The empathy it is the ability of people to feel in their own body the sensations that another is feeling. The empathy process then is not static in time, as it requires the observation of something that happens to someone, and then identification with those feelings that you have observed. For example: being sad when seeing someone cry, going to help someone who has been hurt. In this sense, it is often said that empathy is a subjective or personal phenomenonBecause precisely the feelings have the characteristic of being completely individual, and perceiving those of others will always be under a personal gaze. Why is empathy important? Especially in a time where the emotional fragility of people is quite great and abuse is frequent, empathy becomes a indispensable quality to be a good person. In fact, within the emotional intelligence, which is the system in which the skills that have to do with communication between the individual and their feelings are included, empathy is included, as well as motivation, emotional control and relationship management. Where does empathy come from? - Cultural values It is often mistakenly believed that empathy is a Don With which people are born, and if they do not have it, it is impossible to acquire it. On the contrary, no person is born with empathy but they develop it as life goes on. Without a doubt, the best way to develop this quality is to interact from the first years of life with people who are not the same as you, even better if they are markedly different. The differences will necessarily bring the understanding and understanding on the other, which at the same time translates into empathy. The life in society it necessarily demands the existence of strong empathy in people. In fact, most States are governed by empathy as a principle that must be taken into account for decisions, to the extent that (in theory) they do not allow people to be exposed to hunger or disease, considering certain ties that unite all the inhabitants. However, when it comes to day-to-day relationships, it seems somewhat more frequent that empathy is limited to the bonds between people who have a previous emotional bond: in the big cities, empathy between strangers seems to be low or almost non-existent. Examples of empathy - When a person watches a movie or reads a book, and feels for or in opposition to a particular protagonist. - Help a disabled person to cross the street. - Be sad when you see someone cry. - Interpret the joy of a loved one as your own. - Go to the rescue of someone who has been injured. - Advocate against any child being bullied. - Give importance to the stories or anecdotes of others. - Suffer the saddest episodes in the history of humanity, such as wars or genocides. - When, looking at sports, the serious injury of an athlete is seen, and many perceive a sense of pain of their own. - Help someone with difficulties to do a simple task.
Approximately 325 million people worldwide are infected with deadly viruses that are slowly sabotaging their livers. Most of them don’t have any symptoms yet. Many don’t know they are infected. But in five, ten or maybe fifteen years they are likely to die from liver cancer or cirrhosis of the liver. In 2016 the World Health Organization launched a global strategy to improve prevention and control all forms of viral hepatitis, and to eliminate Hepatitis B and C by 2030. On World Hepatitis Day, 28 July, we ask: can Hepatitis B and C be eliminated? And what does this mean for Europe? Viral hepatitis is a group of diseases rather than a single infection. There are five viruses that can cause it: Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E. The A and E viruses are generally transmitted by contaminated food or water. Hepatitis B and C are generally blood-borne or sexually transmitted infections, while hepatitis D is a co-infection that only seems to infect people who already have hepatitis B. For many years hepatitis viruses, and particularly the food borne viruses hepatitis A and hepatitis E, have cause outbreaks where large number of people become ill in rapid succession. But in recent decades, doctors have come to realise that “silent epidemics” across the world are the biggest threat posed by viral hepatitis. Research began to reveal the role these viruses play in causing millions of deaths each year from liver cancer and cirrhosis of the liver. People could be infected with viral hepatitis without developing symptoms: they only found out about their infection once it had destroyed their liver. Most worryingly of all, hundreds of millions of people around the world who thought they were healthy were carrying this time bomb in their livers. As stated already, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates 325million people worldwide have chronic – mostly symptomless – viral hepatitis infections: some 257 million people were living with hepatitis B infection, and 71 million people were living with hepatitis C. WHO estimates that in 2015 alone, viral hepatitis caused 1.34 million deaths in 2015. To put this in context, this is comparable to the number of deaths worldwide caused each year by tuberculosis (TB). And it is more than the number of deaths from HIV in 2015 The good news is that hepatitis B can be prevented by a simple, safe and cheap vaccine. This vaccine has been used for many years in the world’s richer countries. Global action led by WHO has meant this vaccine is increasingly being used in poorer countries as well. As a result, the proportion of children under 5 infected with hepatitis B has declined dramatically. However, WHO warns that 1.75 million adults were newly infected with HCV in 2015. This was largely due to injecting drug use and unsafe injections (e.g. re-using needles) in health care settings in poorer countries. In 2014 a new medicine that could cure chronic hepatitis C infection started to be sold in the US and Europe. This was Sovaldi produced by Gilead Pharmaceuticals. A number of similar treatments developed by other pharmaceutical companies were approved in the years that followed. The challenge for health authorities, though, was that these expensive new drugs arrived at a time when health budgets across the globe are under huge financial pressure. In 2015, 1.1 million people worldwide received treatment for their hepatitis C. This sounds impressive until you realise it is just 7% of people identified as having hepatitis C. In other words, fewer than 1 in 10 people with hepatitis C received the life-saving (and expensive) medicine they needed. WHO is confident it is on track to meet its 2030 targets of 90% of people with HBV and HCV infections being tested, and 80% of eligible patients receiving treatment. WHO’s 2016 Global strategy on viral hepatitis , the World Hepatitis Alliance’s “Show Your Face” campaign and the World Hepatitis Summit to be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil on 1 to 3 November this year, show the fight to eliminate hepatitis B and C has got political momentum. But this will need to be sustained for many years – and turned into cash for hepatitis C treatment – if the goals are to be reached. What does this all mean for Europe? The vast majority of viral hepatitis infections and deaths occur in the developing world. 28 low and middle-income countries account of 70% of the worldwide burden of chronic hepatitis infection, with the top 11 high burden countries – Brazil, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nigeria, Pakistan, Uganda, Vietnam – accounting for around 50% of the total global burden. Nonetheless, millions of Europeans are also affected by these viruses. An evidence review published by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) in 2016 estimated that more than 10 million people in the EU and EEA countries may have chronic hepatitis B or hepatitis C. In 2015, nearly 35,000 new cases of hepatitis C and over 24,000 new cases of hepatitis B were diagnosed in these countries. Further, in 2017, ECDC and national health authorities in Europe have highlighted an upsurge in hepatitis A infections in the EU. This is driven, to a significant degree, by sexual transmission of hepatitis A between men having sex with men. See ECDC website for more details on this. Meanwhile, earlier in July, ECDC published data from 20 European countries on hepatitis E infection. This showed the number of cases in Europe increasing sharply: from just 514 cases in 2005 to 5,617 cases in 2015. This a ten-fold increase. In total, 28 deaths associated with hepatitis E infection were reported from five European countries between 2005 and 2015. “When we talk about the target of eliminating viral hepatitis as a public health issue by 2030, we should also keep hepatitis E in mind” says Prof Mike Catchpole, ECDC’s Chief Scientist.
Nov 04, 2016 Cyberbullying is a huge problem across the U.S. with more and more kids falling victim. Bullying is no longer restricted to the classroom and playground, but now with social media on iPhones and other mobile devices, kids are at risk of being bullied online at all times of the day or night. We as parents are constantly on the lookout for ways to protect our kids from the negative impact of cyberbullying, but often feel at a loss when our kids become victims. Luckily there are things we can do to prevent cyberbullying like utilizing internet filters, restricting internet usage, and attempting to monitor social media accounts, but it can feel overwhelming especially when cyberbullying is being perpetuated in our society. Recent studies have shown a link between violent media and an increase in cyberbullying across the country. We’ve long heard the correlation between videogames and aggression, but now that aggression is being shown through children picking on others, not just at school or in person, but also online. According to the Health Behavior in School-Age Children survey in the U.S., 13.6% of young people have been involved in cyberbullying in some way, whether as a victim or a perpetrator. Kids who are regularly exposed to violent media including TV, news, and violent video games, are more likely to exhibit antisocial or violent behavior themselves. This often comes from a desire to imitate what they see or an overall desensitization of violence. Since youth learn from their surroundings, being consistently exposed to violent media has a strong influence over their learned social skills. If kids view violence all around them, they tend to resort to violent behavior in order to solve problems, this includes showing aggression online. The prevalence of cyberbullying in our society is leading to actual physical violence, depression, PTSD, and suicide among kids and teens. While it's impossible to completely eradicate the risk of bullying for your children, there are ways to help prevent it. In our society, social media is a way of life and for many families, restricting its use completely isn’t an option, but there are ways to help protect your kids from bullying and online predators. Here are a few tips to help parents prevent cyberbullying: - Add your kids on social media: By being Facebook friends or following your children on popular apps like Instagram and SnapChat, you can help regulate the content they are putting out in the world. Kids are less likely to put damaging or questionable images and comments online if they are worried their parents may see. - Use online protection tools: Net Nanny has a number of internet filters and a tool specifically geared toward keeping kids safe from online predators and cyberbullying called Net Nanny Social. This feature gives parents access to their children’s social media accounts so they can monitor conversations and interactions with other kids and make sure bullying or inappropriate behavior is not taking place. - Keep the computer in a communal space: iPhones and mobile devices make monitoring internet usage more difficult, but parents can help curb cyberbullying but keeping computers in a family space, rather than a bedroom. This makes it easier for parents to monitor online activity and kids are less likely to engage in dangerous online behavior while in the same room as their family members. - Encourage open communication: Talk to your child about cyberbullying and online safety. Let them know that as soon as they feel they are being bullied or a person they know is the victim or bully, they can talk to you. The best way to avoid increased cyberbullying is by not engaging with the bully. If your child is being bullied online, keep communication open so they feel comfortable telling you and you can then step in to block the bully or guide your child on how to handle the situation. Cyberbullying is a serious issue in our society and one that is increasing with violent media. The good news is there are tools designed to help parents protect their kids from this kind of abuse. Using internet filters, protection software, and educating ourselves on different forms of online communication, we can work to prevent our kids from becoming victims or engaging in bullying activity. It’s also important to encourage our kids to have healthy alternative hobbies to ingesting violent media. The more time kids spend playing with friends, interacting with family, and disconnecting from social media, the more likely they are to avoid engaging in cyberbullying. Carli Leavitt is a public relations specialist and avid blogger who is passionate about the safety of children in the digital age. Follow her on Twitter @CarliLeavitt
The macula, the center region of the retina that is crucial for clear, detailed vision, is the place where abnormal blood vessel formation under the retina leads to wet macular degeneration. Although the precise reason for this abnormal growth is not fully understood, it is believed to be a result of a number of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Wet macular degeneration causes Wet macular degeneration has a number of risk factors, including age, smoking, a family history of the condition, high blood pressure, and obesity. The sun’s UV rays, a diet high in saturated fat, and a history of cardiovascular disease are among the additional variables that may raise the risk of developing wet macular degeneration. The macula can become damaged and lose vision if aberrant blood vessels that are growing beneath the retina in the macula start to leak fluid, blood, and other substances. This may cause blurred or distorted vision, a blind spot in the center of the field of vision, and trouble focusing on minute details. How do the cells in our eyes age? The eye’s cells alter as we age in a number of ways that may impair our vision. Here are a few examples: - Age-related presbyopia (difficulty seeing up close) and cataracts (lens clouding) can both be brought on by the eye’s lens becoming less flexible and transparent. - Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which can impair central vision, is caused by a steady decline in the retina’s cell structure. - Cornea: As people age, their corneas may thicken and become less transparent, which might impair their ability to see clearly. - Iris and pupil: As we age, the muscles in the iris and pupil may weaken, making it more challenging to react to variations in light levels. - Optic nerve: As we age, the optic nerve may experience changes that impact how visual information is transmitted to the brain and may result in diseases like glaucoma. These changes collectively have the potential to cause a loss in visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, color vision, and other visual abilities as we age. To identify and treat age-related eye diseases early, it is crucial to have routine eye exams. How the Macular Cells Age and can be the Cause of wet macular degeneration? Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a prevalent cause of vision loss in older persons, has an unknown specific cause. However, scientists have identified a few essential causes of the macular cells’ degeneration, including: Waste product accumulation Over time, the macula’s cells can accumulate waste materials, which may result in the creation of drusen, which are deposits. These drusen can obstruct the macular cells’ normal function and speed up their aging. Oxidative stress can destroy the cells of the macula and contribute to AMD when the formation of dangerous molecules called reactive oxygen species (ROS) outpaces the body’s capacity to neutralize them. Prolonged eye inflammation can potentially speed up the macular cells’ deterioration. Smoking, high blood pressure, and obesity are a few examples of variables that may contribute to this inflammation. Some genes have been found to enhance the likelihood of getting AMD, indicating that genetic factors may also contribute to macula degeneration. All in all, these elements have the potential to harm the macula’s cells, especially the photoreceptor cells that are in charge of detecting light and transmitting visual information to the brain. Central vision may become distorted, hazy, or lost entirely as these cells age. How High blood pressure can cause wet macular degeneration? The lack of oxygen can harm the blood vessels in the eye and promote the abnormal growth of blood vessels under the retina, which is a defining feature of wet macular degeneration, high blood pressure (hypertension) can lead to wet macular degeneration. The walls of the blood vessels may thicken and become less flexible as a result of high blood pressure, which can reduce blood flow to the eye and harm the retinal blood vessels. By causing damage, the body can produce growth factors that encourage the creation of aberrant blood vessels in the macula, which can then leak fluid and blood and cause wet macular degeneration. Additionally, conditions like atherosclerosis (hardening and narrowing of the arteries), stroke, and other illnesses that may advance wet macular degeneration can all be made more likely by hypertension. Therefore, lowering high blood pressure through medication and/or lifestyle modifications can aid in lowering the risk of developing wet macular degeneration and other complications related to the eyes. To maintain their eye health and identify any changes that may need therapy, people with hypertension should have regular eye exams. How smoking contributes to wet macular degeneration? Smoking is a well-known risk factor for wet macular degeneration, and it is believed to do so through a number of different pathways that contribute to the onset and development of the condition. The blood vessels in the eye, including those in the macula, might get damaged as a result of smoking. Wet macular degeneration may result from this injury because it may trigger inflammation and the growth of new blood vessels, which may allow fluid and blood to leak into the macula. Smoking can cause oxidative stress, which happens when the body’s capacity to neutralize dangerous chemicals known as free radicals is outpaced by the rate at which they are produced. Oxidative stress can harm the macula’s cells and play a role in AMD development. Immune system impairment: Smoking can negatively impact immune system performance, which increases the risk of infection and inflammation in the eyes. AMD development may be accelerated by eye inflammation. Smoking can cause a reduction in blood flow to the eyes, which may accelerate the onset and progression of AMD. Generally speaking, smoking is a big modifiable risk factor for wet macular degeneration and quitting can greatly lower the risk of contracting the condition. Quitting smoking can assist those who already have wet macular degeneration decrease the disease’s progression and lower their risk of developing further visual loss. Wet macular degeneration caused by saturated fat? There is conflicting information regarding the link between the consumption of saturated fat and wet macular degeneration. While other studies have not found a strong correlation, some have suggested that a diet high in saturated fat may increase the risk of developing AMD. Nevertheless, a diet rich in saturated fats can also increase the risk of other diseases like obesity, hypertension, and high cholesterol, all of which are known risk factors for AMD. For instance, consuming a lot of saturated fat can cause blood vessels to accumulate cholesterol, which can exacerbate atherosclerosis (the hardening and constriction of the arteries). Reduced blood flow to the eye caused by atherosclerosis can harm the retinal blood vessels and cause AMD. Saturated fats can also add to the body’s chronic inflammation, which is thought to be a factor in the emergence of AMD. Chronic inflammatory conditions can harm retinal cells, especially those in the macula, and promote the development of atypical blood vessels. However, it is generally advised to eat a healthy, balanced diet low in saturated fat to lower the risk of developing other conditions that can hasten the onset and progression of AMD. Overall, the evidence linking saturated fat intake to wet macular degeneration is inconclusive. How inflammation can contribute to wet macular degeneration? It is believed that inflammation significantly contributes to the onset and progression of wet macular degeneration. Chronic inflammation in the eye can harm the macula’s cells, encourage the development of aberrant blood vessels, and worsen wet macular degeneration’s hallmark leakage of blood and fluid into the retina. Among the ways that inflammation might cause wet macular degeneration are as follows: Damage to cells The photoreceptor cells in the macula, which are in charge of detecting light and transmitting vision information to the brain, are susceptible to damage from chronic inflammation. The function of these cells may be hampered by this damage, which may also contribute to the onset of AMD. Blood vessel growth that is abnormal Inflammation can encourage the creation of growth factors that support the growth of blood vessels that are abnormal in the macula. These blood vessels have the potential to leak fluid and blood, harming the macula and accelerating the onset of wet macular degeneration. Immune system impairment Because of immune system impairment caused by chronic inflammation, the eyes may be more vulnerable to infection and inflammation. AMD development may be accelerated by eye inflammation. Accumulation of waste material Chronic inflammation can also contribute to the buildup of waste materials in the macula’s cells, which can result in the development of drusen, or deposits. The macular cells may become degenerated as a result of these drusen interfering with their normal operation. Overall, it is believed that chronic inflammation plays a substantial role in the onset and development of wet macular degeneration. The progression of the disease may be slowed down and eyesight may be preserved by reducing inflammation by dietary changes and/or medicines. Symptoms of Wet Macular Degeneration Depending on the degree and stage of the disease, wet macular degeneration can produce a wide range of symptoms. The following are some typical signs of wet macular degeneration: - Vision distortion or blurriness: People with wet macular degeneration may have distortion or blurriness in their central vision, making it challenging to read, identify people, or carry out other jobs that call for precise, clear vision. - The center of a person’s visual field may develop dark or empty patches as a result of wet macular degeneration, making it challenging to see items in that area. - Wet macular edema patients may notice changes in their ability to see colors, such as a reduction in color intensity or a shift in color perception. - Straight lines appear wavy or crooked: Straight lines can appear wavy or crooked due to wet macular degeneration, which can be an obvious sign when reading or seeing a grid pattern. - People with wet macular degeneration may find it difficult to adjust to low-light conditions, such as when entering a dark room or driving at night. - Rapid onset of symptoms: Wet macular degeneration can occasionally cause symptoms like distorted or blurry vision or a sudden loss of central vision to appear suddenly and quickly. Treatment of Wet Macular Degeneration There are treatments that could perhaps halt the growth of the disease and protect existing vision. Early treatment has the potential to restore some lost vision. Anti-VEGF medications have been shown to be effective in preventing the development of new blood vessels. These drugs prevent the body’s growth signals from causing the production of new blood vessels. For all stages of wet macular degeneration, they are regarded as the first line of treatment. Treatment options for wet macular degeneration include: - Avastin (bevacizumab). - (Lucentis) Ranibizumab. - Eylea (Aflibercept). - Beovu (brolucizumab). - Vasbysmo (faricimab-svoa) These medications are injected into the troubled eye by your ophthalmologist. To sustain the therapeutic impact of the medication, you could require shots every 4 to 6 weeks. As the blood vessels contract and your body absorb the fluid under the retina, you might occasionally regain some vision. The irregular blood vessel growth in wet macular degeneration may be treated with this therapy. It is far less frequent than anti-VEGF injection therapy, though. Your eye doctor administers verteporfin (Visudyne), a medication, via an injection into an arm vein during photodynamic therapy. After then, the medication enters the blood vessels in your eyes. Your eye doctor uses a specialized laser to direct concentrated light to the problematic blood vessels in your eye. Due to the verteporfin being activated, the issue blood vessels shut. The leak is stopped by this. Your eyesight may be enhanced and the pace of vision loss may be slowed down by photodynamic therapy. Because the treated blood vessels might reopen, you might require additional treatments in the future. You must stay out of the sun and bright lights after photodynamic therapy until the medication has left your body. This could take several days. Your eye doctor will use a high-energy laser beam during photocoagulation therapy to close off problematic blood vessels under the macula. In order to lessen future harm to the macula, this technique aids in stopping the bleeding from the arteries. Blood vessels may grow again after this treatment, necessitating subsequent therapy. Scarring brought on by the laser may also result in blind spots. Wet macular degeneration patients are rarely treated with this method. If you have problematic blood arteries just beneath the macula’s center, it’s usually not a possibility. Additionally, the likelihood of success decreases the more damaged your macula is. Low vision rehabilitation Your side vision is unaffected, and age-related macular degeneration does not result in complete blindness. But it can diminish or even take away your central vision, which is essential for driving, reading, and identifying faces. You might benefit from receiving care from an occupational therapist, an expert in low vision rehabilitation, your eye doctor, and others. They can assist you in figuring out how to adjust to your shifting eyesight. Can lost vision with wet macular degeneration be restored? A wet AMD. When anti-VEGF antibodies are injected into the eye, lost vision in people with wet AMD, which is brought on by new, leaky blood vessels sprouting into the retina, can occasionally be restored. Is it possible to stop wet macular degeneration? A crucial step in preventing AMD is to stop smoking or never start. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and reducing cholesterol will reduce your risk of developing AMD and help stop the dry type of the illness from developing into the wet form, which can result in irreversible vision loss. Wet macular degeneration: what causes it? Wet AMD is a less frequent form of late AMD that typically results in a rapid visual loss (also known as advanced neovascular AMD). Wet AMD can develop at any stage of dry AMD, however wet AMD is always the late stage. The macula suffers damage when aberrant blood vessels develop behind the eye.
