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Barracuda Brigade
muslims busted they stole millions in govt benefits
print they should pay all the back all the money plus interest the entire family and everyone who came in with them need to be deported asap why did it take two years to bust them here we go again another group stealing from the government and taxpayers a group of somalis stole over four million in government benefits over just months weve reported on numerous cases like this one where the muslim refugeesimmigrants commit fraud by scamming our systemits way out of control more related
muslims busted stole millions govt benefits
print pay back money plus interest entire family everyone came need deported asap take two years bust go another group stealing government taxpayers group somalis stole four million government benefits months weve reported numerous cases like one muslim refugeesimmigrants commit fraud scamming systemits way control related
reasoning with facts
re why did attorney general loretta lynch plead the fifth
why did attorney general loretta lynch plead the fifth barracuda brigade print the administration is blocking congressional probe into cash payments to iran of course she needs to plead the th she either cant recall refuses to answer or just plain deflects the question straight up corruption at its finest percentfedupcom talk about covering your ass loretta lynch did just that when she plead the fifth to avoid incriminating herself over payments to irancorrupt to the core attorney general loretta lynch is declining to comply with an investigation by leading members of congress about the obama administrations secret efforts to send iran billion in cash earlier this year prompting accusations that lynch has pleaded the fifth amendment to avoid incriminating herself over these payments according to lawmakers and communications exclusively obtained by the washington free beacon sen marco rubio r fla and rep mike pompeo r kan initially presented lynch in october with a series of questions about how the cash payment to iran was approved and delivered in an oct response assistant attorney general peter kadzik responded on lynchs behalf refusing to answer the questions and informing the lawmakers that they are barred from publicly disclosing any details about the cash payment which was bound up in a ransom deal aimed at freeing several american hostages from iran the response from the attorney generals office is unacceptable and provides evidence that lynch has chosen to essentially plead the fifth and refuse to respond to inquiries regarding herrole in providing cash to the worlds foremost state sponsor of terrorism rubio and pompeo wrote on friday in a followup letter to lynch more related
attorney general loretta lynch plead fifth
attorney general loretta lynch plead fifth barracuda brigade print administration blocking congressional probe cash payments iran course needs plead th either cant recall refuses answer plain deflects question straight corruption finest percentfedupcom talk covering ass loretta lynch plead fifth avoid incriminating payments irancorrupt core attorney general loretta lynch declining comply investigation leading members congress obama administrations secret efforts send iran billion cash earlier year prompting accusations lynch pleaded fifth amendment avoid incriminating payments according lawmakers communications exclusively obtained washington free beacon sen marco rubio r fla rep mike pompeo r kan initially presented lynch october series questions cash payment iran approved delivered oct response assistant attorney general peter kadzik responded lynchs behalf refusing answer questions informing lawmakers barred publicly disclosing details cash payment bound ransom deal aimed freeing several american hostages iran response attorney generals office unacceptable provides evidence lynch chosen essentially plead fifth refuse respond inquiries regarding herrole providing cash worlds foremost state sponsor terrorism rubio pompeo wrote friday followup letter lynch related
Barracuda Brigade
breaking weiner cooperating with fbi on hillary email investigation
red state fox news sunday reported this morning that anthony weiner is cooperating with the fbi which has reopened yes lefties reopened the investigation into hillary clintons classified emails watch as chris wallace reports the breaking news during the panel segment near the end of the show and the news is breaking while were on the air our colleague bret baier has just sent us an email saying he has two sources who say that anthony weiner who also had coownership of that laptop with his estranged wife huma abedin is cooperating with the fbi investigation had given them the laptop so therefore they didnt need a warrant to get in to see the contents of said laptop pretty interesting development targets of federal investigations will often cooperate hoping that they will get consideration from a judge at sentencing given weiners wellknown penchant for lying its hard to believe that a prosecutor would give weiner a deal based on an agreement to testify unless his testimony were very strongly corroborated by hard evidence but cooperation can take many forms and as wallace indicated on this mornings show one of those forms could be signing a consent form to allow the contents of devices that they could probably get a warrant for anyway well see if weiners cooperation extends beyond that more related
breaking weiner cooperating fbi hillary email investigation
red state fox news sunday reported morning anthony weiner cooperating fbi reopened yes lefties reopened investigation hillary clintons classified emails watch chris wallace reports breaking news panel segment near end show news breaking air colleague bret baier sent us email saying two sources say anthony weiner also coownership laptop estranged wife huma abedin cooperating fbi investigation given laptop therefore didnt need warrant get see contents said laptop pretty interesting development targets federal investigations often cooperate hoping get consideration judge sentencing given weiners wellknown penchant lying hard believe prosecutor would give weiner deal based agreement testify unless testimony strongly corroborated hard evidence cooperation take many forms wallace indicated mornings show one forms could signing consent form allow contents devices could probably get warrant anyway well see weiners cooperation extends beyond related
Fed Up
pin drop speech by father of daughter kidnapped and killed by isis i have voted for donald j trump percentfedupcom
email kayla mueller was a prisoner and tortured by isis while no chance of releasea horrific story her father gave a pin drop speech that was so heartfelt you want to give him a hug carl mueller believes donald trump will be a great presidentepic speech k shares
pin drop speech father daughter kidnapped killed isis voted donald j trump percentfedupcom
email kayla mueller prisoner tortured isis chance releasea horrific story father gave pin drop speech heartfelt want give hug carl mueller believes donald trump great presidentepic speech k shares
Fed Up
fantastic trumps point plan to reform healthcare begins with a bombshell percentfedupcom
email healthcare reform to make america great again since march of the american people have had to suffer under the incredible economic burden of the affordable care actobamacare this legislation passed by totally partisan votes in the house and senate and signed into law by the most divisive and partisan president in american history has tragically but predictably resulted in runaway costs websites that dont work greater rationing of care higher premiums less competition and fewer choices obamacare has raised the economic uncertainty of every single person residing in this country as it appears obamacare is certain to collapse of its own weight the damage done by the democrats and president obama and abetted by the supreme court will be difficult to repair unless the next president and a republican congress lead the effort to bring muchneeded free market reforms to the healthcare industry congress must act our elected representatives in the house and senate must completely repeal obamacare our elected representatives must eliminate the individual mandate no person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to modify existing law that inhibits the sale of health insurance across state lines as long as the plan purchased complies with state requirements any vendor ought to be able to offer insurance in any state by allowing full competition in this market insurance costs will go down and consumer satisfaction will go up allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system businesses are allowed to take these deductions so why wouldnt congress allow individuals the same exemptions as we allow the free market to provide insurance coverage opportunities to companies and individuals we must also make sure that no one slips through the cracks simply because they cannot afford insurance we must review basic options for medicaid and work with states to ensure that those who want healthcare coverage can have it trending on fed up
fantastic trumps point plan reform healthcare begins bombshell percentfedupcom
email healthcare reform make america great since march american people suffer incredible economic burden affordable care actobamacare legislation passed totally partisan votes house senate signed law divisive partisan president american history tragically predictably resulted runaway costs websites dont work greater rationing care higher premiums less competition fewer choices obamacare raised economic uncertainty every single person residing country appears obamacare certain collapse weight damage done democrats president obama abetted supreme court difficult repair unless next president republican congress lead effort bring muchneeded free market reforms healthcare industry congress must act elected representatives house senate must completely repeal obamacare elected representatives must eliminate individual mandate person required buy insurance unless wants modify existing law inhibits sale health insurance across state lines long plan purchased complies state requirements vendor ought able offer insurance state allowing full competition market insurance costs go consumer satisfaction go allow individuals fully deduct health insurance premium payments tax returns current tax system businesses allowed take deductions wouldnt congress allow individuals exemptions allow free market provide insurance coverage opportunities companies individuals must also make sure one slips cracks simply cannot afford insurance must review basic options medicaid work states ensure want healthcare coverage trending fed
Barracuda Brigade
hillary goes absolutely berserk on protester at rally video
print hillary goes absolutely berserk she explodes on bill rapist protester at rally oh the irony she is an enabler to bills escapades shes is just projecting again she is so pathetic dragging integrity challenged alicia machado on stage with her yesterday at her sad little rally in florida tgp democratic party presidential nominee hillary clinton angrily reacted to a protester shouting bill clinton is a rapist at a campaign rally in fort lauderdale florida tuesday night saying i am sick and tired of the negative dark divisive dangerous vision and behavior of people who support donald trump according to reports protester interrupts hillary clinton shouting bill clinton is a rapist clinton fires right back i am sick and tired of the negative pictwittercomyncdksbg josh haskell joshbhaskell november man interrupts hillaryclinton yelling bill clinton is a rapist she responds shes tired of divisive distractions nbc pictwittercomgpjpseqb jamie guirola jamienbc november heres hillary absolutely going bezerk on a protester starts screaming shouting yelling full off the rails pictwittercomjqijjto john binder jxhnbinder november related
hillary goes absolutely berserk protester rally video
print hillary goes absolutely berserk explodes bill rapist protester rally oh irony enabler bills escapades shes projecting pathetic dragging integrity challenged alicia machado stage yesterday sad little rally florida tgp democratic party presidential nominee hillary clinton angrily reacted protester shouting bill clinton rapist campaign rally fort lauderdale florida tuesday night saying sick tired negative dark divisive dangerous vision behavior people support donald trump according reports protester interrupts hillary clinton shouting bill clinton rapist clinton fires right back sick tired negative pictwittercomyncdksbg josh haskell joshbhaskell november man interrupts hillaryclinton yelling bill clinton rapist responds shes tired divisive distractions nbc pictwittercomgpjpseqb jamie guirola jamienbc november heres hillary absolutely going bezerk protester starts screaming shouting yelling full rails pictwittercomjqijjto john binder jxhnbinder november related
Fed Up
breaking nypd ready to make arrests in weiner casehillary visited pedophile island at least timesmoney laundering underage sex payforplayproof of inappropriate handling classified information percentfedupcom
breaking nypd ready to make arrests in weiner casehillary visited pedophile island at least timesmoney laundering underage sex payforplayproof of inappropriate handling classified information blackwater usa founder retired navy seal erik prince prince claimed he had insider knowledge of the investigation that could help explain why fbi director james comey had to announce he was reopening the investigation into clintons email server last week because of weinergate and the sexting scandal the nypd started investigating it through a subpoena through a warrant they searched his laptop and sure enough found those emails they found way more stuff than just more information pertaining to the inappropriate sexting the guy was doing prince claimed they found state department emails they found a lot of other really damning criminal information including money laundering including the fact that hillary went to this sex island with convicted pedophile jeffrey epstein bill clinton went there more than times hillary clinton went there at least six times he said the amount of garbage that they found in these emails of criminal activity by hillary by her immediate circle and even by other democratic members of congress was so disgusting they gave it to the fbi and they said were going to go public with this if you dont reopen the investigation and you dont do the right thing with timely indictments prince explained i believe i know and this is from a very wellplaced source of mine at pp one police plaza in new york the nypd wanted to do a press conference announcing the warrants and the additional arrests they were making in this investigation and theyve gotten huge pushback to the point of coercion from the justice department with the justice department threatening to charge someone that had been unrelated in the accidental heart attack death of eric garner almost two years ago thats the level of pushback the obama justice department is doing against actually seeking justice in the email and other related criminal matters prince said theres five different parts of the fbi conducting investigations into these things with constant downdrafts from the obama justice department so in the i hope unlikely and very unfortunate event that hillary clinton is elected president we will have a constitutional crisis that we have not seen since i believe prince declared marlow asked prince to clarify these revelations nypd was the first one to look at that laptop prince elaborated weiner and huma abedin his wife the closest adviser of hillary clinton for years have both flipped they are cooperating with the government they both have they see potential jail time of many years for their crimes for huma abedin sending and receiving and even storing hundreds of thousands of messages from the state department server and from hillary clintons own homebrew server which contained classified information weiner faces all kinds of exposure for the inappropriate sexting that was going on and for other information that they found so nypd first gets that computer they see how disgusting it is they keep a copy of everything and they pass a copy on to the fbi which finally pushes the fbi off their chairs making comey reopen that investigation which was indicated in the letter last week the point being nypd has all the information and they will pursue justice within their rights if the fbi doesnt prince contended there is all kinds of criminal culpability through all the emails theyve seen of that including money laundering underage sex payforplay and of course plenty of proof of inappropriate handling sendingreceiving of classified information up to sap level special access programs he stated so the plot thickens nypd was pushing because as an article quoted one of the chiefs thats the level just below commissioner he said as a parent as a father with daughters he could not let that level of evil continue prince said he noted that the fbi can investigate these matters but they cant convene a grand jury they cant file charges the prosecutors the justice department has to do that he explained now as i understand it preet bharara the manhattan prosecutor has gotten ahold of some of this from what i hear hes a standup guy and hopefully he does the right thing marlow agreed that bhararas sterling reputation as a determined prosecutor was bad news for the clintons prince agreed but said if people are willing to bend or break the law and dont really care about the constitution or due process if youre willing to use stalinist tactics against someone who knows what level of pressure could be brought to bear against even the most tenacious law enforcement officials listen to interview here the point being fortunately its not just the fbi there are five different offices that are in the hunt for justice but the nypd has it as well prince said citing the wall street journal reporting that has exposed downdraft back pressure from the justice department against both the fbi and nypd in an effort to keep the sunlight and the disinfecting effects of the truth and transparency from shining on this great evil that has gone on and is slowly being exposed the justice department is trying to run out the clock to elect hillary clinton to prevent any real justice from being done he warned as for the mayor of new york city prince said he has heard that de blasio wants to stay away from this the evidence is so bad the email content is so bad that i think even he wants to stay away from it which is really telling he said for entire story breitbart news k shares
breaking nypd ready make arrests weiner casehillary visited pedophile island least timesmoney laundering underage sex payforplayproof inappropriate handling classified information percentfedupcom
breaking nypd ready make arrests weiner casehillary visited pedophile island least timesmoney laundering underage sex payforplayproof inappropriate handling classified information blackwater usa founder retired navy seal erik prince prince claimed insider knowledge investigation could help explain fbi director james comey announce reopening investigation clintons email server last week weinergate sexting scandal nypd started investigating subpoena warrant searched laptop sure enough found emails found way stuff information pertaining inappropriate sexting guy prince claimed found state department emails found lot really damning criminal information including money laundering including fact hillary went sex island convicted pedophile jeffrey epstein bill clinton went times hillary clinton went least six times said amount garbage found emails criminal activity hillary immediate circle even democratic members congress disgusting gave fbi said going go public dont reopen investigation dont right thing timely indictments prince explained believe know wellplaced source mine pp one police plaza new york nypd wanted press conference announcing warrants additional arrests making investigation theyve gotten huge pushback point coercion justice department justice department threatening charge someone unrelated accidental heart attack death eric garner almost two years ago thats level pushback obama justice department actually seeking justice email related criminal matters prince said theres five different parts fbi conducting investigations things constant downdrafts obama justice department hope unlikely unfortunate event hillary clinton elected president constitutional crisis seen since believe prince declared marlow asked prince clarify revelations nypd first one look laptop prince elaborated weiner huma abedin wife closest adviser hillary clinton years flipped cooperating government see potential jail time many years crimes huma abedin sending receiving even storing hundreds thousands messages state department server hillary clintons homebrew server contained classified information weiner faces kinds exposure inappropriate sexting going information found nypd first gets computer see disgusting keep copy everything pass copy fbi finally pushes fbi chairs making comey reopen investigation indicated letter last week point nypd information pursue justice within rights fbi doesnt prince contended kinds criminal culpability emails theyve seen including money laundering underage sex payforplay course plenty proof inappropriate handling sendingreceiving classified information sap level special access programs stated plot thickens nypd pushing article quoted one chiefs thats level commissioner said parent father daughters could let level evil continue prince said noted fbi investigate matters cant convene grand jury cant file charges prosecutors justice department explained understand preet bharara manhattan prosecutor gotten ahold hear hes standup guy hopefully right thing marlow agreed bhararas sterling reputation determined prosecutor bad news clintons prince agreed said people willing bend break law dont really care constitution due process youre willing use stalinist tactics someone knows level pressure could brought bear even tenacious law enforcement officials listen interview point fortunately fbi five different offices hunt justice nypd well prince said citing wall street journal reporting exposed downdraft back pressure justice department fbi nypd effort keep sunlight disinfecting effects truth transparency shining great evil gone slowly exposed justice department trying run clock elect hillary clinton prevent real justice done warned mayor new york city prince said heard de blasio wants stay away evidence bad email content bad think even wants stay away really telling said entire story breitbart news k shares
