69 values
[MCU] Why does Thor bother being an Avenger. It's not even his world I understand recovering Loki's sceptre would be important to him but I guess he could do it by himself anyway.
If Thor was walking down the street and he passed someone struggling to change a tyre, he’d stop to help. That’s the kind of guy he is. Now, replace “change a tyre” with “repel an alien invasion”, or “stop an evil conspiracy from taking over the world”, and understand that, for him, these options are probably easier than the tyre thing.
He grew to love it while he was banished on Midgard, and he has a thing for Jane Foster.
If you could recommend only one book to everyone, which book would it be? I’d recommend Backlands: The Canudos Campaign by Euclides da Cunha
Enders Game | Orson Scott Card
Siddhartha - Hermann Hesse
Why can I never seem to write for more than 5 minutes at a time without feeling like I need a break? The issue isn't writer's block, it's more like I can write but after only a few minutes of typing I feel like I need a break or I need to look away from the script. Does anyone else have a similar issue and how did you overcome it?
I read fiction for ~20 minutes before writing. It seems to keep me in the flow a bit longer. There's also an app called Bear Focus Time. It's just a timer: 25 minutes of work and 5 minutes of rest. It's kind of stupid and basic but it really helps.
Maybe for the same reason that when I stopped reading for a couple months and then got back, I could only read for 5 minutes before picking up my phone. I had short attention span and reading/writing is a slow reward process. Could be other things like lack of preparation or maybe overwhelmed by amount of things you wanna write. It’s hard to say because these things are mostly psychological, so it’s hard to pinpoint for you specific case. I guess you will have to “know thyself”
[Worm/DC] What effect (if any) would Sundancer's miniature sun have on Superman? Would just standing near it give him a power boost, or interfere with the effects of red sun radiation? Is the answer any different depending on how big she makes it, or if he stands inside it instead of just nearby?
Sundancer's sun is just a big blob of fire, not an actual miniature sun, since Lung's pyrokinesis works on it. It probably doesn't release radiation.
While she makes a "miniature sun", I'm really not convinced it's the same as a "yellow sun". Hers is mostly about the heat, and doesn't appear to produce radiation.
Can someone explain to me "Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence"? So I recently got into a discussion where this popped up, and I find it questionable. For an event one would expect evidence to exist, but it doesn't, for all practical purposes, isn't that a good indication that the event didn't occur? For example, if there is no evidence Mt. Fuji erupted in 1400 A.D., even though that's something you'd expect evidence to exist, isn't that a good reason to assume Mt. Fuji did not erupt in 1400 A.D.?
higgs boson until just recently
The issue is not primarily 'does evidence *actually* exist for it?', but 'do we currently have evidence for it?'. Your description implies it's a matter of the former. 'I have no evidence that black swans exist' is not the same as 'there is evidence that black swans do not exist'.
Those who "drank the water" and got sick, what are your stories? Where did you drink the water? I drank the water in Mexico. Don't fucking drink the water in Juarez. I had internal bleeding and was on medication for a solid fucking two months. It's a miracle I'm still alive.
I drank water from a random tap I found at a remote bush campsite in NSW Australia, just wasn't thinking. Vomited within the hour. lost a quarter of my bodyweight over the next 2 months, turned yellow. Don't do this
My host sister in Egypt told me that if you drink from the Nile (their tap water) it means you’ll always return. As the youngest in my family, I’m way too gullible. Drank it and was sick for a week.
Looking for true story of outstanding perseverance and survival. Some of my favorite books are Alive, Adrift, Pride of the Sea. Stories of people in some unimaginable situations, but pushed on and survived to tell their stories.
Brian Keenan - An Evil Cradling About himself and John McCarthy (a british journalist), who were captured in Lebanon in the 80s and held hostage for five years
Unbroken by Laura Hildebrand, Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer and In the Heart of the Sea by Nathaniel Philbrick are some of my all-time faces!! Excellent writing, and all are page-turning/fast-paced. Great reads!!
[If I like] Tame Impala, Pink Floyd [what else would I like]
Videos in this thread: Watch Playlist ▶ VIDEO|COMMENT -|- (1) Mac DeMarco-Salad Days (2) Queensryche - Silent Lucidity (3) Alan Parsons Project - The Turn Of A Friendly Card (4) Windowpane-Opeth|3 - If you like Tame Impala you can check out this guy: Mac DeMarco For Pink Floyd, you can check out these: Queensryche - Silent Lucidity Alan Parsons Project - The Turn Of A Friendly Card Opeth - Windowpane (1) Steve Hillage - Solar Musick Suite (2) CAMEL - metrognome (3) Caravan - And I Wish I Were Stoned /Don't Worry (4) King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Cellophane [3D CLIP]|2 - Steve Hillagehttps:// Camelhttps:// Caravanhttps:// King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizardhttps:// (1) Demanding (2) Temples - Keep In The Dark (3) Bedroom - In my Head|1 - Fleece has a a sound reminiscent of Pink Floyd. And for Tame Impala, I'd go with Temples and Bedroom Warpaint - Intro & Keep It Healthy - Album de la Semaine 2014|1 - Warpaint King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Paper Mâché Dream Balloon (FULL ALBUM)|1 - King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard Also Australian. (1) Michael Kiwanuka - Cold Little Heart (Live Session Video) (2) Capitão Fausto - Maneiras Más|1 - Michael Kiwanuka: Cold Little Heart Capitão Fausto: Maneiras Más (1) DeWolff - Sugar Moon (Official) (2) DeWolff - Don't You Go Up the Sky (Official Music Video) (3) DeWolff - LOVE DIMENSION|1 - I haven't listened to all their material as I've only just found out about them a few days ago cus of /r/listentothis but I think DeWolff sounds like a more rock focused Tame Impala whereas Impala is more on the psychedelic side. Some examples ... Hiatus Kaiyote - The World It Softly Lulls|1 - This is the correct answer. Maybe also Hiatus Kaiyote ? Partner In Crime|1 - Partner in Crime - Ocean Alley Give this song a chance. I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. *** Play All | Info | Get it on Chrome / Firefox
Explain like I'm five years old: Why do some turtles live up to 100+ years where most animals/mammals can barely live to be 25?
They never get in a hurry?
/u/unidan come to the rescue!
12 years ago, you could buy a 10 year old car for $3000. Now a 20 year old car will cost twice that. What happened? There are some used cars that are as old enough to be parents or soldiers and they're going for freakin $5000, $6500...and they're 20 years old! They're not even high end cars. I'm talking about everyday models like Camrys and Accords. Are used cars destined to stay as expensive as they can?
A 12 year old car is old, a 20 year old car is (potentially) a classic. Also vehicles across the board have seen a sizeable market bump and a lot of people with unneeded vehicles are trying to cash in on it. I'd like to say it will probably get better but there hasn't been any evidence that will be the case.
COVID and Biden happened
What are the worst office politics you've encountered as an engineer? Comic, tragic, convoluted...(what was the issue, who were the perps, what were the stakes :). Thanks!
Number 1 does this count as politics or just getting f'd over? My report: Still waiting for approval to do thing, now delaying overall schedule. My Manager: It's approved just do it Me: Did the thing Big Boss: Here is another one of the approvers signature, nearly approved now! Me: thing was done yesterday Big Boss to Govt Regulators + other senior managers in our company: ProfessorSwamp doesn't understand the process and thought we had approval and did the thing already. My Manager: **Silence** Number 2 Organised to hire a consultant to do some their annual thing. Discuss opportunity to do this other thing which will add a lot of value to the business. Send proposal to boss for approval, boss says "why are you doing this extra thing? Thats the responsibility of this other department (who's manager my boss hates). I offer to forward it to said manager to see if they want to fund it since its a great opportunity... boss tells me not to tell them about it... if rival manager wants to do it he will have to come up with it himself (ridiculous because our department was support services its exactly the sort of shit we are paid to come up with). Well the boss told me explicitly not to tell the rival manager so I better not do that. So I engaged the consultant for the regular works and explained the takeout item falls under rival managers area **wink wink**. Consultants contact the rival manager and got the work done. Rival manager asked for resources to assist in implementing the recommendations, my manager says he cant spare any. No work is done.
I used to work at a company where the main Lathe guy was foreign and spoke really terrible, broken English. The guy was a huge dick head, our bosses wouldn't answer the phone when he called (you could see his extension number and his name) so we would have to walk to a different building and use a different phone if we had to call. Nothing too special except they just did everything they could to avoid working with the guy because he was a dick. He wouldn't train guys because he knew he would get fired (he was previously in a fight where an old guy beat him up) and they couldn't find any one to take his place, so they just ignored him and found workarounds to avoid this guy. It was amazing how many people hated this guy, they just immediately did as shitty a job as possible to get him the fuck away as fast as possible and then he would go sit at his desk and complain about every one else. He was a crotchety old fuck.
[If I like] Dark/Depressing shows like Bojack Horseman and Morel Orel [what else would I like]
Rick and Morty, Daria.
Venture Bros would probably be a good bet.
Countries outside of US to get into academia My wife and I are strongly considering leaving the US once she’s finished with her PhD. We’re tired of all the issues and it seems like it should be moving in the right direction but it will probably be small changes. We’ve been discussing other places to move and are mostly interested in Canada and Europe. Anyone have experience or knowledge as US academic expats here? Can you recommend a place to go? Obviously if it’s easier to assimilate into the culture and find work that would be preferable. Thanks!
Australia has relatively low teaching and pays well for post-docs. I know some people who emigrated there and love it. Personally, there are some aspects of the culture I don't like, but ymmv. Like most non-US countries, bureaucracy is higher but things work well. Canada is hard for non-residents to gain access to, but probably the most comfortable if you're coming from the US. It has the advantage that it's close to the US without being the US, so sometimes you can get US grants and anyway you are part of the North American network, which helps. The UK pays horribly, but almost any place that is not the US pays worse than the US. Still, the UK is the worst on that front. They pay in prestige. Bureaucracy is said to be pretty bad. Europe: varies by country, and maybe by field. The academic system is generally very different, though a few places are trying to do things the American way. Hiring seems to be more network-based, so as an outsider you may have difficulty getting in unless you know someone or can make a plausible case as to why you're particularly interested. Schools don't want to waste time on people unlikely to take up their offer. Pay in Europe in my field seems to be between the UK and Canada. Benefits are good, though. It's simply a different system that emphasizes different things. New Zealand: New Zealand is to Australia what Canada is to the US. (Exaggerating.) Smaller, no universities that compete at the very, very top end but people don't go to very top ones anyway and they do have solid ones. A bit more liberal. Prettiest country by a mile. Hong Kong, Singapore: you said Canada and Europe, but you can speak English here, too, and they are very international ciities. Again, I don't know about your field, but these cities can pay very well in general - better than the US. It could be hard to live under the more restrictive governments, though. There's an active expat community in both places. The easiest cultures to adjust to, I would guess, would be Canada, followed by the UK, Australia and New Zealand in some order. In normal times, New Zealand, Australia or the UK would be easier to get into. Under the pandemic, everything is hard everywhere. A thing I would highlight is that it's probably best to start your career in North America even if you don't want to stay. Getting to meet people at seminars and conferences is crucial for early stage researchers, and you would be a bit isolated in the UK/Europe (and certainly in any of the other places I mentioned), though certainly they have their own academic network. Depending on your interests, you may find that people focus on different topics or methods in North America vs. Europe. It's subtly different.
Just FYI, most ads for permanent academic jobs in Canada say "Preference will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents." It varies from place to place how much of a barrier this is, but you have to be a competitive candidate to trump those who legally get preference (this is in addition to being sufficiently competitive to get an interview in the first place). The PR process in Canada is expensive and arduous. If you can get a postdoc and live in Canada for a year or two first, it's easier.
KitchenAid worth it for an infrequent baker? I usually make quite elaborate cakes etc once a month maximum, so haven’t got a stand mixer yet because I thought that it wouldn’t be worth the money to be used so rarely, but after I made french buttercream with a little hand mixer and my arm nearly fell off (beating for 10 mins after adding the syrup) I’ve been thinking that maybe it’s not such a bad idea? Then I looked at the prices of the KitchenAid Artisan and I’m not so sure? What would you advise? Or is there another type/brand of stand mixer I should consider that is a bit more affordable? I have looked for refurbished KitchenAids but there seem to be none available in the U.K. at the moment?
Kitchenaid all the way. So worth it! And for more than baked goods, today we made pasta with the roller attachment. Yesterday I made a cake with chocolate frosting. They last forever, I’ve had mine over 20 years. I received it as a present and it is the best investment I never had to make. :)
I got my KitchenAid from Costco last spring and have been baking probably a couple times a month since then. LOVE IT. There are recipes I used to make by hand that are easier/better (pizza dough and cinnamon rolls), recipes I hadn't been able to try as written that I now enjoy (cookies and cakes), and recipes I never would have experimented with (Swiss and American buttercreams) if not for the stand mixer doing most of the work for me.
[Zombies] Are Nazi Zombies really worse then normal zombies? Aren’t Nazi zombies just normal zombies that used to be people belonging to the Nazi party? Does them being Nazis really make it worse? Are they more dangerous? And if Nazi Zombies exist why aren’t their Soviet zombies as well?
In some media, zombies are stuck in the tedium of what they did before they died. Nazis would be doing some awful shit, so yeah... Double trouble
yes nazi zombies are worse than anti fascist zombies
Weird discussion, but any tips for people that are generally unskilled, and don't have great people skills? I've been grinding in retail ever since I was 16 (now 31). I've had times in my life where I did have a side hustle. Did photo retouching briefly, currently doing art via Patreon. But my ultimate downfall is simply getting overwhelmed talking to people. So its always been easier for me to just work a second retail job, even though its way more work and physically exhausting. I can handle the physical stress better than the mental stress. So my question is, for people who feel like they can be entrepreneurs despite a lack of skills in certain areas, how do you compensate? What's your advice for someone like me, that just can't make it on retail alone? I want to maximize the value of my time.
