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i think it is very valuable because it knows if youre happy or or sad which helps in a lot of ways. another intresting example would be "a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored."and the technology is so good it can make computer animated faces more expressive accroding to the text and can too for surgery videos. and the computer may not detect your emotional communication but noted dr. huang said "so computers need to understand that too. "The proccess begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face" and all 44 important muscles in the model must move like human muscles."it also says that we may some times not really know what is wrong with our friends and sometimes we can becaus of there facial expresion. or just behavior in general but sometimes they dont want to show that emotion or what is in them the computer can detect all of that. so i personally think it would be great because some people are usually shy and wouldnt really express there selfs to the class as if they were with there friends. so all we would have to do is just by a sinlge glimpes on the computer we can tell what is going on maybe something happend. and she doesnt really know what to do so she seeks help from a counceler and she just checks what is going on with her and just by that maybe her whole life could change by checking the computer. tech is advancing a lot and is helping the sociatey positivley and yet negativlily but hopefully one day it will all come down to nothing but potive stuff.
Car alarms, car horns, and engines are basically the only thing people hear nowadays. The number of cars in the streets are simply begining to get out of hand. Citizens all around the world, we all should really try to limit the amount of time that we are spending using our vehicals. If you really take a moment to think about it, this could honestly turn out to be a really good thing. Cars are not neccisarily a need, they are a want. I can undertand if you are going to be traveling a far distance that two feet cant get you, but certianlty and ten minute walk to the grocery store/market cant hurt. Limiting car usage is very important. Most families tend to spend about about $20-50.00 on gas a week. One advantage to limiting car usuage is saving a ton of money on gas that could easily be spent of food, to feed your family. " " When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way" " People who have decided to limit the amount of time they spent using their car, are much happier. One advantage to limiting the use of cars is that the air would become much more fresh and clean, and it would become alot more healtheir for us citizens. " " Its a good oppertunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," said a busiinessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode a two-seated bicycle with his wife." " Most people that have decided to stop using cars or have significantly limited their car usuage, have nothing but positive things to say. If more people became aware that not spending so much time driving was a good thing, and simply limited their care usuage, the air would become so much more clean, and alot more of us would be happy. A former citizen has shared with us that one advantage to limiting car usgae for her is that her children have "... organized their summer jobs and social life around where they can walk or take public transportation or car pool with friends." She has also mentioned that her children were not in any rush to get their drivers license, even though where they live a car would would definetly "...come in handy." Most people have really been able to enjoy walking and not using their cars. Driving your car is not intirely a bad thing, but simply limiting your car usage is a wonderfull thing, and many advantages come to limitng car usuage. You save a great deal of money on gas when you decide to walk rather than to drive, the air become a lot more clean and heathy for our lungs, and many people are able to focus more on the important things in life, like jobs and friends and family. If you decide to park your car in the garage and put away the keys, you'd really be able to see how nice it is to just walk to your destination rather than drive, it's a great way to realx and to just enjoy yourself.  
Have you ever wanted to know the advantages of limiting car usage. Well you will be surprised of all the postive reviews the news has brought us to read. Limiting car usage has so many advantages that we cant see for ourselves such as citizens getting more exercise in Vauban, Germany. Less accidents and traffic jams occuring in the major cities and highways in our world, and there are less deaths that happen in our world today by deadly crashes for poor driving. Based on source 1 it explains ''how people get better exercise with banning car usage''. Imagine living a healthy life by walking everywhere you go you would be so much more healthier with your lifestyle and how much you change dramatically by folowing the rules unless you want to get a very expensive ticket from the local police officers. I would recommend you to take this opportunity because it's only going to benefit you and everyone else if you tell them the same information. Based on source 3 in Bogota, Columbia it explains to us ''how there is less accidents and traffic jams that are occuring everyday due to the limited car usage based on number 20 in source 3''. But they still offer bus and taxi transportation for individuals that want to travel or go to work based on what they decide to do. So imagine a world without rarely any accidents that get our citizens killed just for lack of use from driving cars. Based on all the sources ''it also tells us that less people have death casualties ocuuring daily from car drivers that use it with no responsibility and no courage''. With less people dieing life would be so much better for everyone to hang out with there families and there friends or girlfriends and boyfriends. Limiting car usage can make this ocuur so much successfully by the bad ones to just take a bus or taxi instead of getting in the cars to just hurt someone by accident or on purposeby there lack or driving. Altogether limiting car usage makes our world have so many advantages that we have never had before. Such as the less accidents, and traffic jams that drive people nuts. And having so less deaths our world has to face everyday from someone lacking there driving skills. Now lets get in those buses and taxis and forget about our cars please.    
Driverless cars do seem like the thing today's society is pushing for in the future, but is it as good as they say it is? How would one operate such a car? How much could it cost? These are questions that have all been asked before. "Google cars aren't truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues." Now why pay for a car that can't fully operate itself through such tribulations? If I get a "driverless car" I want to be able to go to sleep and wake up parked at my destination. Driverless cars do seem good in a sense of not being able to drunk drive, unless you put too much gas in the tank. If you know what I mean. On the note of gas, would a driverless car be running on gas or electric? Or both since it would have such high energy usage with all of the cameras. Which would spike up the price dramatically if it was electric and you'd constantly have to charge it. In my opinion driverless cars are something that do sound fun, but at the same time dangerous. There are certain things that your car wouldn't be able to see that the human eye could. For example, what if somebody's turn signals were out so they had to use their hand. How would the car see that and know to slow down? With that question on the table who would be responsible for that crash? So in a sense driverless cars are very cool, but seem to be more of a hastle than it's worth. I'd rather just keep both hands on the wheel and move on with life. It's also just lazy, what's the point in having a drivers license if I'm not driving the car?
Can you detect a happy person to an excited person would you want to detect if someone has mixed emotions about you well "Making Mona Lisa smile" does that for you. This computer software can recognize emotions, which was innovated by professor Thomas Huang. The development of the computer software is a certain pleasant choice because it can detect mixed emotions, can detect trait easily, and it can bring a smile to your face. The computer software can detect mixed emotions, Dr. huang says that there are many emotions in this universe but with the video movements Mona Lisa can " by weighing different units, the units can be identified mixed emotions , by comparing agai nst a neautral face." saying it can detect mixed emotions by taking it slow with the detection doing it by unit. The Mona Lisa can also detect faces really easily but there is a process first the Mona Lisa consturcts a 3D computer model face there is 44 major muscles and that must move like a human muscles the movement is called action unit. Stating that its worked on the musclesof the face. This software brings also a smile to your face. The Mona Lisa can detect when you are sad or happy whenever you are on a computer and it can help you modify the mood you are in. It can change you expression on your face so you can feel better when on the computer. The compter software innovated by professor thomas huang "Making Mona Lisa smile" is on the excellent idea category becuase of the reason it can modify your mood, can tell when you are having mixed emotions and also it tells you quickly what your trait is. It will be a treat knowing that this idea can recognize someones trait just by a computer and your muscles moving to the expression you want it to be in .
The author of the article "The CHallenge of Exploring Venus" explains how he thinks that venus is a worthy pursuit aside from all its dangers . The author describes the planet to be Earth's twin and the brightest light in the night sky. "Humans have sent numerous spacecrafts to land on this cloud-draped world. Each previous mission was unmanned and for good reason " is what the author informs us in paragraph 2. He continues with his thought by stating that each mission sent to Venus has only servived a few hours after landing on Venus .This tells the reader that if technology can't survive on venus then human kind can't either .That is only one of the reasons why man kind doesn't go to Venus . Other factors that also doesn't allow human to travel to Venus is the atmosphere pressure that is 90 times greater then Earths . The author gives us reasons as to why Venus is dangerous but he also tries to convince us to keep sending spacecrafts to Venus . He believes that by sending spacerafts we are gaining knowledge about it surface and will be able to understand its ways .That way we can find out a way to survive on Venus .He believes venus to have "No easy conditions but survivable for humans".(ending of paragraph 5).
In this essay I will be explaining how the face of the moons theroys began. How the face of the moon was captured and found by NASA. I will be expaling the description of the face of the moon. Also how the face of the moon became famous. In conclusion the face of the moon was not made by aliens but made natural. The paragrpah I'm writing will consest of the theroys of the face of the moon. The first theroy of the moon began when a camrea on board the MGS had to peer through a wispy cloud, and thought alien markings were hidden by haze. After the examination from labs they found out that the Martian face resembled a butte or mesa landform commonly found in the American West. The face of the moon represents a lava dome that has the form of a isolated mesa the same size of it. In conclusion the theroys are incorrect of the face of the moon. This paragrpah will be explaining the face of the moons discovery. The face of the moon was discovered by Nasa's Viking 1 spacecraft on May 24, 2001 when it spotted a shadowy figure of some what of a human face. When the face of the moon was examined at the Jet Propulsion Lab scientist figured out it was another Martian Mesa. After examing the face of the moon the authors resaoned a good way to attract public attenistion to Mars. In conclusion the face of the moon startled many scientist. My paragraph will be demostrating the charactics the face of the moon has. The face of the moon has a face like a human which is located in the center of the moon. Also the moon resemblise the nose, eyes, and mouth of a human. The face of the moon has a shodow that makes it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh. The face of the moon has many charactics that have followed its discovery. This paragraph will talk about how the face of the moon became famous. It became famous by starting off as an illusion but then becoming a pop icon that has stared in Hollywood films, appeared in books, magazines, radio talk shows, and even haunted grocery store checkout lines for 25 years. People even think the face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars. A few scientist belived the face of the moon was an alien artifact after examining the facts. In conclusion the face of the moon has made a big impact on fame. In this paragrpah I will be describing the face of the moon. Nasa has done reasherch, and has figured out the face on the moon was not made by aliens. Also the theroys of the moon were proven wrong by experts concluding the face was made natural. Even after experts examined the pictures taking from the moon conclude it has similar charaistics to the human face. The illusion of the face of the moon has brought many attention to it making it a big event in fame espacalliy in Hollywood. In conclusion the theroys and facts behind the face of the moon prove that it was not made by aliens but made natural and is similar to a butta or mesa.
A driverless car seems so cool and nobody would never have to really do anything. But, there are consequences that comes with that project. Well one if a person is going to buy one of those driverless would really have to think about it like do i really need it or what will happen while i have this car. A driverless is alright but what if the manufactures made it that the driver could still have control when ever they want. Without the car alerting them its time to take over whenever the driver gets tired of driving they would just hit a button and the will drive on its own. What if the driver gets into a(n) accident? Who would pay for the damaged car because it wouldn't be right for the driver to pay. The manufactures were the ones who made the car. So, therefore they shoul have thought like if the car startsto not function right it is the vechiles fought not the driver. It wouldn't make sense for the driver to pay. The manufactures would really have to be the ones to apy for the damaged. If were the driver that had to pay they were the ones that wanted the car but on the other hand it's not the drivers fault for the carnot functioning right. Why would anyone want to have a driverless car that still needs a driver. Wouldn't drivers get bored of just sitting there. What is the whole point of have a driverless car when the driver obvislously still needs to drive it. Then might as well is not have a driverlesss car. Having a driverless car is a very dangerous thing because not only would the car be movineon it's own but the driver would get distracted. either, by his/her phone or thier kids in the back not acting right. The driver would either text and drive. Also, thedriver would take anvantage of it like they could be drinking and driving because they are not controling the car. So, honestly in my opinon it is not right to have a driverless car because of safety reasons and money situations as in the driver would have to pay because the car was not functioning right. And also texting and driving , drinking etc.
Just A Natural Landform The Face has been to be called many things but its pretty clear that it is just a natural landform. If it was really made by aliens would't there be proof of actual aliens? Yeah there should be but there is no proof of aliens, so that is just more proof that the face is just a natural landform. There are many rocky parts on Mars and the face is just one of them people are over thinging it when all it is a pices of land. Twentry- five years ago NASA's Viking 1 discovered a shadowy figuer that looked like a human face. The thing that set off the people the most was the shadowness that formed a illuison of a face. Then when the face was released to the world everyone though that it had something to do with aliens. Peolpe started to but the face in movies, magazines, make it in a book,and people would talk about it on the radio. Very few scientist think that it was a alien which i dont think it is a alien. Then NASA sent Mars Global Surveyor to retreve more photos of the face. The pictures they retreved clearly showed that theface was just a natural landform. Think about it the pictures that were taking back in 1976 the technology wasn't great and then when they retook photos in 1998 they were so much clearer. The technology obviously inhasted over that long period of time. But people were still not convinced so they went to take another look in 2001 and the picture was even better. People want to think aliens are real but they aren't and this so called face is has nothing to do with them. If NASA were to take more photoes of it today there would be no one who thinks its a alien. Today's technology doen't even compare to the technology they had when they took the last pictures of the face, but people are going to believe what they want. All the facts clearly state that the face is just a natural landform. In the beginning when the face was first discovered people though it was a hard fact about aliens ,but technology got better and we could see it better to tell that it was just land. it is really clear to me that all it is a natural landform.
The Face on Mars was site to see and i think its a site to behold. Still there are some people that think the Face on Mars was created by Aliens,but its not. Conspiracy theorists might say this but i don't believe it, but my colleague does. So, I created this special report to show my friend that the Face is just a landform. First off, the technology back in 1976 wasn't very good. The 1976 photo of the Face looks very blurry from the looks of it.When tech got an upgrade in 1998, the image wasn't as blurry as the first photo. Then, in 2001, NASA took a another photo of the Face when the conditions on Mars were just right and proved it was a landform. Second, Mesa and Buttes are area of raised land, so I bet that since the area here is higher than any other area, it could create a shadow over it.The Face is located in the north Martian latitude where it was winter, which is a cloudy time of year for the Red planet. The camera on the MGS had to try and see through the clouds to see. NASA said it was not easy to target Cydonia(the region where Face on Mars is located) because the MGS is a mapping spacecraft that looks straight down and ca't move anywhere else. Lastly, NASA had to be in the perfect spot to take a picture. In 2001, the MGS was able to get close enough to get a look at Face. Jim Garvin's team had to center the craft to get a good enough angle on the Face. To prove for sure that it was a landform, Garvin used the camera's maximum resolution to get the best pictures. Garvin said that you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size, so if there were any objects in the photo, you would see them. I think that is enough evidence to show my friend that the Face on Mars is a landform.Sadly, I wish it was truly created by Martians. That would be an interesting find if I do say so myself.
As we all know that the Electoral College was founded by our founding fathers for this great country. Changing the electoral college to popular vote is an amazing idea because well the people will have a more say so then just voting for an elector. In the three aricles I was given I happen to come a crooss to many  reason why the elctoal college should be banned or removed. First of all, the Electoral College came to be because the founding fathers needed a compomise to set their differences aside to find out a way to elect the president and now that technology and human development has changed and every thing is changing why cant we change the way we elect our president. The Electoral College consists of 538 electors. To win the presidential election you have to get 270 electoral vote. The article "T he Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defense of the system are wrong " it says that " the electoral colege is unfair to voters. Because of the winner take-all sustem in each state, candidate don't spend time in states they know the have no chance of winning. this qoute means to say that the candidates dont take the time to go to place they dont think they're going to win over but thats the problem just because the other candidate has tht state one the people in the state could probably gradually go for the other candidate values or moral. " Its official: The electoral college is unfair and outdated and irrational". this quote means that we as American Citizen we need to improve our voting system ou with the old and in with the new. second of all, their are many reason why th electoral college should change o popular voting. Well one reason why that they should change it is because "under the electoral system, voters vote not for he president but, for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president." this quote means that instead of voting for the president your actually voting for the people who are going to vote for them. When people go voting I would think that they would want to actually vote for Barack Obama but instead your actually not. That system needs to be banned if thats suppose to be a good way to vote well then it needs to be changed because if he U.S. is for the people and by the people  well then the "people" should have a more wider range of  who gets to be the president of the United States then just someone else voting for them. To conclude the system for the electoral college should be changed and it needs to be changed. The elctoral college is a unfair and not the right way to do things and as a U.S. citizen changing it wiil make it easier for me to have a say so in who gets elected for the president  o the United States.            
