircraft to fulfill Bernier's promise. Bernier also received criticism earlier this year after he made public comments calling for the removal of an Afghanistan governor from office. David Emerson will assume Bernier's Foreign Affairs duties, at least for the short term.
en | Canada | Embattled Bernier resigns Embattled Bernier resigns VIDEO: Embattled Bernier resigns THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO Maxime Bernier, accompanied by Julie Couillard, arrives to be sworn in as foreign affairs minister in August 2007. May 26, 2008 10:43 PM Les Whittington Ottawa Bureau OTTAWA–Prime Minister Stephen Harper tonight announced the resignation of Foreign Affairs Minister Maxime Bernier, in advance of revelations by his ex-girlfriend that Bernier was careless in his handling of secret cabinet documents. Bernier submitted his resignation a few hours before TVA in Montreal aired an interview with Julie Couillard, in which she said that the former minister left a government document in her apartment in April. "It is a very serious mistake–regardless of who the minister is, regardless of personal life–to leave classified documents in an unsecured location," Harper told reporters in a hastily called news conference on Parliament Hill. "The minister has recognized this error himself and offered to resign," the Prime Minister said. Harper, who has previously turned aside questions about Bernier and Couillard as an intrusion on the former minister's personal life, said, "This is not to do with the minister's private life or the life of a private citizen." He said Bernier would be replaced as foreign affairs minister on a temporary basis by Trade Minister David Emerson. Bernier has been under fire for weeks because of his much-discussed past relationship with Couillard, who had links to biker gangs and organized crime, and for gaffes on foreign affairs issues. He was chided last week for pledging the use of a Canadian Forces C-17 heavy-lift aircraft to take helicopters to Thailand to help in Burma cyclone relief. But it turned out that Canada had no aircraft of this kind available, and Ottawa had to spend almost $1 million to rent an aircraft to make good on Bernier's promise. Earlier this year, there were calls for his resignation after he set back Canada's efforts in Afghanistan by telling reporters during a scrum there that Asadullah Khalid, the governor of Kandahar province, needed to be replaced. But Harper said Bernier had resigned only because of the issue of the security of cabinet documents. "This is about one thing and that is a failure to uphold expected standards on government documents." Opposition MPs demanded that the government launch an investigation of the extent of security breaches committed by Bernier. Couillard said in the interview broadcast later Monday that Bernier left a government document behind in her apartment after a visit in mid-April. She would not comment on the nature of the document except to say that it was addressed to Bernier and not to her. “Maxime came to see me and he left a document behind,” she said, explaining the document was left by accident. The interview with the French-language TVA network had been taped Sunday. Couillard said when she found the document she contacted a lawyer for advice, who told her it was the property of the Canadian government. “The document was given back,” she said. She insisted she was doing the interview to re-establish her dignity and credibility after intense media scrutiny following reports she had links to Quebec bikers. The former model said she had never done anything wrong and never been convicted of any crime. “I’ve never been accused of any criminal wrongdoing,” she said in an English-language version of the TVA interview broadcast on, and denied that a man she used to live with was a biker. “I am definitely not a biker’s chick,” she said. Couillard, 38, first started dated Bernier in the summer 2007. They reportedly vacationed together in the Caribbean in 2007 and she was seen with him in February at an Ottawa gala. Couillard lived with Gilles Giguere, a well-known Montreal crime figure for three years beginning in 1993. He was gunned down in 1996 when he decided to become a police informer after being arrested with a cache of submachine-guns and marijuana. In 1997, she began dating and later married Stephane Sirois, who admitted to being an enforcer for the Rockers, a Hells Angels puppet club. He later turned informant and testified against a dozen of his former colleagues in a 2002 trial. Couillard and Sirois divorced in 1999. Couillard insisted that Giguere only knew Bob Savard, who knew Hells Angels kingpin Maurice (Mom) Boucher. “He was friends with Mr. Savard and Mr. Savard knew Maurice Boucher but both of them were not bikers.” Giguere was found murdered in a ditch after he became a police informant in 1996. Robert (Bob) Savard has been identified as a lieutenant to then-Hells boss Boucher. She acknowledged husband Sirois was a biker when she met him but he left the gang at her insistence. She said she told Bernier about her involvement with Giguere and Sirois shortly after she began dating him in the summer of 2007. “Maxime knew about it,” she said, noting he did not press her on the matter but seemed somewhat surprised. During the interview, Couillard talked about having tea with the wife of Prime Minister Stephen Harper and meeting U.S. President George W. Bush at a meeting of the United Nations general assembly. She said Bush approached Bernier and her in a corridor and, glancing at her, jovially told Bernier, “Well, well, well, haven’t you been keeping good company.” with files from The Canadian Press
Maxime Bernier, Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs, resigned after it was revealed that he left classified materials at an insecure location. Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced Bernier's resignation in Ottawa on Monday. Maxime Bernier last September Bernier was once in a relationship with Julie Couillard, whose previous associations with the controversial Hells Angels biker group were reported in recent months. In an interview with French-language television network TVA, Couillard indicated that Bernier left behind some designated secret documents at her residence. She returned these to the federal government upon advice from a lawyer. Opposition politicians were critical of Harper and his handling of the matter, noting that until today the Prime Minister downplayed security concerns surrounding Bernier's relationship with Couillard. Negative reaction to Bernier's resignation quickly came from Liberal party house leader Ralph Goodale and NDP leader Jack Layton. Bernier has a track record of controversy as a member of the Harper government. Last week, he hastily promised Canadian military aircraft for relief efforts in cyclone-ravaged Burma, although the aircraft in question were already occupied elsewhere. The Canadian government was forced to rent a Russian aircraft to fulfill Bernier's promise. Bernier also received criticism earlier this year after he made public comments calling for the removal of an Afghanistan governor from office. David Emerson will assume Bernier's Foreign Affairs duties, at least for the short term.
Index > Actualité > Les nouvelles règles 2008/09 banner Les nouvelles règles 2008/09 Author : Anonyme Article ID : 2604 Audience : Default Version 1.00 Reads : 516 Comme chaque année, la FFR introduit de nouvelles règles censées améliorer le jeu. Les règles appliquées partout ARBITRES ASSISTANTS: Lorsqu’ils ont été désignés par un Organisateur de Match, les arbitres assistants peuvent aider l’arbitre par tout moyen nécessaire. Notre Avis : C'est vraiment la fin des bouffes en toute impunité ! Plus sérieusement nous sommes assez songeurs sur l'impartialité des ces 'assistants' qui officieront à des niveaux inférieurs. MAULS : Les joueurs en défense peuvent effondrer le maul. Les joueurs n’ont plus la nécessité d’avoir la tête et les épaules au dessus des hanches lors d’un maul. Notre Avis : On en parle depuis longtemps et là encore nous sommes assez septiques; Le maul était partie intégrante du rugby, certes peu spectaculaire pour le béotien mais apprécié des connaisseurs pour ses difficultés techniques. C'est la deuxième mort des gros packs ! Le maul servait aussi à regrouper les défenses et créer des espaces; Enfin c'est une prime à la défense au détriment de celui qui construit le jeu. MELEES ORDONNEES : La ligne de hors-jeu pour les non participants à la mêlée, hormis pour les demi de mêlée, se situe à 5 mètres derrière les pieds du partenaire le plus en arrière de la mêlée. Le demi de mêlée doit se tenir proche de la mêlée, s’il s’en éloigne il doit reculer à 5 mètres et y rester. Notre Avis : A priori une bonne règle puisqu'elle va créer des espaces et dynamiser le jeu qui en manquait parfois. TERRAIN DE JEU : Les poteaux de coin et les poteaux d’angle de touche de but et de ballon mort ne sont pas en touche de but. Lorsqu’un joueur est en possession du ballon et touche un poteau de coin, il n’est pas en touche de but, sauf si le ballon est en contact avec le poteau et avec le sol. Notre Avis : Si ça leur fait plaisir !. TOUCHE ET LANCER EN TOUCHE : - Lorsqu’un joueur capte le ballon à l’extérieur de ses 22 mètres et le passe, le projette ou le porte à l’intérieur de ses 22 mètres, et que celui-ci est botté directement en touche, la touche s’effectue en face de l’endroit où le ballon a été botté. - Lors d’une remise en jeu rapide, le ballon peut être lancé soit droit (perpendiculairement à la ligne de touche), soit en arrière (en direction de la ligne de but du lanceur), mais pas en avant (en direction de la ligne de but adverse). - Il n’y a pas de limite supérieure au nombre de participants d’un alignement, le minimum étant de 2 par équipe. - Le relayeur doit se tenir à 2 mètres de la ligne de remise en jeu. - Le vis à vis du lanceur n’est pas obligé de se tenir entre la ligne des 5 mètres et la ligne de touche. Il devra néanmoins respecter les règles du jeu. - Les soutiens peuvent agripper le sauteur avant le lancer. - Les soutiens peuvent soulever le sauteur. Notre Avis : Une série de règles visant à accélérer le jeu et à légaliser ce qui se fait déjà... très bien! Les règles appliquées dans certaines compétitions SANCTIONS : Pour toutes les fautes autres que les hors-jeu, les entrées latérales sur plaquage et les infractions à la règle 10 - jeu déloyal, la sanction est un Coup de Pied Franc. Notre Avis : A priori une bonne règle puisqu'elle va accélérer le jeu; le risque c'est qu'elle soit dénaturée par les défenses qui vont multiplier certaines fautes désormais moins sanctionnées. PLAQUAGE : Lorsque le ballon devient injouable lors d’un plaquage, l’équipe ne l’ayant pas mis en contact avec le sol bénéficie d’un Coup de Pied Franc. Notre Avis : Même chose, a priori une bonne règle puisqu'elle mais qui pourrait être dénaturée par les défenses. A.D. A plat Par conversation Emboîté Les + anciens en premier Les + récents en premier Les commentaires appartiennent à leurs auteurs. Nous ne sommes pas responsables de leur contenu. Les commentaires appartiennent à leurs auteurs. Nous ne sommes pas responsables de leur contenu. Auteur Conversation Anonyme Re: Les nouvelles règles 2008/09 Re: Les nouvelles règles 2008/09 - la FFR ne décide (presque) rien, c'est l'IRB qui impose les nouvelles règles. - la FFR a décidé de ne pas appliquer la règle sur les effondrements de mauls. Le vis-à-vis du lanceur en touche DOIT se trouver dans les 5m et plus précisément à 2m de l'alignement ! Pour ce qui concerne les coups de pied en touche dans les 22, si un regroupement, un plaquage ou un maul intervient, le ballon peut être botté en touche directement. C'est bien d'annoncer des choses, c'est mieux de les vérifier : Jacques de Ces infos sont partiellement fausses :- la FFR ne décide (presque) rien, c'est l'IRB qui impose les nouvelles règles.- la FFR a décidé de ne pas appliquer la règle sur les effondrements de mauls.Le vis-à-vis du lanceur en touche DOIT se trouver dans les 5m et plus précisément à 2m de l'alignement !Pour ce qui concerne les coups de pied en touche dans les 22, si un regroupement, un plaquage ou un maul intervient, le ballon peut être botté en touche directement.C'est bien d'annoncer des choses, c'est mieux de les vérifier : Jacques de Auteur Conversation Anonyme Re: Les nouvelles règles 2008/09 Re: Les nouvelles règles 2008/09 Peut on pietiner ceux qui écroule les mauls? genre traction avant! coach Jones La régle la plus débile des 20 dernières années c'est l'assenceur. Oublié les vrais athletes qui décolé en terrain boueu pour capter à deux mains, Le rugby change trop les règles...bentôt cela ressemblera à du jeux à XIII Auteur Conversation Anonyme Re: Les nouvelles règles 2008/09 Re: Les nouvelles règles 2008/09 Pour le coup de pied direct en touche: Si le 9 est en dehors des 22, qu il fait une passe a un joueur dans les 22 et que ce dernier fait une autre passe, le dernier joueur peut il degager directement?
Les nouvelles règles, établies par l'IRB fin 2007, entreront en vigueur à compter du 1 août prochain. Elles sont sensées apporter plus de dynamisme dans le jeu. Déjà applicables dans l'hémisphère sud dans le Super 14, elles sont aussi en vigueur dans le Tournoi des Tri-Nations qui se joue actuellement. Elles seront en phase de test pour 12 mois.
L'IRB vient d'annoncer la mise en place au niveau planétaire des nouvelles règles dès le 1er août 2008 et ce pour une période test de 12 mois. Le Top 14 n'y échappe pas... Plus d'infos Treize des vingt-trois nouvelles règles actuellement à l'étude vont entrer en vigueur dès le 1er août prochain à l'échelle planétaire. Après deux ans de tests dans divers championnat (et notamment cette saison lors du Super 14), l'IRB a décidé de passer la vitesse supérieure. "La décision du conseil d'entreprendre un essai global des règles expérimentales représente une étape importante pour l'avenir de ce jeu", a déclaré le nouveau président de l'IRB Bernard Lapasset. Le Top 14 version 2008/2009 devra donc faire avec certaines nouvelles règles. Un attaquant pourra aplatir sur les poteaux de coin. Il sera impossible pour une équipe de dégager directement en touche même depuis ses 22 mètres si c'est elle qui a fait rentrer le ballon dans cette zone. Les défenseurs pourront défendre en écroulant les mauls. Lors d'une mêlée, les défenseurs devront se placer cinq mètres derrière celle-ci. Voici quelques nouveaux points de réglement auxquels il faudra s'habituer et ils pourraient être bien plus nombreux. Encore des désaccords... En effet, les expérimentations en termes de sanctions (c'est-à-dire le recours au coup-franc en lieu et place de la pénalité) ne pourraient pas être mises en place partout dans l'hémisphère Nord. "Elles seront essayées dans une compétition d'élite sélectionnée lors de la saison 2008-2009". Si le président de l'IRB a reconnu qu'ils existaient encore quelques désaccords entre les législateurs et les membres du conseil dans certains compartiments du jeu, Bernard Lapasset a ajouté que le "point important était qu'aucun membre n'avait rejeté catégoriquement les règles expérimentales mais que tous étaient conscients que de nouvelles considérations et des essais étaient nécessaires. C'est particulièrement vrai pour ce qui concerne les sanctions qui n'ont pas encore étaient essayées dans l'hémisphère Nord mais qui ont été reçues favorablement par les joueurs et les entraîneurs qui jouent avec elles dans l'hémisphère sud", a précisé l'ancien président de la FFR.
Les nouvelles règles, établies par l'IRB fin 2007, entreront en vigueur à compter du 1 août prochain. Elles sont sensées apporter plus de dynamisme dans le jeu. Déjà applicables dans l'hémisphère sud dans le Super 14, elles sont aussi en vigueur dans le Tournoi des Tri-Nations qui se joue actuellement. Elles seront en phase de test pour 12 mois.
Nach Aufforderung der Bundesregierung US-Geheimdienstrepräsentant abgereist Stand: 17.07.2014 18:32 Uhr Der oberste US-Geheimdienstler in Deutschland ist der Aufforderung der Bundesregierung zur Ausreise gefolgt. Er verließ das Land vom Flughafen Frankfurt am Main aus. Die Bundesregierung hatte den Mann vor einer Woche zur Ausreise aufgefordert. Zuvor hatte der Generalbundesanwalt Ermittlungen gegen zwei mutmaßliche US-Spione der USA beim BND und im Verteidigungsministerium eingeleitet. Die Bundesregierung begründete die Aufforderung zur Ausreise aber auch mit den Spähaktionen des US-Geheimdienstes NSA, die vor einem Jahr bekannt geworden waren. Ob der CIA-Vertreter in der US-Botschaft in Berlin die beiden mutmaßlichen Spione tatsächlich geführt hat, ist unklar. Wäre er der Aufforderung zur Ausreise nicht nachgekommen, wäre er von der Regierung zur unerwünschten Person erklärt worden. Dann hätte er innerhalb einer Frist - normalerweise 72 Stunden - zwingend das Land verlassen müssen.
Nach Informationen der Deutschen Presse-Agentur (dpa) ist der oberste Mitarbeiter der amerikanischen Geheimdienste in Deutschland ausgereist. Der Geheimdienstler hatte nach der Aufdeckung eines zweiten möglichen Falls von Spionage gegen die Bundesregierung innerhalb weniger Tage, die Aufforderung der deutschen Regierung erhalten, das Land zu verlassen. Da er nicht zur Persona non grata erklärt worden war, hatte er mehr Zeit als die in jenem Fall üblichen 72 Stunden für die Ausreise und er folgte nach einer Woche nun lediglich einer „Bitte“ der Regierung. Wie die Tagesschau meldet, soll die Person über den Flughafen Frankfurt am Main ausgereist sein.
© dpa Das Hauptquartier der CIA in Langley: Für den „Station Chief“ der amerikanischen Botschaft in Berlin geht es zurück in die Heimat. © dpa Das Hauptquartier der CIA in Langley: Für den „Station Chief“ der amerikanischen Botschaft in Berlin geht es zurück in die Heimat. Der CIA-Repräsentant an der amerikanischen Botschaft in Berlin hat Deutschland verlassen. Das berichtet die Deutsche-Presse-Agentur. Der Geheimdienstler folgte demnach an diesem einer entsprechenden Aufforderung der Bundesregierung. Sie war die bislang deutlichste Reaktion der Bundesregierung auf die Spionageaffäre. Der CIA-Repräsentant war vor einer Woche zur Ausreise aufgefordert worden. Zuvor hatte der Generalbundesanwalt Ermittlungen gegen zwei mutmaßliche Spione der Vereinigten Staaten beim Bundesnachrichtendienst und im Verteidigungsministerium eingeleitet. Die Bundesregierung begründete die Aufforderung zur Ausreise aber auch mit den Spähaktionen des amerikanischen Geheimdienstes NSA, die vor einem Jahr bekannt geworden waren. Ob der CIA-Vertreter in der deutschen Botschaft in Berlin die beiden mutmaßlichen Spione tatsächlich geführt hat, ist allerdings unklar. Mehr zum Thema Unterdessen warnen dührende Innenpolitiker der CDU davor, es mit der Kritik an Amerika zu übertreiben. „Bei aller berechtigten Kritik habe ich den Eindruck, dass es bei manchen Beiträgen mehr darum geht, eine antiamerikanische Stimmung zu bedienen“, sagte Clemens Binninger, der Vorsitzende des Parlamentarischen Kontrollgremiums, das für die Kontrolle der Geheimdienste zuständig ist, der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung (Freitagsausgabe). Er warnte auch vor überzogener Kritik an geheimdienstlicher Arbeit. Die Vorwürfe der amerikanischen Spionage gegen Deutschland müssten aufgeklärt werden. „Das darf aber nicht dazu führen, dass wir die Arbeit der Nachrichtendienste dämonisieren.“ „Eine gewisse Hysterie“ Der Vorsitzende des NSA-Untersuchungsausschusses, Patrick Sensburg, äußerte sich ähnlich. Die Debatte in Deutschland über die Aktivitäten der NSA sei von einer „gewissen Hysterie“ gezeichnet, sagte er der Zeitung. „Wir sollten möglichst neutral aufklären, was überhaupt an Spionageaktivitäten vorgefallen ist und nicht ständig nur die Amerikaner des Fehlverhaltens verdächtigen.“ Andere Länder spionierten viel mehr in Deutschland. Sensburg sagte, solange man nicht wisse, ob die amerikanische National Security Agency (NSA) etwa ein Handy abhöre, dürfe man das „nicht pauschal unterstellen, weil es in ein antiamerikanisches Bild passt.“ ( ) Permalink Hier können Sie die Rechte an diesem Artikel erwerben Weitere Empfehlungen
Nach Informationen der Deutschen Presse-Agentur (dpa) ist der oberste Mitarbeiter der amerikanischen Geheimdienste in Deutschland ausgereist. Der Geheimdienstler hatte nach der Aufdeckung eines zweiten möglichen Falls von Spionage gegen die Bundesregierung innerhalb weniger Tage, die Aufforderung der deutschen Regierung erhalten, das Land zu verlassen. Da er nicht zur Persona non grata erklärt worden war, hatte er mehr Zeit als die in jenem Fall üblichen 72 Stunden für die Ausreise und er folgte nach einer Woche nun lediglich einer „Bitte“ der Regierung. Wie die Tagesschau meldet, soll die Person über den Flughafen Frankfurt am Main ausgereist sein.
El Villarreal CF y el Club Atlético de Madrid han llegado a un acuerdo para el traspaso del portero Sergio Asenjo, que jugará en el club amarillo las próximas cinco temporadas. El meta palentino, que ha militado en calidad de cedido en las filas del Submarino durante la campaña 2013-2014, pasará así a formar parte de forma definitiva al proyecto del Villarreal, con el que ya ha disputado 35 partidos. Aunque nacido en Palencia, Sergio Asenjo Andrés (28 de junio de 1989) entró a formar parte de las categorías inferiores del Real Valladolid cuando apenas contaba con 15 años. Crecido en la cantera del conjunto pucelano, Asenjo debutó en Primera División en la temporada 2007-08 precisamente contra el Villarreal y cuando apenas superaba la mayoría de edad. En las filas blanquivioletas se convierte en una de las grandes revelaciones de la temporada y en un codiciado objeto de deseo para el resto de clubes. En el verano de 2009, el guardameta se incorpora al Atlético de Madrid y, tras disputar 15 encuentros, sufre una grave lesión de rodilla en mayo de 2010 que le mantuvo apartado de los terrenos de juego hasta noviembre del mismo año. En el mercado de invierno de diciembre de 2010, Asenjo se marcha cedido al Málaga CF. Pese a que encaja a la perfección en las filas del conjunto andaluz, sufre de nuevo una dura lesión en febrero de 2011. En la campaña 2011-12 regresa al Atlético de Madrid, club en el que ha permanecido hasta el momento. La pasada temporada, Asenjo jugó cedido en el Submarino, con el que disputó 35 encuentros y se convirtió en un auténtico seguro bajo los palos (quinto en la clasificación del Trofeo Zamora). Con una agilidad y unos reflejos sobresalientes, el palentino es todo un seguro bajo los palos y muy fiable en el uno contra uno. Puedes descargar la ficha de Sergio Asenjo en el archivo adjunto a esta noticia que figura al pie de la página.
El y el confirmaron ayer el acuerdo entre ambos clubes para el traspaso del guardameta al Villarreal. La contratación del jugador venía siendo una de las prioridades del club amarillo para la próxima temporada, en la que deseaba contar con el jugador palentino como guardameta. Asenjo ya había disputado 35 partidos con el club la temporada anterior, en la que había sido cedido por el Atlético, y había manifestado su intención de permanecer en el ''submarino amarillo''. El futbolista jugará en el Villarreal las próximas cinco temporadas, y no se han hecho públicas las cifras del traspaso. Tras este fichaje, Asenjo deja el club madrileño, al que llegó en 2009 procedente del Valladolid, donde se había formado como futbolista y donde debutó en . El guardameta deja el equipo rojiblanco tras varios años en los que fue cedido, primero al y luego al Villarreal, y en los que tuvo dos graves lesiones, una en el mismo Atlético, y otra la temporada en el club malagueño.
