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The author of "The challenge of exploring space" does a excellent job supporting the arugument that Venus should be further explored. They did this by using research done by NASA, scientific projects, and even presenting challenge to the reader or audience. In pararaph 5 the author intoroduces an idea that NASA has made special products to explore the face of Venus. The author says " imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiing venusian landscape. Just as our jet airplanes travel at a high altitude to fly over many storms, a vehice hovering over venus woud avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way." This evidence helps convey the idea that the face of venus shoud further be explored because space experts have been working on it. Similarly, in paragaph 7 the author intorduces a new idea that NASA has also been working on. Electronics that can survive the harsh enviornment of Venus. The author states "For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." This is another piece of evidence the author used well to support their agument that Venus shoud be further explored because we have the ability. Lastly the author proves her argument rigt because he/she presents a challange at the end of the article that makes you want to take action. The author says, "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imaginaton and innvoation." This is the last sentence of the article and the writer did a very nice job using it as a challenge to face and a call-to-action. This sentence will make reasearchers accept the challenge, which will prover her argument correct. Overall, the author did an excellent job of presenting the argument and being able to support it with different types of evidence and even a challenge. The method he/she used was very effetive and proved a point very well.
Dear Senator, I wrote this letter to tell you we should keep the electoral college process. I know you must get hundredths of letters everyday about this,but it is a very important topic to discuss. We did it this way every since the founding fathers created it. Most people wouldnt understand that,but this is a process on witch are nation grow up on learning. Its kind of amazing that we still remeber this way,and still continue to use it. This is just one of the reasons that have yet to come. Also,wouldnt it be diffucult to just change the system out of thin air,think about it. You also have to think about the people who disagree with changing the system. People can stop voting if they dont like the system. If nobody votes,then are country cant move fourth into the future,and if that happens the USA mint have a civil war. From a diffrent stand point it mint not be a bad thing to get a new system. This is just another reason why we shouldnt change the system of voting. The system we have now works,so what will be the point of changing something if it is not broken. The system we have now makes sure not one man has more power than the next man or woman. Think about the improving we have done to the current system,before blacks even couldnt vote into they improved the system. Back then their were alot of errors and stuff wrong with the process into they started improving. Now,why would you want to throw all that hard work away. This is just another why another why we shouldnt get rid of the current voting system. We even made amedements to help enchance the system,without these amedments the power will be uneven. For instance if they didnt make a amedement to stop slavery then,blacks wouldnt even be able to vote. How bout they didnt make a amendment to give girls the right to vote then the power will still be shifted. You also cant forget how many people fought to make the power equal. If the power is shifted in the tighest a civil war can break out,and ruin what we worked so hard to protect. This was the last reason why we shouldnt chang the system. All in all my letter was about how we shouldnt change the current system we have now. If we do all that hard work will go to waste. We spent so many years perfecting the system. Many people have fought to keep power in check bewteen people. If we made a new system it mint be worse then the system we have. That is why we shouldnt change the system. sincerly, PROPER_NAME
The author descided to take a trip to Venus and explore it but he said that he had to face some problems why on Venus because the lack of oxygen and other human resourceses that humans need to stay heathly and alive. My first reason for why the author said that Venus is hard trying to explore. The supporting detail i had is that earth has enough carbon dioxide so we can live but then if we go to Venus. Venus only has 97 percent of carbon dioxide blankets Venus. So then if we were to try to live there it would be tough due to the lack of carbon dioxide. My second reason my why the author says the dangers it presents. The second detail is that in article is says " that an environment would crush even submarines. So it would be pretty bad there due to the effects we get form the water. My third reason why the author says that Venus is dangours. In the article it says its get way to hot there for a human can stand the heat. In the article it says" On the planets surface temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit and the temperatures average over 800 degress fahrenheit and the atmosperic pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience. So that is why i think the author wrote what he wanted is becasue he wanted to show people that Venus is dangerous so people can also see what are the deifferences that earth and venus have.
Dear State Senator, The Electoral College is a significant way of selecting a new president or choosing for the president to have four more years as president. The Electoral College consist of 538 electors. Electing a president by Electoral College is not alwats good because of the possibilities of ways to make that president win. Such as, bribing, or false statements of change. The president should be a hardworking and well-deserving man who wants to make a change in the world. With that being said, the popular vote is the way we would like to keep as electing our president of the United States. Additonally, the Electoral College is not generally smart in a way to elect the president of United States. Worded in source two The Indefensible Electoral College, "The American people should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century; the system allows for much worse". Electing Presidents is an important selection for the American people. Democrates and Republicans choose who the think deservers to be president and the popular vote process is the wise way to do it and the way we want to keep it. Furthurmore, popular vote is going to bring in new, and great desicion making presidents in the near future. Stated in Source 3: In Defense of the Elctoral College, "A dispute over the outcome of an Elctoral College vote is possible-it happened in 2000- but it's less likey than  dispute over the popular vote" proves the popular vote is less comotional with less chaos. Justifiably, both ways of electing president is wise and great but, popular vote is the better way. Has less drama, chaos, and comotion. It also makes choosing a president 10 times easier. Popular vote is the way we would like to keep as electing out president of the United States.            
The Mona Lisa painting is hard to tell what her emotions are ,but that's why there's science. They can figure out your emotions by looking at your muscles in your face or just by looking at how your eye brows are place or your mouth is placed. They have computers that can see faces off of paintings emotion. All they have to do is make a 3-D model and make the same frown as Mona Lisa to tell what her emotions are. The students expressions are most likely to be happy and amazed because a computer can do all of this. The students must want to try this on their emotions to see if it works. The students must think the computer does everything , they want to know their emotions even though they know their emotions because they are thinking about it in their brain. Just like the Mona Lisa painting they said that was her happy face because she has 83 percent happyness in her emotions. You can have more then one emotion in your face. They just have to see the muscles in your face and see how they are placed. It is a cool thing that they can do this so if someone can't talk they can check there emotion to see if their sad ,hurt , or happy. That is really a good thing also doctors can use this to use on a unhealthy person to see how there feeling because not everyone want's to let everyone know their emotion. They can do this on animals even they would have to do a 3-D model of it. This must of took a lot of scietists to do this because they could get lots of money for this. Science can do alot of things dealing with muscles and body movement. This knows how you are feeling because your movement in your body. The students must think that there is a other man using the technology to this ,but it's the computer. They have to use the computer to get the 3-D models out then the scientists use their brains to figure where the muscles go. The last thing is scientists may want to use this on children at school because it is a fun thing for the kids and it can give them more feed back on more emotions and how they look on students faces. That will help them out with maybe more emotions on certain people they can use it on more painting. They used it on the Mona Lisa becasue you can't tell her feeling because she has no movement and she's not smiling in her drawing. The students like this because it is a cool thing to look at and see it's emotion because it's its a drawing ,but with alot of details.
Do you love going to foreign places, taking care of animals, making new friends, or just having fun? If you said yes to any of these things, then you should be part of the Seagoing Cowboys program. A Seagoing Cowboy is someone who takes care of horses, young cows, and mules while they are shipped over seas to places like Europe and China. You don't just have to take care of animals though. On the trek over to Europe and back to America you never work all day and all night. You have shifts that you share with multiple other Seagoing Cowboys, and while you are on break, you can play games. To help pass time, we usually play baseball and volleyball games. We also host table-tennis tournaments. Some people even read, whittle, fence, and box. There is never a dull moment on board of our ship. Once you unload the cattle, mules, and horses, you don't just go right back on the boat to America either. You can go and sightsee! I had the benefit of seeing the Acropolis in Greece, and got to ride a gondala in Venice, Italy. I got to do other things too such as take a tour of an exavated castle in Crete, and see the Panama Canal on my way to China! On top of that, you become very close friends with the people on board of your boat. After all you are on the boat with them from a month to a little over two months. So, you guys will become great friends from playing baseball with them in your free time, or just because you have to share chores with them. Also, if you're an animal lover, you get to take care of the animals too! Finally, a benefit of becoming a Seagoing Cowboy is you learn a lot too. You learn how to brave the storm of the harsh sea and how to take care of other people in need. It made me more aware of other people's needs and how to take care of them when they need help. Therefore, if you want to have fun, love sightseeing and animals, and want to make new friends, then becoming a Seagoing Cowboy is for you. Come and join us!
In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", the author does not support the idea that studying Venus is a worhty pursuit despide the dangers it presents. He states that it is a worthy pursuit to study it, but in the beginning he starts by listing off the reasons why we haven't done it before. The text states, "Each previous mission was unmanned, and for a good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours". The last trip was "more than three decades" ago, but the landscape itself is not safe. The "temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit" and the "pressure is 90 times greater" than on earth. To put that into prespective he says that the "environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquify many metals". That kind of environment would be extremely hard to get to, especially to study. The environment is dangerous from the pressure, temperature, and the fact that there are "erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes". NASA has been developing "possible" solutions to these risks. "Or maybe we should think of them as challenges." the author wrote. One possible solution would "allow scientists to float above the fray". One of the problems with this such solution is that "the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere" prevent in-depth scientic discovery and any sort of collection of rocks or gases. In this scenario they would have limited vision and be at temperatures of about "170 degrees Fahrehit". This is, "Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans." according to the author. It is survivable, but they have limited vision and cannot collect anything to study unless they alter their plans and place themselves in far more danger. NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus, such as "some simplified electronics" which when placed in conditions simulating Venus have "lasted for three weeks in such conditions.". They looked at older technology as well, some dating back towards World War II. The author of the article speaks about these things in development, but gives no information on how they could be used. If the devices were to be used like a probe, getting past the "frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface" would be another added difficulty. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", the article does not support the idea of studying Venus despite it's dangers very well. He talks about the dangers and possible solutions, but never what they would be able to get out of those missions to study. All in all, the article does not have sufficient data to say that the outcome is worth the risk.
I personally believe that, the landform in the moon is actually a landform not a "face". I say that because due to some of the information from the argument in this passage. The landform in the moon is not a face because, scientist have proven actual facts on this topic. "Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the first image appeared on a JPL website, revealing a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all." In addition, i also believe that there is no way face could just randomly appear inside of the moon monument because, I think there are no sure thing as aliens. And i think that no humans were even exsistent by the time that monument happened. "And so on April 5, 1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a puicture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos." Also, scientist figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh. In conclusion, i still strongley feel as if the moon dosent have a face i just feel like it was all a mistake or an imagination.
Can you imagine a place where you no longer have to drive and computers do it for you? As of now, that is not possible but who is to say that cannot be achieved. Driverless cars a thing for the future. Cars that no longer require a driver would be such a pivotal achievement for transportation. But, do we really need a computer to drive for us? Do we really want our safety to be held by computers? The answer is no. My position on driveless cars is that they are far-fetched and not practical. They aren't practical because they aren't truly driverless, they don't fit within current laws, and they really aren't safer. I wouldn't want me safety in the hands of a machine. Driverless cars are a cool concept, but really aren't practical. Driverless cars are not practical because they aren't really driverless. You would still have to sit in the driver seat and pay attention to the road. You still need to be alert and be prepared to take over at any given point. So what's the point of driverless cars? As the article says, "Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver?", the answer is you wouldn't. If the technology of the car isn't ground-breaking and you still would have to drive, there is no reason to have a driverless car. Driverless cars still needing drivers is one reason that they are not practical. Driverless cars aren't really fitting with the current driving laws. Most laws emphasizes the safety of drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. Laws are based on a human driver controlling the vechicle at all times. What would you do if a computer is in control of your car? With the current laws, a very serious questions arises. If you were to get into a wreck, who would be liable? The "driver" or the manufacturer of the car? As of the laws right now, driverless cars aren't really fit for a person to own one. There is too many questions of safety and the liability of the cars and cars around. That is why driverless cars don't fit in with the current laws and aren't really practical at this day and age. People that are in support of the driverless cars claim that computer hardware and software make driving safer than having a real human driver. These technologies steer, accelerate, and brake themselves. Driverless cars are safer is not necessarily safer, as they still need real humans to take over in times of need. Also, as time progresses technology has a tendency to lag behind. This can cause major hardware and software malfunctions that can actually make these types of cars more dangerous. Driverless cars aren't really safer because they still need an alert driver and that fact that technology can fail. Driverless cars are a thing for the future if they can be fully developed and made truly driverless. What is the point of driverless cars that still need drivers? What about the fact that these types of cars don't fit within current traffic laws? Are they really safer? The answers point away from driverless cars. They require drivers, they don't fit within laws, and they aren't actually safer. These reasons point to why driverless cars aren't practical and they are not a thing for the current day and age.
The author of this article is only focused on one thing in this article. They describe all of these reasons on why traveling to Venus is unsafe yet completely ignores his own reasoning by replacing it with an unrealistic claim stating that astronomers want to explore it. Also, while they explain the density is the same and how Venus is "Often reffered to as Earth's "twin"," they bypass the subject of how much will it cost, how it will affect the United States as a whole. The author is failing to realise just how unsafe it is to actually go to Venus. They do go on to talk about the "electronis made of silicon carbide," but it doesnt change the fact that we could not survive eight hundred degree wheather and neither could a space ship. the space carrier would melt when it came into the orbit of Venus. Also if the atmosphere is 97% carbon dioxide is it really safe for anyone to go there. On Earth, we have a lot of pollution and a vast amount of carbon in the air but it is nowhere near the percentage in the article. Then you have a atmospheric pressure of ninety times more than our own. The article describes how that would crush a submarine that has been made to search the lowest points of the ocean. The article states in paragraph three, "Also noteable, Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to the sun. Beyond high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probe seeking land on its surface." The author is not taking into account the people who would need to go on this mission as well. We are talking about a human that if they were to get past the spot where they are orbiting that they will be faced with all of these horific obstacles. The lightning strikes would try to kill anyone who tries to find land on the surfac, yet they are trying to send people to find out about their curiosities? Are we okay with that? All of these factors will end up in a loss of a human if we try to step foot on Venus and that is not worth the curiosity of a few. Attempting to go to Venus would be extremely costly and would be a very poor choice on our part in the long run. We are talking about putting a group of people and equipment that cost billions to trillions of dollars on a space exploration that has a vast possibility of not coming home. It would cost us a fortune and no onewould gain from it. Hypothetically, let's say the the craft landed, what are they going to have to face to get a rock and gas sample? The volcanoes, lightning strikes, and powerful earthquakes would kill everything and everyone on board before the can let out a sigh of relief. Venus may have been an Earth-like planet but as of right now, no one would benefit from an exploration there. Venus can remain a mystery. The author writing this article is not thinking about the good for everyone and/or the possibility of it even becoming a reality. The whole article is flawed because even though we are alike in size and occasionally distance, no one has survived the landing for a reason. The planet is too dangerous for us to even think about trying to explore, so we will wait to see if factors change but for now the author wrote this article poorly. We are not ready at this point in time and we may never be but the curiosity of a few are not worth the risks.
A self driving car? Are people really that lazy? Ha! Well duh! I sure know I. It would be awesome to have a self driving car. I could text while Im driving, I could get on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and so much more! If they have what they say there going to have uou could possibly just watch whatever you want to watch. Now there are some down sides to this and list them all shortly but were are going to start with the possitve things first. Ok the car can drive its self thats a plus in its self. Like I said you can be in the car on your phone and not have to worry about crashing 90% of the time anyways. Think of all the new features that will have have to go into your car. The window display the intertainment features. The GPS and satlite that'll be in your car. Those are my positives! There are some negatives though! I mean the car can drive its self theres negatives in that its self. What if you get bored and fall alseep you might wrec and or hold up traffic. The senors may mess up and cause an accident. Then whos fault would that be? Well those are my points!
