Title: Webcam Sister Summary: Rent money, a sexy older sister, and online fun! Keywords: inc,fic,real,hot,brother,sister My little apartment. I was finally able to afford a cozy little apartment in downtown San Francisco. But that was a few years ago. Since then, the city has been booming and tech workers flooded the city. Generally, that's a great thing, but for a lot of people (including me), rent was skyrocketing. That's when I was forced to do something I dreaded: I had to find a roommate. No more privacy. No more quiet place. No more bachelor pad. I needed a roommate or else I wouldn't be able to afford my little apartment anymore. And I needed a roommate fast. Screw you landlord! You greedy bastard! I used social media. I had a decent amount of facebook friends. Luckily, most of the people I knew were in the San Francisco bay area. I was hoping that someone wanted to move to the city and was willing to pay me several hundred dollars for my extra bedroom. There were a few inquires. Some people were interested, but nothing ever came of it. I was starting to get worried until I got an email from Ellary. At that point, I hadn't seen my older sister in several months. Since she graduated from college, she had moved all over the place to pursue her dreams in the fashion & modeling industry. She had lived in New York, Miami, and Los Angeles. At one point, she had even traveled to Europe for work. But apparently, she was interested in moving back to San Francisco to stay close with our family. I looked at the new pictures on her google profile. She had recently turned 30. It's hard to admit, but she became even sexier than before. She had always been a party girl. But suddenly she seemed more womanly, more mature. Yet, she still had a playfulness about her. All of her facial features were perky and youthful. All of her google photos were of her smiling to the camera with her pouty lips and slightly upturned nose. Growing up together, I used to tease her because she looked like a duck. Now, only an idiot would tease her appearance. I stared at the computer screen, thinking of how to reply to her inquiry. Based on her email, she sounded serious about moving in with me. I'm sure it was an easy decision for her. The rental market for living in SF had become insane. The downside would be that I would have to live with her. We've always gotten along, but there was always a sibling rivalry between us. The friendly kind. But who knows? Maybe she's matured. I know I have. My fingers waited on the keyboard and I was ready to reply to my sister's email. But it was my sister. My sister! It didn't feel right to just email her about something so important. With our family, we always had to talk. Our parents were against the use of email when communicating with family. They preferred to do things traditionally. Maybe they have a point. I needed to call her. That way, there would be no misunderstandings, and no hurt feelings if we couldn't come to terms. The last thing I want was a family feud. Doing things over the phone seemed to be the better option. I picked up my phone and called her. After several rings, she answered: We made small talk at first. Then I realized that I hadn't called my sister in years, and vice versa. We only spoke at family gatherings, or communicated online through email and facebook. How awkward. "I got your email," I eventually said. "And? What do you think? Is the offer still open?" "It is. I was thinking about posting an ad online." "Well, you're in luck," she replied. "I had been thinking about moving back to San Francisco for the past few months. Then I saw your note on facebook and it helped me make my decision." "So this is all my fault?" I joked. "Definitely. And I expect a fair deal." "Don't worry, I'll give you a fair deal." "Good, because a fair deal is all I can afford right now." The issue of money suddenly came to mind. "Do you already have a job ready in San Francisco?" I asked cautiously. "Something like that," she replied in a coy tone. "What does that mean?" "It means I still earn money." My sister's vagueness was driving me crazy. I wanted to sigh out loud, but I didn't want to be rude. "Renting an apartment here is tough," I said calmly. "So I'll need a few hundred dollars from you each month." "That can be done." "At least $400. Preferably $500. That's the best deal I can give you." "Sure, no problem." "Do you have a job?" I asked cautiously again. "Something like that." "Don't take this the wrong way, but if you don't have enough money, I'll have to kick you out. I can't afford this apartment with my salary anymore." "Still don't believe me, huh?" she asked playfully. "Rent is serious business." Ellary paused for a moment on the phone. "How about this? I'll transfer $5,000 to your account as a good faith gesture. That'll cover my end of the rent for the next several months. Then for each month after that, I'll pay $500 monthly, and some extra for food and other stuff. Sound good?" Suddenly, I felt like an asshole. "Jeez, I wasn't expecting that." "I've got some income and savings." "Oh, I just assumed that you'd need a new job since you're moving here." "I'm kind of like a freelance model now," she replied. "So I can take my work anywhere. My income should be steady until I find something better to do." "Great. I'm glad. This feels so sudden." "If you think it's sudden, then wait until next month." "What happens then?" I asked. "What do you think? I'll be moving back to San Francisco and we'll be best buddies." "Sounds good." "Then it's settled," she replied. "Email me your bank information and I'll send you $5,000 tomorrow. I'll book a flight next month and you can pick me up at the airport." Suddenly it hit me. My sister Ellary was going to be my new roommate for the foreseeable future. And I had already agreed to it. Damn you, greedy landlord! In typical Ellary fashion, she said a quick goodbye and hung up the phone before I had a chance to clarify things. And that was it. Freedom would soon be over. So long being lazy in front of the tv, or doing whatever I wanted, or leaving my stuff everywhere. Ellary was coming. And she was going to be my new roommate for the next few years. Part 2 of 3: My Roommate, My Sister I woke up to the sound of things moving in the other room. Actually, it wasn't just 'another room' anymore, it had become Ellary's room. Whatever she was doing, it was annoying. It sounded like she was pushing her desk around or something. Landlord, this is all your fault. Sleep was no longer an option, so I got up and started my day early. It was our first morning together as roommates. By the time I washed up in the bathroom, Ellary was already in the kitchen. She wore a large white tshirt with tiny shorts. Her athletic legs and bare feet were showing. Her face was make-up free. And her long hair was tied in a simple ponytail. There was no denying it- she looked good. Amazingly good. A pot of coffee was boiling and she was stirring something on the stove which smelled like a decent breakfast. Plates were already arranged along with freshly sliced fruits. "Hey," she said with a bright smile. "Morning. What are you doing?" She continued stirring. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm making us breakfast." "You know how to cook?" "This breakfast isn't making itself. Yeah I know how to cook." "Sorry. You never seemed like a cooking person. No offense." "None taken," she said, putting the food on the plates. "Sit down." When I sat down, my sister made sure the plates were prepared. Then she poured me a cup of hot coffee, along with another cup of water. As always, I started with the water. She sat down and we began to eat. Maybe this won't be so bad after all. "Pretty good," I said after the first bite. "Thanks. Years of practice." "I can tell." She stuffed her mouth full of food before preparing to talk. "By the way, I ordered some stuff online. It should arrive next week. Be on the look out." "What did you order?" "Computer stuff." "First you're cooking. Now you're a computer nerd? What's this world coming to?" She smiled, "It's for my job." "Are you ever going to tell me what this mythical job is?" "I've told you. It's modeling related. That's all you need to know." "Okay. Just don't hurt your brain using the computer." Ellary sharpened her eyes. "If I remember correctly, I've always had better grades than you. Plus, aren't you the one who accidentally blew up dad's mustang because you didn't know how to drive stick?" "That was back in high school," I replied, nearly blushing from the embarrassment. "Anyway, if you get the package when I'm not around, just leave it in my room." "Will do." *** It was a week later that I learned what her package was. It was a high quality webcam for her computer. She also got new speakers and other stuff which I was clueless about. Apparently, my sister had become tech savvy. But I naturally assumed that she needed it to communicate with people in the fashion industry since she was home all the time. Or maybe she was using it to talk with her friends also. The roommate thing went a lot smoother than I expected. I didn't annoy her. And she didn't annoy me. We got along like friends. Our parents thought it was great that we were living together as adults. Aren't tight-knit siblings every parents dream? Ellary always seemed happy. It wasn't like when we were young and she would occasionally have mood swings or hissy fits. I assumed it was because she was more mature. Maybe traveling around the world had helped her become more level headed. Whatever the reason, I was treated to my sister's cooking everyday. The dinners she made were really good. Every night was something new. It was certainly a lot better than the stuff I was eating before. Plus I saved a lot of money with my sister cooking. I didn't have to buy as much takeout food. As much as it hurts to admit, she always looked sexy making breakfast. Every morning I woke up to the same sight: Ellary in a tshirt, her legs showing, her hair tied. Most of the time it was painfully obvious that she wasn't wearing a bra. I tried my absolute hardest not to look, but occasionally, I would glance at her nipples poking through her tshirt. A few weeks had already passed. I still wasn't sure how our tenure as roommates would turn out. *** There was an electrical problem at work which allowed all the employees to go home early. It was Friday and it felt like a long week. Heading home was the only option. I had already envisioned myself being able to sit back on the couch to watch tv or play video games. When I opened the door to the apartment, I heard loud music coming from my sister's room. Dance music. It was the kind of stuff Ellary loved listening to. I had no idea she listened to music so loudly when I was at work. Before I closed the door (which always made a loud shutting noise), I heard a moan. Then another. What the fuck? My sister was either watching porn on her computer, having sex, or she was masturbating. Whatever the case, things just got super weird. I closed the door gently so she wouldn't hear me. I wasn't sure why I did that. It probably would have been best if I slammed the door so Ellary could hear me and stop whatever she was doing. With the door closed, I took off my shoes and made my way down the hall. I saw that Ellary's door was wide open. The only way for me to go to my room was by passing through Ellary's room. It seemed like we were going to see each other no matter what. I should have called out to give her a warning, but I didn't. Another moan came from her room. I felt guilty for getting aroused. My heart was pounding. It was a nervous situation and I felt like my hormones were taking over my judgement. I didn't know what I was doing anymore. My mind was being controlled by my sexual curiosity. I took a few steps towards my sister's room. Then I took a little peak inside. Ellary wore the same large tshirt she wore in the morning. But she wasn't wearing anything on her bottom. Her knees were on the chair and her ass was facing the computer's webcam. All while she was fucking herself with a sex toy. She was masturbating for someone on cam! She even started to talk dirty. She kept repeating the fact that she was close to an orgasm, and that it felt so good. On the computer screen, there was a video feed of some guy jerking off to my sister. The whole situation was like a train wreck. I couldn't turn away. And I was incredibly aroused. When my eyes shifted back to my sister, she was looking back at me, and our eyes were locked. She was completely mortified beyond words. So was I. She had just caught me spying on her. She screamed at the top of her lungs. Then she pulled the sex toy out of her pussy and stood up straight, using the large tshirt to cover her naked bottom. "You fucking asshole!!" she yelled. "What the hell are you doing?!" "Me?! This is my apartment!" "And I'm paying rent for privacy! Get away from my room!" My sister marched towards me to slam the door shut. At that very moment, it was obvious that our relationship had changed forever. *** I stayed in my room a few hours until things cooled down. It was the worst possible way to spend my afternoon off. Watching my sister masturbate on cam was something that could never been unseen. It would remain in my memory forever, and for all the wrong reasons. My biggest fear was that our relationship would never be the same again. God, why did I have to look? Why? The smell of my sister's cooking was enough to pull me out of my bedroom. Hopefully she wasn't mad anymore. If she was, she wouldn't have been cooking, that's for sure. I saw her cooking dinner as if nothing was out of the ordinary. She wore a plain gray tshirt and dark sweat pants. Her attention remained on the food she was cooking. "Smells good," I said. Ellary turned to me and smiled. "Thanks. I'm going out with some old friends later tonight. So all of this is for you." "Oh, well, thanks." She put the food onto a plate when she was done. Then she put it on the table before standing there awkwardly in a pause. "Do you mind if we sit and talk for a moment?" she asked. "Sure. Of course." Both of us sat down at the dining table. Ellary sat straight with a formal demeanor, as if she was prepared to do a presentation or something. Nerves were definitely in the air. "About what you saw earlier," she said. "I haven't been totally honest with you. Well, I have. I've never lied about anything. But I haven't told you everything either." "There's nothing wrong with, you know, doing that stuff on cam. A lot of people do it nowadays. Even some of my ex-girlfriends used to send me naked pictures and stuff like that." "You don't understand." "There's nothing to understand. We'll just pretend this never happened." "I'm a webcam model," she said bluntly. It felt like I had been hit by a wave after my sister's admission. I was shocked. I mean, Ellary? A webcam model? "Seriously?" I asked. "Yes, seriously." "You mean, as in, doing things on cam?" "For paying customers," she clarified. At that point, I didn't know whether to be mad, disappointed, or aroused. I was definitely shocked though. Ellary never seemed like the type of woman to do something like that. "I don't know what to say." "Tell me whatever comes to mind," she said. "It's okay. We're roommates now. Plus we're family. I want us to be open & honest with each other." I shrugged. "Wow. That's all I can say. I never thought you would ever do something like that." "It's not like I'm sleeping with anyone for money. I simply provide an online service. It's perfectly legal. I'm happy doing it. It pays really well. Plus I get to work my own hours." "How long have you been doing this?" "Not long. A few months. My former roommate got me into it." "Did you two ever..." She smiled, "No, you perv. We never did lesbian acts on cam together. I found out that she had been doing it, and she suggested that I give it a try. Again, I'm not screwing anyone for money. I would never do that." "I never suggested any of that." "Good. So, you're not upset with me?" "No." "And you're not going to throw me out of here, right?" "Of course not." "And you're not going to tell mom and dad right?" "God no." She nodded. "Thank you. You're the best." "Are you going to keep doing it?" "For the time being," she replied. "My online fan base is growing. I'm making a lot of money. I'll stop when I can find a decent job that pays well." "How much do you make, you know, doing this?" Ellary raised an eyebrow, "Depends on how much I work. Covering my end of the rent won't be a problem. I'll leave it at that." "Not bad I guess." "I think it's fun. I work my own hours. There are tons of jerks online, but there are also some really cool people to chat with. And the orgasms. Gosh. I love being an online exhibitionist." "Too much information." "Sorry," she smiled. "I'm just glad you aren't mad at me." "For what? Looking inside my room when I was on the brink of an orgasm?" My sister always had a way of being sarcastic while making someone feel embarrassed. Some things never changed. "I wasn't looking. I was just walking by your room and I saw it. There's a subtle difference." "Got it." "Things are about to get uncomfortable here. You realize that right? I mean, with your job, and us living together. It'll be weird." She gave a sympathetic nod. "I know. I've applied for a few jobs already. I've also asked my friends in the city if they know of any openings. We'll see." "If you find a job, are you going to stop being a cam model?" I asked cautiously, trying not to offend her. "That's the plan." "Promise?" "I promise," she replied. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to shower. My friends are going to pick me up soon." With that said, she gave me a pat on the shoulder before she went back to her room. I was left with a strange feeling about everything. *** Monday was a holiday. It was our first weekday in the house together, and when I woke up, all I could think about was if Ellary was planning to webcam in her room that day, while I was home. We had breakfast that morning as usual. Afterwards, I sat on the living room couch and played video games. I was planning to go out with my friend later that afternoon. During the game, Ellary came and stood in front of the tv and I had to pause it. She wore a simple yellow dress, and her make-up was nicely done. Her hair was down and it was neatly brushed. She looked good. And by that I mean, she looked really really sexy. "Going anywhere?" I asked, trying not to gulp. "Just to my room." I instantly knew what she meant. She was going to her room to webcam in her pretty outfit, looking dolled up. "Oh, okay." She raised an eyebrow, "You don't mind, do you?" Her question was rhetorical and slightly playful. She was giving me a heads up that she would be masturbating in her room, and that I should just accept it. "I don't mind." "Good. I'll try to keep it down." At that point, it felt like she was teasing me with her innuendos. Ellary went to her room and closed the door. I continued playing my video game. At first, it was hard to concentrate. I even lost a few times. All I could think about was what my sister was doing in the other room. Before long, my attention finally went back to the video game. I tried my best not to think of my beautiful masturbating sister. Half an hour must have passed. That's when I heard it: There was a faint moan coming from my sister's bedroom. I thought about turning up the volume for my video game so that I wouldn't listen to my sister, but I didn't. My arousal and curiosity took over again. I paused the game. Then I put my ear to the wall. My sister's room was on the other side. I listened to her moan. There were was more moaning. I listened to her masturbate. Then I listened to her climax. When her room became quiet, I continued playing the video game. My sister came out of her room moments later to use the bathroom and wash up. I tried my best to act natural under the circumstances. *** The letter in my hand wasn't a huge surprise, but it was still upsetting to say the least. I put it on the dining table and slouched into the chair. The rent was about to be increased again. The landlord wanted an extra few hundred dollars per month. Asshole! "How bad is it?" my sister asked. "How long are we able to afford this apartment?" "With the money I've saved up, probably another 6-8 months. Maybe a year if we really start cutting back on our budget." "That gives us plenty of time to come up with the extra cash." "I hope so," I replied with my head down. "We'll get the money. I know we will." "Hopefully. There are a couple people retiring where I work. If I'm lucky, I might be able to get a promotion. That should help." "I could also work extra hours," she said suggestively. It was uncomfortable hearing my sister say that, and in a slightly sexual tone. Looking in her eyes, she was serious about spending more time on her webcam so that we could afford the rent. "I can't ask you to do that." "I'm not asking your permission," she replied. "I'm just saying, it's a viable option." "So you're going to do it?" Ellary nodded. "Why not? It's easy money. If I worked a few extra hours a week, it would cover the rent increase. Maybe more depending on what other things I'm willing to do." Based on the look on Ellary's face, it was clear that she wanted to backtrack that last statement. "I'll pretend I didn't just hear that," I replied, wanting to shake my head. "I think it's important that you hear my ideas. We're in this together. We're not going to lose this apartment. I promise. Whatever it takes." I awkwardly nodded instead of replying. My sister instantly sensed something and gave me a sharp look. "What is it?" she asked. "Nothing." "Come on," she insisted. "I know something's wrong. Do you have a problem with me being a webcam model?" "Kind of. I mean, it's weird hearing you say that you'll do it more often." "I'm not a slut," she insisted. "What I do is honest work. It's perfectly legal and everyone has a good time." "Okay." Ellary squinted her eyes. "Don't tell me you never look at porn." "Sure I do. Sometimes." "So you're telling me that it's okay for you to watch porn, but if I take my clothes off on cam, it's a horrible thing. Sexist much?" "How is that being sexist?" "Your double standard. What I'm saying is, I'm proud of what I do. It's an honest living with good money. I have a lot of fun doing it. I don't think it's degrading when I do it. Got it?" I nodded. "Yeah." "Now you need to stop with the negativity. I've already made up my mind. I'm going to work weekends, and nights. There's a lot more money during those hours. Got a problem?" At that point, I knew better than to argue with my sister. She had always been a great arguer. "No." "Good. I'm going to my room to update my profile schedule." Ellary got up and went to her room, closing the door. I simply sat there, stunned. Things were about to become even more awkward. Damn you landlord! *** Late that night. I was on my computer checking email, surfing the internet, and occasionally glancing at my favorite porn sites. An email came from my sister, which was weird because she was only in the other room. I opened Ellary's message: Hey, Things would be better if we were a team, don't you think? I can't believe I'm doing this, but here's a link to my online profile. I wanted to discuss it during dinner, but I guess I didn't have the balls. My show is starting soon. Wish me luck. Ell The link was staring me right in the face. My instincts told me to close the email. Nothing good could come of it. But I was curious. What does Ellary look like on cam? The smart thing to do was to delete the email and never think about it again. But I couldn't resist. I clicked the link and it took me directly to my sister's webcam stream. It was the longest three seconds of