why get shot in diabetic bleeding eyes
[ { "docid": "3245211", "title": "Points to Remember", "text": "Diabetic retinopathy involves changes to retinal blood vessels that can cause them to bleed or leak fluid, distorting vision. Diabetic retinopathy is the most common cause of vision loss among people with diabetes and a leading cause of blindness among working-age adults. DME is a consequence of diabetic retinopathy that causes swelling in the area of the retina called the macula." } ]
[ { "docid": "8276409", "title": "Metformin high dosage and bleeding episode: A clinical case study", "text": "Metformin is a widely used drug for diabetic patients. For sure, its adverse effects can be expected. In this report, the author described an interesting case study of a bleeding episode in a patient, due to the high dosage of oral metformin. In general, epistaxis has been reported in very few subjects taking metformin." }, { "docid": "4480790", "title": "Medications to Treat Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy", "text": "How to Find Nerve Pain Relief. Medications are used to control the pain associated with peripheral diabetic neuropathy. Unfortunately, at this time, there aren’t any medications to treat and prevent diabetic nerve pain (another name for diabetic neuropathy); the only way to do that is through careful control of blood glucose levels. There are many medication options to relieve pain associated with peripheral nerve damage." }, { "docid": "5042848", "title": "Jagged Edge", "text": "Directors like to talk about playing the audience like a piano, about making movies that are efficient machines for assaulting our emotions. Jagged Edge is a movie like that, a murder thriller that dangles one clue after another before our eyes, daring us to decide who committed the murder. The machinery in this movie is so efficient that we don't know the answer until the very last shot - and I'll be getting back to that last shot in a moment." }, { "docid": "7677819", "title": "Diabetes drugs and supplies covered by Medicare Part D", "text": "Medicare Part D is very specific about what medications are covered for diabetes. These include anti-diabetic drugs and insulin. Anti-diabetic drugs include medications in the following four categories: Biguanides, such as metformin." }, { "docid": "3676229", "title": "Jo Cox MP dead after shooting attack", "text": "Image caption Jo Cox was the Labour MP for Batley and Spen. An MP has died after she was shot and stabbed in a horrific assault in her constituency, police have said. Jo Cox, Labour MP for Batley and Spen, was left bleeding on the ground after the attack in Birstall, West Yorkshire." }, { "docid": "1620313", "title": "I have been bleeding for a month straight and i dont know what the ****, wen i have sex i bleed even heavier?", "text": "If bleeding persists longer or heavy bleeding begins, see your doctor. If you're menopausal or postmenopausal and aren't on hormone therapy, any vaginal bleeding means you need to see your doctor. In girls who haven't gone through puberty, any vaginal bleeding is cause for concern. Newborn girls may experience some vaginal bleeding for a few days — any vaginal bleeding beyond that should be investigated. In general, if you're experiencing unexpected vaginal bleeding, consult ..." }, { "docid": "7365418", "title": "-", "text": "Mangrove snapper are on the upswing. Published: July 24, 2014. GO FISHING is a look at the area fishing scene through the eyes of local charter boat captains and guides. Today: Ray Markham. Sometimes fish that normally are caught offshore move inside bays and become targets for anglers who might otherwise never get a shot at them." }, { "docid": "3492237", "title": "Eye health guide", "text": "Subconjunctival haemorrhage (bleeding in the eye). Subconjunctival haemorrhage is bleeding in the whites of the eyes caused by burst blood vessels. A subconjunctival haemorrhage appears as a bright red or dark red patch in the eye. Picture of subconjunctival haemorrhage." }, { "docid": "6146801", "title": "Diabetic Food List", "text": "List of Best and Worst Diabetic Foods It is important for a diabetic to eat a well-balanced diet with foods from each food group. There are “best” and “worst” foods to include in your diet." }, { "docid": "7976518", "title": "Bleeding in the brain", "text": "1 Bleeding in the brain and Brain symptoms (40 causes) 2 Bleeding in the brain and Nerve symptoms (38 causes) 3 Bleeding in the brain and Bleeding symptoms (37 causes) Bleeding in the brain and Head symptoms (37 causes)" }, { "docid": "5875569", "title": "What Is Diabetic Myonecrosis?", "text": "Diabetic myonecrosis or diabetic muscle infarction (DMI) is a rare diabetic complication. It occurs in poorly controlled diabetic patients. It is generally caused by an infarcted muscle tissue, usually in the thigh muscle.It is usually found in adults and in association with neuropathy, nephropathy, retinopathy and hypertension. The major symptom of diabetic myonecrosis is the severe onset of muscle pain, generally occurs in the thigh muscle.Diabetic muscle infarction usually occurs in the later stages of diabetes. There are several causes why diabetics may feel the pain and muscle pain is a common pain complaint.he major symptom of diabetic myonecrosis is the severe onset of muscle pain, generally occurs in the thigh muscle. Diabetic muscle infarction usually occurs in the later stages of diabetes." }, { "docid": "6260503", "title": "-", "text": "Contrast material may be used during MRI to show abnormal tissue more clearly. An MRI scan can be done for the: 1 Head. 2 MRI can look at the brain for tumors, an aneurysm, bleeding in the brain, nerve injury, and other problems, such as damage caused by a stroke. MRI can look at the brain for tumors, an aneurysm, bleeding in the brain, nerve injury, and other problems, such as damage caused by a stroke. 2 MRI can also find problems of the eyes and optic nerves, and the ears and auditory nerves." }, { "docid": "7879480", "title": "Foot Ulcers â Types, Treatment, and Symptoms", "text": "Diabetic ulcers are the most common foot injuries leading to lower extremity amputation. Family physicians have a pivotal role in the prevention or early diagnosis of diabetic foot complications." }, { "docid": "7643776", "title": "-", "text": "Diabetic foot complications are the most common cause of nontraumatic lower extremity amputations in the industrialized world. The vast majority of diabetic foot complications resulting in amputation begin with the formation of skin ulcers." }, { "docid": "1079914", "title": "Diabetic Neuropathy: Causes and Symptoms", "text": "Diabetic Neuropathy: Causes and Symptoms The many factors that lead to diabetic nerve pain" }, { "docid": "6316871", "title": "-", "text": "Symptoms of polycythemia include symptoms related to excessive thickening of the blood, such as reddened face, bleeding of the gums, dizziness, and itchiness.Polycythemia can also affect the eyes and ears, leading to blurred vision or tinnitus.ymptoms of polycythemia include symptoms related to excessive thickening of the blood, such as reddened face, bleeding of the gums, dizziness, and itchiness." }, { "docid": "1866310", "title": "Musculoskeletal Complications of Diabetes Mellitus", "text": "Hands are a target for several diabetes-related complications. Diabetic cheiroarthropathy, also known as diabetic stiff hand syndrome or limited joint mobility syndrome, is found in 8–50% of all patients with type 1 diabetes and is also seen in type 2 diabetic patients. The prevalence increases with duration of diabetes." }, { "docid": "6787065", "title": "Overview", "text": "There are two types of diabetic retinopathy: 1 Early diabetic retinopathy. In this more common form — called nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) — new blood vessels aren't growing (proliferating). 2 Advanced diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy can progress to this more severe type, known as proliferative diabetic retinopathy. 3 Symptoms." }, { "docid": "1079909", "title": "What is peripheral neuropathy?", "text": "In the U.S., diabetic neuropathy is the main cause of foot problems and ulcers in people with diabetes. Around half of all people with diabetes are believed to have diabetic neuropathy. What is Diabetic Neuropathy?" }, { "docid": "1651812", "title": "Overview", "text": "Radiculoplexus neuropathy (diabetic amyotrophy). Radiculoplexus neuropathy affects nerves in the thighs, hips, buttocks or legs. Also called diabetic amyotrophy, femoral neuropathy or proximal neuropathy, this condition is more common in people with type 2 diabetes and older adults.adiculoplexus neuropathy (diabetic amyotrophy). Radiculoplexus neuropathy affects nerves in the thighs, hips, buttocks or legs. Also called diabetic amyotrophy, femoral neuropathy or proximal neuropathy, this condition is more common in people with type 2 diabetes and older adults." }, { "docid": "7311903", "title": "Cataracts, Blindness, and Diabetic Dogs", "text": "Diabetic dogs can live healthy lives. Unfortunately, a common complication of diabetes in dogs is cataracts (cloudy lenses). In fact, 75% of dogs develop cataracts and blindness in both eyes within 9 months of being diagnosed with diabetes. The cataracts develop very quickly—sometimes overnight!" }, { "docid": "3649039", "title": "-", "text": "The Pulled Shot. A pulled golf shot is a shot that goes left of its target (right of the target for lefties). A pulled shot is not the same a a hook or a draw. A pulled shot flies left of the target from the moment it is hit. A draw or a hook curve left because of the spin on the ball." }, { "docid": "6784985", "title": "-", "text": "Bleeding, Pain or discomfort, Vaginal bleeding after menopause. Vaginal bleeding after menopause, Vaginal dryness. Irregular menstrual periods, Vaginal bleeding after menopause. Frequent urge to urinate, Vaginal bleeding after menopause. Heavy menstrual bleeding, Vaginal bleeding after menopause." }, { "docid": "3305981", "title": "Montelukast", "text": "Call your child's doctor right away or take your child to the Emergency Department if your child has any of these side effects: fast, slow, or irregular heartbeat. yellow skin or eyes. unusual bruising or bleeding. swelling of the face, lips, tongue. trouble breathing or swallowing. severe rash." }, { "docid": "5220908", "title": "Overview", "text": "Depending on the affected nerves, symptoms of diabetic neuropathy can range from pain and numbness in your extremities to problems with your digestive system, urinary tract, blood vessels and heart.For some people, these symptoms are mild; for others, diabetic neuropathy can be painful, disabling and even fatal.Diabetic neuropathy is a common serious complication of diabetes. Yet you can often prevent diabetic neuropathy or slow its progress with tight blood sugar control and a healthy lifestyle.1 Symptoms.or some people, these symptoms are mild; for others, diabetic neuropathy can be painful, disabling and even fatal. Diabetic neuropathy is a common serious complication of diabetes. Yet you can often prevent diabetic neuropathy or slow its progress with tight blood sugar control and a healthy lifestyle. 1 Symptoms." }, { "docid": "3316620", "title": "Pipe down", "text": "'I don't care what happens to me now!' wept Peter, going among the crew, with blood-shot eyes, as he put on his shirt. 'I have been flogged once, and they may do it again, if they will. 'Let them look out for me now'. 'Pipe down!' cried the Captain, and the crew slowly dispersed." }, { "docid": "3231439", "title": "Symptoms of Diabetic Ketoacidosis", "text": "Symptoms may also include fatigue, weakness, fruity odor of the breath, confusion, lack of concentration, shortness of breath, nausea and vomiting, dry skin, and flushing of the skin. Symptoms of Diabetic Ketoacidosis. Symptoms of Diabetic Ketoacidosis: Introduction. Diabetic ketoacidosis most often occurs in people with type 1 diabetes. Symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis often develop slowly and usually include excessive thirst, frequent urination, dry mouth, high blood glucose levels, and high levels of ketones in the urine." }, { "docid": "6818445", "title": "Diabetic Coma: The Deadly Truth", "text": "Uncontrolled blood sugar often contributes to the incidence of diabetic coma. Hypoglycemia, diabetic ketoacidosis, and diabetic hyperosmolar syndrome are all conditions related to the blood sugar that can result in diabetic coma and death. Thus, those with type 1 and type 2 diabetes are at risk." }, { "docid": "2167686", "title": "-", "text": "View in context. In writhing, with her head on the chair, she turned her face towards the door, and Mrs Brooks could see the pain upon it; and that her lips were bleeding from the clench of her teeth upon them, and that the long lashes of her closed eyes stuck in wet tags to her cheeks." }, { "docid": "2129012", "title": "Diagnosis", "text": "Diabetic retinopathy is best diagnosed with a dilated eye exam. For this exam, drops placed in your eyes widen (dilate) your pupils to allow your doctor to better view inside your eyes. The drops may cause your close vision to blur until they wear off, several hours later." } ]
is ingested dmso poisonous
[ { "docid": "1003042", "title": "How to ingest DMSO and/or Colloidal Silver", "text": "A lot of questions surround using these products, I hope to clarify them in this post. DMSO can be safely ingested. For those who find topical application too annoying, ingestion offers a quick and easy way around it.The usual dose for an adult is 1-2 teaspoons per day. It should be taken on an empty stomach, with a water or Colloidal Silver.ou will smell like DMSO if you ingest it! This is one downside to ingesting it, you will stink for a few hours. Colloidal silver is to be always made with pure, distilled water. You never add salt or any impurities to it as this can form silver salts." } ]
[ { "docid": "949065", "title": "Outsmarting Poison Ivy and Other Poisonous Plants", "text": "Outsmarting Poison Ivy and Other Poisonous Plants. First comes the itching, then a red rash, and then blisters. These symptoms of poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac can emerge any time from a few hours to several days after exposure to the plant oil found in the sap of these poisonous plants. The culprit: the urushiol oil. Here are some tips to avoid it." }, { "docid": "5887106", "title": "What Is DMSO?", "text": "The story of dimethyl sulfoxide, or DMSO, is an unusual one. A by-product of the paper-making process, it was discovered in Germany in the late 19th century. The colorless liquid gained notoriety for its ability to penetrate the skin and other biological membranes.he story of dimethyl sulfoxide, or DMSO, is an unusual one. A by-product of the paper-making process, it was discovered in Germany in the late 19th century. The colorless liquid gained notoriety for its ability to penetrate the skin and other biological membranes." }, { "docid": "5915959", "title": "How long does it take to feel the effects of ecoli?", "text": "The following are some of the things which can influence the time it takes for symptoms to occur: (1) The actual number of organisms ingested - the higher the number ingested, the sooner the possibility for symptoms (the relatively greater concentration of toxin made)." }, { "docid": "806920", "title": "How to avoid toxic or poisonous (non edible) fish", "text": "How to tell if a fish is toxic or poisonous. There are no simple rules to tell edible fish from those with poisonous flesh and it’s a simple fact – toxic fish contain various types of poisonous substances or toxins in their flesh and are dangerous to eat.ow to tell if a fish is toxic or poisonous. There are no simple rules to tell edible fish from those with poisonous flesh and it’s a simple fact – toxic fish contain various types of poisonous substances or toxins in their flesh and are dangerous to eat." }, { "docid": "7513936", "title": "-", "text": "Antonyms for edible. 1 unsuitable. 2 inadequate. 3 harmful. inedible. 4 poisonous. unpalatable." }, { "docid": "8006647", "title": "Is Neosporin Safe for Cats?", "text": "While Neosporin is not highly poisonous, it is not intended to be ingested. Cats frequently lick themselves in order to bathe, and any wound on which the owner places antibiotic ointment may irritate the cat, causing it to lick and bite at the area more frequently. During this time, the cat may ingest the ointment." }, { "docid": "2110746", "title": "-", "text": "Common adder is a type of poisonous snake. There are three subspecies of adder that can be found in Western Europe, East Asia and throughout the Arctic Circle.Adder is the only poisonous snake in England.Adders may survive in different habitats and climates. They are usually seen in grasslands, forests, swamps, wetlands, rocky slopes and semi-deserts.dder is the only poisonous snake in England. Adders may survive in different habitats and climates. They are usually seen in grasslands, forests, swamps, wetlands, rocky slopes and semi-deserts." }, { "docid": "1386520", "title": "Research ReportNeuroprotection by genipin against reactive oxygen and reactive nitrogen species-mediated injury in organotypic hippocampal slice cultures", "text": "Exposing OHSC to several doses of genipin revealed that 500 µM genipin was toxic, while 50 µM and 5 µM caused minimal cell death. Vehicle treated cultures received 1% DMSO, the maximum DMSO concentration for the group treated with 500 µM genipin in this experiment only (Fig. 1).hus, compared to common anti-oxidants, genipin may be a stronger, safer, and more consistent alternative for protection against oxidative damage following brain injury. Indeed, few antioxidants have been found effective in clinical trials for treatment against TBI (Faden, 2001 and Rigg et al., 2005)." }, { "docid": "6834380", "title": "-", "text": "MMA (Methyl Methacrylate) is a liquid monomer deemed poisonous and dangerous by the FDA and is now being used improperly in the beauty industry for artificial nail applications in some salons.MA (Methyl Methacrylate) is a liquid monomer deemed poisonous and dangerous by the FDA and is now being used improperly in the beauty industry for artificial nail applications in some salons." }, { "docid": "6128192", "title": "No poisonous snakes in Scotland? Just want to be sure...", "text": "Dbaker, I don’t think you will find snakes a big problem in Scotland. If you have not found anything on the Internet that is probably because, as patwoolford said, they are “venomous” rather than “poisonous” . Searching on “Scotland snakes venomous” seems to provide better results.o be sure I understand, there are some non-poisonous varieties of snakes that I could encounter in the countryside but seeing one would be a rarity-and that there are no poisonous snakes in Scotland." }, { "docid": "1642007", "title": "Are Ornamental Cherries Edible", "text": "Fruit from some trees is poisonous. The fruit may be fine but the pits may be poisonous. Unless you can get a positive ID, I'd pass. I suggest you take a branch with fruit and leaves attached to your country horticulture agent for an ID and advice. Best And Happy Yardening, Nancy." }, { "docid": "449240", "title": "Dimethyl sulfoxide", "text": "DMSO is a polar aprotic solvent and is less toxic than other members of this class, such as dimethylformamide, dimethylacetamide, N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone, and HMPA. DMSO is frequently used as a solvent for chemical reactions involving salts, most notably Finkelstein reactions and other nucleophilic substitutions.he sodium derivative of DMSO formed in this way is referred to as dimsyl sodium . It is a base, e.g., for the deprotonation of ketones to form sodium enolates, phosphonium salts to form Wittig reagents, and formamidinium salts to form diaminocarbenes. It is also a potent nucleophile." }, { "docid": "7554751", "title": "Information on Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) Treatments for Horses", "text": "Another substance that is closely related to DMSO is methylsulfonylmethane or MSM for short. This drug is edible and while less effective than DMSO it still packs a powerful punch when it comes to alleviating pain and reducing inflammations." }, { "docid": "8736570", "title": "-", "text": "The tail of a snake is the portion of the. snake that extends beyond the vent (anus). Poisonous snakes have a single row. of scales immediately beyond the vent, while non-poisonous snakes usually. have two rows of scales beyond the vent. Snake numbers around homes can be reduced by altering habitat." }, { "docid": "1394525", "title": "False Claim â Onions are Magnets for Bacteria", "text": "Circulating health warning claims that raw or leftover onions are poisonous because they are magnets for bacteria and are therefore not safe to eat." }, { "docid": "649155", "title": "How is Rubbing Alcohol Different?", "text": "This form of ethanol has a bad taste, smells foul, and is poisonous if ingested. The additives exist to deter individuals from attempting to consume it for recreational purposes. Typically applied as a solvent, denatured alcohol is suitable for numerous application needs." }, { "docid": "87415", "title": "List of plants poisonous to equines", "text": "List of plants poisonous to equines. Paterson's Curse has been responsible for the deaths of many horses. Many plants are poisonous to equines; the species vary depending on location, climate, and grazing conditions. In many cases, entire genera are poisonous to equines and include many species spread over several continents." }, { "docid": "2110748", "title": "Common adder Facts", "text": "Common adder Facts. Common adder is a type of poisonous snake. There are three subspecies of adder that can be found in Western Europe, East Asia and throughout the Arctic Circle. Adder is the only poisonous snake in England. Adders may survive in different habitats and climates.They are usually seen in grasslands, forests, swamps, wetlands, rocky slopes and semi-deserts.dder is the only poisonous snake in England. Adders may survive in different habitats and climates. They are usually seen in grasslands, forests, swamps, wetlands, rocky slopes and semi-deserts." }, { "docid": "2408639", "title": "Optimizing Tm and Annealing", "text": "1 The annealing gradient should range from the original annealing temperature to the extension temperature (two-step PCR). 2 If high DMSO concentration is used, the annealing temperature determined by the guidelines above must be lowered, as DMSO decreases the melting point of the primers. If high DMSO concentration is used, the annealing temperature determined by the guidelines above must be lowered, as DMSO decreases the melting point of the primers. 2 It has been reported that 10% DMSO decreases the melting temperature by 5.5–6.0°C. 2." }, { "docid": "6484785", "title": "Advertisement Proven Parasite Diet The Only Legitimate Diet for Destroying Parasites in 30 Days or Less", "text": "You will be taking two TABLESpoons of MSM each hour. While the TABLEspoon of DMSO is 70% DMSO and 30% water, the MSM Water is mostly water. You will put the two TABLEspoons on your skin and take the MSM transdermally.ou will be taking two TABLESpoons of MSM each hour. While the TABLEspoon of DMSO is 70% DMSO and 30% water, the MSM Water is mostly water. You will put the two TABLEspoons on your skin and take the MSM transdermally." }, { "docid": "3729243", "title": "Dog Vomiting - What Is The Cause And Suggested Treatment For Vomiting In Dogs?", "text": "Home. Your dog's vomiting can be the result of a wide variety of causes. Vomiting is an excruciating experience for your dog and is certainly a worrisome issue for you. Where the pain is originating from is not the easiest issue to identify-but that's what we need to determine in order to put a stop to the throwing up.f you are certain he ingested something poisonous then the vet will induce vomiting. Some people do this at home by using a syringe to shoot 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide down the dog's throat and then adding 1 teaspoon of salt to the back of their throat. The mix will make him throw up." }, { "docid": "538644", "title": "-", "text": "What is the Difference between Poisonous, Harmful, Toxic and Hazardous. There are different terms of substances or materials which can damage the human or animal health. They can also affect our environment. There are different terms used to specify the effects of these dangerous materials like Poisonous, Harmful, Toxic and Hazardous." }, { "docid": "1614197", "title": "-", "text": "World's Most Poisonous Animals. Take a look at some of the most poisonous animals in the world and see why you wouldn't want a close encounter with either of them. Since there are many discrepancies with regard to which of these is the most poisonous animal, they are not ranked in any particular order." }, { "docid": "3132879", "title": "-", "text": "Here you will find a list of poisonous and toxic plants, this list is just a guide, if in doubt consult your doctor or vet." }, { "docid": "5286314", "title": "-", "text": "The isotope lead-208 also has 126 neutrons, another magic number, and is hence double magic, a property that grants it enhanced stability: lead-208 is the heaviest known stable isotope. If ingested, lead is poisonous to animals and humans, damaging the nervous system and causing brain disorders." }, { "docid": "4507467", "title": "-", "text": "Alcohol is a drug. Like any other drug it is poisonous to the body. Like other drugs, alcohol uses up vitamins in your body so you feel tired or sick after drinking it. This is what causes a “hangover”. The body needs vitamins to stay alive.lcohol is a drug. Like any other drug it is poisonous to the body. Like other drugs, alcohol uses up vitamins in your body so you feel tired or sick after drinking it. This is what causes a “hangover”. The body needs vitamins to stay alive." }, { "docid": "449241", "title": "DMSO", "text": "In this article. DMSO, or dimethyl sulfoxide, is a by-product of paper making. It comes from a substance found in wood. DMSO has been used as an industrial solvent since the mid-1800s.MSO is easily absorbed by the skin. It's sometimes used to increase the body's absorption of other medications. DMSO is available without a prescription most often in gel or cream form." }, { "docid": "418420", "title": "-", "text": "Aloe vera contains nutrient compounds that help to heal and soothe the skin when used externally. It may also have similar benefits on the lining of the digestive tract, when ingested as a drink." }, { "docid": "6726319", "title": "Replace NMP with DMSO", "text": "Many polymers used will only dissolve in polar solvents such and DMSO. Examples where NMP is used and DMSO might serve as a replacement include:protective coatings based on polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) or photoresist formulations based on novolac, polyamideimide (PAI) and polyimide (PI) resins." }, { "docid": "6231795", "title": "DMSO", "text": "DMSO, or dimethyl sulfoxide, is a by-product of paper making. It comes from a substance found in wood. DMSO has been used as an industrial solvent since the mid-1800s. From about the mid-20th century, researchers have explored its use as an anti-inflammatory agent. The FDA has approved DMSO as a prescription medication for treating symptoms of painful bladder syndrome." } ]
