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# ruff: noqa # Configuration file for the Sphinx documentation builder. # # For the full list of built-in configuration values, see the documentation: # # -- Project information ----------------------------------------------------- # project = "Algorand Python" copyright = "2024, Algorand Foundation" # noqa: A001 author = "Algorand Foundation" # -- General configuration --------------------------------------------------- # extensions = [ "sphinx.ext.githubpages", "sphinx.ext.intersphinx", "sphinx_copybutton", "myst_parser", "autodoc2", ] templates_path = ["_templates"] exclude_patterns = ["_build", "Thumbs.db", ".DS_Store", "architecture-decisions/*.md"] intersphinx_mapping = { "python": ("", None), } # warning exclusions suppress_warnings = [ "myst.xref_missing", "autodoc2.dup_item", ] nitpick_ignore = [ ("py:class", "algopy.arc4.AllowedOnCompletes"), ] nitpick_ignore_regex = [ ("py:class", r"algopy.*\._.*"), ] # -- Options for HTML output ------------------------------------------------- # html_theme = "furo" html_static_path = ["_static"] html_css_files = [ "custom.css", ] python_maximum_signature_line_length = 80 # -- Options for myst --- myst_enable_extensions = [ "colon_fence", "fieldlist", ] # -- Options for autodoc2 --- autodoc2_packages = [ { "path": "./algopy-stubs", "module": "algopy", "auto_mode": False, }, ] autodoc2_docstring_parser_regexes = [ # this will render all docstrings as Markdown (r".*", "myst"), ] autodoc2_hidden_objects = [ "undoc", ] autodoc2_hidden_regexes = [ r".*\.__subclasshook__", # inherited from Protocol ] autodoc2_class_inheritance = False autodoc2_module_all_regexes = [r"algopy.*"] autodoc2_render_plugin = "myst" autodoc2_sort_names = True autodoc2_index_template = None autodoc2_docstrings = "all"
# WARNING: This code is provided for example only. Do NOT deploy to mainnet. from algopy import ( Account, ARC4Contract, Asset, Global, Txn, UInt64, arc4, gtxn, itxn, op, subroutine, ) # Total supply of the pool tokens TOTAL_SUPPLY = 10_000_000_000 # scale helps with precision when doing computation for # the number of tokens to transfer SCALE = 1000 # Fee for swaps, 5 represents 0.5% ((fee / scale)*100) FEE = 5 FACTOR = SCALE - FEE class ConstantProductAMM(ARC4Contract): def __init__(self) -> None: # init runs whenever the txn's app ID is zero, and runs first # so if we have multiple create methods, this can contain common code. # The asset id of asset A self.asset_a = Asset() # The asset id of asset B self.asset_b = Asset() # The current governor of this contract, allowed to do admin type actions self.governor = Txn.sender # The asset id of the Pool Token, used to track share of pool the holder may recover self.pool_token = Asset() # The ratio between assets (A*Scale/B) self.ratio = UInt64(0) @arc4.abimethod() def set_governor(self, new_governor: Account) -> None: """sets the governor of the contract, may only be called by the current governor""" self._check_is_governor() self.governor = new_governor @arc4.abimethod() def bootstrap(self, seed: gtxn.PaymentTransaction, a_asset: Asset, b_asset: Asset) -> UInt64: """bootstraps the contract by opting into the assets and creating the pool token. Note this method will fail if it is attempted more than once on the same contract since the assets and pool token application state values are marked as static and cannot be overridden. Args: seed: Initial Payment transaction to the app account so it can opt in to assets and create pool token. a_asset: One of the two assets this pool should allow swapping between. b_asset: The other of the two assets this pool should allow swapping between. Returns: The asset id of the pool token created. """ assert not self.pool_token, "application has already been bootstrapped" self._check_is_governor() assert Global.group_size == 2, "group size not 2" assert seed.receiver == Global.current_application_address, "receiver not app address" assert seed.amount >= 300_000, "amount minimum not met" # 0.3 Algos assert <, "asset a must be less than asset b" self.asset_a = a_asset self.asset_b = b_asset self.pool_token = self._create_pool_token() self._do_opt_in(self.asset_a) self._do_opt_in(self.asset_b) return @arc4.abimethod( default_args={ "pool_asset": "pool_token", "a_asset": "asset_a", "b_asset": "asset_b", }, ) def mint( self, a_xfer: gtxn.AssetTransferTransaction, b_xfer: gtxn.AssetTransferTransaction, pool_asset: Asset, a_asset: Asset, b_asset: Asset, ) -> None: """mint pool tokens given some amount of asset A and asset B. Given some amount of Asset A and Asset B in the transfers, mint some number of pool tokens commensurate with the pools current balance and circulating supply of pool tokens. Args: a_xfer: Asset Transfer Transaction of asset A as a deposit to the pool in exchange for pool tokens. b_xfer: Asset Transfer Transaction of asset B as a deposit to the pool in exchange for pool tokens. pool_asset: The asset ID of the pool token so that we may distribute it. a_asset: The asset ID of the Asset A so that we may inspect our balance. b_asset: The asset ID of the Asset B so that we may inspect our balance. """ self._check_bootstrapped() # well-formed mint assert pool_asset == self.pool_token, "asset pool incorrect" assert a_asset == self.asset_a, "asset a incorrect" assert b_asset == self.asset_b, "asset b incorrect" assert a_xfer.sender == Txn.sender, "sender invalid" assert b_xfer.sender == Txn.sender, "sender invalid" # valid asset a xfer assert ( a_xfer.asset_receiver == Global.current_application_address ), "receiver not app address" assert a_xfer.xfer_asset == self.asset_a, "asset a incorrect" assert a_xfer.asset_amount > 0, "amount minimum not met" # valid asset b xfer assert ( b_xfer.asset_receiver == Global.current_application_address ), "receiver not app address" assert b_xfer.xfer_asset == self.asset_b, "asset b incorrect" assert b_xfer.asset_amount > 0, "amount minimum not met" to_mint = tokens_to_mint( pool_balance=self._current_pool_balance(), a_balance=self._current_a_balance(), b_balance=self._current_b_balance(), a_amount=a_xfer.asset_amount, b_amount=b_xfer.asset_amount, ) assert to_mint > 0, "send amount too low" # mint tokens do_asset_transfer(receiver=Txn.sender, asset=self.pool_token, amount=to_mint) self._update_ratio() @arc4.abimethod( default_args={ "pool_asset": "pool_token", "a_asset": "asset_a", "b_asset": "asset_b", }, ) def burn( self, pool_xfer: gtxn.AssetTransferTransaction, pool_asset: Asset, a_asset: Asset, b_asset: Asset, ) -> None: """burn pool tokens to get back some amount of asset A and asset B Args: pool_xfer: Asset Transfer Transaction of the pool token for the amount the sender wishes to redeem pool_asset: Asset ID of the pool token so we may inspect balance. a_asset: Asset ID of Asset A so we may inspect balance and distribute it b_asset: Asset ID of Asset B so we may inspect balance and distribute it """ self._check_bootstrapped() assert pool_asset == self.pool_token, "asset pool incorrect" assert a_asset == self.asset_a, "asset a incorrect" assert b_asset == self.asset_b, "asset b incorrect" assert ( pool_xfer.asset_receiver == Global.current_application_address ), "receiver not app address" assert pool_xfer.asset_amount > 0, "amount minimum not met" assert pool_xfer.xfer_asset == self.pool_token, "asset pool incorrect" assert pool_xfer.sender == Txn.sender, "sender invalid" # Get the total number of tokens issued # !important: this happens prior to receiving the current axfer of pool tokens pool_balance = self._current_pool_balance() a_amt = tokens_to_burn( pool_balance=pool_balance, supply=self._current_a_balance(), amount=pool_xfer.asset_amount, ) b_amt = tokens_to_burn( pool_balance=pool_balance, supply=self._current_b_balance(), amount=pool_xfer.asset_amount, ) # Send back commensurate amt of a do_asset_transfer(receiver=Txn.sender, asset=self.asset_a, amount=a_amt) # Send back commensurate amt of b do_asset_transfer(receiver=Txn.sender, asset=self.asset_b, amount=b_amt) self._update_ratio() @arc4.abimethod( default_args={ "a_asset": "asset_a", "b_asset": "asset_b", }, ) def swap( self, swap_xfer: gtxn.AssetTransferTransaction, a_asset: Asset, b_asset: Asset, ) -> None: """Swap some amount of either asset A or asset B for the other Args: swap_xfer: Asset Transfer Transaction of either Asset A or Asset B a_asset: Asset ID of asset A so we may inspect balance and possibly transfer it b_asset: Asset ID of asset B so we may inspect balance and possibly transfer it """ self._check_bootstrapped() assert a_asset == self.asset_a, "asset a incorrect" assert b_asset == self.asset_b, "asset b incorrect" assert swap_xfer.asset_amount > 0, "amount minimum not met" assert swap_xfer.sender == Txn.sender, "sender invalid" match swap_xfer.xfer_asset: case self.asset_a: in_supply = self._current_b_balance() out_supply = self._current_a_balance() out_asset = self.asset_a case self.asset_b: in_supply = self._current_a_balance() out_supply = self._current_b_balance() out_asset = self.asset_b case _: assert False, "asset id incorrect" to_swap = tokens_to_swap( in_amount=swap_xfer.asset_amount, in_supply=in_supply, out_supply=out_supply ) assert to_swap > 0, "send amount too low" do_asset_transfer(receiver=Txn.sender, asset=out_asset, amount=to_swap) self._update_ratio() @subroutine def _check_bootstrapped(self) -> None: assert self.pool_token, "bootstrap method needs to be called first" @subroutine def _update_ratio(self) -> None: a_balance = self._current_a_balance() b_balance = self._current_b_balance() self.ratio = a_balance * SCALE // b_balance @subroutine def _check_is_governor(self) -> None: assert ( Txn.sender == self.governor ), "Only the account set in global_state.governor may call this method" @subroutine def _create_pool_token(self) -> Asset: return ( itxn.AssetConfig( asset_name=b"DPT-" + self.asset_a.unit_name + b"-" + self.asset_b.unit_name, unit_name=b"dbt", total=TOTAL_SUPPLY, decimals=3, manager=Global.current_application_address, reserve=Global.current_application_address, ) .submit() .created_asset ) @subroutine def _do_opt_in(self, asset: Asset) -> None: do_asset_transfer( receiver=Global.current_application_address, asset=asset, amount=UInt64(0), ) @subroutine def _current_pool_balance(self) -> UInt64: return self.pool_token.balance(Global.current_application_address) @subroutine def _current_a_balance(self) -> UInt64: return self.asset_a.balance(Global.current_application_address) @subroutine def _current_b_balance(self) -> UInt64: return self.asset_b.balance(Global.current_application_address) ############## # Mathy methods ############## # Notes: # 1) During arithmetic operations, depending on the inputs, these methods may overflow # the max uint64 value. This will cause the program to immediately terminate. # # Care should be taken to fully understand the limitations of these functions and if # required should be swapped out for the appropriate byte math operations. # # 2) When doing division, any remainder is truncated from the result. # # Care should be taken to ensure that _when_ the truncation happens, # it does so in favor of the contract. This is a subtle security issue that, # if mishandled, could cause the balance of the contract to be drained. @subroutine def tokens_to_mint( *, pool_balance: UInt64, a_balance: UInt64, b_balance: UInt64, a_amount: UInt64, b_amount: UInt64, ) -> UInt64: is_initial_mint = a_balance == a_amount and b_balance == b_amount if is_initial_mint: return op.sqrt(a_amount * b_amount) - SCALE issued = TOTAL_SUPPLY - pool_balance a_ratio = SCALE * a_amount // (a_balance - a_amount) b_ratio = SCALE * b_amount // (b_balance - b_amount) if a_ratio < b_ratio: return a_ratio * issued // SCALE else: return b_ratio * issued // SCALE @subroutine def tokens_to_burn(*, pool_balance: UInt64, supply: UInt64, amount: UInt64) -> UInt64: issued = TOTAL_SUPPLY - pool_balance - amount return supply * amount // issued @subroutine def tokens_to_swap(*, in_amount: UInt64, in_supply: UInt64, out_supply: UInt64) -> UInt64: in_total = SCALE * (in_supply - in_amount) + (in_amount * FACTOR) out_total = in_amount * FACTOR * out_supply return out_total // in_total @subroutine def do_asset_transfer(*, receiver: Account, asset: Asset, amount: UInt64) -> None: itxn.AssetTransfer( xfer_asset=asset, asset_amount=amount, asset_receiver=receiver, ).submit()
# This file is auto-generated, do not modify # flake8: noqa # fmt: off import typing import algopy class ConstantProductAMM(algopy.arc4.ARC4Client, typing.Protocol): @algopy.arc4.abimethod def set_governor( self, new_governor: algopy.Account, ) -> None: """ sets the governor of the contract, may only be called by the current governor """ @algopy.arc4.abimethod def bootstrap( self, seed: algopy.gtxn.PaymentTransaction, a_asset: algopy.Asset, b_asset: algopy.Asset, ) -> algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[64]]: """ bootstraps the contract by opting into the assets and creating the pool token. Note this method will fail if it is attempted more than once on the same contract since the assets and pool token application state values are marked as static and cannot be overridden. """ @algopy.arc4.abimethod def mint( self, a_xfer: algopy.gtxn.AssetTransferTransaction, b_xfer: algopy.gtxn.AssetTransferTransaction, pool_asset: algopy.Asset, a_asset: algopy.Asset, b_asset: algopy.Asset, ) -> None: """ mint pool tokens given some amount of asset A and asset B. Given some amount of Asset A and Asset B in the transfers, mint some number of pool tokens commensurate with the pools current balance and circulating supply of pool tokens. """ @algopy.arc4.abimethod def burn( self, pool_xfer: algopy.gtxn.AssetTransferTransaction, pool_asset: algopy.Asset, a_asset: algopy.Asset, b_asset: algopy.Asset, ) -> None: """ burn pool tokens to get back some amount of asset A and asset B """ @algopy.arc4.abimethod def swap( self, swap_xfer: algopy.gtxn.AssetTransferTransaction, a_asset: algopy.Asset, b_asset: algopy.Asset, ) -> None: """ Swap some amount of either asset A or asset B for the other """
import typing from algopy import ARC4Contract, arc4 class Swapped(arc4.Struct): a: arc4.UInt64 b: arc4.UInt64 class EventEmitter(ARC4Contract): @arc4.abimethod def emit_swapped(self, a: arc4.UInt64, b: arc4.UInt64) -> None: arc4.emit(Swapped(b, a)) arc4.emit("Swapped(uint64,uint64)", b, a) arc4.emit("Swapped", b, a) @arc4.abimethod() def emit_ufixed( self, a: arc4.BigUFixedNxM[typing.Literal[256], typing.Literal[16]], b: arc4.UFixedNxM[typing.Literal[64], typing.Literal[2]], ) -> None: arc4.emit("AnEvent(ufixed256x16,ufixed64x2)", a, b)
# This file is auto-generated, do not modify # flake8: noqa # fmt: off import typing import algopy class EventEmitter(algopy.arc4.ARC4Client, typing.Protocol): @algopy.arc4.abimethod def emit_swapped( self, a: algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[64]], b: algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[64]], ) -> None: ... @algopy.arc4.abimethod def emit_ufixed( self, a: algopy.arc4.BigUFixedNxM[typing.Literal[256], typing.Literal[16]], b: algopy.arc4.UFixedNxM[typing.Literal[64], typing.Literal[2]], ) -> None: ...
from algopy import ( Account, ARC4Contract, Asset, Global, LocalState, Txn, UInt64, arc4, gtxn, itxn, subroutine, ) class Auction(ARC4Contract): def __init__(self) -> None: self.auction_end = UInt64(0) self.previous_bid = UInt64(0) self.asa_amount = UInt64(0) self.asa = Asset() self.previous_bidder = Account() self.claimable_amount = LocalState(UInt64, key="claim", description="The claimable amount") @arc4.abimethod def opt_into_asset(self, asset: Asset) -> None: # Only allow app creator to opt the app account into a ASA assert Txn.sender == Global.creator_address, "Only creator can opt in to ASA" # Verify a ASA hasn't already been opted into assert == 0, "ASA already opted in" # Save ASA ID in global state self.asa = asset # Submit opt-in transaction: 0 asset transfer to self itxn.AssetTransfer( asset_receiver=Global.current_application_address, xfer_asset=asset, ).submit() @arc4.abimethod def start_auction( self, starting_price: UInt64, length: UInt64, axfer: gtxn.AssetTransferTransaction, ) -> None: assert Txn.sender == Global.creator_address, "auction must be started by creator" # Ensure the auction hasn't already been started assert self.auction_end == 0, "auction already started" # Verify axfer assert ( axfer.asset_receiver == Global.current_application_address ), "axfer must transfer to this app" # Set global state self.asa_amount = axfer.asset_amount self.auction_end = Global.latest_timestamp + length self.previous_bid = starting_price @arc4.abimethod def opt_in(self) -> None: pass @arc4.abimethod def bid(self, pay: gtxn.PaymentTransaction) -> None: # Ensure auction hasn't ended assert Global.latest_timestamp < self.auction_end, "auction has ended" # Verify payment transaction assert pay.sender == Txn.sender, "payment sender must match transaction sender" assert pay.amount > self.previous_bid, "Bid must be higher than previous bid" # set global state self.previous_bid = pay.amount self.previous_bidder = pay.sender # Update claimable amount self.claimable_amount[Txn.sender] = pay.amount @arc4.abimethod def claim_bids(self) -> None: amount = original_amount = self.claimable_amount[Txn.sender] # subtract previous bid if sender is previous bidder if Txn.sender == self.previous_bidder: amount -= self.previous_bid itxn.Payment( amount=amount, receiver=Txn.sender, ).submit() self.claimable_amount[Txn.sender] = original_amount - amount @arc4.abimethod def claim_asset(self, asset: Asset) -> None: assert Global.latest_timestamp > self.auction_end, "auction has not ended" # Send ASA to previous bidder itxn.AssetTransfer( xfer_asset=asset, asset_close_to=self.previous_bidder, asset_receiver=self.previous_bidder, asset_amount=self.asa_amount, ).submit() @subroutine def delete_application(self) -> None: itxn.Payment( receiver=Global.creator_address, close_remainder_to=Global.creator_address, ).submit() def clear_state_program(self) -> bool: return True
# This file is auto-generated, do not modify # flake8: noqa # fmt: off import typing import algopy class Auction(algopy.arc4.ARC4Client, typing.Protocol): @algopy.arc4.abimethod def opt_into_asset( self, asset: algopy.Asset, ) -> None: ... @algopy.arc4.abimethod def start_auction( self, starting_price: algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[64]], length: algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[64]], axfer: algopy.gtxn.AssetTransferTransaction, ) -> None: ... @algopy.arc4.abimethod def opt_in( self, ) -> None: ... @algopy.arc4.abimethod def bid( self, pay: algopy.gtxn.PaymentTransaction, ) -> None: ... @algopy.arc4.abimethod def claim_bids( self, ) -> None: ... @algopy.arc4.abimethod def claim_asset( self, asset: algopy.Asset, ) -> None: ...
