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Mister Monday is an interesting Fantasy novel that draws readers in from the very beginning. The main character, Arthur is flawed and that is what makes him the "chosen" one for the Keys to the Kingdom. In this series starter, Arthur learns what power he has as he tries to determine how to live his life with this key that he has obtained and this house and little, scary fantasy creatures that no one else can see but him. Arthur starts to think he is losing it, but a few friends from his P. E. class see the creatures too, so Arthur apprehensively goes on his journey as the reluctant hero who is bound to find a way to save his community and family. This book along with Grim Tuesday will hook readers on this series. I can't wait for the rest of the books in this series. Harry Potter lovers can definitely find a new love in this series
In this series starter, Arthur learns what power he has as he tries to determine how to live his life with this key that he has obtained and this house and little, scary fantasy creatures that no one else can see but him
Dark fantasy writer Garth Nix expanded his readership with his excellent "Seventh Tower" series, an original and much-publicized fantasy work. Now he expands further, in a darker, grittier, more realistic fantasy set in our world, where a confused young boy has to escape dark forces that want to use him for their own ends -- or kill him. Arthur Penhaligon has asthma. As a result, he ends up in the hospital regularly. But one day he encounters a strange man called Mr. Monday and his creepy butler, who leave him with a Key shaped like a minute hand and a little book with dancing letters. When he returns home after another stay in the hospital, Arthur finds that the Key seems to be attracting unwanted attention -- a statue of a Komodo dragon comes alive, and a winged man-dog tries to come into his house. What's more, a House has appeared -- one that is also inside the little book. Soon Arthur is being pursued by more dog-faced Fetchers, and a strange plague is sweeping his town -- and somehow the Key is keeping him alive, even though he was supposed to die of an asthma attack. His answers lie inside the House. But what lies beyond it is like nothing in our world, where ghastly nithlings roam and the Piper's children run wild in the streets. And the sinister Mr. Monday wants the Key back. Garth Nix takes his focus from high fantasy -- such as the Abhorsen trilogy or the Seventh Tower series -- to a more modern fantasy that takes place in our world. Though Arthur skips to another world, he's clearly from our own. But Nix doesn't downplay his brand of horrific fantasy either; stuff that would seem silly for most other authors, like dog-faced monsters, is magic in his hands. The writing is detailed, evocative, and never lags for a minute. As in his other books, he melds an exceptional, original fantasy world with elements of horror. The handling of the parallel world, the Will, Sneezer, and the Key and Atlas are all wonderfully woven together, not to mention the characters of Dawn, Dusk, Noon for each day, and so on. At the same time, we have the bloodwinged, silver-tongued Noon and the ugly Fetchers, not to mention the hideous nithlings. This is dark fantasy at its best. Arthur is a likable kid, with an unusual problem for fantasy heroes (namely, asthma). Like most of Nix's heroes, the poor kid is desperately running and searching, and learning from those ahead of him. Quirky Suzy is reminiscent of a Lloyd Alexander heroine, strong and brave and just a little strange. "Mister Monday" is another great book from Garth Nix, combining darkness and fantasy and leaving the ending open for the second book of the series. An intriguing, enthralling book
The handling of the parallel world, the Will, Sneezer, and the Key and Atlas are all wonderfully woven together, not to mention the characters of Dawn, Dusk, Noon for each day, and so on
parallel world
David Guterson's first novel, Snow Falling on Cedars, was a true ensemble piece, in which even a high-stakes murder trial seemed like a judgment passed on the community at large. In his eloquent second novel, however, the author swings dramatically in the opposite direction. East of the Mountains is the tale of a solitary, 73-year-old Seattle widower. A retired heart surgeon, Ben Givens is an old hand at turning isolation to his advantage, both professionally and personally: "When everything human was erased from existence except that narrow antiseptic window through which another's heart could be manipulated--few were as adroit as Dr. Givens. " Now, however, Ben has been dealt a problem entirely beyond his powers of manipulation: a diagnosis of terminal cancer. With just a few months to live, he sets out across the Cascades for a hunting trip, planning to take his own life once he reaches the high desert. A car crash en route puts an initial crimp in this suicide mission. But the ailing surgeon presses onward--and begins a simultaneous journey into the past. Between present-tense episodes, which demonstrate Ben's cranky commitment to his own extinction, we learn about his boyhood in Washington's apple country, his traumatic war experience in the Italian Alps, and the beginning of his vocation. Guterson narrates the apple-scented idyll of Ben's childhood in a typically low-key manner--and orchards, of course, are seldom the stuff of melodrama. Still, many of his ambling sentences offer miniature lessons in patience and perception: "They rode back all day to the Columbia, traversed it on the Colockum Ferry, and at dusk came into their orchard tired, on empty stomachs, their hats tipped back, to walk the horses between the rows of trees in a silent kind of processional, and Aidan ran his hands over limbs as he passed them with his horse behind him, the limbs trembling in the wake of his passing, and on, then, to the barn. " The wartime episodes, however, are less satisfactory. Clearly Guterson has done his research down to the last stray bullet, but there's a second-hand feeling to the material, which seems less a token of Ben's detachment than the author's. There is, alas, an additional problem. Begin a story with a planned suicide, and there are exactly two possible outcomes. It would be unfair to reveal Ben's fate. But as the forces of life and death yank him one way, then another, Guterson tends to stack the deck--particularly during a bus ride toward the end of the novel, when Ben's fellow passengers appear to have wandered in from a Frank Capra film. Yet East of the Mountains remains a beautifully imagined work, in which the landscape reflects both Ben's desperation and his intermittent delight. And Guterson knows from the start what his protagonist learns in painful increments: that "a neat, uncomplicated end" doesn't exist on either side of the mountains. --James Marcus
Guterson narrates the apple-scented idyll of Ben's childhood in a typically low-key manner--and orchards, of course, are seldom the stuff of melodrama
The fourth psychological thriller from Michael Marshall Smith (writing under his truncated pseudonym) is a departure from his Straw Men universe. Its a Seattle based thriller which deceptively begins as a genre piece, goes on to transcend genre conventions and eventually develops into a dark rumination on identity, relationships, paths not taken and the nature of ourselves. Marshall Smith's usual themes, concerns and metaphors are present but have been refined to the point of grand eloquence and this time around have been coupled with a use of imagery which puts this on a par with so-called literary fiction: architecture becomes symbolic of the human psyche and old unrepaired radios haunt living spaces like the regrets that we all carry with us. I can't really describe the plot without blowing it, suffice to say, you need to experience it for yourself and I highly recommend that you do. Whether writing as Marshall or Marshall Smith, this is a novelist who has always been way ahead in his field and he only gets better with every book. If you haven't experienced him in either incarnation, you've missed a treat and this novel is a perfect place to begin familiarising yourself with his work
Marshall Smith's usual themes, concerns and metaphors are present but have been refined to the point of grand eloquence and this time around have been coupled with a use of imagery which puts this on a par with so-called literary fiction: architecture becomes symbolic of the human psyche and old unrepaired radios haunt living spaces like the regrets that we all carry with us
Marshall Smith
This book was a chore to read. The cover information presented this work as a balanced description of life as a wife. Instead, it appears to have been written by a woman with a chip on her shoulder with a pessimistic view of society and women's abilities to think for themselves. She gives more power and validity to pop-culture than it deserves and puts a negative spin on happy, non-harmful traditions. It left a sour taste in my mouth. There are much better guides for women out there that don't have their own agendas
This book was a chore to read
In this first book in the series, Keys to the Kingdom, we find Aurther Penhaligon, a seventh grader who recently moved to a new and strange home. Of, course, it doesn't seem strange to him- at first. Aurther has heavy asthma, which places him in the hospital quite often. One Monday morining, Aurther is in Gym in his new shcool, and has an asthma attck on the run they were on. During this attack, A strangfe man named Mister Monday comes, and is tricked into giving Aurther a minute hand shaped "key"- which is what they called it. As soon as Aurther holds this key, he finds that he can breathe, and he doesn't die the death that he was meant to die. But with this key comes strange creatures from another dimension who pursue the key, and though he doesn't know why, Aurther knows that he shouldn't give it to them{they work for Mister Monday- who wants the key back}. These creatures, called Fetchers bring a terrible disease called the "Sleepy Pluage", which after afew symtoms like having a cold, puts the infected people to sleep- literally- they fall asleep, and can't be woken up! Aurther is particually sensitive to this outbreak beacuse he is adopted{his birth parents died in a flu outbreak when he was a baby}. He couldn't bear to have more loved ones lost to a disease outbreak. Then, Aurther notices a strange house that only he can see. He has a feeling that the answer to curing the sick people is to go in there. But what he finds when he does is a another world, calle the House, which was created by the Great Architect- the creator of all things. This aerchitect left long ago, but left a will to be followed through- BUT IT WAS NOT!!! The will was broken in seven fragments, and scattered through time and space. Now the first and least fragment of the Will has escaped, and it is helping Aurther. It says that he is the rightfull heir to the kingdom{the House} but all Aurther wants is a cure to the Sleepy Plauge. The Will tells Aurther that to find this cure, he has to defeat Mister Monday, using the Minute Hand key, and claim Mondays half of the key {the Hour Hand}which will then bind with the Minute Hand to become the first and leat Key to the Kingdom. Aurther, Suzy Blue{a friend he makes on the way} and the Will now will go through many treacherous tasks to defeat Monday- the Will so that Aurther can claim the key, therefore the first part of the Will is done, Aurther to find a cure to thing strange plauge, and Suzy to help them all. I thought that this book was amazing, had great detail, and was imaginative in every way. Garth Nix did a great job, and I can't wait to read Grim Tuesday, the next book in the Keys to the Kingdom series!
Then, Aurther notices a strange house that only he can see
strange house
I think Kolbler does a good job of detailing the rise of the Mafia. Italians calling themselves the Black Hand rob and blackmail guilable Italian immigrants. People like Colossimo, and Capone get into the protection busiess. This leads to other rackets, and the Mafia is born. Capone was not a member of the Mafia group, but he knew their main leaders. Capone and before that Torrio become the main influences in the Chicago underworld. This is a detailed biography of Alphonse Capone. The book also shows the corrupt nature of early Chicago politics and the start of Prohibition. Capone because of his leadership qualities and friendship with Torrio becomes a effective leader of the Chicago underworld. Al used whatever he needed to establish his rule. This included blackmail, torture, and murder. He also was generous to those who were loyal to him. There was both a good and dark side to Al Capone. If you betrayed him, then he could beat you to death like the three Sicilians. If you treated him as an equal, he could help and befriend you. Kobler shows all the complexities of Al Capone, He may have evil traits, but a very real human came through in Kobler's biography. This is a very detailed, but also very readable history of Al Capone
Capone and before that Torrio become the main influences in the Chicago underworld
Garth Nix's "Mister Monday" begins a brand new fantasy series in the "Keys to the Kingdom" series. This Australian author is fast-becoming one of the biggest names in fantasy with his reinvention of the genre and his intricate, fascinating plots. Unlike other such authors, who place their heroes in a medieval realm of magical swords, horse-back riding and dragons, Nix follows the example of writers such as Philip Pullman, Susanna Clarke and (to a lesser degree) J. K. Rowling by creating a more contemporary fantasy-world with the flavours and style of the 18th and 19th centuries. Where his "Seventh Tower" book was written for younger readers, and "Abhorsen" trilogy for teenagers (though many adults got in on the act), "The Keys to the Kingdom" are situated smack dab in the centre of these two age groups - though again, I hope this doesn't prevent people of any age group from reading them. The Epicentre of the Universe is a realm known as "The House" - a labyrinth of rooms and halls and fantastical landscapes, that are ruled over by the treacherous Trustees, or as they are more commonly known, the Morrow Days. Their task was to take over the supervision of our world (or `The Secondary Realms') from the creator - the Architect, who left Her instructions written in a Will, to be carried out accordingly. But the Days tore the Will into seven pieces and scattered the scraps across the known worlds to be guarded forever more, and only now - thousands of years later - has one fragment of the Will managed to escape. Meanwhile, in the ordinary world, Arthur Penhaligon is coping with the pressures of the first day at a new school. Forced to go on a cross-country run - even though he has severe asthma - Arthur soon finds himself lagging behind, and eventually collapses on the lawn. Whilst his classmates run for help, the strangest thing happens: a young man and his butler appear from nowhere, and bequeath to Arthur something that they call a "Key" (though to Arthur it looks more like a large minute hand from a clock), and a strange book called `The Compleat Atlas of the House and Immediate Environs'. But when a fight emerges between the two figures - Mister Monday and Sneezer - they both disappear without any further regard to Arthur. And from there, things just get stranger. A giant House has appeared on the block that only Arthur can see, and ugly dog-faced men in bowler hats are coming after him. Worse of all is the outbreak of a mysterious illness that puts the whole community into quarantine and Arthur's own family in danger. Seeing no other way of helping, Arthur travels to the House, uses his key, and enters its domain. Arthur has been chosen by the Will to become Heir to the Kingdom and set right the corruption that is destroying management of the realm. What follows is an amazing adventure throughout a world chock-full of danger, intrigue, invention and surprises. The House is one of the most colourful places you could ever wish to visit, complete with everything from elevators to dinosaurs to coal cellars. Nix delights in playing with words and concepts, and the phases "got a frog in your throat" and "having a silver tongue" take on whole new meaning here, and things such as books, paper, the written word and language are given a solid, tangible quality here that is thought-provoking and completely original. Old legends are given new life (such as the tale of the Pied Piper and the Greek myth of Prometheus) and concepts and symbols given real form: such as the days of the week in human form, and their angelic-looking (but quite devilish) Dawn, Noon and Dusks. Throughout, Arthur is a sympathetic, understandable protagonist, who reacts to his adventures in a way that you'd expect a young boy to do, but with extraordinary resilience and courage, as does his young sidekick Suzy Turquoise Blue. All other characters are vivid and interesting, both good and bad, and immensely memorable. Also, Nix sprinkles little hints and clues to the next books throughout the text, so read carefully!. The book suffers little from the amount of ideas and concepts that Nix crams between its covers, which can seem either random or confusing to a first-time reader. By the time they get on to the next books, the general formula of where Nix is going is straightened out and most of the things Arthur sees and hears of in this first book are understandable (which should justify a second reading!) Make sure "Grim Tuesday" is on hand to continue Arthur's story
This Australian author is fast-becoming one of the biggest names in fantasy with his reinvention of the genre and his intricate, fascinating plots
Australian author
Can Arthur save the world with the key as a young boy with asthma problems? Arthur just moved to his new house. He now has to go school in the middle of the year. So he does not know anybody. When he has to run he has an asthma attack, and is out cold. He meets new friends. But when they leave someone name mister Monday comes, and gives Arthur the key. And then they leave, when Arthur touches the key he feels better. The key has tons of powers. When everyone starts getting sick from a plague, Arthur has to go in a special house and save everyone. He fights many battles, and also meets a friend on the way, in the end he stops Monday and saves everyone. This was a good book. It had a good story plot. There was good action. However, Arthur's behavior didn't match his age. This book had a good story plot. The whole key thing was a good idea. Also I thought it was really cool with the house, the way it was described I like it a lot. The characters were also cool and well thought out. I really liked all the action in this book. The first action seen was when Arthur was attacked by the pig men, and Afternoon. There was tons of fire, and it kept me on my feet, I didn't know what was going to happen and how he was going to get out of that situation. Also when Arthur was in the house he had many battles and such, and also the last fight. The thing I didn't like about this book is that Arthur didn't not seem like his age. He was in 7th grade but he didn't act like it. Him and his friends were very immature. He didn't know how to handle situations very well, but it always worked out for him. Suck as when there is a fire in the library, he goes to a locked door, but the key gets it open for him. This was a good book. Arthur, and young boy that was not athletic and had asthma problems, saved the whole world with his key. I recommend it to any other readers. You should pick it up. -J. Hamilton
I really liked all the action in this book
This is the best book I ever read! I couldn't put it down! Still, I didn't like the end very much. I love the part where Diabola is throwing the chicken pieces! I liked Angela's name, though
This is the best book I ever read! I couldn't put it down! Still, I didn't like the end very much
I like the MathStart Series *in general* but I wish there was more consistency from book to book. "Henry the Fourth" which explored ordinal numbers was great. The story had a cute plot and it kept my children's interest. "Missing Mittens" (which was all about even and odd numbers) had a clumsy rhyme and it wasn't nearly as good. This book about comparing-and-contrasting sizes is different still. It has too few words and virtually no plot. Take a look at the sentences from the first *3 pages*:. "I am big. ". "I am bigger than you are. ". "I am the biggest bug by far. ". Not much plot development there, and while the pictures detail more activity, it is insufficient for young readers/viewers. On the bright side the `summary' pages are good. They show the 3 bugs currently under discussion (small, smaller, smallest, for example) in juxtaposition which makes it easy to talk about the concepts. So I would say that if you are willing to compose a story to go along with the pictures you can use this book to successfully teach your children about relative size. Without your input though they aren't going to get much out if it. Material covered in "Best Bug Parade":. Big, bigger, biggest. Small, smaller, smallest. Long, longer, longest. Short, shorter, shortest. Good, Better, Best. And as usual there are 2 pages of related activities suggested at the end of the book. Pam T~
Not much plot development there, and while the pictures detail more activity, it is insufficient for young readers/viewers
young readers/viewers
In her book A History of the Wife, Marilyn Yalom traces the history and changing roles women have had in marriage from early history through the women's liberation movement. The Meaning of Wife picks up where that excellent book ends. It is clear from the cover of this book (a woman's left hand, flipping off the reader-with a perfectly manicured and wedding band-clad ring finger) that this is a book for a generation of women who are both used to confrontation and longing for tradition. It is this dichotomy in their lives that fuels the book. As women are working outside the home more, demanding more equitable treatment, and becoming market forces, they are also struggling to define what being a wife actually means to them. Kingston examines that many facets of wifeliness that seem to prevail: helpmeet, virgin, Cinderella (equally entranced by the wedding dress as she is of scented toilet bowl cleaner), victim of abuse, shrew, spinster (or unwife), or supporting actress. The main struggle for women now isn't whether or not to get married. Kingston is no Steinem and doesn't suggest that a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle (though she is unmarried). She acknowledges that women want to be wives and mothers. The problem is that they don't have role models. They have seen their mothers struggle to get out of the kitchen and are in no great rush to get back into it. Their icons growing up on TV were single women, Superwomen who could do it all by themselves. Popular culture, in the form of advertising, movies, books, news media, and television, is the most common source of clues to how women seek to describe themselves. Their icons now are very different. They see the brides, the yearning for marriage and a fairy tale wedding. Kingston excels and describing the marketing behind this notion (and I love that this industry now has an insidious name: the wedding industrial complex). But once the marriage happens, there are a few very different ideas of what a married woman is. They see the happy homemaker. Though most have absolutely no desire to be homemakers, they still feel the pressure to have a well-kept home. A certain amount of bliss is marketed along with cleaning products. Or they are seen as the victim of love-the battered wife (an excellent chapter on the presentation of domestic abuse is given, including how it both infantilizes women and takes them back to Victorian times when women were seen to only follow their wombs, rather than brains, in decision making). The main theme of this book is that there is not and cannot be one script for how to be a wife, just as there is no one role for husband. This is a well-written, researched, and balanced look at what marriage means now, not just wife. It isn't a reactionary or staunchly second-wave feminist look at marriage; Kingston respects marriage and the desire to be married. Excellent to read alongside A History of the Wife, The Mommy Myth: The Idealization of Motherhood and How It Has Undermined All Womenand Selling Anxiety: How the News Media Scare Women
Their icons growing up on TV were single women, Superwomen who could do it all by themselves
Part of the "Paladin Movements and Ideas" series, this book is an exploration of the latter half of the 19th century, explaining where Sigmund Freud came from and why he happened when he did. The psychoanalytic movement went on to become one of the major movements in the 20th century
Part of the "Paladin Movements and Ideas" series, this book is an exploration of the latter half of the 19th century, explaining where Sigmund Freud came from and why he happened when he did
Sigmund Freud
If you are looking for a thrilling mystery, this is the book for you! This book is about an asmatic boy who has moved to a new school and the first day has a asma attack. In having this attach Arthur Penhaligon meets two new friends (Leaf and Ed twin brother and sister) and also gets a suprise, Mister Monday and his buttler, Sneezer, appear with a flash of light and give Arthur a gift,(Arthur thinks Sneezer is up to something but does not know) a minute hand of a clock (the clock that was guarding the will) and a book (An Atlas he can't yet open). Arhtur does not know this but a will guarded by a clock face glass box and other odd things has been released which is the reason he got the key (clock hand) in the first place. During this book Arthur meets some odd people like some dog-faced men in bowler hats. At the beginning of the book he thought it was all a dream (from his asma attack) but he finds out that everything was very real. Arthur does not know the danger ahead of him untill the night somebody shows up at his window. This book is a wonderful choice. Garth Nix really outdid hiself when he wrote this one. This book reminds me of Ravens Gate in a way so if you read and liked it you will love this! One of the best books I have ever read. This is a dark side of the moon kind of book it is full of suspense and you never what will happen next. You will find yourself captivated by each letter in this book, you will see that you are swept away in the pages but don't want to come out! Mister Monday will do anything to get the key back (you will have to read to see if Arthur makes it through the book alive)!