In my opinion, I think driverless cars could simply change the world, i don't see many negative aspects of the idea of trying to make a car that a human doesn't need to drive. I also think that making a driverless car that needs human assitance aswell is pointless because, the driver would sit there waiting for his turn to drive and that could get really boring for the driver sitting there cautiously waiting when its his turm. It should be driverless completely or not at all. In my opinion, the idea of driverless cars would be revolutinizing for humanity in many ways. According to the text, they would use the driverless cars as a taxi service, that would help in many ways when people need rides or want to get somewhere quick in a major city and not wait for a bus or train. The biggest concern for the driverless car is the safety hazards and the laws that are set in place. The text states that states like, California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia have limited use of semi-autonomous cars due to safety issues. A big concern is if you get into a car accident with a driverless car, who is there to blame? In order for driverless cars to be used they would have to set in liability law changes and who would be be blamed for the accident, as it states in the text. I am mutual for the feeling for driverless cars because there are the positives like, driving the handicap, the taxi service that drives you where you need to go, take a nap , etc. But the negatives are, driver safety for the passengers, will it be safe enough to driver on the street with other driverless cars, and will it be able to drive with this type of technolgy efficiently. Based on the information I supplied, I think the driverless car can be a major step in the world, but it can be a very dangerous one if not handled correctly. According to the text, Tesla announced they would have a car that could drive itself 90 percent of the time by 2016, also Mercedes-Benz and Nissan planned to have cars that can drive themsleves completely by 2020. The road to the truly autonomous car streches ahead of us it could lead to a bright future that revolutionizes the world, or it could lead to a very dangerous one, but we grow closer to the destination everyday.
What is Venus? Venus is a planet that is the second planet from our sun. The author wants us to explore Venus to make it our second home even though there are some risks that can harm us humans and any other life form on that planet. It will also become expensive to study Venus. With expolring Venus and humans possibly exploring there it won't be such a good idea because it can cause those peopl to die. In the text it states "On the planet's surface,temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the amospheric pressure is 90 timess greater than what we experience on our own planet."Paragraph 3 second sentence. The author should not include this information because than less people will become less intereted to visit Venus and acttually live there. These are dangerous temperatures for us to luve there becaue we also won't be able to grow food and we could possibly be cooked to death. It would cost us money to build mechanical computers again. In the text it states "Another projecct is looking back to old technology called mechanical computers...,but these devices make calculations by using gears and levers andd do not require electronics at all."Paragraph 7 sentences 3 and 5. By stating this in the text he wants us to know a possible solution to explore Venus. A mechanical computer hasn't been used in almost a decade. How can they possibly find how to make these computers again. They probably will make them over and over again that wil recuire more money and by the time they actually get it rioght to explorre Venus someone could posssible already found a solution for it to happen. With this being said the author really doesn't give us a view on why we should explore Venus. By giving us possible outcomes such as building the mechanical computer and sending people to Venus. Those don't really help because they don't give us a better explanation to what will happen if we ddo become succesful with them.
Technology has helped with making it easier for students to learn at school. It has given us ways to help students learn in different ways. It has created tools that makes it easier to understand the subject being taught. New techonology that can quickly help the student, and make it so the student can understand it more is very needed. That is why technology that can read emotional expressions is very valuable to education. This technology is able to read a human's face and figure out what emotions they are feeling. By using the muscles in the face, the computer can tell if a student is feeling angry or confused, and use that information to help the student, by changing the problems to make it easier to understand. This can help students, since if they are nto undrstaing a certain problem, the computer will know, and give the student a better problem. This can help the student understand the subject more in their own way. With this technology, students can have a easier time learning, by having things changed, so they can understand it. This technolgy is very useful for education. We need more technology that can know when a student is confused with a subject, and be able to help them. Students will have a better time learning, and an easier time understanding. They will be able to learn in their own way, and at their own pace. Technology has helped students learn as it advances. With this technology, other technology may come, that will make school for many students much more easier.
Dear Mr. Senator, There are many ways to go about elections of any kind, as you may know vey well seeing that you have been in one or more yourself. This country is about the will of the people supported by their government to excel and achieve the various goals they may very well have. Voting is one of those insintives people revieve, and how it is set up is an important part of that. We should keep relying on the Electoral College to succeed in keeping our country a democracy. Having the Electoral College is a safe way to ensure that all people in every state get to voice their opinion while still keeping in mind the majority as a priority. As stated by author Richard A. Posner, people vote for a slate of electors, not the president, whom are entrusted to vote for the presidential candidate they represent. The number of electors is determined by the population of the state, which basically means the number of members in that state's House of Representatives and two for the Senate, as stated in Source 1: What Is the Electoral College? This ultimately would provide fair numbers for the overall count without making the smaller states feel insignificant. Even with the smaller states being fairly included people argue that candidates do not pay attention to them and disreguard their overallvotes so we should switch to popular votes. These accusations may be true in a sense but what is to be expected if they dont account for as much or maybe they are already accounted for as "decided", as stated by Richard P. Would you campaign in a place like that? Especially since having elections be decided by popular votes could result in run-off elections to which no clear winner is evident, they would result in a tie, as included by Richard A. Posner. Having a tied election would end up giving the HOR overall election power, as presented in Source 1: What Is the Electoral College, so their arguement is not considerate of all possibly outcomes. All in all, sticking with the Electoral College seems to be the best bet for our democratic country. Electors are trustworthy, with few faults, and the system is set up in a way that is fair to all. Keeping this system just making elections easy, fair, and helps to prevent ties and future headaches for all whom are involved
There are few people who can can imagine living a full life in this generation without thewse glorified metal boxes with wheels attached to them; even fewer set living a life similar to that as a goal. The advantages of limiting the amount of cars being used are suprisingly unique due to the dwindling amount of disadvanteges there are. Some of these advantages include reduction in greeenhouse gas emissions and that there will be a reduction in smog. It is always nice to see humanity band together, willingly or forcefully, to work for a common good. Let us begin with the most pressing issue: preserving the environment. Studies have shown that nearly "12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe...and up to 50 percent in some car intensive areas in the United States." come from passenger cars (Rosenthal 1, 5). Reducing these greenhouse gases, which pose a threat to the Earth's atmosphere, would be an improvement, although slow, still an improvement nonetheless. While this would not be the immmediately noticable of changes, making an effort to cleanse our cities of pollution would be. Moving on, some places have taken this matter into their own hands, matters that some would describe as extreme. Paris, France is one of these examples, "enforcing a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city...motorists...ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine..." (Duffer, 10-11).It is pleasant to see a city taking this matter into their own hands. This ban, though, did spark an uproar on the Internet, but it did die down. Many approaches to cleansing city-air have been drastic, but others such as in Columbia, had some sort of event where "the goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog." (Selsky, 21). This did allow a public freedom, despite there still being a fine in place. The remarkable fact of this is that even though cars are being banned, a large portion of the targeted population actuallly do not mind the change, even "'the rain hasn't stopped people from participating'"(Selsky, 23). Suprisingly enough, this car-ban revolution is still going on today. Many more people are starting to realize the benefits to the ban. Elisabeth Rosenthal, in her article "The End of Car Culture" even adds in that many "sociologists will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the environment..."(34). This simply furthers the ideal that humanity as a whole CAN see a chance to change, wants to desperately do so, and WILL do so...eventually.
Throughout time, humans have sent numerous missions for astronauts or spacecraft to go into space and gather information on either the moon or our neighboring planets. Unfortunately, spacecraft has been destroyed within hours when landing on one of Earths neighboring planets, Venus. Venus is a desired place for us to be able to land on in the future or get really close to to study. Even though Venus pursuits some dangers, it is a worthy pursuit in the future because of its Earth-like structure, how close it is to earth, and the capability we have of getting up close and studying Venus. As the author said, Venus is often referred to as Earth's twin. That is because Venus is closer than all the other planets to Earth in density and size and is sometimes the closest to Earth when the rotations of the planets meet up next to each other. A long time ago Venus was pretty much another planet Earth because it most likely had oceans and could support life forms and it had some of the same features that earth has like mountains, valleys, and craters. Scientists would love to be able to study the atmosphere of Venus and would want to know what happened to the oceans. They would also want to know the similarities and differences it has to the features of Earth. Another reason the author says that we should pursuit studying Venus is how much closer it is to Earth than other planets besides Mars. We are so close sometimes that we have been able to send spacecraft over to the planet so we can investigate and see if we can find anything interesting about it. Also Venus can sometimes be the nearest option for a planetary visit which is strongly considered since the longevity of space travel. The final reason we should look into pursuiting Venus is because of the tools, plans, and ideas we have to be able to get up close to Venus without becoming in danger. NASA has an idea where we can send humans to study Venus. The idea is we would have a blimp-like vehicle hovering above Venus from a very fat distance where everyone will be safe. The only setback of this idea is their is only limited sight through Venuses foggy, dense atmosphere so scientists might not be able to get clear pictures. Also their is no way of getting down close to the actual surface so no rock samples or gas samples can be taken. NASA is doing tests using silicon carbide and putting it through the same situation it would be in if it where on the surface of Venus. Another test is using mechanical computers which are used by levers and gears and are resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces. Even though a trip to Venus sounds impossible, NASA and other departments are figuring out how to get through some of the dangers it presents to us. If we are able to discover and study Venus, it will lead to further studies about maybe different planets and we'll be able to study it's structure and we will make new discoveries.
The author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" did a fair job at arguing their claim, that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author used their thesis, counter-arguements, and rebutals to get across their point that Venus is a worthwhile investment to study. Some areas they exceeded and others they did not hit right on the ball. The author throughout the essay did not convey a very well stated thesis. Typically, a writer of an arguementative essay would feature their thesis openly, so that the reader is able to see what side the author is pushing forward. However, this author did not do this. The first paragraph introduces the topic of Venus with an interesting hook, but does not give the reader their side. The reader needs a thesis, without one the reader is not going to be able to have their opinion on a topic swayed. The author's current attempt at a thesis statement , "While Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth, it has proved very challenging place to examine more closely," does not state what side they are on clearly. Their best declaration of the side they are on is in their very last paragraph. The author wrote, "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." This is a very strongly worded thesis, but would have been much better if placed in the starting paragraph. Their side on the topic was acknowledged, but not as well as it could have been if they had set up their thesis correctly. Beyond the thesis, the author used many counter-arguements in their writing. This is one of their strong suits, acknowledging both sides of an arguement is one of the best ways to convey your opinion affectively, while still being able to keep opposing side of the arguement interested and have their minds open to change. The author is for the exploration of Venus, but consistently chooses to bring up the problems that doing so faces. The author writes about the difficulties about exploring Venus, because of the planet's extreme environment. They opposed their own side in paragraph three by saying, "These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals." This is an affective strategy, because people who may oppose exploration to Venus may say something similar to this. The author is arguing their own point to establish reliability and trust amongst with people who favor not exploring Venus. The author showing that they see the problems with exploring Venus shows that they are open minded and open to their mind being changed, and this will in turn have the reader do the same. Furthermore, the author was able to affectively state rebutals and reinforce their own opinion with facts. From the example stated earlier, regaurding the extreme conditions in Venus, the author was able to provide a logical solution to the weather without using any opinions. The author wrote,"NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow sceintists to float above the fray." The author then goes onto describe NASA's plan in full depth, and going into fine detail about the floating contraption that would suspend the astronauts safely above the harsh atmosphere of Venus. They then state, "Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans." The author is displaying a solution for the conditions, and even the minor flaws it has. The author going into detail about the solution for the extreme conditions in Venus and even conceding a bit when saying, "Not easy conditions but survivable for humans," helps argue their point. They affectively refuted the counter-arguements by using factual evidence in their rebutal, and deemed themselves trustworthy by the opposing side by even conceding slightly on a few issues. The author of "The Callenge of Exploring Venus" did a fair job when arguing that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. While the author did accurately present the dangers and solutions for the dangerous parts of exploring Venus, they failed to create a strong thesis. The author exceeded when giving factual information about the topic to help the reading get on their side of the arguement; do to them struggling to get across their position on if Venus exploration is worthwhile, some of the provided information they gave was not used to it's full potential when changing the reader's opinion.
By limiting car usage, car emisisons  that go into our air, will be reduced and controlled. Car emisisons are a type of air polllution,that cause problems to people breathing the air. According to Source 2,when Paris enforced a ban on driving, Congestion went down 60 percent. When Paris limited car usage,it allowed for the air pollution caused smog to clear up,making the air for the better. k k By controlling car usuage,the amount of traffic in cities,states,and countries can be controlled. Lessing car usage,makes traffic less ,espically in big cities. According to source 3 , rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic. Acccording to source 4,pedestrian,bicycleand public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time,conserve resources,lower emisisons,and improve safety. With a controlled  quantity of traffic,less accidents and traffic jams will occur. By limiting car usage, people will use more green like alturnatives to transportation. People ride their bicyles,car pool to work and/or school,and use public transportation ,which makes less air pollution go into the air. By using other forms of trnasportation other than cars,people will become more independent from using cars as much and make our world less polluted and more green.
In my opinion, Im against of the value of using technology to read students emotional expresses. Not every student wants another person nor even technology to know what their emotions are. I believe all people go threw something in life and that they just want to keep that something a secret. I also believe that in life we have to go threw a path on our own ; there would be sacrifice , tears and smiles but its apart of growing up and facing reality. Not everyone gets the same amount of help as the other person. Some people just need their worth to try living on their own. A bunch of students dont have a mom , dad or they dont even have both. Some student live their lifes without parents , who will they be able to trust ? In this article , I believe other people like this idea that their willing to help people out but some people rather just face their problems on their own. Dont get me wrong though . Its quiet an amazing work for actresses that are willing to improve their acting skills; It has quiet pontiental that they invented a 3-D computer to identify mixed emotions.
Dear Senator, the election is coming up soon and so is voting. The Electoral College and the popular vote get to select the president of the United States every year. I want this year to be a little different. This year I would like to see only the Electoral College vote for the president. The Electoral College knows all about thinking if the president is good enough for the country, and if he can be a good role model, or also a commander in chief. That is the reason why I would like to keep the Electoral College. I would like the country to keep the Electoral College because they make good desiciosns, know if the candidate person is the right president, and last but not least they might think if the citizens would like this president based on his promises that he would like to keep. For example there are two candidates fighting to be president and it's time to vote and the Electoral College might look over  to see if the president looks like he can keep his promise to keep the coutnry safe, to make this a better country or not . That's what they look for in a president. That's the reason wwhy we should keep the Electoral College. When the citizens want to vote for the president as well, they think of the same thing, if he's good enough for our country, and if he is going to keep us safe. The Electoral College knows a lot about picking the right president and they've been doing it for a long time. "The Electoral College consits of 538 electors and a  majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president. That's enough electors to vote wether or not the president should be this person or that person.              
We should keep the Electoral College because it helps the people choose a president easily then just by popular votes. The process that helps the people choose a president is easy thanks to the Electorl College. According to the source 1 "The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens." (source 1). The process for Electoral College is very simple for our Nation. The process as stated is "The Electoral College process consits of selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for President and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress." (Source 1). That is why we should keep the Electoral College because the process is that simple. The reason we shouldn't get rid of the Electoral College because just electing a President on popular votes is not far to the states that don't get to many votes. As stated in the article " The single best argument against the electoral college is what we might call the disaster factor." (Source 1). The disaster that comes with the electoral college can be catastrophic.    