The Facial Action Coding System is an invasion of privacy and should not be used in classrooms or on students. Students should chose when and to who they reveal their emotions, and this system deprives them of that freedom. As stated in by Nick D'Alto, most human communication is not verbal. Meaning that people express their emotions by their looks or their actions, but they chose when to do this. The Facial Action Coding System takes away this freedom from students, they do not have the choice when to express what they are feeling if anyone can just use a face scanning system on them. " Imagine being able to detect exaclty how other people are feeling, even when they are trying to hide their emotions (D'Alto 1)," this first sentence perfectly shows how it takes away peoples freedom of when they want to express certian emotions tocertian people. Every human has naturaul rights, and in America everyone has the right to freedom of speech. But part of that right to speech is having the choice not to speak. The Facial action Coding System would take away people's freedom of facial expression or emotion. People should have the right to chose to who and when they express their emotions, and this system takes away these rights.
Technology has helped numerous people throughout time. The works of a Facial Action Coding System could help with a great deal of situations. They could help students that do online schooling with being taught a different way. It could let people know what kind of mood someone is in without talking to them. Facial Coding is another way for technology to assist everyday life. Facial Action Coding should be used. Online schooling could become even better. People often go to school with a teacher so when they are confused the teacher can work with them. If computers can have this kind of facial recognition then the teacher would be able to see when you are confused. The text states,"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." Students can sometimes be worried about asking questions and looking stupid this gives them a chance to still learn the material but not be worried. People will be able to tell when someone is upset. Occasionally, when working for a resturant and getting someones order a hostile customer might walk up and it will be unknown they are in a mood until talking to them while with a coding system preparing for an angry customer is eaier. Friends will be able to know what kid of feelings are going on around you. People sometimes lie about their emotions to everyone but this will be a way even if someone is lying it will know. People who are suicidal will be easier to keep an eye on. When someone is sad and depressed research has shown that they can keep it bottled up and no one will know until it is too late but this technology can help prevent that. Technology increases in everyone's life everyday. It is meant to make our lives easier. Being able to see someones feeling from a screen will make talking to someone better. The use of tchnology has increased so much that having something that can tell emotion might help with the people around us to not feel so weird to talk someone. The way that it can help your mood was said that,"If you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." Ads can be annoying when looking at something interesting but if you have an ad about something that is important to you then you are more liekly to enjoy the web page you are already on and potentially make another purchase. Facial Action Coding should be used. The facts have backed up howit will postively affect people and their lives. Teachers will be able to teach and reach the maximum amount of learning. People can tell what kind of mood someone is in and choose how they should talk. Technology is so advanced that it will be useful in getting conversations started. There is nothing wrong with wanting to see how someone is feeling and what kind of mood they are in.
The Facial Action coding system is a new software that can tell what peopls emotions are when they are trying to hide them. In the "Making Mona Lisa Smile" article they could find the percent of emtion the artist was feeling just by the way the picture was painted. Do you think its okay to use this sysem in a school setting? I think its okay to use it in a school setting because it can see the true emotions the students feel. "For instance, you can probaly tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face. Of course, most of us would have trouble acually decribing each facial trate that conveys happy" I thinks its a good idea to have because, some kids really suffer from deppersion and sadness and this computer program can help them get the help they need and to be happy again. Next, what the computers can do is crazy, they can read your emotional expressions when you are trying to hide them. "Using video imagery, the new emotions-recognition software tracks these facial movement- in a real face or in painted face of Mona Lisa." These computers can read everyones exact emotions. This coding system could help many schools and students in many diffrent ways. This device could be in the schools psychologists office or in the schools guidence office and the kids could go there to get there face expressions done once a month and if it keeps comig back sad then they could go get the help they need to be happy. In conclusion I am all for the use of this technology in a school setting. It can help each indivitual in a diffrent way. If someone is feeling sad or deppressed and dosent want to tell anyone then the Facial Action Coding System could help them be happy again.
The advantages of limiting car usage is very important to the enviorment. The artlice clearly sates limiting car usage will have a great impact on the enviorment and make the world much more "green". The reduce usage of a car will help the world in many different ways. The United States Environmental Protenction Agency wants to start a "car reduced" town community and have people use thier car less and less every day untill they don't use it at all. Citizens of the United States spend so much money on gas every day, every week, every month and all this money will eventually adds up throughout the year, imagine how much money you could be saving without paying for all that gas? First off, having no car will save you thousands of dollars. You could even live a happier life, in the article it states "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way, said Heidrun Walter "(In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars)." This tells you that with no car you can live a happier life, you don't need a car to be happy. Imagine being stress free, no car trouble saving money on gas? That sounds pretty amazing to me. You could have much more money in your pocket to spend on other things that maybe you could never buy when you were wasting all you money into your gas tank. Problem solved, GET RID OF YOUR CAR! To live a "car free" life you have to want it and stop pollting the earth. Second of all don't you want to get rid of car trafic? Having a car doesnt benefit youat all, it only hurts you. Cars pollute the air you have to pay inurance, car payments, gas money. In the article "(Paris Bans driving due to smog)" states that cars are being towed and over 4,000 drivers are being fined for their car. "Tweny-seven people had their cars impounded for their reacion to the fine" (Paris bans drivig duet o smog). If you don't want the trouble of having your car impounded or being fined it easy to just get rid of our car your helping not only yourself but the world. Cars are banned in Bogota, Columbia. Cars being banned in Colombia is a great thing it saves people money and helps the earth. "It was the third year cars have been benned wih only buses and taxis permitted for the day without cars in the capital city of 7 million" ( Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota). Cars leaving the streets in bogota helped out alot people don't want to be fined for having a car so why not just get rid of it. No one actually needs a car anyways you just want one so you don't have to walk places. If you need to go a long distance then just take a taxi or bus thats no hard to do. The least ou can do is walk a extra mile a day the spending tons of money on gar to drive there. Not to forget, cars do not help the enviorment and witout them is a great impact on the earth. "It's a good oppertunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," (Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota). Rain shouldnt stop anyone from going to there destination riding your bike in the rain isnt hard so start doing it. Enjoy the out doors and get out frombeing couped up indoors all the time its healthy to get a little fresh air. Getting rid of our car and using a bike or even walking will help out your savings and the earth. 
Have you ever wished that your school work can detect if you are getting bored or distracted? Dr. Paul Eckman created just the invention to make that necessary. The FACS or the Facial Action Coding System, can detect human emotions just by scanning your facial expressions. This innovative design can help improve students' level of focus if it adapts to how they feel. The technology to read facial expression of students in a classroom is valuable because it can improve focus levels, help create more engaging exercises, and it can help teachers understand a students emotions. Because FACS can read facial expressions, this will help makes students focus more. The way that FACS can improve focus levels is giving students work that they like or relate to. This will improve focus rates because when students have work that can relate to they tend to do better. Also in the text it reads,"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson , like an effective human instructor."This shows that FACS would do great in a classroom environment. Another reason why FACS would be good in school is it could create more engaging exercises for the student. If a student has a more interesting topic or assignment then they would do better at their work. Also if a student is more interested then they will perform better. The last reason as to why FACS would be effecient in schools is they can help a teacher help out a student. This would work when the computer detect sadness or anger, it would send and alert to the teacher with details about the student. The teacher would then try to comfort the student or try to calm them down. In conclusion FACS would be valuable in schools because it can improve focus levels, help create more engaging exercises, and help teacher deal with students who are down. FACS is something that can create an easier environment for students.
To most, driverless cars sound like a thing of the future. Something that could never be introduced now, with the technology we have currently. But to a select few people at Google and major car companies, driverless cars are an idea that has been around a long time, and will hopefully stay around a long time in to the future. Driverless cars may sound cool, but the risks, danger, and cost outweigh the positive attributes the idea has. Driverless cars are vehicles that can operate on the road without a human controlling them. This idea has been around for a while, and throughout the years different companies and scientists have been experimenting with these types of vehicles. So far, these cars have only been able to drive on thier own on specific conditions. Google has had driverless cars since 2009, but these vehicles were only able to operate with no driver on specfic roadways. They weren't able to turn on to driveways or work through traffic without a driver. The amount of research it would take to make a car that could operate fully on its own would be staggering. The amoutnt of money would be outrageous. There can't be a well-functioning driverless car that can operate on ordinary roadways unless there is a large budget and research fund, two things that are very hard to come by in our economy. Researchers have begun to figure out that the way to improve driverless cars may not lie in the car itself, it may lie in the roadways. In the late 1950s, General Motors experimented with a driverless car that ran on a special track embedded with electrical cables. These cables sent radio signals to a reciever on the front of the car and had the power to control the vehicle. Since then, smarter roads have been tested many times, and they have worked well. But, these roads would be extremely expensive and to put electrical cables in all roadways would take a large amount of time. Without smart roads as a main option, companies have been forced to go back to the car and attempt to make changes to better the functions of the car and the safety without spending too much money. This has proved almost impossible. BMW has announced development of a car that has special touch sensors so that the vehicle can steer, accelerate, and brake by themselves, but notify the driver when the road requires human skills. Other companies have followed suit, putting special sensors that allow the car to do some things on its own, but alert the driver whenever they are needed. None of these developments are truly driverless cars, but they are going in the more modern direction. But, these cars do have a downside. If a driver did get hurt while using one of these vehicles, who would be to blame? The car company or the person in the car? Technically the person is supposed to be ready to drive at any time, but any accident could also be the car's fault. The safety danger and these complications with the law overshadow the convience of the touch sensors in these cars. Driverless cars seem like a convienent and modern alternative to regular cars. But in reality, the money it would take to implement smart roads or make a better functioning driverless car is outrageous. The risk of danger and not knowing who is at fault in a crash are also factors that prove that regular cars are the better option. Driverless cars may be the better option someday in the future when our technology improves, but these special vehicles are not the right choice now.
The face on Mars has a lot of people thinking there is life there but studies show there is no sign of life on Mars. The face on mars is very big so people dont really think it was made by aliens. Just because it big that doesnt make it made by aliens but in outer space there are a lot of astroides flying around so some of them may have hit a mound of rock to where it has made a face. People still want to believe that there is life out in space there could be but there are no studys to prove that there is life. In conclusion there is not lif on mars and that face could have been made naturally because how long has the face been there before we took the picture. There could have been someway that the face was formed. Look at Earth there are many formations that have been naturally made. There are other studies that the ice caps on Mars have tiny bugs in them.
Do you think technology is helping the future generation? Yes, I think technology is valuable to read the emotional expressions of students in the classroom. It can help you with your school work, tell what you are feeling at that given time, and it can help scientist into developing more scientific inventions for the future. A lot of people don't like technology because it takes the old inventions away from the new inventions. In my opinion, I think it's very helpful for this generation because we can teach people older than us more new develpoed thoughts and processes for the future ahead of us. First, technology can help students in the classroom because of their emotional face expressions. In the article Dr. Huang predicts, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." For example, if you smile the computer will put a similar subject on the page, if you frown the computer will change the topic. Instead of students telling the teachers they are bored in the classroom, the computer will know and it will try and help the student out so they aren't so bored. Second, technology can be like a friend to us. Today's technology is so advanced that if we need to ask questions, we can ask our phones and they will give us the answers. Friends can tell what you are feeling just by the facial expreesions that people give off on their faces. That's what the computer is trying to do in order to help people out. Third, technology is what we use in our everyday lives. People are finding new ideas and ways to make technology even bigger and better so it's easy for us to use. New inventions are being thought of everyday. This is an invention that has been thought of and brought for us to try out and it might not be in generations for long but it can help us learn a lot about ourselves and how we feel. Technology is there for you so it's easier and you're no so stressed out when trying to do things in life. In conclsuion, I think technology is valuable to read the emotional expressions of students in the classroom because it can help with school work, what you are feeling, and it can help the people around you. The future will be good for the next generations if we plan everything out now and figure what we want to do in order to succeed. I got all my information from the article called "Making Mona Lisa Smile."
In countries all throughout the world, there are many reasons why limited (private) car usage would be very beneficial. Overall, it would benefit individual families by limiting costs spent on gas and even the huge payment of buying a car. Also, it would hugely cut back on the harmful gas emissions from the cars of individuals who choose to privately drive everywhere. Lastly, many countries have As previously stated, limiting car usage would reduce the cost of buying cars and paying for the gas to use those cars. You can spend as much as $50 on gas a day, and because gas is a nonrenewable resource, the demand for it will only increase over time, as will its cost. Additionally, the economies of many countries such as the United States are not at their best, therefore making it difficult for many families to come up with the money to even buy a car. The $40,000 you spend on buying a car when there are alternative options such as walking, biking, or taking the bus could be spent on more important things like healthcare, insurance, food, and entertainment. According to Source 4, "recent studies suggest aht Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by." Obviously people would not be making these changes if it wasn't proving to be beneficial to them. Secondly, cars are a huge source of air pollution to our planet. If we don't limit our car usage, who knows what will happen to our ozone layer and ecosystem. According to Source 2, countries like Paris have already noticed this and are taking the initiative to prevent further pollution. "After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. On Monday motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31). The same would apply to odd-numbered plates the following day." Within days Paris had already observed a difference in their air quality and a sharp decrease in smog. "Congestion was down 60% in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog . . .".
Have you ever thoguht what the world would be like without cars? Well, it could be one of the greatest things to ever happen. There are so many advantages to limiting car use. It can have such a big benefit on the world. Like stopping pollution. Smog is one of the biggest effects to car usage. Smog is actually getting so bad in certain places like Paris that they actually have to ban car use. A lot of places have been recorded to have a lot of pollution like France, only because they perfer diesel fuel. Paris has even let the public transit to be free of charge from Monday to Friday. So if everyone worked on not driving we could slow down pollution a lot, and make a big change. Bogota, Colombia is a place that is trying to make a change. They have created an event called "car-free day". A day where no cars are allowed to be used what so ever. The goal is doing this they say is to "promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. Bogota had a large turnout to this event, even despite the rain showers Bogota got that day, that didnt stop them from participating in this event. This event has really changes Bogota for the better, because the event is persuading less people to drive every year. Which helps out a lot and makes a huge impact in slowing down pollution. Some people believe that the culture of the car is coming to its end. And that is not a bad thing at all, in fact it could be one of the greatest thing to happen in history. Researchers say that less and less people are getting licenses every year, and more people are starting to use public transportation. If everyone could just work to drive less and use public transportation, we could make the car a thing of the past. Cars are a huge problem on pollution to this day. Our goal is to stop this and make a difference. I hope this essay shows you how much of a difference you could make if you just limited your car usage.