Look. There is no easy way to say this but here it goes. People are dynamic ever changing. You need to stop bypassing what you don't like to do and head straight for the danger. It's a valid technique to desensitize your inital fight or flight response. So take a speech course or join a toastmasters club. Soft skills are just other skills that you have to strengthen over time. I was very shy in the beginning of my career it hurt my career. Now you can't get me to shut up. Maybe its age but maybe you can learn from me and stop using the retail sector as a crutch. You are better than that.
Have a thought partner who might feel a similar way. Having conversation, whoever it might be with, is good practice in general imo
[Westworld] I get that Guests can't shoot each other and Hosts can't hurt guests, but what stops Guests from stabbing or otherwise physically hurting each other? How has that not happened, by accident, in 30 years?
Another way they reduce the chances of two guests hurting each other, is that the park command center monitors every guests actives and whereabouts, this way they can use the hosts to redirect guests to keep them from accidentally killing each other. Like a sheriff will break up a fight or something. And then the host will redirect them on different paths. Like one might be led to rob a stagecoach while the other might be led to play some blackjack. (side note, i think on tonight's episode we'll see what happens when one guest really wants to hurt another guest)
The thing that sticks out for me is death by misadventure A fair few people die in the us in national parks etc... And they are not living out an western fantasy. I am thinking there must be thousands of way your story could accidently kill yourself. Coach collisions, fall off a horse, accidently step in front of an already fired arrow, walk of a cliff etc etc
How old were you when you completed graduated from Engineering school?
22...5 years to complete. It was a tough year. GF cheated on me (3.5 year relationship) we broke up, my dad died in the same month and I lost my job (constructive discharge) again in same month. But I did graduate with 3 degrees.
I need help baking specific cookies 🍪 and brownies I want to bake cookies for a friend of mine but she can’t have normal flour or ingredients because she has negative reactions to specific things. She can’t have gluten (wheat flour or any flour made out of grains), no pork (gelatin or whey), or white sugar (only brown sugar). So because I’m stil a newbie at this idk how to make cookies and brownies without these ingredients. Can anyone help me with some ingredients that I’ll need? And maybe provide some more help?
Be aware, some brown sugar is literally white sugar with molasses added to it. Sugar in the raw might be a better bet? But even so. It is going to be really similar. The even safer bet is sugar from a completely different source (not from sugar cane).
Almond flour is gluten free and a great substitute in cakes. There’s a wonderful Ottolenghi recipe for blueberry lemon cake that’s gluten free. White sugar and brown sugar are incredibly close, so they might even experience problems with brown sugar. For that reason, I would recommend switching to honey, molasses, date syrup or agave syrup as an alternative. There are some great olive oil and honey cakes that use honey instead of sugar. I would recommend checking out how to sub honey for sugar and try it with Ottolenghi’s recipe(s). Many of the recipes in his dessert cookbook “Sweet” are gluten free. Maybe google it and see which recipes you find available.
[Marvel] How are character like hulk and juggernaut able to rip wolverine in half so effortlessly? Isn't his skeleton made out of adamantium ?
his tendons aren't.
Name 1 time he's been ripped in half
Suggest me a book written from the perspective of a serial killer Or perhaps a murderer or something similar. The more macabre the better. I can't think of any titles similar to what I'm wanting. I did recently read The Woman In The Window and loved it
The Nothing Man by Catherine Ryan Howard shifts back-and-forth with one of the perspectives being the serial killer.
The book “You”. Amazing book.
What does it mean to be a “good” engineer, and how do you develop yourself to become one? I am currently a sophomore majoring in mechanical engineering, and I am wondering how to develop myself to become a “good” engineer; what does it take to do so, or what type of mindset is necessary to do well as an engineer?
Be willing to "play the game" You will often find people who get frustrated they can't get what they want and blame it on "politics." Politics is a catch all for "I don't get how it works and will not spend any time to learn why." The real people who get things done are willing to understand that their company might not be perfect, but it does work if you learn the game and how to play it. Don't play it for your own gain, not that it won't work, but you'll lose focus. Keep your objective the goal, and learn how to influence people/processes to make your objective happen. For an example, I came up with a solution to a problem, but was getting stonewalled by a particular manager. He didn't want his piece cost to go up and would rather live with the problem and blame it on another group. I learned what other people I could talk to and groups I could present my findings to, and was able to get my fix implemented. It took 2 years between getting more convincing data and finding the right people, but it was a huge learning experience and I met a lot of people who are resources for me 8 years later.
Developing good communication skills would be my top tip. It’s no use having good idea’s if you can’t convey them.
Suggest me a book that's going to give me a proper book hangover. I've got lots of book vouchers for my birthday. I've read a lot recently but nothing that's given me a proper book hangover since A Little Life. Suggest me something that will leave me hungover, for better or worse. I'm not hugely into sci-if or period settings, but will give anything a go if it grips me. Non fiction suggestions also welcome.
For me, The Handmaid’s Tale gave me a major book hangover.
currently hungover from infinite jest, and it’s been 2 weeks since i finished it. the only thing i’ve been able to read since was his biography.
How do I make green beans interesting? My wife loves them so she planted tons in our garden. This time of year we’re swamped with them. To me they are only ok. I steam them then toss with butter. Any other ideas?
Sichuan stir fried green beans with ground pork.
Stir fry them. Pan fry them with a little bit of bacon and shallots. Pickle them. I like eating them raw personally. Bake them.
New neighbors in duplex have a vicious dog they let roam. Thank you if you have thoughts to share!! We have been renting one side of a duplex. The other side was rented out last week and has a mixed breed with pit bull and has attacked in the past. They let it roam free in the shared yard, is there anything we can do? They have one kid with autism and someone told me about a discrimatory law that would make it difficult to evict them. Today the dog would not let me get in the back yard, it was growling and baking at me. I called the sheriff/dog warden and they said there's not a lot to do legally yet. It's been loose 3 times and they have not even been here a week. The first day they left their door open and their basement door open and let the dogs and kids roam free through the shared indoor spaces. It also barks constantly and they have 3 loud kids however I'm not sure if there is any legality there. Any case to get them evicted or legally get out of our lease? Thank you again.
> Any case to get them evicted or legally get out of our lease? No, but you can complain to your landlord.
Hi there! I’m the LegalFAQ bot. It looks like you may be experiencing housing issues related to housing or eviction. Come to to find legal resources for renters in each state. You can also find links to local groups that can help you with legal, financial, or other problems at Help us provide accurate advice to fellow redditors: if your post was related to housing or eviction, please like this comment; otherwise, please dislike this comment. *v0.1*
I want to learn how to accept loneliness I feel lonely. But I myself brought this upon myself. I isolated myself from my friends and social media... mainly because all they ever talk about is body image and just ... brag about it to me. I felt insecure. I know that in life, I am going to be alone. mainly because I never found people who stick around enough. I want to learn to not only accept this loneliness but also myself. I want to be okay with myself.
First and foremost, as cliche as it sounds, you have to find a love for yourself. Being alone is cool in the sense that you literally don't have to appease anyone but yourself. Best of all no one tells you how to live. Folks don't realize that cause they have that constant social media stream of people flowing. Constant pandering. But put that phone down for a bit and start taking in the scenes and experiences of your own life, not for the people watching. You can tell a better story if you remember memories by senses and not by pixels. You're going to be really uncomfortable this long learning process. Start small, take yourself out to a Cafe, restaurant, fishing, hiking a movie, or even just the store and just enjoy what's around you. Then you've done it enough it becomes easy.. that same day you've appeared more confident- thus making you more attractive to friends and prospective partners. Now you look the part but can you walk the talk? Step 2 You've had world experience, what did you like? Did you find yourself a passion in music, art, fashion, hiking, cooking, carpentry, animals, etc.? Learn it. Spend time expressing yourself in a creative healthy outlet. The best way I can explain it is to let your internal self sort of seep into your husk and be outletted through your work. Its really a feeling of peace. Step 3. Talk to people! Make friends in the hobbies you've found. Being alone is not healthy for social creatures like us and peoples approvals give us that little shot of dopamine that makes us happy; hence why social media is popular without the same depth. Its okay to compartmentalize friends in activities you do, that doesn't mean they won't blend into your personal life and find you fuckin dope. If your boundaries align, accept it! What I think you're looking for here isn't to learn how to be alone but to take care and prioritize yourself to find your own validation. Maybe im wrong but this was my steps to what I call self validation instead of loneliness. I'm 26, started at 22-23 and still growing daily but I'm more comfortable than I've ever been. TLDR: learn yourself by finding interests or passions. Put yourself in positions to have to think and act for yourself. Talk to people. Find yourself, build a personal base, fortify. Travelers will come and go from your base staying as long as they please but the base will still be there long after they're gone.
Hi, I’m having the same process of learning how to accept loneliness too, I don’t know if that will make you feel better but just maybe add it to your mental reminders that will actually help you accept loneliness. We were born alone and going to die alone, I don’t think people realize that but it’s the actual truth, so why not actually get used to it right? But it’s very very valid that you find it difficult or worst case depressing living with loneliness, trust me I know the feeling, it’s like, you’re surrounded by people yet you still feel so alone and it’s one of the most mentally and emotionally exhausting feeling. But also, isolating yourself from your shitty friends is actually first step of self care, hey maybe you never know the unexpected next step is you find new friends, if not, then fuck it, let’s try how to embrace loneliness, maybe change the word loneliness to independent. “How do we be independent”, it’s going to be a hard journey learning though but let’s just try not to beat ourselves up as possible yeah?
[Marvel/DC] Do popular magicians like Penn and Teller exist in Marvel and DC, or has the appearance of ACTUAL magic users pretty much ruined that facet of the entertainment industry?
Penn and Teller are IN marvel comcis.
Well, there’s guys like Miracle Man and Mysterio and Lee Guardineer who use their acts as cover for criminal activity Dr. Strange does know some stage magic (in an early adventure he saves some hostages with the Indian Rope Trick) but he doesn’t give public shows of any kind and sometimes has to shoo off production crews for those paranormal investigation shows.
Books Similar to Percy Jackson I was interested in the Percy Jackson series again (which I finished already) & now Im looking for any books with Greek mythology and adventure involved
Not Greek mythology, but check out the Rick Riordan Presents books, Aru Shah and The End of Time, and the Storm Runner were both great reads based on other mythology
The Alchemist series by Michael Scott.
Explain like I'm five years old:Why are new mattresses so expensive? There's not much too them. Springs, padding, fabric, foam. Assembled by machines, $2000 please.
Last time this was asked, this was the best response. to quote: >1) They last for around a decade. The per-day use price is very low. >2) It's one of the highest profit margins in the furniture industry. >3) It's impossible to comparison shop. The manufacturer's can, and often do, "label" the exact same bed with a different cover and name for two stores in the same market area. >4) The used market is practically non-existent. It's like selling your used underwear. Nobody wants your filth. So everyone buys new every time. >5) There are only a handful of suppliers for the basic ingredients for a mattress. Legget & Platt, for example, supply almost all the metal involved for the approximately 1,000 U.S. mattress companies. Latex is made by two major companies. >6) Consumers buy when they need, not when they want. This makes a mattress set more of a last minute purchase, than say a car. >7) There are limited sources online to understand the build of a mattress. Therefore consumers have no idea what they are sleeping on. Most people could not imagine a visual of what it would look like if they sliced their bed open.
Additionally (from the last time this was asked) Brands do not supply the same model tag to the same retail establishment. It may be the exact same mattress but under a different label, preventing you from comparison shopping
Where can I buy MSG?
It is disguised as a product called "Accent" in a lot of spice aisles.
Most low-mid end grocery stores carry it. The Fine Foods on 117th has it in barrels you can scoop from...
If I like classic British sitcoms with a few seasons and no more than 10 episodes per season what else would I like? I love Father Ted, Derry girls, Peep show, IT Crowd, Fleabag, Spaced, Toast of London, Stath lets flats, Only fools and horses, Blackadder, Bit of Fry and Laurie, some panel shows like WILTY and Taskmaster Other: Flight of the conchords, WWDITS, OMFD, Wellington paranormal, Seinfeld, IASIP Dislike: Inbetweeners, the Office, Monty Python what else would I like?
Keeping Up Appearances. Not exactly the same format you’re asking for, it went on about 5 seasons, but it’s brilliant.
Greenwing, The Thick of It, Flowers, The Wrong Mans (only 1 season), Sick Note, Ideal.
Question about making egg drop soup I've tried some egg drop soup in a chinese restaurant and fell in love with it. I've since tried to recreate it because I've moved away and cannot even go to the restaurant to eat it... I have not been successful.. I know it has eggs and tomato (diced) in it as well as corn starch or flour to make it thicker... I have no idea what stock/broth they use or anything else... All i can say i that the soup has a bright orange/yellow color and delicious... and with a really good acidity balance with everything else... This is what it roughly looks like: Can anyone help me out here? Any pointers will help... Thanks!
Pro Tip: the bright orange/yellow color is food coloring- I've worked in Chinese restaurants before.
I can never get my eggs to ribbon like that. :(
Change my view that Thank-you notes are outdated and unnecessary, and serve no real purpose except to signal "good raising". The holiday season is a shit-show of obligation and expectations as it is, and then once all the festivities are over, we're all expected to sit down and write formulaic cards: "Dear Grandma, thank you for the lovely sweater. I will wear it often." I assume, of course that thanks were given at the time of the gifting, and that proper appreciation was provided. Why on earth is yet another thanks required? What purpose does it serve, other than checking an arbitrary box in the manners checklist? I have received several thank you notes from my family since Christmas and haven't even gotten around to opening them; I know what they say, and it just feels hopelessly impersonal and staid. A true gift should be freely given, and other than a thanks at the time of giving, should carry no additional obligation along with it.
Everything you're saying applies to the gift as well. When you're a kid gifts are different because they're generally things you can't get yourself. But as an adult (hopefully) gifts are things that you could have gotten yourself but didn't for one reason or another. The whole process is largely unnecessary and serves no purpose other than signaling that you care about the person enough to get them a gift. But also as you get older you'll have fewer social connections so the real value is having a few people in your life that think enough to get you a gift.