Dogs are classified as omnivores. Though they need protein rich diet, but they can also survive on a diet of plant origin. However, for their optimum health conditions, their diet should have source of animal protein, i.e., meat. Lack of same can cause obesity, skin and coat issues, poor immunity and lethargy. Protein is the basic building blocks for cells, tissues, organs, enzymes, hormones and antibodies. They are essential for growth, maintenance and reproduction. Can be found in mainly two sources- - Animal based- meats such as chicken, lamb, beef, fish, eggs* etc. (one with complete amino acid profiles) - Plant based – vegetables, lentils, cereals etc. (considered incomplete proteins) Protein are also the most abundant component of dog’s body (significantly higher than humans). They need proteins to produce and main hair, nails, tendons, cartilage, and all the connective tissues that support the rest of the tissues and organs of the body. When necessary (such as when food supply is low), they can also use proteins to produce energy. Hence, adequate protein content is important for their growth and functioning including but not limited to– - Muscle development and strength - functioning of immune system - production of hormones - Adequate volume of blood - injury repair and prevention The American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) sets guidelines for the types and amounts of nutrients dogs need in their foods. The AAFCO has determined that foods for adult dogs should contain no less than 18 percent protein, and that foods for lactating females or puppies should have a minimum of 22 percent protein. Working dogs such as military/ police dogs, herding dogs etc. who work hard every day or who are under stress may need more. Dogs recuperating from injuries or surgery may need more protein as well, to repair muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Some proteins are just more digestible than others. Nutritionists measure the amount of protein in a food, feed it to dogs, and then measure the amount of protein in the dogs’ feces. The difference between how much was in the food to begin with and how much the dog excretes reveals how much of it the dog absorbed, and that is the digestible protein Proteins are made up of amino acids linked in a chain. When they eat, protein in the diet is broken into shorter chains of amino acids called polypeptides which are small enough for the intestines to absorb. A dog’s body makes 20 different amino acids — some are essential and others are nonessential amino acids. As the name implies, they require essential amino acids in food. Food that contains all the essential amino acids is called a complete protein source. For nonessential amino acids, if they are not present in the food, dogs can compensate them by convert other amino acids. As mentioned earlier, proteins can be sourced from both animal and plant. However, only animal-source proteins are complete protein sources. Examples of complete protein sources that come from animals are lean meats, eggs etc. Though grains are another important source of proteins, but they are incomplete source because of lack of some essential amino acids. Plant protein sources frequently used in dog foods include soybeans, wheat, corn etc. In the current times, few other noble source of protein have emerged as popular protein supplements such as Spirulina, Phytoplankton etc. However, they are supplements and not the main source. Dog’s major source of protein should be animal and not grain as they don’t have the enzymes to digest grains properly as main sources of protein. Within meat, not all organs have equal protein content. Example can be between shoulder meat and hoof, they all may have all the essential and nonessential amino acids, but dog can get the amino acids more easily from the shoulder meat than hoof. Hair and feathers are a cheap source of protein, too — but they’re indigestible. On the other hand, eggs are highly digestible but expensive. If your dog’s feces are voluminous, it may be a sign that his food isn’t highly digestible. The highest quality dog foods are 82–86 percent digestible, whereas economy foods (inexpensive brands you get in grocery stores) are around 75 percent. The percent digestibility of a dog food is not stated on the label, but most dog food manufacturers provide that information on request. Any brand stating the same over these parameters are misguiding the unsuspecting pet parents. Adapted from the following sources-
In the field of artificial intelligence, Q-Learning is a prominent algorithm that enables software programs to learn through trial and error. By maximizing cumulative rewards, Q-learning enables machines to perform complex tasks and make decisions on their own. Python, on the other hand, is a popular programming language that offers numerous libraries and tools for implementing Q-learning. In this article, we’ll introduce the basics of Q-learning and its relevance to artificial intelligence. We will cover the fundamentals of how Q-Table drives the decision-making process in reinforcement learning and the necessary steps to implement Q-learning in Python. Furthermore, we’ll delve into the importance of parameter tuning and explore advanced concepts and real-world applications of Q-learning. - Q-Learning is an algorithm used in artificial intelligence to maximize cumulative rewards through trial and error. - Python is a popular programming language used to implement Q-learning. - The Q-Table is fundamental to the decision-making process in reinforcement learning. - Parameter tuning is an essential step in optimizing the performance of the Q-learning model. - Q-learning has a wide range of real-world applications across various industries such as robotics, game playing, and traffic optimization. Q-Learning is a type of machine learning algorithm that falls under the umbrella of reinforcement learning. Reinforcement learning is an approach to decision-making that involves an agent, an environment, and a set of actions that the agent can take to maximize its rewards. The agent learns from its experiences by adapting its decision-making strategy based on the rewards it receives. Q-Learning is unique in that it uses a Q-Table, a matrix of values that maps each state-action pair to a predicted future reward. The Q-Table is updated after each action the agent takes, allowing it to make more informed decisions moving forward. The algorithm is designed to work in environments where the rules of the game are known but the optimal strategy is not. The underlying principles of Q-Learning are based on the Markov decision process (MDP), which is a mathematical framework for modeling decision-making in situations where outcomes are partly stochastic and partly under the control of a decision-maker. By using Q-Learning, agents can learn from their experiences and adapt to new environments without a priori knowledge about the system. Q-Learning has many applications in the field of artificial intelligence, including robotics, game-playing, and autonomous systems. It has been used to develop algorithms that can learn to operate complex machinery, navigate unknown terrain, and even play games at a superhuman level. The Basics of Reinforcement Learning Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning that focuses on training agents to make decisions based on experience and interactions with their environment. It’s a broader field that encompasses Q-Learning, the algorithm we discussed in the previous section. In reinforcement learning, an agent learns to select actions that maximize cumulative rewards over time. These rewards are signals that the agent receives from the environment based on its actions. The goal of the agent is to learn a policy that maps states to actions, such that the expected cumulative reward is maximized. Some key concepts in reinforcement learning include: - Rewards: The signals that an agent receives from the environment for taking certain actions. - States: The different configurations or observations that the agent can be in. - Actions: The different choices that the agent can make based on its current state. One of the most exciting things about reinforcement learning is that it has the potential to enable agents to learn from scratch and make decisions in complex and dynamic environments. OpenAI, a leading research organization in artificial intelligence, is at the forefront of exploring reinforcement learning and its potential applications. Q-Table: The Core of Q-Learning Q-Table is the fundamental mechanism for implementing Q-Learning. It is a matrix that stores values that represent the quality of an action taken in a particular state. The Q-Table is initialized with default values, and as the algorithm runs through iterations and receives feedback, the Q-Table is updated with new values. This process helps the machine learning algorithm improve its decision-making abilities. In reinforcement learning, the agent chooses an action based on the highest value in the Q-Table for that particular state. This process is repeated in each iteration, with the agent updating the Q-Table based on the results of its actions. By doing this, the agent can learn which actions yield the highest rewards. Python’s simple syntax and vast collection of libraries make it an excellent language for implementing Q-Learning algorithms. The Q-Table data structure can be implemented easily in Python using simple array operations. The implementation process involves defining the state-action space for the problem, initializing the Q-Table to default values, and updating the Q-Table based on the results of each iteration. Implementing Q-Learning in Python Now that we have a solid understanding of Q-Learning, it’s time to implement this algorithm in Python. Luckily, the Python programming language has numerous libraries available that make it easy to build Q-Learning models. The first step in implementing Q-Learning in Python is to import the required libraries: import numpy as np Next, we need to define the Q-Table. This table is used to store values that represent the expected long-term reward for taking a particular action in a specific state. Here’s an example code for initializing the Q-Table: Q = np.zeros((num_states, num_actions)) Next, we need to define the parameters for our Q-Learning algorithm, including the learning rate (alpha), discount factor (gamma), and exploration rate (epsilon). Once the Q-Table and parameters have been defined, we can begin training our Q-Learning model. We start by selecting an action to take in the current state, based on the values stored in the Q-Table. This is done using an exploration-exploitation tradeoff, where we balance between taking the best action according to the Q-Table (exploitation) and randomly selecting an action (exploration). After taking an action, we observe the resulting state and reward. Using this information, we update the values in the Q-Table for the previous state and action. This process is repeated iteratively until our model has sufficiently converged. Overall, implementing Q-Learning in Python is a straightforward process that can be accomplished using just a few dozen lines of code. With the help of libraries like NumPy and random, it is possible to build complex Q-Learning models that can tackle a wide variety of problems in the field of machine learning. Fine-Tuning Q-Learning Parameters In Q-Learning, parameter tuning is essential for optimizing the performance of our algorithm. By adjusting the various parameters, we can attain better results and more efficient learning. The learning rate is a critical parameter in Q-learning, and it controls how much our algorithm adjusts its Q-values in response to new information. A high learning rate results in more volatile Q-Value updates and potentially faster learning, while a low learning rate leads to a more stable approach but slower learning. The discount factor controls how much weighting we give to future rewards. If the discount factor is high, our algorithm will pay more attention to future rewards, which can influence its decision-making process. A low discount factor, on the other hand, will focus more on the immediate rewards. Exploration vs. Exploitation The Exploration vs. Exploitation tradeoff refers to the balance between exploring new actions with potentially higher rewards versus exploiting known actions with proven rewards. Finding the optimal balance between exploration and exploitation is critical in Q-Learning, and it is achieved by fine-tuning our program’s exploration parameters The temperature parameter is another critical parameter in Q-learning that affects the algorithm’s behavior when exploring new states. A high temperature value encourages more exploration, while a low temperature value favors exploitation of known state-action pairs with higher rewards. By carefully fine-tuning these parameters and striking the optimal balance between exploration and exploitation, we can accelerate the learning process and achieve better results. Expanding Q-Learning: Advanced Concepts While the core concepts of Q-Learning provide a strong foundation for machine learning algorithms, there are plenty of advanced concepts that can be explored to improve performance and efficiency. Here, we will dive into a few such concepts. One of the key challenges in Q-Learning is the exploration-exploitation tradeoff. This is the decision of when to explore uncharted territories and when to exploit the known information. Balancing exploration and exploitation is crucial for achieving optimal performance in reinforcement learning. Eligibility traces allow the algorithm to track past state-action pairs and update their Q-values accordingly. This helps assign credit to the right state-action pairs and can improve the performance of the Q-Learning algorithm. Deep Q-Networks (DQNs) Deep Q-Networks (DQNs) are a type of neural network that can be used to approximate Q-values in Q-Learning. DQNs have proven to be effective in complex environments and can improve the performance of the Q-Learning algorithm even further. By exploring these and other advanced concepts, it is possible to push the performance of Q-Learning algorithms even further, making them more efficient and effective for real-world scenarios. Real-World Applications of Q-Learning Q-Learning has demonstrated wide applicability across various industries, allowing machines to make informed decisions, optimize processes, and improve outcomes. Below are some concrete examples of how Q-Learning is being used in the real world. Q-Routing: Q-Learning has been used extensively in robotics to optimize path planning, allowing robots to navigate complex environments efficiently. Q-Routing algorithms use Q-Learning to calculate the optimal path by assigning rewards to actions that lead the robot in the right direction. Game AI: Q-Learning has played a vital role in developing advanced artificial intelligence systems that can play games at a high level. AlphaGo, developed by DeepMind, is one example of how Q-Learning algorithms have been used to train an AI that can play the complex game of Go at a superhuman level. Self-Driving Cars: Q-Learning is one of the techniques used to train autonomous vehicles to make informed decisions on the road. In self-driving cars, Q-Learning can help the system learn how to navigate traffic and reduce the likelihood of accidents. |Q-Learning is used to optimize treatment plans and personalize medication dosages for patients. |Q-Learning is used to forecast stock prices and improve investment strategies. |Q-Learning is applied to optimize production schedules and reduce waste in manufacturing processes. These are just a few examples of how Q-Learning is making a real-world impact. As the field of artificial intelligence continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative applications of Q-Learning in the future. Congratulations on completing this comprehensive guide to Q-Learning from scratch in Python! We hope you found this resource informative and helpful in your machine learning journey. By now, you should have a solid understanding of the basics of Q-Learning, reinforcement learning, and the Q-Table. You should also feel comfortable with implementing Q-Learning in Python and fine-tuning its parameters to optimize performance. Q-Learning is a powerful tool that has a wide range of applications in artificial intelligence, including robotics, game playing, and autonomous systems. By mastering this algorithm, you are well on your way to becoming a skilled machine learning practitioner. If you’re interested in learning more about Q-Learning, we encourage you to explore advanced concepts such as the exploration-exploitation tradeoff, eligibility traces, and deep Q-networks (DQNs). Remember to always keep learning, experimenting, and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with Q-Learning! Thank you for reading, and we wish you all the best in your future machine learning endeavors! What is Q-Learning? Q-Learning is a reinforcement learning algorithm that enables an agent to learn optimal actions in a given environment. It uses a Q-Table, which stores the expected rewards for each state-action pair, to guide the agent’s decision-making process. Why is Q-Learning important in artificial intelligence? Q-Learning is important in artificial intelligence because it allows agents to learn through trial and error, enabling them to make optimal decisions in complex and dynamic environments. It has numerous applications in robotics, game playing, and autonomous systems. What is the role of Python in implementing Q-Learning? Python is a versatile and popular programming language that is extensively used in machine learning and artificial intelligence. It provides a wide range of libraries and frameworks that facilitate the implementation of Q-Learning algorithms efficiently. How does Q-Learning work? Q-Learning works by iteratively updating the Q-Table based on the agent’s experiences in an environment. The agent explores the environment, takes actions, receives rewards, and updates the Q-Table to store the expected rewards. Over time, the agent learns the optimal actions to maximize cumulative rewards. What is the Q-Table? The Q-Table is a data structure used in Q-Learning to store the expected rewards for each state-action pair. It is initialized randomly and updated iteratively as the agent interacts with the environment. The Q-Table drives the decision-making process by providing a basis for selecting actions based on the expected rewards. How can Q-Learning be implemented in Python? Implementing Q-Learning in Python involves defining the necessary functions, initializing the Q-Table, and using iterative algorithms to update the Q-Table based on the agent’s experiences. Python provides libraries such as NumPy and OpenAI Gym that make the implementation process more convenient. What is parameter tuning in Q-Learning? Parameter tuning in Q-Learning involves adjusting the values of various parameters, such as learning rate and discount factor, to optimize the performance of the algorithm. It aims to find the best combination of parameter values that maximizes the agent’s learning and decision-making capabilities. What are some advanced concepts in Q-Learning? Advanced concepts in Q-Learning include the exploration-exploitation tradeoff, which balances between trying out new actions and exploiting known actions, eligibility traces, which assign credit to multiple actions in a sequence, and deep Q-networks (DQNs), which use deep neural networks to approximate the Q-Table. Can you provide examples of real-world applications of Q-Learning? Q-Learning has been successfully applied in various real-world scenarios. Some examples include using Q-Learning in robotics for autonomous navigation, training agents to play games like chess or poker, and developing self-driving cars that learn to navigate complex road environments. What are the benefits of implementing Q-Learning in Python? Implementing Q-Learning in Python offers several benefits. Python is a popular and versatile programming language with a wide range of libraries and frameworks for machine learning. It has a large community of developers, which means there is extensive support and resources available for implementing Q-Learning algorithms.