Turning 16 is one of the best times of your life because you get your license, your own new car and you dont have to rely on your parents to take you every where but, instead of getting a new car, why not get a brand new stylish bike? Millions and millions of people drive their car to provide them transportation to get to work, errands, school and little did they know much car usage really effects not only our planet but, ourselves too. Limiting car usage is a very effective way to eliminate stress, lower air pollution, reduce traffic, and save money to make the world a better and healthier place to live. Two of the many advantages of limiting car usage is it eliminates stress and lowers air pollution. Being stressed is very unhealthy and a simple way to limit your stress is by limiting car usage. A media trainer named Heidrun Walter stated, "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way(Source 1)." If having a car is stressful, then ride a bike, or take a bus that still takes you from point A to B, just like a car does. Car usage is bad for our planet when it comes to air polution. "...Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe... and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States(Source 1)." Using other options besides taking a car would reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Limiting car usage is a happier life and healthier living. Saving money and reducing traffic are other advantages of limiting car usage. Traffic is always a problem when trying to get where you need to go. "Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog...[The smog] rivaled Beijing, China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world(Source 2)." There's always so many people rushing to get to work in the morning and your car only moves a couple feet per minute from all the backed up traffic but, if there wasn't so many cars on the road, that would never be an issue. Saving money is always an advantage especially in today's economy, and all you have to do is limit your car usage. "As of April 2013, the number of miles drive per person was nearly 9 percent below the peak and equal to where the country was in January 1995(Source 4)." The reasoning behind that is because people "could not afford new cars, and and the unemployed weren't going to work anyway(Source 4)." Riding with a friend is always a way to save money and limit traffic too. Car usage is a big problem in today's society. Eliminating stress, lowering air pollution, reducing traffic, and saving money are all advantages of limiting car usage that will lead our planet to a healthier and better living. When your parents surprise you with that pimped out bike instead of a car on your birthday, just remember all the beneficial reasons of limiting car usage and plus, you won't have to pay car insurance.
Venus is the second planet from the sun and is very dangerous to explore because of its characteristics. In the article The Challenge of Exploring Venus the author does a good job at describing the challenges NASA would face and how exploring Venus could lead to break throughs in science and space exploration. In the article the authors states many challenges NASA would face and how if they were successful it could lead to the exploration of other planets. In the article the authors reason to explore Venus is " human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." The author is trying to explain to the reader that this could be the first step to space exploration and could lead to the exploration of the rest of our solar system. A mission to Venus would also lead to great break throughs in science. The new information and data found from collecting rocks and other materials on Venus could benefit many lives back on Earth. Exploring Venus would also create new understandings of science and physics and help scientist understand how different properties work with each other. This could lead to new medicines that could save lives all around world and could also lead to new technology that wold benefit humanity as a whole. New elements would be found which could also benefit humanity. Exploring Venus could create new break throughs in science and the understanding of science. This could be a great use when developing new technologies that could benefit Earth and could lead to the exploration of other planets and even nearby solar systems.
The idea of not having a car is quiet unsettling. Think about the palces you have to go and how far the are. Wouldn't it be a disadvange to not have a car? Would you believe me if i told you there is a suburban area that has little to no cars in its area or a specific day cars are banned for 24 hours? how about how much cleaner the air is over there? The amount of space and walkway in an area like that, would that be a pro or con for you? People all over have participated in local events where cars are banned for a day, like Paris and Colombia, and some want to get rid of it completly like Vauban, in Germany. In Vauban, its a "car-free" zone. Living in an area like this without a car is alot less tence without all the extra of cars. acording to Heidrun Walter "When i had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." supporting the idea of the reductuion of vehicles and fossil fuel admission. This is an advantage to people because they perfer a healthy, stress free life, according to the passege, "As a result, 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move here". Smog is usually because of fossil fuel admission. This is why Paris proposed a partial ban to vehicles. Paris nearly had a near-record pollution. Paris was a little more operatable, according to the passege "Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of france, after five-days of intensifying smog...[The smog] rivaled Beijing,China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world. Less congestion is a valid reason to limit vehicle use, being more spacious and operatable. People may complain about the penalties or the transportation is needed, but people can carpool, and transportation was free in that limited time frame. eventually the fog was less visable, and people could return to the normal lives. However the damage is continuing, Getting a smart car would be a splendid idea, trade the bad fossil fuel car, to provied clean transportation if needed.  Cars are hurting the world and living things in it, including ourselfs. We should take a stand and end this tragedy were casing.     
"The psyologist aspect of automation are really a challenge." I think driverless cars should not be able to be relesed. First, I think driverless cars shouldn't be relsed becuase there still to dangerous. The passage states that, "Google cars aren't truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents." This means you can't trust the car driving by itself because it's not ready to be driven by itself yet. A human still has to take alert when they're backing out. Another reason I think driverless cars are to dangerous to be relesed is because they might not have everything it takes to drive by itself. Second, I think driverless cars shouldn't be relesed because they are to exspensive. The passage says, "Toyota Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an intertial motaion sensor." Having all of these sensors and be very exspenvise. And many people might not have the money to replace them if they get broken. Finally, Having driverless cars relesed can take up to much time. In the passage, it states, "There was no way, before 2000, to makesomething interresting. The sensors weren't there, the computers weren't there , and the mapping wasn't there. Radar weas a device on a hilltop that cost two hundred million dollars." This is no where near time avalible for them to have every part. Finally, I think driverless cars shouldn't be relesed.
I believe that the cars are safe to an extent. These driveless cars would prevent crashes. But they are not complety drivless they still need human help. Whats to say the car is driving itself and when it switches to manul and the drivers not paying attention, or if the sytem is not working right and it does not alert the driver to turn or break. There are a lot of things that can go wrong. But on the other hand there is a lot that can go right. The sensors in the cars could allow the car to break long before the driver can react. These sensors can stop drivers from backing into things. the gps and 3D mapping could allow drivers to avoid crashes and avoid contrustion on roads. This would save drivers a lot of time. In closing I do believe that these cars are safe but to an ectend because they can not fully drive themselves.
Making Mona Lisa Smile The use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in the classroom is valuable. To tell how someone is feeling whether or not they are using facial expressions with a computer is kinda of a cool thing. Although, some people just have a straight face and not feeling any type of way. But, in a way it might be weird to others. Imagine a computer telling you how you feel at that moment and trying to help you feel better. So COOL right! " The computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles." That was created by Dr. Huang that now just relies on the psychologists. Also, the text states, " Dr. Pual Eckman, creator of FACS (Facial Action Coding System). Eckman has classified six basic emotions-- happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness--and then associated each with characteristics movements of the facial muscles." The invention was a very smart invention. If they can brighten someones day, it'll make the world so much happier. Knowing people are always on there phone when they are upset or angry or, evening smiling, that is by far the greatest idea. The text also states, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. Then it could modify the lessons, like an effective human instructor." Also, "According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even produce them." That is amazing progress and who ever would of thought something like this could be done. I believe you could get alot of things done faster, because being bored, confused mad or upset while trying to do work you really dont want to. So something that'll chnge your facial expression to happy is wonderful. Think about all the positivity. Now. some people like there privacy and dont like sharing or telling peoiple what the problem his. Alot of people are blank faced or like to fake a smile and go on about their day. The text states, "Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried,etc." In the meaning of sometimes we dont know how we feel, again sometimes we juist want to be left alone in a situation and figure it out ourselves. The text also states, "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication," notes Dr. Huang. " So computers need to understand that too." So, theres not of lot of back up for this invention being a bad idea, but you have to look at it both wyas. There are really some privite people out there who aren't in the mood to be happy or people who are antisocial and doesnt use computers oe cell phones. They live old school, many wiould have never known about this invention. In conclusion to Making Mona Lisa Smile, being happy is the number 1 key to life, whether it seems or feels like it. With someone trying to make you happy you feel special , just think you dont have anyone but a computer to rely on, you think to yourslf well what can a computer do to help me. Then coming to find out it can do just as muc as a person can but not physically. It's a great inventiona and could be very successful.
Do you know the advantages and the disadvantages of having of not having a car? Yes, actually not having a car. Most people would freak out of the thought of not having a car some are just use to it. But could it actually save more money or would it cost more? Vauban, Germany people have actually given up their cars, they call it "car-free." Not everyone has given up their cars. "The main thoroughfare, where the tram to downtown Freiburg runs, and a few streets on one edge of the community. Car ownership is allowed, but there are only two places to park- large garages at the edge of the development, where a car-owner buys a space, for $40,000, along with a home"- Source 1 by:Elizabeth Rosenthal. The Vauban's started  getting involved and getting informed on not using a car. Soon 70 percent of Vauban's familiy does not own a car, and 57 percent sold a car to move to Germany. Some even liked the idea of not using a car "When I had a care I was always tense. I'm much happier this way" says Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two. She nows walks verdant streets where the swish of bicycles and the chatter of wandering children drown out the occasional distant motor. in 2006 Vauban completed, this is an example of growign trend in Europe, the united States and elsewhere to seperate suburban life from auto use, this is a movement of "smart planning." The advantage is you will have more access to public transportation, a disadvantage is if you live far from public places then you might have to walk or take a bus. In Paris they have enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. On Monday motorists with even- numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine($31). Nearly 4,000 drivers were fined, according to Reuters. Twenty seven people had their cars impounded for their reaction to the fine. Diesels make up 67 percent of vehicles in France, compared to a 53.3 percent average of diesels engines int he rest of Western Europe, according to Reuters. The advantage of not having a car is that you wouldn't be spending money on gas, the disadvanteage is that you will be fined. Delivery companies complained of lost revenue, while exceptions were made fro plug-in cars, hybirds, and cars carrying three or more passengers. Public transit was free of charge from Friday to Monday. After the smog ruling French party to rescind the ban for odd-numbered plates on Tuesday. There is alot of disadvantages because would you have a work day on Tuesday and you have an odd numbered plate. Also soem people are not familar with the public transportation and some people may not think it's the best way to get around in town. You also have to get up eary to catch the bus, train, etc. BOGOTA,Colombia- In a program that sets to spread to other countries, millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated or tooked buses to work during a car-ffree day yesterda, leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams. This was their third staright year cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the Day Without Cars in this capital city of 7 million. The goal was to promote alternative  transportation and reduce smog. Violators faced $25 fines. In Bogota there were occasional rain showers . Some thought it was a good idea some not so much. "It's a good opportunity to take away stress in lower air pollution," said a businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife. Many countries have tried having a car-free day, and many succeeded. For the Unoted States President Obama ambitious goal was to curb the U.S greenhouse gas emissions, unveiled last week, will get a fortutious assit from incipient shift in American behavior. The studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by. In 2005 the United Stes peaked and dropped steadily thereafter, according to an analysis by Doug Short of Advisor Perspectives, an investment research company.  As of April 2013, the number of miles driven per person was nearly 9 percent below the peak and equal to where the country was in January 1995. So driving with a car or not it either good or bad because not driving could give you the excerise and driving just means you like your personal things. I think that when  the government says it's a fine then follow the rules. Either way not having a car does has it advantages every country should have a car-free day.                
Driverless cars are the future. Some people may be thrilled at the idea of not watching the road at all times. Others might be terrified because people like having control. Driving is one of the most dangerous things people do everyday. A normal car can get you killed. A driverless car may be more dangerous, but if used correctly it could be safer. There are a lot of pros and cons of this situation. People could benefit, but also get into a lot of trouble. Driverless cars can be convenient because you do not have to focus entirely on the road. This could come in handy to mothers with babies who tend to get fussy in cars. It can help transport teenagers without them having to take DriversEd. A lot of teens do not have the time for it. Driverless cars are more ecofriendly. In paragraph one it states that the car uses half the amount of gas as a normal car. All these factors are great, but there are other things that people need to think about. If there was an accident, who would be guilty? The manufacturer and driver are both at fault. This is a negative factor in the situation, however someone will eventually take the blame and everything will be resolved. It is a fixable problem. Everything deserves a chance. Driverless cars are one of those things. The pros outnumber the cons. Every con has a solution to it. Driverless cars would be a good addition to everyday lives. It is an enviornmental, safe, and convenient way to travel.
Would you like to join a program where you can explore and see different places? If so, you should join the " Seagoing Cowboys" program. You should join this program becasue you can go to new and different places, you can help save people, and it will make you into a better person. To begin with, you can go to new and different places. Some people may argue that going new places doesnt really do anything its not very special. However, you can explore different places and it's really fun and adventurous. The author states," Luke Bomberger crossed the Atlantic Ocean 16 times and the Pacific Ocean twice to help people affecteed by the world." The author also states," But being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure for Luke Bomberger. It opened up the world to him. "i'm grateful for the opportunity," he says." This proves going different places is fun. Additionally, you can help save people. Some people may argue that doing something for a person just wastes your time. However, doing something for someone you can probaly help save their lives. The author states," To help these countries recover their food supplies, animals, and more, 44 nations joined togehter to form UNRRA. UNRRA hired "Seagoing Boys" to take care of the horses, young cows and mules that were shipped overseas." The author also states," By the time he was discharged in 1947, Luke had made nine trips- the most of any Seagoing Cowboy." This proves helping save people makes you a better person and makes you start doing helpful things. Additionally, you can become a better person. Some people may argue that they want to stay the same person because being someone else is not the real you. However, becoming someone different can help others in a time they need you the most. The author states," Helping out on his aunt Katie's farm as a boy had prepared Luke for hard work, but not for the dangers at sea." The author also states," And that awareness stayed with him, leading his family to host a number of international students and exchange visitors for many years." This proves that being a good and caring person is very awesome. Joining the "Seagoing Cowboys" program would be awesome because you can go to new and different places, help save people, and you can become a better person. If you had the chance, would you join "Seagoing Cowboys"?
Have you ever thought about limiting the usage of your car ? If not you should start thinking of ways you can transport yourself without having to use your car each and everyday to do certain things and go certain places. limiting your car usages can be very helpful to not only you but the people thats around you. here's some reasons why ... Sometimes limiting your car usage can be a great choice for you to make. without the usage of your car you can get wonderful excrise without even knowing. example, when your driving your car there's no energy running through your body. your body needs movement. A way you can transport and exricse is a bike. A bike can help you run energy through your body without you knowing unlike like a car. Not only your limiting your car usage but your getting fit and transportation as well. Cars can be very harmful to your communitiy. The gas from your vehicle explores the air and that can cause a very filthy thing called polution in your communitiy. Some citizens don't think of it that way. people say that Cars are easier and faster  ways to get around but also hurtful during the process. this is one of the reasons people are getting sick. cars should be limited of their usage. This was some points on why cars should be limited of their usage. their dangerus its unkowingly harmful to our citizen. Bikes were made for a reason and thats to transport. Your hurting yourself if you not taking these points im giving you. children get sick everyday and part of th reason is the polution in the world. hop on a bike and get to peddling it won't hurt you your getting fit and saving the world at the same time.
I would be against driverless cars because of the simple fact that you dont have any control of the car. One of the cars allow for the driver to be aware of the road and make certain gestures to make the car do as told. As for my thoughts i would rather be in full control. A driverless car could also be a distraction, the driver may think the car has complet control but, it is not a human behind the wheel. One car can handle driving functions at 25 mph, but the driver has to keep control of the wheel. There is no point of having a car that can drive itself, if you have to watch the road. First, you never know if the car has a problem. You could be just waiting on you turn to drive and the car has a moufunction. would you be alerted of that? What about other drivers that dont have the driverless car, every one dosent drive the same. their could be any problems on the road ahead of you and you could have no control of it because you car is driving. In conclusion i think driverless car are not the best cars to have on the road. We have pedestrains and drivers to keep safe. Who knows what could happen havinfg a computerized car on the road, it's not safe. Computers have a mind of their own and we amire the safty of our roads.
