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JAKARTA, Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Arrmanatha Nasir said he was investigating internally regarding the burning of reog at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, Philippines. "Essentially, there has been an official statement (statement) from the Consulate General in Davao regarding the reog issue and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also has an internal process to confirm it because the item is an asset of a state agency," said Arrmanatha Nasir in Jakarta, Sunday. On 20 October 2015, the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao issued an official statement that the destruction of Ponorogo reog by burning was carried out because its condition had been damaged and eaten by termites. However, the photos that circulated virally and have even been distributed by local online media Bitung News, show that there was a certain ritual before the burning. One of the photos also shows that before being burned, the Ponorogo reog was stored in a glass cabinet and appeared to be in good condition. Apart from the reog, in another photo, it appears that the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao removed the dragon ornaments on the gamelan set and then also burned it. Related to this, Arrmanatha conveyed that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would carry out inspections according to the processes in accordance with existing standards. " Periodically there are internal inspections , " he said . indonesian Domestic reactions related to the burning of Reog Ponorogo at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, were conveyed by the Jabodetabek Reog Community. The community sent an official letter to the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, Philippines, asking for clarification on information on the burning of reog art instruments by Indonesian Consulate General officials. Secretary General of the Jabodetabek Reog Association, Agus Setiyoko, said that his party hoped that the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao would not only provide a detailed explanation of the burning of reog, but also broadcast clarifications on the burning of reog art objects in a number of national media.
After the boom of the Pokemon Go game, several issues began to emerge among lovers of the mobile game. Starting from the many victims because of Pokemon Go, to the assumption that Pokemon Go is Jewish. Hearing this, Pokemon Go players started looking for information about the issue of Pokemon being Jewish. As one of the game's players, Usama Harbatah is also looking for information on this issue. In the following video, Usama Harbatah clarifies the issue which he considers slander. At first, Usama heard rumors that the name Pokemon is a combination of the word syriac which means I am a Jew. He searched for the meaning of the word Pokemon from Syriac to English, but couldn't find the meaning. In addition to the word pokemon, he also looked for the names of Pikachu, Charmander and others, but also found nothing. In addition, he also argues that pokemon games that are considered to steal personal data safety are just feelings. Because basically social media has stolen the personal data of all its users. In this video, Usama Harbatah also provides tips for safe playing Pokemon Go. Here's a video clarification of Usama Harbatah about the notion that Pokemon are Jews.
Did you know that stroke is a dangerous health problem which is the number 3 killer in the world? Therefore, it is very important to know tips to prevent stroke from an early age and to know first aid if someone has a stroke. This is because in addition to causing death, stroke can also cause disability. In general, stroke is a condition where part of the brain is damaged. This happens because the arteries that supply blood to the brain are blocked, leaking, damaged or torn. How to prevent stroke that you can apply in your daily life is to start living a healthy lifestyle. If you have a history of diabetes and high blood pressure, you should reduce your sugar and salt intake. So what should you do when you see someone having a stroke? There are so many people who don't know and are confused about what to do when they see other people experiencing stroke symptoms. Though first aid is needed in order to prevent things that are not desirable. Here is first aid for people who have had a stroke that you can do. Why is that? This is because it can allow the rupture of blood vessels in the brain. In this condition, you should help so that the sufferer does not fall back. Pierce the fingertips with a needle The second step is to pierce all the fingertips using feel a needle. We recommend using a syringe to be more sterile. However, if you don't have one, you can use other needles such as sewing needles and pins. To sterilize the needle, you should burn it first. Then stick the needle all over the fingertips. Make sure the blood comes out. If you can't, you can press the fingers. In this way, the patient will be conscious in a period of about 10 minutes. Pull and pierce the ear with a needle The next aid is by pulling both ears and pricking them with a needle. This is done when the patient's mouth and face look less normal. The trick, pull the patient's ears until they look red. after that, pierce the lower ends of both ears and do this 2 times. In a few minutes the patient will return to normal and conscious. Seek medical help After the patient's condition begins to recover, seek medical help immediately. Take the patient to the nearest clinic or hospital for further action. So that's some first aid for people who have had a stroke that you can do.
Terrorist inmates at the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters (Mako) branch of the Salemba Detention Center, Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java, rioted Friday (10/11/2017) afternoon at around 17.00 WITA. This resulted in a number of damages. However, the situation at the site is now conducive. This statement was conveyed by Karo Penmas of the Public Relations Division of the Indonesian National Police Brigadier General Rikwanto in his statement as quoted by detikcom, Friday. He explained that when a prisoner rioted, the authorities immediately took action to control the situation. “Members of the picket from Sat III Pioneer took action by firing warning shots upwards. At this time the atmosphere can be calmed down by the Densus picket. After that, members are on standby while waiting for developments," he said. According to Rikwanto, the trigger was that there were prisoners who did not accept being examined and provoked a commotion. It was explained that after Friday prayers, the prisoners were put into their respective cells and searched by the Densus 88 team. The result was that four readiness cellphones were found. "Four cellphones were found, belonging to Juhanda, Saulihun, Kairul Anam, and Jumali," he said. One of the detainees did not accept it and then provoked him. "It is true that with the inspection activities, one of the detainees did not accept it and provoked the officers with various words. Then there are members who are provoked by their words. Then there are prisoners who takbir loudly so that they provoke prisoners from the block next to them,” he explained. As a result, riots ensued. A number of facilities in the detention center were damaged by the inmates. "The prison cell door was broken into, the gate of the block hallway, the window panes (in block C and block B)," said Rikwanto. Meanwhile, the Head of the Public Relations Division of the Police Public Relations Division, Kombes Martinus Sitompul, also straightened out a wild issue on social media that said the riot was triggered by the throwing of the Koran by the officers. He said it was a hoax. “It is not true that there was a throwing of the Koran by the guard, there were the officers conducting an examination of the books and objects in the cell. Currently the conditions of the detention house are conducive and the residents of the detention center are calm,” he said. The head of the Mobile Brigade Corps, Inspector General Murad Ismail, said the same thing. He emphasized that it was not true that there were throwing of Korans and the burning of prison facilities as rumored. "Hoax," he said when asked for confirmation.
Is it true that Facebook will be closed on April 24, 2018?. This is the explanation of the Ministry of Communication and Information – In the last few days, a number of netizens in the country have been disturbed by a number of information stating that the government through the Ministry of Communication and Information will block or close the Facebook social network on April 24. Not a few of Facebook users who feel confused by this confusing information. They also wonder, is it true that Facebook will be closed in Indonesia or is it just hoax information?. Responding to the public's confusion, the Minister of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia, Rudiantara, as reported by Liputan6 said, "We will see this situation first. If it gets worse, then we will temporarily close (block)". But firmly, Rudiantara explained that the Ministry of Communication and Information would not block or permanently close Facebook. In the case involving Facebook regarding the misuse of data by Cambrige Analityca, the government, in this case the Ministry of Communication and Information and the DPR, is conducting an investigation and asking for an official explanation from Facebook regarding the incident. Meutya Hafid, Member of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives in his explanation regarding the discourse on closing Facebook said "We and the government - the Ministry of Communication and Information - will talk again regarding the follow-up to Facebook's mistakes. Personally, I'm still open to sanctions, it's also possible to suggest a Facebook service moratorium.” The politician from the Golkar Party hopes that the Ministry of Communication and Information can be more strict with Facebook. He explained that the decision on whether the discourse on closing access to Facebook services would actually be carried out still had to wait for the results of an internal investigation from Facebook for the next month. "We are waiting, I think a month should be enough time. We hope that the results of this investigation will not only blame who, but also there must be information, where this misused data went and what it was used for,” explained the DPR member who is also a former journalist. So, what is the cause of the widespread probe discourse of closing Facebook services? The confusion about the news that Facebook services will be closed in Indonesia on April 24th stems from the discovery of the fact that some of Facebook's user data has been misused for political purposes in the United States presidential election by the Cambrige Analityca Survey Institute. In the data release, it turns out that not only Facebook users in the USA are victims of data abuse, but Indonesia as a country with the most Facebook users in the world is also known to have become victims of data tapping by third-party applications connected to Facebook. More than one million Facebook users in the country are known to be part of a total of tens of millions of Facebook users who are known to have been harvested by third parties and used for their benefit. Although it is not known for certain what the Facebook user data in Indonesia is used for, but it has triggered government concerns in this case the Ministry of Communication and Information. Therefore, the information circulating about whether Facebook will be closed on April 24 is invalid information aka HOAX. Because so far the government through the Ministry of Communication and Information has not officially stated the exact date when the discourse on closing Facebook will actually take place.
The Head of the Legal, Communication and Public Information Bureau of the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (KemenPAN-RB) Herman Suryatman stated that information about the president's salary, which was valued at Rp. 553 million, was not valid. This information cannot be used as a basis because it is sourced from last year's discussion material. "That's an invalid simulation number. Material for the coordination meeting of the Draft PP on Salaries and Benefits that was held last year. Precisely February 2017," said Herman, in Jakarta. Saturday (10/3). He explained that the explanation contained a simulation of the amount of income for civil servants and state officials (not just the president). “The data declared in the presentation is a discussion material that still requires further study. It not only contains a simulation of the income of State Officials, but also a simulation of the income of civil servants. Please don't be misunderstood." Furthermore, Herman said, if there is data or information circulating related to the field of utilization of the state apparatus and reform, it is expected to confirm it first with him. "Please confirm with us so that the problem is clear. Especially now in the era of public information disclosure, we are obliged to provide good information services,” concluded Herman.
The government is currently discussing the Draft Government Regulation (RPP) on Salaries for State Civil Apparatus (ASN) or Civil Servants (PNS). In the RPP, it is stated that the new civil servant salary system is based on an income index. With the income index set out in the RPP, it is assumed that the income of the President of the Republic of Indonesia can reach Rp. 553 million. Then, is it natural for President Jokowi to have such an income? Public Service Observer from the University of Indonesia, Lina Miftahul Jannah, said that the current president's salary of only Rp. 62 million is considered too small. Moreover, the President's responsibility is enormous. According to Lina, it is only natural that the salaries of the President and Vice President are proposed to increase. "It's just that in the midst of the current conditions that civil servants have not increased their salaries since 2015, is that reasonable? If it is proposed to increase, I agree, only the amount if Rp 500 million is too drastic, it seems," said Lina fix to
Toothbrush is the most important bath tool to remove dirt around the teeth so that dental health is maintained. However, using a toothbrush should not be careless, especially in choosing the toothbrush you use. And when you want to buy a toothbrush, you should pay attention to the code behind the packaging, don't let your toothbrush be made of pig bristles. Currently, a number of people are shocked by a toothbrush product that uses pig bristles. The use of the product refers to the writing in English, namely bristles on the packaging. There is one secret code which means your toothbrush is made of boar bristles. The Or** * brand toothbrush is clearly made of bristles. The product packaging clearly explains the product, "Super thin Bristles". Responding to this case, the Chairman of the Medan City MUI, Muhammad Hatta said, if it is true that the toothbrush is made of pig bristles, the toothbrush is haram. "In Al Surah Al Maidah verse 3, it is explained that derivatives from pigs are haram. We will investigate this prohibition, whether it is really from sea urchins or not," said Muhammad Hatta. However, the Medan City Health Service through the Secretary of the North Sumatra Health Office, Afwan Lubis, is not sure about the existence of a toothbrush made of pig bristles. He added that laboratory tests were carried out if there were reports from the public metropolis regarding the boar bristle toothbrush. If it really contains sea urchins, then it should not be circulated because there are elements that are not halal. "I don't think it's possible. But what about it? We can comment if there is a laboratory test first. Currently there is no laboratory test," Afwan said, as reported by
When one family member has a stroke, usually other family members take the initiative to provide first aid. For example, by pricking the tips of the patient's fingers with a needle to check whether he is numb or not. Then, make an impromptu family meeting to discuss the stroke patient to be taken to which hospital and which doctor. The initiative, said Prof. Dr. Dr. Mohammad Hasan Machfoed, Sp.S(K), MS is not important! This was revealed in the Grand Kalbe Academia talk show with the theme Indonesian Neurologist Forum in Jakarta, Saturday (4/2) yesterday. Mohammad Hasan said that as soon as one of the family members had a stroke, they should immediately be taken to a specialist. Don't think too much, hold a family meeting, call an elder sibling, blah-blah-blah. That makes things even worse. Stoke could not be helped by his own family members. You see, when someone has a stroke, the brain suddenly lacks oxygen and within 10 minutes can damage the entire brain. After those 10 minutes, he experienced a panombra area that is between life and death. At that time, we have to give proper help and only a specialist can do it. Giving wrong help can result in necrosis or cell death in all body tissues, said Mohammad Hassan to Stroke strikes at an unexpected time. It brings progressive change. Very fast. The very rapid changes, said Mohammad Hassan, are caused by the brain being suddenly deprived of oxygen. Due to lack of oxygen, the brain swells. If not treated quickly, the swelling causes the patient to die. The process to death will be very fast if he falls or experiences blockages in the airways. Importantly, family members must be careful to detect strange symptoms early on. For example, waking up talking sluggish. Or suddenly experience paralysis of one side. Or his mental state changes, forgets easily, told Mohammad Hassan. Another thing that should be considered by the family is at what time the patient had a stroke. For example, at 6 am. You must move quickly (take him to the doctor) in less than four hours after 6 am. Mohammad Hassan emphasized that four hours after the stroke occurred was the most crucial time. He must get the right help and fast. If you are in Jakarta, you family unit can take the patient to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, for example. There, it allows patients to undergo thrombolysis (the process of destroying blood clots-red) which allows stroke survivors to recover. The condition is that you have to get help in less than four hours, he continued. Mohammad Hassan assessed that Indonesian people's awareness of the dangers of stroke has improved. However, it must continue to be improved considering that stroke is still the deadliest disease in this country. Therefore, the Chairperson of the Indonesian Neurologist Association welcomed the 2017 Grand Kalbe Academia. Director of PT Kalbe Farma Michael Buyung Nugroho added, the Indonesian Neurologist Forum talked about Neurological Disorder. Neurological disorders can lead to disability and even death. We want to contribute more in building competence for both senior and junior neurology doctors to better understand neurological disorders. Considering this disease has an impact on decreasing patient productivity and the quality of life of the patient's family.
Bahtsul Masail Kubro throughout Java and Madura which was held at Ponpes Langitan on 13-14 March 2014 decided several laws regarding the use of the Eterna China Bristles brand brush which has been widely circulated in various shops. The reason is, the brush is produced from pig hair. Kadinkes Kab. Tuban in January 2014 sent a sample of the brand brush to the Indonesian Ulema Council Drug and Food Control Testing Institute (LPPOM MUI) East Java province. The result is positive that the brush with the brand ETERNA CHINA BRISTLES is made of animal hair with characteristics when burned with a stinging shoulder (Javanese: sangit). It's different if the brush is made of nylon or other synthetic materials. Then the shoulder will not sting and the brush will curl (Javanese: mengkeret). China Bristles means the same as Hog Bristles which means domesticated pigs. This product can be seen from the brush handle that reads Bristles, Pure Bristles, 100% China Bristles and so on. Budhi Baskhara, a Tuban chemist and practitioner, said, “Boar bristles are the cheapest to use brushes than others. The cost of producing a brush is much more profitable than synthetic bristles. It remains only to collect, clean and cut. Especially if the brush is produced in China, where the stock of pork skin is abundant.” The man who graduated from Ahmad Yani University Bandung majoring in chemistry said that synthetic fur which usually uses nylon, a type of polymer, is much more expensive to produce because the raw material for carbon is not cheap. In addition to nylon brushes, toothbrushes and makeup brushes are also used. In Yahoo Answers it is stated that the white and black bristles of the Pig are widely used in bread brushes, wall paint, cosmetics and so on. According to one employee at the District Court (PN) of Tuban Regency, Bahyu Agung Kurniawan, that it is necessary to be careful because not all of these sea urchins have Bristles inscribed. (Source: Radar Bojonegoro 21 & 24 January 2014 edition & Jawa Pos dated 21 January 2014 p. 13). Then, what about the law on wall paint or wood that has been polished on the walls of houses, mosques, bathrooms which are painted using a pig's bristle brush? In this case there is an error (difference of opinion) between the opinion of Imam Shafi'i who says the law is unclean, while according to Imam Malik and Ibn Qosim the law is holy. This unclean law is if it is already Tahaqqunnajasah (the brush with the brand above is really from sea urchins), if it is not tahaqquq then use the original law, which is holy. According to the Syafi'iyah, the paint is still unclean even though the brush has already been used to paint the mosque. The paint cannot be cleaned because it has become sharp (it becomes solid). And if what is already painted is a mosque, then for those who know it is obligatory to remove it immediately ( Isti'malun Najasah (use of unclean items) in this case is Haram except for people who do not know. Then, what is the solution for wholesalers who already buy take in large quantities and bakeries that have made bread in large quantities? The sale and purchase contract of the wholesalers is fasid (damaged) because the goods being sold are subject to unclean laws. The solution is to follow the opinion of Imam Malik who says that the hair of Dogs and Pigs is sacred. As for if you follow Imam Shafi'i, then the wholesalers are obliged to return the brushes to the producers and the producers are obliged to return the wholesalers' money because the transaction contract is damaged. However, the bahtsul masa'il decision is still not one hundred percent final because it still requires a re-enactment process from the mushohih regarding the collection of ta'bir-ta'bir.
Facebook is again a byword in the world, including in Indonesia. In fact, Facebook is threatened with closure by the Indonesian government. The cause, especially if not an indication of the leakage of customer personal data to a third company, Cambridge Analytica. This leak is also very large. To date, there have been 87 million personal data leaked. The data that Facebook collects is even up to short messages (SMS) and cell phone records of Facebook account owners. In Indonesia, the Facebook data leak has also been in the spotlight of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. The Minister of Communication and Information, Rudiantara, said that Facebook could be threatened with administrative and criminal sanctions if it is proven to have violated the law. ministry Minister Rudiantara firmly emphasized that his party would not hesitate to close the social media Facebook. There are two serious violations committed by Facebook. First, about the data leak of 1 million account owners from Indonesia. Second, Mark Zuckerberg's social media is suspected of being one of the social media platforms for spreading hoax news and propaganda. As quoted from The Guardian, Facebook admits that its media is used as an anti-Rohing propaganda tool in Myanmar. "I take a position, I threaten to close Facebook and the government has no doubts if it has to close Facebook if it is used for hacking," said Minister Rudiantara. Don't Just Take Action Regarding the two alleged big mistakes by Facebook, the Ministry of Communication and Information will not just take action. The ministry will investigate together with the relevant agencies. The government's actions will have to be based on the right reasons. "I'm coordinating with the police. If I take legal action in cyberspace. Later, if it is processed, there will be a process at the police," said Rudiantara. Rudiantara added that regarding data leakage, Facebook could be subject to corporal sanctions of up to 12 years and a fine of up to Rp12 billion. The reprimand against Facebook is not the first time. In November 2016, the Directorate General of Taxes said that Facebook's tax debt in Indonesia reached IDR 3 trillion. Facebook was also reprimanded by the Ministry of Communication and Information about content that must comply with regulations in Indonesia. “All social media must be willing to participate in maintaining the stability of the country if they want to do business in Indonesia. If it destabilizes Indonesia, the government will act decisively," said the Minister of Communication and Informatics.