import typing from algopy import Box, BoxMap, BoxRef, Bytes, Global, String, Txn, UInt64, arc4, subroutine StaticInts: typing.TypeAlias = arc4.StaticArray[arc4.UInt8, typing.Literal[4]] class BoxContract(arc4.ARC4Contract): def __init__(self) -> None: self.box_a = Box(UInt64) self.box_b = Box[arc4.DynamicBytes](arc4.DynamicBytes, key="b") self.box_c = Box(arc4.String, key=b"BOX_C") self.box_d = Box(Bytes) self.box_map = BoxMap(UInt64, String, key_prefix="") self.box_ref = BoxRef() @arc4.abimethod def set_boxes(self, a: UInt64, b: arc4.DynamicBytes, c: arc4.String) -> None: self.box_a.value = a self.box_b.value = b.copy() self.box_c.value = c self.box_d.value = b.native b_value = self.box_b.value.copy() assert self.box_b.value.length == b_value.length, "direct reference should match copy" self.box_a.value += 3 # test .length assert self.box_a.length == 8 assert self.box_b.length == b.bytes.length assert self.box_c.length == c.bytes.length assert self.box_d.length == b.native.length # test .value.bytes assert self.box_c.value.bytes[0] == c.bytes[0] assert self.box_c.value.bytes[-1] == c.bytes[-1] assert self.box_c.value.bytes[:-1] == c.bytes[:-1] assert self.box_c.value.bytes[:2] == c.bytes[:2] # test .value with Bytes type assert self.box_d.value[0] == b.native[0] assert self.box_d.value[-1] == b.native[-1] assert self.box_d.value[:-1] == b.native[:-1] assert self.box_d.value[:5] == b.native[:5] assert self.box_d.value[: UInt64(2)] == b.native[: UInt64(2)] @arc4.abimethod def check_keys(self) -> None: assert self.box_a.key == b"box_a", "box a key ok" assert self.box_b.key == b"b", "box b key ok" assert self.box_c.key == b"BOX_C", "box c key ok" @arc4.abimethod def delete_boxes(self) -> None: del self.box_a.value del self.box_b.value del self.box_c.value assert self.box_a.get(default=UInt64(42)) == 42 assert self.box_b.get(default=arc4.DynamicBytes(b"42")).native == b"42" assert self.box_c.get(default=arc4.String("42")) == "42" a, a_exists = self.box_a.maybe() assert not a_exists assert a == 0 @arc4.abimethod def read_boxes(self) -> tuple[UInt64, Bytes, arc4.String]: return get_box_value_plus_1(self.box_a) - 1, self.box_b.value.native, self.box_c.value @arc4.abimethod def boxes_exist(self) -> tuple[bool, bool, bool]: return bool(self.box_a), bool(self.box_b), bool(self.box_c) @arc4.abimethod def slice_box(self) -> None: box_0 = Box(Bytes, key=String("0")) box_0.value = Bytes(b"Testing testing 123") assert box_0.value[0:7] == b"Testing" self.box_c.value = arc4.String("Hello") assert self.box_c.value.bytes[2:10] == b"Hello" @arc4.abimethod def arc4_box(self) -> None: box_d = Box(StaticInts, key=Bytes(b"d")) box_d.value = StaticInts(arc4.UInt8(0), arc4.UInt8(1), arc4.UInt8(2), arc4.UInt8(3)) assert box_d.value[0] == 0 assert box_d.value[1] == 1 assert box_d.value[2] == 2 assert box_d.value[3] == 3 @arc4.abimethod def test_box_ref(self) -> None: # init ref, with valid key types box_ref = BoxRef(key="blob") assert not box_ref, "no data" box_ref = BoxRef(key=b"blob") assert not box_ref, "no data" box_ref = BoxRef(key=Bytes(b"blob")) assert not box_ref, "no data" box_ref = BoxRef(key=String("blob")) assert not box_ref, "no data" # create assert box_ref.create(size=32) assert box_ref, "has data" # manipulate data sender_bytes = Txn.sender.bytes app_address = Global.current_application_address.bytes value_3 = Bytes(b"hello") box_ref.replace(0, sender_bytes) box_ref.resize(8000) box_ref.splice(0, 0, app_address) box_ref.replace(64, value_3) prefix = box_ref.extract(0, 32 * 2 + value_3.length) assert prefix == app_address + sender_bytes + value_3 # delete assert box_ref.delete() assert box_ref.key == b"blob" # query value, exists = box_ref.maybe() assert not exists assert value == b"" assert box_ref.get(default=sender_bytes) == sender_bytes # update box_ref.put(sender_bytes + app_address) assert box_ref, "Blob exists" assert box_ref.length == 64 assert get_box_ref_length(box_ref) == 64 # instance box ref self.box_ref.create(size=UInt64(32)) assert self.box_ref, "has data" self.box_ref.delete() @arc4.abimethod def box_map_test(self) -> None: key_0 = UInt64(0) key_1 = UInt64(1) value = String("Hmmmmm") self.box_map[key_0] = value assert self.box_map[key_0].bytes.length == value.bytes.length assert self.box_map.length(key_0) == value.bytes.length assert self.box_map.get(key_1, default=String("default")) == String("default") value, exists = self.box_map.maybe(key_1) assert not exists assert key_0 in self.box_map assert self.box_map.key_prefix == b"" # test box map not assigned to the class and passed to subroutine tmp_box_map = BoxMap(UInt64, String, key_prefix=Bytes()) tmp_box_map[key_1] = String("hello") assert get_box_map_value_from_key_plus_1(tmp_box_map, UInt64(0)) == "hello" del tmp_box_map[key_1] @arc4.abimethod def box_map_set(self, key: UInt64, value: String) -> None: self.box_map[key] = value @arc4.abimethod def box_map_get(self, key: UInt64) -> String: return self.box_map[key] @arc4.abimethod def box_map_del(self, key: UInt64) -> None: del self.box_map[key] @arc4.abimethod def box_map_exists(self, key: UInt64) -> bool: return key in self.box_map @subroutine def get_box_value_plus_1(box: Box[UInt64]) -> UInt64: return box.value + 1 @subroutine def get_box_ref_length(ref: BoxRef) -> UInt64: return ref.length @subroutine def get_box_map_value_from_key_plus_1(box_map: BoxMap[UInt64, String], key: UInt64) -> String: return box_map[key + 1]
# This file is auto-generated, do not modify # flake8: noqa # fmt: off import typing import algopy class BoxContract(algopy.arc4.ARC4Client, typing.Protocol): @algopy.arc4.abimethod def set_boxes( self, a: algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[64]], b: algopy.arc4.DynamicBytes, c: algopy.arc4.String, ) -> None: ... @algopy.arc4.abimethod def check_keys( self, ) -> None: ... @algopy.arc4.abimethod def delete_boxes( self, ) -> None: ... @algopy.arc4.abimethod def read_boxes( self, ) -> algopy.arc4.Tuple[algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[64]], algopy.arc4.DynamicBytes, algopy.arc4.String]: ... @algopy.arc4.abimethod def boxes_exist( self, ) -> algopy.arc4.Tuple[algopy.arc4.Bool, algopy.arc4.Bool, algopy.arc4.Bool]: ... @algopy.arc4.abimethod def slice_box( self, ) -> None: ... @algopy.arc4.abimethod def arc4_box( self, ) -> None: ... @algopy.arc4.abimethod def test_box_ref( self, ) -> None: ... @algopy.arc4.abimethod def box_map_test( self, ) -> None: ... @algopy.arc4.abimethod def box_map_set( self, key: algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[64]], value: algopy.arc4.String, ) -> None: ... @algopy.arc4.abimethod def box_map_get( self, key: algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[64]], ) -> algopy.arc4.String: ... @algopy.arc4.abimethod def box_map_del( self, key: algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[64]], ) -> None: ... @algopy.arc4.abimethod def box_map_exists( self, key: algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[64]], ) -> algopy.arc4.Bool: ...
from algopy import Bytes, Contract, Txn, UInt64, log, op, subroutine ADD = 1 SUB = 2 MUL = 3 DIV = 4 @subroutine def itoa(i: UInt64) -> Bytes: digits = Bytes(b"0123456789") radix = digits.length if i < radix: return digits[i] return itoa(i // radix) + digits[i % radix] class MyContract(Contract): def approval_program(self) -> UInt64: num_args = Txn.num_app_args if num_args == 0: a = UInt64(0) b = UInt64(0) action = UInt64(0) log(a) log(b) else: assert num_args == 3, "Expected 3 args" action_b = Txn.application_args(0) action = op.btoi(action_b) a_bytes = Txn.application_args(1) b_bytes = Txn.application_args(2) log(a_bytes) log(b_bytes) a = op.btoi(a_bytes) b = op.btoi(b_bytes) result = self.do_calc(action, a, b) result_b = itoa(a) + self.op(action) + itoa(b) + b" = " + itoa(result) log(result_b) return UInt64(1) @subroutine def op(self, action: UInt64) -> Bytes: if action == ADD: return Bytes(b" + ") elif action == SUB: return Bytes(b" - ") elif action == MUL: return Bytes(b" * ") elif action == DIV: return Bytes(b" // ") else: return Bytes(b" - ") @subroutine def do_calc(self, maybe_action: UInt64, a: UInt64, b: UInt64) -> UInt64: if maybe_action == ADD: return self.add(a, b) elif maybe_action == SUB: return self.sub(a, b) elif maybe_action == MUL: return self.mul(a, b) elif maybe_action == DIV: return self.div(a, b) else: assert False, "unknown operation" @subroutine def add(self, a: UInt64, b: UInt64) -> UInt64: return a + b @subroutine def sub(self, a: UInt64, b: UInt64) -> UInt64: return a - b @subroutine def mul(self, a: UInt64, b: UInt64) -> UInt64: return a * b @subroutine def div(self, a: UInt64, b: UInt64) -> UInt64: return a // b def clear_state_program(self) -> bool: return True
from algopy import ( Account, Application, Asset, Bytes, Contract, GlobalState, String, UInt64, subroutine, ) class AppStateContract(Contract): def __init__(self) -> None: self.global_int_full = GlobalState(UInt64(55)) self.global_int_simplified = UInt64(33) self.global_int_no_default = GlobalState(UInt64) self.global_bytes_full = GlobalState(Bytes(b"Hello")) self.global_bytes_simplified = Bytes(b"Hello") self.global_bytes_no_default = GlobalState(Bytes) self.global_bool_full = GlobalState(False) self.global_bool_simplified = True self.global_bool_no_default = GlobalState(bool) self.global_asset = GlobalState(Asset) self.global_application = GlobalState(Application) self.global_account = GlobalState(Account) def approval_program(self) -> bool: assert self.global_int_simplified == 33 assert self.global_int_full assert self.global_int_full.value == 55 assert not self.global_int_no_default self.global_int_no_default.value = UInt64(44) i_value, i_exists = self.global_int_no_default.maybe() assert i_exists assert i_value == 44 assert read_global_uint64(Bytes(b"global_int_no_default")) == 44 assert self.global_bytes_simplified == b"Hello" assert self.global_bytes_full assert self.global_bytes_full.value == b"Hello" assert self.global_bytes_full.get(Bytes(b"default")) == b"Hello" assert not self.global_bytes_no_default self.global_bytes_no_default.value = Bytes(b"World") b_value, b_exists = self.global_bytes_no_default.maybe() assert b_exists assert b_value == b"World" assert read_global_bytes(String("global_bytes_no_default")) == b"World" del self.global_bytes_no_default.value b_value, b_exists = self.global_bytes_no_default.maybe() assert not b_exists assert self.global_bytes_no_default.get(Bytes(b"default")) == b"default" # Assert 'is set' assert self.global_bool_full assert not self.global_bool_no_default self.global_bool_no_default.value = True # Assert 'value' assert not self.global_bool_full.value assert self.global_bool_simplified assert self.global_bool_no_default.value # test the proxy can be passed as an argument assert get_global_state_plus_1(self.global_int_no_default) == 45 return True def clear_state_program(self) -> bool: return True @subroutine def get_global_state_plus_1(state: GlobalState[UInt64]) -> UInt64: return state.value + 1 @subroutine def read_global_uint64(key: Bytes) -> UInt64: return GlobalState(UInt64, key=key).value @subroutine def read_global_bytes(key: String) -> Bytes: return GlobalState(Bytes, key=key).value
from algopy import Contract, Txn, log class HelloWorldContract(Contract): def approval_program(self) -> bool: name = Txn.application_args(0) log(b"Hello, " + name) return True def clear_state_program(self) -> bool: return True
from algopy import ARC4Contract, String, arc4 # Note: this contract is also used in the Puya AlgoKit template. So any breaking changes # that require fixing this contract should also be made there # # class HelloWorldContract(ARC4Contract): @arc4.abimethod def hello(self, name: String) -> String: return "Hello, " + name
# This file is auto-generated, do not modify # flake8: noqa # fmt: off import typing import algopy class HelloWorldContract(algopy.arc4.ARC4Client, typing.Protocol): @algopy.arc4.abimethod def hello( self, name: algopy.arc4.String, ) -> algopy.arc4.String: ...
from algopy import ( Account, Bytes, Contract, LocalState, OnCompleteAction, String, Txn, UInt64, log, subroutine, ) class LocalStateContract(Contract): def __init__(self) -> None: self.local = LocalState(Bytes) self.local_bool = LocalState(bool) def approval_program(self) -> bool: if Txn.application_id == 0: return True if Txn.on_completion not in (OnCompleteAction.NoOp, OnCompleteAction.OptIn): return False if Txn.num_app_args == 0: return False method = Txn.application_args(0) if Txn.num_app_args == 1: if method == b"get_guaranteed_data": log(self.get_guaranteed_data(Txn.sender)) elif method == b"get_data_or_assert": log(self.get_data_or_assert(Txn.sender)) elif method == b"delete_data": self.delete_data(Txn.sender) log("Deleted") else: return False return True elif Txn.num_app_args == 2: if method == b"set_data": self.set_data(Txn.sender, Txn.application_args(1)) elif method == b"get_data_with_default": log(self.get_data_with_default(Txn.sender, Txn.application_args(1))) else: return False return True else: return False def clear_state_program(self) -> bool: return True @subroutine def get_guaranteed_data(self, for_account: Account) -> Bytes: result = self.local[for_account] # this just tests local state proxy can be passed around assert result.length == get_local_state_length(self.local, for_account) # tests for dynamic key assert local_bytes_exists(for_account, Bytes(b"local")) assert read_local_bytes(for_account, String("local")) == result return result @subroutine def get_data_with_default(self, for_account: Account, default: Bytes) -> Bytes: # offset contract use arguments without kwarg return self.local.get(account=for_account, default=default) @subroutine def get_data_or_assert(self, for_account: Account) -> Bytes: result, exists = self.local.maybe(for_account) assert exists, "no data for account" return result @subroutine def set_data(self, for_account: Account, value: Bytes) -> None: self.local[for_account] = value @subroutine def delete_data(self, for_account: Account) -> None: del self.local[for_account] @subroutine def get_local_state_length(state: LocalState[Bytes], account: Account) -> UInt64: return state[account].length @subroutine def local_bytes_exists(account: Account, key: Bytes) -> bool: return account in LocalState(Bytes, key=key) @subroutine def read_local_bytes(account: Account, key: String) -> Bytes: return LocalState(Bytes, key=key)[account]
from algopy import ( Bytes, Contract, LocalState, OnCompleteAction, Txn, UInt64, log, op, subroutine, ) class LocalStateContract(Contract, name="LocalStateWithOffsets"): def __init__(self) -> None: self.local = LocalState(Bytes) def approval_program(self) -> bool: if Txn.application_id == 0: return True if Txn.on_completion not in (OnCompleteAction.NoOp, OnCompleteAction.OptIn): return False if Txn.num_app_args < 1: return False offset = op.btoi(Txn.application_args(0)) method = Txn.application_args(1) if Txn.num_app_args == 2: if method == b"get_guaranteed_data": log(self.get_guaranteed_data(offset)) elif method == b"get_data_or_assert": log(self.get_data_or_assert(offset)) elif method == b"delete_data": self.delete_data(offset) log("Deleted") else: return False return True elif Txn.num_app_args == 3: if method == b"set_data": self.set_data(offset, Txn.application_args(2)) elif method == b"get_data_with_default": log(self.get_data_with_default(offset, Txn.application_args(2))) else: return False return True else: return False def clear_state_program(self) -> bool: return True @subroutine def get_guaranteed_data(self, for_account: UInt64) -> Bytes: return self.local[for_account] @subroutine def get_data_with_default(self, for_account: UInt64, default: Bytes) -> Bytes: return self.local.get(for_account, default) @subroutine def get_data_or_assert(self, for_account: UInt64) -> Bytes: result, exists = self.local.maybe(for_account) assert exists, "no data for account" return result @subroutine def set_data(self, for_account: UInt64, value: Bytes) -> None: self.local[for_account] = value @subroutine def delete_data(self, for_account: UInt64) -> None: del self.local[for_account]
import typing from algopy import BigUInt, Bytes, arc4, op, subroutine, urange Bytes32: typing.TypeAlias = arc4.StaticArray[arc4.Byte, typing.Literal[32]] Proof: typing.TypeAlias = arc4.DynamicArray[Bytes32] class MerkleTree(arc4.ARC4Contract): @arc4.abimethod(create="require") def create(self, root: Bytes32) -> None: self.root = root.bytes @arc4.abimethod def verify(self, proof: Proof, leaf: Bytes32) -> bool: return self.root == compute_root_hash(proof, leaf.bytes) @subroutine def compute_root_hash(proof: Proof, leaf: Bytes) -> Bytes: computed = leaf for idx in urange(proof.length): computed = hash_pair(computed, proof[idx].bytes) return computed @subroutine def hash_pair(a: Bytes, b: Bytes) -> Bytes: return op.sha256(a + b if BigUInt.from_bytes(a) < BigUInt.from_bytes(b) else b + a)
# This file is auto-generated, do not modify # flake8: noqa # fmt: off import typing import algopy class MerkleTree(algopy.arc4.ARC4Client, typing.Protocol): @algopy.arc4.abimethod(create='require') def create( self, root: algopy.arc4.StaticArray[algopy.arc4.Byte, typing.Literal[32]], ) -> None: ... @algopy.arc4.abimethod def verify( self, proof: algopy.arc4.DynamicArray[algopy.arc4.StaticArray[algopy.arc4.Byte, typing.Literal[32]]], leaf: algopy.arc4.StaticArray[algopy.arc4.Byte, typing.Literal[32]], ) -> algopy.arc4.Bool: ...
from algopy import ARC4Contract, Asset, arc4, op, subroutine class UserStruct(arc4.Struct): name: arc4.String id: arc4.UInt64 asset: arc4.UInt64 class ExampleContract(ARC4Contract): @subroutine def read_from_box(self, user_id: arc4.UInt64) -> UserStruct: box_data, exists = op.Box.get(user_id.bytes) assert exists, "User with that id does not exist" return UserStruct.from_bytes(box_data) @subroutine def write_to_box(self, user: UserStruct) -> None: box_key = # Delete existing data, so we don't have to worry about resizing the box op.Box.delete(box_key) op.Box.put(box_key, user.bytes) @subroutine def box_exists(self, user_id: arc4.UInt64) -> bool: _data, exists = op.Box.get(user_id.bytes) return exists @arc4.abimethod() def add_user(self, user: UserStruct) -> None: assert not self.box_exists(, "User with id must not exist" self.write_to_box(user) @arc4.abimethod() def attach_asset_to_user(self, user_id: arc4.UInt64, asset: Asset) -> None: user = self.read_from_box(user_id) user.asset = arc4.UInt64( self.write_to_box(user) @arc4.abimethod() def get_user(self, user_id: arc4.UInt64) -> UserStruct: return self.read_from_box(user_id)
# This file is auto-generated, do not modify # flake8: noqa # fmt: off import typing import algopy class UserStruct(algopy.arc4.Struct): name: algopy.arc4.String id: algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[64]] asset: algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[64]] class ExampleContract(algopy.arc4.ARC4Client, typing.Protocol): @algopy.arc4.abimethod def add_user( self, user: UserStruct, ) -> None: ... @algopy.arc4.abimethod def attach_asset_to_user( self, user_id: algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[64]], asset: algopy.Asset, ) -> None: ... @algopy.arc4.abimethod def get_user( self, user_id: algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[64]], ) -> UserStruct: ...