We all had dreams about having flying cars and driveless cars, but now we can almost say our dreams are becoming a reality. Automakers are working on manufacturing driveless cars. Driveless cars will eventually help us all in the future, when they are developed. If someone is drunk driving the car will for the most part drive itself with the help of sensors. If someone has fallen asleep in the car and something bad happens the car will alert the driver. First the automakers thought of making smarter roads, but with out the option of smarter roads, the manufacturers then thought about smarter cars. They did not know exactly how smart the cars would have to be but they knew for sure that they would need a lot of sensors to start out with. To help support the claim that driveless cars will be helpful in the future is the fact that they will have many sensors. The new driveless cars will have a position sensor on the left rear wheel. This helps the car stay in between the lines while driving. The next senor will be a rotationg sensor on the roof so the car knows where other cars are around it and when to stop at red lights, stop signs, yield signs, etc. It will also have four automotive radar sensors and an intertial motion sensor, to detect the movement of other cars. The car will still have a speed and brake sensor also to know how fast it is going and when to stop. The driveless car will have a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, so the car knows how far and if there is a car behind them. Lastly the car will have a GPS recevier so the car knows where it is going. All of these sensors are installed to keep the driver safe and improve on how the vehicle can drive on its own. The car is also very easy to take control of. For the things the sensors can not sense the car will alert the driver when they need to take control. The human in the car should always remain alert for when these problems may occur but if they can not the car will send the driver an alert. The new driveless cars will have seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger. If the driver has fallen asleep then the vibration of the car should be firm enough to wake them up. Now while the driver is just waking up they do not really know what is going on, so the driveless car will also announce that there is a problem and the driver should take control. By the car announce when there is a problem is very helpful because if one of the sensors were to go out then that would be a problem and the car will announce it and the human will take over. Even though the car will be very helpful there are some problems that could occur. The only way to know for sure that someone will be safe while driving is to have a human in control at all times. Driving laws are focused on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and the lawmakers know that safety is best achieved when the driver is fully alert. That is why the driveless car will have many sensors for when they sense a problem occuring on the road or occuring within the car. When the sensors do sense a problem occuring the car with alert the driver and let them know that they need to take control by vibrating the seat and announcing the problem. Though many people think driveless cars are not safe, automakers are continuing to work and test the cars until we can know for sure that they are completely safe for all drivers.
Dear, State Senoator I believe keeping the electoral college is best on what we know and whats fair. There are many reasons on why we should change by popular votes but keeping the electoral vote is also best on things that can be better for the united states. "Voters in toss-up states are more likely to pay close attention to the campaign-to really listen to the competing candidates-knowing that they are going to decide the election. They are likely to be the most thoughtful voters, on average....." This qoute explains how the most loyal and is trust worthy voter that they focus on who is best to be our president and to let them choose who should are president be and to able to recieve the most information and attention from the candidates. "Voters in presidential elections are people who want to express a politcal prefrence rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election......"in this qoute they explain how the people who vote get to express a political prefrence than a person who just votes just to see if they can make a diffrence in just one vote .The reason larger states get more attention than small states is because the population is higher in the large states and the more people there is have diffrent opinions. This is why we should keep electoral college votes instead of changing it by popular votes  
From the early 2000's to the present day, the number of people who own cars throughout Europe and the United States has gone down. Although personal motorized vehicles can be convenient to own and use, there are many advantages to not owning a car, such as a decrease in air pollution, experiencing other sources of transportation, and an overall cultural shift. Air pollution is a big issue all around the world. Cars are responsible for twelve percent of the greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and fifty percent of the greenhouse gas emissions in some highly populated areas in the United States. Cities such as Paris have banned cars for a few days in order to reduce the greenhouse gases emitted into their atmosphere. Congestion of environmentally damaging gases went down by sixty percent in Paris after their cleanse, where as before the cleanse, they were suffering through five straight days of heavy smog. Cars are the second most source for carbon emission in the United States. Lower amounts of cars owned results in less pollution in the air, which creates an all around better environment, a huge advantage. Without personal cars, people resort to using other new and exciting forms of transportation such as biking, walking, hiking, or using buses, taxis, or the transit. In Vauban, Germany, the residents live a new lifestyle without personal cars. The community is small, and there are just a few streets that are easily accessible. The residents in the community experience a life that is close to the people around them. In Bogota, Columbia, once a year they have a car-free day, where the population must find other ways to get around instead of their personal vehicles. The car-free day is very popular, and as a result, has allowed the city to invest in one hundred and eighteen miles of new bike paths and sidewalks, new parks, and new sports centers. In the United States, some people decide to just set up their life around their home. Everything they have to get to is within walking distance of their home. The number of miles driven peaked in 2005, and then declined hevily afterward. In New York, the bike sharing program and the car pooling programs have allowed for less personal car use. Driving by teenagers all throughout the United States has decreased by twenty-three percent between 2001 and 2009. The decrease in personal vehicle use is leading to a revolutionary cultural change that is crossing borders and making it's way around the world. Since World War II, the development of the world has revolved around the car, but that will soon change. From Vauban, Germany, where there is no car use at all, to the United States, where in 2013, the number of miles driven per person was equal to that of 1995, this cultural change is making it's way into each home. Some explanations for this change are the internet and city centers. The internet allows people to feel connected to family and friends without having to drive to see them. City centers have made the suburbs less populated, which results in less driving back and forth. Some possible results from a cultural shift away from the use of personal cars are less dependence on the car industry, and overall smaller, closer, and more community-driven cities based around transportation such as biking and walking. In the long run, this cultural shift would be an advantage to the world. In Europe and the United States, many people have already made the shift away from personal car usage. People of the world can partake in a cultural change of less car usage, experiencing different forms of transportation, and all the while positively affecting their environment.
Seagoing Cowboys:Helping others and so much more Do you like traveling, caring for animals, and helping others? Then, the Seagoing Cowboys program is just for you. Luke Bomberger, one of the members, loves his experience with the Seagoing Cowboys. He has done so many things to help the people in need of desperate help. Seagoing Cowboys help others, have to take care of animals, and people who join get to travel often. First, this program helps others who are in need of help. Some may say, neighbors in their neighborhood could help them. However, some of the people the program has helped were just in a feirce war, you can't even tell it was once a beautiful neighborhood. The progam helped people in Europe just after World War II. I belive the program is really thoughtful, even to people in other countries. Secondly, the program takes care of animals. Others may believe, they don't need to take care of the animals to help the humans. On the other hand, the animals provide meat, milk, and eggs. The animals will also provide clothing to the humans, the sheep give them wool. I infer animals are really useful animals and good to take care of. Lastly, people who join travel often. Others may say, you might get injured with all the wars going on. However, most people who go arrive after the war ends so saftey is not a problem. The only time you might get hurt is when you mess around on the ship. This shows, traveling is not a problem, unless you get seasick. The Seagoing Cowboys program helps others, take care of animals, and they get to travel often. Luke Bomberger has crossed the Atlantic Ocean 16 times and the Pacific Ocean 2 times just to help people in need. So I suggest that you should join the Seagoing Cowby program don't wait, come on down, today!
For example, some simplifed eclctronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers. These devices were first envisioned in the 1800s and played an important role in the 1940s during World War 2. The thought of computers exiting in those days may sound shocking, but these devices make calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronis at all. Modern computers are enormously powerful, flexible, and quick, but tend to be more delicate when it comes to tablet to acid or heat capabel of melting tin. By comparison, systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces. Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value , not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. Our tavels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation. It still important in those day , learning about Venus and what is near by our human world .So, we should keep learn about NASA.
The suggestions of the auther studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers is well backed up by alot of inforamtion and knoweldge about Venus . Venus being so close to almost being the same as Earth is why studying the planet isn't a bad idea . Astronomers are eager to study or learn more about Venus is because the planet may be well once have been the most Earth like planet in the solar system . Scientist believe that long ago Venus was proably cover by some features that Earth has . The features from having surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys , mountains , and craters . Although Venus is intresting to study or learn about is pretty amazing , it is not as easy as you think it is . Venus can be really dangerous . Venus being so close to Earth sometimes , humans have sent numerous spacecraft to our sister planet known as Venus . Reportedly that even though many spacecrafts have been sent to Venus no spacecraft has survived the landing . This may be the reason why it is not very safe for humans. Venus atmophere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide . There is more dangerous elements in venus like atmophere .The cloud are highly of corrosive sulfuric acid in the atmophere . The temperture can be a danger in the fact that the planet's surface temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit . Also the atmosphere pressure is 90 times greater than what people experieance in Earth . Venus has teh hottest surface tempereture of any planet in our solar system . There has been many ideas of to get a spacecraft to Venus safely , one of those ideas is to float above the fray of Venus . However peering at Venus from a spaceship orbiting or huver the planet safely is only going to give scienttsit the the features of only limited insight on the groung or the surface of Venus . Scientist thinks hovering or floating around Venus fray is not really a good study is because they cannot get smaples of rocks , gas , or anything else from that far of a distance . There has been many approaches when it comes to visting our sister planet , one example is the mechanical computers . This device was fisrt envisioned in the 1800s and played an imporatant rle in the 1940s during the World War II . Although these ideas may not be proven to work the curiosity will continue later on. One day the knowledge and information scientist already have of Venus will be the the reason there is going to be a possible solution of getting to our sister planet safely . From the value of Venus not only because human curiosity will likely lead the human kind to many other intimindiating endeavors . Risks will be made for the human kind to visit our sister planet , Despite the danger , Venus is should be a worthy pursuit of studies .
Dear Senator, I feel the need to bring the Electoral College to your attention. I think keeping the Electoral College is not a good way to vote for the president of the United States. It's an unfair way to vote. 538 electors and the majority of 270 votes to elect the president seems to have problems every time. If the person running for office has more votes it obviously means they want that person to win the election. So why go around that process and change everything and make it more difficult for the person to win? People all over keep trying to change things with voting but don't have a choice. When they vote for someone in office it doesn't equal a whole percent which actually goes towards whether or not they will or will not be president. Thanks to the Electoral College it makes things harder. Thats's why people don't like to vote. So Senator, please think about getting rid of the Electoral College it's fair that the person with the most votes should win because if everyone voted for them they wanted that person to win. That's more fair than popular votes and then what the other 538 people have to say. Sincerly, PROPER_NAME
Is using technology to show emotional expresions of students in classrooms good? As a teen who attends School and as a person who gets confused easily i Would agree that is a good idea. Some people are to shy or just simply nervouse to ask for help and they dont ask. Having a Computer that could recognize when its confused Helps not only the students but the teacher Most teachers go on When not really knowing that a student has been left behind. As students we go through things that most people dont know and that can aslo trigger are behavoir and distractions in class and if a computer can see that it can help the student. Tracking down a student while doing a lesson might be difficukt you can be focus on one student while the other student is confused. But while using The computer it can help all the students because if helps it dectect when a student is confused. 'A classroom computer could recognize when a studeent is becoming confused or bored" Sometimes teachers arent able to notice it and students end up doing other stuff and they never learn like that but with the help of the new technology it can change. Most students in school dont want to tell when somethung is bothering them. But that can also affect the way a student is learning they can be thinking about something else and when its time to do it they arent able to. They are confused the teacher might not be able to dectect that fast but the computer can "Most human communication is nonverbal including emotional communication". The computer understands that.
Driverless cars are one of the world's most interesting transportation systems yet to come. Even though the cars are not truly driverless they still can have many benifits that are better than transportation today. The driverless cars are expected to come in the near future. The first company that is expected to have the first model of the driveless car is Google. Google has been working on this project for years to find a way to make the perfect model. Many companies will follow after google once they hear the pros about the newest google invention for transportation. Companies such as "Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have that car that can drive themselves by the year of 2020,"(paragraph 10). This is an example on how companies are going to follow after google makes the new system and they see how much their marketing has increased by. This car is not only popular for it's look and ability to go the perfect speed, But this car will also be good for safety reasons. If the car is in a troubled situtation, it will alert the driver that they need to take control of the car until they are able to regain stability and are out of the troubled area. The cars are able to steer, accelerate and brake themselves, but the cares are designed to notify when the driver needs to take control. All these cars are creating special small little parts to add on to their car to give their customers a little bit of a feel of how it feels to have something done for you that you usually have to do. They add a new gadget everytime they create a new model. Cars in the future are going to be nothing like the cars we use today. In conclusion driverless cars are a huge invetion that will change life in the future different than how it is today. Driverless cars are going to make life a whole lot easier once they make the perfect model. These new and improved super cars will make life better and safer. Driverless cares may be fun but what is really important, is how the amount of safety will increase with this design
Help wanted! The Seagoing Cowboys program is in need of help from other herders. Why would anyone want to do this? With the program, you are able to help out other people, do things you typically would not do, and have fun. I think it is beneficial to join the Seagoing Cowboys program because you are able to help out people. It is important to help people because not only does it benefit them, it benefits you as well by bringing joy in to your life. In the text it states that in 1945, World War 2 was over in Europe, and many countries were left in ruins. This is just one reason why this program is beneficial. Another reason why I think that joining the Seagoing Cowboys program is beneficial is becuase you get to do different things in your free time that you would not normally get to do. In the text it says that they got to tour many places. My final reason why I think that joining the Seagoing Cowboys program is beneficial is because you get to have fun. In the text, it says that while they were unloading the animals, they played baseball, volleyball, table tennis, fencing, boxing, reading and even whittling. These are just a few reasons why I think that people who join the program will have lots of fun. In conclusion to all of this, I think the Seagoing Cowboys program is beneficial to all.
25 years ago NASA discovered a face on Cydonia, Mars. It was extrodinary looking like an egyptian face! Many people think it was a human face that aliens created, but surely enough it isn't. As a scientist from NASA I know for sure it is definitely not. NASA went into further detail with this "Face". We looked further into the face just to show people that this is not a face created by aliens. Further more we found it was just another Martian mesa, common in Cydonia. Since the face was becoming popular, being in movies, magazines, radio shows, and books we had to prove that we are right. As a result in 2001 NASA took a even closer and more clear picture of this face on Cydonia. It showed that it was just illusions making the mesa look like it has eyes, a mouth, and a nose. Making this mesa look like a face. This revealed to all people that this face is just a natural landform. In conclusion NASA knows more than just typical average day people. NASA has proved us wrong from thinking it is a face created by aliens. This is just an illusional face as I would say. As a scientist I do wish that there is alien life on Mars, but as far as we know there is none. So the face on Mars is not a real face but just an illusion by natural land formation!
People have been curious to learn about Venus for decades and now we have a chance to learn more about it. In the passage "The challenge of exploring Venus" the author supports the idea that studying Venus will be worth it by telling us all the benefits of why it will be worth it. In the article he says that Venus could have once been like Earth and dried up and had these physical condtions that it has now. The author tries to tell us that exploring Venus will be worth it because it brings valuable research. The author tries to tell us that Venus is a dangerous and difficult planet to explore but with the technology that we have it can be accomplished. The author tries to tell us this by how he describes Venus. In the passage the author tells us that exploring Venus can bring very valuable information. For example in the passage the author says that Venus could have been like Earth at one point and that fascinates them. In the passage it says "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system", This quote explains why people would like to study this planet because it was like Earth and it could bring valuable information of why it formed this way. In the passage it also says "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life just like earth", This quote gives us another idea why people would want to explore Venus because it can bring information that we have yet to know about. If we get more information about Venus it can help us understand this planet and learn more about it. In the passage it says that old techonology never made it to Venus but with the new technology that we have we can accomplish we can study venus. In the passage it says that every mission that we have sent to Venus never made it bac because of the harsh conditions that Venus has. In the passage it says " Each previous mission was unamanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours", This quote explains that all the missions that we have sent to Venus never made it back because of the technology that we sent out there. In the passage it says that overtime we have created technology that is capable of withstanding Venus conditions. In the passage the author says "For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venu's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions.", This quote explains how our technology has improved and that now we have a more likely chance to study Venus and get to learn more about it. To conclude, the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit because it will bring valuable information and we have the technology to ecplore Venus. Venus was like Earth and astronomers are working on getting us to learn more about it. Astronomers over time have sent numerous missions to Venus but none of them ever made it back but now with the technology that we have our missions have a chance of succeding. The author is fascinated on learning about this planet because it can help us understand why this planet is how it is is now.