does citronella repel mosquitoes
[ { "docid": "4068491", "title": "-", "text": "Plants that are commonly used to repel mosquitoes are citronella, marigolds, catnip, horsemint, and ageratum, in addition to several others.Continue reading this article to learn about the many ways in which plants can be used to keep mosquitoes away from your living environment.Ad. Plant citronella directly into the ground behind your other plants if you live in warm climates where frost does not occur. 2 Citronella can grow to a height of up to between 5 and 6 feet (1.52 and 1.82 meters) and forms in large, grassy clumps." } ]
[ { "docid": "2323749", "title": "403 Forbidden", "text": "Mosquitoes see with their noses ( i.e. antennae), and their choice of who gets bitten first is based on the chemistry of skin and how it smells. View full sizeCITRONELLA: Meet the plant behind your favorite mosquito fighting candles. You can grow it in your garden or yard to keep mosquitoes at bay. The plants can go directly in the ground behind your other plants and grow up to a height of 5 to 6 feet in large grassy clumps. Citronella contains citronellal, which is the repelling compound common to all the citrus family." }, { "docid": "5476280", "title": "-", "text": "Two electrons will tend to repel each other because both have a negative electrical charge. Two protons will also tend to repel each other because they both have a positive charge. On the other hand, electrons and protons will be attracted to each other because of their unlike charges." }, { "docid": "5157145", "title": "-", "text": "Combine equal parts of peppermint, lemongrass and citronella oil. If you do not have these oils available, you can use cuttings from fresh plants. Rub the oil on your hair, arms and socks to repel bees with a scent they tend to find unattractive." }, { "docid": "1059553", "title": "How to Protect a Swimming Pool From Mosquitoes", "text": "Properly chlorinate your pool. If you fail to keep your chlorine level where it needs to be, mosquitoes may actually begin to lay eggs in the pool water. At the proper levels, chlorine will repel mosquitoes from the water and kill any eggs laid in it.Keep the swimming pool cover clean.lace plants that repel mosquitoes around the pool. Several species of plants are natural mosquito repellents that you can use to drive away the insects. Some of these plants include marigolds, rosemary, catnip, and citronella grass." }, { "docid": "6486592", "title": "Here's how many mosquito bites it would take to drain all of your blood", "text": "Here's how many mosquito bites it would take to drain all of your blood. But the long answer is kind of crazy. There are more than 3,500 species of mosquitoes, all of varying sizes, appetites, and dispositions. So the (very large) number varies depending on the kind of mosquitoes descending upon you in one dense, bitey cloud." }, { "docid": "8202812", "title": "How and Why a Mosquito Bites You", "text": "This is where mosquitoes breed, so if you eliminate standing water you'll eliminate many mosquitoes. Planting marigolds around your yard also works as a bug repellent because the flowers give off a fragrance that bugs do not like. This is a great way to ward off mosquitoes without using chemical insecticides." }, { "docid": "5789792", "title": "Snake Repellents, Fact and Fiction about lime, sulfur", "text": "What does work against snakes? Dr. T's Snake-A-Way is the only proven product available on the market that has been shown to effectively repel snakes. This product is University tested, EPA Registered and proven by use to repel snakes.n University tests, sulfur alone has never been shown to repel any species of snake. In fact, when a snake crosses a barrier of sulfur, the material may actually work its way beneath the reptile's scales and cause irritation." }, { "docid": "4554216", "title": "Cayenne Pepper Keeps Pests Away", "text": "The plants have been left alone and it doesn’t appear that anything has been getting in and eating them. So if you have been having problems with mice or other such pests, you might try this useful idea of applying cayenne pepper around the area to repel them." }, { "docid": "8461516", "title": "Pesticide Active Ingredients", "text": "Active ingredients are the chemicals in pesticide products that kill, control, or repel pests. For example, the active ingredients in a herbicide are the ingredient(s) that kill weeds." }, { "docid": "3782890", "title": "Borax as an Insect Repellent", "text": "Borax is a safer alternative for pest control. Store shelves are overflowing with sprays and baits that will kill or repel all manner of bugs, but a quick glance at the warnings on most labels may make you think twice about using any of them.orax is a safer alternative for pest control. Store shelves are overflowing with sprays and baits that will kill or repel all manner of bugs, but a quick glance at the warnings on most labels may make you think twice about using any of them." }, { "docid": "3715614", "title": "How to Repel Cats With Citrus", "text": "How to Repel Cats With Citrus. Cats dislike the smell of citrus fruit. Cats are territorial and curious, and both traits often lead them straight to your garden. Whether it's your cat or the neighbor's digging or urinating in your flowerbed or on your lawn furniture, you can repel him easily and safely with citrus.ats are territorial and curious, and both traits often lead them straight to your garden. Whether it's your cat or the neighbor's digging or urinating in your flowerbed or on your lawn furniture, you can repel him easily and safely with citrus." }, { "docid": "7690475", "title": "Best Natural Mosquito Repellents for Your Home", "text": "Citronella candles can help keep mosquitoes away. In addition, candles made from herbs that repel mosquitoes can also keep bugs away from your deck or yard. Look for candles that include essential mosquito-repelling oils like cedarwood, lavender, lemongrass, and rosemary." }, { "docid": "1731726", "title": "Plants That Repel Mosquitoes", "text": "Catnip (Nepeta cataria) is a common garden plant that can be used to repel mosquitoes. The crushed plant can be applied directly to the skin or the dried plant can be infused in an oil, such as olive oil. There is an interesting article about research conducted on the mosquito-repelling qualities of catnip." }, { "docid": "5167934", "title": "Bugs that bite and sting", "text": "Mosquitoes, fleas and other little biters. Mosquitoes like to be around pools of water, people, and food. They suck your blood and make small red bumps that can get very itchy. The more you scratch, the bigger the bumps get. Almost everybody gets mosquito bites, and they are hardly ever anything to worry about." }, { "docid": "2718642", "title": "-", "text": "Bugs, bees, ants, wasps, mice, etc…..they’re called pests for a reason! Here’s a list of 8 plants to repel pests naturally. With 2 kids under 5 I don’t like using chemicals around the house but these plants repel pests so I don’t have to!" }, { "docid": "4389196", "title": "-", "text": "A well-known natural mosquito repellent. The oils from the plant are used to make lotions, sprays, and candles. A University of Guelph study assessed the effectiveness of 3% citronella candles and 5% citronella incense in protecting subjects from bites." }, { "docid": "2917967", "title": "Will B Vitamins Keep Mosquitoes From Biting?", "text": "A. Taking large doses of vitamin B1 (thiamin) has long been recommended as a way to repel mosquitoes. The scientific evidence to support this practice is sparse. We heard from one European-trained physician, however, who learned this approach in medical school." }, { "docid": "6492775", "title": "magnetism", "text": "Since a magnet has two poles, it is sometimes called a magnetic dipole, being analogous to an electric dipole, composed of two opposite charges. The like poles of different magnets repel each other, and the unlike poles attract each other.ince a magnet has two poles, it is sometimes called a magnetic dipole, being analogous to an electric dipole, composed of two opposite charges. The like poles of different magnets repel each other, and the unlike poles attract each other." }, { "docid": "2860003", "title": "-", "text": "The United States Environmental Protection Agency considers oil of citronella as a biopesticide with a non-toxic mode of action. However, since citronella insect repellant effects were not proven within the EU, the use of citronella as an insecticide is prohibited under the Biocidal Product Directive 2006.owever, since citronella insect repellant effects were not proven within the EU, the use of citronella as an insecticide is prohibited under the Biocidal Product Directive 2006." }, { "docid": "1900401", "title": "The Best Companion Plants to Grow With Zucchini and Summer Squash", "text": "1 Radishes: Radishes are easily planted around zucchini and summer squash plants.They are said to repel many pests of zucchini and squash. 2 Herbs: Many herbs, including peppermint, dill, oregano, catmint, lemon balm, marjoram, mint and parsley, also help repel common insect pests of zucchini and summer squash." }, { "docid": "729400", "title": "-", "text": "Citronella oil is a natural insect repellent obtained from lemon grass; it is an ingredient in repellent sprays, both homemade and commercial. While making your homemade fly repellent, beware of the petroleum-based citronella oil product to which citronella scent is added and marketed." }, { "docid": "7884411", "title": "17 Amazing Benefits Of Citronella (Gandhatrina) Oil For Skin, Hair And Health", "text": "Citronella oil is a popular essential oil extracted from Cymbopogon Nardus, a certain type of lemon grass. The oil, taken out from the tall thin leaves of Cymbopogon through steam distillation, has a sweet and refreshing aroma with thin consistency." }, { "docid": "7052834", "title": "What Kind of Personal Skills Might a Psychiatrist Need?", "text": "As such, they need to have compassion and empathy for others. Psychiatrists need to be understanding about the problems, challenges and needs of others to be at their most effective. In clinical practice, a psychiatrist might hear statements that shock, anger or repel him.sychiatrists need to be understanding about the problems, challenges and needs of others to be at their most effective. In clinical practice, a psychiatrist might hear statements that shock, anger or repel him." }, { "docid": "7748256", "title": "Elephantiasis", "text": "Elephantiasis. Wuchereria Bancrofti is the causative agent of Lymphatic filariasis. This disease is transferred by mosquitoes and is found mainly in the tropics and sub-tropics.It is very rarely found in Western countries.Onset is seen after puberty in most cases.lephantiasis. Wuchereria Bancrofti is the causative agent of Lymphatic filariasis. This disease is transferred by mosquitoes and is found mainly in the tropics and sub-tropics." }, { "docid": "3374048", "title": "Plants That Repel Mosquitoes", "text": "Catnip (Nepeta cataria) is a common garden plant that can be used to repel mosquitoes. The crushed plant can be applied directly to the skin or the dried plant can be infused in an oil, such as olive oil.There is an interesting article about research conducted on the mosquito-repelling qualities of catnip.itronella Grass (Cymbopogon nardus) is the most popular cultivated plant used for repelling mosquitoes. Its oil, citronella oil, is the primary ingredient in most natural insect repellents sold in stores. Products applied to the skin are most effective." }, { "docid": "4827216", "title": "Benefits of Neem for Dogs", "text": "Neem leaves and neem oil benefit dogs in numerous ways. The leaves can be used to boost the immune system of dogs in general, and to repel intestinal parasites. Neem oil can also be used to treat skin problems, repel fleas, mosquitoes, and ticks." }, { "docid": "5078378", "title": "-", "text": "What it does. Provides effective protection against mosquitoes, sandflies and leeches. Also repels march flies, ticks and other biting insects.Helps to protect you and your family against disease carrying insects including mosquitoes that may spread Ross River Fever and Dengue Fever.hat it does. Provides effective protection against mosquitoes, sandflies and leeches. Also repels march flies, ticks and other biting insects." }, { "docid": "8457165", "title": "-", "text": "Some mosquitoes also attack invertebrates, mainly arthropods. Though the loss of blood is seldom of any importance to the victim, the saliva of the mosquito often causes an irritating rash that is a serious nuisance. Much more serious though, are the roles of many species of mosquitoes as vectors of diseases.In passing from host to host, some transmit extremely harmful infections such as malaria, yellow fever, west Nile virus, dengue fever, filariasis, and other arboviruses, rendering it the deadliest animal family in the world.ome mosquitoes also attack invertebrates, mainly arthropods. Though the loss of blood is seldom of any importance to the victim, the saliva of the mosquito often causes an irritating rash that is a serious nuisance. Much more serious though, are the roles of many species of mosquitoes as vectors of diseases." }, { "docid": "1873744", "title": "Mosquito Life Cycle", "text": "If there's anything good about mosquitoes, it's that they don't live very long. The entire mosquito life cycle can be counted in days. Once they emerge from their pupal cocoons and take flight, male mosquitoes last less than a week, the females maybe a couple of months, and that's only with ideal conditions." }, { "docid": "828981", "title": "Mosquito", "text": "Superficially, mosquitoes resemble crane flies (family Tipulidae) and chironomid flies (family Chironomidae). In particular, the females of many species of mosquitoes are blood-eating pests and dangerous vectors of diseases, whereas members of the similar-looking Chironomidae and Tipulidae are not.arvae of the non-biting Toxorhynchites mosquitoes are also natural predators of other Culicidae. Each larva can eat 10 to 20 mosquito larvae per day. During its entire development, a Toxorhynchites larva can consume an equivalent of 5,000 larvae of the first-instar (L1) or 300 fourth-instar larvae (L4)." } ]
how old does a child need to be to ride in the front seat of the car
[ { "docid": "2315949", "title": "How Old Do Children Need to Be to Ride in the Front Seat?", "text": "Quick Answer. To ride in the front seat, children must be at least 13 years of age and they must be properly buckled. Never sit a young child in front of an air bag or in the front seat while in a rear facing car seat. Continue Reading." } ]
[ { "docid": "2818975", "title": "In Minnesota, children can ride in front seat using restraints properly", "text": "Q: We live in Minnesota six months and Texas six months. In Texas, children (infants) are not allowed to ride in the front seat of a car or truck. I’ve noticed in Minnesota children in the front seat is common.: We live in Minnesota six months and Texas six months. In Texas, children (infants) are not allowed to ride in the front seat of a car or truck. I’ve noticed in Minnesota children in the front seat is common." }, { "docid": "296155", "title": "Ontario: Can I Drive With a Child in a Two-Seater Car?", "text": "A two-seater SMART car. A child, under 10-years-old, can ride in a two-seater, as long as the child is properly restrained and the front air-bags are turned off (if there are air-bags in the front seat). In Ontario, turning off the air bags when kids are sitting in the front seat isn’t just a recommendation — it’s the law, says Ontario’s Ministry of Transportation." }, { "docid": "7184228", "title": "-", "text": "For one, car seats simply may not fit into an airplane seat, especially on the domestic US carriers. We tried once with the smallest car seat that we found in the stores, and had to jam it into the purchased UA seat, causing the person in front unable to recline (so other passengers may actually not prefer babies to have their own seats)." }, { "docid": "6527865", "title": "Installing Your Car Seat: Vehicle and Car Seat Parts Explained", "text": "Lower anchor weight limit = 65 lbs – weight of car seat. Know the Facts. Once your child outgrows the vehicle or car seat manufacturer’s established limits for the lower anchors, stop using the lower anchor attachments and reinstall the car seat using the vehicle’s seat belt." }, { "docid": "5730151", "title": "At what age or weight does a child no longer need to be in a car seat?", "text": "I am a certified Child Passanger Safety Tech in the state of WI. Our guidelines are now rear facing until 1 year AND 20 lbs and now in a car seat (with harness) until 30 lbs, and a child under the age of 8 or 80lbs must be in a booster seat at least.The longer a child is in a car seat, the safer the child is, plain and simple.eep your child in a car seat as long as he/she fits-it's the safest way for him/her to travel. After that move to a booster seat. Do this as long as you can get a proper fitting of the seat belt around your child." }, { "docid": "5580132", "title": "-", "text": "Make sure your child is in the proper seat for her age, weight and height. Have children ride in the backseat of the car until they are at least 13 years old. Before installing a child safety seat, read the instructions and your owner’s manual. Check that you have used the correct belt path for the seat belt or the lower anchors. The car seat should be installed tightly." }, { "docid": "8780482", "title": "-", "text": "Not all car seats fit every car. For more information about buying the right car seat for your car, visit our How to Buy a Child Safety Seat page. To make sure your child's car seat is properly secured 1 : Visit a Child Safety Seat Inspection Station in your area. 2 Use the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) as a resource for information and instruction on all types of car seats." }, { "docid": "4226418", "title": "What if I damage someone elseâ²s property?", "text": "Before you put your child in a front-facing car seat or booster – or let your child ride with just a seatbelt – find out the laws in your state. Check with your state public safety office or the Governors Highway Safety Association." }, { "docid": "5674796", "title": "State Car Seat Laws for the U.S.", "text": "If children are not tall enough for proper belt fit, they must ride in a booster or car seat. Exemptions: A child under age 8 may ride in an appropriate restraint system in the front seat if:• There is no rear seat.• The rear seats are side-facing jump seats.• The rear seats are rear-facing seats." }, { "docid": "5573835", "title": "When Can a Child Sit in the Front Seat?", "text": "Children can sit in the front seat of a vehicle once they are 12 years old. By the time a child moves to the front seat, she should be able to fit into the seat belt without a booster seat." }, { "docid": "4099015", "title": "Using a child car seat or booster seat", "text": "Height-based car seats. Height-based car seats are known as ‘i-Size’ seats. They must be rear-facing until your child is over 15 months old. Your child can use a forward-facing car seat when they’re over 15 months old.You must check the seat to make sure it’s suitable for the height of your child.eight-based car seats. Height-based car seats are known as ‘i-Size’ seats. They must be rear-facing until your child is over 15 months old. Your child can use a forward-facing car seat when they’re over 15 months old." }, { "docid": "6283879", "title": "-", "text": "Ohio law requires that children ride in a car seat or booster seat until they are at least 8 years old or 4’9” tall. For best protection, older children should ride in a booster seat until the adult seat belt fits them correctly." }, { "docid": "1216457", "title": "Child Passenger Safety", "text": "Children ages 8 until 17 are required to wear a seat belt in all seats. Children ages 4 until 8 must ride in a child safety seat or booster seat unless they are over 4 feet 9 inches or weigh more than 40 lbs. Children under age 4 must be restrained in a child passenger restraint system." }, { "docid": "8190945", "title": "Using a child car seat or booster seat", "text": "You must only use a child car seat if your car’s seat belt has a diagonal strap, unless the seat is either: 1 specifically designed for use with a lap seat belt. 2 fitted using ISOFIX anchor points." }, { "docid": "5643635", "title": "-", "text": "Bad habits of 6-year-olds, big kid curiosity, creating a library for your child, and more. How long to keep your child in a rear-facing car seat. Find out how long your child should stay in a rear-facing car seat. Facing front too soon can put your child at much greater ri..." }, { "docid": "5239087", "title": "Car Seat Recommendations for Children", "text": "Once your child outgrows the rear-facing car seat, your child is ready to travel in a forward-facing car seat with a harness and tether. 