There are many myths about Asperger’s syndrome. We’re here to clear up the confusion. Asperger’s syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder. It affects a person’s ability to communicate and socialize. Once used as a diagnosis on its own, Asperger’s has now integrated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Asperger’s is no longer an official diagnosis, and as of May 2013, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5) only has one broad category for autism — ASD — instead of listing disorders within the spectrum. Though the term is no longer used in clinical contexts, many people still resonate with it. Autism presents itself in many ways, and people who have good language skills but may be socially awkward find Asperger’s more fitting for their unique set of symptoms. Now, “level 1 autism” may be used instead of Asperger’s. While they’re capable of being rude just like anybody else, people with Asperger’s often have difficulty reading social cues and can seem tactless. They may avoid eye contact or misunderstand social conventions, so making friends and “fitting in” can be more challenging. People with Asperger’s can also appear uninterested in social situations. Instead of a back-and-forth cadence, they may tend to monopolize conversations by talking about themselves or their special interests. These conversations can seem one-sided. They may seem detached, which could stem from the difficulty to understand nonverbal cues like body language or recognize when someone is upset. This could also be from being overstimulated and overwhelmed. Though there’s a myth they are blunt and selfish, people with Asperger’s can be very kind. It’s no secret that autistic people have many talents and abilities. Some folks assume all people with Asperger’s are gifted or have a very high IQ. While this is true for some in the autistic community, being on the spectrum doesn’t automatically make you a musical, mathematical, artistic, or another type of genius. According to a One symptom of autism that people with Asperger’s tend to have is special interests. They may find something to fixate on, such as a certain type of animal, fun activity, or subject. They can be perceived as being highly intelligent because they can usually talk about their special interests for hours and appear to know everything about their interests. Like anyone, people with level 1 autism can have unique or impressive strengths but may also have difficulty in other areas. When having a conversation with a person with Asperger’s, they may seem blunt, emotionless, or lacking in empathy. This is a stereotype that creates misconceptions about neurodevelopmental disorders. Though they may have trouble navigating social interactions, people with Asperger’s are capable of understanding the feelings and emotions of others. They can have difficulty processing complex emotions, and there may be a delay in understanding how others are feeling. According to a People with Asperger’s also have morality, which is the subject of Asperger’s doesn’t go away. It’s not a phase that children or adults grow out of. It’s a disorder with a lifelong diagnosis. There’s no “cure” for autism. It’s a part of who people are. It’s not treatable with medication or other therapies, but treatments — such as therapy, educational support, and other resources — can help manage any symptoms. People with Asperger’s and social anxiety disorder may share an overlap of symptoms. Both disorders are characterized by difficulty navigating social situations. However, their causes are much different. Social anxiety disorder is caused by fear, but people with the disorder are capable of communicating and socializing without challenges. Their fear may hold them back, but they likely understand social cues. People with Asperger’s lack the awareness of social conventions to comfortably engage with others in social settings. They may find it difficult to understand nonverbal cues like body language or comprehend jokes in a nonliteral sense that can stilt conversations. Level 1 autism, which used to be called Asperger’s syndrome, is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is characterized by social awkwardness, hyperfixation on special interests, repetitive behaviors, hypersensitivity to stimuli, and more. There are stereotypes about the disorder that perpetuate misinformation and myths. The autism spectrum is wide, and not everyone with level 1 autism is the same. The following organizations may provide more information or support:
The atomic radius of a chemical element is a measure of the distance out to which the electron cloud extends from the nucleus. Neptunium is the first transuranic element. Compare and contrast the atomic structure of hydrogen and helium. Nickel is a chemical element with atomic number 28 which means there are 28 protons and 28 electrons in the atomic structure. Rubidium is a soft, silvery-white metallic element of the alkali metal group, with an atomic mass of 85.4678. Our helium page has over 160 facts that span 64 different quantities. Promethium is one of only two such elements that are followed in the periodic table by elements with stable forms. Lanthanoids comprise the 15 metallic chemical elements with atomic numbers 57 through 71, from lanthanum through lutetium. Charactristics of the atomic structure of helium. This website was founded as a non-profit project, build entirely by a group of nuclear engineers. The atomic mass is the mass of an atom. The chemical symbol for Nobelium is No. The chemical symbol for Manganese is Mn. Uranium is weakly radioactive because all isotopes of uranium are unstable, with half-lives varying between 159,200 years and 4.5 billion years. Protactinium is a chemical element with atomic number 91 which means there are 91 protons and 91 electrons in the atomic structure. Therefore, the number of electrons in neutral atom of Helium is 2. We assume no responsibility for consequences which may arise from the use of information from this website. Chemically, indium is similar to gallium and thallium. The chemical symbol for Gold is Au. The chemical symbol for Thulium is Tm. The chemical symbol for Neon is Ne. The precise estimation of atomic polarizabilities impinges upon a number of areas and processes in physical sciences. The chemical symbol for Sulfur is S. Sulfur is abundant, multivalent, and nonmetallic. Two electrons (white) fill the first electron shell (ring), a very stable configuration. The chemical symbol for Barium is Ba. The number of electrons in each element’s electron shells, particularly the outermost valence shell, is the primary factor in determining its chemical bonding behavior. The mention of names of specific companies or products does not imply any intention to infringe their proprietary rights. Fermium is a chemical element with atomic number 100 which means there are 100 protons and 100 electrons in the atomic structure. The chemical symbol for Magnesium is Mg. Magnesium is a shiny gray solid which bears a close physical resemblance to the other five elements in the second column (group 2, or alkaline earth metals) of the periodic table: all group 2 elements have the same electron configuration in the outer electron shell and a similar crystal structure. Atomic Number of Helium Helium is a chemical element with atomic number 2 which means there are 2 protons and 2 electrons in the atomic structure. Elemental sulfur is a bright yellow crystalline solid at room temperature. Aluminium is a silvery-white, soft, nonmagnetic, ductile metal in the boron group. Carbon is the 15th most abundant element in the Earth’s crust, and the fourth most abundant element in the universe by mass after hydrogen, helium, and oxygen. Scientists define this amount of mass as one atomic mass unit (amu) or one Dalton. However, this assumes the atom to exhibit a spherical shape, which is only obeyed for atoms in vacuum or free space. Ruthenium is a rare transition metal belonging to the platinum group of the periodic table. The chemical symbol for Beryllium is Be. Ionization energy, also called ionization potential, is the energy necessary to remove an electron from the neutral atom. 1) You may use almost everything for non-commercial and educational use. Platinum is used in catalytic converters, laboratory equipment, electrical contacts and electrodes, platinum resistance thermometers, dentistry equipment, and jewelry. Copper is a soft, malleable, and ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity. The chemical symbol for Mendelevium is Md. Atomic Structure: All atoms consist of a nucleus which contains two types of subatomic particles - protons and neutrons. Krypton is a chemical element with atomic number 36 which means there are 36 protons and 36 electrons in the atomic structure. Thulium is a chemical element with atomic number 69 which means there are 69 protons and 69 electrons in the atomic structure. Helium is the element which you can find on the upper right side of the periodic table with atomic number2. 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Democracy is a fantastic theoretical idea successfully implemented by many societies across the globe. To put it in place, though, you need to guarantee that you can run a fair election first, regardless of your intention or purpose. From voting for the president of the United States to voting for the chairperson of your local parents’ association, the systems used to vote must be efficient and effective. Two standard voting systems in use worldwide are plurality voting and majority voting. But knowing how plurality vs. majority voting systems compare to each other is crucial if you want to use the most appropriate system for your needs. Additionally, knowing what the difference is between a plurality voting system and a majority voting system can mean you fully understand the vote-counting process in any circumstance. Here, we look at what the two voting systems mean and their differences. Considering the advantages and disadvantages of both systems allows you to make the most informed decision possible for which is the most beneficial if you are running an election. A plurality voting system is where people cast their vote for one of the available nominees. The winner in such an election is the individual or entity that receives the most votes compared to other runners. Many well-established democracies use plurality voting systems. The United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and India all use it to reflect the political wishes of their population. A majority voting system is very similar to a plurality voting system. All electorates have one vote to cast on a nominee of their choice. However, there are only winners if they have attained more than fifty percent of the vote. In some elections, election leaders may decide to run a supermajority voting election. A successful nominee needs to win more than fifty percent of the vote in such instances. The election’s decision-makers determine what that amount or proportion of the vote needs to be beforehand. If no one gets the required proportion of the vote to all-out win, it is common for one of two things to happen. Firstly, there can be a run-off election. A run-off election is when the two most popular choices from the initial election go head to head. Voters cast their choice again, and, as there are only two options, a majority win is always achievable. In some countries that require a majority vote in their general elections, it is possible to form a coalition party. A coalition party will still need to add to more than fifty percent of the vote. While that can mean another election is not required, as is the case of a run-off secondary election, coalition governments are historically less effective at driving change. The main difference between plurality and majority voting is that there is a winner only when a nominee receives more than half of the votes in majority voting systems. In plurality voting systems, there is a winner when they have the most votes. So, why use plurality voting systems? After all, if plurality voting systems can be employed to find a winner straight away, why would an electorate demand that a winner must always have more than fifty percent of the vote? The answer to that highlights one of the disadvantages to the plurality voting system. While it may be quick and efficient, more people can vote against the eventual winner than vote for them. That can have negative ramifications in politics and lead to a disenfranchised electoral population. It also can make it difficult for political parties to push through change if they do not hold the majority when in power. If they have more adversaries than supporters, it is challenging to get political support behind new initiatives and modify old laws. However, majority voting is not always a quick way of finding an overall winner. When there are three or more nominees, a nominee’s chances to attain more than half of the vote is that much more difficult. While it does happen, it is also common to hold a subsequent run-off election or form a coalition party. Both events have downsides. A run-off election results can spend time in limbo—leaving countries or entities without a leader until officially deciding the outcome of the secondary election. A coalition, as previously stated, can be inefficient in making legislative progress. Understanding the critical difference between plurality and majority voting is vital when choosing between them, making it likely you select the most appropriate system for your needs by fully grasping that one requires a much higher vote proportion than the other. Consider your unique scenario carefully before choosing which voting system is right for you. It could be that not having an all-out majority is adequate, making a plurality system appropriate. In contrast, your situation may be one where more than half the voting community must choose the eventual winner. No matter your choice, one of these popular voting systems will undoubtedly work for you.
The oldest known grave in Africa is a three-year-old child who died aboμt 78,000 years ago. The find explores how people in the area treated their dead at the time. Archaeologists discovered the top of a bμndle of bones in Kenya’s Panga ya Saidi cave in 2017. The remains were so fragile that a block of sediment aroμnd the bones was extracted intact and sent to the National Research Centre on Hμman Evolμtion (CENIEH) in Spain, where a detailed forensic investigation took place. “We didn’t know μntil a year later what was going on in there,” says María Martinón-Torres at CENIEH. “Unexpectedly, that sediment block was holding the body of a child.” The researchers named the child Mtoto, which means “child” in Swahili, and estimate they lived aroμnd 78,300 years ago, making this the oldest deliberate bμrial foμnd in Africa. “It was a child, and someone gave it a farewell,” says Martinón-Torres. Analysis of the remains’ sediment revealed that the child had been placed in a deliberately excavated pit and covered with residμe from the cave floor. They had been placed on their side with their legs drawn μp to their chest. As the body decayed, most of Mtoto’s bones stayed in position except a few key ones. The collarbone and top two ribs were displaced as typical of a body tightly boμnd in a shroμd. And Mtoto’s head had the characteristic tilt of a corpse whose head was placed on a cμshion. This points to a deliberate bμrial, often difficμlt to prove from archaeological remains. “From these little pieces of bone that were preserved, the work that we have done has allowed μs to reconstrμct the hμman behavior sμrroμnding the moment the body was pμt in the pit,” says Francesco d’Errico at the University of Bordeaμx, France. “The aμthors did a fantastic job in making the case that this is a deliberate bμrial. They have raised the bar and, in my opinion, actμally set the standard on what shoμld be done, scientifically, to demonstrate deliberate bμrial,” says Eleanor Scerri at the Max Planck Institμte for the Science of Hμman History in Germany. She wasn’t involved with the research. The discovery of any ancient hμman remains in Africa is big news in itself. “Hμman fossils are rare everywhere in Africa. We have hμge temporal and spatial gaps, so this discovery is significant,” says Scerri. Mtoto’s bμrial took place in the Middle Stone Age, spanning roμghly 300,000 to 30,000 years ago when a sμite of modern hμman innovations developed in Africa. Early evidence of bμrials in Africa is rare. No bμried adμlts have been foμnd from this period. However, the bμrial of an infant in Border cave in Soμth Africa dates to aroμnd 74,000 years ago, and the tomb of a child who was aboμt nine years old in Taramsa Hill, Egypt, dates to approximately 69,000 years ago. “I find it very interesting that we have interments of two or three children in Africa dating to aroμnd the same period,” says Paμl Pettitt of the University of Dμrham, UK. “Mtoto’s bμrial is an exceptionally early example of a scarce treatment of the dead which might be commonplace in the modern world, bμt dμring the early prehistory of oμr species was rare, exceptional and probably marked odd deaths.” This lack of bμrial shows the mortμary practices of modern hμmans in Africa differed from those of Neanderthals and modern hμmans in Eμrasia. They, from aboμt 120,000 years ago, commonly bμried their dead. “That is qμite a paradox,” says d’Errico. “In Africa, where we have the origin of symbolic behavior in the form of beads and abstract engravings, these modern hμmans wait qμite long to make primary bμrials.”
Teaching young children in English in multilingual contexts supports teachers working with children from the ages of five to eight. The course: - develops teachers’ understandings of the notion of meaning making and how we can use that to inform the kinds of scaffolding that will build the meaning-making capacities of students in multilingual classrooms - develops teachers’ understandings of the need for explicit teaching practices that will build up the students’ repertoires of meaning-making resources so that they can be successful learners - provides a positive context for teachers to reflect critically and openly on their teaching and develop shared understandings about scaffolding in order to improve the effectiveness of whole-school collaboration.
The aviation industry has recognized the urgent need to adopt sustainable practices and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Sustainable aviation technology encompasses a wide range of innovations, including alternative fuels, electric propulsion, improved aerodynamics, and operational efficiency measures. These advancements aim to make air travel greener and more environmentally friendly while maintaining safety and efficiency. One of the most promising areas of sustainable aviation technology is the development and use of alternative fuels. Sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs) are derived from renewable sources such as biomass, waste oils, or synthetic processes. These fuels can be blended with traditional jet fuel or used as a standalone option. SAFs have the potential to significantly reduce carbon emissions compared to conventional jet fuel, as they have lower lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions. The future of sustainable aviation technology relies heavily on the widespread adoption of SAFs. Electric Propulsion and Hybrid Technologies Electric propulsion is another area with great potential for sustainable aviation. Electric and hybrid-electric aircraft are being developed, offering the promise of zero-emission flights. Electric propulsion systems utilize electric motors powered by batteries or fuel cells, reducing or eliminating the reliance on fossil fuels. While electric aircraft are currently in the early stages of development and primarily used for shorter flights, ongoing advancements in battery technology and infrastructure will play a crucial role in their future scalability. Lightweight Materials and Improved Aerodynamics Advancements in materials science and aircraft design are driving sustainability in aviation. Lightweight composite materials, such as carbon fiber-reinforced polymers, are being used to construct aircraft components, reducing weight and increasing fuel efficiency. Improved aerodynamics, including wingtip modifications and laminar flow technologies, help minimize drag and enhance fuel efficiency. These innovations contribute to reduced energy consumption and lower emissions, paving the way for more sustainable air travel. Operational Efficiency and Air Traffic Management Operational efficiency plays a vital role in sustainable aviation technology. Airlines and air traffic management organizations are employing advanced technologies to optimize flight routes, reduce congestion, and minimize fuel consumption. The use of data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence enables more accurate weather forecasting, optimized flight planning, and better management of air traffic flow. These advancements enhance fuel efficiency, reduce emissions, and contribute to a greener aviation industry. Sustainable Airport Infrastructure In addition to aircraft-related technologies, sustainable aviation encompasses the development of eco-friendly airport infrastructure. Airports are investing in renewable energy sources, such as solar power, to meet their energy needs. Sustainable building designs, including energy-efficient terminals and facilities, are becoming more prevalent. Airports are also implementing waste management and recycling programs to minimize environmental impact. The future of sustainable aviation technology will see further integration of renewable energy and sustainable practices in airport operations. Collaboration and Policy Support Achieving a sustainable aviation future requires collaboration among industry stakeholders, governments, and regulatory bodies. Airlines, aircraft manufacturers, and research institutions are partnering to accelerate the development and deployment of sustainable aviation technologies. Governments are providing policy support, such as incentives and regulations, to promote the adoption of cleaner aviation practices. International agreements and organizations, such as the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), are working towards global sustainability standards for the aviation industry. The future of sustainable aviation technology is promising and holds immense potential for reducing the environmental impact of air travel. Alternative fuels, electric propulsion, lightweight materials, improved aerodynamics, operational efficiency measures, and sustainable airport infrastructure are key focus areas. Collaboration and policy.