Have you ever heard about big faces on Mars, NASA has gone on many space trips but this time they found sothing creepy. They had found big faces made in the dust, NASA said they have never heard about anything like this before So that makes me a little scared on how they got there. I think that it is scary having planets have faces on them. these Faces were found in 1976 and it was hard to see and in 1998 and in 2001 the face got covered by sand and dust and you couldnt see it anymore. in 1976 there was a group called the Viking 1 sent by NASA. They had found a 2nd face made and it had shadows in its eyes, and mouth. There was a big time when everyone kept talking about these faces in magazines, in social media, and in abandoned stores. "The Face on Mars has since become a pop icon. It has starred in holltwood films, appered in books, magazines, radio talk shows, even haunted grocery stores."(5) Some people say that these faces are awesome and that NASA should go on the planet Mars and explore the faces on Mars. This finding was very important to tax payers. NASA had taken many pictures of these faces they even sent another space ship to go with a better camera to take better pictures." we felt this was important to taxpayers", explained Jim Garvin, chief scientist for NAS's Mars exploration program." we photographed the Face as soon as we could get a good shot at it." (6) NASA had sent a 3rd space mission in April 5, 1998 when the space ship had passed over Cydonia the took a picture of the face. It is very hard to find this face because it was under a cloud on Mars. When the space ship took a picture there wasnt anything at all because they were in the wrong are of the planet. When the space ship got to the right place it was hidden but it was in the same place. People think that aliens had put a Haze over the face so the peoploe couldnt see it anymore. "The camera on board MGs had to peer through wispy clouds to see the Face. perhaps, said skeptics, Alien markings were hidden by haze.(8) No one has ever seen these Faces again so maybe they were hidden by some or somthing. Hopefully soon NASA will send another space trip to try to find these Faces again. It proves that a lot of people were scared at first but then they werent because the space mission couldnt find them then they did and everyone was excited. Personally i would be scared knowing that somthing had made those then hid them with Haze and clouds.
The use of the Facial Action Coding System in classroom computers seems like a smart and innovative idea, but not every student may agree. The technology could effectively see if a student is bored or confused, but may not be able to detect if a student is really learning. This new technology may not be effective and could disrupt a student's learning and the system of schools in a number of ways. Every student is different and unique in their own way. Their hair color, skin color, height, and race. This statement is also true when it comes to a student's unique and preferred learning style. Some students may learn better by taking colorful notes or just plainly listening to a teacher's lecture. Some students learn better by filling out charts and organizers, but some students may learn better by watching a video. The idea of the Facial Action Coding System is to make an online lesson less confusing or boring, but if a student can't grasp a concept from an online lesson or video then the system is useless for that specific student. Going along with the topic of different learning styles, the technology is valuable only for computers. This causes leaving out how a student learns with paper notes or a textbook. In most high schools and schools in general, there is usually always an online version of the textbooks. It's not rare to see high school students carrying their paper textbooks because it is easier for them to grasp the concepts by being able to read and feel the pages of a book. A computer with new technology is also useless for that student. Students who learn by watching videos or having an online lesson have to battle the risk of getting distracted. It's easy enough to get distracted by opening a new tab and playing a game, or browing to find fresh conspiracy theories to read. It is possible that this new system could be as easily as distracting. Students may spend their time trying to falsely give the system a face, mimicing the movements of the "orbicularis oculi pars palpabraeus" muscles that signal a genuinely happy face. This leads to a student spending more time trying to trick the system rather than paying attention to the lesson and disrupting their own learning by doing so. The Facial Action Coding Sytem in schools would "modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor," as Dr. Huang predicts. If there is technology that modifies a lesson to be more effective for a student then the positions of techer would become less valued. Teachers would go to college and spend great deals of money only to become a backup instructor for the new technology and more like a chaperone for students. If everything can be found online, including textbooks and lessons, then what position does a teacher hold? Altough the new Facial Action Coding System proves how innovative and resourceful technology is becoming, it could become less effective and valued by schools. It seems like a good idea for computers to become emapathetic and understand nonverbal communication like humans do, but not when it makes human interaction and teaching less valuable. It seems like it could be a great and effective system for workpaces, but it may not be the right match for students in school.
1.) What is the Electoral College' A electoral college is a process, not a place. I didn't know they had 538 electors. majority of 270 electoral votes. Representatives plus two for your Senators. . . . The Congressional delegation one of each memeber in the house. But i do think the District of Columbia. is each candidate running for President in your state has his or her own group of electors. Chosen a party political party, responsibilities. but what will happen if something happens to the congress what will go wrong? for the stuff that they be having partys for the policital paartys & stuff what do they do that for the things they have. like will the president be alright with this stuff that be going on but these things is good cause we will like the same things but idk know it that was alot of 538 electors but some of it will work. 2.) THe Indefensible Electoral College: Why Even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong' I understand what the American people is doing its a factor that some of yall got to learn thoe. Kennedy i don't understand his and they way he do like its alot for the candidate but for the other ones i dont know like what's up with the candidate and kenndey, the passage says .. In the same vein, "faithless" electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's candidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please... oh, and what if the state sends two slates of electors to Congress? it happened in Hawaii in 1960. Vice President richard Nixon, who was presiding over the Senate, validated only his opponent's electors, but he made sure to do so "without establishing a precedent." what if that happend again? During the 200 campaign , seventeen states didn't see the candidates at all, including Rhode Island and South Carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didn't get to see a single campaign ad. If anyone has a good argument for putting the fate of the presidency in the hands of a few swing voters in Ohio, they have yet to make it. . . . Yes that's right they do have to make it to the candidate first they just can't walk up there first you got to be president by the pesident frist if you not by him or here then you messe dup for goood its not working out like that at all. it's official: the electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The best arguments in favor of it all mostly assertions in without much basis in reality. And the arguments against direct elections are spurious at best. It's hard to say this, but Bob Dole was right: Abolish the electoral college! 3.) In 2012 election, for example, Obamma received 61.4 percent of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3 percent of the popular votes cast for him and romney. . . . BEcause almkost all states award electoral votes on a winner -take-all basis, even a very slight plurality in astate creates a landslide electoral -vote victory in that state. A tie in the nationwide electoral vote is possible because the total number of votes 538 is an even number, but it is highly unlikely. . . . The residents of each other regions are likely to be a successful presidents. The residents of other regions are likely to be feel disenfranchised- to feel that their votes do not count, that the new president will have no regard. Swing States' [2012's] election- to focus their campaign efforts on the toss-up states. . . . Big Staes' The popular vote was very close in Florida [in 2012]; nevertheless Obama, who won that vote got 29 electoral votes. A victory by the same margin in Wyoming would net the winner only 3 electoral votes. So, other things being equal, a large state gets more attention from presidentail candidates in a campaign than a small state does. . . . Avoid Run-Off Elections' Nixon in 1968 and Clintion in 1992 both had only a 43 percent plurality of the popular votes , while winning a majority in the Electoral College (301 and 370 electoral votes, respectively). There is presssure for run-off elections when no candidate wins a majority of the votes cast; that pressure, which would greatly complicate. . . . It can be argued that the electoral College method of selecting the president amy turn of potentail that is right because sometimes you really don't have that much of that stuff like that now but sometimes its hard to see stuff like that but you got to work on some things like that but not everything likec come on now. so candidates who do that some want. . . . But of course no voter's vote swings a naional election, and spite of that about one-half the eligible American population did vote in [2012's] election. Voters in presidential elections are people who want to express a political preference rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election. . . . Democrats in Texas, for example , or Republicans in California. Knowing their vote will have no effect , tghey have less incentive to pay attention to the campaign than they would have if the president were picked by popular vote. . . .  
The value of using this technology to read students' can be useful we do it in a every day life anyway when we look at our friends and can tell something is wrong,or when you come home and your mom can always tell something is wrong. These computers could tell if students do not understand and are confused , or if they do get it and understand. These computers tracks your emotion-recognition as it states in paragh 4. Some kids are afriad to raise there hand you would not have to raise your hand then if you dont get it the teachers would already know that you dont get it. Dr. huang saw that artists studie human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles to also so emotions as it states in paragh 5. This could help out teachers and students alot. Students would not have to be scared when they are confused, teachers would know that you do not get it so they can help you out till you do get it. When u are just having a bad day teachers would know that and so they dont get on you for being angry when they call on you or try to talk to you. This is why i am for using technology to read students emostions expressions.
After I became a seagoing cowboy I was grateful to be helping may people that are injured and hurt. I am grateful for all the opportunities and being there for people's needs. I think many young boys should join because people would count on you to be there. Also they would respect you and honor you because of your great leadership. I started out at a young age and I was so happy traveling with my friends and helping people out. I think that being a seagoing cowboy is much more than just helping people that are hurt. I look on the bright side. I think of it as an adventure. Helping people out is a great adventure, but the bigger one the real one is traveling over the pacific and the Atlantic Ocean several times. If you do join the seagoing Cowboys you should put a lot of effort in your job. People will be counting on you for you to save their lives. Also if you where ever doubting yourself never do that you are pushing yourself away from your actual dream. If you don't stop doubting yourself you won't go any where in life. You should be a leader and fight for what's right. I joined because I liked helping people and saving their life. I hope you will do the same thing and carry this on and convince your friends to do it with you. It is good when your friends are not with you , but it is even better when they are. You should go convince boys or girls to join the seagoing Cowboys.
Venus, sometimes called the"Evening Star" is one of the brightest point of light in the night sky. Venus nickname is misleading since Venus is actually a planet. Venus is the second planet from our sun, while Venus has a very challenging place to examine more closely. Often referred to Venus, humanss have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud draped world. Every previouse mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decates. Other factors contribute to Venus reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite its proximity to us. Venus atmosphere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blanket. Even more challenging, Venus atmosphere clouds are highly corrosive sulfuric acid and the surface temperture average is 800 degreess fahrenheit, Also the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet.This are some reason why we basicly, we don't sent more spacecraft. These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth. Even though, Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, likely we also know mercury is the closer to our sun. Beyond high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like eruting volcanoes, powerful earquakes, and frenquent ligtning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface. Since we already know, Venus is way to dangers to us humans. But since NASA has not been sending spacecraft to Venus for at list three decates. NASA have been working on some solutions, that would allow scientists to float above the fray. Imagine a blimp like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling venusian landscape. Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way. Also NASA have been working on other aproaches to studying Venus. For example, some simplifield electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. This is humans challenge "Venus" but we have so much to improve, humans are so curiosity on what is outside of our world and if we don't know nothing about them we study them, that what make us humans.
Studying Venus is important for scientists and so is knowing the dangers of the planet. The author states that people should know more about Venus and the risks it will take of doing so as it is dangerous. The article states, "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." (P8). Humans will evetually be curious about many things including trying to figure out more details about our neighboring planet Venus. No matter what the dangers are people will come up with many types of solutions to face the problems or difficulties that are stopping them from going further. The author gave a great idea and much detail about what people are trying to do to explore more about Venus, and also how risky and dangerous it is to explore Venus.Therefore, the authors idea about pursuing Venus despite the dangers will eventually happen at some point in time.
In today's world technology has taken over. Driverless cars are starting to develop. Is this a good or bad thing? Some may see it as good, but in my opinion driverless cars are a bad thing. Driverless cars have more risks rather than a human operated vehichle. One of those risks or concerns that was pointed out in the article is what if the technology is to fail? If the car is operating on it's own and a wreck happens; who is to blame? Is it the manufacturer for faulty technology or the driver? Either way this would cause more problems with who's fault it would be if a wreck were to happen and could cause major legal troubles. Another thing that goes along with technology failur is the safety of everyone in the vehicle and everyone around. The technology would not be able to sense a problem or poor driving conditions like a human operator would be able to. The technology would not be able to react and adjust to these situations. Another downside the article pointed out was the driverless cars are not entirely driverless. The car would still need an operator to be allert and ready to take over. So what is the point of a driverless car if they still need an operator? The point the article made, "Wouldn't drivers get bored waiting for their turn to drive?" This is a relateable statement it would get boring sitting there having to be allert but not doing anything. It would get really tiring after a wile. The article talked about putting in-car entertainment in the cars, but if someone were too invested in the entertainment of the car they would not be allert if the car would need the operator to take over. This could cause crashes and put the safety of people in danger. Driverless cars are not a good idea. They have not figured out the legal work that would go along with it. If a car were to crash they have no way of knowing who is at fault. The safety of people is put at risk. The cars are not even completly driverless they still need an allert operator ready to take over if a problem occured. Driving should be the responsibility of a human not a computer. Driverless cars are not where our future should be heading.
How can NASA want to hide this evidence if they wish there was an ancient civilization? The people that think that are conspiracy theorists. They dont have any evidence that NASA would hide this. If they wanted to hide it why would they give it out to the public a few days after they found it? Lets talk about where the face is located. Many other Martian Mesas are in that area so it wouldnt be surprising if it was just another one. All though it would be enchanting to find out that there is life on Mars, the land mass is not enough evidence to support that theory that aliens or some sort of life built the face. Lets talk about the size of the face. The face is too big to be a face of someone or something anyways. Unless there is a new species on Mars that is that big or maybe it is a ancient burial site like the ones that the egyptions made. The pictures would be able to see any life next to the face. They would be able to see if there were any shacks maybe house or aircrafts of some sort. Lets talk about what scientists think. The Snake river Plain of Idaho is about the same size as the face and it reminds him of it. The face could have just been a couincadince. The face also could not have been. Small meteors could have crashed into the mesa to create the facial features of the face. In pictures of the face you can see a lot of different crates next to it. There a small craters and large craters. it wouldn't be surprising if it got hit by a crater. You can believe that aliens or some sort of life form have created the face or you can believe that it is just natural. The choice is yours. But before you make asumptions you should do your research first. Those are the main facts that i can give you to make a disition on your own. You might even end up doing more research. If you find any facts that can support your claim that a life form has created this please let me know.
With technology making advancements everyday, it is natural that we adapt and adopt new forms of technology in our lifes, houses, hospitals, schools and even prisons,however, some technologies might get too far into our lives and into our heads. A new software developed at the University of Illinois promises to read and detect facial expressions that reveal how we felt at the moment the picture or camera footage was recorded. The project is now in early stages of development but is already able to read paintings and describe what they feel. In his text "Making Mona Lisa Smile", Nick D'Alto states that " if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow.", stating that the software can be used to monitor people and detect what products they take interest in, which is an unethical way to push companies into people's lives; moreover, the author claims that students can have their facial expressions monitored so that if they become bored, the computer can adjust the lesson to make it more engaging to the student. Although students have different needs, the usage of surveilance to capture their interest can be compared to the way babies are shown colorful and animated things to keep their attention, which can make the student's attention span even smaller than it has become, alienating and making them more dependant of technology. In conclusion, the usage of this software to either sell products or monitor students is unethical at the least, and can lead to an even more alienated population.