Fed Up
wow whistleblower tells chilling story of massive voter fraud trump campaign readies lawsuit against fl sec of elections in critical district video percentfedupcom
breaking nypd ready to make arrests in weiner casehillary visited pedophile island at least timesmoney laundering underage sex payforplayproof of inappropriate handling classified information the amazing citizen journalist mike cernovich broke this story this morning at danger and play florida residents have been complaining that theyre not getting their absentee ballots chelsey marie smith was working fulltime at broward county supervisor of elections main office blew the whistle on the voter fraud scheme live on periscope breaking news voting fraud uncovered in florida magax httpstcoqjeezrgh mike cernovich cernovich november the florida state attorney is actively investigating the fraud case that involves secretary of elections brenda snipes source fl state attorney investigators are actively reviewing broward county voter fraud case jack posobiec jackposobiec november democrat dr brenda snipes was appointed by jeb bush in and is no stranger to controversy on october the sun sentinal reported that former oakland park commissioner anne sallee noticed something troubling about her votebymail ballot it is missing constitutional amendment the medical marijuana question sallee now broward chapter director of the florida restaurant and lodging association knows her way around government yet she said she spent a week unsuccessfully trying to get someone at the broward elections office to pay attention to her complaint she was cleared on wednesday of another election snafu the early posting of primary election results her office also was criticized for sending out inaccurate voter id cards and for printing ballots for november that include the word no in the yes line on the countys transportation sales surtax question there were multiple reports that hillary personally met with brenda snipes days ago there were multiple reports hillary personally met with brenda snipes days ago no photos but where theres smoke jack posobiec jackposobiec november according to a former secretary of elections department employee there is a secret room where democrat insiders fill out those absentee ballots the woman provided her sworn testimony via affidavit the affidavit by chelsey marie smith accuses broward county officials of filling out blank absentee ballots to officials who she saw filling the ballots out at the supervisor of elections headquarters via gp page
wow whistleblower tells chilling story massive voter fraud trump campaign readies lawsuit fl sec elections critical district video percentfedupcom
breaking nypd ready make arrests weiner casehillary visited pedophile island least timesmoney laundering underage sex payforplayproof inappropriate handling classified information amazing citizen journalist mike cernovich broke story morning danger play florida residents complaining theyre getting absentee ballots chelsey marie smith working fulltime broward county supervisor elections main office blew whistle voter fraud scheme live periscope breaking news voting fraud uncovered florida magax httpstcoqjeezrgh mike cernovich cernovich november florida state attorney actively investigating fraud case involves secretary elections brenda snipes source fl state attorney investigators actively reviewing broward county voter fraud case jack posobiec jackposobiec november democrat dr brenda snipes appointed jeb bush stranger controversy october sun sentinal reported former oakland park commissioner anne sallee noticed something troubling votebymail ballot missing constitutional amendment medical marijuana question sallee broward chapter director florida restaurant lodging association knows way around government yet said spent week unsuccessfully trying get someone broward elections office pay attention complaint cleared wednesday another election snafu early posting primary election results office also criticized sending inaccurate voter id cards printing ballots november include word yes line countys transportation sales surtax question multiple reports hillary personally met brenda snipes days ago multiple reports hillary personally met brenda snipes days ago photos theres smoke jack posobiec jackposobiec november according former secretary elections department employee secret room democrat insiders fill absentee ballots woman provided sworn testimony via affidavit affidavit chelsey marie smith accuses broward county officials filling blank absentee ballots officials saw filling ballots supervisor elections headquarters via gp page
Fed Up
breaking clinton clearedwas this a coordinated last minute trick to energize hillarys base percentfedupcom
limbaugh said that the revelations in the wikileaks material were starting to hurt the clintons and that the renewed interest in an fbi investigation into her private email server would be a fruitless distraction in any case its time to drain the swamp fbi director james comey said sunday that the agency has reviewed all of the hillary clinton emails recently discovered in an unrelated case and that his conclusion in july not to prosecute clinton after the fbis original investigation into her use of private email server still stands comey informed congress on oct that the agency would in the unrelated case review additional emails related to clintons time running the state department from to since my letter the fbi investigative team has been working around the clock to process and review a large volume of emails comey said sunday in a followup letter to congress during that time we reviewed all of the communications that were to or from hilary clinton as secretary of state based on our review we have not changed our conclusion the new case is purportedly related to exnew york democratic rep anthony weiner using a laptop he shared with estranged wife and top clinton aide huma abedin for sexting an apparently underage female
breaking clinton clearedwas coordinated last minute trick energize hillarys base percentfedupcom
limbaugh said revelations wikileaks material starting hurt clintons renewed interest fbi investigation private email server would fruitless distraction case time drain swamp fbi director james comey said sunday agency reviewed hillary clinton emails recently discovered unrelated case conclusion july prosecute clinton fbis original investigation use private email server still stands comey informed congress oct agency would unrelated case review additional emails related clintons time running state department since letter fbi investigative team working around clock process review large volume emails comey said sunday followup letter congress time reviewed communications hilary clinton secretary state based review changed conclusion new case purportedly related exnew york democratic rep anthony weiner using laptop shared estranged wife top clinton aide huma abedin sexting apparently underage female
Fed Up
evil hillary supporters yell fck trumpburn truck of daddy fishing with yr son over of trump bumperstickers video percentfedupcom
email these people are sick and evil they will stop at nothing to get their way laws mean nothing to them because they mean nothing to their president and his regime a california man says a stranger hurled expletives and set his truck on fire thursday after seeing a prodonald trump sticker on the bumper hao lee had taken his yearold son fishing on a pleasant november afternoon in sacramento he parked his white dodge ram truck with a pair of trump stickers on the bumper along garden highway about a couple hours into fishing i heard someone yelling out f trump lee told ktxl lee and his son were only about yards from where his truck was parked near the edge of the river trending on fed up
evil hillary supporters yell fck trumpburn truck daddy fishing yr son trump bumperstickers video percentfedupcom
email people sick evil stop nothing get way laws mean nothing mean nothing president regime california man says stranger hurled expletives set truck fire thursday seeing prodonald trump sticker bumper hao lee taken yearold son fishing pleasant november afternoon sacramento parked white dodge ram truck pair trump stickers bumper along garden highway couple hours fishing heard someone yelling f trump lee told ktxl lee son yards truck parked near edge river trending fed
yikes hillary goes off the railspulls a howard dean video
who comedian where would she move spain i did buy a house in another country just in case so all of these people that threaten to leave the country and then dont i will leave the country she said on live with kelly and michael weirdly she called trump charming in the same interview neve campbell who house of cards actress where would she move canada his honesty is terrifying she told huffington post uk barry diller who founder of iac interactive where would he move unspecified if donald trump doesnt fall ill either move out of the country or join the resistance he told bloomberg lena dunham who creator of girls where would she move vancouver i know a lot of people have been threatening to do this but i really will she said at the matrix awards keeganmichael key who star of key peele where would he move canada its easy its like minutes from detroit and thats where im from he told tmz chloë sevigny who actress and guest star in portlandia where would she move nova scotia she answered simply nova scotia to a question of where she would move if trump were elected al sharpton who activist where would he move out of here if donald trump is the nominee im open to support anyone while im also reserving my ticket out of here if he wins he said at a press conference natasha lyonne who actress in orange is the new black where would she move a mental hospital ill move to a mental hospital for a while because youre like why is this happening she said eddie griffin who comedian where would he move africa hes good at making money but hes ignorantif trump wins im moving to africa he told dj vlad spike lee who director of malcolm x where would he move brooklyn if trump wins hell be moving back to the republic of brooklyn new york he reported to vanity fair amber rose who model where would she move unspecified i cant even think about it im moving im out i cant and i am taking my son with me she told us weekly samuel l jackson who actor where would he move south africa hes just running for popularity cmon just let it go he said on the view cher where would she move jupiter if he were to be elected im moving to jupiter she tweeted george lopez who comedian and star of george lopez where would he move mexico if he wins he wont have to worry about immigration well all go back he told tmz barbra streisand who singer where would she move australia or canada he has no facts i dont know i cant believe it im either coming to your country australia if youll let me in or canada she told australian journalist michael usher ravensymoné who actress and host of the view where would she move canada my confession for this election is if any republican gets nominated im going to move to canada with my entire family i already have my ticket she said on the view note her leaving was contingent on any republican candidate winning the electionnot just trump whoopi goldberg who actress and host of the view where would she move unspecified i dont want it to be america maybe its time for me to move you know she said omari hardwick who actor in power where would he move italy ill move from denver to italy if donald trump wins the presidency im out he told the wrap miley cyrus who pop star where would she move unspecified my heart is broken into a piecesi am moving if this is my president i dont say things i dont mean she wrote in an instagram post ruth bader ginsburg who supreme court justice where would she move new zealand i cant imagine what the country would be with donald trump as our president now its time for us to move to new zealand she told the new york times amy schumer who comedian and actress where would she move spain i will need to learn to speak spanish because i will move to spain or somewhere its beyond my comprehension if trump won its too crazy she told bbc newsnight katie hopkins
yikes hillary goes railspulls howard dean video
comedian would move spain buy house another country case people threaten leave country dont leave country said live kelly michael weirdly called trump charming interview neve campbell house cards actress would move canada honesty terrifying told huffington post uk barry diller founder iac interactive would move unspecified donald trump doesnt fall ill either move country join resistance told bloomberg lena dunham creator girls would move vancouver know lot people threatening really said matrix awards keeganmichael key star key peele would move canada easy like minutes detroit thats im told tmz chloë sevigny actress guest star portlandia would move nova scotia answered simply nova scotia question would move trump elected al sharpton activist would move donald trump nominee im open support anyone im also reserving ticket wins said press conference natasha lyonne actress orange new black would move mental hospital ill move mental hospital youre like happening said eddie griffin comedian would move africa hes good making money hes ignorantif trump wins im moving africa told dj vlad spike lee director malcolm x would move brooklyn trump wins hell moving back republic brooklyn new york reported vanity fair amber rose model would move unspecified cant even think im moving im cant taking son told us weekly samuel l jackson actor would move south africa hes running popularity cmon let go said view cher would move jupiter elected im moving jupiter tweeted george lopez comedian star george lopez would move mexico wins wont worry immigration well go back told tmz barbra streisand singer would move australia canada facts dont know cant believe im either coming country australia youll let canada told australian journalist michael usher ravensymoné actress host view would move canada confession election republican gets nominated im going move canada entire family already ticket said view note leaving contingent republican candidate winning electionnot trump whoopi goldberg actress host view would move unspecified dont want america maybe time move know said omari hardwick actor power would move italy ill move denver italy donald trump wins presidency im told wrap miley cyrus pop star would move unspecified heart broken piecesi moving president dont say things dont mean wrote instagram post ruth bader ginsburg supreme court justice would move new zealand cant imagine country would donald trump president time us move new zealand told new york times amy schumer comedian actress would move spain need learn speak spanish move spain somewhere beyond comprehension trump crazy told bbc newsnight katie hopkins
Fed Up
say goodbye these hollywood celebs threatened to leave the uslets hold them to it percentfedupcom
students expressed their fear over a trump presidency in messages to each other that were being shared on twitter today literally scared for their lives is the new literally hitler notmypresident pictwittercomckfqdfce paul joseph watson prisonplanet november and finally this ridiculous and totally biased email was sent from university of michigan president to the students offering them assistance to help them through the results of our presidential election last night the president wants to ensure the students that the university remains committed to their most important responsibility at their school which is apparently to remain committed to education discovery and intellectual honesty and to diversity equity and inclusion to all members of the university community as im sure many of you did i watched the election coverage late into the night and had the opportunity to visit with students and staff at a resultswatching event sponsored by the ginsberg center at the michigan union it will take quite some time to completely absorb the results from yesterdays election understand the full implications and discern the longterm impact on our university and our nation more immediately in the aftermath of a close and highly contentious election we continue to embrace our most important responsibility as a university community our responsibility is to remain committed to education discovery and intellectual honesty and to diversity equity and inclusion we are at our best when we come together to engage respectfully across our ideological differences to support all who feel marginalized threatened or unwelcome and to pursue knowledge and understanding as we always have as the students faculty and staff of the university of michigan there are reports of members of our community offering support to one another students are planning a vigil tonight on the diag at pm our center for research on teaching and learning also has numerous resources available for faculty seeking help in cultivating classroom environments that are responsive to national issues i also want to make everyone aware of some of the plans and events we have had in place for today and beyond our gerald r ford school of public policy is holding a postelection analysis from to pm today in the weill halls annenberg auditorium speakers include former us congressman john dingell former ambassador ron weiser and faculty members mara ostfeld betsey stevenson and marina whitman our history department has organized a community discussion led by faculty and students to include historical perspectives at pm tonight in tisch hall the office of student life will provide resources and referrals for support on campus to students faculty and staff at a location in the michigan unions willis ward lounge it will be open today from am to pm our office of multiethnic student affairs is offering an open space of support to help members of our community connect during open hours today mesas office is in the michigan union room tomorrow our ginsberg center and counseling and psychological services office is facilitating a postelection dialogue impact perspectivetaking and moving forward this event is part of the student life professional development conference at pm in the michigan leagues henderson room i know that other schools colleges and offices across our campus are planning events as well i thank everyone who is helping us come together and ask anyone scheduling a post election event post it on the university of michigan events calendar i hope all of us will continue to proudly embrace the opportunities before us as the students faculty and staff of a great public research university governed by the people elections are often times of great change but the values we stand for at um have been shaped over the course of nearly years our mission remains as essential for society as ever to serve the people of michigan and the world through preeminence in creating communicating preserving and applying knowledge art and academic values and in developing leaders and citizens who will challenge the present and enrich the future i look forward to working together with all of you to advance the work we do in service of the public and to ensure that the university of michigan will always be a welcoming place for all members of society sincerely mark schlissel president
say goodbye hollywood celebs threatened leave uslets hold percentfedupcom