During this book Arthur meets some odd people like some dog-faced men in bowler hats
If you were a mother with twins it could be hard. But imgiane ifyou were Mrs. Cuberson-Jones!One as an angel called "Angela" and another as a devil called "Diabola". Watch out for Angela's beauty and Diabola's devilness. With a lot of 'twinnish', a language which is used by the twins to communicate, Diabola talks to Angela because she does not know how to speak a lot of English. But when they go to school the principal thinks Diabola is a genius. But wait till she makes her funny mistake! Watch out for a ton of fun!
Watch out for Angela's beauty and Diabola's devilness
This is my 3rd McDermid novel, I previously read 'Mermaids Singing' and 'Wire in the Blood. ' McDermid writes good prose but in this 3rd novel I see dangerous repetitions in character types which, if repeated in the next Tony Hill/Carol Jordan book will make that one my last purchase. Generally McDermid paints female police officers as brighter, more diligent and more intuitive than their male counterparts, as well as more often homosexual. The men, with the exception of leading man Tony Hill, are mostly all egotistical, back-stabbing, power-hungry morons of the lowest order, while Hill is rendered impotent -- a redundant bit of emasculation since all the other males are castrated of their moral fiber. The slow mating dance between Hill and Jordan gets a lot of buildup and little payoff. And in this book, the serial killer and the surrounding hunt for him are as limply portrayed as Dr. Hill. The emotional connection between Hill and the killers in the two previous books is missing here, making the entire killer plot read like an afterthought. And the real villain -- not the serial killer but a drug-pushing / illegal-immigrant smuggler loses character focus as the reader is given reason to sympathize with him as well as with the killer. The climactic scenes involving the capture of one villain and the death of another are without any sense of thrill or danger. I was extremely disappointed with this book
The emotional connection between Hill and the killers in the two previous books is missing here, making the entire killer plot read like an afterthought
The book Mister Monday by Garth Nix , was a very good book. Mister. Monday was fantasy. It all started when Arthur Penholgon was given a key and a atlas from. Mister Monday while Arthur was having a asthma attack and some fetchers. gave a plague called the sleepy plague. After that, Noon ( one of Mister. Monday's assistant ) sets fire to Arthur's school trying to get the key back. because the Will tricked Mister Monday into giving the key to Arthur, Noon. didn't get it but his Fetchers got the atlas. Then Arthur went inside a house that. was secretly another dimension. T here Arthur met a girl named Suzy Turquoise. Blue. After that, Arthur met Noon again with his brother and sister, Dawn and. Dusk who tried to get the key but could not because the key has already bonded. with Arthur which meant that they can't take it. Only Arthur could give it to. them so they sent him to the Deep Coal Cellar so they could torture him until he. gives them the key. While at The Deep Coal Center Arthur met the Old One and. Pravuil. Then here comes Suzy to the rescue. Arthur made some stairs to get out. and I am not aloud tell you the end so I won't. I thought this book was an okay book because it had old words like hip. I. think this book is for fifth graders because it was a little too kid like. I liked that. it was a good adventure
because the Will tricked Mister Monday into giving the key to Arthur, Noon
Well into the nineteenth century, a wife was subsumed within a husband's legal standing and control, quite literally an existence not far from slavery. In the twentieth century, fueled by the high percentage of women entering the workforce and the women's movement over the last forty years, the concept of being a wife, both socially and legally, has undergone considerable examination and change. This book is a wide-ranging look at different aspects of being a wife or the contemplation of such. The author makes clear that the meaning of wife is inseparable from images of women from a variety of sources, including corporate advertising, movies, books, etc. A comprehensive bridal industry has emerged that emphasizes the perfect, elaborate wedding as being the foremost aspect of a marriage, shoving long-term, wifely realities to the background - the escapist wedding of Princess Diana being the epitome of that notion. In addition, wives can now supposedly rise beyond mundane drudgery by becoming domestic experts as directed by Martha Stewart and the like - a Superwife. The author notes a curious reversal of sentiments among highly educated younger women, who are more and more eschewing independent careers advocated by feminism to become wives. There are any numbers of books and consultants to give advice to make that happen while the "clock is ticking. " On the other hand, there is a discernible rise in women remaining single in the western world. While there is the pull of marital domesticity, the terms are now different. Women have achieved the wherewithal, both psychologically and legally, to be assertive concerning such matters as sexual satisfaction, infidelity, abuse, and divorce settlements. There is no doubt that the book is geared to women of the upper middle class, highly educated and consumers of various media depicting roles for women. One suspects that for those women whose job is an absolute necessity, that choosing to stay at home after becoming a lawyer or investing time to make special decorations for the perfect dinner party is hardly understandable or pertinent. There are a lot of considerations and views concerning the role of individuals in a marriage or whether to remain single. There remains a "wife gap" in trying to reconcile all of the aspects. The book does a fair job at examining some of the terrain. The author does ultimately admit that there is "no singular meaning of wife. " So be warned, the matter remains complicated even after reading this book
There is no doubt that the book is geared to women of the upper middle class, highly educated and consumers of various media depicting roles for women
women of the upper middle class
Garth Nix's 'Mister Monday' was a highly clever, creative, and entertaining read that had me up into the wee hours of the morning following Arthur's adventures in the House. Arthur Penhaligon was a believable hero who after strange creatures called Fetchers bring a sleeply plague to his town, with his newly acquired key, Arthur must venture into the mysterious House that only he can see to save his town. Obviously, Nix wrote this book for a younger audience so his writing wasn't as. mature as it was in his brilliant Abhorsen trilogy. But the sheer imagination Nix brings to this book more than makes up for it. The intricate world of the House was highly entertaing and origional and Nix stuns me every time he writes a new story. 'Mister Monday' has everything a hugely popular series needs, loveable characters, a complex plot, and buckets loads of creativity. 'Grim Tuesday' is certainly going on my wish list!
'Mister Monday' has everything a hugely popular series needs, loveable characters, a complex plot, and buckets loads of creativity
Mister Monday
Garth Nix has become my new favorite writer, and my discovery started with Mister Monday, the first in the Keys to the Kingdom series. This opening episode introduces us to Arthur, a displaced but sharp young boy in his first days at a new school. When a distanced run in gym class brings on a devastating asthma attack, Arthur is supposed to die. Because he doesn't, he is thrust into a world he never knew existed, with the fate of all worlds in his hands. Having now read Sabriel, the first in Nix's earlier young adult series, The Abhorsen Trilogy, I can see how far he's come as a writer. Keys to the Kingdom is superbly paced, and with each new book, we learn a little more about the bigger picture. The arc of the stories is huge, but strongly anchored in the characters and Nix's attention to details. Just a note about editions: I collect books, and while paperbacks are available and cost a little less than the hardcovers, the hardcover editions of these books are very sharp looking on the shelf. They're colorful and really stand out in a larger collection. I have to say, I haven't read anything yet by Garth Nix that I didn't enjoy, but Mister Monday is by far my favorite. The opening few pages hooked me, and I'm now three books in, anxiously awaiting number four, Sir Thursday, coming out around March!
I have to say, I haven't read anything yet by Garth Nix that I didn't enjoy, but Mister Monday is by far my favorite
Mister Monday
Based on historical fact, WINSTON'S WAR is a solid and absorbing fictional rendition of the leadership struggle between Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and Winston Churchill between October 1, 1938 and May 10, 1940. As the book opens, Chamberlain has returned to 10 Downing Street a public hero after the signing of the Munich Agreement between himself and Adolf Hitler which gave the latter the Sudetenland in return for "peace in our time". Meanwhile, relegated to the periphery of British politics and virtually an outcast, Churchill obstinately lashes out against appeasement and loudly proclaims the necessity for total war to save democracy from the depredations of the Nazis. What subsequently follows is history: the German subjugation of the rest of Czechoslovakia and the invasion of Poland, the German-Soviet non-aggression pact, the Phony War, the Soviet invasion of Finland, the British military's Norwegian fiasco, and the crisis in His Majasty's government in May 1940 that ultimately elevated Winston to the premiership. The cast of characters in this sweeping story by Michael Dobbs of political maneuvering, skullduggery, and backstabbing is an historical Who's Who of the times: the ailing, haughty, and pacifist Chamberlain, who personifies England's bitter memories of the Great War and the popular concept of "never again"; the ambitious and self-absorbed Churchill, whose pugnacity sometimes clouds prudence; the defeatist, philandering, and anti-Semitic U. S. Ambassador to the Court of St. James, Joseph P. Kennedy; the alcoholic, disillusioned and psychologically tortured idealist, Guy Burgess (of Burgess, Philby, and Maclean of Cold War infamy); the stuttering King George VI, who whines that the German invasion of Poland interrupted his grouse hunting; and the Machiavellian newspaper mogul, William "Max" Aitken, Lord Beaverbrook. It's in the minor details with which Dobbs fleshes out the story of Chamberlain's fall and the rise of his nemesis, Churchill, to an epic 685 paper-backed pages (UK HarperCollins edition). And it's the length of WINSTON'S WAR that is, perhaps, a minor flaw. Some of the subplots seemed unnecessary, and should have been severely cropped by a ruthless editor: the love affair between the crippled WWI survivor "Mac" McFadden, barber to the politically great and one of Guy's information sources, and Carol, a housemaid and part-time prostitute; and between Bournemouth postmistress Sue Graham and Army Sergeant Jerry White - though the experiences of the latter did usefully tie the Norway debacle into the storyline on a personal level. Slightly more relevant, but still mildly tedious, was the dysfunctional relationship between Brendan Bracken, Churchill's closest confidant, and Kennedy's niece, Anna Fitzgerald. Perhaps Dobbs perceived a need to include Carol, Sue and Anna to make it less of a Guy Read. Chamberlain was toppled not because he sought to appease Hitler and avert a cataclysm, but because he didn't have the mettle to wage all-out war when the necessity for it was thrust upon him. That was to prove to be Winston's genius. The author's genius is in portraying the labyrinthine venality of Whitehall and Fleet Street powerbroking at a time when solidarity against a rapacious common enemy was desperately necessary. WINSTON'S WAR is the first in a series of novels about Churchill's wartime leadership. According to the back cover, the next book is apparently NEVER SURRENDER. I shall seek out and buy it immediately
Slightly more relevant, but still mildly tedious, was the dysfunctional relationship between Brendan Bracken, Churchill's closest confidant, and Kennedy's niece, Anna Fitzgerald
Anna Fitzgerald
Arthur Penhaligon lives in a world that closely resembles our own - in fact may be our own in the near future. A deadly flu pandemic killed his parents when he was a baby and also apparently allowed the federal government to assume sweeping powers, and his adoptive mother is a medical researcher. An asthmatic, Arthur suffers an attack when in gym class at his new school, and while he is waiting for medical assistance, two strangely garbed men give him what appears to be the minute hand of a clock. This simple action changes his life for good. Arthur now becomes the target of increasingly frightening attacks by mysterious men, some with faces that resemble dogs, and a new illness known as the "sleepy plague" appears in his town. He eventually finds his way into a bizarre realm known as the House, which turns out to be, essentially, the "Command and Control" center for the rest of the universe. He also learns that after creating the universe from Nothing (which is an actual substance in this "mythology"), the Architect mysteriously departed, leaving a will in the hands of seven trustees, the Morrow Days, who have become corrupt and are now running things to suit themselves. However, the first part of the Will, which is a living entity, has escaped and engineered the transfer of part of Monday's Key (the minute hand) into the possession of a mortal, Arthur, who is now the Architect's Heir. Arthur's only hope, if he is to survive and stop the plague in his own world, is to obtain the rest of the Key from Mister Monday and accept his status as Heir, however little he wants it. Garth Nix's originality, while not of the same type as Philip Pullman's, never ceases to amaze me. He also possesses a certain sly humor and, like Pullman and J. K. Rowling, makes numerous allusions to literary, mythical and cultural traditions far and wide. In the House, Arthur encounters Suzy Turquoise Blue, a cheeky Cockney girl from the 17th century of his own world and one of the "Piper's Children"; the personified Will itself in the form of a tiny frog with a penchant for jumping down people's throats; the "Old One," whose identity should be obvious to anyone with an interest in classical mythology, and assorted other Denizens. Arthur is a sympathetic but flawed character and Nix, without preaching or moralizing, manages to portray his compassion and a strong sense of right and wrong that truly make him worthy to be the Architect's Heir. Suzy, although a secondary character, is brave and resourceful as well as funny, and without her, Arthur probably would not have survived his first hour in the House. The Will, both in frog and human form, is wonderfully quirky and cranky, and even Mister Monday turns out not to be irredeemable. As with a lot of the best young adult books out there, some kids may find this series disturbing, and there are some scenes that contain a certain amount of violence
He also learns that after creating the universe from Nothing (which is an actual substance in this "mythology"), the Architect mysteriously departed, leaving a will in the hands of seven trustees, the Morrow Days, who have become corrupt and are now running things to suit themselves
Morrow Days
The premise is simple enough;. young boy escapes his fate when it is revealed he is heir to unwelcome destiny. Enter The House. Arthur, upon whom the story centers, is definately your average selfish & dull little schoolboy, and when he has adventure thrust upon him it is most definately not welcome. When danger stares him in the face he reaches for his inhaler. When a journey beckons he steps behind someone else - all well played out themes for Nix newest hero. His world faced with plague & destruction, Arthur finds the courage to enter the unknown House and try to discover the origins of the mysterious key he was bequeathed, and which rather threatening characters are trying to take from him. Grim Monday's Noon is a wonderfully likable villian and his master, Mister Monday (after whom this first book is named)is a slothfully entertaining fellow, with his victorian clothing & die-away-airs. I would not say this book is strictly limited to a pre-teen audience, as I have found it to be very enjoyable. Upon entering The House Arthur discovers all sorts of oddities in what appears to be a parallel universe, and also meets up with The Old one, in what appears to be a play upon Prometheus shackled to the mountain. Which is interesting in ways which will be revealed once you read the book, remembering that "Prometheus" means "Forethought". He also makes a friend, in Susie Turqouise Blue & we learn what really happend to the Pied Pipers children, and why it wasn't such a bad thing. To much information would give away the storyline, suffice to say Arthurs adventures will continue, this being the first of 7. Seven days of the Week?. Arthur's last name is Penhaligon - another pun by the author on ruling the world & destiny? (kids look up the reference to King Arthur). Nix makes some interesting speculations upon the origins of the universe. This is also very enjoyable as read by Allan Corduner, and is available from amazon. com in audio book format. kotori 2004
Grim Monday's Noon is a wonderfully likable villian and his master, Mister Monday (after whom this first book is named)is a slothfully entertaining fellow, with his victorian clothing & die-away-airs
My relationship with Australian author Garth Nix is an odd one. My first introduction to Nix was in middle school when I attempted to read his famous Sabriel novel after being relentlessly urged to do so by friends. I couldn't get further than one hundred pages. It was so excruciatingly boring that I had to stop -and I rarely give up on books that after I've begun them. Considering my taste in literature, Nix's books should fit perfectly with my preferences, but something about them just falls short. I thought I'd try again with the first book in Nix's The Keys to the Kingdom series, Mister Monday. The book is very similar to the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, and is even being touted as the next Harry Potter. I can definitely see the connects between Mister Monday and these other series, but there is little else there besides the fact that Mister Monday is a somewhat dark, young adult fantasy novel. Mister Monday follows the story of Arthur Penhaligon who, during an asthma attack, is entrusted with a magical key by the mysterious Mister Monday. Not long after, Arthur's hometown is ravaged by an unexplainable plague. In order to fight the plague, Arthur decides to enter the House (which only he can see) to find a cure. He ends up meeting an odd collection of characters that have some connection to time, setting the House back on its course, and of course, finding a cure for the plague. The book is about as confusing and boring as it sounds. It took me a considerable amount of time to get into it, only to find that the plot makes little to no sense. This confusion is only helped by the fact that Nix tends to rely on extremely vague descriptions of characters and environments that leave the reader wondering where the characters are and what they look like. The characters themselves are paper thin. While Nix creates some unique characters and a fairly interesting hierarchy within the House, it falls flat on its face because the characters are underutilized and not given enough time and attention to mature. I personally disliked the lack of a group of constant supporting characters in the novel. While there were a few, they appeared so little that they didn't have time to make an impact on the reader. That's the biggest difference between The Keys to the Kingdom and Percy Jackson and Harry Potter. The two latter (and more successful) series have wonderful collections of supporting characters, while Kingdom spends so much time trying to explain the plot and the world that their is little time for anything else. I think that there are some wonderful ideas here, but I Nix simply didn't take the time to adequately develop them for the novel