Im April werden es vier Jahre her sein, dass der damals erst 22-jährige Niklas Niiranen vom finnischen Erstdivisionären Loviisan Tor zum HC Rychenberg gewechselt war. Er galt als physisch starker und technisch versierter Kreativverteidiger und entsprach damit den Vorstellungen seines neuen Trainers Rolf Kern: «Im modernen Unihockey werden spielstarke Verteidiger immer wichtiger.» In jener Zeit klopfte Niiranen auch bereits an die Tür der Nationalmannschaft und erlebte 2013 in Borås anlässlich der Finnkampen gegen Weltmeister Schweden seine Länderspiel-Premiere. Obwohl ihn zwischenzeitlich eine langwierige Verletzung und ein Schicksalsschlag in seiner Familie zurückwarfen, wusste Niiranen in Winterthur die in ihn gesteckten Erwartungen vollauf zu erfüllen. Er akklimatisierte sich sehr schnell und tritt seither als cleverer Playmaker mit einem guten Auge für den Mitspieler und als laufstarke defensive Absicherung einer der drei Formation auf, ohne dass er dabei auf seinen Tordrang verzichten müsste. Die Statistik zeigt es: In nunmehr 91 Spielen für den HCR verbuchte er 86 Skorerpunkte (38 Tore und 48 Assists). Ein mehr als nur ordentlicher Wert für einen Verteidiger. Gut integriert Dass Niiranen seit seinem Debüt nichts mehr von den Verantwortlichen des finnischen Nationalteams gehört hat, schmälert seine Leistungen nicht und ficht ihn auch nicht an. Selbstverständlich würde er bei einem Aufgebot ernsthaft darüber nachdenken, erklärt er überzeugt, aber eigentlich passe der grosse zusätzliche Aufwand nicht zu seinem derzeitigen Lebensentwurf. Die Freundin, mit der er vor Kurzem zusammengezogen ist, und die gemeinsame berufliche Einbindung im Betrieb des früheren HCR-Spielers John Argüello sind ihm zu wichtig, als dass er daran etwas zu ändern hoffte. Sein in Finnland begonnenes Mathematik-Studium weiterzuführen, scheint momentan keine Priorität zu geniessen. Sportchef Patrick Albrecht freut sich darüber, dass Niiranen eine fünfte Saison beim HCR folgen lassen wird: «Er ist ein Zweiwegverteidiger modernen Zuschnitts, sprich ein sehr guter Verteidiger, der auch immer wieder offensive Akzente setzt.» Niiranen sei aber nicht zuletzt auch ein «Super-Typ», einer, der sich mit seiner unprätentiösen, sympathischen Art grosser Beliebtheit im Verein erfreut. Was sein Trainer neben anderem ganz besonders am smarten Finnen schätzt, ist, dass «er sehr verlässlich ist, sprich einer ohne grosse Wellenbewegungen in seinen Leistungen.» Eine wichtige Eigenschaft, wenn es um die Jagd nach Trophäen geht.
miniatur Der HC Rychenberg Winterthur verlängert den Kontrakt mit dem Defensivspieler Niiranen um ein weiteres Jahr. Niiranen stiess im April 2013 zum Nationalliga A-Verein aus Winterthur. Seither absolvierte er 91 Spiele für den HCR und verbuchte 86 Skorerpunkte (38 Tore und Assists).
Bilan du Salon de l'agriculture: plus de 600.000 entrées, Sarkozy veut refonder la PAC PARIS (AFP) — Le Salon international de l'agriculture a connu cette année encore le succès populaire avec plus de 600.000 visiteurs, à quatre mois de la présidence française de l'UE au cours de laquelle le président Nicolas Sarkozy veut lancer une refondation de la Politique agricole commune. "Nous aurons enregistré plus de 600.000 entrées, dont seulement un tiers de professionnels, soit une légère augmentation par rapport à 2007 où nous étions juste en dessous de cette barre", a déclaré à l'AFP Christian Patria, le président du salon. Même si on reste loin du record de 700.021 visiteurs atteint en 2004, la "plus grande ferme de France" a retrouvé son niveau moyen d'entrées après le trou de 2006 (500.000 visiteurs), dû à la crise aviaire et au mauvais temps. Le salon a été marqué par la visite du chef de l'Etat, qui contrairement à ses prédécesseurs ne s'est pas attardé dans les allées, mais a prononcé un discours. M. Sarkozy a répété sa volonté d'imposer, pendant la présidence française de l'Union européenne au second semestre, l'ouverture de discussions sur l'avenir de la PAC après 2013, terme de l'accord sur son budget actuel. "Nous veillerons à ce que" cette présidence "soit l'occasion d'engager dès 2009 une véritable refondation des modalités de mise en oeuvre de la PAC dans notre pays", a-t-il dit. Il a aussi affiché sa fermeté dans les négociations à l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC), assurant qu'il s'opposerait "fermement" à tout accord qui ne servirait "pas les intérêts" de la France, troisième puissance agricole mondiale. "Les paroles, c'est une chose, les actes, c'est autre chose", a dit Jean-Michel M. Lemétayer, le président de la FNSEA, résumant le sentiment des principaux dirigeants agricoles. Seule nouveauté: le président a annoncé que la France allait déposer auprès de l'Unesco une demande de classement de sa gastronomie au patrimoine de l'Humanité. Mais son discours a été largement éclipsé par une algarade entre Nicolas Sarkozy et un visiteur, auquel le président a lancé: "Casse-toi alors, pauvre con". L'incident, filmé en vidéo, a suscité une polémique pendant plusieurs jours. Parmi les nombreux politiques ayant sacrifié à la tradition d'une visite au salon de l'agriculture, l'ancien président Jacques Chirac, a pris son premier bain de foule depuis son départ de l'Elysée. Le ministre de l'Agriculture Michel Barnier s'est félicité du "meilleur climat" qui règne actuellement dans l'agriculture française, grâce notamment aux prix plus rémunérateurs des céréales et à un redressement des ventes de la viticulture. Et ce en dépit des crises que vivent plusieurs secteurs, notamment l'élevage, à cause de la flambée des prix de l'alimention animale. Les producteurs provençaux de salades, qui estiment eux aussi que leurs prix de vente sont en dessous de leurs prix de revient, ont exprimé leur mécontentement en organisant une distribution gratuite au salon samedi. M. Barnier a demandé à la Direction générale de la concurrence et de la consommation (DGCCRF) une "enquête sur la répartition des marges" de cette filière, qu'il juge "inéquitable". La 46e édition du plus grand salon agricole d'Europe aura lieu du 21 février au 1er mars 2009. Copyright © 2013 AFP. Tous droits réservés. Plus »
Vache pie-noire bretonne (salon international de l'Agriculture). La 45 édition du '''Salon international de l'Agriculture''' s'achève aujourd'hui à Paris, avec une affluence ayant atteint les 600 000 visiteurs, dont seulement un tiers de professionnels. Ce salon, surnommé '''' et rassemblant 1017 exposants, reste le plus important rassemblement de ce type dans le pays, et constitue un passage obligé pour de nombreuses personnalités politiques françaises, comme le Premier ministre François Fillon ou le Président de la République Nicolas Sarkozy. ;Visite de Nicolas Sarkozy Ce dernier a annoncé lors d'un discours - dérogeant à la tradition suivie par ses prédécesseurs, qui préféraient arpenter les allées du Salon - qu'il souhaitait l'ouverture de discussions sur l'avenir de la PAC après 2013, terme de l'accord sur son budget actuel d'une part, et d'autre part, son intention de ne pas approuver d'accord qui '''' lors des négociations en cours à l'Organisation mondiale du commerce. Cependant, ce n'est pas ce discours qui a attiré l'attention des médias, mais plutôt l'échange vif qui s'est produit avec un visiteur et qui a vu Nicolas Sarkozy lui adresser un '''' après que le visiteur eut refusé de lui serrer la main en lui indiquant '' (sic.)'', et qui a été diffusé via une vidéo placée sur le site du journal ''Le Parisien''. 250px ;Conclusions L'événement se termine sur un satisfécit de son président, Christian Patria, qui a indiqué que ce Salon était ''''. Le Ministre français de l'Agriculture, Michel Barnier s'est lui félicité du '''' régnant selon lui dans le monde agricole, avec un meilleur prix de vente des céréales et une reprise des ventes de vin, malgré les interrogations persistantes quand au pouvoir d'achat et du décalage entre les prix de vente aux centrales d'achats et leur vente au grand public, différence qui mécontente les producteurs. Des producteurs provençaux de salades, pour marquer leur mécontentement, ont ainsi organisé une distribution gratuite de leurs produits au salon hier.
Les hommes devront-ils bientôt se plier à leur tour au rituel contraignant de la pilule contraceptive ? Des chercheurs d'Edimbourg ont en tout cas fait un pas dans cette direction, en identifiant le gène responsable de la production d'un sperme sain, rapporte la BBC. Des expériences menées sur des souris ont permis de montrer qu'un médicament qui agirait sur ce gène, baptisé Katnal1, pourrait en effet bloquer la fertilité. Pour parvenir à ces résultats, les scientifiques écossais ont mené de vastes recherches sur la stérilité masculine. En modifiant le code génétique de souris, ils sont parvenus à les rendre infertiles. "Les scientifiques espèrent qu'ils pourront mener une opération comparable chez l'humain pour arrêter le développement normal du sperme sans causer de dommages", explique la BBC. "Si nous parvenons à trouver un moyen de cibler ce gène, nous pourront peut-être développer une forme de contraception non hormonale", analyse l'un des chercheurs de l'expérimentation, le Dr Lee Smith. "Katnal1 n'intervient sur le sperme que dans les dernières étapes du développement, donc agir médicalement à ce niveau ne perturberait pas la production de sperme, et surtout la capacité à fabriquer du sperme", explique-t-il. La découverte pourrait également permettre de découvrir des traitements pour lutter contre l'infertilité masculine.
Une équipe de chercheurs d' a identifié le responsable de la production d'un sperme sain et fait des expériences sur des , montrant qu'un médicament agissant sur ce gène, le '''Katnal1''', peut, en effet, bloquer la . La , qui rapporte cette étude, indique que . Cependant, ces études pourraient aussi conduire aussi à luter contre l' masculine.
February 22, 2008 - 3:20PM Eighty-two countries including Australia have signed a declaration supporting a ban on the use of cluster bombs. Australia signed after being accused of trying to water down measures to curb the use and stockpiling of the lethal weapons. The so-called Wellington Declaration on Cluster Munitions indicates signatories' support for a ban on cluster weapons that cause unacceptable harm to civilians. Of the 122 countries invited to the Wellington conference, more were expected to sign the declaration in coming weeks. Countries that signed the document affirmed a ban on the use, production, transfer and stockpiling of the bombs, and called for a framework to care for survivors of cluster munitions. Cluster bombs contain smaller bomblets that scatter over a wide area and can kill or maim civilians years after a conflict has ended. The new document will be taken to a May meeting in Dublin, where delegates will aim to finalise the text of a draft treaty to be signed in Oslo in December. This week's conference was held under a cloud because it was snubbed by many key nations who have stockpiles of cluster bombs, including the United States, China, India, Pakistan, Russia and Israel. Australia's delegation was accused during the five-day meeting of aligning itself with countries including the UK, Canada, France, Germany and Japan that sought to water down proposals and undermine the aims of the treaty. Former Nobel Peace Prize winner Jody Williams said the group was part of a "bad guys' cabal" trying to frustrate the treaty process and water down key measures to appease the United States. The Cluster Munition Coalition, which represents non-government organisations (NGOs) that work with cluster bomb victims, also attacked Australia and other countries. Australia's head of delegation Caroline Millar said the criticisms were expected. "It comes with the territory, mate. Basically, NGOs will criticise and so on, and that is up to them," Millar said. "We think we have a very strong position. We have had a very clear unequivocal commitment to work with all states to achieve a ban on cluster munitions that cause unacceptable harm to civilians," she said. Millar told the meeting on Friday that Australia would support the Wellington declaration, but was unhappy with some aspects of the conference. "We regret that, as has been the case at previous meetings of the Oslo process, the level of transparency has at times been less than we would have expected from friends and partners," she told the meeting. Outstanding concerns Australia hoped to have addressed in Dublin included restrictions on defence forces working with allies such as the USA, which had not signed up. Other matters included defining what a cluster bomb is, and how to deal with stockpiles used for testing and training purposes, she said. During an often heated meeting on Friday, Canada said it was sick of being targeted for criticism. "Countries such as my own and several close allies have been vilified in the press and in releases produced by the Cluster Munition Coalition," said Earl Turcotte, from the Canadian delegation. "We have been accused of being agents of states not party (to the process), and trying to facilitate the use of cluster munitions by states not partied. "We have been accused of 'trying to undermine an international treaty on cluster munitions'. Nothing, nothing, could be further from the truth." New Zealand's Disarmament Minister Phil Goff said the meeting was a "rousing success" and he thought Australia felt as much need to advance the issue of cluster bombs as his own nation did. "I am pleased that Australia is here and is participating, and I am confident that Australia will participate through to Dublin and will become part of the solution," Goff said. He believed countries who had not come to Wellington would be under pressure to stop using the munitions eventually.
B-1 Lancer releasing its payload of cluster bombs An international meeting in New Zealand has produced a draft treaty to ban cluster bombs. Campaigners say the meeting has given a decisive push to efforts to create a meaningful global agreement, however some say success is far from guaranteed. The draft accord drawn up in New Zealand declares that cluster bombs cause unacceptable harm to civilians, and that their production, stockpiling and use must be banned. The proposed accord has been named the "Wellington Declaration," after talks this week in the New Zealand capital involving 122 countries. The conference was organized by the Cluster Munitions Coalition, a network of 200 private organizations that includes leaders of the Nobel peace prize-winning International Campaign to Ban Landmines. Activists hope the draft, which was signed by representatives of 82 of the attending nations, will be turned into a binding treaty at a follow-up meeting scheduled in Ireland in May. However, British negotiators have warned that tough discussions lie ahead before a binding treaty is finally signed. There is opposition to a global ban by the United States, Russia and China, as well as India, Pakistan and Israel. All are major producers of cluster munitions and none attended the Wellington summit. Washington opposes a ban because of the weapons' military effectiveness. But Jody Williams, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997 for her work to ban landmines, says she believes an international ban on cluster bombs is inevitable. "If we, you know, have 80 countries that subscribe to it at the end of Dublin, that will be in terrific, and the signing will be in December and we will use all of that time to bring more countries on board," she said. "I think we're going to see a very exciting new treaty banning cluster munitions, demonstrating that even in this difficult time we can continue to ban weapons that are indiscriminate and cause untold civilian casualties and harm." Cluster bombs are designed to explode above the ground and release thousands of small bomblets primed to detonate on impact. Many do not explode immediately, and can lie in fields or villages, where they later kill and maim people who come across them. Efforts toward an international ban began in Norway last year. The meeting in Wellington, and May's follow-up in Ireland, are part of what is being called the "Oslo Process."
WELLINGTON, Feb. 22 (Xinhua) -- Eighty-two countries present at a cluster munitions conference in Wellington this week have signed the "Wellington Declaration", a crucial step toward a meaningful international treaty on cluster munitions, New Zealand Disarmament and Arms Control Minister Phil Goff said on Friday. The week-long conference, which ended on Friday, was attended by officials from 103 countries. It has been a pivotal stage in the Oslo Process, which New Zealand and six other countries started last year following frustration at a lack of progress from the United Nations Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, Goff said in a press release. "The Wellington Declaration creates political momentum and will form the basis of formal negotiations at a diplomatic conference in Dublin in May, which aims to create a treaty banning cluster munitions that cause unacceptable harm to civilians," he added. The "Wellington Declaration" arising from talks this week has provided a draft treaty which its promoters hope will become legally binding at an international meeting in Dublin in May. "Eighty-two countries have already signed and we believe the majority of remaining countries involved will follow suit," he said. "We are closer than ever to a meaningful treaty which will save lives," Goff said. The declaration says cluster bombs cause unacceptable harm to civilians and their use, production and transfer must be banned. It says a framework is needed so the survivors of cluster bombs are provided with care and rehabilitation. The contentious issues were understood to involve possible exemptions to the ban for some types of cluster munitions, possible transition periods during which cluster bombs could still be used, and their use in joint military operations by states that are not part of a future treaty banning them.
B-1 Lancer releasing its payload of cluster bombs An international meeting in New Zealand has produced a draft treaty to ban cluster bombs. Campaigners say the meeting has given a decisive push to efforts to create a meaningful global agreement, however some say success is far from guaranteed. The draft accord drawn up in New Zealand declares that cluster bombs cause unacceptable harm to civilians, and that their production, stockpiling and use must be banned. The proposed accord has been named the "Wellington Declaration," after talks this week in the New Zealand capital involving 122 countries. The conference was organized by the Cluster Munitions Coalition, a network of 200 private organizations that includes leaders of the Nobel peace prize-winning International Campaign to Ban Landmines. Activists hope the draft, which was signed by representatives of 82 of the attending nations, will be turned into a binding treaty at a follow-up meeting scheduled in Ireland in May. However, British negotiators have warned that tough discussions lie ahead before a binding treaty is finally signed. There is opposition to a global ban by the United States, Russia and China, as well as India, Pakistan and Israel. All are major producers of cluster munitions and none attended the Wellington summit. Washington opposes a ban because of the weapons' military effectiveness. But Jody Williams, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997 for her work to ban landmines, says she believes an international ban on cluster bombs is inevitable. "If we, you know, have 80 countries that subscribe to it at the end of Dublin, that will be in terrific, and the signing will be in December and we will use all of that time to bring more countries on board," she said. "I think we're going to see a very exciting new treaty banning cluster munitions, demonstrating that even in this difficult time we can continue to ban weapons that are indiscriminate and cause untold civilian casualties and harm." Cluster bombs are designed to explode above the ground and release thousands of small bomblets primed to detonate on impact. Many do not explode immediately, and can lie in fields or villages, where they later kill and maim people who come across them. Efforts toward an international ban began in Norway last year. The meeting in Wellington, and May's follow-up in Ireland, are part of what is being called the "Oslo Process."
An international meeting in New Zealand has produced a draft treaty to ban cluster bombs. Campaigners say the meeting has given a decisive push to efforts to create a meaningful global agreement, but as Phil Mercer reports from Sydney, success is far from guaranteed. Mine Advisory Group official inspects a cluster bomb unit (File) The draft accord drawn up in New Zealand declares that cluster bombs cause unacceptable harm to civilians, and that their production, stockpiling and use must be banned.The proposed accord has been named the "Wellington Declaration," after talks this week in the New Zealand capital involving 122 countries. The conference was organized by the Cluster Munitions Coalition, a network of 200 private organizations that includes leaders of the Nobel peace prize-winning International Campaign to Ban Landmines. Activists hope the draft, which was signed by representatives of 82 of the attending nations, will be turned into a binding treaty at a follow-up meeting scheduled in Ireland in May. However, British negotiators have warned that tough discussions lie ahead before a binding treaty is finally signed. There is opposition to a global ban by the United States, Russia and China, as well as India, Pakistan and Israel. All are major producers of cluster munitions and none attended the Wellington summit. Washington opposes a ban because of the weapons' military effectiveness. But Jody Williams, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997 for her work to ban landmines, says she believes an international ban on cluster bombs is inevitable. "If we, you know, have 80 countries that subscribe to it at the end of Dublin, that will be in terrific, and the signing will be in December and we will use all of that time to bring more countries on board," she said. "I think we're going to see a very exciting new treaty banning cluster munitions, demonstrating that even in this difficult time we can continue to ban weapons that are indiscriminate and cause untold civilian casualties and harm." Cluster bombs are designed to explode above the ground and release thousands of small bomblets primed to detonate on impact. Many do not explode immediately, and can lie in fields or villages, where they later kill and maim people who come across them. Efforts toward an international ban began in Norway last year. The meeting in Wellington, and May's follow-up in Ireland, are part of what is being called the "Oslo Process."
B-1 Lancer releasing its payload of cluster bombs An international meeting in New Zealand has produced a draft treaty to ban cluster bombs. Campaigners say the meeting has given a decisive push to efforts to create a meaningful global agreement, however some say success is far from guaranteed. The draft accord drawn up in New Zealand declares that cluster bombs cause unacceptable harm to civilians, and that their production, stockpiling and use must be banned. The proposed accord has been named the "Wellington Declaration," after talks this week in the New Zealand capital involving 122 countries. The conference was organized by the Cluster Munitions Coalition, a network of 200 private organizations that includes leaders of the Nobel peace prize-winning International Campaign to Ban Landmines. Activists hope the draft, which was signed by representatives of 82 of the attending nations, will be turned into a binding treaty at a follow-up meeting scheduled in Ireland in May. However, British negotiators have warned that tough discussions lie ahead before a binding treaty is finally signed. There is opposition to a global ban by the United States, Russia and China, as well as India, Pakistan and Israel. All are major producers of cluster munitions and none attended the Wellington summit. Washington opposes a ban because of the weapons' military effectiveness. But Jody Williams, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997 for her work to ban landmines, says she believes an international ban on cluster bombs is inevitable. "If we, you know, have 80 countries that subscribe to it at the end of Dublin, that will be in terrific, and the signing will be in December and we will use all of that time to bring more countries on board," she said. "I think we're going to see a very exciting new treaty banning cluster munitions, demonstrating that even in this difficult time we can continue to ban weapons that are indiscriminate and cause untold civilian casualties and harm." Cluster bombs are designed to explode above the ground and release thousands of small bomblets primed to detonate on impact. Many do not explode immediately, and can lie in fields or villages, where they later kill and maim people who come across them. Efforts toward an international ban began in Norway last year. The meeting in Wellington, and May's follow-up in Ireland, are part of what is being called the "Oslo Process."
ANUNCIO DE CFK POR $13.200 MILLONES "Plan C" para estimular la producción y el consumo El dinero irá a créditos para la compra de electrodomésticos y autos, la industria y el comercio exterior. Bajó 5 puntos las retenciones al trigo y maíz. 13:50 | 04.12.2008 "El objetivo es apalancar el consumo y las exportaciones, los dos ejes del modelo económico que comenzó en el 2003", explicó Cristina Fernández durante el acto en la Quinta de Olivos. (Télam) Ante un auditorio colmado de funcionarios del Gabinete nacional, gobernadores provinciales, legisladores, empresarios y dirigentes sindicales, la presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner anunció que destinará $13.200 millones para incentivar la actividad económica ante un posible clima recesión. El plan C anunciado incluye $3.500 millones para financiar el consumo a través de créditos de hasta $ 5.000. Además, otorgará $ 3.100 millones para reactivar el sector de producción y venta de automóviles. La fabricación se vehículos utilitarios recibirá $ 650 millones. Para el sector agropecuario dispondrán $ 1.700 millones y para las pymes otros $ 3.000 millones. Al sector industrial destinará $ 1.250 millones. La primera mandataria dijo que las medidas apuntan a sostener el nivel económico afectado por la crisis mundial, aunque advirtió que en particular los sectores empresariales tendrán que resignar parte de su rentabilidad, "porque en la perinola tocó ahora que 'todos ponen'". Fernández, en su discurso desde la Quinta de Olivos, dijo que los fondos para préstamos para el consumo "permitirán la existencia de 700 mil préstamos" orientados a algunos rubros en particular, como "la línea blanca", entre otros. "El objetivo es apalancar el consumo y las exportaciones, los dos ejes del modelo económico que comenzó en el 2003", explicó. Además, la Presidenta anunció la reducción de las retenciones a exportaciones de trigo (de 28% a 23%) y de maíz (de 50% a 20%). Cristina culpó "al mundo por los problemas que tiene Argentina a partir de septiembre con el crack mundial. Así, complicó la vida de los argentinos". En otro momento, reconoció que "la tragedia mundial afectará a los argentinos y por eso es que el Gobierno está lanzando este plan de contingencia". La Presidenta destacó el avance de la economía y la reducción del empleo hasta iniciado el año 2008, cuando se evidenció la crisis internacional. “En estas cosas estábamos cuando de repente apareció el mundo”, consideró. Al aparecer la crisis financiera mundial, que impactó en el nivel de la actividad también en la Argentina, Cristina indicó que “apareció una forma de entender el ejercicio del capitalismo con un criterio antagónico al que nosotros desarrollábamos, que nos obliga a un encuentro como el de hoy”. La jefa de Estado volvió a cuestionar la forma en que algunos medios difundieron la abrupta caída en producción y neta de automotores e ironizó: “Tenemos que tener la crisis más grande que los demás, es una cosa más bien para la psicología que para la economía”. “La perinola ha caído para que todos pongan”, graficó, al referir que todos los sectores de la economía serán afectados por el rigor de la coyuntura. “Lo menos que podemos pretender es que parte de esas formidables rentabilidades puedan ser destinadas para sostener la actividad y el empleo de los argentinos”. CÓMO SE REPARTIRÁ LA PLATA. Unos $ 3.500 millones, con préstamos de hasta $ 5.000, o sea 700.000 créditos, serán destinados a la línea blanca que cuenta con más de 50.000 trabajadores en toda la cadena de producción. Otros $ 1.250 millones irán para la industria entre prefinanciación de exportaciones y capital de trabajo (no están incluidos los $ 4.500 millones que ya prestó el Banco Nación a 10.000 pymes) Unos $ 3.100 millones estarán destinados al sector automotriz. “La idea es mantener el nivel de producción", dijo la mandataria y pidió a los empresarios del rubro "reducir los márgenes de rentabilidad para mantener la actividad y sostener la producción". La fabricación de vehículos utilitarios recibirá otros $ 650 millones. Para el sector agropecuario otorgarán $ 1.700 millones y para las pymes $ 3.000 millones más. Los anuncios se inscriben en el paquete antirrecesivo de los Kirchner, una serie de medidas y gestos muchas veces contradictorios con los que el matrimonio presidencial viene intentando pilotear la crisis financiera internacional y la desconfianza local. Espacio de los lectores IMPORTANTE: Los comentarios publicados son de exclusiva responsabilidad de sus autores y las consecuencias derivadas de ellos pueden ser pausibles de las sanciones legales que correspondan. Aquel usuario que incluya en sus mensajes algún comentario violatorio del REGLAMENTO será eliminado e inhabilitado para volver a comentar. santafesino 0 años | A esto solo se le puede llamar manotazo de ahogado!!!!! como sabe que su imagen cayó hace rato por su soberbia de mier.. ahora quiere que los que la votaron vuelvan a creer en ella. la verdad que solo un ignorante podria hacer eso. y este pais esta lleno de esos. celeste 0 años | Excelente que exista un lugar como este para escribir lo que pensamos, y encima, nos lo publiquen!!!! Grazie mille!!!!! Llego a casa después de doce horas de cátedra, cansada y muchas veces un poco triste, pero para mí, este lugar tiene algo de Mallea ,"Todos ellos y Ud. misma, han llegado a ese sitio que lame sin corroerlo el mar de la furia, de la persecución y de la adversidad. Cuántos ha llegado a esa bahía, a ese lugar de espera, a donde concentran su silencio y donde su fruto se prepara sin miedo a la tormenta.... Ahí están los que, de su fracaso han hecho un triunfo..." Qué hermosa y qué profunda es la bahía! La Bahía de silencio de Eduardo Mallea. Los foristas deberíamos llamar a este espacio, La bahía. (no se enojen si el contenido no tiene nada que ver con el plan C) Alejandro 40 años | Se están despidiendo 6.000 tacheros, y el gobierno lanza un plan de financiar la compra de autos. Se ve que los K están lejos de comprender la realidad social. EL VILLERO 56 años | Otra vez al salvataje de los que mas tienen? Cuándo pensaran en los que nada tienen? Otra vez tenemos que ser los que paguemos los platos rotos? Disfruten mientras este pueblo este dormido, guay con ustedes, porque este pueblo algún día despertara y con la caveza de los que hoy nos garcan marcharan...