The use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable because this helps the computers know the student's reactions of things. If the computers knows what the student's reaction is, this could help them give the students what they are interested in. By knowing a student's expression, you'll know how they're feeling about a certain lesson. The Facial Action Coding System will have a huge impact on the teachers too. The FACS can identify six basics emotions such as happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. The Facial Action Coding System will have a huge impact in the classrooms. If there was a classroom computer that could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, it could notify the lesson, like an effective human instructor. " Most human communication is nonverbal,including emotional communtions," says Dr.Huang. He is right because sometimes you don't exactly tell another person how you are really feeling. If the computers knows this, it would be way easier to identify another person's feelings. If a computer knows that you're smiling, it knows you are happy about what you're looking at and the next ad they will give you will be similar. If you frown, it shows that you're not interested, so then the computer will give you a different ad until you are pleased. In conclusion, the use of the Facial Action Coding System to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. This will help impact not only the students but also the teachers. This technology will help benefit the students in their work. It helps identify what the student's interest is in and would make it easier for the teachers to give lessons. If there was a student who is not outspoken, the computer will help identify that student's emotions. Having this type of technology is very valuable of knowing what the student's emotional expressions are.
"The Challenge of Exploring Venus" some people say it's worth to study Venus is a worthy to pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Exploring Venus would be a great and exciting adventure, to find new things and learn more on what's beyond the Earth. Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our system. Venus might be just some other Earth like planet, but we do not know what the danger could do to us, is it worth it? Yes, because we humans were born to explore and find out new ways to live a good and entertained life. We keep our blogs updated everyday, is a new day. Humans, cannot obtain life on Venus because of the conditions are far more extreme than on Earth. Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth, this planet has a rokcy surface and includes some familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. NASA are trying to approache Venus, without any warm if tha's possible then we could have another planet to explore. Striving to meet the challenge presented by venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us in the many equally intimidating endeavors. Though we travels far and explored far, we still need to continue on to our very edges of our imagination and innovation. Nature will let us determind if we can continue our journey, the universe will let us if we can or not. Continueing on studying Venus would be the greatest project that has ever been created on history.
As the years go by there had seemed to be more and more polution in the world. Most of that polution had been seen to be produced by cars, which some people wouldn't know how to live without. However, studies have shown that some cities around the world have actually decreased the usage of cars. A city that has virtually no cars would be Vauban, Germany, and other cities such as Paris, France, Bogota, Colombia, and even some in the United States have joined in the decreasing of car use wagan. In turn of not using cars as much the polution has gone down in those cities. To begin with, Vauban, Germany, in this German city " Street parking, driveways and home garages are generally forbidden in this experimental new district on the outskirts of Freiburg, near the French and Swiss borders. Vauban's streets are completely 'car-free'-- except the main thoroughfare, where the tram to downtown Freiburg runs, and a few streets on one edge of the community. Car ownership is allowed, but there are only two places to park -- large garages at the edge of the development,where a car-owner buys a space, for $40,000, along with a home."( P2, In German Suburn, Life Goes On Without Cars, Elisabeth Rosenthal) And in Paris, " After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. On Monday motorists with even numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31). The same would apply to odd-numbered plates the following day. Almost 4,000 drivers were fined, according to Reuters ... [Twenty-seven] people had their cars impounded for their reaction to the fine."(P10-13, Paris bans driving due to smog, Robert Duffer) That might seem a little bit harsh to some people but in turn " Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog ...(P14, Paris bans driving due to smog, Robert Duffer) Then there's Bogota, Colombia, where, " In a program that's set to spread to other countries, millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car-free day yesterday, leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams. It was the third straight year cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the Day Without Cars in this capital city of 7 million. The goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. Violaters faced $25 fines. The turnout was large, despite gray clouds that dumped accasional rain showers on Bogota." (P20-22, Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota, Andrew Selsky) This is a pretty good sign from Colombia, showing that it's being consistant with it's program and not stopping despite the rain. Also, now even the United States is using less cars, " America's love affair with its vehicles seems to be cooling. When adjusted for population growth, the number of miles driven in the United States peaked in 2005 and dropped steadily thereafter, according to an analysis by Doug Short of Advisor Perspectives, an invesment research comany. As of April 2013, the number of miles driven per person was nearly 9 percent below the peak and equal to where the country was in January 1995." (P 32, The End of Car Culture, Elisabeth Rosenthal) To conclude, it's great that more and more cities are pitching in to reduce polution due to cars. There are great advantages coming from the reduction of car usage, the best being less polution and smog. If more cities join in and the current cities keep doing what they are doing there could possibly be an even more dramatic decrease in the polution produced today.
I think that this technology is not vauable because you can tell the emotion on someone's face by just looking at them. " A renowned drama coach, Constantin Stanislavsky, had his actors carefully reproduce smiling and frowning as a way of creating these emotions on stage". These actors did not need technology to see their emotion they knew what their emotions already were. With this technology people are able to read your face and see what is wrong, why have this when you alrwady know what face your making and if other people around you know what face your making. In the story it say's " a computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face". Why have a machine do this when you can just simply ask what's wrong or why make that face? This machine could be millions of dollars, why spend money on that when you could already see what is wrong with that student. So no I do not think that this technology is valuable.
Limiting car usage has many advantages, from saving money, from helping save the planet. We spend tons and tons of dollars on a simple fossil fuel just so we can get around. Although, having a car may be nice, but also you may need to think about the long term consequences that are yet to come. For example, driving around while fun, is dangerous, you are facing the threats of drunk drivers, people not paying attention or something in general going wonky with your car, or how incredibly expensive cars are, you must buy the gas fill it up almost every two days, you will have to pay for any damages and also for the tune ups. Cars arent just expensive but they also do loads of damage to the environment. Cars, create fumes that are let out into the atmosphere that contributes to global warming. Sure, it may be nice to fdrive a big bubba truck with huge tires, some smoke stacks and to be able to "roll coal" but also think about what that does to the earth, it helps melt glaciers causing polar bears to be hot and hungry. Driving a car may be convenient, but when something is convenient something else has to suffer. This something else would be the environent, there is less and less clean air for us to breathe, everything is getting hotter and everyone is suffering. Smog is one of the most relavent and visible issues, especially in bigger cities. Smog is a mixture of smoke, and fog, this smoke coming from vehicles and mostly factories. Going into a major city like New York City may be fun but while your there look around and notice the thick layer of smog. You are breathing all of that through out your body. While New York City may not be the smoggiest city around such as Beijing (Source 2: Paris bans driving due to smog, Line 14) but it is still an on going issue everywhere. All in all, leaving your car at home and taking a bike to work instead can have many health benefits but also many environmental benifits, so next time you think about bringing your car to work, think of the polar bears and the future of the environment.  
Should they avent a Driveless Cars Are Comeing? Yess because it can be used for a good reason. Because I would love to have a car to drive me any n everywhere if my car could just go when I say or get in OMG!!!! The inside would be so unbelievable. But that car would prolly coast a fortune because its gone be like a smart phone or t.v it can do anything . I would never wanna give that car a way. But ever body not rich so I dont know a lot of people that would buy it some prolly thing its a waist of money spending on some like this. And a car is very expensive n parts are to. People wouldnt be able to find part the car would needif anything happen to it. I would want the person I bought it from to make sure I have insurance because I wouldnt wanna just leave it there in the drive way and not use it. I also would like it because it have google modified in the car people would look up stuff while driveing at the same time. And alot of old people be driving know and days so a GPS is most deff some that people need they always geting lost or some. Know with the mimic thats a very good idea to have built in the car some people want to talk with out holding they phone. So people wont get into a car accident or nothing trying to keep it safe. Smart road systems worked surprisingly well. But they required massive upgrades to existing roads. But other then that they car is very nice they was to accully made that car i would buy it. It sound like its a good use of a car. But also would be very expensive to buy but i like they car have real good uses to it.
What is your opinion on smart cars? Would they help or just create future issues that were worse than before? I personaly support the current movement on smart cars. If the technology improves enough to cover all the current issues then I believe smart cars could really help alot. They would decrease accidents and allow people to use valuable time driving to do other things like learn or invent. Im standing in neutral ground though on weather they should be completely driverless unless they improve the smart cars in a way to make them completely safe. To fully support smart cars and turn the publics opinion on supporting them I belive they need to create new laws that would clearly state whos resbonsible if an accident does accur. I think this because who would want to buy a car that you dont have to drive, but if the car does get into an accident your resbonsible! That would be a big problem and would creat problems between individuals and car manufacturers. The question being whos resbonsible? Another thing they would have to improve would be their sensing technology. They would have to improve this because currently if their is an accident or detour they driver has to take over. If they want to make driverless cars then they should be driverless at all times. Would you agree? If the driver is being entertained and watching movies then suddenly after hours of watching movies he has to be completely focuse and in control of the vehicle wouldnt the person be a little tired and not completely focused? Im not totaly for sure how they could fix this problem, but im sure it will raise questions in the near future. Seeing how they want to push the people into supporting smart cars they would have to fix all issues and cover all the corners. All of these small improvement would, in my opinion, turn the publics eyes into supporting smart cars. Getting the public to support smart cars would be one of the most important things to do if they want smart cars to be a success. If nobody supports them then all the work they are doing would be useless. Support would also put thme in a better financial spot. Having more money to put into smart cars would mean better and more improved research and development. If all of the issues I brought up could be worked on and improved then, in my opinion, their would be no reasoning for people and myself for not supporting smart cars. Hopefully i'v coverd some of the current issues with smart cars and once their improved you will be like me and support the ever so growing idea of smart driverless vehicles.This is my opinion on smart cars. As long as they can continue to improve and come out with new ideas I fully support the movement on smart driverless automobiles!
Dear State Senator, After experiencing the dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College vote in 2000 I realized that the Electoral College is an old fashioned and unfair voting system for our next presidents. The vote of all United States citizens should be taken account but with each state only getting a single vote it is highly inethical for a state with 500,000 voters like Wyoming and a state with 35 million voters like California having the same amount of votes. The candidates who of course want to win will want to spend there time campaigning in states they think they have a chance of winning over but what about states that they do not think will vote for them? States like South Carolina and Rhode Island during the 2000 campaign didn't even see the candidates at all. This all because of the winner take all system established in the Electoral College. There are people who still support the electoral college but on what end? They say it has a more certainty of outcome but there have been past cases where the electoral college almost hit a tie. In my opinon the odds of defult outcome in Electoral College is the same as the odds there would be in popular vote for the United States Past presidents like Bod Dole, Richard Nixon, and Jimmy Carter even agreed to destory the Electoral College. If even presidents want to abolish the Electoral College then what is stopping us from doing so. It's time we make a change to this irrational way of voting and start valuing the opinons of each United States citizen. The only way to do this is to start having direct elections and stop using the Electoral College way of voting. I am positive that this will have a positive affect on how people look up to the government because it will finally make them feel that the government values there opinons. Thank you for your time and consideration, PROPER_NAME      
Dont you think that having driveless cars will cause many problems? For instance driveless cars would be like schools that dont teach. Teachers would be there but they wouldnt do anything but sit there. Therefore no student would learn. So i dont think that it is a good idea to have driveless cars. One reason i dont think that there should be driveless cars is because it would cause problems with the manufacture of the car and the owner of the car. I say that because in the passage it states that " maufactures are aslo considering using cameras to watch that drivers are remaining focused on the road." That is invasion of privacy. Therfore the company and the maufacture of the car can be sued. And im pretty sure that no company would want to gert sued for having cameras on the inside of a car that watched the driver. Another reason why i feel that there should not be driveless cars is because cars would no longer be fun for people to have. By that i mean most people like to divr they say its fun and it gives the something to do. But if there was driveless cars they wouldnt get to drive. They would just sit in the car and wait untill the car gets to the destination. So how is that fun? It would only be fun if there was a button or a switch that the owner could use to change the cars settings so that when they want to drive they can sand when they dont want to drive they dont have to. The last reason i dont feel that driveless cars are a good idea is because there is no promises yet that there will ever be a driveless car. For example if a person is looking to buy a car and they go to a car dealership and the person trying to sell them a car says it drives on its own and the person buys the car. When they get to drive it they see that it only drives on its own at certain times. Dont you think that is real misleading? I mean there is no way that a company cant get sued for that. I say that because the company sold a car to someone that was suppose to "drive by itself" but it doesnt drive on its own therfore it is misleading and can cause major problems for the company. And those are only some of the reasons on why i feel that there should not be driveless cars. They will cause to many problems with car companies and the owners of the cars. They will take all of the fun out of being able to drive cars. And if there is no promise that the car will be completly driveless and a company says it is then it could cause companies to loose a lot of money. So for everyone that thinks they should make a car that is driveless dont do it.
Dear senator, I am PROPER_NAME and i'm writing to you about the issues of the electoral voting process. Im in favor of changing to election by popular vote for the president of the United States for a couple of reasons. First, I will know who I am voting for instead of thinking I am voting for the person I wanna vote for, And second the votes will be fair To start off with, If we keep the electoral voting process then we will continue not knowing who we are voting for , The text asked itself a question "Do citizens sometimes get confused and vote for the wrong canidate?" And the answer was sometimes this process is to confusing for thed citizens to understand and it is not fair to use we have the right to vote but who are we voting for? What are we voting for? If we don't know who we are voting for then why vote. I understand having electors reduces the chance of having a president who can't carry our state,Eventhough the text says is takes away the chance I still think it reduces it I mean look at the Bush family they did a horible job and guess who elected them the electors. But still we have the right to vote for who we want but thats not the case, The case is that we vote for the the electors to represent our vote. I also dont agree with the winner take all vote because is I vote for someone i want me vote to go to that person not switch over to the other because he or she has the majority of the votes. For my next statement, I will be addressing the fact of unfairness the winner take all rule is not fair as a add on the bigger the state the more electoral votes it gets is not for every state should count as a equal amount of votes because its like the little states doesn't get any say in who gets to represent us. "Do you have a older brother or sister? If you do then you know how it feels to get the remote tooking away from you and not get to watch what you want." And that is the same case here. So I urgue you senator to help us citizens toi change the way the voting process is set up so we can understand who we are voting for and help us make a fair choice so our vote can stand for something. From, PROPER_NAME from SCHOOL_NAME
The reasons you should join the program are very fun and unique.I could go sihtseeing in different places.The places I went had very pretty things and canals.It is very unique to help in ships with animals.After we delivered the animals we could play in the lower holds of the ship. I went to Europe,China,Venice,and Greece.In Greece I saw the Acropolis.I got to ride a gondola in Venice,Italy.I also toured an excavated castle in Crete,and marveled the Panama Canal on my way to China.When we left the animals in places, we could play baseball and voleyball in the empty holds.We also did tennis tournaments,fencing,boxing,reading and,whittling. Caring for the animals kept me busy.I had to feed and water them two or three times a day.Bales of hay and oats had to be brought up from the bottom of the ship.We also had to clean the stalls. As you can see I had a great time.Helping and having fun was someting I did.It was an opportunity of a lifetime.So,you might consider joining the program.You can go sightseeing and help.You may see places you always wanted to see.Helping other people is amazing.You'll be able to have fun once the job is done.
Do you like the ocean and sight seeing ? If you do then the Seagoing Cowboys program is right for you ! In this program you can go on adventures and go to many cool places . This program will change your life forever . You don't get to go to places like Europe every day . This is a once in a life time chance . In this program you will get to help people in need and help take care of animals that are shipped overseas . You can also go to places like Greece and see the Acropolis . You may also get the chance to go to China . During your trips you can go sight seeing if you have time . Some times when your done with you work you get to play baseball and vollyball . Remember that this is a chance of a life time . You get to go sight seeing and play games . You also get to save animals and help people in need . Most impartantly you get to have fun doing what you love . Please , join the Seagoing Cowboys club .
