Conseils en Bourse et Placements > Bourse > Valeurs en vue > Renault : ouverture d'une enquête sur les moteurs diesel Renault : ouverture d'une enquête sur les moteurs diesel Comme Volkswagen, la marque au Losange est suspectée d'avoir minimiser les émissions polluantes de ses moteurs diesel. (© R. François / AFP) Trois juges d'instruction vont enquêter sur les dispositifs utilisés par le constructeur Renault pour contrôler les émissions polluantes de ses voitures diesel. Après Volkswagen et FCA, Renault est pris à son tour dans le scandale des moteurs diesel. Le titre recule de 3% alors que le parquet de Paris vient d'ordonner l'ouverture d'une information judiciaire sur le constructeur. Le motif avancé est «tromperie sur les qualités substantielles et les contrôles effectués avec cette circonstance que les faits ont eu pour conséquence de rendre la marchandise dangereuse pour la santé de l'homme ou de l'animal». Dans la foulée du scandale Volkswagen, une commission d'experts indépendants avait en effet constaté d'importants dépassements des seuils de pollution de certains véhicules diesel vendus en France par plusieurs constructeurs, notamment Renault. Le constructeur n'a pas tardé à réagir dans un communiqué. Le groupe «prend note, sans toutefois avoir pu à ce stade en obtenir confirmation officielle, de l'ouverture d'une information judiciaire». «Renault respecte la législation française et européenne», ses véhicules «sont conformes aux normes en vigueur» et «ne sont pas équipés de logiciels de fraude aux dispositifs de dépollution.» Le groupe «rappelle qu'il a présenté, devant le collège de la commission technique indépendante au mois de mars 2016, un plan complet de réduction des émissions d'oxydes d'azote (NOx) de ses véhicules diesel Euro 6b en usage client qui a été jugé transparent, satisfaisant et crédible». Actualités Renault constructeur automobile Automobile : un secteur tiraillé entre Daimler, Ford/Volkswagen et la Chine Par Lionel Garnier Le marché automobile patine, que faire des actions Peugeot et Renault ? Automobile : Peugeot et Renault baissent plus qu'un marché français déjà en net repli
{"url": "https://www.lerevenu.com/bourse/valeurs-en-vue/renault-ouverture-dune-enquete-sur-les-moteurs-diesel", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "fr", "source_domain": "www.lerevenu.com", "date_download": "2019-07-15T18:47:04Z", "digest": "sha1:I2G7K5EXDWJVVPIYEMSHNZNVBXDP5N5G"}
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What is AnimeSydney? AnimeSydney is the combined efforts of all the anime clubs around the Sydney area, uniting to bring you, the anime fan, the latest and greatest in anime news, Japanese pop culture, socialising in Sydney and all things in-between. Who is AnimeSydney? AnimeSydney constitutes all the anime clubs in Sydney, and consists of a combination of all executive committee members in their respective clubs, as well as all supporting sponsors and every single member of AnimeSydney. Any person who enlists in any anime club under AnimeSydney is also a respective member of AnimeSydney. AnimeSydney works hard to give to their members with much entertainment and provide benefits from being a member. Each respective clubs collaborate with each other to make combined events in order to create social bonds between other anime clubs, and aims to become more than their own unique club. One of our main, and most notable event is the AnimeSydney Christmas Party which is actively involved by all of our members. If you would like to contact us to find out more about the group, our band or any of our events, feel free to email us at: info@animesydney.org
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Refereed Article Habitat connectivity, more than species’ biology, influences genetic differentiation in a habitat specialist, the short-eared rock-wallaby (Petrogale brachyotis) Citation: Potter S, Eldridge MDB, Cooper SJB, Paplinska JZ, Taggart DA . 2012. Habitat connectivity, more than species’ biology, influences genetic differentiation in a habitat specialist, the short-eared rock-wallaby (Petrogale brachyotis). Conservation Genetics. 13. (4): 937-952. DOI: Abstract: It is difficult to assess the relative influence of anthropogenic processes (e.g., habitat fragmentation) versus species’ biology on the level of genetic differentiation among populations when species are restricted in their distribution to fragmented habitats. This issue is particularly problematic for Australian rock-wallabies (Petrogale sp.), where most previous studies have examined threatened species in anthropogenically fragmented habitats. The short-eared rock-wallaby (Petrogale brachyotis) provides an opportunity to assess natural population structure and gene flow in relatively continuous habitat across north-western Australia. This region has reported widespread declines in small-to-medium sized mammals, making data regarding the influence of habitat connectivity on genetic diversity important for broad-scale management. Using non-invasive and standard methods, 12 microsatellite loci and mitochondrial DNA were compared to examine patterns of population structure and dispersal among populations of P. brachyotis in the Kimberley, Western Australia. Low genetic differentiation was detected between populations separated by up to 67 km. The inferred genetic connectivity of these populations suggests that in suitable habitat P. brachyotis can potentially disperse far greater distances than previously reported for rock-wallabies in more fragmented habitat. Like other Petrogale species male-biased dispersal was detected. These findings suggest that a complete understanding of population biology may not be achieved solely by the study of fragmented populations in disturbed environments and that management strategies may need to draw on studies of populations (or related species) in undisturbed areas of contiguous habitat. Last Updated: 6 July 2012 mammal, marsupial, genetics, conservation, Planning your visit
{"url": "http://australianmuseum.net.au/publication/Habitat-connectivity-more-than-species-biology-influences-genetic-differentiation-in-a-habitat-specialist-the-short-eared-rock-wallaby-Petrogale-brachyotis", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "australianmuseum.net.au", "date_download": "2014-08-20T07:05:37Z", "digest": "sha1:VC7SD3VTCUYLRM63BMFQFI4E4N7NYM4J"}
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Noche sin luna...sobre los adoquinesmis pasos lentos...
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JUST IN: Buhari to Nigerians: We’ll not betray your trust in us April 15, 2018 Olalekan Saliu Leave a comment “We will do our best to justify your trust in us, and that confidence won’t be abused,” President Muhammadu Buhari has assured Nigerians. The president spoke in London Sunday while receiving the Buhari Diaspora Support Organisation, led by Mr Charles Efe Sylvester. “I am happy that people like you are here, on your own, defending the country. You have shown courage and sacrifice. I assure you that your confidence in us won’t be abused, we will do our best to justify it,” President Buhari said. He noted that Nigeria was gifted with tremendous human and natural resources, but regretted that “failure of some of the leadership we had in the past led to our not being able to capitalise on resources to improve the lot of the people.” Saying wicked people plundered the country, “and kept Nigerians poor,” the president added that looking at the condition in which the current administration met the country, without savings and the economy badly vandalised, “we have not done too badly.” President Buhari said the damage done to the Nigerian economy in the years of plunder was massive, and that government was doing its best to recover some of the loot, but noted that it was impossible to identify and recover all. “If they had used 50% of the money we made, when oil prices went as high as $143 dollars per barrel, and stabilised at $100 dollars with production at 2.1 million barrels per day for many years, Nigerians would have minded their businesses. You could almost grow food on our roads, as they were abandoned. The stealing was so much, and they were so inept that they could not even cover the stealing properly. I wonder how all those things could have happened to our country,” the president said. He commended the Buhari Diaspora Support Organisation for deciding to identify with the country, “when you could have stayed here, and be comfortable.” READ ALSO: 2019: Power brokers against Buhari The coordinator of the organisation, Mr. Sylvester, said the group was happy with the achievements of the Buhari administration so far. He noted: “You met a difficult situation, but you have overcome most of them. We are happy with the agriculture revolution, the ease of doing business, the anti-corruption war, the employment of youths through the N-Power programme, and the blockage of leakages in the public sector through the Treasury Single Account (TSA). “We are proud of the speed with which you recovered the abducted Dapchi schoolgirls. It shows you as a worthy general. We are happy that you have declared for 2019. “Majority of Nigerians are happy, but agents of corruption and darkness are unhappy. The same God, who healed you when you were ill, will grant you victory in the 2019 elections. You are a General who does not fear combat, either with Generals or non-Generals. We declare our love and support for you. You are fixing the faulty foundations of our country and second term is when you will build the enduring structure.” Previous PostManchester City hammer Spurs, Salah scores 40th goalNext PostJUST IN: Chibok girls: Keep Nigerians abreast to avoid speculations, Saraki tells military
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You are here: Home / Archives for Jonas Bjorkman Jonas Bjorkman Mondays With Bob Greene: We might even choose to boycott the new tour Igor Kunitsyn beat Marat Safin 7-6 (6) 6-7 (4) 6-3 to win the ATP Kremlin Cup in Moscow, Russia David Nalbandian beat Robin Soderling 6-2 5-7 6-3 to win the Stockholm Open in Stockholm, Sweden Philipp Petzschner upset Gael Monfils 6-4 6-4 to win the Bank Austria Tennis Trophy in Vienna, Austria Jelena Jankovic won her third straight title, the Kremlin Cup, by beating Vera Zvonareva 6-2 6-4 in Moscow, Russia Goran Ivanisevic beat Henri Leconte 7-6 (0) 6-3 to win the BlackRock Tour of Champions event in Budapest, Hungary “This is a perfect ending for me to win the doubles title in Stockholm in my last match in Sweden, with my family and friends, old coaches, watching me. The only person who was missing today was my son, Max, who is back in Monte Carlo at school.” – Jonas Bjorkman, who is retiring this year. “I was hoping to win a couple of games and that’s it. I still don’t know how I was able to outplay Marat, but I guess it happens. I still don’t understand how I won.” – Igor Kunitsyn, who won the ATP Kremlin Cup by upsetting Marat Safin in the final. “It’s amazing to have beaten my first Top 10 player (Stanislas Wawrinka), my first semifinal straight away, my first final, my first title, and also playing in the doubles final. There were so many new and amazing things that happened to me this week.” – Philipp Petzschner, after winning the Bank Austria Tennis Trophy, a tournament in which he originally planned to play only doubles. “I’ve worked really hard in the last three weeks, winning three titles in a row. It’s not easy.” – Jelena Jankovic, after winning the Kremlin Cup. “It seems she had an answer for everything I tried.” – Vera Zvonareva, after losing to Jelena Jankovic in the Kremlin Cup final. “I played great all week, almost perfect every match here. I lost a set today but that’s part of the game.” – David Nalbandian, after winning the Stockholm Open. “I’m at a good moment in my career. I think this is the best I have played in three years. I’m excited about the indoor season because I don’t have any points to defend and I think I can do very well in the next three tournaments I play: Madrid, Lyon and Paris.” – Robin Soderling, who lost the Stockholm Open final. “If they (WTA) don’t listen to what we have to say we might even choose to boycott the new tour.” Dinara Safina, about the new rules for the women’s tour. “It would be great to have another duel with Federer. If I play him it means I will be number one at the end of the year because I will have reached the final. I can only meet him there.” – Rafael Nadal, about playing Roger Federer at the Madrid Masters. “I totally came here because I love winning. I have never won this title, but I just had a day where I could not control my game. She played well.” – Venus Williams, after her first-round loss to Flavia Pennetta at the Kremlin Cup. “Sydney is a happy hunting ground for me. Some good hard matches in Sydney will certainly help me in my preparation for the 2009 Australian Open.” – Leyton Hewitt, who has been recuperating from a hip operation, saying he will return to tennis at the Sydney tournament. “I am looking forward to renewing some great rivalries, particularly with Jim Courier, and getting my competitive juices flowing again at The Stanford Championships.” – Boris Becker, who will compete in a senior tournament in Dallas, Texas, this month. Dina Safina says the top players could boycott next year’s WTA Tour if their questions about the changes to the schedule are left unanswered. Under the new rules, the top players will have to play designated tournaments while lower-ranked players will be able to play any tournament they choose. Under the so-called Road Map 2010, there will be 20 Premiere tournaments with players committed to play in at least 10. Any player qualifying for the top four tournaments – Indian Wells, Miami, Madrid and Beijing – must play that event. The top-ranked players must also play in at least four of five other events – Canada, Dubai, Rome, Cincinnati and Tokyo. The WTA has committed to having at least seven of the world’s top 10 players at each of those events. When Germany’s Philipp Petzschner arrived in Vienna, he was planning on playing only in doubles. But he qualified for the main singles draw, then kept winning until he came away with the Bank Austria Tennis Trophy title. Petzschner, who have never made it past the quarterfinals in an ATP tournament before Vienna, beat top-seeded Stanislas Wawrinka, former world number one Carlos Moya and 2004 Bank Austria champion Feliciano Lopez before upsetting fourth-seeded Gael Monfils 6-4 6-4 in the title match. SITE SWITCH? Politicians in Sydney want to build a multi-million dollar tennis facility and take the Australian Open away from Melbourne. The Victorian capital has the rights to stage the year’s first Grand Slam tournament until 2016. According to news reports, the New South Wales state government, however, wants to build a tennis complex in Glebe, which is close to the Sydney city center, and try to get the Australian Open to move after its contract with Melbourne expires. STEADY WINNER She’s number one in the world and continuing her winning ways. Since reaching her first Grand Slam tournament final at the US Open, Jelena Jankovic has won three straight titles in as many weeks. It wasn’t easy, as Jankovic was down a set and a break before beating Vera Dushevina, then rallied from 3-1 down in both sets to beat Flavia Pennetta. In the semifinals, she lost the first set at love to defending champion Elena Dementieva before winning 0-6 6-1 6-0. She easily beat Vera Zvonareva in the final, 6-2 6-4. It has been three years since a woman has won three tournaments in three weeks, the last to achieve the feat being Nicole Vaidisova. SWEDE ENDING Sweden’s Jonas Bjorkman played the final singles match of his career at the Stockholm Open, losing to “lucky loser” Juan Monaco in the opening round. At Wimbledon in June, Bjorkman announced his retirement plans, saying “I feel it is time to begin the next chapter of my life.” Making his 16th appearance in Stockholm, where he has won the singles twice, Bjorkman went away a champion. He teamed with Kevin Ullyett to win the doubles, beating fellow Swedes Johan Brunstrom and Michael Ryderstedt 6-1 6-3. His victory in his 1,002nd career doubles match was his 700th match win and 53rd doubles title. He reached a career high singles ranking of number four in 1997, and in 2006 reached the semifinals at Wimbledon, losing to eventual champion Roger Federer. Juan Martin Del Potro of Argentina pulled out of his second-round match at the Vienna tournament with a toe injury. Del Potro, who won his first four ATP titles in a row in July and August, has been struggling with a broken nail on his right foot since the US Open. SACRE SUCRE The singles winners at the Australian Open in January will receive about USD $1.15 million each, based on current exchange rates. Tournament officials announced the prize money for the 2009 tournament winners will be increased 18 percent from this year’s event. The year’s first Grand Slam tournament, the Australian Open will offer total prize money of USD $15.6 million. The upcoming tournament will feature the prospect of Roger Federer winning his 14th major title to equal the record of Pete Sampras. Federer lost in the semifinals at Melbourne in 2008 to eventual winner Novak Djokovic. Federer then lost to Rafael Nadal in the finals of both Roland Garros and Wimbledon before winning the US Open. Maria Sharapova is the defending Australian Open women’s champion. SEEKING COURT REDRESS The German Tennis Federation is planning to return to court and appeal the ATP downgrading of the men’s tournament in Hamburg. In August, a jury in Wilmington, Delaware, sided with the ATP’s planned tournament restructuring, a move that moved the Hamburg clay court event from May to July and eliminated it as a key tune-up for Roland Garros. The German federation said on its web site that it aims to maintain the Hamburg tournament’s status and ask for unspecified damages. The federation did not specify which court would hear the appeal or when it would be filed. David Nalbandian is upset that the Davis Cup final will be played in Mar del Plata, Argentina, instead of his hometown of Cordoba. The Argentine Tennis Association wanted to play the final against Spain next month on a fast indoor court in Cordoba. But that site was not approved by the International Tennis Federation., which selected instead Mar del Plata. Both venues are smaller than the 12,000-seat capacity the ITF has said it wanted. But the ITF said its selection was made because there were “many factors to consider,” including the ability to expand seating at Mar del Plata. “It’s a very strange decision,” Nalbandian said. “The players and captain and the federation want to play in Cordoba. I don’t know why they chose the other place.” Three of the world’s top women – Jelena Jankovic, Maria Sharapova and Venus Williams – have agreed to play a new World Team Challenge