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner: "La perinola ha caído para que todos pongan la parte que le corresponde". La presidenta argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, lanzó un plan de estímulos financieros de 13.200 millones de pesos para reactivar el consumo, la inversión y evitar despidos. Entre las medidas se encuentran la baja de retenciones a las exportaciones de trigo y maíz, y reactivar varios sectores industriales. El objetivo global es reducir los efectos de la crisis financiera en el país. En una conferencia de prensa realizada en el auditorio de la Quinta Presidencial de Olivos, la mandataria anunció que destinará $3.500 millones para aumentar el consumo mediante de créditos de hasta $5.000. Además, brindará $3.100 millones para reactivar el alicaído mercado automotor. Se destinarán $650 millones para la fabricación de vehículos utilitarios. La mayoría de los créditos se harán a través del banco BICE. También habrán $1.700 millones para el sector agropecuario y $3.000 millones para para las pequeñas y medianas empresas. Por su parte, la industria recibirá $1.250 millones por el plan. Las retenciones al trigo se reducirán del 28% al 23%, mientras que, en el caso del trigo, bajarán del 50% al 20%. "Estos planes no son para sostener la rentabilidad de un país que crece al 8% o al 9%, eso es imposible. Esta plata del Estado es el ahorro de todos los argentinos. La perinola ha caído para que todos pongan la parte que le corresponde poner a cada uno", dijo la Presidenta. Asimismo, la mandataria manifestó que los problemas que la Argentina enfrenta desde septiembre se debe al crack mundial que, según ella, "complicó la vida de los argentinos". Fernández de Kirchner también advirtió que "nadie que considere a los trabajadores como variable de ajuste en la nómina de personal va a poder acceder a este tipo de financiamiento". Eduardo Buzzi: "La Presidenta le sigue chupando la sangre al interior". === Repercusiones === El plan recibió el apoyo de empresarios y la industria. El presidente de la Unión Industrial Argentina (UIA), Juan Carlos Lascurain, expresó su satisfacción y destacó: "Lo más importante es la visión que tiene el Gobierno de que las medidas tienen muchas veces flexibilidad y deben ser monitoreadas". Para Cristiano Ratazzi, presidente de Fiat Argentina, le "parece bien que sea un plan global". El titular de la Confederación Argentina de la Mediana Empresa (CAME), Osvaldo Cornide, señaló la importancia de la inclusión de las pymes en el proyecto. Sin embargo, el anuncio del campo no fue recibida con tanto optimismo. Sobre la baja de las retenciones, el titular de la Federación Agraria Argentina (FAA), Eduardo Buzzi, afirmó: "En materia agropecuaria estos anuncios, por lo menos para la zona central del país, (...) no tienen impacto, esto no va a influir, no va a mejorar la situación. Al contrario, va a caer muy mal entre los productores". Criticó que las medidas sean "unilaterales" y sentenció que la Presidenta "sigue chupando la sangre" a las zonas rurales. En cambio, Juan Gear, vicepresidente de la asociación agroindustrial Maizar, declaró: "Las medidas van en la dirección correcta, no se puede negar que algo había que hacer con las retenciones, porque con los niveles del 25 para el maíz y el 28 para trigo, con estos precios era insostenible". El economista y legislador Martín Hourest calificó de "raquítica" el plan previsto para el agro. "Sabemos que los que están matando a los productores son sus proveedores y sus compradores. Entonces, el Gobierno se equivoca cuando sube las retenciones, pero también cuando las baja", señaló.
La presidenta de la Nación, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner anunció nuevas medidas económicas para afrontar la crisis financiera global, con consecuencias en el Argentina. En una conferencia desde Olivos, la primera mandataria señaló que el Estado aportará más de 13.000 millones de pesos para promover el consumo, la inversión, y preservar los puestos de trabajo. "Ésta es una reunión que no me hubiese gustado tener que hacer", señaló Fernández de Kirchner ante la comitiva de funcionarios públicos, dirigentes sindicales, gobernadores y empresarios que escuchan su discurso para presentar lo que considera "un plan de contingencia". "Vamos a incentivar producción, la inversión, el trabajo, el empleo, y el consumo, destinando 13.300 millones de pesos en distintos instrumentos, algunos apuntando a la oferta, esto es a capital de trabajo a exportaciones a proyectos de inversión que mejoren también la competitividad; y otros destinados a apuntalar la demanda y el consumo", indicó la primera mandataria. Kirchner reconoció que se van a "utilizar los canales de financiamiento, el ahorro público que ha dejado de ser administrado por las AFJP y que ha pasado al Estado", lo que equivale a un monto de aproximadamente 7 mil millones de pesos. Para ello "el sistema va a ser licitación a través del Mercado Abierto Electrónico (MAE), para darle transparencia absoluta al proceso, con tasa del 11 por ciento", explicó. "Estos planes no son para sostener la rentabilidad de un país que crece al 8 o al 9 por ciento, eso es imposible. Esta plata del Estado es el ahorro de todos los argentinos. La perinola ha caído para que todos pongan la parte que le corresponde poner a cada uno", aseveró Cristina. El objetivo es "recrear un mercado de capitales que permita el acceso al crédito de los sectores vinculados a la producción" y las colocaciones serán con tasa fija "a un año para otorgar certeza al sistema de crédito", afirmó Cristina. La condición excluyente para poder acceder a cualquier línea de crédito, "sea de financiación, proyectos de inversión, de trabajo, por parte de cualquier empresa, va a ser imprescindible que mantenga su planta de personal". "Nadie que considere a los trabajadores como variable de ajuste en la nómina de personal va a poder acceder a este tipo de financiamiento", completó la mandataria. Préstamos para el consumo. La Presidenta anunció, entre otras medidas, que se destinarán 3.500 millones de pesos, con un máximo de hasta $5.000, para alentar el consumo. Serán unos 7.000 "créditos orientados a sectores de línea blanca (electrodomésticos pequeños), una industria muy importante que tiene en toda la línea de valor, del que produce hasta que comercializa, unos 50 mil trabajadores". La industria "propiamente dicha" recibirá 1.250 millones de pesos y otros 3.100 millones irán a "la industria automotriz, que ha tenido caídas mundiales muy importantes" , reconoció la mandataria. "Hoy leía, en letras de molde, como siempre, que ha caído" la venta de automóviles, dijo la Presidenta y lo atribuyó a la necesidad de "asustar un poco más, si hay crisis en el mundo, esta cosa de los argentinos de si hay crisis tener más que todo. Es una cosa más que para la economía, para la psicología". "Tenemos que fomentar la adquisición del primer 0 km. Moyano me contaba que en estos años de crecimiento le contaban los representantes locales, cómo había aumentado la compra de autos y motos usadas. Con este plan queremos que un sector pueda acceder a algo con lo que no contaba y seguir sosteniendo a un sector que entre obreros, autopartistas y comercialización representa a 150.000 trabajadores". El sector automotor es, sin embargo, uno de los más afectados por la incipiente crisis. La fabricación de utilitarios y camiones, por su parte, recibirá créditos por 650 millones de pesos. Noticias para el campo. El sector agropecuario podrá obtener "1.700 millones de pesos para prefinanciación de exportaciones y capital de trabajo", dijo la Presidente, aclarando que "nadie piensa en prefinanciar la exportación de una gran multinacional, sino la de las pequeñas economías regionales." También anunció una baja del 5 por ciento para las retenciones a la exportación de granos, excepto para la soja. El trigo pagará una tasa de 25% y el maíz del 20%. Las retenciones bajarán, además, un punto porcentual extra por cada millón de toneladas que super el promedio de exportación de los granos, que para el trigo se calcula en 13 millones anuales, y en 15 millones para el maíz, según explicó la mandataria.
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner: "La perinola ha caído para que todos pongan la parte que le corresponde". La presidenta argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, lanzó un plan de estímulos financieros de 13.200 millones de pesos para reactivar el consumo, la inversión y evitar despidos. Entre las medidas se encuentran la baja de retenciones a las exportaciones de trigo y maíz, y reactivar varios sectores industriales. El objetivo global es reducir los efectos de la crisis financiera en el país. En una conferencia de prensa realizada en el auditorio de la Quinta Presidencial de Olivos, la mandataria anunció que destinará $3.500 millones para aumentar el consumo mediante de créditos de hasta $5.000. Además, brindará $3.100 millones para reactivar el alicaído mercado automotor. Se destinarán $650 millones para la fabricación de vehículos utilitarios. La mayoría de los créditos se harán a través del banco BICE. También habrán $1.700 millones para el sector agropecuario y $3.000 millones para para las pequeñas y medianas empresas. Por su parte, la industria recibirá $1.250 millones por el plan. Las retenciones al trigo se reducirán del 28% al 23%, mientras que, en el caso del trigo, bajarán del 50% al 20%. "Estos planes no son para sostener la rentabilidad de un país que crece al 8% o al 9%, eso es imposible. Esta plata del Estado es el ahorro de todos los argentinos. La perinola ha caído para que todos pongan la parte que le corresponde poner a cada uno", dijo la Presidenta. Asimismo, la mandataria manifestó que los problemas que la Argentina enfrenta desde septiembre se debe al crack mundial que, según ella, "complicó la vida de los argentinos". Fernández de Kirchner también advirtió que "nadie que considere a los trabajadores como variable de ajuste en la nómina de personal va a poder acceder a este tipo de financiamiento". Eduardo Buzzi: "La Presidenta le sigue chupando la sangre al interior". === Repercusiones === El plan recibió el apoyo de empresarios y la industria. El presidente de la Unión Industrial Argentina (UIA), Juan Carlos Lascurain, expresó su satisfacción y destacó: "Lo más importante es la visión que tiene el Gobierno de que las medidas tienen muchas veces flexibilidad y deben ser monitoreadas". Para Cristiano Ratazzi, presidente de Fiat Argentina, le "parece bien que sea un plan global". El titular de la Confederación Argentina de la Mediana Empresa (CAME), Osvaldo Cornide, señaló la importancia de la inclusión de las pymes en el proyecto. Sin embargo, el anuncio del campo no fue recibida con tanto optimismo. Sobre la baja de las retenciones, el titular de la Federación Agraria Argentina (FAA), Eduardo Buzzi, afirmó: "En materia agropecuaria estos anuncios, por lo menos para la zona central del país, (...) no tienen impacto, esto no va a influir, no va a mejorar la situación. Al contrario, va a caer muy mal entre los productores". Criticó que las medidas sean "unilaterales" y sentenció que la Presidenta "sigue chupando la sangre" a las zonas rurales. En cambio, Juan Gear, vicepresidente de la asociación agroindustrial Maizar, declaró: "Las medidas van en la dirección correcta, no se puede negar que algo había que hacer con las retenciones, porque con los niveles del 25 para el maíz y el 28 para trigo, con estos precios era insostenible". El economista y legislador Martín Hourest calificó de "raquítica" el plan previsto para el agro. "Sabemos que los que están matando a los productores son sus proveedores y sus compradores. Entonces, el Gobierno se equivoca cuando sube las retenciones, pero también cuando las baja", señaló.
APOYO PATRONAL A LAS MEDIDAS DE CFK El plan C tiene el guiño de banqueros y empresarios El nuevo paquete de medidas de incentivo a la producción que anunció la Presidenta fue bien recibido por la Unión Industrial, ADEBA y CAME. 04.12.2008 Juan Carlos Lascurain, presidente de Unión Industrial Argentina. (DYN) El paquete de 13.200 millones de pesos destinado a mantener los niveles de producción y consumo interno anunciado por la presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner fue recibido con optimismo entre los empresarios y banqueros amigos del Gobierno. Al respecto, Juan Carlos Lascurain, presidente de la Unión Industrial Argentina (UIA), dijo: "Nos vamos con satisfacción. Lo más importante es la visión que tiene el Gobierno de que las medidas tienen muchas veces flexibilidad y deben ser monitoreadas". Cristiano Ratazzi, titular de Fiat, expresó que le "parece bien que sea un plan global, que incentive a varios sectores y también al automotor, pero no tenemos todavía la instrumentación (del plan de autos) entonces es muy difícil dar una opinión. Estamos muy cerca de un acuerdo pero hay todavía detalles para ver". No obstante, Dante Álvarez, directivo de la Asociación de Concesionarios de Automotores de la República Argentina (ACARA), detalló que "los autos serán de entre 30.000 y 40.000 pesos y estamos trabajando junto con el Gobierno para armar las herramientas que permitan instrumentarlo. Estos autos van a ser subsidiados por las terminales y concesionarias. Seguramente para el mes que viene empezaremos el año con el plan nuevo". Por su parte, Osvaldo Cornide, titular de la Confederación Argentina de la Mediana Empresa (CAME), dijo que "el anuncio referido a las pymes es sumamente importante. Cuando se aproxima una crisis como la que estamos viviendo dar créditos a tasas bajas es un método acertado para incentivar el consumo y así garantizar la producción". Con ese mismo tono optimista, el presidente de la Asociación de Bancos Argentinos (ADEBA), Jorge Brito, dijo que "se lanza un paquete de un monto muy significativo destinado a financiar la producción y el consumo del mercado de bienes. Redundará sin duda en un importante aliento a las exportaciones". Espacio de los lectores IMPORTANTE: Los comentarios publicados son de exclusiva responsabilidad de sus autores y las consecuencias derivadas de ellos pueden ser pausibles de las sanciones legales que correspondan. Aquel usuario que incluya en sus mensajes algún comentario violatorio del REGLAMENTO será eliminado e inhabilitado para volver a comentar. Monica 39 años | Si, Pablo, el problema va a ser cuando lleguen al plan Z y todo siga peor que antes... Pablo 41 años | Recuerdo que el plan B de la semana pasada también tenía guiños y miren ahora... ya vamos por el C, y después seguramente va a venir el D. Faltando algunas semanas, se puede pronosticar que a fin de año podríamos estar por el F. Luis 47 años | Les sugiero a los foristas que intenten ver una documental de libre acceso, ambientada en OTAWA sobre el GRUPO BILDERBERG que rige los destinos del mundo desde sus origenes en 1954 y cuya meta es lograr la universalizaciòn de un gobierno impuesto (posiblemente el anglo americano) a fines del 2030. En la reuniòn documentada se tocaron tres temas; 1) El precio del petróleo, 2) La guerra con IRAN 3) El Sr. Chavez, la crisis mundial debidamente planificada el. Su seguros integrantes son ROCKEFELLER, ROSTCHILD, Y ALGUNOS DEL GRUPO PRISA(FELIPE GONZALES, ESPERANZA AGUERRE, JUAN L. CEBRIAN). Todo comenzarìa con la combinaciòn de las SUBPRIME mas HIPOTECAS Y MAXIMO PRECIO DEL PETROLEO Y PROBLEMAS EN LA ALIMENTACIÒN. Parece ciencia ficciòn, pero es aparentemente verdad documentada.¿Què parte de ese plan estan dispuesto a realizar los banqueros y empresarios de estos lares? ¿Porque haràn un guiño a ese plan? "Estamos mal pero vamos bien" (¿Recuerdan?) BIGOTE 53 años | Todos los actores involucrados (trabajadores y empresarios), están conformes. Los únicos que reman para atrás son los periodistas y la oposición. Menos mal que Kirchner tiene una hermana. Sino nos quedamos sin opciones presidenciales.
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner: "La perinola ha caído para que todos pongan la parte que le corresponde". La presidenta argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, lanzó un plan de estímulos financieros de 13.200 millones de pesos para reactivar el consumo, la inversión y evitar despidos. Entre las medidas se encuentran la baja de retenciones a las exportaciones de trigo y maíz, y reactivar varios sectores industriales. El objetivo global es reducir los efectos de la crisis financiera en el país. En una conferencia de prensa realizada en el auditorio de la Quinta Presidencial de Olivos, la mandataria anunció que destinará $3.500 millones para aumentar el consumo mediante de créditos de hasta $5.000. Además, brindará $3.100 millones para reactivar el alicaído mercado automotor. Se destinarán $650 millones para la fabricación de vehículos utilitarios. La mayoría de los créditos se harán a través del banco BICE. También habrán $1.700 millones para el sector agropecuario y $3.000 millones para para las pequeñas y medianas empresas. Por su parte, la industria recibirá $1.250 millones por el plan. Las retenciones al trigo se reducirán del 28% al 23%, mientras que, en el caso del trigo, bajarán del 50% al 20%. "Estos planes no son para sostener la rentabilidad de un país que crece al 8% o al 9%, eso es imposible. Esta plata del Estado es el ahorro de todos los argentinos. La perinola ha caído para que todos pongan la parte que le corresponde poner a cada uno", dijo la Presidenta. Asimismo, la mandataria manifestó que los problemas que la Argentina enfrenta desde septiembre se debe al crack mundial que, según ella, "complicó la vida de los argentinos". Fernández de Kirchner también advirtió que "nadie que considere a los trabajadores como variable de ajuste en la nómina de personal va a poder acceder a este tipo de financiamiento". Eduardo Buzzi: "La Presidenta le sigue chupando la sangre al interior". === Repercusiones === El plan recibió el apoyo de empresarios y la industria. El presidente de la Unión Industrial Argentina (UIA), Juan Carlos Lascurain, expresó su satisfacción y destacó: "Lo más importante es la visión que tiene el Gobierno de que las medidas tienen muchas veces flexibilidad y deben ser monitoreadas". Para Cristiano Ratazzi, presidente de Fiat Argentina, le "parece bien que sea un plan global". El titular de la Confederación Argentina de la Mediana Empresa (CAME), Osvaldo Cornide, señaló la importancia de la inclusión de las pymes en el proyecto. Sin embargo, el anuncio del campo no fue recibida con tanto optimismo. Sobre la baja de las retenciones, el titular de la Federación Agraria Argentina (FAA), Eduardo Buzzi, afirmó: "En materia agropecuaria estos anuncios, por lo menos para la zona central del país, (...) no tienen impacto, esto no va a influir, no va a mejorar la situación. Al contrario, va a caer muy mal entre los productores". Criticó que las medidas sean "unilaterales" y sentenció que la Presidenta "sigue chupando la sangre" a las zonas rurales. En cambio, Juan Gear, vicepresidente de la asociación agroindustrial Maizar, declaró: "Las medidas van en la dirección correcta, no se puede negar que algo había que hacer con las retenciones, porque con los niveles del 25 para el maíz y el 28 para trigo, con estos precios era insostenible". El economista y legislador Martín Hourest calificó de "raquítica" el plan previsto para el agro. "Sabemos que los que están matando a los productores son sus proveedores y sus compradores. Entonces, el Gobierno se equivoca cuando sube las retenciones, pero también cuando las baja", señaló.
El anuncio del plan de contingencia que anunció este mediodía la presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner generó un impacto disímil entre los economistas. ¿De dónde saldrán los fondos?¿Por qué ahora el anuncio y no antes, cuando la crisis ya era una realidad palpable? ¿Por qué sólo se toca el tema retenciones y no se aborda la problemática del campo en su complejidad? Un giro interesante. Consultado por, el economista Eduardo Curia aseguró que "desde hace unos días hay un giro interesante en el Gobierno en su percepción del reto que genera la crisis mundial". "En líneas generales, me parece que el Gobierno está avanzando en asumir la crisis con más rigor al dar mayor amplitud a las medidas. Claro que está en camino, ya que llega un poco demorado y entonces es una carrera contrarreloj", dijo Curia. Fuente habitual de consulta del ministro de Planificacion, Julio De Vido, Curia destacó la baja en las retenciones. "La posibilidad de bajar las retenciones es, por lo menos, un paso adelante", dijo en torno al recorte del 5 por ciento en las alícuotas a la exportación de granos (excepto la soja) que anunció Fernández de Kirchner. Desconocen la recesión. José Luis Espert, de la consultora macroeconómica Espert & Asociados, expresó a que las medidas "desconocen por completo que Argentina hoy ya está en recesión, no por falta de políticas oficiales que den dinamismo a la producción y el consumo sino por una violenta fuga de capitales debido a que estamos cerca del default y por el robo a los afiliados de las AFJP". "A esto hay que sumarle el desplome del ingreso disponible de los argentinos por la caída de los precios de nuestros commodities y las cantidades exportadas por la recesión mundial. Lo que debería haberse anunciado es una política de congelamiento del gasto público, de salarios y devaluar más rápido para que el sector privado no se derrumbe y el desempleo no explote en 2009", concluyó. El error de subir y también de bajar retenciones."Es razonable que se diga que el mundo nos complicó, pero demuestra el pésimo nivel de diágnostico previo que tiene el Gobierno", recalcó a Martín Hourest, economista y legislador porteño del bloque Igualdad Social. Para el edil, está claro que el kirchnerismo apunta a sostener los niveles de consumo, que pasa por incentivar el crédito para bienes durables, pero explicó que hay una "ausencia notable en la redistribución oportunidades". Además, analizó que "si los ciudadanos ven en que su continuidad laboral está en vilo, es difícil que compren algo". Hourest se preguntó si en vez de tomar este tipo de medidas, que acarrean un costo fiscal, "no sería mejor universalizar las prestaciones, sea cual sea la condición del beneficiado, dar un subsidio universal a la infancia". Sobre la baja de retenciones, dijo que "el Gobierno siguen insistiendo sobre un sólo punto de la hoja de balance" y tildó de "raquítica" la estrategia de abordaje de los problemas del campo. "Sabemos que los que están matando a los productores son sus proveedores y sus compradores. Entonces, el Gobierno se equivoca cuando sube las retenciones, pero también cuando las baja", concluyó.