my life waiting for the stream to load. When it did, it felt like a strange thrill. I was watching my sister's webcam. She was in her room wearing a tshirt, chatting with a number of other guys. I was able to read their conversations, which were public. Donations were being pledged by men online for a group private show. On the top of the screen, there was a list of things she was promising to do during the show, which included stripping, fingering herself, playing with toys, and squirting. My god. I couldn't believe I was watching my own sister on her webcam. The pledges kept coming in and she was reaching her goal of $200. Ellary was typing with the guys, thanking them for their support. She was excited that the goal was almost reached, and as promised, she removed her tshirt. I sat in awe looking at Ellary with only her bra on. She continued chatting with everyone for the next few minutes. I continued watching. The time to reach the goal of $200 was running out and my sister encouraged everyone to join. She promised a great show. A big smile appeared on her face when the $200 goal had been reached. There was only about thirty seconds left on the timer and she encouraged more people to join. In a final act of getting more people to join, Ellary reached back to unclasp her bra. She removed the bra and used her forearm to cover her small breasts. With ten seconds left to go, she raised her hands in the air to reveal her perky little breasts with its bright pink nipples. The show went private and I was blocked from seeing anymore because I wasn't a paying customer. I sat there with the strangest erection for my own sister. I scrolled down and saw my sister's bio. The information was accurate, and it had details about herself, along with some really sexy pictures. Then I went to the main page of the website to discover a bunch of other models there. Many were American models. Others were European or Asian. It was still hard to accept that my sister was a cam model and that I had just seen her breasts for the very first time. I was still extremely aroused. I masturbated to one of the cam models who was still in free chat. It was my first time enjoying a cam service and I wondered why I had never done so before. Part 3 of 3: Webcam Siblings Duo The next morning. Breakfast wasn't there after I woke up. Instead, I was treated to the sight of my sister waiting for me with some freshly made coffee. "Can we sit and talk for a few minutes?" she asked. "Sure," I replied, sitting down at the table. When I sat down, my sister improved her posture as if she was going to give a business presentation. "I'm assuming you watched my web stream last night," she said cautiously. "Parts of it," I replied with a hint of embarrassment. "Well, what did you think? Obviously you didn't see the private show, but you saw the free public stream." "It was a little weird." "Oh, come on. Don't tell me you don't watch porn every day." "Sure I do. But I watch normal porn." "Webcams are way better than regular porn," she insisted. "The viewer can interact with the model and request a number of different things. It's a custom and personal experience." "I guess. And I'm glad to see you've made a lot of money. $200 for half an hour, right?" "Actually, a lot of that money goes to the website. I only get a fraction. The shows that typically make the most money are the ones featuring a guy and girl together. You know, couples." There was a certain tone in her voice and a look in her eyes. Ellary always had a way of giving a subtle push for whatever she wanted. And she does it in a cute way where it's always hard to resist. "Are you suggesting something?" I asked, giving her a hint that I already knew her game. "Please...Just think about it. Shows with couples make huge amounts of money. I get tons of requests for it, and I know that my customers are willing to pay top dollar for a couples show." "I can't believe I'm actually going to say this but, can't you find someone else in this city?" Ellary sharpened her eyes. "Are you freaking kidding me? I've never had a one-night-stand in my life. And I've never hooked up with a stranger before. You're the only guy in San Francisco that I can trust." I suddenly felt like a major asshole for even suggesting such a thing. "You should really think about this a lot more," I said. "I mean, think about what you're asking." "I've thought about it a million times. I've done the math too. All we need are a couple shows per week and the monthly rent would easily be covered." "What happens in a show?" I asked, almost afraid to hear the answer. Ellary suddenly looked coy. "Well, at the very least, the viewers would expect to see a blowjob." "Jeez, Ellary." "I'm being honest. Don't say you've never wanted one from me." "Okay, this is getting too screwed up for me. I'll do you a favor and pretend this conversation never happened, even though that's impossible," I said, before attempting to leave. "Don't you dare walk away from me!" she yelled in her sisterly tone. "Why the hell not?" Ellary put her hands on the bottom of her tshirt. "If you walk away, I'll take off my tshirt and sit here topless for the rest of the day. I swear I'll do it." "You don't have the balls Ellary. You've always been uptight about that." "I'm a webcam model, jerk." "Anyway, I've got things to do. I'll eat breakfast outside." The moment I stood up, Ellary swiftly yanked her tshirt over her head and sat topless, just like she promised. My eyes nearly bulged looking at my topless sister. Her tits looked beautiful. Her skin was perfect. Her pink nipples were quickly becoming hard. "Got your attention now?" she asked with sarcasm while her perky little tits were on full display. "Jeez, Ellary." "Have a seat." Almost in a state of hypnosis, I sat down. Her bare chest was having a strange effect on me. I tried my best not to stare lewdly at my sister's tits, but I don't think she minded. "What do you want?" I asked. "You already know what I want. I want you to be my webcam partner a few times a week. It shouldn't take more than 30 minutes each time." "I'm not showing my face." "You don't need to. The audience only wants to see a cock with my mouth wrapped around it." "And this is going to help cover the rent money?" She smiled, "If everything goes like I expect, then we'll even have some extra cash to save." I slowly nodded. "Fine. God, I don't know how you always talk me into your crazy ideas." "Because of these maybe," she replied, pointing at her bare chest. "Probably." "I'll make us some breakfast." Ellary got up and went to work on the stove and refrigerator. She never bothered to put her tshirt back on. I stared at her naked back. There was an upbeat attitude while she prepared the food without her top on. "Did you forget your tshirt?" I asked. She turned to face me with her tits showing. "Nope. If we're going to be cam partners, then we're going to have to get comfortable with each other. Otherwise our cam show isn't going to be very believable. Got it?" With that said, my sister went back to preparing breakfast. All I could do was sit in awe of my topless sister. This was either the worst thing that ever happened to me, or the best. Either way, our relationship was definitely going to change. This is all your fault, greedy Landlord! *** Later that day. We agreed to take things slow. One step at a time. And that meant that I would first watch her doing a solo show in her room. Not through a cam. But in person. I sat on my sister's bed, which was out of the cam's view. My sister wore a pink robe and I was almost positive that she was naked underneath. "I'm about to log on," she said. "Are you ready?" "There's no such thing as being ready for something like this." She shrugged. "You're probably right. Here it goes anyway." Ellary logged on to her online profile. She typed a bunch of stuff onto the computer. She turned up the volume. Then she adjusted the webcam. For the next few moments, she looked at the screen and waited, and occasionally typed some stuff. Then Ellary was talking towards the computer. At first I thought she was talking to me. Then it became painfully obvious that she was talking to some horny perverts on the other end of the screen. It was painfully uncomfortable to watch my older sister talking to the cam. But I quickly found myself becoming aroused once she started talking dirty. A slew of dirty words came out of her mouth as she described what she would do in her private show. She promised to strip, suck a dildo, and then make herself orgasm with it. The sound in her voice was a mixture of lust and excitement. There was no doubt that my sister loved her job. Time flew by as I watched my sister flirt with the guests on her cam show. She enthusiastically announced that there was a minute left and she encouraged more people to join before it was too late. As the timer counted down, Ellary became more flirtatious with the people on cam. During the last few seconds, my sister opened her robe like it was nothing. I had a clear view of her breasts. I felt nervous and awkward watching it, but my sister was completely relaxed. When the private show started, that's when things really started to heat up. She removed her robe and tossed it to the floor. She was completely naked. My eyes soaked in her beautiful and toned body. I watched Ellary, who was only a few short feet away from me, begin to suck on a dildo. When she finished showing off her oral sex skills, she gave the online audience some more dirty talk, before using the dildo to masturbate. My heart was pounding beyond belief. I watched my sexy older sister in the most intimate position imaginable. She was completely exposed. Her legs were up and her feet were in the air. The dildo went in & out of her pink wet pussy. She began to moan and moan. Her legs shook, causing the chair to vibrate. She came. When the show was over, she thanked the audience and expressed her gratitude. Before she logged off, she briefly looked at me and winked, with a dirty little smile on her face. *** We sat across each other from the dining table. Her arms were crossed and she had just put on a tshirt. There was an awkward silence. Ellary still had a post-orgasmic glow on her face. "So what do you think?" she asked. "It was interesting." "I'm not blind, you know. I saw that bulge in your shorts. You were adjusting yourself the entire time, hoping I wouldn't notice." "What did you expect?" I shrugged. "You were totally naked doing all sorts of sexual things to yourself." Ellary sighed, "Those things could take care of the rent problems. Especially if we started doing shows together." "I can't believe this is happening." "Tomorrow night. I've already advertised it. The demand for a couples show is really strong. A lot of my regular customers are promising big bucks if I suck an actual cock." "Doesn't this make you feel weird?" I asked. "You know, the family thing." "Of course it's weird. But you know what else feels weird? Not having a place to live. Frankly, I'd rather suck your cock than the landlord's cock." "Good point." "The key is to relax," she said. "Don't feel self-conscious about your body. Just let go and have fun. If you're nervous, the show won't be any good and your erection might not last." "I've never done anything like this before." "It's okay. I'll guide you through it." "Okay," I nodded. She stood up, then stopped for a moment. "One more thing. Try not to masturbate until tomorrow. The viewers want to see lots of cum." "That's a comforting thought." Ellary winked and blew me a kiss before leaving. *** It was the big day. Her webcam show was starting soon and there were butterflies in my stomach. I couldn't remember the last time I was so nervous. Being on cam wasn't the hard part, since my face wouldn't be showing. The hard part was committing incest with my very own sister. She stepped out of the bathroom wearing a loose tshirt and sweat pants. I could tell she wasn't wearing a bra because her nipples were poking through. "Ready?" she asked with the same calming tone that a coach would give. "Not really. I don't think I could ever be ready for this." "Do you think I'm attractive?" "Of course." "Then just focus on that," she smiled. "Is this going to change our relationship?" I asked. "The last thing I want is for us to have drama after this." "How would there be drama?" "I don't know. This isn't exactly a normal sibling activity." Ellary gave me a calm look. "Would it hurt our relationship if I gave you a neck massage? How about a shoulder massage?" "No. Of course not." "Think of this as a massage, but instead of your neck or back, I'm massaging your cock. It's the same thing if you really think about it. I'm giving you pleasure. It's as simple as that." I shook my head. "No it's not." "Well, maybe not. But I've always been comfortable with my sexuality. You should too. Now let's get this show started." Ellary sat in front of the computer and logged on. I sat on the bed with my face out of view from the cam. My sister did all her tech stuff with the computer, and before long, she was chatting with people on the cam site. It began with small talk. She used her bubbly personality as much as possible. Then she began the timer for the private show. "Alright guys," she said to the online audience. "I promised you guys a special show tonight and it's finally going to happen. My first private show with a dude! This one can't be missed." The responses and pledges for money came pouring in. My sister made promises for what would happen in the show. She explained that she was going to be sucking a cock. She explained that she would be fucked doggy style while looking directly into the cam. Then she promised a big cum facial as a finally. I gulped. Suddenly there was a lot more pressure on me. The money continued pouring in. Minute after minute passed with Ellary's continued flirting with the audience. The promises for a great show became more and more grand. The anticipation and hype grew. A ringing noise came from the computer. The money goal had been reached early and the show was starting soon. "Yay!" my sister yelled to the screen. "We did it! Come on guys, the show is starting in a few seconds. Don't miss it! It's going to be a hot one. Come on. Ten seconds!" When the time passed, my sister clicked something and the show went private. My sister got up and did a slow strip tease for the online viewers. First, she slowly slide her bottom down, exposing her panties. Then off came her tshirt, exposing her perky tits. Then she turned around and wiggled her bottom to the cam, before sliding her panties off. She spread herself from behind to show her tiny little asshole to the audience (and to me.) I was instantly aroused. Ellary sat down in her seat and looked at me with a smile. There was a playful look in her eyes. She was definitely aroused. She made a gesture with her finger, signaling me to come to her. It was time. It was the moment I had been dreading. But I had already agreed, and we really needed the money. I stripped off my clothes, allowing my sister to see me naked for the very first time. My bulging hard cock was free. I saw Ellary's eyes locked onto my cock and she licked her lips. Then I walked towards her and remained standing so that only my cock was in view of the cam, not my face. "Alright guys," Ellary said to the audience. "I know you guys have been waiting to see this for a very long time. I promised a special show tonight, and here it is. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do." With that said, my sister reached up and grabbed my cock with both hands. She rubbed my growing erection with one hand, and played with my balls with her other hand. It felt sensational. Not only were we officially committing incest, but we were also doing it for money in front of an audience. I looked down at Ellary, who was busy with my cock. Then she turned to look at the cam. She made a few more comments to the audience, along with some dirty talk to get everyone ready. She stuck her wet tongue out and gave me a giant lick. The lick came from the bottom of my balls, all the way to the tip of my cock. I had never felt anything like that before. Ellary was a real pro. A few more licks came. Then several big kisses to the tip of my cock. Then she kissed my cock all over. The computer made a series of ringing noises as the comments came flooding in. I glanced at the comments. People were going absolutely crazy over what they were seeing. To many of those online, Ellary was their dream girl (for good reason), and they were finally seeing their sex fantasy fulfilled. They were finally seeing Ellary with a real cock. I looked at the video of us playing on the computer. The webcam was positioned perfectly to show Ellary with her lips on my cock. It was a jarring and shocking sight to see my sister like that, and with my cock. My eyes remained on the cam, then I saw Ellary open her mouth to devour my cock. It felt mind numbingly good. Ellary's mouth might have been the best thing I've ever felt. Once again, the comments came pouring in. People were going crazy over the sight of my sister sucking a cock. People were nice enough to throw in extra cash, even though they had already paid for the private show. I reached over to type on the keyboard, thanking people for the extra tips. My sister laughed, taking my cock out of her mouth. "Are you enjoying this?" she asked playfully, holding my cock while her lips glistened. I shrugged, "I'm having fun if you are." "Tell the audience what this feels like." I typed on the keyboard: un-fucking-believable Ellary saw what I typed, then she laughed. Her mouth returned to sucking my cock, and it really did feel un-fucking-believable. My sister's oral skills were the best I've ever felt. I looked down at her, marveling her skills. She rivaled any major porn star when it comes to sucking a cock. Her hands, mouth, lips, and tongue, all worked in unison to give me pleasure, and to entertain her loyal audience. The computer kept making ringing noises as people kept sending comments & extra money. I looked at the screen. The demand was clear; they wanted to see Ellary getting fucked from behind, followed by a massive facial- just as she promised. Ellary looked at the screen, then at me. "The audience has spoken. Ready?" The answer was a hell yes, but I couldn't say that. I didn't want to be overly enthusiastic about fucking my own sister. I just gave her a simple yes answer, and then she smiled. "Hang on," Ellary said to me. "There's something I promised to do for an audience member." Ellary reached for a small dildo. She lubricated it with a gel for the cam to see. Then she turned around and bent over so that the audience could see her asshole. I stood there wondering what she was up to, then it became uncomfortably clear. Ellary inserted the sex toy inside of her ass. I watched the dildo stretch the outer ring of her anus before penetrating her. She moaned. The audience went wild watching Ellary briefly fuck her own ass. She faced the cam with the dildo still in her ass. "Just like I promised. A dildo in my ass while I get fucked. Are you guys ready?" The answer was clear. The messages came flooding in, along with a lot more tips. Ellary adjusted the webcam so that only her face would be showing, not mine. Her arms rested on the table, and her face was directly in front of the cam. She was going to give the audience a clear view of her facial expressions while I fucked her. She wiggled her bottom as a way to signal that she was ready for me. "Alright guys," Ellary said to the cam. "The moment you've all been waiting for. I'm about to take his cock inside of my pussy." More cheers and tips came from the audience. I stood behind my sister and looked at the sex toy sticking out of her ass. It was an unbelievable sight. A dirty one. Yet incredibly arousing. I reached down to feel her pussy to see if it was ready, and it was. Her pussy was soaking wet. Her body was aching to be penetrated and she didn't need any lube for that. While she was bent over, she reached back with one hand to help spread her pussy for me. I took the signal and pressed the tip of my hard cock in between her labia. I gave a slight push and she gasped. It was easy to enter her pussy because of how wet & aroused she was. Her pussy felt surprisingly tight. It was hot and I loved how soaked she was. I looked at her face on the screen. There was no doubt she was enjoying herself, even if the cock was from her own brother. The audience went wild. Another moan escaped her lips as I pushed all the way inside. I loved her pussy. The feeling was something I would always remember. I slowly pulled back, before pushing my way inside again. We were beginning to fuck. "Oh god," she moaned to the audience. "That cock feels sooo good inside me. Are you guys enjoying this? Do you like watching me getting fucked?" The audience flooded the screen with messages and a bunch more tips. Hearing my sister talk dirty was a thrill. I grabbed her by the waist and fucked her hard. Her body waved back and forth. The table shook. The audience went nuts. I loved looking at Ellary's face on the computer screen. Her face was always very expressive. Her mouth was wide open. Her eyelids flickered. Her noise wiggled a little bit. She continued making different facial expressions each time I gave her a hard thrust. She even made the most unusual panting & moaning noises. It was cute & sexy at the same time. What was equally sexy was seeing my sister's tits on the screen. Her small breasts hung downwards since she was bent over. They waved back & forth from the fucking she received. Her pink nipples were hard and swollen. She screamed as I fucked her harder. Suddenly I realized why: With every hard thrust, I was pushing the sex toy deeper in her ass because I was fucking her from behind. Ellary was receiving pleasure in so many ways; her pussy, her asshole, and being a voyeur on cam. And maybe even the added taboo of being fucked by her younger brother. Whatever it was, it was a potent combination. Ellary began to scream and cry while I fucked her hard. At that point, I couldn't stop. Lust took control and I fucked her harder. She cried and cried. Finally, she screamed out loud with her eyes shut and her back arched violently. Then she planted her face on the table, but I didn't let her. The audience wanted a show, so I lifted her shoulders so that the audience could see the orgasmic bliss written all over her face. The audience went wild again. More comments and money came rushing in. The look on her face was pure joy. "Oh shit," I groaned. "I'm about to cum." Ellary snapped back to life, standing up so that my cock plopped out of her soaked pussy. Then she pointed the cam downwards and got down on her knees so there was a clear view of her face. "Cum all over me," she begged. "Give me a nice hot facial. Just like you've wanted to do for all these years." I was slightly taken aback by her comment. Was she talking dirty? Or did she really think I've waited years for this? Whatever the case, I gave her what she wanted, and what the audience wanted. I stood in front of my kneeling naked sister and jerked off furiously. Her pussy juice was all over my hand. I stroked and stroked, finally I came. I shot several massive loads onto my sister's eager face. Her pretty face was soon covered in my cum. It was the biggest load I shot in recent memory- all for Ellary and the audience. When it was over, she cautiously opened a single eye, with an expression which read Is it safe yet? When she knew I ran out of cum, she opened both eyes and smiled at me. Then she smiled at the cam with a face full of cum. "Did you guys enjoy that?" she asked the audience. "I know I did. Wow, what a mess! Thank you guys for the support. I had a blast." For the next minute, I laid on the bed