When someone holds open a door for you when your hands are full, do you say thank you
Monday Mysteries | Secret Societies, Cults and Organisations **Previously:** - Astonishing individuals - Suggestion thread - More research difficulties - Most outlandish or outrageous historical claims - Inexplicable occurrences - Lost (and found) treasures - Missing persons - Mysterious images - The historical foundations of myth and legend - Verifiable historical conspiracies - Difficulties in your research - Least-accurate historical films and books - Literary mysteries - Contested reputations - Family/ancestral mysteries - Challenges in your research - Lost Lands and Peoples - Local History Mysteries - Fakes, Frauds and Flim-Flam - Unsolved Crimes - Mysterious Ruins - Decline and Fall - Lost and Found Treasure - Missing Documents and Texts - Notable Disappearances **Today:** The "Monday Mysteries" series will be focused on, well, mysteries -- historical matters that present us with problems of some sort, and not just the usual ones that plague historiography as it is. Situations in which our whole understanding of them would turn on a (so far) unknown variable, like the sinking of the Lusitania; situations in which we only know that something did happen, but not necessarily how or why, like the deaths of Richard III's nephews in the Tower of London; situations in which something has become lost, or become found, or turned out never to have been at all -- like the art of Greek fire, or the Antikythera mechanism, or the historical Coriolanus, respectively. **This week we'll be taking a look at mysterious or unusual groups throughout history, whether they be clubs, cults, secret societies, or something else entirely.** - Have there been any real "secret cults" throughout history? Around what were they formed? What did their initiates do? - What about secret societies? What were their aims? Who were their members? - Groups that were the real "power(s) behind the throne"? - Secret groups that have had unexpectedly non-sinister purposes? - Anything else that seems like it would fit. Moderation will be light, as usual, but please offer in-depth, interesting comments that are produced in good faith. **Next week on Monday Mysteries: In a bit of a departure from our usual material, we're going to be taking a look at some** ***historical historical misconceptions (sic)*** **-- that is, false ideas and beliefs that people in the past have had about their own past. It sounds a bit complicated, but it will be pretty straightforward once we get to it!**
Hello all! Today I thought I'd share some musings on the Biblical *Book of Esther*. Set in Achaemenid Persia, apparently during the reign of Xerxes, the story recounts how the Jewish girl Esther becomes queen of Persia and how, with the help of her cousin Mordecai, she thwarts a plot by the evil vizier Haman to wipe out the Jews. In the end, Esther and Mordecai emerge as the "powers behind the throne," as they both enjoy the King's favor and gratitude. The mystery, of course, is whether any of this is historical. While many (myself included) think it best to treat *Esther* as a historical novella rather than strict history, others have argued at least for the actual existence of Mordecai. I initially stumbled upon the debate over Mordecai while studying the so-called "Fortification Tablets" from Persepolis (viewable here and, more awkwardly, here). Several of the Fortification texts, dating to the reign of Darius I (father of Xerxes), mention an individual (or possibly individuals) called *Mar-du-ka*, "man of Marduk," from which the name "Mordecai" derives. Although overzealous scholars sometimes identify Marduka as *the* Mordecai of the Bible, the evidence is too limited to permit such a conclusion. The issue really seems moot in my opinion, and again I do not subscribe to a literal approach to the Hebrew scriptures. At the same time, I also do not find convincing the equally-dubious (and fallaciously-argued) attempts to cast Mordecai as the figure of Marduk (the Babylonian god) and Esther as Ishtar--but that is besides the point of this post. So here's the caveat: I noticed recently that one of the entries in the archive refers not to Marduka himself but rather *Mar-du-ka-be* (PF 273.4-5). Editor Richard T. Hallock hesitantly translates this as "the Marduka (people)," presumably because other geographic-gentilic designations from this period feature a similar construction: for example, the *Kur-ka-be* ("Carians": PF 123.2), *Par-šib-be* ("Persians": PF 871.3), and *Hi-in-du-iš-be* ("Indians": PF 1548.5-6) cited in the Fortification Tablets, or the *Mar-ku-iš-be* ("Margians": DB 21.3) and *Par-tu-maš-be* ("Parthians": DB 35.68) listed on the Elamite version of Darius' inscription at Behisitun. I suppose one could possibly interpret *Mar-du-ka-be* as "people of Marduk" (ergo, the Babylonians), but such an explicit connection between a people and a deity is, as far as I can tell, unparalleled within the extant corpus of texts. Conversely, peoples are in a few instances tied directly to individuals: "the Mišakaš people of Hystaspes," (PF 1596.6-8); or "people of Maušudda and Iršena," (PF 1622.5-7) who both appear elsewhere as officials. Moreover, the Babylonians already receive an ethnic identifier in the form *Ba-pi-li-ra* (PF 783.4-5) and its variants. If *Mar-du-ka-be* does indeed mean something like "the Marduka people," attention must be drawn to a rather curious line in *Esther*: "But he [the Persian official Haman] disdained to lay hands on Mordecai alone, for they had told him who *the people of Mordecai* were; therefore Haman sought to destroy all the Jews, *the people of Mordecai*, who were throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus [=Xerxes?]." (3:6, NASB transl.) The repetition here places unusual emphasis on the phrase "people of Mordecai." (*‘m mrdky*), which then matches the *Mar-du-ka-be* of the Fortification texts. I unfortunately lack the linguistic expertise to say much more than that. Now, *Esther* also describes a "Book of Chronicles of the Kings of Media and Persia" (*spr dbry hymym lmlky mdy wprs*: 10:2; cf. 2:23, 6:1) and even insists upon its own historicity by citing this official Persian account. The existence of similar documents is somewhat corroborated by the Ctesias' claim that he studied the "royal writings" (βασιλικαὶ ἀναγραφαί: Diodorus 2.22.5) or "royal parchments" (βασιλικαὶ διφθέραι: 2.32.4) during his residency at the court of Artaxerxes II. We have the testimony of Herodotus as well, who reports that Xerxes tasked his scribes with recording the names and origins of his best officers at the Battle of Salamis. (8.90.4) I believe it is possible, therefore, that the formula "people of Mordecai" originates from Persian administrative terminology; hence why the author of *Esther* emphasizes Mordecai's role as a representative of his community rather the community itself. Perhaps a historical Mordecai or Marduka really did advocate on behalf of his people, even if his accomplishments fell far short of rescuing them from genocide, which *Esther* then romanticizes based on some short entries in the royal records? This is all extremely speculative, of course, and I'm not sure I even buy my own argument; at any rate, I still find it highly unlikely that two well-placed Jews were pulling the strings behind the scenes in fifth-century Persia. But if you got this far, thank you for taking the time to read this post and joining me in some historical exercise. :D **TL;DR**: The Jews Esther and Mordecai were probably not "powers behind the throne" during the time of Xerxes as claimed in the *Book of Esther*, though the story may have some slight basis in reality.
There is a very interesting academic article that puts forth the argument that Farinelli (Mr. Big Name Castrato) was a Freemason called “Farinelli as Queen of the Night” (this is a reference to Mozart’s *Magic Flute* which is a big Masonic joke) by Jane Clark. (I as of yet have not had any opportunity to wedge this little idea into a conversation either here or in real life, so this is fun!) It’s an interesting argument, but I have some beefs with it. If anyone has access to the article and is interested I’d love to debate its merits with someone, I’ve never had the opportunity. 1. The main thrust of her argument is that Farinelli’s career was kinda unusual with his early retirement to a pretty unsexy job singing showtunes every night to a crazy Spanish king. She argues he did it to support a political cause, possibly Jacobite. HOWEVER, I find the idea that Farinelli left the stage for secret political reasons other than those he has personally stated in letters pretty specious. I see no reason to doubt his word when he says that he left the stage because he hated both the behavior of the crowds and the hard living. The behavior of the crowds was pretty detestable back then (booing, hissing, claques), and opera singers had a very hard life with all the travelling required. There’s also pretty ample evidence that Farinelli was a wonderful singer, but not necessarily a very good *opera* singer: he couldn’t act for beans according to contemporary reports, and didn’t cut a very dashing figure on stage (big gangly guy). Plus he was making less money towards the end of his time in England, the novelty of opera was wearing off a little on the London upper crust. Why wouldn’t he take a cushy job in Spain (with no travel and no nasty crowds) for the reasons he’s actually written down? WHY DOES IT NEED TO BE A MASONIC CONSPIRACY? 2. She claims there’s Masonic symbolism in Farinelli’s portraits in later life, specifically pugs. I have some big problems with this -- yes, symbolism was a *big* deal back then, but it was more used in satires, not in portraits. And of the three portraits he has with doggies in them, only one is obviously a pug to me, I mean I’m no AKC dog judge but this is not a pug. And maybe Farinelli just frickin’ liked little doggies and was like “Hey, paint my dog in my portrait too.” My family had a little white miniature poodle growing up and we took her to the photo studio and had her posed in our formal family portrait, and if someone tries to read political symbolism into that act in 300 years I am going to be posthumously annoyed. 3. He made some rather strange lies to Charles Burney (the first opera historian) when he was interviewed towards the end of his life. Clark concludes that he is HIDING MASONIC SECRETS but I personally think he might have been being a little shrewd about his legacy -- he was always very good at “leveraging his brand” (before there was such a concept) when he was on the stage, and I see no reason why he wouldn’t continue that when he was older. One lie is that he claimed to Burney he “always meant to return to England” which is countered by letters he wrote during the time period. Masonic political maneuverings? Well I think the simpler explanation was that Charles Burney was English and Farinelli was trying to be nice and not say “I had a rotten time in England and high-tailed it outta there ASAP.” 4. Someone referred to him as a “blazing star” in a letter, which was a Masonic term for the Garter Star which was a Freemason thing. People used a LOT of codes in letters at the time. Frankly, I find this one the most convincing. But it’s the only evidence I’ll really take. So, Farinelli the Mason? I say probably not, but it’s a pretty interesting idea!
[If I like] Songs with a catchy bass line throughout, such as I Will Possess Your Heart by Death Cab for Cutie, Only in Dreams by Weezer, or Committed to the Cause by The Radio Dept., [what else would I like]?
Jenny was a friend of mine - The killers
If you like instrumental music, check out Lost My Treble Long Ago by Vulfpeck. Great bass line!
Disturbing, intense movies that are not that graphic, or don't rely too much on violence or gore I think it's easy to rely on blood to create a thrilling and dark atmosphere but I think it's harder to create a movie without the use of such elements. In Prisoners you don't see the girls getting taken, and in Nocturnal Animals you see the kidnapping but you don't see them getting raped/murdered. I know Paul Dano gets beaten up by Hugh Jackman in the shower in Prisoners but it's brief. Loved movies like Prisoners, Zodiac, and Nocturnal Animals, and The Vanishing. Please don't recommend SeVen any Fincher movies or any mainstream stuff like Oldboy, Burning, Come and See, or Aronofsky movies because I've seen them all.
Watched "Possessor" last night (on Hulu). Definitely had some graphic violence, but that's not why it's disturbing/intense. I highly recommend it.
Pi (1998)
Someone opened a liquor store right next to mine. Can I do anything? Our liquor store has been in business for over 50 years. However, a few years ago, someone opened a liquor store literally right next to mine. That has brought down my sales significantly. The individual is a tycoon who opens the same businesses next to others to kill their business and take over. Is there anything I can do?
A few years makes it a little late to do much. You could have contested their business licence/permit before it was issued. Also, many places have bylaws that will state liquor stores need to be a certain distance apart.
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ITWL how to create insightful arguments in discussions on politics, economics and finance
Read politics, economics, and finance. That does not mean pick up a newspaper of magazine, but read some actual books and get a firm foundation so you aren't just regurgitating poorly understood concepts you read in an article. (Which is what pretty much everyone does).
Current events. Read newspapers. For a basic smattering of perspectives I suggest The BBC, The NYT, Fox, and Bloomberg for financial news.
Leaving frozen meat on the countertop to this a safe practice? My dad and I have very different approaches to cooking, generally speaking. He’s in the habit of leaving frozen meat on the countertop to thaw. He’ll pull something from the freezer (in today’s case, two wrapped packages of chicken leg quarters,) and let them chill on the counter. All day. I asked him whether or not this was safe, and his response was more or less along the lines of “when I check it later in the day, it’s still practically frozen solid.” My understanding was that this was exactly what you’re NOT supposed to do, for microbial reasons. What’s the verdict on this thawing technique?
My wife does this. I find it a couple hours later and put it in the fridge. This seems to work for everyone. My preferred method is to put the frozen item in a room temp sink/bowl of water. This is easier if the item was vac packed. If it was frozen with air in the package it will float and need a weight or regular manual rotation. This will rapidly defrost the item without exposing it to warm air carrying microbes.
Cold running water is my go-to. It's a lot faster than just leaving it out to sit in the air, and it's also safer.
do I need to change clothes after scooping the litter tray? I usually wear gloves and then wash my hands, wrists and nails very well after scooping the litterbox. Sometimes I even wash my face afterwards if I feel I was hovering above it for too long while scooping. Does anyone change their clothes after scooping the litterbox for fear of germs? or it is ok to keep wearing them? or am I being a massive germaphobe :')
Our toilet is probably dirtier than their litter box. Just washing your hands is enough lol
I cover my mouth and nose when scooping the litter tray and I wash my hands after but I've been considering gloves buuuut that's because I get sick a lot and have a lot of allergies, not everyone does so I understand gloves may be overkill for some. I also like to clean out and fully disinfect the cat boxes once a week
What evidence is there for the foretold 40-year desolation of Egypt in the Bible? The books of Ezekiel and Jeremiah foretold that Nebuchadnezzar would attack and desolate Egypt. The Egyptians would be taken into exile, and then they would return after 40 years. What, if any, is the evidence for this 40-year desolation of Egypt?