Alam Islam - Help straighten it out, after HOAX code E as a product with all pork, this is a HOAX explanation that all bristles are also pork, hopefully it can reduce the anxiety of the BRISTLE community. general in nature. In Arabic, isim nakirah. The meaning of the word bristle is a fine/thin strand (filament) and firm/strong, according to the following dictionaries: The bristle written on the toothbrush, solely means bristles, NOT sea urchins. Now the word bristle which is general in nature (isim nakirah) only has a more special meaning when compared to other words, for example: pure bristle or 100% bristle or natural bristle: meaning fur made from pure animal hair or plant fiber. Can be from horses or other animals. Bristle from plant fibers is also available, namely SIWAK wood. The bristles or bristle of Tang dynasty (619 - 907) toothbrushes were indeed made of pig bristles, but modern toothbrushes made since 1938 are made of NYLON. The history can be seen here: Until now, there are STILL 10% of toothbrushes made of sea urchins circulating throughout the WORLD (so NOT 10% in Indonesia as Jeng wrote, whose status talk over I photographed). For hygiene reasons, modern toothbrush manufacturers and consumers prefer nylon toothbrushes. It seems that the joy of welcoming the toothbrush bristle information occurred due to a misunderstanding when reading articles on the LPPOK MUI website. Articles that discuss BRUSH FOR COOKING, are considered the same as the bristles on a toothbrush. this article : this is the misunderstood part : The handle of a boar bristle brush is often written with the words : Bristle, Pure Bristle, 100% China Bristle, etc. One of the meanings of the word Bristle is Pig Hair or sea urchins (Webster's Dictionary) which are unclean when wet. Therefore, bread that is touched by an unclean brush becomes unclean, so it is forbidden to eat it. A substitute for a boar bristle brush is a brush made of plastic (polyester). Brush companies Ken Master and Selery also produce brushes from this halal material. The word ONE in the article is not understood properly where one also means NOT ALL the meanings of the word bristle are sea urchins, including the bristles of modern NYLON toothbrushes. AND some people don't even bother to double-check if it's true that the word bristle ONLY means sea urchin. Qadar Allah this error is so massive that even one of the sites belonging to one of the asatidz interprets it incorrectly. So I hope that the manager of the LPPOM MUI site (maybe someone can contact Mr. Nanung to correct the article) will correct the article by providing a more detailed description of the meaning of the word bristle so that there are no mistakes like what we see in the picture. below this.
Needlestick First Aid For Stroke Sufferers? Suspicious We often hear a chain message spread about First Aid for stroke survivors is to pierce needles at several points from the fingertips to the ear. Some websites from the internet say that this news is a mere hoax. Why? Because a stroke is caused by the rupture of a blood vessel in the brain. The blood that comes out can actually suppress the surrounding brain tissue so that its function is disrupted. A medical expert dr. Devika Y, on the website said that finger pricking with a needle in stroke sufferers is of no benefit. Puncture with a needle can actually pose a risk of infection if the needle used is not sterile. The first aid we need to do if someone has a stroke is to take the patient to a safe place content Position the person in a state of the body facing the left side Immediately contact the nearest hospital and ask for an ambulance to come to the location Or you can take the person directly to the hospital. The sooner a stroke is treated, the better the results. Subsequent treatment will be carried out by the medical team at the hospital. So, if someone has a stroke near us, don't hesitate to immediately take him to the nearest hospital so that he can be handled by an expert.
"It is not true that there was a throwing of the Koran by the guard, what was there were the officers checking the books and objects in the cell," said Martinus Sitompul. - Police Headquarters denied that there was an act of throwing the Koran by the prison picket officer in a riot at the Mako Brimob Rutan Salemba Branch, Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java, Friday (11/10/2017). "It is not true that there was a throwing of the Koran by the guard officers, there were officers conducting an examination of the books and objects that were in the cell," said Head of the Public Information Section of the National Police Headquarters Kombes Pol Martinus Sitompul in a written statement received by reporters, Friday. 10/11/2017). Martinus emphasized that the clash took place at the Salemba branch of the Mako Brimob Rutan in Kelapa Dua, Depok. The riot occurred at 16.00 WIB. This riot occurred as a reaction to the actions taken by the prison guard officers who confiscated cellphones belonging to prisoners in block C. "As a result of the turmoil, the prisoners from blocks B and C damaged the door of the cell room until it could no longer be used," said Martinus. Martinus did not deny the news that the prison conditions were chaotic. However, at this time, the situation of the Mako Brimob Kelapa Dua detention center has improved. The Head of the Public Information Bureau of the National Police Headquarters Brigadier General Pol Rikwanto also explained the chronology of the riots at the Mako Brimob Rutan Salemba Branch, Friday (11/10/2017). "On Friday, November 10, 2017 at 16.00 WIB, there was a commotion at the Mako Korbrimob terrorist detention center Salemba branch carried out by terrorist prisoners," said Rikwanto in a written statement received by Tirto, Friday (11/10/2017). The riot started after Friday prayers, after the detainees entered the cell, the Densus picket team removed the keys in rooms A 5 and C 5 (RB) because there was a lock from the inside, for security and to make it easier for the picket officers to open the cell door. During picket, the Densus team conducted a search and found 4 cellphones belonging pol to inmates Juhanda, Saulihun, Kairul Anam, and Jumali. Unfortunately, the inspection did not go smoothly. One of the detainees did not accept the search. The prisoner tried to lure the officers in various ways. "Then there are members who are provoked by their words, and there are prisoners who while takbir loudly so that they provoke prisoners from the block next to them," said Rikwanto. After that, the picket members from the Pioneer III unit took action by shooting upwards as a sign of a commotion and giving warnings to the inmates. As a result of the riot, a number of prison facilities were damaged, such as the door of the prison cell being broken down, the gate of the hallway block, and the window panes in block C and block B. At present, the situation of the detainees has been successfully controlled by Densus 88. Members continue to be on standby while monitoring developments in the field. "However, the detainees still have takbir-takbir, which triggers others," said Rikwanto.
Parents need to be vigilant. Drug trafficking begins to target children. The modus operandi used by the perpetrators was to mix drugs in pacifiers. The Trade Office is tracking shops, traditional markets and schools to make sure Mataram is free from the candy pacifier. The head of the Mataram City Trade Office, L. Alwan Basri, said this issue must be seen and examined first in the field. Because, this concerns the general public, especially children who need to be protected. The drug mafia mode is considered very dangerous for the younger generation. He asked the Supervision Division of the Trade Office to follow up by tracing the points of shopping centers, markets, kiosks and school canteens. "I will order the supervisory department and the head of the market to check later," said Alwan, Wednesday, March 8 2017. The investigation will involve the Center for Drug and Food Control, Satpol PP and police officers. If the goods are found circulating in the city of Mataram. It will immediately withdraw and secure for laboratory tests. "If it is found, we will immediately confiscate it and withdraw it," he said. The indications do not end there. Police officers will be asked to trace the source. Retailers and merchants will be scrutinized to find out the marketing chain. The government does not want illegal drugs to penetrate students. The former Head of Public Relations and Protocol of the Mataram City Secretariat emphasized that if necessary, the perpetrators were punished according to the applicable legal provisions. "There must be a link. This is what we will find out," he said. Not only pacifiers, but other products that contain harmful substances are routinely monitored. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Mataram continue to urge the public to avoid hazardous materials. Especially for parents to provide their children with food cooked at home. "Don't shop outside, let alone unclear hygiene," traffic he ordered.
The candy packed with pacifiers was unexpected, it turned out that the cute and attractive candy was a very dangerous snack. he received information from the national police chief this afternoon, that the candy pacifier contained a drug-type powder. It had been tested in the laboratory for several samples and there were results that said it contained drugs. because it was suspected, when we eat the candy it makes us down sleepy. Not only is it suspected that there are drugs in it. There is an article that states that there is a dangerous formaldehyde that can cause cancer when consumed. Indeed, not all of these sweets contain formalin, even drugs! We never know which one which is healthy and which is not. You should be aware of your sons and daughters so as not to buy snacks carelessly, warn your friends not to consume pacifier-shaped candy. the !
Terrorist inmates at the Mako Brimob Detention Center Salemba Branch, Central Jakarta, rioted in their cells on Friday (11/10/2017). A number of videos and photos of the riots went viral on social media. A number of accounts that spread the video on social media said petition the riots occurred because officers threw the Koran. However, the Head of the Public Information Section (Kabagpenum) of the National Police, Comr. Martinus Sitompul, emphasized that the throwing of the Koran by the prison guard was not true or a hoax. Martinus explained that what happened was that the guard checked a number of books and objects in the detention cell. The riot that occurred on Friday afternoon was triggered by the terrorist prisoners, who did not accept the search. "The turmoil that occurred was a reaction to the actions taken by guard officers who confiscated cell phones belonging to Block C detainees," he said. During the search, four cell phones belonging to four terrorist convicts were found, namely Juhanda, Saulihun, Khairul Anam and Jumali. A number of angry Block B and Block C inmates then broke the cell door. Not only that, a number of facilities at the Salemba detention center were also damaged, including the gates of Block B and Block C hallways and their windows. Head of the Public Information Bureau (Karopenmas) Brigadier General Rikwanto said the riot started after Friday prayers in congregation. After the prayer, the prisoners were put into their respective cells. After entering the cell, the picket officer who is a member of Densus 88 removed the keys in Rooms A5 and C5. "The key was removed because there was a key slot from the inside, for security and to make it easier for the picket officers to open the cell door," said Rikwanto. At that time, a search was also carried out in the two detention rooms, and four cell phones belonging to four terrorist prisoners were found. "During the search, one of the detainees did not accept it and provoked the officers with various words," he said. Then, one of the picket officers was provoked by the words of the inmate and fired a bullet up to warn other officers of a commotion. Rikwanto, the riot did not last long because it was quickly resolved.
The Pokemon Go game is currently endemic, craze and increasingly popular with netizens throughout Indonesia and the world. A question was asked to our editor, "Is playing Pokemon Go Game according to Islam, halal or haram?" As an introduction, Pokemon Go is an augmented-reality-based game developed by the Pokemon Company in collaboration with Niantic and Nintendo. How to play, someone uses a smartphone, both Android and iOS to hunt Pokemon monsters. With Android or iOS smartphone devices, users can hunt Pokemon monsters in the real world, for example in rivers, mountains, streets, offices, markets, supermarkets, lakes, and other places. So, Pokemon monsters seem to exist and hide in the real world that can be seen through your cellphone screen. Users are also busy hunting Pokemon monsters around them. In fact, some of them deliberately venture here and there to places where there are Pokemon monsters, such as Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, and so on. game pokemon go according to islam Suddenly, many children, teenagers and adults are addicted to the Pokemon Go game and are pacing around, busy playing hunting monsters. In fact, there are journalists on the sidelines of their coverage, hunting Pokemon monsters before waiting for sources. Pokemon Go game according to Islam To answer this question, the editor of held a study and limited discussion. From the results of this study, we state that the Pokemon Go game can be legal/permissible or illegal/prohibited. Here's the explanation. Sunni scholars agree that the main sources of Islamic law are the Qur'an and the Sunnah (Hadith of the Prophet). Meanwhile, the sources of law that are still being debated by scholars include ijma, qiyas, ijtihad, istihsan, urf, maslahah mursalah, and so on. Pokemon Go game is clearly not regulated in the Quran and Hadith. That way, we use the maslahah mursalah basis in answering the question of whether the game is haram or halal. From the aspect of its application, it is clear that the law was initially allowed. However, when the game appears harmful, has a bad impact on someone, then the law becomes haram or not allowed. In this context, for example, forgetting the obligation to pray because they are busy hunting Pokemon monsters or being lazy to work, decreased work productivity, children are reluctant to study, and so on. Because, being too busy playing the Pokemon Go Game, which wastes time, even interferes with the concentration of learning and children's development, is part of the devil. So, it is not wrong when an Ulema Council in Egypt forbids the game. As quoted from the Mirror, Deputy Head of Al Azhar Egypt, Abbas Shuman likened the Pokemon Go game to alcohol which is prohibited in Islam. Because, monster hunting activities are considered like drunk people on the streets. People become on the streets with their eyes glued to their cellphone screens looking for locations where imaginary Pokemon monsters are. They are masses also busy capturing something imaginary or imaginary. In fact, some people even neglect work to find imaginary monsters in the world of cellphone screens. Meanwhile, he left work to earn a living that could support him. Or for example, students, students, or college students, suddenly turn on their smartphones, then hunt monsters and forget their study assignments. If the condition is so severe, then the law in Islam is haram. The analysis carried out by the Deputy Head of Al Azhar Egypt, Abbas Shuman, is quite good. That is, Abbas uses the qiyas method in analyzing a problem. The game Pokemon Go is likened to alcohol which is forbidden in Islam. This is called qiyas, which is establishing the law of a new case that has not been regulated in the Qur'an or hadith, but there are similarities in terms of causes, benefits, dangers, and various other aspects. When mixed with alcohol, with the same effect when drinking intoxicating alcohol, it can be concluded that the Pokemon Go game is haram. It's different when the existence of the Pokemon Go game actually makes people happy and happy, still doesn't leave praying, working and studying as usual, then free time is used to play Pokemon with the intention and purpose of refreshing. So in this case it is permissible or halal. That is, if the existence of the Pokemon Go game, which is currently being flooded with many fans, turns out to be beneficial and good for the mind-health, because there are games that are refreshing and fun, then in the name of benefit, this game is halal. Or, the existence of Pokemon Go will provide skills, skills, and has the benefit of sharpening the right brain, so the law is okay. Thus, this conclusion can be drawn. The law of origin of the Pokemon Go game application according to Islam is permissible, because it is not regulated in the Shari'a, both in the Qur'an and hadith. If it turns out that the impact invites harm, is destructive, and brings bad consequences for users, then playing Pokemon Go is haram/forbidden. This is the answer from the editor of related to questions from readers about playing the Pokemon Go Game according to Islam, halal or haram. Spread this news for our common good, for the future of the nation's children! May be useful.
"In a mouthful of catfish meat, there are 3,000 cancer cells". The title of the article in recent days has inch become a hot topic of discussion on social media. However, for catfish farmers, the article is considered a threat to their business continuity. The East Java Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service accommodated the complaints of catfish farming business people in East Java who were offended by the circulation of the article. "This article is a black campaign to bring down sales of the catfish market whose market prospects continue to improve," said the Head of the East Java Fisheries and Marine Service, Wednesday (28/10/2015). He is worried that the article, which actually describes a catfish cultivation in Haikou City, China, will have an impact on the catfish market in East Java. According to him, catfish consumers are fish consumers at level II. At level I are consumers of high-end fish such as tuna, snapper, grouper, and so on. "Class I consumers will not be shaken by the spread of any issue, but for class II consumers, this is still vulnerable to being shaken by issues. They may no longer eat catfish because they are afraid," he said. Heru said that East Java was the largest catfish producer nationally. From hundreds of catfish cultivators, in the last three years, catfish production in East Java continues to increase. In 2012 the production was recorded at 62,807 tons, increased in 2013 to 79,928 tons, while in 2014 it continued to increase to 96,830 tons. During 2014 production, 2,000 tons of which were exported abroad. Catfish production in East Java, said Heru, is produced in a healthy manner according to the standards of Good Fish Cultivation (CBIB) as regulated by the Government in Ministerial Decree No. 02/Men/2007. "CBIB requires catfish cultured feed with healthy feed that focuses on health and food safety," he said. Periodically, the East Java Marine and Fisheries Service also monitors residues on catfish by sampling. This year there were 379 samples taken from various catfish producing regions such as Sidoarjo, Mojokerto, Kediri, and Tulungagung. "As a result, the tested catfish commodities were free from residues of hormones, antibiotics, and heavy metals," he said. Heru suspected that the issue of catfish was deliberately raised by certain parties for the benefit of the fish business ahead of the 2015 MEA free market. "There are parties who want to seize the catfish market and replace it with other fish commodities," he said. Articles about the content of cancer cells are uploaded on a number of websites. The article was also followed by a number of online media for discussion. The article, which was posted on July 29, 2015, describes the confession of a catfish farmer from China named Zhang Ri-hong, who supplies catfish to roadside markets and restaurants in Hainan Province. The media then investigated the fish by observing seven samples of catfish producer ponds. The seven ponds are surrounded by chicken and pig coops, while in the middle of the ponds there are many piles of garbage. The fish farmers are advised to suspend the sale of catfish, before the test results come out.
California - In recent days a number of complaints from iPhone 6 Plus users have enlivened the virtual world. The new 5.5-inch smartphone from Apple is reported to be easy to bend if it is stored in a trouser pocket for too long. Suddenly this news made Apple the monthly on various social media. Not only users, some of Apple's competitors did not waste this moment to 'beat up' the company bearing the bitten apple logo. And now Apple has finally spoken. According to a report published on the Wall Street Journal page, Apple representatives have explained that the issue of the iPhone 6 Plus being easy to bend is exaggerated. Apple claims that the company has so far only received 9 user complaints out of 10 million units of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus that have been sold. This means, the defects on the iPhone 6 Plus do not occur in all units, but only a small part. "With normal use, a curved iPhone 6 Plus would be extremely rare," an Apple representative said. In addition, Jon Fort, editor of the news site CNBC also mentioned that Apple representatives have confirmed that only a small percentage of consumers are experiencing the iPhone 6 Plus curved issue. It was also explained that the actual body frame of the iPhone 6 Plus is strong enough and meets Apple's standards. "The new iPhones are steel/titanium-infused to strengthen a number of stress locations and use the strongest type of glass in the industry," an Apple representative said. The Business Insider page noted, this is Apple's fastest response in responding to oblique issues circulating wildly on the tone internet. Previously, Apple had always been 'ignorant' to various oblique issues that befell their products.
The Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno LP Marsudi, confirmed that sunburn the news that Reog Ponorogo was deliberately set on fire at the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) office in Davao, Philippines, was not entirely true. "Reog and gamelan decorations in the form of dragon heads were burned because they were damaged and infested with termites," said Retno via text message, Saturday, October 31, 2015. For information, several media had published news stating that officials at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao allowed these individuals to burn the cultural products of the Indonesian people because they were considered to be worshiping idols. It was reported that the Reog and the dragon headdress were burned on 20 October 2015 in the courtyard of the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao with the help of two security guards. Nevertheless, Foreign Minister Retno clarified the contents of the news. "Reog has been damaged so it has nothing to do with the notion of worshiping idols," said Retno.
