
by josephloh - opened

am trying to load this dataset but face NotADirectory Error, huggingface/datasets/downloads/d8e030e5da5c6927b468fa2d5046b77101b0e2b8c180fca4aa7c7729e9767f9c/CORD/train/image'

same problem as above

@josephloh @eliascc5 Any resolutions?

@nielsr Could you please help us resolve this issue?

once I ran this " dataset = load_dataset("nielsr/cord-layoutlmv3") " , i get the same error " NotADirectoryError: [Errno 20] Not a directory: '/root/.cache/huggingface/datasets/downloads/d8e030e5da5c6927b468fa2d5046b77101b0e2b8c180fca4aa7c7729e9767f9c/CORD/train/image' "
and the dataset viewer is not working either
no solution is working .
please I need some guidance.

Hi, anyone found a solution to this?

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