while my sister continued thanking the audience and collected extra tips. She remained naked with a face full of cum. Then she let the viewers watch as she removed the dildo from her ass. Before she logged off, she gave the audience a parting gift: She wiped the cum off her face and put it in her mouth, swallowing it. It was enough to get me semi-aroused again, even though I was already spent. The show was over and my naked sister turned to me. "God, that was so much fun," she said. "I wasn't expecting anything like that." "So what do you think?" she asked. "A new career together?" I thought for a moment. "Why not? As long as my face isn't showing on cam." "Great. Because I've already promised another show tomorrow night, filled with a bunch of new surprises." I raised an eyebrow. "Other surprises?" "Well, you'll have to wait and see." I continued resting on her bed. "I'm too exhausted to think about it right now." Ellary smiled and put her hands on her hips. "Well you're not sleeping yet. You made a mess all over me, and now you have to help with the clean up. Come on. Shower time." She pulled me out of bed and took me to the shower. I didn't have a choice. My sister had already made up her mind about everything. We were going to shower together. And we were going to be naked together. And we were going to be webcam partners together. Thank you greedy landlord!! The End For pics visit ---->> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: Nia Ch. 04 Summary: Nia and Jamie continue their search for their sister. Keywords: inc,fic Excerpt from the private diary of Nguye't Morrison Wed, 27th April, 2011 I haven't had a chance to update this since Saturday, things have been a little...hectic, shall we say. After Jamie gave me such a stunning Graduation present, he surprised me with a trip to Paris, and put a ring on my finger. I must show it to Julie and Shelagh, do a little gloating, well, a lot of gloating, the rock is enormous, or, as dad put it, bigger than a pimple on a pig's arse; he's such an old-fashioned romantic, how did mum resist him for as long as she did... Jamie brought back something from his sojourn in Vietnam that made my weekend, in a 'this is terrible but it's also fantastic' sort of way; details of the sordid dealings of that animal who stole my sister when she was 3-weeks old. It made terrible, horrifying reading, and it made me feel deeply unclean, but it gave us a definite lead on where to begin looking for Hu'e, and it finally let me know the true extent of the pain and loss that man has caused. I'm not sorry to say that I feel a great deal of schadenfreude, 'Shameful Joy', to know that he's probably being tortured or raped in a hell-hole prison right now; sometimes natural justice does get a chance to work, and he's probably lucky at that; if it were up to me, I'd tie the rope and kick away the chair... I gave Polar Bear the low-down on how to bend the law sufficiently to allow us to get married, he wants to know why I'm not running for Parliament, and dad's worried I'll take up bank fraud as a hobby, but I just wanted my Polar Bear to be aware that the clock's ticking; mum gave him the speech, the verbal equivalent of choosing to cut the red wire or the blue wire, and it finally percolated through; he may be a whiz at determining deep well yields and thingies, but when it comes to the realities of human marital customs,and the intricacies involved in planning weddings and suchlike, like all men, he's a complete arse-head; he couldn't seem to see that putting a ring on a girl's finger and thinking it ends there is not a good or healthy thing to do, especially if said girl wears stiletto heels and is willing, purely in a spirit of scientific enquiry, to discover if it's possible to push one though a man's instep and nail his foot to the floor. Sometimes poor Jamie is all too living proof that the average man's head is a large echoing space, with only three active neurons; one each for football, beer, and scratching, all enclosed by a thick bony case that's a good place to hang his ears, that sometimes looks like George Clooney, but more often like Mickey Rooney. Anyway, we 're waiting with bated breath for a package from one more of his mysterious, nefarious, nay, downright shady contacts in one of the world's lesser-known waste spaces, he refused to discuss it with Jamie via email, so it's obviously relevant and important enough to send by bonded courier. Apparently the man is some sort of Frontier Sheriff-type, hand never too far from his gun, 1,000 yard stare, all that stuff, and I keep asking myself; how does an oil prospector from South London ever meet shady characters like that, is there some sort of secret society they belong to, The Ancient and Elucidated Order of The Wandering Idiots, or is there a real Star Wars-type cantina out there somewhere, where some murky Han Solo-ish character waits for people like Jamie to show up? Enquiring minds want to know... You're waffling, girl, stop it. The Polar Bear is trying to look all nonchalant, but I've been able to see through him since I was 3 years old, and he's definitely keyed-up and excited; I know he's trying to keep me from getting my hopes up, but he really should give me more credit than that; I know that whatever happens, we couldn't be any worse off than we are now; we're currently in a state of advanced ignorance about where Hu'e went after she was taken, and if this package has no new information, we're still ignorant of her whereabouts -- it's not additive, we won't suddenly become more ignorant, no matter what, it just means we start looking again, and find someone else to help us, and fretting about it and clicking and drumming fingers on tables and pacing and flicking TV channels aimlessly does no good to anyone, and really, really gets on my nerves. I just wish he'd go to the pub, find an old school friend and get smashed, blow-off some of that excess nervous energy, because he's driving me up the bloody wall! ++++ This week has been the slowest week on record, every day since we got back from Paris has been one of those days where suddenly! nothing happened, and it's been fantastic. This is my first real break from work/study in 6 years, and Nia's not due to start her new job until May 16th, so two whole weeks of Nia and lounging around. What shall we do, what shall we do? I had a couple of suggestions for her, but she deep-sixed those, she said it was impractical, that walking bow-legged into her new job was bound to cause comment; she's not closed and barred the bedroom door or anything; nor is she averse to more than a little wild whoo-hoo; she just believes I should give her a sporting chance to get away now and again...she did suggest I give my dirty mind a good wash, and get a proper shave while I'm at it, designer stubble works on Brad Pitt, on me it just looks...scraggy, like a badly-mowed lawn. Nia killed some time by going to Lambeth Town Hall and filing a Deed Poll, a legal instrument to legally change her name, to Nguye't Laura Vienh Lo, mum's maiden name, this being Part One of her nefarious plan to outwit the Registrar when we registered our overseas wedding. With a few little tweaks and refinements, it was the plan she'd outlined in Paris, tested it out on dad, and gone ahead with putting it in motion. Hopefully we'd get the paperwork through in a couple of days, then we could book flights to Hong Kong for the purposes of getting married, so we'd just have a couple of days away; we'd pay with jet-lag, but it would be worth it. I waited, impatiently, I'll admit, for my package from Thawip in Thailand, he said it would be interesting, and he gave me the name of a bloke in the HKPF, the Hong Kong Police, which intrigued me; it's a bit of a leap from Luang Prabang in Laos to Hong Kong, maybe if this bloke had something to tell me it would be worth going out to see him; I had an appointment with Aboitiz Geotech-Orient in Tagbilaran City, in the Philippine Visayas, in late May, looking at offshore gas extraction possibilities in the Camotes Sea, maybe I could reschedule and hop over to Hong Kong to kill two birds with one stone, it's only a little over an hour from Manila to Hong Kong. I decided to see if this package merited meddling with my schedule. I did know one thing though; if I went out to Hong Kong, no way Nia was coming with me; I didn't like the idea of her getting it into her head to do a bit of sleuthing while she was out there, the authorities take a dim view of that sort of free-enterprise, that's what the HKPF and the PAP (People's Armed Police) are for, and they don't appreciate amateur interference; they have an unfortunate habit of speaking English right up to the point where you need to explain yourself then they suddenly stop understanding English and start writing out your confession in fluent Mandarin... Nia, of course, will definitely refuse to see it that way. Amongst her many adorable traits is a doggedness that sometimes flares up into outright rebellion, hopefully she'd stay quiet and do the think-work, let me do the leg-work, maybe we'd meet somewhere in the middle. I decided to pop into the office later, see if I could switch things around, once this package got here and Nia had a chance to digest what, if anything, it actually meant. Saturday morning passed into Saturday afternoon, and just as I was thinking that it wouldn't arrive until Monday, the doorbell chimed. When I opened the door, a man in a courier uniform stood there holding a bulky sealed package. I signed for it and tore the packet open. Inside was a thick wad of photocopied pages and photographs of various sinister-looking men, all holding number plaques, obviously mug-shots, maps, and copies of UN and American Drug Enforcement Agency reports and commentaries. All in all, there must have been 300-plus pages, more information than I had hoped for, now all we had to do was make sense of it all, and then maybe we'd get our next move. Nia was delighted, she immediately latched onto the police reports, sorting them by date, oldest first, some of them dating back to 1980, and tying them up with the stack of mug-shots. After a while, one of the piles of reports began to refer increasingly to one man, a harmless-looking middle-aged man named Han Wu, sometimes labelled 'Jimmy', with an increasing number of references to something called 14K, and other references to something or someone called 'Kuomintang', which sounded familiar, but I couldn't place it. This Jimmy character seemed to spend a lot of time being questioned in Chiang Mai, and had been granted numerous visa's to Laos, flying to Vientiane almost every month. He also seemed to take an extraordinary amount of holidays to Canada, flying to Toronto three or four times a year on a multiple holiday visa, and there was a DEA report linking him to something called 'The KMT'. He was linked with several of the others in the pile of mug-shots, with reports that tallied as to dates when they had all been in Chiang Mai, Luang Prabang, Singapore and Hong Kong at the same time, and many of them seemed to enjoy travelling to Canada almost as much as 'Jimmy'. These were just snippets Nia passed over to me as she read through and collated one report after another. I decided that the UN reports would make an interesting read. I was not wrong. I was appalled to read that the annual trade in babies and children from South East Asia and China was estimated at $10 billion, a figure that paled into insignificance when the global figure was given as a comparison; $130 billion, a staggering sum, hundreds of thousands of children stolen, extorted or removed by corrupt officials and sold to middle-men, and taken all over the world, with large numbers of children being taken to Canada for adoption across the border, and there was that '14K' again. Children from Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, they all seemed to funnel through a group of societies with strange, exotic names; Shui Fong, Sun Yee On, Wo Shing Wo, Wo Hop To, 14K again, and KMT in the Golden Triangle. Uh-Oh. There was also mention of a Japanese group, Kokuryukai, but what they were supposed to be I couldn't guess, the DEA reports mentioned them in passing, but that was all. So now I had a whole bunch of groups with odd names, and people who lived in Hong Kong but seemed to have lavish lifestyles in Singapore, liked holidaying in Canada, and spent a lot of time making short trips to Laos; were these people the Snake-Heads who bought baby Hu'e and sold her on? My head was hurting now, and I could see Nia was starting to flag; information overload was setting in. I made an executive decision. "Come on you, time enough for this later, I want to play!" I said as I grabbed her hand and took the sheaf of reports out of it. She looked rebellious for a moment, then grinned. "I thought you'd never get round to it, Polar Bear, I was resigned to spending Saturday night reading police reports, I see I was mistaken; so now you got my attention, entertain me, you big beefy oilfield roughneck you!" she laughed throatily, instantly elevating my testosterone levels and making my libido tango around somewhere south of my navel... Nia is a beautiful girl, and when she bats those big, blue, exotic almond eyes of hers at me I go all funny; well parts of me do; other parts develop a mind of their own, and the most insistent one was Jamie jr, who was currently making a determined effort to unfurl, climb out of my jeans and smack her on the forehead. "I see you came fully loaded, Mr Oilman, planning on doing any probing with that there rig of yours?" she cooed at me, eyes dancing as I pulled her to her feet. She slid her arms around my neck and pulled herself close to me, kissing me softly, purposefully, very, very sexily, all the while rubbing herself firmly against the bulge in my jeans. My hands drifted down to hold and clutch her perfect, taut little bottom, her cheeks like two firm peaches. I pulled her against myself, thrusting my groin into her, feeling her breathing hitch and slow down as she ground more purposefully against me. Nia has a way of grinding against me that makes all rational thought boogie right out of the room, and I was having a real problem focussing on my own seduction moves. I slid my hands inside her leggings, savouring the feel of her warm silky skin, the taut springiness of her perfect little bum, and the warm dampness as I slid my hands further under to lightly caress her tight slit. Nia jumped slightly, her lips curving against mine as she smiled, and I began sliding her leggings down, while she began fumbling with my jeans, trying to pop the button while I groped and squeezed her delectable little bottom and rubbed her slit more seriously, eventually sliding a finger into her. She sighed at that, her hand on my zipper more urgent now. We broke apart so I could tug down my zipper, Nia pushing my jeans down so I could kick them away while I was hurriedly tugging down her leggings. She pulled her top off to reveal her lovely little bubbies, coral-pink nipples already erect and solid, just waiting for me to bite and suck, and my best friend was seriously trying to uncoil and come to full mast, and Nia didn't help matters by grabbing hold of it through my shorts and grinning "Ooo, is this all for me, Jamie? How sweet!" I lost no time in slipping off my shorts, and helping Nia take off her panties (she didn't need any help, but I do like sliding them off her, oh yes!), then leading her into the bedroom, Jamie Jr pointing the way. Once we got into the bedroom, she kissed me seriously, her arms locked around my neck as she propelled me backwards, until the backs of my knees hit the bed and I went over backwards, with Nia landing on me in a lovely giggling confusion of arms and lips and pink jiggly bits. Her hand came down to fondle me as I licked and nibbled the first thing I could reach, one of her delectable pink nipples, Nia immediately squeezing me as I gently bit and sucked on the solid little point, firm and hard as the eraser on the end of a pencil. Her hand began to pump as she squeezed my cock, the feeling of her hand on me absolutely out of this world. She leaned up and slid to the floor on her knees, kneeling between my legs as I sat on the edge of the bed, her hand still working at my cock. "Stand up, Polar Bear, I have something for you!" she smiled slyly, making my cock twitch in anticipation. As I stood up, Nia licked up and down the length of my cock, before kissing down my length to my scrotum, licking and breathing on me, before slowly sucking one of my balls into her mouth and gently rolling it with her lips, nearly making me blow my load there and then. She relinquished it and slowly sucked in the other one, doing the same, and I was reduced to counting backwards from one million to prevent all hell breaking loose... She released me from her warm mouth and licked her way back up to my dripping cock head, lubricant pouring out of me and coating almost the entire length of my steel-hard cock. She licked and grinned at me, then slowly slipped her lips over the end of my cock, her head bobbing as she sucked, drawing me in deeper with every downward motion of her head, until all of my seven inches was in her mouth, her nose brushing the pubic hair at the root of my cock and my head in her throat. She began to work her throat, her throat muscles squeezing me as she gently squeezed my scrotum. She lowly withdrew me from her throat, to suck and lick at my sensitive glans, while I enjoyed the impressive view of her pale creamy back and her taut round buttocks as she bobbed and sucked at me, driving me crazy, my legs trembling as I tried desperately not to come, but I was fighting a losing battle, "Nia...I'm... Oh God...! I gasped, as I passed the point of no return, and she looked up at me, grinned around me and pumped and squeezed me harder, driving me over the edge. My head swelled and twitched, and as I started to come, she pulled me from her mouth as my spunk jetted out of me, the first pulse hitting her across her lips, the second across her cheek. Six times I shot, each rope of spunk splashing into her beautiful face, until she was drenched in my seed, and I had stopped ejaculating. She popped me back into her mouth to clean the last trickles of spunk bubbling from me, and licked her lips clear of the semen that had dripped down her face, grinning wickedly at me as she did so. I sat down as my legs gave way, handing her something to wipe my spunk from her face and chest. "That was ...amazing, baby, what brought that on?" I asked when I got my breath back. Nia gave me that grin again. "Julie told me about it, said I should try it once; apparently men love it. Did you?" My answer was inarticulate as I grabbed her, making her shriek and giggle as I tickled her. As I touched and rubbed and groped her, her giggles grew less, and her breathing deepened. When I stopped to let her catch her breath, she sat astride me, pushed me flat and kissed me like there was no tomorrow, putting all her considerable talent and inventiveness into it. She began to wriggle and squirm and rub herself against me, and I knew what she wanted me to do. I pulled her down beside me and kissed her sexy little nipples, pulling the rubbery nubs between my lips to make her gasp and giggle, then licking between her breasts, and continuing down to her navel, tickling her little 'innie' with the tip of my tongue before dragging my tongue luxuriously through the small trimmed heart-shaped patch of pubic hair, loving the feel of the short, soft silky hairs against my tongue, before dipping my tongue into the apex of her slit, into the little furrow between the folds of her vulva where her hooded clitoris lay concealed . Nia sighed and murmured softly as I gently insinuated my tongue tip into her slit and lightly licked her clitoris, feeling the little bud firming under my tongue, and her lips beginning to swell as her arousal climbed. The warm scent began to tease me, the delicate, perfume of her arousal tormenting my nostrils and making my mouth water as I suddenly needed to taste her further, feel her against my tongue as I held her and fondled her warm flesh. I moved between her thighs, kissing and nibbling around her vulva, licking her at the apex of her thighs, that soft crease where her thighs met on either side of her pussy, gently biting and licking without touching her labia, making her shift and wriggle slowly, trying to push her vulva against my lips. Nia moaned softly as she moved against me, her need building as I teased and gently tormented her, playing a game we had played many times before. At last, I needed to taste her more than I needed to play, and my tongue slid between her swollen lips, making her gasp out loud at the sudden invasion, the sensation of my mouth on her, licking, sucking, and nibbling. Her hands cradled my head as she held me against her, my senses filled with the scent and taste of her as I licked and savoured, and she hunched her groin against me as hard as she could, bearing down on my face as I strained against her. I licked her soft spongy little anus, probing with my tongue pointed as I pushed into her, rubbing her clitoris gently with my thumb as I slowly invaded her secret place. I could feel her getting close, her gasps and sighs, her insistent movements against me, the tension in her thighs as they enfolded my head, all told me she was nearing that place, and when I jammed my tongue into her anus as hard as I could, she came with a loud groaning sigh, her back arching as her fluids sprayed out of her, squirting across my face and neck, bathing me in her scent and taste. I kept stabbing my tongue into her while rubbing her clitoris, and her orgasm rolled on and on, the tendons in her thighs like steel wires as she tensed and clamped them around my head, locking me against her as she rode her climax to its end, her breathing coming in a series of hitching groans as each comber of pleasure rolled over her. Now her knees opened and she slumped back, twitching and shuddering as her orgasm swirled and slowly faded from her, her arms spread wide, totally at peace now, a small satisfied smile on her face as her breathing evened-out and her heart rate returned to normal. I kissed her swollen pussy one last time, making her jump and giggle as she sighed happily, and reached for the wash-cloth to swab my face and neck of her richly-scented ejaculate, burying my face in the cloth for a moment to breathe-in her exciting, delicate, fresh aroma one more time. I moved up to lie next to her, her arm coming around me as she pulled herself up against me, and kissed me deeply, her tongue sliding around against mine as we tasted each other again. "Mmmm! You taste like me! Do I always taste so nice?" she murmured, a small smile dancing on her lips. I pulled her close, my hands slipping down to hold her by her delectably taut little buttocks, my cock between us as the effects of her kiss made themselves felt on me. "Princess, you always taste wonderful! I could eat you every day, and nothing else!" I grinned, and I meant it; she really was delicious! "Darling Bear, you always know exactly what to say!" she murmured back, a slow, sleepy smile gracing her lips as she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled herself into the crook of my neck, her breathing slowing almost immediately as she slipped into sleep. I lay for a while, enjoying the feel of her warm silky skin against mine, the tantalising scent of her hair, and the warm, subtle scent complex that always surrounded her, that perfume, aroma, call it what you will, that was uniquely hers, that always said to me 'Nia'; I could have found her if I were blindfolded in a coal-mine at midnight just by following the tendrils of that subtle scent. When she was deeply asleep, I