Over the years pollution has increased drastically. "All of our development since World War II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change," said David Goldberg, an offical of Transportation for America (In German Suburb, Life goes On Without Cars P7)." In Vauban, Germany they have been developing a suburban community without cars. "70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move there (In German Surburb, Life Goes On Without Cars P3)." Limiting car usage has been changing the world. A resident of Vauban, Heidrum Walters, a media trainer and mother of two said "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way" (In German Suburb, Life goes On Without Cars P3)." Without cars people are more at ease and relaxed. "Vauban, completed in 2006, is an example of growing trend in Europe, the United States and elsewhere to separate  suburban life from auto use, as a component of a movement called "smart planning."( In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without cars P4)." Some people know that one of the main causes of pollution is from cars. "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe... and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive ares in the United States (In German Suburbs, Lifes Goes On Without Cars)." Because of all the pollution Paris "After days of near-record pollution, has enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city (Paris bans driving due to smog P10)." Pollution has been slowly decreasing from hybrid cars and other means of transportion. In Bogota, Colombia they have also gotten into the spirit in reducing air pollution. "In a program that's set to spread to other countries, millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated, or took buses to work during a car-free day, leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams (Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota P20)." "It was the third straight year cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the Day Without Cars in this capital city of 7 million (Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota)." A businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza said "It's a good opportunity to take stress and lower air pollution" as he rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife (Car-free day leaving is spinning into a big hit in Bogota)." As more and more countries try to find new ways to reduce pollution good things are starting to happen all over the world. People are starting to feel less tension and stress. It's also another way for people all around the world to exercise, go outside and enjoy the beautiful blue sky with friends and family.
Dear, State Senator I am in favor of changing to election by popular vote for the president of the United States. What is the point of voting if the Electoral College decides who wins? Using popular vote means the citizens would actually decide on who would win. Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a state of electors, who in turn elect the president. Who picks the electors in the first place? The single best argument against the electoral college is what we might call the disaster factor. Back in 1960, segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy. (So that a popular vote for Kennedy would not have actually gone to Kennedy.) At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner take all system in each state. Sincerely, The Voters
Hi, I'm Luke Bomberger. I am so happy that I joined the Seagoing Cowboys becasue joining their progam, made my life had change completly, in the good way though. Don't loose me here becasue I'm about to tell you some of my favorite adventures, and the lessons I have learned to really see how the world works. I hope by the end of the argument you will be so convinced and enthusiastic about joing the Seagoing Cowboys program as much as I was! The most amazing place that I have ever visited was probably Greece. I found Greece to be the best because there were so may fantastic ruins and buildings that the Ancient Greece built thousands of years before my time. The Acropolis was a very beautiful sight to see because you could tell that the builders had done a great job of building it, so that it would last a long time. I could proboby write all day about Greece, but I want to share some of the other wonderful sights I got to experience along the journey. The gondola in Venice,Italy was acculay pretty fun to ride. Seeing the Italian buildings accualy was neat site to visit. You could relaxing on the gondola trying to learn Italian. Venice had kind people, so if you think that you would be mistreated because you're a foreigner, you're wrong. In europe the people are kind and generous to everyone. Going t differnt places might be a klittle nearve wreaking, but after about two trips you'll get used to it, and that's what you'll want to do. The Seagoing Cowboys not only lets you travel, but also learn different languages, meet new people, experience differnt jobs, and so much more. I'm not going to spoil all the fun of being a Seagoing Cowboy beause I want you to fell exitement when you hopefully want to become one. I did miss my family, but the job and traveling kept me very busy and aware of what life was like. The best part of all was giving a little homeless boy in China some clothes and food. That boy was the sweetest child I've ever seen in my whole life. seeing him with a big smile gave me a better future. tha smile and journey with the Seagoing Cowboys was amazing. I hope you will pariceipate with the Seagoing Cowboys because it will change your life. Joing them was the best deciosn of my life. Thank you for reading my argument please make the right decision by joining,a dn make a difference in our world. I hope you will get to experience what I did.
For some people having a car is a neccesity, but for others it can just be stressful. I believe it is much safer with out cars. There would be less accidents , less pollution and it would save people a lot of money . In Paris they had to enforce a partial driving ban to clear the smog. If there were drivers out on the road they got fined. This didnt stop everyone, there was counts of 4,000 people being fined for driving. Just five days after the partial ban congestion went down 60 percent. Just Imagine if five days of no driving caused congestion to go down 60 percent, how much would it go down if cars were eleminated all together. There are some disadvantages to not having a car. Such as not being able to get where you need to go on time, biking or walking far places, getting sweaty before work or school ect. Driving can also be very stressful, for example when businessman Carlos said "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution,". This statement suggest that it is stressful to drive a car. In conclusion, I would definitally want to have a car so i could get where i needed to go on time. I would also like to reserve the car only if i really needed to use it.
Driverless cars are a very impractical design. These cars can not fully drive themselves. It also states that they would add entertainment as you drive. Driverless cars could malfunction, since they run on computers. Driverless cars could be potentially dangerous. Driverless cars are not fully automated. The name is falsely implied because drivers must stay alert while the car is moving. If there is construction being done or a wreck has taken place, the driver has to maneuver around the traffic. Driverless cars can not be operated without the driver having both hands on the wheel. The idea of driverless cars is not bad, but in order for them to be called "driverless," I believe that they should be automated and not require a driver. The article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" states that there would be added entertainment while driving, so that the driver would not become bored. This is a bad idea considering that driving, even with the car being automated, requires full attention. It states that a driver would be alerted when they need to take control. The driver could be asleep at this time and may not be able to hear the alert. The driver could also not get the alert all together. Driverless cars run off of computers. Computers are not alwats perfect, and could often times fail. In the event of this happening, the car could stop, not be stopped, or fail to alert the driver of danger. If the car stops while driving it could create a terrible accident. The car could also not be stopped, and wouldn't be able to avoid the other cars or obey the traffic laws. It could also fail to alert the driver that he/she needs to take over, in case of an emergency. It is a very good concept, but unless the computers could be perfected, it could create a dangerous situation. Driverless cars are not a bad idea. There could be many flaws involved with the making of driverless cars. I believe that it makes the design useless if it couldn't be fully automated without the use of a driver. The entertainment aspect could make driving a lot more dangerous, instead of safer, like the intended goal. The computers could also just stop working. Driverless cars are not perfect, but the idea could be built on. It all comes down to the drivers personal preference.
Do you think aliens exist? The face on Mars was not created by aliens, but by the natural forming of the planet. These examples will show how the face on Mars came to be. The face on Mars was just a natural occurence and not a cover up from aliens. The first example is there are other little landforms right by the face. This exampl means that the face was just another landform and that maybe things formed just right to look semi-close to a human face. The second example is that as cameras got better it started looking less and less like a face. This example states that as cameras got better resolutions they actually found out it was just a mesa. The final example is when they were looking at the face there were misty clouds in the way. This example shows that the clouds could have interfered with the picture causing shadows to hover over the face at just the right angle to give the face a more human look. Finally, these examples show how the face was just a natural occuring landform and not a human-like face. If aliens in fact did make the face then why does it look more like a natural occuring landform then a face. First example is the aliens couldn't have built a mass structure that is about 2 miles long and wide without building anything else. This example shows that the aliens would have had to leave other structures alike there too. The next example is if the aliens did make the structure they would have had to leave footprints or building materials behind. This example shows that the aliens would have had to leave something behind just like we do at construction sites today. The last example is how could have the aliens built such a large structure in such harsh conditons. This example tells that the aliens couldn't have built in under very cold conditons at night and under barely any atomsphere to breath in. Lastly, these examples show that aliens couldn't have built a structure like that on mars even if it was a face. The structure was just a landform on mars all this time. The first example is if it was a face it would've been hidden by NASA. This means that if it was indeed a face NASA would have hidden it from the public and studied it greatly. The next example is that again, if it was a face NASA would've greatly beneifited from the discovery. This example shows that NASA wouldn't have shown the public if there had been signs of extra terristrial activity. Finally the last example is that aliens did not make this structure because it would've been an actual alien momument. This example tells that if there was evidence of life NASA claimed that they would know. Thus, these examples show of no alien life on mars. The conspiracy theorsists might think that NASA is hiding something, but they are wrong because it would have beneifited NASA from hiding it. So all this time people have thought it was a face on Mars, they were wrong because pictures have shown of no humane signs on the landform thanks to better technology. So do you still think aliens exist?
Driverless cars are coming! my opinion on the driverless cars is i agree with them. I think that it would be a good idea for them to make them work rather than us drivering around the car could be driving instead of us. I think that it is a good idea because some peopole do not evne know how to drive and what if they have an emergeny. They wont be able to drive no where because they dont know how to drive but if they had the car to drive them around we wouldnt have this problem with them. Thier could be less crashes if they do have a car that drives by it self i thinik that it would be a great idea for doing this. Acoording to the article it says that cars have been driven more han half a million miles with out a crash but so far Google cars are not truly driverless they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with compliacted traffic issues such as nagivating through roadwork or accidents. Thier are differnet types of cars and companys that have a different way of doinjg stuff. Like General Motors created a concept car that could run on a special test track. If they was a car just like this i think that thir would be more people out in the streets driveing around and go out more than it useed to be but things could be different if they wouldnt let it be. We would porbably have more popluation than it used to be because of how much it would change the fact that people could go out with more even though they dont have to walk anywere now. i agree with this because of how accurate it is to be walking around and be in a car and not risk our lifes being worried of gettin ran over or in a different accident.
Did you ever think in your wildest dreams that you can be in a car with no driver? Well that may become a reality very soon. I believe that the idea for a self driving car can cause a lot of problems from who is responsible in a crash to how can the manufactures make the cars as safe as possible. There are three main ideas that may have you thinking next time you get behind the wheel. Those are how the cars need someone inside when driving, how they might not need someone inside in the future and how they can signal a passanger to assest f something were to go wrong. The self-cars most likely need a driver today because of road blocks, construction, or any road problems that might cause the car to crash and not be able to manuver out of the way of the obsticals. The cars also need a driver because if the manufacures were to put the self driving car on the market then not a lot of people will buy it from it costing too much or they just think it's ridiculous. Also if a driver were to crash into a self-driving car and there was no-one in the driver seat then there would be some problems like how the driver would say that it was the cars fault just to get some extra money from the car company. There also might be a way to alert the driver on stand-by to assest the car. If the car has a DVD player or televison screen and if there is an accentident about to happen, then the car can either shut down the devise or flash on the screen about the danger. The driver might be able to gain control over the situation. Also, if the driver does not have a screen and is using a cell phone as entrainment, then there could be lights instaled under the rear-view mirror and can flash when sensors detect danger. Now lets say that it is a decade or two from the inital launch of the driving car and about everyone has one. then maybe there wil be no reason for a driver to be present when driving. There are some cars out there with sensors around it to tell the driver to move out of the way of an incoming car. Well I believe that it is possible to have it to where the sensors tell the computer on board the vechicule to move out of the way, eleminating the middle man. Also if there is road constuction then there might be a way to tell all of the cars about it so that they know about where to go and how to get around it. I believe that it is possible to have a self driving car but it will take a long time. There will be trail and error along side it. But I believe that it is possible, from all of the technical advancements that have been accomplished over the years, i dont see a problem with a self driving car.
Their was a boy named luke and he had just finished high schol graduation and he did not no his life was going to change. Luke had two part-time jobs at a grocery store and a bank. His friend DON invited him to go to europe and on a cattle boat. So luke did not want to say no because that was his best friend and he wanted to do it. Luke helped people get across the ocean because it was world war II and luke wanted to help people so they would not die in the world war II. He even seen real cow boys the cow boys just watched over the horses and luke did not no his life was going to change after he would finish high school he met new friends and thats how he lived his life luke even liked going to China and Europe they even had some free time they would play baseball,volly ball. And,table tennies they would have a tournament they would have fun all day long luke loved doing more than just adventures he loved helping people he was a good man doing suff for people he even should of went to collage but he had a good time. THE END
You should join the Seagoing Cowboys program because, you will be able to go many places. You will be able to go sightseeing, and even though you have to help with animals you can do many cool things. You can play games and have fun with the other Seagoing Cowboys in the program. You should really think about becoming apart of the Seagoing Cowboys program. You will be able to go many places. I was able to go to Europe, Greece, Venice, Italy, China, and New Orleans. I also crossed the Pacific and Atlantic ocean. I went on alot of trips to alot of places more than any other Seagoing Cowboy in the program. Being a Seagoing Cowboy is amazing, you should join. You can sightsee too. I went sightseeing everywhere I went. I went alot of places, and they where each very amzing, I really liked the time I went to Venice, Italy the city had streets of water. There are many things to do as a Seagoing Cowboy. We also get to play many games when were not caring for the cattle. The cattle are alot of work but it pays off. We play games such as baseball and volleyball games where the animals had been housed. They also had table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games that had passed the time. The other Seagoing Cowboys and I had fun even though we had to care for the cattle. This is why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys. Even though we have to care for the cattle, the others and I get to do all sorts of fun things all the time. We play games go sightseeing and get to travel all over the world. This is why you should join the Seagoing cowboys. You should join you'll love it here.
Our home called Earth will not last forever. In thousands of years to come we will need a new home if we want humans to survive. The author in the passage, "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" has given us a possibility of a new home. Venus is known to be Earth's twin. Earth and Venus has similarities but also differences. Scientist and inventors can help make us adapt to Venus's enviroment. Venus has many harsh living enviroments like average temperatures being over eight hundard degrees fahrenheit, atmospheric pressure is ninty times greater than Earth, hottest surface temperature, and even intense weather. None of these dangers can stop us entirely. Venus may have some harsh conditions but us humans can survive if we put effort into it. The author has provided information about how we can adapt to Venus's lifestyle. He has done research about past inventions from world war II that could help us with inventions that could survive the intense heat and also many other ideas. Not only do scientists believe this could happen but even NASA. NASA has came up with a solution to be able to create hostile conditions, so us humans can survive on the hot surfaces on Venus. If scientist and NASA continue to do their job and commit to Venus then humans will never have to be scared of us humans loosing our home. It may not be our generations but many generations to come will thank these people who have put thier time, effort, and brains to help make Venus our second home. Dedication and Imagination can lead us to the Evening Star. All we need is to be brave and try new things. The author has shown us a new way to live and proved to the readers we can make it happen. I'll be hoping to see you on the spaceship to Venus, our new home.
Is better keep the Electoral College or change to election by popular vote for the president of the Unite States ?Is better keep the electoral college because if you keep it they can vote for their president and also when they vote for their president at the same time they are voting for their candidate's electors. One reason why you have to keep the electoral college is beacuse they can vote for their president, the presidental election is realized every four years after the first monday of November. When the presidental election is done the governor of each state has to prepare a Certificate of Arcertainment how the Federal Register says. Not only keep the electoral college allow to vote just for their president , they also when they are voting for their president they are voting for their electoral. Moreover why you have to keep the electoral college is because when they vote for their president they are trusting on their electoral because if they vote for their president they are actually giving a vote to their electors. The governor has to prepare the Certificate of Ascertainment. What the Certificate of Ascertainment do is that it declares the winning presindential of the state and it doesn't just declares who is  the winning presidential it additionaly shows you will electors are going to represent your state atr the meeting of the electors  in December of the election Year. Finally your state's Certificates of Ascertainment they are sent to the Congress of your country and the National archives it as part of the official  records of the presidential election. Not everybody thinks that keep the electoral college is better. It is true that if you change it by popular vote for the president many people is going to like it beacuse they just trust in the suposely best president , but if you keep the electoral college alot of people prefer vote for their president and at the same time they know they are voting for their electorals so they think is better beacuse maybe their electorals are pretty good like their presindent. To conclude is better if you keep the electoral college because you are going to give us the opportunity to vote for our president and at the same time we belive in their electorals.  