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner: "La perinola ha caído para que todos pongan la parte que le corresponde". La presidenta argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, lanzó un plan de estímulos financieros de 13.200 millones de pesos para reactivar el consumo, la inversión y evitar despidos. Entre las medidas se encuentran la baja de retenciones a las exportaciones de trigo y maíz, y reactivar varios sectores industriales. El objetivo global es reducir los efectos de la crisis financiera en el país. En una conferencia de prensa realizada en el auditorio de la Quinta Presidencial de Olivos, la mandataria anunció que destinará $3.500 millones para aumentar el consumo mediante de créditos de hasta $5.000. Además, brindará $3.100 millones para reactivar el alicaído mercado automotor. Se destinarán $650 millones para la fabricación de vehículos utilitarios. La mayoría de los créditos se harán a través del banco BICE. También habrán $1.700 millones para el sector agropecuario y $3.000 millones para para las pequeñas y medianas empresas. Por su parte, la industria recibirá $1.250 millones por el plan. Las retenciones al trigo se reducirán del 28% al 23%, mientras que, en el caso del trigo, bajarán del 50% al 20%. "Estos planes no son para sostener la rentabilidad de un país que crece al 8% o al 9%, eso es imposible. Esta plata del Estado es el ahorro de todos los argentinos. La perinola ha caído para que todos pongan la parte que le corresponde poner a cada uno", dijo la Presidenta. Asimismo, la mandataria manifestó que los problemas que la Argentina enfrenta desde septiembre se debe al crack mundial que, según ella, "complicó la vida de los argentinos". Fernández de Kirchner también advirtió que "nadie que considere a los trabajadores como variable de ajuste en la nómina de personal va a poder acceder a este tipo de financiamiento". Eduardo Buzzi: "La Presidenta le sigue chupando la sangre al interior". === Repercusiones === El plan recibió el apoyo de empresarios y la industria. El presidente de la Unión Industrial Argentina (UIA), Juan Carlos Lascurain, expresó su satisfacción y destacó: "Lo más importante es la visión que tiene el Gobierno de que las medidas tienen muchas veces flexibilidad y deben ser monitoreadas". Para Cristiano Ratazzi, presidente de Fiat Argentina, le "parece bien que sea un plan global". El titular de la Confederación Argentina de la Mediana Empresa (CAME), Osvaldo Cornide, señaló la importancia de la inclusión de las pymes en el proyecto. Sin embargo, el anuncio del campo no fue recibida con tanto optimismo. Sobre la baja de las retenciones, el titular de la Federación Agraria Argentina (FAA), Eduardo Buzzi, afirmó: "En materia agropecuaria estos anuncios, por lo menos para la zona central del país, (...) no tienen impacto, esto no va a influir, no va a mejorar la situación. Al contrario, va a caer muy mal entre los productores". Criticó que las medidas sean "unilaterales" y sentenció que la Presidenta "sigue chupando la sangre" a las zonas rurales. En cambio, Juan Gear, vicepresidente de la asociación agroindustrial Maizar, declaró: "Las medidas van en la dirección correcta, no se puede negar que algo había que hacer con las retenciones, porque con los niveles del 25 para el maíz y el 28 para trigo, con estos precios era insostenible". El economista y legislador Martín Hourest calificó de "raquítica" el plan previsto para el agro. "Sabemos que los que están matando a los productores son sus proveedores y sus compradores. Entonces, el Gobierno se equivoca cuando sube las retenciones, pero también cuando las baja", señaló.
Eduardo Buzzi fue durísimo con las medidas dictadas por el Gobierno. | Foto: Cedoc Para el presidente de la Federación Agraria Argentina (FAA), Eduardo Buzzi, el anuncio oficial de bajar a 5 puntos las retenciones a las exportaciones de trigo y maíz es "insignificante" y dijo que "no va a resolver los problemas" del sector agropecuario. Minutos después de escuchar las medidas que la presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner presentó en Olivos, el ruralista santafesino fue contundente y lo minimizó: "La reducción de retenciones no tendrá impacto" en los productores y agregó que para los chacareros tienen "200 hectáreas, las retenciones tendrían que ser cero punto". La falta de diálogo del Gobierno con el campo fue otro de los puntos que Buzzi señaló y acusó a la administración CFK de tomar medidas "unilaterales" y no sentarse a conversar con el campo. De todas formas, destacó que la prefinanciación de exportaciones por 1.700 millones de pesos. "No es una mala noticia", porque "a la producción de miel, lanas, arándanos y frutas necesitan apoyo para exportar", marcó. "Esto no va a influir, no va a mejorar la situación, al contrario, va a caer muy mal entre los productores, porque es tan insignificante mover retenciones en cinco puntos", apuntó el titular de la FAA. Además, añadió que "la exportación de trigo y maíz está cerrada", y sostuvo que es "un disparate mantener en 35 por ciento las retenciones de la soja". "Con estas medidas se le sigue chupando la sangre al interior del país, y se lo sigue poniendo anémico", destacó Buzzi, quien alertó que "todo el interior se sigue debilitando".
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner: "La perinola ha caído para que todos pongan la parte que le corresponde". La presidenta argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, lanzó un plan de estímulos financieros de 13.200 millones de pesos para reactivar el consumo, la inversión y evitar despidos. Entre las medidas se encuentran la baja de retenciones a las exportaciones de trigo y maíz, y reactivar varios sectores industriales. El objetivo global es reducir los efectos de la crisis financiera en el país. En una conferencia de prensa realizada en el auditorio de la Quinta Presidencial de Olivos, la mandataria anunció que destinará $3.500 millones para aumentar el consumo mediante de créditos de hasta $5.000. Además, brindará $3.100 millones para reactivar el alicaído mercado automotor. Se destinarán $650 millones para la fabricación de vehículos utilitarios. La mayoría de los créditos se harán a través del banco BICE. También habrán $1.700 millones para el sector agropecuario y $3.000 millones para para las pequeñas y medianas empresas. Por su parte, la industria recibirá $1.250 millones por el plan. Las retenciones al trigo se reducirán del 28% al 23%, mientras que, en el caso del trigo, bajarán del 50% al 20%. "Estos planes no son para sostener la rentabilidad de un país que crece al 8% o al 9%, eso es imposible. Esta plata del Estado es el ahorro de todos los argentinos. La perinola ha caído para que todos pongan la parte que le corresponde poner a cada uno", dijo la Presidenta. Asimismo, la mandataria manifestó que los problemas que la Argentina enfrenta desde septiembre se debe al crack mundial que, según ella, "complicó la vida de los argentinos". Fernández de Kirchner también advirtió que "nadie que considere a los trabajadores como variable de ajuste en la nómina de personal va a poder acceder a este tipo de financiamiento". Eduardo Buzzi: "La Presidenta le sigue chupando la sangre al interior". === Repercusiones === El plan recibió el apoyo de empresarios y la industria. El presidente de la Unión Industrial Argentina (UIA), Juan Carlos Lascurain, expresó su satisfacción y destacó: "Lo más importante es la visión que tiene el Gobierno de que las medidas tienen muchas veces flexibilidad y deben ser monitoreadas". Para Cristiano Ratazzi, presidente de Fiat Argentina, le "parece bien que sea un plan global". El titular de la Confederación Argentina de la Mediana Empresa (CAME), Osvaldo Cornide, señaló la importancia de la inclusión de las pymes en el proyecto. Sin embargo, el anuncio del campo no fue recibida con tanto optimismo. Sobre la baja de las retenciones, el titular de la Federación Agraria Argentina (FAA), Eduardo Buzzi, afirmó: "En materia agropecuaria estos anuncios, por lo menos para la zona central del país, (...) no tienen impacto, esto no va a influir, no va a mejorar la situación. Al contrario, va a caer muy mal entre los productores". Criticó que las medidas sean "unilaterales" y sentenció que la Presidenta "sigue chupando la sangre" a las zonas rurales. En cambio, Juan Gear, vicepresidente de la asociación agroindustrial Maizar, declaró: "Las medidas van en la dirección correcta, no se puede negar que algo había que hacer con las retenciones, porque con los niveles del 25 para el maíz y el 28 para trigo, con estos precios era insostenible". El economista y legislador Martín Hourest calificó de "raquítica" el plan previsto para el agro. "Sabemos que los que están matando a los productores son sus proveedores y sus compradores. Entonces, el Gobierno se equivoca cuando sube las retenciones, pero también cuando las baja", señaló.
Experts split on whether pope and Giuliani will meet When Pope Benedict XVI travels to New York in April, he's expected to visit Ground Zero and Yankee Stadium -- places known for their connection to another famous Catholic, Rudy Giuliani. The Vatican announced Monday that Benedict plans to travel to the United States for a five-day trip to Washington and New York. Given the Rudy-friendly itinerary, is there a chance the pontiff will grant an audience to Giuliani -- a lifelong Yankees fan known worldwide for his handling of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks? Papal experts say that while Giuliani would likely be invited along on Benedict's visit to Ground Zero, they disagree over whether he would be granted a private audience. "I'm sure the pope would be happy to grant Giuliani an audience," said David Gibson, author of "The Rule of Benedict," a biography of Pope Benedict XVI. "If there was something at Ground Zero, I would be surprised if Giuliani were not there." But Thomas Reese, a senior fellow at the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University, said he doubted the pope would grant a tete-a-tete with the former mayor. Although Giuliani may appear at an event with other officials, "The pope normally deals with current government leaders -- not past leaders," Reese said. If Giuliani is still a presidential candidate come April -- the Republican nominee should be chosen by then -- a papal meeting would lend a bit of gravitas to his bid. Still, if Hizzoner engineers an audience with His Holiness, the visit could backfire. After all, Giuliani is a candidate for the presidency -- not the priesthood. Although he attended Catholic schools all his life, he's on his third marriage, has an estranged relationship with his children and holds liberal views on abortion and gay rights. Such a public meeting might remind voters of his less-than-saintly past. "He's walking a tightrope," Gibson said of Giuliani. "If he appears to look like an altar boy, it's not going to play very well." Giuliani sometimes jokes on the campaign trail about his lapsed faith, telling a Missouri audience Monday that winning the endorsement of conservative preacher Pat Robertson was like "going to confession." If Giuliani is still a candidate in April, the chances for a meeting are also less likely, said Gibson. "He [the pope] does not want to appear partisan." Giuliani's campaign had no comment. More articles Copyright © 2007, Newsday Inc.
Rudy Giuliani Conservative evangelical preacher Pat Robertson has endorsed Rudy Giuliani's bid for the 2008 U.S. Presidential election. Robertson said that he was supporting the former New York City mayor, despite their disagreements on social issues, because Giuliani was the best hope for the United States against "the blood lust of Islamic terrorists". Robertson said that Giuliani was a "proven leader who is not afraid of what lies ahead, and who will cast a hopeful vision for all Americans." Although Robertson's influence in the religious right is not as strong as it once was, his endorsement is still important to Republican candidates. Giuliani is pro-choice while Robertson is pro-life. Giuliani also favors extending rights to gays although does not favor allowing gay marriage. Giuliani has had a turbulent family life. Giuliani is on his third marriage and after one divorce was living with two gay roommates. The Religious Right in the United States, including Robertson, often emphasizes what they call traditional family values and frown on divorce and non-standard home arrangements. The religious right in the United States has been under stress in this election over whom to support. James Dobson, another prominent and controversial evangelical leader has warned that although the Religious Right has for a long time supported the Republican Party, they may vote for a third party candidate if the Republican Party Presidential candidate does not share their views on social issues.
The televangelist says national security and federal spending worries should trump conservatives' concerns about the former New York mayor's support of abortion rights. Related Stories - Giuliani embraces tough love WASHINGTON -- Republican presidential candidate Rudolph W. Giuliani on Wednesday received the endorsement of televangelist Pat Robertson, who said the former New York mayor's promises to appoint conservative judges and protect Americans "from the blood lust of Islamic terrorists" should trump conservatives' concerns about Giuliani's support of abortion rights.Robertson's endorsement of Giuliani came one day after another prominent social conservative, Paul M. Weyrich, endorsed rival presidential candidate Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor. Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.), a social conservative who ended his own presidential bid earlier this fall, said Wednesday that he would back his Senate colleague John McCain of Arizona.Taken together, the endorsements suggested that abortion may not prove to be a top-tier issue in the wide-open Republican race, and that top evangelical figures would divide their support among multiple contenders. Social conservatives have demonstrated a willingness to eschew longtime abortion opponents such as former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and former Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee to back candidates who either favor abortion rights, as Giuliani does, or who are recent converts to the antiabortion cause, as is Romney.Robertson said national security and concerns about federal spending should be top priorities. "To me, the overriding issue before the American people is the defense of our population from the blood lust of Islamic terrorists," he said. "Our second goal should be the control of massive government waste and crushing federal deficits."Giuliani, appearing with Robertson at the National Press Club, said: "His confidence in me means a lot. His experience and advice will be a great asset to me and my campaign."Asked about Robertson's endorsement, Romney, who was campaigning in South Carolina, touted the support of other social conservatives, including Bob Jones III, former president of the Christian conservative Bob Jones University in Greenville, S.C."I can't get all the social conservatives to endorse my candidacy," he told reporters. "I'm really pleased with the support I've got."Both Giuliani and Romney had aggressively sought Robertson's backing, with phone calls and appearances at Regent University, an evangelical Christian institution in Virginia Beach, Va., founded by Robertson in 1978. Robertson had leaned in Giuliani's direction since the former mayor's Regent speech, telling his Christian Broadcasting Network that Giuliani had been "a smash."The two men said they had become friends when they traveled together to Israel a few years ago. Aides suggested that Theodore B. Olson, a former solicitor general in the Bush administration and a leading conservative legal figure, had made the endorsement happen.Olson is an advisor to Giuliani's campaign, and he introduced Robertson at a news conference called Wednesday morning in Washington to announce the endorsement.In appealing to social conservatives, Giuliani has made a pledge -- one of his campaign's "12 commitments" -- to appoint "strict constructionist" judges who claim to interpret the Constitution in the manner that its framers intended.Robertson indicated Wednesday he had been won over by this pledge. Giuliani, Robertson said, "understands the need for a conservative judiciary, and with the help of the distinguished Ted Olson, who is here today, and other members of his team, has assured the American people that his choices for judicial appointments will be men and women who share the judicial philosophy of [Chief Justice] John Roberts and [Justice] Antonin Scalia."Robertson ran for president in 1988 and remains a key figure in the conservative movement, in part through his television network. But his influence has been diminished somewhat by the rise of younger leaders and his reputation for making comments that draw widespread ridicule.In recent years, he has called then-Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's stroke a form of divine punishment for "dividing God's land," and has called for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. He later apologized for the Chavez comment.
Rudy Giuliani Conservative evangelical preacher Pat Robertson has endorsed Rudy Giuliani's bid for the 2008 U.S. Presidential election. Robertson said that he was supporting the former New York City mayor, despite their disagreements on social issues, because Giuliani was the best hope for the United States against "the blood lust of Islamic terrorists". Robertson said that Giuliani was a "proven leader who is not afraid of what lies ahead, and who will cast a hopeful vision for all Americans." Although Robertson's influence in the religious right is not as strong as it once was, his endorsement is still important to Republican candidates. Giuliani is pro-choice while Robertson is pro-life. Giuliani also favors extending rights to gays although does not favor allowing gay marriage. Giuliani has had a turbulent family life. Giuliani is on his third marriage and after one divorce was living with two gay roommates. The Religious Right in the United States, including Robertson, often emphasizes what they call traditional family values and frown on divorce and non-standard home arrangements. The religious right in the United States has been under stress in this election over whom to support. James Dobson, another prominent and controversial evangelical leader has warned that although the Religious Right has for a long time supported the Republican Party, they may vote for a third party candidate if the Republican Party Presidential candidate does not share their views on social issues.
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Rudy Giuliani Conservative evangelical preacher Pat Robertson has endorsed Rudy Giuliani's bid for the 2008 U.S. Presidential election. Robertson said that he was supporting the former New York City mayor, despite their disagreements on social issues, because Giuliani was the best hope for the United States against "the blood lust of Islamic terrorists". Robertson said that Giuliani was a "proven leader who is not afraid of what lies ahead, and who will cast a hopeful vision for all Americans." Although Robertson's influence in the religious right is not as strong as it once was, his endorsement is still important to Republican candidates. Giuliani is pro-choice while Robertson is pro-life. Giuliani also favors extending rights to gays although does not favor allowing gay marriage. Giuliani has had a turbulent family life. Giuliani is on his third marriage and after one divorce was living with two gay roommates. The Religious Right in the United States, including Robertson, often emphasizes what they call traditional family values and frown on divorce and non-standard home arrangements. The religious right in the United States has been under stress in this election over whom to support. James Dobson, another prominent and controversial evangelical leader has warned that although the Religious Right has for a long time supported the Republican Party, they may vote for a third party candidate if the Republican Party Presidential candidate does not share their views on social issues.
A WILD boar shot by an 11-year-old boy in Alabama was claimed to weigh a staggering 476kg and measure 2.74m from its snout to the end of its tail. If these measurements are accurate, Jamison Stone's trophy boar would be bigger than Hogzilla, the famed wild hog that grew to seemingly mythical proportions after being killed in South Georgia in 2004. National Geographic experts, who unearthed Hogzilla's remains, believe the animal weighed about 363kg and was 2.4m long. Regardless of the comparison, Jamison is revelling in the attention. "It feels really good. It's a good accomplishment. I probably won't ever kill anything else that big," he said. Jamison said he shot the huge animal eight times with a .50-calibre revolver and chased it for three hours before finishing it off with a point-blank shot. Trees had to be cut down to bring Jamison's prize out of the woods. Jamison's father, Mike Stone, is turning the beast into sausages. "We'll probably get 500 to 700 pounds (317kg)," he said. Jamison has been offered a small part in the new movie The Legend of Hogzilla. - AP
The mainstream press has recently uncovered the story of a wild pig, nicknamed 'Monster Pig' killed on May 3, 2007, by an eleven year-old boy, Jamison Stone. The location is disclosed as a 2,500-acre commercial hunting preserve called Lost Creek Plantation, outside Anniston, Alabama. The wild hog weighed 1,051 lbs. and was 9 ft. 4 in. from the tip of its snout to the end of its tail. The hog's head was mounted on an extra-large foam form and measured 54 inches around the head, 74 inches around the shoulders and 11 inches from the eyes to the end of its snout. The balance of the hog is being turned into approximately 500 to 700 lbs of sausage. Jerry Cunningham, an Oxford taxidermist, said it was, "the Biggest thing I'd ever seen". Wildlife specialist Dr. Jim Armstrong commented on the size said, "You might get a boar that weighs 300 or so, Monster Pig that's a big pig". Stone said he shot the pig eight times using a Smith & Wesson Model 500 with a holographic scope and ported barrel firing 350-grain Hornady cartridges. Stone had to chase the hog for three hours through hilly woods before finishing it off with a point-blank shot. The web host for the official web site '''' advised Stone that the number of hits totaled 1,246,464 as of Monday, May 21st. Two previous record holders are Hogzilla a wild hog that was shot and killed in Alapaha, Georgia, on June 17, 2004, by Chris Griffin on Ken Holyoak's farm and hunting reserve. It was alleged to be 12 feet (3.6 meters) long and to weigh 1,000 pounds (450 kg). Its weight was later determined to be closer to 800 lbs. A second involved local news media that reported on January 5, 2007, an 1,100 pound (500 kg) hog was shot in Fayetteville, Georgia. The shooter was William Corsey, who hung the specimen from a tree in his yard. A spokesperson from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources said that large boars and feral hogs were common in South Georgia, but that no records are kept on them. The media latched on to the notion that this animal rivals the size of Hogzilla.
DELTA — It's real. And it's big. It's a really big pig. Soon after the story began circulating on the Internet of 11-year-old Jamison Stone's harvest of a 1,051-pound feral hog in Delta, the doubters came out in droves. But Jerry Cunningham, of Jerry's Taxidermy in Oxford, says he saw it right after it was taken. And he's the one currently in possession of the poker. Cunningham was called on to handle the mounting of the animal. He said they told him it was a giant, and, after laying eyes on the animal, he says they weren't exaggerating. “Biggest thing I'd ever seen,” he said. “ It's huge.” According to Mike Stone, Jamison's father, the hog weighed 1,051 pounds. It was weighed at the Clay County Farmer's Exchange in Lineville. Workers at the co-op verified that the scales used, basic truck scales, were recently certified by the state. However, no workers from the co-op were present when the hog was weighed. Stone, a Pickensville resident, said the hog was also measured two different ways. Suspended from rear hoof to snout, he was 10 feet, 7 inches. From snout to tail, it was just more than 9 feet. The only measurements that can currently be verified — because the hog is in post-processing mode — are sizes of the hog from the shoulder up, the method that the Stones are using to preserve their trophy. Cunningham will have to use those measurements to create a form for the mount, as prefab mounts do not come that big. The circumference of the hog's head (across the ears) is 54 inches. Around its shoulders, it's 74 inches. And the length of its snout — from its eyes to the end of its nose — is 11 inches. “I couldn't believe it,” Jamison said after he first saw it. “It was the size of a cow. It was huge.” Perhaps as astounding as the size of the hog was how the story got out — or didn't. The old adage of news traveling fast in a small town wasn't quite the case. Driving around the dusty backroads of the rural community of Delta, story of the monster pig wasn't widely known. Even in nearby Lineville, the picture that appeared on the front page of Tuesday's Anniston Star was the first many people had heard about it. But in cyberspace, the news has traveled a great deal faster. And let's just say people have gone hog wild. In attempts to do something nice for his young son, Mike Stone created a Web site,, to help show off his kill. He also created it to help cut down on the time of sending e-mail out to family and friends. However, the simple concept of the Web site has grown into much, much more. At the site is a simple recount of the animal, its size and what was used to harvest the hog. It also includes pictures, a way to contact Jamison and some of the e-mails he received — good and bad. According to Stone, the host for the Web site ( said the number of requests — or hits — totaled 1,246,464 as of Monday. Calls have come all the way from California, where Jamison appeared on a radio talk show. According to Mike Stone and the Web site, Jamison has gotten words of congratulation from Rickey Medlocke of Lynyrd Skynyrd, country music star Kenny Chesney, Tom Knapp of Benelli firearms and Jerry Miculek of Smith & Wesson. The hunt Just as it goes with skinning cats, there's more than one way to harvest a hog. Some track them with dogs. Some wait them out in tree stands, and others — braver ones — stalk-hunt the creatures. The Stones, manned with guides Keith O'Neal and Chris Williams, chose the latter when purchasing the hunt from Eddy Borden of Lost Creek Plantation. It wasn't Stone's first time hog hunting at the preserve. Not long before his son's harvest, he had taken a feral swine himself. At the time, he said he was quite proud of it. “It was about 600 pounds,” he said. “I thought it was massive at the time.” After using the stalk-hunting method, the weapon of choice was a modified .50-caliber pistol that had been modified with a holographic scope and a ported barrel to cut down on some its recoil. It was also packing a 350-grain Horaday bullet. They ventured out and found the hog, and that's when the ordeal started. To kill the massive beast, 16 shots were fired — all by Jamison. Approximately nine landed. They tracked — and sometimes were forced to avoid — the hog for more than three hours. Just how big again? The elder Stone says all he really knew was it was a big pig. Just how big it was — with respect to records — he didn't know. “It was a pretty uneventful thing until the day after,” Mike Stone said. “I hadn't seen a lot of pigs up close. I didn't know it was a monster pig. I just knew it was a big as a cow.” It wasn't until the day after the hunt when Stone received an e-mail from a friend informing him that, some time ago, Hogzilla had been found to be only 800 pounds (in a National Geographic documentary on the hog). Chris Griffin, who killed the Hogzilla, had said it was in excess of 1,000 pounds. “When all that happened, I looked over at my wife and said, 'This is a big deal,'” he said. “Hogzilla wasn't even as big as the one Jamison killed.” State records on feral swine are not kept by the Alabama Department of Conservation. According to biologists, pigs such as Hogzilla and this one are not the norm. Average free-roaming feral swine grow to modest sizes compared to this beast. “You might get a boar that weighs 300 or so,” said Dr. Jim Armstrong, Extension Wildlife Specialist and Associate Professor for Auburn University's School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences. “That's a big pig.”
