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[ "Notes to the consolidated financial statements of Aegon N.V. ", "Note 50", "270", "50", "Summary of total financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss", "Investments for general account", "Investments for account of policyholders", "Investment contracts for account of policyholders", "Derivatives", "Borrowings ", "The table that follows summarizes the carrying amounts of financial assets and financial liabilities that are classified as at fair value ", "through profit or loss, with appropriate distinction between those financial assets and financial liabilities held for trading and those ", "that, upon initial recognition, were designated as at fair value through profit or loss.", "The Group manages certain portfolios on a total return basis which have been designated at fair value through profit or loss. ", "This includes portfolios of investments in limited partnerships and limited liability companies (primarily hedge funds) for which ", "the performance is assessed internally on a total return basis. In addition, some investments that include an embedded derivative ", "that would otherwise have required bifurcation, such as convertible instruments, preferred shares and credit linked notes, have been ", "designated at fair value through profit or loss. ", "Investments for general account backing insurance and investment liabilities, that are carried at fair value with changes in the fair ", "value recognized in the income statement, are designated at fair value through profit or loss. The Group elected to designate these ", "investments at fair value through profit or loss, as a classification of financial assets as available-for-sale would result in accumulation ", "of unrealized gains and losses in a revaluation reserve within equity whilst changes to the liability would be reflected in net income ", "(accounting mismatch).", "Investments held for account of policyholders comprise assets that are linked to various insurance and investment contracts for ", "which the financial risks are borne by the customer. Under the Group’s accounting policies these insurance and investment liabilities ", "are measured at the fair value of the linked assets with changes in the fair value recognized in the income statement. To avoid an ", "accounting mismatch the linked assets have been designated as at fair value through profit or loss. ", "In addition, the investment for account of policyholders include with profit assets, where an insurer manages these assets together ", "with related liabilities on a fair value basis in accordance with a documented policy of asset and liability management. In accordance ", "with Group’s accounting policies, these assets have been designated as at fair value through profit or loss.", "With the exception of the financial liabilities with discretionary participating features that are not subject to the classification and ", "measurement requirements for financial instruments, all investment contracts for account of policyholders that are carried at fair value ", "or at the fair value of the linked assets are included in the table above.", "With the exception of derivatives designated as a hedging instrument, all derivatives held for general account and held for account of ", "policyholders are included in the table above.", "Borrowings designated as at fair value through profit or loss includes financial instruments that are managed on a fair value basis ", "together with related financial assets and financial derivatives (Refer to note 41).", "Annual Report 2013", "2013", "2012", "Trading", "Designated", "Trading", "Designated", "Investments for general account", "121", "4,712", "754", "4,809", "Investments for account of policyholders", "-", "164,037", "-", "151,960", "Derivatives with positive values not designated as hedges", "12,651", "-", "19,348", "-", "Total financial assets at fair value through profit or loss", "12,771", "168,749", "20,102", "156,769", "Investment contracts for account of policyholders", "-", "32,628", "-", "29,188", "Derivatives with negative values not designated as hedges", "11,248", "-", "17,042", "-", "Borrowings", "-", "1,017", "-", "1,050", "Total financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss", "11,248", "33,645", "17,042", "30,238" ]
[ [ 71, 30, 529, 14 ], [ 71, 30, 529, 14 ], [ 71, 30, 529, 14 ], [ 119, 98, 694, 14 ], [ 119, 98, 694, 14 ], [ 119, 363, 212, 13 ], [ 119, 564, 268, 13 ], [ 119, 719, 326, 13 ], [ 119, 797, 74, 13 ], [ 119, 859, 78, 13 ], [ 119, 116, 770, 42 ], [ 119, 116, 770, 42 ], [ 119, 116, 770, 42 ], [ 119, 380, 768, 73 ], [ 119, 380, 768, 73 ], [ 119, 380, 768, 73 ], [ 119, 380, 768, 73 ], [ 119, 380, 768, 73 ], [ 119, 473, 784, 73 ], [ 119, 473, 784, 73 ], [ 119, 473, 784, 73 ], [ 119, 473, 784, 73 ], [ 119, 473, 784, 73 ], [ 119, 581, 764, 58 ], [ 119, 581, 764, 58 ], [ 119, 581, 764, 58 ], [ 119, 581, 764, 58 ], [ 119, 659, 767, 42 ], [ 119, 659, 767, 42 ], [ 119, 659, 767, 42 ], [ 119, 736, 787, 42 ], [ 119, 736, 787, 42 ], [ 119, 736, 787, 42 ], [ 119, 813, 775, 27 ], [ 119, 813, 775, 27 ], [ 119, 875, 753, 27 ], [ 119, 875, 753, 27 ], [ 200, 991, 124, 12 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ], [ 116, 178, 787, 162 ] ]
[ [ 119, 30, 422, 13 ], [ 541, 30, 59, 14 ], [ 71, 31, 25, 13 ], [ 119, 98, 19, 14 ], [ 143, 98, 670, 14 ], [ 119, 363, 212, 13 ], [ 119, 564, 268, 13 ], [ 119, 719, 326, 13 ], [ 119, 797, 74, 13 ], [ 119, 859, 78, 13 ], [ 119, 116, 770, 11 ], [ 119, 132, 764, 11 ], [ 119, 147, 485, 11 ], [ 119, 380, 724, 11 ], [ 119, 395, 736, 11 ], [ 119, 411, 751, 11 ], [ 119, 426, 768, 11 ], [ 119, 442, 270, 11 ], [ 119, 473, 753, 11 ], [ 119, 488, 761, 11 ], [ 119, 504, 784, 11 ], [ 119, 519, 761, 11 ], [ 119, 535, 134, 11 ], [ 119, 581, 743, 11 ], [ 119, 597, 764, 11 ], [ 119, 612, 751, 11 ], [ 119, 628, 577, 11 ], [ 119, 659, 762, 11 ], [ 119, 674, 767, 11 ], [ 119, 690, 614, 11 ], [ 119, 736, 755, 11 ], [ 119, 752, 787, 11 ], [ 119, 767, 408, 11 ], [ 119, 813, 775, 11 ], [ 119, 829, 261, 11 ], [ 119, 875, 753, 11 ], [ 119, 891, 470, 11 ], [ 200, 991, 124, 12 ], [ 631, 179, 32, 12 ], [ 803, 180, 30, 11 ], [ 591, 194, 46, 12 ], [ 653, 194, 69, 12 ], [ 768, 195, 40, 11 ], [ 833, 195, 61, 11 ], [ 119, 212, 165, 10 ], [ 616, 212, 21, 10 ], [ 692, 212, 30, 10 ], [ 788, 212, 21, 10 ], [ 864, 212, 30, 10 ], [ 119, 227, 209, 10 ], [ 633, 227, 4, 10 ], [ 678, 227, 44, 10 ], [ 804, 227, 4, 10 ], [ 850, 227, 44, 10 ], [ 119, 243, 293, 10 ], [ 599, 243, 37, 10 ], [ 718, 243, 4, 10 ], [ 771, 243, 37, 10 ], [ 890, 243, 4, 10 ], [ 119, 256, 346, 12 ], [ 594, 257, 43, 11 ], [ 672, 257, 51, 11 ], [ 766, 257, 43, 11 ], [ 843, 257, 51, 11 ], [ 119, 281, 254, 10 ], [ 633, 281, 4, 10 ], [ 685, 281, 37, 10 ], [ 804, 281, 4, 10 ], [ 857, 281, 37, 10 ], [ 119, 297, 297, 10 ], [ 599, 297, 37, 10 ], [ 718, 297, 4, 10 ], [ 771, 297, 37, 10 ], [ 890, 297, 4, 10 ], [ 119, 312, 57, 10 ], [ 633, 312, 4, 10 ], [ 692, 312, 30, 10 ], [ 804, 312, 4, 10 ], [ 864, 312, 30, 10 ], [ 119, 326, 365, 12 ], [ 594, 327, 43, 11 ], [ 680, 327, 43, 11 ], [ 766, 327, 43, 11 ], [ 851, 327, 43, 11 ] ]
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[ "134 ", "Pascal", "User", "Manual ", "5.", "If", "Ch", "is", "a", "variable", "of type", "Cd: ", "or", "subrange", "of", "Char,", "then ", "Read", "(F,", "Ch) ", "assigns", "the", "chal", "Icier", "at", "the", "current", "position", "of ", "file", "F ", "or", "the", "value", "of", "Fi", "to ", "I. ", "followed", "by", "a", "Get", "(F),", "the ", "choice", "being", "implementation- dependent. ", "6. ", "If ", "a", "parameter", "v ", "is", "of", "tYll' ", "I ", "nteger ", "or", "a", "subrange", "of ", "Integer ", "then ", "Read ", "accel'ts ", "a ", "sequence ", "of", "characters ", "forming", "a", "signed", "integer", "witl ", "possible", "leading", "blanks.", "The ", "integer", "value", "denoted", "by", "this ", "I.~quence ", "is", "then", "assigned", "to", "v. ", "7.", "If a", "parameter", "v", "is", "of type: ", "1 ", "l,", "Read", "accepts", "a", "sequence ", "of characters", "forming", "a", "signee", "number", "with", "possible", "leading ", "blanks. ", "The", "real ", "value", "deno ", "l~d ", "by ", "this ", "sequence", "is ", "then ", "assigned", "to", "v. ", "In", "scanning", "F ", "(skipping", "blank ", ")", "to", "read", "numbers,", "Read", "may", "also ", "skip ", "end-of-line", "markers. ", "F ", "l~ ", "left ", "positioned", "to ", "the ", "non-digit ", "character", "following", "the", "last", "digit ", "l ", "\\)flstituting", "a", "number.", "To", "correctly ", "read", "consecutive", "numbers,", "separa", "e", "them", "by", "blanks", "or", "put", "them", "on ", "separate", "lines.", "Read", "accepts", "the", "longest", "sequence", "of digits,", "and", "if two ", "numbers", "are", "not", "separated, ", "Read ", "cannot", "distinguish", "them", "as ", "two ", "numbers", "(and", "neither", "can", "people!) ", "Examples: ", "Read", "and", "process", "a", "sequence", "of", "numbers", "where", "the", "last", "value", "is ", "immediately", "followed", "by", "an", "asterisk.", "Assume ", "F ", "to", "be", "a", "textfile,", "x", "and ", "Ch", "to", "be", "variables", "oftypes", "Intege ", "(or", "Real)", "and", "Char", "respectively. ", "Perhaps", "a", "more", "common", "situ", "Ition ", "is ", "when", "there", "is", "no", "way", "of ", "knowing", "how", "many", "data", "items", "arc", "to", "be", "read.", "and", "there", "is", "no", "special ", "symbol", "that", "terminates", "the", "list. ", "T.o", "convenient", "schemata", "are", "show ", "below.", "They", "make", "use", "of", "procedur", ".. ; ", "k ", "ipBlanks: ", "Reset(F); ", "repeat ", "Read(F,X,Ch); ", "P", "(X) ", "until", "Ch ", "= ", "'*' ", "procedure", "SkipBlanks", "(v, ", "IF: ", "Text); ", "var", "Done: ", "Boolean; ", "begin ", "Done ", ":=", "False; " ]
[ [ 145, 47, 253, 17 ], [ 145, 47, 253, 17 ], [ 145, 47, 253, 17 ], [ 145, 47, 253, 17 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 86, 645, 86 ], [ 191, 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[ [ 145, 47, 31, 17 ], [ 211, 47, 38, 17 ], [ 280, 47, 28, 17 ], [ 338, 47, 60, 17 ], [ 193, 86, 9, 19 ], [ 229, 86, 8, 19 ], [ 264, 86, 15, 19 ], [ 306, 86, 8, 19 ], [ 341, 86, 5, 19 ], [ 373, 86, 42, 19 ], [ 442, 86, 46, 19 ], [ 516, 86, 32, 19 ], [ 563, 86, 12, 19 ], [ 605, 86, 53, 19 ], [ 689, 86, 12, 19 ], [ 731, 86, 32, 19 ], [ 793, 86, 40, 19 ], [ 193, 112, 27, 15 ], [ 246, 112, 15, 15 ], [ 288, 112, 33, 15 ], [ 341, 109, 42, 19 ], [ 414, 109, 18, 19 ], [ 461, 109, 24, 19 ], [ 516, 109, 27, 19 ], [ 573, 109, 10, 19 ], [ 613, 109, 18, 19 ], [ 661, 109, 42, 19 ], [ 733, 109, 47, 19 ], [ 810, 109, 27, 19 ], [ 193, 131, 15, 19 ], [ 231, 131, 17, 19 ], [ 269, 131, 10, 19 ], [ 304, 131, 15, 19 ], [ 345, 131, 27, 19 ], [ 398, 131, 10, 19 ], [ 433, 131, 10, 19 ], [ 469, 131, 22, 19 ], [ 525, 139, 12, 9 ], [ 546, 131, 50, 19 ], [ 625, 131, 14, 19 ], [ 668, 131, 6, 19 ], [ 703, 131, 20, 19 ], [ 752, 131, 20, 19 ], [ 801, 131, 31, 19 ], [ 191, 154, 52, 19 ], [ 284, 154, 44, 19 ], [ 369, 154, 260, 19 ], [ 192, 181, 16, 19 ], [ 222, 180, 23, 19 ], [ 251, 181, 6, 19 ], [ 288, 181, 60, 19 ], [ 378, 181, 22, 19 ], [ 422, 181, 8, 19 ], [ 456, 181, 10, 19 ], [ 492, 181, 34, 19 ], [ 542, 185, 4, 13 ], [ 553, 184, 79, 15 ], [ 652, 181, 12, 19 ], [ 693, 181, 6, 19 ], [ 729, 181, 52, 19 ], [ 811, 181, 26, 19 ], [ 194, 207, 92, 15 ], [ 315, 203, 44, 19 ], [ 375, 207, 53, 15 ], [ 458, 203, 77, 19 ], [ 551, 203, 11, 19 ], [ 578, 203, 96, 19 ], [ 689, 203, 15, 19 ], [ 741, 203, 92, 19 ], [ 192, 226, 51, 19 ], [ 276, 226, 7, 19 ], [ 315, 226, 41, 19 ], [ 389, 226, 44, 19 ], [ 466, 226, 40, 19 ], [ 526, 226, 57, 19 ], [ 618, 226, 51, 19 ], [ 704, 226, 49, 19 ], [ 789, 226, 44, 19 ], [ 192, 248, 43, 19 ], [ 267, 248, 33, 19 ], [ 332, 248, 49, 19 ], [ 413, 248, 15, 19 ], [ 460, 248, 38, 19 ], [ 518, 255, 39, 10 ], [ 611, 248, 8, 19 ], [ 647, 248, 23, 19 ], [ 696, 248, 46, 19 ], [ 769, 248, 10, 19 ], [ 806, 248, 23, 19 ], [ 192, 275, 10, 19 ], [ 230, 275, 29, 19 ], [ 287, 275, 55, 19 ], [ 370, 275, 6, 19 ], [ 405, 275, 9, 19 ], [ 442, 275, 66, 19 ], [ 536, 282, 7, 9 ], [ 547, 279, 8, 13 ], [ 586, 279, 31, 13 ], [ 648, 279, 45, 13 ], [ 724, 279, 6, 13 ], [ 762, 279, 71, 13 ], [ 192, 298, 98, 19 ], [ 325, 298, 54, 19 ], [ 412, 298, 7, 19 ], [ 453, 298, 42, 19 ], [ 530, 298, 51, 19 ], [ 615, 298, 29, 19 ], [ 678, 298, 55, 19 ], [ 767, 298, 66, 19 ], [ 192, 320, 74, 19 ], [ 281, 320, 23, 19 ], [ 335, 320, 38, 19 ], [ 388, 320, 36, 19 ], [ 459, 320, 49, 19 ], [ 518, 327, 11, 11 ], [ 557, 320, 22, 19 ], [ 596, 320, 37, 19 ], [ 648, 320, 62, 19 ], [ 744, 320, 28, 19 ], [ 788, 320, 44, 19 ], [ 192, 343, 48, 19 ], [ 269, 343, 11, 19 ], [ 309, 343, 24, 19 ], [ 184, 373, 11, 19 ], [ 224, 373, 50, 19 ], [ 304, 373, 22, 19 ], [ 342, 373, 68, 19 ], [ 447, 373, 58, 19 ], [ 522, 373, 4, 19 ], [ 556, 373, 11, 19 ], [ 596, 373, 24, 19 ], [ 649, 373, 53, 19 ], [ 731, 373, 29, 19 ], [ 790, 373, 24, 19 ], [ 844, 373, 37, 19 ], [ 144, 396, 43, 19 ], [ 202, 396, 94, 19 ], [ 339, 396, 95, 19 ], [ 451, 400, 10, 13 ], [ 492, 402, 8, 11 ], [ 526, 396, 30, 19 ], [ 574, 396, 74, 19 ], [ 684, 396, 31, 19 ], [ 733, 396, 31, 19 ], [ 780, 396, 103, 19 ], [ 143, 418, 61, 19 ], [ 238, 418, 65, 19 ], [ 337, 418, 20, 19 ], [ 391, 418, 23, 19 ], [ 448, 418, 47, 19 ], [ 503, 424, 3, 11 ], [ 516, 418, 75, 19 ], [ 625, 418, 7, 19 ], [ 666, 418, 55, 19 ], [ 754, 418, 18, 19 ], [ 806, 418, 75, 19 ], [ 144, 440, 27, 19 ], [ 202, 440, 74, 19 ], [ 308, 440, 58, 19 ], [ 398, 440, 40, 19 ], [ 469, 440, 6, 19 ], [ 508, 440, 31, 19 ], [ 571, 440, 15, 19 ], [ 618, 440, 41, 19 ], [ 691, 440, 13, 19 ], [ 735, 440, 20, 19 ], [ 787, 440, 31, 19 ], [ 850, 440, 31, 19 ], [ 144, 463, 52, 19 ], [ 228, 463, 34, 19 ], [ 295, 463, 32, 19 ], [ 359, 463, 47, 19 ], [ 439, 463, 19, 19 ], [ 490, 463, 46, 19 ], [ 569, 463, 58, 19 ], [ 659, 463, 68, 19 ], [ 760, 463, 23, 19 ], [ 815, 463, 65, 19 ], [ 144, 485, 60, 19 ], [ 240, 485, 21, 19 ], [ 297, 485, 22, 19 ], [ 355, 485, 88, 19 ], [ 456, 488, 53, 15 ], [ 532, 485, 46, 19 ], [ 614, 485, 76, 19 ], [ 725, 485, 34, 19 ], [ 795, 485, 31, 19 ], [ 842, 485, 38, 19 ], [ 143, 507, 57, 19 ], [ 235, 507, 29, 19 ], [ 298, 507, 46, 19 ], [ 378, 507, 23, 19 ], [ 435, 507, 72, 19 ], [ 143, 537, 113, 19 ], [ 184, 568, 31, 19 ], [ 245, 568, 21, 19 ], [ 298, 568, 45, 19 ], [ 374, 568, 6, 19 ], [ 411, 568, 55, 19 ], [ 497, 568, 12, 19 ], [ 540, 568, 52, 19 ], [ 623, 568, 37, 19 ], [ 691, 568, 18, 19 ], [ 740, 568, 21, 19 ], [ 792, 568, 32, 19 ], [ 855, 568, 25, 19 ], [ 144, 590, 85, 19 ], [ 264, 590, 61, 19 ], [ 360, 590, 17, 19 ], [ 411, 590, 16, 19 ], [ 462, 590, 56, 19 ], [ 553, 590, 72, 19 ], [ 632, 594, 10, 13 ], [ 656, 590, 9, 19 ], [ 691, 590, 11, 19 ], [ 727, 590, 5, 19 ], [ 758, 590, 38, 19 ], [ 821, 590, 6, 19 ], [ 852, 590, 30, 19 ], [ 145, 615, 18, 15 ], [ 195, 615, 12, 15 ], [ 239, 615, 14, 15 ], [ 286, 615, 57, 15 ], [ 375, 615, 46, 15 ], [ 453, 615, 55, 15 ], [ 532, 612, 19, 19 ], [ 585, 612, 35, 19 ], [ 653, 612, 23, 19 ], [ 710, 612, 32, 19 ], [ 775, 612, 100, 19 ], [ 184, 754, 50, 19 ], [ 267, 754, 7, 19 ], [ 306, 754, 32, 19 ], [ 372, 754, 56, 19 ], [ 460, 754, 23, 19 ], [ 515, 754, 46, 19 ], [ 577, 754, 13, 19 ], [ 606, 754, 31, 19 ], [ 667, 754, 29, 19 ], [ 725, 754, 9, 19 ], [ 763, 754, 14, 19 ], [ 807, 754, 24, 19 ], [ 860, 754, 26, 19 ], [ 144, 777, 50, 19 ], [ 224, 777, 24, 19 ], [ 277, 777, 32, 19 ], [ 338, 777, 24, 19 ], [ 391, 777, 31, 19 ], [ 452, 777, 17, 19 ], [ 498, 777, 11, 19 ], [ 538, 777, 13, 19 ], [ 581, 777, 28, 19 ], [ 638, 777, 20, 19 ], [ 688, 777, 28, 19 ], [ 746, 777, 9, 19 ], [ 784, 777, 14, 19 ], [ 828, 777, 54, 19 ], [ 145, 800, 48, 19 ], [ 227, 800, 24, 19 ], [ 285, 800, 69, 19 ], [ 387, 800, 20, 19 ], [ 441, 800, 41, 19 ], [ 493, 799, 24, 20 ], [ 553, 799, 78, 20 ], [ 667, 799, 66, 20 ], [ 769, 799, 21, 20 ], [ 826, 799, 55, 20 ], [ 144, 822, 39, 19 ], [ 213, 822, 30, 19 ], [ 273, 822, 31, 19 ], [ 334, 822, 19, 19 ], [ 383, 822, 12, 19 ], [ 424, 822, 52, 19 ], [ 506, 822, 40, 19 ], [ 547, 826, 8, 13 ], [ 561, 825, 111, 15 ], [ 211, 642, 116, 15 ], [ 212, 662, 78, 15 ], [ 238, 681, 169, 15 ], [ 238, 702, 6, 13 ], [ 264, 702, 22, 13 ], [ 212, 720, 32, 15 ], [ 280, 720, 38, 15 ], [ 331, 723, 8, 11 ], [ 359, 719, 35, 16 ], [ 212, 853, 81, 15 ], [ 334, 853, 93, 15 ], [ 469, 853, 42, 15 ], [ 521, 854, 50, 13 ], [ 586, 853, 76, 15 ], [ 239, 873, 22, 15 ], [ 296, 873, 59, 15 ], [ 371, 873, 104, 15 ], [ 212, 893, 67, 15 ], [ 239, 912, 52, 15 ], [ 309, 912, 15, 16 ], [ 361, 912, 61, 16 ] ]
[ 7, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 ]
Pascal - Manual & Report.pdf
[ "VII", "– S", "ELECTION CRITERIA", "VIII", "– E", "VIDENCE ", "F", "OR ", "S", "ELECTION", "$^{2}$ The same institution or agency.", "$^{3}$ The same institution or agency.", "Page 5 of 6 ", "The signatory declares that the person has already provided the documentary evidence for a previous ", "procedure and confirms that there has been no change in its situation:", "The person is not required to submit the evidence if it has already been submitted for another procurement ", "procedure of the same contracting authority", "$^{3}$. The documents must have been issued no more than one year ", "before the date of their request by the contracting authority and must still be valid at that date.", "The signatory declares that the above-mentioned person is able to provide the necessary supporting ", "documents listed in the relevant sections of the tender specifications and which are not available electronically ", "upon request and without delay. ", "The person is not required to submit the evidence", "if it has", "already", "been", "submitted", "for another award ", "procedure of the same contracting authority", "$^{2}$. The documents must have been issued no more than one year ", "before the date of their request by the contracting authority and must still be valid at that date.", "The signatory declares that the person has already provided the documentary evidence for a previous ", "procedure and confirms that there has been no change in its situation:", "Document ", "Full reference to previous procedure ", "Insert as many lines as necessary.", "(1)", "declares that the above-mentioned person complies with the selection criteria applicable to ", "it individually as provided in the tender specifications: ", "YES ", "NO ", "(a)", "It", "has the legal and regulatory capacity to pursue the professional activity needed for ", "performing the contract as required in the Tender Specifications; ", "(b)", "It fulfils the applicable economic and financial criteria indicated in the Tender Specifications; ", "(c)", "It", "fulfils", "the", "applicable", "technical", "and", "professional", "criteria", "indicated", "in", "the", "Tender ", "Specifications. ", "(2)", "If the above-mentioned person is the ", "sole tenderer", " or the ", "leader in case of ", "joint tender", ", declares that: ", "YES ", "NO ", "N/A ", "(d)", "the tenderer, including all members of the group in case of joint tender and ", "including subcontractors if applicable, complies with all the selection criteria ", "for which a consolidated assessment will be made as provided in the tender ", "specifications. ", "Document ", "Full reference to previous procedure ", "Insert as many lines as necessary." ]
[ [ 93, 284, 224, 16 ], [ 93, 284, 224, 16 ], [ 93, 284, 224, 16 ], [ 93, 609, 280, 16 ], [ 93, 609, 280, 16 ], [ 93, 609, 280, 16 ], [ 93, 609, 280, 16 ], [ 93, 609, 280, 16 ], [ 93, 609, 280, 16 ], [ 93, 609, 280, 16 ], [ 93, 892, 196, 10 ], [ 93, 903, 196, 10 ], [ 93, 945, 74, 10 ], [ 93, 761, 843, 27 ], [ 93, 761, 843, 27 ], [ 93, 701, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 701, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 701, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 701, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 642, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 642, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 642, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 128, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 128, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 128, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 128, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 128, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 128, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 128, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 128, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 128, 843, 41 ], [ 93, 187, 843, 27 ], [ 93, 187, 843, 27 ], [ 83, 231, 817, 31 ], [ 83, 231, 817, 31 ], [ 83, 231, 817, 31 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 83, 315, 852, 153 ], [ 82, 484, 853, 103 ], [ 82, 484, 853, 103 ], [ 82, 484, 853, 103 ], [ 82, 484, 853, 103 ], [ 82, 484, 853, 103 ], [ 82, 484, 853, 103 ], [ 82, 484, 853, 103 ], [ 82, 484, 853, 103 ], [ 82, 484, 853, 103 ], [ 82, 484, 853, 103 ], [ 82, 484, 853, 103 ], [ 82, 484, 853, 103 ], [ 82, 484, 853, 103 ], [ 82, 484, 853, 103 ], [ 82, 484, 853, 103 ], [ 83, 805, 854, 31 ], [ 83, 805, 854, 31 ], [ 83, 805, 854, 31 ] ]
[ [ 93, 284, 25, 16 ], [ 127, 284, 25, 16 ], [ 152, 287, 164, 13 ], [ 93, 609, 32, 16 ], [ 134, 609, 24, 16 ], [ 158, 612, 77, 13 ], [ 235, 609, 12, 16 ], [ 248, 612, 29, 13 ], [ 277, 609, 13, 16 ], [ 291, 612, 82, 13 ], [ 93, 892, 196, 10 ], [ 93, 903, 196, 10 ], [ 93, 945, 74, 10 ], [ 93, 761, 843, 13 ], [ 93, 775, 530, 13 ], [ 93, 701, 843, 13 ], [ 93, 715, 336, 13 ], [ 429, 715, 507, 13 ], [ 93, 729, 710, 13 ], [ 93, 642, 843, 13 ], [ 93, 656, 843, 13 ], [ 93, 670, 249, 13 ], [ 93, 128, 392, 13 ], [ 498, 128, 62, 13 ], [ 574, 128, 65, 13 ], [ 652, 128, 44, 13 ], [ 709, 128, 73, 13 ], [ 796, 128, 140, 13 ], [ 93, 142, 336, 13 ], [ 429, 142, 507, 13 ], [ 93, 156, 710, 13 ], [ 93, 187, 843, 13 ], [ 93, 201, 530, 13 ], [ 248, 233, 89, 13 ], [ 547, 233, 304, 13 ], [ 93, 247, 264, 13 ], [ 93, 323, 15, 13 ], [ 115, 323, 711, 13 ], [ 93, 337, 409, 13 ], [ 840, 326, 39, 13 ], [ 896, 326, 30, 13 ], [ 93, 359, 23, 13 ], [ 123, 359, 10, 13 ], [ 147, 359, 679, 13 ], [ 124, 373, 495, 13 ], [ 93, 402, 20, 13 ], [ 119, 402, 706, 13 ], [ 93, 431, 19, 13 ], [ 118, 431, 9, 13 ], [ 140, 431, 42, 13 ], [ 195, 431, 25, 13 ], [ 233, 431, 80, 13 ], [ 325, 431, 68, 13 ], [ 407, 431, 26, 13 ], [ 445, 431, 84, 13 ], [ 541, 431, 61, 13 ], [ 615, 431, 75, 13 ], [ 702, 431, 12, 13 ], [ 727, 431, 25, 13 ], [ 764, 431, 62, 13 ], [ 124, 445, 115, 13 ], [ 93, 487, 17, 13 ], [ 116, 487, 289, 13 ], [ 407, 487, 108, 13 ], [ 515, 487, 54, 13 ], [ 570, 487, 141, 13 ], [ 93, 501, 93, 13 ], [ 187, 501, 117, 13 ], [ 725, 494, 39, 13 ], [ 786, 494, 30, 13 ], [ 847, 494, 33, 13 ], [ 93, 523, 22, 13 ], [ 121, 523, 590, 13 ], [ 124, 537, 587, 13 ], [ 124, 551, 587, 13 ], [ 124, 565, 113, 13 ], [ 248, 806, 89, 13 ], [ 566, 806, 304, 13 ], [ 93, 821, 264, 13 ] ]
[ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 4, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ]
EN-Declaration on Honour.pdf
[ "MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL", "CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS", "INTEREST SENSITIVITY AND DISCLOSURES ABOUT MARKET RISK", "continued", "The Corporation places its greatest credence in net interest income", "simulation modeling. The above GAP/Interest Rate Sensitivity Report is believed", "by the Corporation's management to have two major shortfalls. The GAP/Interest", "Rate Sensitivity Report fails to precisely gauge how often an interest rate", "sensitive product reprices, nor is it able to measure the magnitude of", "potential future rate movements.", "Net interest income simulation modeling, or earnings-at-risk, measures the", "sensitivity of net interest income to various interest rate movements. The", "Corporation's asset liability process monitors simulated net interest income", "under three separate interest rate scenarios; base, rising and falling.", "Estimated net interest income for each scenario is calculated over a 12-month", "horizon. The immediate and parallel changes to the base case scenario used in", "the model are presented below. The interest rate scenarios are used for", "analytical purposes and do not necessarily represent management's view of", "future market movements. Rather, these are intended to provide a measure of the", "degree of volatility interest rate movements may introduce into the earnings of", "the Corporation.", "The base scenario is highly dependent on numerous assumptions embedded in", "the model, including assumptions related to future interest rates. While the", "base sensitivity analysis incorporates management's best estimate of interest", "rate and balance sheet dynamics under various market rate movements, the actual", "behavior and resulting earnings impact will likely differ from that projected.", "For mortgage-related assets, the base simulation model captures the expected", "prepayment behavior under changing interest rate environments. Assumptions and", "methodologies regarding the interest rate or balance behavior of indeterminate", "(dollars in thousands)", "At December 31, 2003", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", "1-180 DAYS", "181-365 DAYS", "1-5 YEARS", "BEYOND 5 YEARS", "TOTAL", "===================================================================================================================================", "Rate-Sensitive Assets:", "Federal funds sold and interest-bearing deposits ........", "$", "40,556", "$", "40,556", "Investment securities ...................................", "36,876", "$", "24,045", "$", "136,084", "$", "159,792", "356,797", "Loans ...................................................", "1,012,808", "326,043", "870,082", "147,613", "2,356,546", "Federal Reserve and Federal Home Loan Bank stock ........", "15,502", "15,502", "----------", "----------", "----------", "----------", "----------", "Total rate-sensitive assets ........................", "1,105,742", "350,088", "1,006,166", "307,405", "2,769,401", "----------", "----------", "----------", "----------", "----------", "Rate-Sensitive Liabilities:", "Interest-bearing deposits ...............................", "1,411,925", "224,461", "383,135", "4,379", "2,023,900", "Securities sold under repurchase agreements .............", "71,095", "71,095", "Federal Home Loan Bank advances .........................", "7,750", "15,000", "80,341", "109,688", "212,779", "Trust preferred securities ..............................", "57,188", "57,188", "Other short-term borrowings .............................", "1,514", "1,514", "Other borrowed funds ....................................", "10,594", "30,000", "40,594", "----------", "----------", "----------", "----------", "----------", "Total rate-sensitive liabilities ...................", "1,502,878", "239,461", "463,476", "201,255", "2,407,070", "----------", "----------", "----------", "----------", "----------", "Interest rate sensitivity gap by period ....................", "$ (397,136)", "$", "110,627", "$", "542,690", "$", "106,150", "Cumulative rate sensitivity gap ............................", "(397,136)", "(286,509)", "256,181", "362,331", "Cumulative rate sensitivity gap ratio", "at December 31, 2003 ....................................", "73.6%", "83.6%", "111.6%", "115.1%", "at December 31, 2002 ....................................", "111.8%", "85.2%", "98.2%", "113.8%", "The Corporation had a cumulative negative gap of $286,509,000 in the one-year", "horizon at December 31, 2003, just over 9.3 percent of total assets.", "13" ]