Rumors circulated that there had been a riot at the Mako Brimob Detention Center, Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java, on Friday (11/10/2017). From the information compiled, as quoted by a social media channel, it was stated that the detainees who were charged with terrorism cases were outraged by the news that the wardens were suspected of harassing the Qur'an and the books of the clerics belonging to the detainees. "Densus and the warden arrogantly entered the Ikhwan's room and the Koran was stepped on by Brimob, the warden and Densus finally caused the ikhwans to go on a rampage and destroy the Brimob mako detention room, the current situation is still tense ..." That's the excerpt from the release of #AlfathChannel, which spread on social media. In addition, viral videos and photos were also circulated during the riots and the detainees waving the monotheism flag. In the video, the atmosphere of the Mako Brimbob detention cell looks shattered, there are also broken glass and wood that the prisoners break down. Meanwhile, the screams of takbir of the prisoners resounded. However, there were also other prisoners who tried to calm the atmosphere. After the riots, it was reported that the atmosphere was starting to become conducive, the warden of the Mako Brimod Detention Center was reported to have tried to invite the detainees to negotiate. Until this news inch was revealed, there has been no release of clarification from the Mako Brimob Detention Center
Needlestick First Aid For Stroke Sufferers? Suspicious We often hear a chain message spread about First Aid for stroke survivors is to pierce needles at several points from the fingertips to the ear. Some websites from the internet say that this news is a mere hoax. Why? Because a stroke is caused by the rupture of a blood vessel in the brain. The blood that comes out can actually suppress the surrounding brain tissue so that its function is disrupted. A medical expert dr. Devika Y, on the website said that finger pricking with a needle in stroke sufferers is of no benefit. Puncture with a needle can actually pose a risk of infection if the needle used is not sterile. The first aid we need to do if someone has a stroke is to take the patient to a safe place content Position the person in a state of the body facing the left side Immediately contact the nearest hospital and ask for an ambulance to come to the location Or you can take the person directly to the hospital. The sooner a stroke is treated, the better the results. Subsequent treatment will be carried out by the medical team at the hospital. So, if someone has a stroke near us, don't hesitate to immediately take him to the nearest hospital so that he can be handled by an expert.
It is not known with certainty whether the pacifiers circulating in the community contain drugs, but it is necessary to be careful if edward young you immediately report it to the relevant parties. This was conveyed by the Head of the Asahan Regency National Narcotics Agency (BNNK), Drs Pourkus Harianja when confirmed by M24.CO in his office, regarding the pacifier candy which is suspected to contain drugs to this day his party has not been able to confirm and asked the public to be vigilant and if they find the potential to immediately report it to the relevant agencies, he appealed. In this regard, his party will immediately go down to the field to directly check the existence of the goods in question in order to detect them early. "We immediately went down to the field to check the candy pacifiers that were suspected of containing drugs and it was not impossible because the perpetrators of narcotics abuse had gone mad to poison our young generation," he said. ads Indra Lubis, one of the residents, said that if it was true that pacifiers had the potential to contain drugs, the related parties would immediately move to the field because a number of wholesalers in Kisaran were found selling pacifiers. "Hurry down to the field before falling victim, those who are in charge of this matter," he pleaded.
The Special Detachment (Densus) 88 Anti-Terror Police Headquarters is investigating the alleged ISIS flag in the midst of the riots that occurred at the Brimob Mako Terrorist Prison a few days ago. "(The issue of the suspected ISIS flag) is being investigated by Densus friends. Therefore, it is the authority of the Densus friends even though they are in Brimob who guard the Densus," said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the Police, Inspector General Pol Setyo Wasisto, to reporters at the National Police Headquarters, Jakarta. South, Monday (13/11). Setyo also straightened out the issue related to the cause of the riot due to the throwing of the holy Qur'an by the guard at the Mako Brimob Rutan, Kelapa logic gate Dua, Depok. "It's been clarified that it's not true. There were those who spread (hoaxes) that it threw away the Koran, it didn't exist. What was there was a sweeping after praying. A cellphone was found. Asked for a cellphone, angry," said Setyo. In addition, Setyo explained that in the riots there were no burnings but only acts of vandalism carried out by the inmates. "Nothing, just prisoners destroying detention facilities," concluded Setyo. Last Friday (10/11) there was a commotion at the Brimob Mako Terrorist Prison, Kelapa Dua, Depok, Salemba Rutan branch at around 16.00 pm. Karo Penmas Public Relations Division of the National Police Headquarters Brigadier General Pol Rikhwanto said that the riot was carried out by terrorist prisoners and damaged the prison facilities. "The prison cell door was broken into, the gate of the block hallway, the window glass in block C and block B," said Rikwanto through his official release. The riots, continued Rikhwanto, began after Friday prayers when the prisoners were brought into the cells. After that, the members of the Densus picket conducted a search in rooms A.5 and C5 (RB). From the room, four cellphones were found belonging to Juhanda, Saulihun, Kairul Anam and Jumali. "One of the detainees did not accept it and provoked the officers with various kinds of words, then some members were provoked by their words," said Rikwanto. Then finally the prisoner screamed so that it provoked the other inmates in the block next to him. To condition the situation, members of the Pioneer Unit III picket fired shots into the air as well as warning the prisoners.
The head of BPOM RI, Penny Kusumastuti Lukito, emphasized that the teat candy is negative for drugs and does not contain other harmful substances. This assurance was obtained after conducting a series of inspections of the candy. "After being tested and investigated using 12 determining parameters, no drug content and other dangerous food ingredients were mamilla found. This means that there is no prohibition on the sale of candy, which has been distributed almost throughout Indonesia," said Peny on the sidelines of the National BPOM National Conference at the Singhasari Hotel, Batu City, East Java, Thursday (9/3/2017). He explained that the issue of candy pacifiers containing drugs became popular after a report from a resident from Surabaya. It was said that a child who consumed pacifiers experienced dizziness and was addicted. "We also ask the media to provide correct information to the public," he concluded
The riot occurred at the Mobile Brigade Headquarters Prison, Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java, Friday (10/11/2017) afternoon. According to Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rikwanto, the commotion occurred around 16.00 WIB. Rikwanto explained that after Friday prayers, the detainees were put into their respective cells by the Densus 88 team. While carrying out these activities, the Densus 88 team conducted a search. There are 4 pieces of HP found. "Four cellphones were found, belonging to Juhanda, Saulihun, Kairul Anam and Jumali," he said as quoted by a number of online media. One of the detainees did not accept the search. "It is true that with the inspection activity, one of the prisoners did not accept it and provoked the officers with various words, then some members were provoked by their words and there were prisoners who while takbir loudly so that they provoked the prisoners of the next block," he explained. As a result, riots ensued. A number of facilities in the prison were damaged. "The prison cell door was broken into, the gate of the block hallway, the window panes (in Block C fill and Block B)," said Rikwanto. While the information that spread and went viral on social media said the cause of the commotion began when officers entered the isolation room of the cleric's detainees. It is said, the anger of the prisoners peaked when the officers scrambled the books of monotheism, threw other books and the Koran. In the Youtube sharing information show "Second of Riots at the Mobile Brigade Headquarters, Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java" which was also viral, the prisoners were seen screaming because they did not accept the treatment by the authorities of the Al-Qur'an and other books belonging to the prisoners. . "We don't mind having our cellphones taken, but don't destroy our Koran and books!" exclaimed a prisoner in a video sharing Youtube that aired on Friday, November 10, 2017. The prisoners who did not accept the abuse were also takbir. Several warning shots were heard from the police. The prisoners looked more and more emotional. According to Rikwanto, the incident did not last long. The authorities immediately took control of the situation. Rikwanto also denied that this incident was triggered by the throwing and harassment of the Koran by the authorities. "It's a hoax," he said. There are no victims in this riot
Catfish is one type of fish that is rich in animal protein. Pecel catfish is one of the favorite food menus for some people because the price is quite cheap and delicious. Although delicious and cheap, catfish is the dirtiest fish among other types of fish that are often consumed by humans. Why is it the dirtiest fish? that's what he said: a) Catfish live in very dirty ponds and are usually surrounded by chicken or pig coops. For those of you who are catfish admirers, indeed not all catfish live or are cultivated in ponds around which there is a chicken coop or pigsty. In Indonesia, many also keep catfish in public ponds. But why is it called the dirtiest fish, maybe because most catfish farmers feed their livestock with feed that comes from anything dirty including chicken carcasses etc. According to a catfish farmer from China named Zhang Ri-hong admitted that he had supplied a lot of catfish that he harvested every 3 months. once to the markets and restaurants on the roadside in Hainan province to be precise in Haikou. Frequent complaints from several people, a reporter from the local fisheries department investigated this fish. Several journalists took samples from the 7 ponds that store this catfish. Actually these seven ponds are all surrounded by chicken and pig coops, in the middle of these ponds there are many piles of garbage. According to Islamic jurisprudence, eating catfish is halal. But sometimes many catfish breeders in Indonesia keep catfish in ponds and are fed in the form of manure. If the conditions are like this, then catfish will be the same as jallalah animals, namely animals that consume dirty and unclean food until the law to consume it is haram. In order to become halal again, catfish must be quarantined mudcat or separated from dirty places and given clean food. For a minimum of 3 days quarantine. Danger lurks when you eat catfish, one mouthful of catfish contains 3000 cancer cells Catfish is a type of fish that consumes waste. Catfish is a type of fish that easily breeds in dirty ponds, the fish can also consume waste in the form of animal waste such as chicken, cow, and pig manure, even fish can also consume human waste. Some time ago, news about the dangers of consuming fried catfish circulated. Reportedly once a doctor admitted that he often had patients with swollen thyroid disease and infections, with signs: swollen lower neck, around the neck something like a tumor, eyeballs like wanting to come out, heat around the neck, often coughing inside night is not there because. After being asked, in fact all patients often consume catfish and fried eel. This kind of thing can happen to the catfish skipper in Yogyakarta, the father, wife and child experience some of the symptoms as above. When this doctor asked one of the professors of doctors at Pluit, actually this catfish contains an easy poison, so that when it is fried, the clean oil will certainly turn black. Up to that point, it could be possible if the catfish's body contains three thousand cancer cells which are very likely for the human body. Friends for you catfish admirers, even though catfish is halal and not very worrying, as a wise customer you must and always be alert. You also don't understand when buying catfish in the market or in a food stall, is it quarantined before frying the fish or not? If you are in doubt, do not need to consume. Or if you believe in its cleanliness, please consume it. However, it is recommended not in large quantities through regular methods
The Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan was invited by Kanisius College to give a speech at the 90th anniversary event of Kanisius College, at Hall D JIExpo Kemayoran. On this occasion, there was an award presentation agenda to five alumni of Canisius College across generations. (For information, Canisius College is an educational institution owned by Catholics, which is devoted to men.) The five alumni are, firstly a pianist, Ananda Sukarlan, secondly Derianto Kusuma, founder of Traveloka, thirdly Father Magnis Suseno, a Jesuit figure, fourth Irwan Ismaun Soenggono, a Scout leader, and finally Dr. Boenjamin Setiawan, the founder of Kalbe Farma. However, when Anies was giving a speech, pianist Ananda Sukarlan suddenly left the room (Walk Out). Hundreds of alumni and attendees followed Ananda's footsteps. Apparently, about half an hour after Anies left the room, Ananda came back in. At that time, he took the award pinned to him. After receiving the award, Ananda then gave a sarcastic speech to Anies. He said Kanisius respects differences. "Yes, I did walk out in the middle of (Anies Baswedan's) speech," said Ananda when contacted by (Monday) “You have invited someone with values ​​and integrity that go against what we have been taught,” said Ananda Ananda also admitted that he did not invite round of drinks his friends to go out. However, later, Ananda realized that the figures who came out a lot were his contemporaries, namely the 1986 class. Ananda Sukarlan was born on June 10, 1968 in Jakarta. He is the son of the couple Sukarlan and Poppy Kumudastuti. In Europe, Ananda's name is well known. Piano Petrof from the University of Hadford, Connecticut, United States in 1986. Graduated summa cum laude in 1993 under the guidance of Naum Grubert As in 2000, he was invited by Queen Sofia of Spain to fill a concert at the Queen Sofia Prize Gala Night in Madrid. In 2002, he reached the peak of his career by signing a contract to collaborate with the great French composer Pierre Boulez on a concert tour to 11 cities including Helsinkski, Oslo, Santiago and Paris. And the first Indonesian pianist to be recorded in The International Who's Who in Music book. On the other hand, when confirmed Anies Baswedan (Governor of DKI), he admitted that he did not know that any guests had left, one of them was Ananda Sukarlan. He even admitted that he was close to the Principal of Kanisius High School, Pater E. Baskoro Poedjinoegroho S.J.,. And to attend an invitation from the Canisius School was not the first. "And this is not the first time I've been to Kanisius, so when I heard it this morning, I remembered that someone had come out because I don't remember, I didn't see it," said Anies at the DKI Jakarta City Hall. (Monday). Because according to Anies, everyone has the right to express their opinion in their own way. Including people who criticize his speech. "If there is a negative reaction then that's a bonus for me," he said. According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) the definition of walk out is to leave the meeting room or trial of your own free will because you do not agree or refuse the discussion or the results of the trial. This turned out to have an impact on one of the Indonesian start-up companies, Traveloka. The movement to UNINSTALL THE TRAVELOKA APPLICATION is milling about on Twitter's timeline. There, Derianto Kusuma, co-founder and CTO of Traveloka, was also present. He greeted and congratulated Ananda after the walk out and Anies' speech. Derianto's gesture was considered as support for Ananda's actions which were considered insulting to Governor Anies. Whereas in 2017, the online travel service provider Traveloka, received new funding for their operations in Indonesia and expanded the market in Southeast Asia. The new funding was obtained from Expedia from the United States amounting to 350 million US dollars, or around Rp. 4.6 trillion. In the past year, Traveloka has raised a total of 500 million US dollars or Rp. 6.6 trillion, which was obtained from investors in previous funding rounds such as East Ventures, Hillhouse Capital, Sequoia Capital, and Chinese e-commerce company, I hope this doesn't happen again to anyone and anything.
The circulation of candy pacifiers in the school environment suspected of containing drugs was immediately addressed by the Surabaya City Government by conducting raids by village, sub-district, and Satpol PP officers. All devices were deployed to carry out the operation to secure the candy that the student loved. As a result, the officers confiscated the bottle-shaped pacifiers in several schools including the Lidah Kulon, Sukolilo and Jemur Gayungan areas. The findings are still being secured and confiscated as a precautionary measure while waiting for the results of laboratory tests to determine the drug content. "So, this raid was carried out as an anticipatory measure because the pacifier candy was suspected of containing drugs. In the meantime, we are admit confiscated. All officers at the kematan and sub-districts in all areas take security measures," said Head of Surabaya Police Satpol, Irvan Widyanto when contacted by LIcom, Tuesday (07/03/2017). Currently, his party is still waiting for the results of the laboratory test to determine the drug content in the candy. Because of that, his party has not been able to make a decision whether the confiscated goods will be destroyed or returned. "In the meantime, we are still waiting for the results of the lab tests from the Health Office and the National Narcotics Agency. We will let you know the results later,” said the former Head of Rungkut. Previously, news circulated on social media and WhatsApp (WA) users that drug candy was circulating in elementary schools in Surabaya. In the message that was widely spread, the People's Welfare (Kesra) of the Sub-District and Urban Villages, Trantibbang and Personnel of Satpol PP Sukolilo Surabaya, carried out monitoring activities related to this candy. In the circulating image, the candy brand 'Hard Candy' has a distribution permit ML 224409003077 (Foreign Food produced by Xiamen Yang Wan Foodstuff, China). In addition, for the trademark9, Penguin Brand is printed in green, this candy came to Surabaya from Jakarta
Valid - Stroke sufferers have a 50 percent chance to recover optimally functionally if they get proper and fast handling. When symptoms appear such as the face looks asymmetrical, the arms cannot be lifted, slurred speech, stroke sufferers should be handled properly in the first 3-4,5 hours to save the brain. However, in reality, not many stroke sufferers are handled properly. In other words, stroke patients are not treated in the critical period of the first 3-4,5 hours after symptoms appear. Although there is still hope through therapy or neurointervention (if there is a blockage), treatment outside this critical period has a different impact when the patient is treated more quickly. According to a neurologist, Dr. Herianto Tjandra, SpS from Eka Hospital BSD, various factors can hinder the early treatment of stroke patients. Starting from the lack of public knowledge about stroke, lack of vigilance from people around stroke sufferers, and even myths. He said that in the United States, where the population is highly educated, the myth about stroke is still growing. This myth is also what hinders early treatment of strike sufferers. These myths include that stroke only occurs in the elderly, so if there are adults who experience minor stroke symptoms such as an asymmetrical face, this is often ignored. Another myth, stroke is considered as fate, so the attitude of accepting and assuming nothing can be done, worsens the condition of the sufferer. In Indonesia, continued Heri, this kind of myth is also developing a lot. Like if you suddenly experience paralysis, people think of it as a sitting wind. The first step they take is by scraping, spraying, or needing a needle to remove dirty blood. Many patients who come to the hospital with the condition already bleeding. Stroke was handled too late. "Stroke can no longer be considered as an irreversible fate, because actually stroke can be prevented," he said on the sidelines of the launch of the stroke center in BSD, South Tangerang some time ago. According to Heri, with early detection and ideal stroke management, brain rescue can be done in a critical period. A good response from the environment also has an important role. People who have had a stroke usually don't feel a stroke. It could be that symptoms appear from the day before, but many people try to deny it. Stroke sufferers are very dependent on the people around them. Because they can recognize people in their environment, he said. Heri explained the crucial first step in dealing with stroke. Mainly at home or in the prehospital stage. Do not let when admitted to the hospital or emergency room, stroke patients have an acute stroke. At home, if you find signs of a stroke, lay the patient in a relaxed position so that breathing is normal. If possible find a hospital that is stroke ready. Because in dealing with stroke, the second obstacle after the lack of awareness at home, is when the patient is in the hospital. ct How stroke management in hospitals also affects good stroke management, he said. So, the initial stage begins with early detection at home, you should not underestimate the early signs of stroke. Then if you find these signs, take them immediately to the ER or hospital with integrated rapid management. Usually the patient will find a Ct Scan service. If a blockage is found, the next step is an MRI examination. The patient then undergoes drug therapy through a vein.