students expressed fear trump presidency messages shared twitter today literally scared lives new literally hitler notmypresident pictwittercomckfqdfce paul joseph watson prisonplanet november finally ridiculous totally biased email sent university michigan president students offering assistance help results presidential election last night president wants ensure students university remains committed important responsibility school apparently remain committed education discovery intellectual honesty diversity equity inclusion members university community im sure many watched election coverage late night opportunity visit students staff resultswatching event sponsored ginsberg center michigan union take quite time completely absorb results yesterdays election understand full implications discern longterm impact university nation immediately aftermath close highly contentious election continue embrace important responsibility university community responsibility remain committed education discovery intellectual honesty diversity equity inclusion best come together engage respectfully across ideological differences support feel marginalized threatened unwelcome pursue knowledge understanding always students faculty staff university michigan reports members community offering support one another students planning vigil tonight diag pm center research teaching learning also numerous resources available faculty seeking help cultivating classroom environments responsive national issues also want make everyone aware plans events place today beyond gerald r ford school public policy holding postelection analysis pm today weill halls annenberg auditorium speakers include former us congressman john dingell former ambassador ron weiser faculty members mara ostfeld betsey stevenson marina whitman history department organized community discussion led faculty students include historical perspectives pm tonight tisch hall office student life provide resources referrals support campus students faculty staff location michigan unions willis ward lounge open today pm office multiethnic student affairs offering open space support help members community connect open hours today mesas office michigan union room tomorrow ginsberg center counseling psychological services office facilitating postelection dialogue impact perspectivetaking moving forward event part student life professional development conference pm michigan leagues henderson room know schools colleges offices across campus planning events well thank everyone helping us come together ask anyone scheduling post election event post university michigan events calendar hope us continue proudly embrace opportunities us students faculty staff great public research university governed people elections often times great change values stand um shaped course nearly years mission remains essential society ever serve people michigan world preeminence creating communicating preserving applying knowledge art academic values developing leaders citizens challenge present enrich future look forward working together advance work service public ensure university michigan always welcoming place members society sincerely mark schlissel president
not kidding colleges give students safe spaces to cry over trump winthreaten students over protrump chalkings
email for republican politicians like ohio governor john kasich who refused to get behind donald j trumpit turns out trump was righthe didnt need you in spite of the massive media force who came out against him and the never trumpers from his own party who worked very hard to defeat him if obama was running against donald j trump today trump would have beaten him its easy to glance at tuesdays popular vote which with percent of all precincts reporting shows hillary clinton with six million fewer votes than barack obama won in and reach the conclusion that clinton lost the white house because she failed to turn out the democratic base but the truth is much more complicated while she underperformed relative to obamas totals in several midwestern states ohio michigan iowa and wisconsin clinton ran virtually even with obama in the battlegrounds of pennsylvania north carolina virginia nevada and new hampshire whats more she far surpassed obamas vote total in florida the countrys biggest swing state yet somehow while obama carried florida clinton lost it which brings us to an important question was donald trump just good enough to beat a bad democratic opponent on tuesday or does he deserve far more credit could he for instance have competed with the vaunted obama machine the answer somewhat shockingly is yes a review of vote totals in the past two elections reveals that trump would have defeated obama in the electoral college disclaimer this obviously is an applestooranges exercise because no two elections are the same nor are any two electorates still unlike debating whether the cubs would defeat the yankees this is not an entirely abstract argument a comparison of their respective performances in the countrys most competitive states shows trump edging obama in a hypothetical headtohead matchup the math might seem impossible after all obama won nearly million votes in trump is currently at million and should finish around million which will actually be one million fewer votes than mitt romney won how then could trump have topped obama in the electoral college the answer republican turnout lagged in certain parts of the country but shot through the roof in the nations most critical battleground states lets look at them individually in descending order by population and do the electoralvote math the totals arent yet final because not all precincts have reported florida evs percent reporting obama clinton trending on fed up
kidding colleges give students safe spaces cry trump winthreaten students protrump chalkings
email republican politicians like ohio governor john kasich refused get behind donald j trumpit turns trump righthe didnt need spite massive media force came never trumpers party worked hard defeat obama running donald j trump today trump would beaten easy glance tuesdays popular vote percent precincts reporting shows hillary clinton six million fewer votes barack obama reach conclusion clinton lost white house failed turn democratic base truth much complicated underperformed relative obamas totals several midwestern states ohio michigan iowa wisconsin clinton ran virtually even obama battlegrounds pennsylvania north carolina virginia nevada new hampshire whats far surpassed obamas vote total florida countrys biggest swing state yet somehow obama carried florida clinton lost brings us important question donald trump good enough beat bad democratic opponent tuesday deserve far credit could instance competed vaunted obama machine answer somewhat shockingly yes review vote totals past two elections reveals trump would defeated obama electoral college disclaimer obviously applestooranges exercise two elections two electorates still unlike debating whether cubs would defeat yankees entirely abstract argument comparison respective performances countrys competitive states shows trump edging obama hypothetical headtohead matchup math might seem impossible obama nearly million votes trump currently million finish around million actually one million fewer votes mitt romney could trump topped obama electoral college answer republican turnout lagged certain parts country shot roof nations critical battleground states lets look individually descending order population electoralvote math totals arent yet final precincts reported florida evs percent reporting obama clinton trending fed
Fed Up
boom math shows trump would have beaten obama in romneyobama election percentfedupcom
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boom math shows trump would beaten obama romneyobama election percentfedupcom
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Fed Up
boom this is how president reagan handled protesters negotiate what is there to negotiate video percentfedupcom
go to article a trump supporter wearing a trumppence tshirt let it fly on a reporter from msnbc because of his one sided reporting and the demonizing of trump this is one brave woman new yorkers have had enough of the protests and violence calmsnbc is having an interesting day pictwittercomemelmqamau
boom president reagan handled protesters negotiate negotiate video percentfedupcom
go article trump supporter wearing trumppence tshirt let fly reporter msnbc one sided reporting demonizing trump one brave woman new yorkers enough protests violence calmsnbc interesting day pictwittercomemelmqamau
trump supporter got nuts on msnbc reporter covering antitrump rioters video
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trump supporter got nuts msnbc reporter covering antitrump rioters video
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Fed Up
tomi lahren has special message for celebrities who said theyd move to canada if trump won video percentfedupcom
go to article donald trump was willing to give up a very fulfilling life that took decades to build so he could step up and take control of an out of control government he and his family have already sacrificed so much because he chose to put his country first making sacrifices is certainly not something loudmouth liberals like robert deniro are accustomed to deniro was very vocal about his opposition to the wildly successful business man donald j trump he felt so strongly about his hate for trump that made a video where he angrily stated hed like to punch him in the face now that trump won the election in a landslide deniro has chosen to get behind the trump rioters who are terrorizing cities across america antitrump rioters are breaking windows using baseball bats to smash the windshields of innocent citizens who get trapped in their hellish protests as they try to escape women who are taking part in the protests are being punched in the faces by men who are also taking part in the george soros funded protests american flags are being burned and families who are walking in major cities are being subjected to the most vile and disgusting hateful language and images imaginable if this is the kind of america that robert dinero is openly supporting and if so why would any american pay to see his moviecomedian robert de niro gave antidonald trump protesters across the united states his backing friday as he spoke about how depressed the tycoons win in the presidential election had made him the yearold star was on the red carpet at the world premiere of his new film the comedian in los angeles when he was asked how he was coping with trumps victory over democratic rival hillary clinton how am i doing im very depressed the famously laconic raging bull actor told reporters we have to just wait and see how things go and keep our eyes ever vigilant on the new government asked if he thought the protests were an appropriate response to the outcome of tuesdays election he replied yes absolutely things arent being done right demonstrators took to the streets in miami los angeles new york and other us cities for a third straight night on friday in manhattan they held signs reading your wall cant stand in our way a reference to the antiimmigration barrier the billionaire has promised to build on the us border with mexico de niro hasnt minced his words in his criticism of trump describing him as a punk a pig and an idiot id like to punch him in the face he said before the election earlier in the day a town in southern italy where de niros grandparents came from offered the actor a means of escape if after the disappointment of trump he wants to take refuge here we are ready to welcome him said antonio cerio the mayor of ferrazzano the comedian de niros passion project which took him eight years to bring to the big screen was part of this years program for the american film institutes annual afi fest in los angeles yahoo heres a clip of trumphater megyn kelly promoting dineros hateful rant against donald j trump
tomi lahren special message celebrities said theyd move canada trump video percentfedupcom
go article donald trump willing give fulfilling life took decades build could step take control control government family already sacrificed much chose put country first making sacrifices certainly something loudmouth liberals like robert deniro accustomed deniro vocal opposition wildly successful business man donald j trump felt strongly hate trump made video angrily stated hed like punch face trump election landslide deniro chosen get behind trump rioters terrorizing cities across america antitrump rioters breaking windows using baseball bats smash windshields innocent citizens get trapped hellish protests try escape women taking part protests punched faces men also taking part george soros funded protests american flags burned families walking major cities subjected vile disgusting hateful language images imaginable kind america robert dinero openly supporting would american pay see moviecomedian robert de niro gave antidonald trump protesters across united states backing friday spoke depressed tycoons win presidential election made yearold star red carpet world premiere new film comedian los angeles asked coping trumps victory democratic rival hillary clinton im depressed famously laconic raging bull actor told reporters wait see things go keep eyes ever vigilant new government asked thought protests appropriate response outcome tuesdays election replied yes absolutely things arent done right demonstrators took streets miami los angeles new york us cities third straight night friday manhattan held signs reading wall cant stand way reference antiimmigration barrier billionaire promised build us border mexico de niro hasnt minced words criticism trump describing punk pig idiot id like punch face said election earlier day town southern italy de niros grandparents came offered actor means escape disappointment trump wants take refuge ready welcome said antonio cerio mayor ferrazzano comedian de niros passion project took eight years bring big screen part years program american film institutes annual afi fest los angeles yahoo heres clip trumphater megyn kelly promoting dineros hateful rant donald j trump
boycottcomedianrobert deniro wanted to punch trump in the facesupports antitrump riotersnow wants americans to support his new movie video
john mcnaughton is a special american painter because of his subject matter and the intensity in which he portrays our current governmenttroubled and corrupt the forgotten man painting is amazing in its symbolism heres how mcnaughton describes the painting against the background of a darkening sky all of the past presidents of the united states gather before the white house as if to commemorate some great event in the left hand corner of the painting sits a man that man with his head bowed appears distraught and hopeless as he contemplates his future some of the past presidents try to console him while looking in the direction of the modern presidents as if to say what have you done many of these modern presidents seemingly oblivious to anything other than themselves appear to be congratulating each other on their great accomplishments in front of the man paper trash is blowing in the wind crumpled dollar bills legislative documents and like a whisperthe us constitution beneath the foot of barack obama the forgotten man mcnaughton never sells his original paintings but he made an exception this time he sold this painting to sean hannity so hannity could give it to donald trump awesome huh november th mcnaughton announced via facebook that he sold the original to sean hannity sean hannity just purchased my painting the forgotten man to give to donald trump to hang in the white house the white house
boycottcomedianrobert deniro wanted punch trump facesupports antitrump riotersnow wants americans support new movie video
john mcnaughton special american painter subject matter intensity portrays current governmenttroubled corrupt forgotten man painting amazing symbolism heres mcnaughton describes painting background darkening sky past presidents united states gather white house commemorate great event left hand corner painting sits man man head bowed appears distraught hopeless contemplates future past presidents try console looking direction modern presidents say done many modern presidents seemingly oblivious anything appear congratulating great accomplishments front man paper trash blowing wind crumpled dollar bills legislative documents like whisperthe us constitution beneath foot barack obama forgotten man mcnaughton never sells original paintings made exception time sold painting sean hannity hannity could give donald trump awesome huh november th mcnaughton announced via facebook sold original sean hannity sean hannity purchased painting forgotten man give donald trump hang white house white house
hes never sold an original painting until nowand this ones going in the white house
go to article dear abby i supported a woman i knew had a history of criminal activity who is married to a rapist and who left men to die in benghazi she put our national security at grave risk by leaving top classified emails on her private server and she took money from nations who throw gays off rooftops and treat women worse than cockroaches she is likely very sick and would be unlikely to serve out her first term without someone there to prop her up but nevertheless i supported her anyhow because shes a democrat and has a vagina someone told me she still has a chance of winning the presidency if i just signed a petition they said that trump really didnt win because hillary won the popular vote is that true okay lets address this hillary might win the popular vote isnt that electoral college situation just awful thing head on no its not awful its great and it protects the importance of your vote its also uniquely american and demonstrates yet again the onceincreation brilliance of the founding fathers first of all shes probably not going to win the actual number of votes cast she may win the number of votes counted but not the votes cast states dont count their absentee ballots unless the number of outstanding absentee ballots is larger than the state margin of difference if there is a margin of votes counted and there are absentee ballots outstanding then the state tabulates those if the number of outstanding absentee ballots wouldnt influence the election results then the absentee ballots arent counted who votes by absentee ballot students overseas the military businesspeople on trips etc the historical breakout for absentee ballots is about republican in when al gore won the popular vote nationally by votes and the liberal media screamed bloody murder there were million absentee ballots in california alone a breakout of those yields a to million republican vote advantage so bush would have gotten a vote margin from californias uncounted absentee ballots alone so much for gores popular vote victory that was the headline on the ny times and it was the lead story on nbc nightly news right no youre kidding getting back to the win the popular votelose the electoral college scenario thank gd we have that or else california and ny would determine every election every time but the electoral college brilliantly smooths out the variances in the voting proclivities among states and regions farmers in the middle of the country and importers and exporters on the shore get roughly equal say as do madison ave execs and factory workers in tennessee shortcomings sure the ec can make an r vote meaningless in a very few heavily d states or vice versa but without the electoral college the countrys entire population is subject to the disproportionate voting preferences of the few most populous states american thinker comment on this article via your facebook account comment on this article via your disqus account follow us on facebook
hes never sold original painting nowand ones going white house
go article dear abby supported woman knew history criminal activity married rapist left men die benghazi put national security grave risk leaving top classified emails private server took money nations throw gays rooftops treat women worse cockroaches likely sick would unlikely serve first term without someone prop nevertheless supported anyhow shes democrat vagina someone told still chance winning presidency signed petition said trump really didnt win hillary popular vote true okay lets address hillary might win popular vote isnt electoral college situation awful thing head awful great protects importance vote also uniquely american demonstrates yet onceincreation brilliance founding fathers first shes probably going win actual number votes cast may win number votes counted votes cast states dont count absentee ballots unless number outstanding absentee ballots larger state margin difference margin votes counted absentee ballots outstanding state tabulates number outstanding absentee ballots wouldnt influence election results absentee ballots arent counted votes absentee ballot students overseas military businesspeople trips etc historical breakout absentee ballots republican al gore popular vote nationally votes liberal media screamed bloody murder million absentee ballots california alone breakout yields million republican vote advantage bush would gotten vote margin californias uncounted absentee ballots alone much gores popular vote victory headline ny times lead story nbc nightly news right youre kidding getting back win popular votelose electoral college scenario thank gd else california ny would determine every election every time electoral college brilliantly smooths variances voting proclivities among states regions farmers middle country importers exporters shore get roughly equal say madison ave execs factory workers tennessee shortcomings sure ec make r vote meaningless heavily states vice versa without electoral college countrys entire population subject disproportionate voting preferences populous states american thinker comment article via facebook account comment article via disqus account follow us facebook