[ [ 132, 103, 619, 33 ], [ 132, 103, 619, 33 ], [ 132, 173, 615, 10 ], [ 132, 173, 615, 10 ], [ 132, 471, 736, 79 ], [ 132, 471, 736, 79 ], [ 132, 471, 736, 79 ], [ 132, 471, 736, 79 ], [ 132, 471, 736, 79 ], [ 132, 471, 736, 79 ], [ 132, 568, 736, 148 ], [ 132, 568, 736, 148 ], [ 132, 568, 736, 148 ], [ 132, 568, 736, 148 ], [ 132, 568, 736, 148 ], [ 132, 568, 736, 148 ], [ 132, 568, 736, 148 ], [ 132, 568, 736, 148 ], [ 132, 568, 736, 148 ], [ 132, 568, 736, 148 ], [ 132, 568, 736, 148 ], [ 132, 733, 736, 106 ], [ 132, 733, 736, 106 ], [ 132, 733, 736, 106 ], [ 132, 733, 736, 106 ], [ 132, 733, 736, 106 ], [ 132, 733, 736, 106 ], [ 132, 733, 736, 106 ], [ 132, 733, 736, 106 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 130, 198, 747, 231 ], [ 132, 439, 437, 14 ], [ 132, 439, 437, 14 ], [ 498, 939, 15, 10 ] ]
[ [ 132, 103, 619, 14 ], [ 132, 122, 461, 14 ], [ 132, 173, 503, 10 ], [ 663, 173, 83, 10 ], [ 178, 471, 624, 10 ], [ 132, 485, 736, 10 ], [ 132, 499, 727, 10 ], [ 132, 512, 699, 10 ], [ 132, 526, 652, 10 ], [ 132, 540, 298, 10 ], [ 178, 568, 689, 10 ], [ 132, 581, 689, 10 ], [ 132, 595, 708, 10 ], [ 132, 609, 661, 10 ], [ 132, 623, 717, 10 ], [ 132, 637, 717, 10 ], [ 132, 650, 661, 10 ], [ 132, 664, 680, 10 ], [ 132, 678, 736, 10 ], [ 132, 692, 736, 10 ], [ 132, 706, 149, 10 ], [ 178, 733, 680, 10 ], [ 132, 747, 708, 10 ], [ 132, 761, 717, 10 ], [ 132, 775, 736, 10 ], [ 132, 788, 727, 10 ], [ 132, 802, 708, 10 ], [ 132, 816, 727, 10 ], [ 132, 830, 727, 10 ], [ 132, 199, 125, 6 ], [ 621, 199, 113, 6 ], [ 132, 207, 744, 6 ], [ 496, 216, 56, 6 ], [ 569, 216, 68, 6 ], [ 660, 216, 51, 6 ], [ 734, 216, 79, 6 ], [ 837, 216, 28, 6 ], [ 132, 224, 744, 6 ], [ 132, 232, 125, 6 ], [ 149, 240, 324, 6 ], [ 490, 240, 5, 6 ], [ 513, 240, 34, 6 ], [ 814, 240, 5, 6 ], [ 837, 240, 34, 6 ], [ 149, 249, 324, 6 ], [ 513, 249, 34, 6 ], [ 569, 249, 5, 6 ], [ 592, 249, 34, 6 ], [ 655, 249, 5, 6 ], [ 672, 249, 39, 6 ], [ 740, 249, 5, 6 ], [ 757, 249, 39, 6 ], [ 831, 249, 39, 6 ], [ 149, 257, 324, 6 ], [ 496, 257, 51, 6 ], [ 587, 257, 39, 6 ], [ 672, 257, 39, 6 ], [ 757, 257, 39, 6 ], [ 820, 257, 51, 6 ], [ 149, 265, 324, 6 ], [ 513, 265, 34, 6 ], [ 837, 265, 34, 6 ], [ 490, 274, 56, 6 ], [ 569, 274, 56, 6 ], [ 655, 274, 56, 6 ], [ 740, 274, 56, 6 ], [ 814, 274, 56, 6 ], [ 177, 282, 295, 6 ], [ 496, 282, 51, 6 ], [ 587, 282, 39, 6 ], [ 660, 282, 51, 6 ], [ 757, 282, 39, 6 ], [ 820, 282, 51, 6 ], [ 490, 290, 56, 6 ], [ 569, 290, 56, 6 ], [ 655, 290, 56, 6 ], [ 740, 290, 56, 6 ], [ 814, 290, 56, 6 ], [ 132, 298, 153, 6 ], [ 149, 307, 324, 6 ], [ 496, 307, 51, 6 ], [ 587, 307, 39, 6 ], [ 672, 307, 39, 6 ], [ 768, 307, 28, 6 ], [ 820, 307, 51, 6 ], [ 149, 315, 324, 6 ], [ 513, 315, 34, 6 ], [ 837, 315, 34, 6 ], [ 149, 323, 324, 6 ], [ 518, 323, 28, 6 ], [ 592, 323, 34, 6 ], [ 677, 323, 34, 6 ], [ 757, 323, 39, 6 ], [ 831, 323, 39, 6 ], [ 149, 331, 324, 6 ], [ 763, 331, 34, 6 ], [ 837, 331, 34, 6 ], [ 149, 340, 324, 6 ], [ 518, 340, 28, 6 ], [ 842, 340, 28, 6 ], [ 149, 348, 324, 6 ], [ 513, 348, 34, 6 ], [ 763, 348, 34, 6 ], [ 837, 348, 34, 6 ], [ 490, 356, 56, 6 ], [ 569, 356, 56, 6 ], [ 655, 356, 56, 6 ], [ 740, 356, 56, 6 ], [ 814, 356, 56, 6 ], [ 177, 364, 295, 6 ], [ 496, 364, 51, 6 ], [ 587, 364, 39, 6 ], [ 672, 364, 39, 6 ], [ 757, 364, 39, 6 ], [ 820, 364, 51, 6 ], [ 490, 373, 56, 6 ], [ 569, 373, 56, 6 ], [ 655, 373, 56, 6 ], [ 740, 373, 56, 6 ], [ 814, 373, 56, 6 ], [ 132, 389, 341, 6 ], [ 490, 389, 62, 6 ], [ 569, 389, 5, 6 ], [ 587, 389, 39, 6 ], [ 655, 389, 5, 6 ], [ 672, 389, 39, 6 ], [ 740, 389, 5, 6 ], [ 757, 389, 39, 6 ], [ 132, 398, 341, 6 ], [ 501, 398, 51, 6 ], [ 581, 398, 51, 6 ], [ 672, 398, 39, 6 ], [ 757, 398, 39, 6 ], [ 132, 406, 210, 6 ], [ 149, 414, 324, 6 ], [ 524, 414, 28, 6 ], [ 604, 414, 28, 6 ], [ 683, 414, 34, 6 ], [ 768, 414, 34, 6 ], [ 149, 423, 324, 6 ], [ 518, 423, 34, 6 ], [ 604, 423, 28, 6 ], [ 689, 423, 28, 6 ], [ 768, 423, 34, 6 ], [ 132, 439, 437, 6 ], [ 132, 447, 386, 6 ], [ 498, 939, 15, 10 ] ]
[ 7, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 4 ]
[ "Distributing Python Modules, Release 3.9.5", "Appendix D. Copyright", "46" ]
[ [ 123, 43, 352, 12 ], [ 710, 964, 190, 12 ], [ 123, 964, 19, 12 ] ]
[ [ 123, 43, 352, 12 ], [ 710, 964, 190, 12 ], [ 123, 964, 19, 12 ] ]
[ 5, 4, 4 ]
[ "Exhibit 12.2 ", "Certification by the Chief Financial OfficerPursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-OxleyAct of 2002 ", "I, Shu Yeh, certify that: ", "1.", "I have reviewed this annual report on Form 20-F of Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd.; ", "2.", "Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to ", "state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which ", "such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report; ", "3.", "Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, ", "fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the ", "company as of, and for, the periods presented in this report; ", "4.", "The company’s other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure ", "controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control ", "over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the company and ", "have: ", "(a)", "Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures ", "to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the company, ", "including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, ", "particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared; ", "(b)", "Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial ", "reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the ", "reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in ", "accordance with generally accepted accounting principles; ", "(c)", "Evaluated the effectiveness of the company’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this ", "report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end ", "of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and ", "(d)", "Disclosed in this report any change in the company’s internal control over financial reporting that ", "occurred during the period covered by the annual report that has materially affected, or is reasonably ", "likely to materially affect, the company’s internal control over financial reporting; and ", "5.", "The company’s other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation ", "of internal control over financial reporting, to the company’s auditors and the audit committee of the ", "company’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions): ", "(a)", "All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over ", "financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the company’s ability to record, ", "process, summarize and report financial information; and ", "(b)", "Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a ", "significant role in the company’s internal control over financial reporting. ", "14", "Date: April 20, 2011 ", "By:", "Shu Yeh", "Chief Financial Officer", "Name:", "Title:" ]
[ [ 833, 101, 86, 15 ], [ 156, 123, 757, 19 ], [ 156, 152, 159, 15 ], [ 180, 177, 570, 15 ], [ 180, 177, 570, 15 ], [ 180, 200, 739, 45 ], [ 180, 200, 739, 45 ], [ 180, 200, 739, 45 ], [ 180, 200, 739, 45 ], [ 180, 253, 739, 45 ], [ 180, 253, 739, 45 ], [ 180, 253, 739, 45 ], [ 180, 253, 739, 45 ], [ 180, 305, 739, 59 ], [ 180, 305, 739, 59 ], [ 180, 305, 739, 59 ], [ 180, 305, 739, 59 ], [ 180, 305, 739, 59 ], [ 204, 372, 716, 59 ], [ 204, 372, 716, 59 ], [ 204, 372, 716, 59 ], [ 204, 372, 716, 59 ], [ 204, 372, 716, 59 ], [ 204, 436, 716, 59 ], [ 204, 436, 716, 59 ], [ 204, 436, 716, 59 ], [ 204, 436, 716, 59 ], [ 204, 436, 716, 59 ], [ 204, 499, 715, 45 ], [ 204, 499, 715, 45 ], [ 204, 499, 715, 45 ], [ 204, 499, 715, 45 ], [ 204, 548, 715, 45 ], [ 204, 548, 715, 45 ], [ 204, 548, 715, 45 ], [ 204, 548, 715, 45 ], [ 180, 597, 739, 45 ], [ 180, 597, 739, 45 ], [ 180, 597, 739, 45 ], [ 180, 597, 739, 45 ], [ 204, 650, 716, 45 ], [ 204, 650, 716, 45 ], [ 204, 650, 716, 45 ], [ 204, 650, 716, 45 ], [ 204, 699, 715, 30 ], [ 204, 699, 715, 30 ], [ 204, 699, 715, 30 ], [ 50, 980, 18, 16 ], [ 156, 733, 141, 15 ], [ 554, 820, 24, 15 ], [ 678, 842, 164, 28 ], [ 678, 842, 164, 28 ], [ 554, 842, 47, 28 ], [ 554, 842, 47, 28 ] ]
[ [ 833, 101, 86, 15 ], [ 156, 123, 757, 19 ], [ 156, 152, 159, 15 ], [ 180, 177, 12, 15 ], [ 197, 177, 553, 15 ], [ 180, 200, 11, 15 ], [ 196, 200, 723, 15 ], [ 204, 215, 716, 15 ], [ 204, 229, 623, 15 ], [ 180, 253, 9, 15 ], [ 194, 253, 725, 15 ], [ 204, 267, 715, 15 ], [ 204, 282, 402, 15 ], [ 180, 305, 10, 15 ], [ 195, 305, 724, 15 ], [ 204, 320, 715, 15 ], [ 204, 334, 715, 15 ], [ 204, 349, 40, 15 ], [ 204, 372, 13, 15 ], [ 221, 372, 698, 15 ], [ 227, 387, 691, 15 ], [ 227, 401, 692, 15 ], [ 227, 416, 459, 15 ], [ 204, 436, 16, 15 ], [ 224, 436, 695, 15 ], [ 227, 450, 692, 15 ], [ 227, 465, 692, 15 ], [ 227, 480, 395, 15 ], [ 204, 499, 16, 15 ], [ 224, 499, 695, 15 ], [ 227, 514, 692, 15 ], [ 227, 529, 445, 15 ], [ 204, 548, 16, 15 ], [ 225, 548, 694, 15 ], [ 227, 563, 692, 15 ], [ 227, 578, 580, 15 ], [ 180, 597, 11, 15 ], [ 196, 597, 723, 15 ], [ 204, 612, 715, 15 ], [ 204, 627, 533, 15 ], [ 204, 650, 12, 15 ], [ 220, 650, 699, 15 ], [ 227, 665, 692, 15 ], [ 227, 679, 386, 15 ], [ 204, 699, 18, 15 ], [ 227, 699, 691, 15 ], [ 227, 714, 495, 15 ], [ 50, 980, 18, 16 ], [ 156, 733, 141, 15 ], [ 554, 820, 24, 15 ], [ 731, 842, 58, 16 ], [ 678, 855, 164, 16 ], [ 554, 842, 47, 16 ], [ 554, 855, 38, 16 ] ]
[ 5, 7, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 9, 9, 0, 0, 9, 9 ]
[ "TRANSFERRING FUEL FROM FORWARD TO ", "AFT STORAGE TANKS WHILE FEEDING ", "ENGINES FROM SERVICE TANKS ", "~ TRANSrER ", "PU .. P ", "~!", "TH ", "RE:L£T Y&-Yt ", "\"\"’ ", "~~ ~~\\2fUT~", "ITIO", "N ", "\"-.. ", "Open outlet valves of ", "tank from which it is ", "desired _to transfer ", "fuel. ", "Use transfer ", "pump. ", "K-3 thru K-10 ", "\" ", "\"’ ", "I ", "fSTR A:NERS I ", "Fig. XXVIII-i ", "TRANSFERRING FUEL FROM AF’I’ TO ", "FORWARD STORAGE TANKS WHILE ", "FEEDING ENGINES FROM SERVICE TANKS ", "Open outlet ", "va~ves ", "of ", "tanks from which it is ", "desired to transfer ", "fuel. ", "Use trans£er ", "pump. ", "K-3 thru K-10 ", "F’rg. XXVIII-j ", "-76-" ]
[ [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 187, 89, 717, 368 ], [ 453, 472, 162, 16 ], [ 184, 524, 717, 365 ], [ 184, 524, 717, 365 ], [ 184, 524, 717, 365 ], [ 184, 524, 717, 365 ], [ 184, 524, 717, 365 ], [ 184, 524, 717, 365 ], [ 184, 524, 717, 365 ], [ 184, 524, 717, 365 ], [ 184, 524, 717, 365 ], [ 184, 524, 717, 365 ], [ 184, 524, 717, 365 ], [ 184, 524, 717, 365 ], [ 458, 907, 158, 16 ], [ 518, 955, 46, 15 ] ]
[ [ 209, 109, 395, 16 ], [ 208, 124, 373, 16 ], [ 208, 139, 312, 16 ], [ 459, 168, 31, 5 ], [ 514, 168, 26, 5 ], [ 457, 177, 5, 9 ], [ 469, 177, 7, 9 ], [ 484, 178, 56, 7 ], [ 542, 178, 32, 7 ], [ 457, 192, 38, 10 ], [ 527, 192, 8, 10 ], [ 544, 192, 5, 10 ], [ 568, 189, 19, 13 ], [ 237, 246, 258, 15 ], [ 238, 261, 257, 15 ], [ 237, 277, 234, 15 ], [ 238, 293, 63, 15 ], [ 320, 293, 151, 15 ], [ 237, 310, 58, 15 ], [ 207, 431, 160, 15 ], [ 552, 202, 28, 31 ], [ 569, 216, 21, 38 ], [ 777, 178, 5, 6 ], [ 795, 179, 64, 5 ], [ 453, 472, 162, 16 ], [ 200, 540, 347, 16 ], [ 200, 556, 325, 16 ], [ 200, 571, 408, 16 ], [ 224, 660, 140, 15 ], [ 367, 664, 35, 10 ], [ 451, 660, 31, 15 ], [ 225, 675, 269, 15 ], [ 224, 690, 234, 15 ], [ 224, 706, 64, 15 ], [ 307, 706, 151, 15 ], [ 224, 721, 59, 15 ], [ 200, 867, 159, 15 ], [ 458, 907, 158, 16 ], [ 518, 955, 46, 15 ] ]
[ 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 0, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 0, 4 ]
[ "Chromium standard for AAS 1000 mg/kg Cr in nitric ", "acid,100 ml ", "1 ", "Calcium standard solution 1000 mg/l Ca in nitric acid,100 ", "ml ", "1 ", "Magnesium Standard for AAS 1000mg/l Mg in nitric ", "acid,100 ml ", "1 ", "Iridium atomic absorption standard solution 1000 µg/ml ", "Ir in nitric acid,100 ml ", "1 ", "Zinc Standard for AAS 1000 mg/kg Zn in nitric acid,100 ", "ml ", "1 ", "Cobalt Standard for AAS 1000 mg/kg Co in nitric ", "acid,100 ml ", "1 ", "Boron Standard for AAS 1000 mg/kg B in nitric acid,100 ", "ml ", "1 ", "Molybdenum Standard for AAS 1000 mg/l Mo in nitric ", "acid,100 ml ", "1 ", "Aluminium Standard for AAS 1000 mg/kg Al in nitric ", "acid,100 ml ", "1 ", "Cadmium Standard for AAS 1000 Cd mg/kg in nitric ", "acid,100 ml ", "1 ", "Nickel Standard for AAS 1000 mg/kg Ni in nitric ", "acid,100 ml ", "1 ", "Sodium Standard for AAS 1000 mg/kg Na in nitric ", "acid,100 ml ", "1 ", "Titanium Standard for AAS, 1000 mg/L Ti in nitric ", "acid,100 ml ", "1 ", "Page 49 of 76 ", "EN-c4f_annexiitechspeciiitechoffer_en.docx", "August 2020", "EN-c4f_annexiitechspeciiitechoffer_en.docx " ]
[ [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 69, 72, 860, 749 ], [ 885, 932, 57, 15 ], [ 69, 948, 181, 15 ], [ 69, 896, 198, 35 ], [ 69, 896, 198, 35 ] ]
[ [ 162, 85, 236, 17 ], [ 162, 103, 54, 17 ], [ 439, 94, 8, 17 ], [ 162, 143, 257, 17 ], [ 162, 160, 14, 17 ], [ 439, 151, 8, 17 ], [ 162, 200, 236, 17 ], [ 162, 217, 54, 17 ], [ 439, 208, 8, 17 ], [ 162, 257, 248, 17 ], [ 162, 274, 101, 17 ], [ 439, 266, 8, 17 ], [ 162, 314, 252, 17 ], [ 162, 332, 14, 17 ], [ 439, 323, 8, 17 ], [ 162, 371, 221, 17 ], [ 162, 389, 54, 17 ], [ 439, 380, 8, 17 ], [ 162, 428, 254, 17 ], [ 162, 446, 14, 17 ], [ 439, 437, 8, 17 ], [ 162, 486, 246, 17 ], [ 162, 504, 54, 17 ], [ 439, 494, 8, 17 ], [ 162, 543, 241, 17 ], [ 162, 561, 54, 17 ], [ 439, 552, 8, 17 ], [ 162, 600, 235, 17 ], [ 162, 618, 54, 17 ], [ 439, 609, 8, 17 ], [ 162, 657, 220, 17 ], [ 162, 675, 54, 17 ], [ 439, 666, 8, 17 ], [ 162, 714, 226, 17 ], [ 162, 732, 54, 17 ], [ 439, 723, 8, 17 ], [ 162, 771, 228, 17 ], [ 162, 789, 54, 17 ], [ 439, 781, 8, 17 ], [ 885, 932, 57, 15 ], [ 69, 948, 181, 15 ], [ 69, 896, 58, 17 ], [ 69, 914, 198, 17 ] ]
[ 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ "Preface", "The Weight-Shift Control (WSC) Aircraft Flying Handbook introduces the basic pilot knowledge and skills that are essential ", "for piloting WSC aircraft. It introduces pilots to the broad spectrum of knowledge that is needed as they progress in their ", "pilot training. This handbook is for student pilots, as well as those pursuing more advanced pilot certifi cates.", "Student pilots learning to fly WSC aircraft, certificated pilots preparing for additional WSC ratings or who desire to improve ", "their fl ying proficiency and aeronautical knowledge, and commercial WSC pilots teaching WSC students how to fl y should ", "find this handbook helpful. This book introduces the prospective pilot to the realm of WSC flight and provides information ", "and guidance to all WSC pilots in the performance of various maneuvers and procedures.", "This handbook conforms to pilot training and certification concepts established by the Federal Aviation Administration ", "(FAA). There are different ways of teaching, as well as performing flight procedures and maneuvers, and many variations ", "in the explanations of aerodynamic theories and principles. This handbook adopts a selective method and concept to fl ying ", "WSC aircraft. The discussions and explanations reflect the most commonly used practices and principles. Occasionally, ", "the word “must” or similar language is used where the desired action is deemed critical. The use of such language is not ", "intended to add to, interpret, or relieve a duty imposed by Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR).", "It is essential for persons using this handbook also to become familiar with and apply the pertinent parts of 14 CFR and ", "the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM). Performance standards for demonstrating competence required for pilot ", "certification are prescribed in the appropriate WSC practical test standard.", "This handbook is available for download, in PDF format, from the FAA website,", "This handbook is published by the United States Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Airman ", "Testing Standards Branch, AFS-630, P.O. Box 25082, Oklahoma City, OK 73125.", "Comments regarding this publication should be sent, in email form, to the following address:", "", "iii" ]
[ [ 124, 71, 201, 59 ], [ 124, 239, 843, 45 ], [ 124, 239, 843, 45 ], [ 124, 239, 843, 45 ], [ 124, 305, 843, 61 ], [ 124, 305, 843, 61 ], [ 124, 305, 843, 61 ], [ 124, 305, 843, 61 ], [ 124, 388, 844, 94 ], [ 124, 388, 844, 94 ], [ 124, 388, 844, 94 ], [ 124, 388, 844, 94 ], [ 124, 388, 844, 94 ], [ 124, 388, 844, 94 ], [ 124, 504, 845, 45 ], [ 124, 504, 845, 45 ], [ 124, 504, 845, 45 ], [ 124, 570, 659, 12 ], [ 124, 603, 842, 28 ], [ 124, 603, 842, 28 ], [ 124, 653, 641, 12 ], [ 124, 686, 195, 12 ], [ 951, 966, 11, 12 ] ]
[ [ 124, 71, 201, 59 ], [ 124, 239, 841, 12 ], [ 124, 255, 843, 12 ], [ 124, 272, 748, 12 ], [ 124, 305, 841, 12 ], [ 124, 321, 843, 12 ], [ 124, 338, 842, 12 ], [ 124, 355, 616, 12 ], [ 124, 388, 844, 12 ], [ 124, 404, 842, 12 ], [ 124, 421, 843, 12 ], [ 124, 437, 843, 12 ], [ 124, 454, 843, 12 ], [ 124, 470, 775, 12 ], [ 124, 504, 843, 12 ], [ 124, 520, 845, 12 ], [ 124, 537, 510, 12 ], [ 124, 570, 659, 12 ], [ 124, 603, 842, 12 ], [ 124, 619, 569, 12 ], [ 124, 653, 641, 12 ], [ 124, 686, 195, 12 ], [ 951, 966, 11, 12 ] ]
[ 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4 ]
[ [ 159, 520, 714, 20 ], [ 159, 520, 714, 20 ] ]
[ [ 159, 520, 360, 20 ], [ 543, 520, 330, 20 ] ]
[ 10, 10 ]
[ "MongoDB Documentation, Release 3.0.4", "Collection on all", "mongod", "Instances", "On startup, each", "mongod", "instance inserts a document into", "startup_log", "(page 653) with diagnostic informa-", "tion about the", "mongod", "instance itself and host information.", "startup_log", "(page 653) is a capped collection.", "This information is primarily useful for diagnostic purposes.", "Example", "Consider the following prototype of a document from the", "startup_log", "(page 653) collection:", "Documents in the", "startup_log", "(page 653) collection contain the following fields:", "Includes the system hostname and a millisecond epoch value.", "The system’s hostname.", "A UTC", "ISODate", "value that reflects when the server started.", "A string that reports the", "startTime", "(page 653) in the system’s local time zone.", "An embedded document that reports the", "mongod", "runtime options and their values.", "The process identifier for this process.", "An embedded document that reports information about the build environment and settings used to compile", "this", "mongod", ". This is the same output as", "buildInfo", ". See", "buildInfo", ".", "9.4.", "Replication Reference", "653", "local.startup_log.", "buildinfo", "local.startup_log.", "pid", "local.startup_log.", "cmdLine", "local.startup_log.", "startTimeLocal", "local.startup_log.", "startTime", "local.startup_log.", "hostname", "local.startup_log.", "_id", "{", "\"_id\" : \"<string>\",", "\"hostname\" : \"<string>\",", "\"startTime\" : ISODate(\"<date>\"),", "\"startTimeLocal\" : \"<string>\",", "\"cmdLine\" : {", "\"dbpath\" : \"<path>\",", "\"<option>\" : <value>", "},", "\"pid\" : <number>,", "\"buildinfo\" : {", "\"version\" : \"<string>\",", "\"gitVersion\" : \"<string>\",", "\"sysInfo\" : \"<string>\",", "\"loaderFlags\" : \"<string>\",", "\"compilerFlags\" : \"<string>\",", "\"allocator\" : \"<string>\",", "\"versionArray\" : [ <num>, <num>, <...> ],", "\"javascriptEngine\" : \"<string>\",", "\"bits\" : <number>,", "\"debug\" : <", "boolean", ">,", "\"maxBsonObjectSize\" : <number>", "}", "}", "local.", "startup_log" ]
[ [ 585, 46, 318, 12 ], [ 120, 97, 247, 10 ], [ 120, 97, 247, 10 ], [ 120, 97, 247, 10 ], [ 162, 148, 742, 42 ], [ 162, 148, 742, 42 ], [ 162, 148, 742, 42 ], [ 162, 148, 742, 42 ], [ 162, 148, 742, 42 ], [ 162, 148, 742, 42 ], [ 162, 148, 742, 42 ], [ 162, 148, 742, 42 ], [ 162, 148, 742, 42 ], [ 162, 148, 742, 42 ], [ 162, 148, 742, 42 ], [ 162, 210, 63, 11 ], [ 199, 231, 647, 11 ], [ 199, 231, 647, 11 ], [ 199, 231, 647, 11 ], [ 162, 609, 569, 11 ], [ 162, 609, 569, 11 ], [ 162, 609, 569, 11 ], [ 199, 648, 409, 11 ], [ 199, 686, 159, 11 ], [ 199, 725, 395, 11 ], [ 199, 725, 395, 11 ], [ 199, 725, 395, 11 ], [ 199, 764, 542, 11 ], [ 199, 764, 542, 11 ], [ 199, 764, 542, 11 ], [ 199, 802, 554, 11 ], [ 199, 802, 554, 11 ], [ 199, 802, 554, 11 ], [ 199, 841, 254, 11 ], [ 199, 880, 705, 26 ], [ 199, 880, 705, 26 ], [ 199, 880, 705, 26 ], [ 199, 880, 705, 26 ], [ 199, 880, 705, 26 ], [ 199, 880, 705, 26 ], [ 199, 880, 705, 26 ], [ 199, 880, 705, 26 ], [ 120, 961, 213, 12 ], [ 120, 961, 213, 12 ], [ 876, 961, 27, 12 ], [ 162, 865, 270, 9 ], [ 162, 865, 270, 9 ], [ 162, 826, 210, 9 ], [ 162, 826, 210, 9 ], [ 162, 788, 250, 9 ], [ 162, 788, 250, 9 ], [ 162, 749, 320, 9 ], [ 162, 749, 320, 9 ], [ 162, 710, 270, 9 ], [ 162, 710, 270, 9 ], [ 162, 672, 260, 9 ], [ 162, 672, 260, 9 ], [ 162, 633, 210, 9 ], [ 162, 633, 210, 9 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 199, 255, 441, 335 ], [ 120, 134, 170, 9 ], [ 120, 134, 170, 9 ] ]
[ [ 585, 46, 318, 12 ], [ 120, 97, 115, 10 ], [ 240, 98, 54, 8 ], [ 298, 97, 69, 10 ], [ 162, 148, 107, 11 ], [ 273, 149, 60, 9 ], [ 337, 148, 211, 11 ], [ 552, 149, 110, 9 ], [ 665, 148, 238, 11 ], [ 162, 164, 91, 11 ], [ 257, 165, 60, 9 ], [ 322, 164, 239, 11 ], [ 566, 165, 110, 9 ], [ 680, 164, 223, 11 ], [ 162, 179, 403, 11 ], [ 162, 210, 63, 11 ], [ 199, 231, 382, 11 ], [ 585, 231, 110, 9 ], [ 699, 231, 146, 11 ], [ 162, 609, 117, 11 ], [ 284, 610, 110, 9 ], [ 398, 609, 333, 11 ], [ 199, 648, 409, 11 ], [ 199, 686, 159, 11 ], [ 199, 725, 49, 11 ], [ 252, 725, 58, 11 ], [ 315, 725, 279, 11 ], [ 199, 764, 158, 11 ], [ 361, 764, 90, 9 ], [ 455, 764, 285, 11 ], [ 199, 802, 267, 11 ], [ 470, 803, 60, 9 ], [ 534, 802, 218, 11 ], [ 199, 841, 254, 11 ], [ 199, 880, 705, 11 ], [ 199, 895, 24, 11 ], [ 227, 896, 60, 9 ], [ 287, 895, 182, 11 ], [ 473, 896, 90, 9 ], [ 563, 895, 33, 11 ], [ 601, 896, 90, 9 ], [ 691, 895, 4, 11 ], [ 120, 961, 28, 12 ], [ 153, 961, 179, 12 ], [ 876, 961, 27, 12 ], [ 162, 865, 180, 9 ], [ 342, 865, 90, 9 ], [ 162, 826, 180, 9 ], [ 342, 826, 30, 9 ], [ 162, 788, 180, 9 ], [ 342, 788, 70, 9 ], [ 162, 749, 180, 9 ], [ 342, 749, 140, 9 ], [ 162, 710, 180, 9 ], [ 342, 710, 90, 9 ], [ 162, 672, 180, 9 ], [ 342, 672, 80, 9 ], [ 162, 633, 180, 9 ], [ 342, 633, 30, 9 ], [ 199, 255, 9, 8 ], [ 217, 270, 171, 8 ], [ 217, 284, 216, 8 ], [ 217, 298, 288, 8 ], [ 217, 312, 270, 8 ], [ 217, 326, 117, 8 ], [ 271, 341, 180, 8 ], [ 271, 355, 180, 8 ], [ 217, 369, 18, 8 ], [ 217, 383, 153, 8 ], [ 217, 397, 135, 8 ], [ 271, 412, 207, 8 ], [ 271, 426, 234, 8 ], [ 271, 440, 207, 8 ], [ 271, 454, 243, 8 ], [ 271, 468, 261, 8 ], [ 271, 482, 225, 8 ], [ 271, 497, 369, 8 ], [ 271, 511, 288, 8 ], [ 271, 525, 162, 8 ], [ 271, 539, 99, 8 ], [ 370, 539, 63, 8 ], [ 433, 539, 18, 8 ], [ 271, 553, 270, 8 ], [ 217, 568, 9, 8 ], [ 199, 582, 9, 8 ], [ 120, 134, 60, 9 ], [ 180, 134, 110, 9 ] ]
[ 5, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 4, 4, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 ]