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration also knon as (NASA) are studing the Venus the closest planet to our home, Earth. Venus is sometimes called the "Evening Star" because its one of the brightest points of light in the night sky, making it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot Venus is referred to as Earths twin in terms of density and size and its being studdied for more details about it. Venus has a thick athmosphere of almost 97b percent carbon dioxide that cover it like a blanket. A danger to studying this planet is that the surface is hot very hot and normally has a surface temp of 800 degrease Farenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than Earth making it risky and dangerous. NASA is on a mission to send humans to Venus but the problem is that Venus surface sometimes gets to 170 degrease Farenheit. Which makes landing nearly impossible. The only way woukd be to hover 30 miles obove its surface. They cant take samples of rock, gas or anythiing else from a distance Therefore scientsts seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and use the risksas challenges. Striving to meet Venus is challenging But one challenge were willin to take their so many uknown descorvies waiting to be descovered and the risk will later turn in a challenge and that challenge will one day turn into sucess. With out advanced technology and the studying I know we cn make it their.
One big milestone in a person's teenage years is when they have to take a driver's test to get their license. Many people often become stressed behind the wheel during the driver's test because they are afraid of making mistakes. The people of our generation are just as nervous about these test as our older generations but what if that were to change in the future? What if, instead of driving cars where we have to be driving one hundred percent of the time, there were cars out there that allowed the car to do the driving for us? Many companies have been working on the idea of "driverless cars" in hopes that they will reshape the whole concept of driving. However, that does not mean they are a good thing. Driverless cars should not be used in the future because they could take away the focus of the driver, the future generation wouldn't know about driving basics, and they are illegal in some states. First of all, they could take away the focus of some drivers. As these driverless cars are being invented, they allow drivers to meerly sit back in the drivers seat and enjoy the road. Sitting for thirty minutes in a car will not be enough to satisfy the boredom of some people. There are people out there who can not deal with sitting in one place for a few minutes and have to do something to keep them busy. Therefore, their focus could easily move to something else other than the road, like a fellow passenger or at the scenery around them. Driverless cars are not entirely driverless. As said in the article, "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills such as navigating through work zones and around accidents. This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires." What if the driver is not prepared to take over when the situation requires? These new cars may have features of notifying an individual when they need to take over but if they are not ready because they were focused on something else, then the results could be disastirous. This is why it takes away focus from drivers. Next, the future generation would not know about driving basics. Many teenagers today have to take drivers ed classes as they attempt to obtain a license from the BMV. But what would future generation drivers have to go through for their driving exams if we have driverless cars. As stated before, driverless cars aren't entirely driverless. The newer generations still have to learn to basics of driving even if they will be driving in a driverless car in the future. If this does not happen, then they could be in trouble if their driverless cars malfunction or they are forced to drive a regular car instead. The future generations will probably not know about the driving basics because they will think they are too far advanced for it. For example, not many people know how to drive "stick" or even know what that means even though it was vital for driving long ago. If someone were to enter a car that needed that kind of function, they would not know what to do. And the same thing applies to future generations if they would not know the driving basics. Finally, these vehicles are against the law in some states. According to the article, "Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control ata all times. As a result, in most states it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars." With the government concerned about the safety of a driver behind the wheel, they will not allow driverless cars on the roads. The safety of the people is more important than to advancement of technology. Until the driverless cars have been updated to the time where they are safe for everyone, there is no way that driverless cars will be seen on the roads with regular cars for quite some time. This is why driverless vehicles are against the law in some states. In conclusion, driverless cars should not be used in the future because they take away the driver's focus, the future generations need to learn about the driving basics that we use today, and it is illegal to use computer-driven cars. Of course, in the future, new technology will arise to give people more mobility and ways of transportation but that will not happen until everyone is safe. Many individuals are in car crashes every year from lack of focus on the road. Driverless cars can add to this problem just like any other and until we have to tools necessary to ensure they safety of the people using driverless cars, there is no way that they will be seen among the streets.
Venus is the second planet from the sun, and one of the brightest points of light in the night sky. By some this planet is called the "Evening Star'' because of how bright it is. This planet is known as Earth's twin, because its the closest planet to Earth in size and density. Often times the closest planet to Earth if it wasnt for the way Mars orbited. There is alot about Venus that people don't know about. Through the good in this planet it's also dangerous. Venus has the hottest suface tempature of any planet on the solar syatem, even though Mercury is closer to the sun. Knowing what the atmosphere is like up there makes it harder for people in Nasa. No spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours, as it states in paragraph 2. Every since then no aircraft has touched Venus in almost 3 decades. This planets surface average tempature is 800 degrees Fahrenheit, which is 90 times greater than Earths surface. Venus's atmosphere is not just hot it also contains up to 97 percent carbon dioxide which is bad for your lungs. Despite the dangers scientist are looking for new ways to explor this planet. Nasa has been trying to look for new ways but also some old ways from World War 2 that they could improve on. As they were looking for different ways they came up with the idea to hover over the plant so they could see it scloser, and that would allow humans to survive up to 170 degree weather. Through our the dangers and the beauty of this planet, scientist wont stop until they explorer this star.
Reducing car usage is becoming a big thing in a lot of cities around the world. In some cities they're developing "car-free" days, a day without cars, to lower air pollution. Too many people are using cars and this is causing traffic jams and pollution in the air, which is not good for the environment. I believe that limiting car usage is an advantage because it can help prevent air pollution, traffic jams, and can make people open their mind to use other ways of transportation. Most cities in different countries are evolving and people are liking "car-free day". Limiting car usage can prevent congestion in the streets which causes the air to be polluted. According to Source 2, Paris typically has more smog than other European capitals, so Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. Congestion went down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five days of intensifying smog. This really helps clear the air for polluted cities. The population is growing everywhere, especially cities like Bogota, Colombia with 7 million. According to Source 3, it was the third straight year that cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the Day Without Cars in Bogota, Colombia. Millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated, or took buses to work leaving the streets of this capital city without any traffic jams. The turnout was large and people are liking this new change. For example, a businessman named Carlos Arturo Plaza said "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." Municipal authorities from other countries came to Bogota to see the event and were enthusiastic. The mayor of Asuncion, Paraguay said, "These people are generating a revoluntionary change, and this is crossing borders." Since these cities have made this change, there has been a great outcome from this. There are many different ways you can go to places without having to use cars all the time. For example in Source 4, Mimi Sheller, a sociology professor at Drexel University, says "Different things are converging which suggest that we are witnessing a long-term cultural shift." In this source it explains that the internet makes telecommuting possible and allows people to feel more connected without driving to meet friends. The renewal of center cities has made the suburbs less appealing and has drawn empty nesters back in. Same with the rise in cellphones and car-pooling apps has facilitated more flexible commuting arrangements, including the evolution of shared van services for getting to work. With all of these changes, people who have stopped car commuting as a result of the recession may find less reason to resume the habit.                                  
There are both positive and negative aspects about driverless cars. On the one hand, they seem like a good idea because the car could drive for someone if they're too tired, etc., but on the other hand, they could be a bad idea because of legal problems and the safeness of the cars themselves. Personally, I think that they are bad idea because of the lack of safety, legal issues, and the potential increase of distracted driving. I think that driverless cars are a bad idea mainly because of the lack of safety. Paragraph five in the article says that sensors have gotten much better in the last ten years which signifies that they'll most likely get better within the next ten years, also, however, there's always that small risk that the sensors could stop working or make a msitake. The second reason why I think that driverless cars are a bad idea is because of the legal issues. Paragraph nine raises a lot of questions about what would happen in the case of an accident. If a driverless car got into an accident, then who would be at fault? The maufacturer, or the person in the car? Even if there were new laws, as the article states, there would still have to be new laws to cover liability. The final reason why I think that driverless cars are a bad idea is because of the potential increase of distracted driving. Paragraph 8 in the article states that even if driverless cars were realistic, people in the car would have be bored and need something to do. However, if the people or person in the car is busy with the entertainment, they might not see what's going on in the road, which could cause an accident. Overall, I think that driverless cars are not a good idea. They have a huge lack of safety, more legal issues, and a potential increase in distracted driving. Although there are also many benefits to having driverless cars, I think that the disadvantages weight out the advantages in this case. These types of cars would take way too long for people to adjust to, and I don't think that the adjusting period is worth putting peoples' lives in danger. Driverless cars may sound like a cool idea, but when there are too many disadvantages to them, it's not worth the risk.
It was actually quite simple to see that it was not created by aliens. If you look at the pictures, it acts as if it was like any other landform on earth. As humans, our mind is very good at creating a false idea because we want it to be it is that way. However, it is clearly shown that the faces were not created by aliens. In the pictures shown in the article, the face changes as any fossil or landmark would on Earth. The jump from 1976 to 2001 is a big chance of what it would look like if it were on Earth. As said in the article, the JPL web site says it was a natural landform, not an alien monument. The only reason that the rumors of alien monuments still exsisted is because there were people who were still not satisfied. Another reason that the alien monument rumors were false is because even with a cloudless day in Cydonia, it still appeared as a natural landform. Granted, the rumors of clouds blocking the actual image of the face was a logical argument. However, they even took pictures on a cloudless day, and it still appeard as a natural landform. The theory that this was an alien civilization is totally inacurate. The pictures clearly show the actions of the face. Just because our imagination can create false ideas of life on another plannet, the evidence shows that acts and looks as a natural landform.
In the article "Driveless Cars Are Coming," the author presents both postivie and negative aspects of driveless cars. The author uses many good arguments whether drivless cars should be or should not be a way of transportation. Sergey Brin, a Google cofounder, envisions a future with a public transportation system where trips of driveless cars form a taxi transport system. He believes these driveless cars would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer more flexibility. Brin also believes theses such cars would change the world fundamentally. As I mentioned before, the author uses both positive and negative views for the topic of driveless cars. I personally think the idea of a driveless car is a great idea. Television, movies, and many people have been fascinated with cars that could drive themselves for a long time. I am for the driveless cars for various reasons. According to Google, their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash. Due to reckless driving, texting and driving, and many other incidents that occur in the real world, not very often can you drive long distances without seeing an accident. I believe these cars being cheaper on fuel would benefit the people who own them, by being able to save money. Driveless cars also give the owner the ability to do other task instead of focusing only on the road. The idea of the driveless car also has some negative aspects about it. But, I believe overall the invention of the driveless car would benefit atleast every owner at some point. Automakers of the driveless cars are continuing their work for the hope that some day, driveless cars will be avaible.Driveless cars will change the world for the best. Although, we have not been totally successful yet, we grow closer to the destination of driveless cars every day. I believe driveless cars would have a great impact on everybody.
Would you like to join a program where you can explore and see different places? If so, you should join the " Seagoing Cowboys" program. You should join this program becasue you can go to new and different places, you can help save people, and it will make you into a better person. To begin with, you can go to new and different places. Some people may argue that going new places doesnt really do anything its not very special. However, you can explore different places and it's really fun and adventurous. The author states," Luke Bomberger crossed the Atlantic Ocean 16 times and the Pacific Ocean twice to help people affecteed by the world." The author also states," But being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure for Luke Bomberger. It opened up the world to him. "i'm grateful for the opportunity," he says." This proves going different places is fun. Additionally, you can help save people. Some people may argue that doing something for a person just wastes your time. However, doing something for someone you can probaly help save their lives. The author states," To help these countries recover their food supplies, animals, and more, 44 nations joined togehter to form UNRRA. UNRRA hired "Seagoing Boys" to take care of the horses, young cows and mules that were shipped overseas." The author also states," By the time he was discharged in 1947, Luke had made nine trips- the most of any Seagoing Cowboy." This proves helping save people makes you a better person and makes you start doing helpful things. Additionally, you can become a better person. Some people may argue that they want to stay the same person because being someone else is not the real you. However, becoming someone different can help others in a time they need you the most. The author states," Helping out on his aunt Katie's farm as a boy had prepared Luke for hard work, but not for the dangers at sea." The author also states," And that awareness stayed with him, leading his family to host a number of international students and exchange visitors for many years." This proves that being a good and caring person is very awesome. Joining the "Seagoing Cowboys" program would be awesome because you can go to new and different places, help save people, and you can become a better person. If you had the chance, would you join "Seagoing Cowboys"?
Unmasking the Face on Mars If you ever saw or heard about the "Face on Mars" you might think that it was created by aliens but it's actually not. Everybody thinks it is but it's really just a natural landform. A few days after NASA sent a camera up to Mars to look for Viking 2 it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face. They said," it was a huge rock formation which resembles a human head formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and a mouth." The authors reasoned it would be a good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars. It soon become a pop icon and it starred in a Hollywood film, appeared in books, magazines and on radio talk shows. Some people think that the Face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars. Meanwhile, defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an acient civilization on Mars. People starting believing that it was evidence of life on Mars. Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camer team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original photo. Everybody was waiting to see it but it revealed that it was just a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all. Even after having all this evidence people sill didn't believe that it's not an alien because they said the pitcure was cloudy and could've been hidden. To prove everyone wrong, on a cloudless day they took a second photo with even better quality of the landform. Finally, the picture could show you that it was not really a face but only a landform. Many people just want to believe that there is life on Mars when there most likey is not. They spent a lot of money trying to prove this to everyone that there is no alien life on the planet Mars.
To prove to my fellow collegues about the "Face on Mars" thing was naturally made, not by alien lifeforms, i have decided to write this paper. This face has shodows and yes it does make it look like it has eyes, nose, and mouth, but that just really what we want to see if you were told it was a face you would've beleived it. The article "Unmasking the Face on Mars" has a lot of suspense and it does indeed pull the reader in, and towards the end they break down the scientific facts. They use examples of here on earth and they talk about the showdows. They even talk about how the resolution of photos could change the perspective of those photos. This face shaped mound on mars has just thrown all the theories out and has caused a big worry in the world. Personally I did not see the face until i had read through the article pretty much pin-pointing all of the features, so i went back to the picture of the face and that when i did see it. One persons theory has caused problems for everything from t. v. to conversations. The fact of the matter is that when you look at this mound and you are told its a face you are most likely gonna beleive that concept until you get the scientific facts and you read them and you probably still wont beleive it, because as humans there has always got to be something that drives you to be excited. Its in our genetics and our concept is just going to be stuck with until there is an actual reasoning that can be proven. In this paper i have mostly talked about my beleifs, but everyone has their own beleifs and I know that we can not fully prove there is life on other planets, but whatever makes you strive fo answers be my guest. I am not here to judge you or shoot down your answers. I am here to give you once again another concept.
Do you think that the FACE was created by aliens ? Well i think the face is just a land form but thats how i feel about it , I don't believe that aliens are real . On the other hand you might think they are real and i don't blame you because when i was little i thought they was real to ... by all of the movies i was watching about aliens taking over ect . Although , few scientists believed the face was an alien artifact photographing . So they photographed the face as soon as they could get a good shot at it . On April 8, 2001 a cloudless summer day in cydonia Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look . When they had did they a pixel in the 2001 image spams 1.56 meters , they image was not a face anymore it was really Martain equivalent of a butte or masa . It reminds me of the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho," says Garvin. " Finally, now you see that there were no aliens on mars and they aliens are not real . It was just the Martian equivalent of butte or mesa landforms . so now with all this information i just gave you, you should believe me now .
The author supports the idea when he said "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-Like planet in our solar system.' he supports the idea when he said that because he is saying that Venus is fascinated, Why because it's a look like planet that we live in Earth, their is other wonderful things down in Venus like he said there was "The lanet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains,and craters.". The author finds it intersting when it comes to Venus, he's not the only one other people also would like to go to Venus in see what is in Venus or how Venus looks in face to face seeing it with your own eyes in flying out your self. Also this is dangers because not one space ship can fly out so far from out of earth to make it there then to came it come right back it will take years for it in also a lot of things to make the space ship go in come back safe, people that would like to do have to risk their life to that, you have to be sure about it before doing it. Earth levels won't be the same, "Researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to out knowledge of venus.". We hope for them to find a way for the space ship to get where they wanna do in for the ship and the person going in the ship goes afe in comes back safe to Earth.