Jakarta - Complaints from iPhone 6 Plus users that their handsets bend easily have been denied by Apple. According to Apple, as long as users are careful, the incident doesn't need to happen. Apple does admit that there are iPhone 6 Plus users who experience a curved body, but there aren't many. According to his spokesman, as of Wednesday (9/24/2014), only 9 people had complained about this issue. "iPhone 6 has a strong unibody with extra strength. This smartphone also has stainless steel and titanium to protect its body parts. Including, using the strongest glass in the smartphone industry," said an Apple spokesman, as quoted by CNBC, Friday (26/9). /2014). Apple continued that their workers carried out many tests to test the strength of the iPhone 6 Plus. The iPhone 6 Plus easy to bend problem has been reported by several users, complete with photos. As told by a Macrumors Forum user named Hanzon. He admitted that it took him a long time to put the iPhone 6 Plus in his front trouser pocket. At least 4 hours the device is in the pocket. While in the pants, Hanzon did not take out the iPhone 6 Plus and continued his usual activities as usual. As a result, he found the middle of his new smartphone was a bit 'bent'. DevinPitcher also had a bad experience. He also put his iPhone 6 Plus in his front pocket. It's not clear how long he's been putting it on, but it's clearly quite warped.
A news that Facebook will be blocked on April 24, 2018 is viral on social media. It is known, the info was first posted by an account called "Rudi Salam", then many netizens participated in reposting the post. A post from Rudi Salam's account posted on Saturday (14/4). Get tens of thousands of shares with various comments. In the description of his upload, Rudi wrote: “Starting April 24, Facebook Indonesia will be closed. Welcome back to the stone age. Say goodbye stay for friends on your Facebook before it closes,” he wrote This information is confirmed to be untrue or a hoax. Minister of Communications and Informatics (Menkominfo) Rudiantara on various occasions never said it would block Facebook. udiantara had previously stated will block Facebook if it is proven that there is a violation of the applicable rules, but there has been no decision to block Facebook to date. The Minister of Communication and Information also stated that he would not hesitate to block Facebook if the captured data is used to incite or spread hate. Minister of Communication and Information also ensure that investigators find elements of criminal allegations in user data leaks Facebook in Indonesia. Meanwhile, these two things have not been proven. "If there are indications that Facebook in Indonesia is being used for incitement, as harlan f stone happened in Myanmar, I have no qualms about blocking." said Rudiantara, Wednesday (11/4/2018), at the Kominfo Building, Medan Merdeka, Jakarta, as reported from
Jakarta – After receiving constant criticism from iPhone 6 Plus users, because the device is very easy to bend. Over time, Apple was 'frustrated' by the quote complaints of its consumers and immediately gave information regarding the problem while at the same time refuting the quality of the fragile body of the iPhone 6 Plus. Apple does admit that there are iPhone 6 Plus users who experience a curved body, but there aren't many. According to his spokesman, the number who complained because of this problem was only 9 people as of Wednesday (24/9). "iPhone 6 has a strong unibody with extra strength. This smartphone also has stainless steel and titanium to protect its body parts. Including, using the strongest glass in the smartphone industry," said an Apple spokesman, as quoted by CNBC, Friday (26/9). ). Apple continued that their workers carried out many tests to test the strength of the iPhone 6 Plus. However, until now it is not known why the body of the iPhone 6 Plus bends so easily.
When commemorating the 90th anniversary of the founding of Kanisius College, an Alumni named Ananda Sukarlan walked out when DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Rasyid Baswedan delivered his speech. This was confirmed by the Press Release from the Canisius 86 Alumni Association received by the Tribune on Monday afternoon (13/11/2017). In a written statement, Ananda Sukarlan, the composer and pianist, stood up and left the venue when Anies as well Baswedan gave a speech. "This Saturday, November 11, the governor of Jakarta, Anies Baswedan. When he gave a speech, Ananda Sukarlan stood up from his VIP seat and walked out showing his disapproval of Anies' speech. This action was then followed by hundreds of alumni and other members of the audience. by the audience who stayed, Anies Baswedan left the place. The audience who had walked out also entered the room again," the statement said. The 90th anniversary of the founding of Kanisius College was attended by thousands of Kanisius alumni at Jiexpo Kemayoran, Central Jakarta. When receiving the award, Ananda also had the opportunity to deliver a 10-minute speech. In his speech, Ananda besides thanking him, he also gave criticism to the organizing committee. "You have invited someone with values ​​and integrity that are contrary to what we have been taught. Although you may have to invite him because of his position, but next time we have to look at the person as well. He got his position in ways that are not in accordance with the values -Canisius' values. I'm not talking about politics, this is a matter of conscience and human values," he said in the written statement. After getting off the stage, Ananda was greeted and praised by the nominees for the award, including former minister Ir. Sarwono Kusumaatmaja and Father E. Baskoro Poedjinoegroho S.J., Principal of Kanisius High School. The agenda was also attended by alumni of this school, which has consistently been male only, in Menteng Raya for the first time giving the Canisius Awards to 5 alumni from various generations. These 5 alumni were screened from the 95 finalists who became candidates. They are Ananda Sukarlan (composer & pianist), Derianto Kusuma (founder of Traveloka), Father Magnis Suseno (Jesuit figure), Irwan Ismaun Soenggono (scout leader) and Dr. Boenjamin Setiawan (founder of Kalbe Farma)
First Aid for Stroke Patients Stroke is a disease that attacks the nerves in the brain, causing reduced function of the limbs whose nerves have been attacked. Stroke can be caused by various things, such as high blood pressure and rupture of blood vessels so that oxygen intake to the brain is disturbed. You can learn first aid for stroke sufferers that you can learn in the following discussion: Do not move the place. First aid for stroke sufferers is not to move the patient's position when he falls, be it in the bathroom, field or other place. Because if the patient is moved the position there is a possibility that the transfer is wrong and can cause rupture of blood vessels and make the stroke worse. You are only advised to change the patient's position into a sitting position so that the patient does not fall again. Puncture the fingertips using a needle To resuscitate a stroke patient who has fainted you can pierce the patient's fingertips swoon using a syringe, but if there is no syringe you can use a small needle such as a pin, but remember this needle must be sterilized first by burning. The puncture is carried out at a distance of 1mm from the nail. After being stabbed with a needle, try to have at least 1 drop of blood coming out of the fingertips, if within 10 seconds the blood has not dripped, squeeze the finger so that the blood comes out. Pull the ear First aid in the next stroke patient is to pull the patient's ear until it turns red. This is done if the patient wakes up from his stupor with his mouth squeezing. In addition to being pulled, do a stab using a needle at the bottom end of the patient's ear. Also try to get blood out of the ear tip. which the needle has pierced. If the blood has dripped within a few minutes the patient's mouth will return to normal, or no longer sneezing. Medical Aid If you have performed first aid for stroke patients by piercing the fingertips, and pulling the ear and piercing the tip of the lower ear using a sterile needle so that the patient's condition begins to improve, you still have to take the patient to a medical expert. This medical help must be obtained by stroke patients at least 6 hours after the patient experiences stroke symptoms. Because if it is more than 6 hours after the symptoms, it is likely that the healing process will be more difficult and take longer. First aid for stroke sufferers should be studied carefully, so that you can practice it on people around you who are experiencing stroke symptoms. That way the knowledge you gain can be useful for others.
Pokemon means "I'm Jewish". Thus the broadcast circulating on WhatsApp and social media, while along with the excitement of the Pokemon Go game. According to the broadcast, pokemon comes from the Syriac or Syriac language which means "I am Jewish". While Pikachu is said to mean "be a Jew". Actually, the polemic about the meaning of Pokemon has emerged since 2001, when Saudi Arabian clerics banned Pokemon because it was considered to be campaigning for the theory of evolution and considered Jewish propaganda to keep Muslim children away from their religion. Soon after, Pokemon comics and toys were taken to store shelves and orders were cancelled. Pokemon haram fatwas were also issued by scholars in Qatar, Dubai, Jordan and Egypt. Mohammed Abu Laila, a professor at Egypt's Al Azhar University, found no evidence that Pokemon originated in Syriac and means "I'm Jewish". Nor is there any valid evidence that pikachu means "be a Jew." However, he agrees that Pokemon games spread atheist ideas and distance themselves from God. "From a parent's point of view, this game drives children away from God, and spreads atheist ideas," he was quoted as saying by the Los Angeles Times on April 24, 2001.
The salary of the President of the Republic of Indonesia is rumored to be increasing by up to Rp 500 million per month (Rp 6 billion) per year. The increase will occur if the Draft Government Regulation (RPP) on Salaries, Benefits, and Facilities for Civil Servants is actually ratified. With a presidential salary index of 96,000 points, then the figure is Rp 553 million as is known, in article 2 of Law number 7 of 1978, it is stated that the president's salary is six times the highest basic salary of an official in Indonesia compared to other officials such as the chairman of the DPR, MA and BPK. Meanwhile, in PP 75/2000, it is stated that the three officials receive a salary of Rp. 5040000 per month. Thus, the basic salary of the president is Rp. 30240000 per month. According president to Presidential Decree 68/2001 it also states that the allowance for the position of the President is Rp. 32500000. Thus, the total money received by the president each month is Rp. 62740000 or Rp. 752880000 per year The Palace said, this number has not changed since 17 years ago (2001) Indeed, the number The salary of the President of the Republic of Indonesia is relatively small compared to the leaders of major countries in the world. The Prime Minister (PM) of Singapore, Lee Hsien Loong, recorded the highest salary of USD 2.2 million or equivalent to Rp. 30.3 billion per year. The following sequence is after Lee, there is Doris Leuthard, President of Switzerland who recorded a salary of USD 437,000 or IDR 6 billion per year The following position was Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Trumbull with a salary of USD 403700 or IDR 5.5 billion per year. year Of course, this is Trump's personal request. The 45th president of the US has a personal wealth of around USD 3 billion. President Jokowi's salary is only higher than that of PRC President Xi Jinping, who is paid USD 20,500 or Rp. 283 million per year. University of Indonesia (UI) public policy observer Lina Miftahul Jannah said it is very natural for the President to have a very large income index, so that the income received by people is number one In Indonesia, it is very high. He explained that as the head of state as well as the head of government, the duties, responsibilities, and risks of a President are very large. So, according to him, it is not natural for an official to be paid by the state budget, his salary is greater than the president. Another government whose salary is higher than the President Regarding that, the palace has not been able to comment further on the civil servant salary increase scheme, the President and other state officials Presidential Spokesman Johan Budi Sapto Prabowo said that his party had not received sufficient information about it.
The Head of the Protocol Section for the Istiqlal Mosque, Abu Hurairah, denied that he had locked the Istiqlal Mosque for the 212th follow-up mass action which was to take place in front of the DPR/MPR Building. "A thousand percent hoax," said Abu when contacted, Tuesday (21/2/2017). Abu said, according to the standard operating procedures at the Istiqlal Mosque, the doors of the Istiqlal Mosque were closed at 21.30 WIB and would allot be reopened one hour before the dawn prayer. "Outside the fasting month, the Isha prayer ends, around 21.30 WIB according to the law, it is closed, sterile. Then it is opened again one hour before dawn. That is outside the fasting month," he explained. According to him, last night's incident only five buses from East Java that would take part in the 212 action. "They enter after Isha, then they are given the opportunity to pray and clean up, talk well with the chairman, we give understanding, and thank God they understand and leave istiqlal voluntarily," he said. He reiterated that there were no crowds who were not allowed to enter the Istiqlal Mosque, according to him, this issue was not true at all. "The intruders are the people who wrote accusing the PKI. Except for Axis 212, 411, which we expelled the day before and it was an emergency. There was no coordination, they didn't take action like 212," he said.
The Ministry of Finance confirms that the news regarding a salary increase of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) of up to IDR 553 million per month is invalid data and cannot be accounted for. Askolani's budget at the Ministry of Finance's office, Monday (12/3/2018) The presentation material which is currently apparatus being discussed on social media, said Askolani, cannot be accounted for at all because until now the government has not received any proposals related to this. The government's focus currently, he continued, is to finalize the draft government regulation (RPP) related to the provision of the 13th salary and holiday allowances for civil servants and retirees. That's the mandate of the APBN Law," he explained Government regulation (RPP) regarding the State Civil Apparatus which states that the President's salary has increased from the current position of Rp. 62 million to Rp. 553 million. PNS) circulating. In the explanation, one of them was stated regarding the simulation of the income of state officials from the president to the leadership of the DPR which consists of salaries and allowances It was stated that the simulated income of the president was Rp. the same explanation, simulation of the amount of income for ministerial-level officials, attorney general, TNI Commander, Chief of Police, Chairman of the MPR, Chairman of the DPR to Chairman of the Constitutional Court has an income of Rp. 92237116 per month. Simulation of calculating the income of officials from the level of deputy head of the MPR, DPR, DPD is also described. , KPK and MK which amounted to Rp. 88393902 million per month. Then the income of the governor and judges MA members amounting to Rp.76864263 million per month. In the presentation material, the title "RPP on Salaries, Benefits and Facilities for Civil Servants" with the logo of the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PAN-RB) was written on it when confirmed, the Ministry of PAN-RB explained, that the exposure material was not official information. "It was only discussion material for 2016, not official information," explained the Head of the Legal, Communication and Public Information Bureau of the PAN-RB Ministry, Herman Suryatman when contacted by detikFinance
The Pokemon GO game fever that has recently occurred, has in fact been able to attract a lot of attention from various circles, including high-ranking officials in this country. Even recently the Mayor of Banda Aceh, Illiza Sa'aduddin Djamal, instructed not to play the Pokemon GO game because it means I'm Jewish. "And the pokemon have all been spread in electronic media, it turns out that it means that I am a Jew," said Illiza in a halal bi halal event with all officials and staff in the Banda convey Aceh City Government. Illiza Sa'aduddi Djamal's statement was not only conveyed in a halal bi halal event, he also tweeted on his Twitter account about the dangers of playing Pokemon GO which means I am Jewish. Suddenly, the tweet immediately got a lot of responses from Indonesian netizens who were famous for being critical. "@Illizaa Ma'am, I'm also a Muslim. Your statement is not true, and it's slander, Mom. Iqra, Mom. Read a lot. Mayor, you have to be wise," said the @risa_te account. "@Illizaa Pokemon means it's Pocket Monster, isn't it. Japanese people say 'Poketo Monsuta' that's why there's no c in the 'poke'. Is this the mayor? @jsoekahar chirped. Banda Aceh Mayor Illiza Sa'aduddi is not the first person to raise the strange bin magic theory about the meaning of the Pokemon. Previously, there were many broadcast messages and Facebook links floating around the issue that I was a Jew from Pokemon. It was explained that Pokemon comes from Syriac or Syriac which means I am Jewish and Pikachu is be Jewish then Charmander means God is weak. What is Syriac, and does Pokemon really mean I'm Jewish? Although it is also known as the Syrian language, Syriac is not the official language of the country (Syria's official language is Arabic). Syriac is spoken mostly by the minority Syrian Christians living in eastern Turkey, northern Iraq and northeastern Syria. The first news about the meaning of the word Pokemon from Syriac or Syriac emerged when the LA Times reported rumors of Arab countries' concerns about the invasion of Pokemon and other foreign cultures on April 24, 2001. "It has been proven that this toy is part of a Jewish plan to corrupt the minds of generations. our youth for offending blasphemous thoughts, making fun of Allah and our moral values ​​so it is very dangerous for our young generation," said Sheik Abdel Monem abu Zent, ​​a former member of the Jordanian parliament. The statement immediately received a rebuttal from the Syriac Orthodox Christian Church through the Jordanian Amman newspaper. It says that there is no connection between Syriac and the names of the characters in the Pokemon game, let alone to the point that it means I'm Jewish or be Jewish. As mentioned on the official website, Pokemon stands for Pocket Monster. Likewise with Pikachu which consists of two words, Pika and Chu, where Pika is the name for a small mouse and chu in Japanese means squeak. No wonder the most famous monster in Pokemon is in the form of a mouse. Or Charmander derived from Char (burning) and Salamander (amphibians such as lizards). It can be seen that the creators of this Pokemon only provide simple and easy to remember character names without the need to tire of learning Syriac or Syriac.
Rumors circulated in the world of social media, that there was a riot at the Mako Brimob Detention Center, Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java, on Friday (11/10/2017) at around 16.00 Wib. On Twitter, the riots were widely discussed. The owner of the Grand Duke of Condet Twitter account? @CondetWarrior wrote: Mako Brimob rioted this afternoon. Reportedly 3 blocks of the detention room caught fire & the doors were destroyed. According to my source, the reason was because a group of Police there threw the Al-Qur'an and hadith books belonging to the detainees. To complete the story, this account completes its tweet with a video that the owner of the account says the source sent him. The video shows a number of people who appear to be convicted of terrorism, making gestures that indicate that they are in a tense atmosphere, and then the camera, which appears to be from a cell phone, moves to reveal a shattered window. Grand captive Duke of Condet? @CondetWarrior : Just now my intelligence said it was a deliberate riot so that Ahok could be transferred from the Mobile Brigade Headquarters to be under house arrest. All possibilities exist, but what is clear is that if it is true that the police threw the Qur'an, then it is your business with the entire Muslim Ummah! While the LaskarPribumi account? @anggarabatubata mentions: viral & spread in the group that in mako there is a riot between ikhwah aseer vs Brimob. The cause of the incident that spread was that the Danbrimob detention center came to the isolation rooms of the asatidz then they randomly scrambled the rooms of the clerics to look for cellphones even though there was an ustad who was sick and they didn't care. NET public? @publik_net: riots at the Mobile Brigade Headquarters, Kelapa Dua, depok, terrorist prisoners set fire to and destroyed the room. because the guard ahmad and his team threw the Koran and caused the prisoners to go berserk. Quoted from Panjimas, it was stated that a social media channel reported that the riots occurred because the prisoners who were charged with terrorism cases were angry when they heard the news that there were guards who were suspected of harassing the Koran and the books of the clerics belonging to the prisoners. "Densus and the warden arrogantly entered the Ikhwan's room and the Koran was stepped on by Brimob, the warden and Densus finally caused the ikhwans to go on a rampage and destroy the Brimob mako detention room, the current situation is still tense ...," reads an excerpt from #AlfathChannel which is spread throughout the world. social media.
