It's a 2,200-mile race. To give some sense of perspective, that's roughly the distance between Washington, D.C. and Las Vegas. They do it over the course of three weeks at very fast speeds. But incredibly, oftentimes the distance between first and second is somewhere between and one and three minutes.
it's a, 2,200-mile; race to give some sense of perspective that's; roughly the distance between washington d.c and las vegas they do it. over the course of three weeks at very fast speeds but incredibly oftentimes the distance between first and, second is somewhere between and one and three
It's a 2,200-mile race To. give some sense of perspective that's roughly the distance between Washington D.C and Las Vegas They do it over the. course of three weeks at very fast speeds But incredibly oftentimes the distance between first and second is somewhere between and one and three
it's a 2,200-mile race. to give some sense of perspective, that's roughly the distance between washington, d.c. and las vegas. they do it over the course of three weeks at very fast speeds. but incredibly, oftentimes the distance between first and second is somewhere between and one and three minutes.
So for a top competitor like Lance to try to make up that much time -he's now 13 minutes, 26 seconds behind the current race leader, Cadel Evans of Australia. And even Lance said yesterday that for him, the -any chance of winning the tour has gone out the window. He still does have a teammate on his team, RadioShack team, American Levi Leipheimer currently in eighth place, two minutes, 14 seconds back. And Lance is going to do what he can to help Leipheimer do well.
so for a top competitor like lance to try to make up that much time -he's now 13 minutes, 26 seconds behind the current race leader cadel evans of australia and even. lance said yesterday that for him the -any chance of winning the tour has gone out the window he still does, have a teammate, on his team radioshack team american levi leipheimer currently in eighth place two minutes 14 seconds back, and lance is going to do what he can to, help leipheimer, do
So for a top competitor like Lance to try to make up that much time -he's now 13 minutes 26 seconds behind the, current race, leader, Cadel Evans of Australia And even Lance, said yesterday that for him the -any chance of, winning the tour has gone, out the window He still does have a teammate on his team RadioShack team, American Levi Leipheimer, currently in eighth place two minutes 14 seconds back And Lance is going to do what he can to help. Leipheimer do
so for a top competitor like lance to try to make up that much time -he's now 13 minutes, 26 seconds behind the current race leader, cadel evans of australia. and even lance said yesterday that for him, the -any chance of winning the tour has gone out the window. he still does have a teammate on his team, radioshack team, american levi leipheimer currently in eighth place, two minutes, 14 seconds back. and lance is going to do what he can to help leipheimer do well.
So in every team, presumably there's one star, one equivalent to Lance Armstrong and the other team - the rest of the teammates project him, do what they can to help him succeed?
so in every team presumably there's one. star one equivalent to lance armstrong and the other team - the rest of the teammates project him do. what they can to help; him
So in every team presumably there's one star one equivalent to Lance Armstrong and the. other team - the rest; of, the teammates project him do what they can to help him,
so in every team, presumably there's one star, one equivalent to lance armstrong and the other team - the rest of the teammates project him, do what they can to help him succeed?
That's right. Each team has nine riders. And what you have is basically the team leader, sort of your queen bee, and then eight worker bees working to keep that queen safe and happy for when the decisive moments of the race come. In cycling, a lot of the energy goes toward actually battling wind resistance. So if you're riding behind another rider, you can be using up to 30 percent less energy because you're in that slipstream of the rider who's battling the wind. So team riders will ride on the front, protect their leader. You'll often see a team member drift back to the team car to fetch water bottles to keep their leader well hydrated.
that's right each team has nine riders and what you. have. is basically, the team leader sort of your, queen bee and then eight worker bees working to keep that queen safe and happy for when the decisive moments of, the race come in cycling a lot of the energy goes. toward actually battling wind resistance so if you're riding behind another rider you can be using up. to 30 percent, less energy because you're in that slipstream of the rider who's battling the wind so team riders will ride on; the front protect their leader, you'll often see a team member drift; back to the team car to fetch water bottles to keep their leader. well.
That's right, Each team has nine riders And what you have is basically the team leader sort of your queen bee. and then. eight worker bees working to keep. that queen safe and happy, for when the decisive. moments of the; race come In cycling a lot of the energy, goes. toward actually. battling wind resistance So, if you're riding behind another rider you, can, be using up to 30 percent less energy because you're in that slipstream of the rider who's battling the wind, So team. riders will; ride on the front protect their leader You'll often see a team member drift back to, the team car to fetch water; bottles to keep their leader well
that's right. each team has nine riders. and what you have is basically the team leader, sort of your queen bee, and then eight worker bees working to keep that queen safe and happy for when the decisive moments of the race come. in cycling, a lot of the energy goes toward actually battling wind resistance. so if you're riding behind another rider, you can be using up to 30 percent less energy because you're in that slipstream of the rider who's battling the wind. so team riders will ride on the front, protect their leader. you'll often see a team member drift back to the team car to fetch water bottles to keep their leader well hydrated.
So slipstream, this is like drafting in car racing, right?
so slipstream this is like drafting in car racing
So slipstream. this is like drafting in car racing
so slipstream, this is like drafting in car racing, right?
That's exactly right.
that's exactly
That's exactly
that's exactly right.
And so the guy who's in back has an easier time. And even when there are people in front on a breakaway, for example, who are from different teams, three or four riders, you will see them switch back and forth rather congenially so the same person isn't in front all the time.
and so the guy who's, in. back has an easier time. and even when there are people in front on a breakaway for example, who are from different, teams three or four riders you will, see, them switch back and forth rather congenially so the same person isn't in front all the
And so the guy who's in back has an easier time And even when there are people in front on a. breakaway for example, who are from different teams three or four riders you will see them switch, back and. forth rather congenially so the same person isn't in front all the
and so the guy who's in back has an easier time. and even when there are people in front on a breakaway, for example, who are from different teams, three or four riders, you will see them switch back and forth rather congenially so the same person isn't in front all the time.
That's right. There's a lot of deal making that can go on in those breakaways. And oftentimes, they'll share the work until a time when they've determined it's every man for himself. But up until then, they form a sort of de facto team. And then sometimes you can see they've actually decided who might be able to win the stage that day. And these wagers can be for anything, for future favors, for money, for other things that they determine are valuable.
that's, right there's a lot of deal making that can go on in those breakaways and oftentimes. they'll share the work. until a time when they've determined it's every man for himself but up, until then they form a sort of de, facto team and then, sometimes you can see they've actually decided who might. be able to win the stage that day and these wagers can be for anything for future favors for, money for other things that they determine, are
That's right There's, a lot of, deal making, that can. go, on in those breakaways And oftentimes they'll share. the work until a time when they've determined it's every man for himself But up until. then they form a sort of de facto team And then sometimes you can see they've actually decided. who might be able, to; win the, stage, that day And these wagers can be for anything for future favors for money for other things that they determine; are.
that's right. there's a lot of deal making that can go on in those breakaways. and oftentimes, they'll share the work until a time when they've determined it's every man for himself. but up until then, they form a sort of de facto team. and then sometimes you can see they've actually decided who might be able to win the stage that day. and these wagers can be for anything, for future favors, for money, for other things that they determine are valuable.
We're talking with Loren Mooney, the editor-in-chief of Bicycling Magazine. She's at our bureau in New York. Why do you watch the Tour de France? So we want to hear from our bicycling audience today. 800-989-8255. Email us: talk@npr.org. And we'll start with John(ph), John with us from San Francisco.
we're talking with loren mooney, the editor-in-chief of bicycling magazine she's at our bureau. in new york why do you watch the tour de, france? so we want to hear from our bicycling audience today, 800-989-8255. email us: talk@npr.org and we'll start with john(ph), john with us from, san
We're. talking with Loren Mooney the editor-in-chief, of Bicycling Magazine, She's. at our bureau in New York Why do you watch the Tour de. France? So we want to hear from our bicycling audience today 800-989-8255. Email us: talk@npr.org And we'll start with John(ph), John with us, from San,
we're talking with loren mooney, the editor-in-chief of bicycling magazine. she's at our bureau in new york. why do you watch the tour de france? so we want to hear from our bicycling audience today. 800-989-8255. email us: talk@npr.org. and we'll start with john(ph), john with us from san francisco.
Hi, John.
hi, john.