sorry liberalsyou can stop with the petitionshillary did not win the popular vote
mark cuban has made no secret of his dislike for trump and his love for crooked hillary watch him tell fox news neil cavuto at mark if donald wins i have no doubt the market tanks well thats not exactly what happened now is it cuban so heres what really happened market watch us stocks rallied wednesday with the dow industrials jumping points led by a surge in financial healthcare and industrial stocks as investors bet on the infrastructure spending policy promised by presidentelect donald trump the dow jones industrial average djia gained as much as points briefly surpassing the alltime closing high set in august the index closed points or higher at its highest level since aug pfizer inc pfe and caterpillar inc cat led the gains rallying more than way to go cubanyou just reminded us of how little you know about economics or choosing the right candidate for president hope that loss didnt cost you too much cubancheers k shares
sorry liberalsyou stop petitionshillary win popular vote
mark cuban made secret dislike trump love crooked hillary watch tell fox news neil cavuto mark donald wins doubt market tanks well thats exactly happened cuban heres really happened market watch us stocks rallied wednesday dow industrials jumping points led surge financial healthcare industrial stocks investors bet infrastructure spending policy promised presidentelect donald trump dow jones industrial average djia gained much points briefly surpassing alltime closing high set august index closed points higher highest level since aug pfizer inc pfe caterpillar inc cat led gains rallying way go cubanyou reminded us little know economics choosing right candidate president hope loss didnt cost much cubancheers k shares
Fed Up
mark cuban in the event donald wins i have no doubt the market tanksso heres what really happened video percentfedupcom
david wilcox a year old chicago man who was brutally beaten by a mob of black democrats asks what happened to america here is his very sad story
mark cuban event donald wins doubt market tanksso heres really happened video percentfedupcom
david wilcox year old chicago man brutally beaten mob black democrats asks happened america sad story
trump supporter whose brutal beating by black mob was caught on video asks what happened to america video
go to article filmmaker ami horowitz takes to the streets in berkeley ca to ask white liberals how they feel about voter id laws do voter id laws suppress the black vote are voter id laws racist watch the stunning and very telling responses these elitist liberals give to horowitz next watch how black citizens in harlem ny reply to the racist generalizations made by white liberals in berkeley ca tell us again who the real racists are wow
trump supporter whose brutal beating black mob caught video asks happened america video
go article filmmaker ami horowitz takes streets berkeley ca ask white liberals feel voter id laws voter id laws suppress black vote voter id laws racist watch stunning telling responses elitist liberals give horowitz next watch black citizens harlem ny reply racist generalizations made white liberals berkeley ca tell us real racists wow
wow white liberals suggest blacks are too stupid to get idscant figure out how to use internet video
go to article political activist and hillary supporter amal clooney traveled to texas to warn americans about our elected president donald j trump and his tough immigration policies maybe she didnt get the memotrumps tough immigration stance is what catapulted him to the top of the heap in the crowded pack of gop primary contenders it wasnt too long ago that her arrogant liberal husband announced with great confidence there will never be a president trump perhaps amal shouldve traveled to some of the border towns if she wanted to get a clear picture of how illegal immigration is affecting our nation aliens crossing our borders illegally have destroyed the property of american ranchers and threatened the safety and security of american citizens living in homes in or near the us mexican border towns amal clooney has warned that many of presidentelect trumps proposals would be violations of international law speaking at the texas conference for women at the austin convention center on tuesday the international human rights lawyer and wife of george clooney said she had concerns about americas reputation under the real estate moguls plans she noted that trumps comments during his campaign that there should be a religious test imposed on entering the us or the fact that there should be statesponsored torture or that families of suspected terrorists should all be killed all of those things are violations of international human rights law and the values that underlie that the yearold wife said americas reputation as a country with a strong human rights record and high moral standing was at risk i think theres some concern from abroad as to are these things actually going to happen or is the us going to lose some of the moral standing that it has internationally according to the hollywood reporter perhaps its time to put our nations security and sovereignty before we worry about what people in other countries around the world think of us both amal and her hollywood actor husband george a staunch hillary clinton supporter have spoken out against trump in the past earlier this year amal clooney called for trump to be challenged on his extreme views watch george clooney here whine about press giving trump too much favorable press when you listen to what the leading candidate on the republican side has been saying about building walls about excluding mexicans and a complete shutdown of all muslims entering in and if you actually look at what he specifically said in that now infamous speech about muslims he kept saying they only want jihad they dont believe in our way of life they dont respect our system clooney said via daily mail
wow white liberals suggest blacks stupid get idscant figure use internet video
go article political activist hillary supporter amal clooney traveled texas warn americans elected president donald j trump tough immigration policies maybe didnt get memotrumps tough immigration stance catapulted top heap crowded pack gop primary contenders wasnt long ago arrogant liberal husband announced great confidence never president trump perhaps amal shouldve traveled border towns wanted get clear picture illegal immigration affecting nation aliens crossing borders illegally destroyed property american ranchers threatened safety security american citizens living homes near us mexican border towns amal clooney warned many presidentelect trumps proposals would violations international law speaking texas conference women austin convention center tuesday international human rights lawyer wife george clooney said concerns americas reputation real estate moguls plans noted trumps comments campaign religious test imposed entering us fact statesponsored torture families suspected terrorists killed things violations international human rights law values underlie yearold wife said americas reputation country strong human rights record high moral standing risk think theres concern abroad things actually going happen us going lose moral standing internationally according hollywood reporter perhaps time put nations security sovereignty worry people countries around world think us amal hollywood actor husband george staunch hillary clinton supporter spoken trump past earlier year amal clooney called trump challenged extreme views watch george clooney whine press giving trump much favorable press listen leading candidate republican side saying building walls excluding mexicans complete shutdown muslims entering actually look specifically said infamous speech muslims kept saying want jihad dont believe way life dont respect system clooney said via daily mail
lol british wife of lib actor who said there will never be a president donald trumpwarns americans about presidentelect trump video
go to article rafael salamancas interview on tucker carlson tonight was a major throw down of epic proportions reality hit this councilman and he just kept repeating the same talking points if you want to go up against the brilliant trucker carlson then you need to have your facts straight
lol british wife lib actor said never president donald trumpwarns americans presidentelect trump video
go article rafael salamancas interview tucker carlson tonight major throw epic proportions reality hit councilman kept repeating talking points want go brilliant trucker carlson need facts straight
epic tucker carlson demolishes nyc councilman over sanctuary cities video
go to article in the bubble life continues for progressive americans as if the election never happened comment on this article via your facebook account comment on this article via your disqus account follow us on facebook
epic tucker carlson demolishes nyc councilman sanctuary cities video
go article bubble life continues progressive americans election never happened comment article via facebook account comment article via disqus account follow us facebook
funny snls solution to democrat election denial safe space for everyone video
go to article they had to know they had it coming donald trump scolded media big shots during an offtherecord trump tower sitdown on monday sources told the post it was like a fing firing squad one source said of the encounter trump started with cnn chief jeff zucker and said i hate your network everyone at cnn is a liar and you should be ashamed the source said the meeting was a total disaster the tv execs and anchors went in there thinking they would be discussing the access they would get to the trump administration but instead they got a trumpstyle dressing down the source added a second source confirmed the fireworks the meeting took place in a big board room and there were about or people including the big news anchors from all the networks the other source said trump kept saying were in a room of liars the deceitful dishonest media who got it all wrong he addressed everyone in the room calling the media dishonest deceitful liars he called out jeff zucker by name and said everyone at cnn was a liar and cnn was a network of liars the source said trump didnt say nbc reporter katy tur by name but talked about an nbc female correspondent who got it wrong then he referred to a horrible network correspondent who cried when hillary lost who hosted a debate which was martha raddatz who was also in the room the stunned reporters tried to get a word in edgewise to discuss access to a trump administration cbs good morning cohost gayle king did not stand up but asked some question how do you propose we the media work with you chuck todd asked some pretty pointed questions david muir asked how are you going to cope living in dc while your family is in nyc it was a horrible meeting heres a sampling of trump hitting back at the dishonest media while he was on the campaign trail trump did something no other presidential candidate has ever done before he won the election in a landslide in spite of the entire fake news empire working together to take him down trump spokeswoman kellyanne conway told reporters the gathering went well excellent meetings with the top executives of the major networks she said during a gaggle in the lobby of trump tower pretty unprecedented meeting we put together in two days the meeting was off the record meaning the participants agreed not to talk about the substance of the conversations the hourlong session included top execs from network and cable news channels among the attendees were nbcs deborah turness lester holt and chuck todd abcs james goldston george stephanopoulos david muir and martha raddatz also cbs norah odonnell john dickerson charlie rose christopher isham and king fox news bill shine jack abernethy jay wallace suzanne scott msnbcs phil griffin and cnns jeff zucker and erin burnett via nyp
funny snls solution democrat election denial safe space everyone video
go article know coming donald trump scolded media big shots offtherecord trump tower sitdown monday sources told post like fing firing squad one source said encounter trump started cnn chief jeff zucker said hate network everyone cnn liar ashamed source said meeting total disaster tv execs anchors went thinking would discussing access would get trump administration instead got trumpstyle dressing source added second source confirmed fireworks meeting took place big board room people including big news anchors networks source said trump kept saying room liars deceitful dishonest media got wrong addressed everyone room calling media dishonest deceitful liars called jeff zucker name said everyone cnn liar cnn network liars source said trump didnt say nbc reporter katy tur name talked nbc female correspondent got wrong referred horrible network correspondent cried hillary lost hosted debate martha raddatz also room stunned reporters tried get word edgewise discuss access trump administration cbs good morning cohost gayle king stand asked question propose media work chuck todd asked pretty pointed questions david muir asked going cope living dc family nyc horrible meeting heres sampling trump hitting back dishonest media campaign trail trump something presidential candidate ever done election landslide spite entire fake news empire working together take trump spokeswoman kellyanne conway told reporters gathering went well excellent meetings top executives major networks said gaggle lobby trump tower pretty unprecedented meeting put together two days meeting record meaning participants agreed talk substance conversations hourlong session included top execs network cable news channels among attendees nbcs deborah turness lester holt chuck todd abcs james goldston george stephanopoulos david muir martha raddatz also cbs norah odonnell john dickerson charlie rose christopher isham king fox news bill shine jack abernethy jay wallace suzanne scott msnbcs phil griffin cnns jeff zucker erin burnett via nyp
donald trump calls meeting with pressdresses down real fake news networks everyone at cnn is a liar and you should be ashamed
donald trump skips media delivers transition update straight to the people video audience members booed pence as he entered the theater and after the casts curtain call the statement was read cast member brandon dixon stopped pence on his way out of the performance to publicly shame him in front of the audience and cast members of hamilton dixons message was written by show creator linmanuel miranda director thomas kail and lead producer jeffrey seller according to the new york times we sir we are the diverse america who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us our planet our children our parents or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights we truly hope that this show has inspired you to uphold our american values and to work on behalf of all of us dixon said reading the message aloud but cast members were able to give input radaronline investigated whether or not the actors had voted and revealed many leads hadnt in years dixons records show he didnt vote during president obamas reelection bid in javier munoz playing the titular role of hamilton registered to vote in and voted in the midterm elections but hasnt been on record as voting since seth stewart who plays thomas jefferson voted in when obama ran for the first time he did not vote in okieriete oak onaodowan who players james madison and hercules mulligan registered to vote in but hasnt been on record voting since since the clash with the hamilton cast pence told fox news he wasnt offended by the message and said the booing is what freedom sounds like daily mail
donald trump calls meeting pressdresses real fake news networks everyone cnn liar ashamed
donald trump skips media delivers transition update straight people video audience members booed pence entered theater casts curtain call statement read cast member brandon dixon stopped pence way performance publicly shame front audience cast members hamilton dixons message written show creator linmanuel miranda director thomas kail lead producer jeffrey seller according new york times sir diverse america alarmed anxious new administration protect us planet children parents defend us uphold inalienable rights truly hope show inspired uphold american values work behalf us dixon said reading message aloud cast members able give input radaronline investigated whether actors voted revealed many leads hadnt years dixons records show didnt vote president obamas reelection bid javier munoz playing titular role hamilton registered vote voted midterm elections hasnt record voting since seth stewart plays thomas jefferson voted obama ran first time vote okieriete oak onaodowan players james madison hercules mulligan registered vote hasnt record voting since since clash hamilton cast pence told fox news wasnt offended message said booing freedom sounds like daily mail
Fed Up
oops crybaby hamilton stars who lectured pence havent voted in years video percentfedupcom
go to article the left is shameful in their latest effort to create a false narrative that donald trump is supportive of racist groups a fullcourtpress has been going on all day after a neonazialtright group held a celebration of trumps victory the left grabbed onto the news and attached it to donald trump and his supporters theres a big difference between a president like obama who actually marched with the racist new black panthers and sat in a racist church for years and trump who does not support racist groups and has said so he cant help who supports him these people are sickening
oops crybaby hamilton stars lectured pence havent voted years video percentfedupcom
go article left shameful latest effort create false narrative donald trump supportive racist groups fullcourtpress going day neonazialtright group held celebration trumps victory left grabbed onto news attached donald trump supporters theres big difference president like obama actually marched racist new black panthers sat racist church years trump support racist groups said cant help supports people sickening
white trumpbashing lib reprimanded on live cnn interview for using nword video
boom kellyanne conway shuts down cnns cuomo barracuda brigade this is why we love this woman kellyanne conway is one smart cookie and is so quick with comebacks watch her shut down chris cuomo on his faux concern about my president tweeting kellyanne conway defends trumps hamilton twitter scrap why do you care httpstcouipckfi httpstcovnkrohym
white trumpbashing lib reprimanded live cnn interview using nword video
boom kellyanne conway shuts cnns cuomo barracuda brigade love woman kellyanne conway one smart cookie quick comebacks watch shut chris cuomo faux concern president tweeting kellyanne conway defends trumps hamilton twitter scrap care httpstcouipckfi httpstcovnkrohym
Barracuda Brigade
boom kellyanne conway shuts down cnns cuomo
sharia in america how minneapolis muslims are still being recruited by terrorists barracuda brigade print i truly hope that trump keeps his promise to keep muslims out of our country percentfedup isolation of the somali muslim community and teaching sharia law in muslim schools in minneapolis are the two main reasons why we should still fear their recruitment to terrorism assimilation hasnt happened and thats a huge problem pete hegseth goes to little mogadishu and finds out that many somali muslims dont speak english and that they actually teach sharia law in school but not sure about american law this all goes back to the refugee resettlement program and the huge problem with bringing over million mostly muslims to the us in the past years we need to take a look at defunding this program because its ballooned way past what it was originally intended to be is this happening in your town heres the lowdown on the refugee resettlement program every american should hear related
boom kellyanne conway shuts cnns cuomo