4 - 7 Years. Keep your child in a forward-facing car seat with a harness and tether until he or she reaches the top height or weight limit allowed by the car seat’s manufacturer. Once your child outgrows the forward-facing car seat with a harness, it’s time to travel in a booster seat, but still in the back seat. 8 - 12 Years." }, { "docid": "3656384", "title": "-", "text": "In 2015, the laws on car seat age requirements changed. Florida law now states that children should be in a car seat or booster seat until they are at least five years old. Previously, children ages 3 and younger were required to ride in the child-restraint devices, while children ages 4 and 5 could use seat belts." }, { "docid": "8479030", "title": "-", "text": "Safety Tips for Child Passengers. Make sure your child is in the proper seat for her age, weight and height. Have children ride in the backseat of the car until they are at least 13 years old." }, { "docid": "4466955", "title": "-", "text": "Infant-only Seats. 1 Until at least 1 year of age and 10kg(22lb) your child must use a rear-facing child car seat when traveling in a car, van or truck. 2 Keep your child rear-facing as long as possible in a child car seat recommended for their age and height." }, { "docid": "3632619", "title": "4 Types of Car Seats for Baby", "text": "An infant car seat is designed for infants. This is usually from birth until your baby is two years old, when they can be placed forward facing. These car seats are designed to ride in your car in the rear facing position. They are not designed to be turned around to a forward facing position." }, { "docid": "6132962", "title": "Child Safety Seats", "text": "1 Making sure every occupant in the car is properly restrained by a safety device - whether in a child safety seat or booster seat, or by a seat belt. Do not share seat belts. Never holding a child on your lap or allowing anyone to ride in the cargo area of a station wagon, van or pickup." }, { "docid": "3691719", "title": "-", "text": "Child passengers must be restrained in approved child safety seats until they weigh forty pounds or reach the upper weight limit for the car seat in use. Infants must ride rear-facing until they reach both one year of age AND twenty pounds. BOOSTER SEAT LAW. Children over forty pounds or who have reached the upper weight limit for their forward-facing car seat must use boosters to 4'9 tall or age eight and the adult belt fits correctly." }, { "docid": "8546898", "title": "California Car Seat and Booster Seat Laws", "text": "California Car Seat and Booster Seat Laws. Rear-facing Car Seat. Effective January 1, 2017: Children under age 2 must be in the back seat in a rear-facing safety seat, unless the child weighs more than 40 pounds or is more than 40 inches tall. Car Seat. Children under age 8 must be in a safety seat in the back seat." }, { "docid": "5553937", "title": "-", "text": "The other type is the convertible car seat. It can face the rear or the front of the car, and is big enough for your child to ride in for years. It's safest to keep your baby facing the rear as long as possible. That position better protects her neck and spine in a crash.ar seat safety: Using a car seat on a plane. See our advice on the safest way to fly with your child. Car seat safety: How to choose and use a car seat. Get the lowdown on car seats: Find out what kind you need for your child, how to install it properly, and more." }, { "docid": "3529699", "title": "When Can a Child Ride in the Front Seat?", "text": "I had good luck with a search for child front seat height weight [state].) Of course, I don’t rely on laws for every safety concern. New Hampshire state law doesn’t require a seat belt for adults either, or for that matter, a motorcycle helmet. I just hadn’t realized that the front seat was going to be a judgment call. I can take the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that all children younger than 13 should ride in the back seat (and for now, at least, I will)." }, { "docid": "4844948", "title": "When can my child safely ride in the front seat of a car?", "text": "When can my child safely ride in the front seat of a car? In almost every case, don't let your child ride in the front seat until he's at least 13 years old — and passenger safety organizations such as SafetyBeltSafe U.S.A. go even further and recommend keeping your child in the backseat until he's old enough to drive himself." }, { "docid": "3814084", "title": "How to buy an infant car seat", "text": "Booster seat safety. The ins and outs of car booster seats, including why your child needs one and how to know if it's installed correctly. Car seat safety: How to choose and use a car seat. Get the lowdown on car seats: Find out what kind you need for your child, how to install it properly, and more.Car seat safety: Using a car seat on a plane. See our advice on the safest way to fly with your child. How to install an infant car seat. Three out of four car seats are improperly installed.ar seat safety: How to choose and use a car seat. Get the lowdown on car seats: Find out what kind you need for your child, how to install it properly, and more. Car seat safety: Using a car seat on a plane." }, { "docid": "1388637", "title": "Car Seats: Information for Families", "text": "Children under the age of 13 should ride in the backseat. Holding a child in your lap or placing a car seat in the front seat instead of the back could put your child’s life in serious danger. Avoid using a used child car seat or one that has been in an accident." }, { "docid": "7751655", "title": "Child safety seat must for children under 10 in UAE", "text": "Children under the age of 10 are not allowed to ride in the front seat of a vehicle. Always use proper restraining devices for your child (child seats, booster cushions). Never allow kids to move about freely inside the car. Do not allow your child to sit on the lap of any passengers or the driver." }, { "docid": "7751656", "title": "Child Passenger Safety for Parents and Caregivers", "text": "To maximize safety, keep your child in the car seat for as long as possible, as long as the child fits within the manufacturer’s height and weight requirements. Keep your child in the back seat at least through age 12." } ]
cayenne peppers the average price
[ { "docid": "2010590", "title": "-", "text": "1 Ground cayenne pepper packed in foil, jars, and plastic bottles can cost anywhere from $6 to $15. 2 Fresh cayenne peppers at a local farmer’s market or grocery store can cost $7 to $12. 3 VitaCart.com sells cayenne pepper extract as well as the usual ground and fresh form. Food supplements made from cayenne pepper can cost anywhere from $5 to $10 per 100 capsule bottle. 2 For example, a 100 capsule package from Nature’s Way retails for $7 to $10." } ]
[ { "docid": "2659174", "title": "We See Youâre Using an Ad Blocker", "text": "The short answer is yes. Hungarian Paprika and Spanish Pimenton are spices made from Capsicum peppers. Capsicum peppers range in variety from sweet, like the American bell pepper, to hot chili peppers. The Capsicum pepper is a new world food, with origins in the Americas. Today, Capsicum peppers are grown in every region of the world." }, { "docid": "8263367", "title": "-", "text": "2017 Cayenne. 2Actual lease price determined by your authorized Porsche dealer; your payments may vary. Closed-end lease offered to qualified lessees with approved credit by Porsche Financial Services through participating U.S. dealers. Must take delivery by 06/30/2017." }, { "docid": "6380943", "title": "-", "text": "How much does it cost to travel to Phuket? How much money will you need in Phuket? ฿3,041 ($89) is the average daily price for traveling in Phuket. The average price of food for one day is ฿602 ($18). The average price of a hotel for a couple is ฿3,444 ($101). Additional pricing is in the table below." }, { "docid": "8626919", "title": "Homemade Sprays To Help Your Dog Stop Chewing", "text": "Just like citrus, dogs hate bitter apple. Commercial bitter apple sprays are available, but why spend your money on them when you can make one at home with some apple cider vinegar. Combine two parts apple cider vinegar with one part regular white vinegar in a spray bottle, shake well and apply it on the furniture your dog likes to chew. Cayenne Pepper Spray. If citrus and apple cider vinegar sprays aren’t working, try cayenne pepper spray. Cayenne peppers aren’t harmful to dogs, but be careful nevertheless since pepper spray liquids can irritate their eyes and nose, so you might not want to try it as a first option." }, { "docid": "7787471", "title": "Candied Jalapeños (Cowboy Candy)", "text": "This would be a good time to core out the seeds and membrane if you like a milder flavor. Slice the peppers into 1/8 to 1/4 inch slices. Beyond the obvious jalapenos, jalapeños the ingredients are, sugar cider, vinegar, turmeric celery, seed ground cayenne pepper and granulated. garlicdd the pepper slices and simmer for exactly 4 minutes. Use a slotted spoon to transfer the peppers, loading into clean, sterile canning jars to within 1/4 inch of the upper rim of the jar. Turn heat up under the pot with the syrup and bring to a full rolling boil." }, { "docid": "1520356", "title": "-", "text": "Understanding and Comparing the Calculations. A moving average is calculated by averaging price values from a specified number of bars. Specifically, there are two parameters (inputs) for a moving average formula: 1 Price – a single price value from each bar to be used in calculating the average.2 Traditionally, the price value used is the closing price of each bar.nderstanding and Comparing the Calculations. A moving average is calculated by averaging price values from a specified number of bars. Specifically, there are two parameters (inputs) for a moving average formula: 1 Price – a single price value from each bar to be used in calculating the average." }, { "docid": "6052052", "title": "-", "text": "we then take the lowest price in each postcode district and use this to calculate the average uk red diesel price available through our site including vat at 5 % please note that our gas oil price chart shows the average red diesel price across the uk" }, { "docid": "69158", "title": "-", "text": "All these cayenne powders are great for you. These cayenne pepper powders range from the 35,000 SHU to 160,000 SHUs so while there's a range of colors, there's also a range in heat and the consequent capsaicin as well. The color is not an indicator, though, of capsaicin." }, { "docid": "6409837", "title": "-", "text": "1 2 calories in 1 average size ring of green pepper (¼ inch thick). 2 5 calories in 10 strips of green peppers. 3 6 calories in 1 ounce or 28g of green peppers. 4 18 calories in 1 cup of sliced green peppers (3.2 oz or 91g)." }, { "docid": "6149735", "title": "-", "text": "This graph depicts the average ticket prize of all Major League Baseball teams in 2015. The average ticket price for a Houston Astros home game is 31.82 U.S. dollars.MLB average ticket prices-additional information. During the 2014 MLB season, the league-wide average ticket price was just under 28 U.S. dollars. This marks an increase of over 5 U.S. dollars from the average price in the 2007 season.The team with the highest average ticket prices in the 2014 season was the Boston Red Sox, whose tickets retailed at an average price of 52.32 U.S. dollars.his marks an increase of over 5 U.S. dollars from the average price in the 2007 season. The team with the highest average ticket prices in the 2014 season was the Boston Red Sox, whose tickets retailed at an average price of 52.32 U.S. dollars." }, { "docid": "6173004", "title": "-", "text": "Data from mobile payment company Square show that the average haircut for men costs $28 nationwide, and costs $44 on average for women.ew York City has the most expensive average women's haircut price at $73, with Minneapolis offering the least expensive women’s haircut price at $41. Minneapolis also boasts the least expensive average haircut price for men at $31, while San Francisco has the most expensive average haircut price for men at $49." }, { "docid": "2955854", "title": "Bell pepper", "text": "Cultivars of the plant produce fruits in different colors, including red, yellow, orange, green, chocolate/brown, vanilla/white, and purple. Bell peppers are sometimes grouped with less pungent pepper varieties as sweet peppers.. Peppers are native to Mexico, Central America and northern South America.The ribs and seeds inside bell peppers may be consumed, but some find the taste to be bitter.ell peppers are sometimes grouped with less pungent pepper varieties as sweet peppers.. Peppers are native to Mexico, Central America and northern South America. The ribs and seeds inside bell peppers may be consumed, but some find the taste to be bitter." }, { "docid": "5779062", "title": "-", "text": "The listings and properties in Sumter are only a part of the 1,799,432 properties and 70,393 homes for sale in South Carolina. Because of this, the average home price and average home value of Sumter also influence the average home price $168,500 and average sale price $175,000 of South Carolina.he average home price in Sumter is $133,900, which is 3.2% higher than the average sold price in Sumter ($129,750) ." }, { "docid": "2798320", "title": "What Is Capsicum Oleoresin?", "text": "Capsicum oleoresin is the name of the active ingredient found in cayenne peppers and chili peppers and is responsible for making these peppers taste hot. This ingredient is often added to medicated creams, lotions, and sprays in order to treat muscle or joint pain." }, { "docid": "292479", "title": "1. Cayenne Pepper", "text": "This in turn helps your body burn more calories faster, while suppressing appetite and reducing fat levels in the blood stream. Apart from cayenne pepper, there are many other kinds of spicy peppers that can act as powerful weapons in your weigh loss battle." }, { "docid": "6149049", "title": "-", "text": "KUSA-With an average price of $2.62 per gallon, the average price for a gallon of gas in Denver is still well below what the rest of the country is paying. Across the country, the average price of a gallon of gas is $2.751 per gallon, according to Coloradgasprices.com.But Denver gas prices have risen in the past few days (on Sunday, the average price was $2.58 per gallon).A year ago, Denver residents were paying an average of $3.424 for a gallon of gas, according to AAA.cross the country, the average price of a gallon of gas is $2.751 per gallon, according to Coloradgasprices.com. But Denver gas prices have risen in the past few days (on Sunday, the average price was $2.58 per gallon). A year ago, Denver residents were paying an average of $3.424 for a gallon of gas, according to AAA." }, { "docid": "364400", "title": "-", "text": "Find Flight Deals. The price shown for each flight will be the average for all passengers including any infants. The price shown for each flight will be the average for all passengers including any infants. The price shown for each flight will be the average for all passengers including any infants." }, { "docid": "2027020", "title": "-", "text": "Cook the peppers in the hot oil. Add the peppers to the hot oil and cook, stirring frequently, for about 4 to 7 minutes, or until the peppers are crisp-tender. Frequent stirring is very important in this method." }, { "docid": "8263372", "title": "Porsche Cayenne Repair & Maintenance Estimates", "text": "The estimated cost to maintain and repair a Porsche Cayenne ranges from $70 to $2871, with an average of $216. Skip the repair shop - our mechanics come to you. Get a quote for your Porsche Cayenne · Book an appointment · Get your car fixed at your home or office. Get an instant quote for your car." }, { "docid": "1405961", "title": "How Do You Know When a Cayenne Pepper Is Ripe?", "text": "Facts. Cayenne pepper plants have bright green leaves and produce bounties of green peppers that turn red when ripe. They are relatively easy to grow, and contain vitamins A and C, as well as potassium. The plant originated in Central and South America and West India, though it is now grown in many parts of the world." }, { "docid": "1052778", "title": "-", "text": "Full nutritional breakdown of the calories in Sweet Peppers & Apple Juice based on the calories and nutrition in each ingredient, including Apples, fresh with skin, Peppers, sweet, red, fresh, Yellow Peppers (bell peppers), Green Peppers (bell peppers) and the other ingredients in this recipe." }, { "docid": "7385280", "title": "How to Roast Bell Peppers", "text": "Steaming Your Peppers. 1 Once you've roasted your peppers, you will need to steam them. 2 I like to place the roasted peppers on a flat, smooth surface like a cutting board, then invert a large bowl over the top of them. 3 Alternatively, you can place the peppers in a paper bag and seal the top by rolling it closed." }, { "docid": "2113755", "title": "-", "text": "The Health Benefits of Chili Peppers-Especially Jalapeno Peppers! Chili peppers are extremely healthy for you, and should be included in your regular diet. Here's why.Chili Peppers Fight Migraine Headaches and Sinus Headaches. Studies show that chili peppers can provide pain relief for migraine and sinus headaches.Capsaicin, the chemical that makes chili peppers hot, is known to inhibit a key neuropeptide, Substance P, that is the key brain pain transmitter.he Health Benefits of Chili Peppers-Especially Jalapeno Peppers! Chili peppers are extremely healthy for you, and should be included in your regular diet. Here's why. Chili Peppers Fight Migraine Headaches and Sinus Headaches." }, { "docid": "8629324", "title": "-", "text": "A Brief Introduction. Chilli powder, a powdered spice mix comprise of chilli peppers, either red peppers or cayenne peppers, has become the basic ingredient in majority of cuisine. It can be a mix of either pure powdered chillis, or it may contain other additives, like cumin, oregano, garlic powder and salt." }, { "docid": "5749915", "title": "How to Broil", "text": "To broil and peel sweet peppers and chile peppers, such as poblanos, place peppers on a pan 6 to 8 inches below the broiler element. Broil until lightly charred, turning peppers occasionally with tongs until they are charred on all sides. Place charred peppers in a sealed clean paper bag." }, { "docid": "4836307", "title": "-", "text": "Foreclosed: N/A. The average home price in The Villages is $234,900, which is 1.1% lower than the average sold price in The Villages ($237,482) . The average home price per square foot in The Villages is $148 and about 5% of all homes in The Villages sold in the last 6 months.he average home price in The Villages is $234,900, which is 1.1% lower than the average sold price in The Villages ($237,482) ." }, { "docid": "5845573", "title": "20 Strange but Effective Everyday Uses for Castor Oil", "text": "You can mix castor oil with enough turmeric or cayenne powder to make a paste and then rub it into your joints. Be sure that you don’t get this in your eyes, especially if you choose to use cayenne pepper instead of turmeric." }, { "docid": "1162914", "title": "Liberia", "text": "Hot peppers are added to many foods for an extra kick, and ground cayenne peppers are used as flavorings and preservatives. Favorite dishes include palava sauce, made traditionally with plato (okra) leaves, dried fish or meat, and palm oil; and jollof rice, a chicken, beef, and bacon dish with vegetables and rice." }, { "docid": "7732121", "title": "-", "text": "South Heart is a city in Stark County, North Dakota. Last year, 3 properties were sold for a median price of $214,787. average listing price. =. $225,209. 8% above North Dakota Average. 10% below National Average. Average price for a home in South Heart, ND is $225,209." }, { "docid": "2955859", "title": "The Nutrition of Bell Peppers", "text": "The Nutrition of Bell Peppers. Bell peppers are a delicious vegetable that can be enjoyed either raw or cooked. When served raw, bell peppers have a crisp texture that lends itself to salads and makes a perfect complement to dips.When bell peppers are cooked they take on a smoky, sweetness that enhances many dishes.utritional Value. Bell peppers contain very high amounts of vitamin C and Vitamin A. One cup of raw, red bell peppers supplies roughly 290 percent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C and 105 percent of the RDA for vitamin A. Bell peppers also contain significant amounts of vitamin B 6 and dietary fiber." } ]
how to join buckeye club
[ { "docid": "4166445", "title": "-", "text": "Joining the club is easy! Go to the Buckeye Corner Club page and click the Add to Cart button, the Buckeye Corner Club membership will be added to your Shopping Cart. Joining the Buckeye Corner Club requires a fee of just $5.00 which lasts for one year from date of purchase. Buckeye Corner knows that you care how information about you is used and we appreciate your trust that we will do so carefully and sensibly." } ]
[ { "docid": "574058", "title": "-", "text": "The Bridge in Bridgehampton, N.Y., charged a whopping $750,000 to join, according to a 2007 Wall Street Journal article. Another Hamptons club, Sebonack Golf Club, billed new members for $650,000 when it opened in 2006, Bloomberg reported." }, { "docid": "1597994", "title": "-", "text": "The median home value in Buckeye is 15.2% less than the Arizona average and 17.8% less than the National average. The median rental rates in Buckeye is 27% greater than the Arizona average and 27.3% greater than the National average. Loading..." }, { "docid": "4759855", "title": "Tommy Shaw", "text": "He left Montgomery after attending Robert E. Lee High School to join The Smoke Ring and then MSFunk, a Chicago-managed outfit that he played with for 3 years, which gave him a chance to be noticed by Styx during a 2-week club gig in Chicago." }, { "docid": "3745422", "title": "Running shoe guide for Dummies Part III How much stability do you need in your running shoes?", "text": "We’re talking about HOW MUCH stability you need in your running shoes for your running style. If you’re confused about stability features in running shoes – join the club. Stability features seem to be the thing that many shoe designers add to shoes to make them look technically elite and charge more." }, { "docid": "7640404", "title": "Alumni Professor for a DayShare your story!Read More", "text": "Cal State San Bernardino has always been a place were students ask questions, seek answers and learn by doing. 1994 and 1995 Class Gifts. The Student Union clock tower was completed with new faceplates made possible by gifts from the classes of 1994 and 1995. Join the Alumni Birthday Club." }, { "docid": "6122192", "title": "How Much Does a Freedom Boat Club Membership Cost?", "text": "Depending on the membership level, the costs of a Freedom Boat Club membership ranges anywhere from $199 to $399 per month with a one-time initial membership fee that can be in the low thousands. One forum member on TheHullTruth.com claimed that it was $4,000 to join and cost $350 per month for up to three years, bringing the total close to $17,000." }, { "docid": "6375680", "title": "How much is a freedom boat club membership?", "text": "How much is a freedom boat club membership? As of October 2010, if you join one of the Corporate Owned locations, pay a one time entry fee of $5,500 and receive the first 12 months of boating, no monthly fees for one ye…ar. Then, beginning the 13th month, you begin paying monthly fees of $199/mth." }, { "docid": "6776949", "title": "How to Get Free Stuff on Roblox", "text": "Get a friend to Join The Builders Club. The paid membership to Roblox is called The Builders Club. If you are a member of The Builders Club and persuade the friends you have invited to register at Roblox to become members of the Builders Club, both you and your friend will receive 50 free Robux." }, { "docid": "982358", "title": "Campus Life: Joining Clubs and Organizations", "text": "MODULE GOALS: To provide college students with disabilities knowledge and resources regarding campus club and organizational membership. OBJECTIVES: 1 To identify reasons why you should join a campus club or organization. To provide resources for finding clubs and organizations." }, { "docid": "669276", "title": "Buckeye Lake (Ohio)", "text": "Millersport, Buckeye Lake. Buckeye Lake is a reservoir in Fairfield, Licking, and Perry Counties in the U.S. state of Ohio. The lake was created in the 19th century as the Licking Summit Reservoir, an important part of the Ohio and Erie Canal project." }, { "docid": "4166448", "title": "Buckeye Club Online Giving", "text": "The deadline to join is April 30, 2016. I have not given to the Buckeye Club in the past, or did not give last year." }, { "docid": "563172", "title": "How Much Does a New York Athletic Club Membership Cost?", "text": "How much does it cost? The NewYorkTimes.com says that the fee to join NYAC is $8,500 and the membership fee is $3,000 a year. A USAToday.com article confirms that it costs $8,500 to join the club and $3,000 a year for membership. The main location of New York Athletic Club is at 1800 Central Park South in Manhattan." }, { "docid": "7521180", "title": "This is part 1 of a multiple part series.", "text": "The number of people deciding to join a fitness center has also risen to a significant amount. According to the IHRSA statistics, the number of health club or gym memberships has increased from 41.3 million in 2005 to 50.2 million in 2012.