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Back to top View this page Toggle Light / Dark / Auto color theme Toggle table of contents sidebar Algorand Python ¶ Algorand Python is a partial implementation of the Python programming language that runs on the AVM. It includes a statically typed framework for development of Algorand smart contracts and logic signatures, with Pythonic interfaces to underlying AVM functionality that works with standard Python tooling. Algorand Python is compiled for execution on the AVM by PuyaPy, an optimising compiler that ensures the resulting AVM bytecode execution semantics that match the given Python code. PuyaPy produces output that is directly compatible with AlgoKit typed clients to make deployment and calling easy. Quick start ¶ The easiest way to use Algorand Python is to instantiate a template with AlgoKit via algokit init -t python . This will give you a full development environment with intellisense, linting, automatic formatting, breakpoint debugging, deployment and CI/CD. Alternatively, if you want to start from scratch you can do the following: Ensure you have Python 3.12+ Install AlgoKit CLI Check you can run the compiler: algokit compile py -h Install Algorand Python into your project poetry add algorand-python Create a contract in a (e.g.) file: from algopy import ARC4Contract , arc4 class HelloWorldContract ( ARC4Contract ): @arc4 . abimethod def hello ( self , name : arc4 . String ) -> arc4 . String : return "Hello, " + name Compile the contract: algokit compile py You should now have HelloWorldContract.approval.teal and HelloWorldContract.clear.teal on the file system! We generally recommend using ARC-32 and generated typed clients to have the most optimal deployment and consumption experience; to do this you need to ask PuyaPy to output an ARC-32 compatible app spec file: algokit compile py --output-arc32 --no-output-teal You should now have HelloWorldContract.arc32.json , which can be generated into a client e.g. using AlgoKit CLI: algokit generate client HelloWorldContract.arc32.json --output From here you can dive into the examples or look at the documentation . Programming with Algorand Python ¶ To get started developing with Algorand Python, please take a look at the Language Guide . Using the PuyaPy compiler ¶ To see detailed guidance for using the PuyaPy compiler, please take a look at the Compiler guide . Next Language Guide Copyright © 2024, Algorand Foundation Made with Sphinx and @pradyunsg 's Furo
Back to top View this page Toggle Light / Dark / Auto color theme Toggle table of contents sidebar Program structure ¶ An Algorand Python smart contract is defined within a single class. You can extend other contracts (through inheritance), and also define standalone functions and reference them. This also works across different Python packages - in other words, you can have a Python library with common functions and re-use that library across multiple projects! Modules ¶ Algorand Python modules are files that end in .py , as with standard Python. Sub-modules are supported as well, so you’re free to organise your Algorand Python code however you see fit. The standard python import rules apply, including relative vs absolute import requirements. A given module can contain zero, one, or many smart contracts and/or logic signatures. A module can contain contracts , subroutines , logic signatures , and compile-time constant code and values . Typing ¶ Algorand Python code must be fully typed with type annotations . In practice, this mostly means annotating the arguments and return types of all functions. Subroutines ¶ Subroutines are “internal” or “private” methods to a contract. They can exist as part of a contract class, or at the module level so they can be used by multiple classes or even across multiple projects. You can pass parameters to subroutines and define local variables, both of which automatically get managed for you with semantics that match Python semantics. All subroutines must be decorated with algopy.subroutine , like so: def foo () -> None : # compiler error: not decorated with subroutine ... @algopy . subroutine def bar () -> None : ... Note Requiring this decorator serves two key purposes: You get an understandable error message if you try and use a third party package that wasn’t built for Algorand Python It provides for the ability to modify the functions on the fly when running in Python itself, in a future testing framework. Argument and return types to a subroutine can be any Algorand Python variable type (except for some inner transaction types ). Returning multiple values is allowed, this is annotated in the standard Python way with tuple : @algopy . subroutine def return_two_things () -> tuple [ algopy . UInt64 , algopy . String ]: ... Keyword only and positional only argument list modifiers are supported: @algopy . subroutine def my_method ( a : algopy . UInt64 , / , b : algopy . UInt64 , * , c : algopy . UInt64 ) -> None : ... In this example, a can only be passed positionally, b can be passed either by position or by name, and c can only be passed by name. The following argument/return types are not currently supported: Type unions Variadic args like *args , **kwargs Python types such as int Default values are not supported Contract classes ¶ An Algorand smart contract consists of two distinct “programs”; an approval program, and a clear-state program. These are tied together in Algorand Python as a single class. All contracts must inherit from the base class algopy.Contract - either directly or indirectly, which can include inheriting from algopy.ARC4Contract . The life-cycle of a smart contract matches the semantics of Python classes when you consider deploying a smart contract as “instantiating” the class. Any calls to that smart contract are made to that instance of the smart contract, and any state assigned to self. will persist across different invocations (provided the transaction it was a part of succeeds, of course). You can deploy the same contract class multiple times, each will become a distinct and isolated instance. Contract classes can optionally implement an __init__ method, which will be executed exactly once, on first deployment. This method takes no arguments, but can contain arbitrary code, including reading directly from the transaction arguments via Txn . This makes it a good place to put common initialisation code, particularly in ARC-4 contracts with multiple methods that allow for creation. The contract class body should not contain any logic or variable initialisations, only method definitions. Forward type declarations are allowed. Example: class MyContract ( algopy . Contract ): foo : algopy . UInt64 # okay bar = algopy . UInt64 ( 1 ) # not allowed if True : # also not allowed bar = algopy . UInt64 ( 2 ) Only concrete (ie non-abstract) classes produce output artifacts for deployment. To mark a class as explicitly abstract, inherit from abc.ABC . Note The compiler will produce a warning if a Contract class is implicitly abstract, i.e. if any abstract methods are unimplemented. For more about inheritance and it’s role in code reuse, see the section in Code reuse Contract class configuration ¶ When defining a contract subclass you can pass configuration options to the algopy.Contract base class per the API documentation . Namely you can pass in: name - Which will affect the output TEAL file name if there are multiple non-abstract contracts in the same file and will also be used as the contract name in the ARC-32 application.json instead of the class name. scratch_slots - Which allows you to mark a slot ID or range of slot IDs as “off limits” to Puya so you can manually use them. state_totals - Which allows defining what values should be used for global and local uint and bytes storage values when creating a contract and will appear in ARC-32 app spec. Full example: GLOBAL_UINTS = 3 class MyContract ( algopy . Contract , name = "CustomName" , scratch_slots = [ 5 , 25 , algopy . urange ( 110 , 115 )], state_totals = algopy . StateTotals ( local_bytes = 1 , local_uints = 2 , global_bytes = 4 , global_uints = GLOBAL_UINTS ), ): ... Example: Simplest possible algopy.Contract implementation ¶ For a non-ARC4 contract, the contract class must implement an approval_program and a clear_state_program method. As an example, this is a valid contract that always approves: class Contract ( algopy . Contract ): def approval_program ( self ) -> bool : return True def clear_state_program ( self ) -> bool : return True The return value of these methods can be either a bool that indicates whether the transaction should approve or not, or a algopy.UInt64 value, where UInt64(0) indicates that the transaction should be rejected and any other value indicates that it should be approved. Example: Simple call counter ¶ Here is a very simple example contract that maintains a counter of how many times it has been called (including on create). class Counter ( algopy . Contract ): def __init__ ( self ) -> None : self . counter = algopy . UInt64 ( 0 ) def approval_program ( self ) -> bool : match algopy . Txn . on_completion : case algopy . OnCompleteAction . NoOp : self . increment_counter () return True case _ : # reject all OnCompletionAction's other than NoOp return False def clear_state_program ( self ) -> bool : return True @algopy . subroutine def increment_counter ( self ) -> None : self . counter += 1 Some things to note: self.counter will be stored in the application’s Global State . The return type of __init__ must be None , per standard typed Python. Any methods other than __init__ , approval_program or clear_state_program must be decorated with @subroutine . Example: Simplest possible algopy.ARC4Contract implementation ¶ And here is a valid ARC4 contract: class ABIContract ( algopy . ARC4Contract ): pass A default @algopy.arc4.baremethod that allows contract creation is automatically inserted if no other public method allows execution on create. The approval program is always automatically generated, and consists of a router which delegates based on the transaction application args to the correct public method. A default clear_state_program is implemented which always approves, but this can be overridden. Example: An ARC4 call counter ¶ import algopy class ARC4Counter ( algopy . ARC4Contract ): def __init__ ( self ) -> None : self . counter = algopy . UInt64 ( 0 ) @algopy . arc4 . abimethod ( create = "allow" ) def invoke ( self ) -> algopy . arc4 . UInt64 : self . increment_counter () return algopy . arc4 . UInt64 ( self . counter ) @algopy . subroutine def increment_counter ( self ) -> None : self . counter += 1 This functions very similarly to the simple example . Things to note here: Since the invoke method has create="allow" , it can be called both as the method to create the app and also to invoke it after creation. This also means that no default bare-method create will be generated, so the only way to create the contract is through this method. The default options for abimethod is to only allow NoOp as an on-completion-action, so we don’t need to check this manually. The current call count is returned from the invoke method. Every method in an AR4Contract except for the optional __init__ and clear_state_program methods must be decorated with one of algopy.arc4.abimethod , alogpy.arc4.baremethod , or algopy.subroutine . subroutines won’t be directly callable through the default router. See the ARC-4 section of this language guide for more info on the above. Logic signatures ¶ Logic signatures on Algorand are stateless, and consist of a single program. As such, they are implemented as functions in Algorand Python rather than classes. @algopy . logicsig def my_log_sig () -> bool : ... Similar to approval_program or clear_state_program methods, the function must take no arguments, and return either bool or algopy.UInt64 . The meaning is the same: a True value or non-zero UInt64 value indicates success, False or UInt64(0) indicates failure. Logic signatures can make use of subroutines that are not nested in contract classes. Next Types Previous Language Guide Copyright © 2024, Algorand Foundation Made with Sphinx and @pradyunsg 's Furo
Back to top View this page Toggle Light / Dark / Auto color theme Toggle table of contents sidebar Types ¶ Algorand Python exposes a number of types that provide a statically typed representation of the behaviour that is possible on the Algorand Virtual Machine. Types AVM types UInt64 Bytes String BigUInt bool Account Asset Application Python built-in types bool tuple typing.NamedTuple None int, str, bytes, float Template variables ARC-4 types AVM types ¶ The most basic types on the AVM are uint64 and bytes[] , representing unsigned 64-bit integers and byte arrays respectively. These are represented by UInt64 and Bytes in Algorand Python. There are further “bounded” types supported by the AVM, which are backed by these two simple primitives. For example, bigint represents a variably sized (up to 512-bits), unsigned integer, but is actually backed by a bytes[] . This is represented by BigUInt in Algorand Python. UInt64 ¶ algopy.UInt64 represents the underlying AVM uint64 type. It supports all the same operators as int , except for / , you must use // for truncating division instead. # you can instantiate with an integer literal num = algopy . UInt64 ( 1 ) # no arguments default to the zero value zero = algopy . UInt64 () # zero is False, any other value is True assert not zero assert num # Like Python's `int`, `UInt64` is immutable, so augmented assignment operators return new values one = num num += 1 assert one == 1 assert num == 2 # note that once you have a variable of type UInt64, you don't need to type any variables # derived from that or wrap int literals num2 = num + 200 // 3 Further examples available here . Bytes ¶ algopy.Bytes represents the underlying AVM bytes[] type. It is intended to represent binary data, for UTF-8 it might be preferable to use String . # you can instantiate with a bytes literal data = algopy . Bytes ( b "abc" ) # no arguments defaults to an empty value empty = algopy . Bytes () # empty is False, non-empty is True assert data assert not empty # Like Python's `bytes`, `Bytes` is immutable, augmented assignment operators return new values abc = data data += b "def" assert abc == b "abc" assert data == b "abcdef" # indexing and slicing are supported, and both return a Bytes assert abc [ 0 ] == b "a" assert data [: 3 ] == abc # check if a bytes sequence occurs within another assert abc in data Hint Indexing a Bytes returning a Bytes differs from the behaviour of Python’s bytes type, which returns an int . # you can iterate for i in abc : ... # construct from encoded values base32_seq = algopy . Bytes . from_base32 ( '74======' ) base64_seq = algopy . Bytes . from_base64 ( 'RkY=' ) hex_seq = algopy . Bytes . from_hex ( 'FF' ) # binary manipulations ^, &, |, and ~ are supported data ^= ~ (( base32_seq & base64_seq ) | hex_seq ) # access the length via the .length property assert abc . length == 3 Note See Python builtins for an explanation of why len() isn’t supported. See a full example . String ¶ String is a special Algorand Python type that represents a UTF8 encoded string. It’s backed by Bytes , which can be accessed through the .bytes . It works similarly to Bytes , except that it works with str literals rather than bytes literals. Additionally, due to a lack of AVM support for unicode data, indexing and length operations are not currently supported (simply getting the length of a UTF8 string is an O(N) operation, which would be quite costly in a smart contract). If you are happy using the length as the number of bytes, then you can call .bytes.length . # you can instantiate with a string literal data = algopy . String ( "abc" ) # no arguments defaults to an empty value empty = algopy . String () # empty is False, non-empty is True assert data assert not empty # Like Python's `str`, `String` is immutable, augmented assignment operators return new values abc = data data += "def" assert abc == "abc" assert data == "abcdef" # whilst indexing and slicing are not supported, the following tests are: assert abc . startswith ( "ab" ) assert abc . endswith ( "bc" ) assert abc in data # you can also join multiple Strings together with a seperator: assert algopy . String ( ", " ) . join (( abc , abc )) == "abc, abc" # access the underlying bytes assert abc . bytes == b "abc" See a full example . BigUInt ¶ algopy.BigUInt represents a variable length (max 512-bit) unsigned integer stored as bytes[] in the AVM. It supports all the same operators as int , except for power ( ** ), left and right shift ( << and >> ) and / (as with UInt64 , you must use // for truncating division instead). Note that the op code costs for bigint math are an order of magnitude higher than those for uint64 math. If you just need to handle overflow, take a look at the wide ops such as addw , mulw , etc - all of which are exposed through the algopy.op module. Another contrast between bigint and uint64 math is that bigint math ops don’t immediately error on overflow - if the result exceeds 512-bits, then you can still access the value via .bytes , but any further math operations will fail. # you can instantiate with an integer literal num = algopy . BigUInt ( 1 ) # no arguments default to the zero value zero = algopy . BigUInt () # zero is False, any other value is True assert not zero assert num # Like Python's `int`, `BigUInt` is immutable, so augmented assignment operators return new values one = num num += 1 assert one == 1 assert num == UInt64 ( 2 ) # note that once you have a variable of type BigUInt, you don't need to type any variables # derived from that or wrap int literals num2 = num + 200 // 3 Further examples available here . bool ¶ The semantics of the AVM bool bounded type exactly match the semantics of Python’s built-in bool type and thus Algorand Python uses the in-built bool type from Python. Per the behaviour in normal Python, Algorand Python automatically converts various types to bool when they appear in statements that expect a bool e.g. if / while / assert statements, appear in Boolean expressions (e.g. next to and or or keywords) or are explicitly casted to a bool. The semantics of not , and and or are special per how these keywords work in Python (e.g. short circuiting). a = UInt64 ( 1 ) b = UInt64 ( 2 ) c = a or b d = b and a e = self . expensive_op ( UInt64 ( 0 )) or self . side_effecting_op ( UInt64 ( 1 )) f = self . expensive_op ( UInt64 ( 3 )) or self . side_effecting_op ( UInt64 ( 42 )) g = self . side_effecting_op ( UInt64 ( 0 )) and self . expensive_op ( UInt64 ( 42 )) h = self . side_effecting_op ( UInt64 ( 2 )) and self . expensive_op ( UInt64 ( 3 )) i = a if b < c else d + e if a : log ( "a is True" ) Further examples available here . Account ¶ Account represents a logical Account, backed by a bytes[32] representing the bytes of the public key (without the checksum). It has various account related methods that can be called from the type. Also see algopy.arc4.Address if needing to represent the address as a distinct type. Asset ¶ Asset represents a logical Asset, backed by a uint64 ID. It has various asset related methods that can be called from the type. Application ¶ Application represents a logical Application, backed by a uint64 ID. It has various application related methods that can be called from the type. Python built-in types ¶ Unfortunately, the AVM types don’t map to standard Python primitives. For instance, in Python, an int is unsigned, and effectively unbounded. A bytes similarly is limited only by the memory available, whereas an AVM bytes[] has a maximum length of 4096. In order to both maintain semantic compatibility and allow for a framework implementation in plain Python that will fail under the same conditions as when deployed to the AVM, support for Python primitives is limited. In saying that, there are many places where built-in Python types can be used and over time the places these types can be used are expected to increase. bool ¶ Per above Algorand Python has full support for bool . tuple ¶ Python tuples are supported as arguments to subroutines, local variables, return types. typing.NamedTuple ¶ Python named tuples are also supported using typing.NamedTuple . Note Default field values and subclassing a NamedTuple are not supported import typing import algopy class Pair ( typing . NamedTuple ): foo : algopy . Bytes bar : algopy . Bytes None ¶ None is not supported as a value, but is supported as a type annotation to indicate a function or subroutine returns no value. int, str, bytes, float ¶ The int , str and bytes built-in types are currently only supported as module-level constants or literals. They can be passed as arguments to various Algorand Python methods that support them or when interacting with certain AVM types e.g. adding a number to a UInt64 . float is not supported. Template variables ¶ Template variables can be used to represent a placeholder for a deploy-time provided value. This can be declared using the TemplateVar[TYPE] type where TYPE is the Algorand Python type that it will be interpreted as. from algopy import BigUInt , Bytes , TemplateVar , UInt64 , arc4 from algopy.arc4 import UInt512 class TemplateVariablesContract ( arc4 . ARC4Contract ): @arc4 . abimethod () def get_bytes ( self ) -> Bytes : return TemplateVar [ Bytes ]( "SOME_BYTES" ) @arc4 . abimethod () def get_big_uint ( self ) -> UInt512 : x = TemplateVar [ BigUInt ]( "SOME_BIG_UINT" ) return UInt512 ( x ) @arc4 . baremethod ( allow_actions = [ "UpdateApplication" ]) def on_update ( self ) -> None : assert TemplateVar [ bool ]( "UPDATABLE" ) @arc4 . baremethod ( allow_actions = [ "DeleteApplication" ]) def on_delete ( self ) -> None : assert TemplateVar [ UInt64 ]( "DELETABLE" ) The resulting TEAL code that PuyaPy emits has placeholders with TMPL_{template variable name} that expects either an integer value or an encoded bytes value. This behaviour exactly matches what AlgoKit Utils expects . For more information look at the API reference for TemplateVar . ARC-4 types ¶ ARC-4 data types are a first class concept in Algorand Python. They can be passed into ARC-4 methods (which will translate to the relevant ARC-4 method signature), passed into subroutines, or instantiated into local variables. A limited set of operations are exposed on some ARC-4 types, but often it may make sense to convert the ARC-4 value to a native AVM type, in which case you can use the native property to retrieve the value. Most of the ARC-4 types also allow for mutation e.g. you can edit values in arrays by index. Please see the reference documentation for the different classes that can be used to represent ARC-4 values or the ARC-4 documentation for more information about ARC-4. Next Control flow structures Previous Program structure Copyright © 2024, Algorand Foundation Made with Sphinx and @pradyunsg 's Furo