Yeah, the bicycle - or the Tour de France for me is just kind of the ultimate extension of what can be done with the bicycle. The bicycle is the most efficient form of transportation as far as energy spent for a single human being. And to me, the tour is just - takes it to the utmost what can - or what are the outer limits of what one man can do with this machine. It kind of puts it all at the very top limit of what's possible.
yeah the bicycle - or, the tour de france for me is just kind of, the ultimate extension, of what can. be done with the bicycle the bicycle is the most efficient form of transportation as far as. energy spent for a single human being and to me the tour, is just. - takes it to the utmost what can - or what are the outer limits of what one man can do with this machine, it. kind of puts it all at the very, top limit of what's
Yeah the bicycle - or the Tour de France for me is just kind of. the ultimate extension of what can be done, with the bicycle The bicycle is the most efficient form of transportation as far, as energy spent for a single human being And to me, the tour is just, - takes it to the utmost what can - or what are. the. outer limits of what one man can do, with this machine It kind of puts it all at the very top limit of; what's
yeah, the bicycle - or the tour de france for me is just kind of the ultimate extension of what can be done with the bicycle. the bicycle is the most efficient form of transportation as far as energy spent for a single human being. and to me, the tour is just - takes it to the utmost what can - or what are the outer limits of what one man can do with this machine. it kind of puts it all at the very top limit of what's possible.
The ultimate expression - the training that you have to do for this, John, though is pretty ferocious.
the ultimate expression - the training that; you have to do, for this john though is pretty
The ultimate expression - the training that you have to do for this John though is pretty
the ultimate expression - the training that you have to do for this, john, though is pretty ferocious.
That also. But if you try to think of how long it would take anyone to cover the same distance by foot or the amount of energy spent in any other way for these guys to go 3,000 miles in three weeks, it's kind of unfathomable without the machine itself.
that also, but if you try to think of how long it would take anyone to cover the. same distance by foot or the amount of energy spent in any other way for these guys to go 3,000 miles. in three weeks it's kind of unfathomable without the machine
That also But if. you try to think of how long it would take anyone to cover the same distance by, foot or the amount of energy spent in any other. way. for these, guys to go 3,000 miles in three weeks it's kind of unfathomable without the machine
that also. but if you try to think of how long it would take anyone to cover the same distance by foot or the amount of energy spent in any other way for these guys to go 3,000 miles in three weeks, it's kind of unfathomable without the machine itself.
That's true. It's interesting, too, these guys, they are very efficient in their energy use. But the amount of energy that they're using for human capacity can be fairly stunning. These guys are burning anywhere between six and 9,000 calories every day just to move their bicycles over the terrain. Nine thousand calories is the upper limits on some of those more difficult mountain stages. And that's more than the average American should eat in four-plus days to give you some sense of scale. These guys turn into very high-burning engines, if you will.
that's true. it's interesting too these guys they, are very efficient in their energy use but the amount of energy that, they're. using for human capacity can be fairly stunning these guys are burning anywhere between six and 9,000 calories every day just to. move their bicycles over the terrain nine thousand calories is the upper limits on some of those more, difficult mountain stages and. that's more, than the average american should eat in four-plus days. to give you some sense of scale these guys turn into very high-burning engines if you
That's true It's interesting too these guys they are very. efficient in. their energy use, But; the amount of energy that they're using, for human capacity can be fairly stunning These guys are burning anywhere between six and 9,000 calories every day just to move their bicycles over the terrain Nine thousand calories is the upper limits on some of those more difficult mountain stages And that's more than the average American. should eat in four-plus days to give you some sense of scale These guys turn into very high-burning engines if you
that's true. it's interesting, too, these guys, they are very efficient in their energy use. but the amount of energy that they're using for human capacity can be fairly stunning. these guys are burning anywhere between six and 9,000 calories every day just to move their bicycles over the terrain. nine thousand calories is the upper limits on some of those more difficult mountain stages. and that's more than the average american should eat in four-plus days to give you some sense of scale. these guys turn into very high-burning engines, if you will.
In other words, don't invite them out to dinner.
in other words don't invite; them out to
In other words don't invite them out to
in other words, don't invite them out to dinner.
Yeah. You'd be - if you have to pick up the tab, you'd be in some trouble for sure.
yeah you'd, be - if you, have to pick up the tab you'd be in some trouble for
Yeah You'd be - if you have to pick up the tab you'd be. in some trouble; for
yeah. you'd be - if you have to pick up the tab, you'd be in some trouble for sure.
John, thanks very much for the call.
john thanks very much for the
John thanks very much for, the
john, thanks very much for the call.
Thank you.
thank you.
Bye-bye. There is also, as we mentioned, the training. But one of the aspects of the race that seems to startle a lot of people is they're riding through these little towns in France, for the most part, and people are standing right by the roadsides. There's no barriers. They just reach out and touch them, and sometimes they do.
bye-bye there is also as we mentioned the training but one of the aspects of. the race that seems to, startle a lot of people is they're riding through, these, little towns in france. for the most part and people are standing right by the roadsides there's no barriers they just reach out and touch them. and sometimes they
Bye-bye There is also as we mentioned the training But one of the, aspects of the race that seems to startle a lot; of people is they're riding through these little towns in France for the most part and people are standing right by the roadsides There's, no barriers They just; reach out and touch them and sometimes they
bye-bye. there is also, as we mentioned, the training. but one of the aspects of the race that seems to startle a lot of people is they're riding through these little towns in france, for the most part, and people are standing right by the roadsides. there's no barriers. they just reach out and touch them, and sometimes they do.
That's right. One of the very cool things about the sport is it does give the public a chance to really go face to face with the riders on the roadway. Sometimes on those steep climbs, you'll see just walls of people almost blocking the road and then moving back at the last second to let the riders slip through. Given the access that the fans have - and there can be, you know, hundreds of thousands, close to a million people on some of these larger mountainsides - it is remarkable that there's not more interference from fans.
that's. right. one of the very cool things about the sport is it does give the public a chance to really go face to face with the riders on the roadway sometimes on those steep climbs you'll see, just walls of people almost blocking the road and then moving back at the last, second to let the riders slip through given the access that the fans, have - and there can be you know hundreds of thousands close to. a million, people on some of these larger mountainsides - it is remarkable that, there's not more. interference from
That's right One of the very cool things about the sport is it does give the public a chance to really go face to face. with the riders, on the roadway Sometimes on those steep, climbs, you'll see just walls of people almost blocking the. road and, then moving back at the last second to let the riders, slip through Given the access that the fans have - and there can be; you know hundreds of thousands close to a million people on some of these larger mountainsides - it is remarkable that there's not more interference from.
that's right. one of the very cool things about the sport is it does give the public a chance to really go face to face with the riders on the roadway. sometimes on those steep climbs, you'll see just walls of people almost blocking the road and then moving back at the last second to let the riders slip through. given the access that the fans have - and there can be, you know, hundreds of thousands, close to a million people on some of these larger mountainsides - it is remarkable that there's not more interference from fans.
Let's go next to Marshall(ph), Marshall with us from Holland, Michigan.
let's go next to marshall(ph), marshall with us from holland
Let's go next to Marshall(ph), Marshall, with us from Holland
let's go next to marshall(ph), marshall with us from holland, michigan.
Hello. The reason I watch the Tour de France is because this is the best time for a cyclist like myself, an amateur racer, to enjoy top-notch live coverage. Otherwise, it's all by magazines or over the Internet.
hello the reason i watch the tour de france is because this, is the best time for a cyclist like, myself an amateur, racer to enjoy top-notch live coverage; otherwise it's. all by magazines or, over the
Hello The reason I watch the Tour de France is because this is the, best time for a cyclist like myself an amateur racer to enjoy top-notch live coverage. Otherwise it's all. by magazines or. over the
hello. the reason i watch the tour de france is because this is the best time for a cyclist like myself, an amateur racer, to enjoy top-notch live coverage. otherwise, it's all by magazines or over the internet.
The magazines are, of course, brilliant.
the magazines are of course
The magazines are of course
the magazines are, of course, brilliant.
The magazines are brilliant.
the magazines are
The magazines are
the magazines are brilliant.