I can definitely see the connects between Mister Monday and these other series, but there is little else there besides the fact that Mister Monday is a somewhat dark, young adult fantasy novel
fantasy novel
Thi book is great. It is about twins. Angela is sweet and caring and kind. Diabola is the devil. Lynne Reid Banks did a great job on it. It is a great idea and the details are really funny. It is a little violent though. I suggest this book should be read by 7 years olds and up. It really isn't confusing though. This book shows the struggle of a family that has been blessed and been punished. Angela is mature and comforts her parents. Diabola hates everyone and is mean. But no matter what Angela loves Diabola, even when Diabola trys to kill her. When Angela is near Diabola, she can't do anything wrong. Angela got all the goodness and Diabola got all the badness. Each person is good and bad. But these girls aren't. Diabola is a terror and the only person that can stop her is Angela. The story is sad. but it is also impossible to put down. Itis one ofmy favorite books. For some reason I think Angela needed badness more then Diabola needed goodness. Diabola hates her sister and is getting to be very powerful. But so is Angela. I hate not being able to say all the details but I don't want to ruin the book for you. so whats stoping you. get the book today. if you don't read this book then you will never read a book that has sadness, badness, goodnes, and lotsof other things, all mixed together
if you don't read this book then you will never read a book that has sadness, badness, goodnes, and lotsof other things, all mixed together
Angela and Diabola is one of my all-time favorite books. The story is very interesting and will keep you riveted. Just to give you the basic story outline, there are twins born and one is angelic, the other like a little devil. The story is about how they cope with each other and how the people around cope with them. The ending is surprising and very good. Lynn Ried Banks twists good and evil into a compelling novel that 9 year olds and up will enjoy. At the end of the story, you will know the characters so well, you will wish there was a sequel!
At the end of the story, you will know the characters so well, you will wish there was a sequel!
Some early young adult novels (it's a fairly new form of literature, you know) age gracefully and seamlessly. I'm thinking of course of Robert Cormier's "The Chocolate War" and (to a lesser extent), S. E. Hinton?s, "The Outsiders". Unfortunately, I have a nasty suspicion that these books are the exception rather than the rule. For every "Forever" there's a "My Darling, My Hamburger" that contains a great story bogged down by changes in the world. While Paul Zindel's classic tale of four teenagers and their relationship problems is at times both moving and perfectly toned, mostly the problems presented in it are as dated as they come. Even a plot synopsis makes this apparent. Friends Maggie and Liz aren't exactly close, but they hang out frequently together. Liz is the more beautiful and popular of the two with Maggie often following behind. When Liz and her boyfriend Sean decide to hook up Maggie with his friend Dennis, the blind date is as incredibly awkward as they come. Throughout the book the narrative switches between Maggie and her tentative relationship with Dennis and Liz's problems with Sean. Sean, like any normal teenager, is as horny as they come and is continually pressuring Liz to have sex. She'd like to, but she worries that it might end up in pregnancy. Unsurprisingly, that is exactly what happens and soon the big question in the book is whether or not Sean will do the honorable thing and marry Liz (!!) or if Liz will seek out an illegal abortion on her own. It's this last plotline that struck me as dated. The book was originally written in 1969, a full three years before Roe V. Wade and in many ways this abortion issue (while it still looms large) isn't the same. Sure, many girls will sweat over what to do with an unplanned pregnancy, but crossing the border to a state where abortion is legal is probably a more up-to-date literary solution than getting a back alley job. Then there's the debate about whether a girl should marry the guy who gets her pregnant, regardless of how old they are or what their future plans are. Maybe there are pockets of the country where this really is the only honorable solution to such a problem, but it's really not how the majority of teens would handle it today. The book is additionally riddled with small cultural time capsules as well. Talk about how Orientals kill themselves for honor, going to the movie theater to watch a documentary on pygmies, and the complete and total lack of any mention of STDs all combine to make this book an interesting window into the past. To some degree it does still speak to teens today. I was especially amused by the Sex Ed. teacher's advice on how to stop a guy from going all the way, (suggest going out for a hamburger). The characters were interesting as well. Liz, unfortunately, isn't a character you're going to identify with intrinsically. Yes, it's sad that she doesn't get along with her parents. But she's such a self-absorbed person, constantly ridiculing her best friend and at the same time dragging Maggie into horrid and dangerous situations, that by the end you feel zippo pity for her. In fact, you're supposed to end this story hating and pitying Sean who got her pregnant in the first place. Curse those lustful young men that refuse to marry their knocked up girlfriends! Curse them! This book probably read very well in the 1970s and I could even see it having some interesting points in the 1980s. But by the 1990s with the advent of AIDS better known and the options available to teens widening, books like this one began to read more as cautionary tales than as contemporary novels. I've no doubt that "My Darling, My Hamburger" was riveting and shocking when it first came out. Unfortunately, that's certainly no longer the case. I recommend it as a glimpse into the America that once was. If you'd like to know more about the history of the Young Adult novel, this is a good book to pick up. Just don't expect it to have too many insights to offer today. I'm afraid it's no longer that meaningful
Unsurprisingly, that is exactly what happens and soon the big question in the book is whether or not Sean will do the honorable thing and marry Liz (!!) or if Liz will seek out an illegal abortion on her own
THe last Poirot case was a heartbreaking affair. Anyway, Agatha Christie wrote one of the best Poirot novels ever. It seem she wrote it in the 40's, but in was only published in 1975. Great novel, the ever faithful Captain Arthur Hastings is narrating, and things go out with a bang
THe last Poirot case was a heartbreaking affair
heartbreaking affair
Garth Nix's "Mister Monday" begins a brand new fantasy series in the "Keys to the Kingdom" series. This Australian author is fast-becoming one of the biggest names in fantasy with his reinvention of the genre and his intricate, fascinating plots. Unlike other such authors, who place their heroes in a medieval realm of magical swords, horse-back riding and dragons, Nix follows the example of writers such as Philip Pullman, Susanna Clarke and (to a lesser degree) J. K. Rowling by creating a more contemporary fantasy-world with the flavours and style of the 18th and 19th centuries. Where his "Seventh Tower" book was written for younger readers, and "Abhorsen" trilogy for teenagers (though many adults got in on the act), "The Keys to the Kingdom" are situated smack dab in the centre of these two age groups - though again, I hope this doesn't prevent people of any age group from reading them. The Epicentre of the Universe is a realm known as "The House" - a labyrinth of rooms and halls and fantastical landscapes, that are ruled over by the treacherous Trustees, or as they are more commonly known, the Morrow Days. Their task was to take over the supervision of our world (or `The Secondary Realms') from the creator - the Architect, who left Her instructions written in a Will, to be carried out accordingly. But the Days tore the Will into seven pieces and scattered the scraps across the known worlds to be guarded forever more, and only now - thousands of years later - has one fragment of the Will managed to escape. Meanwhile, in the ordinary world, Arthur Penhaligon is coping with the pressures of the first day at a new school. Forced to go on a cross-country run - even though he has severe asthma - Arthur soon finds himself lagging behind, and eventually collapses on the lawn. Whilst his classmates run for help, the strangest thing happens: a young man and his butler appear from nowhere, and bequeath to Arthur something that they call a "Key" (though to Arthur it looks more like a large minute hand from a clock), and a strange book called `The Compleat Atlas of the House and Immediate Environs'. But when a fight emerges between the two figures - Mister Monday and Sneezer - they both disappear without any further regard to Arthur. And from there, things just get stranger. A giant House has appeared on the block that only Arthur can see, and ugly dog-faced men in bowler hats are coming after him. Worse of all is the outbreak of a mysterious illness that puts the whole community into quarantine and Arthur's own family in danger. Seeing no other way of helping, Arthur travels to the House, uses his key, and enters its domain. Arthur has been chosen by the Will to become Heir to the Kingdom and set right the corruption that is destroying management of the realm. What follows is an amazing adventure throughout a world chock-full of danger, intrigue, invention and surprises. The House is one of the most colourful places you could ever wish to visit, complete with everything from elevators to dinosaurs to coal cellars. Nix delights in playing with words and concepts, and the phases "got a frog in your throat" and "having a silver tongue" take on whole new meaning here, and things such as books, paper, the written word and language are given a solid, tangible quality here that is thought-provoking and completely original. Old legends are given new life (such as the tale of the Pied Piper and the Greek myth of Prometheus) and concepts and symbols given real form: such as the days of the week in human form, and their angelic-looking (but quite devilish) Dawn, Noon and Dusks. Throughout, Arthur is a sympathetic, understandable protagonist, who reacts to his adventures in a way that you'd expect a young boy to do, but with extraordinary resilience and courage, as does his young sidekick Suzy Turquoise Blue. All other characters are vivid and interesting, both good and bad, and immensely memorable. Also, Nix sprinkles little hints and clues to the next books throughout the text, so read carefully!. The book suffers little from the amount of ideas and concepts that Nix crams between its covers, which can seem either random or confusing to a first-time reader. By the time they get on to the next books, the general formula of where Nix is going is straightened out and most of the things Arthur sees and hears of in this first book are understandable (which should justify a second reading!) Make sure "Grim Tuesday" is on hand to continue Arthur's story
The book suffers little from the amount of ideas and concepts that Nix crams between its covers, which can seem either random or confusing to a first-time reader
After finishing the Abhorsen trilogy, I felt incomplete, as it should be with a good series, it leaves you hanging with anticipation. You hope to hear about what they're going to do next, but you realize ". it's over?" That was how I felt until I stumbled upon this series. These books have Garth Nix's classic prosaic style of writing, with interestingly new concepts woven in, the Morrow Days; Dawn, Noon and Dusk; and the Will. I was hooked from the very first page. That's what Garth Nix's books did for me. This concept of using time as a base for fantasy is not a new one, but I like the way it was done with this series. I read the books without the nagging feeling of ". hey, this reminds me of Lord of the Rings. " which gave me great hope for further reading of the series (well, if there is some anyways, don't tell me, I like living in my little world. ). But yeah, this idea about using keys for weapons, and Nothing. It makes me happy to see new material on the market. This book fully merits 5 stars. I hope you read this book and enjoy it as immensely as I have. Mark R Guthrie
These books have Garth Nix's classic prosaic style of writing, with interestingly new concepts woven in, the Morrow Days; Dawn, Noon and Dusk; and the Will
I have always had a particular interest in children/teen fantasy. I normally am an adult fantasy reader, but sometimes it is nice to read a book that isn't trying to play off like the real world. This book is such a clever, compelling read that I was sorely disappointed to have to wait for more. I have never (so far) read a Garth Nix book that doesn't re-inspire me to read more books. Anyway, onto the actually book itself. We are introduced to the typical male-boy protagonist, the awkward in school, unsure of himself protagonist with an incredible future. Arthur soon learns that his immediate problems are not the first day of school, but instead are the fact that he has to become the heir to the center of the universe. The entire idea of the House with different levels of work (mostly paperwork) is extremely creative. Everything about the environment and, we could say, culture of the House is a parody and play on real life. It is ironic that the nether-world still has to deal with paperwork and useless workers and bosses that could care less if what they are doing is right or not. The House also offers a sense of the extreme. Anything described inside usually is accompanied by ridiculous dimensions. For example any major room is about 40-50 football fields length or the job of filling a few hundred thousand ink bottles. It also offers a different version of the afterlife, as in it doesn't exist. The main reoccurring theme is "from nothing we came, and to nothing we return" a bit unsettling for the typical child. And that brings me to my next point. These books are labeled, "Children Fantasy", but contains many references to myths and ideas that I believe are beyond a normal 9 year's old pool of knowledge. There are also a few really violent scenes that make me want to classify this more for Teens. Not that I am saying don't read this for the violence, just be warned if your a parent I recommend reading this ahead of time to make sure it'd be ok for your child (and really it only takes about a day or two to do). In conclusion, this is a highly originally tale and I for one can't wait to read the other books of this series. My only complaint is that Garth Nix takes about a year for every book he writes and that's a long time to wait. But I guess if it makes the books a masterpiece, it's a small sacrifice
These books are labeled, "Children Fantasy", but contains many references to myths and ideas that I believe are beyond a normal 9 year's old pool of knowledge
I like the MathStart Series *in general* but I wish there was more consistency from book to book. "Henry the Fourth" which explored ordinal numbers was great. The story had a cute plot and it kept my children's interest. "Missing Mittens" (which was all about even and odd numbers) had a clumsy rhyme and it wasn't nearly as good. This book about comparing-and-contrasting sizes is different still. It has too few words and virtually no plot. Take a look at the sentences from the first *3 pages*:. "I am big. ". "I am bigger than you are. ". "I am the biggest bug by far. ". Not much plot development there, and while the pictures detail more activity, it is insufficient for young readers/viewers. On the bright side the `summary' pages are good. They show the 3 bugs currently under discussion (small, smaller, smallest, for example) in juxtaposition which makes it easy to talk about the concepts. So I would say that if you are willing to compose a story to go along with the pictures you can use this book to successfully teach your children about relative size. Without your input though they aren't going to get much out if it. Material covered in "Best Bug Parade":. Big, bigger, biggest. Small, smaller, smallest. Long, longer, longest. Short, shorter, shortest. Good, Better, Best. And as usual there are 2 pages of related activities suggested at the end of the book. Pam T~
Material covered in "Best Bug Parade":
Best Bug Parade
this is a really great fantasy book. its very exciting and garth ends it so it makes you read more. this book is about a twelve year old boy named Aurther Penheligon who lost his parents in the outbreak of the flu. it starts out when hes at school and is about to do a croos country run, but he has asthma. during the run he comes to have this thing known as the lesser key, it looks sorta like the minute hand of a clock. but when these dog-faced creatures come to reclaim it they also bring this plague to the world and aurther is the only one who can get the cure
its very exciting and garth ends it so it makes you read more
Mister Monday is one book you will not put down. This is great mystery. It keeps you thinking all the time. it is about a 13 year-old boy named Arthur who has a mystery to solve and to save the world. He is supposed to die but is saved by a key. He doesn't know why he was given this key, but it is the only thing keeping him alive. The person who gave it to him is named Monday and wants the key back. Monday sends his fetchers to retrieve the key but Arthur doesn't let them. soon enough they go away, but leave behind a mysterious diease. It is spreading rapily through his town. Arthur knows he has to find a cure for it. He thinks he knowswhere he could find a cure-in a mysterious house only he can see. With the help of the key, he travelsinside the house and is swallowed into an adventure he'll never forget. I would recommed this book for ages 11 and up. It is one of the best books I've ever read. This book is awesome!
