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Da BBC Brasil Brasília - Enchentes provocadas por uma tempestade tropical nas Filipinas mataram mais de 180 pessoas. A tempestadade atingiu a Ilha de Mindanao, na Região Sul do país, nessa sexta-feira (16) à noite, com chuvas torrenciais e ventos com velocidade de 90 quilômetros por hora. A maior parte dos mortos é das cidades de Cagayan de Oro e Iligan. Muitos dos que morreram estavam dentro de suas casas quando elas foram inundadas ou soterradas por deslizamentos. Os corpos de 100 pessoas – em sua maioria crianças – foram encontrados em Cagayan de Oro. Um deslizamento na região leste de Mindanao matou mais cinco pessoas. O chefe da Agência Nacional Filipina de Emergência contra Desastres Naturais, Benito Ramos, disse que relatos sobre a tragédia continuam sendo atualizados e que há expectativa de aumento no número de mortos. Há também centenas de pessoas desaparecidas e milhares que procuraram abrigo em regiões mais altas. As Filipinas são atingidas, em média, por 20 tempestades tropicais anualmente. Em setembro, o país foi abalado pelos tufões Nesat e Nalgae, com uma pequena diferença de dias entre eles. Os tufões deixaram mais de 100 mortos.
Passa de 430 o número de mortos nas enchentes provocadas por uma tempestade tropical nas . Nas primeiras informações divulgadas hoje (17) cedo, o número de vítimas, informado pela local, era 180. A tempestadade atingiu a , na Região Sul do país, nessa sexta-feira (16) à noite, com chuvas torrenciais e ventos com velocidade de 90 quilômetros por hora. A maior parte dos mortos é das cidades de e . Muitos dos que morreram estavam dentro de suas casas quando elas foram inundadas ou soterradas por deslizamentos. Os corpos de 100 pessoas (em sua maioria crianças) foram encontrados em Cagayan de Oro. Um deslizamento na região leste de matou mais cinco pessoas. O chefe da , Benito Ramos, disse que relatos sobre a tragédia continuam sendo atualizados e que há expectativa de aumento no número de mortos. Há também centenas de pessoas desaparecidas e milhares que procuraram abrigo em regiões mais altas. As Filipinas são atingidas, em média, por 20 tempestades tropicais anualmente. Em setembro, o país foi abalado pelos tufões Nesat e Nalgae, com uma pequena diferença de dias entre eles. Os tufões deixaram mais de 100 mortos.
17/12/2011 - 15h07 Da BBC Brasil Brasília - Passa de 430 o número de mortos nas enchentes provocadas por uma tempestade tropical nas Filipinas. Nas primeiras informações divulgadas hoje (17) cedo, o número de vítimas, informado pela Cruz Vermelha local, era 180. A tempestadade atingiu a Ilha de Mindanao, na Região Sul do país, nessa sexta-feira (16) à noite, com chuvas torrenciais e ventos com velocidade de 90 quilômetros por hora. As Filipinas são atingidas, em média, por 20 tempestades tropicais anualmente. Em setembro, o país foi abalado pelos tufões Nesat e Nalgae, com uma pequena diferença de dias entre eles. Os tufões deixaram mais de 100 mortos.
Passa de 430 o número de mortos nas enchentes provocadas por uma tempestade tropical nas . Nas primeiras informações divulgadas hoje (17) cedo, o número de vítimas, informado pela local, era 180. A tempestadade atingiu a , na Região Sul do país, nessa sexta-feira (16) à noite, com chuvas torrenciais e ventos com velocidade de 90 quilômetros por hora. A maior parte dos mortos é das cidades de e . Muitos dos que morreram estavam dentro de suas casas quando elas foram inundadas ou soterradas por deslizamentos. Os corpos de 100 pessoas (em sua maioria crianças) foram encontrados em Cagayan de Oro. Um deslizamento na região leste de matou mais cinco pessoas. O chefe da , Benito Ramos, disse que relatos sobre a tragédia continuam sendo atualizados e que há expectativa de aumento no número de mortos. Há também centenas de pessoas desaparecidas e milhares que procuraram abrigo em regiões mais altas. As Filipinas são atingidas, em média, por 20 tempestades tropicais anualmente. Em setembro, o país foi abalado pelos tufões Nesat e Nalgae, com uma pequena diferença de dias entre eles. Os tufões deixaram mais de 100 mortos.
Este es un espacio de opinión: Este espacio que busca crear un foro de construcción social, de convivencia y reflexión, no un escenario de ataques al pensamiento contrario. Las opiniones expresadas en los comentarios no reflejan la opinión de que no se hace responsable por las consecuencias que ellas pudieren acarrear a favor y/ o en contra de otros usuarios o de terceros, ni garantiza su calidad o idoneidad.
Vista de la estación de San Mateo en Soacha. Después de cuatro años de espera para ser inaugurada, las autoridades del municipio de Soacha y del sistema TransMilenio de Bogotá, han anunciado la puesta en marcha de las rutas del transporte masivo que arrancarán el 28 de este mes. Según el burgomaestre soachuno, , "las rutas E98-G98 y E43-G43 arrancarán desde la estación de San Mateo y concluirán en el Centro Administrativo Distrital" (ubicada entre las localidades de y , Avenidas y El Dorado). Asi mismo el alcalde invitó a la comunidad para que se reuniera en la Alameda de la Paralela en el barrio de León XIII (a pocos pasos de la estación homónima) para que participen de los actos protocolarios de bienvenida al sistema para el día 27, asegurando que "los viajes puedan ser más rápidas y brindando asi un mejor servicio". El viernes 13 se realizó en la plaza de Soacha una convocatoria laboral por parte del SENA y de TransMilenio para adherir nuevos trabajadores a la operación de la I fase en ese municipio en cargos de seguridad, aseo y mantenimiento de la flota y venta de entradas, de las cuales se recibieron 1400 postulaciones.
Con el ánimo de generar un ambiente positivo y socializar a la comunidad de Soacha sobre el inicio de operación del Sistema TransMilenio en este Municipio, TRANSMILENIO S.A., en conjunto con la Alcaldía Municipal de Soacha, el SENA (Soacha), los operadores y agentes del Sistema, lideró la primera Feria de Empleabilidad Soacha 2013 en donde se recogieron más de 1.400 hojas de vida para iniciar el proceso de análisis y selección de nuevo personal para: Operadores de vehículo (conductores) Personal técnico mecánico, mantenimiento, eléctrico Personal para mantenimiento de los vehículos - Aseo de vehículos Personal de Aseo para estaciones Vigilancia privada Cajeros para taquillas con experiencia Con esta feria la comunidad pudo evidenciar el interés en el desarrollo social y económico que TRANSMILENIO S.A. tiene para este municipio, además de las mejoras en temas de movilidad y urbanismo que se generarán para esta población.
Vista de la estación de San Mateo en Soacha. Después de cuatro años de espera para ser inaugurada, las autoridades del municipio de Soacha y del sistema TransMilenio de Bogotá, han anunciado la puesta en marcha de las rutas del transporte masivo que arrancarán el 28 de este mes. Según el burgomaestre soachuno, , "las rutas E98-G98 y E43-G43 arrancarán desde la estación de San Mateo y concluirán en el Centro Administrativo Distrital" (ubicada entre las localidades de y , Avenidas y El Dorado). Asi mismo el alcalde invitó a la comunidad para que se reuniera en la Alameda de la Paralela en el barrio de León XIII (a pocos pasos de la estación homónima) para que participen de los actos protocolarios de bienvenida al sistema para el día 27, asegurando que "los viajes puedan ser más rápidas y brindando asi un mejor servicio". El viernes 13 se realizó en la plaza de Soacha una convocatoria laboral por parte del SENA y de TransMilenio para adherir nuevos trabajadores a la operación de la I fase en ese municipio en cargos de seguridad, aseo y mantenimiento de la flota y venta de entradas, de las cuales se recibieron 1400 postulaciones.
Foto: Archivo RCN La Radio Por: RCN La Radio El alcalde del Municipio de Soacha, Cundinamarca, Juan Carlos Nemocón, aseguró que ya esta aprobada la primera ruta de TransMilenio en el municipio. Según el Alcalde, este servició iniciará desde el próximo 28 de diciembre, cuando comienza la operación de buses articulados para más de 60 mil habitantes de Soacha. "La primera ruta de TransMilenio para Soacha en esta primera fase, será la siguiente: E98-G9 y la E43-G43", dijo el alcalde Nemocón. Agregó, "el recorrido comenzará en la estación de San Mateo, Terreros, León XIII, la Despensa, Venecia, General Santander, Sena, Ricaurte, y Centro Administrativo Distrital". Juan Carlos Nemocón dijo que esta ruta será rápida y hará que los buses de TransMilenio cuenten con recorridos cortos en tiempo y "regresen pronto a recoger más pasajeros de Soacha, brindando así un buen servicio".
Vista de la estación de San Mateo en Soacha. Después de cuatro años de espera para ser inaugurada, las autoridades del municipio de Soacha y del sistema TransMilenio de Bogotá, han anunciado la puesta en marcha de las rutas del transporte masivo que arrancarán el 28 de este mes. Según el burgomaestre soachuno, , "las rutas E98-G98 y E43-G43 arrancarán desde la estación de San Mateo y concluirán en el Centro Administrativo Distrital" (ubicada entre las localidades de y , Avenidas y El Dorado). Asi mismo el alcalde invitó a la comunidad para que se reuniera en la Alameda de la Paralela en el barrio de León XIII (a pocos pasos de la estación homónima) para que participen de los actos protocolarios de bienvenida al sistema para el día 27, asegurando que "los viajes puedan ser más rápidas y brindando asi un mejor servicio". El viernes 13 se realizó en la plaza de Soacha una convocatoria laboral por parte del SENA y de TransMilenio para adherir nuevos trabajadores a la operación de la I fase en ese municipio en cargos de seguridad, aseo y mantenimiento de la flota y venta de entradas, de las cuales se recibieron 1400 postulaciones.
Las pruebas piloto con los articulados ya se hicieron y el 28 de diciembre comenzarán a rodar con pasajeros. Caracol | Diciembre 16 de 2013 Relacionados Luego de ocho años de retraso,por fin tiene listas susque pararán en las cuatro estaciones de la primera fase.Las rutas serán cortas ya que poco más de 30 buses van a prestar el servicio en un inicio. Empezarán en lay terminarán enAsí mismo, el, aseguró que la fecha fijada para que Tcomience a rodar por el municipio es el 28 de diciembre.Las rutas serán las, pero se espera que con la normalización del sistema después de las vacaciones de fin de año, se incorporen más buses al sistema y se creen
Vista de la estación de San Mateo en Soacha. Después de cuatro años de espera para ser inaugurada, las autoridades del municipio de Soacha y del sistema TransMilenio de Bogotá, han anunciado la puesta en marcha de las rutas del transporte masivo que arrancarán el 28 de este mes. Según el burgomaestre soachuno, , "las rutas E98-G98 y E43-G43 arrancarán desde la estación de San Mateo y concluirán en el Centro Administrativo Distrital" (ubicada entre las localidades de y , Avenidas y El Dorado). Asi mismo el alcalde invitó a la comunidad para que se reuniera en la Alameda de la Paralela en el barrio de León XIII (a pocos pasos de la estación homónima) para que participen de los actos protocolarios de bienvenida al sistema para el día 27, asegurando que "los viajes puedan ser más rápidas y brindando asi un mejor servicio". El viernes 13 se realizó en la plaza de Soacha una convocatoria laboral por parte del SENA y de TransMilenio para adherir nuevos trabajadores a la operación de la I fase en ese municipio en cargos de seguridad, aseo y mantenimiento de la flota y venta de entradas, de las cuales se recibieron 1400 postulaciones.
Het Iraaks leger heeft maandag de stad Kirkuk ingenomen. Legertroepen verwijderden de Koerdische vlag van het regeringsgebouw in de stad. Dat meldt persbureau Reuters op basis van ooggetuigenverklaringen. Volgens het persbureau boden de Koerden geen verzet. Eerder op de dag had de Iraakse premier Haider al-Abadi het leger al opdracht gegeven de Iraakse vlag in de stad te hijsen. Zondagavond opende Iraakse troepen de aanval op Kirkuk, dat in handen was van de Iraakse Koerden. Volgens journalisten die in de stad aanwezig zijn, heerste er chaos op het moment van de aanval. Veel inwoners hebben Kirkuk inmiddels verlaten. Lees ook: Chaos in Kirkuk na inval van het Iraakse leger De Peshmerga-strijders zeiden dat Bagdad een “hoge prijs” zou betalen voor het in gang zetten van “een oorlog tegen de Koerden”, aldus Reuters. Koerdische regio De stad behoort niet tot de autonome Koerdische regio maar is sinds 2014 wel in handen van de Koerdische Peshmerga-strijders nadat de Iraakse troepen de stad hadden verlaten vanwege de komst van terreurgroep Islamitische Staat (IS). In de stad wonen veel Koerden en ze hebben een historische claim. Maar nu de strijd tegen IS bijna gewonnen is, wil Irak de regio terug. Bekijk ook de fotoserie: De strijd om Kirkuk In een verklaring op Facebook schrijf de Iraakse premier Haider al-Abadi dat hij met de verovering van Kirkuk “de eenheid van het land” wil beschermen na het Koerdische referendum over onafhankelijkheid van Irak vorige maand. De premier schrijft: “Deze was in gevaar vanwege de volharding waarmee het referendum was georganiseerd door de machthebbers in de Koerdische regio, terwijl wij een existentiële oorlog tegen terrorisme uitvochten.” Amerikanen roepen op tot kalmte De Verenigde Staten vochten de afgelopen tijd samen met onder meer Irak en de Koerden tegen IS. Zowel de Peshmerga-strijders als het Iraakse leger zijn getraind door de Verenigde Staten en vechten met Amerikaanse voertuigen en wapens. De Amerikaanse regering maant de strijdende partijen op tot kalmte en roept de leiders van de partijen op te onderhandelen. “IS blijft de ware vijand van Irak”, laat de Amerikaanse ambassade in Bagdad weten in een verklaring. Senator en voormalig presidentskandidaat John McCain dreigde in een verklaring voor “ernstige gevolgen” als “Amerikaanse uitrusting op deze manier misbruikt wordt.” Andere landen in de regio lieten al weten niet blij te zijn met het onafhankelijkheidsreferendum. Zo besloot Turkije maandag om het luchtruim te sluiten voor vluchten van en naar de autonome Koerdische regio in Irak. Al eerder besloot het land te stoppen met het trainen van Koerdische militairen. Ook Irak schortte alle internationale vluchten van en naar de autonome Koerdische regio op.
Grupos del volvieron a tomar el control de la ciudad de Kirkuk de manos de los kurdos . La ofensiva prosiguió sin mucha resistencia. La noche anterior, el ejército iraquí todavía estaba a cargo de los campos petroleros ubicado alrededor de la ciudad, incluida la sede del North Oil. Los kurdos, sin embargo, consideran la ofensiva como una declaración de guerra del lado iraquí. "Pedimos a todos los peshmerga y ciudadanos valerosos se unan para resistir a los atacantes y vencerlos", afirmó en una declaración el ejército kurdo. También se considera una represalia iraquí por el efectuado unas semanas atrás. Kirkuk estaba en manos kurdas desde junio de 2014. Los kurdos se beneficiaron del hecho de que el ejército iraquí huyera del , que estaba en un rápido avance.
De Koerdische troepen in Irak beschouwen de aanval van het Iraakse leger van vandaag bij Kirkuk als een oorlogsverklaring aan het Koerdische volk. "We roepen alle Peshmerga's en moedige burgers op om zich tegen de aanvallers te verzetten en hen te verslaan", zegt de Koerdische legerleiding. De aanval wordt gezien als een wraakactie omdat de Koerden zich eerder deze maand in een referendum voor onafhankelijkheid uitspraken. Ook beklaagt de legerleiding zich dat het Iraakse leger en door Iran gesteunde milities gebruikmaakten van door de Amerikanen geleverde wapens, pantserwagen en tanks die voor de strijd tegen IS waren bedoeld. De Koerden zeggen dat de Iraakse regering van premier Abadi een hoge prijs moeten betalen voor het onrecht dat hen is aangedaan.
Grupos del volvieron a tomar el control de la ciudad de Kirkuk de manos de los kurdos . La ofensiva prosiguió sin mucha resistencia. La noche anterior, el ejército iraquí todavía estaba a cargo de los campos petroleros ubicado alrededor de la ciudad, incluida la sede del North Oil. Los kurdos, sin embargo, consideran la ofensiva como una declaración de guerra del lado iraquí. "Pedimos a todos los peshmerga y ciudadanos valerosos se unan para resistir a los atacantes y vencerlos", afirmó en una declaración el ejército kurdo. También se considera una represalia iraquí por el efectuado unas semanas atrás. Kirkuk estaba en manos kurdas desde junio de 2014. Los kurdos se beneficiaron del hecho de que el ejército iraquí huyera del , que estaba en un rápido avance.
Koerdische autoriteiten zeiden eerder vanmorgen dat dat het Iraakse leger een grote aanval op Kirkuk was begonnen en dat bij gevechten in het zuiden van de stad "veel slachtoffers" zijn gevallen. Een precies aantal werd niet genoemd. De Iraakse autoriteiten bevestigen de opmars, maar zeiden niets over slachtoffers. Overleg Volgens de Koerdische nieuwssite Rudaw vindt in Erbil overleg plaats tussen de Koerden en de door de VS geleide coalitie tegen IS. Zowel Irak als de Koerdische regioregering is lid van die coalitie. Nu IS in Irak bijna geen gebieden meer in handen heeft, wil Bagdad weer zeggenschap over Kirkuk. Dat viel in 2014 in Koerdische handen, toen het Iraakse leger op de vlucht sloeg voor IS. Humvees De gevechten braken vanochtend uit in het zuiden van Kirkuk. Daarbij werden zware wapens ingezet. De Koerden melden dat ze zeker vijf Humvees hebben vernietigd van een sjiitische militie Hash al-Shaabi, die met het Iraakse leger samenwerkt. De Koerden kondigen aan dat Peshmerga's het gebied zullen blijven verdedigen en spreken van een niet-uitgelokte aanval. Kort daarna kwam er berichten dat Koerden zich op een aantal plaatsen hadden teruggetrokken. Offensief Iraakse troepen rukten gisteren op naar Kirkuk, een stad die in Koerdische handen is, maar niet tot hun autonome regio behoort. De Iraakse regering wil de olievelden ten westen en zuiden van de stad in handen krijgen en ook het militaire vliegveld. "We zagen dit de afgelopen dagen al aankomen, al werd door de Iraakse premier Abadi ontkend dat hij geweld wilde gebruiken", zei correspondent Marcel van der Steen in het NOSRadio 1 Journaal. De Koerden hebben zich op een confrontatie voorbereid, zegt Van der Steen. Tienduizenden Peshmerga-strijders hebben zich verzameld om het Iraakse leger tegen te houden. Op de foto hieronder kijken Koerdische strijders naar het zuiden waar de Iraakse strijders zitten:
Grupos del volvieron a tomar el control de la ciudad de Kirkuk de manos de los kurdos . La ofensiva prosiguió sin mucha resistencia. La noche anterior, el ejército iraquí todavía estaba a cargo de los campos petroleros ubicado alrededor de la ciudad, incluida la sede del North Oil. Los kurdos, sin embargo, consideran la ofensiva como una declaración de guerra del lado iraquí. "Pedimos a todos los peshmerga y ciudadanos valerosos se unan para resistir a los atacantes y vencerlos", afirmó en una declaración el ejército kurdo. También se considera una represalia iraquí por el efectuado unas semanas atrás. Kirkuk estaba en manos kurdas desde junio de 2014. Los kurdos se beneficiaron del hecho de que el ejército iraquí huyera del , que estaba en un rápido avance.
donderdag 12 jun 2014, 11:24 (Update: 12-06-14, 12:11 ) » Het Iraakse leger verlaat de stad Kirkuk EPA Koerdische militairen hebben de Iraakse oliestad Kirkuk onder controle nadat het regeringsleger de stad heeft verlaten. Een woordvoerder van de Koerdische strijders zei tegen persbureau Reuters dat de hele stad nu in handen is van de Koerden. De Koerden hebben in het olierijke noorden van Irak een autonome status. De afgelopen tijd liggen ze met de regering in Bagdad overhoop over de verdeling van de olie. ISIS Het Iraakse leger verliet de stad vanwege de naderende strijders van de extremistische groepering ISIS. Die namen deze week verschillende steden in. Ook daarbij bood het leger niet veel weerstand. Het lijkt erop dat ISIS niet de strijd wil aangaan met Koerdische strijders, omdat ze beter georganiseerd zijn dan het Iraakse leger. Noodtoestand Het Iraakse parlement stemt vanmiddag over het uitroepen van de noodtoestand.
Grupos del volvieron a tomar el control de la ciudad de Kirkuk de manos de los kurdos . La ofensiva prosiguió sin mucha resistencia. La noche anterior, el ejército iraquí todavía estaba a cargo de los campos petroleros ubicado alrededor de la ciudad, incluida la sede del North Oil. Los kurdos, sin embargo, consideran la ofensiva como una declaración de guerra del lado iraquí. "Pedimos a todos los peshmerga y ciudadanos valerosos se unan para resistir a los atacantes y vencerlos", afirmó en una declaración el ejército kurdo. También se considera una represalia iraquí por el efectuado unas semanas atrás. Kirkuk estaba en manos kurdas desde junio de 2014. Los kurdos se beneficiaron del hecho de que el ejército iraquí huyera del , que estaba en un rápido avance.
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - “Y a-t-il un pilote dans l’avion”, “L’Empire contre-attaque” et “L’exorciste” figurent cette année dans la sélection de la bibliothèque du Congrès américain, qui désigne tous les ans 25 films pour leur importance “culturelle, historique ou esthétique”. Le film "Y a-t-il un pilote dans l'avion" figure cette année dans la sélection de la bibliothèque du Congrès américain, aux côtés notamment de "L'Empire contre-attaque" et "L'exorciste". Cette liste désigne tous les ans 25 films pour leur importance "culturelle, historique ou esthétique", qui sont ensuite inscrits au Registre cinématographique national (National Film Registry) à des fins de préservation. /Photo d'archives/REUTERS/Paramount Home Video Les titres retenus sont inscrits au Registre cinématographique national (National Film Registry) à des fins de préservation, une cause d’autant plus importante que la moitié des films tournés avant 1950 et près de 90% de la production antérieure à 1920 sont en état de décomposition ou d’ores et déjà détruits. “Le National Film Registry est un moyen de rappeler à la Nation que la préservation de notre créativité cinématographique doit être une priorité”, souligne James Billington, directeur de la bibliothèque du Congrès dans un communiqué. Cette année, 2.112 films de plus de dix ans ont été proposés par le public. Après consultation du National Film Preservation Board, James Billington a retenu les 25 titres suivants (dans l’ordre alphabétique des titres anglais): 1. Y a-t-il un pilote dans l’avion (1980) 2. Les hommes du président (1976) 3. The Bargain (1914) 4. Cry of Jazz (1959) 5. Electronic Labyrinth: THX 1138 4EB (1967) 6. L’Empire contre-attaque (1980) 7. L’Exorciste (1973) 8. Spéciale première (1931) 9. Grey Gardens (1976) 10. I Am Joaquin (1969) 11. Une riche affaire (1934) 12. Let There Be Light (1946) 13. Solitude (1928) 14. Place aux jeunes (1937) 15. Malcolm X (1992) 16. John McCabe (1971) 17. Newark Athlete (1891) 18. Our Lady of the Sphere (1969) 19. La panthère rose (1964) 20. Preservation of the Sign Language (1913) 21. La fièvre du samedi soir (1977) 22. Study of a River (1996) 23. Tarantella (1940) 24. Le lys de Brooklyn (1945) 25. A Trip Down Market Street (1906) Bob Tourtellotte, Jean-Philippe Lefief pour le service français
Le Congrès américain a retenu, comme chaque année, une liste de 25 films pour figurer dans la bibliothèque du Congrès américain. Ces longs métrages ont été sélectionnés en raison de leur importance . Parmi les œuvres retenues, '''', '''' ou encore ''''. Cette inscription a pour but la préservation des œuvres culturelles : la moitié des films tournés avant 1950 et 90 % de ceux avant 1920 sont soit dans un état de dégradation avancé soit irrémédiablement détruits. ;Liste des films retenus : # (1980) # (1976) # The Bargain (1914) # Cry of Jazz (1959) # Electronic Labyrinth: THX 1138 4EB (1967) # (1980) # (1973) # (1931) # Grey Gardens (1976) # I Am Joaquin (1969) # (1934) # (1946) # (1928) # (1937) # (1992) # (1971) # Newark Athlete (1891) # Our Lady of the Sphere (1969) # (1964) # Preservation of the Sign Language (1913) # (1977) # Study of a River (1996) # Tarantella (1940) # (1945) # A Trip Down Market Street (1906)
Aunque Morales no ha querido pronunciarse sobre la conversación telefónica que mantuvo con un humorista de la cadena COPE que se hizo pasar por el presidente del gobierno español, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, el Ejecutivo boliviano calificó el incidente de "una ofensa que puede perturbar las relaciones bilaterales". La cadena COPE es propiedad de la Conferencia Episcopal Española, máximo órgano de gobierno de la Iglesia católica en España. Moratinos exige respuestas a la Iglesia El ministro español de Asuntos Exteriores, Miguel Angel Moratinos, convocó hoy al nuncio del Vaticano en España, Manuel Monteiro de Castro, en relación con el incidente provocado por la "broma" telefónica de la emisora de radio COPE al presidente electo de Bolivia. En la reunión, Moratinos transmitió al representante episcopal el "rotundo rechazo del gobierno español" al acto del humorista de la COPE y pidió que "se tomen las medidas oportunas para que hechos deplorables de esta naturaleza no se vuelvan a producir, por el daño que causan a los intereses políticos y económicos de España y a su imagen en el exterior, y por su repercusión negativa con países amigos". Fuentes de la secretaría de Monteiro de Castro manifestaron a la agencia de noticias EFE que la Nunciatura no hará ninguna comunicación oficial sobre la reunión con el ministro de Asuntos Exteriores. Tampoco la cadena COPE tiene previsto por el momento efectuar ningún comentario sobre el asunto. La embajada boliviana en Madrid dijo estar "totalmente satisfecha" con las gestiones del gobierno español por el incidente con la COPE y exige a esa cadena de radio una disculpa a la altura de la gravedad de la ofensa. La "broma" de la polémica En la llamada telefónica, que tuvo lugar ayer, el falso Zapatero trató en varias ocasiones de que Morales se saliese del tono protocolario con referencias al "eje con los hermanos cubanos y el hermano Chávez", pero Morales se mostró bastante cauto. El imitador le felicitó a Morales "en nombre del gobierno de España" y le invitó a sumarse "de una manera triunfal al nuevo orden que queremos establecer en España y Latinoamérica". Morales habló de los problemas económicos que atraviesa su país y los achacó en parte a "agentes externos", momento en que el supuesto Zapatero le interrumpe para decirle que "eso ya sabes que es el imperialismo, Evo"."Así es, así es presidente", replica el político boliviano. Morales cambia de tema e invita a Zapatero a su toma de posesión y el imitador le dice que "me encantaría que su primer viaje oficial fuera a España", a lo que el líder del MAS responde que está "dispuesto a visitarle antes de la posesión". "Me imagino que te habrá llamado Hugo, Fidel imagino que también", pregunta el supuesto presidente del gobierno español. "Sí, muchas llamadas telefónicas. El último en llamar ha sido el presidente (peruano, Alejandro) Toledo hace media hora atrás, como también el presidente de la CAN (la Comunidad Andina de Naciones)", explicó Morales. "Hombre, el que no te habrá llamado, imagino, Evo, habrá sido George Bush", dice entonces el imitador riéndose. "Está muy bien eso", contestó Morales, antes de que el supuesto Zapatero añada: "a mí tampoco me ha llamado todavía y llevo dos años" en el Gobierno. "Sí, presidente. Muchas gracias por la llamada, presidente. Mira, sería importante hablar con su embajada acá (...) y tenemos mucho interés por conversar con usted, presidente", señaló Morales. "Pues yo daré las ordenes oportunas al embajador, a través del ministerio de Exteriores de España (...), para que nuestro encuentro se produzca cuanto antes", aseguró el falso Rodríguez Zapatero.
Una broma telefónica al presidente electo de Bolivia Evo Morales ha causado malestar diplomático entre ese país y España. El martes (20), Federico Jiménez Losantos, un imitador de la cadena radial COPE, perteneciente en un 50% a la Conferencia Episcopal Española, se hizo pasar por el presidente del Gobierno español José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero y felicitó al electo presidente por ganar las elecciones, lo invitó a unirse ''"de una manera triunfal al nuevo orden que queremos establecer en España y Latinoamérica"'', refiriéndose al supuesto ''"eje con los hermanos cubanos y el hermano Chávez"'' y agregó que le ''"encantaría que su primer viaje oficial fuera a España"''. Morales se creyó tanto la broma que en una rueda de prensa hizo pública la supuesta llamada de Rodríguez Zapatero, para sorpresa del ejecutivo español, que desmintió inmediatamente la comunicación telefónica. El chiste causó molestia a ambos lados del Atlántico. El canciller boliviano Armando Loaiza afirmó que se trataba de ''"una ofensa que puede perturbar las relaciones bilaterales"''. Por su parte, un comunicado de la Oficina de Información Diplomática dice que ''"El ministro Miguel Angel Moratinos ha instado al señor nuncio Manuel Monteiro a que se tomen las medidas oportunas para que hechos deplorables de esta naturaleza no se vuelvan a producir, por el daño que causan a los intereses políticos y económicos de España"''. Loaiza recibió de Francisco Montalbán, embajador español en La Paz, las disculpas del Gobierno de su país por el incidente. El miércoles, Morales recibió la llamada del auténtico jefe de Gobierno español: ''"El verdadero presidente Rodríguez Zapatero me llamó para felicitarme. Me invitó a España y me dijo que yo fije el día y la hora de esa visita"'', dijo a los medios.
El embajador de España en La Paz, Francisco Montalbán, transmitió hoy al canciller de Bolivia, Armando Loaiza, las disculpas del Gobierno español por el incidente originado a raíz de una broma pesada de la cadena COPE, perteneciente a la Iglesia Católica, al presidente electo, Evo Morales. El diplomático español explicó que, a pedido del Ejecutivo de Madrid, le pidió a Loaiza que traslade "las disculpas oficiales" de España ante el pueblo, el Gobierno y Evo Morales, "por esta ofensa que nuestro gobierno ha calificado ayer como inaceptable". Montalbán y Loaiza se encontraron en la sede del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores boliviano, donde el canciller entregó una queja formal por la llamada de la cadena COPE a Morales. Sin embargo, el embajador aclaró que su Gobierno no tiene "responsabilidad pública" por el incidente, ya que "el programa de radio fue difundido por una emisora de un grupo privado español", la cadena COPE, propiedad de la Iglesia Católica. El ministro español de Asuntos Exteriores, Miguel Angel Moratinos, convocó al nuncio del Papa en España por la broma que COPE le hizo a Morales cuando un imitador del Grupo Risa, que colabora con el programa “La Mañana”, lo llamó por teléfono haciéndose pasar por el presidente del gobierno español, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero. Tras esa llamada, un vocero de Morales informó a la prensa que el presidente electo había recibido la felicitación del mandatario español, a lo que siguió primero una desmentida desde Madrid y luego una llamada de Rodríguez Zapatero al líder boliviano para “disculparse por la inaceptable broma” de la radio española. Además de convocar al nuncio, Moratinos se reunió con el encargado de negocios de la Embajada de Bolivia en Madrid, Alvaro Pozo, quien se manifestó satisfecho con las gestiones del gobierno español. En La Paz, el gobierno convocó al embajador de España, Francisco Montalbán, para expresarle sus quejas. La conversación entre el farsante y Morales fue difundida ayer por la propia COPE, opositora al gobierno socialista de Rodríguez Zapatero. El imitador del jefe de Gobierno felicitó al presidente electo de Bolivia y lo invitó a viajar a España en su primer viaje oficial.
Una broma telefónica al presidente electo de Bolivia Evo Morales ha causado malestar diplomático entre ese país y España. El martes (20), Federico Jiménez Losantos, un imitador de la cadena radial COPE, perteneciente en un 50% a la Conferencia Episcopal Española, se hizo pasar por el presidente del Gobierno español José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero y felicitó al electo presidente por ganar las elecciones, lo invitó a unirse ''"de una manera triunfal al nuevo orden que queremos establecer en España y Latinoamérica"'', refiriéndose al supuesto ''"eje con los hermanos cubanos y el hermano Chávez"'' y agregó que le ''"encantaría que su primer viaje oficial fuera a España"''. Morales se creyó tanto la broma que en una rueda de prensa hizo pública la supuesta llamada de Rodríguez Zapatero, para sorpresa del ejecutivo español, que desmintió inmediatamente la comunicación telefónica. El chiste causó molestia a ambos lados del Atlántico. El canciller boliviano Armando Loaiza afirmó que se trataba de ''"una ofensa que puede perturbar las relaciones bilaterales"''. Por su parte, un comunicado de la Oficina de Información Diplomática dice que ''"El ministro Miguel Angel Moratinos ha instado al señor nuncio Manuel Monteiro a que se tomen las medidas oportunas para que hechos deplorables de esta naturaleza no se vuelvan a producir, por el daño que causan a los intereses políticos y económicos de España"''. Loaiza recibió de Francisco Montalbán, embajador español en La Paz, las disculpas del Gobierno de su país por el incidente. El miércoles, Morales recibió la llamada del auténtico jefe de Gobierno español: ''"El verdadero presidente Rodríguez Zapatero me llamó para felicitarme. Me invitó a España y me dijo que yo fije el día y la hora de esa visita"'', dijo a los medios.
Bolivia expresa indignación por broma a Evo de un programa radial español Jatha Diciembre 22, 2005, 8:01 EST La Paz, Bolivia -- El gobierno de Bolivia expresó el miércoles su indignación por la broma "pesada" de un programa radial español al electo Presidente de la República, Evo Morales. El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto, Armando Loaiza, deploró la actitud de periodistas del programa de humor español COPE que se hicieron pasar por el presidente Luis Rodríguez Zapatero para expresarle sus felicitaciones por el triunfo electoral en las elecciones del pasado domingo. El Canciller adelantó que este jueves se reunirá con el embajador de España en Bolivia, Juan Francisco Montalbán, para expresarle su preocupación por la falta de respeto al futuro Presidente de la República que fue electo en las urnas con más de 51 por ciento de preferencia electoral. La indignación no se dejó esperar por parte de la ciudadanía que calificó como "racista y xenofobiaca" la actitud de los periodistas que trabajan en la radioemisora española COPE. Loaiza adelantó que la reunión se realizará a las 09:00 horas en instalaciones de la Cancillería de la República, oportunidad en la que entregará una carta enérgica por la actitud de esa radio española. La autoridad no descartó la posibilidad de contactarse con su similar de España, Miguel Angel Moratinos, para hacerle conocer la indignación del gobierno boliviano. La radio católica española COPE jugó en las últimas horas una broma pesada al electo presidente, Evo Morales, al burlar su buena fe y hacerle creer que recibía felicitaciones del mandatario ese país. Un imitador de un grupo de humoristas que colaboran con el programa "La Mañana" de esa emisora hizo una inaceptable burla al líder masista según aseguró un funcionario del gobierno español por lo que exigieron que se exprese las disculpas del caso. "Quería aprovechar el momento para expresarte mi enhorabuena por ese cambio en nombre del gobierno español, cómo te encuentras", dice una parte de la supuesta entrevista que fue recogida por varios medios nacionales. Asimismo, le expresan que su victoria en las justas electorales es un paso para poner en vigencia un supuesto cambio político planeado desde hace años donde se incluye a los cubanos con Fidel Castro y venezolanos con Hugo Chávez. Sin embargo, la pesada broma no fue del agrado del gobierno español ya que el Secretario de Estado desde el Palacio de la Moncloa exigió a la radio católica a que se expresen las disculpas.
Una broma telefónica al presidente electo de Bolivia Evo Morales ha causado malestar diplomático entre ese país y España. El martes (20), Federico Jiménez Losantos, un imitador de la cadena radial COPE, perteneciente en un 50% a la Conferencia Episcopal Española, se hizo pasar por el presidente del Gobierno español José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero y felicitó al electo presidente por ganar las elecciones, lo invitó a unirse ''"de una manera triunfal al nuevo orden que queremos establecer en España y Latinoamérica"'', refiriéndose al supuesto ''"eje con los hermanos cubanos y el hermano Chávez"'' y agregó que le ''"encantaría que su primer viaje oficial fuera a España"''. Morales se creyó tanto la broma que en una rueda de prensa hizo pública la supuesta llamada de Rodríguez Zapatero, para sorpresa del ejecutivo español, que desmintió inmediatamente la comunicación telefónica. El chiste causó molestia a ambos lados del Atlántico. El canciller boliviano Armando Loaiza afirmó que se trataba de ''"una ofensa que puede perturbar las relaciones bilaterales"''. Por su parte, un comunicado de la Oficina de Información Diplomática dice que ''"El ministro Miguel Angel Moratinos ha instado al señor nuncio Manuel Monteiro a que se tomen las medidas oportunas para que hechos deplorables de esta naturaleza no se vuelvan a producir, por el daño que causan a los intereses políticos y económicos de España"''. Loaiza recibió de Francisco Montalbán, embajador español en La Paz, las disculpas del Gobierno de su país por el incidente. El miércoles, Morales recibió la llamada del auténtico jefe de Gobierno español: ''"El verdadero presidente Rodríguez Zapatero me llamó para felicitarme. Me invitó a España y me dijo que yo fije el día y la hora de esa visita"'', dijo a los medios.
El presidente brasileño Luiz Inacio ‘Lula’ da Silva inauguró hoy un encuentro latinoamericano de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO), donde hizo una enérgica defensa de los biocombustibles, que su país produce a gran escala. Da Silva rechazó las críticas de algunos organismos de que éstos sean los causantes de la crisis por los altos precios de los alimentos del mundo, y que dañan el medio ambiente. "No me digan, por el amor de Dios, que la comida es cara por culpa del biodiésel. Los alimentos son caros porque el mundo no estaba preparado para que comieran millones de chinos, indios, africanos, brasileños y latinoamericanos", declaró el mandatario brasileño a lo periodistas antes de su intervención en la conferencia de la FAO en Brasilia. Lula criticó duramente a los países industrializados por subsidiar su producción agrícola, lo que en su criterio ha minado la competitividad de las naciones más pobres y golpeado la producción mundial. "Los biocombustibles no son el villano que amenaza la seguridad alimentaria", subrayó el líder brasileño, “al contrario, desarrollados de acuerdo con la realidad de cada país, pueden sacar a los países de la dependencia energética sin afectar su alimentación". Los comentarios del presidente brasileño se producen después de una semana de críticas y protestas en Europa y Brasil en contra de los combustibles derivados de cultivos alimenticios y de la puesta en duda de los beneficios ambientales y sociales. Contra el discurso de la ONU El discurso de Lula aludió directamente al informe del relator de la ONU sobre el derecho a la alimentación, Jean Ziegler, quien calificó a los biocombustibles como un "crimen contra la humanidad", por desviar alimentos para la generación de combustibles en momentos de crisis mundial por la escasez y altos precios de alimentos. Ziegler pidió en su informe, divulgado el lunes, una moratoria internacional sobre los incentivos para la producción y comercio de agrocombustibles. "El verdadero crimen contra la humanidad es descartar los biocombustibles y condenar a los países a la dependencia energética y la inseguridad alimentaria", sostuvo el presidente de Brasil, uno de los grandes productores mundiales de etanol a base de caña de azúcar. Lula dijo que se siente "espantado" porque quienes critican a los biocombustibles como causantes de los altos precios de los alimentos no dicen nada sobre los subsidios agrícolas de los países ricos. "Si no hay una disminución de los subsidios agrícolas de Europa, difícilmente los países pobres serán competitivos en su producción", afirmó da Silva. Otros países latinoamericanos se colocan en la vereda opuesta a Brasil. Venezuela y Bolivia, por ejemplo, advirtieron en la conferencia de la FAO esta semana que los biocombustibles podrían aumentar la malnutrición en América Latina. Biocombustibles, exportaciones y medio ambiente La creciente crítica a la producción de combustible a base de alimentos es un desafío para la diplomacia de Brasil y el auge de sus exportaciones agrícolas, que han convertido al país en el mayor exportador mundial de etanol derivado de la caña de azúcar y lo puso en el centro del debate mundial sobre los biocombustibles. Los competidores y los críticos han tratado de vincular varios de los principales productos de exportación brasileños, desde el sector de la carne hasta el de la soja, con la destrucción del medio ambiente y las pobres condiciones laborales. “Brasil está preparado para este debate. Yo y mi Gobierno estamos listos para viajar por todo el mundo”, dijo Lula. Los críticos dicen que el aumento de la producción de cultivos para el etanol y el biodiésel, que se obtiene a partir de semillas oleaginosas, está utilizando la tierra que, de otro modo, se usaría para cultivos destinados para la alimentación. Brasil ha argumentado en repetidas ocasiones que tiene muchas tierras ociosas para plantar cultivos para biocarburantes y que la producción actual era todavía demasiado pequeña para afectar los precios de los alimentos. El jefe de medio ambiente de la UE dijo ayer que los biocombustibles, que Brasil espera exportar a la UE, ahora deben cumplir con criterios sociales y medioambientales.
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, presidente de Brasil, dijo el miércoles que no continuar usando biodiésel sería un "crimen contra la humanidad". Fue en la inauguración del encuentro latinoamericano de la FAO, rechazando las acusaciones de Jean Ziegler, quien había calificado al biodiésel de "crimen contra la humanidad". “''No me digan, por el amor de Dios, que la comida es cara por culpa del biodiésel. Los alimentos son caros porque el mundo no estaba preparado para que comieran millones de chinos, indios, africanos, brasileños y latinoamericanos''” afirmó Lula da Silva cuando hablaba con los reporteros. También indicó que estaba listo para un debate: “''Brasil está preparado para este debate. Yo y mi Gobierno estamos listos para viajar por todo el mundo''”.