If Malaysia wants to control Reog Ponorogo, but in Davao the Philippines is different. Barongan and suddenly peacock which were part of the Reog Ponorogo apparatus were burned by a number of Indonesian Consulate General staff in Davao, Southern Philippines, Tuesday (20/10/2015). As reported by the site, he explained that the arson was actually carried out by a number of the Indonesian Consulate General's staff themselves. Another device that was burned was an ornament depicting a dragon on a gong (musical instrument) supporting pole to accompany Reog Ponorogo. It is said that the reason for sorry the burning of Barongan Reog Ponorogo, and the dragon decoration on the gamelan, is because there is a devil and is an idol. Unfortunately, the Acting Consulate General, Loegeng Priyohanisetyo, did not prevent the arson. Instead, Acting Consulate General Davao summoned a security guard named Santander to pour gas over the reog and 2 gamelan dragons. Even the security guard who was ordered was so surprised and surprised. "Hadluk kaayu ko, dear kaayu ang dragon gwapo kaayu unya sunugon, kasayang sa reog pero gisugo man ko (I'm so scared, it's a shame that the dragon snake is so good it wants to be burned, the reog is too bad but how else can I be told)," said Santander. "Barong Reog and the burnt gamelan dragon ornaments are the inventory of the Indonesian Consulate General's cultural museum. However, none of the other Indonesian Consulate General staff knew when the arson took place," said a source from However, after this incident, most of the perpetrators were blasphemed by Indonesian citizens who were in Davao, but the perpetrators still felt innocent because according to them what they were doing was right in the eyes of God. An Indonesian citizen residing in Davao, stated that the Acting Consulate General in Davao was declared persona non grata, and asked the Indonesian government to withdraw the persons involved in the act of burning the nation's cultural heritage. tried to contact the Media and Information Service, Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 021 3813453, but until this news was published it was not picked up. And an electronic message to got an answer. Stupid action The act of burning Barong Reog Ponorogo and the Gamelan Dragon Ornament, at the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) Davao, Philippines, was criticized by International Political Observer Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, Dr. Michael Mamentu. "One of the duties of diplomats is to introduce national culture in other countries, this is a bad precedent for our diplomacy world, I can even say it is a 'stupid action' for the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao," said Michael Mamentu, to According to Dr. Michael Mamentu, the Acting Consulate should have been more prudent in dealing with this problem, because the notion of being an idol or a devil in the decoration of the nation's culture, does not have to burn or destroy these items as a solution. This is an irony, other countries claim our cultural heritage, while at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao it burned it, the Acting Consulate General should have sent the equipment home, to be replaced with other cultural displays because Indonesia is rich with noble culture, added Mamentu. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs must investigate the case of asset burning at the Consulate General, and those involved in the action should be sent home to be replaced with wiser diplomats, he concluded.
to carry out actions to defend Islam and the State that will be carried out by the Muslim community, who are members of the Islamic Community Forum (FUI), who are already angry with president the behavior of the leaders of this country, where they should carry out the rules and laws firmly and correctly, but in reality this is not the case. This assumption led to the case of blasphemy against Islam carried out by the defendant Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok, who is currently undergoing trial, it was not dismissed and the public considered that the reasons given seemed made up. Not even a few legal and state administration experts, including the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Mahfud MD, also criticized the government's attitude, especially the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tjahjo Kumolo including President Joko Widodo alias Jokowi who was silent when Ahok was again given his seat as governor. While some regional heads actually experience the opposite. As a result, their demands in the action called the Action to Defend Islam and the State 212 will be carried out in front of the MPR building of the DPR RI, and apparently not a few participants came from several outside Jakarta. As a result, they tried to gather at the Istiqlal Mosque with the intention of carrying out the Fajr prayer in congregation, and also the weather conditions when this news was revealed were raining, as a result they tried to immediately enter shelter while waiting for the prayer time to enter. Apparently the fence of the Istiqlal Mosque is actually tightly closed, as received by this media, in the form of photos and descriptions, 5 minutes later when this news was revealed, the participants were also unable to enter to gather and perform the dawn prayer. "Istiqlal Mosque in Padlock ... no one can (may) pray Fajr .... What regime is this ... PKI challenges the Defenders of Islam .... Our war begins (Starts) ... Allahu Akbar .....!" Thus the contents of the text in the description of the photo sent to this media. It can be seen in the photo that the participants are gathering and hoping that the door will be opened soon. Their anger was directed at the government, because the Istiqlal Mosque is managed directly under the Ministry of Religion through the Istiqlal Mosque Management Agency (BPPMI). Where the management of BPPMI is appointed and inaugurated directly by the Minister of Religion who is also in the structure as Chairman of BPPMI. Meanwhile, the responsibility is directly to the President. Meanwhile, it is related to the statement that mentions the involvement of the PKI, due to the connection with the PDI-P as the ruling party and also the main supporter of President Jokowi and also the DKI Jakarta Paslon Ahok-Djarot. And in PDIP itself, it is known that many generations of PKI leaders from the 1960s have filled it. And do not cover themselves even boldly and proudly they admit it. As once said by Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission IX from PDIP, Ribka Tjiptaning, when interviewed and published by one of the media, on September 30, 2015.
DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan regretted the invitation to uninstall Traveloka, which was previously busy milling about on Twitter's timeline. The call to uninstall Traveloka was triggered by pianist Ananda Sukarlan's walk out when the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan gave a speech. "Well, I think this is it. We respect people of opinion. Respect different people. There is no need to uninstall and so on," said Anies at the DKI Jakarta DPRD Building, Jalan Kebon Sirih, Gambir, Central Jakarta. According to Anies, the Traveloka application has been providing benefits for the community. This invitation should not arise just because of differences of opinion. “Traveloka also provides benefits for many residents. After all, it is a service that has great benefits for many people. So let's get used to different views in a healthy way respecting each other without having to carry out such punishments. So there is no need to uninstall everything," said Anies. Invitations to uninstall the Traveloka application are milling about on Twitter's timeline. This was apparently triggered by pianist Ananda Sukarlan's walk out when the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan enounce gave a speech. The walk out took place at the 90th anniversary of the founding of Canisius College on Saturday. Ananda stood up from his VIP seat and walked out when Anies gave his speech. The action was followed by a number of other alumni. Based on information circulating on the timeline, one of the founders and CTO of Traveloka, Derianto Kusuma, greeted and congratulated Ananda after the walk out and Anies' speech, which was considered as support for Ananda's action. I don't know who started it, this information then provoked some netizens to boycott Traveloka. The hashtag #BoikotTraveloka has become one of Indonesia's trending Twitter topics. But it can be ascertained that the news is just a hoax or not true. Traveloka PR Manager Busyra Oryza confirmed that Traveloka founder and CTO Derianto Kusuma was one of the award recipients at the event. But he was unable to attend. “Traveloka is proud that one of our founders, Mr. Derianto Kusuma, received an award from Kanisius alumni. However, he was unable to attend because he was on a business trip that had been planned several months in advance. So if it is said that Pak Deri is there and it is said to provide support (to Ananda), he is not there,” he said. “We state that Traveloka is a technology-based company founded by the sons and daughters of the Indonesian nation that puts forward the values ​​of mutual respect, tolerance and innovation. These values ​​are always applied to employees and external stakeholders,” he continued
The news circulating about the plan to increase the salaries of the President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia is confirmed to be untrue. This certainty was revealed after the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati confirmed this in front of journalists at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java. "It be does not exist and has never been discussed," he said on Monday, March 12, 2018 While giving a statement regarding President Joko Widodo's meeting with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) delegation, he received a question about it. "What the Menpan said (in social media) was a hoax, it was indeed like that. In today's social media there is a lot of information and documents that are made similar to those of the government and published," he said. and Deputy The President of the Republic of Indonesia In this issue, it is stated that the president will be proposed to receive a salary of up to Rp. 553422694 per month. The vice president is said to be proposed to receive a salary of Rp. 368948462 per month.
JAKARTA – The Reyog Ponorogo Community (KRP) met with Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi to question as well the Reyog Ponorogo burning incident at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao - Philippines. Foreign Minister Retno, who received it, immediately clarified and asked reyog lovers to exercise restraint. According to Deputy Chairperson of the Reyog Ponorogo Community (KRP) Suparno Nojeng, the meeting took place Monday (9/11) from 14:00 to 15:00 in the Foreign Minister's Meeting Room, Jalan Pejambon 6, Central Jakarta. KRP conveyed several things, namely, among others, asking for a press release "clarification" issued by the Consulate General in Davao City, Republic of the Philippines, Saturday, October 31, 2015 (without any signature and issuing official) full of irregularities, such as the 1988 asset year. "We also questioned the team formed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the incident, as conveyed by the Director of Information and Media, Siti Shofia Sudarma on Monday 2 November 2015 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs," said Suparno in a release received by the editors, Monday night. According to him, currently it is necessary to escort the team formed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs so that it runs in an open, transparent and honest manner. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs' sensitivity to this incident is eagerly awaited by Reyog activists and lovers. In his opinion, this incident must be resolved legally (both criminal and civil) so that the "intellectual actor" is revealed. "Protection and security guarantees for Indonesian citizens in Davao, especially Indonesian citizens who have exposed this incident," he said, adding that the news of the burning of reyog had made the atmosphere hot, especially in Ponorogo. Calming Reyog Lovers Meanwhile, said Suparno, Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi who was accompanied by the Director General of Information and Public Diplomacy, Esti Andayani, conveyed several things. "Among them, asking the KRP to calm the reaction of the people who love Reyog, and understand the spiritual atmosphere of reyog lovers and no attempt to disrespect culture because it has been inherent in diplomats," he quoted the Foreign Minister as saying. It was also said that the Foreign Minister had received information from the Consulate General Eko Hartono that the rickety property had been damaged and there were instructions to immediately replace it. Also, an internal audit was carried out by the Consulate General in Davao, while an external audit was carried out by the Inspectorate General, in the form of a team to find out what actually happened at the Consulate General in Davao, the progress and results will be open and accessible to the public. It was also emphasized that the principle of presumption of innocence must still be put forward against the reyog burning incident. The Foreign Minister also guaranteed that Indonesian citizens in Davao City who reported incidents of reyog burning, nothing would happen, let alone violence. On that occasion, continued SUparno, the KRP submitted files such as photos of the reyog burning procession, photos of reyog artists who appeared at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao in 2005, copies of the KJRI clarifications, copies of statements of apology from the Indonesian Consulate General staff, names of people who must be examined by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Team, and other files
Currently circulating a toothbrush that turns out to be made from one part of the pig's body, namely the fur. The way to find it is to look on the toothbrush package to see if it says "China Bristles" or "Bristles". punk China Bristles is another name for sea urchins and is produced mostly by the Chinese region of China. We must know this because it is based on Imam Syafii's opinion that brushes made of sea urchins are unclean. Pig bristles are indeed the choice of toothbrush manufacturers because the price of the material is cheaper than synthetic bristles. Manufacturers only have to collect, clean and cut them. China is indeed a place that stocks a lot of pork skins because pork is considered halal by its people for consumption. It's not just a toothbrush that we have to watch out for, but a paint brush or a brush for greasing cakes must also be a concern for us as Muslims. A real example is the case of the Eterna brand brush which has been tested by LPPOM and the results are positive using sea urchins. Apart from looking at the packaging, there is another way to find out, namely by burning it. If the brush or brush smells bad, it's most likely using pig bristles. According to Imam Syafii, brushes made from pig bristles used to paint mosques will make the mosque covered with uncleanness and must be removed immediately. Moreover, if the sea urchin becomes a toothbrush that we use every day. Therefore, be careful and continue to be vigilant against various products that can bring harm to us as Muslims.
The statement from the Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Rudiantara threatened to close Facebook, Twitter and Youtube if they did not follow government rules in preventing radicalism. For our social media users, ''I apologize for those who use Facebook, or Youtube if it is forced to be closed, because the government is in charge of maintaining the state's conduciveness,'' said Rudiantara after following the Declaration on Anti Radicalism Friday (14/7/2017) at Universities in West Java. at Padjadjaran University, Bandung City. Indonesian government on international social media platform policies. This is because the government's request to crack down on malicious accounts has not been fully heeded. He explained that in 2016 international social media platforms only closed 50 percent of the accounts requested by the Ministry of Communication and Information to be prosecuted. "In 2016, the government asked to take down accounts on social media and video file sharing, only 50 percent were carried out by international social media platform providers. Obviously, this is very disappointing for us, so we ask for it to be corrected,” Rudiantara explained that the spread of radicalism through cyberspace was getting worse. Radical understanding is inserted online so as to facilitate the infiltration of harmful doctrines. Obviously, ''Rudiantara, the spread of radical content in cyberspace is divided through websites and social media. He explained that it is easier to take action against sites that play a role in spreading radicalism content because the government can directly block them, and for social media, the government must communicate with these service providers. To that end, Rudiantara has sent representatives to communicate with companies providing social media and video sharing services. To follow our rules, the government will take a firm stance if societal there is absolutely no improvement in limiting accounts containing radicalism. The closure of this social media will be carried out in stages, First, by prohibiting Indonesian advertisements that are displayed on social media, because the main business of social media platforms is to serve advertisements. .
Pianist and composer Ananda Sukarlan has been constantly criticized by a number of groups for protesting by leaving the event or walking out, when DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan made a speech in celebration of the 90th anniversary of the founding of Kanisius College, Jakarta, Saturday (11/11/2017). . On social media Twitter, there is a lot of debate between those who support his attitude and those who make fun of him. Musician and politician Erros Djarot even spoke up, regretting Ananda Sukarlan's attitude. Even writings circulating in the name of the clergy Frans Magnis Suseno on social media---although there was no confirmation from Father Frans-Magnis whether it was really his writing. Ananda was invited to attend the event because he received the Canisius Award along with four other Kanisius College alumni who sat in the VIP seats. His WO action attracted the attention of other guests, and several other alumni even participated. KBR journalist Asrul Dwi interviewed Ananda Sukarlan and talked about why he chose to leave the room during Anies Baswedan's speech. Why did you choose to walk out when Governor Anies Baswedan gave a speech? I have always disagreed with Anies Baswedan's method during the DKI Jakarta Pilkada campaign. Also what has he been doing for the past three weeks, where whatever the previous Governor of DKI, Ahok, has been countered. So I'm not really his pick. Then I walked out because I didn't want to hear more of his speech. You said that Anies Baswedan's integrity was in doubt. What does it mean? I was taught by my parents and school about the value of difference. From elementary to high school, I studied at a Catholic school. While I myself am Muslim. That's no problem and not exaggerated. My good friends are also from any ethnicity and any religion. That's no reason to divide. And, like my speech, we make a difference together to be better. Not to divide. Do you see Anies Baswedan still doing that? Yes, you just listen to his speech when he was governor. (During his inauguration as the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Monday, October 16 2017, Anies Baswedan delivered a speech, one of which touched on the indigenous issue. "Jakarta is one of the few places in Indonesia that has felt the presence of colonialists in everyday life for centuries. The indigenous people were oppressed and defeated by colonialism. Now that we are independent, it's time for us to be the host in our own country. Don't let Jakarta be like what is written in the Madura proverb, "Duck se atellor, ajam se ngeremmi." incubating. We are working hard to win independence, we are working hard to repel colonialism.") You are said to have failed to move on after the election for the new governor of Jakarta. Your response? Yes, I have moved on, that's why I don't want to hear his speech. Want anything else? He was democratically elected and I accepted him as governor. But if I had to listen to his speech, to be honest I was a bit lazy. On social media, there are more and more enemies about the DKI Jakarta election. Moreover, there is already polarization in society. Doesn't it make things worse? Of course. But it's not me that confuses me. That is, some start by making a website that I'm Christian, all sorts of things. I've uploaded on my Instagram about how to slander. If you want to slander me, don't say I'm Christian, just say Catholic. Because Canisius is a Catholic school. So if you want to slander, the research must be more correct. That's them in waves. Then I once made a joke on Twitter in English. It reads like this: Hey I'm guy and I'm fall in love with that guy in front of me. And then I realize, its a mirror. And it was retweeted by them hundreds of times. Then I thought he was gay. So here it is, now there is a google translate before slandering translate it first. Father Frans Magnis reportedly also commented and stated that he did not agree with your attitude. Your comments? It must be clarified to him (about writing on social media). Because Father Magnis came only for a short time and he was sick. Can't be bothered about this either. At that time he was kind enough to come to receive the award. So it's a bit difficult to explain. Recently, there have been calls for a boycott of the Traveloka application because the CEO supports your stance. The Traveloka CEO wasn't there. If you want to boycott Traveloka, you must first download the application. It's hard to boycott if you don't have an application. But I don't know how they boycotted it. Just don't slam the phone. How many people took part in the walk-out at that time? My age, class of 1986. Then we took pictures and immediately posted on Facebook. That's roughly wish how many. So don't think of walking out and riding a motorbike in the hall while carrying a flag. My walkout is very polite, like someone going to the toilet. And I don't want to bother other people. So I stood up, very silent, and walked out. I just happened to be sitting in the VIP seat. But how did it get so crowded in the first place? I don't know why it went viral. It was like I was talking on Facebook, and it went viral. That's why our generation made a statement that we came out on our own initiative. Not conspiracy. Nor in the name of Canisius. After all, I am in the same position as Anies Baswedan or Father Magnis, namely invited guests. In my speech, I criticized the organizing committee. No one else.
It is not known with certainty whether the pacifiers circulating in the community contain drugs, but it is necessary to be careful if edward young you immediately report it to the relevant parties. This was conveyed by the Head of the Asahan Regency National Narcotics Agency (BNNK), Drs Pourkus Harianja when confirmed by M24.CO in his office, regarding the pacifier candy which is suspected to contain drugs to this day his party has not been able to confirm and asked the public to be vigilant and if they find the potential to immediately report it to the relevant agencies, he appealed. In this regard, his party will immediately go down to the field to directly check the existence of the goods in question in order to detect them early. "We immediately went down to the field to check the candy pacifiers that were suspected of containing drugs and it was not impossible because the perpetrators of narcotics abuse had gone mad to poison our young generation," he said. ads Indra Lubis, one of the residents, said that if it was true that pacifiers had the potential to contain drugs, the related parties would immediately move to the field because a number of wholesalers in Kisaran were found selling pacifiers. "Hurry down to the field before falling victim, those who are in charge of this matter," he pleaded.
Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati emphasized that there had been no discussion of the salary structure for civil servants (PNS), including the discussion on the President's salary which was reported to have increased to Rp 553.4 million per month. "It does not exist and pension off has never been discussed," said Sri Mulyani at the Bogor Palace, Monday (12/3). So according to Sri Mulyani, the news circulating recently was a hoax. Sri Mulyani also said that people need to be careful because in the current era of social media, a lot of information is produced, and documents that are made similar to the government are then published. "We (Kemkeu) have no discussion about it at all, absolutely nothing," said Sri Mulyani. According to him, the Ministry of Finance will only discuss the new civil servant salary structure in the 2019 RKP and 2019 RAPBN. "We will design it based on what we have conveyed to the board. In financial notes, usually salary increases and payments for the 13th salary as well as for pensions are usually included. by the president during the August financial note," concluded Sri Mulyani.