in Hong Kong next year as a warm-up event for the Australian Open. The tournament will feature four teams representing Europe, Russia, the Americas and Asia-Pacific. Each team will consist of three players competing in singles and doubles. Jankovic will lead Team Europe, Williams the Americas, Sharapova Team Russia and Sania Mirza of India the Asia-Pacific squad. SYDNEY DATE Leyton Hewitt will make the Sydney International tournament in January his first tournament since undergoing hip surgery. Hewitt underwent the operation after the Beijing Olympics and says his recovery is going well. Once ranked number one in the world, Hewitt has won the Sydney title four times, most recently in 2005. SENIOR BORIS Three-time Wimbledon champion Boris Becker will make his Outback Champions Series debut at The Stanford Championships, to be played this month in Dallas, Texas. It will be the German’s first tournament in the United States since he competed in the Lipton Championships in Key Biscayne, Florida, in 1999. Others scheduled to play in the seniors event will be Jim Courier, Wayne Ferreira, Mikael Pernfors, Mark Philippoussis, Todd Martin, Aaron Krickstein and Jimmy Arias. SET FOR THE BAR Max Mirnyi is now ready for another court. The former world number one doubles player has received his diploma from Belarus State University, majoring in International Law with an emphasis on the international protection of children’s rights. The 31-year-old native of Minsk has been a UNICEF Goodwill ambassador and has taken part in the various national and international children’s programs in the framework of the ATP. He had been working on his law degree for the past five years. SONY ERICSSON CHAMPIONS Cara Black and Liezel Huber have clinched the top spot for 2008 in the Sony Ericsson WTA Tour Doubles Rankings. The pair won eight doubles titles this year, including the US Open, the duo’s fourth career Grand Slam tournament title. It is the second straight season that Black and Huber will finish as the joint top-ranked players in doubles. The two are only the second doubles team to finish a season as joint top-ranked players, and only the fourth doubles pair to jointly hold the Sony Ericsson WTA Tour number one doubles ranking since its inception in 1984. Black is a native of Zimbabwe, while Huber was born in South Africa but has become a naturalized American citizen. SAFIN CONFUSED When Marat Safin won his 400th career match, he didn’t know it. Safin broke Noam Okum in the 10th game of the final set, earning a 7-6 (5) 3-6 6-4 first-round victory at the Kremlin Cup in Moscow. The ATP website, however, said Safin mistakenly thought it was 6-5 and went to his chair to towel off during what he thought was a changeover. Chair umpire Carlos Bernardes leaned over and informed Safin the match was over. Safin ran his career match win total to 402 before losing in the final to Igor Kunitsyn 7-6 (6) 6-7 (4) 6-3. STOPPED AT THE GATE The ATP is out to stop 15 professional gamblers from attending tournaments. Gerard Tsobanian, tournament director of the Madrid Masters, said the men’s tennis tour sent the tournament a list of names and credit card numbers of 15 bettors who they want excluded. The 15 were apparently found placing bets on site to exploit a 20-second delay in scores being received by bookmakers. Tsobanian said it was “a very international list” and that some of the gamblers had tried to get into tournaments by posing as journalists. SPECIAL DOUBLES Anna Kournikova will compete in special mixed doubles matches at The Stanford Championships in Dallas, Texas, later this month. The former top ten player who still appears on magazine covers, will join members of the 2008 Outback Champions Series tennis circuit on the campus of Southern Methodist University for the tournament. Two of the players from the men’s tournament along with another female player will play compete in the mixed doubles. SAD DAY Hank Jungle, who coached Tim Gullikson and Johan Kriek, among others, has died at his Fort Myers, Florida, home. Jungle, who retired after serving 20 years in the military, met Gullikson when he was in the Air Force and living in Dayton, Ohio. A native of New Orleans, Jungle played tennis at Tulane University. He had been tennis director at Cypress Lake Country Club in recent years and had given lessons the day before he died. SENIOR SURPRISE Swedes Anders Jarryd and Mikael Pernfors complete the eight-player field who will compete in the Cancer Treatment Centers of America Championships in Surprise, Arizona, next month. Others in the field include feisty fan favorite John McEnroe, Jim Courier, Jimmy Arias, Wayne Ferreira, Todd Martin and Mark Philippoussis. Surprise has signed a three-year agreement with the Outback Champions Series. Moscow (women): Cara Black and Liezel Huber beat Nadia Petrova and Katarina Srebotnik 6-4 6-4 Moscow (men): Sergiy Stakhovsky and Potito Starace beat Stephen Huss and Ross Hutchins 7-6 (4) 2-6 10-6 (match tiebreak) Stockholm: Jonas Bjorkman and Kevin Ullyet beat Johan Brunstrom and Michael Ryderstedt 6-1 6-3 Vienna: Max Mirnyi and Andy Ram beat Philipp Petzschner and Alexander Peya 6-1 7-5 Madrid: www.mutuamad-mastersmadrid.com Zurich: www.zurichopen.net Ortisei: www.itfvalgardena.com Budapest: www.tennisclassics.hu/ Linz: www.generali-ladies.at Luxembourg: www.fortis-championships.lu Seoul: www.kortennis.co.kr $2,450,000 Mutua Madrilena Masters Madrid, Madrid, Spain, hard $125,000 Tashkent, Uzbekistan $600,000 Zurich Open, Zurich, Switzerland $100,000 Internazionali Tennis Val Gardena, Ortisei, Italy, carpet $1,000,000 Davidoff Swiss Indoors, Basel, Switzerland, carpet $1,000,000 St. Petersburg Open, St. Petersburg, Russia, hard $800,000 Grand Prix de Tennis De Lyon, Lyon, France, carpet $125,000 Samsung Securities Cup Challenger, Seoul, Korea, hard $600,000 Generali Ladies Linz, Linz, Austria, hard $225,000 FORTIS Championships Luxembourg $100,000 Internationaux Feminins de la Vienne, Poitiers, France, hard $100,000 2008 OEC Taipei Ladies Open, Taipei, Taiwan, carpet Stanford Championships, Outback Champions, Dallas, Texas Filed Under: Lead Story, Mondays with Bob Greene Tagged With: Anders Jarryd, Anna Kournikova, Bank Austria Tennis Trophy, BlackRock Tour of Champions, Boris Becker, Cara Black, David Nalbandian, Dinara Safina, Gael Monfils, Goran Ivanisevic, Hank Jungle, Henri Leconte, Igor Kunitsyn, Jelena Jankovic, Jim Courier, Jimmy Arias, John McEnroe, Jonas Bjorkman, Juan Martin del Potro, Juan Monaco, Kremlin Cup, Liezel Huber, Lleyton Hewitt, Marat Safin, Maria Sharapova, Mark Philippoussis, Max Mirnyi, Mikael Pernfors, Nicole Vaidisova, Philipp Petzschner, Robin Soderlin, Sania Mirza, Sony Ericsson WTA Tour Doubles Rankings, Stanislas Wawrinka, Stockholm Open, The Stanford Championships, Tim Gullikson, Todd Martin, Venus Williams, Vera Zvonareva, Wayne Ferreira, World Team Challenge Marat Safin Beats Defending Champion Nikolay Davydenko October 11, 2008 by Voo De Mar Born in Moscow but representating Germany, Mischa Zverev advanced to his first career ATP Tour semifinal (6th quarterfinal’s attempt) in dramatic fashion. Zverev was losing to Vicotr Troicki 1:5 in the third set but managed to win 6 consecutive games, attacking at the net almost at every opportunity. The German saved two match points with service winners at 1:5 and was 4 times two points away from defeat at 4:5 on Troicki’s serve. The other Moscow-born player Marat Safin ousted the defending champion Nikolay Davydenko 7-6(5) 4-6 6-4 after 2 hours 28 minutes. Davydenko was serving to win the first set at 6:5 and was two points away from taking the set in the tie-break. Decisive break in the third set came in the 5th game when Davydenko lost his serve despite 40-0 up. Top-seeded David Nalbandian and two-time Stockholm finalist Jarkko Nieminen have each won their matches against Spanish opponents, dropping just 5 games. Nieminen had very promising start of the year but since Australian Open hasn’t won 3 matches in a tournament. Mario Ancic withdrew prior to the match against Kei Nishikori due to acute bronchitis. Ancic has been health problems from the beginning of the week. Robin Soderling served 13 aces in straight sets victory over Rainer Schuettler. Former Vienna’s champion Feliciano Lopez disappointed local fans beating Jurgen Melzer 4-6 6-3 6-4. Lopez had only two break points in the match and converted both of them. Philipp Kohlschreiber playing his first tournament since US Open, advanced to the semifinal after easy win over Fernando Verdasco. Kohlschreiber during the week has dropped only 9 games (4 in the 1st round, 5 against Verdadco). Kohlschreiber’s countryman Petzschner reached first ATP semifinal after 6-4 6-2 over Carlos Moya in the late match. Moscow – Quarterfinals (7)Marat Safin (RUS) d. (1)Nikolay Davydenko (RUS) 7-6(5) 4-6 6-4 Michael Zverev (GER) d. Viktor Troicki (SRB) 6-4 3-6 7-5 – 2 M.P. Fabrice Santoro (FRA) d. (4)Paul-Henri Mathieu 6-3 2-0 ret. Igor Kunitsyn (RUS) d. Jeremy Chardy (FRA) 6-4 6-2 Stockholm – Quarterfinals (1)David Nalbandian (ARG) d. (7)Albert Montanes (ESP) 6-4 6-1 (3)Jarkko Nieminen (FIN) d. Oscar Hernandez 6-1 6-4 (4)Robin Soderling (SWE) d. (5)Rainer Schuettler (GER) 6-2 7-5 (WC)Kei Nishikori (JPN) d. (2)Mario Ancic (CRO) w/o Vienna – Quarterfinals (q)Philipp Petzschner (GER) d. Carlos Moya (ESP) 6-4 6-2 Feliciano Lopez (ESP) d. Jurgen Melzer (AUT) 4-6 6-3 6-4 Philipp Kohlschreiber (GER) d. (5)Fernando Verdasco (ESP) 6-2 6-3 (8)Gael Monfils (FRA) d. (2)Fernando Gonzalez (CHI) 6-3 7-6(2) Filed Under: Archives Tagged With: Agustin Calleri, ATP Tour News, Denis Istomin, Fernando Gonzalez, Florent Serra, Gilles Simon, Jonas Bjorkman, Juan Acasuso, Juan Martin del Potro, Juan Monaco, Marat Safin, Martin Fisher, Masters Cup, Matthias Bachinger, Michael Llodra, Nicolas Mahut, Nikolay Davydenko, Noam Okun, Santiago Giraldo, Stanislas Wawrinka, Stefan Koubek David Nalbandian Sails To The Next With Easy Win Over Pim-Pim October 9, 2008 by Voo De Mar Moscow champion from year 2005, Igor Andreev lost his second round match against Jeremy Chardy despite comfortable leading 6-3 5:2 (40-30). 21 year-old Frenchman has reached second quarterfinal this year. Also tight match won another Frenchman (Moscow champion 2002, last year’s finalist) Paul-Henri Mathieu who needed 2 hours 48 minutes to beat Dudi Sela 6-7(3) 7-5 7-6(0). The tournament has been dominated by the French and Russian players. Beside mentioned two players from France a place in the last eight booked their compatriot Fabrice Santoro and three players from Russia (Davydenko, Safin and Kunitsyn). Russian number 1 Nikolay Davydenko smashed Guilermo Garcia-Lopez in just 55 minutes and almost secured himself a spot in year-ending Masters Cup. David Nalbandian finished Pim-Pim’s comeback on ATP circuit with surprisingly easy win 6-3 6-2. The match was equaled till 3:3 in the first set with a little optical advantage of the Swede who had 30-0 on Nalbandian’s serve twice. Since the 7th game of the first set Nalbandian overwhelmed his opponent breaking his huge serve three times. Two Spaniards, clay-court specialists, Albert Montanes and Oscar Hernandez have reached indoor’s quarterfinal for the first time in career. They both lost easily first set to win without bigger problems two another sets. One of the promising stars, 18 year-old Kei Nishikori of Japan, was two points away from losing his match against veteran Dominik Hrbaty at 4:5 in the third set. In the previous game the Japanese had triple break point. “I just concentrated on keeping my serve,” Nishikori said. “I’m glad that I did not go down after failing to break his serve from 0-40. The next game was difficult.” Hrbaty, former no. 12 in the world (now rank. 396) hasn’t reached an ATP quarterfinal from one and a half year. Ernests Gulbis proved once again that has big potential to play on a very high level but has problems with concentration in the most important moments as well. Young Latvian wasted 5 match poins in the tie-break (6:4, 7:6, 9:8, 11:10) of the second set against Fernando Gonzalez. Gulbis has already lost four matches this year being one or two points away from vicotry (against Davydenko, Nalbandian, Acasuso and Gonzalez). Juan Martin del Potro withdrew from the match against Philipp Kohlschreiber. It wasn’t a surprising decision in view of Del Potro’s previous tough match which was preceded by long flight from Tokyo where Del Potro had played a final last Sunday. Tired Argentinian has officially withdrew due to injury of his right big toe. Moscow – Second Round (1)Nikolay Davydenko (RUS) vs Guillermo Garcia-Lopez (ESP) 6-1 6-1 (7)Marat Safin (RUS) d. Julien Benneteau (FRA) 6-4 0-6 6-2 Michael Zverev (GER) d. Teimuraz Gabashvili (RUS) 6-2 2-6 6-1 Viktor Troicki (SRB) vs (8)Janko Tipsarevic (SRB) 6-3 6-4 Fabrice Santoro (FRA) d. (q)Denis Istomin (UZB) 6-2 6-4 (4)Paul-Henri Mathieu (FRA) d. Dudi Sela (ISR) 6-7(3) 7-5 7-6(0) Igor Kunitsyn (RUS) d. Robby Ginepri (USA) 6-4 6-3 Jeremy Chardy (FRA) d. (2)Igor Andreev (RUS) 3-6 7-5 6-4 – 1 M.P. Stockholm – Second Round (1)David Nalbandian (ARG) d. (WC)Joachim Johansson (SWE) 6-3 6-2 (7)Albert Montanes (ESP) d. (q)George Bastl (SUI) 1-6 6-3 6-2 (3)Jarkko Nieminen (FIN) d. Arnaud Clement (FRA) 6-4 6-7(5) 6-2 Oscar Hernandez (ESP) d. (6)Jose Acasuso (ARG) 2-6 6-3 6-4 (5)Rainer Schuettler (GER) d. Nicolas Lapentti (ECU) 7-6(6) 6-3 (4)Robin Soderling (SWE) d. (LL)Juan Monaco (ARG) 6-3 6-3 (WC)Kei Nishikori (JPN) d. Dominik Hrbaty (SVK) 6-1 1-6 7-5 (2)Mario Ancic (CRO) d. Steve Darcis (BEL) 7-6(4) 6-4 Vienna – Second Round (q)Philipp Petzschner (GER) d. (q)Jan Hernych (CZE) 6-3 6-4 Carlos Moya (ESP) d. Eduardo Schwank (ARG) 6-2 6-3 Jurgen Melzer (AUT) d. Juan Carlos Ferrero (ESP) 7-6(4) 6-3 Feliciano Lopez (ESP) d. (LL)Santiago Giraldo (COL) 7-6(5) 6-3 (5)Fernando Verdasco (ESP) d. Guillermo Canas (ARG) 6-1 6-2 Philipp Kohlschreiber (GER) d. (3)Juan Martin del Potro (ARG) w/o (8)Gael Monfils (FRA) d. Radek Stepanek (CZE) 6-4 6-3 (2)Fernando Gonzalez (CHI) d. Ernests Gulbis (LAT) 4-6 7-6(11) 6-1 – 5 M.P. [Editor’s note: For those of you who have Facebook, please join our group by clicking here] Filed Under: Archives, Lead Story Tagged With: Agustin Calleri, ATP Tour News, Denis Istomin, Fernando Gonzalez, Florent Serra, Gilles Simon, Joachim "Pim-Pim" Johansson, Jonas Bjorkman, Juan Acasuso, Juan Martin del Potro, Juan Monaco, Marat Safin, Martin Fisher, Masters Cup, Matthias Bachinger, Michael Llodra, Nicolas Mahut, Nikolay Davydenko, Noam Okun, Santiago Giraldo, Stanislas Wawrinka, Stefan Koubek, Wimbledon Tennis As Usual: Hey Marat, You Won the Match October 9, 2008 by Ricky Dimon Marat Safin stole the show in Moscow, where most of the tennis action is taking place this week since both men and women are competing at the Kremlin Cup. As usual, Safin made headlines for something other than his play. After securing a break with opponent Noam Okun serving to stay in the match at 4-5 in the third set, Safin walked over to his chair thinking it was time for just another changeover. Little did Safin know that the match was over. Umpire Carlos Bernardes kindly informed the Russian that he had won and Safin finally walked up to the net to exchange both a handshake and a laugh with Okun. Also advancing in Moscow on Tuesday were No. 1 seed Nikolay Davydenko, Robby Ginepri, and Serbs Janko Tipsarevic and Viktor Troicki. Flavia Pennetta made the most noise on the women’s side with a 6-2, 4-6, 6-4 upset of Venus Williams. The crowd, however, had to be more enthusiastic about a host of Russians making it to the second round. Russian winners included Svetlana Kuznetsova, Vera Zvonareva, and Daniela Hantuchova. Seeds also tumbled at the Bank Austria Tennis Trophy in Vienna, where No. 1 seed Stanislas Wawrinka fell to Philipp Petzschner in a third-set tiebreaker and No. 7 Gilles Simon bowed out to Eduardo Schwank, also in three sets. Fellow Masters Cup hopeful Fernando Gonzalez, on the other hand, survived Simone Bolelli after dropping the first set. On the ATP Tour, however, the day really belonged to long-lost Joachim Johansson. The big-serving Swede, who had not played competitively in exactly one year, came out of retirement this week to take part in the Stockholm Open and he thrilled the crowd by winning his first match on Tuesday night over Nicolas Mahut. “Pim-Pim” fired 20 aces in just two sets en route to a 7-5, 7-6(5) victory. In round two Johansson will face top-seeded David Nalbandian, a 6-1, 6-1 winner over Bobby Reynolds. Other seeded players who safely moved through were No. 2 Mario Ancic, No. 5 Rainer Schuettler, and No. 6 Jose Acasuso. Jonas Bjorkman, who is retiring at the end of 2008, was not as fortunate as his countryman Johansson. The veteran lost his first-round match to Juan Monaco in straight sets. Filed Under: Archives Tagged With: ATP Tour News, Carlos Bernades, Daniela Hantuchova, David Nalbandian, Eduardo Schwank, Fernando Gonzalez, Flavia Penetta, Gilles Simon, Janko Tipsarevic, Joachim Johansson, Jonas Bjorkman, Juan Monaco, Kremlin Cup, Marat Safin, Mario Ancic, Nikolay Davydenko, Noam Okun, Philipp Petzschner, Robby Ginepri, Russia, Simone Bolelli, Stanislas Wawrinka, Svetlana Kuznetsova, Venus Williams, Vera Zvonareva, Viktor Troicki Marat Safin Notches 400th Win Marat Safin has notched 400th win in professional career beating 7-6(5) 3-6 6-4 Noam Okun of Israel. Safin places on 8th position among active players who have won the most matches in ATP Tour. Safin ended the match in bizarre fashion thinking that broke Okun’s serve to lead 6:5 in the third. He had gone to his chair before realised that won the match. Nikolay Davydenko has extended the number of consecutive wins in Moscow to 11, after a routine win (6-1 7-5) over Florent Serra. Two-time defending champion Davydenko lost only one set in those 11 matches (against Safin two years ago in the final). The biggest surprise of the first round was made by Uzbek Denis Istomin overcoming 7-6(2) 6-3 Mickael Llodra. It was Istomin’s first ATP win since Australian Open. Apart from Aussie Open, Istomin had won earlier matches only on lower levels and in Davis Cup. The first round produced mixing emotions for the home crowd. After 17 years on the Tour the last singles match in professional career played Jonas Bjorkman. The Swede who debuted in Stockholm in 1992, lost in straight sets (2-6 4-6) to “lucky loser” Juan Monaco.”I felt I could have played a lot better than I did because I was playing well during practice during the last weeks.” said Bjorkman who will play in doubles till the end of the regular season. On the other hand fellow Swede – Joachim “Pim-Pim” Johansson dignified with a win his comeback to ATP circuit after 12 months’ break. Johansson beat Nicolas Mahut 7-5 7-6(5) serving 20 aces at 75% of 1st serves in. “I didn’t feel anything on my shoulder” said 26 year-old Pim-Pim who officialy retired from professional sport at the beginning of 2008. Juan Acasuso has won