1 value
The baby she gave birth to is her husbands and he has even offered to have the courts set her free if she returns, but @placeholder has refused.
The harrowing stories of women and children locked up for so-called 'moral crimes' in Afghanistan's notorious female prison have been revealed after cameras were allowed inside. Mariam has been in Badam Bagh prison for three months after she shot a man who just raped her at gunpoint and then turned the weapon on herself - but she has yet to been charged. Nuria has eight months left to serve of her sentence for trying to divorce her husband. She gave birth in prison to her son and they share a cell together. Scroll down for video Nuria was jailed for trying to divorce her husband. Her son is one of 62 children living at Badam Bagh prison @highlight Most of the 202 Badam Bagh inmates are jailed for so-called 'moral crimes' @highlight Crimes include leaving their husbands or refusing an arrange marriage @highlight 62 children live there and share cells with their mothers and five others
The broadcast then faded to black, showing @placeholder singing along to the national anthem.
Caracas, Venezuela (CNN) -- It's been more than 180 years since Venezuelans saw Simon Bolivar's face. But the revolutionary leader's thick sideburns, bushy eyebrows and steely gaze popped out from behind picture frames Tuesday in new 3-D images unveiled by President Hugo Chavez. Researchers used several software programs to reconstruct the face of the man who liberated Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru and Venezuela from the Spanish crown. Scans of Bolivar's skeletal remains, which investigators exhumed two years ago, factored into their calculations. So did historical paintings, photos of restored uniforms Bolivar wore and images of middle-aged Venezuelans, officials said. @highlight Researchers use computer programs to reconstruct Simon Bolivar's face @highlight Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez unveils new, 3-D portraits of Bolivar @highlight Researchers use data from skeletal remains exhumed two years ago @highlight An investigation into Bolivar's 1830 death has been inconclusive, the government says
The contingency plans outlined military options from blocking outgoing Cuban ships carrying troops and war material to airstrikes against @placeholder bases and airfields.
U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger ordered contingency plans drawn up nearly 40 years ago to attack Cuba, incensed over the small island's deployment of troops to Angola, according to declassified government documents posted online Wednesday. In several White House meetings, Kissinger advocated for strong action to stop Castro, fearful that his incursion in Africa was making the U.S. look weak. He argued that Cuba's actions were driving fears around the world of a wider race war that could spill over into Latin America and even destabilize the Middle East. In a series of contingency plans that followed, options ranged from a military blockade to airstrikes and mining of Cuban ports. @highlight Then-U.S. Secretary of State angered by Fidel Castro's decision to send troops into Angola in 1975 @highlight Kissinger feared it would ruin his plans for Africa and wanted to retaliate @highlight Drew up plans in 1976 to attack ports and military installations in Cuba @highlight 'I would be in favor of clobbering them,' Kissinger said, according to the documents @highlight Plans never eventuated as Jimmy Carter was elected
Innocence of youth: Many of the @placeholder's younger generations have turned their backs on tribal life and moved to the cities where living conditions are better
A Peruvian tribe once revered by the Inca's for their fierce hunting skills and formidable warriors are clinging on to their traditional existence in the coca growing valleys of South America, sharing their land with drug traffickers, rebels and illegal loggers. Ashaninka Indians are the largest group of indigenous people in the mountainous nation's Amazon region, but their settlements are so sparse that they now make up less than one per cent of Peru's 30 million population. Ever since they battled rival tribes for territory and food during native rule in the rainforests of South America, the Ashaninka have rarely known peace. @highlight The Ashaninka tribe once shared the Amazon with the like of the Incas hundreds of years ago @highlight They have been forced to share their land after years of conflict forced rebels and drug dealers into the forest @highlight Despite settling in valleys rich with valuable coca, they live a poor pre-industrial existence
'When it comes to assuring our clients' safety, we take product testing extremely seriously,' @placeholder says in a video taken of the display.
For everyone who has ever thought about shooting their boss - metaphorically, o fcourse - this one is for you. An employee of a Texas armored car company got to do just that this week to 'demonstrate that they take client safety seriously'. And to further that demonstration, the CEO was sitting alone inside the Mercedes-Benz as 12 rounds from an AK-47 rained down upon the SUV. The company, Texas Armoring Corporation, has supplied protected vehicles to the Pope, celebrities like rapper T.I. and actor Steven Segal and oil executives in West Africa, according to My San Antonio. Texas Armoring Corp. & Jason Forston. @highlight Texas Armoring Corporation created a video to show the effectiveness of their armored @highlight CEO R. Trent Kimball sat in the drivers seat of a Mercedes-Benz SUV @highlight Total of 12 rounds fired at the windscreen @highlight Company known for working with celebrities, oil barons and even the Pope
Knock off or not, there's no denying the ambition of the China's @placeholder mission, which on December 14 achieved the first lunar soft landing in nearly four decades and aims at a manned mission by 2020.
By Damien Gayle PUBLISHED: 15:38 EST, 10 January 2014 | UPDATED: 19:30 EST, 10 January 2014 China's space agency today distributed fresh new pictures of the Moon's surface from its lunar lander and rover. The Jade Rabbit rover can be seen trundling across the pockmarked surface of Earth's satellite in pictures released today by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The successful soft-landing of the Chang'e 3 lander in December made China the third country to complete a lunar rover mission after the United States and Russia. Chasing the horizon: The sky over the Moon appears inky black in this picture showing the Jade Rabbit rover trundling across the lunar surface taken from the Chang'e 3 lander and released today by Chinese scientists @highlight President Xi Xinping made the comments while congratulating scientists @highlight Could be a self-aware spin on worldwide ubiquity of Chinese-made goods @highlight Ironically, even Jade Rabbit's engineers admit their design is derivative
He said Sitton's home had been under police protection and @placeholder had patrolled his home nights with a shotgun since the incident.
(CNN) -- The father of a 6-year-old girl, one of four relatives who police say were killed by another family member on Thanksgiving Day, said it was "unbelievable" how a tip from a television viewer brought about the arrest of the suspect. "Before the show even came on, Paul was being surrounded by the people behind me," Jim Sitton said Tuesday in Jupiter, Florida, standing in front of police officers. Paul M. Merhige is accused of fatally shooting his twin sisters, Sitton's 6-year-old daughter Makayla -- Merhige's cousin -- and a 79-year-old aunt at a family home in Jupiter, Florida, on November 26. @highlight Dad of slain girl, 6, says arrest of relative is first step towards justice @highlight Viewer tip led to arrest of suspect in fatal Thanksgiving shooting @highlight Paul Michael Merhige was arrested Saturday at motel in Florida Keys @highlight Couple who called police lifted tarp to check license plate on Merhige's car
According to the study, @placeholder acts as a megaphone for younger web users.
The way you use Facebook and Twitter could mirror how narcissistic you are, according to a new university study. Research by the University of Michigan examined how social media websites reflect a growing culture of narcissism in the US. Scientists found that middle-aged narcissists are more likely to frequently update their Facebook status, while their younger counterparts take to Twitter to satisfy their vanity. So vain: Adult narcissists are more likely to use Facebook to gain the approval of their peers to boost their ego, according to new research According to Elliot Panek, who was one of three scientists behind the research, middle-aged people use Facebook as a way of gaining approval of their image from their peers, while college students prefer Twitter because they over-value their own opinions. @highlight New research examines link between social media and narcissism @highlight It found younger users are most likely to take to Twitter to boost their ego @highlight But older users will update Facebook in a bid to gain approval from friends
Soon afterwards, he went stumbling backwards and fell on his backside while trying to control a relatively simple pass from @placeholder.
Why always me? It was Mario Balotelli who first asked the question of himself, and years later we’re still no closer to finding an answer. The man just seems to be a magnet for everything: good and bad. The centre of attention, like he’s involved in a little exhibition game all of his own. And if we thought the white-hot atmosphere of Istanbul’s Ataturk Stadium would make Mario rein himself in a little after those penalty shenanigans in the first leg at Anfield last week, we were very much mistaken. Liverpool striker Mario Balotelli looks over at manager Brendan Rodgers after being substituted @highlight Mario Balotelli received a yellow card after just 11 minutes @highlight Balotelli and Daniel Sturridge were paired up front against Besiktas @highlight Balotelli was substituted in the 82nd minute for Adam Lallana @highlight The striker did not look happy to be going off with extra time looming
A former constitutional law professor, Obama understands that although he has a limited reserve of power that could allow him to act alone, his power will be far greater with @placeholder.
(CNN) -- President Barack Obama has done the right thing by asking Congress to authorize the use of force against Syria to punish President Bashar al-Assad for using chemical weapons on his own people. I say that even as someone who has been a sharp critic of the administration's Syria policy and an outspoken advocate of intervening in various ways to try to protect the millions of innocent Syrians whose lives are at risk, prevent the conflict from destabilizing the region and support members of the Syrian opposition who share our values. The president, as he announced in May, is trying to steer this nation back to a world in which we are not permanently at war and we do not turn to our military as the weapon of first resort in any international crisis. @highlight Anne-Marie Slaughter: Obama right to go to Congress about using force in Syria @highlight Slaughter: A world in which nations use chemical weapons with impunity is too dangerous @highlight She says striking Syria now will be a strike to protect the Syrian people, even if belated @highlight Slaughter: It's time for Congress to step up to its responsibility and support Obama
As chairman and chief executive officer of @placeholder, Jobs led the way in marrying the endless possibilities of technology with the glitz and glamour of the entertainment industry.
(CNN) -- During a 1996 interview with television talk show host Charlie Rose, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs took exception to Rose's characterization of him as "a guy who founds high-tech companies and tries to make another billion." "Yeah, well, I don't think of myself that way," Jobs said. "The things that I have done in my life, I think the things we do now at Pixar [the animation company he bought in 1986], these are team sports. They are not something one person does." If pop culture were a team sport, Jobs would have certainly played quarterback. From the invention of iTunes, which completely changed the business of music, to offering the world its first completely full-length computer-generated animated film with Pixar's "Toy Story" in 1995, Jobs left his indelible fingerprints on the entertainment industry. @highlight Steve Jobs pioneered inventions that changed the way the world consumed media @highlight Pixar made the first fully computer-generated animated film @highlight Billboard editor says Jobs brillance made buying music easy and fun
Manchester City are without midfielder @placeholder (groin) and striker Stevan Jovetic (hamstring) will miss Saturday's Barclays Premier League trip to Arsenal.
Ahead of this weekend's Premier League action, Sportsmail will be providing you with all you need to know about every fixture, with team news, provisional squads, betting odds and Opta stats... Here is all the information you need for Arsenal's home clash with Manchester City... You can like our Arsenal Facebook page here Arsenal vs Manchester City (Emirates Stadium) Kick-off: Saturday 12.45pm - BT Sport 1 Odds (subject to change): Arsenal 7/4 Draw 12/5 Manchester City 6/4 Referee: Mark Clattenburg Managers: Arsene Wenger (Arsenal), Manuel Pellegrini (Manchester City) Head-to-head league record: Arsenal wins 85, draws 41, Manchester City wins 46 @highlight Danny Welbeck could make his Arsenal debut following £16million arrival from Manchester United on transfer deadline day @highlight Aaron Ramsey to be assessed while Mikel Arteta back in full training @highlight David Ospina and Kieran Gibbs are also on the mend for Gunners @highlight Mesut Ozil likely to be fit after missing out for Germany @highlight Stevan Jovetic will miss out for Manchester City with hamstring injury @highlight Fernando will also miss out but Vincent Kompany likely to start @highlight Eliaquim Mangala and Frank Lampard could make debuts
Amazon has not yet confirmed when the scheme will be launched outside of the @placeholder, or if it will be available to non-Kindle users.
