4 values
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "4", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "Hello, I forgot o update my address, can you help me with that?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "6", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "7", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "hi, you have to report any change of address to DMV within 10 days after moving. You should do this both for the address associated with your license and all the addresses associated with all your vehicles." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "56", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "Can I do my DMV transactions online?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "56", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "Yes, you can sign up for MyDMV for all the online transactions needed." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "You've got it. Another query about DMV. What happens if you seek a hearing with the DMV?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "12", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "the suspension is placed on hold pending the outcome of the hearing" }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "8", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "9", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "Besides that, will I receive a notice?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "8", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "9", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": " the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles , \" DMV \" may send you a Notice of Registration Suspension" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "22", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "If you submit the affidavit?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "23", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "you will not have to appear at a DMV hearing" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "28", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "How can I respond to a tolling authority about a non-payment of tolls?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "29", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "30", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "DO NOT contact the New York State DMV to dispute whether you violated a toll regulation or failed to pay the toll , fees or other charges" } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "23", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "Will you keep me informed about when my insurance is about to lapse?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "24", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "25", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "26", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "Yes. The New York State requires every motorist to maintain their insurance up to date so we at DMV make sure to inform you if you have any problem with your insurance." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "34", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "Is it needed that my address is always up to date with you guys?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "35", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "36", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "37", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "Yes, It is required. If not we won't be able to keep you informed about your insurance and we'll suspend your registration and license. You should make sure to turn in your vehicle's license plate before canceling your insurance policy" }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "8", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "9", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "for the suspension to be put on hold until the result is known. Isn't there a chance for a hearing? May I at the very least request a hearing with the DMV?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "8", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "9", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "Yes, you also have the right to a hearing before the DMV." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "13", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "And what effect can the hearing have?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "14", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "15", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "16", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "The purpose of the hearing is to determine whether the tolling authority notified you that you failed to pay tolls, fees or other charges related to 3 or more violations of the Authority's toll collection regulations, all such violations committed within a 5 year period, or failed to pay $ 200 in tolls accumulated within 5 years, if the violations occurred in a commercial vehicle, or failed to have them dismissed or transferred. At the hearing, you may NOT dispute whether you evaded a toll and/or failed to pay tolls, fees or other charges." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "33", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "Well, that was very informative. Thank you. By the way, how can I dispute someone claiming I didn't pay my toll?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "34", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "To do this, please contact the tolling authority listed on the Notice of Registration Suspension." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "20", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "21", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "Alright. Back to the topic: do I have to appear at the hearing in person?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "20", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "21", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "You may request an in-person DMV hearing or you may request a hearing by affidavit, this is a hearing on paper. The Notice of Registration Suspension provides instructions about how to submit the affidavit to DMV." } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "4", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "I moved recently and forgot to update my address. Could this be a problem?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "6", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "7", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "Yes, by statute, you have to report a change of address to DMV before ten days after moving." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "48", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "Is it common to delay a transaction due to forgetting any prerequisite when going to the DMV office? what could be the alternative?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "49", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "50", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "52", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "Yes. Around 10% of our customers forget some of the pre-requisites when going to a DMV office. To avoid this, you could check on the DMV website to see if you can do your transaction online." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "8", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "9", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "I have another question about the toll that I'd like to ask. another question: where is the Notice of Suspension of Registration kept?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "8", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "9", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "The notice will inform you that if you pay all tolls, fees, or other charges due to the toll authority, or if you dismiss or transfer them, the suspension will not take effect." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "28", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "How can I respond to a toll authority for non-payment of tolls?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "29", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "30", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "it is important that you DO NOT contact the New York State DMV to dispute whether you violated a toll regulation or did not pay the toll, fees, or other charges." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "33", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "want to dispute an allegation?" }, { "da": "response_negative", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "33", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "do not" }, { "da": "respond_no_solution", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "28", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "Unfortunately, no relevant information is found." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "14", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "15", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "16", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "What is the purpose of a DMV hearing?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "14", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "15", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "16", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 13, "utterance": "The purpose of the hearing is to determine if the toll authority notified you that it did not pay tolls, fees, or other charges related to 3 or more violations of the Authority's toll collection regulations, all such violations committed within a period of 5-year period, or did not pay $ 200 in tolls accumulated within 5 years, if violations occurred in a commercial vehicle, or were not discarded or transferred" } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "23", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "Can you keep me up to date with my insurance so it doesn't lapse?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "24", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "25", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "26", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "The New York State requires every motorist to maintain auto insurance always that a vehicle is registered, due to that, DMV works with insurance companies to monitor your insurance coverage and keep you informed." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "24", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "25", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "26", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "How would you contact me about any insurance problem?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "24", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "25", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "26", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "After knowing about the problem we will send you a mail with an insurance inquiry letter to allow you to solve the problem." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "What if I request a DMV hearing and have another concern about paying tolls, fines, or other charges?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "12", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "the suspension is placed on hold pending the outcome of the hearing" }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "8", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "9", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "Besides that, will I receive a notice?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "8", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "9", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": " the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles , \" DMV \" may send you a Notice of Registration Suspension" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "22", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "If you submit the affidavit?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "23", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "you will not have to appear at a DMV hearing" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "28", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "How can I respond to a tolling authority about a non-payment of tolls?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "29", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "30", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "DO NOT contact the New York State DMV to dispute whether you violated a toll regulation or failed to pay the toll , fees or other charges" } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "23", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "Tell me about what can I do to not let my insurance lapse." }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "24", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "25", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "26", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "Since we work with the insurance company to make sure that all the vehicles maintain their insurances properly and according to the New York State requirements, we sill inform you of any problems with your insurance coverage. " }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "35", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "36", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "37", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "What if I cancel my insurance policy?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "35", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "36", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "37", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "you have to turn in your vehicle's license plates at DMV." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "Ok, what if I can't pay a toll? is there a way to request a DMV hearing?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "12", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "the suspension is placed on hold pending the outcome of the hearing" }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "8", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "9", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "Besides that, will I receive a notice?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "8", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "9", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": " the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles , \" DMV \" may send you a Notice of Registration Suspension" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "22", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "If you submit the affidavit?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "23", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "you will not have to appear at a DMV hearing" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "28", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "How can I respond to a tolling authority about a non-payment of tolls?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "29", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "30", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "DO NOT contact the New York State DMV to dispute whether you violated a toll regulation or failed to pay the toll , fees or other charges" } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "23", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "Can you help me with how to avoid the lapse of my insurance?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "24", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "25", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "26", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "DMV is always in contact with insurance companies to electronically monitor your insurance coverage and comply with the New York State requirements." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "8", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "Can I just notify the United States Postal Service about a change of address or do I have to update this info with the DMV too?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "8", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "You have to keep your address up to date in the DMV. It is not enough to inform the US Postal Service." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "8", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "9", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "I'd like to know if I will receive a Notice of suspension of Registration if I don't pay tolls?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "8", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "9", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "The notice will inform you that if you pay all tolls, fees, or other charges due to the toll authority, or if you dismiss or transfer them, the suspension will not take effect." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "28", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "How can I respond to a toll authority for non-payment of tolls?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "29", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "30", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "it is important that you DO NOT contact the New York State DMV to dispute whether you violated a toll regulation or did not pay the toll, fees, or other charges." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "33", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "want to dispute an allegation?" }, { "da": "response_negative", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "33", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "do not" }, { "da": "respond_no_solution", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "28", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "Unfortunately, no relevant information is found." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "14", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "15", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "16", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "What is the purpose of a DMV hearing?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "14", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "15", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "16", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 13, "utterance": "The purpose of the hearing is to determine if the toll authority notified you that it did not pay tolls, fees, or other charges related to 3 or more violations of the Authority's toll collection regulations, all such violations committed within a period of 5-year period, or did not pay $ 200 in tolls accumulated within 5 years, if violations occurred in a commercial vehicle, or were not discarded or transferred" } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "4", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "Is it that important to update my address at the DMV?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "6", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "7", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "By statute, you must always report any change of address to the DMV within 10 days of moving. This applies for the address associated with your license and all addresses associated with your registered vehicles." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "6", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "7", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "Do I have only 10 days to report a change of address?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "6", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "7", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "Yes, this is required by law. You have to report your new address within ten days of moving." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "8", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "9", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "Another question, what happens if I don't pay a toll? Could I ask for a DMV hearing?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "8", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "9", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "Yes, you also have the right to a hearing before the DMV." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "13", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "And what effect can the hearing have?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "14", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "15", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "16", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "The purpose of the hearing is to determine whether the tolling authority notified you that you failed to pay tolls, fees or other charges related to 3 or more violations of the Authority's toll collection regulations, all such violations committed within a 5 year period, or failed to pay $ 200 in tolls accumulated within 5 years, if the violations occurred in a commercial vehicle, or failed to have them dismissed or transferred. At the hearing, you may NOT dispute whether you evaded a toll and/or failed to pay tolls, fees or other charges." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "33", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "Well, that was very informative. Thank you. By the way, how can I dispute someone claiming I didn't pay my toll?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "34", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "To do this, please contact the tolling authority listed on the Notice of Registration Suspension." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "20", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "21", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "Alright. Back to the topic: do I have to appear at the hearing in person?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "20", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "21", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "You may request an in-person DMV hearing or you may request a hearing by affidavit, this is a hearing on paper. The Notice of Registration Suspension provides instructions about how to submit the affidavit to DMV." } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "4", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "Hello, I recently moved with my family and I forgot to Update my address. I read an article about the Top 5 DMV mistakes people do, and figured out it'd be a problem if I don't update it. What can I do?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "6", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "7", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "Hello. First, you have to report a change of address to DMV within ten days of having moved, for both the address associated with your license and all the addresses associated with each vehicle you have. " }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "12", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "It's been 2 weeks since I moved. What are the consequences of not having updated my address within those ten days?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "12", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "You will be charged with operating an unregistered vehicle and/or aggravated unlicensed operation." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "8", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "9", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "you can't make those statements since you don't have evidence What about a hearing? Can I at least ask for a DMV hearing?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "8", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "9", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "Yes, you also have the right to a hearing before the DMV." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "13", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "And what effect can the hearing have?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "14", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "15", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "16", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "The purpose of the hearing is to determine whether the tolling authority notified you that you failed to pay tolls, fees or other charges related to 3 or more violations of the Authority's toll collection regulations, all such violations committed within a 5 year period, or failed to pay $ 200 in tolls accumulated within 5 years, if the violations occurred in a commercial vehicle, or failed to have them dismissed or transferred. At the hearing, you may NOT dispute whether you evaded a toll and/or failed to pay tolls, fees or other charges." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "33", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "Well, that was very informative. Thank you. By the way, how can I dispute someone claiming I didn't pay my toll?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "34", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "To do this, please contact the tolling authority listed on the Notice of Registration Suspension." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "20", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "21", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "Alright. Back to the topic: do I have to appear at the hearing in person?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "20", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "21", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "You may request an in-person DMV hearing or you may request a hearing by affidavit, this is a hearing on paper. The Notice of Registration Suspension provides instructions about how to submit the affidavit to DMV." } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "4", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "Hi , I forget to update my adress. And What will happen now.?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "5", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "6", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "7", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "You must inform your adrees change to DMV in ten days. If you are in ten days, please hurry." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "9", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "If I don't, is there any serious problem for me?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "12", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "Yes , in thşs case you can miss a suspensin order, and so you can continue to drive an unregistered vehicle" }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "8", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "9", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "I'd like to know if I don't pay tolls, and the DMV will give me a Notice of Registration Suspension, is it possible to request a hearing from DMV before they send me the suspension of my registration?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "8", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "9", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "Yes, you also have the right to a hearing before the DMV." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "13", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "And what effect can the hearing have?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "14", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "15", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "16", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "The purpose of the hearing is to determine whether the tolling authority notified you that you failed to pay tolls, fees or other charges related to 3 or more violations of the Authority's toll collection regulations, all such violations committed within a 5 year period, or failed to pay $ 200 in tolls accumulated within 5 years, if the violations occurred in a commercial vehicle, or failed to have them dismissed or transferred. At the hearing, you may NOT dispute whether you evaded a toll and/or failed to pay tolls, fees or other charges." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "33", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "Well, that was very informative. Thank you. By the way, how can I dispute someone claiming I didn't pay my toll?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "34", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "To do this, please contact the tolling authority listed on the Notice of Registration Suspension." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "20", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "21", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "Alright. Back to the topic: do I have to appear at the hearing in person?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "20", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "21", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "You may request an in-person DMV hearing or you may request a hearing by affidavit, this is a hearing on paper. The Notice of Registration Suspension provides instructions about how to submit the affidavit to DMV." } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "23", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "What happens if my insurance lapses?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "24", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "25", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "26", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "Because we all pay indirectly for crashes involving uninsured motorists, New York State requires every motorist to maintain auto insurance every single day a vehicle is registered. DMV works with insurance companies to electronically monitor your insurance coverage" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "28", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "When did your insurance lapse?" }, { "da": "response_positive", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "28", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "Does it matter?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "29", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "Yes. we mail you an insurance inquiry letter to allow you to clear up the problem" }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "40", "doc_id": "How to change your address#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "41", "doc_id": "How to change your address#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "42", "doc_id": "How to change your address#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "Thanks for this valuable information, I have one last question, is it advisable to have the same address in my applications, documents and transactions?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "40", "doc_id": "How to change your address#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "41", "doc_id": "How to change your address#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "42", "doc_id": "How to change your address#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "The DMV sends documents and important notices to customers by mail. We recommend that you use the same address on all of your applications, documents, and transactions. You must report your address change to both the DMV and the USPS." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "34", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "I have another question about my DMV and USPS records. What if my mailing address changes?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "35", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "36", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "37", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "If you fail to maintain an updated address with us you won t learn that you have an insurance problem and we will suspend your registration and license. Make sure you turn in your vehicle s license plates at DMV before you cancel your insurance policy" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "100", "doc_id": "Pay driver responsibility assessment#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "I have another question for you about DMV. Is it possible for me to pay off the entire debt if given the opportunity?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "101", "doc_id": "Pay driver responsibility assessment#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "102", "doc_id": "Pay driver responsibility assessment#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "103", "doc_id": "Pay driver responsibility assessment#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "Yes, you can do it if you want to, you would have to pay $350 too, as additional assessments." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "40", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "Another factor to consider is the expense of traffic points. What is the price of a traffic point?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "41", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "42", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 13, "utterance": "DMV maintains a point system to track dangerous drivers. Often motorists convicted of a traffic ticket feel they have resolved all their motoring issues with the local court , but later learn that the Driver Responsibility Assessment DRA is a separate DMV charge based on the total points they accumulate " }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "31", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 14, "utterance": "What happens if I still have a problem afer getting the inquiry letter?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "32", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 15, "utterance": "we must suspend the vehicle registration" }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "5", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "6", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "7", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 16, "utterance": "When do I need to report my address update?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "5", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "6", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "7", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 17, "utterance": " you must report a change of address to DMV within ten days of moving" } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "4", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "What happens if I forget to update my address?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "5", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "6", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "7", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "You must report a change of address to DMV within ten days of moving. That is the case for the address associated with your license , as well as all the addresses associated with each registered vehicle , which may differ" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "9", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "What happens if I forget to update my current address?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "12", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "You will miss a suspension order and may be charged with operating an unregistered vehicle and/or aggravated unlicensed operation , both misdemeanors." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "I'd like to ask you if I don't pay tolls and request for a DMV hearing, does my vehicle registration suspension be on hold?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "12", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "the suspension is placed on hold pending the outcome of the hearing" }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "8", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "9", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "Besides that, will I receive a notice?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "8", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "9", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": " the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles , \" DMV \" may send you a Notice of Registration Suspension" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "22", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "If you submit the affidavit?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "23", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "you will not have to appear at a DMV hearing" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "28", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "How can I respond to a tolling authority about a non-payment of tolls?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "29", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "30", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "DO NOT contact the New York State DMV to dispute whether you violated a toll regulation or failed to pay the toll , fees or other charges" } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "4", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "I just moved. How long do I have to update my address?