Dear Senator, I believe that we should keep the Electoral College voting instead of changing it because it produces a clear winner, shows what percentage of the state voted for whom and is easier to count the votes. It produces a clear winner because instead of doing it by numbers it is by percentages. If you see it in percntages you will know right away. If we were to change it to most popular vote you would not get an exact number so you would have to tally up and see who is the winner. It states that it produces a clear winner by the percentages. It shows what state voted for whom. What I mean by that is on the map it will show if the state voted more for Republican or Democratic. If 60% of the state voted for a Republican than it shows what percent. Instead of counting out those long numbers they can just add up all the percentages and get their winner right there. It is a lot easier to count all the votes because if it shows that 60% of the state voted for Republican than that goes into the books. So instead of counting each and every vote they just add up all the percentages and then they have their clear winner. If we were to change to most popular vote it would not be fair because it does not show an exact number or percentage. It would become another war because if it just shows most popular vot instead of who is really good for the job our world would become an aweful place to live in. You dont know if that person is truly able to be put into that job. Yes there are some pros and cons to this but would you rather be put into office for most popular votes, not the most votes. Or would you rather be put into office saying I beat this guy in the race and I won fair and square. We should keep the Electoral Collage in session because it produces a clear winner, showes a percentage of votes for each state and is a lot easier to count all the votes. Lets not change what is already going well for us. Keep it going. Dont stop it now. Sincerly, PROPER_NAME
We found a face on landforms on Mars. Some think it was an alien life form and others think it was just a shadow. The faces on the landforms are shadows that show an illusion of a face. If you look at the face in the pictures they all look like huge landforms with a face. Most of those pictures with a face shows the eyes, nose, and mouth all look darker than the face itself. Other scientist here proved that the eyes, nose, and mouths on these landforms are shadows. "The caption noted a 'huge rock formation...which resembles a human head...formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose and mouth.'" All the pictures of a landform that had a face, the eyes, nose, and mouth were just shadows showing an illusion of a face. So now the mystery of the faces on Cydonia are solved and they are just illusions that look like a human head.
Venus is considered the Earth's twin because of it's similar size to the Earth and how close it is. However we can not send a spacecraft on Venus because of it's dangerous environment that doesn't possible for humans to land in. The author supports the idea that studying Venus is worthy despite the dangers by explain how there's interest in Venus, the dangerous factors in Venus's environment, and how scientist are trying understand Venus. Despite having unhabitable conditions, Astromoners are interested of how Venus used to be the earth-like planet in the solar system. In the fourth paragraph the author states, "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. Today Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters." These raises the possibilitly that we could travel to Venus since it's geostructure and atmosphere used to be so similiar to Earth's. The author explains that while that dangers in studying Venus, these factors present more of a challenge for human-space activity. In the article, the author states that Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is close to our sun. Beyond high pressure and heat, Venisian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting Volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes to probes seeking to land on it's surface." However the author also states, "Striving to meet the challenge presentted by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." The authors explains that while Venus's environment may not be survivable for humans but we let our travel into space be limited by the dangers of one planet. Finally, author explains that reseachers are working and innovating to make it possible for us to study Venus. In paragraph 7, the authors states, "NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted three weeks in such conditions. Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers." Reseachers are conducting experiment to see if we have resources that handle the conditions of Venus's surface how we can use old technology to help us on the journey. While the journey to travel to Venus may prose dangerous, the author supports that Venus is worth the pursuit by explaining the motivation for explorating Venus, how the dangerous environment may prove to be a challenge and how researchers are working on innovations to help us understand Venus.
Honestly, we shouldnt have the Electoral College. If I voted for a president, I really wouldnt be voting for the president, I would be voting for a state of electors and they would elect the president. Your really not voting for what you want, your really voting for there electors. You dont even know who these electors are or who there gonna vote for. Why should we have this Electoral College if were not even voting for who we want, its like were not even voting. Electors can always defy the will of the people and just vote for who ever they wanted and just turn there back on there own party. Like back in 1960, the segregationists in the Louisiana legislature almost accomplished in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would go against John F. Kennedy. With popular vote there most likely will never be a tie. With the Electoral College there have been cases of really close tie deadlines. As you can tell from the passage, the Electoral College is old and unfair and never should be used. With the winner-take-all system in every state, candidates dont go to states they know they wont win. When the 2000 campaign was going on, seventeen states didn't see the candidates not once, these states were Rhode Island and South Carolina, and voters in twenty-five of one the largest media markets didn't get to see not one campaign ad.
Would you keep your vehicle at home for a day and walk to work? Well in Bogota there is a car-free day, people all over the town partcipate in this event. According to the article, "millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car-free day yestraday." On this day only buses and taxis are permitted to rome the streets for the day. The reason behind having a car-free day is because cars cause smog, which can cause congestion in the city. In Paris, "Diesels make up 67 percent of vehicles in France." Diesel is favored over gasoine because of a tax policy, because of diesel France was polluted with smog. Since France took away the use of cars for evn numbered license plate owners for the day delivery companies complained of "lost revenue," but if you had a "plug-in car, hybrid, or cars carrying three or more passengers" had exceptions. On the next day, odd numbered lisence plate owners were followed to keep their car at home but instead the smog had cleared enough on that Monday for the ruling French to rescind the ban for odd-numbered plates. "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars" article they talked about the people walking or bicycling to work or places they wanted to go. Many people might have decided to not take a car to go places because there was limited parking, which only consists of two parking garages. Now, 70 percent of families don't own cars in Vauban, which is shocking because they all either walk or take a bicycle ride. Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. The United States of America is now responding to these other countries and their way to reduce car usage. Obama ambitious gaols to curb the United States greenhouse gas problem might be paying off. The article "The End of Car Culture states "Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by." If Americans are buying less vehicles than that's a way to a good start for lowering greenhouse gases. In conclusion, limiting car usage can have many advantages. Since caar usage causes greenhouse gases and smog, limiting by a little or alot will always help to reduce the amounts  of these gases in the air that we humans breath. People in differnt countries like France, Germany, and Bogota are coming up with many unique ways to help reduce the car usage. Limiting the car usage helps with the gas expensives, and helps with finding other ways for transportation.  
Limiting Car Usage Cars have no doubt become the leading mode of transportation all over the world. Due to the amount of exhaust that they give out, there is a negative effect with greenhouse gases. Many places in the world have become very polluted due to the pollution that the cars give off. Did you know that Paris, the beautiful city we all know and envision in our minds was once so air polluted that they had to ban driving!? Only certain vehicles were allowed on road at times and eventually when things cleard up they let people back on the road. Vauban, Germany. A little suburban town that has given up automoblies altogether! "Im much happier this way, when i had a car i was always tense," said Heidrun Walter, a mother of two. Bicycles have become a part of their daily lives and as a result, resteraunts, clothing stores, grocery, and other shops have all sprung up on the streets in walking disatnce making everything easliy more accesible. The town itself is very clean, since they don't use automoblies the effect of pollution is drastically different. In Bogota, Columbia-There is a program  that they do every year called " Car-free day ." Car free is a day in which everyone in guessed it, doesn't drive. The people of Bogota care for their enviorment and see a need to take a day out their lives to try and improve it in the slightest. Their determination of upholding this tradition has even brought in someof the neighboring countries to partake in this car free event. The United States is one of the leading countries in the world for car pollution. Peaking in miles driven in 2005, President Barack Obama took a stand. President Obama set high goals to curb the United States' greenhouse gas emissions. Recent studies have shown that the yearly average of miles driven is decreasing and it is believed that if this trend continues, it will benefit the rest of the country. Cars are a majorform of pollution in the world we live in today, if we all just took some time out of our lives and rode a bike to work one day, or walked to the park, we might be able to stall the slow defeat of our planet. People desrve to live in a clean well taken careof enviorment and the first step to making that enviornment the way which we you.    
Dear senator, I belive that we should change the election to a popular vote for the president of the united states. We should have this for two reasons, one we should make the choice ourselfs so it matters more in the long run and two it will make more potental voters. We as americans should have more power when it comes to chooseing our president. Some people may argue that the electorial college avoids the problem of run-off elections as stated in source two. I think if there is a tie then there should have the previouse presedent of the united states vote to brek the tie. I dont believe any vote should count more than a citizens vote. If we are suppose to have a goverment run by the people why cant the peoples vote matter. I feel that people would vote more if their vote could be that single vote that decides who`s president. In the electorial college only their vote matters the popular vote doesn`t make a difference in the long run. The reason people vote is so that the person they want as president will win the race not so the person the electorial college wants to will win. The popular vote is simply deciding electors who can vote however they please which means the citizens vote doesnt make a difference wich unfair. In conclusion america should have a popular vote not an electorial college because the peoples vote should matter. If you want a fair and honest goverment everyones vote should matter equaly and there should be no electorial college. If you care about what the american citizens opinions and what they have to say get rid of the electorial college.
In the article, The Challenge of Exploring Venus, the author amkes serval arguements attempting to persaude the reader that a maned mission to venus would be worth while the NASA to undertake. I personnally am not move by their arguement as they have not pointed out what is to be gained in this mission outside of a deadman on Venus. In the closing paragraph of the article they write, "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiousity will likly lead out many intimidating endeavors." I ask the writer of this, what useful insight is there to be gained by this endeavor. I also think why focus Venus instead of mars, which in comparison is much more accepting host of humans. From both prior knoweledge and what was what written in this article, Venus is a literal hellscape with the only thing to be gained being death of any one foolish enough to be sent there. Even with this article's idea for blimp above the planet, I remaing unconvinced that there is any benefit in the slightest. In conclusion, I find the Idea there is any reason, resourece, or revolation that Venus can offer humanity in the slightest.
Hi my name is PROPER_NAME and I work for NASA discussing with someone who thinks that the face was created by aliens but I said "Well it couldn't be created by aliens because we all know is that aliens are not real" and so I am still trying to figure out how this face has been created. When I saw the pictures from 1976 to 2001 I saw one of the pictures and the picture from 1998 it looks like that something has hit the face and causing it to destroy it and to me it looks like a metor hit the face and in 2001 the face looks like its fading away and in 1976 it looks like it was popping out but when a metor hit it its goes away. "Although few scientists believed the Face was an alien artifact, photoraping Cydonia became a priority for NASA when Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) arrived at the Red Planet in Sept.1997, eighteen long years after the Viking mission ended." Paragraph 6.
Today cars is one of the leading causes of greenhouse gas emissions in the world.  Limiting car usage would be very benificial for today and future generations. To start off there is many advantages to limit car use.  One example would be "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution."  In Bogota, Colombia they have a car free day every year.  A lot of people participate in it and some enjoy it. With that day it lowers car mission and shows people that cars aren't nessary to have.  Another example would be, "When I had a car I was always tense.  I'm much happier this way."  Without cars people are happier and aren't as stressed as they would be if they still had a car. Next life can go on without cars.  One example would be "Vauban, Germany- Residents of this upscale community are suburban pionners: they have given up their cars."  In this community there is little to no parking spaces.  The community is tightly packed together so that it is better to walk places.  Not only are their car free suburbas but cars are on a decline. An Example would be, "Recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and gettiong fewer licenses as each year goes by."  Even in America cars are starting to decline.  Teens and young adults aren't getting their licenses and dont have to get it as a priority. The world of cars is changing and the way cities are planned is with it.  The reduction of car use will help lower greenhouse gas emissions for the future generations on Earth. 
Dear, Senator Let the people vote for the person they want to not the electoral collage. I agree that the electoral collage should be change. This is because some people vote for a president that they are not voting for. People wish that the person that they are voting should be president. Yes we should follow the constitutuion but something we should not follow at all. On paragragh 10 it says that when you vote you don't vote for the president you vote for the slate of electors. Then they pick who should be the president. People have the chance to vote for who should be the president. For,example, when something happen in 2000 gore and bush. Gore had the upper hand and was going to will but then instead of gore winning bush on. The electoral collage is good but not that good. The electoral collage has to choose the president and the vice president. That is not right. many people thought that the U.S is doing the right thing but they are not. During this time in 2000 campaign,17 states did not see the candinates at all. if anyone has a good arguement for putting the fate of predsidencey in the hand of a few swing vater in ohio they have not taken there move yet. the electoral collage is unfair, outdated, and irrational. the best argument in fovor of it are mostly assertion without much basis. mr. ob dole was right that we should abolish the electoral collage. i beleive and it my oppion that this is not right but the candinates think so. Like On paragragh 18 the same thing happen with obama and romney to . obama received 61.7% for the elector vote compared to the electoral collage should not be a constitution because that if we let it keep on going then is will not be fair to anyone at all. And it also not fair for a winner tom take all.  
You like your car right? What if i told you that not only are you putting yourself in danger but everyone else in the world as well. You might not know it but you really are and its a big problem. There is many ways to fix this but in this case we could try using the easiest. That is to limit the use of cars. Now hold on before you throw this away like paper continue reading on so you know what kind of help you could be doing if we limit the driving for not only you but everyone in this world. Limiting use of the car you  drive today will improve your safety, pollution, and others safety as well. Dont just stop at a red light, stop hurting the things around you. Buckle up, safety first. All those sayings that your parents or drivers ed teachers have told you are not just for them to control you. They actually mean to help you but your just so excited about driving you dont even pay attention. See if you have a car, you must pay a forty thousand doller parking space in Vauban. Its a car free zone and some people actually like it. As a result 70 percent of Vaubans familys do not own cars and 57 percent sold there car to mover there. When your in a car, you always feel so tense dont you? In my opinion its because your afraid of getting hurt or into a crash. If we limited the time of driving you wouldnt have to be so tense because there would be less people around you. Now the world is dying. Dont feel frightened or ashamed but this is sort of your fault. You cant see it but when you drive a car, gas comes out the back and into the earths atmosphere. This is called pollution and it isnt one of the good guys. In our case its a bad guy that need to be and should be stopped. It wont be one of those quick novels either and will take a lot of your support but it could be done. Limiting everyones driving uses will help try saving the earth from what we are doing to it. Paris typically has more smog than other European capitals and just last week had 147 micrograms of particular matter. This is the danger to the world and the earth just wont stop fighting back. Look out! Wow that was close from hitting you. See there in the road is a line that forms a lane. A lane shows you the area you can drive on and all you have to do is stay in the lane. You put oher peoples lives at risk if you drive anywhere besides that lane and even yourself. Dont be selfish enough to just worry about yourself but aware enough on where your going and how you are to get there. Causing a car crash will get you nowhere in life except the hospita which believe me is not one of the best places to take your new friend. Limiting the use of cars will help you keep your awares up and about in case the worst of evemt could happen. So limiting a car usage is not such a bad thing now is it? instead of thinking of yourself think of your safety, the pollution, and others safety. It could make a real difference in the world if we could just limit the use. Need to go somewhere? Try using a bicicycle or skateboard and you will find it might be a little slower but will get you where you need to go with almost no damage warrantys. You never know, you might like it so much yo would have your own personal spongebob car free zone on your door that you bought after selling your car. This does not inlcude the spongebob car free zone bicycle either which is sold seperatly from the store nearest you.