Javier Aparisi BBC Mundo El presidente de Brasil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, defendió airadamente la política de biocombustibles de su gobierno tras declaraciones de un funcionario de la ONU equiparando la producción de esos carburantes a un crimen contra la humanidad. Los alimentos están caros en este momento porque el mundo no estaba preparado para ver que millones de chinos comieran, que millones de indios comieran Luis Inácio Lula da Silva, presidente de Brasil "Que no me vengan a decir que los alimentos están caros en este momento a causa de biodiesel", dijo el mandatario el miércoles en Brasilia en la inauguración de la etapa ministerial de la trigésima conferencia regional de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO, según sus siglas en inglés). "Que no me vengan a decir que los alimentos están caros en este momento a causa de biodiesel", dijo el mandatario el miércoles en Brasilia en la inauguración de la etapa ministerial de la trigésima conferencia regional de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO, según sus siglas en inglés). "Los alimentos están caros en este momento porque el mundo no estaba preparado para ver que millones de chinos comieran, que millones de indios comieran", agregó. Experto responde a Lula Lula también destacó el efecto pernicioso de las subvenciones agrícolas de países desarrolados como otro factor en el encarecimiento de los productos agrícolas. El relator de la ONU para la Alimentación, Jean Ziegler, señaló el lunes que las políticas de incentivo a los biocombustibles han tenido un impacto negativo en la oferta de alimentos y representan un "crimen contra la humanidad". Lea también: FAO: más producción familiar Sin embargo el ministro de Energía y Minas de Brasil, Edison Lobao, señaló el miércoles a la prensa brasileña que su gobierno seguirá adelante con sus planes de expandir la producción de biodiesel basado en soja y otras plantas oleaginosas. "Los críticos están cada vez más activos, pero nosotros vamos a seguir adelante. Seguiremos porque estamos en el camino correcto. Esto es bueno para Brasil y estamos convencidos de que es bueno para el mundo", señaló Lobao al anunciar planes para aumentar gradualmente la mezcla de biocombustible en el diesel convencional de 2% a 5% o más. FAO La Representante Regional Adjunta de la FAO para America Latina y el Caribe, Margarita Flores, señaló a BBC Mundo desde Brasilia que la mejor forma de contrarrestar la subida de los precios en los mercados internacionales sería incrementar la producción interna de alimentos. Brasil es el mayor productor de etanol y quiere promover el biodiesel. "Los más afectados serán aquellos cuyo consumo está dependiendo en más de un 20% o 30% del mercado externo, porque va a aumentar el valor de su factura de importación", dijo Flores. "Los más afectados serán aquellos cuyo consumo está dependiendo en más de un 20% o 30% del mercado externo, porque va a aumentar el valor de su factura de importación", dijo Flores. El profesor de química de la Universidad de Costa Rica y experto en biocombustibles, Orlando Bravo, señaló a BBC Mundo desde San José que el alza de los precios de granos como el maíz ha tenido un gran impacto en América Central. "En Costa Rica todos los concentrados alimenticios para aves, ganado, etc. que utilizaban el maíz han subido en un mínimo de 50%", dijo Bravo. "En EE.UU. hay una subvención de U$ 0.52 por cada galón de alcohol producido. Es una forma de subvencionar a los agricultores dentro de una política verde, pero estrictamente hablando lo que tienen es una política para subvencionar a los agricultores", agregó. Promesa incumplida El académico costarricense se opone al uso de biocombustibles, ya sea del maíz en EE.UU. o la caña de azúcar en Brasil y sostiene que no cumplen con su promesa de reducir las emisiones de dióxido de carbono. "El nivel de disminución de CO2 en el aire es relativamente pequeño porque el consumo de energía que requiere el cultivo de esos productos generalmente es casi igual que a la cantidad de energía que producen", según Bravo. "Si nosotros nos vamos a un vehículo híbrido eléctrico que coge la energía directamente de la línea y un motor de combustión generalmente se disminuye la emisión de dióxido de carbono por lo menos en un 50%. En cambio si uno hace un estudio de cuanto se disminuye con biocombustibles si acaso se llega a 2% o 3%", agregó. Si bien la caña de azúcar es un cultivo más eficiente que el maíz para la transformación hacia el etanol, su producción genera trastornos socioeconómicos porque requiere de grandes cantidades de mano de obra barata que debe permanecer ociosa tras la conclusión de la época de la zafra, dijo el experto. Envíe esta nota por e-mail Imprima esta nota
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, presidente de Brasil, dijo el miércoles que no continuar usando biodiésel sería un "crimen contra la humanidad". Fue en la inauguración del encuentro latinoamericano de la FAO, rechazando las acusaciones de Jean Ziegler, quien había calificado al biodiésel de "crimen contra la humanidad". “''No me digan, por el amor de Dios, que la comida es cara por culpa del biodiésel. Los alimentos son caros porque el mundo no estaba preparado para que comieran millones de chinos, indios, africanos, brasileños y latinoamericanos''” afirmó Lula da Silva cuando hablaba con los reporteros. También indicó que estaba listo para un debate: “''Brasil está preparado para este debate. Yo y mi Gobierno estamos listos para viajar por todo el mundo''”.
Filed from Singapore 4/17/2008 1:56:51 PM GMT BRAZIL: The 'real crime against humanity' would be to cast aside biofuels and push countries struggling with food and energy shortages towards dependency and insecurity, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was reported as saying at a regional conference of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization in Brasilia. Lula's remark is a direct response to a recent comment of UN Special Rapporteur for the Right to Food Jean Ziegler. Ziegler blamed biofuel for the increase in food prices and claimed "producing biofuels today is a crime against humanity." Lula said the critics of biofuel sector often chose to ignore the negative impact of high oil prices and the impact of subsidies and protectionism in the farm sector on food prices. The incapacity of several countries to produce their own food is a consequence of distortions in the international trade of these products, he said. Brazil is the world's largest biofuel exporting country.
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, presidente de Brasil, dijo el miércoles que no continuar usando biodiésel sería un "crimen contra la humanidad". Fue en la inauguración del encuentro latinoamericano de la FAO, rechazando las acusaciones de Jean Ziegler, quien había calificado al biodiésel de "crimen contra la humanidad". “''No me digan, por el amor de Dios, que la comida es cara por culpa del biodiésel. Los alimentos son caros porque el mundo no estaba preparado para que comieran millones de chinos, indios, africanos, brasileños y latinoamericanos''” afirmó Lula da Silva cuando hablaba con los reporteros. También indicó que estaba listo para un debate: “''Brasil está preparado para este debate. Yo y mi Gobierno estamos listos para viajar por todo el mundo''”.
(Adds new Lula comments)By Raymond ColittBRASILIA, April 16 (Reuters) - President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva defended Brazil's production of biofuels on Wednesday, rejecting criticism that they are furthering a surge in global food prices and harming the environment."Don't tell me, for the love of God, that food is expensive because of biodiesel. Food is expensive because the world wasn't prepared to see millions of Chinese, Indians, Africans, Brazilians and Latin Americans eat," Lula told reporters."We want to discuss this not with passion but rationality and not from the European point of view."His comments follow a week of protests in Brazil and Europe against fuels derived from food crops and their supposed environmental and social benefits.The growing criticism has placed Brazil at the center of the global biofuels debate. The country has enjoyed an agricultural export boom, which has seen it become the world's largest exporter of ethanol -- derived from sugar cane.Critics say the increased production of crops for ethanol and biodiesel, which is derived from oil seeds, competes with for land with food crops.In Brazil, they say it is also pushing cattle ranchers and farmers further north and contributing to the destruction of the Amazon rainforest.Competitors and critics have tried to link several leading Brazilian farm exports, from beef to soybeans, with environmental destruction and poor working conditions."Brazil is prepared for this debate. I and my government are ready to travel around the world," Lula said.Brazil has repeatedly argued that it has plenty of unused land to plant crops for biofuels and that current production was still too small to affect food prices.Lula, a former union leader, rebuffed accusations by Jean Ziegler, U.N. special rapporteur for the right to food. Ziegler this week called biofuels a "crime against humanity," though he referred mainly to U.S. ethanol derived from corn."The real crime against humanity is to discredit biofuels a priori and condemn food-starved and energy-starved countries to dependence and insecurity," Lula said at a conference of the United Nation's Food and Agriculture Organization in Brasilia.Some of Brazil's neighbors, led by oil-rich Venezuela, warned this week that biofuels could increase malnutrition in Latin America.Lula said he was "shocked" that biofuel critics failed to mention the impact that high oil prices had on food production costs, such fertilizers. "It's always easier to hide economic and political interests behind supposed social and environmental interests," he said.The European Union's environment chief said on Tuesday that biofuels, which Brazil hopes to export to the EU, now must meet social and environmental criteria. Scientists from the European Environment Agency urged the 27-nation bloc to drop its 10 percent biofuel target for road-transport fuels. (Reporting by Raymond Colitt, editing by Stuart Grudgings and Chris Wilson Barbara) (For more stories on global food price rises, please see here
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, presidente de Brasil, dijo el miércoles que no continuar usando biodiésel sería un "crimen contra la humanidad". Fue en la inauguración del encuentro latinoamericano de la FAO, rechazando las acusaciones de Jean Ziegler, quien había calificado al biodiésel de "crimen contra la humanidad". “''No me digan, por el amor de Dios, que la comida es cara por culpa del biodiésel. Los alimentos son caros porque el mundo no estaba preparado para que comieran millones de chinos, indios, africanos, brasileños y latinoamericanos''” afirmó Lula da Silva cuando hablaba con los reporteros. También indicó que estaba listo para un debate: “''Brasil está preparado para este debate. Yo y mi Gobierno estamos listos para viajar por todo el mundo''”.
Workshop on biofuels - eco saviours or destroyers? Environment 14:04 "A few years ago biofuels were seen as the solution to the climate change problem. Today, some say that biofuels...are not part of the solution but part of the problem". This is how Dutch Socialist Dorette Corbey opened a workshop on biofuels in Parliament on Tuesday 4 March. Scientists, NGOs and representatives from biofuel exporting countries joined MEPs to discuss whether biofuels are sustainable and to what extent they can help tackle climate change and reduce CO2 emissions.
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, presidente de Brasil, dijo el miércoles que no continuar usando biodiésel sería un "crimen contra la humanidad". Fue en la inauguración del encuentro latinoamericano de la FAO, rechazando las acusaciones de Jean Ziegler, quien había calificado al biodiésel de "crimen contra la humanidad". “''No me digan, por el amor de Dios, que la comida es cara por culpa del biodiésel. Los alimentos son caros porque el mundo no estaba preparado para que comieran millones de chinos, indios, africanos, brasileños y latinoamericanos''” afirmó Lula da Silva cuando hablaba con los reporteros. También indicó que estaba listo para un debate: “''Brasil está preparado para este debate. Yo y mi Gobierno estamos listos para viajar por todo el mundo''”.
Profitiert Michael Mronz von der Bekanntheit seines Lebenspartners Guido Westerwelle? Wenn deutsche Minister auf Auslandsreisen gehen, sind neben ihren Mitarbeitern und Journalisten meistens auch Vertreter der deutschen Wirtschaft dabei. Diese Plätze in der Delegation verschaffen Aufmerksamkeit und direkte, wertvolle Kontakte und sind deshalb hoch begehrt. Bei Auslandsreisen von Außenminister Guido Westerwelle sind auffallend häufig Unternehmer mit an Bord, die zuvor als Parteispender der FDP aufgefallen waren. Das jedenfalls legt ein Bericht des „Spiegel“ nahe, der in Berlin derzeit für mächtig Aufregung sorgt. Unter der Überschrift „Unter Freunden“ listet das Nachrichtenmagazin eine ganze Reihe von Managern auf, die in der Vergangenheit für die FDP gespendet oder auf anderen Wegen unterstützt hätten und nun Westerwelle bei Auslandsreisen begleiten dürften. So wäre etwa bei der aktuellen Südamerika-Reise Westerwelles Ralph Dommermuth dabei, der Gründer des Internet-Unternehmens „United Internet“. Dommermuth steht den Liberalen nahe, 2005 habe er 48.000 Euro an die FDP überwiesen. "Bei Antrittsbesuchen in Estland, Japan und China im Januar war Cornelius Boersch Teil der Delegation", berichtet das Magazin weiter. Der deutsche Unternehmer sei Gründer der Schweizer Beratungs- und Beteiligungsfirma „Mountain Partners Group“ und habe "der FDP bislang über 160.000 Euro gespendet". Bis kurz nach der Wahl sei Westerwelle im Beirat eines Tochter-Unternehmens gewesen und habe dafür jährlich mindestens 7.000 Euro erhalten. Als Reaktion auf den Spiegel-Bericht erklärte der parlamentarische Geschäftsführer der Grünen, Volker Beck, Spenden an Regierungsparteien dürften keine Auswirkungen auf die Zusammenstellung von Delegationen bei den Auslandsreisen haben. "Man darf erwarten, dass der Vizekanzler und Bundesminister darlegt, welche Mitglieder seiner Delegationen zuvor direkt oder indirekt an die FDP gespendet haben, damit die Öffentlichkeit beurteilen kann, ob es hier unzulässige Zusammenhänge und Einflussnahmen gegeben hat." Sonst müsse sich die Bundesregierung "auf entsprechende parlamentarische Anfragen gefasst machen". Das Außenministerium wies den Vorwurf der Interessenvermengung zurück. "Über die Zusammensetzung der Wirtschaftsdelegationen wird im Auswärtigen Amt in einem eingespielten Verfahren entschieden, das auch unter den vorherigen Amtsinhabern so praktiziert wurde", erklärte Sprecher Andreas Peschke. Der Bericht sei "tendenziös" und "voller haltloser Unterstellungen". Eine pikante Hoteleinweihung Das bezog sich auch auf einen anderen Teil des „Spiegel“-Berichts: Darin hatte das Magazin über die Eröffnung des Bonner Luxushotels „Kameha Grand Bonn“ berichtet, bei der Westerwelle am vergangenen Sonntag aufgetreten sei. In höchsten Tönen habe Westerwelle in einer Begrüßungsrede von dem Hotelneubau geschwärmt: „Dies ist eines der spannendsten Hotels, die man auf der Welt finden kann.“ Pikant dabei: Westerwelles Lebensgefährte Michael Mronz, hatte als Eventmanager die Hotel-Eröffnung mitorganisiert. Konfrontiert mit den Vorwürfen ließ Mronz erklären, sein Honorar dafür „am nächsten Tag“ gespendet zu haben. Auch die FDP wiegelte ab: Westerwelle habe der Hotel-Einweihung in seiner Eigenschaft als Bonner Bundestagsabgeordneter und nicht als Außenminister beigewohnt.
Die Praxis des Bundesaußenministers Guido Westerwelle (FDP) auf Auslandsreisen auch hochrangige Vertreter der Wirtschaft in die Delegation aufzunehmen ist eine auch von den Vorgängern in diesem Amt geübte Praxis. Ein Bericht des Spiegel darüber sorgt im politischen Berlin jedoch für einigen Wirbel, weil in dem Bericht ein Zusammenhang zwischen der Aufnahme in die Reisedelegation des Ministers und der Tatsache hergestellt wird, dass diese Personen sich außerdem als prominente Parteispender für die FDP hervorgetan hatten. Die Zugehörigkeit zu solchen Delegationen sorgt für Aufmerksamkeit und erleichtert die Herstellung von Kontakten für die Firmen in den besuchten Ländern. Bei der Südamerika-Reise in der vergangenen Woche wurde der Außenminister unter anderem vom Gründer von United Internet, Ralph Dommermuth, begleitet, der der FDP im Jahr 2005 48.000 Euro gespendet hatte. Bei Reisen Westerwelles im Januar nach Estland, Japan und China nahm der Unternehmer Cornelius Boersch (Mitbegründer der Mountain Partners Group, einer Schweizer Beratungs- und Beteiligungsfirma) teil, der in den Spendenlisten der FDP mit Spenden in Höhe von insgesamt 160.000 Euro verbucht ist. Für ein Tochterunternehmen dieser Firma war Westerwelle bis kurz nach der Bundestagswahl als Mitglied im Beirat tätig und bezog dafür nach Angaben des Spiegel ein Honorar von mindestens 7.000 Euro jährlich. Vertreter der Opposition im Deutschen Bundestag stellen zu dieser Praxis Fragen. Der parlamentarische Geschäftsführer der Grünen im Deutschen Bundestag, Volker Beck, fragt sich beispielsweise, „ob es hier unzulässige Zusammenhänge und Einflussnahmen gegeben hat“. Spenden an Regierungsparteien dürften, so Beck „keine Auswirkungen auf die Zusammenstellung von Delegationen bei den Auslandsreisen von Bundesministern haben“. Beck forderte den Bundesaußenminister dazu auf, darzulegen, „welche Mitglieder seiner Delegationen zuvor direkt oder indirekt an die FDP gespendet haben, damit die Öffentlichkeit beurteilen kann, ob es hier unzulässige Zusammenhänge und Einflussnahmen gegeben hat.“
Opposition will Klarheit über Westerwelle-Reisen Berlin — Die Opposition fordert Klarheit über einen möglichen Zusammenhang zwischen Parteispenden an die FDP und der Teilnahme an Reisen von Außenminister Guido Westerwelle (FDP). Die Öffentlichkeit müsse beurteilen können, "ob es hier unzulässige Zusammenhänge und Einflussnahmen gegeben hat", erklärte der Grünen-Parlamentsgeschäftsführer Volker Beck in Berlin. Westerwelles Verhalten grenze an "Amtsmissbrauch", kritisierte Linken-Fraktionsvize Ulrich Maurer. Nach einem Bericht des Nachrichtenmagazins "Spiegel" nimmt Westerwelle Manager auf Auslandsreisen mit, die zuvor an die FDP gespendet haben. So sei bei seiner Südamerika-Reise in dieser Woche der Gründer von United Internet, Ralph Dommermuth, dabei. Dieser habe 2005 48.000 Euro an die FDP überwiesen. Bei Westerwelles Antrittsbesuchen in Estland, Japan und China im Januar sei der Unternehmer Cornelius Boersch Teil der Delegation gewesen. Er ist den Angaben zufolge Gründer der Schweizer Beratungs- und Beteiligungsfirma Mountain Partners Group und hat der FDP bislang über 160.000 Euro gespendet. "Spenden an Regierungsparteien dürfen keine Auswirkungen auf die Zusammenstellung von Delegationen bei den Auslandsreisen von Bundesministern haben", erklärte der Grünen-Politiker Beck. Westerwelle müsse darlegen, welche Mitglieder seiner Delegationen zuvor direkt oder indirekt an die FDP gespendet haben. Andernfalls würden die Grünen eine parlamentarische Anfrage starten. "Guido Westerwelle macht Deutschland zur Bananenrepublik", erklärte Maurer. Zudem habe sich Westerwelle erneut als Hotel-Lobbyist betätigt, erklärte Maurer mit Blick auf die Teilnahme des FDP-Chefs an der Eröffnung eines Luxus-Hotels in seiner Heimatstadt Bonn. Westerwelle war kürzlich bei der Eröffnung eines Bonner Luxushotels aufgetreten. Zu den Veranstaltern des Events gehört nach Angaben des "Spiegel" Westerwelles Lebensgefährte Michael Mronz. Der FDP-Chef hatte das Hotel vor Gästen wie TV-Moderator Thomas Gottschalk und Ex-Porno-Star Michaela Schaffrath feierlich eröffnet und als eines der weltweit "spannendsten Hotels" bezeichnet. Westerwelle betonte laut "Spiegel", er habe die Veranstaltung als Bonner Wahlkreisabgeordneter besucht. Mronz ließ dem Bericht zufolge über einen Sprecher erklären, er habe seinen Auftraggebern die Teilnahme von Westerwelle "zu keinem Zeitpunkt der Zusammenarbeit in Aussicht gestellt". Westerwelle habe "kein Honorar oder geldwerte Vorteile erhalten". Seinen eigenen Gewinn wollte Mronz nicht beziffern. Allerdings habe er den Profit "am Tag nach der Veranstaltung wohltätig gespendet". Copyright © 2010 AFP. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Mehr »
Die Praxis des Bundesaußenministers Guido Westerwelle (FDP) auf Auslandsreisen auch hochrangige Vertreter der Wirtschaft in die Delegation aufzunehmen ist eine auch von den Vorgängern in diesem Amt geübte Praxis. Ein Bericht des Spiegel darüber sorgt im politischen Berlin jedoch für einigen Wirbel, weil in dem Bericht ein Zusammenhang zwischen der Aufnahme in die Reisedelegation des Ministers und der Tatsache hergestellt wird, dass diese Personen sich außerdem als prominente Parteispender für die FDP hervorgetan hatten. Die Zugehörigkeit zu solchen Delegationen sorgt für Aufmerksamkeit und erleichtert die Herstellung von Kontakten für die Firmen in den besuchten Ländern. Bei der Südamerika-Reise in der vergangenen Woche wurde der Außenminister unter anderem vom Gründer von United Internet, Ralph Dommermuth, begleitet, der der FDP im Jahr 2005 48.000 Euro gespendet hatte. Bei Reisen Westerwelles im Januar nach Estland, Japan und China nahm der Unternehmer Cornelius Boersch (Mitbegründer der Mountain Partners Group, einer Schweizer Beratungs- und Beteiligungsfirma) teil, der in den Spendenlisten der FDP mit Spenden in Höhe von insgesamt 160.000 Euro verbucht ist. Für ein Tochterunternehmen dieser Firma war Westerwelle bis kurz nach der Bundestagswahl als Mitglied im Beirat tätig und bezog dafür nach Angaben des Spiegel ein Honorar von mindestens 7.000 Euro jährlich. Vertreter der Opposition im Deutschen Bundestag stellen zu dieser Praxis Fragen. Der parlamentarische Geschäftsführer der Grünen im Deutschen Bundestag, Volker Beck, fragt sich beispielsweise, „ob es hier unzulässige Zusammenhänge und Einflussnahmen gegeben hat“. Spenden an Regierungsparteien dürften, so Beck „keine Auswirkungen auf die Zusammenstellung von Delegationen bei den Auslandsreisen von Bundesministern haben“. Beck forderte den Bundesaußenminister dazu auf, darzulegen, „welche Mitglieder seiner Delegationen zuvor direkt oder indirekt an die FDP gespendet haben, damit die Öffentlichkeit beurteilen kann, ob es hier unzulässige Zusammenhänge und Einflussnahmen gegeben hat.“
Engagement für die Wirtschaft Westerwelle wirbt für Bonner Luxushotel Kameha Grand Bonn Lobby des Kameha Grand Bonn: Westerwelle engagiert sich für Unternehmer Guido Westerwelle sieht sein Engagement für befreundete Unternehmer gern als ganz normales politisches Alltagsgeschäft. Neueste Initiative: Die Eröffnung einer Luxusherberge, die sein Lebensgefährte mit organisierte. Dabei lobte der Minister das Haus als eines der weltweit "spannendsten Hotels". Hamburg - Außenminister Guido Westerwelle droht neuer Ärger wegen seines Engagements für einen Hotelunternehmer. Am vergangenen Sonntag trat der Vizekanzler bei der Eröffnung des Bonner Luxushotels Kameha Grand an. Zu den Veranstaltern des Events gehört Westerwelles Lebensgefährte Michael Mronz. Der FDP-Chef hatte das Hotel vor Gästen wie Thomas Gottschalk, der Begum Aga Khan und Ex-Pornostar Michaela Schaffrath feierlich eröffnet und als eines der weltweit "spannendsten Hotels" gelobt. Westerwelle und Mronz bestätigten den Vorgang gegenüber dem SPIEGEL. Westerwelle betonte, er habe die Veranstaltung als Bonner Wahlkreisabgeordneter besucht. Mronz erklärte über einen Sprecher, er habe seinen Auftraggebern die Teilnahme von Westerwelle "zu keinem Zeitpunkt der Zusammenarbeit in Aussicht gestellt". Westerwelle habe "kein Honorar oder geldwerte Vorteile erhalten". Seinen eigenen Gewinn wollte Mronz nicht beziffern, allerdings habe er den Profit "am Tag nach der Veranstaltung wohltätig gespendet". Westerwelles enge Verbindungen zu Unternehmern prägt auch die Auslandsreisen des Vizekanzlers. Zu Delegationen des Außenministers gehörten Manager, die zuvor an die FDP gespendet hatten. So ist bei seiner für diese Woche geplanten Südamerika-Reise Ralph Dommermuth dabei. 2005 überwies der Gründer von United Internet 48.000 Euro an die FDP. Bei Westerwelles Antrittsbesuchen in Estland, Japan und China im Januar war Cornelius Boersch Teil der Delegation. Der deutsche Unternehmer ist Gründer der Schweizer Beratungs- und Beteiligungsfirma Mountain Partners Group. Er hat der FDP bislang über 160.000 Euro gespendet. Bis kurz nach der Wahl war Westerwelle im Beirat eines Tochterunternehmens und kassierte dafür jährlich mindestens 7000 Euro. Zu den Gästen gehörte außerdem Miele-Chef Reinhard Zinkann. Miele ist Co-Sponsor des von Mronz vermarkteten Aachener Reitturniers. Auch Mronz war auf dem Trip dabei. Diesen Artikel... Drucken Senden Feedback Merken Social Networks News verfolgen HilfeLassen Sie sich mit kostenlosen Diensten auf dem Laufenden halten: alles aus der Rubrik Politik | RSS alles aus der Rubrik Deutschland RSS alles zum Thema Guido Westerwelle RSS
Die Praxis des Bundesaußenministers Guido Westerwelle (FDP) auf Auslandsreisen auch hochrangige Vertreter der Wirtschaft in die Delegation aufzunehmen ist eine auch von den Vorgängern in diesem Amt geübte Praxis. Ein Bericht des Spiegel darüber sorgt im politischen Berlin jedoch für einigen Wirbel, weil in dem Bericht ein Zusammenhang zwischen der Aufnahme in die Reisedelegation des Ministers und der Tatsache hergestellt wird, dass diese Personen sich außerdem als prominente Parteispender für die FDP hervorgetan hatten. Die Zugehörigkeit zu solchen Delegationen sorgt für Aufmerksamkeit und erleichtert die Herstellung von Kontakten für die Firmen in den besuchten Ländern. Bei der Südamerika-Reise in der vergangenen Woche wurde der Außenminister unter anderem vom Gründer von United Internet, Ralph Dommermuth, begleitet, der der FDP im Jahr 2005 48.000 Euro gespendet hatte. Bei Reisen Westerwelles im Januar nach Estland, Japan und China nahm der Unternehmer Cornelius Boersch (Mitbegründer der Mountain Partners Group, einer Schweizer Beratungs- und Beteiligungsfirma) teil, der in den Spendenlisten der FDP mit Spenden in Höhe von insgesamt 160.000 Euro verbucht ist. Für ein Tochterunternehmen dieser Firma war Westerwelle bis kurz nach der Bundestagswahl als Mitglied im Beirat tätig und bezog dafür nach Angaben des Spiegel ein Honorar von mindestens 7.000 Euro jährlich. Vertreter der Opposition im Deutschen Bundestag stellen zu dieser Praxis Fragen. Der parlamentarische Geschäftsführer der Grünen im Deutschen Bundestag, Volker Beck, fragt sich beispielsweise, „ob es hier unzulässige Zusammenhänge und Einflussnahmen gegeben hat“. Spenden an Regierungsparteien dürften, so Beck „keine Auswirkungen auf die Zusammenstellung von Delegationen bei den Auslandsreisen von Bundesministern haben“. Beck forderte den Bundesaußenminister dazu auf, darzulegen, „welche Mitglieder seiner Delegationen zuvor direkt oder indirekt an die FDP gespendet haben, damit die Öffentlichkeit beurteilen kann, ob es hier unzulässige Zusammenhänge und Einflussnahmen gegeben hat.“
Islamistas venden sangre de los cristianos sirios asesinados por 100.000 dólares por botella a los sauditas, afirmó la monja ortodoxa siria de origen turco Hatune Dogan durante la presentación de los resultados de su investigación independiente. Dogan, cuya familia se mudó a Alemania cuando tenía 15 años, dirige la organización caritativa Fundación de la Hermana Hatune, conocida como Mano de Ayuda a los Pobres (Helfende Hände für die Armen), que opera en 35 países. (RT/InfoCatólica) Según publicó el portal Examiner, el tema de su investigación independiente presentado en una conferencia de prensa en Viena que formó parte de un evento dedicado al Día de los Derechos Humanos, fue la persecución y el maltrato de los cristianos por parte de fundamentalistas musulmanes en Siria. Hatune Dogan contó que una vez un sacerdote le presentó a un hombre, identificado por ella como «uno de esos asesinos que tras sufrir graves problemas psicológicos, se convirtió al cristianismo y abandonó todo lo que hacía antes». Le dijo que la venta de la sangre de los cristianos asesinados es «un gran negocio». «Una pequeña botella de sangre cristiana enviada a los fanáticos en Arabia Saudita se paga a 100.000 dólares», cita Hatune Dogan las palabras del hombre y agrega que «bajo la concepción islámica, cuando se lavan las manos con esta sangre, participan del sacrificio ante Alá». Durante su discurso en alemán, cuyo vídeo fue publicado en YouTube, Dogan describió también sus encuentros con las víctimas de los musulmanes radicales, muchas de las cuales denuncian casos de violación, asesinatos, torturas y mutilaciones. La monja dice, por ejemplo, que a un sirio con el que logró comunicarse «le cortaron unos bolsillos en la carne y los llenaron de sal». La religiosa describe también numerosos casos de violación de mujeres sirias con las que se puso en contacto. En total, habló con 218 mujeres que fueron secuestradas, violadas y posteriormente liberadas a cambio de un rescate. Dogan dijo que tiene a su disposición 174 videos que atestiguan estos terribles abusos, torturas y asesinatos que recibió de miembros de familias de las víctimas de la persecución islamista. Durante la conferencia, mostró uno de ellos en el que se observa la «ceremonia del asesinato» de un cristiano de Bagdad llamado Joseph por los yihadistas. Estas imágenes de decapitación del cristiano fueron entregadas a la religiosa por la hermana de la víctima.
Hatune Dogan, monja de origen turco, afirmó que en venden a sauditas de sirios asesinados, en un precio de cien mil dólares estadounidenses por botella. La monja declaró tal hecho durante la presentación en de los resultados de su investigación reciente sobre la persecución y maltrato de cristianos por parte de musulmanes en Siria. Según una de las fuentes, un ex-islamista convertido al cristianismo, le contó a Dogan que la venta de sangre era un gran negocio, ya que los fanáticos participan del sacrificio ante cuando se lavan las manos con esta sangre. La monja se dedica a informar en sus investigaciones y entrevistas sobre los relatos que le cuentan las víctimas, a las que ha conocido a lo largo de su investigación independiente. === Noticias relacionadas === *
La monja ortodoxa siria de origen turco Hatune Dogan Los islamistas en Siria venden a los saudíes sangre de los cristianos sirios asesinados a razón de 100.000 dólares la botella, según aseguró la monja ortodoxa siria de origen turco Hatune Dogan durante la presentación de los resultados de una investigación independiente. Dogan, cuya familia se mudó a Alemania cuando tenía 15 años, dirige la organización caritativa Fundación de la Hermana Hatune, conocida como 'Mano de Ayuda a los Pobres' (Helfende Hände für die Armen, en alemán), que opera en 35 países. Según publicó el portal, el tema de su investigación independiente presentado en una conferencia de prensa en Viena a finales de diciembre formó parte de un evento dedicado al Día de los Derechos Humanos, en el que se trataba sobre la persecución y el maltrato que sufren los cristianos por parte de fundamentalistas musulmanes en Siria. La religiosa describió sus encuentros con personas inocentes que habían sido tratados salvajemente por los musulmanes radicales. Dohan aseguró conocer a una mujer en Alepo cuya familia entera, de seis miembros, fue asesinada. La mujer y su hija fueron violadas repetidamente. Durante su discurso en alemán, cuyo vídeo fue publicado en YouTube, Dogan aseguró, por ejemplo, que a un sirio con el que logró comunicarse "le hicieron una especie de "bolsillos en la carne y los llenaron de sal". Vídeos aterradores La religiosa explicó cómo había hablado con 218 mujeres. Todas fueron secuestradas y brutalmente violadas. Tres de ellas tenían por lo menos uno de los pechos cortados, y 13 de ellas había sufrido la mutilación de sus genitales. La monja aseguró que posee 174 videos que atestiguan estos terribles abusos, torturas y asesinatos que recibió de miembros de familias de las víctimas de la persecución islamista. Uno de ellos, fechado el 16 de septiembre 2004 se puede ver cómo es decapitado un cristiano en Bagdad llamado Joseph. En las imágenes los extremistas le gritan justo antes de morir que "será sacrificado por Dios", "sólo se cumple la palabra de Dios". El video se lo entregó la hermana de la víctima. Dogan contó que un sacerdote le presentó a un hombre, que casualmente aparecía en este vídeo, el de la ejecución de Joseph. Según la hermana, este hombre era uno de los asesinos. La religiosa contó que este hombre sufría graves problemas psicológicos y que se había convertido al cristianismo. Sangre para los saudíes Sin embargo, la revelación más trágica realizada por la monja fue cuando contó que preguntando a un hombre qué hacían con la sangre de los cristianos decapitados éste le reveló que "eso es un gran negocio". El hombre le reveló que "una pequeña botella de sangre cristiana enviada a los fanáticos en Arabia Saudita tiene un valor de 100.000 dólares". Dogan relató que, bajo la concepción islámica, los radicales se lavan las manos con la sangre embotellada ya que ellos creen que cuando se lavan las manos en esta sangre pasan a formar parte de este "sacrificio" por Allah. Estos actos sangrientos de los musulmanes radicales están detrás de la petición de un obispo sirio que apeló a los cristianos a armarse para su propia defensa. Incluso hay testimonios que aseguran que grupos de musulmanes radicales en Siria han llegado a asar a gente en hornos. Sin embargo, otros testimonios dicen que estos extremistas realmente se beben la sangre de los cristianos, porque, dicen, les da la salvación.
Hatune Dogan, monja de origen turco, afirmó que en venden a sauditas de sirios asesinados, en un precio de cien mil dólares estadounidenses por botella. La monja declaró tal hecho durante la presentación en de los resultados de su investigación reciente sobre la persecución y maltrato de cristianos por parte de musulmanes en Siria. Según una de las fuentes, un ex-islamista convertido al cristianismo, le contó a Dogan que la venta de sangre era un gran negocio, ya que los fanáticos participan del sacrificio ante cuando se lavan las manos con esta sangre. La monja se dedica a informar en sus investigaciones y entrevistas sobre los relatos que le cuentan las víctimas, a las que ha conocido a lo largo de su investigación independiente. === Noticias relacionadas === *
Pirate Bay founder Fredrik Neij has been arrested in Asia. Neij had moved to Laos to avoid the jail sentence handed down for his involvement in The Pirate Bay. But, after driving across the border from Laos into Thailand more than two dozen times, the Swede was arrested yesterday by Thai border police executing an Interpol warrant. Following the criminal convictions of Pirate Bay founders Peter Sunde, Gottfrid Svartholm and Fredrik Neij, each went their separate ways. With Sunde in Europe and Svartholm then living in Cambodia, Neij moved to Asia to be with his Lao wife and their children. As documented in the movie TPB:AFK, Neij and his family settled in Laos after getting married in a local ceremony. The country is one of the world’s few remaining communist states and is one of east Asia’s poorest countries with poor communications infrastructure and lacking healthcare system. As a result, on several occasions the family has crossed the border into Thailand. That has proven problematic in the past, especially when the Swedish Embassy in Bangkok revoked Neij’s passport in 2012. Yesterday, however, things took a turn for the worse when police at the border in Nong Khai, a city in North-East Thailand, arrested Neij as he tried to drive across the border. Early this morning Nong Khai Immigration police held a press conference to announce Neji’s arrest, parading him in front of the media flanked by several officers. Thai border police had executed an Interpol arrest warrant similar to the one issued against Peter Sunde before his arrest in Sweden. According to Thai authorities, Neij and his wife had crossed the border an estimated 27 times before finally being caught. If their press conference is anything to go by, Thai authorities appear to be making a big thing of Neij’s arrest. While trumpeting the alleged damages the Pirate Bay founders have caused the entertainment industries, Thai authorities used the arrest as a photo opportunity, posing for the camera and in some cases even smiling aside a bewildered-looking Neij. According to local media, Neij is now being held in the Bangkok immigration office pending deportation to Sweden. The 36-year-old’s arrest completes the full set, with all Pirate Bay founders now in custody. Gottfrid Svartholm, whose story is particularly well known, had moved to Cambodia. He was extradited back to Sweden in 2012 to face not only his original sentence, but two major hacking trials, one on home soil and the other in Denmark. He was found guilty in the latter last week and is now serving a three-and-a-half year sentence. Peter Sunde is also in custody, having been captured on May 31, 2014 on a farm in Skåne, Sweden. The former Pirate Bay spokesman’s time in prison has also been eventful, but is very close to coming to an end. Update: Local Thai media reports that “U.S. movie companies” hired a lawfirm to track down Neij. It’s also been revealed that in addition to having a house on the island of Phuket, Neij had five million baht ($153,000) in a local bank account. Update 2: Video just in: Update: 3: A video has appeared on The Pirate Bay which appears to instruct people not to talk to the police.
Fredrik Neij vivía en Laos con su esposa e hijos El sueco , uno de los fundadores del sitio de descargas , fue arrestado por orden de la Interpol en la frontera entre Laos y Tailandia. Neij vivía en Laos con su esposa, nativa de ese país, y sus hijos. En varias ocasiones, Neij había cruzado la frontera con su familia para obtener mejores servicios de salud que los que hay en su país de residencia, pero ayer, en la frontera en Nong Khai (una ciudad en el noreste de Tailandia) la policía lo arrestó dado que intentó cruzar sin pasaporte, el cual había sido revocado en 2012. Esta mañana, la Policía de Inmigración de Nong Khai dio una conferencia de prensa para anunciar el arresto de Neij, mostrándolo a los medios rodeado de varios oficiales. En la conferencia, las autoridades indicaron que los fundadores de Pirate Bay han causado daños a las industrias de entretenimiento por ceder un medio para compartir gratuitamente obras con todos los derechos de autor reservados. Algunos oficiales, en algunos casos sonrientes, posaron para las cámaras junto a Neij. Varias compañías de cine estadounidenses habían contratado una firma legal para rastrear a Neij. Neij ahora se encuentra detenido en la oficina de inmigración en Bangkok donde se espera que sea deportado a Suecia. En respuesta al arresto, en el sitio web de Pirate Bay se publicó un vídeo en el que un profesor en leyes enseña por qué uno nunca debe acceder a ser entrevistado por la policía.
Neij was living in Laos but was caught by authorities at the Laos-Thailand border. He went on the lam after his conviction in Sweden in 2009 for sharing copyright-protected files. Thai PBS News/YouTube/Screenshot by CNET Pirate Bay co-founder Fredrik Neij was arrested Monday at the Thailand-Laos border after five years of avoiding incarceration for his conviction in Sweden of illegally sharing copyright-protected files, according to news reports. Neij was among the Pirate Bay co-founders found guilty in 2009 of having made 33 copyright-protected files accessible for illegal file sharing. The Pirate Bay, which launched in Sweden in 2003, has enabled mass sharing of files and content such as movies, regardless of copyright status. Neij, along with fellow Pirate Bay co-founders Gottfrid Svartholm Warg and Peter Sunde and Swedish telecom owner Carl Lundstrom, were each sentenced to a year in prison and ordered to collectively pay 30 million Swedish kronor (about $3.6 million at the time) in damages to copyright holders. After sentencing -- subsequent appeals were denied -- the co-founders went on the run. Warg was arrested in 2012 in Cambodia after local police exercised a warrant against him. Sunde was arrested in Sweden. Neij was the last Pirate Bay co-founder still at large before his arrest on Monday. According to TorrentFreak, The Guardian and the Wall Street Journal, Thai police said that Neij was living in Laos but had made numerous trips to Thailand before he was arrested Monday by Thai police exercising an Interpol warrant. Neij's wife was with him when he was arrested. Neij is expected to be extradited to Sweden and serve his sentence. Thai police said a US-based film group and the Swedish government asked Thai authorities to keep an eye out for Neij and had given them his photo about a month ago, the Journal reported. Although Neij has been detained, it's unlikely to change much in the world of Pirate Bay. The site is still one of the most popular file-sharing services in the world. Even in countries where it is "blocked," users have created mirror sites that get around blockades.
Fredrik Neij vivía en Laos con su esposa e hijos El sueco , uno de los fundadores del sitio de descargas , fue arrestado por orden de la Interpol en la frontera entre Laos y Tailandia. Neij vivía en Laos con su esposa, nativa de ese país, y sus hijos. En varias ocasiones, Neij había cruzado la frontera con su familia para obtener mejores servicios de salud que los que hay en su país de residencia, pero ayer, en la frontera en Nong Khai (una ciudad en el noreste de Tailandia) la policía lo arrestó dado que intentó cruzar sin pasaporte, el cual había sido revocado en 2012. Esta mañana, la Policía de Inmigración de Nong Khai dio una conferencia de prensa para anunciar el arresto de Neij, mostrándolo a los medios rodeado de varios oficiales. En la conferencia, las autoridades indicaron que los fundadores de Pirate Bay han causado daños a las industrias de entretenimiento por ceder un medio para compartir gratuitamente obras con todos los derechos de autor reservados. Algunos oficiales, en algunos casos sonrientes, posaron para las cámaras junto a Neij. Varias compañías de cine estadounidenses habían contratado una firma legal para rastrear a Neij. Neij ahora se encuentra detenido en la oficina de inmigración en Bangkok donde se espera que sea deportado a Suecia. En respuesta al arresto, en el sitio web de Pirate Bay se publicó un vídeo en el que un profesor en leyes enseña por qué uno nunca debe acceder a ser entrevistado por la policía.
Deux morts et un blessé grave : c’est le bilan d’une attaque à l’arme blanche qui s’est produite, ce vendredi après-midi, au restaurant chinois « Le grand buffet royal » situé rue Pierre et Laurent Ramus, dans la zone industrielle des Landiers Nord, à Chambéry. L’agresseur, a tué un homme et une femme d’une trentaine d’années. Une troisième victime a été grièvement blessée en tentant de s’interposer. Elle a été transportée à l’hôpital après s’être réfugiée dans une salle de fitness à proximité. Sa vie est hors de danger. L'auteur de l'agression a ensuite pris la fuite. Une chasse à l'homme a alors été engagée par les forces de l'ordre. Les circonstances sont encore ignorées, mais le mobile terroriste semble d'ores et déjà exclu. La piste du différend privé autour d’un couple est envisagée selon les premiers éléments de l’enquête. Selon le patron du restaurant - spécialisé dans la cuisine asiatique - interrogé par l’AFP, une de ses serveuses a été tuée sur le parking devant l’établissement et l’homme a été retrouvé mort dans une chambre à l’étage. Tous les deux étaient des Tibétains. L’enquête a été confiée au commissariat de Chambéry et à la PJ de Lyon. L’auteur présumé de ce double homicide a été interpellé à Chambéry par la brigade anti-criminalité (Bac) ce vendredi soir. Plus d’informations dans nos éditions du samedi 27 mai.
vignette Un attaque à l'arme blanche s'est déroulée ce vendredi après-midi dans un restaurant chinois situé dans la zone industrielle et artisanale des Landiers, à (Savoie). Selon le patron du restaurant, une serveuse a été tuée sur le parking de l'établissement et un homme a été retrouvé mort dans une chambre à l'étage. Tous les deux étaient des Tibétains. Une troisième personne a été sérieusement blessée en tentant de s’interposer. Les circonstances de cette attaque sont encore imprécises mais la piste terroriste serait écartée. Selon Franceinfo, il s’agirait d’un règlement de compte. L'auteur des faits, activement recherché, a été interpellé en fin de journée.
Enlarge By Jack Gruber, USA TODAY Elena Kagan prepares to testify on the second day of hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee in Washington on June 29. WASHINGTON — Chief Justice John Roberts will swear in Elena Kagan as the nation's 112th Supreme Court justice on Saturday, making women one-third of the nation's highest court for the first time in history. Supreme Court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg said Roberts telephoned Kagan to offer "warm congratulations" Thursday, shortly after the Senate confirmed her. The 63-37 vote was a victory for President Obama, who has doubled the number of women ever named to the Supreme Court with his first two nominees. "I am confident that Elena Kagan will make an outstanding Supreme Court justice," Obama said in Chicago, where he was traveling. "And I am proud, also, of the history we're making with her appointment." Kagan, 50, was the first woman to serve as U.S. solicitor general and the first female dean of Harvard Law School. When the court reconvenes on the first Monday in October, Kagan will join Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor as the first trio of women serving together as justices. "Long, long overdue," Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., said of the breakthrough. DESPITE PARTISAN SWATS: Kagan's path to bench clear Five Republican senators broke ranks with their party to support Kagan's nomination: Richard Lugar of Indiana; Judd Gregg of New Hampshire; Lindsey Graham of South Carolina; and Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe, both of Maine. One Democrat, Ben Nelson of Nebraska, voted no. Critics accused Kagan of being short on courtroom experience and holding liberal views on abortion and gun control. In Kagan, the president has appointed "someone who shares his progressive, elitist vision and is willing to advance it from the bench," warned Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, who is the Judiciary Committee's top Republican. Kagan will be the first member of the court since the Chief Justice William Rehnquist to arrive without previous experience as a judge. Although some Republican senators, such as Scott Brown of Massachusetts, cited that as a reason to oppose her, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., hailed Kagan's different perspective on "the impact of the law on human beings." FULL COVERAGE: Latest from Supreme Court SUPREME COURT: Upcoming cases As solicitor general since last year, Kagan has served as the Obama administration's chief advocate before the Supreme Court, a position that could affect her ability to rule on some cases as a justice. She told Sessions in a letter that she will recuse herself from 11 cases on the court calendar that she helped argue or for which she helped write briefs. Under questioning from Republican senators, however, Kagan would not commit to recusing from a potential legal challenge to the administration's health care plan. Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., said Kagan will be a "great antidote" to a court that he described as being dominated by "judicial activism of the right." However, Kagan is not expected to change the court's ideological balance, which tilts 5-4 in favor of conservatives. She's replacing retired justice John Paul Stevens, leader of the liberal wing. After the vote, Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., apologized to Mitch McConnell, the Senate's top Republican, for being rude as he was explaining his opposition to Kagan, the Associated Press reported. Franken was presiding over the Senate as McConnell spoke. A Senate GOP aide said Franken made theatrical gestures and whispered under his breath as the Kentucky senator spoke. McConnell went up to the former comedian afterward and said, "This isn't Saturday Night Live, Al." The aide spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the situation. Franken later delivered a handwritten apology and issued a statement that said McConnell was "entitled to give his speech with the presiding officer just listening respectfully."