pulled the covers up over her, and quietly slid out of bed, to take a shower in the main bathroom rather than disturb her by using our own little en-suite shower room, and then go back to doing a little light reading; the criminal careers of some of the most unsavoury looking characters I hope never to meet. After an hour or so, I called up and ordered some Chinese; I wasn't in the mood to cook, and I didn't think Nia would welcome the idea of dining out, and woke her to have a shower before dinner arrived. We tacitly agreed to not discuss the papers we'd received earlier over dinner, electing to enjoy our informal meal, chat about friends, upcoming projects, anything except the search for Hu'e. Once we'd finished, I outlined my immediate plan. "Princess, I'm going to call this Tang Tao Lieng person in Hong Kong tonight; Thawip made a point of mentioning him, so I think I'd better take the hint. Hopefully he'll be able to help us narrow-down who we should be concentrating on; this stuff here is too dense, there's too much information, we really need to talk to someone who can separate the sheep from the goats for us; I think I can feel the shape of what we need to do next, but there's too much else in the way. So let's get some real help; agreed?" She nodded agreement. "You'll have to call him after midnight; Hong Kong's 8 hours ahead of us, so right now it's 4am there; I doubt he'd be feeling very cooperative if you call him right now!" ++++ Friday, April 29, 2011 San Francisco Park Presidio & Balboa Bethany stepped off the Muni train onto the sidewalk and began walking home, cursing venal mechanics who wanted exorbitant sums for dinky little repairs, Chevrolet for making such easily damaged cars, Cory for buying her the Chevelle in the first place -- classic my ass, she thought, if it was such a classic, why did she hear everyone in the service bay snickering as she left? And why the hell did the Service Center have to be all the way down at El Camino and Alemany? Was that even in San Francisco? No it wasn't. With her head full of dark thoughts of what she was going to do to him for not buying her the Toyota, it took her a moment to realise someone was calling out to her. "Hey, Lady, you dropped something, hey, excuse me...!" She looked behind her, seeing a Chinese boy, maybe 12 or 13, wearing an old 'Tygers of Pan Tang' t-shirt and expensive-looking new sneakers. "I'm sorry, did you speak to me?" she asked, and the kid nodded, holding out something in his hand. Bethany looked at it; it was a button of some sort. She smiled at him. "I'm sorry, that's not mine, you must be mistaken." The boy shook his head. "I saw it fall from your pocket, lady, who else could it belong to?" Bethany grinned and took it from him, a strange feeling of...anticipation, significant and important flashing through her as she touched his hand, then it was gone as quickly as it came, leaving her momentarily disoriented. Shaking the odd feeling off, she examined the object closely. It was some kind of Chinese New Year token, maybe, a red ceramic coin-shaped token with a golden tiger face embossed on it, quite attractive really, with a feel of...antiquity? No matter, it was attractive enough to keep as a conversation piece, if nothing else. "Well, OK" she smiled, "Thank you!" She turned to continue her way home, but an impulse made her turn to the boy again. "I still say this isn't mine, but thank you anyway, it was very kind of you to stop me like that. What's your name?" she asked him. "The boy grinned. "Me? My name's Hu, but you can call me...Jamie." Bethany smiled. "Well thank you again, Jamie, you have a good evening, OK?" Jamie winked at her. "You too, Bethany!" he grinned, and Bethany smiled back at him, turned and continued on her way home, her annoyance at Cory forgotten for some reason, her fine oriental features showing only a happy anticipation at getting home to her family at the end of a long day. It wasn't until she was almost home that it suddenly struck her; he'd called her by her name, but she hadn't told him her name...had she? The boy watched her leave, the evening sun and the shadows off the overhead cables momentarily banding his face, striping him black and gold and making his eyes flare orange for a second, then he smiled and sauntered away. ++++ By the time I got to call my new contact in Hong Kong, Nia was long asleep; she'd had a strenuous evening and a good meal, and by 12 am was struggling to keep her eyes open; her constant yawning was making me yawn along with her, but eventually she got the hint and went to bed. I dialled the number Thawip had had given me. The line burred a couple of times, then answered with a beep. "Organised Crime & Fraud Reporting, Lieng here" said a cultured oriental voice, just a hint of accent in an otherwise flawless English pronunciation. "Hello," I replied, "is this Tang Tao Lieng?" I asked. "This is he, how may I help you?" asked the voice. This was it. "You won't know me, but I was given your name by a friend in the Royal Thai Army Border Force, Colonel Thawip Netniyom. My name is ..." He interrupted me. "James, James Morrison, yes, Thawip spoke with me about you and your...problem, I was wondering when you would be calling me!" At least he was on the ball, which was reassuring. He continued. "I've been looking at the information Thawip sent you, much of it is intelligence we already had, some of it adds to what we already knew, the whole thing though is very informative. Do you have Skype? I don't want to discuss this over an open telephone line." I gave him my Skype address, and he told me to stand by, before hanging up. I immediately went into the bedroom and flipped open my laptop and enabled Skype, and a few seconds later the video-call tone sounded. I answered, and there was the face of Lieng, a young-looking Chinese man of indeterminate age, in blue Hong Kong Police Force coveralls. He smiled. "You are a lot like Thawip described you, James, he was very...glad to help you, he likes you very much!" I was curious about how they knew each other, and Lieng was happy to chat informally. "When I joined the police, Hong Kong was still a Crown Colony. I served under Harry Waterfield, and he sent me on my first assignment, as part of the diplomatic protection unit at the Thai Embassy. Thawip was the Defence Attach, and we became friendly. When Hong Kong was handed back in 1997, Harry left, as did a lot of good officers, to go to Brunei, Singapore, Oman, and I became one of the senior officers, and because Harry had trained me, I was respected and quickly promoted; he's still a legend here!" "The unit I lead investigates organised crime and fraud, especially corporate fraud; the lifeblood of Hong Kong is the banking system, if the mainland lost faith in it, that would be the end of us as a Special Administrative Area, so we keep close tabs on those we suspect of activities which would impact negatively on the image of Hong Kong as a safe place to keep your money. Some of those people you have been looking at, and the organisations they work for, have been on our radar for a while now. Tell me, James, what do you know of the 'Triads'"? All I could honestly say was that I had seen and heard references to this group, but had no idea what they really were. Lieng gave me a quick rundown of the activities of the most powerful and widespread of the Triad groups, Sun Yee On, Wo Shing Wo, Wo Hop To, The Kuomintang, or KMT, and the 14K. My ears pricked up at the mention of these last two. He even told me that one of the larger groups, The Black Dragon, was active and powerful in the UK, which stunned me. I had a question about this stuff, something that was nagging at me. "Lieng, this man, Jimmy Han Wu, where does he come into it all, why is he so prominent in your reports?" Lieng grinned at me. "I was wondering if you would notice him! Han Wu is the grandson of a Nationalist Army General who was one of Chiang Kai Shek's henchmen in the Nationalist, or Kuomintang Army during the1920's and 30's. After the defeat of the Nationalists in 1949 by the Communist forces, Chiang retreated to Formosa, but part of the Kuomintang Army refused to settle in Formosa, instead they moved west and south, into the hills and jungles of Northern Burma, Thailand and Laos, and began recruiting local warlords and bandits and organising them into criminal gangs. They created the world's first reliable supply of heroin, and the area they still largely control is called The Golden Triangle. Han Wu is part of that, but is also a powerful and long-standing member of 14K Triad, with a foot in both camps, and many powerful connections. As luck would have it, we have him in custody, he made the mistake of coming here once too often, and we apprehended him at Chek lap Kok as he was boarding a flight to Vancouver. "I have been hearing some fascinating stories from him about what he's been doing. I'm holding him for as long as I need him to tell me things, and he keeps telling me things, because the alternative is a dimly-lit room and a rope in Beijing. Under British rule, because of the laws they insisted on saddling themselves with, he could come and go with impunity; all he need was a good lawyer, and the Triads have lots of those. Today, we have a slightly more realistic approach, which is talk or hang, choose now. None of his mainland political connections will say a word in his defence, otherwise we will start looking at them too, and we have plenty of rope..." I was taking this all in, and I sensed Nia behind me, looked at her to see her eyes large as she listened to our conversation. "Tell me, Lieng," I asked, "What do you know of his or his cronies' involvement in the baby traficking racket, in Vietnam especially?" Lieng leaned closer to the screen, a look of distaste on his face. "I have learned much over the years of what he and his 'Snake-Head' friends have been doing with babies, girls, slaves, it is a sickening story, like something out of the corrupt Imperial past; babies stolen for sale in the west, peasants kidnapped and sold as slaves to Burmese and Laotian warlords for their poppy plantations, young girls lured away or seized and sold into brothels in Brazil, Russia, Korea, Japan. The babies were always funnelled through Thailand and into Singapore, and then sold in Canada and the US, the new Russian states. A few have gone to England, but not many, it is a small place, with a closed border, and it is very difficult to slip in and out quietly, not like America, with its hundreds of miles of unmonitored border with Canada." "I'm sending you a contact in Singapore who heads a unit similar to mine, but concentrating on child trafficking. Han Wu has been most diligent in keeping records, and my friend in Singapore has them as well, he will be able to do more for you there than I can here. I think you will be able to track your sister better with him, he has good contacts in the west, especially in America and Canada, and I think you will have some luck with him. I must go now, this connection will be noticed if I keep it open for too long, but I wish you luck!" He leaned towards the screen again, "And miss...?" Nia looked up, startled, as he spoke to her for the first time. "Do not worry, Hu Ye will protect her!" He broke the connection, leaving Nia looking stunned at his words. "Jamie, did you...!" she began, and I nodded, as stunned as she. "How did he know, Jamie, how did he know?" she asked me, and I could only shake my head. "I don't know, princess, I really don't, but I'm glad he does!" I opened my message box and read off the contact Lieng had sent me. "Nia look at this, it's the man in Singapore, Kalbahadur Limbu, he's a Police Inspector." I called the number, and was rewarded with an immediate response. "Hello, I would like to speak To Inspector Limbu, please, I'm calling from England!" I said. "You're speaking to him," he replied, "How may I help you?" I switched the phone to loudspeaker and took a deep breath. "Inspector, My name is James Morrison, I was told to speak with you by Tang Tao Lieng in Hong Kong, I am trying to track a child that was stolen in Vietnam, from the Da Nang area and sold in December 1983 or January 1984; I have a description of her..." The inspector interrupted me. "I'm sorry, Mr. Morrison, but I have a great deal of information, about a great many individuals, children or otherwise. I know the case you are talking about, Lieng was quite thorough in the materials he sent me, but I will need some time to cross reference what you have with the material Lieutenant Lieng has sent me. Do you have anything other than the information from Lieng, something that can be used to identify the child?" Nia sat bolt upright. "Jamie, the stuff you brought from Da Nang, my spreadsheet! Tell him yes, get an email address, we can get this to him right away!" I passed this on, and the inspector gave me his email, and hung up after promising me we would speak again soon. Nia was in a state of high excitement now, pacing and muttering as soon as she'd emailed her spreadsheet to the Inspector. "Jamie, I can feel it, we're getting somewhere at last, oh please, let him have the stuff we need, I can't take this anymore!" I hugged her to me, trying to calm her down, she was almost babbling now, talking about booking flights to Singapore in the morning, wild stuff like that. I managed to convince her to wait, to let Limbu do his search through his files, then, if anything turned up, we'd start making travel plans. At last I persuaded her to go back to bed, it was almost 2 am now, and I was feeling the effects as well. As far as I was concerned, we'd done everything we could from this end, now it was time to wait, and hope that the people in Singapore could come up with a lead. I have to admit, though, I was enjoying the paper chase; we were slowly solving a 28 year-old puzzle, and we'd been bounced around the world with it, but the journey had been nothing if not fascinating! I was feeling like Holmes and Watson, when Holmes would start a case with 'Watson, the game's afoot'! It finally felt as if the game was definitely now; at last the people who could most likely help us were on-board; perhaps we were finally going somewhere. So far, the search through Asia, shadowy criminal conspiracies, hip-shooting coppers and western-marshal types in the wild places of the world, underground railways transporting drugs, slaves, stolen babies, it all sounded like a bad pastiche of a Bond novel, only we weren't writing the script here. As I climbed into bed, Nia pulled herself close to me, cuddling down tight against me, her eyes bright in the dim light from corridor light, and I could see the unshed tears. "Polar bear, how close do you think we are? Really?" she asked me, and I realised now was not the time to fob her off. "Baby Girl, I really can't guess; everything we've done so far has led us here, now someone else has to pick it up, and I'm not going to second guess him, not now. Leave it alone, princess, give it time for something to turn up; you heard the man, he has a lot of information, let his people sort through what they can, maybe we'll hear something soon." That seemed to satisfy her, and she relaxed against me, and within minutes, her deep breathing told me she'd dropped off at last. +++ I woke in the early hours with Nia's tongue in my ear. When she pulled me off the ceiling and stopped laughing at my expression, she cuddled up close and slid her hands inside my shorts. "So Jamie, is junior ready for another workout? Well goodness me, I do believe he is!" she smirked, holding my rapidly erecting penis as I returned the favour and pinched her beauteous little bum gently, making her laugh and quiver delightfully. Nia kissed me happily as I pulled her closer by the simple expedient of grabbing her bum and yanking her up against me, where she immediately began rubbing herself against my almost painfully erect cock. I slipped my hands inside her panties, enjoying the silky warmth of her taut cheeks as she rubbed herself more seriously against me. I wanted to see more of her, so I began pulling her t-shirt off over her head, while she hooked her fingers into the waistband of my shorts, pushing them down and allowing my cock to spring free into her warm hands, where she cupped and squeezed my balls gently and slowly pumped my cock. My gorgeous sister is too beautiful to resist for more than a few seconds, as if I ever would, and I slipped my hand between her thighs, feeling her wetness as I slid a finger between her swelling labia, and slowly rubbed her slick little pussy, making her gasp and wriggle delightfully. As I slid my finger into her, her nectar flowed and covered my hand, lubricating my fingers as I slid a second finger into her, slowly pumping her pussy, opening her lips further and making her gasp and sigh as I frigged her pussy. All the while, Nia kept up the pumping, squeezing motion on my cock, masturbating me as I masturbated her. I watched the flush bloom on her cheeks and spread down her neck as her arousal climbed, her grin slowly transmuting into a soft smile as we pleasured each other, my cock aching for release, the need to fuck my beautiful Eurasian sister becoming almost unbearable. At last, she let go of me, pushing me onto my back as she straddled me, rising up as she pulled my cock into position before slowly sliding herself down onto me with a hiss of satisfaction, her warm pussy clasping me tightly as she began to rise and fall. My hands slid around her waist and up to her delicate little breasts, seeking out her sexy nipples to gently tug , squeeze and roll them between thumb and forefinger, making her gasp and grind herself harder against me. As I played with and teased her nipples, her hands covered mine, pressing my hands against her breasts, forcing my hands to maul her nipples as she gasped and pumped above me, working herself up, until, with a loud gasping groan, she came, her juices flooding out of her as she orgasmed, the ripples as she clamped and released me almost too much to bear as her pussy squeezed and sucked at me. Finally, she slumped down, her heart hammering against mine as her exertions caught up with her, her breathing fast and shallow. When her breathing had slowed, and the pulse in her neck had stopped fluttering quite so visibly, she leaned up and grinned at me. "Thank you, Polar Bear, and now for something completely different! You ready, big boy?" For answer I flexed my cock, and her eyes danced as she grinned wickedly. She slid off me, gasping as my cock 'popped' out of her, and reached into the bedside night stand, to take out a tube of some sort. "What's that, Princess?" I asked, and she grinned again. "KY jelly, we're going to need it for what I've got in mind!" With that, she squeezed a large glob onto her finger and immediately spread it over the head of my cock, the cold gel making my cock jump. She pumped me a few times, making sure I wasn't losing interest, then lay back and pulled her legs up until her little anus was peeping at me. "Lubricate me, Jamie, and be generous, this is going to take some doing!" she smiled, and I did the same she'd done for me, squeezing a large blob of gel onto my fingertip, and then I looked at her. "Do it Jamie, I want this too!" she grinned, and so I spread the gel all round and into her little hole, feeling the tightness compared to when I fingered her pussy. I squeezed more in there, I figured more was better than too little, and tossed the tube of gel onto the bed. By now my cock was steel-hard in anticipation, I had seen this in porn videos and heard about it, of course, but this was a new thing for us, so I wanted to go slow and get it right, not hurt her. I knelt between her wide-spread thighs, and pushed her legs up again, lifting her pelvis until her sexy little bumhole was pointed straight at me, and I pushed myself up to the entrance to rest the tip of my cock up against her hole. Nia looked me into the eyes, a wicked little smile on her face. "Do it Jamie, stick it in me, shove your cock in my arse, you know you want to!" she breathed at me, and she was right, I really wanted this, so I leaned up and began slowly pushing. Nia began breathing in short, huffing gasps as I pushed forward, trying not to think of the tightness surrounding my cockhead as I tried to slide it in past her anal ring. Suddenly my head popped in, her ring snapping tight around the shaft of my cock, and Nia gave a loud groan as her eyes squeezed shut. The tightness and constriction on my cock was delightful, the feeling as I slowly slid forward utterly indescribable as her anal tube pulsed and squeezed around me as I sank deeper into her. "Slowly Polar Bear, give me time to ...aaahhh, yesss...slower, please baby...!" she muttered as I slowly slid in until I was all the way in, my entire length sheathed in her glove-tight anus. I stopped, to give her time to get used to my cock shoved all the way up inside her arse, the feeling of her anal tube pulsating gently around me new and very exciting. Eventually she opened her eyes and smiled naughtily at me. "Well, what are you waiting for, a written invitation? Fuck me, Jamie!" she giggled, and I took her at her word. As I slid back out of her, her breathing notched up until she was gasping as I slid nearly all the way out of her, and when I slid back in, she almost went crazy. "Ooooh Yesss!!...Oh My God, Yesss Jamie, yesss, fucking Christ, yesss, harder, Jamie, fucking HARDER!" With that, I pumped and pummelled, ramming my cock into her arse as hard as I could, Nia moaning and pushing back against me, her anus rippling and pulsing around me as she orgasmed almost continually. I was having difficulty in not coming myself; the sensations I was getting from fucking Nia's arse was like nothing I had ever experienced before, and it was the most exciting sexual act I had ever committed, all of these things playing in my mind as I humped and pumped, my orgasm building, promising to be like none I had ever experienced before. "Princess...I'm going to come, Oh, God! " I moaned, and with that Nia climaxed with a heartfelt scream of release, her juices squirting out of her and over my midsection in a spray of warmth as her anal tube rippled and clenched at me. I couldn't hold out any more, and came with a loud groan, my spunk roaring out of me, my cock swelling up to wedge in her tight anal tube as I fired blast after blast of spunk at high speed into her depths. I felt something deep inside me convulse with the force I came, jet after jet of high-pressure spunk bulleting out of me. As I bathed her insides with my seed, Nia came again, another giant orgasm sweeping over her and making her anus constrict me even further, the jets of spunk continuing as I literally emptied myself into her. I think I used up a week's worth in that one glorious shag, coming like I had never come before, but fuck, it was worth it! As our mutual orgasm subsided, I lay in her arms, Nia gently and lightly kissing my face and neck as the tails and curls of orgasm faded and died away inside her. The tightness of her anus was keeping me hard, and she suddenly giggled. "Polar Bear, I can feel your pulse, in my bum, that's so funny!" I started grinning as she giggled, and pretty soon I was giggling as well. "Just imagine, Jamie, if that was the only way to take someone's pulse, the doctor's surgeries would be standing room only!" and I cracked up again at the image she'd conjured up. Eventually the fit of giggles passed, and I was able to withdraw from her tight little hole, spunk gushing out as I unplugged her rectum. "Christ, Jamie, how much of this did you do?" she laughed, holding a cloth to herself to stem the flow of semen dribbling out of her rectum. "That was the dirtiest, most depraved, most fun thing I have ever done!" she grinned, "We are definitely doing this again, just not tonight, I feel like I've got a doorknob stuck up my bum!" ++++ Nearly a week went by before we heard anything more on the subject of Hu'e. I was woken in the middle of the night by the house phone ringing, and when I answered, it was Limbu, calling from Singapore. "Mr. Morrison, thank you for the information you provided from your...friend in Vietnam, it has certainly illuminated several areas we were lacking in information. My team has been cross-checking the information from Lieng, and we believe we have identified the time and date of the sale of the child known as Hu'e Vienh Lo. A child matching the general description you gave us of the child you are seeking, with corresponding identifying marks, in particular the neck birthmark, was boarded on a British Airways flight to Vancouver, in the company of a woman claiming to be her adoptive mother on December 31, 1983. The papers shown appeared to be genuine, but the identity of the woman was later found to be spurious. "We have reason to believe the child was 'laundered' through one of several corrupt adoption agencies, and I have a contact in The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Organised Crime unit in Toronto who has made a particular study of these agencies, their owners, agents and middlemen, and has had a lot of success in tracking down these stolen children and bringing the criminals involved to book. I have sent him details of your search, plus most of the correspondence from Lieng, and I have emailed you his details, I would suggest you call him as soon as you can." I was gratified that they had managed to make the connection to Canada that had only been hinted at. I thanked Limbu, and hung up, waking Nia to tell her the news. "Princess, wake up, I have some news, wake up!" She was her usual alert self when first woken. "Huh? Whassup, wha's goin' on Jamie?" I told her about the conversation I'd just had with the man in Singapore, that they had managed to track Hu'e to Vancouver, and that I had a contact name with the Mounties, and that come what may, we were going to Canada; we were too close now, and I could feel the end of the chase looming. So could Nia, and she was ready to go, to track her sister down at last, and make her mother's heart whole again. to be continued.... pics---->> http://bit.ly/1D1q3qp