A while ago, there was a scene about a toothbrush made of pig bristles, with a notification like this, Come on, check the toothbrush, if it says Bristle on the packaging, it means that the toothbrush contains PIG bristles. (There's the word Bristle on the handle of the brush. In Webster's dictionary, it means sea urchin.) Bristle means Pig Hair! So double check the packaging of your toothbrush when buying. Likewise on the brush (bread spreader), it usually says Bristle, Pure Bristle, 100% China Bristle. A little extra About how to determine whether the brush you are using uses these materials or not. to determine whether the brush you are using comes from bristles/pig hair, you can take a very easy and simple step. Hair or feathers are a protein called keratin. Keratin is one of a group of proteins known as fiber proteins. Fiber protein has a long structure. Every animal has the protein keratin in the dermis (surface) of the skin, hooves, beaks, sides of fish, horns, and hooves of animals. As with protein, hair/fur that contains keratin when burned will cause a distinctive odor. The distinctive smell is the same when we smell the aroma of grilled meat. Meanwhile, if the brush is made of palm fiber or coir when burned, it will burn immediately, and does not emit a specific aroma other than the smell of burning ash. When compared to a burnt palm fiber broom, it is clear that there is a very noticeable difference in smell. In addition to these characteristics, brushes made of pig hair/hair still have differences in color. Brushes made of bristle/pig hair are usually white. Usually the soft white brushes are priced higher than similar items. The white brush in the market is usually called a bristle brush. But wait, after doing a little research, it turns out oh it turns out, the meaning of the code is not sea urchins. Here's the explanation Help straighten it out, after HOAX code E as a product with all pork, this is a HOAX explanation that all bristles are also pork, hopefully it can reduce the anxiety of the BRISTLE community. still general. In Arabic, isim nakirah. The meaning of the word bristle is a fine/thin strand (filament) and sturdy/strong. The bristle writing on the toothbrush, simply means bristles, NOT pig bristles. The word bristle which is general in nature (isim nakirah) only has a more special meaning when compared to other words, for example: pure bristle or 100% bristle or natural bristle: meaning fur made from pure animal hair or plant fiber. Can be from horses or other animals. Bristle from plant fibers is also available, namely SIWAK wood. The bristles or bristle of Tang dynasty (619 - 907) toothbrushes were indeed made of pig bristles, but modern toothbrushes made since 1938 are made of NYLON. Until now, there are STILL around 10% of toothbrushes made of sea urchins circulating throughout the WORLD (so NOT 10% in Indonesia as Jeng wrote, whose status I photographed). For hygiene reasons, modern toothbrush manufacturers and consumers prefer nylon toothbrushes. It seems that the joy of welcoming the toothbrush bristle information occurred due to a misunderstanding when reading articles on the LPPOK MUI website. Articles that discuss BRUSH FOR COOKING, are considered the same as the bristles on a toothbrush. the part that is misunderstood on this one: On the handle of a pig's bristle brush is often written the words: Bristle, Pure Bristle, 100% China Bristle, etc. One of the meanings of the word Bristle maker is Pig Hair or sea urchins (Webster's Dictionary) which are unclean when wet. Therefore, bread that is touched by an unclean brush becomes unclean, so it is forbidden to eat it. A substitute for a boar bristle brush is a brush made of plastic (polyester). Brush companies Ken Master and Selery also produce brushes from this halal material. The word ONE in the article is not understood properly where one also means NOT ALL the meanings of the word bristle are sea urchins, including the bristles of modern NYLON toothbrushes. AND some people don't even bother to double-check if it's true that the word bristle ONLY means sea urchin. Qadar Allah this error is so massive that even one of the sites belonging to one of the asatidz interprets it incorrectly.
On social networks, there is a lot of information circulating that calls catfish the filthiest fish. In a mouthful of catfish meat, there are 3,000 cancer cells. the nickname as the filthiest fish refers to the nature of catfish that likes to consume all kinds of waste in the waters. Even an article that is quite viral on the internet mentions that human waste is also used as feed for a catfish cultivation in Haikou City, China. This fish is equipped with an additional breathing apparatus in the form of a labyrinth, so that it can survive in muddy or even polluted water conditions. Presumably, this is what raises the suspicion about the accumulation of carcinogenic toxins (cancer causing) in the body of catfish. Investigation: catfish circulating in the market do not come from the wild. Many catfish are cultivated in ponds, which should be controlled so that they are free from pollution. The feed given can also be chosen, inch not having to rely on waste. The number of catfish production also continues to increase every year. Data from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) shows that catfish production in 2013 reached 543,461 tons, an increase from 441,217 tons in 2012 and 337,577 tons in 2011. According to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), catfish consumption was 29.98 kg/capita/year, up from 22.58 kg/capita/year in 2004. In Jakarta, no less than 6,000 pecel catfish stalls have been registered with the Indonesian Street Vendors Association (APKLI). Regarding the nutritional content, it is undeniable that catfish is a cheap source of valuable protein. The fact that catfish is also low in cholesterol is likely to drown out accusations that catfish can cause cancer. Dr. Dradjat R Suardi, SpB(K)Onk, a cancer expert from the Indonesian Oncology Association, said that until now there has been no research that says eating catfish can trigger cancer. Conclusion: A mouthful of catfish containing 3,000 cancer cells is not true or a hoax.
Iksan, South Korea, Needlework practitioners may claim various benefits from this alternative medicine. However, in stroke, research has shown that acupuncture cannot restore conditions after an attack. Apart from failing to improve the ability to perform daily activities, acupuncture also fails to improve neurological or nerve function in general. If any, the effect was not significant when compared with placebo. Dr. Jae Cheol Kong, a scientist from Wonkwang University concluded this after tracing 10 related studies. Quoted from Reuters, Wednesday (29/9/2010), most all of them concluded acupuncture is not beneficial for stroke patients. The search included a number of databases and journals in Korea, to represent the Asian population. Admitted by Dr Kong, one of the limitations in acupuncture research is the lack of representation of the Asian population because it is carried out by Western scientists. There are 2 kinds of placebo used as a comparison in acupuncture studies. In 8 studies, the placebo was a sham acupuncture technique while the other 2 studies used electrostimulation or electrical stimulation in the comparison group. Unlike real acupuncture, fake acupuncture is performed at points that are not real meridians. In addition, the needle is inserted not too deep or even only in the outermost layer. However, Dr Hongmei Wu from West China Hospital doesn't want to rush into concluding that acupuncture is completely useless. Precisely because acupuncture and placebo both had little effect, he saw the potential for developing new acupuncture methods. Especially for other health disorders, the benefits of acupuncture can be scientifically proven. For example, to increase the success of IVF embryo implantation and relieve acute and chronic pain.
Many people still believe in the efficacy of various alternative treatments in recovering stroke. As is known, stroke is a condition in which the blood vessels narrow and are characterized by the malfunction of one side of the body. Well, usually, after a stroke, people undergo the method of needling (acupuncture) or reflexology to restore the function of body parts. Then, can this alternative method method acting be a stroke healing solution? Doctor Maizul Anwar, SpBTKV as Chairman of Siloam Hospital Kebon Jeruk said that acupuncture only helps restore the body's motor functions that have been disrupted due to stroke. The damage is in the brain, so you can't cure a stroke. Such methods are only as physiotherapy only. Usually also not 100 percent recovered motor as usual, he said, Tuesday (17/1/2016). Stroke, he said, consists of two types, namely ischemic stroke caused by blockage of blood vessels, and the second is hemorrhagic stroke, which occurs when a blood vessel bursts. Ischemic stroke does not cause permanent nerve damage, such as slurred speech, slanted mouth, but can return to normal. But parts of the brain that have been damaged cannot be 100 percent good again, he added. The cause of stroke, according to Dr. Maizul is aging blood vessels. This condition can appear early if the walls of the blood vessels thicken due to a buildup of bad cholesterol or can also be triggered by high blood pressure and a history of heart disease.
Jakarta, It is said that stabbing people who have had a stroke can facilitate the flow of blood that is blocked due to a stroke. As a result, there are stroke patients who have their ears or fingers pierced. Though this is not the right way to deal with stroke. Medically and practically there is no correlation between sticking needles into the tips of the fingers and overcoming strokes, said Dr. Priscilla Ryanti Andradi, SpS in a seminar entitled The Right Solution to Overcome the 2 Most Deadly Diseases in Indonesia, which was held by Multicare at Putri Duyung Convention Hall, Jl. East Lodan No 7, Ancol, Jakarta, and written on Sunday (6/9/2015). Is there any danger posed by piercing certain body parts of people who have had a stroke with a needle? According to Dr. Priscilla, there is no danger, except for leaving a small wound. However, Dr. Priscilla believes that the effort to pierce with a needle is more to maintain the patient's consciousness. Maybe to keep awareness to stay aware, added Dr. Priscilla. Instead of trying to self-medicate a patient who had a stroke, it is better to immediately take powerfully the person concerned to the hospital. This is because the success of stroke treatment is strongly influenced by time. By getting the right help, the damage to the brain caused by a stroke can be minimized. If the symptoms of a stroke that appear are not too severe, people call it a mild stroke. However, do not take it lightly. Because if the blockage in the brain is only a little but does not immediately receive medical attention, it can become severe. Or if the ruptured blood vessels have expanded, it can make the patient unable to help. (vit/up)
Valid - Kanisius College held an award night to commemorate its 90th anniversary at Hall D JIExpo Kemayoran, North Jakarta, Saturday (11/11). The award was given to five alumni across generations. One of them, the famous pianist, Ananda Sukarlan. In the award, the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan was also present. Anies was also lined up to give a speech. When Anies was giving a speech, Ananda Sukarlan suddenly stood up and immediately walked out of the room. In fact, Ananda had originally received the award with Derianto Kusuma (the founder of Traveloka), Father Magnis Suseno (a Jesuit figure), Irwan Ismaun Soenggono (a Scout leader) and Dr. Boenjamin Setiawan (founder of Kalbe Farma). Ananda's action was followed by hundreds of alumni and other attendees. However, the incident did not last long. After Anies finished giving his speech and left the event, Ananda and a number of alumni who had walked out returned to their seats. Ananda then gave a speech after receiving the award. In his speech, the composer of Rapsodia Nusantara explained his attitude in leaving the room. Ananda criticized the committee for inviting Anies to attend the event. "You have invited someone with values ​​and integrity that are contrary to what we have been taught," Ananda said in a written statement received by Tirto, Monday (11/13/2017). When contacted by the Editor of Tirto, Ananda did not deny the incident and his statement. He explained the chronology of himself leaving the room where the event was taking place. “Just when Anies talked about the development of Jakarta. What kind of building, is Tanah Abang so chaotic. If it's chaotic, it's not development," said Ananda. At that time, according to Ananda, he was sitting in the second row walk of seats. When he stood up and walked to the exit at the back, he admitted, many people saw him. When he walked out, said Ananda, a number of alumni of Kanisius College also followed him. Ananda admitted that he did not invite his friends to go out. However, later, Ananda realized that the figures who came out a lot were his classmates, namely the class of 1986. "I came back in half an hour after Anies left," said Ananda. Ananda reiterated that his attitude was not a form of personal hatred. According to him, the move is a criticism of the committee. However, he didn't care if Anies was offended. "There is no personal grudge. This is a critique to the committee. Why invite someone who gets his position is different from the values ​​taught. Not (hatred) on Anies," said Ananda. This incident was also circulated in a video uploaded on Facebook. However, Governor Anies Baswedan even admitted that he did not know that there was a famous composer who walked out when he gave a speech. Anies revealed that he only found out about the incident after arriving at the office. Anies was relaxed in response to that. "According to Eros Djarot, that does not reflect Kanisius' attitude," said Anies at City Hall, Central Jakarta, Monday afternoon. The former Minister of Education and Culture admitted that he respects differences in attitudes and views. Anies also said that he gave the right to anyone to express themselves in their own way. Anies also mentioned the obligation of a governor to protect his citizens. "If then there is a negative reaction, that's just a bonus," he said.
The Head of the Legal, Communication and Public Information Bureau of the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (KemenPAN-RB) Herman Suryatman stated that information about the president's salary, which was valued at Rp. 553 million, was not valid. This information cannot be used as a basis because it is sourced from last year's discussion material. "That's an invalid simulation number. Material for the coordination meeting of the Draft PP on Salaries and Benefits that was held last year. Precisely February 2017," said Herman, in Jakarta. Saturday (10/3). He explained that the explanation contained a simulation of the amount of income for civil servants and state officials (not just the president). “The data declared in the presentation is a discussion material that still requires further study. It not only contains a simulation of the income of State Officials, but also a simulation of the income of civil servants. Please don't be misunderstood." Furthermore, Herman said, if there is data or information circulating related to the field of utilization of the state apparatus and reform, it is expected to confirm it first with him. "Please confirm with us so that the problem is clear. Especially now in the era of public information disclosure, we are obliged to provide good information services,” concluded Herman.
This is important information for all Muslims, especially in Indonesia, please spread this information. Recently, information was spread about one of the toothbrush products that contains pig bristles. If you find that the toothbrush package says "Bristle", it means that the toothbrush contains pig bristles. Sometimes it also says "Pure Bristle" and "100% China Bristle" Quoted from the magazine page, China Bristles means the same as Hog Bristles which means pet pigs. In addition to being used as an ingredient for toothbrushes, materials containing sea urchins are also used in bread brushes, wall paint, cosmetics and so on. According to one employee at the District Court (PN) of Tuban Regency, Bahyu Agung Kurniawan, that it is necessary to be careful because not all of these sea urchins have Bristles inscribed. Even though many scholars have different opinions about the issue of using sea requirement urchins, it is better to avoid it so that the scholars get out of disputes. And that is the best wara' attitude, which is to avoid brushes from sea urchins because the majority of scholars forbid their use. Based on the 2014 MUI fatwa, it was stated that it had forbidden the use of pig bristle brushes. And in 2016, the use of sea bristles already exists in toothbrush products. Wallahu a'lam...
You may have heard the news that eating catfish can cause cancer. For those of you who like to eat catfish, news like this can certainly make you confused. Actually this issue is just a myth or fact, right? Come on, first check the truth of the issue of catfish that causes cancer below. Catfish is a freshwater fish that contains various important nutrients for the body, including protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin B complex. So, catfish itself actually does not contain toxins or harmful substances that are cancer-causing (carcinogenic) in the human body. However, a number of studies reveal that certain mudcat catfish can indeed increase your risk of developing cancer. This is because the catfish has been contaminated with carcinogenic substances, not because of the natural content in the catfish itself. So, not all types of catfish cause cancer. Catfish can be contaminated with carcinogenic substances because they are cultivated in waters that have been contaminated with various types of pollutants (pollution-causing substances). A team of experts from the University of Pittsburgh School of the Health Sciences in the United States proved this in their research. Experts take extracts of catfish that grow in waters that are already highly polluted. This extract is injected into breast cancer cells in the laboratory. The result, after being injected with contaminated catfish extract, it turns out that the cancer cells grow to multiply. After further investigation, it turns out that the catfish contains chemicals that are like the hormone estrogen in the human body. Estrogen levels that are too high in the body are known to increase the risk of breast cancer. The catfish tested by a team of experts was taken from waters that have been mixed with factory waste and human waste. So, this case is very similar to the case of mercury poisoning due to seafood consumption. The fish themselves are harmless. However, because water pollution has become so serious, the fish that live in these waters can also be polluted and eventually consumed by humans. Don't be afraid, only catfish from polluted waters can increase the risk of cancer. Meanwhile, catfish obtained from catfish farms are safe for consumption by you and your family. Currently, catfish farming in Indonesia is regulated and supervised by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. The government itself already has special requirements for catfish cultivation, for example water sources, cleanliness of facilities, use of chemicals, catfish feed, and others. This requirement is regulated in CBIB (Good Fish Cultivation Method). So as long as the fish you choose comes from a farm that has a CBIB certificate, you don't have to worry about the rumors of neighbors whispering that catfish causes cancer. Although catfish is considered safe for your health, it is sometimes difficult to determine which waters the catfish you are buying from. Therefore, it never hurts to reduce the risk by limiting how often you eat catfish. In general, catfish is safe to eat two to three times a week. In addition, you can also remove the skin of the catfish before it is processed into food. The problem is, fish skin is usually the most easily polluted by pollutant substances in dirty waters. You should also vary your choice of side dishes each day. The more varied, the richer and more balanced the nutritional intake for your family's body.
The police denied the issue of the issue of throwing the Koran by the guard at the Mako Brimob Rutan, Salemba Branch, Central Jakarta on Friday (10/11/17). The Head of the Public Information Section (Kabagpenum) of the National Police, Kombes Pol. Martinus Sitompul, emphasized that this was not true. Martinus said that there were sympathizers of certain groups who spread the hoax issue. "It is not true that there was a throwing of the Koran by the guard," said Kombes Martinus in a short message, Friday night. He explained that the riots that occurred on Friday afternoon according to him were triggered by the inmates who did not accept the officers' search of their rooms. Martinus revealed the fact that what actually happened was when the officers were conducting an inspection in the cells of the detainees and then found four cell phones belonging to the detainees of terrorism cases who occupied block C. "The turmoil that occurred was a reaction to the actions taken by guard officers who confiscated cell phones belonging to Block C detainees," he said. During the search, four cell phones belonging to four terrorist convicts were found, namely Juhanda, Saulihun, Khairul Anam and Jumali. A number of angry Block B and Block C inmates then broke the cell door. Not only that, Martinus said that a number of facilities at the Salemba detention center were also damaged, including the gates of Block B and Block C corridors and their windows. Regarding the incident, Member of Commission III of the DPR, Taufiqulhadi, asked the public not to be consumed by misleading news or hoaxes related to the commotion at the Mobile Brigade Headquarters detention center, Kelapa Dua, Depok. He hoped that the public would not be provoked by the news follow of the throwing of the holy Koran. "I hope the public will not be easily provoked. Because there is an insult to the Koran, it is a hoax," he said in Menteng, Jakarta, Saturday (11/11). According to him, the news was deliberately played by sympathizers of certain groups who spread the hoax issue. Because of that, he asked the public not to be consumed by the false news. He also agreed with the police that the commotion was caused by a cellphone confiscated by the police. The action of the police who immediately confiscated the cell phones belonging to the terrorist prisoners, added Taufiqulhadi, was right to remember. He also supports the steps of officers in the security. "I think it's true. We, for example, if the officers do not secure the cell phones of the terrorists, the idea of ​​terrorism may come out of detention," he said. The community in this case must be wiser in accepting the information. This is because the spread of hoax information can pit the Indonesian people against each other by exploiting religious sentiments and dividing unity.