None, but plenty of evidence for why they might have prophesied that. I have several previous answers on the topic: Relating to Ezekiel's prophecy of Egypt being Nebuchadnezzar's consolation for failing Tyre Nebuchadnezzar's long history of conflict with Egypt Specifically addressing Ezekiel's prophecies against Egypt Evidence for Nebuchadnezzar's final attempt near the end of Ezekiel's life
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What's your personal experience with rate of improvement? Just getting back into running for the n'th time these last few years, and I'm trying to align my expectations, to avoid frustrations. What's your experience with rate of improvement when getting back into running? I'm 33 now, when I was around 25, I went from not being able to run 200 meters without dying to running 18k in under and hour in about 3-4 months, working out ~3 times a week, with an average speed of ~3,5 minutes/km when making making an effort in good energy. Nowadays it takes me about 1 month to go from ~6.45 -> to ~6.00 per km working out ~3 times a week, and then I feel stuck there, usually in a low energy run spiral, granted I haven't stuck to it for more than 2 months in recent years. I used to run on really flat ground, now I run hilly forest trails, which I hear are supposed to be harder, my distances now are shorter, averaging at 5-8km a run, vs 9-11 when I was younger, also I'm getting blisters and joint issues for the first time in my life. My activity level is the same sedentary style as it was back then. I'm not sure I trust the measurements I did when I was 25, but it was consistently the same app, still have the data, but even as a percentage wise improvement, does that even sound realistic? :) Maybe I'm just getting old... :) Starting with a trainer next month to make a plan, but I'm interested in other peoples experiences. // Update, I'm also about 3-4kg's heavier then back then..
I am 62 M. My improvement has been a real pleasant surprise for me. I hadn't run in 13 years (at which point I was marathon training). In early August of this year, I went out and ran 15 minutes at 11:00+/mile pace. I have run consistently since then and yesterday I ran 2 hours at 9:57 pace. I do my "medium" pace 1-hour runs at about 9:10 pace. I am up to 30+ mpw and feeling great, running 5 days a week. I do think there is some residual effect from earlier sustained training.
Just hang in there’s. Everyone is different. I was a runner in high school and then didn’t run for about four years and then got back into it. It took me about three months where I finally felt that I was comfortable running. Last year I suffered a fractured my fourth metatarsal, so I had to take four months off. I took me almost three months where I felt comfortable running again. For me most of the time when I come back from taking a break I can get back to where I am comfortable in three months, but may not be where I was for six months. Your rate of improvement really depends on your training routine and not time per se. So keep that in mind. I”ll give you an example, for a 10-13 mile run my best pace for years was around an 8:03 or so. That was when that was the most that I would typically run. And it was that way for literally years. Then I started to train for marathons, and now I can do that same distance in anywhere from 7:40-7:53 on a good day. The only thing that changed was my training, which included more tempo runs, speed work and of course longer distances. So there are really two answers, the first part is that it’ll take a few months before you’ll feel comfortable with it and if you feel that your training is at a plateau you’ll need to do something different. One last thing, consistency beats mileage very time. So if you want to run say five miles three times a week and you don’t feel like running the second time during the week and say to yourself that you’ll do ten the next time out to make up for it, don’t. Because it’s more important to be consistent. So just run say a mile for your second run and don’t worry about making the mileage up the next run. You’ll gain more by consistently running then by keeping your weekly totals consistent while skipping runs.
Recommend me your favourite non fictional book I've just started reading and would love to see the collection of your non fictional books.
If you are into greek mythology, The mythos trilogy by Stephen Fry.
I love history so most of mine are historical. One of my all time favourites is Stasiland by Anna Funder, memoirs from East Berlin before and after the wall fell. Homage to Catalonia by Orwell, charting his time as a journalist and fighting during the Spanish Civil War. 84, Charing Cross Road by Helen Haniff, about a 20year trans-Atlantic correspondence between the author and the employees of an antiquarian booksellers.
What are some shorter races I can add to my bucket list? Due to health issues that can lead to recurring injuries, I’m limited to 10K or shorter. Right now, the 7-mile bridge run in the Florida Keys is at the top of my bucket list. Are there any other cool races anybody would suggest? I’ve considered trying to run a race in every state, so location doesn’t really matter.
If you don't mind crowds, the Falmouth Road Race is perhaps the second most famous race in MA. It's 7 miles, on Cape Cod. For Maine, Beach to Beacon in Cape Elizabeth. Both are extremely difficult to get into. Falmouth is a lottery. Bridge to Beacon is first come first served, and it sells out in minutes after registration open.
Bushy Park parkrun is worth doing. Its 5K over mixed terrain
What's the deal with this Nintendo Switch Sports post? So obviously this is showcasing the bowling game on Nintendo Switch Sports, nothing weird about that, but the comments are... concerning. They're all acting freaked out about some bowling gif and warning everyone not to look at the hidden replies. What the hell happened here? I'd look further into it, but I'm too afraid to. I've been having a fairly decent day so far and I'd rather not ruin it.
Answer: user replied with an edited video that shows the gif, its porm
Friendly reminder that all **top level** comments must: 1. start with "answer: ", including the space after the colon (or "question: " if you have an on-topic follow up question to ask), 2. attempt to answer the question, and 3. be unbiased Please review Rule 4 and this post before making a top level comment: Join the OOTL Discord for further discussion: *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OutOfTheLoop) if you have any questions or concerns.*
Several years ago I added a dedicated hill climbing day to my training schedule and due to an increase in strength and endurance I consider this my single greatest addition. What do you consider the single greatest addition to your running, be it a piece of gear, method etc? Curious about others
Protein intake. Seriously, I thought I was fine because I wasn’t lifting, but it turns out I was getting WAY too little. Adding Whey protein and a protein bar was the single biggest thing I did.
A handheld water bottle. The first summer I trained for a 10k I discovered I am especially bad at handling heat/humidity. I had lots of stomach issues and never got past 4.5 miles on a "long run." Still did the race since I had already registered but it was pretty horrible. Since then, I've started carrying the handheld in the summer as needed and I drink a LOT more water throughout the day. Certainly not the only thing that has improved my training but I've taken 30 minutes off that first 10k time and done several halfs. I couldn't have done any of it without realizing how much more water I needed.
Fantasy General] What is the ideal weapon for someone with super strength in a fantasy setting? If a character has superstrength and weight is not an issue, what would the ideal weapon be? I'm thinking of a hammer or a [sword like the Butcher's. But against enemies like slimes, such weapons would be useless. Is there a better choice?
A bow. More strength lets you draw a heavier bow, and take enemies out before they have a chance to attack you.
Shot puts. Range? Just Chuck 'em like skipping stones. Close? Club people to death.
Botany Careers Hi all. I am a current undergraduate looking for career options in botany, but I do not know what to choose. I like plants; that's why I am majoring in biology. Just general plants made me happy; believe me. I can spend my whole day in a botanical garden. I want to work in research, and it is my time to think about applying for graduate school, but I do not know what career path to go. So I talked with my professors, and one recommended me a plant breeding field, plant pathology, and plant physiology, which looked exciting. The other professor said an ecology is also a great option. Both options look stunning to me, but I think there should be more. I took ecology courses, and that was super fun. I am in the plant genetics and evolution lab, which is also super fun. Everyone said to me to follow the voice of my heart, but what I wanted to do was stare at tiny green plants for the whole day. I want to get into the research field because I just wanted to know more about what I love. Can someone give me some advice on choosing the right career path? Any help is appreciated!
I work as an ecologist (UK) with a specialism in botanical surveys. I carry out National Vegetation Classification and baseline habitat surveys for planning permission for development projects and also conservation projects its very varied work and I find it very interesting..
If you think you're going to get a PhD and want to do research, you could always try to get into academia or work at a national lab. In those cases, you get to pick your project (eventually) so you'll be able to simply start projects studying specifically what about plants interests you the most. I wouldn't count on industry too much for a botany career unless you start your own business. What about plants do you find energizes your curiosity the most?
When do you feel like a "real" runner? I've ran off and on most of my life, but never felt anywhere close to being a "real" runner. I guess that is because I'm certainly not a competitive runner. I run in races, but just as a way to have something to train for. For context, even when I was younger, my best 1 mile time was around 7 minutes. Since the pandemic started, I've run more than ever. I'm getting closer to where I feel I could say to people in public, with a straight face, that "I'm a runner". But I wonder what would it take to not feel like a fraud. I am registered to do my first half marathon later this year. I'm hoping that will secure my *bona fides*, even if just in my own mind. Have you gone through this? What did it take to feel legitimate? Complete a half marathon? Marathon? Finish in the top 20% of competitive races? Or is it as simple as "run a lot, and you're a runner"?
I would label myself a runner when I run regularly as part of my life. Has nothing to do with races, distances, speed or any of that crap.
I'm not a "fake" runner just because I'm not a "real" runner, whatever "real" means lol.
Eli5: How can large companies be worth (valued at) so much when they do not make any net profit?
Because investors think the company will be valuable in the future. They believe that, at some point, either somebody will buy the company or the company will start to make a net profit.
If you are asking about the current situation with Twitter, and related companies then you are not the only one asking this question. Even experienced financial analyzers have no idea why some people think these companies are worth as much as they are. But there are companies which are worth way more then what their net profit would have it. The idea is that while they might not be profitable now, and even run a huge loss, they are building up very valuable assets which will bring huge profits in the future. For social media sites their assets will typically be their brand and their users and network. And if this gets big enough you can make huge profits in advertisements, premium services and user data. So typically a company spend a lot of money in the startup phase, level off at the huge growth phase as they focus on growing as big as possible, and then make a lot of money when they can not grow any more and end up selling out.
my girlfriend drives a 2014 vw Jetta we live right where hurricane Ian hit. because of all the flooding we had to drive in about 8-10 inches of water. since then the blower fans haven't worked and the cars been overheating when not in motion. what parts of the fans electrical should I replace?
Is your girlfriend hot?
Buy some extra wire and attach your fans directly to your battery, if not spinning then replace fan.
Any more sci fi out there? I think i've finally done it, i think i've watched it all, from classic to crazy. Mostly i love Spaceships or other worlds/aliens but im down for anything science fiction. I've spent many years going through lists of movies and rarely come across anything i haven't seen or heard of. So if anyone out there is hiding some Sci-fi gems, now is the time, surprise me, bonus if it's set in space or on a space ship, double bonus if it's set under water. If you've seen it recommended a bunch here or it is fairly well known, I've seen it i promise, genuinely just wondering if there's anything worth it I've missed. Cheers!
Not a film, but the TV series The Expanse is great political sci-fi.
Stories where the characters are trying to solve a mystery while their lives are in in danger, aka death games meets locked room mystery combo pack? Hello friends- thank you in advance for your recommendations. I really love books/stories that exist at a nebulous intersection of a few different tropes- any combination of locked room mystery, death games/battle royale, ontological mysteries (where are we and how do we get out?), characters being picked off one by one, and isolation/survival horror. I’ll elaborate below but here are some choice examples. Book examples I have enjoyed: Gideon the Ninth, And Then There Were None, Red Rising, Hunger Games, Lord of the Flies, The Terror, Ship of Fools, Project Hail Mary, The Ruins, Sphere, The Silent Companions, The Seven and 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle Some film examples: Battle Royale, Cube, the first Saw movie, Knives Out, Pandorum, Squid Game, Alice in Borderland, and the video game series Danganronpa. I hope these examples sort of give you the gist but ideally- I want to be invested in multiple characters who are trying to both solve form of a mystery while their lives are in danger. I need the stakes to be high, and I don’t necessarily need happy endings - I’d actually prefer my feelings to hurt alongside my head from trying to put it together. It doesn’t have to fall strictly in these genres but needs to have this general spirit. Some books I already have on my to-read list include All of Us Villains, The Inheritance Games, Six Wakes, The Running Man, The Long Walk. Thanks so much!!
{{14}} Peter Clines.
Kinda sorta- Haiti Shanghai- No Good Deed Goes Unpunished. The general theme is there.
Looking for a Dystopian fiction that isn't too much like our current reality I love Dystopian fiction (along with sci-fi and fantasy) but lately it's too much like reality. I don't need to be stressed out by the world around me and then stressed out by the book I'm trying to escape into. Suggestions please!
Shade’s Children by Garth Nix The Giver by Lois Lowry Gone series by Michael Grant
I love Lillith's Brood series by Octavia Butler. If you want something else less sci-fi, Core of the Sun by Johanna Sinisalo was excellent. If you like dystopia that leans fantasy, maybe Fifth Season by NK Jemisin. Or maybe Murderbot by Martha Wells? It's job is security but really wants to be left alone to watch its "stories"
A book about a mage/ordinary person, whose powers develop until he or she is an awesome force to encounter. A lot of books I've read in which a mage (or someone with powers) is featured, tone down their abilities a lot. Gandalf's a fairly well known wizard, but he used magic almost as if it was a hobby. I've read The Wizard of Earthsea and Feist's Magician and in both of those, they were prophesied as great forces to come but they were ultimately naive youngsters stumbling through young adulthood. I tried the second instalments of those two books but they didn't grab me. It's not just books either; Heroes had two great characters in Peter and Sylar (and to a lesser extent Hiro) but after the first season, their development was stymied and they almost became cameos. I tried to watch the series Merlin, about the greatest mage in mainstream culture, but it's set in a world where he can't use magic! It's just Smallville in Medieval times. The weak storylines didn't even require magic anyway. So I'm after a book, or book series, where the mage-like character grows and develops and not only matches the prophecies but surpasses them. They have storylines that feature magic, they seek more power, more abilities, fabled items of power, they grow, their reputation spreads across the land, people fear them, you know the sort of thing. Just something other than these ubiquitous Harry Potter style characters. Super-heroes are fine but they usually only have one very niche ability, and it's the same old 'hunted by those who do not understand' storylines. Do you get mages in fiction that aren't teenagers or 90-year-old hermits? I like sci-fi but even characters like Luke Skywalker and the kid in Dune were the same wet-behind-the-ear types, swept around by larger events. Mages are supposed to be wise, experienced, deep, complex, people who have been tested to the limit and come back stronger. Most stuff I've read is the opposite of that. Sometimes they're even comic relief or token stereotypes to colour a world with. I've heard Gardens of the Moon is a good series for magic so I'll be starting that soon. Apart from that, I haven't really seen anything worth trying. Thanks for any suggestions people may have!
Dresden files has already been metnioned and i love it but also there is butchers other work called codex alera. ITs about a boy who is the only non magic user in the world but still becomes one of the most powerfull and achomplished ppl in the world. Also the wheel of time is suppousdly the same. King killer is a really good one to read and one of my favorites. Ohh if you want read some of the other star wars books since there are jedi who grow into their powers. Also the obsidian mountain triliogy is good though it dosen't really pick up untill the MC leaves the city.