Magazines are brilliant, and I do have a subscription to Bicycling Magazine.
magazines are, brilliant and i do have a subscription to bicycling
Magazines are; brilliant and I do have a subscription to Bicycling
magazines are brilliant, and i do have a subscription to bicycling magazine.
Oh, okay.
oh, okay.
But it's the best because you have every type of racing that you can enjoy. You have the mountains. You have sprinting. And you have time trials. So no matter what kind of cyclist you are, you get to watch all the world's greatest cyclists in one, you know, one three-week race. And it's the best. It's - I devour it every night and find excuses to be at home during the day to watch it live.
but it's the best because you have, every type, of racing that you can, enjoy you have the mountains, you have sprinting and you have time; trials so no matter what kind of cyclist you are you get to watch all the world's greatest cyclists in one you know, one three-week, race and it's the best it's - i devour it every night and find excuses to be at, home during the day to watch it
But. it's the best because you have every type; of racing that you can enjoy You have the mountains You have, sprinting And you have time trials So no matter what, kind of cyclist you are you get, to watch all the world's greatest cyclists in one you know one three-week race And it's the best It's - I. devour it every night and find excuses to be at home during the day to watch it;
but it's the best because you have every type of racing that you can enjoy. you have the mountains. you have sprinting. and you have time trials. so no matter what kind of cyclist you are, you get to watch all the world's greatest cyclists in one, you know, one three-week race. and it's the best. it's - i devour it every night and find excuses to be at home during the day to watch it live.
One of interesting things, Marshall, that I find is the races within the races. So you have races that are sprints and people competing for the sprint championship, and then races within the mountains and people competing to be the King of the Mountains.
one of interesting things marshall that i find is the races within the races so you have races that are sprints and people competing for the sprint championship and then races within the mountains and people competing; to be the king of the,
One of interesting things Marshall. that I find is the races within the races So you have races that are sprints; and people competing for the sprint. championship and then. races within the mountains and, people competing to be the King of the
one of interesting things, marshall, that i find is the races within the races. so you have races that are sprints and people competing for the sprint championship, and then races within the mountains and people competing to be the king of the mountains.
Those are great because it actually allows you to pay attention on individual stages more so than the overall. While the overall is the top prize, the King of the Mountains and the sprint's jersey, even the young rider jersey, which is the white jersey, are prized. And among sprinters, which is my favorite competition, that's awesome because the speed that they hit, 45, 47, almost 50 kilometers an hour for huge amount of wattage, it's just amazing.
those are great because it actually allows you. to pay attention on individual stages more so than the overall, while the overall is the top prize the king of the mountains. and the sprint's jersey even the young rider jersey which is the white jersey are prized, and among sprinters which is my favorite competition that's awesome because the speed that, they hit 45, 47, almost 50 kilometers an hour for huge amount, of wattage it's just
Those are great because it actually. allows you, to pay. attention on individual stages more so than the overall While the overall is the top. prize the King of the Mountains, and the sprint's jersey even the young rider. jersey which is the white jersey are prized And among sprinters; which is my favorite competition that's awesome because the speed that they hit 45, 47, almost 50 kilometers. an hour for huge, amount of wattage it's just
those are great because it actually allows you to pay attention on individual stages more so than the overall. while the overall is the top prize, the king of the mountains and the sprint's jersey, even the young rider jersey, which is the white jersey, are prized. and among sprinters, which is my favorite competition, that's awesome because the speed that they hit, 45, 47, almost 50 kilometers an hour for huge amount of wattage, it's just amazing.
Hmm. Marshall, thanks very much for the phone call. Appreciate it.
hmm marshall thanks very much for the phone call appreciate
Hmm, Marshall. thanks very much for the, phone call. Appreciate
hmm. marshall, thanks very much for the phone call. appreciate it.
You bet.
you bet.
The jerseys, he mentioned, of course, the yellow jersey is the overall leader, but the other categories have all jerseys of their own, Loren Mooney.
the jerseys he mentioned of course the yellow jersey is. the overall leader but the other categories have all jerseys of their own. loren
The jerseys he mentioned of course the yellow jersey is the overall leader but the other categories. have all jerseys of their own Loren
the jerseys, he mentioned, of course, the yellow jersey is the overall leader, but the other categories have all jerseys of their own, loren mooney.
Yeah, that's right. The yellow jersey, the overall leader, and that is the rider with the lowest cumulative time at the end of the three weeks. The green sprinter's jersey, determined by points, often who has the best sprint at the end. But there are also some intermediate sprints during some stages. The polka dot jersey is for the best mountain climber. And the white jersey is for the best rider 25 years of age or under.
yeah that's, right, the yellow jersey the overall leader and that is the rider with the lowest cumulative time at, the end of the three weeks, the green sprinter's, jersey determined by points often who has, the best sprint at the end but there are also some intermediate sprints during some stages the polka dot jersey; is for the best mountain climber. and. the white jersey is for the best rider 25 years of age. or
Yeah, that's right The, yellow jersey the overall leader and that is the, rider with the lowest. cumulative time at. the end. of. the three weeks; The. green sprinter's jersey determined by points, often who has the best sprint at the end But there are also some intermediate sprints, during some stages The polka dot jersey is for the best mountain climber And the white jersey. is. for. the best rider 25 years of age or
yeah, that's right. the yellow jersey, the overall leader, and that is the rider with the lowest cumulative time at the end of the three weeks. the green sprinter's jersey, determined by points, often who has the best sprint at the end. but there are also some intermediate sprints during some stages. the polka dot jersey is for the best mountain climber. and the white jersey is for the best rider 25 years of age or under.
Let's go next to Rick(ph), Rick with us from Denver.
let's go next to rick(ph), rick with us from
Let's go. next to Rick(ph), Rick with us from
let's go next to rick(ph), rick with us from denver.
Hello. How are you today?
hello how are you
Hello How are you
hello. how are you today?
Good, thanks.
good, thanks.
Great. Hey, I just - I love hearing a show about the Tour de France and I truly love watching it. And as a former cyclist, I spent four years after high school, before I started college, racing bikes. But I would propose that there are two reasons why people love watching the tour, and I'd love to hear your guest's comments on these. Number one is the cinematography is incredible. I mean, you really - you don't just watch a bike race when you watch the tour each morning. You get a chance to see some of the most beautiful scenery. And just the way they present it on TV, it's much more than just a sporting event.
great hey i just - i love hearing a show about the tour de, france, and i truly love watching it and as a former cyclist i spent four years after high, school before i started college racing bikes but i would propose that there, are two reasons why people love, watching the tour, and i'd love to hear; your guest's comments on these number one is the, cinematography is incredible i mean you really - you don't just watch a bike race when you watch the tour, each morning you get, a chance to, see some of the most beautiful. scenery and just the way they; present it on tv it's much more than just a sporting
Great Hey I just - I love hearing. a show about the Tour; de France and I truly love watching it And as a former cyclist I spent four years after high school before I started college racing bikes But I would propose that there are two reasons why people love watching the tour, and I'd love to hear your guest's, comments on these Number one is the cinematography is incredible I mean you really - you don't just watch a bike race when you watch the tour each morning You get a chance to see some of the most, beautiful scenery And just the way they present it on TV it's much more than just a sporting
great. hey, i just - i love hearing a show about the tour de france and i truly love watching it. and as a former cyclist, i spent four years after high school, before i started college, racing bikes. but i would propose that there are two reasons why people love watching the tour, and i'd love to hear your guest's comments on these. number one is the cinematography is incredible. i mean, you really - you don't just watch a bike race when you watch the tour each morning. you get a chance to see some of the most beautiful scenery. and just the way they present it on tv, it's much more than just a sporting event.
And the second reason I would propose people love watching the Tour de France is Mr. Phil Liggett. It's - the British gentleman who speaks to us each morning, not just about the race and the current riders whom he seems to know each one of them personally, but about the history of the race, the history of France, the history of cycling, the history of whatever you like. Phil just seems to have so many stories that fill what is a very long day.
and the second reason i. would propose people, love watching the tour de france is mr, phil liggett it's. - the, british gentleman who speaks. to us, each morning not just about the race and the current riders whom he seems to know each one of them personally but about the history of the race the history of france the history of cycling the history of whatever you like phil just seems to have so many stories that, fill what is a very long
And the second reason I would, propose people love watching the Tour de France is Mr Phil Liggett It's, - the British gentleman who speaks, to. us each morning. not just about the race and the current riders whom he seems to know each, one of them personally but. about the history of the race the history of France the history of cycling the. history of whatever you like Phil just, seems to have so many stories that fill what is a very. long
and the second reason i would propose people love watching the tour de france is mr. phil liggett. it's - the british gentleman who speaks to us each morning, not just about the race and the current riders whom he seems to know each one of them personally, but about the history of the race, the history of france, the history of cycling, the history of whatever you like. phil just seems to have so many stories that fill what is a very long day.