[viii] The most current reports show number of people who have at least used a health club in 2012 increased those with memberships by 8 million in the same year.he IHRSA also reported that the total revenue in the fitness industry reached $21.8 billion in 2012. [xv] This is a significant increase from the $20.3 billion made in 2010 by the industry. [xvi] Since 2008, health club memberships rose by 10%, while the number of non-member patrons also increased by 5%." }, { "docid": "3419640", "title": "Dairy Queen Coupons & Promo Codes", "text": "Join the Blizzard Fan Club for Exclusive Offers. A buy one, get one free Blizzard Treat coupon for signing up, monthly inbox treats, and an extra-special coupon on your b-day and surprise on your anniversary. Used 20 times." }, { "docid": "8445928", "title": "-", "text": "Victoria's Secret Tips & Tricks. 1 Sign up for their newsletter to get early notifications of all of the best deals and sales plus receive exclusive coupons. 2 Join the Victoria's Secret Angels club (in-store) to receive coupons on a regular basis in the mail for in-store purchase discounts." }, { "docid": "7297613", "title": "Join tables and queries", "text": "There two types of outer joins - left join and right join. 1 Left join means all data in the table on the left of the JOIN clause will be returned, including any unmatched rows that are not found in the table on the right of the JOIN clause." }, { "docid": "1219014", "title": "What are the Ohio State University school colors?", "text": "Confidence votes 40.4K. Ohio State's intercollegiate sports teams are called the Buckeyes (after the state tree, the Buckeye), and participate in the NCAA's Division I-A in all sports and the Big Ten Conference in most sports." }, { "docid": "7159825", "title": "-", "text": "Club - Objects. 1 Club (weapon), a blunt-force weapon. 2 Golf club. 3 Juggling club. 4 Indian club, an exercise device. 5 Throwing club, an item of sport equipment used in the club throw. 6 Throwing club, an alternative name for a throwing stick." }, { "docid": "7652984", "title": "-", "text": "Not an IHG ® Rewards Club Member? Join Now. Joining is easy and free. Earn points at over 5,200 hotels. Redeem points for free rooms and more" }, { "docid": "6588722", "title": "Midnight Club: Los Angeles", "text": "Midnight Club: Los Angeles requires 6.0GB of space to install on an Xbox 360 HDD. Giant Bomb Review 3/5 Stars A suffocating level of difficulty limits the appeal of Rockstar's latest street racer.ultiplayer. Midnight Club: Los Angeles has an online multiplayer component that supports up to 16 players. The game does not feature any split-screen play. When players select Online from the main menu they can either choose to join an existing match or host one of their own." }, { "docid": "4766069", "title": "-", "text": "Check Out HomeTown Buffet's Menu. Join the Birthday Club and Get a Free Kid's Meal on their Big Day. Like Hometown Buffet on Facebook to Get the Latest Coupons, News and Offers. Checkout Hometown Buffet's Facebook page to get update on their latest offers for breakfast, lunch and dinner." }, { "docid": "846035", "title": "Buckeye", "text": "Name: Buckeye . Gender: Male or Female . Usage: Buckeye is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a boy (male) or a girl (female) name. People having the name Buckeye are in general originating from United States of America." }, { "docid": "5610471", "title": "-", "text": "If you have resigned your club membership but want to continue to maintain your handicap and GSGA membership... 1 You may transfer your membership to your new club (contact the pro shop). 2 Click here and join one of our online membership clubs and transfer your GHIN number and handicap records there.embership Renewal. GSGA membership runs on a calendar year basis so you will need to renew your membership each year. You can do that in a couple of different ways: 1 Visit the pro shop at your home club to renew. 2 Click here to renew online at a participating online membership club." }, { "docid": "1219011", "title": "-", "text": "exists and is an alternate of . Ohio State's intercollegiate sports teams are called the Buckeyes (after the state tree, the Buckeye), and participate in the NCAA's Division I-A in all sports and the Big Ten Conference in most sports." }, { "docid": "5943402", "title": "-", "text": "Welcome to Pogo’s collection of free online games, including favorites such as Scrabble, Poppit!™, Word Whomp™, and tons more! Scroll up and down the games list to see all games on Pogo.com. Rack up countless hours playing games at Pogo.com, and you can join Club Pogo for unlimited access to all premium games and no ads during games." }, { "docid": "8297682", "title": "Weâd Love to Hear from You", "text": "To provide feedback for a specific club (e.g., great service, suggestions, etc.), click the button below. I want to sign up for a membership or find a club. Anytime Fitness clubs are independently owned and operated.To learn more about a club close to you, please contact them directly. 1 If you would like to join or find a specific Anytime Fitness club, please use the Club Locator.nytime Fitness clubs are independently owned and operated. To learn more about a club close to you, please contact them directly." }, { "docid": "5610469", "title": "-", "text": "1 You may transfer your membership to your new club (contact the pro shop). 2 Click here and join one of our online membership clubs and transfer your GHIN number and handicap records there. 3 The cost to renew online is $40.embership Renewal. GSGA membership runs on a calendar year basis so you will need to renew your membership each year. You can do that in a couple of different ways: 1 Visit the pro shop at your home club to renew. 2 Click here to renew online at a participating online membership club." }, { "docid": "8286845", "title": "-", "text": "Old Dominion alumni, parents and fans of the Baseball Monarchs are invited to join the coaching staff and team for the annual ODU baseball golf tournament at the Virginia Beach National Golf Club on... Golf Tournament Entry Form. /pics33/800/AK/AKSMEWNORXCFOBB.20150402035810.JPG." }, { "docid": "4777323", "title": "What is a Hanko? What is an Inkan?", "text": "Do you have to have a hanko/inkan if you live in Japan? From my personal experience, I did not need an hanko/inkan to survive my first three years in Japan and I was able to secure a bank account, apartment, receive packages, join a gym, join a karate club and much much more." }, { "docid": "460640", "title": "Types of Join in SQL Server", "text": "In this tip, I am going to explain about types of join. An SQL JOIN clause is used to combine rows from two or more tables, based on a common field between them.There are many types of join. 1 Inner Join. 2 Equi-join.3 Natural Join.n this tip, I am going to explain about types of join. An SQL JOIN clause is used to combine rows from two or more tables, based on a common field between them." } ]
who talks dory
[ { "docid": "2986034", "title": "Ellen DeGeneres talks Finding Dory", "text": "Ellen DeGeneres talks Finding Dory. When Finding Dory director Andrew Stanton and producer Lindsey Collins decided to press go on a sequel to 2003’s Finding Nemo, there were two calls they had to make before anyone else at Pixar could know: The first, to studio chief and story guru John Lasseter. And the second, to Ellen DeGeneres." } ]
[ { "docid": "4980017", "title": "-", "text": "Published on Sep 2, 2013. Newly returning Newstalk Breakfast Show talks to Pat about his bankruptcy experience on The Pat Kenny Show on Newstalk 106 - 108.Category. License.ublished on Sep 2, 2013. Newly returning Newstalk Breakfast Show talks to Pat about his bankruptcy experience on The Pat Kenny Show on Newstalk 106 - 108. 1 News & Politics." }, { "docid": "5706127", "title": "-", "text": "As Obama makes historic trip to Hiroshima, Japan, Maggie Rulli talks to residents about the aftermath of the bomb." }, { "docid": "8413854", "title": "Analysis on \"In the Kitchen\" by Henry Louis Gates, Jr.", "text": "Henry Louis Gates, Jr. was a highly educated writer. He wrote the essay called In the Kitchen. In the script, he talks about his mother doing hair in the kitchen." }, { "docid": "2464280", "title": "-", "text": "CNN's Alina Cho talks to Lorena Bobbitt, who now goes by Lorena Gallo, about her new life and her new mission.1 CNN Newsroom.2 1. 3 1. 4 4:35. 5 News. 6 Standard YouTube License.NN's Alina Cho talks to Lorena Bobbitt, who now goes by Lorena Gallo, about her new life and her new mission. 1 CNN Newsroom. 2 1. 3 1. 4 4:35." }, { "docid": "1842395", "title": "What does Dory mean?", "text": "Dory is an uncommonly occurring first name for women but a very prominent last name for all people (#27802 out of 150436, Top 18%). (2000 U.S. Census).ory is an uncommonly occurring first name for women but a very prominent last name for all people (#27802 out of 150436, Top 18%). (2000 U.S. Census)." }, { "docid": "535922", "title": "-", "text": "Dolphins owner Stephen Ross' tackles racism, talks economy. | Stephen Ross is a real estate powerhouse and his net worth is estimated at nearly $7 billion.He became part-owner of the Miami Dolphins in 2008 and later took majority control.olphins owner Stephen Ross' tackles racism, talks economy. | Stephen Ross is a real estate powerhouse and his net worth is estimated at nearly $7 billion." }, { "docid": "3896075", "title": "Russia makes a separate peace", "text": "In December 1917, Germany agreed to an armistice and peace talks with Russia, and Lenin sent Leon Trotsky to Brest-Litovsk in Belarus to negotiate a treaty. The talks broke off after Germany demanded independence for Russian holdings in Eastern Europe, and in February 1918 fighting resumed on the eastern front. With German troops advancing on St. Petersburg, Lenin authorized the signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk on March 3, 1918." }, { "docid": "2415167", "title": "-", "text": "Thanks for clicking on us. University of California, Berkeley, psychologist Tania Lombrozo talks about why people believe what they do, especially regarding evolution or creationism. Author Steve Miller discusses his new book The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Science of Everything.hanks for clicking on us. University of California, Berkeley, psychologist Tania Lombrozo talks about why people believe what they do, especially regarding evolution or creationism. Author Steve Miller discusses his new book The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Science of Everything." }, { "docid": "515516", "title": "Number Talks", "text": "The purpose of number talks in second grade is to provide students with opportunities to build computational fluency. Number talks should be designed to help students understand and easily use strategies to make addition easier." }, { "docid": "3536234", "title": "-", "text": "Taking place six months after the first film, Dory suddenly recalls her childhood memories. Remembering something about the jewel of Monterey, California , accompanied by Nemo and Marlin, she sets out to find her family." }, { "docid": "7503384", "title": "The happiest countries in the world", "text": "The happiest countries in the world. USA TODAY's Laura Petrecca talks with Doug McIntyre, Editor of 24/7 Wall St. about the happiest countries in the world." }, { "docid": "8689775", "title": "Finding Dory: Original Finding Nemo voice has role", "text": "As Finding Dory finds its way into theaters this weekend, 13 years after 2003’s Finding Nemo, audiences may notice plenty has changed in Marlin and Dory’s undersea universe – including the voice of the formerly eponymous little clown fish himself, Nemo." }, { "docid": "839496", "title": "Peter Reckell To Return To Days of our Lives?", "text": "Progress. According to Peter Reckell (ex-Bo), he is in talks with the people at Days of our Lives for a possible return to coincide with the show's 50th anniversary." }, { "docid": "4404447", "title": "Finding Nemo and Finding Dory Are Now Part of a Trilogy", "text": "While the second movie will focus on Dory as the main character, the third movie will feature another popular character from the original movie. In Finding Nemo, whilst on their way to, well, find Nemo, Dory and Marlin stumble upon a group of sharks holding something similar to an Alcoholics Anonymous group. This small group of sharks are determined to stop being fish eaters. The group is lead by a Great White Shark that goes by the name of Bruce." }, { "docid": "5088763", "title": "-", "text": "The Law & Order star in talks to play Lara Lor-Van, the Man of Steel's Kryptonian mother. Jun 23rd, 2011. Julia Ormond is officially in talks to join the cast of Zack Snyder's Man of Steel Superman reboot. The Law & Order: Criminal Intent star would join a still-in-talks Russell Crowe as Lara Lor-Van, Superman's birth mother." }, { "docid": "4614587", "title": "-", "text": "Actress Nadia Gray Talks About Playing an Elf and Larika’s Badassery in Netflix’s “Bright”" }, { "docid": "8094624", "title": "-", "text": "Dr. Oz talks about the third type of body shape, the box shaped body type which has the most health problems involved with it & can cause depression. Dr. Oz talks about the third type of body shape, the box shaped body type which has the most health problems involved with it & can cause depression." }, { "docid": "6111717", "title": "Dory", "text": "Dory is the deuteragonist of Finding Nemo and the titular protagonist of Finding Dory. She is a blue-tang fish who suffers from short-term memory loss." }, { "docid": "2357468", "title": "State budget talks for Tennessee's 2015-2016 fiscal year to begin next week", "text": "Tennessee state budget talks for the 2015-2016 fiscal year begin November 24th in Nashville.ennessee state budget talks for the 2015-2016 fiscal year begin November 24th in Nashville." }, { "docid": "7997237", "title": "-", "text": "Learn about PBEM games. If you are new to PBEM games a good start is to read the article Play By Email (PBEM) in a larger perspective . It talks about different types of email role playing games. Then you can continue with the article .The anatomy of a post .It provides you with more information about how to write posts.f you are new to PBEM games a good start is to read the article Play By Email (PBEM) in a larger perspective . It talks about different types of email role playing games. Then you can continue with the article ." }, { "docid": "3721090", "title": "14-ft Vermont Dory", "text": "14-ft Vermont Dory. Our Vermont Dory is now the most popular boat we build. It is a beautifully-shaped Kevlar composite boat known for its outstanding versatile design providing both an excellent rowing boat and an excellent sailing boat. It is the boat of choice for camp cruising, fishing, and long distance open water rowing." }, { "docid": "4152381", "title": "Peach", "text": "Peach is a starfish and a supporting character from Disney/Pixar 2003 film Finding Nemo and its sequel Finding Dory. She was purchased by the dentist on eBay." }, { "docid": "3986285", "title": "Mr. Incredible", "text": "Bob Parr is the first human protagonist in a Pixar feature film. Bob Parr is also the first Pixar hero to kill people. Mostly for self-defense. Mr. Incredible is one of the few Pixar characters whose blood is shown, along with Dory and the construction worker Carl attacked from Up." }, { "docid": "3373184", "title": "Zeus", "text": "Zeus m. 1 A taxonomic genus within the family Zeidae – the John Dory and the Cape dory. 2 A taxonomic genus within the family Rhytismataceae – a fungus discovered on Mount Olympus, with yellow disc-shaped fruiting bodies that grow in the decaying wood of Bosnian pine trees." }, { "docid": "4006336", "title": "-", "text": "Baby Dory From Finding Dory Is So Cute It Hurts. It's cuteness overload. Pixar just gave you one more reason to see Finding Dory when it released this seriously cute — and touching — clip of Dory as a baby Blue Tang." }, { "docid": "3739479", "title": "-", "text": "Graduate Talks & Workshops. Join us for a series of small group talks and workshops for students interested in graduate study and students who will begin studies this Fall. Each event will be led by a subject matter expert and will include voices and perspectives from faculty and students." }, { "docid": "3078258", "title": "-", "text": "1 In Finding Nemo: The Musical, Dory wears mismatched socks. 2 Dory is a Regal tang fish and popularized this species. 3 Dory will be the third female Pixar protagonist, succeeding after Merida from Brave and Joy from Inside Out. In Finding Nemo: The Musical, Dory wears mismatched socks. 2 Dory is a Regal tang fish and popularized this species. 3 Dory will be the third female Pixar protagonist, succeeding after Merida from Brave and Joy from Inside Out." }, { "docid": "7820995", "title": "-", "text": "Billie Eilish Is a 15-Year-Old Pop Prodigy—And She's Intimidating as Hell. The daring up-and-comer talks about her music, style, and hatred for smiling." }, { "docid": "2548970", "title": "-", "text": "A: The theme of Robert Frost's poem, The Road Not Taken, centers around the narrator being faced with two choices and making a decision of which is best. The speaker in the poem talks of coming upon two roads and having to decide which one to take." }, { "docid": "3171721", "title": "Marvel's Daredevil - 'Daredevil Has More Stunts than Any TV Show' Says Stick", "text": "Marvel's Daredevil 20 Mar 2015. Daredevil's Stick, Scott Glenn, talks about doing stunt work as a blind man in Netflix's gritty series." } ]
average car insurance cost texas
[ { "docid": "4677515", "title": "The Essential Texas Car Insurance Comparison Chart", "text": "Everything’s bigger in Texas — including car insurance costs. Texas has the nation’s 14th highest rates, according to Insure.com, with an average annual premium of $1,620. That doesn’t mean you have to pay that much, however. To get the lowest car insurance rates in Texas, you should get as many quotes as possible." } ]
[ { "docid": "6303937", "title": "-", "text": "The average cost would be around $200-$220 per month.... 0. 0. If you are a new driver and getting your first car insurance, the average cost would be around $200-$220 per month.Though it may also depend on the car you own and the state but the cheapest car insurance I found for my car was just about $200 per month.amily of four members may spend 600 dollar to 1200 dollar on average per month for their entertainment in which a small shopping, movies at theater, picnic and traveling included." }, { "docid": "7398024", "title": "The Average Cost of Insurance Coverage for a Sole Proprietor Business", "text": "This insurance can also be referred to as malpractice insurance or professional liability insurance. The average cost of errors & omissions insurance can vary from $500 to $2500 a year for a sole proprietor, as of July 2011." }, { "docid": "7356775", "title": "What is the average salary of a 24 year old male?", "text": "The average cost of car insurance is around 125 dollars a month for a 24 year old male in Florida. The exact amount will vary with make and model of car." }, { "docid": "4623472", "title": "Renting a car in Mexico: What you need to know", "text": "Renting a car in Mexico has one big gotcha, though, and that is the minefield of the country's famously mandatory insurance. Mexican car rental rates look wonderfully cheap on comparison websites, but they don't include insurance, which can easily double, and in some cases triple, the cost." }, { "docid": "8121209", "title": "What is insurance", "text": "For example, in a car insurance policy, the insurance company agrees that if the car is damaged, the insurance company will pay the cost of repairing it. Under an income protection policy, the insurance company agrees that if its client is unable to work, the insurance company will pay its client an agreed amount." }, { "docid": "1650653", "title": "Head Gasket Replacement Cost", "text": "Head Gasket Replacement Cost Estimates. The average cost for a Head Gasket Replacement is between $732 and $2093 but can vary from car to car." }, { "docid": "458136", "title": "MID-CENTURY INSURANCE COMPANY OF TEXAS", "text": "PENALTY OF $25,000 PAID BY COMPANY, TEXAS FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY AND FARMERS TEXAS COUNTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY FOR PRIVATE PASSENGER AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE RATE VIOLATIONS IN TEXAS." }, { "docid": "4568756", "title": "New Hampshire Car Insurance", "text": "Popular Questions About New Hampshire Car Insurance How much does New Hampshire car insurance cost? New Hampshire car insurance costs much less on average than insurance in other parts of the country. It saves to be a resident of The Granite State. New Hampshire drivers generally pay an average of $983 per year for their auto insurance — $491 less than the national annual average — but are you getting all the protection you need?" }, { "docid": "764680", "title": "Average Cost of Homeowners Insurance / Home Insurance", "text": "Well, according to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, the average cost for homeowners insurance in 2006 was around $804. This is a national average, and some states are much higher and lower than this number.We will get to the most and least expensive states in just a moment.hese figures varied from $800 to $1,100 for a homeowners insurance policy, but as mentioned they were not from official data sources. The most expensive states for home insurance coverage include Texas ($1,500 for a policy), Florida and Louisiana." }, { "docid": "1837532", "title": "-", "text": "1 58% - How much does rental insurance coverage cost for enterprise employees? 2 45% - What is enterprise car rental rap-additional insurance & it`s cost per day? 3 please define what rap coverage entails? 4 63% - Does enterprise car rental take allianz car rental insurance?" }, { "docid": "3523702", "title": "How Much Does a Well-Baby Doctor Visit Cost?", "text": "1 Without insurance, the cost of immunizations for your baby’s first year will be, on average, a little over $600. 2 This cost is almost always covered by insurance, however, and some states even do it for free for those without insurance." }, { "docid": "5998270", "title": "-", "text": "1 This vaccination on average can cost anywhere from $50 to $150 without health insurance. 2 The Hepatitis B vaccination is going to protect from a disease that is contracted through contact of bodily fluids. To have both Hepatitis shots combined, it is going to cost an average of $70 to $315 without insurance. 2 Most health insurance plans are going to cover a high portion of this vaccination, since it is deemed a preventable cause. 