Amazon has launched its own currency called Amazon Coins. It's currently only available in the States for Kindle Fire owners, but the Coins can be used to pay for games, apps and in-app purchases from the Amazon Appstore. One Amazon Coin is worth one US penny, and Kindle Fire owners are getting 500 Coins ($5) for free as part of the launch. Amazon has launched its own virtual currency called Coins in the US. It is only available for Kindle Fire users, for the time being, but can be used to buy games, apps and in-app purchases from the Kindle Appstore, as well as buy items from Amazon's retail store @highlight One Amazon Coin is worth one US penny @highlight Coins can be bought in batches of 1000 and Kindle Users have been given 500 Coins for free @highlight Plans to launch Coins in the UK and for non-Kindle users have not yet been announced
Bedroom: The building in @placeholder is now divided into flats in private ownership and is not open to the public
By Mark Duell If you fancy living like a king, this could be your chance - because an estate agents is offering wannabe royals the chance to rent a castle. The stunning seven-bedroom property, on the site where Henry II, Henry III and Catherine of Aragon stayed, is available for £7,500 per calendar month. The home was built in the 19th century in the grounds of the former Devizes Castle in Wiltshire, near Bath and Chippenham. Impressive: The stunning seven-bedroom property - on the site where Henry II, Henry III and Catherine of Aragon all stayed - is available for £7,500 per calendar month @highlight Seven-bedroom home was built in 19th century in grounds of former Devizes Castle @highlight Henry II, Henry III and Catherine of Aragon all stayed at castle in Wiltshire near Bath @highlight Stunning property includes drawing room, library, dining room and picture gallery @highlight Many original features including stone archways, feature fireplaces and oak floors
The 2020 mission plans on building on the accomplishments of @placeholder and other Mars missions.
By Sarah Griffiths PUBLISHED: 12:30 EST, 10 July 2013 | UPDATED: 12:37 EST, 10 July 2013 Nasa's next Mars rover has been given a mission to find signs of past life and to collect and store rock from the the red planet that will one day be sent back to Earth. It will demonstrate technology for a human exploration of the planet and look for signs of life. The space agency has revealed what the rover, known as Mars 2020, will look like. Scroll down for video... Nasa's next Mars rover (plans pictured) has been given a mission to find signs of past life and to collect and store rock from the the red planet that will one day be sent back to Earth. Mars 2020 will also demonstrate technology for a human exploration of the planet @highlight Mars 2020 will collect up to 31 rock and soil samples from the red planet and will look for signs of extraterrestrial life @highlight The new rover will use the same landing system as Curiosity and share its frame, which has saved Nasa $1 billion @highlight The mission will bring the sapec agency a step closer to meeting President Obama's challenge to send humans to Mars in the next decade
It is thought that rows with people-smugglers who charge up to £1,000 cash for passage to @placeholder have also contributed to the trouble.
Their faces covered, a gang of Ethiopian youths marches towards a rival camp in Calais brandishing sticks and rocks. As they come into sight, a group of Eritreans arm themselves and rush out to defend their territory. But French riot police are on the scene within minutes. After firing tear gas from behind their shields they manage to drive the groups apart. Yesterday’s clash was over almost as soon as it started – but it will happen again today. And tomorrow. Scroll down for video Anger: Police step in when immigrants in Calais cause a disturbance, using canisters of tear gas on the camps while the immigrants retaliate with thrown stones and sticks over the fence @highlight French police pictured breaking up fights between rival groups @highlight Officers are stretched to breaking point by constant violence @highlight The gangs fight over the best routes to the ferry port to the UK
@placeholder emphasized Wednesday that "NATO needs to focus on the safe havens of terrorists," adding that killing innocent civilians will create "huge problems."
Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- The commander of U.S. and NATO-led forces in Afghanistan apologized Wednesday after an investigation concluded that coalition troops accidentally killed nine civilians -- including some children -- in a strike Tuesday. Gen. David Petraeus, commander of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), said he would personally apologize to Afghan President Hamid Karzai after Karzai returns from a trip to London this week. "We are deeply sorry for this tragedy and apologize to the members of the Afghan government, the people of Afghanistan, and, most importantly, the surviving family members of those killed by our actions," Petraeus said in a statement Wednesday. @highlight NEW: Karzai condemns the incident @highlight Helicopters attacked after insurgents fired rockets at coalition troops @highlight 9 civilians were killed, including some children @highlight Gen. David Petraeus apologizes
@placeholder reminds us of climate change and other forgotten campaign issues
Washington (CNN) -- When Chris Christie praises President Barack Obama as "outstanding" and "incredibly supportive," you know something extraordinary has occurred. Obama updated on Sandy; praised by Christie In this case, it was once-in-a-lifetime Superstorm Sandy, which caused the outspoken Republican governor of New Jersey to declare a state of emergency and seek federal help for widespread devastation. Interviewed Tuesday on NBC, Christie described Obama's response as "outstanding," and he told CNN that the president had been "incredibly supportive and helpful to our state." "This is much more important than any election," Christie told CNN's "Piers Morgan Tonight." Obama has "been outstanding to deal with on this and I look forward to seeing him tomorrow so he can see for himself what this hurricane has done to my state," Christie said Tuesday night. @highlight Mitt Romney surrogate Chris Christie praises President Barack Obama's response to Sandy @highlight The superstorm focuses attention on the role of government in disaster relief @highlight Romney advocates a state-led approach, but his campaign promises enough funding @highlight Obama emphasizes federal, state and local cooperation
In 2012, authorities searched a home he had previously shared with his father, @placeholder, and allegedly found that the elder Powell had child pornography in his possession.
Back to jail: Steven Powell, seen in an old mug shot, is serving 40 days in jail for failing to get treatment Steven Powell, the father-in-law of missing mother Susan Powell, has been sent back to jail for refusing to get sexual deviancy treatment as he awaits child porn charges, it has emerged. A Washington state judge ruled that the 64-year-old, who is from Tacoma, must go back to jail for at least 40 days, RadarOnline reported. Saturday will mark five years since his daughter-in-law Susan vanished in Utah, which means she will be declared legally dead. Her husband, Josh Powell, was long considered a person of interest in her disappearance but was never charged in the case. @highlight The father-in-law of missing Utah mother Susan Powell has headed back to jail for 40 days after failing to get treatment @highlight He served two years in prison after he took sexually explicit photos of two young neighbors and he is now facing child porn charges @highlight Saturday marks five years since Susan vanished - which means that she will be declared legally dead under Utah law @highlight Her husband, Steven Powell's son Josh, was long a person of interest in the case but never charged; he killed himself and their two sons in a 2012 fire
@placeholder is now campaigning for awareness, calling for a boycott of sponsors of the AFL and deliberately spreading information about HD options.
Mr Rowe has been advocating for the AFL to be broadcast in HD for two years An avid AFL fan has accused the Seven Network of 'backflipping' on a promise to broadcast the 2014 grand final on it's high definition channel. Josh Rowe, a passionate AFL follower, has been advocating for the broadcast of AFL in HD for over two years, with his webite 'AFL in HD Please' having nearly 80,000 followers on Twitter. Rowe went public with emails on Tuesday which detail communication between himself and Seven Melbourne managing director Lewis Martin, which indicate that the network made a commitment to show the AFL grand final on their HD broadcast channel, 7Mate. @highlight Was promised by Seven Melbourne that the AFL grand final would be broadcast in high definition @highlight Managing director Lewis Martin asked him to keep the commitment confidential @highlight Seven Network did a 'gold medal winning back flip' on promise @highlight Claims Martin did this to sabotage campaign for the AFL in HD @highlight Claims Seven is choosing monetary gains over the desires of fans
By a 40 per cent to a 34 per cent margin, voters expect Ryan to beat @placeholder at their Thursday debate in Danville, Kentucky.
By Toby Harnden PUBLISHED: 10:25 EST, 10 October 2012 | UPDATED: 07:52 EST, 11 October 2012 Paul Ryan hopes to deliver a knockout blow to President Barack Obama's hopes of re-election if he prevails in tonight's debate in Kentucky. While the Romney campaign has been publicly playing down the chances of Representative Ryan, chairman of the House Budget Committee, scoring a major victory in the vice-presidential debate, privately hopes are high that he could do very well. And if the pictures in the next edition of TIME magazine of the vice-presidential candidate working out in December 2011 are anything to go by, he's pumped up for the 'Thrill in the Ville', in Danville. @highlight Expectations are high that Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan will win the debate against Vice President Joe Biden @highlight Biden, a senator for 36 years, is a far more experienced debater than Ryan, who is 27 years younger than Biden @highlight Republican nominee Mitt Romney is tamping down expectations that Ryan will win the debate to avoid negative fallout if his running mate fails to impress
The men were first made to confess they worked for the armies of Egypt and Israel, which borders the @placeholder and have been attacked by militants from the peninsula several times over the past three years.
The Islamic State's affiliate in Egypt has released a video purporting to show the beheading of eight Bedouin men it accused of working for the Egyptian and Israeli armies. The video, posted on the group's Twitter account late on Monday, also showed what it said were victims of Egyptian military operations in the restive Sinai Peninsula. An insurgency there has killed scores of policemen and soldiers. The Islamic State's affiliate in Egypt Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis has released a video purporting to show the beheading of eight men it accused of working for the Egyptian and Israeli armies. The group last year posted a similar video (above) in which four men, accused of being Israeli Mossad spies, were executed @highlight Footage also shows alleged victims of Egyptian military operations in Sinai @highlight ISIS Insurgency has killed scores of policemen and soldiers on peninsula
called the emergency line and clearly told a dispatcher @placeholder was
By Daniel Miller and Helen Pow PUBLISHED: 17:44 EST, 9 December 2013 | UPDATED: 18:30 EST, 9 December 2013 Dropped charges: George Zimmerman's girlfriend has dropped charges against him just weeks after she claimed the volatile man, pictured in July, pointed a shotgun at her and smashed her stuff, and now she even wants him back George Zimmerman's girlfriend has dropped charges against him just weeks after she claimed he pointed a shotgun at her and smashed her stuff, and now she even wants him back, it has emerged. Samantha Scheibe called 911 in November, telling operators Zimmerman was brandishing a weapon during an argument and that she feared for her life. He was charged with felony aggravated assault among other lesser charges. @highlight Samantha Scheibe, 27, called 911 in November, telling operators Zimmerman was brandishing a weapon during an argument at their Florida home @highlight He was charged with felony aggravated assault but she now says she doesn't want to press charges, despite earlier detailing his intense depression and how she feared him @highlight In a December 6 affidavit, filed in court by Zimmerman's attorney, Scheibe writes how she felt 'very intimidated' by police and that they may have 'misinterpreted me' @highlight However, a 911 call has her clearly describing the gun-toting incident @highlight She also states in the new affidavit, 'I want to be with George'
of Royal-watchers, as well as the @placeholder’s own staff, some of whom could
By Mail On Sunday Reporter PUBLISHED: 16:04 EST, 11 May 2013 | UPDATED: 01:58 EST, 13 May 2013 As the liveried helicopter touches down in the Palace grounds, highly trained professionals act swiftly but discreetly to unload its precious Royal cargo . . . Prince Charles’s favourite embroidered silk cushion. It took two unofficial Protectors Of The Privy Bottom to attend to the VIP – Very Important Pillow – when the Prince’s maroon twin-engine Sikorsky landed in Kensington Palace last week. After the 64-year-old walked to his waiting car, one of his Scotland Yard bodyguards could be seen bringing up the rear with the red and gold cushion. @highlight Pampered prince helicoptered into Kensington Palace last week
The warships' reported movement comes as tensions between Iran and @placeholder are high, with speculation of a pre-emptive Israeli strike on Iran to stop its suspected nuclear weapons program.
(CNN) -- Two Iranian warships sailed through Egypt's Suez Canal into the Mediterranean Sea, Iran's semi-official Mehr news agency reported Saturday, amid heightened tensions in the region. The move represents only the second time such ships have crossed the Suez Canal since the Islamic republic's 1979 revolution. The first time took place in February 2011, just days after Egypt's post-Hosni Mubarak government gave the green light to the passage -- putting Egypt's new military leaders in a prickly position with its Israeli neighbor. "As the Navy affected the region with its presence in the Mediterranean Sea last year, the Navy's 18th fleet will in the best way carry the message of peace and friendship to regional countries, and display the might of the country and the sacred system of the Islamic Republic of Iran," said Rear Adm. Habibollah Sayyari, according to Mehr. @highlight NEW: The ships are reportedly heading to Syria @highlight It's only the second time such ships have crossed the Suez Canal since 1979 @highlight The move comes amid heightened regional tensions @highlight Report: The mission carries a "message of peace and friendship," a rear admiral says
Her appearance marked the first time a direct member of @placeholder's royal family was to testify in court while facing preliminary charges for a crime, according to Spain's royal household.