Back to top View this page Toggle Light / Dark / Auto color theme Toggle table of contents sidebar Control flow structures ¶ Control flow in Algorand Python is similar to standard Python control flow, with support for if statements, while loops, for loops, and match statements. If statements ¶ If statements work the same as Python. The conditions must be an expression that evaluates to bool, which can include a String or Uint64 among others. if condition : # block of code to execute if condition is True elif condition2 : # block of code to execute if condition is False and condition2 is True else : # block of code to execute if condition and condition2 are both False See full example . Ternary conditions ¶ Ternary conditions work the same as Python. The condition must be an expression that evaluates to bool, which can include a String or Uint64 among others. value1 = UInt64 ( 5 ) value2 = String ( ">6" ) if value1 > 6 else String ( "<=6" ) While loops ¶ While loops work the same as Python. The condition must be an expression that evaluates to bool, which can include a String or Uint64 among others. You can use break and continue . while condition : # block of code to execute if condition is True See full example . For Loops ¶ For loops are used to iterate over sequences, ranges and ARC-4 arrays . They work the same as Python. Algorand Python provides functions like uenumerate and urange to facilitate creating sequences and ranges; in-built Python reversed method works with these. uenumerate is similar to Python’s built-in enumerate function, but for UInt64 numbers; it allows you to loop over a sequence and have an automatic counter. urange is a function that generates a sequence of Uint64 numbers, which you can iterate over. reversed returns a reversed iterator of a sequence. Here is an example of how you can use these functions in a contract: test_array = arc4 . StaticArray ( arc4 . UInt8 (), arc4 . UInt8 (), arc4 . UInt8 (), arc4 . UInt8 ()) # urange: reversed items, forward index for index , item in uenumerate ( reversed ( urange ( 4 ))): test_array [ index ] = arc4 . UInt8 ( item ) assert test_array . bytes == Bytes . from_hex ( "03020100" ) See full examples . Match Statements ¶ Match statements work the same as Python and work for […] match value : case pattern1 : # block of code to execute if pattern1 matches case pattern2 : # block of code to execute if pattern2 matches case _ : # Fallback Note: Captures and patterns are not supported. Currently, there is only support for basic case/switch functionality; pattern matching and guard clauses are not currently supported. See full example . Next Module level constructs Previous Types Copyright © 2024, Algorand Foundation Made with Sphinx and @pradyunsg 's Furo
Back to top View this page Toggle Light / Dark / Auto color theme Toggle table of contents sidebar Module level constructs ¶ You can write compile-time constant code at a module level and then use them in place of Python built-in literal types . For a full example of what syntax is currently possible see the test case example . Module constants ¶ Module constants are compile-time constant, and can contain bool , int , str and bytes . You can use fstrings and other compile-time constant values in module constants too. For example: from algopy import UInt64 , subroutine SCALE = 100000 SCALED_PI = 314159 @subroutine def circle_area ( radius : UInt64 ) -> UInt64 : scaled_result = SCALED_PI * radius ** 2 result = scaled_result // SCALE return result @subroutine def circle_area_100 () -> UInt64 : return circle_area ( UInt64 ( 100 )) If statements ¶ You can use if statements with compile-time constants in module constants. For example: FOO = 42 if FOO > 12 : BAR = 123 else : BAR = 456 Integer math ¶ Module constants can also be defined using common integer expressions. For example: SEVEN = 7 TEN = 7 + 3 FORTY_NINE = 7 ** 2 Strings ¶ Module str constants can use f-string formatting and other common string expressions. For example: NAME = "There" MY_FORMATTED_STRING = f "Hello { NAME } " # Hello There PADDED = f " { 123 : 05 } " # "00123" DUPLICATED = "5" * 3 # "555" Type aliases ¶ You can create type aliases to make your contract terser and more expressive. For example: import typing from algopy import arc4 VoteIndexArray : typing . TypeAlias = arc4 . DynamicArray [ arc4 . UInt8 ] Row : typing . TypeAlias = arc4 . StaticArray [ arc4 . UInt8 , typing . Literal [ 3 ]] Game : typing . TypeAlias = arc4 . StaticArray [ Row , typing . Literal [ 3 ]] Move : typing . TypeAlias = tuple [ arc4 . UInt64 , arc4 . UInt64 ] Bytes32 : typing . TypeAlias = arc4 . StaticArray [ arc4 . Byte , typing . Literal [ 32 ]] Proof : typing . TypeAlias = arc4 . DynamicArray [ Bytes32 ] Next Python builtins Previous Control flow structures Copyright © 2024, Algorand Foundation Made with Sphinx and @pradyunsg 's Furo
Back to top View this page Toggle Light / Dark / Auto color theme Toggle table of contents sidebar Python builtins ¶ Some common python builtins have equivalent algopy versions, that use an UInt64 instead of a native int . len ¶ The len() builtin is not supported, instead algopy types that have a length have a .length property of type UInt64 . This is primarily due to len() always returning int and the CPython implementation enforcing that it returns exactly int . range ¶ The range() builtin has an equivalent algopy.urange this behaves the same as the python builtin except that it returns an iteration of UInt64 values instead of int . enumerate ¶ The enumerate() builtin has an equivalent algopy.uenumerate this behaves the same as the python builtin except that it returns an iteration of UInt64 index values and the corresponding item. reversed ¶ The reversed() builtin is supported when iterating within a for loop and behaves the same as the python builtin. types ¶ See here Next Error handling and assertions Previous Module level constructs Copyright © 2024, Algorand Foundation Made with Sphinx and @pradyunsg 's Furo
Back to top View this page Toggle Light / Dark / Auto color theme Toggle table of contents sidebar Error handling and assertions ¶ In Algorand Python, error handling and assertions play a crucial role in ensuring the correctness and robustness of smart contracts. Assertions ¶ Assertions allow you to immediately fail a smart contract if a Boolean statement or value evaluates to False . If an assertion fails, it immediately stops the execution of the contract and marks the call as a failure. In Algorand Python, you can use the Python built-in assert statement to make assertions in your code. For example: @subroutine def set_value ( value : UInt64 ): assert value > 4 , "Value must be > 4" Assertion error handling ¶ The (optional) string value provided with an assertion, if provided, will be added as a TEAL comment on the end of the assertion line. This works in concert with default AlgoKit Utils app client behaviour to show a TEAL stack trace of an error and thus show the error message to the caller (when source maps have been loaded). Explicit failure ¶ For scenarios where you need to fail a contract explicitly, you can use the op.err() operation. This operation causes the TEAL program to immediately and unconditionally fail. Alternatively op.exit(0) will achieve the same result. A non-zero value will do the opposite and immediately succeed. Exception handling ¶ The AVM doesn’t provide error trapping semantics so it’s not possible to implement raise and catch . For more details see Unsupported Python features . Next Storing data on-chain Previous Python builtins Copyright © 2024, Algorand Foundation Made with Sphinx and @pradyunsg 's Furo
Back to top View this page Toggle Light / Dark / Auto color theme Toggle table of contents sidebar Storing data on-chain ¶ Algorand smart contracts have three different types of on-chain storage they can utilise: Global storage , Local storage , Box Storage , and Scratch storage . The life-cycle of a smart contract matches the semantics of Python classes when you consider deploying a smart contract as “instantiating” the class. Any calls to that smart contract are made to that instance of the smart contract, and any state assigned to self. variables will persist across different invocations (provided the transaction it was a part of succeeds, of course). You can deploy the same contract class multiple times, each will become a distinct and isolated instance. During a single smart contract execution there is also the ability to use “temporary” storage either global to the contract execution via Scratch storage , or local to the current method via local variables and subroutine params . Global storage ¶ Global storage is state that is stored against the contract instance and can be retrieved by key. There are AVM limits to the amount of global storage that can be allocated to a contract . This is represented in Algorand Python by either: Assigning any Algorand Python typed value to an instance variable (e.g. self.value = UInt64(3) ). Use this approach if you just require a terse API for getting and setting a state value Using an instance of GlobalState , which gives some extra features to understand and control the value and the metadata of it (which propagates to the ARC-32 app spec file) Use this approach if you need to: Omit a default/initial value Delete the stored value Check if a value exists Specify the exact key bytes Include a description to be included in App Spec files (ARC32/ARC56) For example: self . global_int_full = GlobalState ( UInt64 ( 55 ), key = "gif" , description = "Global int full" ) self . global_int_simplified = UInt64 ( 33 ) self . global_int_no_default = GlobalState ( UInt64 ) self . global_bytes_full = GlobalState ( Bytes ( b "Hello" )) self . global_bytes_simplified = Bytes ( b "Hello" ) self . global_bytes_no_default = GlobalState ( Bytes ) global_int_full_set = bool ( self . global_int_full ) bytes_with_default_specified = self . global_bytes_no_default . get ( b "Default if no value set" ) error_if_not_set = self . global_int_no_default . value These values can be assigned anywhere you have access to self i.e. any instance methods/subroutines. The information about global storage is automatically included in the ARC-32 app spec file and thus will automatically appear within any generated typed clients . Local storage ¶ Local storage is state that is stored against the contract instance for a specific account and can be retrieved by key and account address. There are AVM limits to the amount of local storage that can be allocated to a contract . This is represented in Algorand Python by using an instance of LocalState . For example: def __init__ ( self ) -> None : self . local = LocalState ( Bytes ) self . local_with_metadata = LocalState ( UInt64 , key = "lwm" , description = "Local with metadata" ) @subroutine def get_guaranteed_data ( self , for_account : Account ) -> Bytes : return self . local [ for_account ] @subroutine def get_data_with_default ( self , for_account : Account , default : Bytes ) -> Bytes : return self . local . get ( for_account , default ) @subroutine def get_data_or_assert ( self , for_account : Account ) -> Bytes : result , exists = self . local . maybe ( for_account ) assert exists , "no data for account" return result @subroutine def set_data ( self , for_account : Account , value : Bytes ) -> None : self . local [ for_account ] = value @subroutine def delete_data ( self , for_account : Account ) -> None : del self . local [ for_account ] These values can be assigned anywhere you have access to self i.e. any instance methods/subroutines. The information about local storage is automatically included in the ARC-32 app spec file and thus will automatically appear within any generated typed clients . Box storage ¶ We provide 3 different types for accessing box storage: Box , BoxMap , and BoxRef . We also expose raw operations via the AVM ops module. Before using box storage, be sure to familiarise yourself with the requirements and restrictions of the underlying API. The Box type provides an abstraction over storing a single value in a single box. A box can be declared against self in an __init__ method (in which case the key must be a compile time constant); or as a local variable within any subroutine. Box proxy instances can be passed around like any other value. Once declared, you can interact with the box via its instance methods. import typing as t from algopy import Box , arc4 , Contract , op class MyContract ( Contract ): def __init__ ( self ) -> None : self . box_a = Box ( arc4 . StaticArray [ arc4 . UInt32 , t . Literal [ 20 ]], key = b "a" ) def approval_program ( self ) -> bool : box_b = Box ( arc4 . String , key = b "b" ) box_b . value = arc4 . String ( "Hello" ) # Check if the box exists if self . box_a : # Reassign the value self . box_a . value [ 2 ] = arc4 . UInt32 ( 40 ) else : # Assign a new value self . box_a . value = arc4 . StaticArray [ arc4 . UInt32 , t . Literal [ 20 ]] . from_bytes ( op . bzero ( 20 * 4 )) # Read a value return self . box_a . value [ 4 ] == arc4 . UInt32 ( 2 ) BoxMap is similar to the Box type, but allows for grouping a set of boxes with a common key and content type. A custom key_prefix can optionally be provided, with the default being to use the variable name as the prefix. The key can be a Bytes value, or anything that can be converted to Bytes . The final box name is the combination of key_prefix + key . from algopy import BoxMap , Contract , Account , Txn , String class MyContract ( Contract ): def __init__ ( self ) -> None : self . my_map = BoxMap ( Account , String , key_prefix = b "a_" ) def approval_program ( self ) -> bool : # Check if the box exists if Txn . sender in self . my_map : # Reassign the value self . my_map [ Txn . sender ] = String ( " World" ) else : # Assign a new value self . my_map [ Txn . sender ] = String ( "Hello" ) # Read a value return self . my_map [ Txn . sender ] == String ( "Hello World" ) BoxRef is a specialised type for interacting with boxes which contain binary data. In addition to being able to set and read the box value, there are operations for extracting and replacing just a portion of the box data which is useful for minimizing the amount of reads and writes required, but also allows you to interact with byte arrays which are longer than the AVM can support (currently 4096). from algopy import BoxRef , Contract , Global , Txn class MyContract ( Contract ): def approval_program ( self ) -> bool : my_blob = BoxRef ( key = b "blob" ) sender_bytes = Txn . sender . bytes app_address = Global . current_application_address . bytes assert my_blob . create ( 8000 ) my_blob . replace ( 0 , sender_bytes ) my_blob . splice ( 0 , 0 , app_address ) first_64 = my_blob . extract ( 0 , 32 * 2 ) assert first_64 == app_address + sender_bytes assert my_blob . delete () value , exists = my_blob . maybe () assert not exists assert my_blob . get ( default = sender_bytes ) == sender_bytes my_blob . create ( sender_bytes + app_address ) assert my_blob , "Blob exists" assert my_blob . length == 64 return True If none of these abstractions suit your needs, you can use the box storage AVM ops to interact with box storage. These ops match closely to the opcodes available on the AVM. For example: op . Box . create ( b "key" , size ) op . Box . put ( Txn . sender . bytes , answer_ids . bytes ) ( votes , exists ) = op . Box . get ( Txn . sender . bytes ) op . Box . replace ( TALLY_BOX_KEY , index , op . itob ( current_vote + 1 )) See the voting contract example for a real-world example that uses box storage. Scratch storage ¶ To use stratch storage you need to register the scratch storage that you want to use and then you can use the scratch storage AVM ops . For example: from algopy import Bytes , Contract , UInt64 , op , urange TWO = 2 TWENTY = 20 class MyContract ( Contract , scratch_slots = ( 1 , TWO , urange ( 3 , TWENTY ))): def approval_program ( self ) -> bool : op . Scratch . store ( 1 , UInt64 ( 5 )) op . Scratch . store ( 2 , Bytes ( b "Hello World" )) for i in urange ( 3 , 20 ): op . Scratch . store ( i , i ) assert op . Scratch . load_uint64 ( 1 ) == UInt64 ( 5 ) assert op . Scratch . load_bytes ( 2 ) == b "Hello World" assert op . Scratch . load_uint64 ( 5 ) == UInt64 ( 5 ) return True def clear_state_program ( self ) -> bool : return True Next Logging Previous Error handling and assertions Copyright © 2024, Algorand Foundation Made with Sphinx and @pradyunsg 's Furo
Back to top View this page Toggle Light / Dark / Auto color theme Toggle table of contents sidebar Logging ¶ Algorand Python provides a log method that allows you to emit debugging and event information as well as return values from your contracts to the caller. This log method is a superset of the AVM log method that adds extra functionality: You can log multiple items rather than a single item Items are concatenated together with an optional separator (which defaults to: "" ) Items are automatically converted to bytes for you Support for: int literals / module variables (encoded as raw bytes, not ASCII) UInt64 values (encoded as raw bytes, not ASCII) str literals / module variables (encoded as UTF-8) bytes literals / module variables (encoded as is) Bytes values (encoded as is) BytesBacked values, which includes String , BigUInt , Account and all of the ARC-4 types (encoded as their underlying bytes values) Logged values are available to the calling client and attached to the transaction record stored on the blockchain ledger. If you want to emit ARC-28 events in the logs then there is a purpose-built function for that . Here’s an example contract that uses the log method in various ways: from algopy import BigUInt , Bytes , Contract , log , op class MyContract ( Contract ): def approval_program ( self ) -> bool : log ( 0 ) log ( b "1" ) log ( "2" ) log ( op . Txn . num_app_args + 3 ) log ( Bytes ( b "4" ) if op . Txn . num_app_args else Bytes ()) log ( b "5" , 6 , op . Txn . num_app_args + 7 , BigUInt ( 8 ), Bytes ( b "9" ) if op . Txn . num_app_args else Bytes (), sep = "_" , ) return True def clear_state_program ( self ) -> bool : return True Next Transactions Previous Storing data on-chain Copyright © 2024, Algorand Foundation Made with Sphinx and @pradyunsg 's Furo