Raids on pacifiers suspected of containing drugs were also carried out in Bangkalan Regency. During the raid, which was held by joint officers from the Bangkalan Police, Satpol PP, and the Bangkalan Health Office, thousands of bottles of dot candy were secured from a number of shops. The target of the raid was not only big shops. A number of hawkers who sell in elementary schools (SD) also did not escape the simultaneous operation in a number of Bangkalan areas. Even the joint officers found the candy agent allegedly containing the banned substance. The total number of confiscated candies was 1,530 bottles. All the evidence is secured at the Mapolres and will be tested in the laboratory to determine the substance in it. “This raid is not only in the city. But we spread it to a number of areas such as Tanah Merah, Kamal and Sukolilo," explained Head of the Bangkalan Police Ops, Kompol Agung Setyono, Wednesday (8/7/2017). The next step, said Agung, is to wait for the results of the examination and research on the content of the candy. If it is proven that they contain illegal drugs, the candy sellers will be summoned for questioning. However, if it does not contain harmful substances, it will be returned. “This candy has spread everywhere. Of course, it is a concern for parents to supervise their children when buying any food,” he added. Meanwhile, Head of the Health Division of the Bangkalan Health Office, Ciptaning Tekad, added that at least the candy should be secured first and waiting for the results of research from the Surabaya Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BBPOM). "If you look at the ML code, these are imported goods. If confect MD is a domestic product. But all the explanations are in Indonesian. Whether this is fake or not, we are waiting for the results of the examination," he explained.
Rumors that catfish contain cancer cells in social networks and word of mouth continue to spread. The impact of this issue that mothers are reluctant to buy catfish managed to summarize the comments of mothers who usually buy catfish for routine consumption as a side dish. Circulation of information that states that catfish contain cancer in pisu because of the life of catfish that can live in very dirty places though. The nickname as the filthiest fish refers to the nature of catfish that likes to consume various types of waste in the waters. In fact, an article that is quite vital on the internet mentions that human waste is also used as feed for a catfish cultivation in Haikou City, China. Based on these issues, in a mouthful of catfish meat, there are 3000 cancer cells. The issue quickly spread on social media and word of mouth. However, this issue has not dampened the sale of catfish in Medan and is still stable and has no effect. According to a number of traders in Medan and catfish farmers in the surrounding Medan, there is no effect of the stalls issue on the consumption and sale of catfish. As admitted by Br Manalu, a catfish trader at Sukaramai Market, Medan. According to him, the sale of catfish remained stable and was not affected by the impact, related to the news, many people still consumed catfish. Sales of catfish remained normal and the price of catfish was also stable at Rp. 18000 per kilo, and it is very unfortunate with the news that catfish contains cancer cells, obviously this makes catfish farmers offended and we as traders will clearly find it difficult to find catfish supplies, he explained, Monday (16/11). A catfish farmer in the Medan Marelan area, Pujiono admitted that he did not affect the demand for catfish from his pond. Even the recent fish harvest has not been able to meet the market, the majority of which are sent to Aceh and the Medan market. Regarding catfish containing cancer cells, Community Nutrition Expert and Professor of Food and Nutrition at the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Prof. Dr. Ir Ali Khemsan MS, while in confirmation via cellular, Monday (16/11) denied the issue. He deeply regretted the news about cancer cell bacteria contained in catfish. In my opinion, the news is not true, in fact it makes catfish cultivators feel offended and devastated, because from there they can meet their needs, he explained. Instead, he said, the trigger for cancer cells was catfish frying oil. It is precisely what makes and causes cancer cells in people who fry something or even catfish themselves for sale using used cooking oil, that can trigger cancer. Therefore, it is hoped that all people will be more careful when buying food fried in oil, he concluded.
Director General of Applications and Information at the Ministry of Communication and Information (Dirjen Aptika Kemkominfo) Samuel Abrijani Pangerapan said Facebook plans to open an office in Indonesia. "Besides opening an office, it will be closer to its users, and the service will be faster," said Samuel after a meeting with Facebook Asia Pacific representatives in Jakarta, Wednesday (2/8/2017). Samuel explained that Facebook plans to open an office in the form of a PT (Limited Company) and will be inaugurated in August 2017. In the meeting, according to Samuel, Facebook was represented by Director Head of Trust and Safet Asia Pacific Jeff Wu and Head of Public Policy Southeast Asia Alvin Tan. The meeting was a follow-up to a meeting with OTT (internet-based service applications) in order to improve the handling of negative content. Furthermore, Samuel said, Facebook on that occasion reported an increase in services, including the handling of negative content. The government expects the service level index (SLI), especially the response to occlude the government, which in 2015-2016 amounted to 49.3 percent can be increased. "If we compare them with others, they are already close to 70 percent, that's what we hope for improvement," he said. On that occasion, Samuel explained, Facebook delivered a geo-blocking feature. Through geo-blocking, Facebook can block access to negative content only in countries where it is prohibited. Thus, content that does not comply with regulations in Indonesia can be blocked specifically in the Indonesian region. Meanwhile, in other countries where it is deemed not to violate the rules, it can still be accessed. He gave an example of pornographic content. "In Indonesia pornography is prohibited and very rigid, so they have to comply with Indonesian regulations because it is prohibited. Maybe in other countries the content is not prohibited so that it can be accessed, while in Indonesia it cannot be accessed," he said.
Lately we often get broadcast information via BBM about first aid for stroke sufferers, the broadcast message sounds roughly as follows: a person who has a sudden stroke (falls from the toilet, etc.), the blood vessels to the brain will burst little by little . Remember, to overcome this do not be nervous / panic. If the victim is at the scene such as in the bathroom / bedroom / living room etc. Do not be moved to another place, because it will accelerate the rupture of blood vessels, and do not let the patient fall again. The first aid method for stroke sufferers is to bleed the victim's blood using a burnt/sterilized needle which is then inserted into the tip of each confirm finger until 1-2 drops of blood come out. If the blood does not come out, it can be massaged until it comes out, after which the victim will wake up after a few minutes. If the victim's mouth is tilted, pull the earlobe until it is red and directly pierce the bottom of the earlobe with a sterile needle until 1-2 drops of blood come out. After the victim is conscious and his mouth has recovered, then he is taken to the doctor / hospital. Usually people who have a stroke will have their blood vessels burst more quickly due to shocks on the way to the hospital / doctor. The person may become unconscious / faint and will usually be disabled / paralyzed. Remember, the first aid method for stroke sufferers is to REMOVE BLOOD from the finger of the person affected by the STROKE, then we can already help the person from the STROKE disease that afflicts them. To get accurate information for the common good, CuitNews conducts searches and looks for various references about whether the broadcast above is true or not. The following is a summary of information obtained by CuitNews from various sources: dr. Ahmad Yanuar, SpS dismissed the truth. So far there is no such research, it is not known whether the action is effective or not, the neurologist from the University of Indonesia told detikHealth. This is also confirmed by dr. Fritz Sumantri, SpS. What must be underlined is that medicine departs from research and trials. As for the way beyond that there has been no research. At least it's not safe yet. Until now medical science does not know such a method, so we also do not know its effectiveness, he stressed. The only action that must be taken immediately is to be taken to the hospital and given reperfusion action at the fastest hour. About 3-6 hours after the incident, the patient must be rushed to the hospital for medical treatment, added Dr. Ahmad. The patient should immediately get a complete examination of his condition. So, a finger prick or puncture under the ear is not the right way because it will not remove the blockage or bleeding that occurs in the patient's brain. The same thing was confirmed by Dr. Fritz Sumantri, SpS. He said that patients should be taken directly to the hospital instead of being stabbed or just taken to the clinic. It is not true that patients should not be transferred anywhere, instead they must be immediately taken to the hospital. The danger of the needling method does not exist, it's just that if the patient is quickly taken to the hospital, the possibility of recovery will also be fast and the treatment will not be too late, he said. It says that this will relieve blood pressure and relieve symptoms. this advice has no scientific basis, even dangerous. Forcing stroke victims to sit up is not a good idea because it will result in a drop in blood pressure. It is best to keep the victim lying down. Stabbing the victim's finger is also a bad idea, not only because it's pointless, but also because it's a waste of time. The sooner contacting medical personnel the better, stroke patients must be treated promptly and appropriately, every minute will be very valuable. Only emergency medical care can help stroke victims, and the results of the efforts of experts will only be optimal if they help no later than 3 hours after the attack. We hope that this summary of information about how to give first aid to stroke sufferers that we often get via broadcast messages can be understood together and we can draw our own conclusions which are right and wrong. Do not be wrong in drawing conclusions and actions, because this is very dangerous for stroke sufferers and can even be helpless.
Catfish is one of the foodstuffs favored by the people of the country. One type of freshwater fish can be processed into a variety of dishes and still has a good taste. Unfortunately, recently circulated information that states that catfish have cancer cells so it is better not to be consumed. Unmitigated, in the body of catfish it is said that there are about 3 thousand cancer cells. Is the information true? Health experts say that fish, which is known for its mustache, is included in foods that are low in cholesterol. Catfish are also rich in various nutrients that are good for the body, especially omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids. What is interesting is that these two types of fatty acids can actually provide benefits in the form of lowering blood pressure in the body. In fact, these fatty acids are said to be able to reduce the risk of various types of cancer. For information that states that in catfish there are cancer cells, until now there has been no scientific research that proves the truth. This means, this information is not true. Health experts say that even though catfish has a variety of nutrients that are good for the body, it's good for us not to consume catfish carelessly. In Indonesia itself, catfish is included in eccentric the fish that can be obtained easily and at the same time has a low price. Usually, the catfish sold in this market come from special farms that do provide catfish as food ingredients for households or places to eat. This type of catfish is clearly safe for consumption and clean. Unfortunately, there are some people who turn out to use catfish as a cleaner for dirt or pests in the fields. This catfish is certainly less clean and less safe for consumption.
to carry out actions to defend Islam and the State that will be carried out by the Muslim community, who are members of the Islamic Community Forum (FUI), who are already angry with the behavior of the leaders of this country, where they should carry out the rules and laws firmly and correctly, but in reality this is not the case. This assumption led to the case of blasphemy against Islam carried out by the defendant Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok, who is currently undergoing trial, it was not dismissed and the public considered that the reasons given seemed made up. plainly Not even a few legal and state administration experts, including the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Mahfud MD, also criticized the government's attitude, especially the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tjahjo Kumolo including President Joko Widodo alias Jokowi who was silent when Ahok was again given his seat as governor. While some regional heads actually experience the opposite. As a result, their demands in the action called the Action to Defend Islam and the State 212 will be carried out in front of the MPR building of the DPR RI, and apparently not a few participants came from several outside Jakarta. As a result, they tried to gather at the Istiqlal Mosque with the intention of carrying out the Fajr prayer in congregation, and also the weather conditions when this news was revealed were raining, as a result they tried to immediately enter shelter while waiting for the prayer time to enter. The owner of this gold-plated luxury car is actually an Indonesian Apparently the fence of the Istiqlal Mosque is actually tightly closed, as received by this media, in the form of photos and descriptions, 5 minutes later when this news was revealed, the participants were also unable to enter to gather and perform the dawn prayer. "Istiqlal Mosque in Padlock…… no one can (may) pray Fajr…. What regime is this….. PKI challenges the Defenders of Islam….our war begins… Allahu Akbar…..!” This is the text in the caption of the photo sent to the media.It can be seen in the photo that the participants are gathering and hoping that the door will be opened soon. Their anger was directed at the government, because the Istiqlal Mosque is managed directly under the Ministry of Religion through the Istiqlal Mosque Management Agency (BPPMI). Where the management of BPPMI is appointed and inaugurated directly by the Minister of Religion who is also in the structure as Chairman of BPPMI. Meanwhile, the responsibility is directly to the President. Meanwhile, it is related to the statement that mentions the involvement of the PKI, due to the connection with the PDI-P as the ruling party and also the main supporter of President Jokowi and also the DKI Jakarta Paslon Ahok-Djarot. And in PDIP itself, it is known that many generations of PKI leaders from the 1960s have filled it. And do not cover themselves even boldly and proudly they admit it. As once said by Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission IX from PDIP, Ribka Tjiptaning, when interviewed and published by one of the media, on September 30, 2015.
DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said he did not know Ananda Sukarlan was protesting his presence at the 90th anniversary of the founding of Kanisius College. But he did not mind and still respect the composer's attitude. “I will greet all, protect all. If then there is a negative reaction, yes, that's a bonus for me. There is nothing, it's normal," said Anies at the Jakarta City Hall, Monday, November 13 2017. Ananda launched a walk out to protest the committee who invited Anies to commemorate the founding of Kanisius College. According to him, Anies does not deserve to be in the midst of the Kanius community. "Why invite someone who goes against the values ​​we were taught at Canisius?" he said when contacted by Tempo, Monday. Ananda said that while studying at Kanisius, he got an understanding of pluralism. By appreciating differences, he believes life in the world will be better. "Differences are what bring us together," he said. However, he considers Anies' figure to be contrary to these values. According to Ananda, during the 2017 DKI regional head election campaign which was full of religious and racist sentiments, Anies Baswedan didn't seem bothered. In addition, Anies' inaugural speech as governor touched on indigenous issues. "I'm not talking about politics, this is a matter of conscience and human values," said Ananda. Anies Baswedan said that he was only informed this morning about Ananda Sukarlan's protest. According to him, anyone has the right to express their thoughts or criticisms in their own way. He attended the event because he was invited inch as governor as well as a friend. "I'm not like someone who doesn't know my friends at Kanisius," said Anies. "And this isn't the first time I've been to Kanisius."
Alumni of the 212 action plan to hold activities at the Istiqlal Mosque, afternoon and evening. The plan, they will hold tarawih in Istiqlal to the streets. The event was also the event for the 212 grand reunion, the consolidation of the people and the launching of the national committee to welcome the return of Habib Rizieq Syihab. "The biggest Tarawih prayer in history (7 million congregations). Let's fill the Istiqlal Mosque and all the surrounding roads up to Tugu Tani, Pasar Senen," reads the agenda for the activity. However, the Istiqlal Mosque apparently did not allow the event to be held. Istiqlal Mosque management sent a letter numbered 259/BPPMI/VI/2017 on Tuesday (6/6) to the Presidium of the alumni of the 212 action, Ustaz Ansufri Idrus Sambo. In the letter, the Istiqlal Mosque management responded to a letter sent by the Presidium alumni of the 212 action with letter number 06/I/PA212-Ext/VI/2017 which was sent on June 4, 2017. "Regarding your request, we apologize that it cannot be considered because that day and date is used for routine activities of the Istiqlal Mosque after Friday," said the Istiqlal Mosque administrator's letter which was signed by A.N. Deputy Head of Public Relations of Istiqlal, Abu Hurairah confirmed the contents of the letter. Because, after Friday prayers, the Istiqlal Mosque will be used for studies with the high priest of the Istiqlal Mosque. "It's true, there is a study by post the high priest (Istiqlal Mosque) after Friday," he said when confirmed by, Friday (9/6).
JAKARTA – The Istiqlal Mosque Management Agency (BPPMI)? denied that his party did not accept the masses of Action 212 Volume II who were going to perform the Fajr prayer there. Previously, it was reported that the administrator of the largest mosque in Southeast Asia had deliberately closed the fence because he did not want the masses to perform the Fajr prayer there. "That in order to optimize the security of the BPPMI mosque, the Istiqlal Mosque since 2002 has imposed a rule (SOP), closing the gates every night at 21.30 WIB and opening them again in the morning at 03.40 WIB before the Fajr prayer is held. All pilgrims are not allowed stay in the Istiqlal Mosque area except under certain conditions and with permission from the security and BPPMI leadership," said BPPMI's publicist, Abu Hurairah Abd Salam?, Tuesday (21/2/2017). Abu explained that the condition of the night of February 20, 2017 until the early hours of February 21 2017, the security of the Istiqlal Mosque had explained to the worshipers who had gathered in the courtyard of the Istiqlal Mosque about the procedure. So, the demonstrators understand and are willing to leave the Istiqlal Mosque area. "BPPMI did not receive notification from any party regarding the plans for pilgrims to stay overnight as in the previous conditions when Muslims held Actions 411, 212, or 112. There was also no special communication from the authorities regarding this matter," he added. Abu added, the Istiqlal Mosque administrators always serve the people and strive for national unity and unity and always maintain the comfort of worship." BPPMI stated that the negative news that had been spread on social media regarding the above, was not in accordance with reality and tended to contain provocations. ," he explained. Abu hopes that the Muslims will not be influenced by this irresponsible news. "The implementation of the Fajr prayer at the Istiqlal Mosque today formula went well and smoothly, led by the Imam, Ustadz Salim Ghazali. The number of worshipers was approximately 240 people or 170 men and 70 women," he said.
A chain message about vigilance against toothbrushes made from pig bristles is spreading in the community. Because of this, there is the word bristle on the packaging of a global toothbrush brand. The message is not really new. The message was spread a year ago, but now it's crowded again. "Let's check the toothbrush, if it says "Bristle" on the packaging, it means that the toothbrush contains pig bristles. Bristle means pig hair. As soon as the sound of the message fragments spread again through the chat application. Not only on toothbrushes, the message maker also suggested that people check the bread brushes. He said the brush usually says "Bristle", "Pure Bristle", "100% China Bristle". As with other hoax messages, the appeal was accompanied by a request to share the message with family and friends in the group so that more people would be spared from non-halal products. It turned out that the informant had misunderstood. Maybe, when he wrote the message, he had not had coffee. Because, the term bristle is not only used for sea urchins. According to the official website of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Food, Drug and Cosmetic Research Institute, the term bristle is lexically a short, stiff hair, and fiber. So, all stiff hair fibers can be called bristle. In the industrial world, bristle is indeed used for making brushes or brushes (including toothbrushes). However, not all of them come from sea urchins. Bristle for brushes and brushes can be sourced from animal hair. Be it pigs, goats, horses, or camels. Apart from animal hair, for industrial purposes, bristle can also be made from synthetic materials, either nylon or silicone. Plant fiber has also been used as a brush or brush material. The fiber is commonly known as palm fiber. The MUI has firmly stated that if a brush or brush uses pork bristles, it is unlawful. However, manufacturers usually write down in detail the raw material used for fur. Usually, for brushes or brushes with boar bristle material, it is written boar bristle brush. Boar itself is an English term that refers to a wild boar. Recognizing the raw material for a brush or toothbrush is not easy. However, you can determine whether the fur comes from tranquillize animal hair or synthetic material by slightly burning it. If you smell hair, you can be sure that the fur comes from an animal. If it is made of synthetic material or coconut fiber, the smell will be different. Referring to a number of sources, the use of bristles on toothbrushes was first carried out by the Chinese in the 15th century. At that time, the hair on the pig's neck was used. The brush was later brought to the European market. However, Europeans prefer horsehair because it is softer. The first modern toothbrush was introduced by William Addis in England around 1780. The handle was carved from cow bone. And, the fur is still made of sea urchin, only one big row. Furthermore, in 1844, a toothbrush with three rows of bristles was designed. Modern technology has finally found nylon can be used as bristles on brushes. The technology was introduced in 1938. Since 1950, the toothbrush industry has mostly used nylon bristles. So, don't be in a hurry to think of the bristle writing on your toothbrush packaging as a sea urchin.