Dune is a riveting book about power, mythical and political.
Recomendations for a 'sad erótic' playlist Something like tame impala's The less i know is better would be great. Specially if the clip or the music have some overly sexual themes. It's for my dog.
Not going to ask how your dog is going to know if the song has sexual themes. Any way - here you go: The Girl From Ipanema (Original U.S. version) Chris Isaak - Wicked Game Norah Jones - Come Away With Me Norah Jones - Help Me Make It Through The Night Turn Me On - Norah Jones Rachael Yamagata - Worn me Down Michelle Featherstone - Stay
What the fuck ?
How often do you run per week? How many days off do you take? I'm getting to a point where I genuinely like running and look forward to a run. I did a good, long run yesterday and my thighs have a nice ache to them, but I still want to go out again today.
I was running 7 days a week till my leg started acting up and I had to stop running for 3 weeks… now I run 3 times a week. Lesson learned, rest days are important especially if you’re a beginner like me
I run 4-5 x/week. Usually they're easy runs just for fun.
[CAN] How do I disclose that I may need to go on parental leave during interviews ? I recently lost my job this week and I am starting to interview for different jobs, however I also found out that my wife is 6 weeks pregnant and I'll likely need to go on a parental leave in November. I know great timing, lol. Is this something I should disclose to the interviewers? I am concerned they are not going to hire me. I don't want to be deceiving but I also kind of feel like it's none of their business but I could imagine they would be disappointed if soon after I started I took a parental leave. What's the best way to go about this?
Don't mention it. They technically are not "owed" this information.
All the feels. I was laid off march 11th and start my new job next week. I just found out I am 5 weeks pregnant. I don't plan on disclosing any information until after the first trimester. 😊 Hope that helps! Good luck!
Vegan fish? I've been a vegetarian for nearly a year now. And the one thing I've missed the most is seafood. I used to love seafood, but in my experience there's been a surprising lack of faux seafood. The only fake fish I've found in store is gardein brand. And I'm gonna be honest, it doesn't taste like fish. Is there any recommendations in the arena of fake fish? I've seen recipes online for like tofu fish but besides that I just kinda want something I don't have to spend too much time preparing. But I've been craving seafood because my family has recently decided to go to LJS multiple times this month and each time it just makes me crave fish and it kinda just makes me sad. I want more faux meat options.
Do you like dried seaweed? I've found that it has a fishy taste that i quite like
liones mane crab cakes threw me off when I first tried them. Def recommend!
How to tell my employer that I am quitting after only 2 weeks of working? Will I be blacklisted? For some context, I recently moved to another state for a engineering job (1 year contract) at a really big pharmaceutical company. The people here are very friendly and treat me well so far but I just got another engineering job offer (full time permanent) that pays significantly more at my home state where I’m originally from. At first I didn’t like the idea of quitting my current job since I had already moved across 4 states to get here but the more I thought about it, the more I want to move back home and take this offer. Not only are the pay and benefits way better, but all my friends, family, and even gf is back home which means I wouldn’t have to do long distance. I want to tell my employer that I want to quit but I’m not sure the best way to say it. Should I be honest and say I am quitting because I got another offer at a different company? Or, should I lie and say I have to move home because of family emergencies and complications? I don’t want to leave on a bad note and ruin any future chances of potential employment with this company (blacklisted), especially with how nice and friendly everyone is. Not to mention they are one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.
Don’t stay at a worse job out of some sense of obligation. They’d downsize you in a heartbeat if that’s what was best for the company. Do what’s best for you. Just be honest. Tell them you received an offer for a permanent position with better pay in your hometown.
This happens all the time. Be honest with them. You applied to both, they took a little longer but the offer and location is better for you overall and long term. Nobody is going to blame you.
Plot that's about apartment residents or a small neighborhood, and you read about what everyone is up to and their drama with each other. This may be too specific, but I'm in the mood for a book where the plot includes the residents of an apartment building and you can see what shenanigans or drama everyone is up to, or a small neighborhood where everyone is in each other's business and you can experience what the different families are doing. Basically, I just want to be nosey and read about what characters are up to as they go about their life in a close encounter living situation. See how the neighbors interact with each other and read about their drama (preferably with each other.) I'm looking for something that isn't too heavy. Maybe a mystery, but I'm open to any genre. Thanks!
{{Fishbowl, by Bradley Somer}}
44 Scotland Street by Alexander McCall Smith is very low stakes and humorous take on this. There's a whole series if you like it!
Change my view that Just as many countries have a minimum wage, there should also be a Maximum Income. The only argument I've heard against it is the unfounded claim that people who make a lot of money work harder than everyone else, and therefore deserve it. Not only is there no good way to measure how hard people work, but I think most people would agree that even a lot of low paying jobs(like serving), can be extremely difficult. The other argument is the Efficient Market Hypothesis, which is also highly debated by behavioral and psychological economists.
People are not paid by how hard they work, they are paid by the value they produce. Whereas a Burger-flipper is ready to be replaced by 100 million candidates, the CEO of a large corporation is not so readily replaced. Work of his quality is much scarcer - much more valuable.
What about someone like Notch (creator of Minecraft)? He collected over 30 million dollars in about 4 months from sales of his game, which would presumably be above your maximum income. Would he just have to stop selling the game at that point (or rather, stop getting money from the sales, making them pointless)?
(FL) Landlord refuses to repair flooded road, I am trapped at my home Two months ago the road that I live on became flooded due to heavy rain and the fact that we live on a lake. My house, along with my neighbor's are owned by a realtor's company. Our landlord was notified in the beginning of June, and we have contacted them weekly requesting status updates on when the road would be repaired. I have contacted the county to see if they would fix it due to the fact that it is impassable by emergency vehicle, US mail and garbage disposal services. They stated that because it is a privately owned road and not county maintained that it is not their responsibility. The landlord has been dodging my calls and texts and is doing the same thing to my neighbors who are tennants of theirs as well. The only responses we have received from them was that they didn't feel it was fair for them to pay for the repairs entirely because other people who use the road own homes and should have to pitch in as well. We were told once a month ago that someone was coming to do an estimate and that did not happen. The road is so bad now that I am not able to get my car in or out. My boyfriend has only been able to get to and from work because he drives a 4 wheel drive truck. I have no idea what to do now, any advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Notify the landlord in writing, registered mail. open a bank account and place the rent in escrow for when the road is repaired. Inform the other tenant of this also and have them do the same. You will get a pretty damn quick response from the landlord. I suggest talking to an attorney before doing the above. You want to be sure that the landlord is responsible for the road before forcing his hand by placing the rent into escrow.
Please review the Landlord Tenant Questions section of the /r/LegalAdvice Wiki for common questions and answers regarding landlord tenant issues. If this does not apply to your question, please disregard. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/legaladvice) if you have any questions or concerns.*
Movies that have a reputation for being “bad” but you disagree I just saw an article on Screenrant that listed movies that are considered “bad” and deserve remakes. Some I saw would be awesome premises for a remake. However, “The Warriors” (1979) was on the list! I’m sorry, but “The Warriors” is not a bad movie in my opinion. It is a movie of its time period. Are there any movies you feel the same about?
I just looked at the list. How dare they have National Treasure on there? The nerve.
Spring Breakers from Harmony Korine
Change my view that We are going to have to come up with a better term than "LGBTQIA+" When I was young, the word "gay" meant anyone with a same-sex orientation. Then "gay" acquired more of a connotation of just gay men, so instead of just "gay rights", people started referring to "gay and lesbian rights" to be more inclusive. Then, I still remember the day in college that our on-campus chapter of GLAAD was renamed BGLAAD to include people with a bisexual orientation. Shortly after that, because the discrimination trans people face is similar in a lot of ways, we shifted again to "LGBT", which is still pretty easy to say and most people, even those outside the community, knew what all the letters stood for and what groups they represented. But now, it's evolved to "LGBTQIA+", which is only three syllables shorter than "antidisestablishmentarianism", the longest word in the English language. Most people saying it bog down around the Q as they struggle to remember how the rest of it goes, and even when they get there, they're not exactly sure what the letters stand for or what groups they represent. Worst of all, I'm sure we're still not representing everyone who feels like part of the community. Are we just going to keep on adding letters indefinitely? And to me, at least, the current term isn't egalitarian within the movement; rather, the groups listed first are always included, while those at the end have a "tacked-on" feel and are sometimes omitted, implying they are less important. In a community so damaged already by marginalization, wouldn't a more egalitarian term be better? One term I've heard proposed is "GSM", for "Gender and Sexual Minorities", which accomplishes a lot of the goals here but which has never really caught on. But, I think we're now at that breaking point where we have to come up with something better than what we currently have. Change my view?
You might interested in this article, which breaks down a similar phenomenon in race politics and the acronym BIPOC To summarize and to respond directly to your view, the author is basically saying that it is not actually "more woke" but can actually be a form of laziness to rely on long acronyms like BIPOC and LGBTQIA2S+. It is a way for people to uncritically say "but I included all the letters how can you say I'm not being inclusive!!" without actually asking themselves why they chose those letters. So I agree with you that overly complex acronyms are probably inappropriate in many contexts, but not in the way that you mean. When you are talking about a trans issue, call it a trans issue, not an LGBT+ issue. There is a time and a place for a person or organization to be clear that whatever they're talking about is relevant and important to a broad spectrum of queer issues and experiences. If you're working in a space that particularly affects Indigenous and two-spirit people, then it's appropriate to use the accepted LGBTQIA2S+ acronym. Most Indigenous people won't feel excluded when they don't see it, but it's a useful call-out in some contexts. And finally, as the author says, “Naming and self-naming is powerful” so when you see a group carving out a space for themselves, when you ask them to just conform to an easier-to-remember acronym, you are taking away some of their power.
While I generally agree with your point, I think that one reason to keep using LGBTQIA+ is that it is defining people by what they are, while GSM is saying what they are not,, if that makes sense. (I do agree with you though)
Strangest adjunct you've ever brewed with? Some commercial breweries have brewed up some weird shit like bacon, fried chicken, muffins in their beers. What is the most out there addition that you have made to a brew throughout the process? Any tips for incorporating ingredients that are high in fats? Or is accepting loss of head retention and other effects just something to deal with?
Pickle gose. Turned out decent but people either liked it or hated it. Tasted like pickle brine mostly.
There was that guy a few years ago who dumped a birthday cake into his fermenter... I'll see if I can find it. edit: found it!
I love cooking so much but there are so many foods I can't stomach.. I need help figuring out how to expand my pallet! I absolutely love cooking. I watch every cooking show possible and sometimes I cook when I don't even need a meal, it's definitely my favorite hobby. My dad got me into science when I was a kid and now him and I both have a subscription to cooks illustrated and talk all the time about the recipes we try and the things we do. Problem is, I've never been a fan of meat. I also grew up in a land-locked state and won't eat ANY fish, shellfish, seafood of any kind (the smell makes me gag). I HATE that I'm this way. I get super grossed out if there are any skin, bones, or veins in the meat I do eat (I usually stick to poultry.. a lot of chicken breast). I've never had a steak or a hamburger, I drunkenly ate a cheesesteak once in Philadelphia but that's the extent of my experience with beef. I watched a show last night about BBQ and was literally jealous of the people because it all looked so good but I know that I wouldn't eat it. Anyway.. I'd like to tip toe my way into "fixing" my aversions and I'm looking for suggestions on where to start.
I'm working on this as well. Hate that there are so many foods I dislike, especially seafood, since that's a huge variety of new foods for me to enjoy right there. I taught myself to *really* enjoy coffee, wine, and beer. Those are easy though, as they don't have weird textures, and it's easier to buy and try every other day, whereas fish isn't exactly as convenient, unless I'm training myself to like canned tuna. At this point, there are certain fish I can eat. I prefer raw over cooked fish for some reason, so I'm okay with some sushi. Tuna, yellowtail, escolar. All pretty nice subtle flavors. Salmon can fuck right off, though. Even though I find myself tolerating some fish, it's still not at the point where I'd go out of my way to order a fish dish... still gettin' there.
Size the wood you have now and get pressure treated lumber cut to fit. However, pallets are standardized for a reason and you will want to make sure the forks on the forklift can still get under it. Good luck!
I’m really into learning about personality disorders, psychology related things, I don’t know much and it’s hard for me to read books with gigantic, gigantic words, but I’m very eager to learn about different diagnoses out there, etc.. Any book suggestions?
The curious incident of the dog in the night-time It's about a 15yo with autism written in narrative style. One of the best books I've read.
One good book about mental health is Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn
Can we consider a Fresnel Lenses + Stirling Engines + Compressed Air Vector a scenario for energy sustainability? As asked, what are the engineering pros and cons of this fossil-free, hydrogen-free, batery-free energy devices? Beside economic reasons, I mean. Sorry for my poor english.
So there are companies out there that are looking into solar concentrators (which is effectively what a Fresnel lens would do). One such company is eSolar. They concentrate sunlight and then use a heat transfer system to collect energy. The next thing to look at is conversion efficiency. Generally, solar cells can convert light energy to electricity at a rate of 10-20% (that is, 80-90% of the energy is lost as heat). Once the energy is in electrical form, it's easy to dump it on the grid. Stirling engines have a near-theoretical efficiency, approaching the Carnot efficiency (which depends on the working temperatures). With intense sunlight, the efficiency of a Stirling engine may approach 40% (though that may be optimistic). That's good, right? But a Stirling engine converts heat energy to mechanical energy, which then needs to be converted to electrical energy by an electric generator - and that is generally 90% efficient - giving an optimistic overall efficiency of 36% on ideal days. Overall, it still looks pretty good compared to solar, right? Well, there are plenty of other considerations - the two that come to mind are scaling and maintenance. When you want to double the output of a solar facility, you get another solar panel and hook it up to all the wiring that already exists. When you want to double the output of a Fresnel/Stirling facility, it takes a new lens, a new Stirling engine, a new electric generator, and then hook that up to the rest of your network. Also, the more moving parts you have, the more things go wrong - you need to make sure every joint is lubricated; no sand or grit gets into the mechanism; everything needs to be aligned perfectly, etc. There would be a lot of maintenance/setup cost associated with this design. Once solar cells are set up, there's little to no maintenance involved.
hm. i think thats what ill do with that giant fresnel lens i pulled out of TV...