for the second time in 2008 a match from extremely difficult position. The Argentinian who beat Gulbis in Toronto being 1:5 in the deciding set, this time overcome a qualifier from Germany – Matthias Bachinger 7-6(5) 3-6 7-6(4) despite match point down at 2:5 in the third set. In contrary to Joachim Johansson, Stefan Koubek hadn’t a promising comeback to ATP after 6 months injury-break. The Austrian lost 1-6 2-6 to 10 years younger “lucky loser” Santiago Giraldo. It was Giraldo’s first ATP match at the European indoor. After the match Koubek said he wants to play as many matches as possible to the end of the season and rebuild his form on the practice sessions in off-season in December. Feliciano Lopez has won first ATP match after losing 6 in a row, beating in two tie-breaks Agustin Calleri. Stanislas Wawrinka and Gilles Simon, Masters Cup contenders, have cutted down chances to qualify to Shanghai. Both players lost in the first round 6-7(5) in the third set (Wawrinka lost to qualifier Petzschner, Simon to Schwank). Their stumble creates Shanghai hopes for Fernando Gonzalez. The Chilean, 11th in the ATP Race revenged Simone Bolelli for bitter Wimbledon’s loss beating the Italian 4-6 7-6(2) 6-2. They have met each other 4 times and 9 out of 13 sets have finished in the tie-breaks (Gonzalez leads 3-1 in Head to head; Bolelli leads 5-4 in the tie-breaks). The revelation of the last couple of months – Juan Martin del Potro was struggling in two tie-break sets with unkown Austrian “wild card” Martin Fisher (No. 219). Del Potro saved set point in the first set tie-break (at 6:7) and was two points away from losing the second tie-break when Fisher was serving at 5:4. It was first indoor match for the Argentinian this year. Moscow – First round (1)Nikolay Davydenko (RUS) d. Florent Serra (FRA) 6-1 7-5 Guillermo Garcia-Lopez (ESP) d. Nicolas Devilder (FRA) 6-2 6-4 Julien Benneteau (FRA) d. (q)Harel Levy (ISR) 6-4 6-3 (7)Marat Safin (RUS) d. (q)Noam Okun (ISR) 7-6(5) 3-6 6-4 Teimuraz Gabashvili (RUS) d. (3)Mikhail Youzhny (RUS) 7-5 4-6 7-6(1) Michael Zverev (GER) d. Denis Gremelmayr (GER) 6-3 7-6(7) Viktor Troicki (SRB) d. (WC)Evgeny Donskoy (RUS) 6-1 6-3 (8)Janko Tipsarevic (SRB) d. (WC)Alexandre Koudriavtsev (RUS) 4-6 6-3 7-6(6) (q)Denis Istomin (UZB) d. (6)Michael Llodra (FRA) 7-6(2) 6-3 Fabrice Santoro (FRA) d. (WC)Yuri Schukin (KAZ) 4-6 7-6(2) 6-4 Dudi Sela (ISR) d. Victor Hanescu (ROU) 6-3 3-6 6-2 (4)Paul-Henri Mathieu (FRA) d. Sergey Stakhovsky (UKR) 6-3 6-2 Igor Kunitsyn (RUS) d. (LL)Mikhail Kukushkin (KAZ) 6-1 4-6 6-1 Robby Ginepri (USA) d. (q)Jiri Vanek (CZE) 6-3 6-4 Jeremy Chardy (FRA) d. Potito Starace (ITA) 3-6 6-1 6-4 (2)Igor Andreev (RUS) d. Yen-Hsun Lu (TPE) 2-0 ret. Stockholm – First round (1)David Nalbandian (ARG) d. Bobby Reynolds (USA) 6-1 6-1 (WC)Joachim Johansson (SWE) d. Nicolas Mahut (FRA) 7-5 7-6(5) (q)George Bastl (SUI) d. (q)Frederik Nielsen (DEN) 7-6(6) 3-6 7-6(4) (7)Albert Montanes (ESP) d. Thomas Johansson (SWE) 6-3 4-6 6-3 (3)Jarkko Nieminen (FIN) d. Thomaz Bellucci (BRA) 6-7(5) 6-3 7-5 Arnaud Clement (FRA) d. (q)Bjorn Rehnquist (SWE) 6-2 6-1 Oscar Hernandez (ESP) d. Ivo Minar (CZE) 6-4 6-3 (6)Jose Acasuso (ARG) d. (q)Matthias Bachinger (GER) 7-6(5) 3-6 7-6(4) – saved 1 M.P. (5)Rainer Schuettler (GER) d. Chris Guccione (AUS) 6-0 6-3 Nicolas Lapentti (ECU) d. Ivan Navarro-Pastor (ESP) 3-6 7-6(7) 7-5 (LL)Juan Monaco (ARG) d. (WC)Jonas Bjorkman (SWE) 6-2 6-4 (4)Robin Soderling (SWE) d. Benjamin Becker (GER) 7-5 6-3 (WC)Kei Nishikori (JPN) d. (8)Marcel Granollers (ESP) 2-6 6-4 6-2 Dominik Hrbaty (SVK) d. Pablo Andujar (ESP) 6-2 6-1 Steve Darcis (BEL) vs Christophe Rochus (BEL) 2-6 6-3 6-3 (2)Mario Ancic (CRO) d. Olivier Rochus (BEL) 7-6(6) 6-2 Vienna – First Round (q)Philipp Petzschner (GER) d. (1)Stanislas Wawrinka (SUI) 6-7(5) 6-2 7-6(5) (q)Jan Hernych (CZE) d. Roko Karanusic (CRO) 4-6 6-4 7-6(5) Carlos Moya (ESP) d. Michael Berrer (GER) 7-6(5) 7-6(6) Eduardo Schwank (ARG) d. (7)Gilles Simon (FRA) 4-6 7-5 7-6(5) Juan Carlos Ferrero (ESP) d. (4)Ivo Karlovic (CRO) 6-4 7-6(4) Jurgen Melzer (AUT) d. Ivan Ljubicic (CRO) 7-6(3) 6-3 Feliciano Lopez (ESP) d. Agustin Calleri (ARG) 7-6(2) 7-6(4) (LL)Santiago Giraldo (COL) d. (WC)Stefan Koubek (AUT) 6-1 6-2 (5)Fernando Verdasco (ESP) d. (q)Victor Crivoi (ROU) 6-4 6-4 Guillermo Canas (ARG) d. Andreas Seppi (ITA) 7-6(2) 6-3 Philipp Kohlschreiber (GER) d. Marc Gicquel (FRA) 6-2 6-2 (3)Juan Martin del Potro (ARG) vs (WC)Martin Fischer (AUT) 7-6(7) 7-6(5) (8)Gael Monfils (FRA) vs (WC)Alexander Peya (AUT) 3-6 6-1 6-3 Radek Stepanek (CZE) d. (q)Pavel Snobel (CZE) 6-4 6-2 Ernests Gulbis (LAT) d. Filippo Volandri (ITA) 6-2 6-3 (2)Fernando Gonzalez (CHI) vs Simone Bolelli (ITA) 4-6 7-6(2) 6-2 Lived up to the hype! July 8, 2008 by Bill Mountford Sports Illustrated’s Jon Wertheim previewed the Rafael Nadal vs. Roger Federer Wimbledon final by suggesting that it was the most anticipated championship final in the history of our sport. High praise indeed, but when does the competition outdistance the hype in this day and age? Practically never is when. Sunday’s match was simply astonishing. Two absolute giants of our great game did battle for nearly five hours on the world’s most important court. As John McEnroe of NBC Sports likened it to his 1980 final against Bjorn Borg, he acknowledged that there were, truly, no losers in this match. No less an authority than Bud Collins called it the “best Wimbledon final ever.” When McEnroe interviewed Roger Federer as he walked off the court, it was incredibly poignant. They now share a bond, as both lost epic “Greatest Match of All Time” encounters on Wimbledon’s centre court. Federer started to lose his composure and McEnroe offered a hug. It would have been appropriate for Mac to have consoled Federer by telling him that more people have patted him on the back for his efforts in losing the 1980 final then for his three wins at the Big W. A few weeks ago, Bill Simmons, a writer for ESPN Magazine, took some snarky shots at the sport of tennis. In fact, his article- which was, by the way, abruptly removed from ESPN.com- was based on the premise that if he was offered the promise of the greatest match ever in the Wimbledon final, then he would still not choose to watch it. I admire Simmons, and as a die-hard Boston sports fan, I always appreciate his (warped) perspective. After reading his article, I actually felt defensive for a little while. I thought: What the hell is he talking about!?!? Thankfully, I am confident that if Simmons tuned into “Breakfast at Wimbledon” for Rafa and Roger, then his perspective would be considerably different. Simmons offered some idiotic “solutions” to what ails our sport. I presume that these were written in jest, because they were pretty lazy ideas. In giving “The Sports Guy” more benefit of doubt, he has purposely written reverse jinx pieces before (such as, the Celtics cannot win this year) that have proved to be good luck for his hometown teams. Maybe that was his true intention. If so, then we all owe him a big Thank You. Venus Williams did not lose a set in singles or doubles during the 2008 Championships. Serena did not look happy (big surprise!) after losing in the final. Expect her to dominate at Flushing Meadows in a few weeks. Congratulations to Canada’s Daniel Nestor for re-gaining the world’s #1 ranking in doubles and completing the career grand slam in doubles. Not bad for a 35 year old! Farewell to Jonas Bjorkman. Saturday marked his final Wimbledon appearance in The Championships. Of course, guys are already “queuing up” to play in the senior invitational doubles with him next year. The Bryan Brothers faced off against one another in the mixed doubles final. Reportedly, they evenly split all of their prize money and endorsements. I am guessing that would have been a pretty relaxed final round encounter. Bob and Sammy Stosur straight-setted Mike and Katarina Srebotnik over on Court One while Federer and Nadal were playing their fifth set on Centre Court. A few final thoughts on The Championships… Thank heavens that there will be a retractable roof on the Centre Court beginning next year. The delayed start to the gentlemen’s singles final, and the two subsequent rain delays, would have been avoidable. This adversely affects several million world-wide fans. In the end, the sport loses when viewers tune out. I wish that Wimbledon had made- and then acted on- this decision thirty years ago, but it is a sign of progress. One example of where there has been NO PROGRESS is the middle Sunday of The Championships, the tournament’s traditional “day of rest.” Like millions of tennis fanatics all over the world, an ideal Sunday for me is a good breakfast, hit some balls and maybe even play a few sets, and then watch tennis for the rest of the day. The AELTC sacrifices tens of millions of pounds (double that figure in US dollars!) in sponsorship revenue and international TV licensing fees by refusing play on that prime weekend slot. By 2008 standards, it is outrageous, arrogant, and archaic. It is also hypocritical, because the men’s final has been played on a Sunday for a quarter century. They were lucky that the weather was uncharacteristically pleasant during the first week of the tournament. Relying on luck each year is foolish though. The Russian women made another huge splash, with 6 of the final 16 players hailing from Russia. There were 17 Russian ladies in main draw of the singles. That is impressive. It is not unprecedented, however, and- in fact- pales in comparison to some years where the Americans reigned supreme. In 1984, 64(!!!!) of the 128 singles players were American men. The Yanks had the champion, the runner-up, two semi-finalists, four quarterfinalists, and 11 who reached the round of 16. As American Frank Sinatra used to sing… it was a very good year. Does everybody still think that Roger Federer will annihilate Pete Sampras’ all-time records? It says here that he might get to 14 majors, but this is not a mortal lock. The sport has changed before his very eyes. He will need some luck (a Nadal injury, or a Novak Djokovic disappearance in the autumn) to finish as the year-end #1. The expectation that this would be Federer’s fifth straight year at the top is fading, and he would still be one year shy of what Pete Sampras accomplished. In Pete Sampras’ new book A Champion’s Mind, he lists (in no particular order) himself, Rod Laver, Bjorn Borg, Roger Federer, and Ivan Lendl as the top-five players of the Open era. After his Wimbledon victory, I would place Rafael Nadal among John McEnroe, Jimmy Connors, Andre Agassi and (probably) Mats Wilander in the next tier (with apologies to Boris Becker, Stefan Edberg, John Newcombe, Gustavo Kuerten, and Jim Courier). Speaking of Pistol Pete, it took him a little while to “solve” grass court tennis. In fact, a surprising number (17) of different players registered wins over the once-and-still GOAT. Our Editor in Chief, Manfred Wenas, has a little swag for the first reader to submit the complete list of players that owned a piece of Sampras’ scalp on grass. World Team Tennis began its 33rd professional season in the US over the weekend. Go to www.wtt.com for information about players, upcoming matches, standings, etc. It is a great opportunity to watch past, present, and future Wimbledon champions. It is also the only competition in tennis that prioritizes doubles and team-play over singles. Venus and Serena Williams are shattering the myth that good doubles teams would beat great singles players who pair up together. They won their 7th major doubles title together, and it would be safe to assume that they do not practice the nuances of doubles too frequently. At the beginning of Rafael Nadal’s ascent up the rankings, I asked Wayne Bryan (whose sons Bob and Mike were ranked #1 in the world at the time) who would win a match between his boys and Federer-Nadal. He hedged his bets, but thought that his boys would pull through. He did suggest, however, that if Federer were to play with Lleyton Hewitt, who had more doubles success at that stage, then he thinks the result would be reversed. So, I will pose these questions to our readers, who would win the follow mythical doubles matches? 1) Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer vs. Bob and Mike Bryan 2) Pete Sampras and Andre Agassi vs. Todd Woodbridge and Mark Woodforde 3) Boris Becker and Stefan Edberg vs. Ken Flach and Robert Seguso 4) John McEnroe and Peter Fleming vs. John McEnroe and Ivan Lendl (yes, you read that correctly) 5) Bjorn Borg and Jimmy Connors vs. Bob Lutz and Stan Smith Tennis Week in Newport is always one of my favorite times of the year. This year’s class of inductees is highlighted by Michael Chang, and supported by contributors Mark McCormack and Eugene Scott. Visit www.TennisFame.com for a wealth of information about these new- and, in fact, all- hall of famers. When Gene Scott died suddenly in 2006, it was an awful loss for our sport. It also, naturally, affected hundreds (more like thousands, actually) of people personally. I had developed a great fondness for Gene Scott and treasured the time I got to spend with him. I believed that- for some unknown reason- he had taken a liking to me, and wished to help me along in my career. During the outpouring of grief, his dear friends at Tennis Week created a Web site (www.EugeneLScott.com) where people were urged to offer their tributes to the great man. Reading some of these tributes, a few years after his passing, left me feeling as sad as the day he died. Back then I wrote: Gene Scott was like the North Star. Speaking with him or reading his column… he’d always bring you to your senses. Nobody else had his vantage point, and he knew it. That never kept him from sharing though, and his generosity was unparalleled. His departure has already left a terrible void. Goddamn that he is gone. Lucky that he touched so many while he was around. I wish that Gene Scott had been enshrined into the International Tennis Hall of Fame a decade ago. His induction speech would have been brilliant. Hall of Famer John McEnroe will offer his testimonial and introduce Gene’s wife, Polly, who will accept on his behalf this weekend. Who else should be inducted into the Hall of Fame? I offer a dozen candidates who I believe ought to be bronzed: 1) Donald Dell. 2) Monica Seles. 3) Andre Agassi. 4) Gustavo Kuerten. 5) Jennifer Capriati. 6) Martina Hingis. 7) Nick Bollettieri. 8) Dennis Van Der Meer. 9) Michael Stich. 10) Yevgeny Kafelnikov. 11) Justine Henin. 12) Todd Woodbridge & Mark Woodforde. Of course I will be in America’s Resort City (Newport, Rhode Island) this week to watch the best little tournament in the world and then enjoying the induction ceremony of the latest inductees into the International Tennis Hall of Fame. If you are a fan of this great sport, you MUST make a pilgrimage to Newport. While at the Newport Casino, I will spend a lot of time rehashing points and moments and drama from the “greatest tennis match ever played” with old and new tennis friends. Congratulations Rafa! Congratulations Roger! Note by the Editor-in-Chief: The little swag for the first reader to submit the complete list of players that owned a piece of Sampras’ scalp on grass only goes for those who use the comment system down below on TennisGrandstand.com. Other submissions will not count. Filed Under: Archives, Lead Story Tagged With: A Champions Mind, Andre Agassi, Bill Simmons, Bjorn Borg, Bob Bryan, Bob Lutz, Boris Becker, Daniel NEstor, Dennis van der Meer, Donald Dell, Eugene Scott, Gustavo Kuerten, Ivan Lendl, Jennifer Capriati, Jim Courier, Jimmy Connors, John McEnroe, John Newcombe, Jon Wertheim, Jonas Bjorkman, Justine Henin, Katarina Srebotnik, Ken Flach, Lleyton Hewitt, Mark McCormack, Mark Woodforde, Martina Hingis, Mats Wilander, Michael Stich, Mike Bryan, Monica Seles, NBC Sports, Nick Bollettieri, Pete Sampras, Rafael Nadal, Robert Seguso, Rod Laver, Roger Federer, Sammy Stosur, Serena Williams, Sports Illustrated, Stan Smith, Stefan Edberg, Todd Woodbridge, Venus Williams, Wayne Bryan, Yevgeny Kafelnikov Mondays With Bob Greene: The Second Week of Wimbledon July 7, 2008 by Bob Greene Men’s Singles: Rafael Nadal beat Roger Federer 6-4 6-4 6-7 (5) 6-7 (8) 9-7 Women’s Singles: Venus Williams beat Serena Williams 7-5 6-4 Men’s Doubles: Daniel Nestor and Nenad Zimonjic beat Jonas Bjorkman and Kevin Ullyett 7-6 (12) 6-7 (3) 6-3 6-3 Women’s Doubles: Venus and Serena Williams beat Lisa Raymond and Samantha Stosur 6-2 6-2 Mixed Doubles: Bob Bryan and Samantha Stosur beat Mike Bryan and Katarina Srebotnik 7-5 6-4 Boys Singles: Grigor Dimitrov beat Henri Kontinen 7-5 6-3 Girls Singles: Laura Robson beat Noppawan Lertcheewakarn 6-3 3-6 6-1 Boys Doubles: Hsieh Cheng-Peng and Yang Tsung-Hua beat Matt Reid and Bernard Tomic 6-4 2-6 12-10 Girls Doubles: Polona Hercoq and Jessica Moore beat Isabella Holland and Sally Peers 6-3 1-6 6-2 Ladies Invitational Doubles: Jana Novotna and Kathy Rinaldi beat Martina Navratilova and Helena Sukova 7-5 3-6 10-5 (match tiebreak) Gentlemen’s Invitational Doubles: Donald Johnson and Jared Palmer beat Jacco Eltingh and Paul Haarhuis, walkover Senior Gentlemen’s Doubles: Ken Flach and Robert Seguso beat Jeremy Bates and Anders Jarryd 7-6 (1) 6-7 (5) 10-7 (match tiebreak) Wheelchair Masters: Robin Ammerlaan and Ronald Vink beat Stephane Houdet and Nicolas Peifer 6-7 (6) 6-1 6-3 Ivan Navarro defeated Dick Norman 6-7 (4) 6-3 7-6 (10) to capture the 2008 Open Diputacion in Pozoblanco, Spain Luis Horna won the BSI Challenger Lugano, defeating Nicolas Devilder 7-6 (1) 6-1 in Lugano, Switzerland Fabio Fognini beat Diego Junqueira 6-3 6-1 to win the Sporting Challenger 08 in Turin, Italy Tathiana Garbin won the Cuneo 2008 ITF event in Cuneo, Italy, beating Sorana-Mihaela Cristea 6-3 6-1 “I am very, very happy. For me it is a dream to play on this court. I had a lot of chances to win, but he always fight unbelievable.” – Rafael Nadal, after beating five-time champion Roger Federer to win the men’s singles. “It’s tough, it’s tough, it hurts. Rafa really served well at the end. I missed so many opportunities. I paid the price in the end.” – Roger Federer. “My first job is big sister. I take that job very seriously.” – Venus Williams, talking about family ties after beating sister Serena in the Wimbledon final. “I’m so happy that at least one of us was able to win.” – Serena Williams, noting she and her sister Venus have won seven of the last nine Wimbledon women’s singles titles. “I’m definitely more in tune with my sister’s feelings because one of us has to win and one has to lose. Of course the celebration isn’t as exciting because my sister has just lost.” – Venus Williams. “They’re serving bombs.” – Svetlana Kuznetsova, referring to the big-serving games of both Williams sisters. “His forehand was ridiculous. He hits the ball so close to the line, so hard, that it was difficult to get any rhythm. I felt rushed