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "5", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "6", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "7", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "You have 10 days to update your address." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "9", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "You have not updated to your current address?" }, { "da": "response_negative", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "9", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "Not yet, but it's only been 5 days." }, { "da": "respond_no_solution", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "4", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "Unfortunately, no relevant information is found." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "40", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "Are there costs associated with traffic points?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "41", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "42", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "Yes, the DRA charge is based on the number of points you have accumulated." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "28", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "In addition, for New York State DMV . How do I answer to a toll authority if I haven't paid my tolls?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "29", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "30", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "it is important that you DO NOT contact the New York State DMV to dispute whether you violated a toll regulation or did not pay the toll, fees, or other charges." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "33", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "want to dispute an allegation?" }, { "da": "response_negative", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "33", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "do not" }, { "da": "respond_no_solution", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "28", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "Unfortunately, no relevant information is found." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "14", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "15", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "16", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 13, "utterance": "What is the purpose of a DMV hearing?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "14", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "15", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "16", "doc_id": "Registration suspensions for failure to pay tolls#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 14, "utterance": "The purpose of the hearing is to determine if the toll authority notified you that it did not pay tolls, fees, or other charges related to 3 or more violations of the Authority's toll collection regulations, all such violations committed within a period of 5-year period, or did not pay $ 200 in tolls accumulated within 5 years, if violations occurred in a commercial vehicle, or were not discarded or transferred" } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "58", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "Can I know if anybody asked for my records?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "60", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "Yes, since the records of searches are public we'll inform any motorist if his records were searched." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "71", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "it looks like my browser is not compatible with your website." }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "72", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "You should visit https://encryption.ny.gov/ to check the compatibility of your website and if it says that is not compatible, please update your browser." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "68", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "I need to contact DMV about my dial-in search account" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "68", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "Our contact address for that is NYSDMV DIAL - IN AccountsRoom 2316 Empire State PlazaAlbany , NY 12228 473 - 2137e - mail" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "67", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "Sorry, it looks like my chat didn't show your message well, can you please how to tell me how to contact DMV about my dial-in search account." }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "68", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "ok our mail address for dial-in search account related problems is NYSDMV DIAL - IN AccountsRoom 2316 Empire State PlazaAlbany , NY 12228 473 - 2137" }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "42", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "I have problems with my phone right now, could I communicate with you online? . Who holds the lien?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "42", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "The lienholder has possession of the certificate until the lien is satisfied, at which point they will send it to the owner." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "42", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "Is this the policy only in this state?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "42", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "This is the policy of many of other states, not just this one." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "53", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 13, "utterance": "How do I remove a lien if I lost it?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "54", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 14, "utterance": "You can apply for a new one by mail or at your local DMV office." } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "45", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "I need to know if DMV could contact me regarding my dial-in searches I do with my dial-in search account." }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "47", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "48", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "49", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "Yes, DMV can ask you about your dial-in searches. We do this to monitor compliance with the DIAL-IN Terms of Service." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "55", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "What about if I didn't perform the search I'm asked about?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "56", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "57", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "If you or any of the known users performed the search, you should contact us immediately. You have to respond to our inquiry about the dial-in search or your search privileges will be suspended until you respond." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "What kind of documents or business records can I use to document my searches" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "Some examples are invoices, retainer agreements, consent forms, and surveillance reports, among other types of records. You should maintain these records to comply with our terms of service." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "41", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "For title certificate, can I ask another question? What happens if a lien-holder obtains a copy of my title certificate?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "42", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "In a number of states, a lienholder is in possession of the title certificate until the lien has been satisfied in full. When the lien has been satisfied, they then send the title certificate to the owner" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "45", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "Is your vehicle registered in NYS but the out-of-state title certificate is received by you from the lienholder?" }, { "da": "response_positive", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "45", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "Yes, this is the case" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "46", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "47", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "48", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "In this instance, you must send the title certificate to the Title Services Bureau. The DMV then send you a NYS title certificate. There is no fee applicable to this as you already paid for the title certificate fee when registering your vehicle" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "55", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "What are the other ways that my lienholder can remove the lien from my title certificate?" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "56", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 13, "utterance": "Is your lienholder an account holder with the DMV's ELT?" }, { "da": "response_positive", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "56", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 14, "utterance": "Yes, they are" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "57", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 15, "utterance": "Your lienholder can then file to have the lien removed electronically" } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "2", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "I want to know about dial-in search accounts." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "3", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "I need to do searches for DMV records for driver licenses and other info. Can I use it for this?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "4", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "5", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "Yes, with the Dial-in service you can actually search for records of driver licenses, registrations and other similar information at the DMV. This service is typically used by attorneys, insurance and private investigators, process servers and security personnel." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "105", "doc_id": "Escrow accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "Also, I need to find out information on what should be the process when I close my account in DMV?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "106", "doc_id": "Escrow accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "Be sure to let us know what you want the remaining balance, if any, to do to your account." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "60", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "Is the information provided by this service public records?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "60", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "Yes, al the records of searches are public records" }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "17", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "18", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "19", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "Will I get an account to check my application?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "17", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "18", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "19", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "Yes, an account will be created for you and we'll send you your account number and password. Your account number will never change." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "22", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "23", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "24", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "is there a fee for using the dial-in search account?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "22", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "23", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "24", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "Yes, there's a fee that we must charge according to the NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law. This fee applies to private persons, commercial organizations and not-for-profit organizations." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "51", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "Do I need anything specific if I perform a search on behalf of a client?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "52", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 13, "utterance": "You'll have to show permissible use of your client and your client-agent relationship." } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "58", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "Can a motorist know if I searched his records using the dial-in search account?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "60", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "Yes, we will if asked. All the records of searches are public." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "60", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "What info would the motorist get when asking if his records were searched?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "60", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "As I mentioned before, all the search records are public records." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "70", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "Are your security protocols strong enough to protect the data?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "70", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "Our security protocols are being upgraded to ensure the protection of your data." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "70", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "Would the upgrading of the security protocols affect the compatibility of my browser?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "70", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "Due to the upgrading of our security protocols, you should make sure your browser is compatible." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "42", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "It's okay. Now, about the cancellation. Who holds the lien?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "42", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "The lienholder has possession of the certificate until the lien is satisfied, at which point they will send it to the owner." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "42", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "Is this the policy only in this state?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "42", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "This is the policy of many of other states, not just this one." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "53", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 13, "utterance": "How do I remove a lien if I lost it?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "54", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 14, "utterance": "You can apply for a new one by mail or at your local DMV office." } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "69", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "Can you tell me about browser compatibility?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "70", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "You should know that we are improving our security protocols to better protect your data." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "68", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "Can you give me an address for dial-in search account consultations?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "68", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "You can mail DMV at NYSDMV DIAL - IN AccountsRoom 2316 Empire State PlazaAlbany , NY 12228 473 - 2137" }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "17", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "18", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "19", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "how many digits is the account number?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "17", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "18", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "19", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "You'll be sent a seven-digit account number that will never change." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "30", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "Thank you, it helps me a lot. What are the differences between a loan company and a private company for a pledgee?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "31", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "Not to worry. You just need to make sure the letter you get from the lienholder is properly notarized." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "45", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "Ok, good to know isn't anything complicated. A last question, i have this vehicle registered in NYS but its title is being sent to me from out-of-state, i s there anything i have to do once i receive it?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "46", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "47", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "48", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "Certainly. Once you have it, you must send it to the Title Services Bureau. In that way, the DMV will send you back a NYS title certificate instead. In case you're wondering, there i no fee to be paid because that fee was already paid when you registered your vehicle in NYS." } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "69", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "tell me about the dial-in search account website and browser compatibility" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "70", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "About the website, we can assure you that your data is safe thanks to our upgraded security protocols." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "68", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "Can you give me a mailing address to contact the DMV about my dial-in search account?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "68", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "the DMV contact address is NYSDMV DIAL - IN AccountsRoom 2316 Empire State PlazaAlbany , NY 12228 473 - 2137" }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "where should I send the form for applying for an account?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "you should send the form to Data Services - New Search AccountNYS Department of Motor Vehicles6 Empire State PlazaAlbany , NY 12228" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "73", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "The website says that my browser is not compatible." }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "74", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "We recommend you update your browser to its latest version." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "42", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "Do you also know about lienholders holding title certificates? Who is actually holding the lien?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "42", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "The lienholder has possession of the certificate until the lien is satisfied, at which point they will send it to the owner." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "42", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "Is this the policy only in this state?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "42", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "This is the policy of many of other states, not just this one." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "53", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 13, "utterance": "How do I remove a lien if I lost it?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "54", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 14, "utterance": "You can apply for a new one by mail or at your local DMV office." } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "69", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "Hi, I'm constantly searching DMV records for driver license, registration and insurance information. So I thought I'd get a DIAL-IN search account, but I need to fill the form MV-15D. I've been trying to get the form on the website but it's seems the website is down, or maybe my browser is not compatible. Could you assist me with that? " }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "70", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "We are currently upgrading our security protocols to better protect your data, so the platform has been down recently, but right now the website if available. If you want to check whether your browser is compatible, visit https://encryption.ny.gov/." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "73", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "Thanks, I checked and my browser it's not compatible, what should I do now?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "74", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "Upgrade your browser to the latest version. " }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "71", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "Done, so now to re-verify whether is compatible should I go to the same link?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "72", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "Absolutely, visit https://encryption.ny.govc to verify again. " }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "30", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "Another concern about the lien-holder. What happens if the lien-holder on the title certificate is a person, rather than a financial institution?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "31", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "In this instance, the letter that is sent to the DMV must be notarized" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "49", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "I have a lien on my title certificate, but my certificate is lost, is there anything I can do in this instance?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "50", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "51", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "52", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "You must send an application for a Duplicate Certificate of Title and original proof which shows that a lien is satisfied to the address that is listed or alternatively, bring them to a DMV office. The DMV will issue you with a duplicate certificate but this does not list the lien. The certificate is mailed to you for a fee of $20.00" } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "58", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "I've searched a motorist's records, will he know I did it?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "60", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "Yes, he will be informed as search records are public records." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "22", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "23", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "24", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "I had to pay a fee for using DIAL-IN search account, why?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "22", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "23", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "24", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "According to the NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law, we must charge a fee to search DMV records. It is a legal step that must be met by private persons, commercial organizations and not-for-profit organizations." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "17", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "18", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "19", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "I have filled out and submitted the Motor Vehicle Record Search Account Application MV-15D form, how do I know if it was accepted?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "17", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "18", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "19", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "If your application is complete, we will create an account and send you the number and password. The account is made up of a 7-digit number that will never change." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "41", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "I'd like to hear more about the title as well. What happens if a lineholder obtains a copy of my title certificate?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "42", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "In a number of states, a lienholder is in possession of the title certificate until the lien has been satisfied in full. When the lien has been satisfied, they then send the title certificate to the owner" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "45", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "Is your vehicle registered in NYS but the out-of-state title certificate is received by you from the lienholder?" }, { "da": "response_positive", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "45", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "Yes, this is the case" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "46", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "47", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "48", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "In this instance, you must send the title certificate to the Title Services Bureau. The DMV then send you a NYS title certificate. There is no fee applicable to this as you already paid for the title certificate fee when registering your vehicle" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "55", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "What are the other ways that my lienholder can remove the lien from my title certificate?" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "56", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 13, "utterance": "Is your lienholder an account holder with the DMV's ELT?" }, { "da": "response_positive", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "56", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 14, "utterance": "Yes, they are" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "57", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 15, "utterance": "Your lienholder can then file to have the lien removed electronically" } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "69", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "Hey, i'm having some issues with your site not opening in my browser?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "70", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "We are currently going through upgrade for our security protocols in order to offer you a better data protection." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "22", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "23", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "24", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "Oh, i see. Yeah, tought you could be doing any of that, but wanted to be sure. Anyway, i wanted to go on some records searching, there is any fee involved if i use a Dial-In search?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "22", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "23", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "24", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "Indeed, you have to pay a fee for search DMV records. Whether you are a private person, an commercial organization or an NGO, there is a fee for using that service, according to law." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "35", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "Thanks. Can i pay that fee with my credit card?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "35", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "No, sorry, but at the moment DMV isn't accepting any payments with credit cards." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "73", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "Um, ok. Now back with browser issue, what about if i'm still having problems with your page after being updated?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "74", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "In case that occurs, just update you browser to its newer version and try accessing once again." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "42", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "Now, about the payment regarding a Department of Motor Vehicles case, what if the lien-holder has my title certificate?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "42", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "The lienholder has possession of the certificate until the lien is satisfied, at which point they will send it to the owner." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "42", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "Is this the policy only in this state?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "42", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "This is the policy of many of other states, not just this one." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "53", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 13, "utterance": "How do I remove a lien if I lost it?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "54", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 14, "utterance": "You can apply for a new one by mail or at your local DMV office." } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "2", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "I would like to know about DIAL-IN search account and can i get one?" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "3", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "DIAL-IN is a service provided to search regularly records that DMV has on driver license, registration, vehicle title or insurance information. If you need this service, then you can get one." }, { "da": "response_negative", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "3", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "So that is all about the service?" }, { "da": "respond_no_solution", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "2", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "Unfortunately, no relevant information is found." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "21", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "Is that all i need to know about DIAL-IN service?Do i need to pay any fees to use this service?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "22", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "23", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "24", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "Yes but you need to know about the permissible uses of DMV records. There are some limitations which you can view in more details at Drivers Privacy Protection Act DPPA [ 2 ] . The fee applied to private persons, commercial organizations and not - for - profit organizations. This is according to the NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law. " }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "97", "doc_id": "Escrow accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "Is there anything else I should know about my escrow account? How do I get close the account?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "98", "doc_id": "Escrow accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "99", "doc_id": "Escrow accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "100", "doc_id": "Escrow accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "Easy. You only have to send a request to close your account by any of the following: mail, fax or email. Send it to DMV Revenue Accounts, putting the request on the letterhead, including your account number and being signed and dated." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "I'm still looking for more information on company records. Is there something I need to plan or hold for the searches I'll be conducting?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "Yes. You need to show records of business purpose of the search. These records may include invoices, employment applications and any other types of documents related to the purpose of the search. The DMV may request these documents according to the Term of Services of the Search Account." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "26", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "27", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "What organizations are exempted from search fees?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "26", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "27", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "Organizations that are exempted from the search fees are any public organizations and other private entities acting pursuant to section 722 of the New York State County Law that makes a search due to a public purpose." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "55", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 13, "utterance": "What do I need to do if the DMV inquire me about a search that i did not perform?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "56", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 14, "utterance": "If something like that happens, you first need to check whether other users of your account did the search. If that is not the case, you need to contact the DMV immediately to inform about this." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "58", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 15, "utterance": "If I searched a motorist records, will the DMV tells the owner of the records?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "59", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "60", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 16, "utterance": "Yes. This is because, the records of searches are public records and the DMW will inform the motorist if the motorist ask the DMV." } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "69", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "Do I need to check browser compability for DMV Dial-in Search Account?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "70", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "Yes. Since our security protocols are currently updating, You need to make sure that your browser is compatible to use any of the state's government websites." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "71", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "To do this, you can visit https://encryption.ny.gov/ [ 6 ] ." }, { "da": "response_negative", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "71", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "So, as long as my browser is compatible to use any of the state 's government websites, it should be compatible with the Dial-in Search Account?" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "73", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "Yes. Therefore, if it is not compatible, you just need to update it to the latest version." }, { "da": "response_negative", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "73", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "Okay. So i do not need to switch to different kinds of browser?I just need to update to the latest version?" }, { "da": "respond_no_solution", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "69", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "Unfortunately, no relevant information is found." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "Can you give me some examples of business records that I must keep in order to document the searches?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "Yes. Just update it. Examples of business records to keep can be invoices, retainer agreements and accident reports. These documents can be any kinds of document to justify the reason you perform your searches." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "41", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "Now, I have to inquire if I am able to remove a lienholder from a title. What will happen if a lienholder has a copy of my title certificate?