3 Check with your health insurance company to learn more about your policy." }, { "docid": "8820008", "title": "-", "text": "Download .xls. Our cost of living indices are based on a US average of 100. An amount below 100 means San Antonio, Texas is cheaper than the US average. A cost of living index above 100 means San Antonio, Texas is more expensive.Overall, San Antonio, Texas cost of living is 92.30.OST OF LIVING OVERVIEW. Our cost of living indices are based on a US average of 100. An amount below 100 means San Antonio, Texas is cheaper than the US average. A cost of living index above 100 means San Antonio, Texas is more expensive." }, { "docid": "6560407", "title": "Young Drivers' Insurance", "text": "The cost of car insurance for under-25s is eye-wateringly high and rising. The average cost for a 17-22 year-old is already at 1,242/yr. However, you can cut costs.he cost of car insurance for under-25s is eye-wateringly high and rising. The average cost for a 17-22 year-old is already at 1,242/yr. However, you can cut costs." }, { "docid": "1225495", "title": "-", "text": "Cars in the 1930's on average cost about $500. The average cost of a car today is $31,452 dollars." }, { "docid": "6216056", "title": "What's The Average Auto Insurance Cost Per Person?", "text": "As of May, 2009, the average cost for auto insurance was $1837 per year, per car. This breaks down to about $153 per month. This estimate is based on a household, and may include multi-car families." }, { "docid": "5608910", "title": "-", "text": "Average Cost is Under $500 Annually. According to an article as CNNMoney, the average annual cost of homeowners insurance is $481. The website Mortgage Q and A claims a rough estimate for homeowner's insurance is .3 percent to 1 percent of the loan amount.verage Cost is Under $500 Annually. According to an article as CNNMoney, the average annual cost of homeowners insurance is $481. The website Mortgage Q and A claims a rough estimate for homeowner's insurance is .3 percent to 1 percent of the loan amount." }, { "docid": "2303270", "title": "-", "text": "Car rental insurance - Important Information. Some USA credit cards and personal car insurance policies do provide car rental insurance so please check with your credit card provider and personal auto insurance policy for details. It is illegal to drive in the US without car insurance." }, { "docid": "4958612", "title": "The Problem with the Used Car Industry Today", "text": "The second major cost is the commercial dealer insurance that a used car dealer is required to maintain. Commercial used car dealer insurance can cost up to $20,000 per year and usually requires a down payment of twenty to forty percent..!" }, { "docid": "4525005", "title": "-", "text": "Found This Helpful. Homeowners insurance costs in Texas are based, in part, on the type of coverage that is needed and the types of perils or losses that can occur. These can include losses that result from storms or weather, fire and theft.he average cost of homeowners insurance in Florida was $804 in 2006, according to homeinsurance.com, ... The Average Cost of Homeowner's Insurance..." }, { "docid": "5792998", "title": "Average Cost of Medicare Supplemental Insurance", "text": "In general, 2012 data shows that the average cost of Medical supplemental insurance for the most basic plans is somewhere in the neighborhood of $130 to $210 per month while the most expensive plans can go as high as $400 per month.Likewise, estimates put the annual payment increase to be 5 to 6%.014 Medicare and Medigap Updates. Average Cost of Medicare Supplemental Insurance. The truth is that it is very hard to give one definitive figure as to the average cost of Medicare supplemental insurance." }, { "docid": "6896231", "title": "-", "text": "Comprehensive Car Insurance-Agreed vs. Market Value. Whether you're after insurance for a new business vehicle, are replacing the family car, or simply reviewing your insurance position for best value and cover, you probably know that selecting the right car insurance is not always as simple as it seems." }, { "docid": "4415941", "title": "The Average Cost of Homeowners Insurance in Ohio", "text": "Average Cost. The average cost of homeowners insurance in Ohio in 2009 was $613 -- making it $267 less than the national average. Ohio has some of the lowest homeowners insurance rates in the country, ranking among the 10 states with the lowest premiums." }, { "docid": "7933254", "title": "-", "text": "There are many airport car parking. Airport car parking cost varies depending on the airport you are parking at. The average cost of airport car parking is usually around $20 …a day." }, { "docid": "4158694", "title": "What's The Average Auto Insurance Cost Per Person?", "text": "Auto insurance premiums can vary widely, but knowing the average auto insurance cost per person can be helpful when you start to shop around for better policies and rates. Here is what you need to know when it comes to insurance rates." }, { "docid": "4574411", "title": "How much does average car insurance cost per month uk?", "text": "How much does average car insurance cost per month uk? approximately how much would car insurance cost on a car worth £1000 for a 17year old who lives in a cul de sac with a garage." }, { "docid": "907724", "title": "If you added the annual cost of fuel and insurance together, which province would make your wallet the lightest?", "text": "The fuel costs are from GasBuddy.com and represent today’s rates. The annual fuel costs were calculated using the average annual Canadian driving distance of 15,200 kilometres per person and the fact that the average car sold in North America in 2013 got 9.8 L/100 km.Prince Edward Island is officially the cheapest province to insure and fuel a car. Supplied, Wikipedia.nnual insurance average: $749. Annual cost of fuel and insurance: $2,861. Again, the cheap premiums of Newfoundland make the rest of Canada jealous. This is the second cheapest province to insure and fuel a car in. Manitoba is the cheapest non-coastal province to own a car in." }, { "docid": "770720", "title": "Average Cost of Insurance: Car, Home, Renters, Health, and Pet (2018)", "text": "The average cost of insurance for car owners of insuring their vehicles from accidents and other events has generally increased, with the exceptions of Arkansas, Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia, who all saw their car insurance premiums drop between 1% and 5% in the last year.se our data to see what your states average premiums are to get a better idea of what you should be paying for insurance. To jump directly to the different types of insurance's average cost, click on the contents links below. 1 Car Insurance." }, { "docid": "4188426", "title": "What is the average cost per mile to operate a car including depreciation maintenance gasoline insurance etc?", "text": "Car insurance costs are affected by several factors, such as driving record, where you live (state regulations as well as neighborhood crime rates), age, and the car itself (s … ports cars will cost more to insure), however, the national average is $1,837 per year or $153 monthly.+ 22 others found this useful.rom the AAA In the US, according to the AAA, the cost of operation is an average of 56 cents per mile. AAA includes the cost of depreciation of a new car, more than $3,500 pe … r year." }, { "docid": "1596330", "title": "Average Cost of Homeowners Insurance", "text": "An owner with a more expensive home will have to pay a higher average cost of homeowners insurance, as they will be protecting property that is worth more money. The age and location of your house will also play a part in determining the average cost that you will pay for homeowners insurance.he average cost of your plan will depend on the coverage options that you decide to include. Cheaper options will generally have less coverage while the more expensive policies will come with a slightly higher average cost of homeowners insurance." } ]
who else invented wifi
[ { "docid": "2636496", "title": "India Invented the Original Laptop, WiFi in 1952 (Video)", "text": "India Invented the Original Laptop, WiFi in 1952 (Video) By: David Russell Schilling | April 11th, 2015" } ]
[ { "docid": "291165", "title": "-", "text": "Speedy. NETGEAR was first to introduce the world’s fastest WiFi router. That’s just the latest evolution of a legacy of innovative wireless routers and modem routers. More homes now have multiple devices requiring strong, steady WiFi signals.NETGEAR offers a wide range of options to meet every type of home networking need.peedy. NETGEAR was first to introduce the world’s fastest WiFi router. That’s just the latest evolution of a legacy of innovative wireless routers and modem routers. More homes now have multiple devices requiring strong, steady WiFi signals." }, { "docid": "336841", "title": "Home WiFi - Data Usage on WiFi Getting Counted Towards Limit?", "text": "Sorry for the double post, newbie, posted in wrong forum at first. I just switched the whole family to Verizon. I was told that if we connected to our WiFi at home, WiFi data usage does not count towards our data limit. However, it looks like our WiFi data usage IS getting counted against the limit." }, { "docid": "8691660", "title": "-", "text": "The first camera like all others after it was invented to capture photographs. The first was known as the pinhole camera. The first camera like all others after it was invented to capture photographs. The first was known as the pinhole camera." }, { "docid": "5999734", "title": "NDISwrapper", "text": "NDISwrapper enables a Unix-like system to use Windows drivers of type NDIS and WIFI. It was useful at a time where there were no Linux WIFI drivers for common WIFI cards. It works only on X86 computers because it uses Windows drivers which are only developed for X86 at the moment. It is composed of:" }, { "docid": "5119050", "title": "-", "text": "If you’ve got great WiFi at home, simply buy any speaker and set it up on your home WiFi network using the free Sonos controller app. If your home WiFi network just isn’t reliable enough, Sonos offers options for you to make sure the music never stops." }, { "docid": "1047206", "title": "WPA Key??? What does this mean or stand for?", "text": "WPA is WiFi Protected Access - it's the most common method of encryption used to secure a wireless network. If you have a laptop or smartphone and you're trying to connect to a WiFi network, you'll usually need to enter a WPA key (or password) in order to connect to it." }, { "docid": "6338476", "title": "Should you opt for a WiFi hotspot in your new car?", "text": "From in-plane WiFi to hotspots at Starbucks, there are few times when an internet connection is not easily available. The exception until lately has been the car. Short of turning your phone into a WiFi hotspot and burning through your data plan, there hasn’t been a reliable way to get all your devices connected on the road." }, { "docid": "6414048", "title": "5Ghz WiFi, Galaxy Tab 2 7\"?", "text": "However, my tablet can only see the 2.4 GHz acces... Tab 7.7 5ghz wifi issues. I seem to be having various issues with 5ghz wifi with the tab 7.7.My most common issues are:1: struggling to optain ip and connect2: when it does show connected its not really connected." }, { "docid": "5585937", "title": "-", "text": "1 75% - Does turning on wifi cost money? 2 41% - Can we use only wifi in india on the iphone 4s to access the internet without turning on cellular data for at&t? 3 57% - Does cellular network data received cost?4 28% - I have 1200unlimited tata photone data card ... 26% - My iphone 5s has wifi and cellular data so when i`m on my cellular data my kik works but when i turn my cellular data of and connect it to any sou..? 2 75% - Does turning on wifi cost money? 3 41% - Can we use only wifi in india on the iphone 4s to access the internet without turning on cellular data for at&t?" }, { "docid": "167599", "title": "What Does WiFi Stand For", "text": "What Does WiFi Stand For. The invention of the computer made possible the world to be a place where communication is just a matter of seconds and the invention of the internet made communication faster. Along with computers and the internet, there are many other things that got invented and innovated and Wi-Fi is one of those things." }, { "docid": "3332654", "title": "-", "text": "We have compared Wifi costs for your convenience. Wifi is a wireless connection in the home. There are many ways you can connect wirelessly in the home. The most used method is a wireless modem/router. The Wifi modem/router can be connected many different ways to the internet. The most common ways are NBN, Cable, ADSL/ADSL2+, Mobile Broadband, and Satellite. Wifi costs will vary from area to area." }, { "docid": "2813599", "title": "-", "text": "The service indicator is referring to your 3G signal. The wifi is a separate connection, with a separate signal. Sounds like your wifi network may be malfunctioning.he service indicator is referring to your 3G signal. The wifi is a separate connection, with a separate signal. Sounds like your wifi network may be malfunctioning." }, { "docid": "2630952", "title": "-", "text": "exists and is an alternate of . There are so many people that are thought to have invented the first robot. Really the first robot was invented by Karel Capek in the year of 1921. There are so many people that are thought to have invented the first robot. Really the first robot was invented by Karel Capek in the year of 1921." }, { "docid": "4792087", "title": "XFINITY WiFi Hotspots", "text": "XFINITY WiFi Hotspots. XFINITY WiFi is the largest, fastest WiFi network in the nation, so there is always a hotspot where you need it most. XFINITY WiFi is included with XFINITY Internet service (25 Mbps and above) for no additional charge. Stream what you love around town. Save on your mobile data plan." }, { "docid": "3226995", "title": "What is WiFi and How Does it Work?", "text": "March 2017. 1 WiFi is a technology that uses radio waves to provide network connectivity. A WiFi connection is established using a wireless adapter to create hotspots - areas in the vicinity of a wireless router that are connected to the network and allow users to access internet services." }, { "docid": "3048338", "title": "-", "text": "WIFI Internet speed is slow down after upgrading to Windows 10I have upgraded my OS from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10. After the installation the internet speed is slow down like a dial in connection (it is slow down if I am using wifi connection and it is fine if I am using a cable/wired connection).indows keeps disconnecting from wifi. I have Windows 10. Installed about two weeks ago. For the last two days, Windows disconnects me from wifi and often won't reconnect without reboots of router and laptop." }, { "docid": "8707355", "title": "Who invented the butane lighter?", "text": "exists and is an alternate of . Making the world better, one answer at a time. I don't know actually invented the butane lighter, but the first disposable lighters were invented by BIC in 1973. I don't know actually invented the butane lighter, but the first disposable lighters were invented by BIC in 1973." }, { "docid": "7177348", "title": "Real Life. Real Connection.", "text": "WiFi Connect appliances deliver real, everyday convenience for real, everyday moments. Stay informed about what your appliances are doing wherever you are. Learn More about WiFi Appliances" }, { "docid": "2221542", "title": "Kalel", "text": "The name Shaniqua is of American origin, and it means Invented name .It's a name commonly given to girls.he name Shaniqua is of American origin, and it means Invented name ." }, { "docid": "2985114", "title": "-", "text": "Re: LG G2 WiFi Problems. I have the same problems with both my g2 and my wife's. It seems to be a weird issue with certain routers. I have gone through every setting on both my phone and my router, updated the firmware etc.. I still have the wifi dropping issue. i'm hoping the kitkat update fixes it." }, { "docid": "1665855", "title": "Set Up Portable Wifi Hotspot & Teathering to Tablet", "text": "Check out how to setup a portable wifi hotspot and use you wifi enabled tablet to connect to it when you are out and about without the tablet have a 3g mobile data contract. In this example I am using a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 II (GT-N7100 / GT-N7105) and a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 Tablet Wifi Only not 3G." }, { "docid": "7320729", "title": "Best WiFi router for Amazon Fire TV Stick", "text": "Best WiFi router for Amazon Fire TV Stick. Not every WiFi router will work properly with the Amazon Fire TV Stick in its highest resolution mode that can reach up to 1080p HD. Here are the ones that do. The Amazon Fire TV Stick is sensitive to the type of WiFi router you can use. If you're finding video streaming buffering or stopping unexpectedly, the first thing to check is that your WiFi router is fast enough (assuming you have one of course)." }, { "docid": "6352514", "title": "-", "text": "Now your Apple Watch contains the same wifi keychain as your iPhone. So if your iPhone is turned off, on a different network, or miles away, your watch can still connect to other known wifi networks. Some features like dictation will not be available, but you can still make phone calls on the watch." }, { "docid": "3803150", "title": "-", "text": "The single most important thing you can do to extend the range of your 802.11 system is to install an external antenna with some good gain and directional or omni-directional qualities. WiFi is simply a radio, which is used for computer. You can think of your antenna as the “speaker system” of your WiFi card. Get a bigger antenna; your WiFi will go a lot further. However, don't install a speaker on your wifi system or your range will be horrible! Directional Antennas. Directional antennas are used for Point-to-Point or sometimes for Multi-Point systems depending on the setup. If you are trying to go from one location (say for instance your router), to another location, this is the type of antenna we recommend." }, { "docid": "7130387", "title": "The Arlo Community", "text": "The wireless cameras won't work since the base station requires an Ethernet connection. Again, you could use a WiFi extender with an Ethernet port - the extender would connect to the WiFi-only router and the base station would connect using the Ethernet port over the extender's connection." }, { "docid": "7860696", "title": "Recover WiFi Password on Windows 10 without Third Party Tool", "text": "1 Right click on the WiFi connection and choose the Status. 2 Under the Status window, click Wireless Properties link. 3 You will be taken to the new window of your Wireless Network Properties. 4 Now, head to the Security tab. 5 Under this tab, you will see your Network Security Key or WiFi password is in codes. On hitting the Enter key, Network Connections window will come on the screen. 2 Look for your WiFi. 3 Right click on the WiFi connection and choose the Status. 4 Under the Status window, click Wireless Properties link. 5 You will be taken to the new window of your Wireless Network Properties." }, { "docid": "6161010", "title": "Difference Between WIFI modem and WIFI router", "text": "WIFI MODEM vs WIFI ROUTER. It has been a long time that digital communication has advanced to a point where a physical connection is not anymore a requirement. Computer networks are now possible without the awkward cables and wires." }, { "docid": "7837903", "title": "Wireless network speed meter, WiFi signal strength booster software for Mac OS X", "text": "http://www.netspotapp.com-Watch video about how to check & test wireless network speed, how to boost wifi signal with Netspot wifi survey software for Mac OS X. With Netspot you can:- measure wifi speed.- boost wireless network speed.- analyze wifi coverage. - map dead zones.- survey wifi.ttp://www.netspotapp.com-Watch video about how to check & test wireless network speed, how to boost wifi signal with Netspot wifi survey software for Mac OS X. With Netspot you can: - measure wifi speed. - boost wireless network speed. - analyze wifi coverage. - map dead zones. - survey wifi." }, { "docid": "4567507", "title": "If connected to WiFi, do SMS text messages count towards my plan?", "text": "3. Re: If connected to WiFi, do SMS text messages count towards my plan? Someone correct me if I'm wrong - I thought iMessage worked iOS5 to iOS5 device using wifi or data, not SMS. If you are not texting to someone with an iOS5 device it will count against your texts." }, { "docid": "6383464", "title": "What is the difference between a WI-FI router, range extender, repeater, booster and access point?", "text": "Technically, a WAP or Wireless Access Point is connected to the router via Ethernet cable. However many manufacturers sell WAPs that connect via WiFi. WiFi booster and WiFi extender are essentially two different names for the same thing. WiFi repeater is another commonly used name. These devices usually mount in between your wireless router and the area where you want to increase the WiFi signal. The extender/booster picks up the WiFi signal from your wireless router and regenerates it, increasing the WiFi range." } ]
family effects on hearing loss
[ { "docid": "5173155", "title": "Hearing Differently: The Impact of Hearing Impairment on Family Life", "text": "1 There was a negative impact on the children of people who had a hearing loss making them feel worried and resentful. 2 There is need for those who work as rehabilitators of those with hearing impairment that they have a grasp of a family life cycle approach." } ]