Title: Sibling Revival-ry Ch. 05 Summary: My sister, my lover, my roommate. Keywords: inc,fic I'm sure my Mother had a reason for her comments. I had always trusted her...she was my Mother after all. Okay...that's not quite right. Recent developments had exposed that she wasn't 'really' my Mother, in the biological sense That didn't really change anything. I knew she loved me, always had my best interests at heart, and had never hurt me...everything a Mother is supposed to be. So, while the revelation of my adoption was something of a surprise...an understatement, I know...it didn't make a difference in how I felt about her. I still had to wonder, though, why she thought that Love was a problem. I had always loved my sister, since I was a little kid, and even when her attitude toward me changed that love to hate, it never eradicated the emotion. Moving into an intimate relationship with her let the love blossom again, and now, truth be told, it was stronger than ever. Learning that I was not truly her brother had thrown the doors wide open. I was laying in my room, with my hands behind my head, contemplating the past and the future, when Natalie walked past. She stopped, and blew me a kiss. "I'll be right back," she whispered. True enough, she was back in about a minute. "Just making sure Dad wasn't lurking about. His car's gone, so we're safe for a little while." Mom had set the rules, and we were doing our best to comply, but I had to admit it wasn't easy. Natalie eased down onto the bed beside me, giving me that look...the one that seemed to be reserved exclusively for me, now. Those huge blue eyes locked on mine, and her lips approached slowly, finally meeting mine in a soft kiss, that made her eyes close, the way lovers kissed. Appropriate, since we were now lovers in every sense of the word. We were still fully engaged in the kiss, tongues burrowing eagerly into each other's mouths, when Mom appeared in the doorway. "It's going to take me a bit of time to get used to this," she said quietly. "I almost told you to stop that, but watching you together makes my heart feel young. I just need to remind myself that things have changed. I'm still trying to decide what, if anything to tell your father. I assume you don't think he won't notice when you get married...or are you planning to keep it from him forever?" Ah. Now I get it. In my selfish, love induced haze, I hadn't looked any further than my own interests. Now I saw the conundrum that faced my Mother. She had to choose ; admit knowing about us, and bring the shit storm on immediately, or keep her mouth shut, further deceiving my Father for who knows how long. If it had been just adolescent lust, she could have merely forbade our behaviour, but Love?...no, you can't make the heart unlove someone, can you? Do the names Romeo and Juliette ring a bell? "Your father will be home soon. Would you please come help me get dinner ready, Natalie?" She didn't even wait for an answer, just headed downstairs to the kitchen. "I guess that wasn't really a question," I whispered. We were still laying on our sides, hardly having moved since we paused our kiss to listen to Mom. I ran my hand up her side, cupping her breast softly. She moaned, and put her hand over mine, pressing her breast more firmly into my palm. "Do I really have to go?" she groaned. "I've missed your touch." "And I've missed having you in my arms, but you heard Mom," I replied. "It's almost summer vacation, so I'm sure we'll have our chances soon." Natalie sighed, and rolled away, standing up and walking to the doorway, where she paused. "All that may be true, but I'm horny NOW. I guess it's just me and my fingers, tonight." She winked, and ran down the stairs. Shit...why did she have to tell me that. I tried unsuccessfully to get those images out of my head, finally giving up. I needed a distraction, so I headed downstairs, hoping a movie would do the trick. When I reached the bottom of the flight, I could hear Mom and my sister talking in the kitchen. Not quite the distraction I was looking for, it was still an eye opener. "I'm sorry Mom. I know we're making this harder for you," Natalie said. "Don't apologize, sweetie," Mom said. "I know you didn't plan this. Emotions take on a life of their own. I am a little surprised, though. To be honest, I thought you'd be more likely to kill your brother than fall in love with him, since you always fought like cats and dogs. What changed?" "Truthfully? I never hated Rick, but I was jealous. He was younger, and seemed to get more attention...I know that wasn't really the case, but that's what a little girl felt. Then it just became habit. I had to grow up before I could see that I had no reason for my bad attitude, and then I didn't want to admit I had been being a bitch to him for years...for no reason." I was listening closely now. My sister...my love, was baring her soul. "Mom...can I ask you a question?" she added. "Of course, honey," Mom replied. "If Rick wasn't my brother, would you approve of him? As my boyfriend, I mean." "Natalie!" Mom laughed, "you don't really expect an objective answer to that, do you? Situation notwithstanding, he is your brother, and my son, or as close to it as can be. Perhaps you should answer that question. What is it that you see in Rick that makes you love him? And don't just tell me 'the heart wants what the heart wants', or any other similar tripe, however true they may be. What do you see?" Jeez Mom, pull those punches a little, will you? It's not all her fault ; I was there too. "Well," Natalie began, exhaling loudly, "He's kind, gentle, and funny. Honest. Handsome, of course, loving, and..." "... And he makes your toes curl!" Mom giggled. "He's done that to me, as well. Not such an easy question to answer is it? There's only one answer that matters, and only one person's opinion that counts." There was a palpable tension in the pause that followed. "Do you love him...really Love him...and is he the man for you?" I shouldn't be listening to this, I thought, but I need to hear her answer. "Yes," was all she said. "Well then," Mom said, "that's all that really matters. Everything else is just stuff, and stuff can be dealt with." I'd heard all I needed to, and slipped down into the basement. I put a movie on, but I don't even know which one it was. The initial plan, to distract me from thoughts of my sister fingering herself, had been derailed, replaced by thoughts of my sister confessing her love for me. Even I knew it was one thing to say it in the throes of passion, and quite another to admit it with calm aforethought. I needed another distraction. *** "Mmmmm, yes, that's it, baby. Just like that. Your tongue is so good!" Natalie was bent over the foot of her bed, with her near perfect ass high in the air, and I was behind her with a hand on each firm cheek, and my face buried in her pussy. My aforementioned tongue was spearing her moist recesses eagerly, with the occasional side trip to tease her puckered pink asshole. Dad was at work, and Mom was out for the morning, so my sister and I decided to satisfy some long overdue desires. It had been weeks since we had been able to do anything more than steal a few kisses and grope each other in desperation. Of course, that only made things worse, and increased our need to get together, so when Natalie called me to her room, and I found her naked and in this position, it took her less than a second to convince me. I remembered the first time I ate my darling, sexy sister's pussy. The divine flavour of her juices... I think I described it as ambrosia, butter, honey and brown sugar, and those still applied. She was oozing her delicious secretions, and since she was inverted from the usual position for munching on her cunt, those juices were running toward her clit. I was hungrily lapping at the dripping, intoxicating fluids, and her clit was taking a lot of the attention. It's a good thing we were alone in the house. It might be better if we were alone in the neighbourhood. "FUCK YES! LICK MY FUCKING CLIT!" she screeched, her cries echoing through the house, and maybe beyond. "AHHHHHNNN! AHHHHHNNN! CUMMMMMMMING! NOWWWWW!" She was twisting and writhing desperately in my grasp, but I had a firm grip on her hips, and held her pussy close to my face while she gushed into my mouth. My lips sealed around her clit, I sucked her hard, slurping up the syrupy sweetness that continued to flow unabated. Natalie was still screaming, but her face was now in the blankets, muffling her shrieks, which had lost the ability to speak, but still communicated her joy adequately. Her hands flailed about behind her, finally finding my head, and pushing back. "Oh god, please stop! Too sensitive! Please stop!" she gasped, I gave her clit a parting lick, and released her, letting her flop limply on the bed. "Thank you, thank you..." she whimpered. My turn, I thought, unbuckling my pants and stepping out of them. My underwear joined them on the floor, leaving my rampant cock standing straight out, looking for a warm place to go. Ah, there's a good spot. Yeah, I looked at her pretty, pink little asshole, and gave it a brief consideration. I remembered her saying that she loved it up the ass, and the thought of that tight little hole stretching open to accommodate my shaft was something that I definitely looked forward to seeing. I also remembered her saying that her butt might need some time to get used to my size. No, not today. The other choice was hardly settling for less. Her pussy was still drooling, soaking wet from my tongue, and pouting open, eager to be stuffed full. I leaned closer, and whispered to her. "Ready, honey?" "Mmmmm, yes, baby. Fuck me," she breathed. She spread her legs a bit more, and dug her toes into the carpet on the floor, bracing herself. I dragged the head of my hard dick up between her lips, getting it nice and wet with her residue, before plunging it home. Natalie exhaled. "Ooooooo, yes...that's it." That's it, indeed. This was probably my favourite position. Sure, it was always fun to just lay back, and let Natalie or Mom fuck themselves silly on my hard cock. I loved to watch them riding me, their big tits bouncing wildly with their frenzied actions, a look of lusty satisfaction on their faces. I also liked to look deep into their eyes, while we slowly, gently made love, face to face, in the old standard missionary position. This...gripping her hips and drilling her hard from behind...was a great way to fuck. You know what I mean. Fuck, with pure selfishness, caring only about stimulating my cock to orgasm. Fuck, using her pussy as a tool. Fuck her hard. I was looking down, watching my shaft split her open, over and over. Her ass jiggled each time I slammed into her, and her tight pussy released me reluctantly each time I pulled back, her lips stretching out as though trying to pull me back in. She was moaning and grunting softly, absorbing my assault gratefully. I could feel my balls tingling, and knew that I would soon be flooding her pussy with semen. I pounded her harder, the slaps resonating through the room each time our bodies collided. A froth of her juices began to form on her lips, whipped into existence by my furious thrusts. Her moans escalated, becoming cries of bliss, monosyllabic gasps and urgings that told of her desire. "Oh...Oh...fuck...yes...yes...yes...yes..." The countdown to launch was well underway, and the abort button was broken. I couldn't have stopped it if I had wanted to...and I didn't want to. My hips were a blur, stroking into her cunt at warp speed. Three, two, one... "FUUUUCK!" I groaned, slamming in one last time. I held on tight to her hips, gasping for breath while rope after rope of hot cum basted her inner folds. Natalie's legs curled behind me, hooking up around my hips, like twin scorpion tails, and she arched her back, lifting entirely off the bed. At last, I could cum no more. Natalie melted, turning to jello in my grasp, collapsing down onto the bed, and I followed suit, dropping on top of her, if only for a moment. I took my weight on my elbows, before gathering the strength to stand again, wobbly as it may have been, and withdraw my softening spear from her sheath. A stream of pearly goo began a slow journey down her inner thigh. Her legs hung limp, splayed awkwardly. "Holy...shit," she whispered, trying to rise. Her arms quivered, then gave out. "Help?" I wasn't sure I was in any better shape than she was, but I had to try. "Here comes the cavalry!" I laughed. "Roll or lift?" "Lift, I think," she said, rising on her arms again. I hooked an arm under her midsection, and pulled her upright, letting her get her legs back under her. She turned, and looked up at me. "Thank you." "I feel like I should be thanking you," I replied, bending to kiss her luscious lips. "Oh no," she laughed, when the kiss ended, "I think I got the better of the deal, believe me." "So, call it even, then?" *** I would be attending the same college that my sister was, starting in the fall. She was the one that first thought of getting an apartment together, closer to school. Purely to be closer to the library there, you understand. We started scouring the papers, and came across several possible locations, mostly because we were looking now, at the beginning of the summer, rather than waiting until the last minute, as most of the students did. The loft apartment over the garage was too small for two, the spiffy studio in the highrise was too expensive, and the one in the rat infested tenement was... well... rat infested. I was beginning to get discouraged, but Natalie was nothing if not tenacious. Tenacious, and resourceful, as it turns out. She somehow got a lead on a two-bedroom apartment, on the top floor of a three story building. It was clean, affordable, big enough for both of us...and wasn't even supposed to be on the market yet, but the property manager was a guy, so...yes, my sister flirted us in. Best of all, we could move in right away. There was only one obstacle ; Mom. While Dad, still blissfully unaware of the true nature of our relationship, thought that us moving in together was a great idea, Mom had reservations. Dad was sure she was just having the usual emotional reaction to her children leaving the nest, but, like I said before, he was blissfully unaware. Mom did eventually relent, with conditions. "Okay, you two," she said sternly, sitting us down to talk. "Here's the way it's going to be." Her tone left no doubt that the subject was not up for debate. "I will allow this, under these stipulations. First, and foremost, you must keep your grades up. If you spend more time fucking than studying, I'll know, and this little love nest experiment will be over, understand?" "Yes Ma'am" we said, together. "Second, all the other rules still apply. Your father will undoubtedly pay you a visit at some point, likely unannounced, and you must appear to be what he thinks you are, not what I know you are. I don't know when I'm going to tell him, but until then, don't make it worse." "Will you be visiting too, Mom?" I asked, with a smile. Mom fought back her own smile, but it was too strong. "Um, yes. I will," she said, looking embarrassed. "That part applies, too." *** The move went easily. There wasn't much to pack really, just our clothes, books and stuff. The apartment was already furnished, which cut down on necessary purchases greatly. Our TVs moved with us, and our computers, but not the beds, as there were already two there ; a double in the small bedroom, officially mine, and a king in the master, which would be Natalie's. Everything was clean, as this building operated essentially as a long term hotel, meant for contract employees, and was well maintained. It was perfect. Mom and Dad helped us move, of course. Unpacking was almost as easy as packing was, and we soon found ourselves settled into our new digs. Dad wanted to stick around for dinner, but Mom convinced him otherwise. She knew what was on our minds, and knew what we'd be doing as soon as they were gone, so she dragged Dad out as soon as possible. "Remember," she said as Dad went to get the elevator, "no arrests for noise violations." A wink, and she walked away. Natalie closed the door. We went to the window, and waved as our parents' car drove away. "Alone at last," she whispered. "What to do?" I'd seen this act before. The look in her eyes. The swing of her hips. I was so going to get fucked unconscious. Well, so be it. Natalie pounced on me, hanging from her arms around my neck, and kissing me wildly. I grabbed her ass, taking the strain off both of us. "So, I believe the traditional way to christen a new apartment would be best. Why don't we start with the living room?" she smiled, dropping to her knees in front of me. Within seconds, my pants and underwear were around my ankles, and my cock was being sucked lovingly to full erection. It didn't take long. Her task complete, she stood, and sauntered toward the kitchen. "One down," she laughed, undoing her own pants as she walked. She peeled them over her hips, and kicked them off, wiggling her nearly naked ass at me. Her shirt followed, and her hands reached back to unhook her bra, which she held in place with one hand when she turned to look for me. I was still trying to get my feet free of the handcuffs that my pants had turned into, but I saw her smile and drop the bra. I never tired of seeing my sister's big tits in all their glory. I finally got loose, and by the time I made it into the kitchen, she had already shed her thong, and was perched on the countertop, her legs spread fully ninety degrees along the adjoining wings of smooth granite. "No additional prep necessary," she giggled. "I've been so horny all day, waiting for this moment, I don't think I could get any wetter if I tried." "Okay, baby," I said, stepping within range of her grasping hand. She pulled me to her, slipping the head in, then grabbing my ass to seat me completely. "My god, you are dripping, aren't you?" "Mmmmm, yes, I've missed you," she whispered, wrapping her arms around my neck. She pressed her lips to mine, moaning softly as I gave her a few gentle strokes. Her hands tugged the shirt off over my head, letting me feel all of her full, firm breasts as they mashed into my chest. "Fuck me good." She hooked her legs behind me, and patted my ass. I started to shaft her firmly, while we kissed each other. She was absolutely drenched, and I felt her juices dripping off my balls as I fucked her. So, this is what it feels like to be a couple, I thought. I'd never been in a relationship before, only having had a few girlfriends prior to Natalie, and never having been intimate with any one girl more than twice. I know that most guys my age were trying to run up the score, fucking as many girls as they could, as often as they could. I had been that way, too, but once Natalie and I hooked up, I started to see the appeal of a longer term arrangement. Mom and Dad were happy, and setting the example, so I guess I grew to want what they had, in my own way. I just never thought that the perfect woman for me...the girl of my dreams...was also the one who tormented me so gleefully from the very next bedroom, for as long as I could remember. Now, we were together, physically free of our parents supervision. While I was ecstatic at this development, I had to remember that we weren't free and clear just yet. Not until Dad was on board would we be truly able to relax. As for the rest of the world...well, I'm sure that there would be a few people who would be less than understanding, despite the facts. There would be hurt feelings, and looks of disgust, but I, personally didn't care. 