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "42", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "In a number of states, a lienholder is in possession of the title certificate until the lien has been satisfied in full. When the lien has been satisfied, they then send the title certificate to the owner" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "45", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "Is your vehicle registered in NYS but the out-of-state title certificate is received by you from the lienholder?" }, { "da": "response_positive", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "45", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 13, "utterance": "Yes, this is the case" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "46", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "47", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "48", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 14, "utterance": "In this instance, you must send the title certificate to the Title Services Bureau. The DMV then send you a NYS title certificate. There is no fee applicable to this as you already paid for the title certificate fee when registering your vehicle" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "55", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 15, "utterance": "What are the other ways that my lienholder can remove the lien from my title certificate?" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "56", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 16, "utterance": "Is your lienholder an account holder with the DMV's ELT?" }, { "da": "response_positive", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "56", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 17, "utterance": "Yes, they are" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "57", "doc_id": "Remove a lienholder from a title#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 18, "utterance": "Your lienholder can then file to have the lien removed electronically" } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "58", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "will you tell a motorist if i search their records?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "59", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "60", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "yes. records of searches are public records" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "61", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "did you ask the dmv if your records were searched?" }, { "da": "response_positive", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "61", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "Yes" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "62", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "63", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "64", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "the dmv supplies the name and business address of the DIAL - IN account holder" }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "3", "doc_id": "Escrow accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "I'd like to ask you another question about the escrow account. Isn't it true that everyone can open an escrow account?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "3", "doc_id": "Escrow accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "Yes, that's correct. Any person who frequently process any or all of the dmv products and services can do it." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "71", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "By the way, what about browser compatibility?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "72", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "please visit https://encryption.ny.gov" }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "68", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "how do i contact dmv about my dial-in search account?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "68", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "you can contact use at : NYSDMV DIAL - IN AccountsRoom 2316 Empire State PlazaAlbany" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "67", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "what the area code" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "68", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 13, "utterance": "12228" }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "26", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "27", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 14, "utterance": "are there fees for using a dial-in search account?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "26", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "27", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 15, "utterance": "there are some organizations that are exempt from search fees" }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "68", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 16, "utterance": "what is their phone number?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "68", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 17, "utterance": "473-2137" } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "12", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "Can you tell me how I will know if my application has been accepted?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "13", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "Sure, we will have to review your application first." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "14", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "We will let you know if it is not complete." }, { "da": "response_positive", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "14", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "I believe it has all been filled out." }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "15", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "We will send your application back with what is wrong and give more instructions on what to do if something else is needed." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "40", "doc_id": "Escrow accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "41", "doc_id": "Escrow accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "42", "doc_id": "Escrow accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "Do you have any knowledge about Escrow Account Definitions? And in what way can I change my escrow amount?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "40", "doc_id": "Escrow accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "41", "doc_id": "Escrow accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "42", "doc_id": "Escrow accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "You need to send a request to DMV Revenue Accounts on your letterhead. It must be signed, dated, and include your account number." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "31", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "How can I pay my DIAL-IN Search account fees?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "32", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "You will pay those fees once we accept your application." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "26", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "27", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "How do I know if there are fees for using a DIAL-IN search account?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "26", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "27", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "Some organizations are exempt from search fees. Any public organization , its officers , a volunteer fire company , a volunteer ambulance service , or a legal aid bureau or society or other private entity acting pursuant to section 722 of the New York State County Law , that makes a search for a public purpose, is exempt from the search fees." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "37", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "How do I know if it's a public organization?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "38", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "40", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 13, "utterance": "For more information, please visit our Escrow Accounts page." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 14, "utterance": "How do I apply?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "DIAL-IN search accounts#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 15, "utterance": "Go to Data Services - New Search Account NYS Dept of Motor Vehicles." } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "45", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "Can I use insurance documents from other states?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "46", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "We can't accept any out-of-state vehicle insurance coverage of any kind." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "47", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "My vehicle was registered in New York. what insurance should I use?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "48", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "All vehicles registered in New York must have New York State auto liability insurance coverage." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "5", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "6", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "7", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "Another question about DMV clearance: If I am told that you have an unsatisfied judgment suspension on your record, what should I do?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "5", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "6", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "7", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": " you must contact the attorney or court that issued the judgment. The information on the suspension order will advise you of the name of the court and the court index number for the judgment. The DMV can not clear the suspension without proof from the court " }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "5", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "6", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "7", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "I need more information" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "5", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "6", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "7", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "Once you receive the original documentation from the court or attorney " }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "12", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": " If i do not know which court to contact" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "12", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": " you can call the NY State DMV Insurance Services Bureau. See Contact us " }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "I need more information" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "12", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "See Contact us" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "4", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 13, "utterance": " If i were notified that there is an unsatisfied judgment suspension on your record" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "5", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "6", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "7", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 14, "utterance": " you must contact the attorney or court that issued the judgment . The information on the suspension order will advise you of the name of the court and the court index number for the judgment . The DMV can not clear the suspension without proof from the court" } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "45", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "What out of state insurance documents can I give to DMV?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "46", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "We can't accept any out of state insurance documents of any type." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "46", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "What can I do to get an acceptable insurance if my vehicle is registered in New York?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "46", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "Since we will not accept any out of state insurance documents, your vehicle must have New York State auto liability insurance coverage." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "13", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "Now, in case of a motor vehicle accident or crash. What must I do in order to obtain an unsatisfied judgement against another motorist?" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "14", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "do you need to know what to do to get an unsatisfied judgment against a motorist because of a motor vehicle accident?" }, { "da": "response_negative", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "14", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "Yes, I need to know how to get an unsatisfied judgment against a motorist because of an accident." }, { "da": "respond_no_solution", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "13", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "Unfortunately, no relevant information is found." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "What if I do not know which court to contact?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "12", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "You will need to call the NY State DMV Insurance Services Bureau." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "15", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "What do I need to file do get an unsatisfied judgment against a motorist because of an accident?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "15", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "You will have to file a Supporting Affirmation SR-60 and the other documents it lists." } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "1", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "Do I need to get insurance to register a vehicle in New York State?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "3", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "Yes. In order to register your vehicle in New York State, you need to have New York State issued automobile liability insurance coverage." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "12", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "13", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "14", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "for how long should the liability insurance coverage remain in effect?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "12", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "13", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "14", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "As long as the registration of your vehicle remains valid." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "17", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "18", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "Will the DMV suspend the driver's license and all the records of a person who has an unsatisfied judgment against them?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "17", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "18", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "Yes. The DMV will suspend the license and registrations if the person fails to pay or does not comply with a judgment of more than $ 1,000 and the failure is related to a car accident, collision or crash that causes property damage, personal injury or death." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "16", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "Will the DMV suspend the driver's license and all the records of a person who has an unsatisfied judgment against them?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "17", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "18", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "Yes. The DMV will suspend the license and registrations if the person fails to pay or does not comply with a judgment of more than $ 1,000 and the failure is related to a car accident, collision or crash that causes property damage, personal injury or death." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "5", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "6", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "7", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "What should I do If I was notified that there is an unsatisfied suspension of judgment in my record?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "5", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "6", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "7", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "In that case you must contact the lawyer or court that issued the judgment. Information about the suspension order will tell you the name of the court and the court's index number for the judgment. The DMV cannot remove the suspension without court proof." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "5", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "6", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "7", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "and where will I know which court will be the ruling?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "5", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "6", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "7", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "Information about the suspension order will tell you the name of the court and the court's index number for the judgment. The DMV cannot remove the suspension without court proof." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "12", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 13, "utterance": "and if not If not, which court to contact?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "12", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 14, "utterance": "You can call the New York State DMV Office of Insurance Services. See Contact us" }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "17", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "18", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 15, "utterance": "and in which cases will the license be suspended?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "17", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "18", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 16, "utterance": "The license and registrations will be suspended if the person fails to pay or fails to comply with a judgment of more than $ 1,000 and the failure is related to a car accident, collision or crash causing property damage, personal injury or death." } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "23", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "Do I have to get insurance to register my vehicle?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "25", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "Yes, you have to. DMV requires auto liability insurance to be able to register a vehicle in New York." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "47", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "I have a vehicle registered in New York, where should I get the insurance." }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "48", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "for vehicles registered in New York, you have to get a New York State auto liability insurance coverage." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "5", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "I have another question for you about liability insurance coverage.. Is out-of-state insurance valid for a New York-registered vehicle?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "5", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "I am not sorry to inform you that it is not acceptable" }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "7", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "8", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "and there is no coverage outside of the state of new york?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "7", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "8", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "no, the reality is that we will never accept out-of-state insurance coverage of any kind for a vehicle registered in New York. we are sorry" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "is that someone told me that if possible. Can I get insurance out of state and keep my vehicle registered in New York?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "12", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "13", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "No. If you replace your New York State insurance coverage with out-of-state insurance, your valid insurance coverage will expire. We will suspend your registration and we may suspend your driver's license." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "14", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "15", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "and If I choose to replace my New York State insurance coverage with out-of-state insurance..." }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "14", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "15", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "We will take action against your New York State registration and driver's license, even if you move from New York. sThis may affect your ability to have a driver's license in your new state...." } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "23", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "I need to know if I have to get insurance to register my vehicle." }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "25", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "Yes, this is a requirement to register a vehicle in New York, you have to have auto liability insurance." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "41", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "Will the DMV accept a fax of my Insurance identification card?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "Yes, but make sure it's clearly legible. If the DMV barcode reader can't scan the barcode your card will be rejected." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "29", "doc_id": "Provide proof of insurance#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "Also, do you know about providing proof of insurance? Why am I not able to show proof by phone or at a DMV office?" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "30", "doc_id": "Provide proof of insurance#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "Did your insurance company not verify your information?" }, { "da": "response_negative", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "30", "doc_id": "Provide proof of insurance#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "No, they confirmed my insurance information." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "32", "doc_id": "Provide proof of insurance#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "Do you have a myDMV account?" }, { "da": "response_positive", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "32", "doc_id": "Provide proof of insurance#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "Yes, I have a MyDMV account." }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "33", "doc_id": "Provide proof of insurance#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "That is great, you will be able to order and immediately download your driving record abstract." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "23", "doc_id": "Provide proof of insurance#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "How long will it take to get updated records?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "23", "doc_id": "Provide proof of insurance#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "It will take around 48 hours for your records to be updated." } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "23", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "In order for me to register my vehicle, do I have to have an insurance policy in place on that vehicle" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "25", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "For you to register a vehicle in New York, it is a requirement of the DMV that you have auto liability insuranc " }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "38", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "I have a question in relation to my vehicle registration application. Does my name on that application form have to match my Insurance Identification Card" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "40", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "Yes, your name as it appears on your insurance card must match the name that appears on your vehicle registration application" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "9", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "I just remembered I wanted to ask about obtaining out-of-state insurance. Am I able to get insurance from a company in a neighboring state and keep my car registered in New York?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "do not" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "Have you replaced your New York State insurance coverage with out-of-state insurance?" }, { "da": "response_negative", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "do not" }, { "da": "respond_no_solution", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "9", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "Unfortunately, no relevant information is found." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "22", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "I registered my vehicle out of state, and then received a letter from the DMV about an insurance lapse in the vehicle. What I can do?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "23", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "Send us a copy of your out-of-state record in your name along with a copy of your out-of-state insurance if available" }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "14", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "15", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "What happens if my valid insurance coverage expires?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "14", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "15", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 13, "utterance": "We will take action against your New York State registration and driver's license, even if you move from New York. This can affect your ability to have a driver's license in your new state." } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "1", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "Do I need insurance to register my car?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "3", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "Yes. New York law requires that you have auto liability insurance coverage." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "4", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "What happens if I forget to maintain my insurance?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "5", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "Unfortunately you will be without registration and without a driver's license because the DMV will suspend both." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "9", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "I'm curious if you know if I can get out-of-state insurance while keeping my car registered in New York?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "No" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "I need more information" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "12", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "13", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": " your valid insurance coverage will lapse. We will suspend your registration and may suspend your driver license" }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "14", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "15", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "What other measures will they take?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "14", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "15", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": " We will take actions against your New York State registration and driver license even if you move out of New York. This can affect your ability to have a driver license in your new state ." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "4", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "Is out-of-state insurance acceptable for a vehicle registered in New York?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "5", "doc_id": "Moving out of New York State#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "No." } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "23", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "Hey, do I need an insurance to register a vehicle? If so, what are the New York State Insurance requirements." }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "25", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "Yes, the DMV requires auto liability insurance to register a vehicle in New York .\n" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "38", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "Okey, I have a bit of a problem: I have a different name on both my vehicle registration application and my Insurance Identification Card, do they have to be the same or that woudn't be a problem?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "40", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "Yes, that's a problem. Your insurance cards and vehicles must have the same name." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "26", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "I'll sort that out then. I want to know what sort of proof will I receive after getting the insurance?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "27", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "Your insurance company will issue a proof of insurance in two ways: \n1) They will either give you to original NY state Insurance Cards or provide you with acces to your digital electronic NY State Insurance.\n2) They will send an electronic notice of insurance coverage to the DMV." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "24", "doc_id": "Pay insurance lapse civil penalty#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "25", "doc_id": "Pay insurance lapse civil penalty#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "excellent explanations now I have a question can I pay by mail?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "24", "doc_id": "Pay insurance lapse civil penalty#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "25", "doc_id": "Pay insurance lapse civil penalty#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "Follow the instructions in your suspension order. Send the bottom of the order along with a certified check, personal check, or money order made payable to the Motor Vehicle Commissioner for the fine" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "38", "doc_id": "Pay insurance lapse civil penalty#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "and how much should i pay if my insurance term is 90 days?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "39", "doc_id": "Pay insurance lapse civil penalty#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "40", "doc_id": "Pay insurance lapse civil penalty#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "If your insurance term is 90 days, you can pay a total fine of $ 900 $ 8 per day for the first 30 days = $ 240; plus $ 10 per day for 31 days at 60 = $ 300; plus $ 12 per day on days 61 - 90 = $ 360 and not delivering your dishes; or you must turn in your plates and complete a 90 day registration suspension" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "42", "doc_id": "Pay insurance lapse civil penalty#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "Could you tell me what is the main theme?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "Pay insurance lapse civil penalty#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "the topic is about Insurance" } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "45", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "Hello, good morning. I recently moved here to New York and I want to get an Insurance for my new car. I was hoping you could help me with the requirements, and also telling me if my out of state insurance document would work?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "46", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "For the requirements you just need your ID, your car, and the minimum wave coverage which is $10000, go to a DMV and you can begin your process. \nRegarding out of states documents: No. We will NEVER accept out of states insurance documents/coverages" }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "46", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "But what can I do with my insurance from another state?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "46", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "If your coverage time haven't lapse you can still use it there. Whenever you go to a different state, that you have an insurance in, DMV will cover you there. So, if you ever go back to that state your insurance will still work. " }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "16", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "Can a person who has an unsatisfied judgment against them have their driver license and all of their registrations suspended by the DMV?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "17", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "18", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "Yes.The DMV will suspend the license and registrations if the person fails to pay or satisfy a judgment of more than $ 1,000 and the judgment is related to a motor vehicle accident , collision or crash which causes property damage , bodily injury or death" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "13", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "How do I get an unsatisfied judgment against another motorist?" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "14", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "you have an unsatisfied judgment against a motorist as a result of a car accident, collision or crash" }, { "da": "response_negative", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "14", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "To get an unsatisfied judgment against a motorist as a result of a motor vehicle accident , collision or crash" }, { "da": "respond_no_solution", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "13", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "Unfortunately, no relevant information is found." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "If I don't know which court to contact" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "12", "doc_id": "Unsatisfied Judgments#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "you can call the NY State DMV Insurance Services Bureau. See Contact us " } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "1", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "or can i register without one?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "2", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "yes" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "3", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "no" }, { "da": "response_positive", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "3", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "Could i use other than New York State issued automobile liability insurance coverage?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "5", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "No you could not and you need to maintain the coverage to avoid suspension of your vehicle registration and driver license by the DMV." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "39", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "40", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "Is it compulsory that the name on the insurance card and vehicle registration application must be similar?