Back to top View this page Toggle Light / Dark / Auto color theme Toggle table of contents sidebar Transactions ¶ Algorand Python provides types for accessing fields of other transactions in a group, as well as creating and submitting inner transactions from your smart contract. The following types are available: Group Transactions Inner Transaction Field sets Inner Transaction PaymentTransaction Payment PaymentInnerTransaction KeyRegistrationTransaction KeyRegistration KeyRegistrationInnerTransaction AssetConfigTransaction AssetConfig AssetConfigInnerTransaction AssetTransferTransaction AssetTransfer AssetTransferInnerTransaction AssetFreezeTransaction AssetFreeze AssetFreezeInnerTransaction ApplicationCallTransaction ApplicationCall ApplicationCallInnerTransaction Transaction InnerTransaction InnerTransactionResult Group Transactions ¶ Group transactions can be used as ARC4 parameters or instantiated from a group index. ARC4 parameter ¶ Group transactions can be used as parameters in ARC4 method For example to require a payment transaction in an ARC4 ABI method: import algopy class MyContract ( algopy . ARC4Contract ): @algopy . arc4 . abimethod () def process_payment ( self : algopy . gtxn . PaymentTransaction ) -> None : ... Group Index ¶ Group transactions can also be created using the group index of the transaction. If instantiating one of the type specific transactions they will be checked to ensure the transaction is of the expected type. Transaction is not checked for a specific type and provides access to all transaction fields For example, to obtain a reference to a payment transaction: import algopy @algopy . subroutine () def process_payment ( group_index : algopy . UInt64 ) -> None : pay_txn = algopy . gtxn . PaymentTransaction ( group_index ) ... Inner Transactions ¶ Inner transactions are defined using the parameter types, and can then be submitted individually by calling the .submit() method, or as a group by calling submit_txns Examples ¶ Create and submit an inner transaction ¶ from algopy import Account , UInt64 , itxn , subroutine @subroutine def example ( amount : UInt64 , receiver : Account ) -> None : itxn . Payment ( amount = amount , receiver = receiver , fee = 0 , ) . submit () Accessing result of a submitted inner transaction ¶ from algopy import Asset , itxn , subroutine @subroutine def example () -> Asset : asset_txn = itxn . AssetConfig ( asset_name = b "Puya" , unit_name = b "PYA" , total = 1000 , decimals = 3 , fee = 0 , ) . submit () return asset_txn . created_asset Submitting multiple transactions ¶ from algopy import Asset , Bytes , itxn , log , subroutine @subroutine def example () -> tuple [ Asset , Bytes ]: asset1_params = itxn . AssetConfig ( asset_name = b "Puya" , unit_name = b "PYA" , total = 1000 , decimals = 3 , fee = 0 , ) app_params = itxn . ApplicationCall ( app_id = 1234 , app_args = ( Bytes ( b "arg1" ), Bytes ( b "arg1" )) ) asset1_txn , app_txn = itxn . submit_txns ( asset1_params , app_params ) # log some details log ( app_txn . logs ( 0 )) log ( asset1_txn . txn_id ) log ( app_txn . txn_id ) return asset1_txn . created_asset , app_txn . logs ( 1 ) Create an ARC4 application, and then call it ¶ from algopy import Bytes , arc4 , itxn , subroutine HELLO_WORLD_APPROVAL : bytes = ... HELLO_WORLD_CLEAR : bytes = ... @subroutine def example () -> None : # create an application application_txn = itxn . ApplicationCall ( approval_program = HELLO_WORLD_APPROVAL , clear_state_program = HELLO_WORLD_CLEAR , fee = 0 , ) . submit () app = application_txn . created_app # invoke an ABI method call_txn = itxn . ApplicationCall ( app_id = app , app_args = ( arc4 . arc4_signature ( "hello(string)string" ), arc4 . String ( "World" )), fee = 0 , ) . submit () # extract result hello_world_result = arc4 . String . from_log ( call_txn . last_log ) Create and submit transactions in a loop ¶ from algopy import Account , UInt64 , itxn , subroutine @subroutine def example ( receivers : tuple [ Account , Account , Account ]) -> None : for receiver in receivers : itxn . Payment ( amount = UInt64 ( 1_000_000 ), receiver = receiver , fee = 0 , ) . submit () Limitations ¶ Inner transactions are powerful, but currently do have some restrictions in how they are used. Inner transaction objects cannot be passed to or returned from subroutines ¶ from algopy import Application , Bytes , itxn , subroutine @subroutine def parameter_not_allowed ( txn : itxn . PaymentInnerTransaction ) -> None : # this is a compile error ... @subroutine def return_not_allowed () -> itxn . PaymentInnerTransaction : # this is a compile error ... @subroutine def passing_fields_allowed () -> Application : txn = itxn . ApplicationCall ( ... ) . submit () do_something ( txn . txn_id , txn . logs ( 0 )) # this is ok return txn . created_app # and this is ok @subroutine def do_something ( txn_id : Bytes ): # this is just a regular subroutine ... Inner transaction parameters cannot be reassigned without a .copy() ¶ from algopy import itxn , subroutine @subroutine def example () -> None : payment = itxn . Payment ( ... ) reassigned_payment = payment # this is an error copied_payment = payment . copy () # this is ok Inner transactions cannot be reassigned ¶ from algopy import itxn , subroutine @subroutine def example () -> None : payment_txn = itxn . Payment ( ... ) . submit () reassigned_payment_txn = payment_txn # this is an error txn_id = payment_txn . txn_id # this is ok Inner transactions methods cannot be called if there is a subsequent inner transaction submitted or another subroutine is called. ¶ from algopy import itxn , subroutine @subroutine def example () -> None : app_1 = itxn . ApplicationCall ( ... ) . submit () log_from_call1 = app_1 . logs ( 0 ) # this is ok # another inner transaction is submitted itxn . ApplicationCall ( ... ) . submit () # or another subroutine is called call_some_other_subroutine () app1_txn_id = app_1 . txn_id # this is ok, properties are still available another_log_from_call1 = app_1 . logs ( 1 ) # this is not allowed as the array results may no longer be available, instead assign to a variable before submitting another transaction Next AVM operations Previous Logging Copyright © 2024, Algorand Foundation Made with Sphinx and @pradyunsg 's Furo
Back to top View this page Toggle Light / Dark / Auto color theme Toggle table of contents sidebar AVM operations ¶ Algorand Python allows you to do express every op code the AVM has available apart from ops that manipulate the stack (to avoid conflicts with the compiler), and log (to avoid confusion with the superior Algorand Python log function ). These ops are exposed via the algopy.op submodule. We generally recommend importing this entire submodule so you can use intellisense to discover the available methods: from algopy import UInt64 , op , subroutine @subroutine def sqrt_16 () -> UInt64 : return op . sqrt ( 16 ) All ops are typed using Algorand Python types and have correct static type representations. Many ops have higher-order functionality that Algorand Python exposes and would limit the need to reach for the underlying ops. For instance, there is first-class support for local and global storage so there is little need to use the likes of app_local_get et. al. But they are still exposed just in case you want to do something that Algorand Python’s abstractions don’t support. Txn ¶ The Txn opcodes are so commonly used they have been exposed directly in the algopy module and can be easily imported to make it terser to access: from algopy import subroutine , Txn @subroutine def has_no_app_args () -> bool : return Txn . num_app_args == 0 Global ¶ The Global opcodes are so commonly used they have been exposed directly in the algopy module and can be easily imported to make it terser to access: from algopy import subroutine , Global , Txn @subroutine def only_allow_creator () -> None : assert Txn . sender == Global . creator_address , "Only the contract creator can perform this operation" Next Opcode budgets Previous Transactions Copyright © 2024, Algorand Foundation Made with Sphinx and @pradyunsg 's Furo
Back to top View this page Toggle Light / Dark / Auto color theme Toggle table of contents sidebar Opcode budgets ¶ Algorand Python provides a helper method for increasing the available opcode budget , see algopy.ensure_budget . Next ARC-4: Application Binary Interface Previous AVM operations Copyright © 2024, Algorand Foundation Made with Sphinx and @pradyunsg 's Furo
Back to top View this page Toggle Light / Dark / Auto color theme Toggle table of contents sidebar ARC-4: Application Binary Interface ¶ ARC4 defines a set of encodings and behaviors for authoring and interacting with an Algorand Smart Contract. It is not the only way to author a smart contract, but adhering to it will make it easier for other clients and users to interop with your contract. To author an arc4 contract you should extend the ARC4Contract base class. from algopy import ARC4Contract class HelloWorldContract ( ARC4Contract ): ... ARC-32 and ARC-56 ¶ ARC32 extends the concepts in ARC4 to include an Application Specification which more holistically describes a smart contract and its associated state. ARC-32/ARC-56 Application Specification files are automatically generated by the compiler for ARC4 contracts as <ContractName>.arc32.json or <ContractName>.arc56.json Methods ¶ Individual methods on a smart contract should be annotated with an abimethod decorator. This decorator is used to indicate a method which should be externally callable. The decorator itself includes properties to restrict when the method should be callable, for instance only when the application is being created or only when the OnComplete action is OptIn. A method that should not be externally available should be annotated with a subroutine decorator. Method docstrings will be used when outputting ARC-32 or ARC-56 application specifications, the following docstrings styles are supported ReST, Google, Numpydoc-style and Epydoc. from algopy import ARC4Contract , subroutine , arc4 class HelloWorldContract ( ARC4Contract ): @arc4 . abimethod ( create = False , allow_actions = [ "NoOp" , "OptIn" ], name = "external_name" ) def hello ( self , name : arc4 . String ) -> arc4 . String : return self . internal_method () + name @subroutine def internal_method ( self ) -> arc4 . String : return arc4 . String ( "Hello, " ) Router ¶ Algorand Smart Contracts only have two possible programs that are invoked when making an ApplicationCall Transaction ( appl ). The “clear state” program which is called when using an OnComplete action of ClearState or the “approval” program which is called for all other OnComplete actions. Routing is required to dispatch calls handled by the approval program to the relevant ABI methods. When extending ARC4Contract , the routing code is automatically generated for you by the PuyaPy compiler. Types ¶ ARC4 defines a number of data types which can be used in an ARC4 compatible contract and details how these types should be encoded in binary. Algorand Python exposes these through a number of types which can be imported from the algopy.arc4 module. These types represent binary encoded values following the rules prescribed in the ARC which can mean operations performed directly on these types are not as efficient as ones performed on natively supported types (such as algopy.UInt64 or algopy.Bytes ) Where supported, the native equivalent of an ARC4 type can be obtained via the .native property. It is possible to use native types in an ABI method and the router will automatically encode and decode these types to their ARC4 equivalent. Booleans ¶ Type: algopy.arc4.Bool Encoding: A single byte where the most significant bit is 1 for True and 0 for False Native equivalent: builtins.bool Unsigned ints ¶ Types: algopy.arc4.UIntN (<= 64 bits) algopy.arc4.BigUIntN (> 64 bits) Encoding: A big endian byte array of N bits Native equivalent: algopy.UInt64 or Common bit sizes have also been aliased under algopy.arc4.UInt8 , algopy.arc4.UInt16 etc. A uint of any size between 8 and 512 bits (in intervals of 8bits) can be created using a generic parameter. It can be helpful to define your own alias for this type. import typing as t from algopy import arc4 UInt40 : t . TypeAlias = arc4 . UIntN [ t . Literal [ 40 ]] Unsigned fixed point decimals ¶ Types: algopy.arc4.UFixedNxM (<= 64 bits) algopy.arc4.BigUFixedNxM (> 64 bits) Encoding: A big endian byte array of N bits where encoded_value = value / (10^M) Native equivalent: none import typing as t from algopy import arc4 Decimal : t . TypeAlias = arc4 . UFixedNxM [ t . Literal [ 64 ], t . Literal [ 10 ]] Bytes and strings ¶ Types: algopy.arc4.DynamicBytes and algopy.arc4.String Encoding: A variable length byte array prefixed with a 16-bit big endian header indicating the length of the data Native equivalent: algopy.Bytes and algopy.String Strings are assumed to be utf-8 encoded and the length of a string is the total number of bytes, not the total number of characters . Static arrays ¶ Type: algopy.arc4.StaticArray Encoding: See ARC4 Container Packing Native equivalent: none An ARC4 StaticArray is an array of a fixed size. The item type is specified by the first generic parameter and the size is specified by the second. import typing as t from algopy import arc4 FourBytes : t . TypeAlias = arc4 . StaticArray [ arc4 . Byte , t . Literal [ 4 ]] Address ¶ Type: algopy.arc4.Address Encoding: A byte array 32 bytes long Native equivalent: algopy.Account Address represents an Algorand address’s public key, and can be used instead of algopy.Account when needing to reference an address in an ARC4 struct, tuple or return type. It is a subclass of arc4.StaticArray[arc4.Byte, typing.Literal[32]] Dynamic arrays ¶ Type: algopy.arc4.DynamicArray Encoding: See ARC4 Container Packing Native equivalent: none An ARC4 DynamicArray is an array of a variable size. The item type is specified by the first generic parameter. Items can be added and removed via .pop , .append , and .extend . The current length of the array is encoded in a 16-bit prefix similar to the arc4.DynamicBytes and arc4.String types import typing as t from algopy import arc4 UInt64Array : t . TypeAlias = arc4 . DynamicArray [ arc4 . UInt64 ] Tuples ¶ Type: algopy.arc4.Tuple Encoding: See ARC4 Container Packing Native equivalent: builtins.tuple ARC4 Tuples are immutable statically sized arrays of mixed item types. Item types can be specified via generic parameters or inferred from constructor parameters. Structs ¶ Type: algopy.arc4.Struct Encoding: See ARC4 Container Packing Native equivalent: typing.NamedTuple ARC4 Structs are named tuples. The class keyword frozen can be used to indicate if a struct can be mutated. Items can be accessed and mutated via names instead of indexes. Structs do not have a .native property, but a NamedTuple can be used in ABI methods are will be encoded/decode to an ARC4 struct automatically. import typing from algopy import arc4 Decimal : typing . TypeAlias = arc4 . UFixedNxM [ typing . Literal [ 64 ], typing . Literal [ 9 ]] class Vector ( arc4 . Struct , kw_only = True , frozen = True ): x : Decimal y : Decimal ARC4 Container Packing ¶ ARC4 encoding rules are detailed explicitly in the ARC . A summary is included here. Containers are composed of a head and tail portion. For dynamic arrays, the head is prefixed with the length of the array encoded as a 16-bit number. This prefix is not included in offset calculation For fixed sized items (eg. Bool, UIntN, or a StaticArray of UIntN), the item is included in the head Consecutive Bool items are compressed into the minimum number of whole bytes possible by using a single bit to represent each Bool For variable sized items (eg. DynamicArray, String etc), a pointer is included to the head and the data is added to the tail. This pointer represents the offset from the start of the head to the start of the item data in the tail. Reference types ¶ Types: algopy.Account , algopy.Application , algopy.Asset , algopy.gtxn.PaymentTransaction , algopy.gtxn.KeyRegistrationTransaction , algopy.gtxn.AssetConfigTransaction , algopy.gtxn.AssetTransferTransaction , algopy.gtxn.AssetFreezeTransaction , algopy.gtxn.ApplicationCallTransaction The ARC4 specification allows for using a number of reference types in an ABI method signature where this reference type refers to… another transaction in the group an account in the accounts array ( apat property of the transaction) an asset in the foreign assets array ( apas property of the transaction) an application in the foreign apps array ( apfa property of the transaction) These types can only be used as parameters, and not as return types. from algopy import ( Account , Application , ARC4Contract , Asset , arc4 , gtxn , ) class Reference ( ARC4Contract ): @arc4 . abimethod def with_transactions ( self , asset : Asset , pay : gtxn . PaymentTransaction , account : Account , app : Application , axfr : gtxn . AssetTransferTransaction ) -> None : ... Mutability ¶ To ensure semantic compatability the compiler will also check for any usages of mutable ARC4 types (arrays and structs) and ensure that any additional references are copied using the .copy() method. Python values are passed by reference, and when an object (eg. an array or struct) is mutated in one place, all references to that object see the mutated version. In Python this is managed via the heap. In Algorand Python these mutable values are instead stored on the stack, so when an additional reference is made (i.e. by assigning to another variable) a copy is added to the stack. Which means if one reference is mutated, the other references would not see the change. In order to keep the semantics the same, the compiler forces the addition of .copy() each time a new reference to the same object to match what will happen on the AVM. Struct types can be indicated as frozen which will eliminate the need for a .copy() as long as the struct also contains no mutable fields (such as arrays or another mutable struct) Next ARC-28: Structured event logging Previous Opcode budgets Copyright © 2024, Algorand Foundation Made with Sphinx and @pradyunsg 's Furo
Back to top View this page Toggle Light / Dark / Auto color theme Toggle table of contents sidebar ARC-28: Structured event logging ¶ ARC-28 provides a methodology for structured logging by Algorand smart contracts. It introduces the concept of Events, where data contained in logs may be categorized and structured. Each Event is identified by a unique 4-byte identifier derived from its Event Signature . The Event Signature is a UTF-8 string comprised of the event’s name, followed by the names of the ARC-4 data types contained in the event, all enclosed in parentheses ( EventName(type1,type2,...) ) e.g.: Swapped ( uint64 , uint64 ) Events are emitting by including them in the log output . The metadata that identifies the event should then be included in the ARC-4 contract output so that a calling client can parse the logs to parse the structured data out. This part of the ARC-28 spec isn’t yet implemented in Algorand Python, but it’s on the roadmap. Emitting Events ¶ To emit an ARC-28 event in Algorand Python you can use the emit function, which appears in the algopy.arc4 namespace for convenience since it heavily uses ARC-4 types and is essentially an extension of the ARC-4 specification. This function takes care of encoding the event payload to conform to the ARC-28 specification and there are 3 overloads: An ARC-4 struct , from what the name of the struct will be used as a the event name and the struct parameters will be used as the event fields - arc4.emit(Swapped(a, b)) An event signature as a string literal (or module variable) , followed by the values - arc4.emit("Swapped(uint64,uint64)", a, b) An event name as a string literal (or module variable) , followed by the values - arc4.emit("Swapped", a, b) Here’s an example contract that emits events: from algopy import ARC4Contract , arc4 class Swapped ( arc4 . Struct ): a : arc4 . UInt64 b : arc4 . UInt64 class EventEmitter ( ARC4Contract ): @arc4 . abimethod def emit_swapped ( self , a : arc4 . UInt64 , b : arc4 . UInt64 ) -> None : arc4 . emit ( Swapped ( b , a )) arc4 . emit ( "Swapped(uint64,uint64)" , b , a ) arc4 . emit ( "Swapped" , b , a ) It’s worth noting that the ARC-28 event signature needs to be known at compile time so the event name can’t be a dynamic type and must be a static string literal or string module constant. If you want to emit dynamic events you can do so using the log method , but you’d need to manually construct the correct series of bytes and the compiler won’t be able to emit the ARC-28 metadata so you’ll need to also manually parse the logs in your client. Examples of manually constructing an event: # This is essentially what the `emit` method is doing, noting that a,b need to be encoded # as a tuple so below (simple concat) only works for static ARC-4 types log ( arc4 . arc4_signature ( "Swapped(uint64,uint64)" ), a , b ) # or, if you wanted it to be truly dynamic for some reason, # (noting this has a non-trivial opcode cost) and assuming in this case # that `event_suffix` is already defined as a `String`: event_name = String ( "Event" ) + event_suffix event_selector = op . sha512_256 (( event_name + "(uint64)" ) . bytes )[: 4 ] log ( event_selector , UInt64 ( 6 )) Next Calling other applications Previous ARC-4: Application Binary Interface Copyright © 2024, Algorand Foundation Made with Sphinx and @pradyunsg 's Furo