Luke is trying to convince other people to participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program . He wanted other people to join him in the Seagoing Cowboys program because their was many fun activitys to do . The cowboys were playing baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed. More fun games their were table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games also helped pass the time. Luke thinks more people should join these fun activitys because they help kill time, fun to play,and is something you can do with more then one person. LUke thought being a Seagoing Cowboy was alot better then going on the adventures he went on and saving animails. He wants more people to injoy the experince of being a Seagoing Cowboy just like he did . Luke thinks it opened a new world for him,it made him more aware of other peoples needs in other contries,and the awaredness stayed with him,leading his family to host a number of international students and extange visitors for many years. So Lukes main porpose of trying to get other people to try the Seagoing Cowboy is so they can experince it like him like he had a fun time playing their games and it changed his piont of view towerds people in other contries and their needs .
The author has a lot of background knowledge of Venus. The author supports their idea very well, making it easy to understand where he/she is coming from. The author puts in facts, opinions, and really gives the readers an understanding of why exploring Venus would be worth the danger. The author states many facts to help their article thrive. They list all the reasons why it would be a good idea and what the dangers would be with going forth with exploring Venus. There are many different dangerous things that come with Venus. First of all, the article states that Venus has the "hottest surface temperature of any planet in the solar system... 800 degrees Fahrenheit" meaning that even metal would melt on Venus. Not only the horrible heat, but it's made up of about 97 percent of carbon dioxide. Venus is just not the right place to get a hands-on experience with. However, Venus is the "twin" of Earth. Meaning that they are close to the same shape and size. The only reason studying Venus would be worth it is because it could of been another Earth at one point. "Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth" states the article. Which means that it is something to look inot. Possibly once having life on another planet other than Earth? That's a big deal. NASA can find out more about our Earth if they were able to actaully discover Venus. Concluding this, I do not believe that we would ever really be able to find out much about Venus. All of the spacecrafts sent there have not lasted, the atmosphere is too complicated, and it would be to much work for little to no pay off. Yes, it would be nice to understand more and discover something that hasn't been done before. All in all it just doesn't seem possible. Even if the scientists were to float above Venus it just wouldn't be enough. They wouldn't be able to get samples, get a lay of the land, or even really good pictures for that matter. The author did put in some good facts on why we should and the dangers, it just doens't seem possible at the moment.
The Face was not created by aliens, but the Face is a natural landform. In the article, it says, "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho," says Garvin. "That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars." The Face on Mars is a natural landform because landforms happens on most planets with solid ground, and Mars is a planet that has landforms, too. In the article, it says, "Thousand of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing . . . a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all." Aliens did not create the Face, but the planet itself did, Mars. People on Earth were nervous because the landform on Mars resembled a human head, in which they called the Face. In the end, after the Mars Global Surveyor took pictures of the Face, they realized the Face is actually a natural landform.
Having the facial action coding system computer in a class is a good idea and valuable. One reason it is because you can tell how someone is feeling and how you cna help. another reason is because you can tell if the students learning or not. Last reason is it can brighten up the day to make someelse happy who is feeling sad or not. I think it is useful and who do good in a class room. Just by telling if someone is down or not can really help alot with this computer. If you a teacher you can help your students be great. Having a bad morning can ruin your whole day. not even sleep can and being hungry can also if the teacher can see these things in there students it can make there jobs much easier. To help them not be sad or mad so they can clear there mind and learn . This can aslo help for the kids to. They can get help if something is really wrong with them. if there sad or mad or if something going on at home if there not safe and etc. They can also tell there classmates mood. this can prevent things from happening such as fights and agurements ,conflict with anyone. becase everyone know how each other is feeling that day. This computer can relly help without. it can help with kids who wanna grow up and create them computers who does that type of technology. maybe if one school get it and try it new schools would to and it can be in every school. maybe just not schools wanna try it , it can be for doctors to. it can be for everyone just to try out and figure each other out and be helpful. in conclusion this computer the facial action coding system would be very helpful in a claaroom. For kids and adults, it can prevent things from happeing i. this computer can help other kids how needs help. and can see if kids are learning anything. and you can just see how everyone is feeling. so yess i think thr facial coding system is valuable for classrooms.
Living in a world of unusual habits and features would be overbearing and apprehensive for individuals. All people have a structure for their own living while following their beliefs or customs. Human beings have evolved from a variety of settings which has enabled them to create enternal memories or daily habits of their own kind. Individuals studying another environment such as Venus will bring different and numerous facets to their life. People practicing the components of the planet Venus is a worthy pursuit because of the planet's features, the knowledgement that scientists will discover, and the producement of devices. To begin, Earth is a contrasting planet that isn't identical to any other aspect in space. However, the planet earth and Venus have obtained similar qualites that would result into a much bigger asssumption. Centries ago Venus had acquired oceans that covered the planet just as Earth. According to the passage, " Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." Life forms being a possibilty on Venus protrays that any kind of living such as humans or animals can be capable of surviving on this planet. Even though life has the ability to live on Venus, the only obstacle involved with this theory are the animals and human beings adapting to a new way of living. Moreover, people and animals getting use to their new structure of life on Venus will be able to use the qualities that the planet performs as of today. The passage states, "Today, Veuns still has a some features that are analogous to those on Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar featres such as valleys, mountains, and craters." Venus having the same facets as Earth represents that life on this planet will destruct and kind of livng. At last, the studying and the consideration of life on Venus will be an enormous movement for the nation. In conclusion, people practicing the components of Venus is a worthy pursuit because of the planet's features, the knowlegement, and the creation of devices.
Have you ever thought about participating in a seagoing program. Well Luke Bomberger has. His friend invited him to Europe on a cattle boat. Luke couldn't say no. Readers should join a seegoing program. People can have fun have go on lot's of adventures and see lot's of unique places. Seagoing cowboys get to go to a lot of different and unique places by boat. Luke said he traveled to Europe, China, And he got to see the Acropolis in Greece. In the article he said that the Acropolis in Greece was special. Luke took a tour of an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on is way to China. The author of The Cowboy Who Rode the Waves stated that Luke went to Crete to visit and tour the castle and marveled at the Panama canal on his way to China. While on his way to China Luke cared for the animals to keep him busy. The author wrote in the article that Caring for the animals during the crossings kept Luke busy. Luke fed and watered them at least three times a day. A seagoing Cowboy has to get hay and oats from the bottom deck of the ship and stalls had to be cleaned. A seagoing Cowboy can have lot's of fun on a boat. They can play baseball, volleyball, and table-tennis when the animals are unloaded from the ship. They can also play fencing, boxing, read, whittling, and games to pass time. Participating in the Seagoing Cowoys program can be lot's of fun. By seeing lot's of unique places and buildings . Maybe Readers and other people will join the Seagoing Cowboys program. And you can have lot's of fun with games. While on the booat you can make new friends.
Dear state senator, Changing the vote from voting for a slate of electors to popular vote would be reasonable. I think that having to vote for a slate of electors is pretty hard knowing that you're basically just voting for people that's with one president or another president. Popular vote is a good idea because you can get a bit more accuracy from the votes. Electorial college has 34 electors who "Can be anyone not holding office" also voters can get confused about who they're voting for. "Perhaps the most worrying is the prospect of a tie in the electorial vote." If there was a tie, it would have to be "thrown to the House Of Representatives, where state delegations vote on the president." We really dont want the House Of Representatives solving a tie for us. Unlike the popular vote where there is re-counts, the electorial college has none of that. If its a tie it gets passed on to another group. Popular votes are more ideal because you actually have a chance of the person you voted for actually becoming president. If there's a tie, re-counts are established. Popular votes also don't have "disaster factors". This also has a less chance of a dispute erupting like it did in 2000 with the electorial vote. With popular vote, you are guaranteed that you know who you're voting for and you don't have the possible chance that you've just voted for the guy you highly dislike. Popular votes had also won the election for President Barack Obama. Where if it were electorial college, it would have taken a long time for the winner of the vote is announced.
The picture that was tooken by nasa was carefully looked through. They took a picture of it 10 times to try and get a perfect shot of it. Although it was it was hard to get because of the blurr that was in the way from Nasa spacecraft. Nasa first released the photograph to the public on the JPL website. They explanied that the picture was had no alien markings. Nasa had stated that how could it be an alien if there was no alien mounuments found after all. After going and getting a picture they tried again when it was summer time so it would be easier to find. The photograph was took in a ditigal image so if anything like airplans or stuff of that short you could see what they are. Nasa was convinced that it had nothing to do with aliens. On the other hand the public though nasa was trying to lie and cover it up. What the picture really was just A martian eqivalent of a butte or mesa landforms. That was very common around the American west. Some people think it mostly reminds them of middle Butte in the snake River Plain of idaho. There is a lava dome in that spot that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the face on mars. The face on mars was clearly a natural landform. We have over dozens of explainations for it. All of the explaintions make logocal sense to how the landform of the face was created.
After a long agrument with one of my co-workers deciding whether or not the Face on Mars was made by the aliens or the picture was a picture of a natural landform we both had different opinions on what we thought it really was. My co-worker tried to convince me that aliens put the Face on Mars. He told me that by the looks of the picture it looked as if it was an alien artifact. He then stated that you could barely tell from the picture what exactly it is. I told him I thought it was a natural landform that either looks like a butte or a messa. I also stated that the picture actually shows a Martian that kinda looks like a butte or messa. I then stated that the picture reminds me somewhat of a Middle Butte in the Snake River of Idaho. He then decided that we should try and attempt to take a better and that we would decide from there. He sent Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team to snap a photo ten times as sharper as the last one. He then decided that I was right and that he was wrong because when the image first appeared on web surfers it revealed a natural landform. The picture also revealed that there was no alien monument to be seen after all. Inconclusion, after the long agrument we both agreed with my opinion. So it turns out that my co-workers opinion wasn't true. And we found out after taking the last photo that the Face of Mars came to be a natural landform.
Driverless cars dont even sound safe. Then don't ever sound useful if im being honest. Yeah it's something that we can make happen now a days but we can make flying cars a thing to. Driverless cars can cause many accidents if you really think about it the driver will take advantage of the car. He or she driving the car will think it's okay to not pay attention because the car will let it know when something is about to happen what if its too late and an accident happens. What if the driver is intoxicaded and doesn't pay attention to what the car is saying. What if the car starts to mess up and the driver looses control of the car. There is so many things that can go wrong with this espicially now there are so many things going on with texting and driving and drinking and driving. Imagine the accidents that can happen. What if the driver wakes up super early one day and are driving to work. They have the driverless car driving and they fall asleep because there not moving or doing anything simply because the car is driving itself you know how bad that accident can be? If you have a regular car that you control you will have to stay awake because you are the on moving it and controlling it but if you have the driverless car you arent really doing anything but trying to stay careful and paying attetention which can cause you to fall asleep. I don't see this has being safe what so ever so many things can go wrong so many people can get hurt. What if the driverless car messes up and they blame the driver and not the manufacturer many people would get angry. If they really want this to happen there should be so many rules in the car. Some can be that every passanger has to have a seatbelt or the car won't move, the driver must have both hands on wheel the entire time the car is in motion. Not a single car can be to full. Loud alert signals when something is going to happen to aware the driver. A voice check to see who is driving etc.. It does sound appealing knowing you are going to get in a car and not have to drive it but me being safe and the others on the car are way more important then me being happy. I would rather be happy and safe and drive my own car then to depend on a car computer that can break down anyday. Driverless cars are just not something that sounds safe what so ever. If you have someone driving for you then whats the point of learning how to drive learning how to park taking your time studying and preparing for the test all of that will be useless if you have a car that drives on its own most of the time. You know how many teenagers are going to try to take there parents driverless car just because it drives on its own and they know they won't get pulled over because the car is driving perfect. Many people are going to think its okay to be on drugs and intoxicaded because they wont have to worry about there driving. This is just not well what so ever. There so many things wrong with this idea it can cause many problems. Many people are going to take advantage of the car. There's some people that are responsible but theres also many people that aren't.
In this generation we live in, a large number of people depend on cars. Cars are a huge help in society. They can cool you down on a hot summer day, or heat you up on a cold winter night. A place that would normally take a day to walk, a car can get you there in hours. It seems that these cars are the most helpful thing that has been invented, besides silverwear. However They are also very dangerous. They let out toxic chemicals that are slowly hurting the Earth. Thats why They're some citys that are trying to boycot cars. One example is Vauban, a city in Germany. The community is has giving up driving cars. Driveways and garages are forbidden in this district and if you look at the streets they are empty of cars. All of this goes to the effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from cars tailpipes. In the United States, the Envionmental Protection Agency is promoting car reduced communites and A few people are starting to act. Even President Obam's has ambitious goals to curb the United States Greenhouse gas emissions. The United States is the world's prime car cultures. However America's obsession with vehicles is starting to decrease. The number of miles driven in the united states peaked in 2005 and dropped steadily. Also as of April 2013, the number of miles driven per person was nearly 9 percent below the peak. Difernt things are converging which suggest that we are witnessing a long-term cultural shift. Is it possible a recovery is underway? The next years will tell.  
Autonomous cars are making a statement; who wouldn't want to benefit from a self-driving car? Autonomous cars can really change the way of everyday transportation; however, this can also be a bad thing. Changing a part of our daily lives could really be a hassle, but a self-driving car could help in so many different ways. Safety is a key issue here, but autonomous cars are built with safety as the first thing in mind. Techonology and engineering are key to these cars, and we've reached a point in time where almost anything is possible. I am for the development of autonomous cars. However, I believe they should still require human skills to be driven. Technology fails at times, so that's why I am more for semi-autonomous cars. Humans are capable of so much intelligence, and with modern day technology advancing, semi-autonomous cars can really assist us in our day to day lives. If autonomous cars are a success, there should be restrictions regarding our safety and the safety of others. Safety is a major concern with cars. With normal cars, there have been times where a car company has had to recall certain vehicles with unnoticed, long-term issues. With autonomous cars, car crashes are nonexistent. According to the article, "Their [Google's] cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash..." Car crashes are one of the most awful experiences a person could go through. They are life threatening and killer. Car crashes could leave a person in fear of driving or simply sitting in a car. Not one person should have to go through that. It's not easy going through one; with car crashes being minimalized to nothing with autonomous cars, the roads are safer for everyone. Since technology is improving, autonomous cars are looking better than ever. The technology included in a driverless car is very possible; however, it has not yet happened. Semi-autonomous cars have been a success - they allow easier driving with just as much awareness. Semi-autonomous and autonomous cars have the ability to save thousands of lives every year, maybe millions. Cars are built for a person's safety on the road - autonomous cars are no different. In conclusion, I am for autonomous cars. Without a doubt, I trust the idea of semi-autonomous cars more than autonomous cars, however. There are pros and cons to an autonomous car, but an enormous pro of autonomous cars includes the major concern of safety. According to the article, not one crash has happened with independently driving cars. Car crashes are life threatening, and not easy to go through. This is why I am for autonomous cars. More lives can be saved everyday, every month, every year.