sharia america minneapolis muslims still recruited terrorists barracuda brigade print truly hope trump keeps promise keep muslims country percentfedup isolation somali muslim community teaching sharia law muslim schools minneapolis two main reasons still fear recruitment terrorism assimilation hasnt happened thats huge problem pete hegseth goes little mogadishu finds many somali muslims dont speak english actually teach sharia law school sure american law goes back refugee resettlement program huge problem bringing million mostly muslims us past years need take look defunding program ballooned way past originally intended happening town heres lowdown refugee resettlement program every american hear related
Barracuda Brigade
sharia in america how minneapolis muslims are still being recruited by terrorists
go to article wow milwaukees sheriff david clarke nails it again president obama is like a tenant who has been evicted from a property and hes going to trash the place on the way out the door just out of spite so nothing would surprise me from obama in these waning days sheriff david clarke
sharia america minneapolis muslims still recruited terrorists
go article wow milwaukees sheriff david clarke nails president obama like tenant evicted property hes going trash place way door spite nothing would surprise obama waning days sheriff david clarke
sheriff clarke on obamas final days obamas like a tenant whos been evicted from a property and hes gonna trash the place on the way out the door video
go to article austin texas was the scene of protest against presidentelect donald trump and police officers the same weekend three police officers were ambushed
sheriff clarke obamas final days obamas like tenant whos evicted property hes gonna trash place way door video
go article austin texas scene protest presidentelect donald trump police officers weekend three police officers ambushed
antitrump crowd chants whats better than dead cops dead copsthree police officers ambushed the same weekend video
st century wire says as western media outlets like the new york times washington post cnn and the bbc continue to hurl viral images of child victims of aleppo western and gulfbacked terrorists in east aleppo continue to fire mortars hell cannon and use snipers to target civilians and children in governmentprotected west aleppo the level of information fraud and propaganda being perpetrated by the western mainstream media and politicians like john kerry and samantha power is unprecedented even by traditional low us standards rt international interviews syrian peace campaigner mother agnesmariam and independent researcher and journalist vanessa beeley watch
antitrump crowd chants whats better dead cops dead copsthree police officers ambushed weekend video
st century wire says western media outlets like new york times washington post cnn bbc continue hurl viral images child victims aleppo western gulfbacked terrorists east aleppo continue fire mortars hell cannon use snipers target civilians children governmentprotected west aleppo level information fraud propaganda perpetrated western mainstream media politicians like john kerry samantha power unprecedented even traditional low us standards rt international interviews syrian peace campaigner mother agnesmariam independent researcher journalist vanessa beeley watch
No Author
intl community still financing protecting terrorists mother agnes vanessa beeley on syria
st century wire says wire reported on friday about the fbis surprising announcement that it would be reopening the clinton email case due to new evidence of classified information found on sex cheat anthony weiners newly estranged husband of clinton chief aid huma abedin computer which was subject to a seperate investigation will this really yield anything significant in the days runningup to the nov th election or is this just clever democrat party smoke and mirrors it seems that washingtons political tricksters have already sprung into action after comeys shock announcement a leaked memo appeared out of nowhere supplied to fox news in which comey and the fbi seem to be going through a routine set of prescribed political moves designed to implement damage control elite circles fbi head james comey and friend hillary clinton certainly a desperate democratic party and an even more desperate obama white house over the last weeks obama and his wife michelle have been out campaigning more that hillary clinton herself could be pressuring or nudging the fbi on this volatile issue which could easily tilt a close presidential race against donald trump aside from the obvious potential of another clinton scandal yesterdays fbi move could also be a prelude to the following possible scenarios protect the president who is already deeply tied to the clinton email coverup democratic party machine has created a distraction to coverup latest wikileaks dump fbi are trying to restore lost public confidence over allegations of favoring hillary clintons create a controlled explosion this weekend to clear the decks for another salacious trump scandal next week note despite calls from the clinton camp for fbi to disclose what they have which they cannot by law anyway youd think hillary would have already known that it is highly unlikely that the fbi will release any real specifics before the election if they have anything at all its just too early to tell see also fbi james comey was board member of hsbc clinton foundation drug cartel bank of choice the fbi director stoked outrage last month when he announced that he would not recommend the justice department seek an indictment against clinton or any of the other parties to the investigation allowing clinton to dodge any criminal probe before the election despite the fact that comey stated to a congressional investigative committee that clinton was extremely careless and that clinton openly lied about her handling classified information on her unsecured private server throughout her tenure as the us secretary of state zero hedge adds now it is the democrats turn to rage at comey and the fbi although comey likely did not have much choice had he kept the information secret it certainly would have leaked as we predicted as such his best recourse was to come clean although many have speculated about the cryptic nature of the disclosure needless to say all comey would need to do to regain the demcorats trust and favor is to announce in just a few days that nothing material has been found and that the second probe is also over here is leaked aka just covering my ass memo from fbi director james comey watch this space here is a highlight reel of hillary clinton lying on at least occasions when asked direct questions about her illegal private email server read more election news at st century wire files support wire subscribe become a member wiretv
intl community still financing protecting terrorists mother agnes vanessa beeley syria
st century wire says wire reported friday fbis surprising announcement would reopening clinton email case due new evidence classified information found sex cheat anthony weiners newly estranged husband clinton chief aid huma abedin computer subject seperate investigation really yield anything significant days runningup nov th election clever democrat party smoke mirrors seems washingtons political tricksters already sprung action comeys shock announcement leaked memo appeared nowhere supplied fox news comey fbi seem going routine set prescribed political moves designed implement damage control elite circles fbi head james comey friend hillary clinton certainly desperate democratic party even desperate obama white house last weeks obama wife michelle campaigning hillary clinton could pressuring nudging fbi volatile issue could easily tilt close presidential race donald trump aside obvious potential another clinton scandal yesterdays fbi move could also prelude following possible scenarios protect president already deeply tied clinton email coverup democratic party machine created distraction coverup latest wikileaks dump fbi trying restore lost public confidence allegations favoring hillary clintons create controlled explosion weekend clear decks another salacious trump scandal next week note despite calls clinton camp fbi disclose cannot law anyway youd think hillary would already known highly unlikely fbi release real specifics election anything early tell see also fbi james comey board member hsbc clinton foundation drug cartel bank choice fbi director stoked outrage last month announced would recommend justice department seek indictment clinton parties investigation allowing clinton dodge criminal probe election despite fact comey stated congressional investigative committee clinton extremely careless clinton openly lied handling classified information unsecured private server throughout tenure us secretary state zero hedge adds democrats turn rage comey fbi although comey likely much choice kept information secret certainly would leaked predicted best recourse come clean although many speculated cryptic nature disclosure needless say comey would need regain demcorats trust favor announce days nothing material found second probe also leaked aka covering ass memo fbi director james comey watch space highlight reel hillary clinton lying least occasions asked direct questions illegal private email server read election news st century wire files support wire subscribe become member wiretv
No Author
fbi director comeys leaked memo explains why hes reopening the clinton email case
in a stunning turn of events days before the presidential election the fbi announced it is reopenning its investigation into hillary clintons email server case by probing newly emerging emails linked to hillary clinton new probe the fbi gives hillary clinton a second look photo illustraion wire fbi october surprise according to reports in a letter written today fbi director james comey stated that the fbi has begun a new probe into hillary clinton related emails once again comey offered scant details about the new probe but due to an unrelated case additional classified material may have been mishandled on clintons personal email server cnbc reported the latest fbi developments including a passage from comeys letter discussing the new investigation in previous congressional testimony i referred to the fact that the federal bureau of investigation fbi had completed its investigation of former secretary clintons personal email server due to recent developments i am writing to supplement my previous testimony comey wrote in connection with an unrelated case the fbi has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation i am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday and i agreed that the fbi should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information as well as to assess their importance to our investigation he added although the fbi cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant and i cannot predict how long it will take us to complete this additional work i believe it is important to update your committees about our efforts in light of my previous testimony comey concluded humas estranged sexting husband according to a new report released via the new york times the presidential campaign was rocked on friday after federal law enforcement officials said that emails pertinent to the nowclosed investigation into hillary clinton s private email server were discovered on a computer belonging to anthony d weiner the estranged husband of a top clinton aide in a letter to congress the fbi director james b comey said the emails had surfaced in an unrelated case which law enforcement officials said was an fbi investigation into illicit text messages from mr weiner to a yearold girl in north carolina mr weiner a former democratic congressman from new york is married to huma abedin the top aide comey has come under fire recently for apparently letting clinton off the hook for mishandling and lying to congress about classified emails coming through her home brew email server while she was secretary of state after previously closing the case comey has done a uturn and is now saying the fbi will review the new emails to for classified information and see whether it was mishandled this unprecedented investigative move comes just two days after a wikileaks docudump revealed a memo containing detailed financial information between clinton foundation donors and former president bill clinton s private financial activities among those included in the memo was a million dollar business arrangement under bill clinton inc with another million dollar deal scheduled over nine years the following is a tweet from brad jaffy of nbc nightly news containing the new fbi recommendation the new investigation into the clinton camp will most certainly spark new paytoplay allegations as the new fbi revelations also comes days after a project veritas hidden camera sting operation revealed that the democratic consultant robert creamer of democracy partners discussed ways to commit largescale voter fraud as well as paying political agitators to cause violence at donald trump rallies out of creamers visits to the white house also included his wife a term illinois democratic congresswoman jan schakowsky some times white house visitor records show that schakowsky took private meetings with obama or his senior staff also over the past year the consultancy democracy partners appears to have applied schakowsky as a political buffering point possibly in the event of a fallout over their operations at a grassroots level the impetus of this type of procedural separation is to keep certain highranking officials of the hook in case of a massive upheaval over various underhanded campaign tactics thus giving a political campaign or political entity plausible deniability caught on film robert creamer resigns over a massive democratic party controversy image source cnn creamer a convicted felon in creamer plead guilty million in bank fraud and tax violations was promptly shoved out of the hillary clinton campaigns inner circle following a heavily publicized video sting revealing his discussion about voter fraud and violence at trump rallies pay to play virginia governor terry mcauliffe closely allied with the clintons negotiated a a campaign contribution involving the fbi image source new republic it remains unclear what exactly reopened the new clinton probe but perhaps the fbi had its own cobwebs to clear out after it was revealed that a longtime clinton associate virginia gov terry mcauliffe helped steer to the election campaign of the wife of an fbi official who went on to lead the probe into hillary clintons use of a private email system according to a report the ny post also reported on the matter this past week the political action committee of mcauliffe the clinton loyalist gave to the state senate campaign of the wife of andrew mccabe who is now deputy director of the fbi according to the wall street journal the report states jill mccabe received an additional from the virginia democratic party which is heavily influenced by mcauliffe the money directed by mcauliffe began flowing two months after the fbi investigation into clinton began in july around that time the candidates husband was promoted from running the washington field office for the fbi to the no position at the bureau in a cnn report from october th a week before the mcauliffe revelations according to notes from interviews conducted during an fbi investigation into clintons email practices undersecretary of state patrick kennedy personally tried to convince fbi officials that the email should be declassified one interviewee described feeling pressured by another fbi official at kennedys request the newly reopened fbi investigation into clinton could be related to all or some of the items listed above but theres no doubt that due to public backlash the fbi received following the first clinton investigation in addition to concerns over dealings between the fbi and clinton associates the agency needed to save face it remains to be seen how new case will impact the us presidential election more from rt below
fbi director comeys leaked memo explains hes reopening clinton email case
stunning turn events days presidential election fbi announced reopenning investigation hillary clintons email server case probing newly emerging emails linked hillary clinton new probe fbi gives hillary clinton second look photo illustraion wire fbi october surprise according reports letter written today fbi director james comey stated fbi begun new probe hillary clinton related emails comey offered scant details new probe due unrelated case additional classified material may mishandled clintons personal email server cnbc reported latest fbi developments including passage comeys letter discussing new investigation previous congressional testimony referred fact federal bureau investigation fbi completed investigation former secretary clintons personal email server due recent developments writing supplement previous testimony comey wrote connection unrelated case fbi learned existence emails appear pertinent investigation writing inform investigative team briefed yesterday agreed fbi take appropriate investigative steps designed allow investigators review emails determine whether contain classified information well assess importance investigation added although fbi cannot yet assess whether material may significant cannot predict long take us complete additional work believe important update committees efforts light previous testimony comey concluded humas estranged sexting husband according new report released via new york times presidential campaign rocked friday federal law enforcement officials said emails pertinent nowclosed investigation hillary clinton private email server discovered computer belonging anthony weiner estranged husband top clinton aide letter congress fbi director james b comey said emails surfaced unrelated case law enforcement officials said fbi investigation illicit text messages mr weiner yearold girl north carolina mr weiner former democratic congressman new york married huma abedin top aide comey come fire recently apparently letting clinton hook mishandling lying congress classified emails coming home brew email server secretary state previously closing case comey done uturn saying fbi review new emails classified information see whether mishandled unprecedented investigative move comes two days wikileaks docudump revealed memo containing detailed financial information clinton foundation donors former president bill clinton private financial activities among included memo million dollar business arrangement bill clinton inc another million dollar deal scheduled nine years following tweet brad jaffy nbc nightly news containing new fbi recommendation new investigation clinton camp certainly spark new paytoplay allegations new fbi revelations also comes days project veritas hidden camera sting operation revealed democratic consultant robert creamer democracy partners discussed ways commit largescale voter fraud well paying political agitators cause violence donald trump rallies creamers visits white house also included wife term illinois democratic congresswoman jan schakowsky times white house visitor records show schakowsky took private meetings obama senior staff also past year consultancy democracy partners appears applied schakowsky political buffering point possibly event fallout operations grassroots level impetus type procedural separation keep certain highranking officials hook case massive upheaval various underhanded campaign tactics thus giving political campaign political entity plausible deniability caught film robert creamer resigns massive democratic party controversy image source cnn creamer convicted felon creamer plead guilty million bank fraud tax violations promptly shoved hillary clinton campaigns inner circle following heavily publicized video sting revealing discussion voter fraud violence trump rallies pay play virginia governor terry mcauliffe closely allied clintons negotiated campaign contribution involving fbi image source new republic remains unclear exactly reopened new clinton probe perhaps fbi cobwebs clear revealed longtime clinton associate virginia gov terry mcauliffe helped steer election campaign wife fbi official went lead probe hillary clintons use private email system according report ny post also reported matter past week political action committee mcauliffe clinton loyalist gave state senate campaign wife andrew mccabe deputy director fbi according wall street journal report states jill mccabe received additional virginia democratic party heavily influenced mcauliffe money directed mcauliffe began flowing two months fbi investigation clinton began july around time candidates husband promoted running washington field office fbi position bureau cnn report october th week mcauliffe revelations according notes interviews conducted fbi investigation clintons email practices undersecretary state patrick kennedy personally tried convince fbi officials email declassified one interviewee described feeling pressured another fbi official kennedys request newly reopened fbi investigation clinton could related items listed theres doubt due public backlash fbi received following first clinton investigation addition concerns dealings fbi clinton associates agency needed save face remains seen new case impact us presidential election rt