Do you think people should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program? People should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program beacaue of these three reasons because they would get to go on many adventures, also because they would get to meet new people, and also they would get to experience new places. They should join the program because they would get to go on many adventures. The text states it was a great adventure for luke. also if they join the program they would get to meet new people. The text stats "it made me more aware of people other countries". The text also states that lead him to keep meeting new people. Last if they join the program they would get to experience new place. the text states that they had to go to china. The text also states that they had to ride on the Atlantic Ocea. And that is why I think more people should join the program. beacause of those three reasons.
Are you for or against the development of driverless cars? I am for the development of these cars. It sounds interesting to me. It can help those drivers who is unable to drive because of some kind disabilt in their body. It keeps a driver from falling a sleep behind the wheel and hurting someone because if the car is driverless, you can fall a sleep with out hurting anyone. The details that agree with what I wrote came from the passage. This is the first thing in the passage that agree with what I wrote. The line about the steering came from line four. The part about the cars steering themselves came in the passage part, number seven. The passage says the cars can steer themselves. The details that agree with what I wrote came from the passage. This is the second thing in the passage that agree with what I wrote. This is the public trainsport system line that came from line three. The part about public trainsport system came in the passage at part number one. The passage says that the public trainsport system will some day be driverless. The details that agree with what I wrote came from the passage. This is the four thing in the passage that agree with what I wrote. This is the half fuel of today's cars line that came from line three. The part about half fuel of today's cars came in the passage at part number one. The passage says that the cars will use half of the fuel of today's cars. That is sounds easier than it is. It is realiy hard. Driverless cars are possible. The cars so far still need a driver for some of the things. The car can do the steering. That sounds easier than it is. It is realiy hard, it just take some time. Driverless cars are possible. The cars so far still need a driver for some of the things. The car can do the breaking. That is sounds easier than it is. It is realiy hard. Driverless cars are possible. The cars so far still need a driver for some of the things. The car can do the accelerating on it's own but it still needs a driver. I am for the development of these cars. It sounds interesting to me. It can help those drivers who is unable to drive because of some kind disabilt in their body. It keeps a driver from falling a sleep behind the wheel and hurting someone because if the car is driverless, you can fall a sleep with out hurting anyone. I hope this essay showed my place on the subject of driverless cars.
Driveless cars are the next step in the future, but are they the safest step? Google has been working on these cars for a long time and have had cars that work properly since 2009. With all the technology in the world today it is possible to make these cars, but like cellphones and other devices cars can make mistakes or malfunctions causing the car and person inside to be in danger. If the car were to go wrong, the makers of that car could get in a lot of trouble. Instead of driverless cars to save fuel, there should just be regular cars that are more fuel efficiant. This will keep car companies in buisness, people safer, and driverless car companies out of trouble. If driverless cars were made, not every company could keep up with these cars. Everyone would want the newest thing and it would cause the smaller car companies to go out of buisness. Making cars that save more fuel would be easier for the smaller comanies to supply than making driverless cars. Driverless cars could also go wrong and put people in danger. If the person was seriously injured, people would see that and not want to buy the cars. This makes all the money the companies spent on cars go to waste because the driverless cars went out of style. Lets say a person was to get injured off a driverless car. That person could then sue the company because they were not the ones driving, the car was. Driverless cars are a bad idea. Driverless cars should not be made but instead cars saving more fuel should. Cars like a Prius are getting around 50-55 miles every gallon which is amazing. If car manufactions made other models of cars getting the same or close to the mileage that a Prius gets, traveling would be a lot easier. Even though google has been working on these cars for so long, nothing is perfect. There will always be some glitch in a system that could cause the car to go wrong. Driverless cars should not be used and people should stick to regular cars that we use today.
Venus is an extremely inhabitable environment for people. Although Venus is alike Earth in many ways, it has plenty of risk factors as well. In this text, the author makes it clear that there are bountiful amounts of information on Venus that humans could collect, but it is far too dangerous. He shows that we could find so much worthy evidence and history on this planet but it is simply too extreme. He makes note that even though it can reach 800 degrees, astronauts should still pursue the idea. In the text the author states "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors" (The Challenge of Exploring Venus). This shows that getting into Venus could potentially help NASA dig deeper into other planets. A whole world of information is neighboring our planet every day. The author also states "imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape. Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way" (The Challenge of Exploring Venus). This shows we could still escape the harsh climate to get needed information. Venus is an incredible planet, and with time humans will be able to explore it. This text shows strong proof that traveling there is worthy. With the technology we have today, the day NASA decides to go to Venus is just around the corner.
In this article the suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit other than the dangers it has.There are many dangers for exploring venus. Some of those dangers are the thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets venus , the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in it's atosphere ,and on the surface of the plant's surface temperature averages over 800 degrees fahrenheit. Even though it has its dangers it is a worthy pursuit. I say this because it so much like earth in the article they refer it as our "sister" planet . They say in the article it's so much a like because they beleived long ago it was covered in oceans , could have supporeted forms of life , and other similarities. This shows it is a worthy pursuit. What if one day earth dies and there becomes a whole new worl with life on venus. I say that because in the article they compared it so much to real life on earth.
dear mr senator, i dont think the electoral college should be the middle man in our presidency voting system. "60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now." you see, a candidate could win the popular vote and still lose the presidency, and that is a problem. and the electoral coolege still has its defenders? personally to me it makes no sence, its not fair for those who run and the electoral college gets paid to literally just represent a group of peoples vote. i think the electing system is flawed and i think it may be time for a change to accur in the american voting system. "under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate elector" i just think that citizens should vote for the presedent not for their electors. the system would be so much more simple and easy this way. on the contast the electoral college has always worked for all these years but that doesnt mean its not time for a change, everything and everyone needs a change once in awhile and this is the change that the united states of america needs. thank you for your time mr. senator, that is why i think we dont need a electoral college.
Here are some reasons why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys, You get to visit many places like Greece, Europe, and China. People would also have a fun and relaxing time on the boat. Luke found time time to have fun on board, especially on return trips after the animals had been unloaded. Cowboys got to play baseball,volleyball games, They also did Table tennis turnoments, writing, fencing,boxing,reading and whittling. It was more than an adventure for Luke too It opened up the world for him. ''It made me aware of people and other contries and their needs.''Luke said. That awarness stayed with him too. It took about two weeks to get there but it will be a very fun trip to go to snd relax,play games and do many fun things like visiting places you have never been to before like,, Anceint Greece, the tempels there and many more fantatic places that you would enjoy plus there is things to do before you get there. You have read about Seagoing Cowboys this was mainley about Luke and what he did it would be a very fun exoeriment too. He does many things before he gets to get across the Atlantic Ocean but it was worth it it would be fun for family and friends “The cattle-boat trips were an unbelievable opportunity for a small-town boy,” he says. What helps you though before you go you can help yourself by gelping out around a farm becuase there are many animals on board you can prepare yourself for hard work with the animals. You watch the animals clean the animals, and feed the animals too. But you do have to watch out becuase when it gets dark and you cant see when the waves pick up it will push you around and so Luke broke one of his rib cages becuase he was being pushed around so he couldn' work and help out at all.
The author supports the idea that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the therefore the author was saying its not going to easy by saying despite the dangers.The study of venus is a worthy study because you'll learn things you never knew like venus is referred as earth's twin,venus is also the closest planet to earth.In terms of density and size besides mars.venus has a thick atmosphere of 97 percent carbon dioxide which blankets venus.Venus also has challeging weather like clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid. On venus the planets surface tempertures average anywhere from 800 degrees and up fahrenheit.The type of atmosphere the planet have's its not very suitable for spacecraft's to stay for no more than a few hours.That's why the author stated that is has dangers but its very interesting.The conditons that are on venus is far too extreme than any humans encounter on earth.So if can infer that if astronaunts went to venus they wouldn't probaly survive for long. I don't understand why the scientist keep discussing further visits to venus surface either.Because venus is a so custom planet but like the author states in the passage.Venus is so fascinating to astronomers because it is the most earth like planet in our solar system.The author believes long ago venus probably was covered largely with oceans and could've had supported various forms of life just like earth.I can't really agree on that with the author because of the facts stated about venus. I think that the national aeronautics and space administration aka (nasa) should overly think about sending astronauts to study venus on a blimp-like vehicles hovering.Around venus because even if all the math and calculations are right you have to think.If the astronaunt scientist can survive more than a hour or 2 will have enough time to get information about the planet.I don't quite think its a good idea cause of what if some exrosion or anything happen.while astronaunt scientist are there.
Over many years, technology has become more and more advanced. Some of this technology has become so far that it can now detect human facial expression and determine what emotion they are expressing. This technology is called Facial Action Coding System (FACS) technology, and it enables computers to identify human emotions. This technology can have a positive impact in school classrooms today. FACS can help improve the way students learn in schools, they way teachers teach their students, and most simportantly, help teachers detect when a student is feeling confused. One of the main positive impacts FACS can have in reading emotional expressions of students in a classroom is improve the way students learn. FACS can scan the facial expressions of the students in the classroom and determined if the majority of the students are confused by the leasson the teacher is teaching. FACS could then modify the lesson in a way that students can understand it and the teacher can then further clarify the lesson the way FACS shows it. As stated in pargraph six, "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instrctor", this shows how FACS can help teachers in the way they teach. This could also explain to teachers how to clarify even more the lesson to students that may be going through hard times. Another way FACS can have a great impact in schools all around the country is by improving the way teachers teach their classrooms. FACS can detect many expressions on students in a classroom. It can detect whether a student is perplexed by lesson or simply just bored. FACS can detect which students in the classroom are bored by analazing their facial expressions. As stated in pargraph six, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored". FACS can then provide the teacher many ways in which they can make the lesson more interesting so that students can comprehand it better and in a more fun way. The last way in which FACS can greatly improve the teaching environment in schools is by recognizing when a student is depressed or sad. FACS can detect facial expressions on students faces and determine if they may be going through trouble or are depressed. As stated on pargraph six, "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication". FACS could recognize when a student is not okay so that teachers can the help those students who may need help, wether that is emotional help or help with school work. FACS could even help save lifes by getting help to students who may be contemplaiting suicide. In conclusion, the Facial Action Coding System can be extremely valuable to schools all around the world. This computer system can help teachers improve the way they teach their classrooms by analazing students' emotional expressions towards a certain lesson. It can help teachers by modifying their lessons in sich a way so that students are not bored or confused by it. Lastly, it can help teachers know which students may be going through hard times and help those who need help.
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", the author has a vague claim for supporting the idea of exploring Venus. In the passage, the author explains how many dangers there are to exploring the planet, the unbearable temperatures, the lightning and volcanoes, the thick atmosphere that blocks Venus' surface. In all of these dangers, the author believes that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit, but does not use enough support for this idea. In the text, the author is explaining all of the dangers in exploring Venus. In paragraph 3, "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of high corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmorphere. On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees." The author continues to list these dangers. He barely has support that shows his idea of exploring Venus. For example, the author states in paragraph 5, "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray." Then the author explains in the same paragraph, "At thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth." The author states an idea that supports the claim that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers, but then uses a contradictory statement proving otherwise. In the text, the author says that each mission has been unmanned. They have instead used spacecrafts to explore the planet. In paragraph 7, the author uses a detail about NASA to help support exploration on the planet. "NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers." The author's supporting claim does not have a contradictory statement, instead, he finally uses it to help support his claim. "By comparison, systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces." The author uses the statement to help prove his claim. Overall, in this passage, the author does poorly in supporting the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. The author uses some sort of supporting statement, but then uses a contradictory statement which makes any reader reconsider the point the author was trying to convey. The article is weak in the sense that there is a constant reprimanding part to each weak supporting claim. The author did have at least one supporting paragraph in this article that helped with the idea of exploration on Venus. However, throughout all of this, the author had poor evidence to provide for his claim to convince the reader that exploration is a good idea despite all of the potential dangers enlisted in the passage.
Look around, how many cars do you see? Ten? Twenty? Thirty? In the United States most family's own cars, to get around town and transport themselves places. So what would happen if the United States banned cars? What do you think would happen and what do you think people would say or feel about it? In Vauban, Germany is an experimental district on the outskirts of Freiburg, near the French and Swiss border. Unlike the Marion County there are very few, or no cars, which means no accidents, no stress, and no money wasted on gas. Some of Vauban's citizens have said "When i had a car i was always tense, I am much happier this way." What if our communities were like that? Do you think morale would be higher and that people would be more laid back? Every day on the news theres a story about car pileups, and accidents on the highway and blockage on roads. The Enviromental Protection Agency is promoting "Car reduced communities" and legislators are starting to act on it. Many experts expect public transport serving suburbs to play a big role in the country soon, Says Elisabeth Rosenthal of the New York Times. Paris, France one of capitals of the worlds most polluted cities enforces a partial driving ban to help clear the air of the city. Paris had 147 micrograms of particulate matter compared to 114 in Brussels and 79 in London. On mondays motorists with even numbered license pklates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22 euro fine ($31). The same would apply to odd numbered plates on the next day. Almost 4,000 drivers were fined on the first day and 27 cars were impounded due to the reaction of the drivers. Some say thats easier to imagine than a car free community, but is it truly easier on the people? People blame diesel fuel because France has a tax policy that favors diesel over regualar leaded gasoline, and due to that diesels make up 67% of the vehicles in the country. In Bogota, Colombia there is a car free day every year, where Colombians, hiked, biked, skated or took buses to get around. It was the third year of the event and the goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog and pollution. The turnout was very large, despite gray clouds that dumped occational rain on the participators. Businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza says "Its a good opportunity to take away stress and lower pollution", and for the first time two other cities joined in on the day, the cities were "Cali, and, Valledupar". Parks and sports centers have bloomed throughout the city and uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced with even smooth sidewalks. So is driving really worth destroying the enviroment? Maybe you could try walking to work sometime, or riding a bike. These cities tried it so should yours.
Driverless cars, good or bad? many people are routing for the new technology in cars, but i feel as if this is dangerous. technology is good and all but are we taking it to far? Technology now is literally apart of everyday life, when you wake up you probably turn on your tv and watch the news. Maybe you check your phone to see who texted or called while you were asleep. or better yet you might`ve woke up and already had coffee ready by your timer set coffee maker, this is all technology! from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed you are using technology. So if we already depend on it for everything else why cant we just drive our cars by ourselves? Also, technology is not always dependable if you drop your phone in water it no longer works right? so what makes you think that if your driving and it begans to pour the rain that your technology controlled car will continue to work. water and electricity together is dangerous so if water is also somehow spilled in the car what does that mean for the driver. lastly, the car is driven by itself you are just basically there just in case. But what if your on your way somewhere and suddenly need to go to the hospital in a rush. or maybe you need to stop at the gas station how will the car know? it may be an all the suddden thing and the car may not respond quick enough or stop fast enough then your just out of luck. the car sounds good if you want to just relax and not have to drive. until some road accident wasnt listed and you run right into it or the car didnt see the light turn red and you run it. technology isnt as smart as people make it out to be. it only does what it can. This is why i feel like driverless cars are a bad idea, not only are you putting yourself in danger, your putting those around you in danger. i hope after reading this you will agree.
Even though driverless cars are coming in the near future and have alot of postive and nagative aspects in my opinion I support the devlopement for driverless cars. To convey why Driverless cars are a good thing is becasue is can save alot of time and fossil fuel and is a lot more convient. For instance when the author states that, "The cars he foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and far more flexibity than a bus. This line states how driveless cars can change the world for better and are going to be more aparant then riding the bus. Some more interesting facts about the smart cars that makes me more support it is when the passage talks about the Driving and the Assisting. For instance author talks about how,"Traffic Jam Assistant." "The can handle driving functions at the speeds up to 25 mph, but special touch senseors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel." I think this is a good thing becasue it makes driving more alot more safe for the driver, but at the same time does not sacrifice the drivers control of the car and it will alert you if you need to take control of the car, which I think is very important so there won't be any accidents. To argue why would you need a driverless car if you can just drive yourself is an very improtant question. Driverless Cars can be helpful and can maybe even save your life if you come across some reckless driver on the road. For example when passage states how, Some manufactures hope to do that by bringing in-car entertiainment and information systems that use heads-up displays. Such displays can be turned of instantly when the driver needs to take over-something not avabilable to drivers trying to text with a cell phone." This line describes how the driverless Cars have many safety features and can be automatical turned off just in case of emergencys, which makes it even more convenient and alot safer for the driver. To summerize my argument on selfdriving cars is that I think it's going to be a huge advancement for humanity and will improve our lifestyles for the better. The features in the passage that describes these smart cars such as the heads up dsiplay, which is entiretantment system and information system which, can be turn off automaticaly in case of emergencys. Also the Antilock brake and driver assitance, which can save a lot of lives. These safety features are going to make driverless cars a sucess. Driverless cars are going to be aparent part for the future and will imporve the way we drive and our action as well and save many lives.