I mean, these races on television are quite long. And yet, you never get bored because each time he starts speaking he's got another little tidbit to share with you. So...
i mean; these races. on television are quite long. and yet you never get bored because each time he starts speaking he's, got another little tidbit, to share with you
I mean these. races on television are quite long And yet you never get bored because, each time, he starts speaking he's got another little tidbit to share with you
i mean, these races on television are quite long. and yet, you never get bored because each time he starts speaking he's got another little tidbit to share with you. so...
...I find that the cinematography and Phil just leave me gripped to the TV.
...i find that the cinematography and phil just, leave me gripped to. the,
...I find that the cinematography and Phil just leave me gripped to. the,
...i find that the cinematography and phil just leave me gripped to the tv.
I thought this call originally from the French Ministry of Tourism. But it turns out, of course, he was publicity department at Versus, so...
i thought this call originally from the french ministry of tourism but it turns out of course he was publicity department. at versus
I. thought this call originally from the French Ministry of Tourism But it turns out of; course he was. publicity department at Versus
i thought this call originally from the french ministry of tourism. but it turns out, of course, he was publicity department at versus, so...
Well, I would love to know what your guest thinks of my proposal that those are two reasons why people continue to watch the tour despite many of the troubles that the athletes seem to create for themselves.
well i would love to know what your guest thinks of my proposal that those are two reasons why, people continue to watch the tour despite many of the troubles that the, athletes; seem to create for
Well I would love to know what your guest thinks of my proposal, that; those are two reasons why people continue to watch the tour despite, many of the troubles that the athletes seem to create for
well, i would love to know what your guest thinks of my proposal that those are two reasons why people continue to watch the tour despite many of the troubles that the athletes seem to create for themselves.
Yeah. I think that's right, particularly with the scenery of France. It is a true tour of the country. The route changes each year. Some years, it goes in a counterclockwise circle around France. This year going clockwise, where it's hitting the Alps mountains before the Pyrenees. And you're seeing tiny villages. You're seeing just breathtaking mountainscapes. You go into the Pyrenees, you see the Basque flags and the fans wearing orange, cheering.
yeah i think that's right particularly with the scenery of france it, is a true tour of the country the, route changes each year some years it goes in a counterclockwise circle around france this, year going clockwise where it's hitting the alps mountains before the pyrenees and you're seeing tiny villages, you're seeing just breathtaking mountainscapes you. go into the pyrenees. you see the basque flags and the fans wearing orange
Yeah I think that's, right particularly with the scenery; of France It is a true tour of the. country The route, changes each year Some; years it goes in a counterclockwise circle around France This year going, clockwise where it's hitting the Alps mountains before the Pyrenees And you're seeing tiny villages You're seeing just breathtaking mountainscapes You go into the Pyrenees you see the Basque flags and the fans wearing orange
yeah. i think that's right, particularly with the scenery of france. it is a true tour of the country. the route changes each year. some years, it goes in a counterclockwise circle around france. this year going clockwise, where it's hitting the alps mountains before the pyrenees. and you're seeing tiny villages. you're seeing just breathtaking mountainscapes. you go into the pyrenees, you see the basque flags and the fans wearing orange, cheering.
And also, the cinematography that they're using at this point is outstanding. You're seeing not only the wide shots from helicopters, but these cameramen on motorbikes within the race are the true daredevils of the race. They get some amazing footage.
and. also the cinematography that they're using at this point is outstanding you're seeing not only the, wide, shots. from helicopters. but these cameramen on motorbikes. within the. race are the true daredevils of. the race. they get some amazing
And also the cinematography that they're using at this point is outstanding. You're seeing not only the wide shots from helicopters, but these cameramen on motorbikes within the race; are the true, daredevils of the race They get some amazing
and also, the cinematography that they're using at this point is outstanding. you're seeing not only the wide shots from helicopters, but these cameramen on motorbikes within the race are the true daredevils of the race. they get some amazing footage.
You're also seeing in some of the sprint stages now, they have a camera that goes alongside the racers at upwards of 50 miles an hour, sometimes at the very end to see the very last rocket ship efforts of the sprinters. So really covering it from all angles, again, getting up close, getting into the riders' faces at the moment of the action is pretty remarkable stuff.
you're also seeing in some of the sprint stages now they have a camera that goes alongside the racers at upwards. of 50 miles an hour sometimes at the very. end to see the very. last rocket ship efforts of. the sprinters, so really; covering it from all, angles again getting, up close getting into the riders' faces at the moment of the action is pretty remarkable
You're. also seeing, in some of the. sprint stages now they have a camera that goes alongside, the racers at; upwards, of 50 miles an hour sometimes at the very end to see the very last rocket ship efforts of the sprinters So. really covering it from all angles again getting up close getting into the, riders' faces at. the moment of the. action is pretty remarkable.
you're also seeing in some of the sprint stages now, they have a camera that goes alongside the racers at upwards of 50 miles an hour, sometimes at the very end to see the very last rocket ship efforts of the sprinters. so really covering it from all angles, again, getting up close, getting into the riders' faces at the moment of the action is pretty remarkable stuff.
Rick, thanks very much for the call.
rick thanks very much; for the
Rick thanks very much. for the
rick, thanks very much for the call.
Thank you.
thank you.
The current issue of Bicycling Magazine offers a 2010 Tour de France fans guide. Its editor-in-chief, Loren Mooney, is with us. You're listening to TALK OF THE NATION from NPR News.
the, current issue of bicycling magazine offers. a, 2010 tour de. france fans guide its editor-in-chief loren mooney is with, us you're listening to, talk of the nation. from npr
The current issue of Bicycling Magazine offers a 2010 Tour de France fans guide Its editor-in-chief Loren Mooney is with us You're listening to TALK OF THE NATION from NPR.
the current issue of bicycling magazine offers a 2010 tour de france fans guide. its editor-in-chief, loren mooney, is with us. you're listening to talk of the nation from npr news.
And here's some emails that we have. This from Matt(ph) in Liverpool, New York. Personally, couldn't name five riders, but I love to see the French countryside. And this is from Amon(ph) in Sunnyvale, California. As an Irishman I was inspired by the great Sean Kelly and Stephen Roche in the 1980s. Roche began as a paperboy racing his friends delivering newspapers in Dublin when he was a kid. He went on to win the Tour de France in a dramatic finish against Spaniard Pedro Delgado in 1987, the first and only Irishman ever to do so.
and here's some emails that we have this from matt(ph) in liverpool. new york personally couldn't name five riders but i love. to see the french countryside and this is. from amon(ph) in sunnyvale, california as an irishman; i was inspired by the great sean kelly and stephen roche in the 1980s, roche began as. a paperboy, racing his friends delivering newspapers, in dublin when he was, a. kid he went on. to win the tour de france in, a dramatic finish against spaniard. pedro delgado in 1987, the first and only irishman ever to do
And here's some emails that we have This from Matt(ph) in Liverpool New York Personally couldn't name five riders but I love to see the French countryside And this is from Amon(ph) in Sunnyvale California, As an Irishman I was inspired. by the great Sean Kelly and Stephen Roche; in the 1980s Roche began as a paperboy racing his friends delivering newspapers in Dublin when he was a kid He; went on to win the Tour. de France in a dramatic finish against Spaniard Pedro Delgado in 1987, the first and only Irishman ever to do,
and here's some emails that we have. this from matt(ph) in liverpool, new york. personally, couldn't name five riders, but i love to see the french countryside. and this is from amon(ph) in sunnyvale, california. as an irishman i was inspired by the great sean kelly and stephen roche in the 1980s. roche began as a paperboy racing his friends delivering newspapers in dublin when he was a kid. he went on to win the tour de france in a dramatic finish against spaniard pedro delgado in 1987, the first and only irishman ever to do so.