[ "OTHER CHARGES INCOME, NET", "Princeton Property Sale", "Sodium Sulfate Assets Sale", "Legal Matters", "Environmental Charges, Net at Operating Sites", "Other, Net", "On March 18, 2008, we completed the sale of our 158-acre Princeton ", "research center to the Princeton HealthCare System. Gross proceeds from ", "the sale were $62.5 million and net proceeds after off sets, commissions ", "and fees totaled approximately $60 million. The gain on sale was ", "$29 million and is included in “Restructuring and other charges ", "(income)” in the consolidated statements of income for the year ended ", "December 31, 2008. The gain on sale was reduced by the sale-leaseback ", "deferral described below.", "As part of the sale, we entered into a sale-leaseback under which certain ", "of the buildings sold to the Princeton HealthCare System were leased ", "back to us for a maximum period up to approximately three years. ", "The leaseback was accounted for as an operating lease and the present ", "value of the lease payments was deferred as part of the gain on sale. ", "At the time of the sale, we recorded a deferred gain in the amount of ", "$6.7 million. This amount was being recognized as a reduction of rent ", "expense over the term of the lease. During the third quarter of 2009, we ", "moved into our new research and development facility and as a result ", "we exited our leases with the Princeton HealthCare System. Th", " e event ", "resulted in a net gain of $2.3 million since the amounts we deferred as ", "part of the gain on sale assumed a longer lease period.", "In February 2008, we completed the sale of Foret’s non-cogeneration ", "sodium sulfate assets. We recognized a gain on sale of these assets of ", "$3.6 million, which is included in “Restructuring and other charges ", "(income)” in the consolidated statements of income for the year ", "ended December 31, 2008. Net proceeds from the transaction were ", "$16.7 million.", "We did not complete the sale of the sodium sulfate co-generation ", "facility at the time we sold the other sodium sulfate assets noted above. ", "We completed the sale of this asset in the third quarter of 2009 for a ", "gain of $1.0 million.", "During the year ended December 31, 2010, we recorded $1.5 million ", "of net charges primarily related to a legal settlement associated with the ", "U.S. hydrogen peroxide matter in our Industrial Chemicals segment.", "During the year ended December 31, 2009, we recorded an approximate ", "charge of $21.0 million in connection with the resolution of a regulatory ", "matter in our Industrial Chemicals Segment. We also recorded a ", "charge of $3.3 million related to the settlement of a legal matter in ", "our Industrial Chemicals segment and $5.6 million of other charges ", "primarily representing settlements with state authorities for property ", "claims and adjustments.", "During the year ended December 31, 2008, we reached an agreement ", "in principle to settle a federal class action lawsuit, alleging violations of ", "antitrust laws involving our hydrogen peroxide product in our Industrial ", "Chemicals segment in the amount of $10.0 million.", "See Note 18 for further details.", "During the years ended December 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008 we ", "recorded $14.2 million, $20.2 million and $16.2 million of net charges, ", "respectively, related to environmental remediation at continuing ", "operating sites. See Note 10 for additional details.", "In the second quarter of 2010, our Agricultural Products segment ", "acquired certain rights relating to an herbicide compound still under ", "development. We expensed $5.7 million for these rights.", "In 2006, our Agricultural Products segment entered into a development ", "agreement with a third-party company, whereby we were given the ", "right to develop further one of the third party company’s products in ", "certain geographic markets. This development agreement, representing ", "a fungicide project, was terminated by the Company in 2008. In 2007, ", "our Agricultural Products segment entered into a collaboration and ", "license agreement with another third-party company for the purpose ", "of obtaining certain technology and intellectual property rights. In ", "2007, we acquired further rights under the development agreement, ", "and in 2009 we extended our rights under the collaboration and license ", "agreement. We have recorded charges of $0.5 million, $2.0 million ", "and $1.0 million in 2010, 2009 and 2008, respectively, under these ", "agreements representing payments to acquire and extend our rights ", "under these agreements.", "Remaining other charges for 2010, 2009 and 2008 primarily represents ", "the accrual of interest associated with the European Commission fi ne ", "recorded during the year ended December 31, 2006. See Note 18.", "48", "FMC CORPORATION", "  ", "2010 Form 10K", "(in Millions)", "Year Ended December 31,", "2010", "2009", "2008", "Princeton Property Sale", "$ —", "$(2.3)", "$(29.0)", "Sodium Sulfate Assets Sale", "—", "(1.0)", "(3.6)", "Legal Matters", "1.5", "29.9", "10.0", "Environmental Charges, Net at Operating Sites (see Note 10)", "14.2", "20.2", "16.2", "Other, net", "9.0", "4.5", "3.8", "OTHER CHARGES (INCOME), NET", "$24.7", "$51.3", "$(2.6)", "PART II ", "NOTE 7 Restructuring and Other Charges (Income)" ]
[ [ 81, 83, 235, 11 ], [ 80, 248, 178, 14 ], [ 80, 592, 200, 14 ], [ 80, 789, 103, 14 ], [ 532, 430, 357, 14 ], [ 532, 532, 82, 14 ], [ 80, 272, 422, 114 ], [ 80, 272, 422, 114 ], [ 80, 272, 422, 114 ], [ 80, 272, 422, 114 ], [ 80, 272, 422, 114 ], [ 80, 272, 422, 114 ], [ 80, 272, 422, 114 ], [ 80, 272, 422, 114 ], [ 80, 397, 426, 173 ], [ 80, 397, 426, 173 ], [ 80, 397, 426, 173 ], [ 80, 397, 426, 173 ], [ 80, 397, 426, 173 ], [ 80, 397, 426, 173 ], [ 80, 397, 426, 173 ], [ 80, 397, 426, 173 ], [ 80, 397, 426, 173 ], [ 80, 397, 426, 173 ], [ 80, 397, 426, 173 ], [ 80, 397, 426, 173 ], [ 80, 397, 426, 173 ], [ 80, 615, 422, 85 ], [ 80, 615, 422, 85 ], [ 80, 615, 422, 85 ], [ 80, 615, 422, 85 ], [ 80, 615, 422, 85 ], [ 80, 615, 422, 85 ], [ 80, 711, 422, 56 ], [ 80, 711, 422, 56 ], [ 80, 711, 422, 56 ], [ 80, 711, 422, 56 ], [ 80, 812, 421, 41 ], [ 80, 812, 421, 41 ], [ 80, 812, 421, 41 ], [ 80, 864, 421, 26 ], [ 80, 864, 421, 26 ], [ 532, 249, 422, 70 ], [ 532, 249, 422, 70 ], [ 532, 249, 422, 70 ], [ 532, 249, 422, 70 ], [ 532, 249, 422, 70 ], [ 532, 330, 421, 56 ], [ 532, 330, 421, 56 ], [ 532, 330, 421, 56 ], [ 532, 330, 421, 56 ], [ 532, 396, 189, 12 ], [ 532, 454, 422, 56 ], [ 532, 454, 422, 56 ], [ 532, 454, 422, 56 ], [ 532, 454, 422, 56 ], [ 532, 555, 422, 41 ], [ 532, 555, 422, 41 ], [ 532, 555, 422, 41 ], [ 532, 607, 422, 202 ], [ 532, 607, 422, 202 ], [ 532, 607, 422, 202 ], [ 532, 607, 422, 202 ], [ 532, 607, 422, 202 ], [ 532, 607, 422, 202 ], [ 532, 607, 422, 202 ], [ 532, 607, 422, 202 ], [ 532, 607, 422, 202 ], [ 532, 607, 422, 202 ], [ 532, 607, 422, 202 ], [ 532, 607, 422, 202 ], [ 532, 607, 422, 202 ], [ 532, 607, 422, 202 ], [ 532, 819, 422, 41 ], [ 532, 819, 422, 41 ], [ 532, 819, 422, 41 ], [ 55, 1000, 266, 11 ], [ 55, 1000, 266, 11 ], [ 55, 1000, 266, 11 ], [ 55, 1000, 266, 11 ], [ 80, 104, 871, 120 ], [ 80, 104, 871, 120 ], [ 80, 104, 871, 120 ], [ 80, 104, 871, 120 ], [ 80, 104, 871, 120 ], [ 80, 104, 871, 120 ], [ 80, 104, 871, 120 ], [ 80, 104, 871, 120 ], [ 80, 104, 871, 120 ], [ 80, 104, 871, 120 ], [ 80, 104, 871, 120 ], [ 80, 104, 871, 120 ], [ 80, 104, 871, 120 ], [ 80, 104, 871, 120 ], [ 80, 104, 871, 120 ], [ 80, 104, 871, 120 ], [ 80, 104, 871, 120 ], [ 80, 104, 871, 120 ], [ 80, 104, 871, 120 ], [ 80, 104, 871, 120 ], [ 80, 104, 871, 120 ], [ 80, 104, 871, 120 ], [ 80, 104, 871, 120 ], [ 80, 104, 871, 120 ], [ 80, 104, 871, 120 ], [ 80, 104, 871, 120 ], [ 80, 104, 871, 120 ], [ 80, 104, 871, 120 ], [ 80, 104, 871, 120 ], [ 85, 25, 311, 26 ], [ 85, 25, 311, 26 ] ]
[ [ 81, 83, 235, 11 ], [ 80, 248, 178, 14 ], [ 80, 592, 200, 14 ], [ 80, 789, 103, 14 ], [ 532, 430, 357, 14 ], [ 532, 532, 82, 14 ], [ 80, 272, 421, 12 ], [ 80, 287, 421, 12 ], [ 80, 301, 422, 12 ], [ 80, 316, 422, 12 ], [ 80, 331, 422, 12 ], [ 80, 345, 421, 12 ], [ 80, 360, 421, 12 ], [ 80, 375, 150, 12 ], [ 80, 397, 421, 12 ], [ 80, 411, 421, 12 ], [ 80, 426, 422, 12 ], [ 80, 441, 421, 12 ], [ 80, 455, 422, 12 ], [ 80, 470, 422, 12 ], [ 80, 485, 421, 12 ], [ 80, 499, 421, 12 ], [ 80, 514, 421, 12 ], [ 80, 529, 376, 12 ], [ 448, 529, 58, 12 ], [ 80, 543, 421, 12 ], [ 80, 558, 326, 12 ], [ 80, 615, 421, 12 ], [ 80, 630, 422, 12 ], [ 80, 645, 422, 12 ], [ 80, 659, 422, 12 ], [ 80, 674, 422, 12 ], [ 80, 689, 87, 12 ], [ 80, 711, 422, 12 ], [ 80, 726, 421, 12 ], [ 80, 740, 422, 12 ], [ 80, 755, 126, 12 ], [ 80, 812, 421, 12 ], [ 80, 827, 421, 12 ], [ 80, 842, 418, 12 ], [ 80, 864, 421, 12 ], [ 80, 878, 421, 12 ], [ 532, 249, 422, 12 ], [ 532, 264, 422, 12 ], [ 532, 279, 422, 12 ], [ 532, 293, 422, 12 ], [ 532, 308, 146, 12 ], [ 532, 330, 421, 12 ], [ 532, 345, 421, 12 ], [ 532, 359, 421, 12 ], [ 532, 374, 317, 12 ], [ 532, 396, 189, 12 ], [ 532, 454, 422, 12 ], [ 532, 468, 421, 12 ], [ 532, 483, 422, 12 ], [ 532, 498, 303, 12 ], [ 532, 555, 422, 12 ], [ 532, 570, 422, 12 ], [ 532, 585, 344, 12 ], [ 532, 607, 421, 12 ], [ 532, 621, 422, 12 ], [ 532, 636, 421, 12 ], [ 532, 651, 421, 12 ], [ 532, 665, 421, 12 ], [ 532, 680, 422, 12 ], [ 532, 695, 422, 12 ], [ 532, 709, 422, 12 ], [ 532, 724, 422, 12 ], [ 532, 739, 421, 12 ], [ 532, 753, 422, 12 ], [ 532, 768, 422, 12 ], [ 532, 783, 422, 12 ], [ 532, 797, 146, 12 ], [ 532, 819, 421, 12 ], [ 532, 834, 422, 12 ], [ 532, 849, 403, 12 ], [ 55, 1000, 14, 11 ], [ 85, 1000, 136, 10 ], [ 221, 1000, 11, 10 ], [ 232, 1000, 88, 10 ], [ 84, 122, 58, 8 ], [ 683, 105, 144, 10 ], [ 658, 120, 28, 10 ], [ 788, 120, 28, 10 ], [ 918, 120, 28, 10 ], [ 84, 136, 131, 10 ], [ 661, 136, 25, 10 ], [ 782, 136, 34, 10 ], [ 905, 136, 41, 10 ], [ 84, 152, 147, 10 ], [ 672, 152, 14, 10 ], [ 789, 152, 27, 10 ], [ 920, 152, 27, 10 ], [ 84, 167, 76, 10 ], [ 669, 167, 18, 10 ], [ 792, 167, 25, 10 ], [ 922, 167, 25, 10 ], [ 84, 182, 343, 10 ], [ 661, 182, 25, 10 ], [ 792, 182, 25, 10 ], [ 922, 182, 25, 10 ], [ 84, 198, 57, 10 ], [ 669, 198, 18, 10 ], [ 799, 198, 18, 10 ], [ 929, 198, 18, 10 ], [ 84, 213, 232, 10 ], [ 653, 213, 33, 10 ], [ 783, 213, 33, 10 ], [ 910, 213, 36, 10 ], [ 85, 25, 68, 12 ], [ 85, 40, 311, 11 ] ]
[ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 5, 5 ]
[ "Y Other financial liabilities (current)", "Z Other current liabilities", "(iv) Significant adjustments to consolidated statement of cash flows for the year ended 31 March 2013", "(Presentation)", "Short-term finance lease liabilities and guaranty deposits ", "received included in “Other” as current liabilities under Japanese ", "GAAP have been included in “Other financial liabilities” (current) ", "under IFRS.", "(Presentation)", "Income tax payable included in “Other” as current liabilities ", "under Japanese GAAP has been presented separately as ", "“Income tax payable” under IFRS.", "Significant difference between the consolidated statements ", "of cash flows prepared and disclosed in accordance with ", "Japanese GAAP and those prepared and disclosed in ", "accordance with IFRS are as follows:", "The expenditures associated with research and develop-", "ment were classified as cash flows from operating activities ", "under Japanese GAAP because they were expensed as ", "incurred, while under IFRS, the capitalised research and devel-", "opment costs have been classified as cash flows from invest-", "ing activities.", "Liabilities arising from certain in-licensing agreements were ", "included in “Other” as current liabilities under Japanese GAAP. ", "However, they have been included in “Trade and other pay-", "ables” (current) under IFRS.", "Certain liabilities included in “Accrued expenses” separately ", "presented as current liabilities under Japanese GAAP have ", "been included in “Other current liabilities” under IFRS.", "(Recognition and measurement)", "Accrued paid absences of ¥4,841 million not recognised under ", "Japanese GAAP have been recognised and included in “Other ", "current liabilities” under IFRS.", "Astellas Pharma Inc. ", "_ Annual Report 2014", "164" ]
[ [ 97, 155, 225, 12 ], [ 97, 264, 159, 12 ], [ 97, 362, 728, 12 ], [ 97, 172, 85, 12 ], [ 97, 188, 399, 61 ], [ 97, 188, 399, 61 ], [ 97, 188, 399, 61 ], [ 97, 188, 399, 61 ], [ 97, 281, 85, 12 ], [ 97, 297, 371, 45 ], [ 97, 297, 371, 45 ], [ 97, 297, 371, 45 ], [ 97, 379, 387, 61 ], [ 97, 379, 387, 61 ], [ 97, 379, 387, 61 ], [ 97, 379, 387, 61 ], [ 532, 379, 392, 94 ], [ 532, 379, 392, 94 ], [ 532, 379, 392, 94 ], [ 532, 379, 392, 94 ], [ 532, 379, 392, 94 ], [ 532, 379, 392, 94 ], [ 532, 155, 394, 61 ], [ 532, 155, 394, 61 ], [ 532, 155, 394, 61 ], [ 532, 155, 394, 61 ], [ 532, 221, 391, 61 ], [ 532, 221, 391, 61 ], [ 532, 221, 391, 61 ], [ 532, 221, 391, 61 ], [ 532, 287, 399, 45 ], [ 532, 287, 399, 45 ], [ 532, 287, 399, 45 ], [ 39, 982, 292, 15 ], [ 39, 982, 292, 15 ], [ 39, 982, 292, 15 ] ]
[ [ 97, 155, 225, 12 ], [ 97, 264, 159, 12 ], [ 97, 362, 728, 12 ], [ 97, 172, 85, 12 ], [ 97, 188, 357, 12 ], [ 97, 204, 396, 12 ], [ 97, 221, 399, 12 ], [ 97, 237, 74, 12 ], [ 97, 281, 85, 12 ], [ 97, 297, 371, 12 ], [ 97, 313, 364, 12 ], [ 97, 330, 212, 12 ], [ 97, 379, 387, 12 ], [ 97, 396, 361, 12 ], [ 97, 412, 355, 12 ], [ 97, 428, 242, 12 ], [ 546, 379, 355, 12 ], [ 532, 396, 374, 12 ], [ 532, 412, 355, 12 ], [ 532, 428, 392, 12 ], [ 532, 445, 385, 12 ], [ 532, 461, 80, 12 ], [ 546, 155, 371, 12 ], [ 532, 172, 394, 12 ], [ 532, 188, 371, 12 ], [ 532, 204, 172, 12 ], [ 546, 221, 376, 12 ], [ 532, 237, 371, 12 ], [ 532, 254, 335, 12 ], [ 532, 270, 200, 12 ], [ 532, 287, 399, 12 ], [ 532, 303, 395, 12 ], [ 532, 319, 183, 12 ], [ 97, 985, 115, 11 ], [ 212, 984, 118, 11 ], [ 39, 982, 31, 15 ] ]
[ 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ "unIteD teChnologIeS BuIlDIng", "haRtFoRD, ConneCtICut 06101", "u.S.a.", "", "hamIlton SunDStRanD", "otIS", "pRatt & WhItney", "SIkoRSky", "utC ClImate, ContRolS & SeCuRIty" ]
[ [ 172, 471, 233, 51 ], [ 172, 471, 233, 51 ], [ 172, 471, 233, 51 ], [ 172, 471, 233, 51 ], [ 172, 561, 267, 64 ], [ 172, 561, 267, 64 ], [ 172, 561, 267, 64 ], [ 172, 561, 267, 64 ], [ 172, 561, 267, 64 ] ]
[ [ 172, 471, 233, 13 ], [ 172, 484, 225, 13 ], [ 172, 497, 38, 13 ], [ 172, 510, 87, 13 ], [ 172, 561, 175, 13 ], [ 172, 574, 32, 13 ], [ 172, 587, 130, 13 ], [ 172, 599, 70, 13 ], [ 172, 612, 267, 13 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 ]
[ "1.", "Introduction", "Silicon nitride-based waveguides form a promising, CMOS-compatible platform in inte-", "grated photonics research [1]. Especially, stoichiometric silicon nitride (Si$_{3}$N$_{4}$) deposited", "using low-pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) offers extremely low intrinsic", "losses and superior reproducibility. Further advantages of this platform are a broad", "transparency ranging from the visible [2] to the mid-infrared, a high index contrast", "and absence of two-photon absorption in the near-infrared, including all the telecom-", "munication bands. Due to their low propagation losses in the C-band as well as their", "low coupling losses by using spot-size converters Si$_{3}$N$_{4}$ waveguides are favored in the", "field of microwave photonics [3, 4] and for novel types (glass-semiconductor) lasers with", "record low spectral bandwidth [5, 6]. Furthermore, ultra-low propagation losses in the", "C-band of 0.32 dB/m have been demonstrated with weakly confined modes using 40 nm", "thin Si$_{3}$N$_{4}$ waveguides [7, 8]. The low confinement of the mode, however, has the draw-", "back of increased bending losses and, as a consequence, limit the density of devices", "in integrated circuits. Further applications of Si$_{3}$N$_{4}$ waveguides are, e.g., bio-chemical", "applications such as optical coherence tomography [9] and lab-on-a-chip devices due to", "the compatibility of Si$_{3}$N$_{4}$ waveguides with microfluidic channels [10, 11].", "Furthermore, Si$_{3}$N$_{4}$ waveguides are of high interest for nonlinear integrated photon-", "ics [1] due to their high Kerr index [12], while supporting highly confined modes due", "to their high index contrast and lacking nonlinear losses in the near-infrared. Nonlinear", "effects such as supercontinuum generation [13] and parametric frequency comb gener-", "ation [14] have been demonstrated. For the latter, huge potential in nonlinear optical", "signal processing was shown by transmitting a data stream of 1.44 Tbit/s [15]. It is desir-", "able to select the waveguides such that the pump wavelength for broadband wavelength", "conversion lies in the spectral region where laser sources are readily available, i.e. 1000", "to 2000 nm. However, to obtain phase matching for broadband wavelength conversion,", "the dispersion of the waveguide must be engineered such that pump wavelength is in the", "anomalous dispersion regime, while also being close to the zero dispersion wavelength", "(ZDW).", "To achieve high modal confinement and to shift the ZDW to the near-infrared, the" ]
[ [ 198, 104, 139, 11 ], [ 198, 104, 139, 11 ], [ 198, 137, 630, 398 ], [ 198, 137, 630, 398 ], [ 198, 137, 630, 398 ], [ 198, 137, 630, 398 ], [ 198, 137, 630, 398 ], [ 198, 137, 630, 398 ], [ 198, 137, 630, 398 ], [ 198, 137, 630, 398 ], [ 198, 137, 630, 398 ], [ 198, 137, 630, 398 ], [ 198, 137, 630, 398 ], [ 198, 137, 630, 398 ], [ 198, 137, 630, 398 ], [ 198, 137, 630, 398 ], [ 198, 137, 630, 398 ], [ 198, 137, 630, 398 ], [ 198, 550, 630, 295 ], [ 198, 550, 630, 295 ], [ 198, 550, 630, 295 ], [ 198, 550, 630, 295 ], [ 198, 550, 630, 295 ], [ 198, 550, 630, 295 ], [ 198, 550, 630, 295 ], [ 198, 550, 630, 295 ], [ 198, 550, 630, 295 ], [ 198, 550, 630, 295 ], [ 198, 550, 630, 295 ], [ 198, 550, 630, 295 ], [ 214, 859, 614, 11 ] ]
[ [ 198, 104, 14, 11 ], [ 232, 104, 105, 11 ], [ 198, 137, 630, 11 ], [ 198, 163, 630, 11 ], [ 198, 189, 630, 11 ], [ 198, 214, 630, 11 ], [ 198, 240, 630, 11 ], [ 198, 266, 630, 11 ], [ 198, 292, 630, 11 ], [ 198, 318, 630, 11 ], [ 198, 343, 630, 11 ], [ 198, 369, 630, 11 ], [ 198, 395, 630, 11 ], [ 198, 421, 630, 11 ], [ 198, 447, 630, 11 ], [ 198, 472, 630, 11 ], [ 198, 498, 630, 11 ], [ 198, 524, 535, 11 ], [ 214, 550, 614, 11 ], [ 198, 575, 630, 11 ], [ 198, 601, 630, 11 ], [ 198, 627, 630, 11 ], [ 198, 653, 630, 11 ], [ 198, 679, 630, 11 ], [ 198, 704, 630, 11 ], [ 198, 730, 630, 11 ], [ 198, 756, 630, 11 ], [ 198, 782, 630, 11 ], [ 198, 808, 630, 11 ], [ 198, 833, 57, 11 ], [ 214, 859, 614, 11 ] ]
[ 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 ]
[ "26", "Caribbean Utilities Company, Ltd. ", "2011", " Annual Report", "Management’s Discussion and Analysis", "The table ", "“Quarterly Results”", "summarises unaudited quarterly ", "information for each of the eight ", "quarters ended March 31, 2010 ", "through December 31, 2011. This ", "information has been obtained from ", "CUC’s unaudited interim Financial ", "Statements, which in the opinion of ", "Management, have been prepared ", "in accordance with Canadian GAAP. ", "These operating results are not ", "necessarily indicative of results for any ", "future period and should not be relied ", "upon to predict future performance.", "Net earnings for the Fourth Quarter ", "2011 were $5.1 million, a 9% or $0.4 ", "million increase when compared to ", "$4.7 million for the Fourth Quarter ", "2010. Operating Income for the ", "Fourth Quarter 2011 decreased ", "when compared to Fourth Quarter ", "2010 due to increased G&A and ", "Depreciation costs partially offset by ", "increased Electricity Sales. This change ", "in Operating Income was offset by a ", "decrease in Finance Charges and an ", "increase in Other Income resulting in ", "an overall increase in earnings quarter ", "over quarter.", "After the adjustment for dividends ", "on the preference shares of the ", "Company, earnings on Class A ", "Ordinary Shares for the Fourth ", "Quarter 2011 were $4.5 million, or ", "$0.15 per Class A Ordinary Share, as ", "compared to $4.0 million, or $0.15 ", "per Class A Ordinary Share for the ", "Fourth Quarter 2010. The Company ", "calculates earnings per share on the ", "weighted average number of Class ", "A Ordinary Shares outstanding. The ", "weighted average Class A Ordinary ", "Shares outstanding were 28,523,127 ", "and 28,351,734 for the years ended ", "December 31, 2011 and December 31, ", "2010, respectively.", "After the adjustment for dividends ", "on the preference shares of the ", "Company, earnings on Class A ", "Ordinary Shares for the Second ", "Quarter 2011 were $5.8 million, or ", "$0.20 per Class A Ordinary Share, ", "a decrease of $0.3 million when ", "compared to $6.1 million, or $0.21 per ", "Class A Ordinary Share for the Second ", "Quarter 2010.", "Net earnings for the three months ", "ended June 2011 (“Second Quarter ", "2011”) totalled $5.9 million, a ", "decrease of $0.3 million, or 5%, when ", "compared to $6.2 million for the three ", "months ended June 2010 (“Second ", "Quarter 2010”). A 3% decline in ", "kWh sales and higher general and ", "administration, consumer service and ", "T&D costs were partially offset by an ", "increase in Other Income and lower ", "finance charges for the Second Quarter ", "2011 when compared to the Second ", "Quarter 2010.", "After the adjustment for dividends ", "on the preference shares of the ", "Company, earnings on Class A ", "Ordinary Shares for the Third Quarter ", "2011 were $6.1 million, or $0.22 per ", "Class A Ordinary Share, a decrease of ", "$0.4 million when compared to $6.5 ", "million, or $0.23 per Class A Ordinary ", "Share for the Third Quarter 2010.", "Net earnings for the three months ", "ended September 2011 (“Third ", "Quarter 2011”), totalled $6.3 million, ", "a decrease of $0.3 million, or 5%, ", "when compared to $6.6 million for the ", "three months ended September 2010 ", "(“Third Quarter 2010”). A 1% decline ", "in kWh sales and higher general ", "and administration,", "transmission ", "and distribution and finance costs ", "were partially offset by a decrease in ", "consumer service and maintenance ", "costs for the Third Quarter 2011 when ", "compared to the Third Quarter 2010.", "Net earnings for the three months ", "ended March 2011 (“First Quarter ", "2011”) totalled $3.1 million an ", "increase of $0.6 million in comparison ", "to $2.5 million for the three months ", "ended March 2010 (“First Quarter ", "2010”) due to 1.5% kWh sales growth ", "for the period and lower transmission ", "and distribution and maintenance ", "expenses, which were partially offset ", "by higher depreciation expense. ", "After the adjustment for dividends ", "on the preference shares of the ", "Company, earnings on Class A ", "Ordinary Shares for the First Quarter ", "2011 were $3.0 million, or $0.11 per ", "Class A Ordinary Share, an increase of ", "$0.7 million over the $2.3 million, or ", "$0.08 per Class A Ordinary Share for ", "the First Quarter 2010.", "The President and Chief Executive ", "Officer (“CEO”) and the Chief ", "Financial Officer (“CFO”), together ", "with Management, have established ", "and maintained the Company’s ", "disclosure controls and procedures ", "(“DC&P”), to provide reasonable ", "assurance that material information ", "relating to the Company is made ", "known to them by others, particularly ", "during Fiscal 2011; and information ", "required to be disclosed by the ", "issuer in its annual filings, interim ", "filings or other reports filed or ", "submitted by it under securities ", "legislation is recorded, processed, ", "summarized and reported within the ", "time periods specified in securities ", "legislation.", "Based on the evaluation ", "performed over disclosure controls ", "and procedures, it was concluded ", "that the DC&P of CUC are adequately ", "designed and operating effectively as ", "of December 31, 2011.", "Disclosure Controls and ", "Procedures", "June 2011/June 2010", "December 2011/December 2010 ", "Quarterly Results", "September 2011/September 2010", "March 2011/March 2010" ]
[ [ 886, 55, 32, 28 ], [ 120, 68, 455, 9 ], [ 120, 68, 455, 9 ], [ 120, 68, 455, 9 ], [ 120, 68, 455, 9 ], [ 120, 206, 243, 211 ], [ 120, 206, 243, 211 ], [ 120, 206, 243, 211 ], [ 120, 206, 243, 211 ], [ 120, 206, 243, 211 ], [ 120, 206, 243, 211 ], [ 120, 206, 243, 211 ], [ 120, 206, 243, 211 ], [ 120, 206, 243, 211 ], [ 120, 206, 243, 211 ], [ 120, 206, 243, 211 ], [ 120, 206, 243, 211 ], [ 120, 206, 243, 211 ], [ 120, 206, 243, 211 ], [ 120, 206, 243, 211 ], [ 120, 457, 244, 227 ], [ 120, 457, 244, 227 ], [ 120, 457, 244, 227 ], [ 120, 457, 244, 227 ], [ 120, 457, 244, 227 ], [ 120, 457, 244, 227 ], [ 120, 457, 244, 227 ], [ 120, 457, 244, 227 ], [ 120, 457, 244, 227 ], [ 120, 457, 244, 227 ], [ 120, 457, 244, 227 ], [ 120, 457, 244, 227 ], [ 120, 457, 244, 227 ], [ 120, 457, 244, 227 ], [ 120, 457, 244, 227 ], [ 120, 686, 244, 257 ], [ 120, 686, 244, 257 ], [ 120, 686, 244, 257 ], [ 120, 686, 244, 257 ], [ 120, 686, 244, 257 ], [ 120, 686, 244, 257 ], [ 120, 686, 244, 257 ], [ 120, 686, 244, 257 ], [ 120, 686, 244, 257 ], [ 120, 686, 244, 257 ], [ 120, 686, 244, 257 ], [ 120, 686, 244, 257 ], [ 120, 686, 244, 257 ], [ 120, 686, 244, 257 ], [ 120, 686, 244, 257 ], [ 120, 686, 244, 257 ], [ 120, 686, 244, 257 ], [ 396, 807, 248, 150 ], [ 396, 807, 248, 150 ], [ 396, 807, 248, 150 ], [ 396, 807, 248, 150 ], [ 396, 807, 248, 150 ], [ 396, 807, 248, 150 ], [ 396, 807, 248, 150 ], [ 396, 807, 248, 150 ], [ 396, 807, 248, 150 ], [ 396, 807, 248, 150 ], [ 396, 593, 249, 211 ], [ 396, 593, 249, 211 ], [ 396, 593, 249, 211 ], [ 396, 593, 249, 211 ], [ 396, 593, 249, 211 ], [ 396, 593, 249, 211 ], [ 396, 593, 249, 211 ], [ 396, 593, 249, 211 ], [ 396, 593, 249, 211 ], [ 396, 593, 249, 211 ], [ 396, 593, 249, 211 ], [ 396, 593, 249, 211 ], [ 396, 593, 249, 211 ], [ 396, 593, 249, 211 ], [ 396, 419, 241, 135 ], [ 396, 419, 241, 135 ], [ 396, 419, 241, 135 ], [ 396, 419, 241, 135 ], [ 396, 419, 241, 135 ], [ 396, 419, 241, 135 ], [ 396, 419, 241, 135 ], [ 396, 419, 241, 135 ], [ 396, 419, 241, 135 ], [ 396, 205, 247, 211 ], [ 396, 205, 247, 211 ], [ 396, 205, 247, 211 ], [ 396, 205, 247, 211 ], [ 396, 205, 247, 211 ], [ 396, 205, 247, 211 ], [ 396, 205, 247, 211 ], [ 396, 205, 247, 211 ], [ 396, 205, 247, 211 ], [ 396, 205, 247, 211 ], [ 396, 205, 247, 211 ], [ 396, 205, 247, 211 ], [ 396, 205, 247, 211 ], [ 396, 205, 247, 211 ], [ 396, 205, 247, 211 ], [ 679, 205, 243, 165 ], [ 679, 205, 243, 165 ], [ 679, 205, 243, 165 ], [ 679, 205, 243, 165 ], [ 679, 205, 243, 165 ], [ 679, 205, 243, 165 ], [ 679, 205, 243, 165 ], [ 679, 205, 243, 165 ], [ 679, 205, 243, 165 ], [ 679, 205, 243, 165 ], [ 679, 205, 243, 165 ], [ 679, 373, 240, 135 ], [ 679, 373, 240, 135 ], [ 679, 373, 240, 135 ], [ 679, 373, 240, 135 ], [ 679, 373, 240, 135 ], [ 679, 373, 240, 135 ], [ 679, 373, 240, 135 ], [ 679, 373, 240, 135 ], [ 679, 373, 240, 135 ], [ 679, 563, 241, 364 ], [ 679, 563, 241, 364 ], [ 679, 563, 241, 364 ], [ 679, 563, 241, 364 ], [ 679, 563, 241, 364 ], [ 679, 563, 241, 364 ], [ 679, 563, 241, 364 ], [ 679, 563, 241, 364 ], [ 679, 563, 241, 364 ], [ 679, 563, 241, 364 ], [ 679, 563, 241, 364 ], [ 679, 563, 241, 364 ], [ 679, 563, 241, 364 ], [ 679, 563, 241, 364 ], [ 679, 563, 241, 364 ], [ 679, 563, 241, 364 ], [ 679, 563, 241, 364 ], [ 679, 563, 241, 364 ], [ 679, 563, 241, 364 ], [ 679, 563, 241, 364 ], [ 679, 563, 241, 364 ], [ 679, 563, 241, 364 ], [ 679, 563, 241, 364 ], [ 679, 563, 241, 364 ], [ 679, 563, 241, 364 ], [ 679, 525, 171, 29 ], [ 679, 525, 171, 29 ], [ 396, 572, 123, 13 ], [ 120, 435, 194, 13 ], [ 124, 184, 121, 14 ], [ 396, 184, 196, 13 ], [ 679, 183, 148, 13 ] ]