Palma de Mallorca, Spain (CNN) -- It was expected to be a court date like no other, with Spaniards riveted to a financial corruption case that involves members of the royal family. But on Saturday, when Princess Cristina arrived at the courthouse here just before 10 a.m., she offered them little. "Buenos dias," she told reporters. "Buenos dias." With that, she entered the building for a proceeding that was closed to the public in a courtroom where a photograph of her father, King Juan Carlos, hangs on a wall. As head of state, his photograph hangs at many courts. Outside, several hundred anti-monarchy and pro-republic demonstrators chanted noisily. @highlight Princess Cristina of Spain appears Saturday in a private proceeding @highlight "Buenos dias," she says upon entering; "Hasta luego," she says upon departure @highlight Cristina and husband are accused in corruption case @highlight The princess maintained her innocence, lawyers at the hearing tell CNN
Break-up: @placeholder is pulled away by team-mates after exchanging punches with Sherman
Just four months after celebrating lifting Super Bowl XLVIII in New Jersey, mood in the Seattle Seahawks' camp has changed significantly as a training session descended into a brawl. The Seahawks' offence and defence came to blows when Earl Thomas landed on wide receiver Bryan Walters. Richard Sherman and Phil Bates then got into a fistfight and players jumped in to support differing sides. VIDEO Scroll down to watch the Seattle Seahawks' training session descend into brawl Blows: Richard Sherman (right) and Paul Bates (left) get into a scuffle during training Smash: Team-mates rush in to assist both sides as the training ground brawl grows @highlight Earl Thomas landed on Bryan Walters and then fight broke out @highlight Good friends Richard Sherman and Phil Bates exchanged blows @highlight It was only the second day of the Seahawks' pre-season mini-camp @highlight Fight happened just four months after Seahawks' Super Bowl XLVIII victory
The full 16-member court, in an 11-5 ruling, concluded the clause applies only to court actions, not those of state legislators or executive officials, and added that "there is no legal basis on which to conclude that failure to issue a revised birth certificate denies 'recognition' to the @placeholder adoption decree."
Washington (CNN) -- A same-sex couple has asked the Supreme Court to intervene in a cross-state dispute over their efforts to have both of them officially listed as the parents of an adopted 5-year-old boy. The California couple filed an appeal this week with the high court, saying Louisiana, where the child was born, has an unconstitutional policy against adoption by unmarried couples. The state used that policy to justify naming only one of them on an amended birth certificate. The men, Oren Adar and Mickey Ray Smith, argue that gay couples have a due process right to be listed on such certificates as joint custodial parents. A federal appeals court has ruled against the couple. @highlight Louisiana refuses to list two men as adoptive parents on an amended birth certificate @highlight The men argue they have a due process right to have both officially recognized @highlight The adoption was finalized in New York, but the child was born in Louisiana @highlight An appeals court has ruled against the same-sex couple
As well as a different face, @placeholder then represents just one small part of this new network changing the way militaries operate.
Singapore (CNN) -- Lior Peleg cuts an incongruous figure at the Singapore Airshow. Among the suited middle-aged men selling military hardware she looks more like a beach-loving backpacker, casually dressed in a black tank-top with a camera slung around her neck. But what really marks her out among all the arms salesmen touting the newest military technology -- "lethal but affordable" reads one sign above a missile manufacturer -- is that she one of the few people present with operational military experience. She's a former drone pilot for the Israeli military and represents the new face of air force pilots. @highlight Unmanned Aerial Vehicles -- drones -- now a huge part of military operations across globe @highlight Congressional paper: United States has nearly 7,500 UAVs of all sizes and capabilities @highlight Analysts predict half of U.S. military aircraft will be unmanned within five years @highlight UAVs in missions raise questions over role of humans in combat environments
@placeholder, a community of about 3,500 people, is 11 miles west of St. Louis.
(CNN) -- The December death of a 27-year-old woman at the Missouri home of beer tycoon August Busch IV was ruled an accident, a medical examiner said Wednesday. Adrienne Nicole Martin died of an oxycodone overdose, the St. Louis County Office of the Medical Examiner said in a statement. She was found dead December 19 at Busch's Frontenac, Missouri, home, authorities said. The medical examiner's office said that information, and its complete report, was forwarded to the law enforcement agencies investigating Martin's death. Police responded to a call from the home about an unresponsive woman, authorities said. "This girl is not waking up," Michael Jung, a home staff employee at the Busch estate, told the operator. @highlight Adrienne Martin died of an oxycodone overdose, officials say @highlight She was found dead December 19 at August Busch IV's Missouri home @highlight Martin was an aspiring model and art therapist
Mr Artemyev looks out of the @placeholder capsule the three returned to earth in immediately after his landing
There was a time when a cosmonaut returning to Earth would be feted as a national hero and showered with medals. These days, however, it seems the reward is something rather more modest... a watermelon. Russia's Oleg Artemyev was presented with the fruit yesterday after returning from a six-month posting aboard the International Space Station (ISS). Scroll down for video Russian cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev clutching the watermelon he requested for his return to earth The crew had reportedly developed a craving for apples and watermelons, which they hoped would help quench their thirst upon landing. By contrast Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space, was given numerous honours and treated to a huge reception in Red Square after touching down in 1961. @highlight Two Russian cosmonauts and NASA astronaut touch down in Kazakhstan @highlight The trio had spent six months conducting research aboard space station @highlight They were given watermelons and apples as soon as they exited the capsule @highlight The fruit was specifically requested as they hoped it would re-hydrate them
One @placeholder activist contacted by CNN offered further details about the killings in the videos.
(CNN) -- New videos posted from the Syrian flashpoint city of Homs suggest a fresh wave of killings by the Syrian military after the fall of the neighborhood of Baba Amr. Activists have provided CNN with footage purportedly showing the bodies of 17 civilians that were discovered February 29 in villages near Baba Amr following an all-out assault on the Homs neighborhood that had held off a government assault for weeks. Much of the video is too graphic to show on air, but analysis of the video showed at least 12 bodies. In one, bodies are piled up in the back of a truck bed covered in blankets. Snow falls on the bodies as people in the background wail, some shouting, "There is no God but God!" One man off camera says, "These are the victims of the massacre by the Shabiha (a government militia), entire families slaughtered by the forces of Assad" -- a reference to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. @highlight NEW: Opposition activists say they think more vidoes of horror in Baba Amr will surface @highlight Video footage purportedly shows the bodies of 17 civilians discovered near Baba Amr @highlight A man describes entire families slaughtered by President Bashar al-Assad's forces @highlight Avaaz: At least six people killed came from the same family
@placeholder was once a manufacturing powerhouse and is still covered with old mill buildings, but many are vacant or have been turned into housing or office space.
By Associated Press PUBLISHED: 21:33 EST, 7 April 2013 | UPDATED: 21:58 EST, 7 April 2013 Rhode Island's tallest building will soon be its most visible symbol of the state's Kryptonite - long economic decline. The 26-story Art Deco-style skyscraper, known to some as the 'Superman building' for its similarity to the Daily Planet headquarters in the old TV show, is losing its sole tenant this month. No one is moving in, and the building, the most distinctive feature on the Providence skyline, will no longer be fully illuminated at night, if at all, its owner says. Going dark: The 26-story Art Deco-style skyscraper, known to some as the 'Superman building' for its similarity to the Daily Planet headquarters in the old TV show, is losing its sole tenant this month @highlight The 26-story skyscraper is known as the 'Superman building' due to its similarity to the Daily Planet in the old Superman TV series @highlight The building is set to go dark as its final tenant, Bank of America, leaves for other office space nearby
Federal immigration law says a U.S. citizen or green card holder can sponsor a spouse so that they can remain together in @placeholder.
(CNN) -- Anthony Sullivan was a young Australian with Robert Redford looks. Richard Adams emigrated from the Philippines as a child and became an American citizen. The two met in Los Angeles, fell in love and got married in Boulder, Colorado -- long before any state legalized same-sex marriage. County Clerk Clela Rorex issued the gay couple a marriage license at 11 a.m., April 21, 1975. Nothing in the Colorado marriage code mentioned same-sex marriage, and Rorex signed licenses for six couples before the district attorney advised her to end to them. But the licenses were never rescinded. Sullivan and Adams believed their marriage was legal and embarked on a decades-long struggle to attain permanent resident status for Sullivan. @highlight Australian Tony Sullivan married Richard Adams, a U.S. citizen, in 1975 @highlight No country in the world recognized same-sex marriage then @highlight Sullivan overstayed his tourist visa and lived under the radar in order to be with his love @highlight One year after DOMA was struck down, Sullivan is trying again for permanent residence
I apologize to @placeholder for this action on my part,' said the cornerback.
By Associated Press and Chris Spargo for MailOnline USC football star Josh Shaw has been suspended from college play indefinitely after admitting to school officials he fabricated a story about spraining both ankles while saving his nephew from drowning. The newly-appointed captain of the Trojans football team said he had seen the seven-year-old struggling in a swimming pool at a family party in Palmdale, California on Saturday night, so he jumped from a second-story balcony to save him from drowning. The claims gained national attention on Monday, but the next day USC Coach Steve Sarkisian announced the school was investigating Shaw’s account after it received phone calls contradicting the story. @highlight Josh Shaw claimed he sprained both ankles when he jumped off a balcony to save his nephew from drowning in a pool at a family party @highlight The newly-appointed captain of the USC football team has now been suspended indefinitely from college play after admitting he lied @highlight USC Coach Steve Sarkisian says he is 'extremely disappointed' in Shaw
He added: '@placeholder media companies [are] eager to stay ahead of each other by internationalising their revenues…and shielding their tax exposure.'
By Aladair Glennie British television is being bought wholesale by greedy American corporations, the head of Channel 4 has warned. The channel's chief executive David Abraham said billionaire media tycoons and production companies want to invest in this country to avoid tax in the US. ITV could one day be owned entirely by shareholders based across the Atlantic while our favourite shows could be produced by internet giants such as Netflix and Google, he said. Giving the annual MacTaggart lecture at the Edinburgh International Television Festival, Mr Abraham called on politicians to do more to protect the UK television industry from overseas interference. @highlight David Abraham said ITV could be owned entirely by US shareholders @highlight He claimed our favourite shows could be produced by Netflix and Google @highlight Abraham was giving the annual MacTaggart lecture in Edinburgh
‘The only thing left is a gold ring that is not valuable but has sentimental value because @placeholder gave it to me as a present.’
Socialite Carla Powell – confidante to a Who’s Who of celebrities and world politicians – told last night how she was robbed at gunpoint in a terrifying raid at her secluded farmhouse. The 71-year-old, who counts Tony Blair and David Cameron as friends, was thrown to the floor, pistol-whipped and kicked by a masked gang who ransacked her home in hills outside Rome. They escaped with thousands of pounds of jewellery, watches and cash after forcing her to open a safe by beating a member of her staff and threatening to kill him. The gang also fired several shots to terrify their victims. @highlight Lady Powell taken hostage by the gang at her home outside Rome @highlight 71-year-old aristocrat was subjected to a terrifying interrogation @highlight They then broke into her safe and stole jewellery and watches @highlight Lady Powell is married to Thatcher's former adviser Charles Powell
VIDEO Scroll down to watch Watch @placeholder's post-match dressing room speech
Head of Sport Lee Clayton gives his view on whether some of England's younger players should represent the Under 21s next summer in the Czech Republic There has been plenty of talk of full internationals joining the Under 21s in the summer after Gareth Southgate and his squad qualified for the European Championship. Arsene Wenger and Roberto Martinez have already come out and stated it wouldn’t be beneficial to their players to play and that’s no surprise as they will always look after their clubs’ interests rather than the national team’s. That is a big problem in this country. My view is it’s not a black-and-white case. @highlight There has been plenty of talk of who England should take to the Under 21 European Championship next summer @highlight Fully fledged regulars for club and country — like Jack Wilshere and Raheem Sterling — would benefit from a free summer @highlight But the likes Calum Chambers, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, Ross Barkley, Luke Shaw and John Stones would benefit from playing @highlight It could be vital for the senior side ahead of Euro 2016 in France
Romney's editorial, though written years before, was a staple of the @placeholder attack against Romney in 2012.