It is one of the best books I've ever read
Anne Kingston did a marvellous job on this book. The book is a social commentary and observation about how wifedom has (and has not) changed over the years. The historical aspect is educational and the various topics explored in this book has opened my eyes to the little things I take for granted every day. For instance, as everyone knows, diamonds are merely super-polished carbon. The diamond industry would like people to believe they are rare but they really aren't and that a prominent diamond company basically created a market for diamond engagement rings so they can kill two birds with one stone: (1) sell the product they have in abundance, and (2) make a killing by setting exorbitant prices! Besides the wedding industry, Kingston also writes about issues such as divorce and child-rearing, synthesizing together information from many books and articles. This is a must-read for all, whether you're a wife or a non-wife!
The historical aspect is educational and the various topics explored in this book has opened my eyes to the little things I take for granted every day
historical aspect
With apologies to anyone who is reading this as a duplicative review, I am going to review all four of Val McDermid's Dr. Tony Hill/Carol Jordan novels in one place and copy the reviews individually. I've now read seven of McDermid's books. She's not a great writer but she's a fabulous storyteller and her Tony Hill/Carol Jordan mysteries are the best of the bunch. The first two books aren't written terribly well, but the writing gets better as the series goes on. You may know these characters from the BBC series "Wire in the Blood" starring Robson Green. As an aside, while I generally find film and television adaptations to be far less satisfying than the source material on which they are based, the BBC series is really an exception. While the books have some detail that doesn't make it to the t. v. series, the television program really brings the characters to life and improves on the writing while staying true to the novels, although only the fourth book's plot actually made it to the screen. As noted by some other reviewers, these books are not for the squeamish. McDermid doesn't pull any punches in writing about vicious psychopaths who commit sex crimes and the books may well be disturbing to many. The second book in particular (more below) actually gave me nightmares. McDermid, however, really gets into the heads of her twisted antagonists and she seems to have done a tremendous amount of research. Most importantly, both Dr. Hill, a clinical psychologist who consults with the police as a profiler, and Carol Jordan, the police officer with whom he works most closely, always feel like real people with investigative abilities and compassion that are easy to admire and foibles that are easy to relate to. They have serious difficulties in forging personal relationships which makes their relationship all the more poignant. Each book focuses on two stories -- a main investigation involving a psychopath and a secondary case that is generally no less compelling, while also following the relationship that develops between the two protagonists. If you've never read any of the books in this series, I would recommend taking them in order. The fourth book is the best, the third the worst, but it's worth reading them in order for the character development (although you could easily skip the third). If you really think you only want to read one, or aren't sure and don't care about spolers, just go straight to the last one. Some people who have read the entire series have found the fourth book repetitive, but it's the one that really works on all levels. Overall, the series gets 4 stars, but here are my individual assessments:. SPOILER FREE REVIEWS. 1. The Mermaids Singing - 4 stars. The first of the series is really the only one that delves in any great detail into the personal lives of Tony Hill and Carol Jordan, who come together to investigate the brutal torture and slayings of four men in northern England. McDermid's Tony Hill/Carol Jordan books all deal with issues of sexual identity, but this one does is particularly focused on that as the police suspect a gay man of killing heterosexual men. McDermid shares the thoughts of the killer as well as those of Dr. Hill, who relates all too well to the motivations of the subjects he is asked to profile. The writing in this book is kind of clunky, but the insights of the author into how and why someone sets out to cause maximum pain and humiliation still make it a riveting, if disturbing, read. 2. The Wire in the Blood -- 4 stars. In this second book in the series, teenaged girls are being abducted and brutally raped and tortured to death. We are introduced to an extremely smooth and charismatic character, Jacko Vance, a television celebrity and former star athlete, that Dr. Hill and Carol Jordan called upon to investigate. This is the hardest of the series to read, probably because the killer's victims are all extremely young, naive and female, with no chance whatsoever of fighting back. This book deals with charisma and celebrity as well as sexual deviance and although the writing is still somewhat awkward, it's generally a more compelling novel than the Mermaids Singing. 3. The Last Temptation -- 3 stars. This is the weakest book in the series. On the plus side, McDermid decides to branch out from northern England and take the reader into continental Europe, particularly Germany, where Carol Jordan has gone as an undercover operative to investigate a drug dealer/slave trader. Tony Hill is also in Europe, helping the police solve a series of murders in which psychologists are the victims. McDermid brings to light some of the darker deeds of the Nazis that are generally not known and discussed and for this she should be commended. The writing also starts to improve with this book and the secondary protagonists, two female, European police officers who develop a long-term relationship with each other, are the best of any of the books. There are some serious problems with the novel, however, that make it the weakest of the bunch. First of all, in the other books McDermid is writing about the North of England, which she clearly knows like the back of her hand. The locale in the other books is really the third character after Tony Hill and Carol Jordan. The European locations never quite come to life in the same way. But the biggest problem with The Last Temptation is that McDermid tries too hard to force a particular ending. In order to get where she wants to go, she has to have Carol Jordan do something completely out of character and, frankly, she doesn't do a good job of convincing us of the reason. The whole book feels a bit contrived. Kudos to McDermid for trying something different instead of just writing variations on a theme, but the theme is one she does really well and this effort is a bit disappointing. 4. The Torment of Others -- 5 stars. There's a reason this is the only story that got used in the BBC series. By this point, McDermid had started to write really well, and she'd really gotten the hang of tying the two story lines together. In the main story, someone is killing prostitutes with the m. o. used by a man currently in an insane asylum. How does the killer know exactly what the prior murderer did? The mystery is more satisfying than that of the prior novels and the sub-plot, involving kidnapped boys, also intrigues. There's not much to learn at this point about Dr. Hill, but while the third book didn't entirely work, the aftereffects of that novel's events on Carol Jordan are all too real and bring the characters' relationship to a new level. If books on criminal profiling and psychological forensics are your thing, you'll probably really enjoy McDermid's work. If someone has recommended her writing to you and the Dr. Hill/Carol Jordan mysteries sound like they are too gruesome, check out the Grave Tattoo, which is a neat, little literary mystery
The writing also starts to improve with this book and the secondary protagonists, two female, European police officers who develop a long-term relationship with each other, are the best of any of the books
My relationship with Australian author Garth Nix is an odd one. My first introduction to Nix was in middle school when I attempted to read his famous Sabriel novel after being relentlessly urged to do so by friends. I couldn't get further than one hundred pages. It was so excruciatingly boring that I had to stop -and I rarely give up on books that after I've begun them. Considering my taste in literature, Nix's books should fit perfectly with my preferences, but something about them just falls short. I thought I'd try again with the first book in Nix's The Keys to the Kingdom series, Mister Monday. The book is very similar to the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, and is even being touted as the next Harry Potter. I can definitely see the connects between Mister Monday and these other series, but there is little else there besides the fact that Mister Monday is a somewhat dark, young adult fantasy novel. Mister Monday follows the story of Arthur Penhaligon who, during an asthma attack, is entrusted with a magical key by the mysterious Mister Monday. Not long after, Arthur's hometown is ravaged by an unexplainable plague. In order to fight the plague, Arthur decides to enter the House (which only he can see) to find a cure. He ends up meeting an odd collection of characters that have some connection to time, setting the House back on its course, and of course, finding a cure for the plague. The book is about as confusing and boring as it sounds. It took me a considerable amount of time to get into it, only to find that the plot makes little to no sense. This confusion is only helped by the fact that Nix tends to rely on extremely vague descriptions of characters and environments that leave the reader wondering where the characters are and what they look like. The characters themselves are paper thin. While Nix creates some unique characters and a fairly interesting hierarchy within the House, it falls flat on its face because the characters are underutilized and not given enough time and attention to mature. I personally disliked the lack of a group of constant supporting characters in the novel. While there were a few, they appeared so little that they didn't have time to make an impact on the reader. That's the biggest difference between The Keys to the Kingdom and Percy Jackson and Harry Potter. The two latter (and more successful) series have wonderful collections of supporting characters, while Kingdom spends so much time trying to explain the plot and the world that their is little time for anything else. I think that there are some wonderful ideas here, but I Nix simply didn't take the time to adequately develop them for the novel
In order to fight the plague, Arthur decides to enter the House (which only he can see) to find a cure
Despite some minor flaws such as once-established character names changing possibly due to fautly editing and printing, this is in my opinion a great book for several reasons I can't really get into right now other than the giant Dragonflys of the Planet Pandora is such a cool and crazy aspect of the book and the story of the mystery of the hind leg is completely wild and that the Strugatsky's are funny as hell. However,I will say that Noon 22nd Century has many compelling characters. And these charaters drift in and out of this long dizzy story of what the future will be like in the 22nd Century while changing in spirit, age, and mindset. In conclusion, If you like your science fiction deep, funny and scary at the same time while being horizonal, moody, inventive, and original, then you'll have to settle for something eles because this book is out of print and I just spilt coffee and squoze the guts of a tuna fish sandwich all over mine. Sorry
However,I will say that Noon 22nd Century has many compelling characters
Noon 22nd Century
Mister Monday is one book you will not put down. This is great mystery. It keeps you thinking all the time. it is about a 13 year-old boy named Arthur who has a mystery to solve and to save the world. He is supposed to die but is saved by a key. He doesn't know why he was given this key, but it is the only thing keeping him alive. The person who gave it to him is named Monday and wants the key back. Monday sends his fetchers to retrieve the key but Arthur doesn't let them. soon enough they go away, but leave behind a mysterious diease. It is spreading rapily through his town. Arthur knows he has to find a cure for it. He thinks he knowswhere he could find a cure-in a mysterious house only he can see. With the help of the key, he travelsinside the house and is swallowed into an adventure he'll never forget. I would recommed this book for ages 11 and up. It is one of the best books I've ever read. This book is awesome!
With the help of the key, he travelsinside the house and is swallowed into an adventure he'll never forget
I found this a good book from a good author. With a believable main chacter, and a cast of funny friends, i enjoyed this book nearly whole heartedly. It also has a little bit of religion questioning. So if your super religous and don't like the idea of a semblance of god wrapped in chains, then this may not be the best book for you. But I didn't mind. Though this series is different from Garth Nix's preivous two series, it's still stays up to my espectations of being mysteroius and strange. Unsurprisingly, there is very little in my mind besides cobwebs right now. Something my friend said after she walked into a chair and flipped over it
Though this series is different from Garth Nix's preivous two series, it's still stays up to my espectations of being mysteroius and strange
Garth Nix
This book was not at all that I would imagine it to be! It was kind of scary, so i had to read it in the daylight! This story was about two twins- One good and one very, very bad! Their names were Angela and Diabola. Angela means angel, and she was obviously the good one. People's hearts melted when they saw her and it made other mothers jealous. Diabola, on the other hand, was a complete Devil. She slept in a cage, wished that people would die and drew gory, disgusting pictures. The story contniues until the girls get to kindergarden. They soon discover that they have special powers. But with Diabola, this could be a problem. Can Angela stop Diabola before its too late? Or will Diabola destroy the city? Read Angela and Diabola, by Lynn Reid Banks and find out!