The mainstream press has recently uncovered the story of a wild pig, nicknamed 'Monster Pig' killed on May 3, 2007, by an eleven year-old boy, Jamison Stone. The location is disclosed as a 2,500-acre commercial hunting preserve called Lost Creek Plantation, outside Anniston, Alabama. The wild hog weighed 1,051 lbs. and was 9 ft. 4 in. from the tip of its snout to the end of its tail. The hog's head was mounted on an extra-large foam form and measured 54 inches around the head, 74 inches around the shoulders and 11 inches from the eyes to the end of its snout. The balance of the hog is being turned into approximately 500 to 700 lbs of sausage. Jerry Cunningham, an Oxford taxidermist, said it was, "the Biggest thing I'd ever seen". Wildlife specialist Dr. Jim Armstrong commented on the size said, "You might get a boar that weighs 300 or so, Monster Pig that's a big pig". Stone said he shot the pig eight times using a Smith & Wesson Model 500 with a holographic scope and ported barrel firing 350-grain Hornady cartridges. Stone had to chase the hog for three hours through hilly woods before finishing it off with a point-blank shot. The web host for the official web site '''' advised Stone that the number of hits totaled 1,246,464 as of Monday, May 21st. Two previous record holders are Hogzilla a wild hog that was shot and killed in Alapaha, Georgia, on June 17, 2004, by Chris Griffin on Ken Holyoak's farm and hunting reserve. It was alleged to be 12 feet (3.6 meters) long and to weigh 1,000 pounds (450 kg). Its weight was later determined to be closer to 800 lbs. A second involved local news media that reported on January 5, 2007, an 1,100 pound (500 kg) hog was shot in Fayetteville, Georgia. The shooter was William Corsey, who hung the specimen from a tree in his yard. A spokesperson from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources said that large boars and feral hogs were common in South Georgia, but that no records are kept on them. The media latched on to the notion that this animal rivals the size of Hogzilla.
An 11-year-old Alabama boy used a pistol to kill a wild hog that just may be the biggest pig ever found. Jamison Stone's father says the hog his son killed weighed a 1,051 pounds and measured 9-feet-4 from the tip of its snout to the base of its tail. Think hams as big as car tires. If the claims are accurate, Jamison's trophy boar would be bigger than Hogzilla, the famed wild hog that grew to seemingly mythical proportions after being killed in south Georgia in 2004. Click here to see a big pic of the big pig. Hogzilla originally was thought to weigh 1,000 pounds and measure 12 feet in length. National Geographic experts who unearthed its remains believe the animal actually weighed about 800 pounds and was 8 feet long. After seeing the pig in person, taxidermist Jerry Cunningham told The Anniston Star it was "the biggest thing I'd ever seen ... it's huge." (Story continues below) Advertise Here Advertisements Advertisements The Anniston Star reported that the feral hog was weighed at the Clay County Farmer's Exchange in Lineville. Workers at the co-op verified that the basic truck scales used were recently certified by the state. But no workers from the co-op were present when the hog was weighed. Jamison is reveling in the attention over his pig, which has a Web site put up by his father — — that is generating Internet buzz. "It feels really good," Jamison, of Pickensville, said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press. "It's a good accomplishment. I probably won't ever kill anything else that big." Jamison, who killed his first deer at age 5, was hunting with father Mike Stone and two guides in east Alabama on May 3 when he bagged Hogzilla II. He said he shot the huge animal eight times with a .50-caliber revolver and chased it for three hours through hilly woods before finishing it off with a point-blank shot. Through it all there was the fear that the animal would turn and charge them, as wild boars have a reputation of doing. "I was a little bit scared, a little bit excited," said Jamison, who just finished the sixth grade on the honor roll at Christian Heritage Academy, a small, private school. His father said that, just to be extra safe, he and the guides had high-powered rifles aimed and ready to fire in case the beast with 5-inch tusks decided to charge. With the pig finally dead in a creek bed on the 2,500-acre Lost Creek Plantation, a commercial hunting preserve in Delta, trees had to be cut down and a backhoe brought in to bring Jamison's prize out of the woods. It was hauled on a truck to the Clay County Farmers Exchange in Lineville, where Jeff Kinder said they used his scale, which was recently calibrated, to weigh the hog. Kinder, who didn't witness the weigh-in, said he was baffled to hear the reported weight of 1,051 pounds because his scale — an old, manual style with sliding weights — only measures to the nearest 10. "I didn't quite understand that," he said. Mike Stone said the scale balanced one notch past the 1,050-pound mark, and he thought it meant a weight of 1,051 pounds. "It probably weighed 1,060 pounds. We were just afraid to change it once the story was out," he said. The hog's head is now being mounted on an extra-large foam form by Cunningham of Jerry's Taxidermy in Oxford. Cunningham said the animal measured 54 inches around the head, 74 inches around the shoulders and 11 inches from the eyes to the end of its snout. Mike Stone is having sausage made from the rest of the animal. "We'll probably get 500 to 700 pounds," he said. Jamison, meanwhile, has been offered a small part in "The Legend of Hogzilla," a small-time horror flick based on the tale of the Georgia boar. The movie is holding casting calls with plans to begin filming in Georgia. The Anniston Star reported that congratulatory calls have come all the way from California, where Jamison appeared on a radio talk show. Jamison apparently has gotten words of congratulation from Rickey Medlocke of Lynyrd Skynyrd, country music star Kenny Chesney, Tom Knapp of Benelli firearms and Jerry Miculek of Smith & Wesson. Jamison is enjoying the newfound celebrity generated by the hog hunt, but he said he prefers hunting pheasants to monster pigs. "They are a little less dangerous." The Associated Press contributed to this report.
The mainstream press has recently uncovered the story of a wild pig, nicknamed 'Monster Pig' killed on May 3, 2007, by an eleven year-old boy, Jamison Stone. The location is disclosed as a 2,500-acre commercial hunting preserve called Lost Creek Plantation, outside Anniston, Alabama. The wild hog weighed 1,051 lbs. and was 9 ft. 4 in. from the tip of its snout to the end of its tail. The hog's head was mounted on an extra-large foam form and measured 54 inches around the head, 74 inches around the shoulders and 11 inches from the eyes to the end of its snout. The balance of the hog is being turned into approximately 500 to 700 lbs of sausage. Jerry Cunningham, an Oxford taxidermist, said it was, "the Biggest thing I'd ever seen". Wildlife specialist Dr. Jim Armstrong commented on the size said, "You might get a boar that weighs 300 or so, Monster Pig that's a big pig". Stone said he shot the pig eight times using a Smith & Wesson Model 500 with a holographic scope and ported barrel firing 350-grain Hornady cartridges. Stone had to chase the hog for three hours through hilly woods before finishing it off with a point-blank shot. The web host for the official web site '''' advised Stone that the number of hits totaled 1,246,464 as of Monday, May 21st. Two previous record holders are Hogzilla a wild hog that was shot and killed in Alapaha, Georgia, on June 17, 2004, by Chris Griffin on Ken Holyoak's farm and hunting reserve. It was alleged to be 12 feet (3.6 meters) long and to weigh 1,000 pounds (450 kg). Its weight was later determined to be closer to 800 lbs. A second involved local news media that reported on January 5, 2007, an 1,100 pound (500 kg) hog was shot in Fayetteville, Georgia. The shooter was William Corsey, who hung the specimen from a tree in his yard. A spokesperson from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources said that large boars and feral hogs were common in South Georgia, but that no records are kept on them. The media latched on to the notion that this animal rivals the size of Hogzilla.
Story Highlights • Pig shot in Alabama outweighs Georgia's Hogzilla • Boy says: "I probably won't ever kill anything else that big" • He's been offered small part in horror movie based on Georgia pig Adjust font size: MONTGOMERY, Alabama (AP) -- Hogzilla is being made into a horror movie. But the sequel may be even bigger: Meet Monster Pig. An 11-year-old boy used a pistol to kill a wild hog his father says weighed a staggering 1,051 pounds and measured 9 feet 4, from the tip of its snout to the base of its tail. Think hams as big as car tires. If the claims are accurate, Jamison Stone's trophy boar would be bigger than Hogzilla, the famed wild hog that grew to seemingly mythical proportions after being killed in South Georgia in 2004. Hogzilla originally was thought to weigh 1,000 pounds and measure 12 feet long. National Geographic experts who unearthed its remains believe the animal actually weighed about 800 pounds and was 8 feet long. Regardless of the comparison, Jamison is reveling in the attention over his pig. "It feels really good," Jamison said. "It's a good accomplishment. I probably won't ever kill anything else that big." Jamison, who killed his first deer at age 5, was hunting with father Mike Stone and two guides in east Alabama on May 3 when he bagged Monster Pig. He said he shot the huge animal eight times with a .50-caliber revolver and chased it for three hours through hilly woods before finishing it off with a point-blank shot. Through it all, there was the fear that the animal would turn and charge them, as wild boars have a reputation for doing. "I was a little bit scared, a little bit excited," said Jamison, who lives in Pickensville on the Mississippi border. He just finished the sixth grade on the honor roll at Christian Heritage Academy, a small, private school. His father said that, just to be extra safe, he and the guides had high-powered rifles aimed and ready to fire in case the beast, with 5-inch tusks, decided to charge. With the animal finally dead in a creek bed on the 2,500-acre Lost Creek Plantation, a commercial hunting preserve in Delta, trees had to be cut down and a backhoe brought in to bring Jamison's prize out of the woods. It was hauled on a truck to the Clay County Farmers Exchange in Lineville, where Jeff Kinder said they used his scale, recently calibrated, to weigh the hog. Kinder's scale measures only to the nearest 10, but Mike Stone said it balanced one notch past the 1,050-pound mark. "It probably weighed 1,060 pounds. We were just afraid to change it once the story was out," he said. The hog's head is being mounted by Jerry Cunningham of Jerry's Taxidermy. Cunningham said the animal measured 54 inches around the head, 74 inches around the shoulders and 11 inches from the eyes to the end of its snout. "It's huge," he said. "It's just the biggest thing I've ever seen." Mike Stone is having sausage made from the rest of the animal. "We'll probably get 500 to 700 pounds," he said. Jamison, meanwhile, has been offered a small part in "The Legend of Hogzilla," a small-time horror flick based on the tale of the Georgia boar. The movie is holding casting calls with plans to begin filming in Georgia. Jamison is enjoying the newfound celebrity generated by the hog hunt, but he said he prefers hunting pheasants to monster pigs: "They are a little less dangerous." Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
The mainstream press has recently uncovered the story of a wild pig, nicknamed 'Monster Pig' killed on May 3, 2007, by an eleven year-old boy, Jamison Stone. The location is disclosed as a 2,500-acre commercial hunting preserve called Lost Creek Plantation, outside Anniston, Alabama. The wild hog weighed 1,051 lbs. and was 9 ft. 4 in. from the tip of its snout to the end of its tail. The hog's head was mounted on an extra-large foam form and measured 54 inches around the head, 74 inches around the shoulders and 11 inches from the eyes to the end of its snout. The balance of the hog is being turned into approximately 500 to 700 lbs of sausage. Jerry Cunningham, an Oxford taxidermist, said it was, "the Biggest thing I'd ever seen". Wildlife specialist Dr. Jim Armstrong commented on the size said, "You might get a boar that weighs 300 or so, Monster Pig that's a big pig". Stone said he shot the pig eight times using a Smith & Wesson Model 500 with a holographic scope and ported barrel firing 350-grain Hornady cartridges. Stone had to chase the hog for three hours through hilly woods before finishing it off with a point-blank shot. The web host for the official web site '''' advised Stone that the number of hits totaled 1,246,464 as of Monday, May 21st. Two previous record holders are Hogzilla a wild hog that was shot and killed in Alapaha, Georgia, on June 17, 2004, by Chris Griffin on Ken Holyoak's farm and hunting reserve. It was alleged to be 12 feet (3.6 meters) long and to weigh 1,000 pounds (450 kg). Its weight was later determined to be closer to 800 lbs. A second involved local news media that reported on January 5, 2007, an 1,100 pound (500 kg) hog was shot in Fayetteville, Georgia. The shooter was William Corsey, who hung the specimen from a tree in his yard. A spokesperson from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources said that large boars and feral hogs were common in South Georgia, but that no records are kept on them. The media latched on to the notion that this animal rivals the size of Hogzilla.
Hog Hunting Books: ( Wild Hog Hunting by Craig Marquette, David Sturkey Paperback List Price $17.00 "Everything you need to know to get your hog!" Outdoor writer Jerry Hill says the authors "have pooled their knowledge and hunting skills to pen the best hog hunting book on the market. Some of the photographs will light the hard-core hunter's fire!" A practical guide to hunting wild boar in the United States. Chapters include wild pig biology, identification, wild hog habits, still hunting strategies, stand hunting strategies, trapping wild hogs, dogs and hogs, wild hog diseases, from last breath to ice box, from ice box to dinner table. Dozens of action photo's. Hog Hunting Videos: ( Hog Hunting
The mainstream press has recently uncovered the story of a wild pig, nicknamed 'Monster Pig' killed on May 3, 2007, by an eleven year-old boy, Jamison Stone. The location is disclosed as a 2,500-acre commercial hunting preserve called Lost Creek Plantation, outside Anniston, Alabama. The wild hog weighed 1,051 lbs. and was 9 ft. 4 in. from the tip of its snout to the end of its tail. The hog's head was mounted on an extra-large foam form and measured 54 inches around the head, 74 inches around the shoulders and 11 inches from the eyes to the end of its snout. The balance of the hog is being turned into approximately 500 to 700 lbs of sausage. Jerry Cunningham, an Oxford taxidermist, said it was, "the Biggest thing I'd ever seen". Wildlife specialist Dr. Jim Armstrong commented on the size said, "You might get a boar that weighs 300 or so, Monster Pig that's a big pig". Stone said he shot the pig eight times using a Smith & Wesson Model 500 with a holographic scope and ported barrel firing 350-grain Hornady cartridges. Stone had to chase the hog for three hours through hilly woods before finishing it off with a point-blank shot. The web host for the official web site '''' advised Stone that the number of hits totaled 1,246,464 as of Monday, May 21st. Two previous record holders are Hogzilla a wild hog that was shot and killed in Alapaha, Georgia, on June 17, 2004, by Chris Griffin on Ken Holyoak's farm and hunting reserve. It was alleged to be 12 feet (3.6 meters) long and to weigh 1,000 pounds (450 kg). Its weight was later determined to be closer to 800 lbs. A second involved local news media that reported on January 5, 2007, an 1,100 pound (500 kg) hog was shot in Fayetteville, Georgia. The shooter was William Corsey, who hung the specimen from a tree in his yard. A spokesperson from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources said that large boars and feral hogs were common in South Georgia, but that no records are kept on them. The media latched on to the notion that this animal rivals the size of Hogzilla.
Drone Height Tech A German technology non-profit has put together an autonomous octocopter that can carry a defibrillator, aiming to get to patients faster than an ambulance. Fredrich Nölle from Definetz presented the system in the town of Halle in North Rhine Westphalia. It's optimised for remote areas, and allows emergency services or the public to call a defibrillator in though a smartphone app that automatically sends GPS coordinates. The drone has a range of 10km, and can fly at up to 70 kilometres per hour towards its destination in all weather conditions. It has a diameter of one metre and parachutes its payload when it arrives at the patient. It was developed by Height Tech, a company that employs drones for many tasks including movie production, surveying, aerial photography and signal mast inspection. German emergency services praised the invention but warned people not to get their hopes up. "We'll have to see how much these drones can help," Marco König from the German emergency services union told the Local.
German non-profit organization Definetz announced on Friday the development of the 'Defikopter': a medical , launched by , designed to be able to fly to victims in remote areas quicker than an ambulance. File photo of an eight-armed drone. The Defikopter is to be launched by an app that sends out the coordinates of the victim. With the ability to fly at 70km per hour in all weather conditions, the eight-armed octocopter could reach any patient within a ten kilometre radius. The invention has received cautious praise from German medical services; the drone is still in the development and testing stage. Definetz and collaborating drone builder Height Tech have not issued any information about the release of the smartphone app or about when the drone will be available for medical services to purchase. "We'll have to see how much these drones can help," German emergency services union representative Marco König told ''''. German news site ''Mittelbayerische'' reports a price tag of 20,000 (26,000) apiece. One major problem Definetz faces is the law that requires all unmanned flying vehicles in Germany to be supervised. Another is that only members of the public who downloaded the app 'just in case' of an emergency, plus emergency workers with the app, could summon a drone. == Sources == * * category:Health category:Science and technology category:Germany
German non-profit group Definetz wants to make defibrillators readily available across its country so that any time someone has a heart attack, the life saving devices are within arms reach. And it's looking to drones to help it bring its vision to fruition. On Friday, the group announced the Defikopter, a concept device it designed with drone-maker Height Tech to fly defibrillators to emergency responders or the public by way of a GPS-enabled smartphone app. Definetz says the Defikopter, which was developed over the last three months, can travel within a radius of 10 kilometers (about six miles), and fly at a speed of 70 kilometers per hour (about 43 miles per hour). While Definetz and Height Tech have announced their collaborative design, neither organization said if or when the Defikopter would be made available for sale, or when and if the corresponding smartphone app would be released to the public. There are, of course, a few drawbacks to the drone concept. If built, the drone hardware would sell for about $26,000, according to the Mittelbayerische news site. Additionally, if the Defikopter and its app are made available, the Defikopter can only be hailed by someone who is with a heart attack victim and already has the app downloaded downloaded on their phone. The drone also can't run without supervision — the Die Glocke newspaper reports that German law requires that unmanned flying vehicles can only be flown if monitored by a human being. These limitations and restrictions could mean the Defikopter concept never makes it off the ground.
German non-profit organization Definetz announced on Friday the development of the 'Defikopter': a medical , launched by , designed to be able to fly to victims in remote areas quicker than an ambulance. File photo of an eight-armed drone. The Defikopter is to be launched by an app that sends out the coordinates of the victim. With the ability to fly at 70km per hour in all weather conditions, the eight-armed octocopter could reach any patient within a ten kilometre radius. The invention has received cautious praise from German medical services; the drone is still in the development and testing stage. Definetz and collaborating drone builder Height Tech have not issued any information about the release of the smartphone app or about when the drone will be available for medical services to purchase. "We'll have to see how much these drones can help," German emergency services union representative Marco König told ''''. German news site ''Mittelbayerische'' reports a price tag of 20,000 (26,000) apiece. One major problem Definetz faces is the law that requires all unmanned flying vehicles in Germany to be supervised. Another is that only members of the public who downloaded the app 'just in case' of an emergency, plus emergency workers with the app, could summon a drone. == Sources == * * category:Health category:Science and technology category:Germany
Un Algérien, Ali Belhadad, expulsé début avril sur décision du ministre de l'Intérieur Claude Guéant qui le présentait comme un islamiste radical, va demander l'annulation de l'arrêté le concernant et attaquer le ministre en diffamation, a annoncé vendredi son avocat. M. Belhadad "s'inscrit en faux contre le communiqué du ministère de l'Intérieur relatif à cette expulsion (..) dans lequel il est présenté à tort et contrairement à ce qui figure dans la motivation de l'arrêté, comme un +condamné pour son rôle dans les attentats de Marrakech en 1994+", selon un communiqué diffusé par son avocat, Me Eric Plouvier.
Un , Ali Belhadad, expulsé au début du mois sur décision du ministre français de l'Intérieur qui le présentait comme un islamiste radical, va demander l'abrogation de l'arrêté qui le concerne et attaquer le ministre pour , a-t-on appris auprès de son avocat vendredi. A. Belhadad selon un communiqué émit par son avocat, Maitre Eric Plouvier.
An Orwellian gaffe involving the Kindle e-book reader just won’t go down the memory hole for KamberEdelson Justin Gawronski On Thursday, a Chicago-based law firm filed a suit in federal court in Seattle against Amazon on behalf of Justin D. Gawronski, a 17-year-old Michigan high school senior. The suit, which seeks class-action status, claims that when the company wirelessly deleted a copy of George Orwell’s “Nineteen Eighty-Four” from Gawronski’s Kindle earlier this month, it also deleted the notes he had taken on the device for his homework. The suit, which cites another plaintiff who also lost his copy of the Orwell classic, seeks to prevent Amazon from again deleting books from Kindles. It also seeks monetary relief for people like Gawronski who lost work from the incident. Amazon declined comment on the suit. The company, which refunded the purchase price of Orwell books to people whose copies it deleted, has already said it would not do it again. Last week, the company’s CEO Jeff Bezos apologized for the incident, calling it “stupid, thoughtless, and painfully out of line with our principles.” Gawronski, a member of his high school’s debate team, says he got a Kindle earlier this summer because he knew he’d be reading a lot of books for his Advanced Placement English class. “If there’s something that catches my eye as I am reading, I just place a note there” using the Kindle’s keyboard, he said. Those notes are useful, he said, because “every 100 pages we have to write a 1-page summary and reflection of everything that we read,” he said. But on July 20, when Gawronski turned on his Kindle, he watched his copy of “Nineteen Eighty-Four” disappear right before his eyes. “It was a bit ironic,” he said. Amazon didn’t delete the file containing Gawronski’s notes on the Kindle device. But since the book text “no longer exists, all my notes refer back to nothing,” he said. “I can’t really use it for much.” When he e-mailed Amazon’s customer service department for help, he received a message from the company saying they were sorry, but there was a copyright issue with the original book. He filed the lawsuit, he said, because he wants to “help set a precedent so that Amazon doesn’t do this again” and to help move the industry forward. “When you think that you own something and don’t own it – that’s not how it should be,” he said. His lawyer, Jay Edelson, of the firm of KamberEdelson, said he doesn’t see “any ambiguity at all” in the terms of service that accompany Kindle purchases that would have allowed Amazon to delete and refund a purchase. “People are given license for life,” he said. “You start to wonder how many companies have the ability to remote change data or delete things.” The suit seeks relief from the class of all people who own a Kindle. “All of those people need the injunctive relief to prevent Amazon from doing this in the future,” said Edelson. The law firm pledges to donate any proceeds from the litigation to charity. Gawronski hasn’t yet told his English teacher about the incident. But he figures he’s going to have to read the book again to finish his assignment.
Justin Gawronski and Antoine Bruguier sued on Thursday for remotely deleting their digital copies of George Orwell's ''Nineteen Eighty-Four'' from their Kindle devices. The suit, filed in the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington, argues in part that Amazon violated its terms of service, as well as the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and Washington Consumer Protection Act. Gawronski, a Michigan high school senior, originally purchased both his Kindle and an e-book of the novel for his Advanced Placement English summer reading. He made regular annotations using the Kindle's facility, noting "If ... something ... catches my eye as I am reading, I just place a note there". After reading online that Amazon was deleting some copies of ''Nineteen Eighty-Four'', he switched his Kindle on, and watched the copy he had purchased vanish. He later found that the notes he had written were effectively useless, stating, "all my notes refer back to nothing". He said he would probably have to re-read the entire book. Bruguier, a Silicon Valley engineer, also had his copy of ''Nineteen Eighty-Four'' remotely deleted. According to the complaint, Amazon sent him an email saying they were "writing to confirm that we have processed your refund." In response, Bruguier wrote that "I would like to keep the title 1984. I like this book." Amazon refused to allow him to do so, and said they would not provide any "additional insight or action". Eventually, Amazon wrote a new email justifying the deletion by claiming they had lacked the right to sell him the book. Bruguier noted in response that he was "annoyed by Amazon's deceit" and that he "thought that once purchased, the books were his." His emails also quoted the portion of Amazon's terms of service cited in the suit. Both clients are represented by KamberEdelson, and the lawsuit seeks class action status. Several classes are delineated, representing relevant sub-groupings of Kindle owners.