# This file is auto-generated, do not modify # flake8: noqa # fmt: off import typing import algopy class TicTacToeContract(algopy.arc4.ARC4Client, typing.Protocol): @algopy.arc4.abimethod(create='allow') def new_game( self, move: algopy.arc4.Tuple[algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[64]], algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[64]]], ) -> None: ... @algopy.arc4.abimethod def join_game( self, move: algopy.arc4.Tuple[algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[64]], algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[64]]], ) -> None: ... @algopy.arc4.abimethod def whose_turn( self, ) -> algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[8]]: ... @algopy.arc4.abimethod def play( self, move: algopy.arc4.Tuple[algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[64]], algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[64]]], ) -> None: ...
# ruff: noqa: PT018 import typing from algopy import Account, GlobalState, Txn, UInt64, arc4, op, subroutine Row: typing.TypeAlias = arc4.StaticArray[arc4.UInt8, typing.Literal[3]] Game: typing.TypeAlias = arc4.StaticArray[Row, typing.Literal[3]] Move: typing.TypeAlias = tuple[UInt64, UInt64] EMPTY = 0 HOST = 1 CHALLENGER = 2 DRAW = 3 class TicTacToeContract(arc4.ARC4Contract): def __init__(self) -> None: self.challenger = GlobalState(Account) self.winner = GlobalState(arc4.UInt8) @arc4.abimethod(create="allow") def new_game(self, move: Move) -> None: if Txn.application_id: # if a challenger has joined, don't allow starting a new game # until this one is complete if self.challenger: assert self.winner, "Game isn't over" # reset challenger and winner del self.challenger.value del self.winner.value = Txn.sender = Game.from_bytes(op.bzero(9)) column, row = move assert column < 3 and row < 3, "Move must be in range"[row][column] = arc4.UInt8(HOST) self.turns = UInt64(0) @arc4.abimethod def join_game(self, move: Move) -> None: assert not self.challenger, "Host already has a challenger" self.challenger.value = Txn.sender self.make_move(arc4.UInt8(CHALLENGER), move) @arc4.abimethod def whose_turn(self) -> arc4.UInt8: return arc4.UInt8(HOST) if self.turns % 2 else arc4.UInt8(CHALLENGER) @arc4.abimethod def play(self, move: Move) -> None: assert not self.winner, "Game is already finished" if self.turns % 2: assert Txn.sender ==, "It is the host's turn" player = arc4.UInt8(HOST) else: assert Txn.sender == self.challenger.get( default=Account() ), "It is the challenger's turn" player = arc4.UInt8(CHALLENGER) self.make_move(player, move) @subroutine def make_move(self, player: arc4.UInt8, move: Move) -> None: column, row = move assert column < 3 and row < 3, "Move must be in range" assert[row][column] == EMPTY, "Square is already taken"[row][column] = player self.turns += 1 if self.did_win(player, column=column, row=row): self.winner.value = player elif self.turns == 9: self.winner.value = arc4.UInt8(DRAW) @subroutine def did_win(self, player: arc4.UInt8, column: UInt64, row: UInt64) -> bool: g = if g[row][0] == g[row][1] == g[row][2]: return True if g[0][column] == g[1][column] == g[2][column]: return True # if player owns center, check diagonals if player == g[1][1]: if g[0][0] == player == g[2][2]: return True if g[0][2] == player == g[2][0]: return True return False
# This file is auto-generated, do not modify # flake8: noqa # fmt: off import typing import algopy class VotingPreconditions(algopy.arc4.Struct): is_voting_open: algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[64]] is_allowed_to_vote: algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[64]] has_already_voted: algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[64]] current_time: algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[64]] class VotingRoundApp(algopy.arc4.ARC4Client, typing.Protocol): @algopy.arc4.abimethod(create='require') def create( self, vote_id: algopy.arc4.String, snapshot_public_key: algopy.arc4.DynamicBytes, metadata_ipfs_cid: algopy.arc4.String, start_time: algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[64]], end_time: algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[64]], option_counts: algopy.arc4.DynamicArray[algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[8]]], quorum: algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[64]], nft_image_url: algopy.arc4.String, ) -> None: ... @algopy.arc4.abimethod def bootstrap( self, fund_min_bal_req: algopy.gtxn.PaymentTransaction, ) -> None: ... @algopy.arc4.abimethod def close( self, ) -> None: ... @algopy.arc4.abimethod(readonly=True) def get_preconditions( self, signature: algopy.arc4.DynamicBytes, ) -> VotingPreconditions: ... @algopy.arc4.abimethod def vote( self, fund_min_bal_req: algopy.gtxn.PaymentTransaction, signature: algopy.arc4.DynamicBytes, answer_ids: algopy.arc4.DynamicArray[algopy.arc4.UIntN[typing.Literal[8]]], ) -> None: ...
# Converted from import typing from algopy import ( Account, ARC4Contract, BoxMap, BoxRef, Bytes, Global, GlobalState, OpUpFeeSource, String, Txn, UInt64, arc4, ensure_budget, gtxn, itxn, log, op, subroutine, uenumerate, urange, ) VoteIndexArray: typing.TypeAlias = arc4.DynamicArray[arc4.UInt8] VOTE_INDEX_BYTES = 1 VOTE_COUNT_BYTES = 8 #: The min balance increase per box created BOX_FLAT_MIN_BALANCE = 2500 #: The min balance increase per byte of boxes (key included) BOX_BYTE_MIN_BALANCE = 400 #: The min balance increase for each asset opted into ASSET_MIN_BALANCE = 100000 class VotingPreconditions(arc4.Struct): is_voting_open: arc4.UInt64 is_allowed_to_vote: arc4.UInt64 has_already_voted: arc4.UInt64 current_time: arc4.UInt64 class VotingRoundApp(ARC4Contract): def __init__(self) -> None: self.is_bootstrapped = False # The minimum number of voters who have voted self.voter_count = UInt64(0) self.close_time = GlobalState(UInt64) self.tally_box = BoxRef(key="V") self.votes_by_account = BoxMap(Account, VoteIndexArray, key_prefix="") @arc4.abimethod(create="require") def create( self, vote_id: String, snapshot_public_key: Bytes, metadata_ipfs_cid: String, start_time: UInt64, end_time: UInt64, option_counts: VoteIndexArray, quorum: UInt64, nft_image_url: String, ) -> None: assert start_time < end_time, "End time should be after start time" assert end_time >= Global.latest_timestamp, "End time should be in the future" self.vote_id = vote_id self.snapshot_public_key = snapshot_public_key self.metadata_ipfs_cid = metadata_ipfs_cid self.start_time = start_time self.end_time = end_time self.quorum = quorum self.nft_image_url = nft_image_url self.store_option_counts(option_counts.copy()) @arc4.abimethod def bootstrap(self, fund_min_bal_req: gtxn.PaymentTransaction) -> None: assert not self.is_bootstrapped, "Must not be already bootstrapped" self.is_bootstrapped = True assert ( fund_min_bal_req.receiver == Global.current_application_address ), "Payment must be to app address" tally_box_size = self.total_options * VOTE_COUNT_BYTES min_balance_req = ( # minimum balance req for: ALGOs + Vote result NFT asset ASSET_MIN_BALANCE * 2 # create NFT fee + 1000 # tally box + BOX_FLAT_MIN_BALANCE # tally box key "V" + BOX_BYTE_MIN_BALANCE # tally box value + (tally_box_size * BOX_BYTE_MIN_BALANCE) ) log(min_balance_req) assert ( fund_min_bal_req.amount == min_balance_req ), "Payment must be for the exact min balance requirement" assert self.tally_box.create(size=tally_box_size) @arc4.abimethod def close(self) -> None: ensure_budget(20000, fee_source=OpUpFeeSource.GroupCredit) assert not self.close_time, "Already closed" self.close_time.value = Global.latest_timestamp note = ( '{"standard":"arc69",' '"description":"This is a voting result NFT for voting round with ID ' + self.vote_id + '.","properties":{"metadata":"ipfs://' + self.metadata_ipfs_cid + '","id":"' + self.vote_id + '","quorum":' + itoa(self.quorum) + ',"voterCount":' + itoa(self.voter_count) + ',"tallies":[' ) current_index = UInt64(0) for question_index, question_options in uenumerate(self.option_counts): if question_index > 0: note += "," if question_options > 0: note += "[" for option_index in urange(question_options.native): if option_index > 0: note += "," votes_for_option = self.get_vote_from_box(current_index) note += itoa(votes_for_option) current_index += 1 note += "]" note += "]}}" self.nft_asset_id = ( itxn.AssetConfig( total=1, decimals=0, default_frozen=False, asset_name="[VOTE RESULT] " + self.vote_id, unit_name="VOTERSLT", url=self.nft_image_url, note=note, fee=Global.min_txn_fee, ) .submit() ) @arc4.abimethod(readonly=True) def get_preconditions(self, signature: Bytes) -> VotingPreconditions: return VotingPreconditions( is_voting_open=arc4.UInt64(self.voting_open()), is_allowed_to_vote=arc4.UInt64(self.allowed_to_vote(signature)), has_already_voted=arc4.UInt64(self.already_voted()), current_time=arc4.UInt64(Global.latest_timestamp), ) @arc4.abimethod def vote( self, fund_min_bal_req: gtxn.PaymentTransaction, signature: Bytes, answer_ids: VoteIndexArray, ) -> None: ensure_budget(7700, fee_source=OpUpFeeSource.GroupCredit) # Check voting preconditions assert self.allowed_to_vote(signature), "Not allowed to vote" assert self.voting_open(), "Voting not open" assert not self.already_voted(), "Already voted" questions_count = self.option_counts.length assert answer_ids.length == questions_count, "Number of answers incorrect" # Check voter box is funded min_bal_req = BOX_FLAT_MIN_BALANCE + ( (32 + 2 + VOTE_INDEX_BYTES * answer_ids.length) * BOX_BYTE_MIN_BALANCE ) assert ( fund_min_bal_req.receiver == Global.current_application_address ), "Payment must be to app address" log(min_bal_req) assert fund_min_bal_req.amount == min_bal_req, "Payment must be the exact min balance" # Record the vote for each question cumulative_offset = UInt64(0) for question_index in urange(questions_count): # Load the user's vote for this question answer_option_index = answer_ids[question_index].native options_count = self.option_counts[question_index].native assert answer_option_index < options_count, "Answer option index invalid" self.increment_vote_in_box(cumulative_offset + answer_option_index) cumulative_offset += options_count self.votes_by_account[Txn.sender] = answer_ids.copy() self.voter_count += 1 @subroutine def voting_open(self) -> bool: return ( self.is_bootstrapped and not self.close_time and self.start_time <= Global.latest_timestamp <= self.end_time ) @subroutine def already_voted(self) -> bool: return Txn.sender in self.votes_by_account @subroutine def store_option_counts(self, option_counts: VoteIndexArray) -> None: assert option_counts.length, "option_counts should be non-empty" assert option_counts.length <= 112, "Can't have more than 112 questions" total_options = UInt64(0) for item in option_counts: total_options += item.native assert total_options <= 128, "Can't have more than 128 vote options" self.option_counts = option_counts.copy() self.total_options = total_options @subroutine def allowed_to_vote(self, signature: Bytes) -> bool: ensure_budget(2000) return op.ed25519verify_bare( Txn.sender.bytes, signature, self.snapshot_public_key, ) @subroutine def get_vote_from_box(self, index: UInt64) -> UInt64: return op.btoi(self.tally_box.extract(index, VOTE_COUNT_BYTES)) @subroutine def increment_vote_in_box(self, index: UInt64) -> None: current_vote = self.get_vote_from_box(index) self.tally_box.replace(index, op.itob(current_vote + 1)) @subroutine def itoa(i: UInt64) -> String: digits = Bytes(b"0123456789") radix = digits.length if i < radix: return String.from_bytes(digits[i]) return itoa(i // radix) + String.from_bytes(digits[i % radix])
import csv import subprocess from pathlib import Path from scripts.compile_all_examples import ProgramSizes _SCRIPTS_DIR = Path(__file__).parent _ROOT_DIR = _SCRIPTS_DIR.parent def main() -> None: sizes_path = _ROOT_DIR / "examples" / "sizes.txt" curr_text = sizes_path.read_text("utf8") prev_text = ["git", "show", "HEAD:examples/sizes.txt"], capture_output=True, text=True, check=True, cwd=_ROOT_DIR, ).stdout if prev_text == curr_text: return curr_sizes = ProgramSizes.load(curr_text).sizes prev_sizes = ProgramSizes.load(prev_text).sizes delta = ProgramSizes() assert curr_sizes.keys() == prev_sizes.keys(), "can't analyse with different programs" for program_name in curr_sizes: prev_prog_size = prev_sizes[program_name] curr_prog_size = curr_sizes[program_name] if prev_prog_size != curr_prog_size: for level in range(3): delta.sizes[program_name][level] = curr_prog_size[level] - prev_prog_size[level] _sizes_to_csv(delta) def _sizes_to_csv(ps: ProgramSizes) -> None: tmp_dir = _ROOT_DIR / "_tmp" tmp_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) with (tmp_dir / "sizes_diff.csv").open("w", encoding="utf8") as output: writer = csv.writer(output) writer.writerow(["Name", "O0", "O1", "O2", "O0#Ops", "O1#Ops", "O2#Ops"]) # copy sizes and sort by name for name, prog_sizes in sorted(ps.sizes.items()): o0, o1, o2 = (prog_sizes[i] for i in range(3)) writer.writerow( map(str, (name, o0.bytecode, o1.bytecode, o2.bytecode, o0.ops, o1.ops, o2.ops)) ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import typing from collections import Counter from import Iterator from pathlib import Path VCS_ROOT = Path(__file__).parent.parent OUTPUT_BASE_DIRS = ["examples", "test_cases"] CODE_INDENT = " " INTERESTING_OPS = frozenset( [ # pure stack manipulation "intc", *[f"intc_{i}" for i in range(4)], "bytec", *[f"bytec_{i}" for i in range(4)], "pushbytes", "pushbytess", "pushint", "pushints", "frame_dig", "frame_bury", "bury", "cover", "dig", "dup", "dup2", "dupn", "pop", "popn", "swap", "uncover", # constants "addr", "byte", "int", "method", "txn", "txna", "gtxn", "gtxna", "itxn", "itxna", "global", "pushint", "pushbytes", "gload", "gaid", # other loads "load", ] ) def main() -> None: teal_blocks = read_all_blocks() single_op_blocks = (block[0] for block in teal_blocks if len(block) == 1) print("Single op block counts:") for count, op in sorted( ((count, op) for op, count in Counter(single_op_blocks).items()), reverse=True ): print(f" {count}x {op}") window_size = 2 while True: num_printed = 0 print(f"\nInteresting op sequence of length {window_size} counts:") seqs = [ tuple(seq) for block in teal_blocks for seq in sliding_window(block, window_size) if INTERESTING_OPS.issuperset(seq) ] for count, ops in sorted( ((count, ops) for ops, count in Counter(seqs).items()), reverse=True )[:20]: if count == 1: break print(f" {count}x {'; '.join(ops)}") num_printed += 1 if num_printed == 0: break window_size += 1 def read_all_blocks(*, include_clear_state: bool = True) -> list[list[str]]: teal_files = list[Path]() for output_base_dir in OUTPUT_BASE_DIRS: output_dir = VCS_ROOT / output_base_dir assert output_dir.is_dir() teal_files.extend(output_dir.rglob("*/out/*.approval.teal")) if include_clear_state: teal_files.extend(output_dir.rglob("*/out/*.clear.teal")) teal_blocks = list[list[str]]() for teal_file in teal_files: current_block = list[str]() teal = teal_file.read_text("utf8") file_lines = teal.splitlines() assert file_lines[0].startswith("#pragma") for line in file_lines[1:]: if not line.startswith(CODE_INDENT): # new block / function if current_block: teal_blocks.append(current_block) current_block = [] else: op, *_ = line.split() if op: current_block.append(op) if current_block: teal_blocks.append(current_block) return teal_blocks T = typing.TypeVar("T") def sliding_window(seq: list[T], window_size: int) -> Iterator[list[T]]: for i in range(len(seq) - window_size + 1): yield seq[i : i + window_size] if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import argparse import base64 from pathlib import Path from algosdk.v2client.algod import AlgodClient def main(path: list[Path]) -> None: algod_client = AlgodClient(algod_token="a" * 64, algod_address="http://localhost:4001") for p in path: response = algod_client.compile(p.read_text("utf8")) compiled: str = response["result"] compiled_bytes = base64.b64decode(compiled) p.with_suffix(".teal.bin").write_bytes(compiled_bytes) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="assemble") parser.add_argument("files", type=Path, nargs="+", metavar="FILE") args = parser.parse_args() main(args.files)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import json import operator import os import re import shutil import subprocess import sys from collections import defaultdict from import Iterable from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor from pathlib import Path import algokit_utils.deploy import attrs import prettytable SCRIPT_DIR = Path(__file__).parent GIT_ROOT = SCRIPT_DIR.parent CONTRACT_ROOT_DIRS = [ GIT_ROOT / "examples", GIT_ROOT / "test_cases", ] SIZE_TALLY_PATH = GIT_ROOT / "examples" / "sizes.txt" ENV_WITH_NO_COLOR = dict(os.environ) | { "NO_COLOR": "1", # disable colour output "PYTHONUTF8": "1", # force utf8 on windows } # iterate optimization levels first and with O1 first and then cases, this is a workaround # to prevent race conditions that occur when the mypy parsing stage of O0, O2 tries to # read the client_<contract>.py output from the 01 level before it is finished writing to # disk DEFAULT_OPTIMIZATION = (1, 0, 2) def get_root_and_relative_path(path: Path) -> tuple[Path, Path]: for root in CONTRACT_ROOT_DIRS: if path.is_relative_to(root): return root, path.relative_to(root) raise RuntimeError(f"{path} is not relative to a known example") def get_unique_name(path: Path) -> str: _, rel_path = get_root_and_relative_path(path) # strip suffixes while rel_path.suffixes: rel_path = rel_path.with_suffix("") use_parts = [] for part in if "MyContract" in part: use_parts.append("".join(part.split("MyContract"))) elif "Contract" in part: use_parts.append("".join(part.split("Contract"))) elif part.endswith((f"out{SUFFIX_O0}", f"out{SUFFIX_O1}", f"out{SUFFIX_O2}")): pass else: use_parts.append(part) return "/".join(filter(None, use_parts)) @attrs.frozen class Size: bytecode: int | None = None ops: int | None = None def __add__(self, other: object) -> "Size": if not isinstance(other, Size): return NotImplemented return Size( bytecode=(self.bytecode or 0) + (other.bytecode or 0), ops=(self.ops or 0) + (other.ops or 0), ) def __sub__(self, other: object) -> "Size": if not isinstance(other, Size): return NotImplemented return Size( bytecode=(self.bytecode