File photo of Elena Kagan US Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan has been confirmed by the US Senate by a vote of 63–37 and will be sworn in Saturday by Chief Justice John Roberts as a Supreme Court Associate Justice. Shortly after the Senate vote, Justice Roberts offered the 50-year-old Kagan "warm congratulations," according to Supreme Court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg. 56 Democrats, five Republicans, and two Independents voted to confirm Kagan. 35 Republicans and one Democrat voted against her. The Republicans that voted for Kagan were of Indiana, of New Hampshire, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, and and , both of Maine. Democrat , of Nebraska, voted against Kagan. "I am confident that Elena Kagan will make an outstanding Supreme Court justice," said US president Barack Obama after Kagan was confirmed. Obama also said that Kagan would have a positive impact on the conservative-majority court because she "understands that the law isn’t just an abstraction or an intellectual exercise" and that "she knows that the Supreme Court’s decisions shape not just the character of our democracy, but the circumstances of our daily lives." Senate Judiciary Chairman (Democrat-Vermont) also said that Kagan's confirmation was "long, long overdue." Kagan is a former dean of the Harvard Law School, a legal adviser during the Clinton administration, and the in the current Obama administration. She becomes the fourth woman ever to serve on the court and will become the third current female justice, joining Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor. Sotomayor was also appointed by Obama and confirmed by the Senate by a 68–31 vote. Kagan replaces retiring Justice John Paul Stevens, who is the leading liberal on the court.
Among the cases she is expected to sit in on when the new term starts in October are two major First Amendment clashes: one involving California’s attempts to limit the sale of violent video games to minors, the other on the free speech rights of protesters at military funerals. Because of her role as solicitor general in the Obama administration, Ms. Kagan has already identified 11 cases on the docket for the next term in which she would disqualify herself because she had worked on them for the White House. One concerns the privacy rights of scientists and engineers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory who object to federal background checks. In the final vote, 5 Republicans joined 56 Democrats and 2 independents in supporting the nomination; 36 Republicans and one Democrat, Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska, opposed her. In a sign of the import of the moment, senators formally recorded their votes from their desks. The partisan divide over the nomination illustrated the increasing political polarization of fights over Supreme Court nominees, who in years past were backed by both parties in the absence of some disqualifying factor. Ms. Kagan received fewer Republican votes than Justice Sotomayor, who was supported by nine Republicans in her 68-to-31 confirmation on Aug. 6, 2009. Democrats balked at Samuel A. Alito Jr., nominated by President George W. Bush, with only four endorsing him in a 58-to-42 vote in January 2006. Most Senate Republicans challenged Ms. Kagan’s nomination until the end, asserting that she lacked sufficient experience and had unfairly stigmatized the military by supporting a bar on recruiters at Harvard Law over the military’s policy against allowing gay men and lesbians to serve openly. They said her record in both Democratic administrations and her strong ties to Mr. Obama suggested that she would try to imprint her own political values and those of the president on court decisions. “Whether it’s small-claims court or the Supreme Court, Americans expect politics to end at the courtroom door,” said Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader. “Nothing in Elena Kagan’s record suggests that her politics will stop there.”
File photo of Elena Kagan US Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan has been confirmed by the US Senate by a vote of 63–37 and will be sworn in Saturday by Chief Justice John Roberts as a Supreme Court Associate Justice. Shortly after the Senate vote, Justice Roberts offered the 50-year-old Kagan "warm congratulations," according to Supreme Court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg. 56 Democrats, five Republicans, and two Independents voted to confirm Kagan. 35 Republicans and one Democrat voted against her. The Republicans that voted for Kagan were of Indiana, of New Hampshire, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, and and , both of Maine. Democrat , of Nebraska, voted against Kagan. "I am confident that Elena Kagan will make an outstanding Supreme Court justice," said US president Barack Obama after Kagan was confirmed. Obama also said that Kagan would have a positive impact on the conservative-majority court because she "understands that the law isn’t just an abstraction or an intellectual exercise" and that "she knows that the Supreme Court’s decisions shape not just the character of our democracy, but the circumstances of our daily lives." Senate Judiciary Chairman (Democrat-Vermont) also said that Kagan's confirmation was "long, long overdue." Kagan is a former dean of the Harvard Law School, a legal adviser during the Clinton administration, and the in the current Obama administration. She becomes the fourth woman ever to serve on the court and will become the third current female justice, joining Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor. Sotomayor was also appointed by Obama and confirmed by the Senate by a 68–31 vote. Kagan replaces retiring Justice John Paul Stevens, who is the leading liberal on the court.
Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan laughs as she testifies on the third day of her Senate confirmation hearings in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, June 30, 2010. WASHINGTON | WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama's nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court won Senate approval on Thursday, his second appointment to the court that decides abortion, death penalty and other contentious cases. The Democratic-led Senate voted largely along party lines, 63-37, to confirm the former Harvard Law School dean as the fourth female justice in U.S. history and the 112th high court member. Kagan was Obama's solicitor general, arguing government cases before the Supreme Court, when he named her in May as his choice to replace the retiring liberal Justice John Paul Stevens. The 50-year-old Kagan, who will be the third woman on the current court, is not expected to change the ideological balance of power on the closely divided panel, which for years has been dominated by a 5-4 conservative majority. All Democratic senators but one voted for her, two independent senators voted for her and five Republicans voted for her. All other Republican senators opposed her nomination. OBAMA'S JUDICIAL LEGACY Kagan becomes Obama's second lifetime appointee on the nine-member Supreme Court, allowing him to reshape the court and leave a judicial legacy that could last long after he leaves office. U.S. appeals court Judge Sonia Sotomayor was confirmed last year by a 68-31 vote as the first Hispanic Supreme Court justice. The two appointments underscore an effort by Obama to move the court to the left after Republican President George W. Bush nominated a pair of conservative judges to the bench. Kagan's nomination proved to be less contentious than expected and was largely overshadowed in the Senate by the Gulf of Mexico oil spill and concerns over the sluggish U.S. economy. The three days of Senate debate that ended Thursday often reflected partisan differences ahead of the congressional elections in November, when one-third of the Senate and the entire House of Representatives will be up for re-election. Democratic senators praised Kagan for her legal intellect, her ability to build consensus, for bringing a fresh perspective to the court and for being fair-minded. It will be the first time that the court has three female justices. Republican senators said Kagan, a White House lawyer during Bill Clinton's presidency, seemed driven more by politics than the law and lacked judicial experience. She becomes the first justice in nearly 40 years who had never been a judge. Kagan will be sworn in on Saturday, a Supreme Court spokeswoman said. The court is in recess until October, when it will return to the bench for a new term to hear disputes on immigration, violent videos and other cases. (Additional reporting by Rick Cowan, Editing by Stacey Joyce)
File photo of Elena Kagan US Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan has been confirmed by the US Senate by a vote of 63–37 and will be sworn in Saturday by Chief Justice John Roberts as a Supreme Court Associate Justice. Shortly after the Senate vote, Justice Roberts offered the 50-year-old Kagan "warm congratulations," according to Supreme Court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg. 56 Democrats, five Republicans, and two Independents voted to confirm Kagan. 35 Republicans and one Democrat voted against her. The Republicans that voted for Kagan were of Indiana, of New Hampshire, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, and and , both of Maine. Democrat , of Nebraska, voted against Kagan. "I am confident that Elena Kagan will make an outstanding Supreme Court justice," said US president Barack Obama after Kagan was confirmed. Obama also said that Kagan would have a positive impact on the conservative-majority court because she "understands that the law isn’t just an abstraction or an intellectual exercise" and that "she knows that the Supreme Court’s decisions shape not just the character of our democracy, but the circumstances of our daily lives." Senate Judiciary Chairman (Democrat-Vermont) also said that Kagan's confirmation was "long, long overdue." Kagan is a former dean of the Harvard Law School, a legal adviser during the Clinton administration, and the in the current Obama administration. She becomes the fourth woman ever to serve on the court and will become the third current female justice, joining Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor. Sotomayor was also appointed by Obama and confirmed by the Senate by a 68–31 vote. Kagan replaces retiring Justice John Paul Stevens, who is the leading liberal on the court.
Students, police rumble in latest protest marches Clashes at OECD meeting site, city center MARIA MAROGIANNI/EPA At the OECD education ministers’ meeting (top photo), Greek Education Minister Marietta Giannakou (right) talks with OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurria and US Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings, while in the streets of Athens (below) rioting students battled police and set fire to makeshift barricades. SIMELA PANTZARTZI/EPA In a resort hotel south of Athens, education ministers from the member states of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) debated the need for university education reform, reaching a consensus that state-funded universities, as we know them, represented a «failed» model. Outside the hotel and in the streets of Athens, students who want to preserve the monopoly of state universities, with a single textbook per course, usually written by the course's instructor, rioted and clashed with police. The incidents were far more serious in the center of Athens, where a minority of hooded, self-styled «anarchists» threw stones and Molotov cocktails at police and, taking advantage of the so-called «academic sanctuary» laws, occupied Athens University's Law School building for about three hours. They also used trash cans as makeshift barricades outside the schools and set fire to the garbage as well as to several wooden chairs stolen from nearby cafes. A TV cameraman was taken to hospital with second-degree burns from a fire bomb and five policemen were slightly injured. The rioters left the building at about 6.30 p.m., mixed with students meeting inside, and managed to escape the police. According to police sources, the anarchists bent on mayhem numbered no more than 150 out of the 2,000 demonstrators who began their march at 2.30 p.m. Using tear gas, the police managed to prevent extensive damage to shops and offices in the city center. About 50 of the anarchists went on to occupy the Law School building. At Lagonissi, a resort 42 kilometers south of Athens, 300 students and Communist party members or sympathizers gathered to protest the OECD ministers meeting. There were some scuffles when the demonstrators tried to get closer to the hotel and police used tear gas. The demonstrators dispersed peacefully afterward. Opposition parties protested the police stopping 10 buses carrying student demonstrators from Thessaloniki outside Athens. They allowed the buses to proceed to Athens, escorted by patrol cars. Inside the hotel, the OECD education ministers debated ways to reform higher education. It was agreed that there will be four types of higher institutions in the future: open schools offering online education, local universities, mixed-funded schools and «enterprise universities» selling their services. «The debate on education is often hot. Witness Athens today,» said the OECD's newly appointed secretary-general, Angel Gurria. Greek university students have occupied more than 400 faculties across the country to protest the government's reform proposals. The protests will end this month to allow final-year students to take their exams in September. Related Articles
Greek police officers and police vehicle (archive photo).Photo credit: Jimmy Harris A left-wing student group clashed with Greek police in the centre of Athens during a demonstration organized by university students against new laws which have been proposed by the Greek Minister of Education, Marietta Yiannakou. The conflict occurred as part of nation wide student protest against the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's (OECD) attempts to eliminate state funded universities in Greece. The most serious incidents occurred near the ''Athens' Polytechnic'' and outside the ''Law School of Athens'' in the center of Athens where a small number of Anarchists wore masks, caused damage to cars, shops and private properties, and threw stones and Molotov cocktails at police. Additional conflicts occurred outside the holiday resort of Lagonissi, around 45 kilometers south-east of central Athens, where the OECD is meeting. Greek university students currently occupy more than 400 faculties across the country, including the two biggest universities of Greece, to protest the OECD's proposals for privatization of universities.
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Logo of the Northern Ireland Assembly. Ian Paisley Plans to restart the Northern Ireland Assembly failed today as the controversial Democratic Unionist Party leader and Protestant evangelist Ian Paisley rejected the nomination by Sinn Fein's Gerry Adams for him to be First Minister of a new Northern Ireland Executive. Gerry Adams nominated his colleague, Martin McGuinness, the deputy leader of Sinn Fein to be the Deputy First Minister. Britain restarted a shadow version of the Assembly last week for the first time in 3 1/2 years to form a power sharing home rule government made up Catholics and Protestants by a November 24 as directed by the Belfast Agreement. However, accusations of a spy ring lead to the suspension of the Assembly and direct rule from London was reinstated in 2002. Adams rose to his feet and uttered the following "I want to move that Iain Paisley be returned as First Minister and Martin McGuinness be returned as Deputy First Minister on the restoration of devolved government," in Gaelic before translating it for the rest of the Assembly to understand. After being asked by Speaker Eileen Bell, "Dr. Paisley, do you accept the nomination as first minister on restoration of a devolved government?" Paisley rejected the nomination instantly stating "Certainly not, madam! And I think it goes without saying that the reasons are known well throughout this province, and they've been endorsed by the majority of unionist voters." Paisley further more stated, "Are we going to have in the government of Northern Ireland those who are terrorists, those that condoned and even planned murders, who robbed banks, who committed criminal acts and who will not support the police?" The DUP will not support Sinn Fein until the Irish Republican Army disbands, renounces crime and Sinn Fein accepts the Police Service of Northern Ireland, something it has refused to do for decades during the time of the Royal Ulster Constabulary. The United States Special Envoy to Northern Ireland, Mitchell Reiss, stated "We need to start getting on with business, talking to each other, trying to work out some of the problems today, not leaving them until the last minute." The Assembly has adjourned until Tuesday.
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Logo of the Northern Ireland Assembly. Ian Paisley Plans to restart the Northern Ireland Assembly failed today as the controversial Democratic Unionist Party leader and Protestant evangelist Ian Paisley rejected the nomination by Sinn Fein's Gerry Adams for him to be First Minister of a new Northern Ireland Executive. Gerry Adams nominated his colleague, Martin McGuinness, the deputy leader of Sinn Fein to be the Deputy First Minister. Britain restarted a shadow version of the Assembly last week for the first time in 3 1/2 years to form a power sharing home rule government made up Catholics and Protestants by a November 24 as directed by the Belfast Agreement. However, accusations of a spy ring lead to the suspension of the Assembly and direct rule from London was reinstated in 2002. Adams rose to his feet and uttered the following "I want to move that Iain Paisley be returned as First Minister and Martin McGuinness be returned as Deputy First Minister on the restoration of devolved government," in Gaelic before translating it for the rest of the Assembly to understand. After being asked by Speaker Eileen Bell, "Dr. Paisley, do you accept the nomination as first minister on restoration of a devolved government?" Paisley rejected the nomination instantly stating "Certainly not, madam! And I think it goes without saying that the reasons are known well throughout this province, and they've been endorsed by the majority of unionist voters." Paisley further more stated, "Are we going to have in the government of Northern Ireland those who are terrorists, those that condoned and even planned murders, who robbed banks, who committed criminal acts and who will not support the police?" The DUP will not support Sinn Fein until the Irish Republican Army disbands, renounces crime and Sinn Fein accepts the Police Service of Northern Ireland, something it has refused to do for decades during the time of the Royal Ulster Constabulary. The United States Special Envoy to Northern Ireland, Mitchell Reiss, stated "We need to start getting on with business, talking to each other, trying to work out some of the problems today, not leaving them until the last minute." The Assembly has adjourned until Tuesday.
Ian Paisley rejected Sinn Fein's nomination to be first minister Mr Paisley had already indicated that he intended to reject the nomination. Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams also put forward party colleague Martin McGuinness as deputy first minister. Declining the nomination, Mr Paisley said his "reasons were well known and had been endorsed by the majority of the unionist voters". Despite Mr Paisley declining the first minister's post, it is still possible for members to debate policy matters under the assembly's temporary rules, although laws cannot be made. Speaking afterwards, Mr Paisley said: "Our stand is clear, it is not going to be altered and it is simple: let's have British democracy in British Ulster." Mr Paisley also said he would refuse to sit with Ulster Unionist leader Sir Reg Empey because of his association with PUP leader David Ervine, whose party has links to the loyalist paramilitary UVF. The UUP's move could mean they receive an extra ministerial post, at the expense of Sinn Fein, if a government is formed. "If Mr Empey wants the support of a terrorist organisation, let him have it, but he'll not have my support," Mr Paisley added. QUICK GUIDE Northern Ireland conflict Mr Adams said his party wanted to see a power-sharing executive set up as quickly as possible. "There is a sense of wanting to get business done as quickly as possible, that is what we are about," he said. "What we are looking for is a committee or a series of committees which will deal with the whole issue of forming the executive led by senior leaders of all of the parties. "If that can't happen, then the DUP can only say no so many times." The DUP have also criticised UUP leader Sir Reg Empey The UUP's Sir Reg Empey said he hoped the assembly would be able to debate a motion calling for the establishment of a committee for the restoration of devolution. "What we are asking the secretary of state to do is to allow a motion on the order paper for our next business to appoint a committee on the restoration of devolution," he said. "The general public would at least know that we were actually engaged in serious business." SDLP leader Mark Durkan said Northern Ireland's parties should face up to their responsibilities and allow other parties to do the same. "What we have to do is to bring purpose to this whole enterprise... We have to get back to what we have been mandated to do which is to implement the Good Friday Agreement," he said. "We will test the positions of other parties and we will test the worth of the government's word as well." 'Devolution benefits' Earlier on Monday, Scottish First Minister Jack McConnell addressed assembly members at Stormont. Northern Ireland Secretary Peter Hain invited Mr McConnell to Belfast to "highlight the benefits of devolution". Mr McConnell said that he was not in Northern Ireland to lecture assembly members, but to offer evidence on the advantages of devolution. "We have made great progress under devolution in Scotland. Scotland is a far better country today than it was seven years ago." On 15 May, Northern Ireland's politicians took their seats in the Stormont assembly for the first time since October 2002. While there is no immediate prospect of a power-sharing executive being formed, the government hopes recalling the politicians will help to pave the way towards a deal in the autumn, by its deadline of 24 November. Devolved government was suspended over allegations of a republican spy ring. The court case that followed collapsed. Direct rule from London was restored in October 2002 and has been in place since.
Logo of the Northern Ireland Assembly. Ian Paisley Plans to restart the Northern Ireland Assembly failed today as the controversial Democratic Unionist Party leader and Protestant evangelist Ian Paisley rejected the nomination by Sinn Fein's Gerry Adams for him to be First Minister of a new Northern Ireland Executive. Gerry Adams nominated his colleague, Martin McGuinness, the deputy leader of Sinn Fein to be the Deputy First Minister. Britain restarted a shadow version of the Assembly last week for the first time in 3 1/2 years to form a power sharing home rule government made up Catholics and Protestants by a November 24 as directed by the Belfast Agreement. However, accusations of a spy ring lead to the suspension of the Assembly and direct rule from London was reinstated in 2002. Adams rose to his feet and uttered the following "I want to move that Iain Paisley be returned as First Minister and Martin McGuinness be returned as Deputy First Minister on the restoration of devolved government," in Gaelic before translating it for the rest of the Assembly to understand. After being asked by Speaker Eileen Bell, "Dr. Paisley, do you accept the nomination as first minister on restoration of a devolved government?" Paisley rejected the nomination instantly stating "Certainly not, madam! And I think it goes without saying that the reasons are known well throughout this province, and they've been endorsed by the majority of unionist voters." Paisley further more stated, "Are we going to have in the government of Northern Ireland those who are terrorists, those that condoned and even planned murders, who robbed banks, who committed criminal acts and who will not support the police?" The DUP will not support Sinn Fein until the Irish Republican Army disbands, renounces crime and Sinn Fein accepts the Police Service of Northern Ireland, something it has refused to do for decades during the time of the Royal Ulster Constabulary. The United States Special Envoy to Northern Ireland, Mitchell Reiss, stated "We need to start getting on with business, talking to each other, trying to work out some of the problems today, not leaving them until the last minute." The Assembly has adjourned until Tuesday.
Taxi überrollte in Erlangen Fahrgast Unfallopfer springt nach Streit aus dem Fahrzeug - Fahrer flüchtete zunächst - 23.07. 14:16 Uhr Erlangen - Am Sonntagabend hat im Erlanger Stadtgebiet ein Taxifahrer seinen Fahrgast überrollt, der wegen eines Streits vorher vermutlich aus dem Auto gesprungen war. Während das Unfallopfer schwer verletzt in eine Klinik gebracht wurde, fuhr der Taxifahrer zunächst davon. Ein 48-Jähriger wurde in Erlangen von einem Taxi überrollt (Symbolbild). Ein 48-Jähriger wurde in Erlangen von einem Taxi überrollt (Symbolbild). Foto: dpa Foto: dpa Nach derzeitigen Erkenntnissen kam es während der Fahrt zu Streitigkeiten zwischen den beiden Männern. Vor der Zufahrt zu einer Tiefgarageneinfahrt in der Dompropststraße wollte der Fahrgast aussteigen, als ihm der Fahrer mitteilte, zur Polizei zu fahren. In diesem Moment soll der Fahrgast die Tür aufgerissen haben und sich aus dem fahrenden Fahrzeug haben fallen lassen. Hierbei soll der 48-Jährige überrollt worden sein. Der 56-Jährige Taxifahrer entfernte sich daraufhin von der Unfallstelle, ohne sich um den Verletzten zu kümmern. Anwohner wurden schließlich auf die lauten Schreie des Unfallopfers aufmerksam. Bei Eintreffen der Polizei war der Mann von Ersthelfern bereits in die Stabile Seitenlage gebracht worden. Mit massiven Oberkörperverletzungen und Blutungen sowie Brüchen wurde er in eine nahe gelegene Klinik gebracht. Akute Lebensgefahr bestand nach Polizeiangaben nicht. In der Zwischenzeit hatte auch der Taxifahrer die Polizei verständigt und wurde zur Dienststelle gebracht. Die Polizeiinspektion Erlangen-Stadt hat die Ermittlungen aufgenommen und bittet nun Zeugen, die das Unfallgeschehen beobachten konnten, sich bei der Dienststelle unter der Rufnummer (09131) 760-114 zu melden. Gegen den Unfallverursacher wird wegen des Verdachts der fahrlässigen Körperverletzung und unerlaubten Entfernens vom Unfallort ermittelt.
(Symbolbild) In Erlangen ist am Sonntagabend ein Streit in einem Taxi eskaliert: Zwischen dem Taxifahrer und seinem Kunden entstand kurz vor dem Erreichen des Fahrtziels im Stadtteil Büchenbach eine erregte Diskussion. Der 56-jährige Fahrer drohte, mit dem 48-Jährigen zur Polizei zu fahren. Dieser öffnete die Tür und ließ sich aus dem fahrenden Auto fallen. Dabei geriet er unter das Taxi. Der Mann erlitt massive Verletzungen am Oberkörper, Blutungen und Brüche. Er wurde ins Krankenhaus gebracht, nachdem Anwohner durch laute Schreie auf das Unfallopfer aufmerksam wurden. Es bestand aber keine Lebensgefahr. Der Taxifahrer fuhr weiter, informierte aber später die Polizei. Gegen ihn wird wegen Verdachts der fahrlässigen Körperverletzung und unerlaubten Entfernens vom Unfallort ermittelt. Die Polizei sucht nach Zeugen des Unfallgeschehens.
Erlangen (ots) - Am Sonntagabend (22.07.2012) überrollte der Fahrer eines Taxis im Erlanger Stadtgebiet einen Fahrgast. Das Unfallopfer wurde schwer verletzt in eine Klinik gebracht. Nach derzeitigen Erkenntnissen sollte der 56-jährige Fahrer eines Taxis seinen Fahrgast gegen 23:30 Uhr von Alterlangen aus zur Dompropststraße (Erlanger Stadtteil Büchenbach) fahren. Während der Fahrt kam es zu verbalen Streitigkeiten zwischen den beiden Männern. Vor der Zufahrt zu einer Tiefgarageneinfahrt in der Dompropststraße wollte der Fahrgast aussteigen, als ihm der Fahrer mitteilte, zur Polizei zu fahren. In diesem Moment soll der Fahrgast die Tür aufgerissen haben und sich aus dem fahrenden Fahrzeug haben fallen lassen. Hierbei soll der 48-jährige Geschädigte überrollt worden sein. Ohne seinen Aufgaben als Führer eines Fahrzeugs nachzukommen, entfernte sich der 56-Jährige von der Unfallstelle. Anwohner wurden schließlich über die lauten Schreie des Unfallopfers auf die Person aufmerksam. Bei Eintreffen der verständigten Polizei war der Mann bereits in die Stabile Seitenlage verbracht worden. Mit massiven Oberkörperverletzungen und Blutungen sowie Brüchen wurde er in eine nahe gelegene Klinik gebracht. Zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt besteht keine akute Lebensgefahr mehr. In der Zwischenzeit hatte auch der Taxifahrer die Polizei verständigt und wurde zur Dienststelle gebracht. Die Polizeiinspektion Erlangen-Stadt hat die Ermittlungen aufgenommen und bittet nun Zeugen, die das Unfallgeschehen beobachten konnten, sich bei der Dienststelle unter der Rufnummer (09131) 760-114 zu melden. Derzeit wird gegen den Unfallverursacher wegen des Verdachts der fahrlässigen Körperverletzung und unerlaubten Entfernens vom Unfallort ermittelt. Simone Wiesenberg/n Originaltext: Polizeipräsidium Mittelfranken Digitale Pressemappe: Pressemappe via RSS : Rückfragen bitte an: Polizeipräsidium Mittelfranken Polizeipräsidium Mittelfranken Pressestelle Telefon: 0911/2112-1030 Fax: 0911/2112-1025
(Symbolbild) In Erlangen ist am Sonntagabend ein Streit in einem Taxi eskaliert: Zwischen dem Taxifahrer und seinem Kunden entstand kurz vor dem Erreichen des Fahrtziels im Stadtteil Büchenbach eine erregte Diskussion. Der 56-jährige Fahrer drohte, mit dem 48-Jährigen zur Polizei zu fahren. Dieser öffnete die Tür und ließ sich aus dem fahrenden Auto fallen. Dabei geriet er unter das Taxi. Der Mann erlitt massive Verletzungen am Oberkörper, Blutungen und Brüche. Er wurde ins Krankenhaus gebracht, nachdem Anwohner durch laute Schreie auf das Unfallopfer aufmerksam wurden. Es bestand aber keine Lebensgefahr. Der Taxifahrer fuhr weiter, informierte aber später die Polizei. Gegen ihn wird wegen Verdachts der fahrlässigen Körperverletzung und unerlaubten Entfernens vom Unfallort ermittelt. Die Polizei sucht nach Zeugen des Unfallgeschehens.
23:14, 21.10.2007 INCYDENTY W LOKALACH WYBORCZYCH Cisza wyborcza zakończyła się w całym kraju o godz. 22.55. Przedłużono ją ze względu na dłuższe głosowanie w dwóch lokalach wyborczych w Warszawie. W jednej z gdańskich komisji zabrakło kart do głosowania Przedłużenie głosowania miało związek z brakiem kart do głosowania w lokalach na terenie Warszawy - nr 619 na ul. Cybisa 1 i 582 przy Lokajskiego 3.Jak mówił sędzia Kacprzak, o tym, że brakuje kart zorientowano się ok. godz. 19.30.- To nie chodzi o to, że kart do głosowania nie było wydrukowanych (...). W wystarczającej liczbie zostały wydrukowane i znajdowały się w rezerwie w zasięgu każdej komisji obwodowej. Fakt jest taki, że w tych komisjach obwodowych nie przewidziano, czy nie zorientowano się w odpowiednim momencie, aby z rezerwy zaopatrzyć się w dostateczną liczbę kart - powiedział sędzia Kacprzak.To nie pierwszy taki wypadek. Cisza wyborcza została już wcześniej przedłużona przez Państwową Komisję Wyborczą do godziny 20.20. O 20 minut trzeba przedłużyć głosowanie w jednej z komisji wyborczych w Płocku. W Pile, gdzie początkowo głosowanie miało trwać dwie godziny dłużej, ostatecznie zakończyło się ono o 20.15. Zdaniem PKW, głosowanie jak na razie przebiega bardzo spokojnie.Jak wyjaśnia PKW, przyczyny późniejszego otwarcia lokali - choć prozaiczne - były na tyle poważne, że automatycznie wpłynęły na przedłużenie ciszy wyborczej w całym kraju.Wieczór wyborczy w telewizjach TVN24 i TVN rozpoczął się zgodnie z planem o 19.50, jednak na wyniki sondaży trzeba będzie poczekać dłużej niż planowano. Zgodnie z planem audycja zakończy się na antenie TVN - o 21 ruszy tam "Taniec z gwiazdami". W tym czasie Wieczór wyborczy będzie kontynuowany w TVN24.Lokal obwodowej komisji wyborczej nr 45 w Płocku został otwarty o 20 minut później niż powinien. Powodem był zacięty zamek w szafie pancernej, w której przechowywano dokumenty wyborcze. Wybory uratował wezwany ślusarz, który uporał się z uszkodzeniem. Głosowanie w tym obwodzie zostanie jednak przedłużone.Z kolei w Pile głosowanie miało być przełożone na inne godziny - od 8 do 22 zamiast od 6 do 20. Powodem było uszkodzenie pieczęci. O przesunięciu głosowania wyborców informowano wywieszką na drzwiach komisji obwodowej. Ponieważ z problemem uporano się szybciej niż się spodziewano, wbrew wcześniejszej decyzji, by głosowanie trwało do 22.00, potrwa ono do 20.15.Jak podała PKW, zakończyło się już głosowanie na zachodniej półkuli - w Ameryce Północnej, Środkowej i Południowej. - Frekwencja wyniosła 57,65 proc. - podała PKW. Rekordowa była w Chicago - wyniosła ok. 93 proc., najmniejsza - w ambasadzie w Bogocie w Kolumbii - ok. 10 proc. uprawnionych.W Polsce również w niektórych miejscach głosowanie już się zakończyło i to z blisko 100 proc. frekwencją. W jednym z zakładów karnych głosowanie zakończyło się do godz. 8 rano - wzięło w nim udział 61 spośród 62 pensjonariuszy. Jeden z nich był bowiem na przepustce.Według policyjnych danych, do godz. 6 rano odnotowano łącznie 71 przypadków naruszenia ciszy wyborczej. Jak zauważyła PKW, wliczono w to jednak przypadki zrywania plakatów wyborczych, czego - według prawa - nie wlicza się do naruszenia wyborczej ciszy.Problemy z otwarciem lokalu wyborczego miały miejsce w Łodzi. Pracownicy urzędu miasta musieli bowiem wyważyć łomem drzwi - nieznani sprawcy zablokowali w nocy zamek, wkładając do niego zapałki. Lokal udało się jednak otworzyć przed szóstą rano i komisja wyborcza zaczęła działać bez opóźnienia.Również w Łodzi policjanci zatrzymali 28-letniego studenta z Białorusi oraz 22-letnią mieszkankę Chojnic, którzy usiłowali wstrzyknąć klej w zamek drzwi lokalu wyborczego.tea
Dwie godziny i 55 minut dłużej będzie trwała cisza wyborcza podczas Wyborów parlamentarnych 2007. Powodem kolejnego już wydłużenia ciszy jest wydłużenie prac dwóch warszawskich obwodowych komisji wyborczych (nr. 582 i 619), w których zabrakło kart do głosowania. Głównym powodem ciągłego przedłużania ciszy stała się wysoka frekwencja, która według telewizji TVN24 mogła wynieść ponad 55%, jest to najwyższa frekwencja w wyborach parlamentarnych w III RP. Sędzia Jan Kacprzak z Państwowej Komisji Wyborczej podając komunikat wyjaśniał, że choć drukowanych jest tyle kart, by wystarczyło nawet na 100% frekwencję, komisje nie przechowują ich wszystkich w swoich siedzibach. Rezerwy pozostają w urzędach dzielnic oraz siedzibach Okręgowych Komisji Wyborczych. "To nie chodzi o to, że kart do głosowania nie było wydrukowanych (...). W wystarczającej liczbie zostały wydrukowane i znajdowały się w rezerwie w zasięgu każdej komisji obwodowej. Fakt jest taki, że w tych komisjach obwodowych nie przewidziano, czy nie zorientowano się w odpowiednim momencie, aby z rezerwy zaopatrzyć się w dostateczną liczbę kart" - poinformował Kacprzak.
PKW: cisza wyborcza zakończy się o godz. 22.55 Do godz. 22.55 potrwa cisza wyborcza w całym kraju, bo do tego czasu będzie trwało głosowanie w jednej obwodowej komisji wyborczej w Warszawie - poinformował wiceprzewodniczący PKW Jan Kacprzak. Przedłużone zostało głosowanie także w drugiej komisji w Warszawie - do godz. 22.40. Wieczór wyborczy w! Wstępne wyniki wyborów parlamentarnych - na żywo! Komentarze polityków, przyszłych posłów, wygranych i przegranych. Zażarte dyskusje na forum i opinie blogerów, radość i smutek w sztabach wyborczych - to wszystko będziecie mogli zobaczyć w wieczorze wyborczym w! Zaczynamy w niedzielę, o godzinie 19.30! W obu przypadkach powodem był brak wystarczającej liczby kart do głosowania i konieczność przerwania prac komisji do czasu dostarczenia brakujących kart. Zobacz fotoreportaż! Sędzia Kacprzak poinformował dziennikarzy, że - mimo wcześniejszych informacji - nie zakończyło się jeszcze głosowanie w dwóch komisjach na terenie Warszawy - nr 619 na ul. Cybisa 1 i 582 przy Lokajskiego 3.Według niego, te komisje w formalnych uchwałach przedłużyły głosowanie, bo musiały przerwać pracę z powodu braku kart do głosowania. Jak mówił sędzia Kacprzak, o tym, że brakuje kart zorientowano się ok. godz. 19.30.- To nie chodzi o to, że kart do głosowania nie było wydrukowanych (...). W wystarczającej liczbie zostały wydrukowane i znajdowały się w rezerwie w zasięgu każdej komisji obwodowej. Fakt jest taki, że w tych komisjach obwodowych nie przewidziano, czy nie zorientowano się w odpowiednim momencie, aby z rezerwy zaopatrzyć się w dostateczną liczbę kart - powiedział sędzia Kacprzak.- Tyle możemy powiedzieć na temat faktów, bez dokonywania oceny, bo poza tymi faktami, sami nie mamy jeszcze na ten temat informacji co do tego jakie są przyczyny tego opóźnienia się w uzupełnieniu rezerwy kart do głosowania - dodał.PKW nie miała wcześniej informacji z dwóch komisji. Z wiadomości przekazywanych przez telefon - jak mówił sędzia Kacprzak - wynikało, że karty są i głosowanie trwa. Dopiero pisemne uchwały wyjaśniły sytuację.Według sędziego Kacprzaka, nie ma żadnych innych sygnałów o przedłużeniu głosowania w jakichkolwiek komisjach wyborczych w kraju. Głosowanie w Gdańsku - gdzie także były problemy - dobiegło końca.
Dwie godziny i 55 minut dłużej będzie trwała cisza wyborcza podczas Wyborów parlamentarnych 2007. Powodem kolejnego już wydłużenia ciszy jest wydłużenie prac dwóch warszawskich obwodowych komisji wyborczych (nr. 582 i 619), w których zabrakło kart do głosowania. Głównym powodem ciągłego przedłużania ciszy stała się wysoka frekwencja, która według telewizji TVN24 mogła wynieść ponad 55%, jest to najwyższa frekwencja w wyborach parlamentarnych w III RP. Sędzia Jan Kacprzak z Państwowej Komisji Wyborczej podając komunikat wyjaśniał, że choć drukowanych jest tyle kart, by wystarczyło nawet na 100% frekwencję, komisje nie przechowują ich wszystkich w swoich siedzibach. Rezerwy pozostają w urzędach dzielnic oraz siedzibach Okręgowych Komisji Wyborczych. "To nie chodzi o to, że kart do głosowania nie było wydrukowanych (...). W wystarczającej liczbie zostały wydrukowane i znajdowały się w rezerwie w zasięgu każdej komisji obwodowej. Fakt jest taki, że w tych komisjach obwodowych nie przewidziano, czy nie zorientowano się w odpowiednim momencie, aby z rezerwy zaopatrzyć się w dostateczną liczbę kart" - poinformował Kacprzak.
By SURREY, B.C. Meet Miga, Quatchi and Sumi, the mascots of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics and Paralympics who were introduced to the world Tuesday. Miga is snowboarding, surfing orca whale and Kermode bear hybrid. Quatchi is a Sasquatch, better known outside British Columbia as Bigfoot, who enjoys hockey and photography. Sumi is an alpine ski-loving animal spirit with the wings of a Thunderbird and legs of a black bear. The trio is accompanied by Mukmuk, a Vancouver Island marmot who is not an official mascot, but a “sidekick” who enjoys eating, burrowing and making friends. The quartet - designed by Vicki Wong of Vancouver and Michael Murphy of Los Angeles - made their debut in a four-minute animated video and in larger-than-life form for an audience of elementary school children and guests in an RCMP-secured theatre. Vancouver Olympic organizers began an international search for designers on Sept. 28, 2006 and received 177 expressions of interest. Wong and Murphy's company Meomi Design was chosen on Dec. 15, 2006. Their designs were tested in focus groups in Vancouver, Toronto and Seattle. “The research showed the characters were universally liked among all age groups,” said a VANOC news release. “All of the mascots were considered fun, cute and friendly and parents universally considered them to be appropriate for their children.” The Calgary 1988 Winter Olympics' mascots were twin, cowboy hat-wearing polar bears Hidy and Howdy. The 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal featured Amik the beaver. The 2010 Winter Olympics begin in 808 days on Feb. 12, 2010 in Vancouver's B.C. Place Stadium. Two years ago, VANOC chose a controversial multicoloured Inuit inukshuk as its logo. There are no Inuit tribes in the Olympics' host province.
The three main mascot characters. The 2010 Olympic logo. The mascots of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, British Columbia were just announced. Based on mythological characters, they are Miga, Quatchi and Sumi. Miga, a sea bear who lives in the ocean with her family pod near Tofino, and Quatchi, a young sasquatch, represent the Olympics, while Sumi represents the Paralympics that follow afterward. A sea bear is a First Nations creature, part killer whale, part Kermode spirit bear. While illustrated as being taller than the other characters, the mascot costume of Quatchi is the same height as the other two characters. The third mascot, Sumi, an animal-guardian spirit, is a Thunderbird that wears the hat of an orca. Sumi will be the mascot of the Paralympics. In 2004, the ''Times Colonist'' suggested a marmot might be a good mascot, except for their winter hibernation. The organizers still chose one, named Mukmuk, as their "virtual only" counterpart. After the Olympic logo design was leaked the day before the 2005 announcement, organizers were extremely tight lipped until today's news conference at a Surrey school. They apparently didn't do any development on the characters on internet-enabled computers, to ensure the images or information wouldn't slip out. The characters were designed by the Vancouver and Los Angeles-based Meomi Design. Their characters have been used as part of iGoogle, a customizable homepage option from Google, as well as Electronic Arts, Girls Inc., Time Out Magazine, Cyworld, Nick Jr., Bang-on Clothing, and CBC4Kids. The Vancouver organizers have a CDN$46-million merchandising program; previous Olympics have made as much as $100 million from mascot-related products. René Fasel, Chairman of the International Olympic Committee's (IOC) Coordination Commission commented that "The IOC welcomes these imaginative new additions to the Olympic Family as they take their place on the world stage today - a symbol of the Games and of Canada. We know that when Olympians, Paralympians and visitors from around the globe arrive in British Columbia at Games time, they will fall under the spell of these captivating characters." The characters first appearance will be at a Bay store in the Lower Mainland; HBC is a major sponsor of the Games. They will then make their way to schools, take a break through the Christmas season, and fly to Ottawa for the Winterlude festival.
Forget for just a moment that you are adult readers with adult ideas of what the 2010 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games mascots should look and act like. Don't think about the revenue that will be made from the sale of squeezable plush toy copies of the three new mascots, or whether the names are too Japanese-sounding or too easy to parody or even whether they represent Canada. Instead, Vanoc wants you to look at them through the eyes of children like eight-year-old Chantal Brasad, who giggled and smiled wide when asked which she likes most: Miga the Sea Bear, Quatchi the Sasquatch, or Sumi, the Thunderbird. “Oh, Miga. She's just so huggable. And she dances so well.” Or Aman Pooni, 10, a classmate at Kennedy Trail Elementary in Surrey. “Quatchi is my favourite. He's big and furry and lots of fun.” Or Simran Singh, 10: “I like Sumi because he's many different animals all at once. And he can fly.” Brasad, Pooni and Singh were among the 800 children from eight schools treated to the first look at the new mascots for the Vancouver Games. They were introduced to the creatures during a half-hour live show at the Bell Performing Arts Centre in Surrey. Without exception, the reaction from the crowds was one of excitement, expectation and ultimately acceptance as they discovered the identities of the animals. This was the validation of months of work by Vanoc staff and two designers from Vancouver-based Meomi Design to try and find animal emblems that would resonate with children as ambassadors to both the Olympic and Paralympic Games. What they settled upon was a combination of uniquely British Columbian animals and myths, none of them real in life, but very much alive in the minds of children. And to boot, they added a virtual sidekick, Mukmuk, a Vancouver Island marmot who likes to eat and will likely never be seen in the flesh. In the moments after the children were treated to the show, both CEO John Furlong and Dave Cobb, the executive vice-president of marketing, admitted they'd gotten their choices wrong when they tested the images in secret focus groups. Of six designs put before children in Toronto, Montreal, Seattle, and the Lower Mainland over the last year, both men said the images they thought children would like the most were the ones everybody liked least. “Which is to say that 40- and 50-year-old men don't know what mascots should look like,” Furlong said. “But kids do.” That, they say, is the key to what the mascot program is all about. Seeing mascots through the eyes of adults produces stereotypical ideas like bears, salmon, otters, and eagles. Seeing them from the height of a 10-year-old, like Graham Fleming of Richmond, gives a different perspective. “He's big, he's fluffy, he's cool, he's kind, and just a very enthusiastic mascot,” he said of Quatchi, who towered over him. In unveiling the three mascots and their sidekick, Vanoc joined a long list of organizing committees that have used cute and cuddly as the benchmarks for successful mascots. None of the mascots actually exist in real life: Miga the Sea Bear is a combination of an orca and a Kermode bear that her designers say likes surfing and snowboarding, and lives off the coast of Vancouver Island. Her black costume includes a fin coming out of her head. Sumi, the Paralympic mascot, is a horned-hat-wearing Thunderbird from Whistler that likes alpine skiing. And Quatchi is the first Sasquatch in history to actually make an appearance before human beings. The young sasquatch, complete with blue earmuffs, likes hockey, photography and travel, and, given his hulking size, dreams of being a goalie. As for Mukmuk, he's such a rare animal that Ali Gardiner, Vanoc's director of brand and creative services, says he won't show up much in public. Officially he's not a mascot, making him the first sidekick in Olympic history, she said. Reaction to the mascots was swift. Vanoc's own Internet servers nearly crashed under the high demand of those wanting details. And reader response to The Vancouver Sun's front page Internet story was prolonged and mixed. Within hours of the story being posted, there were over 300 comments, many of them raking the designs as being too childish or not local enough. “Why not just use a 7-foot Wookie and a couple Ewoks while we're at it?” wrote one reader, alluding to characters from the Star Wars movies. Many readers suggested Miga was similar to Pokemon's Hello Kitty. But others said the designs clearly had West Coast elements and were clever enough for children. “I like them. For those of you that think they don't represent Vancouver, the Thunderbird is UBC's mascot and the Sasquatch is popular in the Fraser Valley,” wrote another reader. The mascots are the creation of Vancouver graphic designers Vicki Wong and Michael Murphy, who own Meomi Design. Vanoc says that although the two provided more than 20 different concepts, it was Quatchi, Miga and Sumi that they first proposed and were selected as winning designs. The only major glitch in the design process was the discovery that an early name for Quatchi actually had a rude connotation in another language. Cobb wouldn't say what the word was, but insisted Vanoc has carefully vetted all of the creatures' names. He didn't think “Sumi” would be parodied into “Sue Me.” Wong said she became interested in the concept of transformation and transfiguration when researching the designs. She said she and Murphy settled on the figures after she discovered a first nations legend about how killer whales transformed into bears on land. She mixed the white kermode bear of B.C.'s mid-coast and came up with Miga. “We had about three months to do research and fill up sketch books of ideas. We just drew and drew and drew,” Wong said, adding she and Murphy were inspired by aboriginal art they found in B.C. The existence of the mascots was kept so hush-hush that even Cobb and Furlong said they didn't tell their daughters, Gillian and Holly, who were only allowed to see the mascots this evening. Vanoc conducted three separate shows today. The first was for children from eight schools in the Lower Mainland and Sea To Sky corridor. Also attending were Nancy Campbell, the wife of Premier Gordon Campbell and a principal at Howe Sound Secondary, and Prime Minister Stephen Harper's wife, Laureen Harper, and their daughter, Rachel. The second show in the afternoon was for Vanoc staff who, like the public, had been kept in the dark about the mascots' identities. And in the evening, Vanoc put on a final show for its sponsors and special guests. Vanoc says the three mascots will make their first public appearances Wednesday in Vancouver and Toronto. In February, they’ll make the rounds of Quebec's Winter Carnival and Ottawa's Winterlude. As much as mascots are supposed to be a hit with children, they also represent a major financial opportunity for Vanoc. Cobb wouldn't say how much of Vanoc's $46-million budgeted revenue from licensed products he hopes will come from the mascots, but it won't be insignificant. And Vanoc is striking quickly: starting today a range of plush toys, clothing, pins, and other memorabilia will be stocked in HBC, the department store sponsor. Cobb said much of the merchandise will be made in China, although the contract was awarded to a Burnaby company. He deflected reporters' questions about how Vanoc will ensure the merchandise isn't manufactured in sweatshops, saying the committee has insisted its suppliers meet high standards of ethical conduct. © (c) CanWest MediaWorks Publications Inc.