Back to top View this page Toggle Light / Dark / Auto color theme Toggle table of contents sidebar Calling other applications ¶ The preferred way to call other smart contracts is using algopy.arc4.abi_call , algopy.arc4.arc4_create or algopy.arc4.arc4_update . These methods support type checking and encoding of arguments, decoding of results, group transactions, and in the case of arc4_create and arc4_update automatic inclusion of approval and clear state programs. algopy.arc4.abi_call ¶ algopy.arc4.abi_call can be used to call other ARC4 contracts, the first argument should refer to an ARC4 method either by referencing an Algorand Python algopy.arc4.ARC4Contract method, an algopy.arc4.ARC4Client method generated from an ARC-32 app spec, or a string representing the ARC4 method signature or name. The following arguments should then be the arguments required for the call, these arguments will be type checked and converted where appropriate. Any other related transaction parameters such as app_id , fee etc. can also be provided as keyword arguments. If the ARC4 method returns an ARC4 result then the result will be a tuple of the ARC4 result and the inner transaction. If the ARC4 method does not return a result, or if the result type is not fully qualified then just the inner transaction is returned. from algopy import Application , ARC4Contract , String , arc4 , subroutine class HelloWorld ( ARC4Contract ): @arc4 . abimethod () def greet ( self , name : String ) -> String : return "Hello " + name @subroutine def call_existing_application ( app : Application ) -> None : greeting , greet_txn = arc4 . abi_call ( HelloWorld . greet , "there" , app_id = app ) assert greeting == "Hello there" assert greet_txn . app_id == 1234 Alternative ways to use arc4.abi_call ¶ ARC4Client method ¶ A ARC4Client client represents the ARC4 abimethods of a smart contract and can be used to call abimethods in a type safe way ARC4Client’s can be produced by using puyapy --output-client=True when compiling a smart contract (this would be useful if you wanted to publish a client for consumption by other smart contracts) An ARC4Client can also be be generated from an ARC-32 application.json using puyapy-clientgen e.g. puyapy-clientgen examples/hello_world_arc4/out/HelloWorldContract.arc32.json , this would be the recommended approach for calling another smart contract that is not written in Algorand Python or does not provide the source from algopy import arc4 , subroutine class HelloWorldClient ( arc4 . ARC4Client ): def hello ( self , name : arc4 . String ) -> arc4 . String : ... @subroutine def call_another_contract () -> None : # can reference another algopy contract method result , txn = arc4 . abi_call ( HelloWorldClient . hello , arc4 . String ( "World" ), app =... ) assert result == "Hello, World" Method signature or name ¶ An ARC4 method selector can be used e.g. "hello(string)string along with a type index to specify the return type. Additionally just a name can be provided and the method signature will be inferred e.g. from algopy import arc4 , subroutine @subroutine def call_another_contract () -> None : # can reference a method selector result , txn = arc4 . abi_call [ arc4 . String ]( "hello(string)string" , arc4 . String ( "Algo" ), app =... ) assert result == "Hello, Algo" # can reference a method name, the method selector is inferred from arguments and return type result , txn = arc4 . abi_call [ arc4 . String ]( "hello" , "There" , app =... ) assert result == "Hello, There" algopy.arc4.arc4_create ¶ algopy.arc4.arc4_create can be used to create ARC4 applications, and will automatically populate required fields for app creation (such as approval program, clear state program, and global/local state allocation). Like algopy.arc4.abi_call it handles ARC4 arguments and provides ARC4 return values. If the compiled programs and state allocation fields need to be customized (for example due to template variables ), this can be done by passing a algopy.CompiledContract via the compiled keyword argument. from algopy import ARC4Contract , String , arc4 , subroutine class HelloWorld ( ARC4Contract ): @arc4 . abimethod () def greet ( self , name : String ) -> String : return "Hello " + name @subroutine def create_new_application () -> None : hello_world_app = arc4 . arc4_create ( HelloWorld ) . created_app greeting , _txn = arc4 . abi_call ( HelloWorld . greet , "there" , app_id = hello_world_app ) assert greeting == "Hello there" algopy.arc4.arc4_update ¶ algopy.arc4.arc4_update is used to update an existing ARC4 application and will automatically populate the required approval and clear state program fields. Like algopy.arc4.abi_call it handles ARC4 arguments and provides ARC4 return values. If the compiled programs need to be customized (for example due to (for example due to template variables ), this can be done by passing a algopy.CompiledContract via the compiled keyword argument. from algopy import Application , ARC4Contract , String , arc4 , subroutine class NewApp ( ARC4Contract ): @arc4 . abimethod () def greet ( self , name : String ) -> String : return "Hello " + name @subroutine def update_existing_application ( existing_app : Application ) -> None : hello_world_app = arc4 . arc4_update ( NewApp , app_id = existing_app ) greeting , _txn = arc4 . abi_call ( NewApp . greet , "there" , app_id = hello_world_app ) assert greeting == "Hello there" Using itxn.ApplicationCall ¶ If the application being called is not an ARC4 contract, or an application specification is not available, then algopy.itxn.ApplicationCall can be used. This approach is generally more verbose than the above approaches, so should only be used if required. See here for an example Next Compiling to AVM bytecode Previous ARC-28: Structured event logging Copyright © 2024, Algorand Foundation Made with Sphinx and @pradyunsg 's Furo
Back to top View this page Toggle Light / Dark / Auto color theme Toggle table of contents sidebar Compiling to AVM bytecode ¶ The PuyaPy compiler can compile Algorand Python smart contracts directly into AVM bytecode. Once compiled, this bytecode can be utilized to construct AVM Application Call transactions both on and off chain. Outputting AVM bytecode from CLI ¶ The --output-bytecode option can be used to generate .bin files for smart contracts and logic signatures, producing an approval and clear program for each smart contract. Obtaining bytecode within other contracts ¶ The compile_contract function takes an Algorand Python smart contract class and returns a CompiledContract , The global state, local state and program pages allocation parameters are derived from the contract by default, but can be overridden. This compiled contract can then be used to create an algopy.itxn.ApplicationCall transaction or used with the ARC4 functions. The compile_logicsig takes an Algorand Python logic signature and returns a CompiledLogicSig , which can be used to verify if a transaction has been signed by a particular logic signature. Template variables ¶ Algorand Python supports defining algopy.TemplateVar variables that can be substituted during compilation. For example, the following contract has UInt64 and Bytes template variables. ¶ from algopy import ARC4Contract , Bytes , TemplateVar , UInt64 , arc4 class TemplatedContract ( ARC4Contract ): @arc4 . abimethod def my_method ( self ) -> UInt64 : return TemplateVar [ UInt64 ]( "SOME_UINT" ) @arc4 . abimethod def my_other_method ( self ) -> Bytes : return TemplateVar [ Bytes ]( "SOME_BYTES" ) When compiling to bytecode, the values for these template variables must be provided. These values can be provided via the CLI, or through the template_vars parameter of the compile_contract and compile_logicsig functions. CLI ¶ The --template-var option can be used to define each variable. For example to provide the values for the above example contract the following command could be used puyapy --template-var SOME_UINT=123 --template-var SOME_BYTES=0xABCD Within other contracts ¶ The functions compile_contract and compile_logicsig both have an optional template_vars parameter which can be used to define template variables. Variables defined in this manner take priority over variables defined on the CLI. from algopy import Bytes , UInt64 , arc4 , compile_contract , subroutine from templated_contract import TemplatedContract @subroutine def create_templated_contract () -> None : compiled = compile_contract ( TemplatedContract , global_uints = 2 , # customize allocated global uints template_vars = { # provide template vars "SOME_UINT" : UInt64 ( 123 ), "SOME_BYTES" : Bytes ( b " \xAB\xCD " ) }, ) arc4 . arc4_create ( TemplatedContract , compiled = compiled ) Next Unsupported Python features Previous Calling other applications Copyright © 2024, Algorand Foundation Made with Sphinx and @pradyunsg 's Furo
Back to top View this page Toggle Light / Dark / Auto color theme Toggle table of contents sidebar Unsupported Python features ¶ raise, try/except/finally ¶ Exception raising and exception handling constructs are not supported. Supporting user exceptions would be costly to implement in terms of op codes. Furthermore, AVM errors and exceptions are not “catch-able”, they immediately terminate the program. Therefore, there is very little to no benefit of supporting exceptions and exception handling. The preferred method of raising an error that terminates is through the use of assert statements . with ¶ Context managers are redundant without exception handling support. async ¶ The AVM is not just single threaded, but all operations are effectively “blocking”, rendering asynchronous programming effectively useless. closures & lambdas ¶ Without the support of function pointers, or other methods of invoking an arbitrary function, it’s not possible to return a function as a closure. Nested functions/lambdas as a means of repeating common operations within a given function may be supported in the future. global keyword ¶ Module level values are only allowed to be constants . No rebinding of module constants is allowed. It’s not clear what the meaning here would be, since there’s no real arbitrary means of storing state without associating it with a particular contract. If you do have need of such a thing, take a look at gload_bytes or gload_uint64 if the contracts are within the same transaction, otherwise AppGlobal.get_ex_bytes and AppGlobal.get_ex_uint64 . Inheritance (outside of contract classes) ¶ Polymorphism is also impossible to support without function pointers, so data classes (such as arc4.Struct ) don’t currently allow for inheritance. Member functions there are not supported because we’re not sure yet whether it’s better to not have inheritance but allow functions on data classes, or to allow inheritance and disallow member functions. Contract inheritance is a special case, since each concrete contract is compiled separately, true polymorphism isn’t required as all references can be resolved at compile time. Next Principles & Background Previous Compiling to AVM bytecode Copyright © 2024, Algorand Foundation Made with Sphinx and @pradyunsg 's Furo
Back to top View this page Toggle Light / Dark / Auto color theme Toggle table of contents sidebar Principles & Background ¶ Background ¶ Smart contracts on the Algorand blockchain run on the Algorand Virtual Machine ( AVM ). This is a stack based virtual machine, which executes AVM bytecode as part of an Application Call transaction . The official mechanism for generating this bytecode is by submitting TEAL (Transaction Execution Approval Language) to an Algorand Node to compile. Smart signatures have the same basis in the AVM and TEAL, but have a different execution model, one not involving Application Call transactions. Our focus will primarily be on smart contracts, since they are strictly more powerful in terms of available AVM functions. TEAL is a non-structured imperative language (albeit one with support for procedure calls that can isolate stack changes since v8 with proto ). Writing TEAL is very similar to writing assembly code. It goes without saying that this is a particularly common or well-practiced model for programming these days. As it stands today, developers wanting to write smart contracts specifically for Algorand have the option of writing TEAL directly, or using some other mechanism of generating TEAL such as the officially supported PyTEAL or the community supported tealish . PyTEAL follows a generative programming paradigm, which is a form of metaprogramming. Naturally, writing programs to generate programs presents an additional hurdle for developers looking to pick up smart contract development. Tooling support for this is also suboptimal, for example, many classes of errors resulting from the interaction between the procedural elements of the Python language and the PyTEAL expression-building framework go unnoticed until the point of TEAL generation, or worse go completely unnoticed, and even when PyTEAL can/does provide an error it can be difficult to understand. Tealish provides a higher level procedural language, bearing a passing resemblance to Python, than compiles down to TEAL. However, it’s still lower level than most developers are used to. For example, the expression 1 + 2 + 3 is not valid in tealish . Another difference vs a higher level language such as Python is that functions can only be declared after the program entry point logic . In essence, tealish abstracts away many difficulties with writing plain TEAL, but it is still essentially more of a transpiler than a compiler. Furthermore, whilst appearing to have syntax inspired by Python, it both adds and removes many fundamental syntax elements, presenting an additional learning curve to developers looking to learn blockchain development on Algorand. Being a bespoke language also means it has a much smaller ecosystem of tooling built around it compared to languages like Python or JavaScript. To most developers, the Python programming language needs no introduction. First released in 1991, it’s popularity has grown steadily over the decades, and as of June 2023 it is consistently ranked as either the most popular langauge, or second most popular following JavaScript: GitHub 2022 StackOverflow 2023 Tiobe PYPL The AlgoKit project is an Algorand Foundation initiative to improve the developer experience on Algorand. Within this broad remit, two of the key principles are to “meet developers where they are” and “leverage existing ecosystem”. Building a compiler that allows developers to write smart contracts using an idiomatic subset of a high level language such as Python would make great strides towards both of these goals. Wyvern was the original internal code name for just such a compiler (now called Puya), one that will transform Python code into valid TEAL smart contracts. In line with the principle of meeting developers where they are, and recognising the popularity of JavaScript and TypeScript, a parallel initiative to build a TypeScript to TEAL compiler is also underway . Principles ¶ The principles listed here should form the basis of our decision-making, both in the design and implementation. Least surprise ¶ Our primary objective is to assist developers in creating accurate smart contracts right from the start. The often immutable nature of these contracts - although not always the case - and the substantial financial value they frequently safeguard, underlines the importance of this goal. This principle ensures that the code behaves as anticipated by the developer. Specifically, if you’re a Python developer writing Python smart contract code, you can expect the code to behave identically to its execution in a standard Python environment. Furthermore, we believe in promoting explicitness and correctness in contract code and its associated typing. This approach reduces potential errors and enhances the overall integrity of our smart contracts. Our commitment is to provide a user-friendly platform that aligns with the developer’s intuition and experience, ultimately simplifying their work and minimizing the potential for mistakes. Inherited from AlgoKit ¶ As a part of the AlgoKit project, the principles outlined there also apply - to the extent that this project is just one component of AlgoKit. “Leverage existing ecosystem” ¶ AlgoKit functionality gets into the hands of Algorand developers quickly by building on top of the existing ecosystem wherever possible and aligned to these principles. In order to leverage as much existing Python tooling as possible, we should strive to maintain the highest level of compatibility with the Python language (and the reference implementation: CPython). “Meet developers where they are” ¶ Make Blockchain development mainstream by giving all developers an idiomatic development experience in the operating system, IDE and language they are comfortable with so they can dive in quickly and have less they need to learn before being productive. Python is a very idiomatic language. We should embrace accepted patterns and practices as much as possible, such as those listed in PEP-20 (aka “The Zen of Python”). “Extensible” ¶ Be extensible for community contribution rather than stifling innovation, bottle-necking all changes through the Algorand Foundation and preventing the opportunity for other ecosystems being represented (e.g. Go, Rust, etc.). This helps make developers feel welcome and is part of the developer experience, plus it makes it easier to add features sustainably One way to support this principle in the broader AlgoKit context is by building in a mechanism for reusing common code between smart contracts, to allow the community to build their own Python packages. “Sustainable” ¶ AlgoKit should be built in a flexible fashion with long-term maintenance in mind. Updates to latest patches in dependencies, Algorand protocol development updates, and community contributions and feedback will all feed in to the evolution of the software. Taking this principle further, ensuring the compiler is well-designed (e.g. frontend backend separation, with a well-thought-out IR) will help with maintaining and improving the implementation over time. For example, adding in new TEAL language features will be easier, same for implementing new optimisation strategies. Looking to the future, best practices for smart contract development are rapidly evolving. We shouldn’t tie the implementation too tightly to a current standard such as ARC-4 - although in that specific example, we would still aim for first class support, but it shouldn’t be assumed as the only way to write smart contracts. “Modular components” ¶ Solution components should be modular and loosely coupled to facilitate efficient parallel development by small, effective teams, reduced architectural complexity and allowing developers to pick and choose the specific tools and capabilities they want to use based on their needs and what they are comfortable with. We will focus on the language and compiler design itself. An example of a very useful feature, that is strongly related but could be implemented separately instead, is the ability to run the users code in a unit-testing context, without compilation+deployment first. This would require implementing in Python some level of simulation of Algorand Nodes / AVM behaviour. “Secure by default” ¶ Include defaults, patterns and tooling that help developers write secure code and reduce the likelihood of security incidents in the Algorand ecosystem. This solution should help Algorand be the most secure Blockchain ecosystem. Enforcing security (which is multi-faceted) at a compiler level is difficult, and is some cases impossible. The best application of this principle here is to support auditing, which is important and nuanced enough to be listed below as a separate principle. “Cohesive developer tool suite” + “Seamless onramp” ¶ Cohesive developer tool suite: Using AlgoKit should feel professional and cohesive, like it was designed to work together, for the developer; not against them. Developers are guided towards delivering end-to-end, high quality outcomes on MainNet so they and Algorand are more likely to be successful. Seamless onramp: New developers have a seamless experience to get started and they are guided into a pit of success with best practices, supported by great training collateral; you should be able to go from nothing to debugging code in 5 minutes. These principles relate more to AlgoKit as a whole, so we can respect them by considering the impacts of our decisions there more broadly. Abstraction without obfuscation ¶ Algorand Python is a high level language, with support for things such as branching logic, operator precedence, etc., and not a set of “macros” for generating TEAL. As such, developers will not be able to directly influence specific TEAL output, if this is desirable a language such as Tealish is more appropriate. Whilst this will abstract away certain aspects of the underlying TEAL language, there are certain AVM concerns (such as op code budgets) that should not be abstracted away. That said, we should strive to generate code this is cost-effective and unsurprising. Python mechanisms such as dynamic (runtime) dispatch, and also many of its builtin functions on types such as str that are taken for granted, would require large amounts of ops compared to the Python code it represents. Support auditing ¶ Auditing is a critical part of the security process for deploying smart contracts. We want to support this function, and can do so in two ways: By ensuring the same Python code as input generates identical output each time the compiler is run regardless of the system it’s running on. This is what might be termed Output stability . Ensuring a consistent output regardless of the system it’s run on (assuming the same compiler version), means that auditing the lower level (ie TEAL) code is possible. Although auditing the TEAL code should be possible, being able to easily identify and relate it back to the higher level code can make auditing the contract logic simpler and easier. Revolution, not evolution ¶ This is a new and groundbreaking way of developing for Algorand, and not a continuation of the PyTEAL/Beaker approach. By allowing developers to write procedural code, as opposed to constructing an expression tree, we can (among other things) significantly reduce the barrier to entry for developing smart contracts for the Algorand platform. Since the programming paradigm will be fundamentally different, providing a smooth migration experience from PyTEAL to this new world is not an intended goal, and shouldn’t be a factor in our decisions. For example, it is not a goal of this project to produce a step-by-step “migrating from PyTEAL” document, as it is not a requirement for users to switch to this new paradigm in the short to medium term - support for PyTEAL should continue in parallel. Next API Reference Previous Unsupported Python features Copyright © 2024, Algorand Foundation Made with Sphinx and @pradyunsg 's Furo
