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Dataset Card for JMultiWOZ

Dataset Summary

JMultiWOZ is a large-scale Japanese multi-domain task-oriented dialogue dataset. The dataset is collected using the Wizard-of-Oz (WoZ) methodology, where two human annotators simulate the user and the system. The dataset contains 4,246 dialogues across 6 domains, including restaurant, hotel, attraction, shopping, taxi, and weather. Available annotations include user goal, dialogue state, and utterances.

Supported Tasks

  • Dialogue State Tracking: The dataset can be used to train models for dialogue state tracking, which is the task of predicting the user's belief state at each turn in the dialogue.
  • Dialogue Generation: The dataset can be used to train models for dialogue generation, which is the task of generating a response given the dialogue history.


The text in the dataset is in Japanese (ja).

Dataset Usage

from datasets import load_dataset

dataset = load_dataset("nu-dialogue/jmultiwoz", trust_remote_code=True)

Dataset Structure

Data Instances

A data instance is a full multi-turn dialogue between a USER and a SYSTEM. Each turn has an utterance:

  "かしこまりました。ではWITH THE STYLE FUKUOKAはいかがでしょうか。"

SYSTEM turn also has a dialogue_state which contains belief_state, book_state, db_result, and book_result:


  "domain": ["general", "general", "hotel", ...],
  "slot": ["active_domain", "city", "pricerange", ...],
  "value": ["hotel", "福岡", "普通", ...]


  "domain": ["hotel", "hotel", "hotel", ...],
  "slot": ["people", "day", "stay", ...],
  "value": [None, None, None, ...]


  "candidate_entities": ["WITH THE STYLE FUKUOKA", "ANA クラウンプラザホテル福岡", ...],
  "active_entity": {
    "slot": ["city", "name", "genre", ...],
    "value": ["福岡", "WITH THE STYLE FUKUOKA", "リゾートホテル", ...]

Data Fields

Each dialogue instance has the following fields:

  • dialogue_id (int32): A unique identifier for the dialogue.
  • dialogue_name (string): A name for the dialogue.
  • system_name (string): The name of the wizard.
  • user_name (string): The name of the user.
  • goal (sequence): The user's goal for the dialogue.
    • domain (string): The domain of the goal.
    • task (string): The task of the goal.
    • slot (string): The slot of the goal.
    • value (string): The value of the goal.
  • goal_description (sequence): A description of the user's goal.
    • domain (string): The domain of the goal.
    • text (string): The text of the goal.
  • turns (sequence): The turns in the dialogue.
    • turn_id (int32): A unique identifier for the turn.
    • speaker (string): The speaker of the turn.
    • utterance (string): The utterance of the turn.
    • dialogue_state (struct): The dialogue state of the turn.
      • belief_state (sequence): The belief state of the turn.
        • domain (string): The domain of the belief state.
        • slot (string): The slot of the belief state.
        • value (string): The value of the belief state.
      • book_state (sequence): The book state of the turn.
        • domain (string): The domain of the book state.
        • slot (string): The slot of the book state.
        • value (string): The value of the book state.
      • db_result (struct): The database result of the turn.
        • candidate_entities (sequence): The candidate entities of the database result.
          • entity_name (string): The name of the entity.
        • active_entity (sequence): The active entity of the database result.
          • slot (string): The slot of the active entity.
          • value (string): The value of the active entity.
      • book_result (sequence): The book result of the turn.
        • domain (string): The domain of the book result.
        • success (string): The success of the book result.
        • ref (string): The reference of the book result.

Data Splits

The dataset is split into a train, validation, and test split with the following sizes:

train validation test
Number of dialogues 3646 300 300
Number of turns 52,405 4,346 4,435

Citation Information

    title = "JMultiWOZ: A Large-Scale Japanese Multi-Domain Task-Oriented Dialogue Dataset",
    author = "Ohashi, Atsumoto and Hirai, Ryu and Iizuka, Shinya and Higashinaka, Ryuichiro",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation",
    year = "2024",
    url = "",
    pages = "",
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Models trained or fine-tuned on nu-dialogue/jmultiwoz