The three main mascot characters. The 2010 Olympic logo. The mascots of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, British Columbia were just announced. Based on mythological characters, they are Miga, Quatchi and Sumi. Miga, a sea bear who lives in the ocean with her family pod near Tofino, and Quatchi, a young sasquatch, represent the Olympics, while Sumi represents the Paralympics that follow afterward. A sea bear is a First Nations creature, part killer whale, part Kermode spirit bear. While illustrated as being taller than the other characters, the mascot costume of Quatchi is the same height as the other two characters. The third mascot, Sumi, an animal-guardian spirit, is a Thunderbird that wears the hat of an orca. Sumi will be the mascot of the Paralympics. In 2004, the ''Times Colonist'' suggested a marmot might be a good mascot, except for their winter hibernation. The organizers still chose one, named Mukmuk, as their "virtual only" counterpart. After the Olympic logo design was leaked the day before the 2005 announcement, organizers were extremely tight lipped until today's news conference at a Surrey school. They apparently didn't do any development on the characters on internet-enabled computers, to ensure the images or information wouldn't slip out. The characters were designed by the Vancouver and Los Angeles-based Meomi Design. Their characters have been used as part of iGoogle, a customizable homepage option from Google, as well as Electronic Arts, Girls Inc., Time Out Magazine, Cyworld, Nick Jr., Bang-on Clothing, and CBC4Kids. The Vancouver organizers have a CDN$46-million merchandising program; previous Olympics have made as much as $100 million from mascot-related products. René Fasel, Chairman of the International Olympic Committee's (IOC) Coordination Commission commented that "The IOC welcomes these imaginative new additions to the Olympic Family as they take their place on the world stage today - a symbol of the Games and of Canada. We know that when Olympians, Paralympians and visitors from around the globe arrive in British Columbia at Games time, they will fall under the spell of these captivating characters." The characters first appearance will be at a Bay store in the Lower Mainland; HBC is a major sponsor of the Games. They will then make their way to schools, take a break through the Christmas season, and fly to Ottawa for the Winterlude festival.
>TELL A FRIEND >PRINTER FRIENDLY >SUBSCRIBE TO PORTFOLIO E-MAIL Attention News Editors/See CNW Photo Network and Archive: Vancouver 2010 Mascots Introduced to the World MIGA, QUATCHI AND SUMI MAKE THEIR DEBUT BEFORE HUNDREDS OF SCHOOLCHILDREN, AND ON VANCOUVER2010.COM VANCOUVER, Nov. 27 /CNW/ - Months of mystery and anticipation finally ended today as hundreds of local schoolchildren were the first to personally meet Miga, Quatchi and Sumi, the mascots for the Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. Many more children around the globe had a virtual introduction to these friendly figures on a new mascot microsite at More than 800 schoolchildren from grades three to five filled the Bell Performing Arts Centre in Surrey, BC today to witness three enchanting characters emerge from the mists of a magical West Coast setting of gigantic trees, soaring mountains and a restless ocean, to take their place in history as cherished personalities of the 2010 Winter Games. Designed by the Vancouver-based company Meomi Design, Miga, Quatchi and Sumi were inspired by local Aboriginal mythological creatures and also strongly influenced by popular culture, modern animation styles, the Olympic and Paralympic Movements, the culture and wildlife of British Columbia and Canada, and the artists' own imagination. Each of the creatures is unique, both in personality and physical appearance. Miga is a snowboarding sea bear inspired by the legends of the Pacific Northwest First Nations - tales of orca whales that transform into bears when they arrive on land. Part Spirit Bear, a rare white bear unique to BC, Miga's outgoing spirit and high energy draw her to action and adventure. Quatchi, a shy and gentle giant, is a sasquatch - a popular figure in local Aboriginal legends of the Pacific West Coast. Quatchi reminds us of the mystery and wonder associated with the great Canadian wilderness. Although Quatchi loves all winter sports, he's especially fond of hockey and dreams of becoming a world-famous goalie. Sumi is an animal spirit who wears the hat of the orca whale, flies with the wings of the mighty thunderbird and runs on the furry legs of the black bear. With a name that is derived from the Salish word 'sumesh,' meaning 'guardian spirit,' Sumi is passionate about the environment and is a fan of all Paralympic sports. Joining the three mascots is a friend, or 'sidekick,' by the name of Mukmuk. Mukmuk is a rare marmot unique to the mountains of Vancouver Island. While he's not officially a mascot, Mukmuk is considered an honourary member of the team and enjoys surprising his friends by popping up on occasion to share in the spirit and fun of the Games. Mukmuk's name comes from the Squamish word for food ('muckamuck') because he loves to eat - when he's not playing with his mascot friends. People across Canada and around the world are meeting the mascots on a specially designed mascot 'microsite' at The microsite includes exciting child-friendly features such as an animated mascot video, character profiles, an online game, a mascot-related personality quiz, interactive e-cards, colouring pages and more. "Miga, Quatchi and Sumi are ambassadors for Canada and we are thrilled to introduce them to Canadians and people from around the world," said John Furlong, Chief Executive Officer for the Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (VANOC). "Great care has been taken in developing and designing these Vancouver 2010 characters. They will tell a unique story about the Games and they will appeal to children across Canada and around the world. The mascots truly represent the people, geography and spirit of British Columbia and Canada, while personifying the essence of the 2010 Winter Games." The mascots are a key component of the Games identity and a playful way to engage a young audience and, at the same time, increase understanding of the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. The mascot launch represents a significant milestone on the road to staging the 2010 Winter Games. Said René Fasel, Chairman of the International Olympic Committee's (IOC) Coordination Commission: "The IOC welcomes these imaginative new additions to the Olympic Family as they take their place on the world stage today - a symbol of the Games and of Canada. We know that when Olympians, Paralympians and visitors from around the globe arrive in British Columbia at Games time, they will fall under the spell of these captivating characters." Noted Sir Philip Craven, President of the International Paralympic Committee: "The mascot for the Vancouver 2010 Paralympic Winter Games is an excellent choice and I am sure that it will be loved by children all over the world. It represents the values of the Paralympic Movement, but also links to the Aboriginal Canadian culture and tradition." The second phase of the mascot program is scheduled for 2008, when additional online games and interactive features will be added. The online program takes traditional Games mascots to a new level, leveraging the reach of the internet so that children around the world can experience the mascots. The mascots will also be featured in the December issue of /EDU (at, an online portal dedicated to connecting teachers, students and schools while celebrating the spirit of the 2010 Winter Games. Beginning tomorrow, the mascots will make appearances across Canada as ambassadors of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, inviting Canadians from coast to coast to celebrate Vancouver 2010, as well as bringing fun and goodwill to events leading up to the Games. At Games time, these friendly figures will make appearances throughout the Vancouver region and the Sea-to-Sky corridor, offering a warm welcome to all. VANOC is responsible for the planning, organizing, financing and staging of the XXI Olympic Winter Games and the X Paralympic Winter Games in 2010. The 2010 Olympic Winter Games will be staged in Vancouver and Whistler from February 12 to 28, 2010. Vancouver and Whistler will host the Paralympic Winter Games from March 12 to 21, 2010. /NOTE TO PHOTO EDITORS: A photo accompanying this release is available on the CNW Photo Network and archived at Additional archived images are also available on the CNW Photo Archive website at Images are free to accredited members of the media/ For further information: Media Contacts: Katie Green, Vancouver 2010, (778) 328-6473; Margaret Nevin, Vancouver 2010, (778) 328-6475 Vancouver 2010 Mascots VANCOUVER ORGANIZING COMMITTEE FOR THE 2010 OLYMPIC AND PARALYMPIC WINTER GAMES VANCOUVER ORGANIZING COMMITTEE FOR THE 2010 OLYMPIC AND PARALYMPIC WINTER GAMES - More on this organization News Releases (252) Photo Archive VANOC VANOC - More on this organization News Releases (143) Photo Archive >TELL A FRIEND >PRINTER FRIENDLY >SUBSCRIBE TO PORTFOLIO E-MAIL
The three main mascot characters. The 2010 Olympic logo. The mascots of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, British Columbia were just announced. Based on mythological characters, they are Miga, Quatchi and Sumi. Miga, a sea bear who lives in the ocean with her family pod near Tofino, and Quatchi, a young sasquatch, represent the Olympics, while Sumi represents the Paralympics that follow afterward. A sea bear is a First Nations creature, part killer whale, part Kermode spirit bear. While illustrated as being taller than the other characters, the mascot costume of Quatchi is the same height as the other two characters. The third mascot, Sumi, an animal-guardian spirit, is a Thunderbird that wears the hat of an orca. Sumi will be the mascot of the Paralympics. In 2004, the ''Times Colonist'' suggested a marmot might be a good mascot, except for their winter hibernation. The organizers still chose one, named Mukmuk, as their "virtual only" counterpart. After the Olympic logo design was leaked the day before the 2005 announcement, organizers were extremely tight lipped until today's news conference at a Surrey school. They apparently didn't do any development on the characters on internet-enabled computers, to ensure the images or information wouldn't slip out. The characters were designed by the Vancouver and Los Angeles-based Meomi Design. Their characters have been used as part of iGoogle, a customizable homepage option from Google, as well as Electronic Arts, Girls Inc., Time Out Magazine, Cyworld, Nick Jr., Bang-on Clothing, and CBC4Kids. The Vancouver organizers have a CDN$46-million merchandising program; previous Olympics have made as much as $100 million from mascot-related products. René Fasel, Chairman of the International Olympic Committee's (IOC) Coordination Commission commented that "The IOC welcomes these imaginative new additions to the Olympic Family as they take their place on the world stage today - a symbol of the Games and of Canada. We know that when Olympians, Paralympians and visitors from around the globe arrive in British Columbia at Games time, they will fall under the spell of these captivating characters." The characters first appearance will be at a Bay store in the Lower Mainland; HBC is a major sponsor of the Games. They will then make their way to schools, take a break through the Christmas season, and fly to Ottawa for the Winterlude festival.
What do you think of Sumi, Quatchi, and Miga? Sumi, Quatchi, and Miga are the official mascots for the 2010 Olympic Games. (Image courtesy of VANOC) The three mascots and a sidekick for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver are inspired by traditional First Nations creatures, VANOC announced Tuesday. Miga is a mythical First Nations sea bear that is part killer whale and part Kermode spirit bear, "who lives in the ocean with her family pod, beyond Vancouver Island, near Tofino, British Columbia," according to a VANOC press release. Quatchi is a "young sasquatch who comes from the mysterious forests of Canada." The third mascot, Sumi, an animal-guardian spirit, is a Thunderbird that wears the hat of an orca. Sumi will be the mascot of the Paralympics. The three creatures' sidekick is Mukmuk, a Vancouver Island marmot. What do you think? Do you like the new mascots?
The three main mascot characters. The 2010 Olympic logo. The mascots of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, British Columbia were just announced. Based on mythological characters, they are Miga, Quatchi and Sumi. Miga, a sea bear who lives in the ocean with her family pod near Tofino, and Quatchi, a young sasquatch, represent the Olympics, while Sumi represents the Paralympics that follow afterward. A sea bear is a First Nations creature, part killer whale, part Kermode spirit bear. While illustrated as being taller than the other characters, the mascot costume of Quatchi is the same height as the other two characters. The third mascot, Sumi, an animal-guardian spirit, is a Thunderbird that wears the hat of an orca. Sumi will be the mascot of the Paralympics. In 2004, the ''Times Colonist'' suggested a marmot might be a good mascot, except for their winter hibernation. The organizers still chose one, named Mukmuk, as their "virtual only" counterpart. After the Olympic logo design was leaked the day before the 2005 announcement, organizers were extremely tight lipped until today's news conference at a Surrey school. They apparently didn't do any development on the characters on internet-enabled computers, to ensure the images or information wouldn't slip out. The characters were designed by the Vancouver and Los Angeles-based Meomi Design. Their characters have been used as part of iGoogle, a customizable homepage option from Google, as well as Electronic Arts, Girls Inc., Time Out Magazine, Cyworld, Nick Jr., Bang-on Clothing, and CBC4Kids. The Vancouver organizers have a CDN$46-million merchandising program; previous Olympics have made as much as $100 million from mascot-related products. René Fasel, Chairman of the International Olympic Committee's (IOC) Coordination Commission commented that "The IOC welcomes these imaginative new additions to the Olympic Family as they take their place on the world stage today - a symbol of the Games and of Canada. We know that when Olympians, Paralympians and visitors from around the globe arrive in British Columbia at Games time, they will fall under the spell of these captivating characters." The characters first appearance will be at a Bay store in the Lower Mainland; HBC is a major sponsor of the Games. They will then make their way to schools, take a break through the Christmas season, and fly to Ottawa for the Winterlude festival.
VANCOUvER - Canada's professional graphic designers say they hope the new mascots for the Olympic and Paralympic Games properly represent Western Canada, saying they don't want another "Pac-Man on a pile of stones" like the Inukshuk chosen for the Vancouver 2010 logo. Mark Busse, president of the B.C. chapter of the Society of Graphic Designers of Canada, said Monday designers across the country are watching with great interest today's unveiling of the Games mascots. The society worked with Vanoc last year to bring in design standards that would prevent a repeat of the controversy that dogged the choice of Ilanaaq, the Inukshuk logo. Two years ago, Vanoc threw the logo design open to the public, then paid the winner a token amount that the society said was considerably less than the value of work done. The society also complained about Vanoc's demand that all designs, whether used or not, became its property in perpetuity, for which it paid no fees. As a result of the criticism, Vanoc approached the society to help set minimum standards for the mascot design. One major change that arose out of the negotiations was a three-stage bid process and payment to graphic designers. Busse said many of the 3,000-plus professional graphic designers are still sensitive about the way the logo was developed, but are pleased that Vanoc listened to their concerns. Still, the society is hoping the mascots will be representative of B.C. as the host province, he said. "It is something that has got to feel British Columbian, because certainly that Inukshuk doesn't," Busse said. "It's very important to designers because we don't want another cutesy little smiley-faced Pac-Man on a pile of stones to represent the rest of us. We're hoping for something elegant and intelligent and relevant." Whether a mascot that is destined to be marketed as a plush toy, emblazoned on clothing and make visits to schools can meet that test will be revealed today in Surrey. More than 800 children from eight Lower Mainland schools will be at the televised launch of the mascots at the Bell Performing Arts Centre. Maureen Douglas, Vanoc's director of communications for the mascot program, said life-sized mascots will embark almost immediately on a series of visits to schools, department stores and winter festivals across the country. Douglas wouldn't say how many mascots there are or sets of costumes Vanoc had to create. The first appearance after today's unveiling will be at a Hudson's Bay store in the Lower Mainland. HBC, one of the 2010 Games' major sponsors, wants to use them to interact with children in the store, Douglas said. But over the next few weeks the mascots will also be deployed in schools as part of an Olympic education program created by Vanoc. They will take a break through the Christmas season before heading to Ottawa for the Winterlude festival.
The three main mascot characters. The 2010 Olympic logo. The mascots of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, British Columbia were just announced. Based on mythological characters, they are Miga, Quatchi and Sumi. Miga, a sea bear who lives in the ocean with her family pod near Tofino, and Quatchi, a young sasquatch, represent the Olympics, while Sumi represents the Paralympics that follow afterward. A sea bear is a First Nations creature, part killer whale, part Kermode spirit bear. While illustrated as being taller than the other characters, the mascot costume of Quatchi is the same height as the other two characters. The third mascot, Sumi, an animal-guardian spirit, is a Thunderbird that wears the hat of an orca. Sumi will be the mascot of the Paralympics. In 2004, the ''Times Colonist'' suggested a marmot might be a good mascot, except for their winter hibernation. The organizers still chose one, named Mukmuk, as their "virtual only" counterpart. After the Olympic logo design was leaked the day before the 2005 announcement, organizers were extremely tight lipped until today's news conference at a Surrey school. They apparently didn't do any development on the characters on internet-enabled computers, to ensure the images or information wouldn't slip out. The characters were designed by the Vancouver and Los Angeles-based Meomi Design. Their characters have been used as part of iGoogle, a customizable homepage option from Google, as well as Electronic Arts, Girls Inc., Time Out Magazine, Cyworld, Nick Jr., Bang-on Clothing, and CBC4Kids. The Vancouver organizers have a CDN$46-million merchandising program; previous Olympics have made as much as $100 million from mascot-related products. René Fasel, Chairman of the International Olympic Committee's (IOC) Coordination Commission commented that "The IOC welcomes these imaginative new additions to the Olympic Family as they take their place on the world stage today - a symbol of the Games and of Canada. We know that when Olympians, Paralympians and visitors from around the globe arrive in British Columbia at Games time, they will fall under the spell of these captivating characters." The characters first appearance will be at a Bay store in the Lower Mainland; HBC is a major sponsor of the Games. They will then make their way to schools, take a break through the Christmas season, and fly to Ottawa for the Winterlude festival.
Hyper-hush surrounds 2010 Games mascots 'til Tuesday Jeff Lee, Vancouver Sun Published: Saturday, November 24, 2007 On Tuesday, the biggest Olympic secret since Vanoc's unveiling of its Inukshuk logo two years ago will be revealed when the mascots for the 2010 Winter Olympics and Paralympics are made public. The drama has been building. Websites and blogs have been speculating on what inevitably cuddly, cute creatures the Vancouver Organizing Committee has come up with. What's at stake is an indelible image Vanoc wants recognized around the world, representative of British Columbia and Canada. They want mascots that will tie children and youth into the Olympic movement and to the Winter Games. They also expect the mascots to drive their marketing and licence revenues. On Wednesday morning licensees will stock stores with every manner of mascot-branded toy, clothing and trinket. There has already been a frenzy among memorabilia collectors who have tried to get tickets to the unveiling at the Bell Performing Arts Centre in Surrey. Some have gone so far as to ask reporters if they can work as their assistants. In response, hyper-secrecy has been the order of the day; Vanoc has kept details off Internet-enabled computers and hidden them from search engines that scour patent and trademark databases around the world. Vanoc has kept most of its staff in the dark. Only slightly more than a dozen employees and executives, the design team and a few close-mouthed sponsors who needed to develop pin designs know the details. Even people working with the design team who don't need access to the images haven't been shown them. Vanoc is even reluctant to take reporters' calls about the design and process. The launch, as Dave Cobb, Vanoc's executive vice-president of marketing and communications, says, is one of the signature events in the run-up to the Games, and the principle of "loose lips sink ships" has been practised to high art form. In one unintended hint, Vanoc CEO John Furlong once referred to the mascots in a speech as "critters." We also know that the winning submission came from a pair of graphic designers, location unknown, whose bid was among 178 submissions professional designers made to Vanoc last September. So, with all that in mind, what else is known about the mascots? Well, there are at least two -- one for the Olympics and one for the Paralympics. There might possibly be more, but Vanoc won't say if it is following in the steps of other Games committees that have chosen multiple mascots. They will also have two legs. They have to, in order for humans to operate them. Even if they are, speculatively speaking, four-legged sea otters or Vancouver Island marmots, two-finned beluga whales or a first nations-inspired thunderbird with wings. Will they be uniquely identifiable as British Columbian? After all, even Premier Gordon Campbell has weighed in, suggesting the white kermode bear of B.C.'s central coast would be appropriate. Vanoc is keeping mum. But Ali Gardiner, Vanoc's director of brand and creative services, does say the winning designs are ones that Canadians will adopt as their own and yet have regional characteristics that people in any province can accept.
The three main mascot characters. The 2010 Olympic logo. The mascots of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, British Columbia were just announced. Based on mythological characters, they are Miga, Quatchi and Sumi. Miga, a sea bear who lives in the ocean with her family pod near Tofino, and Quatchi, a young sasquatch, represent the Olympics, while Sumi represents the Paralympics that follow afterward. A sea bear is a First Nations creature, part killer whale, part Kermode spirit bear. While illustrated as being taller than the other characters, the mascot costume of Quatchi is the same height as the other two characters. The third mascot, Sumi, an animal-guardian spirit, is a Thunderbird that wears the hat of an orca. Sumi will be the mascot of the Paralympics. In 2004, the ''Times Colonist'' suggested a marmot might be a good mascot, except for their winter hibernation. The organizers still chose one, named Mukmuk, as their "virtual only" counterpart. After the Olympic logo design was leaked the day before the 2005 announcement, organizers were extremely tight lipped until today's news conference at a Surrey school. They apparently didn't do any development on the characters on internet-enabled computers, to ensure the images or information wouldn't slip out. The characters were designed by the Vancouver and Los Angeles-based Meomi Design. Their characters have been used as part of iGoogle, a customizable homepage option from Google, as well as Electronic Arts, Girls Inc., Time Out Magazine, Cyworld, Nick Jr., Bang-on Clothing, and CBC4Kids. The Vancouver organizers have a CDN$46-million merchandising program; previous Olympics have made as much as $100 million from mascot-related products. René Fasel, Chairman of the International Olympic Committee's (IOC) Coordination Commission commented that "The IOC welcomes these imaginative new additions to the Olympic Family as they take their place on the world stage today - a symbol of the Games and of Canada. We know that when Olympians, Paralympians and visitors from around the globe arrive in British Columbia at Games time, they will fall under the spell of these captivating characters." The characters first appearance will be at a Bay store in the Lower Mainland; HBC is a major sponsor of the Games. They will then make their way to schools, take a break through the Christmas season, and fly to Ottawa for the Winterlude festival.
Controversy is growing among some native leaders over the choice of emblem for the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver. The emblem – a five-piece, multicoloured Inukshuk logo – was unveiled in Vancouver on Saturday night. While Nunavut Premier Paul Okalik and Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami president Jose Kusugak both support the design, the former commissioner of Nunavut and at least two British Columbia native leaders are unhappy with it. The official 2010 Winter Olympic emblem during its unveiling in Vancouver on Saturday evening. (CP photo) Peter Irniq, a former Nunavut commissioner, said Tuesday the emblem, called "Ilanaaq" (which means friendship in Inuktitut) should not be called an Inukshuk. The Inukshuk is an Inuit symbol designed as a directional marker, signifying safety, hope and friendship. Irniq has built the stone figures throughout Canada and the United States. He says every Inukshuk has a meaning and a reason why it was built in a certain location. He says building the figures should not be taken lightly. "Inuit never build Inukshuk with head, legs and arms. I have seen Inukshuk built more recently – 100 years maybe by non-Inuit in Nunavut – with head, legs and arms. These are not called Inukshuk. These are called 'inunguat,' [meaning] imitation of man, imitation of a person," he told CBC. Irniq says the Olympic committee should have consulted with the elders of Nunavut before they chose the design. "Inukshuk is like survival. Inukshuks' important significance is survival. What we think about Inukshuk is what we think about the Canadian flag," said Irniq. "It is that important." Lack of West Coast influence criticized On Monday, two B.C. native leaders questioned why the emblem doesn't have more West Coast influence. Grand Chief Edward John of the First Nations Summit said some native leaders were so upset with the logo they were prepared to walk out of the unveiling ceremony. "First Nations in British Columbia helped sway the Olympic selection committee," John told the Canadian Press. "One of the first important acts the [Vancouver 2010] committee did was kind of a slight on the support of First Nations." YOUR SPACE: Send us your thoughts Chief Stewart Philip, president of the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs, was outspoken in his criticism. "I can't help but notice the remarkable resemblance it has to Pac-Man," Philip told CP. Pac-Man is a video game character from the 1980s. "The First Nations community at large is disappointed with the selection. The decision makers have decided not to reflect the First Nations and the Pacific region in the design of the logo." Haida artist helped design logo But Chief Gibby Jacob, a hereditary chief of the Squamish First Nation and a member of the Olympics' 2010 board of directors, defended the logo. He said one of the judges, Dorothy Grant, is a designer and traditional Haida artist. The winning design was chosen from 1,600 entries and was designed by Elena Rivera MacGregor of the Rivera Design group in Vancouver.
The three main mascot characters. The 2010 Olympic logo. The mascots of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, British Columbia were just announced. Based on mythological characters, they are Miga, Quatchi and Sumi. Miga, a sea bear who lives in the ocean with her family pod near Tofino, and Quatchi, a young sasquatch, represent the Olympics, while Sumi represents the Paralympics that follow afterward. A sea bear is a First Nations creature, part killer whale, part Kermode spirit bear. While illustrated as being taller than the other characters, the mascot costume of Quatchi is the same height as the other two characters. The third mascot, Sumi, an animal-guardian spirit, is a Thunderbird that wears the hat of an orca. Sumi will be the mascot of the Paralympics. In 2004, the ''Times Colonist'' suggested a marmot might be a good mascot, except for their winter hibernation. The organizers still chose one, named Mukmuk, as their "virtual only" counterpart. After the Olympic logo design was leaked the day before the 2005 announcement, organizers were extremely tight lipped until today's news conference at a Surrey school. They apparently didn't do any development on the characters on internet-enabled computers, to ensure the images or information wouldn't slip out. The characters were designed by the Vancouver and Los Angeles-based Meomi Design. Their characters have been used as part of iGoogle, a customizable homepage option from Google, as well as Electronic Arts, Girls Inc., Time Out Magazine, Cyworld, Nick Jr., Bang-on Clothing, and CBC4Kids. The Vancouver organizers have a CDN$46-million merchandising program; previous Olympics have made as much as $100 million from mascot-related products. René Fasel, Chairman of the International Olympic Committee's (IOC) Coordination Commission commented that "The IOC welcomes these imaginative new additions to the Olympic Family as they take their place on the world stage today - a symbol of the Games and of Canada. We know that when Olympians, Paralympians and visitors from around the globe arrive in British Columbia at Games time, they will fall under the spell of these captivating characters." The characters first appearance will be at a Bay store in the Lower Mainland; HBC is a major sponsor of the Games. They will then make their way to schools, take a break through the Christmas season, and fly to Ottawa for the Winterlude festival.
Meomi is dedicated to the creation of compelling visual experiences and narratives. We do work for multiple mediums and strongly believe in design that delights, entices, and inspires. Please contact us if you have further questions. Character Design - Not only do we draw critters, we also draw non-critters (such as humans, aliens and robots!) Peruse our Illustration & Animation - We have a broad range of experience in providing illustration and animation for the different realms of digital and traditional media. Flash Animation & Interactivity - Add life to your website in entertaining and intriguing ways. Allow the user to converse and interact with your content. Branding & Logo Design - We can help you develop a unique corporate identity to communicate your company's values to the public. Motion Graphics & Digital Video - With our experiences creating motion graphics for DVD menus to music videos, we can help you create your critter (or non-critter) video with finesse! Sound Design & Musique - We are well versed in creating musical soundtracks and sound effects for a variety of digital mediums. - Not only do we draw critters, we also draw non-critters (such as humans, aliens and robots!) Peruse our portfolio to see our many styles and skills. Pixels, vectors, handdrawn and more.- We have a broad range of experience in providing illustration and animation for the different realms of digital and traditional media.- Add life to your website in entertaining and intriguing ways. Allow the user to converse and interact with your content.- We can help you develop a unique corporate identity to communicate your company's values to the public.- With our experiences creating motion graphics for DVD menus to music videos, we can help you create your critter (or non-critter) video with finesse!- We are well versed in creating musical soundtracks and sound effects for a variety of digital mediums.
The three main mascot characters. The 2010 Olympic logo. The mascots of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, British Columbia were just announced. Based on mythological characters, they are Miga, Quatchi and Sumi. Miga, a sea bear who lives in the ocean with her family pod near Tofino, and Quatchi, a young sasquatch, represent the Olympics, while Sumi represents the Paralympics that follow afterward. A sea bear is a First Nations creature, part killer whale, part Kermode spirit bear. While illustrated as being taller than the other characters, the mascot costume of Quatchi is the same height as the other two characters. The third mascot, Sumi, an animal-guardian spirit, is a Thunderbird that wears the hat of an orca. Sumi will be the mascot of the Paralympics. In 2004, the ''Times Colonist'' suggested a marmot might be a good mascot, except for their winter hibernation. The organizers still chose one, named Mukmuk, as their "virtual only" counterpart. After the Olympic logo design was leaked the day before the 2005 announcement, organizers were extremely tight lipped until today's news conference at a Surrey school. They apparently didn't do any development on the characters on internet-enabled computers, to ensure the images or information wouldn't slip out. The characters were designed by the Vancouver and Los Angeles-based Meomi Design. Their characters have been used as part of iGoogle, a customizable homepage option from Google, as well as Electronic Arts, Girls Inc., Time Out Magazine, Cyworld, Nick Jr., Bang-on Clothing, and CBC4Kids. The Vancouver organizers have a CDN$46-million merchandising program; previous Olympics have made as much as $100 million from mascot-related products. René Fasel, Chairman of the International Olympic Committee's (IOC) Coordination Commission commented that "The IOC welcomes these imaginative new additions to the Olympic Family as they take their place on the world stage today - a symbol of the Games and of Canada. We know that when Olympians, Paralympians and visitors from around the globe arrive in British Columbia at Games time, they will fall under the spell of these captivating characters." The characters first appearance will be at a Bay store in the Lower Mainland; HBC is a major sponsor of the Games. They will then make their way to schools, take a break through the Christmas season, and fly to Ottawa for the Winterlude festival.
Jemenitische Soldaten blockieren mit einem gepanzerten Fahrzeug eine Demonstration gegen Präsident Ali Abdullah Saleh am 9. April 2011 in Tais. REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah Sanaa (Reuters) - Im Jemen ist bei anhaltenden Zusammenstößen zwischen Sicherheitskräften und Demonstranten am Samstag mindestens ein Mensch ums Leben gekommen. Dutzende seien bei den Auseinandersetzungen in der Hauptstadt Sanaa sowie der südlich davon gelegenen Stadt Tais verletzt worden, sagten Krankenhausmitarbeiter und Einwohner. In Tais versuchten Augenzeugen zufolge am Abend Hunderte von Demonstranten eine Polizeisperre zu durchbrechen, um zu einem Präsidentenpalast zu marschieren. Sie seien von Sicherheitskräften mit scharfer Munition und Tränengas beschossen worden. Die Totenzahl in der gesamten Woche beläuft sich auf wenigstens 27. Seit Wochen fordern Gegner des langjährigen Präsidenten Ali Abdullah Saleh dessen Rücktritt. Auch Saudi-Arabien und verbündete Golfstaaten wollen diesen dazu bewegen. Ein entsprechendes Verhandlungsangebot wies Saleh allerdings zurück.
Karte des Jemen Im Jemen kam es am Samstag erneut zu gewalttätigen Angriffen von Sicherheitskräften auf Demonstranten. Medien berichten über mehrere Dutzend bis zu hunderten Verletzten unter Berufung auf Krankenhausmitarbeiter. In mehreren Städten des Landes beteiligten sich zehntausende Menschen an den regimekritischen Demonstrationen. Wie Reuters berichtet, wurden im Laufe der Woche bereits 17 Menschen getötet. Allein am Freitag waren laut Medienberichten vier Demonstranten ums Leben gekommen. Die Opposition im Jemen schätzt, dass seit Beginn der Demonstrationen gegen die Regierung vor etwa vier Wochen bereits mehr als hundert Demonstranten erschossen und Tausende verletzt wurden. In der Stadt Taizz, im Südwesten des Jemen gelegen, eskalierte die Situation, als Demonstranten eine Polizeisperre durchbrechen wollten, um zu einem Präsidentenpalast zu gelangen. Daraufhin eröffneten Sicherheitskräfte das Feuer, außerdem wurde Tränengas gegen die Demonstranten eingesetzt. Das arabische Nachrichtenportal Al Jazeera berichtet in diesem Zusammenhang von 500 verletzten Personen. Ein Augenzeuge berichtete gegenüber der Deutschen Presse-Agentur (dpa) von 10 Personen, die von Kugeln getroffen worden sein sollen. In der Hauptstadt des Jemen, Sanaa, gingen Sicherheitskräfte mit scharfer Munition, Tränengas, Wasserwerfern und Schlagstöcken gegen Demonstranten vor. Seit Wochen fordern die Regimegegner den Rücktritt des autokratisch regierenden Präsidenten Ali Abdullah Salih, der seit 1978 Präsident des Jemen ist.
Kopf oder Bauch Die Witze über Sarah Palins versammelte Schnitzer sind längst in der medialen Endlosschleife gelandet, darum hier nicht noch einmal der «Ich- kann Russland von meinem Schlafzimmer aus sehen»-Kommentar. Dass die republikanische Vizepräsidentschaftskandidatin in ihrem letzten TV-Interview wie eine zur Ordnung Die Witze über Sarah Palins versammelte Schnitzer sind längst in der medialen Endlosschleife gelandet, darum hier nicht noch einmal der «Ich- kann Russland von meinem Schlafzimmer aus sehen»-Kommentar. Dass die republikanische Vizepräsidentschaftskandidatin in ihrem letzten TV-Interview wie eine zur Ordnung gerufene Tochter neben Papa McCain erschien, liess für die Debatte mit Joe Biden Schlimmstes befürchten – für die Duellnacht waren im ganzen Land Partys geplant, mit dem Ziel, bei jedem Palin-Patzer das Glas zu heben. Betrunken konnte keiner werden. Denn, gemessen an den Erwartungen, schlug sie sich gut – und hatte damit schon gewonnen. Joe Biden ist seinerseits als Fauxpas-Lieferant bekannt, doch hielt er sich – nicht zuletzt wegen der Gefahr, sogleich als «Sexist» verschrieen zu werden – souverän und gentlemanlike zurück. Der Rummel um die selbsternannte Hockey- Mom aus Alaska aber rührt an die alte Weisheit, dass Wahlen meist nicht mit dem Kopf, sondern mit dem Bauch entschieden werden. Immerhin wurde das Land die letzten acht Jahre auch nicht vom intelligentesten aller Präsidenten regiert. Auch deshalb hat der «Pitbull mit Lippenstift» eine Aufmerksamkeit erlangt, von der der demokratische Vize nur träumen kann. Palin gilt als die moderne Verkörperung des Frontier-Mythos. Die Frau, die Rentiere jagt und Elche zerlegt, Highheels trägt und fünf Kinder grosszieht und daneben noch einen eisigen Kleinstaat regiert, versöhnt das Bild der patenten Super-Mutter mit dem Image der knallharten Chefin und dem mädchenhaften Gehabe einer braven Schülerin. Dabei ist der ländliche Appeal, den die einstige «Miss Charme» mit Verve ausspielt, ihr grösster Trumpf; er aktiviert den nostalgischen Traum vom einem unberührten Small Town America, das sich in Wahrheit längst in eine endlose Wüste aus Walmart-Märkten und Schnellrestaurants verwandelt hat. Der religiös fundierte Werte-Kosmos der republikanischen Kandidatin spricht einen Grossteil der weissen Landbevölkerung unmittelbarer an als eine liberale Gesinnung, die schon Thomas Jefferson mit dem urbanen Sündenbabel identifizierte. Ebenso tief verankert ist die instinktive Abwehr jenes intellektuellen Habitus, aufgrund dessen Barack Obama mit der «Elite» identifiziert wird; mehr noch als seine Hautfarbe könnte ihm die Aura der Intelligenz zum Verhängnis werden. So geht es in dieser Wahl vielleicht weniger um die Entscheidung zwischen rechts und links, schwarz und weiss und Mann und Frau als vielmehr um die Wahl zwischen Hockey Mom und Harvard Prof.
Karte des Jemen Im Jemen kam es am Samstag erneut zu gewalttätigen Angriffen von Sicherheitskräften auf Demonstranten. Medien berichten über mehrere Dutzend bis zu hunderten Verletzten unter Berufung auf Krankenhausmitarbeiter. In mehreren Städten des Landes beteiligten sich zehntausende Menschen an den regimekritischen Demonstrationen. Wie Reuters berichtet, wurden im Laufe der Woche bereits 17 Menschen getötet. Allein am Freitag waren laut Medienberichten vier Demonstranten ums Leben gekommen. Die Opposition im Jemen schätzt, dass seit Beginn der Demonstrationen gegen die Regierung vor etwa vier Wochen bereits mehr als hundert Demonstranten erschossen und Tausende verletzt wurden. In der Stadt Taizz, im Südwesten des Jemen gelegen, eskalierte die Situation, als Demonstranten eine Polizeisperre durchbrechen wollten, um zu einem Präsidentenpalast zu gelangen. Daraufhin eröffneten Sicherheitskräfte das Feuer, außerdem wurde Tränengas gegen die Demonstranten eingesetzt. Das arabische Nachrichtenportal Al Jazeera berichtet in diesem Zusammenhang von 500 verletzten Personen. Ein Augenzeuge berichtete gegenüber der Deutschen Presse-Agentur (dpa) von 10 Personen, die von Kugeln getroffen worden sein sollen. In der Hauptstadt des Jemen, Sanaa, gingen Sicherheitskräfte mit scharfer Munition, Tränengas, Wasserwerfern und Schlagstöcken gegen Demonstranten vor. Seit Wochen fordern die Regimegegner den Rücktritt des autokratisch regierenden Präsidenten Ali Abdullah Salih, der seit 1978 Präsident des Jemen ist.
NANJING, March 31 (Xinhuanet) -- The death toll in Tuesday's liquefied chlorine leakage in east China's Jiangsu Province has climbed to 28 and may still rise slightly, a local official confirmed on Thursday. The leakage, caused by a truck collision Tuesday in Huai'an city, has hospitalized 350 people, 17 of whom are seriously poisoned, said Lu Changsu, vice mayor in charge of public securityin Huai'an city, in an interview with Xinhua. He said the death toll may continue to climb slightly because three of the patients have been diagnosed to be in critical condition. The accident occurred at 6:50 p.m. on Tuesday, when a tank truck carrying 35 tons of liquefied chlorine ran out of control with a flat tire and rammed into a cargo truck on the Huai'an section of the Beijing-Shanghai expressway. Both vehicles turned over and the cargo truck driver was killed on the spot. The tank driver fled the site but later surrendered himself to police in Nanjing and has been taken back to Huai'an for investigation. Rescuers have dug a pond at roadside, where they are counteracting the chloride with caustic soda. The process is estimated to last for two days. Local farmers have complained about the damages to their crops,saying some farmland will be infertile for a year or two. The accident has aroused the attention of the central government. Vice Premier Huang Ju has instructed the Jiangsu provincial government to spare no efforts in their rescue work. Enditem
China's Jiangsu province. A tanker truck filled with 35 tons of liquid chlorine collided with another truck and crashed in China's Jiangsu province on Wednesday, leaking its load, killing at least 28 and injuring hundreds. 10,000 villagers have been evacuated from the surrounding area along the Beijing-Shanghai expressway. The driver left the scene of the accident in Huai'an city, but later in the day turned himself over to authorities in Nanjing, the provincial capital. The driver of the other truck died on the scene. Vice mayor Lu Changsu told China's ''Xinhua'' that the death toll may increase because three patients are still in critical condition. Lu said that 350 people remain hospitalized. A cleanup crew is treating the accident site with a caustic soda. Area farmers are concerned that local farmland will be rendered infertile by the spill. CPC Vice Premier Huang Ju asked the provincial Jiangsu government to "spare no efforts", according to ''Xinhua''.
Oct. 25 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama declared swine flu a national emergency, the White House announced in a statement yesterday. The declaration is designed to help U.S. medical treatment facilities deal with a surge in H1N1 influenza patients by waiving government rules on a case-by-case basis, the announcement said. That might make it easier for hospitals to set up separate emergency facilities to deal with an influx of flu patients. Swine flu is now widespread in 46 states and accounts for 411 confirmed deaths since Aug. 30 and more than 8,200 hospitalizations, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The numbers reflect what would be the peak of a typical flu season, CDC Director Thomas Frieden, said Oct. 23. “Many millions of cases” have occurred in the U.S. since the outbreak began earlier this year, he said. Senator Mitch McConnell, speaking earlier today on ABC’s “This Week,” said that Congress would “be happy” to provide any additional resources President Obama needs to combat swine flu. The Democratic administration earlier told Congress that it had provided “all the authority and all the money” needed, according to McConnell, a Republican from Kentucky who serves as his party’s leader in the Senate. Swine flu vaccine production is slower than anticipated and drugmakers are unlikely to hit the U.S. government’s targets for delivery, Frieden said. The amount of vaccine available as of Oct. 21 was 16.1 million doses, with 11.3 million doses shipped to doctors and clinics in local communities, he said during a conference call with reporters. Some Difficulties “We’ve had difficulties with the projections we’ve had so far,” Frieden said of vaccine production. “The numbers will continue to increase. We think supply will become much more widespread within the next several weeks.” The U.S. won’t reach its target of 195 million doses by the end of the year because of productions delays at two drugmakers and GlaxoSmithKline Plc’s failure to gain regulatory approval for its product, said Nicole Lurie, Health and Human Services assistant secretary for preparedness and response. Frieden declined to name the drugmakers. “Each different supplier has its own challenges,” he said. “The vaccine technology that we have is antiquated, but tried and true. Ultimately we have confidence there will be enough vaccine available for everyone who wants to be vaccinated.” To contact the reporters on this story: Andrew Pollack in San Francisco at To contact the reporter on this story: Kate Andersen Brower in Washington at
'''Zgodnie z deklaracją Białego Domu w sobotę prezydent Stanów Zjednoczonych Barack Obama ogłosił stan zagrożenia świńską grypą.''' W piątek po południu Obama podpisał oświadczenie upoważniające sekretarz ds. zdrowia Kathleen Sebelius do pominięcia niektórych przepisów stanowych, które mogłyby wstrzymywać przedstawicieli służby zdrowia przed efektywną walką z wybuchem epidemii wirusa A/H1N1. Ma to na celu ułatwienie dostępu do leczenia osobom zarażonym wirusem poprzez pominięcie zwykłych formalności, wynikających np. z przepisów dot. poufności służby zdrowia. W swoim oświadczeniu prezydent Obama zaznaczył, że niezbędne kroki mające przeciwdziałać rozpowszechnianiu się pandemii zostały podjęte. Świńska grypa została dotychczas odnotowana w 46 z 50 stanów i od końca sierpnia spowodowała przynajmniej 411 potwierdzonych przypadków śmierci. Przewodniczący Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Thomas Frieden stwierdził, że produkcja szczepionki przeciwwirusowej okazała się być wolniejsza niż wstępnie oczekiwano i istnieje prawdopodobieństwo, że firmy farmaceutyczne nie zdążą dostarczyć szczepionek do miejsc wyznaczonych przez rząd.
En Hawai (Estados Unidos), el volcán Kilauea ha aumentado su actividad durante el fin de semana al registrarse una nueva grieta de 490 metros que hace que no cese de escupir lava. La erupción ha obligado a las autoridades a activar la alerta en la zona hasta determinar si hay peligro de nuevas erupciones.
300 px El volcán Kilauea en la isla de Hawái ha incrementado repentinamente su actividad eruptiva, por lo que las autoridades han activado una alerta luego de que una grieta se abriera a lo largo del coloso. La fisura tiene una longitud de casi 500 metros y desde que se abrió no ha parado de "escupir" lava. Una sección de volcán conocido como Pu'u O'o se desplomó generando más de 150 sismos que han remecido a la isla. Posteriormente otro cráter llamado Napau entró en erupción y desde entonces expulsa columnas de lava por más de 20 metros de altura. Las autoridades han creado un perímetro de seguridad de unos 2,5 kilómetros, hasta el momento ninguna vivienda ha sido afectada por la actividad del volcán. El volcán Kilauea lleva 28 años de actividad eruptiva constante, y expertos del Servicio Geológico de los Estados Unidos afirman que esta nueva actividad es síntoma de futuras erupciones.