What does water treatment have to do with vaccine development? If we didn’t have access to clean water, we couldn’t treat diseases and illnesses. Jane Marsh, editor-in-chief of Environment.co which covers climate policy, renewable energy and conservation, takes a look a how and why water is such an important element of vaccines. Dilution & stabilisation needs The process of producing a vaccine requires various solutions and indgredients to construct formulas. These elements include sterile water, which scientists use to dilute vaccines. There are stabilisers such as gelatine in vaccines that also need water. It’s clear that biopharmaceutical researchers need water purification systems to produce vaccines worldwide. Relationship between health & sanitation Countries with developed health care systems don’t usually have issues with vaccine development and patients who need vaccines can generally access them on-demand. This has played out rather differently regarding Covid-19 but, in general, those who live in developed countries can get a vaccine when needed. It’s important to note that some other regions don’t have that luxury. Nations that have underdeveloped resources tend to lack clean water. There’s a link between health and sanitation, which means diseases will surface in areas with polluted water. The 4.2 billion people who don’t have access to sanitation management can’t fight illnesses as quickly or easily. How to boost availability Technology plays a part in how we increase water availability. The lack of available water seems like an ironic problem given that water makes up 70% of the Earth’s surface, but we can only use 3% of that and ice caps are included in that amount. Therefore, we need to find solutions to tap into more of that that 70%. Desalination plants for ocean water offer one option. There are also smaller tools which can be used to convert water from polluted rivers into filtered water bottles for consumption. Initiatives also exist to repurpose rainwater. It’s all about creative and straightforward ways to bring clean water to everyone. Communities with inadequate sanitation tend to rely on others for help. The World Health Organization had to launch a dedicated initiative to guarantee all countries can vaccinate against Covid-19. If we want to ensure all individuals can access a basic resource like a vaccine, we must prioritise an even more important necessity: clean water. Vaccine development requires water treatment There’s an undeniable connection between health and sanitation and we also need clean water to create vaccines themselves. Therefore, we urgently need to make clean water available globally. This way, we can increase protection against diseases and illnesses. This blog was supplied and written by Jane Marsh who writes about green technology and renewable energy topics and is editor-in-chief of Environment.co.
What is LoRa and LoRaWAN? LoRa is a new communication standard for the Internet of Things, which is commonly used for small signal data transmission over very long distances. LoRa sensors typically have low power, low power consumption, and long battery life. LoRa is the abbreviation of the word “Long Range”. From the name, it can be seen that the main feature of LoRa is the long transmission distance. LoRa’s signal modulation scheme, developed by Semtech, enables excellent link margin. LoRa’s signal sensitivity is very high, so LoRa can maintain long-distance communication, even in noisy environments. Similar to other LPAWAN technologies such as NB-IoT, LoRa typically operates at lower data rates, which further increases link headroom. Due to its low data rate, LoRa is not suitable for scenarios that require high data delay. LoRaWAN is a communication standard of LPWAN protocol based on LoRa chip, which is designed for remote IoT connection. LoRaWAN was originally called LoRaMAC, which is a set of communication protocols and system architecture based on LoRa long-distance communication network design. According to the traditional communication protocol, LoRaWAN is the MAC layer, and LoRa is the physical layer. LoRaWAN is an open network standard, and its data link layer access control (MAC) is maintained by the LoRa Alliance. What are LoRaWAN gateways and LoRaWAN cloud servers The LoRaWAN gateway is a LoRa network connector, which can convert the LoRa network communication protocol to the TCP/IP protocol, and transmit the data of the LoRaWAN device to the network. This is similar to setting up an industrial wireless router to connect WiFi devices to the network. Gateways are usually deployed by users or solution providers and are usually deployed at remote regional centers without other types of coverage. The LoRaWAN cloud server is a cloud service center that manages device connections and communications. The web server can be a physical server or a cloud server. When the web server is in the cloud like the hosting service, the gateway operates in a so-called “packet forwarding” mode, which just passes all the original LoRa data packets in the air to the web server and the web server. In this mode, all information such as data encryption and packet decryption, device management and connection, data analysis and processing are stored in the ECS, which makes it easier to manage and upgrade the server and easier to read and process data. How does LoRaWAN work In terms of network structure, LoRaWAN’s wireless protocol is very simple. Its network structure is a star topology, which is conducive to LoRaWAN terminal equipment to increase communication range and reduce power consumption. After demonstration and test, this star structure is more suitable for this kind of Internet of things application scenario with low power consumption and large area than the grid structure. The network layout of the star topology is the central data processing mode. Each LoRaWAN terminal device transmits the data to multiple LoRaWAN gateways, and then the LoRaWAN gateway transmits the data to the central server. The central server centrally manages and processes the collected data, and the server will complete the message scheduling, security investigation, and redundancy detection of the data. The central server feeds back some information of LoRaWAN terminal equipment according to the data so that LoRaWAN can make a certain response. Two obvious advantages of LoRaWAN protocol - More convenient tracking: the gateways do not need to communicate with each other. The information of the terminal node is broadcast. The signal of a terminal node can be received by multiple gateways. The direction and position of the terminal node can be roughly determined according to the time difference between the information received by the gateway. This logic and algorithm are relatively simple. - Simpler information link: the gateway is only used as a bridge to realize the information transmission between the node terminal and the server. There is no mutual communication between the gateway and the gateway, and the information link is fresh and simple. LoRaWAN devices types: Class A, Class B and Class C Class A is an asynchronous operation. The characteristic of the asynchronous operation is that it does not need to queue like a synchronous operation. When the terminal node needs to transmit data, it will connect with the gateway, rather than waiting for a specific time or queuing for the completion of thread tasks. The terminal node is in a sleep state before transmitting data. After the node completes the transmission, it will immediately enter the sleep state. When one node completes transmission, the other can start transmission immediately. There is no gap in communication. Since class A is asynchronous transmission, collision is inevitable. The theoretical maximum capacity of a pure Aloha network is about 18.4% of the maximum. If two nodes wake up at the same time and decide to transmit on the same channel using the same radio settings, they will collide and collide. Class B allows information to be sent to the terminal node. LoRaWAN gateway sends a beacon every 128 seconds. All LoRaWAN base stations also send beacon messages. Their internal clocks are synchronous and belong to one pulse per second (1PPS). The synchronization satellite in orbit will transmit a message at the beginning of each second, which can synchronize the time around the world. Lora Wan base station also depends on this synchronization time. Every beacon sent by the gateway allocates a time gap of 128 seconds to tell the node when to receive the signal. Class C allows the node to keep listening for a long time without sleeping and can send downlink messages at any time. Class C is in the wake-up state for a long time and needs to consume energy to maintain the wake-up state of the node to monitor the received signal in real-time. All class C consumes a lot of energy and is not suitable for battery power supply. It is mainly used in scenarios where the power supply can be stable. Why use LoRaWAN instead of WiFi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, and more LoRaWAN has its own application scenarios with WiFi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, mobile phones, etc. in long-distance transmission, LoRaWAN has obvious advantages over the others. WiFi, ZigBee and Bluetooth use a 2.4GHz spectrum. The advantage of this spectrum is that it can carry a large amount of information and fast speed, but it is not a good choice for wireless sensors. - The 2.4GHz spectrum weakens rapidly in the air. The network sensor of this communication protocol usually has a very short connection range, and the physical penetration of the 2.4GHz spectrum is very poor. Most signals can not penetrate other roadblocks such as building walls. In daily life, in the corner or closed area such as basement or toilet, the WiFi signal in the hall will be very weak or basically absent. Home automation systems that use protocols such as Zigbee often find that they cannot connect to the next room. On the other hand, LoRa equipment can reach distances of several miles in an open-air environment and can perform well through obstacles such as buildings or equipment. - the 2.4GHz spectrum is very “noisy”, which means that there are 2.4GHz devices around us competing for broadcast time, which affects the quality of the link. The operating frequency of LoRa in the United States is 915MHz, so it will not interfere with local WiFi and most other wireless devices. - WiFi, a network communication protocol, is very poor in key management and network security prevention and control, and it is very inconvenient to use on many occasions. For example, if a WiFi router connected to multiple devices wants to change the connection password, you need to change the connection password of all connected WiFi terminal devices. However, if the WiFi terminal device is a small battery-powered electronic device that does not meet the user, it is difficult to connect to the WiFi server that has changed the password. In life, WiFi is generally used on smartphones, smart TVs, laptops and other devices. These devices have display screens and libraries to easily change passwords. But reconnecting the WiFi router is very difficult for simple battery-powered sensors.. On the other hand, LoRaWAN configures and protects equipment in different ways. The key is not a single password defined on the web server, but is derived from the sensor itself and has a unique value that can be supplied on the webserver (usually in the cloud). All radio bridge sensors have a unique ID/key pair, enabling efficient security configuration and management. - The battery consumption of terminal devices such as WiFi, Bluetooth, ZigBee and mobile cellular devices is relatively high. These devices send a large amount of signal information, and the spectrum weakens quickly, and the transmitted power is relatively high, so as to ensure a certain coverage. These devices must maintain regular communication with the gateway or base station in order to maintain the connection state. On the other hand, LoRaWAN devices can enter a deep sleep mode and wake up only when necessary to send to deliver new events. In most applications, this allows battery life to be as long as 5 to 10 years. LoRa is a radio modulation technology used for wireless LAN networks in the LPWA network technology category. LoRaWAN is a network (protocol) that uses LoRa. Look into the future of LoRaWAN Low power Internet of things is more widely used in smart city construction. With the deepening of smart city construction, urban perception applications will be paid more and more attention. This kind of Internet of things application has its special points: huge connection, low communication frequency, low power consumption, complex coverage environment and high-cost sensitivity. Therefore, low-power Internet of things is more suitable for urban perception Internet of things application system. Why does LoRa technology attract the attention of the industry? LoRa technology has a wide application prospect in many fields with excellent performance and flexible networking form. In addition, the implementation architecture of LoRa long-distance transmission, the three behavior modes of LoRaWAN, and the typical architecture and application of LoRa. In addition to the smoke monitoring systems, power environment monitoring systems, air conditioning energy-saving monitoring systems and intelligent care monitoring systems, the popularization of the Internet of things should be based on people-oriented. Life safety, transportation and medical treatment, environmental pollution, food problems and human resources are all vertical application fields of the Internet of things that have been widely concerned for a long time, LoRa has more advantages than other communication technologies in these scenarios. The era of interconnection of all things is also the era of data as the king. However, in many cases, if intelligent objects do not have corresponding location information, it means that the data is “chaotic” and the available value will be greatly reduced. With the vigorous development of the Internet of things industry in the past two years, the demand for positioning technology in various Internet of things application scenarios has also greatly increased. At present, there are dozens or even hundreds of types of positioning technology, and each positioning technology has its own advantages and disadvantages and suitable application scenarios. LoRa is applicable to local areas with higher density and has the characteristics of relatively independent, stronger signal and lower cost. Therefore, LoRa must have a place in the future broad blue ocean market of the Internet of things. As for the future development prospect of LoRa, it still depends on the joint promotion of people in the industry.
Why do stars shine? We can look out into the night sky and see billions of stars shining brightly. The number and brightness will depend on where you live. People that live in cities have a lot of bright lights that keep them from seeing as many stars, but those that look up at the sky in the country can see many more. Stars are actually suns, in the same way that our sun is a star. If you went out into the far reaches of the galaxy and looked back on our sun, it would look like a star. To figure out why the stars shine, you have to know what they are made of. Stars are balls of glowing plasma, so hot that we can’t even imagine the temperatures. The surface of a star like our sun is cooler at the surface (5,800 Kelvin) but its core is the hottest place, at 15 million Kelvin. They are held together through their own gravity and they give off some of the heat that they produce. Stars come in all sizes. Some are incredibly large, and oddly, it is the larger ones that have the shorter lifespan. Others are very small and they exist for longer periods of time. Our sun is a medium-sized star and still has millions of years to exist. The process of producing the heat for each star involves fusion. The energy is trapped inside the sun for millions of years, constantly trying to get out. Finally, after it rises into the outer areas of the sun, the energy escapes and it is carried off as solar wind. The next thing that you need to think about as a reason the stars shine is the speed of light. Light travels at a specific speed and will continue to travel until it hits something that blocks it. When we look into the night sky we are seeing the light from billions of stars that are at many distances from the earth. Depending upon the distance, some of the light that is shining could have come from stars that gave off that light millions of years ago. We are actually seeing the moment that each sun released the energy that had waited and fought to get outside of the sun and was carried through the universe to us. Each time we see the light of a star, we are seeing a star’s past. If we had the chance to actually travel to where that star is located, we would notice that many things have changed from the moment it released the energy until the time it traveled to reach our site. In some cases, a star could have lived and died; becoming a white dwarf or even exploding and going ‘nova’. If we were actually there and looked back, we might also see the light from our own sun, but that would be light that was sent out millions of years before. So the answer to the question as to why stars shine is really that they are a powerhouse of energy, with gigantic cores of fusion reaction that causes energy to be released and sent out into the universe as light.
This blog article will explore the economic and environmental benefits of renewable energy and sustainable transport, highlighting their importance and impact. Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydropower, and geothermal energy offer several advantages over traditional fossil fuels. Let’s delve into some key benefits: - Reduced greenhouse gas emissions: Renewable energy sources produce little to no greenhouse gas emissions, mitigating climate change and air pollution. - Improved air quality: Shifting to renewable energy minimizes the release of harmful pollutants, improving the overall air quality and reducing health risks. - Conservation of natural resources: Renewable energy utilizes abundant resources like sunlight, wind, and flowing water, ensuring long-term availability. - Reduced reliance on finite resources: Renewable energy decreases dependence on fossil fuels, reducing the vulnerability to price fluctuations and geopolitical conflicts. - Increased energy security: Diversifying the energy mix with renewables enhances energy security by reducing dependence on foreign energy sources. - Job creation: The renewable energy sector creates numerous job opportunities, driving economic growth and local development. - Cost competitiveness: The cost of renewable energy technologies is continually decreasing, making them more affordable and economically viable. - Stimulating innovation: Advancements in renewable energy technologies drive innovation, fostering sustainable economic development. According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IREA), renewable energy provided approximately 15 million jobs worldwide in 2019, and this figure is expected to increase with the continuous growth of the sector. For more information on the economic and environmental benefits of renewable energy, it is recommended to visit the U.S. Department of Energy’s website (www.energy.gov/eere/renewables). Sustainable transport refers to modes of transportation that have a lower impact on the environment and promote energy efficiency. Let’s explore some of its key advantages: - Lower carbon footprint: Sustainable transport options decrease the overall emissions of greenhouse gases, contributing to climate change mitigation. - Air pollution reduction: Using cleaner fuels and alternative modes of transport reduces harmful air pollutants, benefiting both human health and the environment. - Optimized fuel consumption: Sustainable transport focuses on energy-efficient vehicles and encourages the use of public transportation, carpooling, and cycling, reducing energy waste. - Utilization of alternative fuels: Transitioning to biofuels, electricity, or hydrogen as transportation fuels helps reduce dependence on fossil fuels and diversify energy sources. - Cost savings: Sustainable transport options, such as carpooling or using public transportation, can save individuals and governments money on fuel and maintenance. - Reduction in healthcare costs: By improving air quality and reducing pollution-related health issues, sustainable transport can lower healthcare costs for individuals and societies. - Boosting local economies: Investments in sustainable transport infrastructure and technologies can create jobs and stimulate economic growth. The International Energy Agency (IEA) indicates that the transport sector is responsible for nearly 23% of energy-related global greenhouse gas emissions. Embracing sustainable transport solutions can drive significant reductions in emissions, contributing to a more sustainable future. For more information regarding sustainable transport initiatives and their benefits, it is recommended to visit the official website of the United Nations Environment Programme (www.unep.org/transport). Renewable energy and sustainable transport offer a myriad of economic and environmental benefits: - Renewable energy reduces greenhouse gas emissions, improves air quality, and enhances energy security. - Renewable energy sector creates job opportunities, drives innovation, and contributes to economic growth. - Sustainable transport reduces emissions, promotes energy efficiency, and saves costs for individuals and governments. - Sustainable transport fosters economic growth, reduces healthcare costs, and enhances local economies. In conclusion, transitioning to renewable energy sources and adopting sustainable transport options is essential for achieving a greener and more sustainable future. The economic and environmental benefits they offer are significant, contributing not only to climate change mitigation but also to job creation, cost savings, and improved air quality. Embracing renewable energy and sustainable transport is a win-win strategy for both the planet and our economies.