In George Orwell’s “1984,” government censors erase all traces of news articles embarrassing to Big Brother by sending them down an incineration chute called the “memory hole.” On Friday, it was “1984” and another Orwell book, “Animal Farm,” that were dropped down the memory hole — by In a move that angered customers and generated waves of online pique, Amazon remotely deleted some digital editions of the books from the Kindle devices of readers who had bought them. An Amazon spokesman, Drew Herdener, said in an e-mail message that the books were added to the Kindle store by a company that did not have rights to them, using a self-service function. “When we were notified of this by the rights holder, we removed the illegal copies from our systems and from customers’ devices, and refunded customers,” he said. Amazon effectively acknowledged that the deletions were a bad idea. “We are changing our systems so that in the future we will not remove books from customers’ devices in these circumstances,” Mr. Herdener said. Customers whose books were deleted indicated that MobileReference, a digital publisher, had sold them. An e-mail message to SoundTells, the company that owns MobileReference, was not immediately returned. Digital books bought for the Kindle are sent to it over a wireless network. Amazon can also use that network to synchronize electronic books between devices — and apparently to make them vanish. An authorized digital edition of “1984” from its American publisher, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, was still available on the Kindle store Friday night, but there was no such version of “Animal Farm.” People who bought the rescinded editions of the books reacted with indignation, while acknowledging the literary ironies involved. “Of all the books to recall,” said Charles Slater, an executive with a sheet-music retailer in Philadelphia, who bought the digital edition of “1984” for 99 cents last month. “I never imagined that Amazon actually had the right, the authority or even the ability to delete something that I had already purchased.” Antoine Bruguier, an engineer in Silicon Valley, said he had noticed that his digital copy of “1984” appeared to be a scan of a paper edition of the book. “If this Kindle breaks, I won’t buy a new one, that’s for sure,” he said. Amazon appears to have deleted other purchased e-books from Kindles recently. Customers commenting on Web forums reported the disappearance of digital editions of the Harry Potter books and the novels of Ayn Rand over similar issues. Amazon’s published terms of service agreement for the Kindle does not appear to give the company the right to delete purchases after they have been made. It says Amazon grants customers the right to keep a “permanent copy of the applicable digital content.” Retailers of physical goods cannot, of course, force their way into a customer’s home to take back a purchase, no matter how bootlegged it turns out to be. Yet Amazon appears to maintain a unique tether to the digital content it sells for the Kindle. “It illustrates how few rights you have when you buy an e-book from Amazon,” said Bruce Schneier, chief security technology officer for British Telecom and an expert on computer security and commerce. “As a Kindle owner, I’m frustrated. I can’t lend people books and I can’t sell books that I’ve already read, and now it turns out that I can’t even count on still having my books tomorrow.” Justin Gawronski, a 17-year-old from the Detroit area, was reading “1984” on his Kindle for a summer assignment and lost all his notes and annotations when the file vanished. “They didn’t just take a book back, they stole my work,” he said. On the Internet, of course, there is no such thing as a memory hole. While the copyright on “1984” will not expire until 2044 in the United States, it has already expired in other countries, including Canada, Australia and Russia. Web sites in those countries offer digital copies of the book free to all comers.
Justin Gawronski and Antoine Bruguier sued on Thursday for remotely deleting their digital copies of George Orwell's ''Nineteen Eighty-Four'' from their Kindle devices. The suit, filed in the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington, argues in part that Amazon violated its terms of service, as well as the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and Washington Consumer Protection Act. Gawronski, a Michigan high school senior, originally purchased both his Kindle and an e-book of the novel for his Advanced Placement English summer reading. He made regular annotations using the Kindle's facility, noting "If ... something ... catches my eye as I am reading, I just place a note there". After reading online that Amazon was deleting some copies of ''Nineteen Eighty-Four'', he switched his Kindle on, and watched the copy he had purchased vanish. He later found that the notes he had written were effectively useless, stating, "all my notes refer back to nothing". He said he would probably have to re-read the entire book. Bruguier, a Silicon Valley engineer, also had his copy of ''Nineteen Eighty-Four'' remotely deleted. According to the complaint, Amazon sent him an email saying they were "writing to confirm that we have processed your refund." In response, Bruguier wrote that "I would like to keep the title 1984. I like this book." Amazon refused to allow him to do so, and said they would not provide any "additional insight or action". Eventually, Amazon wrote a new email justifying the deletion by claiming they had lacked the right to sell him the book. Bruguier noted in response that he was "annoyed by Amazon's deceit" and that he "thought that once purchased, the books were his." His emails also quoted the portion of Amazon's terms of service cited in the suit. Both clients are represented by KamberEdelson, and the lawsuit seeks class action status. Several classes are delineated, representing relevant sub-groupings of Kindle owners.
« Firefox hits a billion | Main | FCC asks Apple, AT&T;, Google about App Store's rejection of Google Voice » Highlights from the '1984' lawsuit against Amazon 12:35 PM, July 31, 2009 "Kindling." Credit: oskay / Flickr Justin Gawronski and Antoine J. Bruguier are suing Amazon for having deleted their copies of George Orwell books from their Kindle readers, sans permission. The potential class-action lawsuit claims harm inflicted on the parties for rendering their notes "useless" -- causing some commentators to call it the "Kindle ate my homework" case. Here are a few highlighted quotes from the complaint, filed in the U.S. District Court in Seattle. -- "[Plaintiffs] bring this class action complaint against defendants, Inc. and Amazon Digital Services, Inc., ... for their wrongful practice of remotely deleting digital content from their customers’ Amazon Kindle electronic book (“e-book”) reading devices and Kindle for iPhone applications." -- "Amazon not only deleted the e-books,but also rendered useless any electronic notes and annotations that consumers had made within these e-books because the notes were no longer tied to the referenced or highlighted text. Amazon then refunded the purchase price to these consumers." -- "Amazon never disclosed ... that it possessed the technological ability or right to remotely delete digital content purchased through the Kindle Store from Kindles or iPhones." -- "As part of his studies of '1984,' Mr. Gawronski had made copious notes in the book. After Amazon remotely deleted '1984,' those notes were rendered useless... ... because they no longer referenced the relevant parts of the book. The notes are still accessible on the Kindle 2 device in a file separate from the deleted book, but are of no value. For example, a note such as “remember this paragraph for your thesis” is useless if it does not actually reference a specific paragraph. By deleting '1984' from Mr. Gawronski’s Kindle 2, this is the position in which Amazon left him. Mr. Gawronski now needs to recreate all of his studies." -- "On or about July 17, 2009, Mr. Bruguier contacted with the statement: 'I would like to keep the title 1984. I like this book.' On July 17, 2009 at 1:28 p.m., he received an email response to his comment from Customer Service, which stated in relevant part: “I understand that you’re upset, and I regret that we haven’t been able to address your concerns to your satisfaction. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to offer any additional insight or action on these matters.” -- "[Suit alleges that] Amazon violated [The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act] by intentionally accessing Plaintiffs’ Kindles, protected computers, without authorization, and as a result, caused damage to Plaintiffs’ Kindles by remotely deleting content stored on them. " -- "Amazon’s conduct has caused a loss to one or more persons during any one-year period aggregating at least $5,000 in value in real economic damages." -- "Amazon’s unlawful access to Plaintiffs’ Kindles and digital content has also caused Plaintiffs irreparable injury. Unless restrained and enjoined, Amazon will continue to commit such acts." -- David Sarno TrackBack TrackBack URL for this entry: Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Highlights from the '1984' lawsuit against Amazon:
Justin Gawronski and Antoine Bruguier sued on Thursday for remotely deleting their digital copies of George Orwell's ''Nineteen Eighty-Four'' from their Kindle devices. The suit, filed in the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington, argues in part that Amazon violated its terms of service, as well as the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and Washington Consumer Protection Act. Gawronski, a Michigan high school senior, originally purchased both his Kindle and an e-book of the novel for his Advanced Placement English summer reading. He made regular annotations using the Kindle's facility, noting "If ... something ... catches my eye as I am reading, I just place a note there". After reading online that Amazon was deleting some copies of ''Nineteen Eighty-Four'', he switched his Kindle on, and watched the copy he had purchased vanish. He later found that the notes he had written were effectively useless, stating, "all my notes refer back to nothing". He said he would probably have to re-read the entire book. Bruguier, a Silicon Valley engineer, also had his copy of ''Nineteen Eighty-Four'' remotely deleted. According to the complaint, Amazon sent him an email saying they were "writing to confirm that we have processed your refund." In response, Bruguier wrote that "I would like to keep the title 1984. I like this book." Amazon refused to allow him to do so, and said they would not provide any "additional insight or action". Eventually, Amazon wrote a new email justifying the deletion by claiming they had lacked the right to sell him the book. Bruguier noted in response that he was "annoyed by Amazon's deceit" and that he "thought that once purchased, the books were his." His emails also quoted the portion of Amazon's terms of service cited in the suit. Both clients are represented by KamberEdelson, and the lawsuit seeks class action status. Several classes are delineated, representing relevant sub-groupings of Kindle owners.
The results for the first quarter of the European Venture Capital Report 2005 produced by Ernst & Young and Venture One, indicate that Ireland experienced a 35% increase in venture capital investment, from the €31.23 million in Q1 2004, to €42.11 million in Q1 2005. The €42.11 million invested in the first quarter of 2005 is also an increase of 97% from the last quarter of 2004, when the amount invested was €21.37 million. Information technology deals continue to dominate the Irish venture capital landscape, with seven of the eight deals completed and 85% of the total funds invested in this sector. The largest investment in Ireland was in Corvil Networks, a provider of a technology for measuring and controlling the bandwidth requirements of IP traffic flows. The company raised €15 million in a later stage round. Ireland had a total of eight deals this quarter, down from ten deals in Q4 2004 and Q1 2004. As throughout 2004, Ireland retains its 7th place in the first quarter of 2005 for number of deals. In terms of amounts raised, Ireland has slipped down to 8th place, mainly due to increased venture capital activity in Denmark. In Europe, venture capital investment increased by 19% to €880.3 million. Whilst the European investment figures are up on this period last year the deal flow in Europe has dropped to less than 200 deals, a 27%, decline Garry O’Rourke, Senior Manager, Ernst & Young Corporate Services Department, said: “These figures show that venture capitalists are directing their investments into those companies which seem to have the brightest future potential and in Ireland, specifically the IT sector. Across Europe, the fact that first-round deals are getting larger shows that VCs are optimistic about the growth potential of the current wave of new start-ups in Europe.” According to Steve Harmston, Director of International Research for Venture One, “We are seeing fewer deals but larger amounts invested in these deals. The overall median deal size in Europe reached its highest level in more than six years at €3 million, compared to €1.5 million in the same quarter of last year. Much of this increase can be attributed to larger investments in first round deals, where the median was €2.6 million, the highest amount since 1999 when Venture One began tracking the data.” The median size of later-round deals was €4 million, in comparison with €2 million in Q1 2004. By industry, the amount invested into European information technology (IT) companies climbed upward, reaching a total of €407.3 million, an increase of 16% over this quarter a year ago. Gil Forer, global venture capital advisory group leader for Ernst & Young said: “While not reflected in the Irish figures for this quarter, the capital invested in the information-services segment nearly doubled from the first quarter of 2004 to reach €40 million. The majority of information-services companies are Internet-related, so the investment trend in this segment could indicate we are entering Internet 2.0 – with a resurgence of interest in online businesses.” The 2004 trend of increased investment activity in seed and first-round deals declined this quarter. These deals represented one-third of the investments made in Q1 2004 and continued to grow throughout last year, but only represented 29% of the deal flow this quarter. They also accounted for only 20% of the capital invested, compared to 25% this quarter a year ago. In Ireland, this translates to a decline from €11.88 million to €6.55 million.
Ernest & Young's logo Venture capital investment in Ireland has leaped by 35% in the first quarter of 2005, according to a new report by Ernst & Young. The report found that Europe-wide venture capital investment increased by a healthy 19% on the same period in 2004. Total investment in Ireland was €42.11m (US$52.8m, £28.9m) for the first 3 months compared to €31.23m (US$39.1m, £21.4m) in the first quarter of last year. The report found that 85% of the capital was invested in the information technology sector; largely helped by a successful €15m fundraising by Corvil Networks. €880.3m (US$1.1bn, £605m) was raised throughout Europe in almost 200 separate deals, with €407.3m of that invested in the IT sector.
Latest ENN headlines For the record 19 May Invest NI backed 3,700 firms in 2004 Mobile subscribers to join two billion club this year That's according to first quarter results from Ernst & Young and Venture One's "European Venture Capital Report 2005," which showed venture capital investment in Ireland increasing year-on-year from EUR31.23 million in the first quarter of 2004, to EUR42.11 million in the first three months of 2005. Information technology deals continue to dominate the Irish venture capital landscape, with seven of the eight deals completed during the quarter focused on IT firms. In addition, 85 percent of the total funds invested in Ireland over the three months were concentrated in the sector. The big winner during the quarter was Corvil Networks, a provider of technology for measuring and controlling the bandwidth requirements of IP traffic flows. The company raised EUR15 million in a later stage funding round. Growth in the number of venture capital deals helped Ireland to retain its seventh position in the first quarter, while in terms of the amounts raised, Ireland dropped to eighth place, primarily due to the significant increase in venture capital activity in Denmark. Europe-wide venture capital investment increased by 19 percent to EUR880.3 million. While the European investment figures are up on the same period in 2004, the number of deals in Europe dropped to less than 200 deals, representing a 27 percent decline. "These figures show that venture capitalists are directing their investments into those companies which seem to have the brightest future potential and in Ireland, specifically the IT sector. Across Europe, the fact that first-round deals are getting larger shows that VCs are optimistic about the growth potential of the current wave of new start-ups in Europe," said Garry O'Rourke, senior manager, Ernst & Young corporate services department. European venture capital firms invested heavily in IT companies with the amount invested growing to EUR407.3 million, an increase of 16 percent year-on-year. Figures from the report suggested that there appears to be a resurgence of interest in online businesses with the amount of funding invested in internet-related companies in Europe reaching EUR40 million for the quarter. On a country-by-country basis the UK had the highest number of deals, at 68 with EUR270.1 million invested. France held steady with 38 deals, the same as in the fourth quarter of 2004, with EUR106.5 million invested, a slight decrease of EUR5 million. Germany experienced a decrease in the number of deals to 26, with investment remaining steady at EUR141.8 million.
Ernest & Young's logo Venture capital investment in Ireland has leaped by 35% in the first quarter of 2005, according to a new report by Ernst & Young. The report found that Europe-wide venture capital investment increased by a healthy 19% on the same period in 2004. Total investment in Ireland was €42.11m (US$52.8m, £28.9m) for the first 3 months compared to €31.23m (US$39.1m, £21.4m) in the first quarter of last year. The report found that 85% of the capital was invested in the information technology sector; largely helped by a successful €15m fundraising by Corvil Networks. €880.3m (US$1.1bn, £605m) was raised throughout Europe in almost 200 separate deals, with €407.3m of that invested in the IT sector.
El cocodrilo de agua salada más grande del mundo falleció en Filipinas a raíz de problemas estomacales. El espécimen conocido como Lolong medía 6,4 metros y pesaba cerca de 1.075 kilos de peso. El Libro Guinness de los récords declaró el pasado año a este cocodrilo de 6,4 metros de longitud y 1.075 kilos de peso, el más grande de entre los que están cautivos. El reptil era una estrella antes de ser reconocido con el récord al tratarse de una atracción en la ciudad de Bunawan, en el sur de Filipinas. Lolong, fue capturado en septiembre de 2011 por más de 100 personas que también participaron en su traslado a tierra firme. El reptil hace más de un mes padecía una gradual decoloración y pérdida de apetito. El alcalde de Bunawan, Edwin Elorde, dijo al diario Philippine Daily, que los veterinarios examinarán al animal para determinar la causa de su muerte y que confía en que pueda ser disecado con el fin de que sea exhibido en el museo local. Los cocodrilos de agua salada son los reptiles más grandes del mundo y habitan en las zonas pantanosas del sudeste de Asia y en el norte de Australia.
Espécimen de cocodrilo marino El cocodrilo llamado Longlong fue hallado muerto en Filipinas. Era considerado por el libro de los récords Guinness como el cocodrilo en cautiverio más grande del mundo con 6,4 metros de longitud y 1075 kilos de peso, certificación publicada en 2012. Capturado en septiembre de 2011 por más de 100 personas, quienes lo llevaron a tierra firme, era una atracción muy popular en Bunawan, al sur de Filipinas. El ejemplar de cocodrilo de agua salada conocido como Longlong falleció en Filipinas por problemas estomacales, padeciendo desde hace un mes de una gradual decoloración y pérdida de apetito. El alcalde de Bunawan dijo al diario ''Philippine Daily'' que los veterinarios examinarían al animal para practicarle una autopsia y determinar las causas de su muerte, y que esperaba que sea disecado para exhibirlo en el museo local. Los cocodrilos de agua salada son los reptiles más grandes del mundo y se encuentran en las zonas pantanosas del sudeste de Asia y en el norte de Australia.
Encuentran muerto al cocodrilo más grande del mundo EFE | Ciencia | 11/02 HERRAMIENTAS Tweet El animal de 6,4 metos de largo y 1.075 kilos de peso murió en Filipinas, al parecer, por problemas estomacales. El cocodrilo de agua salada más grande de entre los que viven en cautividad, de más de seis metros de largo y una tonelada de peso, murió en Filipinas a causa de problemas estomacales. Lolong, como así se llamaba este reptil capturado en septiembre de 2011 en la provincia filipina de Agusan del Sur, fue encontrado muerto ayer domingo con su panza hacia arriba e inflada. El Libro Guinness de los récords declaró el pasado año a este cocodrilo de 6,4 metros de longitud y 1.075 kilos de peso, el más grande de entre los que están cautivos. El reptil era una estrella antes de ser reconocido con el récord al tratarse de una atracción en la ciudad de Bunawan, en el sur de Filipinas. Más de 100 personas participaron en la captura y transporte a tierra firme de este ejemplar, que desde hacía algo más de un mes padecía una gradual decoloración y pérdida de apetito. El alcalde de Bunawan, Edwin Elorde, dijo al diario Philippine Daily, que los veterinarios examinarán al animal para determinar la causa de su muerte y que confía en que pueda ser disecado con el fin de que sea exhibido en el museo local. Hasta la aparición de Lolong el cocodrilo cautivo mayor del mundo era un ejemplar australiano de 5,48 metros. Los cocodrilos de agua salada son los reptiles más grandes del mundo y habitan en las zonas pantanosas del sudeste de Asia y en el norte de Australia.
Espécimen de cocodrilo marino El cocodrilo llamado Longlong fue hallado muerto en Filipinas. Era considerado por el libro de los récords Guinness como el cocodrilo en cautiverio más grande del mundo con 6,4 metros de longitud y 1075 kilos de peso, certificación publicada en 2012. Capturado en septiembre de 2011 por más de 100 personas, quienes lo llevaron a tierra firme, era una atracción muy popular en Bunawan, al sur de Filipinas. El ejemplar de cocodrilo de agua salada conocido como Longlong falleció en Filipinas por problemas estomacales, padeciendo desde hace un mes de una gradual decoloración y pérdida de apetito. El alcalde de Bunawan dijo al diario ''Philippine Daily'' que los veterinarios examinarían al animal para practicarle una autopsia y determinar las causas de su muerte, y que esperaba que sea disecado para exhibirlo en el museo local. Los cocodrilos de agua salada son los reptiles más grandes del mundo y se encuentran en las zonas pantanosas del sudeste de Asia y en el norte de Australia.
Kurz vor der Abfahrt Gütersloh-Spexard war in Fahrtrichtung Dortmund gegen 5:00 Uhr ein Ford Transit Lieferwagen auf einen Lkw aufgefahren und hatte Feuer gefangen. Komplett ausgebrannt Der Kleintransporter brannte völlig aus, der Fahrer starb in seinem Wagen. Ersthelfer konnten den Beifahrer jedoch retten. Schnell sprangen die Flammen auf den Anhänger des Lastwagens über, die Feuerwehr musste beide Fahrzeuge löschen. Die Unfallstelle am Kreuz Bielefeld Die Bergungs- und Aufräumarbeiten dauerten bis in die Vormittagsstunden, dadurch bildeten sich kilometerlange Rückstaus. Der Verkehr wurde ab dem Autobahnkreuz Bielefeld umgeleitet. Auch auf den Nebenstrecken im Kreis Gütersloh kam es deshalb in der Folge zu teils erheblichen Verkehrsbehinderungen. Unterlassene Hilfeleistung Es bildeten sich kilometerlange Staus Ein Lastwagenfahrer, der als Ersthelfer kurz nach dem Unfall angehalten hatte, beklagte sich im Gespräch mit dem WDR, dass andere Autofahrer nicht gestoppt und nicht geholfen hätten. Sollte das minutenlang so gewesen sein, wären in dieser Zeit höchstwahrscheinlich Dutzende Fälle von unterlassener Hilfeleistung passiert. Stand: 24.03.2016, 10:55
Auf der Autobahn A 2 bei Bielefeld hatte sich ein schwerer Unfall ereignet, als am 24. März in den frühen Morgenstunden ein Lieferwagen auf einen Lkw aufgefahren war. Der Fahrer des Lieferwagens konnte nicht gerettet werden, da sein Fahrzeug Feuer fing. Der Fahrer des Lkw, dessen Fahrzeug erst 80 Meter weiter zum Halten kam, konnte nur den Beifahrer zusammen mit einem anderen Ersthelfer retten. Er beklagte, es habe sonst niemand helfen wollen, obwohl das Unfallgeschehen für die Vorbeifahrenden deutlich gewesen sei.
A2: Transporter-Fahrer bei Unfall getötet Gütersloh/Bielefeld (ei). Bei einem Unfall auf der Autobahn 2 in Richtung Dortmund kurz vor der Anschlussstelle Gütersloh ist am frühen Donnerstagmorgen kurz nach 5 Uhr ein Mann ums Leben gekommen. Die genaue Ursache des Unfalls war zunächst unklar. In Fahrtrichtung Dortmund bildete sich nach dem Unfall ein mehrere Kilometer langer Stau auf der A 2. Der Fahrer eines britischen Transporters, ein polnischer Staatsbürger, war nach Angaben der Polizei rund 700 Meter vor der Anschlussstelle Gütersloh mit dem Ford Transit auf einen vorausfahrenden Anhänger eines Lastwagen aufgefahren. Beide waren auf dem rechten Fahrstreifen unterwegs. Der Fahrer des Lastzuges konnte sein Gefährt erst rund 200 Meter später auf dem Seitenstreifen zum Stehen bringen. Dabei fing der Kleinlaster Feuer, der Brand griff auch auf den Lkw-Anhänger über. Der Fahrer wurde offenbar in seinem Fahrzeug eingeklemmt und starb noch an der Unfallstelle. Sein Beifahrer konnte sich selber aus dem Fahrzeug befreien, er wurde mit leichten Verletzungen ins Krankenhaus gebracht. Auch der 27-jährige Lkw-Fahrer einer Spedition aus Niederkrüchten (Kreis Viersen) wurde leicht verletzt. Beide Verletzten wurden an der Unfallstelle durch den Notarzt sowie den Besatzungen mehrerer Rettungswagen behandelt. Da per Notruf zunächst keine genaue Unfallstelle bekannt war, wurden sowohl die Bielefelder als auch die Gütersloher Feuerwehr alarmiert. Als die ersten Kräfte des Löschzuges Spexard auf der Richtungsfahrbahn Hannover an dem brennenden Auto vorbei fuhren, konnten die übrigen Einsatzkräfte entgegen der Fahrtrichtung auf die Autobahn fahren. Während der Bergungsarbeiten blieb die Autobahn in Fahrtrichtung Dortmund zunächst knapp drei Stunden komplett gesperrt. Die Polizei leitete im Autobahnkreuz mit der A33 den Verkehr ab. Später konnten die Verkehrsteilnehmer über den linken Fahrstreifen an der Unfallstelle vorbei fahren. Der Verkehr staute sich zwischenzeitlich auf einer Länge von sechs Kilometern. Der Ford Transit sowie den Anhänger des Lkw Mercedes stellte die Polizei sicher. Die Höhe des Schadens schätzt die Polizei auf rund 72.000 Euro.
Auf der Autobahn A 2 bei Bielefeld hatte sich ein schwerer Unfall ereignet, als am 24. März in den frühen Morgenstunden ein Lieferwagen auf einen Lkw aufgefahren war. Der Fahrer des Lieferwagens konnte nicht gerettet werden, da sein Fahrzeug Feuer fing. Der Fahrer des Lkw, dessen Fahrzeug erst 80 Meter weiter zum Halten kam, konnte nur den Beifahrer zusammen mit einem anderen Ersthelfer retten. Er beklagte, es habe sonst niemand helfen wollen, obwohl das Unfallgeschehen für die Vorbeifahrenden deutlich gewesen sei.