[ [ 886, 55, 32, 28 ], [ 120, 68, 158, 9 ], [ 278, 68, 21, 9 ], [ 300, 68, 71, 9 ], [ 390, 68, 185, 9 ], [ 135, 206, 61, 13 ], [ 197, 206, 116, 13 ], [ 120, 222, 207, 13 ], [ 120, 237, 207, 13 ], [ 120, 252, 200, 13 ], [ 120, 267, 212, 13 ], [ 120, 283, 231, 13 ], [ 120, 298, 218, 13 ], [ 120, 313, 228, 13 ], [ 120, 328, 221, 13 ], [ 120, 344, 228, 13 ], [ 120, 359, 197, 13 ], [ 120, 374, 242, 13 ], [ 120, 390, 243, 13 ], [ 120, 405, 228, 13 ], [ 135, 457, 227, 13 ], [ 120, 472, 234, 13 ], [ 120, 488, 225, 13 ], [ 120, 503, 222, 13 ], [ 120, 518, 202, 13 ], [ 120, 533, 199, 13 ], [ 120, 549, 222, 13 ], [ 120, 564, 204, 13 ], [ 120, 579, 231, 13 ], [ 120, 595, 244, 13 ], [ 120, 610, 230, 13 ], [ 120, 625, 227, 13 ], [ 120, 640, 235, 13 ], [ 120, 656, 242, 13 ], [ 120, 671, 76, 13 ], [ 135, 686, 218, 13 ], [ 120, 701, 197, 13 ], [ 120, 717, 195, 13 ], [ 120, 732, 195, 13 ], [ 120, 747, 221, 13 ], [ 120, 762, 230, 13 ], [ 120, 778, 222, 13 ], [ 120, 793, 216, 13 ], [ 120, 808, 230, 13 ], [ 120, 824, 228, 13 ], [ 120, 839, 220, 13 ], [ 120, 854, 228, 13 ], [ 120, 869, 222, 13 ], [ 120, 885, 233, 13 ], [ 120, 900, 226, 13 ], [ 120, 915, 244, 13 ], [ 120, 930, 108, 13 ], [ 411, 807, 218, 13 ], [ 396, 822, 197, 13 ], [ 396, 838, 195, 13 ], [ 396, 853, 199, 13 ], [ 396, 868, 221, 13 ], [ 396, 883, 215, 13 ], [ 396, 899, 203, 13 ], [ 396, 914, 248, 13 ], [ 396, 929, 241, 13 ], [ 396, 945, 82, 13 ], [ 411, 593, 216, 13 ], [ 396, 609, 224, 13 ], [ 396, 624, 191, 13 ], [ 396, 639, 242, 13 ], [ 396, 654, 244, 13 ], [ 396, 670, 224, 13 ], [ 396, 685, 205, 13 ], [ 396, 700, 215, 13 ], [ 396, 716, 239, 13 ], [ 396, 731, 234, 13 ], [ 396, 746, 227, 13 ], [ 396, 761, 249, 13 ], [ 396, 777, 232, 13 ], [ 396, 792, 82, 13 ], [ 411, 419, 218, 13 ], [ 396, 434, 197, 13 ], [ 396, 449, 195, 13 ], [ 396, 465, 238, 13 ], [ 396, 480, 232, 13 ], [ 396, 495, 235, 13 ], [ 396, 511, 235, 13 ], [ 396, 526, 241, 13 ], [ 396, 541, 203, 13 ], [ 411, 205, 216, 13 ], [ 396, 220, 198, 13 ], [ 396, 236, 237, 13 ], [ 396, 251, 213, 13 ], [ 396, 266, 247, 13 ], [ 396, 282, 238, 13 ], [ 396, 297, 237, 13 ], [ 396, 312, 203, 13 ], [ 396, 327, 118, 13 ], [ 527, 327, 81, 13 ], [ 396, 343, 216, 13 ], [ 396, 358, 231, 13 ], [ 396, 373, 226, 13 ], [ 396, 388, 242, 13 ], [ 396, 404, 227, 13 ], [ 694, 205, 216, 13 ], [ 679, 220, 215, 13 ], [ 679, 236, 195, 13 ], [ 679, 251, 243, 13 ], [ 679, 266, 228, 13 ], [ 679, 281, 216, 13 ], [ 679, 297, 242, 13 ], [ 679, 312, 239, 13 ], [ 679, 327, 217, 13 ], [ 679, 342, 234, 13 ], [ 679, 358, 204, 13 ], [ 694, 373, 218, 13 ], [ 679, 388, 197, 13 ], [ 679, 404, 195, 13 ], [ 679, 419, 231, 13 ], [ 679, 434, 231, 13 ], [ 679, 449, 240, 13 ], [ 679, 465, 234, 13 ], [ 679, 480, 232, 13 ], [ 679, 495, 137, 13 ], [ 694, 563, 214, 13 ], [ 679, 578, 189, 13 ], [ 679, 594, 221, 13 ], [ 679, 609, 230, 13 ], [ 679, 624, 202, 13 ], [ 679, 639, 223, 13 ], [ 679, 655, 211, 13 ], [ 679, 670, 226, 13 ], [ 679, 685, 209, 13 ], [ 679, 700, 241, 13 ], [ 679, 716, 226, 13 ], [ 679, 731, 197, 13 ], [ 679, 746, 213, 13 ], [ 679, 762, 191, 13 ], [ 679, 777, 201, 13 ], [ 679, 792, 215, 13 ], [ 679, 807, 235, 13 ], [ 679, 823, 218, 13 ], [ 679, 838, 72, 13 ], [ 764, 838, 144, 13 ], [ 679, 853, 222, 13 ], [ 679, 868, 216, 13 ], [ 679, 884, 240, 13 ], [ 679, 899, 236, 13 ], [ 679, 914, 140, 13 ], [ 679, 525, 171, 14 ], [ 679, 541, 78, 14 ], [ 396, 572, 123, 13 ], [ 120, 435, 194, 13 ], [ 124, 184, 121, 14 ], [ 396, 184, 196, 13 ], [ 679, 183, 148, 13 ] ]
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[ "California Bank of Commerce", "NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS", "1. ", "SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES", " (Continued)", "2. ", "FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS", "In June 2011, the FASB amended existing guidance and eliminated the option to present the ", "components of other comprehensive income as part of the statement of changes in shareholder’s ", "equity. The amendment requires that comprehensive income be presented in either a single continuous ", "statement or in two separate consecutive statements. Early adoption is permitted. The adoption of ", "this amendment will change the presentation of the components of comprehensive income for the ", "Bank as part of the statement of changes in shareholder’s equity and comprehensive income. The ", "guidance will be adopted by the Bank effective for the year ended December 31, 2012.", "In May, 2011, the FASB issued an amendment to achieve common fair value measurement and ", "disclosure requirements between U.S. and International accounting principles. Overall, the guidance ", "is consistent with existing U.S. accounting principles; however, there are some amendments that ", "change a particular principle or requirement for measuring fair value or for disclosing information about ", "fair value measurements.", "The Bank will adopt this guidance effective for the year ended December ", "31, 2012, and its adoption is not expected to have a material impact on the Bank’s operating results ", "or financial condition.", "The estimated carrying and fair values of the Bank’s financial instruments are as follows:", "December 31, 2011 ", "December 31, 2010 ", "Carrying", "Fair", "Carrying", "Fair", "Amount", "Value", "Amount", "Value", "Financial assets:", "Cash and cash equivalents ", "$ 46,962,082 $ 46,962,082 $ 10,223,291 $ 10,223,291", " Investment ", "securities ", "36,349,666", "36,349,666", "50,359,618", "50,359,618", " Loans ", "held ", "for ", "sale ", "372,173", "373,062", "1,390,100", "1,395,653", "Loans, net ", " 203,572,096", "230,720,589", "170,073,533", "189,012,475", "Federal Home Loan Bank", "stock ", "1,178,200", "N/A", "846,000", "N/A", "The Independent Banker’s", "Bank ", "stock ", "50,419", "N/A", "50,419", "N/A", "Pacific Coast Banker’s", "Bank ", "stock ", "190,000", "N/A", "190,000", "N/A", " Accrued ", "interest ", "receivable ", "979,809", "979,809", "795,475", "795,475", "Financial liabilities:", "Deposits ", " 243,903,390", "243,684,501", "183,616,664", "183,524,127", " Other ", "borrowings ", "18,000,000", "17,462,090", "28,000,000", "27,641,054", " Accrued ", "interest ", "payable ", "59,853", "59,853", "7,962", "7,962", "26", "Adoption of New Accounting Standards (Continued)", "Fair Value of Financial Instruments" ]
[ [ 75, 26, 258, 14 ], [ 75, 57, 339, 16 ], [ 75, 89, 629, 19 ], [ 75, 89, 629, 19 ], [ 75, 89, 629, 19 ], [ 75, 447, 330, 19 ], [ 75, 447, 330, 19 ], [ 135, 294, 823, 121 ], [ 135, 294, 823, 121 ], [ 135, 294, 823, 121 ], [ 135, 294, 823, 121 ], [ 135, 294, 823, 121 ], [ 135, 294, 823, 121 ], [ 135, 294, 823, 121 ], [ 135, 157, 821, 121 ], [ 135, 157, 821, 121 ], [ 135, 157, 821, 121 ], [ 135, 157, 821, 121 ], [ 135, 157, 821, 121 ], [ 135, 157, 821, 121 ], [ 135, 157, 821, 121 ], [ 135, 157, 821, 121 ], [ 135, 516, 719, 18 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 132, 547, 721, 317 ], [ 504, 960, 18, 16 ], [ 135, 123, 420, 18 ], [ 135, 482, 283, 18 ] ]
[ [ 75, 26, 258, 14 ], [ 75, 57, 339, 16 ], [ 75, 89, 20, 19 ], [ 135, 89, 468, 19 ], [ 603, 89, 101, 18 ], [ 75, 447, 20, 19 ], [ 135, 447, 269, 19 ], [ 135, 294, 823, 18 ], [ 135, 311, 820, 18 ], [ 135, 328, 817, 18 ], [ 135, 345, 819, 18 ], [ 135, 362, 820, 18 ], [ 135, 379, 819, 18 ], [ 135, 396, 705, 18 ], [ 135, 157, 821, 18 ], [ 135, 174, 818, 18 ], [ 135, 191, 821, 18 ], [ 135, 208, 817, 18 ], [ 135, 225, 206, 18 ], [ 357, 225, 597, 18 ], [ 135, 242, 819, 18 ], [ 135, 260, 173, 18 ], [ 135, 516, 719, 18 ], [ 424, 550, 150, 17 ], [ 665, 550, 151, 17 ], [ 405, 565, 63, 17 ], [ 543, 565, 28, 17 ], [ 646, 565, 63, 17 ], [ 784, 565, 28, 17 ], [ 408, 581, 57, 17 ], [ 536, 581, 41, 17 ], [ 649, 581, 57, 17 ], [ 778, 581, 41, 17 ], [ 135, 596, 124, 17 ], [ 145, 612, 218, 17 ], [ 384, 612, 467, 17 ], [ 135, 627, 112, 17 ], [ 237, 627, 85, 17 ], [ 395, 627, 101, 17 ], [ 513, 627, 101, 17 ], [ 632, 627, 101, 17 ], [ 750, 627, 101, 17 ], [ 135, 643, 75, 17 ], [ 201, 643, 46, 17 ], [ 237, 643, 34, 17 ], [ 261, 643, 45, 17 ], [ 429, 643, 78, 17 ], [ 549, 643, 78, 17 ], [ 656, 643, 93, 17 ], [ 777, 643, 74, 17 ], [ 146, 658, 94, 17 ], [ 384, 658, 109, 17 ], [ 508, 658, 103, 17 ], [ 628, 658, 103, 17 ], [ 747, 658, 103, 17 ], [ 145, 674, 196, 17 ], [ 150, 689, 69, 17 ], [ 415, 689, 93, 17 ], [ 583, 689, 42, 17 ], [ 670, 689, 78, 17 ], [ 824, 689, 27, 17 ], [ 144, 705, 202, 17 ], [ 150, 721, 68, 17 ], [ 208, 721, 54, 17 ], [ 438, 721, 68, 17 ], [ 583, 721, 42, 17 ], [ 679, 721, 68, 17 ], [ 824, 721, 27, 17 ], [ 149, 736, 169, 17 ], [ 150, 752, 68, 17 ], [ 208, 752, 54, 17 ], [ 429, 752, 78, 17 ], [ 583, 752, 42, 17 ], [ 670, 752, 78, 17 ], [ 824, 752, 27, 17 ], [ 135, 767, 91, 17 ], [ 216, 767, 69, 17 ], [ 276, 767, 91, 17 ], [ 429, 767, 78, 17 ], [ 549, 767, 78, 17 ], [ 670, 767, 78, 17 ], [ 791, 767, 60, 17 ], [ 135, 798, 139, 17 ], [ 146, 814, 81, 17 ], [ 384, 814, 109, 17 ], [ 508, 814, 103, 17 ], [ 628, 814, 103, 17 ], [ 747, 814, 103, 17 ], [ 135, 829, 72, 17 ], [ 197, 829, 96, 17 ], [ 395, 829, 101, 17 ], [ 513, 829, 101, 17 ], [ 632, 829, 101, 17 ], [ 750, 829, 101, 17 ], [ 135, 845, 91, 17 ], [ 216, 845, 69, 17 ], [ 276, 845, 73, 17 ], [ 438, 845, 68, 17 ], [ 559, 845, 68, 17 ], [ 689, 845, 58, 17 ], [ 809, 845, 41, 17 ], [ 504, 960, 18, 16 ], [ 135, 123, 420, 18 ], [ 135, 482, 283, 18 ] ]
[ 5, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 4, 7, 7 ]
[ "PAGE22", "NICK BINNS ", "Business Services Manager", "What are your major responsibilities? ", "Why do you work for Super Cheap Auto? ", "What was your highlight of 2003/04? ", "What is your favourite Super Cheap Auto product? ", "I", "have overall responsibility for process ", "development and information technology, most ", "recently project managing the implementation", "of the Company’s business process reinvention ", "including the implementation of SAP IS Retail.", "The experience of helping to build a dynamic ", "retailing business that is an Australian", "success story, providing opportunities for the ", "community.", "The successful opening of our first seven stores", "in New Zealand on one day.", "The vast array of storage boxes is hard to beat ", "and useful in so many ways.", "SENIOR MANAGEMENT ", "CONTINUED", "A.", "I have a B.Sc. (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering. ", "I", "commenced my career as a Development ", "Engineer with British Aerospace Corporation and ", "then spent five years with the Hughes Aircraft ", "Corporation as a Project Manager involved with ", "the design, manufacture and testing of flight ", "simulators. In the seven years prior to joining ", "Super Cheap Auto, I worked with a firm of ", "international management consultants focusing ", "on process, system and change management.", "I", "joined Super Cheap Auto in 2001.", "Q.", "Tell us about your experience prior to joining ", "Super Cheap Auto? " ]
[ [ 35, 953, 13, 37 ], [ 443, 119, 218, 29 ], [ 443, 119, 218, 29 ], [ 443, 345, 290, 15 ], [ 443, 437, 310, 15 ], [ 443, 515, 283, 15 ], [ 443, 565, 380, 15 ], [ 443, 359, 364, 71 ], [ 443, 359, 364, 71 ], [ 443, 359, 364, 71 ], [ 443, 359, 364, 71 ], [ 443, 359, 364, 71 ], [ 443, 359, 364, 71 ], [ 443, 451, 345, 57 ], [ 443, 451, 345, 57 ], [ 443, 451, 345, 57 ], [ 443, 451, 345, 57 ], [ 443, 529, 351, 29 ], [ 443, 529, 351, 29 ], [ 443, 579, 357, 29 ], [ 443, 579, 357, 29 ], [ 46, 25, 262, 45 ], [ 46, 25, 262, 45 ], [ 443, 183, 381, 155 ], [ 443, 183, 381, 155 ], [ 443, 183, 381, 155 ], [ 443, 183, 381, 155 ], [ 443, 183, 381, 155 ], [ 443, 183, 381, 155 ], [ 443, 183, 381, 155 ], [ 443, 183, 381, 155 ], [ 443, 183, 381, 155 ], [ 443, 183, 381, 155 ], [ 443, 183, 381, 155 ], [ 443, 183, 381, 155 ], [ 443, 183, 381, 155 ], [ 443, 183, 381, 155 ], [ 443, 155, 364, 29 ], [ 443, 155, 364, 29 ], [ 443, 155, 364, 29 ] ]
[ [ 35, 953, 13, 37 ], [ 443, 119, 103, 15 ], [ 443, 133, 218, 15 ], [ 443, 345, 290, 15 ], [ 443, 437, 310, 15 ], [ 443, 515, 283, 15 ], [ 443, 565, 380, 15 ], [ 443, 359, 5, 15 ], [ 454, 359, 291, 15 ], [ 443, 373, 364, 15 ], [ 443, 387, 351, 15 ], [ 443, 401, 358, 15 ], [ 443, 415, 348, 15 ], [ 443, 451, 345, 15 ], [ 443, 465, 291, 15 ], [ 443, 479, 343, 15 ], [ 443, 493, 87, 15 ], [ 443, 529, 351, 15 ], [ 443, 543, 214, 15 ], [ 443, 579, 357, 15 ], [ 443, 593, 213, 15 ], [ 46, 25, 262, 27 ], [ 46, 44, 130, 27 ], [ 443, 183, 11, 15 ], [ 461, 183, 364, 15 ], [ 443, 197, 6, 15 ], [ 456, 197, 314, 15 ], [ 443, 211, 377, 15 ], [ 443, 225, 351, 15 ], [ 443, 239, 367, 15 ], [ 443, 253, 343, 15 ], [ 443, 267, 348, 15 ], [ 443, 281, 322, 15 ], [ 443, 295, 368, 15 ], [ 443, 309, 345, 15 ], [ 443, 323, 6, 15 ], [ 456, 323, 249, 15 ], [ 443, 155, 14, 15 ], [ 463, 155, 345, 15 ], [ 443, 169, 150, 15 ] ]
[ 5, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 5, 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 7 ]
[ "EUOSHA/2021/OP/F/SE/0142 ", "2.6 ", "Volume and value of the contract ", "An indicative estimate of the volumes to be ordered for each lot over the whole duration of the framework ", "contract is given below. ", "These volumes are estimates only and there is no commitment as to the exact quantities to be ordered. ", "The actual volumes will depend on the quantities that the ", "contracting authority", " orders through specific ", "contracts. In any case, the framework contract ceiling, i.e. the maximum amount to be spent under the ", "framework contract, for each lot shall not be exceeded. ", "The contract(s) resulting from the award of this call for tenders will cover a maximum period of 12 ", "months. The details of the initial contract duration and possible renewals are set out in Article I.3 of the ", "Draft Contract. ", "Depending on the lots, the tenderer shall appoint an account manager/event coordinator, under the ", "responsibility of an account/project director. The account manager/event coordinator will be the contact ", "for all matters linked to the framework contract and shall guarantee efficient and on-demand responses ", "to EU-OSHA’s communications and requests for quotations, contacts and meetings, and other ", "administrative requests. ", "The account manager/event coordinator will have knowledge in the field of work of the framework ", "contract and will be the single contact point for interaction with EU-OSHA. The account manager/event ", "coordinator will follow up requests, discuss the progress of work and gather additional details related to ", "the services to be delivered and materials to be developed. ", "The account manager/event coordinator will also be responsible for delivering the contractual progress ", "reports that will be requested, as stated in Article I.6 of the Model of Framework Contract. ", "Within 10 working days of a specific contract being sent by EU-OSHA to the contractor, EU-OSHA ", "should receive it back, duly signed and dated. The period allowed for the execution of the task shall ", "start on the date on which the last party signs the specific contract. ", "A kick-off meeting to agree all contractual matters will be organised between the contractor and EU-", "OSHA after signature of the framework contract(s) at EU-OSHA’s offices in Bilbao, Spain (or online, ", "depending on the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic). EU-OSHA will arrange a 1-day or 2 half-day ", "kick-off meeting for the key staff identified as being part of the core teams in the call for tender. ", "39 ", "2.8 ", "Implementation of the framework contract ", "2.7 ", "Duration of the contract ", "Yearly ", "estimated ", "amount ", "Total estimated amount ", "(4 years) ", "Lot 1: Awareness-raising support to focal points ", "and partners at national level ", "EUR 1,500,000 ", "Up to EUR 6,000,000 ", "Lot 2: Communication, and media and ", "stakeholder relationships at EU level ", "EUR 400,000 ", "Up to EUR 1,600,000 ", "Lot 3: Organisation of corporate events ", "EUR 500,000 ", "Up to EUR 2,000,000 " ]
[ [ 449, 41, 189, 13 ], [ 123, 170, 352, 19 ], [ 123, 170, 352, 19 ], [ 123, 203, 780, 30 ], [ 123, 203, 780, 30 ], [ 123, 248, 781, 16 ], [ 123, 279, 782, 44 ], [ 123, 279, 782, 44 ], [ 123, 279, 782, 44 ], [ 123, 279, 782, 44 ], [ 123, 279, 782, 44 ], [ 123, 495, 781, 44 ], [ 123, 495, 781, 44 ], [ 123, 495, 781, 44 ], [ 123, 586, 787, 72 ], [ 123, 586, 787, 72 ], [ 123, 586, 787, 72 ], [ 123, 586, 787, 72 ], [ 123, 586, 787, 72 ], [ 123, 673, 784, 58 ], [ 123, 673, 784, 58 ], [ 123, 673, 784, 58 ], [ 123, 673, 784, 58 ], [ 123, 747, 781, 30 ], [ 123, 747, 781, 30 ], [ 123, 791, 782, 44 ], [ 123, 791, 782, 44 ], [ 123, 791, 782, 44 ], [ 123, 851, 783, 58 ], [ 123, 851, 783, 58 ], [ 123, 851, 783, 58 ], [ 123, 851, 783, 58 ], [ 878, 912, 28, 19 ], [ 123, 553, 432, 19 ], [ 123, 553, 432, 19 ], [ 123, 462, 269, 19 ], [ 123, 462, 269, 19 ], [ 134, 339, 711, 107 ], [ 134, 339, 711, 107 ], [ 134, 339, 711, 107 ], [ 134, 339, 711, 107 ], [ 134, 339, 711, 107 ], [ 134, 339, 711, 107 ], [ 134, 339, 711, 107 ], [ 134, 339, 711, 107 ], [ 134, 339, 711, 107 ], [ 134, 339, 711, 107 ], [ 134, 339, 711, 107 ], [ 134, 339, 711, 107 ], [ 134, 339, 711, 107 ], [ 134, 339, 711, 107 ], [ 134, 339, 711, 107 ], [ 134, 339, 711, 107 ] ]
[ [ 449, 41, 189, 13 ], [ 123, 170, 31, 19 ], [ 173, 170, 303, 19 ], [ 123, 203, 780, 16 ], [ 123, 217, 183, 16 ], [ 123, 248, 781, 16 ], [ 123, 279, 441, 16 ], [ 565, 280, 155, 16 ], [ 721, 279, 185, 16 ], [ 123, 293, 781, 16 ], [ 123, 307, 423, 16 ], [ 123, 495, 781, 16 ], [ 123, 509, 781, 16 ], [ 123, 523, 116, 16 ], [ 123, 586, 783, 16 ], [ 123, 600, 781, 16 ], [ 123, 614, 781, 16 ], [ 123, 628, 787, 16 ], [ 123, 642, 186, 16 ], [ 123, 673, 784, 16 ], [ 123, 687, 781, 16 ], [ 123, 701, 781, 16 ], [ 123, 715, 454, 16 ], [ 123, 747, 781, 16 ], [ 123, 760, 684, 16 ], [ 123, 791, 781, 16 ], [ 123, 806, 782, 16 ], [ 123, 819, 512, 16 ], [ 123, 851, 776, 16 ], [ 123, 865, 783, 16 ], [ 123, 879, 781, 16 ], [ 123, 892, 724, 16 ], [ 878, 912, 28, 19 ], [ 123, 553, 31, 19 ], [ 173, 553, 382, 19 ], [ 123, 462, 31, 19 ], [ 173, 462, 219, 19 ], [ 499, 339, 48, 14 ], [ 572, 339, 71, 14 ], [ 499, 352, 55, 14 ], [ 658, 339, 188, 14 ], [ 658, 352, 65, 14 ], [ 145, 367, 330, 14 ], [ 145, 379, 203, 14 ], [ 533, 373, 110, 14 ], [ 687, 373, 151, 14 ], [ 145, 394, 266, 14 ], [ 145, 407, 254, 14 ], [ 546, 400, 97, 14 ], [ 687, 400, 151, 14 ], [ 145, 426, 272, 14 ], [ 546, 426, 97, 14 ], [ 687, 426, 151, 14 ] ]
[ 5, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ]
EN-Tender specifications 0142.pdf
[ "amount of taxes due, together with all penalties and costs accrued by reason of", "delinquency, and require him to eject ", "from the said property all tenants or", "occupants thereof. The municipal president upon receiving such certificate shall", "immediately cause all tenants or occupants to be ejected from the property in", "question and kept therefrom by the municipal police, and to ", "that end may employ", "such force as may be necessary.", "IaAScD", "[82-79; 1791-19.]", "S", "ECTION ", "471", ".", "Repayment of Excessive Collections", ". — When it appears", "that an assessment of real property was erroneous and unjust when made and the", "same is reduced more than twenty-five per centum because of such error or", "injustice, and not by reason of dama", "ge incurred or deterioration suffered by such", "property subsequently to the date of original assessment, the taxpayer shall be", "entitled to the proper credit for taxes and penalties already actually paid by him in", "excess of the amount which he should have pa", "id upon proper assessment, such", "credit to be applicable only to the payment of real-property taxes or penalties due", "or to become due from such taxpayer upon the same property or other real property", "belonging to him in the same municipality.", "aHCSTD", "Timely notice shall be given by the provincial treasurer to every taxpayer", "whose assessment is so reduced and he shall be furnished a nontransferable", "certificate showing the amount of credit to which he is entitled for payments", "already made and the conditi", "ons under which such credit may be applied as above", "provided.", "SDIaHE", "If no taxes shall have been paid upon the original assessment, the taxpayer", "shall be allowed sixty days after notice of such reduction within which to pay the", "proper tax upon the reduced assessment, without penalty. But upon his failure to", "pay the same wit", "hin said period all the penalties provided by law shall attach as of", "the date upon which the taxes became delinquent upon the original assessment.", "ECDHIc", "[1943-3]", "[1943-4.]", "[1943-1, 2.]", "S", "ECTION ", "472", ".", "Remission of Tax by Provincial Board.", " — In case of a", "general failure of crops or similar widespread disaster, the provincial board of any", "Copyright 2012", "CD Technologies Asia, Inc. and Accesslaw, Inc.", "Philippine Law Encyclopedia 2011", "149", "Miscellaneous Provisions", "ARTICLE ", "V" ]
[ [ 140, 102, 745, 117 ], [ 140, 102, 745, 117 ], [ 140, 102, 745, 117 ], [ 140, 102, 745, 117 ], [ 140, 102, 745, 117 ], [ 140, 102, 745, 117 ], [ 140, 102, 745, 117 ], [ 140, 102, 745, 117 ], [ 140, 102, 745, 117 ], [ 202, 233, 147, 19 ], [ 140, 334, 745, 195 ], [ 140, 334, 745, 195 ], [ 140, 334, 745, 195 ], [ 140, 334, 745, 195 ], [ 140, 334, 745, 195 ], [ 140, 334, 745, 195 ], [ 140, 334, 745, 195 ], [ 140, 334, 745, 195 ], [ 140, 334, 745, 195 ], [ 140, 334, 745, 195 ], [ 140, 334, 745, 195 ], [ 140, 334, 745, 195 ], [ 140, 334, 745, 195 ], [ 140, 334, 745, 195 ], [ 140, 334, 745, 195 ], [ 140, 334, 745, 195 ], [ 140, 334, 745, 195 ], [ 140, 334, 745, 195 ], [ 140, 577, 744, 98 ], [ 140, 577, 744, 98 ], [ 140, 577, 744, 98 ], [ 140, 577, 744, 98 ], [ 140, 577, 744, 98 ], [ 140, 577, 744, 98 ], [ 140, 577, 744, 98 ], [ 140, 722, 744, 98 ], [ 140, 722, 744, 98 ], [ 140, 722, 744, 98 ], [ 140, 722, 744, 98 ], [ 140, 722, 744, 98 ], [ 140, 722, 744, 98 ], [ 140, 722, 744, 98 ], [ 202, 834, 72, 19 ], [ 202, 689, 77, 19 ], [ 202, 544, 98, 19 ], [ 140, 867, 745, 40 ], [ 140, 867, 745, 40 ], [ 140, 867, 745, 40 ], [ 140, 867, 745, 40 ], [ 140, 867, 745, 40 ], [ 140, 867, 745, 40 ], [ 140, 867, 745, 40 ], [ 123, 925, 503, 9 ], [ 123, 925, 503, 9 ], [ 123, 925, 503, 9 ], [ 880, 925, 17, 9 ], [ 397, 300, 229, 20 ], [ 450, 266, 123, 21 ], [ 450, 266, 123, 21 ] ]
[ [ 140, 102, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 121, 381, 20 ], [ 521, 121, 363, 20 ], [ 140, 141, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 160, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 180, 554, 20 ], [ 694, 180, 191, 20 ], [ 140, 199, 283, 20 ], [ 438, 210, 21, 6 ], [ 202, 233, 147, 19 ], [ 202, 335, 12, 20 ], [ 214, 335, 87, 20 ], [ 301, 335, 33, 20 ], [ 335, 335, 5, 20 ], [ 371, 334, 325, 20 ], [ 696, 335, 188, 20 ], [ 140, 354, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 374, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 393, 334, 20 ], [ 474, 393, 410, 20 ], [ 140, 412, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 432, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 451, 442, 20 ], [ 582, 451, 302, 20 ], [ 140, 471, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 490, 745, 20 ], [ 140, 510, 382, 20 ], [ 537, 521, 25, 6 ], [ 202, 577, 682, 20 ], [ 140, 596, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 616, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 635, 261, 20 ], [ 401, 635, 483, 20 ], [ 140, 655, 84, 20 ], [ 239, 666, 23, 6 ], [ 202, 722, 682, 20 ], [ 140, 741, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 761, 744, 20 ], [ 140, 780, 152, 20 ], [ 292, 780, 592, 20 ], [ 140, 800, 706, 20 ], [ 860, 811, 23, 6 ], [ 202, 834, 72, 19 ], [ 202, 689, 77, 19 ], [ 202, 544, 98, 19 ], [ 202, 867, 12, 20 ], [ 214, 867, 87, 20 ], [ 301, 867, 33, 20 ], [ 335, 867, 5, 20 ], [ 371, 867, 362, 20 ], [ 734, 867, 150, 20 ], [ 140, 886, 745, 20 ], [ 123, 925, 70, 9 ], [ 208, 925, 220, 9 ], [ 469, 925, 158, 9 ], [ 880, 925, 17, 9 ], [ 397, 300, 229, 20 ], [ 450, 266, 107, 21 ], [ 557, 266, 16, 21 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 7, 7 ]
[ "Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. 2004 Annual Report", "SCIENCE" ]
[ [ 274, 74, 474, 14 ], [ 423, 39, 178, 28 ] ]
[ [ 274, 74, 474, 14 ], [ 423, 39, 178, 28 ] ]
[ 9, 10 ]