The Japanese automaker Denso Wave created the QR code, also known as a two-dimensional barcode, in 1994. QR stands for "rapid response code." A barcode is an optical label that can be read by a computer and contains data about the object to which it is attached. In reality, QR codes frequently contain information for a tracker, location, or identifier that directs users to a website or application. To store information efficiently, QR codes use four specified encoding modes: numeric, alphanumeric, byte/binary, and kanji; extensions may optionally be used. A light source and photodiode are positioned next to each other in the tip of a pen to make up pen-type readers. The person holding the pen must move the tip across the bars at a comparatively constant speed in order to read a barcode. As the tip moves across each bar and space in the printed code, the photodiode measures the amount of light that is being reflected back from the light source. The widths of the bars and spaces in the barcode are measured using the waveform that the photodiode produces. White gaps reflect light, whereas dark bars in the barcode absorb light. As a result, the voltage waveform produced by the photodiode depicts the bar and spacing pattern in the barcode. This Similar to how dots and dashes in Morse code are decoded, this waveform is decoded by the scanner. a laser scanner also consider laser scanning Laser scanners move the laser beam across the barcode in a back-and-forth motion. A photo-diode is used to gauge the strength of the light reflected back from the barcode, just like with pen-type readers. The light that the reader emits is rapidly altered in brightness with a data pattern in both pen readers and laser scanners. The photo-diode reception circuitry is made to only detect signals that have the same modulated pattern. CCD viewers (also known as LED scanners) The array of several small light sensors used by charge-coupled device (CCD) readers is arranged in a row in the Because it can store more data than a conventional UPC barcode and is faster to scan than a typical UPC barcode, the Quick Response system gained popularity outside of the automobile industry. Applications include document management, general marketing, product tracking, item identification, and time monitoring.
Made up of billions of neurons (or nerve cells) that communicate in trillions of connections called synapses, your brain is one of the most complex and fascinating organs in your body. Keeping your brain healthy and active is vital. Discover just how powerful it is with these interesting facts. - Sixty percent of the human brain is made of fat. Not only does that make it the fattiest organ in the human body, but these fatty acids are crucial for your brain’s performance. Make sure you’re fueling it appropriately with healthy, brain-boosting nutrients. - Your brain isn’t fully formed until age 25. Brain development begins from the back of the brain and works its way to the front. Therefore, your frontal lobes, which control planning and reasoning, are the last to strengthen and structure connections. - Your brain’s storage capacity is considered virtually unlimited. Research suggests the human brain consists of about 86 billion neurons. Each neuron forms connections to other neurons, which could add up to 1 quadrillion (1,000 trillion) connections. Over time, these neurons can combine, increasing storage capacity. However, in Alzheimer’s disease, for example, many neurons can become damaged and stop working, particularly affecting memory.
Wake turbulence is a function of an aircraft producing lift, resulting in the formation of two counter-rotating vortices trailing behind the aircraft. Every aircraft generates wake turbulence while in flight. Wake turbulence can be dangerous for following aircraft that may pass through it, especially if the turbulence was created by a larger or heavier plane. The process of wake turbulence separation is a precaution that can be applied to help protect trailing aircraft from experiencing the dangers of wake turbulence. Pilots should always be aware of the possibility of a wake turbulence encounter when flying through the wake of another aircraft and adjust the flight path accordingly.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a state–of–the–art technology which provides invaluable diagnostic data regarding a medical problem. The technique produces cross–sectional pictures of bone structure and organs in the body. These pictures are clearer and more detailed than pictures obtained by X–rays and CT scans. MRI uses a super–conductor, radio frequency pulses and a computer which converts the action of the radio waves into pictures. Because high–frequency sound waves cannot penetrate bone or air, they are especially useful in imaging soft tissues and fluid filled spaces. Ultrasound is good at non–invasively imaging a number of soft tissue organs without X–rays: - Pelvis and reproductive organs. - Kidneys, liver, pancreas, gall bladder. - Blood vessels. MRI of Kidney An MRI does not generate any harmful radiation. The radio frequency pulses used are similar to those transmitted by radio stations. There are no side–effects. Patients do not experience any discomfort during the procedure. Preparation for MRI No special preparation is required. However, if you have any of the following devices, you cannot have an MRI: MRI of Brain - A pacemaker. - Aneurysm clips in the brain. - Inner ear implants. During the test, the patient is alone in the room. The doctor and technologist supervise from the next room and are in constant contact with the patient through a glass window in the room.
Gene-drive technology has been used in outdoor but controlled conditions in India, Brazil, and Panama to genetically manipulate mosquitoes. GS III: Science and Technology Dimensions of the Article: - About Gene-Drive Technology - Recent Developments About Gene-Drive Technology: - Gene-drive technology is a form of genetic engineering that is designed to modify genes within populations. - This technology was conceived by Austin Burt, a professor at Imperial College London, and has since been explored for various applications. - One potential application of gene-drive technology is as an effective means to combat nuisance species, such as malaria-causing mosquitoes. - In gene-drive technology, selective inheritance of genes is achieved, departing from the traditional rules of Mendelian genetics. - The process involves a protein that cleaves the mosquito’s DNA at a specific location that doesn’t encode a particular sequence in the genome. This action initiates a natural repair mechanism within the cell containing the DNA, which results in the incorporation of a drive sequence into the damaged portion of the DNA. - Researchers at Imperial College London have made advancements in gene-drive technology by genetically enhancing a gene expressed in the midgut of mosquitoes. This gene is engineered to secrete two antimicrobial substances known as magainin 2 and melittin. - These antimicrobial substances are detrimental to the Plasmodium parasite’s development within the mosquito’s midgut and reduce the lifespan of female mosquitoes. - Computational modeling studies have suggested that this approach could significantly disrupt malaria transmission, offering a promising strategy in the fight against this disease. -Source: The Hindu
Automobile manufacturer Henry Ford was born July 30, 1863, on his family’s farm in what is present-day Dearborn, Michigan. From the time that he was a young boy, Ford enjoyed tinkering with machines. Farm work and a job in a Detroit machine shop afforded him ample opportunities to experiment. He worked successively as an apprentice machinist, a part-time employee for the Westinghouse Engine Company, and an engineer with the Edison Illuminating Company. By then, he was earning enough money to experiment on building an internal combustion engine. By 1896, Ford had constructed his first horseless carriage, a gasoline-powered motor car that he named the Quadricycle because it ran on four bicycle tires. He sold that vehicle, which was built on a steel frame and had a seat but no body, in order to finance work on an improved model. Ford incorporated the Ford Motor Company in 1903, proclaiming, "I will build a car for the great multitude." In October 1908, he did so, offering the Model T for $850. In the Model T’s nineteen years of production, its price dipped as low as $260—without extras. More than 15 million cars were sold in the United States alone. The Model T heralds the beginning of the Motor Age; the car evolved from luxury item for the well-to-do to essential transportation for the ordinary man. Ford revolutionized manufacturing — combining precision manufacturing, standardized and interchangeable parts, division of labor, and by 1913, a continuous moving assembly line. By 1914, his Highland Park, Michigan, plant, using innovative production techniques, turned out a complete chassis every 93 minutes — a stunning improvement over the earlier production time of 728 minutes. Using a constantly moving assembly line, subdivision of labor, and careful coordination of operations, the company realized huge gains in productivity. In 1914, Ford announced his plan to profit share with the workers and began paying his employees five dollars for an eight-hour day, nearly doubling the wages offered by other manufacturers. And, he reduced the workday from nine to eight hours in order to convert the factory to a three-shift workday. Ford’s mass-production techniques eventually allowed for the manufacture of a Model T every twenty-four seconds. His innovations made him an international celebrity. Ford’s affordable Model T irrevocably altered American society. As more Americans owned cars, urbanization patterns changed. The United States saw the growth of suburbia, the creation of a national highway system, and a population entranced with the possibility of going anywhere anytime.
Have you ever wondered what sound does a Blue Jay makes? The enchanting calls of the colorful bird are sure to enthrall you. In this article, we will delve into the world of Blue Jay vocalizations, exploring their raucous calls, melodic songs, and the various ways they communicate with other Blue Jays. These birds use their voices not only to defend their territory and attract mates but also as alarm calls in response to threats or predators. By understanding the role of vocalizations in Blue Jay social structure, we gain insight into their complex communication. So, get ready to be amazed by the captivating calls of the Blue Jay, as we uncover the secrets behind their enchanting melodies and unique sounds. - Blue Jays have a wide range of vocalizations, including raucous screams, melodic songs, and mimicry abilities. - Vocalizations play a vital role in blue jay social structure, establishing dominance, communicating with mates and offspring, and warning of predators. - Blue jay vocalizations serve survival purposes by startling and intimidating predators, mimicking sounds of other birds or animals, and coordinating attacks. - The captivating calls of blue jays contribute to their charm and entertainment value, as well as their role in maintaining order within the group and reinforcing social hierarchies. Overview of Blue Jay Vocalizations Blue Jays are known for their captivating calls that will leave you in awe. These colorful avians have a wide range of vocalizations that are sure to catch your attention. From their raucous screams to their melodic songs, the Blue Jays have a diverse repertoire of sounds. One of the most distinct calls of the Blue Jay is its loud and piercing scream. It is a harsh, high-pitched sound that can be heard from a distance. This call is often used to alert other birds of potential danger or to establish their territory. When you hear this scream, you can’t help but be amazed by its power and intensity. In addition to their screams, Blue Jays are also skilled mimics. They can imitate the calls of other birds, such as hawks and crows, as well as various sounds in their environment. This ability allows them to communicate with other birds and deceive potential threats. Blue Jays also have a softer side. They are capable of producing melodic songs that are composed of a series of whistling notes. These songs are often heard during courtship displays or as a means of communication within a flock. Therefore, be ready to listen to a Blue Jay’s entrancing calls if you ever find yourself in its vicinity. Their vocalizations are truly a sight to behold and will leave you mesmerized by the beauty of nature. The Raucous Calls of Blue Jays Raucous calls from these vibrant birds can reach volumes of up to 100 decibels, rivaling the noise of a car horn. Blue jays are known for their loud and distinctive vocalizations, which they use to communicate with each other and establish their territory. These calls are not only loud but also quite varied, and they can mimic the sounds of other birds and even human voices. Here is a table showcasing some of the different calls and their meanings: |An alarm call, signaling danger |A territorial call, asserting dominance |A courtship call, attracting a mate |A social call, indicating group presence |A soft, low call used for close communication Listening to the blue jays’ raucous calls can be both captivating and amusing. Their ability to imitate other sounds adds to their charm, making them quite the colorful entertainers of the avian world. So, next time you hear a loud and unmistakable call, you’ll know it’s a blue jay making its presence known. The Melodic Songs of Blue Jays You’ll be delighted by the melodic songs of blue jays, as they serenade the world with their enchanting tunes. These beautiful birds have a remarkable ability to mimic the sounds of other birds, making their songs even more captivating. When you hear a blue jay’s song, you might think you’re listening to a choir of different bird species all at once. Blue jays are known for their loud and raucous calls, but their songs are surprisingly melodious. They have a wide repertoire of musical phrases, ranging from soft and soothing notes to high-pitched and energetic melodies. Their songs are filled with trills, whistles, and warbles, creating a symphony that is truly mesmerizing. Not only are blue jays talented singers, but they are also skilled improvisers. They often add their own unique twists and variations to their songs, making each performance a one-of-a-kind experience. You’ll never get tired of listening to their melodic tunes, as they constantly surprise you with their creativity. So, the next time you find yourself in the presence of a blue jay, take a moment to listen to their enchanting songs. You’ll be transported to a world of beauty and harmony, as these colorful avians serenade you with their captivating melodies. Communicating with Other Blue Jays When you’re near a blue jay, it’s like being in a crowded room where everyone is talking at once, each voice vying for attention. These vibrant birds are highly social creatures and they use a wide range of calls to communicate with each other. Here are four fascinating ways blue jays communicate: - Alarm Calls: Blue jays are known for their loud and piercing alarm calls that warn other birds of potential danger. These calls are high-pitched and can be heard from a distance. - Territorial Calls: Blue jays are fiercely protective of their territory and will use specific calls to assert their dominance and ward off intruders. These calls are often harsh and repetitive. - Mating Calls: During the breeding season, male blue jays use complex songs to attract females. These songs are melodic and can vary in length and pitch. The females respond with soft calls to indicate their interest. - Food Calls: When blue jays discover a food source, they emit a series of short, repetitive calls to alert other blue jays in the area. This behavior is known as ‘mobbing’ and it helps the birds locate and share valuable resources. So next time you’re near a blue jay, take a moment to listen to the captivating calls of these colorful avians and appreciate the intricate ways they communicate with each other. Defending Territory through Vocalizations Protect your territory by asserting your dominance through powerful vocalizations. As a blue jay, your voice is your most potent weapon when it comes to defending your turf. When intruders trespass into your domain, it’s time to let them know who’s in charge. You begin by emitting a series of loud, raucous calls that can be heard from a distance. These calls serve as a warning to any potential intruders, letting them know that they are encroaching on your territory. Your voice is fierce and commanding, demanding respect from both friends and foes. But it doesn’t stop there. Once the intruders are within sight, you unleash a barrage of aggressive calls that are impossible to ignore. Your voice pierces through the air, making it clear that you will not tolerate any threats to your territory. These vocalizations are not just for show; they serve a crucial purpose in establishing your dominance. By asserting yourself through your powerful calls, you intimidate the intruders and make them think twice before challenging your authority. Your vocalizations also serve as a means of communication with other blue jays in your area. When you hear the calls of other blue jays nearby, you respond with your own distinct vocalizations, letting them know that you are present and ready to defend your territory. This exchange of calls helps to establish a network of communication among blue jays, ensuring that everyone is aware of each other’s presence and boundaries. In conclusion, defending your territory through vocalizations is a vital part of being a blue jay. Your powerful calls assert your dominance, intimidate intruders, and communicate with fellow blue jays. So, embrace your voice and let it be heard, for it is the key to protecting your turf and ensuring your dominance in the avian world. Understanding the Meaning Behind Blue Jay Calls Now that you understand how blue jays defend their territory through vocalizations, it’s time to delve into the fascinating world of understanding the meaning behind their calls. When you listen to the calls of a blue jay, it’s like deciphering a secret code. Each call carries a specific message, serving as a way for blue jays to communicate with each other. Their vocalizations can convey a range of emotions, from warning other birds of potential danger to expressing their own territorial boundaries. To truly appreciate the complexity of blue jay calls, let’s dive into the meaning behind some of their most common vocalizations. First, there’s the’screaming’ call, which is often used to alert other birds of a predator nearby. Next, there’s the ‘whisper’ call, a softer and more subtle vocalization that blue jays use to communicate with their mate or offspring. Blue jays have over 30 distinct calls in their repertoire. They can mimic the calls of other birds, fooling predators or tricking them into revealing their location. Blue jays also have a unique call known as the ‘rusty gate’, which is thought to be used as a contact call between family members. Their calls can vary in pitch, duration, and intensity, allowing for a wide range of communication possibilities. So, next time you hear the captivating calls of a blue jay, take a moment to appreciate the complexity and meaning behind their melodious messages. Mimicking Other Birds and Sounds Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of blue jays as they skillfully mimic the calls of other birds and create a symphony of sounds. These clever and resourceful birds have the amazing ability to imitate a wide range of sounds, including the songs of other bird species, as well as the sounds of animals and even human voices. It’s truly remarkable how they can recreate the distinct calls of birds such as hawks, owls, and even the meowing of a cat. The blue jay’s mimicry is not only impressive, but it also serves several important purposes. First and foremost, it helps them communicate with other birds. By mimicking the calls of their feathered neighbors, blue jays can send out warning signals of potential danger or alert others to the presence of food. This mimicry also helps blue jays defend their territory, as they can imitate the calls of larger, more threatening birds to intimidate potential intruders. But it’s not just other birds that blue jays can imitate. These clever mimics have been known to mimic the sounds of squirrels, chipmunks, and even the barking of dogs. Their ability to replicate such a wide array of sounds is truly astounding and adds to their already captivating repertoire. So next time you hear a blue jay’s call, take a moment to listen closely. You might just be treated to a symphony of sounds as they show off their incredible mimicry skills. Vocalizations during Courtship and Mating During courtship, male blue jays serenade their potential mates with a melodious love song, their voices dancing like a spring breeze through the forest. The captivating calls of these colorful avians are a sight and sound to behold. Here are four vocalizations that blue jays use to court and attract their mates: - Whistling melodies: Male blue jays have a wide range of whistle-like calls that they use to serenade their potential mates. These melodic tunes can vary in pitch and rhythm, creating a symphony of sound that is sure to catch the attention of any female blue jay. - Mimicking other birds: Blue jays are known for their ability to mimic the calls of other birds. During courtship, males may incorporate these mimicry skills to impress their potential mates. They can imitate the songs of other species, showcasing their vocal prowess and versatility. - Soft warbles: In addition to their whistling melodies, male blue jays also produce soft warbles during courtship. These gentle, soothing sounds create a romantic ambiance and help to establish a connection between the male and female. - Loud screeches: While the blue jay’s love song may be melodious, it can also be quite loud. Males often punctuate their serenades with loud screeches, adding a bold and powerful element to their courtship display. So, next time you find yourself in the presence of blue jays during their courtship season, listen closely and be captivated by the enchanting sounds they use to woo their potential mates. Vocalizations as Alarm Calls One cannot help but be startled by the piercing alarm calls of the blue jay, a warning that echoes through the forest and sends a ripple of unease among its fellow creatures. When danger lurks, the blue jay becomes the vigilant guardian, sounding the alarm to alert its companions of impending threats. Its calls are sharp and shrill, demanding attention and instilling a sense of urgency in those who hear it. These vocalizations serve as a crucial survival mechanism for the blue jay, enabling it to communicate danger and rally its flock to take evasive action. To understand the significance of the blue jay’s alarm calls, let’s take a closer look at a table that breaks down the different types of calls and their meanings: |Harsh and repetitive call |Warning of potential predators |High-pitched and descending call |Signaling immediate danger |Short and sharp call |Alerting flock members to be on high alert By utilizing these distinct alarm calls, the blue jay effectively communicates the nature of the threat, allowing other birds to respond accordingly. This ability to convey specific information through vocalizations is a testament to the blue jay’s intelligence and adaptability in the face of danger. So, the next time you hear the resounding alarm calls of a blue jay, take heed and appreciate the remarkable vocal abilities of this captivating avian. Vocalizations in Response to Threats or Predators Listen closely and let the alarm calls of the blue jay pierce through the forest like a siren, warning you of immediate danger and urging you to take evasive action. These captivating calls are not only mesmerizing but also serve a vital purpose in the bird’s survival. Here’s what you need to know about the vocalizations of blue jays in response to threats or predators: - Shrill and piercing: When a blue jay detects a potential threat, it emits a series of loud, high-pitched calls that can be heard from quite a distance. These calls are designed to startle and intimidate predators, making them think twice before approaching. - Vocal mimicry: Blue jays are skilled mimics, and they often imitate the sounds of other birds or animals to confuse predators. By mimicking the calls of hawks or other predators, blue jays create a false sense of danger, causing potential threats to retreat. - Mobbing behavior: Blue jays are known for their strong sense of community and will often join forces with other birds to mob a predator. They use their vocalizations to coordinate their attacks, creating a chorus of warning calls that can be quite intimidating to any potential threat. So next time you hear the distinctive calls of a blue jay, remember that they are not just beautiful melodies but a powerful defense mechanism, ensuring the safety and survival of these colorful avians. The Role of Vocalizations in Blue Jay Social Structure Now that you know how blue jays use their vocalizations to protect themselves from threats or predators, let’s dive into the fascinating role these calls play in their social structure. You might be surprised to learn that blue jays, just like us humans, rely heavily on communication to establish and maintain social bonds. In the world of blue jays, vocalizations serve as a form of social currency. These birds use a wide range of calls to convey different messages to their flock members. For example, they have specific calls to indicate the presence of food, alert others about potential dangers, or even to establish territory boundaries. These vocal exchanges are crucial in maintaining order within the group and ensuring everyone’s needs are met. Blue jays are highly intelligent creatures, and their social structure is quite complex. Through their vocalizations, they are able to coordinate group activities, such as foraging for food or defending their territory. Their calls not only convey information but also help in bonding and reinforcing social hierarchies within the flock. So, next time you hear the distinct calls of a blue jay, remember that they are not just making noise. They are engaging in a sophisticated form of communication that holds their social structure together. What Sound Does A Blue Jay Make: Frequently Asked Questions How do blue jays use their vocalizations to communicate with other bird species? Blue jays use their vocalizations to communicate with other bird species by creating distinct calls and sounds. These help them establish territories, warn of danger, and coordinate group activities like finding food or defending against predators. Do blue jays have different types of vocalizations for different types of threats? Blue jays have an astonishing ability to communicate with different bird species. They have a range of vocalizations specifically tailored to different threats. It’s truly remarkable how they can adapt their calls to warn others. Can blue jays mimic human speech or other non-bird sounds? Yes, blue jays can mimic human speech and other non-bird sounds. They are known for imitating various sounds, including phone rings and barking dogs. It’s fascinating to hear their repertoire! How do blue jays use their vocalizations during courtship and mating? During courtship and mating, blue jays use their vocalizations to attract a mate and establish their territory. They serenade their potential partners with a variety of calls, showcasing their vocal prowess and charm. What is the role of vocalizations in establishing and maintaining the social structure of a blue jay community? Vocalizations are crucial for establishing and maintaining the social structure of a blue jay community. They help communicate dominance, territory boundaries, and warn of potential threats. Without vocalizations, the community’s cohesion and organization would be compromised. Blue Jay Sounds: Conclusion As you listen to the captivating calls of the blue jay, you can’t help but be transported to a vibrant woodland scene. The raucous calls pierce through the air, filling you with a sense of energy and excitement. The melodic songs then serenade your ears, evoking a feeling of tranquility and wonder. This colorful avian not only communicates with its fellow blue jays, but also defends its territory with its vocal prowess. In moments of courtship and mating, the blue jay’s vocalizations become a symphony of desire and passion. And when danger lurks, its alarm calls send shivers down your spine, urging you to take heed. These vocalizations are not mere words, but a language of survival and social structure. The blue jay’s sound is a tapestry of emotions, weaving a spell of enchantment that leaves you yearning for more.
