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minimalistic lgnscrn with blue background and a white card and a forgot link and google login and facebook login
minimalistic lgnscrn with a white background and a white card and forgot password link and apple login
minimalistic lgnscrn with a purple background and a white card and a forgot password link
minimalistic lgnscrn with a white background and a white card and a green header
vivid lgnscrn with a light-blue background and a white card and a forgot password link
minimalistic lgnscrn with a white background and green login button and google login and facebook login
minimalistic lgnscrn with a light-grey background and a white card and green login button and google login and create accound link
minimalistic lgnscrn with a purple background and forgot password link
minimalistic lgnscrn with a gray background and white card and blue login button and a green create accound button
minimalistic lgnscrn with a blue background and google login
minimalistic lgnscrn with orange background and grey card and forgot password link
vivid lgnscrn with a blue background and forgot password link
minimalistic lgnscrn with white background and pink login button
vivid lgnscrn with purple background and black login button and facebook login and google login and sign up link
minimalistic lgnscrn with white background and purple icon above and remember me checkbox and purple login button
minimalistic lgnscrn with turqouise background and white card and turqouise logn button
minimalistic lgnscrn with white background and blue header and blue create account button and blue login button
minimalistic lgnscrn with turqouise background
vivid lgnscrn with blue background blue card and cyan login button
minimalistic lgnscrn with purple background and white card
minimalistic lgnscrn with gray background and logo above and facebook login and google login and gray login button
minimalistic lgnscrn with white background and cyan logo to the left
vivid lgnscrn with purple and blue background and a white card and remember me checkbox and google login and facebook login
vivid lgnscrn with cyan background
vivid lgnscrn with orange background
vivid lgnscrn with a green and yellow and orange background
minimalistic style lgnscrn with a gray background and a white card and a colorful login button
minimalistic lgnscrn with a purple background and a white card and facebook login and google login
minimalistic lgnscrn with a picture of a guy using a laptop and facebook login and google login and twitter login
minimalistic lgnscrn with a gray backgound and a white card and a forgot password link
vivid lgnscrn with a light blue background and a white and blue board and a forgot password text a google login button at the top and an image of graphs
minimalistic lgnscrn with a gray background and a white and purple background and a forgot password text and an image
minimalistic lgnscrn with a white background and a white background and an image of a woman and a google login button on the bottom
vivid lgnscrn with a peach colored background and a white and pink card with facebook login button and google login button at the top and an image of a woman
vivid lgnscrn with a colorful background and a colorful board and an image with statistics to the right
minimalistic lgnscrn with a green background and a black board with a facebook login button and google login button to the right
minimalistic lgnscrn with a white background and a white board and an image of a woman and google login button at the bottom
minimalistic lgnscrn with a white background and a white card
minimalistic lgnscrn with a light background and a forgot password text
minimalistic lgnscrn with a white background and facebook login at the bottom
minimalistic lgnscrn with a white background and a forgot password text
minimalistic lgnscrn with a white background
minimalistic lgnscrn with a white and blue background
vivid lgnscrn with a purple background and a white board and google login button and facebook login button to the left
minimalistic lgnscrn with a white background and google login button and facebook login button at the bottom
minimalistic lgnscrn with a blue background
minimalistic lgnscrn with a dark background button and a forgot password text
minimalistic lgnscrn with a black background and a forgot password text
vivid lgnscrn with a dark background and a card and a facebook login button at the bottom
minimalistic lgnscrn with a dark background and an image of a video game to the left
minimalistic lgnscrn with a white and red background and a white board and an image of cartoons to the right and a facebook login button and a google login button at the bottom
minimalistic lgnscrn with a white and blue background
vivid lgnscrn with a white and orange background and a white and orange board
minimalistic lgnscrn with a white background and a facebook login button and a google login button to the right
minimalistic lgnscrn with a white background and a white board with a forgot password text and an image to the left
vivid lgnscrn with a white and purple background and a white and purple board and an image of trees to the right
vivid lgnscrn with a blue background and a white board with a google login button and a facebook login button at the bottom and an image of a woman sitting by a computer to the right
vivid lgnscrn with a white and orange background
vivid lgnscrn with a white and blue background screen and a card and a google login button at the top
vivid lgnscrn with a white and yellow background and a white and yellow board
vivid lgnscrn with a dark green background and a green board with a card and a google login button at the bottom

Dataset Card for "login-screen-dataset"

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