I'm 35 years old and still racing for the Los Gatos Club here in California, Greg LeMond's old club. So that's, of course, the other great American rider before Lance Armstrong.
i'm 35 years old and still racing for the los gatos club, here in california greg lemond's old club so that's of course the other great. american rider before lance
I'm 35 years old. and still racing for. the Los Gatos Club here in California. Greg LeMond's old club, So that's of course the other great. American rider before, Lance.
i'm 35 years old and still racing for the los gatos club here in california, greg lemond's old club. so that's, of course, the other great american rider before lance armstrong.
And this is from Greg(ph) in Oklahoma City. It's a sporting event like no other. Unlike any other sport, it involves individual team -individual and team goals, none of which can be realized without the other. It has history, courage, teamwork and a host of unpredictable variables. I watch every day on the edge of my couch. Let's see if can go next to - this is Sterling(ph), Sterling with us from St. Helena in California.
and this is from greg(ph) in; oklahoma city it's a sporting event like no other unlike any other sport, it involves individual team -individual and team goals none of, which can be realized without the other it has history courage teamwork and a host of unpredictable variables i; watch every day on the edge of my couch let's see if can go next. to - this is sterling(ph), sterling with us from, st helena in
And. this is. from Greg(ph) in, Oklahoma City It's a sporting event like, no other Unlike any other sport it involves individual team -individual and team goals none of which can be realized without the other It has history courage teamwork and a host of. unpredictable variables I watch every day on the, edge of my couch Let's see if can go next to - this is Sterling(ph), Sterling with us from St Helena in
and this is from greg(ph) in oklahoma city. it's a sporting event like no other. unlike any other sport, it involves individual team -individual and team goals, none of which can be realized without the other. it has history, courage, teamwork and a host of unpredictable variables. i watch every day on the edge of my couch. let's see if can go next to - this is sterling(ph), sterling with us from st. helena in california.
How are you all today?
how, are you all
How are you all
how are you all today?
Very well, thanks.
very well
Very well
very well, thanks.
Fantastic. Loren, love your magazine. You know, I think one of the things that's - that one of your callers mentioned, you know, in the dual proposal, you do get to see such an amazing part of the world and you could see it in great detail. But I think the thing that really draws me is the community that gets created every year when the tour is broadcast. The communities of cyclists and triathletes out, you know, all throughout the United States all gather together and, you know, discuss this, talk about this.
fantastic loren love your magazine. you know i, think one of the things. that's - that one of your callers mentioned you know in the, dual proposal you do get to see such an amazing part of the world and you could see it in great detail but. i think the thing that really, draws me is the community that gets created every year when; the. tour is broadcast the communities of cyclists and triathletes out you know all throughout the united states all. gather together and you know, discuss this talk. about
Fantastic Loren; love your, magazine You know I think one of the things that's. - that one of your callers mentioned you know in the dual. proposal you do get. to see such an amazing part of the world and you could see it in great detail But I think the thing that really draws me is the community. that gets created every year when the tour is broadcast The, communities of cyclists and triathletes out you know all throughout the United States all gather together. and you know discuss; this talk about
fantastic. loren, love your magazine. you know, i think one of the things that's - that one of your callers mentioned, you know, in the dual proposal, you do get to see such an amazing part of the world and you could see it in great detail. but i think the thing that really draws me is the community that gets created every year when the tour is broadcast. the communities of cyclists and triathletes out, you know, all throughout the united states all gather together and, you know, discuss this, talk about this.
I was in a bike shop yesterday in Napa Valley and getting my bike work done and a 71-year-old woman walked in and said, you know, I want to buy a bike. You know, I was watching the tour and I want to get out on my bike. And, you know, I happen to have a 74-year-old mother who's got a Trek carbon bike and, you know, she's all inspired. And I think that's the thing that's so compelling is the sense of community, you know, these 20-something days create, you know, in the U.S.
i was in. a bike shop yesterday in napa valley and getting my bike work, done and a 71-year-old woman walked in and said you know i, want to buy a bike you know i was watching the tour and i want to get out on my bike and you know i happen to. have a 74-year-old mother who's got a trek carbon bike and you know she's all inspired and i think that's the thing that's so compelling is the sense of community you know these, 20-something days. create you know in the
I was in a bike shop yesterday in Napa Valley and, getting my bike work done and a 71-year-old woman walked in and said you know I want to buy a bike You know I. was watching the tour and I; want to get out on my bike And you, know I happen to have a 74-year-old mother who's got. a. Trek carbon bike and you know she's, all inspired And I think, that's the thing that's so, compelling is the sense of community you. know these. 20-something days create you know in the
i was in a bike shop yesterday in napa valley and getting my bike work done and a 71-year-old woman walked in and said, you know, i want to buy a bike. you know, i was watching the tour and i want to get out on my bike. and, you know, i happen to have a 74-year-old mother who's got a trek carbon bike and, you know, she's all inspired. and i think that's the thing that's so compelling is the sense of community, you know, these 20-something days create, you know, in the u.s.
And it's not - you don't see that. I mean, I think you'd see that in the World Cup with football but - soccer, but you don't see that in any other sports where people get together and they're really - it's participatory as well.
and it's not - you don't see that i mean i think you'd see that in the world. cup with football but - soccer but. you don't, see that in any other sports where people, get together and they're really - it's participatory as
And it's not - you don't see that, I mean I think you'd see that in the World Cup with football but - soccer. but you don't, see that in any other sports where people get together and they're really - it's participatory as
and it's not - you don't see that. i mean, i think you'd see that in the world cup with football but - soccer, but you don't see that in any other sports where people get together and they're really - it's participatory as well.
Well, the sport, Loren Mooney, has a natural clubhouse, the bike shop.
well the sport loren mooney, has a natural clubhouse the bike
Well the sport Loren Mooney has a; natural clubhouse the bike
well, the sport, loren mooney, has a natural clubhouse, the bike shop.
That's true. The bike shop is our clubhouse, sports bar, church, all in one for the cyclists. And I think you're absolutely right. You drew the World Cup analogy there. And I think that's a good one because cycling, much like soccer in the U.S., is rarely shown on television with, you know, with any - in any depth. And so, this is our time to celebrate much like you saw the rather large soccer community in the U.S. gathering in sports bars watching the World Cup.
that's true the bike shop is. our clubhouse sports, bar church all. in one for the cyclists and i think you're absolutely right you drew the world. cup, analogy there, and i think that's a good one because cycling much, like soccer in the u.s., is rarely, shown on television with you know with any - in any depth and so this is. our time to celebrate much like you saw the rather large soccer community in the u.s gathering in sports bars watching the world
That's true The bike shop is our, clubhouse sports bar church all in one for the cyclists And I think. you're absolutely right You drew the World Cup analogy there. And I think that's a good one because cycling much like soccer in, the U.S., is rarely shown on television with you. know. with any - in any depth And so this is our time to celebrate much, like, you saw. the rather large soccer community. in the U.S gathering. in sports bars watching the World
that's true. the bike shop is our clubhouse, sports bar, church, all in one for the cyclists. and i think you're absolutely right. you drew the world cup analogy there. and i think that's a good one because cycling, much like soccer in the u.s., is rarely shown on television with, you know, with any - in any depth. and so, this is our time to celebrate much like you saw the rather large soccer community in the u.s. gathering in sports bars watching the world cup.
This is the time when the cyclists gather together, watch, stop by the bike shop afterward, get into friendly arguments. It's funny how many times just this year I have watched the Tour de France live on TV, then gone out for a bike ride and I see a lot of other cyclists leaving at the same time, knowing that they had just watched the stage as well and now are free for the rest of their day to go out and do their own bike ride.
this is, the time when the cyclists gather together, watch stop by the bike shop afterward get into friendly arguments it's funny how. many times just, this year i have watched the tour de france live on tv then gone out for a bike ride and i see a lot of other. cyclists leaving at the same time knowing that they had just watched the stage as well and now are free for the rest of their day to go out and, do. their own bike
This is the, time when the cyclists gather together watch stop by the bike shop afterward get into friendly arguments It's funny how many, times just this year I, have watched the Tour de France live on TV then gone out for a bike ride and, I see a lot of. other cyclists leaving at the. same time knowing that they had just watched; the, stage as well and now are free for the rest of their day to go out and do their own bike
this is the time when the cyclists gather together, watch, stop by the bike shop afterward, get into friendly arguments. it's funny how many times just this year i have watched the tour de france live on tv, then gone out for a bike ride and i see a lot of other cyclists leaving at the same time, knowing that they had just watched the stage as well and now are free for the rest of their day to go out and do their own bike ride.