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "39", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "40", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "Yes. It must be similar." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "5", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "Why would the DMV suspend my driving license if i am unable to maintain my insurance coverage?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "5", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "It is up to the DMV. The DMV may or may not suspend both the vehicle registration and driving license when you are unable to maintain the coverage." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "7", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "8", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "9", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "What is the minimum amount of liability coverage for a single accident?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "7", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "8", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "9", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "It is $ 10,000 for a single accident." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "41", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "Can i just sent copies or fax my Insurance Identification Card?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "42", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 13, "utterance": "Yes but please make sure the barcode on the document is clear because the DMV will not accept a card that the DMV barcode reader could not read." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "38", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 14, "utterance": "What if the name on my vehicle registration application and Insurance Identification Card does not match?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "39", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "40", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 15, "utterance": "You could not proceed with the registration." } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "23", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "I was just wondering if i need insurance to register my vehicle?\n" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "24", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "25", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "yes, the DMV requires you to have insurance in order to register your vehicle." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "26", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "would you like me to tell you some more information?" }, { "da": "response_positive", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "26", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "Yes, please" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "27", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "28", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "29", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "sure. When you get insurance there are 2 ways that your insurance company will provide you with in order to provide you with proof that your insurance has been accepted.\nIt will either give you 2 original NY State Insurance ID Cards or provide you with access to an electronic version of your NY State Insurance ID Card" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "41", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "Will the DMV accept a copy of my insurance ID card?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "42", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "Yes, however, the card will not be accepted by the DMV if there are issues with the barcode reader being unable to scan or read the barcode." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "33", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "34", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "35", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "When do I need to register my vehicle?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "33", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "34", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "35", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "You must register it within 180 days once your insurance ID card has been accepted" }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "2", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "so, i must get insurance in order to register my vehicle?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "2", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "yes" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "38", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "does the name on my application form and my insurance ID card need to be the same?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "39", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "40", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 13, "utterance": "yes\n" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "47", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 14, "utterance": "Do I have to get my insurance from New York? Do you accept out-of-state insurance?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "48", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "49", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "50", "doc_id": "New York State Insurance Requirements#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 15, "utterance": "No, we do not accept out-of-state insurance. The insurance must be from New York " } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "13", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "Tell me about county taxes and supplemental fees" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "14", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "15", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "16", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "This are taxes that all residents of New York City and several counties in New York must pay for the registration of a commercial vehicle or the renewal of any commercial vehicle registration. These taxes are collected by the DMV for the city and the counties." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "30", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "32", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "33", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "What about the supplemental MCTD fee for taxis?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "30", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "32", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "33", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "In the case of a passenger vehicle like a taxi, the supplemental MCTD fee is $50 for two years. All registrants for TC vehicles must pay the tax," }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "42", "doc_id": "Replace a title certificate#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "Where will a title certificate be replaced online and mailed to?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "42", "doc_id": "Replace a title certificate#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "To the address on file. You can replace them online." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "63", "doc_id": "Replace a title certificate#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "So i can do it at the DMV also?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "64", "doc_id": "Replace a title certificate#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "65", "doc_id": "Replace a title certificate#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "67", "doc_id": "Replace a title certificate#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "Yes but the fastest way to do it is online." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "68", "doc_id": "Replace a title certificate#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "How do I apply for a title only?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "69", "doc_id": "Replace a title certificate#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "70", "doc_id": "Replace a title certificate#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "Use the PDF file and follow instructions carefully." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "40", "doc_id": "Replace a title certificate#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "41", "doc_id": "Replace a title certificate#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "Can I have them forwarded to a new address?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "40", "doc_id": "Replace a title certificate#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "41", "doc_id": "Replace a title certificate#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "There is no guarantee the DMV will forward them. Please contact them with updated info." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "3", "doc_id": "Replace a title certificate#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "4", "doc_id": "Replace a title certificate#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 13, "utterance": "Where are certificates printed?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "3", "doc_id": "Replace a title certificate#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "4", "doc_id": "Replace a title certificate#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 14, "utterance": "In a secure facility in Albany." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "36", "doc_id": "Replace a title certificate#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "37", "doc_id": "Replace a title certificate#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 15, "utterance": "Can I change the address online?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "36", "doc_id": "Replace a title certificate#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "37", "doc_id": "Replace a title certificate#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 16, "utterance": "No, you have to contact the Title Service Bureau." } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "1", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "I need help to determine the fees of my commercial vehicle." }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "2", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "To determine the correct fee you have to use both the registration fee and county use tax charts." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "23", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "What fees apply if my vehicle is registered in Manhattan, New York." }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "24", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "25", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "26", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "For the renewal or original registration of all passenger vehicles, the vehicle use tax is 80$ for 2 years and for livery and for-hire vehicles in these registration classes, the fee is 400$ for 1 year." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "28", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "31", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "32", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "Okay, that's it. Now, let's talk about renewal. Would I get this money back as soon as I return my plates?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "28", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "31", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "32", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "When you surrender your plates, your Receipt FS-6 T indicates if you are eligible to receive a refund. If you are eligible and you do not request a transfer receipt, the refund will be processed automatically and you will receive it in the mail in several weeks. " }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "12", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "What was the form that would indicate if I am eligible for the refund? " }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "12", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "Your Receipt FS-6 T indicates if you are eligible to receive a refund. " }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "33", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "How do I apply for a full 2-year refund if my registration was never used? " }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "33", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "You can apply for a refund of the 2-year registration fee only if the registration was truly never used and it is not more than 60 days from the date the registration was issued. A processing fee of a dollar is subtracted from the refund amount. To apply, you must surrender the vehicle plates and the unused registration sticker and stub at the DMV office and request a 2-year refund. If you are eligible, the DMV will issue a receipt that displays two year refund. " }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "What procedure to I have to follow to get this refund, though, if I have changed my name? " }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "You must still surrender the vehicle plates at a DMV office, but request a transfer receipt, not a refund receipt. You will then send that to the address of the Request for Refund MV-215 form along with the completed and signed Request for Refund [1] MV-215 and proof of the name change such as a marriage certificate, divorce certificate, or other court papers. At that point, the DMV will issue your refund in your new name if you are eligible. " }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "25", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 13, "utterance": "Will the DMV issue a refund if the registrant died? " }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "26", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 14, "utterance": "The DMV will issue the refund to the name of the estate if the plates are surrendered at the DMV office and a transfer receipt is requested and the executor of the estate sends a completed and signed Request for Refund [1]MV-215, with \"deceased\" written on the form, a photocopy of the death certificate, and the transfer certificate to the address listedon the Request for Refund MV-215. " } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "1", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "I need help on how to calculate the fees of a commercial vehicle." }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "2", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "For that, you have to use the charts for the registration fee and the county use tax." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "34", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "Please tell me more about the county use tax chart for counties outside New York City," }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "35", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "36", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "37", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "You can use the chart to determine the use taxes and supplemental fees for all original registrations and renewals. For example, the amount of sales tax depends on your locality and what was the purchase price. You can know more about the current rates by jurisdiction at the Department of Taxation and Finance website." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "6", "doc_id": "Register a vehicle when you are out-of-state#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "Is it okay if I bring a copy of my ownership proof?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "6", "doc_id": "Register a vehicle when you are out-of-state#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "proof of ownership must be original" }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "3", "doc_id": "Register a vehicle when you are out-of-state#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "4", "doc_id": "Register a vehicle when you are out-of-state#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "How can I register while I am outside of New York State?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "3", "doc_id": "Register a vehicle when you are out-of-state#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "4", "doc_id": "Register a vehicle when you are out-of-state#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "You can request a New York State registration and a certificate of title by mail from outside New York. You should send these items to a local DMV office" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "Register a vehicle when you are out-of-state#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "My vehicle comes from another country. What I need to do?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "Register a vehicle when you are out-of-state#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "Read the instructions on how to register an imported vehicle" }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "46", "doc_id": "Register a vehicle when you are out-of-state#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "47", "doc_id": "Register a vehicle when you are out-of-state#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "48", "doc_id": "Register a vehicle when you are out-of-state#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "Can someone else file my application for registration with a DMV office for me?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "46", "doc_id": "Register a vehicle when you are out-of-state#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "47", "doc_id": "Register a vehicle when you are out-of-state#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "48", "doc_id": "Register a vehicle when you are out-of-state#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "Yes. Read the instructions on how to register a vehicle for someone else to learn how to do it." } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "13", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "Can you please tell me more about the county use taxes?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "14", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "15", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "16", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "This is the tax that applies to all residents of New York City and several counties in New York for the registration or renewals of a commercial vehicle" }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "2", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "Can you tell me how to determine the fees for a commercial vehicle?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "2", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "For that, you can use the registration fee and the county use tax charts." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "28", "doc_id": "California emissions standards#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "I see what you mean. I'd like to ask you another question. in the case of MCO So, what if my car isn't subject to the California pollution standard?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "28", "doc_id": "California emissions standards#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "Then you or the automobile dealer can complete form MV-74 to certify the exemption, provided you meet all the requirements." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "35", "doc_id": "California emissions standards#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "I see. What if I'm a NY resident who serves in the army and stationed in another state?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "27", "doc_id": "California emissions standards#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "*makes no sense*" }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "41", "doc_id": "California emissions standards#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "Can you perhaps tell me where to find additional information? Are there any resources?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "41", "doc_id": "California emissions standards#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "The NY State Department of Environmental Conservation website www.dec.ny.gov has the regulations for the California emissions standards and other motor vehicle emissions standards See Regulations, Part 218. " }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "40", "doc_id": "California emissions standards#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "I'll take a look at that website later. Let me redundantly ask the same question once more. " }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "41", "doc_id": "California emissions standards#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "The NY State Department of Environmental Conservation website www.dec.ny.gov has the regulations for the California emissions standards and other motor vehicle emissions standards See Regulations, Part 218." } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "1", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "I want to know about the fees for commercial vehicles." }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "2", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "You can use the registration fee and county use tax charts to know your registration fee and county use fee." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "22", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "Where can I get the UT-11 form?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "22", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "You can get the form from a local DMV office or from a DMV call center." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "21", "doc_id": "How to check a title or lien status#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "There is something else about online. But what do I do if it's been more than 90 days?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "22", "doc_id": "How to check a title or lien status#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "If more than 90 days have passed, you still haven't received your title, Email DMV to check the status of your title" }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "23", "doc_id": "How to check a title or lien status#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "what should I do?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "23", "doc_id": "How to check a title or lien status#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "Email the DMV to verify the status of your title" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "32", "doc_id": "How to check a title or lien status#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "What should I do when I make the Customer Lien Consultation?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "33", "doc_id": "How to check a title or lien status#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "34", "doc_id": "How to check a title or lien status#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "Provide your contact information if you are a credit institution, include your lien code.\nProvide complete and accurate information for the vehicle or vessel in question." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "12", "doc_id": "How to check a title or lien status#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "13", "doc_id": "How to check a title or lien status#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "14", "doc_id": "How to check a title or lien status#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "and the vehicle that I must provide?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "12", "doc_id": "How to check a title or lien status#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "13", "doc_id": "How to check a title or lien status#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "14", "doc_id": "How to check a title or lien status#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "You must provide the\n Vehicle Identification Number VIN\n vehicle model year" }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "51", "doc_id": "How to check a title or lien status#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 13, "utterance": "What if you have the correct form and fee to register my lien?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "52", "doc_id": "How to check a title or lien status#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 14, "utterance": "we will contact you to inform you what you need" } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "1", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "I need to know the fees for my car, please." }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "2", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "You must use both the registration fee and the county use tax charts to determine your registration fee and the county use tax" }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "30", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "32", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "33", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "How much is the Supplemental MCTD fee and who is responsible for regulating the \"TC\" plates?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "30", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "32", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "33", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "The Supplemental MCTD fee is $50 for two years and $25 per year. The New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission regulates all \"TC\" vehicle plates" }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "7", "doc_id": "Register a vehicle when you are out-of-state#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "It's okay. Now about the rates of my car... Will I have to send proof of my insurance? agent: Yes, of course. You will need to have proof of insurance" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "7", "doc_id": "Register a vehicle when you are out-of-state#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "Yes, of course. You will need to have proof of ny state automobile liability insurance." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "3", "doc_id": "Register a vehicle when you are out-of-state#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "4", "doc_id": "Register a vehicle when you are out-of-state#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "And where I'll have to mail this documents?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "3", "doc_id": "Register a vehicle when you are out-of-state#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "4", "doc_id": "Register a vehicle when you are out-of-state#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "You'll need to send them to a local dmv office." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "73", "doc_id": "Register a vehicle when you are out-of-state#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "Great. A bit different question: How much time do I need to be living in new york to be considered a resident?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "74", "doc_id": "Register a vehicle when you are out-of-state#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "You'll need to be living in a formal home for at least 90 days, this residence can use as address to send a traffic ticked if you drive." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "83", "doc_id": "Register a vehicle when you are out-of-state#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "84", "doc_id": "Register a vehicle when you are out-of-state#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "O.k., I see. Well, which documents do I have to send for the registration?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "83", "doc_id": "Register a vehicle when you are out-of-state#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "84", "doc_id": "Register a vehicle when you are out-of-state#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "You'll need to send a complete registration application and some additional documents and the payments to a dmv office." } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "13", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "Morning, I would like to have some information regarding my taxes and fees. I got a car today, do I have to pay an use tax or fees?." }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "14", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "15", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "16", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "If you are a resident of New York, you MUST pay a vehicle use tax when you register your car. " }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "38", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "I'm in a county outside of NY, could you tell me the use tax and fee that I have to pay?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "39", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "40", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "41", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "To determine the use tax you should be paying in counties outside of NY state please use this chart: www.chartfortaxesoutsidenewyorkstate.com, find your location in the chart and then add 3.25% to the fee listed in the chart. " }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "6", "doc_id": "Register an out-of-state vehicle#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "SOON I will be moving from New York City to settle permanently, what should I do?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "7", "doc_id": "Register an out-of-state vehicle#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "In this case you must register your vehicle here within 30 days of becoming a resident moving." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "Register an out-of-state vehicle#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "12", "doc_id": "Register an out-of-state vehicle#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "13", "doc_id": "Register an out-of-state vehicle#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "I see. What do I need to bring along with me when I head to the DMV office?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "Register an out-of-state vehicle#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "12", "doc_id": "Register an out-of-state vehicle#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "13", "doc_id": "Register an out-of-state vehicle#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "Before visiting a DMV office to register your vehicle, please complete the Document Guide to make sure you bring the correct documents with you." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "Register an out-of-state vehicle#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "12", "doc_id": "Register an out-of-state vehicle#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "13", "doc_id": "Register an out-of-state vehicle#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "Are the requirements I need to meet similar to registering a local vehicle?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "Register an out-of-state vehicle#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "12", "doc_id": "Register an out-of-state vehicle#1_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "13", "doc_id": "Register an out-of-state vehicle#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "Yes, the requirements to register an out-of-state vehicle are generally the same as to register and title vehicle in New York." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "45", "doc_id": "Register an out-of-state vehicle#1_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "So what do I need to do to register in NY?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "46", "doc_id": "Register an out-of-state vehicle#1_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "You must provide the documents listed on our website." } ]
[ { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "1", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 1, "utterance": "I need to know how much is the fee for my vehicle." }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "2", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 2, "utterance": "You must check your county use tax charts to determine your registration fee and county use tax." }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "8", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 3, "utterance": "What kind of vehicles can I see in the registration fee chart?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "9", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "Commercial vehicle registration fees, vehicle use taxes and supplemental fees#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 4, "utterance": "Commercial vehicles that weigh less than 18,000 lbs, Diesel-powered commercial vehicles that weigh 8,501 pounds or more require an additional fee." }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "28", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "31", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "32", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 5, "utterance": "Okay. I'd also like to know if a full 2-year refund is available if the registration sticker is never used. Will I receive this refund as soon as I return my plates?" }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "28", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "31", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "32", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 6, "utterance": "When you surrender your plates, your Receipt FS-6 T indicates if you are eligible to receive a refund. If you are eligible and you do not request a transfer receipt, the refund will be processed automatically and you will receive it in the mail in several weeks. " }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "12", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 7, "utterance": "What was the form that would indicate if I am eligible for the refund? " }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "10", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "11", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "12", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 8, "utterance": "Your Receipt FS-6 T indicates if you are eligible to receive a refund. " }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "33", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 9, "utterance": "How do I apply for a full 2-year refund if my registration was never used? " }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "33", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 10, "utterance": "You can apply for a refund of the 2-year registration fee only if the registration was truly never used and it is not more than 60 days from the date the registration was issued. A processing fee of a dollar is subtracted from the refund amount. To apply, you must surrender the vehicle plates and the unused registration sticker and stub at the DMV office and request a 2-year refund. If you are eligible, the DMV will issue a receipt that displays two year refund. " }, { "da": "query_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 11, "utterance": "What procedure to I have to follow to get this refund, though, if I have changed my name? " }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "43", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" }, { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "44", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 12, "utterance": "You must still surrender the vehicle plates at a DMV office, but request a transfer receipt, not a refund receipt. You will then send that to the address of the Request for Refund MV-215 form along with the completed and signed Request for Refund [1] MV-215 and proof of the name change such as a marriage certificate, divorce certificate, or other court papers. At that point, the DMV will issue your refund in your new name if you are eligible. " }, { "da": "query_condition", "references": [ { "label": "precondition", "id_sp": "25", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" } ], "role": "user", "turn_id": 13, "utterance": "Will the DMV issue a refund if the registrant died? " }, { "da": "respond_solution", "references": [ { "label": "solution", "id_sp": "26", "doc_id": "Refunds and transfer credits for surrendered plates#3_0" } ], "role": "agent", "turn_id": 14, "utterance": "The DMV will issue the refund to the name of the estate if the plates are surrendered at the DMV office and a transfer receipt is requested and the executor of the estate sends a completed and signed Request for Refund [1]MV-215, with \"deceased\" written on the form, a photocopy of the death certificate, and the transfer certificate to the address listedon the Request for Refund MV-215. " } ]