Hillary Clinton cribbed a page from President Barack Obama's playbook on Thursday by taking a swipe at Mitt Romney's 2008 oped, "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt." At an event outside Detroit, where the former secretary of state endorsed Democrats Mark Schauer and Gary Peters, Clinton spoke glowingly of their support for the 2008 auto bailout that invested billions into the United States struggling auto industry. "Now, they could take the safe way, they could line up with those saying 'Let Detroit go bankrupt,' let manufacturing just wither away," Clinton said to a chorus of boos. "They could be on the side of those who were criticizing what they called government motors." @highlight Hillary Clinton knocks those who wanted to "Let Detroit go bankrupt" @highlight Clinton argued the decision would have "let manufacturing just wither away" @highlight Mitt Romney famously wrote an oped titled "Let Detroit go bankrupt" in 2008 @highlight The oped was used effectively against Romney during his failed 2012 presidential run
Congressional Democrats, meanwhile, are wrestling with rising anger among liberal @placeholder members in the wake of news that the president might agree to entitlement cuts.
Washington (CNN) -- Top congressional Republicans on Friday used a new dismal jobs report to blast Democrats' push for more tax revenue in the ongoing debt ceiling negotiations, arguing that such a move would derail an already shaky economic recovery. Federal officials reported Friday that the economy added only 18,000 jobs in June -- far below the number predicted by most economists. Unemployment inched up another tenth of a point to 9.2%. "Today's report is more evidence that the misguided 'stimulus' spending binge, excessive regulations, and an overwhelming national debt continue to hold back private-sector job creation in our country," said House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio. "A debt limit increase that raises taxes or fails to make serious spending cuts won't pass the House." @highlight GOP leaders say Friday's poor jobs report is more evidence tax hikes can't be part of a deal @highlight Democrats and Republicans are trying to reach a deal to raise the debt ceiling by August 2 @highlight Boehner says that Democrats' insistence on tax hikes jeopardizes any long-term deal @highlight White House source says Obama will insist on a long-term deal in talks Sunday evening
Unfortunate: @placeholder were unlucky to have a goal chalked off before falling behind late on
Leeds denied Middlesbrough both their pizzas and a point on Saturday as debutant Billy Sharp answered Massimo Cellino's call to score some quick goals. Boro's request for the Italian dish to be left in their dressing room at full-time was turned down by Leeds - surprising considering they are heavily under the Sardinian influence of owner Cellino - but they had more to worry about than pizza as Sharp's 88th-minute debut goal condemned them to a 1-0 loss. Sharp signed from Southampton on Wednesday as Cellino responded to Leeds' opening-day defeat at Millwall and was immediately told by the former Cagliari owner to 'hurry up and score some goals'. @highlight Billy Sharp scored in the 88th minute to secure the win for Leeds @highlight The striker only joined from Southampton on Wednesday @highlight It was the Elland Road club's first win in the Championship this season @highlight Leeds owner Massimo Cellino celebrated the win in the stands
Saenz is the newest person on the @placeholder, after three fugitives on the list were recently caught.
Editor's Note: The FBI had three openings on its list of the Ten Most Wanted Fugitives. Monday night, FBI Assistant Director Kevin Perkins joined CNN's Rick Sanchez exclusively on "Campbell Brown" to announce who filled the first open spot. Tune in at 8 p.m. ET to "Campbell Brown" over the next two nights to find out who else will fill the slots. Officials say Joe Saenz is thought to be linked with Mexican drug cartels. (CNN) -- Joe Saenz rubbed his hands together and smiled as he walked up to a Los Angeles County, California, home. His demeanor gave no clues as to what would happen next. @highlight Joe Saenz wanted in connection with four murders, a kidnapping and a rape @highlight Saenz, a member of Cuatro Flats gang, reportedly kills man on video @highlight FBI believes Saenz graduated from local gangs to international drug trafficking @highlight Saenz allegedly killed mother of his child out of fear she'd turn him in
One labor professor said @placeholder's timing in trying to unionize bank workers may be on target "because financial institutions are at a moment of weakness."
(CNN) -- The powerful Service Employees International Union has decided that, because of the $700 billion financial-system bailout, it wants to organize bank workers. Banks that get taxpayer money need to "ensure their workers have a voice," a union spokeswoman says. In an e-mail dated November 12 and obtained exclusively by CNN, a member of SEIU's Private Equity Project outlined initial discussions to organize bank workers "since the banking industry is now being infused with billions of taxpayer dollars." The e-mail was written by SEIU's Inga Skippings to the director of the Washington office of the Association of Community Organizing for Reform Now (ACORN), a longtime ally and partner of the union. @highlight Union says it is considering targeting banks for unionizing @highlight E-mail from union lists the banks it's "most concerned" about @highlight E-mail cites $700 billion financial-system bailout as reason for move @highlight Spokeswoman: Bailed-out banks have responsibility to ensure workers have voice
"The sad truth is Mr. Jackson's death was caused by his choices and it would have happened no matter what -- with or without @placeholder."
Los Angeles (CNN) -- Jurors began deliberations Thursday in the Michael Jackson wrongful-death trial, potentially bringing the contentious case to a close after five months of testimony and three days of closing arguments. The 12 jurors spent two hours in the jury room Thursday afternoon before ending their day; they will return Friday morning for more deliberations. Katherine Jackson's lawyer delivered his final arguments in the AEG Live trial Thursday morning, delivering his rebuttal to defense closing arguments. AEG Live's Marvin Putnam had asked jurors to find Michael Jackson responsible for his death, not the company that promoted and produced his comeback concerts in 2009. @highlight NEW: The jury will resume deliberations Friday @highlight AEG Live's Marvin Putnam asked jurors to find Michael Jackson responsible for his death @highlight Family lawyer: "How dare they accept no responsibility and blame it all on Michael" @highlight The Jacksons are asking for $1 billion to $2 billion in damages from AEG Live
To perform the daring stunt, Mr @placeholder said they both needed to be perfectly in sync to ensure they wouldn't fall into the glider
A pair of adrenaline junkies took their love of extreme sports to a new level by being sling-shotted out of a paraglider at nearly 15,000 feet. Thrill-seeking Horacio Llorens, 32, from Spain, and Hernán Pitocco, 36, from Argentina, performed the daring stunt high above the Pyrenees mountain range in southwest Europe. They took a hot air balloon to 14,700 feet, and then the pair were filmed as they hurled themselves off the edge, before launching into a series of stunning somersaults. After building up to a massive force of 7G, they sling-shotted themselves out of a paraglider and skydived down to a ski resort below. @highlight Horacio Llorens, from Spain, and Hernán Pitocco, from Argentina, performed the daring stunt above the Pyrenees @highlight They took a hot air balloon to 4,500 metres, and then the pair were filmed as they hurled themselves off the edge @highlight After building up to a massive force of 7G, they sling-shotted themselves out and skydived down to a ski resort
Hike: @placeholder fans are set to face price rises yet again
By Hamish Mackay Gary Lineker has accused Premier League clubs of being greedy over ticket prices, saying there is no need for them to charge as much as they do. As Sportsmail revealed on Sunday, more than half of all top-flight English clubs have raised their prices for the coming season - despite new TV deals bringing in £5.5billion over a three year period. And Lineker tweeted: 'There is absolutely no need for Premier league clubs to charge what they do given TV revenues these days. It's pure avarice!' VIDEO Scroll down to watch much happier Coventry fans pitch invading in a crazy storm @highlight More than 50% of Premier League clubs raise season-ticket prices @highlight This is despite new TV deals worth £5.5billion over three years @highlight Football Supporters' Federation (FSF) planning a protest march @highlight Lineker says clubs have no right to charge the prices they do
leaders planned to push @placeholder 'out of a stalemate through tactical and
By Mia De Graaf A secret 'Cuban Twitter' that swept the communist country was set up and funded by the White House to 'inspire dissent', it has emerged. ZunZuneo, local slang for 'tweet', drew in more than 40,000 users in just two years as the nation continues to limit free internet use. Today it has emerged the project, launched in 2009, was covertly funded by the US Agency for International Development - and American contractors were gathering subscribers' personal data for political purposes. Scroll down for video Revelation: More than 40,000 Cubans were using ZunZuneo, a secret Twitter created for the communist country, without knowing it was funded and monitored by the US, gathering their information @highlight ZunZuneo 'funded by US' and designed to 'trigger mass gatherings' @highlight Amassed more than 40,000 users in 2 years before it abruptly disappeared @highlight Documents reveal network was used to gather information for political use @highlight Also show creators were banned from revealing White House involvement @highlight Cuba's leaders view internet as 'wild colt' that 'should be tamed' @highlight 2009 launch followed arrest of US contractor on secret mission to provide internet for Cubans using technology only available to government officials
Cyrus said he was moved by the story of @placeholder's actions in the school shooting and decided to recognize him when offered a chance to perform at Lake Tahoe.
Country singer Billy Ray Cyrus honored a Nevada teacher killed by a 12-year-old student in a schoolyard shooting last year, calling him a 'true American hero.' Cyrus praised Michael Landsberry and presented a memorial plaque to his widow, Sharon, during a concert Saturday night in Incline Village, a Nevada community on north shore of Lake Tahoe. Police say Landsberry, a 45-year-old ex-Marine, tried to talk the shooter, 12-year-old Jose Reyes, into turning over the handgun before he was shot in the chest Oct. 21 at a middle school in the Reno suburb of Sparks. The student wounded two classmates before taking his life. @highlight Michael Landsberry was fatally shot by a 12-year-old student at Sparks High School in Nevada on October 21, 2013 @highlight The boy, Jose Reyes, also shot two other students, both of whom survived @highlight Reyes then turned the gun on himself @highlight Landsberry was trying to talk Reyes into dropping the gun when he shot him @highlight The hero teacher served three tours in Afghanistan while in the Marine Corps. @highlight Billy Ray Cyrus lauded Landsberry as a hero and presented his widow with a memorial plaque during a concert in Nevada on Saturday
Celebrity style: Many famous faces choose to stay in @placeholder in Vegas for their gorgeous boutique-style rooms
It regularly lures the biggest names in showbiz to pack their designer bags and take up residency for a good number of years. So it's no wonder that Las Vegas is now home to some of America’s most fine dining restaurants, luxury hotels and entertainment shows that have kept divas like Britney Spears, Celine Dion and Elton John occupied when they're not on stage. Britney, 32, currently the most well-known diva to be digging the desert – recently extended her residency for a further two years until 2016, performing her show Piece Of Me at The AXIS at Planet Hollywood, and is clearly loving life on the strip. @highlight Gordon Ramsay Steak has been visited by the likes of Britney Spears, David and Victoria Beckham and One Direction @highlight A-List stars Celine Dion and Demi Moore flock to the luxurious Palms spa when they visit Sin City @highlight Adam Sandler, Hayden Panettiere, and rapper Nas are just a few celebrity names that enjoy STK restaurant at The Cosmopolitan
week to recover @placeholder, when colder temperatures would afford them
By Associated Press and James Rush Father Robert Cormier, of Jersey City, died after falling about 1,000ft from the top of Oregon's tallest peak, it has been reported A Catholic priest from New Jersey died after falling about 1,000ft from the top of Oregon's tallest peak. Father Robert Cormier, 57, of Jersey City, ascended Mount Hood's south side with two others but continued alone when one of his companions suffered a leg cramp, Hood River County sheriff's spokesman Pete Hughes said. Father Cormier appeared to reach the summit before he fell near Eliot Glacier at the volcanic peak 50 miles east of Portland. @highlight Father Robert Cormier ascended Mount Hood's south side with two others @highlight But he continued alone when one of his companions suffered leg cramp @highlight He appeared to reach the summit before he fell near Eliot Glacier at the volcanic peak, investigators have said
History: @placeholder's debut made him the third youngest player to ever appear for Stoke
Manchester City midfielder Frank Lampard touchingly swapped shirts with Stoke City teenager Oliver Shenton following their Premier League clash on Wednesday night after learning from Peter Crouch that the youngster had recently lost his mother to cancer. Upon hearing the news from his former England team-mate, Lampard approached 17-year-old Shenton after Manchester City's 4-1 win at The Britannia and the pair agreed to swap shirts. Lampard had to suffer the bereavement of his own mum Pat in 2008, a tragedy he later admitted left him 'in a daze' and almost unable to remember his performances at Chelsea that season. Manchester City's Frank Lampard traded shirts with Stoke City teenager Oliver Shenton on Wednesday @highlight Frank Lampard traded shirts with Stoke City teenager Oliver Shenton @highlight Peter Crouch told Lampard that Shenton had lost his mother to cancer @highlight The 17-year-old was making his first-team league debut @highlight The game was played two days after his mother's funeral @highlight The former Chelsea midfielder approached the youngster to trade shirts @highlight Lampard's own mother, Pat, passed away in 2008 @highlight Lampard's Manchester City beat Stoke 4-1 at the Britannia on Wednesday
'made her heart feel better' so many people were affected by @placeholder's
By Emily Anne Epstein PUBLISHED: 11:46 EST, 4 October 2012 | UPDATED: 15:37 EST, 4 October 2012 An Oakland Athletics pitcher has gone from the joy of welcoming his first son into the world to mourning his tragic death in just 23 short hours, sharing every moment of his emotional journey with his fans. Gehrig John Neshek was born weighing 8lbs, 5oz, to parents Pat Neshek, 32, and wife Stephanee on Tuesday, October 2, 2012, but the boy did not make it through the night, passing away in his mother's arms of an unknown condition. 'Please pray for my family,' Mr Neshek tweeted yesterday evening. 'Tonight my wife & I lost our first & only son 23 hours after he was born with no explanation.' @highlight Gehrig John Neshek was born weighing 8lbs, 5oz, to parents Pat Neshek, 32, and wife Stephanee @highlight Named after baseball legend Lou Gehrig on Tuesday, October 2, 2012 @highlight Died inexplicably while sleeping in his mother's arms
The USAF says that @placeholder included 12,618 sightings reports, with 701 of which remained 'unidentified' – or around 5.5 per cent of the files.