on every point.” – Andy Murray, after losing to Rafael Nadal in the quarterfinals. “To beat Federer you need to be Nadal and run around like a rabbit and hit winners from all over the place.” – Marat Safin. “His forehand is incredible. The speed and spin is incredible, and the pop in his serve, there’s a life to it.” – John McEnroe, admitting he was stunned by the power of Rafael Nadal after he practiced with the Spaniard. “It’s not over ’til the blonde lady screams.” – Mary Carillo on Elena Dementieva’s shrieking during her semifinal loss to Venus Williams. “I was almost playing in the parking lot. I almost need a helicopter to go to my court.” – Jelena Jankovic, complaining about having to play on Court 18, where she lost. “My husband warms up with me every time. He’s a good hitting partner, but maybe he needs to practice the serve more and serve like Serena. Then next time I will return much better.” – Zheng Jie, after Serena Williams fired 14 aces in her semifinal victory over the Chinese player. “We have always aimed for singles gold, but Zheng Jie’s results have further bolstered our confidence in the Chinese tennis team.” – Xie Miqing, spokeswoman for the Chinese Tennis Federation, after Zheng reached the Wimbledon semifinals. “I thought I was going to be sick when I walked onto court because there were so many people watching. In the second set I went a bit mad but got it back together and managed to win.” – Laura Robson, who became the first British player since 1984 to win the Wimbledon junior girls’ singles. “It was my goal to make the Olympics this year, which is my last as a professional player. It will be my third participation after Atlanta and Athens and it’s my dream to end my career with an Olympic medal for Sweden.” – Jonas Bjorkman, after receiving an ITF Place in the Beijing Olympics tennis event. “He is a wonderful role model for our young Canadiens, and I am so proud of his remarkable accomplishment today. His victory is an exclamation point on a Hall of a Fame career.” – Michael S. Downey, president and chief executive of Tennis Canada, talking about Daniel Nestor. SPANISH KING When Rafael Nadal unleashed a final ferocious forehand to end an epic battle, he became the first person since Bjorn Borg in 1980 to sweep both Roland Garros and Wimbledon in the same year. His 6-4 6-4 6-7 (5) 6-7 (8) 9-7 victory also stopped Roger Federer’s bid for a record sixth straight Wimbledon men’s singles title. The defeat snapped Federer’s 40 straight match streak at the All England Club and a record 65-match streak on grass. Nadal became the first Spaniard to win Wimbledon since Manolo Santana in 1966, two years before the Open Era began. And at 4 hours, 48 minutes, it was the longest men’s final in Wimbledon’s history. SONG FOR ZHENG The biggest surprise at this year’s Wimbledon was China’s Zheng Jie. She became the first female wild-card entrant to reach the semifinals at the All England Club and joined Monica Seles as the second at any Grand Slam tournament. Zheng beat three ranked players, including top-seeded Ana Ivanovic, the reigning French Open champion. Nicole Vaidisova in the quarterfinals was the only player to take a set off Zheng, and the Chinese righthander retaliated by winning the third set 6-1. Zheng wasn’t a complete surprise as she was ranked number 27 in the world in singles before she injured her ankle in 2007 and underwent surgery, ending her season. She won the gold at the Asian Games in 2006, beating Sania Mirza, and teamed with Yan Zi to win the doubles at the Austalian Open and Wimbledon the same year, her doubles ranking being as high as number three in the world. SUN RISING IN EAST Could the tennis power axis be shifting to the East – the Far East, that is? China’s Zheng Jie shocked the tennis world by knocking off top-seeded Ana Ivanovic, No. 15 Agnes Szavay and No. 18 Nicole Vaidisova on her way to the semifinals. Tamarine Tanasugarn of Thailand eliminated the number two seed, Jelena Jankovic. Another Thai, Noppawan Lertcheewakarn, reached the Girls’ singles final, while Taiwan’s Hsieh Cheng-Peng and Yang Tsung-Hua captured the boys’ doubles title, winning the decisive third set 12-10. Japan’s Ai Sugiyama was a quarterfinalist in the mixed doubles. Earlier this year 18-year-old Kei Nishikori became the first Japanese man to win an ATP event in almost 16 years when he upset James Black in the final of Delray Beach, Florida. And the center of the tennis world next month will be the Beijing Olympics. SET FOR BEIJING Nicolas Massu of Chile will be able to defend his gold medals in singles and doubles now that he has been added to the field of the Beijing Olympics tennis event. The ITF awarded places in the field to 12 players – six men and six women – who did not meet the direct acceptance requirements. Massu won both the singles and doubles at the Athens Games four years ago. Other ITF Places in the men’s singles went to Kevin Anderson, South Africa; Jonas Bjorkman, Sweden; Kei Nishikori, Japan; Max Mirnyi, Belarus; and Sun Peng, China. Given ITF Places in the women’s singles were Maria Koryttseva, Ukraine; Chan Yung-Jan, Taiwan; Ayumi Morita, Japan; Nuria Llagostera-Vives, Spain; Alicia Molik, Australia; and Selima Sfar, Tunisia. SEE YOU IN BEIJING Eighteen of the top 20 men and seven of the top ten women are scheduled to play in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. For both men and women, this is the strongest field to compete in the Olympics since tennis returned as a full medal sport in Seoul, South Korea, in 1988. Out of the top players, the only ones deciding to stay home are Andy Roddick, Richard Gasquet and Anna Chakvetadze. Fernando Verdasco and Marion Bartoli are both ineligible to compete. The Olympic tennis event will be played from Sunday, August 10, through Sunday, August 17, at the new Olympic Tennis Center in Beijing. SUMMERTIME READING More than 40 of the top tennis players took part in the ITF’s official tennis Olympic book, “Journey to Beijing – Tennis.” The 140-page publication features a series of photographs of the game’s top names dressed as athletes from other summer or winter Olympic sports. The pictures are accompanied by interviews with the players. The pictures were taken in Barcelona, Beijing, Dubai, Indian Wells, Los Angeles, Miami, Melbourne, Moscow, the Netherlands, Palm Beach, Santiago, Shanghai and Tel Aviv. Check out Serena Williams as an ice skater. SURE ABOUT RETIRING? Justine Henin hasn’t completely ruled out returning to tennis. The 26-year-old Belgian announced her retirement 10 days before the start of the French Open in May. At the time, she was ranked number one in the world. Henin, who is establishing a tennis academy in Belgium, said, “I can never say for sure that I’ll never be back because I hate to say never. But for me, and the people who know me, they know that when I do something, I do it 200 percent, and when I decide it’s over, it’s over and I go to the next step.” SANDRA’S BACK Austrian doubles player Sandra Klemenschits will return to the WTA Tour this month following her battle with abdominal cancer, the same illness that caused the death in April of her twin sister Daniela. Organizers of the Gastein Ladies awarded Klemenschits a wild card for their July 14-20 tournament in Bad Gastein, Austria. She will team up with Germany’s Marlene Weingaertner, who is making her comeback after a two-year retirement from competitive tennis. Sandra and Daniela Klemenschits played doubles on Austria’s Fed Cup team and won 23 titles on the ITF women’s circuit before both were diagnosed with a rare form of abdominal cancer. STRONG PARTNERS Jonas Bjorkman was on the losing side in his final Wimbledon’s men’s doubles championship match. He and Kevin Ullyett lost to Daniel Nestor and Nenad Zimonjic in the Swede’s last appearance at the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club before he retires at the end f the season. Bjorkman’s partners in his winning 51 doubles titles – including eight at Grand Slam events – include Todd Woodbridge, John McEnroe, Pat Rafter and Roger Federer. SETS RECORDS When Daniel Nestor teamed up with Nenad Zimonjic to win the Wimbledon men’s doubles championship, he became the first Canadian to win a title at the All England Club. Nestor also completed a career doubles Grand Slam, adding to championships he won with Mark Knowles at the Australian Open in 2002, the U.S. Open in 2004 and the French Open in 2007. And he became just the fourth men’s player in the Open Era to win all four Grand Slams and an Olympic gold medal, joining Andre Agassi, Todd Woodbridge and Mark Woodforde. SISTERLY SUCCESS After facing each other in the women’s singles final, sisters Venus and Serena Williams teamed up to win their third Wimbledon women’s doubles championship and seventh Grand Slam doubles title, beating Lisa Raymond and Samantha Stosur 6-2 6-2. The sisters last won the doubles at Wimbledon in 2002, the first of two straight years in which Serena beat Venus in the singles final. This year, Venus beat Serena for her fifth Wimbledon singles crown. SINGLES WINNER When Laura Robson beat third-seeded Noppawan Lertcheewakarn 6-3 3-6 6-1, she became the first British player to win the Wimbledon girls singles since Annabel Croft in 1984. Because of the interest in the 14-year-old’s match, the girls’ singles final was played in the 11,000-seat No. 1 court. She is the youngest girls’ champion at Wimbledon since Martina Hingis won in 1994 at the age of 13. When she was handed the trophy by Ann Jones, one of the British women to have won the Wimbledon ladies’ singles, Robson said she hopes she will be granted a wild card into the main draw of next year’s Championships. Marcos Baghdatis has decided not play Davis Cup for Cyprus against Portugal later this month. Baghdatis, the 2006 Australian Open finalist, said he is pulling out of the upcoming Davis Cup tie because of other commitments, but said he was not be quitting the team indefinitely. The top-seeded brother team of Bob and Mike Bryan never lost serve during this year’s Wimbledon, yet they didn’t win the title. The American twins lost in the men’s doubles semifinals to the team of Jonas Bjorkman of Sweden and Kevin Ullyett of Zimbabwe 7-6 (3) 5-7 7-6 (5) 7-6 (9). Bob Bryan did win a Wimbledon title, teaming with Samantha Stosur to capture the mixed doubles. Mike Bryan was on the losing side of the net with Katarina Srebotnik. SEEING IT ON TV The battle between sisters Venus and Serena Williams drew the highest preliminary United States television ratings in three years for a Wimbledon women’s final. NBC said viewership was up 21 percent from last years’ meeting between Venus and Marion Bartoli and the best rating since 2005 when Venus beat Lindsay Davenport. Ricoh, a global leader in digital office solutions, has extended its role as the Official Office Solutions Provider of the ATP for three additional years. The company will also sponsor the official ATP MatchFacts, distributed after every ATP Tour match and sponsorship of Hawkeye graphics at a number of ATP Masters Series events in Europe. Cordoba: Johan Brunstrom and Jean-Julien Rojer beat James Cerretani and Dick Norman 6-4 6-3 Lugano: Ramirez Junaid and Philipp Marx beat Mariano Hood and Eduardo Schwank 7-6 (7) 4-6 10-7 (match tiebreak) Turin: Carlos Berlocq and Frederico Gil beat Tomas Cibulec and Jaroslav Levinsky 6-4 6-3 Cuneo: Maret Ani and Renata Voracova beat Olga Savchuk and Marina Shamayko 6-1 6-2 Newport: www.tennisfame.com Gstaad: www.swissopengstaad.com Palermo: www.countrytimeclub.it Budapest: www.gazdefrancegrandprix.com Stuttgart: www.mercedescup.de Bastad: www.tennisfame.com Istanbul: www.tedclub.org.tr Stanford: www.bankofthewestclassic.com Bad Gastein: www.generali-ladies.at Scheveningen: www.siemens-open.nl $860,000 Mercedes Cup, Stuttgart, Germany, clay $580,000 Allianz Suisse Open, Gstaad, Switzerland, clay $566,000 Campbell’s Hall of Fame Tennis Championships, Newport, Rhode Island, grass $480,000 Catella Swedish Open, Bastad, Sweden, clay $125,000 Bogota Challenger, Bogota, Colombia, clay $100,000 Siemens Open, Scheveningen, Netherlands, clay $175,000 Gaz de France Grand Prix, Budapest, Hungary, clay $145,000 Internazionali Femminili di Tennis di Palermo, Palermo, Italy, clay Hall of Fame Champions Cup, Newport, Rhode Island, grass $890,000 Austrian Open, Kitzbuhel, Austria, clay $525,000 Indianapolis Tennis Championships, Indianapolis, Indiana, hard $525,000 Dutch Open Tennis, Amersfoort, The Netherlands, clay $525,000 ATP Studena Croatia Open, Umag, Croatia, clay $600,000 Bank of the West Classic, Stanford, California, hard $175,000 Gastein Ladies, Bad Gastein, Austria, clay Turkcell Legends Cup, Istanbul, Turkey, hard (July 18-20) Americas Zone Group III: Aruba, Barbados, Cuba, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Panama, Puerto Rico at Tegucigalpa, Honduras, hard Group IV: Bermuda, Costa Rica, Haiti, US Virgin Island at Honduras Europe/Africa Zone Group II Playoffs: Luxembourg vs. Finland at Hanko, Finland, clay; Hungary vs. Greece at Thessaloniki, Greece, clay Group II Second Round: Denmark vs. South Africa at Johannesburg, South Africa, hard; Algeria vs. Monaco at Monte Carlo, Monaco, clay Filed Under: Lead Story, Mondays with Bob Greene Tagged With: Anders Jarryd, Andy Murray, Bernard Tomic, Bob Bryan, Daniel NEstor, Dick Norman, Diego Junqueira, Donald Johnson, Elena Dementieva, Fabio Fognini, Grigor Dimitrov, Helena Sukova, Henri Kontinen, Hsieh Cheng-Peng, Isabella Holland, Ivan Navarro, Jacco Eltingh, Jana Novotna, Jared Palmer, Jelena Jankovic, Jeremy Bates, Jessica Moore, John McEnroe, Jonas Bjorkman, Justine Henin, Katarina Srebotnik, Kathy Rinaldi, Ken Flech, Kevin Ullyett, Laura Robson, Lisa Raymond, Luis Horna, Marat Safin, Marcos Baghdatis, Martina Navratilova, Mary Carillo, Matt Reid, Michael S. Downey, Mike Bryan, Nenad Zimonjic, Nicolas Devilder, Nicolas Peifer, Noppawan Lertcheewakarn, Paul Haarhuis, Polona Hercoq, Rafael Nadal, Robert Seguso, Robin Ammerlaan, Ronald Vink, Sally Peers, Samantha Stosur, Sandra Klemenschits, Serena Williams, Sorana-Mihaela Cristea, Stephane Houdet, Svetlana Kuznetsova, Tathiana Garbin, Venus Williams, Yang Tsung-Hua, Zheng Jie Mondays With Bob Greene: The First Week of Wimbledon June 30, 2008 by Bob Greene (Wimbledon first week) Zheng Jie beat top-seeded Ana Ivanovic 6-1 6-4 Marat Safin beat third-seeded Novak Djokovic 6-4 7-6 (3) 6-2 Alla Kudryavtseva beat third-seeded Maria Sharapova 6-2 6-4 Mario Ancic beat fifth-seeded David Ferrer 6-4 6-4 6-7 (5) 7-6 (3) Janko Tipsarevic beat sixth-seeded Andy Roddick 6-7 (5) 7-5 6-4 7-6 (4) Frank Dancevic beat seventh-seeded David Nalbandian 6-4 6-2 6-4 Ranier Schuettler beat ninth-seeded James Blake 6-3 6-7 (8) 4-6 6-4 6-4 Shahar Peer beat ninth-seeded Dinara Safina 7-5 6-7 (4) 8-6 “Sport isn’t the priority at the moment. … I think food would be.” – Cara Black, discussing her native country, Zimbabwe. “There’s only one winner in the tournament, and everyone else is disappointed. I’m one of them.” – Maria Sharapova, after her 6-2 6-4 second-round loss to Alla Kudryavtseva. “I don’t like her outfit. It was one of the motivations to beat her.” – Alla Kudryavtseva, on Sharapova’s tuxedo-style ensemble. “I just didn’t make anything happen out there. Zero, zero, zero.” – Andy Roddick, following his 6-7 (5) 7-5 6-4 7-6 (4) loss to Janko Tipsarevic. “This means the world to me. I’m just glad that I won and Serbia will have more representatives in the men’s singles draw.” – Janko Tipsarevic, following his upset win over Roddick. “Jocks win Wimbledon, and those are clearly two of the best athletes in the game. They can make the adjustments. They can play physical tennis. They can think on the move.” – Television analyst Mary Carillo, predicting Venus and Serena Williams will face each other in the Wimbledon final. “I felt like I was about 25, maybe 30 percent. In a first-, second-round match, it’s just not good enough. It’s not going to get better the more I play on it.” – Lindsay Davenport, who withdrew from Wimbledon hours before her second-round match because of a knee injury. “He’s trying to become number one in the world and he had a lot of pressure on him and I really didn’t have any pressure at all.” – Marat Safin, after beating third-seeded Novak Djokovic. “It was a bad day for me.” – Novak Djokovic. “Yeah, 127 is a good way to end it.” – Venus Williams, after hitting a 127-mph ace on match point in her third-round match. “At the end of ther match it was pretty tough because we both, I think, couldn’t see the ball anymore.” – Marat Safin, who completed his victory over Andreas Seppi in virtual darkness. “Maybe when you are my age you are happier as a tennis player than when you’re in the 20s. I’m happy right now even if I’m the oldest in the draw.” – Tamarine Tanasugarn, who at 31 is the oldest player in the Wimbledon women’s draw to reach the second week. “I look forward to the rest of my 2008 season, which hopefully will include the Olympic Games in Beijing. It would be the most incredible way to finish my career if I could win a medal for Sweden.” – Jonas Bjorkman, who will retire at the end of this year. “Tomorrow is the only day that I can think of. I never thought I could play this long. This is my 16th Wimbledon, and it’s been great. … But I just don’t want to just be here. I still need to play good.” – Ai Sugiyama, who is playing in a record 57th consecutive Grand Slam tournament. “I put so much pressure on myself for the (Olympic) goal that I was traveling for almost three months and I couldn’t find my game. Somehow in the last moment I qualified. I catch the last train.” – Dinara Safina, who was picked for the Russian Olympic tennis team after reaching the French Open final. “Among the targets of my comments was Anna Kournikova, not to mention a general disregard and disrespect toward women. They all deserve and have my deepest apologies. While I see how it could be implied by my remarks, I assure you that I have the utmost respect for women.” – Justin Gimelstob, apologizing for remarks he made on a radio chat show broadcast in the Washington, DC, area. “The ATP cannot condone any form of intolerance and Justin Gimelstob’s comments last week were unacceptable. However, Justin has done the right thing in taking full responsibility for his comments by apologizing publicly to Anna (Kournikova) for what he has rightly described as his disappointing and disrespectful comments.” – The ATP, in a statement. “I really don’t want to get into any of the off-court stuff. I’m just going to take the high road and not get into this discussion.” – Anna Kournikova. “We’re disappointed at Justin’s remarks, which are inappropriate and contrary to what our sport should stand for.” – The Sony Ericsson WTA Tour, in a statement. SIZZLING SERVE Venus Williams closed out her third-round victory over Maria Jose Martinez Sanchez with a record-breaking serve. The American ended a