Is there a way to convert between different units of measure in a pivot table? So what I’m trying to do is not convert between constant units (like from lbs to kilos) but rather I have a table with a few hundred skus and a hundred customers and across 24 months there are tens of thousands of combinations. Each sku is tracked in cases shipped, and each case has a respective dollar amount and weight that varies by sku e.g. sku x price = $10 per case and weight = 2.5 kilos per case while sku y = $15 per case and weight = 3.5 kilos per case. Typically what I do is just calculate different series in the data table (one series titles weight and one titled dollars) and depending on what people want to see I replace the series in the pivot table. But is there an easier way to set this up to toggle between cases, dollars and weight? Especially for those I share this file with who aren’t great with pivot tables?
What is the question this calculation answers? When you enter the cases shipped info, in addition to the SKU and # of cases shipped column, there should be a cell on that row that calculates the price and weight of what was shipped
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How do I store tea properly? I‘m new into tea and I recently bought some loose green and black teas. Can I store the tea in glas jars or should I use something else?
What everyone has said is right but the more in depth answer depends a bit on the tea. Some may view going into these details as overkill, but if you are buying nice tea I think it is worth putting in the effort to make sure it stays tasting as nice as possible: - For all teas, you should store them away from light and strong smells (e.g. your kitchen), as light generally causes undesirable changes in all teas, and tea tends to absorb smells from it's environment. So from a light perspective, either use opaque packaging, or better yet, keep then in a dark cupboard. From a smell perspective, it's best to keep tea away from other foods with an odour (e.g. spices) and things like perfume or cleaning products unless the packaging is 100% sealed (e g. vacuum sealed and never opened). - For all teas other than puer you should also store them in a low humidity environment and minimise air flow around them. From a humidity perspective in most western houses you will be fine without having to actively think about it, but don't store them in the bathroom or near cooking. The reason for limiting humidity is that moisture speeds up aging processes such as oxidation and in extreme cases can cause the tea to go genuinely bad (e.g. through mold), so best to avoid. With respect to airflow, too much air and air movement around tea can rob it of it's flavour over time (flavour molecules will literally be blown away) and encourage oxidation (by changing the oxygen around the tea) so keeping tea in airtight packaging (e.g. ziplock bags, tins, jars etc) is always a good idea. - For lightly oxidised "fresh" teas that are liable to go stale (so green tea, green oolongs, first flush Darjeelings) it is also key to minimize their contact with oxygen and (ideally) to store them in a cool temperature. The point about contact with oxygen is because that is what ultimately causes them to go stale through oxidative processes. So for these types of tea it is generally a good idea to drink them in relatively short order (e.g. a month or two) after unsealing their packaging, and to keep them in a container with as little air as possible. When they are still sealed, it is also a good idea to keep them in the fridge (or even a freezer) as this will slow down staling and oxidation (this is how high end oolongs and green teas are stored wholesale, and increasingly some Darjeeling vendors do it as well - e.g. Teabox). After unsealing them, keeping them in a fridge/freezer has more debatable benefits as if you take them out of a cold environment into room temperature when they are unsealed condensation will occur which has a high potential to ruin your tea. If they are unsealed they could also get conatminated with the smells of other things in your fridge. So I generally only keep sealed and unopened tea packages in the fridge. You could argue that both the minimising oxygen and cool temperatures thing are beneficial even for other teas (like black and some white teas), but the effect will certainly be less dramatic. In contrast, if you buy two packets of green tea, and leave one at room temperature and one in a fridge for a year and then taste both, the difference will be night and day. - Puer is a whole separate conversation, but as a short version lots of people would generally recommended storing them in higher temperatures and humidity to encourage aging, but there is some debate about this. **TLDR** apart from puer (which is its own thing), store all tea in opaque, airtight packaging away from smells in a low humidity environment and for teas that are liable to go stale (like green tea or green oolongs) you should particularly focus on minimising contact with oxygen and keeping them cool. So generally opaque airtight packaging in a cupboard away from bathrooms, cooking and other smelly foods is good, and for greener teas keeping them more sealed and in a fridge or freezer (when unopened) is better if you can do that.
An air tight, opaque canister (tin, jar) is best as the leaves otherwise will oxidize or go bad with increased humidity. If you have resealable pouches or can put clips to the pouches that works too
Is it possible to have a shortage of low-skilled workers resulting from everyone being educated? This is one of those questions that ive always been afraid to ask because I feel stupid for not knowing / understanding the answer, but it came up in my mind as I was listening to a lecture from Mankiw. In that lecture, he said that expanding education would decrease inequality because most of the US' inequality increase from the 70s onward was due to Skill-Biased Technological Change, since technology significantly benefited those with high skills, while those with low skills were more or less left out. This makes sense, and I can definitely see why giving low-skilled workers more skills would decrease inequality (as it could help them capture the gains of technology) but dont we need low-skilled workers, like in services, for instance? Dont we need taco bell workers, janitors, etc.? If everyone had a college degree or more, who would be / who would wanna work in these jobs?
In the short run there could be a shortage of low skilled workers, but then wages rise to compensate for the low supply. More people in higher skilled work may decide they would prefer to work in a lower skilled profession if it means they could earn the same amount or slightly lower without the stress that can come with a more demanding profession. Additionally less people may be inclined to take up further education pursuing a more skilled profession if low skilled work wages rise. Same goes for those already in low skilled professions (leaving low skilled work in pursuit of higher skilled work) There’ll also be higher immigration into countries that see a rise in wages for low skilled work where their home countries have lower wages, improving the trade off of moving abroad for work to send funds back home.
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[Superman] Lead can repel Kryptonite’s radiation, so why doesn’t Superman wear lead armor underneath his clothes? What I mean is that Superman could shape lead to fit his body (and if anybody asked, he’d claim that it’s a bulletproof vest), wear his costume, and then on top he’d wear his civilian clothes
Because he needs a full bodysuit head included plus it has to be airtight or it doesn't work and where is he gonna hide a big ass helmet or does he have to run home every time first it's just too impractical next kryptonite is a easy way to nerf him some I mean he is op asf
Because he's an arrogant bastard
Healthy grab and go or minimal prep ideas? Just looking for some of your favorite healthy meals that have minimal prep time or that you can "grab and go"? I try to stay away from frozen meals generally due to the high sodium content so any and all other suggestions much appreciated!
I have a couple of absolutely lazy recipes that involve minimal prep, cleanup and groceries if I need something quick for the week. Salsa chicken: chicken thighs and a jar of salsa, 3 hours in a slow cooker on high. Top with grated cheese. Fried rice: dry out rice overnight in the fridge, fry in a pan with frozen veggies and fatty protein like bacon. Add a lot of garlic, a bit of oyster sauce, and sesame oil at the end. Homemade instant noodles: divide cooked egg/ramen noodles, frozen veggies, green onions, and cooked meat like shredded chicken into containers (most people like to use mason jars). Add a teaspoon of miso paste or your stock concentrate of choice per container. When you're ready to eat, pour boiling water into the container, mix the paste in and let it sit for a few minutes.
Adult lunchables! I love putting together a container of berries, carrots, cheese and maybe some nuts. So easy and filling. I have really started to enjoy dipping carrots in Boursin garlic and herb cheese spread.
Why does solubility of alkanes decrease with increasing molecular mass? Since something is soluble only when the energy released when the need bonds formed (hydrocarbons and water) is equal or greater than the energy needed to break the bonds between the components. So if the long chain has stronger LDFs then shouldn't the bond between water and long chain alkane be stronger too and so more soluble than the short chain alkane?
The short answer is that the longer a hydrocarbon is, the more lipophillic it is, meaning it "prefers" to be with other hydrocarbons and "hates" water. This result is the so-called "hydrophobic effect." We are taught from a pretty young age that oil (hydrocarbons) hates water, and that's why they don't mix and you always have to shake up Italian dressing, etc. etc. **But this explanation, while satisfying on the surface, is total nonsense.** Oil doesn't hate water. OIL LOVES WATER. That's why, when BP dumped a bunch of oil in the gulf, it spread out ONE MOLECULE THIN (a little hyperbolic) on the surface of the ocean. If oil hated water, it would have formed a giant clump on the surface, and we would have just rolled it off. Oil loves water because the polarity of water induces dipole moments within the hydrocarbon chain. It's like when you put a magnet next to a ferromagnetic material, and the presence of the magnetic field causes the ferromagnetic (but previously unmagnetized) material to temporarily become magnetized. By inducing a dipole moment, the intramolecular interactions between hydrocarbons and water increase in intensity. So then, you ask, if oil loves water, why don't they mix? Because water is a selfish asshole. Yes, it could share its polarity with the hydrocarbons, but why do that when instead it could just stay in its own super-polar hydrogen bonding community? It's really just a question of how you can form the strongest intramolecular interactions. For water/hydrocarbon, you have a polar/induced-dipole, but for water/water you have polar/polar + hydrogen bonds. Polar/polar interactions with the added bonus of H-bonds are obviously stronger than polar/induced-dipole interactions. Often people mention London dispersion forces in the analysis, and while it is true that hydrocarbon chains do experience LDFs, these forces are MUCH WEAKER than the interactions between hydrocarbons and water and those between various water molecules. To say hydrocarbons and water separate because of London dispersion forces is like saying inmates live in prison because they like the community. It's not that LDFs are not a factor, but they pale in comparison to the exclusion effect. There's a lot of stuff going on in this trend; for example, clathrates of water molecules around hydrocarbons can form. These become less stable as the hydrocarbon increases in length. You can get really deep into this stuff, and honestly we still don't have a great understanding of intramolecular interactions involving hydrogen bonds and dispersion of charge. tl;dr: Smaller hydrocarbons do less to disrupt interactions between water molecules, so water tolerates them more (excludes them less).
Hydrocarbons are lipophillic and generally cannot be dissolved in polar solvents (water is pretty polar) unless functionality is introduced via a reaction. Longer Hydrocarbons (including ring systems) are increasingly non polar. Remember, solubility is an equilibrium reaction at its heart, so a very tiny amount of non polar material can sometimes dissolve in a polar medium. But as far as London Dispersion Forces go, it's comparatively unimportant for determining solubility, due to its relative weakness as an intermolecular force. It is a hydrophobic force, so longer chains have more nonpolar character. The major players in solubility are the type and orientation of the bonds between each atom and the presence of resonance stabilized poles. LDF causes the formation of temporary poles, which in terms of the Gibbs Free Energy exchange most of the time cannot initiate solvent-solute solubility. Other forces overwhelm any sort of formed polarity by London forces. Soap exploits the dichotomy of polarity in order to dissolve nonpolar materials by attaching a polar group at the center of several long hydrocarbon chains. There are also phase transfer catalysts which can alter a molecules solubility by temporarily changing it's molecular structure, or cleverly exploiting a particular geometry of a molecule. Tldr - LDF are eclipsed by bond type and orientation. Nonpolar vs polar = oil and water. Note - there are several other factors affecting solubility in general such as temperature, pressure, and common ions so it's difficult to explain the specifics without having a particular set of conditions presented. Hopefully this helps.
For those of you who have finished this course or are half way through, what would you tell past you who was at the beginning? I’m curious what ‘mistakes’ you made or what you would change if you were to start the course again? I’m just about to start (the free one for now) and I’m super excited. Just ordering supplies today. When do the ellipses come in? Wondering if I need to order them now… Thank you!
Keep going, but respect the 50% rule. I started drawing because I wanted to illustrate comic books. During the fun time, do comics, during learning, take the time you need, don't race. Learning something and mastering something are 2 completely different games. Take the time to do the challenges, but don't grind them, balance.
To genuinely do the 50/50 rule (50% of the time studying, the other 50% drawing for fun). It'll put you in a good headspace, show that you are getting better gradually, and show you what you actually are weak at.
Any suggestion when you find yourself without access to your ketoaid/food? Today I was in such a situation without access to neither food or my ketoaid for many hours. What do you suggest in those situations? The lack of sodium/potassium started to affect me after a while. Same question would apply to travelling. I'm soon travelling in countries where it's gonna be difficult to control everything in my diet (mostly electrolytes, possibly carbs as well). Any hints on how to handle that?
Shouldn't you be able to go a day or more without ketoaid before having low mineral symptoms?
I have visited many third world countries and find meat and veggies to be plentiful. Of course in other countries you should not have any issues. Truth be told most countries eat healthier than we do in the states. You might consider a flavored protein mix in individual envelopes.
To people who have used both: Which is better, Google Home or Amazon Echo?
Have both, seem to always fall back to Echo devices. Long delays on Google Home on some things. Both are good, but my money is invested more on the amazon side these days. Far more alexa skills now and many more features rolling out. Both will be good. Just a matter of where you want to put your money and trust.
I have an echo and 3 dots and 4 google homes. I lean towards google home just because of the intelligence. I mainly just listen to music and control my smart home. with Alexa you have to be very specific with names. If you name the TV "Livingroom TV" you need to say "turn on livingroom tv" with google I can say turn on the livingroom tv, or a livingroom tv, or sometimes I can get away with play this on the livingroom as long as thats the only device starting with living room. Also things like with google I can say turn off all lights and it will just do it. I don't have to setup groups or anything.