Las autoridades de Hawái han aumentado las medidas de seguridad en torno al volcán Kilauea, ubicado en las islas Hawai, en Estados Unidos, después de que los científicos observaran un incremento notable de su actividad durante el fin de semana. Volcán HawáI Es necesario instalar Adobe Flash Player para poder visualizar este vídeo Alerta en Hawái por la erupción del volcán Kilauea. ATLAS En los dos últimos días uno de los cráteres del Kilauea, conocido como Pu'u O'o, se desplomó, provocando 150 seísmos de pequeña magnitud; otro, llamado Napau, entró en erupción; y una fisura de la cara este comenzó a escupir chorros de lava de 20 metros de altura. Ninguna de las viviendas o de los campamentos cercanos al Kilauea se han visto afectados, aunque las autoridades han optado por aumentar el perímetro de seguridad en torno al volcán, como medida preventiva. Así, los visitantes deberán observarlo a una distancia mínima de 2,4 kilómetros. En opinión de Janet Babb, experta del Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos, este repunte anticipa "futuros episodios de erupciones" y plantea "nuevas incógnitas al respecto", pese a que el volcán lleva 28 años activo.
300 px El volcán Kilauea en la isla de Hawái ha incrementado repentinamente su actividad eruptiva, por lo que las autoridades han activado una alerta luego de que una grieta se abriera a lo largo del coloso. La fisura tiene una longitud de casi 500 metros y desde que se abrió no ha parado de "escupir" lava. Una sección de volcán conocido como Pu'u O'o se desplomó generando más de 150 sismos que han remecido a la isla. Posteriormente otro cráter llamado Napau entró en erupción y desde entonces expulsa columnas de lava por más de 20 metros de altura. Las autoridades han creado un perímetro de seguridad de unos 2,5 kilómetros, hasta el momento ninguna vivienda ha sido afectada por la actividad del volcán. El volcán Kilauea lleva 28 años de actividad eruptiva constante, y expertos del Servicio Geológico de los Estados Unidos afirman que esta nueva actividad es síntoma de futuras erupciones.
Al menos 24 personas, la mayoría militares, han muerto este sábado en Irán después de que cuatro hombres armados abrieran fuego contra un desfile militar, ha informado la agencia de noticias Tasnim. El inusual atentado, que también ha dejado una veintena de heridos, se ha producido en Ahvaz, la capital de la provincia de Juzestán, donde se concentra la minoría árabe del país y donde ha habido protestas esporádicas. Separatistas árabes se han responsabilizado del atentado. Poco después, el grupo Estado Islámico también se ha atribuido el ataque. El objetivo de los agresores ha sido, según la agencia Isna, un puesto en torno al que se habían reunido varios militares durante el desfile anual en recuerdo del inicio de la guerra con Irak en 1980. Entre las víctimas mortales hay 12 miembros de la Guardia Revolucionaria. También un periodista, según el vicegobernador de Juzestán, quien teme que su número aumente ante la gravedad de los heridos. Las fuerzas de seguridad han matado a dos de los cuatro terroristas en el tiroteo que ha seguido. Entre los heridos hoy hay al menos una mujer y un niño. Todos han sido trasladados al hospital Apadana, en el centro de Ahvaz. Es previsible que muchas de las víctimas sean funcionarios o sus familiares, ya que suelen constituir el grueso de quienes asisten a este tipo de ceremonias. Desfiles similares se han realizado también en el cercano puerto de Bandar Abbas y en la capital, Teherán. “Varios hombres armados empezaron a disparar desde detrás de la tribuna durante el desfile. Hay varios muertos y heridos”, ha relatado un periodista de la televisión estatal citado por Reuters. De acuerdo con la emisora los autores son “elementos takfiris”, término éste con el que los portavoces iraníes se refieren a los extremistas suníes. La población de Irán sigue mayoritariamente la minoritaria rama chií del islam y sus dirigentes responsabilizan del terrorismo islamista a la estricta interpretación de los textos sagrados que hacen sus rivales políticos suníes, en especial la monarquía saudí. El portavoz de la Guardia Revolucionaria, Ramezan Sharif, ha atribuido el ataque a Al Ahvaziya, un grupo nacionalista árabe que, según Sharif, es respaldado por Arabia Saudí. Significativamente, uno de los dirigentes de ese movimiento, Ahmad Mola Nissi, fue asesinado en Holanda a finales del año pasado, en circunstancias poco claras. Aunque algunos grupos locales han realizado actos terroristas de menor envergadura con anterioridad, los atentados en Irán, en especial contra los militares, son muy raros. No obstante, el año pasado el Estado Islámico (ISIS) causó 18 muertos en la capital y conmocionó al país. Teherán acusó a Riad, con quien mantiene un pulso por el liderazgo de la región y cuyas relaciones han empeorado desde la llegada al poder del rey Salmán. Con motivo de esa celebración, el presidente iraní, Hasan Rohaní, ha pronunciado un discurso en el que ha asegurado que Irán “no va a abandonar su programa de misiles” y derrotará al presidente de EE UU, Donald Trump, “igual que hizo con Sadam Husein”. Es una interpretación subjetiva de la guerra con Irak, que acabó en 1988 con un millón de muertos en ambos países y sin ganador. Sus palabras ponen de relieve la creciente tensión con Washington a raíz de que Trump denunciara el acuerdo nuclear. Portavoces iraníes han sugerido la posibilidad de bloquear militarmente el golfo Pérsico para impedir las exportaciones de petróleo de sus vecinos en represalia por las sanciones estadounidenses a su país. Justo estos días, el Ejército iraní y la Guardia Revolucionaria (el verdadero poder militar del país) realizan maniobras en el Golfo. Unos 600 navíos han participado en los ejercicios navales de este sábado, después de que la aviación exhibiera su poderío la víspera para probar, según los medios locales, la “respuesta contundente” que espera a los enemigos de Irán.
Un atentado perpetrado por hombres armados contra un desfile militar en , al suroeste de Irán, dejó veinticinco muertos, entre ellos doce miembros de la , informaron fuentes oficiales de ese país. Asimismo, al menos sesenta personas resultaron heridas en el que ya es uno de los más graves ataques contra la fuerza de élite iraní. Un grupo separatista local y el (EI) se atribuyeron lo autoría del atentado. La televisión estatal informó que se tenía el objetivo de atacar un puesto de reunión de los funcionarios iraníes para observar el desfile, realizado en conmemoración de la de 1980 a 1988. Según la agencia IRNA, hay "un número de víctimas civiles, incluyendo mujeres y niños que habían venido a presenciar el desfile". '''' informó que en un tiroteo ocurrido tras el atentado se mató a los cuatro terroristas, los hombres armados que dispararon contra los presentes. Autoridades locales desplegaron equipos de auxilio en el área y solicitaron donaciones de sangre. , presidente de Irán, prometió una "respuesta terrible" a los responsables del ataque. Por su parte, Mohamed Yavad Zarif, ministro de Exteriores, aseguró que los terroristas fueron "reclutados, entrenados, armados y pagados por un régimen extranjero". Añadió que su país "responsabiliza a los patrocinadores del terrorismo en la región y a sus amos estadounidenses de estos ataques" y también prometió una respuesta rápida y decisiva "en defensa de las vidas iraníes".
Un grupo de individuos armados ha atacado un desfile de las Fuerzas Armadas en Ahvaz, al suroeste de Irán, este sábado por la mañana. El vicedelegado del Gobierno en la localidad ha confirmado 24 muertos, entre ellos un niño de cuatro años, y más de 50 heridos, citado por la agencia estatal de noticias iraní, IRNA. El funcionario ha indicado, según el medio, que los atacantes eran cuatro, y que dos de ellos han sido abatidos, mientras que otros dos han sido arrestados por las fuerzas de seguridad. Otro vídeo más del ataque de esta mañana al desfile de las Fuerzas Armadas de #Irán en #Ahvaz. Dramático. En él se aprecia el uso de armas largas por parte de los atacantes, probablemente fusiles de asalto. ? Lluís Miquel Hurtado (@llmhurtado) 22 de septiembre de 2018 Tasnim ha añadido que la mayoría de muertos, entre los que hay un periodista, pertenecen a la Guardia Revolucionaria, la fuerza paramilitar leal al Líder Supremo de Irán, organización que también participaba en la marcha castrense con motivo del 38º aniversario del estallido de la guerra Irán - Irak. Sus efectivos han estado entre los primeros en intervenir contra los atacantes y atendiendo a las víctimas. De acuerdo con el periódico Entejab, y según puede apreciarse en los vídeos trascendidos, los asaltantes han irrumpido en plena marcha militar abriendo fuego contra los presentes, entre ellos cientos de civiles. El pánico ha cundido durante los diez minutos que, se estima, ha durado el ataque. Las autoridades locales, ninguna de las cuales ha resultado herida, han despachado equipos sanitarios al sitio y solicitado donaciones de sangre. Medios locales añaden que el Presidente de Irán, Hasán Rohaní, presenció el desfile de Ahvaz, pero lo abandonó minutos antes del atentado. Está previsto que Rohani se pronuncie durante el desfile celebrado en Teherán. El ministro de Exteriores, Mohamed Yavad Zarif, ha condenado el ataque a través de Twitter: "Terroristas reclutados, entrenados, armados y pagados por un régimen extranjero han atacado Ahvaz. Niños y periodistas entre las bajas. Irán responsabiliza a los patrocinadores del terrorismo en la región y a sus amos estadounidenses de estos ataques. Irán responderá rápida y decisivamente en defensa de las vidas iraníes", ha tuiteado. Terrorists recruited, trained, armed & paid by a foreign regime have attacked Ahvaz. Children and journos among casualties. Iran holds regional terror sponsors and their US masters accountable for such attacks. Iran will respond swiftly and decisively in defense of Iranian lives. ? Javad Zarif (@JZarif) 22 de septiembre de 2018 Según varios medios, un portavoz de la Guardia Revolucionaria iraní ha identificado a los atacantes como miembros de la organización Al Ahvaziya, un "grupo terrorista" separatista árabe con ánimo de "intentar aplastar la grandeza de las Fuerzas Armadas" de Irán. Un comunicado de reivindicación por parte de un autodenominado Movimiento Patriótico Democrático Árabe en Ahvaz, cuya veracidad no ha sido confirmada, circula por Internet y es difundido por medios iraníes. Fuentes oficiales aseguran que Al Ahvaziya - no se ha detallado si ambos nombres se refieren al mismo grupo armado - ha atentado anteriormente contra grupos de visitantes a los antiguos frentes de la guerra con Irak en esa región. La provincia de Juzestán, cuya capital es Ahvaz, alberga un movimiento separatista árabe - etnia predominante en la zona - que puntualmente incurre en acciones de insurgencia contra las fuerzas de seguridad iraníes, amparándose en agravios de tipo político y económico. Ahvaz fue escenario de disturbios durante la ola de principios de este año en Irán. Irán ha acusado a Arabia Saudí de alentar la insurgencia armada árabe en el suroeste de Irán con ánimo de derrocar la República Islámica. En EEUU, el lobby Consejo Nacional Iranio Americano ha denunciado que el asesor en Seguridad Nacional de Donald Trump, John Bolton, defiende esta misma estrategia contra Teherán apoyando a milicias árabes, kurdas, baluches y al grupo armado maoísta Muyaidín del Pueblo (MEK).
Un atentado perpetrado por hombres armados contra un desfile militar en , al suroeste de Irán, dejó veinticinco muertos, entre ellos doce miembros de la , informaron fuentes oficiales de ese país. Asimismo, al menos sesenta personas resultaron heridas en el que ya es uno de los más graves ataques contra la fuerza de élite iraní. Un grupo separatista local y el (EI) se atribuyeron lo autoría del atentado. La televisión estatal informó que se tenía el objetivo de atacar un puesto de reunión de los funcionarios iraníes para observar el desfile, realizado en conmemoración de la de 1980 a 1988. Según la agencia IRNA, hay "un número de víctimas civiles, incluyendo mujeres y niños que habían venido a presenciar el desfile". '''' informó que en un tiroteo ocurrido tras el atentado se mató a los cuatro terroristas, los hombres armados que dispararon contra los presentes. Autoridades locales desplegaron equipos de auxilio en el área y solicitaron donaciones de sangre. , presidente de Irán, prometió una "respuesta terrible" a los responsables del ataque. Por su parte, Mohamed Yavad Zarif, ministro de Exteriores, aseguró que los terroristas fueron "reclutados, entrenados, armados y pagados por un régimen extranjero". Añadió que su país "responsabiliza a los patrocinadores del terrorismo en la región y a sus amos estadounidenses de estos ataques" y también prometió una respuesta rápida y decisiva "en defensa de las vidas iraníes".
Désolé, votre navigateur ne supporte pas les videos (Jakarta) Au moins 42 personnes ont été tuées vendredi par un fort séisme sur l’île de Célèbes en Indonésie, alors que les secours fouillent les décombres de bâtiments effondrés, dont un hôpital, dans l’espoir de trouver des survivants. Agnes ANYA Agence France-Presse Le tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,2 survenu dans la nuit a fait plusieurs centaines de blessés et déclenché la panique chez les habitants de l’ouest de l’île de Célèbes, qui ont déjà subi en 2018 un désastre majeur. Trente-quatre corps ont été retrouvés jusqu’à présent dans des immeubles effondrés à Mamuju, selon les autorités. Huit autres personnes sont mortes à Majene, une autre localité de la région de Mamuju. PHOTO AZHARI SURAHMAN, ASSOCIATED PRESS Des secouristes aident un homme qui vient d'être découvert dans les décombres d'un édifice gouvernemental de Mamuju. « Nous ne savons pas combien d’autres ont disparu », a déclaré Arianto, un responsable local des secours à Mamuju. « Il y a encore des gens emprisonnés sous les décombres ». À Mamuju, ville de quelque 110 000 habitants la plus affectée de la région, les sauveteurs recherchaient plus d’une dizaine de patients et personnels médicaux portés disparus sous les ruines d’un hôpital. « L’hôpital est détruit. Il s’est effondré », a dit Arianto. PHOTO ANTARA FOTO, VIA REUTERS Un homme est évacué des décombres d’un hôpital de Mamuju. Au moins un hôtel s’est partiellement effondré et les bureaux du gouverneur local ont subi de gros dommages, selon les sauveteurs. Le tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,2, selon l’Institut américain de géophysique, s’est produit vendredi à 2 h 18 locales (jeudi 13 h 18, heure de Montréal). L’épicentre du séisme a été localisé à 36 km au sud de Mamuju, à une profondeur relativement faible de 18 km, a précisé l’Institut américain de géophysique (USGS). Des images de la région montrent des habitants en train de fuir en moto et en voiture en passant à côté de toits en tôle effondrés et d’immeubles endommagés. « Les routes sont éclatées, et plusieurs bâtiments se sont effondrés », a indiqué Hendra, 28 ans, habitant à Mamuju. « La secousse était très forte […] j’ai été réveillé et j’ai fui avec ma femme ». PHOTO AZHARI SURAHMAN, ASSOCIATED PRESS Risque de répliques Hanafi, un homme de 47 ans vivant dans la ville voisine de Majene, a subi de gros dégâts chez lui. « Le mur de ma maison s’est effondré. Le réfrigérateur et l’armoire se sont écroulés sur le sol ». L’agence de météorologie et géophysique a mis en garde contre la possibilité de nouvelles secousses et demande aux habitants d’éviter le bord de mer à cause du risque de tsunami. « Les répliques pourraient être aussi fortes ou plus fortes que ce matin », a indiqué Dwikorita Karnawati, la responsable de l’agence. Cet avertissement a ajouté à l’inquiétude des habitants. Tout le monde « panique parce que les autorités nous ont prévenus qu’il pouvait y avoir des répliques qui provoquent un tsunami », a indiqué à l’AFP Zulkifli Pagessa qui habite la ville. Des glissements de terrain ont suivi le séisme, coupant l’accès à l’une des principales routes de la province et l’aéroport local de Mamuju a aussi été endommagé. La Croix-Rouge indonésienne a envoyé de l’aide médicale et des équipes pour travailler avec les sauveteurs. « Notre priorité est de rechercher des survivants et de soigner les blessés », a indiqué Sudirman Said, secrétaire général de la Croix-Rouge locale. L’archipel indonésien se trouve sur la « ceinture de feu » du Pacifique, une zone de forte activité sismique. La région de Palu, sur l’île de Célèbes, avait été déjà frappée en septembre 2018 par un très fort tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,5 suivi d’un tsunami dévastateur. Cette catastrophe avait fait plus de 4300 morts et disparus et au moins 170 000 déplacés. Un autre séisme dévastateur de magnitude 9,1 avait frappé au large des côtes de Sumatra en 2004, entraînant un tsunami qui avait tué 220 000 personnes dans la région, dont environ 170 000 en Indonésie.
Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,2 a frappé l’Ouest de l'île de Célèbes en Indonésie dans la nuit du 15 janvier. Les premières informations font état d'au moins 42 morts et plusieurs centaines de blessés. Ce bilan pourrait s'alourdir, car les secouristes sont toujours à la recherche de survivants dans les décombres des nombreux bâtiments effondrés de la ville de Mamuju, la plus lourdement touchée par le séisme, et dans les environs de celle-ci. Les recherches des sauveteurs se concentrent surtout dans les décombres de l'hôpital de la ville, qui s'est complétement effondré. La Croix-Rouge indonésienne est arrivé sur place pour offrir de l'aide médicale et aider les sauveteurs dans leur travail. Plusieurs résidents fuient la ville et la région suite au séisme, les risques de répliques étant très élevées selon l’agence de météorologie et géophysique. L'avertissement de l'agence, qui a indiqué aux habitants d'éviter les bords de mer par crainte de tsunami, a augmenté l’inquiétude des résidents. ;Voir aussi * Papouasie : à peu près 90 morts à la suite des inondations et glissements de terrain
Esportes Sáb, 16 Abr - 15h52 Maradona protesta contra prisão de jogador por racismo BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Diego Maradona reforçou o coro de protesto após o jogador argentino Leandro Desabato, do Quilmes, ser preso pela polícia brasileira por um alegado insulto racista ao atacante Grafite, do São Paulo, durante jogo entre as duas equipes pela Copa Libertadores da América, na quarta-feira. "O racismo existe em todo lugar, e no Brasil, se eles têm problemas, devem resolvê-los em outros lugares, não no campo de jogo", disse Maradona a uma televisão argentina. Desabato passou duas noites em uma cadeira em São Paulo por causa da acusação. Ele foi libertado na tarde de sexta-feira após pagamento de fiança. Até o governo argentino envolveu-se no caso. "Não se pode considerar este um caso de discriminação quando há muita adrenalina envolvida", disse o ministro do interior Aníbal Fernandez. Para Julio Grondona, presidente da Associação de Futebol Argentino (AFA), casos como este "são muito comuns no campo de jogo onde o coração dos jogadores está pulsando." Envie para um amigo
O ex-jogador de futebol da Argentina, Maradona reclamou da prisão do jogador de futebol Leandro Desabato, do Quilmes, ocorrida há alguns dias no Brasil. Em entrevista para um canal de televisão da Argentina, o ex-jogador disse: "O racismo existe em todo lugar, e no Brasil, se eles têm problemas, devem resolvê-los em outros lugares, não no campo de jogo". O caso da prisão do jogador Desabato, acusado de ter praticado racismo contra o jogador brasileiro Grafite, fez até com que autoridades do governo argentino se manifestassem, como por exemplo o ministro do interior Aníbal Fernandez, que disse: "Não se pode considerar este um caso de discriminação quando há muita adrenalina envolvida".
In a statement carried by the official Saudi Press Agency, the ministry said the maid used a pillow to suffocate her employer Aisha Al Makhaled and then stole her jewelry in the southern province of Asir. Saudi Arabia follows a strict interpretation of Islam under which those convicted of murder, drug trafficking, rape and armed robbery are executed in public with a sword. The maid is the second person to be executed this year in the desert kingdom, according to an Associated Press count. Saudi Arabia beheaded 137 people last year, up sharply from the 38 in 2006. (***)
Mapa del epicentro del terremoto, de acuerdo a USGS. De acuerdo a la Inspección Geológica de los Estados Unidos (USGS), un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacudió China, dejando al menos dos muertos y cientos de heridos. Entre los dos fallecidos se encontraban un niño de 5 años. Otros reportes sostenían que la magnitud había llegado a ser de 6,4. "El terremoto ha dejado a dos muertos, 15 heridos en estado serio y 192 levemente heridos en el condado de Ning'er. Algunos hogares cercas del condado colapsaron y las rutas ha sido destruídas. La red de telecomunicaciones y las plantas de agua y energía también fueron afectadas," según reportaron oficiales de rescate entrevistados por ''Reuters''. El condado de Ning'er posee una población de 190,000 personas. El epicentro fue localizado aproximadamente a 220 km (135 millas) al oeste de Gejiu en la provincia de Yunnan, y su centro bajo tierra se encontraba a 10 km (6,2 millas) de las superficie. El temblor afectó al centro de la región de Pu'er, localizada en el sudeste de la provincia de Yunnan, cerca de la frontera con Birmania y Laos. Al menos 120,000 residentes se vieron forzados a evacuar el área ya que los oficiales reportaron que muchas contrucciones y estructuras podrían derrumbarse. Al menos 233 pequeños post-temblores fueron sentidos desde que el terremoto ocurrió a las 5:35 AM (hora local). Algunos post-temblores fueron hasta de magnitud 5,1. La comunicación en algunas área fue interrumpida y las casas han colapsado. El daño en el área es serio según reportó USGS. Carpas - incluyendo 2.000 del gobierno local de Yunnan - y también alimento con otros recursos fueron enviados a la región. El gobierno de la ciudad de Pu'er ha provisto un millón de Yuanes como emergencia.
We spoke to four people about the impact losing a loved one has had on them, and about their search for answers in a country with the worst death toll per capita of any of the world’s large economies
Mapa del epicentro del terremoto, de acuerdo a USGS. De acuerdo a la Inspección Geológica de los Estados Unidos (USGS), un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacudió China, dejando al menos dos muertos y cientos de heridos. Entre los dos fallecidos se encontraban un niño de 5 años. Otros reportes sostenían que la magnitud había llegado a ser de 6,4. "El terremoto ha dejado a dos muertos, 15 heridos en estado serio y 192 levemente heridos en el condado de Ning'er. Algunos hogares cercas del condado colapsaron y las rutas ha sido destruídas. La red de telecomunicaciones y las plantas de agua y energía también fueron afectadas," según reportaron oficiales de rescate entrevistados por ''Reuters''. El condado de Ning'er posee una población de 190,000 personas. El epicentro fue localizado aproximadamente a 220 km (135 millas) al oeste de Gejiu en la provincia de Yunnan, y su centro bajo tierra se encontraba a 10 km (6,2 millas) de las superficie. El temblor afectó al centro de la región de Pu'er, localizada en el sudeste de la provincia de Yunnan, cerca de la frontera con Birmania y Laos. Al menos 120,000 residentes se vieron forzados a evacuar el área ya que los oficiales reportaron que muchas contrucciones y estructuras podrían derrumbarse. Al menos 233 pequeños post-temblores fueron sentidos desde que el terremoto ocurrió a las 5:35 AM (hora local). Algunos post-temblores fueron hasta de magnitud 5,1. La comunicación en algunas área fue interrumpida y las casas han colapsado. El daño en el área es serio según reportó USGS. Carpas - incluyendo 2.000 del gobierno local de Yunnan - y también alimento con otros recursos fueron enviados a la región. El gobierno de la ciudad de Pu'er ha provisto un millón de Yuanes como emergencia.
Versíon en Español Earthquake Summary Felt Reports Two people killed, 209 injured and an estimated 130 million US dollars damage caused in the Ning'er area. Felt at Simao and Yunjinghong. Earthquake Information for Asia
Mapa del epicentro del terremoto, de acuerdo a USGS. De acuerdo a la Inspección Geológica de los Estados Unidos (USGS), un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacudió China, dejando al menos dos muertos y cientos de heridos. Entre los dos fallecidos se encontraban un niño de 5 años. Otros reportes sostenían que la magnitud había llegado a ser de 6,4. "El terremoto ha dejado a dos muertos, 15 heridos en estado serio y 192 levemente heridos en el condado de Ning'er. Algunos hogares cercas del condado colapsaron y las rutas ha sido destruídas. La red de telecomunicaciones y las plantas de agua y energía también fueron afectadas," según reportaron oficiales de rescate entrevistados por ''Reuters''. El condado de Ning'er posee una población de 190,000 personas. El epicentro fue localizado aproximadamente a 220 km (135 millas) al oeste de Gejiu en la provincia de Yunnan, y su centro bajo tierra se encontraba a 10 km (6,2 millas) de las superficie. El temblor afectó al centro de la región de Pu'er, localizada en el sudeste de la provincia de Yunnan, cerca de la frontera con Birmania y Laos. Al menos 120,000 residentes se vieron forzados a evacuar el área ya que los oficiales reportaron que muchas contrucciones y estructuras podrían derrumbarse. Al menos 233 pequeños post-temblores fueron sentidos desde que el terremoto ocurrió a las 5:35 AM (hora local). Algunos post-temblores fueron hasta de magnitud 5,1. La comunicación en algunas área fue interrumpida y las casas han colapsado. El daño en el área es serio según reportó USGS. Carpas - incluyendo 2.000 del gobierno local de Yunnan - y también alimento con otros recursos fueron enviados a la región. El gobierno de la ciudad de Pu'er ha provisto un millón de Yuanes como emergencia.
-- Advertisement -- A STRONG earthquake shook southwest China's Yunnan province early today, killing at least two and injuring hundreds, Xinhua News Agency reported. The 6.4-magnitude quake at 5:34am was centered in the old downtown of Ning'er County in Pu'er City. The US Geological Survey said the quake had a preliminary magnitude of 6.2, according to The Associated Press. At least two people died and more than 200 were injured, 15 seriously, Xinhua reported. The local seismological bureau had recorded 55 aftershocks by 8am, the strongest with a magnitude of 4.0, Xinhua reported. The earthquake caused several houses to collapse and damaged the communications network in the area, making it difficult for residents to make phone calls, Xinhua reported. Roads, water and power supplies were also affected. The quake could be felt as far as 300 kilometers away. An official with the Ning'er County seismological bureau said the initial quake woke up many residents and knocked down furniture in homes. An aftershock hit as he spoke with The Associated Press, and the line was disconnected. Rescue teams with thousands of tents, quilts and other relief supplies were rushing to the area, Xinhua reported. Pu'er City is located in southwest Yunnan province and shares borders with Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar. It is prone to strong earthquakes, with 20 temblors above magnitude 5.0 hitting the area since 1990, Xinhua said. Ning'er County has a population of 190,000, many belonging to the Hani and Yi ethnic minority groups. Shanghai Daily News Click the button to copy the title and the URL of this story. Home > National Email Story | Printable View | Blog Story
Mapa del epicentro del terremoto, de acuerdo a USGS. De acuerdo a la Inspección Geológica de los Estados Unidos (USGS), un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacudió China, dejando al menos dos muertos y cientos de heridos. Entre los dos fallecidos se encontraban un niño de 5 años. Otros reportes sostenían que la magnitud había llegado a ser de 6,4. "El terremoto ha dejado a dos muertos, 15 heridos en estado serio y 192 levemente heridos en el condado de Ning'er. Algunos hogares cercas del condado colapsaron y las rutas ha sido destruídas. La red de telecomunicaciones y las plantas de agua y energía también fueron afectadas," según reportaron oficiales de rescate entrevistados por ''Reuters''. El condado de Ning'er posee una población de 190,000 personas. El epicentro fue localizado aproximadamente a 220 km (135 millas) al oeste de Gejiu en la provincia de Yunnan, y su centro bajo tierra se encontraba a 10 km (6,2 millas) de las superficie. El temblor afectó al centro de la región de Pu'er, localizada en el sudeste de la provincia de Yunnan, cerca de la frontera con Birmania y Laos. Al menos 120,000 residentes se vieron forzados a evacuar el área ya que los oficiales reportaron que muchas contrucciones y estructuras podrían derrumbarse. Al menos 233 pequeños post-temblores fueron sentidos desde que el terremoto ocurrió a las 5:35 AM (hora local). Algunos post-temblores fueron hasta de magnitud 5,1. La comunicación en algunas área fue interrumpida y las casas han colapsado. El daño en el área es serio según reportó USGS. Carpas - incluyendo 2.000 del gobierno local de Yunnan - y también alimento con otros recursos fueron enviados a la región. El gobierno de la ciudad de Pu'er ha provisto un millón de Yuanes como emergencia.
Buildings collapsed and residents were evacuated The epicentre was in the city of Pu'er, and thousands are now being evacuated from the region, which is near the border with Laos and Burma. Some buildings collapsed, and communications are difficult, the state news agency Xinhua reported. Several thousand tents are being sent to the area. The earthquake occurred at 0534 (2134 GMT Saturday), and was followed by a number of aftershocks. One of the dead was a five-year-old boy, who was crushed when the family home collapsed. "We estimate 120,000 people will have to be evacuated," a local official at told the AFP news agency. About 30,000 people live in the old city of Pu'er, and tremors were felt up to 200km (120 miles) away.
Mapa del epicentro del terremoto, de acuerdo a USGS. De acuerdo a la Inspección Geológica de los Estados Unidos (USGS), un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacudió China, dejando al menos dos muertos y cientos de heridos. Entre los dos fallecidos se encontraban un niño de 5 años. Otros reportes sostenían que la magnitud había llegado a ser de 6,4. "El terremoto ha dejado a dos muertos, 15 heridos en estado serio y 192 levemente heridos en el condado de Ning'er. Algunos hogares cercas del condado colapsaron y las rutas ha sido destruídas. La red de telecomunicaciones y las plantas de agua y energía también fueron afectadas," según reportaron oficiales de rescate entrevistados por ''Reuters''. El condado de Ning'er posee una población de 190,000 personas. El epicentro fue localizado aproximadamente a 220 km (135 millas) al oeste de Gejiu en la provincia de Yunnan, y su centro bajo tierra se encontraba a 10 km (6,2 millas) de las superficie. El temblor afectó al centro de la región de Pu'er, localizada en el sudeste de la provincia de Yunnan, cerca de la frontera con Birmania y Laos. Al menos 120,000 residentes se vieron forzados a evacuar el área ya que los oficiales reportaron que muchas contrucciones y estructuras podrían derrumbarse. Al menos 233 pequeños post-temblores fueron sentidos desde que el terremoto ocurrió a las 5:35 AM (hora local). Algunos post-temblores fueron hasta de magnitud 5,1. La comunicación en algunas área fue interrumpida y las casas han colapsado. El daño en el área es serio según reportó USGS. Carpas - incluyendo 2.000 del gobierno local de Yunnan - y también alimento con otros recursos fueron enviados a la región. El gobierno de la ciudad de Pu'er ha provisto un millón de Yuanes como emergencia.
Two people were killed and at least 200 injured after a strong earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 hit a county in southwest China's Yunnan province on Sunday morning, an official source said. The earthquake shook the old town of Hani and Yi autonomous county of Ning'er in Pu'er city at 5:34 am on Sunday, with the epicentre at 23.0 degrees north latitude and 101.1 degrees east longitude, according to the latest information from the China Earthquake Administration. By 9:20 am the earthquake has left two people dead, 15 seriously injured and 192 others slightly hurt in the county, about 80 km from the city centre, said sources of the rescue work headquarters. Some houses near the county collapsed and roads are severely destroyed. The communication network, and water and power supplies to the county are also affected. The government of Pu'er city has allocated one million yuan for relieving the disaster. The provincial civil affairs department are sending 2,000 tents, 2,000 quilts and 2,000 items of clothes to the stricken area. Residents in Lincang city and Dai autonomous prefecture of Xishuangbanna in the south of the province, about 300 km from the epicentre, have also felt the tremor.
Mapa del epicentro del terremoto, de acuerdo a USGS. De acuerdo a la Inspección Geológica de los Estados Unidos (USGS), un terremoto de magnitud 6,2 sacudió China, dejando al menos dos muertos y cientos de heridos. Entre los dos fallecidos se encontraban un niño de 5 años. Otros reportes sostenían que la magnitud había llegado a ser de 6,4. "El terremoto ha dejado a dos muertos, 15 heridos en estado serio y 192 levemente heridos en el condado de Ning'er. Algunos hogares cercas del condado colapsaron y las rutas ha sido destruídas. La red de telecomunicaciones y las plantas de agua y energía también fueron afectadas," según reportaron oficiales de rescate entrevistados por ''Reuters''. El condado de Ning'er posee una población de 190,000 personas. El epicentro fue localizado aproximadamente a 220 km (135 millas) al oeste de Gejiu en la provincia de Yunnan, y su centro bajo tierra se encontraba a 10 km (6,2 millas) de las superficie. El temblor afectó al centro de la región de Pu'er, localizada en el sudeste de la provincia de Yunnan, cerca de la frontera con Birmania y Laos. Al menos 120,000 residentes se vieron forzados a evacuar el área ya que los oficiales reportaron que muchas contrucciones y estructuras podrían derrumbarse. Al menos 233 pequeños post-temblores fueron sentidos desde que el terremoto ocurrió a las 5:35 AM (hora local). Algunos post-temblores fueron hasta de magnitud 5,1. La comunicación en algunas área fue interrumpida y las casas han colapsado. El daño en el área es serio según reportó USGS. Carpas - incluyendo 2.000 del gobierno local de Yunnan - y también alimento con otros recursos fueron enviados a la región. El gobierno de la ciudad de Pu'er ha provisto un millón de Yuanes como emergencia.
13 years ago [cnn-photo-caption image= caption="Kucinich will formally drop out of the presidential race Friday."]WASHINGTON (CNN) - Rep. Dennis Kucinich will announce he is abandoning his long shot bid for the White House in a news conference Friday, his campaign confirms to CNN. In an interview with the Cleveland Plain-Dealer earlier Thursday, the Ohio Democrat said he plans on “transitioning out of the Democratic Presidential primary race" to focus on a "new direction." His spokesman tells CNN the former presidential candidate is now gearing up for his congressional re-election campaign. Kucinich faces four candidates in a Democratic primary for his seat on March 4, and has faced criticism for devoting much of his attention to running for president. In his interview with the Plain-Dealer, Kucinich said he will give a much lengthier statement Friday. This was Kucinich's second bid for the White House - he first ran in 2004. The latest CNN Poll showed him drawing 3 percent of support among registered Democrats nationally. - CNN Ticker Producer Alexander Mooney
Dennis Kucinich Le représentant des États-Unis et candidat à l'élection présidentielle Dennis Kucinich a décidé de retirer sa candidature pour la présidentielle et l'investiture démocrate. Dennis Kucinich, ancien maire de Cleveland, a indiqué au journal ''The Plain Dealer'' de la ville lors d'une interview jeudi, qu'il afin de se consacrer à unE . Ce fait se produit un mois après que son plus jeune frère, Perry Kucinich, atteint de schizophrénie paranoïaque, fut retrouvé mort. Dennis Kucinich a déclaré au ''Plain-Dealer'' qu'il ferait une plus longue annonce vendredi. Dennis Kucinich va se consacrer à sa candidature pour sa réélection à la Chambre des représentants, quatre candidats s'opposant à lui dans les primaires démocrates pour le 10 district du congrès et des critiques lui ayant été adressées concernant le temps passé dans la course à l'investiture démocrate plutôt que dans le district qu'il a représenté ces 12 dernières années. M. Kucinich a déclaré qu'il n'appuierait pas d'autre Démocrate dans la primaire. C'était sa seconde tentative présidentielle, après celle de 2004.
Democrat Dennis Kucinich Drops Out of Race CLEVELAND (AP) ― Democrat Dennis Kucinich abandoned his presidential bid Friday to focus on a tough race for re-election to Congress.Kucinich, speaking at a union hall, told supporters who chanted "Dennis, Dennis," that he would work to keep his campaign promises, not as president, but as a member of the U.S. House."I won't be president, but I can continue to fight for these important issues as the United States congressman representing the community that is first in my heart, Cleveland, Ohio," he said.Kucinich made an urgent appeal on his Web site this week for congressional campaign contributions as "the only candidate who can't be bought — 'cause he's not for sale."The six-term House member got only 1 percent of the vote in the New Hampshire presidential primary and was shut out in the Iowa caucuses.Kucinich, 61, is facing four challengers in the Democratic congressional primary March 4. Rival Joe Cimperman has been critical of Kucinich for focusing too much time outside of his district while campaigning for president.The Ohio congressman brought the same sense of idealism to his second run for president as he did in his first bid four years ago. He said he entered the race again because the Democratic Party wasn't pushing hard enough to end the Iraq war. His candidacy was supported by many Hollywood celebrities, including actor Sean Penn.During his tenure in Congress, Kucinich has been one of the most outspoken liberals, opposing international trade agreements like the North America Free Trade Agreement and marching with protesters in Seattle during a meeting of the World Trade Organization.As a presidential candidate, he has proposed a Department of Peace, backed universal health care and supported gay marriage. He also pushed for the impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney. (© 2008 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)
Dennis Kucinich Le représentant des États-Unis et candidat à l'élection présidentielle Dennis Kucinich a décidé de retirer sa candidature pour la présidentielle et l'investiture démocrate. Dennis Kucinich, ancien maire de Cleveland, a indiqué au journal ''The Plain Dealer'' de la ville lors d'une interview jeudi, qu'il afin de se consacrer à unE . Ce fait se produit un mois après que son plus jeune frère, Perry Kucinich, atteint de schizophrénie paranoïaque, fut retrouvé mort. Dennis Kucinich a déclaré au ''Plain-Dealer'' qu'il ferait une plus longue annonce vendredi. Dennis Kucinich va se consacrer à sa candidature pour sa réélection à la Chambre des représentants, quatre candidats s'opposant à lui dans les primaires démocrates pour le 10 district du congrès et des critiques lui ayant été adressées concernant le temps passé dans la course à l'investiture démocrate plutôt que dans le district qu'il a représenté ces 12 dernières années. M. Kucinich a déclaré qu'il n'appuierait pas d'autre Démocrate dans la primaire. C'était sa seconde tentative présidentielle, après celle de 2004.
Dennis Kucinich's Brother Found Dead Perry Kucinich, the brother of Democratic Prez candidate Dennis Kucinich, has been found dead according CBS 5. His other brother, Larry, found 52-year-old Perry at his Cleveland home at around 9 a.m. this morning. Reports claims that there were "no signs of foul play." Trying to scrounge up some info on Perry, we came across this interesting Esquire article from November about said deceased brother and a bank robbery. Something or other having to do with Cleveland Trust Bank back in 1978. It seems that "Cleveland Trust made good on their ultimatum and refused to extend the city credit on $14 million worth of short-term notes" at the time. Or something like that. So: On December 18, 1978, Mayor Kucinich, surrounded by the media, strode from City Hall to the main branch of Cleveland Trust downtown and withdrew his paltry life savings in protest. And because it was Cleveland, on the very same day, blocks away, his youngest brother, Perry Kucinich, robbed a different bank. Perry wasn't really a criminal; he was literally insane. But it sure looked bad for Dennis. [via Esquire] Huh. Interesting. Any Cleveland readers care to chime in about this incident? Perry and his family sound...unique. Anyway, such a terrible loss for the Kucinich family and Dennis' candidacy. We wish them the best during this horrific day they're surely having. Read more about it here. here, and here. Update: After reading the above bit, an Esquire editor wrote in to tell us that although Perry suffered from paranoid schizophrenia, he was also affectionately described as a guy who "'couldn't be any nicer or any more nuts.'" Sounds like Perry would have fit in beautifully here in the Bay Area. Dennis and Elizabeth Kucinich image: Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images
Dennis Kucinich Le représentant des États-Unis et candidat à l'élection présidentielle Dennis Kucinich a décidé de retirer sa candidature pour la présidentielle et l'investiture démocrate. Dennis Kucinich, ancien maire de Cleveland, a indiqué au journal ''The Plain Dealer'' de la ville lors d'une interview jeudi, qu'il afin de se consacrer à unE . Ce fait se produit un mois après que son plus jeune frère, Perry Kucinich, atteint de schizophrénie paranoïaque, fut retrouvé mort. Dennis Kucinich a déclaré au ''Plain-Dealer'' qu'il ferait une plus longue annonce vendredi. Dennis Kucinich va se consacrer à sa candidature pour sa réélection à la Chambre des représentants, quatre candidats s'opposant à lui dans les primaires démocrates pour le 10 district du congrès et des critiques lui ayant été adressées concernant le temps passé dans la course à l'investiture démocrate plutôt que dans le district qu'il a représenté ces 12 dernières années. M. Kucinich a déclaré qu'il n'appuierait pas d'autre Démocrate dans la primaire. C'était sa seconde tentative présidentielle, après celle de 2004.
Il patriarca ortodosso russo Kirill ha consacrato la nuova cattedrale delle forze armate russe appena fuori Mosca, domenica; Alla cerimonia hanno partecipato i più alti ufficiali militari e soldati del paese che indossavano uniformi dell'epoca della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Le sei cupole dorate della cattedrale sono dedicate ai santi patroni di ogni ramo delle Forze armate della Russia. Il tempio di 95 metri è una delle più grandi cattedrali ortodosse del mondo con una capacità di circa 6.000 persone. In un discorso ai soldati riuniti fuori dalla cattedrale dopo la consacrazione, il leader ortodosso ha sottolineato i forti legami tra chiesa russa e i militari. Kirill, Patriarca ortodosso russo: "Oggi, come popolo unificato, in questa cattedrale militare, ricordiamo le imprese dei nostri soldati e preghiamo per la nostra patria, in modo che il Signore protegga il nostro paese dai nemici interni ed esterni". La cattedrale è stata costruita in poco meno di 600 giorni e inaugurata il 9 maggio, dedicata al 75 ° anniversario della vittoria sovietica nella seconda guerra mondiale. E ci sono state anche delle polemiche. La cattedrale avrebbe dovuto contenere. Un mosaico rappresentante Putin, i generali dello stato maggiore e Lavrov. Un secondo mosaico inneggiava il ritorno della Krimea alla Madre Patria. Putin in persona ha ordinato la rimozione di quei mosaici.
A catedral durante as obras Há dois dias, o patriarca Cirilo I consagrou a Catedral das Forças Armadas na capital , na presença dos mais altos escritórios estatais e militares, por ocasião das comemorações do 75º aniversário do fim da , nome pelo qual a historiografia russo-soviética indica o da . A catedral, cuja construção começou em setembro de 2018, está localizada precisamente em Kubinka, no parque Patriota. O edifício, em estilo neo-russo de influências , tem uma altura de 95 metros até a cruz colocada no topo. O tema da catedral é a ressurreição.
Köln (dpa). Seine Bücher handeln von spannenden Mythen - und sie sind inzwischen selbst solche geworden. Morgen kommt mit "Inferno" der neue Roman von...
