name the serving line of narara railway station ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Narara_railway_station dbo_servingRailwayLine var_uri brack_close
in which of the parties that have governed over harrison , does nicholas murray butler belong too ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Nicholas_Murray_Butler dbo_party var_uri sep_dot dbr_Harrison,_Ohio dbo_leaderName var_uri brack_close
list the battles fought by da nang air base ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Da_Nang_Air_Base dbp_battles var_uri brack_close
which branch of military have both sam a . crow and thomas penfield jackson served ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Sam_A._Crow dbp_branch var_uri sep_dot dbr_Thomas_Penfield_Jackson dbp_branch var_uri sep_dot var_uri a dbo_MilitaryUnit brack_close
for which other teams do members of tonga national football team play ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbp_nationalteam dbr_Tonga_national_football_team sep_dot var_x dbo_team var_uri brack_close
list the movies whose music composer is often associated with drake .
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbp_associatedActs dbr_Drake_ attr_open rapper attr_close sep_dot var_uri dbo_musicComposer var_x sep_dot var_uri a dbo_Film brack_close
what is the total number of software whose programming language is tcl and operating system is posix ?
SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open var_uri dbo_programmingLanguage dbr_Tcl sep_dot var_uri dbo_operatingSystem dbr_POSIX brack_close
current players of belfast giants have previously played for how many different teams ?
SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open var_x dbo_team dbr_Belfast_Giants sep_dot var_x dbo_formerTeam var_uri sep_dot var_uri a dbo_SportsTeam brack_close
list the judge of the tv show whose one of the judge is christine lakin ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbp_judges dbr_Christine_Lakin sep_dot var_x dbp_judges var_uri sep_dot var_x a dbo_TelevisionShow brack_close
which governer of alquist priolo special studies zone act is also the president of raymond j . donovan ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Alquist_Priolo_Special_Studies_Zone_Act dbp_governor var_uri sep_dot dbr_Raymond_J._Donovan dbp_president var_uri brack_close
which key person of ronald reagan presidential campaign is also the president of gwendolyn king ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Ronald_Reagan_presidential_campaign,_1980 dbp_keyPeople var_uri sep_dot dbr_Gwendolyn_King dbo_president var_uri brack_close
name the river whose mouth place is fairfield township ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_mouthPlace dbr_Fairfield_Township,_Tuscarawas_County,_Ohio sep_dot var_uri a dbo_River brack_close
where do the rivers starting from austria end ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_sourceCountry dbr_Austria sep_dot var_x dbo_riverMouth var_uri sep_dot var_x a dbo_River brack_close
which cbbc tv show is related with doctor who ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_network dbr_CBBC_ attr_open TV_channel attr_close sep_dot var_uri dbo_related dbr_Doctor_Who sep_dot var_uri a dbo_TelevisionShow brack_close
name the sharehoders of fenway park ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Fenway_Park dbo_owner var_uri brack_close
what show has tv3 and s4c as channels ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_channel dbr_TV3_ attr_open Ireland attr_close sep_dot var_uri dbo_channel dbr_S4C sep_dot var_uri a dbo_TelevisionShow brack_close
who is the owner of batcave ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Batcave dbp_owners var_uri brack_close
what kind of things play on wwkx ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_WWKX dbo_programmeFormat var_uri brack_close
whihc alma mater of anita summers is also the training center of sue de beer ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Sue_de_Beer dbo_training var_uri sep_dot dbr_Anita_Summers dbo_almaMater var_uri brack_close
name the television show whose subsequent work is kourtney and kim take miami and opening theme is i'm in miami bitch ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_subsequentWork dbr_Kourtney_and_Kim_Take_Miami sep_dot var_uri dbo_openingTheme dbr_I'm_in_Miami_Bitch sep_dot var_uri a dbo_TelevisionShow brack_close
what are the common sports played by hardin–simmons university and polytechnic university of philippines university of alabama at birmingham ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Hardin–Simmons_University dbo_athletics var_uri sep_dot dbr_University_of_Alabama_at_Birmingham dbo_sport var_uri brack_close
list the total number of regions of the building whose are located in\saint john ?
SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open var_x dbo_region dbr_Saint_John,_New_Brunswick sep_dot var_x dbo_region var_uri brack_close
which political party of william morgan was the leader of cannelton ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_William_Morgan_ attr_open architect attr_close dbp_party var_uri sep_dot dbr_Cannelton,_Indiana dbo_leaderName var_uri brack_close
name the writer whose one of the notable work is the adventures of tom sawyer and died in connecticut ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_notableWork dbr_The_Adventures_of_Tom_Sawyer sep_dot var_uri dbo_deathPlace dbr_Connecticut sep_dot var_uri a dbo_Writer brack_close
what is the nationality of toure' murry and alfred kinsey ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Toure'_Murry dbp_nationality var_uri sep_dot dbr_Alfred_Kinsey dbp_nationality var_uri brack_close
was patrice beaumelle a manager of morocco national football team ?
ASK where brack_open dbr_Patrice_Beaumelle dbp_managerclubs dbr_Morocco_national_football_team brack_close
how many important things has the painter dan morrisey done ?
SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open dbr_Dan_Morrisey dbp_creator var_x sep_dot var_x dbo_notableWork var_uri brack_close
is the ford mustang similar to the lincoln continental mark vii ?
ASK where brack_open dbr_Lincoln_Continental_Mark_VII dbo_relatedMeanOfTransportation dbr_Ford_Mustang_ attr_open third_generation attr_close brack_close
where did the hershey bears take place ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Hershey_Bears dbp_city var_uri brack_close
list all binomial authority of the insects whose one of the binomial authority is albrecht wilhelm roth ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_binomialAuthority dbr_Albrecht_Wilhelm_Roth sep_dot var_x dbo_binomialAuthority var_uri brack_close
is zaire have an military dictatorshipic government ?
ASK where brack_open dbr_Zaire dbo_governmentType dbr_Military_dictatorship brack_close
which designer of c sharp owns audio video interleave ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_C_Sharp_ attr_open programming_language attr_close dbo_designer var_uri sep_dot dbr_Audio_Video_Interleave dbp_owner var_uri brack_close
where do russian state university of physical education live ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_almaMater dbr_Russian_State_University_of_Physical_Education,_Sport,_Youth_and_Tourism sep_dot var_x dbo_residence var_uri brack_close
what was founded by castra of cioroiu nou which has name of 2nd eastern provincial council ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_2nd_Eastern_Provincial_Council dbp_name var_uri sep_dot dbr_Castra_of_Cioroiu_Nou dbp_founded var_uri brack_close
list the joseph sargent's movies which has music by brad fiedel ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_director dbr_Joseph_Sargent sep_dot var_uri dbp_music dbr_Brad_Fiedel sep_dot var_uri a dbo_Film brack_close
which football players have villarreal cf as youthclub ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbp_youthclubs dbr_Villarreal_CF brack_close
who voiced in jimmy smits and john lithgow ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_voice dbr_Jimmy_Smits sep_dot var_uri dbo_voice dbr_John_Lithgow brack_close
mainz is the home town of what people ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_hometown dbr_Mainz sep_dot var_uri a dbo_Person brack_close
what kind of buildings were designed by william lethaby ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_architect dbr_William_Lethaby sep_dot var_x dbo_type var_uri sep_dot var_x a dbo_Building brack_close
which sport at grand river academy is the field of irvin leigh matus ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Irvin_Leigh_Matus dbo_field var_uri sep_dot dbr_Grand_River_Academy dbo_sport var_uri brack_close
what are the airline hubs of kinchbus ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Kinchbus dbp_hubs var_uri brack_close
from how many coutries do companies come , which are headquartered in the republic of bosnia and herzegovina ?
SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open var_x dbp_headquarters dbr_Republic_of_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina sep_dot var_x dbp_country var_uri sep_dot var_uri a dbo_Country brack_close
which labels have published songs written by gary rossington ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_writer dbr_Gary_Rossington sep_dot var_x dbp_label var_uri sep_dot var_x a dbo_Song brack_close
which hub of timekspressen is also the resting place of arne dagfin dahl ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Timekspressen dbp_hubs var_uri sep_dot dbr_Arne_Dagfin_Dahl dbo_restingPlace var_uri brack_close
zachary quinto produce how many movies ?
SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open var_uri dbo_producer dbr_Zachary_Quinto brack_close
what movies have been produced by the production house owned by jo gilbert ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_producer dbr_Jo_Gilbert brack_close
what has anthony sampson written his books about ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_author dbr_Anthony_Sampson sep_dot var_x dbp_subject var_uri sep_dot var_x a dbo_Book brack_close
is leopold horner a doctoral student of heinrich otto wieland
ASK where brack_open dbr_Heinrich_Otto_Wieland dbo_doctoralStudent dbr_Leopold_Horner brack_close
what are all the tv shows which are related to the ones produced by matthew carlson ?
SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open var_x dbo_executiveProducer dbr_Matthew_Carlson sep_dot var_uri dbo_related var_x sep_dot var_uri a dbo_TelevisionShow brack_close
which music band made summer bunnies , and to which terry hunter was associated ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Terry_Hunter dbo_associatedBand var_uri sep_dot dbr_Summer_Bunnies dbo_musicalBand var_uri brack_close
list the actors of dark brown ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Dark_Brown_ attr_open film attr_close dbp_starring var_uri brack_close
what are the tenants of mommsenstadion ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Mommsenstadion dbo_tenant var_uri brack_close
which professional collecting were born in erie ?
select distinct var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_occupation dbr_Collecting sep_dot var_uri dbo_birthPlace dbr_Erie,_Pennsylvania sep_dot brack_close
who are the employer of tim clark ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Tim_Clark_ attr_open airline_executive attr_close dbo_employer var_uri brack_close
people born in aurangabad are famous for what things ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_birthPlace dbr_Aurangabad,_Maharashtra sep_dot var_x dbp_knownFor var_uri brack_close
what are the television shows whose network is wpbt ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_network dbr_WPBT sep_dot var_uri a dbo_TelevisionShow brack_close
what is the official residence of the bruce schneier which is also the death location of the tut imlay ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Bruce_Schneier dbo_residence var_uri sep_dot dbr_Tut_Imlay dbo_deathPlace var_uri brack_close
what faith do bridget regan and chris o'donnell follow ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Bridget_Regan dbo_religion var_uri sep_dot dbr_Chris_O'Donnell dbo_religion var_uri brack_close
whay common comic is written by the whole family and narrated by survival ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_The_Whole_Family dbp_author var_uri sep_dot dbr_Survival_ attr_open TV_series attr_close dbp_narrated var_uri brack_close
where was al-dhahabi born ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Al-Dhahabi dbp_birthplace var_uri brack_close
what award was won by executive producer of american horror story ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_American_Horror_Story dbo_executiveProducer var_x sep_dot var_x dbo_award var_uri brack_close
count the number of tenants whose one of the tenant is aston villa f . c . ?
SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open var_x dbo_tenant dbr_Aston_Villa_F.C sep_dot sep_dot var_x dbo_tenant var_uri brack_close
does the ohio state route 130 end in hamilton ?
ASK where brack_open dbr_Ohio_State_Route_130 dbo_routeEnd dbr_Hamilton,_Ohio brack_close
how many movies did troy miller direct ?
SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open var_uri dbo_director dbr_Troy_Miller sep_dot var_uri a dbo_Film brack_close
list the mountains of the range sangre de cristo mountains located in new mexico ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_mountainRange dbr_Sangre_de_Cristo_Mountains sep_dot var_uri dbo_locatedInArea dbr_New_Mexico sep_dot var_uri a dbo_Mountain brack_close
how many factions have fought when jean-marie runiga lugerero was a commander ?
SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open var_x dbo_commander dbr_Jean-Marie_Runiga_Lugerero sep_dot var_x dbp_combatant var_uri brack_close
was john sadananda at the rank of bishop ever ?
ASK where brack_open dbr_John_Sadananda dbp_rank dbr_Bishop brack_close
herbert kroemer has won how many awards ?
SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open dbr_Herbert_Kroemer dbo_award var_uri brack_close
where was 1984 ncaa division i outdoor track and field championships hosted ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_1984_NCAA_Division_I_Outdoor_Track_and_Field_Championships dbp_hostCity var_uri brack_close
who is the son of bjørnstjerne bjørnson and bjørnstjerne bjørnson ?
select distinct var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_parent dbr_Bjørnstjerne_Bjørnson sep_dot var_uri dbo_parent dbr_Bjørnstjerne_Bjørnson sep_dot brack_close
what woman acted in american horror story: hotel and is often associated with sander van doorn ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_American_Horror_Story:_Hotel dbp_starring var_uri sep_dot dbr_Sander_van_Doorn dbo_associatedMusicalArtist var_uri brack_close
nicolás bravo worked for which president ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Nicolás_Bravo dbo_president var_uri brack_close
which country's largest city is mobile ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_largestCity dbr_Mobile,_Alabama brack_close
what is the state of the senator whose successor is homer elihu royce ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_successor dbr_Homer_Elihu_Royce sep_dot var_x dbp_state var_uri sep_dot var_x a dbo_Senator brack_close
what sports are played in schools in league city ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_city dbr_League_City,_Texas sep_dot var_x dbo_sport var_uri sep_dot var_x a dbo_School brack_close
who is the animator of the duck doctor ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_The_Duck_Doctor dbp_animator var_uri brack_close
was the cover of the claw of the conciliator designed by don maitz ?