In 1948, the US government launched several inquiries into UFO sightings, which many believed were sparked by Cold War paranoia. In what became known as 'Project Blue Book,' more than 12,000 encounters with UFOs were looked into by the Air Force. Now, decades after the files were closed, the microfilms have been made available online for free – allowing anyone to re-examine the evidence. Scroll down for video Pictured is the staff of Project Blue Book, which recorded more than 12,000 encounters with UFOs. Sitting in the centre is Hector Quintanilla, the last chief officer of Project Blue Book @highlight The files relate to USAF investigations into UFO from 1947-1969 @highlight They were conducted under 'Project Blue Book' which ended in 1970 @highlight More than 700 cases remain unsolved, accounting for 5.5% of the files
So whether or not @placeholder actually stays focused on the economy is anyone's guess.
(CNN) -- For the better part of four years, voters have said the No. 1 issue is the economy. For the past year, the economy has been the GOP's primary point of attack against President Obama. For months, the economy and job creation has been Mitt Romney's calling card. So now that the president has stepped out and voiced support for marriage equality, we're going to see if the economy and jobs remain the top issue or if the direction of this election has been permanently altered by Obama's historic remarks. Remember, Republicans characterized the war on women as a Democratic strategy to divert attention from the "real issue" of the economy. Over the next couple of days, we'll see if the GOP will be as dismissive with gay rights. Or will the fact that in 2004, George W. Bush successfully used discrimination against the gay-lesbian-bisexual-transgender (GLBT) community to motivate his base be too juicy a strategy for Romney and the gang to pass up? @highlight LZ Granderson: For years, the economy has been seen as the dominant issue @highlight He asks if Obama's support for gay marriage will change the Romney camp's direction @highlight LZ: Obama showed he is no coward; he didn't have to address the issue before election @highlight He says the move separates Obama from Romney, whose flip flops have been an issue
Time and time again, he says, @placeholder has shown him kindness and opportunity.
Every day, millions of people like 16-year-old Celeste live their lives shouldering a huge emotional weight forged by fear, uncertainty and separation. She was only 10 years old when the reality of her family's desperate situation hit her in the face. Rolando Zenteno has lived more than half his 18 years in the United States, yet he still feels like an outsider. Another undocumented immigrant -- Prerna Lal -- is fighting to stay in her adopted homeland and dreaming of becoming an immigration lawyer. As Washington lawmakers try to hammer out an immigration reform plan while avoiding political gridlock, millions of people find themselves caught in the middle -- suspended between two worlds -- while not really belonging to either. @highlight With talk of reform, undocumented immigrants reveal their fears and hopes @highlight Immigrant: "I identify with American culture," but he hears "you're not part of us."
VIDEO Scroll down to watch Malky Mackay takes his first @placeholder training session
MATT LAWTON: Malky Mackay and Iain Moody investigated by FA over 'sexist, racist and homophobic' text messages during time at Cardiff Wigan Athletic boss Malky Mackay has taken charge of his first training session since his appointment at the Championship outfit. Mackay, who was confirmed as the new manager of Wigan on Wednesday, will be hoping his side can bounce back from two consecutive defeats on Saturday. The Latics take on Middlesbrough at the DW Stadium in what will be Mackay’s first game in management since it was exclusively revealed by Sportsmail that he was being investigated by the FA over ‘sexist, racist and homophobic’ text messages. @highlight Malky Mackay was appointed new manager of Wigan on Wednesday @highlight The Scotsman is preparing his side for match against Middlesbrough @highlight Mackay is being investigated by the FA over 'sexist, racist and homophobic' text messages @highlight QPR boss Harry Redknapp insists Mackay deserves a second chance
@placeholder warns of civil war if Ukraine uses force to quell eastern revolts
(CNN) -- She was sitting across from me on the bus in Odessa when we struck up a conversation. Her daughter, maybe 2 years old, was playing with her cell phone. Dressed casually in jeans and a shirt, she told me she had finished university and was entering law school. Her husband was a linguist. They lived in Kiev, but had come to the coastal town of Odessa for vacation. She asked what I do. This was midway through my four years of living in Odessa. I told her about my organization, This Child Here, and how we work with orphanages and shelters to help Ukrainian children. Aside from spending on what you would expect on the kids -- clothes, food and medicine -- I told her that I've paid for horse therapy, sailing lessons, martial arts, English and math lessons, dance classes and more. She listened patiently. @highlight Pro-Russian protesters are calling for independence in eastern Ukrainian cities @highlight Robert Gamble: Vladimir Putin thinks Russia is the parent and Ukraine is a child @highlight He says Ukraine isn't interested in hearing that narrative any more @highlight Gamble: In Ukraine, Russians and Ukrainians have lived peacefully until now
Exuberant: @placeholder unveiled a typically flamboyant new collection at Just Cavalli - complete with the designer's trademark prints, in floral and in check
By Ruth Styles PUBLISHED: 04:19 EST, 20 September 2013 | UPDATED: 04:19 EST, 20 September 2013 From pop art prints at Prada to luxe minimalism at MaxMara and big blooms galore at Just Cavalli, Milan Fashion Week has gotten off to a typically stylish start. Gucci kicked things off on day one with creative director Frida Giannini offering up a typically glamorous collection that pivoted around a succession of sleek silk dresses worn with fishnet bras followed by a rainbow of block colour separates. Print also made its presence felt on Giannini's catwalk with luxe tunics in inky black emblazoned with exotic florals in suitably tropical hues. And Giannini wasn't the only one to embrace print. Kicking off day two was the flamboyant Roberto Cavalli, showing his diffusion line, Just Cavalli. @highlight Gucci kicked off Milan Fashion Week with a typically slick effort from creative director Frida Giannini @highlight Day two's highlights included a strong showing from Karl Lagerfeld at Fendi and pop art prints at Prada @highlight Watching from the front row was Anna Wintour, Franca Sozzani, Anna Dello Russo and Cate Blanchett
Her reaction was understandable, Chestnut said, but @placeholder's was not.
(CNN) -- A former Florida A&M football player fatally shot by police in Charlotte, North Carolina, was clearly seeking help after a car wreck -- and video from the squad car's dashboard camera will prove it, an attorney for the man's family said Wednesday. Officer Randall Kerrick shot the unarmed Jonathan Ferrell, 24, last month after a woman -- home alone with her 1-year-old child -- called 911 and reported that someone was trying to break down her front door. Ferrell had wrecked his car down the street and had simply gone to the nearest home seeking help, family attorney Chris Chestnut said. @highlight Attorney asks why police would think Jonathan Ferrell was robber when he approached @highlight Police fatally shot the 24-year-old after woman called 911 to report home invasion @highlight Ferrell had been involved in a serious wreck a block away and was seeking help, attorney says @highlight Fiancee called Ferrell "Sweets" and said he made people smile, cared for others
David is now preparing to watch the Great British hopefuls at the @placeholder gets into full flow this weekend.
By Chris Parsons PUBLISHED: 11:06 EST, 26 July 2012 | UPDATED: 20:00 EST, 26 July 2012 When medal winner David Bond scooped gold at the last London Olympics over half a century ago, the event was a far cry from the all-encompassing, multi-billion pound 'Greatest Show on Earth' it is today. Now 64 years after the capital last hosted the Games, Britain's only surviving gold medal winner has described how it felt competing in the first post-war Olympics in 1948. Sporting hero Mr Bond, now 90, claimed gold as one half of the Swallow class sailing team - having taken unpaid leave from work to compete in the Games his bosses barely cared about. @highlight David Bond, 90, was one half of medal-winning sailing team 64 years ago @highlight He tells how holidaymakers in Britain did not even know 1948 Games were going on
When false claims about habitual drug use were introduced I did everything possible to ensure the (@placeholder) was aware of the sustained background campaign deliberately designed to destroy my reputation."
London (CNN) -- British police said Sunday they would examine evidence suggesting that celebrity chef Nigella Lawson took cocaine. The news came days after Lawson's two former personal assistants were cleared of fraud in a trial that saw the chef admit to occasionally using drugs including cocaine. In a statement on Sunday the Metropolitan Police said a specialist team would examine "all the evidence emerging as part of a review into this matter and in conjunction with the Crown Prosecution Service, will determine an appropriate way forward." However, police added that there was "no imminent prospect" of a prosecution being mounted against Lawson. @highlight UK police to examine evidence that celebrity chef Nigella Lawson took cocaine @highlight News came days after Lawson's two former assistants were cleared of fraud @highlight Both assistants claimed to have seen signs of repeated drug use by Lawson @highlight Lawson admits having occasionally used drugs including cocaine
Crowd pleaser: @placeholder attracted masses of people on it's debut night
By Freya Noble Sydney's extravagant VIVID light festival hit the harbour city with a bang during its Friday night debut. The Opera House was lit up in galactic-inspired designs, surreal snakeskin and multi-coloured digital patterns, with one stage of the sequence looking as though Jackson Pollock has taken to the landmark with his famous abstract paintbrush. Cars with 'feelings', large inflatable animals and an interactive xylophone are just some of the weird and wonderful light displays at this year's festival. Festival of colour: Sydney's iconic Opera House is transformed by projections of butterfly wings on the first night of the Vivid Festival which attracts tens of thousands of people @highlight The sails of the Opera House have been illuminated with multicoloured digital, floral and out of this world designs @highlight The festival opened at 6pm, and an indigenous smoking ceremony was held aboard a ferry to cleanse the harbour @highlight Vivid runs until June 9
Then they dressed Gordon up in a new disguise with a neck tattoo, sideburns, mullet covered by a camouflage hat and sent him over in a fake cab (with real markings) to pick @placeholder up at the hotel.
(CNN) -- You insisted the first Jeff Gordon wild-driving viral video was a fake. What do you think of the second one, Travis Okulski? Oh, this one is "unequivocally, one hundred percent, totally, absolutely real," he says. How would he know? Because he's in it, the victim of a prank and Gordon's revenge. A year ago, Okulski called out Gordon on the Jalopnik auto blog after the millions of views for a video in which Gordon dons a disguise and takes a supposedly unsuspecting car salesman for a high-speed test drive. It's one of those commercials masking itself as a video that begs the question: Is it fake? @highlight Auto blogger Travis Okulski made Jeff Gordon mad when he said a popular video was fake @highlight Gordon decided to take the blogger on a wild ride of his own @highlight Okulski swears his panicked screams are real, that he thought he might die @highlight A few conspiracists don't buy it; they think there are clues that this one is fake, too
'They assessed Maria as being at high risk of death or serious harm from @placeholder.