84 Prozent der Europäer wünschen sich ein Rauchverbot in U-Bahnhöfen, Flughäfen, Geschäften und ähnlichen Orten. Das ergab pünktlich zum gestrigen Weltnichtrauchertag eine repräsentative Umfrage für die EU-Kommission. Noch einen Schritt weiter geht die Deutsche Krebshilfe und fordert „eine rauchfreie Weltmeisterschaft“. Die Krebshilfe-Präsidentin Dagmar Schipanski sagte: „Deutschland hinkt bei der Tabakkontrolle hinterher“ und wies darauf hin, dass die Fußball-WM-2002 in Japan und Südkorea bereits offiziell rauchfrei gewesen sei und es 2010 in Südafrika ebenso sein werde. „Das Motto ‚Zu Gast bei Freunden‘ muss bedeuten, dass sich unsere Gäste auf den Gesundheitsschutz verlassen können", so Schipanski weiter. Die Krebshilfe-Präsidentin unterzeichnete in Berlin einen offenen Brief an den deutschen Cheforganisator Franz Beckenbauer und an FIFA-Präsident Joseph Blatter. Laut der Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA) in Köln sterben in Deutschland jährlich etwa 140.000 Menschen an den Folgen des Rauchens, und rund 3.000 weitere Menschen verlieren durch Passivrauchen ihr Leben. Das Statistische Bundesamt in Wiesbaden spricht von knapp 40.000 jährlichen Todesfällen durch Lungenkrebs, die in Zusammenhang mit Tabakkonsum gebracht werden können.
| 31.05.06, 10:06 | „ Eine rauchfreie Weltmeisterschaft“ fordert die Deutsche Krebshilfe anlässlich des Weltnichtrauchertags am 31. Mai. Die Organisation appelliert an Bundesregierung und WM-Organisatoren, Zigaretten aus den Fußballstadien zu verbannen. „Das Motto „Zu Gast bei Freunden“ muss bedeuten, dass sich unsere Gäste auf den Gesundheitsschutz verlassen können", sagte Krebshilfe-Präsidentin Dagmar Schipanski in Berlin. Dort unterzeichnete sie einen offenen Brief an den deutschen Cheforganisator Franz Beckenbauer und an FIFA-Präsident Joseph Blatter. Mehr zum Thema (dpa) Die Fußball-WM 2002 in Japan und Südkorea sei bereits offiziell rauchfrei gewesen, 2010 in Südafrika werde es ebenso sein. „Deutschland hinkt bei der Tabakkontrolle hinterher.“Nach Angaben des Statistischen Bundesamts in Wiesbaden sterben Raucher im Durchschnitt sieben Jahre früher als Nichtraucher. Menschen mit typischen Raucherkrankheiten wie Lungen-, Kehlkopf- oder Luftröhrenkrebs werden im Schnitt 69 Jahre alt, wie das Amt für das Jahr 2004 mitteilte. Berücksichtige man alle Todesursachen, liege das durchschnittliche Sterbealter in Deutschland bei 76 Jahren. Mit fast 40 000 Todesfällen 2004 war Lungenkrebs die häufigste Erkrankung, die in Zusammenhang mit Tabakkonsum gebracht werden kann. Seit 2001 stieg diese Zahl von damals 38 525 kontinuierlich an.Die Krebshilfe und das Aktionsbündnis Nichtrauchen boten den WM-Organisatoren Unterstützung an, um die Bevölkerung für rauchfreie Stadien zu gewinnen. Außerdem warnten die Gesundheitsschützer vor irreführender Werbung für angeblich gesündere Tabakprodukte. „Der nachwachsenden Generation wird das Rauchen im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes schmackhaft gemacht – mit Zusatzstoffen wie Menthol, Zucker, Vanille, Kakao oder Honig, die den strengen Tabakgeschmack überdecken", kritisierte Uwe Prümel-Philippsen vom Aktionsbündnis.Deutschland müsse die EU-Richtlinie für ein umfassendes Tabakwerbeverbot endlich umsetzen und den Schutz vor Passivrauchen gesetzlich regeln, forderten Krebshilfe und Aktionsbündnis. Ein entsprechendes Gesetz für Rauchfreiheit in öffentlichen Gebäuden, in der Gastronomie und am Arbeitsplatz sei lange überfällig. 3300 Tote pro Jahr gebe es in Deutschland allein durch das Passivrauchen.
84 Prozent der Europäer wünschen sich ein Rauchverbot in U-Bahnhöfen, Flughäfen, Geschäften und ähnlichen Orten. Das ergab pünktlich zum gestrigen Weltnichtrauchertag eine repräsentative Umfrage für die EU-Kommission. Noch einen Schritt weiter geht die Deutsche Krebshilfe und fordert „eine rauchfreie Weltmeisterschaft“. Die Krebshilfe-Präsidentin Dagmar Schipanski sagte: „Deutschland hinkt bei der Tabakkontrolle hinterher“ und wies darauf hin, dass die Fußball-WM-2002 in Japan und Südkorea bereits offiziell rauchfrei gewesen sei und es 2010 in Südafrika ebenso sein werde. „Das Motto ‚Zu Gast bei Freunden‘ muss bedeuten, dass sich unsere Gäste auf den Gesundheitsschutz verlassen können", so Schipanski weiter. Die Krebshilfe-Präsidentin unterzeichnete in Berlin einen offenen Brief an den deutschen Cheforganisator Franz Beckenbauer und an FIFA-Präsident Joseph Blatter. Laut der Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA) in Köln sterben in Deutschland jährlich etwa 140.000 Menschen an den Folgen des Rauchens, und rund 3.000 weitere Menschen verlieren durch Passivrauchen ihr Leben. Das Statistische Bundesamt in Wiesbaden spricht von knapp 40.000 jährlichen Todesfällen durch Lungenkrebs, die in Zusammenhang mit Tabakkonsum gebracht werden können.
Partizan have disqualified from the 2007/08 UEFA Cup (©Getty Images ) Partizan disqualified from UEFA Cup Disciplinary e-mail Print Serbian club FK Partizan have been disqualified from the 2007/08 UEFA Cup with immediate effect. Spectator incidents The Belgrade club has been handed the punishment by the UEFA Control and Disciplinary Body for the conduct of their supporters during the UEFA Cup first round, first-leg match against Bosnia-Herzegovnian hosts NK Zrinjski in Mostar on 19 July. Partizan won the match 6-1. Additional fine Partizan have also been fined €30,056 (CHF 50,000). An appeal against the verdict may be lodged within three days of the sending of the reasoned decision. The body took its decision after examining the report of the UEFA disciplinary inspector and hearing evidence from Partizan officials. Subject to any appeal proceedings, Zrinjski will progress to the second qualifying round. © 1998-2007. All rights reserved.
FK Partizan of Serbia have been kicked out of this season's UEFA Cup after crowd trouble during their first qualifying round match against Zrinjski Mostar. They were also fined 50,000 Swiss francs. Partizan Belgrade won the 1st Leg 6-1. Trouble started early in the first half when play was stopped for ten minutes after fans from both teams clashed with riot police and stadium security while throwing rocks and flares at each other. Fans also ripped-up stadium seats. 36 people were injured and six people were arrested. UEFA's reasoning is that Partizan Belgrade have been fined 25 times in 36 matches over the last five years. UEFA have taken a tougher stance on fan violence having kicked out Feyenoord in last season's UEFA Cup and Legia Warsaw in this season's Intertoto Cup. Partizan Belgrade have within three days of receiving official notice of this decision to appeal.
BELGRADE, July 26 (Reuters) - Partizan Belgrade are unlikely to appeal against their ban from the UEFA Cup, the Serbian first division club's deputy general secretary Gordan Petric said on Thursday. 'We will decide what to do over the next few days but appealing against the verdict may not be the smartest thing to do because UEFA may react by imposing even stronger repercussions,' Petric said told Belgrade's B 92 television. 'We really left no room to the UEFA Disciplinary Committee to be lenient because we had been punished in 25 of our 36 European matches in the last five years and we need to address the problem very seriously,' he said. Earlier on Thursday, UEFA took the most drastic action against a Serbian club to date, banning them from European competition for one year and fining them £20,000. The penalty followed serious crowd trouble during Partizan's 6-1 win at Bosnian rivals Zrinjski Mostar in last week's UEFA Cup first qualifying round first leg. UEFA said on its official website ( Partizan could appeal against the verdict within three days of the European soccer governing body sending out the formal grounds for its decision. Subject to any such appeal, UEFA confirmed that Zrinjski would now progress to the second qualifying round. Violence in last Thursday's match erupted early in the first half after rival fans clashed with police while pelting each other with rocks, flares and ripped-up seats. Play was held up for 10 minutes and resumed only after the few riot police on duty managed to create a buffer zone between the 8,000 home fans and the visitors. After the game, 36 people were injured and six arrested. Police used tear gas to separate the home fans from departing Partizan supporters. Violence is rife in Serbian football and clubs well as the national team have been made to play their matches either behind closed doors or at neutral venues in recent times. Serbia kicked off their Euro 2008 qualifying campaign in an empty stadium after trouble during their 2006 World Cup home qualifier against Bosnia.
FK Partizan of Serbia have been kicked out of this season's UEFA Cup after crowd trouble during their first qualifying round match against Zrinjski Mostar. They were also fined 50,000 Swiss francs. Partizan Belgrade won the 1st Leg 6-1. Trouble started early in the first half when play was stopped for ten minutes after fans from both teams clashed with riot police and stadium security while throwing rocks and flares at each other. Fans also ripped-up stadium seats. 36 people were injured and six people were arrested. UEFA's reasoning is that Partizan Belgrade have been fined 25 times in 36 matches over the last five years. UEFA have taken a tougher stance on fan violence having kicked out Feyenoord in last season's UEFA Cup and Legia Warsaw in this season's Intertoto Cup. Partizan Belgrade have within three days of receiving official notice of this decision to appeal.
Cindy Sheehan (center) listens to Capt. Ken Vanek of the McLennan County (Texas) Sheriff's Office during a protest Saturday in Texas. (Associated Press) Last summer Cindy Sheehan got a face-to-face meeting with President Bush, complete with kisses and condolences. Today, the Vacaville resident is camped outside the president's Texas ranch - in the glare of the national media spotlight - demanding another face-to-face meeting, and ultimately his impeachment. Sheehan's son, Casey, an Army specialist, was killed in an ambush a week after his arrival in Iraq in April 2004. In June, the Sheehan family spent 10 minutes at Fort Lewis, Wash., with the president, who met with 16 other families who had lost loved ones in the war. Cindy Sheehan since has become a focal point in the partisan battle over the Iraq war, drawing the praise of many anti-war Democrats and the ire of Republicans who back Bush's decision. Her role in that battle exploded Monday morning, when Matt Drudge - the infamous commentator behind the popular Drudge Report, a right-leaning online news site - accused Sheehan of changing her tune to serve political purposes. Drudge's story, headlined "Protesting Soldier Mom Changed Story on Bush," was posted in the highest slot on the Web site that receives more than 5 million visits per day. It drew quotes from a Sheehan interview published June 24, 2004, in The Reporter, suddenly dragging the newspaper into the fray. Vacaville mother Cindy Sheehan has not flip-flopped position, but has used her outrage and indignation to fuel an anti-war movement following the death of her son, Casey, in Iraq following an ambush in April 2004, according to Editor Diane Barney. That story, by staff writer David Henson, was an account of Sheehan's visit with the president in Seattle. In Henson's story, Sheehan admitted she and her husband, Patrick, debated before the meeting whether to ask pointed questions about the war and whether to vent their frustration over their son's sacrifice. Ultimately, the couple chose not to publicly criticize Bush in the meeting or shortly after. In Henson's story, Cindy Sheehan explained carefully, "I now know he's sincere about wanting freedom for the Iraqis ... I know he's sorry and feels some pain for our loss. And I know he's a man of faith." Sheehan also said the trip to Seattle helped connect her family to others that had lost a son or daughter in Iraq. Sheehan said sharing their story with those families was rewarding, as was the time she got to spend with her own family. "That was the gift the Advertisement president gave us, the gift of happiness, of being together," she said in the story. Drudge included that quote in his Monday morning report, but didn't explain that it referred to sharing time with her family, not the president. Drudge also included more recent quotes from Sheehan highly critical of Bush and the 2004 meeting, including her comments made Sunday to CNN. "Every time we tried to talk about Casey and how much we missed him, he would change the subject," Sheehan told correspondent Wolf Blitzer of the cable news network. "And he acted like it was a party." Drudge's report fueled opinions Monday on both sides of the political spectrum. Posters on the highly visited liberal Web log Daily Kos said Drudge's report was misleading, while right-wing bloggers, including the popular Michelle Malkin, echoed Drudge's sentiments that Sheehan was contradicting herself, perhaps for political reasons. Sheehan, in a press release distributed Monday by the Institute for Public Accuracy, explained she was "still in shock" during her 2004 meeting with the president. "We had decided not to criticize the president then because during that meeting he assured us 'this is not political.' And I believed him," Sheehan wrote. "Then, during the Republican National Convention, he exploited those meetings to justify what he was doing. It's now clear to me that what I had feared is true: Bush lied us into war, and Casey, more than 1,800 other Americans and thousands and thousands of Iraqis are dead because of what he did." Several attempts to reach Sheehan by phone Monday were unsuccessful. The Reporter republished Henson's 2004 story on Monday. It drew hundreds of visits within the first hour. "It's important that readers see the full context of the story, instead of just selected portions," said Editor Diane Barney. "We stand by the story as an accurate reflection of the Sheehans' take on the meeting at the time it was published." Tom Hall can be reached at
Cindy Sheehan rallied supporters in front of the tour bus emblazoned with "Veterans for Impeachment Tour". On a ''CNN'' Wolf Blitzer ''Late Edition'' broadcast Sunday, U.S. Senators George Allen (R-VA) and Barbara Boxer (D-CA) both told Blitzer that in the furore created by the protest that they believe President Bush should personally meet with Cindy Sheehan. She is the mother of a soldier son killed in Iraq in April 2004, and leader of a protest march now camped near the presidential ranch in Crawford, Texas. After returning from commercial break, Blitzer told his guests that ''CNN'' had just received a news bulletin from the White House. The bulletin said that Bush had met previously with Sheehan in the summer of 2004. Both Senators and Blitzer withheld further comment on the matter during the remaining segment of the show. Later that day, Cindy Sheehan herself appeared on ''CNN'' Sunday with Blitzer and said she did meet with Bush in Seattle with fifteen or sixteen other families. She defended her current protest by saying, "The whole meeting was simply bizarre and disgusting." Sheehan said that Bush entered the meeting chamber with an insensitive comment to those present, "Who we'all honorin' today?" She added, "His mouth kept moving, but there was nothing in his eyes or anything else about him that showed me he really cared or had any real compassion at all. This is a human being totally disconnected from humanity and reality. His eyes were empty, hollow shells." The angry mother of the fallen U.S. soldier on Saturday led a protest march of nearly 50 on the Bush ranch. Cindy Sheehan of Vacaville, California demanded, but was denied, the chance to speak with Bush and personally ask him, "'Why did you kill my son? What did my son die for?" Sheehan was met outside the ranch, after progress of the march was stopped by Texas troopers and the Secret Service, by national security adviser Steve Hadley and deputy White House chief of staff Joe Hagin. They spoke with her approximately 45 minutes. Sheehan, unsatisfied with the meeting, vowed to remain camped outside the ranch until she is granted a personal interview with Bush. Meanwhile, Bush arrived in Albuqerque, New Mexico Monday where he signed into law the new energy bill. He will travel back to his Texas ranch this week to meet with his defense and economic advisers, then later, he will travel to Illinois to sign a highway bill. Cindy Sheehan said Sunday that she plans to hold the roadside peace protest near Bush's ranch until he talks to her again. "I'll follow him to D.C.," she said. Cindy's current comments are a drastic change from her comments in a 2004 interview with THE REPORTER of Vacaville, CA. From the article: "I now know he's sincere about wanting freedom for the Iraqis," Cindy said after their meeting. "I know he's sorry and feels some pain for our loss. And I know he's a man of faith."
Bush: Energy bill effects will be long-term Critics slam tax breaks for oil companies ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico (AP) -- After years of debate in Congress, President Bush on Monday signed sweeping legislation that he touted as part of a long-term solution to the nation's energy problems. "This bill is not going to solve our energy challenges overnight," Bush said just before signing the bill into law. "It's going to take years of focused efforts to alleviate those problems." Bush traveled here from his ranch in Crawford, Texas, to sign the 1,724-page bill, which was passed, with bipartisan support, to end a yearlong standoff in Congress over national energy policy. The bill-signing ceremony at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque begins a week of events meant to highlight recently passed legislation and underscore economic and national security issues. In coming days, Bush meets at his Texas ranch with his defense and economic advisers and travels to Illinois to sign a highway bill. Supporters of the energy bill say that in the long run, the new law will refocus the nation's energy priorities and promote cleaner and alternative sources of energy. Bush has said he believes the nation must find new ways, besides fossil fuels, to power the economy. "This economy is moving, and what this energy bill does is that it recognizes that we need more affordable and reliability sources of energy," Bush said. "This bill launches an energy strategy for the 21st century and I've really been looking forward to signing it." But even the bill's sponsors acknowledged the legislation will have little, if any impact, on today's energy prices or less dependence on oil imports. Crude-oil prices rallied to a new high above $63 a barrel on Monday, reflecting market fears over the U.S. embassy closure in Saudi Arabia due to security threats and concerns that shutdowns of U.S. oil refineries would reduce supply. When he arrived, Bush took a tour of the Energy Department's national solar thermal test facility, which was built in 1976 in response to the oil embargo and energy crisis. Bush walked in a field of mirrored solar panels, wearing shirt sleeves and sunglasses to ward off the bright, midday sun. New Mexico is home to Republican Sen. Pete Domenici, a driving force in getting the measure passed. Domenici, who chairs the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, said the bill is not for today or tomorrow, but is a "bill for the future." "It means less dependence on foreign oil," he said. "When we expand ethanol and the other things in this bill, we will grow less dependent, not all the way, but less dependent." New Mexico Sen. Jeff Bingaman, the top Democrat on Energy Committee, praised the passage of the bill but said more must be done to tap the potential of renewable energy, address global warming and use less oil from overseas. The bill did not "markedly reduce these imports," Bingaman said in a statement. "We need to build a consensus around effective steps to use less oil in our transportation sector, which is the basic cause of our increasing reliance on oil imports." The measure funnels billions of dollars to energy companies, including tax breaks and loan guarantees for new nuclear power plants, clean coal technology and wind energy. But for the first time, utilities will be required to comply with federal reliability standards for its electricity grid, instead of self-regulation. That is intended to reduce the chance of a repeat of a power blackout, such as the one that struck the Midwest and Northeast in the summer of 2003. For consumers, the bill would provide tax credits for buying hybrid gasoline-electric cars and making energy-conservation improvements in new and existing homes. "If you're in the market for a car, this bill will help you save up to $3,500 on a fuel-efficient hybrid or clean-diesel vehicle," Bush said. Also, beginning in 2007, the measure extends daylight-saving time by four weeks to save energy. The bill's price tag -- $12.3 billion over 10 years -- is twice what the White House had first proposed. It does not include Bush's desire to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil exploration. Drilling advocates, however, have a backup plan that is expected to unfold in mid-September. Domenici said he will include a provision authorizing Arctic drilling as part of a budget procedure that is not subject to filibuster. A similar maneuver is being planned in the House, although the final strategy is being worked out. Critics of the energy bill are speaking out while Bush is in New Mexico. The League of Conservation Voters, The Wilderness Society, the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance, USAPIRG and others plan to highlight what else is not in the energy bill.
Cindy Sheehan rallied supporters in front of the tour bus emblazoned with "Veterans for Impeachment Tour". On a ''CNN'' Wolf Blitzer ''Late Edition'' broadcast Sunday, U.S. Senators George Allen (R-VA) and Barbara Boxer (D-CA) both told Blitzer that in the furore created by the protest that they believe President Bush should personally meet with Cindy Sheehan. She is the mother of a soldier son killed in Iraq in April 2004, and leader of a protest march now camped near the presidential ranch in Crawford, Texas. After returning from commercial break, Blitzer told his guests that ''CNN'' had just received a news bulletin from the White House. The bulletin said that Bush had met previously with Sheehan in the summer of 2004. Both Senators and Blitzer withheld further comment on the matter during the remaining segment of the show. Later that day, Cindy Sheehan herself appeared on ''CNN'' Sunday with Blitzer and said she did meet with Bush in Seattle with fifteen or sixteen other families. She defended her current protest by saying, "The whole meeting was simply bizarre and disgusting." Sheehan said that Bush entered the meeting chamber with an insensitive comment to those present, "Who we'all honorin' today?" She added, "His mouth kept moving, but there was nothing in his eyes or anything else about him that showed me he really cared or had any real compassion at all. This is a human being totally disconnected from humanity and reality. His eyes were empty, hollow shells." The angry mother of the fallen U.S. soldier on Saturday led a protest march of nearly 50 on the Bush ranch. Cindy Sheehan of Vacaville, California demanded, but was denied, the chance to speak with Bush and personally ask him, "'Why did you kill my son? What did my son die for?" Sheehan was met outside the ranch, after progress of the march was stopped by Texas troopers and the Secret Service, by national security adviser Steve Hadley and deputy White House chief of staff Joe Hagin. They spoke with her approximately 45 minutes. Sheehan, unsatisfied with the meeting, vowed to remain camped outside the ranch until she is granted a personal interview with Bush. Meanwhile, Bush arrived in Albuqerque, New Mexico Monday where he signed into law the new energy bill. He will travel back to his Texas ranch this week to meet with his defense and economic advisers, then later, he will travel to Illinois to sign a highway bill. Cindy Sheehan said Sunday that she plans to hold the roadside peace protest near Bush's ranch until he talks to her again. "I'll follow him to D.C.," she said. Cindy's current comments are a drastic change from her comments in a 2004 interview with THE REPORTER of Vacaville, CA. From the article: "I now know he's sincere about wanting freedom for the Iraqis," Cindy said after their meeting. "I know he's sorry and feels some pain for our loss. And I know he's a man of faith."
A very special Mother's Day May 8, 2005 BY JIM RITTER Health Reporter On Jan. 24, shortly after 3 a.m., Billi Tierney gave birth to her first child in an emergency C-section. The baby was five weeks premature. Billi and her husband, Ted, hadn't bought a crib yet, or even picked a name. But the moment Billi laid eyes on her son, she knew that his name would be Jaxon. Billi got to hold Jaxon for only 15 minutes. He was doing fine, but Billi was desperately ill from a rare complication of pregnancy. She would spend a week in a coma and undergo three more major operations, including a liver transplant, before seeing her baby again. If not for the generosity of a grieving family that donated a liver, Billi would not be alive today to celebrate her first Mother's Day with Jaxon. "Every day I look at him and think, 'I'm so glad I'm here,'" she said. "He needs a mom." Billi, 30, was in excellent health before she got pregnant. She ate the right foods, worked out five days a week and ran a marathon in less than five hours. And throughout most of her pregnancy, the only apparent problem was a stretch of morning sickness. 'Lowest of lows' Trouble began around the 34th week, when Billi went into premature labor. Doctors stopped the contractions and put Billi on bed rest, and she went on leave from her job as a career counselor. A week later, Billi began experiencing disturbing symptoms -- swollen ankles, puffy face, bleeding gums, dark urine. A doctor ordered her to go immediately to Kishwaukee Community Hospital in DeKalb. It looked like Billi had preeclampsia -- pregnancy-induced high blood pressure that can be life-threatening to both mother and baby. Jaxon weighed 5 pounds, 9 ounces at birth. He was healthy, and Billi's doctor said her blood pressure should return to normal. Ted began calling family members and friends with the happy news. But what looked like preeclampsia turned out to be a complication that occurs in fewer than one in 7,000 pregnancies. Proteins from the baby were causing Billi's liver cells to fill with fat. Eight hours after Jaxon's birth, a doctor told Ted that Billi might need a liver transplant. She would be airlifted to a transplant hospital, Loyola University Medical Center. "I went from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows," Ted said. "You have a son with the woman you love, and the next moment you learn you might lose her." Billi's failing liver caused her lungs and kidneys to shut down, and she was put on a ventilator and dialysis. Worse yet, Ted was told Billi would need emergency surgery to stop internal bleeding from a liver biopsy. "Please save my wife," Ted pleaded. "She is the nicest person you will ever meet. You have to save her." Billi survived the operation, and afterward Ted told the surgeon, "Thank you for giving us a chance." Doctors played a nerve-racking waiting game. If they were patient, Billi might recover on her own, as most patients do. But if they waited too long and her liver didn't improve sufficiently, Billi might die or get so sick the transplant would fail. Of the six other women who have had liver transplants in the United States for Billi's condition, only one is known to have survived longer than 30 days. Billi's liver did improve a bit, and doctors performed a second successful operation to clean out a blood clot and check the liver. Billi came off the transplant waiting list. But a few days later, her liver stopped improving, and Billi went back on the list. Without a new liver, she had only five to seven days to live. Billi went to the top of the list. Three days later, a young person died in Florida, and the family donated the liver. On Feb. 4, Dr. John Brems performed the eight-hour transplant, as 15 friends and family members waited. Feeling stronger every day Brems has done more than 1,000 liver transplants at Loyola and two California hospitals. This was one of the easier ones because Billi was young and otherwise healthy. Minutes after the surgery, Billi already looked better. The jaundice that had made her skin yellow was fading rapidly. "I thought, 'Man, she's going to be OK,'" Ted said. Billi was surprised at how little pain she felt during her recovery. But it took time to get used to her medications. And she had to learn how to walk again after being bedridden. She was shocked at how thin her legs had become. Nineteen days after the transplant, Billi came home and held Jaxon for the first time in a month. There's no way Billi could have cared for a newborn by herself. Fortunately, Ted works from their Sycamore home as a legal editor, so he could help out. Billi isn't fully recovered yet, but she's feeling stronger every day. She would like to return to work someday. Billi will have to take anti-rejection drugs, which will make her more vulnerable to infections and can have side effects such as kidney damage. But she will have no dietary or lifestyle restrictions. Her liver should last a lifetime. "A liver probably would live 300 years if you didn't die from something else," Brems said. "It's almost ageless." Jaxon is a mellow baby. He loves to snuggle and is beginning to smile. "I never realized I could love this little baby so much," Billi said. "He was worth every surgery." Billi does not know the identity of her donor, but she is drafting a letter to the family. "I'm so thankful I had a second chance of living and being a mom."
Cindy Sheehan rallied supporters in front of the tour bus emblazoned with "Veterans for Impeachment Tour". On a ''CNN'' Wolf Blitzer ''Late Edition'' broadcast Sunday, U.S. Senators George Allen (R-VA) and Barbara Boxer (D-CA) both told Blitzer that in the furore created by the protest that they believe President Bush should personally meet with Cindy Sheehan. She is the mother of a soldier son killed in Iraq in April 2004, and leader of a protest march now camped near the presidential ranch in Crawford, Texas. After returning from commercial break, Blitzer told his guests that ''CNN'' had just received a news bulletin from the White House. The bulletin said that Bush had met previously with Sheehan in the summer of 2004. Both Senators and Blitzer withheld further comment on the matter during the remaining segment of the show. Later that day, Cindy Sheehan herself appeared on ''CNN'' Sunday with Blitzer and said she did meet with Bush in Seattle with fifteen or sixteen other families. She defended her current protest by saying, "The whole meeting was simply bizarre and disgusting." Sheehan said that Bush entered the meeting chamber with an insensitive comment to those present, "Who we'all honorin' today?" She added, "His mouth kept moving, but there was nothing in his eyes or anything else about him that showed me he really cared or had any real compassion at all. This is a human being totally disconnected from humanity and reality. His eyes were empty, hollow shells." The angry mother of the fallen U.S. soldier on Saturday led a protest march of nearly 50 on the Bush ranch. Cindy Sheehan of Vacaville, California demanded, but was denied, the chance to speak with Bush and personally ask him, "'Why did you kill my son? What did my son die for?" Sheehan was met outside the ranch, after progress of the march was stopped by Texas troopers and the Secret Service, by national security adviser Steve Hadley and deputy White House chief of staff Joe Hagin. They spoke with her approximately 45 minutes. Sheehan, unsatisfied with the meeting, vowed to remain camped outside the ranch until she is granted a personal interview with Bush. Meanwhile, Bush arrived in Albuqerque, New Mexico Monday where he signed into law the new energy bill. He will travel back to his Texas ranch this week to meet with his defense and economic advisers, then later, he will travel to Illinois to sign a highway bill. Cindy Sheehan said Sunday that she plans to hold the roadside peace protest near Bush's ranch until he talks to her again. "I'll follow him to D.C.," she said. Cindy's current comments are a drastic change from her comments in a 2004 interview with THE REPORTER of Vacaville, CA. From the article: "I now know he's sincere about wanting freedom for the Iraqis," Cindy said after their meeting. "I know he's sorry and feels some pain for our loss. And I know he's a man of faith."
Monday 08 August 2005 The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed. - Stephen King George W. Bush hauled stakes for Texas and a vacation a few days ago. Cindy Sheehan followed. She got off a bus Saturday afternoon and started walking to the Crawford ranch. She wanted some answers and was going to get them. Sheehan had met Mr. Bush once before. On April 4, 2004, just shy of a year after Bush stood on an aircraft carrier beneath a banner that read "Mission Accomplished," Cindy Sheehan's son, Army Specialist Casey A. Sheehan, was killed in Iraq when his unit was attacked by rocket-propelled grenades and small-arms fire. He was 24 years old. After Casey's death, Cindy Sheehan was invited to the White House for a visit with Mr. Bush in June of 2004. Her first memory of Bush's appearance that day was when he walked into the room and said in a loud, bluff voice, "Who we'all honorin' today?" "His mouth kept moving," Sheehan later recalled of her meeting with Bush, "but there was nothing in his eyes or anything else about him that showed me he really cared or had any real compassion at all. This is a human being totally disconnected from humanity and reality. His eyes were empty, hollow shells." Bush called her "Ma" or "Mom" throughout the whole meeting, and never got around to learning her name. "The whole meeting was simply bizarre and disgusting," Sheehan said later. "designed to intimidate instead of providing compassion. He didn't even know our names. I just couldn't believe this was happening. It was so surreal and bizarre. Later I met with some of the other fifteen or sixteen families who were at the White House the same day and, sure enough, they all felt the same way I did." That was it. Cindy Sheehan, who had never been politically active in her life, became an activist. She traveled the country to speak to whomever would listen, she told the story of Casey's life and death, and she threw fire at George W. Bush with the passionate anguish of a mother who was forced to bury her son. "Casey was told that he would be welcomed to Iraq as a liberator with chocolates and rose petals strewn in front of his unarmored Humvee" Sheehan wrote in February. "He was in Iraq for two short weeks when the Shi'ite rebel 'welcome wagon' welcomed him to Baghdad with bullets and RPG's, which took his young and beautiful life. Casey was killed after George Bush proclaimed 'Mission Accomplished' on May 1, 2003. Hundreds of our young people and thousands of Iraqis have been needlessly and senselessly murdered since George Bush triumphantly announced an end to 'major combat' almost 2 years ago now. All of the above events have been heralded by this administration as 'turning points' in the 'war on terror' - or as wonderful events in the 'march of democracy.'" In June of 2005, Cindy Sheehan testified at a hearing in Washington DC about the Downing Street Minutes, the recently leaked British intelligence documents which exposed the fact that Bush intended to invade Iraq almost from the beginning of his first term, and that "Intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy" of invasion. "I believed before our leaders invaded Iraq in March, 2003," said Sheehan in her testimony, "and I am even more convinced now, that this aggression on Iraq was based on a lie of historic proportions and was blatantly unnecessary. The so-called Downing Street Memo dated 23 July, 2003, only confirms what I already suspected: the leadership of this country rushed us into an illegal invasion of another sovereign country on prefabricated and cherry picked intelligence. It appears that my boy Casey was given a death sentence even before he joined the Army in May of 2000." And so it came to pass that George W. Bush hauled stakes for Texas and a vacation a few days ago, and Cindy Sheehan followed. She got off a bus Saturday afternoon and started walking to the Crawford ranch. She wanted some answers and was going to get them. She got as far as a police checkpoint, and has gotten no further. She is still there, waiting to speak to Mr. Bush so she can get an answer to her question. Why did her son die? The folks on the Crawford ranch sent out some important people to speak to her. They sent Stephen Hadley, the national security adviser. They sent Joe Hagin, a deputy White House chief of staff. Cindy Sheehan sent them both packing. By Sunday, a media frenzy had erupted around her. On Sunday night, the New York Times published a story about Sheehan's Texas standoff. "Her success in drawing so much attention to her message - and leaving the White House in a face-off with an opponent who had to be treated very gently even as she aggressively attacked the president and his policies - seemed to stem from the confluence of several forces," wrote the Times. "The deaths last week of 20 Marines from a single battalion has focused public attention on the unremitting pace of casualties in Iraq, providing her an opening to deliver her message that no more lives should be given to the war." "At the same time," continued the article, "polls that show falling approval for Mr. Bush's handling of the war have left him open to challenge in a way that he was not when the nation appeared to be more strongly behind him. It did not hurt her cause that she staged her protest, which she said was more or less spontaneous, at the doorstep of the White House press corps, which spends each August in Crawford with little to do, minimal access to Mr. Bush and his aides, and an eagerness for any new story." Casey Sheehan was every mother's son. Cindy Sheehan is every son's mother. She loved him with every cell in her body and every breath in her soul, and mourns his absence in every second of every day, and will have some answers for her pain and loss, or will know the reason why. She is down in Crawford, right now, waiting for George W. Bush to stop sending lackeys to placate her. She wants to speak to the man who sent her son to die. She is waiting. William Rivers Pitt is a New York Times and internationally bestselling author of two books: War on Iraq: What Team Bush Doesn't Want You to Know and The Greatest Sedition Is Silence .
Cindy Sheehan rallied supporters in front of the tour bus emblazoned with "Veterans for Impeachment Tour". On a ''CNN'' Wolf Blitzer ''Late Edition'' broadcast Sunday, U.S. Senators George Allen (R-VA) and Barbara Boxer (D-CA) both told Blitzer that in the furore created by the protest that they believe President Bush should personally meet with Cindy Sheehan. She is the mother of a soldier son killed in Iraq in April 2004, and leader of a protest march now camped near the presidential ranch in Crawford, Texas. After returning from commercial break, Blitzer told his guests that ''CNN'' had just received a news bulletin from the White House. The bulletin said that Bush had met previously with Sheehan in the summer of 2004. Both Senators and Blitzer withheld further comment on the matter during the remaining segment of the show. Later that day, Cindy Sheehan herself appeared on ''CNN'' Sunday with Blitzer and said she did meet with Bush in Seattle with fifteen or sixteen other families. She defended her current protest by saying, "The whole meeting was simply bizarre and disgusting." Sheehan said that Bush entered the meeting chamber with an insensitive comment to those present, "Who we'all honorin' today?" She added, "His mouth kept moving, but there was nothing in his eyes or anything else about him that showed me he really cared or had any real compassion at all. This is a human being totally disconnected from humanity and reality. His eyes were empty, hollow shells." The angry mother of the fallen U.S. soldier on Saturday led a protest march of nearly 50 on the Bush ranch. Cindy Sheehan of Vacaville, California demanded, but was denied, the chance to speak with Bush and personally ask him, "'Why did you kill my son? What did my son die for?" Sheehan was met outside the ranch, after progress of the march was stopped by Texas troopers and the Secret Service, by national security adviser Steve Hadley and deputy White House chief of staff Joe Hagin. They spoke with her approximately 45 minutes. Sheehan, unsatisfied with the meeting, vowed to remain camped outside the ranch until she is granted a personal interview with Bush. Meanwhile, Bush arrived in Albuqerque, New Mexico Monday where he signed into law the new energy bill. He will travel back to his Texas ranch this week to meet with his defense and economic advisers, then later, he will travel to Illinois to sign a highway bill. Cindy Sheehan said Sunday that she plans to hold the roadside peace protest near Bush's ranch until he talks to her again. "I'll follow him to D.C.," she said. Cindy's current comments are a drastic change from her comments in a 2004 interview with THE REPORTER of Vacaville, CA. From the article: "I now know he's sincere about wanting freedom for the Iraqis," Cindy said after their meeting. "I know he's sorry and feels some pain for our loss. And I know he's a man of faith."
The peace movement has returned to this tiny town near President Bush’s vacation home, where thousands gathered last year to support activist Cindy Sheehan in her protest of the Iraq war. Sheehan, whose son was killed in Iraq in 2004, came back to Crawford on Sunday -- the same day that Arabs and Muslims from across Texas gathered at the Crawford Peace House, the modest headquarters for antiwar activity here, to protest the violence and the civilian death toll in Lebanon. Sheehan defended her decision to use a third party to buy 5 acres of land near Bush’s ranch to conceal her identity. She paid for the property with insurance money she received from the government after her son, Army Spc. Casey Sheehan, was killed. “I know that they wouldn’t have sold property to me,” said Sheehan, whose return to Crawford was timed to coincide with Bush’s vacation. The land will be used as a gathering place for antiwar demonstrators. Advertisement Supporters raised a large tepee Sunday and flew a rainbow flag. Small white wooden crosses were planted in an open area under a sign -- “For What Noble Cause?” -- that listed the numbers of Americans killed and wounded in Iraq. Sheehan first came to Crawford last summer after attending a peace rally in Dallas. Two senior White House officials met with her on the day she arrived, but she vowed to remain until she got a face-to-face session with the president. She ended up spending almost a month camping on the side of a road near Bush’s ranch and on a nearby lot owned by a sympathizer. White House Press Secretary Tony Snow said Friday that there were “no plans” for White House staffers to meet with her this year. Speakers at the Crawford Peace House rally warned of increasing Arab and Muslim anger about U.S. policies in the Middle East and the widespread perception that the United States was biased in favor of Israel. Advertisement Edward Peck, a retired diplomat who served as chief of the U.S. mission in Baghdad during the Carter administration, warned of the risks that such a perception would pose if the U.S. were to get more deeply involved in the region. He contended that some administration officials were urging the United States to go to war against Iran and Syria because of those countries’ support for the Shiite Muslim militants of Hezbollah. “To the extent that that is true, we should bear in mind the consequences of backing Israel, which is doing some awfully nasty things to the Lebanese,” Peck told a crowd of about 100. “There are people who might wish to return the favor who will be coming after us. It’s not because we have freedom -- that’s not why they hate us. They are unhappy with us because of the policies of this administration.” One speaker, Samah Elhajibrahim, a legal permanent U.S. resident from Dallas, recounted her harrowing escape from Lebanon, where she was visiting her family.
Cindy Sheehan rallied supporters in front of the tour bus emblazoned with "Veterans for Impeachment Tour". On a ''CNN'' Wolf Blitzer ''Late Edition'' broadcast Sunday, U.S. Senators George Allen (R-VA) and Barbara Boxer (D-CA) both told Blitzer that in the furore created by the protest that they believe President Bush should personally meet with Cindy Sheehan. She is the mother of a soldier son killed in Iraq in April 2004, and leader of a protest march now camped near the presidential ranch in Crawford, Texas. After returning from commercial break, Blitzer told his guests that ''CNN'' had just received a news bulletin from the White House. The bulletin said that Bush had met previously with Sheehan in the summer of 2004. Both Senators and Blitzer withheld further comment on the matter during the remaining segment of the show. Later that day, Cindy Sheehan herself appeared on ''CNN'' Sunday with Blitzer and said she did meet with Bush in Seattle with fifteen or sixteen other families. She defended her current protest by saying, "The whole meeting was simply bizarre and disgusting." Sheehan said that Bush entered the meeting chamber with an insensitive comment to those present, "Who we'all honorin' today?" She added, "His mouth kept moving, but there was nothing in his eyes or anything else about him that showed me he really cared or had any real compassion at all. This is a human being totally disconnected from humanity and reality. His eyes were empty, hollow shells." The angry mother of the fallen U.S. soldier on Saturday led a protest march of nearly 50 on the Bush ranch. Cindy Sheehan of Vacaville, California demanded, but was denied, the chance to speak with Bush and personally ask him, "'Why did you kill my son? What did my son die for?" Sheehan was met outside the ranch, after progress of the march was stopped by Texas troopers and the Secret Service, by national security adviser Steve Hadley and deputy White House chief of staff Joe Hagin. They spoke with her approximately 45 minutes. Sheehan, unsatisfied with the meeting, vowed to remain camped outside the ranch until she is granted a personal interview with Bush. Meanwhile, Bush arrived in Albuqerque, New Mexico Monday where he signed into law the new energy bill. He will travel back to his Texas ranch this week to meet with his defense and economic advisers, then later, he will travel to Illinois to sign a highway bill. Cindy Sheehan said Sunday that she plans to hold the roadside peace protest near Bush's ranch until he talks to her again. "I'll follow him to D.C.," she said. Cindy's current comments are a drastic change from her comments in a 2004 interview with THE REPORTER of Vacaville, CA. From the article: "I now know he's sincere about wanting freedom for the Iraqis," Cindy said after their meeting. "I know he's sorry and feels some pain for our loss. And I know he's a man of faith."
EEUU le garantizará que no les apuntará MOSCÚ, 19 Oct. (EUROPA PRESS) - El ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Rusia, Serguei Lavrov, declaró este miércoles que el escudo antimisiles debería estar diseñado "conjuntamente" a fin de que quede "plenamente garantizado" que no apuntará contra ningún país de Europa. "En primer lugar, hay que diseñar conjuntamente el escudo antimisiles de tal forma que, con toda garantía, apunte fuera de Europa y no cree riesgos ni amenazas para nadie dentro de Europa", declaró el ministro. Una vez diseñado y materializado "en metal", se debería invitar mutuamente a "observadores", agregó, citado por la agencia estatal de noticias RIA Novosti. La subsecretaria de Estado norteamericana para el Control de Armas y Seguridad Internacional, Ellen Tauscher, anunció el martes que Washington está dispuesto a asegurar por escrito a Moscú que el escudo antimisiles de Europa no apuntará contra su territorio, aunque aseguró que su Gobierno no tiene intención de garantizarlo de forma vinculante.
A pesar de los esfuerzos por superar las diferencias de los sistemas de escudos de misiles que provengan de Europa con dirección a Oriente Medio y Rusia, el representante del gobierno de este último país ante la OTAN, Dmitri Rogozin, propone desarrollar una propuesta, aún por formalizarse, de una defensa global estratégica para lidiar con amenazas militares de paises hostiles a Occidente (Irán y Corea del Norte) y objetos espaciales como asteroides, en declaraciones al diario ''Kommersant''. Rogozin aclara que solo el control de este nuevo sistema estará a cargo de los paises que integran el Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas y como Rusia es miembro de ésta, podría tomar una voz influyente en el proyecto, cuya construcción sería implementada por aquella, Estados Unidos y la OTAN. La idea, se basa en la Iniciativa de Defensa Estratégica planteada por el economista Lyndon LaRouche y aplicada por el otrora presidente estadounidense Ronald Reagan conocida como ''Star Wars'': Según Kommersant, el mandatario ruso Dmitri Medvédev tiene grandes intereses en el proyecto pero no se ha emitido respuesta oficial del mismo. Para el politólogo Pável Zolotariov, manifiesta que a pesar de las buenas intenciones, también deja en claro que todavía no se ha resuelto la problemática de los misiles de EE.UU. en Europa, a la cual ha tenido punto muerto: Por su parte, el politólogo Vladimir Evseev alega que la propuesta aun no es lo suficientemente realista dada las diferencias entre los sistemas de antimisil europeo y ruso considerando que Occidente "no tiene plenas garantías", aunque preconiza de buena manera la intención de la propuesta de Rogozin en cuanto a las amenazas espaciales. Por su parte, el ministro de exteriores ruso, Serguéy Lavrov, manifiesta que el sistema de antimisiles de Estados Unidos no quede apuntando ni a Rusia ni a otro país europeo, en declaraciones a RIA Novosti.