or 0) - (other.bytecode or 0), ops=(self.ops or 0) - (other.ops or 0), ) def _program_to_sizes() -> defaultdict[str, defaultdict[int, Size]]: def _opt_to_sizes() -> defaultdict[int, Size]: return defaultdict[int, Size](Size) return defaultdict[str, defaultdict[int, Size]](_opt_to_sizes) @attrs.define(str=False) class ProgramSizes: sizes: defaultdict[str, defaultdict[int, Size]] = attrs.field(factory=_program_to_sizes) def add_at_level(self, level: int, teal_file: Path, bin_file: Path) -> None: name = get_unique_name(bin_file) # this combines both approval and clear program sizes self.sizes[name][level] += Size( bytecode=bin_file.stat().st_size, ops=_get_num_teal_ops(teal_file), ) @classmethod def load(cls, text: str) -> "ProgramSizes": lines = list(filter(None, text.splitlines())) program_sizes = ProgramSizes() sizes = program_sizes.sizes for line in lines[1:-1]: name, o0, o1, o2, _, o0_ops, o1_ops, o2_ops = line.rsplit(maxsplit=7) name = name.strip() for opt, (bin_str, ops_str) in enumerate(((o0, o0_ops), (o1, o1_ops), (o2, o2_ops))): if bin_str == "None": continue if bin_str == "-": previous = sizes[name][opt - 1] bytecode = previous.bytecode ops = previous.ops else: bytecode = int(bin_str) ops = int(ops_str) sizes[name][opt] = Size(bytecode=bytecode, ops=ops) return program_sizes def __str__(self) -> str: writer = prettytable.PrettyTable( field_names=["Name", "O0", "O1", "O2", "|", "O0#Ops", "O1#Ops", "O2#Ops"], header=True, border=False, min_width=6, left_padding_width=0, right_padding_width=0, align="r", ) writer.align["Name"] = "l" writer.align["|"] = "c" # copy sizes and sort by name sizes = defaultdict( self.sizes.default_factory, {p: self.sizes[p].copy() for p in sorted(self.sizes)} ) totals = {i: Size() for i in range(3)} for prog_sizes in sizes.values(): for i in range(3): totals[i] += prog_sizes[i] # Add totals at end sizes["Total"].update(totals) for name, prog_sizes in sizes.items(): o0, o1, o2 = (prog_sizes[i] for i in range(3)) row = list( map( str, (name, o0.bytecode, o1.bytecode, o2.bytecode, "|", o0.ops, o1.ops, o2.ops) ) ) if o0 == o1: for i in (2, 6): row[i] = "-" if o1 == o2: for i in (3, 7): row[i] = "-" writer.add_row(row) return writer.get_string() def _get_num_teal_ops(path: Path) -> int: ops = 0 teal = path.read_text("utf8") for line in algokit_utils.deploy.strip_comments(teal).splitlines(): line = line.strip() if not line or line.endswith(":") or line.startswith("#"): # ignore comment only lines, labels and pragmas pass else: ops += 1 return ops @attrs.define class CompilationResult: rel_path: str ok: bool bin_files: list[Path] stdout: str def _stabilise_logs(stdout: str) -> list[str]: return [ line.replace("\\", "/").replace(str(GIT_ROOT).replace("\\", "/"), "<git root>") for line in stdout.splitlines() if not line.startswith( ( "debug: Skipping algopy stub ", "debug: Skipping typeshed stub ", "warning: Skipping stub: ", "debug: Skipping stdlib stub ", "debug: Building AWST for ", "debug: Discovered user module ", # ignore platform specific paths "debug: Using python executable: ", "debug: Using python site-packages: ", "debug: Found algopy: ", ) ) ] def checked_compile(p: Path, flags: list[str], *, out_suffix: str) -> CompilationResult: assert p.is_dir() out_dir = (p / f"out{out_suffix}").resolve() template_vars_path = p / "template.vars" root, rel_path_ = get_root_and_relative_path(p) rel_path = str(rel_path_) if out_dir.exists(): for prev_out_file in out_dir.iterdir(): if prev_out_file.is_dir(): shutil.rmtree(prev_out_file) elif prev_out_file.suffix != ".log": prev_out_file.unlink() cmd = [ "poetry", "run", "puyapy", *flags, f"--out-dir={out_dir}", "--output-destructured-ir", "--output-bytecode", "--log-level=debug", *_load_template_vars(template_vars_path), rel_path, ] result = cmd, cwd=root, check=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, text=True, env=ENV_WITH_NO_COLOR, encoding="utf-8", ) bin_files_written = re.findall(r"info: Writing (.+\.bin)", result.stdout) # normalize ARC-56 output arc56_files_written = re.findall(r"info: Writing (.+\.arc56\.json)", result.stdout) for arc56_file in arc56_files_written: _normalize_arc56(root / arc56_file) log_path = p / f"puya{out_suffix}.log" log_txt = "\n".join(_stabilise_logs(result.stdout)) log_path.write_text(log_txt, encoding="utf8") ok = result.returncode == 0 return CompilationResult( rel_path=rel_path, ok=ok, bin_files=[root / p for p in bin_files_written], stdout=result.stdout if not ok else "", # don't thunk stdout if no errors ) def _normalize_arc56(path: Path) -> None: arc56 = json.loads(path.read_text()) compiler_version = arc56.get("compilerInfo", {}).get("compilerVersion", {}) compiler_version["major"] = 99 compiler_version["minor"] = 99 compiler_version["patch"] = 99 path.write_text(json.dumps(arc56, indent=4), encoding="utf8") def _load_template_vars(path: Path) -> Iterable[str]: if path.exists(): for line in path.read_text("utf8").splitlines(): if line.startswith("prefix="): prefix = line.removeprefix("prefix=") yield f"--template-vars-prefix={prefix}" else: yield f"-T={line}" SUFFIX_O0 = "_unoptimized" SUFFIX_O1 = "" SUFFIX_O2 = "_O2" def _compile_for_level(arg: tuple[Path, int]) -> tuple[CompilationResult, int]: p, optimization_level = arg if optimization_level == 0: flags = [ "-O0", "--no-output-arc32", ] out_suffix = SUFFIX_O0 elif optimization_level == 2: flags = [ "-O2", "--no-output-arc32", "-g0", ] out_suffix = SUFFIX_O2 else: assert optimization_level == 1 flags = [ "-O1", "--output-awst", "--output-ssa-ir", "--output-optimization-ir", "--output-memory-ir", "--output-client", "--output-source-map", "--output-arc56", ] out_suffix = SUFFIX_O1 result = checked_compile(p, flags=flags, out_suffix=out_suffix) return result, optimization_level @attrs.define(kw_only=True) class CompileAllOptions: limit_to: list[Path] = attrs.field(factory=list) optimization_level: list[int] = attrs.field(factory=list) def main(options: CompileAllOptions) -> None: limit_to = options.limit_to if limit_to: to_compile = [Path(x).resolve() for x in limit_to] else: to_compile = [ item for root in CONTRACT_ROOT_DIRS for item in root.iterdir() if item.is_dir() and any(item.glob("*.py")) ] failures = list[tuple[str, str]]() program_sizes = ProgramSizes() # use selected opt levels, but retain original order opt_levels = [ o for o in DEFAULT_OPTIMIZATION if o in (options.optimization_level or DEFAULT_OPTIMIZATION) ] with ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor: args = [(case, level) for level in opt_levels for case in to_compile] for compilation_result, level in, args): rel_path = compilation_result.rel_path case_name = f"{rel_path} -O{level}" for bin_file in compilation_result.bin_files: program_sizes.add_at_level(level, bin_file.with_suffix(".teal"), bin_file) if compilation_result.ok: print(f"✅ {case_name}") else: print(f"💥 {case_name}", file=sys.stderr) failures.append((case_name, compilation_result.stdout)) if failures: print("Compilation failures:") for name, stdout in sorted(failures, key=operator.itemgetter(0)): print(f" ~~~ {name} ~~~ ") print( "\n".join( ln for ln in stdout.splitlines() if (ln.startswith("debug: Traceback ") or not ln.startswith("debug: ")) ) ) print("Updating sizes.txt") if limit_to or options.optimization_level: print("Loading existing sizes.txt") # load existing sizes for non-default options merged = ProgramSizes.load(SIZE_TALLY_PATH.read_text("utf8")) for program, sizes in program_sizes.sizes.items(): for o, size in sizes.items(): merged.sizes[program][o] = size program_sizes = merged SIZE_TALLY_PATH.write_text(str(program_sizes)) sys.exit(len(failures)) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("limit_to", type=Path, nargs="*", metavar="LIMIT_TO") parser.add_argument( "-O", "--optimization-level", action="extend", type=int, choices=DEFAULT_OPTIMIZATION, nargs="+", help="Set optimization level of output TEAL / AVM bytecode", ) options = CompileAllOptions() parser.parse_args(namespace=options) main(options)
import argparse import contextlib import json import typing from import Iterator from dataclasses import dataclass from functools import cached_property from pathlib import Path from algosdk.atomic_transaction_composer import ( AccountTransactionSigner, AtomicTransactionComposer, TransactionWithSigner, ) from algosdk.kmd import KMDClient from algosdk.transaction import ApplicationCallTxn, OnComplete, create_dryrun from algosdk.v2client.algod import AlgodClient DEFAULT_ALGOD_ADDRESS = "http://localhost:4001" DEFAULT_KMD_ADDRESS = "http://localhost:4002" DEFAULT_TOKEN = "a" * 64 DEFAULT_KMD_WALLET_NAME = "unencrypted-default-wallet" DEFAULT_KMD_WALLET_PASSWORD = "" def main(approval_path: Path, clear_path: Path) -> None: response = dryrun_create(approval_path.read_bytes(), clear_path.read_bytes()) print(json.dumps(response, indent=4)) def dryrun_create( approval_binary: bytes, clear_binary: bytes, ) -> dict[str, typing.Any]: algod = AlgodClient(algod_token=DEFAULT_TOKEN, algod_address=DEFAULT_ALGOD_ADDRESS) account, *_ = get_accounts() atc = AtomicTransactionComposer() atc.add_transaction( TransactionWithSigner( txn=ApplicationCallTxn( sender=account.address, sp=algod.suggested_params(), index=0, on_complete=OnComplete.NoOpOC, approval_program=approval_binary, clear_program=clear_binary, ), signer=account.signer, ) ) atc.execute(algod, 4) signed = atc.gather_signatures() dryrun_request = create_dryrun(algod, signed) return algod.dryrun(dryrun_request.dictify()) @dataclass(kw_only=True) class LocalAccount: """LocalAccount is a simple dataclass to hold a localnet account details""" #: The address of a localnet account address: str #: The base64 encoded private key of the account private_key: str #: An AccountTransactionSigner that can be used as a TransactionSigner @cached_property def signer(self) -> AccountTransactionSigner: return AccountTransactionSigner(self.private_key) def get_accounts( kmd_address: str = DEFAULT_KMD_ADDRESS, kmd_token: str = DEFAULT_TOKEN, wallet_name: str = DEFAULT_KMD_WALLET_NAME, wallet_password: str = DEFAULT_KMD_WALLET_PASSWORD, ) -> list[LocalAccount]: """gets all the accounts in the localnet kmd, defaults to the `unencrypted-default-wallet` created on private networks automatically""" kmd = KMDClient(kmd_token, kmd_address) with wallet_handle_by_name(kmd, wallet_name, wallet_password) as wallet_handle: return [ LocalAccount( address=address, private_key=kmd.export_key( wallet_handle, wallet_password, address, ), ) for address in kmd.list_keys(wallet_handle) ] @contextlib.contextmanager def wallet_handle_by_name(kmd: KMDClient, wallet_name: str, wallet_password: str) -> Iterator[str]: wallets = kmd.list_wallets() try: wallet_id = next(iter(w["id"] for w in wallets if w["name"] == wallet_name)) except StopIteration: raise Exception(f"Wallet not found: {wallet_name}") from None wallet_handle = kmd.init_wallet_handle( wallet_id, wallet_password, ) try: yield wallet_handle finally: kmd.release_wallet_handle(wallet_handle) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="dry_run_create") parser.add_argument("approval_file", type=Path, metavar="FILE") parser.add_argument("clear_file", type=Path, metavar="FILE") args = parser.parse_args() main(args.approval_file, args.clear_file)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import json import subprocess from pathlib import Path from puya import log from puya.ussemble.op_spec_models import ImmediateEnum, ImmediateKind, OpSpec from scripts.transform_lang_spec import ( LanguageSpec, ) logger = log.get_logger(__name__) VCS_ROOT = Path(__file__).parent.parent def main() -> None: spec_path = VCS_ROOT / "langspec.puya.json" lang_spec_json = json.loads(spec_path.read_text(encoding="utf-8")) lang_spec = LanguageSpec.from_json(lang_spec_json) ops = build_op_spec(lang_spec) output_ops(ops) def build_op_spec(lang_spec: LanguageSpec) -> dict[str, OpSpec]: ops = {} for op in sorted(lang_spec.ops.values(), key=lambda x: x.code): immediates = list[ImmediateKind | ImmediateEnum]() for imm in op.immediate_args: if imm.arg_enum is None: immediates.append(ImmediateKind[]) else: immediates.append( ImmediateEnum( codes={ e.value for e in lang_spec.arg_enums[imm.arg_enum]} ) ) op_spec = OpSpec(, code=op.code, immediates=immediates) ops[] = op_spec return ops def output_ops( ops: dict[str, OpSpec], ) -> None: file: list[str] = [ "from puya.ussemble.op_spec_models import ImmediateEnum, ImmediateKind, OpSpec", f"OP_SPECS = {ops!r}", ] output_path = VCS_ROOT / "src" / "puya" / "ussemble" / "" output_path.write_text("\n".join(file), encoding="utf-8")["ruff", "format", str(output_path)], check=True, cwd=VCS_ROOT) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import builtins import json import keyword import subprocess import textwrap from import Iterable, Iterator from pathlib import Path from puya import log from import ( AVMOpData, DynamicVariants, ImmediateKind, OpSignature, RunMode, StackType, Variant, ) from puya.utils import normalise_path_to_str from scripts import transform_lang_spec as langspec logger = log.get_logger(__name__) VCS_ROOT = Path(__file__).parent.parent SUPPORTED_IMMEDIATE_KINDS = (langspec.ImmediateKind.uint8, langspec.ImmediateKind.arg_enum) operator_names = { # bool "&&": "and", "||": "or", "!": "not", # compare "==": "eq", "!=": "neq", "<": "lt", "<=": "lte", ">": "gt", ">=": "gte", # bitwise "&": "bitwise_and", "^": "bitwise_xor", "|": "bitwise_or", "~": "bitwise_not", # math "+": "add", "-": "sub", "*": "mul", "/": "div_floor", "%": "mod", } EXCLUDED_OPCODES = { # flow control "bnz", "bz", "b", "callsub", "retsub", "proto", "switch", "match", # pure stack manipulation "intc", *[f"intc_{i}" for i in range(4)], "bytec", *[f"bytec_{i}" for i in range(4)], "pushbytes", "pushbytess", "pushint", "pushints", "frame_dig", "frame_bury", "bury", "cover", "dig", "dup", "dup2", "dupn", "pop", "popn", "swap", "uncover", # modifies what other op codes with immediates point to "intcblock", "bytecblock", # halting "err", "return", } def as_list_str(values: Iterable[str]) -> str | None: inner = ", ".join(values) if not inner: return None else: return f"[{inner}]" BUILTIN_NAMES = frozenset(dir(builtins)) def get_op_name(op: langspec.Op) -> str: op_code = if op_code.isidentifier(): op_name = op_code elif op_code[0] == "b": op_name = operator_names[op_code[1:]] + "_bytes" else: op_name = operator_names[op_code] if keyword.iskeyword(op_name) or keyword.issoftkeyword(op_name) or op_name in BUILTIN_NAMES: op_name += "_" return op_name def generate_op_node( enums: dict[str, list[langspec.ArgEnum]], op_name: str, op: langspec.Op ) -> Iterator[str]: assert not op.halts, "op halts" dynamic_im_index: int | None = None for idx, im in enumerate(op.immediate_args): if im.modifies_stack_input is not None: assert im.modifies_stack_output is None, "💀" assert dynamic_im_index is None, "🪦" dynamic_im_index = idx elif im.modifies_stack_output is not None: assert dynamic_im_index is None, "🪦" dynamic_im_index = idx immediate_types = tuple(get_immediate_type(im) for im in op.immediate_args) op_code = cost = op.cost.value variant: DynamicVariants | Variant stack_args = [get_stack_type(arg.stack_type) for arg in op.stack_inputs] stack_returns = [get_stack_type(out.stack_type) for out in op.stack_outputs] if dynamic_im_index is None: variant = Variant( enum=None, signature=OpSignature( args=stack_args, returns=stack_returns, ), supported_modes=_map_run_mode(op.mode), min_avm_version=op.min_avm_version, ) else: im = op.immediate_args[dynamic_im_index] assert im.arg_enum is not None, "💥" variant = DynamicVariants( immediate_index=dynamic_im_index, variant_map={}, ) if im.modifies_stack_input is not None: list_index = im.modifies_stack_input to_mod = stack_args else: assert im.modifies_stack_output is not None list_index = im.modifies_stack_output to_mod = stack_returns for arg_enum in enums[im.arg_enum]: assert arg_enum.stack_type is not None, "🤕" to_mod[list_index] = get_stack_type(arg_enum.stack_type) variant.variant_map[] = Variant(, signature=OpSignature( args=list(stack_args), returns=list(stack_returns), ), supported_modes=_map_run_mode(arg_enum.mode), min_avm_version=arg_enum.min_avm_version, ) data = AVMOpData( op_code=op_code, immediate_types=immediate_types, variants=variant, cost=cost, min_avm_version=op.min_avm_version, supported_modes=_map_run_mode(op.mode), ) yield f"{op_name} = {data!r}" if op.doc: yield '"""' for idx, doc_ln in enumerate(op.doc): if idx > 0: yield "" yield from textwrap.wrap(doc_ln, width=99 - 4) yield '"""' yield "" def _map_run_mode(mode: langspec.RunMode) -> RunMode: match mode: case return case langspec.RunMode.sig: return RunMode.lsig case langspec.RunMode.any: return RunMode.any case _: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported mode {mode}") def get_stack_type(stack_type: langspec.StackType) -> StackType: if"bytes_"): return StackType.bytes else: return StackType[] def get_immediate_type(immediate: langspec.Immediate) -> ImmediateKind: assert immediate.immediate_type in SUPPORTED_IMMEDIATE_KINDS, ( "bad immediate kind", immediate.immediate_type, ) return ImmediateKind[] def generate_file(lang_spec: langspec.LanguageSpec) -> Iterator[str]: script_path = normalise_path_to_str(Path(__file__).relative_to(VCS_ROOT)) preamble = f""" # AUTO GENERATED BY {script_path}, DO NOT EDIT import enum from import Sequence from puya.errors import InternalError from import ( AVMOpData, DynamicVariants, ImmediateKind, OpSignature, RunMode, StackType, Variant ) class AVMOp(enum.StrEnum): code: str immediate_types: Sequence[ImmediateKind] _variants: Variant | DynamicVariants cost: int | None min_avm_version: int def __new__(cls, data: AVMOpData | str) -> "AVMOp": # the weird union type on data && then assert, # is to shut mypy up when it wrongly infers the arg type of # e.g. AVMOp("+") to be invalid assert isinstance(data, AVMOpData) op_code = data.op_code obj = str.