Police took away a mother's panic alarm in a 'huge catalogue' of failings just months before she was strangled by her ex partner - who had already killed before. Marc Chivers - who had been convicted of murdering another woman in 1992 - used a dog lead to kill Maria Stubbings at her home in Great Baddow, Essex in December 2008. A four-week inquest into the death has revealed a series of failures by Essex Police in 'almost every part of its investigation'. Marc Chivers, right, used a dog lead to kill Maria Stubbings, left, at her home in Great Baddow, Essex in December 2008 @highlight Marc Chivers used a dog lead to murder Maria Stubbings at her home @highlight He had already been convicted of killing another former partner in 1992 @highlight Police gave Ms Stubbings panic alarm after she reported assault by Chivers @highlight But they took it away from her when he was arrested the next day and he was later released, inquest told @highlight Despite repeated 999 calls after the release, police did not go to her house for a week @highlight Chivers told officers Ms Stubbings had gone away, but her body was found a day later under a pile of clothes in her bedroom @highlight After inquest, family hit out at Essex Police for 'huge catalogue' of failures @highlight Police admit they did not protect Ms Stubbings and apologised to her family @highlight Essex Coroner is sending a report about the case to the Government
Newcomer: @placeholder has made it onto the boys' list and is also popular for girls such as model Riley Keough ( left)
By Ruth Styles Harry and Amelia have been revealed as the most popular names for babies born in England and Wales for the second year in a row. Amelia was the top girls' name in 2011 and 2012 for parents from all regions of England and Wales, according to the Office of National Statistics, while Harry topped the bill in all but three areas . Muhammad was the second most popular name for boys across England and Wales, once variations in spelling are taken into account. Scroll down for video Popular princes: Harry topped the list of boys' names but William also made it into the top 10 @highlight Muhammad is most popular boys' name in London @highlight Ranked second in England and Wales once different spellings included @highlight Amelia tops the list of favourite girls' names @highlight Other popular boys' names included Riley, Jacob and Jack @highlight Traditional names like Violet, Ivy and Tilly making a comeback @highlight Bookmakers say George is odds-on to be in the top 10 next year
He was inspired to start the project after taking a vertical panorama in @placeholder but chose to focus the project in England.
By Emma Glanfield for MailOnline These incredible kaleidoscopic-style photographs capture England's churches and cathedrals in all their glory. The series of vertical panoramas, taken in churches all over the country by travel photographer Richard Silver, showcase the buildings' stunning patterns and designs. The 52-year-old, from New York, began his panoramic project in 2012 and has since travelled across England including Wells, London, Salisbury, Brighton, Bristol, Bath and Glastonbury to document the architecture of churches. Richard Silver has spent the last two years taking photographs inside England's churches and cathedrals. Pictured: Southwark Cathedral (left) and Salisbury Cathedral Despite looking rather different on the outside, Southwark Cathedral (left) and Salisbury Cathedral (right) have remarkable similarities on the inside (top pictures) @highlight Travel photographer Richard Silver has spent the last two years photographing the inside of churches across England @highlight The 52-year-old, from New York, produces vertical panoramic shots of the interior to show off the ceilings of buildings @highlight He said he began project in the UK because it is steeped in history and religion and each photo is edited in Photoshop @highlight The keen photographer has travelled to Wells, London, Salisbury, Brighton, Bristol, Bath and Glastonbury for project
The company’s paperless commitment means that @placeholder saves more than 16 trees per year - equivalent to a tonne of paper.
If this technology firm's office is anything to go by, workplaces of the future will be cleaner and greener. Decos’ headquarters in the Netherlands looks like something from a sci-fi film and is entirely paperless - even down to the toilets. Energy is supplied by nearby wind farms, its fleet consists of dozens of electric vehicles and employees use apps and 'shower toilets'. The office (pictured) was built for Noordwijk-based technology firm Decos by Inbo Architects. Decos said it is so committed to environmentally sustainability it has removed all paper from its office - even toilet roll The building was designed by Inbo Architects. @highlight The office was built for Noordwijk-based technology firm Decos @highlight Firm has removed all paper such as letters, files and even toilet roll @highlight Instead, employees use apps, digital signatures and 'shower toilets' @highlight Its futuristic design was inspired by structures in Star Wars @highlight Building is powered by energy from wind farms, and its fleet is electric
@placeholder has denied the affair and, according to her, she has come under heavy criticism from her ex-husband's supporters, it has been reported.
By Daily Mail Reporter Last updated at 10:41 AM on 30th October 2011 Book: Jeremy Clarkson's ex-wife Alex Hall wants to write about the details of her marriage to the Top Gear star The first wife of TV presenter Jeremy Clarkson labelled him a 'bully and a hypocrite' as she lifted the lid on their alleged clandestine 10-year affair today. In a revealing interview, Alex Hall claimed she 'still loved' Top Gear presenter Clarkson, but that she'd had enough of being portrayed as a 'blackmailer' for wanting to write a book about their marriage. The mother-of-two said she felt forced to defend herself after revelations about their alleged affair, which purportedly happened while he was married to second wife Francie, were made public this week. @highlight Hall claims she was a 'discreet, decent, loyal ex-wife' @highlight She claims she had 'loved and honoured' Clarkson for 28 years
Crowds had lined the streets to see Queen Beatrix and her family ride by in an open-top bus during the @placeholder' annual holiday.
(CNN) -- Five people were killed Thursday after a man tried to attack the Dutch royal family during a Queen's Day celebration by crashing his car near the royal family's bus, Dutch police said. A car is pictured after crashing into the crowd waiting for the visit of the royal family in Apeldoorn. Authorities are not releasing the name of the man, but said they have charged him with with trying to attack the royal family. Twelve people were injured in the incident in the Dutch town of Apeldoorn, about 45 miles east of Amsterdam, police spokeswoman Esther Naber told CNN. @highlight NEW: Five people killed and five badly injured in incident in Dutch town of Apeldoorn @highlight Car hit crowd near open-top bus carrying Queen Beatrix of Netherlands @highlight Driver, among the badly hurt, is charged with trying to attack Dutch royal family
On Monday, @placeholder pulled a 2007 internet ad starring Pistorius, in which he says: 'I am the bullet in the chamber.'
By Thomas Durante, Reuters Reporter and Associated Press PUBLISHED: 14:05 EST, 20 February 2013 | UPDATED: 17:24 EST, 20 February 2013 It's double trouble for Nike and Oakley, which have been forced to sever ties with two of their top athletic moneymakers in a matter of months after respective falls from grace. Both companies announced this week they would drop sprinter Oscar Pistorius after the double amputee was charged with the murder of model girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp on Valentine's Day. The separation came just months since the same two athletic outfitters left the side of Lance Armstrong as his role was revealed in one of the most sophisticated doping scandals of all time. @highlight Both companies cut ties with disgraced star athletes after their respective scandals @highlight Nike famously stood by Tiger Woods during his infidelity saga, and later rekindled its relationship with quarterback Michael Vick
"Recession 101 isn't selling anything other than the @placeholder spirit," the campaign's Web site reads.
NEW YORK (CNN) -- Amid ominous economic forecasts and repeated bleak reports about America's financial future, messages of hope can be hard to come by. New billboards offer upbeat messages to get people to stay positive during the recession. One advertising campaign, dubbed "Recession 101," has hit the nation's roadsides with an array of slogans aimed at getting people to think optimistically during the recession. The economic "lessons," which include such catchphrases such as "self worth beats net worth," and "stop obsessing about the economy, you're scaring the children," started going up in May and now number around 2,000 postings across the country, according to Jeff Golimowski of the Outdoor Advertising Association of America. @highlight Recession billboards offer upbeat messages during rough economic times @highlight Ad campaign pops up in 30 states, including hard-hit Michigan, Rhode Island @highlight Anonymous donor paid for campaign's design
Parkinson started devising his Stamford Bridge blueprint on Thursday, taking shape and tactical sessions aimed at nullifying @placeholder's threat.
Less than 24 hours before one of the biggest-ever FA Cup giant-killings, Bradford's players are sitting in Kensington's Marriott Hotel watching Celebrity Big Brother. There are more enthralling ways to spend Friday night in London, but for these players the excitement is all to come. Two down against Chelsea on Saturday, the League One side mustered a glorious comeback, scoring four times to leave Jose Mourinho's hopes of an historic quadruple in tatters and the Chelsea boss talking of being 'ashamed'. But how did this team of free transfers pull it off? Bradford's players celebrate in front of their travelling supporters at Stamford Bridge after beating Chelsea @highlight Bradford City came from behind to beat Chelsea 4-2 at Stamford Bridge @highlight The League One side went for a walk around Kensington before the match @highlight Manager Phil Parkinson told his players they were fitter than the Blues @highlight Filipe Morais says he was inspired by Cambridge's draw with Man United @highlight The Bantams could 'smell' the tide changing at 2-2, admits Morais
"St Andrews has proved time and again that it is perfectly equipped to host The Open and I am certain we will yet again see a worthy winner lift the @placeholder.
(CNN) -- The 2015 British Open will take place at St Andrews it was confirmed Tuesday, with golf's oldest major returning to the Scottish course for the 29th time. The venue, known as 'The Home of Golf', last held the tournament in 2010, with South Africa's Louis Oosthuizen claiming a seven-shot victory for his first major triumph. The 2015 tournament will be the 144th edition of the championship and will take place from July 16-19. "We are delighted to announce that The Open will be returning to St Andrews and the historic Old Course in 2015," Royal and Ancient chief executive Peter Dawson told the European Tour's official website. @highlight The British Open will return to St Andrews in 2015 @highlight The 144th tournament will be the 29th to take place at 'The Home of Golf' @highlight Louis Oosthuizen won the Claret Jug when the Open was last played there in 2010
On Monday, @placeholder said the company had been vindicated.
(CNN) -- Attorneys have dropped a lawsuit alleging that Taco Bell's beef was mostly not beef, both sides in the legal battle said. Alabama-based law firm Beasley Allen claimed in the class-action lawsuit in January that lab tests had shown that the eatery's beef was actually only 35 percent beef. The plaintiffs said they wanted the fast-food restaurant to stop referring to its products as beef. Taco Bell's leadership vowed to fight the lawsuit. They took out newspaper ads in January slamming the claims as "absolutely false." In a full-page ad in major newspapers, Taco Bell proclaimed, "Thank you for suing us." @highlight The lawsuit alleged that Taco Bell's beef was only 35 percent beef @highlight "This sets the record straight," said Taco Bell's president @highlight Taco Bell says it did not make changes to product or advertising because of suit @highlight Law firm says it did get Taco Bell to make changes
But here's what the three main players -- the United States, Russia and @placeholder -- are really thinking.
(CNN) -- On Saturday, the "let's make ourselves feel better" club will convene in Geneva to try to figure out what to do about Syria. The motives of those gathering in Geneva at the invitation of U.N. Special Envoy Kofi Annan -- the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council (United States, France, China, Britain and Russia), plus Turkey and a number of Arab league members including Iraq and Qatar -- are well-intentioned. Their concern over the continued killing, more than 12,000 dead with thousands more wounded and imprisoned, is understandable. But sadly, the results of the Geneva meeting, even with some added wind at its back (the Turks are madder than ever at Syria for downing a Turkish reconnaissance plane earlier this week), are not likely to produce much new. @highlight Aaron Miller: World leaders will meet in Geneva to discuss what to do about Syria conflict @highlight He says plan is to agree on plan for unity government, ending violence. Expect little else @highlight He says involved powers want al-Assad out, but have different, often conflicting agendas @highlight Miller: Al-Assad will inevitably go, powers must prepare to step in with costly help
Lucrative: @placeholder awarded Hernandez five-year contract worth $40 million last year
PUBLISHED: 15:10 EST, 26 June 2013 | UPDATED: 15:11 EST, 26 June 2013 Police have charged Aaron Hernandez with murder and weapons counts in connection with the slaying of a semi-pro American football player whose body was found in an industrial park about a mile from Hernandez's home. Hernandez was taken from his home in handcuffs on Wednesday morning and, less than two hours after his arrest, the New England Patriots announced they had cut him from their team. He is being held without bail. The investigation started more than a week ago after semi-pro football player Odin Lloyd was found slain in an industrial park in North Attleboro, on the Rhode Island line not far from where the Patriots play. @highlight Hernandez charged with one count of murder and five weapons violations @highlight American football star taken from his house in handcuffs on Wednesday @highlight New England Patriots release Hernandez
He also said the @placeholder is not pushing one faith among troops.