love game with a 127-mph delivery, the fastest recorded by a woman at Wimbledon. It was her 11th ace of the match, which she won 6-1 7-5. Williams also holds the WTA Tour record for fastest serve at 129 mph. SHUT YOUR MOUTH When Justin Gimbelstob was interviewed for a radio chat show in the Washington, DC, area, his comments sent shock waves throughout tennis. The former player and newly-elected ATP board member, later apologized to Anna Kounikova, Sony Ericsson WTA Tour chief Larry Scott, World Team Tennis co-founder Billie Jean King, the ATP and just about everyone else. In the interview, Gimbelstob called Kournikova a “bitch” and said he wanted to make her cry, called French players Tatiana Golovin and Alize Corent “sexpots,” and said Czech player Nicole Vaidisova was a “well-developed young lady.” Gimbelstob said there was “no excuse and I am extremely disappointed in myself. I take full responsibility for all the words that came out of my mouth, and while I can’t take them back, I hope my heartfelt remorse can begin to heal the woulds felt by many.” SEEING THE END? Former Wimbledon champion Lindsay Davenport has hinted strongly that this is her last year on the tour. The 32-year-old recently returned to the tour after giving birth to her child. She withdrew from her second-round match because of a knee injury, then told BBC Sport: “I would be surprised if I was back here playing. I am looking forward to the Olympics and playing the U.S. Open. After that there are not a lot of plans.” Davenport won the U.S. Open in 1998, Wimbledon in 1999, the Australian Open in 2000, and a gold medal at the Atlanta Olympics in 1996. SINO SHOCKER Because she missed most of 2007 with an ankle injury, China’s Zheng Jie saw her ranking slip from number 27 in the world to 133. So she wrote to the All England Club asking for a wild card since she had qualified for the French Open and reached the third round, had won the women’s doubles at Wimbledon in 2006 and that China was staging the Olympics this year. She got the wild card, and turned it into history when she upset the world’s top-ranked player, Ana Ivanovic, to advance to the fourth round. Four years ago at the French Open, Zheng became the first Chinese woman to reach the fourth round of a Grand Slam tournament. Two years ago, China’s Li Na gained a quarterfinal berth at Wimbledon. SAFINA TO BEIJING French Open finalist Dinara Safina will play singles at the Beijing Olympics in August. The Russian Tennis Federation added Safina when Anna Chakvetadze decided to skip the Games. Also heading to Beijing are Maria Sharapova, Svetlana Kuznetsova and Elena Dementieva. En route to the final at Roland Garros, Safina beat Sharapova, Dementieva and Kuznetsova. Russian tennis chief Shamil Tarpishchev said the men’s team will be picked according to the rankings, meaning Nikolay Davydenko, Mikhail Youzhny, Dmitry Tursunov and Igor Andreev will play singles in Beijing. STILL GOING By playing at Wimbledon this year, Ai Sugiyama of Japan set a record for most consecutive Grand Slam main draw appearances by a man or woman. This is her 57th straight Grand Slam tournament, which she began with a victory over Belgian Yanina Wickmayer. Sugiyama, who turns 33 years old on July 5, said she has never had a serious injury, travels with a trainer and has a massage every day to prolong her career. Currently ranked number 38 in the world, Sugiyama started her unbroken stretch of majors at Wimbledon in 1994 before she had graduated from high school. South Africa’s Wayne Ferreira previously held the record at 56 straight. Two sisters and two brothers will be key players on the United States Olympic tennis team in Beijing. Serena and Venus Williams will lead the women’s squad, while Bob and Mike Bryan will be favored to win the men’s doubles. Others named to the nine-player squad include Lindsay Davenport, Liezel Huber, James Blake, Sam Querrey and Robby Ginepri. The Williams sisters will play both singles and doubles, while Davenport will play singles and team with Huber in doubles. Blake, Querrey and Ginepri will play singles and Blake and Querrey will join the Bryans in doubles. Zina Garrison will coach the women’s team, while the men’s coach is Rodney Harmon. Anna Chakvetadze’s recent bad form is the result of an armed robbery at her Moscow house late last year. While she escaped unharmed, Chakvetadze admits she is still suffering mental stress from the ordeal. Her father, Jamal, a wealthy Russian businessman, was badly beaten during the robbery. SCANDAL TALK? Nikolay Davydenko said he may have inadvertently become embroiled in a betting scandal by talking too loudly to his wife during a tournament in Poland last year. An online bookmaker, Betfair, voided all bets on a match between Davydenko and Argentina’s Martin Vassallo Arguello in Sopot, Poland, last August after the Russian retired in the third set, citing a foot injury. Davydenko said his wife was in the stands when he told her something like, “I don’t want to play or I can retire.” He feels someone may have overheard him and misunderstood what he meant. Denying any involvement in illegal betting, the 27-year-old Davydenko says he will be vindicated when the ongoing investigation is complete. SWEDE SUSPENDED The Swedish junior team indefinitely suspended a 15-year-old player after he and two others reportedly vandalized several clay courts in Bastad, site of the Swedish Open. According to a newspaper, the vandalism occurred during Midsummer celebrations in the Swedish seaside town. The other two players are former members of the junior team. None of them was named. SHIFTING SITE The Sony Ericsson WTA Tour event that has been played at Amelia Island Plantation, Florida, since 1980 may have a new home. Residents of Sawgrass Country Club in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, have received a notice that the Sawgrass Board of Governors has approved in principle a proposal from Octagon Enterprises to have Sawgrass play host to the tournament. The tournament has been known as the Bausch & Lomb Championships. STOPPED BY COPS Two rowdy fans were ejected from Wimbledon for unruly behavior during a match between Lleyton Hewitt and Albert Montanes. While police could not confirm if the two unidentified fans were detained, they did say six people were arrested at Wimbledon for various offenses, including the possession of pepper spray. STOPPED FROM VOTING Serena Williams says their Jehovah’s Witness religion will keep her and sister Venus from voting for Barack Obama or anyone else in this fall’s United States presidential election. “So I’m not going to necessarily go out and vote for him. I would if it wasn’t for my religion,” Serena said. STERN LETTER People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) sent a letter to Tim Phillips, chairman of the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, condemning the treatment of pigeons at Wimbledon. All England Club spokesman Johnny Perkins confirmed media reports that contract pest controllers had used marksmen to shoot at pigeons around the club. SECRET EXPOSED Those who live in the community of Wimbledon receive free parking permits that enable them and their guests access to streets and driveways during the tennis tournament’s fortnight at the All England Club. But it seems as if some of those permits are showing up on eBay for USD 120 dollars. And it seems as if some permit holders have been making copies of the originals since one resident offered for sale no fewer than 17 permits. SHARED SORROW The first round at Wimbledon wasn’t kind to seeded doubles teams. Among the men’s teams that lost were fourth-seeded Mahesh Bhupathi and Mark Knowles, fifth-seeded Simon Aspelin and Julian Knowle, and sixth-seeded Martin Damm and Pavel Vizner. Gone from the women’s doubles at the end of the first round were fourth-seeded Chan Yung-Jan and Chuang Chia-Jung, along with eighth-seeded Peng Shuai and Sun Tiantian. Wimbledon: www.Wimbledon.com The Championships, Wimbledon, Great Britain, grass $125,000 Cordoba Challenger, Pozoblanco, Spain, hard $100,000 Turin Challenger, Turin, Italy, clay $100,000 ITF Cuneo, Cuneo, Italy, clay $100,000 Scheveningen Challenger, Scheveningen, Netherlands, clay Filed Under: Lead Story, Mondays with Bob Greene Tagged With: Alla Kudrayavtseva, Ana Ivanovic, Andy Roddick, Cara Black, David Ferrer, David Nalbandian, Dinara Safina, Frank Dancevic, James Blake, Janko Tipsarevic, Jonas Bjorkman, Justin Gimelstob, Lindsay Davenport, Marat Safin, Maria Sharapova, Mario Ancic, Nikolay Davydenko, Nova Djokovic, Ranier Schuettler, Shahar Peer, Zhen Jie
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15160, 0.0], [15160, 15230, 0.0], [15230, 15291, 0.0], [15291, 15348, 0.0], [15348, 16133, 0.0], [16133, 16188, 0.0], [16188, 16219, 0.0], [16219, 16654, 1.0], [16654, 16996, 1.0], [16996, 17260, 1.0], [17260, 17410, 1.0], [17410, 17490, 1.0], [17490, 17663, 1.0], [17663, 18007, 1.0], [18007, 18030, 0.0], [18030, 18096, 0.0], [18096, 18162, 1.0], [18162, 18222, 1.0], [18222, 18273, 0.0], [18273, 18299, 0.0], [18299, 18361, 0.0], [18361, 18413, 0.0], [18413, 18476, 0.0], [18476, 18528, 0.0], [18528, 18551, 0.0], [18551, 18608, 0.0], [18608, 18665, 0.0], [18665, 18731, 0.0], [18731, 18794, 0.0], [18794, 19164, 0.0], [19164, 19226, 0.0], [19226, 19256, 0.0], [19256, 19461, 1.0], [19461, 19631, 1.0], [19631, 20016, 1.0], [20016, 20356, 1.0], [20356, 20577, 1.0], [20577, 21075, 1.0], [21075, 21499, 1.0], [21499, 21823, 1.0], [21823, 21845, 0.0], [21845, 21912, 0.0], [21912, 21971, 0.0], [21971, 22033, 0.0], [22033, 22091, 0.0], [22091, 22147, 0.0], [22147, 22212, 0.0], [22212, 22263, 0.0], [22263, 22329, 1.0], [22329, 22354, 0.0], [22354, 22419, 0.0], [22419, 22481, 0.0], [22481, 22545, 0.0], [22545, 22604, 0.0], [22604, 22668, 0.0], [22668, 22726, 0.0], [22726, 22786, 0.0], [22786, 22840, 0.0], [22840, 22862, 0.0], [22862, 22922, 0.0], [22922, 22973, 0.0], [22973, 23033, 0.0], [23033, 23096, 0.0], [23096, 23156, 0.0], [23156, 23222, 0.0], [23222, 23276, 0.0], [23276, 23352, 1.0], [23352, 23444, 0.0], [23444, 23866, 0.0], [23866, 23912, 0.0], [23912, 23943, 0.0], [23943, 24552, 1.0], [24552, 24685, 1.0], [24685, 24977, 1.0], [24977, 25322, 1.0], [25322, 25715, 1.0], [25715, 26109, 1.0], [26109, 26562, 0.0], [26562, 26592, 0.0], [26592, 26947, 1.0], [26947, 27196, 1.0], [27196, 27455, 1.0], [27455, 27911, 1.0], [27911, 28263, 1.0], [28263, 28562, 1.0], [28562, 28980, 1.0], [28980, 29088, 1.0], [29088, 29318, 1.0], [29318, 29661, 1.0], [29661, 30032, 1.0], [30032, 30053, 0.0], [30053, 30111, 0.0], [30111, 30174, 0.0], [30174, 30228, 0.0], [30228, 30286, 0.0], [30286, 30355, 0.0], [30355, 30413, 0.0], [30413, 30470, 0.0], [30470, 30547, 0.0], [30547, 30608, 0.0], [30608, 30671, 0.0], [30671, 30723, 0.0], [30723, 30786, 0.0], [30786, 30849, 0.0], [30849, 30900, 0.0], [30900, 30956, 0.0], [30956, 31008, 1.0], [31008, 31032, 0.0], [31032, 31090, 0.0], [31090, 31152, 0.0], [31152, 31221, 0.0], [31221, 31284, 0.0], [31284, 31349, 0.0], [31349, 31406, 0.0], [31406, 31455, 0.0], [31455, 31541, 1.0], [31541, 31600, 0.0], [31600, 31667, 0.0], [31667, 31725, 0.0], [31725, 31783, 0.0], [31783, 31849, 0.0], [31849, 31901, 0.0], [31901, 31959, 0.0], [31959, 32015, 0.0], [32015, 32036, 0.0], [32036, 32113, 0.0], [32113, 32173, 0.0], [32173, 32229, 0.0], [32229, 32291, 0.0], [32291, 32353, 0.0], [32353, 32407, 0.0], [32407, 32468, 0.0], [32468, 32530, 0.0], [32530, 32591, 0.0], [32591, 32647, 0.0], [32647, 32705, 0.0], [32705, 32778, 0.0], [32778, 32840, 0.0], [32840, 32894, 0.0], [32894, 32949, 0.0], [32949, 33015, 0.0], [33015, 33037, 1.0], [33037, 33068, 0.0], [33068, 33377, 1.0], [33377, 33749, 1.0], [33749, 34222, 1.0], [34222, 34936, 1.0], [34936, 35363, 1.0], [35363, 35450, 1.0], [35450, 35578, 1.0], [35578, 35745, 1.0], [35745, 35946, 1.0], [35946, 36324, 1.0], [36324, 36367, 0.0], [36367, 36795, 1.0], [36795, 37622, 1.0], [37622, 38166, 1.0], [38166, 38656, 1.0], [38656, 39086, 1.0], [39086, 39431, 1.0], [39431, 39772, 1.0], [39772, 40046, 1.0], [40046, 40578, 1.0], [40578, 40635, 0.0], [40635, 40707, 0.0], [40707, 40773, 0.0], [40773, 40870, 0.0], [40870, 40930, 0.0], [40930, 41233, 1.0], [41233, 41906, 0.0], [41906, 42274, 1.0], [42274, 42553, 1.0], [42553, 42666, 0.0], [42666, 42682, 1.0], [42682, 42699, 1.0], [42699, 42716, 1.0], [42716, 42736, 1.0], [42736, 42758, 1.0], [42758, 42777, 1.0], [42777, 42798, 1.0], [42798, 42822, 1.0], [42822, 42840, 1.0], [42840, 42864, 1.0], [42864, 42883, 1.0], [42883, 42921, 1.0], [42921, 43235, 1.0], [43235, 43453, 1.0], [43453, 43721, 1.0], [43721, 44467, 0.0], [44467, 44521, 0.0], [44521, 44548, 0.0], [44548, 44623, 0.0], [44623, 44684, 0.0], [44684, 44795, 0.0], [44795, 44884, 0.0], [44884, 44976, 0.0], [44976, 45034, 0.0], [45034, 45103, 0.0], [45103, 45200, 0.0], [45200, 45297, 0.0], [45297, 45430, 0.0], [45430, 45543, 0.0], [45543, 45673, 0.0], [45673, 45781, 0.0], [45781, 45893, 0.0], [45893, 45997, 0.0], [45997, 46090, 0.0], [46090, 46191, 0.0], [46191, 46414, 1.0], [46414, 46564, 1.0], [46564, 46722, 1.0], [46722, 46895, 1.0], [46895, 47096, 1.0], [47096, 47205, 1.0], [47205, 47421, 1.0], [47421, 47545, 1.0], [47545, 47765, 1.0], [47765, 47903, 1.0], [47903, 48073, 1.0], [48073, 48354, 1.0], [48354, 48592, 1.0], [48592, 48883, 1.0], [48883, 49188, 1.0], [49188, 49464, 1.0], [49464, 49477, 0.0], [49477, 50115, 1.0], [50115, 50130, 0.0], [50130, 51003, 1.0], [51003, 51022, 0.0], [51022, 51856, 1.0], [51856, 51872, 0.0], [51872, 52601, 1.0], [52601, 52620, 0.0], [52620, 53209, 1.0], [53209, 53228, 0.0], [53228, 53771, 1.0], [53771, 53792, 1.0], [53792, 54314, 1.0], [54314, 54328, 0.0], [54328, 54971, 1.0], [54971, 54987, 0.0], [54987, 55431, 1.0], [55431, 55444, 0.0], [55444, 55966, 1.0], [55966, 55983, 0.0], [55983, 56431, 1.0], [56431, 56446, 0.0], [56446, 57055, 1.0], [57055, 57333, 1.0], [57333, 57782, 1.0], [57782, 57798, 0.0], [57798, 58121, 1.0], [58121, 58462, 1.0], [58462, 58554, 0.0], [58554, 58666, 0.0], [58666, 58755, 0.0], [58755, 58838, 0.0], [58838, 58866, 0.0], [58866, 58898, 0.0], [58898, 58930, 0.0], [58930, 58969, 0.0], [58969, 58999, 0.0], [58999, 59026, 0.0], [59026, 59055, 0.0], [59055, 59094, 0.0], [59094, 59130, 0.0], [59130, 59164, 0.0], [59164, 59212, 0.0], [59212, 59268, 0.0], [59268, 59352, 0.0], [59352, 59404, 0.0], [59404, 59455, 0.0], [59455, 59510, 0.0], [59510, 59569, 0.0], [59569, 59646, 0.0], [59646, 59703, 0.0], [59703, 59752, 0.0], [59752, 59824, 0.0], [59824, 59886, 0.0], [59886, 59941, 0.0], [59941, 60003, 0.0], [60003, 60055, 0.0], [60055, 60100, 0.0], [60100, 60113, 0.0], [60113, 60127, 0.0], [60127, 60242, 0.0], [60242, 60309, 0.0], [60309, 60328, 0.0], [60328, 60444, 0.0], [60444, 60577, 0.0], [60577, 61581, 0.0], [61581, 61634, 0.0], [61634, 61662, 0.0], [61662, 61685, 0.0], [61685, 61732, 0.0], [61732, 61793, 0.0], [61793, 61853, 0.0], [61853, 61920, 0.0], [61920, 61992, 0.0], [61992, 62056, 0.0], [62056, 62128, 0.0], [62128, 62188, 0.0], [62188, 62310, 1.0], [62310, 62484, 1.0], [62484, 62613, 1.0], [62613, 62759, 1.0], [62759, 62941, 1.0], [62941, 63231, 1.0], [63231, 63502, 1.0], [63502, 63690, 1.0], [63690, 63735, 1.0], [63735, 63859, 1.0], [63859, 64044, 1.0], [64044, 64302, 1.0], [64302, 64559, 1.0], [64559, 64845, 1.0], [64845, 65147, 1.0], [65147, 65533, 1.0], [65533, 65886, 1.0], [65886, 66038, 1.0], [66038, 66199, 1.0], [66199, 66214, 0.0], [66214, 66556, 1.0], [66556, 66572, 0.0], [66572, 67419, 1.0], [67419, 67435, 1.0], [67435, 67997, 1.0], [67997, 68010, 0.0], [68010, 68711, 1.0], [68711, 68729, 0.0], [68729, 69295, 1.0], [69295, 69307, 0.0], [69307, 69945, 1.0], [69945, 70598, 1.0], [70598, 70891, 1.0], [70891, 70905, 1.0], [70905, 71608, 1.0], [71608, 71624, 0.0], [71624, 71988, 1.0], [71988, 72002, 0.0], [72002, 72426, 1.0], [72426, 72442, 0.0], [72442, 72754, 1.0], [72754, 72774, 0.0], [72774, 73065, 1.0], [73065, 73078, 0.0], [73078, 73420, 1.0], [73420, 73435, 0.0], [73435, 73868, 1.0], [73868, 73882, 0.0], [73882, 74295, 1.0], [74295, 74324, 0.0], [74324, 74375, 0.0], [74375, 74428, 0.0], [74428, 74474, 0.0], [74474, 74513, 0.0], [74513, 74579, 0.0], [74579, 74965, 0.0]], "rps_lines_javascript_counts": [[0, 49, 0.0], [49, 64, 0.0], [64, 134, 0.0], [134, 230, 0.0], [230, 327, 0.0], [327, 430, 0.0], [430, 545, 0.0], [545, 659, 0.0], [659, 951, 0.0], [951, 1202, 0.0], [1202, 1589, 0.0], [1589, 1736, 0.0], [1736, 1865, 0.0], [1865, 2027, 0.0], [2027, 2344, 0.0], [2344, 2499, 0.0], [2499, 2754, 0.0], [2754, 2986, 0.0], [2986, 3256, 0.0], [3256, 3509, 0.0], [3509, 4265, 0.0], [4265, 4771, 0.0], [4771, 4784, 0.0], [4784, 5250, 0.0], [5250, 5264, 0.0], [5264, 5915, 0.0], [5915, 5928, 0.0], [5928, 6686, 0.0], [6686, 6952, 0.0], [6952, 6964, 0.0], [6964, 7736, 0.0], [7736, 7758, 0.0], [7758, 8326, 0.0], [8326, 9076, 0.0], [9076, 9576, 0.0], [9576, 9588, 0.0], [9588, 9909, 0.0], [9909, 9922, 0.0], [9922, 10393, 0.0], [10393, 10409, 0.0], [10409, 10895, 0.0], [10895, 10919, 0.0], [10919, 11598, 0.0], [11598, 11613, 0.0], [11613, 12143, 0.0], [12143, 12163, 0.0], [12163, 12684, 0.0], [12684, 12700, 0.0], [12700, 13147, 0.0], [13147, 13155, 0.0], [13155, 13586, 0.0], [13586, 13602, 0.0], [13602, 14001, 0.0], [14001, 14095, 0.0], [14095, 14216, 0.0], [14216, 14311, 0.0], [14311, 14394, 0.0], [14394, 14433, 0.0], [14433, 14460, 0.0], [14460, 14491, 0.0], [14491, 14524, 0.0], [14524, 14553, 0.0], [14553, 14593, 0.0], [14593, 14620, 0.0], [14620, 14683, 0.0], [14683, 14713, 0.0], [14713, 14755, 0.0], [14755, 14822, 0.0], [14822, 14884, 0.0], [14884, 14945, 0.0], [14945, 15005, 0.0], [15005, 15068, 0.0], [15068, 15119, 0.0], [15119, 15160, 0.0], [15160, 15230, 0.0], [15230, 15291, 0.0], [15291, 15348, 0.0], [15348, 16133, 0.0], [16133, 16188, 0.0], [16188, 16219, 0.0], [16219, 16654, 0.0], [16654, 16996, 0.0], [16996, 17260, 0.0], [17260, 17410, 0.0], [17410, 17490, 0.0], [17490, 17663, 0.0], [17663, 18007, 0.0], [18007, 18030, 0.0], [18030, 18096, 0.0], [18096, 18162, 0.0], [18162, 18222, 0.0], [18222, 18273, 0.0], [18273, 18299, 0.0], [18299, 18361, 0.0], [18361, 18413, 0.0], [18413, 18476, 0.0], [18476, 18528, 0.0], [18528, 18551, 0.0], [18551, 18608, 0.0], [18608, 18665, 0.0], [18665, 18731, 0.0], [18731, 18794, 0.0], [18794, 19164, 0.0], [19164, 19226, 0.0], [19226, 19256, 0.0], [19256, 19461, 0.0], [19461, 19631, 0.0], [19631, 20016, 0.0], [20016, 20356, 0.0], [20356, 20577, 0.0], [20577, 21075, 0.0], [21075, 21499, 0.0], [21499, 21823, 0.0], [21823, 21845, 0.0], [21845, 21912, 0.0], [21912, 21971, 0.0], [21971, 22033, 0.0], [22033, 22091, 0.0], [22091, 22147, 0.0], [22147, 22212, 0.0], [22212, 22263, 0.0], [22263, 22329, 0.0], [22329, 22354, 0.0], [22354, 22419, 0.0], [22419, 22481, 0.0], [22481, 22545, 0.0], [22545, 22604, 0.0], [22604, 22668, 0.0], [22668, 22726, 0.0], [22726, 22786, 0.0], [22786, 22840, 0.0], [22840, 22862, 0.0], [22862, 22922, 0.0], [22922, 22973, 0.0], [22973, 23033, 0.0], [23033, 23096, 0.0], [23096, 23156, 0.0], [23156, 23222, 0.0], [23222, 23276, 