Back to top View this page Toggle Light / Dark / Auto color theme Toggle table of contents sidebar API Reference ¶ algopy Package Contents Classes Functions Data API ARC4Contract Account Application Asset BigUInt Box BoxMap BoxRef Bytes BytesBacked CompiledContract CompiledLogicSig Contract Global GlobalState LocalState LogicSig OnCompleteAction OpUpFeeSource StateTotals String TemplateVar TransactionType Txn UInt64 compile_contract() compile_logicsig() ensure_budget() log() logicsig() subroutine() uenumerate urange algopy.arc4 Module Contents Classes Functions Data API ARC4Client ARC4Contract Address BigUFixedNxM BigUIntN Bool Byte DynamicArray DynamicBytes StaticArray String Struct Tuple UFixedNxM UInt128 UInt16 UInt256 UInt32 UInt512 UInt64 UInt8 UIntN abi_call abimethod() arc4_create() arc4_signature() arc4_update() baremethod() emit() algopy.gtxn Module Contents Classes API ApplicationCallTransaction AssetConfigTransaction AssetFreezeTransaction AssetTransferTransaction KeyRegistrationTransaction PaymentTransaction Transaction TransactionBase algopy.itxn Module Contents Classes Functions API ApplicationCall ApplicationCallInnerTransaction AssetConfig AssetConfigInnerTransaction AssetFreeze AssetFreezeInnerTransaction AssetTransfer AssetTransferInnerTransaction InnerTransaction InnerTransactionResult KeyRegistration KeyRegistrationInnerTransaction Payment PaymentInnerTransaction submit_txns() algopy.op Module Contents Classes Functions API AcctParamsGet AppGlobal AppLocal AppParamsGet AssetHoldingGet AssetParamsGet Base64 Block Box EC ECDSA EllipticCurve GITxn GTxn Global ITxn ITxnCreate JsonRef MiMCConfigurations Scratch Txn VoterParamsGet VrfVerify addw() app_opted_in() arg() balance() base64_decode() bitlen() bsqrt() btoi() bzero() concat() divmodw() divw() ecdsa_pk_decompress() ecdsa_pk_recover() ecdsa_verify() ed25519verify() ed25519verify_bare() err() exit() exp() expw() extract() extract_uint16() extract_uint32() extract_uint64() falcon_verify() gaid() getbit() getbyte() gload_bytes() gload_uint64() itob() keccak256() mimc() min_balance() mulw() online_stake() replace() select_bytes() select_uint64() setbit_bytes() setbit_uint64() setbyte() sha256() sha3_256() sha512_256() shl() shr() sqrt() substring() sumhash512() vrf_verify() Next algopy Previous Principles & Background Copyright © 2024, Algorand Foundation Made with Sphinx and @pradyunsg 's Furo
Back to top View this page Toggle Light / Dark / Auto color theme Toggle table of contents sidebar algopy ¶ Package Contents ¶ Classes ¶ ARC4Contract A contract that conforms to the ARC4 ABI specification, functions decorated with @abimethod or @baremethod will form the public interface of the contract Account An Account on the Algorand network. Application An Application on the Algorand network. Asset An Asset on the Algorand network. BigUInt A variable length (max 512-bit) unsigned integer Box Box abstracts the reading and writing of a single value to a single box. The box size will be reconfigured dynamically to fit the size of the value being assigned to it. BoxMap BoxMap abstracts the reading and writing of a set of boxes using a common key and content type. Each composite key (prefix + key) still needs to be made available to the application via the boxes property of the Transaction. BoxRef BoxRef abstracts the reading and writing of boxes containing raw binary data. The size is configured manually, and can be set to values larger than what the AVM can handle in a single value. Bytes A byte sequence, with a maximum length of 4096 bytes, one of the primary data types on the AVM BytesBacked Represents a type that is a single bytes value CompiledContract Provides compiled programs and state allocation values for a Contract. Create by calling compile_contract . CompiledLogicSig Provides account for a Logic Signature. Create by calling compile_logicsig . Contract Base class for an Algorand Smart Contract Global Get Global values Native TEAL op: global GlobalState Global state associated with the application, the key will be the name of the member, this is assigned to LocalState Local state associated with the application and an account LogicSig A logic signature OnCompleteAction On Completion actions available in an application call transaction OpUpFeeSource Defines the source of fees for the OpUp utility. StateTotals Options class to manually define the total amount of global and local state contract will use, used by Contract.__init_subclass__ . String A UTF-8 encoded string. TransactionType The different transaction types available in a transaction Txn Get values for the current executing transaction Native TEAL ops: txn , txnas UInt64 A 64-bit unsigned integer, one of the primary data types on the AVM uenumerate Yields pairs containing a count (from zero) and a value yielded by the iterable argument. urange Produces a sequence of UInt64 from start (inclusive) to stop (exclusive) by step. Functions ¶ compile_contract Returns the compiled data for the specified contract compile_logicsig Returns the Account for the specified logic signature ensure_budget Ensure the available op code budget is greater than or equal to required_budget log Concatenates and logs supplied args as a single bytes value. logicsig Decorator to indicate a function is a logic signature subroutine Decorator to indicate functions or methods that can be called by a Smart Contract Data ¶ TemplateVar Template variables can be used to represent a placeholder for a deploy-time provided value. API ¶ class algopy. ARC4Contract ¶ A contract that conforms to the ARC4 ABI specification, functions decorated with @abimethod or @baremethod will form the public interface of the contract The approval_program will be implemented by the compiler, and route application args according to the ARC4 ABI specification The clear_state_program will by default return True, but can be overridden class algopy. Account ( value : str | algopy.Bytes = ... , / ) ¶ An Account on the Algorand network. Note: must be an available resource to access properties other than bytes Initialization If value is a string, it should be a 58 character base32 string, ie a base32 string-encoded 32 bytes public key + 4 bytes checksum. If value is a Bytes, it’s length checked to be 32 bytes - to avoid this check, use Address.from_bytes(...) instead. Defaults to the zero-address. __bool__ ( ) → bool ¶ Returns True if not equal to the zero-address __eq__ ( other : algopy.Account | str ) → bool ¶ Account equality is determined by the address of another Account or str __ne__ ( other : algopy.Account | str ) → bool ¶ Account equality is determined by the address of another Account or str property auth_address : algopy.Account ¶ Address the account is rekeyed to Note Account must be an available resource property balance : algopy.UInt64 ¶ Account balance in microalgos Note Account must be an available resource property bytes : algopy.Bytes ¶ Get the underlying Bytes classmethod from_bytes ( value : algopy.Bytes | bytes , / ) → Self ¶ Construct an instance from the underlying bytes (no validation) is_opted_in ( asset_or_app : algopy.Asset | algopy.Application , / ) → bool ¶ Returns true if this account is opted in to the specified Asset or Application. Note Account and Asset/Application must be an available resource property min_balance : algopy.UInt64 ¶ Minimum required balance for account, in microalgos Note Account must be an available resource property total_apps_created : algopy.UInt64 ¶ The number of existing apps created by this account. Note Account must be an available resource property total_apps_opted_in : algopy.UInt64 ¶ The number of apps this account is opted into. Note Account must be an available resource property total_assets : algopy.UInt64 ¶ The numbers of ASAs held by this account (including ASAs this account created). Note Account must be an available resource property total_assets_created : algopy.UInt64 ¶ The number of existing ASAs created by this account. Note Account must be an available resource property total_box_bytes : algopy.UInt64 ¶ The total number of bytes used by this account’s app’s box keys and values. Note Account must be an available resource property total_boxes : algopy.UInt64 ¶ The number of existing boxes created by this account’s app. Note Account must be an available resource property total_extra_app_pages : algopy.UInt64 ¶ The number of extra app code pages used by this account. Note Account must be an available resource property total_num_byte_slice : algopy.UInt64 ¶ The total number of byte array values allocated by this account in Global and Local States. Note Account must be an available resource property total_num_uint : algopy.UInt64 ¶ The total number of uint64 values allocated by this account in Global and Local States. Note Account must be an available resource class algopy. Application ( application_id : algopy.UInt64 | int = 0 , / ) ¶ An Application on the Algorand network. Initialization Initialized with the id of an application. Defaults to zero (an invalid ID). __bool__ ( ) → bool ¶ Returns True if application_id is not 0 __eq__ ( other : algopy.Application ) → bool ¶ Application equality is determined by the equality of an Application’s id __ne__ ( other : algopy.Application ) → bool ¶ Application equality is determined by the equality of an Application’s id property address : algopy.Account ¶ Address for which this application has authority Note Application must be an available resource property approval_program : algopy.Bytes ¶ Bytecode of Approval Program Note Application must be an available resource property clear_state_program : algopy.Bytes ¶ Bytecode of Clear State Program Note Application must be an available resource property creator : algopy.Account ¶ Creator address Note Application must be an available resource property extra_program_pages : algopy.UInt64 ¶ Number of Extra Program Pages of code space Note Application must be an available resource property global_num_bytes : algopy.UInt64 ¶ Number of byte array values allowed in Global State Note Application must be an available resource property global_num_uint : algopy.UInt64 ¶ Number of uint64 values allowed in Global State Note Application must be an available resource property id : algopy.UInt64 ¶ Returns the id of the application property local_num_bytes : algopy.UInt64 ¶ Number of byte array values allowed in Local State Note Application must be an available resource property local_num_uint : algopy.UInt64 ¶ Number of uint64 values allowed in Local State Note Application must be an available resource class algopy. Asset ( asset_id : algopy.UInt64 | int = 0 , / ) ¶ An Asset on the Algorand network. Initialization Initialized with the id of an asset. Defaults to zero (an invalid ID). __bool__ ( ) → bool ¶ Returns True if asset_id is not 0 __eq__ ( other : algopy.Asset ) → bool ¶ Asset equality is determined by the equality of an Asset’s id __ne__ ( other : algopy.Asset ) → bool ¶ Asset equality is determined by the equality of an Asset’s id balance ( account : algopy.Account , / ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ Amount of the asset unit held by this account. Fails if the account has not opted in to the asset. Note Asset and supplied Account must be an available resource property clawback : algopy.Account ¶ Clawback address Note Asset must be an available resource property creator : algopy.Account ¶ Creator address Note Asset must be an available resource property decimals : algopy.UInt64 ¶ See AssetParams.Decimals Note Asset must be an available resource property default_frozen : bool ¶ Frozen by default or not Note Asset must be an available resource property freeze : algopy.Account ¶ Freeze address Note Asset must be an available resource frozen ( account : algopy.Account , / ) → bool ¶ Is the asset frozen or not. Fails if the account has not opted in to the asset. Note Asset and supplied Account must be an available resource property id : algopy.UInt64 ¶ Returns the id of the Asset property manager : algopy.Account ¶ Manager address Note Asset must be an available resource property metadata_hash : algopy.Bytes ¶ Arbitrary commitment Note Asset must be an available resource property name : algopy.Bytes ¶ Asset name Note Asset must be an available resource property reserve : algopy.Account ¶ Reserve address Note Asset must be an available resource property total : algopy.UInt64 ¶ Total number of units of this asset Note Asset must be an available resource property unit_name : algopy.Bytes ¶ Asset unit name Note Asset must be an available resource property url : algopy.Bytes ¶ URL with additional info about the asset Note Asset must be an available resource class algopy. BigUInt ( value : algopy.UInt64 | int = 0 , / ) ¶ A variable length (max 512-bit) unsigned integer Initialization A BigUInt can be initialized with a UInt64, a Python int literal, or an int variable declared at the module level __add__ ( other : algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.BigUInt ¶ A BigUInt can be added with another BigUInt, UInt64 or int e.g. BigUInt(4) + 2 . __and__ ( other : algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.BigUInt ¶ A BigUInt can bitwise and with another BigUInt, UInt64 or int e.g. BigUInt(4) & 2 __bool__ ( ) → bool ¶ A BigUInt will evaluate to False if zero, and True otherwise __eq__ ( other : algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ A BigUInt can use the == operator with another BigUInt, UInt64 or int __floordiv__ ( other : algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.BigUInt ¶ A BigUInt can be floor divided with another BigUInt, UInt64 or int e.g. BigUInt(4) // 2 . This will error on divide by zero __ge__ ( other : algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ A BigUInt can use the >= operator with another BigUInt, UInt64 or int __gt__ ( other : algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ A BigUInt can use the > operator with another BigUInt, UInt64 or int __iadd__ ( other : algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.BigUInt ¶ A BigUInt can be incremented with another BigUInt, UInt64 or int e.g. a += BigUInt(2) . __iand__ ( other : algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.BigUInt ¶ A BigUInt can bitwise and with another BigUInt, UInt64 or int e.g. a &= BigUInt(2) __ifloordiv__ ( other : algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.BigUInt ¶ A BigUInt can be floor divided with another BigUInt, UInt64 or int e.g. a //= BigUInt(2) . This will error on divide by zero __imod__ ( other : algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.BigUInt ¶ A BigUInt can be modded with another BigUInt, UInt64 or int e.g. a %= BigUInt(2) . This will error on mod by zero __imul__ ( other : algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.BigUInt ¶ A BigUInt can be multiplied with another BigUInt, UInt64 or int e.g. a*= BigUInt(2) . __ior__ ( other : algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.BigUInt ¶ A BigUInt can bitwise or with another BigUInt, UInt64 or int e.g. a |= BigUInt(2) __isub__ ( other : algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.BigUInt ¶ A BigUInt can be subtracted with another BigUInt, UInt64 or int e.g. a -= BigUInt(2) . This will error on underflow __ixor__ ( other : algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.BigUInt ¶ A BigUInt can bitwise xor with another BigUInt, UInt64 or int e.g. a ^= BigUInt(2) __le__ ( other : algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ A BigUInt can use the <= operator with another BigUInt, UInt64 or int __lt__ ( other : algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ A BigUInt can use the < operator with another BigUInt, UInt64 or int __mod__ ( other : algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.BigUInt ¶ A BigUInt can be modded with another BigUInt, UInt64 or int e.g. BigUInt(4) % 2 . This will error on mod by zero __mul__ ( other : algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.BigUInt ¶ A BigUInt can be multiplied with another BigUInt, UInt64 or int e.g. 4 + BigUInt(2) . __ne__ ( other : algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ A BigUInt can use the != operator with another BigUInt, UInt64 or int __or__ ( other : algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.BigUInt ¶ A BigUInt can bitwise or with another BigUInt, UInt64 or int e.g. BigUInt(4) | 2 __pos__ ( ) → algopy.BigUInt ¶ Supports unary + operator. Redundant given the type is unsigned __radd__ ( other : algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.BigUInt ¶ A BigUInt can be added with another BigUInt, UInt64 or int e.g. 4 + BigUInt(2) . __rand__ ( other : algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.BigUInt ¶ A BigUInt can bitwise and with another BigUInt, UInt64 or int e.g. 4 & BigUInt(2) __rfloordiv__ ( other : algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.BigUInt ¶ A BigUInt can be floor divided with another BigUInt, UInt64 or int e.g. 4 // BigUInt(2) . This will error on divide by zero __rmod__ ( other : algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.BigUInt ¶ A BigUInt can be modded with another BigUInt, UInt64 or int e.g. 4 % BigUInt(2) . This will error on mod by zero __rmul__ ( other : algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.BigUInt ¶ A BigUInt can be multiplied with another BigUInt, UInt64 or int e.g. BigUInt(4) + 2 . __ror__ ( other : algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.BigUInt ¶ A BigUInt can bitwise or with another BigUInt, UInt64 or int e.g. 4 | BigUInt(2) __rsub__ ( other : algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.BigUInt ¶ A BigUInt can be subtracted with another BigUInt, UInt64 or int e.g. 4 - BigUInt(2) . This will error on underflow __rxor__ ( other : algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.BigUInt ¶ A BigUInt can bitwise xor with