Shawn Helton
fbi redux whats behind new probe into hillary clinton emails
a tidal wave of revelations is pouring out of the clinton campaign as the presidential election draws to a close meltdown the clinton campaign continues to unravel following a series of troubling details photo illustration wire over the weekend it was discovered through a wikileaks email dump that neera tanden of the center for american progress john podesta s top aide had an email exchange with michael lux of progressive strategies revealing that the democratic consultant robert creamer of democracy partners was closely allied with clinton campaign manager robby mook political bombshell clinton campaign manager robby mook had close ties to disgraced dnc consultant robert creamer image source lockerdome creamer gained national attention when he became the subject of video sting operation captured by the investigative nonprofit project veritas not only was it revealed that the creamer discussed ways to commit voter fraud and violence at donald trump rallies on camera he also met with white house officials some times over the past year including private meetings with president obama or other senior officials dnc scandal robert creamer of democracy partners and democratic congresswoman jan schakowsky image source national vanguard creamers visits to the white house also included his wife a term illinois democratic congresswoman jan schakowsky white house visitor records have shown that schakowsky took private meetings with obama or his senior staff over the past year the consultancy democracy partners appears to have applied schakowsky as a political buffering point in the event of a fallout over their operations at a grassroots level the nature of this type of procedural separation is to keep certain highranking officials of the hook in case of a massive upheaval over various underhanded campaign tactics potentially giving the clinton campaign and the dnc plausible deniability the mook fallout is the latest in a laundry list of problems for the clinton campaign and comes at a time when interim dnc chair donna brazile is embroiled in controversy of over leaked debate questions prior to at least two town hall debates brazile stepped down from her role at cnn earlier in october heres a passage from the daily caller describing the scenario donna brazile the interim chair of the democratic national committee began providing town hall and debate questions to the clinton campaign earlier than previously known emails released by wikileaks on monday show the article continued by stating that the revelations expose that the interim dnc chair was more deeply involved than previously outlined in the march exchange brazile mentions roland martin by name and offers to provide more than just the one town hall question that she is known to have shared with the campaign ill send a few more though some questions roland submitted brazile wrote to palmieri in the march email thread which is entitled from time to time i get the questions in advance martin is a commentator for tv one and the host of news one now as well as a cnn contributor in another matter the wall street journal revealed the following while disclosing an apparently contentious relationship between the fbi and doj while the fbi appears to be somewhat fractured over the latest email server case developments the latest development began in early october when new yorkbased fbi officials notified andrew mccabe of the terry mcauliffe campaign contribution scandal the bureaus secondincommand that while investigating mr weiner for possibly sending sexually charged messages to a teenage minor they had recovered a laptop many of the emails on the computer they said were from the accounts of ms abedin according to people familiar with the matter some critics have called for mccabe to recuse himself after it was revealed his wife received from a wellknown clinton confidant terry mcauliffe this was further underlined after the house oversight commitee wanted more information about the senate campaign of dr jill mccabe and its ties to the clintons the alleged internal feud among agencies was compounded when attorney general loretta lynch and deputy attorney general sally yates objected to fbi director james comey reopening the clinton email server case this past week something that added to the lynchclinton tarmac meeting before the first fbi ruling in the clinton case according to a report filed by zero hedge a close friend of podesta peter kadzik the assistant attorney general of the department of justice doj will be in charge of a probe into huma abedin clintions closest aide interestingly as a mountain of controversy envelops the clinton campaign the fbi is now conducting an early inquiry into former trump campaign manager paul manafort over his alleged foreign business connections back in august the following business connection was revealed by nbc news in according to court records senior trump aide paul manaforts firm was involved with a ukrainian oligarch named dmytro firtash in a plan to redevelop a famous new york hotel the drake the total value of the project was million firtashs company planned to invest over million the records say that same year firtash acknowledged to the us ambassador in ukraine that he got his start in business with the permission of a notorious russian crime lord according to a classified state department cable other cables say firtash made part of his fortune through sweetheart natural gas deals between russia and the ukraine although the us state department has determined that firtash may have ties to a criminal enterprise in russia so far theres nothing directly linking manafort to any underground element at this time watch this space as the russiatrump meme fostered by mainstream media or some other politically polarizing element will look to deflect from the clinton campaign meltdown more from lifezette below out of control wikileaks reveals robby mooks links to dnc contractor who discussed ways to commit voter fraud and violence image source slate wikileaks trump rally agitator and clinton campaign manager are close top clinton aides discussed bob creamer and his grassrootsnetroots operation by jim stinson lifezette robert creamer the operative behind sending provocateurs to donald trump rallies was close to robby mook hillary clintons campaign manager according to new emails released by wikileaks creamer who allegedly spearheaded the dirty tricks for the democrats wasnt just consulting for the democratic national committee according to videos made by project veritas he was sending people to provoke trump at events creamer has thus become a redhot issue in the campaign and now its apparent he is close to mook that surprising detail came out sunday morning when wikileaks posted hundreds more emails from john podestas gmail account podesta is clintons campaign chairman whose account was hacked in march more from lifezette here read more election news at st century wire files support wire 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fbi redux whats behind new probe hillary clinton emails
tidal wave revelations pouring clinton campaign presidential election draws close meltdown clinton campaign continues unravel following series troubling details photo illustration wire weekend discovered wikileaks email dump neera tanden center american progress john podesta top aide email exchange michael lux progressive strategies revealing democratic consultant robert creamer democracy partners closely allied clinton campaign manager robby mook political bombshell clinton campaign manager robby mook close ties disgraced dnc consultant robert creamer image source lockerdome creamer gained national attention became subject video sting operation captured investigative nonprofit project veritas revealed creamer discussed ways commit voter fraud violence donald trump rallies camera also met white house officials times past year including private meetings president obama senior officials dnc scandal robert creamer democracy partners democratic congresswoman jan schakowsky image source national vanguard creamers visits white house also included wife term illinois democratic congresswoman jan schakowsky white house visitor records shown schakowsky took private meetings obama senior staff past year consultancy democracy partners appears applied schakowsky political buffering point event fallout operations grassroots level nature type procedural separation keep certain highranking officials hook case massive upheaval various underhanded campaign tactics potentially giving clinton campaign dnc plausible deniability mook fallout latest laundry list problems clinton campaign comes time interim dnc chair donna brazile embroiled controversy leaked debate questions prior least two town hall debates brazile stepped role cnn earlier october heres passage daily caller describing scenario donna brazile interim chair democratic national committee began providing town hall debate questions clinton campaign earlier previously known emails released wikileaks monday show article continued stating revelations expose interim dnc chair deeply involved previously outlined march exchange brazile mentions roland martin name offers provide one town hall question known shared campaign ill send though questions roland submitted brazile wrote palmieri march email thread entitled time time get questions advance martin commentator tv one host news one well cnn contributor another matter wall street journal revealed following disclosing apparently contentious relationship fbi doj fbi appears somewhat fractured latest email server case developments latest development began early october new yorkbased fbi officials notified andrew mccabe terry mcauliffe campaign contribution scandal bureaus secondincommand investigating mr weiner possibly sending sexually charged messages teenage minor recovered laptop many emails computer said accounts ms abedin according people familiar matter critics called mccabe recuse revealed wife received wellknown clinton confidant terry mcauliffe underlined house oversight commitee wanted information senate campaign dr jill mccabe ties clintons alleged internal feud among agencies compounded attorney general loretta lynch deputy attorney general sally yates objected fbi director james comey reopening clinton email server case past week something added lynchclinton tarmac meeting first fbi ruling clinton case according report filed zero hedge close friend podesta peter kadzik assistant attorney general department justice doj charge probe huma abedin clintions closest aide interestingly mountain controversy envelops clinton campaign fbi conducting early inquiry former trump campaign manager paul manafort alleged foreign business connections back august following business connection revealed nbc news according court records senior trump aide paul manaforts firm involved ukrainian oligarch named dmytro firtash plan redevelop famous new york hotel drake total value project million firtashs company planned invest million records say year firtash acknowledged us ambassador ukraine got start business permission notorious russian crime lord according classified state department cable cables say firtash made part fortune sweetheart natural gas deals russia ukraine although us state department determined firtash may ties criminal enterprise russia far theres nothing directly linking manafort underground element time watch space russiatrump meme fostered mainstream media politically polarizing element look deflect clinton campaign meltdown lifezette control wikileaks reveals robby mooks links dnc contractor discussed ways commit voter fraud violence image source slate wikileaks trump rally agitator clinton campaign manager close top clinton aides discussed bob creamer grassrootsnetroots operation jim stinson lifezette robert creamer operative behind sending provocateurs donald trump rallies close robby mook hillary clintons campaign manager according new emails released wikileaks creamer allegedly spearheaded dirty tricks democrats wasnt consulting democratic national committee according videos made project veritas sending people provoke trump events creamer thus become redhot issue campaign apparent close mook surprising detail came sunday morning wikileaks posted hundreds emails john podestas gmail account podesta clintons campaign chairman whose account hacked march lifezette read election news st century wire files support wire subscribe become member wiretv
Mike Rivero
party corruption clinton campaign directly tied to disgraced dnc consultant
november by wire comments patrick henningsen st century wire the longer this soap opera drags on its becoming more and more evident that the russian government did not hack into the dnc and moscow is not feeding john podestas emails to wikileaks for those who are deeply invested in this now official conspiracy theory this might be a hard pill to swallow the white house and the hillary clinton campaign are now married to the idea that putin is hacking the us elections in response the president is weighing his options tougher economic sanctions revoking diplomatic status to russian envoys in the us or even deploying his newly developed malicious cyberactivity tools even vp joe biden wants in on the action threatening moscow by sayingwere sending a message we have the capacity to do it it seems that where ever you turn nowadays someone in washington is issuing a threat against russia are usrussian relations really that bad or does this trend have more to do with the defense industry and power struggles within the us what was previously a stance reserved for rightwing neoconservative hawks and cold war holdouts has now infected americas leftwing and is a firm plank in the democratic party platform as evidenced by hillary clintons constant antirussian rhetoric throughout this election cycle along with the white house clinton has now transformed the democrats into the vanguard of washingtons new antirussia movement on july th josh rogin from the washington post wrote the clinton campaign has decided to escalate its rhetoric on russia after trump suggested wednesday that if russia had indeed hacked clintons private email server it should release the emails the clinton campaign sent out its democratic surrogates to bash russia and trump in a manner traditionally reserved for republicans anyone who was paying attention back then knew this russian hack talking point was purely political but then again whos really paying attention these days certainly not the us media you can trace the genesis of the democratic partys hardcore antirussian strategy back to when president vladimir putin made a mild passing remark about donald trumps gop primary success from that point on trumps political opponents saw this as an open target in their words comparing one dictator to another never one to pass up an opportunity to score cheap political points president obama got in on the act intensifying the trumpputin narrative to the level of bromance if youve made a career out of idealizing ronald reagan then where were you when your own partys nominee for president was kissing up to vladimir putin said obama on oct th at a clinton rally in miami backed by the obama white house clinton and the media felt they had a green light to keep pressing ahead with blaming russia not only for the controversial dnc leaks but also for hacking into us election systems in arizona a charge devoid of any evidence other than innuendo and speculation the medias coverage on this issue was deceptive from the onset in a leading news release entitled russian hackers targeted arizona election system we can see how after the cocksure headline the first paragraph would always sound definitive hackers targeted voter registration systems in illinois and arizona and the fbi alerted arizona officials in june that russians were behind the assault on the election system in that state but then by the time you advanced down the story the report would quickly retreat into a zone of uncertainty the bureau described the threat as credible and significant an eight on a scale of one to matt roberts a spokesman for arizona secretary of state michele reagan r said monday as a result reagan shut down the states voter registration system for nearly a week and then down to almost nothing it turned out that the hackers had not compromised the state system or even any county system they had however stolen the username and password of a single election official in gila county at no point was any evidence ever given only ambiguous statements like cyber security officials agree that this looks very much like a russian governmentdirected hack are american politicians so callous as to tempt geopolitical conflict in order to further their shortterm political ambitions better yet has american political life really arrived in such a dark cul de sac translated in french bottom of the bag where politicians in power are so insecure as to makeup and propagate wild international conspiracy theories in the middle a national election cycle its a very depressing prospect and yet this is exactly what we are seeing in this presidential election behind clintons wild hyperbolic rants about the kremlin and wikileaks you will find the white house on october th the obama administration formally accused the russian government of stealing emails from the democratic national committee and other highprofile individuals including hillary clintons campaign manager john podesta giving them to wikileaks soon there was a queue of national security politicians eager to hitch a ride on this bandwagon senator ben sasse ner a member of the homeland security committee spouted out russia must face serious consequences moscow orchestrated these hacks because russian president vladimir putin believes sovietstyle aggression is worth it the united states must upend putins calculus with a strong diplomatic political cyber and economic response according to a washington post report by technology editor ellen nakashima the only evidence that seems to be available on this story is a corporate analysis of the alleged russian government hacks provided by a us cyber security company called crowdstrike no actual specifics are given so we are meant to take private firm crowdstrikes word for it image crowdstrike cyber security the posts nakashima then added the administration also blamed moscow for the hack of the democratic congressional campaign committee and the subsequent leak of private email addresses and cellphone numbers of democratic lawmakers an online persona calling himself guccifer has claimed responsibility for posting the material those sites and that persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of russiandirected efforts the joint statement said we believe based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts that only russias seniormost officials could have authorized these activities moscows press secretarys reply this is some sort of nonsense said dmitry peskov despite the constant repetition by democrat media surrogates and as cnns maria cardona said last night no us national intelligence agency has really confirmed that russia was behind the email hacks and still no evidence other than speculative guesswork has been presented likewise us intelligence agencies have never actually said definitively on record that russia did it thus leaving the door open to walkback the accusation at a later date standard washington procedure of ambiguity this little detail doesnt seem to matter in this hyperbolic political climate though it seems that the white house hillary clinton and media operatives like cardona are quite happy living in what john kerry recent dubbed as a parallel universe still during the final presidential debate hillary clinton proudly crowed how us intelligence agencies aka the intelligence community all agreed that russia did it the announcement albeit vague actually originated from the office of the director of national intelligence we have intelligence agencies civilian and military who have all concluded that these espionage attacks these cyberattacks come from the highest levels of the kremlin and they are designed to influence our election said clinton i find that deeply disturbing whats even more disturbing is the fact that clinton is lying in front of a national audience the highest levels of the kremlin here are clintons agencies air force intelligence army intelligence central intelligence agency coast guard intelligence defense intelligence agency energy department homeland security department state department treasury department drug enforcement administration federal bureau of investigation marine corps intelligence national geospatial intelligence agency national reconnaissance office national security agency navy intelligence and the office of the director of national intelligence what does the coast guard intelligence national geospatial intelligence agency or the drug enforcement administration