0.0], [23276, 23352, 0.0], [23352, 23444, 0.0], [23444, 23866, 0.0], [23866, 23912, 0.0], [23912, 23943, 0.0], [23943, 24552, 0.0], [24552, 24685, 0.0], [24685, 24977, 0.0], [24977, 25322, 0.0], [25322, 25715, 0.0], [25715, 26109, 0.0], [26109, 26562, 0.0], [26562, 26592, 0.0], [26592, 26947, 0.0], [26947, 27196, 0.0], [27196, 27455, 0.0], [27455, 27911, 0.0], [27911, 28263, 0.0], [28263, 28562, 0.0], [28562, 28980, 0.0], [28980, 29088, 0.0], [29088, 29318, 0.0], [29318, 29661, 0.0], [29661, 30032, 0.0], [30032, 30053, 0.0], [30053, 30111, 0.0], [30111, 30174, 0.0], [30174, 30228, 0.0], [30228, 30286, 0.0], [30286, 30355, 0.0], [30355, 30413, 0.0], [30413, 30470, 0.0], [30470, 30547, 0.0], [30547, 30608, 0.0], [30608, 30671, 0.0], [30671, 30723, 0.0], [30723, 30786, 0.0], [30786, 30849, 0.0], [30849, 30900, 0.0], [30900, 30956, 0.0], [30956, 31008, 0.0], [31008, 31032, 0.0], [31032, 31090, 0.0], [31090, 31152, 0.0], [31152, 31221, 0.0], [31221, 31284, 0.0], [31284, 31349, 0.0], [31349, 31406, 0.0], [31406, 31455, 0.0], [31455, 31541, 0.0], [31541, 31600, 0.0], [31600, 31667, 0.0], [31667, 31725, 0.0], [31725, 31783, 0.0], [31783, 31849, 0.0], [31849, 31901, 0.0], [31901, 31959, 0.0], [31959, 32015, 0.0], [32015, 32036, 0.0], [32036, 32113, 0.0], [32113, 32173, 0.0], [32173, 32229, 0.0], [32229, 32291, 0.0], [32291, 32353, 0.0], [32353, 32407, 0.0], [32407, 32468, 0.0], [32468, 32530, 0.0], [32530, 32591, 0.0], [32591, 32647, 0.0], [32647, 32705, 0.0], [32705, 32778, 0.0], [32778, 32840, 0.0], [32840, 32894, 0.0], [32894, 32949, 0.0], [32949, 33015, 0.0], [33015, 33037, 0.0], [33037, 33068, 0.0], [33068, 33377, 0.0], [33377, 33749, 0.0], [33749, 34222, 0.0], [34222, 34936, 0.0], [34936, 35363, 0.0], [35363, 35450, 0.0], [35450, 35578, 0.0], [35578, 35745, 0.0], [35745, 35946, 0.0], [35946, 36324, 0.0], [36324, 36367, 0.0], [36367, 36795, 0.0], [36795, 37622, 0.0], [37622, 38166, 0.0], [38166, 38656, 0.0], [38656, 39086, 0.0], [39086, 39431, 0.0], [39431, 39772, 0.0], [39772, 40046, 0.0], [40046, 40578, 0.0], [40578, 40635, 0.0], [40635, 40707, 0.0], [40707, 40773, 0.0], [40773, 40870, 0.0], [40870, 40930, 0.0], [40930, 41233, 0.0], [41233, 41906, 0.0], [41906, 42274, 0.0], [42274, 42553, 0.0], [42553, 42666, 0.0], [42666, 42682, 0.0], [42682, 42699, 0.0], [42699, 42716, 0.0], [42716, 42736, 0.0], [42736, 42758, 0.0], [42758, 42777, 0.0], [42777, 42798, 0.0], [42798, 42822, 0.0], [42822, 42840, 0.0], [42840, 42864, 0.0], [42864, 42883, 0.0], [42883, 42921, 0.0], [42921, 43235, 0.0], [43235, 43453, 0.0], [43453, 43721, 0.0], [43721, 44467, 0.0], [44467, 44521, 0.0], [44521, 44548, 0.0], [44548, 44623, 0.0], [44623, 44684, 0.0], [44684, 44795, 0.0], [44795, 44884, 0.0], [44884, 44976, 0.0], [44976, 45034, 0.0], [45034, 45103, 0.0], [45103, 45200, 0.0], [45200, 45297, 0.0], [45297, 45430, 0.0], [45430, 45543, 0.0], [45543, 45673, 0.0], [45673, 45781, 0.0], [45781, 45893, 0.0], [45893, 45997, 0.0], [45997, 46090, 0.0], [46090, 46191, 0.0], [46191, 46414, 0.0], [46414, 46564, 0.0], [46564, 46722, 0.0], [46722, 46895, 0.0], [46895, 47096, 0.0], [47096, 47205, 0.0], [47205, 47421, 0.0], [47421, 47545, 0.0], [47545, 47765, 0.0], [47765, 47903, 0.0], [47903, 48073, 0.0], [48073, 48354, 0.0], [48354, 48592, 0.0], [48592, 48883, 0.0], [48883, 49188, 0.0], [49188, 49464, 0.0], [49464, 49477, 0.0], [49477, 50115, 0.0], [50115, 50130, 0.0], [50130, 51003, 0.0], [51003, 51022, 0.0], [51022, 51856, 0.0], [51856, 51872, 0.0], [51872, 52601, 0.0], [52601, 52620, 0.0], [52620, 53209, 0.0], [53209, 53228, 0.0], [53228, 53771, 0.0], [53771, 53792, 0.0], [53792, 54314, 0.0], [54314, 54328, 0.0], [54328, 54971, 0.0], [54971, 54987, 0.0], [54987, 55431, 0.0], [55431, 55444, 0.0], [55444, 55966, 0.0], [55966, 55983, 0.0], [55983, 56431, 0.0], [56431, 56446, 0.0], [56446, 57055, 0.0], [57055, 57333, 0.0], [57333, 57782, 0.0], [57782, 57798, 0.0], [57798, 58121, 0.0], [58121, 58462, 0.0], [58462, 58554, 0.0], [58554, 58666, 0.0], [58666, 58755, 0.0], [58755, 58838, 0.0], [58838, 58866, 0.0], [58866, 58898, 0.0], [58898, 58930, 0.0], [58930, 58969, 0.0], [58969, 58999, 0.0], [58999, 59026, 0.0], [59026, 59055, 0.0], [59055, 59094, 0.0], [59094, 59130, 0.0], [59130, 59164, 0.0], [59164, 59212, 0.0], [59212, 59268, 0.0], [59268, 59352, 0.0], [59352, 59404, 0.0], [59404, 59455, 0.0], [59455, 59510, 0.0], [59510, 59569, 0.0], [59569, 59646, 0.0], [59646, 59703, 0.0], [59703, 59752, 0.0], [59752, 59824, 0.0], [59824, 59886, 0.0], [59886, 59941, 0.0], [59941, 60003, 0.0], [60003, 60055, 0.0], [60055, 60100, 0.0], [60100, 60113, 0.0], [60113, 60127, 0.0], [60127, 60242, 0.0], [60242, 60309, 0.0], [60309, 60328, 0.0], [60328, 60444, 0.0], [60444, 60577, 0.0], [60577, 61581, 0.0], [61581, 61634, 0.0], [61634, 61662, 0.0], [61662, 61685, 0.0], [61685, 61732, 0.0], [61732, 61793, 0.0], [61793, 61853, 0.0], [61853, 61920, 0.0], [61920, 61992, 0.0], [61992, 62056, 0.0], [62056, 62128, 0.0], [62128, 62188, 0.0], [62188, 62310, 0.0], [62310, 62484, 0.0], [62484, 62613, 0.0], [62613, 62759, 0.0], [62759, 62941, 0.0], [62941, 63231, 0.0], [63231, 63502, 0.0], [63502, 63690, 0.0], [63690, 63735, 0.0], [63735, 63859, 0.0], [63859, 64044, 0.0], [64044, 64302, 0.0], [64302, 64559, 0.0], [64559, 64845, 0.0], [64845, 65147, 0.0], [65147, 65533, 0.0], [65533, 65886, 0.0], [65886, 66038, 0.0], [66038, 66199, 0.0], [66199, 66214, 0.0], [66214, 66556, 0.0], [66556, 66572, 0.0], [66572, 67419, 0.0], [67419, 67435, 0.0], [67435, 67997, 0.0], [67997, 68010, 0.0], [68010, 68711, 0.0], [68711, 68729, 0.0], [68729, 69295, 0.0], [69295, 69307, 0.0], [69307, 69945, 0.0], [69945, 70598, 0.0], [70598, 70891, 0.0], [70891, 70905, 0.0], [70905, 71608, 0.0], [71608, 71624, 0.0], [71624, 71988, 0.0], [71988, 72002, 0.0], [72002, 72426, 0.0], [72426, 72442, 0.0], [72442, 72754, 0.0], [72754, 72774, 0.0], [72774, 73065, 0.0], [73065, 73078, 0.0], [73078, 73420, 0.0], [73420, 73435, 0.0], [73435, 73868, 0.0], [73868, 73882, 0.0], [73882, 74295, 0.0], [74295, 74324, 0.0], [74324, 74375, 0.0], [74375, 74428, 0.0], [74428, 74474, 0.0], [74474, 74513, 0.0], [74513, 74579, 0.0], [74579, 74965, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 49, 8.0], [49, 64, 2.0], [64, 134, 13.0], [134, 230, 19.0], [230, 327, 16.0], [327, 430, 17.0], [430, 545, 19.0], [545, 659, 19.0], [659, 951, 56.0], [951, 1202, 51.0], [1202, 1589, 65.0], [1589, 1736, 26.0], [1736, 1865, 23.0], [1865, 2027, 29.0], [2027, 2344, 62.0], [2344, 2499, 30.0], [2499, 2754, 51.0], [2754, 2986, 44.0], [2986, 3256, 47.0], [3256, 3509, 39.0], [3509, 4265, 131.0], [4265, 4771, 80.0], [4771, 4784, 2.0], [4784, 5250, 77.0], [5250, 5264, 2.0], [5264, 5915, 116.0], [5915, 5928, 2.0], [5928, 6686, 128.0], [6686, 6952, 51.0], [6952, 6964, 2.0], [6964, 7736, 124.0], [7736, 7758, 3.0], [7758, 8326, 97.0], [8326, 9076, 127.0], [9076, 9576, 81.0], [9576, 9588, 2.0], [9588, 9909, 51.0], [9909, 9922, 2.0], [9922, 10393, 73.0], [10393, 10409, 4.0], [10409, 10895, 79.0], [10895, 10919, 3.0], [10919, 11598, 118.0], [11598, 11613, 2.0], [11613, 12143, 99.0], [12143, 12163, 4.0], [12163, 12684, 87.0], [12684, 12700, 2.0], [12700, 13147, 71.0], [13147, 13155, 2.0], [13155, 13586, 76.0], [13586, 13602, 2.0], [13602, 14001, 58.0], [14001, 14095, 15.0], [14095, 14216, 19.0], [14216, 14311, 14.0], [14311, 14394, 14.0], [14394, 14433, 2.0], [14433, 14460, 2.0], [14460, 14491, 2.0], [14491, 14524, 2.0], [14524, 14553, 2.0], [14553, 14593, 2.0], [14593, 14620, 2.0], [14620, 14683, 8.0], [14683, 14713, 3.0], [14713, 14755, 5.0], [14755, 14822, 8.0], [14822, 14884, 7.0], [14884, 14945, 8.0], [14945, 15005, 10.0], [15005, 15068, 8.0], [15068, 15119, 7.0], [15119, 15160, 4.0], [15160, 15230, 9.0], [15230, 15291, 9.0], [15291, 15348, 6.0], [15348, 16133, 106.0], [16133, 16188, 7.0], [16188, 16219, 7.0], [16219, 16654, 73.0], [16654, 16996, 61.0], [16996, 17260, 40.0], [17260, 17410, 25.0], [17410, 17490, 12.0], [17490, 17663, 28.0], [17663, 18007, 53.0], [18007, 18030, 3.0], [18030, 18096, 10.0], [18096, 18162, 13.0], [18162, 18222, 9.0], [18222, 18273, 9.0], [18273, 18299, 3.0], [18299, 18361, 9.0], [18361, 18413, 8.0], [18413, 18476, 9.0], [18476, 18528, 8.0], [18528, 18551, 3.0], [18551, 18608, 9.0], [18608, 18665, 10.0], [18665, 18731, 9.0], [18731, 18794, 9.0], [18794, 19164, 50.0], [19164, 19226, 11.0], [19226, 19256, 7.0], [19256, 19461, 30.0], [19461, 19631, 27.0], [19631, 20016, 59.0], [20016, 20356, 57.0], [20356, 20577, 33.0], [20577, 21075, 90.0], [21075, 21499, 70.0], [21499, 21823, 54.0], [21823, 21845, 4.0], [21845, 21912, 9.0], [21912, 21971, 10.0], [21971, 22033, 10.0], [22033, 22091, 9.0], [22091, 22147, 9.0], [22147, 22212, 10.0], [22212, 22263, 9.0], [22263, 22329, 13.0], [22329, 22354, 4.0], [22354, 22419, 9.0], [22419, 22481, 10.0], [22481, 22545, 10.0], [22545, 22604, 10.0], [22604, 22668, 9.0], [22668, 22726, 9.0], [22726, 22786, 10.0], [22786, 22840, 9.0], [22840, 22862, 4.0], [22862, 22922, 9.0], [22922, 22973, 9.0], [22973, 23033, 10.0], [23033, 23096, 9.0], [23096, 23156, 9.0], [23156, 23222, 10.0], [23222, 23276, 9.0], [23276, 23352, 13.0], [23352, 23444, 16.0], [23444, 23866, 56.0], [23866, 23912, 9.0], [23912, 23943, 6.0], [23943, 24552, 112.0], [24552, 24685, 21.0], [24685, 24977, 48.0], [24977, 25322, 57.0], [25322, 25715, 69.0], [25715, 26109, 67.0], [26109, 26562, 57.0], [26562, 26592, 5.0], [26592, 26947, 64.0], [26947, 27196, 42.0], [27196, 27455, 44.0], [27455, 27911, 81.0], [27911, 28263, 60.0], [28263, 28562, 52.0], [28562, 28980, 72.0], [28980, 29088, 19.0], [29088, 29318, 36.0], [29318, 29661, 59.0], [29661, 30032, 66.0], [30032, 30053, 4.0], [30053, 30111, 9.0], [30111, 30174, 9.0], [30174, 30228, 9.0], [30228, 30286, 10.0], [30286, 30355, 10.0], [30355, 30413, 9.0], [30413, 30470, 9.0], [30470, 30547, 10.0], [30547, 30608, 9.0], [30608, 30671, 10.0], [30671, 30723, 10.0], [30723, 30786, 9.0], [30786, 30849, 10.0], [30849, 30900, 9.0], [30900, 30956, 10.0], [30956, 31008, 9.0], [31008, 31032, 4.0], [31032, 31090, 9.0], [31090, 31152, 9.0], [31152, 31221, 10.0], [31221, 31284, 10.0], [31284, 31349, 10.0], [31349, 31406, 9.0], [31406, 31455, 9.0], [31455, 31541, 14.0], [31541, 31600, 9.0], [31600, 31667, 10.0], [31667, 31725, 9.0], [31725, 31783, 9.0], [31783, 31849, 10.0], [31849, 31901, 9.0], [31901, 31959, 10.0], [31959, 32015, 9.0], [32015, 32036, 4.0], [32036, 32113, 10.0], [32113, 32173, 10.0], [32173, 32229, 9.0], [32229, 32291, 10.0], [32291, 32353, 10.0], [32353, 32407, 9.0], [32407, 32468, 9.0], [32468, 32530, 9.0], [32530, 32591, 9.0], [32591, 32647, 9.0], [32647, 32705, 9.0], [32705, 32778, 11.0], [32778, 32840, 10.0], [32840, 32894, 9.0], [32894, 32949, 9.0], [32949, 33015, 10.0], [33015, 33037, 5.0], [33037, 33068, 6.0], [33068, 33377, 49.0], [33377, 33749, 64.0], [33749, 34222, 85.0], [34222, 34936, 123.0], [34936, 35363, 77.0], [35363, 35450, 15.0], [35450, 35578, 23.0], [35578, 35745, 28.0], [35745, 35946, 31.0], [35946, 36324, 62.0], [36324, 36367, 7.0], [36367, 36795, 73.0], [36795, 37622, 141.0], [37622, 38166, 93.0], [38166, 38656, 88.0], [38656, 39086, 70.0], [39086, 39431, 60.0], [39431, 39772, 53.0], [39772, 40046, 47.0], [40046, 40578, 96.0], [40578, 40635, 11.0], [40635, 40707, 12.0], [40707, 40773, 12.0], [40773, 40870, 17.0], [40870, 40930, 12.0], [40930, 41233, 50.0], [41233, 41906, 122.0], [41906, 42274, 66.0], [42274, 42553, 47.0], [42553, 42666, 22.0], [42666, 42682, 3.0], [42682, 42699, 3.0], [42699, 42716, 3.0], [42716, 42736, 3.0], [42736, 42758, 3.0], [42758, 42777, 3.0], [42777, 42798, 3.0], [42798, 42822, 5.0], [42822, 42840, 3.0], [42840, 42864, 3.0], [42864, 42883, 3.0], [42883, 42921, 5.0], [42921, 43235, 56.0], [43235, 43453, 35.0], [43453, 43721, 45.0], [43721, 44467, 104.0], [44467, 44521, 9.0], [44521, 44548, 6.0], [44548, 44623, 14.0], [44623, 44684, 9.0], [44684, 44795, 19.0], [44795, 44884, 14.0], [44884, 44976, 15.0], [44976, 45034, 9.0], [45034, 45103, 10.0], [45103, 45200, 16.0], [45200, 45297, 16.0], [45297, 45430, 19.0], [45430, 45543, 15.0], [45543, 45673, 21.0], [45673, 45781, 17.0], [45781, 45893, 19.0], [45893, 45997, 16.0], [45997, 46090, 16.0], [46090, 46191, 16.0], [46191, 46414, 43.0], [46414, 46564, 28.0], [46564, 46722, 27.0], [46722, 46895, 33.0], [46895, 47096, 37.0], [47096, 47205, 15.0], [47205, 47421, 40.0], [47421, 47545, 25.0], [47545, 47765, 40.0], [47765, 47903, 22.0], [47903, 48073, 32.0], [48073, 48354, 51.0], [48354, 48592, 36.0], [48592, 48883, 56.0], [48883, 49188, 56.0], [49188, 49464, 48.0], [49464, 49477, 2.0], [49477, 50115, 112.0], [50115, 50130, 3.0], [50130, 51003, 151.0], [51003, 51022, 4.0], [51022, 51856, 138.0], [51856, 51872, 3.0], [51872, 52601, 123.0], [52601, 52620, 4.0], [52620, 53209, 105.0], [53209, 53228, 2.0], [53228, 53771, 86.0], [53771, 53792, 3.0], [53792, 54314, 100.0], [54314, 54328, 2.0], [54328, 54971, 103.0], [54971, 54987, 2.0], [54987, 55431, 75.0], [55431, 55444, 2.0], [55444, 55966, 93.0], [55966, 55983, 2.0], [55983, 56431, 74.0], [56431, 56446, 2.0], [56446, 57055, 106.0], [57055, 57333, 46.0], [57333, 57782, 80.0], [57782, 57798, 4.0], [57798, 58121, 51.0], [58121, 58462, 55.0], [58462, 58554, 14.0], [58554, 58666, 18.0], [58666, 58755, 14.0], [58755, 58838, 14.0], [58838, 58866, 2.0], [58866, 58898, 2.0], [58898, 58930, 2.0], [58930, 58969, 2.0], [58969, 58999, 2.0], [58999, 59026, 2.0], [59026, 59055, 2.0], [59055, 59094, 2.0], [59094, 59130, 3.0], [59130, 59164, 2.0], [59164, 59212, 6.0], [59212, 59268, 7.0], [59268, 59352, 11.0], [59352, 59404, 7.0], [59404, 59455, 6.0], [59455, 59510, 6.0], [59510, 59569, 9.0], [59569, 59646, 10.0], [59646, 59703, 9.0], [59703, 59752, 6.0], [59752, 59824, 7.0], [59824, 59886, 8.0], [59886, 59941, 8.0], [59941, 60003, 9.0], [60003, 60055, 7.0], [60055, 60100, 6.0], [60100, 60113, 2.0], [60113, 60127, 2.0], [60127, 60242, 15.0], [60242, 60309, 11.0], [60309, 60328, 2.0], [60328, 60444, 17.0], [60444, 60577, 21.0], [60577, 61581, 131.0], [61581, 61634, 9.0], [61634, 61662, 6.0], [61662, 61685, 3.0], [61685, 61732, 8.0], [61732, 61793, 10.0], [61793, 61853, 8.0], [61853, 61920, 12.0], [61920, 61992, 12.0], [61992, 62056, 9.0], [62056, 62128, 12.0], [62128, 62188, 10.0], [62188, 62310, 21.0], [62310, 62484, 28.0], [62484, 62613, 21.0], [62613, 62759, 26.0], [62759, 62941, 32.0], [62941, 63231, 49.0], [63231, 63502, 49.0], [63502, 63690, 35.0], [63690, 63735, 10.0], [63735, 63859, 24.0], [63859, 64044, 33.0], [64044, 64302, 51.0], [64302, 64559, 50.0], [64559, 64845, 57.0], [64845, 65147, 55.0], [65147, 65533, 68.0], [65533, 65886, 54.0], [65886, 66038, 29.0], [66038, 66199, 26.0], [66199, 66214, 2.0], [66214, 66556, 60.0], [66556, 66572, 3.0], [66572, 67419, 140.0], [67419, 67435, 3.0], [67435, 67997, 101.0], [67997, 68010, 2.0], [68010, 68711, 129.0], [68711, 68729, 3.0], [68729, 69295, 85.0], [69295, 69307, 2.0], [69307, 69945, 111.0], [69945, 70598, 109.0], [70598, 70891, 47.0], [70891, 70905, 2.0], [70905, 71608, 116.0], [71608, 71624, 2.0], [71624, 71988, 57.0], [71988, 72002, 2.0], [72002, 72426, 69.0], [72426, 72442, 3.0], [72442, 72754, 49.0], [72754, 72774, 3.0], [72774, 73065, 50.0], [73065, 73078, 2.0], [73078, 73420, 54.0], [73420, 73435, 2.0], [73435, 73868, 77.0], [73868, 73882, 2.0], [73882, 74295, 64.0], [74295, 74324, 2.0], [74324, 74375, 6.0], [74375, 74428, 6.0], [74428, 74474, 6.0], [74474, 74513, 6.0], [74513, 74579, 6.0], [74579, 74965, 52.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 49, 0.0], [49, 64, 0.0], [64, 134, 0.0], [134, 230, 0.09195402], [230, 327, 0.06521739], [327, 430, 0.04040404], [430, 545, 0.03669725], [545, 659, 0.0462963], [659, 951, 0.0], [951, 1202, 0.0], [1202, 1589, 0.00533333], [1589, 1736, 0.0], [1736, 1865, 0.0], [1865, 2027, 0.0], [2027, 2344, 0.0], [2344, 2499, 0.0], [2499, 2754, 0.0], [2754, 2986, 0.0], [2986, 3256, 0.01515152], [3256, 3509, 0.0], [3509, 4265, 0.0135318], [4265, 4771, 0.01622718], [4771, 4784, 0.0], [4784, 5250, 0.00877193], [5250, 5264, 0.0], [5264, 5915, 0.01898734], [5915, 5928, 0.0], [5928, 6686, 0.03108108], [6686, 6952, 0.0], [6952, 6964, 0.0], [6964, 7736, 0.0237467], [7736, 7758, 0.0], [7758, 8326, 0.0], [8326, 9076, 0.00682128], [9076, 9576, 0.0], [9576, 9588, 0.0], [9588, 9909, 0.01269841], [9909, 9922, 0.0], [9922, 10393, 0.00875274], [10393, 10409, 0.0], [10409, 10895, 0.0041841], [10895, 10919, 0.0], [10919, 11598, 0.011994], [11598, 11613, 0.0], [11613, 12143, 0.04940711], [12143, 12163, 0.0], [12163, 12684, 0.01559454], [12684, 12700, 0.0], [12700, 13147, 0.00909091], [13147, 13155, 0.0], [13155, 13586, 0.00479616], [13586, 13602, 0.0], [13602, 14001, 0.0], [14001, 14095, 0.04545455], [14095, 14216, 0.07272727], [14216, 14311, 0.04395604], [14311, 14394, 0.05063291], [14394, 14433, 0.0], [14433, 14460, 0.0], [14460, 14491, 0.0], [14491, 14524, 0.0], [14524, 14553, 0.0], [14553, 14593, 0.0], [14593, 14620, 0.0], [14620, 14683, 0.125], [14683, 14713, 0.23076923], [14713, 14755, 0.16216216], [14755, 14822, 0.09836066], [14822, 14884, 0.12727273], [14884, 14945, 0.13461538], [14945, 15005, 0.11111111], [15005, 15068, 0.10526316], [15068, 15119, 0.13333333], [15119, 15160, 0.15789474], [15160, 15230, 0.09375], [15230, 15291, 0.18181818], [15291, 15348, 0.0], [15348, 16133, 0.0], [16133, 16188, 0.0], [16188, 16219, 0.20689655], [16219, 16654, 0.02122642], [16654, 16996, 0.04863222], [16996, 17260, 0.00775194], [17260, 17410, 0.0], [17410, 17490, 0.02564103], [17490, 17663, 0.03592814], [17663, 18007, 0.0239521], [18007, 18030, 0.0], [18030, 18096, 0.17647059], [18096, 18162, 0.12727273], [18162, 18222, 0.1], [18222, 18273, 0.09302326], [18273, 18299, 0.0], [18299, 18361, 0.12], [18361, 18413, 0.11363636], [18413, 18476, 0.11764706], [18476, 18528, 0.02439024], [18528, 18551, 0.0], [18551, 18608, 0.08510638], [18608, 18665, 0.125], [18665, 18731, 0.08928571], [18731, 18794, 0.14285714], [18794, 19164, 0.0], [19164, 19226, 0.0], [19226, 19256, 0.17857143], [19256, 19461, 0.07179487], [19461, 19631, 0.0955414], [19631, 20016, 0.00797872], [20016, 20356, 0.03021148], [20356, 20577, 0.0], [20577, 21075, 0.025], [21075, 21499, 0.0270936], [21499, 21823, 0.0], [21823, 21845, 0.0], [21845, 21912, 0.0877193], [21912, 21971, 0.14583333], [21971, 22033, 0.11320755], [22033, 22091, 0.10204082], [22091, 22147, 0.08695652], [22147, 22212, 0.18367347], [22212, 22263, 0.09302326], [22263, 22329, 0.1509434], [22329, 22354, 0.0], [22354, 22419, 0.09433962], [22419, 22481, 0.14285714], [22481, 22545, 0.15686275], [22545, 22604, 0.14583333], [22604, 22668, 0.11538462], [22668, 22726, 0.10869565], [22726, 22786, 0.12244898], [22786, 22840, 0.14285714], [22840, 22862, 0.0], [22862, 22922, 0.08333333], [22922, 22973, 0.09302326], [22973, 23033, 0.1], [23033, 23096, 0.09803922], [23096, 23156, 0.1], [23156, 23222, 0.01754386], [23222, 23276, 0.11363636], [23276, 23352, 0.16393443], [23352, 23444, 0.0], [23444, 23866, 0.0], [23866, 23912, 0.0], [23912, 23943, 0.17241379], [23943, 24552, 0.0033389], [24552, 24685, 0.0078125], [24685, 24977, 0.02150538], [24977, 25322, 0.00597015], [25322, 25715, 0.01856764], [25715, 