[ { "docid": "2225378", "title": "What is Hearing Impairment? - Definition, Causes & Treatment", "text": "Types and Causes of Hearing Impairment. Conductive hearing loss is when a hearing impairment is due to problems in the outer ear, middle ear, ear canal, eardrum, or the ossicles, which are the tiny bones in the middle ear. When the sound is not being conducted properly through the ear, conductive hearing loss occurs." }, { "docid": "641220", "title": "-", "text": "Hearing Loss Linked to Accelerated Brain Tissue Loss - 01/22/2014. Release Date: January 22, 2014. Although the brain becomes smaller with age, the shrinkage seems to be fast-tracked in older adults with hearing loss, according to the results of a study by researchers from Johns Hopkins and the National Institute on Aging." }, { "docid": "2915207", "title": "-", "text": "1 Conductive hearing loss-when hearing loss is due to problems with the ear canal, ear drum, or middle ear and its little bones (the malleus, incus, and stapes). 2 Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) - when hearing loss is due to problems of the inner ear, also known as nerve-related hearing loss. Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) - when hearing loss is due to problems of the inner ear, also known as nerve-related hearing loss." }, { "docid": "8505406", "title": "Hearing (audiometry) test", "text": "Audiometry tests can detect whether you have sensorineural hearing loss (damage to the nerve or cochlea) or conductive hearing loss (damage to the eardrum or the tiny ossicle bones). During an audiometry evaluation, a variety of tests may be performed.Figure 1.udiometry tests can detect whether you have sensorineural hearing loss (damage to the nerve or cochlea) or conductive hearing loss (damage to the eardrum or the tiny ossicle bones). During an audiometry evaluation, a variety of tests may be performed." }, { "docid": "5817664", "title": "Hearing Aid Reviews, What Are the Best Brands and How Much Do They Cost?", "text": "There are more than twenty-five hearing aid manufacturers and well over 400 hearing devices on the market today. You can learn which manufacturers receive the best reviews. Choosing a hearing instrument for your hearing loss can be very confusing to say the least." }, { "docid": "3973886", "title": "What are the long term effects of Measles?", "text": "The long term effects are businesses are at a low, Loss Of Tourism, Property damage, beach destroyed, Deaths-suffering of family members, Fear, Injuries." }, { "docid": "6613643", "title": "Hearing", "text": "There are several different types of hearing loss: Conductive hearing loss, sensorineural hearing loss and mixed types. 1 Conductive hearing loss. 2 Sensorineural hearing loss. 3 Mixed hearing loss." }, { "docid": "5980", "title": "Auditory Nerve Damage", "text": "Hearing loss usually accompanies damage to the auditory nerve. Hearing loss may vary due to the type of damage and degree. Vertigo is the false feeling that you or the room is spinning even though neither is true.Falls are a risk with vertigo as you attempt to correct this miscommunication of being off balance.owever, this is not usually the case. Most deaf people have conductive hearing loss due to damage in the middle ear structures. Neural hearing loss due to auditory nerve damage is much less common than conductive hearing loss and is usually irreversible." }, { "docid": "6850626", "title": "-", "text": "Mild Hearing Loss: The child with mild hearing loss usually has normal speech, but will have trouble in the school setting because it will be difficult to hear speech from more than 12 feet away or when there is background noise.oderate Loss: Children with moderate hearing loss can clearly hear speech only when the speaker is very close – less than two feet away. They need hearing aids to hear the softest sounds and to acquire understandable speech." }, { "docid": "8454882", "title": "Garamycin solution", "text": "Garamycin solution. Garamycin solution has caused kidney problems, nerve damage or permanent hearing loss, even at usual doses. Hearing loss can occur even after the medicine is stopped. If you already have kidney problems or hearing difficulty, tell your doctor." }, { "docid": "3757755", "title": "Syndromes Which Often Result in Combined Vision and Hearing Loss", "text": "Vision loss in these children is related to scaring of the choroid (the dark brown vascular coat of the eye between the sclera and retina). Hearing loss in these children is sensorineural. Even though CMV infection may not be apparent in some infants, it may later cause hearing loss." }, { "docid": "3661439", "title": "Hearing problems - hyperacusis", "text": "Hearing loss. Deafness - a range of causes. Deafness is caused by many different events including injury, disease and genetic defects... Ears - ways to protect your hearing. Once hearing is damaged, it often can't be restored... Hearing loss - auditory neuropathy" }, { "docid": "1657389", "title": "Pediatric Audiology - Case Review", "text": "If a child's normal hearing thresholds are at 15 dB HL and there is a drop of another 15 dB due to fluctuating hearing loss, then that puts that child's thresholds at 30 dB HL, in the mild hearing loss range. At 30 dB, soft speech is essentially inaudible or unintelligible." }, { "docid": "2908423", "title": "-", "text": "Perforation of the eardrum by an injury causes sudden severe pain, sometimes followed by bleeding from the ear, hearing loss, and noise in the ear (tinnitus). The hearing loss is more severe if the chain of ossicles has been disrupted or the inner ear has been injured." }, { "docid": "6577047", "title": "Ménièreâs disease", "text": "Stage three (late): hearing loss; balance difficulties; tinnitus. In the later stages the hearing loss increases and often the attacks of vertigo diminish or stop. Hearing loss can be severe and distortion, loudness discomfort and recruitment can be a problem." }, { "docid": "1657392", "title": "Pediatric Audiology - Case Review", "text": "Editor's note: This course is an edited transcript of a live expert e-seminar. The first topic I would like to discuss is fluctuating hearing loss. Fluctuating hearing loss is certainly familiar to audiologists, especially to those audiologists who work with children, and it is a particularly important issue." }, { "docid": "7409543", "title": "Try the CaptionCall Sleek Captioned Phone", "text": "1 There is no set decibel level of hearing loss required to get a captioned phone—just that you have difficulty hearing/understanding on the phone because of your hearing loss. You must have a signed form from a qualified health care professional certifying that you need a captioned phone because of your hearing loss." }, { "docid": "6620082", "title": "Acoustic Neuroma", "text": "The first symptom is usually a gradual loss of hearing in one ear, often accompanied by ringing in the ear (tinnitus) or a feeling of fullness in the ear. Less commonly, acoustic neuromas may cause sudden hearing loss. Other symptoms, which may occur over time, include:" }, { "docid": "7575957", "title": "What is Audiogram", "text": "What is Audiogram. Audiogram is a graphic record of hearing ability for various sound frequencies that is used to measure hearing loss. The frequency range for most audiogram normally go from 100Hz to 8000Hz, which is most essential for speech comprehension. The hearing ability is expressed in dB HL (decibel hearing level), which measures hearing loss. 0dB HL represents the average hearing threshold for people with normal hearing." }, { "docid": "439097", "title": "Symptoms Of Inner Ear Nerve Damage: Main Causes And Treatment", "text": "Symptoms Of Inner Ear Nerve Damage. The three main symptoms that may be indicative of ear nerve damage are hearing loss, vertigo, vomiting, and tinnitus. Hearing loss: Hearing loss can be frustrating and embarrassing for a person. It can lead him to isolation." }, { "docid": "5760593", "title": "-", "text": "1 A test of the middle-ear system should be included in a diagnostic hearing evaluation for all children. 2 When a hearing loss is detected, the child should be referred to an otolaryngologist or ENT to identify the cause of the loss. 3 Further recommendations can be made by the ENT." }, { "docid": "5817662", "title": "Miracle Ear Hearing Aids - Best Online Prices", "text": "Miracle Ear Hearing Aids - Best Online Prices. Miracle Ear hearing aids improve your lifestyle. Learn how these popular hearing aids have helped thousands gain confidence in a crowd, on the phone or during business meetings. Modern technology blends with comfortable hearing aids allowing you to hear clearly for the first time in ages. Get a free hearing test when you visit a Miracle Ear hearing aids office. A hearing loss expert will perform advanced hearing loss tests to pinpoint the exact tones and frequencies you hear. Once this information is compiled, you'll discuss your budget and the best hearing aids for your specific hearing loss." }, { "docid": "1887305", "title": "-", "text": "Based on that examination and those records, Dr. Delta's. opinion is that the claimant has a sensorineural hearing loss that is not. seen in noise-induced hearing loss; that the claimant has had the same. flat type hearing loss 'for many years,' which apparently progressed." }, { "docid": "5820465", "title": "Hearing Loss and Headphones - Is Anyone Listening?", "text": "James E. Foy, DO, an osteopathic pediatrician from Vallejo, California, explains what you can do to minimize your child’s risk of hearing loss. Listening through headphones at a high volume for extended periods of time can result in lifelong hearing loss for children and teens, says Dr. Foy. Even a mild hearing loss due to excessive noise could lead to developmental delays in speech and language.." }, { "docid": "5982", "title": "-", "text": "Auditory Nerve. Usually, hearing loss that is called sensorineural or nerve deafness is actually caused by problems with the cochlea, instead of the actual auditory nerve, but a very small percentage of hearing loss is caused by problems with the nerve, itself ...usually related to acoustic neuromas (tumors) on the nerve covering.uditory Nerve. Usually, hearing loss that is called sensorineural or nerve deafness is actually caused by problems with the cochlea, instead of the actual auditory nerve, but a very small percentage of hearing loss is caused by problems with the nerve, itself ..." }, { "docid": "969140", "title": "Archive: Hearing Loss: Steps & Options", "text": "Factors that should increase the physician’s concern are unilateral loss, sudden loss or complete loss. Symptoms that can be associated with hearing loss include otorrhea, otalgia, tinnitus, vertigo, facial palsy or fullness. A relevant history can also include ototoxic medication exposure, otitis, otologic surgery, family history, trauma or meningitis." }, { "docid": "4348837", "title": "Hearing loss causes", "text": "Hereditary hearing loss can be conductive, sensorineural or mixed and is the result of a genetic trait passed down from a parent. A study performed by the University of Washington, Seattle reports there are more than 400 known genetic syndromes that include hearing loss." }, { "docid": "6556815", "title": "Hearing Loss", "text": "If you take your ears for granted, listen up: hearing loss is the third most common health problem in the U.S. It's also on the rise with nearly 36 million Americans now reporting lost hearing." }, { "docid": "2917392", "title": "-", "text": "Treating hearing loss. How hearing loss is treated depends on the underlying cause of the condition. Hearing loss that occurs when sounds are unable to pass into the inner ear (conductive hearing loss) is often temporary and treatable. For example, earwax build-up can be removed by drops, a syringe or suction.urgery can be used to drain a fluid build-up, repair a perforated eardrum, or correct problems with the hearing bones. However, hearing loss caused by damage to the inner ear or to the nerves that transmit sound to brain (sensorineural hearing loss) is permanent." }, { "docid": "5305834", "title": "Hearing loss", "text": "Hearing loss, also known as hard of hearing, anacusis or hearing impairment, is a partial or total inability to hear. It may occur in one or both ears. In children hearing problems can affect the ability to learn language and in adults it can cause work related difficulties." } ]
how many game winning shots has jordan made
[ { "docid": "2088168", "title": "-", "text": "Game Winning Shots from 1984 to 1986. When the game came down to the wire, the Chicago Bulls relied on Michael Jordan to take over and lead his team to victory. The list below contains the 33 game winning shots Michael has made throughout his spectacular NBA career with the Bulls and the Wizards. 12-footer with four seconds left." } ]
[ { "docid": "4724960", "title": "How can you compare Wilt Chamberlain's stats with Michael Jordan's?", "text": "Wilt, of course, has more rebounds and blocked shots, but Jordan leads him (mostly) everywhere else (including awards (MVPs, championships, etc.) What is impressive though, is Wilt’s career best ppg (50.4) in 1962 and career best rebounds per game (27.2) in 1961." }, { "docid": "2997200", "title": "NBA D-LEAGUE WNBAEurope LiveGlobalBrasilCanadaChinaEspanolFranceGermanyHong KongJapanTaiwanUKGLOBALAtlantaBostonCharlotteChicagoClevelandDallasDenverDetroitGolden StateHoustonIndianaLA ClippersLA LakersMemphisMiamiMilwaukeeMinnesotaNew JerseyNew OrleansNew YorkOklahoma CityOrlandoPhiladelphiaPhoenixPortlandSacramentoSan AntonioTorontoUtahWashingtonTEAMS MOBILE NBA TICKETSResource CenterGame CenterStats CenterDraft CenterFANTASY NBATVSTOREJerseysApparelKidsFootwearSporting GoodsAuctionsNBA Store EuropeBe An AffiliateSTORENBA TV BroadbandNBA LEAGUE PASSVIDEO", "text": "Jordan scored 16 points, grabbed nine rebounds and made the winning basket on a 16-foot jumper with 18 seconds in the game for the 63-62 victory. As a sophomore, he was named College Player of the Year by The Sporting News." }, { "docid": "2583429", "title": "-", "text": "My DIY sauce toss game... So, I decided to make my own sauce toss game after a friend of mine made one, and also after looking at ones posted here and other places on the net. I actually made it for my nephew for Christmas. For the real game, go to https://www.saucetoss.com/." }, { "docid": "5680994", "title": "-", "text": "Quick Answer. Michael Jordan shot 49.7 percent from the field in his career, and he made 83.5 percent of his free throws. He also connected on 32.7 percent of his shots from three-point range. Jordan averaged 30.1 points per game during the regular season." }, { "docid": "3108040", "title": "-", "text": "Overall odds provide the average amount of winning tickets per game. For example, if a game has odds of 1 in 4, which means for all of the tickets in the entire game, there will be one winning ticket per every four tickets. However, because prizes are distributed randomly throughout a pack, it does not mean that there will be a winning ticket every 4th ticket." }, { "docid": "6699423", "title": "Golden State Warriors vs Portland Trail Blazers: Game 5 TV channel, how to watch live stream online", "text": "Golden State Warriors vs Portland Trail Blazers: Game 5 TV channel, how to watch live stream online. The Portland Trail Blazers' season is on the line Wednesday in a win-or-go-home Game 5 on the road against the Golden State Warriors. After winning Game 3 at home Saturday, the Blazers were close to sending the series back to Oakland tied 2-2 before a historic performance from a two-time NBA MVP put Portland on the ropes. Stephen Curry made his triumphant return for the Warriors in Game 4, dropping a game-high 40 points, including 17 in overtime to lead Golden State to the 132-125 win." }, { "docid": "7544930", "title": "Starbucks Honors Coffee Artistry and Espresso Craft with New Flat White", "text": "The Starbucks® Flat White is an espresso beverage made with two ristretto shots, combined with a thin layer of velvety steamed whole milk and finished with a latte art dot.A ristretto shot delivers a sweeter, more intense coffee flavor.he Starbucks® Flat White is an espresso beverage made with two ristretto shots, combined with a thin layer of velvety steamed whole milk and finished with a latte art dot." }, { "docid": "3496930", "title": "2018 San Antonio Spurs TV & Online Viewing Guide", "text": "Check out the best of phantom from the Spurs game 3 win in OKC! Time to appreciate what San Antonio is doing. In celebration of Tim Duncan's 40th birthday, take a look back at some of the best moment... Check out the best phantom cam shots from the Spurs game 3 win in Memphis." }, { "docid": "4522260", "title": "hat trick", "text": "hat trick - (sports) three consecutive scores by one player or three scores in one game (as in cricket or ice hockey etc.) score - the act of scoring in a game or sport; the winning score came with less than a minute left to play." }, { "docid": "4710015", "title": "-", "text": "Best time to visit Jordan The weather and climate in Jordan can vary dramatically depending on location and altitude. In the summer the weather in Jordan, especially in the deserts and Jordan valley is blisteringly hot while at other times of year the deserts can be freezing and snow is not unheard of." }, { "docid": "5380314", "title": "-", "text": "Game 4: Giants 4, Tigers 3 Scutaro's single in 10th delivers winning run and S.F.'s 2nd title in 3 seasons. By Henry Schulman." }, { "docid": "8546368", "title": "Player Points in Beta: How Theyâre Being Used Thus Far", "text": "Similar to Basewars, player points in Catching Fire are awarded based on player skill. You get two points for actually winning a match, which is no small task in this particular game. Each game has a maximum of 24 players, so statistically the odds aren’t really in your favor (sorry, had to)." }, { "docid": "2238829", "title": "-", "text": "For Golden State, last night’s game showed what they can be when their shots are falling – Klay Thompson and Steph Curry can seriously light it up when feeling it, and last night was one of those games." }, { "docid": "3483824", "title": "The Truth Behind Michael Jordan's Number 45", "text": "The number only lasted Jordan for 22 games. Through fate, Jordan returned to 23 on his 23rd game back in the NBA. What prompted the switch was the ball being stolen from him in Game 1 of the Eastern Conference Semi-finals by Nick Anderson, which led to the Chicago Bulls losing the game." }, { "docid": "6891113", "title": "NBA players who scored 60 or more Points in one game", "text": "NBA players who scored 60 or more Points in one game. Here you have the list of players who scored at least 60 points in an NBA game. Only 2 from a total of 65 performances of 60 or more points took place in the playoffs. Michael Jordan owns the playoffs record with 63 points and Elgin Baylor the Finals record with 61. Wilt Chamberlain was a scoring machine and he's at the top of the list with his legendary 100-point game." }, { "docid": "3803133", "title": "List of Hail Mary passes in American football", "text": "As a freshman, he scored the game winning jumpshot in the 1982 NCAA Championship game against the Georgetown Hoyas, with a final score of 63-62. This was the first mark left by the living legend. Jordan was selected as College player of the year for the 1983-1984 season." }, { "docid": "2440043", "title": "Jordan leads Bulls to sixth NBA title", "text": "The Bulls went on to win the series in six games, with Jordan winning his fifth Finals MVP award. In the 1998 finals, Utah won Game One 88-85 in overtime, but lost the next three games, including a 96-54 defensive clinic put on by Chicago in Game Three." }, { "docid": "8221172", "title": "âBlack Pantherâ Cast to Be â90% African or African-American,â Says Kevin Feige", "text": "The conversation with Feige eventually turned to Black Panther and its increasingly excellent cast, one which will also feature Oscar-winning Kenyan actor Lupita Nyong’o and superstar-in-the-making Michael B. Jordan." }, { "docid": "5693888", "title": "'Game of Thrones' actress refuses more nude scenes, cast member claims", "text": "Which Game of Thrones actress has had enough of the show's nude scenes? According to Thrones actress Oona Chaplin, who plays Talisa Maegyr on the HBO series, an unnamed leading lady told show producers that she won't participate in any more topless shots." }, { "docid": "6891110", "title": "List of career achievements by Michael Jordan", "text": "Most points in three quarters: Jordan scored 54 points in three quarters (17 points in the second, 19 in the third and 18 in the fourth) in Game 3 of the 1992 Eastern Conference First Round, Chicago Bulls at Miami Heat, April 29, 1992." }, { "docid": "4731846", "title": "-", "text": "How to Claim. All Terminal game prizes must be claimed at a Florida Lottery retailer or Florida Lottery office on or before the 180th day after the winning drawing.ll Terminal game prizes must be claimed at a Florida Lottery retailer or Florida Lottery office on or before the 180th day after the winning drawing." }, { "docid": "4358257", "title": "Why did michael jordan play for the wizards?", "text": "Best Answer: Michael Jordan came back to the Wizards because he missed basketball. I don't think people understand this.Professional athletes spend their entire lives playing a sport. When it's over, it is too overwhelming.e never came back to the Wizards for money, but rather he missed the game. It's a difficult thing to play a sport your whole life and see it disappear. Jordan wanted to build a winner in Washington. Unfortunately there was no one else around him. I think it's a selfish statement to say it was dumb for him to come back." }, { "docid": "7836862", "title": "Malaysia Supreme Toto 6/58 Tips", "text": "LOTTERY NUMBER GROUP STRATEGIES. Look at a list of past winning numbers for the Supreme Toto Lotto game you play, and you'll see, more often than not, that one or more of the number groups is not represented. For example, in the combination 5-14-17-32-38-46, there are no 20's.OTTERY NUMBER GROUP STRATEGIES. Look at a list of past winning numbers for the Supreme Toto Lotto game you play, and you'll see, more often than not, that one or more of the number groups is not represented. For example, in the combination 5-14-17-32-38-46, there are no 20's." }, { "docid": "4786150", "title": "-", "text": "The overall odds of winning any prize (instant or lotto) with WHEEL OF FORTUNE LOTTO are 1 in 3.83. The overall odds of winning a prize on the instant win game are 1 in 4.44 and the overall odds of winning the top instant prize of $10,000 are 1 in 296,602.1." }, { "docid": "4818158", "title": "-", "text": "The 1916 New York Giants had a 26 game winning streak from Sept. 7th thru Sept 30th (with 1 tie). The 1935 Chicago Cubs had a 21 game winning streak from Sept. 4th thru Sept 2 … 7th.And more recently the 2002 Oakland A's had a 20 game winning streak from August 13th thru Sept. 4th.7 people found this useful.he 1916 New York Giants had a 26 game winning streak from Sept. 7th thru Sept 30th (with 1 tie). The 1935 Chicago Cubs had a 21 game winning streak from Sept. 4th thru Sept 2 … 7th. And more recently the 2002 Oakland A's had a 20 game winning streak from August 13th thru Sept. 4th. 7 people found this useful." }, { "docid": "1240786", "title": "Starbucks now serving flat whites in the U.S.", "text": "The flat white is similar to a latte, but is made with two ristretto shots. These shots, referred to as short shots are made by the barista pulling only the first portion of a full-length espresso extraction. Starbucks describes the shots as delivering a sweeter, more intense coffee flavor, in a recent release." }, { "docid": "3719689", "title": "-", "text": "More Michael Jordan! Here's how LeBron James compares with Michael Jordan at age 33 Scottie Pippen reverses course, picks Michael Jordan over LeBron Gary Payton tells epic story of the time Michael Jordan shut down his trash talking" }, { "docid": "1270211", "title": "Michael Jordan Basketball Shoes: Nike Air Jordans", "text": "One of the reason for this is that Nike made a full line of basketball signature shoes for MJ that includes 27 models of Air Jordans. Jordan even have a Jordan Team conformed by a couple of lines (other than the Air Jordans) that are worn by current NBA players. Here you have the full list of Jordans:" }, { "docid": "1249599", "title": "-", "text": "Confidence votes 109K. Michael Jordan made a total of 32,292 points over the course of his career." }, { "docid": "8220367", "title": "The 50 Most Controversial Soccer Players of All Time", "text": "Who Influenced Michael Jordan to Become the Player and Person He is Today essaysWho Influenced Michael Jordan to Become the Player and Person He is Today? 1. Bye, Bye, Bye (Retirement from the Game) Well everyone has they're own opinion about Michael Jordan, but one thing is certain, he i" } ]
what county is freeburg il in
[ { "docid": "197451", "title": "Freeburg", "text": "Freeburg, IL. Freeburg is a village in St. Clair County, Illinois, United States. As of 2010, Freeburg had a population of 4,354. Freeburg lies in the fertile and rolling southern Illinois plains between the Kaskaskia and Mississippi Rivers. It was platted in 1836 as the town of Urbana by immigrants to this area from Virginia around 1800. The first European settlers of Freeburg were of English and Irish ancestry." } ]