This book was not at all that I would imagine it to be! It was kind of scary, so i had to read it in the daylight! This story was about two twins- One good and one very, very bad! Their names were Angela and Diabola
Arthur a new student at school, has to run a mile in the first day there. Arthur an asthmatic that ment he can't breathe well. He has to do his mile run but at the very end he fell to the ground because of his asthma. Then these two kids Leaf and Ed helps Arthur by running to the office and running to the P. E. teacher. Then when Arthur was about to die Mister Monday and Sneezer ame out of nowhere and gave Arthur a key that looks like the hand of a clock and an atlas. Then they disappeared and Ed and Leaf came running back. Arthur got taken to the hospital and in a few days he got back up and went to school. He went into the library and tuoched the key with the atlas and the atlas turned huge and had a picture of a house. Then that day he started seeing things a whole army of dog-faced Fetchers were standing outside the library window. then there was a guy named Noon came in the library and looked for Arthur then Arthur ran for it and started throwing salt, but some of the dogs got him on his chest,leg, and arm. Then he looked at his watch and saw it was one minute to 1 o' clock. Noon was about to fight Arthur with his Flame Sword. Arthur faked the give and threw the key and when the minute hand struk one o' clock all of the dogs and Noon disappeared. Then they appeared outside laughing, they holded the Atlas up in the air. Then Arthur got a backpack full of salt and melted all the dogs, but no atlas was to be found. Then there was a big fire that Noon started trying to get the key. After Arthur had to go on a bus but made him self have an asthma attack and then was taken to the bus to be taken to the hospital. Arthur then got better and ran out of the hospital heading for the House. Once he went in the house he went to Mondays portal and ended up in this weird land. Arthur had to go threw this big adventure but to get to the point he went to fight Monday with his minute and hour hand key that became a GIGANTIC sword that distroyed Monday and helped Will the protector or lord of the keys that guided Arthur all the way. Then after he went back to his word the illness stoped and everything went back to normal except it was on a TUESDAY. My favorite part was when Arthur and NOon both had swords. Noon with his big flame sword and Arthur with his clock sword. Also it's cool that a tiny key can turn a yiny atlas into a gigantic one. THIS BOOK WAS THE BEST NUMBER ONE 1. THIS A BOOK THAT YOU DONT NEED TO THINK AS MUCH TO KNOW WHATS GOING ON AND IT MAKES A VERY CLEAR PICTURE WITH ALL THE DETAILS THAT WAS GIVEN
Then when Arthur was about to die Mister Monday and Sneezer ame out of nowhere and gave Arthur a key that looks like the hand of a clock and an atlas
Mr. Monday is interesting enough but to really enjoy you have to continue the series. I love Garth Nix's books but I did find Mr. Monday a little less interesting than the rest of his books. I finished the book and didn't really feel inclined to start the next one but when I did I couldn't stop reading. I went from book to book until I finished Lady Friday which had just been released that week. I spent the full $17 at Borders because I couldn't wait for the paper back or for the cheaper version to ship from amazon. The reason Mr. Monday is kinda of slow compared to the others in the series is because it is setting up the series and characters. It's a lot of information that informs and confuses at the same time. Like most of Nix's book series if you don't read the entire series you don't get all the questions answered. My advice to those interested in this series is A) read further after finishing this book and B) For those of you who prefer to ready fantasy that is based in this reality but has a twist to it (like Vampires, Werewolves, Harry Potter, etc. ) then stay away from this series because it beyond your imagination
Monday is kinda of slow compared to the others in the series is because it is setting up the series and characters
This is a serial killer story, but it is so much more. It's an insight into the law enforcement agencies across Europe and an undercover police operation all rolled into one. We see the return of criminal psychologist Tony Hill and Carol Jordan a police officer who has just applied for a job with Europol, working behind a desk processing information. But her superiors see her as something more and offer her a job working undercover. Through this undercover work, she and Tony Hill renew their acquaintance and begin chasing down a German criminal named Tadeusz Radecki. He has recently branched out from his drug distribution into people smuggling. Also chasing down Radecki is Petra Becker, a criminal intelligence officer in Berlin who has been after him for years and is hot on his trail after the murder of a drug dealer. She corresponds to a friend in Holland over the Internet and occasionally helps out when it comes to solving crimes. In this case, there is a serial killer on the loose across Europe who seems to be targeting psychologists by replicating atrocities performed during the reign of the Nazi's in Germany. Although spread across Europe and seemingly tenuously linked, the whole story is nicely drawn together. It's a book that would best be classed as a shocker with some descriptive, grisly scenes. We are also treated to the killer's thoughts and the reasons behind his motives, suggesting that there are still more victims of the medical experiments performed during World War 2 than those who died. Val McDermid has once again produced an exciting and entertaining thriller. Fans of the psychological suspense novels will find this one right up their alley
Through this undercover work, she and Tony Hill renew their acquaintance and begin chasing down a German criminal named Tadeusz Radecki
Tadeusz Radecki
The premise is simple enough;. young boy escapes his fate when it is revealed he is heir to unwelcome destiny. Enter The House. Arthur, upon whom the story centers, is definately your average selfish & dull little schoolboy, and when he has adventure thrust upon him it is most definately not welcome. When danger stares him in the face he reaches for his inhaler. When a journey beckons he steps behind someone else - all well played out themes for Nix newest hero. His world faced with plague & destruction, Arthur finds the courage to enter the unknown House and try to discover the origins of the mysterious key he was bequeathed, and which rather threatening characters are trying to take from him. Grim Monday's Noon is a wonderfully likable villian and his master, Mister Monday (after whom this first book is named)is a slothfully entertaining fellow, with his victorian clothing & die-away-airs. I would not say this book is strictly limited to a pre-teen audience, as I have found it to be very enjoyable. Upon entering The House Arthur discovers all sorts of oddities in what appears to be a parallel universe, and also meets up with The Old one, in what appears to be a play upon Prometheus shackled to the mountain. Which is interesting in ways which will be revealed once you read the book, remembering that "Prometheus" means "Forethought". He also makes a friend, in Susie Turqouise Blue & we learn what really happend to the Pied Pipers children, and why it wasn't such a bad thing. To much information would give away the storyline, suffice to say Arthurs adventures will continue, this being the first of 7. Seven days of the Week?. Arthur's last name is Penhaligon - another pun by the author on ruling the world & destiny? (kids look up the reference to King Arthur). Nix makes some interesting speculations upon the origins of the universe. This is also very enjoyable as read by Allan Corduner, and is available from amazon. com in audio book format. kotori 2004
Upon entering The House Arthur discovers all sorts of oddities in what appears to be a parallel universe, and also meets up with The Old one, in what appears to be a play upon Prometheus shackled to the mountain
Mister Monday by Garth Nix is one of the best books I have ever read. It's a story of a middle school aged kid named Arthur. He's pretty normal except for his dad use to be in a rock band and his mom is one of the most famous doctors in the world. One day while in gym class he has an asthma attack and passes out while people are running to get help a man in a wheel chair and another odd looking man appear. The man in the wheel chair gives Arthur a key, and they disappear again, while holding the key Arthur can breathe perfectly fine. After spending a couple days in the hospital he finds a notebook in his jacket pocket when he held the key and opened the book he sees a drawing of a house that nobody else can see. When he goes the house and touches the key to the wall a black door appears he walks in it and goes to another world. The whole book is about him saving this world because an evil man named mister Monday has unleashed pieces of a will this should be trapped up forever. In the end Arthur defeats Mister Monday and saves the lower house, but there are more days of the week to be stopped. I thought this was a great book it had non-stop action. On of the greatest scenes of action is when Arthur and Mister Monday are fighting, the descriptiveness was so vivid I thought I was watching them the whole time. Another scene is when Arthur is being chased by creatures called Nithlings, he is saved by a friend and it explains really well how Arthur quickly climbed a rope and threw tiles at the creatures. Another cool part of the story is how he described the landscapes that were in the book. He would quickly and efficiently describe every place they went, not like some stories where the spend pages describing one little thing. Like when Arthur first got to the House, as everyone called the world he went to, the author quickly described where he appeared but I could vividly see it in my head. Or when Arthur first went in to Mister Monday's dayroom to fight him, thought there wasn't much to it, I knew exactly what it looked like so as the said where they were I understood it like it was my own home. Finally how everyone changed over the story, the characters in this story changed a lot in through the story. First of all Arthur who changed from assort of goofy asthmatic kid who couldn't run or fight in to a great hero. Suzy, one of Arthur's allies through out the story, changed from working at a crappy job to helping save the world. Mister Monday changed from a ruler of many to be a pathetic man grobbling for his life in front of Arthur. So all in all this was a great book I would recommend it to anyone. Even though it's a little long it can be read quickly because of how interesting it is. So my recommendation is to anyone who likes to amazed. S. Bricker
When he goes the house and touches the key to the wall a black door appears he walks in it and goes to another world
While Garth Nix's fictional characters often have magical powers he, too, has a power - the power to create fantasy tales that have earned him a host of young fans. And, screen actor Allan Corduner has the power to imbue his reading of the latest by this talented author with the requisite amounts of menace and suspense. Young Arthur Penhaligon is an asthmatic. His future doesn't appear bright; it becomes even darker when he has an otherworldly encounter with a strange man who leaves him with a key shaped like a clock's minute hand. What could be more innocuous than a small key? But, wait, the key seems to have a terrifying effect on the world as it brings with it a plague. Soon Arthur is besieged by a Mister Monday and a band of vengeance seekers with blood-stained wings. As if that were not enough, dog-faced Fetchers pursue him. Arthur seeks safety within the walls of a house that only he can see. There are a myriad of secrets within these walls and uncounted mysteries attached to the key. Can he save himself and keep the key from the sinister Mr. Monday? Garth Nix has done it again with this sure to top the lists yarn. - Gail Cooke
Arthur seeks safety within the walls of a house that only he can see
The book is about this kid whose name is authur. He gets caught in all this mess about trying to get a key from this guy whose name is Mister Monday. but before he can do that he has to dodge fechters, run from enemys like Noon and Dawn, run from dinosaurs, try not to get killed, and try to prevent himself from having a asthma atackk!! But, thankfully he has some help from a girl named suzy, a guy named Dusk, and a talking toad. So now, he shoulden't have nothing to worry about, right?
The book is about this kid whose name is authur
Val McDermid's latest novel, "The Last Temptation," is an ambitious undertaking. The author crosses geographical boundaries; her plot lines involve police forces in England, Holland and Germany. This novel also has numerous characters and several storylines that at first seem unrelated, but which eventually intersect. Carol Jordan is an ambitious Detective Chief Inspector who is well trained in criminal intelligence. Jordan has helped bring two serial killers to justice and she has paid her dues as a police officer. Now, she is aiming for a high-level job in British intelligence and analysis, and she is expecting a promotion to come through very soon. Much to her surprise, Jordan is not granted her promotion. Instead she is sent into deep undercover to bring down a notorious criminal named Tadeusz Radecki and his right hand man Darko Krasic, who are based in Germany. A second protagonist in "The Last Temptation" is Dr. Tony Hill, a psychologist who has been deeply scarred by his job of profiling serial killers. He is now on the trail of a criminal who targets psychologists and murders them in a particularly gruesome manner. Hill and Jordan have collaborated professionally in the past. As they work these difficult cases, Jordan and Hill provide one another with much needed advice and emotional support. McDermid handles her large cast of characters and a complex plot adroitly. Her dialogue is crisp and her descriptive writing is vivid yet understated. The author ratchets up the tension as the novel reaches its exciting denouement. Unfortunately, McDermid resorts to a pat ending, which strains believability. However, this quibble aside, I recommend "The Last Temptation. " McDermid's skill as a writer of fast-paced and well-crafted thrillers makes this new novel a "must-read" for fans of this genre
As they work these difficult cases, Jordan and Hill provide one another with much needed advice and emotional support
Book: My Darling My HamburgerAuthor: Paul ZindelNumber of Pages: 122Publisher and Publication Date: 1969 Harper and Row publishersISBN: 0-553-27324-8Price (if available) and whether it is paperback or hardback: Hardback Imagine if you had parents that never trusted, or that never would believe you. Or even worse what if you had a stepparent that would call u some pretty bad names and your mom would take his side. Well that is kind of what this book is about. The main characters in My Darling My Hamburger are two girls named Liz and Maggie. They are of course best friends. They are also both seniors in high school. It is about time for prom and they both have dates. But you'll never guess what happens next!!! I think that this book is a really good book. Personal I loved My Darling My Hamburger. It has a really good moral. It was just like a real story. Everything in this book is based on what is happening in real life. That is just my opinion. When I read this book it reminded me of one of my friends sister. She has just graduated and basically the same thing that has happened to one of the girls in this story. I am not going to tell you the rest but I guess that you will just have to read and find out for your self. I would definitely recommend this book to People in 6th-9th grade. The main gender that would want to read this book would be girls because of what the story is based on and because they can relate to it the best. The people that wouldn't like this would be boys. Why? Because of what it is about. If you really want to know what happens then I guess that you will just have to read and find out what happen next
Book: My Darling My HamburgerAuthor: Paul ZindelNumber of Pages: 122Publisher and Publication Date: 1969 Harper and Row publishersISBN: 0-553-27324-8Price (if available) and whether it is paperback or hardback: Hardback Imagine if you had parents that never trusted, or that never would believe you
This was a great book, which really pulls the reader in! Nix has done a great job with the adventure aspect of the novel, and there are many fantastic (if fantastically evil) creatures, described in detail in their essence and physical aspects included. It is a true heaven to those who love fantasy adventure novels, the rough story is as follows:. Arthur Penhaligon, an asmathic seventh grader is an intersting character, with a very unordinary life. One day, he is handed the Key and the Atlas, and the fate of his world falls on his shoulders, as a fatal plague sweeps the area. The fast and intense plot makes the book absolutely captivating, as Arthur finds out just how deep his adventure goes. It was a wonderful book, as was its sequel, Grim Tuesday. I have not read any further, but these two have persuaded me to pursue this series, and i hope it will motivate many others to as well
It is a true heaven to those who love fantasy adventure novels, the rough story is as follows:
I find myself disagreeing whole-heartedly with the negative reviews of Anne Kingston's The Meaning of Wife. I devoured and enjoyed every bit of this book. This was one of the best books on the subjects of women, work, and family that I have read to date. Contrary to one reviewer's beliefs, I have recently read Misconceptions and The Mommy Myth, but still found an amazing amount of original research (not to mention RECENT) in Kingston's text. Not only is The Meaning of Wife jam packed with original research, it also jellies over with meaning! I can't tell you how many times I have pulled this book BACK OFF THE SHELF since placing it there a few weeks ago upon finishing it. In the classroom, I have referenced information from this book more times than I can remember. It's a good thing I annotate!. One thing is for sure, this is not another boring history book. Usually once I put a book down for over a week, I never pick it up again. I put this book down for a few months (due to a hectic end of the semester) and picked it right back up again just this past month. I finished it in record time because it was THAT interesting. But hey, that's just me. Read the book and decide for yourself
This was one of the best books on the subjects of women, work, and family that I have read to date
The story of Angela and Diabola all begins when Mrs. Cuterston-Jones gives birth to twins with compleatly different personalities. Angela was born with the personality of an angel where as her twin sister Diabola was born with the personality of a devil. Angela and Diabola's mother and father soon figure out that Angela and Diabola aren't going to balance any time soon. Angela and Diabola's mother and father start to realize that being around each other Angela and Diabola are slowly balancing. I give this book five stars because it wasn't to long and it was written in a reasonable sized print. I also like this book because it was funny and it was about something that doesn't happen everyday
Angela and Diabola's mother and father start to realize that being around each other Angela and Diabola are slowly balancing
Kingston's book begins with a description of Prince Charles' and Princess Di's wedding and sort of stays there. She spends a great deal of time focusing on the upper classes, whether royalty, celebrities, politicians or CEOs. Ignored, or perhaps forgotten, are those whose weddings cost less than $50,000, who do not have a choice about working or staying home, who get married at City Hall, and who cannot squeeze every dime out of the ex--because he doesn't have that much more himself. Ignored also are issues such as the effect of parenthood on a marriage, same-sex marriages (even lesbians do laundry), and the role that religion has played in marriage. Kingston's book not only focuses on the upper echelons, but the most extreme marraiges. Her chapter on divorce, for example, portrays women who just about break the law getting back at their ex-husbands. If you are an average woman who took two weeks off her job for her honeymoon, pick something else
Kingston's book not only focuses on the upper echelons, but the most extreme marraiges
This is my 3rd McDermid novel, I previously read 'Mermaids Singing' and 'Wire in the Blood. ' McDermid writes good prose but in this 3rd novel I see dangerous repetitions in character types which, if repeated in the next Tony Hill/Carol Jordan book will make that one my last purchase. Generally McDermid paints female police officers as brighter, more diligent and more intuitive than their male counterparts, as well as more often homosexual. The men, with the exception of leading man Tony Hill, are mostly all egotistical, back-stabbing, power-hungry morons of the lowest order, while Hill is rendered impotent -- a redundant bit of emasculation since all the other males are castrated of their moral fiber. The slow mating dance between Hill and Jordan gets a lot of buildup and little payoff. And in this book, the serial killer and the surrounding hunt for him are as limply portrayed as Dr. Hill. The emotional connection between Hill and the killers in the two previous books is missing here, making the entire killer plot read like an afterthought. And the real villain -- not the serial killer but a drug-pushing / illegal-immigrant smuggler loses character focus as the reader is given reason to sympathize with him as well as with the killer. The climactic scenes involving the capture of one villain and the death of another are without any sense of thrill or danger. I was extremely disappointed with this book
This is my 3rd McDermid novel, I previously read 'Mermaids Singing' and 'Wire in the Blood
Mister Monday is one book you will not put down. This is great mystery. It keeps you thinking all the time. it is about a 13 year-old boy named Arthur who has a mystery to solve and to save the world. He is supposed to die but is saved by a key. He doesn't know why he was given this key, but it is the only thing keeping him alive. The person who gave it to him is named Monday and wants the key back. Monday sends his fetchers to retrieve the key but Arthur doesn't let them. soon enough they go away, but leave behind a mysterious diease. It is spreading rapily through his town. Arthur knows he has to find a cure for it. He thinks he knowswhere he could find a cure-in a mysterious house only he can see. With the help of the key, he travelsinside the house and is swallowed into an adventure he'll never forget. I would recommed this book for ages 11 and up. It is one of the best books I've ever read. This book is awesome!