TRENDS: TAGS: Arms, Military, NATO, Russia, Politics, Europe, USA In a move to overcome the Russia-US deadlock over the missile defense, Moscow has reportedly come up with a new initiative: a global system to guard against missiles – as well as asteroids and other threats from space. According to the plan, the system would be created jointly by Russia and NATO under the control of the United Nations, reports Kommersant newspaper. As one of five permanent members of the UN Security Council, Russia has the veto right and, therefore, would be able to influence the development of the project. The idea was put forward by Dmitry Rogozin, Moscow’s envoy to the security alliance, writes the daily, citing diplomatic sources. The package of proposals has yet to be formalized. The idea has been nicknamed “Strategic Defense of Earth” as an allusion to “The Strategic Defense Initiative’ – better known as “Star Wars” – suggested by former US President Ronald Reagan in 1983.The costly and highly-criticized plan for ground and space-based systems intended to make America invulnerable to nuclear attacks. The point of the Russian “Star Wars” initiative is to focus on fighting threats coming from space rather than just missiles. The Washington-backed missile defense shield is customized purely for countering missiles “launched somewhere in the Middle East,” a source told Kommersant. Moscow proposes a different approach. It would be an integration of anti-aircraft, missile and space defenses. “Thereby, the system… would be targeted against possible threats to Earth coming from space, including asteroids, comet fragments, and other alien bodies,” the source is cited as saying. The system should be capable of both monitoring the space and destroying any dangerous objects as they approach our planet. The plan mulled over in Moscow uses American logic – their habit of thinking globally. The missile defense idea that Washington currently sticks to does solve a global task: it saves the US and its allies from missile threats. “[The Russian] concept gives an opportunity to propose [the US] even a more global task – to save the world. And also do it together with us rather than on their own,” Kommersant’s informant noted. According to the paper, President Dmitry Medvedev showed interest in the proposals and instructed Dmitry Rogozin and presidential aide Sergey Prikhodko to work further on the initiative. However, no official confirmation or comments have followed so far. Last week, Washington made it clear that the negotiations with Moscow on the missile defense shield in Europe had reached a dead end. Michael McFaul – the recently-nominated US ambassador to Russia and a chief architect of the President Barack Obama's policy of "reset" of relations with the Kremlin – announced that the US had no plans to provide any legally-binding guarantees that the defense system would not be targeted against Russia. Moscow, though, continues to stand firm in its position. The Russian side wants the US to provide not only legal guarantees that there is no threat, but also the exact parameters this system may possess – the number of interceptor missiles, their location, speed and range. "All this must guarantee that the missile defense system in Europe will not weaken the Russian strategic potential. Moreover, the guarantees must be provided not only by the United States, but by NATO as a whole," Dmitry Rogozin told NTV channel on Tuesday, cites Interfax agency. "NATO, within the framework its joint responsibility, must say something to Russia too." The Russian envoy added that if the guarantees cannot be provided during Obama’s tenure, “they will be given under another administration.” A deployment of Iskander-M missile systems in Russia’s northwestern military district of Leningrad may become one of the arguments in the row, writes Izvestia newspaper. Following McFaul’s statement, Russia’s Defense Ministry announced of a creation of a first brigade that would entirely armed with Iskanders. Last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov admitted that there was no movement in missile defense talks between Russia, the US and NATO. However, he expressed confidence that Russia was capable of defending its territory and international position. “In our development plans we have opportunities to secure our territory and our positions in the strategic stability sphere without serious additional expenditures,” the official said in an interview with Russia’s Profile magazine. The American plan to deploy elements of its defense system in Eastern Europe has been a bone of contention between the two powers ever since it was first announced by former US president George W. Bush. Russia has feared that the shield would pose a threat to its national security, while America kept assuring – in word only – that it is purely a protection against possible attacks from so-called rouge states. Despite the announced “reset” in the relations after President Obama came to office, Washington is going ahead with its plans. Last month, the US signed a deal with Turkey on the deployment of an American radar station in the in the southeastern Turkish province of Malatya by the end of the year. Also in September, Romania agreed to a deal with Washington under which land-based SM3 interceptor missiles and over 100 military personnel will be based on Romanian soil. On September 15, the Polish-American missile defense plan – first signed in 2008 – entered into force. Under the agreement, the US will deploy its SM-3 interceptors at Redzikowo Base in Poland.
A pesar de los esfuerzos por superar las diferencias de los sistemas de escudos de misiles que provengan de Europa con dirección a Oriente Medio y Rusia, el representante del gobierno de este último país ante la OTAN, Dmitri Rogozin, propone desarrollar una propuesta, aún por formalizarse, de una defensa global estratégica para lidiar con amenazas militares de paises hostiles a Occidente (Irán y Corea del Norte) y objetos espaciales como asteroides, en declaraciones al diario ''Kommersant''. Rogozin aclara que solo el control de este nuevo sistema estará a cargo de los paises que integran el Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas y como Rusia es miembro de ésta, podría tomar una voz influyente en el proyecto, cuya construcción sería implementada por aquella, Estados Unidos y la OTAN. La idea, se basa en la Iniciativa de Defensa Estratégica planteada por el economista Lyndon LaRouche y aplicada por el otrora presidente estadounidense Ronald Reagan conocida como ''Star Wars'': Según Kommersant, el mandatario ruso Dmitri Medvédev tiene grandes intereses en el proyecto pero no se ha emitido respuesta oficial del mismo. Para el politólogo Pável Zolotariov, manifiesta que a pesar de las buenas intenciones, también deja en claro que todavía no se ha resuelto la problemática de los misiles de EE.UU. en Europa, a la cual ha tenido punto muerto: Por su parte, el politólogo Vladimir Evseev alega que la propuesta aun no es lo suficientemente realista dada las diferencias entre los sistemas de antimisil europeo y ruso considerando que Occidente "no tiene plenas garantías", aunque preconiza de buena manera la intención de la propuesta de Rogozin en cuanto a las amenazas espaciales. Por su parte, el ministro de exteriores ruso, Serguéy Lavrov, manifiesta que el sistema de antimisiles de Estados Unidos no quede apuntando ni a Rusia ni a otro país europeo, en declaraciones a RIA Novosti.
International La fermeture de la base américaine de Manas est un droit souverain du Kirghizstan (Lavrov) 17:35 VLADIVOSTOK, 7 février - RIA Novosti. La décision kirghize de fermer la base aérienne américaine de Manas située sur le territoire de l'aéroport international de Bichkek est un droit souverain du Kirghizstan, a déclaré samedi le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Sergueï Lavrov dans une interview à la chaîne Rossia. "La question du déploiement des bases militaires étrangères relève de la compétence des États souverains et la décision prise par les autorités kirghizes respecte" ce principe", a indiqué M.Lavrov. Le ministre russe a confirmé que les États-Unis avaient demandé à la Russie d'autoriser le transit non militaire vers l'Afghanistan via le territoire russe après la fermeture de la base aérienne de Manas aménagée au Kirghizstan en décembre 2001 dans le cadre de l'opération "Liberté immuable" lancée par la coalition antiterroriste en Afghanistan. "Il y a quelques jours, la partie américaine nous a demandé de contribuer à la réalisation de l'entente Russie-OTAN de 2008 sur le transit de cargaisons non militaires de la Force Internationale d'Assistance à la Sécurité en Afghanistan (ISAF) via le territoire Russe. Nous avons rapidement donné une réponse positive", a précisé M.Lavrov. Le 3 février dernier, le président kirghiz Kourmanbek Bakiev, en visite à Moscou, a annoncé sa décision de fermer la base aérienne américaine de Manas qui abritait 1.200 soldats, ainsi que des avions de transport militaire américains. Le parlement kirghiz examinera le projet d'arrêté gouvernemental prévoyant la résiliation de l'accord américano-kirghiz approprié la semaine prochaine. envoyez par e-mail retour à la page d'accueil
Sergueï Lavrov La décision kirghize de fermer la base aérienne américaine de Manas située sur le territoire de l'aéroport international de Bichkek est un droit souverain du Kirghizstan, a déclaré samedi le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Sergueï Lavrov dans une interview à la chaîne Rossia. , a indiqué M.Lavrov. Le ministre russe a confirmé que les États-Unis avaient demandé à la Russie d'autoriser le transit non militaire vers l'Afghanistan via le territoire russe après la fermeture de la base aérienne de Manas aménagée au Kirghizstan en décembre 2001 dans le cadre de l'opération lancée par la coalition antiterroriste en Afghanistan. , a précisé M.Lavrov. Le 3 février dernier, le président kirghiz , en visite à Moscou, a annoncé sa décision de fermer la base aérienne américaine de Manas qui abritait soldats, ainsi que des avions de transport militaire américains. Le parlement kirghiz examinera le projet d'arrêté gouvernemental prévoyant la résiliation de l'accord américano-kirghiz approprié la semaine prochaine.
Zanu-PF said anomalies had been detected in a number of constituencies President Robert Mugabe's party has asked Zimbabwe's electoral officials to delay presidential poll results to check "errors and miscalculations". The opposition Movement for Democratic Change said the move was illegal - a recount is possible only after the result has been published. They have asked the High Court to publish the outcome immediately. The MDC believes its leader Morgan Tsvangirai won outright in the vote held eight days ago. The opposition party has also denied it had proposed a unity government. A minister had earlier said Zanu-PF had rejected an opposition call for a coalition. On Saturday, the opposition accused President Mugabe of "preparing a war". And the farmers' union said a number of white-owned farms had been briefly invaded by war veterans' groups loyal to Mr Mugabe in southern Masvingo. A spokesman said the situation was under control after police intervened to disperse them. 'Anomalies' Mr Mugabe's Zanu-PF party has cited what it claims are anomalies in the presidential vote despite the fact the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) has still to release the result. Information Minister Bright Matonga told the BBC the anomalies were with the collation of the results - there was a discrepancy between the voting results put outside polling stations and the form sent to the central election commission. It's madness literally and metaphorically Tendai Biti MDC Secretary-General Speculation grips Harare Brown and Mbeki in Zimbabwe talks Send us your comments It was not clear if this meant the whole vote had to be counted again. The minister insisted the request did not amount to a recount - which has been dismissed as illegal by MDC Secretary-General Tendai Biti. "The [Electoral] Act says that you ask for a recount within 48 hours of the counting," he said. "Counting takes place at polling stations so it's within 48 hours of that. "It's madness literally and metaphorically". According to papers submitted to the ZEC by Zanu-PF, the number of votes for Mr Mugabe recorded at a number of polling stations were reduced before being sent on to electoral officials. Some ZEC officials working in the Midlands constituencies of Mberengwa East, West, North and South had since been arrested, the state-run Sunday Mail newspaper said. "As will soon become apparent, the constituency elections officer and his team committed errors of miscounting that are so glaring as to prejudice not just our clients' candidate but also his co-contestants," Zanu-PF's letter said, according to the Sunday Mail. In a separate article, the Sunday Mail quoted Justice Minister Patrick Chinamasa as saying the Zanu-PF had rejected an offer from Mr Tsvangirai to form a national unity government, but Mr Biti denied that an offer had been made. Court challenge Before the High Court judge on Sunday, MDC lawyer Alec Muchadehama said the results "must be announced forthwith", as they had been available since 30 March. But ZEC lawyer George Chikumbirike said the court's remit did not include ruling on the case - only ZEC could adjudicate. The court is to rule on Monday on whether it has jurisdiction over the case. The Zanu-PF complaint came hours after the ZEC declared the final results of last week's Senate election. It said Mr Mugabe's party had won 30 seats, with the combined opposition taking the same number. The MDC says Mr Tsvangirai took 50.3% of the presidential vote In the lower house, opposition parties took 109 seats, while Zanu-PF won just 97 - the first time it has failed to win a majority since independence from the UK in 1980. On Saturday Mr Tsvangirai claimed victory for the first time since the vote, saying figures posted outside polling stations confirmed he had reached the required threshold of more than 50% of the vote to win outright - making a run-off unnecessary. He also claimed that the country's central bank was printing money "for the finance of violence", and called for dialogue on a peaceful transition. Mr Mugabe, 84, came to power 28 years ago at independence on a wave of optimism. But in recent years Zimbabwe has been plagued by the world's highest inflation, as well as acute food and fuel shortages, which correspondents say have driven many voters to back the opposition. Are you in Zimbabwe? How concerned are you about the political uncertainty? What is happening where you are? Send us your comments using the form below Name Your E-mail address Town & Country Phone number (optional): Comments The BBC may edit your comments and not all emails will be published. Your comments may be published on any BBC media worldwide. Terms & Conditions E-mail this to a friend Printable version Bookmark with: Delicious Digg reddit Facebook StumbleUpon What are these?
Zanu-PF, the party of the incumbent Robert Mugabe has said that there should be a recount of the presidential election results to check for possible "errors and miscalculations." Zimbabwe's main opposition party, the (MDC), questioned the legality of these actions. They said that recounts are only legal after the original set of results are made available. The MDC released premature election results last Sunday, which claimed a large victory for their presidential candidate against Robert Mugabe. MDC leaders said that the unofficial tally, based on one-third of the election returns, shows Tsvangirai with 67% of the vote. The 'results' were posted on the doors of polling stations, and then sent to party officials by . MDC Secretary General said, "Barring a miracle, Mugabe can't win."
Zimbabwe Electoral Authorities Pressured To Release Results; Mugabe Defeat Seen Tension was running high in the Zimbabwean capital of Harare late Sunday, one day after presidential, general and local elections, as the opposition said it had delivered a resounding defeat to President Robert Mugabe and his ruling ZANU-PF party but the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission failed to bring forth official results. Earlier in the day the government and the elections commission warned the opposition Movement for Democratic Change formation led by Morgan Tsvangirai, a presidential candidate, against releasing unofficial results. Party officials responded that they had the right to circulate figures posted at local polling stations and at higher levels. Tsvangirai formation spokesman Nelson Chamisa told reporter Blessing Zulu of VOA's Studio 7 for Zimbabwe that the MDC release of data had been perfectly legal. Preliminary results suggested that Tsvangirai's MDC formation made deep inroads in parts of the country traditionally dominated by Mr. Mugabe's ruling party, unseating a number of ZANU-PF ministers in house of assembly races. The Tsvangirai grouping also bested the rival MDC formation led by Arthur Mutambara, which had thrown its political weight behind independent presidential candidate Simba Makoni. Early projections from qualified sources gave Tsvangirai better than 50% of the vote in the presidential race, trailed by Mr. Mugabe with 36% and Makoni under 10%. There were unconfirmed reports that the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission was under intense pressure from military authorities to declare Mr. Mugabe the winner. Earlier, delay in the release of official results led Secretary General Tendai Biti of the Tsvangirai MDC grouping to refer to a "constitutional threat" to the outcome. Biti had been categorical as to the opposition's sweeping victory, "barring a miracle." Correspondent Sylvia Manika of VOA's Studio 7 for Zimbabwe reported on the MDC news conferences held at 1 a.m. Sunday and later in the morning. Little was forthcoming throughout Sunday from the government. Information Minister Sikhanyiso Ndlovu urged the population to be patient and to remain calm. Presidential spokesman George Charamba told the state-controlled Sunday Mail newspaper that if Tsvangirai declared himself the winner before official results were released, that would be tantamount to a coup. The U.S. embassy released a statement warning American citizens in Zimbabwe that a "volatile situation" was developing in the wake of the elections "with the possibility of violence across Zimbabwe" through Sunday night into Monday. It advised American citizens to "move to a safe location until the Embassy provides further information." U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, in the Mideast, said Mr. Mugabe was a “disgrace” to his people and Africa, voicing concern on whether the elections could be determined to have been free and fair given the scarcity of international observers. Late Sunday all eyes were on the election command center in the Harare International Conference Center where journalists and others waited for ZEC to release results. Correspondent Thomas Chiripasi reported on what ZEC was telling the country. The Zimbabwe Election Support Network, a civic organization that deployed 11,000 election observers across the country, said electoral commission delays in releasing the results were causing confusion and concern. Though preliminary results had been posted outside polling stations nationwide, ZESN officials said electoral authorities were telling them that they were encountering unspecified logistical problems. Correspondent Sylvia Manika covered a ZESN news conference late Sunday at which the non-governmental organization demanded that ZEC release election results. ZESN Chairman Noel Kututwa told reporter Carole Gombakomba that ZEC's delay in releasing the results was unusual as figures had emerged faster in other elections. The Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition, another non-governmental organization, criticized the electoral commission for withholding the results, saying this could cause alarm. Crisis Coalition spokesman MacDonald Lewanika told reporter Patience Rusere that efforts to obtain clarification from the electoral commission had been fruitless. A polling agent from Zvimba, Mashonaland West, expressed surprise and concern at the delay in releasing results. This official, who identified himself only as Richard, told Marvellous Mhlanga-Nyahuye that his station had finalized results very early. Residents of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe's second-largest city, spent Sunday with their ears glued to radios and televisions, anxiously awaiting official election results, as correspondent Netsai Mlilo reported from the City of Kings. In Mutare, on the other side of the country near the border with Mozambique, police dispersed a crowd of MDC supporters that had assembled to celebrate the victories of their house candidates, as Studio 7 correspondent Loirdham Moyo reported. More reports from VOA's Studio 7 for Zimbabwe...
Zanu-PF, the party of the incumbent Robert Mugabe has said that there should be a recount of the presidential election results to check for possible "errors and miscalculations." Zimbabwe's main opposition party, the (MDC), questioned the legality of these actions. They said that recounts are only legal after the original set of results are made available. The MDC released premature election results last Sunday, which claimed a large victory for their presidential candidate against Robert Mugabe. MDC leaders said that the unofficial tally, based on one-third of the election returns, shows Tsvangirai with 67% of the vote. The 'results' were posted on the doors of polling stations, and then sent to party officials by . MDC Secretary General said, "Barring a miracle, Mugabe can't win."
Zimbabwe opposition claims election win President Robert Mugabe's government warns that premature victory claims would be seen as a 'coup.' Page 1 of 2 Reporter Scott Baldauf discusses early election returns from Zimbabwe. – Casting their votes Saturday, Zimbabweans have made up their minds on whether they want another five years of President Robert Mugabe. The answer, according to preliminary results monitored at polling stations by opposition activists and independent observers seems to be an unqualified "no." But with no official results announced by Sunday night, tensions were rising in the capital, Harare. Now all eyes are turning to Mr. Mugabe's ZANU-PF Party, and especially his well-armed military and security agencies. Senior police, intelligence, and military commanders have all said they would not salute a "puppet," referring to top opposition candidate Morgan Tsvangirai. One senior ZANU-PF official even warned opposition activists not to declare premature victory, saying that the government would treat this as a "coup." Yet if the military commanders order a clampdown on opposition supporters, will their soldiers – as poverty stricken as much of the rest of the country – follow them? "There's a lot of talk about people's power at the polls, but a change of leadership will only happen if the military joins the masses," says Henri Boshoff, a military analyst at the Institute for Security Studies in Tshwane, as Pretoria is now called. "The question now is, what will the military do?" While police forces, and especially the riot police are well looked after, the Zimbabwe Defense Forces (ZDF) reportedly have been struck with mass desertions, says Mr. Boshoff. At times, the ZDF has been so hard up for cash and supplies that it has sent its troops home on compulsory leave because it couldn't feed them. As such, Boshoff says, statements by senior military commanders should be taken with a grain of salt. "What the military says at the senior level and what happens at the ground level of the rank and file are two very different things," says Boshoff. Opposition celebrations In constituencies around the country, supporters of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) opposition party started to celebrate. Jubilant crowds filled the streets of Harare as word of the MDC's victory spread across the country. Many said the MDC victory meant an end to the suffering of Zimbabweans, whose country has the highest inflation rate in the world (100,000 percent) and 80 percent unemployment to boot. "Our cries have been heard," said Arnold Munashe, a voter in Harare. "The old man is gone and our suffering has ended. Let's try another leader, Morgan Tsvangirai," he said, referring to the MDC leader as he joined his colleagues in the celebrations. In Mbare, Harare's oldest high-density suburb, suspected Zanu-PF militia forced the closure of a popular market as punishment for "voting the MDC into power." The market was only reopened after police intervention. In the suburbs of Harare, opposition celebration has been halted by heavily armed police, who have been deployed around the country to thwart any form of political violence. Page 1 | 2 | Next Page
Zanu-PF, the party of the incumbent Robert Mugabe has said that there should be a recount of the presidential election results to check for possible "errors and miscalculations." Zimbabwe's main opposition party, the (MDC), questioned the legality of these actions. They said that recounts are only legal after the original set of results are made available. The MDC released premature election results last Sunday, which claimed a large victory for their presidential candidate against Robert Mugabe. MDC leaders said that the unofficial tally, based on one-third of the election returns, shows Tsvangirai with 67% of the vote. The 'results' were posted on the doors of polling stations, and then sent to party officials by . MDC Secretary General said, "Barring a miracle, Mugabe can't win."
(CNN) -- Election observers called on Zimbabwe's government to release the results of weekend elections as soon as possible to avoid political unrest, but government officials said the results won't be out until Monday. Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe campaigns in the capital of Harare last week. Justice George Chiweshe, the chairman of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission, announced the commission would begin releasing results at 6 a.m. Monday (midnight Sunday ET). Appearing on Zimbabwe's ZTV television network, he said commissioners had to verify results and would not be pressured into releasing them early. "We are dealing with a matter with national dimensions ... Our mandate is clearly laid down in terms of the Constitution and we have tried -- actually, have followed -- that," Chiweshe said. But Marwick Khumalo, a spokesman for the Pan-African Parliament observer mission, said he had no doubt the election commission knew "at least a larger part, if not all the results," by Sunday evening. "So really, it is frustrating not only for the Zimbabweans themselves, even for those of us who come from afar, to come and witness this historical event," Khumalo said. Saturday's vote posed a serious challenge to President Robert Mugabe's three-decade rule over Zimbabwe. Former finance minister Simba Makoni, and Morgan Tsvangirai of the main opposition party, Movement for Democratic Change, were vying to unseat the 84-year-old incumbent. Defying a government order, MDC released its count of the votes Sunday and claimed an early victory for Tsvangirai. The party said it tallied the results posted outside each polling station -- and based on one-third of the returns, that count showed Tsvangirai won 67 percent of the votes, journalists inside Zimbabwe told CNN. Watch polls close in Zimbabwe » The Zimbabwean government has denied CNN and other international news organizations permission to enter the country to report on the elections. At its Sunday news conference, MDC also claimed it has won the majority of parliamentary seats in Zimbabwe's urban centers, including Harare and Bulawayo. MDC enjoys widespread support in the cities. Mugabe's ruling Zanu-PF party has its base in Zimbabwe's rural areas. Takura Zhangazha, a local media watchdog representative, said it is unclear if the government would actually release results Monday. Speaking to CNN from Harare, Zhangazha warned the government needs to announce the results "as soon as possible to allay any fears of rigging or cheating in terms of the vote." "There's too much speculation, and the speculation tends to lead to a lot of political tension," said Zhangazha, part of the Media Institute for Southern Africa. "I would not want to see people then fighting over the results or any political violence or tensions then occurring." MDC leaders have already dismissed the government's unannounced results as rigged in favor of the incumbent leader and began declaring victory just hours into Saturday's vote. But there are concerns that if each side claims victory, tensions could ignite and violence could erupt. Simba Makoni, who was expelled from the Zanu-PF after announcing his bid to unseat Mugabe, said it was "premature to judge that the environment before the balloting has had some impediment." "Overall it was not a conducive environment" for voting, Makoni said, citing voter confusion and lack of access to the media. "But we know our people are clear about what they want and we expect they will express their will. We will wait and see the results." Critics of the government predicted the vote would be rigged or marred by fraud. The United States this week warned of a possible unfair election, and New York-based Human Rights Watch announced earlier this month that the elections were likely to be "deeply flawed." A hero of the country's civil war against the white Rhodesian government, Mugabe became the country's first black prime minister in 1980. But nearly three decades later, he has consolidated his rule over all aspects of Zimbabwean life. His country was once revered for offering its citizens some of the best education and health care in Africa, but now, schooling is a luxury and Zimbabwe has one of the lowest life expectancies in the world. Zimbabwe was once known as the breadbasket of southern Africa, but now it is difficult to get even basic food supplies. Inflation has skyrocketed to more than 100,000 percent while food production and agricultural exports have dropped drastically. Part of the economic freefall is traced to Mugabe's land redistribution policies, including his controversial seizure of commercially white-owned farms in 2000. Mugabe gave the land to black Zimbabweans who he said were cheated under colonialist rule, and white farmers who resisted were jailed. In 2005, Mugabe launched Operation Clean Out the Trash, in which he razed slum areas across the country. Mugabe denies mismanagement and blames his country's woes on the West, saying sanctions have harmed the economy. E-mail to a friend CNN's Robyn Curnow in Beitbridge, South Africa, and Eunice Mafundikwa contributed to this report. All About Zimbabwe • Robert Mugabe • Human Rights Watch
Zanu-PF, the party of the incumbent Robert Mugabe has said that there should be a recount of the presidential election results to check for possible "errors and miscalculations." Zimbabwe's main opposition party, the (MDC), questioned the legality of these actions. They said that recounts are only legal after the original set of results are made available. The MDC released premature election results last Sunday, which claimed a large victory for their presidential candidate against Robert Mugabe. MDC leaders said that the unofficial tally, based on one-third of the election returns, shows Tsvangirai with 67% of the vote. The 'results' were posted on the doors of polling stations, and then sent to party officials by . MDC Secretary General said, "Barring a miracle, Mugabe can't win."
Iran's Zarif says Israel made 'very bad gamble' by sabotaging Natanz site Iran's top diplomat said on Tuesday that the attack on the Natanz nuclear facility by Israel was a "very bad gamble" which will strengthen Tehran's hand in talks with major powers to revive the 2015 nuclear deal that Washington abandoned three years ago.
'''Taipeh (Taiwan), 12.12.2004''' - Der zentralen Wahlkommission zufolge haben die Oppositionsparteien, die eine enge Anbindung Taiwans an China befürworten, bei der Parlamentswahl die Mehrheit erlangt. Nun muss Taiwans Präsident Chen Shui-bian nach der Wahl am Samstag weitere vier Jahre ohne eine Mehrheit im Parlament regieren. Seine Demokratische Fortschrittspartei (DPP) und die Taiwan-Solidaritätsunion (TSU) kamen nach dem amtlichen Endergebnis auf 101 Sitze, das von der konservativen Opposition der Nationalchinesen (KMT) geführte Oppositionsbündnis erreichte 114 Sitze. Der Rest der Mandate ging an unabhängige Abgeordnete. Taiwans Regierung vertrat einen Konfrontationskurs gegenüber China und wollte die Eigenständigkeit Taiwans, das von China als abtrünnige Provinz angesehen wird, stärken. Obwohl Chen den Konfrontationskurs vor der Wahl deutlich abgeschwächt hatte, vertraten Politiker seines Lagers noch den radikalen Konfrontationskurs. Dies könnte ein Grund für die Niederlage der Regierungsparteien bei der Parlamentswahl gewesen sein. Nach erbitterten Auseinandersetzungen der rivalisierenden Lager lässt die geringe Wahlbeteiligung von 59,2 Prozent auf zunehmende Politikverdrossenheit schließen.
Die "blaue" Allianz von Kuomintang (KMT) und Volkspartei (PFP), die sich für eine Annäherung zu Peking einsetzt, erzielte 114 der 225 Sitze und verfügt damit wieder über die absolute Mehrheit im Parlament von Taipeh. Experten werteten das Wahlergebnis als Votum für den Frieden mit der Volksrepublik China, die Taiwan als "abtrünnige" Provinz betrachtet. Wichtigster Handelspartner Das "grüne" Lager der Fortschrittspartei (DPP) des Präsidenten Chen Shui-bian und die offen für die Unabhängigkeit eintretende Solidaritätsunion (TSU) erzielte nur 101 Sitze. Die Niederlage wurde auch als Dämpfer für die Pläne des taiwanesischen Präsidenten gewertet, eine neue Verfassung zu entwerfen sowie Hinweise auf China im Namen staatlicher Unternehmen und Auslandsvertretungen der Inselrepublik zu streichen, die offiziell noch immer "Republik China" heißt. Der Wahlausgang sei nicht nur ein Erfolg für die Opposition, sondern "für alle in diesem Land, die für Stabilität, Wohlstand und Entwicklung gebetet haben", sagte KMT-Chef Lien. Die Beziehungen zu Peking seien "der wesentliche Faktor für Taiwans Entwicklung". Beide Länder sollten ihre politischen Meinungsverschiedenheiten zugunsten wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung zurückstellen. China ist trotz der gespannten politischen Beziehungen zum wichtigsten Handelspartner Taiwans geworden. Noch keine Reaktion aus Peking Die auffallend niedrige Wahlbeteiligung von nur 59,2 Prozent machte eine zunehmende Politikverdrossenheit unter den 16 Millionen Wahlberechtigten deutlich. In den neun Monaten seit der knappen Wiederwahl des Präsidenten, der 2000 mehr als fünf Jahrzehnte Kuomintang-Herrschaft in Taiwan beendet hatte, hatten sich beide Lager erbitterte Auseinandersetzungen geliefert. Nach der Wahl allerdings sagte Präsident Chen, der jetzt vier weitere Jahre ohne eigene Mehrheit im Parlament regieren muss: "Das Ende der Wahl ist der Beginn der Kooperation und Aussöhnung." Aus Peking, das mehrmals mit einer Invasion gedroht sollte, sollte Taiwan sich für unabhängig erklären, kam zunächst keine Reaktion auf das Wahlergebnis. (wga)
'''Taipeh (Taiwan), 12.12.2004''' - Der zentralen Wahlkommission zufolge haben die Oppositionsparteien, die eine enge Anbindung Taiwans an China befürworten, bei der Parlamentswahl die Mehrheit erlangt. Nun muss Taiwans Präsident Chen Shui-bian nach der Wahl am Samstag weitere vier Jahre ohne eine Mehrheit im Parlament regieren. Seine Demokratische Fortschrittspartei (DPP) und die Taiwan-Solidaritätsunion (TSU) kamen nach dem amtlichen Endergebnis auf 101 Sitze, das von der konservativen Opposition der Nationalchinesen (KMT) geführte Oppositionsbündnis erreichte 114 Sitze. Der Rest der Mandate ging an unabhängige Abgeordnete. Taiwans Regierung vertrat einen Konfrontationskurs gegenüber China und wollte die Eigenständigkeit Taiwans, das von China als abtrünnige Provinz angesehen wird, stärken. Obwohl Chen den Konfrontationskurs vor der Wahl deutlich abgeschwächt hatte, vertraten Politiker seines Lagers noch den radikalen Konfrontationskurs. Dies könnte ein Grund für die Niederlage der Regierungsparteien bei der Parlamentswahl gewesen sein. Nach erbitterten Auseinandersetzungen der rivalisierenden Lager lässt die geringe Wahlbeteiligung von 59,2 Prozent auf zunehmende Politikverdrossenheit schließen.
US-Pharmariese kauft Medivation Pfizer überbietet Sanofi im Milliardenpoker Zur Großbildansicht REUTERS Pfizer: Der Pharmariese zahlt 14 Milliarden Dollar für den Krebsspezialisten Medivation Der US-Pharmariese Pfizer hat den milliardenschweren Bieterwettstreit um den US-Krebsspezialisten Medivation für sich entschieden. Beide Unternehmen einigten sich nach Pfizer-Angaben vom Montag auf eine Übernahme im Wert vom 14 Milliarden Dollar. Damit hat eine Reihe von rivalisierenden Interessenten das Nachsehen. Das gilt insbesondere für den französischen Sanofi -Konzern. Dieser hatte im April eine Offerte über 9,3 Milliarden Dollar für Medivation vorgelegt. Das veranlasste die Firma, sich selbst zum Verkauf zu stellen und Gebote einzuholen. Nach früheren Insiderinformationen hatten zuletzt neben Sanofi auch die Konzerne Merck & Co. Börsen-Chart zeigen, Celgene und Gilead Sciences Interesse gezeigt. Pfizer will den Zukauf im laufenden oder kommenden Quartal abschließen. Der Konzern unterstreicht damit seine geänderte Akquisitionsstrategie nach dem Scheitern der Fusion mit dem Botox-Hersteller Allergan im Wert von 160 Milliarden Dollar. Ging es dabei noch vor allem um eine Reduzierung der Steuerlast, steht nun die Stärkung des Medikamenten-Portfolios ganz oben. Pfizer kauft Blockbuster-Mittel Xtandi zu Mit Medivation gewinnt Pfizer Börsen-Chart zeigen vor allem das Blockbuster-Mittel Xtandi gegen Prostatakrebs hinzu. Es soll einen großen Beitrag dazu leisten, dass Medivation in diesem Jahr seinen angepeilten Umsatzsprung von mehr als 50 Prozent erreichen kann. Große Erwartungen knüpfen sich auch an das in Entwicklung befindliche Medikament Talazoparib gegen Brustkrebs. Das im Bieterkampf unterlegene Sanofi-Management deutete an, dass es keine Medivation-Übernahme um jeden Preis angestrebt habe. Eine Kombination hätte zwar strategische Vorteile geboten, erklärten die Franzosen. Vorrang habe aber, dass bei Zukäufen Disziplin gewahrt werde. Die Analysten der Investmentfirma RBC Capital Partners halten eine Überbietung der Pfizer-Offerte für sehr unwahrscheinlich. Sollte Medivation den Deal doch noch absagen, muss das Unternehmen Pfizer 510 Millionen Dollar zahlen. An der Börse schoss die Medivation-Aktie kurz nach Handelsbeginn 20 Prozent in die Höhe auf 80,50 Dollar und lag damit wenig unter dem von Pfizer gebotenen Bar-Kaufpreis von 81,50 Dollar je Papier. la/dpa/reuters Mehr manager magazin Zur Startseite
Deutsche Firmenzentrale des Pharmakonzerns Pfizer Das US-amerikanische Pharmaunternehmen Pfizer war bis 2012 das größte in seiner Branche auf dem Weltmarkt. Es hat 90 000 Mitarbeiter, davon etwa 3 000 in Deutschland. In die Forschung werden jährlich mehrere Milliarden US-Dollar investiert. Ein Schwerpunkt ist die Krebsforschung. Jetzt ist dem Unternehmen ein strategischer Schachzug bei den Arzneimitteln gelungen: Für 14 Milliarden Dollar wurde die Spezialfirma Medivation erworben, die zum Beispiel Mittel gegen Alzheimer entwickelt und mit Xtandi ein Spezialpräparat für Prostatakrebspatienten anbietet. Xtandi ist seit 2013 auch in Deutschland zugelassen. Senator Bernie Sanders kritisiert die Preispolitik der Pharmakonzerne Der unabhängige US-Präsidentschaftskandidat Bernie Sanders kritisiert die Übernahme, weil mit dem Medikament Xtandi sehr viel Geld verdient werden kann. In den USA kostet die Behandlung eines Patienten mit Xtandi 129 000 US-Dollar, was sich nur wenige privilegierte Menschen leisten können. Im Vergleich dazu koste die Behandlung in Schweden 39 000 US-Dollar. Sanders fordert daher eine Änderung des Gesundheitssystems in den Vereinigten Staaten. >
Enzalutamid (Handelsname Xtandi) ist seit Juni 2013 für Männer mit metastasiertem Prostatakrebs zugelassen, bei denen eine übliche Hormonblockade nicht mehr wirkt. Bei metastasiertem Prostatakrebs haben sich bereits Absiedlungen gebildet, sodass eine Heilung nicht mehr möglich ist. Die Blockade der Testosteronproduktion in den Hoden ist eine Möglichkeit, um das Fortschreiten der Erkrankung zu verlangsamen. Wenn der Krebs trotz dieser Hormonblockade weiterwächst, sprechen Fachleute von einem metastasierten „hormonrefraktären“ oder auch „kastrationsresistenten“ Prostatakarzinom. Hier soll der Wirkstoff Enzalutamid das Wachstum der Krebszellen hemmen.
Deutsche Firmenzentrale des Pharmakonzerns Pfizer Das US-amerikanische Pharmaunternehmen Pfizer war bis 2012 das größte in seiner Branche auf dem Weltmarkt. Es hat 90 000 Mitarbeiter, davon etwa 3 000 in Deutschland. In die Forschung werden jährlich mehrere Milliarden US-Dollar investiert. Ein Schwerpunkt ist die Krebsforschung. Jetzt ist dem Unternehmen ein strategischer Schachzug bei den Arzneimitteln gelungen: Für 14 Milliarden Dollar wurde die Spezialfirma Medivation erworben, die zum Beispiel Mittel gegen Alzheimer entwickelt und mit Xtandi ein Spezialpräparat für Prostatakrebspatienten anbietet. Xtandi ist seit 2013 auch in Deutschland zugelassen. Senator Bernie Sanders kritisiert die Preispolitik der Pharmakonzerne Der unabhängige US-Präsidentschaftskandidat Bernie Sanders kritisiert die Übernahme, weil mit dem Medikament Xtandi sehr viel Geld verdient werden kann. In den USA kostet die Behandlung eines Patienten mit Xtandi 129 000 US-Dollar, was sich nur wenige privilegierte Menschen leisten können. Im Vergleich dazu koste die Behandlung in Schweden 39 000 US-Dollar. Sanders fordert daher eine Änderung des Gesundheitssystems in den Vereinigten Staaten. >
07:09, 25.09.2009 /PAP, Reuters KOLEJNY ATAK NA STATEK Somalijscy piraci znów atakują. Tym razem zabili syryjskiego kapitana statku, który nie chciał podporządkować się ich poleceniom. Niemieccy marynarze zabili pirata W walce z piratami na wodach Zatoki Adeńskiej u wybrzeży Afryki pierwsze... czytaj więcej » W walce z piratami na wodach Zatoki Adeńskiej u wybrzeży Afryki pierwsze... Piraci w nocy z czwartku na piątek przejęli pływającą pod panamską banderą jednostkę "Barwaqo". Statek w momencie brawurowej napaści piratów znajdował się tuż przed wejściem do portu w Mogadiszu.Jak zakomunikował somalijski minister ds. portów Abdiasis Hassan, w kierunku statku wysłana została policja. Doszło do wymiany ognia z piratami. Kapitan zginął, rannych zostało także trzech członków załogi oraz jeden z policjantów.Ostatecznie siły somalijskie i Unii Afrykańskiej uwolniły statek - powiedział Hassan. Jak dodał Hassan, kapitan był obywatelem Syrii, jego ciało zostało przetransportowane do portu. Somalijsckich piratów nie udało się złapać.Od początku roku 2009 u wybrzeży Somalii doszło do ponad 100 pirackich ataków. Piraci uprowadzili 29 jednostek pływających.nsz//kwj/k
'''Somalijscy piraci zabili dziś w nocy kapitana porwanego syryjskiego statku "Barwaqo". Przyczyną zamordowania kapitana było niestosowanie się do rozkazów piratów.''' Do wydarzenia doszło nieopodal portu Mogadiszu. Po porwaniu na miejscu interweniowali policjanci. W wyniku wymiany ognia ranny został jeden policjant. Siły somalijskie i Unii Afrykańskiej uwolniły statek, lecz nie udało się schwytać morskich terrorystów, którzy zbiegli. Piraci w tym roku uprowadzili 29 statków.
Photo by: Photo Supplied Relatives grieve for victims of Saturday’s ferry disaster, which claimed at least 17 lives – many of them children under the age of 14. Relatives grieve for victims of Saturday’s ferry disaster, which claimed at least 17 lives – many of them children under the age of 14. ADDITIONAL REPORTING BY CHRANN CHAMROEUN. CHILDREN as young as four were among 17 people who died when an overloaded ferry capsized in Kratie province, officials said Sunday, sparking questions over the safety of public transportation in the Kingdom.It is believed at least 30 people, as well as several motorbikes, were crammed onto the 8-metre-long boat when the vessel sank along the Mekong river on Saturday night. The boat was just metres from its mooring when it tipped over, plunging passengers immediately into the fast-flowing water, one witness said.On Sunday, police undertook the grisly task of recovering the bodies. “Only 17 bodies have been found,” said Chuong Seang Hak, Kratie province’s police chief. “We are hunting for the other people.”Most of the dead were children between the ages of 4 and 14, said Seun Rath, director of Kratie province’s Department of Information.Officials could not confirm how many people were still missing Sunday night, but Seun Rath estimated that at least 10 passengers remained unaccounted for. “Some families claimed they had lost two or three members each in the incident,” he said.The villagers were crossing from Chhnei on the river’s north side to Kampong Thma on the south when the boat tipped over, said Saum Sarith, governor of Chhlaung district. The passengers had been on their way to a ceremony at a pagoda in Chhnei.“Four people managed to swim to the river bank and survived the incident,” he said. “For the other missing people, we do not know yet whether they have died already or are still alive.”An employee who was working on the boat when it sank said passengers insisted on crowding onto the tiny vessel even though it was already packed.“It was the mistake of the boat owner, but passengers were to blame, too,” said Eang Sam Ol.“We tried to prohibit them from getting on the boat because it was already full, and it was raining as well, which was dangerous, but they did not listen and kept rushing onto the boat.”The boat floated only 4 or 5 metres away from the river bank before it sank, Eang Sam Ol said.There were conflicting reports yesterday of what had become of the boat’s owner, Uch Ry. Eang Sam Ol said he saw his employer swim to shore and hide in a house in Chhnei village, but the owner’s daughter, who also survived the accident when she leaped into the water, believes he drowned. “On the riverbank, I tried to call to my father, but I couldn’t see him,” she said. “I do not know if he has died or is still alive.”Chran Chanthou said she felt bad for the victims, and that her family would try to compensate their relatives, but also blamed the passengers. “It’s not only my family’s mistake, but the passengers’,” she said. “They tried to jump into my boat. That caused the boat to sink into the river.”Saum Sarith, the district governor, said roughly 20 people were on the boat when it sank. But Chran Chanthou, who was responsible for collecting money from the passengers, said there were at least 30.It was a disaster waiting to happen, according to Thim Narin, the provincial coordinator in Kratie for human rights NGO Adhoc. Many boat owners who operate ferry services in Cambodia tend to overload their vessels, eager for the extra fares, she said.“It is their responsibility,” Thim Narin said. “Most travellers are poor and forget to think about their safety.” Thim Narin said it was essential that authorities prosecute the boat’s owner if he is still alive.“Overloading the boat is a wrong action,” she said. “The boat owner must be responsible for this in front of the law and the victims’ families.”
Localisation de Kratie au Cambodge. Au moins dix-sept personnes sont mortes samedi soir après le naufrage d'un bateau sur le Mékong dans la province de Kratie. Le bateau était apparemment en surcharge, avec une trentaine de personnes à bord. Elles se rendaient à une cérémonie dans un temple bouddhiste. Selon le gouverneur de la province de Kratie, Kham Phoeun, deux enfants de moins de cinq ans et quatorze femmes font partie des victimes. Une dizaine de personnes sont encore portées disparues.
Governo reajusta remuneração de profissionais do Mais MédicosArquivo/Agência Brasil Portaria dos Ministérios da Saúde e Educação publicada hoje (19) no Diário Oficial da União reajusta de R$ 10.482 para R$ 10.513,01 o valor da bolsa-formação paga a profissionais do Programa Mais Médicos, devido ao reajuste do salário mínimo, que aumenta o valor da contribuição dos médicos à Previdência Social, custeada pelo Ministério da Saúde. O valor liquido recebido pelos profissionais se mantém o mesmo desde o início do programa que é R$ 10 mil mensais. Saiba Mais Programa Mais Médicos começa a inscrever hoje profissional com CRM brasileiro De acordo com o texto, a bolsa poderá ser paga pelo prazo máximo de 36 meses e entra em vigor hoje com efeitos financeiros a contar da competência de janeiro deste ano. Criado em 2013, o Programa Mais Médicos tem como meta ampliar a assistência na atenção básica fixando médicos em regiões com carência de profissionais. Dados do governo indicam que 14.462 médicos do programa passaram a atender uma população de 3.785 municípios, o equivalente a 68% das cidades do país, além de 34 distritos sanitários indígenas. Na semana passada, o Ministério da Saúde lançou um edital para ampliar o programa. O novo edital abrange 1,5 mil municípios, dos quais 424 ainda não participavam da iniciativa. * Matéria atualizada para acréscimo de informação.
Portaria dos Ministérios da Saúde e Educação publicada hoje (19) no Diário Oficial da União reajusta de R$ 10 mil para R$ 10.513,01 o valor da bolsa-formação paga a profissionais do Programa Mais Médicos. De acordo com o texto, a bolsa poderá ser paga pelo prazo máximo de 36 meses e entra em vigor hoje com efeitos financeiros a contar da competência de janeiro deste ano. Criado em 2013, o Programa Mais Médicos tem como meta ampliar a assistência na atenção básica fixando médicos em regiões com carência de profissionais. Dados do governo indicam que 14.462 médicos do programa passaram a atender uma população de 3.785 municípios, o equivalente a 68% das cidades do país, além de 34 distritos sanitários indígenas. Na semana passada, o Ministério da Saúde lançou um edital para ampliar o programa. O novo edital abrange 1,5 mil municípios, dos quais 424 ainda não participavam da iniciativa.