__new__(cls, op_code) obj._value_ = op_code obj.code = op_code obj.immediate_types = tuple(data.immediate_types) obj._variants = data.variants # noqa: SLF001 obj.cost = data.cost obj.min_avm_version = data.min_avm_version return obj def get_variant(self, immediates: Sequence[str | int]) -> Variant: if isinstance(self._variants, Variant): return self._variants im = immediates[self._variants.immediate_index] assert isinstance(im, str) try: return self._variants.variant_map[im] except KeyError as ex: raise InternalError(f"Unknown immediate for {{self.code}}: {{im}}") from ex """ yield from preamble.strip().splitlines() yield "" ops_by_name = {} for op in lang_spec.ops.values(): if in EXCLUDED_OPCODES:"Skipping {} due to specific exclusion") else: ops_by_name[get_op_name(op)] = op for op_name, op in sorted(ops_by_name.items()): yield textwrap.indent( "\n".join(generate_op_node(lang_spec.arg_enums, op_name, op)), " " * 4 ) def main() -> None: spec_path = VCS_ROOT / "langspec.puya.json" lang_spec_json = json.loads(spec_path.read_text(encoding="utf-8")) lang_spec = langspec.LanguageSpec.from_json(lang_spec_json) output = "\n".join(generate_file(lang_spec)) ast_gen_path = VCS_ROOT / "src" / "puya" / "ir" / "" ast_gen_path.write_text(output, encoding="utf-8")["ruff", "format", str(ast_gen_path)], check=True, cwd=VCS_ROOT) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import subprocess import sys import typing from import Callable from pathlib import Path sys.path.insert(0, str(Path(__file__).parent.parent / "src" / "puyapy" / "_vendor")) import attrs import import mypy.nodes from mypy.visitor import NodeVisitor from puyapy.compile import get_mypy_options from puyapy.parse import parse_and_typecheck SCRIPTS_DIR = Path(__file__).parent VCS_ROOT = SCRIPTS_DIR.parent SRC_DIR = VCS_ROOT / "src" DOCS_DIR = VCS_ROOT / "docs" STUBS_DIR = VCS_ROOT / "stubs" / "algopy-stubs" STUBS_DOC_DIR = DOCS_DIR / "algopy-stubs" @attrs.define class ModuleImports: from_imports: dict[str, str | None] = attrs.field(factory=dict) import_all: bool = False import_module: bool = False def main() -> None: manager, _ = parse_and_typecheck([STUBS_DIR], get_mypy_options()) output_doc_stubs(manager) run_sphinx() def output_doc_stubs(manager: -> None: # parse and output reformatted __init__.pyi stub = DocStub.process_module(manager, "algopy") algopy_direct_imports = stub.collected_imports["algopy"] # remove any algopy imports that are now defined in itself output_combined_stub(stub, STUBS_DOC_DIR / "__init__.pyi") # remaining imports from algopy are other public modules # parse and output them too for other_stub_name in algopy_direct_imports.from_imports: stub = DocStub.process_module(manager, f"algopy.{other_stub_name}") output_combined_stub(stub, STUBS_DOC_DIR / f"{other_stub_name}.pyi") def output_combined_stub(stubs: "DocStub", output: Path) -> None: # remove algopy imports that have been inlined lines = ["# ruff: noqa: A001, E501, F403, PYI021, PYI034, W291"] rexported = list[str]() for module, imports in stubs.collected_imports.items(): if imports.import_module: lines.append(f"import {module}") if imports.from_imports: rexported.extend(filter(None, imports.from_imports.values())) from_imports = ", ".join(_name_as(k, v) for k, v in imports.from_imports.items()) lines.append(f"from {module} import {from_imports}") lines.extend(["", ""]) # assemble __all__ lines.append("__all__ = [") for symbol in (*rexported, *stubs.collected_symbols): if symbol.startswith("_"): continue lines.append(f' "{symbol}",') lines.append("]") # assemble symbols lines.extend(stubs.collected_symbols.values()) # output and linting output.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) output.write_text("\n".join(lines))["ruff", "format", str(output)], check=True, cwd=VCS_ROOT)["ruff", "check", "--fix", str(output)], check=True, cwd=VCS_ROOT) def run_sphinx() -> None: ["sphinx-build", ".", "_build", "-W", "--keep-going", "-n", "-E"], check=True, cwd=DOCS_DIR ) @attrs.define(kw_only=True) class ClassBases: klass: mypy.nodes.ClassDef bases: list[mypy.nodes.Expression] protocol_bases: list[tuple[mypy.nodes.MypyFile, mypy.nodes.ClassDef]] @attrs.define class SymbolCollector(NodeVisitor[None]): file: mypy.nodes.MypyFile read_source: Callable[[str], list[str] | None] all_classes: dict[str, tuple[mypy.nodes.MypyFile, mypy.nodes.ClassDef]] inlined_protocols: dict[str, set[str]] symbols: dict[str, str] = attrs.field(factory=dict) last_stmt: mypy.nodes.Statement | None = None def get_src( self, node: mypy.nodes.Context, *, path: str | None = None, entire_lines: bool = True ) -> str: columns: tuple[int, int] | None = None if node.end_column and not entire_lines: columns = (node.column, node.end_column) return self.get_src_from_lines(node.line, node.end_line or node.line, path, columns) def get_src_from_lines( self, line: int, end_line: int, path: str | None = None, columns: tuple[int, int] | None = None, ) -> str: src = self.read_source(path or self.file.path) if not src: raise Exception("Could not get src") lines = src[line - 1 : end_line] if columns: lines[-1] = lines[-1][: columns[1]] lines[0] = lines[0][columns[0] :] return "\n".join(lines) def visit_mypy_file(self, o: mypy.nodes.MypyFile) -> None: for stmt in o.defs: stmt.accept(self) self.last_stmt = stmt def _get_bases(self, klass: mypy.nodes.ClassDef) -> ClassBases: bases = list[mypy.nodes.Expression]() inline = list[tuple[mypy.nodes.MypyFile, mypy.nodes.ClassDef]]() for base in klass.base_type_exprs: if ( isinstance(base, mypy.nodes.NameExpr) and _should_inline_module(base.fullname) and self._is_protocol(base.fullname) ): inline.append(self.all_classes[base.fullname]) else: bases.append(base) return ClassBases(klass=klass, bases=bases, protocol_bases=inline) def _get_inlined_class(self, klass: ClassBases) -> str: # TODO: what about class keywords klass_str = f"class {}" if klass.bases: klass_str += f"({', '.join(self.get_src(b, entire_lines=False) for b in klass.bases)})" src = [f"{klass_str}:"] src.extend(self.get_src(member) for member in klass.klass.defs.body) for base_class_file, base_class in klass.protocol_bases: self.inlined_protocols.setdefault(base_class_file.fullname, set()).add( src.extend( self.get_src(member, path=base_class_file.path) for member in base_class.defs.body ) return "\n".join(src) def visit_class_def(self, o: mypy.nodes.ClassDef) -> None: self.all_classes[o.fullname] = self.file, o class_bases = self._get_bases(o) if class_bases.protocol_bases: self.symbols[] = self._get_inlined_class(class_bases) else: self.symbols[] = self.get_src(o) def visit_func_def(self, o: mypy.nodes.FuncDef) -> None: self.symbols[] = self.get_src(o) def visit_overloaded_func_def(self, o: mypy.nodes.OverloadedFuncDef) -> None: line = o.line end_line = o.end_line or o.line for item in o.items: end_line = max(end_line, item.end_line or item.line) overloaded_src = self.get_src_from_lines(line, end_line) best_sig = _get_documented_overload(o) if not best_sig: src = overloaded_src else: best_sig_src = self.get_src(best_sig) src = f"{overloaded_src}\n{best_sig_src}" self.symbols[] = src def visit_assignment_stmt(self, o: mypy.nodes.AssignmentStmt) -> None: try: (lvalue,) = o.lvalues except ValueError as ex: raise ValueError(f"Multi assignments are not supported: {o}") from ex if not isinstance(lvalue, mypy.nodes.NameExpr): raise TypeError(f"Multi assignments are not supported: {lvalue}") # find actual rvalue src location by taking the entire statement and subtracting the lvalue loc = mypy.nodes.Context() loc.set_line(o) if lvalue.end_column: loc.column = lvalue.end_column self.symbols[] = self.get_src(loc) def visit_expression_stmt(self, o: mypy.nodes.ExpressionStmt) -> None: if isinstance(o.expr, mypy.nodes.StrExpr) and isinstance( self.last_stmt, mypy.nodes.AssignmentStmt ): (lvalue,) = self.last_stmt.lvalues if isinstance(lvalue, mypy.nodes.NameExpr): self.symbols[] += "\n" + self.get_src(o.expr) def _is_protocol(self, fullname: str) -> bool: try: klass = self.all_classes[fullname] except KeyError: return False info: mypy.nodes.TypeInfo = klass[1].info return info.is_protocol def _get_documented_overload(o: mypy.nodes.OverloadedFuncDef) -> mypy.nodes.FuncDef | None: best_overload: mypy.nodes.FuncDef | None = None for overload in o.items: match overload: case mypy.nodes.Decorator(func=func_def): pass case mypy.nodes.FuncDef() as func_def: pass case _: raise Exception("Only function overloads supported") docstring = func_def.docstring # this is good enough until a more complex case arises if docstring and ( not best_overload or len(func_def.arguments) > len(best_overload.arguments) ): best_overload = func_def return best_overload @attrs.define class ImportCollector(NodeVisitor[None]): collected_imports: dict[str, ModuleImports] def get_imports(self, module_id: str) -> ModuleImports: try: imports = self.collected_imports[module_id] except KeyError: imports = self.collected_imports[module_id] = ModuleImports() return imports def visit_mypy_file(self, o: mypy.nodes.MypyFile) -> None: for stmt in o.defs: stmt.accept(self) def visit_import_from(self, o: mypy.nodes.ImportFrom) -> None: imports = self.get_imports( for name, name_as in o.names: imports.from_imports[name] = name_as def visit_import(self, o: mypy.nodes.Import) -> None: for name, name_as in o.ids: if name != (name_as or name): raise Exception("Aliasing symbols in stubs is not supported") imports = self.get_imports(name) imports.import_module = True @attrs.define class DocStub(NodeVisitor[None]): read_source: Callable[[str], list[str] | None] file: mypy.nodes.MypyFile modules: dict[str, mypy.nodes.MypyFile] parsed_modules: dict[str, SymbolCollector] = attrs.field(factory=dict) all_classes: dict[str, tuple[mypy.nodes.MypyFile, mypy.nodes.ClassDef]] = attrs.field( factory=dict ) collected_imports: dict[str, ModuleImports] = attrs.field(factory=dict) inlined_protocols: dict[str, set[str]] = attrs.field(factory=dict) collected_symbols: dict[str, str] = attrs.field(factory=dict) @classmethod def process_module(cls, manager:, module_id: str) -> typing.Self: read_source = manager.errors.read_source assert read_source modules = manager.modules module: mypy.nodes.MypyFile = modules[module_id] stub = cls(read_source=read_source, file=module, modules=modules) module.accept(stub) stub._remove_inlined_symbols() # noqa: SLF001 return stub def _get_module(self, module_id: str) -> SymbolCollector: try: return self.parsed_modules[module_id] except KeyError: file = self.modules[module_id] self.parsed_modules[module_id] = collector = SymbolCollector( file=file, read_source=self.read_source, all_classes=self.all_classes, inlined_protocols=self.inlined_protocols, ) file.accept(collector) self._collect_imports(file) return collector def _collect_imports(self, o: mypy.nodes.Node) -> None: o.accept(ImportCollector(self.collected_imports)) self._remove_inlined_symbols() def _remove_inlined_symbols(self) -> None: for module, imports in self.collected_imports.items(): inlined_protocols = self.inlined_protocols.get(module, ()) if imports.import_module and module in self.collected_symbols: raise Exception(f"Symbol/import collision: {module}") for name, name_as in list(imports.from_imports.items()): if name in inlined_protocols: print(f"Removed inlined protocol: {name}") del imports.from_imports[name] del self.collected_symbols[name] elif name in self.collected_symbols: if name_as is None: del imports.from_imports[name] else: print(f"Symbol/import collision: from {module} import {name} as {name_as}") def visit_mypy_file(self, o: mypy.nodes.MypyFile) -> None: for stmt in o.defs: stmt.accept(self) self._add_all_symbols(o.fullname) def visit_import_from(self, o: mypy.nodes.ImportFrom) -> None: if not _should_inline_module( self._collect_imports(o) return module = self._get_module( name_mapping = dict(o.names) for name in module.symbols: try: name_as = name_mapping[name] except KeyError: continue if name != (name_as or name): raise Exception("Aliasing symbols in stubs is not supported") self.add_symbol(module, name) def visit_import_all(self, o: mypy.nodes.ImportAll) -> None: if _should_inline_module( self._add_all_symbols( else: self._collect_imports(o) def _add_all_symbols(self, module_id: str) -> None: module = self._get_module(module_id) for sym in module.symbols: self.add_symbol(module, sym) def visit_import(self, o: mypy.nodes.Import) -> None: self._collect_imports(o) def add_symbol(self, module: SymbolCollector, name: str) -> None: lines = module.symbols[name] existing = self.collected_symbols.get(name) if existing is not None and existing != lines: raise Exception(f"Duplicate definitions are not supported: {name}\n{lines}") self.collected_symbols[name] = lines def _name_as(name: str, name_as: str | None) -> str: if name_as is None: return name return f"{name} as {name_as}" def _should_inline_module(module_id: str) -> bool: return module_id.startswith("algopy._") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import subprocess from pathlib import Path SCRIPTS_DIR = Path(__file__).parent VCS_ROOT = SCRIPTS_DIR.parent LIB_NAME = "_puya_lib" def main() -> None: # compile puya lib # normalize source_location.path # save["puyapy", "--output-awst-json", f"src/{LIB_NAME}"], check=True, cwd=VCS_ROOT) awst_path = VCS_ROOT / "module.awst.json" puya_lib_path = VCS_ROOT / "src" / LIB_NAME output_path = VCS_ROOT / "src" / "puya" / "ir" / "_puya_lib.awst.json" replace_awst = awst_path.read_text() for lib_path in puya_lib_path.glob("*.py"): path_as_str = str(lib_path).replace("\\", "\\\\") find_str = f'"file": "{path_as_str}",' replace_str = '"file": null,' replace_awst = replace_awst.replace(find_str, replace_str) output_path.write_text(replace_awst) awst_path.unlink(missing_ok=True) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import builtins import copy import json import keyword import subprocess import textwrap import typing from import Iterable, Iterator, Sequence from pathlib import Path import attrs from puya import log from puya.algo_constants import SUPPORTED_AVM_VERSIONS from puyapy.awst_build import pytypes from puyapy.awst_build.intrinsic_models import FunctionOpMapping, OpMappingWithOverloads from puyapy.awst_build.utils import snake_case from scripts.transform_lang_spec import ( ArgEnum, Immediate, ImmediateKind, LanguageSpec, Op, StackType, StackValue, ) logger = log.get_logger(__name__) INDENT = " " * 4 VCS_ROOT = Path(__file__).parent.parent MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION = min(SUPPORTED_AVM_VERSIONS) PYTHON_ENUM_CLASS = { "Mimc Configurations": "MiMCConfigurations", } PYTYPE_TO_LITERAL: dict[pytypes.PyType, pytypes.LiteralOnlyType | None] = { pytypes.BytesType: pytypes.BytesLiteralType, pytypes.UInt64Type: pytypes.IntLiteralType, pytypes.AccountType: None, # pytypes.StrLiteralType, # TODO: should we enable this? pytypes.BigUIntType: pytypes.IntLiteralType, pytypes.BoolType: None, # already a Python type pytypes.ApplicationType: pytypes.IntLiteralType, pytypes.AssetType: pytypes.IntLiteralType, pytypes.TransactionTypeType: None, pytypes.OnCompleteActionType: None, } PYTYPE_REPR = { value: f"pytypes.{key}" for key, value in pytypes.__dict__.items() if isinstance(value, pytypes.PyType) } STACK_TYPE_MAPPING: dict[StackType, Sequence[pytypes.PyType]] = { StackType.address_or_index: [pytypes.AccountType, pytypes.UInt64Type], StackType.application: [pytypes.ApplicationType, pytypes.UInt64Type], StackType.asset: [pytypes.AssetType, pytypes.UInt64Type], StackType.bytes: [pytypes.BytesType], StackType.bytes_8: [pytypes.BytesType], StackType.bytes_32: [pytypes.BytesType], StackType.bytes_33: [pytypes.BytesType], StackType.bytes_64: [pytypes.BytesType], StackType.bytes_80: [pytypes.BytesType], StackType.bytes_1232: [pytypes.BytesType], StackType.bytes_1793: [pytypes.BytesType], StackType.bool: [pytypes.BoolType, pytypes.UInt64Type], StackType.uint64: [pytypes.UInt64Type], StackType.any: [pytypes.BytesType, pytypes.UInt64Type], StackType.box_name: [pytypes.BytesType], # TODO: should this be another type..? StackType.address: [pytypes.AccountType], StackType.bigint: [pytypes.BigUIntType], StackType.state_key: [pytypes.BytesType], # TODO: should this be another type..? } BYTES_LITERAL = "bytes" UINT64_LITERAL = "int" STUB_NAMESPACE = "op" ALGORAND_OP_URL = "" class OpCodeGroup(typing.Protocol): def handled_ops(self) -> Iterator[str]: ... @attrs.define(kw_only=True) class RenamedOpCode(OpCodeGroup): name: str stack_aliases: dict[str, list[str]] = attrs.field(factory=dict) """ops that are aliases for other ops that take stack values instead of immediates""" op: str def handled_ops(self) -> Iterator[str]: yield self.op yield from self.stack_aliases.keys() @attrs.define(kw_only=True) class MergedOpCodes(OpCodeGroup): name: str doc: str ops: dict[str, dict[str, list[str]]] def handled_ops(self) -> Iterator[str]: for op, aliases in self.ops.items(): yield op yield from aliases.keys() @attrs.define(kw_only=True) class GroupedOpCodes(OpCodeGroup): name: str """ops that are aliases for other ops that take stack values instead of immediates""" doc: str ops: dict[str, str] = attrs.field(factory=dict) """ops to include in group, mapped to their new name""" def handled_ops(self) -> Iterator[str]: yield from self.ops.keys() GROUPED_OP_CODES = [ GroupedOpCodes( name="AppGlobal", doc="Get or modify Global app state", ops={ "app_global_get": "get", "app_global_get_ex": "get_ex", "app_global_del": "delete", "app_global_put": "put", }, ), GroupedOpCodes( name="Scratch", doc="Load or store scratch values", ops={"loads": "load", "stores": "store"}, ), GroupedOpCodes( name="AppLocal", doc="Get or modify Local app state", ops={ "app_local_get": "get", "app_local_get_ex": "get_ex", "app_local_del": "delete", "app_local_put": "put", }, ), GroupedOpCodes( name="Box", doc="Get or modify box state", ops={ "box_create": "create", "box_del": "delete", "box_extract": "extract", "box_get": "get", "box_len": "length", "box_put": "put", "box_replace": "replace", "box_resize": "resize", "box_splice": "splice", }, ), GroupedOpCodes( name="EllipticCurve", doc="Elliptic Curve functions", ops={ "ec_add": "add", "ec_map_to": "map_to", "ec_multi_scalar_mul": "scalar_mul_multi", "ec_pairing_check": "pairing_check", "ec_scalar_mul": "scalar_mul", "ec_subgroup_check": "subgroup_check", }, ), GroupedOpCodes( name="ITxnCreate", doc="Create inner transactions", ops={ "itxn_begin": "begin", "itxn_next": "next", "itxn_submit": "submit", "itxn_field": "set", }, ), ] MERGED_OP_CODES = [ MergedOpCodes( name="Txn", doc="Get values for the current executing transaction", ops={ "txn": {}, "txnas": { "txna": ["F", "I"], }, }, ), MergedOpCodes( name="GTxn", doc="Get values for transactions