soon enough they go away, but leave behind a mysterious diease
mysterious diease
The cover of this book is striking, and helped convince me to buy it. It asks what it means to be a wife today, when wives are both made fun of in pop culture and also sometimes held up as the ideal. As a newlywed myself, I wanted an answer to that question. Kingston does a great job of weaving together pop culture and history, and she's a fun writer. She points out interesting trends, such as the fact that many high-powered women, such as Oprah, choose not to marry today. Sometimes I found myself rereading sentences because they were a bit esoteric, but overall the book is extremely accessible and thought-provoking
Kingston does a great job of weaving together pop culture and history, and she's a fun writer
Some early young adult novels (it's a fairly new form of literature, you know) age gracefully and seamlessly. I'm thinking of course of Robert Cormier's "The Chocolate War" and (to a lesser extent), S. E. Hinton?s, "The Outsiders". Unfortunately, I have a nasty suspicion that these books are the exception rather than the rule. For every "Forever" there's a "My Darling, My Hamburger" that contains a great story bogged down by changes in the world. While Paul Zindel's classic tale of four teenagers and their relationship problems is at times both moving and perfectly toned, mostly the problems presented in it are as dated as they come. Even a plot synopsis makes this apparent. Friends Maggie and Liz aren't exactly close, but they hang out frequently together. Liz is the more beautiful and popular of the two with Maggie often following behind. When Liz and her boyfriend Sean decide to hook up Maggie with his friend Dennis, the blind date is as incredibly awkward as they come. Throughout the book the narrative switches between Maggie and her tentative relationship with Dennis and Liz's problems with Sean. Sean, like any normal teenager, is as horny as they come and is continually pressuring Liz to have sex. She'd like to, but she worries that it might end up in pregnancy. Unsurprisingly, that is exactly what happens and soon the big question in the book is whether or not Sean will do the honorable thing and marry Liz (!!) or if Liz will seek out an illegal abortion on her own. It's this last plotline that struck me as dated. The book was originally written in 1969, a full three years before Roe V. Wade and in many ways this abortion issue (while it still looms large) isn't the same. Sure, many girls will sweat over what to do with an unplanned pregnancy, but crossing the border to a state where abortion is legal is probably a more up-to-date literary solution than getting a back alley job. Then there's the debate about whether a girl should marry the guy who gets her pregnant, regardless of how old they are or what their future plans are. Maybe there are pockets of the country where this really is the only honorable solution to such a problem, but it's really not how the majority of teens would handle it today. The book is additionally riddled with small cultural time capsules as well. Talk about how Orientals kill themselves for honor, going to the movie theater to watch a documentary on pygmies, and the complete and total lack of any mention of STDs all combine to make this book an interesting window into the past. To some degree it does still speak to teens today. I was especially amused by the Sex Ed. teacher's advice on how to stop a guy from going all the way, (suggest going out for a hamburger). The characters were interesting as well. Liz, unfortunately, isn't a character you're going to identify with intrinsically. Yes, it's sad that she doesn't get along with her parents. But she's such a self-absorbed person, constantly ridiculing her best friend and at the same time dragging Maggie into horrid and dangerous situations, that by the end you feel zippo pity for her. In fact, you're supposed to end this story hating and pitying Sean who got her pregnant in the first place. Curse those lustful young men that refuse to marry their knocked up girlfriends! Curse them! This book probably read very well in the 1970s and I could even see it having some interesting points in the 1980s. But by the 1990s with the advent of AIDS better known and the options available to teens widening, books like this one began to read more as cautionary tales than as contemporary novels. I've no doubt that "My Darling, My Hamburger" was riveting and shocking when it first came out. Unfortunately, that's certainly no longer the case. I recommend it as a glimpse into the America that once was. If you'd like to know more about the history of the Young Adult novel, this is a good book to pick up. Just don't expect it to have too many insights to offer today. I'm afraid it's no longer that meaningful
The book is additionally riddled with small cultural time capsules as well
cultural time capsules
McDermid is the author of several series including one with serial killer profiler, Tony Hill and DCI Carol Jordan first introduced in the superb THE MERMAIDS SINGING. This current book is the third one in the series. Two storyline threads interweave themselves into this compelling plot. Carol is offered the bone of a possible promotion if she would agree to an undercover assignment. The assignment concerns getting to know and possibly date a criminal in Germany who imports illegal immigrants from Asia, as well as, drugs. She is to gain his confidence and set him up for arrest. Of course, if her cover is blown, her life will be in imminent danger. At the same time, a serial killer is murdering psychology professors in Germany. The killings are done in a particularly gruesome manner. Tony Hill is on the trail. Val McDermid is a superb storyteller. She succeeds in creating full rich characters that illicit a great deal of empathy with the reader. The parallel plots work quite well together and greatly heighten suspense to the degree that the book simply cannot be put down. This is another strong recommendation for one of our best writers working today
The assignment concerns getting to know and possibly date a criminal in Germany who imports illegal immigrants from Asia, as well as, drugs
The premise is simple enough;. young boy escapes his fate when it is revealed he is heir to unwelcome destiny. Enter The House. Arthur, upon whom the story centers, is definately your average selfish & dull little schoolboy, and when he has adventure thrust upon him it is most definately not welcome. When danger stares him in the face he reaches for his inhaler. When a journey beckons he steps behind someone else - all well played out themes for Nix newest hero. His world faced with plague & destruction, Arthur finds the courage to enter the unknown House and try to discover the origins of the mysterious key he was bequeathed, and which rather threatening characters are trying to take from him. Grim Monday's Noon is a wonderfully likable villian and his master, Mister Monday (after whom this first book is named)is a slothfully entertaining fellow, with his victorian clothing & die-away-airs. I would not say this book is strictly limited to a pre-teen audience, as I have found it to be very enjoyable. Upon entering The House Arthur discovers all sorts of oddities in what appears to be a parallel universe, and also meets up with The Old one, in what appears to be a play upon Prometheus shackled to the mountain. Which is interesting in ways which will be revealed once you read the book, remembering that "Prometheus" means "Forethought". He also makes a friend, in Susie Turqouise Blue & we learn what really happend to the Pied Pipers children, and why it wasn't such a bad thing. To much information would give away the storyline, suffice to say Arthurs adventures will continue, this being the first of 7. Seven days of the Week?. Arthur's last name is Penhaligon - another pun by the author on ruling the world & destiny? (kids look up the reference to King Arthur). Nix makes some interesting speculations upon the origins of the universe. This is also very enjoyable as read by Allan Corduner, and is available from amazon. com in audio book format. kotori 2004
His world faced with plague & destruction, Arthur finds the courage to enter the unknown House and try to discover the origins of the mysterious key he was bequeathed, and which rather threatening characters are trying to take from him
Jack Whalen, a retired L. A. cop now living in rural Washington state, whose background may be a little murky, is surprised by a visit from a high school semi-buddy who wants his help with a murdered family and a disappeared husband who may have been onto some highly secretive organization. Jack is reluctant to help until his own wife disappears while supposedly on a business trip to Seattle, and he learns that she may be involved with the same company the missing man was investigating/working with. When Jack's wife Amy reappears as if nothing is wrong but begins to act just a little bit "not Amy," he finds himself in an uneasy team with the old buddy, Fisher, trying to ferret out the truth behind a shadowy group whose members seem to be hiding some truly strange things. There is also a concurrent subplot, quite connected to the larger plot, involving a 9 year old girl who also goes missing but finds herself doing and thinking things far beyond her young capabilities, much to her confusion. The noir style of writing in Jack's portions of the narrative are wonderful and cleverly hard-boiled. Marshall throws in a bit of the supernatural and even SciFi, but the character of Jack and his determined progress keep this tale grounded firmly on the personal issues. I was afraid the book would veer into some "it's all aliens!" territory, but its focus stays earthbound, and the dramatic tensions build nicely to its climax, with a smooth denouement that makes sense
There is also a concurrent subplot, quite connected to the larger plot, involving a 9 year old girl who also goes missing but finds herself doing and thinking things far beyond her young capabilities, much to her confusion
concurrent subplot
This is a serial killer story, but it is so much more. It's an insight into the law enforcement agencies across Europe and an undercover police operation all rolled into one. We see the return of criminal psychologist Tony Hill and Carol Jordan a police officer who has just applied for a job with Europol, working behind a desk processing information. But her superiors see her as something more and offer her a job working undercover. Through this undercover work, she and Tony Hill renew their acquaintance and begin chasing down a German criminal named Tadeusz Radecki. He has recently branched out from his drug distribution into people smuggling. Also chasing down Radecki is Petra Becker, a criminal intelligence officer in Berlin who has been after him for years and is hot on his trail after the murder of a drug dealer. She corresponds to a friend in Holland over the Internet and occasionally helps out when it comes to solving crimes. In this case, there is a serial killer on the loose across Europe who seems to be targeting psychologists by replicating atrocities performed during the reign of the Nazi's in Germany. Although spread across Europe and seemingly tenuously linked, the whole story is nicely drawn together. It's a book that would best be classed as a shocker with some descriptive, grisly scenes. We are also treated to the killer's thoughts and the reasons behind his motives, suggesting that there are still more victims of the medical experiments performed during World War 2 than those who died. Val McDermid has once again produced an exciting and entertaining thriller. Fans of the psychological suspense novels will find this one right up their alley
In this case, there is a serial killer on the loose across Europe who seems to be targeting psychologists by replicating atrocities performed during the reign of the Nazi's in Germany
This is a serial killer story, but it is so much more. It's an insight into the law enforcement agencies across Europe and an undercover police operation all rolled into one. We see the return of criminal psychologist Tony Hill and Carol Jordan a police officer who has just applied for a job with Europol, working behind a desk processing information. But her superiors see her as something more and offer her a job working undercover. Through this undercover work, she and Tony Hill renew their acquaintance and begin chasing down a German criminal named Tadeusz Radecki. He has recently branched out from his drug distribution into people smuggling. Also chasing down Radecki is Petra Becker, a criminal intelligence officer in Berlin who has been after him for years and is hot on his trail after the murder of a drug dealer. She corresponds to a friend in Holland over the Internet and occasionally helps out when it comes to solving crimes. In this case, there is a serial killer on the loose across Europe who seems to be targeting psychologists by replicating atrocities performed during the reign of the Nazi's in Germany. Although spread across Europe and seemingly tenuously linked, the whole story is nicely drawn together. It's a book that would best be classed as a shocker with some descriptive, grisly scenes. We are also treated to the killer's thoughts and the reasons behind his motives, suggesting that there are still more victims of the medical experiments performed during World War 2 than those who died. Val McDermid has once again produced an exciting and entertaining thriller. Fans of the psychological suspense novels will find this one right up their alley
We see the return of criminal psychologist Tony Hill and Carol Jordan a police officer who has just applied for a job with Europol, working behind a desk processing information
police officer
I guess one could say there must be a sort of balance between good and evil. It is often said that one CANNOT exist without the other. At first I was amused an entertained by Angela and Diabola the novel by Lynne Reid Banks, but as it progressed and became exceedingly darker, I read the jacket to find that this book was recommended for ages 9-12. I don't think so. Especially in this day and age. Doing bad thing (especially super bad things) is never a good idea. However, there were a couple of things that bothered me about the story. I expected there to be some explanation as to the WHY the twins existed, something a little more magical or ethereal. The clever ruse of incorporating the two entities into one was interesting and the only way the author could justify Diabola's so called death, but I felt there should have been a little more explanation as where they came from. Also I felt there was a hint at Mrs. Cuthburtson-Joneses (the mother) having some sort of unrealized power that never was explored or expanded. I enjoyed the story, but I still don't think its right for pre-teens
I enjoyed the story, but I still don't think its right for pre-teens
A scientist in Seattle is missing after his family is murdered. A young girl goes missing from an Oregon resort town. A boyhood acquaintance, now an attorney, contacts Jack Whalen for help with a estate case that should have been open and shut - but isn't. Random incidents? Yes, unless you can connect the dots. Jack Whalen is a patrol cop who could have become a detective, but didn't. Instead he took cell phone photos of crime scenes where the perpetrator was an intruder. His simple descriptions of what it must have felt like to be invaded turns the pictures into a best-selling book. Now he and his wife have left Los Angeles for a remote town in Washington state. Jack's been working on another book, but is somehow blocked. His wife, Amy, goes to Seattle for a business meeting but never checks into the hotel. Jack goes to Seattle to find her and instead finds her cell phone abandoned in a cab and lots of questions--but no answers. And people are getting upset that he's even asking. Meanwhile Amy shows up at home and wonders why Jack is so upset. She has a simple explanation for everything, but Jack's cop instincts tell him all is not what it seems. The more threads he pulls, the more tangled things seem to get. And he's not sure anyone is really telling him the truth. And the truth is scarier than fiction. Marshall takes you on a roller coaster ride of emotions. Is Jack sane or losing his mind. Is he the only one seeing clearly - or is he delusional. What's behind these disappearances? One thing you know - Jack will get to the bottom of it all - or die trying. NOTE: Michael Marshall's alter ego is sci-fi and horror author Michael Marshall Smith. Armchair Interviews says: The Intruder is nominated for CWA Ian Fleming Steel Dagger Award
What's behind these disappearances? One thing you know - Jack will get to the bottom of it all - or die trying
And lots of fun for the adult who refuses to grow up. Garth Nix has created a surprising world of fascinating characters and ideas. The plot moves right along and the young hero is likeable and delightfully normal. The book only occasionally does more telling than showing (mostly related to character emotions) but you'll hardly notice. It's one of the most inventive, Wonderland-adventures I've read in a long time. Counting the days until Grim Tuesday is released
Garth Nix has created a surprising world of fascinating characters and ideas
I have been reading Agatha Christie and especially Poirot for last 10 years. After reading nearly 30 novels, Poirot had been a part of life. And the feeling of not seeing or hearing Poirot any more felt as if I have lost a close friend. I never knew Agatha Christie could bring so much of emotion. I'll rate this novel the third best I have read only after Murder of Roger Ackryod and Murder on Orient Express. I finished the novel last night and found it hard to sleep after that. Its too good. Finally we saw the perfect murderer, who did not do anything to be found guilty of murder. The flow was smooth and being the last case of Poirot, you are tempted to suspect everybody in it. In fact this novel should be read after you have read a substantial number of Agatha Christies. Hastings keeps on giving references to past cases. In one sentence I can sum it up as it was a wonderful and nostalgic experience going through the pages. A MUST READ
The flow was smooth and being the last case of Poirot, you are tempted to suspect everybody in it
I bought this book for my nine year old. I took a look at it later at home and started reading the prologue. That made me want to read just some of the first chapter, and I ended up reading the entire book. It was a wonderful book, that will capture you from the beginning. Highly impressed and throughly enjoyed it, and I know my son will too. Grown ups and kids will be hooked from the get go
It was a wonderful book, that will capture you from the beginning
In the beginning there was The Architect who created everything from nothing. Eons passed, and then there was The Will. The Architect's Will was broken into seven pieces by the treacherous Trustees to prevent it from ever being executed. The first fragment was fused inside a solid crystal and then placed inside an unbreakable glass box which was locked inside an indestructible cage. The cage was anchored on the surface of a dead sun at the end of time, and was guarded by twelve sentinels, who were supervised by inspectors. These security measures may have been nothing to sneeze at, but sneeze the inspector did, and somehow the fragment escaped. Arthur Penhaligon was an asthmatic child who wasn't enjoying his first Monday at his new school. This was due to a sadistic teacher who forced him to run a cross-country course, resulting in a near death experience, during which he encountered the unlikely duo of Sneezer and Mister Monday. Suddenly he was the holder of a strange key, shaped like the minute hand of a clock, and Mister Monday was impatiently waiting for Arthur's expiry date to come up. After these exciting and intriguing introductions, Garth Nix launches into the meaty part of the first book of The Keys to the Kingdom series, where one of the most unlikely of heroes struggles reluctantly to fulfill his destiny, while trying to save his own world from a deadly plague. This story contains a great deal of violence, but fortunately while it is perfectly clear that pain is being inflicted with gleeful enjoyment and wanton abandon by Monday's associates, the descriptions are not graphic enough to be overly upsetting to the faint of heart. Young adult readers may be slightly confused by all the twists and machinations, but will still be thrilled by the adventures of Arthur and his friend Suzy Turquoise Blue as they negotiate the secrets of the House, guided by the Will, and armed with nothing but the Key, a great deal of common sense, and a very strong will to survive. Amanda Richards, June 23, 2006
This was due to a sadistic teacher who forced him to run a cross-country course, resulting in a near death experience, during which he encountered the unlikely duo of Sneezer and Mister Monday
Mister Monday
The Endless Game is the first of a two-book series (the second is: A Spy at Twilight) in the vein of the Le Carre "Karla" quartet. Mr. Forbes also played his part in that "game" and writes with considerable authority. The book is well-crafted and grips you as you work through the developing enigma and misleading clues with the protagonist. The characters are complex and believable, the plot consistent and the outcome unguessable until the last pages. Altogether, a most satisfying read for lovers of spy fiction
The book is well-crafted and grips you as you work through the developing enigma and misleading clues with the protagonist
Based on historical fact, WINSTON'S WAR is a solid and absorbing fictional rendition of the leadership struggle between Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and Winston Churchill between October 1, 1938 and May 10, 1940. As the book opens, Chamberlain has returned to 10 Downing Street a public hero after the signing of the Munich Agreement between himself and Adolf Hitler which gave the latter the Sudetenland in return for "peace in our time". Meanwhile, relegated to the periphery of British politics and virtually an outcast, Churchill obstinately lashes out against appeasement and loudly proclaims the necessity for total war to save democracy from the depredations of the Nazis. What subsequently follows is history: the German subjugation of the rest of Czechoslovakia and the invasion of Poland, the German-Soviet non-aggression pact, the Phony War, the Soviet invasion of Finland, the British military's Norwegian fiasco, and the crisis in His Majasty's government in May 1940 that ultimately elevated Winston to the premiership. The cast of characters in this sweeping story by Michael Dobbs of political maneuvering, skullduggery, and backstabbing is an historical Who's Who of the times: the ailing, haughty, and pacifist Chamberlain, who personifies England's bitter memories of the Great War and the popular concept of "never again"; the ambitious and self-absorbed Churchill, whose pugnacity sometimes clouds prudence; the defeatist, philandering, and anti-Semitic U. S. Ambassador to the Court of St. James, Joseph P. Kennedy; the alcoholic, disillusioned and psychologically tortured idealist, Guy Burgess (of Burgess, Philby, and Maclean of Cold War infamy); the stuttering King George VI, who whines that the German invasion of Poland interrupted his grouse hunting; and the Machiavellian newspaper mogul, William "Max" Aitken, Lord Beaverbrook. It's in the minor details with which Dobbs fleshes out the story of Chamberlain's fall and the rise of his nemesis, Churchill, to an epic 685 paper-backed pages (UK HarperCollins edition). And it's the length of WINSTON'S WAR that is, perhaps, a minor flaw. Some of the subplots seemed unnecessary, and should have been severely cropped by a ruthless editor: the love affair between the crippled WWI survivor "Mac" McFadden, barber to the politically great and one of Guy's information sources, and Carol, a housemaid and part-time prostitute; and between Bournemouth postmistress Sue Graham and Army Sergeant Jerry White - though the experiences of the latter did usefully tie the Norway debacle into the storyline on a personal level. Slightly more relevant, but still mildly tedious, was the dysfunctional relationship between Brendan Bracken, Churchill's closest confidant, and Kennedy's niece, Anna Fitzgerald. Perhaps Dobbs perceived a need to include Carol, Sue and Anna to make it less of a Guy Read. Chamberlain was toppled not because he sought to appease Hitler and avert a cataclysm, but because he didn't have the mettle to wage all-out war when the necessity for it was thrust upon him. That was to prove to be Winston's genius. The author's genius is in portraying the labyrinthine venality of Whitehall and Fleet Street powerbroking at a time when solidarity against a rapacious common enemy was desperately necessary. WINSTON'S WAR is the first in a series of novels about Churchill's wartime leadership. According to the back cover, the next book is apparently NEVER SURRENDER. I shall seek out and buy it immediately
Slightly more relevant, but still mildly tedious, was the dysfunctional relationship between Brendan Bracken, Churchill's closest confidant, and Kennedy's niece, Anna Fitzgerald
dysfunctional relationship
In a book subtitled, "The Life and World of Al Capone", one would suspect an in depth look at the famous Chicagoan. While the book has points where it is very informative, I believe the author could have used a more involved editor in composing his book. Having originally gone into publication in 1971, there are better books about Al Capone. In the first hundred pages, Al Capone's name is literally mentioned only about five times. I respect the author's motive for formatting the book this way. He was trying to set up the world that gave rise to a gang leader like Al Capone. However, some of the stories could have been left out. At times, I found myself wondering if the author would ever start discussing Capone. The author begins the story of Capone in his service to Johnny Torrio. Eventually, this relationship develops more into a partnership than a hierarchy. Capone was very aggressive in furthering his interests even if the price was murder. La Cosa Nostra and organized crime in America thrived under the laws of prohibition. The illegally produced and supplied alcohol was only produced by those willing to disobey the way. It was a chance Capone was to take. Additionally, Capone made his money from gambling and racketeering. The generous side of Capone is one that is less frequently discussed. He donated much of his wealth to the poor which is more than can be said for the contemporary crooks and gangsters of corporate America. With this comparison in mind, it seems odd that the government finally crumbled the Capone empire with charges of tax evasion. Capone was sentenced to eleven years, but served less than six due to good behavior and the terminal phase of syphilis. I was disappointed to discover the end of the book. The author followed through with the title in the beginning with an overwhelming introduction. Unfortunately, the author chose to describe Capone's effect on the world in seven pages. I believe the author could have said more of the world of Al Capone more in terms of his after effects. In total, I found this book to be more than adequate. While it is flawed and inconsistent, it is a worthwhile primer for those seeking to learn of Capone. At times, the author goes into great detail demonstrating the work put into this project. However, the amount of work is not always consistent with the final project
The generous side of Capone is one that is less frequently discussed
Good Bead paterns alot of pictures of beadwork from 1800's (5 stars) for the detailed information in this book!
