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Recommended links for purchasing the required components: 1. Micro Controller +LCD www. lilygo. cc/products/t-display-s3 (Important: choose the Touch Soldered Version model H589) 2. Amplifier+DAC https://www. sparkfun. com/products/14809 (Module based on MAX98357AI2S-3W Class D Amplifier Breakout) 3. Speaker 5W 4 Ohm 40mm or similar for example- www. amazon. com/Cocina Co-Range-Audio-Speaker Loudspeaker/dp/B07VB74BW9 4. Optional components: You can operate the radio using one18650 battery by using the small red & black cable supplied with your Microcontroller. www. sparkfun. com/products/12895 Battery holder www. sparkfun. com/products/12899 ** Battery 5. ON/OFF Switch- ON/Off Rocker Switch (2 pins 10X15 mounting hole) 6. LED 3mm (it will be connected instead on the charging indicator LED on the board) 7. Note: There are many similar products from other vendors, they will all work. 8. Note: you can use other DAC's that support I2S such as PCM5102A, UDA1334A, CS4344. Other HW may work but not tested. 9. Wi-Fi Antenna-https://www. adafruit. com/product/2308 or similar U. FL (IPEX or IPX) connector.
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