[ { "docid": "7010626", "title": "-", "text": "Homefacts City Report. Carbon Cliff is located in Rock Island County, IL. The population is 2,189, making Carbon Cliff the 7th largest city in Rock Island County. There are 1 public schools in Carbon Cliff with an average Homefacts rating of NA." }, { "docid": "8515007", "title": "-", "text": "Train derailment causes road problems in Franklin County. THOMPSONVILLE, IL – (Brandon Merano -WSIL TV. Click for the link to the full story, and video. Here is an excerpt) A train derailment in rural Franklin County continues causing problems more than two weeks after it happened." }, { "docid": "4096028", "title": "-", "text": "In Person. You can change your address on your IL driver's license or ID in person by visiting your local IL Secretary of State office. You'll have the option to purchase a corrected driver's license or ID that shows your new address. See the “ Replace Your IL Driver's License or ID section below.o change your address on your Illinois voter registration, you'll need to complete a Voter Registration Application (Form SBE R-19) and either: 1 Take it to an IL SOS office, which will forward your application. 2 OR. 3 Mail or take your application in person to an IL County Clerk or Board of Election Commissioners office." }, { "docid": "1777776", "title": "Th2 Differentiation Functional Assay", "text": "Th2 cells mediate these functions by producing various cytokines such as IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-9, IL-13, and IL-17E (IL-25) that are responsible for strong antibody production, eosinophil activation, and inhibition of several macrophage functions, thus providing phagocyte-independent protective responses.hese cytokines also counteract the Th1 responses that allow for the Th2 responsiveness to IL-4. IL-4 signals through STAT6 to upregulate GATA3 expression, the master regulator of Th2 cell differentiation. Repression of this activity results in the development failure of IL-4 producing cells." }, { "docid": "5406714", "title": "-", "text": "Driving distance from Chicago, IL to Hoffman Estates, IL. The total driving distance from Chicago, IL to Hoffman Estates, IL is 30 miles or 48 kilometers. Your trip begins in Chicago, Illinois. It ends in Hoffman Estates, Illinois." }, { "docid": "94713", "title": "-", "text": "How long is the drive from Chicago, IL to Aurora, IL? The total driving time is 48 minutes. Your trip begins in Chicago, Illinois. It ends in Aurora, Illinois. If you're planning a road trip, you might be interested in seeing the total driving distance from Chicago, IL to Aurora, IL. You can also calculate the cost to drive from Chicago, IL to Aurora, IL based on current local gas prices and an estimate of your car's best gas mileage. If you're meeting a friend, you might be interested in finding the city that is halfway between Chicago, IL and Aurora, IL." }, { "docid": "2964555", "title": "-", "text": "Harvey Public Library District -- Harvey, IL. Type: Public. 15441 Turlington Avenue, Harvey Illinois United States (Cook County)." }, { "docid": "2084580", "title": "-", "text": "Your search for Peoria County real estate and homes for sale begin on realtor.com®. On our site, you can find fresh and accurate property details, home values and photos for thousands of Peoria County condos, townhomes and more. Simply browse the cities in Peoria County, IL or jump right to your favorite location. With realtor.com®, you're sure to find the perfect home for you and your family." }, { "docid": "8784584", "title": "-", "text": "More trip calculations. 1 driving time from Zion, IL to Chicago, IL. 2 reverse drive distance from Chicago, IL to Zion, IL. 3 halfway between Zion, IL and Chicago, IL. 4 hotels near Chicago, IL. 5 flight distance from Zion, IL to Chicago, IL. 6 airports near Chicago, IL. 7 airlines flying to Chicago, IL." }, { "docid": "6310920", "title": "-", "text": "Coal City, IL. Grundy County, 53 miles SW of the Loop. Coal City, incorporated in 1881, is situated among the vast coal reserves that lie just south of Chicago. Peter Lansett, a Canadian, has been credited with the 1820 discovery of coal in the area.oal City, IL. Grundy County, 53 miles SW of the Loop. Coal City, incorporated in 1881, is situated among the vast coal reserves that lie just south of Chicago. Peter Lansett, a Canadian, has been credited with the 1820 discovery of coal in the area." }, { "docid": "824836", "title": "-", "text": "Marshall County Clerk PO Box 328 Lacon IL 61540 33.6 miles from Carlock 309-246-6325. Hanna City Village Clerk 313 North 1st Street Hanna City IL 61536 35.8 miles from Carlock 309-565-7411. Henry City Clerk 514 Front Street Henry IL 61537 38.2 miles from Carlock 309-364-3056. Maroa City Clerk 120 South Locust Street Maroa IL 61756 39.0 miles from Carlock 217-794-2206" }, { "docid": "6820509", "title": "Metropolis, Illinois", "text": "Metropolis, Illinois. Metropolis is a city located along the Ohio River in Massac County, Illinois, United States. It has a population of 6,465 according to the 2013 estimate of the United States Census Bureau. Metropolis is the county seat of Massac County and is part of the Paducah, KY-IL Micropolitan Statistical Area in Southern Illinois." }, { "docid": "3396353", "title": "-", "text": "Nearest cities: Palos Heights, IL (1.4 miles ), Palos Hills, IL (1.5 miles ), Worth, IL (1.7 miles ), Orland Park, IL (2.0 miles ), Chicago Ridge, IL (2.0 miles ), Hickory Hills, IL (2.0 miles ), Crestwood, IL (2.2 miles ), Orland Hills, IL (2.3 miles )." }, { "docid": "2697613", "title": "Bond County, Illinois Genealogy, History & Facts", "text": "Bond County, IL Vital Records. Where can find Bond County Birth, marriage, Divorce and Death Records? Bond County vital records can be found at the Illinois Department of Public Health has copies of birth, marriage, divorce and death records. There is a fee for each copy requested. Please refer to the information to the Statewide Vital Records in Illinois for current fees and application process." }, { "docid": "3392200", "title": "Berkeley, Illinois Area Code", "text": "Berkeley, IL Area Codes are. Berkeley, IL is currently served by one area code which is area code 708. In addition to Berkeley, IL area code information read more about area code 708 details and Illinois area codes. Berkeley, IL is located in Cook County and observes the Central Time Zone. View our Times by Area Code tool." }, { "docid": "8036156", "title": "-", "text": "The National Weather Service in Saint Louis has issued a * Flood Watch for portions of Illinois and Missouri...including the following counties...in Illinois...Bond IL...Calhoun IL... Clinton IL...Fayette IL...Greene IL...Jersey IL...Macoupin IL...Madison IL...Marion IL...Monroe IL...Montgomery IL..." }, { "docid": "3183122", "title": "-", "text": "Zip Code 60640 - Chicago, IL. 60640 is located in the state of Illinois in the Chicago metro area. Zip code 60640 is primarily located in Cook County. The official postal service name used for 60640 is CHICAGO, Illinois.Portions of the 60640 zip code are contained within or border the city limits of Chicago, IL, .ip Code 60640 - Chicago, IL. 60640 is located in the state of Illinois in the Chicago metro area. Zip code 60640 is primarily located in Cook County. The official postal service name used for 60640 is CHICAGO, Illinois." }, { "docid": "154863", "title": "-", "text": "Find East Alton, IL clerk, including county, city, and circuit clerk, and clerk of court. Showing 1-13 of 13 Clerks." }, { "docid": "6813890", "title": "Jackson County, Illinois", "text": "Jackson County Courthouse in Murphysboro. Jackson County is a county located in the U.S. state of Illinois with a population of 60,218 at the 2010 census. Its county seat is Murphysboro, and its most populous city is Carbondale, home to the main campus of Southern Illinois University. The county was incorporated on January 10, 1816 and named for Andrew Jackson. Jackson County is included in the Carbondale-Marion, IL Metropolitan Statistical Area. It is located in the southern portion of Illinois known locally as Little Egypt." }, { "docid": "8467450", "title": "-", "text": "URL: https://recordsfinder.com/court/courthouses/il/kane/carpentersville/kane-county-circuit-court-carpentersville Website: http://www.cic.co.kane.il.us/ Kane County Circuit Court - Carpentersville is located in Kane county in Illinois. The court address is 1200 L W Besinger Drive, Carpentersville, IL 60110. The phone number for Kane County Circuit Court - Carpentersville is 630-232-3413 and the fax number is 630-208-2172. © Copyright 2018 RecordsFinder.com." }, { "docid": "989704", "title": "-", "text": "To summarize, I categorized different types of IL instructions generated by C# cast operator: 1 Boxing (box IL instruction) and unboxing (unbox IL instruction) 2 Casting through the inhertiance hierarchy (like dynamic_cast<Type> in C++, uses castclass IL instruction to verify)" }, { "docid": "182024", "title": "Man dies in Brighton, IL house fire", "text": "Man dies in Brighton, IL house fire BRIGHTON, IL (KPLR)- The Illinois State Fire Marshal’s Office is investigating a fatal fire in Macoupin County. The fire broke out early Sunday morning in the garage of a home on Brighton Bunker Hill Road in Brighton, Illinois. The victim has been identified as 83-year-old Thomas Vernatti." }, { "docid": "4304495", "title": "-", "text": "Search Village of Libertyville, IL, criminal and public records access citywide. Free arrest, police reports, open warrants and court searches. Village of Libertyville, Lake County, IL Public Records" }, { "docid": "197450", "title": "-", "text": "Freeburg Community High School , Freeburg, Illinois. 64 likes · 785 were here. Lowest grade taught: 9th Grade - Highest grade taught: 12th Grade" }, { "docid": "1119843", "title": "-", "text": "Please submit current resume and three professional references to. healthjobs@co.adams.il.us. Located in west central Illinois, Adams County provides citizens with opportunity, diversity, and quality. Most of the residents live in or near the City of Quincy, while most of the land is used for agriculture. The county is on the banks of the Mississippi River." }, { "docid": "4149427", "title": "-", "text": "Zip Code 62526 is located in the state of Illinois in the Champaign - Springfield metro area. Zip code 62526 is primarily located in Macon County. The official US Postal Service name for 62526 is DECATUR, Illinois. Portions of zip code 62526 are contained within or border the city limits of Decatur, IL, Forsyth, IL, Harristown, IL, and Oreana, IL. The area code for zip code 62526 is 217." }, { "docid": "8592188", "title": "-", "text": "Homer Township Assessor 14350 West 151st Street Homer Glen IL 60491 16.9 miles from Riverside 708-301-8166. Dupage County Assessor's Office 421 North County Farm Road Wheaton IL 60187 17.0 miles from Riverside 630-682-7024. Naperville Township Assessor 139 Water Street Naperville IL 60540 17.8 miles from Riverside 630-355-2444" }, { "docid": "4233903", "title": "Lake County, Illinois", "text": "Lake County is one of the collar counties of the Chicago-Naperville-Elgin, IL-IN-WI Metropolitan Statistical Area. It is located along the shore of Lake Michigan. According to the 2000 census, Lake County is the 31st richest county by per capita income." }, { "docid": "6919047", "title": "-", "text": "Hamilton, IL City Data - Population, Homes, Statistics. Hamilton, IL is a city with great restaurants, attractions, history and people. There are around 3,029 people who live in Hamilton and approximately 20,121 who live in Hancock County." }, { "docid": "998792", "title": "Office Locator", "text": "DHS Offices and Service Providers for Marshall County. 1 DHS Family Community Resource Center in Bureau County Family Community Resource Center 225 Backbone Rd E #2. Princeton, IL 61356. 2 Department of Human Services Main Office - Chicago Administrative Offices 401 South Clinton Street. Chicago, IL 60607." } ]
what does ripple mean synonyms
[ { "docid": "6124365", "title": "RIPPLE", "text": "• RIPPLE (noun) The noun RIPPLE has 2 senses: 1. a small wave on the surface of a liquid. 2. (electronics) an oscillation of small amplitude imposed on top of a steady value. Familiarity information: RIPPLE used as a noun is rare." } ]
[ { "docid": "7073831", "title": "-", "text": "Top occupational therapy synonyms (other words for occupational therapy) are cardiotherapy, chrysotherapy and est. Search for synonyms and antonyms Power Thesaurus" }, { "docid": "4453413", "title": "Synonyms &Antonyms", "text": "Synonyms for fig tree. This thesaurus page is about all possible synonyms, equivalent, same meaning and similar words for the term fig tree. Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate these synonyms: fig tree(noun) any moraceous tree of the tropical genus Ficus; produces a closed pear-shaped receptacle that becomes fleshy and edible when mature. Synonyms:" }, { "docid": "5104932", "title": "What is XRP?", "text": "What is XRP? Ripple is also known as XRP. XRP is the 2nd largest market cap coin. Eobot has Cloud Mining of BTC that can automatically be converted into XRP. Ripple, or XRP, is a payment protocol that functions as a payment system, currency exchange and a remittance network and works with fiat currencies, cryptocurrencies, and commodities." }, { "docid": "1940250", "title": "-", "text": "What are some alternative words for benefit? Synonyms for benefit ˈbɛn ə fɪt This thesaurus page is about all possible synonyms, equivalent, same meaning and similar words for the term benefit. Princeton's WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate these synonyms: benefit (noun) financial assistance in time of need. Synonyms: welfare. benefit, welfare (noun) something that aids or promotes well-being for the benefit of all Synonyms: eudaemonia, social welfare, public assistance, well-being, wellbeing, eudaimonia, upbeat, benefit, welfare. benefit (verb)" }, { "docid": "3791700", "title": "Ripple (payment protocol)", "text": "At its core, Ripple is based around a shared, public database or ledger, which uses a consensus process that allows for payments, exchanges and remittance in a distributed process. The security of the Ripple consensus algorithm was challenged by rivals in 2014, with Ripple Labs defending the safety of the system.ithin the network’s currency exchange, XRP are traded freely against other currencies, and its market price fluctuates against dollars, euros, yen, bitcoin, etc. Ripple's design focus is as a currency exchange and a distributed-RTGS, as opposed to emphasizing XRP as an alternative currency." }, { "docid": "6320493", "title": "ripple effect", "text": "ripple effect. 1. a spreading effect or series of consequences caused by a single action or event. His death, untimely as it was, has definitely had a ripple effect on the home and office supply industry. A Marker to Measure Drift is a novel that measures the ripple effect of trauma and violence." }, { "docid": "5041428", "title": "-", "text": "Dictionary of English Synonymes (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate these synonyms: beauty (n.) Synonyms: elegance, grace, symmetry. beauty (n.) Synonyms: comeliness, seemliness, fairness, loveliness, attractiveness. beauty (n.) Synonyms: fine part, special grace, particular excellence. beauty (n.) Synonyms: beautiful person (especially a beautiful woman)" }, { "docid": "5040106", "title": "If ripple labs succeed will their currency xrp be worth a small fortune compared to today's prices?", "text": "There are several ways that XRP provides utility value to the Ripple payment network. Security - Each transaction submitted through the Ripple payment network must pay a transaction fee, similar to putting a stamp on a letter before sending it through the postal network." }, { "docid": "2187685", "title": "-", "text": "Protagonist synonyms. Top protagonist synonyms (other words for protagonist) are hero, champion and demigod." }, { "docid": "6291127", "title": "Ripple price LIVE: XRP suffers $33BILLION loss in market share as price falls below $1", "text": "8.37am: Ripple prices tumble to monthly low of $1.32. XRP prices are continuing to plummet with the Ripple token hitting a January low of £0.96 ($1.32) at 8.37am – a 29.08 percent loss over the past 24 hours. COINMARKETWATCH. Ripple prices: Ripple's XRP token hit a turbulent patch since the start of the year." }, { "docid": "399553", "title": "-", "text": "Segregated synonyms. Top segregated synonyms (other words for segregated) are divided, separate and isolated." }, { "docid": "1504580", "title": "-", "text": "Synonyms for cold at Synonyms.net with free online thesaurus, antonyms, definitions and translations." }, { "docid": "6664703", "title": "Rechargeable alkaline battery", "text": "Low-ripple direct current is not suitable for charging disposable alkaline batteries; more suitable is a current pulsed at a rate of 40 to 200 pulses per second, with an 80% duty cycle." }, { "docid": "3824107", "title": "Is polarization a property of transverse waves longiudinal waves or both?", "text": "A transverse wave is a wave that the displacement of the medium is perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave. Examples of transverse waves are a ripple in a p … ond and a wave on a string." }, { "docid": "4493178", "title": "-", "text": "Wiktionary(4.33 / 3 votes)Rate these synonyms: 1 enthusiastic(adjective) Synonyms: excited. 2 enthusiastic(adjective) With zealous fervor; excited, motivated. Synonyms:" }, { "docid": "2796243", "title": "-", "text": "Synonyms for Evolution (biology) in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for Evolution (biology). 31 synonyms for evolution: development, adaptation, natural selection, Darwinism, survival of the fittest, evolvement, development, growth, advance, progress. What are synonyms for Evolution (biology)? Evolution (biology) synonyms, Evolution (biology) antonyms - FreeThesaurus.com https://www.freethesaurus.com/Evolution+(biology)" }, { "docid": "3091702", "title": "-", "text": "Clayton Sandell is in Denver. Reporter: One ripple effect here at the Denver airport, cancelled flights. 140 here today. Another 1,000 around the country, with thousands more delays." }, { "docid": "8009792", "title": "-", "text": "Chickweed synonyms. Top chickweed synonyms (other words for chickweed) are mouse ear, clammy chickweed and mouse-ear chickweed." }, { "docid": "3935411", "title": "recover", "text": "Synonyms for recuperate in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for recuperate. 24 synonyms for recuperate: recover, improve, pick up, get better, mend, turn the corner, convalesce, be on the mend, get back on your feet, regain your health. What are synonyms for recuperate?" }, { "docid": "7074944", "title": "-", "text": "We have 58 synonyms for lava. Find the perfect synonym of lava using this free online thesaurus and dictionary of synonyms. Thesaurasize - When you need a better lava word." }, { "docid": "8589872", "title": "-", "text": "The First Ripple Penn State Science student Neha Gupta won the 2014 International Children's Peace Prize for the work of her charity, Empower Orphans. Her work and dedication are proof positive that one person can make a lasting impact." }, { "docid": "196699", "title": "-", "text": "This thesaurus page is about all possible synonyms, equivalent, same meaning and similar words for the term gibberish. Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate these synonyms: Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate these synonyms: Dictionary of English Synonymes(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate these synonyms:" }, { "docid": "6001266", "title": "UK TELEPHONE HISTORY", "text": "Synonyms: creation, machine, device, design More Synonyms of invention. 2. uncountable noun. Invention is the act of inventing something that has never been made or used before. More than eight million books were printed within fifty years after the invention of the printing press. ...the invention of the telephone. Synonyms: development, design, production, setting up More Synonyms of invention." }, { "docid": "1612106", "title": "ONE WHO GETS SPECIAL TREATMENT", "text": "Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for ONE WHO GETS SPECIAL TREATMENT [vip] We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word vip will help you to finish your crossword today. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find." }, { "docid": "3022499", "title": "The vertical distance between the crest and the trough of a wave is called the?", "text": "Wave Height is the answer. Every wave, from a tiny ripple to a huge tsunami, has a measurable wave height, the vertical distance from its crest (high point) to its trough (low point)." }, { "docid": "6683711", "title": "-", "text": "Synonyms for reduced. This thesaurus page is about all possible synonyms, equivalent, same meaning and similar words for the term reduced. Princeton's WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate these synonyms: decreased, reduced (adj)" }, { "docid": "2929828", "title": "Ripple Price Analysis - Large move on the horizon", "text": "The cryptocurrency is sold and managed by a company of the same name, Ripple, founded in 2012 by Chris Larsen and Jed McCaleb. Ripple Price Analysis - Large move on the horizon l" }, { "docid": "2137625", "title": "Definition of 'ambush'", "text": "Synonyms: trap, attack, surprise, deceive More Synonyms of ambush. 2. variable noun. An ambush is an attack on someone by people who have been hiding and waiting for them. A policeman has been shot dead in an ambush. Synonyms: trap, snare, attack, lure More Synonyms of ambush." }, { "docid": "8465337", "title": "LOUNGE", "text": "Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for LOUNGE We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word lounge will help you to finish your crossword today. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. 3 letter words" }, { "docid": "100227", "title": "-", "text": "6 Synonyms found for mental retardation. mental retardation. Relevance ranks synonyms and suggests the best matches based on how closely a synonym’s sense matches the sense you selected. Complexity sorts synonyms based on their difficulty." } ]
kennesaw state average act score
[ { "docid": "1564231", "title": "Kennesaw State University Requirements for Admission", "text": "The average ACT score at Kennesaw State University is 22. This score makes Kennesaw State University Moderately Competitive for ACT scores. The 25th percentile ACT score is 21, and the 75th percentile ACT score is 24." } ]
[ { "docid": "7063424", "title": "-", "text": "You'll understand whether or not you need to schedule a retake to get the ACT score you really want. Each section on the ACT-English, Math, Reading and Science-can earn you anywhere between a 1 (low) and a 36 (high). Your final ACT score (also between 1-36) is the average of those four scores.ou'll understand whether or not you need to schedule a retake to get the ACT score you really want. Each section on the ACT-English, Math, Reading and Science-can earn you anywhere between a 1 (low) and a 36 (high). Your final ACT score (also between 1-36) is the average of those four scores." }, { "docid": "468186", "title": "What is Cogat?", "text": "As per standard age scores, a very high score in Cogat is between 128 and 150, above average score is between 112 and 127, average score is between 89 and 111, below average score is between 73 and 88, and very low score is between 50 and 72." }, { "docid": "6566158", "title": "-", "text": "The 25th percentile ACT score is 24, and the 75th percentile ACT score is 29. In other words, a 24 places you below average, while a 29 will move you up to above average." }, { "docid": "1848485", "title": "What do you have to score to pass the ACT test?", "text": "Best Answer: Im not sure there is a passing score. You get what you get, period. College's base the acceptance, partially, on the ACT score. If you need to raise your score, retake the test as many times as you can. If you can afford it, get ACT tutoring. There are reasonably priced tutoring resources that can raise your grade." }, { "docid": "1479050", "title": "Whatâs a Good ACT Score?", "text": "What’s a bad ACT score? Have no fear! When setting your ACT score goal, it’s always a good idea to look at the score averages for the schools to which you’re applying. There are helpful college profiles that include information about average scores, total enrollment, tuition, and financial aid." }, { "docid": "1038891", "title": "Mount Holyoke College Requirements for Admission", "text": "We therefore recommend that you consider taking the SAT or ACT, and doing well. Mount Holyoke College SAT Requirements. Many schools say they have no SAT score cutoff, but the truth is that there is a hidden SAT requirement. This is based on the school's average score. Average SAT: 2015 (New: 1410)" }, { "docid": "4128605", "title": "How Can I Calculate My Composite ACT Score?", "text": "Before admission to many colleges, potential students must take ACT tests and submit their scores as part of the application process. Scoring of ACT tests involves assessing each test and then calculating a composite ACT score. According to the ACT website, the 2010 national average composite score was 21.0." }, { "docid": "5485412", "title": "-", "text": "Well, it all depends on the colleges you are considering. A 23 on the ACT or a 1800 on the SAT may be above average at one university but below average at another. The higher your score, the more options are open to you.cores below an 1100 on the SAT or a 15 on ACT are considered low at just about any four-year college. You can overcome low scores with good grades or an outstanding application." }, { "docid": "6774964", "title": "About GTI", "text": "About GTI The Georgia Transportation Institute (GTI) was established in 1998 to coordinate and act as a focal point for transportation research in the state of Georgia. The lead institution, Georgia Institute of Technology, is affiliated with other members including University of Georgia, Georgia State University, Georgia Southern University, Kennesaw State University, Mercer University and Albany State University." }, { "docid": "908562", "title": "What Is the Average ACT Score?", "text": "the average act score in each state fluctuates the states with the highest average act test scores were massachusetts 23 6 connecticut 23 3 new york 23 1 and washington 23 1 my alma mater the university of south carolina has an average act score of 25this is 4 points over the national act average scorethe states with the lowest average act scores were mississippi 18 9 washington dc 19 1 and florida 19 8 the minimum act score required for admittance differs by schooly alma mater the university of