The Electoral college process consists of the selections of our electors. The electors get together and vote for presidents, and vice presidents. I think that the poeple of the united states should have all the power with voting. We should be able to vote for the electors. This would get rid of all the people that ruin our country or are corrupt. The voting system should have 2 finalists for each branch of the gorverment. They should add up all the vote and see who has the most. they're should not be two parties. I feel like this would make the voting more equal and fair. The candidate's running for president should not have they're own group of electors. They should speak the truth on how they will help this counrty out, and should trust that the people make the right vote. The electoral college is looked at as a non-democratic way of selecting the president . When you vote, you're not voting for the presdient, you're voting for electors that will choose who is president. This means the people don't really have a say in the electoral college voting system In my opinion, i think people should have all the power in voting, this would make the process alot smoother. The people would elect who they feel would do best for this counrty. This would also create new community groups and councils for voting. People would open up voting centers and meetings. It would employ more jobs and build a stronger relationship. Most inportenlty, a good president
Humans are very curious creatures and with that curiosity we have gone on to explore and understand many concepts of life. We've gone on to explore our planet but now its time to exlpore others. In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus",the author explains about what challenges lie ahead in trying explore Venus. Even though the author explains the challenges that come with exploing the planet he is able to make comebacks on how to solve these challenges. With this strategy the author does a good jobs supporting the idea that studying and exploring Venus is worth it overall. In the article the author presents the following problems, "no spacecraft surivied the landing for more than a few hours, a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide, clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid, 800 degrees Fareheit, atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater, erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting stirkes" With so many problems that the author has presented, it seems like it isnt even worth going to Venus . But then he starts to provide solutions. To avoid all of the harsh conditions the author explains that NASA would have scientist float above to fray, which just means that scientist would just float above Venus and study it from afar. Along with that there would be a bunch of solar energy and low radiation. So far this only provides a solution to dodging harsh conditions but we still cant get close enough to get a sample of anything. For that to happen we need to send something down into Venus. The solution the author provided is " NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." They also think that mechanical computers woud work too. Which makes calculations by using gears and levers, they also can be more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces. Making a robot of this could mean it would have enought time to collect samples from the planet. Now that we have the solutions why should we go through all of the trouble just to study Venus? Well paragaph 4 states ,"Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well have been the most Earth-like planet in our solsr system. Long ago Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit." If Venus was once like earth then maybe we could learn about our planet by taking a look at Venus and not only that it can be very close by in terms of traveling. On the last pragrpah the author explains how exploring Venus will help with on gaining insight but also "lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors" Overall the author does a good job on convincing the reader that we should explore Venus and that it would be worth it in the end. He is able to provide solutions to the challenges and does a good job explaning how exploring Venus would be beneficial. He is able to convince me and hopefully others that the planet is worth exploring.
An Electorial College compromises between election of the president by vote in congress and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens. The Electorial College consists of 538 electors, a majority of 270 electoral votes is requires to elect the president. This presidential election is held every 4 years on the tuesday after the first monday in November. Each candidate running for president in your state has his or her own group of electors and are chosen by the candidates political part. Personally I believe that the preisential election should be based on popular vote because as citizens of the United States we should be able to help the output of what our futures will look like and be able to choose who we want to lead us. Whichever candidate gets the most votes wins and they become the new president of the United States. Not that  Electoral college is all bad its just when you vote you vote not for the president but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president of thier choice. Citizens would be more likely to vote for their preisent if they felt like their vote would actually matter and have an effect on who the future president will be. People are less likely to participate or care if they feel like their vote doesnt matter and is taken up and not counted. If people knew that it was over popular vote that will decide the furture president then they're going to vote more and be more active when stuff like this takes place because they feel like their vote actually matters and is making a difference. Electoral College is unfair to voters because "winner-take-all system" in each state. Candidates dont spend much time trying to win the votes of a state they think isnt going to help them in the long run by winning. During the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didnt see the candidates at all. This included Rhode Island, South Carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didnt see a single campaign ad. Electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. Bob Dole once said "Electorial college should be abolished" and from the looks of it he's not wrong. Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter, the U.S. chamber of commerce, and the AFL-CIO are standing with Dole on this accusation and both agree on aboloishing this act. A Gallup poll was taken in 2000 and won the popular vote but lost the presidency. Over 60 percent of voters would perfer direct election over the kind we have now which is Electoral College.
I belive that driverless cars are a good idea. Personaly, I don't trust people on the roads. People get distracted easily, can have slow reaction times, and sometimes just are not safe. Driverless cars can fix all these problems easily. One issue is that people easily get distracted. Smart cars, on the otherhand, are complety built for the purpose of diving and analizing the roads. The feature most appealing to me and that fixes this issue is found here in the passage, " Dubbed LIDAR, it uses laser beams to form a constantly updating 3-D model of the car's surroundings.". The second issue with drivers in cars are the drivers reaction times being to slow. Some people just do not have the reactions to be able to use the breaks fast enough to avoid accidents. These cars do it instantly, as stated in the passage, " The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply breaks on individual wheels and reduce power from ethe engine, allowing far bettter response and control than a human driver could manage alone.". Finaly, sometimes people just are not safe. Doing anything from texting while driving or taking erratic turns without signal can be extreamly dangerous to themselfs or anyone around them. These cars can prevent that by even forcing people to watch the road constantly or alerting us when danger is ahead. " GM has developed driver's seats to vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object.". This is only one of many safty enhancing developments to smart cars and the protection of the "driver". In conclution, smart cars are a great idea. With these cars people will be safer than ever. No more driver error, distraction, slow reactions, or danger to themselfs or to others around thm.
Who needs a car anyway? that is what causes polution in the world. driving all the time is not such a good idea. People are getting lazy now a days. What is wrong with walking? I love walking, i can get excercise and have fun because im with my friends. car riding can be exttremely dangerous too. First of all, driving a car could be very dangerous. For example, some people like to drive while texting which could result in a serious accindent. Another reason is not paying attention to the other drivers near you. Kids should not be behind the wheel of a car yet. I say that because they do not take as serious as aldults. Teens also like to drive fast to show off or have loud music blasting, these are also advantages of limiting car usage. Car accindents would derease dramatically. Second of all, cars take up too much gas which takes up a lot of our money, Walking would be super cheap because you do not have to pay to walk. Driving around 24/7 makes us really lazy. Walking to where we need to go gives us excercise, and quite frankly everyone needs some excercise or a little work out. The goverment will even make more pathways or trails for us to travel on. I understand if you are leaving town for a family vacation or going somewhere that is not walking distance, the city has various types of motor transportation, like city buses, cabs, bikes, and do not forget about our planes. Third of all, im not saying completely get rid of cars just limit how much you drive. Instead of buying car after car after car carpool with friends. That way you can still get to where you gotta go quickly and lower emissions. People do not drive as much as they used to, i found out by a study that driving decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009. Lets try to make that 50 percent. People do not really care about a car, they just want a quick way to get from A to B. All we gotta do is Find a safer more cheaper way for them to do that and the percentage will drop rapidly. In Conclusion, limiting car usage can be improved by getting people to walk more. Carpool with friends, ride bikes, takes buses, cabs, even planes to where they have to go. This will help our enviorment to be  much safer and healthier. We not saying give up your car just try not to use it so much.                     
The face was just made by the sand moving around. The face shouldn't be this big of a deal. Just because it looks like a face doesn't mean someone made it like that. But to others it may seem like aliens did do it. But they think what they want but aliens don't exist. The face is not that big of a deal. The face is a way for organizations to sell their products. As it says in the fifth paragraph, "The 'face on mars' has become a pop icon. It has starred in a Hollywood film, appeared in books, magazines, radio talk shows even haunted grocery store checkout lines for 25 years!". All the face is is sand that has been moved around by sand storms and now it looks like a face nothing fun about it. All I'm saying is the face is not as great as it once seemed. Even though the face really means nothing, some people thinkthat the face was made by life on mars. They say that they made it to show that they were there. "The face is bona fide evidence on mars". But we also know that sand storms are very common on Mars, how could it not just be one of those that did it? The face is not as amazing as everyone was making it out to be. It is just sand that happened to make a face when it blew together. In conclusion, I feel that the face is not as big of a deal as it was made out to be.
Dear Marco Rubio and etc., I think that we should not keep the Electoral College and change to election by popular vote for the sake of the people. With the Electoral College, your voice isn't really heard. Votes should be counted individually and America will get the president that they really want. For starters, there was a situation back in 2000 where Al Gore won the popular vote but didn't become president. That my friend, is unfair. The Electoral College doesn't really prove who actually won. Although, the incident happens back in 1880, I don't think it should happen again. Most of America wouldn't really think of the president as the president. I must admit, the Electoral College is a quick way to send in the votes on election day but it isn't efficient. Like stated in paragraph 10, voters don't vote for the president, but for the state of electors. The electors are basically anyone who isn't holding office. State conventions, state party's central and presidential candidates can pick the electors. Votes can't always control whom their electors vote for which why you should get rid of the Electoral College. Plus it's a dumb name. Another reason why is because the people of this country will be pissed if another Gore vs Bush situation happens again. Electors are really in control, therefor if they dislike who's running against their political party they have a shot at voting for whomever they want. That's unjust, and frankly unfair. Especially if a huge state is at risk. One counterclaim might be that the Electoral College avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate recieves the majority of votes cast. I don't want to vote and wonder if my voice will be heard. I want it to be guarunteed because that's what the United States is all about. It's all about us being able to choose the president. The Electoral College is unjust and is a waste of time. If you guys decide decide on letting us elect the president by popular vote, more young adults will start voting and we'll know out voices are heard.
"Driverless Cars Are Coming" is an article that is written by someone who has perspectives on what is good about driverless cars, and what is bad about the cars. After reading this article I believe that the driverless cars are going to be very helpful, and useful to people in the future. I believe that driverless cars will be helpful because the driver will not have to do much work, because the car drives itself 90% of the time. Also in this article the author tell us that the Google driverless cars, can drive up to half a million miles before the car crashes. Driverless cars will also be helpful because the people that were originally driving, do not have to memorize directions anymore. Being a driver requires a lot of attention to the road, and it is hard to pay attention to everything else that is going on around them. With the new driverless car, you do not have to drive the car 90% of the time, which allows for more time to think about other things or make sure that your kids are behaving in the back seats, without having to pay attention to the road. Although 10% of the time you may have to drive, the other 90% you are worry free of driving and can focus on other things that you need to. When people are driving themselves, they tend to be in car accidents very often whether it is severe or not. With the driverless car, you can prevent accidents from happening for a much longer time. Driverless cars have gone up to half a million miles before ever being in a single accident. Going half a million miles without an accident, or the car breaking down is unheard of and nearly impossible, but with the driverless cars, the technology is so outstanding, that the car can go this far. Using a GPS while in a car can be distracting and not safe to the driver, and everyone else that is in the car. Since the driverless car drives for people, now the people in the car can set the GPS and not be distracted by the road. With this feature, the car will always know when the right time to turn is, and will always get you to your destination on time. If you are a person who is late a lot or gets lost all the time, then you might be interested in this car, because it does all of the work for you. Driverless cars are a great idea because they drive 90% of the time, which leaves the driver to be focused on other things, it can drive up to half a million miles before crashing or breaking down, which will make the car owner feel very safe and secure in the car that they own, and also the car takes you where you tell it to because of the GPS system, which can make the owner worry free about getting lost. I believe that this car will be very successful, and it will be the future in the car industry.
The author is trying to slowly but surley teach us about the"evening star" which is venus. Although we can examine the planet from a far it wouldnt be of any use if unable to look at the planet closley. Also called the earths twin which only means their close in density and size and close in distance at times. Numerous spacecrafts have been sent to explore the cloud draped world and every mission was unmanned since no spacecraft managed to survive a landing for more than a few hours. Venus's atmosphere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide and contains highly corrosive sulfuric acid which wasnt safe for ant man or woman. These facts are little to none to what we could learn if we advanced our technology and support on the idea of exploring venus. NASA had thought of an idea to get closer to the planet which involved a blimp like vehicle hovering over the planet safely. This planet has value and our exploration shouldnt be limited by danger our own curiousity will lead us to explore deeper and ever far more than needed.
Our society today is filled with lots of extravagant ideas including new and improved technology. For years, cars have been driven and made to where the person that is driving the car has full control of the car. Each year, manufacturers and futurists find new ways to improve cars. Automakers find problems that they can solve to make a car easy to drive. They also find new ways to improve the safety and efficiency. Google cofounder Sergey Brin has discovered something that might change the way we use cars forever. Driverless Cars. That is something that no one would ever imagine. A car has always been made to where you have control of what direction the car goes and when the car should stop. But as you see in movies, there are driverless cars. While driving this car, the driver has almost no control over what car is doing. Ths driverless car has sensors that tells the car if it should go or stop. The sensors can also cause the car to reuduce power from the engine. Some may think that this change might make a huge impact on our future, but many others disagree. I am a part of the people that disagree about there being driverles cars in the near future. There are many reasons to support my argumentantive decision. One reason is because this would be absolutely unsafe for the driver and its passengers. Many of today's technology has many faults and disadvantages. If for some reason something goes wrong with the wires or the engine of this driverless car, who know what could happen to any driving the car. The car may catch on fire, it may crash on its own because you have no absolute control of the car, or it may even stop working.This may also cause conflict between the driver and the manufacturer of the car. The blame could be put on the driver that the car was not properly taken cared of. Another reason why disagree about there being driverless cars in the future is because these cars may also be very expensive. Technoogy can take a very long time to process and the manufacturers have to make sure that nothing terrible happens to the car and its driver. It also probably cost tons of dollars to make a car like this because of all of its technology and hard work. The makers of the car may put a huge price on the car and Americans may have conlict and troubles with not being able to afford the car that they want. This can also cause the manufacturers to lose a lot of money and that would not be good. In this driverless cars no one really knows how it will behave and what it might destroy. In conclusion, I disagree with the idea of making driverless cars. These cars can be very dangerous and it can be unaffordable. Everyone wants a car that works correctly. And everyone wants a car that they have total control upon. Being safe and secured is all that matters when it comes what car you are driving and who is completing its actions.
Dear State Senator, This is a letter to you to discuss an issue that many people may have had problems with in the past. I would like to make a suggestion in trying to change the Electoral College system to popular vote. Changing the system to popular vote may be the best thing for the citizens who want to make their votes count. I think that it is also not fair that a big state gets more attention than smaller states. According to Richard A. Posner he states that bigger states gets more attetion from presidential candidates in a campaign than a small state does. I think it should all be equal, all states should get as much attetion from presidential candidates no matter what size they are. According to Bradford Plumer, he states that that sometimes the electors decide no to vote for the party's candidate and vote for who ever they want. That is not fair for the citizens! Voters should be able to have contol on who they vote for because it's their vote, it shouldnt be depended on someone else who might even trick them and end up voting for someone that the people didnt want. Bradford also states that "500,000 voters would equal 55 representatives who represent 35 million voters, that amouint of voters vote one party for president and another for Congress." This shows how the House's selection doesn't need to be expected from the will of the people.  If we change the system then people shouldnt have to be depending on who their elector votes for, it would just be their vote that counts. The winner-take-all system is the worst thing about Electoral College, making it unfair for the voters. Since there are states that candidates know they dont have a chance of winning, they just dont spend time at that state, so they only go to the states they know they will get their votes on. Bradford Plumer also said that during the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didn't get to see the candidates at all, and that 25 of the largest media markets didn't get to see a single campaign ad. which doesnt make fair for those states becasuse they wanted to see who they wanted to cast their vote on. The candidates should have to spend equal time in each state even if they know they aren't going to win it there might be people on those states that might like that candidate. These reasons should suggest that the Electoral College system should go away, and popular vote would be a better idea. The candidate shouldn't win cause of winner-take-all system, or cause some electors didn't listen to the voters. It should be on the people's hands and what they think of that candidate. The people's votes should what really count.                