Dataset Card for MultiDoc2Dial

Dataset Summary

MultiDoc2Dial is a new task and dataset on modeling goal-oriented dialogues grounded in multiple documents. Most previous works treat document-grounded dialogue modeling as a machine reading comprehension task based on a single given document or passage. We aim to address more realistic scenarios where a goal-oriented information-seeking conversation involves multiple topics, and hence is grounded on different documents.

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

Supported Task: Open domain question answering, document-grounded dialogue, passage retrieval




Dataset Structure

Data Instances

Sample data instance for multidoc2dial :

    "id": "8df07b7a98990db27c395cb1f68a962e_1", 
    "title": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0", 
    "context": "Many DMV customers make easily avoidable mistakes that cause them significant problems, including encounters with law enforcement and impounded vehicles. Because we see customers make these mistakes over and over again , we are issuing this list of the top five DMV mistakes and how to avoid them. \n\n1. Forgetting to Update Address \nBy statute , you must report a change of address to DMV within ten days of moving. That is the case for the address associated with your license, as well as all the addresses associated with each registered vehicle, which may differ. It is not sufficient to only: write your new address on the back of your old license; tell the United States Postal Service; or inform the police officer writing you a ticket. If you fail to keep your address current , you will miss a suspension order and may be charged with operating an unregistered vehicle and/or aggravated unlicensed operation, both misdemeanors. This really happens , but the good news is this is a problem that is easily avoidable. Learn more about how to change the address on your license and registrations [1 ] \n\n2. Leaving the State Without Notifying DMV \nStates communicate with each other , so when you move to another state, be sure to tie up any loose ends regarding your New York State license or registration. That means resolving any unanswered tickets, suspensions or revocations, and surrendering your license plates to NYS when you get to your new home state. A license suspension or revocation here could mean that your new home state will not issue you a license there. Remember , it is important to notify DMV of your new address so that any possible mail correspondence can reach you. Also , turning in your plates is important to avoid an insurance lapse. \n\n3. Letting Insurance Lapse \nBecause we all pay indirectly for crashes involving uninsured motorists , New York State requires every motorist to maintain auto insurance every single day a vehicle is registered. DMV works with insurance companies to electronically monitor your insurance coverage , and we know when coverage is dropped for any reason. When that happens , we mail you an insurance inquiry letter to allow you to clear up the problem. We send 500,000 inquiry letters a year. If the inquiry letter does not resolve the problem , we must suspend the vehicle registration and , if it persists, your driver license!We suspend 300,000 registrations a year for failure to maintain insurance. If you fail to maintain an updated address with us , you won t learn that you have an insurance problem , and we will suspend your registration and license. Make sure you turn in your vehicle s license plates at DMV before you cancel your insurance policy. Insurance policies must be from a company licensed in New York State. Learn more about Insurances Lapes [2] and How to Surrender your Plates [3 ] \n\n4. Understanding how Much Traffic Points Cost \nDMV maintains a point system to track dangerous drivers. Often , motorists convicted of a traffic ticket feel they have resolved all their motoring issues with the local court, but later learn that the Driver Responsibility Assessment DRA is a separate DMV charge based on the total points they accumulate. The $300 DRA fee can be paid in $100 annual installments over three years. Motorists who fail to maintain an updated address with DMV may resolve their tickets with the court, but never receive their DRA assessment because we do not have their new address on record. Failure to pay the DRA will result in a suspended license. Learn more about About the NYS Driver Point System [4] and how to Pay Driver Responsibility Assessment [5 ] \n\n5. Not Bringing Proper Documentation to DMV Office \nAbout ten percent of customers visiting a DMV office do not bring what they need to complete their transaction, and have to come back a second time to finish their business. This can be as simple as not bringing sufficient funds to pay for a license renewal or not having the proof of auto insurance required to register a car. Better yet , don t visit a DMV office at all, and see if your transaction can be performed online, like an address change, registration renewal, license renewal, replacing a lost title, paying a DRA or scheduling a road test. Our award - winning website is recognized as one of the best in the nation. It has all the answers you need to efficiently perform any DMV transaction. Consider signing up for our MyDMV service, which offers even more benefits. Sign up or log into MyDMV [6 ] ", 
    "question": "Hello, I forgot o update my address, can you help me with that?[SEP]", 
    "da": "query_condition", 
          "text": ['you must report a change of address to DMV within ten days of moving. That is the case for the address associated with your license, as well as all the addresses associated with each registered vehicle, which may differ. "], 
          "answer_start": [346]
    "utterance": "hi, you have to report any change of address to DMV within 10 days after moving. You should do this both for the address associated with your license and all the addresses associated with all your vehicles.", 
    "domain": "dmv"

Sample data instance for document_domain :