WSP-43 Teamster with Whisky Mule A mountain man was an explorer who lived in the wilderness. They were instrumental in opening up the various Emigrant Trails (widened into wagon roads) allowing Americans in the east to settle the new territories of the far west by organized wagon trains traveling over roads explored and in many cases, physically improved by the mountain men and the big fur companies originally to serve the mule train based inland fur trade. Mountain men were most common in the North American Rocky Mountains from about 1810 through to the 1880s (with a peak population in the early 1840s). Approximately 3,000 mountain men ranged the mountains between 1820 and 1840, the peak beaver-harvesting period. While there were many free trappers, most mountain men were employed by major fur companies. The life of a company man was almost militarized. The men had mess groups, hunted and trapped in brigades and always reported to the head of the trapping party. This man was called a “boosway”, a bastardization of the French term bourgeois. He was the leader of the brigade and the head trader. The large fur companies put together teamster driven mule trains which packed in whiskey and supplies into a pre-announced location each spring/summer and set up a trading fair- the Rendezvous. Not only was the Rendezvous a place where the trappers could sell and trade their furs for all sorts of commodities, such as clothing, saddles, bridles, tobacco, and whiskey, but it was a place to meet traders who might wish to engage their services for the coming year.
n., singular: pseudopodium Definition: arm-like, temporary projections of a cell Table of Contents A pseudopodium (plural: pseudopodia) refers to the temporary projection of the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell. Pseudopodia are arm-like projections filled with cytoplasm. The projecting cytoplasm, in turn, primarily contains cytoskeleton, such as actin filaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules. True amoeba (genus Amoeba) and amoeboid (amoeba-like) cells form pseudopodia for locomotion and ingestion of particles. Pseudopodia form when the actin polymerization is activated. The actin filaments that form in the cytoplasm push the cell membrane resulting in the formation of temporary projection. Pseudopodia may be classified into lobopodia, filopodia, reticulopodia, axopodia, and lamellipodia. The most common is lobopodia. Nevertheless, amoeba and amoeboid cells may form in more than one type at once. Pseudopodia are temporary projections of the cell membrane of eukaryotic cells. And by temporary, it means that it is not a fixed structure. Single-celled organisms characterized by the ability to form arm-like protrusions that can be protracted or retracted are referred to as amoebae. In fact, it is this feature that gave them their name owing to their ability to constantly change their shape. The irregular cell shape is due to their distinctive protoplasmic streaming and their ability to form pseudopodia that deform cell boundaries. Etymology: The term ‘pseudopodia’ comes from Greek pseudḗs, meaning “false” or “lying” and Greek podós, from poús, meaning “foot” or “leg”. Synonym: pseudopods Amoeboid Cell Structure The cell that forms pseudopodia is referred to as amoeba or amoeboid. The term amoeboid is used to indicate an amoeba-like cell, and thus, sets the latter apart from the true amoeba (of the genus Amoeba). Looking at the structure of an amoeboid cell, one would find two major regions: the endoplasm and the ectoplasm. The endoplasm is the inner region that is granular and metabolically active whereas the ectoplasm is the outer region that is clear and contains large numbers of actin filaments. The actin filaments in the ectoplasm are responsible for making the latter contractile and somewhat flexible. The actin filaments are a type of cytoskeleton that can be identified from the other types by being relatively thin (with a diameter of about 7 nm) and comprised of actin subunits (especially F-actin proteins). The filaments form from actin polymerization through the aid of assembly proteins, such as motor proteins, capping proteins, and branching proteins. Other cytoskeleton types found in the cytoplasmic projections are microtubules and intermediate filaments.(1) Microtubules are large tubular structures with a diameter of about 25 nm. Intermediate filaments are a type of cytoskeleton with diameters ranging from 8 to 12 nm. The actin filaments are the thinnest cytoskeleton among the three. In the cell body, pseudopodia may be formed when the actin proteins polymerize and form chains. Cell protrusion is driven by a protrusive force by actin polymerization. Actins forming chains apparently provide the force that pushes the cell membrane in the direction of the movement. When a projection is formed, the rest of the cytoplasm slides forward, thus, moving the cell forward. This form of locomotion is referred to as an amoeboid movement. The direction may be determined by chemotaxis and formation may be impelled by the presence of chemical attractants. For instance, chemical attractants bind to G protein-coupled receptors of the cell membrane resulting in the activation of internal signal transduction pathways that ultimately lead to activating actin polymerization. The formation of actin results in the cell forming pseudopodium toward the direction of the source. Pseudopodia may also form without an external cue. Amoeboid cells may also form several pseudopodia all at once. Furthermore, a pseudopod may form from another pseudopod, and thus resemble the letter Y. Apart from the actin filaments, there is growing evidence indicating that microtubules as well seem to play a role in pseudopod formation, e.g. in actin rearrangements.(2) According to appearance (3), the types of pseudopodia are as follows: - lobopodia (bulbous) - filopodia (slender, thread-like) - reticulopodia (a network of pseudopods) - axopodia (thin pseudopods containing complex arrays of microtubules) - lamellipodia (broad and flat pseudopodia). An amoeba or amoeboid cell may form more than one type of pseudopodia. Lobopodia are a type of pseudopodia characterized by fingerlike, bulbous, bluntly rounded, tubular cytoplasmic projections. The pseudopod contains both ectoplasm and endoplasm. This type of pseudopodia is one of the distinctive features of the taxonomic group, Lobosa. They are also seen in certain Amoebozoa and Excavata. In humans, fibroblasts are amoeboid cells that form lobopodia as they travel through the extracellular matrix. Lobopodia are the most common form of pseudopodia in nature. Filipodia are a type of pseudopodia characterized by slender, threadlike cytoplasmic projections. They have pointed ends. The pseudopod contains chiefly ectoplasm. The actin filaments form loose bundles by cross-linking. Filose amoebae (members of the subphylum Filosa) are examples of amoeba cells that form filopodia. Reticulopodia are the type of pseudopodia characterized by a reticular network formation of cytoplasmic projections. The pseudopodia form reticulating nets. Examples of organisms forming reticulopodia are the reticulose amoebae (of subphylum Endomyxa) and foraminiferans (of phylum Foraminifera). These pseudopods are associated with food ingestion more often than locomotion. Axopodia (also called actinopodia) are a type of pseudopodia characterized by the thin cytoplasmic projections containing complex arrays of microtubules. The pseudopodia are narrow. They are chiefly used for phagocytosis and buoyancy. An example of organisms forming axopodial pseudopodia is the radiolarians. They help radiolarians stay buoyant. Lamellipodia are a type of pseudopodia characterized by broad and flat cytoplasmic projections. An example can be seen from Lecythium hyalinum, a testate amoeba. What are pseudopods used for? Pseudopodia in amoeba are used for locomotion, buoyancy, and food ingestion (phagocytosis). The type of cellular locomotion is used to be the basis for grouping animal-like protists (protozoans). Accordingly, protozoans may be divided into Sarcodina, Mastigophora, Ciliophora, and Sporozoa. Sarcodina includes protists that move using pseudopodia. Apart from the pseudopodia movement, protozoans may move through flagella (e.g. Mastigophora) or by cilia (e.g. Ciliophora). Those lacking any locomotory organ characterize the sporozoans. Members of subphylum Sarcodina move by a characteristic amoeboid movement, which is a crawling-like movement enabled by pseudopodia formation. Amoeba proteus, for example, has a cytoplasm consisting of a plasmasol (central portion) and a plasmagel (the portion surrounding the plasmasol). The plasmagel is converted to plasmasol and this causes the cytoplasm to slide and form a pseudopodium in front of the cell. As a result, the cell is able to move forward. Apart from locomotion, pseudopods may also be used in capturing prey and for feeding. Single-celled amoeboid cells feed on bacterial cells, other protists, and detritus. They surround the food particle with a pseudopod and convert it into a food vacuole. The ingestion of a food particle can be likened to a human white blood cell that performs phagocytosis. It detects a foreign material (called an antigen) and engulfs it by its pseudopod that surrounds the particle. Next, the engulfed particle is enveloped with a biological membrane inside the cell. This, then, fuses with the lysosomes for intracellular digestion. The genus Amoeba (true amoebae) is comprised of single-celled organisms that form pseudopodia. Members of this genus make use of these projections for locomotion and food ingestion. Through them, the amoebas are able to move away from an environment with harsh conditions. This is in addition to other vital mechanisms such as cyst formation and osmoregulation by way of their contractile vacuoles. Apart from the genus Amoeba, other protists that use pseudopod for analogous functions are the genera Entamoeba and Naegleria. These are medically-important protists as they cause diseases in humans. Entameoba histolytica, for instance, is a pseudopod-forming species that can cause amoebic dysentery. Another is Naegleria fowleri. It is an opportunistic parasite. It is commonly known as the brain-eating amoeba. This species is actually an amoeboflagellate that can enter a human host via the nostrils and then reach the brain tissue to feed on it. Other amoeboid cells that form pseudopodia are the phagocytic cells of humans. White blood cells, for instance, are cells responsible for the immune response of the body. They move and engulf foreign particles by forming pseudopods. They also perform phagocytosis to clear the body off unwanted cellular debris. The human mesenchymal stem cells are another example. They are migratory cells that form pseudopodia for locomotion. Try to answer the quiz below to check what you have learned so far about pseudopodia. - Tang, D. D. (2017). “The roles and regulation of the actin cytoskeleton, intermediate filaments and microtubules in smooth muscle cell migration”. Respiratory Research. 18: 54. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12931-017-0544-7 - Etienne-Manneville, S. (2004). “Actin and Microtubules in Cell Motility: Which One is in Control?”. Traffic. 5: 470–77. - Pseudopodia. (2019). Retrieved from Microworld website: https://www.arcella.nl/2421-2/ - Patterson, D. J. (n.d.). “Amoebae: Protists Which Move and Feed Using Pseudopodia”. Tree of Life Web Project. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree-of-Life-Web-Project - Bosgraaf, L. & Van Haastert, P. J. M. (2009). “The Ordered Extension of Pseudopodia by Amoeboid Cells in the Absence of External Cues”. PLoS One. 4 (4): 626–634. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0005253. - Phagocytosis. (2019). Retrieved from Gsu.edu website: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/Biology/phago.html - Rosales, C., & Uribe-Querol, E. (2017). Phagocytosis: A Fundamental Process in Immunity. BioMed Research International, 2017, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/9042851 © Biology Online. Content provided and moderated by Biology Online Editors
Art has always been a profound medium to express human emotions, ideas, and perceptions. Within the realm of artistic creation, various elements and principles combine to produce captivating visual compositions. One such element that has intrigued artists and designers throughout history is the concept of Line of Beauty. This article delves into the depths of Line of Beauty, exploring its definition, historical significance, and remarkable contributions to art and design. Definition of Line of Beauty The term “Line of Beauty” was first introduced by the eminent English artist William Hogarth in his treatise “The Analysis of Beauty” published in 1753. He described it as a graceful line possessing a flowing curvature that captures an inherent sense of beauty. The Line of Beauty is characterized by its sweeping arcs, elegant curves, and harmonious flow. It represents a dynamic movement that captivates the viewer’s eye, evoking a sense of aesthetic pleasure. It is important to note that the concept extends beyond mere physical lines; it encompasses all forms exhibiting beauty through their contours – whether they are actual lines or implied through shapes or objects within a composition. The Line of Beauty transcends the boundaries between mediums such as painting, sculpture, architecture, and design. Importance and Significance in Art and Design Line of Beauty serves as an essential foundation for artistic expression across different periods throughout history. Artists have intuitively recognized its power to evoke emotions within viewers’ minds. By incorporating this principle into their works, they could elicit feelings ranging from tranquility to excitement. In art history, renowned painters like Leonardo da Vinci skillfully employed Line Of Beauty in their compositions to enhance visual appeal. The Renaissance period witnessed an intense exploration and celebration of human anatomy through flowing contours that embodied gracefulness and natural proportions. Moreover, Line Of Beauty plays a pivotal role in defining architectural masterpieces. From the majestic curves of the Parthenon in ancient Greece to the intricate arches of Gothic cathedrals, architects have strategically utilized this concept to create visually striking structures that stand the test of time. In contemporary design, Line Of Beauty remains a guiding principle for graphic designers, fashion designers, and industrial designers alike. By incorporating flowing lines and graceful forms into their creations, designers can imbue their works with an elegant aesthetic that captures the attention and admiration of observers. Overall, Line Of Beauty serves as a fundamental element in art and design. Its importance lies not only in its ability to please the eye but also in its capacity to convey emotions, evoke moods, and create harmonious compositions. This article will further explore its historical roots, applications across various artistic mediums, psychological impact on viewers, manifestations in nature, and even its presence within literature and poetry. Origins of the Concept in Ancient Greek Art One cannot fully grasp the significance of Line of Beauty without first delving into its origins in ancient Greek art. The concept can be traced back to the writings of the renowned philosopher and art critic, Aristotle. In his treatise on aesthetics, Aristotle discussed the idea that there exists a certain harmony and gracefulness in curved lines that elicits a pleasing emotional response from viewers. This notion laid the foundation for what would later become known as Line of Beauty. Ancient Greek artists embraced this concept wholeheartedly, incorporating flowing and sinuous lines into their masterpieces. Notably, vase paintings from this era often featured figures with serpentine-like contours, which not only added a sense of fluidity and movement but also enhanced the overall aesthetic appeal. Influence on Renaissance Artists and their use of Line of Beauty The Renaissance period witnessed a revival in interest towards ancient Greek philosophy and art theories, leading to a renewed appreciation for Line of Beauty among artists. Inspired by the works of Aristotle, prominent Renaissance painters such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo used flowing lines to infuse their creations with a sense of grace and elegance. Leonardo da Vinci’s iconic masterpiece, “The Vitruvian Man,” exemplifies his understanding of Line of Beauty. The harmonious curves depicted in this drawing not only convey proportions but also evoke a sense of balance and perfection. Similarly, Michelangelo’s sculptures are renowned for their dynamic lines that breathe life into marble or bronze. Development and Evolution in Different Art Movements (Baroque, Rococo, Neoclassicism, etc.) The concept behind Line of Beauty continued to evolve over time with its interpretation varying across different art movements. In Baroque art, characterized by dramatic lighting and emotional intensity, artists such as Caravaggio utilized curvilinear lines to enhance the sense of movement and draw the viewer’s gaze. These lines helped create a dynamic interplay between light and shadow, adding depth and drama to their compositions. Rococo art, on the other hand, embraced more decorative elements with an emphasis on delicate curves and intricate ornamentation. Artists like Jean-Honoré Fragonard created whimsical scenes filled with swirling lines that exuded a sense of playfulness and elegance. During the Neoclassical era, there was a return to classical ideals inspired by ancient Greek and Roman art. Artists like Jacques-Louis David embraced clean and precise lines that reflected a sense of order and clarity. This departure from the organic curves seen in previous periods marked a shift in how Line of Beauty was interpreted within this context. Understanding Line of