another BigUInt, UInt64 or int e.g. 4 ^ BigUInt(2) __sub__ ( other : algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.BigUInt ¶ A BigUInt can be subtracted with another BigUInt, UInt64 or int e.g. BigUInt(4) - 2 . This will error on underflow __xor__ ( other : algopy.BigUInt | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.BigUInt ¶ A BigUInt can bitwise xor with another BigUInt, UInt64 or int e.g. BigUInt(4) ^ 2 property bytes : algopy.Bytes ¶ Get the underlying Bytes classmethod from_bytes ( value : algopy.Bytes | bytes , / ) → Self ¶ Construct an instance from the underlying bytes (no validation) class algopy. Box ( type_ : type [ algopy._TValue ] , / , * , key : bytes | str | algopy.Bytes | algopy.String = ... , ) ¶ Box abstracts the reading and writing of a single value to a single box. The box size will be reconfigured dynamically to fit the size of the value being assigned to it. Initialization __bool__ ( ) → bool ¶ Returns True if the box exists, regardless of the truthiness of the contents of the box get ( * , default : algopy._TValue ) → algopy._TValue ¶ Retrieve the contents of the box, or return the default value if the box has not been created. Parameters : default – The default value to return if the box has not been created property key : algopy.Bytes ¶ Provides access to the raw storage key property length : algopy.UInt64 ¶ Get the length of this Box. Fails if the box does not exist maybe ( ) → tuple [ algopy._TValue , bool ] ¶ Retrieve the contents of the box if it exists, and return a boolean indicating if the box exists. property value : algopy._TValue ¶ Retrieve the contents of the box. Fails if the box has not been created. class algopy. BoxMap ( key_type : type [ algopy._TKey ] , value_type : type [ algopy._TValue ] , / , * , key_prefix : bytes | str | algopy.Bytes | algopy.String = ... , ) ¶ BoxMap abstracts the reading and writing of a set of boxes using a common key and content type. Each composite key (prefix + key) still needs to be made available to the application via the boxes property of the Transaction. Initialization Declare a box map. Parameters : key_type – The type of the keys value_type – The type of the values key_prefix – The value used as a prefix to key data, can be empty. When the BoxMap is being assigned to a member variable, this argument is optional and defaults to the member variable name, and if a custom value is supplied it must be static. __contains__ ( key : algopy._TKey ) → bool ¶ Returns True if a box with the specified key exists in the map, regardless of the truthiness of the contents of the box __delitem__ ( key : algopy._TKey ) → None ¶ Deletes a keyed box __getitem__ ( key : algopy._TKey ) → algopy._TValue ¶ Retrieve the contents of a keyed box. Fails if the box for the key has not been created. __setitem__ ( key : algopy._TKey , value : algopy._TValue ) → None ¶ Write value to a keyed box. Creates the box if it does not exist get ( key : algopy._TKey , * , default : algopy._TValue ) → algopy._TValue ¶ Retrieve the contents of a keyed box, or return the default value if the box has not been created. Parameters : key – The key of the box to get default – The default value to return if the box has not been created. property key_prefix : algopy.Bytes ¶ Provides access to the raw storage key-prefix length ( key : algopy._TKey ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ Get the length of an item in this BoxMap. Fails if the box does not exist Parameters : key – The key of the box to get maybe ( key : algopy._TKey ) → tuple [ algopy._TValue , bool ] ¶ Retrieve the contents of a keyed box if it exists, and return a boolean indicating if the box exists. Parameters : key – The key of the box to get class algopy. BoxRef ( / , * , key: bytes | str | algopy.Bytes | algopy.String = ... ) ¶ BoxRef abstracts the reading and writing of boxes containing raw binary data. The size is configured manually, and can be set to values larger than what the AVM can handle in a single value. Initialization __bool__ ( ) → bool ¶ Returns True if the box has a value set, regardless of the truthiness of that value create ( * , size : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ Creates a box with the specified size, setting all bits to zero. Fails if the box already exists with a different size. Fails if the specified size is greater than the max box size (32,768) Returns True if the box was created, False if the box already existed delete ( ) → bool ¶ Deletes the box if it exists and returns a value indicating if the box existed extract ( start_index : algopy.UInt64 | int , length : algopy.UInt64 | int , ) → algopy.Bytes ¶ Extract a slice of bytes from the box. Fails if the box does not exist, or if start_index + length > len(box) Parameters : start_index – The offset to start extracting bytes from length – The number of bytes to extract get ( * , default : algopy.Bytes | bytes ) → algopy.Bytes ¶ Retrieve the contents of the box, or return the default value if the box has not been created. Parameters : default – The default value to return if the box has not been created property key : algopy.Bytes ¶ Provides access to the raw storage key property length : algopy.UInt64 ¶ Get the length of this Box. Fails if the box does not exist maybe ( ) → tuple [ algopy.Bytes , bool ] ¶ Retrieve the contents of the box if it exists, and return a boolean indicating if the box exists. put ( value : algopy.Bytes | bytes ) → None ¶ Replaces the contents of box with value. Fails if box exists and len(box) != len(value). Creates box if it does not exist Parameters : value – The value to write to the box replace ( start_index : algopy.UInt64 | int , value : algopy.Bytes | bytes ) → None ¶ Write value to the box starting at start_index . Fails if the box does not exist, or if start_index + len(value) > len(box) Parameters : start_index – The offset to start writing bytes from value – The bytes to be written resize ( new_size : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → None ¶ Resizes the box the specified new_size . Truncating existing data if the new value is shorter or padding with zero bytes if it is longer. Parameters : new_size – The new size of the box splice ( start_index : algopy.UInt64 | int , length : algopy.UInt64 | int , value : algopy.Bytes | bytes , ) → None ¶ set box to contain its previous bytes up to index start_index , followed by bytes , followed by the original bytes of the box that began at index start_index + length Important: This op does not resize the box If the new value is longer than the box size, it will be truncated. If the new value is shorter than the box size, it will be padded with zero bytes Parameters : start_index – The index to start inserting value length – The number of bytes after start_index to omit from the new value value – The value to be inserted. class algopy. Bytes ( value : bytes = b'' , / ) ¶ A byte sequence, with a maximum length of 4096 bytes, one of the primary data types on the AVM Initialization Bytes can be initialized with a Python bytes literal, or bytes variable declared at the module level __add__ ( other : algopy.Bytes | bytes ) → algopy.Bytes ¶ Concatenate Bytes with another Bytes or bytes literal e.g. Bytes(b"Hello ") + b"World" . __and__ ( other : algopy.Bytes | bytes ) → algopy.Bytes ¶ Bytes can bitwise and with another Bytes or bytes e.g. Bytes(b"FF") & b"0F") __bool__ ( ) → bool ¶ Returns True if length of bytes is >0 __contains__ ( other : algopy.Bytes | bytes ) → bool ¶ Test whether another Bytes is a substring of this one. Note this is expensive due to a lack of AVM support. __eq__ ( other : algopy.Bytes | bytes ) → bool ¶ Bytes can be compared using the == operator with another Bytes or bytes __getitem__ ( index : algopy.UInt64 | int | slice ) → algopy.Bytes ¶ Returns a Bytes containing a single byte if indexed with UInt64 or int otherwise the substring o bytes described by the slice __iadd__ ( other : algopy.Bytes | bytes ) → algopy.Bytes ¶ Concatenate Bytes with another Bytes or bytes literal e.g. a += Bytes(b"World") . __iand__ ( other : algopy.Bytes | bytes ) → algopy.Bytes ¶ Bytes can bitwise and with another Bytes or bytes e.g. a &= Bytes(b"0F") __invert__ ( ) → algopy.Bytes ¶ Bytes can be bitwise inverted e.g. ~Bytes(b"FF) __ior__ ( other : algopy.Bytes | bytes ) → algopy.Bytes ¶ Bytes can bitwise or with another Bytes or bytes e.g. a |= Bytes(b"0F") __iter__ ( ) → [ algopy.Bytes ] ¶ Bytes can be iterated, yielding each consecutive byte __ixor__ ( other : algopy.Bytes | bytes ) → algopy.Bytes ¶ Bytes can bitwise xor with another Bytes or bytes e.g. a ^= Bytes(b"0F") __ne__ ( other : algopy.Bytes | bytes ) → bool ¶ Bytes can be compared using the != operator with another Bytes or bytes __or__ ( other : algopy.Bytes | bytes ) → algopy.Bytes ¶ Bytes can bitwise or with another Bytes or bytes e.g. Bytes(b"FF") | b"0F") __radd__ ( other : algopy.Bytes | bytes ) → algopy.Bytes ¶ Concatenate Bytes with another Bytes or bytes literal e.g. b"Hello " + Bytes(b"World") . __reversed__ ( ) → [ algopy.Bytes ] ¶ Bytes can be iterated in reverse, yield each preceding byte starting at the end __xor__ ( other : algopy.Bytes | bytes ) → algopy.Bytes ¶ Bytes can bitwise xor with another Bytes or bytes e.g. Bytes(b"FF") ^ b"0F") static from_base32 ( value : str , / ) → algopy.Bytes ¶ Creates Bytes from a base32 encoded string e.g. Bytes.from_base32("74======") static from_base64 ( value : str , / ) → algopy.Bytes ¶ Creates Bytes from a base64 encoded string e.g. Bytes.from_base64("RkY=") static from_hex ( value : str , / ) → algopy.Bytes ¶ Creates Bytes from a hex/octal encoded string e.g. Bytes.from_hex("FF") property length : algopy.UInt64 ¶ Returns the length of the Bytes class algopy. BytesBacked ¶ Represents a type that is a single bytes value property bytes : algopy.Bytes ¶ Get the underlying Bytes classmethod from_bytes ( value : algopy.Bytes | bytes , / ) → Self ¶ Construct an instance from the underlying bytes (no validation) class algopy. CompiledContract ¶ Provides compiled programs and state allocation values for a Contract. Create by calling compile_contract . approval_program : tuple [ algopy.Bytes , algopy.Bytes ] ¶ None Approval program pages for a contract, after template variables have been replaced and compiled to AVM bytecode clear_state_program : tuple [ algopy.Bytes , algopy.Bytes ] ¶ None Clear state program pages for a contract, after template variables have been replaced and compiled to AVM bytecode extra_program_pages : algopy.UInt64 ¶ None By default, provides extra program pages required based on approval and clear state program size, can be overridden when calling compile_contract global_bytes : algopy.UInt64 ¶ None By default, provides global num bytes based on contract state totals, can be overridden when calling compile_contract global_uints : algopy.UInt64 ¶ None By default, provides global num uints based on contract state totals, can be overridden when calling compile_contract local_bytes : algopy.UInt64 ¶ None By default, provides local num bytes based on contract state totals, can be overridden when calling compile_contract local_uints : algopy.UInt64 ¶ None By default, provides local num uints based on contract state totals, can be overridden when calling compile_contract class algopy. CompiledLogicSig ¶ Provides account for a Logic Signature. Create by calling compile_logicsig . account : algopy.Account ¶ None Address of a logic sig program, after template variables have been replaced and compiled to AVM bytecode class algopy. Contract ¶ Base class for an Algorand Smart Contract classmethod __init_subclass__ ( * , name : str = ... , scratch_slots : algopy.urange | tuple [ int | algopy.urange , ... ] | list [ int | algopy.urange ] = ... , state_totals : algopy.StateTotals = ... , avm_version : int = ... , ) ¶ When declaring a Contract subclass, options and configuration are passed in the base class list: class MyContract ( algopy . Contract , name = "CustomName" ): ... Parameters : name – Will affect the output TEAL file name if there are multiple non-abstract contracts in the same file. If the contract is a subclass of algopy.ARC4Contract, name will also be used as the contract name in the ARC-32 application.json, instead of the class name. scratch_slots – Allows you to mark a slot ID or range of slot IDs as “off limits” to Puya. These slot ID(s) will never be written to or otherwise manipulating by the compiler itself. This is particularly useful in combination with algopy.op.gload_bytes / algopy.op.gload_uint64 which lets a contract in a group transaction read from the scratch slots of another contract that occurs earlier in the transaction group. In the case of inheritance, scratch slots reserved become cumulative. It is not an error to have overlapping ranges or values either, so if a base class contract reserves slots 0-5 inclusive and the derived contract reserves 5-10 inclusive, then within the derived contract all slots 0-10 will be marked as reserved. state_totals – Allows defining what values should be used for global and local uint and bytes storage values when creating a contract. Used when outputting ARC-32 application.json schemas. If let unspecified, the totals will be determined by the compiler based on state variables assigned to self . This setting is not inherited, and only applies to the exact Contract it is specified on. If a base class does specify this setting, and a derived class does not, a warning will be emitted for the derived class. To resolve this warning, state_totals must be specified. Note that it is valid to not provide any arguments to the StateTotals constructor, like so state_totals=StateTotals() , in which case all values will be automatically calculated. avm_version – Determines which AVM version to use, this affects what operations are supported. Defaults to value provided supplied on command line (which defaults to current mainnet version) abstract approval_program ( ) → algopy.UInt64 | bool ¶ Represents the program called for all transactions where OnCompletion != ClearState abstract clear_state_program ( ) → algopy.UInt64 | bool ¶ Represents the program called when OnCompletion == ClearState class algopy. Global ¶ Get Global values Native TEAL op: global asset_create_min_balance : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis The additional minimum balance required to create (and opt-in to) an asset. asset_opt_in_min_balance : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis The additional minimum balance required to opt-in to an asset. caller_application_address : Final [ algopy.Account ] ¶ Ellipsis The application address of the application that called this application. ZeroAddress if this application is at the top-level. Application mode only. caller_application_id : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis The application ID of the application that called this application. 0 if this application is at the top-level. Application mode only. creator_address : Final [ algopy.Account ] ¶ Ellipsis Address of the creator of the current application. Application mode only. current_application_address : Final [ algopy.Account ] ¶ Ellipsis Address that the current application controls. Application mode only. current_application_id : Final [ algopy.Application ] ¶ Ellipsis ID of current application executing. Application mode only. genesis_hash : Final [ algopy.Bytes ] ¶ Ellipsis The Genesis Hash for the network. group_id : Final [ algopy.Bytes ] ¶ Ellipsis ID of the transaction group. 32 zero bytes if the transaction is not part of a group. group_size : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis Number of transactions in this atomic transaction group. At least 1 latest_timestamp : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis Last confirmed block UNIX timestamp. Fails if negative. Application mode only. logic_sig_version : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis Maximum supported version max_txn_life : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis rounds min_balance : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis microalgos min_txn_fee : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis microalgos static opcode_budget ( ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ The remaining cost that can be spent by opcodes in this program. Native TEAL opcode: global payouts_enabled : Final [ bool ] ¶ Ellipsis Whether block proposal payouts are enabled. Min AVM version: 11 payouts_go_online_fee : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis The fee required in a keyreg transaction to make an account incentive eligible. Min AVM version: 11 payouts_max_balance : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis The maximum balance an account can have in the agreement round to receive block payouts in the proposal round. Min AVM version: 11 payouts_min_balance : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis The minimum balance an account must have in the agreement round to receive block payouts in the proposal round. Min AVM version: 11 payouts_percent : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis The percentage of transaction fees in a block that can be paid to the block proposer. Min AVM version: 11 round : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis Current round number. Application mode only. zero_address : Final [ algopy.Account ] ¶ Ellipsis 32 byte address of all zero bytes class algopy. GlobalState ¶ Global state associated with the application, the key will be the name of the member, this is assigned to Note The GlobalState class provides a richer API that in addition to storing and retrieving values, can test if a value is set or unset it. However if this extra functionality is not needed then it is simpler to just store the data without the GlobalState proxy e.g. self.some_variable = UInt64(0) __bool__ ( ) → bool ¶ Returns True if the key has a value set, regardless of the truthiness of that value get ( default : algopy._TState ) → algopy._TState ¶ Returns the value or default if no value is set name = self . name . get ( Bytes ( b "no name" ) property key : algopy.Bytes ¶ Provides access to the raw storage key maybe ( ) → tuple [ algopy._TState , bool ] ¶ Returns the value, and a bool name , name_exists = self . name . maybe () if not name_exists : name = Bytes ( b "no name" ) property value : algopy._TState ¶ Returns the value or and error if the value is not set name = self . name . value class algopy. LocalState ( type_ : type [ algopy._TState ] , / , * , key : algopy.String | algopy.Bytes | bytes | str = ... , description : str = '' , ) ¶ Local state associated with the application and an account Initialization Declare the local state key and it’s associated type self . names = LocalState ( algopy . Bytes ) __contains__ ( account : algopy.Account | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ Can test if data exists by using an Account reference or foreign account index assert account in self . names __delitem__ ( account : algopy.Account | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → None ¶ Data can be removed by using an Account reference or foreign account index del self . names [ account ] __getitem__ ( account : algopy.Account | algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy._TState ¶ Data can be accessed by an Account reference or foreign account index account_name = self . names [ account ] __setitem__ ( account : algopy.Account | algopy.UInt64 | int , value : algopy._TState , ) → None ¶ Data can be stored by using an Account reference or foreign account index self . names [ account ] = account_name get ( account : algopy.Account | algopy.UInt64 | int , default : algopy._TState , ) → algopy._TState ¶ Can retrieve value using an Account reference or foreign account index, and a fallback default value. name = self . names . get ( account , Bytes ( b "no name" ) property key : algopy.Bytes ¶ Provides access to the raw storage key maybe ( account : algopy.Account | algopy.UInt64 | int , ) → tuple [ algopy._TState , bool ] ¶ Can retrieve value, and a bool indicating if the value was present using an Account reference or foreign account index. name , name_exists = self . names . maybe ( account ) if not name_exists : name = Bytes ( b "no name" ) class algopy. LogicSig ¶ A logic signature class algopy. OnCompleteAction ( value : int = 0 , / ) ¶ On Completion actions available in an application call transaction Initialization A UInt64 can be initialized with a Python int literal, or an int variable declared at the module level ClearState : algopy.OnCompleteAction ¶ Ellipsis ClearState is similar to CloseOut, but may never fail. This allows users to reclaim their minimum balance from an