    "domain": "ssa",
    "doc_id": "Benefits Planner: Survivors | Planning For Your Survivors | Social Security Administration#1_0",
    "title": "Benefits Planner: Survivors | Planning For Your Survivors | Social Security Administration#1",
    "doc_text": "\n\nBenefits Planner: Survivors | Planning For Your Survivors \nAs you plan for the future , you'll want to think about what your family would need if you should die now. Social Security can help your family if you have earned enough Social Security credits through your work. You can earn up to four credits each year. In 2019 , for example , you earn one credit for each $1,360 of wages or self - employment income. When you have earned $5,440 , you have earned your four credits for the year. The number of credits needed to provide benefits for your survivors depends on your age when you die. No one needs more than 40 credits 10 years of work to be eligible for any Social Security benefit. But , the younger a person is , the fewer credits they must have for family members to receive survivors benefits. Benefits can be paid to your children and your spouse who is caring for the children even if you don't have the required number of credits. They can get benefits if you have credit for one and one - half years of work 6 credits in the three years just before your death. \n\nFor Your Widow Or Widower \nThere are about five million widows and widowers receiving monthly Social Security benefits based on their deceased spouse's earnings record. And , for many of those survivors, particularly aged women, those benefits are keeping them out of poverty. Widows and widowers can receive : reduced benefits as early as age 60 or full benefits at full retirement age or older. benefits as early as age 50 if they're disabled AND their disability started before or within seven years of your death. benefits at any age , if they have not remarried , and if they take care of your child who is under age 16 or disabled and receives benefits on your record. If applying for disability benefits on a deceased worker s record , they can speed up the application process if they complete an Adult Disability Report and have it available at the time of their appointment. We use the same definition of disability for widows and widowers as we do for workers. \n\nFor Your Surviving Divorced Spouse \nIf you have a surviving divorced spouse , they could get the same benefits as your widow or widower provided that your marriage lasted 10 years or more. Benefits paid to a surviving divorced spouse won't affect the benefit amounts your other survivors will receive based on your earnings record. If your former spouse is caring for your child who is under age 16 or disabled and gets benefits on your record , they will not have to meet the length - of - marriage rule. The child must be your natural or legally adopted child. \n\nFor Your Children \nYour unmarried children who are under 18 up to age 19 if attending elementary or secondary school full time can be eligible to receive Social Security benefits when you die. And your child can get benefits at any age if they were disabled before age 22 and remain disabled. Besides your natural children , your stepchildren, grandchildren, step grandchildren or adopted children may receive benefits under certain circumstances. For further information , view our publication. \n\nFor Your Parents \nYou must have been providing at least half of your parent s support and your parent must not be eligible to receive a retirement benefit that is higher than the benefit we could pay on your record. Generally, your parent also must not have married after your death ; however, there are some exceptions. In addition to your natural parent , your stepparent or adoptive parent may receive benefits if they became your parent before you were age 16. \n\nHow Much Would Your Survivors Receive \nHow much your family could receive in benefits depends on your average lifetime earnings. The higher your earnings were , the higher their benefits would be. We calculate a basic amount as if you had reached full retirement age at the time you die. These are examples of monthly benefit payments : Widow or widower, full retirement age or older 100 percent of your benefit amount ; Widow or widower , age 60 to full retirement age 71 to 99 percent of your basic amount ; Disabled widow or widower , age 50 through 59 71 percent ; Widow or widower , any age, caring for a child under age 16 75 percent ; A child under age 18 19 if still in elementary or secondary school or disabled 75 percent ; and Your dependent parent , age 62 or older : One surviving parent 82 percent. Two surviving parents 75 percent to each parent. Percentages for a surviving divorced spouse would be the same as above. There may also be a special lump - sum death payment. \n\nMaximum Family Amount \nThere's a limit to the amount that family members can receive each month. The limit varies , but it is generally equal to between 150 and 180 percent of the basic benefit rate. If the sum of the benefits payable to family members is greater than this limit , the benefits will be reduced proportionately. Any benefits paid to a surviving divorced spouse based on disability or age won't count toward this maximum amount. Get your online or check our Benefit Calculators for an estimate of the benefits your family could receive if you died right now. \n\nOther Things You Need To Know \nThere are limits on how much survivors may earn while they receive benefits. Benefits for a widow, widower, or surviving divorced spouse may be affected by several additional factors : If your widow, widower, or surviving divorced spouse remarries before they reach age 60 age 50 if disabled , they cannot receive benefits as a surviving spouse while they're married. If your widow, widower, or surviving divorced spouse remarries after they reach age 60 age 50 if disabled , they will continue to qualify for benefits on your Social Security record. However , if their current spouse is a Social Security beneficiary , they may want to apply for spouse's benefits on their record. If that amount is more than the widow's or widower's benefit on your record , they will receive a combination of benefits that equals the higher amount. If your widow, widower, or surviving divorced spouse receives benefits on your record , they can switch to their own retirement benefit as early as age 62. This assumes they're eligible for retirement benefits and their retirement rate is higher than their rate as a widow, widower, or surviving divorced spouse. In many cases , a widow or widower can begin receiving one benefit at a reduced rate and then, at full retirement age, switch to the other benefit at an unreduced rate. If your widow, widower, or surviving divorced spouse will also receive a pension based on work not covered by Social Security, such as government or foreign work , their Social Security benefits as a survivor may be affected. ",
    "spans": [
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            "text_sp": "\n\nBenefits Planner: Survivors | Planning For Your Survivors \n",
            "title": "Benefits Planner: Survivors | Planning For Your Survivors",
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            "text_sec": "\n\nBenefits Planner: Survivors | Planning For Your Survivors \n",
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            "end_sp": 90,
            "text_sp": "As you plan for the future , ",
            "title": "Benefits Planner: Survivors | Planning For Your Survivors",
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            "id_sec": "1",
            "start_sec": 61,
            "text_sec": "As you plan for the future , you'll want to think about what your family would need if you should die now. Social Security can help your family if you have earned enough Social Security credits through your work. ",
            "end_sec": 274
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            "title": "Benefits Planner: Survivors | Planning For Your Survivors",
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            "id_sec": "1",
            "start_sec": 61,
            "text_sec": "As you plan for the future , you'll want to think about what your family would need if you should die now. Social Security can help your family if you have earned enough Social Security credits through your work. ",
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    "doc_html_ts": "<main><section><div><h2 sent_id=\"1\" text_id=\"1\">Benefits Planner: Survivors | Planning For Your Survivors</h2></div></section><section><div><article><section><div tag_id=\"1\"><u sent_id=\"2\" tag_id=\"1\"><u sent_id=\"2\" tag_id=\"1\" text_id=\"2\">As you plan for the future ,</u><u sent_id=\"2\" tag_id=\"1\" text_id=\"3\">you 'll want to think about what your family would need if you should die now .</u></u><u sent_id=\"3\" tag_id=\"1\"><u sent_id=\"3\" tag_id=\"1\" text_id=\"4\">Social Security can help your family if you have earned enough Social Security credits through your work .</u></u></div><div tag_id=\"2\"><u sent_id=\"4\" tag_id=\"2\"><u sent_id=\"4\" tag_id=\"2\" text_id=\"5\">You can earn up to four credits each year .</u></u><u sent_id=\"5\" tag_id=\"2\"><u sent_id=\"5\" tag_id=\"2\" text_id=\"6\">In 2019 ,</u><u sent_id=\"5\" tag_id=\"2\" text_id=\"7\">for example ,</u><u sent_id=\"5\" tag_id=\"2\" text_id=\"8\">you earn one credit for each $ 1,360 of wages or self - employment income .</u></u><u sent_id=\"6\" tag_id=\"2\"><u sent_id=\"6\" tag_id=\"2\" text_id=\"9\">When you have earned $ 5,440 ,</u><u sent_id=\"6\" tag_id=\"2\" text_id=\"10\">you have earned your four credits for the year .</u></u></div><div tag_id=\"3\"><u sent_id=\"7\" tag_id=\"3\"><u sent_id=\"7\" tag_id=\"3\" text_id=\"11\">The number of credits needed to provide benefits for your survivors depends on your age when you die .</u></u><u sent_id=\"8\" tag_id=\"3\"><u sent_id=\"8\" tag_id=\"3\" text_id=\"12\">No one needs more than 40 credits 10 years of work to be eligible for any Social Security benefit .</u></u><u sent_id=\"9\" tag_id=\"3\"><u sent_id=\"9\" tag_id=\"3\" text_id=\"13\">But ,</u><u sent_id=\"9\" tag_id=\"3\" text_id=\"14\">the younger a person is ,</u><u sent_id=\"9\" tag_id=\"3\" text_id=\"15\">the fewer credits they must have for family members to receive survivors benefits .</u></u></div><div tag_id=\"4\"><u sent_id=\"10\" tag_id=\"4\"><u sent_id=\"10\" tag_id=\"4\" text_id=\"16\">Benefits can be paid to your children and your spouse who is caring for the children even if you do n't have the required number of credits .</u></u><u sent_id=\"11\" tag_id=\"4\"><u sent_id=\"11\" tag_id=\"4\" text_id=\"17\">They can get benefits if you have credit for one and one - half years of work 6 credits in the three years just before your death .</u></u></div></section><section><h3 sent_id=\"12\" text_id=\"18\">For Your Widow Or Widower</h3><div tag_id=\"5\"><u sent_id=\"13\" tag_id=\"5\"><u sent_id=\"13\" tag_id=\"5\" text_id=\"19\">There are about five million widows and widowers receiving monthly Social Security benefits based on their deceased spouse 's earnings record .</u></u><u sent_id=\"14\" tag_id=\"5\"><u sent_id=\"14\" tag_id=\"5\" text_id=\"20\">And ,</u><u sent_id=\"14\" tag_id=\"5\" text_id=\"21\">for many of those survivors , particularly aged women , those benefits are keeping them out of poverty .</u></u></div><div tag_id=\"6\"><u sent_id=\"15\" tag_id=\"6\"><u sent_id=\"15\" tag_id=\"6\" text_id=\"22\">Widows and widowers can receive :</u></u></div><ul class=\"browser-default\" tag_id=\"6\"><li tag_id=\"6\"><u sent_id=\"16\" tag_id=\"6\"><u sent_id=\"16\" tag_id=\"6\" text_id=\"23\">reduced benefits as early as age 60 or full benefits at full retirement age or older .</u></u></li><div>If widows or widowers qualify for retirement benefits on their own record, they can switch to their own retirement benefit as early as age 62.</div><li tag_id=\"6\"><u sent_id=\"17\" tag_id=\"6\"><u sent_id=\"17\" tag_id=\"6\" text_id=\"24\">benefits as early as age 50 if they 're disabled AND their disability started before or within seven years of your death .</u></u></li><div>If a widow or widower who is caring for your children receives Social Security benefits, they're still eligible if their disability starts before those payments end or within seven years after they end.</div><li tag_id=\"6\"><u sent_id=\"18\" tag_id=\"6\"><u sent_id=\"18\" tag_id=\"6\" text_id=\"25\">benefits at any age ,</u><u sent_id=\"18\" tag_id=\"6\" text_id=\"26\">if they have not remarried ,</u><u sent_id=\"18\" tag_id=\"6\" text_id=\"27\">and if they take care of your child who is under age 16 or disabled and receives benefits on your record .</u></u></li><div>If a widow or widower remarries <strong>after they reach age 60</strong> (age 50 if disabled), the remarriage will not affect their eligibility for survivors benefits.</div></ul><div>Widows, widowers, and surviving divorced spouses cannot apply online for survivors benefits. They should <a>contact Social Security</a> at <nobr><strong>1-800-772-1213</strong></nobr> (TTY <nobr><strong>1-800-325-0778</strong>) to request an appointment.</nobr></div><div tag_id=\"7\"><u sent_id=\"19\" tag_id=\"7\"><u sent_id=\"19\" tag_id=\"7\" text_id=\"28\">If applying for disability benefits on a deceased worker s record ,</u><u sent_id=\"19\" tag_id=\"7\" text_id=\"29\">they can speed up the application process if they complete an Adult Disability Report and have it available at the time of their appointment .</u></u></div><div tag_id=\"8\"><u sent_id=\"20\" tag_id=\"8\"><u sent_id=\"20\" tag_id=\"8\" text_id=\"30\">We use the same definition of disability for widows and widowers as we do for workers .</u></u></div></section><section><h3 sent_id=\"21\" text_id=\"31\">For Your Surviving Divorced Spouse</h3><div tag_id=\"9\"><u sent_id=\"22\" tag_id=\"9\"><u sent_id=\"22\" tag_id=\"9\" text_id=\"32\">If you have a surviving divorced spouse ,</u><u sent_id=\"22\" tag_id=\"9\" text_id=\"33\">they could get the same benefits as your widow or widower provided that your marriage lasted 10 years or more .</u></u></div><div>If your surviving divorced spouse qualifies for retirement benefits on their own record they can switch to their own retirement benefit as early as age 62.</div><div tag_id=\"10\"><u sent_id=\"23\" tag_id=\"10\"><u sent_id=\"23\" tag_id=\"10\" text_id=\"34\">Benefits paid to a surviving divorced spouse wo n't affect the benefit amounts your other survivors will receive based on your earnings record .</u></u></div><div>If your surviving divorced spouse remarries <strong>after they reach age 60</strong> (age 50 if disabled), the remarriage will not affect their eligibility for survivors benefits.</div><div tag_id=\"11\"><u sent_id=\"24\" tag_id=\"11\"><u sent_id=\"24\" tag_id=\"11\" text_id=\"35\">If your former spouse is caring for your child who is under age 16 or disabled and gets benefits on your record ,</u><u sent_id=\"24\" tag_id=\"11\" text_id=\"36\">they will not have to meet the length - of - marriage rule .</u></u><u sent_id=\"25\" tag_id=\"11\"><u sent_id=\"25\" tag_id=\"11\" text_id=\"37\">The child must be your natural or legally adopted child .</u></u></div><div>However, if they qualify for benefits as a surviving divorced mother or father who is caring for your child, their benefits may affect the amount of benefits your other survivors will receive based on your earnings record.</div></section><section><h3 sent_id=\"26\" text_id=\"38\">For Your Children</h3><div tag_id=\"12\"><u sent_id=\"27\" tag_id=\"12\"><u sent_id=\"27\" tag_id=\"12\" text_id=\"39\">Your unmarried children who are under 18 up to age 19 if attending elementary or secondary school full time can be eligible to receive Social Security benefits when you die .</u></u></div><div tag_id=\"13\"><u sent_id=\"28\" tag_id=\"13\"><u sent_id=\"28\" tag_id=\"13\" text_id=\"40\">And your child can get benefits at any age if they were disabled before age 22 and remain disabled .</u></u></div><div tag_id=\"14\"><u sent_id=\"29\" tag_id=\"14\"><u sent_id=\"29\" tag_id=\"14\" text_id=\"41\">Besides your natural children ,</u><u sent_id=\"29\" tag_id=\"14\" text_id=\"42\">your stepchildren , grandchildren , step grandchildren or adopted children may receive benefits under certain circumstances .</u></u><u sent_id=\"30\" tag_id=\"14\"><u sent_id=\"30\" tag_id=\"14\" text_id=\"43\">For further information ,</u><u sent_id=\"30\" tag_id=\"14\" text_id=\"44\">view our publication .</u></u></div></section><section><h3 sent_id=\"31\" text_id=\"45\">For Your Parents</h3><div tag_id=\"15\"><u sent_id=\"32\" tag_id=\"15\"><u sent_id=\"32\" tag_id=\"15\" text_id=\"46\">You must have been providing at least half of your parent s support and your parent must not be eligible to receive a retirement benefit that is higher than the benefit we could pay on your record .</u></u><u sent_id=\"33\" tag_id=\"15\"><u sent_id=\"33\" tag_id=\"15\" text_id=\"47\">Generally , your parent also must not have married after your death ;</u><u sent_id=\"33\" tag_id=\"15\" text_id=\"48\">however , there are some exceptions .</u></u></div><div tag_id=\"16\"><u sent_id=\"34\" tag_id=\"16\"><u sent_id=\"34\" tag_id=\"16\" text_id=\"49\">In addition to your natural parent ,</u><u sent_id=\"34\" tag_id=\"16\" text_id=\"50\">your stepparent or adoptive parent may receive benefits if they became your parent before you were age 16 .</u></u></div></section><section><h3 sent_id=\"35\" text_id=\"51\">How Much Would Your Survivors Receive</h3><div tag_id=\"17\"><u sent_id=\"36\" tag_id=\"17\"><u sent_id=\"36\" tag_id=\"17\" text_id=\"52\">How much your family could receive in benefits</u><u sent_id=\"36\" tag_id=\"17\" text_id=\"53\">depends on your average lifetime earnings .