Beauty Characteristics and elements that define Line of Beauty In the realm of art and design, the concept of Line of Beauty encompasses a set of distinct characteristics and elements that contribute to its defining nature. One such key feature is the presence of flowing and graceful curves. These curves possess an inherent elegance and smoothness, captivating the viewer’s eye with their harmonious contours. The use of these curves creates a sense of organic movement within a composition, facilitating a visually pleasing experience. By incorporating soft, undulating lines, artists have the ability to infuse their works with a sense of natural beauty and grace. Flowing and graceful curves The flowing and graceful curves that are integral to Line of Beauty convey a sense of dynamic movement in an artwork or design. These curvilinear forms guide the viewer’s gaze along a visual journey, leading them through various elements within the composition. The fluidity in these lines evokes emotions such as serenity, elegance, and even excitement depending on their arrangement and intensity. It is through these curvilinear lines that artists can imbue their creations with life-like qualities or capture the essence of movement in static mediums. Dynamic movement and rhythm Line of Beauty thrives on dynamic movement and rhythm. It embodies an energy that animates an artwork or design by creating visual tension through contrasts in line weight, directionality, and curvature. Varied line weights contribute to this dynamism by defining areas of emphasis within an artwork while also establishing depth perception. Additionally, directional changes in these lines generate a sense of movement that engages viewers’ eyes as they traverse across the composition. This rhythmic quality adds vitality to artistic expressions by evoking a sense o Applications in Art and Design Paintings: How artists utilize Line of Beauty to create visually appealing compositions. In the realm of fine arts, Line of Beauty plays a vital role in creating visually captivating and harmonious paintings. Artists have long recognized the power of flowing and graceful curves to evoke a sense of beauty and aesthetic pleasure. By employing Line of Beauty, painters carefully incorporate curvilinear elements into their compositions, allowing the eye to wander effortlessly along these lines, resulting in a dynamic and engaging visual experience. One prominent example can be found in the works of Leonardo da Vinci, particularly in his masterpiece “The Last Supper.” In this iconic painting, da Vinci skillfully employs curved lines to guide the viewer’s gaze through the composition. The arcs created by the gestures and postures of each figure create a sense of movement while simultaneously enhancing the emotional impact of the scene. Sculptures: The use of flowing lines to convey a sense of movement and energy. Sculptors have also harnessed the power of Line of Beauty throughout history to imbue their creations with a sense of movement, vitality, and energy. By employing fluid lines and curvaceous forms in their sculptures, artists evoke a dynamic tension that captivates viewers’ attention. One exemplary sculptor known for incorporating Lineo f Beauty is Auguste Rodin. His famous sculpture “The Thinker” exemplifies how he expertly uses flowing lines to convey both physical tension within muscles as well as internal contemplation. The sinuous curves running through every inch of this artwork lend it an organic quality that resonates with viewers on an emotional level. Architecture: Incorporating Line Of Beauty into building designs to enhance aesthetic appeal. In architectural design, incorporating Line Of Beauty can transform structures into visually striking and emotionally evocative creations. Architects have long relied on the principles of Line of Beauty to add a sense of movement, rhythm, and elegance to their designs. An outstanding illustration of this is the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain, designed by Frank Gehry. The building’s curvilinear form creates a continuous flow that draws visitors in and around the structure. The use of Line Of Beauty not only enhances its aesthetic appeal but also influences the visitor’s experience within the museum as they are guided along these graceful lines. Graphic Design: Utilizing the principles of Line Of Beauty to create visually captivating logos, posters, etc. In graphic design, whether it’s logos, posters, or other visual mediums, incorporating Line Of Beauty can greatly enhance their visual impact. Designers recognize that by utilizing flowing lines and curves with a harmonious balance between simplicity and complexity, they can create compositions that are memorable and visually captivating. Take for instance the iconic logo of Nike—a swoosh symbolizing movement and energy. This simple yet powerful design element utilizes Line Of Beauty to evoke dynamism while embodying elegance and gracefulness simultaneously. By employing this principle throughout various graphic elements such as typography or illustrations, designers can create compelling visuals that resonate with audiences. Fashion Design: Incorporating flowing lines to enhance the elegance and gracefulness in clothing designs. In fashion design, Line Of Beauty plays a crucial role in creating garments that embody elegance and gracefulness. Fashion designers understand that utilizing flowing lines can enhance the fluidity of fabric draping while adding visual interest to clothing silhouettes. One notable designer known for incorporating Line Of Beauty into their designs is Christian Dior. His iconic “New Look” collection from 1947 showcased garments featuring cinched waists and voluminous skirts with soft draping—design elements that accentuate the feminine form and evoke a sense of gracefulness. By incorporating flowing lines into his designs, Dior revolutionized the fashion industry, creating timeless pieces that epitomize beauty and sophistication. Line Of Beauty finds its applications in various aspects of art and design. From paintings to sculptures, architecture to graphic design, and fashion design, its principles elevate visual compositions by imbuing them with enchanting curves, dynamic movement, and an overall sense of harmony. Incorporating Line Of Beauty not only enhances aesthetic appeal but also evokes emotional responses within viewers or users of these creations. It is a powerful tool in the hands of artists and designers who seek to create visually captivating experiences for their audience. The Psychological Impact How the presence or absence of Line Of beauty can affect our emotions The concept of Line of Beauty extends beyond its visual appeal; it also holds profound psychological implications. When we encounter an artwork or design that exhibits the qualities of Line of Beauty, it has the power to evoke a range of emotions within us. The flowing curves and dynamic movement found in such compositions have a mesmerizing effect, captivating our attention and stirring our senses. These aesthetically pleasing lines elicit feelings of joy, awe, and even a sense of tranquility. On the other hand, the absence or disregard for Line of Beauty can result in a different emotional response. When we encounter art or design lacking these graceful lines and harmonic flow, it may leave us feeling disconnected or disinterested. Straight lines and harsh angles can create a sense of rigidity and sterility that fails to engage our emotional faculties. Thus, understanding how to utilize Line of Beauty becomes crucial for artists and designers who aim to create impactful works that resonate with viewers on an emotional level. The role it plays in creating a sense harmony within an artwork Line of Beauty plays an essential role in creating harmony within an artwork by establishing a cohesive visual language. The flowing curves and rhythmic movements inherent in this artistic principle guide the viewer’s eye across the composition effortlessly. This fluidity fosters balance between various elements within the artwork, resulting in a harmonious overall aesthetic. By incorporating Line of Beauty into their compositions, artists can imbue their work with a sense of unity and coherence. The graceful curves act as connective threads that weave together disparate elements such as shapes, colors, textures, and even subject matter. This unifying effect helps create an organic whole where each component complements one another rather than competing for attention. When Line of Beauty is employed effectively in an artwork or design, it visually communicates a sense of balance and order. The flowing lines and symmetrical arrangements give the impression of stability and equilibrium, evoking a feeling of calmness within the viewer. This harmonious arrangement can be particularly powerful in creating a sense of serenity or tranquility, making Line of Beauty an essential tool in eliciting specific emotional responses from the audience. Overall, Line of Beauty serves as both an aesthetic principle and a psychological device, captivating our emotions and contributing to the creation of harmonious artworks. By harnessing its power, artists and designers can forge deeper connections with their audience while evoking profound emotional responses. Line of Beauty in Nature Exploring how natural forms often exhibit characteristics similar to Line of Beauty Nature, with its boundless beauty and intricate designs, has long served as a source of inspiration for artists and designers. One concept that finds resonance in nature is the Line of Beauty. This aesthetic principle manifests itself in various natural forms, captivating our senses and evoking a feeling of harmony and gracefulness. In the realm of seashells, the elegant spiraling patterns found in shells such as the chambered nautilus exhibit qualities reminiscent of the Line of Beauty. The gradual expansion and curving contours create a rhythmic flow that draws the eye along an enchanting journey. These organic curves create a sense of balance between simplicity and complexity, capturing our attention as they echo the graceful curves found in art. Waves crashing against a shoreline present another awe-inspiring example where we can observe the Line of Beauty in action. As each wave unfurls upon itself, it creates mesmerizing undulations that gracefully sweep across space. The fluid motion exhibits a dynamic energy that engages our senses, leaving us in awe of nature’s ability to manifest beauty through rhythmic lines. Examples from various natural phenomena such as seashells, waves, flowers etc. Flowers too are exquisite examples showcasing the presence of the Line of Beauty within nature’s bounty. Observe how petals unfurl with gentle curves from their center points outward. Whether it be roses, lilies or orchids, each blossom captivates us with its elegant lines that effortlessly guide our gaze from one petal to another. Nature’s meticulous attention to detail is evident as these delicate lines merge harmoniously to form striking compositions. The magnificent flight patterns displayed by birds also embody elements akin to the Line of Beauty. Watch as they soar through open skies drawing invisible arcs with their feathers outstretched. These graceful curves, executed with a sense of effortless grace, exemplify the inherent beauty found in the natural world. The sight of a flock of birds engaged in synchronized flight is not only visually captivating but also reminiscent of the fluid and harmonious lines often found in artistic compositions. Nature serves as a profound source of inspiration for artists and designers alike, offering abundant examples where the Line of Beauty can be observed. From seashells to waves, flowers to bird flight patterns, it is evident that nature has an innate understanding of aesthetics. The presence of flowing curves, rhythmic patterns, and balance between simplicity and complexity in these natural phenomena exemplifies the timeless allure of the Line of Beauty. As we immerse ourselves in the wonders bestowed by Mother Nature, we find ourselves captivated by her mastery at creating visually stunning compositions that inspire awe and ignite our creative spirits. Line Of beauty In Literature And Poetry The Melodic Flow of Words In the realm of literature and poetry, the concept of Line of Beauty finds its expression through the rhythmic arrangement and melodic flow of words. Writers harness the power of language to create imagery and evoke emotions in readers. The careful arrangement of sentences, phrases, and even individual words can emulate the graceful curves and dynamic movement that define Line of Beauty. Poets often use techniques such as alliteration, assonance, and meter to create a musicality in their verses. The repetition of sounds or patterns creates a sense of harmony and rhythm akin to the flowing curves found in visual art forms. Through these literary devices, poets aim to capture the reader’s attention and guide them through an aesthetically pleasing experience that reflects the principles inherent in Line of Beauty. Simplicity Amidst Complexity Line of Beauty in literature is not solely about melodic flow; it also encompasses an understanding that simplicity can exist within complexity. Writers skillfully weave intricate narratives with multiple layers, capturing elements that are both grandiose and minute. This balance between simplicity and complexity mirrors one aspect of Line of Beauty: where seemingly simple lines or concepts can contain depths worth exploring. For example, an elegantly crafted metaphor can simultaneously convey complex emotions while remaining accessible to readers. It allows them to appreciate the beauty within simplicity while contemplating deeper meanings beneath its surface. By incorporating Line of Beauty into their literary works, writers invite readers on a journey where they encounter captivating imagery which captures their imaginations while leaving room for personal interpretation. Throughout various forms of artistic expression — be it painting, sculpture, architecture, or literature — Line Of Beauty holds a significant role in captivating our senses. Its presence enhances visual appeal by infusing gracefulness and rhythm into compositions; its absence can create a void that leaves an artwork feeling incomplete. Beyond the visual realm, Line of Beauty finds resonance in literature and poetry, enriching our reading experiences through melodic flow and the simultaneous simplicity within complexity. By understanding and appreciating Line of Beauty, we gain insight into the aesthetics that surround us in both nature and artistic creations. This knowledge allows us to engage with art on a deeper level, recognizing the intricate balance between simplicity and complexity that lies at its core. It encourages us to seek beauty in unexpected places, fostering a greater appreciation for diverse art forms and inspiring our own creative endeavors. In embracing Line of Beauty’s principles, we discover that beauty is not limited to physical appearance but encompasses a harmonious arrangement of elements that pleases our senses and touches our souls. Let us cultivate an appreciation for Line of Beauty in all its forms, allowing it to guide us towards creating a world where aesthetic delight coexists with emotional depth—a world where harmony prevails.
In the northeastern United States, we often think of spring as a time for wildflowers. But the fall is, too. It is easy to be distracted by the beautiful fall foliage, when our landscape turns brilliant shades of red, orange, and yellow. But when many plants are shutting down for the winter, others are just kicking into gear. Many wildflower species bloom well into fall, both in open areas and in the forest understory. One group of plants are the fall blooming “asters.” In same plant family as sunflowers and dandelions (Asteraceae), Aster was once a very large plant genus in our native North American flora (somewhere along the lines of >175 species!), but as we learned more about the evolutionary relationships of these plants, they have since been split into multiple genera (plural of genus). In fact, there is only one “true” Aster in Pennsylvania, Tatarian aster (Aster tataricus), which is actually not even native to Pennsylvania! Regardless of the scientific name, these plants are commonly referred to as asters. And they put on quite an autumn show in Pennsylvania. Perhaps one of the most common woodland asters in Pennsylvania is white wood aster (Eurybia divaricata, formerly known as Aster divaricatus). This specimen was collected September 29, 1967 by N.R. Farnsworth in Pittsburgh’s Schenley Park. This species can still be found in Schenley Park, and many parks, woodlands, and wooded roadsides across Eastern North America. Fall foliage is beautiful in Pennsylvania. But don’t forget to look down at the flowers, too! Find this white wood aster specimen here: https://midatlanticherbaria.org/portal/collections/individual/index.php?occid=11826562 Check back for more! Botanists at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History share digital specimens from the herbarium on dates they were collected. They are in the midst of a three-year project to digitize nearly 190,000 plant specimens collected in the region, making images and other data publicly available online. This effort is part of the Mid-Atlantic Megalopolis Project (mamdigitization.org), a network of thirteen herbaria spanning the densely populated urban corridor from Washington, D.C. to New York City to achieve a greater understanding of our urban areas, including the unique industrial and environmental history of the greater Pittsburgh region. This project is made possible by the National Science Foundation under grant no. 1801022. Mason Heberling is Assistant Curator of Botany at Carnegie Museum of Natural History. Museum employees are encouraged to blog about their unique experiences and knowledge gained from working at the museum.