Good Bead paterns alot of pictures of beadwork from 1800's (5 stars) for the detailed information in this book!
Arthur Penhaligon (and that just has to be a reference to the Arthurian legend) is just an average kid with bad asthma, until he has an attack that nearly kills him and suddenly finds himself a big player in a world that exists outside reality as he knows it. Arthur's Earth is one set in the future to begin with, which is a bit hard to follow through his reflections on previous events, but it gets even more confusing when he receives on of the Keys and finds the House that is a gateway to another world/time/reality. Time moves differently there and the laws of nature/physics mean nothing. In fact, Nothing pays a large role in the story, the substance out of which many things, good and bad can be created. The Architect (the creator of everything) left a long time ago, but she left instructions as to how things were to be run, a sentient Will. But the trustees defied it and set out to do things their own way. So now it's up to Arthur to set things to right. The Will is going to find a way, and that way is Arthur. The descriptions of Arthur's travels through the House are both interesting and highly confusing at times. I had to reread a few parts more than once to figure out what was going on. You do, eventually, get used to it, but it takes a long while and I felt a bit lost for half of the book. The Stairway was one of the better touches, I thought, those glimpses into the past. Suzy is an excellent character, a good partner/guide for Arthur and the best friend he could have in this world. I, like other reviewers, though, wish that a lot more had been done with Leaf and her brother Ed. The way they were introduced led me to believe that they'd play a much bigger role, as would Arthur's world, neither of which happened. The character development is very slim, too. Much more attention is paid to plot development, which, while nice, is only one half a needed whole. I'm hoping that the second book will take the time to flesh the characters out a bit
I, like other reviewers, though, wish that a lot more had been done with Leaf and her brother Ed
This book is so cool! My friend gave it to me for Christmas when I was 8, and I have read it a lot of times. Okay, it's about these two twins, Angela and Diabola. Angela is named because she acts like an angel, and Diabola is named because she acts diabolic (evil). Lynnee Reid Banks (the author) is an excellent writer and the story is understandable, because I understanded when I was 8. Just read this book today! I'm sure you'll read other reviews and they'll tell ya more
This book is so cool! My friend gave it to me for Christmas when I was 8, and I have read it a lot of times
David Guterson's first novel, Snow Falling on Cedars, was a true ensemble piece, in which even a high-stakes murder trial seemed like a judgment passed on the community at large. In his eloquent second novel, however, the author swings dramatically in the opposite direction. East of the Mountains is the tale of a solitary, 73-year-old Seattle widower. A retired heart surgeon, Ben Givens is an old hand at turning isolation to his advantage, both professionally and personally: "When everything human was erased from existence except that narrow antiseptic window through which another's heart could be manipulated--few were as adroit as Dr. Givens. " Now, however, Ben has been dealt a problem entirely beyond his powers of manipulation: a diagnosis of terminal cancer. With just a few months to live, he sets out across the Cascades for a hunting trip, planning to take his own life once he reaches the high desert. A car crash en route puts an initial crimp in this suicide mission. But the ailing surgeon presses onward--and begins a simultaneous journey into the past. Between present-tense episodes, which demonstrate Ben's cranky commitment to his own extinction, we learn about his boyhood in Washington's apple country, his traumatic war experience in the Italian Alps, and the beginning of his vocation. Guterson narrates the apple-scented idyll of Ben's childhood in a typically low-key manner--and orchards, of course, are seldom the stuff of melodrama. Still, many of his ambling sentences offer miniature lessons in patience and perception: "They rode back all day to the Columbia, traversed it on the Colockum Ferry, and at dusk came into their orchard tired, on empty stomachs, their hats tipped back, to walk the horses between the rows of trees in a silent kind of processional, and Aidan ran his hands over limbs as he passed them with his horse behind him, the limbs trembling in the wake of his passing, and on, then, to the barn. " The wartime episodes, however, are less satisfactory. Clearly Guterson has done his research down to the last stray bullet, but there's a second-hand feeling to the material, which seems less a token of Ben's detachment than the author's. There is, alas, an additional problem. Begin a story with a planned suicide, and there are exactly two possible outcomes. It would be unfair to reveal Ben's fate. But as the forces of life and death yank him one way, then another, Guterson tends to stack the deck--particularly during a bus ride toward the end of the novel, when Ben's fellow passengers appear to have wandered in from a Frank Capra film. Yet East of the Mountains remains a beautifully imagined work, in which the landscape reflects both Ben's desperation and his intermittent delight. And Guterson knows from the start what his protagonist learns in painful increments: that "a neat, uncomplicated end" doesn't exist on either side of the mountains. --James Marcus
A retired heart surgeon, Ben Givens is an old hand at turning isolation to his advantage, both professionally and personally: "When everything human was erased from existence except that narrow antiseptic window through which another's heart could be manipulated--few were as adroit as Dr
In this first book in the series, Keys to the Kingdom, we find Aurther Penhaligon, a seventh grader who recently moved to a new and strange home. Of, course, it doesn't seem strange to him- at first. Aurther has heavy asthma, which places him in the hospital quite often. One Monday morining, Aurther is in Gym in his new shcool, and has an asthma attck on the run they were on. During this attack, A strangfe man named Mister Monday comes, and is tricked into giving Aurther a minute hand shaped "key"- which is what they called it. As soon as Aurther holds this key, he finds that he can breathe, and he doesn't die the death that he was meant to die. But with this key comes strange creatures from another dimension who pursue the key, and though he doesn't know why, Aurther knows that he shouldn't give it to them{they work for Mister Monday- who wants the key back}. These creatures, called Fetchers bring a terrible disease called the "Sleepy Pluage", which after afew symtoms like having a cold, puts the infected people to sleep- literally- they fall asleep, and can't be woken up! Aurther is particually sensitive to this outbreak beacuse he is adopted{his birth parents died in a flu outbreak when he was a baby}. He couldn't bear to have more loved ones lost to a disease outbreak. Then, Aurther notices a strange house that only he can see. He has a feeling that the answer to curing the sick people is to go in there. But what he finds when he does is a another world, calle the House, which was created by the Great Architect- the creator of all things. This aerchitect left long ago, but left a will to be followed through- BUT IT WAS NOT!!! The will was broken in seven fragments, and scattered through time and space. Now the first and least fragment of the Will has escaped, and it is helping Aurther. It says that he is the rightfull heir to the kingdom{the House} but all Aurther wants is a cure to the Sleepy Plauge. The Will tells Aurther that to find this cure, he has to defeat Mister Monday, using the Minute Hand key, and claim Mondays half of the key {the Hour Hand}which will then bind with the Minute Hand to become the first and leat Key to the Kingdom. Aurther, Suzy Blue{a friend he makes on the way} and the Will now will go through many treacherous tasks to defeat Monday- the Will so that Aurther can claim the key, therefore the first part of the Will is done, Aurther to find a cure to thing strange plauge, and Suzy to help them all. I thought that this book was amazing, had great detail, and was imaginative in every way. Garth Nix did a great job, and I can't wait to read Grim Tuesday, the next book in the Keys to the Kingdom series!
It says that he is the rightfull heir to the kingdom{the House} but all Aurther wants is a cure to the Sleepy Plauge
Angela and Diabola is one of the best books I've ever read. A well written novel by Lynn Reid Banks weaves good and evil into a touching and unforgetable novel. The story is this: Mrs. Cuthbert is expecting a child, but has twins. One child is so angelic, it's like a piece of heaven came. The other one so incredibily devilish,she frequently scares people. Angela helps, while Diabola hinders. The story is worked around how the sisters cope with other people, and each other. When finished, you will be so familiar with these characters, you will wish their was a second book!
The story is worked around how the sisters cope with other people, and each other
I received this book as a trade from bookcrossing. com. I had once read the Pigman in high school, unfortunately, this book doesn't measure up. Maggie and Liz are friends. Liz is a little more outgoing and popular, who sets Maggie up on a double date with her and Sean. Maggie goes out with Dennis who looks like an "undernourished zucchini. and always wearing the same baggy sweater. ". Liz and Sean are very into each other, but Sean keeps pushing the issue with whether or not they are going to "do it. " When they get into a fight once again, Liz goes out with an older guy who practically rapes her. When Sean and Liz meet up again, she gives him what he wants, but. with a price. Even though the book was written in the late 60's, some underlying themes stay the same: pregnancy, abortion, not getting along or being able to communicate with parents, suicide, and premarital sex. It seems as though the author had covered everything. but. for a long while, the book just wasn't very interesting. It's a very quick read, but I didn't get into it until it was almost over. Also, I didn't get the closure I needed at the end between Liz and Maggie. It's a nice cautionary tale for students that are of high school age, but maybe I've read too much good Young Adult literature in the past to be impressed by this one
Even though the book was written in the late 60's, some underlying themes stay the same: pregnancy, abortion, not getting along or being able to communicate with parents, suicide, and premarital sex
Arthur a new student at school, has to run a mile in the first day there. Arthur an asthmatic that ment he can't breathe well. He has to do his mile run but at the very end he fell to the ground because of his asthma. Then these two kids Leaf and Ed helps Arthur by running to the office and running to the P. E. teacher. Then when Arthur was about to die Mister Monday and Sneezer ame out of nowhere and gave Arthur a key that looks like the hand of a clock and an atlas. Then they disappeared and Ed and Leaf came running back. Arthur got taken to the hospital and in a few days he got back up and went to school. He went into the library and tuoched the key with the atlas and the atlas turned huge and had a picture of a house. Then that day he started seeing things a whole army of dog-faced Fetchers were standing outside the library window. then there was a guy named Noon came in the library and looked for Arthur then Arthur ran for it and started throwing salt, but some of the dogs got him on his chest,leg, and arm. Then he looked at his watch and saw it was one minute to 1 o' clock. Noon was about to fight Arthur with his Flame Sword. Arthur faked the give and threw the key and when the minute hand struk one o' clock all of the dogs and Noon disappeared. Then they appeared outside laughing, they holded the Atlas up in the air. Then Arthur got a backpack full of salt and melted all the dogs, but no atlas was to be found. Then there was a big fire that Noon started trying to get the key. After Arthur had to go on a bus but made him self have an asthma attack and then was taken to the bus to be taken to the hospital. Arthur then got better and ran out of the hospital heading for the House. Once he went in the house he went to Mondays portal and ended up in this weird land. Arthur had to go threw this big adventure but to get to the point he went to fight Monday with his minute and hour hand key that became a GIGANTIC sword that distroyed Monday and helped Will the protector or lord of the keys that guided Arthur all the way. Then after he went back to his word the illness stoped and everything went back to normal except it was on a TUESDAY. My favorite part was when Arthur and NOon both had swords. Noon with his big flame sword and Arthur with his clock sword. Also it's cool that a tiny key can turn a yiny atlas into a gigantic one. THIS BOOK WAS THE BEST NUMBER ONE 1. THIS A BOOK THAT YOU DONT NEED TO THINK AS MUCH TO KNOW WHATS GOING ON AND IT MAKES A VERY CLEAR PICTURE WITH ALL THE DETAILS THAT WAS GIVEN
Then when Arthur was about to die Mister Monday and Sneezer ame out of nowhere and gave Arthur a key that looks like the hand of a clock and an atlas
Mister Monday
This was a really great book. I never suspected the killer to be who she was. Great book, check it out ;
I never suspected the killer to be who she was
Ahh. I wish I had never gotten this stupid key, it is the kiss of death, and has ruined my life. This thought races through Arthur's mind as he saves the world in Mister Monday. Arthur is put through a rigorous test of bravery and compassion to face the evil Mister Monday. In the story, Arthur receives a key that gives him the power he needs to defeat Mister Monday, the only problem is, he doesn't know whom Monday is, or anything about the strange world that Monday lives in. Arthur has to go to a foreign realm and defeat an enemy that has so much more power than he does, if Monday was a T-Rex then Arthur would be a blade of grass compared to him. Arthur's battle to save earth requires a level of bravery that he only imagines in his dreams. That is why the theme is bravery, Arthur has to summon a level of bravery that he can't, and through the story, he struggles to get this unknown bravery. Arthur ventures through the story finding the bravery he needs. Mister Monday is a phenomenal book that gets an excellent 10/10. This book wraps you up in the story; it sucks you into the pages like a black hole. You are transported through a mystical land that gets better as you proceed. That's why Mister Monday is so irresistible, and it's a great book not only for fantasy readers, but also for anyone looking for a great story
In the story, Arthur receives a key that gives him the power he needs to defeat Mister Monday, the only problem is, he doesn't know whom Monday is, or anything about the strange world that Monday lives in
Hey readers. Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable journey into the mysterious House occupied by cruel rulers and miserable children? In this book, Sir Monday: The keys to the Kingdom, Garth Nix develops a new spicy taste in literature that brings in a modern view of adventure. Think about all the classics you've ever read in your life like To Kill a Mockingbird or Harry Potter. Why have these books been chosen for numerous rewards and prizes? Because the author has challenged the borders of thinking and created a whole new aspect of things. Sir Monday is another universe in time and space. Imagine a vast world inside a House where everything we know in the modern day is questioned. In this fantastic story of trust and adventures, a boy named Author holds the Key to the future, and what will that bring?. To find out, read this wonderful book and find yourself asking for more!!!
In this fantastic story of trust and adventures, a boy named Author holds the Key to the future, and what will that bring?