Felipe Massa and Kimi Raikkonen finished first and second in Sunday's Turkish Grand Prix after a dominant performance from Ferrari in Istanbul. Fernando Alonso was a distant third for McLaren, cutting team mate Lewis Hamilton's championship lead to just five points. Hamilton came home fifth behind BMW's Nick Heidfeld after a late puncture. Whatever chance Hamilton had of victory - and it was always a slim one given the pace of the Ferraris - disappeared when his MP4-22’s right-front Bridgestone tyre failed on the 43rd lap. The F2007s of Massa and Raikkonen had run ahead of him all the way (barring the first pit stops), and had just made their last ones (lap 41 for the Finn, lap 42 for the Brazilian) when bad luck struck the Englishman. He was very fortunate to be able to limp back to the pits for his final set of tyres - the medium (softer) compound for the first time - and resumed fifth. Crucially, however, Alonso had swept by to take third place, with Heidfeld fourth. The result moves Massa to third place overall again in the driver standings with 69 points, one ahead of Raikkonen, but now Alonso is back within five points of Hamilton, 79 to 84. Until that moment of drama it was a relatively quiet race, especially since only Red Bull’s Mark Webber and Spyker’s Adrian Sutil retired, on laps nine and 55 respectively. Massa led throughout, while Raikkonen beat Hamilton off the line and hunted his team mate down just before their second stops, but could not mount a real challenge. Thereafter they toured home, just as Alonso toured round in third well ahead of Heidfeld after initially dropping behind both BMWs at the start. Raikkonen amused himself by dropping 7.4s back on lap 56 before setting the fastest lap of the race - 1m 27.295s - on lap 57. By the flag he was 2.2s adrift of Massa, with Alonso a further 23.9s behind. After Heidfeld and Hamilton, another strong drive from Heikki Kovalainen reaped sixth place for Renault. With Hamilton nursing a damaged front wing following his puncture, the Finn could sense fifth, but in the end crossed the line a second adrift of the McLaren. Behind them Nico Rosberg put in a great performance to keep his Williams just ahead of Robert Kubica’s BMW Sauber for the final points. Giancarlo Fisichella was ninth from David Coulthard in the Red Bull and Alex Wurz in the Williams, and behind them Toyota and Honda staged a spirited battle over 12th that fell eventually to a lapped Ralf Schumacher from Jenson Button and Super Aguri’s Anthony Davidson. Tonio Liuzzi made a brilliant start and drove a stormer to hold off Davidson until the second stops, and by the flag kept Jarno Trulli’s Toyota in his Toro Rosso’s mirrors as he took 15th. Trulli had a miserable afternoon from the start, when he was tipped into a spin at Turn One, dropping him from ninth on the grid to 21st on lap one. Rubens Barrichello was an unhappy 17th from Takuma Sato’s Super Aguri, with a lacklustre-looking Sebastian Vettel struggling initially to stay ahead of Sutil’s Spyker. He finished ahead of it after his fellow German lost a lot of time during his first pit stop before stopping with three laps to go, but by the flag the only running car behind him was Sakon Yamamoto’s Spyker. In the constructors’ championship, McLaren retain their lead with148 points to Ferrari’s 137, while BMW Sauber are still a healthy third on 78.
Piloto Felipe Massa.Circuito de Estambul. El piloto brasilero Felipe Massa ganó el Gran Premio de Turquía de Fórmula 1, disputado en el Circuito de Estambul. Los dos vehículos rojos de la escudería Ferrari conducidos por Massa y Kimi Räikkönen partieron desde posiciones privilegiadas y lograron mantenerse adelante a lo largo de toda la carrera. El piloto de McLaren Lewis Hamilton perdió la segunda posición obtenida en las pruebas de clasificación con Räikkönen y se mantuvo detrás de él hasta cuando su rueda frontal derecha estalló y perdió un par de posiciones mientras era atendido en los pits. Este incidente permitió a su compañero de equipo Fernando Alonso alcanzar la tercera posición en el podio. Fernando previamente perdió en la partida ante los dos pilotos de BMW Sauber Robert Kubica y Nick Heidfeld y, de acuerdo a lo que él mismo mencionó en la rueda de prensa, su carrera apenas comenzó después de la primera parada en pits, cuando superó a ambos pilotos de BMW. Heidfeld obtuvo el cuarto puesto. Heikki Kovalainen ganó el sexto puesto para Renault, terminando delante de Nico Rosberg del equipo Williams. Kubica cierra el grupo de los ocho primeros pilotos. Lewis Hamilton continúa siendo el actual lider del campeonato de pilotos con 84 puntos, seguido muy de cerca por el campeón mundial Fernando Alonso a 5 puntos. Kimi Räikkönen y Felipe Massa tienen una diferencia de 10 y 11 puntos respectivamente de Alonso. En el campeonato de constructores McLaren se mantiene como líder con 148 puntos, 11 por encima de Ferrari.
ESTAMBUL, Turquía - El brasileño Felipe Massa encabezó un 'doblete' de Ferrari al anotarse, por delante de su compañero finlandés Kimi Raikkonen, el triunfo en el Gran Premio de Turquía, el número cien del español Fernando Alonso, que lo festejó en el podio y recortando dos puntos a su compañero Lewis Hamilton. El inglés de McLaren, líder del Mundial sufrió un pinchazo en la entrada de la novena curva, a falta de 16 vueltas para el final y se conformó con el quinto puesto. Se le rompió la carcasa del neumático delantero derecho en una frenada y perdió dos puestos que no pudo recuperar, aunque aún tuvo suerte en su contratiempo, que, de haber sucedido en la curva anterior, en la espectacular número 8, pudo haberle causado consecuencias mucho peores. Los Ferrari confirmaron su dominio en Turquía, que ya evidenciaron tanto el viernes como el sábado; y firmaron un doblete que les resucita en ambos campeonatos. En el de pilotos, en estos momentos, y a falta de las últimas cinco carreras, Hamilton lidera el Mundial más reñido de los últimos años con 84 puntos, cinco más que Alonso, que tiene diez de ventaja sobre Massa y once respecto a Kimi. En el de constructores, más aún tras la pifia de Hungría, en la que el peor parado fue Fernando -que fue sancionado con la pérdida de cinco puestos en la parrilla-, los de Maranello se han colocado a once puntos de los de Woking. El paulista vive una auténtica historia de amor con Estambul. El año pasado firmó en el moderno circuito diseñado por Hermann Tilke su primera 'pole' y su primer triunfo, en un fin de semana que, según él mismo explicó, cambió "por completo" su carrera. Esta vez repitió proeza. El sábado contabilizó la octava 'pole' de su carrera y hoy se anotó la quinta victoria desde que compite en Fórmula Uno, al dominar prácticamente de principio a fin una carrera en la que sólo cedió momentáneamente el liderato en sus 'pit stops'. En el Istanbul Park se confirmó que los McLaren tienen problemas en la salida y, mientras Kimi -que arrancó segundo- dio cuenta de Hamilton, Alonso -cuarto en la parrilla- fue superado por los dos pilotos de BMW, el polaco Robert Kubica y el alemán Nick Heidfeld. Los Ferrari no tuvieron problemas en afirmarse en los dos primeros puestos y Fernando, según se iban calentando sus neumáticos, se iba echando encima de un Heidfeld que impidió su progresión en las primeras dieciocho vueltas. El primero en parar fue Kubica, después de la once. Seis más adelante lo hizo su compañero de Moenchengladbach. El doble campeón mundial paró una vuelta después (9,1 segundos), tras la 18, al igual que Kimi; y entró en pista por delante de Heidfeld, confirmando el cuarto puesto virtual: en esos momentos era sexto en pista. Los Renault fueron los que más tardaron en parar y eso permitió que el finés Heikki Kovalainen -sexto al final- liderara una vuelta. Tras la entrada del italiano Giancarlo Fisichella, en la 22, la clasificación se reorganizó con los Ferrari de Massa y Raikkonen delante de los McLaren de Hamilton -más próximo- y Alonso -a quince segundos- en tercera y cuarta posición. A partir de ahí, los cuatro primeros del Mundial parecía que se jugarían las primeras cuatro plazas, con clara desventaja para el de Oviedo, que había perdido demasiado tiempo detrás de Heidfeld. Pasado el ecuador de la carrera, hubo momentos en los que Kimi rodaba más rápido que Massa y le apretaba. Pero el finés paró tras la 41 y el paulista lo hizo una después, saliendo de boxes por delante y asegurándose de esta forma la victoria. Raikkonen se conformaría con firmar la vuelta rápida, la penúltima. Justo después, a falta de dieciséis, se produjo el incidente de Hamilton, que reventó su neumático delantero derecho, pero evitó un estrepitoso accidente. Logró llegar a su garaje, saldándose el contratiempo con la pérdida de dos posiciones. Lewis se enfadará con Bridgestone, pero en esta acción la suerte se volvió a aliar con él. A falta de diez vueltas, Massa le llevaba 3,4 segundos a Kimi, con Alonso a 22,4; y Hamilton por detrás de Heidfeld, al que ya no pudo superar y que acabó cuarto. Kovalainen apretó en los últimos giros, pero no lo suficiente, y se conformó con el sexto. Los Ferrari fueron superiores y el viento también les echó una mano que tampoco les hubiera hecho falta. Alonso subió a un podio que no esperaba ni loco en la segunda vuelta y que le hizo festejar con alegría su centenario tras una carrera que no recordará durante toda su vida, como él mismo indicó. La victoria de Massa fue su tercera de una temporada en la que los cuatro implicados en la lucha por el título se reparten de forma equitativa los doce triunfos, a falta de cinco carreras. El periplo europeo se cerrará con las dos de Monza (Italia), el 9 de septiembre; y Spa (Bélgica), el 16. Después se disputarán los Grandes Premios de Japón -en el Monte Fuji-, el 30 de septiembre, y China, siete días después, en Shangai; antes de la clausura, el 21 de octubre en Sao Paulo (Brasil), donde el genial piloto asturiano festejó la consecución de sus dos títulos mundiales. Fernando sale de Estambul con sus aspiraciones intactas de conseguir su tercera corona en la categoría máxima del gran motor. Pero piensa que el Mundial lo puede ganar cualquiera de los cuatro primeros y, según dijo a Efe, posiblemente lo hará "el que más suerte tenga". Más en MSN Inglés en línea: Lecciones diarias Amor: El portal No 1 para encontrar pareja
Piloto Felipe Massa.Circuito de Estambul. El piloto brasilero Felipe Massa ganó el Gran Premio de Turquía de Fórmula 1, disputado en el Circuito de Estambul. Los dos vehículos rojos de la escudería Ferrari conducidos por Massa y Kimi Räikkönen partieron desde posiciones privilegiadas y lograron mantenerse adelante a lo largo de toda la carrera. El piloto de McLaren Lewis Hamilton perdió la segunda posición obtenida en las pruebas de clasificación con Räikkönen y se mantuvo detrás de él hasta cuando su rueda frontal derecha estalló y perdió un par de posiciones mientras era atendido en los pits. Este incidente permitió a su compañero de equipo Fernando Alonso alcanzar la tercera posición en el podio. Fernando previamente perdió en la partida ante los dos pilotos de BMW Sauber Robert Kubica y Nick Heidfeld y, de acuerdo a lo que él mismo mencionó en la rueda de prensa, su carrera apenas comenzó después de la primera parada en pits, cuando superó a ambos pilotos de BMW. Heidfeld obtuvo el cuarto puesto. Heikki Kovalainen ganó el sexto puesto para Renault, terminando delante de Nico Rosberg del equipo Williams. Kubica cierra el grupo de los ocho primeros pilotos. Lewis Hamilton continúa siendo el actual lider del campeonato de pilotos con 84 puntos, seguido muy de cerca por el campeón mundial Fernando Alonso a 5 puntos. Kimi Räikkönen y Felipe Massa tienen una diferencia de 10 y 11 puntos respectivamente de Alonso. En el campeonato de constructores McLaren se mantiene como líder con 148 puntos, 11 por encima de Ferrari.
Grosses Erstaunen über grünen, orangen und gelben Schnee in Omsk. (Bild: Russia) Story-Tools Story verschicken | drucken Top-Storys In Sibirien fällt farbiger Schnee - Forscher rätseln Im Westen Sibiriens, nahe der Grenze zwischen Russland und Kasachstan, ist gelber und orangener Schnee gefallen. Die Behörden gaben Warnhinweise an 27 000 Einwohner heraus. Wie die Nachrichtenagentur ITAR-TASS berichtete, fiel der Schnee in mehreren Orten in der Nähe von Omsk. Chemiker wurden vom russischen Notfall-Ministerium damit beauftragt, den Ursachen der Verschmutzung auf den Grund zu gehen. Die Experten flogen nach Sibirien und holten Proben des verschmutzten Schnees. Der farbige Schnee liegt laut russischen Medienberichten auf einer Länge von 100 Kilometern. Die Bewohner eines Gebietes von 1500 Quadratkilometern wurden aufgefordert, den Schnee nicht zu nutzen, ihre Wohnungen nicht unnötig zu verlassen und auf ihre Haustiere zu achten. Fünf Distrikte sind betroffen. Der Schnee sei ausserdem mit einer öligen Schicht bedeckt und rieche faulig. «Bevor wir keine Testergebnisse haben, können wir über den farbigen Schnee nur mutmassen», sagte der Umweltbeauftragte der Region, Anton German. Die Provinz Omsk ist ein Zentrum der russischen Ölindustrie. Ob ein Zusammenhang mit einem Industrieunfall bestehe, ist noch unbekannt. Pub: 02.02.07; 07:23 / ast Akt: 02.02.07; 11:42 Quelle: SDA/ATS Tod in Chile In Chile kamen zehn Personen bei einer Gasexplosion ums Leben. 30 Personen wurden verletzt. Bildstrecke Tod am Sizilienderby Horrorabend für den italienischen Fussball: Ein Knallkörper riss einen Polizisten in den Tod. Bildstrecke Story Horrorszenarien Mutter Erde schlägt zurück: Die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Erde sind verheerend. Story Dossier Bildstrecke 20 Minuten TV Vernetzt und interaktiv. News, Movies, Music. Video Chatten wie die Stars! Black Ogo Limited Edition inkl. 1 Jahr Abo-Gebühren gewinnen… W'bewerb 5x 2 Tickets für Eagles of Death Metal hier für das Konzert am 15.2.07 im Zürcher Rohstofflager gewinnen W'bewerb Kasabian am 16.2.07 im Rohstofflager, ZH: 5x 2 Tickets gibt’s hier zu gewinnen... W'bewerb Tiziano Ferro am 25.2.07 live in ZH erleben: Hier 10x 2 Tickets gewinnen... W'bewerb Ab nach Gstaad: Wochenende am High Fly zu gewinnen... W'bewerb Giant X Tour (Final) in Leysin: 1 Wochenende für 2 Personen am 24./25.2.07 und diverse Gadgets gewinnen. W'bewerb Freeride Workshop Weekend für Snowboarder & Freeskier gewinnen... W'bewerb Stress On Tour: Exklusives Bonusmaterial. Und Tickets zu gewinnen… W'bewerb Hannibal Rising, der Film: Tickets zu gewinnen... W'bewerb Die Rotkäppchen Verschwörung Kinotickets und Gadgets gewinnen. W'bewerb Wochenende in Crans Montana gewinnen: Final vom Swiss R Project am 7.4.07. Für 2 Personen: Eine Übernachtung im Hotel-Doppelzimmer und 2 Skipässe. W'bewerb
Nicht „schneeweiß“, sondern „schneegelb“ ist die Region Omsk in Sibirien/Russland. Nahe der Grenze zwischen Russland und Kasachstan fiel am gestrigen Tag farbiger Schnee. Der grün-gelb-orange verfärbte Schnee hat eine ölige Konsistenz und bedeckt eine Fläche von mehr als 1.500 Quadratkilometern. 27.000 Menschen wohnen in dieser Region. Die Bevölkerung wurde von den Behörden davor gewarnt, aus dem Schnee Trinkwasser herzustellen, und aufgefordert, Haustiere möglichst fernzuhalten. Experten des russischen Notfall-Ministeriums nahmen Proben der faulig riechenden Substanz, um die Ursache zu klären. „Bevor wir keine Testergebnisse haben, können wir über den farbigen Schnee nur mutmaßen“, meinte Anton German, Umweltbeauftragter der Region. Die Region um Omsk ist ein Zentrum der Ölindustrie; ob ein Zusammenhang mit einem Industrieunfall besteht, ist noch unklar.
Nowinki - Premier zbiera razem z nami! 2008-01-12 13:24:00 Jurek już jest w Gdańsku i od rana ma pełne ręce roboty. Dziś o godzinie 12:00 osobiście wręczył Premierowi Donaldowi Tuskowi identyfikator z numerem 33 oraz naszą kolorową puszkę XVI Finału. Premier nie po raz pierwszy jest wolontariuszem Orkiestry! Co rok kwestuje i zachęca wszystkich do wsparcia najmłodszych i najbardziej potrzebujących dzieciaków. Jutro przywitamy Donalda Tuska razem z gdańskimi wolontariuszami na Długim Targu. Jeśli chcecie spotkać się z Premierem i dostać od Niego nasze czerwone serduszko - zapraszamy Was do Gdańska! Swoją drogą, może uda się Jurkowi namówić szefa Rady Ministrów na udział w szkoleniu Pokojowego Patrolu...? W końcu w dniu Finału wszystko jest możliwe! Spotykając się z Premierem Jurek podkreślił wagę działań i ogromnej pracy młodych ludzi w całej Polsce, którzy poświęcają całą swoją energię i optymizm, by być z Orkiestrą już tyle lat. To właśnie dzięki nim, gramy tak głośno i tak długo. Dla Was wszystkich - wielkie dzięki! (rower) Numer Newsweeka, którzy możecie licytować na naszych aukcjach! Jurek już jest w Gdańsku i od rana ma pełne ręce roboty.oraz naszą kolorową puszkę XVI Finału. Premier nie po raz pierwszy jest wolontariuszem Orkiestry! Co rok kwestuje i zachęca wszystkich do wsparcia najmłodszych i najbardziej potrzebujących dzieciaków.Jeśli chcecie spotkać się z Premierem i dostać od Niego nasze czerwone serduszko - zapraszamy Was do Gdańska! Swoją drogą, może uda się Jurkowi namówić szefa Rady Ministrów na udział w szkoleniu Pokojowego Patrolu...?W końcuSpotykając się z Premierem Jurek podkreślił wagę działań i ogromnej pracy młodych ludzi w całej Polsce, którzy poświęcają całą swoją energię i optymizm, by być z Orkiestrą już tyle lat. To właśnie dzięki nim, gramy tak głośno i tak długo. Dla Was wszystkich - wielkie dzięki! << wstecz
Plik:2007 11 16 Zaprzysiężenie rządu Tuska (3).JPG|thumb|Donald Tusk W sobotę o godzinie 12:00 Jurek Owsiak spotkał się z premierem Donaldem Tuskiem by przekazać mu puszkę oraz identyfikator wolontariusza z numerem 33. Premier podczas niedzielnego finału będzie zbierał pieniądze na gdańskim Długim Targu. Tusk nie po raz pierwszy weźmie udział w kweście.
: Jan will den Blick nur nach vorn richten Balve, 01.10.2008, Von Stefan Scherer Balve. Der junge Mann sitzt am Tisch im Balver Lüll und fühlt sich nicht wohl in seiner Haut. Presse? Lieber nicht. Er blickt zu Boden, möchte keinen großen Rummel um seine Person. ... Viele Balver haben zusammengelegt, um die Spendenaktion von Elmar Kleine (rechts) für Jan zu unterstützen. Nun stehen 10.000 Euro zur Verfügung, um dem jungen Mann den Weg ins neue Leben zu erleichtern.Foto:Stefan Scherer Foto: WP ... Heute kommt er aber um ein Foto nicht herum, dafür hat seine Mutter gesorgt. Jan Terler hat in den vergangenen Monaten ohne eigenes Zutun eine Bekanntheit weit über die Balver Stadtgrenzen hinaus erreicht. Sein Schicksal machte unter der Abkürzung seines Namens als Jan T. Schlagzeilen und erschütterte die Menschen bis ins Mark. Während der Fußball-Europameisterschaft war der damals 19-Jährige von einem Balver vor ein Auto gestoßen worden, lag lange im Koma, ist querschnittsgelähmt. Viele Balver solidarisierten sich mit der Familie, auf die hohe finanzielle Belastungen zukommen. Drostenwirt Elmar Kleine initiierte eine Spendenaktion. Fortan sammelten viele Geschäftsleute Spenden, und von etlichen Veranstaltungen flossen Teile des Gewinns auf die beiden Spendenkonten. Selbst Kinder zogen mit Spendenbüchsen von Haustür zu Haustür. Schnell fit werden Derweil kämpfte sich Jan Terler in der Bochumer Bergmannsheil-Klinik zurück ins Leben. Seine Mutter Manuela erinnert sich: "Jan war so frustriert darüber, mindestens drei Monate im Krankenhaus verbringen zu müssen, dass er alles daran setzte, so schnell wie möglich wieder fit zu werden." Der junge Balver feierte seinen 20. Geburtstag Ende Juli in der Klinik Bergmannsheil mit zwei Zimmernachbarn, die vom Hals abwärts gelähmt sind und deren Schicksal von diversen Fernsehsendern und Zeitungen begleitet wurden. War die Presse im Zimmer, war Jans Bett allerdings leer. Er wollte mit seiner Geschichte nicht in die Öffentlichkeit. Er half den beiden Jugendlichen lieber, wieder eine positivere Sicht der Dinge zu erlangen, hat ihnen etwas von seinem Lebensmut abgegeben und daneben stetig und hart für seine eigene Entlassung aus der Klinik gearbeitet. Am Freitag ist er nach Balve zurückgekehrt und mit seinem Bruder in die ehemalige Hausmeisterwohnung der Hauptschule eingezogen. Um sie zu bekommen, hat die Familie viele Nerven gelassen. "In Balve war das Angebot an Wohnungen für Rollstuhlfahrer sehr begrenzt. Zudem ist sie normalerweise für den Hausmeister reserviert", sagt seine Mutter. Die Balver und Bürgermeister Hubertus Mühling setzten sich dafür ein, dass die Schulbehörde ihr OK für den Einzug gab. Geld für Renovierung Im Oktober wird auch Jans Mutter Manuela in die Wohnung einziehen, die Freunde, Bekannte und Verwandte unter großer Mithilfe des Festspielvereins renovierten. Ende Oktober soll schließlich die Küche geliefert werden. Bis dahin muss improvisiert werden, aber auch das ist durch das große Engagement der Balver kein Problem. Während darüber gesprochen wird, hört Jan lediglich zu. Dann steht Drostenwirt Elmar Kleine hinter dem 20-Jährigen und holt einen großen Scheck hervor, den er Jan überreicht. Ungläubig schaut dieser sich die Zahl an: 10.000 Euro sind durch die Spendenaktion zusammengekommen. "Danke", sagt Jan und ist etwas perplex. "Dankeschön. Ich weiß gar nicht, was ich sagen soll." Er schaut fragend zu seiner Mutter. Die springt für ihn in die Bresche und kann ihre Rührung nur schwer unterdrücken: "Es ist so unfassbar toll, wie viel Mitgefühl wir von den Menschen erfahren haben, wie viele uns auf unterschiedliche Art und Weise, oft auch ganz spontan, geholfen haben. Ein riesiges Dankeschön an die Balver und die vielen Auswärtigen, die uns in dieser schweren Zeit halfen." Die Familie wird von diesem Geld vor allem die Renovierungsarbeiten und die neuen Möbel für Jan bezahlen. Die Rechnungen gehen an Elmar Kleine, der sie von den beiden Spendenkonten bezahlt. "Die Aktion läuft allerdings weiter", sagt der Drostenwirt. Auf die Konten der Sparkasse (Blz.: 45851020, Kto.: 90607094) und der Volksbank (Blz.: 44761534, Kto.: 1503735908) kann weiterhin gespendet werden. Noch ist längst nicht alles angeschafft, was notwendig ist. So benötigt Manuela Terler in absehbarer Zeit einen neuen Wagen. Der jetzige ist zu klein für die Familie und den Rollstuhl. Auf dem anschließenden Foto lächelt Jan das erste Mal an diesem Abend. Danach dreht sich das Gespräch um die Tatnacht und das bevorstehende Gerichtsverfahren. Jan blickt zu Boden, sinkt in sich zusammen, kämpft mit den Tränen. Plötzlich allerdings richtet er sich auf, sein Blick ist hellwach, in seinen Augen blitzt Begeisterung auf, als das Thema Musik auf den Tisch kommt. Jan ist begeisterter Punk-Rocker, riesiger Fan der Berliner Band "Berserker". "Schlagzeuger Costa hat mich sogar im Krankenhaus besucht und mich auf die Gästeliste für das Konzert in Oberhausen gesetzt", sagt der 20-Jährige. Kein Schlagzeug mehr Die Liebe zur Musik hat er bis zu dem Vorfall nicht nur als Fan ausgelebt. Jan war Schlagzeuger in einer Band, ein Hobby, das er nicht mehr aufnehmen möchte, auch wenn es technisch möglich wäre. "Dann spielst du die Bass-Drum mit dem Mund. Das ist einfach nicht dasselbe", sagt er. "Und auch elek-tronische Schlagzeuge sind einfach etwas anderes, als wenn du auch mit den Füßen arbeitest." Im Krankenhaus hat Jan allerdings bereits eine neue Leidenschaft entdeckt: Das Kickern. Es gibt spezielle Kicker für Rollstuhlfahrer. Einen solchen hat Manuela Terler bereits für ihren Sohn bestellt, damit er einem neuen Hobby nachgehen kann. Zudem muss Jan noch kräftig trainieren, muss Brust- und Armmuskulatur aufbauen, um sich noch besser mit dem Rollstuhl bewegen zu können. "Und dann", sagt er, "blicke ich weiter nach vorne." Ort des Geschehens
Der nach einem Übergriff querschnittgelähmte Jan Terler konnte nach drei Monaten das Klinikum Bergmannsheil verlassen und befindet sich nun in seiner neuen Wohnung in der Hauptschule Balve. Der Wirt des Lokals „Drostenkeller“, Elmar Kleine, übergab dem Rekonvaleszenten einen Scheck über 10.000 Euro, eine Summe die der Ort in den letzten Monaten für ihn gesammelt hatte.
Von THOMAS RAUSCH, 20.04.06, 07:06h Komponist Babrak Wassa am Dirigentenpult vor dem Beethoven-Orchester beim Einspielen der neuen Nationalhymne seines Heimatlandes. Komponist Babrak Wassa am Dirigentenpult vor dem Beethoven-Orchester beim Einspielen der neuen Nationalhymne seines Heimatlandes. Für den Komponisten Babrak Wassa, der 1980 nach Deutschland kam und in Rösrath lebt, ging ein großer Wunsch in Erfüllung. Bonn / Rösrath - Voller Streichereinsatz, fulminanter Auftakt, dann Anklänge an Marschmusik mit Trommelklang: Die Aufnahme der neuen afghanischen Hymne klappt auf Anhieb - nach kaum einer Minute spielt das Beethoven-Orchester den kraftvollen Schlussakkord. Der Komponist des Musikstücks, Babrak Wassa, hat für die Einspielung am Dirigentenpult Platz genommen. Er hat nur Detail-Kritik anzubringen: Ein Tremolo wünscht er sich etwas schneller, eine andere Passage energischer. Die Musiker, die ihren Part einstudiert haben und nun erstmals gemeinsam spielen, bewältigen ihre Aufgabe scheinbar mühelos. Die Kombination von europäischer Musiktradition und afghanischen Volkslied-Elementen gelingt. „Das ist für unsere Stimme nicht ungewöhnlich“, sagt Cellist Markus Fassbender zu den vor ihm liegenden Noten. Für Wassa, der im Jahr 1980 aus seiner Heimat Afghanistan ins deutsche Exil ging, erfüllt sich mit der Musikaufnahme in der Bonner Beethovenhalle ein großer Wunsch. Nachdem die Regierung in Afghanistans Hauptstadt Kabul seine Komposition zur Nationalhymne erklärt hatte, suchte der in Rösrath lebende Musiker die Zusammenarbeit mit einem renommierten Orchester. „Es ist für mich eine große Ehre, das Beethoven-Orchester zu dirigieren“, freut er sich. Den Kontakt zu den Musikern stellte die Deutsche Welle her, die bei der Aufnahme Regie führt. Gemeinsam mit der afghanischen Regierung trägt sie auch die Kosten der Produktion. „Das ist die Fortsetzung einer jahrhundertealten Freundschaft“, sagt Sybille Golte-Schröder von der Deutschen Welle zu der musikalischen Unterstützung beim demokratischen Neuanfang des Landes. Auf die Einspielung in der Beethovenhalle folgt ein zweiter Schritt: Ende April nimmt Wassa in einem Kölner Studio den Gesangs-Part auf, der mit der Instrumentalmusik abgemischt wird. Acht oder neun Sänger - und Sängerinnen - beteiligen sich an der Vokalaufnahme. „Kabul hat ausdrücklich gewünscht, dass Frauenstimmen dabei sein sollten“, erläutert Wassa. „Die Regierung setzt alles daran, dass Frauen mehr Freiheit bekommen.“ Die fertige Aufnahme der Hymne will die Deutsche Welle zunächst in Afghanistan verbreiten. Anschließend will sie die Komposition auch dem deutschen Publikum zugänglich machen - zusammen mit Wassas „Rhapsodia Afghanica“, die ebenfalls in der Beethovenhalle aufgenommen wurde. Bis es so weit ist, verweist der Sender auf seine Berichterstattung über die Einspielung mit dem Beethoven-Orchester, die samt Ton-Beispielen auch im Internet verfügbar ist.
Das Bonner Beethoven-Orchester hat am Mittwoch, den 19. April die Instrumentalversion der neuen afghanischen Nationalhymne eingespielt. Für die Aufnahme in der Beethovenhalle dirigierte Babrak Wassa, der Komponist der Hymne, die 70 Musiker selbst. Der 57-jährige Wassa lebt seit über 20 Jahren in Deutschland. Er wohnt in Rösrath bei Köln. Wassa studierte zwölf Jahre am Moskauer Tschaikowski-Konservatorium. Für die Regie der Aufnahme war die Deutsche Welle verantwortlich, die zusammen mit der afghanischen Regierung auch die Kosten trägt. Andere Sponsorenangebote hatte Kabul abgewiesen, um nicht den Eindruck zu erwecken, selbst die Nationalhymne werde vom Ausland finanziert. Wassa hatte seinen Vorschlag im Dezember 2005 nach Afghanistan geschickt. Nachdem er in die engere Wahl gekommen war, reiste er im Januar persönlich in seine Heimat. Als Nächstes soll nun Ende April in einem Kölner Studio der Gesangspart aufgenommen werden.
Komponiert hat die neue Hymne Babrak Wassa. Er lebt seit über zwei Jahrzehnten in Deutschland. Am Mittwoch (19.4.2006) wurde die instrumentale Fassung der Komposition von Wassa mit dem Bonner Beethoven-Orchester aufgenommen. Für die 70 Musiker des Bonner Beethoven-Orchesters war es keine alltägliche Aufgabe: Nicht europäische Kompositionen standen auf dem Programm, sondern afghanische: die Nationalhymne und die "Rhapsodia Afghanica", ein aus mehreren Volksliedern zusammengesetztes Stück. "Eine große Ehre" Der 57-jährige Komponist Wassa sah es gelassen, dass die Musiker seine Noten vorher nicht einstudiert hatten. Er weiß, sagt er, dass er es mit Profis zu tun hat. Als die erste Probe geglückt ist, ist der Dirigent sichtlich bewegt - Babrak Wassa kennt die Arbeit mit vielen Orchestern. Er hat zwölf Jahre lang am renommierten Tschaikowski-Konservatorium in Moskau studiert. Dennoch bezeichnet er die Arbeit mit dem Bonner Beethoven-Orchester als eine große Herausforderung: "Das Bonner Beethoven-Orchester ist erstklassig und es ist für mich eine große Ehre, als Dirigent mit diesem Orchester zusammen zu arbeiten." Die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Beethoven-Orchester wurde durch eine Initiative der Deutschen Welle möglich. Der deutsche Auslandsrundfunk ist seit über drei Jahrzehnten in Afghanistan mit Radiosendungen und zuletzt auch mit Fernsehprogrammen präsent. Selbstfinanziertes Projekt Den größten Teil der Kosten für dieses Musikprojekt übernimmt die Regierung in Afghanistan selbst. Kabul lehnte wohlgemeinte Sponsoren-Angebote ab. Man wolle nicht, dass der Vorwurf laut werde, selbst die Nationalhymne sei vom Ausland finanziert worden. Der Text der Hymne handelt von Afghanistan als Heimat verschiedener Stämme. Er ist umstritten, weil nach Meinung vieler Afghanen der Text durch eine Aufzählung vieler Stämme an literarischer Kraft und Tiefe verloren hat. Zudem wird bemängelt, dass er nur auf Paschtu - neben Dari eine der beiden offiziellen Sprachen des Landes - verfasst ist. Geglückte Aufnahme Wassa selbst teilt diese Kritik zum Teil auch. Doch für heute ist er einfach glücklich, dass die Aufnahmen geglückt sind. Der zweite Teil der Produktion mit Sängerinnen und Sängern folgt in Kürze - die Basis dazu bilden die Aufnahmen mit dem Bonner Beethoven-Orchester.
Das Bonner Beethoven-Orchester hat am Mittwoch, den 19. April die Instrumentalversion der neuen afghanischen Nationalhymne eingespielt. Für die Aufnahme in der Beethovenhalle dirigierte Babrak Wassa, der Komponist der Hymne, die 70 Musiker selbst. Der 57-jährige Wassa lebt seit über 20 Jahren in Deutschland. Er wohnt in Rösrath bei Köln. Wassa studierte zwölf Jahre am Moskauer Tschaikowski-Konservatorium. Für die Regie der Aufnahme war die Deutsche Welle verantwortlich, die zusammen mit der afghanischen Regierung auch die Kosten trägt. Andere Sponsorenangebote hatte Kabul abgewiesen, um nicht den Eindruck zu erwecken, selbst die Nationalhymne werde vom Ausland finanziert. Wassa hatte seinen Vorschlag im Dezember 2005 nach Afghanistan geschickt. Nachdem er in die engere Wahl gekommen war, reiste er im Januar persönlich in seine Heimat. Als Nächstes soll nun Ende April in einem Kölner Studio der Gesangspart aufgenommen werden.
TOKYO (Kyodo) -- Power utilities would be urged to make cost-cutting efforts under a new law, which Japan plans to introduce to promote the use of renewable energy, so as to prevent utilities from easily passing on the cost of buying such power from outside generators to consumers, a draft bill showed Friday. Under the envisaged law, utilities will be required to purchase all electricity generated by renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power at fixed prices favorable to outside providers -- private companies and other entities. The law also allows utilities to add the cost of buying such energy to their electricity charges for consumers. But by adding a provision requiring utilities to streamline their operations, lawmakers apparently aim to minimize the impact on consumers. The effective date of the law would be July 1 next year. The bill worked out by ruling and opposition lawmakers stipulates that utilities cannot raise their electricity charges by the end of March 2013 in areas struck by the devastating March 11 earthquake and tsunami. The bill is an amended version based on an agreement reached by the ruling Democratic Party of Japan, the main opposition Liberal Democratic Party and its ally New Komeito party, and is expected to be submitted to parliament next week. A third-party organization would be set up under the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy to ensure transparency in the process of deciding prices.
A new law which seeks to utilise reusable energy and minimise cost impact on consumers is under development in Japan. The new law, which would be effective from July 1 next year, would seek to reduce Japan's dependency on nuclear power. The new legislation would urge power utilities to cut costs by purchasing renewable energy from outside companies and private businesses. Japan's decision has been referred to as opening the door on renewable energy, which currently only contributes to six percent of Japan's energy sources. Politicians have amended the bill, allowing the revised bill to pass through parliament later this month. Prime Minister who is pushing for the bill to be passed in return for his resignation, has stated that the 'feed-in-tariff on renewable energy will be set at a fixed price so that utilities are limited to purchasing electricity from renewable power generators. Kan hopes that this will encourage more business and private corporate partners to enter into the renewable energy market. "As a medium-term revolutionary energy and environmental strategy, we have decided to start a thorough review of nuclear power policy and draw a roadmap for a reduction of the dependence on nuclear power" Mr Kan said. Large companies are concerned about the new legislation as it will continue to affect profit margins which are low due to power shortages and high priced exports. The bill was changed to reduce the surcharge for large power companies after complaints from the Japanese steel industry. If the scheme is launched then consumers will face an increase on electricity bills as utilities can pass their costs onto end-users. Despite the governments promise to cap the surcharge for the next ten years, there is no reference to it in the revised bill. Lawmakers hope that by adding a provision requiring utilities to streamline their operations, the impact on consumers will be minimized. A third party group will be set up within the under the Agency for National Resources and Energy to ensure that the setting of fixed prices are fair and just.
Kyodo Electric utilities will be urged to make cost-cutting efforts under a new law promoting renewable energy to lessen the chances of the firms drastically hiking rates for power they buy from outside generators. According to a draft bill expected to be sent to the Diet this week, the envisaged law will require utilities to buy all electricity generated by renewable energy sources at fixed prices favorable to outside providers — private firms and other entities. The law also would let utilities pass the cost of buying such energy onto consumers. But by adding a provision forcing utilities to streamline operations, lawmakers hope to minimize the impact on households. The bill is an amended version based on an agreement reached by the ruling Democratic Party of Japan and the two main opposition forces, the Liberal Democratic Party and New Komeito. It is expected to be submitted to the Diet this week. The effective date of the law will be July 1, 2012. The bill worked out by both ruling bloc and opposition lawmakers stipulates that utilities can't raise rates at least until after March 2013 in areas damaged by the March 11 quake and tsunami. A third-party group will also be set up under the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy to ensure transparency in the process of deciding price rates. Kan eyes green activities Prime Minister Naoto Kan hopes to become involved in activities promoting the use of renewable energy after he steps down, according to a lawmaker. "I'd like to engage in (biomass-related) activities without being too much of an obstacle as a former prime minister," Kan was quoted as saying at a luncheon with lawmakers Friday. It is the first time Kan has commented on his plans after he quits, which is widely expected to be later this month after key bills are passed by the Diet.
A new law which seeks to utilise reusable energy and minimise cost impact on consumers is under development in Japan. The new law, which would be effective from July 1 next year, would seek to reduce Japan's dependency on nuclear power. The new legislation would urge power utilities to cut costs by purchasing renewable energy from outside companies and private businesses. Japan's decision has been referred to as opening the door on renewable energy, which currently only contributes to six percent of Japan's energy sources. Politicians have amended the bill, allowing the revised bill to pass through parliament later this month. Prime Minister who is pushing for the bill to be passed in return for his resignation, has stated that the 'feed-in-tariff on renewable energy will be set at a fixed price so that utilities are limited to purchasing electricity from renewable power generators. Kan hopes that this will encourage more business and private corporate partners to enter into the renewable energy market. "As a medium-term revolutionary energy and environmental strategy, we have decided to start a thorough review of nuclear power policy and draw a roadmap for a reduction of the dependence on nuclear power" Mr Kan said. Large companies are concerned about the new legislation as it will continue to affect profit margins which are low due to power shortages and high priced exports. The bill was changed to reduce the surcharge for large power companies after complaints from the Japanese steel industry. If the scheme is launched then consumers will face an increase on electricity bills as utilities can pass their costs onto end-users. Despite the governments promise to cap the surcharge for the next ten years, there is no reference to it in the revised bill. Lawmakers hope that by adding a provision requiring utilities to streamline their operations, the impact on consumers will be minimized. A third party group will be set up within the under the Agency for National Resources and Energy to ensure that the setting of fixed prices are fair and just.
Japan’s ruling Democratic Party reached an agreement with the main opposition parties on Thursday to pass a bill designed to promote renewable energy, an opposition lawmaker said, setting the stage for unpopular Prime Minister Naoto Kan to resign once the law is enacted. Kan, Japan’s fifth premier in five years, repeated on Thursday he was ready to quit once three conditions he had set were met. Of those, a small extra budget for recovery from the March earthquake and tsunami has been passed and a bill enabling fresh borrowing to fund this year’s budget is set to be enacted this month. Passing the energy bill is the third condition. “The three conditions that the premier has supposedly set will be met rather quickly,” Shigeru Ishiba, the policy chief of main opposition Liberal Democratic Party told reporters after he agreed with his counterparts to swiftly enact the renewable energy bill. “A relationship of trust between the three parties is being developed.” Finance Minister Yoshihiko Noda, 54, a fiscal conservative who wants to rein in Japan’s huge public debt, has emerged as a leading contender to replace Kan.
A new law which seeks to utilise reusable energy and minimise cost impact on consumers is under development in Japan. The new law, which would be effective from July 1 next year, would seek to reduce Japan's dependency on nuclear power. The new legislation would urge power utilities to cut costs by purchasing renewable energy from outside companies and private businesses. Japan's decision has been referred to as opening the door on renewable energy, which currently only contributes to six percent of Japan's energy sources. Politicians have amended the bill, allowing the revised bill to pass through parliament later this month. Prime Minister who is pushing for the bill to be passed in return for his resignation, has stated that the 'feed-in-tariff on renewable energy will be set at a fixed price so that utilities are limited to purchasing electricity from renewable power generators. Kan hopes that this will encourage more business and private corporate partners to enter into the renewable energy market. "As a medium-term revolutionary energy and environmental strategy, we have decided to start a thorough review of nuclear power policy and draw a roadmap for a reduction of the dependence on nuclear power" Mr Kan said. Large companies are concerned about the new legislation as it will continue to affect profit margins which are low due to power shortages and high priced exports. The bill was changed to reduce the surcharge for large power companies after complaints from the Japanese steel industry. If the scheme is launched then consumers will face an increase on electricity bills as utilities can pass their costs onto end-users. Despite the governments promise to cap the surcharge for the next ten years, there is no reference to it in the revised bill. Lawmakers hope that by adding a provision requiring utilities to streamline their operations, the impact on consumers will be minimized. A third party group will be set up within the under the Agency for National Resources and Energy to ensure that the setting of fixed prices are fair and just.
Responsible agency: General Policy Division, Director-General's Secretariat, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Purpose: These statistics provide energy balance tables, a variety of statistics, information on the energy situation domestically and abroad, etc. for gaining insight into Japan's overall supply and demand for energy. Contents: Japan's energy supply and demand in fiscal 1998 was as follows: Final energy consumption was 15,156 PJ (petajoule = 1015J = thousand billion joules). The percentage of that consumption was 48.4% by industry, 26.4% by households, and 25.2% by transportation. The total supply of primary energy was 22,810 PJ. That was comprised of 52.4% petroleum, 16.4% coal, 12.3% natural gas, 13.7% nuclear power, 3.9% hydropower, 0.2% geothermal energy, and 1.1% new energy and other sources. Precautions for use: There are many varieties of energy, each measured in different units and with differing caloric value. Therefore the figures in the comprehensive statistical tables are converted to average caloric values, and care must be exercised when seeking consistency with related statistics or when making international comparisons. [Outline of Survey] Method of survey: Statistical surveys were conducted of designated statistics, approved statistics and others. In addition, a wide range of related data, such as operating records and industry statistics, was gathered and processed. Items tabulated: Comprehensive energy supply and demand balance, volume of energy supply by type, final energy consumption volume by industry, Japan's energy supply and demand trends (final energy consumption and total primary energy supply), energy supply and demand by region and by major country, etc. Form and timing of publication, and name of report: General Energy Statistics is published in March of each year Language used: Japanese only Sales organization: Tsusho Sangyo Research Laboratory Fax: +81-3401-6320 Internet information: Overview data (Japanese only) Related statistics: Energy Production, Supply and Demand Statistics (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), Current Survey of Energy Consumption in Commerce and Manufacturing (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), etc. Figure 10-1 Volume of Total Supply and Reliance on Imports of Primary Energy Figure 10-2 Total Supply of Primary Energy by Percentage of Energy Source
A new law which seeks to utilise reusable energy and minimise cost impact on consumers is under development in Japan. The new law, which would be effective from July 1 next year, would seek to reduce Japan's dependency on nuclear power. The new legislation would urge power utilities to cut costs by purchasing renewable energy from outside companies and private businesses. Japan's decision has been referred to as opening the door on renewable energy, which currently only contributes to six percent of Japan's energy sources. Politicians have amended the bill, allowing the revised bill to pass through parliament later this month. Prime Minister who is pushing for the bill to be passed in return for his resignation, has stated that the 'feed-in-tariff on renewable energy will be set at a fixed price so that utilities are limited to purchasing electricity from renewable power generators. Kan hopes that this will encourage more business and private corporate partners to enter into the renewable energy market. "As a medium-term revolutionary energy and environmental strategy, we have decided to start a thorough review of nuclear power policy and draw a roadmap for a reduction of the dependence on nuclear power" Mr Kan said. Large companies are concerned about the new legislation as it will continue to affect profit margins which are low due to power shortages and high priced exports. The bill was changed to reduce the surcharge for large power companies after complaints from the Japanese steel industry. If the scheme is launched then consumers will face an increase on electricity bills as utilities can pass their costs onto end-users. Despite the governments promise to cap the surcharge for the next ten years, there is no reference to it in the revised bill. Lawmakers hope that by adding a provision requiring utilities to streamline their operations, the impact on consumers will be minimized. A third party group will be set up within the under the Agency for National Resources and Energy to ensure that the setting of fixed prices are fair and just.