Imagine that you are in scientist at NASA, the man that you worked with was an photographer of Mars. As the man comes in he as an Trapper keeper as he is walking down towards your office. He shows you the photographs that he took when he was outterspace on the planet Mars. He noticed something about the picture and he tells you to look at it and ask you what do you see, you tell him that you see an figure that looks like an face. Then he agrees with you, you start to jump to conclusions and ask if it is made by aliens or is just a regular landform. A few days later NASA unveiled the image for everyone to see. The note on the paper was stated " huge rock formation." As they are passing around the picture for everyone to see one of the co-workers had assumed it was made/formed by an alien. You and a couple of your workers were talking and assumed that it was just a regular landform and changed as the years went by. The manager had did a little debate, if they thought it was made by an alien they would have to go on one side and if they thought it was just a natural landform that is going to change as the years go by they would have to go on the other side. The people of NASA that thought it was an alien artifact, had to explain and decribe why. One of them volunteered and said that they think it is made by an alien because there is no way that it is just going to change through the years. You interupt him and say that is possible because many things change over the years, policies, laws, taxes, and many more things. You explain to them that it is not made by an alien becuase the photographer of viking 1 and viking 2 goes around and takes pictures of the planet as it circles around then they noticed something different about the figure when the picture was shown. The people that is on your side agree with you and say that you are true so they ask for more evidence to make your statement better than what it was. So you tell them that what the picture really shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa landforms common around the American West. You and the co-workes take the last look of the picture and you are amazed. As the years goes by you see that the face doesnt appear on anymore of the picutures from the time it started to the time it ends ( 1998 - 2001. )
This article talks about an image being able to detect exactly how other people are feeling, even when they are trying to hide their emotions. A new software ha sbeen develloped that improves accuracy in perciving the emotions of others. this new software, the Facial Action Coding Syste, has promising applications for variety of industries. This technology can recognize emotions like the Leonardos da Vinci's renissance painting, Mona Lisa, she is 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. The software is the latest innovation from Professor Thomas Huang and Professor Nicu Sebe. The process beings when the computer contructs a 3-D computer model of the face, all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles. Eckman has classified six basic emotions, happines, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness, and then associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles. The facial expressionsfor each empotion are universal. By weighting the different units, the softwere can even identify mixed emotions. In fact, we humans perform this same impressive calculation every day. For intance, you can problably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face. Of, course most of us woulld have trouble actually describing each facial tarit. While it shows just how much this computer that knows when you are happy or sad. For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. Acordinng to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions,but also may even help produce them. In conclusion I think that this new technology would be beneficient for the people because it would help to know better the people. Also to know about those muscular action units.
I belive it would be a great idea to use technology to read the expressions of students in our classrooms because it would give us a more in depth look at how our youth is interacting with the academic curriculum, although it would need to have more testing done to make sure the results are accurate. Using this technology would open so many new doors for teachers everywhere, it would make their lives easier and could potentially help them get the children more into learning. First off, reading emotional expressions with the use of technology would help save our time. The text states in paragraph 6, "For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." This would cause company's to make more money and waste less of your time when you are browsing the internet. The text then goes onto state in paragraph 8, "To an expert, faces don't lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a "smiling" politician or celebrity isn't being truthful." By this possible technology to be able to tell us this it would let us know who we should trust and who we shouldn't. Secondly, this technology would help schools out so that they could see what the students are enjoying and what is boring them to death and then they could change their curriculum based on that. The text states in paragraph 6, " "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. " Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." " If this were to be the case, I am sure that the number of students who either drop out or decide not to go to college because "school is boring" would definetly go down. The text then goes onto state in paragraph 6, "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication." This statement reminds us of how teachers can't always tell if what they're teaching is actually help students or if it is just going in one ear and out the other. People who tend to be against this kind of technology usually will just say that they don't want these robots to take over the world and become against the human race but they actually won't have to worry about that at all because in paragraph 7 the text states, "Your home PC can't handle the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile." So for anyone who has that kind of point of view, they should have nothing to be worried about because this is such advanced technology that it will be a good while until it becomes a common thing. Lastly, I believe that this technology could very much benefit our society in a lot of different aspects including our own personal lives, how we spend our time, and the way that we teach and learn. Although it still needs testing done and to become easier to access so that we can learn more about how we can properly use this technology to read our emotional expressions, without abusing its ability.
Snowy days equal blurry camera picture's. With the support of that how could you prove it was made by aliens. As you can see when the picture were taken in December. In December at the North it snow's quit often. Which makes it very hard for a good picture. On a snow day have you every went outside and looked up. Well its very cloudy. Then your trying to tell me that it was a ancient alien civization. Theres no way we could get a clear picture of what it is on a snowy day. Between the camera distance from mars and the snowy day the only way you could prove that there is aliens their is by going to mars, which has never been done. The only reason you want this to be true is because NASA would get more moeny for the disoveration of the first ancient civization that we have found. Everyday there is new story lines of "ancient civization" saying they have found something like this, but in the end its just a solid rock with no life. In support snowy days equal blurry camera pictures. This picture is just showing piece of rock that was taken at the right angle at the right time to show a face. Its not about the money its about us knowing the truth, and the truth is its just a boring rock. Anyways wouldnt NASA hide it from us if it really were aliens.
Driverless cars in the future would be a sight to see. Driverless cars let you go to the places you need to go without having to pay attention and letting the car do all the work. These high-tech cars would offer a more effecient way of transportation. They would provide a more flexible way of transportation than a bus would. Using taxis as a way of trasnportation uses a lot of fuel compared to a driverless car that uses half the amount of fuel that a taxi does. These driverless cars could fundamentally change the future of transportation. On the other hand, these cars cause some issues. Considering how high-tech these cars would be, the prices would be very high therefore not selling as well as a normal car or taking the bus or taxi as transportation. Building the roads for these cars would be extremely expensive to build because of the materials that are used to build them. Some examples of what are used to build these roads are sensors, wires, GPS receiver, and motion sensors. Plus, due to the lack of a driver's attention, the car could get into traffic jams and then cause wreckless driving. These futureistic cars would be both uselfull and damaging to the human race. Driverless cars are an experience everyone is waiting for.
Driving a new car right out of the dealer ship, can be quite facinating, but global warming and pollution doesn't sound as quite facinating. People tend to listen and follow instructions as to not using cars, but they'll get over it in a couple of days and continue driving cars after a while. The reason I say this is because this is how I am, I tend to listen now, and five minutes later, its as if no one has ever told me anything. So Im guessing that lots of people around here are the same way. But this is no time to be doing what you want, its about saving earth and everyone in it, and trying to avoid cars. Driving without a car can be a quite tireing, but a paying a 22-euro fine, which is 31 dollars in america, doesn't sound quite convinient. This what the city of Paris did to all owners of a cars who were told to leave there cars at home and refused to do so. Apperently, around 4,000 drivers were fined, and around twenty-seven cars were impounded to the people that had attitudes or strong reaction to there fine. Now in my opinion, do you seriously want to get risked and get your car taken away or pay a fine? Most likely no right? If you were told to leave your car at home for everyones own good, just leave it, save 31 dollars in yoiur pocket, maybe even buy a chicken or something right? The cause of all this comotion in Paris was because of an intensifying smog bieng built that also ran across Beijing, China, which is also known as a well polluted city in the world. Smog can be a quite dangerous to us all, and some countries are trying to help the enviorment, a place like Bogota, Culombia. What they have done was ban cars for a day to try and to lower air pollution. They as well gave out 25 dollar fines to all the violaters that did not participate with program built. Now, are you seeing my point? Can you see were my point is going? Trying to litmit car usage is what im trying to say. If only we could all be like Mr. Sivaks son, who takes Bay Area Transit when he can, im pretty sure that this whole pullution and global warming, wont be as quite frustrating to think about, or worring as to what will happen next to all the pollution. My conclusion to all this for all of us to take a stand and try to limit car usage in all over the world atleast for a day, or be something like the city of Vauban, Germany, in which they have banned cars in a big part of the city, known as "smart planning". As I said in the begining, cars can be a fun thing to be riding around in, but they are on of the main reasons why pollution and smog is being created and becomeing a threat to all of our sociebty of today of all over the world. So yes, this my opinion, which should aslo be yours, we all should have a serious limiting in cars before everything get out of hands and its to late. If you can ride a bike, then ride a bike. if you can go walking to your job, school, home, or anywhere, go walking. Try to avoid car usage when its really not needed, and quit being lazy and start walking.        
Children in the near future could learn in new and exciting ways! The use of the Facial Action Coding System can help children learn lessons that they may not understand in a classrom with one teaching method. This can be excellent for helping children with special needs, finding out how children learn best, and keeping certain problems at a low. I'd say that this can be a revolutionary change for the learning process. Children with special needs, such as ADHD, could be able to learn beter. The machine would be able to read their expression while learning and find a way to keep them on the track they need to go. This could help people with downs too! They could calculate their expression and change the way of teaching to make them better understand what is being taought because some aren't too good at communicating verbally. FACS could help regular chindren learn better too! They could be taought a small lesson on individual devices with FACS on it, while they learn their emotions can be calculated to test to see what way of learning best suits them. They could to this for about 10-15 minutes a day with different teaching methods. After a few weeks the computer should know what method works best for each individual student. At that poiont the time taken could teach each student indeviduallly what they need to know in the way that works best for them and can improve test scores. The system can keep "troubble" or problems at a low. This device could keep the attention of the "troubble makers" so they dont have to gain attention elsewhere by having lessons that seem to be more fun to the child. It can also tell when a student is lying about important things like bullying and harrassment. FACS can help children with drepression too! A big problem with teens and pre-teens is that the stress of school can cause depression. The article states that pecticing emotions can make u feel that emotion. Children can go to a counselor and have their emotion read then have proper exercises to improve their emotion. In conclusion, FACS can help multiple probles in the learning space. It can inprove learning for children and those with special needs. It can keep certaiain problems such as troubble making children at a low. It can also help children find a way of learning that best suits them. Overall FACS cn make the learning environment a better, more fun place.
Studing Venus is a good idea because they is so much people have to learn about it and peope dont. You could learn and knoe so much about Venus. Its a good idea he has so much on it and it good be good stuff that no one knows about. Its is known as earths twin. They have sent many space craft all of them have only lasted a hour or so. Thats why they havent send a lot of people up there to stay. It has the hotest tempeter of any planet. They have talked about more visites to Venus. It formiler futers as earth. They want to send people to Venus to study it. THey want to have a car that well be able to just say off the ground so they can go there. They cant take samples or rock or gas that far away from it they wouyld have to be up close. They are working on other wys to be able to go up there and learn more about it. It has went up on how many people want to go up there and explore. I think the arthor suported the idea well. I think that in the next cople of years people well be able to go there an resurch and get the stuff they want from there. Like studing the rock and whatever ese they have up there. He made a lot of good statments about how we wouldnt be able to get thst close because the remputer is so hot. Even if you whernt thst close it would still be 170 degrees and that is still really hpot and can hurt someone. they would have to figure out a outfit or suit that can make it do its not so hot so they can go up there and resurch. They would have to make a rocket that could float because it the rocket touched Venus it would melt and they would die up there. But over all i think the aother made good statments about it and what would have to hapen to go up there.
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author balances the pros and cons of exploring the planet Venus to boost the human race scientifically. The author expresses that Venus is the most Earth-like planet in our solar system, making it realistic for life forms to inhabit the planet. That is, if they can handle the heat. The exploration of Venus is something modern scientists should engage in due to the potential technical advances the population can make because of the information on the living conditions the average biotic being would endure on Venus. The knowledge scientists have the ability to gain from Venus can only bnefit us. Even the simplest efforts to explore the planet will leave us with more determination to continue exploring and feed us information crucial to the succession of the human race. Analyzing the atmosphere further can encourage adaptation and give us options of migration when our sun, inevitably, blows up. There being "Many researchers... working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus," already proves the exploration to be something legitimate and worthwhile. The risks being taken by choosing to explore Venus entertains the idea that the human race is diligent, curious, and selfless. The cause being fought for is for the benefit of future genertions of humans. With current and future technology, Venus' exploration will seem very realistic and encouraged by scientists with the same goals, giving the population a future.
The Electoral College vote draws many emotions. It has many supporters and many enemies. There was a huge debate over the 2000 election where Al Gore won the popular vote but lost the Electoral College. I believe that the Electoral College destroys some of the integrity of the Ameican democracy. I believe this is due to the winner takes all system of the Electoral College. The Electoral College says whoever has the majority of votes in a state recieves all that states votes. I believe this corrupts the system because so many peoples votes go unaccounted. If one party has 51 percent of the vote the other 49 percent of the votes don't count. This is why I believe that we need to abloish the Electoral College. In a true democracy the people vote for a president and the ideal behind the Electoral College is that it eliminates uneducated votes. I believe that it doesn't do this very well and may actually harm the system even more. Peoples votes elect electors who elect the President in the Electoral College system. These electors are put in a spot of significant power. The question is who are these electors. It is very possible that they can vote for the opposite party of that which they were elected to vote for. Scandals like this have occured in the past what is stopping them form continueing in the future. Another major problem of the Electoral College is with the winner takes all system if a state is known to be a majority one party or another there is no use for someone in the minority party to vote because they have no effect. This allows citizens who are supposed to help elect Americas leaders to be unable to have any say in the goverment. The ideal behind a democracy is that the people rule and the Electoral College is destroying the democracy because it is restricting people form taking active particiapation in what they are entiltled too as a citizen. Without the Electoral College there might be some uneducated votes but the popular vote upholds the integrity of the democracy that America thrives on. The popular vote also eliminates the chance of any major scandals that could majorly affect the presedintial election.
Come and be a part of the Seagoing Cowboys, an opportunity of a lifetime. You will have adventures over seas, see beautiful places you have never been before, and it will definately keep you busy. It is an unbelievable opportunity. You get to help people, but you also get the benefit of seeing great sites like China, Europe, and other places like Vince, Italy. And then, who doesn't like taking care of animals. It would keep you busy, but there will always be some freetime to rest and have fun, as well. In your freetime you could do sports like baseball, volleyball, and table tennis. You could also do some, fencing, boxing, and reading to pass the time. Being a Seagoing Cowboy could be more than an adventure for you, and it can open your eyes to the countries in need of helping, and to the world. So be a Seagoing Cowboy like many people in the world. You could visit many places you have never been before, you will have fun with your partners on the ship, and it could be a great experience visiting places you have never been before. So why not be a part of the Seagoing Cowboys, and it might just change your life.
In the United States, democracy is advertised as a method of acheiving selections, though this is unfortunantly not the case. In the United States, we, as individuals, are not permitted to a "fair" or equal opportunity of voting systems. Vote should be popular, the will of the people of the nation, though through the Electoral College, the people is denied. Voting is, as far as common sense goes, the majority rule. The Electoral College voting system was established during the creation of the Constitution in order to secure a "qualified vote"- an effort to diminish the will of the lesser, or unknowing. Arguably, it is stated that, "..the most thoughful voters should be the ones to decide the election", or in other words the statement can easily be translated to "we do not wish a nation of idiotic voters to decide our president", each individual of the nation is mindful of others and care enough to express their opinion, as it is known a is a citizens duty to vote. A duty that must be followed. In any effort to simplify this, a voter is a voter. They are all "qualified". If a person cares enough about their nation to cast a ballot, without requirment, they certainly are qualified. Now that the qualifications are established, the electors within the Electoral College are free to do as they wish. Waving a magic wand, the support of others is unimportant now, and they pull whatever they desire out of the hat, as written by Bradford Plumer, "Consider that state legislatures are technically responsiblefor picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people". What happened to majority rule? People should have the direct vote of presidential candidate, however we are faced with shocking facts such as the house selection rarely dispalying the correct majority rule, "The election is only a few swing voters away from catastrophe". The dispicable system was established long ago for an extremely specific purpose with specific issues, which is no longer the case today. In the United States, we are not a democracy. We are a Republic. Ridiculusly, voters do not control the election in our Republic, as shared,"...over sixty percent of voters would prefer a direct election". Can those expect change? Ironically, no. The system would most like not allow that, and those mindful citizens would need to hope for a glance at serendipity.              
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