Arthur Penhaligon (and that just has to be a reference to the Arthurian legend) is just an average kid with bad asthma, until he has an attack that nearly kills him and suddenly finds himself a big player in a world that exists outside reality as he knows it. Arthur's Earth is one set in the future to begin with, which is a bit hard to follow through his reflections on previous events, but it gets even more confusing when he receives on of the Keys and finds the House that is a gateway to another world/time/reality. Time moves differently there and the laws of nature/physics mean nothing. In fact, Nothing pays a large role in the story, the substance out of which many things, good and bad can be created. The Architect (the creator of everything) left a long time ago, but she left instructions as to how things were to be run, a sentient Will. But the trustees defied it and set out to do things their own way. So now it's up to Arthur to set things to right. The Will is going to find a way, and that way is Arthur. The descriptions of Arthur's travels through the House are both interesting and highly confusing at times. I had to reread a few parts more than once to figure out what was going on. You do, eventually, get used to it, but it takes a long while and I felt a bit lost for half of the book. The Stairway was one of the better touches, I thought, those glimpses into the past. Suzy is an excellent character, a good partner/guide for Arthur and the best friend he could have in this world. I, like other reviewers, though, wish that a lot more had been done with Leaf and her brother Ed. The way they were introduced led me to believe that they'd play a much bigger role, as would Arthur's world, neither of which happened. The character development is very slim, too. Much more attention is paid to plot development, which, while nice, is only one half a needed whole. I'm hoping that the second book will take the time to flesh the characters out a bit
The descriptions of Arthur's travels through the House are both interesting and highly confusing at times
I received this book as a trade from bookcrossing. com. I had once read the Pigman in high school, unfortunately, this book doesn't measure up. Maggie and Liz are friends. Liz is a little more outgoing and popular, who sets Maggie up on a double date with her and Sean. Maggie goes out with Dennis who looks like an "undernourished zucchini. and always wearing the same baggy sweater. ". Liz and Sean are very into each other, but Sean keeps pushing the issue with whether or not they are going to "do it. " When they get into a fight once again, Liz goes out with an older guy who practically rapes her. When Sean and Liz meet up again, she gives him what he wants, but. with a price. Even though the book was written in the late 60's, some underlying themes stay the same: pregnancy, abortion, not getting along or being able to communicate with parents, suicide, and premarital sex. It seems as though the author had covered everything. but. for a long while, the book just wasn't very interesting. It's a very quick read, but I didn't get into it until it was almost over. Also, I didn't get the closure I needed at the end between Liz and Maggie. It's a nice cautionary tale for students that are of high school age, but maybe I've read too much good Young Adult literature in the past to be impressed by this one
for a long while, the book just wasn't very interesting
Garth Nix's 'Mister Monday' was a highly clever, creative, and entertaining read that had me up into the wee hours of the morning following Arthur's adventures in the House. Arthur Penhaligon was a believable hero who after strange creatures called Fetchers bring a sleeply plague to his town, with his newly acquired key, Arthur must venture into the mysterious House that only he can see to save his town. Obviously, Nix wrote this book for a younger audience so his writing wasn't as. mature as it was in his brilliant Abhorsen trilogy. But the sheer imagination Nix brings to this book more than makes up for it. The intricate world of the House was highly entertaing and origional and Nix stuns me every time he writes a new story. 'Mister Monday' has everything a hugely popular series needs, loveable characters, a complex plot, and buckets loads of creativity. 'Grim Tuesday' is certainly going on my wish list!
'Mister Monday' has everything a hugely popular series needs, loveable characters, a complex plot, and buckets loads of creativity
Garth Nix really glued my eyes to this book for hours! I couldn't stop reading all day! His book Mister Monday tells the story of young Arthur Penhaligon's adventure into the House. While at school Arthur obtains a "Key" shaped like a minute hand on a clock. In the never-ending height of the House, he is the rightful heir to the lower part. The only problem is that the other hand of the clock is owned by the old ruler, who doesn't want to give it away. Meanwhile the first section of the "Will" the creator of everything left behind, has escaped from it's highly secured prison on a dead star. Although The only reason Arthur is in this adventure is so he can save the world from the plague the "Key" brought with it. Garth Nix can build one idea off of the other, which would help him explain his thoughts. For example, when Arthur is in an elevator with the "Will" and Suzy Turquoise Blue, (They are going to the 379th floor, so they have the time) Garth Nix explained everything about the plague Arthur wants to cure. So basically the author took the opportunity to explain all the confusing parts in the book up to that point. I personally love fantasy books, and Garth nix can draw people like me into his writing. He has things relating to time, space, extremely tall houses that can slow time the moment you touch it. Stuff like that!. I loved this book, so I probably am going to read the next books in this series:. #2 - Grim Tuesday. #3 - Drowned Wednesday. #4 - Sir Thursday. Coming Soon. #5 - Lady Friday. #6 - Superior Saturday. #7 - Lord Sunday. Will Arthur save the world from the plague? How did the "Will" escape? Read Mister Monday and all those questions will be answered!
Meanwhile the first section of the "Will" the creator of everything left behind, has escaped from it's highly secured prison on a dead star
secured prison
If you are looking for a thrilling mystery, this is the book for you! This book is about an asmatic boy who has moved to a new school and the first day has a asma attack. In having this attach Arthur Penhaligon meets two new friends (Leaf and Ed twin brother and sister) and also gets a suprise, Mister Monday and his buttler, Sneezer, appear with a flash of light and give Arthur a gift,(Arthur thinks Sneezer is up to something but does not know) a minute hand of a clock (the clock that was guarding the will) and a book (An Atlas he can't yet open). Arhtur does not know this but a will guarded by a clock face glass box and other odd things has been released which is the reason he got the key (clock hand) in the first place. During this book Arthur meets some odd people like some dog-faced men in bowler hats. At the beginning of the book he thought it was all a dream (from his asma attack) but he finds out that everything was very real. Arthur does not know the danger ahead of him untill the night somebody shows up at his window. This book is a wonderful choice. Garth Nix really outdid hiself when he wrote this one. This book reminds me of Ravens Gate in a way so if you read and liked it you will love this! One of the best books I have ever read. This is a dark side of the moon kind of book it is full of suspense and you never what will happen next. You will find yourself captivated by each letter in this book, you will see that you are swept away in the pages but don't want to come out! Mister Monday will do anything to get the key back (you will have to read to see if Arthur makes it through the book alive)!
This book is a wonderful choice
In a tearful heartwarming story, we see that Mog has a next of kin. With her hands full with two little kittens, Mog is unable to leave her cat box (with the kittens) to sleep with Nicky. Two of Nicky's friends come by to visit Mog and the kittens, wishing that they themselves had a kitten. The kittens actually want homes of their own. Nicky decides to give the two kittens to the very same (two young girls) friends who were admiring them. The two girls' families are shown, happy, with Mog's kittens. While Nicky and Mog are sad at first, they both realize that it's what's best for all involved, and Mog resumes sleeping with Nicky again
Nicky decides to give the two kittens to the very same (two young girls) friends who were admiring them
This book is a great educational, but fun book for children ages 3-6 years old. This book was written by Stuart J. Murphy, and illustrated by Holly Keller. Stuart Murphy has written many books. He has a series called Math Start, for children; there are 60 books in the series with over 60 million copies sold. This book is his first published (1996). It is a great book for children, to help them start on a path to learning size relationships. It has picture of different bugs and animal and asks "Which is smallest? Which is the biggest? Although it is without a plot, the book has great pictures, and would be excellent for a short bed time story. The kindergarten group that I read this book to really enjoyed it, I had to read it more than once to them!
It is a great book for children, to help them start on a path to learning size relationships
size relationships
this is one of the best books i have ever read! garth nix is amazing at making Arthur, Suzy, Monday, the Will, Dawn, Noon, and Dusk all come to life. it is the best horror/action/adventure book i haver ever read. Arthur is saved by a key, that chages his fate entirely. he has Asmatha and the minute hand looking key saves him. but the key made a strange house appear. and at school, some dog faced men come in to kill him along with Noon for the key, so Arthur couldn't be master of the Lower House if he could get the hour hand key from Monday inside the strange house. this book is EXTREAMLY good, but very confusing at times. Garth Nix rules!
Arthur is saved by a key, that chages his fate entirely
Exploding onto the Childrens' Literature scene is Garth Nix and his Keys to the Kingdom series. Mister Monday commences the series, with Arthur inhereting a strange key in the shape of a minute hand from a clock. With this strange weapon, he enters into a house only he can see to save his world from a pandemic. He must confont the sloth Mister Monday in order to gain mastery of the lower house and save his world
With this strange weapon, he enters into a house only he can see to save his world from a pandemic
I just could not put this book down. I loved how Angela was loved by every one and No one liked Dioblo. It is amazing how Lynne Ried Banks put you into the book. She makes it feel likek you are right there watching this all happen. This book is different then the ohter books I read by her but this book was the best. When I took the first look at the cover I knew that it would be an wonderfull book. this is one of the best books i have read in the last year or so
I just could not put this book down
On the face of it, Arthur Penhaligon is very poor material for a hero. He is so severely asthmatic that an attack brought on by a compulsory cross-country run at his new school is about to end his life. Someone on the point of death is exactly what the sinister stranger Mister Monday wants, and he gives Arthur a key shaped like the minute hand of a clock. But it doesn't work as Mister Monday intended, for with the key in his hand Arthur can breathe as though he has never had asthma. However, along with the key comes a plague brought by bizarre creatures from another realm--dog-faced men in bowler hats called Fetchers. These, along with Mr Monday and his avenging messengers with blood-stained wings, will stop at nothing to get back the key, even if it means destroying Arthur and everything around him. In desperation, Arthur ventures into a mysterious house--a house only he can see. This is where Arthur must unravel the secrets of the key and discover his true fate. I found this book (especially the Prologue) more bizarre than either Sabriel or Lirael, but every bit as engrossing. I have to marvel at an author who publishes the first book in a long and complex series without having first written all the others. I wouldn't like it myself because if a brilliant deviation from the outlined plot occurred to me for a later book, but it needed a rewrite of the first book, this couldn't be done. Garth Nix has a hard act to follow in this first, highly imaginative book of The Keys to the Kingdom. And he has to do it six times!. Incidentally, I read the following in a review by a young reader here on amazon. com and had to smile. "Written slightly below the level of the Harry Potter books this series should still capture the attention and imagination of young readers attracted to these types of stories. I found it to be a fun and enchanting read, maybe a little tame, but then I'm somewhat older than the target audience. ". How he could have found Arthur's ordeals "tame" I have no idea! And the first Harry Potter book was very firmly a middle-grade novel, despite its length. Amazon. com rates its readership the same as for Mister Monday--ages 9-12, which would be about right. I call that the upper end of the middle-grade readership. Too many books suitable for this age group are classed as "young adult"--possibly because the readership of YA books is more likely to be 15 and under than genuine young adults, and many young readers like to feel they are reading above their age level, so authors and publishers pander to this. I do know that at age 15 I wouldn't have "been seen dead" reading a children's book because, even though 15-year-olds of my generation were considerably less sophisticated than today's 15-year-olds, I considered myself "too old--nearly grown up". Make what you like of that. :-)
com rates its readership the same as for Mister Monday--ages 9-12, which would be about right
Mister Monday
This book is about a boy named, Arthur, who recieves a key and an atlas from a mysterious man named Mister Monday. Later that week a plague hits the town, Arthur has to unravel the mysteries of the key to save his family and friends. This is a great book, I can't wait to read the second book in this series, Grim Tuesday
Later that week a plague hits the town, Arthur has to unravel the mysteries of the key to save his family and friends
this is one of the best books i have ever read! garth nix is amazing at making Arthur, Suzy, Monday, the Will, Dawn, Noon, and Dusk all come to life. it is the best horror/action/adventure book i haver ever read. Arthur is saved by a key, that chages his fate entirely. he has Asmatha and the minute hand looking key saves him. but the key made a strange house appear. and at school, some dog faced men come in to kill him along with Noon for the key, so Arthur couldn't be master of the Lower House if he could get the hour hand key from Monday inside the strange house. this book is EXTREAMLY good, but very confusing at times. Garth Nix rules!
this is one of the best books i have ever read! garth nix is amazing at making Arthur, Suzy, Monday, the Will, Dawn, Noon, and Dusk all come to life
the Will
In a book subtitled, "The Life and World of Al Capone", one would suspect an in depth look at the famous Chicagoan. While the book has points where it is very informative, I believe the author could have used a more involved editor in composing his book. Having originally gone into publication in 1971, there are better books about Al Capone. In the first hundred pages, Al Capone's name is literally mentioned only about five times. I respect the author's motive for formatting the book this way. He was trying to set up the world that gave rise to a gang leader like Al Capone. However, some of the stories could have been left out. At times, I found myself wondering if the author would ever start discussing Capone. The author begins the story of Capone in his service to Johnny Torrio. Eventually, this relationship develops more into a partnership than a hierarchy. Capone was very aggressive in furthering his interests even if the price was murder. La Cosa Nostra and organized crime in America thrived under the laws of prohibition. The illegally produced and supplied alcohol was only produced by those willing to disobey the way. It was a chance Capone was to take. Additionally, Capone made his money from gambling and racketeering. The generous side of Capone is one that is less frequently discussed. He donated much of his wealth to the poor which is more than can be said for the contemporary crooks and gangsters of corporate America. With this comparison in mind, it seems odd that the government finally crumbled the Capone empire with charges of tax evasion. Capone was sentenced to eleven years, but served less than six due to good behavior and the terminal phase of syphilis. I was disappointed to discover the end of the book. The author followed through with the title in the beginning with an overwhelming introduction. Unfortunately, the author chose to describe Capone's effect on the world in seven pages. I believe the author could have said more of the world of Al Capone more in terms of his after effects. In total, I found this book to be more than adequate. While it is flawed and inconsistent, it is a worthwhile primer for those seeking to learn of Capone. At times, the author goes into great detail demonstrating the work put into this project. However, the amount of work is not always consistent with the final project
In a book subtitled, "The Life and World of Al Capone", one would suspect an in depth look at the famous Chicagoan
The Life and World of Al Capone
Other reviewers have mentioned the Potter series, but this book reminded me more of Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy. As in HDM, the world is bleak, the heroes are young and most adults seem oblivious to anyone else, except as they may be used in some grandiose scheme. Unlike with HDM, I couldn't develop any integrated picture of the KTTK world. Things were described, but the descriptions seemed like prop lists. The author seemed capable of throwing in anything or anyone that we might have read about elsewhere. For example, Prometheus shows up - with a different name. At times, I felt like I was reading a screenplay, "Hey, this'll look great in the film, (coming soon to a theater near you) and they probably have some on the backlot!" Maybe I should have called this 'Will and Dr. Who vs. Screwtape. ' I did want to find out how it turned out, so despite all criticisms, I think it probably works for the early teenager that hasn't already read everything in the genre
The author seemed capable of throwing in anything or anyone that we might have read about elsewhere
David Guterson's first novel, Snow Falling on Cedars, was a true ensemble piece, in which even a high-stakes murder trial seemed like a judgment passed on the community at large. In his eloquent second novel, however, the author swings dramatically in the opposite direction. East of the Mountains is the tale of a solitary, 73-year-old Seattle widower. A retired heart surgeon, Ben Givens is an old hand at turning isolation to his advantage, both professionally and personally: "When everything human was erased from existence except that narrow antiseptic window through which another's heart could be manipulated--few were as adroit as Dr. Givens. " Now, however, Ben has been dealt a problem entirely beyond his powers of manipulation: a diagnosis of terminal cancer. With just a few months to live, he sets out across the Cascades for a hunting trip, planning to take his own life once he reaches the high desert. A car crash en route puts an initial crimp in this suicide mission. But the ailing surgeon presses onward--and begins a simultaneous journey into the past. Between present-tense episodes, which demonstrate Ben's cranky commitment to his own extinction, we learn about his boyhood in Washington's apple country, his traumatic war experience in the Italian Alps, and the beginning of his vocation. Guterson narrates the apple-scented idyll of Ben's childhood in a typically low-key manner--and orchards, of course, are seldom the stuff of melodrama. Still, many of his ambling sentences offer miniature lessons in patience and perception: "They rode back all day to the Columbia, traversed it on the Colockum Ferry, and at dusk came into their orchard tired, on empty stomachs, their hats tipped back, to walk the horses between the rows of trees in a silent kind of processional, and Aidan ran his hands over limbs as he passed them with his horse behind him, the limbs trembling in the wake of his passing, and on, then, to the barn. " The wartime episodes, however, are less satisfactory. Clearly Guterson has done his research down to the last stray bullet, but there's a second-hand feeling to the material, which seems less a token of Ben's detachment than the author's. There is, alas, an additional problem. Begin a story with a planned suicide, and there are exactly two possible outcomes. It would be unfair to reveal Ben's fate. But as the forces of life and death yank him one way, then another, Guterson tends to stack the deck--particularly during a bus ride toward the end of the novel, when Ben's fellow passengers appear to have wandered in from a Frank Capra film. Yet East of the Mountains remains a beautifully imagined work, in which the landscape reflects both Ben's desperation and his intermittent delight. And Guterson knows from the start what his protagonist learns in painful increments: that "a neat, uncomplicated end" doesn't exist on either side of the mountains. --James Marcus
East of the Mountains is the tale of a solitary, 73-year-old Seattle widower
East of the Mountains
This is the best book I ever read! I couldn't put it down! Still, I didn't like the end very much. I love the part where Diabola is throwing the chicken pieces! I liked Angela's name, though
I love the part where Diabola is throwing the chicken pieces! I liked Angela's name, though
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