[ "The base image ", "k8spatterns/gomplate", " contains the template processor and an entry", "point script that uses the following directories by default:", "The second ingredient of our example is the ConfigMap holding the parameters. In", "Example 21-3, we just use a simple file with key-value pairs.", "A ConfigMap named ", "wildfly-parameters", " contains this YAML-formatted data refer‐", "enced by a key ", "config.yml", " and is picked up by an init container.", "Finally, we need the Deployment resource for the WildFly server (Example 21-4).", "Example 21-3. Values for log Configuration Template", "Example 21-2. Simple Dockerfile for template image", "FROM k8spatterns/gomplate", "COPY in /in", "logFormat", ": \"DEVELOPMENT: %-5p %s%e%n\"", "•", "/in", " holds the WildFly configuration templates, including the parameterized", "standalone.xml", ". These are added directly to the image.", "•", "/params", " is used to look up the Gomplate data sources, which are YAML files.", "This directory is mounted from a ConfigMap-backed Pod volume.", "•", "/out", " is the directory into which the processed files are stored. This directory is", "mounted in the WildFly application container and used for the configuration.", "Example 21-4. Deployment with template processor as Init Container", "apiVersion", ": extensions/v1beta1", "kind", ": Deployment", "metadata", ":", "labels", ":", "example", ": cm-template", "name", ": wildfly-cm-template", "spec", ":", "replicas", ": 1", "template", ":", "metadata", ":", "labels", ":", "example", ": cm-template", "spec", ":", "initContainers", ":", "- ", "image", ": k8spatterns/example-config-cm-template-init", "name", ": init", "volumeMounts", ":", "- ", "mountPath", ": \"/params\"", "Chapter 21: Configuration Template", "168 " ]
[ [ 146, 161, 732, 41 ], [ 146, 161, 732, 41 ], [ 146, 161, 732, 41 ], [ 146, 161, 732, 41 ], [ 146, 361, 732, 41 ], [ 146, 361, 732, 41 ], [ 146, 490, 732, 42 ], [ 146, 490, 732, 42 ], [ 146, 490, 732, 42 ], [ 146, 490, 732, 42 ], [ 146, 490, 732, 42 ], [ 146, 490, 732, 42 ], [ 146, 539, 692, 21 ], [ 146, 423, 441, 22 ], [ 146, 80, 430, 22 ], [ 146, 118, 216, 28 ], [ 146, 118, 216, 28 ], [ 146, 461, 319, 13 ], [ 146, 461, 319, 13 ], [ 164, 215, 714, 41 ], [ 164, 215, 714, 41 ], [ 164, 215, 714, 41 ], [ 164, 215, 714, 41 ], [ 164, 215, 714, 41 ], [ 164, 261, 714, 41 ], [ 164, 261, 714, 41 ], [ 164, 261, 714, 41 ], [ 164, 261, 714, 41 ], [ 164, 306, 714, 41 ], [ 164, 306, 714, 41 ], [ 164, 306, 714, 41 ], [ 164, 306, 714, 41 ], [ 146, 582, 571, 22 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 146, 620, 501, 282 ], [ 209, 945, 215, 16 ], [ 146, 945, 25, 16 ] ]
[ [ 146, 161, 145, 21 ], [ 292, 161, 177, 22 ], [ 470, 161, 408, 21 ], [ 146, 181, 485, 21 ], [ 146, 361, 732, 21 ], [ 146, 380, 508, 21 ], [ 146, 490, 186, 21 ], [ 333, 493, 182, 15 ], [ 515, 490, 362, 21 ], [ 146, 510, 129, 21 ], [ 275, 513, 101, 15 ], [ 376, 510, 320, 21 ], [ 146, 539, 692, 21 ], [ 146, 423, 441, 22 ], [ 146, 80, 430, 22 ], [ 146, 118, 216, 13 ], [ 146, 134, 95, 13 ], [ 146, 461, 77, 13 ], [ 224, 461, 242, 13 ], [ 164, 216, 8, 21 ], [ 183, 215, 23, 22 ], [ 206, 216, 671, 21 ], [ 183, 235, 127, 22 ], [ 310, 235, 333, 21 ], [ 164, 261, 8, 21 ], [ 183, 261, 68, 22 ], [ 251, 261, 626, 21 ], [ 183, 280, 566, 21 ], [ 164, 306, 8, 21 ], [ 183, 306, 34, 22 ], [ 217, 306, 661, 21 ], [ 183, 326, 661, 21 ], [ 146, 582, 571, 22 ], [ 146, 620, 86, 13 ], [ 232, 620, 172, 13 ], [ 146, 636, 34, 13 ], [ 181, 636, 103, 13 ], [ 146, 652, 69, 13 ], [ 215, 652, 8, 13 ], [ 163, 668, 51, 13 ], [ 215, 668, 8, 13 ], [ 181, 683, 60, 13 ], [ 241, 683, 112, 13 ], [ 163, 699, 34, 13 ], [ 198, 699, 181, 13 ], [ 146, 715, 34, 13 ], [ 181, 715, 8, 13 ], [ 163, 731, 69, 13 ], [ 232, 731, 25, 13 ], [ 163, 747, 69, 13 ], [ 232, 747, 8, 13 ], [ 181, 762, 69, 13 ], [ 250, 762, 8, 13 ], [ 198, 778, 51, 13 ], [ 250, 778, 8, 13 ], [ 215, 794, 60, 13 ], [ 276, 794, 112, 13 ], [ 181, 810, 34, 13 ], [ 215, 810, 8, 13 ], [ 198, 826, 121, 13 ], [ 319, 826, 8, 13 ], [ 198, 842, 17, 13 ], [ 215, 842, 43, 13 ], [ 258, 842, 388, 13 ], [ 215, 858, 34, 13 ], [ 250, 858, 51, 13 ], [ 215, 873, 103, 13 ], [ 319, 873, 8, 13 ], [ 215, 889, 17, 13 ], [ 232, 889, 77, 13 ], [ 310, 889, 95, 13 ], [ 209, 945, 215, 16 ], [ 146, 945, 25, 16 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 0, 0, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4, 4 ]
[ "The sum of all quality award criteria (1 ", "–", "5)", "gives a maximum possible total of ", "420 points", ".", "Tenderers must provide a detailed technical offer addressing all points in the technical ", "specifications, case studies and each of the quality award criteria. Repetition of ", "mandatory requirements in the technical specifications without providing detail in the ", "technical offer will only result in a very low score. ", "Quality award criteria thresholds: ", "Offers must score at least the minimum level of ", "quality described for each criterion and sub-criterion, unless otherwise specified in the ", "criterion description.", "Tenders that do not reach these minimum quality thresholds will be eliminated from the ", "subsequent stages of the evaluation process.", "Tenders which passed the quality thresholds will be further assessed to ensure: ", "The price score will be calculated according to the below formulas: ", "TOTAL PRICE SCORE: 1. P", "oints for profile “Senior expert”", " Intramuros + 2. Points ", "for", "profile", "“Senior", "expert”", "Extramuros + 3. P", "oints", "for", "profile", "“Junior", "expert”", "Intramuros + 4. ", "Points for profile “Junior expert”", " Extramuros ", "•", "Formula: 70 * lowest daily rate offered among the tenderers who passed the ", "quality award criteria thresholds / daily rate offered for offer under evaluation", "•", "Formula: 30 * lowest daily rate offered among the tenderers who passed the ", "quality award criteria thresholds / daily rate offered for offer under evaluation", "4.", "Points for profile “Junior expert”", " Extramuros, (maximum possible 70): ", "3.", "P", "oints for profile “Junior expert”", " Intramuros, (maximum possible 30): ", "•", "Formula: 70 * lowest daily rate offered among the tenderers who passed the ", "quality award criteria thresholds / daily rate offered for offer under evaluation", "2.", "Points for profile “Senior expert”", " Extramuros, (maximum possible 70): ", "•", "Formula: 30 * lowest daily rate offered among the tenderers who passed the ", "quality award criteria thresholds / daily rate offered for offer under evaluation", "1.", "P", "oints for profile “Senior expert”", " Intramuros, (maximum possible 30): ", "II.", "the financial offer satisfies the formal requirements of the tender specifications. ", "I.", "the price offer is made within the maximum budget for financial offers indicated ", "in the tender specifications and; ", "B)", "PRICE AWARD CRITERION (200 points) ", "European Food Safety Authority ", "Via Carlo Magno 1A – 43126 Parma, Italy ", "Tel. +39 0521 036 111│ " ]
[ [ 124, 127, 782, 29 ], [ 124, 127, 782, 29 ], [ 124, 127, 782, 29 ], [ 124, 127, 782, 29 ], [ 124, 127, 782, 29 ], [ 124, 127, 782, 29 ], [ 124, 173, 754, 59 ], [ 124, 173, 754, 59 ], [ 124, 173, 754, 59 ], [ 124, 173, 754, 59 ], [ 124, 240, 783, 44 ], [ 124, 240, 783, 44 ], [ 124, 240, 783, 44 ], [ 124, 240, 783, 44 ], [ 124, 292, 782, 29 ], [ 124, 292, 782, 29 ], [ 124, 388, 697, 14 ], [ 124, 476, 584, 14 ], [ 185, 822, 721, 44 ], [ 185, 822, 721, 44 ], [ 185, 822, 721, 44 ], [ 185, 822, 721, 44 ], [ 185, 822, 721, 44 ], [ 185, 822, 721, 44 ], [ 185, 822, 721, 44 ], [ 185, 822, 721, 44 ], [ 185, 822, 721, 44 ], [ 185, 822, 721, 44 ], [ 185, 822, 721, 44 ], [ 185, 822, 721, 44 ], [ 185, 822, 721, 44 ], [ 185, 822, 721, 44 ], [ 185, 822, 721, 44 ], [ 185, 822, 721, 44 ], [ 185, 776, 707, 29 ], [ 185, 776, 707, 29 ], [ 185, 776, 707, 29 ], [ 185, 697, 707, 29 ], [ 185, 697, 707, 29 ], [ 185, 697, 707, 29 ], [ 155, 744, 646, 14 ], [ 155, 744, 646, 14 ], [ 155, 744, 646, 14 ], [ 155, 665, 643, 14 ], [ 155, 665, 643, 14 ], [ 155, 665, 643, 14 ], [ 155, 665, 643, 14 ], [ 185, 619, 707, 29 ], [ 185, 619, 707, 29 ], [ 185, 619, 707, 29 ], [ 155, 587, 650, 14 ], [ 155, 587, 650, 14 ], [ 155, 587, 650, 14 ], [ 185, 540, 707, 29 ], [ 185, 540, 707, 29 ], [ 185, 540, 707, 29 ], [ 155, 508, 647, 14 ], [ 155, 508, 647, 14 ], [ 155, 508, 647, 14 ], [ 155, 508, 647, 14 ], [ 152, 447, 749, 14 ], [ 152, 447, 749, 14 ], [ 159, 417, 747, 29 ], [ 159, 417, 747, 29 ], [ 159, 417, 747, 29 ], [ 124, 358, 417, 14 ], [ 124, 358, 417, 14 ], [ 649, 948, 255, 33 ], [ 649, 948, 255, 33 ], [ 649, 948, 255, 33 ] ]
[ [ 124, 127, 391, 14 ], [ 516, 127, 12, 14 ], [ 529, 127, 22, 14 ], [ 563, 127, 343, 14 ], [ 124, 141, 102, 14 ], [ 226, 141, 6, 14 ], [ 124, 173, 754, 14 ], [ 124, 188, 693, 14 ], [ 124, 203, 746, 14 ], [ 124, 218, 436, 14 ], [ 124, 240, 339, 14 ], [ 466, 240, 440, 14 ], [ 124, 255, 783, 14 ], [ 124, 269, 178, 14 ], [ 124, 292, 782, 14 ], [ 124, 306, 391, 14 ], [ 124, 388, 697, 14 ], [ 124, 476, 584, 14 ], [ 185, 822, 231, 14 ], [ 418, 822, 274, 14 ], [ 692, 822, 214, 14 ], [ 185, 837, 21, 14 ], [ 229, 837, 49, 14 ], [ 301, 837, 50, 14 ], [ 375, 837, 49, 14 ], [ 437, 837, 175, 14 ], [ 612, 837, 34, 14 ], [ 668, 837, 20, 14 ], [ 711, 837, 47, 14 ], [ 781, 837, 49, 14 ], [ 852, 837, 47, 14 ], [ 185, 852, 146, 14 ], [ 332, 852, 277, 14 ], [ 610, 852, 112, 14 ], [ 185, 776, 7, 14 ], [ 216, 776, 674, 14 ], [ 216, 790, 676, 14 ], [ 185, 697, 7, 14 ], [ 216, 697, 674, 14 ], [ 216, 712, 676, 14 ], [ 155, 744, 17, 14 ], [ 185, 744, 277, 14 ], [ 463, 744, 337, 14 ], [ 155, 665, 17, 14 ], [ 185, 665, 10, 14 ], [ 196, 665, 267, 14 ], [ 463, 665, 335, 14 ], [ 185, 619, 7, 14 ], [ 216, 619, 674, 14 ], [ 216, 633, 676, 14 ], [ 155, 587, 17, 14 ], [ 185, 587, 280, 14 ], [ 467, 587, 338, 14 ], [ 185, 540, 7, 14 ], [ 216, 540, 674, 14 ], [ 216, 555, 676, 14 ], [ 155, 508, 17, 14 ], [ 185, 508, 10, 14 ], [ 196, 508, 270, 14 ], [ 467, 508, 335, 14 ], [ 152, 447, 20, 14 ], [ 203, 447, 697, 14 ], [ 159, 417, 13, 14 ], [ 203, 417, 703, 14 ], [ 203, 432, 285, 14 ], [ 124, 358, 22, 14 ], [ 152, 358, 389, 14 ], [ 720, 948, 183, 10 ], [ 665, 960, 239, 10 ], [ 649, 971, 255, 10 ] ]
[ 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 7, 7, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ "NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS", "NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS", "DECEMBER 31, 2003, 2002, 2001", "DECEMBER 31, 2003, 2002, 2001", "The following sets forth the pension plan’s funded status, components of pension costs and amounts (in thousands) at the pension plan", "measurement date of December 31, 2003 and September 30, 2002:", "Weighted - Average Assumptions Used to Determine Projected Benefit Obligation as of December 31, 2003 and September 30, 2002", "Weighted - Average Assumptions Used to Determine Net Periodic Benefit Cost as of December 31, 2003 and September 30, 2002 and 2001", "Weighted – Average Assumptions Used to Determine Projected Benefit Obligation as of December 31, 2003 and September 30, 2002", "The Company provides medical and dental benefits to eligible retirees. Currently, retirees are offered the same benefits as active employees after", "taking Medicare into consideration. The following sets forth the other post-retirement benefits’ funded status, components of net periodic benefit", "cost (in thousands) at the measurement date of December 31, 2003 and September 30, 2002: ", "The pension plan is currently targeting the following asset allocation for 2004:", "The following table outlines the asset allocation for the pension plan as of December 31:", "Other Post-Retirement Benefits", "PENSION BENEFITS", "2003", "2002", "Change in Projected Benefit Obligation:", "Projected benefit obligation at beginning of year", "$", "426,885)%", "$", "$^{373,434}$)%", "Service cost", "5,189)%", "$^{5,539}$)%", "Interest cost", "28,089)%", "$^{27,238}$)%", "Actuarial loss", "26,166)%", "$^{37,632}$)%", "Benefits paid", "(22,535)%", "$^{(20,518)}$)%", "Plan change", "–)%", "$^{3,560}$)%", "PROJECTED BENEFIT OBLIGATION AT END OF PERIOD", "463,794)%", "$^{426,885}$)%", "Change in Plan Assets:", "Fair value of plan assets at beginning of year", "319,113)%", "$^{339,838}$)%", "Actual return on plan assets", "80,126)%", "$^{(20,207)}$%", "Contributions", "48,950)%", "$^{20,000}$)%", "Benefits paid", "(22,535)%", "$^{(20,518)}$%", "FAIR VALUE OF PLAN ASSETS AT END OF YEAR", "425,654)%", "$^{319,113}$)%", "Funded Status", "(38,140)%", "$^{(107,772)}$%", "Unrecognized net actuarial loss", "120,995)%", "$^{144,328}$)%", "Unrecognized prior service cost", "2,927)%", "$^{3,109}$)%", "PREPAID PENSION COST", "$", "85,782)%", "$", "$^{39,665}$)%", "The amounts recognized in the Consolidated Balance Sheet consist of:", "Prepaid benefit costs", "$", "85,782)%", "$", "$^{39,665}$)%", "Additional minimum liability", "(123,922)%", "$^{(147,437)}$%", "$", "(38,140)%", "$", "$^{(107,772)}$%", "2003", "2002", "Discount rate", "6.50%)", "6.75%)", "Expected return on plan assets", "9.00%)", "9.00%)", "PENSION BENEFITS", "2003", "2002", "2001", "Components of Net Periodic Benefit Cost:", "Service cost", "$", "5,189)%", "$", "$^{5,539}$)%", "$", "$^{5,544}$)%", "Interest cost", "28,089)%", "$^{27,238}$)%", "$^{25,758}$)%", "Expected return on plan assets", "(35,109)%", "$^{(34,497)}$%", "$^{(29,488)}$%", "Amortization of net loss (gain)", "3,910)%", "$^{–}$)%", "$^{(847)}$%", "Amortization of transition obligation", "–)%", "$^{–}$)%", "$^{(1,158)}$%", "Amortization of prior service cost", "317)%", "$^{326}$)%", "$^{34}$)%", "Net periodic pension benefit cost/(income)", "$", "2,396)%", "$", "$^{(1,394)}$%", "$", "$^{(157)}$%", "2003", "2002", "2001", "Discount rate", "6.75%)", "7.50%)", "8.25%)", "Expected return on plan assets", "9.00%)", "9.00%)", "7.750%)", "Rate of compensation increase", "N/A%)", "N/A%)", "N/A%)", "2003", "2002", "Discount rate", "6.50%)", "$^{6.75%}$)", "Expected return on plan assets", "9.00%)", "$^{9.00%}$)", "2003", "2002", "Equity securities", "65%)", "61%)", "Debt securities", "25%)", "29%)", "Real estate", "8%)", "10%)", "Other", "2%)", "–%)", "Domestic Equity", "47.5%)", "Non-US Equity", "10.0%)", "Fixed Income", "22.5%)", "Real Estate", "5.0%)", "Private Equity", "5.0%)", "Absolute Return", "10.0%)", "P N M", "R E S O U R C E S", "•", "2 0 0 3", "A n n u a l", "R e p o r t", "t o", "S h a r e h o l d e r s", "68", "69", "OTHER BENEFITS", "2003", "2002", "Change in Benefit Obligation:", "Benefit obligation at beginning of year", "$", "117,796)%", "$", "$^{109,408}$)%", "Service cost", "3,086)%", "$^{2,694}$)%", "Interest cost", "7,840)%", "$^{8,082}$)%", "Plan participant’s contributions", "1,534)%", "$^{795}$)%", "Amendments", "(18,720)%", "$^{(31,960)}$%", "Unrecognized actuarial loss", "10,187)%", "$^{32,623}$)%", "Expected benefit paid", "(6,911)%", "$^{(3,846)}$%", "BENEFIT OBLIGATION AT END OF PERIOD", "114,812)%", "$^{117,796}$)%", "Change in Plan Assets:", "Fair value of plan assets at beginning of year", "37,387)%", "$^{40,594}$)%", "Actual return on plan assets", "11,055)%", "$^{(6,478)}$%", "Employer contribution", "7,892)%", "$^{6,322}$)%", "Participant contribution", "1,534)%", "$^{795}$)%", "Benefits paid", "(6,911)%", "$^{(3,846)}$%", "Fair value of plan assets at end of year", "50,957)%", "$^{37,387}$%", "Funded Status", "(63,855)%", "$^{(80,409)}$%", "Employer contribution after measurement date", "–)%", "$^{1,538}$)%", "Unrecognized net transition obligation", "16,354)%", "$^{18,171}$)%", "Unrecognized net actuarial loss", "72,987)%", "$^{74,048}$)%", "Unrecognized prior service cost", "(48,087)%", "$^{(31,960)}$%", "ACCRUED POST-RETIREMENT COSTS", "$", "(22,601)%", "$", "$^{(18,612)}$%" ]
[ [ 60, 81, 175, 10 ], [ 790, 81, 175, 10 ], [ 880, 99, 85, 7 ], [ 60, 99, 85, 7 ], [ 90, 128, 362, 26 ], [ 90, 128, 362, 26 ], [ 90, 574, 322, 11 ], [ 90, 832, 338, 11 ], [ 602, 836, 323, 11 ], [ 602, 396, 361, 42 ], [ 602, 396, 361, 42 ], [ 602, 396, 361, 42 ], [ 602, 252, 194, 11 ], [ 602, 128, 219, 11 ], [ 602, 381, 89, 10 ], [ 90, 169, 230, 383 ], [ 90, 169, 230, 383 ], [ 90, 169, 230, 383 ], [ 90, 169, 230, 383 ], [ 90, 169, 230, 383 ], [ 90, 169, 230, 383 ], [ 90, 169, 230, 383 ], [ 90, 169, 230, 383 ], [ 90, 169, 230, 383 ], [ 90, 169, 230, 383 ], [ 90, 169, 230, 383 ], [ 90, 169, 230, 383 ], [ 90, 169, 230, 383 ], [ 90, 169, 230, 383 ], [ 90, 169, 230, 383 ], [ 90, 169, 230, 383 ], [ 90, 169, 230, 383 ], [ 90, 169, 230, 383 ], [ 90, 169, 230, 383 ], [ 90, 169, 230, 383 ], [ 90, 169, 230, 383 ], [ 90, 169, 230, 383 ], [ 90, 169, 230, 383 ], [ 90, 169, 230, 383 ], [ 90, 169, 230, 383 ], [ 90, 169, 230, 383 ], [ 90, 169, 230, 383 ], [ 90, 169, 230, 383 ], [ 90, 169, 230, 383 ], [ 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[ [ 60, 81, 175, 10 ], [ 790, 81, 175, 10 ], [ 880, 99, 85, 7 ], [ 60, 99, 85, 7 ], [ 90, 128, 362, 11 ], [ 90, 143, 168, 11 ], [ 90, 574, 322, 11 ], [ 90, 832, 338, 11 ], [ 602, 836, 323, 11 ], [ 602, 396, 361, 11 ], [ 602, 412, 361, 11 ], [ 602, 427, 235, 11 ], [ 602, 252, 194, 11 ], [ 602, 128, 219, 11 ], [ 602, 381, 89, 10 ], [ 90, 170, 46, 6 ], [ 250, 170, 12, 6 ], [ 291, 170, 12, 6 ], [ 90, 192, 89, 9 ], [ 105, 206, 103, 9 ], [ 237, 208, 2, 7 ], [ 248, 208, 22, 7 ], [ 282, 208, 2, 5 ], [ 292, 208, 23, 7 ], [ 105, 220, 24, 9 ], [ 253, 222, 17, 7 ], [ 298, 222, 18, 7 ], [ 105, 234, 25, 9 ], [ 251, 236, 20, 7 ], [ 295, 236, 20, 7 ], [ 105, 249, 28, 9 ], [ 251, 250, 20, 7 ], [ 295, 250, 20, 7 ], [ 105, 263, 27, 9 ], [ 249, 265, 21, 7 ], [ 292, 265, 24, 7 ], [ 105, 277, 27, 9 ], [ 262, 279, 8, 7 ], [ 298, 279, 18, 7 ], [ 90, 294, 118, 6 ], [ 248, 293, 22, 7 ], [ 292, 293, 23, 7 ], [ 90, 313, 50, 9 ], [ 90, 327, 96, 9 ], [ 248, 328, 22, 7 ], [ 292, 328, 23, 7 ], [ 90, 341, 59, 9 ], [ 251, 343, 20, 7 ], [ 294, 343, 22, 7 ], [ 90, 355, 29, 9 ], [ 251, 357, 20, 7 ], [ 295, 357, 20, 7 ], [ 90, 370, 27, 9 ], [ 249, 371, 21, 7 ], [ 294, 371, 22, 7 ], [ 90, 386, 103, 6 ], [ 248, 385, 22, 7 ], [ 292, 385, 23, 7 ], [ 90, 405, 30, 9 ], [ 249, 407, 21, 7 ], [ 291, 407, 25, 7 ], [ 90, 419, 67, 9 ], [ 248, 421, 22, 7 ], [ 292, 421, 23, 7 ], [ 90, 433, 66, 9 ], [ 253, 435, 17, 7 ], [ 298, 435, 18, 7 ], [ 90, 450, 53, 6 ], [ 237, 449, 2, 7 ], [ 251, 449, 20, 7 ], [ 282, 449, 2, 5 ], [ 295, 449, 20, 7 ], [ 90, 481, 174, 11 ], [ 90, 505, 43, 9 ], [ 237, 507, 2, 7 ], [ 251, 507, 20, 7 ], [ 282, 507, 2, 5 ], [ 295, 507, 20, 7 ], [ 90, 520, 63, 9 ], [ 246, 521, 24, 7 ], [ 291, 521, 25, 7 ], [ 237, 543, 2, 7 ], [ 249, 543, 21, 7 ], [ 282, 543, 2, 5 ], [ 291, 543, 25, 7 ], [ 250, 601, 12, 6 ], [ 291, 601, 12, 6 ], [ 90, 622, 28, 9 ], [ 256, 624, 14, 7 ], [ 300, 624, 15, 5 ], [ 90, 636, 65, 9 ], [ 256, 638, 14, 7 ], [ 300, 638, 15, 5 ], [ 90, 671, 46, 6 ], [ 250, 671, 12, 6 ], [ 291, 671, 12, 6 ], [ 336, 671, 12, 6 ], [ 90, 693, 87, 9 ], [ 90, 707, 24, 9 ], [ 237, 709, 2, 7 ], [ 253, 709, 17, 7 ], [ 282, 709, 2, 5 ], [ 298, 709, 18, 7 ], [ 327, 709, 2, 5 ], [ 343, 709, 18, 7 ], [ 90, 721, 25, 9 ], [ 251, 723, 20, 7 ], [ 295, 723, 20, 7 ], [ 340, 723, 20, 7 ], [ 90, 736, 65, 9 ], [ 249, 737, 21, 7 ], [ 294, 737, 22, 7 ], [ 339, 737, 22, 7 ], [ 90, 750, 66, 9 ], [ 253, 751, 17, 7 ], [ 308, 751, 8, 7 ], [ 346, 751, 15, 7 ], [ 90, 764, 79, 9 ], [ 262, 766, 8, 7 ], [ 308, 766, 8, 7 ], [ 341, 766, 19, 7 ], [ 90, 778, 70, 9 ], [ 257, 780, 13, 7 ], [ 302, 780, 13, 7 ], [ 350, 780, 11, 7 ], [ 90, 799, 91, 9 ], [ 237, 801, 2, 7 ], [ 253, 801, 17, 7 ], [ 282, 801, 2, 5 ], [ 296, 801, 19, 7 ], [ 327, 801, 2, 5 ], [ 346, 801, 15, 7 ], [ 250, 859, 12, 6 ], [ 291, 859, 12, 6 ], [ 336, 859, 12, 6 ], [ 91, 878, 28, 9 ], [ 256, 880, 14, 7 ], [ 300, 880, 15, 5 ], [ 346, 880, 15, 5 ], [ 91, 893, 65, 9 ], [ 256, 894, 14, 7 ], [ 300, 894, 15, 5 ], [ 343, 894, 18, 5 ], [ 91, 907, 65, 9 ], [ 257, 909, 13, 7 ], [ 302, 909, 14, 5 ], [ 347, 909, 14, 5 ], [ 762, 862, 12, 6 ], [ 804, 862, 12, 6 ], [ 602, 884, 28, 9 ], [ 768, 886, 14, 7 ], [ 813, 886, 15, 7 ], [ 602, 898, 65, 9 ], [ 768, 900, 14, 7 ], [ 813, 900, 15, 7 ], [ 762, 155, 12, 6 ], [ 804, 155, 12, 6 ], [ 602, 176, 34, 9 ], [ 772, 178, 11, 5 ], [ 817, 178, 11, 5 ], [ 602, 190, 30, 9 ], [ 772, 192, 11, 5 ], [ 817, 192, 11, 5 ], [ 602, 205, 23, 9 ], [ 775, 206, 8, 5 ], [ 817, 206, 11, 5 ], [ 602, 219, 11, 9 ], [ 775, 221, 8, 5 ], [ 820, 221, 8, 5 ], [ 602, 277, 34, 9 ], [ 768, 278, 15, 5 ], [ 602, 291, 31, 9 ], [ 768, 293, 15, 5 ], [ 602, 305, 29, 9 ], [ 768, 307, 15, 5 ], [ 602, 319, 23, 9 ], [ 770, 321, 12, 5 ], [ 602, 334, 30, 9 ], [ 770, 335, 12, 5 ], [ 602, 348, 34, 9 ], [ 768, 349, 15, 5 ], [ 935, 20, 12, 5 ], [ 955, 20, 39, 5 ], [ 1008, 23, 0, 34 ], [ 1009, 23, 2, 34 ], [ 1007, 67, 4, 35 ], [ 1007, 112, 4, 35 ], [ 1007, 157, 4, 8 ], [ 1007, 175, 4, 74 ], [ 11, 507, 6, 9 ], [ 1006, 507, 6, 9 ], [ 770, 454, 41, 6 ], [ 762, 468, 12, 6 ], [ 804, 468, 12, 6 ], [ 602, 490, 77, 9 ], [ 602, 504, 83, 9 ], [ 749, 506, 2, 7 ], [ 761, 506, 22, 7 ], [ 795, 506, 2, 5 ], [ 805, 506, 23, 7 ], [ 602, 518, 24, 9 ], [ 766, 520, 17, 7 ], [ 810, 520, 18, 7 ], [ 602, 533, 25, 9 ], [ 766, 534, 17, 7 ], [ 810, 534, 18, 7 ], [ 602, 547, 67, 9 ], [ 766, 549, 17, 7 ], [ 815, 549, 13, 7 ], [ 602, 561, 27, 9 ], [ 762, 563, 21, 7 ], [ 806, 563, 22, 7 ], [ 602, 575, 59, 9 ], [ 763, 577, 20, 7 ], [ 808, 577, 20, 7 ], [ 602, 590, 45, 9 ], [ 764, 591, 18, 7 ], [ 809, 591, 19, 7 ], [ 602, 606, 90, 6 ], [ 761, 605, 22, 7 ], [ 805, 605, 23, 7 ], [ 602, 625, 58, 9 ], [ 602, 639, 96, 9 ], [ 763, 641, 20, 7 ], [ 808, 641, 20, 7 ], [ 602, 653, 59, 9 ], [ 763, 655, 19, 7 ], [ 809, 655, 19, 7 ], [ 602, 668, 48, 9 ], [ 766, 669, 17, 7 ], [ 810, 669, 18, 7 ], [ 602, 682, 52, 9 ], [ 766, 684, 17, 7 ], [ 815, 684, 13, 7 ], [ 602, 696, 27, 9 ], [ 764, 698, 18, 7 ], [ 809, 698, 19, 7 ], [ 602, 710, 82, 9 ], [ 763, 712, 20, 7 ], [ 809, 712, 19, 7 ], [ 602, 725, 30, 9 ], [ 762, 726, 21, 7 ], [ 806, 726, 22, 7 ], [ 602, 739, 100, 9 ], [ 775, 741, 8, 7 ], [ 810, 741, 18, 7 ], [ 602, 753, 83, 9 ], [ 763, 755, 20, 7 ], [ 808, 755, 20, 7 ], [ 602, 767, 67, 9 ], [ 763, 769, 20, 7 ], [ 808, 769, 20, 7 ], [ 602, 782, 66, 9 ], [ 762, 783, 21, 7 ], [ 806, 783, 22, 7 ], [ 602, 805, 81, 6 ], [ 749, 805, 2, 7 ], [ 762, 805, 21, 7 ], [ 795, 804, 2, 5 ], [ 806, 805, 22, 7 ] ]
[ 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ]
[ "Introduction", "Weight and Balance ", "Control", "Chapter 1", "There are many factors in the safe and efficient operation of ", "aircraft, including proper weight and balance control. The ", "weight and", "balance system commonly", "employed", "among ", "aircraft", "consists", "of", "three", "equally", "important", "elements:", "the ", "weighing of the aircraft, the maintaining of the weight and ", "balance records, and the proper loading of the aircraft. An ", "inaccuracy in any one of these elements defeats the purpose ", "of the system. The final loading calculations are meaningless ", "if", "either", "the", "aircraft", "has", "been", "improperly", "weighed", "or", "the ", "records contain an error.", "Improper loading decreases the effic ency and performance of ", "an aircraft from the standpoint of altitude, maneuverability, ", "rate of climb, and speed. It may even be the cause of failure ", "to complete the flight or, for that matter, failure to start the ", "flight. Because of abnormal stresses placed upon the structure ", "of an improperly loaded aircraft, or because of changed fly ng ", "characteristics of the aircraft, loss of life and destruction of ", "valuable equipment may result." ]
[ [ 124, 248, 120, 22 ], [ 124, 96, 512, 148 ], [ 124, 96, 512, 148 ], [ 124, 96, 512, 148 ], [ 124, 273, 434, 166 ], [ 124, 273, 434, 166 ], [ 124, 273, 434, 166 ], [ 124, 273, 434, 166 ], [ 124, 273, 434, 166 ], [ 124, 273, 434, 166 ], [ 124, 273, 434, 166 ], [ 124, 273, 434, 166 ], [ 124, 273, 434, 166 ], [ 124, 273, 434, 166 ], [ 124, 273, 434, 166 ], [ 124, 273, 434, 166 ], [ 124, 273, 434, 166 ], [ 124, 273, 434, 166 ], [ 124, 273, 434, 166 ], [ 124, 273, 434, 166 ], [ 124, 273, 434, 166 ], [ 124, 273, 434, 166 ], [ 124, 273, 434, 166 ], [ 124, 273, 434, 166 ], [ 124, 273, 434, 166 ], [ 124, 273, 434, 166 ], [ 124, 273, 434, 166 ], [ 124, 273, 434, 166 ], [ 124, 273, 434, 166 ], [ 124, 273, 434, 166 ], [ 124, 273, 434, 166 ], [ 124, 273, 434, 166 ], [ 124, 273, 434, 166 ], [ 124, 455, 415, 133 ], [ 124, 455, 415, 133 ], [ 124, 455, 415, 133 ], [ 124, 455, 415, 133 ], [ 124, 455, 415, 133 ], [ 124, 455, 415, 133 ], [ 124, 455, 415, 133 ], [ 124, 455, 415, 133 ] ]
[ [ 124, 248, 120, 22 ], [ 124, 113, 512, 75 ], [ 124, 169, 189, 75 ], [ 124, 96, 82, 25 ], [ 124, 273, 413, 17 ], [ 124, 290, 413, 17 ], [ 124, 306, 81, 17 ], [ 223, 306, 181, 17 ], [ 422, 306, 64, 17 ], [ 504, 306, 48, 17 ], [ 124, 323, 50, 17 ], [ 188, 323, 45, 17 ], [ 247, 323, 14, 17 ], [ 276, 323, 32, 17 ], [ 322, 323, 40, 17 ], [ 376, 323, 46, 17 ], [ 436, 323, 59, 17 ], [ 509, 323, 26, 17 ], [ 124, 339, 419, 17 ], [ 124, 356, 413, 17 ], [ 124, 373, 409, 17 ], [ 124, 389, 413, 17 ], [ 124, 406, 14, 17 ], [ 151, 406, 37, 17 ], [ 203, 406, 19, 17 ], [ 236, 406, 49, 17 ], [ 299, 406, 20, 17 ], [ 333, 406, 28, 17 ], [ 376, 406, 56, 17 ], [ 446, 406, 48, 17 ], [ 508, 406, 10, 17 ], [ 532, 406, 26, 17 ], [ 124, 422, 168, 17 ], [ 124, 455, 414, 17 ], [ 124, 472, 413, 17 ], [ 124, 488, 413, 17 ], [ 124, 505, 413, 17 ], [ 124, 522, 414, 17 ], [ 124, 538, 414, 17 ], [ 124, 555, 415, 17 ], [ 124, 571, 216, 17 ] ]
[ 7, 10, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 ]