application they no longer wish to opt in to. CloseOut : algopy.OnCompleteAction ¶ Ellipsis CloseOut indicates that an application transaction will deallocate some LocalState for the application from the user’s account DeleteApplication : algopy.OnCompleteAction ¶ Ellipsis DeleteApplication indicates that an application transaction will delete the AppParams for the application from the creator’s balance record NoOp : algopy.OnCompleteAction ¶ Ellipsis NoOP indicates that no additional action is performed when the transaction completes OptIn : algopy.OnCompleteAction ¶ Ellipsis OptIn indicates that an application transaction will allocate some LocalState for the application in the sender’s account UpdateApplication : algopy.OnCompleteAction ¶ Ellipsis UpdateApplication indicates that an application transaction will update the ApprovalProgram and ClearStateProgram for the application __add__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be added with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt(4) + 2 . This will error on overflow __and__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise and with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) & 2 __bool__ ( ) → bool ¶ A UInt64 will evaluate to False if zero, and True otherwise __eq__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ A UInt64 can use the == operator with another UInt64 or int __floordiv__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be floor divided with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) // 2 . This will error on divide by zero __ge__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ A UInt64 can use the >= operator with another UInt64 or int __gt__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ A UInt64 can use the > operator with another UInt64 or int __iadd__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be incremented with another UInt64 or int e.g. a += UInt(2) . This will error on overflow __iand__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise and with another UInt64 or int e.g. a &= UInt64(2) __ifloordiv__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be floor divided with another UInt64 or int e.g. a //= UInt64(2) . This will error on divide by zero __ilshift__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be left shifted by another UInt64 or int e.g. a <<= UInt64(2) __imod__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be modded with another UInt64 or int e.g. a %= UInt64(2) . This will error on mod by zero __imul__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be multiplied with another UInt64 or int e.g. a*= UInt64(2) . This will error on overflow __index__ ( ) → int ¶ A UInt64 can be used in indexing/slice expressions __invert__ ( ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be bitwise inverted e.g. ~UInt64(4) __ior__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise or with another UInt64 or int e.g. a |= UInt64(2) __ipow__ ( power : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be raised to the power of another UInt64 or int e.g. a **= UInt64(2) . This will error on overflow __irshift__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be right shifted by another UInt64 or int e.g. a >>= UInt64(2) __isub__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be subtracted with another UInt64 or int e.g. a -= UInt64(2) . This will error on underflow __ixor__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise xor with another UInt64 or int e.g. a ^= UInt64(2) __le__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ A UInt64 can use the <= operator with another UInt64 or int __lshift__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be left shifted by another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) << 2 __lt__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ A UInt64 can use the < operator with another UInt64 or int __mod__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be modded with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) % 2 . This will error on mod by zero __mul__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be multiplied with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 + UInt64(2) . This will error on overflow __ne__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ A UInt64 can use the != operator with another UInt64 or int __or__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise or with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) | 2 __pos__ ( ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ Supports unary + operator. Redundant given the type is unsigned __pow__ ( power : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be raised to the power of another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) ** 2 . This will error on overflow __radd__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be added with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 + UInt64(2) . This will error on overflow __rand__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise and with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 & UInt64(2) __rfloordiv__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be floor divided with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 // UInt64(2) . This will error on divide by zero __rlshift__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be left shifted by another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 << UInt64(2) __rmod__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be modded with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 % UInt64(2) . This will error on mod by zero __rmul__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be multiplied with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) + 2 . This will error on overflow __ror__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise or with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 | UInt64(2) __rpow__ ( power : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be raised to the power of another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 ** UInt64(2) . This will error on overflow __rrshift__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be right shifted by another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 >> UInt64(2) __rshift__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be right shifted by another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) >> 2 __rsub__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be subtracted with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 - UInt64(2) . This will error on underflow __rxor__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise xor with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 ^ UInt64(2) __sub__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be subtracted with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt(4) - 2 . This will error on underflow __xor__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise xor with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) ^ 2 class algopy. OpUpFeeSource ( value : int = 0 , / ) ¶ Defines the source of fees for the OpUp utility. Initialization A UInt64 can be initialized with a Python int literal, or an int variable declared at the module level Any : algopy.OpUpFeeSource ¶ Ellipsis First the excess will be used, remaining fees will be taken from the app account AppAccount : algopy.OpUpFeeSource ¶ Ellipsis The app’s account will cover all fees (set inner_tx.fee=Global.min_tx_fee()) GroupCredit : algopy.OpUpFeeSource ¶ Ellipsis Only the excess fee (credit) on the outer group should be used (set inner_tx.fee=0) __add__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be added with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt(4) + 2 . This will error on overflow __and__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise and with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) & 2 __bool__ ( ) → bool ¶ A UInt64 will evaluate to False if zero, and True otherwise __eq__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ A UInt64 can use the == operator with another UInt64 or int __floordiv__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be floor divided with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) // 2 . This will error on divide by zero __ge__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ A UInt64 can use the >= operator with another UInt64 or int __gt__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ A UInt64 can use the > operator with another UInt64 or int __iadd__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be incremented with another UInt64 or int e.g. a += UInt(2) . This will error on overflow __iand__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise and with another UInt64 or int e.g. a &= UInt64(2) __ifloordiv__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be floor divided with another UInt64 or int e.g. a //= UInt64(2) . This will error on divide by zero __ilshift__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be left shifted by another UInt64 or int e.g. a <<= UInt64(2) __imod__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be modded with another UInt64 or int e.g. a %= UInt64(2) . This will error on mod by zero __imul__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be multiplied with another UInt64 or int e.g. a*= UInt64(2) . This will error on overflow __index__ ( ) → int ¶ A UInt64 can be used in indexing/slice expressions __invert__ ( ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be bitwise inverted e.g. ~UInt64(4) __ior__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise or with another UInt64 or int e.g. a |= UInt64(2) __ipow__ ( power : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be raised to the power of another UInt64 or int e.g. a **= UInt64(2) . This will error on overflow __irshift__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be right shifted by another UInt64 or int e.g. a >>= UInt64(2) __isub__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be subtracted with another UInt64 or int e.g. a -= UInt64(2) . This will error on underflow __ixor__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise xor with another UInt64 or int e.g. a ^= UInt64(2) __le__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ A UInt64 can use the <= operator with another UInt64 or int __lshift__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be left shifted by another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) << 2 __lt__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ A UInt64 can use the < operator with another UInt64 or int __mod__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be modded with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) % 2 . This will error on mod by zero __mul__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be multiplied with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 + UInt64(2) . This will error on overflow __ne__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ A UInt64 can use the != operator with another UInt64 or int __or__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise or with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) | 2 __pos__ ( ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ Supports unary + operator. Redundant given the type is unsigned __pow__ ( power : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be raised to the power of another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) ** 2 . This will error on overflow __radd__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be added with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 + UInt64(2) . This will error on overflow __rand__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise and with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 & UInt64(2) __rfloordiv__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be floor divided with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 // UInt64(2) . This will error on divide by zero __rlshift__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be left shifted by another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 << UInt64(2) __rmod__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be modded with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 % UInt64(2) . This will error on mod by zero __rmul__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be multiplied with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) + 2 . This will error on overflow __ror__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise or with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 | UInt64(2) __rpow__ ( power : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be raised to the power of another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 ** UInt64(2) . This will error on overflow __rrshift__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be right shifted by another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 >> UInt64(2) __rshift__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be right shifted by another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) >> 2 __rsub__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be subtracted with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 - UInt64(2) . This will error on underflow __rxor__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise xor with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 ^ UInt64(2) __sub__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be subtracted with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt(4) - 2 . This will error on underflow __xor__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise xor with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) ^ 2 class algopy. StateTotals ( * , global_uints : int = ... , global_bytes : int = ... , local_uints : int = ... , local_bytes : int = ... , ) ¶ Options class to manually define the total amount of global and local state contract will use, used by Contract.__init_subclass__ . This is not required when all state is assigned to self. , but is required if a contract dynamically interacts with state via AppGlobal.get_bytes etc, or if you want to reserve additional state storage for future contract updates, since the Algorand protocol doesn’t allow increasing them after creation. Initialization Specify the totals for both global and local, and for each type. Any arguments not specified default to their automatically calculated values. Values are validated against the known totals assigned through self. , a warning is produced if the total specified is insufficient to accommodate all self. state values at once. class algopy. String ( value : str = '' , / ) ¶ A UTF-8 encoded string. In comparison to arc4.String , this type does not store the array length prefix, since that information is always available through the len AVM op. This makes it more efficient to operate on when doing operations such as concatenation. Note that due to the lack of UTF-8 support in the AVM, indexing and length operations are not currently supported. Initialization A String can be initialized with a Python str literal, or a str variable declared at the module level __add__ ( other : algopy.String | str ) → algopy.String ¶ Concatenate String with another String or str literal e.g. String("Hello ") + "World" . __bool__ ( ) → bool ¶ Returns True if the string is not empty __contains__ ( other : algopy.String | str ) → bool ¶ Test whether another string is a substring of this one. Note this is expensive due to a lack of AVM support. __eq__ ( other : algopy.String | str ) → bool ¶ Supports using the == operator with another String or literal str __iadd__ ( other : algopy.String | str ) → algopy.String ¶ Concatenate String with another String or str literal e.g. a = String("Hello"); a += "World" . __ne__ ( other : algopy.String | str ) → bool ¶ Supports using the != operator with another String or literal str __radd__ ( other : algopy.String | str ) → algopy.String ¶ Concatenate String with another String or str literal e.g. "Hello " + String("World") . property bytes : algopy.Bytes ¶ Get the underlying Bytes endswith ( suffix : algopy.String | str ) → bool ¶ Check if this string ends with another string. The behaviour should mirror str.endswith , for example, if suffix is the empty string, the result will always be True . Only a single argument is currently supported. classmethod from_bytes ( value : algopy.Bytes | bytes , / ) → Self ¶ Construct an instance from the underlying bytes (no validation) join ( others : tuple [ algopy.String | str , ... ] , / ) → algopy.String ¶ Join a sequence of Strings with a common separator. The behaviour should mirror str.join . startswith ( prefix : algopy.String | str ) → bool ¶ Check if this string starts with another string. The behaviour should mirror str.startswith , for example, if prefix is the empty string, the result will always be True . Only a single argument is currently supported. algopy. TemplateVar : algopy._TemplateVarGeneric ¶ Ellipsis Template variables can be used to represent a placeholder for a deploy-time provided value. class algopy. TransactionType ( value : int = 0 , / ) ¶ The different transaction types available in a transaction Initialization A UInt64 can be initialized with a Python int literal, or an int variable declared at the module level ApplicationCall : algopy.TransactionType ¶ Ellipsis An Application Call transaction AssetConfig : algopy.TransactionType ¶ Ellipsis An Asset Config transaction AssetFreeze : algopy.TransactionType ¶ Ellipsis An Asset Freeze transaction AssetTransfer : algopy.TransactionType ¶ Ellipsis An Asset Transfer transaction KeyRegistration : algopy.TransactionType ¶ Ellipsis A Key Registration transaction Payment : algopy.TransactionType ¶ Ellipsis A Payment transaction __add__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be added with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt(4) + 2 . This will error on overflow __and__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise and with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) & 2 __bool__ ( ) → bool ¶ A UInt64 will evaluate to False if zero, and True otherwise __eq__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ A UInt64 can use the == operator with another UInt64 or int __floordiv__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be floor divided with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) // 2 . This will error on divide by zero __ge__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ A UInt64 can use the >= operator with another UInt64 or int __gt__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ A UInt64 can use the > operator with another UInt64 or int __iadd__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be incremented with another UInt64 or int e.g. a += UInt(2) . This will error on overflow __iand__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise and with another UInt64 or int e.g. a &= UInt64(2) __ifloordiv__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be floor divided with another UInt64 or int e.g. a //= UInt64(2) . This will error on divide by zero __ilshift__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be left shifted by another UInt64 or int e.g. a <<= UInt64(2) __imod__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be modded with another UInt64 or int e.g. a %= UInt64(2) . This will error on mod by zero __imul__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be multiplied with another UInt64 or int e.g. a*= UInt64(2) . This will error on overflow __index__ ( ) → int ¶ A UInt64 can be used in indexing/slice expressions __invert__ ( ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be bitwise inverted e.g. ~UInt64(4) __ior__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise or with another UInt64 or int e.g. a |= UInt64(2) __ipow__ ( power : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be raised to the power of another UInt64 or int e.g. a **= UInt64(2) . This will error on overflow __irshift__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be right shifted by another UInt64 or int e.g. a >>= UInt64(2) __isub__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be subtracted with another UInt64 or int e.g. a -= UInt64(2) . This will error on underflow __ixor__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise xor with another UInt64 or int e.g. a ^= UInt64(2) __le__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ A UInt64 can use the <= operator with another UInt64 or int __lshift__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be left shifted by