1 value
CS11-711 Advanced NLP Transformers Graham Neubig Sitehttps://phontron. com/class/anlp2024/
Reminder: Attention
Cross Attention (Bahdanau et al. 2015)Each element in a sequence attends to elements of another sequencethisisanexamplekorewareidesu
Self Attention (Cheng et al. 2016, Vaswani et al. 2017)Each element in the sequence attends to elements of that sequence context sensitive encodings!thisisanexamplethisisanexample
Calculating Attention (1)Use “query” vector (decoder state) and “key” vectors (all encoder states) For each query-key pair, calculate weight Normalize to add to one using softmax konoeigagakirai Key Vectors Ihate Query Vector a1=2. 1 a2=-0. 1 a3=0. 3 a4=-1. 0 softmaxα1=0. 76α2=0. 08α3=0. 13α4=0. 03
Calculating Attention (2)Combine together value vectors (usually encoder states, like key vectors) by taking the weighted sum konoeigagakirai Value Vectors α1=0. 76α2=0. 08α3=0. 13α4=0. 03**** Use this in any part of the model you like
A sequence-to-sequence model based entirely on attention Strong results on machine translation Fast: only matrix multiplications“Attention is All You Need” (Vaswani et al. 2017) Output Embedding Multi-Head Attention Feed Forward Feed Forward Multi-Head Attention Nx Nx Positional Encoding Positional Encoding Inputs Outputs (shifted right)Output Probabilities ⊕⊕Input Embedding Add & Norm Add & Norm Add & Norm Softmax Linear Add & Norm Add & Norm Masked Multi-Head Attention
Two Types of Transformers Output Embedding Multi-Head Attention Feed Forward Feed Forward Multi-Head Attention Nx Nx Positional Encoding Positional Encoding Inputs Outputs (shifted right)Output Probabilities ⊕⊕Input Embedding Add & Norm Add & Norm Add & Norm Softmax Linear Add & Norm Add & Norm Masked Multi-Head Attention Encoder-Decoder Model (e. g. T5, MBART)Decoder Only Model (e. g. GPT, LLa Ma) Masked Multi-Head Attention Feed Forward Nx Positional Encoding Inputs Output Probabilities ⊕Input Embedding Add & Norm Softmax Linear Add & Norm
Core Transformer Concepts Positional encodings Multi-headed attention Masked attention Residual + layer normalization Feed-forward layer
Inputs: Generally split using subwords the books were improved the book _s were improv _ed Input Embedding: Looked up, like in previously discussed models(Review) Inputs and Embeddings Masked Multi-Head Attention Feed Forward Nx Positional Encoding Inputs Output Probabilities ⊕Input Embedding Add & Norm Softmax Linear Add & Norm
Multi-head Attention
Intuition: Information from different parts of the sentence can be useful to disambiguate in different ways Intuition for Multi-heads Masked Multi-Head Attention Feed Forward Nx Positional Encoding Inputs Output Probabilities ⊕Input Embedding Add & Norm Softmax Linear Add & Norm I run a small business I run a mile in 10 minutes The robber made a run for it The stocking had a runsyntax (nearby context)semantics (farther context)
Multi-head Attention Concept QK V * WQ * WK * WVSplit/rearrange to n attn inputs Run attn over each head attn() Concat and *WO Multiply by weights Multi Head(Q, K, V)=C o n c a t ( h e a d1,...,headh)WOwhere headi=A t t e n t i o n (QWQi,KWKi,VWVi)
Code Example def forward(self, query, key, value, mask=None): nbatches = query. size(0) # 1) Do all the linear projections query = self. W_q(query) key = self. W_k(key) value = self. W_v(value) # 2) Reshape to get h heads query = query. view(nbatches,-1, self. heads, self. d_k). transpose(1, 2) key = key. view(nbatches,-1, self. heads, self. d_k). transpose(1, 2) value = value. view(nbatches,-1, self. heads, self. d_k). transpose(1, 2) # 3) Apply attention on all the projected vectors in batch. x, self. attn = attention(query, key, value) # 4) "Concat" using a view and apply a final linear. x = ( x. transpose(1, 2) . contiguous() . view(nbatches,-1, self. h * self. d_k) ) return self. W_o(x)
What Happens w/ Multi-heads?Example from Vaswani et al. See also Bert Vis: https://github. com/jessevig/bertviz
Positional Encoding
The transformer model is purely attentional If embeddings were used, there would be no way to distinguish between identical words Positional Encoding Masked Multi-Head Attention Feed Forward Nx Positional Encoding Inputs Output Probabilities ⊕Input Embedding Add & Norm Softmax Linear Add & Norm A big dog and a big cat A big dog and a big catwould be identical!Positional encodings add an embedding based on the word positionwbig + wpos2wbig + wpos6
Sinusoidal Encoding (Vaswani+ 2017, Kazemnejad 2019)Calculate each dimension with a sinusoidal functionp(i)t=f(t)(i):={sin(ωk·t),ifi=2kcos(ωk·t),ifi=2k+1whereωk=1100002k/d Why? So the dot product between two embeddings becomes higher relatively.