[ "Figure 4-6. ", "Learners can improve their listening skills by applying the steps to effective listening. ", "Listening for main ideas is another listening technique. Primarily a technique for listening to a lecture or formal lesson presentation, it ", "sometimes applies to hands-on situations as well. People who concentrate on remembering or recording facts might very well miss the ", "message because they have not picked up on the big picture. A listener should always ask, what is the purpose of what I am listening ", "to? By doing this, the listener can relate the words to the overall concept. ", "The instructor should ensure that the learner is aware of the danger of daydreaming. Most people can listen much faster than even the ", "fastest talker can speak. This leaves room for the mind to get off onto some other subject. The listener who is aware of this problem ", "can concentrate on repeating, paraphrasing, or summarizing the speaker’s words. Doing so uses the extra time to reinforce the$_{ }$", "speaker’s words, allowing the learner to retain more of the information.$_{ }$", "Nobody can remember everything. Note taking allows the learner to use an organized system to reconstruct what was said during the ", "lesson. Every learner has a slightly different system, but no attempt to record the lecture verbatim should be made. ", "In most cases, a shorthand or abbreviated system of the learner’s choosing should be encouraged. Notetaking is merely a method of ", "allowing the learner to recreate the lecture so that it can be studied. The same notetaking skills can be used outside the classroom any ", "time information needs to be retained. For example, copying an instrument clearance word for word is very difficult. By knowing the ", "format of a typical clearance, learner instrument pilots can develop their own system of abbreviations. This allows them to copy the ", "clearance in a useful form for read back and for flying the clearance. By incorporating all or some of these techniques, learners retain ", "more information. Instructors can vastly improve retention of information by making certain their learners have the best possible ", "listening skills. ", "4-9 " ]
[ [ 186, 593, 648, 14 ], [ 186, 593, 648, 14 ], [ 61, 621, 900, 58 ], [ 61, 621, 900, 58 ], [ 61, 621, 900, 58 ], [ 61, 621, 900, 58 ], [ 61, 694, 900, 58 ], [ 61, 694, 900, 58 ], [ 61, 694, 900, 58 ], [ 61, 694, 900, 58 ], [ 61, 768, 900, 28 ], [ 61, 768, 900, 28 ], [ 61, 812, 900, 101 ], [ 61, 812, 900, 101 ], [ 61, 812, 900, 101 ], [ 61, 812, 900, 101 ], [ 61, 812, 900, 101 ], [ 61, 812, 900, 101 ], [ 61, 812, 900, 101 ], [ 494, 982, 28, 14 ] ]
[ [ 186, 595, 72, 11 ], [ 259, 593, 576, 14 ], [ 61, 621, 900, 14 ], [ 61, 636, 899, 14 ], [ 61, 651, 900, 14 ], [ 61, 665, 491, 14 ], [ 61, 694, 900, 14 ], [ 61, 709, 900, 14 ], [ 61, 724, 899, 14 ], [ 61, 738, 480, 14 ], [ 61, 768, 900, 14 ], [ 61, 782, 766, 14 ], [ 61, 812, 900, 14 ], [ 61, 826, 900, 14 ], [ 61, 841, 900, 14 ], [ 61, 855, 900, 14 ], [ 61, 870, 900, 14 ], [ 61, 885, 900, 14 ], [ 61, 899, 104, 14 ], [ 494, 982, 28, 14 ] ]
[ 0, 0, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4 ]
[ "Dans le rØgime linØaire des faibles perturbations, l’amplitudede l’oscillation", "de la", "prØcession est proportionnelle au courant radiofrØquence.", "Comme", "le", "rØsonateur 164 est", "un ØlØment magnØto-rØsistif, la rØsistance du", "rØsonateur 164 dØpend directement de l’amplitudede l’oscillation", "de la prØcession de", "l’aimantation.Il en rØsulteque la rØsistance du rØsonateur 164 oscille Øgalement.", "Comme", "le courant", "radiofrØquence injectØ et la", "rØsistance du rØsonateur 164", "oscillent àla mŒmefrØquence (ou àdes frØquences proches), une tension continue (c’est-", "à-direrectifiØe) apparaîtentre les deux bornes du rØsonateur 164. Ce phØnomŁne est", "appelØ diode de spin.", "Il est ànoter que lorsque l’effet", "de diode de spin est utilisØ dans le contexte d’un", "procØdØ de", "dØtection,", "l’effetde", "diode", "de", "spin", "est", "parfois", "dØnommØ rØsonance", "ferromagnØtique induite par transfert de spin (dØnomination plus connue sous le sigle ST-", "FMR).", "La tension rectifiØe entre les deux bornes du rØsonateur 164 s’exprime", "comme :", "tandis que le deuxiŁme terme —", "$_{ΐ}$- (/", "( )", "(", ") est le terme de diode de spin.", "Le terme de diode de spin est proportionnel à(/", ") .", "De plus, le terme de diode de spin est une somme pondØrØed’unecomposante", "Lorentzienne", "et d’unecomposante", "anti-Lorentzienne", "correspondant", "aux variations", "de", "l’amplitude", "de l’oscillation", "de l’aimantation", "soit en phase soit en quadrature de phase avec", "le courant radiofrØquence", "Une fonction Lorentzienne", "(", "$_{0}$,", ") est dØfinie par :", "Une fonction antiLorentzienne", "(", "$_{0}$,", ") est dØfinie par :", "Dans ces expressions,", "0", "est la frØquence de rØsonance et", "est la largeur de", "bande du rØsonateur, correspondant àla largeur de la bande de frØquence dans laquelle la", "rØponse du rØsonateur est ØlevØe.", "La composante anti-Lorentzienne du terme de diode de spin est prØpondØrantepar", "rapport àla composante Lorentzienne lorsque le courant radiofrØquence", "l ?", "F", "gØnŁre un", "2", "(", "$_{0}$,", ") =", "Q", "—", "$^{2}$)2 +", "(", ")", "2" ]
[ [ 147, 107, 756, 34 ], [ 147, 107, 756, 34 ], [ 147, 107, 756, 34 ], [ 147, 153, 756, 58 ], [ 147, 153, 756, 58 ], [ 147, 153, 756, 58 ], [ 147, 153, 756, 58 ], [ 147, 153, 756, 58 ], [ 147, 153, 756, 58 ], [ 147, 153, 756, 58 ], [ 147, 223, 772, 81 ], [ 147, 223, 772, 81 ], [ 147, 223, 772, 81 ], [ 147, 223, 772, 81 ], [ 147, 223, 772, 81 ], [ 147, 223, 772, 81 ], [ 147, 223, 772, 81 ], [ 146, 315, 772, 80 ], [ 146, 315, 772, 80 ], [ 146, 315, 772, 80 ], [ 146, 315, 772, 80 ], [ 146, 315, 772, 80 ], [ 146, 315, 772, 80 ], [ 146, 315, 772, 80 ], [ 146, 315, 772, 80 ], [ 146, 315, 772, 80 ], [ 146, 315, 772, 80 ], [ 146, 315, 772, 80 ], [ 146, 315, 772, 80 ], [ 146, 315, 772, 80 ], [ 209, 407, 670, 11 ], [ 209, 407, 670, 11 ], [ 147, 510, 639, 11 ], [ 147, 510, 639, 11 ], [ 147, 510, 639, 11 ], [ 147, 510, 639, 11 ], [ 147, 510, 639, 11 ], [ 209, 541, 444, 11 ], [ 209, 541, 444, 11 ], [ 148, 566, 755, 82 ], [ 148, 566, 755, 82 ], [ 148, 566, 755, 82 ], [ 148, 566, 755, 82 ], [ 148, 566, 755, 82 ], [ 148, 566, 755, 82 ], [ 148, 566, 755, 82 ], [ 148, 566, 755, 82 ], [ 148, 566, 755, 82 ], [ 148, 566, 755, 82 ], [ 148, 566, 755, 82 ], [ 148, 566, 755, 82 ], [ 209, 660, 431, 11 ], [ 209, 660, 431, 11 ], [ 209, 660, 431, 11 ], [ 209, 660, 431, 11 ], [ 209, 728, 466, 11 ], [ 209, 728, 466, 11 ], [ 209, 728, 466, 11 ], [ 209, 728, 466, 11 ], [ 147, 798, 756, 58 ], [ 147, 798, 756, 58 ], [ 147, 798, 756, 58 ], [ 147, 798, 756, 58 ], [ 147, 798, 756, 58 ], [ 147, 798, 756, 58 ], [ 148, 868, 755, 35 ], [ 148, 868, 755, 35 ], [ 148, 868, 755, 35 ], [ 148, 868, 755, 35 ], [ 148, 868, 755, 35 ], [ 406, 683, 249, 35 ], [ 406, 683, 249, 35 ], [ 406, 683, 249, 35 ], [ 406, 683, 249, 35 ], [ 406, 683, 249, 35 ], [ 406, 683, 249, 35 ], [ 406, 683, 249, 35 ], [ 406, 683, 249, 35 ], [ 406, 683, 249, 35 ], [ 406, 683, 249, 35 ] ]
[ [ 209, 107, 645, 11 ], [ 862, 107, 40, 11 ], [ 147, 130, 484, 11 ], [ 213, 153, 63, 11 ], [ 291, 154, 13, 11 ], [ 317, 153, 168, 11 ], [ 498, 154, 405, 10 ], [ 148, 176, 573, 11 ], [ 733, 176, 170, 11 ], [ 147, 200, 679, 11 ], [ 208, 223, 63, 11 ], [ 286, 223, 85, 11 ], [ 386, 223, 243, 11 ], [ 642, 223, 261, 11 ], [ 147, 246, 772, 11 ], [ 147, 269, 756, 11 ], [ 147, 292, 178, 11 ], [ 209, 318, 282, 8 ], [ 482, 315, 436, 11 ], [ 147, 338, 103, 11 ], [ 265, 338, 82, 11 ], [ 363, 338, 79, 11 ], [ 458, 338, 44, 11 ], [ 519, 338, 21, 11 ], [ 555, 338, 33, 11 ], [ 605, 338, 24, 11 ], [ 645, 338, 54, 11 ], [ 716, 338, 188, 11 ], [ 146, 361, 756, 11 ], [ 148, 384, 50, 11 ], [ 209, 408, 605, 11 ], [ 805, 407, 74, 11 ], [ 147, 510, 274, 11 ], [ 426, 510, 21, 11 ], [ 470, 510, 20, 11 ], [ 505, 510, 6, 11 ], [ 528, 510, 258, 11 ], [ 209, 541, 399, 11 ], [ 630, 541, 22, 11 ], [ 209, 566, 690, 11 ], [ 148, 589, 105, 11 ], [ 267, 589, 181, 11 ], [ 463, 589, 140, 11 ], [ 619, 589, 116, 11 ], [ 751, 589, 118, 11 ], [ 882, 589, 21, 11 ], [ 148, 612, 104, 11 ], [ 241, 612, 131, 11 ], [ 363, 612, 145, 11 ], [ 513, 612, 389, 11 ], [ 148, 637, 213, 11 ], [ 209, 661, 216, 11 ], [ 446, 660, 6, 11 ], [ 467, 660, 13, 11 ], [ 496, 660, 143, 11 ], [ 209, 728, 245, 11 ], [ 481, 728, 6, 11 ], [ 502, 728, 12, 11 ], [ 531, 728, 143, 11 ], [ 209, 798, 190, 11 ], [ 425, 805, 7, 8 ], [ 446, 798, 287, 11 ], [ 761, 798, 142, 11 ], [ 147, 821, 756, 11 ], [ 147, 845, 293, 11 ], [ 209, 868, 694, 11 ], [ 148, 892, 608, 11 ], [ 762, 892, 17, 11 ], [ 779, 890, 8, 8 ], [ 818, 892, 85, 11 ], [ 575, 683, 7, 8 ], [ 406, 695, 6, 11 ], [ 427, 695, 12, 11 ], [ 456, 695, 24, 11 ], [ 511, 710, 9, 7 ], [ 525, 703, 21, 11 ], [ 557, 703, 40, 11 ], [ 606, 703, 6, 11 ], [ 639, 703, 6, 11 ], [ 647, 702, 7, 8 ] ]
[ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ "Replication with Global Transaction Identifiers", "use ", "existing_replica_hostname", "-relay-bin.index", ". Alternatively, if you have already tried to", "start the new replica after following the remaining steps in this section and have encountered errors like", "those described previously, then perform the following steps:", "a.", "If you have not already done so, issue ", "STOP REPLICA | SLAVE", " on the new replica.", "If you have already started the existing replica again, issue ", "STOP REPLICA | SLAVE", " on the", "existing replica as well.", "b.", "Copy the contents of the existing replica’s relay log index file into the new replica’s relay log index", "file, making sure to overwrite any content already in the file.", "c.", "Proceed with the remaining steps in this section.", "4.", "When copying is complete, restart the existing replica.", "5.", "On the new replica, edit the configuration and give the new replica a unique server ID (using the", "server_id", " system variable) that is not used by the source or any of the existing replicas.", "6.", "Start the new replica server, ensuring that replication does not start yet by specifying the ", "--skip-", "slave-start", " option, or from MySQL 8.0.24, the ", "skip_slave_start", " system variable. Use the", "Performance Schema replication tables or issue ", "SHOW REPLICA | SLAVE STATUS", " to confirm that", "the new replica has the correct settings when compared with the existing replica. Also display the", "server ID and server UUID and verify that these are correct and unique for the new replica.", "7.", "Start the replica threads by issuing a ", "START REPLICA | SLAVE", " statement. The new replica now", "uses the information in its connection metadata repository to start the replication process.", "17.1.3", "Replication with Global Transaction Identifiers", "This section explains transaction-based replication using ", "global transaction identifiers", " (GTIDs). When", "using GTIDs, each transaction can be identified and tracked as it is committed on the originating server", "and applied by any replicas; this means that it is not necessary when using GTIDs to refer to log files", "or positions within those files when starting a new replica or failing over to a new source, which greatly", "simplifies these tasks. Because GTID-based replication is completely transaction-based, it is simple", "to determine whether sources and replicas are consistent; as long as all transactions committed on", "a source are also committed on a replica, consistency between the two is guaranteed. You can use", "either statement-based or row-based replication with GTIDs (see Section 17.2.1, “Replication Formats”", ");", "however, for best results, we recommend that you use the row-based format.", "GTIDs are always preserved between source and replica. This means that you can always determine", "the source for any transaction applied on any replica by examining its binary log. In addition, once a", "transaction with a given GTID is committed on a given server, any subsequent transaction having the same", "GTID is ignored by that server. Thus, a transaction committed on the source can be applied no more than", "once on the replica, which helps to guarantee consistency.", "This section discusses the following topics:", "•How GTIDs are defined and created, and how they are represented in a MySQL server (see", "Section, “GTID Format and Storage”", ").", "•The life cycle of a GTID (see Section, “GTID Life Cycle”", ").", "•The auto-positioning function for synchronizing a replica and source that use GTIDs (see", "Section, “GTID Auto-Positioning”", ").", "•A general procedure for setting up and starting GTID-based replication (see Section, “Setting", "Up Replication Using GTIDs”", ").", "3450" ]
[ [ 327, 48, 339, 11 ], [ 167, 94, 764, 43 ], [ 167, 94, 764, 43 ], [ 167, 94, 764, 43 ], [ 167, 94, 764, 43 ], [ 167, 94, 764, 43 ], [ 167, 94, 764, 43 ], [ 167, 152, 659, 11 ], [ 167, 152, 659, 11 ], [ 167, 152, 659, 11 ], [ 167, 152, 659, 11 ], [ 194, 178, 691, 27 ], [ 194, 178, 691, 27 ], [ 194, 178, 691, 27 ], [ 194, 178, 691, 27 ], [ 167, 220, 748, 27 ], [ 167, 220, 748, 27 ], [ 167, 220, 748, 27 ], [ 167, 262, 385, 11 ], [ 167, 262, 385, 11 ], [ 140, 288, 427, 11 ], [ 140, 288, 427, 11 ], [ 140, 314, 736, 27 ], [ 140, 314, 736, 27 ], [ 140, 314, 736, 27 ], [ 140, 314, 736, 27 ], [ 140, 356, 769, 74 ], [ 140, 356, 769, 74 ], [ 140, 356, 769, 74 ], [ 140, 356, 769, 74 ], [ 140, 356, 769, 74 ], [ 140, 356, 769, 74 ], [ 140, 356, 769, 74 ], [ 140, 356, 769, 74 ], [ 140, 356, 769, 74 ], [ 140, 356, 769, 74 ], [ 140, 356, 769, 74 ], [ 140, 356, 769, 74 ], [ 140, 444, 754, 27 ], [ 140, 444, 754, 27 ], [ 140, 444, 754, 27 ], [ 140, 444, 754, 27 ], [ 140, 444, 754, 27 ], [ 60, 487, 588, 16 ], [ 60, 487, 588, 16 ], [ 140, 518, 788, 136 ], [ 140, 518, 788, 136 ], [ 140, 518, 788, 136 ], [ 140, 518, 788, 136 ], [ 140, 518, 788, 136 ], [ 140, 518, 788, 136 ], [ 140, 518, 788, 136 ], [ 140, 518, 788, 136 ], [ 140, 518, 788, 136 ], [ 140, 518, 788, 136 ], [ 140, 518, 788, 136 ], [ 140, 518, 788, 136 ], [ 140, 669, 793, 74 ], [ 140, 669, 793, 74 ], [ 140, 669, 793, 74 ], [ 140, 669, 793, 74 ], [ 140, 669, 793, 74 ], [ 140, 757, 318, 11 ], [ 140, 783, 697, 27 ], [ 140, 783, 697, 27 ], [ 140, 783, 697, 27 ], [ 140, 825, 520, 11 ], [ 140, 825, 520, 11 ], [ 140, 851, 673, 27 ], [ 140, 851, 673, 27 ], [ 140, 851, 673, 27 ], [ 140, 893, 782, 27 ], [ 140, 893, 782, 27 ], [ 140, 893, 782, 27 ], [ 60, 964, 37, 11 ] ]
[ [ 327, 48, 339, 11 ], [ 167, 94, 31, 11 ], [ 199, 96, 251, 10 ], [ 450, 96, 160, 10 ], [ 611, 94, 306, 11 ], [ 167, 110, 764, 11 ], [ 167, 126, 449, 11 ], [ 167, 152, 13, 11 ], [ 194, 152, 286, 11 ], [ 481, 153, 200, 10 ], [ 682, 152, 145, 11 ], [ 194, 178, 439, 11 ], [ 633, 179, 200, 10 ], [ 834, 178, 51, 11 ], [ 194, 194, 171, 11 ], [ 167, 220, 13, 11 ], [ 194, 220, 721, 11 ], [ 194, 235, 440, 11 ], [ 167, 262, 13, 11 ], [ 194, 262, 358, 11 ], [ 140, 288, 13, 11 ], [ 167, 288, 400, 11 ], [ 140, 314, 13, 11 ], [ 167, 314, 709, 11 ], [ 167, 331, 90, 10 ], [ 257, 329, 576, 11 ], [ 140, 356, 13, 11 ], [ 167, 356, 658, 11 ], [ 825, 357, 70, 10 ], [ 167, 372, 110, 10 ], [ 278, 371, 261, 11 ], [ 539, 372, 160, 10 ], [ 700, 371, 188, 11 ], [ 167, 387, 360, 11 ], [ 527, 388, 271, 10 ], [ 799, 387, 110, 11 ], [ 167, 402, 718, 11 ], [ 167, 418, 671, 11 ], [ 140, 444, 13, 11 ], [ 167, 444, 275, 11 ], [ 443, 445, 211, 10 ], [ 654, 444, 241, 11 ], [ 167, 460, 660, 11 ], [ 60, 487, 65, 16 ], [ 131, 487, 517, 16 ], [ 140, 518, 423, 11 ], [ 564, 518, 207, 11 ], [ 771, 518, 117, 11 ], [ 140, 534, 762, 11 ], [ 140, 549, 744, 11 ], [ 140, 565, 755, 11 ], [ 140, 580, 736, 11 ], [ 140, 596, 731, 11 ], [ 140, 611, 733, 11 ], [ 140, 627, 788, 11 ], [ 901, 627, 10, 11 ], [ 140, 643, 569, 11 ], [ 140, 669, 748, 11 ], [ 140, 684, 736, 11 ], [ 140, 700, 793, 11 ], [ 140, 715, 780, 11 ], [ 140, 731, 433, 11 ], [ 140, 757, 318, 11 ], [ 140, 783, 697, 11 ], [ 157, 799, 362, 11 ], [ 492, 799, 10, 11 ], [ 140, 825, 520, 11 ], [ 634, 825, 10, 11 ], [ 140, 851, 673, 11 ], [ 157, 867, 335, 11 ], [ 465, 867, 10, 11 ], [ 140, 893, 782, 11 ], [ 157, 909, 228, 11 ], [ 372, 909, 10, 11 ], [ 60, 964, 37, 11 ] ]
[ 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4 ]
[ "by particles of species 1 (smaller species) and the nematic phase by particles of species 2", "(larger species). The biphasic region, where there is coexistence between the isotropic and", "nematic phase, is very narrow in FMT. At zero composition, Onsager theory predicts a", "density jump of", "∼", "22% whereas this is only", "∼", "9% for FMT, which agrees more closely to", "simulation results of 8% [61]. The bifurcation concentration for FMT is", "c", "∗", "= 0", ".", "434 at", "x", "= 0", "and", "c", "∗", "= 0", ".", "434", "/λ", "3", "= 0", ".", "326 at", "x", "= 1.", "The spinodal for FMT lies closer to the isotropic", "phase boundary than the nematic phase boundary (whereas the converse is true for Onsager", "theory). Fig. 1b shows the same results but in the (", "c$_{1}$, c$_{2}$", ") representation. The results for", "both theories again interpolate smoothly between the two pure limits. The two branches", "of the binodal in this representation move from the", "c$_{1}$", "-axis to the", "c$_{2}$", "-axis with increasing", "composition. Hence the tie lines move from being horizontal on the", "c$_{1}$", "-axis to vertical on", "the", "c$_{2}$", "-axis.", "In the (", "x, p", "∗", ") representation (Fig. 1c) the tie lines are horizontal due to the", "requirement of equal pressure in the coexisting phases. The spinodal lies above the nematic", "branch of the binodal in this representation because it is obtained by inserting the bifur-", "cation densities into the isotropic equation of state, which yields a higher pressure than", "the coexistence value. The binodal obtained from FMT is located at significantly smaller", "densities as compared to that from Onsager theory.", "The isotropic end of the tie line is", "at a lower composition than the nematic end of the tie line.", "For Onsager theory at zero", "composition, the isotropic branch of the binodal intersects the", "c", "-axis at", "c$_{I}$", "= 0", ".", "666 and the", "nematic branch intersects at", "c$_{N}$", "= 0", ".", "849, in agreement with the monodisperse limit found in", "earlier work [52]. The binodals interpolate smoothly from", "x", "= 0 to", "x", "= 1 where the values", "of", "c", "corresponding to the", "I", "-", "N", "coexistence concentrations are", "c$_{I}$", "= 0", ".", "5", "and", "c$_{N}$", "= 0", ".", "638. The", "nature of the tie lines is similar to FMT. The", "I", "-", "N", "spinodal lies between the two branches", "of the binodal and interpolates smoothly from zero composition, where", "c", "= 8", "/π", "2", "= 0", ".", "811 to", "x", "= 1 where", "c", "∗", "= 0", ".", "609.", "The nematic phase of a mixture of two components can be characterised by two partial", "nematic order parameters,", "S$_{1}$", "and", "S$_{2}$", "defined by", "The total nematic order parameter is the weighted average", "S$_{i}$", "= 4", "π", "∫", "π", "2", "0", "dθ", "sin", "θ", "Ψ$_{i}$(", "θ", ")", "P$_{2}$", "(cos", "θ", ")", ".", "(50)", "S$_{tot}$", "= (1", "−", "x", ")", "S$_{1}$", "+", "xS$_{2}$.", "(51)", "17" ]
[ [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 94, 780, 665 ], [ 120, 771, 781, 42 ], [ 120, 771, 781, 42 ], [ 120, 771, 781, 42 ], [ 120, 771, 781, 42 ], [ 120, 771, 781, 42 ], [ 120, 771, 781, 42 ], [ 120, 885, 504, 15 ], [ 365, 829, 536, 41 ], [ 365, 829, 536, 41 ], [ 365, 829, 536, 41 ], [ 365, 829, 536, 41 ], [ 365, 829, 536, 41 ], [ 365, 829, 536, 41 ], [ 365, 829, 536, 41 ], [ 365, 829, 536, 41 ], [ 365, 829, 536, 41 ], [ 365, 829, 536, 41 ], [ 365, 829, 536, 41 ], [ 365, 829, 536, 41 ], [ 365, 829, 536, 41 ], [ 365, 829, 536, 41 ], [ 365, 829, 536, 41 ], [ 365, 829, 536, 41 ], [ 365, 829, 536, 41 ], [ 365, 829, 536, 41 ], [ 365, 829, 536, 41 ], [ 411, 927, 489, 26 ], [ 411, 927, 489, 26 ], [ 411, 927, 489, 26 ], [ 411, 927, 489, 26 ], [ 411, 927, 489, 26 ], [ 411, 927, 489, 26 ], [ 411, 927, 489, 26 ], [ 411, 927, 489, 26 ], [ 411, 927, 489, 26 ], [ 491, 978, 19, 15 ] ]
[ [ 120, 94, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 121, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 148, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 175, 136, 15 ], [ 263, 181, 15, 9 ], [ 286, 175, 214, 15 ], [ 508, 181, 15, 9 ], [ 531, 175, 370, 15 ], [ 120, 202, 610, 15 ], [ 737, 202, 8, 15 ], [ 745, 210, 7, 5 ], [ 759, 202, 30, 15 ], [ 789, 202, 5, 15 ], [ 795, 202, 53, 15 ], [ 854, 202, 11, 15 ], [ 870, 202, 30, 15 ], [ 120, 229, 31, 15 ], [ 160, 229, 8, 15 ], [ 169, 238, 7, 5 ], [ 185, 229, 33, 15 ], [ 219, 229, 5, 15 ], [ 224, 229, 29, 15 ], [ 254, 229, 21, 15 ], [ 275, 228, 7, 10 ], [ 292, 229, 33, 15 ], [ 325, 229, 5, 15 ], [ 331, 229, 55, 15 ], [ 394, 229, 11, 15 ], [ 414, 229, 39, 15 ], [ 467, 229, 433, 15 ], [ 120, 256, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 283, 457, 15 ], [ 578, 283, 40, 15 ], [ 619, 283, 281, 15 ], [ 120, 311, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 338, 452, 15 ], [ 580, 338, 15, 15 ], [ 597, 338, 100, 15 ], [ 705, 338, 15, 15 ], [ 722, 338, 178, 15 ], [ 120, 365, 592, 15 ], [ 720, 365, 15, 15 ], [ 737, 365, 164, 15 ], [ 120, 392, 27, 15 ], [ 156, 392, 15, 15 ], [ 172, 392, 45, 15 ], [ 231, 392, 69, 15 ], [ 301, 392, 29, 15 ], [ 331, 392, 7, 5 ], [ 339, 392, 562, 15 ], [ 120, 419, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 446, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 473, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 500, 780, 15 ], [ 120, 527, 457, 15 ], [ 593, 527, 307, 15 ], [ 120, 554, 529, 15 ], [ 663, 554, 237, 15 ], [ 120, 581, 534, 15 ], [ 662, 581, 8, 15 ], [ 670, 581, 63, 15 ], [ 741, 581, 14, 15 ], [ 763, 581, 30, 15 ], [ 794, 581, 5, 15 ], [ 799, 581, 101, 15 ], [ 120, 608, 240, 15 ], [ 366, 608, 19, 15 ], [ 394, 608, 30, 15 ], [ 425, 608, 5, 15 ], [ 430, 608, 470, 15 ], [ 120, 636, 497, 15 ], [ 624, 636, 11, 15 ], [ 641, 636, 55, 15 ], [ 703, 636, 11, 15 ], [ 720, 636, 180, 15 ], [ 120, 663, 15, 15 ], [ 142, 663, 8, 15 ], [ 157, 663, 177, 15 ], [ 341, 663, 7, 14 ], [ 352, 663, 6, 15 ], [ 358, 663, 14, 14 ], [ 382, 663, 258, 15 ], [ 648, 663, 14, 15 ], [ 670, 663, 30, 15 ], [ 700, 663, 5, 15 ], [ 706, 663, 7, 15 ], [ 729, 663, 24, 15 ], [ 760, 663, 19, 15 ], [ 788, 663, 30, 15 ], [ 818, 663, 5, 15 ], [ 824, 663, 77, 15 ], [ 120, 690, 395, 15 ], [ 523, 690, 7, 14 ], [ 534, 690, 6, 15 ], [ 540, 690, 14, 14 ], [ 565, 690, 335, 15 ], [ 120, 717, 605, 15 ], [ 732, 717, 8, 15 ], [ 746, 717, 30, 15 ], [ 777, 717, 20, 15 ], [ 799, 715, 7, 10 ], [ 812, 717, 30, 15 ], [ 843, 717, 5, 15 ], [ 848, 717, 53, 15 ], [ 120, 744, 11, 15 ], [ 137, 744, 87, 15 ], [ 231, 744, 8, 15 ], [ 239, 752, 7, 5 ], [ 253, 744, 30, 15 ], [ 283, 744, 5, 15 ], [ 289, 744, 34, 15 ], [ 145, 771, 755, 15 ], [ 120, 798, 225, 15 ], [ 352, 798, 19, 15 ], [ 379, 798, 31, 15 ], [ 417, 798, 19, 15 ], [ 443, 798, 88, 15 ], [ 120, 885, 504, 15 ], [ 365, 842, 16, 15 ], [ 388, 842, 30, 15 ], [ 419, 842, 11, 15 ], [ 434, 832, 11, 37 ], [ 456, 829, 7, 3 ], [ 457, 836, 6, 6 ], [ 445, 860, 7, 10 ], [ 470, 842, 19, 15 ], [ 493, 842, 23, 15 ], [ 520, 842, 9, 15 ], [ 530, 842, 28, 15 ], [ 558, 842, 9, 15 ], [ 568, 842, 7, 15 ], [ 576, 842, 19, 15 ], [ 596, 842, 33, 15 ], [ 634, 842, 9, 15 ], [ 643, 842, 7, 15 ], [ 651, 842, 5, 15 ], [ 866, 842, 34, 15 ], [ 411, 927, 30, 15 ], [ 448, 927, 38, 15 ], [ 490, 927, 15, 26 ], [ 510, 927, 11, 15 ], [ 521, 927, 7, 15 ], [ 529, 927, 19, 15 ], [ 554, 927, 15, 15 ], [ 573, 927, 36, 15 ], [ 866, 927, 34, 15 ], [ 491, 978, 19, 15 ] ]
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[ "6017", "P", "[index top]", "Section 27.16, “Performance Schema Status Variables”", "Section 27.16, “Performance Schema Status Variables”", "Section 27.16, “Performance Schema Status Variables”", "Section 27.16, “Performance Schema Status Variables”", "Section 27.15, “Performance Schema System Variables”", "Section 27.16, “Performance Schema Status Variables”", "Section 27.16, “Performance Schema Status Variables”", "Section 27.16, “Performance Schema Status Variables”", "Section 27.16, “Performance Schema Status Variables”", "Section 27.16, “Performance Schema Status Variables”", "Section 27.15, “Performance Schema System Variables”", "Section 27.16, “Performance Schema Status Variables”", "Section 27.16, “Performance Schema Status Variables”", "Section 27.16, “Performance Schema Status Variables”", "Section 27.15, “Performance Schema System Variables”", "Section 27.7, “Performance Schema Status Monitoring”", "Section 27.16, “Performance Schema Status Variables”", "Section 27.7, “Performance Schema Status Monitoring”", "Section 27.16, “Performance Schema Status Variables”", "Performance_schema_mutex_instances_lost", "Performance_schema_mutex_classes_lost", "Performance_schema_metadata_lock_lost", "Performance_schema_memory_classes_lost", "Performance_schema_locker_lost", "Performance_schema_index_stat_lost", "Performance_schema_hosts_lost", "Performance_schema_file_instances_lost", "Performance_schema_file_handles_lost", "Performance_schema_file_classes_lost", "Performance_schema_digest_lost", "Performance_schema_cond_instances_lost", "Performance_schema_cond_classes_lost", "Performance_schema_accounts_lost" ]
[ [ 927, 964, 37, 11 ], [ 170, 95, 16, 17 ], [ 170, 130, 77, 11 ], [ 170, 180, 439, 11 ], [ 170, 231, 439, 11 ], [ 170, 282, 439, 11 ], [ 170, 333, 447, 27 ], [ 170, 333, 447, 27 ], [ 170, 399, 439, 11 ], [ 170, 450, 439, 11 ], [ 170, 500, 439, 11 ], [ 170, 551, 439, 11 ], [ 170, 602, 447, 27 ], [ 170, 602, 447, 27 ], [ 170, 668, 439, 11 ], [ 170, 719, 439, 11 ], [ 170, 770, 447, 27 ], [ 170, 770, 447, 27 ], [ 170, 836, 439, 27 ], [ 170, 836, 439, 27 ], [ 170, 902, 439, 27 ], [ 170, 902, 439, 27 ], [ 170, 880, 516, 17 ], [ 170, 814, 491, 17 ], [ 170, 748, 487, 17 ], [ 170, 697, 514, 17 ], [ 170, 646, 391, 17 ], [ 170, 580, 439, 17 ], [ 170, 529, 384, 17 ], [ 170, 479, 479, 17 ], [ 170, 428, 459, 17 ], [ 170, 377, 455, 17 ], [ 170, 311, 391, 17 ], [ 170, 260, 502, 17 ], [ 170, 210, 478, 17 ], [ 170, 159, 426, 17 ] ]
[ [ 927, 964, 37, 11 ], [ 170, 95, 16, 17 ], [ 170, 130, 77, 11 ], [ 170, 180, 439, 11 ], [ 170, 231, 439, 11 ], [ 170, 282, 439, 11 ], [ 170, 333, 439, 11 ], [ 170, 348, 447, 11 ], [ 170, 399, 439, 11 ], [ 170, 450, 439, 11 ], [ 170, 500, 439, 11 ], [ 170, 551, 439, 11 ], [ 170, 602, 439, 11 ], [ 170, 617, 447, 11 ], [ 170, 668, 439, 11 ], [ 170, 719, 439, 11 ], [ 170, 770, 439, 11 ], [ 170, 785, 447, 11 ], [ 170, 836, 438, 11 ], [ 170, 851, 439, 11 ], [ 170, 902, 438, 11 ], [ 170, 918, 439, 11 ], [ 170, 880, 516, 17 ], [ 170, 814, 491, 17 ], [ 170, 748, 487, 17 ], [ 170, 697, 514, 17 ], [ 170, 646, 391, 17 ], [ 170, 580, 439, 17 ], [ 170, 529, 384, 17 ], [ 170, 479, 479, 17 ], [ 170, 428, 459, 17 ], [ 170, 377, 455, 17 ], [ 170, 311, 391, 17 ], [ 170, 260, 502, 17 ], [ 170, 210, 478, 17 ], [ 170, 159, 426, 17 ] ]