</u></u><u sent_id=\"37\" tag_id=\"17\"><u sent_id=\"37\" tag_id=\"17\" text_id=\"54\">The higher your earnings were ,</u><u sent_id=\"37\" tag_id=\"17\" text_id=\"55\">the higher their benefits would be .</u></u><u sent_id=\"38\" tag_id=\"17\"><u sent_id=\"38\" tag_id=\"17\" text_id=\"56\">We calculate a basic amount as if you had reached full retirement age at the time you die .</u></u></div><div>If you are already receiving reduced benefits when you die, survivors benefits are based on that amount.</div><div tag_id=\"18\"><u sent_id=\"39\" tag_id=\"18\"><u sent_id=\"39\" tag_id=\"18\" text_id=\"57\">These are examples of monthly benefit payments :</u></u></div><ul class=\"browser-default\" tag_id=\"18\"><li tag_id=\"18\"><u sent_id=\"40\" tag_id=\"18\"><u sent_id=\"40\" tag_id=\"18\" text_id=\"58\">Widow or widower , full retirement age or older 100 percent of your benefit amount ;</u></u></li><li tag_id=\"18\"><u sent_id=\"41\" tag_id=\"18\"><u sent_id=\"41\" tag_id=\"18\" text_id=\"59\">Widow or widower ,</u><u sent_id=\"41\" tag_id=\"18\" text_id=\"60\">age 60 to full retirement age 71 to 99 percent of your basic amount ;</u></u></li><li tag_id=\"18\"><u sent_id=\"42\" tag_id=\"18\"><u sent_id=\"42\" tag_id=\"18\" text_id=\"61\">Disabled widow or widower ,</u><u sent_id=\"42\" tag_id=\"18\" text_id=\"62\">age 50 through 59 71 percent ;</u></u></li><li tag_id=\"18\"><u sent_id=\"43\" tag_id=\"18\"><u sent_id=\"43\" tag_id=\"18\" text_id=\"63\">Widow or widower ,</u><u sent_id=\"43\" tag_id=\"18\" text_id=\"64\">any age , caring for a child under age 16 75 percent ;</u></u></li><li tag_id=\"18\"><u sent_id=\"44\" tag_id=\"18\"><u sent_id=\"44\" tag_id=\"18\" text_id=\"65\">A child under age 18 19 if still in elementary or secondary school or disabled 75 percent ;</u><u sent_id=\"44\" tag_id=\"18\" text_id=\"66\">and</u></u></li><li tag_id=\"18\"><div tag_id=\"18\"><u sent_id=\"48\" tag_id=\"18\"><u sent_id=\"48\" tag_id=\"18\" text_id=\"67\">Your dependent parent ,</u><u sent_id=\"48\" tag_id=\"18\" text_id=\"68\">age 62 or older :</u></u></div><ul class=\"browser-default\" tag_id=\"18\"><li tag_id=\"18\"><u sent_id=\"49\" tag_id=\"18\"><u sent_id=\"49\" tag_id=\"18\" text_id=\"69\">One surviving parent 82 percent .</u></u></li><li tag_id=\"18\"><u sent_id=\"50\" tag_id=\"18\"><u sent_id=\"50\" tag_id=\"18\" text_id=\"70\">Two surviving parents 75 percent to each parent .</u></u></li></ul></li></ul><div tag_id=\"19\"><u sent_id=\"51\" tag_id=\"19\"><u sent_id=\"51\" tag_id=\"19\" text_id=\"71\">Percentages for a surviving divorced spouse would be the same as above .</u></u></div><div tag_id=\"20\"><u sent_id=\"52\" tag_id=\"20\"><u sent_id=\"52\" tag_id=\"20\" text_id=\"72\">There may also be a special lump - sum death payment .</u></u></div><h3 sent_id=\"53\" text_id=\"73\">Maximum Family Amount</h3><div tag_id=\"21\"><u sent_id=\"54\" tag_id=\"21\"><u sent_id=\"54\" tag_id=\"21\" text_id=\"74\">There 's a limit to the amount that family members can receive each month .</u></u><u sent_id=\"55\" tag_id=\"21\"><u sent_id=\"55\" tag_id=\"21\" text_id=\"75\">The limit varies ,</u><u sent_id=\"55\" tag_id=\"21\" text_id=\"76\">but it is generally equal to between 150 and 180 percent of the basic benefit rate .</u></u></div><div tag_id=\"22\"><u sent_id=\"56\" tag_id=\"22\"><u sent_id=\"56\" tag_id=\"22\" text_id=\"77\">If the sum of the benefits payable to family members is greater than this limit ,</u><u sent_id=\"56\" tag_id=\"22\" text_id=\"78\">the benefits will be reduced proportionately .</u></u><u sent_id=\"57\" tag_id=\"22\"><u sent_id=\"57\" tag_id=\"22\" text_id=\"79\">Any benefits paid to a surviving divorced spouse based on disability or age wo n't count toward this maximum amount .</u></u></div><div tag_id=\"23\"><u sent_id=\"58\" tag_id=\"23\"><u sent_id=\"58\" tag_id=\"23\" text_id=\"80\">Get your online or check our Benefit Calculators for an estimate of the benefits your family could receive if you died right now .</u></u></div><h3 sent_id=\"59\" text_id=\"81\">Other Things You Need To Know</h3><div tag_id=\"24\"><u sent_id=\"60\" tag_id=\"24\"><u sent_id=\"60\" tag_id=\"24\" text_id=\"82\">There are limits on how much survivors may earn while they receive benefits .</u></u></div><div tag_id=\"25\"><u sent_id=\"61\" tag_id=\"25\"><u sent_id=\"61\" tag_id=\"25\" text_id=\"83\">Benefits for a widow , widower , or surviving divorced spouse may be affected by several additional factors :</u></u></div><div><a>If they remarry</a><section><div tag_id=\"26\"><u sent_id=\"62\" tag_id=\"26\"><u sent_id=\"62\" tag_id=\"26\" text_id=\"84\">If your widow , widower , or surviving divorced spouse remarries before they reach age 60 age 50 if disabled ,</u><u sent_id=\"62\" tag_id=\"26\" text_id=\"85\">they can not receive benefits as a surviving spouse while they 're married .</u></u></div><div tag_id=\"27\"><u sent_id=\"63\" tag_id=\"27\"><u sent_id=\"63\" tag_id=\"27\" text_id=\"86\">If your widow , widower , or surviving divorced spouse remarries after they reach age 60 age 50 if disabled ,</u><u sent_id=\"63\" tag_id=\"27\" text_id=\"87\">they will continue to qualify for benefits on your Social Security record .</u></u></div><div tag_id=\"28\"><u sent_id=\"64\" tag_id=\"28\"><u sent_id=\"64\" tag_id=\"28\" text_id=\"88\">However ,</u><u sent_id=\"64\" tag_id=\"28\" text_id=\"89\">if their current spouse is a Social Security beneficiary ,</u><u sent_id=\"64\" tag_id=\"28\" text_id=\"90\">they may want to apply for spouse 's benefits on their record .</u></u><u sent_id=\"65\" tag_id=\"28\"><u sent_id=\"65\" tag_id=\"28\" text_id=\"91\">If that amount is more than the widow 's or widower 's benefit on your record ,</u><u sent_id=\"65\" tag_id=\"28\" text_id=\"92\">they will receive a combination of benefits that equals the higher amount .</u></u></div></section></div><div><a>If they're eligible for retirement benefits on their own record</a><section><div tag_id=\"29\"><u sent_id=\"66\" tag_id=\"29\"><u sent_id=\"66\" tag_id=\"29\" text_id=\"93\">If your widow , widower , or surviving divorced spouse receives benefits on your record ,</u><u sent_id=\"66\" tag_id=\"29\" text_id=\"94\">they can switch to their own retirement benefit as early as age 62 .</u></u><u sent_id=\"67\" tag_id=\"29\"><u sent_id=\"67\" tag_id=\"29\" text_id=\"95\">This assumes they 're eligible for retirement benefits and their retirement rate is higher than their rate as a widow , widower , or surviving divorced spouse .</u></u></div><div tag_id=\"30\"><u sent_id=\"68\" tag_id=\"30\"><u sent_id=\"68\" tag_id=\"30\" text_id=\"96\">In many cases ,</u><u sent_id=\"68\" tag_id=\"30\" text_id=\"97\">a widow or widower can begin receiving one benefit at a reduced rate and then , at full retirement age , switch to the other benefit at an unreduced rate .</u></u></div><div><a>Full retirement age for retirement benefits</a> may not match full retirement age for survivors benefits.</div></section></div><div><a>If they will also receive a pension based on work not covered by Social Security</a><section><div tag_id=\"31\"><u sent_id=\"69\" tag_id=\"31\"><u sent_id=\"69\" tag_id=\"31\" text_id=\"98\">If your widow , widower , or surviving divorced spouse will also receive a pension based on work not covered by Social Security , such as government or foreign work ,</u><u sent_id=\"69\" tag_id=\"31\" text_id=\"99\">their Social Security benefits as a survivor may be affected .</u></u></div></section></div></section></article></div></section></main>",
    "doc_html_raw": "<main class=\"content\" id=\"content\" role=\"main\">\n\n<section>\n\n<div>\n<h2>Benefits Planner: Survivors | Planning For Your Survivors</h2>\n</div>\n</section>\n\n<section>\n\n<div>\n\n<div>\n\n\n</div>\n\n\n\n<article>\n<section>\n<p>As you plan for the future, you'll want to think about what your family would need if you should die now. Social Security can help your family if you have earned enough Social Security credits through your work.</p>\n<p><a>You can earn up to four credits each year</a>. In 2019, for example, you earn one credit for each $1,360 of wages or <a>self-employment</a> income. When you have earned $5,440, you have earned your four credits for the year.</p>\n<p>The number of credits needed to provide benefits for your survivors depends on your age when you die. No one needs more than 40 credits (10 years of work) to be eligible for any Social Security benefit. But, the younger a person is, the fewer credits they must have for family members to receive survivors benefits.</p>\n<p>Benefits can be paid to your children and your spouse who is caring for the children even if you don't have the required number of credits. They can get benefits if you have credit for one and one-half years of work (6 credits) in the three years just before your death.</p>\n</section>\n<section>\n<h3>For Your Widow Or Widower</h3>\n<p>There are about five million widows and widowers receiving monthly Social Security benefits based on their deceased spouse's earnings record. And, for many of those survivors, particularly aged women, those benefits are keeping them out of poverty. </p>\n<p>Widows and widowers can receive:</p>\n<ul class=\"browser-default\">\n<li>reduced benefits as early as age 60 or full benefits at <a>full retirement age</a> or older.</li>\n<div>\n                                If widows or widowers qualify for retirement benefits on their own record, they can switch to their own retirement benefit as early as age 62.\n                            </div>\n<li>benefits as early as age 50 if they're disabled AND their disability started before or within seven years of your death.</li>\n<div>\n                                If a widow or widower who is caring for your children receives Social Security benefits, they're still eligible if their disability starts before those payments end or within seven years after they end.\n                            </div>\n<li>benefits at any age, if they have not remarried, and if they take care of your child who is under age 16 or disabled and receives benefits on your record.</li>\n<div>\n                                If a widow or widower remarries <strong>after they reach age 60</strong> (age 50 if disabled), the remarriage will not affect their eligibility for survivors benefits.\n                            </div>\n</ul>\n<div>\n                            Widows, widowers, and surviving divorced spouses cannot apply online for survivors benefits. They should <a>contact Social Security</a> at <nobr><strong>1-800-772-1213</strong></nobr> (TTY <nobr><strong>1-800-325-0778</strong>) to request an appointment.</nobr>\n</div>\n<p>If applying for disability benefits on a deceased worker s record, they can speed up the application process if they complete an <a>Adult Disability Report</a> and have it available at the time of their appointment.</p>\n<p>We use the same <a>definition of disability</a> for widows and widowers as we do for workers.</p>\n</section>\n<section>\n<h3>For Your Surviving Divorced Spouse</h3>\n<p>If you have a surviving divorced spouse, they could get the same benefits as your widow or widower provided that your marriage lasted 10 years or more.</p>\n<div>\n                            If your surviving divorced spouse qualifies for retirement benefits on their own record they can switch to their own retirement benefit as early as age 62.\n                        </div>\n<p>Benefits paid to a surviving divorced spouse won't affect the benefit amounts your other survivors will receive based on your earnings record.</p>\n<div>\n                            If your surviving divorced spouse remarries <strong>after they reach age 60</strong> (age 50 if disabled), the remarriage will not affect their eligibility for survivors benefits.\n                        </div>\n<p>If your former spouse is caring for your child who is under age 16 or disabled and gets benefits on your record, they will not have to meet the length-of-marriage rule. The child must be your natural or legally adopted child.</p>\n<div>\n                            However, if they qualify for benefits as a surviving divorced mother or father who is caring for your child, their benefits may affect the amount of benefits your other survivors will receive based on your earnings record.\n                        </div>\n</section>\n<section>\n<h3>For Your Children</h3>\n<p>Your unmarried children who are under 18 (up to age 19 if attending elementary or secondary school full time) can be eligible to receive Social Security benefits when you die.</p>\n<p>And your child can get benefits at any age if they were disabled before age 22 and remain disabled.</p>\n<p>Besides your natural children, your stepchildren, grandchildren, step grandchildren or adopted children may receive benefits under certain circumstances. For further information, view our <a>publication</a>.</p>\n</section>\n<section>\n<h3>For Your Parents</h3>\n<p>You must have been providing at least half of your parent s support and your parent must not be eligible to receive a retirement benefit that is higher than the benefit we could pay on your record. Generally, your parent also must not have married after your death; however, there are some exceptions.</p>\n<p>In addition to your natural parent, your stepparent or adoptive parent may receive benefits if they became your parent before you were age 16.</p>\n</section>\n<section>\n<h3>How Much Would Your Survivors Receive</h3>\n<p>How much your family could receive in benefits depends on your average lifetime earnings. The higher your earnings were, the higher their benefits would be. We calculate a basic amount as if you had reached full retirement age at the time you die.</p>\n<div>\n                            If you are already receiving reduced benefits when you die, survivors benefits are based on that amount.\n                        </div>\n<p>These are examples of monthly benefit payments:</p>\n<ul class=\"browser-default\">\n<li>Widow or widower, <a>full retirement age</a> or older 100 percent of your benefit amount;</li>\n<li>Widow or widower, age 60 to <a>full retirement age</a> 71  to 99 percent of your basic amount;</li>\n<li>Disabled widow or widower, age 50 through 59 71  percent;</li>\n<li>Widow or widower, any age, caring for a child under age 16 75 percent;</li>\n<li>A child under age 18 (19 if still in elementary or secondary school) or disabled 75 percent; and</li>\n<li>Your dependent parent(s), age 62 or older:\n                                <ul class=\"browser-default\">\n<li>One surviving parent 82  percent.</li>\n<li>Two surviving parents 75 percent to each parent.</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Percentages for a surviving divorced spouse would be the same as above.</p>\n<p>There may also be a <a>special lump-sum death payment</a>.</p>\n<h3>Maximum Family Amount</h3>\n<p>There's a limit to the amount that family members can receive each month. <a>The limit varies</a>, but it is generally equal to between 150 and 180 percent of the basic benefit rate.</p>\n<p>If the sum of the benefits payable to family members is greater than this limit, the benefits will be reduced proportionately. (Any benefits paid to a surviving divorced spouse based on disability or age won't count toward this maximum amount.)</p>\n<p>Get your <a></a> online or check our <a>Benefit Calculators</a> for an estimate of the benefits your family could receive if you died right now.</p>\n<h3>Other Things You Need To Know</h3>\n<p>There are <a>limits on how much survivors may earn</a> while they receive benefits.</p>\n<p>Benefits for a widow, widower, or surviving divorced spouse may be affected by several additional factors:</p>\n<div>\n<a>If they remarry</a>\n<section>\n<p>If your widow, widower, or surviving divorced spouse remarries before they reach age 60 (age 50 if disabled), they cannot receive benefits as a surviving spouse while they're married.</p>\n<p>If your widow, widower, or surviving divorced spouse remarries after they reach age 60 (age 50 if disabled), they will continue to qualify for benefits on your Social Security record.</p>\n<p>However, if their current spouse is a Social Security beneficiary, they may want to apply for spouse's benefits on their record. If that amount is more than the widow's or widower's benefit on your record, they will receive a combination of benefits that equals the higher amount.</p>\n</section>\n</div>\n<div>\n<a>If they're eligible for retirement benefits on their own record</a>\n<section>\n<p>If your widow, widower, or surviving divorced spouse receives benefits on your record, they can switch to their own retirement benefit as early as age 62. This assumes they're eligible for retirement benefits and their retirement rate is higher than their rate as a widow, widower, or surviving divorced spouse.</p>\n<p>In many cases, a widow or widower can begin receiving one benefit at a reduced rate and then, at full retirement age, switch to the other benefit at an unreduced rate.</p>\n<div>\n<a>Full retirement age for retirement benefits</a> may not match full retirement age for survivors benefits.\n                                </div>\n</section>\n</div>\n<div>\n<a>If they will also receive a pension based on work not covered by Social Security</a>\n<section>\n<p>If your widow, widower, or surviving divorced spouse will also receive a pension based on work not covered by Social Security, such as government or foreign work, <a>their Social Security benefits as a survivor may be affected</a>.</p>\n</section>\n</div>\n</section>\n</article>\n</div>\n</section>\n</main>"