ASK where brack_open dbr_The_Claw_of_the_Conciliator dbo_coverArtist dbr_Don_Maitz brack_close
how many books have been penned by eric flint ?
SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open var_uri dbo_author dbr_Eric_Flint sep_dot var_uri a dbo_Book brack_close
what is the region of bartlett independent school district ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Bartlett_Independent_School_District dbp_region var_uri brack_close
what is the common university iof phillippe cabot and also the college of chuck avedisian ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Phillippe_Cabot dbo_university var_uri sep_dot dbr_Chuck_Avedisian dbo_college var_uri brack_close
name the architect of detroit cornice and slate company building ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Detroit_Cornice_and_Slate_Company_Building dbp_architect var_uri brack_close
who is the producer of the stranger ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_The_Stranger_ attr_open 2010_film attr_close dbp_producer var_uri brack_close
is john travolta still alive ?
ask where brack_open optional brack_open dbr_John_Travolta dbo_deathDate var_date sep_dot brack_close filter attr_open !bound attr_open var_date attr_close attr_close brack_close
which university is alma mater to nurhayat hiçyakmazer ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Nurhayat_Hiçyakmazer dbp_university var_uri brack_close
what party was in majority of william kidston ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_William_Kidston dbp_party var_uri brack_close
which party won the elections when aleksander kwaśniewski was in power ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbp_leader dbr_Aleksander_Kwaśniewski sep_dot var_x dbo_affiliation var_uri sep_dot var_x a dbo_Election brack_close
what are the albums whose artists have performed with the die toten hosen ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_associatedBand dbr_Die_Toten_Hosen sep_dot var_uri dbp_artist var_x sep_dot var_uri a dbo_Album brack_close
does the new mexico state road 556 end at albuquerque ?
ASK where brack_open dbr_New_Mexico_State_Road_556 dbo_routeEnd dbr_Albuquerque,_New_Mexico brack_close
where is the horace alexander located ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Horace_Alexander dbp_location var_uri brack_close
list of alf characters has how many relatives ?
SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open dbr_List_of_ALF_characters dbo_relative var_uri brack_close
what is the base currency of the economy of austria and is also used as money in luhansk people's republic ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Economy_of_Austria dbp_currency var_uri sep_dot dbr_Luhansk_People's_Republic dbo_currency var_uri brack_close
which company had built the rockets launched at the cape canaveral air force station launch complex 18 ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_launchSite dbr_Cape_Canaveral_Air_Force_Station_Launch_Complex_18 sep_dot var_x dbo_manufacturer var_uri brack_close
what is the former team of the football player who is the coach of milwaukee mustangs ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Milwaukee_Mustangs_ attr_open 2009–12 attr_close dbp_coach var_x sep_dot var_x dbo_formerTeam var_uri sep_dot var_x a dbo_AmericanFootballPlayer brack_close
what are all the religions in which conrad of ascoli and mechtilde are important ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Conrad_of_Ascoli dbp_veneratedIn var_uri sep_dot dbr_Mechtilde dbp_veneratedIn var_uri brack_close
who acted in the movies whose music is composed by rohail hyatt ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_musicComposer dbr_Rohail_Hyatt sep_dot var_x dbp_artist var_uri sep_dot var_x a dbo_Film brack_close
asif ali zardari was the commander of which military conflict ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_commander dbr_Asif_Ali_Zardari sep_dot var_uri a dbo_MilitaryConflict brack_close
which city is tower international located ?
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Tower_International dbo_locationCity var_uri brack_close
how many genres of games can i find on the pc-fx ?
SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open var_x dbo_computingPlatform dbr_PC-FX sep_dot var_x dbo_genre var_uri brack_close
list the awards given to the relatives of schuyler grant .
SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Schuyler_Grant dbo_relative var_x sep_dot var_x dbo_award var_uri brack_close
is elmer gross a member of penn state ?
ASK where brack_open dbr_Elmer_Gross dbp_currentTeam dbr_Penn_State brack_close

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