[ 4, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 ]
[ "Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements", "2000 and 1999. Since the date of issuance, approximately $21.5", "million of the SellCo Notes have been redeemed with proceeds", "from the sale of stock and assets of SellCo subsidiaries and the pre-", "payment by EMCOR of the Supplemental SellCo Note. The SellCo", "Notes mature on December 15, 2004 if not deemed canceled at an", "earlier date pursuant to the Indenture.", "In 1998, EMCOR issued notes in connection with the acquisition", "of two companies. A principal payment of $1.0 million was made", "in August 1999 in respect of one note issued in August 1998, and a", "principal payment of the balance of $1.15 million was made in", "respect of that note in August 2000. Interest on the note was", "payable together with payments of principal. The other note,", "issued in the principal amount of $6.2 million in December 1998,", "was paid in full in January 1999.", "See Note K in the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.", "Other long-term debt consists primarily of loans for real estate,", "office equipment, automobiles and building improvements. As ", "of December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively, other long-term ", "debt, excluding current maturities, totaling $1.1 million and $1.5", "million was owed by certain of EMCOR’s subsidiaries. The ", "aggregate amount of other long-term debt maturing during the", "next five years is approximately: $0.2 million in each of 2001 and ", "2002, $0.1 million in each of 2003, 2004 and 2005, and ", "$0.4 million thereafter.", "The income tax provision in the accompanying Consolidated", "Statements of Operations for the years ended December 31, 2000,", "1999 and 1998 consisted of the following (in thousands):", "EMCOR adopted Fresh-Start Accounting in connection with", "EMCOR’s reorganization in December 1994. As a result, the tax", "benefit of any net operating loss carryforwards or net deductible", "temporary differences which existed as of December 15, 1994 will", "result in a charge to the tax provision (provision in lieu of income", "taxes) and to capital surplus. Amounts credited to capital surplus", "were $24.4 million, $15.6 million and $8.2 million for the years", "ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.", "EMCOR files a consolidated federal income tax return including ", "all of its U.S. subsidiaries. At December 31, 2000, EMCOR had net", "operating loss carryforwards (“NOLs”) for U.S. income tax ", "purposes of approximately $40.0 million, which expire in the years", "2009 through 2012. The NOLs are subject to review by the Internal", "Revenue Service. Future changes in ownership of EMCOR, as", "defined by Section 382 of the Internal Revenue Code, could limit", "the amount of NOLs available for use in any one year. In the", "United Kingdom, EMCOR’s wholly owned subsidiary, Drake &", "Scull, has a trading loss carry-forward of approximately ", "$6.0 million. Trading losses may be carried forward, without a ", "time limit, against future income from the same trade.", "Note G – ", "Income Taxes", "Notes Payable", "Capitalized Lease Obligations", "Other Long-Term Debt", "Factors accounting for the variation from U.S. statutory income tax rates relating to continuing operations for the years ended", "December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998 were as follows (in thousands):", "EMCOR, 2000 Annual Report", "32", "2000", "1999", "1998", "Current:", "Federal", "$", "1,364", "$", "872", "$", "302", "State and local", "3,394", "2,510", "2,035", "Foreign", "1,180", "1,730", "2,161", "5,938", "5,112", "4,498", "Deferred:", "Foreign", "1,138", "1,100", "–", "Provision in lieu of income taxes", "24,422", "15,645", "8,151", "$", "31,498", "$", "21,857", "$", "12,649", "2000", "1999", "1998", "Federal income taxes at the statutory rate", "$", "25,055", "$", "17,387", "$", "10,409", "State and local income taxes, net of federal tax benefits", "3,894", "2,990", "1,058", "Foreign income taxes", "890", "271", "1,247", "Non-deductible goodwill amortization", "1,211", "843", "101", "Other", "448", "366", "(166)", "$", "31,498", "$", "21,857", "$", "12,649" ]
[ [ 42, 32, 352, 14 ], [ 42, 90, 412, 86 ], [ 42, 90, 412, 86 ], [ 42, 90, 412, 86 ], [ 42, 90, 412, 86 ], [ 42, 90, 412, 86 ], [ 42, 90, 412, 86 ], [ 42, 211, 409, 115 ], [ 42, 211, 409, 115 ], [ 42, 211, 409, 115 ], [ 42, 211, 409, 115 ], [ 42, 211, 409, 115 ], [ 42, 211, 409, 115 ], [ 42, 211, 409, 115 ], [ 42, 211, 409, 115 ], [ 42, 361, 384, 11 ], [ 42, 405, 403, 130 ], [ 42, 405, 403, 130 ], [ 42, 405, 403, 130 ], [ 42, 405, 403, 130 ], [ 42, 405, 403, 130 ], [ 42, 405, 403, 130 ], [ 42, 405, 403, 130 ], [ 42, 405, 403, 130 ], [ 42, 405, 403, 130 ], [ 488, 417, 407, 41 ], [ 488, 417, 407, 41 ], [ 488, 417, 407, 41 ], [ 488, 297, 405, 115 ], [ 488, 297, 405, 115 ], [ 488, 297, 405, 115 ], [ 488, 297, 405, 115 ], [ 488, 297, 405, 115 ], [ 488, 297, 405, 115 ], [ 488, 297, 405, 115 ], [ 488, 297, 405, 115 ], [ 488, 119, 412, 175 ], [ 488, 119, 412, 175 ], [ 488, 119, 412, 175 ], [ 488, 119, 412, 175 ], [ 488, 119, 412, 175 ], [ 488, 119, 412, 175 ], [ 488, 119, 412, 175 ], [ 488, 119, 412, 175 ], [ 488, 119, 412, 175 ], [ 488, 119, 412, 175 ], [ 488, 119, 412, 175 ], [ 488, 119, 412, 175 ], [ 488, 90, 189, 14 ], [ 488, 90, 189, 14 ], [ 42, 195, 89, 12 ], [ 42, 345, 192, 12 ], [ 42, 390, 150, 12 ], [ 42, 741, 795, 26 ], [ 42, 741, 795, 26 ], [ 762, 995, 139, 8 ], [ 25, 993, 14, 10 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 559, 865, 165 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ], [ 41, 785, 865, 106 ] ]
[ [ 42, 32, 352, 14 ], [ 42, 90, 386, 11 ], [ 42, 105, 386, 11 ], [ 42, 120, 412, 11 ], [ 42, 135, 410, 11 ], [ 42, 150, 407, 11 ], [ 42, 165, 235, 11 ], [ 42, 211, 401, 11 ], [ 42, 226, 402, 11 ], [ 42, 240, 409, 11 ], [ 42, 255, 386, 11 ], [ 42, 270, 369, 11 ], [ 42, 285, 374, 11 ], [ 42, 300, 404, 11 ], [ 42, 315, 198, 11 ], [ 42, 361, 384, 11 ], [ 42, 405, 389, 11 ], [ 42, 420, 388, 11 ], [ 42, 435, 382, 11 ], [ 42, 450, 398, 11 ], [ 42, 465, 365, 11 ], [ 42, 480, 391, 11 ], [ 42, 495, 403, 11 ], [ 42, 510, 340, 11 ], [ 42, 525, 139, 11 ], [ 518, 417, 376, 11 ], [ 488, 431, 404, 11 ], [ 488, 446, 350, 11 ], [ 518, 297, 375, 11 ], [ 488, 312, 391, 11 ], [ 488, 327, 396, 11 ], [ 488, 342, 403, 11 ], [ 488, 357, 405, 11 ], [ 488, 372, 399, 11 ], [ 488, 387, 388, 11 ], [ 488, 402, 337, 11 ], [ 488, 119, 400, 11 ], [ 488, 134, 407, 11 ], [ 488, 149, 367, 11 ], [ 488, 164, 410, 11 ], [ 488, 178, 412, 11 ], [ 488, 193, 378, 11 ], [ 488, 208, 399, 11 ], [ 488, 223, 372, 11 ], [ 488, 238, 388, 11 ], [ 488, 253, 345, 11 ], [ 488, 268, 385, 11 ], [ 488, 283, 334, 11 ], [ 488, 90, 79, 14 ], [ 567, 90, 110, 14 ], [ 42, 195, 89, 12 ], [ 42, 345, 192, 12 ], [ 42, 390, 150, 12 ], [ 62, 741, 775, 11 ], [ 42, 756, 410, 11 ], [ 762, 995, 139, 8 ], [ 25, 993, 14, 10 ], [ 580, 559, 28, 10 ], [ 729, 559, 28, 10 ], [ 873, 559, 28, 10 ], [ 42, 577, 46, 10 ], [ 62, 592, 42, 10 ], [ 496, 592, 7, 10 ], [ 576, 592, 32, 10 ], [ 645, 592, 7, 10 ], [ 736, 592, 21, 10 ], [ 791, 592, 7, 10 ], [ 881, 592, 21, 10 ], [ 62, 606, 83, 10 ], [ 576, 606, 32, 10 ], [ 726, 606, 32, 10 ], [ 870, 606, 32, 10 ], [ 62, 621, 42, 10 ], [ 576, 621, 32, 10 ], [ 726, 621, 32, 10 ], [ 870, 621, 32, 10 ], [ 576, 636, 32, 10 ], [ 726, 636, 32, 10 ], [ 870, 636, 32, 10 ], [ 42, 659, 54, 10 ], [ 62, 674, 42, 10 ], [ 576, 674, 32, 10 ], [ 726, 674, 32, 10 ], [ 896, 674, 6, 10 ], [ 42, 696, 185, 10 ], [ 569, 696, 39, 10 ], [ 719, 696, 39, 10 ], [ 870, 696, 32, 10 ], [ 496, 711, 7, 10 ], [ 569, 711, 39, 10 ], [ 645, 711, 7, 10 ], [ 719, 711, 39, 10 ], [ 791, 711, 7, 10 ], [ 863, 711, 39, 10 ], [ 580, 786, 28, 10 ], [ 729, 786, 28, 10 ], [ 873, 786, 28, 10 ], [ 42, 804, 239, 10 ], [ 496, 804, 7, 10 ], [ 569, 804, 39, 10 ], [ 645, 804, 7, 10 ], [ 719, 804, 39, 10 ], [ 791, 804, 7, 10 ], [ 863, 804, 39, 10 ], [ 42, 819, 319, 10 ], [ 576, 819, 32, 10 ], [ 726, 819, 32, 10 ], [ 870, 819, 32, 10 ], [ 42, 834, 123, 10 ], [ 587, 834, 21, 10 ], [ 736, 834, 21, 10 ], [ 870, 834, 32, 10 ], [ 42, 848, 211, 10 ], [ 576, 848, 32, 10 ], [ 736, 848, 21, 10 ], [ 881, 848, 21, 10 ], [ 42, 863, 32, 10 ], [ 587, 863, 21, 10 ], [ 736, 863, 21, 10 ], [ 873, 863, 28, 10 ], [ 496, 878, 7, 10 ], [ 569, 878, 39, 10 ], [ 645, 878, 7, 10 ], [ 719, 878, 39, 10 ], [ 791, 878, 7, 10 ], [ 863, 878, 39, 10 ] ]
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[ "8/15/19 ", "1/30/20", "AIM", "clearance if necessary; and once the aircraft reports", "reaching VFR-on-top, reclears the aircraft to", "maintain VFR-on-top.", "5", "−", "5", "−", "15.", "Minimum Fuel Advisory", "5", "−", "5", "−", "14.", "Instrument Departures", "5", "−", "5", "−", "16.", "RNAV and RNP Operations", "5", "−", "5", "−", "7", "Pilot/Controller Roles and Responsibilities", "3.", "Before issuing clearance, ascertain that the", "aircraft is not in or will not enter Class A airspace.", "1.", "Prior to departure considers the type of terrain", "and other obstructions on or in the vicinity of the", "departure airport.", "2.", "Determines if obstruction avoidance can be", "maintained visually or that the departure procedure", "should be followed.", "3.", "Determines whether an obstacle departure", "procedure (ODP) and/or DP is available for", "obstruction avoidance. One option may be a Visual", "Climb Over Airport (VCOA). Pilots must advise", "ATC as early as possible of the intent to fly the VCOA", "prior to departure.", "4.", "At airports where IAPs have not been", "published, hence no published departure procedure,", "determines what action will be necessary and takes", "such action that will assure a safe departure.", "1.", "At locations with airport traffic control", "service, when necessary, specifies direction of", "takeoff, turn, or initial heading to be flown after", "takeoff, consistent with published departure proce-", "dures (DP) or diverse vector areas (DVA), where", "applicable. ", "2.", "At locations without airport traffic control", "service but within Class E surface area when", "necessary to specify direction of takeoff, turn, or", "initial heading to be flown, obtains pilot’s concur-", "rence that the procedure will allow the pilot to comply", "with local traffic patterns, terrain, and obstruction", "avoidance.", "3.", "When the initial heading will take the aircraft", "off an assigned procedure (for example, an RNAV", "SID with a published lateral path to a waypoint and", "crossing restrictions from the departure end of", "runway), the controller will assign an altitude to", "maintain with the initial heading.", "2.", "Pilots are not authorized to fly a published", "RNAV or RNP procedure (instrument approach,", "departure, or arrival procedure) unless it is retrievable", "by the procedure name from the current aircraft", "navigation database and conforms to the charted", "procedure. The system must be able to retrieve the", "1.", "If unable to comply with the requirements of", "an RNAV or RNP procedure, pilots must advise air", "traffic control as soon as possible. For example,", "“N1234, failure of GPS system, unable RNAV,", "request amended clearance.”", "1.", "When an aircraft declares a state of minimum", "fuel, relay this information to the facility to whom", "control jurisdiction is transferred.", "2.", "Be alert for any occurrence which might", "delay the aircraft.", "5.", "If the remaining usable fuel supply suggests", "the need for traffic priority to ensure a safe landing,", "you should declare an emergency due to low fuel and", "report fuel remaining in minutes.", "Pilot/Controller Glossary Term", "−", " Fuel Remaining.", "1.", "Advise ATC of your minimum fuel status", "when your fuel supply has reached a state where,", "upon reaching destination, you cannot accept any", "undue delay.", "2.", "Be aware this is not an emergency situation,", "but merely an advisory that indicates an emergency", "situation is possible should any undue delay occur.", "3.", "On initial contact the term “minimum fuel”", "should be used after stating call sign.", "Salt Lake Approach, United 621, “minimum fuel.”", "4.", "Be aware a minimum fuel advisory does not", "imply a need for traffic priority.", "EXAMPLE", "−", "a.", "Pilot.", "a.", "Pilot.", "b.", "Controller.", "REFERENCE", "−", "b.", "Controller.", "a.", "Pilot.", "4.", "Includes established departure procedures as", "part of the ATC clearance when pilot compliance is", "necessary to ensure separation." ]
[ [ 106, 38, 57, 16 ], [ 106, 38, 57, 16 ], [ 883, 39, 32, 15 ], [ 108, 90, 385, 49 ], [ 108, 90, 385, 49 ], [ 108, 90, 385, 49 ], [ 532, 160, 283, 17 ], [ 532, 160, 283, 17 ], [ 532, 160, 283, 17 ], [ 532, 160, 283, 17 ], [ 532, 160, 283, 17 ], [ 532, 160, 283, 17 ], [ 108, 211, 273, 17 ], [ 108, 211, 273, 17 ], [ 108, 211, 273, 17 ], [ 108, 211, 273, 17 ], [ 108, 211, 273, 17 ], [ 108, 211, 273, 17 ], [ 532, 693, 311, 17 ], [ 532, 693, 311, 17 ], [ 532, 693, 311, 17 ], [ 532, 693, 311, 17 ], [ 532, 693, 311, 17 ], [ 532, 693, 311, 17 ], [ 874, 971, 42, 15 ], [ 874, 971, 42, 15 ], [ 874, 971, 42, 15 ], [ 874, 971, 42, 15 ], [ 874, 971, 42, 15 ], [ 113, 969, 286, 15 ], [ 108, 150, 384, 33 ], [ 108, 150, 384, 33 ], [ 108, 150, 384, 33 ], [ 108, 266, 384, 49 ], [ 108, 266, 384, 49 ], [ 108, 266, 384, 49 ], [ 108, 266, 384, 49 ], [ 108, 326, 384, 49 ], [ 108, 326, 384, 49 ], [ 108, 326, 384, 49 ], [ 108, 326, 384, 49 ], [ 108, 385, 385, 99 ], [ 108, 385, 385, 99 ], [ 108, 385, 385, 99 ], [ 108, 385, 385, 99 ], [ 108, 385, 385, 99 ], [ 108, 385, 385, 99 ], [ 108, 385, 385, 99 ], [ 108, 495, 385, 66 ], [ 108, 495, 385, 66 ], [ 108, 495, 385, 66 ], [ 108, 495, 385, 66 ], [ 108, 495, 385, 66 ], [ 108, 598, 384, 99 ], [ 108, 598, 384, 99 ], [ 108, 598, 384, 99 ], [ 108, 598, 384, 99 ], [ 108, 598, 384, 99 ], [ 108, 598, 384, 99 ], [ 108, 598, 384, 99 ], [ 108, 707, 385, 115 ], [ 108, 707, 385, 115 ], [ 108, 707, 385, 115 ], [ 108, 707, 385, 115 ], [ 108, 707, 385, 115 ], [ 108, 707, 385, 115 ], [ 108, 707, 385, 115 ], [ 108, 707, 385, 115 ], [ 108, 832, 384, 99 ], [ 108, 832, 384, 99 ], [ 108, 832, 384, 99 ], [ 108, 832, 384, 99 ], [ 108, 832, 384, 99 ], [ 108, 832, 384, 99 ], [ 108, 832, 384, 99 ], [ 532, 832, 384, 99 ], [ 532, 832, 384, 99 ], [ 532, 832, 384, 99 ], [ 532, 832, 384, 99 ], [ 532, 832, 384, 99 ], [ 532, 832, 384, 99 ], [ 532, 832, 384, 99 ], [ 532, 742, 384, 82 ], [ 532, 742, 384, 82 ], [ 532, 742, 384, 82 ], [ 532, 742, 384, 82 ], [ 532, 742, 384, 82 ], [ 532, 742, 384, 82 ], [ 532, 582, 384, 49 ], [ 532, 582, 384, 49 ], [ 532, 582, 384, 49 ], [ 532, 582, 384, 49 ], [ 532, 639, 384, 33 ], [ 532, 639, 384, 33 ], [ 532, 639, 384, 33 ], [ 532, 456, 384, 66 ], [ 532, 456, 384, 66 ], [ 532, 456, 384, 66 ], [ 532, 456, 384, 66 ], [ 532, 456, 384, 66 ], [ 532, 541, 267, 12 ], [ 532, 541, 267, 12 ], [ 532, 541, 267, 12 ], [ 532, 210, 384, 66 ], [ 532, 210, 384, 66 ], [ 532, 210, 384, 66 ], [ 532, 210, 384, 66 ], [ 532, 210, 384, 66 ], [ 532, 283, 384, 49 ], [ 532, 283, 384, 49 ], [ 532, 283, 384, 49 ], [ 532, 283, 384, 49 ], [ 532, 340, 384, 33 ], [ 532, 340, 384, 33 ], [ 532, 340, 384, 33 ], [ 532, 398, 356, 11 ], [ 532, 416, 384, 33 ], [ 532, 416, 384, 33 ], [ 532, 416, 384, 33 ], [ 532, 379, 88, 15 ], [ 532, 379, 88, 15 ], [ 549, 189, 64, 12 ], [ 549, 189, 64, 12 ], [ 549, 722, 64, 12 ], [ 549, 722, 64, 12 ], [ 549, 562, 109, 12 ], [ 549, 562, 109, 12 ], [ 532, 529, 87, 12 ], [ 532, 529, 87, 12 ], [ 125, 574, 109, 12 ], [ 125, 574, 109, 12 ], [ 125, 243, 64, 12 ], [ 125, 243, 64, 12 ], [ 532, 90, 384, 49 ], [ 532, 90, 384, 49 ], [ 532, 90, 384, 49 ], [ 532, 90, 384, 49 ] ]
[ [ 108, 39, 55, 15 ], [ 106, 38, 51, 15 ], [ 883, 39, 32, 15 ], [ 108, 90, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 107, 385, 16 ], [ 108, 123, 163, 16 ], [ 532, 164, 10, 13 ], [ 542, 160, 10, 17 ], [ 553, 164, 10, 13 ], [ 563, 160, 10, 17 ], [ 573, 164, 26, 13 ], [ 605, 164, 211, 13 ], [ 108, 214, 10, 13 ], [ 118, 211, 10, 17 ], [ 129, 214, 10, 13 ], [ 139, 211, 10, 17 ], [ 149, 214, 26, 13 ], [ 181, 214, 200, 13 ], [ 532, 696, 10, 13 ], [ 542, 693, 10, 17 ], [ 553, 696, 10, 13 ], [ 563, 693, 10, 17 ], [ 573, 696, 25, 13 ], [ 604, 696, 238, 13 ], [ 874, 971, 8, 15 ], [ 882, 971, 9, 15 ], [ 891, 971, 8, 15 ], [ 899, 971, 9, 15 ], [ 908, 971, 8, 15 ], [ 113, 969, 286, 15 ], [ 141, 153, 13, 12 ], [ 164, 150, 327, 16 ], [ 108, 166, 372, 16 ], [ 141, 269, 13, 12 ], [ 164, 266, 327, 16 ], [ 108, 282, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 299, 128, 16 ], [ 141, 329, 13, 12 ], [ 164, 326, 327, 16 ], [ 108, 342, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 359, 146, 16 ], [ 141, 389, 13, 12 ], [ 165, 385, 327, 16 ], [ 108, 402, 385, 16 ], [ 108, 418, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 435, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 451, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 468, 133, 16 ], [ 141, 498, 13, 12 ], [ 167, 495, 326, 16 ], [ 108, 511, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 528, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 544, 325, 16 ], [ 141, 601, 13, 12 ], [ 166, 598, 326, 16 ], [ 108, 614, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 631, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 647, 383, 16 ], [ 108, 664, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 680, 84, 16 ], [ 141, 710, 13, 12 ], [ 165, 707, 327, 16 ], [ 108, 723, 385, 16 ], [ 108, 740, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 756, 383, 16 ], [ 108, 773, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 789, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 806, 79, 16 ], [ 141, 836, 13, 12 ], [ 164, 832, 327, 16 ], [ 108, 849, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 865, 383, 16 ], [ 108, 882, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 898, 384, 16 ], [ 108, 915, 244, 16 ], [ 565, 836, 13, 12 ], [ 588, 832, 327, 16 ], [ 532, 849, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 865, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 882, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 898, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 915, 384, 16 ], [ 565, 746, 13, 12 ], [ 588, 742, 327, 16 ], [ 532, 759, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 775, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 792, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 808, 211, 16 ], [ 565, 586, 13, 12 ], [ 588, 582, 327, 16 ], [ 532, 599, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 615, 246, 16 ], [ 565, 643, 13, 12 ], [ 589, 639, 327, 16 ], [ 532, 656, 129, 16 ], [ 565, 460, 13, 12 ], [ 588, 456, 327, 16 ], [ 532, 473, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 489, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 506, 243, 16 ], [ 532, 543, 167, 9 ], [ 700, 541, 9, 12 ], [ 709, 543, 90, 9 ], [ 565, 213, 13, 12 ], [ 589, 210, 327, 16 ], [ 532, 226, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 243, 383, 16 ], [ 532, 259, 92, 16 ], [ 565, 287, 13, 12 ], [ 588, 283, 327, 16 ], [ 532, 300, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 316, 373, 16 ], [ 565, 344, 13, 12 ], [ 588, 340, 327, 16 ], [ 532, 357, 272, 16 ], [ 532, 398, 356, 11 ], [ 565, 419, 13, 12 ], [ 588, 416, 327, 16 ], [ 532, 432, 234, 16 ], [ 532, 379, 78, 15 ], [ 610, 379, 10, 15 ], [ 549, 189, 14, 12 ], [ 569, 189, 44, 12 ], [ 549, 722, 14, 12 ], [ 569, 722, 44, 12 ], [ 549, 562, 15, 12 ], [ 569, 562, 89, 12 ], [ 532, 529, 79, 12 ], [ 612, 529, 8, 12 ], [ 125, 574, 15, 12 ], [ 145, 574, 89, 12 ], [ 125, 243, 14, 12 ], [ 144, 243, 44, 12 ], [ 565, 94, 13, 12 ], [ 588, 90, 327, 16 ], [ 532, 107, 384, 16 ], [ 532, 123, 228, 16 ] ]
[ 5, 5, 5, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9 ]
[ "UCI CYCLING REGULATIONS ", "Only a team whose application for a UCI ProTeam has been rejected can file, via the ", "National Federation, a demand for registration as UCI continental team outside this term. ", "The National Federation must inform UCI that it received such request at the latest 10 ", "days after the team has received the decision that registration as UCI ProTeam is ", "refused. In that event, the administration of the UCI will set the term to establish a ", "registration file. ", "(text modified on 1.07.10; 1.05.17; 1.07.18). ", "The application must include the following information: ", "Any changes to the information above must be immediately notified to the UCI by the ", "National Federation and only by it. ", "(text modified on 1.07.18). ", "(text modified on 1.07.09; 1.01.17; 1.07.18). ", "The letter must be filled in and signed via UCI DataRide according to the procedure ", "detailed in the UCI continental teams and UCI women’s continental teams’ registration ", "manual. ", "The president of the National Federation shall also fill in a checklist as requested in the ", "UCI continental teams and UCI women’s continental teams’ registration manual. ", "(text modified on 1.02.10; 1.07.12 ; 3.06.16; 1.07.18). ", "ROAD RACES ", "E170421 ", "288 ", "2.17.034", "The application for registration must be made on the UCI forms provided for this purpose. ", "Other applications shall be rejected. ", "1. ", "exact name of the team; ", "2. ", "the ", "address ", "(including ", "telephone ", "number ", "and ", "email) ", "to ", "which ", "all ", "communications to the team can be sent; ", "3. ", "the names and addresses of the team representative and the sports director; ", "4. ", "surnames, forenames, addresses, nationalities and dates of birth of the riders; ", "5. ", "the allocation of tasks specified by article 1.1.082. ", "2.17.035", "The application for registration must be submitted according to the procedure set out in ", "the UCI continental teams and UCI women’s continental teams’ registration manual. ", "2.17.036", "These documents are sent to the UCI for information only. The National Federation and ", "the team are solely liable for their compliance with UCI regulations and any applicable ", "legislation. ", "2.17.037", "The registration application documents must also include a letter from the president of ", "the National Federation in which he confirms to the UCI that his federation has carried ", "out all controls required for to ensure the good reputation of team members and ", "management, respect for the UCI regulations, respect for the regulations of the National ", "Federation, respect for the laws in force in the relevant country, and of the fact that the ", "team members are all covered by insurance which meets the requirements of article ", "2.17.031. " ]
[ [ 362, 43, 231, 14 ], [ 170, 86, 737, 91 ], [ 170, 86, 737, 91 ], [ 170, 86, 737, 91 ], [ 170, 86, 737, 91 ], [ 170, 86, 737, 91 ], [ 170, 86, 737, 91 ], [ 170, 194, 372, 14 ], [ 170, 271, 460, 14 ], [ 170, 394, 736, 30 ], [ 170, 394, 736, 30 ], [ 170, 440, 225, 14 ], [ 170, 517, 372, 14 ], [ 170, 733, 737, 45 ], [ 170, 733, 737, 45 ], [ 170, 733, 737, 45 ], [ 170, 795, 737, 30 ], [ 170, 795, 737, 30 ], [ 170, 841, 451, 14 ], [ 458, 951, 112, 14 ], [ 85, 951, 81, 14 ], [ 847, 951, 36, 14 ], [ 72, 225, 835, 30 ], [ 72, 225, 835, 30 ], [ 72, 225, 835, 30 ], [ 195, 286, 257, 14 ], [ 195, 286, 257, 14 ], [ 195, 302, 712, 30 ], [ 195, 302, 712, 30 ], [ 195, 302, 712, 30 ], [ 195, 302, 712, 30 ], [ 195, 302, 712, 30 ], [ 195, 302, 712, 30 ], [ 195, 302, 712, 30 ], [ 195, 302, 712, 30 ], [ 195, 302, 712, 30 ], [ 195, 302, 712, 30 ], [ 195, 302, 712, 30 ], [ 195, 302, 712, 30 ], [ 195, 333, 696, 14 ], [ 195, 333, 696, 14 ], [ 195, 348, 708, 14 ], [ 195, 348, 708, 14 ], [ 195, 363, 471, 14 ], [ 195, 363, 471, 14 ], [ 72, 471, 835, 30 ], [ 72, 471, 835, 30 ], [ 72, 471, 835, 30 ], [ 72, 548, 835, 45 ], [ 72, 548, 835, 45 ], [ 72, 548, 835, 45 ], [ 72, 548, 835, 45 ], [ 72, 610, 835, 107 ], [ 72, 610, 835, 107 ], [ 72, 610, 835, 107 ], [ 72, 610, 835, 107 ], [ 72, 610, 835, 107 ], [ 72, 610, 835, 107 ], [ 72, 610, 835, 107 ], [ 72, 610, 835, 107 ] ]
[ [ 362, 43, 231, 14 ], [ 170, 86, 737, 14 ], [ 170, 102, 737, 14 ], [ 170, 117, 736, 14 ], [ 170, 132, 737, 14 ], [ 170, 148, 737, 14 ], [ 170, 163, 133, 14 ], [ 170, 194, 372, 14 ], [ 170, 271, 460, 14 ], [ 170, 394, 736, 14 ], [ 170, 410, 292, 14 ], [ 170, 440, 225, 14 ], [ 170, 517, 372, 14 ], [ 170, 733, 737, 14 ], [ 170, 748, 737, 14 ], [ 170, 764, 72, 14 ], [ 170, 795, 737, 14 ], [ 170, 810, 676, 14 ], [ 170, 841, 451, 14 ], [ 458, 951, 112, 14 ], [ 85, 951, 81, 14 ], [ 847, 951, 36, 14 ], [ 72, 225, 73, 14 ], [ 170, 225, 737, 14 ], [ 170, 240, 306, 14 ], [ 195, 286, 20, 14 ], [ 244, 286, 208, 14 ], [ 195, 302, 20, 14 ], [ 244, 302, 31, 14 ], [ 289, 302, 72, 14 ], [ 375, 302, 86, 14 ], [ 475, 302, 88, 14 ], [ 577, 302, 69, 14 ], [ 661, 302, 36, 14 ], [ 711, 302, 56, 14 ], [ 782, 302, 20, 14 ], [ 816, 302, 53, 14 ], [ 884, 302, 24, 14 ], [ 244, 317, 350, 14 ], [ 195, 333, 20, 14 ], [ 244, 333, 647, 14 ], [ 195, 348, 20, 14 ], [ 244, 348, 659, 14 ], [ 195, 363, 20, 14 ], [ 244, 363, 422, 14 ], [ 72, 471, 73, 14 ], [ 170, 471, 737, 14 ], [ 170, 487, 707, 14 ], [ 72, 548, 73, 14 ], [ 170, 548, 737, 14 ], [ 170, 564, 737, 14 ], [ 170, 579, 94, 14 ], [ 72, 610, 73, 14 ], [ 170, 610, 737, 14 ], [ 170, 625, 737, 14 ], [ 170, 641, 737, 14 ], [ 170, 656, 737, 14 ], [ 170, 671, 737, 14 ], [ 170, 687, 737, 14 ], [ 170, 702, 84, 14 ] ]
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Dataset Card for DocLayNet small