Le président kényan Uhuru Kenyatta a inauguré vendredi le plus grand parc éolien d'Afrique, 365 éoliennes situées dans une zone semi-désertique du nord du Kenya et qui produisent plus de 15% des besoins en électricité du pays. Construit dans une vallée aux paysages lunaires sur la rive est du lac Turkana, et dans un corridor naturel considéré comme un des endroits les plus venteux au monde, ce projet de 680 millions de dollars (600 millions d’euros) représente le plus grand investissement privé de l’histoire du Kenya. « Aujourd’hui, nous avons à nouveau haussé la barre pour le continent alors que nous inaugurons le plus grand parc éolien » d’Afrique, a déclaré le président Kenyatta lors d’une cérémonie sur le site du projet. « Sans aucun doute, le Kenya est en train de devenir un leader mondial en matière d’énergie renouvelable », a-t-il ajouté, au moment d’inaugurer ce projet qui a connu de nombreux contretemps, notamment lors des négociations en amont de la construction et pour la connexion du parc éolien au réseau électrique. Bien plus ambitieux qu’ailleurs en Afrique, ce projet éolien est suivi de très près car vu comme un test pour les investissements à grande échelle dans les énergies renouvelables sur le continent, où la demande en énergie est de plus en plus grande sur fond de rapides croissances économique et démographique. Le parc éolien produit déjà 310 mégawatts, plus de 15% des besoins en électricité du pays, où le prix élevé du courant et le manque de fiabilité du réseau sont un frein au développement des manufactures. « Corridor du Turkana » Le Kenya produit déjà l’essentiel de son énergie grâce à l’hydroélectrique, la géothermie ou l’éolien, et ce nouveau parc s’inscrit dans le cadre de sa volonté de produire 100% de son énergie grâce à des sources renouvelables d’ici à 2020. Les défenseurs de l’environnement estiment toutefois que le gouvernement trahit cette volonté avec un projet de centrale à charbon sur la côte, dans le comté de Lamu, qui a toutefois été suspendu par la justice et est jugé inutile par de nombreux observateurs. L’installation des éoliennes, à un rythme de plus d’une éolienne par jour, a été achevée en avance sur le planning. Hautes de près de 50 mètres et fabriquées par le Danois Vestas, elles ont été transportées par la route depuis le port de Mombasa, à quelque 1200 kilomètres de là. Le modèle d’éolienne a été dessiné pour que ses différentes pièces puissent s’emboîter « comme des poupées russes », et ainsi faciliter leur transport, selon Vestas. Quelque 200 kilomètres de piste ont été recouverts de tarmac, permettant de réduire drastiquement la durée du trajet. Plus de 2000 trajets ont finalement été nécessaires pour acheminer tout le matériel jusqu’au bord du lac Turkana, surnommé la « mer de Jade » pour ses célèbres reflets. Ces éoliennes ont été spécialement conçues pour endurer les vents du « corridor du Turkana », formé par le relief et qui offre toute l’année des conditions de vent optimales. Au point d’être jusqu’à deux fois plus efficaces que pour des projets éoliens similaires en Europe et en Amérique. « C’est sans précédent, c’est un des endroits les plus venteux au monde, et ce de manière régulière », a décrit Rizwan Fazal, directeur exécutif du projet Lake Turkana Wind Power. « Signal fort » Le parc éolien a été achevé en mars 2017, mais n’a pu être connecté au réseau électrique kényan que 18 mois plus tard, en septembre 2018. En cause, des problèmes dans le financement de la ligne électrique ad hoc de 428 kilomètres, ainsi que pour l’acquisition de terrains pour la construire, des responsabilités incombant à l’Etat. « Le parc a été construit à temps, mais on ne peut opérer le projet que si on peut amener l’énergie au client », a souligné Catherine Collin, directrice pour l’Afrique de l’Est à la Banque européenne d’investissement. Le projet a bénéficié d’un prêt de 200 millions de dollars (178 millions d’euros) de l’Union européenne et du financement d’un consortium de sociétés européennes et africaines. « C’est clairement un jour historique », s’est lui réjoui Rizwan Fazal. « Cela envoie un signal fort au sujet du Kenya: nous sommes mûrs pour des projets de cette ampleur ».
Le président kényan a inauguré, ce vendredi 19 juillet 2019, le plus grand parc éolien d'Afrique. Installée près du dans le nord du pays, l'infrastructure fonctionne déjà depuis plusieurs mois, avec 365 éoliennes produisant 310 mégawatts pour 600 millions d'euros de budget. Ce parc, qui produit plus de 15% des besoins en électricité du pays, est un investissement à grande échelle dans les énergies renouvelables sur le continent.
Final Tschechien - Schweden Schweden erneut U19-Weltmeister Der Favorit auf den Titel wurde seiner Rolle erneut gerecht. Nach Triumphen in den Jahren 2001 und 2005 holte das schwedische Team an der U19-Unihockey-Weltmeisterschaft in Kirchberg (BE) im Final gegen Tschechien zum dritten Mal Gold. Auch gegen den überraschenden Finalisten Tschechien liessen die Schweden nichts anbrennen. 9:3 endete das Finalspiel in der ausverkauften Sporthalle Grossmatt in Kirchberg vor 1300 Zuschauern. Schweden, die Unihockey-Nation Nummer eins, dominierte die U19-WM 2007. Nach den Titeln in den Jahren 2001 und 2005 spielten die Gelb-Blauen unschlagbar. Es überraschte deshalb nicht, dass der Top-Scorer des Turniers ein Schwede ist: Mit drei Toren und einem Assist im Final und zehn Toren sowie sechs Assists insgesamt an dieser WM wurde Schwedens Nummer 12, der linker Flügel Patrik Malmström Top-Scorer. „Ich bin zufrieden, der Topscorer zu sein, aber den Titel geholt zu haben macht mich noch glücklicher“, erklärte Patrik Malmström nach dem Match. Ebenfalls zufrieden mit der Leistung ist Tschechien. „Wir erwarteten diesen Finaleinzug nicht und sind deshalb mehr als zufrieden mit der Silbermedaille“, sagte Tschechiens Captain Daniel Rob nach dem äusserst friedlichen Finalspiel. Es gab lediglich eine zwei Minuten-Strafe gegen den tschechischen Spieler Adam Stegl. „Schweden spielt auf einem anderen Niveau und war für uns nicht bezwingbar“, ergänzte Rob. Tschechien - Schweden 3:9 (1:3, 1:5, 1:1) Sporthalle Grossmatt, Kirchberg. 1300 Zuschauer. SR: Baumgartner/Kläsi Tore: 4. Malmström (Thorsson) 0:1., 9. Lundgren (Stenberg) 0:2., 11. Lundgren (Norrman) 0:3., 13. Curney (Suchanek) 1:3., 21. Malmström (Nordgren) 1:4., 30. Malmström (Stenberg) 1:5., 32. Nordgren (Malmström) 1:6., 33. Jendrisak (Peska) 2:6., 34. Sundstedt (Eriksson) 2:7., 39. Stenberg (Nilsberth) 2:8., 46. Nilsson (Jämtdal) 2:9., 54. Jelinek (Vrana) 3:9. Strafen: Tschechien 1x2'; Schweden keine 2'
Bei der Unihockey-Weltmeisterschaft für U19-Junioren in Kirchberg, Zuchwil, am 11. November 2007 ist erwartungsgemäß die schwedische Mannschaft Weltmeister geworden. Im Finale der A-WM konnte sich die schwedische Equipe gegen die Mannschaft Tschechiens klar mit 9:3 durchsetzen. Den dritten Platz sicherte sich die finnische Mannschaft im Spiel gegen Gastgeber Schweiz, der damit ohne Edelmetall das Turnier beendete. Die favorisierte deutsche U19-Mannschaft unter Bundestrainer Roland Fust spielte in der B-WM um den Aufstieg in die A-Gruppe und scheiterte erst im Finale gegen Dänemark nach langer Führung in den Schlussminuten. Dänemark konnte in den letzten fünf Minuten den Ausgleich erzielen und mit einem weiteren Tor das Endergebnis von 6:7 eine Minute vor Schluss drehen. Den dritten Platz in der B-WM belegt die Mannschaft aus Estland nach dem siegreichen Spiel gegen Österreich.
Temporary Mayor Michael Brown to deliver State of the City speech featuring deficit-reduction plan, minus flash of predecessor's speeches by Kristin Longley | The Flint Journal Tuesday March 03, 2009, 4:41 PM FLINT, Michigan -- This year's State of the City address is expected to be remembered for what it won't be --¬†namely, a flashy production or platform for grand announcements. Less than one month after taking over the city's top post, Temporary Mayor Michael Brown will deliver a speech calling for a thoughtful deficit-reduction plan but void of any major proclamations. Flint Journal extras State of the City • The city of Flint's charter mandates that the mayor deliver a State of the City address each year. Temporary Mayor Michael Brown will give his speech at noon Thursday in the City Council Chambers on the third floor of City Hall, 1101 S. Saginaw St. It will be the city of Flint's first public forum with Brown, who will wrestle with the city's estimated $14-million deficit until a new mayor is elected in August. Brown took over the post Feb. 16 after former Mayor Don Williamson -- facing a recall election -- resigned. Without any name calling or grandstanding, Brown's address will focus on setting a new tone in City Hall and highlight Flint's diamonds in the rough, said Bob Campbell, Brown's communications director. The temporary mayor will look forward, rather than backward, and stress the importance of collaboration. Brown, a former vice president at the Genesee Regional Chamber of Commerce, specifically asked that invitations be extended to the business community. "He's not just keeping the seat warm until someone else takes over," Campbell said. "There are some difficult decisions ahead, most notably in the area of the city's finances. He's all about the revival and renewal of the city of Flint." City Council members expect Brown's speech to be a study in contrasts following several years of showy addresses from former Mayor Don Williamson. In the past, city council members have withheld applause at Williamson speeches, illustrating a deep divide that led to lawsuits between the two branches of city government. Usually including lofty initiatives, Williamson's speeches contained much pomp and fanfare. Past proposals from his addresses include a 6.9-mill property tax increase (which didn't happen) and an anti-crime task force (which still exists). "This speech will be more about what's actually going on in the city," Council President Jim Ananich said. "Rather than pie-in-the-sky ideas, it will be based on what we have the resources to do." While Brown's speech will not lay out a specific plan to improve the city's finances, it will touch on several city departments --¬†such as the fire department and economic development team --¬†and the challenges they may be facing, Campbell said. The finance team is still evaluating the financial condition of the city and gearing up to craft a realistic budget for the next fiscal year, he said. Aside from the city's looming deficit, City Councilman Delrico Loyd said he hopes Brown touches on the city's alarming foreclosure and crime rates. He would like to see more resources devoted to the police department, he said. "The new mayor will be openly transparent about the real issues the city is facing," he said. "He doesn't have anything politically to gain." Some other points that Brown will mention: noteworthy accomplishments in the city's higher education arena, boosting city employee morale, greater transparency and accountability and cooperation among the city, other local municipalities and businesses. "Yes, the city is facing a number of challenges, yet at the same time there are a number of terrific assets that other communities would love to have," Campbell said. See more in Community: Flint
Several candidates have announced their intent to run in the special Flint, Michigan mayoral primary election scheduled for May 5, 2009. The primary election was called to fill the remainder of resigning Mayor Don Williamson's term ending in 2011. The two candidates with the most votes will face off in the August special general election. Each candidate will need to collect at least 900 signatures of registered Flint electors in twenty day to qualify for the May 5, 2009 ballot. Genesee County, Michigan (orange). On the first day petitions were available, the City Clerk's office handed out petitions in the morning to Aron Gerics, Dayne Walling, Sheldon Neeley and Brenda Clack. Gregory Eason, Waseem (Sam) Fakhoury, Theodore P. Jankowski, Eric Mays, Devona Watson and Darryl Buchanan picked up petitions later in the day. Stephanie Robb Martin, a Flint Board of Education Trustee was one of eight more potential candidates that pick up petitions since then. Darryl Buchanan, former City Administrator and "Deputy Mayor", announced he is the running for the office of Mayor on Tuesday February 17. Williamson just replaced Buchanan as City Administrator on February 4, keeping him from succeeding Williamson as Temporary Mayor upon his resignation. Buchanan served as the city ombudsman and councilor before becoming city administrator. He believes he has good relations with the city council and was critical of Williamson's combative relations with the council. Buchanan supporters believe that Buchanan has the experience for the position of mayor. While some residents and a political analyst, Bill Ballenger, editor of ''Inside Michigan Politics'', believes that his role in Williamson's administration and their friendship hurts his candidacy. Downtown Flint Sheldon Neeley, current city councilman for Ward 6, announced his candidacy. Neely stated he will open three offices last week. Already, Sheldon Neeley has returned his petitions Thursday with 1,100 signatures to the City Clerk's office. Dayne Walling, who narrowly lost to Don Williamson in the 2007 general election, previously announced that he was running if the recall election against Williamson was successful. On Thursday, Walling officially announced he was running at a "Working for Change" rally at the YMCA. Genesee County Commissioner Brenda Clack served as Michigan 34th District State Representative from 2002 to 2008 switching positions with former Flint Mayor Woodrow Stanley. Aron Gerics, a Mott Community College student and a Mott's Workforce Development Program program assistant, intends to run for mayor. As a write-in candidate for the 2008 49th District House seat election, Gerics lost to Lee Gonzales, D-Flint Twp, the incumbent. Gregory Eason is a former CEO for Jobs Central Inc. and a Williamson critic. Eric Mays is a political activist. Devona Watson is retiree and long time resident. Theodore P. Jankowski served in the Marines and produces a show for public access television. City Administrator and Temporary Mayor Michael Brown stated that he will not run as he wants to focus on city business, and is slated to deliver the annual state-of-the-city address. "He's not just keeping the seat warm until someone else takes over," Brown's communications director Bob Campbell said. "There are some difficult decisions ahead, most notably in the area of the city's finances. He's all about the revival and renewal of the city of Flint." Additional public officials are considering entering the race including former County Commissioner Raynetta Speed and Councilman Scott Kincaid. State senator John Gleason D-Flushing is pondering a moving into the city to run. On Tuesday, March 3, Darryl Buchanan, Brenda Clack and Gregory Eason all turned in their completed nominations to the city clerk's office.
Candidates kicking off campaigns to be Flint's next mayor by Linda Angelo | The Flint Journal Thursday February 26, 2009, 5:55 PM FLINT, Michigan -- The race is on to become Flint's next mayor as two candidates took action Thursday to jump-start their campaigns. Councilman Sheldon Neeley submitted about 1,100 signatures at the City Clerk's Office, while Dayne Walling officially announced his candidacy at a "Working for Change" rally. Neeley, who arrived at the Clerk's Office with his wife, Cynthia, is the first person to return petitions. "We're going to continue collecting signatures, but we want people to know we are serious about this," Neeley said. A few blocks away, about 70 people gathered inside the gym at the YMCA to learn more about Walling, who narrowly lost his first bid for mayor in 2007. "This campaign is not about me or just about you, it's about us and what we can do together for this whole community of Flint," he said. "The change we seek requires we overcome the division between the older and younger folks, between east and west sides of town, the north end and the south end. We have to be a whole community." So far, 18 individuals have taken out petitions from the Clerk's Office for the city's top job. Flint Board of Education member Stephanie Robb Martin is among the more recent individuals to throw her hat in the ring with other well-known types, including Brenda Clack, Darryl Buchanan, Gregory Eason and Eric Mays. The winner will replace temporary Mayor Michael Brown, who took over when Don Williamson resigned. Neeley said he plans to work hard to be the person to succeed Williamson. He will open three campaign offices in the city with his headquarters located on Flushing Road. "We need economic growth, recreation opportunities for young people and seniors, better jobs for our residents and less crime," he said. Candidates must have signatures of at least 900 Flint registered voters by 4 p.m. March 10 to be eligible for the May 5 primary election. The top two vote-getters in that race will face each other in the Aug. 4 general election. At the Walling rally, people signed petitions as they walked into the gym where supporters wore black "Walling for Mayor" T-shirts and nibbled on nachos, veggies and cookies. Longtime Flint resident Rita Blower, 67, said she would like to see Walling become Flint's next mayor. She said she got to know Walling through her daughter, who went to school with him. "He's got his head on straight," said Blower, a Flint resident for 36 years. "He has a lot of good ideas. He's young and very dedicated." Walling told the crowd that vacant and abandoned properties need to be cleaned up and redeveloped, colleges and surrounding businesses and neighborhoods can be connected to create a Campus Commons and targeted police patrols should be formed to combat crime. "We have been down before in Flint but we have never ever stayed down," he said. "We get up and go to work and work for change." Flint resident Robert Weishaupt, 65, showed up at Walling's rally to hear some of the candidate's plans for the city. "I want to learn more about him," he said. "I've had enough of the Don."
Several candidates have announced their intent to run in the special Flint, Michigan mayoral primary election scheduled for May 5, 2009. The primary election was called to fill the remainder of resigning Mayor Don Williamson's term ending in 2011. The two candidates with the most votes will face off in the August special general election. Each candidate will need to collect at least 900 signatures of registered Flint electors in twenty day to qualify for the May 5, 2009 ballot. Genesee County, Michigan (orange). On the first day petitions were available, the City Clerk's office handed out petitions in the morning to Aron Gerics, Dayne Walling, Sheldon Neeley and Brenda Clack. Gregory Eason, Waseem (Sam) Fakhoury, Theodore P. Jankowski, Eric Mays, Devona Watson and Darryl Buchanan picked up petitions later in the day. Stephanie Robb Martin, a Flint Board of Education Trustee was one of eight more potential candidates that pick up petitions since then. Darryl Buchanan, former City Administrator and "Deputy Mayor", announced he is the running for the office of Mayor on Tuesday February 17. Williamson just replaced Buchanan as City Administrator on February 4, keeping him from succeeding Williamson as Temporary Mayor upon his resignation. Buchanan served as the city ombudsman and councilor before becoming city administrator. He believes he has good relations with the city council and was critical of Williamson's combative relations with the council. Buchanan supporters believe that Buchanan has the experience for the position of mayor. While some residents and a political analyst, Bill Ballenger, editor of ''Inside Michigan Politics'', believes that his role in Williamson's administration and their friendship hurts his candidacy. Downtown Flint Sheldon Neeley, current city councilman for Ward 6, announced his candidacy. Neely stated he will open three offices last week. Already, Sheldon Neeley has returned his petitions Thursday with 1,100 signatures to the City Clerk's office. Dayne Walling, who narrowly lost to Don Williamson in the 2007 general election, previously announced that he was running if the recall election against Williamson was successful. On Thursday, Walling officially announced he was running at a "Working for Change" rally at the YMCA. Genesee County Commissioner Brenda Clack served as Michigan 34th District State Representative from 2002 to 2008 switching positions with former Flint Mayor Woodrow Stanley. Aron Gerics, a Mott Community College student and a Mott's Workforce Development Program program assistant, intends to run for mayor. As a write-in candidate for the 2008 49th District House seat election, Gerics lost to Lee Gonzales, D-Flint Twp, the incumbent. Gregory Eason is a former CEO for Jobs Central Inc. and a Williamson critic. Eric Mays is a political activist. Devona Watson is retiree and long time resident. Theodore P. Jankowski served in the Marines and produces a show for public access television. City Administrator and Temporary Mayor Michael Brown stated that he will not run as he wants to focus on city business, and is slated to deliver the annual state-of-the-city address. "He's not just keeping the seat warm until someone else takes over," Brown's communications director Bob Campbell said. "There are some difficult decisions ahead, most notably in the area of the city's finances. He's all about the revival and renewal of the city of Flint." Additional public officials are considering entering the race including former County Commissioner Raynetta Speed and Councilman Scott Kincaid. State senator John Gleason D-Flushing is pondering a moving into the city to run. On Tuesday, March 3, Darryl Buchanan, Brenda Clack and Gregory Eason all turned in their completed nominations to the city clerk's office.
Ten people pick up petitions to run for Flint mayor by Shannon Murphy | The Flint Journal Thursday February 19, 2009, 11:25 AM FLINT, Michigan -- They didn't waste any time. Within 15 minutes of the Flint City Clerk's office opening Thursday morning, one person had already picked up nominating petitions to be the city's next mayor. Flint Journal extras Mayor's race Mayor's race Who picked up nominating petitions: • Darryl Buchanan • Brenda Clack • Gregory Eason • Waseem Fakhoury (Sam) • Aron Gerics • Theodore P. Jankowski • Eric Mays • Sheldon Neeley • Dayne Walling • Devona Watson Within hours, half a dozen people already had filed through to get the paperwork. By the end of the day -- the first the petitions were available -- 10 people had picked one up, declaring themselves potential candidates for the city's top job. The winner will replace Temporary Mayor Michael Brown, who took over when Don Williamson resigned this month. The filing deadline is 4 p.m. March 10. "I've realized for the past few years, Flint has been held hostage to progress," said Brenda Clack, a Genesee County Commissioner and former state legislator who picked up a petition Thursday. "I just can't take it anymore." Most of the names -- Clack, Darryl Buchanan, Dayne Walling, Sheldon Neeley, Eric Mays -- are the usual suspects in Flint politics. Others, such as Aron Gerics, Gregory Eason and Devona Watson, are less known. All have 20 days to get the signatures of at least 900 Flint registered voters to be eligible for the May 5 primary election. The top two vote-getters will face each other in the Aug. 4 general election. So far, the list of candidates is no big surprise, said Paul Rozycki, a political science professor at Mott Community College. "I guess it's a little surprising that so many people are lining up right off the bat," he said. "But with time so tight, it's logical they wouldn't waste any time." Rozycki said he wouldn't be surprised to see more than a dozen candidates, ranging from political veterans to rookies, in the race by the time petitions are due next month. Candidates include Buchanan, the former city administrator; Walling, a well-known former mayoral candidate; Neeley, a current city councilman; Eason, a Williamson opponent and former head of the former Jobs Central Inc.; Mays, a political activist; and Watson, a retired, long-time Flint resident. Gerics, 28, was the first person to pick up a petition Thursday morning. This is only his second stab at a run for office, having lost as a write-in candidate for the 49th District House seat in November. Gerics, a student at Mott Community College and a program assistant for Mott's Workforce Development Program, said he's running to get new blood in City Hall. "I'm not here for the title," he said. "I'm tired of people running because they want to be mayor. I'm running because I want to make sure this city I live in is where it was 50 years ago, a booming town." Neeley said his goal is to make Flint the "best possible place to live," but is concerned that too many candidates could hurt that goal. He hopes to meet with "like-minded" candidates and maybe narrow the field down to prevent splitting votes. "It's up to the leadership to sit down and compromise," he said. "I think the public is frustrated with the candidates because of so many that get in the race." Journal staff writer Sally York contributed to this report. See more in Community: Flint
Several candidates have announced their intent to run in the special Flint, Michigan mayoral primary election scheduled for May 5, 2009. The primary election was called to fill the remainder of resigning Mayor Don Williamson's term ending in 2011. The two candidates with the most votes will face off in the August special general election. Each candidate will need to collect at least 900 signatures of registered Flint electors in twenty day to qualify for the May 5, 2009 ballot. Genesee County, Michigan (orange). On the first day petitions were available, the City Clerk's office handed out petitions in the morning to Aron Gerics, Dayne Walling, Sheldon Neeley and Brenda Clack. Gregory Eason, Waseem (Sam) Fakhoury, Theodore P. Jankowski, Eric Mays, Devona Watson and Darryl Buchanan picked up petitions later in the day. Stephanie Robb Martin, a Flint Board of Education Trustee was one of eight more potential candidates that pick up petitions since then. Darryl Buchanan, former City Administrator and "Deputy Mayor", announced he is the running for the office of Mayor on Tuesday February 17. Williamson just replaced Buchanan as City Administrator on February 4, keeping him from succeeding Williamson as Temporary Mayor upon his resignation. Buchanan served as the city ombudsman and councilor before becoming city administrator. He believes he has good relations with the city council and was critical of Williamson's combative relations with the council. Buchanan supporters believe that Buchanan has the experience for the position of mayor. While some residents and a political analyst, Bill Ballenger, editor of ''Inside Michigan Politics'', believes that his role in Williamson's administration and their friendship hurts his candidacy. Downtown Flint Sheldon Neeley, current city councilman for Ward 6, announced his candidacy. Neely stated he will open three offices last week. Already, Sheldon Neeley has returned his petitions Thursday with 1,100 signatures to the City Clerk's office. Dayne Walling, who narrowly lost to Don Williamson in the 2007 general election, previously announced that he was running if the recall election against Williamson was successful. On Thursday, Walling officially announced he was running at a "Working for Change" rally at the YMCA. Genesee County Commissioner Brenda Clack served as Michigan 34th District State Representative from 2002 to 2008 switching positions with former Flint Mayor Woodrow Stanley. Aron Gerics, a Mott Community College student and a Mott's Workforce Development Program program assistant, intends to run for mayor. As a write-in candidate for the 2008 49th District House seat election, Gerics lost to Lee Gonzales, D-Flint Twp, the incumbent. Gregory Eason is a former CEO for Jobs Central Inc. and a Williamson critic. Eric Mays is a political activist. Devona Watson is retiree and long time resident. Theodore P. Jankowski served in the Marines and produces a show for public access television. City Administrator and Temporary Mayor Michael Brown stated that he will not run as he wants to focus on city business, and is slated to deliver the annual state-of-the-city address. "He's not just keeping the seat warm until someone else takes over," Brown's communications director Bob Campbell said. "There are some difficult decisions ahead, most notably in the area of the city's finances. He's all about the revival and renewal of the city of Flint." Additional public officials are considering entering the race including former County Commissioner Raynetta Speed and Councilman Scott Kincaid. State senator John Gleason D-Flushing is pondering a moving into the city to run. On Tuesday, March 3, Darryl Buchanan, Brenda Clack and Gregory Eason all turned in their completed nominations to the city clerk's office.