another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) << 2 __lt__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ A UInt64 can use the < operator with another UInt64 or int __mod__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be modded with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) % 2 . This will error on mod by zero __mul__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be multiplied with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 + UInt64(2) . This will error on overflow __ne__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ A UInt64 can use the != operator with another UInt64 or int __or__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise or with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) | 2 __pos__ ( ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ Supports unary + operator. Redundant given the type is unsigned __pow__ ( power : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be raised to the power of another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) ** 2 . This will error on overflow __radd__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be added with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 + UInt64(2) . This will error on overflow __rand__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise and with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 & UInt64(2) __rfloordiv__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be floor divided with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 // UInt64(2) . This will error on divide by zero __rlshift__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be left shifted by another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 << UInt64(2) __rmod__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be modded with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 % UInt64(2) . This will error on mod by zero __rmul__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be multiplied with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) + 2 . This will error on overflow __ror__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise or with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 | UInt64(2) __rpow__ ( power : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be raised to the power of another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 ** UInt64(2) . This will error on overflow __rrshift__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be right shifted by another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 >> UInt64(2) __rshift__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be right shifted by another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) >> 2 __rsub__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be subtracted with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 - UInt64(2) . This will error on underflow __rxor__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise xor with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 ^ UInt64(2) __sub__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be subtracted with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt(4) - 2 . This will error on underflow __xor__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise xor with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) ^ 2 class algopy. Txn ¶ Get values for the current executing transaction Native TEAL ops: txn , txnas static accounts ( a : algopy.UInt64 | int , / ) → algopy.Account ¶ Accounts listed in the ApplicationCall transaction Native TEAL opcode: txna , txnas amount : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis microalgos static application_args ( a : algopy.UInt64 | int , / ) → algopy.Bytes ¶ Arguments passed to the application in the ApplicationCall transaction Native TEAL opcode: txna , txnas application_id : Final [ algopy.Application ] ¶ Ellipsis ApplicationID from ApplicationCall transaction static applications ( a : algopy.UInt64 | int , / ) → algopy.Application ¶ Foreign Apps listed in the ApplicationCall transaction Native TEAL opcode: txna , txnas approval_program : Final [ algopy.Bytes ] ¶ Ellipsis Approval program static approval_program_pages ( a : algopy.UInt64 | int , / ) → algopy.Bytes ¶ Approval Program as an array of pages Native TEAL opcode: txna , txnas asset_amount : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis value in Asset’s units asset_close_to : Final [ algopy.Account ] ¶ Ellipsis 32 byte address asset_receiver : Final [ algopy.Account ] ¶ Ellipsis 32 byte address asset_sender : Final [ algopy.Account ] ¶ Ellipsis 32 byte address. Source of assets if Sender is the Asset’s Clawback address. static assets ( a : algopy.UInt64 | int , / ) → algopy.Asset ¶ Foreign Assets listed in the ApplicationCall transaction Native TEAL opcode: txna , txnas clear_state_program : Final [ algopy.Bytes ] ¶ Ellipsis Clear state program static clear_state_program_pages ( a : algopy.UInt64 | int , / ) → algopy.Bytes ¶ ClearState Program as an array of pages Native TEAL opcode: txna , txnas close_remainder_to : Final [ algopy.Account ] ¶ Ellipsis 32 byte address config_asset : Final [ algopy.Asset ] ¶ Ellipsis Asset ID in asset config transaction config_asset_clawback : Final [ algopy.Account ] ¶ Ellipsis 32 byte address config_asset_decimals : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis Number of digits to display after the decimal place when displaying the asset config_asset_default_frozen : Final [ bool ] ¶ Ellipsis Whether the asset’s slots are frozen by default or not, 0 or 1 config_asset_freeze : Final [ algopy.Account ] ¶ Ellipsis 32 byte address config_asset_manager : Final [ algopy.Account ] ¶ Ellipsis 32 byte address config_asset_metadata_hash : Final [ algopy.Bytes ] ¶ Ellipsis 32 byte commitment to unspecified asset metadata config_asset_name : Final [ algopy.Bytes ] ¶ Ellipsis The asset name config_asset_reserve : Final [ algopy.Account ] ¶ Ellipsis 32 byte address config_asset_total : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis Total number of units of this asset created config_asset_unit_name : Final [ algopy.Bytes ] ¶ Ellipsis Unit name of the asset config_asset_url : Final [ algopy.Bytes ] ¶ Ellipsis URL created_application_id : Final [ algopy.Application ] ¶ Ellipsis ApplicationID allocated by the creation of an application (only with itxn in v5). Application mode only created_asset_id : Final [ algopy.Asset ] ¶ Ellipsis Asset ID allocated by the creation of an ASA (only with itxn in v5). Application mode only extra_program_pages : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis Number of additional pages for each of the application’s approval and clear state programs. An ExtraProgramPages of 1 means 2048 more total bytes, or 1024 for each program. fee : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis microalgos first_valid : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis round number first_valid_time : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis UNIX timestamp of block before txn.FirstValid. Fails if negative freeze_asset : Final [ algopy.Asset ] ¶ Ellipsis Asset ID being frozen or un-frozen freeze_asset_account : Final [ algopy.Account ] ¶ Ellipsis 32 byte address of the account whose asset slot is being frozen or un-frozen freeze_asset_frozen : Final [ bool ] ¶ Ellipsis The new frozen value, 0 or 1 global_num_byte_slice : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis Number of global state byteslices in ApplicationCall global_num_uint : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis Number of global state integers in ApplicationCall group_index : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis Position of this transaction within an atomic transaction group. A stand-alone transaction is implicitly element 0 in a group of 1 last_log : Final [ algopy.Bytes ] ¶ Ellipsis The last message emitted. Empty bytes if none were emitted. Application mode only last_valid : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis round number lease : Final [ algopy.Bytes ] ¶ Ellipsis 32 byte lease value local_num_byte_slice : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis Number of local state byteslices in ApplicationCall local_num_uint : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis Number of local state integers in ApplicationCall static logs ( a : algopy.UInt64 | int , / ) → algopy.Bytes ¶ Log messages emitted by an application call (only with itxn in v5). Application mode only Native TEAL opcode: txna , txnas nonparticipation : Final [ bool ] ¶ Ellipsis Marks an account nonparticipating for rewards note : Final [ algopy.Bytes ] ¶ Ellipsis Any data up to 1024 bytes num_accounts : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis Number of Accounts num_app_args : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis Number of ApplicationArgs num_applications : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis Number of Applications num_approval_program_pages : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis Number of Approval Program pages num_assets : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis Number of Assets num_clear_state_program_pages : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis Number of ClearState Program pages num_logs : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis Number of Logs (only with itxn in v5). Application mode only on_completion : Final [ algopy.OnCompleteAction ] ¶ Ellipsis ApplicationCall transaction on completion action receiver : Final [ algopy.Account ] ¶ Ellipsis 32 byte address rekey_to : Final [ algopy.Account ] ¶ Ellipsis 32 byte Sender’s new AuthAddr selection_pk : Final [ algopy.Bytes ] ¶ Ellipsis 32 byte address sender : Final [ algopy.Account ] ¶ Ellipsis 32 byte address state_proof_pk : Final [ algopy.Bytes ] ¶ Ellipsis 64 byte state proof public key tx_id : Final [ algopy.Bytes ] ¶ Ellipsis The computed ID for this transaction. 32 bytes. type : Final [ algopy.Bytes ] ¶ Ellipsis Transaction type as bytes type_enum : Final [ algopy.TransactionType ] ¶ Ellipsis Transaction type as integer vote_first : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis The first round that the participation key is valid. vote_key_dilution : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis Dilution for the 2-level participation key vote_last : Final [ algopy.UInt64 ] ¶ Ellipsis The last round that the participation key is valid. vote_pk : Final [ algopy.Bytes ] ¶ Ellipsis 32 byte address xfer_asset : Final [ algopy.Asset ] ¶ Ellipsis Asset ID class algopy. UInt64 ( value : int = 0 , / ) ¶ A 64-bit unsigned integer, one of the primary data types on the AVM Initialization A UInt64 can be initialized with a Python int literal, or an int variable declared at the module level __add__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be added with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt(4) + 2 . This will error on overflow __and__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise and with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) & 2 __bool__ ( ) → bool ¶ A UInt64 will evaluate to False if zero, and True otherwise __eq__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ A UInt64 can use the == operator with another UInt64 or int __floordiv__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be floor divided with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) // 2 . This will error on divide by zero __ge__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ A UInt64 can use the >= operator with another UInt64 or int __gt__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ A UInt64 can use the > operator with another UInt64 or int __iadd__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be incremented with another UInt64 or int e.g. a += UInt(2) . This will error on overflow __iand__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise and with another UInt64 or int e.g. a &= UInt64(2) __ifloordiv__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be floor divided with another UInt64 or int e.g. a //= UInt64(2) . This will error on divide by zero __ilshift__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be left shifted by another UInt64 or int e.g. a <<= UInt64(2) __imod__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be modded with another UInt64 or int e.g. a %= UInt64(2) . This will error on mod by zero __imul__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be multiplied with another UInt64 or int e.g. a*= UInt64(2) . This will error on overflow __index__ ( ) → int ¶ A UInt64 can be used in indexing/slice expressions __invert__ ( ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be bitwise inverted e.g. ~UInt64(4) __ior__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise or with another UInt64 or int e.g. a |= UInt64(2) __ipow__ ( power : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be raised to the power of another UInt64 or int e.g. a **= UInt64(2) . This will error on overflow __irshift__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be right shifted by another UInt64 or int e.g. a >>= UInt64(2) __isub__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be subtracted with another UInt64 or int e.g. a -= UInt64(2) . This will error on underflow __ixor__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise xor with another UInt64 or int e.g. a ^= UInt64(2) __le__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ A UInt64 can use the <= operator with another UInt64 or int __lshift__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be left shifted by another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) << 2 __lt__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ A UInt64 can use the < operator with another UInt64 or int __mod__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be modded with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) % 2 . This will error on mod by zero __mul__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be multiplied with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 + UInt64(2) . This will error on overflow __ne__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → bool ¶ A UInt64 can use the != operator with another UInt64 or int __or__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise or with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) | 2 __pos__ ( ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ Supports unary + operator. Redundant given the type is unsigned __pow__ ( power : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be raised to the power of another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) ** 2 . This will error on overflow __radd__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be added with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 + UInt64(2) . This will error on overflow __rand__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise and with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 & UInt64(2) __rfloordiv__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be floor divided with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 // UInt64(2) . This will error on divide by zero __rlshift__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be left shifted by another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 << UInt64(2) __rmod__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be modded with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 % UInt64(2) . This will error on mod by zero __rmul__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be multiplied with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) + 2 . This will error on overflow __ror__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise or with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 | UInt64(2) __rpow__ ( power : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be raised to the power of another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 ** UInt64(2) . This will error on overflow __rrshift__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be right shifted by another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 >> UInt64(2) __rshift__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be right shifted by another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) >> 2 __rsub__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be subtracted with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 - UInt64(2) . This will error on underflow __rxor__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise xor with another UInt64 or int e.g. 4 ^ UInt64(2) __sub__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can be subtracted with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt(4) - 2 . This will error on underflow __xor__ ( other : algopy.UInt64 | int ) → algopy.UInt64 ¶ A UInt64 can bitwise xor with another UInt64 or int e.g. UInt64(4) ^ 2 algopy. compile_contract ( contract : type [ Contract ] , / , * , extra_program_pages : algopy.UInt64 | int = ... , global_uints : algopy.UInt64 | int = ... , global_bytes : algopy.UInt64 | int = ... , local_uints : algopy.UInt64 | int = ... , local_bytes : algopy.UInt64 | int = ... , template_vars : [ str , object ] = ... , template_vars_prefix : str = ... , ) → algopy.CompiledContract ¶ Returns the compiled data for the specified contract Parameters : contract – Algorand Python Contract to compile extra_program_pages – Number of extra program pages, defaults to minimum required for contract global_uints – Number of global uint64s, defaults to value defined for contract global_bytes – Number of global bytes, defaults to value defined for contract local_uints – Number of local uint64s, defaults to value defined for contract local_bytes – Number of local bytes, defaults to value defined for contract template_vars – Template variables to substitute into the contract, key should be without the prefix, must evaluate to a compile time constant and match the type of the template var declaration template_vars_prefix – Prefix to add to provided template vars, defaults to the prefix supplied on command line (which defaults to TMPL_) algopy. compile_logicsig ( logicsig : LogicSig , / , * , template_vars : [ str , object ] = ... , template_vars_prefix : str = ... , ) → algopy.CompiledLogicSig ¶ Returns the Account for the specified logic signature Parameters : logicsig – Algorand Python Logic Signature to compile template_vars – Template variables to substitute into the logic signature, key should be without the prefix, must evaluate to a compile time constant and match the type of the template var declaration template_vars_prefix – Prefix to add to provided template vars, defaults to the prefix supplied on command line (which defaults to TMPL_) algopy. ensure_budget ( required_budget : algopy.UInt64 | int , fee_source : algopy.OpUpFeeSource = ... , ) → None ¶ Ensure the available op code budget is greater than or equal to required_budget algopy. log ( * args : algopy.UInt64 | algopy.Bytes | algopy.BytesBacked | str | bytes | int , sep : algopy.String | str | algopy.Bytes | bytes = '' , ) → None ¶ Concatenates and logs supplied args as a single bytes value. UInt64 args are converted to bytes and each argument is separated by sep . Literal str values will be encoded as UTF8. algopy. logicsig ( * , name : str = ... , avm_version : int = ... , ) → [ [ [ [ ] , bool | algopy.UInt64 ] ] , algopy.LogicSig ] ¶ Decorator to indicate a function is a logic signature algopy. subroutine ( * , inline : bool | Literal [ auto ] = 'auto' , ) → [ [ [ algopy._P , algopy._R ] ] , [ algopy._P , algopy._R ] ] ¶ Decorator to indicate functions or methods that can be called by a Smart Contract Inlining can be controlled with the decorator argument inline . When unspecified it defaults to auto, which allows the optimizer to decide whether to inline or not. Setting inline=True forces inlining, and inline=False ensures the function will never be inlined. class algopy. uenumerate ( iterable : [ algopy._T ] ) ¶ Yields pairs containing a count (from zero) and a value yielded by the iterable argument. enumerate is useful for obtaining an indexed list: (0, seq[0]), (1, seq[1]), (2, seq[2]), … enumerate((a, b, c)) produces (0, a), (1, b), (2, c) Initialization class algopy. urange ¶ Produces a sequence of UInt64 from start (inclusive) to stop (exclusive) by step. urange(4) produces 0, 1, 2, 3 urange(i, j) produces i, i+1, i+2, …, j-1. urange(i, j, 2) produces i, i+2, i+4, …, i+2n where n is the largest value where i+2n < j Next algopy.arc4 Previous API Reference Copyright © 2024, Algorand Foundation Made with Sphinx and @pradyunsg 's Furo
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