Sterling, thanks very much for the call. Appreciate it.
sterling thanks very much for the call appreciate.
Sterling thanks very much for the call Appreciate
sterling, thanks very much for the call. appreciate it.
Email from Sean(ph) in Cleveland. The Tour de France reminds me of what the human body can achieve with massive amounts of dedication. Lance is my hero. All of these riders are my hero. And this is from Robert(ph) in Columbus, Ohio. Because it inspires me to write and because, quote, "you're not having fun until you're not having fun." And I suppose that last part is because it drives you to do things you didn't think you could do.
email, from sean(ph) in cleveland the tour de france reminds me of what the human body can achieve with massive amounts of dedication lance is my hero all of these riders are my hero and this is from, robert(ph) in columbus, ohio because it inspires, me to write and because quote "you're not having fun until you're not having fun" and i suppose that last part is because it drives you to do things. you didn't think you could
Email from Sean(ph) in Cleveland The Tour de France reminds me of what the human body can achieve with massive amounts of dedication; Lance is my hero All of these riders are my hero And this is from Robert(ph) in Columbus Ohio Because it inspires me to write and because quote "you're not having, fun. until you're not having fun" And I. suppose that last part is, because it, drives you to do things you didn't think you could
email from sean(ph) in cleveland. the tour de france reminds me of what the human body can achieve with massive amounts of dedication. lance is my hero. all of these riders are my hero. and this is from robert(ph) in columbus, ohio. because it inspires me to write and because, quote, "you're not having fun until you're not having fun." and i suppose that last part is because it drives you to do things you didn't think you could do.
Yeah, absolutely. I think the tour is widely called the most difficult endurance event in the world. It's funny when you look at some of these racers, you look at them at the beginning of the Tour de France and at the end of the Tour de France, it's to me not unlike when you see a president about to finish his eighth year, end of the second term of office. And you look back at a photograph of the first inauguration and you realize just how much the president has aged in those eight years.
yeah absolutely i think the tour is. widely called. the most difficult endurance event in the world it's funny when you look at some of these racers you look at them at the beginning of the tour de france and at the end of the; tour de france it's to me; not, unlike when you see a president about to finish, his eighth year end of the second term of, office and. you look back; at a photograph of the first inauguration and you realize just how much the president has aged in those eight
Yeah absolutely I think the tour is widely called the most difficult endurance event in the world It's funny when you look at some of these racers. you look at them at the beginning, of, the Tour de France. and at the end of the Tour de France it's, to me not unlike. when you see a president about. to, finish his eighth year end of, the second term of office And you. look back at a photograph of the first, inauguration and you realize just, how much the president has aged in those eight
yeah, absolutely. i think the tour is widely called the most difficult endurance event in the world. it's funny when you look at some of these racers, you look at them at the beginning of the tour de france and at the end of the tour de france, it's to me not unlike when you see a president about to finish his eighth year, end of the second term of office. and you look back at a photograph of the first inauguration and you realize just how much the president has aged in those eight years.
You look at a Tour de France rider first day and then on the podium in Paris, and they almost look like a different person. They're very gaunt. Their whole body composition has changed just from having been through the rigors of the event.
you look. at a tour de france rider first day and then on, the podium in paris and they almost look, like a different; person they're very gaunt their whole body composition has changed just from having been, through the rigors of the
You look at a Tour de France rider first day and then on the podium. in; Paris and they almost look like a different person They're very gaunt, Their whole, body composition has changed just from having been through the rigors of, the
you look at a tour de france rider first day and then on the podium in paris, and they almost look like a different person. they're very gaunt. their whole body composition has changed just from having been through the rigors of the event.
Loren Mooney, thanks very much for your time today. We appreciate it.
loren mooney. thanks very much for your time today, we appreciate
Loren Mooney thanks very much for your time today We appreciate
loren mooney, thanks very much for your time today. we appreciate it.
Thank you.
thank you.
And good watching. Loren Mooney is editor-in-chief of Bicycling Magazine and joined us from our bureau in New York.
and good watching loren. mooney is editor-in-chief of bicycling magazine, and joined us from our bureau in new
And good watching Loren Mooney is editor-in-chief of Bicycling Magazine and joined us from our bureau in, New
and good watching. loren mooney is editor-in-chief of bicycling magazine and joined us from our bureau in new york.
I'm Neal Conan. This is TALK OF THE NATION from NPR News. Join us tomorrow.
i'm neal conan this is talk of the nation from npr news join us
I'm Neal Conan This is TALK OF THE NATION from, NPR News Join us
i'm neal conan. this is talk of the nation from npr news. join us tomorrow.
This is TALK OF THE NATION. Im Neal Conan in Washington.
this is talk. of. the nation im neal conan in.
This is TALK OF THE NATION Im Neal Conan in
this is talk of the nation. im neal conan in washington.
The U.S. Supreme Court handed down rulings in two important cases earlier today. First, in a seven-to-two decision, the high court agreed that the government can indefinitely hold convicts considered sexually dangerous, even after their prison terms are complete.
the u.s supreme court handed down rulings in, two important cases earlier today, first in, a seven-to-two decision the high court agreed that the government can indefinitely hold convicts considered sexually dangerous even after their prison terms are
The U.S. Supreme Court handed down, rulings in two, important cases earlier today First in a seven-to-two decision the high court agreed that the government can indefinitely hold convicts considered sexually dangerous even after their, prison terms are
the u.s. supreme court handed down rulings in two important cases earlier today. first, in a seven-to-two decision, the high court agreed that the government can indefinitely hold convicts considered sexually dangerous, even after their prison terms are complete.
In the second case, decided five to four, the court said it is cruel and unusual punishment to sentence minors to life without the possibility of parole if murder is not involved.
in, the second case decided, five to four the court said it is cruel and unusual punishment to sentence minors, to life without the possibility of parole if murder is not
In the second case decided five to four the court. said it is cruel and unusual punishment to sentence minors to life without the possibility of parole if murder is not
in the second case, decided five to four, the court said it is cruel and unusual punishment to sentence minors to life without the possibility of parole if murder is not involved.
Later in the program, a comic book also-ran sprints to the top of the movie box office charts. Glen Weldon joins us on "Iron Man 2." But first, the Supreme Court rulings.
later in the. program a comic book also-ran. sprints to the top of; the movie box office charts glen weldon joins us on, "iron man 2." but first the supreme, court
Later in the program a, comic book. also-ran sprints to the. top of the movie, box office charts Glen Weldon joins us on; "Iron Man 2." But first. the Supreme Court
later in the program, a comic book also-ran sprints to the top of the movie box office charts. glen weldon joins us on "iron man 2." but first, the supreme court rulings.
If either of these cases affects you, give us a call. Tell us how, 800-989-8255. Email us, talk@npr.org. You can also join the conversation via our website. Thats at npr.org. Click on TALK OF THE NATION.
if either. of these cases affects you give us a. call tell, us how 800-989-8255. email us talk@npr.org you can also join. the conversation via our website thats, at npr.org click on. talk of the
If either of these cases affects you give. us a call Tell us how 800-989-8255. Email us talk@npr.org. You can also join the conversation via our website Thats at npr.org Click on TALK OF THE
if either of these cases affects you, give us a call. tell us how, 800-989-8255. email us, talk@npr.org. you can also join the conversation via our website. thats at npr.org. click on talk of the nation.
We begin with David Savage, who covers the court for the Los Angeles Times and the Chicago Tribune. He joins us today by phone from his office. David, always good to have you with us. Thanks for your time.
we begin with david savage who covers the court for the los angeles times and the chicago tribune he joins us today by phone from his office david always good to have you with us thanks for your
We begin with, David Savage who covers the court for the Los Angeles Times, and the Chicago Tribune He joins us today. by phone from his office. David always good to have you with us Thanks for your
we begin with david savage, who covers the court for the los angeles times and the chicago tribune. he joins us today by phone from his office. david, always good to have you with us. thanks for your time.