About this card (01/27/2023)

Property and license

All information from this page but the content of this paragraph "About this card (01/27/2023)" has been copied/pasted from Dataset Card for DocLayNet.

DocLayNet is a dataset created by Deep Search (IBM Research) published under license CDLA-Permissive-1.0.

I do not claim any rights to the data taken from this dataset and published on this page.

DocLayNet dataset

DocLayNet dataset (IBM) provides page-by-page layout segmentation ground-truth using bounding-boxes for 11 distinct class labels on 80863 unique pages from 6 document categories.

Until today, the dataset can be downloaded through direct links or as a dataset from Hugging Face datasets:

Paper: DocLayNet: A Large Human-Annotated Dataset for Document-Layout Analysis (06/02/2022)

Processing into a format facilitating its use by HF notebooks

These 2 options require the downloading of all the data (approximately 30GBi), which requires downloading time (about 45 mn in Google Colab) and a large space on the hard disk. These could limit experimentation for people with low resources.

Moreover, even when using the download via HF datasets library, it is necessary to download the EXTRA zip separately (, 7.5 GiB) to associate the annotated bounding boxes with the text extracted by OCR from the PDFs. This operation also requires additional code because the boundings boxes of the texts do not necessarily correspond to those annotated (a calculation of the percentage of area in common between the boundings boxes annotated and those of the texts makes it possible to make a comparison between them).

At last, in order to use Hugging Face notebooks on fine-tuning layout models like LayoutLMv3 or LiLT, DocLayNet data must be processed in a proper format.

For all these reasons, I decided to process the DocLayNet dataset:

  • into 3 datasets of different sizes:
    • DocLayNet small (about 1% of DocLayNet) < 1.000k document images (691 train, 64 val, 49 test)
    • DocLayNet base (about 10% of DocLayNet) < 10.000k document images (6910 train, 648 val, 499 test)
    • DocLayNet large (about 100% of DocLayNet) < 100.000k document images (69.103 train, 6.480 val, 4.994 test)
  • with associated texts and PDFs (base64 format),
  • and in a format facilitating their use by HF notebooks.

Note: the layout HF notebooks will greatly help participants of the IBM ICDAR 2023 Competition on Robust Layout Segmentation in Corporate Documents!

About PDFs languages

Citation of the page 3 of the DocLayNet paper: "We did not control the document selection with regard to language. The vast majority of documents contained in DocLayNet (close to 95%) are published in English language. However, DocLayNet also contains a number of documents in other languages such as German (2.5%), French (1.0%) and Japanese (1.0%). While the document language has negligible impact on the performance of computer vision methods such as object detection and segmentation models, it might prove challenging for layout analysis methods which exploit textual features."

About PDFs categories distribution

Citation of the page 3 of the DocLayNet paper: "The pages in DocLayNet can be grouped into six distinct categories, namely Financial Reports, Manuals, Scientific Articles, Laws & Regulations, Patents and Government Tenders. Each document category was sourced from various repositories. For example, Financial Reports contain both free-style format annual reports which expose company-specific, artistic layouts as well as the more formal SEC filings. The two largest categories (Financial Reports and Manuals) contain a large amount of free-style layouts in order to obtain maximum variability. In the other four categories, we boosted the variability by mixing documents from independent providers, such as different government websites or publishers. In Figure 2, we show the document categories contained in DocLayNet with their respective sizes."

DocLayNet PDFs categories distribution (source: DocLayNet paper)

Download & overview

The size of the DocLayNet small is about 1% of the DocLayNet dataset (random selection respectively in the train, val and test files).

# !pip install -q datasets

from datasets import load_dataset

dataset_small = load_dataset("pierreguillou/DocLayNet-small")

# overview of dataset_small

    train: Dataset({
        features: ['id', 'texts', 'bboxes_block', 'bboxes_line', 'categories', 'image', 'pdf', 'page_hash', 'original_filename', 'page_no', 'num_pages', 'original_width', 'original_height', 'coco_width', 'coco_height', 'collection', 'doc_category'],
        num_rows: 691
    validation: Dataset({
        features: ['id', 'texts', 'bboxes_block', 'bboxes_line', 'categories', 'image', 'pdf', 'page_hash', 'original_filename', 'page_no', 'num_pages', 'original_width', 'original_height', 'coco_width', 'coco_height', 'collection', 'doc_category'],
        num_rows: 64
    test: Dataset({
        features: ['id', 'texts', 'bboxes_block', 'bboxes_line', 'categories', 'image', 'pdf', 'page_hash', 'original_filename', 'page_no', 'num_pages', 'original_width', 'original_height', 'coco_width', 'coco_height', 'collection', 'doc_category'],
        num_rows: 49

Annotated bounding boxes

The DocLayNet base makes easy to display document image with the annotaed bounding boxes of paragraphes or lines.

Check the notebook processing_DocLayNet_dataset_to_be_used_by_layout_models_of_HF_hub.ipynb in order to get the code.


Annotated DocLayNet document image with bounding boxes and categories of paragraphes


Annotated DocLayNet document image with bounding boxes and categories of lines

HF notebooks

Dataset Summary

DocLayNet provides page-by-page layout segmentation ground-truth using bounding-boxes for 11 distinct class labels on 80863 unique pages from 6 document categories. It provides several unique features compared to related work such as PubLayNet or DocBank:

  1. Human Annotation: DocLayNet is hand-annotated by well-trained experts, providing a gold-standard in layout segmentation through human recognition and interpretation of each page layout
  2. Large layout variability: DocLayNet includes diverse and complex layouts from a large variety of public sources in Finance, Science, Patents, Tenders, Law texts and Manuals
  3. Detailed label set: DocLayNet defines 11 class labels to distinguish layout features in high detail.
  4. Redundant annotations: A fraction of the pages in DocLayNet are double- or triple-annotated, allowing to estimate annotation uncertainty and an upper-bound of achievable prediction accuracy with ML models
  5. Pre-defined train- test- and validation-sets: DocLayNet provides fixed sets for each to ensure proportional representation of the class-labels and avoid leakage of unique layout styles across the sets.

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

We are hosting a competition in ICDAR 2023 based on the DocLayNet dataset. For more information see

Dataset Structure

Data Fields

DocLayNet provides four types of data assets:

  1. PNG images of all pages, resized to square 1025 x 1025px
  2. Bounding-box annotations in COCO format for each PNG image
  3. Extra: Single-page PDF files matching each PNG image
  4. Extra: JSON file matching each PDF page, which provides the digital text cells with coordinates and content

The COCO image record are defined like this example

      "id": 1,
      "width": 1025,
      "height": 1025,
      "file_name": "132a855ee8b23533d8ae69af0049c038171a06ddfcac892c3c6d7e6b4091c642.png",

      // Custom fields:
      "doc_category": "financial_reports" // high-level document category
      "collection": "ann_reports_00_04_fancy", // sub-collection name
      "doc_name": "NASDAQ_FFIN_2002.pdf", // original document filename
      "page_no": 9, // page number in original document
      "precedence": 0, // Annotation order, non-zero in case of redundant double- or triple-annotation

The doc_category field uses one of the following constants:


Data Splits

The dataset provides three splits

  • train
  • val
  • test

Dataset Creation


Annotation process

The labeling guideline used for training of the annotation experts are available at DocLayNet_Labeling_Guide_Public.pdf.

Who are the annotators?

Annotations are crowdsourced.

Additional Information

Dataset Curators

The dataset is curated by the Deep Search team at IBM Research. You can contact us at


Licensing Information

License: CDLA-Permissive-1.0

Citation Information

  title = {DocLayNet: A Large Human-Annotated Dataset for Document-Layout Segmentation},
  doi = {10.1145/3534678.353904},
  url = {},
  author = {Pfitzmann, Birgit and Auer, Christoph and Dolfi, Michele and Nassar, Ahmed S and Staar, Peter W J},
  year = {2022},
  isbn = {9781450393850},
  publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
  address = {New York, NY, USA},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining},
  pages = {3743–3751},
  numpages = {9},
  location = {Washington DC, USA},
  series = {KDD '22}


Thanks to @dolfim-ibm, @cau-git for adding this dataset.

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Models trained or fine-tuned on pierreguillou/DocLayNet-small