'Let he who is without sin cast the first stone at the glass house' or something to that effect. Fuck them. It was nothing a move to a new city couldn't fix. Meanwhile, back in the kitchen, I was giving my sweet, darling sister a right proper seeing to, fucking her hot little cunt quite energetically. She was resting her chin on my shoulder as I did, holding me close and cooing sweet nothings into my ear. "Oh fuck, that's it baby...your cock feels soooo gooood in my little pussy. Keep going, honey...so fucking good, it's getting me really hot, now baby. Oh fuck yes...oh fuck yes...oh fuck, that's it...right there, baby... right there! Yeah...fuck me...fuck me...fuck me...oh yeah, fuck me, baby... Ooooooo, I'm cumming baby...I'm cumming!" It would appear that Mom's words of warning about the noise had been heard, loud and clear, so Natalie's orgasm wouldn't be. She grunted as her cunt spasmed around my cock, and buried her face in my neck, muffling her cries effectively. Her face blushed bright red at the exertion of restraining her vocalizations. "Son of a bitch!" she hissed, leaning against me heavily. "Fuck, that was good! Next!" She pushed me back, and slipped off the countertop. Her legs were a little rubbery, leading to a few unsteady steps, but she was determined to complete her plan. Okay, so that's the living room and kitchen properly baptized with a sexual act. Where to now? I followed her, and the answer to that question is...drum roll, please...my bedroom! Natalie just crawled onto the bed on all fours, and awaited the insertion of my cock, which took about five seconds to happen. I just picked up where I'd left off in the kitchen, giving it to her nice and hard. She always said she liked it from behind...liked to get drilled furiously, hard and deep. "I still haven't sampled this ass, yet," I whispered, running my thumb across the tight, pink orifice. "No," she laughed, "and even though I look forward to having that huge dick of yours stuffed all the way up my tailpipe, it ain't gonna be today, baby. Not ready for it yet, but I'm in training." I heard the rhythmic "slap, grunt, moan, slap, grunt, moan" of our continuing fuck, but my mind was wandering, filled with pictures of Natalie's training program, which I assumed included items of various diameters being inserted into her service entrance. I might want to get some popcorn and watch her next workout. "Oh, oh, oh, oh...fuck!" she gasped. "I'mgonnacumI'mgonnacumI'mgonnacummmm!" Her body shook, wracked by waves of pleasure. Finally her arms collapsed, and she flopped down on the bed, yanking her pussy off my cock. "Three...down...two to...go," she breathed. "Bathroom...next." I took her hand, helping her up and leading her in, where I took a seat, letting my sister mount up for some cowgirl fun. She skewered herself, then tried to rise up. Her legs were trembling. "Probably should have done this one earlier," she laughed, "when I had functioning legs. Someone..." she said, staring at me, "...has replaced them with jello." She lifted again, and dropped on my lap. "Why don't we call this one?" I said. "I mean...I'm inside you, and we're in the bathroom. I think that qualifies as sex." "Oh good," she whispered. "One more to go, and I'm doing it on my back. Take me to bed and finish me off." Just one room left, appropriately enough our / Natalie's bedroom, home of the nice, comfy king-sized bed, and I put her down on it when I carried her in. I kissed her. "I thought I was the one that was going to run out of gas," I said quietly, nibbling her neck, and fondling her boobs. She groaned. "I know! I don't get what happened, but it backfired," she giggled. "What the fuck did you do to me?" "Must be the altitude," I offered, easing between her thighs and slipping back into her pussy. "We are one storey higher here." "Altitude?" she hissed as I ground into her, crushing her clit between us. "More like depth...so deep in my cunt!" Her legs came up around my waist. "Go for it. Fuck the shit out of me!" She wasn't the only one feeling it. Her pussy was heavenly, and it's effects were cumulative, so I wasn't going to last long, but I gave it my best effort. I raised up on my arms and looked into her eyes, while I pounded her with my cock, fucking her hard. The tingle began. "Your pussy is so good, baby," I grunted. "You're gonna make me cum!" She just smiled, and glanced down at her breasts, which were swinging in time to my strokes. Then she opened her mouth, and wagged her tongue at me. Target coordinates received. I managed a few more thrusts before pulling out, and crawling up the bed beside her. The first blast hit the side of her breast, ricocheting up in a fountain of droplets that spread across her chest. More followed, giving her boobs a nice glaze of semen. The next one hit her right on the face, splashing across her cheek and into her mouth. She moaned, and grabbed my still spewing shaft, sealing her lips around it and sucking the rest down greedily. I looked down at her swallowing my seed, decorated with cum, and smiled. She pulled my wilting noodle out of her mouth, and smiled back. "Done!" she giggled. *** There was a knock on the door, and I hopped up from my spot on the couch to answer it. "Mom!" I laughed, giving her a big hug. She always did feel great pressed tight against me. "Where's your sister?" she asked with a smile as she walked in. "Library," I replied, succinctly. "Following the rules. She says having me around while she's studying is a distraction. I guess that's a compliment." "What about you?" Mom laughed. "Don't you find her distracting?" "Actually, no," I answered, "I worry when she's not here. I'm much more relaxed when we're together." "Relaxed, huh?" Mom giggled. "I'll bet. When is the last time she 'relaxed' you?" "I don't kiss and tell, Mom!" I blurted out. "What brings you to the neighbourhood?" "I, um, wanted to, um spend some time with your sister. Feeling a little lonely, I guess," she said quietly. "The house is awfully quiet without you both in it." "Well, why don't we spend some time together?" I asked her, arching my eyebrows. We hadn't been 'together' in quite a while. She smiled. "I wasn't sure you'd want this old body, now that you have access to the younger version on a regular basis," she whispered, obviously fishing. She was looking down when she said it, and finally looked up again. Her perfect blue eyes glistened. She was wearing snug navy blue yoga pants, that fit her curves like a second skin. A matching jacket, with a geometric pattern across the front, did the same up top, unzipped to just even with her big boobs. Her long blonde hair hung enticingly over one shoulder. I only hoped Natalie looked as good at forty. I stepped closer. Mom looked up at me, tilting her head back, and licking her lips in anticipation. I reached for the zipper on her jacket, and slid it down, opening it fully before sliding my hands inside. A white, V-necked t-shirt stretched tightly over her huge breasts, and I could feel the tight confines of her jogging bra when I placed my hands on her tits. I squeezed, and she moaned, her eyes fluttering. "Kiss me, Rick. Please," she breathed. I did, and she groaned happily. In the past, Mom had wanted me to dominate her when we were in the bedroom, but that had gradually given way to a more natural, gentle attitude. She still would occasionally ask for specific treatment...a spank here and there...but now we just mostly made love. I preferred it that way. I didn't really like treating my Mother like a slut. Mom's lips parted and her tongue tussled playfully with mine. She pushed me away gently. "Bedroom, please." I led her in, and she pushed me onto my back on the big, king-sized mattress that Natalie and I shared. She gave me a smouldering look, and peeled her jacket off slowly, pulling her shoulders back to make her breasts even more prominent. The bright pink of her bra now showed through her shirt, moulding her boobs into rounded globes that jutted abruptly from her chest. She kicked her shoes off, then skinned the tight fabric of her pants over her hips, wriggling out of them with a smile. A thong of matching pink was revealed. She reached for my belt. "Must I do everything myself?" she laughed, tugging my pants down. My underwear was tented, barely containing the bulge that her strip show had caused. "Mmmm, that looks good," she whispered, caressing my crotch. She leaned forward and kissed it, then gripped the fabric with her teeth, and pulled them down. My cock sprung free, slapping her face gently. "Ooooooo!" she giggled. "Booby trapped!" "No, you're 'Booby' trapped," I laughed. "And such a nice trap, too." I sat up, divesting her of her shirt, while she did the same to my underwear. Her mouth descended, engulfing my cock slowly. "Oh shit, Mom...that's so good." Mom's right hand joined her mouth, stroking and sucking as a team. I plucked at the straps of her bra, but her free hand slapped mine away, and pushed me flat again. She wagged her finger at me, a silent chastisement that didn't interrupt her actions. It didn't interrupt her moans of pleasure either. There could be no doubt ; my Mother was a very good, and very willing, cocksucker. She liked it. A few minutes of gentle oral manipulation followed. My cock had spent enough time in her warm mouth to know that, if she'd wanted to, she could have easily coaxed a load of hot cum from my balls already. No, she was teasing me, which meant that the real fun was just beginning. She gave me a few parting sucks, and stood up. The thong fell to the floor, and she crawled onto the bed with me. "I hope you don't mind," she whispered, grasping my dick and hovering her gash above it, "but I really need this. I am so fucking wet!" She dropped on me, impaling herself to the hilt in one motion. "Oh fuck! Damn that's a big cock!" she groaned, sitting upright. She reached behind her back, and unhooked the bra that somehow managed to control her big, round tits, letting it drop onto my chest. She cupped her breasts in her hands, and tugged her thick nipples to full erection. I tossed the bra aside. "Mom, you're so beautiful," I said, looking up at her. Her breasts quivered as she gently rode my pole. It was hard to say if she was blushing, or just getting excited. "Thank you, honey," she whispered. Her hand rested on my chest, and she leaned forward a bit, letting her manipulate her hips easier. She was fucking herself harder now. Her big boobs were hanging close enough to taste, so I did, grabbing one with both hands and latching onto the nipple happily. "Mmmmm," she moaned. "I never got to breast feed you, obviously, and I missed it. Feeding your sister was one of my favourite things. I'd nurse her and masturbate like a lunatic." "Well," I said, pulling her tall, thick nipple from my mouth, "I'll try to make up for it." I locked my lips in place again and suckled dutifully. "Good boy!" Mom laughed, patting the back of my head. She continued to ride my cock smoothly. "Certainly not a little boy, anymore! Bite my nipples, gently, please." Chomp. "Ah, yes, that's it baby." A few minutes later, Mom's body shuddered through a gentle orgasm. She rolled off, laying on her back, and looked up at me. "More, please, Sir?" Okay, she's not my 'mother', but she's my Mom, a beautiful, sexy, mature woman, and a willing partner. In the dictionary, under MILF, is her picture. Of course you can have more, I thought. She welcomed me with open arms and spread legs, guiding my dick back into her juicy snatch and moaning softly as she did. Her breasts were squashed between us, their resilient firmness a delicious sensation for me. The next sensation was pretty delicious, too, that of her plump lips on mine, and her tongue tangling playfully with my own. About twenty minutes of gently passionate lovemaking ensued. Mom's hands caressed my ass while I thrust with firm strokes into her, and I was able to bring her to three more blissful climaxes. I liked it this way better, being a thoughtful lover rather than an abusive one. "I'm going to cum, Mom," I warned her. "Where would you like it?" "Please...stand up. Let me suck your cock. I'd like your hot cum in my mouth," she replied, with a smile. I did as she asked, standing beside the bed while she sat, licking her own honey off the shaft with glee. Her mouth then sucked me in, and she bobbed her head, now intent on causing an explosion of semen for her to consume. Like I said before...she's a very good cocksucker, and had me teetering on the brink within a minute. "Oh shit, Mom...here it cums!" She gulped my load, sucking hard to draw every drop down her throat. Only when she had taken it all did she release my cock, allowing me to sit beside her. "Thanks Honey," she whispered. "I needed that." *** "Rick, honey...I'm home!" It was Natalie, back from the library. A small part of me felt a twinge of guilty panic, getting caught in bed with another woman. Yes, it was 'just' Mom, and yes, Natalie knew that we were still a threesome, on occasion, but I Loved my sister. The guilty feeling was new, and I didn't like it. "In here, sweetie," Mom called, nestling into my arms. We were naked, and mostly uncovered. Natalie's face appeared at the door. For a split second, she looked at me, and I could see that she wasn't pleased. It disappeared quickly, hidden by a huge smile, but I caught it. "Hi Mom!" she said brightly. "What brings you here?" "She came looking for your tongue, but had to settle for me, instead!" I laughed, hoping to let her know that it was Mom's idea. At first, anyway. I wasn't the only one who noticed the look on Natalie's face. Mom saw it too, and sat up, suddenly realizing what it must have looked like to my sister. "Oh my! Natalie...I'm so sorry," she said, rolling out of bed quickly. "I shouldn't have done this with Rick. Not now...now that I know how you feel about each other!" She was gathering her clothes, when Natalie stepped in. "Mom...it's okay! It just surprised me, that's all." Natalie hugged Mom, who was still naked, and getting more distraught by the second. "Mom, calm down. I'm not mad. Slow down," she said. "I'm so sorry," Mom repeated. "Stop," Natalie commanded. "I understand. It's not like you're here trying to steal him. You're not, are you?" she chided, and Mom giggled, shaking her head. "It's just sex, and we did promise to include you. Now, get your ass in bed, and I'll be back in a moment." When she did return, a few minutes later, she was naked and smiling. She slid in beside Mom, and we bookended her, caressing her body, but I soon began to feel like an unnecessary attendee. The two ladies were in a world of their own, kissing and embracing each other, so I left them to it, heading for the living room. I watched some TV, casting an occasional glance toward the open bedroom door, where moans of joy wafted out. I could see Natalie's ass in the air, with Mom's face buried in her pussy. Ah, 69. A very good year. Perhaps an hour later, Mom walked out of the bedroom, zipping up her jacket, with a glow on her face. Natalie was right behind her, naked and smiling. "You're right, Rick," Mom giggled. "She is very relaxing! Thank you, so much, both of you." *** That night, Natalie and I were laying in bed, snuggled together closely. Despite how things ended, I felt like I owed my darling an apology. "Nats?" I asked. "Mmmm hmmm?" she replied, stroking my chest softly. "I'm sorry. I didn't even think about what I was doing, and how it must have made you feel. Can you forgive me?" I asked her. "Of course, baby," she answered. "I must admit, the jealous feeling surprised me, though. I know it was Mom, and that we agreed to take care of her, but my first reaction, when I saw you in bed with someone else...anyone else...was anger. I guess deep down, I Love You, and I really don't want to share you. Even with Mom. Maybe, if it was all three of us together, and it was planned. I don't know." "Well, you don't need to worry about it anymore, because I won't be repeating my mistake. Mom too. She felt terrible," I whispered, kissing her on the cheek. "I think we just got caught up in the moment, and forgot how things have changed. It won't happen again." "Okay. Enough said," she giggled. "Now...feel free to make it up to me in whatever way you feel would be appropriate. I accept cash, checks, gold..." she suggested, "... or orgasms." I ducked quickly under the sheets, and took my place between her thighs. Mom had just finished munching on this perfect pussy a couple of hours ago, and I'm sure the memory of the orgasms was fresh, but I felt willing to live up to Mom's example. I never expected to be as good as Mom, but I'd settle for being the best male to ever eat my sister's cunt. With that in mind, I set to my task. I fluttered the tip of my tongue along her labia, working my way up the right side and over her clit. A soft moan was heard from above. A few big licks, from bottom to top, were greeted with similar sounds. I sat up, and threw the sheets back. Grabbing her ankles, I lifted her legs high. "Put the pillow under your ass," I directed. She did, and I lowered her legs. Propped up like this, I had better access to her pussy, and her butt as well. I went back to work. Ah, much better. I probed the depths of her moist crevice with my tongue...my, my, but she was tasty. Natalie spread her legs wider, pulling her lips further apart, letting her bright pink interior peek out. Her gaping hole begged for my fingers, and I gave it what it asked for, sliding first one, then two digits in. They made a wet, squishy sound as they penetrated her vestibule, and she groaned. My tongue found her clit again. Her hand landed on the back of my head, holding me in place, and indicating that she liked what I was doing. I added a third finger. "Oh fuck, Rick! That's nice!" she gasped. I hooked my fingers, and found the location I was looking for. There it was ; the little patch that felt like walnut shell, with ripples and ridges. I pressed, while licking her clit, and got the desired reaction. "Oh my...ahnnn...shit...Oh, yes!" She suddenly got very, very wet, and her cunt tried to break my fingers. That's one. I kept going when she relaxed, sliding in and out, rubbing firmly across the spot, sucking her clit as I did. It only took a minute or so before she was shrieking again. That's two. Her dripping, drooling gash provided the lubricant needed, as I extracted my fingers from her vagina, and inserted them, one at a time, into her ass. Natalie put a pillow over her face, and screamed. The orgasm counter had reached five before she begged me to stop. By that time, I had two fingers up her butt, two more in her pussy, and my tongue on her clitoris, causing a small puddle to form under her on the pillow. "Stop! Jesus, please stop! You're killing me! Step away from the ass and the pussy! Nothing to see here!" she giggled, her head lolling loosely. "Just trying to make it up to you," I said quietly, pulling my fingers out. "Oh, you have...believe me you have! Paid in full." *** Saturday morning, about two weeks after we moved in, Natalie rolled off me following a spirited morning session. She kissed me, and walked out, heading for the shower. I rested for a few minutes, then got dressed. As I walked into the living room, there was a knock on the door. I took about three steps toward the door, then realized that the bathroom door was open, my naked sister in the shower. The bedroom door was open, too, rumpled sheets, scent of sex and other evidence there to be seen, or smelled. "Just a second..." I called, and quickly closed the doors. I grabbed the air freshener from the kitchen, and spritzed the place. Finally, I answered the door. "Dad!" I gasped, opening it wide. "Hi," he smiled. "Anyone here want to go out for breakfast?" "I'm in," I answered, instantly happy I'd closed the doors. "Natalie's in the shower, but I imagine she's hungry, too." Probably famished, after nearly an hour of sweaty sex. I prayed that she noticed that the bathroom door was now closed, and didn't just come parading out into the living room naked. That could be harder to explain than the sheets. Luckily, my sister was a pretty sharp cookie, and she did see the closed door. She came out wrapped in a towel. "Daddy!" she giggled, hugging him tight. "We're invited to breakfast," I said calmly. "Hungry?" "Starving!" she replied, with a small grin. She ran into her room. "I'll be out in a flash!" Slam. We went out together, crisis averted for now, with Dad never knowing how close he came to catching his daughter riding his son's cock to a rollicking orgasm. Whew! *** I came home from class to find Natalie on the phone, jabbering away happily, with a big smile on her face. She waved me over and gave me a big kiss. "Yes...yeah, it's Rick, just getting home," she said to the phone. She mouthed 'Mom' at me, and I nodded. "I'll tell him Mom, you just have fun...and don't do anything I wouldn't do! Ha ha! Bye." "Have fun?" I asked. "Is she going somewhere?" "Not really, no. She just wanted us to know that we needn't worry about her getting between us anymore, or at least not as often." "Really?" I asked, "why is that?" "Because, my dear brother," she whispered, slinking in my direction, "in our absence, Dad has rediscovered his libido, and Mom's charms. She says it's like when they were first married all over again, and she's loving every minute of it. Dad can't keep his hands off her, and he's fucking the daylights out of her nearly every night!" "Wow! I didn't know he had it in him," I laughed. She was moving closer now, and had me cornered in the kitchen. "Natalie...what's that look for?" "Oh, just that with Mom out of the picture...I realized something." She licked her lips, and ran her eyes over my body. That look scared me, and excited me at the same time. "You're all mine!" she hissed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pics---->> http://bit.ly/1QdQXsD
Title: Peeping Tom 2 Summary: Mom gets it through the window Keywords: Fiction, Incest Peeping Tom 2 I snuck into the house well after 11:00. I figured there was a good chance my dad wasn't home yet and thought for sure that Mom would be in bed. I figured it would be a straight shot up the steps to my room. I just wanted to free Willy, climb into bed, relive the best night of my life, and play with myself. Seemed like a simple plan. I eased the door shut behind me and headed straight for the steps. My hand was buried deep in my pocket; diddling the swollen head of my dick in anticipation of the handjob I was gunna give myself if I could just make it to my room. I can't begin to describe how desperate I was to get upstairs and grab hold of my new best friend and make him the happiest dick ever. (My hand had been in my pocket the whole way home. I was constantly aware of the hardness of my cock; how sensitive it was, how swollen. I kept rubbing my thumb over it, feeling it, in spite of the fact that I was close to cumming in my pants.) I was almost giddy with excitement as I approached the staircase. Had I been a little gayer, I may have burst into song. (Not that there would be anything wrong with that) And then I hit a brick wall...Mom walked out of the kitchen just as I reached the bottom of the steps. I froze and stared at her; part of me scared and part of me simply entranced. ( I couldn't help but picture her with my dick in her mouth ) She looked a little worried, bothered. She looked down at the floor, walking as if she were deep in thought. She looked young and beautiful, but her body language suggested something different. Her shoulders were slouched a little and her thumb was pressed against her chin while two fingers slowly, softly glided over her reddish lips; side to side and then in a complete circle as if she was remembering what she'd had in her mouth just a short time ago. I wanted to believe that her evening rendezvous had been as exciting and awesome for her as it had been for me, but then again, I was well aware of what was going on; she, on the other hand ... from the moment she'd first closed her fingers around my dick, I believe ... had a mystery on her hands. When she saw me...she stopped abruptly. Her arms fell quickly to her sides. Her face changed. She looked almost...embarrassed. She seemed a little surprised to see me. Her characteristics took on more of a cautious nature. Her pretty eyes shifted back and forth, the way people sometimes do when they're put in an uncomfortable situation. She looked like someone that had a secret and she looked like she might be sizing me up. Now my dick still had a mind of its own. He began to throb. He was a happy dick, a happy dick for sure...a bold and brash dick, for the most part, and he had every reason to be; Watching Mom form her words with those beautiful lips, lips that had just been sliding over my dick, had ceased him as firmly as her hand had just a short time ago. I wasn't even aware that my thumb continued to poke at my dick through my pocket. "You OK Honey?" Mom asked a bit suspiciously. I heard her...I wanted to answer...Knew I should...But the words weren't there. I just stood there with one hand on the banister and the other in my pocket. Your dick is hard-Those lips-Her tits-Answer her-Don't stare-Those eyes-You're staring-SAY SOMETHING! I begged myself. I waited too long and Mom's gaze drifted down; down to my pants; my pocket to be specific. When I saw her head cock to one side a tiny bit and her pretty eyes open a little bit wider and the brow above her left eye creep up well above her eye, I realized she was looking at my pants ... moving, the tiny circles in my pocket, I swallowed hard. Her eyes drifted back to mine. And for a few long seconds...we just