KANSAS CITY, Kansas (CNN) -- Army Spc. Jeremy Hall was raised Baptist. Army Spc. Jeremy Hall, who was raised Baptist but is now an atheist, says the military violated his religious freedom. Like many Christians, he said grace before dinner and read the Bible before bed. Four years ago when he was deployed to Iraq, he packed his Bible so he would feel closer to God. He served two tours of duty in Iraq and has a near perfect record. But somewhere between the tours, something changed. Hall, now 23, said he no longer believes in God, fate, luck or anything supernatural. @highlight Army Spc. Jeremy Hall was raised Baptist but is now an atheist @highlight His sudden lack of faith cost him his military career and put his life at risk, he says @highlight Hall sued the Defense Department; claims military is a Christian organization @highlight Pentagon official: Complaints about evangelizing are "relatively rare"
Progress: @placeholder pictured with his litter as a pud, left, and with owner Ashleigh, right
By Inderdeep Bains PUBLISHED: 18:06 EST, 25 December 2012 | UPDATED: 18:07 EST, 25 December 2012 If there were ever any doubts that showing off is in Pudsey the dancing dog’s blood, this family picture should dispel them. The Britain’s Got Talent star has been enjoying some well-deserved time off with his brothers Hero, Toggle and Kez, and sisters Piper and Becky. The litter of six were all back together for the first time since puppyhood at a party to celebrate Christmas and their forthcoming seventh birthday which is on Friday. Star quality: Britain's Got Talent star Pudsey was joined by his siblings, from left, Kez, Piper, Pudsey, Hero, Toggle and Becky @highlight Celebrity dog joined siblings Hero, Toggle, Kez, Piper and Becky @highlight Together for first time since puppies and celebrate birthday on Friday @highlight Britain's Got Talent winning dog took break from busy schedule
Corruption, he tells me, is the root of the @placeholder military's problem.
Northern Nigeria (CNN)I didn't want to ask the question. I could already guess the pain behind the answer. "Do you think your husband is dead?" Her mouth twists, contorting her young face, tears welling in her already reddened eyes. "I don't know... I pray to God to give him another chance," she finally manages to stutter. Her sadness is heavy and blankets both of us. She tells me she has three children, and they last saw their father four months ago when he went back to his army unit on the front line in Nigeria's battle with the radical Islamist extremist group Boko Haram. @highlight Some military families still don't know what's happened to their husbands, fathers @highlight The Nigerian military seems under-equipped compared to Boko Haram fighters @highlight Nigerian soldiers must buy their own uniforms
That was my normal life before and since I became @placeholder it suddenly stopped.
(CNN) -- Riyo Mori is a classically trained ballet dancer who won the 2007 Miss Universe beauty pageant. She talks to CNN about Tokyo, dancing and baseball. Trained ballet dancer Riyo Mori was crowned Miss Universe in 2007. CNN: What made you decide to enter the Miss Universe competition? Riyo Mori: My Grandmother. Japan, 50 or 60 years ago, was very conservative. Women had to stand behind men and never talk, never give an opinion -- and my grandma was different. I love her so much. She found out that there was Miss Universe Japan and that's how everything started. She said, "Riyo, you're young, you can dance, you can teach dancing, you love it, it's good -- but maybe you should see a different world. Just go for it." And I said, 'OK' and now I'm here. @highlight Riyo Mori says her grandmother convinced her to enter Miss Universe @highlight She says Tokyo has a very mixed culture and the city never sleeps @highlight She wants to teach young people to be patient and happy, through dancing @highlight Tokyo is a great place to shop -- especially Ginza and Harajuko, she says
@placeholder dress code does not mention bare midriffs but does say
By Louise Boyle A woman who is 18 weeks' pregnant was asked to leave a Planet Fitness gym during her workout because her 'belly was hanging out'. Melissa Mantor, 31, was told by a female employee on Monday that her outfit - of a tank top and leggings - violated dress code at the gym in Charleston, South Carolina. The stay-at-home mom, who has been married since 2006 and has a three-year-old daughter, told MailOnline: 'I went to the gym for my usual workout but it was the first day that I was visibly pregnant. 'I was on the treadmill, when a female employee came up to me and said ''I'm going to have to ask you to leave, you are in violation of the dress code.'' @highlight Melissa Mantor was asked to leave by a female employee on Monday who said that her outfit violated dress code at the South Carolina gym @highlight Mrs Mantor, 31, who has a 3-year-old daughter, said she was deeply embarrassed by the confrontation @highlight The stay-at-home mom has worn the tank top to the gym countless times over 3 years and is even pictured wearing it in her membership photo @highlight She told MailOnline: 'I can't go to a gym where they would make someone feel bad about themselves when they are trying to stay in shape'
The second contract, which was not to be revealed to the U.S. government, "deleted the required language protecting the victim from other forms of exploitation and abuse" and also deleted language that said @placeholder agreed to abide by U.S. laws, Bharara said Wednesday.
(CNN) -- The attorney for an Indian diplomat whose arrest and detention in New York sparked an international controversy on visa fraud charges said Thursday the allegations are baseless. And he accused U.S. authorities of deliberately mishandling her arrest. "They were trying to humiliate her and flex their muscle, and they succeeded in doing that," Dan Arshack, lawyer for Devyani Khobragade, told CNN's "New Day." But the attorney for a housekeeper at the center of allegations that Khobragade violated an agreement in a visa document by underpaying her said Arshack is the one who doesn't have the facts straight. The salvos came a day after the chief federal prosecutor in Manhattan, U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, lashed out at those questioning the legitimacy of the case, which has infuriated Indian society and led to repercussions from the Indian government. @highlight Housekeeper's attorney says diplomat's attorney's "story keeps changing" @highlight Diplomat's attorney accuses U.S. authorities of "trying to humiliate" @highlight India's external affairs minister plans to talk to John Kerry on Thursday @highlight Prosecutors say diplomat lied to authorities about working conditions of her housekeeper
It emerged this week that Heist had set up a new life as a @placeholder cleaner and never spoke about the family she left behind.
By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 11:30 EST, 5 May 2013 | UPDATED: 12:02 EST, 5 May 2013 A runaway mom who went missing for 11 years before walking into a police station last week did so because there was an outstanding warrant for her arrest. Brenda Heist, who was eventually presumed dead by her husband and two children after suddenly going missing from their Pennsylvania home, walked into the Alachua County Jail in Gainsville, Florida last Friday after violating her probation. The 53-year-old was released from jail a few weeks ago after being arrested for drug possession and driving with an expired tag in Pinellas County, Florida. @highlight Brenda Heist walked into a Florida police station last Friday after being missing for 11 years @highlight Heist, 53, previously jailed for drug possession @highlight Her husband and two children were heartbroken to discover she had been secretly living without them and said they wanted nothing to do with her @highlight Brenda who said she left Lititz, Pennsylvania to live as a homeless person actually worked as a cleaner and lived with new friends
How @placeholder stands: An outline of who controls where in the war-torn country
By Leon Watson Last updated at 5:52 PM on 16th September 2011 Rebel fighters are near to capturing Colonel Gaddafi's last two strongholds as the final assault on the remnants of his regime was launched today. National Transitional Council forces claim to have punched their way into Libya's coastal city of Sirte, where Gaddafi was born. Truckloads of fighters are also hurtling towards Gaddafi's other last bastion of support, the desert enclave of Bani Walid. Fighting rages: Anti-Gaddafi fighters fire a 130mm missile at pro-Gaddafi forces near east of Sirte Advancing: Libyan NTC fighters fire rockets on the outskirts of Sirte @highlight Anti-Gaddafi forces take control of old airport @highlight Loyalists hit back with sniper and rocket attacks @highlight Fierce fighting in Bani Walid as rebels a launch second offensive @highlight Civilians told to flee ahead of a full-out onslaught
In a statement posted on the government's website, @placeholder said that by quitting he intended to "create more opportunities for social and political compromise for a peaceful settlement of the conflict."
Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych accepted the resignation of Prime Minister Mykola Azarov and his government Tuesday, amid a political crisis fired by violent protests on the country's streets. Azarov and his Cabinet will continue in their roles until a new government is formed, a notice on the presidential website said. Yanukovych's announcement comes only hours after Azarov submitted his resignation and as the national parliament met in an emergency session aimed at ending the crisis. In a first step, lawmakers voted overwhelmingly to repeal sweeping anti-protest laws whose passage this month angered anti-government demonstrators. The special parliamentary session also looked at legislation that might provide amnesty for more than 200 people arrested since the demonstrations began in late November. It's been adjourned until Wednesday, when lawmakers will continue the debate, state news agency Ukrinform said. @highlight Senior European official urges restraint, dialogue between parties in Ukraine @highlight President Viktor Yanukovych accepts resignation of Prime Minister and Cabinet @highlight Parliament debates legislation that might give amnesty to arrested protesters @highlight Lawmakers vote by an overwhelming majority to repeal sweeping anti-protest laws
Despite the spy row, Merkel insisted that @placeholder and the U.S. remain close partners 'and nothing about this will change.'
By Ted Thornhill and Associated Press Angela Merkel has ordered its intelligence service to spy on the U.S and Britain for the first time since 1945, according to reports. The move will see Germany’s equivalent of MI5, the BND, monitor British and American spying operations on its soil. The move is thought to be a response to the discovery earlier this month of two alleged U.S. spies in Germany and revelations that the U.S. National Security Agency was conducting mass surveillance of German citizens and eavesdropping on Merkel's cellphone. Scroll down for video On the look-out: Angela Merkel has ordered its intelligence service to spy on the U.S and Britain for the first time since 1945 @highlight The move will see Germany's MI5 monitor British and American spying @highlight Move thought to be response to alleged U.S. spies in Germany @highlight It comes after Merkel demanded departure of the CIA station chief in Berlin
Residents of @placeholder are now enjoying the peaceful surroundings and living without the fear of intimidation, loud music and abuse perpetrated by David Lea.'
Trouble: David Lea played extremely loud music at all hours of the day and night and has been evicted A man who terrorised his neighbours and made life a misery for many in his street has been evicted by a city council. Since David Lea, 45, moved into his flat on Mary Carpenter Place, Bristol, in 2011, the council has received numerous complaints. Dubbing himself Dave 'Techno' Lea, he played extremely loud music at all hours of the day and night and on one occasion his tunes blared out for two whole days. Bristol City Council said Lea used to have 'hundreds' of visitors calling at all hours and had no regard for other residents’ peace and quiet. @highlight David Lea used to have 'hundreds' of visitors calling at all hours the council said @highlight He racially abused a female neighbour and members of the community @highlight The 45-year-old allowed his dog to run out of control around the small estate
(In Fishman's defense, it's tough to blame @placeholder's failure on his leadership alone; it seems highly unlikely that any CEO, however determined, could crash such a large thrift in just two weeks.)
(Mental Floss) -- Work hard, get promoted, succeed in your new post, and eventually you'll start earning the big money. This progression seems like a firmly ingrained part of the American Dream, and it's certainly worked for a lot of people. Michael Ovitz spent $6 million on office renovations, Lakers tickets, and a BMW, among other expenses. However, these steps aren't absolutely necessary to fatten your bank account, as Washington Mutual CEO Alan Fishman learned last week. When WaMu failed and was seized by government regulators, Fishman had been on the job for just 17 days. However, he was contractually guaranteed $11.6 million in cash severance on top of the $7.5 million signing bonus he got for taking the job. @highlight Washington Mutual's Alan Fishman got about $20 million for 17 days of work @highlight Disney dumped Michael Ovitz after only 16 months and paid him $100 million @highlight Actor Billy Dee Williams' "pay-or-play" clause paid him money for not acting @highlight Yankees paid Carl Pavano $39.9 million to start only 26 baseball games in 4 years
Al-Assad has not been able to crush the opposition, and opposition seems nowhere near to dislodging @placeholder.