Sample data instance for dialogue_domain :

    "dial_id": "8df07b7a98990db27c395cb1f68a962e",
    "domain": "dmv",
    "turns": [
            "turn_id": 1,
            "role": "user",
            "da": "query_condition",
            "references": [
                    "id_sp": "4",
                    "label": "precondition",
                    "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0"
            "utterance": "Hello, I forgot o update my address, can you help me with that?"
            "turn_id": 2,
            "role": "agent",
            "da": "respond_solution",
            "references": [
                    "id_sp": "6",
                    "label": "solution",
                    "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0"
                    "id_sp": "7",
                    "label": "solution",
                    "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0"
            "utterance": "hi, you have to report any change of address to DMV within 10 days after moving. You should do this both for the address associated with your license and all the addresses associated with all your vehicles."
            "turn_id": 3,
            "role": "user",
            "da": "query_solution",
            "references": [
                    "id_sp": "56",
                    "label": "solution",
                    "doc_id": "Top 5 DMV Mistakes and How to Avoid Them#3_0"
            "utterance": "Can I do my DMV transactions online?"

Data Fields

  • document_domain contains the documents that are indexed by key domain and doc_id . Each document instance includes the following,

    • domain: the domain of the document;
    • doc_id: the ID of a document;
    • title: the title of the document;
    • doc_text: the text content of the document (without HTML markups);
    • spans: key-value pairs of all spans in the document, with id_sp as key. Each span includes the following,
      • id_sp: the id of a span as noted by text_id in doc_html_ts;
      • start_sp/ end_sp: the start/end position of the text span in doc_text;
      • text_sp: the text content of the span.
      • id_sec: the id of the (sub)section (e.g. <p>) or title (<h2>) that contains the span.
      • start_sec / end_sec: the start/end position of the (sub)section in doc_text.
      • text_sec: the text of the (sub)section.
      • title: the title of the (sub)section.
      • parent_titles: the parent titles of the title.
    • doc_html_ts: the document content with HTML markups and the annotated spans that are indicated by text_id attribute, which corresponds to id_sp.
    • doc_html_raw: the document content with HTML markups and without span annotations.
  • dialogue_domain

    Each dialogue instance includes the following,

    • dial_id: the ID of a dialogue;
    • domain: the domain of the document;
    • turns: a list of dialogue turns. Each turn includes,
      • turn_id: the time order of the turn;
      • role: either "agent" or "user";
      • da: dialogue act;
      • references: a list of spans with id_sp , label and doc_id. references is empty if a turn is for indicating previous user query not answerable or irrelevant to the document. Note that labels "precondition"/"solution" are fuzzy annotations that indicate whether a span is for describing a conditional context or a solution.
      • utterance: the human-generated utterance based on the dialogue scene.
  • multidoc2dial

    Each dialogue instance includes the following,

    • id: the ID of a QA instance
    • title: the title of the relevant document;
    • context: the text content of the relevant document (without HTML markups).
    • question: user query;
    • da: dialogue act;
    • answers: the answers that are grounded in the associated document;
      • text: the text content of the grounding span;
      • answer_start: the start position of the grounding span in the associated document (context);
    • utterance: the human-generated utterance based on the dialogue scene.
    • domain: domain of the relevant document;

Data Splits

Training, dev and test split for default configuration multidoc2dial, with respectively 21451, 4201 and 5 examples,

  • Training & dev split for dialogue domain, with 3474 and 661 examples,
  • Training split only for document domain, with 488 examples.

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

[More Information Needed]

Source Data

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

[More Information Needed]

Who are the source language producers?

[More Information Needed]


Annotation process

[More Information Needed]

Who are the annotators?

[More Information Needed]

Personal and Sensitive Information

[More Information Needed]

Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

[More Information Needed]

Discussion of Biases

[More Information Needed]

Other Known Limitations

[More Information Needed]

Additional Information

Dataset Curators

Song Feng, Siva Sankalp Patel, Hui Wan, Sachindra Joshi

Licensing Information

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Citation Information

    title={MultiDoc2Dial: Modeling Dialogues Grounded in Multiple Documents},
    author={Feng, Song and Patel, Siva Sankalp and Wan, Hui and Joshi, Sachindra},


Thanks to @songfeng and @sivasankalpp for adding this dataset.

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