stared at each other. I thought I was caught. I was pretty sure that Mom had known, as soon as she'd closed her fingers around it, that the cock she held at the bathroom window was not my father's. I thought she'd made the connection. Maybe that's what she was thinking about as she came out of the kitchen. "How's Jimmy?" She asks, guarded... suspicious. My first thought was that Jimmy had called looking for me. Her brow furrowed a bit when I didn't answer right away. I took a deep breath and shook my head "Yes", like an idiot, answering the first question she'd asked. My mind was playing catch-up. "He's `Yes'?" She replied, her head cocking a tiny bit more as she studied me. "Yeah, no...I mean, yes, he's OK, he's good." I swallowed hard again. It would have been easier to swallow a piece of furniture...The couch maybe...with someone sitting on it...holding a cactus. "Are you OK Sweetie?" She asked again. This time I could hear more of a concern. It was do-or-die time. I drew a long deep breath, and pulled my hand out of my pants pocket. I brought it up to my face and wiped my eyes with the back of my hand, preparing to jump. I wet my lips and then began to tell her how I'd run into Cathy Bickers on my way home. (Cathy lives three doors down. She's a few years older than me and hot as shit) My mother knew I had a crush on her and I hoped that would explain a lot, especially the lump in the front of my pants) "Did you stop and talk?" "Yeah--Well, a little--Kinda." "Did you ask her out?" Mom said as a smile began to form. "Nooooo!" I proclaimed as I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Why not? She seems like a nice girl and she's really pretty too, huh?" I saw my chance to escape..."Moooom! God!" I exclaimed. "...I'm going to bed?" I told her as I shook my head side to side and put a foot on the first step. "No kiss?" She asks in a tone that was hard to read; maybe disappointed, maybe something else. My stomach dropped. I sighed, and turned towards her. She smiled a weak but sincere smile and took a step closer to meet me...she waited. I closed the distance between us and tried to give her a quick peck on the check, but she threw her arms around me and drew me in. I could feel those wonderful breasts, the ones I'd just watched her playing with, (The picture still crystal clear in my mind) pushing into my chest. I slipped my arms around her and slid my hands to the small of her back......And when I did, I felt like I was coming in from a cold, wet winters day...and she was the warm, soft blanket that I could bury myself in. The warmth covered all of me. She smelled great, a hint of honeysuckle in her freshly washed hair. I kissed her on the cheek for what should have been a quick second, but lingered into two or three. I knew she had to be able to feel the huge bulge in my pants against her hip, but oddly enough...I didn't really care. I was in a place where nothing seemed to matter, except the way it felt to be there. She took her hand and swept the hair away from my eyes with her fingertips. She pulled her head back a bit and focused on my eyes. I saw no contempt, no uneasiness; only the love that a mother usually has for a son. I'm almost ashamed (Almost) to say that the only desire I had at that particular moment was to hold her tighter and kiss her again. My lips touched her cheek again. This time, I let my lips softly drag across her hot cheek as I took a slow deep breath; loving the way she smelled. For the short time my lips touched her, I felt a kind of calmness; a sense that everything was as it should be. When I became aware of how tight I was holding her and how heavy my breathing had become...I pulled away and ran up the steps. "I love you." She told me, and those three simple words made me think that everything was OK. She knew...She didn't know...I didn't care...Everything was OK. I stopped midway up the steps and looked back over my shoulder. "I love you too Mom." I told her; the words never meaning so much. I ran up the steps. For a brief moment, as I walked to my room, I thought that if I were to stop this now...end the madness...I might be able to get away clean, so-to-speak. I might be able to file this under "Crazy" and be done with it; just an awesome memory that would keep me jerking off for years to come. The thought was merely fleeting at best. The second I closed my bedroom door, my dick reminded me how useless it would be to try and stop now; knowing there was a chance that I might be able to...fuck my mother. I sat up in my bed after bringing myself to a furious orgasm in record time. I was spent and didn't feel like getting up to take a shower. Besides, I didn't think I could take another encounter with my mom, so I just leaned over the side of my bed and grabbed my dirty shirt off the floor. I mindlessly wiped what cum I saw in the dim light, off my stomach and my chest. I even felt a little running down my cheek, I wiped that away as well as I thought about what might happen the next time I get a chance to climb that ladder. I was a little surprised that I hadn't even noticed I'd cum on my own face. I wiped my hands, threw the shirt back on the floor and flopped my head back down on the pillow like a 100 lb. bag of sand. I sighed; a loud exhausted, content sigh. I would have liked to have laid there and made my plans, weighed my options, strategized...But I drifted off to sleep; the sweet smell of honeysuckle and thoughts of my sweet mom fading away as I closed my eyes. I slept like a baby through the night, didn't even open my eyes until 9:30 the next morning. Normally, someone might have woken up from such a sleep wondering if it had all been a dream, had it really happened, but not me. As I changed my underwear, I could plainly see the smeared lipstick on the hard shaft of my dick. (My dick knew little softness these days) I stared at it; sat on the edge of my bed and gawked. I ran a finger over the reddish marks and shook my head with disbelief. Before I knew it, I closed my fingers around it and started to move my hand up and down like it was just part of my everyday routine. Up in the morning-Jerk off-Brush your teeth-Get some breakfast. It was a matter of seconds before I was flat on my back with my head filled with images of my mother. The way her hair smelled and how soft her skin felt when I'd kissed her good night. I pictured her sucking my dick, the way her pretty lips looked and felt around it, the way she'd hesitated for that quick second...and then given into her lust and took me into her mouth. When I was done, I got my shit together as best I could and headed downstairs to take a shower. Clean and refreshed, I made my way to the kitchen for some breakfast. I stopped at the threshold and watched my mother empting the dishwasher. My dick (Which only knew two stages now- Hard and semi-hard) began its little dance. I swear to Christ, that impediment between my legs was becoming more and more like an unruly child every day. It seemed that every time it saw what it wanted, the tantrum began...And he was relentless. Any like most kids...a good spanking didn't seem to help much. The words she'd blurted out in the bathroom... "I want to fuck"...burned in my ears. I thought of the note. I saw the words she written as clearly as I saw my mother bending over now in the kitchen. "The note!" I thought. "My pants!" I turned towards the stairs, "Jesus Christ!" I dug the pants I'd been wearing the day before yesterday out of the dirty clothes basket in my room. I fingered the pockets until I found it. I pulled it out, opened it...and stared at the words. My mind drifted a little as I pictured my intervention... Friends and family, all sitting nervously in the living room, their eyes filled with concern; some contempt; my father with that "You little son-of-a-bitch" look on his face, the school counselor, the pastor from our church, a fragile looking old guy with a gray beard, pen and pad in hand, that could only be the physiatrist, and two strapping guys, (One holding a rope) that looked like professional wrestlers, sitting just off to the side. (Muscle...In case things went badly) It would turn into an "angry mob" lynching sure as my dick knows no boundaries. I took the note. Unwilling to through it away, I decided to never let it leave my possession. I folded it into a small square, pulled my wallet from my back pocket, and stashed it behind a picture of my mother and then made my way back down stairs. "Morning Sweetie." She seemed in good spirits. "Want some eggs?" "Yeah, sure, that'd be great." "Toast?" "Sure, thanks." "Your aunt Jenny is coming over this morning." Mom announced as she pulled the carton of eggs and the butter out of the fridge. Eggs in one hand, butter in the other, she kicked the fridge door closed with a graceful sweep of her foot. I watched her every move, I watched and listened as she told me, "Yeah, we're gunna hang out today, catch up a little...maybe swim for a bit." She says, cracking an egg into the frying pan. I sat back and pictured my mom and aunt frolicking in the pool in their tiny bathing suits; splashing, rubbing up against each other. It didn't take long before I was imagining them caressing each other's tits and then doing away with their bathing suits all together. "Tommy...Tommy?" I heard my mother's voice from a million miles away. I turned my head to find her standing in front of the stove, spatula in hand, "Earth to Tommy..." she smiled. "Thinking about that little Cathy Bickers again, are you?" No ma, just picturing you making-out with your sister, naked in the pool... I thought, a half smile nervously forming at the corner of my mouth. My attention immediately leaped to the lump in my lap where, (Hidden by the table, thank God) my hand had taken up permanent residence. Hoping to explain away anything odd my mother may have noticed...I shook my head "Yes". It would seem that Cathy Bickers was going to be my failsafe excuse for any incoherent moments, spontaneous bulges in my pants and any otherwise odd behavior for the foreseeable future. "You should ask her out." She tells me as she slips two pieces of bread into the toaster and pushes it down. By the time Mom had delivered my breakfast, I had explained how I could never do that. Cathy was "...out of my league." She mussed my hair and told me that was nonsense, "You have a lot to offer a girl." She tells me with a smile I found both beautiful...and somehow curious. I nearly choked on my eggs. There was a lot of crazy shit going through my head. She was hard to read. Was this some kind of reference to what she'd held in her hands last night; to what she'd hesitantly wrapped her lips around? I had no way of knowing for sure. I'd have to stow away in the garage and listen in on my mother and Aunt Jenny and see if I could get some insight into this whole crazy thing. It would be nice to hear both sides of the conversation for once. Things couldn't have worked out better. Aunt Jenny showed up about noon, sashaying nonchalantly through the garage door. My first thought was that I was glad I wasn't perched out there on the workbench when she walked through the garage. My second thought...My aunt's pretty hot. She had a short terrycloth robe on that barely went down to the bottom of her ass, her hair pulled back into a tight ponytail that sat high on the back of her head, her sun glassed pushed back, resting on the top of her head. My eyes roamed the length of her body and settled on her pretty face. She looked like she had way too much makeup on for a day of swimming in the pool...but what did I know. Dad said his hellos and goodbyes. My little sister hugged and kissed our aunt before dad herded her out to the car and took her to the mall to get a new pair of cleats for soccer. He asked if I wanted to ride along. I declined of course and told him; (In ear shot of my mother and Aunt) that Jimmy and I were gunna head on up to Greenbrier Park to do some skating. I leaned into the living room and asked Mom if she wanted me to take the ladder and put it back in the garage before I left. She blushed, and told me not to worry about it. She still had some washing to do on the siding. "...some tuff stains..." she said. "I'm going to have to spray some Clorox on them and let them sit. I meant to do that last night" she told me. "...but I got preoccupied." She added in a lower, more lighthearted tone. If she was bothered or even regretful of anything that had happened in the last few days...it didn't show. I wanted to give my mom a little kiss goodbye before I left "for Jimmy's", but thought twice. I didn't want to take the chance that Aunt Jenny might be just a little more insightful than Mom as far as any inappropriate body language or unfitting lingering...Not to mention this whole boner-in-my-pants thing. Besides...I was worried that Aunt Jenny might be just brash enough to call me out on anything that seemed... "out of place". By noon, I was comfortably (If not nervously) perched on the workbench as Mom slipped off her flip-flops and Aunt Jenny dropped her terry cloth robe and waded into the pool. They were quite the sight. Aunt Jenny had a flattering one-piece on, white with some kind of light-blue flowers that swept from her tummy to over one shoulder. Mom....Mom had on her bikini. The top looked like it was trying to spit out her tits while the bottom looked as though it was hanging onto the roundness of her ass like a rock climber desperately hangs onto the side of a mountain. I watched, listened, and waited. It was hard hearing as they swam towards the deep end but as I controlled my heavy breathing, I could hear them whispering. "So have you confronted him?" "No." "Why not? This is what you've always wanted, isn't it? For him to, you know...get it together." Mom slipped under the water and swam back to the shallow end; back towards me. Aunt Jenny sighed and then followed. Mom swept her wet hair back, wiped the water from her face, and adjusted the top of her bathing suit around her lovely tits. Aunt Jenny surfaced beside her. They stared at each other for a long second. In my world, they would have leaned into each other, parted their wet lips, and fallen into a soft but deep kiss that would have quickly turned into something that would have made my dick explode...Literally. But that wasn't the case. They stood there, less than a foot between them, quiet; my mom looking for words...my aunt waiting to hear them. And then...At the same time...Aunt Jenny's mouth and mine...dropped open. "It's not him." My mother says; concerned that her sister might freak, yet at the same time, on the verge of giddiness none-the-less. "What do you mean, it's not him?" "I mean, it's not him." "You sure?" "I think I would know my own husbands cock Jenny. I mean, true...I don't get to see it all that often, but believe me, the cock that came through that bathroom window last night...was not his." "Holy shit" Was her sister's response followed by a quick and bewildered, "Well...Well then, who the hell's cock was it?" After a second she added with a big smile, "Was it bigger?" Mom shrugged and waded towards the steps shaking her head; not sure she should say it...knowing how crazy it sounded...but she said it anyway. "I don't know who it was." She told her sister matter-of-factly unwilling to turn and look her in the eyes right away. Then she smiled and whispered, "It was a pretty nice one." and turned to head out of the pool. My aunt watched her as she walked up the steps and made her way to her towel. Aunt Jenny followed closely behind. "Angie?" She called out as she stepped up real close to her sister. "What-da-ya mean you don't know who it is? Are you..." My mother cut her off, "Jenny, I know what you're thinking. Don't you think I've thought the same thing? I'm crazy...I know." She told her sister. There was no hint of uncertainty in her voice. "I realize how it sounds. I realize how..." Mom stopped abruptly. Aunt Jenny put a sympathetic hand on her shoulder and spun her around to pull her into her arms. "I know it's insane." Mom went on as her sister held her. "...but it's...it's amazing Jenny. I don't have words for it." She told her sister; shrugging her shoulders again, showing that she didn't understand it any more than her sister did. "How `bout hot...or exciting? Do those words work?" Aunt Jenny asked with an understanding smile and a gleam in her eyes. Mom smiled back, a shaky smile, realizing that her sister was beginning to understand. I watched her shake her head, tiny little shakes, as her smile grew. Although Mom didn't really need to, she went on to explain how empty she'd been feeling, how unsatisfied, how lonely she'd been for such a long time. As a matter-of-fact, she went on and on and on. It was really pretty heart wrenching. "...until this." She finally said. "But Honey..." Her sister looked concerned again. "...Suppose he's...I don't know...crazy or something?" she finished. Her question hit home with me. From outside, I'm sure it would seem like I was. Hell...from inside, it wasn't looking so great for me. "You know" Aunt Jenny continued, "This has the potential of going really bad." She stated the obvious. And once again, she was right on the mark. This whole thing had the same potential for bad as sliding down a sandpaper sliding board naked into a kiddy-pool filled with gasoline with a box of matches strapped to each cheek of your ass...and it would take a long time to put that fire out. "I know Jenny, I know." Mom agreed. "I don't know how to explain it...But I just have a feeling if he was gunna do something to me, something bad...I think he'd have done it long before now." She reasoned. "But he's peeking in windows." Aunt Jenny reminded her. "I think that maybe...maybe he's as lonely as I am." was Mom's response. (Shaky ground, for sure) "And the way it makes me feel...The...the orgasms..." She whispered leaning into her sister, "...the way I cum...Jesus Jenny...It leaves me so drained I can't move." They sat around the tiny table silently, reflecting for a while, until my aunt asked my mother if she had any suspicions, "Who do you think it could be?" She asked my mom. "I...I don't know...One of the neighbors? The mailman? Maybe its Brian." She speculated, nodding towards the neighbor's house. (Brian Weathers lived next door. He and his wife had been over to countless BBQs) "He would certainly know the lay-of-the-land, as it were." Aunt Jenny agreed. "He seems to pay a lot of attention to me when he and Beverly come over." "Sweetie..." Her sister said, "...All men pay a lot of attention to you at those BBQs." She informed her. "Not this much!" Mom giggled. They sat there for a little bit before Aunt Jenny spit out the words that I so desperately hoped would be left unsaid. "Did you ever thing it might be someone a little closer?" She asked my mother in a very low and suggestive voice not wanting to be characteristically blunt. "What-da-ya-mean?" "Tommy." She blurted out. My mother's eyes narrowed as she looked at her sister, obviously processing the notion. After a long and seemingly painful few seconds, Mom shook her head slowly. "No way..." she whispered slowly, softly. I couldn't tell if she was dismissing the idea wholeheartedly...or if she was getting her head around the possibility. I felt like a first-time skydiver staring out the open door at the vast world a million miles below me; unsure if I was gunna end up curled into the fetal position under one of the seats waiting to land or if the instructor was gunna push me out. I held my breath. "I'm his Mother." She finally said, the short sentence both a question and a statement. Aunt Jenny snickered and placed a loving hand on her sister's knee. "He's a boy Sweetie." She told her matter-of-factly. "They have dicks, ya know." She patted my mother's knee a few times and then rubbed it the way an elderly grandmother might do after passing on words of wisdom. And then she said something to my mother that somehow let me breathe a little easier... "Ya know Sweetie, in the big scheme of things...there's worse things." She shook her head knowingly. "...More threatening things too." She added. "Worse than my son wanting to have sex with me?" she asked as if she couldn't imagine what could be any worse. "Much worse." Aunt Jenny declared. "Much worse." She said again to make the point. They sat quiet for a little while. Feeling I'd heard enough and not wanting to take the chance of being caught up on the workbench when my father and sister got home, I slipped down and headed to my room. With Dad and my sister gone and my aunt and mother in the backyard sleuthing, I figured I would go to my room and give this whole thing some more thought. Wouldn't-ya-know-it, it wasn't long before one thought lead to another and I was pulling my dick to the image of my mother laying on the bathroom floor with that big rubber dick sliding in and out of her sweet pussy. The only thing different...Her sister was sucking on her luscious round tits while she did it. I have to be honest; where most kids might have figured they were getting too close to the fire...I seemed to be content with the heat. I should have stopped while I was ahead, closed up shop, as-it-were, especially considering that Mom was now "Dr. Watson" to aunt Jenny's "Sherlock Holmes". Just doing what I was doing pretty-much showed I had all the brightness of a 2-watt bulb. I couldn't possibly keep this charade up for too much longer, but I didn't really care I guess. The thought that I could very-well be feeling my mother's hot wet coochie around my always-hard dick pretty soon seemed to be reason enough to put it all on the line. This was an obsession, full-blown, and like a strung-out junkie standing mid-day on the corner in front of the police station trying to score just one more bag, nothing else much mattered. I decided on somewhat of a plan. Since my mother had left it so vague, ("I want to fuck") I wasn't really sure exactly how to go about getting my dick into my mother. I decided that next time I set out to spy on her, I would leave HER a note. I grabbed a pen and a slip of paper and sat at my desk. Tell me what you want me to do, I wrote. I stared at the note for a minute or so before I realized that I was an idiot. Like she don't know your handwriting, I whispered out loud as I shook my head. I quickly typed and printed out the note. My plan was simple, Next chance I got, I'd take in the show (At the glamorous "Bath Room"; where the lighting, acoustical overtones and the sheer ambiance, far overshadow the limited seating and restricted view) and then slip the note in the crack of the window and hope that the next time I get to watch...there's a response waiting for me on the sill like last time (Assuming SHE finds the note and no one else) In hind-sight, my plan seems a little risky. As it turned out, I didn't have to wait very long for the opportunity to slip into the back yard and park myself outside the bathroom window. That very night, my sister was engrossed in a movie on the living-room couch and God saw fit to make it rain. Dad was confined to the house (His room actually) at his desk, working on his computer. But it would take more than a little rain to keep me away from the bathroom window. At 9:00, I heard Mom call out to my father and tell him that she was going to take her shower. The tone in her voice was misleading. It sounded as though she were letting him know so that he could do whatever he needed to do to get outside the bathroom window for their secret get-together , but I knew better; we both knew better. We both knew that it wasn't my father that had been peeping on her. I made it a point to head to my room so that I would pass my mother on the steps. We looked at each other; again, a hard read. It looked to me like she might be sizing me up, perhaps thinking about what her sister had