Change my view that You are the gender that you are born as. There is no such thing as being transgender. I don't see how somebody could be born a man but be mentally 'female.' Isn't that just being more feminine? It seems like most people who consider themselves transgender just don't follow gender guidelines, but I think that the process of becoming transgender and calling yourself a woman when you have a penis or a man when you have a vagina is delusional. The most ridiculous form of transgenderism are people who identify as 'nonbinary.' How can you be not of a gender? I'd say that if you are born with both sets of reproductive organs you could identify as non-gender or intersex, but that is a tiny amount of people. The rest of the people who consider themselves between gender doesn't make any sense. You have chromosones that define your gender: XX is female, XY is male. How is that in any way relateable on a spectrum? The people who consider themselves different genders don't understand the idea of being outside of typical gender roles while usually they are the ones fighting against those gender roles...But also conforming to them, just changing their gender to match it. _____ > *This is a footnote from the CMV moderators. We'd like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please* ***read through our rules***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***downvotes don't change views****! Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***message us***. *Happy CMVing!*
> I don't see how somebody could be born a man but be mentally 'female.' Isn't that just being more feminine? It seems like most people who consider themselves transgender just don't follow gender guidelines Actually quite a few trans people just stay with the behaviour o their biological sex. A gender identity is some innate feeling of what you are that doesn't always outwardly express; the majority of trans people actually have no real desire to transition a Dutch research in 2006 concluded; they just _know_ that internally they are another gender and don't need to outwardly express that but that the Netherlands is typically known as a culture with very little identity-expression also contributes no doubt. > The most ridiculous form of transgenderism are people who identify as 'nonbinary.' How can you be not of a gender? I'd say that if you are born with both sets of reproductive organs you could identify as non-gender or intersex, but that is a tiny amount of people. The rest of the people who consider themselves between gender doesn't make any sense. You have chromosones that define your gender: XX is female, XY is male. How is that in any way relateable on a spectrum? Actually you are probably non-binary is the funny thing. You display a reasoning which is quite common amongst people who lac a gender identity and therefore don't understand the idea of having the wrong one. I'm just going to say that you probably lack a gender identity and thus to you gender is obviously just a biological thing. THe arguments you make here and the ease by which you are shown otherwise show that for you it's not a moral thing but just a lack of understanding of what it feels like to have a gender identity so I'm just going to ask you a couple of things: 1. Do you feel internally that you are male or female irrespective of your outward body. Let's say your consciousness was uploaded to a computer, would it then stil make sense for you to call it male or female? 2. Let's say your body was destroyed and you were forced to pick a new one; would it matter a great deal to you if the new body was male or female? Obviously if you answer that you don't feel male or female and that the sex of the body doesn't matter you are non-binary as in you lack a gender identity. But never fail this is actually very common. The Dutch research found that about 5% of the Dutch population does not experience a gender identity, far more than the people who experience an incongruent gender identity. But obviously those that don't go unnoticed as they think nothing special of it.
/u/maoejo (OP) has awarded 3 deltas in this post. All comments that earned deltas (from OP or other users) are listed **here**](/r/DeltaLog/comments/6f58ur), in /r/DeltaLog. Please note that a change of view [doesn't necessarily mean a reversal, or that the conversation has ended. ^Delta System Explained ^| ^Deltaboards
books to make me realise that i am going to live only for once basically what the title says i am being careless and wasting time on stupid socials reddit etc. are there any books to tell me that i am going to live once and i should start actually living rather than being depressed sitting in my room all day thanks in advance any tips or thoughts are welcomed too :)
{Oona out of Order} is a fun fiction book that explores these themes
{{Under the Whispering Door}}
Change my view that Cosmetic surgery is the most worthwhile investment in your life, because your appearance is the most important thing in your life. Appearance is almost everything (apart from living in a first world country with an adequate environment and health) in life. When it comes to dating, getting treated nicely when being served, to even making friends, how you look determines at LEAST 90% of your interaction with them. How you look determines how happy you will be in life. Girls completely ignore me (on the left now) but after morphing several of my features (right), I become a *hot* guy that girls would have no issue with sleeping with. Look at it for yourself, girls. It's so obvious that you would treat me much better if I looked like the guy on right, not how I currently do. Not only in dating, but pretty much anything in life when interacting with me. Don't bullshit me. I am currently treated like dogshit all because of the way I look. And yes of course I could improve by getting rid of acne, but I would still be ugly because of the way my skull is shaped and some soft tissues. Yes, I could lift, but I would still be ugly. People need to stop suggesting these easy fixes because they aren't anywhere NEAR as good as maxfac/cosmetic surgery.
> Appearance is almost everything (apart from living in a first world country with an adequate environment and health) in life. You seriously believe appearance is almost everything in life, even moreso than wealth or power? I mean, no one would give a shit about the dude on the right if the dude on the left's uncle is Bill Gates and the dude on the right lives in a trailer park. There are vastly uglier dudes than you who are swimming in pussy. Why? Because they have wealth and power. And plus, cosmetic surgery ain't cheap. Unless you want to work as a male model or a male porn star, there's really no point on a purely financial level to invest in cosmetic surgery. Even though people favor pretty people over ugly people, it's not like I'll earn $10K more per year if I have cosmetic surgery.
Why do you think cosmetic surgery is "easier" than getting in shape and clearing up your skin? There are a lot of risks associated with these invasive and potentially dangerous procedures. Your logic can be extended to virtually anyone that isn't a model of physical perfection. In fact, one of the most common plastic surgeries is breast enhancement, which is arguably entirely aesthetic. Additionally, a huge percentage of people who get liposuction are of normal weights. I believe your issues are psychological and not physical. Even the most stunning specimens of the human race often have dystrophic ideas of their own attractiveness, and could easily opt to your method- continue physically modifying their body and face until they reach the level of attractiveness they feel they deserve or desire. I also want to add its pretty presumptuous of you to assume someone will sleep with you or be willing to date you if you looked like the "guy on the right". You must have enormous confidence in all areas except your physical appearance, which I find unlikely.
Are there any good scifi retellings of classic fairy tales? Could be a novel/novella/short story etc. I saw a lot of YA garbage, but if my memory serves me correct Asimov or Bradbury had something similar to this... I was just wondering whether you guys know any that is good :) Thanks!
Not quite sci-fi, but: *Uprooted* and *Spinning Silver* by Naomi Novik. The first one is unique take on a magician & his apprentice fighting evil. The second one is somewhat based off of 'Rumpelstiltskin', if that story got put into a blender with elves, royalty, and an endless winter.
Not really a fairy tale, but the movie "Forbidden Planet" is a retelling of Shakespeare's "The Tempest."
What is the physical meaning of imaginary numbers? Why do they appear in so many QM Equations? I see "i" and complex numbers in so many quantum mechanics equations and I've been wondering what the physical meaning of these so called "imaginary" numbers is and why they occur so often in Quantum Mechanics. What do they actually do?
From all the answers here, this is clearly a very difficult topic to explain or justify. I think the notation is mostly a matter of convenience. I'll try to explain by analogy with light polarization, which bears a lot of similarity to the structure of Spin in QM, actually. Here are observations to this end: - Particles, as well as light, are observed to experience interference between each other, a phenomenon also experienced by waves on water or on strings. In the case of light, you can make this occur by making two waves from the same source at the same frequency travel by different paths to reach the same location, and have the length of the paths differ by half of the wavelength of the light (wavelength = speed of light c / frequency). Then one light wave will be the negative of the other (they are "out of phase", and they destructively interfere. This produces a clearly-visible pattern of dark spots in experiments. - Light waves consist of a combination of electric and magnetic fields, each of which varies like (E_max)cos((2pi / wavelength)(x - ct)), where x is the position of the particle and t is the time. Interference occurs when the electric fields for example cancel each other out at some point in space. This same equation can be represented as exp(i(2pi / wavelength)(x - ct) ), provided one takes the Real part as what's "really" happening. The imaginary part is sort of "where the rest of the field is" when the amplitude of the whole thing is less than E_max. In the language of electromagnetism, the fields induce each other as they change, via the time derivatives appearing in Maxwell's equations. Here it seems as if the imaginary numbers are a bookkeeping device; as exp(ix) is easier to work with than cos(x). - You can also lay multiple light waves across each other; if they're out of phase the easiest way to write this with math is to actually make the individual amplitudes E-max into imaginary numbers that contain the phase information. For example, for two waves of the same amplitude but differing by a quarter circle in phase, this would be (E_max)(1+i), which just adds to one wave of amplitude (E_max)Sqrt(2) that is phase shifted by an 8th of a circle; i.e. whose phase lies between the original ones. Or you could lay on top a wave whose electric field points in a different direction... Polarization is the word for the various such arrangements. Again, it would be possible to represent this situation without appeal to complex numbers, instead using sine functions and phase shifts, but 'i' makes it far easier to work with. You could also work entirely with 2x2 matrices; the complex numbers would be replaced by matrices of determinant 1 of the form a, -b; b, a], where "a" is the real part and "b" the imaginary part. These are different ways of getting to the "algebra" of the [Circle group S(1). Nature doesn't care how you write it down, as long as you get the right algebraic structure in the end. - Particles also experience interference, and thus must have some sort of phase that can cancel out entirely, or just partially, or whatever. You can, again, also work with 2x2 matrixes, or (I think?) with sines and cosines to give you a way of representing the phase shifts, but the imaginary-number method works better. - It's worth mentioning that the algebraic structure of the spin of particles bears a lot of similarities to light polarization; e.g. circularly polarized light (= E_x +/- iE_y) looks like a spin-1/2 ladder operators S_+/- = S_x +/- i S_y, but there's no analogy for S_z, perhaps because light can only be a transverse, and not a longitudinal, wave. Spin-1/2 particles are conventionally represented as 2x1 vectors of complex numbers with magnitude 1 (i.e. 3 independent parameters: one is the overall phase shift relative to (say) other states, one is the amplitude of the first component, one is the relative phase between the two components, for example, with their relative amplitudes being fixed by the amplitude 1 condition), while their operators are 2x2 matrixes of complex numbers with determinant 1 and with trace 0 (6 parameters). You could write your states in terms of only real numbers and phases, but you have to get that extra info in SOMEHOW. - The Shrodinger Equation you've linked, it must be noted, is the *position-space* version of the equation Hpsi = i(h_bar)d/dt(psi), where H is the Hamiltonian operator. The time independent version is just Hpsi = (E)psi. Look at the first equation if we just pretend H is a number. The solution is just psi(t) = exp(-iHt/(hbar))psi(0). And this, with H as an operator (it has derivatives in it, for one thing), is *still true*, but we have to put the exponent in *front* because it still needs to act on psi(0). For a single state, Hpsi=Epsi (an eigenvalue equation that we normally use to determine E), and our time-evolution equation says psi(t) = exp(-iEt/(hbar))psi(0) , which means that the *phase* of the single-state is the only thing that changes with time, and that it changes like a cosine or sine. The difference here from the situation with light is that we can only actually observe |psi|^2, which for a single particle is just |psi(0)|^2. But the phase information still has to be there so that different particles can destructively interfere. The conclusion is that complex numbers are a way of representing a "phase" structure for particles that is notationally compact. It's a formalism that resembles the more-intuitive situation with light-waves, but has the same basic purpose: to incorporate the structure that allows particles to interfere with each other, which is necessarily more complex (heh, but really - it has more independent parameters) than the naive classical one that might only specify position and momentum and the like. It is not the only way; you could use matrices only, and you MIGHT be able to get somewhere using sines and cosines alone. And, that it would be a bit of a mistake to try to learn anything deep from the shrodinger equation in its most commonly-expressed form, because that form disguises what it really represents: it's a statement of the time evolution of a state, where that time evolution affects both the position-dependent amplitude and the the phase.
"i" being the square root of negative one, a number that doesnt exist on a line between - infinity and + infinity. However, it can act as a place holder to make an overall equation smaller and more concise. You can take equations with "i" and reorder them so that you get a negative one instead, but youll have to run some operations that may make the whole equation a bit harder to read. 'i" appears in some relativistic equations as well.
Can one be Frugal and still get lots of name-brand products? I've found that a good amount of the knock-offs (especially groceries) I buy aren't nearly as satisfying as the name brand product. *For example; I usually buy Aldi's store brand of protein pancakes but i've found I enjoy the name brand (Kodiak cakes) so much more that I fork out insane amounts of money towards Kodiak's products.* Does anyone have some tips on saving on name-brand items (in the US) or do ya'll just settle for some of the mediocre knock-offs?
Yes. Being frugal doesn't mean buying the cheapest products. If you value buying quality items that are more expensive that is not in conflict with being frugal. If you see no difference between the two, but are buying the more expensive one then that's not frugal. If you're buying what you think is a subpar product because it's cheaper, you can afford the more expensive item, and the more expensive item is something you actually value then that's being cheap. You can cut down on costs by stocking up on the more expensive item when it's on sale, checking prices between stores, buying in bulk, etc.
Yes .. buy them less often;. Use carefully, no more than you need. For instance, I like a shampoo that is really thick, so I mix it with water so it spreads around better.
Non-romance tear-jerkers please I need to cry... I don't want a romance novel... Thanks in advance.
The Kite Runner. I left tears and snot all over the last 150 pages of that book.
The Art of Racing in the Rain. I cried so hard at the end.
If my stock earnings are enough to buy one more stock, should I sell them and then buy again with the initial investment + what I gained? I've got a couple stocks in FTSE All-World. Right now, each stock is around 100€. What I mean in my question is: if my total earnings on this FTSE reach the 100€ needed to buy more stocks, do I need to / should I sell them and then buy again using the initial investment + those 100€, to get 1 extra stock? Or does that happen automatically? Or I should simply not do it?
Why lose your position for one share? Just buy more when it pulls back a lil...
Welcome to r/stocks! For beginner advice, brokerage info, book recommendations, even advanced topics and more, please read our Wiki here. If you're wondering **why a stock moved** a certain way, check out Finviz which aggregates the most news for almost every stock, but also see Reuters, and even Yahoo Finance. Please direct all simple questions towards the stickied Daily Discussion and Quarterly Rate My Portfolio threads (sort by Hot, they're at the top). Also include *some* due diligence to this post or it may be removed if it's low effort. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/stocks) if you have any questions or concerns.*
My ectopic pregnancy was not diagnosed (2 docs + ultrasound). I ruptured and now can’t have another baby. Why won’t someone take my case? After a visit to an ER, ultrasounds and finding out that I was pregnant (still breastfeeding a 1yo so never has a period). The radiologist totally caught it and told me that he thinks he knows why I was in pain… but that I had to wait for the doc. The doc assured me that I was pregnant, but referred me to be seen within 48 hours, and to get HCG (pregnancy hormone that typically doubles every 48 hrs). Another high level radiologist confirmed that my ectopic pregnancy was visible from this ER visit. My HCG went down from 1st test. Still, it took about 2 weeks (of not knowing if I was still pregnant) before I ruptured at home with my 1yo baby and nearly died. Now, I’m unable to conceive. My 1 remaining Fallopian tube is twisted like a pretzel from my 5yo’s c-section. I have talked to 5 lawyers, 2 of them took my case only to drop me after looking at the medical info. Can anyone help me understand why my case keeps getting cut? I had TWO docs miss diagnosing my *confirmed to be visible* ectopic pregnancy. Thank you.
