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Mistral AI-Pricing and rate limits Pay-as-you-go The prices listed below are exclusive of VAT. Chat Completions API Embeddings APIRate limits All endpoints have a rate limit of 5 requests per second, 2 million tokens per minute, and 10,000 million tokens per month. You can check your current rate limits on the platform. If you need to increase them, please contact support with your estimated consumption and use case. We will raise the limits for embedding models in the future. Model Endpoint Input (USD)Output (USD)Input (EUR)Output (EUR)Mistral 7Bopen-mistral-7b0. 25$ / 1M tokens0. 25$ / 1M tokens0. 2€ / 1M tokens0. 2€ / 1M tokens Mixtral 8x7Bopen-mixtral-8x7b0. 7$ / 1M tokens0. 7$ / 1M tokens0. 65€ / 1M tokens0. 65€ / 1M tokens Mistral Smallmistral-small-latest2$ / 1M tokens6$ / 1M tokens1. 85€ / 1M tokens5. 55€ / 1M tokens Mistral Mediummistral-medium-latest2. 7$ / 1M tokens8. 1$ / 1M tokens2. 5€ / 1M tokens7. 5€ / 1M tokens Mistral Largemistral-large-latest8$ / 1M tokens24$ / 1M tokens7. 3€ / 1M tokens22€ / 1M tokens
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