26109, 0.02925532], [26109, 26562, 0.0], [26562, 26592, 0.10344828], [26592, 26947, 0.0377907], [26947, 27196, 0.03361345], [27196, 27455, 0.02], [27455, 27911, 0.02247191], [27911, 28263, 0.05294118], [28263, 28562, 0.05594406], [28562, 28980, 0.01715686], [28980, 29088, 0.00961538], [29088, 29318, 0.01369863], [29318, 29661, 0.05214724], [29661, 30032, 0.01960784], [30032, 30053, 0.0], [30053, 30111, 0.10416667], [30111, 30174, 0.07407407], [30174, 30228, 0.09090909], [30228, 30286, 0.18604651], [30286, 30355, 0.14285714], [30355, 30413, 0.10416667], [30413, 30470, 0.08510638], [30470, 30547, 0.12903226], [30547, 30608, 0.12765957], [30608, 30671, 0.14], [30671, 30723, 0.13953488], [30723, 30786, 0.09615385], [30786, 30849, 0.11538462], [30849, 30900, 0.09756098], [30900, 30956, 0.12765957], [30956, 31008, 0.07317073], [31008, 31032, 0.0], [31032, 31090, 0.10416667], [31090, 31152, 0.1], [31152, 31221, 0.15384615], [31221, 31284, 0.13461538], [31284, 31349, 0.15384615], [31349, 31406, 0.08510638], [31406, 31455, 0.09756098], [31455, 31541, 0.14925373], [31541, 31600, 0.10204082], [31600, 31667, 0.12727273], [31667, 31725, 0.08695652], [31725, 31783, 0.10416667], [31783, 31849, 0.13207547], [31849, 31901, 0.09090909], [31901, 31959, 0.12], [31959, 32015, 0.13636364], [32015, 32036, 0.0], [32036, 32113, 0.15], [32113, 32173, 0.14893617], [32173, 32229, 0.13636364], [32229, 32291, 0.16326531], [32291, 32353, 0.12], [32353, 32407, 0.11363636], [32407, 32468, 0.12244898], [32468, 32530, 0.08], [32530, 32591, 0.10204082], [32591, 32647, 0.10869565], [32647, 32705, 0.08], [32705, 32778, 0.12068966], [32778, 32840, 0.14], [32840, 32894, 0.09090909], [32894, 32949, 0.08510638], [32949, 33015, 0.14814815], [33015, 33037, 0.0], [33037, 33068, 0.17241379], [33068, 33377, 0.0], [33377, 33749, 0.01098901], [33749, 34222, 0.00858369], [34222, 34936, 0.0], [34936, 35363, 0.0], [35363, 35450, 0.04705882], [35450, 35578, 0.0], [35578, 35745, 0.01851852], [35745, 35946, 0.0], [35946, 36324, 0.0], [36324, 36367, 0.0], [36367, 36795, 0.0], [36795, 37622, 0.0049505], [37622, 38166, 0.03474903], [38166, 38656, 0.00630252], [38656, 39086, 0.0], [39086, 39431, 0.00600601], [39431, 39772, 0.00609756], [39772, 40046, 0.0037037], [40046, 40578, 0.00194175], [40578, 40635, 0.01851852], [40635, 40707, 0.01449275], [40707, 40773, 0.01587302], [40773, 40870, 0.01098901], [40870, 40930, 0.01754386], [40930, 41233, 0.0], [41233, 41906, 0.00616333], [41906, 42274, 0.0], [42274, 42553, 0.0], [42553, 42666, 0.0], [42666, 42682, 0.07692308], [42682, 42699, 0.07142857], [42699, 42716, 0.07142857], [42716, 42736, 0.05882353], [42736, 42758, 0.05263158], [42758, 42777, 0.0625], [42777, 42798, 0.05555556], [42798, 42822, 0.04761905], [42822, 42840, 0.06666667], [42840, 42864, 0.0952381], [42864, 42883, 0.125], [42883, 42921, 0.06060606], [42921, 43235, 0.0], [43235, 43453, 0.0], [43453, 43721, 0.0], [43721, 44467, 0.0], [44467, 44521, 0.0], [44521, 44548, 0.2], [44548, 44623, 0.1875], [44623, 44684, 0.07017544], [44684, 44795, 0.10891089], [44795, 44884, 0.04705882], [44884, 44976, 0.04545455], [44976, 45034, 0.07407407], [45034, 45103, 0.09375], [45103, 45200, 0.08888889], [45200, 45297, 0.06521739], [45297, 45430, 0.05555556], [45430, 45543, 0.0], [45543, 45673, 0.07563025], [45673, 45781, 0.06930693], [45781, 45893, 0.12621359], [45893, 45997, 0.05154639], [45997, 46090, 0.06741573], [46090, 46191, 0.08421053], [46191, 46414, 0.0], [46414, 46564, 0.0], [46564, 46722, 0.0], [46722, 46895, 0.0], [46895, 47096, 0.0], [47096, 47205, 0.0], [47205, 47421, 0.0], [47421, 47545, 0.0], [47545, 47765, 0.0], [47765, 47903, 0.0], [47903, 48073, 0.01219512], [48073, 48354, 0.00729927], [48354, 48592, 0.0], [48592, 48883, 0.01398601], [48883, 49188, 0.0], [49188, 49464, 0.0], [49464, 49477, 0.0], [49477, 50115, 0.04368932], [50115, 50130, 0.0], [50130, 51003, 0.01401869], [51003, 51022, 0.0], [51022, 51856, 0.01481481], [51856, 51872, 0.0], [51872, 52601, 0.00285307], [52601, 52620, 0.0], [52620, 53209, 0.02439024], [53209, 53228, 0.0], [53228, 53771, 0.00954198], [53771, 53792, 0.0], [53792, 54314, 0.01386139], [54314, 54328, 0.0], [54328, 54971, 0.00947867], [54971, 54987, 0.0], [54987, 55431, 0.00456621], [55431, 55444, 0.0], [55444, 55966, 0.02348337], [55966, 55983, 0.0], [55983, 56431, 0.01826484], [56431, 56446, 0.0], [56446, 57055, 0.04060914], [57055, 57333, 0.01470588], [57333, 57782, 0.02552204], [57782, 57798, 0.0], [57798, 58121, 0.01875], [58121, 58462, 0.0], [58462, 58554, 0.04597701], [58554, 58666, 0.0776699], [58666, 58755, 0.04705882], [58755, 58838, 0.05063291], [58838, 58866, 0.0], [58866, 58898, 0.0], [58898, 58930, 0.0], [58930, 58969, 0.0], [58969, 58999, 0.0], [58999, 59026, 0.0], [59026, 59055, 0.0], [59055, 59094, 0.0], [59094, 59130, 0.0], [59130, 59164, 0.0], [59164, 59212, 0.14285714], [59212, 59268, 0.12], [59268, 59352, 0.07692308], [59352, 59404, 0.13043478], [59404, 59455, 0.13333333], [59455, 59510, 0.12244898], [59510, 59569, 0.11320755], [59569, 59646, 0.08450704], [59646, 59703, 0.0], [59703, 59752, 0.13953488], [59752, 59824, 0.09090909], [59824, 59886, 0.10714286], [59886, 59941, 0.12244898], [59941, 60003, 0.10714286], [60003, 60055, 0.13043478], [60055, 60100, 0.0], [60100, 60113, 0.44444444], [60113, 60127, 0.0], [60127, 60242, 0.0], [60242, 60309, 0.0], [60309, 60328, 0.0], [60328, 60444, 0.0], [60444, 60577, 0.0], [60577, 61581, 0.0], [61581, 61634, 0.0], [61634, 61662, 0.23076923], [61662, 61685, 0.0], [61685, 61732, 0.09302326], [61732, 61793, 0.12962963], [61793, 61853, 0.07142857], [61853, 61920, 0.1754386], [61920, 61992, 0.16129032], [61992, 62056, 0.10169492], [62056, 62128, 0.17460317], [62128, 62188, 0.13207547], [62188, 62310, 0.0], [62310, 62484, 0.02424242], [62484, 62613, 0.0], [62613, 62759, 0.07633588], [62759, 62941, 0.0], [62941, 63231, 0.0], [63231, 63502, 0.01544402], [63502, 63690, 0.0], [63690, 63735, 0.0], [63735, 63859, 0.05128205], [63859, 64044, 0.0], [64044, 64302, 0.01581028], [64302, 64559, 0.01593625], [64559, 64845, 0.01444043], [64845, 65147, 0.0], [65147, 65533, 0.0], [65533, 65886, 0.0], [65886, 66038, 0.0], [66038, 66199, 0.0], [66199, 66214, 0.0], [66214, 66556, 0.03636364], [66556, 66572, 0.0], [66572, 67419, 0.0], [67419, 67435, 0.0], [67435, 67997, 0.03314917], [67997, 68010, 0.0], [68010, 68711, 0.01892285], [68711, 68729, 0.0], [68729, 69295, 0.0], [69295, 69307, 0.0], [69307, 69945, 0.02076677], [69945, 70598, 0.0], [70598, 70891, 0.0], [70891, 70905, 0.0], [70905, 71608, 0.00290698], [71608, 71624, 0.0], [71624, 71988, 0.0056338], [71988, 72002, 0.0], [72002, 72426, 0.00966184], [72426, 72442, 0.0], [72442, 72754, 0.0], [72754, 72774, 0.0], [72774, 73065, 0.0], [73065, 73078, 0.0], [73078, 73420, 0.0], [73420, 73435, 0.0], [73435, 73868, 0.01165501], [73868, 73882, 0.0], [73882, 74295, 0.0], [74295, 74324, 0.0], [74324, 74375, 0.0], [74375, 74428, 0.12765957], [74428, 74474, 0.15], [74474, 74513, 0.18181818], [74513, 74579, 0.1], [74579, 74965, 0.0]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 49, 0.0], [49, 64, 0.0], [64, 134, 0.0], [134, 230, 0.0], [230, 327, 0.0], [327, 430, 0.0], [430, 545, 0.0], [545, 659, 0.0], [659, 951, 0.0], [951, 1202, 0.0], [1202, 1589, 0.0], [1589, 1736, 0.0], [1736, 1865, 0.0], [1865, 2027, 0.0], [2027, 2344, 0.0], [2344, 2499, 0.0], [2499, 2754, 0.0], [2754, 2986, 0.0], [2986, 3256, 0.0], [3256, 3509, 0.0], [3509, 4265, 0.0], [4265, 4771, 0.0], [4771, 4784, 0.0], [4784, 5250, 0.0], [5250, 5264, 0.0], [5264, 5915, 0.0], [5915, 5928, 0.0], [5928, 6686, 0.0], [6686, 6952, 0.0], [6952, 6964, 0.0], [6964, 7736, 0.0], [7736, 7758, 0.0], [7758, 8326, 0.0], [8326, 9076, 0.0], [9076, 9576, 0.0], [9576, 9588, 0.0], [9588, 9909, 0.0], [9909, 9922, 0.0], [9922, 10393, 0.0], [10393, 10409, 0.0], [10409, 10895, 0.0], [10895, 10919, 0.0], [10919, 11598, 0.0], [11598, 11613, 0.0], [11613, 12143, 0.0], [12143, 12163, 0.0], [12163, 12684, 0.0], [12684, 12700, 0.0], [12700, 13147, 0.0], [13147, 13155, 0.0], [13155, 13586, 0.0], [13586, 13602, 0.0], [13602, 14001, 0.0], [14001, 14095, 0.0], [14095, 14216, 0.0], [14216, 14311, 0.0], [14311, 14394, 0.0], [14394, 14433, 0.0], [14433, 14460, 0.0], [14460, 14491, 0.0], [14491, 14524, 0.0], [14524, 14553, 0.0], [14553, 14593, 0.0], [14593, 14620, 0.0], [14620, 14683, 0.0], [14683, 14713, 0.0], [14713, 14755, 0.0], [14755, 14822, 0.0], [14822, 14884, 0.0], [14884, 14945, 0.0], [14945, 15005, 0.0], [15005, 15068, 0.0], [15068, 15119, 0.0], [15119, 15160, 0.0], [15160, 15230, 0.0], [15230, 15291, 0.0], [15291, 15348, 0.0], [15348, 16133, 0.0], [16133, 16188, 0.0], [16188, 16219, 0.0], [16219, 16654, 0.0], [16654, 16996, 0.0], [16996, 17260, 0.0], [17260, 17410, 0.0], [17410, 17490, 0.0], [17490, 17663, 0.0], [17663, 18007, 0.0], [18007, 18030, 0.0], [18030, 18096, 0.0], [18096, 18162, 0.0], [18162, 18222, 0.0], [18222, 18273, 0.0], [18273, 18299, 0.0], [18299, 18361, 0.0], [18361, 18413, 0.0], [18413, 18476, 0.0], [18476, 18528, 0.0], [18528, 18551, 0.0], [18551, 18608, 0.0], [18608, 18665, 0.0], [18665, 18731, 0.0], [18731, 18794, 0.0], [18794, 19164, 0.0], [19164, 19226, 0.0], [19226, 19256, 0.0], [19256, 19461, 0.0], [19461, 19631, 0.0], [19631, 20016, 0.0], [20016, 20356, 0.0], [20356, 20577, 0.0], [20577, 21075, 0.0], [21075, 21499, 0.0], [21499, 21823, 0.0], [21823, 21845, 0.0], [21845, 21912, 0.0], [21912, 21971, 0.0], [21971, 22033, 0.0], [22033, 22091, 0.0], [22091, 22147, 0.0], [22147, 22212, 0.0], [22212, 22263, 0.0], [22263, 22329, 0.0], [22329, 22354, 0.0], [22354, 22419, 0.0], [22419, 22481, 0.0], [22481, 22545, 0.0], [22545, 22604, 0.0], [22604, 22668, 0.0], [22668, 22726, 0.0], [22726, 22786, 0.0], [22786, 22840, 0.0], [22840, 22862, 0.0], [22862, 22922, 0.0], [22922, 22973, 0.0], [22973, 23033, 0.0], [23033, 23096, 0.0], [23096, 23156, 0.0], [23156, 23222, 0.0], [23222, 23276, 0.0], [23276, 23352, 0.0], [23352, 23444, 0.0], [23444, 23866, 0.0], [23866, 23912, 0.0], [23912, 23943, 0.0], [23943, 24552, 0.0], [24552, 24685, 0.0], [24685, 24977, 0.0], [24977, 25322, 0.0], [25322, 25715, 0.0], [25715, 26109, 0.0], [26109, 26562, 0.0], [26562, 26592, 0.0], [26592, 26947, 0.0], [26947, 27196, 0.0], [27196, 27455, 0.0], [27455, 27911, 0.0], [27911, 28263, 0.0], [28263, 28562, 0.0], [28562, 28980, 0.0], [28980, 29088, 0.0], [29088, 29318, 0.0], [29318, 29661, 0.0], [29661, 30032, 0.0], [30032, 30053, 0.0], [30053, 30111, 0.0], [30111, 30174, 0.0], [30174, 30228, 0.0], [30228, 30286, 0.0], [30286, 30355, 0.0], [30355, 30413, 0.0], [30413, 30470, 0.0], [30470, 30547, 0.0], [30547, 30608, 0.0], [30608, 30671, 0.0], [30671, 30723, 0.0], [30723, 30786, 0.0], [30786, 30849, 0.0], [30849, 30900, 0.0], [30900, 30956, 0.0], [30956, 31008, 0.0], [31008, 31032, 0.0], [31032, 31090, 0.0], [31090, 31152, 0.0], [31152, 31221, 0.0], [31221, 31284, 0.0], [31284, 31349, 0.0], [31349, 31406, 0.0], [31406, 31455, 0.0], [31455, 31541, 0.0], [31541, 31600, 0.0], [31600, 31667, 0.0], [31667, 31725, 0.0], [31725, 31783, 0.0], [31783, 31849, 0.0], [31849, 31901, 0.0], [31901, 31959, 0.0], [31959, 32015, 0.0], [32015, 32036, 0.0], [32036, 32113, 0.0], [32113, 32173, 0.0], [32173, 32229, 0.0], [32229, 32291, 0.0], [32291, 32353, 0.0], [32353, 32407, 0.0], [32407, 32468, 0.0], [32468, 32530, 0.0], [32530, 32591, 0.0], [32591, 32647, 0.0], [32647, 32705, 0.0], [32705, 32778, 0.0], [32778, 32840, 0.0], [32840, 32894, 0.0], [32894, 32949, 0.0], [32949, 33015, 0.0], [33015, 33037, 0.0], [33037, 33068, 0.0], [33068, 33377, 0.0], [33377, 33749, 0.0], [33749, 34222, 0.0], [34222, 34936, 0.0], [34936, 35363, 0.0], [35363, 35450, 0.0], [35450, 35578, 0.0], [35578, 35745, 0.0], [35745, 35946, 0.0], [35946, 36324, 0.0], [36324, 36367, 0.0], [36367, 36795, 0.0], [36795, 37622, 0.0], [37622, 38166, 0.0], [38166, 38656, 0.0], [38656, 39086, 0.0], [39086, 39431, 0.0], [39431, 39772, 0.0], [39772, 40046, 0.0], [40046, 40578, 0.0], [40578, 40635, 0.0], [40635, 40707, 0.0], [40707, 40773, 0.0], [40773, 40870, 0.0], [40870, 40930, 0.0], [40930, 41233, 0.0], [41233, 41906, 0.0], [41906, 42274, 0.0], [42274, 42553, 0.0], [42553, 42666, 0.0], [42666, 42682, 0.0], [42682, 42699, 0.0], [42699, 42716, 0.0], [42716, 42736, 0.0], [42736, 42758, 0.0], [42758, 42777, 0.0], [42777, 42798, 0.0], [42798, 42822, 0.0], [42822, 42840, 0.0], [42840, 42864, 0.0], [42864, 42883, 0.0], [42883, 42921, 0.0], [42921, 43235, 0.0], [43235, 43453, 0.0], [43453, 43721, 0.0], [43721, 44467, 0.0], [44467, 44521, 0.0], [44521, 44548, 0.0], [44548, 44623, 0.0], [44623, 44684, 0.0], [44684, 44795, 0.0], [44795, 44884, 0.0], [44884, 44976, 0.0], [44976, 45034, 0.0], [45034, 45103, 0.0], [45103, 45200, 0.0], [45200, 45297, 0.0], [45297, 45430, 0.0], [45430, 45543, 0.0], [45543, 45673, 0.0], [45673, 45781, 0.0], [45781, 45893, 0.0], [45893, 45997, 0.0], [45997, 46090, 0.0], [46090, 46191, 0.0], [46191, 46414, 0.0], [46414, 46564, 0.0], [46564, 46722, 0.0], [46722, 46895, 0.0], [46895, 47096, 0.0], [47096, 47205, 0.0], [47205, 47421, 0.0], [47421, 47545, 0.0], [47545, 47765, 0.0], [47765, 47903, 0.0], [47903, 48073, 0.0], [48073, 48354, 0.0], [48354, 48592, 0.0], [48592, 48883, 0.0], [48883, 49188, 0.0], [49188, 49464, 0.0], [49464, 49477, 0.0], [49477, 50115, 0.0], [50115, 50130, 0.0], [50130, 51003, 0.0], [51003, 51022, 0.0], [51022, 51856, 0.0], [51856, 51872, 0.0], [51872, 52601, 0.0], [52601, 52620, 0.0], [52620, 53209, 0.0], [53209, 53228, 0.0], [53228, 53771, 0.0], [53771, 53792, 0.0], [53792, 54314, 0.0], [54314, 54328, 0.0], [54328, 54971, 0.0], [54971, 54987, 0.0], [54987, 55431, 0.0], [55431, 55444, 0.0], [55444, 55966, 0.0], [55966, 55983, 0.0], [55983, 56431, 0.0], [56431, 56446, 0.0], [56446, 57055, 0.0], [57055, 57333, 0.0], [57333, 57782, 0.0], [57782, 57798, 0.0], [57798, 58121, 0.0], [58121, 58462, 0.0], [58462, 58554, 0.0], [58554, 58666, 0.0], [58666, 58755, 0.0], [58755, 58838, 0.0], [58838, 58866, 0.0], [58866, 58898, 0.0], [58898, 58930, 0.0], [58930, 58969, 0.0], [58969, 58999, 0.0], [58999, 59026, 0.0], [59026, 59055, 0.0], [59055, 59094, 0.0], [59094, 59130, 0.0], [59130, 59164, 0.0], [59164, 59212, 0.0], [59212, 59268, 0.0], [59268, 59352, 0.0], [59352, 59404, 0.0], [59404, 59455, 0.0], [59455, 59510, 0.0], [59510, 59569, 0.0], [59569, 59646, 0.0], [59646, 59703, 0.0], [59703, 59752, 0.0], [59752, 59824, 0.0], [59824, 59886, 0.0], [59886, 59941, 0.0], [59941, 60003, 0.0], [60003, 60055, 0.0], [60055, 60100, 0.0], [60100, 60113, 0.0], [60113, 60127, 0.0], [60127, 60242, 0.0], [60242, 60309, 0.0], [60309, 60328, 0.0], [60328, 60444, 0.0], [60444, 60577, 0.0], [60577, 61581, 0.0], [61581, 61634, 0.0], [61634, 61662, 0.0], [61662, 61685, 0.0], [61685, 61732, 0.0], [61732, 61793, 0.0], [61793, 61853, 0.0], [61853, 61920, 0.0], [61920, 61992, 0.0], [61992, 62056, 0.0], [62056, 62128, 0.0], [62128, 62188, 0.0], [62188, 62310, 0.0], [62310, 62484, 0.0], [62484, 62613, 0.0], [62613, 62759, 0.0], [62759, 62941, 0.0], [62941, 63231, 0.0], [63231, 63502, 0.0], [63502, 63690, 0.0], [63690, 63735, 0.0], [63735, 63859, 0.0], [63859, 64044, 0.0], [64044, 64302, 0.0], [64302, 64559, 0.0], [64559, 64845, 0.0], [64845, 65147, 0.0], [65147, 65533, 0.0], [65533, 65886, 0.0], [65886, 66038, 0.0], [66038, 66199, 0.0], [66199, 66214, 0.0], [66214, 66556, 0.0], [66556, 66572, 0.0], [66572, 67419, 0.0], [67419, 67435, 0.0], [67435, 67997, 0.0], [67997, 68010, 0.0], [68010, 68711, 0.0], [68711, 68729, 0.0], [68729, 69295, 0.0], [69295, 69307, 0.0], [69307, 69945, 0.0], [69945, 70598, 0.0], [70598, 70891, 0.0], [70891, 70905, 0.0], [70905, 71608, 0.0], [71608, 71624, 0.0], [71624, 71988, 0.0], [71988, 72002, 0.0], [72002, 72426, 0.0], [72426, 72442, 0.0], [72442, 72754, 0.0], [72754, 72774, 0.0], [72774, 73065, 0.0], [73065, 73078, 0.0], [73078, 73420, 0.0], [73420, 73435, 0.0], [73435, 73868, 0.0], [73868, 73882, 0.0], [73882, 74295, 0.0], [74295, 74324, 0.0], [74324, 74375, 0.0], [74375, 74428, 0.0], [74428, 74474, 0.0], [74474, 74513, 0.0], [74513, 74579, 0.0], [74579, 74965, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 49, 0.10204082], [49, 64, 0.13333333], [64, 134, 0.07142857], [134, 230, 0.11458333], [230, 327, 0.08247423], [327, 430, 0.09708738], [430, 545, 0.06956522], [545, 659, 0.0877193], [659, 951, 0.03082192], [951, 1202, 0.06374502], [1202, 1589, 0.02842377], [1589, 1736, 0.04081633], [1736, 1865, 0.0620155], [1865, 2027, 0.03703704], [2027, 2344, 0.04731861], [2344, 2499, 0.03870968], [2499, 2754, 0.05098039], [2754, 2986, 0.05172414], [2986, 3256, 0.02962963], [3256, 3509, 0.03952569], [3509, 4265, 0.03571429], [4265, 4771, 0.04940711], [4771, 4784, 0.76923077], [4784, 5250, 0.03862661], [5250, 5264, 0.85714286], [5264, 5915, 0.03686636], [5915, 5928, 0.84615385], [5928, 6686, 0.03693931], [6686, 6952, 0.06015038], [6952, 6964, 0.83333333], [6964, 7736, 0.0492228], [7736, 7758, 0.86363636], [7758, 8326, 0.04225352], [8326, 9076, 0.04666667], [9076, 9576, 0.068], [9576, 9588, 0.83333333], [9588, 9909, 0.03426791], [9909, 9922, 0.84615385], [9922, 10393, 0.07643312], [10393, 10409, 0.75], [10409, 10895, 0.04320988], [10895, 10919, 0.875], [10919, 11598, 0.05007364], [11598, 11613, 0.86666667], [11613, 12143, 0.03962264], [12143, 12163, 0.8], [12163, 12684, 0.01919386], [12684, 12700, 0.875], [12700, 13147, 0.03355705], [13147, 13155, 0.75], [13155, 13586, 0.06032483], [13586, 13602, 0.875], [13602, 14001, 0.07518797], [14001, 14095, 0.09574468], [14095, 14216, 0.07438017], [14216, 14311, 0.09473684], [14311, 14394, 0.10843373], [14394, 14433, 0.02564103], [14433, 14460, 0.03703704], [14460, 14491, 0.03225806], [14491, 14524, 0.03030303], [14524, 14553, 0.03448276], [14553, 14593, 0.025], [14593, 14620, 0.03703704], [14620, 14683, 0.0952381], [14683, 14713, 0.06666667], [14713, 14755, 0.0952381], [14755, 14822, 0.08955224], [14822, 14884, 0.08064516], [14884, 14945, 0.09836066], [14945, 15005, 0.11666667], [15005, 15068, 0.0952381], [15068, 15119, 0.09803922], [15119, 15160, 0.19512195], [15160, 15230, 0.07142857], [15230, 15291, 0.13114754], [15291, 15348, 0.10526316], [15348, 16133, 0.13630573], [16133, 16188, 0.12727273], [16188, 16219, 0.12903226], [16219, 16654, 0.03448276], [16654, 16996, 0.02631579], [16996, 17260, 0.03787879], [17260, 17410, 0.03333333], [17410, 17490, 0.05], [17490, 17663, 0.04046243], [17663, 18007, 0.04651163], [18007, 18030, 0.08695652], [18030, 18096, 0.15151515], [18096, 18162, 0.18181818], [18162, 18222, 0.13333333], [18222, 18273, 0.19607843], [18273, 18299, 0.07692308], [18299, 18361, 0.16129032], [18361, 18413, 0.13461538], [18413, 18476, 0.15873016], [18476, 18528, 0.23076923], [18528, 18551, 0.08695652], [18551, 18608, 0.1754386], [18608, 18665, 0.1754386], [18665, 18731, 0.15151515], [18731, 18794, 0.15873016], [18794, 19164, 0.13783784], [19164, 19226, 0.19354839], [19226, 19256, 0.13333333], [19256, 19461, 0.02926829], [19461, 19631, 0.04705882], [19631, 20016, 0.04935065], [20016, 20356, 0.03529412], [20356, 20577, 0.03167421], [20577, 21075, 0.03413655], [21075, 21499, 0.0259434], [21499, 21823, 0.04320988], [21823, 