(CNN) -- The six-point peace plan for Syria proposed by Kofi Annan is doomed to fail for one simple reason: Neither President Bashar al-Assad nor the government opposition is interested in making it work. For al-Assad, full implementation of the plan, which includes a political settlement through dialogue and respect for the rights of citizens to demonstrate peacefully, will bring an end to his regime. From the onset of the uprisings, his government knew that a repeat of the protests in Egypt's Tahrir Square or Bahrain's Pearl Square in Damascus or Aleppo will mean regime change. Al-Assad and his inner circle are not about to create conditions that are conducive for such sit-ins just because the Annan plan calls on them to do so. @highlight Randa Slim: The peace plan for Syria proposed by Kofi Annan is doomed to fail @highlight Slim: After more than a year of uprisings, Syria is still stuck in a violent stalemate @highlight She says one possible game changer is if the protests in Syria become more widespread @highlight Slim: Members in local councils are Syria's best hope for future leadership
What @placeholder, who after disparaging 47% of Americans for being dependents has insisted there was nothing wrong in what he said, fails to understand is that presidential apologies are nothing new.
(CNN) -- Mitt Romney hates apologies. That's why he leaped to the conclusion that, in the wake of the killing of Libya Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other State Department employees, the Obama administration had issued an apology for America's actions. "It's a terrible course for America to stand in apology for our values," Romney declared. "It's disgraceful that the Obama administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks." What Romney called a disgraceful response by the Obama administration to the Libyan killings was in fact a statement issued before the killings by America's Cairo Embassy condemning an anti-Islam film that portrays the Prophet Mohammed as a child molester. @highlight Nicolaus Mills: Romney's hatred of apologies shows in his book's title: "No Apology" @highlight Mills: Romney slammed Obama "apology" that was never made; but he forgets history @highlight Mills: Clinton apologized for Rwanda, Reagan apologized for WWII Japanese internments @highlight Mills: Even George W. Bush said he was sorry for sniper using Quran for target practice
'We've had some difficult weekends throughout this season, but if I'm honest, looking back at it now, I wouldn't want it any other way,' said @placeholder on the team's official website.
By Ian Parkes, Press Association Lewis Hamilton heads into Formula One's summer break with a smile on his face after believing he has proven himself in times of adversity. Hamilton could have been cut severely adrift of Mercedes team-mate and title rival Nico Rosberg in the championship standings following disastrous qualifying sessions in the last two races. But from 20th on the grid in the German Grand Prix following a brake disc failure, and a pit-lane start in Hungary on Sunday in the wake of a fire sparked by a fuel leak, Hamilton battled through to third on both occasions. @highlight Lewis Hamilton just 11 points behind Mercedes team-mate Nico Rosberg @highlight British driver finished third in Hungarian Grand Prix last Sunday @highlight Comfortable in car, insists he can push on to win championship @highlight Felipe Massa believes Williams will be competitive again upon restart
New Bolton singing Gudjohnsen watched on from the stands as his new side faced @placeholder
Eidur Gudjohnsen is aiming to turn back the clock and thrill Bolton fans again after the 36-year-old returned 'home' 14 years since he last played for Wanderers. The veteran Icelander is back at the club he first joined in 1998, aiming to experience a late-career renaissance having returned to these shores following short stints with Tottenham, Stoke and Fulham. Gudjohnsen embarked on an upward trajectory when he left Bolton in 2000, enjoying trophy-laden spells at Chelsea and Barcelona, but he has failed to settle since despite playing in France, England, Greece and Belgium. Eidur Gudjohnsen looked delighted to be back at Bolton Wanderers when unveiled on Tuesday afternoon @highlight Eidur Gudjohnsen had been a free agent since the summer @highlight The Iceland forward, 36, watched his new club at Reading @highlight He was previously at Wanderers from 1998 until 2000
Radamel Falcao has abuse hurled at him by @placeholder fans as he makes his way off the pitch to be substituted
Preston North End 1-3 Manchester United. It wasn't pretty, and it was far from easy. What Louis van Gaal could have done with, was a striker on top form. Preston aren't a bad side - they're fourth in League One and real contenders for promotion to the second tier of English football - but the might of Manchester United should have brushed them aside with ease. Radamel Falcao should have brushed them aside with ease. Preston took the lead just after half-time, and they were in with a real chance of progressing to the quarter-finals of the FA Cup until Ander Herrera got the ball rolling, and Marouane Fellaini put them ahead. No Falcao in sight. @highlight Radamel Falcao played an hour against Preston, but didn't have a shot @highlight He was substituted after failing to make an impact in the FA Cup match @highlight Louis van Gaal has a big decision to make over the Colombian's future @highlight It will cost £43million if they decide to keep him, and it is a huge gamble
Previously, the league stated a sale would only be considered if @placeholder chose to sell it in its entirety.
By Chris Pleasance Shelly Sterling will accept offers this week to buy the LA Clippers after meeting with potential buyer Steve Ballmer on Sunday, it has been claimed. Ballmer, a former Microsoft CEO thought to be worth $20billion (£11.8billion), is leading a group of investors looking to buy the sports franchise and reportedly spoke with Sterling on Sunday in a meeting overseen by the NBA. Shelly has committed to offloading the team, which could be worth $1.5billion, after her husband Donald was recorded making racist remarks leading to the NBA banning him from the league. Shelly Sterling is looking to do a deal over the LA Clippers this week, it has been reported. She was handed control of the franchise after husband Donald was banned from the NBA @highlight Shelly Sterling reportedly looking to do deal over LA Clippers this week @highlight Frontrunner is former Microsoft CEO and multi-billionaire Steve Ballmer @highlight Magic Johnson, Daivd Geffen and Larry Ellison thought to be interested @highlight Shelly handed control of team after husband Donald was banned from NBA
@placeholder-owned cruise liners from docking as they arrived from the
By Tom Worden Last updated at 1:34 PM on 29th February 2012 'Falklands should be Argentinean': Roger Waters, 68, said he was ashamed of Britain's colonial past Pink Floyd star Roger Waters has entered the debate over the Falkland Islands, declaring that they ‘should be Argentinian’. In an interview with Chilean television, the 68-year-old said he was happy to say so as an Englishman because he was ashamed of Britain’s colonial past, ‘when we were out raping and plundering and stealing’. Asked about the rights of the residents to decide their future, he conceded: ‘The Falkland Islanders are British ... so they have a point of view.’ @highlight Comments come after Sean Penn accused Britain of 'ludicrous and archaic colonialism' over the islands
announced that @placeholder would be included when they began filming
By Lydia Warren Duck Dynasty star Alan Robertson has come to his homophobic father's defense in an impassioned speech, branding him a '21st Century prophet' who is being punished for speaking 'truths'. Following in the footsteps of his father's religious rants, Alan, the oldest son of Phil Robertson, made the comments in an address at the Watchmen on the Wall conference in Washington D.C. last week. He explained that the outcry at his father's December interview in GQ magazine - in which he likened homosexuality to bestiality - had not changed his views. 'It hasn't changed us one bit, who we are, what we believe and what we teach other people. And it won't,' he told the audience in a video of the speech. @highlight Alan Robertson, a former pastor, spoke in Washington D.C. last week and said outcry at his dad's homophobic comments had not affected his views @highlight 'He has the heart and mindset of a prophet,' he said @highlight Phil Robertson was briefly dropped from A&E show Ducky Dynasty last year after he compared homosexuality to bestiality in an interview @highlight He was also filmed expressing the same beliefs in a sermon last month
But there also is evidence of doubts that give @placeholder the opening to at least cut into the president's margins here, something he must do to have any chance of winning statewide.
Dumfries, Virginia (CNN) -- Retiree Robert Stevens says he often turns off the television when the attack ads appear, and he hangs up the phone when it's a presidential campaign calling. "I want to make my own independent decision," Stevens said in a lunchtime conversation this week at Harold and Cathy's Dumfries Cafe. "I don't want anybody shoving stuff down my throat." Four years ago, Stevens recalls being "fed up with Bush" and intrigued by the idea of being part of history. "I voted for Mr. Obama," he said. "It was something different for the country. Something that hadn't happened before -- a black president. I got caught up in that a little bit. But I think he is a disappointment. I don't see jobs coming back. The housing market is coming back a little bit. But unemployment is still way above where it should -- where he predicted it would be." @highlight Self-described independent disappointed with Obama but not sold on Romney @highlight Democrat didn't vote for Obama in 2008 because she didn't think he could keep promises @highlight GOP pollster says transplants have turned traditionally red state into a purple state @highlight Democratic congressman says Romney image from primaries will come back to haunt him
Hardin has said his client never meant to harm the boy and was simply doling out discipline much like "he experienced as a child growing up in @placeholder."
Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson will tentatively go to trial December 1 on a felony child abuse charge, but that date could be pushed back if a Texas judge must recuse himself for calling attorneys "media whores." Until the trial is finished, Peterson will be barred from having contact with the son involved in the criminal case, but the judge set no such parameters for Peterson's contact with his other children. Peterson, who was accompanied by his wife, other family members and legal team, appeared in court during the brief Wednesday hearing. One of his attorneys, Rusty Hardin, and Montgomery County District Attorney Brett Ligon engaged in a serious conversation for about 30 minutes before approaching the bench. @highlight Judge apologizes to prosecutor, defense attorney, saying "media whores" jab was joke @highlight Adrian Peterson faces felony child abuse charge for allegedly whipping son with branch @highlight "I hope y'all will start chasing the other side some," attorney tells reporters at courthouse @highlight NFL commissioner says league discussing how to treat players before their trials
On another farm, @placeholder's fight for his land has just escalated to another level.
HARARE, Zimbabwe (CNN) -- A desperate Zimbabwean farmer fighting to hold onto his land -- a year after the country's political rivals pledged to govern jointly -- fears he will eventually lose to politics and violence. Ben Freeth's farm was gutted by fire, as was his father-in-law's. The power-sharing agreement included an undertaking by both parties to ensure property rights are upheld but farm attacks and invasions continue unabated in Zimbabwe. Charles Lock is one of an estimated 400 farmers who have remained in the country despite President Robert Mugabe's policy of redistributing white-owned farms to landless blacks. "Why do they want to remove me when I've complied with everything they want? What more do they want other than for me to pack my bags and leave and if that's the case, then admit that that is the policy. Pass a law: no whites are allowed to farm. Then it makes it clear," Lock said. @highlight Zimbabwe white farmers battle continuing policy of land redistribution @highlight One farmer shows CNN his fire-destroyed farmhouse @highlight Controversial policy gives white-owned farms to landless blacks @highlight Since 2000, more than 4,000 commercial farmers driven off their land
In the meantime, while these issues sort out, Google also announced this week that it's making it easier to integrate @placeholder into mobile web payments.
(CNN) -- The competition for payment processing services, especially mobile payments, is heating up. Last week Google kicked it up a notch by announcing that it's phasing out Google Checkout in favor of the new Google Wallet. This service supports in-store tap-to-pay payments from your phone via near field communications technology, as well as purchases on the web. If you log in to your Google Checkout account now, you'll be notified that you've been switched over to Google Wallet. Any credit cards or other payment information you've saved in Google Checkout will be available in Google Wallet. The catch: Google Wallet isn't yet widely used for in-store purchases. So far its NFC payments are enabled only for Sprint Nexus S users who also have a Citibank MasterCard or a Google prepaid card, and who are making purchases at MasterCard PayPass-enabled merchant locations. @highlight Google Wallet supports tap-to-pay phone payments using near field communication @highlight U.S. retailers are slow to adapt to NFC tools because of installation expenses and efforts @highlight Google Wallet will be offered as an option for Fandango.com and MovieTickets.com @highlight 45 carriers around the world have announced their support of standards for NFC payments

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