south carolina has an average act score of 25 this is 4 points over the national act average score the states with the lowest average act scores were mississippi 18 9 washington dc 19 1 and florida 19 8 the minimum act score required for admittance differs by school" }, { "docid": "42610", "title": "Average ACT Score for Colleges: What You Need to Get In", "text": "On the school profile, you can see its average GPA, average ACT score, and acceptance rate. For example, according to the PrepScholar database, the average ACT score for Berkeley is a 30. Also, Berkeley's average GPA is a 3.86 and its acceptance rate is 18%. The University of Oklahoma has an average ACT score of 26, an average GPA of 3.59, and an acceptance rate of 80%." }, { "docid": "6579307", "title": "-", "text": "As is the case today, the writing test will remain optional and the writing score will not affect the 1–36 ACT Composite score. ACT will continue to link reported scores to our ACT College and Career Readiness Standards for Writing and Ideas for Progress." }, { "docid": "5161654", "title": "Texas A&M ACT Scores and GPA", "text": "Average ACT: 27. The average ACT score composite at Texas A&M is a 27. The 25th percentile ACT score is 25, and the 75th percentile ACT score is 30. In other words, a 25 places you below average, while a 30 will move you up to above average. There's no absolute ACT requirement at Texas A&M, but they really want to see at least a 25 to have a chance at being considered." }, { "docid": "6091432", "title": "Marquette UniversityLocated in Milwaukee, Wisconsin", "text": "Average ACT Score: 25. At Hofstra, 27% of students submitted their ACT scores for college application and the average admitted student's ACT score was around 25, which is noticeably higher than the average score at other top tier private (not-for-profit) institutions." }, { "docid": "738677", "title": "-", "text": "The average SAT score composite at Washington State University is a 1555. This score makes Washington State University Competitive for SAT test scores. The 25th percentile SAT score is 1380, and the 75th percentile SAT score is 1730." }, { "docid": "3751661", "title": "PLAN Test", "text": "Because the PLAN test serves as an ACT score predictor, a student’s PLAN test score report will include his or her estimated ACT composite score, which can range from 1 to 36 (36 is the highest possible score)." }, { "docid": "5579258", "title": "What's a Good 8th Grade ACT / SAT Score?", "text": "Then, we use linear interpolation to determine good scores for 8th graders. Results: Distribution of 8th Grade ACT / SAT Scores The average SAT / ACT score of an 8th grade student is lower than that of a high school student.f you're in these grades, check out these links for a good ACT score and for a good SAT score. If you use the table for high school students to examine a student in 8th grade, your results will be completely wrong." }, { "docid": "3841665", "title": "How to Get a Perfect ACT Score, by a 36 Full Scorer", "text": "The maximum score on the ACT is a 36. Out of the 1.8 million students who take the test every year, only about 1,000 get the highest possible ACT score. This elusive perfect score places you at the top of millions of high school students and can be a big boost to your college applications." }, { "docid": "1313240", "title": "What Is the Average ACT Score?", "text": "The average ACT score in each state fluctuates. The states with the highest average ACT test scores were Massachusetts (23.6), Connecticut (23.3), New York (23.1), and Washington (23.1). My alma mater, the University of South Carolina has an average ACT score of 25. This is 4 points over the national ACT average score." }, { "docid": "3782405", "title": "#26 of 51", "text": "Nevada has a growing number of opportunities in the nursing field. Within the state, LPNs make up 12 % of nurses in the state. The Nevada LPN comfort score is 103. This takes into account the average LPN salary, average state salary and cost of living." }, { "docid": "3790728", "title": "ACT Score Range: What is a Good ACT Score?", "text": "ACT scores range from a low of 1 to a max score of 36. Overall, ACT test scores are the average of test-takers’ sectional scores (also 1-36) in English, Math, Reading, and Science. So what is a good ACT score? The ACT score range for students admitted to different colleges varies, and the average ACT score is 20.8." }, { "docid": "5231772", "title": "How Many People Get a 34, 35, 36 on the ACT? Score Breakdown", "text": "Out of the Class of 2014, 1,845,787 took the ACT. The average composite score was 21 out of 36 (for more on how the ACT is scored, check out our article). That means any score above 21 puts you above average." }, { "docid": "2094956", "title": "Otterbein University Requirements for Admission", "text": "Average ACT: 23. The average ACT score composite at Howard University is a 23. The 25th percentile ACT score is 19, and the 75th percentile ACT score is 29. In other words, a 19 places you below average, while a 29 will move you up to above average.he average GPA at Howard University is 3.29. This makes Howard University Moderately Competitive for GPAs. (Most schools use a weighted GPA out of 4.0, though some report an unweighted GPA." }, { "docid": "8823804", "title": "What is a Perfect Act Score?", "text": "What is a Perfect ACT Score? A perfect ACT score is 36. This refers to the Composite Score, since it is an average of the four main sections. In other words, a perfect ACT score is a 36 in English, a 36 in Math, a 36 Reading, a 36 in Science, and therefore a 36 Composite score. If the Writing Test is taken, a combined English/Writing perfect score would also be 36 (remember that the Writing Test Score is not calculated for the Composite Score)." }, { "docid": "5661245", "title": "Rutgers SAT Scores and GPA", "text": "All these combine to tell you what you scores are required to get into Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. The average SAT score composite at Rutgers is a 1808. The 25th percentile SAT score is 1630, and the 75th percentile SAT score is 1980.In other words, a 1630 places you below average, while a 1980 will move you up to above average.There's no absolute SAT requirement at Rutgers, but they really want to see at least a 1630 to have a chance at being considered.he 25th percentile SAT score is 1630, and the 75th percentile SAT score is 1980. In other words, a 1630 places you below average, while a 1980 will move you up to above average. There's no absolute SAT requirement at Rutgers, but they really want to see at least a 1630 to have a chance at being considered." }, { "docid": "5485405", "title": "-", "text": "The ACT test is based out of 36 points, with scores ranging from 1 to 36. The average ACT score of all 1.4 million test takers nationwide remains consistent from year to year, and was just above 21.1 in 2012. Almost 30% of ACT takers score between a 19 and 23.55% of all ACT takers score between 17 and 25.he average ACT score of all 1.4 million test takers nationwide remains consistent from year to year, and was just above 21.1 in 2012. Almost 30% of ACT takers score between a 19 and 23. 55% of all ACT takers score between 17 and 25." }, { "docid": "4271010", "title": "-", "text": "What are the SAT and ACT requirements for students to be admitted to University of Notre Dame and what score do you need to get in? The tables below describe the SAT and ACT test score percentile profile of the Fall 2015 starting class." }, { "docid": "3240808", "title": "University of Illinois at Springfield ACT Scores and GPA", "text": "Average ACT: 23. The average ACT score composite at University of Illinois at Springfield is a 23. The 25th percentile ACT score is 20, and the 75th percentile ACT score is 27.In other words, a 20 places you below average, while a 27 will move you up to above average.he 25th percentile ACT score is 20, and the 75th percentile ACT score is 27. In other words, a 20 places you below average, while a 27 will move you up to above average." }, { "docid": "2253171", "title": "What Is the Average ACT Score?", "text": "The ACT test is based out of 36 points, with scores ranging from 1 to 36. The average ACT score of all 1.4 million test takers nationwide remains consistent from year to year, and was just above 21.1 in 2012. Almost 30% of ACT takers score between a 19 and 23.55% of all ACT takers score between 17 and 25.y alma mater, the University of South Carolina has an average ACT score of 25. This is 4 points over the national ACT average score. The states with the lowest average ACT scores were Mississippi (18.9), Washington DC (19.1), and Florida (19.8). The minimum ACT score required for admittance differs by school." }, { "docid": "1719616", "title": "University of Northwestern-St PaulLocated in Saint Paul, Minnesota", "text": "At Elon, 22% of students submitted their ACT scores for college application and the average admitted student's ACT score was around 24, which is slightly higher than the average score at other top tier private (not-for-profit) institutions." } ]
what is the coronavirus
[ { "docid": "5960803", "title": "11. DNA and RNA Viruses and the Diseases They Cause", "text": "Medical Definition of Coronavirus. Coronavirus: One of a group of RNA viruses, so named because they look like a corona or halo when viewed under the electron microscope. The corona or halo is due to an array of surface projections on the viral envelope. The coronavirus genome is a single strand of RNA 32 kilobases long and is the largest known RNA virus genome." } ]
[ { "docid": "588684", "title": "Dog Vaccination Cost", "text": "the average cost for dog vaccinations ranges from $ 20 to $ 150 in the first year and from $ 10 to $ 100 per year afterwardnvaccinated adult dogs receive two rounds of vaccinations about three weeks apart after that dogs usually receive boosters annually the basic shots for distemper hepatitis parvovirus parainfluenza and sometimes leptospirosis and coronavirus usually are administered together in a combination vaccine" }, { "docid": "795881", "title": "-", "text": "Any cat that carries any coronavirus is potentially at risk for developing FIP. However, cats with weak immune systems are most likely to develop the disease, including kittens, cats already infected with feline leukemia virus (FeLV), and geriatric cats.he effusive form of FIP is characterized by an accumulation of fluid in the abdomen, or less commonly in the chest. Early in the disease, the cat may exhibit similar symptoms to the dry form, including weight loss, fever, loss of appetite, and lethargy." }, { "docid": "4605751", "title": "SARS coronavirus", "text": "SARS coronavirus is a positive and single stranded RNA virus belonging to a family of enveloped coronaviruses. Its genome is about 29.7kb, which is one of the largest among RNA viruses. The SARS virus has 13 known genes and 14 known proteins. There are 265 nucleotides in the 5'UTR and 342 nucleotides in the 3'UTR." }, { "docid": "4705315", "title": "Respiratory Infections", "text": "Viral pathogens are the most common cause of respiratory infection in travelers; causative agents include rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, influenza virus, parainfluenza virus, human metapneumovirus, measles, mumps, adenovirus, and coronavirus." }, { "docid": "513794", "title": "RESPIRATORY AIRWAY INFECTIONS", "text": "Acute bronchitis is usually linked with a viral upper respiratory tract infection, such as a cold (rhinovirus). Other common viruses that can result in acute bronchitis include: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Adenovirus. Coronavirus. Influenza viruses A and B. Parainfluenza." }, { "docid": "1574008", "title": "Dog Vaccination Cost", "text": "1 Unvaccinated adult dogs receive two rounds of vaccinations about three weeks apart. 2 After that, dogs usually receive boosters annually. 3 The basic shots -- for distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus, parainfluenza and sometimes leptospirosis and coronavirus -- usually are administered together in a combination vaccine.ou do pay ten dollars for the vet visit, and then the cost for the vaccines. If they were not servicing Louisville at Feeder's, the cost of rescue pets would prohibit my ability to provide medical service for them." }, { "docid": "2409046", "title": "Keep on Top of Salmonellosis", "text": "In some cases, the Salmonella infection may become systemic leading to bacterial septicemia and death. Clinically, the diarrhea in Salmonella-infected calves often is difficult to distinguish from severe infections caused by coronavirus, cryptosporidia, and E. coli." }, { "docid": "7747301", "title": "-", "text": "1 The coronavirus that causes SARS belongs to the same family of viruses as the common cold. 2 It is believed that SARS is spread through droplets in the air and close person-to-person contact. 3 Normally, the symptoms of SARS develop within 2-7 days. Most patients that have SARS go on to develop pneumonia." }, { "docid": "2441739", "title": "SARS coronavirus", "text": "SARS, or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, is the disease caused by SARS coronavirus. It causes an often severe illness marked initially by systemic symptoms of muscle pain, headache, and fever, followed in 2–14 days by the onset of respiratory symptoms, mainly cough, dyspnea, and pneumonia." }, { "docid": "4160261", "title": "Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)", "text": "Causes. SARS is caused by a member of the coronavirus family of viruses (the same family that can cause the common cold). It is believed the 2003 epidemic started when the virus spread from small mammals in China. When someone with SARS coughs or sneezes, infected droplets spray into the air." }, { "docid": "6420140", "title": "Feline Infectious Peritonitis", "text": "FIP is caused by a virus and can be fatal to cats. Learn how to prevent FIP. Feline Infectious Peritonitis -- or FIP -- is a viral infectious disease that affects wild and domesticated cats around the world. The disease is caused by certain strains of a virus called the coronavirus. Most strains of the coronavirus do not cause disease, but in a small percentage of affected cats the virus may progress into clinical FIP, which can be fatal. Here we’ll look at the causes, symptoms, and treatment of FIP in cats." }, { "docid": "4160262", "title": "Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)", "text": "Causes. SARS is caused by a member of the coronavirus family of viruses (the same family that can cause the common cold). It is believed the 2003 epidemic started when the virus spread from small mammals in China." }, { "docid": "3477859", "title": "How many shots do dogs need?", "text": "All dogs need rabies vaccine, which is one shot as a puppy, a booster at one year then one vaccine every three years. … Most veterinarians also recommend every dog get the combo vaccine-distemper, parvo, coronavirus, etc-which is a series of 3-4 shots as a puppy then a yearly booster." }, { "docid": "8001916", "title": "Coronavirus in Dogs", "text": "Coronavirus is spread through contact with fecal material from infected dogs, so separating sick dogs from healthy ones will help reduce disease spread. Coronavirus can be killed by many types of household disinfectants (including diluted bleach solution), so cleaning contaminated areas and bedding can also help reduce the spread of this infection. A vaccine is available to prevent canine coronavirus infection." }, { "docid": "4215272", "title": "Classification of pneumonia", "text": "CAP is the most common type of pneumonia. The most common causes of CAP vary depending on a person's age, but they include Streptococcus pneumoniae, viruses, the atypical bacteria, and Haemophilus influenzae.Overall, Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common cause of community-acquired pneumonia worldwide.evere acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a highly contagious and deadly type of pneumonia which first occurred in 2002 after initial outbreaks in China. SARS is caused by the SARS coronavirus, a previously unknown pathogen." }, { "docid": "1566084", "title": "-", "text": "It is a fatal disease that occurs in around one tenth of cats infected with felinecoronavirus (FCoV). Feline coronavirus infection has several possible outcomesincluding FIP, a mild enteritis or no obvious symptoms. Therefore most cats infectedwith FCoV do not develop FIP." }, { "docid": "5998612", "title": "How Long Does a Cold Last?", "text": "It's a contagious viral disease: It is believed that there are around 200 types of virus that can cause common cold and the most common among them are rhinovirus, coxsackievirus and coronavirus. In most cases (almost 50%), common cold is caused by rhinovirus." }, { "docid": "6291186", "title": "Difference Between Cold and Sinus Infection", "text": "Cold vs Sinus Infection. Cold or common cold (acute coryza, acute viral rhinopharyngitis, and upper respiratory infection) is a viral infection that is contagious. This infection is caused by the coronavirus or the rhinovirus. Cold is one of the most common conditions of infection amongst humans.. The coronavirus or the rhinovirus causes cold whereas sinus infection can be caused by viral, fungal, bacterial and allergic stimuli. 3. Common cold persists for 5 days whereas sinus infection can lead to 7-10 days of suffering. 4. Common cold doesn’t cause fever whereas sinus infection causes fever." }, { "docid": "795879", "title": "Cat FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis)", "text": "What Is Feline Infectious Peritonitis. Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a viral disease that occurs worldwide in wild and domestic cats. It is caused by a type of virus called a coronavirus, which tends to attack the cells of the intestinal wall.In 1970, the coronavirus that causes FIP was isolated and characterized.eline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a viral disease that occurs worldwide in wild and domestic cats. It is caused by a type of virus called a coronavirus, which tends to attack the cells of the intestinal wall." }, { "docid": "7747298", "title": "-", "text": "More detail and supporting information is in the main article. 1 The coronavirus that causes SARS belongs to the same family of viruses as the common cold. It is believed that SARS is spread through droplets in the air and close person-to-person contact." }, { "docid": "4160263", "title": "Overview", "text": "Causes. SARS is caused by a strain of coronavirus, the same family of viruses that causes the common cold. Until now, these viruses have never been particularly dangerous in humans, although they can cause severe disease in animals." }, { "docid": "8317212", "title": "Canine Respiratory Coronavirus FAQ", "text": "A: Canine respiratory coronavirus (CRCoV) is a group 2 coronavirus. It is genetically related to the bovine coronavirus (which can cause respiratory infections in cattle) and the human coronavirus that causes the common cold in people.1,2 CRCoV is NOT related to the group 1 enteric coronavirus that can cause diarrhea in dogs.t is genetically related to the bovine coronavirus (which can cause respiratory infections in cattle) and the human coronavirus that causes the common cold in people. 1,2 CRCoV is NOT related to the group 1 enteric coronavirus that can cause diarrhea in dogs." }, { "docid": "6808963", "title": "Symptoms of Canine Coronavirus Infection", "text": "Symptoms of canine coronavirus infection range from no symptoms to the severe. They usually start to appear 2 to 5 days after exposure. The virus lives in the intestinal lining of your pet.ther symptoms of canine coronavirus infection include loss of appetite, depression, nausea, and vomiting." }, { "docid": "6260577", "title": "DA2PPC vaccine", "text": "DHPP, DAPP, DA2PP, and DAPPC are not the same. The names are often used interchangeably but they are different. Distemper, adenovirus type 1 (thus hepatitis), parainfluenza, and parvovirus are covered by all 4. DHPP covers adenovirus type 1 and may or may not cover adenovirus type 2.And only DAPPC covers coronavirus.his vaccine is usually given to puppies at 8 weeks of age, followed by 12 weeks of age, and then 16 weeks of age. This vaccine is given again at 1 year of age and then annually, or every 3 years. Some veterinarians' recommended vaccine schedules may differ from this. DA2PPC does not include Bordetella." }, { "docid": "4079042", "title": "SARS coronavirus", "text": "On April 16, 2003, following the outbreak of SARS in Asia and secondary cases elsewhere in the world, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a press release stating that the coronavirus identified by a number of laboratories was the official cause of SARS.n severe cases, it develops into respiratory failure and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and in 70-90% of the cases, they develop lymphopenia (low count of lymphocyte white blood cells). The incubation period for SARS-CoV is from 2–10 days, sometimes lasting up to 13 days, with a mean of 5 days." }, { "docid": "6291183", "title": "Difference Between Cold and Sinus Infection", "text": "Another common point of distinction between a common cold infection and a sinus infection is that, common colds produce clear mucus in the form of nasal discharge. But bacterial sinus infections cause the discharge of yellowish or greenish mucus and may at times also contain traces of pus. Summary:1. Common cold is a contagious viral infection whereas sinus infection is a condition of infection and inflammation of paranasal sinuses. 2.The coronavirus or the rhinovirus causes cold whereas sinus infection can be caused by viral, fungal, bacterial and allergic stimuli.3. Common cold persists for 5 days whereas sinus infection can lead to 7-10 days of suffering. 4. Common cold doesn’t cause fever whereas sinus infection causes fever.. The coronavirus or the rhinovirus causes cold whereas sinus infection can be caused by viral, fungal, bacterial and allergic stimuli. 3. Common cold persists for 5 days whereas sinus infection can lead to 7-10 days of suffering. 4. Common cold doesn’t cause fever whereas sinus infection causes fever." }, { "docid": "588687", "title": "Dog Vaccination Cost", "text": "some dog daycare facilities or kennels require vaccinations not included in the standard round of shots such as for bordatella known as kennel cough in certain parts of the country veterinarians recommend extra vaccinations such as for lyme disease extra vaccinations usually cost about $ 10 to $ 15 or more eachnvaccinated adult dogs receive two rounds of vaccinations about three weeks apart after that dogs usually receive boosters annually the basic shots for distemper hepatitis parvovirus parainfluenza and sometimes leptospirosis and coronavirus usually are administered together in a combination vaccine" }, { "docid": "7436066", "title": "bronchitis", "text": "Acute bronchitis is usually caused by a viral infection. 9 In patients younger than one year, respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza virus, and coronavirus are the most common isolates. In patients one to 10 years of age, parainfluenza virus, enterovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, and rhinovirus predominate." }, { "docid": "2441733", "title": "SARS coronavirus", "text": "The CDC and Canada's National Microbiology Laboratory identified the SARS genome in April, 2003. Scientists at Erasmus University in Rotterdam, the Netherlands demonstrated that the SARS coronavirus fulfilled Koch's postulates thereby confirming it as the causative agent." }, { "docid": "4368168", "title": "Infectious Disease Epidemiology Program", "text": "Airborne Diseases. Airborne diseases are caused by pathogenic microbes small enough to be discharged from an infected person via coughing, sneezing, laughing and close personal contact or aerosolization of the microbe.The discharged microbes remain suspended in the air on dust particles, respiratory and water droplets. Many bacteria can cause disease. 2 A spore is a cell that is dormant (asleep) but may come to life with the right conditions. 3 Coronavirus-Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that includes viruses that may cause a range of illnesses in humans, from the common cold to SARS and MERS." } ]


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