Learned Encoding (Shaw+ 2018)More simply, just create a learnable embedding Advantages: flexibility Disadvantages: impossible to extrapolate to longer sequences
Absolute vs. Relative Encodings (Shaw+ 2018)Absolute positional encodings add an encoding to the input in hope that relative position will be captured Relative positional encodings explicitly encode relative position
Rotary Positional Encodings (Ro PE) (Su+ 2021)Fundamental idea: we want the dot product of embeddings to result in a function of relative positionfq(xm,m)·fk(xn,n)=g(xm,xn,m-n)In summary, Ro PE uses trigonometry and imaginary numbers to come up with a function that satisfies this property RdΘ,mx=⎛⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎝x1x2x3x4... xd-1xd⎞⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎠⊗⎛⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎝cosmθ1cosmθ1cosmθ2cosmθ2... cosmθd2cosmθd2⎞⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎠+⎛⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎝-x2x1-x4x3...-xdxd-1⎞⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎠⊗⎛⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎝sinmθ1sinmθ1sinmθ2sinmθ2... sinmθd2sinmθd2⎞⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎠
Layer Normalization and Residual Connections
Reminder: Gradients and Training Instability In RNNs, we asked about how backdrop through a network causes gradients can vanish or explode The same issue occurs in multi-layer transformers!
Normalizes the outputs to be within a consistent range, preventing too much variance in scale of outputs Layer Normalization (Ba et al. 2016) Masked Multi-Head Attention Feed Forward Nx Positional Encoding Inputs Output Probabilities ⊕Input Embedding Add & Norm Softmax Linear Add & Norm Layer Norm(x;g,b)=gσ(x)⊙(x-µ(x)) +bgainbiasvector meanµ(x)=1nn∑i=1xivector stddevσ(x)=√1nn∑i=1(xi-µ)2
RMSNorm (Zhang and Sennrich 2019)Simplifies Layer Norm by removing the mean and bias terms RMS(x)=√1nn∑i=1x2i RMSNorm(x)=x RMS(x)·g
Add an additive connection between the input and output Residual Connections Masked Multi-Head Attention Feed Forward Nx Positional Encoding Inputs Output Probabilities ⊕Input Embedding Add & Norm Softmax Linear Add & Norm Residual(x,f)=f(x)+x Prevents vanishing gradients and allows f to learn the difference from the input Quiz: what are the implications for self-attention w/ and w/o residual connections?
Post-vs. Pre-Layer Norm (e. g. Xiong et al. 2020)Where should Layer Norm be applied? Before or after? Pre-layer-norm is better for gradient propagation post-Layer Normpre-Layer Norm
Feed Forward Layers
Extract combination features from the attended outputs Feed Forward Layers Masked Multi-Head Attention Feed Forward Nx Positional Encoding Inputs Output Probabilities ⊕Input Embedding Add & Norm Softmax Linear Add & Norm Linear1 Non-linearity Linear2f()FFN(x;W1,b1,W2,b2)=f(x W1+b1)W2+b2
Vaswani et al. : Re LU LLa Ma: Swish/Si LU (Hendricks and Gimpel 2016)Some Activation Functions in Transformers Re LU(x)=m a x ( 0,x) Swish(x;β)=x⊙σ(βx)
Optimization Tricks for Transformers
Transformers are Powerful but Fickle Optimization of models can be difficult, and transformers are more difficult than others! e. g. OPT-175 training logbook https://github. com/facebookresearch/metaseq/blob/main/projects/OPT/chronicles/OPT175B_Logbook. pdf
Optimizers for Transformers SGD: Update in the direction of reducing loss Adam: Add momentum turn and normalize by stddev of the outputs Adam w/ learning rate schedule (Vaswani et al. 2017): Adds a learning rate increase and decrease Adam W (Loshchilov and Hutter 2017): properly applies weight decay for regularization to Adamlrate=d-0. 5model·min(step-0. 5,s t e p∗warmupsteps-1. 5)
Low-Precision Training Training at full 32-bit precision can be costly Low-precision alternatives Image: Wikipedia
Checkpointing/Restarts Even through best efforts, training can go south — what to do? Monitor possible issues, e. g. through monitoring the norm of gradients If training crashes, roll back to previous checkpoint, shuffle data, and resume (Also, check your code)Image: OPT Log
Comparing Transformer Architectures
Original Transformer vs. LLa Ma Vaswani et al. LLa MANorm Position Post Pre Norm Type Layer Norm RMSNorm Non-linearity Re LUSi LUPositional Encoding Sinusoidal Ro PE
How Important is It?“Transformer” is Vaswani et al., “Transformer++” is (basically) LLa MA Image: Gu and Dao (2023) Stronger architecture is ≈10x more efficient!
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