Hi, Neal.
hi, neal.
And let's take these one at a time. A solid majority ruled it's constitutional to hold a convict even after he completes his sentence.
and let's, take, these one at. a time a solid majority ruled it's constitutional to hold a convict. even after he completes his
And let's take these one at a time A solid majority ruled it's, constitutional to hold a convict even after he completes his
and let's take these one at a time. a solid majority ruled it's constitutional to hold a convict even after he completes his sentence.
Yes, and Neal, this case actually was not a dispute about what you might think it was about, which is: Is that fair?
yes and neal. this case actually, was not a dispute about, what you might think it was about which is: is that
Yes and Neal this case actually was not a, dispute. about what you might think, it was about. which is: Is. that
yes, and neal, this case actually was not a dispute about what you might think it was about, which is: is that fair?
About 15 years ago, in a case from Kansas, the court upheld these after-the-fact punishments involving sexual criminals. They said that they were not retroactive, and it was not a violation of due process of law.
about 15 years ago in a case. from kansas, the court upheld these after-the-fact punishments involving sexual criminals they said that they were not retroactive and. it was not a violation of due process of
About 15 years ago in a case from Kansas the court upheld these after-the-fact punishments involving sexual criminals They said that they were not retroactive and it was not a violation of due process of
about 15 years ago, in a case from kansas, the court upheld these after-the-fact punishments involving sexual criminals. they said that they were not retroactive, and it was not a violation of due process of law.
So it's actually been clear for a while as a constitutional matter, as a matter of individual rights. The government could hold somebody after they served their term...
so it's actually been clear for a while as a constitutional matter as, a matter of individual rights the government could, hold, somebody after they served their
So it's actually been clear for a while as a constitutional matter as a matter; of, individual, rights The government could; hold somebody after they served their
so it's actually been clear for a while as a constitutional matter, as a matter of individual rights. the government could hold somebody after they served their term...
Because of what they might do.
because of what they might.
Because, of what they might,
because of what they might do.
Correct. Last year, however, a federal appeals court struck down the federal law on the grounds that Congress didn't have the authority to pass such a law. There is no federal police power, they say, and that Congress only has the powers that are in the Constitution, the power to regulate interstate commerce.
correct last year however a federal appeals court, struck down the federal law on the grounds that congress didn't have the authority to; pass such a law there is no federal police. power they say and that congress only has the powers that are in the constitution the power to regulate interstate
Correct Last year however; a federal appeals court struck down the federal law. on the grounds that Congress didn't have the authority to pass such a, law There is no federal police power they say and that Congress only has the powers that are in the Constitution the power to regulate interstate
correct. last year, however, a federal appeals court struck down the federal law on the grounds that congress didn't have the authority to pass such a law. there is no federal police power, they say, and that congress only has the powers that are in the constitution, the power to regulate interstate commerce.
What the court said today, with Stephen Breyer writing a very broad opinion, was that Congress can pass laws that are necessary and proper to carry out its aims. And he wrote an opinion that said any law that's sort of rationally related to some aim that Congress has, it is constitutional.
what the court said today; with stephen breyer; writing a very broad opinion, was that, congress can pass. laws that are necessary and proper to. carry out its aims and he wrote an opinion that said any law that's sort of, rationally related to some; aim that congress has it is
What the court said today with, Stephen Breyer writing a very broad, opinion was that Congress can pass laws that are necessary and proper to carry out its aims And he wrote an opinion that said any law that's sort of rationally related to some aim that Congress has it is
what the court said today, with stephen breyer writing a very broad opinion, was that congress can pass laws that are necessary and proper to carry out its aims. and he wrote an opinion that said any law that's sort of rationally related to some aim that congress has, it is constitutional.
You said it better, Neal.
you said it. better
You said, it better
you said it better, neal.
The Atlantic hurricane season officially ends today. In the United States, 2008 likely will be remembered as a moderately bad year for storms. But in Cuba, this season will go down as perhaps the worst season ever. NPR's Jon Hamilton has the story.
the atlantic; hurricane season officially ends today in the united states 2008 likely will be remembered as a moderately bad year for. storms but in cuba this season, will go down as perhaps the worst season ever npr's jon, hamilton has the
The Atlantic hurricane season officially ends today In. the United States 2008 likely will be remembered as a moderately bad year for storms But, in Cuba this; season will go down as perhaps the worst season ever NPR's Jon Hamilton has the
the atlantic hurricane season officially ends today. in the united states, 2008 likely will be remembered as a moderately bad year for storms. but in cuba, this season will go down as perhaps the worst season ever. npr's jon hamilton has the story.
Eight hurricanes formed in the North Atlantic and Caribbean this year. Three of them, all major storms, hit Cuba. Alexis Fernandez(ph) was in Baracoa, a city on the eastern tip of Cuba, when Hurricane Ike made landfall on September 7.
eight hurricanes formed in; the north atlantic and caribbean this year three of them all, major storms hit cuba alexis fernandez(ph) was in baracoa a city on the eastern, tip of cuba when hurricane ike. made landfall on september
Eight hurricanes formed in the North Atlantic and Caribbean, this year Three of them all major, storms hit Cuba Alexis Fernandez(ph) was in Baracoa a city, on the eastern tip; of. Cuba when Hurricane Ike made landfall on September
eight hurricanes formed in the north atlantic and caribbean this year. three of them, all major storms, hit cuba. alexis fernandez(ph) was in baracoa, a city on the eastern tip of cuba, when hurricane ike made landfall on september 7.
(Through Translator) The waves were as high as top of the buildings, and some of those buildings were five stories high. This in turn started the destruction of homes, people's homes that were along the beach area. Homes that people had worked all their lives for were lost in a matter of minutes.
(through translator) the waves were as high as top of the buildings and some. of those buildings were five stories high this in turn started the. destruction of homes people's homes. that were along the beach area homes that people had worked all their lives for were lost in a matter of
(Through Translator) The waves were as high as top of the buildings and some of. those buildings were five stories high This in turn started the destruction of homes people's homes that were along the beach area Homes that people had worked all their lives for were lost in a matter of
(through translator) the waves were as high as top of the buildings, and some of those buildings were five stories high. this in turn started the destruction of homes, people's homes that were along the beach area. homes that people had worked all their lives for were lost in a matter of minutes.
Fernandez teaches history at the University in Baracoa. He says more than 6,000 homes were damaged and hundreds destroyed. Ike would go on to scour the entire length of Cuba before moving into the Gulf of Mexico. A couple of weeks earlier, Hurricane Gustav had plowed across the western part of the country. And in early November, Hurricane Paloma struck the central coast near Santa Cruz del Sur. Fernandez says it's been the worst year for hurricanes in his lifetime.
fernandez teaches history at the university in baracoa. he says more than 6,000 homes were damaged and. hundreds destroyed ike would go on to scour the. entire, length of cuba before moving into. the gulf of mexico a couple of weeks. earlier hurricane gustav had plowed across the western part of the country and in early november hurricane paloma struck the. central coast near santa cruz del; sur fernandez says it's been the worst year for, hurricanes in his
Fernandez teaches history at, the University in Baracoa He says more than 6,000 homes were damaged and hundreds destroyed Ike would go on to scour the entire length of Cuba before moving into the. Gulf of Mexico A couple of weeks earlier Hurricane Gustav; had plowed across the western, part. of the. country And in early November Hurricane Paloma struck the central coast near Santa Cruz del Sur. Fernandez says; it's. been the worst year for hurricanes in his
fernandez teaches history at the university in baracoa. he says more than 6,000 homes were damaged and hundreds destroyed. ike would go on to scour the entire length of cuba before moving into the gulf of mexico. a couple of weeks earlier, hurricane gustav had plowed across the western part of the country. and in early november, hurricane paloma struck the central coast near santa cruz del sur. fernandez says it's been the worst year for hurricanes in his lifetime.
(Through Translator) In the '60s, we suffered a lot from Hurricane Flora. There were great floods. There were hundreds of deaths. In this series of hurricanes, there's been a lot of economic damage. But in human life, it hasn't been as bad because the state has been able to control and help us evacuate, so that the damage in human lives is minimal.