The pharyngeal tonsils are also known as the adenoids. They’re one of the 3 types of tonsils in your lymphatic system. The pharyngeal tonsils are basically clusters of lymphatic tissue that can be found in the back of the nose right above the roof of your mouth. However, someone can’t just find the pharyngeal tonsils simply by looking down your mouth. As a baby grows, so do their pharyngeal tonsils. But these reach their largest size when the child is between 3 to 5 years old. Then the pharyngeal tonsils begin to grow smaller as the child turns 7 or 8 years old. The adenoids are barely visible by the time the child reaches their late teens, and the pharyngeal tonsils completely disappear as the child becomes an adult. The pharyngeal tonsils are important for children because they’re part of the first line of defense for the immune system and the human body. The pharyngeal tonsils feature small hairs called cilia that move in a rhythmic pattern. This movement helps to spread the mucus down the pharynx. The mucus is also part of the human body’s defense system, as it captures foreign particles such as dust and infectious bacteria. The pharyngeal tonsils help to carry the mucus to the stomach so the foreign particles can then be flushed away. The pharyngeal tonsils also help to create antibodies, and this is also one of their functions as part of the immune system. One of the more common problems for pharyngeal tonsils in children is enlarged adenoids. This can be a problem which a child is born with, or the pharyngeal tonsils can become swollen because of an infection. The doctor can use x-rays to detect the condition. They also feel the throat for swelling or use an endoscope to check the inside of the throat. When the pharyngeal tonsils are enlarged, they can block proper air flow and sinus drainage in the body. Sleep can be disrupted. The patient can experience restless sleep, sleep apnea, and snoring. The patient can also get a runny nose, cracked lips, dry mouth, ear infections, and bad breath. They may breathe loudly as well. If the problem is temporary, the ENT doctor may prescribe over-the-counter pain killers along with a series of antibiotics or a nasal spray. The problem has to be treated because temporary enlarged adenoids can become a permanent condition. The enlarged pharyngeal tonsils can also be removed using a process called adenoidectomy. This process is needed if the condition is causing long-term issues. The adenoidectomy needs only 30 minutes to complete. Since ENT problem is quite different from case to case, it is suggested to consult an ENT Specialist for the appropriate ENT services. HK ENT Specialist Ltd. Hong Kong based ENT clinic centre For ENT Services, Audiology & Speech Therapy, Sleep Disordered Breathing Management, Hearing Aid Prescription & Medical Cosmetic Services
Consider the pigeon: often maligned, sometimes appreciated, and ubiquitous in cities worldwide, they’re a symbol of urban life—so much so, in fact, that the condition of their bodies is a literal reflection of the environments they share with us. Scientists have previously found that pigeon feathers are a convenient biomarker of urban heavy metal pollution. And in a new study published in the journal Biological Conservation, researchers led by Frédéric Jiguet, an ornithologist at the French Museum of Natural History, turn their attentions towards pigeon feet. Eagle-eyed urbanites will have noticed that these are prone to strange lumps and missing digits. The causes are debated: perhaps it’s disease, or standing in excrement, or the chemical and mechanical measures used to discourage perching. Another possibility is what’s known as “stringfeet,” produced when a string or hair wraps around a pigeon’s digits, cutting off circulation until the tissue dies and falls off. To investigate, Jiguet’s team measured pigeon health and local environmental conditions at 46 sites around Paris, France. They found no correlation between foot deformities and immune system status, suggesting disease was not to blame. Furthermore, when a bird had one mutilated foot, the other foot was no more likely than usual to be similarly deformed. Were a pathogen involved, both feet would be afflicted. But the researchers did find a link between foot deformities and air and noise pollution. They don’t think that pollution itself causes harm; rather, they’re proxies for human activity and population density, which in turn result in pigeons encountering more hair and string. Conversely, where locales had more parks and natural areas, rates of foot deformities decreased. Though pigeons are certainly exposed to plenty of pathogens, “as long as their toes are concerned, pigeons are victims of urban human-based pollution,” write Jiguet and colleagues. The implications are twofold. First of all, “we should pay attention to better manage our street wastes to protect wildlife health,” the researchers write. “There is no ethical reason for accepting that pigeons should suffer from mutilation due to human development without trying to reduce their pain.” Secondly, because pigeon health is so tightly bound with local circumstances—their home ranges are about one-third the size of a typical Manhattan city block—their physical state is telling. Just as people can measure their feather composition to gauge local conditions, so can we “also count on their fingers,” advise Jiguet’s team. When pigeon feet are deformed, it’s a sign that the neighborhood needs less trash and more greenery. Source: Jiguet et al. “Urban pigeons loosing toes due to human activities.” Biological Conservation, 2019. Image: Phineas Gage via Flickr CC About the author: Brandon Keim is a freelance journalist specializing in animals, nature and science, and the author of The Eye of the Sandpiper: Stories From the Living World. Connect with him on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
We use will: - to express beliefs about the present or future - to talk about what people want to do or are willing to do - to make promises, offers and requests. would is the past tense form of will. Because it is a past tense, it is used: - to talk about the past - to talk about hypotheses (when we imagine something) - for politeness. John will be in his office. (present) We'll be late. (future) We will have to take the train. (future) We use would as the past of will, to describe past beliefs about the future: I thought we would be late, so we would have to take the train. We use will: - to talk about what people want to do or are willing to do: We'll see you tomorrow. Perhaps Dad will lend me the car. - to talk about typical behaviour, things that we often do (because we are willing to do them): We always spend our holidays at our favourite hotel at the seaside. We'll get up early every morning and have a quick breakfast then we'll go across the road to the beach. We use would as the past tense of will: - to talk about what people wanted to do or were willing to do in the past: We had a terrible night. The baby wouldn't go to sleep. Dad wouldn't lend me the car, so we had to take the train. - to talk about typical behaviour, things that we often did (because we were willing to do them) in the past: When they were children they used to spend their holidays at their grandmother's at the seaside. They'd get up early every morning and have a quick breakfast. Then they'd run across the road to the beach. Promises, offers and requests We use I will or We will to make promises and offers: I'll give you a lift home after the party. We'll come and see you next week. We use Will you … ? or Would you … ? to make requests: Will you carry this for me, please? Would you please be quiet? - will and would 1 - will and would 2 - will and would 3 Hypotheses and conditionals We use will in conditionals to say what we think will happen in the present or future: I'll give her a call if I can find her number. You won't get in unless you have a ticket. We use would to make hypotheses: - when we imagine a situation: It would be very expensive to stay in a hotel. I would give you a lift, but my wife has the car today. - in conditionals: I would give her a call if I could find her number. If I had the money, I'd buy a new car. You would lose weight if you took more exercise. If he got a new job, he would probably make more money. What if he lost his job? What would happen then? We also use conditionals to give advice : Dan will help you if you ask him. Past tenses are more polite: Dan would help you if you asked him. - will and would: hypotheses and conditionals See also: Verbs in time clauses and conditionals Expressions with would - would you…, would you mind (not) -ing for requests: Would you carry this for me, please? Would you mind carrying this? Would you mind not telling him until tomorrow? - would you like ..., would you like to ... for offers and invitations: Would you like another drink? Would you like to come round tomorrow? - I would like …, I'd like … (you)(to) ... to say what we want or what we want to do: I'd like that one, please. I'd like to go home now. - I'd rather… (= I would rather) to say what we prefer: I'd rather have the new one, not the old one. I don't want another drink. I'd rather go home. - I would think, I would imagine, I'd guess to give an opinion when we are not sure or when we want to be polite: It's very difficult, I would imagine. I would think that's the right answer.
Scientists at Ocean Alliance, a non-profit dedicated to conservation efforts, have found a creative new application for drones (unmanned aerial vehicles or UAVs) with advanced vision systems: studying whales in their natural habitat. The non-profit is gathering vital scientific data on what affects the well-being of individual whales, as well as how human activity impacts entire whale populations. Scientists Get Closer Than Ever Before Being out on the water next to a 150-ton whale can be extremely dangerous. While scientists at Ocean Alliance can now study whales from a safe distance, they can also get closer than they had been able to in the past. High-resolution cameras on the drone provide unobstructed views straight into the whale’s lungs. The drones also fly far above the water so that scientists can observe whale behavior that is undisturbed by human presence. These drones are even equipped with petri dishes, so when a whale surfaces and exhales through it’s blowhole, scientists can collect rare genetic and hormonal data from the whale’s mucus. This is a revolutionary approach to studying whale behavior and populations. Will Drones Play a Major Role in Scientific Research Going Forward? The CEO of Ocean Alliance, Dr. Iain Kerr, called this method of research “replicable and powerful.” Adding to the research potential of these drones is the significantly lower cost factor – around $2000 - than a more sophisticated research tool, which can cost upwards of $50,000. Kerr went on to say that this type of drone-led research was not just to study one population of whales – it was to study whale populations for 10, 20 or even 50 years – a testament to the disruptive yet innovative impact these drones have had. Drones go where humans can’t, and advanced vision systems provide imagery that’s never been accessible before. Looking for the right camera for your drones? Learn about Dalsa’s Calibir.
Maximize Practice in Class Enjoy some tips to MAXIMIZE STUDENTS PRACTICE and PARTICIPATION in your lessons. - Use real examples when you teach a part of language. Use examples from your own life. - Ask students about their lives or pop culture references using the target language. - Understand when a student is reluctant to participate (especially first). - Use personal photos or Instagram and encourage them to use Instagram in class to use the target language to talk about the photos. - Create tasks based on the photos for the students to use the target language. Find common examples from: - movie lines
Diseases & Conditions This article addresses hip dislocation that results from a traumatic injury. To learn about pediatric developmental hip dislocation, please read Developmental Dislocation (Dysplasia) of the Hip (DDH). To learn about dislocation after total hip replacement, please read Total Hip Replacement. A traumatic hip dislocation occurs when the head of the thighbone (femur) is forced out of its socket in the hip bone (pelvis). It typically takes a major force to dislocate the hip. Car accidents and falls from significant heights are common causes and, as a result, other injuries like broken bones often occur with the dislocation. A hip dislocation is a serious medical emergency. Immediate treatment is necessary. The hip is a ball-and-socket joint. - The socket is formed by the acetabulum, which is part of the large pelvis bone. - The ball is the femoral head, which is the upper end of the femur. A smooth tissue called articular cartilage covers the surface of the ball and the socket. It creates a low friction surface that helps the bones glide easily across each other. The acetabulum is ringed by strong fibrocartilage called the labrum. The labrum forms a gasket around the socket, creating a tight seal and helping to provide stability to the joint. Strong bands of tissue called ligaments provide additional stability to the hip joint. When there is a hip dislocation, the femoral head is pushed either backward out of the socket, or forward. - Posterior dislocation. In approximately 90% of hip dislocation patients, the femur is pushed out of the socket in a backward direction. This is called a posterior dislocation. A posterior dislocation leaves the lower leg in a fixed position, with the knee and foot rotated in toward the middle of the body. - Anterior dislocation. When the femur slips out of its socket in a forward direction, the hip will be bent only slightly, and the knee and foot will rotate out and away from the middle of the body. When the hip dislocates, the ligaments, labrum, muscles, and other soft tissues holding the bones in place are often damaged, as well. The nerves around the hip may also be injured. Motor vehicle collisions are the most common cause of traumatic hip dislocations. The dislocation often occurs when the knee hits the dashboard in a collision. This force drives the thigh backwards, which drives the ball head of the femur out of the hip socket. Wearing a seatbelt can greatly reduce your risk of hip dislocation during a collision. A fall from a significant height (such as from a ladder) or an industrial accident can also generate enough force to dislocate a hip. While far less common, hip dislocations can result from a collision while playing a sport, like football or hockey. With hip dislocations, there are often other related injuries, such as fractures in the pelvis and legs; and back, abdominal, knee, and head injuries. Perhaps the most common fracture occurs when the head of the femur hits and breaks off the back part of the hip socket during the injury. This is called a posterior wall acetabular fracture-dislocation. A hip dislocation is very painful. Patients are unable to move the leg, and, if there is nerve damage, they may not have any feeling in the foot or ankle area. A hip dislocation is a medical emergency. Call for help immediately. Do not try to move the injured person, and keep them warm with blankets. When hip dislocation is the only injury, an orthopaedic surgeon can often diagnose it simply by looking at the position of the leg. Because hip dislocations often occur with additional injuries, however, your doctor will complete a thorough physical evaluation. Your doctor will order imaging tests, such as X-rays and likely a CT scan, to show the exact position of the dislocated bones, as well as any additional fractures in the hip or femur. If there are no other injuries, you will receive an anesthetic or a sedative, and an orthopaedic doctor will manipulate the bones back into their proper position. This is called a reduction. In some cases, the reduction must be done in the operating room with anesthesia. In rare cases, torn soft tissues or small bony fragments block the femur from going back into the socket. When this occurs, surgery is required to remove the loose tissues and correctly position the bones. Following reduction, the surgeon will request another set of X-rays, and possibly a computed tomography (CT) scan, to make sure the bones are in the proper position. If the hip joint is successfully reduced and there is no associated fracture of the femoral head (ball) or acetabulum (socket), nonsurgical treatment may be appropriate. In this case, you will likely not be able to put weight through your leg for 6 to 10 weeks and will be advised to avoid putting your injured leg in certain positions as you heal. Surgical treatment may be required if there are fractures associated with the dislocation, or if the hip is unstable even after reduction. The goals of surgery are to restore hip joint stability and to restore the cartilage surfaces to their normal positions. Typically, this requires a large incision, and the surgery may result in a lot of blood loss. Patients may require a blood transfusion during or after this surgery. A hip dislocation can have long-term consequences, particularly if there are associated fractures. - Nerve injury. As the femur is pushed out of the socket, particularly in posterior dislocations, it can crush and stretch nerves in the hip. The sciatic nerve, which extends from the lower back down the back of the legs, is the nerve most commonly affected. Injury to the sciatic nerve may cause weakness in the lower leg and affect the ability to move the knee, ankle and foot normally. Sciatic nerve injury occurs in approximately 10% of hip dislocation patients. The majority of these patients will experience some nerve recovery. - Osteonecrosis. As the femur is pushed out of the socket, it can tear blood vessels. When blood supply to the bone is lost, the bone can die, resulting in osteonecrosis (also called avascular necrosis). This is a painful condition that can ultimately lead to the destruction of the hip joint, and arthritis. - Arthritis. The protective cartilage covering the bone may also be damaged, which increases the risk of developing arthritis in the joint. Arthritis can eventually lead to the need for other procedures, like a total hip replacement. It takes time — sometimes 2 to 3 months — for the hip to heal after a dislocation. The rehabilitation time may be longer if there are additional fractures. The doctor may recommend limiting hip motion for several weeks to protect the hip from dislocating again. Physical therapy is often recommended during recovery. Patients often begin walking with crutches within a short time. Walking aids, such as walkers, crutches, and, eventually, canes, help patients regain their mobility. Contributed and/or Updated by AAOS does not endorse any treatments, procedures, products, or physicians referenced herein. This information is provided as an educational service and is not intended to serve as medical advice. Anyone seeking specific orthopaedic advice or assistance should consult his or her orthopaedic surgeon, or locate one in your area through the AAOS Find an Orthopaedist program on this website.
An image sensor is a device that converts light into electrical signals that can be processed into digital images. These sensors are crucial to space exploration because they help scientists and engineers study planets, stars, and other celestial objects. Image Credit: nmedia/Shutterstock.com Image sensors, also known as camera sensors, capture images in space. The cameras use sensors that convert light into digital signals that are later processed into images. Image Sensors in Space Image sensors in space work on the same principles as image sensors used in digital cameras and smartphones. The sensors convert light into electrical signals that can be processed into digital images. However, image sensors used in space must be designed to withstand the harsh radiation and temperature conditions present in space. Image sensors work by detecting photons of light that enter the sensor through a lens. The photons strike a semiconductor material, which produces electrons. The electrons produced by the semiconductor material are collected in individual pixels on the image sensor. Each pixel collects electrons proportional to the amount of light that enters the sensor. The electrons collected by each pixel are then converted into a digital signal. This signal is then processed by the spacecraft's onboard computer to create a digital image. Advancements in Image Sensors for Space Technologies There have been significant advancements in image sensing in recent years, with particular emphasis on improving the resolution, sensitivity, and durability of image sensors. These efforts have produced new kinds of image sensors that are highly effective for space applications. Backside-illuminated sensors are image sensors with their light-sensitive layer on the backside of the sensor. These sensors are more sensitive to light and have better low-light performance than traditional image sensors. Time-delayed integration sensors are image sensors that use a technique called time-delayed integration to capture images. Time-delayed integration involves integrating the signal from the sensor over a longer period than traditional sensors. This technique results in higher sensitivity and lower noise levels. Radiation-hardened sensors are image sensors designed to withstand the harsh radiation environment in space. The sensors are built with materials resistant to radiation and have shielding to protect them from radiation. These types of sensors are becoming increasingly popular in space applications because they can capture high-quality images even in challenging lighting conditions, withstand the radiation environment, and continue functioning correctly. Applications of Image Sensors in Space The applications of image sensors in space are vast and diverse, ranging from earth observation to planetary observation and astronomy. Earth observation is the study of the planet's physical, chemical, and biological characteristics from space. Image sensors play a vital role in this process. Satellites equipped with image sensors can capture images of the earth's surface, oceans, and atmosphere. The images help scientists and researchers monitor the environment, track natural disasters, and study climate change. Planetary exploration involves the study of planets and other celestial objects in our solar system. Image sensors are used in spacecraft that are sent to study planets such as Mars, Venus, and Jupiter. The sensors capture images of the planet's surface, atmosphere, and other features. The images help scientists understand the geology, weather, and other characteristics of the planet. Astronomy is the study of the universe and its celestial objects. Image sensors are used in telescopes and observatories to capture images of stars, galaxies, and other celestial objects. The images help astronomers understand the properties and behavior of these objects. The Curiosity Rover is a NASA spacecraft sent to Mars in 2012. The rover is equipped with a Mast Camera (MastCam) that uses two 2-megapixel color sensors. The MastCam has been instrumental in capturing high-resolution images of the Martian landscape and helping scientists study the geology and environmental conditions on Mars. The Landsat program is a joint venture between NASA and the United States Geological Survey (USGS). The program has been operating for over 40 years and has been instrumental in studying the earth's environment. The Landsat satellites are equipped with image sensors that capture images of the earth's surface, oceans, and atmosphere. The photos help scientists monitor the environment, track natural disasters, and study climate change. The Hubble Space Telescope is a space observatory that was launched in 1990. The telescope is equipped with several image sensors that capture images of the universe. The images captured by the Hubble Space Telescope have been instrumental in advancing our understanding of the universe. Image sensors have become a crucial component in various space missions. They are used for earth observation, planetary exploration, and astronomy. The latest advancements in image sensors for space have focused on improving the resolution, sensitivity, and durability of image sensors. Backside-illuminated sensors, time-delayed integration sensors, and radiation-hardened sensors are some of the latest advancements in image sensors for space. As technology continues to advance, image sensors will become even more critical in advancing our understanding of the universe. References and Further Reading Image Sensors Enhance Camera Technologies. (2010). NASA Spinoff. Available at: https://spinoff.nasa.gov/Spinoff2010/cg_3.html Innocent, M., Cools, T. et al. (2017). HAS3: A radiation tolerant CMOS image sensor for space applications. ON Semiconductor. Available at: https://www.imagesensors.org/Past%20Workshops/2017%20Workshop/2017%20Papers/P12_innocent_2.pdf Jerram, P., & Stefanov, K. (2020). 9 - CMOS and CCD image sensors for space applications. High Performance Silicon Imaging (Second Edition), pp. 255-287. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-102434-8.00009-X Kim, W.-T., Park, C., Lee, H., Lee, I., & Lee, B.-G. (2019). A High Full Well Capacity CMOS Image Sensor for Space Applications. Sensors. Available at: doi.org/10.3390/s19071505
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