in the current group", ops={ "gtxns": { "gtxn": ["F", "T"], }, # field is immediate, first stack arg is txn index, second stack arg is array index "gtxnsas": { "gtxnsa": ["F", "A", "I"], # group index on stack "gtxna": ["F", "T", "I"], # no stack args "gtxnas": ["F", "T", "A"], # array index on stack }, }, ), MergedOpCodes( name="ITxn", doc="Get values for the last inner transaction", ops={ "itxn": {}, "itxnas": { "itxna": ["F", "I"], }, }, ), MergedOpCodes( name="GITxn", doc="Get values for inner transaction in the last group submitted", ops={ "gitxn": {}, "gitxnas": { "gitxna": ["T", "F", "I"], }, }, ), MergedOpCodes( name="Global", doc="Get Global values", ops={"global": {}}, ), ] RENAMED_OP_CODES = [ RenamedOpCode( name="arg", op="args", stack_aliases={"arg": ["N"]}, ), RenamedOpCode( name="extract", op="extract3", stack_aliases={ "extract": ["A", "S", "L"], }, ), RenamedOpCode( name="replace", op="replace3", stack_aliases={ "replace2": ["A", "S", "B"], }, ), RenamedOpCode( name="substring", op="substring3", stack_aliases={ "substring": ["A", "S", "E"], }, ), RenamedOpCode( name="gload", op="gloadss", stack_aliases={ "gload": ["T", "I"], "gloads": ["A", "I"], }, ), RenamedOpCode( name="gaid", op="gaids", stack_aliases={"gaid": ["T"]}, ), RenamedOpCode( name="exit", op="return", ), ] EXCLUDED_OPCODES = { # low level flow control "bnz", "bz", "b", "callsub", "retsub", "proto", "switch", "match", # low level stack manipulation "intc", *[f"intc_{i}" for i in range(4)], "bytec", *[f"bytec_{i}" for i in range(4)], "pushbytes", "pushbytess", "pushint", "pushints", "frame_dig", "frame_bury", "bury", "cover", "dig", "dup", "dup2", "dupn", "pop", "popn", "swap", "uncover", # program scratch slot read/modification (for current program) "load", "loads", "store", "stores", # maninuplates what other low level ops point to "intcblock", "bytecblock", # implicit immediates, covered by optimiser and/or assembler "arg_0", "arg_1", "arg_2", "arg_3", # have a higher level abstraction that supersedes it "log", } # which ops to treat as properties in the generated stubs PROPERTY_OPS = { "global": {"exclude": ["opcode_budget"]}, "txn": {"exclude": list[str]()}, } @attrs.define class TypedName: name: str type: StackType | ImmediateKind | str doc: str | None @attrs.define(kw_only=True) class FunctionDef: name: str doc: list[str] is_property: bool args: list[TypedName] = attrs.field(factory=list) return_docs: list[str] = attrs.field(factory=list) op_mapping: OpMappingWithOverloads min_avm_version: int @attrs.define class ClassDef: name: str doc: str methods: list[FunctionDef] = attrs.field() ops: list[str] def main() -> None: spec_path = VCS_ROOT / "langspec.puya.json" lang_spec_json = json.loads(spec_path.read_text(encoding="utf-8")) lang_spec = LanguageSpec.from_json(lang_spec_json) non_simple_ops = { *EXCLUDED_OPCODES, *dir(builtins), *keyword.kwlist, # TODO: maybe consider softkwlist too? } function_defs = list[FunctionDef]() class_defs = list[ClassDef]() enums_to_build = dict[str, bool]() for merged in MERGED_OP_CODES: non_simple_ops.update(merged.handled_ops()) class_defs.append(build_merged_ops(lang_spec, merged)) for grouped in GROUPED_OP_CODES: non_simple_ops.update(grouped.handled_ops()) class_defs.append(build_grouped_ops(lang_spec, grouped, enums_to_build)) for aliased in RENAMED_OP_CODES: function_defs.extend(build_aliased_ops(lang_spec, aliased)) non_simple_ops.update(aliased.handled_ops()) for op in lang_spec.ops.values(): if in non_simple_ops or not"Ignoring: {}") continue overriding_immediate = get_overriding_immediate(op) if overriding_immediate: class_defs.append( build_class_from_overriding_immediate( lang_spec, op, class_name=get_python_enum_class(, class_doc=" ".join(op.doc), immediate=overriding_immediate, aliases=[], ) ) else: for immediate in op.immediate_args: if immediate.immediate_type == ImmediateKind.arg_enum and ( immediate.modifies_stack_input is None and immediate.modifies_stack_output is None ): assert immediate.arg_enum is not None enums_to_build[immediate.arg_enum] = True function_defs.extend(build_operation_methods(op,, [])) function_defs.sort(key=lambda x: class_defs.sort(key=lambda x: enum_names = list(enums_to_build.keys()) output_stub(lang_spec, enum_names, function_defs, class_defs) output_awst_data(lang_spec, enum_names, function_defs, class_defs) def sub_types(type_name: StackType, *, covariant: bool) -> Sequence[pytypes.PyType]: try: typs = STACK_TYPE_MAPPING[type_name] except KeyError as ex: raise NotImplementedError( f"Could not map stack type {type_name} to an algopy type" ) from ex else: last_index = None if covariant else 1 return typs[:last_index] def immediate_kind_to_type(kind: ImmediateKind) -> type[int | str]: match kind: case ImmediateKind.uint8 | ImmediateKind.int8 | ImmediateKind.varuint: return int case ImmediateKind.arg_enum: return str case _: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected ImmediateKind: {kind}") def get_python_type( typ: StackType | ImmediateKind | str, *, covariant: bool, any_as: str | None ) -> str: match typ: case StackType() as stack_type: if any_as and stack_type == StackType.any: return any_as ptypes_ = sub_types(stack_type, covariant=covariant) names = [str(wt).removeprefix("algopy.") for wt in ptypes_] if covariant: for pt in ptypes_: lit_t = PYTYPE_TO_LITERAL[pt] if lit_t is not None: lit_name = str(lit_t) if lit_name not in names: names.append(lit_name) return " | ".join(names) case ImmediateKind() as immediate_kind: return immediate_kind_to_type(immediate_kind).__name__ case _: return typ def build_method_stub(function: FunctionDef, prefix: str = "") -> Iterable[str]: signature = list[str]() doc = function.doc[:] signature.append(f"def {}(") args = list[str]() for arg in function.args: python_type = get_python_type(arg.type, covariant=True, any_as=None) args.append(f"{}: {python_type}") if arg.doc: doc.append(f":param {python_type} {}: {arg.doc}") if function.args: args.append("/") # TODO: remove once we support kwargs signature.append(", ".join(args)) return_docs = function.return_docs returns = pytype_stub_repr(function.op_mapping.result) if return_docs: if doc: doc.append(f":returns {returns}: {return_docs[0]}") doc.extend(return_docs[1:]) else: doc = return_docs signature.append(f") -> {returns}:") teal_ops = sorted({op.op_code for op in function.op_mapping.overloads}) teal_op_desc = ", ".join(_get_algorand_doc(teal_op) for teal_op in teal_ops) doc.append("") doc.append(f"Native TEAL opcode: {teal_op_desc}") body = list[str]() if doc: body.append('"""') body.extend(doc) body.append('"""') else: body.append("...") yield prefix + "".join(signature) yield from [textwrap.indent(line, prefix=prefix + INDENT) for line in body] def build_stub_class(klass: ClassDef) -> Iterable[str]: ops = [f"{_get_algorand_doc(op)}" for op in klass.ops] docstring = "\n".join( [ INDENT + '"""', INDENT + klass.doc, INDENT + f"Native TEAL op{'s' if len(ops) > 1 else ''}: {', '.join(ops)}", INDENT + '"""', ] ) method_preamble = f"{INDENT}@staticmethod" yield f"class {}:" yield docstring for method in klass.methods: if method.is_property: yield from build_class_var_stub(method, INDENT) else: yield method_preamble yield from build_method_stub(method, prefix=INDENT) yield "" def build_class_var_stub(function: FunctionDef, indent: str) -> Iterable[str]: returns = pytype_stub_repr(function.op_mapping.result) return_docs = function.return_docs doc = return_docs if return_docs else function.doc[:] _maybe_add_min_version_doc(doc, function.min_avm_version) yield f"{indent}{}: typing.Final[{returns}] = ..." yield f'{indent}"""' for doc_line in doc: yield f"{indent}{doc_line}" yield f'{indent}"""' def _get_modified_stack_value(alias: Op) -> StackValue: immediate = get_overriding_immediate(alias) assert immediate if immediate.modifies_stack_input is not None: return alias.stack_inputs[immediate.modifies_stack_input] else: assert immediate.modifies_stack_output is not None return alias.stack_outputs[immediate.modifies_stack_output] AliasT: typing.TypeAlias = tuple[Op, list[str]] def build_class_from_overriding_immediate( spec: LanguageSpec, op: Op, class_name: str, class_doc: str, immediate: Immediate, aliases: list[AliasT], ) -> ClassDef: assert immediate.arg_enum"Using overriding immediate for {}") arg_enum_values = spec.arg_enums[immediate.arg_enum] # copy inputs so they can be mutated safely op = copy.deepcopy(op) aliases = copy.deepcopy(aliases) # obtain a list of stack values that will be modified for each enum stacks_to_modify = [_get_modified_stack_value(o) for o, _ in [(op, None), *aliases]] # build a method for each arg enum value methods = list[FunctionDef]() class_ops = {} for value in arg_enum_values: stack_type = value.stack_type assert stack_type for stack_to_modify in stacks_to_modify: stack_to_modify.stack_type = stack_type stack_to_modify.doc = value.doc method = build_operation_method( op, snake_case(, aliases, const_immediate_value=(immediate, value) ) # some enums are reused across ops, so need to take the max minimum of op and enum version method.min_avm_version = max(op.min_avm_version, value.min_avm_version) _maybe_add_min_version_doc(method.doc, method.min_avm_version) for op_mapping in method.op_mapping.overloads: class_ops.add(op_mapping.op_code) methods.append(method) return ClassDef(name=class_name, doc=class_doc, methods=methods, ops=sorted(class_ops)) def get_op_doc(op: Op) -> list[str]: doc = [d.replace("\\", "\\\\") for d in op.doc] _maybe_add_min_version_doc(doc, op.min_avm_version) return doc def get_python_enum_class(arg_enum: str) -> str: try: return PYTHON_ENUM_CLASS[arg_enum] except KeyError: pass # don't change acronyms if arg_enum.isupper(): return arg_enum return snake_case(arg_enum).replace("_", " ").title().replace(" ", "") def get_overriding_immediate(op: Op) -> Immediate | None: return next( ( immediate for immediate in op.immediate_args if immediate.modifies_stack_input is not None or immediate.modifies_stack_output is not None ), None, ) def build_enum(spec: LanguageSpec, arg_enum: str) -> Iterable[str]: values = spec.arg_enums[arg_enum] enum_name = get_python_enum_class(arg_enum) yield f"class {enum_name}(str):" yield f'{INDENT}"""Available values for the `{arg_enum}` enum"""' for value in values: yield f"{INDENT}{}: {enum_name} = ..." enum_doc = [] if value.doc: enum_doc.append(value.doc) _maybe_add_min_version_doc(enum_doc, value.min_avm_version) if enum_doc: yield f'{INDENT}"""' for doc_line in enum_doc: yield f"{INDENT}{doc_line}" yield f'{INDENT}"""' yield "" def _maybe_add_min_version_doc(doc: list[str], version: int) -> None: # only output min AVM version if it is greater than our min supported version if version > MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION: doc.append(f"Min AVM version: {version}") def build_operation_method( op: Op, op_function_name: str, aliases: list[AliasT], const_immediate_value: tuple[Immediate, ArgEnum] | None = None, ) -> FunctionDef: args = [] # python stub args can be different to mapping args, due to immediate args # that are inferred based on the method/property used function_args = [] doc = get_op_doc(op) for immediate in op.immediate_args: arg_type: ImmediateKind | str if immediate.immediate_type == ImmediateKind.arg_enum: assert immediate.arg_enum, "Arg enum expected" arg_type = get_python_enum_class(immediate.arg_enum) else: arg_type = immediate.immediate_type im_arg = TypedName(, type=arg_type, doc=immediate.doc) args.append(im_arg) if const_immediate_value and const_immediate_value[0] == immediate: # omit immediate arg from signature doc = [] else: function_args.append(im_arg) for si in op.stack_inputs: stack_arg = TypedName(, type=si.stack_type, doc=si.doc) args.append(stack_arg) function_args.append(stack_arg) if op.halts: return_docs = ["Halts program"] else: return_docs = [so.doc for so in op.stack_outputs if so.doc] try: property_op = PROPERTY_OPS[] except KeyError: is_property = False else: is_property = op_function_name not in property_op["exclude"] if op.halts: result_typ = pytypes.NeverType else: # replace immediate reference to arg enum with a constant enum value result_ptypes = [sub_types(o.stack_type, covariant=False)[0] for o in op.stack_outputs] if not result_ptypes: result_typ = pytypes.NoneType elif len(op.stack_outputs) == 1: (result_typ,) = result_ptypes else: result_typ = pytypes.GenericTupleType.parameterise(result_ptypes, source_location=None) if result_typ == pytypes.UInt64Type: if op_function_name == "on_completion": result_typ = pytypes.OnCompleteActionType elif op_function_name == "type_enum": result_typ = pytypes.TransactionTypeType op_mappings = [] ops_with_aliases = [(op, list[str]()), *aliases] for map_op, alias_args in ops_with_aliases: assert map_op.stack_outputs == op.stack_outputs if alias_args: # map the stack or immediate input name to the function signature position name_to_sig_idx = {n: idx2 for idx2, n in enumerate(alias_args)} else: name_to_sig_idx = { idx2 for idx2, tn in enumerate(args)} map_immediates = list[str | int | type[str | int]]() map_args_map = dict[int, Sequence[pytypes.PyType] | int]() for idx, i_arg in enumerate(map_op.immediate_args): if const_immediate_value and const_immediate_value[0] == i_arg: map_immediates.append(const_immediate_value[1].name) else: im_typ = immediate_kind_to_type(i_arg.immediate_type) map_immediates.append(im_typ) sig_idx = name_to_sig_idx[] map_args_map[sig_idx] = idx for s_arg in map_op.stack_inputs: allowed_types = tuple(sub_types(s_arg.stack_type, covariant=True)) sig_idx = name_to_sig_idx[] map_args_map[sig_idx] = allowed_types op_mappings.append( FunctionOpMapping(, immediates=map_immediates, args=[map_args_map[k] for k in sorted(map_args_map)], ) ) proto_function = FunctionDef( name=op_function_name, doc=doc, is_property=is_property, args=function_args, return_docs=return_docs, op_mapping=OpMappingWithOverloads( arity=len(function_args), result=result_typ, overloads=op_mappings, ), min_avm_version=op.min_avm_version, ) return proto_function def build_operation_methods( op: Op, op_function_name: str, aliases: list[AliasT] ) -> Iterable[FunctionDef]:"Mapping {} to {op_function_name}") if StackType.any in (s.stack_type for s in op.stack_outputs):"Found any output for {}") for replace_any_with in (StackType.bytes, StackType.uint64): new_op = op_any_replaced(op, replace_any_with) new_name = f"{op_function_name}_{}" new_aliases = [ (op_any_replaced(alias_op, replace_any_with), names) for alias_op, names in aliases ] yield build_operation_method(new_op, new_name, new_aliases) else: yield build_operation_method(op, op_function_name, aliases) def op_any_replaced(op: Op, replace_any_with: StackType) -> Op: stack_inputs = [] input_replaced = 0 for si in op.stack_inputs: if si.stack_type != StackType.any: stack_inputs.append(si) else: input_replaced += 1 stack_inputs.append(attrs.evolve(si, stack_type=replace_any_with)) stack_outputs = [] outputs_replaced = 0 for so in op.stack_outputs: if so.stack_type != StackType.any: stack_outputs.append(so) else: outputs_replaced += 1 stack_outputs.append(attrs.evolve(so, stack_type=replace_any_with)) assert outputs_replaced == 1 return attrs.evolve(op, stack_inputs=stack_inputs, stack_outputs=stack_outputs) def build_aliased_ops(spec: LanguageSpec, group: RenamedOpCode) -> Iterable[FunctionDef]: op = spec.ops[group.op] aliases = [ (spec.ops[stack_alias], arg_map) for stack_alias, arg_map in group.stack_aliases.items() ] methods = build_operation_methods(op,, aliases) return methods def build_merged_ops(spec: LanguageSpec, group: MergedOpCodes) -> ClassDef: merge_methods = dict[str, FunctionDef]() for other_op_name, alias_dict in group.ops.items(): aliases = [(spec.ops[alias_op], arg_map) for alias_op, arg_map in alias_dict.items()] other_op = spec.ops[other_op_name] overriding_immediate = get_overriding_immediate(other_op) assert overriding_immediate other_class = build_class_from_overriding_immediate( spec, other_op,, class_doc=group.doc, immediate=overriding_immediate, aliases=aliases, ) for method in other_class.methods: merge_methods[] = method methods = list(merge_methods.values()) return ClassDef(, doc=group.doc, methods=methods, ops=sorted(group.ops)) def build_grouped_ops( spec: LanguageSpec, group: GroupedOpCodes, enums_to_build: dict[str, bool] ) -> ClassDef: methods = list[FunctionDef]() for rename_op_name, python_name in group.ops.items(): rename_op = spec.ops[rename_op_name] rename_immediate = get_overriding_immediate(rename_op) if rename_immediate: rename_class = build_class_from_overriding_immediate( spec, rename_op,, class_doc=group.doc, immediate=rename_immediate, aliases=[], ) # when grouping an op with immediate overrides, treat python_name as a prefix for method in rename_class.methods: = f"{python_name}_{}" methods.extend(rename_class.methods) else: methods.extend(build_operation_methods(rename_op, python_name, aliases=[])) for arg in rename_op.immediate_args: if arg.immediate_type == ImmediateKind.arg_enum and ( arg.modifies_stack_input is None and arg.modifies_stack_output is None ): assert arg.arg_enum is not None enums_to_build[arg.arg_enum] = True class_def = ClassDef(, doc=group.doc, methods=methods, ops=sorted(group.ops), ) return class_def def pytype_repr(typ: pytypes.PyType) -> str: try: return PYTYPE_REPR[typ] except KeyError: pass match typ: case pytypes.TupleType(items=tuple_items) if len(tuple_items) > 1: item_strs = [pytype_repr(item) for item in tuple_items] return ( f"pytypes.GenericTupleType.parameterise(" f"({', '.join(item_strs)}), source_location=None)" ) raise ValueError(f"Unexpected pytype: {typ}") def build_op_specification_body(function: FunctionDef) -> Iterable[str]: if function.is_property: (op_mapping,) = function.op_mapping.overloads (immediate,) = op_mapping.immediates yield ( f"{}=PropertyOpMapping(" f"{op_mapping.op_code!r}, {immediate!r}, {pytype_repr(function.op_mapping.result)}," f")," ) else: yield f"{}=OpMappingWithOverloads(" if function.op_mapping.result is not pytypes.NoneType: yield f" result={pytype_repr(function.op_mapping.result)}," yield f" arity={function.op_mapping.arity}, " yield " overloads=[" for op_mapping in function.op_mapping.overloads: yield f"FunctionOpMapping({op_mapping.op_code!r}," if op_mapping.immediates: yield " immediates=[" for idx, item in enumerate(op_mapping.immediates): if idx: yield ", " if not isinstance(item, type): yield repr(item) else: yield item.