know about john podestas emails answer nothing the exact same thing happened following wikileaks first trove of dnc emails back in july the us government issued a vague accusatory statement but would not actually name the culprit some might call that propaganda in both instances the obama administration refused to present any evidence translated there was no evidence if there had been the white house would have been shouting from the rooftops and using it as leverage to apply muscle in the un over washingtons flagging efforts in syria both obama administration announcements were nothing more than dog whistles for democrats and journalists working for hopelessly partisan outlets like new york times and cnn none of whom have bothered to press the white house for one ounce of evidence pertaining to the partys decree that russian is hacking the us election process if you actually look at the joint dnidhs statement issued on the matter it contains no definitive statement the hacks are consistent with the methods and motivations of russiandirected efforts these thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the us election process such activity is not new to moscow the russians have used similar tactics and techniques across europe and eurasia for example to influence public opinion there we believe based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts that only russias seniormost officials could have authorized these activities according to nsa intelligence workerturned whistleblower william binney when asked about wikileaks and whether the russians are hacking us elections he concluded that the cyber efforts against the dnc were more likely to be the work of a disgruntled us intelligence worker under partisan pressure from senior democrat senator harry reid the fbi also initiated another investigation into people linked to the trump team with russia reid was unset about the dnc hacks and the podesta emails and demanded the fbi do something about the trump campaign to date the fbi havent come up with anything to be fair hillary would have every reason to believe that the kremlin is behind the hack because her staff read it to her from the campaigns daily intelligence briefings presumably supplied from the us governments much vaunted intelligence community of course thats the same intelligence community that briefed george w bush about saddams nonexistent nuclear weapons program and who also briefed colin powell about iraqs imaginary winnebagos of death aka mobile anthrax labs disguised as senior doublewide camper vans so of course they would know if putin directed the dnc leaks and podesta email hacks for those us who are skeptical of the great oxymoron known as washington intelligence i can almost hear the mainstream rebuttal now no that was iraq that was bush were not like that no this time its different this time we are sure the russians did it in obama claimed that kims notorious bureau hacked into sony pictures this isnt the first time that president obama has cried wolf on a foreign hack and then tried to sell it for political purposes back in december obama claimed that north korea had hacked sony pictures in hollywood pentagoncia media proxy cnn quickly chimed in to support washingtons conspiracy theory floating a colorful story that kim jingun had deployed a secret underground hacking unit called bureau just like with todays russian hack theory no member of the mainstream press dared to question the white houses ridiculous north korean claim and like the russian hack claims the only source cited for sony hack was analysis provided by us firm crowdstrike jumping the shark after their democratic party convention on july th the clinton campaign machine put all of its chips on their putin narrative soon after a cadre of top clinton national security surrogates then accused trump of emboldening russia in their evil plot to destabilize and dominate the west tom donilon a former national security adviser then accused russia of interfering with elections all over europe and then accused trump is helping russia directly at that point they were in too deep to turn back the biggest impact of wikileaks shining a spotlight on russias attempt to undermine american democracy and trumps refusal to condemn it httpstcoalzpymbb josh schwerin joshschwerin october clinton spin doctors josh schwerin and michael fallon would stoop even lower by accusing rt of having possession of the podesta emails even before wikileaks did their only evidence seemed to be twitter posts by rt news which clinton held up as proof that the kremlin was frontrunning wikileaks email dumps the clinton braintrust failed to note that the podesta emails were posted on wikileaks own website well before rt news had tweeted about them at that point it became obvious that the clinton campaign was panicking and hysterically grabbing for any excuse they could get their hands on we then watched as one rt reporter after another dismantled the clinton campaigns desperate claims it was embarrassing they could not face the uncomfortable fact that it was wikileaks head julian assange who chose the timing of the release of the dnc and podesta emails rather than attack assange himself who happens to be popular with millennials the very group clinton struggles to connect with her operatives opted to target russia and trump instead either way the political strategy here is clear to shoot the messenger the clinton campaign is stuck in permanent rearguard mode because based on the content of both the dnc leaks wikileaks files and project veritas video their own democratic party has been discredited and exposed as a corrupt political organization their other big problem is that despite all the outrage from democrats and their mainstream media surrogates none of the leaked content has been challenged on the basis of its authenticity the results speak for themselves the initial dnc leak of emails resulted in the resignation of dnc chairwoman debbie wasserman schultz they revealed the unthinkable the democratic national committee actively worked to undermine the presidential campaign of bernie sanders in favor of the establishment choice in hillary clinton sanders never had a chance honest commentators called this an affront to the democratic process while party insiders and clinton supporters pretended to be aloof as if it never happened to prove this point both president obama and hillary clinton then gave wassermanschultz a glowing endorsement on the way out for the last eight years chairwoman debbie wasserman schultz has had my back this afternoon i called her to let her know that i am grateful said obama not surprisingly clinton thanked wasserman schultz presumably for helping to knock her only competitor sanders out of the democrat primary race i am grateful to debbie for getting the democratic party to this years historic convention in philadelphia and i know that this weeks events will be a success thanks to her hard work and leadership said clinton the party had sold its soul to devil and no one seemed to care too much about it party meltdown wasserman schultzs replacement didnt fair much better dnc vice chairwoman donna brazile was installed to serve as interim chair through the remainder election but brazile was soon skewered by subsequent wikileaks batches showing how on more than one occasion she fed debate questions obtained from corrupt mainstream media operatives straight to hillary clinton a march email exchange shows brazile stating that she received a town hall question from roland martin a tv one host who comoderated a march town hall with cnns jake tapper a march email shows that she shared a question with clinton campaign chairman john podesta and communications director jennifer palmieri that was to be asked in a march debate hosted by cnn in flint mich source daily caller braziles audacious fraud also helped contribute to her partys planned sabotage of democrat challenger bernie sanders watch brazile go into full meltdown when confronted here completely corrupt and still brazile even had to temerity to deny doing it when pressed on fox news last week braziles reputation is so bad now that even cnn has severed ties with her and thats saying a lot in addition it was also revealed how cnns head political commentator gloria borger was named by podesta as one of a shortlist of journalists the clinton campaign would work with to gain favorable coverage youd think that cnn would have dropped borger after this was revealed but no amazingly borger is still leading cnns election coverage clearly cnn cannot be trusted to police itself when it comes to matters of outright collusion with hillary clinton and the democratic party everunbiased cnns gloria borger refers to being in gop hell and says shell reach out soon to podesta heartwarming podestaemails pictwittercomcqfdcjq lb hacker owens nubianawakening october worse than watergate perhaps a bigger scandal which the obama white house and clinton campaign operatives would like to bury is the fbis investigation into the clinton foundation yesterday the wall street journal confirmed the existence of an internal feud between the fbi and the justice department over whether or not to pursue an investigation into clinton issue some investigators grew frustrated viewing fbi leadership as uninterested in probing the charity these people said others involved disagreed sharply defending fbi bosses and saying mr mccabe in particular was caught between an increasingly acrimonious fight for control between the justice department and fbi agents pursuing the clinton foundation case it isnt unusual for field agents to favor a more aggressive approach than supervisors and prosecutors think is merited but the internal debates about the clinton foundation show the high stakes when such disagreements occur surrounding someone who is running for president theres more it was also revealed last week how jill mccabe the wife of fbi deputy director andrew mccabe received in campaign funds in late for her virginia state senate run this unusually large donation came via a political action committee run by virginia govterry mcauliffe a clinton foundation board member after the funds were donated andrew mccabe was then put in charge of the clinton email case in normal times this one scandal would be bigger than watergate but these are not normal times so why is washington going all out to deflect to russia and coverup the clinton scandals and the wikileaks document dumps one reason is because the clinton email issue goes all the way to the top to the president himself what wire reported on oct st is how president obama lied when first confronted about whether or not he knew about the existence of hillarys unauthorized private server obama told cbs news on march that he only found out about clintons server the same time everybody else learned it through news reports the presidents lie was confirmed when newly released fbi documents showed that obama used a pseudonym bobamaameritechnet when communicating with thensecretary of state hillary clinton by email and at least one of those emails ended up on clintons private email server so not only did obama lie on national tv but he also broke strict white house security protocols by carelessly exchanging private emails off grid with hillary clinton on a unsecured and unauthorized mail server maybe to avoid the same scrutiny one would have on a government system who knows why he did it sure hes not the first us president to lie but like richard nixon and bill clinton obama just joined that exclusive liars club caught out lying to the american people on top of this any communications made by the president of the united states are de facto labeled as born classified the same goes for any state department communications with other foreign ministers coverup john podesta and huma abedin on the hillary campaign jet image abc news it should be well known by now after watching both attorney generals eric holder and loretta lynch in action that the obama justice department doj is one of the most politicized in history bear that in mind when looking at the latest leg of the hillary email case on friday fbi director james comey set the election alight after announcing that the fbi would be reopening the clinton email case currently examining emails found while investigating a laptop belonging to former us congressman anthony weiner estranged husband of top clinton aid and longtime confidant huma abedin who was snared in a sexting scandal allegedly involving a underaged female so which doj person is in charge of this investigation none other than assistant attorney general peter j kadzik who is kadzik zero hedge reports oh yes recall our post from last week clinton campaign chair had dinner with top doj official one day after hillarys benghazi hearing in which we reported that john podesta had dinner with one of the highest ranked doj officials the very day after hillary clintons benghazi testimony it was peter kadzik oh and if that wasnt good enough kadzik was also podestas lawyer back in when ken starr was investigating podesta over his role in helping bill clinton internmistress monica lewinsky land a job at the united nations the two were described as best friends fox news confirms fantastic lawyer kept me out of jail podesta wrote on sept to obama aide cassandra butts according to emails hacked from podestas gmail account and posted by wikileaks to call the clinton circle incestuous would be an understatement and on the whole americans are sick of it russia the party scapegoat former democratic party leader howard dean was so incensed about the fbi reopening the case he accused the fbi director of being in league with russia tweeting ironically comey put himself on the same side as putin ironically comey put himself on the same side as putin howard dean govhowarddean october another veteran party operative and lifetime clinton defender james carville was so upset by the fbi announcement that he accused the kgb working with republicans to hijack the election during his wild rant on msnbc i think this an outrage and i think the fact that the kgb is involved in this election is an outrage and i think the american people ought to take their democracy back regardless of what the press wants to do and the excuses they want to make for comey thats what i think said carville maybe someone can remind carville that there is no kgb and that the soviet union actually dissolved in these are just a few scandals surrounding the democratic party and the clinton campaign along with the many exposés revealed through wikileaks and the podesta email batches those are actual scandals with real tangible evidence unlike the russians hacking the dnc and john podesta and passing those to wikileaks suffice to say the democratic party machine has already demonstrated that it is prepared to say anything in order to deflect and divert attention away from the damning wikileaks material and also blame donald trump in the process it should be obvious by now that in their desperation to push a highly comprised hillary clinton over the finish line on november th the washington establishment has concocted the story that putin is trying to influence our electoral process in the us theyve tried to lay this at the feet of donald trump who obama and clinton claim has some secret special relationship with vladimir putin the liberal mainstream media have made a meal out of this talking point and antirussian war hawks on the republican side love it too for the white house and the clinton campaign this seemed like the ultimate clean sweep a perfect double entendre the geopolitical strategy behind this move was twofold first this non event would be used to advance immediate calls for sanctions against russia secondly the us could continue to lean on russia in the un over syria previously wire reported how washingtons state dept and un delegations led by the dynamic trio of john kerry samantha power and john kirby already lied when levelling charges against russia for war crimes in aleppo and again while accusing russia and syria of conducting an airstrike on a un aid convoy in syria as we have already shown that raid was most likely a ground attack carried out of usbacked rebels al nusra front or nour aldin alzenki with so much at stake geopolitically why would washington lie about a potential world war iii trigger event if they are prepared to lie about this what else are they prepared to lie about the demonization of all things russian has definitely accelerated since late when the us engineered a coup detat in kiev ukraine ever since that its been a goto talking point for ginningup and new transaltlantic arms race as with republican war hawks and a convenient scapegoat for any politician requiring misdirection like clinton and the democrats when the new year rang in the newly appointed head of the us broadcasting board of governors andrew lack announced the new challenges facing americas own staterun media arm that includes us overseas propaganda assets including voice of america radio free europeradio liberty the middle east broadcasting networks and radio free asia lack said we are facing a number of challenges from entities like russia today which is out there pushing a point of view the islamic state in the middle east and groups like boko haram he was forced to resign shortly after that whats clear is that when it comes to all things russian there is an established pattern of compulsive lying by this us administration the list is too long to chronicle here although russianbacked rebles shootting down mh and assad regime sarin attack in damascus in certainly comes to mind that said its hard to imagine a lie as egregious and potentially destructive than one which accuses the russia government a world nuclear power and member of the unsc of hacking into the us electoral process when you examine history however what you will find is plenty of evidence documenting exactly how the us government and the cia have altered and flipped foreign elections throughout history the attempted assassination of over foreign leaders knowing all this one might find it hard to take seriously washingtons claims that putin and trump are trying manipulate the election on oct russian foreign minister sergei lavrov laid it all on the table we have witnessed a fundamental change of circumstances when it comes to the aggressive russophobia that now lies at the heart of us policy towards russia its not just a rhetorical russophobia but aggressive steps that really hurt our national interests and pose a threat to our security selfserving career political operatives in washington are playing a dangerous game history will mark this as one of the biggest political follies of the obamaclinton era knowing what we now know about the nsa and its ability to hack and grab any email or text message from anyone anywhere if washington really wanted to know where the hacks came from maybe they could start there far be it from anyone in washington or the media to ever adopt that line of inquiry still were waiting for the emergence of an adult in the room in washington before its too late read more election news at st century wire files support wire subscribe become a member wiretv filed under featured patrick henningsen shout us news tagged with cnn debbie wasserman schultz donna brazile gloria borger hillary clinton media cog russia wikileaks willdippel here is an article that looks at the real story behind one of the more interesting conspiracy theories about the election sometimes the real story is even more fascinating than any conspiracy theory weareyourgods wanna bet money that the weiner laptop on which the over emails were stored in a folder titled life insurance holds information linking the cf to human trafficking and typical elite pedophilia vacations ever wonder why nobody ever really goes after the clinton foundation from a government office same old blackmail scheme involving underage sex slaves that was going on during the boys town scandal with lawrence king and elite politicians and business people in the s why would they stop brad dueringer it seems the most morally depraved beings are the ones we let run things but they have help crafting reality with the tribe that owns the media analyze_this_ barrak obama and hillary clinton are both political scam artists its amazing that a us president would invent a russian hacking conspiracy theory in order to drive a geopolitical agenda but then again bush did the same with bin laden and clinton on the other hand is pure corruption personified shes should never be allowed near public office
party corruption clinton campaign directly tied disgraced dnc consultant