said to her...perhaps a guilty conscience on my part...Who knows? "Not going over Jimmy's tonight?" she asked holding tightly to the rolled up towel under her arm. It may have been me, but it seemed she'd asked more like a cop than a wondering mom. "Nah, it's raining." "Your dad could bring you...if you really wanted to go, I mean." I saw her fingers flexing on the covered dildo snuggled in her armpit. Nervousness...anticipation...Hard to say. I got the feeling she was trying to get rid of me...maybe my father as well. Maybe she was concerned that one of us might wander outside at the wrong time and catch her Peeping Tom. Maybe she just wanted to make sure that I was over Jimmy's and my dad bringing me there would prove that that was indeed where I really was. That way, if her new friend were to show up at the window...it would be proof positive, in spite of what her sister had implied, that it wasn't me...her son...who's dick she'd sucked the other night. I briefly wondered what that knowledge might do to her. "Naaah, I got about 15 emails I haven't answered and I haven't checked my Facebook for a few days. That should keep me pretty busy for a little while." I told her. "Tommy?" She said as if she wanted to ask me something, but seemed to change her mind. I got an impulse, an urge, to touch her arm, tell her everything was OK, tell her not to worry. But how could I tell her that after all that had happened; all that I'd done. I hurried to my room and just stood outside the door. When I heard the bathroom door shut, I made my way quietly and swiftly to the garage. Stopping for a brief second to listen at the bathroom door, I heard some rustling around and new I'd better hurry. I snatched a plastic poncho that hung on nail by the door on my way out, stuck my head through the opening and stepped out into the wet night. I hurried around back to the window. I was just about to step up onto the ladder when the window slid open. I took a silent step back and froze. I saw the blinds move and got ready to run. They moved side to side a bit and then fell still. I waited for the window to close again, but it didn't happen. I waited in the rain unsure of what to do; my weight leaning towards the side gate and one hand in my pocket, white-knuckled fingers clenching the note I'd printed out. I was ready to pull it from my pocket in the blink of an eye and eat it if necessary to keep it from falling into enemy hands. Then...Like a little kid waking early on Christmas morning with the hope of finding Santa by the fireplace munching on cookies and milk, the thought shot into my head. She was opening the window...FOR ME! She was opening the window as she'd done the last time, so that I could stick my hard dick through the blinds for her. I approached the ladder like a rat approaches a trap. I wanted to leap up those steps, rip the blinds out of my way and leap into the bathroom. I wanted to show my mother that it was ME...and tell her everything; all the things I thought about her, all the things I wanted to do...but the last thread of sense that held all this together held me back. I swallowed hard, and slowly placed a foot on the bottom step of the ladder, and pulled myself up. I craned my neck and to my surprise...there was a small piece of paper wrapped in a plastic bag lying on the wet windowsill. Plastic baggie, I thought. Good idea. I was afraid to touch it as I had been afraid to touch the last one. I stretched my neck a little further and peeked through the blinds. Mom had turned the shower on and taken her place in front of the mirror. She was fully naked; her nipples already full and hard. Either the anticipation or the cool breeze from the open window and the rainy night...it didn't really matter; they were beautiful. I wanted to kiss them, trace over my lips with them...maybe close my eyes and softly press my cheeks against the fullness of each mound; first one cheek and then the other, gratefully, lovingly...the way you nuzzle your face into the soft ear of a loving dog you've had forever. As I hear myself speak...I take note of the texture and sincerity of each word. They sound more like the words of someone in love rather than words of a depraved horny boy. Somewhere along the line...I guess something changed. I watched in awe as, one by one, she pulled her makeup from her makeup bag and placed them on the vanity. I watched her apply each product, to her eyes, her face and then to her lips. Watching her move her lips, form an "O" with her mouth, trace over the fullness of them, leaving the creamy pink color, was like watching a "Slow motion moment" when the hot girl comes out of the pool dripping wet, her eyes closes, her head tilted back, her arms up, her hands pulling her wet hair back from her face. The close-up shows each cool water droplet as it finds its way around each curve of her face, rolls around each lip to slowly drip off her wet chin. It was easy to get lost in the moment. If anyone could see this seemingly simple thing, they would understand what motivates me, the reason I let it get this far, the reason I couldn't turn back. Every few seconds my attention was drawn to the wet plastic bag that held my mother's note. She seemed to take great care putting on her makeup. Even though all of it would be washed off in the shower soon enough...she took the time, made the effort, to create a mood...to make herself even more beautiful; for a stranger...for someone that obviously made her feel like she was worth it, I suppose. She had no idea that she needn't bother. I silently slipped my fingers over the wet plastic bag as I watched her. As she pulled the brush slowly through her hair, I slipped the bag off the sill, opened it, and pulled the small piece of paper out. I opened it with shaky hands, glancing every other second at my mother, unwilling to miss even the smallest thing. With the note out of the plastic bag, I took the few seconds to read it before it was ruined by the rain. Stick it through again when you're ready for me, It said. I don't know how long I stared at that note but I did until the words were too smeared to read any longer. When I looked through the window, my mother was finished brushing her hair. At that moment, I was unaware of the chilly rain, the fact that I was perched on a ladder outside the bathroom window, or that at any moment my father or sister could come out of the house and catch me doing something that I would never be able to explain. All I was aware of or cared about...was my mother. I carefully climbed two more steps, rested my hand on the top of the window frame and steadied myself. I unsnapped my jeans and with one hand I worked my throbbing cock from its nice warm hide-a-way. I kept it warm with my hand as I watched my mother. I watched Mom go through her long seductive dance. More than once I had to release my hard dick and let the cool rain sooth it, keep it from bursting into flames. The last thing I needed on this dark rainy night was a signal fire. As Mom licked that rubber cock to get it wet and slippery, I slowly made my way up one more step bringing my hopeful cock about a foot above the wooden sill. I saw Mom cut her eyes towards the window as she kissed the very tip of that dildo. She drew her head back a tiny bit from the rubber cock. She stared at the pink lipstick that covered the tip and then seductively licked her lips. I could plainly see, with each heave of her breasts, that her breathing was getting heavier. I think mine had stopped all together. I felt a tightness in my chest that I was sure would soon cause unconsciousness and an unsteadiness in my legs that would make a long stay on the ladder pretty unlikely... I rested my upper thighs against the sill to steady myself. I felt the tip of my dick touch the wet coolness of the blinds. I saw Mom cut her eyes again in my direction. She reached up with her free hand and grabbed the medicine cabinet. The mirrored door swung open. I could see the reflection of the window and vaguely make out my outline in its frame behind the slats of the blinds. I couldn't imagine what she gunna get now. She slowly turned; the dildo in one hand, her other hand empty. She hadn't taken anything out of the medicine cabinet. I cocked my head a little. Then I felt my jaw tighten, my teeth clench when Mom took a step towards the window. I assumed she was going to take her place on the toilet below me like last time and continue the ritual. My entire being was one tight rubber band ready to snap. I didn't think I could get more rigid, but even as the thought formed, my fingers dug tighter into the wet wood around the window. I could feel the paint cracking under my grip. My other hand froze, locked even tighter around my dick when Mom rested her elbows on her side of the windowsill. With the dildo flopping over in one hand and her forehead nearly touching the blinds just inches from where my dick threatened to peek through....Well...I couldn't even swallow. I couldn't even stroke my cock, and believe me...my cock needed some serious stroking... I watched as the hand that held that rubbery cock briefly disappeared. Next time I saw it, it was framed by my mother's ass cheeks, pointing at that hot moist spot that I wanted so badly. She rested her chin on the sill and I heard her softly moan as she lifted her ass slightly and began to push the fat head of my rival into her pussy. I watched, like a dream, as she started to work it in more and more; deeper into the slickness. I could hear the wetness of her pussy as it slipped in and out. I could even smell the faint alluring aroma of her hot coochie over the sweet fragrance of her perfume. It would seem that Mom was just as excited as I was. The only real difference...she seemed to have no trouble letting the occasional moan escape her where I was having a hard time even breathing. As Mom began to work that long dildo in and out of her wet pussy, the squishing sounds echoed off the tile walls and her soft moans came through the open window like fingers to grab my swollen cock. It was then I glance at the mirrored door my mother had opened on the medicine cabinet. I could see clearly through the slats, the reflection of my mom's ass as that rubber dick disappeared and reappeared, again and again. I watched as she brought her other hand around and with her long, delicate fingers, she took hold of her lovely ass cheek and pulled it away from the other. With her chin planted firmly on the windowsill, her sexy mouth inches from my rigid dick, she fucked herself slowly, methodically with that dildo; pulling it out, rubbing it along her ass-crack, making small circles, and teasing her clit with the tip before plunging it back inside her coochie. I could see all of this in the small mirror behind my mom. She had obviously given this a great deal of thought. I was glad. More than glad. I was...was overwhelmed. A hundred thoughts rushes through my head but none of them took me away from the picture in front of me or the fact that I was about to cum all over the blinds and probably all over my mother's face. Unable to help myself any longer, I eased forward. I let my swollen boyhood part the thin slats of the blinds. I arched my back, leaning back as far as I could without falling. With my chin pressed against my chest, I could see my cock and my mother's mouth through the same few slats. I pushed forward a tiny bit more and watched as Mom open her pretty mouth and welcomed her hard stranger. "Mmmmmmm" she moans as her lips closed around me and the hot air that rushes out of her nose tickles my belly. I push harder, my stomach forcing the flimsy blinds further into the bathroom, my balls parting the slats allowing my mother access to all of me. My boldness is rewarded with a loud moan, a sweet kiss on the head of my slimy prick and a gentle but firm lapping of my blue balls. She sucked each one into her warm mouth in turn. Breathing hard, moaning and sighing, she did to my balls what I wanted to do to her huge tits. She rubbed them all over her face; kissed them, licked them and made love to them like they were a separate entity. Like she needed them. And I suppose at that moment...she did. She needed this as bad as I did. This had become as much of an obsession for her as it had for me. Oddly enough; it made me feel like this was all OK. Like this was...normal. There was no way that I was going to hold on any longer. With my balls deep in her mouth...I started to cum. A thick white rope shot from the tip of my thick cock and shot over her shoulder and onto her back. Mom quickly wrapped her fingers around my stiff shaft and began to pump it with some attitude. The next long rope ricocheted off her upper lip and splashed over her cheek and into her hair. She moaned and grunted as she wrapped her sexy pink lips around the tip of my cock and stroked and gulped down what she milked out. There didn't seem to be any concern about the noise we were both making or the fact that I was no doubt quite visible standing so high on that ladder silhouetted by the bathroom light. I held white-knuckled to the window frame, my knees shaking, flirting with collapse and hyperventilation. Mom had abandoned her fake cock and gave my spurting dick all of her attention and (For both of us, I think) there was nothing in the world except my cock and the cum that shot out of it. Mom lapped, kissed and swallowed with the occasional glob of thick cum escaping from the corner of her mouth. She quickly retrieved it, pushing it back between her lips with the head of my dick. As the frenzy died down and the lust settled, Mom began a slow, seductive massage with her lips, up and down my cock. Giving it tiny little sucks and kisses, licking up any cum that had tried to get away. After a few minutes of this bliss, Mom kissed the base of my still-hard dick and kissed her way slowly to the tip. If she was doing this to keep me hard...there was no need. I knew full-well this puppy would never see another soft day. She released me and I watched as she licked every drop off her fingers and then searched around her mouth with her long sharp tongue for leftovers. Unwilling to end this...this...encounter, I boldly reached through the blinds with my hand, my arm, and slid my hand around to the back of her head. "Don't stop." I whispered with a husky breath as I arched my back more and pulled her back to my cock. She smiled a teeny bit and opened her mouth to take me back in. I watched as the most beautiful woman in the world made love to her son's cock with her mouth. It wasn't long before I became extremely aware of the fact that I was no longer hidden by the bushes. I was sure that my silhouette was as noticeable, if anyone were to look, as the Bat signal was to the citizens of Gotham City...but I truly didn't care. And then, as if sensing the same thing...Mom pulled her lovely mouth off my dick, stepped back and flipped the light switch off. Before my eyes adjusted, I could feel my mother's warm mouth around me again. The feeling made me let out a long soft sigh, like settling into your own warm bed after a long day of hard work. I rested my cheek against the soaked window frame and fell into the feeling my mother was giving to me. I'm not sure how much time passed, but I felt my mother kiss the tip of my happy cock one last time and then she was gone. A sudden wave of...of sadness flushed over me. Damn, I thought. I didn't want it to stop, but I figured she was right. We'd been at it for quite a while. I heard movement in the bathroom; things shifting, maybe something being dragged. I heard what sounded like metal against metal. I pulled back a little and grabbed my pants. I was getting ready to button-up and high-tail it when I heard my mother's voice. "Don't move." She whispered. As I squinted through the window trying to see, but there wasn't really enough light to see. I could make out the outline, the shape of my mother, each curve but that was all. I watched as she fumbled around but I wasn't sure what she was doing. In less than a minute, I saw Mom's hand reach through the blinds and take hold of my ever-hard dick. I gasped. My eyes focused on her hand and what it held. I watched as, this time, it was her that pushed against the blinds, pushing them out, out past the frame, threatening to rip them from whatever held them to the wall. With the light of the moon I could see what was happening. Mom had her ass half way out of the window, my dick tight in her hand, drawing it to her, guiding it, leading it to her needy cunt. In a sense...she was bringing it home. When I saw what was actually happening and finally grasped the moment, I ripped the poncho off with one quick pull, pushed my pants down well out of the way, and lunged forward nearly falling through the window. (Which would have in no way stopped me. My mother either I think) My cock slid in easily and completely as Mom groaned and softly cried out over the running water, "Oh fuck yyyyyeahhhhh." Hearing her words so clearly swung the gate open and let the bull out to buck. There was an orgasm somewhere deep inside my mother...and I was gunna find it. I stuck both hands through those blinds and filled them with the softness of her firm ass; squeezing to the point that my fingers hurt. I gave no concern to the marks I must be leaving on my mother's smooth ass and apparently, neither did mom. "F-u-c-k me!" fluttered from the dimness and floated out the window in a long low, annunciated growl. "Oh god yes...Fuck me!" I'm a good boy and I did what I was told. I slammed into my mother; the blinds bending and crinkling, the window rattling as my forehead slapped the raised window, my mother gasping and me biting my lip and trying, the best I could, to draw in enough air through my mouth. I heard stuff falling on the floor; no doubt what ever was on the back of the tiolet or the makeup on the sink vanity. A few times Mom's footing seemed to slip and she flirted with falling off whatever she was standing on. She recovered without skipping a beat but to be honest, at that point, I had such a firm grip on her ass and my dick was so deep inside her, I believe I could have held her there with her legs hanging limp, slapping against the wall as I fucked her. I should have been concerned about the loud slapping sounds that echoed of the walls and pushed their way past me each time our bodies met...But I was busy. I was sure that the sporadic moans and gasps that my mother couldn't seem to control would draw concern by anyone passing in the hallway...But I didn't care. Mom was pushing into me as best she could considering the position she was in. I shook a leg free from my soaked pants and brought a knee up to rest on the wet sill for better leverage. I was all but in the bathroom now and Mom was all but outside. It was like sticking your hand in the cookie jar and wrapping your fist around a hand full of cookies. You can't pull your hand out. And I wasn't about to give up the cookies. I had worked my hands to Mom's waist and was pulling and pushing frantically. "Oh Jesus! Do it! Yes do it!" Mom groaned. "Holy fuck!" Her words were hardly more than hollowed gasps, thin and whispery like the steam that now fogged the mirror and the glass of the window, but they were like a bolt of lightning to me. The thought that I was making her say such things...I was the one fucking her good and hard, hard enough to make her feel this good, good enough that she couldn't keep the passion inside ...Well...There are no words to paint that picture, no way to share that feeling. That second load was working its way to the exit. I could feel Mom's tight pussy sucking on my crazy cock like a plunger on a stopped-up sink. We pushed and pulled at each other, ground and rocked and somewhere in midst of rattling windows, broken blinds, hot, wet slamming flesh, and, lustful moans of sinful pleasure...we both reached the place we'd been running to. Mom froze, her whole body becoming ridged. I felt her sopping pussy clamp down on my dick like an angry fist. I held tight, ground into her, my pubic hair tickling her asshole, arching as much as I could, using her as a counter weight. I held her firmly, strongly, if not brutally by the hips, rocking my ass ever-so slightly until her contractions released that orgasm I'd been hunting so franticly for. Her hot juices washed over and around my throbbing cock and drenched my tired balls and ran down my thighs to the rainy windowsill. My cock burst inside her causing her ass to jump and quiver and push back even harder. We hardly moved as I emptied my load so deep inside my mother there was no doubt in my mind that she could taste it. A low humming, a constant whine escaped my mother as I felt her body start to limber. I held her tight in my grip as the last of my load found its place. As the last of bliss drained away and the real world took its place, I began to feel the full weight of my mother on the other side of the window. Remembering the effect that each hard orgasm I'd seen my mother have had on her when she'd pleasured herself, made me realize that we were gunna have a problem pretty soon if Mom didn't get to steady ground. I no sooner had the thought that I felt my mother slipping away. With my face pressed hard against the window, one knee planted precariously on the wet, slippery wooden sill and the ladder (With one foot on it, my soaked pants dangling from around my ankle) shaking beneath me, I tried as best I could to ease my mother down; down to the floor. I could hear her trying to catch her breath, but it seemed like she had surrendered to gravity's pull. It didn't feel like she was making any attempt to catch herself or make her way down off of whatever she was standing on. The toilet with one foot I figured, but had no idea what her other foot was on if anything. I was more than halfway in the window when Mom slipped from my grip. I lunged to get a better grip but when I did, the ladder fell away from the house. I hit the ground with a lung emptying thud. I heard Mom let out a small yelp and then more stuff hit the floor. I jumped up, wet bark dangling from my bare ass, my wet pants tangled around my feet, and pulled myself up to the window. I was just about to ask her if she was alright when I heard my father at the door. "You OK Babe?" Mom answered quickly. "I'm fine. I just slipped getting out of the shower Hun. It's kinda dark in here." "Dark?" "Yeah, the light bulb went out in here, ya think you can get me a new one?" She asked, barely able to talk with any real volume. "They're in the pantry, third shelf." "Yeah, yeah, I'll get it...You sure you're OK?" "Yeah Sweetie...Never better." She told him. It was obvious that Mom was all right. I wanted to say something. Bye...Thanks...Had a swell time...Something, but I took the opportunity to scram. With any luck, I'd be able to sneak upstairs while Dad changed the light bulb and Mom got dried and dressed. pics---->> http://bit.ly/1D1q3qp
"Title: That Sinking Feeling\n\n\n\nSummary: A mother, a son, his wife and a king size bed.\n\n\n\nK(...TRUNCATED)
"Title: Forced to Fuck His Mom on Halloween\n\n\n\n\nSummary: Mother and son forced together through(...TRUNCATED)
"Title: Bathed in Sun, Naked Sister\n\n\n\n\nSummary: Sister, her virgin brother, and a modeling job(...TRUNCATED)
"Title: My Daughter's Xmas Present\n\n\n\n\nSummary: Daddy gets a special Xmas present from his daug(...TRUNCATED)
"Title: Goodnight Kisses\n\n\n\n\nSummary: Sister's lifestyle change leads to love with brother.\n\n(...TRUNCATED)
"Title: Getting Even or Getting Off\n\n\n\n\nSummary: It's April Fool's, but who's fooling who? \n\(...TRUNCATED)

I added the longer context samples from erotica-analysys and removed the smaller samples from the original erotiquant. The minimum context size is 8000 per sample.

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