__name__ yield "]," if op_mapping.args: yield " args=[" for idx, allowed_types_or_idx in enumerate(op_mapping.args): if idx: yield ", " if isinstance(allowed_types_or_idx, int): yield repr(allowed_types_or_idx) else: # noqa: PLR5501 if len(allowed_types_or_idx) == 1: yield f"({pytype_repr(*allowed_types_or_idx)},)" else: yield "(" for idx2, allowed_type in enumerate(allowed_types_or_idx): if idx2: yield "," yield pytype_repr(allowed_type) yield ")" yield "]," yield ")," yield "]" yield ")," def build_awst_data( lang_spec: LanguageSpec, enums: list[str], function_ops: list[FunctionDef], class_ops: list[ClassDef], ) -> Iterable[str]: yield "import typing" yield "from import Mapping, Sequence" yield "from puyapy.awst_build import pytypes" yield ( "from puyapy.awst_build.intrinsic_models" " import FunctionOpMapping, OpMappingWithOverloads, PropertyOpMapping" ) yield "ENUM_CLASSES: typing.Final[Mapping[str, Mapping[str, str]]] = dict(" for enum_name in enums: yield f"{get_python_enum_class(enum_name)}=dict(" for enum_value in lang_spec.arg_enums[enum_name]: # enum names currently match enum immediate values yield f'{}="{}",' yield ")," yield ")" yield "" yield "FUNC_TO_AST_MAPPER: typing.Final[Mapping[str, OpMappingWithOverloads]] = dict(" for function_op in function_ops: yield "".join(build_op_specification_body(function_op)) yield ")" yield ( "NAMESPACE_CLASSES: " "typing.Final[Mapping[str, Mapping[str, PropertyOpMapping | OpMappingWithOverloads]]]" " = dict(" ) for class_op in class_ops: yield f"{}=dict(" for method in class_op.methods: yield "".join(build_op_specification_body(method)) yield ")," yield ")" def output_stub( lang_spec: LanguageSpec, enums: list[str], function_ops: list[FunctionDef], class_ops: list[ClassDef], ) -> None: references = ", ".join( sorted( str(pt).removeprefix("algopy.") for pt, lit_t in PYTYPE_TO_LITERAL.items() if str(pt).startswith("algopy.") ) ) stub: list[str] = [ "import typing", "", f"from algopy import {references}", ] for arg_enum in enums: stub.extend(build_enum(lang_spec, arg_enum)) for function in function_ops: stub.extend(build_method_stub(function)) for class_op in class_ops: stub.extend(build_stub_class(class_op)) stub_out_path = VCS_ROOT / "stubs" / "algopy-stubs" / f"{STUB_NAMESPACE}.pyi" stub_out_path.write_text("\n".join(stub), encoding="utf-8")["ruff", "format", str(stub_out_path)], check=True, cwd=VCS_ROOT) def pytype_stub_repr(pytype: pytypes.PyType) -> str: return str(pytype).replace("algopy.", "") def output_awst_data( lang_spec: LanguageSpec, enums: list[str], function_ops: list[FunctionDef], class_ops: list[ClassDef], ) -> None: awst_data = build_awst_data(lang_spec, enums, function_ops, class_ops) awst_data_path = VCS_ROOT / "src" / "puyapy" / "awst_build" / "" awst_data_path.write_text("\n".join(awst_data), encoding="utf-8")["ruff", "format", str(awst_data_path)], check=True, cwd=VCS_ROOT)["ruff", "check", "--fix", str(awst_data_path)], check=False, cwd=VCS_ROOT) def _get_algorand_doc(op: str) -> str: return f"[`{op}`]({ALGORAND_OP_URL}#{op})" if __name__ == "__main__": main()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import contextlib import enum import json import logging import typing from pathlib import Path import attrs import cattrs logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) STACK_INPUT_NAMES = "ABCDE" STACK_OUTPUT_NAMES_FEW = "XYZ" # 3 or less var STACK_OUTPUT_NAMES_MANY = "WXYZ" # 4 var VARIABLE_SIZE_OPCODES = { "intcblock", "bytecblock", "pushbytes", "pushbytess", "pushint", "pushints", "switch", "match", } class NamedType(typing.TypedDict): """ { "Name": "uint64", "Abbreviation": "i", "Bound": [ 0, 18446744073709551615 ], "AVMType": "uint64" }, """ Name: str Abbreviation: str AVMType: str class ImmediateNote(typing.TypedDict, total=False): """ { "Comment": "transaction field index", "Encoding": "uint8", "Name": "F", "Reference": "txn" } """ Comment: str Encoding: str Name: str Reference: str class Operation(typing.TypedDict, total=False): """ { "Opcode": 0, "Name": "err", "Size": 1, "Doc": "Fail immediately.", "IntroducedVersion": 1, "Groups": [ "Flow Control" ] }, { "Opcode": 1, "Name": "sha256", "Args": [ "[]byte" ], "Returns": [ "[32]byte" ], "Size": 1, "Doc": "SHA256 hash of value A, yields [32]byte", "IntroducedVersion": 1, "Groups": [ "Arithmetic" ] } """ Doc: str Opcode: int Size: int Name: str IntroducedVersion: int Groups: list[str] Args: list[str] Returns: list[str] DocExtra: str ArgEnum: list[str] ArgEnumTypes: list[str] ArgEnumBytes: list[int] ArgModes: list[int] ArgEnumVersion: list[int] ImmediateNote: list[ImmediateNote] # the following values are not in the original langspec.json # these values are manually patched in during transform ArgEnumIsInput: bool Halts: bool # these values are output by a modified opdoc.go from go-algorand repo Cost: str ArgEnumDoc: list[str] Modes: int class AlgorandLanguageSpec(typing.TypedDict): NamedTypes: list[NamedType] Ops: list[Operation] class StackType(enum.StrEnum): uint64 = bytes = "[]byte" bytes_8 = "[8]byte" bytes_32 = "[32]byte" bytes_33 = "[33]byte" bytes_64 = "[64]byte" bytes_80 = "[80]byte" bytes_1232 = "[1232]byte" bytes_1793 = "[1793]byte" bool = address = address_or_index = any = bigint = box_name = "boxName" asset = application = state_key = "stateKey" class RunMode(enum.StrEnum): app = sig = any = @attrs.define class StackValue: name: str """Name used to refer to this value in the Op.doc""" stack_type: StackType doc: str | None = None @attrs.define class ArgEnum: name: str doc: str | None stack_type: StackType | None mode: RunMode value: int min_avm_version: int class ImmediateKind(enum.StrEnum): uint8 = int8 = label = varuint = bytes = # array types label_array = varuint_array = bytes_array = # not in original lang spec arg_enum = @attrs.frozen(kw_only=True) class Immediate: name: str """Name used to refer to this value in the Op.doc""" immediate_type: ImmediateKind arg_enum: str | None = None modifies_stack_input: int | None = None """Index of stack input type that this immediate modifies""" modifies_stack_output: int | None = None """Index of stack output type that this immediate modifies""" """field_group reference if immediate_type is field_group""" doc: str | None = None @attrs.define class Cost: value: int | None """Static cost of op, or None if cost is not static""" doc: str """Documentation describing how cost is calculated""" @attrs.define class Op: name: str """Name of op in TEAL""" code: int """Bytecode value""" size: int """Size in bytes of compiled op, 0 indicate size is variable""" doc: list[str] cost: Cost min_avm_version: int """AVM version op was introduced""" halts: bool mode: RunMode """True if this op halts the program""" groups: list[str] = attrs.field(factory=list) """Groups op belongs to""" stack_inputs: list[StackValue] = attrs.field(factory=list) """Inputs that come from the stack""" immediate_args: list[Immediate] = attrs.field(factory=list) """Arguments that are passed as immediate values in TEAL""" stack_outputs: list[StackValue] = attrs.field(factory=list) """Outputs left on the stack""" @attrs.define class LanguageSpec: ops: dict[str, Op] = attrs.field(factory=dict) arg_enums: dict[str, list[ArgEnum]] = attrs.field(factory=dict) @staticmethod def from_json(json: dict[str, typing.Any]) -> "LanguageSpec": return cattrs.structure(json, LanguageSpec) def to_json(self) -> dict[str, typing.Any]: return attrs.asdict(self) def _patch_lang_spec(lang_spec: dict[str, typing.Any]) -> None: ops = {op["Name"]: op for op in lang_spec["Ops"]} # patch ops that use a stack type of any # for arguments that should be an Address or Address index for op_name in ( "acct_params_get", "app_local_get", "app_local_put", "app_local_del", "app_local_get_ex", "app_opted_in", "asset_holding_get", "balance", "min_balance", "voter_params_get", ): _patch_arg_type(ops, op_name, 0, "any", "address_or_index") # patch ops that use a stack type of uint64 # for arguments that should be an Application for op_name, arg_index in { "app_opted_in": 1, "app_global_get_ex": 0, "app_local_get_ex": 1, "app_params_get": 0, }.items(): _patch_arg_type(ops, op_name, arg_index, "uint64", "application") # patch ops that use a stack type of uint64 # for return types that should be a bool for op_name in [ "!", ]: _patch_return_type(ops, op_name, 0, "uint64", "bool") # patch ops that use a stack type of uint64 # for arguments that should be an Asset for op_name, arg_index in { "asset_holding_get": 1, "asset_params_get": 0, }.items(): _patch_arg_type(ops, op_name, arg_index, "uint64", "asset") for op_name, arg_index in { "select": 2, }.items(): _patch_arg_type(ops, op_name, arg_index, "uint64", "bool") # patch return bytes -> bigint for op_name in [ "b+", "b*", ]: _patch_return_type(ops, op_name, 0, "[]byte", "bigint") # patch txn enum fields with asset and application types txn = ops["txn"] itxn_field = ops["itxn_field"] for op in (txn, itxn_field): for immediate in [ "XferAsset", "ConfigAsset", "FreezeAsset", ]: _patch_arg_enum_type(op, immediate, "uint64", "asset") _patch_arg_enum_type(op, "ApplicationID", "uint64", "application") _patch_arg_enum_type(txn, "CreatedApplicationID", "uint64", "application") _patch_arg_enum_type(txn, "CreatedAssetID", "uint64", "asset") # patch txna enums txna = ops["txna"] _patch_arg_enum_type(txna, "Assets", "uint64", "asset") _patch_arg_enum_type(txna, "Applications", "uint64", "application") # patch global enums _patch_arg_enum_type(ops["global"], "CurrentApplicationID", "uint64", "application") # base64_decode has an ArgEnumTypes array when it probably shouldn't # as all stack outputs are bytes del ops["base64_decode"]["ArgEnumTypes"] # itxn_field reuses the same field group as txn, however it only uses a subset of fields # additionally ArgEnumTypes refers to the stack input types not the output types itxn_field = ops["itxn_field"] itxn_field["ImmediateNote"][0]["Reference"] = "itxn_field" itxn_field["ArgEnumIsInput"] = True # ops that never return encode this with a single return type of none # however currently this information is stripped when generating langspec.json ops["err"]["Halts"] = True ops["return"]["Halts"] = True def _patch_arg_enum_type( op: dict[str, typing.Any], immediate: str, current_type: str, new_type: str ) -> None: arg_enum = op["ArgEnum"] assert immediate in arg_enum, f"Expected {immediate} arg enum for {op['Name']}" immediate_index = arg_enum.index(immediate) arg_enum_types = op["ArgEnumTypes"] assert ( arg_enum_types[immediate_index] == current_type ), f"Expected {immediate} to be {current_type}" arg_enum_types[immediate_index] = new_type def _patch_arg_type( ops: dict[str, typing.Any], op_name: str, arg_index: int, current_type: str, new_type: str ) -> None: op_args = ops[op_name]["Args"] assert ( op_args[arg_index] == current_type ), f"Expected {op_name} arg {arg_index} to be {current_type}" op_args[arg_index] = new_type def _patch_return_type( ops: dict[str, typing.Any], op_name: str, return_index: int, current_type: str, new_type: str ) -> None: returns = ops[op_name]["Returns"] assert ( returns[return_index] == current_type ), f"Expected {op_name} return {return_index} to be {current_type}" returns[return_index] = new_type def create_indexed_enum(op: Operation) -> list[ArgEnum]: enum_names = op["ArgEnum"] enum_types: list[str] | list[None] = op.get("ArgEnumTypes", []) enum_docs = op["ArgEnumDoc"] enum_bytes = op["ArgEnumBytes"] enum_modes = op["ArgModes"] enum_versions = op["ArgEnumVersion"] if not enum_types: enum_types = [None] * len(enum_names) result = list[ArgEnum]() for enum_name, enum_type, enum_doc, enum_mode, enum_byte, enum_version in zip( enum_names, enum_types, enum_docs, enum_modes, enum_bytes, enum_versions, strict=True ): stack_type = None if enum_type is None else StackType(enum_type) enum_value = ArgEnum( name=enum_name, doc=enum_doc if enum_doc else None, stack_type=stack_type, mode=_map_enum_mode(op["Modes"], enum_mode), value=enum_byte, min_avm_version=enum_version, ) result.append(enum_value) return result def _map_enum_mode(op_mode: int, arg_mode: int = 0) -> RunMode: mode = arg_mode or op_mode match mode: case 1: return RunMode.sig case 2: return case 3: return RunMode.any case _: raise ValueError("Unexpected run mode") def transform_encoding(value: str) -> ImmediateKind: match value: case "uint8": result = ImmediateKind.uint8 case "int8": result = ImmediateKind.int8 case "int16 (big-endian)": result = ImmediateKind.label case "varuint": result = ImmediateKind.varuint case "varuint length, bytes": result = ImmediateKind.bytes case "varuint count, [varuint ...]": result = ImmediateKind.varuint_array case "varuint count, [varuint length, bytes ...]": result = ImmediateKind.bytes_array case "varuint count, [int16 (big-endian) ...]": result = ImmediateKind.label_array case _: raise ValueError(f"Unknown Encoding: {value}") return result def transform_stack_args(op: Operation) -> list[StackValue]: result = list[StackValue]() args = op.get("Args", []) assert len(args) <= len(STACK_INPUT_NAMES), f"More args than expected for {op['Name']}" for index, arg_type in enumerate(op.get("Args", [])): name = STACK_INPUT_NAMES[index] stack_type = StackType(arg_type) result.append(StackValue(name=name, stack_type=stack_type)) return result def transform_immediates( arg_enums: dict[str, list[ArgEnum]], algorand_ops: dict[str, Operation], op: Operation, ) -> list[Immediate]: op_name = op["Name"] result = list[Immediate]() for immediate in op.get("ImmediateNote", []): arg_enum_reference = immediate.get("Reference") if arg_enum_reference is not None: arg_enum = op.get("ArgEnum") if arg_enum_reference not in arg_enums: try: enum_op = algorand_ops[arg_enum_reference] except KeyError: enum_op = op assert arg_enum, f"Expected enum for {op_name}" arg_enums[arg_enum_reference] = create_indexed_enum(enum_op) if arg_enum is not None: assert len(arg_enum) == len( arg_enums[arg_enum_reference] ), f"Arg Enum lengths don't match for {op_name}" modifies_stack_input: int | None = None modifies_stack_output: int | None = None if arg_enum_reference and any(a.stack_type for a in arg_enums[arg_enum_reference]): assert all(a.stack_type for a in arg_enums[arg_enum_reference]) if op.get("ArgEnumIsInput"): modifies_stack_input = 0 else: modifies_stack_output = 0 result.append( Immediate( name=immediate["Name"], immediate_type=( transform_encoding(immediate["Encoding"]) if arg_enum_reference is None else ImmediateKind.arg_enum ), modifies_stack_input=modifies_stack_input, modifies_stack_output=modifies_stack_output, arg_enum=arg_enum_reference, doc=immediate["Comment"], ) ) return result def transform_returns(op: Operation) -> list[StackValue]: try: returns = op["Returns"] except KeyError: return [] num_returns = len(returns) if num_returns <= len(STACK_OUTPUT_NAMES_FEW): return_argument_names = STACK_OUTPUT_NAMES_FEW elif num_returns <= len(STACK_OUTPUT_NAMES_MANY): return_argument_names = STACK_OUTPUT_NAMES_MANY else: raise AssertionError(f"More returns than expected for {op['Name']}") return [ StackValue( name=name, stack_type=StackType(return_type), ) for name, return_type in zip(return_argument_names, returns, strict=False) ] def transform_doc(op: Operation) -> list[str]: doc = op["Doc"].splitlines() doc_extra = op.get("DocExtra") if doc_extra: doc.extend(doc_extra.splitlines()) return doc def get_immediate_encoded_size(immediate: Immediate) -> int: match immediate.immediate_type: case ImmediateKind.uint8 | ImmediateKind.int8 | ImmediateKind.arg_enum: return 1 case ImmediateKind.label: return 2 case ImmediateKind(): return 0 case _: raise ValueError(f"Cannot determine size of {immediate.immediate_type}") def transform_cost(op: Operation) -> Cost: algorand_cost = op["Cost"] cost = Cost(value=None, doc=algorand_cost) with contextlib.suppress(ValueError): cost.value = int(algorand_cost) return cost def transform_spec(lang_spec: AlgorandLanguageSpec) -> LanguageSpec: result = LanguageSpec() arg_enums = result.arg_enums algorand_ops = {o["Name"]: o for o in sorted(lang_spec["Ops"], key=lambda x: x["Name"])} for op_name, algorand_op in algorand_ops.items(): op = Op( name=op_name, code=algorand_op["Opcode"], size=algorand_op["Size"], doc=transform_doc(algorand_op), cost=transform_cost(algorand_op), min_avm_version=algorand_op["IntroducedVersion"], groups=algorand_op["Groups"], immediate_args=transform_immediates(arg_enums, algorand_ops, algorand_op), stack_inputs=transform_stack_args(algorand_op), stack_outputs=transform_returns(algorand_op), halts=algorand_op.get("Halts", False), mode=_map_enum_mode(algorand_op["Modes"]), ) validate_op(result, op) result.ops[] = op return result def validate_op(lang_spec: LanguageSpec, op: Op) -> None: # validate op size instruction_size = 0 if in VARIABLE_SIZE_OPCODES else 1 expected_size = ( sum([get_immediate_encoded_size(a) for a in op.immediate_args]) + instruction_size ) assert op.size == expected_size, f"Unexpected size for specified immediate args for {}" # validate immediate modifiers for immediate in op.immediate_args: if immediate.immediate_type == ImmediateKind.arg_enum: assert immediate.arg_enum in lang_spec.arg_enums if immediate.modifies_stack_input is not None: assert immediate.modifies_stack_input < len(op.stack_inputs), ( f"Immediate for {} references stack input " f"that does not exist {immediate.modifies_stack_input}" ) if immediate.modifies_stack_output is not None: assert immediate.modifies_stack_output < len(op.stack_outputs), ( f"Immediate for {} references stack output " f"that does not exist {immediate.modifies_stack_output}" ) else: assert not immediate.arg_enum assert not immediate.modifies_stack_input assert not immediate.modifies_stack_output def main() -> None: vcs_root = Path(__file__).parent.parent spec_path = vcs_root / "langspec.json" output_path = vcs_root / "langspec.puya.json""Transforming {spec_path} to {output_path}") lang_spec_json = json.loads(spec_path.read_text(encoding="utf-8")) _patch_lang_spec(lang_spec_json) lang_spec = typing.cast(AlgorandLanguageSpec, lang_spec_json) puya_spec = transform_spec(lang_spec) puya_json = json.dumps(puya_spec.to_json(), indent=4) output_path.write_text(puya_json, encoding="utf-8") if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(message)s") main()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile from pathlib import Path MYPY_REPO = "" VCS_ROOT = Path(__file__).parent.parent TYPESHED_README = """ This is PuyaPy's custom typeshed, which is a curated subset of the official MyPy typeshed. It only includes the required stubs used by PuyaPy as this speeds up MyPy's parsing speed significantly. However this means certain python modules such as `enum` or `dataclasses` cannot be used in PuyaPy stubs unless this typeshed is updated. The contents of the typeshed are populated by the `scripts/` script, which is used to vendor new versions of MyPy or to update the stubs included in this typeshed. So to add new stubs, update that script and rerun. """.strip() def clone_branch(version: str) -> str: git_clone = f"git clone --depth=1 --branch={version} --single-branch {MYPY_REPO} ." print(f"Executing: {git_clone}"), check=True) git_hash ="git rev-parse HEAD".split(), capture_output=True, check=True).stdout assert git_hash is not None"rm -rf .git".split(), check=True) return git_hash.decode("utf8").strip() def vendor_mypy(version: str) -> None: puya_src_dir = VCS_ROOT / "src" / "puyapy" vendor_dir = puya_src_dir / "_vendor" mypy_vendor = vendor_dir / "mypy" print(f"Vendoring mypy into: {mypy_vendor}") print("Removing existing mypy files...") shutil.rmtree(mypy_vendor, ignore_errors=True) print(f"Cloning mypy {version}...") with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: os.chdir(tmp_dir) git_hash = clone_branch(version) print(f"Checked out mypy {version} @ {git_hash}") print(f"Copying mypy into {mypy_vendor}...") shutil.copytree(Path(tmp_dir) / "mypy", mypy_vendor) (mypy_vendor / ".version").write_text(f"{version}: {git_hash}") print("Updating custom typeshed") update_puya_typeshed(mypy_vendor / "typeshed", puya_src_dir / "_typeshed") def update_puya_typeshed(mypy_typeshed: Path, puya_typeshed: Path) -> None: shutil.rmtree(puya_typeshed, ignore_errors=True) stubs = Path("stubs") stdlib = Path("stdlib") relative_to_copy = [ # hard coded in mpyy/, minimum requirements for mypy stubs / "mypy-extensions" / "mypy_extensions.pyi", stdlib / "VERSIONS", # hard coded in mpyy/, minimum requirements for mypy stdlib / "builtins.pyi", stdlib / "typing.pyi", stdlib / "types.pyi", stdlib / "typing_extensions.pyi", stdlib / "_typeshed" / "__init__.pyi", stdlib / "_collections_abc.pyi", stdlib / "collections" / "abc.pyi", stdlib / "sys" / "__init__.pyi", stdlib / "abc.pyi", # needed for puyapy # stdlib / "enum.pyi" ] (puya_typeshed / stdlib).mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) (puya_typeshed / stubs).mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) for relative in relative_to_copy: copy_src = mypy_typeshed / relative copy_dst = puya_typeshed / relative if copy_src.is_dir(): shutil.copytree(copy_src, copy_dst) else: copy_dst.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) shutil.copy(copy_src, copy_dst) (puya_typeshed / stdlib / "collections" / "__init__.pyi").touch() (puya_typeshed / "").write_text(TYPESHED_README) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) > 1: vendor_mypy(version=sys.argv[1]) else: print("Usage: python <version>") print("e.g. python v1.5.0")
from algopy import ( Bytes, UInt64, subroutine, urange, ) from algopy.op import ( btoi, bzero, extract, extract_uint16, getbit, itob, replace, select_uint64, setbit_bytes, substring, ) UINT16_SIZE = 2 UINT64_SIZE = 8 UINT16_OFFSET = UINT64_SIZE - UINT16_SIZE @subroutine def dynamic_array_pop_bit(array: Bytes) -> tuple[Bytes, Bytes]: """ Pop the last item from an arc4 dynamic array of arc4 encoded boolean items array: The bytes for the source array returns: tuple of (The popped item, The updated bytes for the source array) """ array_length = extract_uint16(array, 0) length_minus_1 = array_length - 1 result = replace(array, 0, extract(itob(length_minus_1), UINT16_OFFSET, 0)) popped_location = length_minus_1 + UINT16_SIZE * 8 popped = setbit_bytes(b"\x00", 0, getbit(result, popped_location)) result = setbit_bytes(result, popped_location, 0) result = substring(result, 0, UINT16_SIZE + ((length_minus_1 + 7) // 8)) return popped, result @subroutine def dynamic_array_pop_fixed_size(array: Bytes, fixed_byte_size: UInt64) -> tuple[Bytes, Bytes]: """ Pop the last item from an arc4 dynamic array of fixed sized items array: The bytes for the source array returns: tuple of (The popped item, The updated bytes for the source array) """ array_length = extract_uint16(array, 0) length_minus_1 = array_length - 1 result = replace(array, 0, extract(itob(length_minus_1), UINT16_OFFSET, 0)) item_location = result.length - fixed_byte_size popped = extract(result, item_location, fixed_byte_size) result = substring(result, 0, item_location) return popped, result @subroutine def dynamic_array_pop_byte_length_head(array: Bytes) -> tuple[Bytes, Bytes]: """ Pop the last item from an arc4 dynamic array of items that are prefixed with their length in bytes, e.g. arc4.String, arc4.DynamicBytes source: The bytes for the source array returns: tuple of (The popped item, The updated bytes for the source array) """ array_length = extract_uint16(array, 0) length_minus_1 = array_length - 1 popped_header_offset = length_minus_1 * UINT16_SIZE head_and_tail = extract(array, UINT16_SIZE, 0) popped_offset = extract_uint16(head_and_tail, popped_header_offset) popped = substring(head_and_tail, popped_offset, head_and_tail.length) head_and_tail = substring(head_and_tail, 0, popped_header_offset) + substring( head_and_tail, popped_header_offset + 2, popped_offset ) updated = extract( itob(length_minus_1), UINT16_OFFSET, UINT16_SIZE ) + recalculate_head_for_elements_with_byte_length_head( array_head_and_tail=head_and_tail, length=length_minus_1, start_at_index=UInt64(0) ) return popped, updated @subroutine def dynamic_array_pop_dynamic_element(array: Bytes) -> tuple[Bytes, Bytes]: """ Pop the last item from an arc4 dynamic array of dynamically sized items array: The bytes for the source array returns: tuple of (The popped item, The updated bytes for the source array) """ array_length = extract_uint16(array, 0) length_minus_1 = array_length - 1 popped_header_offset = length_minus_1 * UINT16_SIZE head_and_tail = extract(array, UINT16_SIZE, 0) popped_offset = extract_uint16(head_and_tail, popped_header_offset) popped = substring(head_and_tail, popped_offset, head_and_tail.length) new_head = Bytes() for head_offset in urange(0, length_minus_1 * UINT16_SIZE, UINT16_SIZE): item_offset = extract_uint16(head_and_tail, head_offset) item_offset -= UINT16_SIZE new_head += extract(itob(item_offset), UINT16_OFFSET, UINT16_SIZE) updated = ( extract(itob(length_minus_1), UINT16_OFFSET, UINT16_SIZE) + new_head + substring(head_and_tail, popped_header_offset + UINT16_SIZE, popped_offset) ) return popped, updated @subroutine def dynamic_array_concat_bits( *, array: Bytes, new_items_bytes: Bytes, new_items_count: UInt64, is_packed: bool ) -> Bytes: """ Concat data to an arc4 dynamic array of arc4 encoded boolean values array: The bytes for the source array new_items_bytes: Either the data portion of an arc4 packed array of booleans or a sparse array of concatenated arc4 booleans new_items_count: The count of new items being added is_packed: True if new_items_bytes represents a packed array, else False returns: The updated bytes for the source array """ array_length = extract_uint16(array, 0) new_array_length = array_length + new_items_count new_array_length_b = extract(itob(new_array_length), UINT16_OFFSET, 0) result = replace(array, 0, new_array_length_b) current_bytes = (array_length + 7) // 8 required_bytes = (new_array_length + 7) // 8 if current_bytes < required_bytes: result += bzero(required_bytes - current_bytes) write_offset = array_length + 8 * UINT16_SIZE for i in urange(0, new_items_count, UInt64(1) if is_packed else UInt64(8)): result = setbit_bytes(result, write_offset, getbit(new_items_bytes, i)) write_offset += 1 return result @subroutine def dynamic_array_concat_byte_length_head( array: Bytes, new_items_bytes: Bytes, new_items_count: UInt64 ) -> Bytes: """ Replace a single item in an arc4 dynamic array of items that are prefixed with their byte length array: The bytes of the source array new_items_bytes: The bytes for all new items, concatenated new_items_counts: The count of new items being added returns: The updated bytes for the source array """ array_length = extract_uint16(array, 0) new_length = array_length + new_items_count header_end = array_length * UINT16_SIZE + 2 return extract( itob(new_length), UINT16_OFFSET, UINT16_SIZE ) + recalculate_head_for_elements_with_byte_length_head( array_head_and_tail=( substring(array, 2, header_end) + bzero(new_items_count * UINT16_SIZE) + substring(array, header_end, array.length) + new_items_bytes ), length=new_length, start_at_index=UInt64(0), ) @subroutine def dynamic_array_concat_dynamic_element( *, array_items_count: UInt64, array_head_and_tail: Bytes, new_items_count: UInt64, new_head_and_tail: Bytes, ) -> Bytes: new_head = Bytes() item_offset_adjustment = new_items_count * UINT16_SIZE for head_offset in urange(0, array_items_count * UINT16_SIZE, UINT16_SIZE): item_offset = extract_uint16(array_head_and_tail, head_offset) new_head += extract(itob(item_offset_adjustment + item_offset), UINT16_OFFSET, UINT16_SIZE) item_offset_adjustment = array_head_and_tail.length for head_offset in urange(0, new_items_count * UINT16_SIZE, UINT16_SIZE): item_offset = extract_uint16(new_head_and_tail, head_offset) new_head += extract(itob(item_offset_adjustment + item_offset), UINT16_OFFSET, UINT16_SIZE) return ( extract(itob(array_items_count + new_items_count), UINT16_OFFSET, UINT16_SIZE) + new_head + substring( array_head_and_tail, array_items_count * UINT16_SIZE, array_head_and_tail.length ) + substring(new_head_and_tail, new_items_count * UINT16_SIZE, new_head_and_tail.length) ) @subroutine def dynamic_array_replace_byte_length_head(array: Bytes, new_item: Bytes, index: UInt64) -> Bytes: """ Replace a single item in an arc4 dynamic array of items that are prefixed with their byte length array: The bytes of the source array new_item: The bytes of the new item to be inserted index: The index to insert the new item at array_length: The length of the array returns: The updated bytes for the source array """ size_b = substring(array, 0, UINT16_SIZE) array_length = btoi(size_b) return size_b + static_array_replace_byte_length_head( array_head_and_tail=extract(array, UINT16_SIZE, 0), new_item=new_item, index=index, array_length=array_length, ) @subroutine def dynamic_array_replace_dynamic_element(source: Bytes, new_item: Bytes, index: UInt64) -> Bytes: size_b = substring(source, 0, UINT16_SIZE) array_length = btoi(size_b) return size_b + static_array_replace_dynamic_element( array_head_and_tail=extract(source, UINT16_SIZE, 0), new_item=new_item, index=index, array_length=array_length, ) @subroutine def static_array_replace_dynamic_element( *, array_head_and_tail: Bytes, new_item: Bytes, index: UInt64, array_length: UInt64 ) -> Bytes: original_offset = extract_uint16(array_head_and_tail, index * 2) next_item_offset = extract_uint16(array_head_and_tail, (index + 1) * 2) end_of_tail = array_head_and_tail.length is_before_end = array_length - index - 1 end_offset = select_uint64(end_of_tail, next_item_offset, is_before_end) original_item_length = end_offset - original_offset new_item_length = new_item.length new_head_and_tail = ( substring(array_head_and_tail, 0, original_offset) + new_item + substring(array_head_and_tail, end_offset, end_of_tail) ) for head_offset in urange((index + 1) * 2, array_length * 2, 2): tail_offset = extract_uint16(new_head_and_tail, head_offset) tail_offset += new_item_length tail_offset -= original_item_length tail_offset_bytes = extract(itob(tail_offset), UINT16_OFFSET, UINT16_SIZE) new_head_and_tail = replace(new_head_and_tail, head_offset, tail_offset_bytes) return new_head_and_tail @subroutine def static_array_replace_byte_length_head( array_head_and_tail: Bytes, new_item: Bytes, index: UInt64, array_length: UInt64 ) -> Bytes: """ Replace a single item in an arc4 dynamic array of items that are prefixed with their byte length array_head_and_tail: The head and tail bytes of the source array new_item: The bytes of the new item to be inserted index: The index to insert the new item at array_length: The length of the array returns: The updated bytes for the source array """ assert index < array_length, "Index out of bounds" offset_for_index = extract_uint16(array_head_and_tail, index * UINT16_SIZE) old_item_length = extract_uint16(array_head_and_tail, offset_for_index) old_item_end = offset_for_index + old_item_length + UINT16_SIZE return recalculate_head_for_elements_with_byte_length_head( array_head_and_tail=substring(array_head_and_tail, 0, offset_for_index) + new_item + substring(array_head_and_tail, old_item_end, array_head_and_tail.length), length=array_length, start_at_index=index, ) @subroutine def recalculate_head_for_elements_with_byte_length_head( array_head_and_tail: Bytes, length: UInt64, start_at_index: UInt64 ) -> Bytes: """ Recalculates the offset values of an arc4 static array, where each item's head consists of its length in bytes as uint16 array_data: The static array data length: The length of the static array start_at_index: Optionally start at a non-zero index for performance optimisation. The offset at this index is assumed to be correct if start_at_index is not 0 returns: The updated bytes for the source array """ tail_offset = select_uint64( length * UINT16_SIZE, extract_uint16(array_head_and_tail, start_at_index * UINT16_SIZE), start_at_index, # use length * UINT16_SIZE if 0 otherwise inspect head ) for head_offset in urange(start_at_index * UINT16_SIZE, length * UINT16_SIZE, UINT16_SIZE): tail_offset_bytes = extract(itob(tail_offset), UINT16_OFFSET, UINT16_SIZE) array_head_and_tail = replace(array_head_and_tail, head_offset, tail_offset_bytes) tail_offset += extract_uint16(array_head_and_tail, tail_offset) + UINT16_SIZE head_offset += UINT16_SIZE return array_head_and_tail
from algopy import Bytes, UInt64, op, subroutine @subroutine def is_substring(item: Bytes, sequence: Bytes) -> bool: """ Search for a shorter string in a larger one. """ start = UInt64(0) while start + item.length <= sequence.length: if item == op.substring(sequence, start, start + item.length): return True start += 1 return False
from algopy import ( Bytes, OnCompleteAction, OpUpFeeSource, TransactionType, UInt64, op, subroutine, ) @subroutine def ensure_budget(required_budget: UInt64, fee_source: OpUpFeeSource) -> None: # A budget buffer is necessary to deal with an edge case of ensure_budget(): # if the current budget is equal to or only slightly higher than the # required budget then it's possible for ensure_budget() to return with a # current budget less than the required budget. The buffer prevents this # from being the case. required_budget_with_buffer = required_budget + 10 while required_budget_with_buffer > op.Global.opcode_budget(): op.ITxnCreate.begin() op.ITxnCreate.set_type_enum(TransactionType.ApplicationCall) op.ITxnCreate.set_on_completion(OnCompleteAction.DeleteApplication) op.ITxnCreate.set_approval_program(Bytes.from_hex("068101")) op.ITxnCreate.set_clear_state_program(Bytes.from_hex("068101")) match fee_source: case OpUpFeeSource.GroupCredit: op.ITxnCreate.set_fee(0) case OpUpFeeSource.AppAccount: op.ITxnCreate.set_fee(op.Global.min_txn_fee) # case OpUpFeeSource.Any: # any means no fee set op.ITxnCreate.submit()
import argparse from importlib.metadata import version from pathlib import Path import attrs from puya.log import LogFormat, LogLevel, configure_logging from puya.main import main @attrs.define(kw_only=True) class _PuyaCLIArgs: options: Path | None = None awst: Path | None = None source_annotations: Path | None = None log_level: LogLevel = log_format: LogFormat = LogFormat.default def cli() -> None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="puya", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter ) # TODO: use version of puya instead once package is split parser.add_argument("--version", action="version", version=f"%(prog)s {version('puyapy')}") parser.add_argument( "--log-level", type=LogLevel.from_string, choices=list(LogLevel), ) parser.add_argument( "--log-format", type=LogFormat.from_string, choices=list(LogFormat), default=LogFormat.default, ) parser.add_argument("--options", type=Path, required=True) parser.add_argument("--awst", type=Path, required=True) parser.add_argument("--source-annotations", type=Path) parsed_args = _PuyaCLIArgs() parser.parse_args(namespace=parsed_args) configure_logging(min_log_level=parsed_args.log_level, log_format=parsed_args.log_format) assert parsed_args.options options_json = parsed_args.options.read_text("utf8") assert parsed_args.awst awst_json = parsed_args.awst.read_text("utf8") source_annotations_json = None if parsed_args.source_annotations: source_annotations_json = parsed_args.source_annotations.read_text("utf8") main( options_json=options_json, awst_json=awst_json, source_annotations_json=source_annotations_json, ) if __name__ == "__main__": cli()
ZERO_ADDRESS = "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY5HFKQ" ENCODED_ADDRESS_LENGTH = 58 PUBLIC_KEY_HASH_LENGTH = 32 ADDRESS_CHECKSUM_LENGTH = 4 MAX_BIGUINT_BITS = 512 MAX_UINT64 = 2**64 - 1 MAX_BIGUINT_BYTES = MAX_BIGUINT_BITS // 8 MAX_BYTES_LENGTH = 4096 MAX_SCRATCH_SLOT_NUMBER = 255 MAX_GLOBAL_STATE_KEYS = 64 MAX_LOCAL_STATE_KEYS = 16 MAX_STATE_KEY_LENGTH = 64 MIN_BOX_KEY_LENGTH = 1 MAX_BOX_KEY_LENGTH = 64 MAX_TRANSACTION_GROUP_SIZE = 16 MAX_APP_PAGE_SIZE = 2048 HASH_PREFIX_PROGRAM = b"Program" """Represents the prefix added to a program before hashing e.g. for a LogicSigs address""" # Which language versions does this version of puya support targeting # This will typically just be the current mainnet version and potentially the vNext if it doesn't # contain breaking changes SUPPORTED_AVM_VERSIONS = [10, 11, 12] # Which language version is currently deployed to mainnet MAINNET_AVM_VERSION = 10
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio exists but content is empty.
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