Not a lawyer, but a legal aide for a PI attorney. At least in our firm, we typically don't take on medical malpractice cases unless there was significant disfigurement or dismemberment, mental incapacitation or death. It can be very difficult to prove negligence on the part of a doctor or facility unless the error is so obviously egregious it cannot be denied (think you went in for neck or spinal surgery, and the doctor leaves an instrument or piece of a foreign object behind, and you end up paralyzed). Obviously it's not always this cut and dry, but as previously mentioned attorneys won't typically take on a case they don't think they can win. PI attorneys work on contingency, so they don't get paid until you do. So in their eyes, if a case looks like it doesn't have the legs to go the distance (months of discovery, medical records, trial, etc.) they will not take the case. The attorneys that reviewed your medical information clearly saw that there was not enough to hold up, even though you've been left with a permanent condition. It's not always fair, and doesn't always make sense, but it's not as easy as "the doctor made a mistake, now I get to sue". That being said my heart breaks for you, as a mom and someone whose previously had ovarian and fallopian issues, so I don't mean any of this with any insensitivity, just the honest facts from my experience.
What state are you in? Due to new anti-abortion laws in many states what the doctors were able to do may have been restricted. Thus making it so that no malpractice happened.
Been at it for a while now (1 year) and haven’t finished a single project Title. I just get frustrated after a while because the game is boring or full of bugs or I don’t like the concept anymore. If probably started around 50 projects now. 10 of which ever got so far that the game play loop is done and then I dropped them. How do you stick to a project and power trough the bugs and the bad gameplay? Is it me? Should I just give up?
A good question to ask yourself is, why do you want to do these projects? for fun? To learn? In those cases, perhaps what you say is not that wrong. However, if you are looking to finish a project, to start building the foundations for a life of game developer, then you should look for a way to finish the projects. This is a good resource:\_channel=AskGamedev Something that is always said and it is incredible how important it is, think of a small game, and then try to reduce the scope even more. No matter how simple the game is, just do it as an exercise to go through all the stages of development. we need to be realistic when thinking about the size of the game, because if in addition to finishing the project, which is already (very) difficult, you also want to sell it and have a relative success, you will also have to immerse yourself in the dark waters of marketing, which is another layer of time and frustration on top of the project itself.
As others have said: keep going, do some jams (this is what got me to finally call something finished and release it) and also: keep making your scale smaller and smaller. You might think you’re making small games, but just keep getting smaller with your ideas and concepts until something is so manageable that you finish before getting tired of it. Make tiny conceptual browser games. Smaller!!
Just finished Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine.... It was so *wonderful*, especially the ending (no spoilers here!). I’d love to read something else in the same vein; something like this where you know there’s a mystery and you’re solving it in you head as you follow along, but then **BAM** there’s an absolute zinger at the end that you hadn’t considered. ...But, hopefully, the book still leaves nice feelings (I’m looking at you Gone Girl!). Any suggestions?
Eleanor Oliphant left an imprint on my heart that will never go away. Easily one of my favourite books ever.
I was so bummed, I accidentally read a review with a spoiler so it kind of ruined the book after that. I also couldn’t relate to the main character. She was very off putting and mean. I have enough mean people in real life, I have a hard time reading about them in my mental heath escapes.
[Film] [If I like] Oceans Eleven/Thirteen, The Italian Job, Lupin III, [what else would I like?] I love movies/shows that involve a long setup of a hugely elaborate, intricate heist/spying/undercover plan. A good mix of comedy and action helps too.
The Next Three Days
How about "The Great Escape" and "Escape from Alcatraz"? Neither is a heist movie, but both are escape movies with a lot of detail as to planning and process.
A book with a female protagonist who doesn't fall into the stereotype of "tough girl" or generic "strong female character" mold Hi guys, I want to get my friend a book with an interesting and engaging female protagonist, as she's repeatedly complained to me about the dearth of books with female protagonists who don't just fit the "I'm a tough girl!" stereotype. For reference, some characters she's disliked (though in a different medium) are Katara from Avatar and Korra from Legend of Korra. TL;DR Nuanced female protagonist who isn't just "I'm bold and brash and bossy!"
The Elegance of the Hedgehog, by Muriel Barbery. The author is a French philosopher, and it's mainly about two female characters, who feel they have to hide what they truly are in order to avoid judgement and condemnation. It is very much about how we perceive ourself, others, and women. It's one of my favorite books, and has som e very real and relatable women.
Housekeeping; Lila (M. Robinson) Amy and Isabelle; Olive Kitteridge (E. Strout)
Please recommend me vibrant, idea-centric (likely sci-fi) collections of short stories by a single author. I really enjoy idea-centric "What if?" stories that are fairly short, full of provocative and fresh ideas, superb execution, rich worldbuilding, and overall could be like the equivalent of a pop song that's drenched in catchy melodies yet possesses intricate and innovative production. Tales that could be sold with a single powerful pitch line, yet require reading thoroughly to really grok. I suppose most of these would be speculative fiction, though they don't have to be. I'm not generally so much into some themes like steampunk but I'll keep an open mind, and I like cyberpunk a lot. The quality should be consistently, remarkably high. There doesn't need to be a frame narrative, the stories don't need to be related, but the pacing should be brisk — a pulse-pounder, even if the idea at hand concerns alien linguistics or some other unhitherto unknown-to-me topic! I'm here to learn! Here are some of my faves to give you examples of what I've enjoyed: * Ted Chiang - Stories of Your Life and Others * Octavia E. Butler - Bloodchild and Other Stories * The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick I also like Stephen King, Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov for multiple marvelous short stories. In fact if there's an innovative author I haven't heard of who *focuses* on short stories (and even eschews full novels, as Chiang does), I'd like to be aware! What are some I should read next?
Perhaps not as sci-fi as you're looking for, but check out George Saunders.
I also love short stories. Ted Chiang is one of the best authors I've read in this format, specially "Understand", "Hell is the absence of God", "Liking what you see" and "Exhalation". Have you read George RR Martin's short stories collections, "Dreamsongs", "A song for Lya", "Songs the dead men sing" or "Tuf Voyaging"? His scifi work has been eclipsed by the success of ASOIAF, but in my opinion sometimes is even better.
Traveling to Southeast Asia in November and looking for advice on methods of transportation while backpacking through Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos. I went to Thailand in 2012 and found that traveling from place to place was really easy. There was always an overnight train or bus I could take to get pretty much anywhere I wanted to go. This time around, in addition to Thailand, I'll also be going to Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos. I was wondering what the train systems and bus schedules are like in those countries, and how they compare to traveling around Thailand? I'd like to avoid having to hop on an airplane each time I want to go to a new location, so that I can maximize what I get to see, as I'll only have 2-3 weeks in each country.
Just did a trip similar to this and spent around 2 weeks in every country, except for Laos. There are pretty much buses/shuttles between every country (I.e. Phnom Penh, Cambodia to/from Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam), though they can last a whole day. Vietnam- You can buy one of those hopper bus tickets where you hop on and off bus given a certain amount of times/trips (someone can correct me on this). Thailand- You've already gotten this down but there are usually buses shuttles to every city. Cambodia- Buses and shuttles to every city, ferries to the islands. Edit: In terms of schedules, every hotel/hostel I stayed in had a schedule of bus/shuttle departure times. Most of the time, they were able to purchase the voucher for me over the phone. The buses/shuttles even pick you up in front of your hostel at times.
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can anyone explain why this is happening to my pc? I can't play any games at all. Like some games will open but i wont be able to play it or it will just be a black screen then crash any help? I have a video that shows what is happening
Shot in the dark, is your monitor plugged into your GPU or your motherboard?
Are you running the games with issues on ssd or hdd?
Change my view that Nationalism should be abandoned and is counter productive to the end goal of humanity. As you can read from the title, I believe that the ideology of nationalism, typically defined as, "having a strong support for one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations." is counter productive to the end goal of humanity. So now you are probably asking, "Whats the end goal of humanity then". This could be it's own philosophical argument, but for the context of this discussion I'm using a purely biological standpoint. And when asking the aforementioned question from a biological standpoint, I would consider that end goal to survive and procreate. At this point the average human in most areas of the world has reached, to varying degrees, the ability to survive and procreate easily. Humans realistically face no living enemy that threatens complete extinction of our race. Even if one argues that a viral biological organism is a "threat", I would argue that the chance of complete extinction is unlikely. So then what events can we look to that we can confirm will extinct humanity. The death of the sun. If humans are truly to win the end game of life we have to at some point find a way off of this planet. It is unlikely in my opinion that humanity will realistically achieve this goal whilst existing in a state where humanity is not even united. Hence why I believe nationalism is counter productive. If humans are to be anything more than a footnote in the history of space and time, we will need to work together and realize that we must not consider our own race to be its own enemy.
You have failed to illustrate how nationalism prevents survival & procreation.
only nationalism? the concepts of race, ethnicity, gender, sex, patriotism; all of those are useless and cause issues. also current barter system. only use for those imo are closer to medical necessity like what diseases one is more prone to, chemical averages (testosterone and estrogen, etc), stuff like that. er obviously not gender, patriotism and nationalism unless maybe taking physical location in account i.e. pollutions, general habitat. more like a base label with nothing but actual objectivity attached to it. i'll have to get back to whatever the end goal of humanity is. coz i just assume, in the current status i'm alive, humans are mainly concerned with instant gratification. very sociopathic influenced gimme gimme now i don't care what you're going through as long as i get what i want attitude. thankfully, there are some humans out there who aren't like that or resist it. i'm not convinced survival is a goal unless it's metaphorically attached to procreating. i still wouldn't view it as an end goal. i would consider that hardwiring and i believe we as humans have evolved to think beyond what we're hardwired.
I want a really messed up book.
A Little Life
Pet Semetary by Stephen King
Change my view that There is not a valid justification for house squatting being a legal defense for someone who has taken over your home, without permission, while it's unoccupied. I've heard many stories about squatters who find homes that someone has moved out of for whatever reason, and then the squatter proceeds to move in and in most cases makes the life of the homeowner a living hell. In these scenarios the squatter is often protected by some obscure squatter law that makes it illegal to remove them from the home. The particular case here - ( - that has spurred this CMV is a case with a man in Nevada where not only has his house been squatted, but the squatters have damaged the outside and inside of the home causing him to get over $100,000 in HOA fees, and the HOA fees are preventing him from selling the home. And for some reason, legally, he has no course to get them out lol. If he goes and forces them out he can face jail time or even be seriously harmed depending on the character of the people inside that home. Although the HOA fees themselves is a completely different conversation, the fact that the squatters literally cannot be moved out because of some weird law when clearly it's wrong for them to be there has no place, and absolutely must be revisited if not scrapped altogether.
There seems to be some confusion here judging by the comments. OP, are you opposed to: A) All laws requiring certain procedures and waiting periods to gain an eviction? B) Simply arguing there should be exceptions in the eviction laws (and if so, what exceptions specifically)? C) Adverse possession laws that allow you to take someone's property if you live there openly for a number of years? Or D) Some combination of the above? Thanks.
How would cracking down on squatting make our society better? If someone is living in a house without the owner knowing is that better than there being an empty house and a person living on the street?
[If I like] Profound movies like Embrace of the Serpent, Mad God, and The Lighthouse, what else would I like? Looking for artistic films that will stay in my mind for a long time. Some other similar movies might be Burning, Akira, Drive My Car, and Memoria. The more profound the better. Tyia
Everything Everywhere All At Once The Congress Paprika Midsommar Ex Machina
The Holy Mountain might be up your alley if you don't mind simultaneously profound and deeply weird?
What is the term for stuffing garlic into slits in a roast I know there is a specific term for this technique, it is driving me crazy that I can’t remember it. If anyone knows it’s you guys.
Impregnating! 🤰 😜
Personally I use alot of technical terms so I call it "stuffing garlic into some slits I cut into this fuckin roast" but I've also heard the less cool "studing"
I want to learn How to debate logically Basically, my problem is that I know I am intelligent enough to formulate solid arguments but only in academic papers. When I have to verbally debate with people or even just debate rapidly via text messages...I get very flustered. I’m mostly talking about political and human rights debates. I tend to get too emotional/mad and I feel like that overrides my argument. I feel sometimes deeply tied to the things I argue for which gives me passion but at the same time I feel like I don’t know how to verbally debate in an effective style that doesn’t lead to me emotionally combusting.
It’s more an emotional exercise than a logical one it sounds. Me and my brothers debate all the time but they get immensely emotional and their intelligence goes out the window. I think an awareness of bias and biases gives a good foundation for recognising emotion in your arguments. Also, I became way better after reading Plato. Specifically The Apology (Socrates’ Apology). It’s an incredible portrayal of just breaking an argument down into all its assumptions and questioning each one until both sides find a solution. But staying calm and commuting to logic is fundamental. I saw someone suggest switching sides which is a great way to learn this.
I completely understand what you are experiencing. When writing a paper it's a one way street, you get to fully express yourself with questions or interruptions. When having a discussion about tough topics things can get heated very fast. Conversations can turn into attack and defend. Disagreements can easily feel like attacks even when someone is not trying to attack.

>>> dataset = load_dataset("pszemraj/SHP-2-dpo-100k_sample")
>>> dataset
    train: Dataset({
        features: ['post_id', 'domain', 'upvote_ratio', 'seconds_difference', 'score_ratio', 'prompt', 'chosen', 'rejected', 'score_chosen', 'score_rejected'],
        num_rows: 89971
    validation: Dataset({
        features: ['post_id', 'domain', 'upvote_ratio', 'seconds_difference', 'score_ratio', 'prompt', 'chosen', 'rejected', 'score_chosen', 'score_rejected'],
        num_rows: 4936
    test: Dataset({
        features: ['post_id', 'domain', 'upvote_ratio', 'seconds_difference', 'score_ratio', 'prompt', 'chosen', 'rejected', 'score_chosen', 'score_rejected'],
        num_rows: 4938
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