Add OpenSearch-text-hybrid for CMTEB

No description provided.
ahxgw changed pull request status to open
Massive Text Embedding Benchmark org

Cool! If you have a script feel free to add it here

Muennighoff changed pull request status to merged
Massive Text Embedding Benchmark org

Should I add the model to the leaderboard?
If yes, what is the max token length and the embedding dimension? I cannot find it on the website

Yes, please add the model to the leaderboard.
max token length: 512
embedding dimension: 1792

This model has not yet been updated on the leaderboard. Is there any additional information needed?

@Muennighoff This model has not yet been updated on the leaderboard. Is there any additional information needed?

Massive Text Embedding Benchmark org

Sorry it's coming!

@Muennighoff When exactly can the update be made? It has been submitted for several days now.

Massive Text Embedding Benchmark org
edited Feb 29

Supper sorry for the delay, it's been on there for a few hours now - congrats for topping the leaderboard!
Usually it is much faster, but this time I was also integrating a new French leaderboard, so it took a bit. Next time will be much faster!

@Muennighoff Thank you. I have seen it, and indeed, your update involves a significant amount of work.

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