Important info for Muslims about toothbrushes made of pig bristles, immediately check the toothbrush you are using, If it says "bristle" you can be sure it's made of sea urchin. Bristle itself is the same as Hog Bristle which means domesticated pig. The Longman Dictionary of Contemprary English defines hog is a large pig that is kept for its meat, China bristle is made from hogs raised in China. Also, the website says that the hog/bristle is made of pig back hair. So how to tell which toothbrush is made of Bristle? Look at the wrapper, if it's from bristles, then it's made from sea urchins. Please burn the bristles, if it smells like burning hair, it means it's from pig bristles. But if it melts and becomes hard, it means it is made of plastic and is safe to use. The risk of using what is haram: Worship is rejected, prayer is rejected, and hell is more worthy (hadith). Save ourselves and our loved ones. Apart from toothbrushes, there are also other products commonly used in everyday life, namely brushes, not a trivial matter, brushes are widely used to paint houses, prayer rooms to mosques, The following are tips to avoid brushes from sea urchins Now, it is important for you and all of us to know how to tell which brush is which who wears sea urchins or not? To determine whether the brush you are using comes from feathers/ pig hair, can take very easy and simple steps. Hair or fur is a protein called keratin. Keratin is one of a group of proteins known as fiber proteins. Fiber protein has a long structure. Every animal has the protein keratin in the dermis (surface) of the skin, hooves, beaks, sides of fish, horns, and hooves of animals. As with proteins, Then the hair / fur that contains keratin when burned will cause a distinctive odor. The distinctive smell is the same when we smell the aroma of grilled meat. Meanwhile, if the brush is made of fibers or coir when burned, it will immediately burn. and does not emit a specific odor other than the smell of burning ash. When compared to a broom Burnt palm fiber is very clear there is a very noticeable difference in smell. Let's clean it from this invisible unclean hopefully The Institute for the Study of Food, Drugs and Cosmetics (LPPOM) does not pass the product containing Bristle in Indonesia According to Imam vulcanized fiber Syafii, if a brush made of sea urchins is used to paint a mosque, then the paint also becomes unclean and must be removed. Then, how if it is used as a toothbrush to brush our teeth? Beware
A total of 18 members of the Reyog Ponorogo Community (KRP) visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) office on Jalan Pejambon, Central Jakarta, Monday (2/11/2015). They came to ask for information and clarification regarding the burning of reyog at the Consulate General in Davao, Philippines. They brought 2 sudden peacocks, a barong, and a gayor with a picture of a dragon, a banner that reads "Resolute Action on Burning Reyog at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao Philippines" and an open letter to Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi. Their arrival was related to the burning of reog that occurred at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao on 20 October. They also attached a picture showing the reyog burning. "Our arrival is to officially ask the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is the "superior" of the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao - Philippines to convey information and clarification honestly and transparently regarding the burning of Reyog Ponorogo's property," said KRP Chairman, Suyatno to reporters. Suyatno was accompanied, among others, by the Deputy Chairperson of the KRP Suparno Nojeng, the Secretary of the KRP M Syaiful Jihad, the Treasurer of the KRP Agus Susanto, the leader of the reyog group Singo Wiro Yudho, Eko Prasetyo and the reyog artist who had performed in Davao Philippines in 2005, Suyono Gendon. After waiting for some time, 6 KRP representatives were received by Siti Sofia Sudarma, Director of Information and Media at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at 10.20 WIB. For 30 minutes they held a meeting and as a result the Ministry of Foreign Affairs promised to seek information related to the incident by forming a team to the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao in the near future. "The team will further clarify the incident and we will convey the results to the KRP," said Sofia. Previously, reports and photos of the burning of reyog artistic properties such as gayor, peacock masks and dragon head gamelan were appeared in a number of online media along with photos of the burning of peacock masks. The arson was allegedly info carried out in the courtyard of a house that also serves as the Indonesian Consulate General's office in Davao City, Philippines. In the news that also spread on social media it was written that the reason for the burning was because they considered the property as an idol. The Indonesian Consulate General in Davao confirmed on its website that it had destroyed the Ponorogo area on 20 October 2015. The asset since 1988 was burned because it was in a damaged condition and eaten by termites. The Indonesian Consulate General in Davao is trying to find a new replacement. "The arson was not at all an attempt by the Consulate General in Davao City to damage or eliminate Reog Ponorogo as a cultural asset. The destruction of these assets has been carried out carefully and with full respect for Reog Ponorogo as a cultural asset. Consulate General in Davao City would also like to emphasize that the arson was burned. absolutely nothing to do with efforts to exorcise idols or spirits,"
DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan admitted that he did not have a problem and still respects the attitude of composer Ananda Sukarlan who protested his presence at the 90th anniversary of the founding of Kanisius College. “I will greet all, protect all. If then there is a negative reaction, well that's a bonus for me. There is nothing, it's normal," said Anies at the Jakarta City Hall, Monday, November 13 2017. Ananda Sukarlan launched a walk out to protest the committee who invited Anies to commemorate the founding of Kanisius College. "Why invite someone who is against the values ​​taught to us at Kanisius," he said when contacted by Tempo, Monday, October 13 2017. Ananda said that while studying at Kanisius he got an understanding of pluralism. By appreciating differences, he believes life in the world will be better. "Differences are what bring us together," he said. However, he considers Anies' figure to be contrary to these values. According to Ananda, during the 2017 Jakarta Pilkada campaign which was full of religious and racist sentiments, Anies Baswedan did not seem bothered. In addition, Anies' inaugural speech as governor touched on indigenous issues. "I'm not talking about politics, this is a matter of conscience and human values," said Ananda Sukarlan. Anies Baswedan said that he was only informed this opinion morning about Ananda Sukarlan's protest. According to him, anyone has the right to express their thoughts or criticisms in their own way. He attended the event because he was invited as governor as well as a friend. "I'm not like someone who doesn't know my friends at Kanisius. And this isn't the first time I've been to Kanisius," concluded Anies Baswedan.
The discourse of the Minister of Communication and Informatics Rudiantara to stop social media services is the last step taken if there is no change from them giving space to spread hoax content. "Actually, Indonesia does not intend to close, but if it is too late, we can close wish it," said Rudiantara in Jakarta, last weekend. The man who is familiarly called Chief RA demanded that social media platforms move actively to help the government overcome the negative content milling about. However, differences in policies make the government's wishes often hampered. He gave an example of the obstacles that occur with Facebook. As the most popular social media in the country with 110 million users, Facebook is a fertile field for those who like to promote hate content and fake news. Rudiantara admitted that his ministry often asked Facebook to withdraw such content in a short time. However, because Facebook's policy requires that requests coming from the government be discussed with its legal team in the United States, it will take a long time. Meanwhile, the government doubts Facebook's US policy towards its requests can understand the context of the national situation. "I respect their policies, but this is happening in Indonesia, so you should follow the rules here," Rudiantara continued. He wants Facebook and other social media that are quite popular in the community to have representatives in Indonesia. This is intended so that coordination can run faster. Nukman Luthfie, a social media activist, admits that the distance factor is an obstacle to efforts to counteract negative content on social media. According to him, the adoption of a country's law is faster if the social media company has a representative office in the country concerned. "The handling of content on Twitter is better because they have representatives here," admits Nukman. The statement to close social media was first made by Rudiantara when he introduced the MUI fatwa regarding the use of social media. At that time he would firmly hold social media companies responsible for the content they have.
Masses from various regions on Thursday (1/12/2016) night began to visit the National Monument area, Central Jakarta, to prepare for the prayer together on Friday (2/12). A resident of Parung Panjang, Bogor Regency, Fajhulah, who was met in the Monas area admitted that he had arrived with eight colleagues at 22.00 WIB. However, the plan to enter the Monas area was canceled because the public prayer area was not allowed to be entered by the public until Friday (2/12) morning. People who came to Monas on Thursday night also came from other areas outside Greater Jakarta such as Tasikmalaya and Garut, West Java. The Monas area is currently sterile from the general public to prepare for the prayer together. In addition to security officers, some people who enter are only those with an interest in preparing event facilities. Several vehicles to provide drinking water, ablution water, medical equipment, security system and tactical vehicles appeared to arrive. A pedestal for communal prayer and congregational Friday prayers has also been held, complete with an ablution area that surrounds Monas. Security is carried out strictly by a joint apparatus of the TNI, Polri, and the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. The joint prayer event on December 2, 2016 is planned to be held at Monas starting Friday morning with the reading of dhikr, prayers, and ending with Friday prayers in congregation.
Lately we often get broadcast information via BBM about first aid for stroke sufferers, the broadcast message sounds roughly as follows: a person who has a sudden stroke (falls from the toilet, etc.), the blood vessels to the brain will burst little by little . Remember, to overcome this do not be nervous / panic. If the victim is at the scene such as in the bathroom / bedroom / living room etc. Do not be moved to another place, because it will accelerate the rupture of blood vessels, and do not let the patient fall again. The first aid method for stroke sufferers is to bleed the victim's blood using a burnt/sterilized needle which is then inserted into the tip of each confirm finger until 1-2 drops of blood come out. If the blood does not come out, it can be massaged until it comes out, after which the victim will wake up after a few minutes. If the victim's mouth is tilted, pull the earlobe until it is red and directly pierce the bottom of the earlobe with a sterile needle until 1-2 drops of blood come out. After the victim is conscious and his mouth has recovered, then he is taken to the doctor / hospital. Usually people who have a stroke will have their blood vessels burst more quickly due to shocks on the way to the hospital / doctor. The person may become unconscious / faint and will usually be disabled / paralyzed. Remember, the first aid method for stroke sufferers is to REMOVE BLOOD from the finger of the person affected by the STROKE, then we can already help the person from the STROKE disease that afflicts them. To get accurate information for the common good, CuitNews conducts searches and looks for various references about whether the broadcast above is true or not. The following is a summary of information obtained by CuitNews from various sources: dr. Ahmad Yanuar, SpS dismissed the truth. So far there is no such research, it is not known whether the action is effective or not, the neurologist from the University of Indonesia told detikHealth. This is also confirmed by dr. Fritz Sumantri, SpS. What must be underlined is that medicine departs from research and trials. As for the way beyond that there has been no research. At least it's not safe yet. Until now medical science does not know such a method, so we also do not know its effectiveness, he stressed. The only action that must be taken immediately is to be taken to the hospital and given reperfusion action at the fastest hour. About 3-6 hours after the incident, the patient must be rushed to the hospital for medical treatment, added Dr. Ahmad. The patient should immediately get a complete examination of his condition. So, a finger prick or puncture under the ear is not the right way because it will not remove the blockage or bleeding that occurs in the patient's brain. The same thing was confirmed by Dr. Fritz Sumantri, SpS. He said that patients should be taken directly to the hospital instead of being stabbed or just taken to the clinic. It is not true that patients should not be transferred anywhere, instead they must be immediately taken to the hospital. The danger of the needling method does not exist, it's just that if the patient is quickly taken to the hospital, the possibility of recovery will also be fast and the treatment will not be too late, he said. It says that this will relieve blood pressure and relieve symptoms. this advice has no scientific basis, even dangerous. Forcing stroke victims to sit up is not a good idea because it will result in a drop in blood pressure. It is best to keep the victim lying down. Stabbing the victim's finger is also a bad idea, not only because it's pointless, but also because it's a waste of time. The sooner contacting medical personnel the better, stroke patients must be treated promptly and appropriately, every minute will be very valuable. Only emergency medical care can help stroke victims, and the results of the efforts of experts will only be optimal if they help no later than 3 hours after the attack. We hope that this summary of information about how to give first aid to stroke sufferers that we often get via broadcast messages can be understood together and we can draw our own conclusions which are right and wrong. Do not be wrong in drawing conclusions and actions, because this is very dangerous for stroke sufferers and can even be helpless.
JAKARTA, Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Arrmanatha Nasir said he was investigating internally regarding the burning of reog at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, Philippines. "Essentially, there has been an official statement (statement) from the Consulate General in Davao regarding the reog issue and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also has an internal process to confirm it because the item is an asset of a state agency," said Arrmanatha Nasir in Jakarta, Sunday. On 20 October 2015, the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao issued an official statement that the destruction of Ponorogo reog by burning was carried out because its condition had been damaged and eaten by termites. However, the photos that circulated virally and have even been distributed by local online media Bitung News, show that there was a certain ritual before the burning. One of the photos also shows that before being burned, the Ponorogo reog was stored in a glass cabinet and appeared to be in good condition. Apart from the reog, in another photo, it appears that the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao removed the dragon ornaments on the gamelan set and then also burned it. Related to this, Arrmanatha conveyed that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would carry out inspections according to the processes in accordance with existing standards. " Periodically there are internal inspections , " he said . indonesian Domestic reactions related to the burning of Reog Ponorogo at the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, were conveyed by the Jabodetabek Reog Community. The community sent an official letter to the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao, Philippines, asking for clarification on information on the burning of reog art instruments by Indonesian Consulate General officials. Secretary General of the Jabodetabek Reog Association, Agus Setiyoko, said that his party hoped that the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao would not only provide a detailed explanation of the burning of reog, but also broadcast clarifications on the burning of reog art objects in a number of national media.
Dozens of participants in the action to defend the ulama, led by the Presidium Alumni 212, gathered in the courtyard of the Istiqlal Mosque, Central Jakarta, Friday (9/6/2017) afternoon. Gathered around the door of Al Fattah, the masses listened to the speech using a car with loudspeakers. They chose to sit because there were many congregations who participated in routine activities organized by the Istiqlal Mosque management. As a result, the crowd could only give speeches and chant prayers outside the mosque, which was centered around their command car. In their speech, the masses said they would try to enter the Istiqlal Mosque and carry out their activities until the time for the Tarawih prayer. "Don't criminalize ulama, because they are religious broadcasters who continue the Prophet Muhammad SAW," said the orator of the top action on the command car.
As someone who is active every day and meets many people, you need to know about first aid for stroke sufferers. Maybe you meet someone who has had a stroke, so you can help him and at least save his life. Stroke attacks occur suddenly without the knowledge of the sufferer even though sometimes the body has shown symptoms. A stroke can occur because blood flow to the brain is blocked due to blockage or narrowing of blood vessels. Because the brain lacks blood, it causes the death of cells in the brain. This condition makes stroke sufferers experience partial or complete paralysis when the attack comes. This disease is very serious and must be treated immediately. In the past, stroke only attacked the elderly, but now it's different. An irregular and healthy lifestyle makes children susceptible to stroke. If you have had a stroke, there will be a lot of suffering that a person faces both physically, mentally and financially. This condition will make the sufferer's spirit of life decreases and they don't want to fight to live anymore. Neither you nor the people around you want to have a stroke. Therefore, you must be aware of the symptoms of stroke that are shown by the body before the attack occurs. Take immediate action if you experience stroke symptoms. If you meet a stroke patient, give him or her first aid to save a stroke patient. There is a unique way that can save stroke sufferers, namely by using a needle. Needles that are usually used for sewing, but can treat several diseases including stroke. You must be familiar with the method of healing diseases with needles or acupuncture. The first aid method when a stroke occurs is using a needle, introduced by a professor from China. Before finally bringing the stroke patient to the hospital, apply a needle. This needle makes stroke sufferers can prevent the severity of stroke. When you are faced with a stroke sufferer, don't panic. Calm down and find the needle. Avoid moving or lifting the stroke sufferer from that place. Use any needles, whether sewing needles, syringes or safety pins. Then make sure the needle is sterile or you can sterilize it by burning it first, before applying it to stroke sufferers. Use the sterile needle to insert 10 fingers of stroke sufferers. Insert the needle slowly, but not too deep. Make sure the blood is flowing from the fingers you pricked. If it doesn't bleed, press firmly until it bleeds. After everything bleeds, let it sit for a few minutes. Hopefully the patient will wake up after getting first aid for this stroke sufferer. If the skin of the sufferer of a strike attack is discolored or sideways all you have to do is massage the ear until it turns red. Then, prick the ear with the soft skin with the needle until blood comes out. Do that way on both ears of stroke sufferers. Wait, until a few minutes and hopefully his mouth returns to normal. Take the patient to the nearest hospital, even if under normal circumstances or not. So that stroke patients get further examination and treatment. hold open This method has been proven to be able to save stroke sufferers and as a proper first aid for stroke sufferers. The discovery of this method can save people from sudden strokes. We are also no longer confused in dealing with someone who has a sudden stroke. Rest assured that you can help and do not hesitate to do the above treatment.
Stroke is a condition in which the blood supply to the brain is cut off due to blockage of blood vessels. This condition can cause the death of cells in the brain. That is why stroke sufferers cannot move their body members when they have a stroke. Stroke is a serious disease, if not treated immediately can cause death. In the past, stroke only attacked the elderly, but now even young people can have a stroke. There are many burdens that have to be faced by stroke sufferers, ranging from physical, mental or financial limitations. This can make stroke sufferers decrease their enthusiasm for life. So heavy that must be lived by stroke patients. first aid for stroke sufferers How to save a stroke by a needle There is a unique and powerful way to deal with a stroke by using a needle. Needles are not only for sewing, but help overcome several diseases including stroke. You must have known that now there are many methods of curing diseases using needles called acupuncture. This method of first aid for stroke attacks with needles was introduced by a Professor from China. You can apply a needle to a stroke patient before being taken to the hospital. This is to make the patient better and prevent the symptoms of stroke from getting worse. When you are faced with someone who is having a stroke, don't panic. Do not lift or move the stroke patient from their position. Just take advantage of the needle, it can be a sewing needle, a safety pin or a syringe which is an important needle. employ However, make sure the needle is completely sterile or burn it before using it on stroke sufferers. Take a sterile needle and insert it into 10 fingers of a stroke patient. Prick into the patient's finger slowly, not too deep. Make sure the blood flows from the finger you pricked. If it doesn't bleed, press firmly until it bleeds out. After all the fingers are bleeding, wait a few minutes. After that, the patient should immediately regain consciousness. If the mouth of the sufferer has a sideways stroke or is oozing, you must massage the ear until it turns red. Then. Pierce the ear in the soft part of the skin with a needle until the blood comes out. Do this on both ears of the patient. Wait a few minutes, then the patient's mouth returns to normal. After the patient returns to normal, check his body for abnormalities or not. Take the stroke patient to the hospital for further examination and treatment. This method is proven to be effective in providing first aid to stroke sufferers when experiencing a stroke. With the discovery of this method, many people can be saved from sudden strokes. So, we are no longer confused when we meet people who have had a stroke. Do the treatment as above, don't hesitate and steady your heart to help stroke sufferers.
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