I am a Seagoing Cowboy. I have experienced many different places. I have been to Greece, Europe, China and more. You should definately become a Seagoing Cowboy because you get to experience places you would not get to experience if you were not a Seagoing Cowboy. When you are a Seagoing Cowboy you make many friends. You get to help take care of horses, cows, and mules. By 1947, I made 9 different trips, the most of any seagoing Cowboy! Not only do you have fun doing all of this, but you also get prepared for hard work in the future. You also play fun games such as volleyball and table tennis. We also fenced, boxed, read, and whittled to pass the time. Being a Segoing Cowboy makes you much more aware about the world and its people. There are many things countries need. You also have lots of fun on board, especially on return trips from unloading the animals. All of the fun on board made the month long trip to China seem short. When I was in Greece I even got to see the Acropolis! It was very special. I also turned 18 before arriving in Greece, so i could be drafted in the military. We finally arrived on August 14, which was the day the Pacific war ended! In Conclusion, I would definately recommend becoming a Seagoing cowboy, because it is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and it is very fun, while you also learn a lot along the way.
The Face, confusing and causing many arguements with others asking if it is a form of alien life, or just a natural landform. Many conspiracy theorists believe it to be an image of civilization of Mars. NASA, on the other hand believes it to be a natural landform. The Face is most likely a natural landform because of the formation, similarities with other landforms, and common sense. The Face 's formation helps prove that it is a natural landform. A few days after the new photo of the face, NASA unveiled the photo with a caption reading," a huge rock formation. . . which resembles a human head. . . formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth." This interpretation helped show that the Face was possibly a natural landform. The similarities with other landforms also helps prove that it is a natural landform. Jim Garvin, cheif scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program stated,"It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars. Garvin is saying that it is very similar to another natural landfrom which would support the evidence that the Face on Mars is a natural landform. The last distinct things that proves the Face on Mars is a natural landform is common sense. Many conspiracy theorists state that it is a sign of new life, but is that really what it is. In April 5, 1998, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. Thousands of conspiracy theorists, and web surfers were eagerly waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing a natural landform. This proves that common sense can play a keen role in porving that the Face is a natural landform. The Face has been puzzling many people and causingarguements over these past years. The Face is one of the hardest problems to debunk, whether you are a scientist, or an average person just wanting to figure out the problem. But after close examination from many people, it shows that the Face is a natural landform. The Face is a natural landform because of its formation, its evidence, and common sense.
Pollution The cars in the world have created a serious problem of polution or also known as smog. In places like U.S and Europe states are trying to get citezens to stop using car on a every day basis and maybe use a bus or any other means of transportion to stop spreading smog. Vauban,Germany is one place where citezens have to live withought a car. It is one place where cars are not allowed but if you really want one you have to buy a large garage worth $40,000 and buy a house. Which is the reason many of the residents dont have a car there and if they were to travel they travel by bike or any other eco-friendly transportion. Which would help enhance the look of the city and have you save gas money for a day or so. In Paris,France they had banned cars for a few days till all the smug in the city is gone. People had to use plug-in cars, hybrids, and cars carrying three or more passengers were aloud. Publick transportation was free of charge from Friday to Monday. Alot of smog had cleared up by Monday for the French party to rescind the ban od cars on Tuesday. Bogota,Colombis had their third straight year ban of cars. With only buses and taxis permitted for the Day Without Cars in the capital of 7 milion. Their goal was to have the citezens use more public transportion and reduce smog in Bogota. And because of that cause two more cities in colomia named Cali and Valledupar joined the Day Without Cars event. In U.S lately since 2005 the car sales have been going down and down and the ownership rate of the typical has gone down at a fast pace. Expets in university of Michigan's Transportion Research Institute belice that there is somethign more fundamental going on in U.S. Many sociologists belive it will have a beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the enviorment, since transportion is the second largest source of America's emissions. Even in NewYork there has been more bicycle sharing and subway transportion to help get rid of the smog in the city created by millions of cars in the city. People have been learning to help the earth by stopping the transportion of cars which has been becoming less and less of a issue so if more states and cites were to join together in lowering the usage of cars and maybe more sco-friendly transportion then maybe we could enhance our image of the earth from global warming. By using the public transportion given or just getting a hybrid car.  
I agree with a Facial Action Coding System that is used to identify human emotions."The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles." With a facial action coding system you could change and make the world a better place,you could get law enforcement to invest in facial action coding system's. "Eckman,has classified six basic emotions- happiness,surprise,anger,disgust,fear, and sadness-and then associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles." Using this type of technology can actually help a lot,you can stop teen suicides from happening,you can stop school shootings from happening...But what I mean by that is you can help the person out that's feeling grieving,depressed and mad by talking to them about their problems or maybe what's going on at home or anywhere else, you can scan that persons face and see what emotions they're feeling. Overall, I think that this could show people what technology really is about and how we can inspire kidsto do the same,it could keep kids out of trouble and give them motovation to do good things in their community or around the world.
Driverless cars are coming out really close to use! I think they will be a really good advantege because they can be helpful for disabled people, they can help get around serority(old) people and a really good advantege for people that hate driving during the night part of the day and even for long trips. I wouldn't consider myself as a person agenst or with the driveless cars, because in my point there are good and bad things about these cars. Would you trust a driveless car to drive you around? Places like Florida, Nevada, California, and direct columbia have let people drive these cars around there city because they believe that they would be able to work and would like to be know for were the car was used at. Acorrding to the book it says that "The law belives that more states will follow as soon as the cars are aproved and safe." Automakers are continuing on fixing the problem that are willing to be solved be for they are aproved. The BMW company has tried to make a driveless car but can out different from what they expected. The driveless cars are not that bad, i mean the help you drive around. They icluded a GPS, a Dubbed LIDAR for a 3-D car surrounding. The have also reduced the engine power and applyed brakes on the individual wheel which allows better respones and contral then a human diver could. The BMW company made a car close being to the driveless car, the car can function up to 25mph but has a sersor made to make sure that the driver keeps hold of the wheel. In fact the car can steer, it can accelerate and brake by its self but it is also desigined to navigate the road ahead to tell the driver when it requires human skilld, it will navigate working zones and even accidents. So most of these cars still requiere human skills and are not ready yet have earned the driveless car name. Some cars have considered using carmeras to watch that the drive is focued on the road. The GM has requested vibrating seat's for the driver, which could be a bad idea to put in a driveless car that they dont even know if it is ready to work on it's own without kill or having someone injurd yet. Most of the thing included to the cars can be displayed but something not avalible to the drive is texting will drive that is a system featured of the safty. Driveless cars sound like a fun thing to try out but we'll never find out if its really safe to use, even when they announce it and say it is. I still think there is a good side and a bad side to it because the only word to know about something and to test it is if its same for us to trust. Most companys like Nissan, Mercedes, Benz, Audi have said that they would have a car that can drives themselves by 2020, but i would belive that Mercedes would have a driveless car ready by 2020, but would behard to belive in right? We just have to wait and find about till car companys have more progress and information for us about the cars, which i hope soon because i would really like to try out this drivelss car, wouldn't you like to try it out?
Dear State Senator, Keeping the electoral eollege method shouldn't be appropriate for electing the next president. In source two it says that when you use the electoral college system and you vote,not only do you vote not only for one person but other people pledged to that person. Now,I don't think it's the best idea to choose this method despite it being a more simple process but using the popular vote method sounds more fair,source two also says that someone won the popular vote but the electoral college prevented him from becoming the next president. The electoral college causes too much confusion,its unfair and it's caused more problems with voting. Although,using the elctoral college method is more simple,it can cause a lot of confusion. If you vote for one person then you automatically vote for the other people pledged to that person. Many people who have ran for persident have lost due to the electoral college method but they've won the popular vote. Its possible that when you are voting you don't know who else you're voting for. To continue with,the electoral college method can be unfair because of the people who lost due to the system. Some people that ran for president won the popular vote but lost the electoral college vote. Others also lost because of the "winner-take-all" system,it awards every elector to the winning presidential candidate. This method has caused problems with voting because of it being unfair. Some of the problems its caused was how others win automatically if the president they pledged to won the electoral college vote. This method of voting has to go. In conclusion,the electoral college voting system shouldn't be used again in the future becasue of its confusion. It can have you voting for someone pledged to the preisdent that you didn't wan to vote for. It can also be unfair. Many people lost because of this method but won the popular vote. Last it's caused too much problems as a voting system in general.      
Facial Action Coding System has not been around since the early ages of technology. When it comes to technology, developers think of various ways the technology can affect your daily life. With FACS (Facial Action Coding System) there is new wonder to the system everyday. In "Making Mona Lisa Smile" by Nick D'Alto, D'Alto describes the many ways a computer system can benefit learning styles of students by using examples of FACS: classroom computers, complex algorithms, and 3D models created by computers. Classroom computers may seem like a boring and old piece of machinery to most students. Although classroom computers are not that exciting, students can have a great benefit from the technology that can be accessed from the computers. Students might not be able to notice any difference in the computer's hardware. However, they may be confused when they see certain ad's showing up depending on their facial expressions. A student's facial recognition can be very important when encouraging students to learn "a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored" (D'Alto). Classroom computers being able to read facial recognition helps students' lessons become modifyed to help their learning experience. Complex algorithms can help a computer detect facial structures and emotions portrayed from within an individual. With technology becoming more efficient in the daily live of an average person, some computers are now built with sensors that can be used to unlock the device. Some home computers; however, are not able to "handle the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile. But we can write down some simple instructions that 'encode' different emotions" (D'Alto). Software engineers, computer engineers, etc. are working nonstop to help write certain codes that will help create features that will be able to sensed. This big leap into technology can help when classroom computers are being built, thus helping student to learn better. 3D models created by computers are something individuals normally wouldn't see on a day-to-day basis. 3D models are usually created to help people working in the medical fields determine certain diagnosis and such with individuals. If a patient is getting a scan and the doctors need to see certain muscles "the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles" (D'Alto). With computers being able to read and detect muscles located in a person's face, engineers can use that research to help enhance the function of computers being able to sense facial expressions. The use of FACS examples: classroom computers, complex algorithms, and 3D models created by computers can all make an impact in a student's learning style in the passage "Making Mona Lisa Smile" by Nick D'Alto. The use of technolgy used today's society already has a huge impact that can lead to an even bigger impact and that impact can help many young individuals learn specific and various ways.
The Face "The Face." Is "The Face" a natural Martian mesa with unusual shadow? Is this proof that there is life on mars? Are the scientists at NASA keeping life on Mars a secret? Well lets look at some evidence to prove or disprove these theroies. "The Face" is a nartual Martian mesa with unusual shadows,and the technology used in 1976 to take the picture was not as reliable to give a detailed picture. As u can see in 2001 the picture looks different because it it zoomed in, it gives better detail of the picture. You can see some of the hills and moutains in it,and its twists and turns. "On April5,1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Vikings photos." "The image appeared on a JPL web site,revealing a natural landform.There was no alien monument after all." "As the rule of thumb, you can discern things in digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size," Garvin added. So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!" Some skeptics still think that the Martian mesa with unusual shadows still was made by aliens.Some skeptics say that the camera on board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to see "THE Face."
There are several advantages of limiting car usgae. A couple of them are that there would be less pollution in the air and that communities would be set up different to make it easier to get to places without having to drive to these place you could just walk instead. One advantage of limiting car usage is that there would be less pollution. Source 4 says, "If the pattern persits- and many sociologists believe it will- it will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the environment, since transportation is the second largest source of America's emissions." This shows that if you cut out some of your car usage there will be less carbon in the air. Which would lead to less pollution and a better living environment for everybody. Source 3 says, "It's a good oppurtunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." The person who said this was talking about the car free day that occurs in Colombia. Going just one day without your car can have an impact on the carbon emissions and help bring down the amount of air pollution in that area. Another advantage of limiting car usage is new community set ups. Source 1 says, "But it's basic percepts are being adopted around the world in attempts to make suburbs more compact and more accessible to public transportation, with less space for parking. In this new approach, stores are placed a walk away, on a main street, rather than in malls along some distant highway." This shows that the government is willing to set up the community in a different way to limit the amount of car usage on a daily basis. Which also makes your shopping trips more convinant because the stores you need or want to go to are walking distance from your house. Source 3 says, "Parks and sports cneters also have bloomed throughout the city; uneven, pitted sidewalks have been repalced by broad smooth sidewalks; rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic; and new resturants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up. This explains how the city is being remodeled to help encourage people to start using their cars less and to be able to walk to many places instead of driving there by bringing these places closer to their houses. There are several advantages of limiting car usgae. A couple of them are that there would be less pollution in the air and that communities would be set up different to make it easier to get to places without having to drive to these place you could just walk instead. There are several advantages of limiting car usage. A couple of them are less pollution and new community set ups.
Technology is becoming more and more advanced as time passes by. The Facial Action Coding System is a program that can tell a users emotion by using a 3-D model of the users face. This new technology is a valuable piece of equiptment for a classroom. This can assist teachers create better lesson plans for the students. In addition, it will clear up the confusion over mixed emotions concercing the classroom. This new technological innovation can help open the eyes of teachers. If a student is doing an assignment on the cmputer and is very confused the teacher may not know because he or she is busy working with another student. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored..."(6). Then once the computer knows the student is confused or bored, it can change the lessson toconform to them. This will help teachers teach kids more effiecently without having to change all of their material to help one student. This technology also has the ability to show the multiple different emotions of a person. "...the software can even identify mixed emotions..." (4). No more will a face be wrongly recongized as in understanding or agreeance. An educater can use this information to understand the overall ratios of his or her students. With this technology in classrooms there will not be a feeling of being left behind. Less and less students will be confused in class leading to better test rates. Also modified tests and task due to the Facial Action Coding System will improve on the lerning material to highten knowledge. Knowing this, the Facial Action Coding System is very valuable in the classroom.
I think that they should develop these driverless cars. If they did, first of all, it would be cool to have cars that drive themsleves and second because if you needed to get somewhere and couldn't drive then you could. There are a few reasons why I think that they should be developed. The first reason is because it would cost people a lot less to fill up their cars. They are also not fully driverless. They will alert you when you are pulling in or out of somewhere, or dealing with traffic issues such as construction or accidents. It feel that it could benefit a lot of people and would also make people more interested in driving. They have been wanting to invent something like this one day. I knew that when they had the opportunity to create a vehicle or anything can can go on its own they would. This driverless car can apply brakes on individual wheels when needed too. It can also reduce power from the engine to help in the need of an emergency. This can help make driving safer because if someone isn't paying attention and a car or something is coming at you, your car can sense that and apply the brakes for you. It is nice that they are also considering using cameras in the cars to watch that drivers are remaining focused on the road. The car watches the driver and the driver watches the road. Because of all the reasons I mentioned above, I think that they should develop the driverless car. It will be weird at first having these cars around because you wouldn't expect to see something like that but after a while it can benefit people in the long run that either can't drive like they used too and need to get somewhere, and also most will buy it just because it sounds super cool and to see what it can do.
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