november wire comments patrick henningsen st century wire longer soap opera drags becoming evident russian government hack dnc moscow feeding john podestas emails wikileaks deeply invested official conspiracy theory might hard pill swallow white house hillary clinton campaign married idea putin hacking us elections response president weighing options tougher economic sanctions revoking diplomatic status russian envoys us even deploying newly developed malicious cyberactivity tools even vp joe biden wants action threatening moscow sayingwere sending message capacity seems ever turn nowadays someone washington issuing threat russia usrussian relations really bad trend defense industry power struggles within us previously stance reserved rightwing neoconservative hawks cold war holdouts infected americas leftwing firm plank democratic party platform evidenced hillary clintons constant antirussian rhetoric throughout election cycle along white house clinton transformed democrats vanguard washingtons new antirussia movement july th josh rogin washington post wrote clinton campaign decided escalate rhetoric russia trump suggested wednesday russia indeed hacked clintons private email server release emails clinton campaign sent democratic surrogates bash russia trump manner traditionally reserved republicans anyone paying attention back knew russian hack talking point purely political whos really paying attention days certainly us media trace genesis democratic partys hardcore antirussian strategy back president vladimir putin made mild passing remark donald trumps gop primary success point trumps political opponents saw open target words comparing one dictator another never one pass opportunity score cheap political points president obama got act intensifying trumpputin narrative level bromance youve made career idealizing ronald reagan partys nominee president kissing vladimir putin said obama oct th clinton rally miami backed obama white house clinton media felt green light keep pressing ahead blaming russia controversial dnc leaks also hacking us election systems arizona charge devoid evidence innuendo speculation medias coverage issue deceptive onset leading news release entitled russian hackers targeted arizona election system see cocksure headline first paragraph would always sound definitive hackers targeted voter registration systems illinois arizona fbi alerted arizona officials june russians behind assault election system state time advanced story report would quickly retreat zone uncertainty bureau described threat credible significant eight scale one matt roberts spokesman arizona secretary state michele reagan r said monday result reagan shut states voter registration system nearly week almost nothing turned hackers compromised state system even county system however stolen username password single election official gila county point evidence ever given ambiguous statements like cyber security officials agree looks much like russian governmentdirected hack american politicians callous tempt geopolitical conflict order shortterm political ambitions better yet american political life really arrived dark cul de sac translated french bottom bag politicians power insecure makeup propagate wild international conspiracy theories middle national election cycle depressing prospect yet exactly seeing presidential election behind clintons wild hyperbolic rants kremlin wikileaks find white house october th obama administration formally accused russian government stealing emails democratic national committee highprofile individuals including hillary clintons campaign manager john podesta giving wikileaks soon queue national security politicians eager hitch ride bandwagon senator ben sasse ner member homeland security committee spouted russia must face serious consequences moscow orchestrated hacks russian president vladimir putin believes sovietstyle aggression worth united states must upend putins calculus strong diplomatic political cyber economic response according washington post report technology editor ellen nakashima evidence seems available story corporate analysis alleged russian government hacks provided us cyber security company called crowdstrike actual specifics given meant take private firm crowdstrikes word image crowdstrike cyber security posts nakashima added administration also blamed moscow hack democratic congressional campaign committee subsequent leak private email addresses cellphone numbers democratic lawmakers online persona calling guccifer claimed responsibility posting material sites persona consistent methods motivations russiandirected efforts joint statement said believe based scope sensitivity efforts russias seniormost officials could authorized activities moscows press secretarys reply sort nonsense said dmitry peskov despite constant repetition democrat media surrogates cnns maria cardona said last night us national intelligence agency really confirmed russia behind email hacks still evidence speculative guesswork presented likewise us intelligence agencies never actually said definitively record russia thus leaving door open walkback accusation later date standard washington procedure ambiguity little detail doesnt seem matter hyperbolic political climate though seems white house hillary clinton media operatives like cardona quite happy living john kerry recent dubbed parallel universe still final presidential debate hillary clinton proudly crowed us intelligence agencies aka intelligence community agreed russia announcement albeit vague actually originated office director national intelligence intelligence agencies civilian military concluded espionage attacks cyberattacks come highest levels kremlin designed influence election said clinton find deeply disturbing whats even disturbing fact clinton lying front national audience highest levels kremlin clintons agencies air force intelligence army intelligence central intelligence agency coast guard intelligence defense intelligence agency energy department homeland security department state department treasury department drug enforcement administration federal bureau investigation marine corps intelligence national geospatial intelligence agency national reconnaissance office national security agency navy intelligence office director national intelligence coast guard intelligence national geospatial intelligence agency drug enforcement administration know john podestas emails answer nothing exact thing happened following wikileaks first trove dnc emails back july us government issued vague accusatory statement would actually name culprit might call propaganda instances obama administration refused present evidence translated evidence white house would shouting rooftops using leverage apply muscle un washingtons flagging efforts syria obama administration announcements nothing dog whistles democrats journalists working hopelessly partisan outlets like new york times cnn none bothered press white house one ounce evidence pertaining partys decree russian hacking us election process actually look joint dnidhs statement issued matter contains definitive statement hacks consistent methods motivations russiandirected efforts thefts disclosures intended interfere us election process activity new moscow russians used similar tactics techniques across europe eurasia example influence public opinion believe based scope sensitivity efforts russias seniormost officials could authorized activities according nsa intelligence workerturned whistleblower william binney asked wikileaks whether russians hacking us elections concluded cyber efforts dnc likely work disgruntled us intelligence worker partisan pressure senior democrat senator harry reid fbi also initiated another investigation people linked trump team russia reid unset dnc hacks podesta emails demanded fbi something trump campaign date fbi havent come anything fair hillary would every reason believe kremlin behind hack staff read campaigns daily intelligence briefings presumably supplied us governments much vaunted intelligence community course thats intelligence community briefed george w bush saddams nonexistent nuclear weapons program also briefed colin powell iraqs imaginary winnebagos death aka mobile anthrax labs disguised senior doublewide camper vans course would know putin directed dnc leaks podesta email hacks us skeptical great oxymoron known washington intelligence almost hear mainstream rebuttal iraq bush like time different time sure russians obama claimed kims notorious bureau hacked sony pictures isnt first time president obama cried wolf foreign hack tried sell political purposes back december obama claimed north korea hacked sony pictures hollywood pentagoncia media proxy cnn quickly chimed support washingtons conspiracy theory floating colorful story kim jingun deployed secret underground hacking unit called bureau like todays russian hack theory member mainstream press dared question white houses ridiculous north korean claim like russian hack claims source cited sony hack analysis provided us firm crowdstrike jumping shark democratic party convention july th clinton campaign machine put chips putin narrative soon cadre top clinton national security surrogates accused trump emboldening russia evil plot destabilize dominate west tom donilon former national security adviser accused russia interfering elections europe accused trump helping russia directly point deep turn back biggest impact wikileaks shining spotlight russias attempt undermine american democracy trumps refusal condemn httpstcoalzpymbb josh schwerin joshschwerin october clinton spin doctors josh schwerin michael fallon would stoop even lower accusing rt possession podesta emails even wikileaks evidence seemed twitter posts rt news clinton held proof kremlin frontrunning wikileaks email dumps clinton braintrust failed note podesta emails posted wikileaks website well rt news tweeted point became obvious clinton campaign panicking hysterically grabbing excuse could get hands watched one rt reporter another dismantled clinton campaigns desperate claims embarrassing could face uncomfortable fact wikileaks head julian assange chose timing release dnc podesta emails rather attack assange happens popular millennials group clinton struggles connect operatives opted target russia trump instead either way political strategy clear shoot messenger clinton campaign stuck permanent rearguard mode based content dnc leaks wikileaks files project veritas video democratic party discredited exposed corrupt political organization big problem despite outrage democrats mainstream media surrogates none leaked content challenged basis authenticity results speak initial dnc leak emails resulted resignation dnc chairwoman debbie wasserman schultz revealed unthinkable democratic national committee actively worked undermine presidential campaign bernie sanders favor establishment choice hillary clinton sanders never chance honest commentators called affront democratic process party insiders clinton supporters pretended aloof never happened prove point president obama hillary clinton gave wassermanschultz glowing endorsement way last eight years chairwoman debbie wasserman schultz back afternoon called let know grateful said obama surprisingly clinton thanked wasserman schultz presumably helping knock competitor sanders democrat primary race grateful debbie getting democratic party years historic convention philadelphia know weeks events success thanks hard work leadership said clinton party sold soul devil one seemed care much party meltdown wasserman schultzs replacement didnt fair much better dnc vice chairwoman donna brazile installed serve interim chair remainder election brazile soon skewered subsequent wikileaks batches showing one occasion fed debate questions obtained corrupt mainstream media operatives straight hillary clinton march email exchange shows brazile stating received town hall question roland martin tv one host comoderated march town hall cnns jake tapper march email shows shared question clinton campaign chairman john podesta communications director jennifer palmieri asked march debate hosted cnn flint mich source daily caller braziles audacious fraud also helped contribute partys planned sabotage democrat challenger bernie sanders watch brazile go full meltdown confronted completely corrupt still brazile even temerity deny pressed fox news last week braziles reputation bad even cnn severed ties thats saying lot addition also revealed cnns head political commentator gloria borger named podesta one shortlist journalists clinton campaign would work gain favorable coverage youd think cnn would dropped borger revealed amazingly borger still leading cnns election coverage clearly cnn cannot trusted police comes matters outright collusion hillary clinton democratic party everunbiased cnns gloria borger refers gop hell says shell reach soon podesta heartwarming podestaemails pictwittercomcqfdcjq lb hacker owens nubianawakening october worse watergate perhaps bigger scandal obama white house clinton campaign operatives would like bury fbis investigation clinton foundation yesterday wall street journal confirmed existence internal feud fbi justice department whether pursue investigation clinton issue investigators grew frustrated viewing fbi leadership uninterested probing charity people said others involved disagreed sharply defending fbi bosses saying mr mccabe particular caught increasingly acrimonious fight control justice department fbi agents pursuing clinton foundation case isnt unusual field agents favor aggressive approach supervisors prosecutors think merited internal debates clinton foundation show high stakes disagreements occur surrounding someone running president theres also revealed last week jill mccabe wife fbi deputy director andrew mccabe received campaign funds late virginia state senate run unusually large donation came via political action committee run virginia govterry mcauliffe clinton foundation board member funds donated andrew mccabe put charge clinton email case normal times one scandal would bigger watergate normal times washington going deflect russia coverup clinton scandals wikileaks document dumps one reason clinton email issue goes way top president wire reported oct st president obama lied first confronted whether knew existence hillarys unauthorized private server obama told cbs news march found clintons server time everybody else learned news reports presidents lie confirmed newly released fbi documents showed obama used pseudonym bobamaameritechnet communicating thensecretary state hillary clinton email least one emails ended clintons private email server obama lie national tv also broke strict white house security protocols carelessly exchanging private emails grid hillary clinton unsecured unauthorized mail server maybe avoid scrutiny one would government system knows sure hes first us president lie like richard nixon bill clinton obama joined exclusive liars club caught lying american people top communications made president united states de facto labeled born classified goes state department communications foreign ministers coverup john podesta huma abedin hillary campaign jet image abc news well known watching attorney generals eric holder loretta lynch action obama justice department doj one politicized history bear mind looking latest leg hillary email case friday fbi director james comey set election alight announcing fbi would reopening clinton email case currently examining emails found investigating laptop belonging former us congressman anthony weiner estranged husband top clinton aid longtime confidant huma abedin snared sexting scandal allegedly involving underaged female doj person charge investigation none assistant attorney general peter j kadzik kadzik zero hedge reports oh yes recall post last week clinton campaign chair dinner top doj official one day hillarys benghazi hearing reported john podesta dinner one highest ranked doj officials day hillary clintons benghazi testimony peter kadzik oh wasnt good enough kadzik also podestas lawyer back ken starr investigating podesta role helping bill clinton internmistress monica lewinsky land job united nations two described best friends fox news confirms fantastic lawyer kept jail podesta wrote sept obama aide cassandra butts according emails hacked podestas gmail account posted wikileaks call clinton circle incestuous would understatement whole americans sick russia party scapegoat former democratic party leader howard dean incensed fbi reopening case accused fbi director league russia tweeting ironically comey put side putin ironically comey put side putin howard dean govhowarddean october another veteran party operative lifetime clinton defender james carville upset fbi announcement accused kgb working republicans hijack election wild rant msnbc think outrage think fact kgb involved election outrage think american people ought take democracy back regardless press wants excuses want make comey thats think said carville maybe someone remind carville kgb soviet union actually dissolved scandals surrounding democratic party clinton campaign along many exposés revealed wikileaks podesta email batches actual scandals real tangible evidence unlike russians hacking dnc john podesta passing wikileaks suffice say democratic party machine already demonstrated prepared say anything order deflect divert attention away damning wikileaks material also blame donald trump process obvious desperation push highly comprised hillary clinton finish line november th washington establishment concocted story putin trying influence electoral process us theyve tried lay feet donald trump obama clinton claim secret special relationship vladimir putin liberal mainstream media made meal talking point antirussian war hawks republican side love white house clinton campaign seemed like ultimate clean sweep perfect double entendre geopolitical strategy behind move twofold first non event would used advance immediate calls sanctions russia secondly us could continue lean russia un syria previously wire reported washingtons state dept un delegations led dynamic trio john kerry samantha power john kirby already lied levelling charges russia war crimes aleppo accusing russia syria conducting airstrike un aid convoy syria already shown raid likely ground attack carried usbacked rebels al nusra front nour aldin alzenki much stake geopolitically would washington lie potential world war iii trigger event prepared lie else prepared lie demonization things russian definitely accelerated since late us engineered coup detat kiev ukraine ever since goto talking point ginningup new transaltlantic arms race republican war hawks convenient scapegoat politician requiring misdirection like clinton democrats new year rang newly appointed head us broadcasting board governors andrew lack announced new challenges facing americas staterun media arm includes us overseas propaganda assets including voice america radio free europeradio liberty middle east broadcasting networks radio free asia lack said facing number challenges entities like russia today pushing point view islamic state middle east groups like boko haram forced resign shortly whats clear comes things russian established pattern compulsive lying us administration list long chronicle although russianbacked rebles shootting mh assad regime sarin attack damascus certainly comes mind said hard imagine lie egregious potentially destructive one accuses russia government world nuclear power member unsc hacking us electoral process examine history however find plenty evidence documenting exactly us government cia altered flipped foreign elections throughout history attempted assassination foreign leaders knowing one might find hard take seriously washingtons claims putin trump trying manipulate election oct russian foreign minister sergei lavrov laid table witnessed fundamental change circumstances comes aggressive russophobia lies heart us policy towards russia rhetorical russophobia aggressive steps really hurt national interests pose threat security selfserving career political operatives washington playing dangerous game history mark one biggest political follies obamaclinton era knowing know nsa ability hack grab email text message anyone anywhere washington really wanted know hacks came maybe could start far anyone washington media ever adopt line inquiry still waiting emergence adult room washington late read election news st century wire files support wire subscribe become member wiretv filed featured patrick henningsen shout us news tagged cnn debbie wasserman schultz donna brazile gloria borger hillary clinton media cog russia wikileaks willdippel article looks real story behind one interesting conspiracy theories election sometimes real story even fascinating conspiracy theory weareyourgods wanna bet money weiner laptop emails stored folder titled life insurance holds information linking cf human trafficking typical elite pedophilia vacations ever wonder nobody ever really goes clinton foundation government office old blackmail scheme involving underage sex slaves going boys town scandal lawrence king elite politicians business people would stop brad dueringer seems morally depraved beings ones let run things help crafting reality tribe owns media analyze_this_ barrak obama hillary clinton political scam artists amazing us president would invent russian hacking conspiracy theory order drive geopolitical agenda bush bin laden clinton hand pure corruption personified shes never allowed near public office
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