21845, 0.13636364], [21845, 21912, 0.1641791], [21912, 21971, 0.16949153], [21971, 22033, 0.16129032], [22033, 22091, 0.17241379], [22091, 22147, 0.17857143], [22147, 22212, 0.16923077], [22212, 22263, 0.19607843], [22263, 22329, 0.18181818], [22329, 22354, 0.12], [22354, 22419, 0.18461538], [22419, 22481, 0.16129032], [22481, 22545, 0.15625], [22545, 22604, 0.16949153], [22604, 22668, 0.15625], [22668, 22726, 0.20689655], [22726, 22786, 0.2], [22786, 22840, 0.18518519], [22840, 22862, 0.13636364], [22862, 22922, 0.16666667], [22922, 22973, 0.19607843], [22973, 23033, 0.18333333], [23033, 23096, 0.19047619], [23096, 23156, 0.16666667], [23156, 23222, 0.16666667], [23222, 23276, 0.18518519], [23276, 23352, 0.15789474], [23352, 23444, 0.0326087], [23444, 23866, 0.13744076], [23866, 23912, 0.17391304], [23912, 23943, 0.09677419], [23943, 24552, 0.03119869], [24552, 24685, 0.09774436], [24685, 24977, 0.04452055], [24977, 25322, 0.06666667], [25322, 25715, 0.04071247], [25715, 26109, 0.05583756], [26109, 26562, 0.13024283], [26562, 26592, 0.13333333], [26592, 26947, 0.03661972], [26947, 27196, 0.03212851], [27196, 27455, 0.07335907], [27455, 27911, 0.03289474], [27911, 28263, 0.04261364], [28263, 28562, 0.03010033], [28562, 28980, 0.05023923], [28980, 29088, 0.06481481], [29088, 29318, 0.05217391], [29318, 29661, 0.05247813], [29661, 30032, 0.03504043], [30032, 30053, 0.0952381], [30053, 30111, 0.17241379], [30111, 30174, 0.17460317], [30174, 30228, 0.18518519], [30228, 30286, 0.17241379], [30286, 30355, 0.14492754], [30355, 30413, 0.17241379], [30413, 30470, 0.21052632], [30470, 30547, 0.15584416], [30547, 30608, 0.16393443], [30608, 30671, 0.19047619], [30671, 30723, 0.19230769], [30723, 30786, 0.17460317], [30786, 30849, 0.19047619], [30849, 30900, 0.19607843], [30900, 30956, 0.17857143], [30956, 31008, 0.21153846], [31008, 31032, 0.08333333], [31032, 31090, 0.17241379], [31090, 31152, 0.19354839], [31152, 31221, 0.14492754], [31221, 31284, 0.15873016], [31284, 31349, 0.15384615], [31349, 31406, 0.1754386], [31406, 31455, 0.20408163], [31455, 31541, 0.13953488], [31541, 31600, 0.16949153], [31600, 31667, 0.1641791], [31667, 31725, 0.24137931], [31725, 31783, 0.17241379], [31783, 31849, 0.18181818], [31849, 31901, 0.19230769], [31901, 31959, 0.17241379], [31959, 32015, 0.17857143], [32015, 32036, 0.14285714], [32036, 32113, 0.12987013], [32113, 32173, 0.16666667], [32173, 32229, 0.17857143], [32229, 32291, 0.16129032], [32291, 32353, 0.17741935], [32353, 32407, 0.18518519], [32407, 32468, 0.16393443], [32468, 32530, 0.22580645], [32530, 32591, 0.16393443], [32591, 32647, 0.17857143], [32647, 32705, 0.17241379], [32705, 32778, 0.17808219], [32778, 32840, 0.19354839], [32840, 32894, 0.18518519], [32894, 32949, 0.18181818], [32949, 33015, 0.15151515], [33015, 33037, 0.04545455], [33037, 33068, 0.09677419], [33068, 33377, 0.03559871], [33377, 33749, 0.04301075], [33749, 34222, 0.04016913], [34222, 34936, 0.04061625], [34936, 35363, 0.02576112], [35363, 35450, 0.03448276], [35450, 35578, 0.03125], [35578, 35745, 0.02994012], [35745, 35946, 0.039801], [35946, 36324, 0.04497354], [36324, 36367, 0.06976744], [36367, 36795, 0.01869159], [36795, 37622, 0.03748489], [37622, 38166, 0.02941176], [38166, 38656, 0.03061224], [38656, 39086, 0.09069767], [39086, 39431, 0.04057971], [39431, 39772, 0.02639296], [39772, 40046, 0.01459854], [40046, 40578, 0.03195489], [40578, 40635, 0.12280702], [40635, 40707, 0.11111111], [40707, 40773, 0.12121212], [40773, 40870, 0.10309278], [40870, 40930, 0.13333333], [40930, 41233, 0.04620462], [41233, 41906, 0.0282318], [41906, 42274, 0.02717391], [42274, 42553, 0.05376344], [42553, 42666, 0.04424779], [42666, 42682, 0.125], [42682, 42699, 0.11764706], [42699, 42716, 0.11764706], [42716, 42736, 0.1], [42736, 42758, 0.09090909], [42758, 42777, 0.10526316], [42777, 42798, 0.0952381], [42798, 42822, 0.16666667], [42822, 42840, 0.11111111], [42840, 42864, 0.08333333], [42864, 42883, 0.10526316], [42883, 42921, 0.10526316], [42921, 43235, 0.05732484], [43235, 43453, 0.03669725], [43453, 43721, 0.02985075], [43721, 44467, 0.14343164], [44467, 44521, 0.14814815], [44521, 44548, 0.11111111], [44548, 44623, 0.08], [44623, 44684, 0.09836066], [44684, 44795, 0.09009009], [44795, 44884, 0.1011236], [44884, 44976, 0.10869565], [44976, 45034, 0.10344828], [45034, 45103, 0.08695652], [45103, 45200, 0.12371134], [45200, 45297, 0.10309278], [45297, 45430, 0.08270677], [45430, 45543, 0.09734513], [45543, 45673, 0.08461538], [45673, 45781, 0.09259259], [45781, 45893, 0.07142857], [45893, 45997, 0.10576923], [45997, 46090, 0.08602151], [46090, 46191, 0.10891089], [46191, 46414, 0.03139013], [46414, 46564, 0.04], [46564, 46722, 0.03797468], [46722, 46895, 0.02890173], [46895, 47096, 0.0199005], [47096, 47205, 0.03669725], [47205, 47421, 0.03240741], [47421, 47545, 0.04032258], [47545, 47765, 0.03636364], [47765, 47903, 0.05072464], [47903, 48073, 0.02941176], [48073, 48354, 0.03558719], [48354, 48592, 0.04621849], [48592, 48883, 0.03092784], [48883, 49188, 0.04918033], [49188, 49464, 0.04710145], [49464, 49477, 0.84615385], [49477, 50115, 0.04075235], [50115, 50130, 0.8], [50130, 51003, 0.03780069], [51003, 51022, 0.78947368], [51022, 51856, 0.05995204], [51856, 51872, 0.8125], [51872, 52601, 0.07956104], [52601, 52620, 0.78947368], [52620, 53209, 0.04923599], [53209, 53228, 0.89473684], [53228, 53771, 0.05893186], [53771, 53792, 0.80952381], [53792, 54314, 0.03448276], [54314, 54328, 0.78571429], [54328, 54971, 0.0466563], [54971, 54987, 0.875], [54987, 55431, 0.06531532], [55431, 55444, 0.84615385], [55444, 55966, 0.0651341], [55966, 55983, 0.88235294], [55983, 56431, 0.04241071], [56431, 56446, 0.86666667], [56446, 57055, 0.03612479], [57055, 57333, 0.03956835], [57333, 57782, 0.04899777], [57782, 57798, 0.75], [57798, 58121, 0.0495356], [58121, 58462, 0.07331378], [58462, 58554, 0.10869565], [58554, 58666, 0.08035714], [58666, 58755, 0.1011236], [58755, 58838, 0.10843373], [58838, 58866, 0.03571429], [58866, 58898, 0.03125], [58898, 58930, 0.03125], [58930, 58969, 0.02564103], [58969, 58999, 0.03333333], [58999, 59026, 0.03703704], [59026, 59055, 0.03448276], [59055, 59094, 0.02564103], [59094, 59130, 0.05555556], [59130, 59164, 0.02941176], [59164, 59212, 0.08333333], [59212, 59268, 0.08928571], [59268, 59352, 0.0952381], [59352, 59404, 0.09615385], [59404, 59455, 0.07843137], [59455, 59510, 0.07272727], [59510, 59569, 0.10169492], [59569, 59646, 0.07792208], [59646, 59703, 0.12280702], [59703, 59752, 0.08163265], [59752, 59824, 0.06944444], [59824, 59886, 0.09677419], [59886, 59941, 0.14545455], [59941, 60003, 0.08064516], [60003, 60055, 0.09615385], [60055, 60100, 0.11111111], [60100, 60113, 0.07692308], [60113, 60127, 0.14285714], [60127, 60242, 0.13043478], [60242, 60309, 0.17910448], [60309, 60328, 0.15789474], [60328, 60444, 0.10344828], [60444, 60577, 0.12030075], [60577, 61581, 0.13446215], [61581, 61634, 0.1509434], [61634, 61662, 0.10714286], [61662, 61685, 0.04347826], [61685, 61732, 0.08510638], [61732, 61793, 0.06557377], [61793, 61853, 0.06666667], [61853, 61920, 0.05970149], [61920, 61992, 0.05555556], [61992, 62056, 0.0625], [62056, 62128, 0.05555556], [62128, 62188, 0.06666667], [62188, 62310, 0.04098361], [62310, 62484, 0.03448276], [62484, 62613, 0.03875969], [62613, 62759, 0.04109589], [62759, 62941, 0.03846154], [62941, 63231, 0.04137931], [63231, 63502, 0.0295203], [63502, 63690, 0.03191489], [63690, 63735, 0.06666667], [63735, 63859, 0.02419355], [63859, 64044, 0.03243243], [64044, 64302, 0.02325581], [64302, 64559, 0.03501946], [64559, 64845, 0.04545455], [64845, 65147, 0.04304636], [65147, 65533, 0.03367876], [65533, 65886, 0.03966006], [65886, 66038, 0.02631579], [66038, 66199, 0.05590062], [66199, 66214, 0.86666667], [66214, 66556, 0.04385965], [66556, 66572, 0.8125], [66572, 67419, 0.05312869], [67419, 67435, 0.75], [67435, 67997, 0.0480427], [67997, 68010, 0.84615385], [68010, 68711, 0.03994294], [68711, 68729, 0.83333333], [68729, 69295, 0.07420495], [69295, 69307, 0.83333333], [69307, 69945, 0.03448276], [69945, 70598, 0.05513017], [70598, 70891, 0.02730375], [70891, 70905, 0.78571429], [70905, 71608, 0.0284495], [71608, 71624, 0.875], [71624, 71988, 0.02747253], [71988, 72002, 0.85714286], [72002, 72426, 0.06839623], [72426, 72442, 0.8125], [72442, 72754, 0.02564103], [72754, 72774, 0.85], 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(-) Remove Eaux souterraines filter Eaux souterraines (-) Remove Ministère chargé de l'environnement filter Ministère chargé de l'environnement (-) Remove Arrêté filter Arrêté (-) Remove Ministère chargé de l'environnement filter Ministère chargé de l'environnement Arrêté du 2 juillet 2012 portant modification de l'arrêté du 17 décembre 2008 établissant les critères d'évaluation et les modalités de détermination de l'état des eaux souterraines et des tendances significatives et durables de dégradation de l'état chimique des eaux souterraines fr 14/09/2012 02/07/2012 Arrêté du 23 juillet 2012 portant modification de l'arrêté du 17 juillet 2009 relatif aux mesures de prévention ou de limitation des introductions de polluants dans les eaux souterraines fr 09/08/2012 23/07/2012
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Gigabit-Internet an rund 70 Schulen im Landkreis verfügbar Landkreis Vorreiter in Sachen Glasfaserausbau Offizieller Projektabschluss mit stellvertretendem Ministerpräsident und Innenminister Thomas Strobl sowie Kultusministerin Susanne Eisenmann Schnelles Internet, leistungsstarke Netze, modernes Lernen – 67 Schulen im Landkreis in kommunaler als auch anderweitiger Trägerschaft wurden seit Ende 2018 bis jetzt im Sommer 2020 mit einem Gigabit-Anschluss ausgestattet. Die Weichen für den digitalen Wandel werden in den Schulen gestellt. Digitalisierung ist aber ohne Vernetzung und einen leistungsfähigen Zugang zum Internet nicht denkbar. Daher brauchen unsere Schulen schon heute eine gigabitfähige Anbindung an das Internet. „Der Landkreis hat zusammen mit den Kommunen das Fundament für digitale Bildung an den Schulen gelegt. Für die Schulen im Landkreis bedeuten die superschnellen Netzzugänge einen erheblichen Gewinn, denn die schnelleren Internetanschlüsse ermöglichen ein besseres digital unterstütztes Lernen“, freute sich Landrat Dr. Wolf-Rüdiger Michel beim offiziellen Projektabschluss in den Beruflichen Schulen in Rottweil. „„Nun gilt es, digitale Anwendungen zu entwickeln und konstruktive und interaktive Lernaktivitäten der Schüler zu unterstützen. Corona hat gezeigt, welch wichtige Bedeutung digitaler Unterricht bekommen kann. Unsere hohen Bandbreiten haben den Belastungstest durch Homeoffice und Homeschooling bestanden. Ich hoffe, dass nun alle Schulträger bzw. Schulen einen Gigabit-Vertrag mit einem Telekommunikationsanbieter abschließen“, so der Landrat weiter. Der Landkreis gilt als Vorreiter in Sachen Glasfaserausbau, sicher mit ein Grund, dass der stellvertretende Ministerpräsident und Innenminister Thomas Strobl sowie die Kultusministerin Dr. Susanne Eisenmann es sich nicht nehmen ließen, an der Feierstunde teilzunehmen. Im Auftrag des Bundes war Tim Brauckmüller, Geschäftsführer der atene KOM GmbH und verantwortlich für das Bundesförderprogramm Breitband zugegen. Mit Jürgen Lück, Konzernbevollmächtigter für die Region Südwest, ist die Deutsche Telekom hochrangig vertreten worden. Der stellvertretende Ministerpräsident und Innenminister Thomas Strobl: „Im Landkreis Rottweil machen wir es vor: Gemeinsam mit unseren Schulen zünden wir den Turbo des gigabitfähigen Internets. Aber auch im restlichen Land kommen wir bei der Anbindung an schnelles Internet ausgezeichnet voran. Schon jetzt konnten wir seit 2016 im Breitbandausbau mehr als 729 Millionen Euro in 2.260 Projekte bewilligen. Für 2020 legen wir mit einem Fördervolumen von 284 Millionen Euro in 349 Ausbauprojekten sogar noch eine Schippe drauf. Damit verdreifachen wir die Investitionen im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum und zeigen wieder einmal: Baden-Württemberg geht voran – Hand in Hand mit seinen Kommunen! Wir investieren damit nachhaltig sowohl in die Innovationskraft unsere Landes, als auch in die Chancen des 21. Jahrhunderts!“ „Für einen digital gestützten Unterricht benötigen wir auch eine entsprechende digitale Infrastruktur. Es ist wichtig, dass die Schulträger ihrer Verantwortung nachkommen und in den Gigabitanschluss an den Schulen investieren – das Engagement des Landkreis Rottweil ist in dieser Hinsicht vorbildlich“, sagt Kultusministerin Dr. Susanne Eisenmann. Sie ergänzt: „Die Bedeutung des digitalen Unterrichts wird weiter zunehmen. Leistungsstarkes Internet in den Schulen des Landes schafft für den Unterricht der Zukunft deshalb eine wichtige Voraussetzung“, sagt Kultusministerin Dr. Susanne Eisenmann. Tim Brauckmüller, Geschäftsführer der atene KOM GmbH: „Ich gratuliere dem Landkreis zur erfolgreichen Umsetzung des Breitbandprojektes und dem damit erreichten Meilenstein zu einer vollständigen Glasfasererschließung. Hervorheben möchte ich die Erschließung der Schulen, die bereits jetzt im Wesentlichen mit Glasfasern bis ins Gebäude (FttB) erfolgt. Hierdurch werden die Schulen in die Lage versetzt, die an sie gerichteten Herausforderungen, wie beispielsweise das Homeschooling in Zeiten der Pandemie, zu bewältigen.“ Jürgen Lück, Konzernbevollmächtigter der Telekom, erklärte: „Das Herz der Digitalisierung schlägt lokal – ein flächendeckender Zugang zu hohen Internetbandbreiten stellt dabei den kraftvollen Puls einer jeden Digitalisierung dar. Seit 2016 wurde in Kooperation zwischen dem Landkreis Rottweil und der Telekom ein nahezu flächendeckender Glasfaserausbau umgesetzt, der nun seinen Höhepunkt im Anschluss aller 69 Schulen des Landkreises an das Glasfasernetz findet. Digitalisierung in der Bildung bedeutet: Schulen benötigen schnellstmöglich leistungsfähige Glasfaserverbindungen, damit alle Schüler digitale Endgeräte nutzen können. Klar ist jedoch: Lehrer brauchen nicht nur breitbandige Anschlüsse in den Schulen, sondern auch Zugriff auf Lernplattformen und die Möglichkeit, Lerninhalte digital zu vermitteln. Hierzu ist eine entsprechende Ausstattung der Schulen mit Endgeräten und Software, digitalen Lehrplänen und laufende Qualifikationsmaßnahmen für die Lehrkräfte notwendig. Sehr gerne unterstützt die Telekom den Landkreis und im Besonderen die Schulen auf Ihrem weiteren Weg der Digitalisierung.“ „Das ist ein wichtiger Meilenstein für die weitere Digitalisierung unserer Schulen. Wir können damit das Lernen mit Gigabit weiter umsetzen“, so die beiden Schulleiter des BSZ Rottweil Ingo Lütjohann und Stefan Steinert übereinstimmend und demonstrierten wie interaktiv das Lernen sein kann. Rund 1,5 Mio. Euro investierten Kreis und Schulträger, um die Schulen mit einem superschnellem Internetanschluss auszustatten. Bund und Land haben diese Initiative mit insgesamt 70 % gefördert (Bund 50 %, Land 20 %). Mit dem Projektabschluss ‚Schulen ans Glasfaser‘ kann der Kreis seine schon jetzt sehr gute digitale Infrastruktur – bereits heute können mehr als 96 % aller Haushalte und Unternehmen mindestens 50 Mbit/s, 89 % mindestens 100 Mbit/s und 77 % mindestens 200 Mbit/s nutzen – hinsichtlich der Digitalisierung in der Bildung auf eine neue Ebene heben und mit Blick auf den Digitalpakt Schulen zukunftsfähige digitale Bildungsstrukturen nahezu übergangslos aufsetzen. Allein für die Kreisschulen können über den DigitalPakt Schule und weitere Förderprogramme rund 2,7 Mio. € in die weitere digitale Ausstattung der Schulen fließen. Die Anbindung der Schulen ans Netz der Zukunft hat die Telekom mit drei Baufirmen in sieben Ausbauclustern vollzogen. Baubeginn war Ende April 2019. Das Unternehmen hat insgesamt 25 Kilometer Glasfaserkabel dafür verlegt. Auf einer Länge von fast zehn Kilometern waren Tiefbaumaßnahmen notwendig. Insgesamt hat die Telekom die Schulen über 54 moderne Straßenverteiler (graue Kästen am Straßenrand) angebunden. Der Landkreis und die Deutsche Telekom konnten beim Ausbau der Schulen auf den bereits vollzogenen Netzausbau anknüpfen. Innerhalb von nur knapp 24 Monaten hat die Telekom bis Anfang 2018 kreisweit nahezu alle Haushalte und Unternehmen mit hohen Bandbreiten erschlossen. Damit gehört der Landkreis Rottweil zu den ersten Landkreisen in Baden-Württemberg, in dem fast allen Bürgerinnen und Bürgern sowie den ansässigen Unternehmen kreisweit ein schnelles Datennetz zur Verfügung steht und in dem alle Schulen an Highspeed-Internet angebunden sind. Der Landkreis Rottweil betreibt den Ausbau von schnellem Internet entschlossen weiter. Bund (27 Mio. €) und Land (21,6 Mio. €) stellen weitere Fördermittel von 48,6 Mio. € (Investitionsvolumen insgesamt rund 54,1 Mio. €) für die Breitbandversorgung von unterversorgten Gebieten, das sind Gebiete mit bislang weniger als 30 Mbit/s Bandbreite, zur Verfügung. In diesem Zug sollen kreisweit rund 1.100 unterversorgte Haushalte und 1.500 Unternehmen in förderfähigen Gewerbegebieten mit gigabitfähigen Netzstrukturen ausgebaut werden. Eine zukunftsfähige Netzinfrastruktur ist von entscheidender Bedeutung für die Attraktivität einer Region und ihre Bürgerinnen und Bürger sowie ein wichtiger Standortfaktor für Unternehmen.
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El discreto encanto de la mujer en la cocina Muchas mujeres en Guatemala no salen de su trabajo nunca. Duermen ahí y si en la noche las necesitan pueden despertarlas sin problemas. La ley en Guatemala dice que el 25 de diciembre y el primero de enero son días libres para todos, menos para ellas. Muchas trabajadoras del hogar viven en un régimen que se parece a la esclavitud. Leer artículo ________________________________________________ México: Proponen ratificar convenio sobre derecho... Brasil. Opinión del Banco de trabajadores y emplea... Nicaragua: Capacitación para las empleadas del ho... El discreto encanto de la mujer en la cocinaMuchas... Uruguay: Una Norma Justa que tiende a la EquidadEn... Deseamos compartir con todos/as alguna... Comité Mundial de Mujeres - CSI Apoyando la campañ... Por la Ratificación del Conv... COSTA RICA: TRABAJADORAS DEL HOGAR CONSULTARON SUS... Campaña ‘12 para 12’ Boletín de noticias 2¡Equipos... Presidente Piñera firma proyecto de ley para traba...
{"url": "http://ratificacion-convenio-189.blogspot.com/2012/05/el-discreto-encanto-de-la-mujer-en-la_28.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "ratificacion-convenio-189.blogspot.com", "date_download": "2017-05-22T15:32:42Z", "digest": "sha1:TTGAP4ZP75XFX6KN52VZRCFY26K67PXZ"}
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"985 52 27 29 | info@suarezsolis.com\nRegeneración ósea\nOrtodoncia para niños\nProstodoncia y re(...TRUNCATED)
"{\"url\": \"https://www.suarezsolis.com/nuestra-historia/\", \"partition\": \"head_middle\", \"lang(...TRUNCATED)
"{\"ccnet_length\": [[0, 7605, 7605.0]], \"ccnet_original_length\": [[0, 7605, 9845.0]], \"ccnet_nli(...TRUNCATED)
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