Darryl Buchanan in running for Flint mayor by David Harris and Shannon Murphy | The Flint Journal Tuesday February 17, 2009, 8:20 PM FLINT, Michigan -- Two weeks after he lost the chance to inherit the mayor's office, Deputy Mayor Darryl Buchanan announced Tuesday that he will try to get it the old fashioned way. Buchanan joins a growing field of contenders running for Flint mayor in the wake of Don Williamson's sudden resignation last week. Already, Buchanan is taking steps to distance himself from the controversial Williamson. "I'm not Mayor Williamson," Buchanan said. "He may have been my teacher, but he's not me. This is an eagle that has left the nest." Buchanan had been in line to succeed Williamson as city administrator but was removed from the spot Feb. 4 in favor of Michael Brown, who took over as temporary mayor this week. The sudden shift in power surprised many who thought Buchanan's close relationship with Williamson made him a natural to succeed him as mayor. With about 30 friends and family by his side in a small, crowded room that used to be a beauty parlor on the city's north side, Buchanan said his previous experience as a city council member, ombudsman and administrator make him best qualified for the position. Flint Journal extras Flint Mayor Race A May 5 election will decide the top two candidates in the race to become Flint's mayor. In the running; A May 5 election will decide the top two candidates in the race to become Flint's mayor. In the running; • Darryl Buchanan, current deputy mayor and former city administrator, ombudsman and city council member • Sheldon Neeley, current city council member • Dayne Walling, ran unsuccessfully against Don Williamson in 2007 race Others have expressed interest in running include Genesee County Commissioner Brenda Clack, former County Commissioner Raynetta Speed, Councilman Scott Kincaid and political activist Eric Mays. "Flint has seen many peaks and valleys," he said. "We are in a valley unlike any other and we need leadership to guide us back to better times." Buchanan said the city's budget is the No. 1 number one issue facing Flint, although he didn't get into specifics as to how he would handle the problems. Unlike Williamson who frequently sparred with the Flint City Council, Buchanan said he has a good relationship with the council. "There has been division, and I don't like it," he said. Supporter Christina Brown, 48, of Flint, has known Buchanan since childhood and believes he would be a fine mayor. "He's smart, he has a master's degree and he has been in the administration," she said. Frances Gilcreast, president of the Flint branch of the NAACP, said Buchanan is qualified to run the city and "understands the needs of the community." She said Buchanan's previous positions within the city make him more than ready for the city's top job. But not everyone thinks Buchanan's experience will help. Resident Henry Bilal, who lives on the city's northside, said Buchanan is too closely connected with Williamson to be a viable candidate. "It would be the same old policies the mayor had," Bilal said. "I don't think he's shown any potential and he didn't show any leadership as city administrator." Political analyst Bill Ballenger, editor of Inside Michigan Politics, said Buchanan's alliance with the controversial former mayor could hurt him. "Some will look at it that way and say Williamson was a bad dude and they don't want Buchanan in there because he's like Williamson," Ballenger said. However, Ballenger pointed out that Williamson won previous elections with a majority of the black vote and many still support him, which could lead to support of Buchanan. Northside resident Robert Goodlow said he supports Buchanan running because of his past history in politics. "When he was a councilman, he seemed like a stern guy who could make some good decisions," he said. "He could bring some law and order to places that don't have it."
Several candidates have announced their intent to run in the special Flint, Michigan mayoral primary election scheduled for May 5, 2009. The primary election was called to fill the remainder of resigning Mayor Don Williamson's term ending in 2011. The two candidates with the most votes will face off in the August special general election. Each candidate will need to collect at least 900 signatures of registered Flint electors in twenty day to qualify for the May 5, 2009 ballot. Genesee County, Michigan (orange). On the first day petitions were available, the City Clerk's office handed out petitions in the morning to Aron Gerics, Dayne Walling, Sheldon Neeley and Brenda Clack. Gregory Eason, Waseem (Sam) Fakhoury, Theodore P. Jankowski, Eric Mays, Devona Watson and Darryl Buchanan picked up petitions later in the day. Stephanie Robb Martin, a Flint Board of Education Trustee was one of eight more potential candidates that pick up petitions since then. Darryl Buchanan, former City Administrator and "Deputy Mayor", announced he is the running for the office of Mayor on Tuesday February 17. Williamson just replaced Buchanan as City Administrator on February 4, keeping him from succeeding Williamson as Temporary Mayor upon his resignation. Buchanan served as the city ombudsman and councilor before becoming city administrator. He believes he has good relations with the city council and was critical of Williamson's combative relations with the council. Buchanan supporters believe that Buchanan has the experience for the position of mayor. While some residents and a political analyst, Bill Ballenger, editor of ''Inside Michigan Politics'', believes that his role in Williamson's administration and their friendship hurts his candidacy. Downtown Flint Sheldon Neeley, current city councilman for Ward 6, announced his candidacy. Neely stated he will open three offices last week. Already, Sheldon Neeley has returned his petitions Thursday with 1,100 signatures to the City Clerk's office. Dayne Walling, who narrowly lost to Don Williamson in the 2007 general election, previously announced that he was running if the recall election against Williamson was successful. On Thursday, Walling officially announced he was running at a "Working for Change" rally at the YMCA. Genesee County Commissioner Brenda Clack served as Michigan 34th District State Representative from 2002 to 2008 switching positions with former Flint Mayor Woodrow Stanley. Aron Gerics, a Mott Community College student and a Mott's Workforce Development Program program assistant, intends to run for mayor. As a write-in candidate for the 2008 49th District House seat election, Gerics lost to Lee Gonzales, D-Flint Twp, the incumbent. Gregory Eason is a former CEO for Jobs Central Inc. and a Williamson critic. Eric Mays is a political activist. Devona Watson is retiree and long time resident. Theodore P. Jankowski served in the Marines and produces a show for public access television. City Administrator and Temporary Mayor Michael Brown stated that he will not run as he wants to focus on city business, and is slated to deliver the annual state-of-the-city address. "He's not just keeping the seat warm until someone else takes over," Brown's communications director Bob Campbell said. "There are some difficult decisions ahead, most notably in the area of the city's finances. He's all about the revival and renewal of the city of Flint." Additional public officials are considering entering the race including former County Commissioner Raynetta Speed and Councilman Scott Kincaid. State senator John Gleason D-Flushing is pondering a moving into the city to run. On Tuesday, March 3, Darryl Buchanan, Brenda Clack and Gregory Eason all turned in their completed nominations to the city clerk's office.
FLINT, Michigan -- Help wanted: City seeks mayor who specializes in eliminating deficits and dealing with outspoken council members. Good people skills a plus. The first interview is the May 5 primary election. Be prepared for lots of competition, though.A slew of wannabe mayors are expected to surface in the next few weeks as potential candidates for the city of Flint's top elected position. Mayor Don Williamson's resignation is effective at midnight today -- making way for a supercompetitive race to replace him. Even someone who doesn't live in Flint, state Sen. John Gleason D-Flushing, said he is considering establishing a residency in the city and running for the job. A May 5 primary will whittle the field down to the top two vote-getters, who will compete in an August general election to become Flint's next mayor. The winner will finish the remainder of Williamson's term, through 2011. Whoever wants to be the next mayor would have to slog through a tough but quick campaign and take over a city that's reeling financially. Dayne Walling, who lost to Williamson in 2007, and Councilman Sheldon Neeley were the only candidates to announce they were running in the May 5 primary. Walling is opening a campaign office Monday, and Neeley is opening three campaign offices this week. Others who are pondering a run include Genesee County Commissioner Brenda Clack, former County Commissioner Raynetta Speed, Councilman Scott Kincaid and resident and political activist Eric Mays. The incoming temporary mayor, Michael Brown, said he is not interested in the job permanently, but that hasn't stopped people from speculating he will run anyway. Brown reiterated that he's not a candidate, saying it would be too distracting to run the city and a campaign at the same time. "The proof will be in the pudding. I know what my intentions are, and people can choose to either believe it or not believe it," Brown said. Others rumored to be interested are Deputy Mayor Darryl Buchanan and recall organizer Greg Eason. Williamson announced his resignation Monday , less than three weeks before he would have faced a recall election. More could throw their names into the ring. The initial election after Woodrow Stanley was recalled in 2002 attracted nearly 40 who said they would run, although that election was canceled by the state in the run-up to its takeover of the city. "A lot of people will be coming out of the woodwork," said Flint resident Dee Smith, who worked on the Stanley recall. And resident Chris Del Morone, who watches city politics closely, said he believes the city needs fresh leadership. "Flint is really lacking in leaders, someone that the community can really turn to," he said. Paul Rozycki, a Mott Community College political science professor, said the field as it stands now has so many black candidates that they would split up the black vote. Rozycki said he expects some of the hopefuls to drop out. "There's going to be a lot of negotiating taking place," Rozycki said. Kincaid, who is white, said he would strongly consider running if Walling were the only white candidate to run. Brown and Gleason are also white, while the rest of the expected front-runners are black. Rozycki said Clack and Walling strike him as the most obvious front-runners, although it's difficult to tell. Clack was a state representative before winning a county commissioner seat late last year. She said a lot of people have asked her to run, and she's considering it. "I'm willing to be a catalyst for positive change in our city," Clack said. "I enjoy tackling problems. I realize everything's not going to be peaches and cream." Walling, whose loss to Williamson in 2007 was narrow, passed on opportunities to say "I told you so" about the mayor's tenure. The city's finances have been in a free fall since 2007, and Flint is facing a multimillion-dollar deficit for the second year in a row. "This election is giving Flint a chance to have a fresh start," Walling said. "We need an economic development plan for all of the neighborhoods in the city, not just a few." Neeley said he's focusing on jobs and "quality of life." "This city needs a true leader," Neeley said. "We can provide that leadership." Speed, who lost a bid to become the Genesee County register of deeds in November, said a run for mayor is "possible." She said she wants to help the city. "I'm a lifelong resident of Flint, and I live in the house I grew up in," Speed said. "Flint has always been in my heart." Gleason said others have been lobbying for him to see what he could do to help the city. He said an outsider's perspective may be what Flint needs. "There's a lot of challenges," Gleason said. "I've always sought office where I thought I could really make a difference." Rozycki said he would be surprised if Gleason ran because the move doesn't make much "logical sense" for the state senator, who would likely enjoy six more years in Lansing versus running as an outsider in the mayor's race. Buchanan, a former councilman, declined to comment. If he did run, Rozycki said the deputy mayor's candidacy would be something of a mystery. Buchanan is tied to Williamson, even though the mayor elbowed him out of the city administrator position shortly before he resigned. "I don't know what kind of support he has in the community, other than the Don," Rozycki said, pointing out that Williamson's support may be tenuous. "It seems (Buchanan) was really hung out to dry." Walling has a network of supporters and has been showing up at a lot of community events, Rozycki said. Rozycki said Neeley also could be a viable candidate. "He's got a good image, but he's kind of low-key," Rozycki said. "I'm not sure how much support he has outside of his ward." Mays said he is interested, but he wants to see who else is running. Mays lost an attempt to win the 1st Ward council seat in November.
Several candidates have announced their intent to run in the special Flint, Michigan mayoral primary election scheduled for May 5, 2009. The primary election was called to fill the remainder of resigning Mayor Don Williamson's term ending in 2011. The two candidates with the most votes will face off in the August special general election. Each candidate will need to collect at least 900 signatures of registered Flint electors in twenty day to qualify for the May 5, 2009 ballot. Genesee County, Michigan (orange). On the first day petitions were available, the City Clerk's office handed out petitions in the morning to Aron Gerics, Dayne Walling, Sheldon Neeley and Brenda Clack. Gregory Eason, Waseem (Sam) Fakhoury, Theodore P. Jankowski, Eric Mays, Devona Watson and Darryl Buchanan picked up petitions later in the day. Stephanie Robb Martin, a Flint Board of Education Trustee was one of eight more potential candidates that pick up petitions since then. Darryl Buchanan, former City Administrator and "Deputy Mayor", announced he is the running for the office of Mayor on Tuesday February 17. Williamson just replaced Buchanan as City Administrator on February 4, keeping him from succeeding Williamson as Temporary Mayor upon his resignation. Buchanan served as the city ombudsman and councilor before becoming city administrator. He believes he has good relations with the city council and was critical of Williamson's combative relations with the council. Buchanan supporters believe that Buchanan has the experience for the position of mayor. While some residents and a political analyst, Bill Ballenger, editor of ''Inside Michigan Politics'', believes that his role in Williamson's administration and their friendship hurts his candidacy. Downtown Flint Sheldon Neeley, current city councilman for Ward 6, announced his candidacy. Neely stated he will open three offices last week. Already, Sheldon Neeley has returned his petitions Thursday with 1,100 signatures to the City Clerk's office. Dayne Walling, who narrowly lost to Don Williamson in the 2007 general election, previously announced that he was running if the recall election against Williamson was successful. On Thursday, Walling officially announced he was running at a "Working for Change" rally at the YMCA. Genesee County Commissioner Brenda Clack served as Michigan 34th District State Representative from 2002 to 2008 switching positions with former Flint Mayor Woodrow Stanley. Aron Gerics, a Mott Community College student and a Mott's Workforce Development Program program assistant, intends to run for mayor. As a write-in candidate for the 2008 49th District House seat election, Gerics lost to Lee Gonzales, D-Flint Twp, the incumbent. Gregory Eason is a former CEO for Jobs Central Inc. and a Williamson critic. Eric Mays is a political activist. Devona Watson is retiree and long time resident. Theodore P. Jankowski served in the Marines and produces a show for public access television. City Administrator and Temporary Mayor Michael Brown stated that he will not run as he wants to focus on city business, and is slated to deliver the annual state-of-the-city address. "He's not just keeping the seat warm until someone else takes over," Brown's communications director Bob Campbell said. "There are some difficult decisions ahead, most notably in the area of the city's finances. He's all about the revival and renewal of the city of Flint." Additional public officials are considering entering the race including former County Commissioner Raynetta Speed and Councilman Scott Kincaid. State senator John Gleason D-Flushing is pondering a moving into the city to run. On Tuesday, March 3, Darryl Buchanan, Brenda Clack and Gregory Eason all turned in their completed nominations to the city clerk's office.
Das Land Bayern ehrt den in München mutmaßlich von zwei Jugendlichen getöteten Familienvater mit einem Verdienstorden. Die verdächtigen Jugendlichen hatten Tage zuvor bereits Rentner bedroht. München - Dem im Münchner S-Bahnhof Solln bei der Verteidigung von vier Kindern getöteten Geschäftsmann Dominik Brunner wird posthum der Bayerische Verdienstorden verliehen. Dies teilte Ministerpräsident Horst Seehofer (CSU) am Mittwoch in München mit.In Berlin brachte Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) nach den Worten eines Sprechers für die Regierung ihre Bestürzung zum Ausdruck. Brunner habe ein Beispiel für Zivilcourage und Mut gesetzt, weil er versucht habe, Kinder vor den gewalttätigen Jugendlichen zu schützen. Das bayerische Kabinett gedachte Brunners mit einer Gedenkminute.Nach Forderungen aus der CSU nach einer Verschärfung des Jugendstrafrechts verzichtet der Freistaat Bayern zunächst auf eine Bundesratsinitiative. Der Koalitionspartner FDP hatte solch eine Initiative abgelehnt. Eine Arbeitsgruppe soll über das weitere Vorgehen beraten, die Ergebnisse sollen aber erst nach der Bundestagswahl vorgestellt werden.Zwei 17 und 18 Jahre alte Jugendliche hatten Brunner am Samstag durch Tritte und Schläge so schwer verletzt, dass er kurz darauf starb. Bei der Münchner Polizei haben sich inzwischen 20 Zeugen des Angriffs gemeldet. Gegen keinen dieser Zeugen werde aber wegen unterlassener Hilfeleistung ermittelt.Zwei der drei festgenommenen jugendlichen Schläger hatten bereits wenige Tage zuvor einen Rentner bedroht, wie bekannt wurde. Die 17-Jährigen hätten Geld verlangt, bestätigte Oberstaatsanwältin Barbara Stockinger einen Zeitungsbericht. Die Polizei habe Ermittlungen eingeleitet, aber die beiden wieder laufen lassen müssen. Einer der zwei Jugendlichen war an dem Angriff auf Brunner beteiligt. Der andere war bei dem Angriff nicht mehr dabei, hatte zuvor aber als Erster eines der Kinder geschlagen. AFP/dpa(Erschienen im gedruckten Tagesspiegel vom 17.09.2009)
Der von zwei 17 und 18 Jahre alten Jugendlichen getötete Unternehmer Dominik Brunner erhält posthum Auszeichnungen für seine Zivilcourage. Brunner hatte am 12. September am Münchener S-Bahnhof Solln zunächst vier 13 bis 15 Jahre alte Jugendliche beschützt, die von den Tätern bedroht wurden, wobei er auch die Polizei verständigte. Der Unternehmer bemühte sich um die Deeskalation der Situation und bot den vier Bedrohten an, mit ihnen auszusteigen. Dabei wurde er von den 17 und 18 Jahre alten Tätern verfolgt, die ihn mit äußerster Brutalität zusammenschlugen und auf ihn eintraten. Wenige Stunden später erlag Brunner den Verletzungen. Die Täter wurden später unter Mordverdacht festgenommen. Nach Angaben des bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten Horst Seehofer soll dem 50-jährigen Geschäftsmann posthum der Bayerische Verdienstorden verliehen werden. Brunner wurde wegen seines vorbildlichen Verhaltens am Mittwoch mit dem XY-Ehrenpreis der Fahndungssendung „Aktenzeichen XY… ungelöst“ ausgezeichnet. Bundesinnenminister Wolfgang Schäuble würdigte dabei das vorbildliche Verhalten Brunners. Dabei stellte er auch die Frage, „ob die Passanten, die es offenbar auf dem S-Bahnhof gegeben hat, nicht vielleicht in sich gehen und denken; hätten sie sich so verhalten wie er, könnte Dominik Brunner noch leben“. Bundespräsident Horst Köhler überprüft nach Angaben der Bildzeitung derzeit, Dominik Brunner posthum den Bundesverdienstorden für Bürgersinn und Zivilcourage zu verleihen.
INTERVIEW - "Wir setzen die Täter unter Druck" Ina-Maria Reize-Wildemann, Redaktionsleiterin der Deutschen Kriminal-Fachredaktion (DKF), erklärt Arbeitsweise und Ziele der erfolgreichen Fahndungssendung "Aktenzeichen XY... ungelöst". (Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von
Der von zwei 17 und 18 Jahre alten Jugendlichen getötete Unternehmer Dominik Brunner erhält posthum Auszeichnungen für seine Zivilcourage. Brunner hatte am 12. September am Münchener S-Bahnhof Solln zunächst vier 13 bis 15 Jahre alte Jugendliche beschützt, die von den Tätern bedroht wurden, wobei er auch die Polizei verständigte. Der Unternehmer bemühte sich um die Deeskalation der Situation und bot den vier Bedrohten an, mit ihnen auszusteigen. Dabei wurde er von den 17 und 18 Jahre alten Tätern verfolgt, die ihn mit äußerster Brutalität zusammenschlugen und auf ihn eintraten. Wenige Stunden später erlag Brunner den Verletzungen. Die Täter wurden später unter Mordverdacht festgenommen. Nach Angaben des bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten Horst Seehofer soll dem 50-jährigen Geschäftsmann posthum der Bayerische Verdienstorden verliehen werden. Brunner wurde wegen seines vorbildlichen Verhaltens am Mittwoch mit dem XY-Ehrenpreis der Fahndungssendung „Aktenzeichen XY… ungelöst“ ausgezeichnet. Bundesinnenminister Wolfgang Schäuble würdigte dabei das vorbildliche Verhalten Brunners. Dabei stellte er auch die Frage, „ob die Passanten, die es offenbar auf dem S-Bahnhof gegeben hat, nicht vielleicht in sich gehen und denken; hätten sie sich so verhalten wie er, könnte Dominik Brunner noch leben“. Bundespräsident Horst Köhler überprüft nach Angaben der Bildzeitung derzeit, Dominik Brunner posthum den Bundesverdienstorden für Bürgersinn und Zivilcourage zu verleihen.
Köhler lasse sich über den Fall des getöteten Dominik Brunner und den Fortgang der Ermittlungen laufend unterrichten, wurde der AP am Mittwoch aus dem Umfeld des Bundespräsidialamts ein entsprechender Vorabbericht der «Bild»-Zeitung bestätigt. Eine ganze Reihe von Bürgern habe an das Bundespräsidialamt geschrieben und um die posthume Ehrung des getöteten Mannes gebeten. Der Sprecher des Bundespräsidenten, Martin Kothé, erklärte, zu Ordensangelegenheiten könne das Bundespräsidialamt grundsätzlich keine Stellungnahme abgeben. Bereits in Bayern posthum Orden verliehen Die Zeitung berichtete, Köhler erwäge, dem getöteten Geschäftsmann nach Abschluss der Ermittlungen den Orden für Bürgersinn und Zivilcourage zu verleihen. Zuvor war dem Mann bereits der Bayerische Verdienstorden verliehen worden. Der 50-Jährige Mann war am Samstag von zwei 17 und 18 Jahre alten Jugendlichen mit mehr als 20 Faustschlägen und Fusstritten totgeprügelt worden, weil er vier Kinder vor einem Raubüberfall der beiden Täter schützen wollte. (dapd)
Der von zwei 17 und 18 Jahre alten Jugendlichen getötete Unternehmer Dominik Brunner erhält posthum Auszeichnungen für seine Zivilcourage. Brunner hatte am 12. September am Münchener S-Bahnhof Solln zunächst vier 13 bis 15 Jahre alte Jugendliche beschützt, die von den Tätern bedroht wurden, wobei er auch die Polizei verständigte. Der Unternehmer bemühte sich um die Deeskalation der Situation und bot den vier Bedrohten an, mit ihnen auszusteigen. Dabei wurde er von den 17 und 18 Jahre alten Tätern verfolgt, die ihn mit äußerster Brutalität zusammenschlugen und auf ihn eintraten. Wenige Stunden später erlag Brunner den Verletzungen. Die Täter wurden später unter Mordverdacht festgenommen. Nach Angaben des bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten Horst Seehofer soll dem 50-jährigen Geschäftsmann posthum der Bayerische Verdienstorden verliehen werden. Brunner wurde wegen seines vorbildlichen Verhaltens am Mittwoch mit dem XY-Ehrenpreis der Fahndungssendung „Aktenzeichen XY… ungelöst“ ausgezeichnet. Bundesinnenminister Wolfgang Schäuble würdigte dabei das vorbildliche Verhalten Brunners. Dabei stellte er auch die Frage, „ob die Passanten, die es offenbar auf dem S-Bahnhof gegeben hat, nicht vielleicht in sich gehen und denken; hätten sie sich so verhalten wie er, könnte Dominik Brunner noch leben“. Bundespräsident Horst Köhler überprüft nach Angaben der Bildzeitung derzeit, Dominik Brunner posthum den Bundesverdienstorden für Bürgersinn und Zivilcourage zu verleihen.