(through translator) in the '60s we suffered a lot from hurricane flora. there were great floods there were hundreds of deaths in this series of hurricanes there's been a lot of economic damage but in human life. it hasn't been as bad because the state has been able to control and help us evacuate so that, the damage in human lives is.
(Through Translator) In the '60s we suffered a lot from Hurricane Flora, There were great floods There were hundreds of deaths In this series of hurricanes there's been a lot of economic damage But in human life it hasn't been as bad because the state has been able to control and help us evacuate so that the damage in human lives is
(through translator) in the '60s, we suffered a lot from hurricane flora. there were great floods. there were hundreds of deaths. in this series of hurricanes, there's been a lot of economic damage. but in human life, it hasn't been as bad because the state has been able to control and help us evacuate, so that the damage in human lives is minimal.
The storms did more than $10 billion of damage in Cuba and left tens of thousands homeless. But only a handful of people died. One reason is Cuba's highly organized evacuation system. Another reason is that Cuban meteorologists work closely with their U.S. counterparts to forecast and track storms. Cuba even allows U.S. hurricane hunter aircraft to fly into Cuban airspace. And then there's Cuba's chief hurricane forecaster, Jose Rubiera.
the storms did more than $10 billion of damage in cuba and. left tens of. thousands homeless but only a handful. of people died one reason is cuba's highly organized; evacuation system another reason is that cuban meteorologists work closely with their u.s counterparts to forecast and. track storms cuba even allows. u.s hurricane hunter aircraft to fly into. cuban airspace and then there's cuba's chief hurricane forecaster jose
The storms did more than $10 billion of damage in Cuba and left tens. of thousands homeless, But only a handful of people died One. reason is Cuba's highly organized evacuation; system Another reason is that Cuban meteorologists work closely with their U.S. counterparts to, forecast and track storms Cuba even allows U.S hurricane hunter aircraft, to fly into Cuban airspace And then. there's Cuba's chief hurricane forecaster. Jose
the storms did more than $10 billion of damage in cuba and left tens of thousands homeless. but only a handful of people died. one reason is cuba's highly organized evacuation system. another reason is that cuban meteorologists work closely with their u.s. counterparts to forecast and track storms. cuba even allows u.s. hurricane hunter aircraft to fly into cuban airspace. and then there's cuba's chief hurricane forecaster, jose rubiera.
(Soundbite of hurricane forecaster Jose Rubiera on Cuban TV)
(soundbite of hurricane forecaster jose rubiera on cuban
(Soundbite; of hurricane forecaster Jose Rubiera on Cuban
(soundbite of hurricane forecaster jose rubiera on cuban tv)
That's Rubiera on Cuban television describing Ike. He's a fixture on Cuban TV anytime a storm is on the way, and viewers pay attention to his warnings. Caribbean nations with less expertise and infrastructure were badly hurt by hurricanes this season. In Haiti, hundreds of people died. In the U.S. this year, hurricanes struck Texas and Louisiana. Hurricane Ike regained much of its strength after passing over Cuba. Then it weakened to a category two storm before making landfall near Galveston, Texas. Even so, Ike killed more than 80 people in the U.S. and caused damage of more than $25 billion. Gerry Bell is the lead seasonal forecaster at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. He says there are several reasons Ike was so dangerous, even though its wind speeds weren't that high.
that's rubiera on cuban television describing ike he's a fixture on, cuban. tv anytime a storm, is on the. way and viewers, pay, attention to his warnings. caribbean nations with less expertise and, infrastructure were badly hurt by hurricanes this. season in haiti hundreds, of people died in the u.s, this year hurricanes struck texas and louisiana. hurricane, ike regained much of its strength after passing over cuba then it weakened to a. category two storm before making. landfall near, galveston texas, even, so ike. killed more. than 80 people in the u.s and caused damage of. more than $25 billion gerry bell is the lead seasonal forecaster at the national oceanic and atmospheric administration he says there are several reasons ike was so dangerous even though its, wind speeds weren't that
That's Rubiera on. Cuban television describing Ike He's a fixture, on Cuban TV anytime a storm is on the way and viewers pay attention, to his. warnings Caribbean nations with less expertise and infrastructure were badly hurt by hurricanes this season In Haiti hundreds of people died. In the U.S this year hurricanes struck Texas and Louisiana Hurricane Ike regained much of its strength after passing over Cuba Then it weakened. to a category two storm before making landfall. near. Galveston Texas Even so Ike; killed more than 80 people in the U.S and caused damage of more than, $25 billion Gerry Bell is the. lead seasonal forecaster at the National Oceanic and. Atmospheric Administration He says there are several reasons Ike was so dangerous even though its wind speeds weren't that
that's rubiera on cuban television describing ike. he's a fixture on cuban tv anytime a storm is on the way, and viewers pay attention to his warnings. caribbean nations with less expertise and infrastructure were badly hurt by hurricanes this season. in haiti, hundreds of people died. in the u.s. this year, hurricanes struck texas and louisiana. hurricane ike regained much of its strength after passing over cuba. then it weakened to a category two storm before making landfall near galveston, texas. even so, ike killed more than 80 people in the u.s. and caused damage of more than $25 billion. gerry bell is the lead seasonal forecaster at the national oceanic and atmospheric administration. he says there are several reasons ike was so dangerous, even though its wind speeds weren't that high.
The tremendous storm surge, the very long track over water where the hurricane could really, really pile up the water, also the speed of movement of the storm. If it's a slow moving hurricane, it's going to stay over any given area longer and obviously increase the potential for more damage.
the tremendous storm surge the very long track over water where the. hurricane could really really pile up the water also. the speed of movement of the storm if it's a slow moving hurricane it's going, to stay over any given area. longer and obviously increase the potential for more
The tremendous storm surge the very long track over water where the, hurricane. could really really pile up the water also the speed of movement. of the storm. If it's a slow moving hurricane it's going to stay over any given area longer and obviously increase, the potential for. more
the tremendous storm surge, the very long track over water where the hurricane could really, really pile up the water, also the speed of movement of the storm. if it's a slow moving hurricane, it's going to stay over any given area longer and obviously increase the potential for more damage.
Hurricane Gustav strengthened to a category three storm in the Gulf of Mexico. Officials evacuated New Orleans, and residents feared another Katrina. But Gustav ultimately weakened to a category two storm and veered west of New Orleans. At the start of the hurricane season, Gerry Bell had predicted a busy year. And he was right.
hurricane gustav strengthened to a category three storm in the gulf of mexico officials evacuated new orleans and residents feared another katrina but gustav, ultimately weakened to a category two storm and veered west of new orleans, at the start of the hurricane, season gerry bell had predicted a busy year and, he was
Hurricane Gustav strengthened to. a category three storm in, the Gulf of Mexico Officials evacuated New Orleans and residents feared another Katrina But Gustav ultimately. weakened to, a category two storm and, veered. west of New Orleans, At the start of the. hurricane season Gerry Bell had; predicted a busy year And he, was,
hurricane gustav strengthened to a category three storm in the gulf of mexico. officials evacuated new orleans, and residents feared another katrina. but gustav ultimately weakened to a category two storm and veered west of new orleans. at the start of the hurricane season, gerry bell had predicted a busy year. and he was right.
We had 16 named storms, eight hurricanes, and five major hurricanes. And that's certainly consistent with what the forecasts were for a lot of activity this season.
we had 16 named storms eight hurricanes and five major hurricanes and. that's certainly consistent with, what the forecasts were for a lot of activity this
We had 16 named storms, eight hurricanes and five major hurricanes And that's certainly consistent with what the forecasts were for a lot of activity this
we had 16 named storms, eight hurricanes, and five major hurricanes. and that's certainly consistent with what the forecasts were for a lot of activity this season.
Bell says it's too soon to say much about next year, but he adds that the Atlantic is in a period of high hurricane activity that's likely to continue for another decade or more. Jon Hamilton, NPR News.
bell says it's too soon to say much about next year but he adds that the atlantic is in a, period of high hurricane activity that's likely to continue for, another, decade or more jon hamilton npr,
Bell says, it's too soon, to say much about next year but he adds that the Atlantic is in a period of high hurricane activity that's likely to continue for. another decade, or more Jon Hamilton NPR
bell says it's too soon to say much about next year, but he adds that the atlantic is in a period of high hurricane activity that's likely to continue for another decade or more. jon hamilton, npr news.

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